The Foundation of Deception

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EXPOSING THE PAGAN ROOTS OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION The first part of this in-depth study will expose truth that we must know to be in good standing with our heavenly Father. It is not a complete study by any means of this topic, or is it a complete study on the roots of the Christian Church. But, it is packed with information that you need to know so that you can be free from what is definitely not from the One, True, Ever-Living Father-God of Israel and His Son, our Savior. Of course it should inspire your own study. Our Savior is restoring us to what He left us at His ascension. It is important to know what He left us and what He did not leave us. He did not come to start a new religion! As we will see later on, what came in the 4th century and onward was so different than what He left us that it was almost and is almost still unrecognizable. Are you living in a deception? Most people in their lives get hooked into deceptions at some point. So, if youve lived in this world for very long, youve been deceived, lied to, manipulated, controlled, used and abused. Isnt that the truth!! Are you vulnerable to receiving deception? In other words, do you make it easy for deception to come into your mind and emotions? This article will give you clues as to your own vulnerability to being deceived. Have you opened doors in your life to receive deception? It all begins with basic questions, like: Where, specifically, and geographically, do you want to spend eternity? What is your desired eternal position in that place? What relationship do you hope to have with your God in that eternal state? Your answers are at the core of your faith and corresponding actions. Your answer will determine your lifestyle, your thoughts, your actions, your motives and motivations, your direction and your attitude toward yourself and the world around you. It will locate your identity. What we really believe is seen in our words and our actions. (Note: I will be using the Hebrew names, titles and words for correct identification with the original and continuing purposes of our heavenly Father). I know that I am most likely writing to mainly believers in the Machiach (Messiah) Yahushua (Jesus)--the final spotless Lamb of Elohim (God) who died (was impaled) on the stake (pole, tree) to take the punishment due us by a righteous Elohim for our transgressing of His Torah (Law, Word, commandments, statutes, judgments, precepts, governmental right-rulings), and who rose from the dead to secure our eternal life. Praise His Name!!!! The Torah includes the first five books of the Tenach, or Genesis through Deuteronomy. The Tenach is what we call Genesis to Malachi. The term Tenach (spelled phonetically) is an acronym for Torah, Nebiim (prophets) and Kethubim (writings). This was shortened to the one word TaNaCh. (Pronounced: Ten-ah-k) The Torah is His basic pattern of culture and governmental ruleit is the Law of the Great King of heaven and earth. For our citizenship is in heaven. (Philippians 3:20) If we are citizens of His kingdom, by the new birth, then the Torah is the governmental constitution that deserves our allegiance. If we are born again, then we have duel citizenship. We are citizens of a country in this world and we are also citizens of His realm. His country will take over the whole world in the near future. Page 1

In Acts 5:29, Kepha (Peter) says, we ought to obey Elohim, rather than men. Our first allegiance is to our citizenship in His kingdom. If you disregard the Torah, calling it obsolete, you are disregarding the culture and government that Yahushua will establish as absolute iron-fisted Law in His coming kingdom, and in the eternal kingdom of the Father. In other words, if you are lawless against the laws of His kingdom now, how do you expect to be treated when that Law is enforced on this earth? He will rule with a rod of iron, and enforce Torah in its entirety. Thats what His Word tells us over and over!! Yahushua is our Savior--Elohim in the flesh, who rose from the dead and ever-lives to make intercession for us. That is the core of the faith of the followers of Yahushua. His Fathers Name is Yahuweh (Exodus 3), which means: I am the eternal, ever-existing One). Yahushua came in His Fathers Name. His correct Name means: Yahuweh Saves, and is Yahushua--pronounced like Joshua in Hebrew (Yehoshua), but containing the Hebrew letters in Yahuwehs Name. The J in the English language is only about 400 years old--remember that when you use Hebrew words. The Hebrew pronunciation for Jerusalem is phonetically Yerushalayim. Resuming our discussion: Of course the answers to my questions above about eternity, for most of you would be: I want to go to heaven, or I want to go and be with Jesus. Few have any concrete idea of what that really means. Most Christians have a general picture in their head of the eternal state, that they got from pictures on the Sunday school wall, or from a pastor painting a verbal picture, or from a book, or their own imagination. But very few, from a passionate heart of love, will answer that they want to live in His presence, and eternally want to live in His city with Him as His Bride. Some will say they want to rule and reign with Him for 1,000 years before Fathers coming with His city. But, few realize the qualifications for such reigning. It is not automatic!! In fact none of the Word is automatic just because you prayed a prayer at some point in your life. Thats mans teaching. In fact, honestly, the sinners prayer was introduced by Dwight Moody, in his revivals in the 1800s. So, we have to get back to 1st century requirements from the mouth of our Savior, Himself. There are only two eventual eternal states: the new earth or the lake of fire. Hell is thrown into the lake of fire, and His heavenly city descends upon the new earth (Revelation 19-22). I just finished writing a study on the intermediate state between death and resurrection, showing different views as opposed to general Scriptural teachings throughout the Word. There is no verse in the Bible that says that when you pray a prayer to get saved, you get a free ticket to heaven when you die. That was part of rhetoric by evangelists in the 1800s. It is not rhetoric from our Father. It talks about eternal or everlasting life in the Word, but that is at the resurrection of the dead, when He comes. Our intermediate state, and our eternal position is determined by much more than praying a prayer. In this article I go to the root of Truth, exposing the fact that much of what we have believed is based on some idea from an unsaved church father from the 4th century onward, or from some saved human later on. But, most of our Christianity and Churchianity is man-made, a mixture, and pagan at its foundation from about 132 onward. By the end of the 1st century, the Jews who had been Hellenised by the Greeksthose who submitted to Greek culture, philosophy and religion Page 2

under pressure from the Greek rulers (from about 162BCE)--and the Greeks and Greekthinking pagans, were becoming interested in salvation through Yahoshua. They wanted to get out of hell, get their sins forgiven, but they hated the Torah, the kingdom Instructions and Teachings, of YahuwehElohim of Israel. They didnt want to be bound by any responsibility to Him, but they wanted to be able to have a belief-system by which they could go to Heaven, and yet still sin on earth as they willed. This Gnostic philosophy was creeping into the assemblies as early as 58CE, being addressed by Paul, and John later on. Gnosticism says that man is indeed a god, and that all revolves around him. Thus, these Hellenists wanted a free ticket to heaven, but they wanted to responsibility to the Elohim of Israel. Thus, this thinking later crystallized into what we know now as the modern gospel of the grace message. The Hellenising of the gospel, and of the thinking of Messianic believers, led to these believers exchanging the calendar of Yahuweh and His days of celebration and His day of worship (Shabbat/Sabbath), to the days of pagan celebration and the pagan day of worship honoring the sun god, Sunday. Thus as early as the first part of the 2nd century, the pagans said of the believers in the Savior, you are just like us. This made Constantines job much easier in 325CE. The Hellenists did not like the early believers being called followers of the Way, or followers of the Nazarene, so they named them, out of mockery, Christians after the god Christ, Christus (Hindu: Krishna), who was the good god of the Greeks. Thus they began using their gods names and titles in the place of Hebrew names and titles. Yahushua (a very Hebrew name) became Iesous, the Greek god of healing (translated as Jesus in the KJV). Machiach became Christ, and on and on. Thus the early Greek translations of the Brit Chadasha made many changes to the original Hebrew and/or Aramaic texts--substituting, adding, and mistranslating, and changing. It is impossible to translate Hebrew directly into any other language, because of its many idioms, plays on words, puns, and the fact that Hebrew is a picture language. From about the early 2nd century, Christianity has been a Greek/Roman religion. Yahushua did not come to start a new religion or make a new covenant as opposed to an old one, but to carry forward His covenant with the children of IsraelYacob (Jacob) in His own blood, as the final Lamb of Elohim. Most Christians, from the early 2nd century on, long before Constantine invented the church, selfishly take a free salvation--free ticket out of hellwhich causes most Christians to have a selfish goal. We want eternal bliss. But, they want all they can get for themselves in the nasty now and now. But, so did the pagans, and so do all religious people from all times. Rome had their Elysian Fields, and the Muslims have their harem of virgin girls. Buddhists have their Nirvana. It is in the human heart to live in eternal bliss. Our heavenly Father placed a desire for eternal life in the spirit of man! We all have a concept in our minds of what heaven is like. A weak, self-centered gospel is at the core of our deception regarding salvation. Yahushua, the Elohim of Israel, certainly did not preach an easy gospel!!! (Luke 14:25-33) What is the difference in the eternal goal of your faith and the eternal goal of a pagans Page 3

faith? Is your concept of heaven a selfish onea gorgeous mansion, golden streets, and eternal bliss with family and friends? Did Yahushua die so that you could have your own mansion? Thats not quite the Hebrew context of John 14:2. This world is tough, and we want to escape it. But, our Father has never backed easy escapism. All religions have their road to salvation and heaven by different means. All religions have faith in what they believe, and they work in accordance with that faith. Most Christians dont even work in accordance with their faith, but have a head belief-system that they think will get them through the pearly gates. You know Im telling the truth. Most Christians dont act out their faith, and have no intension of it messing up their lifestyle, other than church on Sunday morning. They feel sorry for those poor brothers and sisters who have a call to full-time service. I know what I am sayingIve been born again for 61 years (as of 2011), and in the ministry since age 9. Ive seen it all and heard it all!! Many Muslims believe their Koran to such an extent that it causes passionate action to honor their God, even if it means blowing themselves up with bombs to kill the infidels. Every religions faith calls them to action. Your hearts desire for Him will tell you whether you are a candidate for deception or even eternal damnation, or whether you will not be deceived and stand firm and not deny Him in the face of persecution and pressure. For the strength of your relationship with your Elohim, personally, on a daily basis, your intimacy with Him, knowing Him and His Truth, and His Word, and His ways and thoughts is what will get you through these days to come. If you dont know Him well, your faith will be challenged and may fail, because it is not grounded in the knowledge of His Word, or in Him as someone you know and trust totally. You will think He failed, if you dont know Him. It takes a passionate, fiery heart of love for Him to ward off deception. That is why He says: You shall love Yahuweh your Elohim with all of your heart, with all of your soul and all of your strength. For more clarification: In the Scriptures, the word Lord is used 6,823 times (both in the Tenach and the Brit ChadashahMessianic Scriptures), and except for a few hundred times when it means Master and then Adonai is used, His Name Yahuweh should be used in place of Lord. But, there is even suspicion that the word Adonai is related to the god Adonis. This superstition regarding His Name came about after the Jews returned from Babylon, where they picked up quite a few superstitions that are still in effect today, even among Messianic believers. This superstition regarding Fathers Name is based on the fear of breaking the third commandment of not taking His Name in vain, or commonly. So, in the Greek translation of the Tenach, the word Lord took the place of His real Name for the most part. God was also used, and that word is also a god of the pagan world. Perhaps our Father used this to protect His Name for all these generations, because His Name was blasphemed worldwide because of the idolatry and whoring of all of His people, including Christians. The title Lord is Baal in Hebrew. Baal was and continues to be a nasty pagan sun god of the most ancient world, worshipped by phallic symbols, and receiving human sacrifice. His worship under other names is still with us today. More later on that. This god, Baal, or Baal was worshipped on the Lords day, the day of the sun god or Sun-day, since his name means Lord, and he, under all sorts of names, represented Page 4

the sun god. The church adopted the pagans day of worship after the 1st century, and especially in the 4th century when it was formalized as general rule. Let us not call our Elohim by such a horrible title!! We are to keep His Name set-apart and reverence it with fear. Calling our Father by His correct name, which is His identification, is part of having an intimate love relationship with Him, rather than having a religion!! If you dont have an intimate relationship with Him now, it will be hard to trust Him in the days to come with your eternal life. Your faith will be tested and challenged. It will be shaken terribly at the core, and only those who cannot be shaken will remain strong. Deception is easy to fall into unless you have a passionate hunger for Truth. His Word is Truth and He is Truth! I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Yahushua warned us in Matthew 24: Be not deceived. He warned us of a time when even the elect would be vulnerable to deception. We are in that time period. We must find the foundations of deception If your desire is for heaven, to escape hell for some place in the sky, and your idea of heaven is like the Romans Elysian Fields--a euphoria of bliss and peace--then you are wide open for deception. You have no solid reality to your faith. If a desire to be in His presence--to intimately know Him, to be by His side to see His face because He is your beloved, your Bridegroom, your reason for living on this earth is what motivates you, then most likely that strong faith will keep you from deception and preserve you as one of those overcoming ones who stand strong through tribulation until He comes. If you are now preparing as a Bride would, to receive her Bridegroom, then your desired position is Revelation 22:3-5to see His face and live in His presence eternally. Only those obedient to His commands have the right to live in His presence. Im not saying thatHe says that in many Scripture passages!! Well investigate that further in this article. If you have little interest in knowing Him--and are content in going to church, reading a Psalm once in a while, throwing up a few prayers when your child is sick, or you need money, focusing your life on this world and a pragmatic relationship to it, wanting all you can get for yourself--then your heart, which is on this earth, can never be content to live in the physical presence of Someone you dont know--not forever and forever. There is no sugar bear coating as you float up to heaven that will change you into wanting something you never wanted on earth. Remember the Sugar Bear commercials of Sugar Bear cereal? Sugar Bear floated up into the sky and little sugar crystals came down all over him. That was back in the 50s. Our Father does not violate our will. Lets get lollypop sugar religion out of our thinking once and for all!! Lollypops melt in the heat, and if our religion is sugar coated but not real, we will melt in the fires of purging to come! If your heart is earthbound, then your eternal destiny, your eternal positioning is also earthboundon the new earth. There will be a new earth for the nations of the saved. But, if your obedience, love and passion for Him is to be in His presence here and forever then your eternal destiny will be different. Even your position in the kingdom on this earth for 1,000 years under Yahushuas rule will be entirely different. But, when Father creates the new heaven and Page 5

the new earth, and moves His eternal city, the New Jerusalem (which we call heaven) down here to hover over this planet, then the eternal positioning will take place. (See clearly Revelation 21:22-22:6) There are three eternal positions. But, the Bride is in the 3rd position only. She is purified by her active fiery passion for Him in this life. She is the Doulos--the bond slave of Yahushua. (Doulos is Greek for bond slave) She lives where all Brides/wives live--in the presence of her Husband. (Look at the wording in Revelation 22:3-5.) She is marked. In Part II of this discussion, article II, we will discuss the marking of the overcomersthe Bridal remnant. The Bridal heart is so different from the normal and average Christians attitude that it is radical and revolutionary, and even fanatical to the average church-going person. Those who live their lives for themselves and other people are already deceived. To be racially, supernaturally born again (born from above by the Ruach ha Kodeshthe Holy Spirit), we must forsake all--all that we are in total, to follow Him. We no longer belong to ourselves, but we are bought. Only slaves are bought! We were purchased at the price of His blood. It is part of the Hebrew marriage contractfor the Bridegroom to pay a price for His Bride. Our Bridegroom paid the ultimate price for us. Acts 20:28, speaking to pastors Paul says Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, among which the Set-apart Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the assembly of Elohim, which He has purchased with His own blood. If you follow Yahushua you cant live for yourself or hang on to the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of this world. Yacob (James) 4:4, Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim. Strong words!!! You have to come out of those kingdoms of Satan to enter the kingdom of His dear Son and to be received by the Father. II Corinthians 6:16-18, And what union has the Dwelling Place of Elohim with idols? For you are the Dwelling place of the living Elohim, as Elohim has said, `I shall dwell in them and walk among them, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people. Therefore `Come out from among them and be separate, saying Yahuweh, and do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you, and be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me, says Yahuweh the Almighty. He says we must be set apart as He is set apart. The word holy means to be set-apart. Therefore, to be born-again, we must first Repent! Repentance is the first step in becoming set-apart unto Him, and then we must proceed to not touch what is unclean. That is what His instructions in the Torah are all aboutseparating the clean from the unclean so that we know how to please Him and how to approach His Throne. Nothing unclean can enter His presence. How do we know what is unclean? His Torah tells us in detail. Torah is His loving teaching, His governmental Law, His marriage contract made with Israel at Sinai. It is Yahuwehs culture. It is all for our good, to separate us unto Him. He only has one people and one covenant with one people. We will see that progression in this article. Torah is His government in His kingdom, and will be His Page 6

governmental system in the coming kingdom of Yahushua. It is His standard of righteousness, right-rulings, and salvation. It lays out the backbone of the whole plan of salvation, and traces it from beginning to end. We will be judged by His eternal Word, His right rulings. His governmental laws are eternal, not obsolete. Sin is the transgression of the Torah. (I John 3:4) Sin is lawlessnessor Torah-lessness--since Torah. The word Torah means teachingsto shoot out the finger in teaching. The Greek word for Law means to graze the sheep. This is what Peter and Paul call feeding the flock. It was Rome, who hated the Jews so much, that they mocked His Law and changed doctrines to despise and reject it. After repentance and belief in receiving Yahushua as Savior 26 things happen to us instantly by the power of the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) to transform us into a new creation. I have a teaching article on those 40 things that happen by the Spirits power when one places faith in Messiah for salvation. Sin is forgiven and removed from us, and we become a radically new creation with a re-born, perfected spirit, a new nature of righteousness, and a heart that delights to keep His Torah with joy, a heart to know Hima heart that wants to be with Him now and forever. If we dont crave His presence nowwhat will eternity be like for us? We get a new nature at our new birth--His righteous nature of love, joy, peace, faith. (Galatians 5:22-24) But, we must take off that old life like a coat, and put on the new nature in our mind, emotions and our will. Our spirit is born again and instantly perfected and set-apart unto Him, the Word says. But, the soul (mind, will, emotions) must conform to what is in our re-born spirit. The Word is our road map to pleasing Him. Without it we are left to our own opinions, or some other mans opinion. Great peace have those who love Your Torah, and nothing shall offend them. (Psalm 119:165) The renewed covenant is so that we can have Torah written on our heart. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) It is not a matter of accepting a belief-system or becoming members of a church for salvation. It is a supernatural birth from above. If we are not born from above by the Ruach ha Kodesh then we are not going to heaven nor will we spend eternity with Him at all. John 3 is quite clear. The first foundation of deception is the lie of the Roman Catholic Church and all of her denominational offspring can save us outside of the supernatural intervention of the Ruach ha Kodesh. Even our desire for the new birth has to come from the Father, for Yahushua says in John 6:44, No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him. If we possess within ourselves His life, then we can be confident that He will raise us up to live with Him. He who has the Son has life, and he who has not the Son of Elohim has not life. (I John 5:12) Simple!! You cant have Him by any other way than by faith. So, right off, the foundation of deception, regarding salvation itself, is based on lies and the twisting of truth by a man-made religious system called the Churchinitially based on Roman gods, ways and hierarchy and the invention of doctrines by men. Yahushua never made a covenant with something called a church. He made the eternal covenant with Israel, and extended it to everyone who wanted to get into that covenant Page 7

with Israel, by shedding His own blood. We will investigate some bottom-line facts that show that the religion of Christianity is pagan to the core, and is the whore church of Revelation 17 and is under His judgment. He is now separating out a remnant that will know Him as He really is!! The whole church system as most people know it, was originally created by one man (the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great), in 325CE at the Council of Nicaea (in ancient Nicaea, Turkey) and lives today as a man-made institution with man-made laws, rules, theology, paganism, and a little truth mixed in-now fragmented into hundreds of sections, with mans opinions continuing to divide it. Our confidence in our everlasting life is promised to those who repent and come out of Satans kingdom to Him. No membership in a church or good works impresses the Father at any time. We must have our sin removedcancelledand pardoned because of the payment of Yahushua for our sin, by His willing death on the stakethe final, spotless Lamb of Elohim. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. (Hebrews 9:22) For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul. (Leviticus 17:11) From the time that Elohim--our loving, gracious, merciful, compassionate heavenly Father--killed the first animal in the Garden of Eden to provide bloody clothes for Adam and Eve to cover their sinfulness (Genesis 3), His mercy, grace and forgiveness has been through the payment for sin by blood sacrifice. Adam and Eve tried to make a covering for themselves by their own worksfig leavesbut that didnt pay for their sin. Cain tired to bring an offering of his own works, the fruit of his garden, to Yahuweh as an offering for his sin, and was rejected--so works alone do not save us. As the writer of Hebrews tells us, works must be mixed with faith. Faith never can stand alonewe must act out what we believe, or it is worthless belief. The foundation of the Roman church is pagan, which well seeand the approach to salvation is by human effort, by keeping the sacraments of the man-instituted and controlled Church. Protestantism, while having the walls and rooms somewhat re-arranged and a few truths restored, is still on the Roman foundation. So deception went rampant as it branched out into hundreds of factions in the Reformation. For though Evangelicals preach salvation by faith, the church system still in its fragmented form, in each little entity called a church. Many of the doctrines are still based on Greek philosophy and the opinions of priests and monks, called church fathers throughout the last 1700 years. Even recently, in the last 150 years, much Evangelical thinking has been formed around ideas from evangelists and pastors, which are not in the Word and actually notScriptural. The rules of each church are established by the Denominational founders, its current leaders, the current churchs Pastor and oftentimes a Board of Elders, or by some spiritual guru of the day who has a big ministry and a big name. To be a member in good standing, you must conform to that churchs teachings, or that evangelical organizations teaching and list of rules. Each individual group has its own standards of how to please it, or not be accepted by the group. Only Abels sacrifice of an animal for his sin pleased Yahuweh. Notice Cain killed Abel. Those who are religious and proud of it are often murderous toward the ones who Page 8

humbly bow in obedience to Truth!! Take note: Yahuweh rejected Cains offering, and received Abels. Cain presumed he was OK with Yahuweh, but Yahuweh demands absolute obedience. Did you ever get mad, like King David did, at Yahuweh for striking Uzza dead because he tried to steady the ark, which was falling off the new cart? It is time to get to know the Elohim that we profess to believe in!!! What was His logic in doing that? Why did He burn up two of Aarons in Leviticus 10:1-3? What did they do wrong to deserve such instant punishment? It has to do with being set apart as He is set apartthats what holy is all about. The Torah tells us what He expects from us in being set-apart. The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom! We have been baptized since childhood into false tolerance of evil. Why do most Christians distance themselves from Him now, and yet expect to live with Him forever? Good question!!! John says, Sin is the transgression of the Law. What Law? The Torah, the Law, was written by the finger of Yahuweh on Mt. Sinaithe marriage covenant with His Bridal people. Sin is to transgress His Law, so wed better find out if we are pleasing Him or not. His law is not obsolete! Neither was it nailed to the crossonly those things that were against us were nailed to the cross. The commands of Yahuweh our Father are not against us!! Our sin, and the punishment for our sin, was nailed to the cross!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!! Salvation has always been by faith. Habakkuk said, The just shall live by faith. His Book of Life was always known, and His coming to earth was known from the beginning of time. His people knew from the beginning that salvation was by faith and not works, though some turned it into a religion of works. Moses prophesies of the second coming of Yahushua, and in Exodus 32:32-33, Moses is so upset by the disobedience of the people that he asks Yahuweh to erase his name from His Book. But, Yahuweh answers, Whoever has sinned against Me, I blot him out of My book. (Revelation 3:5 and 22:19) So we either humbly accept Yahushuas sacrifice of Himself for our sin, or we must pay for our sin ourselves in the eternal lake of fire. Point number one: salvation is by faith alone in His sacrifice for us and in His resurrection from the dead. By grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves--it is the gift of Elohim, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Pride says, Look what I did. Father must have all honor and esteem from this earth given to Him. He wont share His glory with anyone else. I am Yahuweh: that is My Name: and My glory I will not give to another, neither My praise to graven images. (Isaiah 42:8) He does not give His backing to another name either in substitution for His Name. There are NO translations for His Nameman has made substitutions but He calls them names of Baal. (Hosea 2) Jews admit also that the word Adonai meaning Lord is a substitute for His Name. The Hebrew Adonai comes from the Phoenician Adon, which became the Greek god Adonis. How horrible to substitute His precious Name for Baal and Adonis! At the core of deception is the false and defective gospel message watered down by mans reasoning. It is based on a false grace without absolute repentance (turning totally away from sin and the kingdom of darkness), without suffering, without persecution, without self-denial, without death to the flesh (our old sin nature), without taking up our stake (cross) in death to our own will, without altering our lifestyles, Page 9

without the love of the Truth (the Word), without absolutes to set us apart from the world, without anything presented to us other than a free escape from hell. And unless the gospel we preach lets people know about our entrance into the covenant of the Elohim of Israel, and into the commonwealth of Israel, through the Jewish Messiah Yahushua, it is also a deceptive gospel. To you it has been given as a favor, on behalf of the Messiah, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. (Philippians 1:29) Read that again, slowly. It is through much tribulation that we enter into the kingdom of heaven. (Acts 14:22) And indeed, all those wishing to live reverently in Messiah Yahushua, shall be persecuted. (II Timothy 3:12) Therefore, since Messiah suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so that he no longer lives the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but according to the desire of Elohim. You will be hated by all men for My Names sake, Yahushua said. Why? Satan hates Israel, and hates the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the root of David (Revelation 5:5). In Matthew 25, the words My brethren refers to the Jewish people. To identify with Him, is to identify with no religion, but to identify with a crucified Jewish Rabbi of the 1st century, who was Torah observant, and who ever-lives to enforce that Torah. We trade masters at the new birthYahushua becomes our Master, whereas once we obeyed Satan as our master, through our flesh-life. We own Him everything! Let us find out what real salvation is all aboutsee Luke 14:25-33 for starters. He didnt preach an easy gospel. It was the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. When the new church and its religion was literally invented by the Roman Emperor Constantine in 325CE to unite his fragmented Roman empire, he, of course, immediately stopped the persecution of Christians, and so believers stopped looking toward the world to cometheir eternal home and began concentrating on what they could get out of the world here and now. A man who worked among the persecuted Christians in a third world country, brought out the verse in I Corinthians 15:19: If in this life only we have expectation in Messiah, we are of all men the most miserable. Most believers dont even think about spending eternity with Him--they are too engrossed in thinking and working toward heaping up all they can get for their own selfish, self-centered ambitions. That attitude of self-seeking, self-gratification, selfish ambition, greed and lust for the things of this world is still so embedded in the churchs mind-set that the true gospel of come and die with Yahushua is repugnant--something to be loathed, despised and heartily fought against. This world is not my home, Im just a passin through, as the song goes. Hebrews 13:14: For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the one coming. We think Jesus paid it all and we get a free ride. But, that is not what that song says. It says, Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Evangelists are not giving out the Luke 14:25-33-type gospel which says that to follow Him means to deny right to our own lives, our own will, our own desires in order to pick up our own stake and crucify our own will, dying with Him daily on our own accursed tree, looking for His appearing as our blessed hope, and forsaking all (all that we are Page 10

and have) to follow Him--the Lamb of Elohim!!! In order to rack up numbers for their supporters, many times their messages are shallowas in come to Jesus and get your free ticket to heaven. Then they can report that 10,000 souls were saved in their crusade. But, search out that word crusade in historyfor to a Jew or to a true believer in Yahushua it meant to be tortured, murdered, mocked, despised and rejected as not even worthy of the right to breath, to be burned alive and have to have your children splattered all over the ground. Thats the history of the church and still is in some places. The evangelist of the 1st century worked to purge the people of Elohim like fullers soapcalling for repentance from sin. He moved in signs and wonders, and made disciples. Were called to make disciples, not converts. Conversion by fear, or by pressure, or by an easy road out of trouble, is only a head-thing, not the true new birth!!! Thats why people in these days will deny Him by the millions, as the Word tells us, because they were only converted, not really born again. The easy-belief church system began in 325CE and was for the first time ever called The Roman Catholic (universal) Church. The universal church, from day one, wanted power over the souls of all men in the world. Its basis is Nimrods desire in Genesis 11 at the tower of Babelworld control. Constantine used his new religion and its new creed, and the sword to back it up, in order to unite his fragmented empire. This Roman-based church splinted into Protestant denominations and organizations, but still retains the false foundation of easy-belief that came with the denial of the Hebrew roots-dividing the Old Testament from a New Testament. It included the separating of the Elohim of Israel from a newly created non-Jewish style God of the Christians, the separating of the covenant of Elohim with His people into two sections, a rejection of His marriage contract with Israel for a 5th century invention of easy grace, a separating of faith from obedience to His Torah, and the acceptance into the Church by membership through baptism and the keeping of the rituals and traditions of men. Even the order of service is Roman pagan to the core. Words that were Hebrew were substituted for the names of Greek and Roman gods. More later. In Constantines Sword by James Carroll, c.2001, page 171 says: When the empire became joined to the ideology of the Church, the empire was immediately recast and reenergized, and the Church became an entity so different from what had precede it as to almost unrecognizable. Yahushua did not come to start a new religion!! From page 101: What if Jesus was really a Jew from beginning to end? Would `the foundation of Christianity as a distinctive and unparalleled religion be shattered? The answer is a resounding YES!!! From The Dead Sea Scrolls by Stephen Hodge, c. 2001, in his introduction on page 6, this Jewish man says, Whatever his later followers may have made of him, Jesus himself was above all else a pious Jew and would have been more at home in the intellectual world that produced the Dead Sea Scrolls that in anything produced in his name by his later Gentile followers. For this reasonwithout any disrespect to Christiansto make readers look afresh at the man in the context of his times, Page 11

I have used the original form of his name, Yeshua. (Yeshua is past participle of the noun yesha, meaning salvation. But, that is not His Name. He came in His Abbas NameYahu and Yahushua means: Yahushua is salvation. But, now, seculars are beginning to acknowledge that He was a real mana Jew who was fully Jewish. He was not ashamed to call them brothers. (Hebrews 2:11-12) In Matthew 25, He calls His Jewish people, His brothers. From Joshuas Altar by Milt Machlin, c. 1991, page 127: Joshuas original name in Hebrew was Hoshea. It was changed to YehoshuaJoshua in Englishby Moses. In Hebrew it means `Yah is Salvation. `Jesus is from the Greek `Iesous . Milt is another Jewish secular, writer and archeologist. Combining Yahs name and the word for salvation brings us to the real name of our Savior. Vowels are not used in writing Hebrew, so the sound of His Name is Yahu or Yaho shua. The e sound is an eh sound in Hebrew. After much in-depth study for months, and confirmation from the Spirit in tangible form, I use Yahushua. [Please refer to the in-depth study on His Name and titles: The Hebrew Names and Titles of the Elohim of Israel. We thank Elohim for the Reformation which restored to us salvation by faith and gave us the Word in our own language!! They also restored to us the realization that we can have a personal relationship with our Elohim. To that we say a resounding Hallelujah! But we will see that Romes anti-Semitic roots came through strongly and unchanged. Replacement theology is the foundation of the Roman church system. Its core is pagan and anti-Semitic. [Refer to the article: Replacement Theology] This theology replaces Israel with the church system. Demonic religious spirits were poured out in 325CE (actually this began in the 1st century) at the first church ecumenical council (Nicaea) led by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, to set for us attitudes and beliefs that today have created a golden calf religion. It is at best a mixture of some truth with a lot of ancient paganism. In Rome, as in all the ancient world powers, to be religiously different became defined as treason--a political crime. From Constantines Sword by James Carroll, pages 188-190: For the first time in history, the universal Christian Church was seen to need a defined orthodoxy, a word derived from the Greek for `right thinking. This resulted from what might be called the first law of exclusion: `You cant say who is out unless you can say what it is to be in. Thus, the now absolute and sole Caesar, demonstrating an authority no one had ever exercised before, summoned the bishops of the Church to a meeting over which he himself would preside: `Wherefore I signify to you, my beloved brethren, that all of you promptly assemble at the said city, that is at Nicaea. Two hundred and fifty of them came. He would not let them leave until they had begun to do for the Church what he had doing for the empire. This meeting was the Council of Nicaea, the first Ecumenical Council of the Church. It took place in 325CE. Constantine exiled all dissenters. Christians still recite this formula as the Nicene Creed. As we stand solemnly at the midpoint of a Sunday liturgy--letting the familiar words roll off our tongues--we think of Page 12

the creed as a religious necessity, perhaps treasuring it as such, as I do. We give not a thought to its first function as a kind of loyalty oath, fulfilling a political necessity as much as a religious one. The Nicene Creed and Constantines cross, which he made into his sword, and the hatred of the Jews which he created in the minds of Christians, became the foundation of the new Church, along with the mixing of Greek and Roman paganism with the basic belief of His true followers. At this council, many new doctrines were established--days were changed to unite pagans and Christians into one universal church that united the Roman Empire. It was a mixture of the worship of the sun god under the name of Mithras and some truths regarding Yahushuabut not His Jewishness. In 313CE the Edict of Milan was enacted, ending persecution for Christians. Yet even though Constantine had told about his conversion to Christianity, yet he killed his wife and son after that, and continued until his death to worship the sun god Sol Invictus under the name Mithra--the Unconquerable Sun. From Constantines Sword, pages 182-185: Fierce Christian devotion to a conqueror whose miraculous conversion proved the truth of their faith would have made Christians powerful allies. Within a year of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine controlled the entire Western empire. Consistent with his new friendliness toward Christianity, Constantine proposed an end to the persecution of the Church, which he, like his father, had never carried out in any case. His one remaining rival Licinius, agreed. They met at Milan in 313CE and jointly issued the Edict of Milan, granting universal religious freedom to pagans, Christians and Jews. Again, we think of the words `pagan`, `Christian` and `Jew` as defining distinct groups, but the fluid interchange among them in that period of massive social mutation is striking. As seen in Constantines originating piety, that supreme Deity would have been associated with the sun, and pagans would have recognized with reason, their own solar cult in such Christian practices as orienting churches to the east, worshipping on sun day and celebrating the birth of the deity at the winter solstice. The cross of Christ as the standard to march behind would have evoked the ancestral totem of the sacred tree. Thus while he was ordaining tolerance among religions, he was preparing to abolish tolerance within Christianity. In 315CE Constantine issued the edict, referred to earlier, singling out Jews, making it illegal for them to proselytize. It therefore marked the decisive shift of weight in a balance that would now forever tilt against the Jews. At the Milvian Bridge Constantine supposedly saw a vision of either the cross of the Greek chi rho in the sun and a voice saying, in this sign conquer. He proceeded to create a sword in the shape of the cross he supposedly saw, and he used it to defeat this enemies. The cross was a pagan symbol of fertility throughout all ancient pagan cultures around the world. The Christians never used it before as a symbol, since Yahushua was crucified on a stake-pole, the accursed tree as prophesied in the Torah, Psalms and Prophets. (Examples: Deuteronomy 21:22-23; Psalm 22; Isaiah 53)) The foundation of the Church system still rejects the Hebrew roots of our Savior and the set-apart covenant of our Elohimwho is the Elohim of Israel. The Church system is anti-Semitic to the core, having tortured and murdered millions of Jews and true believers in Yahushua for almost 1,700 years to the present day, and so is pictured in Page 13

the Revelation as the Great WhoreRevelation 17; Zecharian 5:5-11. From its beginning the new religion was spread by the sword and destroyed everything that opposed its power by purposed and methodical murder. For examples, it started the Crusades, the Inquisition (300 years of torture and murder of Jews and true believers in the Messiah Yahushua) and backed the Communists and Hitler in their murder of Jews and true believers in Yahushua Messiah in this last century. The cross was the sacramental object that inspired all of the murder of His true believers, and his Jewish people as a whole. Constantines Sword, page 300, Constantine changed history and the very meaning of Jesus Christ, by turning the cross into a sword. He went on to say that Popes, with great political power, would change history again, into the violence of the church, and the one sword of Constantine would become the two swords of the Inquisition. According to the church, a heretic was anyone who opposed the control, the power and the rulership of the Roman Church. Their political and economic control has ruled the world system since its inception in 325CE. It is drunk with the blood of the saints, as Revelation 17 describes this Church, and her offspring. Page 346, James Carrolls book, Constantines Sword: Judaizing, the mingling of Christian and Jewish elements of faith, cult and calendar, was defined as heresy. It led to madness of killing anyone who believed in both Jesus and practiced anything Jewish. Much is explained -- From Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, c. 2000, pages 327-328, 354: To counter Arianism, (Arianism, named after the Alexandrian priest Arius, taught that God created everything including Jesus and therefore, Jesus was not himself God, but rather a heavenly teacher, a messiah) the Roman Emperor Constantine had convened the Council of Nicaea in CE 325. The council, under firm control of the Roman Church, declared that God was a TrinityFather, son and spiritArius and his followers were banished. `There were now only two official objects of worship commended Gardened, `the Holy Trinity of God and the Emperor himselfthe newly designated Savior of the world. Anyone who disputed this in any way was at once declared a heretic. Christians who attempted to retain loyalty to Jesus as the Messianic Christ were discounted by the Imperial Church as heathensThe conflicts both within and without Christianity were settled by the Roman emperor Constantine in what Gardener described as `a strange buy-out by the enemy. `Apart from various cultic beliefs, the Romans had worshipped the Emperors in the capacity as gods descended from others like Neptune and Jupiter, he said. At the Council of Aries in 314CE, Constantine retained his own divine status by introducing the omnipotent God of the Christians as his personal sponsor. He then dealt with the anomalies of doctrine by replacing certain aspects of Christian ritual with the familiar pagan traditions of sun worship, together with other teachings of Syrian and Persian origins. In short the new religion of the Roman Church was constructed as a hybrid to appease all influential factions. By this means Constantine looked toward a common and unified world religion Catholic, meaning universalwith himself as its head. This attempt to co-opt Christianity was sealed at the Council of Nicaea in CE 325. One year later, Constantine ordered the confiscation and destruction of all works, which questioned the newly Page 14

