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Orly Taitz, Esquire

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688 Copyright 2013

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz
If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption. Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.

Mail donations to: Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688. Contact Dr. Taitz at In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411. When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. -- Mahatma Gandhi

Press Release: DC exchange is obligated to respond to FOIA request by January 27

Posted on | January 1, 2014 | No Comments Press Release Law Offices of Orly Taitz DC Exchange is obligated to respond to the FOIA request below from attorney Orly Taitz by January 27 and provide the public with information whether Barack Obama was allowed to sign up in DC exchange after his information was resubmitted in person in spite of his use of a stolen SSN which failed both E-Verify and SSNVS. More information on or Taitz Attorney Orly Taitz is working pro bono and donation for her work are greatly appreciated and can be given via pay-pal on or at the address below. Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ President Defend Our freedoms foundation 29839 Santa Margarita ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688 ph.: 949-683-5411 fax: 949-766-7603 FOIA Officer Mary Beth Senkewicz DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority 1100 15th Street NW 8th Floor Washington, DC 20005 (202) 730-1638 FOIA REQUEST

Dear Ms. Senkewich, I am writing to you based on directions provided by DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority below. I am requesting following information: 1. Mr. Obama originally stated that he signed up for ACA (Obamacare) at the DC exchange. 2. Later White House reporters were told that he did not sign up on the web site because the web site could not verify his identity and his aide submitted Mr. Obamas application in person. 3. FOX news network White House correspondent Ed Henry stated that the White House related to the reporters that Mr. Obama could not sign up on the web site because the personal information of the presidents is scrubbed from National databases. 4. In reality there is no court order from any court or any judge directing removal of the personal information of the US Presidents from the National databases and indeed time and again the personal information in regards to the U.S. Presidents was found in the National databases. 5. As such I am requesting a copy of any court order by any court that directed Washington DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority to scrub or otherwise remove Mr. Obamas information from your database. 6. I am submitting to you a complaint sent to Inspector General of HHS and Inspector General of Social Security administration, which shows that Mr. Obama posted his 2009 tax returns on line, on and originally did not flatten the PDF file, so the full unredacted Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 used by Mr. Obama became available to the public. This number failed both E-Verify and SSNVS and showed not to be assigned to Barack Obama. Later this number was traced to Harry (Harrison) J Bounel. Currently there are several legal actions being conducted in relation to this fraud committed by Mr. Obama. I am requesting documentary information, whether Mr. Obama ultimately was enrolled in ACA after his aide submitted his application in person, in spite of Barack Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number. I am requesting any and all documents, directives, rules and regulations showing that there are safeguards in place set by Washington DC Health Exchange Authority that prevent individuals with stolen and fabricated Social Security numbers and other fraudulent IDs to be enrolled in ACA via your exchange. I am requesting any documentary evidence showing that there are requirements for employees of the Washington DC exchange to report to District of Columbia Court or U.S. District Court evidence ofidentity theft, fabricated IDs, Social Security fraud that is obtained by these Exchange employees via applications for ACA and not to be criminally complicit in 18 USC 5 Misprision of aforementioned felonies. This FOIA request is delivered by e-mail on 01.01.2014 and response is due within 20 business days on 01.27.2014. If response is not received on 01.27.2014, petitioner will interpret it as a denial of FOIA request and will seek a redress of grievance and appeal in the court of law, either in DC court or US District Court for the District of Columbia. Respectfully Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ President Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

Freedom of Information Act Requests The FOIA Officer is the principal contact point within the Health Benefit Exchange Authority for advice and policy guidance on matters pertaining to the administration of the FOIA. All requests are handled professionally and expeditiously. FOIA requests may be oral or in writing. If the request is written, the envelope shall prominently be marked FOIA Request. The FOIA Officer may request that an oral request be reduced to writing, if the requested records are not customarily made available by the public body. For more information on how to file a FOIA request, visit the Government Resource Center. FOIA Officer Mary Beth Senkewicz DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority 1100 15th Street NW 8th Floor Washington, DC 20005 (202) 730-1638 Dr Orly TaitzESQ 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph 949-683-5411 fax949-766-7603

Category: Uncategorized

I need tracing of the ID of the IP of an Obama operative who posts outrageous remarks to incite violence
Posted on | January 1, 2014 | 1 Comment

Our ruling mob is really crafty in turning people against each other. They use the old motto divide and conquer and Machiavelli would be proud of these scoundrels. One of their techniques is to use operatives who not only hackwebsites to reduce traffic and standing of conservative and dissident sites, but they also post outrageous remarks. A person using this IP below posted a horrible remarks using N word in order to claim that supporters of attorney Taitz are racists. No, we are not racists, the only racists are Obama, Holder, Jarrett and their criminal and illegitimate regime. I would appreciate help in tracing and exposing the punk who is using this IP . At some point we will prosecute all of them who are violating our freedom of free speech and freedom of press by sabotaging my and other dissident web sites, who defame us by posting outrageous comments and of course these mob leaders in the Department of Justice and Judiciary, who allow this Indo-Kenyan thief with all fabricated and stolen IDs to steal and usurp thefranchise of the US presidency and destroy of this once great nation from within

Category: Uncategorized

Evidence of multiple knockout black on white attacks not being prosecuted by our black racist regime of Obama and Holder
Posted on | January 1, 2014 | 1 Comment

Virginia W. 203 approved

Submitted on 2013/12/31 at 2:42 pm Here are names, dates, locations Orly, youre so right. Hope you have a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Obama-free 2014!

More evidence of young black men beating up, mutilating and in some cases killing whites, particularly elderly, women and children. Black racist Eric Holder does nothing about it, only charged one white man with hate crime, did not charge any blacks, Demand impeachment hearings for Holder. Please, give me phone numbers of white men and women, who were victims of these attacks

Category: Uncategorized

I got a call from a reporter from a TV station in Phoenix, who claimed that there was a shooting in the last hour, one officer was shot and one cold case posse member. Both are alive and in surgery. shooting does not appear to be related to Obama investigation, it appear to be a result of a robbery and subsequent chase. i would appreciate confirmation from other sources. I dont know which member of the posse was shot.Reporter did not think it was Zullo, as he knows Zullo.
Posted on | December 31, 2013 | 7 Comments

News for shooting arizona officer (KNXV-TV) 1. Police officer shot in east Phoenix; residents instructed to shelter in place - 3 hours ago Police officer shot in east Phoenix; residents instructed to shelter in place,Robbery suspect took officers firearm and shot the officer as well as Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:04 PM Police told residents in a neighborhood near the Phoenix-Scottsdale border to stay indoors after a robbery suspect shot and critically wounded a police officer and citizen. The shooting occurred in the intersection of 56th Street and Thomas Road, at the Phoenix-Scottsdale border, after the car of one of the suspects collided with a pickup truck as a police officer gave chase, authorities said. In a struggle that ensued, the suspect wrestled the officers gun away, police believe. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on late Tuesday identified the citizen as a longtime member of the Sheriffs volunteer posse. He apparently came to the aid of the officer after his truck was struck by the fleeing robbers car. Officers were canvassing the area between 56th and 64th streets and McDowell and Thomas roads for four suspects two men and two women. Assistant Police Chief Chuck Miiller urged people in the area to shelter in place and to not answer their doors unless it is a police officer. Sgt. Steve Martos, a spokesman with the Phoenix police, said anyone who spots suspicious people or activity should call 911. If you see something, say something, he tweeted from the scene. The officer, whose identity was not released, was taken to Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Medical Center in critical condition and was in surgery, according to authorities. The citizen, who was also not identified, was in critical condition as well. At a press conference, Sgt. Tommy Thompson said that up to six people robbed a person leaving a restaurant at about 2 p.m. near 44th and Oak streets. Two of the suspects got into a car and a police officer followed behind, Thompson said.

The car went through a red light and struck a truck, Thompson said. The driver of the truck attempted to help the officer arrest one of the suspects, he said. The suspect wrestled the gun from the officer and shot him and the posse member, Miiller said. Scottsdale police, who are assisting in the investigation along with the state Department of Public Safety, said two male suspects fled the scene into the neighborhood just south and east of the intersection. Both suspects were taken into custody from separate rear yards in the area, said Scottsdale police spokesman Dave Pubins. Prior to being arrested, one of the suspects forced entry into the home where he was eventually found in the back yard. The homeowner was not harmed as the suspect ran through the home. While eating at the Ranch House Grill on Thomas Road, Don King said he saw a red car collide with a white truck. He said he and his wife, Maria, had just gotten a table near a picture window at the restaurant. We just sat down when I saw the traffic accident, he said. I saw the police officer run and grab the guy in the car. King said he then saw the truck driver try to help the officer apprehended the suspect. Neither one of them could control him, he said. King said he heard a shot but did not see the gun firing as his view was obscured by the officer. King continued: I saw the officer fall. I heard another shot and the (citizen) fell. King described how people in the restaurant simultaneously got on their cell phones to call 911. I am still shaking a little bit. Another man joined the officer and appeared to try to help with the arrest. King said he heard a shot and saw the officer go down. He said he heard another shot and the other man fell. King said he saw the shooter run down 56th Street to the neighborhood south of Thomas Road. Phoenix mayor Greg Stanton was at the hospital waiting for details. He said it was a fluid situation and could not give additional details at this time. Phoenix District 6 Councilman Sal DiCiccio posted on Facebook that he offered prayers for the police officer and citizen. Scottsdale police are also investigating the shooting, according to Officer David Pubins, a spokesman with the Scottsdale Police Department. The scene remains active. Earlier today in an unrelated incident, an off-duty Maricopa County Sheriff Deputy was shot at and injured by glass from a broken window. Justin Price, Brittany Elena Morris and Mark Carlson contributed to this report.

