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Gemng and Us|ng the Sohware

llrsL go Lo:
Cllck on CaLalogue aL Lhe Lop
And you shou|d see th|s page
Scro|| down and c||ck on down|oad for th|s one
for WIS 2040
1he Lhree sLep process
1. uownload Lhe package from Lhe laulkner
2. urchase and reglsLer Lo seL up your
3. lnsLall lL on your compuLer
Pere ls Lhe download page

1here are |nstrucnons on how to down|oad and reg|ster

1he sohware can te|| |f you have a Mac (as I
have shown here) |n wh|ch case the down|oad
|s a .dmg, or a C |n wh|ch case |t w||| be a .exe
1he nexL sLep shows Lhls wlndow
C||ck on the |eh pane| to set up your account
Cnce you seL up your accounL
?ou wlll see your reglsLrauon number and serlal
key. ?ou need Lhese Lo lnsLall Lhe soware.
noLe LhaL once you have an accounL you can
download and lnsLall Lhe soware on more Lhan
one compuLer, as your scores are unlque Lo your
serlal key and reglsLrauon number.
Aer lnsLalllng
kemember to use the desktop |con to open the

At th|s po|nt you m|ght rece|ve a message say|ng that
the sohware has been updated and p|ease c|ose and
re-start the program.

1h|s |s how I can add and subtract quesnons for the
uslng Lhe soware
Cllck Lhe lcon Lo open lL and you wlll see Lhls
llrsL page
Make sure you are connecLed - see Lhe box
on Lhe bouom half of Lhe le slde. Someumes
on campus Lhe ul wlreless sysLem wlll
recognlze your browser buL noL Lhe soware.
lf yours says noL connecLed" Lhen close Lhe
program and logln Lo Lhe wlreless sysLem
uslng your gaLorllnk lu
Check your connecnon status here:
?ou wlll see Lhe presenLauon buuon ln Lhe
upper le corner of Lhls page
C||ck the resentanon buuon to choose a top|c to v|ew
1he nexL sllde shows Lhe Lop of Lhe
presenLauon wlndow. use Lhe arrow keys on
your compuLer or Lhe llule + / - buuons Lo
advance (or backLrack) Lhe slldes and cllck on
Lhe llule dlalog bubble ([usL le of Lhe sllde
number box) Lo llsLen Lo Lhe audlo.
1he presenLauon wlndow
nexL we Lurn Lo Lhe 8eadlngs or reference
ChapLers. 1hese are on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe
noLe LhaL for Lhe rsL 8eference chapLer
Wlldllfe ln Amerlca" Lhere are seven parLs,
read Lhem all.
!usL cllck on a blue llnk and you are seL.
1he AssessmenL buuon Lakes you Lo Lhe
pracuce LesLs and Lhe Lxerclses and Lxams. lL
ls ln Lhe upper rlghL corner of Lhe rsL page.
Cllck on Lhls and a wlndow opens
AL Lhe Lop of Lhls wlndow ls a whlLe menu bar.
1here ls a LesLbank of pracuce quesuons for
each Loplc.
1hls ls whaL lL looks llke aer cllcklng on 1oplc
racuce Cholce Cuesuons
Pere Lhe bar says we are on 1oplc Cne and we
are ready Lo do a pracuce LesL. Also noLe aL
Lhe Lop ls a small box LhaL says:
lLems remalnlng All"
Lach Loplc LesLbank has numerous quesuons
maybe 20-40. 8uL Lhe pracuce LesLs conslsL of
[usL 10 quesuons each ume you cllck SLarL".
As you go Lhrough Lhese Loplc LesLbanks
lnlually Lhe program Lrack of how many
quesuons (=lLems) you have answered
correcLly. Cnce you have answered all Lhe
quesuons ln a LesLbank correcLly aL leasL once,
Lhe llule box wlll say:
lLems remalnlng 0"
Cnce you reach Lhls polnL you can conunue Lo
re-LesL yourself as much as you llke. 1he facL
LhaL you correcLly answered all Lhe quesuons ln
a LesLbank ls recorded on your hard drlve.
Aer answerlng 10 quesuons you wlll nouce
LhaL Lhe SLarL" buuon now says Crade". So
cllck lL and you can go Lhrough Lhe quesuons
and see whlch ones you goL rlghL and whlch
ones are wrong. ?ou cannoL alLer your
answers here buL you wlll be ready Lhe nexL
1he nexL 2 slldes show whaL you wlll see for a
correcL answer and and lncorrecL answer.
Lxerc|ses and Lxams
now leL's see how Lo do an exerclse. Cllck Lhe
AssessmenL buuon and cllck on Lhe Menu bar
of Lhe wlndow LhaL opens.
Cllck on Cnllne Lxerclse one, and Lhls wlndow
opens. ?ou wlll need Lo enLer a Lhree leuer
code ln Lhe llule whlLe box ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe
wlndow ln order Lo sLarL Lhe exerclse or exam.
I w||| post the codes for the exerc|ses under kesources on the
Saka| page and send you an ema|| to |et you know (v|a Saka|).
ou can do each exerc|se 2 nmes, but on|y the most recent
score |s recorded. If you get a 90 on an exerc|se and try aga|n
and get an 80, the 80 |s what |s recorded! 8ut |et me know and
I can hx |t. ou on|y have to do each one once |f you are happy
w|th the grade.
Sendlng ln Lhe pracuce work
lf you answer all Lhe quesuons correcLly ln Lhe
18 LesLbank Loplcs, and send ln your work, l
wlll glve you 3 LxLra credlL polnLs added Lo
your nal average.
1he pracuce musL be submlued manually
unllke Lhe exerclses and exams. 1hls may
seem counLerlnLuluve buL conslder Lhls. 1he
pracuce work ls [usL LhaL ..pracuce. So Lhere ls
no need Lo send ln every 10 quesuons you do.
lnsLead walL unul you have lLems remalnlng =
0" for a parucular Loplc LesLbank and Lhen
send Lhem ln followlng Lhese sLeps.

1 cllck on Lhe assessmenL wlndow and selecL
on-llne exerclse 1 (humor me here) - Lhe
exerclse and exam wlndows are seL up Lo send
sLu and Lhe pracuce wlndows are noL.
2. Cllck SLarL"
So you w||| w||| see th|s w|ndow aga|n
now lgnore Lhe box where you enLered Lhe
code and focus on Lhe blgger box below Lhls
1he Lop llne should say racuce Work". now
cllck on Lhls LexL Lo hlghllghL lL and Lhen cllck Lhe
llule send buuon below Lhls box:
now you wlll see a message LhaL says all ls
well, and check Lhe on-llne slLe for a record of
your submlsslon. 1he slLe Lhey mean ls Lhe :> slLe
!usL log ln and see whaL ls Lhere. lf you have
any problems [usL shooL me an emall.
Cood luck and have a greaL semesLer!
ke-|nsta|||ng the rogram
ln Lhe evenL LhaL you need Lo re-lnsLall Lhe
soware (hard drlve crash, compuLer ls sLolen,
or whaLever). !usL go back Lo Lhe laulkner
press slLe, cllck on Lhe soware for Lhe class
and cllck download.
now when you see Lhe wlndow ln Lhe nexL
sllde, [usL cllck ln Lhe blue box on Lhe rlghL
panel. ?ou wlll be prompLed for Lhe serlal key
and reglsLrauon number ln your accounL
(Lhese are aL
C||ck the b|ue box |n the r|ght pane| to re-|nsta||

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