constructed orthodoxy and opened the Lateran Palace to the bishop of Rome, creating an early Vatican of sorts. In CE 331, the emperor ordered new copies made of Christian texts most of which had been lost or destroyed during the previous persecutions. It was at this point that most of the crucial alterations in the New Testament were probably made. Regarding the eradication of heretics by the Church, which began from its inception, we read here about the infamous Spanish Inquisition (which began in the mid-1400s). On page 355, James Carroll says: The Inquisition had been active against heresy in France, Germany and elsewhere. Then it came to Spain, where as an institution it lasted 300 years. The Inquisition began issuing its findings that the Christians were generally involved in Jewish rituals and obeying the Jewish religion, and that their heretical behavior should not be tolerated. In towns and cities, the tribunal sessions involved open-air processions, elaborate liturgyin which heretics either recanted or were put to death. Pages 357 and 358: The cross, as we saw, featured as a sacramental object at the beginning of the inquisitorial procedures, the friar holding up the crucifix for the swearing of the informants oath. Repentant heretics were reconciled to the church by being signed with the cross on the forehead. As the friar intoned, `receive the sign of the cross which you denied and lost through being deceived. (Does this sound like something out of Revelation 13?) What was the churchs idea of a heretic through its history? On page 356 in Carrolls book we read: When the inquisitors began operations in a districtthis summary is from Henry Kamens Inquisition and Society in Spainthey would first present their credentials to the local Church and secular authorities, and announce a Sunday or a feast day when all residents would have to go to high mass, together with their children and servants, and hear the `edict read. At the end of the sermon or the creed, the inquisitor of his representative would hold a crucifix in front of the congregation and ask everybody to raise their right hand, cross themselves and repeat after him a solemn oath to support the Inquisition and its ministers. He would proceed to read the `edict. The edict typically included a demand that all present denounce any Christian who `keeps the Sabbath according to the Law of Moses--using no lights from Friday evenings onward or has eaten meat in Lent, or any parents placing their hands on the heads of their children without making the sign of the cross, or if they recite the Psalms without the Gloria Patri, or if anyone on his deathbed turns to the wall to die. Torture was commonly used in criminal procedures in that era, and it was a method of the Inquisition applied as a way of forcing confessions. Careful records were kept of the proceedings. Here again from Kaman, is the partial transcript of the interrogation of one woman accused, in 1568, of refusing to eat the flesh of pigs and of refusing to do housework on Saturdays To summarize the transcript: She was severely tortured almost to death. From Michael Browns book, Our Hands Are Stained with Blood, he clarifies a point regarding the Spanish Inquisition. On page 77-78, he says, How many of us know that there was one particular `heresy the Spanish Inquisition sought to uncover and destroy? There was a witch-hunt against baptized Jews who maintained any vestige of Jewishness! These Catholic Jews (called `Marranos, `Conversos or `New Christians), violently forced to covert in the first place, were carefully watched to see if they were Page 15

practicing `heresy. Heretical practices included failure to eat pork, failure to work on Saturday, failure to wear ones best clothing on Sunday, keeping the biblical feasts, observing any Jewish customs of any kind, saying any Jewish prayers, preparing food according to the Jewish law, associating with non-baptized Jews; and intermarriage of children of Marrano families with children of other Marrano families. Violators, or frequently those merely accused of being violators, would have their property confiscated. They would be subjected to harsh confinement and horrible torture, leading to mock trials, degradation and often death at the stake. If those sentenced to die would renounce their `heresies and publicly confess the Faith, then the church would show them mercy: They would be strangled and then put in the flame, burned dead instead of alive. In the times to come, the Inquisition, the Crusades and all forms of purging from pogroms to another holocaust will come upon this world for those who are Torahobservant Jews and those believers in Messiah Yahushua would also keep the Torah. David Rauschs book Legacy of Hatred, page 27, provides a vivid account of the taking of Jerusalem by the Popes Crusaders in the Middle Ages: They burned the Jews alive in the chief synagogue of Jerusalem, circling the screaming, flame-tortured humanity sing `Christ We Adore Thee, with their Crusader crosses held high. As described by Robert Payne `The massacre at Jerusalem was carried out deliberately; it was the result of settled policy. Jerusalem was to become a Christian city. The Jews, too, must be destroyed. They had all rushed to the chief synagogue, where they hoped to receive shelter and protection. The Crusaders, hungry for simple solutions, burned down the synagogue with the Jews inside. Earlier that day, while the Crusaders ran over the mutilated bodies of those they had killed, as though they were a carpet spread for them, one of the leaders, Raymond of Aguilers, quoted Psalm 118:222 with approval: `This is the day the Lord has made. We shall rejoice and be glad in it. Study diligently the history of the Crusades and the Inquisition. These things will return on a worldwide basis. Is this the church you want to identify with, who is still killing true believers and will continue to kill millions under the Great Whore churchs false prophet? The Great Whore church of Revelation 17 is drunk with the blood of the setapart ones. Its pagan base is sexually oriented in the gods of Greece and Rome and Persia (Mithra), and the history of the church is one of filth, whoredom, prostitution, and sexual perversion, which has led its members to violate the marriage contract which the Elohim of Israel cut with His people on Mt. Sinai. Dave Hunts The Woman Rides The Beast is a good book to start with for information on this whore church--why it is called a whore. Today, these people like myself, have found the truth of what Yahushua, Son of David, left us at His ascension. The Church my friend is not what Yahushua left us!!! The word church comes from the West Germanic kirche (Kirk), and was first introduced into the English Bible in the King James Version. The old English word comes from Cirice, and you will see it spelled CHIRCHE written above many old church entrances throughout England. It is a word based on the Greek god Circe. Circe was famous among pagans for turning men into pigs or other animals using drugs. The original English translation from the Greek text by John Wycliffe (about 1380) used the Page 16

word congregation for the Greek ecclesiathe called out body of believers, who kept His Torah and believed in Messiah Yahushua. He left us an ecclesia, a congregation, an assembly of His set-apart ones, who were in covenant with Israel, through the blood of the Lamb. He left His Body as a set-apart group, which was never to mix with the world system, but remain clean unto Him. More on the Inquisition from page 361 of Constantines Sword by James Carroll: We have been informed by the Inquisitors that the mingling of Jews with Christians leads to the worst of evils. In consequence, our holy Catholic faith is debased and humbled. We have thus arrived at the conclusion that the only efficacious means to put an end to these evils consists in the definitive breaking of all relations between Jews and Christians, and this can only be obtained by their expulsion from our kingdom. In 1492, on the 9th of Av(Hebrew calendar-July/August)the day when the 2 temples in Jerusalem were destroyed in history, Spain told the Jews if they were not out by midnight, theyd be killed. Christopher Columbus (not his real name) went to the King and Queen asking for ships to find a new worldand it was granted to him. This Jew, with his Jewish crew, sailed on that night and founded the Americas. He landed in the Americas on the 1st day of the Feast of TabernaclesOctober 12, 1492, dedicating the new world to Israel. Yes, we are enemies of Satans whore!! (Revelation 17) But, His remnant is mighty in Him, and Satan cannot stamp it out!!! However, in Protestantism, a heretic or an undesirable, is someone who opposes the doctrine of the denomination, the organization or the individual pastor or church leader, though that severe word is not usually used. It is still a Roman-based spirit superiority, exclusiveness, pride, haughtiness and self-righteousness, and controlling. You hear people saying: come to my church, or come hear my pastor, or my church says or my pastor says or my pastor thinks. It is common rhetoric in the church system. Very few people hear from Him!!! Most people have an opinion or give out of what they hear another man say, or what they read in a book. I receive fresh revelation on His Word every single day. Why? Because as His minister, I do what ministers are supposed to doActs 6:4: give yourself to the study of the Word and prayer. He teaches us personally with His revelation knowledge if we let Him. I have trained ministers, church leadership and pastors especially. Most are great about doing things, as visiting, and preaching and sharing the gospel, but I have only found in many years a hand-full who know how to hear Him. That is a tragedy!! We will investigate these things in detail and see the foundation of all deception to be selfishness, self-preservation, selfish ambition, self-centeredness, selfish desires, greed, lusts of the flesh, and the protection of our earthly life and lifestyles, as well as ignorance of truth or willful rejection of the Truth for personal advantage. In this prevailing attitude of the general church-system across board, is an adulterous and idolatrous spirit, which refuses to submit to the governmental law/teachings/commandments of the Kingdom of the Elohim of Israel. The rebellious and willful breaking of His marriage contract which He gave His set-apart people at Sinai is at the core of why people accept the pagan church but wont submit to His Truth. The Page 17

marriage contract was made with His only peoplenatural, biological Israel. Biological Israel (all 12 tribes) gets in on it by faith, and so does everyone who accepts it through Yahushua. It is deception to spiritualize what He has made to be natural. He is coming to set up a real 1,000-year reign on this earth. Father is coming to set up an eternal reign on this earth. Those things are natural and reality. A spirit of rebellion has been at work in the human heart against submission to Elohim since Adams willful disobedience to His one simple command. Rebellion, disobedience and unbelief are at the core of human nature. Our nature is at war with His right-rulings and judgments, and unless we submit to His requirements for acceptance into His kingdom, we will be escorted in our eternal judgment to outer darkness, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Yahushua did not remove the Law of His Kingdom from us. It remains intact. He simply fulfilled the offerings of blood sacrifice for sin, guilt, and our peace. He fulfilled the ceremonial law or blood sacrifice in Himself. Yahushua says, Truly, truly I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle (the two smallest marks in the Hebrew letters) shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done. Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men to do so shall be called least in the kingdom of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens. There are 10 summarizing commandments, which are further summarized into 1) love Elohim and 2) love your fellow man in the same way as you care for yourself. If we break one, weve broken all, Yacob (James) says. Yahushua is the Word, the living Word. He is the embodiment of the Torah in Himself. He guarded and kept it and taught His disciples to do as He did. It is our joy! The Torah speaks of Yahushuas second coming, so it is certainly is not fulfilled. In His kingdom on earth for 1,000 years this eternal covenant will be enacted by force forever and ever. To rebel against it now wont put us in a favorable position with the coming King, now will it? Like in all courts of law, a person is judged for breaking the law. Grace and mercy are for the repentant ones who go out and stop sinning, not those who come to an easy-going Jesus for confession each week, either before the priest in the Catholic Church or before Him in prayer. He cant bless willful disobedience any more than any parent can bless it in their child. Read carefully I John chapter 3. It clearly speaks in details the words of Yahuweh to Ezekiel, the soul that sins, it shall die. We cant claim exemption and an excuse for continuing to sin because we prayed a sinners prayer. The sign of a truly born again one is a new nature, and no desire to live in sin anymore!! (Romans 6) Hebrew 12 tells us that those He loves, He disciplines and corrects. Otherwise we are illegitimate. The man-made religion of Christianity did a fine job of selling us out!! Constantines religion of easy grace did away with what it means to be truly born again, and out of the kingdom of darkness, because Constantines church is an extension of the kingdom of darkness using Nimrods religion and all his successors!! Yahushua did not come to make a covenant with this pagan churchbut with His people Israel. Much of our embedded thinking comes from the ensuing years after the Council of Nicaea when monks, priests, bishops, cardinals and popes added their opinions, ideas, suggestions and demands to the list of what was to be believed to be a Page 18

good member of the Church. Over and over Yahuweh talks about our exalting His Name. His name means I am the eternal existing One and it is Yahuweh, the Elohim of Israel. Yahushua means Yahuweh Saves. Whats in a name? IDENTIFICATION!!! It identifies who you are and carries with it your reputation and everything you are. It says in Proverbs: A good name is preferable to great riches. If you love Him, dont call your Elohim by pagan names and titles. Exodus 23:13: And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other gods, let it not be heard from your mouth. We dont realize how pagan our language is. Even the months and days of the week are the names of pagan gods. In Hebrew, they number from day one to day 6, the seventh day being Shabbat (Sabbath). Pagan names, titles and words were incorporated into the Greek text of the Messianic Scriptures, in an attempt to destroy His Jewish heritage, and ours. It was translated into other pagan languages, which use pagan names and words. It was originally written in His languageHebrew. In the first century BCE and into the 1st century CE, the rabbis said that they would rather eat swines flesh than speak Greek. The Greek language, like all the languages of the pagans, was filled with the names of their gods. Matthew 1:21, And she shall give birth to a Son, and shall call His Name Yahushua, for He shall save His people from their sins. What people? Israel, of course: The people of Yacob (Jacob), whose name was changed to Israel by Yahuweh. (Genesis 22:24-30) The Scriptures are written to a biological family. All people have the privilege of coming into that familys inheritance though the blood, as always. Now, it is through the blood of Yahushua. From Exodus 12:48-49, Isaiah 56:6-8, and Ezekiel 47:22-23 forward, entrance into His family has always been through repentance, faith, and active participation in His covenant!! The 12 gates of the eternal city are named for the 12 tribes of Israel. He is the Elohim of Israel. (II Samuel 7:23-24) The covenant in His blood, from Jeremiahs prophecy (Jeremiah 31:31-34) to the sacrifice of Himself, was called a renewed covenant with Israel, His people. The word translated new in English, is renewed in Hebrewthe same word used for the renewed moon each month. It is not new, it is renewed. In Greek, the same meaning carries through of renewal in Matthew 26:28. When we come to the Jewish Savior, He brings us into fellowship with the Elohim of Israel, Yahuweh--the Father. As Ephesians 2 tells us, we enter into Israels covenants. Yahuweh has a Name, a reputation and He says, I am Yahuweh. That is my Name. And my esteem I will not give to another, neither My praise to graven images. His name is not the name of a Greek or Roman god. His name is set-apart. So to use another name for Him is to rob Him of who and what He is!! When it all comes down to finalities, the Word tells us, he who calls on the name of Yahuweh shall be saved. He says in Isaiah 45:21-22: There is no god besides Me, a righteous El and a Savior, there is none besides Me. Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am El, and there is none else. The foundation of deception in Yahushuas day is the same today in 2003CE. It is the rebellion of defiled human nature against the only true Elohim and His rule over man, and the exaltation of man as god. It is Satan-based worship hidden in man-based worship. Page 19

In the Garden of Eden Satan wanted worship. He deceived Eve into thinking that what Yahuweh wanted was a deception. She thought Yahuweh was cheating her. He thought He was demanding something of her for her harm. It is time to get back to the truth of Yahuweh. Satan found a friend in Nimrod who began the basic form of worship and beliefs that not only controlled and dominated pagan civilization through out the world but was infused into the new Roman Catholic Church and has come down to us in the Protestant and Evangelical/Charismatic church. It is hidden, but it is there. To continue to belong to and identify with the pagan-based church system as well as the demonicled world system, is to also identify with their sins and their judgments that are coming soon. Revelation 18:4: Come out of her My people, lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 has become my watchmans cry! Constantine, to placate the pagans, mixed paganism with the truth that Yahushua left us, but took out all references to His Jewish identity and the Hebrew covenant. He condemned anything Hebrew, to start a totally new religion around Greek and Roman sun gods. When, to be a Christian, a member of the new Roman Catholic Church, became popular and comfortable and the in-thing to do in 325CE (if you didnt want to be killed for rejecting this great honor), then the looking to the blessed hope stopped and the attitude of looking to man, the world, tradition, and what we could get out of it began. The attitude that brings deception is whats in it for me? The attitude that opens the door to deception is: how can I rule my own life and maintain the lifestyle that I want, without anyone or anything telling me what to do? It is the attitude of: how can I get the free gift of eternal life, and not have any responsibility to maintain it? This is what Satan presented Yahushua with in Matthew 4--All these things I give you if you fall down and worship me. Then Yahushua said, Go, Satan! For it has been written, `you shall worship Yahuweh your Elohim, and Him alone you shall serve. And the devil left Him. Its easy to give in to Satan and escape the hard road, but deception hides the entrance to the lake of fire. Satan appears as an angel of light. He doesnt appear in a red suit, with horns and pitchfork. He makes his religion-- Nimrods original tower of Babel adaptable religion-the right thing to do. But, the worship of the Elohim of Israel, he makes repugnant to our flesh. Obedience is not something that our flesh likes. Rebellion is at the core of our vulnerability to deception. Anti-Messiah will bring down most of the worlds people by flattery, Daniel 11 tells us. Flattery is Satans most usual approach. He makes his way so nice, easy, right and good-looking. Deception is rampant in our day!! And because it is, people by the millions will embrace anti-messiahs flattery!! He appeals to our pride. Watch out for flatteryit is the opening to the lake of fire. It comes with beguiling and seducing spirits, and you find yourself trapped in a web of your own making. In other words, deception is most of the time all about the preservation of our lives, and that is directly against the gospel that Yahushua came to give to us!!!! He that loses his life for My sake will save it, Yahushua said. To preserve our own lives, we will deny Him when the going gets rough!! Yahushua said, He that tries to save his life will Page 20

loose it. To preserve our own lives, or the lives of our family, we will disobey Him, deny Him and reject Him. It is called the great falling away that started at the end of the first century and has come to its fullness in our day. There is nothing in the Word about an end-time revival with a worldwide harvest of souls. The gospel of the kingdom is about repentance and coming under the authority of the King of the kingdom, which is Torah-observance. But, there is much in the Word about an end-time falling away and a time of tribulation, shaking and purging. The easy-time church has lied to you. Prepare to receive His Truth!! But, I warn you: If you are tightly in the grip of deception already then truth will sound like a lie and even blasphemy!! The word tribulation comes from the word tribulum which is a mechanical threshing instrument that separates wheat from chaff. Thats the purpose of the tribulation (3 ! years according to Scripture)to purge out of His kingdom all that offends Him. Hebrews 12:25-29: Take heed not to refuse the One speaking. For if those did not escape who refused the warning on earth, much less we who turn away from Him from heaven, whose voice shook the earth them, but now He has promised saying `Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also the heaven. And this `Yet once more makes clear the removal of what is shakenas having been madeso that the unshaken matters might remain. Therefore, receiving an unshakeable reign, let us hold the favor, through which we serve Elohim pleasingly with reverence and awe, for indeed, our Elohim is a consuming fire. Those things that are made will be removed. The whorepagan man-made system will be burned with fire. Its time we got out of it totally! A great deception is that we no longer fear Yahuweh, because He doesnt strike us with lightening if break His Law. Most have gotten very loose and shallow with Him. The chaff is like the tare, and is burned firstthen the wheat is gathered. According to Isaiah 5:24 and other passages, the chaff clings to those reject the Torah and despise His Word. Chaff is what clings to us prohibiting us from being of use to Him. If we reject His culture, His governmental law, His right-rulings, His commandments (which is His Word), then we are chaff to be blown away for burning at His coming. Matthew 13thats the harvest of souls. The tare or darnel looks like wheat and so is very deceptive until the time of the harvest, when the weed--which looks so much like wheat that it is undetectable until the harvestsprouts quickly higher than the wheat. Then the harvesters can spot it easily, and pluck it up for burning. But Yahushua says for us not to pluck up the tare early, because some of the wheat might be yanked up too. But, in those 3 ! years, the Word tells us that Father gives permission to the anti-messiah to wear out the set-apart ones, and overcome them if possible, so that the true wheat will be seen clearly from the pretending tares. Scientifically, darnel is a personality-altering drug if mixed with wheat. It makes one giddy, in a drunken state so unable to desire what is good for them. Peter, to preserve his own life, denied knowing Yahushua, even though he thought hed be faithful to death. When death was in his face, he chose the easy way out. Deception is all about choosing the easy way to preserve our lives. Revelation 12:11 speaks of those today, who are dying at a rate of 20 per hour for their faith, and those in the future who will be slaughtered because they believe in Yahushua. It says, speaking of their triumph over the one world leader who is coming, who will be empowered by Satan: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, Page 21

and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. I recently got an e-mail from a friend who said that her pastor preached on Revelation 12:11. But, he did not mention that last phrase. Afterwards, she asked him about why he left that out. He said, I purposely left that out because it would scare too many of my parishioners. The easy-going church has no idea of what is coming, and will not be prepared!!!! I tried to get the Voice of the Martyrs materials into my church a few years ago, and I was told that it was too frightening for the people to see. But, in over 40 countries, our brothers and sisters are dying for their faith, being put in prison, tortured, and denied basic human rights. Millions of our brothers and sisters in southern Sudan and in Indonesia were being slaughtered while in America the top news story for a year was the O.J. Simpson trial. Tragic! I have met 15 brothers who escaped into Jordan who saw their families killed as they fled their villages in Sudan. The reason for the slaughter?-Oil. Their problem was those millions of Christians living in mud huts on oil-rich land. And the government of Sudan was kidnapping the boys and forcing these Christian children to memorize the Koran or die, and the girls became sex slaves--some just little girls. I saw these boys with whipped backs and chains on their ankles for being disobedient in not wanting to learn the Koran. Satans on the rampage out in the world, and we cant expect for him to leave us alone, unless we are already in his pocket. Most Americans are tired out from their rat-wheel day, so they dont take the time to study out what is true and what is not. They just receive what they hear from man as truthand some of it is blatant lie, manipulation and mind-control programming. The same is true of listening to Christian teachers. Never forget this rule: Luke 16:15: You are those who declare yourselves righteous before men, but Elohim knows your heart, because what is highly thought of among men is an abomination in the sight of Elohim. Now apply that to what the world pushes, and you will learn a lot of truth. We must get involved with our persecuted brothers and sisters and do all we can for them, because it is coming to our front door, and unless we really know Him, we will fall because of all the deception that weve been fed. A lot of our ignorance is because we dont study the Word that we have in our homes, or go to easily available resource material. We can quote Hosea 4:6 all we want, but most Americans are not in the first part of the verse. We are not perishing for lack of knowledge. But we are perishing for parts two and three of that verse, which say, 1) Because you have rejected knowledge, I have rejected you. 2) Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children. Constantine threw out the Torah and replaced it with His own creed. What are you obeying? It is against the very nature of our Father. But with the Tenach as a basis of knowing His personality, we cant know His real nature. The book of Daniel gives us two excellent examples of His nature, in chapter 3 and chapter 6. But, our flesh doesnt want to hear it! It requires no faith or personal relationship with our Father to escape from the wrath of man or devil. Father uses the wrath of man and devil to purge out who really belongs to Him and who doesnt. Escapism requires no preparation for anything. We can just live the good life and get out of everything badat least thats our fairytale mentality. It is Page 22

against everything in the Word from Genesis to Revelation. But, it is a doctrine of ease and comfort, and based on our fears of losing what we hold dear. In Acts 4 and 5, the Jewish Apostles counted themselves worthy to suffer for Him. That is certainly not appealing to the flesh! And at the core of our escapist mentality is a very strong anti-Semitic message. Its subtle, but it is there. It is the message of Constantine. His message says that there is a church and there are Jews--the former to be blessed abundantly, and the latter to be cursed, judged and punished, since they deserve it for killing Jesus. I know--I used to teach dispensational eschatology for years. The doctrine of escaping a pre-7-year tribulation by rapture leaves the Jews to suffer, while the good church banquets in heaven. Yet there is not one verse in the entire Word that says there is a 7-year tribulation. There are 4 verses that say there is a 3 !-year tribulation. But, I never thought it was an anti-Semitic teaching until I stopped and examined the core root of it. This teaching says that before any suffering comes, the whole church gets supernaturally snatched out of this world and will spend 7 years in heaven, while the world goes through hell, especially the Jews who deserve His wrath for rejecting Christ. It is based on one verse with one Latin word rapture in I Thessalonians 4:17. Yet this Scripture and all the Messianic Scriptures were written to Torah observant believers in the Jewish Messiah Yahushua. Even non-Israelite believers were grafted into Israel, and became partakers of His covenant with Israel, as Ephesians 2 and other Scriptures clearly show. I have listed sixty things that the evangelical church teaches that are not in the Scriptures, nor are according to His nature, ways and thinking, but uses Scripture to prove doctrine that is man-made. That does not include all the pagan doctrines of the Roman Church and other high ecclesiastical churches, like the Anglican/Episcopal, Presbyterian, and cults, like the Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons. Paul says that we can know the timing of His return because we know His seasons the 7 Feasts of Israel, which are His divine appointments. (I Thessalonians 5:4-5) Messiah will return on a Feast of TrumpetsYom Teruah--September/October. No man knows the day or the hour because the new month of Tishre, on which the Feast falls, is determined by the sighting of the new moon over Jerusalem. He does not come as a thief to those who know the Feasts. Those feasts are eternal celebrations for all of His people. Its time we re-read the Word from start to finish without the intervention of mans opinions, and let the Ruach ha Kodesh teach us (I John 2:27). These feasts are the backbone of our salvation. Four of them have been fulfilled, three have not yet been fulfilled. Thus, the disciples of Yahushua, being Jewish, knew that He was referring to the Feast of Trumpets (called today, Rosh ha Shanah) because the buzzword is no man knows the day or the hour. It was referring to when the last trumpet or shofar would be blown announcing the opening of the gates of heaven. (Thats in I Corinthians 15:5153 and Revelation 11:15-19). The Jews didnt need any explanations, since that phrase also was what a Jewish son would say to people asking when he was coming for his bride. They knew it was the time of the appearance of the Bridegroom, the Messiah. Many things Yahushua said refer to the Bride, Bridegroom, and the wedding. But, you must have Hebrew roots to understand that. Without Hebrew roots, we come up Page 23

with all kinds of ideas about what He said that are not right. His culture is not like any other culture, and His thoughts are not like ours. His Tenach reveals His culture and His personality!! Yes, at His coming we raptureare caught up to be with Him, changed into our glorified bodies! It is our blessed hope. But, from the Torah through to Revelation, His coming has to do with the signs to Israel, and His dealings are with Israel. Those 3 ! years are the time of Jacobs troubles--not Jews troublesand He delivers them out gloriously--all 12 tribes! He deals with Israel. He vows to keep His covenantal promises with Israel. There is no covenant or promise to anything called a gentile church. He had and had no concept of a church system in His mind. He has a gathered out, set-apart people who adhere to His commands and have faith in Him alone for their salvation, through Yahushua. This set-apart people-assembly, congregation of believers--is an organism, not an institution. We are one in the Ruach Yahuweh. We all give mental assent to that, but we remain segregated into our little church compartments of man-made design. Before the 4th century, the Body was an assembly of believers, or a congregation, which met in homes for the most part. Church buildings were introduced in design from Roman pagan-temples. By whom? You guessed it Constantine and his mother Helena. The true rapture has to do with His changing our bodies into a spiritual body like His own. That is clear in Scriptureas in Philippians 3:20-21, I John 3:1-3; and I Corinthians chapter 15. And since there is only one covenant, and not two then His people are taken up and out at His second coming as all Scriptures show clearly! There is only one resurrection of the justified at the beginning of the 1000-year reign of Messiah, and one resurrection of the damned, at the end of the1000-years, when Father comes to earth. (John 5:2529; Daniel 12:1-3; and Revelation 20:6 for starters) And, there are about 300 verses in the Tenach about the resurrection of the dead. His Bride keeps the Torah from her heart, and is obedient to Him totally. She has the 1st century truths down pat, and is working within that framework. What Yahushua left us is quite simplethe Tenak (the governmental teachings of His kingdom, the rules and regulations for belonging to Him) and the fulfillment of the blood sacrifices in Himself. And, of course He had to rise from the dead, being Elohim fully, to enforce that renewed covenant!! Israel is His ecclesia--His assembly, His congregation, and His family. And this family continues through from Revelation 1 to chapter 22. His wrath is against those who disobey His Torah. That is all through the Word!!! Sin the transgressing of the Torah! (I John 3) As I Peter 1:19-21 and II Timothy 3:16-17 tell usHis Word is His Breathit is spoken by Him and enforced by Him. It is of no private interpretation. We cant just think in our heads what we think it means. We have to have it interpreted to us by the Authorthe Ruach Yahuweh. We are never promised, nor has anyone ever been promised in the Word that we escape the wrath of man or the wrath of Satan. The wrath of Father is quick and direct, and comes just before Yahushua returns, and comes with Him. He descends to receive His one and only peoplethose who belong to Him by faith and action in obedience to His Word. He is not coming for the lawless ones who have rejected His Torah!! He comes Page 24

with His robe splattered in blood, and He treads out the winepress of the wrath of Elohim. His return path is so clearly marked out in Scripture (Isaiah 63; Habakkuk 3, Revelation 19; Zechariah 14; Deuteronomy 33 and others). Come Yahushua! When Constantine severed us from our Hebrew roots, he destroyed for us our understanding of the real plan of salvation and the knowledge of our true Messiah and Savior. To make a thorough study of the Seven Hebrew feasts is to study the backbone of the plan of salvation from His death to His ruling and reigning on the earth. It should be a priority to you! The new moon is to be celebrated because it begins His months. His calendar is certainly different that Romes sun god calendar. His celebrations are eternal commands!! You are probably saying, What, new moon what?? I did that when I first heard it. But, understand it or not, youll be celebrating it, and all the feasts and every Shabbat for a 1,000 years, and thenfor eternity. (See Isaiah 66:22-23 for starters) Heres the scenario for His coming and it is all according to Torah: The two witnesses of Revelation 11:3-13 (compare with Zechariah 4:11-14) are killed in the streets of Jerusalem, and ascend before the world into the presence of the High Priest Yahushua in heaven. Then the very next thing that happens is that the doors of heaven are opened and He comes. Every month, since Yahuweh established his calendar from Sinai on, (Exodus 12:2, putting the first day of the new year as Abib 1, Romes March/April) two witnesses would go before the High Priest at the first sight of the new moon, and upon their witness the High Priest would declare that the new month had begun. This is how all of His feasts and His days were calculated. In their re-enactment of this ancient practice, these two witnesses of Revelation 11, upon seeing the first sliver of the new moon are caught up to the High Priest Yahushua, and Yahushua declares that the new moon starts the new monthbut this time the month is Tishre. The Feast of Trumpets begins the new month of Tishre. The three final feasts of Yahuweh picture the second coming of Yahushua, the judgment on the nations who came against Jerusalem, and His 1,000-year kingdom reign on this earth. His second coming is on a Shabbat and a new moon, Ezekiel 46:1-3 tells us. Without understanding His commands to Israel Yahushua cannot be properly understood. That is why so many hungry believers are studying His Torah today. His ways of thinking are so different than mans. We cant understand the Revelation without understanding our Hebrew roots. One day (a Shabbat) I spent 15 hours looking up every verse on Shabbat. Did you know that the Word had so much to say about it? I have a teaching on that, showing each verse, and how important it is to guard it with our lives, because it is the number one sign of our set-apartness to Him in this world. It is eternal!!! The sun-god worshippers went to service on Sunday. The Muslims worship on Friday. But, His setapart day is the Brides day with her Bridegroom and very, very precious!!! Man added many laws to make it a burden in the Talmud and rabbinical traditions. That is what Yahushua was againstthe traditions of men that killed the beauty of His Word. To most Evangelicals and Charismatic believers, Sunday is the busiest day of the week that wears them totally. Just getting to the church can mean a fight with your spouse, yelling at the kids, frustration with being late, no time for breakfast, hoping for a donut and coffee in Sunday School, frustration with your hair and those uncomfortable clothes. And by the time you get there, you put on a smile and say everythings wonderful. Youre children Page 25

are in tears, you have bills that you cant pay, your head hurts, and your husband is angry and frustrated because he lost his job on Friday, and you have to answer the question as to how you are with a lying fine. You know Im telling the truth. It is a phony show from start to finish. Yes, we perhaps get some peace while were there, but the truth comes out after we get homewho really cares about our soul? The Sunday church routine is similar to the pagans day of worship in which they dressed up to impress others, and to honor the gods, to go to their basilicas, to perform their religious duties. Did you ever wonder about the routine of Sunday church, and all the things you have to do to do it right? It is all, and I mean all, pagan at the roots, and at best man-invented. Yahushua did not instigate any of it--none of it--at all!!! Even the pastors sermon as the central focus of the service is not Scriptural. I sit here on Friday mornings, at my computer, and I have observed something very interesting. The local mosque is located two streets from my apartment. Five times a day the call for prayer goes forth over the loud speaker. But, on Friday, here is their routine: 1) I hear the call for prayer, like a bell ringing for parishioners to come to church. 2) I see streams of cars and men walking in their good dress-up clothes going to the mosque. 3) I hear an opening hymn, sung by a single cantor of course, in eastern musical style. 4) I hear a loud, bombastic sermon, sometimes very angry, going on and on for about 30-40 minutes. 5) I hear a closing hymn by the same cantor. 6) I hear a benediction--a closing prayer. 7) Lastly, I see the streams of cars and those walking back home, peoples heads bowed, no smiles, no joy. These devoted men also say their rosary their prayer beads, as they walk or sit during the week, or at the mosque. It is so much like the Sunday routine--it is amazing--because the foundation for that routine is pagan. The Greek and Romans followed the exact same routine in the worship of their gods. The platforms in their sanctuaries were the samehigh above the people. The seats were the same-in rows so that the worshippers could see the priest and the choir. The priests sermon was the center of the worship and consumed the most time. Tired and mind-wandering people, at Sunday services, take into their belief system what their pastor or priest tells them, because he is considered an exalted minister of God, so what he says must be the truth. In most cultures, the priest is honored above other people. In Matthew 23, Yahushua tells them how they love to be honored by men. It is an abomination in all religions. People are no different than in Moses day, when they told Moses to go hear from God for them, and theyd stay safe at the bottom of the mountain. Instead of a personal relationship with Him, all religions seek out a priest, pastor, medicine man, shaman, or someone who is spiritual to be the go-between for them with God. Romes pagan religion, the worship of the sun god, like all religions was, in the worship service--a spectator sport. Our Yahushua did not leave us with a spectator sport. Nor was the pastor to be an exalted center of performance and controller of the sheep. The pastors sermon, the entertainment in music, the choir, the worship team, the control of the service by certain chosen people, is all pagan-based and manipulative. I know, I was the Music Director in several churches. The idea is to get the audience into a spiritual framework so that they will receive what the pastor tells them. But, much of the time, what the pastor tells them is not totally the truth. Most people would rather Page 26

have someone go to God for them, and spoon-feed us once a week, or twice a week (even Wednesday night service is pagan based), than to get to know Him for ourselves. We are lazy, and that laziness will cost us everything!! A major foundation of deception is our desire for ease and comfort opens the door for demonic activity. We are passive when it comes to knowing and worshipping Him. But, He requires passionate, active interaction with Him. Matthew 16:24-25: If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his stake, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it. Thats the gospel take up your stake and follow Me. Yahushua said that His sheep knew His voice and they would follow Him!! He said that the sheep would not follow the voice of the stranger. How many sheep today are following the voice of the stranger?--millions. Thats because millions are not sheep of the right Shepherd! Do you know His voice well enough and clearly enough to follow Him step by step in obedience? Crucifixion was a horrible deathslow and torturous. It ended in smothering to death. Read about it, because if you are born-again, then you are in the process of the crucifixion of your own self-life. If not, question your salvation!! A mind-set of escapism is totally against everything that He is!! A major foundational example of the fakery of this whore system of Constantines is this multi-billion dollar business to promote this escapist rapture teaching. It abounds with books, tapes, seminars, conferences, magazines, TV appearances--deceptions are growing upon deceptions. The money just flows. The people who propagate this doctrine, and it is almost an exclusively American doctrine which has spread to other countries, are not preparing people for the horrific tribulation that is coming upon the whole world. It is a foundation upon which major deceptions being built that are leading believers into deeper and deeper idolatry. It is the Roman philosophy--no persecution for Christians. So therefore, enjoy the world all you can!! A really thorough book to read for truthful on-site reporting is The Incredible Cover-Up by Dave MacPherson, c. 1975. This book explores the roots of the pre-tribulation rapture teaching, which is in Port Glasgow, Scotland in 1830. It is a documented and scholarly report that every Christian needs to read. Millions upon millions of so-called good Christians will deny Him when they find out they are not going to get out of here. They will take the mark of the anti-messiah, because of an insane fear of torture and death and of seeing their children die. Ive heard people say, including pastors, who believe in the rapture, that if they dont get out before the tribulation, they will deny Jesus because Hes not the God they thought He was. Confession time: I said that myself back in the 1980s. In Nigeria, a man wrote a simple letter to the Voice of the Martyrs telling them that some Muslims had murdered his wife and his 5 children. As he watched them die, and his wife burned alive before him, he reported that he still could not denied his faith in Jesus. His one request to the western believers was that he might be strong and not deny Jesus. Does that make your blood run cold? It should. That choice is coming to you and your family--if you dont die by gunshot, bomb, missile, chemicals, pestilence, natural disaster, rabid beasts, accidental or natural death. Because if your faith is not tested, what good is it? Let me bottom line the core of this escapism doctrine, which MacPhersons book traces Page 27

so well. (This basic information can be found also in encyclopedias and other reference books on Christian history.) In 1830, in Port Glasgow, Scotland, a 17 year-old girl named Margaret McDonald was a member of a church who had millennial fever. Many ecstatic manifestations were going on there, including many prophecies about His coming. Today wed call that revival. However, His revivals change whole areas and nations, and when He takes over whole societies are changed. Margaret had a vision. But, its contents didnt get much further than Port Glasgow. In fact this revival didnt get much outside of Port Glasgow, or outside of the church that the revival was in. Not much came of it, until a couple of very clever men came along, one named Kenneth Darby, and interviewed shy Margaret. Whether he was trapped by being fascinated at the sensational vision at the first or not, he saw it as a real chance for self-promotion and personal gain, and so did many others. Today it is billion dollar business in the church-system and in the world, playing of peoples fears and propagating an easy gospel of belief to escape the a 7 year tribulation that doesnt exist. It has developed into movies too, which are garbled truth at the very least. Ive heard TV preachers telling their audiences to repeat a prayer after them to receive Jesus and they would be assured of being raptured before the tribulation. That is a pure lie by a false prophet! But, then these evangelists publish in their newsletters that so many thousands received Jesus. In the true ecclesia of China, it is public confession of their faith by open baptism in the face of Communist spies that causes them to make a clean break with anything past. Thats the Scriptural way of confessing Him unto salvationconfessing with the mouth what is believed in the heart, and openly demonstrating it in baptism. A cruel death is a part of receiving His life to many believers. Their life is on the line. These people are truth-oriented. They live what they know. His grace abounds to them!! Deception is rampant among those who want to escape to save their lives!! Persecution of His true remnant didnt change with the Protestant Reformation, it hasnt changed now, nor will it change until He comes to stop it. Exposing more of our pagan roots, here is some more information regarding our predominant Reformation father in Constantines Sword, page 366-368. Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on he door of a Wittenberg church in 1517. In 1543, he published an anti-Semitic text `On the Jews and Their Lies, and Hitler himself would appeal to anti-Jewish slanders that began with the great reformer himself. The tragic character of Luthers impact on the fate of Jews in Germany is only fully apparent when `On the Jews and Their Lies is read against an earlier treatise, `That Jesus Christ was born a Jew, written twenty years earlier in 1523. During those twenty years, Luther had been seared in the fires of ferocious Catholic rejection His bitterness poisoned much that began as good, including his attitude toward Jews. In his text `On the Jews and Their Lies, Luther advocated the burning of synagogues. Luther lumped the Jews and the pope together as his mortal enemies. The Catholics figured because in his earlier writings he was a stout defender of the Jews, that he must be a heretic. Luther distinguished between the ancient Israelites and the Jews of the Christian era. Much deception has come from doing that in several Christian Page 28

groups. Luther said (page 368): `Know my dear Christian and do not doubt that next to the devil you have no enemy more cruel, more venomous and virulent, than the true Jew. Luther said, `They are for us a heavy burden, the calamity of our being; they are a pest in the midst of our lands. But, Reformation groups like the Calvinist Huguenots regarded the Jews in a much better light. Thus we see that anti-Semitism not just for religion but also for race (which began in the mid 1400s in Spain) came through the Reformation with flying colors. Blaming everything on the Jew has its origin in Trier, Germany, where hating the Jews actually began, with the cross of Constantine and his mother, Helena. Karl Marx was an x-Christian Jew-hater. He was born in Trier. This heritage of the church must be quickly abandoned. Of course Jews and those Christians who kept Torah were all lumped together as worthy of death. I think the church father Augustine might have been Jewish. In James Carrolls book, Constantines Sword, pages 215-217, we learn that among the Church fathers, he was remarkable sensitive to the Jewish character of Christian faith, which derived from his close reading of Paul. Augustine argued `against Jerome that both Jesus and the first generation of Jewish apostles, Paul emphatically included, were, as Christians, also Torah-observant Jews. Against those arguing that Jews were the enemies of Jesus, Augustine would insist, in effect, on considering the question in the light of Jesus own Jewishness. And even if such enmity was to be established, he could ask `Where in Jesus does one find an execution order? In Augustines famous writing The City of God the cry of Augustine is: Do not slay them! Satan hates Jews and Christians who believe in the Savior of the world, but who guard and keep the Word of Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel. Its OK with Satan if you are a Christian even a good one, who goes to church every time the doors are open. He doesnt care if you go to Bible studies, teach Sunday school, or even minister in the church, have crusades (reconsider not using that word anymore), or pass out tracts. Thats OK. But if you start using the real names of the Elohim that kicked him out of heaven and will destroy him in the lake of firethen you have a problem, because you will get his attention quickly!! In these days and following, Elohim will not punish Israel, but be Israels defense. The problem is that we want mans defensefrom insurance policies to nuclear bombs. Those who come against Israel are cursed. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you. Blessing Israel and Israels Elohim is the ultimate insurance policy!! Yahuweh arises to defend His people against the wrath of man and Devil. A time of testing comes to the nation of Israel, as with all nationsthe wrath of anti-messiahyet Yahuweh rises and destroys all nations that come against His people and His nation and His capitol city. (Zechariah 12-14) It is a time of the purging of all mankind. Mans wrath, as Daniel experienced, and Satans wrath, as Job experienced, are par for the course for believers in Yahuweh. Noah represents the true believer during the time of the wrath of Yahuweh, and as in all of Scripture, He hides His righteous ones. Proverbs 10:30: The righteous shall never be removed, but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth. Yahushua said in His High Priests prayer to His Father, I pray not that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one. Page 29