Category: Uncategorized

from Correspondent Mary Jewel

Posted on | December 31, 2013 | 5 Comments

to me
Its bizarre that YOU are the ONLY ONE who will do something about what is happening to this country! Dont people care about their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren? Your continued actions point out how corrupt and selfish our congressmen are.

Category: Uncategorized

More evidence of young black men beating up, mutilating and in some cases killing whites, particularly elderly, women and children. Black racist Eric Holder does nothing about it, only charged one white man with hate crime, did not charge any blacks, Demand impeachment hearings for Holder. Please, give me phone numbers of white men and women, who were victims of these attacks
Posted on | December 31, 2013 | 9 Comments

Florida: Group of Black Thugs Beat 70-Year-Old Grandfather Unconscious, Try To Gouge His Eye Out In Front Of Granddaughter, Disabled Wife (Video)

Category: Uncategorized

I need your help: I need any and all legal papers on 1915 Daly corporation, as well as this book by Luc Sante
Posted on | December 31, 2013 | 4 Comments

Mildred Smith 2 approved

Submitted on 2013/12/31 at 6:15 am A good example of the smaller criminal syndicates dotting New York at the time is The Daly Corporation up in the Bronx. The Daly Corporation, as it was known, operated much like the mafia. It actually helped bring order for the residents of this small corner in the Bronx but the price was criminal behavior, intimidation, and thuggery. The Daly Corporations biggest source of income came from providing small businesses with protection from other criminals such as thieves and robbers. Other sources of income ranged from being bookies for the horse races to providing fake drivers licenses to those recently released from prison and immigration papers to those who needed to skirt proper channels for one reason or another. Orly, This is from a book called Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York is a 1991 non-fiction book by Luc Sante

Dot get intimidated by Obama and his accomplices who are trying to scare you. You have a right to call anyone and ask, whether they remember a person by name Harry Bounel and whether they know anything about this 1915 Daly corporation. This mob is trying to intimidate us because they know that we are closing in and criminal prosecutions are near, see below an attempted intimidation of me by someone using a pseudonym. This is an Obama accomplice or Obama himself. Such attempted intimidation by Obama accomplices is a criminal offense in itself. Help me ID this Obama accomplice threatening me with FBI

Category: Uncategorized

Dot get intimidated by Obama and his accomplices who are trying to scare you. You have a right to call anyone and ask, whether they remember a person by name Harry Bounel and whether they know anything about this 1915 Daly corporation. This mob is trying to intimidate us because they know that we are closing in and criminal prosecutions are near, see below an attempted intimidation of me by someone using a pseudonym. This is an Obama accomplice or Obama himself. Such attempted intimidation by Obama accomplices is a criminal offense in itself. Help me ID this Obama accomplice threatening me with FBI
Posted on | December 31, 2013 | 19 Comments

hedley lamarr 0 approved

Submitted on 2013/12/31 at 1:06 am Mrs. Taitz: You traveled down this cruel road once before. You contacted a then 11 year old now over 80. You published her phone number. The idea that anyone alive today and living in that very different neighborhood would know a grocery clerk who lodged in a tenement nearby for what could have been a mere fleeting months or weeks over 70 years ago, is preposterous. And amounts to stalking. Its all about you and your effort to feel important. You intrude on the privacy of others with no guilt whatsoever. Call that particular woman again, or publish her phone number again, and the FBI will be more than a little interested. That is a certainty. Approve | Reply | Quick Edit | Edit | History | Spam | Trash | Check SFS | Check HoneyPot | Report to SFS

I need someone to go through this case and see if there is any mention of Bounel and contact tenants from this location, see if they have any memory of Sam cohen ot Harry Bounel 0View Post

Category: Uncategorized

Complaint sent to Inspector General of Health and Human services

Posted on | December 31, 2013 | No Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Call your congressman, demand investigation of DOJ and Eric Holder for violation of equal rights, for prosecuting one white man for hate crime for knocking out a black man, but refusing to prosecute dozes of black men acting as Brown shirts in NAZI Germany and knocking out and killing white people. The regime of black racists Obama and Holder is creating a race war and it will end very badly, when hundreds if not thousands of people of all races will end up dead. Make sure to exercise your second amendment right and purchase fire arms for self protection, particularly if you are elderly

Category: Uncategorized

Please, help me find pleadings in this case. Harry Bounels building could have been 1915 Daly Ave, Bronx, not 915 Daly
Posted on | December 31, 2013 | No Comments

Decisions and Orders of the New York State Labor Relations Board New York State Labor Relations Board - 1959 Snippet view M ore editions LABOR RELATIONS BOARD -x In the Matter of : 1915 DALY CORP. I. The Employer 1915 Daly Corp. owns, operates and controls the apartment building located at 1915 Daly Avenue, Borough of The Bronx, City and State of New York. I saw you post my info. Be sure to give the case number that was found within the source after entering 1915 Daly in the search. The case number is referenced below 22 SLRB No. 88 Case No. SE-31660 for reference. Something is up with this as I can find no historical records for the 1915 Daly Corp.

Category: Uncategorized

I need someone to go through this case and see if there is any mention of Bounel and contact tenants from this location, see if they have any memory of Sam cohen ot Harry Bounel
Posted on | December 30, 2013 | 1 Comment

Decisions and Orders of the New York State Labor Relations Board New York State Labor Relations Board - 1959 Snippet view M ore editions LABOR RELATIONS BOARD -x In the Matter of : 1915 DALY CORP. I. The Employer 1915 Daly Corp. owns, operates and controls the apartment building located at 1915 Daly Avenue, Borough of The Bronx, City and State of New York.

Category: Uncategorized

Demand that black racits Barack Obama and Eric Holder and Timothy Heaphy, US Attorney for the Western District of VA, file hate crime charges in black on one violence, not only one case of white on black violence.

Timothy J. Heaphy
On October 16, 2009, the United States Senate confirmed President Barack Obamas nomination of Timothy J. Heaphy as United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia. Since taking office, Mr. Heaphy has managed the prosecution of federal crimes and defense of claims against the United States in this diverse district. He has supervised and personally handled a broad array of criminal cases. He has ensured the recovery of millions of dollars in civil fines and penalties. Mr. Heaphy has also pioneered a novel program of community outreach within the Western District, through which he has enhanced the Department of Justices support of crime prevention and prisoner reentry programs. Prior to being appointed United States Attorney, Timothy J. Heaphys career included 12 years of service (1994-2005) as an Assistant United States Attorney in both the Western District of Virginia and the District of Columbia. During his time as an AUSA, Mr. Heaphy prosecuted a broad spectrum of criminal matters including, narcotics, weapons offenses, homicides, sexual offenses, white collar fraud cases and racketeering. In 2002 and 2003, he was counsel for the United States in the longest-running criminal trial ever held in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia a RICO prosecution of a violent drug gang in which the defendants faced capital punishment. He also briefed and argued more than a dozen criminal appeals. After moving to Charlottesville, Va., he spent three years prosecuting environmental, national security, narcotics, violent crime, and public corruption crimes as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Western District of Virginia. From 2006 through 2009, Mr. Heaphy was a partner at the law firm of McGuireWoods, LLP. While there, his practice involved the representation of individuals and business entities in white collar criminal defense matters. In addition to his criminal defense work, Mr. Heaphy represented corporations in complex commercial litigation. He applied his considerable trial experience to these criminal and civil matters, appearing in state and federal courts, and before administrative and regulatory agencies. Mr. Heaphy is a graduate of the University of Virginia and the University of Virginia Law School. Upon graduation from law school in 1991, Mr. Heaphy served as a law clerk to The Honorable John A. Terry of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. He subsequently spent two years as a litigation associate at the firm of Morrison & Foerster in San Francisco, California. In addition to practicing law, Mr. Heaphy has taught several classes as a lecturer at the University ofVirginia School of Law. He has also lectured frequently at the U.S. Department of Justices National Advocacy Center in Columbia, S.C. High Resolution Image

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from attorney Brice Mann

Posted on | December 30, 2013 | 3 Comments

Attorney Taitz is on the trail of Obama and Sebelius Shes got hutzpah.

Bruce Mann

2:42 PM (1 hour ago)

to Gaylord, Ray, Jay, Anatol, Ned, Gary, Gary, Martin This is well-written, hard hitting, necessary, and on the civil and criminal trails left behind by BHO and KS.

Category: Uncategorized

Can someone check at St. Thomas Aquinas school at 1909 Daly Ave Bronx as well as 915 Elsmere place if there are any records of Harry Bounel and if anyone there might remember him
Posted on | December 30, 2013 | 6 Comments St. Thomas Aquinas School is located at 1909 Daly Avenue if in fact the lot which is now a school lot was 1915 Daly and the enumerator had not marked the proper street number and street name. On the corner of Elsmere Place is a building with address of 922 Elsmere Place with this building old enough to exist in 1940 as well as the apartment building shown at 1933-35 Daly Ave.

