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Stop All the Lies on BN Development Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu: It is sad for Malaysia that BN Ministers and BN leaders have to stoop so low to continue with lies and deception to fool ordinary Malaysians especially the rural constituencies that only the Barisan Nasional can bring about development for their constituencies said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, noting the various statements by BN leaders that the opposition cannot bring development that only BN can. It has become standard statement for the Umno/BN leaders that only the BN can guarantee and bring about development. This is used against the opposition and played up by the mainstream media controlled by the Umno/BN government. For other media that are not controlled by them, the media are bullied and threatened against until the news become distorted or censored. But the truth is that the statement that only Umno/BN can bring about development is a blatant lie stressed Dr. Jeffrey. However, for simple folks, that statement is taken as the gospel truth thinking that whatever development projects brought into their villages are by Umno/BN. Even official government projects are advertised in billboards as another project by the BN. Nothing is further from the truth. To perpetuate these lies to the people, these Umno/BN leaders have deliberately erased the line between a ruling government of the day with that of the ruling government being led by Umno/BN. They are different when it comes to implementing projects. The undisputed fact is that every single government project is not by Umno/BN but by the ruling government of the day. When the Umno/BN do not form the ruling government, the development projects will still be undertaken by the non-Umno/BN government. Development projects do not stop if Umno/BN do not form the government. It is the responsibility of the ruling government of the day to undertake development projects whether it is a school, a road, road repairs or even basic treated water and electricity. If any people do not get treated water but just gravity-fed water supply or no electricity supply or no proper sealed roads, it only means that the ruling government has failed the people. The failure is that of the government that is led by Umno/BN. The people need to realize the truth behind these lies. For instance in Selangor, Penang and Kelantan, the projects are undertaken by the government of the day which is the Pakatan. The Umno/BN in these States carry out no project whatsoever other than projects which are undertaken by the federal government. ../2-


The Umno/BN-led federal and state governments need to stop their lies and stop using development projects to punish the people in opposition-held constituencies. They have no right to deprive the people in opposition constituencies of any development project as it the supreme right of any individual to vote whichever party he or she chooses. If the Umno/BN-led federal and state governments still wish to use development projects as their trump card to punish voters who voted for the opposition, then they should stop collecting taxes from these opposition voters. Let only Umno/BN voters pay taxes and let the Umno/BN government to use these taxes to fund their development projects. The same goes for BR1M hand-outs. The money that funds these BR1M hand-outs are public money contributed by all tax-payers not only Umno/BN party members or their voters. Like the on-going festivities, the Umno/BN leaders should be claiming themselves to be Santa Clauses when giving out these BR1M hand-outs and claim credit for them when the money does not belong to them.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan Chairman STAR Sabah 30 December 2013

MP says Max fails to ensure clean water supply for villagers

Published on: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 Email to a friend Printer Friendly

Kota Kinabalu: DAP Sabah said the party is sincere in providing assistance to the rural community such as in Kampung Samparita Laut, Kota Marudu contrary to the claim by Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili. Maximus' statement in accusing DAP of rubbishing the government's efforts and misleading the public is simply not true, said Sandakan MP, Stephen Wong Tien Fatt. "We, the DAP, are here to sincerely help the rural communities. We are here to provide clean water, because in the past 50 years, they have no access to clean water supply," said Wong who is also DAP Sandakan chief on Monday. Responding to the Kota Marudu MP's statement who slammed DAP for doing it to gain political mileage and to spread their political agenda of misleading the people, he said DAP's programme dubbed "Impian Sabah" that kickstarted at Kampung Samparita Laut last week, showed DAP's sincerity to fulfill the dreams of the rural communities. He slammed Maximus for failing to ensure clean water supply, despite being a minister for last the 10 years, and their wakil rakyat for the last 20 years. "It is a shame that Maximus himself is Water Minister and also the MP for Kota Marudu. He has clearly failed to take care of his own area. And instead of thanking DAP or admitting fault, he is accusing DAP." "Has Maximus entered this village within the last decade? Does he understand the situation of the village? He clearly does not know that the village is out of water and electricity supply? "There is no proper bridge built for them to cross the river and there is also no proper road sealed for them to go home," he said. Wong, who is also the coordinator for "Impian Sabah" said, it was just the beginning.

"Our mission is to spread this movement throughout the whole of Sabah and make sure everyone has a chance to realise their dream." "We are not Barisan Nasional. We do not have such deep pockets and we do not have access to tax money," he said, adding that the project was wholly funded by the public who desired to see a change. "Therefore, Maximus' statement in accusing DAP of being a rich organisation is misleading the public. Maximus should apologise to the villagers of Kampung Samparita Laut for his own failure, and also to all volunteers who worked faithfully and sincerely to realise this project," he said. In response to Maximus' statement that there were a lot of poor folks in the urban and sub-urban areas, he said, adding that this further proved the need for Impian Sabah. "In fact, Maximus has indirectly admitted Barisan Nasional's failure for the past 50 years when he mentioned that there are still many poor people in the urban and sub-urban areas". "Despite being belittled by Maximus, We pledge that Impian Sabah will continue to serve Sabahans and we will try our best to complete every mission. We are here to bring hope for a change. No matter win or lose, we will consistently work for the betterment of Sabah, and Malaysia as a whole," he said. In his statement, Maximus had urged DAP to carry out more such projects in opposition-held areas such as Moyog, Bingkor, Kapayan, Penampang and even Kota Kinabalu. The event in Kampung Samparita Laut was launched by DAP adviser, Lim Kit Siang with the establishment of a gravity-feed-water system.

Opposition defectors have agenda, says PBS

Published on: Saturday, December 28, 2013 Email to a friend Printer Friendly

Keningau: Barisan Nasional (BN) must be wary of accepting into its fold leaders who had made every move to topple the ruling coalition in the last election but are now making a political U-turn for whatever reason. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Vice President Datuk Daniel Kinsik urged the BN top leadership to do away with accepting defectors "who are obviously only interested in their own agenda". "One of them is Matunggong Assemblyman Datuk Jelani Hamdan. He should have thought before he stood for Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in his constituency that only BN can bring development to Matunggong. "I presume he realised this right from the beginning but made promises that he could bring development even outside BN. This was a blatant lie to the people who had placed their trust on him. "Now that the election is over he made his move to be back with BN. Had they been successful in their bid to get rid of the BN government in the last election he would be singing a different tune and would have belittled the success of BN," he said. Daniel, who is also Political Secretary to Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili, said any action to accept such leaders into BN would open the floodgates of BN leaders to go against the ruling government in the next general election. "We are very confident that leaders such as these will fight to overthrow the Government and later comes back, even to the extent of begging, just to be in the Government. "Their excuses will always be 'Oh I made a mistake, so please take me back'. If this kind of thing is allowed to happen then one would think about the sincerity and integrity in BN. "I hope BN would do away with leaders who place their personal interest above principles and integrity. Otherwise our people will not forgive us for being made a stepping stone for one's personal glory," he said. On Tuesday, Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) another BN component, said it was abandoning plans to accept Jelani into its fold due to the latter's excessive demand of the Deputy President's post, among others.

There is no news on whether the other PKR Assemblyman (Kadamaian) who quit to become a pro-BN independent, Jeremy Malajad, was also interested in joining PBRS as speculated. Luyang Assemblyman Hiew King Chew of DAP was the third opposition Assemblyman to declare himself as a proBN member.

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