Preservation within the world is His modus operandi regarding His childrenlike Daniel in the lions den, and the three Hebrew youths in the fiery furnace. Lots escapism was only a few miles away. And when Noah got out he landed on a mountain, not on the golden streets of heaven. The true escapism is to be hidden in the secret place of His heart. The wrath of Yahuweh is against His enemies, who are Israels enemies. (Zechariah 12 and 14) Israel is His family! Within every family there are saved and unsaved people, but you love your family the same. You defend your family because they are your familynot because they are saved. Yahuweh is a family-oriented Elohim. Elohim is a family. Yahushua proceeded out from the middle of Yahuweh (was begotten) before the foundation of the world in order to be able to take on flesh, and Yahuweh called Him Son, because He proceeded out from His loins. But, Yahushua is in all ways, except in form, Yahuweh. Both Yahuweh, who is on His throne, has always been on His throne, and will always be on His throne, and Yahushua are omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, through the Ruach, who goes throughout the earth, and resides in the children of Yahuweh. Their echad, or oneness, is their uniting in singular purpose--the Ruach uniting them together, and uniting us together with them. (Echad carries the meaning of united). Yahushua says, that the Father and the Son come to abide in us through the Ruach. Thats why He could say, I and My Father are One. And in the Word Israel is also called My son. This anti-Semitism is at the core of the churchs foundation, because to establish this new religion, Constantine had to have a villain for all to hateand it became the Christ-killersJews. A lovely Jewish Woman--the founder of Weight Watchers--in talking regarding to a friend of mine regarding Christian belief, she said, All my growing up, all I knew was being called a `Christ killer by Christians. Isnt this horrible!!! Yes! But, it is horribly common. Constantine used a semi-pagan creed, the Nicene Creed, a fertility symbol of the pagans (cross) and his sword in the shape of a cross, and the hate for Jews as the foundation of his new religion. The whole church system is based on a foundation of mixtureand it will not stand the tests to come!!! All would-be world conquers have to have to have a villain to rally people around so that pride will arise, and people will go to war against this villain. Throughout history, the Jew has been peaceful and content, and prospered in societies UNTIL one person usually fanned fires of hate, and then the Jews were massacred. Satan hates Jews, Israelites and anyone connected to them, because Israel is backed by Satans eternal enemyYahuweh. When Mao came into China with the Communist Revolution, and millions of Christians had been taught the un-Scriptural pre-tribulation rapture of the church. Since they were being killed and not raptured, they denied their faith in Jesus by the hundreds of thousands. In the 70s a Bishop of the church of China told the famous Corrie Ten Boom to please tell the people of the West not to believe in the pre-tribulation rapture because hundreds of thousands threw away their faith in Jesus when Mao came in, because they did not escape. He told her to tell the Christians of the West to prepare for persecution. Now, Im telling you---prepare for persecution, because it is coming!!!! Your faith will be tested!! You must take sides, because like He said in Matthew 12:30, He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatter. By not openly taking sides for Him, we have already taken steps to deny Him. Page 30

In North Korea the story got around about some Christians who were hiding in the jungle from the vicious Communist regime. They were discovered, and the soldiers called for some tanks. The parents of children had to lie down face down in the dirt, while the tanks rolled over them from the feet upwards, crushing them to death. The children were shot after that. But before their parents died, they said to their children we will see you in a few minutes. The children knew that death was only a short separation between them and meeting their parents in the presence of their Savior. This is the true faith that Yahushua left with us. These people will rule and reign with Him, as the Scripture says. In the days to come we will have to face whether to take an identification mark on our hand or forehead, or not. To take it means eternal damnation, because it is siding with Satan. But, to not take it means eternal death. Revelation 20:6 talks about those who dont take the mark of anti-messiah: And they lived and reigned with Messiah for a thousand years. These are the ones that our Yahushua will have by His side, not those lovers of ease and comfort. If He died that horrible death for us, He says, we must also die to ourselves and suffer with Him. Otherwise, we are not followers of Him. Read Acts 4 and 5see the attitude of the early believers. These people kept the Torah, observed Shabbat and the Feasts, and all the governmental laws of their Fathers kingdom as Yahushua did, yet heartily had their faith in Messiah Yahushua who died for them and arose for them. You will be hated by all men for My Names sake, Yahushua promised us. (Carefully read Matthew 10:32-39) What is His Name? It is a Jewish name. In identifying with Him, we identify with the Elohim of Israel and the people of IsraelHis brethren. This kind of real, dynamic faith in their blessed hope is being lived out daily in over 40 countries where Christians are being put in prison, tortured, killed, denied rights, and mocked and despised by evil governments and religions. Is that the kind of faith that you have? John sees these martyrs in His presence before His throne! In Revelation 20:1-6, the martyrs have their heads cut off. Interesting pointthats how the Muslims like to execute people. I think of the courageous evangelists and teachers in China, who ride on bicycle over mountains with Bibles and teaching materials in their backpacks for the underground believers. They are often killed, or beaten terribly by the Communists. I think of the very large Hmong tribe in Southeast Asia, who live in semi-primitive conditions. One day a few of them heard the gospel on short wave radio from the Far East Broadcasting System. The message spread like wildfire. It went so quickly throughout the widely spread-out tribe that it alerted Communist leaders. They began smashing their shortwave radios. But, the gospel spread faster. Many of them were run from their homes, imprisoned, tortured, and killed. A thorough purging began by sadistic governments and other religious leaders. The Voice of the Martyrs translated the Word into their language. Today, there is a thriving ecclesia there, but under persecution. That, my friends, is the true assembly of the set-apart ones. Their rewards will be great in the eternal kingdom. It makes the wests lifestyle of ease and comfort disgusting, because few in that lifestyle would be willing to die for their faith. These persecuted people receive grace like weve never known existed. The Page 31

soft, weak Western world sees grace as an excuse to sin, or to order their beliefs as they wish, and Jesus will forgive them. The persecuted ones see grace as the strength needed to stand in the face of death!!! Ive heard those personally who have been in prison for their faith. One lady from North Vietnam said that they were not praying for the Communist government to come down, but for the Holy Spirit to come down. She said they were walking through the jungle to give the gospel to another village. It was totally dark and they got lost. They prayed. All of a sudden a light appeared in their path, and that beam of light led them to the village they wanted to go to. These people, who are living up to all they know to do, putting their lives on the line, receive His grace. In the coming kingdom, in Ezekiel 48 and in Hosea 2-3, we are told that He will personally inform these people of His ways, their Hebrew roots, about the Temple, about the Torah, and about His true Name!!! The persecuted church as a whole doesnt have the information that we do now about those things. But, their reward will be great, because they are living totally up to all they have. These little ones, pure of heart, are precious to the Father, and He has them in the palm of His hand. He extends grace to them because they are obedient to what they know. We can only expect grace if we are obedient to what we know!!! Grace comes as we repentance and accompanies obedience! I have worked with these persecuted people many times, and their brand of Christianity is so far advanced than anything I have ever seen anywhere else. In China, believers who refuse to register with the atheistic Communist government often will walk for days to try to find one Bible, usually coming into the south, where Bibles are being smuggled in. Yet leading ministers in the United States, who have sway over the minds of millions, are telling their TV audiences, and their organizations members, that there is no more persecution in China because the government is allowing the registered churches freedom. What freedom? It is a horrible lie. These underground believers are the true Protestantsprotesting and standing by their lives against an evil regime who wants to control everything in their lives and make them sin against the Word of Elohim. Are you praying for these persecuted people!!! They are praying for you!!! (Yes, there is a government-approved church in China, called the Three Self Patriotic Movement. It is an arm of the government, and is monitored and controlled by the atheistic leaders. There are born again ones in this three self church. But, they are also taught to inform their government representatives if they find pockets of unregistered believers, or even individuals. They are taught to be informants for the government, and are brainwashed by the government into thinking that these true Protestants are lawless ones against the state.) These persecuted ones, like the 1st century believers, are looking to the world to come and can say with Paul, Therefore we do not lose heart, but even if our outward man is perishing, the inward man is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary pressure, is working for us a far more exceeding and everlasting weigh of glory. We are not looking on what is seen, but on what is not seen. For what is seen passes away, but what is not seen is everlasting. (II Corinthians 4:16-18) I saw that verse carved on a stone in Greek and English sitting on the bema in ancient Page 32

Corinth. That bema (judgment seat), from where Paul preached and was tried, represented in His epistle the bema of Messiahthe judgment seat of Messiah. Where will you stand at that judgment? It is a judgment of our works. Revelation 22:12: And see, I am coming speedily, and My reward is with Me, to give to each according to his work. There are over 200 passages in the Word regarding His second coming and His kingdom and eternity, and MOST of them are in the Tenach. I want to get rid of deception and the foundation of deception by exposing it!!! Let His light shine on all the wicked deceptions of the man-made whore-pagan-church system!!! We will look at many Scriptures and search our hearts to see if anything that is wicked remains there, which will cause us to run away scared when our faith is tested. The root of deception is self-preservation, and self-centeredness, or total ignorance of truth because of a lack of knowledge. He has mercy on the totally ignorant and the totally repentanthis graciousness reigns over those pure of heart that dont have it right, or those who change and get it right. There is no mercy and grace for the continually rebellious and disobedient person that knows the truth, but doesnt have any desire to obey it. In China, often a Bible will be torn into many pieces and passed around to hundreds of people. Tragedies are everywhere where there is no Word and/or no Ruach-trained teacher. This is how people perish for lack of knowledge: One man in China got the section of the Bible about Pauls conversion. He listened and listened but heard no voice from heaven, as Paul did, so he killed himself, leaving a note saying that evidently God would not save him because he heard no voice. I have to believe that he instantly went into Yahushuas arms, and that Yahushua received this believer whose heart was crying out for salvation, but had no teacher. When they do get an anointed teacher, they find some secluded spot and come for teaching for 18 hours a dayloading up on truth because they dont know when they will get another chance to hear it. When they get together they say that they cant have any small talk because their time with the Word is too important. I heard about a teacher who had taught for 10 hours to a group of people in a remote area in a forest, and was exhausted. He asked them if he could sleep awhile. They brought him a little mat and he slept about 4 hours. When he woke up, they were all sitting there waiting for him to teach them some more. Ive taught for those 10-hour sessions in Africa, and there hunger level is so great!!! I like what the late Leonard Ravenhill said, The Bible is not a cafeteria, where you can choose what you want and throw away the rest. The Greco/Roman view of faith is: Whatever you believe in your mind is right for you. You can make up your own list of what is right and wrong, according to your own belief system. Thus many receive salvation from hell, but they go on to make up their own beliefs. That is why there are so many denominationseverybody with a different belief, can start their own church. But, the Hebrew understanding of faith is quite different: Whatever you believe, you act out and show your faith. That is why James says, show me your faith by your works. Faith without works is dead. The Hebrew understanding is if you believe something then you are dedicated, committed, responsible, faithful, and obedient, to carry out what you believe. That is why after salvation by faith, if one does not obey the rules of the Kingdom of Yahuweh (Torahthe terms of His marriage Covenant with His peopleHis Instructions, Teachings, rightPage 33

rulings and commands), then their faith is worthless. We are either in Satans kingdom, or Yahuwehs kingdom. But, Gnostic thought (Greek/Christian thought) is that we can enjoy the benefits of both kingdoms on this earth, and softie God will cover it for us. Problem is the real Elohim of Israel is not a softie GodHe is the All Mighty One, El Shaddai, and He is all light, and in Him is no darkness. He will not tolerate sin, or disobedience to His Covenant and Kingdom requirements!! You might enter an earthly country without a visa in your passport. Americans can enter many countries without a visa. But, once you are in someone elses country, you had better obey the laws of that country or you may be put in prison, or thrown out of the country. Yet, most Christians think they can enjoy Yahuwehs country, and do whatever they want to do. That is pagan thinking. Most Christians, as well as the worlds people, pick what they like and throw away what they dont like. Christians quote the Psalms and favorite verses from the OLD Testament but when it comes to their beliefs regarding salvation, they call the OLD Testament obsolete. If the OLD Testament is obsolete, then why not throw it away-just tear it out of the Bible? Of course, we all like Psalms and Proverbs, so we want to keep those. Yet a young Christian at the Yardinet bookstore south of Tiberias, Israel, shocked me when she ask me if Christians should read the Psalms. I was buying two small copies of the Psalms. I told her oh yes, they are for us! Dont go around saying you are now Zion unless you check out all the verses on Zion, because some of them are not good at all. Zion is the City of Davida real place, where Messiah will live during His reign on earth. Allegorizing the Scriptures is incredibly dangerous, for we can miss His point very easily by doing that. It is dangerous to play games with His Word, making it match our theology. It is so dangerous that in Revelation 22, it says that if we add or take away from that book, our names will be taken from the Book of Life. We get all excited about healings and miracles in our New Testament times. We talk about Jesus healing us, or some miracle of healing that weve had. And, yes, Im experienced many of those miracles for myself and prayed over others and seen miracles happen. But, if you want divine health, where you dont get sick in the first place, then you have to go to passages in the Tenach where He promises Israel that He would keep them well if they obeyed His commandments. Obedience to the Torah is the only way, the Scriptures tell us, to maintain divine health. Also, if we obey Torah, He tells us that we wont put our money into a bag with holesbut that He will increase us and protect us. Staying well is part of the promise for keeping Torah, along with favor, protection, no miscarriages, no unfertile wombs, no poor crops, good family relationships, peace with neighbors, prosperity in business and more blessings abounding. If the Torah is obsolete, as the superior Christian attitude so arrogantly proclaims, then why do you have to go to Scriptures like Deuteronomy 28:1-11 and other passages to find blessings that are not promised in the Messianic Scriptures? Deuteronomy 28:1 puts a requirement on receiving those blessingsyou must keep Torahthe 10 commandsthat includes keeping Shabbat. The 1st century believers were Torah observant, so they didnt need to be taught to keep the Torah. They kept Shabbat, the feasts, the dietary laws, and all the other good teachings of our precious Father. If you Page 34

are honest with yourself, and you say that Yahushua nailed the Torah to the cross, then stop using it to get verses to support your theology, or your desire for some earthly blessing. But just remember, that if you throw out the Tenach of Elohim, in the judgment, the Messianic Scriptures will be a burdensome stone for you when you meet the Yahushua, the Messiah of Israel face to face. Speaking of the OOOOOOOOOOOOLD Testament, I remember the story of a Christian woman who visited Israel. She went into a Jewish bookstore and asked the man in charge for an OLD Testament. He got up on a ladder and climbed to the top of the bookcases, and pulled down a very dusty old book. He said, This is the oldest testament that we have in our store. It sounds funny, but that Constantine language that we so easily side off of our tongues is repulsive to His people. Let us get the language of Christianese out of our mouth!! It was that church that murdered millions of Jews and millions of true Messianic believers who were Torah-observant. To the Roman Catholic Church its own doctrines and traditions are higher than the Word of Elohim. The Archbishop of Reggio at the Council of Trent in 1562 set all hesitation aside by openly declaring that tradition stood above Scripture! His words were, The authority of the Church could not be bound to the authority of the Scriptures because the church had changed the Sabbath into Sunday, not by the command of Christ, but by its own authority. (Cannon and Tradition page 263) On this statement is the foundation of deception of the whole churchRoman Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Evangelical and Charismatic. It elevates mans theology and added traditions above the simply and directly put Word of Elohim. Tradition of men causes people to pick and choose what the Word says to fit their beliefs, opinions, and theology. It is very common in all corners of the Christian church, and in Judaism today. It began in 325CE and has not stopped. The whole rapture teaching is based on a few verses taken out of context. In fact many of our treasured beliefs have absolutely no basis in the Word. It is shocking when you start investigating!! The whole prosperity message is based on a few verses out of context, to back an idolatrous golden-calf religion. As the golden calf of Exodus and the golden calves of Jeroboam were worshipped, they were also mixed in with the worship of Yahuweh, so that there was no clean separation, but a mixture. I wish that you were either hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm (a mixture of hot and cold) I will spew you out of My mouth. (Revelation 3:15-16) In Mark 7:5-8, we see that what Yahushua rebuked was the tradition of the elders, not His own Word. Then the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law asked Yahushua, `Why dont your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with unclean hands? He replied, Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written `These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. You have let go of the commands of Elohim and are holding on to the traditions of men. You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of Elohim in order to observe your own traditions. Thus you nullify the Word of Elohim by your tradition. He was rebuking some of the puppets of Rome, who were put in and approved by the Roman government. These men, along with main-stream Judaism of that day (and to our day) held to the Talmud, written by men, and the Page 35

traditions of the Elders, the Rabbis, and added their own opinions to burden people down, as they do today in modern Judaism. But, Christians do the same thing. If the Word doesnt say what they want, they add or throw out what they dont want. The Emperor Constantine replaced His Word with his own pagan theology, making the Church the new Israel. This is the root of what we know today as the anti-Semitic Replacement theology. This man-made theology by the Emperor Constantine, shored up by the church fathers later on, is at the core of deception from the pit of hell itself. I was raised in traditional Churchianity. When He called me to the mission field, to full-time service for Him, the first thing I did was enroll in a 4-year Bible College. There I learned the theology of my denomination. After I got out of Bible College, and was preaching in many places, He did for me what my denomination told me was impossibleYahushua baptized me into the Holy Spirit and I spoke in a prayer language and began moving in miracles of all sorts. He began speaking to me, directing me, and life changed forever. I had to re-read the Bible and throw out all the theology that I had learned that said that all those things stopped after the 1st century. My denomination, I found out, had chopped the Word into so many pieces, and put it into so many separate categories that the Word was simply a theological text for my denominations beliefs. I had to re-read it as a whole text, from beginning to end, without my denominations glasses. Dispensational theology is a nice neat little package, but it is totally out of alignment with His theology. He doesnt chop up Himself or His Word. Mans traditions are passed down from generation to generation, in Bible Colleges, Seminaries, church sermons, in Bible studies, conventions, seminars, and home reasoning sessions. These disregard the Elohim of Israel who says of Himself, I change not. And we just sit neatly and nicely in our chairs absorbing what some professor, or doctor or pastor or evangelist tells us without ever studying for ourselves or questioning the truth of it. I know, I got straight As in Bible in Bible College. So true to His own Word is He that His own death was in order to break totally with one debunked marriage (to Israel, the 10 northern tribes in Samariabiological peoplenot Judah in Judea) and to pave the way for the eternal marriage to come to all believers in Yahushua. Torah said that both marriage partners are bound to each other until death, and that fornication is the only reason for divorce. But there is no reason given in the Word for re-marriage. If there is remarriage it is adultery. Yahushua had to divorce his adulterous wife, Israel, but He was still married to her until He died--thus breaking the covenant. He arose from the dead to be able to remarry His Bride Israel again--only this time the purchase price for her was His own blood. If our Savior believed in keeping the Torah that strongly--what about us? He lets non-Israelite gentiles in on His renewed Covenant, as He always let gentiles in on His covenant, but they had to come to the Elohim of Israel and adhere to His rules to do it. Zechariah 2:12 and other Scriptures along with John 10:16; Ephesians 3:6; Isaiah 56:8 etc. tell us that He will make one fold with one ShepherdIsrael. And many gentiles shall be joined to Yahuweh in that day, and they shall become My people. And I shall dwell in your midst. From Scriptures like Exodus 12, Isaiah 56 and Ezekiel 48, He makes it clear that to come to Him, any gentile is welcome, but they have to come into the covenant of Israelto Israels Elohim and to Israels Messiah. (Ephesians 2) There is no salvation outside of Israel. John 4:22: Salvation is from Page 36

the Jews. He came to renew His wedding vows to His Bride. There remains no more sacrifice for sin if we willfully dishonor this marriage contract. Thats what Pentecost is all aboutthe renewal of the marriage contract with His people. He made the marriage contract at Sinai on the day we call Pentecost (Shavaot), and He renewed it in the outpouring of the Ruach Yahuweh who fills everyone who asks for Him. This Ruach cries out with the Bride of Messiah, Come Yahushua ha Machiach. (Revelation 22) His whole dealings in salvation have to do with His people--Israel. He said in Matthew 10: Do not go into the way of the gentiles, but only go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He said in Matthew 15:24: I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Thats His prodigal family that He is calling home to His land and their Hebrew roots--biological Israelthe ten not-lost-anymore tribes. [Refer to: Who Are the Ten? and Are You A Gentile?] No one in Messiah is a gentile (barbarian, heathen, pagan, foreigner, stranger and alien to the Covenant of Yahuweh! The Apostles went north and west, after they were dispersed from Jerusalem by Rome. They were in Jerusalem for 10 years before this dispersion. Yacob (James) was martyred before the dispersion. But, when they were scattered, the Apostles went to areas of the Parthian Empire, and clear to Ireland. Shaul (Paul) got to Spain and to France, and the British Isles. Peter got to the British Isles. It was Roman law that if a prisoners accusers didnt show up in two years, the prisoner was released. He was 2 years in Rome and then released. He came back to Rome in 67CE and was beheaded under Nero in 68CE. Four days after Nero had him beheaded, Nero committed suicide. These are historical facts. The Apostles journeys are also recorded. The Parthian Empire went into the area of the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, Iran and Iraq, into parts of the Ukraine and even into northern India. John the Apostle got as far as China. But, only one born out of due season, the Apostle Shaul, went to those in the nations (gentiles) and so took a different journey than the other ones for the most part. In the days of Yahushua, they knew which direction those lost sheep went. Today, we are finding out scientifically through archeology, history and DNA testing. Messiah sent the Apostles ONLY to the lost sheep of the House of Israel Matthew 10:5-6. To deny what His Word says in order to protect your comfort, your reputation, your lifestyle, your physical life, your money, your family and friends--your little worldis to deny Truth and receive a lie and so be deceived and end up destroyed. The world is now so full of deception that we need turn off the words of man--talk shows, etc.--and know His Word well enough to know truth from error. WARNING: Deception can only grow in fertile soil. Whether it grows in us or not is completely up to us. Are you good soil for the seeds of deception? The propagation of deception is demonically led and controlled. If you submit to lies and deceptions and repel the Truth to preserve your life, compromising the truth for your own ease and comfort or convenience--then demons will walk through the open door that you have opened for them and will take over your life, and you will be led by beguiling and seducing spirits, and controlling spirits of men who are also deceived. Your childrens lives are a stake. You will be so led astray by the false Page 37

prophets of todays mega-church, by pastors, church leaders, or by others in deception, by books, videos, etc., which will eventually lead you into such selfish self-centeredness that you will be caught in a web that you cant get out of and dont want to get out of. Unfortunately, most Christians are already so secure and comfortable in that web of deception that they dont want to budge out of it. If you are good ground for deception, you will believe anything that has a Christian label on it, if it sounds good and feels good, and looks good, and tastes good, and smells good, then you will deduce that it is good by didactic reasoning. So, the enemy will just lead you from one thing to another that your soul realm (mind, will, emotions, reasoning powers, 5 senses, flesh, and carnal nature) thinks is good. Your Christian soundinggovernment can take all your rights away and youll think it is something good. Your world community will also appeal to your sense of right and wrong, saying that what they want is right, and if you cross them you are wrong, bad, unaccepted, and politically incorrect!! If you are used to going by your reason as to what is right, youll be manipulated into destroying yourself and your family, because the worlds right is usually Elohims wrong. Just remember that deception sounds good and looks good!! Deception flatters us, appeals to our five senses, and pampers us, but is like pretty candy with arsenic at its center. I call it the Snow White syndromethe poison in the pretty, shiny, red apple that looks so nice, but is deadly. It appeals to the 5 senses. It appeals to what we think and reason to be correct. But, the true believer lives out of their re-born spirit, and is led by the Ruach (the Spirit) of Yahuweh and the Word of Yahuweh. Remember that deception appeals to the lusts of the flesh--your selfish desires. Truth appeals to the spirit, which embraces suffering and persecution and hardness as a good soldier of Yahushua the Messiah. Truth causes one to change, to alter their lifestyle to match His commands and His will--His ways, His thinking, His plans and purposes. In fact Truth demands change!!! But, deception leaves a person comfortable, and encourages them to stay at ease and relaxed. All false prophets appeal to the fleshs lust for security, ease, comfort and relaxation. People embrace deception to escape what they fear. (A classic but tragically humorous story that reveals false prophets attitudes, as opposed to the true prophets message is found in II Chronicles 18:1-19:3). Whatever you fear losing is your god. Most people who call themselves Christians are idolatrousseeking something for nothing, and worshipping the works of their own hands, or someone elses hands. If you fear losing your life, then your life is your god!!!! So, I ask: Who is your Elohim? (The word Elohim in the Hebrew stands for Yahuweh of Israel, but can also mean gods of paganismincluding human gods). So is the real Elohim of Israel your Elohim, or are the gods of your own making your elohims? Israel went into captivity and was scattered into every country of the earth for idolatry. Idolatry is accompanied by sexual whoredom, and by all sorts of perversions. In the western world we see these exact same forms of idolatry, which still includes adulterous behavior against the covenant of Elohim. You cant love Him passionately, when you put other things, or people ahead of intimacy with Him, and devotion to obedience to Him! I John 2:15-17 says: Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in Page 38

the worldthe cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does, comes not from the Father, but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of Elohim lives forever. It says that those who love the world dont have the love of the Father in them. Later on in I John it says that if we dont have the love of the Father in us, then we dont have eternal life. We need to get alone with Him and search our souls for truth regarding where we stand with Him. The people of the Roman Empire worshipped the emperors. Today in North Korea, the President calls himself a god. He demands worship. Your flesh demands obedience to it and worship. There is a soda pop advertisement on billboards in the United States that says, Obey your thirst. Thats the world--obedience to the fleshs demands. Yahushua calls us to crucify the fleshs demands and live by the Spirits leading. Paul says, in I Corinthians 9:27: But I treat my body severely and make it my slave, so that when I have proclaimed to others, I myself might not be rejected. He also said, I die daily in I Corinthians 15:31. It is a daily dying to our own will, and a picking of His will. He demands total commitment in order to be His disciple (taught one). But a no commitment lifestyle is modern thinking--sex with no marriage and live-in lovers, but NO COMMITMENT. The average Christian lives by this rule, wanting their free ticket to heaven, with no commitment to the marriage contract of SET-APARTNESS TO YAHUWEH. Most Christians choose the deceiving TV (Christian TV too is deceptive) over getting alone with the Word and letting the Spirit teach them. Messianics are often glued to their computers to listen to the latest teaching by their chosen guru. And all the while Yahuwehs Spirit remains vexed at being rejected by His own people. And instead of obeying the marriage contract and obeying His one day of set-apartness to hear Him and spend time with Him (the eternal covenant of Shabbat), they choose to mow their yards, clean house, take the children to ball games, do laundry, wash the car, do carpentry work, and have no thought of the fact that they are shutting themselves off from His presence in His eternal forever than a man in the moon. Shabbat is an eternal covenant of set-apartness for His people forever and ever and ever. Isaiah 66:2-23: Shabbat will be celebrated every week, even in the new heaven and the new earth, as well as the new moon celebrations each month, which mark the festival calendar year. Shabbat is the Brides day with her Bridegroom--precious!!! What do you want for eternity out of your belief in Yahushua? Why did you accept Him as your Savior? What do you want from Elohim in the eternal world to come? What do you want from Him now? Your answers, once again, will let you know how vulnerable you are to deception, and how pure of heart you are. Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see Elohim. Without set-apartness (holiness) no man will see Elohim. Is your loyalty to your church, your denomination, your creed, your beliefs and hopes, or is your loyalty to Yahuweh only? How well do you know Him personally? How much experience do you have in trusting Him in total dependency on Him? Do you hear Him daily? (There are at least 27 ways in which we hear Himsurely He speaks in one of those ways to you each day. He primarily speaks through the Word and inner impressions). What is your obedience level with Him? What is your relationship with Him? Tour answers to all these questions will locate you in your spiritual walk. I once talked to a deacon in a denominational church. He asked about an old tired out Page 39

pet-doctrine of his denomination, which is based on ! of one verse in the New Testament. I presented him with a list I had collected of almost a hundred verses that contradicted his doctrine, saying just the opposite. He got livid in his anger at me--red in the face and gritted his teeth. He said, thats what I believe, thats what my church teaches, and that settles it. But, then he proceeded to tell me how much he loved Jesus. This type of religious pride is characteristic of many main-line evangelical denominations, especially in their leadership. They dont study the Word, and there is no humility to submit to the Word as a whole, so this fierce pride, defense and anger is a cover-up to protect their nakedness. Think hard, because if your convictions are not very solid in the truth of the whole Scripture, you are going to really balk at the truth I am presenting in this book. If you have read this article this far, I commend you. Because the truth I am presenting cuts across everything weve all been taught all of our lives to a great measure. There are NOT two covenants--two testaments. There is only One Elohim and His revealed truth and renewed truth in His Son, Yahushua. That is probably the greatest thing that Constantine did to destroy usto separate us from our Fathers Covenant. There was NO covenant, made by Elohim with the pagan Roman Church or even with her children in the Protestant church. The covenants of Elohim have always and exclusively been made with biological Israel!! If you have two brothers, with the same mom and dad, and one is saved and the other not saved, they are still both biological children of the same parents. They have different natures, and different eternal destinations, but both have a body, soul and spirit. The saved one can contact Elohim, while the unsaved one cannot. The only difference you can see is in how different or set-apart the saved one acts. If the saved one acts worldly out of his old nature, then you cant tell them apart. The only way you could tell them apart is if the saved one acts of his new nature in daily life, and his words and actions are Yah-oriented. It is the same with Elohim and Israel. Yahuweh is the Father of a biological family: In Isaac shall your seed be called, He told Abraham. (Genesis 21:12; Romans 9:7; Hebrews 11:18) The ones who receive Yahushua can come into His presence. Unfortunately, the ones who deny Yahushua cannot approach His throne, but they are still His biological children. There is no such thing as spiritual Israel, as opposed to natural Israel. If a total non-Israelite wants to come and receive salvation through Yahushua, they must come into Israels covenants with Yahuweh. We must not spiritualize what is natural. That is a New Age mysticism--Gnostic mysticism. Christianity in their general rejection of the Covenant Yahuweh made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/ of Israel, it has come up with all kinds of silly doctrinal teachings that in some way make themselves better and exclusive. As Paul says in Romans 3:1-2 and 9:3-5, the Jew has preserved for us the Tenach, the covenants, the worship, the promises, and the understanding of Him as our Elohim--and for that we must bless them!! Without the Jew, we would not have His Word in our hands. Read Romans 9-11 without doctrinal glasses and it will read quite differently. [Refer to the article study: Romans 11, 2011] Yahushua left us a system of local ecclesiagatherings, assemblies, congregations that were overseen by a multiplicity of elders appointed by Apostles, and guarded by Page 40

