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DG Hannahs’

News Bytes Delta Gamma Washington, DC

September 2009

Letter from the President

Hello Delta Gammas! ing. I can’t wait to report WDC DG will kickoff the Points of Interest:
back to you. fall with our very popular
• Champagne
annual champagne brunch
Welcome to the first fall Brunch
on September 12 starting
edition of WDC DG’s I would like to welcome • Member of the
at 12:30. Each year we
Hannahs’ News Bytes. anyone that recently Month
gather for a fabulous
moved to DC or just
brunch spread, informa- • Special from the
joined the alumnae chap-
I hope that you all enjoyed tive programming, great Washington Post
the summer season and fit networking, and fun! • Sister Snapshots!
in some vacation time. As
• WDC DG Cut Away
I write this letter, I am And best of luck to any-
We hope you can join us! Calendar
also preparing to embark one headed back to school
on a European adventure this fall! Don’t forget
with 6 of my DG alumnae about the exciting oppor-
sisters. From September tunities that WDC Delta ITB, •

19 – 26 we will call the Gamma has to offer.

Danielle Yates
little town of Faucon,
France (in the Provence President
Keep reading to find out In this Issue
region) our home! The
more about our fall pro-
adventure is sure to be full Member of the 2
gramming, community
of DG stories and songs, Month
service opportunities,
plus tons of wine and un-
scholarships and more. SIG Events 2
believable French cook-

Where are they 3

What not to miss this month now?

Fall Kickoff, DG. We hope you can Cost: Free! Food donations In the News 3
“Champagne Brunch” join us to find out what’s are welcome and appreciated.
Sailor Sisters 5
in store for the chapter
this fall! Volunteer 5
Join your fellow Delta For directions, more infor-
Gammas for WDC DG’s mation, to contribute, or Opportunities
annual and most popular Date: Saturday, September RSVP, contact Tonya
event. The champagne 12 at 12:30 pm Richardson at vpprogram-
brunch is the perfect op-
portunity to see old
Location: The home of
friends and reconnect with
Jennifer Middleton, 4425 For more information or to
the alumnae chapter. We’ll
Yuma St, NW, Washing- RSVP, contact Tonya at
also introduce you to
ton, DC 20016 vpprogramming
other DGs that are new to
(Tenleytown Metro)
the DC area or to WDC
Member of the Month: Tonya Richardson
Tonya has hit the ground running in her new role as VP Programming. Thanks to
Tonya our social calendars stay full with opportunities to gather with our DG sisters.
This summer had some great programming events, including the awesome August
happy hour. When she's not being a fabulous DG, Tonya is a great friend to her DG
girls and landing huge accounts at work (Congrats!) We are all eagerly awaiting what
Tonya has in store for us this Fall. Thank you Tonya!

SweetPeas Lauriol Plaza near Dupont Circle. Wine Tasting
September 18, 10am Long Branch Please join us on September 23 at Wine Group: Join your sisters for
Nature Center, 625 S Carlin Springs 6:30 PM for Mexican and margaritas some wine education this Fall!
Road, Arlington, VA on the rooftop! First stop: a wine class at a local
wine bar in DC on Tuesday, Oc-
Let your sweet pea enjoy one of the Lauriol Plaza is located at 1835 18th tober 6th (location TBD). Second
last days of summer at Long Branch Street NW, less than a half mile stop: Wine store night on Thurs-
Nature Center among 17 acres of north of the Dupont Circle metro day, November 5th at Best Cellars
Oak-Hickory Forest, stroller acces- station. This event was popular last in Clarendon.
sible trails and access to Long year, so please be sure to RSVP in
Branch stream. order to reserve enough seats.
For more information or to
RSVP, email Meredith at
We will meet in the nature center Lauriol Plaza does not take reserva-
which features animal exhibits, a tions, so if anyone would like to
children's discovery room and an meet early for a drink and to reserve DGs in DC & Book Club
indoor pond. Free. a table, let us know! Please RSVP DGs in DC and DG Book Club
to Tracey at dine- do the 2009 National Book Festi-
For directions and other informa- no later val
tion, see: than September 18.
When: Saturday, September 26th
ments/ParksRecreation/scripts/nat Where: on the National Mall
Lunch Bunch
ure/ParksRecreationScriptsNatureL What: Listen to authors such as
ongbranch.aspx October 14 Judy Blume, David Baldacci,
This Lunch Bunch is not to be Nicholas Sparks, Judy Picoult and
missed! First a tour conducted by many more with book lovers for
Coming this fall! Moms Night
Docent Carol Harman, Delta Iota – free! *More details to come*
Out! Grab a babysitter and join
Georgia at Dunbarton House at 11
other DG moms for an evening
a.m. Followed by luncheon at Bis- For information contact
away from the kids.
trot Lepic in Georgetown – a spe-
Danielle at book-
cial lunch to be sure! Watch for
For more information email Kerri
your Evite the beginning of Octo- ber. Contact hagor- for more in-
Dine Out formation.
We'll be visiting a Dineout favorite -

