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MODULE 7 Part I Blasting and its effects

Dr. Gideon Chitombo Dr. Italo Onederra Dr. Frederic Vanbrabant (Tricomin Chile)

About this course

This course is a collation of current understanding of blast induced damage The course combines both theory and practice and provides practicing engineers with necessary reference material to help understand the mechanisms of damage, the way in which it can be practically controlled, predicted and modelled. The courses benefits from both published literature, case studies including the authors experience in this area

Course authors and presenters

The overall course has been prepared by Dr. Gideon Chitombo, Dr. Italo Onederra and Dr. Frederic Vanbrabant. These authors combined, have international experience in mining geomechanics which includes blasting and rock mechanics in a wide range of mining and rock mass conditions. They include operations in Australia, Africa, North America, Europe and South America.


Course references
JKMRC and JKTech Research and consulting reports JKMRC and JKTech national and international training courses Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg and Jaimin Lee. 1994. Rock blasting and explosives engineering Hustrulid (1999) Open pit blasting principles General blasting literature, including:
Fragblast Journal and conference series Explo conference series ISEE conference series Bureau of Mines experimental work

International consultants and explosive suppliers

Course schedule
Day 1
08:30 09:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 12:30 12:30 13:30 13:30 15:00

Theoretical background
Introduction (GPC) Detonation theory, performance of commercial explosives and Explosive rock interaction (GPC) Break Wave generation and propagation theory (FV) Lunch break Numerical modelling (FV) Facture mechanics (FV) Coffee break Blast Damage (FV)

15:00 15:30 15:30 16:30

Course schedule
Day 2
08:30 09:30

Rock mass damage assessment, modelling and control measures

Introduction to blast damage modelling and prediction (empirical and numerical) (GPC) Rock mass damage assessment (GPC) Break Control measures (GPC and FV) Lunch break Specific case studies (UG and OP) and discussions with engineers (GPC and FV) Break Course assignment

09:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 15:30 15:30 16:00 16:00 16:30

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