His true Prophets, who were the foundation layers (Ephesians 2:20). There was an interaction of the whole body of Messiah, and no hierarchy other than authority given to the individual gifting by the Ruach Himself. In two places in Revelations letters to the assemblies, Father says He hates the teachings and workings of those who have a clergy-laity system of superiority (called in Revelation 2 and 3, the Nicolaitanes)-that is the ministers over the laity. There is no laity in His Body. We are all ministers and witnesses with differing gifts. This has taken from us that Body-life that Yahushua wants us to have in relationship to one another. Otherwise, believers are no more than selfish units of individuality, with no heart to let others into their space. It is a tragedy!! All believers have gifts and no one is inferior. The authority differed with the gift, but we are to love one another equally, and respect and build up each others supernatural, Ruach-given gifts and natural talents. If you care anything about your life and the life of your family, then turn off the gateways to the demons who are destroying you and your family, beginning with the lying, deceiving, controlling TV which is programming your mind and making a zombie out of you. Stop lusting after entertainment and get into the Word with the Teacher, the Ruach, and study, study, study. In these days Paul says men will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of Elohim. Redeem the time for the days are evil. Believe me, Father is great entertainment. He has a fantastic personality and even a good sense of humor. Look up words in their original languages (The Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong is a good start), and look at the truth of church history, in secular writings and from other studious believers. I know I am speaking to a remnant that is truly hungry for truth and has gotten out of the whore system completely--Praise the Father for you!!!! Does Yahushua know you? In Matthew 25:1-11 the foolish virgins missed being part of His Bride. He said to them, I never knew you. There are guests and there are attendants and there is the Bride. These three groups are pictured several times distinctively in the Messianic Scriptures (the Brit Chadashah, the New Testament). I will deal more with this in Part II of The Foundation of Deception, entitled I Have Departed. The only foundation to be built on is Yahushua ha Machiach--Yahushua the Messiah of Israel. I Corinthians 3:11, For no one is able to lay any other foundation except that which has been laid, which is Yahushua Messiah. Shaul was not the originator of the Christian religion!! He was not the originator of a new religion. He did not bring a teaching of grace to us that was opposed to the Torah/Law!!! Grace and His Law are in tandemgrace rides on our obedience to His Torah/Law. As the Scriptures plainly tell us, Shaul was a Torah-guarding man! To build on His foundation is to keep His commandments. He and His Word are His foundations!! If we establish our faith on the foundation of the God of the Roman Catholic Church, whose name is the name of a Greek god, Iesous, then our foundation needs to be destroyed totally, and rebuilt on the real Jewish Elohim, Rabbi Yahushua. More later on this The roots of false names and words inserted into the Greek Text, and then translated Page 41

into the Latin Vulgate by a Gnostic, Jerome, are clearly seen in history. We must tear up the foundation that is a mixture of a little truth and much paganism and ancient wickedness. Neither Yahushua, nor (Rav Shaul) Paul, started anything newno new covenant, and no new religion! Nothing was thrown out, and Yahushuas words in Matthew 5:17-19 are still valid. I knowgetting to the real truth is like eating a rainbow troutmany little bones--but when you get the bones in the trashthe meat is superb!!! No one is his own master. That is a deception in itself. We are either a bond slave to our lusts, propelled by Satans suggestions, or bond slaves to our Master Yahuweh. No one is independentthats a big deception right there. Deception is in the soul-realm. It is a battle for the mind that is going on now. When you are born-again your spirit is perfected, the Word says, so the battle is in your mind, because your mind directs your actions, that is where you will is seated. The spirit is either in control, or the fleshly lusts are in control. (See Romans 8 and Galatians 5) Satan wants us to convert to His thinking. Man wants us to covert to his way of thinking. What do you think the advertising world is all about? It is out to control your mind by controlling your emotions and your lusts by appealing to your five senses. And the re-born spirit, filled with the Ruach is demanding that our minds conform to His way of thinking. It is a battle. Didnt anyone tell you that you were born-again in the middle of a war-zone? We are born-again on a battlefield. Arise and fight for Truth!! Yes, up front, Ill tell you that the price is highit will cost you everything you are and everything you have to follow Yahushua!! It is the soul which must be saved by the washing of the Word, by its transformation to conform to the image of Messiah by the power of the Ruach. In order for the soul (the mind, will, emotions, personality, reason, understanding, knowledge) to be saved, it requires a constant daily dying to its lusts and desires. It is very powerful. Have you ever tried to fast with no food for more than 24 hours? Paul said, I die daily. That is what picking up your stake is all aboutdying to your own will, as Yahushua did when He picked up His stake. (Thats stake not steak.) The way that we are deceived is in the soul realm, and the thoughts and words that are designed to deceive us are like seeds that go into soil. If your mind is filled with the Word, then you will recognize that the enemy is sowing bad seed into you. You will know because 1) your re-born spirit will let you know by drawing back from the death of the deception, as a baby in the womb draws back when an abortion needle is inserted into the womb to kill it. There is a built-in lie detector in your re-born spirit, if you allow it to report to you on deceptions and lies. Many Christians disengage that lie detector by ignoring it over and over, until it finally stops giving off signals. 2) Your knowledge of His Word and 3) your knowledge of His nature will alert you to error. But, you must be diligent to strengthen your spirit-man by mortifying the flesh man or sin nature of the soul. That is your responsibility. Romans 12:2: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good, and well-pleasing, and perfect desire of Elohim. Demons, or men, present illusions to our mind, and we hear them over and over and over until we form images of what those words mean. Just so you can test yourself, let me present some current events through which the Page 42

controlled news media is busy trying deceptively mind-program their audiences minds for the purposes of the world governments control. For example, what image comes to your mind, when you think of a Palestinian? Depending on what Arab-owned TV station you listen to, and they are almost all Arab owned or at least bought off, you think of poor people in refugee camps, who have been maliciously treated by an occupying government. You think of a people group who are ancient and were there before the Jews. What is a Jew? That is another illusion. It is a Babylonian nickname for the 1 tribe of Judah (Jacob had 12 sons). So, are Jews coming back to Palestine? No! There never was a Palestine and no people called Palestinians. The word Palestine being used for the Land of Judea and Samaria (Shomron) was created by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century to mock the Jews. He gave their Land the name of their enemy, the Philistines. He had forbidden Torah to be taught, and executed anyone teaching the Torah or possessing the Torah. He outlawed circumcision, a practice, which was an abomination to the Romans. Most of those who call themselves Palestinians are from other countries, and many of them have only been in Israel for 3 years or less. They are coming in to help the causethe total annihilation of Israel. Jordan was created as the Palestinian State, and is 70% Palestinian. No, Jews are not coming back to some place called Palestine, because the tribes at least of Judah, Benjamin and Levi have always had people there, since the time of Joshua. And, actually the presence of Hebrews has been there since Abraham, the Hebrew, entered the Land Elohim gave him and his offspring. It is Abrahams scattered descendants who are coming home from all the 12 tribes of Jacob, plus Josephs two sonsEphraim and Manasseh. When Israelites began to return home in the late 1800s there were a few Arab settlers there, living in tents. The Arabs had left the land with mosquito infested-swamps in the northern valleys, and mostly uncultivated desert land in Judea and south that didnt grow much more than rocks. It was a worthless land. Nobody would want it but those whose hearts burned for the return of His people to His Land. The Israelites, to whom the land was given by Elohim (Genesis 15) through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, came in and cleaned up the swamps and built cities and now are growing things everywhere even in the desert, and filling the earth with fruit, as the Word said they would. But one day after their State was declared (May 15th, 1948), they were attacked by 7 Arab nations, who were defeated because Elohim fought for them. The Muslim world is dedicated to the total extinction of Israel. Visit Israel and get rid of your deceptions!! It was back in 132CE, when Emperor Hadrian violently squelched the Bar Kochbas rebellion against Rome, that he named Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina. He wanted to make sure that everything Jewish was Romanized. This is what the Church did, and the Church became the new Rome. Babel ended up in Rome, all of the previous empires ended up in Romebeing absorbed by Rome, thus Nimrods tower came alive in the Church. When Israel came back to their land, beginning in the late 1800s, they blessed the people of the land and the Arabs standard of living was raised up above 70%, even in Gaza. They worked well together until humans, empowered by demons, again stirred things up. All these people, calling themselves Palestinians, are from all over the Arab world, and they moved into Israel to fight against Israel. It is a scheme from the devil himself. I Page 43

met a girl who was born in Saudi Arabia, and went to school in Jordan, but had never been to Israel. She called herself a Palestinian. If the Palestinians live in squalor conditions, it is because that is the way they livetheir culture. It is the same with their homes in other Arab countries. They live in tents, in shacks, or in concrete buildings because they are perpetuating seventh century Arabic culture. Their religion is culturebased. A few get rich and live in palaces. But, the culture does not give itself to progress. The rich dont share their wealth with the poor. The average Arab is mistreated, left in poverty, imprisoned and tortured by his own peoplelike in Iraq. Saddam Hussein murdered thousands of his own people. Yassar Arafat has also murdered thousands of his own people. Today, if someone is suspected of being a collaborator with Israel, in the PLO areas, they are killed. Recently a 10 year old boy was shot to death by the PLO for allegedly collaborating with Israel. Arabs in the so-called West Bank have been hung by the neck until dead, in public display, for allegedly collaborating with Israel. The West Bank is another deception. It is Samaria (Shomron) and it belongs to Israelto the northern tribes. There are those who are deceived because they just dont have the knowledge, and there are those who know the truth and look the other way. There are those who dont know the truth, and there are those who refuse to accept the truth. This article is about deception, but I know very well, that many are not deceived, they know the truth very well, but they just wont acknowledge it because it would rock their world too much. Many know the truth but for personal gain, push truth aside. Isaiah talks about a day when truth has fallen in the streets. Many pastors know the truth about what I am saying here, but wouldnt breath a word of it to their congregations for fear that they would lose their money, their reputation, their place in the denomination, and etc. There are those who deny knowing Him, because they know the truth about Him, but fear for their lives. That is not deception thats blatant rejection of Him and His Word!! Be aware of the Arab-owned news media that is dedicated to filling your mind with illusions. Israel is not an aggressor. They never have been. But, CNN, BBC, and others who are bought off by the Arab world to push their propaganda for their purposes, to anger the world and their own people against the Jews, to create hatred for the Jews, are deceiving million. Most of us know that, but we still watch the lying TV. We reject truth by our actions. Father Yahuweh will arise, and the world will finally know the truth. I have been in the West Bank. I have followed the operations of the IDF and heard the lies against them. Israel is most likely the most dedicated army in the world to preserving life going house to house in Arab areas to route out terrorists without hurting civilians, and in doing so, risking their own lives. Of this day Yahushua said, For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, neither hid, that shall not be known. Whatsoever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light, and that which you have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Nothing will be able to be hidden. There is technology now that enables someone to listen in on conversations on the telephone, through the walls of houses, tapping into e-mails, and watching what we Page 44

do by video cameras. There is technology that allows people to locate us within 10 feet. Nothing will be hidden in the days to come. There are a lot of lies out therebut there is a lot of truth surfacing, too. The Voice of the Martyrs has good books telling you about the real purposes of Islam, which is to destroy Israel and all Jews and Christians worldwide. (No I dont work for Voice of the Martyrs nor get kickbacks on their sale of books). But the news media programs our mind to think the way they want. Right now, Iraqi TV is telling the people that the coalition forces in Iraq (Gulf War II) did not take the Baghdad airport, or enter Baghdad, and that the Iraqis are killing off the American military. They have fake pictures to show the people, and the Arab people across board are enraged because of these lies. At the beginning of the Intifada--September 29, 2000--a deceptive picture made millions of Arabs want to fight to the death in a holy war against the infidels (jihad). The picture was of a young boy is huddling behind a barrel and all of a sudden he is shot and killed. That picture went all over the world to show people how horrible Israel is--it enraged the Arab world. But, when the truth came outit was an Arab sniper that killed the boy. At the beginning of the Intifada on the Temple Mount, September 29, 2000, there was a picture of an old man that appeared on the front page of many major newspapers across the United States and around the world. He was on the Temple Mount throwing stones because Ariel Sharon dared to come up on the Temple Mount and bring someone. (Of course, that visit was cleared with the PLO before hand, and Sharon had been up there with visitors many times before). When enlarged, the background showed it was a picture taken in Chicago. Slovadon Molosovich (President of Serbia-Kosovo) was brought before the world and accused of murdering thousands of Muslims. He was tried before The Hague and publicly paraded to the world as a butcher. He kept silent, but when a huge grave was found in his country supposedly proving that he murdered thousands of Muslims, he finally told the truth. He said that he killed 2,000 Muslim terrorists who had invaded his Christian country from the Muslim country of Bosnia next door, and were threatening to destroy his people and that was all. He said that the Muslims killed their own people and buried them in his country to be found to prove him guilty. NATO bombed and Pthe plight of the Muslim refugees, until it justified NATOs intervention. The world system has always protected the Muslims over the Jews and Christianswhy?--because of oil deals with the Muslims, going back to the early 1930s. The world systems god Lucifer, and Muslims, hate the same peopleJews and Christians. After that truthful statement by Molosovich became public, the news media did not bring him up again. He disappeared from the public eye. The world is afraid of the truth and runs from it like a scared rabbit. The world system and its whore religious systems, thrive on lies, deceptions and secrets. The religious establishments all, including Christianity, also thrive on these 3 things. Our minds are systematically and methodically being programmed by powerful leaders, who are telling us what is good for us--what we need to know, what we need to do, and what we need to believe. Our rights to our own will are being taken away from us right now. We are being deceptively programmed. And, if our rights are taken away, it is our fault, because we as a body of believers did not stand up for Page 45

truth, but laid it down for our comfort zone, to preserve our security, and our right to continue in our lifestyle as usual. My great grandfather plus, plusPatrick Henrysaid this at the Virginia Convention, March 23, 1775: Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Lies upon lies upon lies is what is normal in the world system, and in the religious system. In Islam, sexual perversion, sacrificing of children to their fire-god (in the past it was Moloch; today it is suicide bombers), beating of women, homosexuality, murder, rape, dismembering, savagery, atrocities and lying are all normal for 7th century Arabian tribal culture. This culture is alive and well, and engrained into its people from the age of 2, when they are weaned from the breast. I see it up close. The Koran teaches them that these things are virtues in the cause of their god. Children as young as 5 are screaming: I want to give myself to being a suicide bomber. As soon as Gulf War II started children began acting in rage in this peaceful Arab town that Ive lived in for 4 years. When our military men and women were killed, or captured and tortured, there were demonstrations all over the Arab world of celebration and joy. Our Elohim is an Elohim of love, compassion, life, love, light, beauty, order, and merciful longsuffering, graciousness and kindness. How opposite are the false gods of the religions of the world, who know nothing but violence, sexual perversion, brutality and death? Religion is an ugly thing. But, worse yet, is the illusion that it is good. Woe to those who call good evil, and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). You must study to find out the difference between good and evil. Another question: What image do you have when I say the word Israeli settlements? Are you thinking of trailers, shacks, dirt and rubble and squalor? Are you thinking of Jews coming into Palestinian areas as squatters? Ive been therethose occupied settlements are beautiful cities, with hospitals and universities and fine houses and yards and beauty and peace, and fine roads going to them. But, below are Palestinian villagessqualor and filth, overrun with animals and trash. But, the news media wants you to think that they live that way because of Israel. You have to study, and research, and investigate, and get before the Father and find out truth. This article is not political. Im not anti-Arab. Im pro-people. I have Arab friends. But TRUTH IS NOT TOLERANT OF EVIL. Truth sees only in black and white. Another great foundation for deception to grow on is false tolerance, accepting what is not of Him. Believe me! Satan and his agents in this earth HATE THE TRUTH!!! If you stand for truth, especially His Truth, you are setting yourself against the whole world system, and the whole religious system!! It is almost impossible to deceive a person who knows His Word, His nature and His voice!!! Yahushua said: My sheep hear My voice and I know them, and they follow Me. And they shall by no means follow a stranger, but shall flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers. (John 10) Do we flee from the deception of strangers? According to many Scriptures, Page 46

including in Ephesians 2, the stranger is one outside of the Covenant of Elohimlawless against the Torah. That describes most of the church world today. The words stranger, alien, foreigner and dog are all used in Scripture (From Exodus 12 to Revelation 22) to describe those outside of the covenant of Israel made at Sinai. The dog returns to its vomit--the vomit is lawlessnesssin, which is a violation of His Torah. Therefore, the whoring system that teaches us to despise Torah is also vomit. Numbers15: 29-31 gives us only one example: There is one Torah both for him who is native among the children of Israel or for the stranger who sojourns in their midst. Whoever sins defiantly, whether he is native or a stranger, he reviles Yahuweh, and that being shall be cut off from among His people because he has despised the word of Yahuweh, and has broken His command, that soul shall be cut off and his crookedness is upon him. If someone who was a stranger, alien, foreigner or anyone outside of the covenant with biological Israel, wanted to join in the salvation of the Elohim of Israel, had to come by faith, and keep the covenant of Passover and Shabbat. (Exodus 12:48-49; Isaiah 56; Ezekiel 48:22-23) Ephesians 2:11-12: Remember that you were once gentiles in the fleshat that time were without Messiah, excluded from the citizenship of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no expectation and without Elohim in the world. Verse 19 goes on to say: So then you are (now) no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the set-apart ones, and members of the household of Elohimthat is through faith in Messiah Yahushua. I plead with you: Study to show yourself approved unto Elohim, a workman who does not need to be ashamed. It is time we stopped being like little boys playing with little matchbox cars on the train trackthe train is coming and wed better leave the toys and run for our lives. It was His love that caused Him to nuke Sodom and Gomorrah to get Lot out. Lets see His love in a different way. Ive seen Gomorrahit was reduced to rock-ashand sulfur pellets are all over it, and they still burn hot when fire is applied. The upper rocks look like melted ice cream. Fathers wrath is a real thing to avoid. Our Elohim is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:29) The coming judgment is one of fire, Peter tells us. (II Peter 2:4-3:18) II Peter 3:10-12: But the day of Yahuweh shall come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall pass away with intense heat, and the earth and the works that are in it shall be burned up. Seeing all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be in setapart behavior and reverence, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of Elohim, through which the heavens shall be destroyed, being set on fire, and the elements melt with intense heat. In other places, in the Tenach, it says that when He comes, it will be like Sodom and Gomorrah (nuclear blast). To preserve the human race from demonic takeover, He had to flood it, and save one pure-seed. He is coming to destroy the wicked, and if you are in His path still playing on the train track, He wont stop to warn you, because the warnings are going out now, and Page 47

it is your choice if you dont act quickly. We must stop listening to the opinions of menfor only the Ruach has the truth. Opinions often make us doubt the truth, and so we go into confusion even after we have peace that something is right. Self-righteousness is deceiving our selves into thinking we are good. The Word says, There is none good, no not one. There is a superiority complex that comes with religion. I dont mind telling on myself. I was so self-righteous as I would go to church on Sunday morning, and see my neighbors mowing their grass. I would be especially outraged at those heathen who had boats being pulled behind their cars on their way to the beach. I looked down my long religious nose at all those horrible people. I remember thinking how theyd all go to hell. Now, Im one of THEM. For me Sunday is the first day of the week--time to go do business in town. Now self-righteous people are looking down their long noses at me. Im sure that some of those people mowing their grass and taking trips that I condemned so harshly were obedient Jews who had observed the Shabbat the day before. His set-apart day, as His set-apart sign for His set-apart people to acknowledge their set-apart Elohim is Shabbat (known by its pagan name, Saturday, for the god Saturn). Our Elohim says, in the Tanach, AND IN THE MESSIANIC SCRIPTURES, Be set-apart as I am set-apart. How can we know how to be set-apart? The Torah is His standard of set-apartness! This quote is fantastic!! From Constantines Sword (pages 118 and119): The phrase `New Covenant which has come to define Christianitys status as a superseding religion, has its origin, in fact, in Jeremiah, but the Hebrew word that prophet used carried exactly this connotation of renewal, a notion that does not open into the deadly dichotomy between new and old. For Jeremiah and for Jesus, there is only one covenant. So we are not talking here about Judaism being brought to fulfillment in the discontinuous message of a different movement. The point, again, is that Jesus offers a Jewish renewal, and it is tied to love. Jesus message was thus rooted not only, say in the opening chapters of Genesis, but in the piety of Judaism as such. I read it as a Christian, yet the record of the Torah seems clear. Before God gave commandments, God gave blessings. Before the Law, there was rescue from Egypt. Hosea, Isaiah and other prophets strike the theme repeatedly: If Israel behaves like a faithless wife, sometimes provoking Gods rage, God nevertheless takes her back each time. Nothing Israel does can undo this love. Jewish hope has everything to do with the faith that the `God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob does not break the covenant with Jews when they die. Not even human mortality outweighs the love of God. Thus God does not need to be appeased like some puny clay idol, nor does Gods grace need to be earned. Page 119: Yet the fact remains that nowhere more pointedly than on this matter of love was Jesus a faithful Jew. He was proclaiming the love of the Jewish God. James Carroll is a Roman Catholic by religion, and from all indications is certainly not what wed call Scripturally born again, yet some of the things that he says, and the way that he says them shows me that he is closer to the Elohim of Truth than most of Page 48

the Christian world. Here is a man who is not afraid to confront the truth about his own beliefs, and realize that the foundation of what his own Church really is was built on lies and hatred and an Emperors lust for power. In the closing remarks of Constantines Sword, author James Carroll says, When the wrath of an Old Testament God is replaced with the love of a New Testament God--and this formulation remains basic to Christian preachinghow can Jews not take umbrage at the insult to the Jewish heart such a contrast implies at the distortion of the fundamental proclamation of Torah, which is Gods love? The tragic mistake! As some scholars call itthe formalizing of the New Testament canon, which institutionalized, from the Christian side, the split between Judaism and Christianity. He goes on to ask what if this road of Constantines had not been taken, and concludes that we could have one covenant, binding both currents to the broader stream of the one Israel. In other words, if it were not for Constantine making up a new religion to unite his empire, we could have had 1,700 years of unified truth!!! Think about that!! Constantinean anti-messiah for sure!! But, in the Messiah Yahushua, a remnant remains until this day, so as in the coming tribulation, a remnant true to Yahushua and the Torah will remain and overcome even another, more evil, Constantine! We must be brutal with our own lives, and realize that this Savior of ours is Somebody we dont really know because weve been fed deceptions by a pagan-based man-made religion. We have some unambiguous concept of who He is in our imagination, but a real, down-to-earth Jewto many that doesnt register. Now as He is ready to come back, He is allowing these things to surface, so that we can get our lives in order to receive the Jewish Elohim who says to us that if we are not a part of His people we are not a part of Him. It says in the Torah that no Moabite shall enter into the congregation of Israel forever, and gives Elohims reasons. Yet, Ruth the Moabite, was not only accepted into the congregation of Israel but became the great, great grandmother of King David and in the direct line of Yahushua Himself. How did that happen? It was because of her confession to her mother-in-law Naomi (a Jew) in Ruth chapter 1 verse 16, your Elohim will be my Elohim. Thats the way it has always beenunless the Elohim of Israel is our Elohim, we are like the heathen, gentile, pagan, damned to hell individual who has no hope. Gentiles (nations)non-Jewswere without hope outside of Messiah. Who is Messiah? He is the Messiah of Israel--Yahushua our Savior. The translation of Machiach is Messiah. If you will use the title Messiah where Christ is used and it will turn on the light for you in many Scripture passages! (We will see the pagan origin of the word Christ later on). If Messiah is the translation into the English of Machiach, then where did Christ come from? Ask questionsand you will be amazed at the truth you will uncover. The covenant in the blood of Yahushua was a renewal of the blood covenant from Genesis 3, renewed in the Mosaic covenant, and prophesied about in Jeremiah 31:31-34 as a renewed covenant. If a Catholic historian can see thatwhy does the church hang on to its separation of the two covenants? It is what Father calls a whores forehead. (Jeremiah 3:3) Because of stubbornness in pride there is no repentance, no humility, no fear of Yahuweh, and no shame. Anti-Semitism is a foundation for deception. There can develop easily the attitudes of Page 49

arrogance, pride, haughtiness, and a mocking spirit of superiority against anyone who doesnt believe like we do. That arrogance is what Constantine created against the Jews using the symbol of the crucifix. It was also deliberate blasphemy of the 2nd commandment. It was the new Church spirit, created purposely by the Emperor Constantine in Trier, Germany, where he had his residency. Trier was the beginning center of not only hatred for the Jews but the slaughter of Jews. From Trier it went around the world. In Constantines Sword pages 174-175, it says: Before Constantine the cross lacked religious and symbolic significance. The fathers of the Church (pre-Constantine era) followed Paul in developing the idea of salvation through the death of Christ, but Justin for example, even in discussing the cross, keeps it at a metaphorical remove by seeing it more as the shape of Passover blood on the lintel than as the literal execution device. The blood of Christ, yes. The cross, not so much. Thus on the wall of the catacombs in Rome prior to the fourth century were to be seen representations of palm branches, the dove, the peacock, the bird of paradise, or the monogram of Jesus (fish symbol), but the cross is simply not to be found among them. The place of the cross in the Christian imagination changed with Constantine. On page 226 James Carroll says, speaking of the relics of the true cross, the plaque of Pilates inscription, the seamless robe, and other souvenirs that Constantines mother Helena supposedly found in Jerusalem:, he says: But Helenas relics did something else, too. In part because of the cults attached to these particular totems of the Passion story, Trier developed as a center of Christian hatred of Jews. Trier was one of the places where the scapegoating of Jews for the Black Plague was most extremetownspeople murdered the entire Jewish community. Jews gradually returned to Trier, but in 1418 they were driven from the city. Hatred is good soil for deception!!! The blame-game began with Adams statement to Yahuweh in Genesis 3:12: The woman You gave me to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate. Hatred begins with blaming someone or something for your harm, or for the harm of others. At first the Jews were hated for their religion, because it was outlawed by Rome. Then the Jews were hated for their race. But, the church created a hatred of them because they were Christ killers. According to history, Constantine, by the passionate infusion into the minds of the new church that it was the Jews who killed Christ, the Christians began so filled with hate, that they went after the Jews to murder them. The Crusades and Inquisition ensued, and up to today, the Church murders the true believer in many countries--not just any believers. The spirit of religion carries within itself is a spirit of murder. In the crusades there was madness to liberate the Holy Land from the infidelsJews and Muslims. Today the Muslims call the Christians and Jews infidels. The crusaders, for the Pope and the Church, murdered Jews and Arabs. The first Crusade began officially in 1096CE, and any general history book will tell you about the Crusades. The Crusades were called the war of the cross. The justification was to kill those who killed Jesus, and take the Holy Land for the Church. In Constantines Sword page 250, James Carroll talks about the war of the cross being at the heart of Christian hatred of Jews. What the crusaders do, especially as Page 50

unleashed not so much in the Eastthough in 1099 in the violent siege of Jerusalem, they drove all the Jews into one synagogue and burned them alive but in the cities of the Rhineland in 1096, is to make the thing clear as rain, albeit a rain of blood. By the 10th century, Jews were no longer admitted to the Temple Mount. This hatred targeted the Jew, yes, but also the believer in Yahushua/Jesus, who was born again by faith, and was not baptized into the Roman Catholic Church, especially if they observed the Torah. They are responsible for the deaths of millions, even going into Russia and other Orthodox countries where the Church did not bow to the Pope of Rome, and into Protestant areas in Africa, Central and South America, Asia and the Islands. Of course, like Corrie Ten Booms sister Betsy, millions of true believers in Messiah were tortured and killed in concentration camps in Hitlers Germany. Many, like Corrie and her sister, were arrested for simply helping Jews escape. You dont hear much about that. Her story is in the famous book, The Hiding Place. Everyone should read this book! In The Making of England by C. Warren Hollister, page 19 it says, Previous emperors had persecuted Christians intermittently for their refusal to worship the official deities, but persecution only encouraged the Church to greater efforts. With Constantines conversion, the persecutions gave way to a policy of toleration and encouragement, but before the fourth century had ended, Roman emperors had become such ardent Christians that they were persecuting pagan and heterodox sects. The new religion, with its claim to universality, paralleled and reinforced the Roman Empires similar claim. (Of course we say Constantines conversion tongue and cheek, because he had no conversion or new birth). After his supposed conversion he had his son and wife murdered, and he remained a sun-god worshipper until his death. But, he had the Bishop of Antioch Eusebius baptize him just before he died. Good fire insurance, Im sure he thought.) As the Churchs murderous history progressed in the murdering of Jews and real believers, it included the Churchs backing of Hitler in 1933 to kill millions of Jews. It was inflamed by a special showing of the seamless robe of Christ in Trier in 1933 that incited such backing of Hitler. From Constantines Sword page 227: In that year of Hitlers coming to power, the Vatican signed its concordat with the Third Reich. By doing so, the Catholic Church became the first foreign power to enter into a bilateral treaty with Hitler. Let me tell you a personal story regarding Trier. Trier predates Rome by 1,600 years, and its history is astounding. My son was in the Air Force, stationed in western Germany about 15 minutes drive from Trier. My husband, my son and I, visited Trier two or three times during our 16 day visit in 1992. It is a lovely German city today on the Mosel River right near the Luxembourg border. I did see the case where the seamless robe was keptsupposedly found by Constantines mother Helena in the Holy Land. But, I wanted to see where the Christians and other prisoners were kept before they went into the arena to be killed in the amphitheater. It was raining and no one else was going into the dungeon. It was leaky and dreary down there, with rooms for prisoners and animals, with huge iron bars. Page 51

It was eerie--you could feel the oppression of that place and the horror of it was still in the air. As we came out into the amphitheater area, I mumbled something that I should not have said or even thought. I was in great physical shape up until then. But, I mumbled to myself: I wonder if the spirits that were here in the days of the early church are still here? Oh my!--Those ancient spirits heard me. I immediately began having heart pains, my knees went limp and I had to hang onto the railing, my heart was pounding so strong that it pushed my shirt out, my head was in great pain, and I was gasping for air. I tired to call to my son to help me, but he had gone on up the hill. He turned around (the famous Church which houses the seamless robe was just ahead) and saw me like that. He came and immediately started coming against the demons in spiritual warfare and all of a sudden as quickly as I had that attack, I was just fine. Little did I know then that the Elohim of Israel would enlist me in His service to come against the very spirits that were attacking me that daythe spirits of hate of Israel, of a false religion and evil beyond imagination through the anti-messiah of his day--the Emperor Constantine and his religious mother Helena. But, the spirits must have known me. In writing this article, I know what I am dealing with, and I know truth that is now being twisted and thrown into the streets will ultimately prevail. As truth comes we must make adjustments and go forward quickly. It is easy to see Constantine as an anti-messiah, for He hated the Elohim of Israel, and changed times and season to paginate and destroy anything Hebrew. He sat as godin the cult of Emperor worship. The anti-messiah to come will also sit as god, to be worshipped, after the pattern of ancient Rome. Helena took the classic role of the false prophet, for her religious journeys to the Holy Land and the Egyptian peninsula caused the whole world to fall in line with what her son was doing to unite his empire. Just like the false prophet of Revelation 13 will cause everyone to worship the beast. Grace has been extended to His remnant for over 1,900 years. But as truth is being revealed we must quickly change with the truth, and not drag our feet or compromise. In Hosea 2, He says, In that day, declares Yahuweh, you will call me `my husband, and no longer call me `my master. I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer will their names be invoked. Baal was a sun god, representing the ancient sun-god worship, and in Hebrew Baal means Lord, Master. Six thousand eight hundred and twenty three times the word Lord in the Scriptures should be translated Yahuweh, except for a few hundred times when the word is Adonai which is Hebrew for Master. You can easily check these things because they are factual and documented. Grace is for the obedient, or the totally ignorant until they know truth. It is not for the belligerently rebellious! Let us continue to talk about our own foundations of deception and how we got onto them: One of the greatest foundations of deception is the spiritualizing of what is natural, by those who wont accept the natural. Constantine was the first replacement theology theologian. He did everything he could to get rid of anything to do with Israel, Hebrew, Jew or Semitic. So the church substituted itself for Israel, and today calls itself Zion. For this replacement to take place, the whole Word of Elohim must be altered, changed, and chopped into pieces. Spiritualizing natural things is done by such religions as New Age, Hindu, Buddhist, and other mystical eastern religious sects. It is also philosophizing things that are simple and real, blowing them into some super-spiritual Page 52

concept. That is paganand goes back to ancient Greece. The church has doctrines that came out of Plato and other Greek philosophers, as well as from Gnostic thinkers. Paul had problems with that in the 1st century. For example, as with philosophers, the churchs think tanks changed what was clearly natural to Israel into something philosophically spiritual--contemplating the Word metaphysically, thus producing much imagination and distorting truth out of context. Many theological and doctrinal conclusions were drawn from such metaphysical contemplation on the nature of God or the plan of salvation. Thus many church fathers were Gnostics (from gnosis which is Greek for knowledge). Today, we have eloquent speakers making Ezekiel chapter 47 into some move of the Holy Spirit, when it is a detailed account of actual geological changes that will take place in Jerusalem at the time of Messiahs return. It is forbidden by the Ruach to make the Word of Elohim of any private interpretation. Yet the church is getting more and more pagan, and more and more metaphysical, and more and more New Age all the time. Our false tolerance, taught to us in school, from the 1920s has led us into relative thinking, making things that are evil into things that are good, or tolerable. Thus Isaiahs warning is a warning to the church of today, Woe unto them who call evil good and good evil. (Isaiah 5:20) The Roman Catholic Church does not discuss His second coming. They spiritualize the book of Revelation, as do the New Age believers, to make it something metaphysical and/or at least historical. By spiritualizing what is literal, we get out of the responsibility to obey it. The Church is focused on its own controlling power over the earth, and what the wealth of the world has to offer it. So, many Evangelicals believe that we must take over the earth for Jesus before He comes, so that we might usher Him back. There is arrogance is that. According to Acts 17:31 says that He has appointed a day in which He will judge the earthon the Feast of Trumpets. Our Father never does anything based on haphazard planning or the whims of people. With the infallibility of the Pope as doctrine, the Church believed itself incapable of sin, as a Church and therefore exempt from the need of a returning Messiah. In Constantines Sword page 567, James Carroll makes an interesting statement: A Church that believes it is incapable of sin, believes that it has no need of the return of its Messiah, which may be why the Second Coming of Jesus is rarely the subject of Catholic sermons. But such a Church is also incapable of surpassing itself, which is another way of saying it is dead. (Quite a statement for a Catholic!) This great whore rises to such power in these last days, and couples with the antimessiah, so that to think that another Messiah would come and take over, would be horrifying from the Pope on down, now wouldnt it? It is against the law in China for pastors or evangelists or anyone to preach on the Second Coming, and/or preach from the Books of Daniel or Revelation. Today, in many countries people who talk about His return are put in the category of cult or potential terrorist. The world leaders today, who are drawing the world together into one community, dont want anyone coming to take over. They are Lucifer worshippers (Jesuits, Illuminati, Masons, and all their related organizations like the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Bilderberger group, the Page 53

Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Crossbones, Lucius Trust, New Age groups, and hundreds of other sub-servant groups). There is an amazing verse in Revelation 19:19, which says that when He returns, the armies of the earth will be waiting in the Valley of Megiddo, which is north of Jerusalem, to come against Him, and His army. That army is composed of the born-again believers from all ages, who are with Him when He puts His foot on the Mt. of Olives. (Zechariah 14:1-5) Those nations that come against Him are destroyed as He speaks, and their blood runs to the horses bridal for many miles, splattering the robe of Yahushua. What a strange thing to think about in the year 2003CEall nations coming into the valley of Megiddo north of Jerusalem to fight Yahushua and his army as He descends. But, now, the worlds most powerful nations actual have agencies to track anything or anyone coming in from outer space, and have set up ways of stopping them. The worshippers of Lucifer (Satan) know that He is coming, and they fear His return. So, since the great whore knows that He is coming to destroy her (The Roman Catholic Church and the whole Nimrod church system) the wrath of Satan is unleashing against those who believe in His return and especially those who worship Him by His correct Names as the Elohim of Israel. We cant understand much of the Word unless it is put into its Hebrew context!! We cant understand even the nature of Yahushua outside of understanding His Jewish personality and culture in which He lived. Of course most of the Tenach is lost and thrown out by the church as obsolete or irrelevant to today. So there is little to no understanding even of what Yahushua did for us, or what He left us at His ascension. People twist Pauls words to match their anti-Semitic attitudes, and perpetuate a paganbased gospel on a foundation of mixture--as Peter tells us (II Peter 3:15-17). He doesnt change with the seasons--neither does His Word. Deuteronomy 10:12-13 says it all: And now Israel, what is Yahuweh your Elohim asking of you, but to fear Yahuweh your Elohim, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, and to serve Yahuweh your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul, and to guard the commandments of Yahuweh, His laws, which I (Moses) command you this day for your good. What are His commands? They are summarized first into 10 commandments, called The Ten Words (we call them The Ten Commandments.) (Deuteronomy 4:13 and 10:4) Secondly they are summarized in Mark 12:30 and 31, called the greatest commandments. Take note: There are 10, not 9 commandments. One was not thrown out. James tells us that if we break one of the commandments, weve broken them all. They are a package dealone covenant, one marriage covenant with our Bridegroom!! So replacement theology is foundational for the new religion of Constantine. We are not spiritual Israel anymore than an Irishman can become a part of spiritual Italy if there such a thing, by mental gymnastics, no matter how hard he tries. We come into a family that is biological, in the exact same way as all those in the past who came from gentile nations came into salvation through the covenants to Israelby coming to the Elohim of Israel and adhering to His laws. An Irishman can become a citizen of Italy, but he must observe Italys laws in order to stay in good standing with the government of Italy. So why do we think that we can become citizens of heaven and be exempt from obeying the Law of the governmental rule of its King? We cannot continue to obey the dictates of the kingdom of darkness and expect Page 54

to stay in good relationship with the King of the kingdom of light!! If we move our citizenship to the reign of the heavens, we also must be obedient to the Law of our new country. From Exodus 12 to Ephesians 2 to Revelation 22:14, the only way to please Him is to come into belief is salvation through the blood, and to keep the commandments of Yahuweh. Another basis of deception is: not having a passionate love for the Truth. Most Christians have little hunger for the Word. They may have devotions with a verse or two, or some Psalms in the morning, or read portion in a daily devotional. The Truth is a Person. He said, I am the way, the truth and the life. It is said of Him in John 1: The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. In John 17:17 Yahushua says, Your Word is Truth, referring to the Fathers Word. If you love the Truth, you love Yahushua. Babies crave milk and older people crave substantial food (meat). If you have no desire to study His Word, there is something wrong. Father has always been full of grace and truth ever since He killed the first animal in Genesis chapter 3 and covered the fig-leave clothed Adam and Eve with that blood hide. His grace (graciousness) is His mercy in action. But, it is not cheap, to be taken for granted. It is for the obedient and Elohim-fearing, and those who want to do right in His sight. It is not for the willfully rebellious who have the attitude that they can do what they want and they have a scapegoat named Jesus who freely forgives anything without any questions asked. There is mercy for the ignorant, but a seeker after truth finds it. Paul asks in Romans 6:1-2: What then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin, to let grace increase? Let it not be!! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? I John 3:4 says, Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. I John 3:6-9 is quite pointed: Everyone staying in Him does not sin. Everyone sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him.Everyone having been born of Elohim does not sin, because His seed stays in him, and he is powerless to sin, because he has been born of Elohim. I John 5:18: We know that everyone having been born of Elohim does not sin, but the one having been born of Elohim guards himself, and the wicked one does not touch him. Now, how many times have you heard those chapters and verses preached, along with Romans 6? Our gospel of cheap grace is disgusting in His eyes!! Torah is His teaching and instruction for our good. Romans 2:13: For not the hearers of the Torah are righteous in the sight of Elohim, but the doers of the law shall be declared right. Righteousness comes by faith, imputed righteousness from Him, but set-apartness comes as we obey Him from the heart. If we break His Law we are due the punishment. So a law-less person is a Torah-less person. You are either law abiding or lawless. You cannot say you are under grace when you break His law willingly. Galatians 6:7-8 says, BE NOT DECEIVED; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. He that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life eternal. I John 3:7: Dear children: LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. He that does righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that commits sin is of the devil. Most of the Page 55

