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The Inspired Room

Decorating & House Inspiration

by Melissa @ The Inspired Room

I know most of us are just about to be up to our ears preparing stuffing and sweet
potatoes or a holiday project of some sort, but I am still thinking about my upcoming
move! It is looking more and more like we will be moving to a newer house rather than
the 1920s and 1930s houses I’ve lived in most of my life. This will be an interesting new

While it could be awhile before we buy another house (since we have to sell our existing
one first), I know the day is coming, so I am pumping myself up for how much fun this
will be. Yes, I’m daydreaming. When I should be packing. Or preparing ahead for my
Thanksgiving meal.

I know you all have heard me say this before, but I look at lovely pictures because I get
inspired by the possibilities. While we will be cutting back and downsizing in a major
way, and will be buying a pretty average house, I can still get ideas from fancier houses
in magazine photos.
No, it doesn’t get me depressed to look at beautiful rooms! I know my new house
won’t be magazine cover worthy, but I can find ideas by studying photos.

I notice things like the way the light comes in a window. Reminds me how important
light is to how a home feels and I need to watch for that when I house hunt. I notice wood
ceilings and paneling on walls. I watch for details I can add over time to give a house
character. I notice striped rugs. I love the beachy look they give.
I notice pleasing color combinations, achieved through paint, fabrics and accessories. I
zero in on the creative way they furnished a home, how things have been layered and
ideas I can replicate myself with a can of spray paint or a trip to the thrift store.
I am getting more excited about moving and all the adventures ahead! I wish I could
fast forward through the moving part and get on to the creating of my new home! I will
feel blessed no matter where we hang our hats. Ok, back to the holidays. Thanks for
indulging me in my daydreaming!

PS. My HomeGoods post today is up! See one of my favorite year round and holiday
accessories in my home!



MASHBURN! WOOT WOOT! Congratulations, Mel! Email me your address and you’ll
be looking so cute for holiday baking!!

All photos: House Beautiful

Tagged as: decorating, houses, Kitchens

{ 37 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Joan November 25, 2008 at 6:51 am

I know what you’re saying about getting inspired by looking at beautiful rooms. I
don’t find it depressing at all…actually it invigorates me to move things around in
my own home. Looking at model homes has the same affect at times.
Thanks for the inspirations…

Joans inspiring blog post..Gay Head Cliffs …


2 Violet Skiles November 25, 2008 at 7:16 am

Inspiring photos today! I love the light, the colors, so beautiful.

Violet Skiless inspiring blog post..Afghan Hounds Unleashed


3 Vee November 25, 2008 at 7:18 am

Such beautiful rooms to glean ideas from and, Melissa, your new home will
absolutely be magazine worthy. It’s wonderful that you are treating this as a grand
adventure for it truly is.

I’m up to my eyeballs in cleaning. No baking until tonight and tomorrow. Why oh

why didn’t I follow FlyLady’s advice of recent weeks? Ugh.

Vees inspiring blog post..Time Keeps Slipping Away


4 Madelyn @ Southern Weddings November 25, 2008 at 7:22 am

I adore the clean lines and fabulous decor in this beautiful home! That first image
is my favorite. I love the balance and wonderful contrast of of the spiral staircase
with the rectangular frames! Beautiful!
Madelyn @ Southern Weddingss inspiring blog post..Southern Grace +
Giveaway: Carrot & Stick Press


5 Terri Steffes November 25, 2008 at 7:23 am

Congrats to Mel!

I love house hunting! I love moving! I love redecorating!

I have a staircase as like the first picture. I have decided to consider painting the
stairs to match the staircase. I have wanted to do so but didn’t have a visual of
how it would look. I am thinking it would look great! This might be my weekend

Terri Steffess inspiring blog post..Crock Pot Turkey Breast


6 Darlene November 25, 2008 at 8:10 am

Those were all great pics, but I really love the first kitchen. I’m all about
white/cream cabinnets lately and butcher block counters.

Darlenes inspiring blog post..Thanksgiving Tablescape & Menu


7 Emily@remodelingthislife November 25, 2008 at 8:15 am

I am like you, Melissa, in that pretty photos don’t get me depressed or discontent
with what I have. They give me ideas for what I can do with what I have. I can do
little things like a subway tile backsplash to pretty up my kitchen even though it’s
not magazine worthy, it’s cozy and it’s mine.

These photos are great for ideas.

Good luck with your transition. I’d be just like you - daydreaming when I should
be cooking.
Emily@remodelingthislifes inspiring blog post..Unexpected


8 Jersey Girl in DC November 25, 2008 at 8:27 am

Wow! I love all of these and am wishing that we had a bigger space! I think just
one of these is bigger than our entire condo! : )

Jersey Girl in DCs inspiring blog post..GIVING: More Giveaway Fun!


9 Melissa in Mel's World November 25, 2008 at 9:39 am

WOOHOO!!!! YAY! It was me, ME, Me!!!

I’d like to thank the academy for acknowledging my cooking skills, my husband
for eating so many slightly charred rolls, and my kids for tolerating “make your
own dinner night” when I just can’t figure out what to make next. Ha!