Category: Uncategorized

Egypt arrests Al Jazeera crew for ties to Muslim brotherhood, Al Gore sell his network to the same Al Jazeera, not concerned with ties to Muslim Bro-hood
Posted on | December 30, 2013 | 5 Comments Egypt arrests Al-Jazeera TV crew for ties to Mulsim Brotherhood

Category: Uncategorized

2 suicide bombings hit Russian city, 31 dead. Now imagine, what were to happen if these jihadists were to have nuclear bombs
Posted on | December 30, 2013 | 1 Comment 2 SUICIDE BOMBINGS HIT RUSSIAN CITY, 31 DEAD

Category: Uncategorized

interesting e-mail
Posted on | December 30, 2013 | 8 Comments after discussing the case of Masterpiece Cakes (baker who was forced to make a wedding cake for a gay couple in CO), attorney Orly Taitz got an e-mail from Diana DeJette, congresswoman from CO. What is special about DeJette, is not just the fact that she is from CO, but the fact that she is a chair of the LGBT caucus in the US Congress. DeJette wanted Taitz to respond: what are her priorities for 2014

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Report: Obama to Hand Over Christian Holy Sites to Palestinian Thugs


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It looks like we found one discrepancy for Harry Bounel, whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 Obama has stolen, it was 1915 Daly Ave, not 915. If you are in NY, can you visit this area and see if you can find any old timers,who might remember Harry Bounel, he worked in the fruit store of Sam Cohen. See if there is a synagogue (Jewish Temple), Jewish cemetery nearby, see if you can find any info. Harry Bounel came from Russia, but from what I know, he was a Jewish man from Russia
Posted on | December 30, 2013 | 13 Comments

Submitted on 2013/12/30 at 1:56 am Steve 0 There is no 1 or L or anything in front of Daly Ave. in the 1940 census page. Daly approved was spelled with a large capital D with the top of the D left open or the full D was not enclosed at the top. This can be seen by studying pages 22, 23 and 24 of the same census. Also, the enumerator did not write the whole address down, it should have been 1915 Daly Ave. (now an empty lot). The 1940 census map shows the Bronx

having only this Daly Ave. with no address as low as 915. The enumerator also made this mistake with the next building visited around the corner and listed the address as 915 Elsmere Place instead of coincedentaly 1915 Elsmere Place (also an empty lot). The building address range 1933-1939 Daly Ave. which was visited before 1915 Daly still exists as do some buildings in the 1900 block of Crotona Parkway also visited at this time.
Here is a picture of the building next door

Category: Uncategorized

This is too funny, a free trip to DC for me from Barack Obama (I hope this is not a trip on Makani Kai air)
Posted on | December 29, 2013 | 16 Comments

FREE: Trip to D.C. next month

Inboxx Abby Witt,

Category: Uncategorized

Second FOIA request for information sent to Dori Salcedo, Chief FOIA officer of Department of Health and Human Services. HHS is obligated to respond by January 27, 2014 and provide information whether Obama is indeed enrolled in spite of his use of a stolen SSN and what safeguards were placed by Sebelius and HHS to prevent illegal aliens and others from enrolling in ACA (Obamacare) while using stolen and fabricated Social Security numbers
Posted on | December 29, 2013 | 13 Comments

FOIA urgent request for information

From orly.taitz <> To media <> Sent Sunday, December 29, 2013 at 4:39 PM EncryptedNo Signed No
FOIA request 2 HHS.pdf (6.0 MB)

Category: Events, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Supporting Documentation

Posted on | December 29, 2013 | 21 Comments I am not from NY, so I am not sure: in the address for Harry Bounel there is a letter L before Daly Ave. What does L stand for Is it lower Daly ave or Left Daly Ave. Can someone from NY let me know? How far is corner of 181 Str. and Daly Ave from 915 Daly were Bounel lived? Does 915 Daly still exist? Is the name of a gunman known? What are the names of the man and a woman injured? Did they live at 915 Daly ave? Who are the parents and grandparents of 2 kids injured in this shooting? This is probably not related to Bounel case, but I wanted to check all the details.

<nyt_headline version=1.0 type= >Gunman Shoots 3 People, Including 2 Children, in the Bronx

Michael Kamber for The New York Times A gunman fired wildly into a small group of people in the Bronx Park South neighborhood on Monday evening, wounding three people, including two small children. <nyt_byline> By COLIN MOYNIHAN and ELIZABETH A. HARRIS

Published: August 30, 2011 A gunman fired wildly into a small group of people in the Bronx on Monday evening, wounding three people, including two small children, witnesses and officials said. Connect With NYTMetro

Follow us on Twitterand like us onFacebook for news and conversation. Enlarge This Image

Michael Kamber for The New York Times Police searched for weapons used in a shooting. A 2-year-old girl, identified by neighbors only as Patience, was shot in the left temple, according to a spokesman for St. Barnabas Hospital. The girl was listed in critical condition there, and was to be taken to NewYork-Presbyterian hospital. A bullet grazed a 5-year-old girl in the neck; she was in stable condition at St. Barnabas. The third victim, a 20-year-old man who was shot in the back, was trying to shield a pregnant woman as the gunman fired, witnesses said. He was in stable condition at St. Barnabas. Residents said about a dozen people had gathered earlier in the evening in front of a six-story brick apartment building at 181st Street and Daly Avenue, in the Bronx Park South neighborhood. They were chatting, and playing dominoes and cards. Shortly before 8 p.m., witnesses said, a man appeared, walking along 181st Street and carrying a weapon. Without breaking stride, he fired several times, then walked to Daly Avenue, where he turned the corner and fled. The gunman was firing blindly, said Amy Carrasquillo, 32, who watched events unfold from a nearby window. Ms. Carrasquillo said people screamed and ran for cover. Two neighbors said they believed that the gunman had been arguing with someone from the neighborhood earlier in the day. Ms. Carrasquillo watched as the smallest victim was loaded into the ambulance. She wasnt moving, she said. Its heartbreaking.

Category: Uncategorized

DNC sends email defending Obama from impeachment possibility

Posted on | December 29, 2013 | 13 Comments DNC sends email defending Obama from impeachment possibility

Category: Uncategorized

It didnt take too long to see the results of Nevill Chamberlain policies of Obama and Carey, who pressured Israel to release Palestinian terrorists as part of peace negotiations. as Israel announced release of terrorists, Hisballah engaged in rocket attacks from Lebanon into Israel. Any questions?
Posted on | December 29, 2013 | No Comments


USA TODAY - 5 minutes ago JERUSALEM (AP) Israel has announced the names of 26 long-serving Palestinian prisoners it will release this week. Israel released the list late Saturday. CNN

The Daily Star

Fox News - 51 minutes ago JERUSALEM Rockets from Lebanon struck northern Israel Sunday, causing no injuries but sparking an Israeli shelling reprisal in a rare flare-up between the two states.

Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Taitz is a guest on MD State Representative Pat McDonoughs radio show on WCBM AM 680 Wash DC, MD, VA will be a guest for 2 hours
Posted on | December 28, 2013 | 6 Comments Dr. Taitz, My name is Sue Payne and you were a guest on my radio show last year when I was doing a show outside of Philly. I am a big supporter of yours. I am guest hosting a 2-hour radio show on WCBM 680, which is in Baltimore, MD. It is a 50,000 watt station and reaches a lot of listeners in the DC-MD-VA area. I would love to have you as a guest on the show. Here is the link to the stations website. WCBM TALKRADIO AM 680 The show is from 8-10 pm, EST.which would be 5-7pm your time. I think you are doing great work and would like to introduce the Washington-Baltimore area to you. Thanks so much. Sue

Category: Uncategorized

query from a contributor Lea: Why Conrad Alvin Barrett (white man who knocked out a black man) was charged with federal hate crime, why dozens of black men, who similarly knocked out white men and particularly Jewish men, women and children, were not charged? Are we in the zone of a NAI regime condoning actions of modern brown shirts?
Posted on | December 28, 2013 | 2 Comments

Submitted on 2013/12/28 at 11:55 am Lea 9 Dr. Taitz, approved Im hoping that you can help me to understand why

We need white victims of nock-down attacks to sue Black Racist AG Eric

Conrad Alvin Barrett has been charge with a federal hate crime and the black on white/Jew assaults were charged at a local level? According to the FBI Statute (below), use with fire, firearm, or other dangerous weapon falls under federal civil rights statutes. In all the black on white/Jew knockout articles that Ive read, I dont remember reading that a weapon of any kind was used. Also, I never saw any weapon(s) used in any videos that Ive seen. I havent read anywhere that Conrad Alvin Barrett used any weapon(s). The statue also does not mention anything about video recording a hate crime as cause to being charged with a federal hate crime. I am glad, however, that Conrad Alvin Barrett did record his crime. Let me make it perfectly clear that I do not condone what Conrad Alvin Barrett did to that old man. It was cruel and evil!! Conrad Alvin Barrett deserves to have the book thrown at him, as does anyone who commits these horrible acts on any human being regardless of color, race, religion, etc., etc. But, the law should be meted out fairly to everyone regardless of color. Title 18, U.S.C., Section 249Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act This statute makes it unlawful to willfully cause bodily injuryor attempting to do so with fire, firearm, or other dangerous weaponwhen 1) the crime was committed because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin of any person, or 2) the crime was committed because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any person and the crime affected interstate or foreign commerce or occurred within federal special maritime and territorial jurisdiction. The law also provides funding and technical assistance to state, local, and tribal jurisdictions to help them to more effectively investigate, prosecute, and prevent hate crimes. The law provides for a maximum 10year prison term, unless death (or attempts to kill) results from the offense, or unless the offense includes kidnapping or attempted kidnapping, or aggravated sexual abuse or attempted aggravated sexual abuse. For offenses not resulting in death, there is a sevenyear statute of limitations. For offenses resulting in death, there is no statute of limitations.