Christian world is taught, as part of basics, that I John 1:9 is a license to stay the same--but doing our best to be goodwhile still holding onto our free ticket to heaven in our back pocket. Of course, it is not put like that, but the inference. I had a very graphic dream a few years back. I saw a hotel lobby. A man came in carrying two very heavy suitcases. He could hardly lift them. He put them down in front of the bellboy, and proceeded to register. He took the ticket for his room from the hotel clerk. Then he picked up those heavy bags, and started to walk out the door with them. The hotel clerk called out to him, Sir, you cant take the ticket, unless you leave the bags with the bellboy. I woke up--the meaning was very clear. Most of the Christian world wants to take the ticket, but not leave their sin to be removed. They want their life, their flesh, their carnal desires, their willpower, their lifestyle, and their selfish-ambition but they also want to get out of hell. They have no concept of what it means to be born again. Receiving His salvation means totally leaving your bags to be destroyed, and leaving your will at His disposal also. We must forsake all or, He says, we cannot be His disciples. (Luke 14:33) We cannot drag our old selfish life, sinful, stinking life, with one foot in Satans kingdom, and still follow Him. Most of the Christian world is under a horrible deception of a false gospel!! An old Pentecostal song is entitled, Come and Dine, but Yahushua He bids us first to come and die--Die now, dine later, or save your life now, die later. During Yahushuas 1,000-year reign that Law (Torah, teachings) of the kingdom will be harshly enforced, so that He rules the world with a rod of iron. Those who rule with Him must have kept His commandments in this life, in order to be able to rule with a rod of iron beside Him. Thats a promise in Revelation 3:26-27. How can we rule with Him if we blatantly, in this life, disregard His commands? I want to tell you a true story about two men and a banana peel. I was in the backseat of a car, going from (the West Bank) Samaria to Jerusalem, with a couple, American Christians, who were actually working in a town in Samaria. (These Christians had gotten a hold of false anti-Semitic teaching regarding the one new man (Ephesians 2:15). It is Constantines replacement theology teaching.) As we were going along there was road construction and much traffic as the road from Tel Aviv merged in. This man, who was driving, was eating a banana. He opened his window and threw out the banana peel. The man behind him honked his horn several times. The man I was with said, that must be one of the Law-keeping Jews, in a rather mocking tone. Since we were stopped, the young man, obviously Orthodox Jew from his kipot, came up to the open window and began spieling something out in Hebrew, but one word was clearbanana. When the young man went back to his car, this Christian began praying loudly that this deceived Law-keeping Jew be saved and come under grace. I sat there shocked. I thought, Now wait a minute. Maybe Israel has anti-litter laws. In the US a citizen can arrest another citizen for littering. There are fines for littering. But, maybe the man just loved Yahuwehs Landcalled `the Beautiful Land in Daniel 11:41. Then I thought: the opposite of law-abiding is lawlessness. The Jewish man was law-abiding. The Christian in the front seat was law-less. There was a very interesting observation that went around a few years back by members of my church that the letters usa are in the middle of Jerusalem. From that they deduced that we were part of Jerusalem and that without the usa Jerusalem Page 56

wouldnt exist. Hum The joke is that in Hebrew it is not Jerusalem for the J is only about 400 years old in our alphabet. The Hebrew (using our letter-system) is Yerushalyim. So, wheres the usa? Theres an h in there between the us and the a, for HIM! The unfounded pride of the American church and culture never ceases to amaze me. The church says that the one new man is the Jew and Gentile coming together into the church. Constantine again!! But, the Word says, that the one new man is Jew and Gentile coming together to Yahushua the Messiah of Israel into the commonwealth of Israel-- to Israels Elohim, Israels covenants, Israels promises, and Israels redemption. When Yahushua tells us in many, many Scriptures throughout the Word that the one fold is Israel, and the one Shepherd is the Messiah of Israel, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. There is only one Elohim, and one people of ElohimHis people Israel. Ezekiel 37:15-23 is the one new manJudah and Israel coming together in Messiah. Yesterday on Shabbat, I spent 7 hours journaling what He was teaching me in my Spirit regarding the one fold and one Elohim. There are many, many Scriptures regarding this. I will give you just a few to start your study: John 10:16; Ephesians 3:6; Isaiah 56:6-8; Zechariah 2:10-11; and Romans 3:2 and 9:4. More on Shabbat: It is the Brides day, and He comes and talks to His Bride on that day more than any other day, because she is resting and listening to Him. I have a printed teaching on Shabbat using every verse in the Word on the subject, entitled Shabbat is Eternal, and a shortened article entitled The Sign of Identification. Guarding Shabbat is the only one of the Ten Commandments that carries a death penalty if not observed. He doesnt strike us dead on the spot, so we just go on in disobedience, but we die inside spiritually when we choose to disobey Him. We pay for disobedience. We dont get away with anything. This is said of those who love not the truth in these days (II Thessalonians chapter 2): He will send a strong delusion that they will believe a lie and be damned, who love not the truth--thats Christians too. II Timothy 4:2-4 says, For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. To love the truth means to love Elohim. If you love Me, keep My commandments. Another foundation for deception to build on is laziness and apathy. Matthew 10:3239 says that if anything or anyone takes precedence over Him, you are not worthy of Him!!!! To hate your family as it says in Luke 14:26, means more than just to love them less than you love Yahuweh. He says, You shall love Yahuweh your Elohim with all your heart, your mind, your soul and your strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5 and Mark 12:30) But, it has a harder meaning. It means that you cant let your family, friends, job, or lifestyle control you and rule you--that includes your own flesh. Only He is your Master!! We must die to all other control besides His control. Obedience to Him comes before obedience to anyone or anything else! The fear of Yahuweh is to hate evil, (Proverbs 8:13). If we hate sin with a passion, and sin is the transgressing of His Torah, then we Page 57

hate disobeying His Wordwhether it is the written Word or the spoken Word personally to our spirit. Yahuweh is looking for passionate and loyal servants! We expect Him to be faithful to us. He expects us to be faithful to Him! In Matthew 16:21-26, we have a classic basis of deception, which will lead to denial of Him and our damnation. From that time on Yahushua began to explain to his disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many thingsand that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. `Never, Master! This shall never happen to you. Yahushua turned and said to Peter, `get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; you do not have in mind the things of Elohim, but the things of men. Then Yahushua said to His disciples, `If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his stake and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Wanting to escape our stake, our impalement, is basic to human nature. Selfpreservation is basic to our natural desires. So, we have to go against our natural desires to follow Him. Even Yahushua wrestled with this in the Garden of Gethsemane. Later on Peter promises that He will stand with Yahushua to the death, and yet when pressure came and he was identified with this hated Jew, Yahushua, he denied even knowing Him. You will do the same exactly, unless you know Him intimately and love not your life even unto death. Are you willing to step out and identify with a Jewish Messiah for your salvation? Or are you going to hide behind the Churchs deceptions? Lets throw our passions behind the truth, and not what is natural to the sin-nature. Death to the self-life--is the only thing that will prepare you for what is coming on this earth. The only escape is into Him, who promises to protect the obedient that love Yahushua and guard the commandments of His kingdom. Look it up for yourselvesit is all over the Word, in the Tenach and in the Messianic Scriptures. We cant claim Psalm 91, unless we obey Psalm 91:1. To abide in Him is to abide in His Word! To follow Yahushua means you often must set yourself against the laws of man. Loyalty to His Kingdom supercedes loyalty to any earthly kingdom!! Are you like the rich young ruler who turned aside from following Him because he had great possessions? Having possessions is not wrong, but what we see with our eyes, often becomes an idol. (Matthew 19:22) Yahushua called many people to follow Him, but only a remnant followed. And, in the days to come, only a very small remnant will remain faithful to Him. A great falling away is at hand, and fear will be rampant. Are you ready? Another foundation of deception is living in willful sineither openly or hiddenand refusal to give it up. My Spirit shall not always strive with man, Genesis 6:3 says. There is a point of no return. We should fear before Him. You should fear greatly if you are involved in willing sin, because you cant be assured of eternal life if you break His commandments blatantly. (John 3) The churchs easy belief system also lies when it arrogantly declares: once saved always saved. There are multitudes of Scriptures that say otherwise. No one can take us out of Fathers hand, but He wont defy our will. He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name from the book of life, but I will confess him before My Father and His angels. Page 58

(Revelation 3:5) Whosoever shall deny Me before men, I also deny before My Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 10:32) If we suffer we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He will also deny us. (II Timothy 2:12) Beware of this deception: Already we have a 1st century phenomenon returning--Jews are actually coming to Christians in Israel and the US, and probably other places, saying Messiah has not come. (I John 2:18, 22, 4:3: II John 1:7) Christians are denying Him outwardly and saying they no longer believe in Jesus or Yeshua. The judaizers of today are Jews who are trying to convert Christians to Judaism. I am talking about people who have been good Christians for years, who have professed that they are born again, and even Spirit filled, saying that they deny their faith in His salvation. It is a growing problem. If this anti-messiah spirit is working now, what will happen when Christians are forced to take a mark or are forced to deny Him on penalty of death? Were looking a great falling away by the millions, as the Word tells us. The anti-messiah spirit denies that Messiah has come in the flesh (I John). But, the anti-messiah spirit also denies that He came in Jewish flesh!! There is a doctrine and group called greater grace that I came across in Africa. That teaching produces an attitude in its people of arrogance and haughtiness. They say that they can sin all they want because Jesus greater grace will save them at the end. This is their outspoken belief. But, most Christians believe that I John 1:9 is an excuse to depend on grace to cover anything they want to do, or not do. All Scripture is given by inspiration of Elohim, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (II Timothy 2:16) Knowing this that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old times by the will of men, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. (II Peter 1:20-21) We dont have a right to tamper with His eternal Word! Read Psalm 119! This is the Word of ElohimHis commandments, statutes, judgments, precepts, testimoniesall good to keep us from sin, and give us life and joy an peace. Great peace have those love your Torah and nothing shall offend them. (Psalm 119:165) The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. What Word was made flesh? Yahushua was the embodiment of the Tenach. He said in Luke 24, that Moses, the Psalms and the Prophets all spoke of Him. That is the 3 sections of the Tenach. The early Christians went to synagogue to study Torah. What other Word did they have? The canon of the Messianic Scriptures was not compiled until around 425CE, and was compiled by the Roman Catholic Church. From the beginning of its translation from its original language, Hebrew, into Greek, then into Latin, then into all other pagan languages, not one translation of the Messianic Scriptures that is the same. Yet through the centuries in Hebrew, Jewish scribes carefully preserved for us the Tenach. So careful were they, that in Yahushuas day, He said, that not one tiny little speck, (brush stroke) would pass from the Law until ALL be fulfilled. It has not all been fulfilledand wont be until the scenario of Revelation 22. Another foundation of deception is living out of your reason and not out of the re-born spirit. Romans 8:14 says, Those who are led by the Spirit, they are the sons of Elohim. If He calls us sons then we are no longer called servants, He says. Because the son knows what his father is doing. He speaks clearly to His sons. But, the good son willfully submits to being a servant, to learn and be trained for reigning alongside Page 59

is father. A son must be trained in the ways of the kingdom, the government of the kingdom, in obedience and authority. Without this training, the son will be no more than an undisciplined tyrantlawless and without restraint. The kingdom operates on order and laws, rules and good teachings of a loving Father. But, just because Yahushua fulfilled the ceremonial law of blood sacrifice, doesnt mean that He pulled out all the stop signs and stop lights on our road systems. Otherwise it would be chaos. No!--The rules of the kingdom remain!!!! We cant live out of our unstable reasoning mind, and unstable emotions. He cant speak to that realm. He can only speak His Word into our re-born spirit. Without the baptism into the Holy Spirit for power and filling, control of the Spirit and teaching, you cannot live in the spirit, or walk in the spirit, or be controlled by the spirit. In all those 40 things that the Ruach Yahuweh does at the new birth, He does not come into the cleansed temple until He is invited. There is not one verse in the Word that says that when we pray a prayer, we get taken over by the Ruach ha Kodesh!! Thats mans teaching. When Solomons temple was completed, or Moses tabernacle, it was not until He was formally invited to come in to the Holy of Holies (The Most Set-Apart Place) that He came in His power and glory. Those 40 things are to prepare us to receive Him in His fullness. Yahushua baptizes us into Him. (Luke 3:16) But, when we are born again, the Ruach baptizes us into Yahushua (I Corinthians. 12:13). We cannot walk in the Spirit unless we have the Spirit residing in our temple (our spirit/belly area/heart of us). The Ruach doesnt forcefully take us over--we have to submit to Him by our own will. Our spirit man who lives inside of us, comprised of a soul and a spirit, is exactly positioned inside our bodies as our outside body isand so the soul is behind the brain and the spirit is behind the bellythe reproductive areas and stomach area. When we hear from Father, we hear in our spirit-area. When His anointing arises, it comes from our spirit-area. He never, ever talks to our unstable, always reasoning heads. He talks to the spirit, which is born again and perfected and filled with the Holy Spirit (the Ruach). So, without this baptism as Acts 1:8 and other scriptures tell us about, Luke 3:16, etc., we are powerless and cannot hear Him clearly, or move in His supernatural gifts, or be led by Him supernaturally. We have to go to man for instruction and advise and their approval. We must go to man for knowing the future, or the reality of the present, for healing, for divine words, for our comfort, for our hope, for our encouragement, for our business knowledge, and the like. If we know Him, He is so personal, that He will lead us into all truth Himself. If we know the Spirit well, He will lead us into all truth, because He is called the Spirit of Truth. He will lead us into an intimate relationship with Yahushua. For the Ruach and the Bride say `Come. It is only those who have the empowerment of the Spirit who are crying for the coming of the Bridegroom. The Ruach leads us in warfare, in praise and worship, in intercession, in prophetic knowledge, in prayer that Satan cannot intercept or understand. Why do you think Satan has fought tongues (the prayer language) and this baptism so viciously? Because of the power it gives us against him. Tongues is for warfare and intercession, and to build our selves up in Him, and Satan cant understand it or control it. The Ruach uses it, as he does other things, when we humble ourselves, to transform us into the image of Messiah. It is the same with using His real Namespeople are fighting against it. But, Satan is frightened of those who know the real name of his enemy. That voice Page 60

inside us is the Ruach Himself, dwelling in our temple. Know you not that your body is the temple of the Ruach ha Kodesh? All believers in Yahushua in the 1st century were baptized into the Ruach because that was what Yahushua commanded. Be filled with the Ruach! (Read John 14-16 regarding the Ruach in Yahushuas words). He is the Ruach of Truth!! I was a Christian for 15 years without knowing this Ruachs power within me. It is not theology but reality!!! If your denominations theology denies this reality, it has left you weakened and dependent on your own reasoning power, without a daily supernatural lifestyle. The Ruach wants you to live a supernatural lifestyle! In America and the western economic world, most people are too tired out from their rat-wheel lifestyle that they come home, turn on the TV, watch a program and go to bed. That is true of Christians, too. Then on Sunday, in the morning, and maybe evening, they go to church, hear a message from the pastor, and go home. They usually do not check out from Genesis to Revelation the Scriptures that have to do with the pastors message, because usually the pastor takes one verse and then talks about his opinions of that verse. Most pastors do not feed the sheep, as they are commanded to do, but they give the sheep a lollypop once a week and expect them to grow up like healthy mature sheep. Most pastors do not feed the sheep the meat of the Word because they themselves are still sucking the bottle of the milk of the Word. Most pastors do not spend the hours a day necessary to know Him, to learn from Him, study the Word for knowledge of Him and His ways or to get fresh revelation to give to the sheep, but bring a can of processed ravioli to the pulpit and spoon it to the parishioners. Again, in Revelation 2:6, 15, we read about the Nicolaitans. This Greek word means, to conquer the laity. This group had some twisted teachings, but basically their structure was to elevate the ministry over the laity, with the people under them. This structure of hierarchy is Roman-based, and pagan based, even to the elevating of a platform above the people, with chairs, lined across and aisles between sections of chairs. That way the people all see the priest (pagan or Christian). Look at many of our big churches today and the structure of the Roman amphitheatres and pagan places of worship and they are identical. This pastor/priest elevated above the common man does away with the gifts of the Ruach in each person, (and there are about 30 or more gifts of different types), and stifles interaction, as well as stifling the motivation for the people to know Him for themselves, and study His Word on their own. Another foundation of deception is disobedience to revealed Truth. Whenever we are given truth and we draw back from it, there is a grace period for us to investigate the truth for ourselves, and to check it out with the Ruach ha Kodesh. If we willfully know the Truth and turn from it, then the Ruach departs and wont deal with us unless we totally repent! He has to give us the spirit of repentance, so if we dont repent, His return is not guaranteed. Esau tried, through repentance, to get his lost inheritance back, but he was not allowed to get it back. If we receive truth and compromise it, or reject it for our own gain, then we go backwards into darkness, and He cant reveal anything else to us unless we obey the truth that we know. That is why so many Christians lives are at a stand stillthey want to go on to second base, without touching first base. He has His rules, and we must obey His rulesnot make up our own! We must repent of doing things even out of ignorance, because repentance turns us around and cause us to go in the right direction. Page 61

Another foundation: Willingness to compromise for peace or convenience. We are seeing that played out in Israel today. They want peace so badly, that they will receive the anti-messiah. They know that their land is their inheritance from thousands of years ago, and most of them know it belongs to their Elohim. But, they want the suicide bombing and terrorism to stop so bad that they will be willing to have the International Community come in and literally rape them and divide their land, and give it to His enemies (which the UN will do and later the anti-messiah). When you want something so bad that you compromise your beliefs then it is a psychological fact that your actions lower to your compromised beliefs. If you dont believe in sex outside of marriage, but your flesh lusts after a woman, and you just have to have her, your standards will lower so that you can commit adultery and not feel guilty because you justify your actions. We always find a way to justify our compromise. Compromise or appeasement for gain is a dangerous game. In the days after Joshua conquered the Land, the different tribes, except Judah, compromised with the local people and did not drive them out as Yahuweh had commanded. This appeasement of His enemies is what we are seeing in the Palestinian problem today. Deuteronomy 7:2: Make no covenant with them, and show them no favor. That was said regarding the people of the land, when they went in to take their inherited Land under Joshua. But, they disobeyed Him. He wanted His land only for His people. And, He will have His Land for only His people when He comes to dramatically take it back. Of course, the peoples of the land could have come into the commonwealth of Israel by faith in their Elohim, but the Canaanites and all the other ites wanted to keep their own gods. So instead of Israel bringing salvation to them by brining them to Yahuweh, the other people-groups converted the Israelites to their godsand so the horrible lowering of standards brought them from the high regard for life in the Torah to actually burning their babies in the fire to the god Moloch and sacrificing to Baal, the god of the Moabites. Compromise causes a long spiral downward ending in the pit of horror. Israels compromise has brought them todays situation. Your compromise with the Truth will build for you a foundation of destruction. Another foundation of deception is: Hurt and anger at Elohim (God the Father) because you thought He let you down. I hated the Old Testament God of the Jews as a young person. He was supposed to be my Father, and yet most of my life was horribly filled with abuse and suffering daily, that never seemed to end. And my church told me God is love. I saw Jesus as nice, unlike the God of the Old Testament, whom I saw as abusive, cruel, and sadistic. I figured He had the power to help me, but He didnt. He was leaving me in my torment, so I thought. I would read about God commanding Joshua to kill people. And, thats the God that the church presented to me as Father. I also hated my earthly father because I did not understand him either. So, deception came in and it about destroyed my whole life until He graciously gave me a dream one night that changed my thinking totally regarding my Father. In that quick dream He showed me the real problem was always my perception of things. I am happy to report that my relationship with my heavenly Father is one of love, intimacy, closeness, sweetness, and preciousness. I love my Father Elohim with all my heart, my mind, my soul and my strength!!! My earthly father went home to be with my heavenly Father in 1983. I judged him Page 62

terribly through the years, thinking of him as a hypocrite. But, in a word a phrase-from Yahuweh one day in about 1989, as I was driving into my driveway in Ft. Worth, Texas, He cleared up for me all my misunderstanding of my earthly father. It took a weight off of my shoulders that was tangibly felt. In that one quick flash picture He gave me, and that one phrase He spoke to my spirit, I finally understood my earthly father. Yes, Yahuwehs timing is strange. I was just driving in from the grocery store with groceries, thinking of nothing else but lunch. And, by the time I parked the car at the end of the driveway, I was sobbing my heart out, and was being flooded with love and understanding for my earthly father. I look forward to seeing my earthly father again!! My heavenly Father is now my beloved DADDY, MY ABBA. My eternal goal is to be with Him, as in Revelation 22:3-5. Yahuwehs nature, ways and thinking are very different than what my church led me to believe. The hatred of Greece and Rome for the Torah, and for Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, has pervaded the whole thinking of the church system. My main-line denominational church showed me two Godsan Old Testament God who was unknowable and had no input into my life, and a nice New Testament God who did everything for me so that life could be good, comfortable and easy--even letting me sin all I wanted and I could just pull out I John 1:9 and receive cheap grace. I praise Elohim for 1 John 1:9, but it is not to be abused! If bad things were in my life, then I thought the God of the Old Testament was in control, or the devil. If good things happened I thought that the God of the New Testament was blessing me. That type of thinking is NOT rare--but COMMON-- among most believers, especially women, who have been abused by their fathers or their husbands. Their thinking is all messed up toward men in general. So, they take it out on a male God who is supposedly as horrible as their father or their husband. But, the mainstream church does not present Him as a good God. I remember the story of Rev. Oral Roberts, when early in his ministry in the 1950s he announced on TV that God was a good God. The denominational community attacked him strongly saying it made God too personal and too familiar and too buddy-buddy. But, He is good. (Psalm 25:8; 34:8; 73:1; 86:5; 100:5; 106:1; 107:1; 118:1, 29; 119:68; 135:3; 136:1; and149: 9 etc.) Our heavenly Abba (Father) is compassionate, loving, kind, gentle, long-suffering, has feelings of hurt and rejection, too, and jealousy for His beloved children. He is a God that can be hurt by us, and He longs for our love and fellowship to be given to Him. He is a good Daddy---and most of our problems we create for ourselves. We must realize that we cant separate the personality of our Daddy from that of our Savior---for they are united in oneness. In Isaiah 9, Yahushua is called, the everlasting Father. Another foundation for deception: No knowledge of truth because of having no Scriptures and no anointed, Ruach-led teacher. This is sometimes the case in poor countries, where the Christians are under severe persecution or are so poor that they cannot buy a Bible, or the Bible is outlawed and so the only way to get one is to have it smuggled into the country. These precious little ones want to hear the Word so bad, and sometimes fall for deception simply because they have no way of checking out the Truth, because they have no Bibles. There are those who perish for lack of knowledge. But go on---read further in that versethey perish who reject knowledge, too. Yahuweh rejects those who reject His knowledge when they have it in their hands to read and in Page 63

their power to obey. I was involved in the smuggling of the Scriptures into Mainland China over 40 times. The Chinese people treasure every word of the Bible, because it is their life. It is their most precious possession. The faith of the persecuted believers is a bitter condemnation of the rich, spoiled church of the west. They pray for us in the west. These people are living a life of dying to themselves every day. There are illegal congregations in China of over 2,000 believers with no Scriptures at all. Some walk for months, from the north of China to the south, to find someone who has one Bible. Do you love the Word like that? I do. Deuteronomy 32:46-47: Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for youthey are your life. The words of the Torah are life Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of Elohim (Matthew 4:4) We must live by Torah, for it proceeded from Yahushuas mouth. Messiah is the living Wordthe living Torah. Another foundation of deception is playing games with the truthpicking and choosing. Most believers in Yahushua are very moral people. They would never think of going into a grocery store and stealing anything. If the cashier gives them too much change, their moral conscious would say, you gave me too much change and would rectify the mistake. Yet, these same people when presented with the truth of their Hebrew roots, which demands change, then they say no wayIm under graceI dont have to obey those things. Thus to Elohim they are lawless, rebellious. But, to them, they are simply protecting their own right to choose. They have no conscious to obey Him. But, to obey simple moral law causes their self-righteousness to inflate. They go out of the grocery store and report: the grocery store gave me too much money, but I gave it back. Oh, the self-righteous pride attached to our goodness!! The one who knows Him does everything they know to do to please him out of love and joy. But, the moralist pleases his own standards of morality, and beyond that he loathes and looks down on the absolutes of what he calls the God of the Jews. We have no right to our own choices if we decide to follow Yahushua, because when we follow Him we become part of the covenant of Israel, and so subject to all of its governmental laws (including dietary laws, Shabbat, the Feasts and the ways of disciplining children, marriage laws, and the like). His laws are all about separating clean from unclean, defilement from set-apartness. Mockery comes to the forefront when someone says, I dont eat pork. But, at the core of everything Yahushua asks of us, is to separate us unto Himself, from defilement. The pig is naturally unclean. He says in II Corinthians 6:17 that we are not just to come out from the unclean thing, and not touch it, but to come out unto Him. If we are defiled and unclean, we cant approach Him. We must come out, and then come to Him, so that He can receive us. Another foundation of deception found in all religions is that religion and culture, language, and social expression are wrapped up together. You hear it said that the U.S. is a Christian nation, or that Iran is a Muslim nation. In every country, culture and language are all intermixed with religion. Our Christian culture, while some of it was Page 64

based on Torah, is basically a Greco-Roman culture. Democracy was Greeces gift to the world. Greece and Roman culture was pagan to the core, and their gods were at the core of all of their lifestyle. In public school, elementary through high school, I studied the literature of Greek and Roman mythology as part of my English studies. But, in public school, no one taught the Bible. The Christian church is an extended Roman empire as history points out. So, there is only one pure culture that doesnt use the names of pagan gods and adheres to His governmental systemHis culture and lifestyle--Torah. Zephaniah 3:9 tells us that in His kingdom He will restore a pure languagethat is Hebrew. He will take out everything that defiles. We are so proud of our culture in America, but it is time we got proud of His culture and adhered to that, because American culture has departed from Torah. American culture is so pagan, and wicked in His eyes, that judgment is near! Another foundation of deception: For political gain, personal gain, fame, money, power, control, and the lusts of the flesh, people deny believing the truth by hiding their belief in the truth. Sometimes people deny believing the truth out of fear, too, as with Peter when he denied knowing Yahushua. They might believe it, but they wont act it out. It might hurt our chances for the approval of man, for appointment for a raise, or advancement in position, or votes for a political office, or friendships, or for family peace. That is one of the ways of persecution in many countries of the true believers to deny their children the right to go for basic schooling, or the right to attend college, to deny good jobs, or deny pay raisesas in advancing the Communist above the Christian or the Muslim or Buddhist, or the Roman Catholic or Russian Orthodox above the true believer. It is easy to just deny believing in Yahushua/Jesus for personal gain. Good people, however, in these last days will be totally deceived and ruined because they are fearful, they are lovers of their flesh and the world system, and put their families and jobs and lifestyle ahead of obeying Him. In the Open Doors movie, Behind the Sun, a young Muslim boy become a believer in Jesus. His family found out about it, and tried to force him to deny Jesus. His mother said to him in secret, Why dont you just say what they want you to say, but keep your faith in your heart. Who will know? The boy said, God will know. We cant deny what we are and succeed. A line from a Shakespeare play says, To thine own self be true. If we deceive ourselves into believing a lie, what hope do we have? Christians are afraid now days. And most Christians dont know how to hear Him for themselves. They read books, and go to seminars, and conventions, and are getting more and more deceived because they are listening to deceiving pastors and church leaders, and other ministries, who are spreading deception like a plague. False prophets are abounding--feeding people lies about their great revivals and miracles, and pleading for more money to support their great work. We are submerged into deception, and only a few will escape. In these days the Word talks about a great falling away. It talks about false miracles of a false prophet that will deceive the world. The elect are the chosen ones, the born again remnant ones, and even they can fall for the coming great deceptions because they want to believe an easy road, rather than the words of the Truth. Heresies abound. False prophets abound. Yahushua warned us about that. But, millions of good Christians are falling for these false prophets because they are scared and want some comfort that everything is going to be OK. It is like going to fortune-tellers, hoping for a Page 65

good fortune so that they can continue in their lifestyle and everything will be good. They want out of what millions in the Christian world are experiencing right now persecution. The fear of losing life, possessions, comforts, ease and lifestyle rules most Christians nowadays, even the best of them. Only a small remnant will be marked and carry on to the end. Its a billion dollar a day money-racket, this modern Christianity books and seminars, Christian TV appearances, internet prophecies, and videos, and all their marketing of their wares, to prey on the fears of those weak Christians who are scared lest they have to suffer. Pathetic!!! Proverbs says, Buy the truth and sell it not. These foolish virgins are running around with no extra oil, because they dont know theyre going to need all the oil they can get in the days to come. The wise virgins tell them to go buy extra oil, but by that time, it is too late for them, because the Bridegroom comes. (Matthew 25:1-11) The main mark of a false prophet, in the Word, is to say peace, peace when there is no peaceto say what people want to hear to suave their fears. Paul says, regarding our day, There shall come a time when they shall not bear sound teaching, but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers tickling the ear, and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to myths. But you be sober in all matters suffer hardships. (II Timothy 4:3-5a) That is part of Pauls final plea before he was beheaded under Nero. Johns final plea in I John is: Little children, keep yourselves from idols. It is our idols that cause us to reject Truth! In John 14:17, the Ruach is called The Spirit of Truth. In John 15:26, the Ruach is called The Spirit of Truth. In John 16:13, the Ruach is called the Spirit of Truth. In Ephesians 5:9, part of the fruit of the Ruach is Truth. II Thessalonians it says that we are sanctified or set-apart, by the Truth. I John 5:6: It is the Spirit who bears witness, for the Spirit is Truth. Yahushua says in John 17:17, Your Word is Truth. Psalm 119:142: Your Torah is truth. The Spirit and the Word are Truth. Some churches emphasize the Ruach, and some emphasize the Word, but there must be both in operation for truth to be complete. Anyone who has ever been on the mission field will tell you that the greatest of all hurt and suffering, even beyond the natural surroundings or barbaric peoples, is the selfishness, the selfish-ambition, the jealousy and competitiveness, the gossip and slander, the pushing for self-advantage of fellow Christians who are supposed to be spreading the gospel with you. The climbing the corporate ladder by stepping on others is an extremely common thing within the ministry-- both on the mission field and in the churches back home. I have talked to so many broken-hearted missionaries who come home so discouraged, because other missionaries have abused them in these ways. It is because the whole Constantine church carries the spirit of Jezebel symbolized also by the great whorethe spirit of religion outside the true Elohim of Israel--which was formulated by Nimrod, inspired by Satan. There is petty squabbling and petty complaining, and jealous competitiveness, and self-seeking in the ministry than the laity could ever believe. That is why some of the Popes murdered others, and Kings murdered their own children because of power struggles. The ministry is a power struggle for money and power and control over the laity. It is because the foundation of the church is Rome, is deception and lies, paganism and demonic activity, where sin abounds but is hidden. Jezebel is a picture of the great whore, and Ahab a picture of the world system. The woman rides the beast. Page 66

I have written an article on Jezebel, exposing her characteristics. Her spirit has so permeated the church system, that anyone who has a heart for Yahuweh is her enemy. She attacks viciously and suddenly, for she is the head of the Baal system of the whore church. (For more on Jezebel read I Kings 16 through II Kings 9.) Her end was not pretty! The Roman Church, for example, outlawed marriage so that it didnt have the upkeep of wives and children. But, sex outside of marriage was not unlawful. It was marriage that was called sin, not illicit sex. Thats why today you hear of priests molesting children, but instead of their removal from being priests, they are just given a new assignment somewhere else, and they often publicly apologize to their victims. In The Woman Rides the Beast, Dave Hunt spends about 50 pages giving historical cases of illicit sexual practices within the church, from Popes down to the pregnant nuns who buried their newly born babies in the walls of the convent. The Christian ministry is filled with wickednessbecause it is built on a foundation of the great whore. The word ministry is the word diakonia, which means a menial bond slave--a waiter. The typical spirit of the Christian ministry is anything but this description. Of course, He has His remnant, but they are rare. I have spent time in the third world, with people who know what it means to Him know, and have almost died from malaria in a village in Tanzania. Their love to me at that time and self-sacrifice was amazing. But, their outward-focused, non-selfish lifestyles have shown me the opposite of the western, lukewarm church. The western church is focused on the golden calf--what it can get for itself, but the persecuted church focuses on the eternal weight of glory and their eternal reward and positioning. True humility is a wonderful thing to seenot fake religious piety. It must have been such a breath of fresh air to Yahushua to see that humble man repenting, in the shadow of the religious leader and his arrogant selfrighteousness. It must have been a breath of fresh air to see the widow giving all she had, in the shadow of the arrogant self-righteous who plunked in a few pennies of their wealth into the offering that day in the temple. Your desires are the foundation of all you pursue. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7a) Is your foundation a faulty one? Is your foundation is mixture of truth and falsehood? Is your foundation based on your comfort zone? If our foundation is not the on the real Yahushua ha Machiach and His gospel, then we must destroy our foundation and place our faith on the correct one, and begin to build correctly, without whitewash, and faulty materials. Remember the Sunday school song: The wise man built his house upon the rock (repeat 3X), and the rains came tumbling down. The rains came down, and the floods came up (repeat 3X), and the house on the rock stood firm. That comes from Luke 6:46-49. They are Yahushuas words. The Word says that the Rock is Messiah (I Corinthians 10:4). But, the house is what is built on the Rockthe house built by us. If we build our house firmly down deep in the rock, when the storm comes, we will be secure and wont fall away. For He says, in Luke 6:47 Whosoever comes to Me and hears my sayings, and does them is like a man who built a house and dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock. He says, Why do you call me `Master, Master and do not do what I say? Following Yahushua means obedience to the Word--not some easy believing in a fire escape!!! Page 67

That passage in Matthew 7 goes on to say that these people who think theyve done so much for Jesus, even miracles, will be cast into outer darkness, because He does not know them. He does not honor those who do things in His Name to show out, but honors those who humbly obey His commandments. Our foundation is Yahushua ha Machiach--the eternal Word. In building on Him, we build on the Word. And, the only Word talked about in all 66 books of the Bible is the Tenak (Genesis to Malachi). All else said in the Messianic Scriptures refers to that Word or builds on that Word, by the Ruach, but nothing in the Messianic Scriptures nullifies that Word! We cant straddle the fence anymorewe must come out of this whore system. I had a very sobering dream not long ago. I saw a beautiful open field, with trees lining it. A waist-high white wooden fence enclosed the field. A table was set just outside the fence, with lovely china plates, crystal glasses, an elegant table cloth, and a tall, thin man with a tuxedo and black top-hat with napkin over his arm, was elegantly serving dinner. A middle-aged man walked alongside the fence and saw the table. He was lured by its elegance and the smell of good food. He made sure that he sat in the chair with his back to the field, up right next to the white fence. He wanted to stay as close to that fence as he could. In front of the table was a lovely paved 2-lane country road. But, there were no cars on it at that time, so the whole scene was peaceful and quiet. The man sat down and was elegantly served by the waiter. But, I have seen that waiter beforehe was Satan. That field was the realm and reign of the Father. That man was the average Christian. He didnt want to get very far from the field, but the allurement of the things of Satan attracted him to stay outside of the fence, and enjoy Satans fine world. Of course he wanted to stay close enough to the fence so that when he needed to, he could just hop over. I had another dream in which I saw an elegant table set, with real silver coffee tureen, a silver tray, elegant plates and silverware. Someone came and got a cup of coffee but spilled coffee onto the silver tray. The tray was beautiful, with an fine, intricate design. But, the coffee went into the design and remained there making a brown residue. A servant girl came up and upon seeing the coffee spilled into the tray took a cloth and wiped the tray dry. But, it irritated me, because the coffee in the intricate design remained, and made a dry stain. That is what we do with our cheap gracewe dont take the time to get rid of the stains down deep that are hidden. But in the judgment, every stain will be brought to light!! What is the heritage of this pagan-based church? The Roman Church slaughtered more real believers in Messiah Yahushua (under the name Jesus) than any Muslims, any Jews, any Communists, or any Hitler or any Stalin. Some, like William Tyndale was burned at the stake in England for translating the Scriptures into English. Today, the Roman Churchs Jesuit Order (Society of Jesus)--created as the hit-men of the Vatican by their founder Ignatius Loyolacontinues to be the hit-men for the Vatican. Loyola also created the Illuminati, making it public through a Jesuit priest named Adam Weishaupt, about 400 years ago. Today the Jesuits murder still are active in murdering believers in Yahushua in Africa, Mexico, Central and South America, in Page 68