Oh, I would also like “World Peace”!

Thanks Mel for your generosity…my address is coming to you via email right
now my friend!

Melissa in Mel’s World

Melissa in Mel’s Worlds inspiring blog post..An Attitude of Gratitude


10 Jen@Balancing Beauty and Bedlam November 25, 2008 at 10:19 am

I love that you can look at beautiful magazines/photos and be inspired, and we
can just look at your blog. For me, it has the same effect, and I know the amazing
heart of the person writing it….you.
Jen@Balancing Beauty and Bedlams inspiring blog post..Seasons of change…

11 Jennifer November 25, 2008 at 11:12 am

I absolutely loved that kitchen. Especially the area with the stove. How incredible
must it be to walk into that room every day?

Love your blog, heard about it from a friend.

Jennifers inspiring blog post..Magnolia Lane Picture Frames


12 teresa November 25, 2008 at 11:16 am

It’s like you took the words right out of my mouth- {only you said it so much
better} I’m actually filing away a couple of those pictures for future inspiration. :}
That first picture of the Kitchen is just what I had in my head- but couldn’t
explain it to my husband- Thanks


13 Rhoda November 25, 2008 at 11:45 am

Melissa, can’t wait to hear about where you will end up, house and city. Hope
you’ll share that part with us, at least which state you’ll be in! Hope you and your
family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Rhodas inspiring blog post..Meet Eddie Ross


14 Lorri November 25, 2008 at 11:49 am

Thank you for this post. I have recently married and moved from my cute as pie
cottage to a 1980’s ranch style house. I have been trying to imagine the
possiblities in this house. And I am at a loss. I have purchased a million
magazines and studied them from cover to cover trying to inspire a new idea for
my new home. I know it will happen with time.

15 mary November 25, 2008 at 12:41 pm

Such beautiful and inspiring photos! I have never had the chance to decorate a
new home from scratch. It does sound very exciting, and I can’t wait to read all
about it when you finally get the chance.

Happy Thanksgiving, Melissa.


16 anne November 25, 2008 at 1:33 pm

Very inspirational Can’t wait to read about when you get your new home!!

Very exciting, lets hope it doesn’t take too long for you all..

I love the kitchen

annes inspiring blog post..Google Map of Our Holiday


17 lylah ledner November 25, 2008 at 3:18 pm

i can’t help but HEART that kitchen. the white draws me. i wanna cook turkey
dinner there. can i?

lylah ledners inspiring blog post..ivana, the chicken catcher


18 LuLu November 25, 2008 at 3:45 pm

I find pouring through magazines to be inspiring too. It’s so fun to dream and find
the right thing that will work in your lovely home. Good luck with the move…we
move a lot with my husbands job so I totally know how you feel.

LuLus inspiring blog post..My Etsy Picks For Today

19 Debbie @ ribbonwood November 25, 2008 at 5:34 pm

I am usually toooo stimulated visually!!! I see these pictures and I want to go buy
paint, frames, pictures, carpet….I lay in bed thinking I could do this if I moved
this, got rid of this…changed this….! Big smile…don’t we all do this? Melissa
you are getting ready to move to a blank canvas!!! What are you going to do? So
many possibilities!!!! Big smile…it’s going to be fun!

Debbie @ ribbonwoods inspiring blog post..A few little things…


20 Pretty Organizer November 25, 2008 at 6:37 pm

You are my kinda gal! Of course we have to look elsewhere to be inspired.

Pictures of my house would only go so far and then what! So many great ideas
from others. I love the chair in that living room shot!! Inspired to recover a few of

Pretty Organizer

Pretty Organizers inspiring blog post..Vintage Office


21 shelbi November 25, 2008 at 6:48 pm

melissa, you have amazing taste, no matter where you hang your hats, you will
create a lovely home for your family and congrats to melissa #59! how cool is

shelbis inspiring blog post..:: sniffle, sneeze, ACHOOOOO! ::::


22 Deb November 25, 2008 at 7:05 pm

I love you posted. You can do all those things in a small
space–in miniature.

Debs inspiring blog post..Rethinking Christmas: More Traditions at Home


23 Christie Groth November 25, 2008 at 7:40 pm

That mantle over the stove hiding the range hood is breath taking! Wow, just
added that to my dream home list.

Christie Groths inspiring blog post..Am I a Nerd???


24 Dixie November 25, 2008 at 8:15 pm

I’m the same way. I find lots of decorating inspiration in photographs. In fact, I’ve
been saving pics from magazines (and blogzines) for years… safely tucked away
in my “decorating scrapbook”. Very inspiring posts!

Dixies inspiring blog post..An organized desk in French Lique…


25 Tommie Jo November 25, 2008 at 9:03 pm

Computer glitch! I hope this doesn’t post twice! Love your blog!
I would like to invite you and your readers to participate in my blog giveaway for
a little pocket purse. It would make a great stocking stuffer! Thanks for sharing!

Tommie Jos inspiring blog post..Super Easy, People’s Choice Giveaway!!!