Holder and DOJ for racial discrimination against whites and violation of equal protection rights by the DOJ 5View Post

Category: Uncategorized

from a reader Mary, what do you think?

Posted on | December 28, 2013 | 18 Comments

Press release: important development, CO baker will not have to adorn the wedding cake as a cake for a gay wedding

Great job! I (along with 90 PLUS% of Americans) am SO FED UP with gay crap being chocked down my throat. I dont want to look at it, hear about it, or think about it! The FIRST GAY president cant think about anything but GAY SEX! where he can have all of the perverted gay sex he craves! Lock him in prison

Category: Uncategorized Posted on | December 28, 2013 | 2 Comments

EqualjusticeI Submitted on 2013/12/28 at 7:24 am 134 approved For some of us.stolen identity is a crime.

More Main Stream media joins attorney Orly Taitz and others in questioning Obamas IDs. Sun-Sentinel goes birther

Category: Uncategorized

More Main Stream media joins attorney Orly Taitz and others in questioning Obamas IDs. Sun-Sentinel goes birther
Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 23 Comments

Birthers have reason to doubt president

Whats a birther to think? Now that the person who confirmed the authenticity ofPresident Obamas birth certificate has, to many, suspiciously and conveniently died in a plane crash, it will never be known why the birth certificate that contained so many errors and corrections was authenticated. Birthers wont go away until Obama makes all the documents, records and papers presently held under lock and key public. One can only conclude that Obama is hiding something. So, whats a birther to do? You need not be a birther to wonder like a birther about whats so secret. Richard Zeitler, Pompano Beach

Category: Uncategorized

Update: Hawaii Health Dep sends back by Fedex a request for info sent to Keith Yamamoto. No response, no explanation whether Yamamoto is even there, what happened to him
Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 19 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

there is more tampering with this site, temporarily unable to post PDF files
Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 1 Comment

Category: Uncategorized

from a Colorado member and supporter of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, a note o support after a press release re. Chief Judge Azer in CO
Posted on | December 27, 2013 | No Comments

Stephen Hiller to me

1:21 PM (5 minutes ago)

Thank you Orly.

God bless you bunches. Steve ( Colorado )

Category: Uncategorized

this is from real Paula Hoehn, a letter of support

Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 1 Comment

Paula Hoehn 176 approved

Submitted on 2013/12/27 at 12:51 pm Dear Orly, Your action in this matter in support of the First Amendment right of freedom of religion is very impressive, and the results were achieved very quickly. Congratulations! You are the Queen of the Multi-taskers, and you work and successfuly juggle an amazing number of issues at the same time. Paula Hoehn

Press release by Attorney Orly Taitz: A very important step in the right direction from the Chief Judge of the Administrative Court of Colorado, Judge Mathew Azer : A Colorado baker will not have to place figurines of 2 grooms or names of 2 grooms on a wedding cake for a gay marriage if it violates his religious believes, he will only have to sell them a cake, a judge will not dictate what kind of a cake, will not force the baker to do something that violates his religious believes. 1View Post

Category: Uncategorized

Is it NSA? False e-mails and comments are sent from this IP address impersonating my support Paula Hoehn. Help me ID this person
Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 3 Comments Paula Hoehn 176 approved

Category: Uncategorized

We need white victims of nock-down attacks to sue Black Racist AG Eric Holder and DOJ for racial discrimination against whites and violation of equal protection rights by the DOJ

Category: Uncategorized

Worst Christmas retail numbers are worst since 2009. Dont you think that the roaring stock market is nothing but an artificially created bubble, which is ready to burst?
Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 7 Comments BAH, HUMBUG! WORST CHRISTMAS RETAIL NUMBERS SINCE 2009!

Category: Uncategorized

Press release by Attorney Orly Taitz: A very important step in the right direction from the Chief Judge of the Administrative Court of Colorado, Judge Mathew Azer : A Colorado baker will not have to place figurines of 2 grooms or names of 2 grooms on a wedding cake for a gay marriage if it violates his religious believes, he will only have to sell them a cake, a judge will not dictate what kind of a cake, will not force the baker to do something that violates his religious believes.
Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 7 Comments Press release Attorney Orly Taitz contacted Administrative Court of Colorado to check on her complaint. She originally talked to the supervising clerk Donna who stated that the Chief Judge Mathew Azer got her complaint and that if Taitz wants to talk to the judge, he is willing to talk to her. Taitz was extremely surprised as she never had a situation where a Chief Judge is willing to talk to a member of the public. The complaint is here at link. Judge Azer was very courteous and spent nearly an hour talking to Taitz. He advised her that he is concerned that the decision by Judge Spencer in regards the baker Mr. Jack Phillips and Masterpiece cakes was misreported in the media and there is a backlash due to misunderstanding. The decision was only in relation to the civil rights statutes of the state of Colorado. He states that it is at 24-34-301 at seq. which states that if you provide services to the public, you have to accommodate all members of the public and cannot discriminate against people of different races, gender, religion and recently sexual orientation was added as a protected group. Taitz advised Judge Azer that there is a difference between discrimination in denying services in general and baking a cake for a gay wedding, which is an act that is so closely intertwined with religious believes. Taitz brought an example. She stated that she has 3 children and often ordered cakes for their birthdays. If a baker refuses to bake a cake for a childs birthday because a kid happened to be black or Jewish or gay, that is a discrimination against a member of a protected minority,as it does not go against the religious believes. However, when a baker refuses to make a cake with 2 grooms on the top of the cake or 2 brides, that involves his religious believes because a gay marriage is a sin in his religion and pretty much every religion and this involves his religious believes. Additionally, this violates existing Colorado law because gay marriages are banned in the state of Colorado and by and through this decision the administrative court of Colorado is aiding and abetting an unlawful conduct. Originally Judge Azer tried to state that selling a wedding cake is not aiding and abetting an unlawful conduct because one can order a birthday cake even though it is not his birthday, so one cam order a wedding cake without getting married. Taitz responded that this is splitting hairs similar to Clintons what is is and not dealing with the issue at hand. It is presumed that when one is ordering a birthday cake, it is for a birthday and when one is ordering a wedding cake, it is for a wedding. Taitz questioned Azer if there is a way to find a middle ground in preventing a flagrant discrimination while at the same time avoiding violation of ones first amendment right of Freedom of Religion. Taitz questioned whether Judge Spencer or Judge Azer, as a Chief Judge, would be willing to issue a statement, whereby if one cannot deny services and deny selling a product, a baker would simply sell a cake, A CAKE, without having to adorn a cake with a figurine of 2 grooms or 2 brides and writing the names of 2 brides or 2 grooms, which indicate that this is a gay wedding, which is against his religious believes. Judge Azer agreed to this and stated that indeed he wants the public to understand that he does not want Activist Judges, that he will write a response to the complaint by Taitz clarifying to the public that all the baker has to do is sell the gay couples the same product as he sells others. Mr. Phillips does not have to place a figurine of 2 gay men on the top of the cake, he does not have to write the names of 2 grooms. Chief Judge Azer believes that if a judge tells a baker, HOW to make a cake and what to place on top of the cake, then it is an activist judge and he will not allow this. So, in the future, if a gay or lesbian couple comes to Masterpiece bakery, Mr. Phillips only has to sell them the same product that he sells others, but he does not have to adorn it in a way that violate his religious believes and he will not be sanctioned. Judge Azer stated that he will write his letter of response shortly. This is a step in the right direction towards a compromise without violating the First Amendment right of Freedom of religion.

In regards to Phil Robertson, Taitz is asking residents of LA, who are members and supporters of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, to send her the PDF and links to the civil rights commission and administrative court of LA, where Phil Robertson resides and she will review them and will advise the members and supporters what can be done.

Category: Uncategorized

Black Racist Obama-Holder regime charges a white man with a hate crime for a knockout game, while refusing to do anything about dozens of black perpetrators, who knocked down dozens of innocent whites, particularly Jews in NY
Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 7 Comments Unreal: Feds charge WHITE knockout suspect with hate crime

Category: Uncategorized Posted on | December 27, 2013 | 2 Comments


VIDEO Orly Taitz vindicated by WH ADMITTING Govt databases Can 12 hours ago - Why cant verify Obamas identity Mar 25, 2013 Watch a discussion with Orly about her campaign to prove that Barack Obama is not eligible to be

Category: Uncategorized

It looks like info on my SocialSecurity case is going mainstream

Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 11 Comments

Fwd: True News USA

FROM Beesba TO You Show Details From



( Judge rules Obamas social security card fraud may get answers) Good work Orly, this is a Chicago police web site. Your information is finally getting out. Be careful and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Judge Rules: Obama Social Security Card Fraud May Finally Get Answers
Posted: 23 Dec 2013 09:43 PM PST You do NOT have to be a Birther to make you wonder about this:

U.S. Governments E-Verify System Verifies Potential Employees as LEGALLY Available to Work. Barack Obamas Social Security Number DOES NOT MATCH Government Records!
DOESNT ANYBODY FIND THIS STRANGE? The President of the United States uses the Social Security number of a person named Harry Bounel and the social security number was issued in a state that Obama never lived in or stayed in?????