Asia, and other places. They are actually the power behind the Vatican. They are the top rulers of Lucifers forces upon this earth today. All governments take orders from them. That is why all world leaders go to the Vatican for meetings. These are just facts! Another foundation of deception is doctrine that is twisted truth regarding Yahuwehs physical people. Yahuweh never started the religion of Judaism on Mt. Sinai. He called out a people unto Himself. There is only one Israel--one Land area that He calls His, with 12 tribes of Jacob and 2 tribes of the sons of Joseph living in physical bodies with spirit and soul like anyone else that is human. Jacobs name was changed to Israel. He carried through the covenant to his descendants. Satan has targeted this one biological family ever since. That is why no matter where the Jews go, someone stirs up hatred for them, and now, Satan is stirring up international hatred for them and their State of Israel. The whole international uproar is over His dwelling place Jerusalem, and Mount Tsiyon, where He will live forever. (Psalm 132:13-14 etc.) (Jew is an unfortunate catchword for all the tribes--Jew means one tribe--Judah) Father started out with Abraham and said that his biological seed would be as the stars of the heavens and the sands of the seas. That is talking about a biological people group. We can count Jews, but there are 13 other tribesand many of them are Europeans, Americans, Central and South Americans, Africans, Asians, Russians, Mexicans, Australians, New Zealanders, and Middle Easterners. When He scattered the tribes of Israel in the north (Samaria) into Assyria in 722BCE, and when He scattered the tribes of the south (Judah, Levi and Benjamin) into Babylon in 586BCE, they went all over the earth into every nation, as He said He would do. Then, He said in our day, He would bring all of these stars and sand particles back to the land, so that they could share in the one kingdom of Yahushua. Israel does not have the desire to conquer the world for their religion, because they know that Messiah will come and conquer and bring all people groups unto Himself. Throughout the Word, people who wanted to come into the covenant of salvation (yeshua) came to the Elohim of Israel, because He was the only Elohim who offered salvation and security in Himself. He did not have to go out and conquer people, convert them by force and rule over them in fear. He just presented Himself, and people came to Him. There was a program for evangelism in the Tenach, and it was whosoever will, let him come. When the Cornelius types came, they were taught the Tenach. Matthew 28:18-20 is not about evangelism as in praying a prayer and racking up a head-count. It is about discipleshipmake disciples--teaching them. For 10 years, after the resurrection, the disciples were in Jerusalem, along with the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. They were not out passing out tracts and holding crusades. (The Evangelical world needs to stop using that word, crusade! It is an abomination to the Jews and a point for war with Muslims). They were presenting the resurrected Messiah, who died for their sins, in the Temple and in the synagogues, and from house to house, within the framework of Judaism. They were a sect of Judaism. It was not a new religion, but a following of the Messiah Yahushua. If anyone, like Cornelius, (Acts 10) wanted to get in on His salvation, they came to the Apostles. Im not against world evangelismtaking the message of salvation to the nations. After Page 69

10 years, they were dispersed out and went everywhere with the gospel, as per Acts 1:8. But, He wants totally committed disciples. Notice that He wasnt very concerned with numbers? He had 12, and one was a traitor, but He didnt seem upset about that. He didnt go for the multitudes, in fact, in Matthew 13, He told His disciples that He spoke only in parables to the multitudes because He didnt want them coming to Him with an easy belief to get what they could get from Him. He discouraged those who wanted to make Him king because He provided food for them, healing and other goodies. He wanted sold-out followers, who were willing to forsake all for Him, and He knew that the multitudes didnt want to do that. So, even in John 6, He wasnt very excited because everyone left Him. He still had His 12. Numbers has become a status symbol for our western ministers. Big churches, big rallies, big seminars, big conventions, big evangelistic meetings, big worship conferences, big youth camps, big, big, big and bigger--the bigger, the betterthats the motto of the modern Christian church. He calls out in the Word, Come unto Me and be saved all the ends of the earth, for I am Yahuweh and besides Me there is no salvation. Wow---did you hear that gospel announcement in the Tenach? I, even I, am Yahuweh, and beside Me there is no Savior. (Isaiah 43:11) Heres Yahushuas type of campaignDeuteronomy 31:10-12. He tells them to congregate on the Feast of Tabernacles, which is in September/October and read this Torah before all Israel in their hearing. Assemble the people, the men and the women, and the little ones, and your sojourner who is within your gates, so that they hear, and so that they learn to fear Yahuweh your Elohim, and guard to do all the Words of this Torah. The sojourner also called the stranger, the foreigner, or the alien was the person who was not Israelite, but wanted to join with the Elohim of Israel, like Ruth. Over and over He calls Himself the only Savior and Redeemer, and the only Elohim. If He is the only Savior, then we must come to the Elohim of Israel to find the Savior. Zechariah is a book for now. In Zechariah 8:23 it says: Thus says Yahuweh of hosts, `In those days ten men from all languages of the nations take hold, yes, they shall take hold of the edge of the garment of a man, a Jew saying, Let us go with you, for we have heard that Elohim is with you. The early believers from the mixed multitude (non-Hebrews) who came out of Egypt with Moses, all knew that to become adopted into this family group, they had to believe in the Elohim of Israel and adhere to His commandments, especially blood sacrifice, Passover, circumcision and Shabbat. They entered a family groupas did Ruth the Moabite. In Ezekiel 48, the foreigners and strangers who adhere to the laws of Yahuweh are assigned inheritance with the tribes inheritance within which they live. That is talking about the millennial reign of Yahushuafuture. In Exodus 3:13-15, Yahuweh gives us His great Name. In speaking to Pharaoh, Moses was commanded to call Him, Yahuweh, Elohim of the Hebrews. (Exodus 3:18; 9:1, 13) But, to His own people, He called Himself the Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Isaac, and Elohim of Jacob. (Exodus 3:15) He is the Father of a biological family and He wanted both Pharaoh and His people to know that He identified with the Hebrew, and particularly those three Hebrews. (The word Hebrew comes from Abrahams ancestor Eber). There are no other fathers that He identifies withcertainly not the fathers of Israel who led them astray, or the church fathers. Page 70

Yahuwehs Kingdom will be forever in a physical Land. It will be physical Kingdom on earth, a physical inheritance, with a physical people group, and a physically present Yahushua. When Father comes at the end of the 1,000 years with His city, and His throne to live with His people forever, it is a physical city, His tangible presence, and a tangible and physical new earth and new heaven. It is not spiritual. He is Spirit, and we have an eternal spirit, but dont spiritualize what is very natural. Yahuweh says in Jeremiah 33:20-21: Thus says Yahuweh, `If you could break my covenant with day and night, so that there not be day and night in their season, THEN My covenant could be broken with David My servant. His covenant was to establish the throne of David forever. He does not break His covenants. Yahushua will sit on the throne of David. It is a physical kingdom that He is returning to. Luke 1:31-32, Gabriel speaking to Mary: Behold, you shall conceive in your womb, and shall give birth to a Son, and call His Name Yahushua. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High. And Yahuweh Elohim shall give Him the throne of His father David. And He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and there shall be no end to His reign. He will reign on the throne of Judah over the whole house of Israel and Judah combined, which He will bring back together as one. Ezekiel 37the rejoining of the two houses of Israel into one is the one new man. The prodigal Israel (10 tribes plus Ephraim and Manasseh) comes back to the Father Elohim of Israel and is welcomed back. In the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15, is talking about Israel returning to the Father, and at first the anger of the elder brother, Judah. Now, in Israel, Judah is balking big time because these Christians are coming home. Most are Israel, and are returning to the hills of Samaria and the international community is enraged with Satans fury. I went to Samaria, to the hills of Israel, to proclaim Ezekiel 36 and 37 and Jeremiah 31. Read those passages for they are being fulfilled right now, and Satan is furious. That is what the Road Map for Peace is all aboutSatan trying to mess up the plans of Yahuweh regarding the return of His people and the restoration of the Abrahamic Covenant of the Land (Genesis 15). Get involved in the reality of what Yahuweh is doing right now! Unity within pagan-based Christianity, no matter what name or label you put over the church door, is only achieved by the compromise of the little speck of truth that remains. Each church has its own list of what you have to believe to be accepted by them. So no matter how nice a church seems, when the great tribulation comes down upon all the world, those nice people will retreat to beating off anyone who tries to get threatens their space. No church or organization is nicefor they are all built on what Yahuweh hates. Yes, Yahushua hates the church system, but is still working with the individual heart--and arent we glad!! One day He will come and burn all religious systems with His anger. II Thessalonians 2:1-4: As to the coming of our Master Yahushua Messiah and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, brethren, not to become easily unsettled in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as if the day of Yahuweh has come. Let no one deceive you in any way, because the falling away is to come first, and then the man of lawlessness is to be revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim or that is worshipped, so that he sits as Elohim in the Dwelling Place of Elohim, showing himself that he is Elohim.

Going down to II Thessalonians 2:8-12: The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved, and for this Elohim sends them a working delusion, for them to believe the falsehood, in order that all should be judged that did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness. To fall away, you have to fall away from something. In this case, people who adhere to the religion of Christianity, whether truly saved or not, will deny Him, reject Him, and fall from their faith and embrace lies to save their own lives in the coming days, or because some slick talker with the tongue of the serpent of the Garden of Eden has persuaded them to deny Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He will also deny us. (II Timothy 2:12) Matthew 10: 32-33 says: Whoever shall confess Me before men, him I shall also confess before My Father who is in the heavens. But whoever shall deny Me before men, him I shall deny before My Father who is in the heavens. Yahushua warns us in Mark 13:5-6, Take heed that no one deceives you, (no one leads you astray)for many shall come in My Name, saying `I am He, and they shall lead many astray. The real Messiah of Israel, Yahushua is not the fabricated God of the Roman church. The Yahushua Messiah of Israel and Jesus Christ are NOT the same Person. They are very different in nature, in thinking, in ways, in personality, and in motives. One is the eternal Elohim of the Word. The other is a Greek-Roman combination of gods from Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia (Mithra). Abba Yahuweh of Israel is not the God of Greece and Rome the two are very different in personality, thinking, nature and ways. Mark 13: 12-13: And brother shall deliver up brother to death, and a father his child. And children shall rise up against their parents and shall put them to death, and you shall be hated by all men for My Names sake. But, he who shall have endured to the end shall be saved. Mark 13:22: For false messiahs and false prophets shall rise and show signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen. And, you take heed. See I have forewarned you of it all. Beware of following signs and wonders!! Things that appeal to the eyes, producing curiosity, wonder and awe, sensationalism and performance, are most likely not from Yahuweh. He never made a spectacle of Himself!! Satan shows outhe likes to draw attention to himself. That is not a characteristic of Fathers nature. Satan also likes to brag on what he does. He is the master of deception and lies. Notice how quickly the terrorist organizations brag about their murder of innocent lives? All of this Christian TV sensationalism is dangerous, toowatch out!! You, as a believer, have the right to lay hands on people for healing. His humble servants dont brag about what they do in their ministry. Mark 16:20 tells us that signs and wonders follow those who believe, but believers dont follow signs and wonders!! Revelation 13 talks about a world leader who is the head of the only world-approved religion who performs signs and wonders, and deceives millions. This false prophet will come from the whore church, the church system of Constantine--the pagan church, which mixed a few truths with the paganism of the ancients. This false prophet will be backing the world leader for 3 ! years, only head of a one-world government. The woman rides the beast, it says in Revelation 17. That simply means that the great Page 72

whore church, joins with the political and economic bestial system of the earth, and the two rule side by side, with the religious head actually in control of the reigns until the political head gets tired of her and destroys her with fire--the whore. Its like the marriage of King Ahab to Queen Jezebel. Ahab represents the King, head of Israel, but he was run by his wife. The whore system hates the Jews and hates the Christians who identify with the Elohim of Israel and His covenant. The Roman Church tried to kill off all the believers in the Torah of Israel who also believed in Jesus. But, now, in our daywatch outthose Christians who identify with Israel and keep covenant, Shabbat, the Feasts, and guard His commandments to obey them are targeted by the whole church, and organizations within the evangelical church as people who are heretics. What Yahushua left us at His ascension is very simple: He left us the Tenach, and His fulfillment of the Leviticus ceremonial law by His own blood as the final, spotless Lamb of Elohim, who willingly sacrificed Himself for sin and rose to ensure our eternal life. He left us the commandments and the sign of His eternal covenant intact. The early believers were Jews, for about 10 years exclusively, kept Torah, went to synagogue and believed in Messiah Yahushua as their Lamb for salvation. They participated in all the feasts and went to the Temple in Jerusalem, until the Romans destroyed it in 70CE. But, they knew that the animal sacrifices were fulfilled in Yahushua. Their days in the Temple were used to preach the true gospel of the Lamb and His resurrection. Read the book of The Acts of the Apostles. The picture and the fulfillment were brought together and presented to those who would believe. The sacrifices will be restored in the eternal kingdom to come--the picture and the reality together. Yahushua never left us a religion, let alone one called: Christianity. Acts 11:26: And the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. As I said earlier, the Hellenists, those Jews and Greeks who lived the Greek culture, having despised the Hebrew culture, mockingly called the followers of the Nazarene, Christians. Lets look at the pagan word: Christ: Here are some excerpts from the book, Come Out of Her My People by C.J. Koster, c. 1998, pages 68-71. We read that the Greeks used the word Christos for the Hebrew Machiach (Anointed) because the word Christos was far more acceptable to the pagans who were worshipping Christon, Chrestos and perhaps also those worshipping Krista. Our Savior could not have been known as Christos (Christ) among His people. The word `Christos was easily confused with the common Greek proper name Chrestos, meaning `good. The problem is further complicated by the fact that the word Christianos is a Latinizm and was contributed neither by the Jews nor by Christians. The word `christianos was introduced from one of three origins: a) The Roman police, b) The Roman populous, or c) Unspecified pagan origin. This almost sensational admission as to the confusion and uncertainty between Christos and Chrestos, Cristus and Chrestus, Christiani and Chrestiani, is well documented and shared and published by other scholars too, as well as by the early fathers: Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Lactantius and others. This confusion and uncertainty can only encourage and exhort us to return to the only Source of Truth, the Word, the Scriptures, before it was translated into the languages of the pagans. Only then can we find peace in the truth of our Savior being the Messiah, the Anointed, the One promised to Israel. The word Christos could even have been more acceptable to the Krishnaworshippers, because the name Krishna was pronounced, and still is to this day, as Krista, in many parts of India. Thus, we can readily see that the word Christos was Page 73

easier to convert the pagans with than the word Messiah, especially because of the antiJudaism that prevailed among the pagans. The syncretism between Christos and Chrestos (the sun-deity Osiris) is further elucidated by the fact of Emperor Hadrians report, who wrote, `There are there (in Egypt) Christians who worship Serapis; and devoted to Serapis, are those who call themselves the Bishops of Christ. Serapis was another sun-deity who superseded Osiris in Alexandria. And now Kundalini spirits of Hinduism have invaded the evangelical, charismatic and High Church to the point where the New Age Movement is taking over, and demonic spirits are being released into the churches. Many churches are promoting Christian yoga and transcendental meditation, and drumming and other methods of so-called prayer and meditation, which are opening portals to the demonic world to such a degree that it is causing the Great Whore to rise over the earth Zechariah 5:5-11. Jeremiah warns us in Jeremiah 10:2: Thus says Yahuweh, Learn not the ways of the gentiles (heathen) Torah is not only His governmental law that is the backbone of the plan of salvation, but also His culture and was written in His chosen languageHebrew. Those 7 feasts are the backbone of His plan of salvationthe outline of His plan. I have taught those feasts since 1966, and in them we find Yahushua and understand what He did for us to a much greater depth than anything we find in the Messianic Scriptures interpreted to us by a western mind-set. In translating His Word out of His language into the languages of the pagans, their gods names were substituted into the text of the Scriptures. English is filled with the names of gods from Greece and Rome and other nations. Arabic is filled with words relating to their god Allah. He will take the names of Baal out of our mouth (Hosea 2) and we will speak in His language--Hebrew--in His kingdom. Therefore wait upon Me, says Yahuweh, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them my indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy. For then I will return to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of Yahuweh to serve Him with one consent. He is in process of doing that now. He is ready to arise against all nations and separate out His remnant people. It is your privilege to use His proper names nowbefore He has to force you to use them!! He is a jealous Elohim. He says, My name is `jealous. He wont stand for His Bride messing around with other gods!!! Whatever you put above Him is your god! Compromise to get converts is common in the evangelical church, and the church system as a whole. It began at the end of the 1st century and continues to this day. The seeker sensitive movement is compromising the truth to get converts and church members. There are pastoral seminars on church growthhow to build up your church. It is all pagan to the core!!! This compromise began at the end of the 1st century, with the bishops over the laity, trying to appease the pagans. The church celebrates pagan holidays; we use worldly ways of enticing people into our church by socials, movies, sports, and outings. We have rock-type musicals in the park and then give the gospel. But, our gospel is not His gospel. There is a new revolution among evangelicals in America to have seeker friendlyseeker sensitive meetings in Page 74

which nothing offensive is said to those who might want to become Christians. Is this Acts 4 and 5? It is wicked!! The foundation is a false gospel, and being ashamed of the truth. The real truth produces small numbers of believers. It is time that being beaten, imprisoned, tortured or killed is not important to usbut knowing Him and standing for truth is what is important to us!!! When I was about 15, our denominational church was enticing other youth to come to our church by showing Alfred Hitchcock movieslike The Birds. I boycotted those socials, telling my youth director that it was wrong to use worldly methods to entice people to God. My church thought I was weird because I was such a stickler for truth, even as a little child in the Sunday school. Now we have seeker friendly churches that water down His Word to the point where no one can be offended. But, in doing that, there can be no real new birth either, because it takes repentance from sin to be born again, and these seeker friendly churches would never use the word sin it might scare someone off. Tragic!!! The concept of a teenager began as a marketing target in 1950. So, the church had to invent the position of youth pastor to coddle this new breed of spoiled brats in adult bodies. I knowI was a youth pastor, too. In Fathers kingdom, there is no teenager only children and adults. He considers anyone over 13 to be an adult. Later the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, clear up until the 13th century, made reference to these believers in the Jewish Savior, Yahushua, and who kept the Torah of the Jews as heretics against the Church. These believers did not compromise!!! They didnt play the churchs games! This is the true remnant, that according to several passages in the Scriptures, will be the only ones whose eternal positioning is before the throne of Elohim the Father and the Son in the New Jerusalem which hovers over the new earth. These true believers have been martyred since the time that Yahushua went up to heaven and will continue to be martyred in the days to come. Those who will see His face and be before His throne forever are those guarding the commandments of Elohim and possessing the witness of Yahushua Messiah. (See Revelation 3:10; 12:17; 14:12; 15:3; 22:14; John 14:15; Psalm 25:10; and many, many more passages) In Revelation 22:14-15a, speaking of His Bridal remnant that live in His presence, His bond slaves, it says, Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates of the city. For outside are dogs and thosewho love and do falsehood. Be doers of the Word and not hearers only, Yacob said. The dog is also outside the city. These are those who come to Him for help, but are outside the covenant of Israel. He helps them because of their faith, but they dont want to enter into the covenant of Israel. The woman in Matthew 15:22 was a Canaanite. Today, wed call her a Palestinian. She cried out to the Son of David because her daughter was grievously vexed with a devil. Yahushua did not answer her right away, and the disciples wanted to send her away. Verse 24: But He answered and said, `I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. She kept crying out for Him to help her. But, in verse 26, He says, It is not right to take the childrens bread, and to cast it to dogs. She knew what He meant. She didnt take offence. She said that truly the dogs eat the crumbs, which fall from their masters table. He said that her great faith was not found among Page 75

the people of Israel, and He healed her daughter. Very interesting!! He came to renew the covenant to Israel in His own blood (Jeremiah 31:31-34). If anyone wanted in on that covenant, they must come into Israels family covenant and adhere to the marriage covenant at Sinai. She wasnt willing to do that. She wanted to keep her beliefs in her own godsbut she knew that salvation was from the Jews, and that this Jew had power. She got help, because the Elohim of Israel is good to everyone who calls on Him. But, she would not give up her gods or her culture and enter covenant of Israel and be saved. Islam believes in Jesus. But they hate Israel with a murderous rage. Almost every religion believes in Jesus and Mary. To the New Age believer, Jesus is a powerful ascended Master. To Satanists it is a name used to conjure up demons. Belief in Him will get you His compassion and maybe even snatch you out of the fire, but is that all you want? One of the most powerful deceptions is to believe that you can have a belief-system without the corresponding actions of obedience to His Law. Cheap grace is a foundational deception that was created by Constantine. Ya cob 2:18-19, 26: But someone might say `you have faith; I have deeds. Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe in one Elohim. Good! Even the demons believe thatand shudder. As the body without your spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. The demons believe and tremble! (Yacob 2:19) Replacement theology is the belief that the church replaced Israel. But the fact is that there is no such thing in His eyes as an organized man-made Church, where people meet in individual buildings with different names and beliefs. His called out ones were called His ecclesiaHis assembly, His congregation. His Body is a living organism that is supposed to interact like the physical body, with His headship. His head is not Jewish and His Body gentile!!! The para ministries of the church are the organizations that foster evangelism, missions, church planting and Bible teaching. The truth is that to Elohim there is no such thing as a para ministry. Notice that these para ministries are the ones doing most of the bond-slave type of work out where the rubber meets the road, though most of them are still Nicolaitanes in character. The establishing of a body of believers on new soil was the gift of the Apostle, and all the other gifts of that body of believers was responsible to build on the foundation that the Apostle and Prophet laid, as a corporate body working together. As Paul said, we all are ambassadors; we all are ministers of reconciliation; we all are witnesses to Him, and we are all bond slaves. No one is exalted above another. Our bodys heart is not haughty and exalted above our ear, or our brain is not exalted above our left foot. The brain could yell all day for the body to walk a mile, but without both feet, it wouldnt move very far. Yes, the brain has more responsibility than a cell in the neck, but without that cell, the body would not be complete. The idea of exalting certain ones is pagan to the coreit was a practice of the pagans worship. It is warned against in Yacob 5. Shaul also addresses this. The women who came into the assemblies, teaching Gnostic heresy, were not to speak. Those bald-headed temple prostitutes were not to come into the house assemblies either, with their bald headsso they had to cover them up, so else the pagans would think something evil was happening in the house of a believer. These women who taught Gnosticism had a New Age belief that Adam was Eves son, Page 76

and she was the illumined one by Lucifer in the Garden of Eden. Of course, Paul wouldnt let them teach or usurp authority over the men. In the assemblies there was no usurping allowedof men or women. The body functioned as a unit, with Yahushua as the Head and the Ruach as the controlling officiator. He did everything in decency and in order. But, when Gentiles began to bring in their paganism, it got undisciplined, and out of order. The Jews knew how to move in order, but the Gentiles did not. So much of the Messianic Scriptures is involved in correcting problems and heresies that were creeping into the assemblies already. Lets study what Paul and the others were talking about before we make doctrinal dogmas of something and so burden people further with the traditions of men. There is self-righteous religious pride in obeying the traditions of men. And every church has its own examples. There are three positions and the Word gives those three in many ways, but finally in Revelation 21 and 22. They are: 1) the new earth, where the saved, like the thief on the cross, will live who claimed Him as Savior by faith, and 2) those who represent those on the earth, called the Kings of the earth who go in and out of the city on business and 3) those who live in His presence forever as His Bride, marked, set-apart and obedient bond slaves. To have a Brides heart is quite different than the average church-goer who does not take the time to really know Him. The Bride who lives before Him, who rules and reigns with Him is not deceived because she has no selfish agendas, no self-ambition, no selfishness at all. Her whole life is laid before Him in obedience. Her whole life is a passionate love of Her Savior. Her greatest joy is His Word and His presence. She lives for the day that she will see His face. That is not the average Christian! Now I want to present to you the document that began the broad road downward, called the great falling away or great apostasy of II Thessalonians chapter 2, written In 1994 by top leaders of the Evangelical church in America, and signed with the Vatican that basically denied the Protestant Reformation, and re-joined those who believe in salvation by faith and the supremacy of the Word over mans traditions with those who do not believe in salvation by faith, and say that the Word is beneath mans tradition. The union was made, with both saying they would not evangelize each othera compromise to re-join the Protestants with the Roman Catholics, and so to unite into one the Great Whore Church of Rome with the fragmented whore church of Protestantisms multitudes of denominations and organizations. The Reformation restored to us a supernatural relationship with our Savior, a real understanding of the new birth by faith, and gave us the Word in our own individual languages. It took us from Romes central control, to a lesser hierarchy of Pastors and Bishops, Clergy and laity. But, for all of its good reforming of things that were terribly wrong, it still retained Rome as the foundational mother of belief, and splintered off into many different expressions, some good and some not good. As the late 1800s came, the baptism into the Holy Spirit and His language, and healing and a hunger for studying the Word by the average believer was restored to us. The desire to know Him was restored to us in a great measure. But, still the reformed Page 77

church kept much of the paganism of Rome, which went back to Nimrod 5,000 years ago. The reforms and restorations did not go far enough, and a group of very well known Evangelical leaders decided to do away with the barriers of what divides Christians and re-unite with the Roman Church. It was the beginning of the great apostasy the great falling away. In Catholicism, baptism and adherence to the Churchs doctrines assures one of right standing with God, and the Church. But, there is no assurance of salvation, only hope through good works, money paid for masses, and that some day they will get out of purgatory into heaven, if enough masses are said. Those, who like Bill Bright of Campus Crusade, who has been a leader in getting the gospel of salvation by faith around the world, signed the document with the Vaticans representatives to deny that one had to be born again by faith to be called a Christian. Here are a few more signers of that historic document, which was a precursor to the establishment of a one-world religion under the Vatican, which included Muslims, Hindus, and all other different religions. Compromise for power and wealth and a selling out of our faith for unity with the Great Whore---thats what some of our heroes of the modern American church have done. But, it had to happen, since the Great Whore, that murder of the true saints throughout the ages, will join with the one world ruler, and even back the one world ruler, and finally be burned with fire and destroyed. (Revelation 17) Father will destroy the false, and draw a remnant of the true. To divide between the true and the false there has to be a time of testing. Here is the New York Times release making the announcement about the new document signed by representatives of the Evangelical church and the Vatican. The story was carried in newspapers across America on March 30, 1994. The most significant event in 500 years was signed on March 29, 1994. On that day leading American Evangelicals and Catholics signed a joint declaration titled Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the 3rd Millennium. This document officially overturned the Reformation. Millions of believers in the Savior and in His Word have been murdered before and after the Reformation, and yet this was never discussed. Did they die in vain? Listen to this article. The unity is in morality, political advantage and mutual power and control-- not in the truth of the Word of Elohim, which calls us to be set-apart from the world system!!! From The New York Times: They toiled together in the movements against abortion and pornography, and now leading Catholics and evangelicals are asking their flocks for a remarkable leap of faith: to finally accept each other as Christians in whats being called a historic declaration, evangelicals including Pat Robertson and Charles Colson (of the chief originators) joined with conservative Roman Catholic leaders today in upholding the ties of faith that bind the nations largest and most politically active religious groups. They urged Catholics and evangelicals to stop aggressive proselytization of each others flocks. John White, President of Geneva College, and former President of the National Association of Evangelicals, said the statement represents a `trumphalistic moment in American religious life after centuries of distrustOther evangelicals endorsers include the heads of Home Mission Board and Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (who acted in an independent capacity), the nations largest Protestant Page 78

Denomination, and Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for ChristMark Noll of Wheaton UniversityOS Guiness, Jesse Miranda (Assemblies of God, Richard Mouw (President of Fuller Theological Seminary). One evangelical leader said, `(This document) has the potential to recast all the ecumenical discussions that have gone on through the yearsThis is a new day. Our closest friends, as evangelicals, in the cultural task and in the fundamental theological task, are Roman Catholics. The Roman Catholics are to be equally called Christian. How is that possible, when salvation is by faith, not in church membership and adherence to man-made doctrines and sacraments? Catholics do not believe in salvation by faith, and they believe that their tradition is higher than the Word of Elohim. They believe that their political future is to rule the world along with the world governmental leader. That has come out in The Keys of This Blood, by Malachi Martin, writer for the Vatican. Evangelicals have prostituted themselves to the great whore, murder of millions of Jews and true believers, in the name of unity. Two more who signed the document in 1994, were Benny Hinn and Jack Hayford. Paul Crouch owner of TBN said, regarding this document: we should have never left the Catholic Church. It is time that we looked to the only One who is infallible and got to know Him, isnt it? I thank Rev. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Florida, for publicly coming out with his grief over this document, asking those who signed to repent and recant. Christian gurus are selling the church out to Rome, from whence comes the False Prophet who rules the world with anti-Messiah. Following Truth may cost you your life. If you run from truth to save your own life, then youll run into Satans arms, which are wide-open to receive you. Jeremiah 17:5-10: Cursed is the man who trusts in man. Yahushua said it would cost us everything to follow Him. Is that the way the gospel was presented to you? It wasnt presented to me that way. Listen to Luke 14:25-33: And large crowds were going with Him, and turning, He said to them, `If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers and sisters, and his own life too, he is unable to be My disciple. And whoever does not take up his stake (misnamed cross) and come after Me is unable to be My disciple. For who of you, wishing to build a tower does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he had laid he foundation, and is unable to finish it, all who see it begin to mock him saying `This man began to build and was unable to finish. Or what King, going to fight against another King does not sit down first and take counsel whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Otherwise while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for conditions of peace. So then, everyone of you who does not give up all that he has, is unable to be My disciple? Thats repentanceforsaking all!! The word hate means to love less, yes, but also means not to put yourself under the control of anyone but Him. He died on a stake---a polean accursed tree as Torah said, cursed is anyone who hangs on a tree. He died with His hands straight up over His head. (Deuteronomy 21:22-23) He bore the curse for us, of the breaking of the Torah. He did not die on a pagan fertility symbol, which twisted in pagan-fashion Page 79

was used by Hitler as a swastika. To begin to follow Yahushua and then throw up a white flag because you are afraid and want to surrender to your enemy will get your name erased from the book of life. (Revelation 3:5) We act on what we really believe. Many people say they are convinced in their belief that Jesus is coming soon. They read all the latest best sellers on the subject, and yell loudly Amen when anyone says Jesus is coming soon. They believe in a worldwide harvest of souls, and give their tithe to the mission board of their church for poor missionaries out on the field. But, then on Monday morning, they go and put a down payment on a new house. If asked if they would like to make a missions trip to Mexico to win souls, they say, No I cant go now, Ive just put all my money into a new house. Ive heard people give almost the identical excuses as those in the Gospels who couldnt follow Him because of job or family ties. Does this sound typical or what!!! So this free salvation that we preach is, for the most part, a religion-oriented belief systemwith no real substance. You cant say Jesus is the only way to heaven, and then, like most Americans, never even pass out a tract, or give the gospel to their next door neighbor. Faith without corresponding actions is only hypocrisy!!! If you love your neighbor as you love yourself and you are going to have eternal life, then you are compelled, as Paul put it, by His love through you, to let your neighbor know how to have eternal life. (II Corinthians 5:14) Isaiah 55:6-7: Seek Yahuweh while He is to be found, call on Him while He is near. Let the wrong forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to Yahuweh, who has compassion on him, and to our Elohim, for He pardons abundantly. Now thats the whole gospelin Isaiah. Here is the Elohim of the Old Testament speaking to His people: For though the mountains and the hills be shaken, My kindness is not removed from you, nor is My covenant of peace shaken, says Yahuweh, who has compassion on you. The Tenach is filled with such passages of His love and mercy, grace, compassion, loving kindness and gentleness, for those who look to Him. Hes a Daddy!! The Father is good, and full of compassion and loving-kindness. Some of the greatest verses on forgiveness are in the Tanach, in Isaiah and Micah and the Psalms. (Isaiah 43:25; 44:22; Micah 7:14; Psalm 103:3, etc) The lies and deceptions of the Roman Church just compounded and compounded. The doctrine of law verses grace is one of those fabrications created by the Roman Church to mock the Torah of Yahuweh--NOT the Law of the Jews. His Law is His part of His grace. Are stoplights at a major intersection good or bad? Is it because the Lawmakers are trying to burden down people with stopping at stoplights, or is it to save lives? It is the same with Fathers good teachingsLaws. He has laws that set us apart from Satans world, and if we dont obey themthen we are including ourselves in Satans world as law-less ones! Bind up the witness, seal the Torah among My disciples. Behold, I and the children whom Yahuweh has given Mefor signs and wonders in Israel from Yahuweh of hosts, who dwells in Mount Tsiyon. To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no dawning light. (Isaiah 8:16-20) Christians are taught to reject His good Torah, but then join churches that have their own commandments and rules for pleasing men--the pastor, the denomination, the missionary organization, the Board of Elders, the Bishop or the Pope. We exchange the good things of Elohim for the chains of mans traditions and Page 80

opinions, thinking we are free and under grace. Today Judaism has sunk into the opinions of the rabbis and traditionsand is no more than an empty religion for the most part, built no longer upon Torah, but upon Talmud and Rabbinical Traditions. At least, thank Father they have preserved the Logos for us through the centuries! Yahuweh did not start the Jewish religion!! What religious slot did Adam, Noah and Enoch fit into? What was Abraham, Isaac and Jacobs religious slot? They had no religion!! The commands of Torah are not the Law of the Jews, but they are the teachings of Yahuweh. (See Leviticus 23:2--the Feasts of Yahuweh.) Yahushua said in Matthew 7:13-14: Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wideand the way is broadthat leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed which leads to life, and there are few who find it. The hard way is not taught in most churches!!! The famous Chinese pastor Wang Ming Tao, who had been in prison for his faith for 23 years, had tried to choose the easy way of escape and realized it was an illusion. His word to the West to a representative of Open Doors, said, Choose the hard road. When we choose the hard road, in the end, it turns out to be the easy road. Psalm 94:12-13: Blessed is the man whom You chasten, O Yahuweh, and teach him out of your Torah, that You may give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be dug for the wicked. The foundation that Constantine laida barbaric, murdering heathen, was not built on Yahushua, but upon another god of his making. The tragedy is that most non-Christians think of the church as the Roman Catholic Church. This is true of Jews, Arabs, and many other people-groups. They dont know that there is a group of people who are followers of Torah/Tenach and yet believe in the Jewish Savior/Messiah Yahushua. This group has always been small. The churches in the 1st century that Paul wrote to were smallsome only 20 people or less. He never talked about a worldwide harvest, or multi-millions of souls coming to Him. He talked about multi-millions of souls turning away from Him in these dayspeople who professed to follow Him, but are like tares and chaff. He got down to 12 followers after His John 6 discourse on eating His body and drinking His blood, and one of them was a traitor. But, He had no identity problems--His self-esteem didnt fall to the ground; He didnt have to go for psychiatric counseling for a rejection complex; He asked His disciples will you go away too? He came to proclaim a message and if people didnt want to receive it, He didnt bother with them. He wants disciplesnot converts. I know it makes things difficult because were so used to Christian language within our social circle of security and comfort. I do not call myself a Christian. I do not follow the Egyptian-Greek god Christos/Christ. I am a Torah-observant follower of Messiah Yahushua. I suppose you could call me a Messianic Karaite one who believes in Messiah and only goes by Scripture. The ancient Hebrew word for Scripture was kara. Here is Scriptural proof of what the early disciples were called: Acts 9:2: If he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, to bring them bound to Jerusalem. That was what Paul set out to do on the road to Damascus. He was after the followers Page 81

of the Way. Later, speaking about the congregation in Macedonia, it was said in Acts 19:23: And about that time there came to be a great commotion about the Way. In Acts 22:3-4, Paul says in his defense, I am indeed a Jew, having been born in Tarsus, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, having been instructed according to the exactness of the Torah of our fathers, being ardent for Elohim, as you are today, who persecuted this Way to the death, binding and delivering up into prisons both men and women. And in Acts 24:5, 14-15 and 22, in Pauls defense before Felix, it mentions the sect of the Nazarenes and the sect of the Way. The early believers did not call themselves followers of Christ. No Torah-guarding believer in the early assembly called themselves Christian. That was the invention of the Hellenized Jews and Greeks, in an attempt to keep their belief in their savior-god Zeus alive, at the same time creating a counterfeit to what PaulRav Shaulwas teaching. The accusers of Paul said, For having found this man a plague, who stirs up dissensions among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. Paul was called a ringleader of this sectand he was a Torah-observant Jew. Part of Pauls defense to Felix: And this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the Elohim of my fathers, believing all that has been written in the Torah and in the Prophets, having an expectation in Elohim which they themselves also wait for, that there is to be a resurrection of the dead, both of the righteous and the unrighteous. . That is what Yahushua left us in a nutshell. Having heard this, having known more exactly about the Way, Felix put them off referring to Pauls accusers. Lets get back to the simple truthbelieving and obeying the Torah, the Prophets and also in Messiah Yahushua. II Peter 3:15-17: and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Shaul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him, as also in all his letters speaking in them of these matters, in which some are hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures. You then, beloved ones, being forewarned, watch, lest you fall from your own steadfastness, being led away from the delusion of lawlessness. The word lawlessness in Greek is anomia without the Torah. These deceivers have made him out to be a lawless man, teaching against Torah. Revelation 12:17, referring to the remnant of the saved during the tribulation time and the dragon who is Satan, and the woman who is Israel: And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commandments of Elohim, and possessing the witness of Yahushua the Messiah. Revelation 14:12, Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones, here are those guarding the commandments of Elohim and the faith of Yahushua. Revelation 15:3, referring to the martyrs who overcome in these last days, And they sing the song of Moses the servant of Elohim, and the song of the Lamb. Yahushua said in John 14:15, If you love Me you shall guard My commandments. In verse 23 He says, If anyone loves Me he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him, and make Our stay with him. He who does not love Me does not guard My Words. John 15:10: If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have Page 82

guarded my Fathers commands and stay in His love. Yahushua was very Torahobservant, because He is the living Word. The word guard means to keep or to obey. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. And, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:1, 14) Our foundation was lost to us, as Hosea tells us. Now, in these days, He is restoring the true Apostle and Prophet to re-build the foundation upon Yahushua and the Torah. In 722BCE, when the northern 10 tribes were taken to Assyria, from there they were scattered throughout the world. In 586BCE and in 70CE, the southern tribes, all referred to as Judah (Jew), were scattered into Babylon and from there into every nation of the world. Now, the great fulfillment of their return is in full swing--having begun in the late 1800s with the Zionist Movement. There are very many passages in the Scriptures regarding this phenomenon. The Jews preserved the Torah, the covenant, the Prophets, the Writings for us. Paul praises them for that in Romans 3:1 and 9:3-5. Elohim entrusted His Word to them and not one jot or tittle was out of place, being faithful copied by hand by faithful Scribes through the centuries. But, every translation of the Messianic Scriptures (originally written in Hebrew) is all different and not two are alike--in the Greek language, in Latin, in German, in English and etc. The Nazarenes preserved a copy of the gospel of Matthew in Hebrew up until the 13th century. Why wouldnt the early apostles write in Greek? Because the Greeks had done such evil to try to enforce their culture on the Jews, and caused the death of so many Jews--as in the first abomination of desolation, when Antiochus Ephiphanes defiled the Temple--that the Jews said we would rather eat pigs flesh than speak Greek. The original followers of the Jew Yahushua would have died rather than substitute Elohims Name and titles for those of Greek gods. The Greek language was filled with the names of gods. Paul says in Romans 3:31, Do we nullify the Torah through faith? Let it not be! On the contrary, we establish the Torah. Jeremiah 31:31-34, says that the new covenant in His blood, renewed in His blood, was so that Torah could be written on the hearts of both Jew and non-Jew. What is happening now is called being restored to the fathers in Malachi 4:4-6-the fathers being Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The spirit of Elijah the Prophet is in the land and it is that spirit which is calling to His people to come out of the pagan church and to return to their foundation of Yahushua ha Machiach--the Elohim of Israel. Malachi 4:5-6 is about returning to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob--His fathers. For almost 2,000 years He tolerated His Name being forgotten and the pagan system using the names of Greek and Roman gods, gods of the Moabites (Baal) and gods of the Babylonians being used to address Him and words used to describe things in His Word. He said in Hosea that He would take the names of Baal out of our mouth. The word Lord in the Scriptures 6,823 times, except for the use of the word Adonai at times to mean Master, the word should have been translated Yahuweh, the eternal Name of the Father, which was given to Moses in Egypt. Mans superstition in using the correct name, led to the use of a pagan name. He allowed this blasphemy for almost 2,500 years out of His own people. The Jews still use Lord or Ha Shem (the Name), or Adonai in describing the Father. Page 83

