PressRelease-2013-BHF-2014-Let The Good Triumph Over Evil-31 Dec 2013

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-ot 23, 3rd 3lr., 2loc. %, %amai <ommercial <entre, -uyang, ==300 >ota >inabalu, !abah, (alaysia Tel?3ax@ 0==:2=210=. ,mail@


Let The Good Tri !"h #$er E$i% i& 2014' Dr J

The good is supposed to triumph over evil, the positives over the negatives, so that the momentum of gains will move society forward in the desired direction.

Unfortunately, 2013 has been anything but positive with more oppression, rising prices of goods and services, racial and religious extremism and insecurity.

!o let 201" be the year for the #$$% T$ T&'U()* $+,& ,+'- and ma.e the new year be a turning point in our history to overcome sufferings, poverty, in/ustices, oppression, pre/udices, abuses of power and corruptions0 said %atu. %r 1effrey, )resident of the United 2orneo 3ront 4U235, in his 201" 6ew 7ear message.

2ut for things to change for the better, the people themselves 4the ma/ority5 must have the consciousness to realise their conditions and be united and be proactive to face life8s challenges. 6o one will change things for them except themselves.

2ut we are also in the globalised 'T smart media millenium ... where we can share our concerns and leverage others to support our actions through 9e must be brave and forthright in our stand::say what we mean and mean what we say;

'f our hope is to secure a better future then the young must come forward and ta.e up these challenges. -et 201" be the awa.ening of the latent powers of #eneration:7, especially in !abah and !arawa..

%o not wait until later. 't maybe too late.

6ow is the time for you, #en:7, to unite, share your common future and act together. 3orm groups, networ. and find solutions to the challenges of today.

2013 was a year of many negative challenges@ the Tonduo?-ahad %atu intrusion, the )ro/ect '< revelations, the 13th #eneral ,lection, the Bllah issue, the year of rising costs and prices, the Taiwanese murder cum .idnapping, !abah becoming notorious for having fa.e '<s, etc... -et these experiences be a lesson for all of us.

2013 was also (alaysia8s C0th #olden 1ubilee reminding us in !abah and !arawa., how much we have lost, including our autonomy and our oil and gas rights and revenues;

!o, my simple hope for the coming year 201" is the beginning of the restoration of our rights as a nation in the federation of (alaysia and the full implementation of the solutions to the )ro/ect '< problems, *appy 6ew 7ear 201";;; D(t ) Dr. Je**re+ Kiti&,(& -h(ir!(& UNITED B#RNE# FR#NT .1 De/e!0er 201.

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