It took years for Watergate to unravel fully. The controversy over Barack Hussein Obama and his past, along with fraudulent documents continues to make headlines. Yet, the items needed to actually verify who Obama is continue to be kept from the public eye. Well, that all may be about to change. Attorney Orly Taitz may have just found a chink in the federal governments armor in protecting Barack Obama from scrutiny, following a judges ruling over her Freedom of Information Act request from the Social Security Administration. Taitz has claimed that Obama uses the Social Security number of Harry Bounel and has submitted several Freedom of Information Act requests for the information from the Social Security Administration. Each time, she has been met with stonewalling by the Social Security Administration. However, Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander has ruled to give Taitz an opportunity to file a second amended complaint and add allegations of SSA not doing a proper search and withholding records. From Taitzs Press Release: Judge Hollander in Maryland gives Attorney Orly Taitz 21 days to file a second amended complaint and add allegations in regards to an improper withholding by the Social Security Administration of records of Harry Bounel, whose Social security number is being illegally used by Barack Obama. When Taitz filed the complaint, SSA did not respond at all. After the law suit was filed, SSA responded by fraudulently claiming that the records were not found. Taitz responded that this is a fraudulent assertion, since the records were found before and denied to another petitioner due to privacy concerns, however Social Security has no right to claim privacy as according to their own 120 year rule they have a duty to release the records. The judge stated that the plaintiff Taitz might be correct, however at this time she cannot rule in her favor as her original complaint was filed before SSA responded, so the judge gave Taitz an opportunity to refile a second amended complaint and add new allegations, stating the SSA responded but improperly hidden the records . This is a great development. This all but assures that the judge will order the SSA to release the SS-5, Social Security application of resident of CT, Harrison (Harry) Bounel, whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 was stolen by Obama and used in Obamas 2009 tax returns, which initially were posted on without proper redaction, without flattening of the file. Taitz will be very careful not to be Breitbarted or Fuddied in the next 21 days. Additionally, there is an increased tampering with the web site of Orly Taitz and with her ability to send mass -emails. It seems her private server is somehow affected and Taitz is unable to send mass e-mails on two different programs. Click & Read more at
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Leo Turell- one of the most prominent civil rights attorneys agreed with Taitz that actions of Colorado administrative court in demanding that a baker make cakes for gay sanctions or face sanctions- is unconstitutional
Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 5 Comments Today Orly Taitz was able to talk on KABC radio with one of the most prominent African American civil rights attorneys Leo Turrell. (He substituted for Larry Elder) . Taitz talked to Turrell sometime around 5:30-5:45 PST. At issue was Phil Robertson and his suspension from A&E. Taitz advised Turrell that she does not just talk about this issue, she is doing something about it. She advised Turrell that she submitted a complaint with the Administrative court in Colorado, where the court ruled that a baker is obligated to bake cakes for gay couple for gay weddings or face sanctions or possibly jail. Taitz advised Turrell that she demands the court to either revoke/reverse the sanctions against the baker or instituted sanctions against A& E for reverse discrimination against heterosexuals and Christians. Taitz asked Turrell whether he as a leading civil rights attorney would agree with Taitz that the actions by the government against the baker were unconstitutional. Turrell agreed. He did not follow the case and was bewildered, he originally thought that the actions against the baker were not by the government. Taitz provided Turrell info that it was indeed the government, the state administrative court and advised him that there are similar cases around the country. The connection was lost. If you have a recording from this program or a link it would be appreciated. For personal reasons Taitz spoke under an assumed name Linda.

Category: Uncategorized

Minutemen News is covering the story

Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 5 Comments IS BARACK OBAMA USING A FAKE SOC. SEC. NUMBER? GOVT MAY BE FORCED TO ANSWER In Email Featured, News & Politics / 22 December 2013 / 426 Comments

Get ready birthers, Orly Taitz has won a small victory for those of you who think Obama is not a U.S. citizen. It seems that the US government may have to answer to why it [] Read more at

Category: Uncategorized

This is even more suspicious. There are only 14 elderly residents on Kalaupapa. Why did director of Health and her deputy had to fly there to resolve a conflict, why are we paying 1 mln a year for these 14 people to have subsidized daily flights? How often do 70 y.o. leprose patients fly to other places?
Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 6 Comments

Franklin Submitted on 2013/12/26 at 11:14 am 0 The Schuman airline, Makani Kai is the sole beneficiary of an Obama approved administration subsidy of $932,000 per year for two years. ObamaFlight

is it the same R. Schuman who owns the Kailani Kai air? 6View Post

Category: Uncategorized

Only in May of this year Makani Kai Air asked for 2 mln in out tax payer funds from FAA and got them. I wonder how much is Judge David O. Carter paid for his trips to Georgia, Afghanistan and elsewhere, organized by the Federal gov., by the executive branch while he presided over the cases against the chief executive in the executive branch???
Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 2 Comments May 6, 2013 Susan L. Kurland Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs RE: Proposal to Provide Essential Air Service at Kamuela, Hawaii

Category: Uncategorized

Medicaid under Obamacare is not free, it is a loan and after your death the state can take your house and all of your property from your children as a reimbursement for medical bills
Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 1 Comment Medicaid is a loan payable with your assets when you die. Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the politically conservative Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, writing in the The Washington Times, called the (estate) recovery provision a cash cow for states to milk the poor and the middle class. People will think this is wonderful, this is free insurance, Orient said in an interview. They dont realize its really a loan, and is secured by any property they have. <>

Category: Uncategorized

FAKE HATE TENNESSEE: Shop Owner Arrested After Claiming He Was Beaten & Marked With Gay Slur. Third major case of gays and lesbians staging bogus cases of discrimination

Category: Uncategorized

Far left Obama rag in Orange County CA attacks Attorney Orly Taitz for submitting a reverse discrimination complaint in Colorado
Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 4 Comments

News for orly taitz

1. Orly Taitz to Court: Either Allow Ban on Gay Wedding Cakes or Reinstate Duck Dynasty Star OC Weekly (blog) - by Matt Coker - 5 hours ago Orly Taitz, proving to be the holiday gift that keeps on giving, has now stuck her Russian-American nose into the

Category: Uncategorized

Makani Kai air, the local airline, which plane accident resulted in Loretta Fuddys death, got nearl $ 2 million dollars from Obama administration in the last 2 years
Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 7 Comments

Franklin Submitted on 2013/12/26 at 11:14 am 0 The Schuman airline, Makani Kai is the sole beneficiary of approved an Obama administration subsidy of $932,000 per year for two years. ObamaFlight
Category: Uncategorized

is it the same R. Schuman who owns the Kailani Kai air? 6 View Post

Muslim Cleric: Saying Merry Christmas Is Worse than Fornication, Alcohol, or Murder . ..And what do we do about it? We give 20 billion dollars to Iran to enrich uranium and build ballistic missiles. Does it make sense to you?
Posted on | December 26, 2013 | 11 Comments


Bomb attacks on Christians kill 37 in Baghdad... US Embassy in Kabul Attacked Christmas Day... American captive in Pakistan begs for U.S. diplomacy... Iranian lawmakers propose bill to enrich uranium up to 60%...
Category: Uncategorized

so far I only see a connection between Dr. Shabazz and deceased ex-husband of Valerie Jarett and his deceased second wife and her connection to Prince Al Waleed, who paid for Obamas Harvard education (per Khalid AlMansour), however it might not mean anything, just a random connection with no consequences
Posted on | December 25, 2013 | 14 Comments RE: Dr. Constance Shabazz: I dont think there is any connection with Malcolm-X, and she is not listed as one of his daughters. Dr. Shabazz does have Muslam/Islam associations: Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) since its incorporation as a nonprofit in January 1997. Health Clinic Advisory Board: Constance Shabazz, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A. Staff: Rami Nashashibi: Executive Director Rami was named one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center in concert with Georgetowns Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.

Excerpt: Dr. Constance Shabazz, medical director at Aunt Marthas Youth Services, who also was Dr. Lucks friend, said Dr. Luck had lost a number of close friends and a relative to AIDS. When she saw a need on the South Side, she stepped in to fill it in a way that welcomed all. She went into medicine to provide health care to people who otherwise would not be able to access health care, Shabazz said. She wanted to try to address medical problems and social problems her patients had. She will be sorely missed. Shabazz said Dr. Luck was to have spoken to a group last Friday about the need for more African-American physicians to provide primary care for patients with HIV/AIDS but did not feel well enough to attend. See photo attached. Favorites: Health Resources Consultants, Masjid Al-Taqwa, Books Ink, Ronald D. Walker, Jr., The Hustle Simmons, Rhonda Collins Independent Miche Representative, Help Train Up A Child Foundation Constance Shabazz, now 46, began medical school at age 30 at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, and she has worked in the community health field since 1971. Born and raised in Chatham, Shabazz, an internist,..