Page 2
Where are they now?
In this new series, we will highlight alumnae member. Stationed in India and then the Phil-
some of our former members to let lipines, Karen is back in DC for a
you know what they are doing now. After completing a masters degree few short months to brush up her
at George Washington University, Spanish for her new posting in
Karen Schinnerer is back in town Karen joined the Foreign Service. Nicaragua.
(briefly). Karen was a long time
member of Book Club and a found-
ing member of the Wine Tasting If you see Karen at an event, please
Special Interest Group. say hello and let her know we miss
Initiated at Denison College, Karen
moved to DC, along with new If you know a member who should
member sister and current WDC be highlighted, send her information
member Nicole Thomas Lutz, to to:
continue her DG experience as an

In the News
Whether a Delta Gamma or her A Harsh Lesson in Gulli appealed, and Virginia Tech
roommate, the Delta Gamma letters College Math delivered: a package of $9,820 in
in the photo of this recent article in With Budgets Strained, Record grants and $6,500 in loans, thousands
the Washington Post highlight the Numbers Appeal Financial Aid more than Layne would have re-
needs of college students in these Decisions ceived without an appeal.
uncertain economic times. By Emma Brown and Daniel de Vise
Washington Post Staff Writers "It was the best news we've had in
Thursday, August 20, 2009
quite a long time," said Gulli, of Roa-
noke County, Va., whose misfortune
College students are appealing fi- had deepened with the recent death
nancial aid decisions this summer in of his father. "I can't tell you how
unprecedented numbers, an out- important it is to us to get our
pouring of need that underscores daughter educated."
how layoffs and pay cuts have bat-
tered household budgets in the past
year. Appealing for more aid was a little-
known and seldom-advertised option
in higher education until this year.
It is the beginning of the fiscal year Mick Gulli lost his job as a beverage U.S. Education Department officials
and a wonderful time to send a few distributor in May. He didn't know wrote to financial aid administrators
dollars to Delta Gamma Founda- how he would send his middle in the spring, when most aid deci-
tion to support the scholarships, daughter, Layne, back to Virginia sions are made, urging them to
fellowships and interest free student Tech, where her junior year will cost "reach out to your students . . . par-
loans that will help ensure a Delta $19,700 in tuition and fees, room ticularly those who seem to have hit
Gamma continues to have a vibrant and board, transportation and a rough patch, to make sure that they
alumnae membership. books. Then his wife saw personal- know there may be ways that you can
finance expert Suze Orman on "The help."
Donate now at Oprah Winfrey Show," explaining how cash-strapped college students
could appeal for more aid. Because of lost income, thousands of
students across the Washington area
qualify for more aid this fall than

Page 3
In the News (cont. from pg. 3)
they were awarded this spring. Aid for- Families increasingly have stretched sufficient need. Colleges can offer, for
mulas project a student's 2009 needs their finances to pay college tuition, example, a theoretically endless supply
based on 2008 earnings. But unemploy- which has been rising faster than infla- of federal Pell grants and Stafford
ment nearly doubled in Maryland be- tion for years. But this year has been loans, both need-based.
tween June 2008 and June 2009, from particularly difficult as college savings
4.4 percent to 7.5 percent, with similar plans have tumbled amid stock market But most families appealing for aid
spikes in Virginia and the District. losses. More students are seeking aid; want grants, not loans, and Pell grants
for example, the volume of applications max out at $5,350. Students seeking
"The best predictor usually is the previ- rose 12 percent at U-Md. And 13 per- more substantial funds must tap the
ous year. Well, it isn't this year," said cent at Virginia Tech this year. Col- college's aid budget. Some schools have
John DeCourcy, financial aid director leges expected that more students than set aside emergency reserves to cover
at Washington and Lee University in usual would balk at attending, and they the onslaught of appeals.
Lexington, Va. admitted slightly larger classes this year
to compensate. George Mason created a $150,000
The economic fallout, coupled with hardship fund last November. Wash-
record college enrollment and the aid Aid appeals are coming from across the ington and Lee allocated an additional
push by President Obama's administra- spectrum of salary and class. Students $1 million in aid; officials say no one
tion, sent appeals into overdrive. are appealing for aid at $8,000-a-year has yet been turned away for lack of
state schools and $30,000 private insti- funds. And U-Md. launched a fundrais-
The University of Maryland has logged tutions alike. ing campaign called Keep Me Maryland
nearly 1,000 appeals for the 2009-10 to help students at risk of dropping out
academic year, nearly twice the number because of economic circumstances. It
Debbie Berg of Winchester, Va., ap-
in all of the previous year. (Financial has raised $254,000 so far.
pealed to George Mason for more aid
aid works on an 18-month cycle, and for her daughter Kristen, a junior. Her
the cycle for 2009-10 began in January.) husband, a doctor, closed his practice Help is not available to everyone who
last year because it wasn't bringing in wants it. Students who appeal earlier in
Washington and Lee is processing enough money. The family had already the year are more likely to get it, aid
about 50 appeals this year, compared tapped a home equity line and retire- officials said. Juniors and seniors, for
with a normal tally of about 15. Vir- ment funds to support the practice and whom the end of the journey is near,
ginia Tech has received 348 appeals this their older daughter, who graduated might get preference over freshmen.
cycle to date, compared with 294 for all from Cornell University in May.
of last cycle. George Mason University Many appeals have not yet been de-
students have filed 369 appeals so far "We weren't really in a position to take cided. Jevita de Freitas, aid director at
this year, compared with 289 in the full out more loans to be able to help Kris- George Mason, figures her office will
2008-09 academic year. Marymount ten," Berg said. be busy right up to the end of the aca-
University, George Washington Uni- demic year.
versity and James Madison University The appeal netted $3,000 in grants for
and all report the same trend. Kristen, on top of the $7,500 in loans "My pile of appeals has never been as
she had already been awarded. The ex- big as it is," she said, "and I've been
"I'm seeing things I haven't seen in 20 tra funds "will basically pay for about at Mason 17 years."
years," said Sarah Bauder, financial aid six months of her housing," Berg said,
director at U-Md. One of her clients is "which is better than nothing, and it
the child of a real estate mogul who wasn't another loan."
lost everything; another is a family
fleeced in Bernard Madoff's Ponzi
scheme. Universities are hard-pressed this year
to dole out more aid. State schools are
Nationwide, appeals among students being asked to make cuts. Private
filing the Free Application for Federal schools are coping with shrunken en-
Student Aid totaled 106,189 so far this dowments.
cycle and were on pace to exceed the
143,672 appeals filed in 2008-09. Ap- Some types of aid are essentially unlim-
peals have risen steadily since 2007-08, ited, guaranteed by the federal govern-
when they totaled 112,407. ment to any student who demonstrates