He has had tolerance on much sin, lies and deception that we have believed. He has tolerated our relegating the Jews to another Godthe God of the Old Testament. He has tolerated the use of a pagan gods name for His Son, and His Spirit. But, the end of that tolerance for those who know the truth is over! If your name is Charlie, and your wife of 20 years still calls you Edgar, even though she knows what your name is, there is something wrong with your wife!! Yet, Ive heard Christians vehemently say, God doesnt care what I call Him! That is totally ludicrous!! They evidently dont know Him and dont care to know Him. Hosea 3:4-5, For many days the children of Israel are to remain without sovereign and without prince, and without sacrifices, and without pillar, and without shoulder garment or house idols. Afterward the children of Israel shall return, and seek Yahuweh their Elohim, and David their sovereign, and fear Yahuweh and His goodness, in the latter years. Hosea 2:16-17, `And it shall be in that day, declares Yahuweh, `that you shall call Me My Husband and no longer call Me My Baal (Lord). And I will remove the names of the Baals out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name. Thats Israelthats mostly the western Christian world, who was scattered into all countries, and then received the gospel of Yahushua, but who have lost their identity. He is now beginning to restore the identity of the lost Israelites who were never really lost. My ancestry is British Isles (English, Welch, Scottish and Irish) and some French and Cherokee Indian. I have Hebrew names in my heritage. Most of us do. The word Hebrew comes from Abrahams grandparent ancestor Eber. (Genesis 11:11-17) Look at John 7:34-35: Yahushua says, `You shall seek Me and you shall not find Me, and where I am you are unable to come. The Jews, therefore, said to themselves, `Where is He about to go that we shall not find Him? Is He about to go to the Dispersion AMONG the Greeks, and to teach the Greeks? Yacob 1:1: Yaacob, a servant of Elohim and of the Master Yahushua Messiah, to the twelve tribes who are in the dispersion: Greetings. Acts 15:19-21 has been used by pastors (and I have heard them) that the early church did not burden the gentiles with the Law. I suppose He just told them to believe in Jesus and do whatever they liked in their paganism. Nototally the opposite. They came to the Elohim of Israel, like Cornelius did, and kept Torah and believed in the redeemer Messiah Yahushua. These gentiles were total idolatrous pagans, and fornication was a part of temple worship. Every temple had their set of temple virgins. Having sex with the temple prostitutes was part of their routine. Also they ate things strangled, and ate blood. So, wise and wonderful James, the Apostle, who was the Elder over the ecclesia in Jerusalem, made a very wise statement regarding what these new gentile converts were to immediately do. They were to stop their fornication, and their defilements with their idols, stop eating things strangled and stop eating blood. Why?-Because these things defiled them according to Torah. Leviticus 17:11-12, 14 is an example: For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes an atonement of the soul. Therefore I said to the children of Israel, Page 84

`No one of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourns among you eat blood. Strangling an animal causes the blood to back up into the flesh. So in Acts 15:21, he said that this was the ruling for them to stop immediately. But, James adds: For from ancient generations Moses has, in every city, those proclaiming himbeing read in the congregations every Shabbat. In other words, the returnees from the nations could learn Torah in the synagogues at a slower pacebut to start off-stop the fornication and defilements that had to do with idol worship. Yet, pastors in the churches today use that portion to mockyes literally mock the Jews saying, now in Jesus we have liberty and grace! That is the Constantine spiritmockery and haughtiness against Torah. Beware!!! If you are in America, Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, or any country outside of Israel, and you are either an Israelite biologically, or have come into the covenant of Israel by faith in Yahushua, you are in the Diasporayou are in captivity. In 2003, Abba gave me Ezekiel 3 as part of my calling, sending me to be a watchman over the House of Israel in North America and the nations of the ancient Greco/Roman empires. Your eternal home is Israelthe covenant Land He gave to His people. Your inheritance forever is in Israel (Ezekiel 48). Most western believers literally have Israelite blood in them (from one of the 12 tribes). September 12, 2007, the 2, 730 year punishment on the 10 northern tribes ended! Refer to: The Shmittah Year Prophecy, The Forty-Eight Hour Transition and The September 12, 2007 Report From Jerusalem. He has preserved His people through the ages. Amos 9:9 tells us that though He sifts all of Israel (12 tribes) among the nations, yet not one seed would fall to the ground. He has preserved all of the tribes of His people. The DNA of the northern tribes the House of Israel (Yacob), the House of Ephraim or the House of Joseph is waking up, and a remnant of His people desire to go home to their land. Jeremiah chapters 31, 32, and 33 are so powerful about our restoration. Acts 3:19-21 tells us that Messiah cannot return until the restoration of ALL things that means the return of a remnant of all the tribes of Yacob!!! Now by DNA testing, the tribe of Levi is being found, since the men of that tribe have a certain chromosome that others dont have. Abrahams seed was to be as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the sea. You can count Jews (from the tribe of Judah), and even Levites now. But, Israel (the 10 tribes + 2)--you cant count them. Listen to this fabulous verse in Hosea 1:10, and rejoice: YET THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SHALL BE AS THE SAND OF THE SEA, WHICH IS NOT MEASURED OR COUNTED. AND IT SHALL BE IN THE PLACE WHERE IT WAS SAID TO THEM `YOU ARE NOT MY PEOPLE, THEY SHALL BE CALLED, `THE SONS OF THE LIVING EL (GOD). Who today are called the sons of the living God? There are quite a few Christians now days who are rejecting their faith in Jesus or Yeshua to convert to the man-made religion of Judaism, fraught with man-made bondages for sure. So, in finding their Hebrew roots, some are going whole hogsorry for the punand becoming Jews, denying their Savior and Messiah Yahushua. Page 85

Why go from one religion of man to another one, from one set of bondages to another? Why not do as He commands us come out of the systems of man so that He can receive us unto Himself (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1). [Refer to: Denying the Deity of Messiah, 2011] But for those who have not a drop of Israelite blood in them, when they come to Yahuweh by faith in Yahushua, they are treated as those born in the Landtreated as biological Israel by the Father!! (Ezekiel 47:22-23) I found pockets of Hebrews all through East Africa, some on the tops of mountains where they had never seen a white person. The little children would rub my arms to see if the white came off. But, the pastors, some without even a Tenach, knew that they belonged to the Elohim of Israel, and prayed for Israel daily. In one village way up on a mountain in Uganda, I met believers who were praying to Jehovah. But, they knew He was the God of Israel, and they knew they were from Israel. Now, I know that Jehovah is a Babylonian misnomer, but at least they were trying to use His Hebrew name. (Remember that the J is only about 400 years old in the English alphabet. The word Jehovah comes from the putting of the vowels for Yahuweh into the word Adonai. Jehovah is not a valid word! The word hovah means a curse.) Then there is the nutty pronunciation Jahweh crazy! On July 18, 2002, the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av, a threshold was crossed. The 9th of Av is a day of fasting for Jewsa very sad day of remembrance. It was that day that both Temples in Jerusalem, both Solomons and Herods Temple were destroyed. The Babylonians destroyed Solomons temple in 586BCE and the Romans destroyed Herods Temple (Solomons Temple rebuilt) in 70CE. I had been mandated severely the month before by the Father not to ever go into another church again, since I was speaking boldly out for people to come out of the system of Rome. I was greatly afraid to disobey Him, following a dream and His strong Hand on me the next morning for hours. He spoke to me strongly, You will never go into another church again. He says in II Corinthians 6:17-18 that we must come out of compromise with the enemy in order for Him to be able to receive us. Darkness and light cannot mix. And, now His tolerance for His children of light to remain in the darkness of His enemy is over!!! Sometimes the fear of Yahuweh, literally, is needed to keep us from sin. Proverbs 8:13: The fear of Yahuweh is to hate evil. If we are to come out that we not participate in their sin and thus receive their plagues (judgment), then wed better obey quickly. We must fear Yahuweh. Our eternal life depends on it. The word fear in Scripture means paralyzing terror. It does not mean reverential awe as the lukewarm church teaches. It means to be terrified of losing Him! (Psalm 111:10; Matthew 10:28) I was supposed to go to Africa in August of 2002, and was debating whether to go or not, since it is difficult to preach in a church where the pastors think they are in control of their laity, then here I come in and tell their people to come out of that pastors kingdom. That just wouldnt work very well. I work outside the system to help hungry Bridal souls to find truth. If a pastor wants to align with the truth, he has to make serious adjustments. He would lose reputation, money, position, money, popularity, money, his control and power over people, and money. His denomination would not support him either. Hed be out on his earand with a family to support, hed be in Page 86

serious condition, if he didnt know Fathers ways of provision. Fathers training on how to trust Him is not easyboot camp is rough. He would have to leave his security with his denomination, or even his friends and family for a lonely life of just obedience to pastor the people properly. Even Messianic pastors keep the synagogue system, which came from out of their 70 years in Babylon--they have church on Saturday morning at ten, preceded by a Sabbath school at nineand call it Sabbath service. A pastor must be a teacher, for he is to feed the flock, and the food is the Word. I have conducted many pastoral training seminars, and taught the 5-fold ministry plus other church leaders. The 5-fold ministry must give themselves continually to prayer and the Word, and spend many hours a day in the Word, hearing from Himor else how can they feed the flock fresh food from the throne-room? (Acts 6:4) Most pulpit preachers just serve cold spaghetti on Sunday morning, with a verse to top it off from the Bible like a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese, and expect the sheep to grow up strong and healthy, because they are too lazy to get to know Him. They listen to false prophets and whatever sounds good they serve to their congregations. It is typicalcommon--it is rare for a pastor to spend time every day seeking Him. I know--Ive been in the 5fold ministry over 40 years. But, that morning, on July18, 2002, the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar, I had to make my decision not to go to Africa and compromise the Truth that He had given to me. I would have had to talk to the pastors about the Truth and I knew that they were too deeply into white mens money and popularity to change, and to lose their big congregations that were coming to find out how Jesus could make them rich. I have seen the compromise with truth and it is a tragedy. American golden calf theology from the spirit of Jeroboam is corrupting and defiling humble, sweet, gentle, loving pastors in 3rd world countries into greedy, pompous, arrogant, and deceitful gameplaying people. It has been a horrible thing for me to watch. It is Constantine, and Jeroboam all over again. It is the words of Jeroboam, 1st King of Israel, saying that the people no longer had to go down to Jerusalem to obey the commands of Elohim, but they could stay in Samaria and worship on different days. He put 2 golden calves up in two places for the people to worship instead of the Elohim of Israel. Thats the church system!!!! The Americanized African pastors I had worked with had rejected the message of our Hebrew roots for the most part, and the use of His Name--Yahuweh and Yahushua-- for 2 years. They knew that I was coming back with the same message. Many are coming to the States to get white mans money, so they cant afford to use Yahuweh or Yahushua or identify with Israel, because most churches wouldnt give them money, or have them speak. So, its go with the gold, and let Truth fall in the street (Isaiah 59:14-15). On that 9th of Av, I went into the living room of my daughters house, where I was staying and opened the Word at His instruction to the portion regarding Sauls rejection as King of Israel and the anointing of David by Samuel as the next King. (Saul represented man in his rebellion against the Words of Yahuweh.) On this 9th of Av, Father strongly to me, and said, TODAY, I AM ARISING TO JUDGE THE THIRD TEMPLE. I knew what He meant. The first two temples had been destroyed on that day, and the third temple is the ecclesia of believers. For He said Page 87

through Paul, Dont you know that your body is the temple of the Ruach ha Kodesh and that you are not your own, because you have been bought with a price? Peter talks about the building of His people into a temple. He will have a pure remnant!! Saul has been rejected and, like the church system was handsome, desirable and comfortable, but rebellious, sinful and covenant breaking. Saul turned to witchcraft later on because He could not find Yahuweh anymore. The church has also turned to its own brand of witchcraft, religion of control and manipulation and greedy desires, because it no longer can find its Elohim. He has departed! (Part II of this article will discuss that departure). David is a picture of King Yahushua to come. And at that time, He also spoke to me BETWEEN THE REJECTION OF SAUL AND THE CROWNING OF DAVID, THERE WILL BE MUCH TURBULENCE. He let me know that we have entered the time of turmoil, between the rejected church system and the crowning of our Bridegroom Yahushua in Jerusalem when He comes. Three and one half years of this turmoil is called the great tribulation. It is called the time of Jacobs troubles. If you are born again, then you are part of Jacob. It is the time of the purging and testing and purifying of His people, and the calling out of His Bridal remnant. Sorry you dont get out of here, you have to go through the fiery furnace and the lions den. (Daniel 11:31-35) During this time, between Saul and David, there was a rag-tag, rough group of men called Davids mighty men, who stuck with him through all the attempts of Saul to kill David. (Their story is found in I Chronicles 11) These mighty men slept out in the wilderness, and almost died, fought Philistines and risked their lives to stay with David. But, when David was crowned King, they were rewarded. Our Son of David, Yahushua, will soon be crowned King. And, during these days of tribulation, He is looking for those mighty men and women who will do exploits for Him, because they know Him, and love not their lives unto death. These mighty men and women will rule and reign with Him 1,000 years, and then be before His throne with Him for eternity (Revelation 22:4). Are you one of His mighty men or women? If you are a mighty onethen you will do great things in these days through His power in you. We have entered that transitional time of turbulence as of the 9th of Av 2002. Now, the plumb-line has dropped, and we either line up to it or fall short of it. Amos 7:7-8: This is what He showed me, and see, Yahuweh stood on a wall made with a plumb-line, with a plumb-line in His hand, and Yahuweh said to me, `Amos what do you see? And I said, `a plumb-line. And Yahuweh said, `See I am setting a plumb-line in the midst of My people Israel--no longer do I pardon them. And I shall rise with the sword against the house of Jeroboam. The house of Jeroboam is the church system, created out of a mans mind to rebuke and despise the requirements of the Elohim of Israel. Yahushua re-enforced this in John 4:20-22 in rebuke of the Samaritan womans pride. She lived in the exact same area that Jeroboam did when he set up his substitute religion on the mountains of Samaria. Speaking of the future, when Yahushua reigns in Jerusalem, all nations must come up to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles or He will not give them rain on their land. (Zechariah 14:16-19) One day all nations will worship Him who reigns from JerusalemIsaiah 2:1-3. Now, we must worship Him in spirit and in truth in our preparation for that great time!! Page 88

It says in Daniel 11:32, speaking of now, and the coming of anti-messiah (the one world ruler): And such shall as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries; but the people that know their Elohim shall be strong, and do exploits (KJV). Many will fall at this time, and be killed, go into captivity, and fall spiritually by flatteries from the anti-messiah. But, there will be a purged remnant that arises and does exploits. That word means, to act with great bravery and courage. In the NIV, it says, that those who know their God will firmly resist him--the anti-messiah. This company of strong ones not only have faith in Him but really know the Elohim of Israel. It is those who do wickedly against the covenant that fall. The NIV uses the phrase: those who have violated the covenant. The Scriptures uses the expression: those who do wrong against the covenant. What is the covenant? It is the Torah. To do wrong against it is to be lawless or Torah-less. In Ezekiel 18:9 it says, If he walks in My laws, and he has guarded My right-rulings in truthhe is righteous, he shall certainly live! declares the Master Yahuweh. In Ezekiel 16:62 and 63 it says, And I Myself shall establish My covenant with you. And you shall know that I am Yahuweh. And you shall be ashamed, and never open your mouth anymore because of your shame, when I pardon you for all you have done, declares the Master Yahuweh. It pays to please the coming King!! Jeremiah 31:31-34: See the days are coming, declares Yahuweh, when I shall make a renewed covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, for this is the covenant I shall make with the house of Israel after those days declares Yahuweh, `I shall put My Torah in their inward parts and write them on their hearts. And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people, for I shall forgive their crookedness, and remember their sin no more. Matthew 26:28, For this is My blood, that of the renewed covenant, which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins, Yahushua says. Who did Yahushua make the blood covenant with? He made it with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. He is now bringing the House of Judah and the House of Israel together in Yahushua. But, first He is bringing these two houses back together which were separated over 2,700 years ago. (Ezekiel 37) The one new man is simply the gathering of all believers in Yahushua who also guard His Word, into one fold the fold of Israel. Jeremiah 31:10 says, Hear the word of Yahuweh O you nations, and declare it in the islands afar off, and say `He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd does his flock. For Yahuweh has redeemed Jacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that is stronger than he. Therefore they shall come and singing the height of Zion, and shall flow together in the goodness of Yahuweh. That miracle is happening right now!!! Israel, the ten northern tribes are mostly the Christian nations of today. He is going to re-unite them with Judah in the covenant that they shared together before Israel pulled away from the covenant in the days of Jeroboam. (I Kings 11 and 12) Many, many prophecies talk about this reuniting of the two houses. The church says that we have a new covenant as opposed to an old one, because the old one is obsolete. This is a lie from the pit of hell. To call His eternal Word obsolete is blasphemous! The blood covenant in Yahushuas blood is new--in that the Page 89

covenant was never before established in the blood of the Lamb of Elohim. But, it is a renewed covenant in that it brought forward the blood covenant of redemption begun by Elohim in Genesis 3. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sinfor the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it s the blood that makes an atonement for the soul. (Hebrews 9:22; Leviticus 17:11) The renewed covenant in the blood of Elohim Himself, the spotless, perfect Lamb, is a new covenant, fulfilling the sacrificial system of Leviticus. Behold the Lamb of Elohim, who takes away the sin of the world, John cried out. However, in the 1,000-year kingdom of Yahushua on earth, and in eternity, the blood sacrifices and all the Torah will be put into effect in its entirety. Why?Because at His coming, there will either be saved people (transformed/glorified into His image in resurrection bodies) or lost people in their natural flesh, who didnt die, and the eternal state of all will have been determined. Once He rules in visible and absolute iron-fisted authority, salvation by faith will be impossible. Grace, through faith, will not be part of the kingdom rule. He must re-institute the blood of animals as atonement for those born to the remaining people on the earth at His coming who were not saved. It is mercy repeated!! Deception grows rapidly in the soul of the fearful and those that love lies. Revelation 22:13 tells us that those who love lies and do not believe truth cannot enter into the gates of His eternal city. Deception dies out when those who love the truth stand strong in the truth of His Word!! We also have to know His nature, His ways, and His modus operandi in order to be able to know if something is a deception or not. We must also have the gift of the discerning of spirits (I Corinthians 12:10). John tells us to try the spirits and to see if they are of Elohim or not. I John 4:1: Beloved ones, do not believe every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of Elohim, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Most people just go by what sounds good, or looks good, or tastes good, or feels good, or smells good. They live out of their sense realmthe unregenerate soulthe seat of the sin natureand never know what it means to be led by the Spirit of Elohim. That soul realm of self-will be put to death--re-programmed--to the nature of the re-born spirit. (Romans 12:1-2) It says in Romans 8:14: For as many as are led by the Spirit (the Ruach Yahuweh) of Elohim, they are the sons of Elohhim. We are called to walk in the Spirit, not in the carnal flesh realm. He speaks to our re-born spirit, not to our unstable reasoning, emotional mind. Ill never forget the horrifying report of a believer who was the only survivor of a commercial airline crash. He said he was protected in the back of the plane (toilet area), but when the plane came down it burst into flames and he could see others burning alive. He gave all the glory to our Father for his rescue. But, he said that he never heard such filthy cursing in his lifethe cursing God by those who were being burned up. When we are under pressure, in panic, fear, tormentthe natural man turns on God with hate. It says that when He comes, that those who are wicked turn on Him and will not repent. Yahushua asked the question: When I come, will I find faith on the earth? Page 90

People will see Him coming, and see the rocks crashing in with a world-rending earthquake, and they will curse Him. I am afraid that most Christians will also do that, because they dont know Him. When the fire of our Elohim is turned on us, will we curse Him! The Word tells us: Our Elohim is a consuming fireHebrews 12:29. Yahushua never taught any new command except what was already in the Tenach. None of it is obsolete. He fulfilled the ceremonial Levitical law of sin-sacrifices in Himself. He is our sin offering. He is our guilt offering. He is our peace offering. He is our Lamb for our burnt offering. He is also our scapegoat. (Leviticus 16) But, even those laws of sacrifice give us so much insight as to what Yahushua did for us on the stakesin offering, peace offering, guilt offering, burnt offering, wave offering, etc. Isaiah 53 talks about His offering of Himself. He nailed our sin and its punishment to the stakenot His own eternal Word, as some mockers proclaim in the church. Jude 1:17-18: But, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the Apostles of the Master Yahushua Messiah, how they told you that there would be mockers in the last days, who walk after their own ungodly lusts. Colossians 2:14, He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code with its regulations that were against us and that stood opposed to us. He took it out of the way, nailing it to the stake. He trashed our sins, not His eternal Word!! What was opposed to us has been removed!! Only 4 of the 7 Feasts have been fulfilled (Leviticus 23). And, the Torah speaks of His second coming. So to say that Torah is obsolete is just to mimic the Roman churchs mockery of the Elohim of Israel. Yahuwehs wrath will arise upon such rebellion!! From Lew Whites book Fossilized Customs, page 85, we see who the early Roman Catholic Church called heretics. Lew White quotes from the early church fathers in A History of Anti-Semitism: For almost a century, the early believers in Yahushua the Messiah were culturally and ethnically the same as, and worshipped alongside, mainly Judaism. The first believers in Messiah were Jews. The Torah was of great importance to them and they kept its laws, keeping the Shabbat and performing circumcision. They did not follow another religion but remained within the framework of Judaism. The belief in Messiah Yahushua spread largely among Jews to begin with, and for some time it remained as a sect within Judaism--mostly known as the sect of the Nazarenes (Acts 24:5). It is important to say something about the Nazarenes as documentation of their existence and beliefs gives us much insight on how the early believers in Messiah thought and lived. Also from Whites book: The fourth century church father Jerome, described the Nazarenes as `those who accept Messiah in such a way that they do not cease to observe the old Law. Yet, another fourth century church father, Epiphanius gives a more detailed description of them: `We shall now consider heretics who call themselves Nazarenes; they are mainly Jews and nothing else. They make use of not only of the New Testament, but they also use in a way the Old Testament of the Jews; for they do not forbid the books of the Law, the Prophets, and Writings, so that they are approved of by the Jews, from whom the Nazarenes do not differ in anything, and they process all the dogmas pertaining to the prescription of the Law and to the customs of the Page 91

Jews except they believe in Messiah. They preach there is but one God, and His Son Yahushua the Messiah. But they are very learned in the Hebrew language; for they, like the Jews read the whole Law, then the Prophets. They differ from the Jews because they believe in Messiah, and from the Christians in that they are to this day bound to the Jewish rites, such as circumcision, the Sabbath, and other ceremonies. They have the Good news according to Matthew in its entirety in Hebrew. For it is clear that they still preserve this in the Hebrew Alphabet as it was originally written. There is evidence that the Nazarene Sect continued until the 13th century. The Catholic writing of Bonacursus, entitled Against the Heretics refers to the Nazarenes who were called Pasagini. Bonacursus says, Let those who are not yet acquainted with them please note how perverse their belief and doctrine is. First they teach that we should obey the Law of Moses according to the letter the Shabbat, and circumcision, and the legal precepts still being in force. Furthermore, to increase their error, they condemn and reject all the whole Roman Church. Anyone who was not Catholic yet trusted in the Rabbi Yahushua was termed a heretic and was exterminated, being a threat to the teachings of Catholicism. Constantines Sword, page 215: Augustine argued, `against Jerome that both Jesus and the first generation of Jewish apostles, Paul emphatically included, were as Christians, also Torah-observant Jews. Carroll says: Among Church fathers, Augustine is remarkable for his sensitivity to the Jewish character of Christina faith. Jerome, the translator of the Latin Vulgate, was a Gnostic, and anti-Semitic also. On page 300, Carroll says: Constantine had changed history, and the very meaning of Jesus Christ, by turning his cross into a sword. How far from what Yahuweh left His early disciples! Page 145 Constantines Sword: Ultimately, both Jews and Christians rejected the middle group of believers who sought to honor the organic link between the religion of Jesus and the religion of the Jewswhat Jesus, His mother, and His first followers, including Paul, all took for granted. He goes on to say that this group disappeared from history. Their fate is common in history, for groups holding the middle ground once a dispute has been polarized. Surprise, Mr. Carroll!! Again, as Mr. Lew White has so humorously said, Were back, and all over the internet. You cant get rid of the Truth of Yahuweh. It never died out. It might have gotten down to a handful of people, but it survived because it was the truth that Yahushua left us at His ascension!! The first settlers to America came to flee persecution. In early American history, there were civil laws enacted which prohibited the celebration of Christmas because they knew it to be a pagan festival of the Roman church. They were fleeing from persecution by the Roman Church system, which had been altered slightly in the Church of England, with the King of England being the pope of the English church, when they fled to America. This is just a little truth for you to chew on, because in our day, He is calling us to flee from that church system. How interactive can a naked light bulb be with darkness? And this is the message that we have heard from Him and announce to you, that Elohim is light and in Him is no Page 92

darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and are not doing the truth. (I John 1:5-6) What is darkness? It is sin. What is sin? It is the transgressing of the Torah. Are you a covenant breaker and therefore lawless? If you are, then you will be deceived by the coming man of lawlessness spoken of in II Thessalonians 2. He will deceive manyand even, if possible, the very elect. Dont let that word elect give you a problem. Dispensational theology says that the chosen are Christians and the elect are Jews. Now show me a verse anywhere that says that!!! In fact, make sure all your beliefs are rooted in the whole Word as taught by the Spirit to you, not man. The Spirit will confirm in many ways, and even use other Spirit-taught people. But, dont go looking for confirmation let Him bring it to you! What is one of the oldest con-jobs in the history of man? It is for a deceiving man to tell a nave girl, I love you so that she will do anything he wants. Then when it is convenient for him and he tires of her, he dumps her. Sexual whoredom is easy, fornication or adultery, when you think it is because someone loves you or you love someone, and you feel secure with them--as if you belong with them. Many a young girl feels loved, secure, wanted, needed, and important when a young handsome guy says, I love you. She gives her body easily for that security. So it is with this whore church. Each church and organization makes a person feel important, secure, loved, wanted, needed, and socially acceptable to a group of people. You have a sense of belonging, of being needed and wanted, so you seek to please the pastor, youth director, other members, the choir director, the Sunday school teacher, and on and on. And maybe that whore church is paying your salary. But, come out against their doctrine because you found truth, or let them find out something bad about you, maybe a problem with your marriage or children, and these wonderful friends will gossip about you, slander you, mock you, despise you, stab you in the back, and look down their nose at you saying well pray for you as if you had leprosy. When someone asks you on a Sunday morning how you are, you had better answer fine, or if you are super spiritual, you have some super spiritual clich to let them know that you a notch above them. But, dont really tell them the truth about your broken heart, or your wayward child, or that your husband beat you last night, or that you are in pain. They dont want to hear it. Most of you know what I am talking about here from experience. The customs of dressing up for church, putting on a happy face, and all the customs that are so familiar to us regarding the traditions of church, are basically pagan oriented, or man invented in the last 200 years. Even the sinners prayer was an invented thing only about 150 years ago, to fit a new pattern of public evangelism. If you want to trace your roots, from Sunday clothes to the theater-type church service, the pastors rule and the sermons predominance, read Pagan Christianity, the origins of our Modern Church Practices, by Frank Viola, c. 2002. (Just watch out for his traditional church outbursts against His Torah. Throw out the bones and glean the good meat). Christian church tradition, from the beginning under Constantine, took the interaction of the whole Body away and made the gathering of the saints a spectators sport. Pauls version of the early ecclesia is in I Corinthians 14:26: What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instructions, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the assembly. Page 93

The church separates people, and makes people passive. Not only are teenagers separated, but now the church has singles ministry and ministry for the elderly, for special needs groups, and on and on, separating the individual into categories and away from the whole Body of Messiah. This is not at all what our Yahushua left us at His ascension!!! In church groups you have to act a certain way, otherwise you are considered a burden. You must have a certain social status or you are put in a slot that is not quite acceptable. People are uneasy around someone who has a problem. Or they might refer you to some organization, or pastor, or church leader who can help you, you poor thing. Ive heard it said that the church is the only group of people who shoot their wounded, or bury them alive. Its the truthit is a vicious religious system, with little love and compassion. You can spend 30 years in a church, doing everything from teaching Sunday school to singing in the choir, leading childrens groups, to being the head of the Womens Missionary Society. But, if you are unable to do that because of a problem, or step down to follow the true Yahushua, then slander, gossip, and all the rest will follow you out the door. And, if you have financial problemsoh myyou are leprous. Selfishness is the order of the dayas in dont violate my space. Churches are proud of their humanitarian aid, giving to the poor, and other such programs, but let the poor stay outside and not mingle with the respectable members. You know the routine. Those are your nice average Christian attitudes in your nice average church. People care for themselves and their family, and plop some money in the offering plate, but beyond that they live in their own sealed up dwellings and you are only welcome if you are invited. Thats typical Churchianity. There is no genuine unconditional real love that goes the second mile to help. Oh Praise Yahuweh, there is a remnant that have His true nature because they are Bridal of heart. Tenach teaches us Yahuwehs anger is against people who shut themselves up in their ceiled houses and dont reach out with His love to the poor, needy, widows, orphans, foreigners, strangers, and aliens within their reach to do so. Ive found more genuine believers in third world nations than in any society of rich young rulers. When people have money and possessions, they get greedy, covetous, and extremely selfish and protective of their stuff, their time, and their money. But couple that with a fear situation, and these people will be hostile to protect their stuff and their lives. And Yahushua warned us: as the days grow more evil, and more and more lawlessness abounds, the love of many will grow cold. Pastors have to have their secretaries make appointments for them to see those in need. Those sessions are usually very disappointing. Most pastors dont hear from the Ruach ha Kodesh, and have no wisdom. They throw up some spiritual prayer and send the empty away empty. Wisdom comes from His Word, by the Ruach. Wisdom also comes with experience. Most Christians have no wisdom of His variety. How many Christian youths are taught the Proverbs? Yet in Orthodox Jewish homes, when a boy reaches 13 and a girl 12, they have a special ceremony in which their adulthood is declared. They have to memorize the book of Proverbs and portions of the Torah for that ceremony. Most of these people do not end up on a psychiatrists couch in later life, but their maturity is amazing. Its time to study diligently for yourself--dont you think? And, come out of this whore system. Page 94