Category: Uncategorized

Link to Agenda 21 radio with Paul Preston interview

Posted on | December 25, 2013 | 1 Comment to me

3:39 PM (0 minutes ago)

Orly Here is yesterdays interview on you tube. Merry Christmas.
Paul Preston Paul Prestons Agenda 21 Radio Show KMYC 1410 AM Live Monday Friday 7:00 10:00 p.m. PST KCNR 1460 AM Live Monday Friday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon Red State Talk Radio 9:00 a.m. - 12:00Noon EST

New StreaMedia News Streaming

Category: Uncategorized

My recent interview with Paul Preston on Agenda 21 radio went viral and generated a huge response on Free Republic. The issue of Obamas use of a stolen CT SSN is the subject of the legal action, where the judge gave me a leave to file a Second Amended complaint with additional allegations and stated that the government

might not have done a proper search for the application of Harry Bounel whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 Obama is fraudulently using
Posted on | December 25, 2013 | 31 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

ormer Attorney for World Bank, Karen Hudes claims that Obamas were compromised with Honey traps, particularly Michelle. I need help in getting names of those honey traps as well as getting in touch with 180 military officers, particularly General Carey and Admiral Gaouette. Are Michelles alleged honey traps- men or women? Are BOs alleged honey traps men or women?
Posted on | December 25, 2013 | 17 Comments


CGIs Lymerick: Karen Hudes - Michelle Obama compromised in hotel;read=293019 Nov 27, 2013 - Dr Robin Falkov At approx. the 29 minute mark in this video, Karen Hudes says that Obama is compromised because his wife has been caught in hotelhoneytraps!! Other familiar offerings, as well as a few new revelations!


Re: Karen Hudes - Michelle Obama compromised in hotel honeytraps Nov 27, 2013 - Dr Robin Falkov Does anyone even really care about who or whatMichelle Obama sleeps with? I mean if all people, tools, produce, living Karen Hudes - Michelle Obama compromised in hotel honeytraps Lymerick


World Bank Senior Counsel Karen Hudes - Obama Mum CIA

6:06 6:06 Nov 13, 2013 Uploaded by xthesurge0nx Karen Hudes - Obama Mum CIA Jesuits - Michelle Honeytrap (Sex for (Dr. George Brock Chisholm


Karen Hudes says FLOTUS is being blackmailedvictim of honey Forums Politics, General + Law(s) Nov 12, 2013 12 posts 10 authors Im trying to learn more about Karen Hudes erstwhile senior counsel for . Why isntObama (et al) being arrested for treason, etc. if this is true?

Category: Uncategorized

is Dr. Constance Shabazz related to Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz and their grandson, who was recently killed in Mexico?
Posted on | December 25, 2013 | No Comments Dr. Constance Shabazz, medical director at Aunt Marthas Youth Services

Category: Uncategorized

Gestapo regime of Barry Obama (listed as Muslim in his school registration in Indonesia) is waging a war on Christmas and Christians, Christmas cards are refused by the VA hospital
Posted on | December 25, 2013 | 3 Comments

VA hospital refuses to accept Merry Christmas cards | Fox News

Inboxx to

3:28 AM (4 minutes ago)

Category: Uncategorized

Video: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus Christmas Greeting 2013

Posted on | December 25, 2013 | 1 Comment Dear Orly, Video: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus Christmas Greeting 2013 Published on Dec 24, 2013 Merry Christmas to all our Christian friends

Category: Uncategorized

Stop TPP, it kills American jobs and wages, drunk on power oligarchs are cutting the branch they are sitting on
Posted on | December 25, 2013 | 1 Comment BLOOMBERG: TRANS PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP IS CORPORATIST POWER GRAB Washingtons Blog | Stop the Anti-American Power Grab.

Category: Uncategorized

This is probably just a coincidence, but Valerie Jarretts ex-husband and his second wife both died just as Breitbart around age 40 from a sudden heart failure. PS does anyone know, who is this person by name Shabazz writing about the death of Dr. Jarrett?
Posted on | December 25, 2013 | 2 Comments Dear Orly, Beginning research: November 20, 1993 Dr. William Robert Jarrett, newly appointed director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Jackson Park Hospital and son of Sun-Times columnist, Vernon Jarrett, died suddenly Friday afternoon of cardiac arrest. Dr. Jarrett was 40 years old. Birth: 1953 Death: 1993 He was the son of Chicago Sun-Times columnist Vernon Jarrett and Fernetta Jarrett. Recently diagnosed with Behcets syndrome, a rare rheumatological condition only known in this country in the last 20 years, Dr. Jarrett, who is also a surgeon, was stricken as he returned from giving a lecture at Pontiac General Hospital in Michigan. He was pronounced dead at Michael Reese Hospital after efforts made enroute to the hospital failed to revive him. Wife: Dr. Sherry Luck Jarrett Other survivors of Dr. Jarrett include a son, Vernon C. Jarrett; a daughter by a previous marriage, Laura Allison Jarrett; a step-daughter, Khadija Holman, and a brother, Thomas S. Jarrett. Burial: Oak Woods Cemetery Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA ============================== Chicago Sun-Times June 03, 1999 Dr. Sherry L. Luck-Jarrett, 44, who lived in the Lake Meadows community on the South Side, was found Sunday morning in her bed. She had died of an enlarged heart. She is survived by her mother, Equillia ; a daughter, Khadija Holman; a son, Vernon Jarrett; two brothers, Rodney Luck and Dana Luck; and a granddaughter. Shabazz said Dr. Luck was to have spoken to a group last Friday about the need for more African-American physicians to provide primary care for patients with HIV/AIDS but did not feel well enough to attend. The night before her death, Dr. Luck-Jarrett, 44, felt too ill to attend a ceremony where she was to receive the Daniel Hale Williams Award for Health, given by Afrique magazine in honor of the doctor who first performed open-heart surgery.

She was discovered dead in her Lake Meadows condominium Sunday morning. She died of complications from an enlarged heart. Dr. Luck-Jarrett was the widow of William Robert Jarrett, the son of former Chicago Sun-Times columnist Vernon

Category: Uncategorized

Update: Taitz is working on a second amended complaint with additional allegations of cover up per order in the case dealing with Obamas use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 of Harry Bounel
Posted on | December 24, 2013 | 7 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Still no autopsy results for Fuddy. I need your help in getting several autopsies
Posted on | December 24, 2013 | 13 Comments Still no autopsy results for Fuddy. I need your help in getting several autopsies 1. Loretta Fuddy, when it is aqvailable 2. William Jarrett (ex husband of Valerie Jarrett) and his second wife. both died in their 40s, i believe cause of death was reported as a heart attack 3. andrew Breitbart (cause of death reported as a heart attack, was in his early 40s) 4. Michael Hastings (reported as a car accident, was inhis 40s) 5. Donald Young, Lary Bland, Nate Spence, 3 gay friends of Obama 6. Renee Abima Obama, (died in Silversprings, MD, born Haloween day 1994 died on Christmas 1994) 7. David Obama (reported as dead in a car accident in Kenya) 8. Lieutenant Quarles Harris -involved in braking in Obamas passport records, found shot and killed in 2008

Category: Uncategorized

Press Release: FOIA demand for explanation and records sent to Sebelius: how did Obama sign up for Obamacare with a CT Social Security number which failed E-Verify and SSNVS
Posted on | December 23, 2013 | 38 Comments Press Release: FOIA demand for explanation and records sent to Sebelius: how did Obama sign up for Obamacare with a CT Social Security number which failed EVerify and SSNVS

Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ President Defed Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Ph. 949-683-5411 Fax 949-766-7603

Attn. Kathleen Sebelius Director of Health and Human services 200 Independence Ave Washington DC 20201 12.23.2013 Via Federal Express One Day Delivery REQUEST OF INFORMATION UNDER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION 5USC 552 AND A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT
1. 2. On 12.23.2013 it was reported that Mr. Barack Obama enrolled in the ACA, also known as Obamacare. At issue is the fact that Mr. Obama is using a Connecticut Social security number 042-68-4425, which failed E-Verify and SSNVS, two official agencies of the US government used to identify invalid Social Security numbers.


The public is aware of the Social Security Number, which Mr. Obama is using, as on April 15, 2010 11 am, Mr. Obama posted his tax returns on line on and did not flatten the pdf file and the public could see that the number he is using is a CT SSN. Later Mr. Obama has reposted a redacted number, but by then thousands of people could see the full unredacted Social Security he is using. Later, as checked through E-Verify and SSNVS, the number showed as not assigned to Barack Obama.


Currently Mr. Obama is a defendant in a number of legal actions, among them Taitz et al v Democratic Party, Obama, Fuddy, Onaka et al 12-cv-1880 USDC Southern District of MS, which includes multiple RICO causes of action relating to Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs. There are a number of other legal actions dealing with Obamas use of fabricated IDs. Among themTaitz v Donahoe, Williams 13-cv-1020 USDC District of Columbia, legal action against the Postmaster General and Inspector General for USPS dealing with Social Security application for Harry Bounel, whose SSN Obama is using. See pleadings attached. Obamas use of a fabricated Selective Service certificate with a fabricated cancellation US Postal stamp attached to it, as well as Taitz v Colvin dealing with failure by the SSA to release the

5. 6. 7.