26 Ashley @ Domestic Fashionista November 25, 2008 at 9:04 pm

I agree about looking at the fancy magazine homes…you have to get ideas
somewhere and they are done so well. It is the dream in our heads about making a
house a home that inspires us to make our home beautiful however shape or form.
Great pictures! They inspired me. I especially love the huge shelves/cubing in the
kitchen picture. Amazing! I love things organized and in its place…extra points
for pretty-ness!
Ashley @ Domestic Fashionistas inspiring blog post..Because I love dessert…


27 Tinuviel November 25, 2008 at 9:20 pm

I agree with all the other ladies. I even saved that bottom photo, myself. The
kitchen with the cubbies is in Mill Valley about 30 miles from here. I have a
housekeeping/organizing business and had this fantasy when I saw that photo of
contacting the owners and BEGGING them to let me keep house for them. Bliss!!

Tinuviels inspiring blog post..Decorating the Thanksgiving Table


28 kayellen November 25, 2008 at 9:41 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family:)

Have a wonderful week!


kayellens inspiring blog post..Happy Thanksgiving!


29 A-M November 25, 2008 at 10:33 pm

Melissa, you are such an inspiration. I have been feeling down in the dumps
lately, unsettled in our rental, surrounded by and living out of boxes, with a house
frame in the city…being incessantly rained on, not really progressing much….
now you have encouraged me to look at all the exciting things about moving and
change. Oh…. and I’m sorry, you could make a tin shed’ magazine cover worthy’.
A-M xx
A-Ms inspiring blog post..Beautiful Friends


30 Tessa November 26, 2008 at 7:58 am

You do know how to pick idea photos, to make [mostly] all white, look delicious!


Tessas inspiring blog post..Did you notice the date today…?


31 Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates November 26, 2008 at 9:42 am

I can’t wait to see what ideas you use in your new house! And it’s OK to
daydream sometimes.
Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolatess inspiring blog post..Works-For-Me
Wednesday: Take Your Own Family Portrait


32 LeAnn November 26, 2008 at 2:15 pm

Hi Melissa,
I think that when you are creative and a nester any place you hang your hat can be
warm, wonderful, beautiful and cozy. I’m no professional but I too love savoring
magazine spreads and certain HGTV shows for inspiration. The fact that you have
such a wonderful blog lends itself to the fact that no matter where you end up it
will be fabulous. Stop by sometime for a visit. Thanks for your inspiring blog.


LeAnns inspiring blog post..

33 Pearl Maple November 26, 2008 at 2:41 pm

Congratulations Melissa, you lucky girl.

Thanks for sharing all these inspirational photos, it is great fun to see how others
have beautified their nest and as you say by slowing down to admire and
appreciate what they have done it gives us clues on how to work with what we
have got in our nest.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Pearl Maples inspiring blog post..Magical Horizon


34 Carol November 26, 2008 at 7:12 pm

You have made me want to decorate! If I could just find the ambition tonight. I
am a teacher in desperate need of this long weekend to rest. I do get a little down
looking at beautiful magazines, but moving is not going to happen, so I do the
best with what I have. I am definitely getting in the mood to do something
creative with my green garland and lights and artificial fruit! I may just have to
post it when I get done! Check out my blog if you want. Lately, I have been trying
to post some of my creations. Carol


35 The pleasures of homemaking November 26, 2008 at 7:29 pm

I don’t find magazines depressing. I also don’t find that they affect my
contentment with what I have. But I do know people who have that issue. I think
it’s exciting that your downsizing and dreaming about your new home!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


The pleasures of homemakings inspiring blog post..Happy Thanksgiving!

36 Debbie November 27, 2008 at 12:28 am

Melissa, you’ve got such a wonderful outlook on life. Others might be anxious
about a move, but you’re seeing it as an adventure. I admire that! May God bless
you and your family especially during this time of change. Happy Thanksgiving
to you!

Debbies inspiring blog post..Good Things In Small Packages


37 Melissa Lewis - Off The Wall November 28, 2008 at 7:39 pm

Oh Melissa, that kitchen in the last photo just makes my heart skip a beat. That
one is soooooo me! And that painted blue table… oh me, oh my! Great post.

Hoping you had a wonderful and very blessed Thanksgiving!!!!


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inspiring resources


• Thanks to
The Washington Post
for mentioning
The Outdoor Room!
• Lijit Search

Lijit Search
• Outdoor Room Inspiration
o Curb Appeal
o The Outdoor Room
o Gates & Curb Appeal
• The Procrastinator Party {afters!}
Check out my tumblr!


Make it personal!
Keep in touch with photo cards
from VistaPrint.


Thank you to these lovely

magazines for listing
The Inspired Room
as one of their favorite blogs!
Coastal Living {Daily Catch}
Coastal Living {Shore Style}
Canadian House & Home


The Inspired Room elsewhere...

• Will YOU be on the

• Meet Winston

All Creatures Great & Small

Dogs Who Blog

Because every blog needs a dog.

Artwork by Fifi Flowers Design

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Banner Photos: Photo 1: Street of Dreams OR 2008
Photo 2 & 3: my own home

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