In 325CE at the Council of Nicaea the sexually oriented pagan holiday of Easter was very much pushed, along with the false teaching of the trinity. (All pagan religions have their trinities). In fact Easter celebration was a major point with Constantine. Of course, Christmas was Christianizedthe day of the birth of the sun god (all sun gods back to Nimrod)--and the worship of the sun god was upheld on Sun-day--the day of the Lord (Baal). The Emperor Constantine--this forerunner of the coming anti-messiah--truly changed times and season to made all worship the sun god whom he worshipped. Buildings were built in the shape of the pagan-worship temples, with a platform in front, and seats with aisles between the rows. Helena brought relics that proved where things happened. We need to learn the history of this whore church because we inherited it. The Vatican is the only city that the heads of nations visit, and send their ambassadors to meet with the Pope for answers to world problems. Read some good books on the truth about the Vatican. A classic book originally written first in 1853 by Rev. Alexander Hislop is called The Two Babylons. Another one is The Woman Rides the Beast, by Dave Hunt. Another one is: Unholy Trinity:The Vatican, the Nazis, and Soviet Intelligence, by John Loftus and Mark Aarons. There are many books about Constantine. Of course, Constantines Sword by James Carroll is excellent. (Of course, take the meat and throw out the bones, because James Carroll is not born again and inserts his own humanistic philosophy into the text, as well as his own Catholic background). Go to the library of Yahuweh--from Genesis to Revelation, and get alone with Father and let Him teach you. Study in Encyclopedias, histories, and books written by all sorts of people because they all say about the same thing regarding the Church--unless the books are written as propaganda by Roman Catholic Church writers, which, of course calls the Emperor, Saint Constantine the Great, and his mother, Saint Helena. Saints my foot!--more like collaborators with Satan. This mother and son truly picture the anti-messiah and the false prophet. For in uniting the empire, they destroyed the truth of what Yahushua left us, and now, at this time, He is restoring it to us. Acts 3:19-21: Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of Yahuweh: and He shall send Yahushua ha Machiach, who before was preached to you: whom the heavens must receive until the time of the restoration of all things which Elohim has spoken by the mouth of all His set-apart prophets since the world began. The time in which we live was spoken about by all the true Prophets of Yahuweh--including Abel, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Job, David, Jeduthan, Huldah, Deborah, and etc. up until today. He is restoring all things and we are going back full circle to the Torah and His kingdom. (Say what! -- Huldah? Deborah? Who is that woman? See II Kings 22:14 and II Chronicles 34:22; Judges 4 and 5). [Refer to: Fathers View of Women in Ministry to understand a womans role in His Kingdom.] From Our Hands Are Stained With Blood, pages 95 and 96: Here are some excerpts from typical professions of faith that a Jewish baptismal candidate would have to confess. When you read these paragraphs you will understand what Im talking about. Our forefathers who converted to Catholicism were required to say words like these: `I do here and now renounce every rite and observance of the Jewish religion, detesting all its most solemn ceremonies and tenets that in former days I kept Page 95

and held. In the future I will practice no rite or celebration connected with it, or any custom of my past error, promising neither to seek it out or perform it. I promise that I will never return to the vomit of Jewish superstition. Never again will I fulfill any of the offices of Jewish ceremonies to which I was addicted, nor ever hold dear. I will shun all intercourse with other Jews and have the circle of my friends only among Christians. We will not associate with the accursed Jews who remain un-baptized. We will not practice carnal circumcision, or celebrate the Passover, the Sabbath or the other feast days connected with the Jewish religion. With regard to swines flesh we promise to observe this rule, that if through long custom we are hardly able to eat it, we shall not through fastidiousness or error refuse the things that are cooked with it. And if in all the matters touched on above we are found in any way to transgress, then whoever of us is found to transgress shall either perish by the hands of our fellows, by burning or stoning, or if our lives are spared, we shall at once lose our liberty and you shall give us along with all our property to whomever you please into perpetual slavery. I renounce the whole worship of the Hebrews, circumcision, all its legalisms, unleavened bread, Passover, the sacrificing of lambs, the feast of Weeks, Jubilees, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles, and all other Hebrew feasts, their sacrifices, their prayers, aspirations purifications, expiations, fasts, Sabbaths, new moons, foods and drinks. And I absolutely renounce every custom and institution of the Jewish laws, in one word, I renounce absolutely everything Jewish. Together with the ancients, I anathematize also the Chief Rabbis and new evil doctors of the Jews. And I believe and profess the Blessed Virgin Mary, who bore Him according to the flesh, and who remained a virgin, to be truly and actually the Mother of God, and I venerate and honor her truly as the Mother of God Incarnate, and as the Lady and mistress of all creation. (Pagan goddesses are called Our Lady.) `If I wander from the straight path in any way and defile the holy Faith, and try to observe any rites of the Jewish sect, or if I shall delude you in any way in the swearing of this oath, then may all the curses of the law fall upon me. May there fall upon me and upon my house and all my children all the plagues which smote Egypt, and to the horror of others may I suffer in addition the fate of Dathan and Abiram, so that the earth shall swallow me alive, and after I am deprived of this life I shall be handed over to the eternal fire, in the company of the Devil and his Angels, sharing with the dwellers in our Lord Jesus Christ, may I be numbered in that company to whom the glorious and terrible Judge with threatening mien will say, `Depart from Me evil-doers, into the eternal fire that is prepared for the Devil and his Angels Britain and the US allowed the holocaust to take place, and both funded the effort. Read all about it in many books, like My Life, by Golda Meir and The Secret War Against the Jews by John Loftus and Mark Aarons. Its time to take the mask off of the good guys. Read up on the International Conference on Refugees held in Evian, France in 1938. This conference, called for and led by President Franklin Roosevelt, with 32 nations, decided to return the Jews to Germany for extinction to Germany rather than let them Page 96

into countries of safety. The British turned away fleeing Jews from pre-Israel Palestine, back to their deaths in Germany. Even those who got to Palestine were kept in concentration camps on Cypress run by Britain. Study!!! Now the good guys are getting together in Psalm 2-type meetings in various parts of the globe. One such will be in Evian in June 2003. A repeat of the Evian of 1938, yes, I think so, though under a different disguise. But, always the disguise of the false prophet is goodpeace, security, and political correctness. Dont let the enemy lead you into deceptions. Many nations are guilty of not letting in these people but sending them to their deaths back in Germany. It was the refusal to help the Jewish people, decided upon in the meeting in Evian, France before WWII broke out. Will this Evian conference mark the beginning of WWIII? America, literally, along with other European nations, shut out Jews from entering into safe countries and returned their ships of refugees to Germany and the death camps. The great whore is still the great whore--drunk with the blood of His people. There were as many or more true believers in Messiah that died in the Inquisition and the German holocaust than Jews. Israel and the dissection of His Land will be part of the discussion at Evian. The great whore is after the true believer, too, and all those Nazarenes of history died because they would not bow to the Roman Catholic Church. Dont let your pride in a government or a President or in a pastor or other leader, or in your culture, cause you to be deceived because pride and arrogance has masked the truth from you! The following is from a college textbook used at the University of Texas at Arlington, called The Making of England by by C. Warren Hollister pages 18, 19 20 and23, 36, and 50. (Please note that for the sake of humanisms false tolerance, the author uses the expression classic philosophy and classic tradition to describe the pagan worship of the gods.) Constantines conversion reflected not only the growing strength of Christianity within the empire but also a gradual drawing together of the classical and Christian traditions. The Christians, for their part, had incorporated into their theology many elements from classical philosophyparticularly the monotheistic philosophy of Platoand had molded their ecclesiastical hierarch on the administrative organization of the Roman Empire. The new religion with its claim to universality, paralleled and reinforced the Roman Empires similar claim. Well before the end of imperial rule in the West the Christian faith had won the allegiance of the Mediterranean world. In the firth century, GrecoRoman civilization had virtually fused with the Judeo-Christian religious tradition. Christian theologians were interpreting Christina doctrine in terms of Greek philosophy, and the Christian Church was developing a political and legal organization that drew heavily from Roman administrative and judicial practices. Well before the demise of Roman imperial authority in the west, these tendencies had progressed to the point where classical and Christian cultures had fused. The eventual fusing between the classical Christian tradition fostered by the early medieval church, and Germanic tradition of barbarian kings and aristocracies, established itself on the remains of the Western Roman Empire. By the time of the British victory at Mount Badon (c. 500) Roman political authority had collapsed in the west. But, although the Western Roman Empire was a thing of he past, Roman political institutions survived, in altered but recognizable form, in the Page 97

organization of the Roman Catholic Church. Indeed, many historians regard the church as a kind of transformed Roman Empire. Its administration paralleled the old Roman civil administration, with diocese, provinces, parishes, and even a central authority in Rome. Where Roman emperors had once exerted political say over the inhabitants of Western Europe, Roman popes now claimed responsibility for their immortal souls. Accordingly, the Church has been termed the ghost of the Roman Empire. There was a well-known church historian called Venerable Bede (c.673-735CE). It is said of him, It is characteristic of this man, who regarded Christianity as the supreme organizing force in history, that he should be the first major historian to use the Christian era as his chronological baseto date events not in terms of Kings reigns or lunar cycles but in terms of Christs birth. Thus Bedes sense of chronology and historical development resulted in the division of history into the two eras--BC and AD (Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord). Look at the dates of Bedes life. Yet we live our lives on the pagan-based Before Christ and in the year of our Lord. Look at those pagan words!! This modern textbook of history simply is one example of the many history books that you can get, which say the same things regarding what we hold so dear and even get mad over if someone challenges us. The dating of good Friday and the day of resurrection, and the worship of the sun rising at the resurrection of the sun god on Easter is all pagan. Our Yahushua was crucified according to the Scriptures in Exodus 12, on the 14th of Nisan, which was in that year on a Wednesday afternoon. He was placed in the ground on Wednesday night, and was in the the heart of the earth for 72 hours as He said he would be. His resurrection was early on the first day of the week, which was probably about 8:00PM on Shabbat night. He did not arise with the sun. The paginating of the counterfeit religion called Christianity can be studied from so many faithful and true sources. Look at the Popes fish hatit came from Dagon, the fish god. He was honored on Friday. See the connection? At one point, even Augustine referred to Jesus as our Fishfrom the fish symbol, which is also pagan. Here are some quotes from The Hiram Key by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, regarding Constantine. If I needed a summary of everything Ive said in this article regarding our pagan roots, this comes close. (Though this is a highly demonic book, repeating the lies of the worshippers of Lucifer in the Masons, Illuminati, and all such organizations. It tries to make Yahushua to be the founder of the secret organization of the Free Masons. Albert Pike, who wrote the Bible of Free Masons, says, our god is Lucifer. This book does, however, tell the truth about the religion of Christianity since its information is general and can be found in many, many other books, so I zeroxed off this portion to relate it to you. Be careful as you study. Masonic information is found in any average bookstore in he occult section next to The Satanic Bible and other such books of Satans. A friend of mine found this book by Knight and Lomas in the Christian section of Barnes and Noblesbeware!!) Howeverlets glean the speck of good meat and throw out the bones. Excerpts from Pages 60-66 of The Hiram Key: We now know that there was a big Page 98

difference between the original Jerusalem Church and the later organization which stole their clothes after they had been wiped out in the war with the Romans. Looking into the writings of the people that the Roman Church calls `the early Church fathers, and later Church leaders, we were staggered at the confusion, misunderstanding and muddled thought that has existed through the ages. We also came across some surprising honesty: Pope Leo X (the Pope who dubbed King Henry VIII the `defender of the faith) is on record as saying: `It has served us well, this myth of Christ. The Roman church always knew Christianity was a myth, contrived by Constantine to unite his empire. This religion, more deception than ever, will be used in the days to come to unite the world under the false anti-messiah. From the fall of Jerusalem in 70CE, the faith called Christianity had started to part company with its Jewish origins and soon all sight of the hero called Yehoshua was lost in foreign myths and legends. Old pagan stories were piled into a story of the man who tried to be the Savior King of his people. In Rome the legend of Romulus and Remus was retold with two new lesser gods, the great saints Peter and Paul. The sun god Sol had his birthday on December 25th and this date was thought to be suitable for Jesus birthday too, so that the great gods could be celebrated on the same feast day. The Sabbath was moved from Saturday to the sun gods day, Sunday, and the symbol of the sun found its way behind the heads of the divine and the saintly in the form of a halo. The citizens of the Roman Empire found the new religion both familiar and reassuring; they might not be doing so well in this life, but they would get a better deal in the next. Like most people throughout history they had little use for logic, Christianity became a cult of ritual rather than ideas, and theology took a back seat to political control. The Roman Empire had been a hugely successful political force It began to crumble as a cultural force, but it found that the control of the minds of people was far more effective that just controlling their bodies. Christianity gave Rome the mechanism to establish unparalleled political might based on unsophisticated masses who would be offered a better life after death if they did Christs bidding. Thomas Hobbes, the seventeenth-century philosopher and political thinker, expressed the situation clearly when he said, `The Papacy is not other than the Ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon the grace thereof. Probably the most significant event in the realm of what was now call the church took place in Turkey on 10 May 325CE. This was the Council of Nicaea, the result the Emperor Constantines decision to take control of his fragmented empire once and for all. At that time Constantine was extremely unpopular and discontent was rife; the idea he came up with to solve his problems was a stroke of true genius. He was realistic enough to accept that Rome was no longer the power it had been, and whilst he could not hold his position secure through force or financial reward, he could hold sway over his people if he could insert himself into its spiritual beliefs, which seemed to be dividing his subjects loyalty. The whole Empire had become a pot-pourri of cults with some of them, such as Christianity, present in many very different forms. Over several generations just about every eastern religion had found its way to Rome and had been absorbed and metamorphosed to fit local tastes. So thorough had the Romanization process become that few of the original cult Page 99

founders would have recognized their own faiths as they merged one into the other to become highly interchangeable; a theological mix and match. In this period of change, those who called themselves Christians squabbled amongst themselves with quite fundamental differences of belief. Despite his role as the legitimizer of Christianity, Constantine was a follower of the Sol Invictus sun-god cult right up until the time he was on his death bed, when he finally accepted baptism on the off-chance that the Christians might have got it right all along-a sensible and inexpensive piece of after-life insurance. When the Emperor first became involved with the Christians, their population was quite significant; one in ten citizens claimed to be a follower of this Jewish splinter group. Although he was still a devotee of the Sol Invictus religion, Constantine convened the first international council of Christians to establish, once and for all, a single, official view concerning the Christian cult and their Jewish prophet Jesus the Christ. He brought church leaders from every part of the ancient world this council held at Nicaea (now Iznik) in Turkey, amounted to a de facto parliament of the new, united Empire. The event was superbly staged-managed: Constantine sat at the center with the bishops sitting around him so that his authority was stamped on all discussions. The Emperor thus positioned himself as the `current Christ with his disciples in attendance. Constantine was principally interested in two things: the God of the Christians, whom he saw as a manifesto of his existing sun god; and the figure of Jesus the Christ, whom he saw as a Jewish messiah, just as he was, he felt, the messiah of the Empire. He considered Jesus to be a warlike and sacred figure like himself, who fought to establish Gods rule, but whereas the Jewish king had failed, he had not. A story was soon told of his conversion to Christianity when at the Battle of Milvian Bridge: the Emperor followed an instruction received in a prophetic vision and painted the symbol (cross) of the true God on the shields of his army. Interesting that these pagan authors used Yahoshua, which is another spelling for His Namesince it is the same of Hebrew for Joshua. Lucifers kingdom knows His Name. Constantine supposedly heard a voice during a battle at Milvian Bridge, which said, In this sign conquer. He took that to mean that this sign of the cross would insure him victory in uniting his empire, which it did. But, the early Christians had no such sign of the cross. It is a sign, which is pagan at its roots and was used as a hate symbol against the Jews. Returning to page 63 of The Hiram Key: The result of the Council was the `Nicene Creed, which sought to reconcile the differences between various Christian factions and to avoid doctrinal gulfs that had looked as though they might split the Eastern Church away completely. The rulings that emerged still provide the basis for most Church establishments today The central issue, however, was the problem of whether Jesus the Christ was a man or a god, and if he were indeed a god, what was the precise nature of his divinity? Heresy had been an accusation readily but imprecisely thrown by one Christian group at another, but after Constantine took control its meaning because crystal clear. In essence, the truth was what the Emperor said it was; the rest was heresy, the work of the devil. Many scriptures were outlawed and removed from the now narrowly defined creed of Christianity. We should also mention that at this point that the claim that Peter gave the keys of heaven to the Pope is another deliberate falsehood intended to sustain the claims of the Roman Church. It Page 100

is clear from the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters of Paul that James took the leadership role of the Jerusalem Church. It is also interesting to note that the first ten bishops of the Jerusalem Church were all circumcised Jews who kept Jewish dietary laws, used Jewish liturgy for their daily prayers, and recognized only the Jewish Shabbat and festivals, including the Day of Atonement. Constantine above all others did a splendid job of hijacking Jewish theology. Although he was effectively the architect of the church he never became a Christian himselfbut his mother, the Empress Helena certainly did. Helena wanted all of the holy sites to be identified and suitably marked with a church or other shrine. Christs tomb was duly founded in Jerusalem beneath Jupiters temple and the site of the crucifixion identified a short distance away. Once the Imperial family saw the practical value of Christianity, it certainly threw itself into public celebrations of the legends of the new cult. You can learn a lot of truth by listening to the enemy, if you are wise to discern it!! It was the leaders of the house-churches and early gatherings in the 1st century, the second century and the third century, who fought amongst themselves for power and authority who made Constantines unifying of the warring factions easier. Christianity was already partly pagan and fragmented separated by differences of opinion, and heresies and compromises with the pagans for peace and acceptance. But, the wicked whore system just about destroyed every true believer by torture and death in its purge from the 1st century on. The remnant got so small that the true Nazarenes were almost totally stamped out, until now. There was always a believing remnant that stood against the church system. Colossians 2:8: See to it that no one makes a prey of you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary matters of the world, and not according to Messiah. The philosophy of people like Plato and Aristotle were incorporated into church thinking in Constantines day and after. So, even today, many of our beliefs are based on philosophy. Paul warned the Colossians in 2:16-17, that in the face of the pagan culture that they lived in: Let no one therefore judge you in eating or in drinking, or in respect of a festival or a new moon or Shabbatwhich are a shadow of WHAT IS TO COME, but the body of Messiah. In keeping the Torah, this remnant was hated by Jews and pagans. Thus, Paul tells them that only the true body of Messiahthe true remnant of Israel had the right to judge them. These believers were going to synagogue and learning Torah. They had stopped the pagan practicesfornication, eating blood, eating strangled things, and the like. Now they were keeping Torah, and their pagan friends were judging them with everything from disdain, to mockery, to cruelty. These festivals, new moons and Shabbats are a shadow of the 1,000-year year reign of Messiah Yahushua on this earththings to come. We celebrate these eternal covenantseternal means eternal. The truths of Yahushua and what He left us at His ascension are just now coming to light. I feel like Ive been going through an old trunk in the attic and throw out all the garbage and found one little pearl in the corner of the trunkand that is the pearl of truth. Santa has been exposedjust check out that wizards hat!! Page 101

Constantine moved eastward to what was called Constantinople after him (todays Istanbul), and the Eastern Catholic Church was called Byzantine (Byzantium). In my part of the world, the Middle East, there are many signs of the spread of this church in archeological ruins--but always, the pagan is amazingly apparent in all sorts of artwork, icons, statues, in architecture, picturing Jesus and the angels and saints. Gargoyles are on Basilicas and in paintings, angels and dragons, and other symbols of the zodiac and sun god, and in beautiful tile mosaics, which abound in Byzantine churches on the floors particularly. In Jordan the oldest Byzantine church in existence was recently found at the baptism site of Yahushua on the Jordan River. The church floors were covered with mosaics. In the Christian town of Madaba in Jordan, and at the Roman Catholic site of Mt. Nebo were found very old Byzantine mosaicsgoing back to the 4th century. In many of them were very pagan pictures, and words that gave praise to the hierarchy of the church. It is truly a religion that was never meant by our Jewish Rabbi-Savior, Yahushua, Elohim of Israel. Byzantium had its own style of architecture, too. Before the discovery on the east side of the Jordan River (facing Jericho), the oldest church was found in Aqaba, Jordan on the Red Sea. The arches of the churches are very recognizable. And the Byzantine cross is very distinctive. I saw it on stones in Corinth and in other places in western Turkey. Even in Petra, the rock-carved city in Jordan, there is evidence of the Byzantine church. Throughout church history art of all types is pagan-based. People line up at the Vatican to kiss the feet of Peters statue, and it is actually the ancient statue of Jupiter. That pretty, quaint, little old-time country church steeple is a phallic symbol, as is the Christmas tree, and obelisks, totem poles, and the Washington Monument. We get all sentimental about the little brown church in the vale, and it symbolizes Baal in its structure, format and much of its theology. Lets forget the old time religion before Yahushua forces us to forget it by His wrath!! This great whore church with its worship of Mary, who is pictured like Astare and Isis, and other goddesses, is part of the Nimrod trinityfather, son and mother of god. All of the prominent statues of Mary are copies of the statues of pagan goddesses. The statue called the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor is also a copy of a Roman goddess. What kind of liberty is that symbolizing? Speaking of Luthers hatred of the Jews, and the slaughtered pig he hung up for all to see in mockery of the Jews, did you ever question why ham is the predominant meat served at Easter lunch? The more you study, the more horrible the roots are exposed. Now, in these days, there will be a remnant that is not deceived, but has returned to the truth of the early church (Acts) and what Yahushua left us as the Lamb of Elohim. Why must we use the correct names of our Father and our Savior? Why must we get the names of Baal out of our mouth? Why do I harp on this? Why must we return to the eternal covenant of Yahuweh? Because, we are preparing for His coming and His kingdom, and we want to be rewarded by this coming Son of David, and win His favor nowso that when He comes, well be friends of the King. Its mighty man timetime to stay close to the Anointed One!!! We certainly dont want to call Him the wrong name, now do we? Helena went to the Holy Land to find all kinds of relics to substantiate the new religion. She found where Jesus had died, his tomb and place of resurrection and ascension. She Page 102

found his birthplace down to the little circle in the Church of the Nativity. She found Mt. Sinai, of course, even though it is on the wrong continent. And she found the wise mens bones, and fragments of the true cross, and the robe that he wore and which was gambled for at the cross. She found all kinds of things, and brought them back to Trier. Basilicas were made to house these relics. That is a pagan thing, too. The stage and the seats with aisles between the rows of seats for worshippers, was the structure of pagan places of worship. That structure is in our churches today. The pope, priest of the sun god, or pastor stands on the stage over the laity to tell them what the Bible means and what god is saying. (Yes, even bible is a pagan gods name). Now I want to quote from Dave Hunts book, A Woman Rides the Beast, c. 1994. On pages 46-47, in the chapter entitled The Paganization of Christianity. This gives us some more valuable information. When Emperor Constantine supposedly became a Christian in 313CE (really a clever political maneuver), he gave freedom to Christians as well as official status alongside paganism into the Christian church. Since the church was now a recognized religious body in the empire, Constantine, as emperor, had to be acknowledged as its de facto head. As such, he convened the first ecumenical council, the council at Nicaea, in 325CE, set its agenda, gave the opening speech, and presided over it as Charlemagne would over the Council of Chalon 500 years later. Interested not in the truth of the gospel but in unifying the empire, Constantine was the first ecumenist and introduced that error into the persecution-wearied church. While heading the Christian Church, Constantine continued to head the pagan priesthood, to officiate at pagan celebrations, and to endow pagan temples even after he began to build Christian churches. As head of the pagan priesthood he was the Pontifex Maximus and needed a similar title as head of the Christian church. The Christians honored him as Bishop of Bishops, while Constantine called himself Vicarius Christi the Vicar of Christ. He meant that he was another Christ acting in the place of Christ. When translated into the Greek, however, as we have seen, Vicarius Christi literally means `Antichrist. Constantine was the prototype of the Antichrist prophesied in Scripture and who is yet to come. Anti in this context means: in the place of. In the Middle Ages the bishops of Rome began to claim that they were the sole representatives of Christian upon earth. Demanding that the entire church worldwide must be subject to their rule, they forbade any other bishops to be called papa or pope and took to themselves the three titles of ConstantinePontifex Maximus, Vicar of Christ, and Bishop of Bishopswhich they retain to this day. As the Popes claims to absolute power over kingdoms, people, and property were realized, great corruption entered the Roman Catholic Church. The antichristwill be the new Constantine, the ruler of the revived worldwide Roman empire. We know that Constantine changed times and season like the upcoming anti-messiah will do. He created for the church a new calendarone that celebrated the days of Roman gods, including sun-day. The monstrance that sits on the altar of each Roman Catholic Church, for people to come and kneel before, with the wafer in the center, is no more than the suns rays of the sun god. Page 103

The Eucharist is the sacrificing of Jesus over and over each Mass, in pagan-fashion of their sun god dying and rising again. The clothing of the pope is in ancient times, the Amen Rah of Egypt, who also carried crosses. The fish ring and papal hat is part of the clothing of the god Dagons priests. The thing about eating fish on Friday---that was the day to worship Dagon, the fish-god of the Philistinestaking the power of the god into your body. The whole church from stem to stern is pagan, with a very few truths, and even those are twisted. I have flown on Egypt Airlines several times to East Africa. (And, it is a good airline-they have treated me well.) But, on the lining of the inside of the aircraft from front to back are little crossesthe kind that Amen Rah carriedthe Egyptian sun god who was worshipped in Moses day. The word amen needs to be changed to Amein (ah-main). Yahushua in Revelation 3:14 said He was the Amein. We dont want to be evoking an Egyptian sun god at the end of our prayers anymore do we? His tolerance for the names of Baal is over!!! In February of 2002, I was in a church on a Sunday morning--a prestigious church in Weatherford, Texas. The pastor was doing everything he could to get the people to worship God. He was pleading with them. But, the people just acted worn out. All of a sudden at the back of the church (about 5 rows behind me) the loud sound of a shofar (His rams horn) burst forth, and kept on going for several seconds. All of a sudden the people seemed like they woke up, and shook themselves and began to praise and worship with all their hearts. As soon as I heard the shofar, which seemed right behind me, I turned around toward the sound, but I could see no one with a shofar. It kept blowing and I kept staring, but I never saw anyone blowing a shofar. And, the pastor never mentioned a shofar. As the shofar was blowing, I heard the clear voice of Father say to me, My tolerance for the use of the names is lifting. I immediately I knew what that meant. It is easily searched out that the name of Jesus is the name of a Greek god of healing, and also means hey-Zeus--or hail to the god Zeus. Paul on Mars Hill in Athens, Greece, looked down on the temple of Zeus, which is still there for us to visit, and said, I see the whole city given to idolatry. Yet, today, we honor Zeus with Iesous (Jesus). I had a friend, who had been a very powerful satanic priest but who had gotten very dramatically saved, to tell me that they use the name of Jesus in conjuring up demons within the pentagram in Satanism. I know that the New Age believers, or Gnostics of today, say Jesus is a powerful ascended Master. Most religions acknowledge him as either a prophet, a good man, or a healer. Because the J is only about 400 years old in English, who we call Jesus is really the Greek Iesous. In Latin it is Jesu, and in Spanish we pronounce it Hey-soos. Remember, that the i is pronounced with a long e sound in most languages of the earth. So it would be pronounced like ee-soos phonetically in English. From The Scriptures introduction: All the available authoritative sources and references are in agreement and clearly admit that our Messiah Name is Yahushua, (see for instance Kittels Theological Dictionary of the New Testament under Iesous). (The traditional pronunciation is Yehoshua from Joshua.) Some people use Yeshua, but that is a noun for salvation, not a proper name. It is a shortened version of Yahushua, and may have been used as such in early times. From The Scriptures, page 1216: For example the authoritative Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell & Scott, under Iaso (ee-ahPage 104

so): the Greek goddess of healing reveals that the name Iaso is Ieso (ee-eh-so) in the Ionic dialect of the Greeks, Iesous being the contracted genitive form! In David Kravitz, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology, we found a similar form, namely Iasus (eeah-soos). There were four different deities with the name of Iasus, one of them being the Son of Rhea (a pagan god). Further is well known that Ies (ee-eh-ss) is the abbreviated form of the name Iesous, and Dr. Bullinger, in The Apocalypse, page 396, says Ies was part of the name of Bacchus! You can do your own investigation! The truth and bottom line is that our Saviors Name is NOT Jesus. In the days of Constantine, the Persian sun god Mithra, was the #1 godand Constantine believed he was the priest of Mithra. Much of the worship, the mass, the order of service of the new religion called Christianity, was taken from the structure of the worship of Mithra. There is a lie in fundamental Christian circles that the Catholic Church imitated the Jewish priesthood, but NO, it imitated the pagan priesthood. They despised anything Jewish. One day the friend who had been the Satanist high priest but was born again, gave me a shock. I asked him why Satans worshippers had stolen the mass as their way of worship from the Roman Catholics. He leaned back in his chair, and folded his arms, and gave me a Cheshire-cat grin, and said, its the other way around. That was in about 1988. It started me on a study of the Masons--the hierarchs of the one world order with the Illuminati, Luciferians who are attempting to take over the world. I found at all the mystery organizations dedicated to world domination came out of the Roman Catholic Church. Even the Muslim belief in the substitution of Yahushuas body on the cross ties in with the lies of the 33rd Degree Masons, and the root of evil that is the foundation of the one world government. The Roman Catholic Church brought forward all the pagan worship and philosophy and governmental and world system working of the ancients from Nimrodwho began his wickedness right after the flood to unite the world around the tower of Babel, with himself as god. We must get back to our Hebrew roots to understand what Yahushua did for us. He was a Rabbi. He taught Torah, and lived it out. He expanded its explanations, as in Matthew 5-7 to a broader base. For example, instead of you shall not commit adultery, He broadened it to you shall not look upon a woman to lust after her in your heart, or you have committed adultery with her already. He brought the Torah into a heartrelationship with Him, so that it came out of the instruction book and into practice in our every day lives from understanding and love. His commandments are not grievous, John says. They are a joy! Rather than throwing out His eternal word, He fulfilled it in the law of love If we come to a 4-way stop sign at 2:30 in the morning, and you stop, look both ways, and proceed, you are law-abiding. If you run through the stop sign because no one is there, you are still lawless. The word legalistic simply means to be astute to be legal. Dont let people call you that for obeying the Word! Now, if you are lawlessyou have broken the law, and if a policeman was hiding behind a bush, he can rightly give you a ticket. But, if you stop, you are law-abiding. Thats means no ticket. But, being law-abiding doesnt make you saved, or saintly, or better than anyone else, or born again, nor do you receive brownie points or gold stars. It just means that you remain right in the sight of the Judge, so that the law of the land is on your side. You are Page 105

rewarded because your records show no traffic tickets. Your insurance does not go up. So, there are rewards. Keeping the Law doesnt change your nature--it is because of your new righteous born-again nature that you keep the Law of your Father!! John Wesley, famous Reformer and founder of the Methodists, said this: When I look into the Torah, I realized that I was a sinner, and that I needed salvation. The Torah pointed me to Messiah, and I found salvation in Him. Messiah then pointed me back to the Torah, for He commanded me to keep the Torah. But I found that I could not keep the Torah by myself. Again the Torah referred me back to the Messiah, through whom I am enabled to keep the Torah. Awesome statement!! BE NOT DECEIVED!!! Obedience has rewards! Yahushua warned us about deception in these days didnt He? Lets look at some meanings of words. The word deceive in Matthew 24:4-5, 11 and 24 is #4105 in the Greek which means to roam (from stability, truth or virtue, to go astray, deceive, err, seduce, wander, to be put out of the way, from #4106 which means fraudulency, straying, division, deceit, and error. That word is also used in Ephesians 4:14. But in Ephesians 5:6 the number is #538 for the word deceive, which means to cheat, delude, and to deceive. II Thessalonians 2:3, #1818 is from #539, which is to seduce wholly, beguile, deceive. The word deceive in I John 1:8 is also #4105, as is also Revelation 12:9; 13:14; 20:3,8, 9; Galatians 6:8; II Timothy 2:13; and Luke 21:8. II John 7 uses #4105, which means roving as a sheep, an imposter, misleading, seducing and deceptive. You see how the word seduce is intertwined with deception. Seduction happens to us when we are beguiled by the pretty trinkets of Satan. The spirits of seducing and beguiling are associated with the Jezebel spirit and the python spirit, which rules Babel and also runs the great whore herself. Seducing and beguiling are parts of the deception process. Jezebel is a picture of the great whore church riding on Ahab--her husband, who represents the head of the government. But, she was more powerful, and led him around because she was the head of Israels religion of Baal and Asherah worship. (I Kings 18:19) Jeremiah talks about the worship of the Queen of heaven. (Jeremiah 7:18 and 44:17-19, 25) This is not only the virgin Marys title, in the Roman Church and Orthodox Church, but is the title of Jezebel, and of pagan goddesses like Isis, Diana, and Ashtoreth. Notice that there were three things involved in the worship of the Queen of Heaven. There were cakes made, a drink offering (wine) and incense was burned. These three elements are in every Catholic Mass. These are supposed to appease and please this Queen. Lets get to the roots of our demonic heritage in the church and pull them all out!!! Religious leaders have always carried more power than governmental leadersfrom the shaman and medicine man, to the witchdoctor, to theocracies, to the Pope. This is a perfect picture of the new world order, one world government that is now in operation (since May of 1999, announced on CNN from Washington, and on BBC from London). Just look at the Latin phrase on the U.S. one dollar bill and there it is. In fact the doodads on that dollar bill are pagan all over the placeeven to the in God we trust, Page 106

for the guy what had that put on the one dollar bill was a neo-pagan, and the god he meant wasnt the Elohim we know. In fact the word god is the name of a pagan god. Did you suspect that? Thats why in Revelation 13 it is the religious false prophet of the world system that causes all men to worship the beast or governmental head and to take his mark or his identification number. In all countries, religion rules higher than the government, and in the one world order, it is the Luciferian religion that runs the whole system embodied in the church. The Pope is the second most powerful man in the world, and the wealth is unbelievable of that church. It now incorporates within its realm all religions. The Roman Catholic Church has used words to create pictures in our minds. When we think of holy, some of us think of a nun in the church before the altar, kneeling, with head covered, and hands formed in prayer. We think of saints like that. But, that is paganism. The words holy and saint are names of gods in the ancient world. We think of purity in sexual terms as in innocent. But, the real translation of those words should be set-apart instead of holy. We read the English words, be you holy as I am holy. And we look at that and say, impossible! But, we can be set-apart as He is setapart by obeying His commandments. Glory is another pagan name. It denotes the radiance from the sun god. Thus halos are around the heads of the saints are sun discs. The word in the Hebrew is kavod, which means weight, esteem, honorthe weight of His presence. Heres some interesting information for you: Once time I was sitting in front of a Christmas tree with a Jewish believer. It was not gaudy but had Santas on it and gold balls. I said that it was OK to put up a tree, even though it is a pagan custom, because we are honoring Jesus birthday. She made a statement I will never forget. She said, You cant honor your King with his enemies symbols. I might add that you cant honor your King by calling Him by the name of one of His enemies either, now can you? All the sun gods were born on December 25th, when the days were the shortest. It was called the winter solstice. Of course now I realize that His birthday is on the Feast of Tabernacles and that Christmas is about as low as you can goSatan is Santa (the god Saturn, too), and the ancients put their dead children under this phalli symbol (the tree) as presents to the gods. The phallic symbol of the tree is decorated with balls tentacles, which honored Baal. Study my friends--Ive only touched the tip of the ice burg. So my watchmans cry is for you to: COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, LEST YOU SHARE IN HER SINS, AND LEST YOU RECEIVE OF HER PLAGUES. (Revelation 18:4) I had a dream in July of 2002. It terrified me so much because I knew that since I was proclaiming this message so strongly wherever I went, that He was taking charge of my life. I was going up a steep mountain in the dark in my daughters Jeep, and the path was getting narrower and narrower and the cliff on the right side of the Jeep was straight up, and the drop off on the left side was straight down hundreds of feet. I could not back up. I heard the sound of water rushing madly like Niagara Falls. As I made a turn, the tires were just at the edge about to fall into the abyss. I made the turn OK, but Jeep and I went into this mighty waterfall, which was coming from the mountain on the left, and I was being swept away. I actually felt, in the dream, the ice-cold water Page 107

hitting my face, and I knew that I was gone. No one would know what happened to me. Funny, I wished I had a cell phone to call someone, but I didnt. I woke up so terrified because I was in the dream--my heart was pounding. I said, Father if this is of the devil please take it away, but if it is of you, burn it into my heart. He burned it into my heart. Even now the telling of it is very real. I had come from a meeting that night in Arlington, Texas, and I had spoken to a Messianic group. I had called for all to come out of the church system totally, and the world system, and preached hardly on many of the things Ive said in this article. The next morning, His hand was heavy on me tangibly heavy from the time I woke up until about 12:45PM. But, I started to get ready to go to church about 8:30AM, to my church that I always went to which was so pro-Israel, because I had so many friends that I went out to lunch with afterwards who were so hungry for truth. But, He scared me again. He spoke to me, and reminded me of what I had taught the night before about not touching the unclean thing and I will receive you. Oh my--that is II Corinthians 6:17-7:1. He said very sternly, as I have heard this voice audibly before, you will not go to any church anymore ever. I said, not even socially? He was angry and said, Never again will you ever touch the church system. It scared me. The emphasis was on the word ever. It was Fathers voice--I had heard it audibly before. My daughter and her husband whom I was staying with went on to church, and for a brief moment I felt cheated because my whole life was church and after-church lunchescarnality, I know. I walked into the bedroom, and preceded to reach into a front pocket of my suitcase, for what reason I didnt know. I pulled out a little white rock. I looked at that rock and thought, where did this come from? Then I remembered that a friend of mine and I had been in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem a few weeks before, and she had given me that rock from under one of the ancient olive trees. As I remembered that garden He spoke to me again most clearly You just went through Gethsemane. I knew that it was a major death to self, and a picking up of His will. He will not let me go into any church for any reason, and I cannot use the pagan names in substitution for Him anymore either. If I violate that command I know I will be opening doors for demonic intervention into my life that will destroy me totally. Now, after all these years in the ministry there is no more conventional ministry for me. I must stand outside the church system and cry as the prophets of old, for people to repent and come out and come to the Elohim of Israel and His salvation in Yahushua. What causes His wrath? Throughout Scripture only one thing will draw His ultimate wrath openly before the world! That is the breaking of His Law. He is an Elohim of love and mercy, but also of justice. Dont be caught in the path of His wrath, because you have a whores forehead? If you stubbornly refuse to come out of what He is about to destroy, the consequences are clearly stated in the Word. Look at the Scriptures regarding His cominglike Isaiah 63:1-6, Revelation 19, Habakkuk 3, Isaiah 2:1022; 24:1-6, 18-23; 30:25-30; 34:1-8; 42:11-15; 59:16-28; Joel 2, Psalm 50:1-6 and others. He comes with fire, and His garments stained with the blood of those who do not obey His Torah. Excerpts regarding His coming from Isaiah 24:1-6, 18-23: The inhabitants of the earth shall be burned and few men shall be left, because they have Page 108

transgressed the Torah, changed the Law, broken the everlasting covenant; therefore, a curse shall consume the earth. (Torot is plural of Torah) The earth shall be utterly broken, the earth shall be completely shattered; the earth shall be fiercely shakenfor Yahuweh of Hosts shall reign on Mount Tsiyon. Jeremiah 6:19: Hear O earth! See, I am bringing this evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have no listened to My words, nor My Torahand they rejected it. Jeremiah 9:13-16; 32:23; Ezekiel 20:19-23; and many other passages in the Tenach and in the Messianic Scriptures tell us that the only reason He comes in wrath and fury to destroy people is because they refused to obey His TorahHis standard of righteousness. Wake up!! If you think His Law is obsolete, youll find yourself caught up in His wrath, because if you are not Torah observant, you are Law-less. The final judgment of the damned, by Yahuweh, in Revelation 20:11-15 is based on works. And they were judged every man according to his works. The only way we have of proving our faith is by our obedience to His standard of righteous set-apartness in the Torah. Obedience to Torah means walking in His love and being led by the Ruach, but it also includes humbly obeying, out of love, His signs of set-apartness unto Him, like Shabbat, the seven feasts, the dietary laws and other signs that set us apart from the world. We dont have to be deceived. We can stop the process of deception today! I know that all human beings are deceived at some points in their lives. I know that even now, most people have some area in which they are still deceived. Deception just doesnt go away with one fast sweep of the floor. It goes away in layers as it is exposed. Our job is to destroy it as quickly as it is exposed, letting His fire burn it out of us. If we hold onto any deception for any reason, we cant go further with the truth. We go backwards. Getting free from deception is a process. I am still in that process. But, we have to cooperate with that process daily!! All who submit or prostitute themselves, under the systems of man and Lucifer, like men who worship gods in their own image and likeness, will perish with them, for He rises now to judge what is of man and not of Him. We must totally get both feet into Yahuwehs kingdom, and not leave any of ourselves in the kingdom of darkness. Remember Lots wife!! She came out a little bit from Sodom, but stopped and looked back. She was consumed in His wrath. You must come all the way out of the whore system, and the world system, or He cannot receive you!! It takes diligence to stay free from deception. And, I realize that in the presentation of truth, we are often so shocked, that we relegate the truth to deception and lies, or to criticism, or judgment, or slander, or blasphemy, or to heresy--something to be rejected and thrown out. Our flesh runs from the truth!! Because truth shakes up our world and we dont like that. But, better to have truth shake our world now, than the wrath of our Father to do it later. Yahushua warns us: And fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. The sure way of staying away from deception is to love the Truth, know Him who is truth, love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and know His Word, His Page 109

nature, His ways, and His thinking. We must be set-apart as He is set-apart!!! We must be obedient and submissive to His commandments. Obedience to Him keeps us free of deception. We must get into that secret place in His presence and spend time with Him getting to know the real Elohim of Israel, and the real SaviorYahushua. That is our only protection and security in the days to come. For Him, I call for you with earnest and heart-rending pleading, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE. Love, blessings, joy and Shalom, Yedidah First written 2002; Revised May 2004; edited and updated December 20, 2011 Page 110

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