At the moment petitioner is seeking any and all documentation showing how DHHS verifies Social Security numbers of applicants for ACA/Obamacare. Any and all documentation explaining to the public how Barack Obama was able to sign up for Obamacare while using a Social Security number which Filed E-verify and SSNVS. At the moment support for Obamacare is record low, according to the latest CNN poll released today, on 12.23.2013, only 35% of American citizens support Obamacare. If these remaining 35% will see that an individual with a failed Social Security number was able to sign up for Obamacare, it means that anyone, any illegal alien will be able to sign up for Obamacare and deplete taxpayer resources on aid, and remaining 35% of U.S. citizens will withdraw their support. The public is entitled to know, what safeguards are in place to prevent individuals with invalid IDs, illegal aliens from obtaining Obamacare and depleting public resources and why did these safeguards fail in Obamas case.


By and through this letter Hon. Kathleen Sebelius is placed on notice that Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro, aka Barack Soebarkah has fraudulently signed up for ACA/Obamacare, using invalid IDs and petitioner demands an expedient investigation by the DHHS and by the Inspector General for the DHHS.

Per 5 USC 552 response is required within 20 days from the receipt of this request, failure to do so will be seen as a refusal to provide information and will entitle the petitioner to seek a redress in the US District Court. Further, Hon. Kathleen Sebelius is placed on notice that lack of action and resolution in this matter may be seen as complicity on her part in the cover up of Obamas use of fabricated IDs and a stolen Social Security number and it might expose Ms. Sebelius to liability in both Civil and Criminal RICO causes of action. Respectfully, /s/ Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ. PS. Considering the fact that this petition is sent on December 23,2013 petitioner is wishing Honorable Kathleen Sebelius a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Category: Health & Safety, HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate

Judicial misconduct complaint against the Chief Judge of the Third Circuit is being reviewed, involves cover up by the Chief Judge egregious forgery/falsificaion of official court records which were committed by the court employee
Posted on | December 22, 2013 | 3 Comments Press Release Law Offices of Orly Taitz Judicial misconduct complaint against the Chief Judge of the Third Circuit, Judge McKee, is being reviewed, involves cover up by the Chief Judge of egregious forgery/falsification of official court records which were committed by the court employee, official court reporter in the Eastern District of PA, which is a part of the Third Circuit. In 2010 attorney Orly Taitz caught court reporter of the Third Circuit in egregious forgery/falsification of records, removal from the official court transcript 14 pages, the whole cross examination of a party, removal of any and all mention of the above cross examination out of the table of contents and arranging the rest as if such cross examination never happened. In the period of three years attorney Orly Taitz has filed multiple complaints with the Chief Judge of the circuit, Theodore McKee, who covered up for three years this egregious forgery. If this happened to Taitz, it can happen to anyone, it shows that there is no integrity on the judiciary and public cannot rely on the judiciary to resolve their grievances. Taitz received confirmation(attached) that the complaint is being reviewed. Taitz requested the Judicial counsel of the Third Circuit to forward this complaint to Chief Justice Roberts to be transferred to another district in order to prevent conflict of interest with other judges within the circuit. Similarly such requests for transfer and review in another circuit were granted when other lawyers filed Judicial Misconduct complaints against Judge Edith Jones in the Fifth Circuit and Judge Kozinsky in the 9th Circuit. The public will be apprised to the outcome. The public is urged to to support Attorney Taitz and write to the judges of the Judicial counsel of the Third Circuit and demand the matter investigated.

Category: Uncategorized

I need your help in getting the itinerary of Loretta Fuddy trip, evidence of job related injuries, claims as well as the medical records from the Care house, where Fuddy was brought before being taken to the hospital. Why was she taken to the car house instead of the hospital?
Posted on | December 22, 2013 | 3 Comments

Cris Ericson 4 approved

Submitted on 2013/12/22 at 10:50 am (1) Did the Pilot FAKE the crash landing? (2) Why didnt President Barack Obama attend Ms. Loretta Fuddys funeral service? (3) Wasnt this trip employment related, and where are all of the public documents regarding these on the job injuries? (4) If no impact injuries were sustained, then there was a controlled landing; right? (5) How many of the passengers filed on-the-job injury reports in case that back pain and neck pain and any other injury from being in the water may occur ten days or more afterwards?

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P&WC airplane engines confirms receipt of information and investigating. Please, do not drop the ball, please, keep calling them, Maui police, NTSB, FAA, DA, US attorney and stay the course until we get all the answers
Posted on | December 21, 2013 | 1 Comment

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Press release: Complaint of Reverse Discrimination was filed with the Administrative court in Denver Colorado, which forced a baker to bake wedding cakes for gay couples. Complaint demands similar action against A& E for discrimination against heterosexuals and Christians or reversal of the injunctive relief and sanctions against the baker
Posted on | December 21, 2013 | 5 Comments Press release: Defend Our Freedoms foundation Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Complaint of Reverse Discrimination was filed with the Administrative court in Denver Colorado, which forced a baker to bake wedding cakes for gay couples. Complaint demands similar action against A& E for discrimination against heterosexuals and Christians or reversal of the injunctive relief and sanctions against the baker Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ President Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688 ph.: 949-683-5411 fax: 949-766-7603 Attn.:Chief Judge Administrative Court Denver Office 633 17th Street, Suite 1300 Denver, CO 80202 Phone: (303) 866-2000 e-mail address: 12.21.2013 COMPLAINT DISCRIMINATION, VIOLATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS Recently Hon. Robert N Spencer of this court ruled against a private individual, a baker, Jack Phillips, and his small bakery, Masterpiece Cake Shop, ordering this private individual to bake wedding cakes for Gay couples or face sanctions and penalties in spite of the fact that: 1. Alleged Discrimination was not by the state or federal government, but by a private individual. 2. Respondent Jack Phillips advised Judge Spencer that compelling Mr. Phillips to bake wedding cakes for gay couples goes against his religious beliefs and represents violation of his First Amendment Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech rights.

3. Gay marriages are not legal in Colorado and such forced compulsion to perform not only representing Involuntary Servitude and in violation of First Amendment rights, but also forced Mr. Phillips to violate existing Colorado law which bans gay marriage. 4. Colorado Administrative Court Judge Robert N. Spencer relied in his decision on cases that have nothing to do with the controversy. Among such cases and examples were invalidation of DOMA, which is a government action and removal of tax exempt status of Bringham Young university, whereby tax exempt status represents a governmental action. Jack Phillips and his little bakery is not a governmental entity and he does not enjoy a tax exempt status. Currently a reverse situation is taking place and it is as follows: 1. Citizens of Colorado have been enjoying Duck Dynasty show on A and E Network, which is headquartered in New York,235 E. 45th str.New York, New York, 10017, but is doing business in the state of Colorado via cable networks. 2. Plaintiff herein, Attorney Orly Taitz, is a president of a not for profit foundation, Defend our Freedoms Foundation, which has multiple members in the state of Colorado. 3. Attorney Orly Taitz is filing this administrative complaint not as an attorney, but as a President of a foundation. 4. Recently star of Duck Dynasty show, Phil Robertson, gave an interview, where he stated that he is a heterosexual, he prefers women to men, he is a born again Christian and that based on his Christian faith he believes that homosexual lifestyle is a sin. 5. A& E network suspended Mr. Robertson from the show indefinitely, citing those statements. Mr. Robertson was deprived of his livelihood and thousands of fans, citizens of Colorado, were deprived of ability to watch Mr. Robertson in his Duck Dynasty show. 6. Citizens of Colorado expect the Administrative Court of the State of Colorado not to violate the 14th amendment Equal protection clause and not to deprive the citizens of their civil rights under the color of authority per 42 US 1983. As such plaintiff is seeking the following redress o her grievance from the Chief judge of the administrative court: a. Either revoke/rescind/reverse prior decision by Judge Robert N. Spencer and Masterpiece Cake shop, finding that individuals and small businesses not using governmental funds and not enjoying non-profit status reserve the right to refuse business to anyone. Or alternatively: b. Find that A and E Network is engaged in discrimination against heterosexuals in favor of homosexuals, engaged in discrimination of religious people, particularly Christians, in favor of godless atheists and order A-E cease and desist such discrimination and stop suspension of Phil Robertson from the Duck Dynasty show, so that heterosexuals and religious citizens of the state of Colorado will not be deprived of the show that they used to enjoy or face penalties. If proper action is not taken and redress of this grievance is not provided, a number of citizens of the state of Colorado might have to bring a legal action against the Administrative Court of the State of Colorado itself for ACTUAL GOVERNMENT ACTION by the court itself under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and under 42 U.S. 1983 in discriminating against heterosexuals in favor of homosexuals and for discrimination against religious individuals in favor of godless atheists and depriving heterosexuals and religious individuals of their civil rights under the color of authority. Respectfully, Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ President of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

Category: Uncategorized

According to Judge Oke the body could have been cremated. If you are in HI, please, let the public know whether it is an open casket funeral and whether the remains are cremated
Posted on | December 21, 2013 | 12 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Federal Judge is de facto saying that the US government and particularly the Department of Homeland security is an organized crime. Should we comply with this organized crime or should we start citizens arrest and trials of the top mafia bosses of this organized crime? What do you think? What will we do?
Posted on | December 21, 2013 | 6 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

