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Adolescent and Youth Health Program (AYHP)

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF A Situationer on Adolescents Health

Non-communicable diseases account for more than 4 ! of the deaths in "oung #eo#le ($ -%4 "ears old) and in&uries are the causes of death in almost one third of #eo#le in this age grou#' Assault and trans#ort accidents are the leading causes of mortalit" among "oung #eo#le (ith a mortalit" rate of )'* and +', deaths #er $ #o#ulations- res#ecti.el" (Phili##ine Health Statistics- % /)' 0ther significant causes of death among the $ -%4 "ears old Fili#inos include com#lications related to #regnanc"- labor and #uer#erium1 e#ile#s"1 chronic rheumatic heart disease1 intentional self harm1 and accidental dro(ning and submersion (Phili##ine Health Statistics- % /)'0f the $'2* 3 li.e births registered in % /- /+'*! (+)2- *2 45) (ere b" (omen 6%4 "ears old' 7eenage #regnanc" accounted for ,! of all births (National Demogra#hic Health Sur.e"- % /)' 0f the $-*), maternal deaths registered for the same "ear- %%'/! (ere (omen 6%4 "ears old' 7he #ro#ortion of malnutrition among those $$ 8 $) "ears of age (under(eight and (ere noted to increase from $))/ to % / (FN9: Sur.e" $))/- $)), and % /)'About 4! of Fili#inos $ 8 %4 "ears of age ha.e some form of disabilit"' 7he most common of this are s#ea;ing and hearing disabilities'

30S7 <0330N <A=SES 0F DEA7H A30N> $ -%4 YEA9S 04D

PE9 $ -

P0P=4A7:0N' Phili##ine Health Statistics- %

3ale Female 9an; <ause of Death $ Asssault %-%4 No' $*'2

5oth 9ate No' $,/ $'+ 9ate No' %-4%/ )'* 9ate

% / 4 + 2 * , ) $ 4'$

7rans#ort Accidents

$-$42 )' +*

/ / +'/

%'+ /

$-44) +', %'+ )* /')

E.ent of undetermined intent

S"m#toms- signs ? abnormal clinical findings not else(here classified 2 % 4'* /+% %') )+4 /', Pneumonia +%* 4'$ /++ %') ,,% /'+ 4'% /'+ 4'* /4 4%2 %$+ /' %', /'+ $'* //% ,** ,*/ ,$$ %'*

7uberculosis of the 9es#irator" S"stem +/* /'+ <hronic 9heumatic Heart Disease /'+ Accidental dro(ning and submersion /'% 44* +)2

Ne#hritis- ne#hrotic s"ndrome and ne#hrosis /,+ *$* %')

0ther accidents ? late effects of trans#ort@other accidents +$,





4eading 7hreats to Adolescents Health

Accidents and other inflicted in&uries

Among $ - %4 age grou#s- this threat caused %*! of the total deaths (% / data)' Young males al(a"s eAlusi.el" succumb to in&uries and females ha.e the increasing mortalit" due to com#lications of #regranc"- labor" and #uer#erium' 7hese data ha.e been on the u#trend- a challenge to communit"-based or D0H-led #rograms' 7he threat is caused b" the adolescentBs eA#osure to #oorl" maintained roads and #oorl" managed traffic s"stems' AdolescentsB increased mobilit" to urban areas needs a corres#ondidng #h"sical and infrastructre su##ort in their Cuest for better o##ortunities and education #ursuits' Another is the inabilit" of the state to #ro.ide adeCuate number of #olice #ersonnel leading to an increasing number of assault and trans#ort accidents among the "oung males'

7ubercolusis- Pneumonia- and Accidental dro(ning

<lose to 2! of "oung Fili#inos (ho died in % / died of .arious forms of tuberculosis- follo(ed b" #neumonia that caused 4! of deaths' 7his health issue among the "oung has been declining through the "ears due to sustained nation(ide #rograms that began in $),* and has someho( caused to ;ee# deaths do(n- hence efforts to continue sustaining becomes the challenge'