Page 4
Sailor Sisters New Member Committee
The most recent addition the Washington DC DG Alumnae Group:
Sailor Sisters New Member Committee!
Sailor Sisters is a committee dedicated to helping new alumnae members get acquainted with their
fellow Washington DC Delta Gamma sisters. New members will be paired with current members
based on their interests, chapter of initiation, hometown etc.

It is our hope that this "Sailor Sister" pairing will be a great way for new members to become
connected to the DG alumnae group here in Washington. As a sailor sister you can connect with
your new member over e-mail, join her for an alumnae chapter or SIG event, or even meet up for
social or professional networking opportunities outside of DG.

Please contact Katie Novaria, at, if you are interested in be-

ing part of the committee or if you have any questions at all!

Volunteer with a Collegiate Chapter

AU Beta Epsilon- Needed for Anchor Clanker

Beta Epsilon is planning their major fundraiser, Anchor Clanker, on October 10 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
If you are interested in helping BE with this event, please contact Director of Anchor Clanker Audrey
Sheetz at They need judges, timers, concession stand workers, help
with set-up and clean-up, etc. Donations are also accepted. Although any donation is graciously ap-
preciated, BE is looking for donations that can be used as prizes (gift certificates, game tickets, elec-
tronics). Please make checks payable to Beta Epsilon Chapter of Delta Gamma. If you would like
the donation to be tax deductible, make checks payable to the Delta Gamma Foundation. Please
send checks to (please mention Anchor Clanker in the memo line):

Audrey Sheetz (Director: Anchor Clanker)

4100 Massachusetts Ave. NW # 1121
Washington, DC 20016

GWU Beta Rho— Recruitment

Sept. 11: 5 - 11:30
Sept.12: 2 - 10:30
Sept. 13: 12 - 6:30 (Cooking Dinner: 4:30 - 6:30)
Sept. 14: 6:00 - 11:30

Interested women can contact Kate Galliers

Page 5
"From the outside looking in, you can never understand it. From the inside
looking out, you can never explain it." Unknown
Sister Snapshots

August Lunch Bunch enjoys a lunch at Chef Geoff's on New Mex-

ico Avenue then a tour given by the director of the Katzen Mu-
seum of American University. pictured: (l-r) Jill Nevius, Gale Ne-
mec, Lola Reinsch, Helen Gordon, Robyn Hickey, Penny Pagano,
Carol Harman

DG’s Dining out (Dukem) and celebrating Meredith’s Birthday (Elephant & Castle)!


• September 3, Wine Tasting, September in Spain,
• September 12, Fall Kick-off Champagne Brunch, 12pm
• September 18, DG Sweet Peas: Long Branch Nature Ctr.
• September, 19-26 DGs in Provence A little bird told me…
• September 23, DG Dine Out
Washington,DC DG Twitters!
• October 6, Wine Tasting Event, details TBA
• October 15, Perfect on Paper Book Signing, 7pm
For event updates find the
NOVEMBER Washington,DC DG Alumnae
Chapter at:
• November 5, All American Wine & Potluck
• November 17, Foundation Holiday Toy Drive , 7pm
DCDG Alumnae
• December 2, Wine Bar Night, details TBA
• December 15, Holiday Tea

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