December 20, 2013. 9 days after the accident and still no mention of the accident that took the life of Loretta Fuddy on NTSB official web site
Posted on | December 20, 2013 | 10 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

prior to her death Fuddy tried to reach out to Larry Fenton, resident of HI, who assisted Taitz and served Fuddy with subpoena and pleadings from Taitz
Posted on | December 19, 2013 | 14 Comments Press Release

Yesterday Attorney Taitz was contacted by Mr. Larry Fenton, a resident of Honolulu, HI, who served her pleadings and subpoena on Loretta Fuddy and Health Department back in 2011 and 2012. Mr. Fenton stated that the security guard prevented him from serving Ms. Fuddy personally and he was told to leave the documents with the guard. Mr. Fenton reported that not so long before Ms. Fuddys death he received a Facebook request from Loretta Fuddy to be friends. He found this request to be odd. Today Taitz went on Fuddys Facebook page and found that she was friends with Hawaii State Senator Will Espero, who was outspoken about the need for transparency in records. Public is asked to check other Facebook and other media friends and connections of Ms. Fuddy, to see if there were any odd connection. Public is urged to speak to William Espero to see if Ms. Fuddy provided him with any information. Could it be that she felt threatened and could it be that she tried to reach out and speak out? Controversy continues. 8 days after the crash there is still no report of the crash on NTSB page, as if it never happened, however a report of 12.162013 crash was posted right away. There are persistent inconsistencies in reporting of Fuddys body being in the fuselage of the plane and other reports of other passengers reporting her getting out of the plane, wearing a life vest and awaiting to be lifted by a helicopter. Today a new report provided new inconsistency. According to the report made today by the owner of Kalani Kai Air, Mr. Richard Schuman, the plane broke into pieces and separate pieces were recovered, however another report made yesterday stated that the plane could be seen from the air from a helicopter, to be in about 70 feet of water totally intact. How did the plane brake into pieces within one day after it was seen intact yesterday, 7 days after the crash? There are conflicting reports whether the pilot made any distress calls. There are conflicting reports of a number of people who swam ashore. According to passenger C. Phillip Holstein, he was the one who swam ashore. This 70 year pld man stated that he swam for an hour and a half. are there any eye witnesses, who actually saw Mr. Holstein swim ashore?Is there any proof that Mr. Holstein actually got on board or did his luggage get on board? So far attorney Taitz did not find any account of any eye witness who saw Holstein swim ashore. According to reverend Pat Killilea, the pilot, Clyde Kawasaki, was the one who swam ashore to get help as the help was not arriving. Killilea reported seeing Kawasaki with blood on his shirt and jacket. Later Kawasakis son, Robert, reported that his father hit his head on the dash board and that was the reason why he was covered with blood. Is there another witness who can corroborate the account by Killilea? Kalaupapa is a small area, the airport is very small. Members of the public are asked to talk to all the passengers, employees of the airport, members of the public an eye witnesses to ascertain who swam ashore, how many people swam ashore. Further the public is encouraged to check with Aloha air, why Mr. Nagasaki no longer works for them. Today Mr. Schuman stated that there was no black box on the plane. The question begs to be answered: why wasnt there a black box on this commercial aircraft? As reported yesterday, Attorney Taitz talked to the Maui coroner /medical examiner who stated that the cause of death of Ms. Fuddy is still under investigation and toxicology results are still awaited, report is expected to be complete in 2 weeks. Members of the public are asked to interview all of the following passengers, eye witnesses and officials and specifically record any and all witness testimony about the last moments of life of Ms. Fuddy. Did she remain in the fuselage, did she get out? Mr. Yamamoto stated that she got out and held hands with him when she suddenly let go and was not responsive. Did anyone out of 8 or 10 survivors try to help her, try to resuscitate her, try to shake her, if she was in shock? let her die? Further, in relation to Loretta Fuddys Facebook connections, Taitz recognized Joshua Wisch as one of Fuddys FB connections. Wisch is a state attorney, who stood at the entrance of the Health Department together with Keith Yamamoto and the security guard refusing to allow Taitz enter and talk to Fuddy, even though Taitz had a federal subpoena. Taitz looked at his connections, she found Governor Neil Abercrombie, personal friend of Obamas family, Jill Nagamine, who tried to intimidate Taitz with bogus sanctions when Taitz filed her case seeking original Obamas BC, (Nagamines husband, Todao Nagaine was an attorney at the divorce proceedings of Obamas sister in her divorce from her first husband), Taitz found Stephen Schaffer- (is he the brother in law who IDed Fuddys body?), Nathan Holstein (any relation to C. Philip Holstein?). Taitz computer suddenly froze, when she reached a woman with last name Socha residing in Abu Dhabi. Please check all Fuddys connections, friends of friends, at least to a second degree. That what NSA does on Facebook using our taxpayer dollars. You can be the anti-NSA force, an antidote to Obama NAZI NSA. Individuals to interview: Helicopter Pilot: Jack Matiasevich Rescue 10 personnel: Captain Jaime Joyo, FFs Kodi Shepley and Beau Gaddis Coast Guard Picked up Loretta Fuddy. C Phillip Holstein- passenger Keith Yamamoto passenger Rose Key passenger Jacob Key passenger Clyde Kawasaki-pilot passenger #6 described as a man around 70 years old, rescued by helicopter pilot passenger #7 passenger #8 possible passenger #9 possible passenger #10 Eric Weiss-NTSB spokesman Pat Killilea-witnessed pilot swim ashore to get help Joseph Ferguson-rescue pilot P.J. Ornot- aviation survival technician Mark Peer- rescue swimmer who rescued a an older man, 60-70 years old and Loretta Fuddy reporters Jennifer Kelleber and Greg Kakesako Randi Lite-administrator of Molokai General Hospital Ian Gregor, FAA spokesman nurses and doctors at Molokai General hospital who observed Loretta Fuddy when she was pronounced dead: did she have any injuries, color of skin, status of the pupils of her eyes, color of fingernails? What was the preliminary cause of death by the attending physician? What was the temperature of the body? Did anyone try CPR, defibrillator, any attempts by anyone to resuscitate her? If you have any new information, e-mail to Mr. Yamamoto was a Deputy Director of the the Health Department, he had or should have possessed some medical background. Did he try any first aid? Did he try any CPR or did he just

Category: Events, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, Uncategorized

Posted on | January 1, 2014 | No Comments

US increases financial aid to Palestinians, links it to progress in peace talks

Analysis: Yaalon reveals why he rejected US security proposals

Category: Uncategorized

Please, note I reached 5,000 friends of my main page and FB does not llow me to add more, please sign on the second page r sign up with likes
Posted on | January 1, 2014 | No Comments

Doesnt matter 0 approved

Submitted on 2014/01/01 at 8:59 am (Using false info- would you please accept friend requests, and add people to your friends on fb, so we can actually help you. The IP is from Toronto.

I need tracing of the ID of the IP of an Obama operative who posts outrageous remarks to incite violence

Category: Uncategorized

From the wires of prison planet

Posted on | January 1, 2014 | No Comments DUPING THE LEFT: NEW YORK MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO AND PRESIDENT HILLARY CLINTON Kurt Nimmo | Bill de Blasio is a Democrat who works for banksters and globalists while spouting progressive gibberish. 0 Comments US GOVERNMENT ORDERS 14 MILLION DOSES OF POTASSIUM IODIDE Paul Joseph Watson | Huge purchase linked to ongoing Fukushima crisis? 32 Comments HOW WILL THE ECONOMY IMPROVE IN 2014 IF ALMOST EVERYONE HAS LESS MONEY TO SPEND? Michael Snyder | Is the U.S. consumer tapped out?

63 Comments APPLE DENIES EVER WORKING WITH THE NSA Zero Hedge | Somehow we doubt this will be the end of this particular story. 81 Comments IS THE NSA QUARTERING DIGITAL TROOPS WITHIN OUR HOMES? Washingtons Blog | One of the few rights which we thought the government still respects is the the 3rd Amendment. OBAMAS FAST AND FURIOUS GUNS STILL SHOWING UP AT MURDER SCENES

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Mr. Scam Man

Posted on | January 1, 2014 | No Comments

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keep looking

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I got a call from a reporter from a TV station in Phoenix, who claimed that there was a shooting in the last hour, one officer was shot and one cold case posse member. Both are alive and in surgery. shooting does not appear to be related to Obama investigation, it appear to be a result of a robbery and subsequent chase. i would appreciate confirmation from other sources. I dont know which member of the posse was shot.Reporter did not think it was Zullo, as he knows Zullo.


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29839 Sta Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Sta Margarita, CA 92688 orly.taitz @gmail. com (949) 766-7687


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Defendant Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al Grinols Subpoenas ..Grinols Order, Summons, TRO, Complaint .Affidavit of Mike Zullo 1. Judd v Obama 2. Farrar v Obama 3. Taitz v Sebelius 4. Taitz v Indiana, IN Judge Orders Trial 5. Taitz v Astrue 6. Mississippi Filed Complaint Update 7. Taitz Walters v Sec of State Kansas Videos Video: Orly before NH Election Committee

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