7he threat of H:D and other seAuall" 8 related diseases

9e#orted cases increased substantiall" increased the #ast "ear'Among the $+-%4 "ear olds- re#orted H:D infections nearl" tri#led bet(een % * and % , from 4$ cases to $$ #er "ear- (hich is substantial cause for alarm' :n % )- $+-%4 "ear olds ma;e %)! of all ne( infections1 in % )- the number of ne( infections among % -%4 eCuals the number of ne( infections among %+%)1 (ith $ cases see Eul" DoH A:DS 9egistr" 9e#ort' 7he substantial increase from the #ast "ear can be traced from the adolescentsB earl" engagement in health ris; beha.iour- due to serious ga#s of the ;no(ledge on the dangers of drugs- as (ell as the cause as (ell as causes on the transmission of S7D and H:D A:DS - dangers of indiscriminate tattooing and bod"- #iercing and inadeCuate #o#ulation education' =nder this threat"oung males are #rone to engaging in health ris; beha.iour and more "oung fermales are also doing the same (ithout #rotection and are #rone to aggressi.e or coerci.e beha.iours of others in the communit" such that it often results to significant number of un(anted #regrancies-se#tic abortion and #oor self-care #ractices'

:n addition- there are also other less common but significant causes of

disease and deaths namel"1

:ntentional self- harm 8the )th leading cause of death among % -%4 "ears old' :n this age grou#- se.en out of $ (ho died of suicide (ere males' :n age grou# of $ -%4 "ears old too; u# /4! of all deaths from suicide in % /

Substance Abuse - $+-$) "ears old grou# has the claim of drug use1 more males than females (ho are drug users and drug rehabilitaiton centers claim that ma&orit" of clients belong to age grou# of %+-%) "ears old' According to the SFS sur.e"- $))2- $'+3 "outh Fili#inos and $))*- gre( into %'$3 "outh Fili#inos are into substance abuse

Nutritional Deficiencies 8there are no s#ecific rates for adolescent and "outhbut there is the #re.alence of anemia and .itamin A deficienc" (hich ma" be also high for the adolescents and "outh as those ;no(n for the "ounger and #regnant (omen'

Disabilit" 8 Fili#inos aged $ -%4 "ears old has an o.erall disabilit" #re.alence of 4!' 7he most common disabilit" among this age grou# affected are s#ea;ing (/+!)- hearing (//!) and and mobilit" (%%!)

7here are also .ulnerable Fili#ino adolescents (hich can be classified in their res#ecti.e areas of .ulnerabilit"

D=4NE9A54E Y0=N> F:4:P:N0S Sub-grou#s Dulnerabilit" areas Young among the street-d(ellers <ommon infections- #h"sical abuse or assault- seAual eA#loitation- drug use- road accidents 0ut- of- school adolescents and "outh High ris; beha.iour1 smo;ingalcohol use- drug abuse- high ris; seAual beha.iour- ris;" (or; conditions

leading to in&uries and diseases =rban 8based male "outh other inflicted in&uries High ris; beha.iour1 trans#ort accidents -

Female adolescents SeAual abuse- seAual eA#loitation - un(anted #regranancies- abortion- unsafe #regnanc" and insecure motherhood Not (ith #arents or famil" Nutritional disorders- substance use and ris;" seAual beha.iour- other inflcited in&uries

Factors <ausing 7hreats to Adolescents Health

7he alarming #atterns of health issues affecting adolescents health is caused b" the follo(ing factors o#erating in a s"stemic manner reinforcing further com#leAities in the health issues affecting adolescents '

Socio-<ultural Factors

Demogra#hic Factors

<ontinuing 9a#id Po#ulation >ro(th

7he ra#id #o#ulation gro(th of the "outh creates #ressure to the state to eA#and education- health and em#lo"ment F0 rhtis age grou#' 7he #ressure creates an imbalance to the distribution and allocation of resources to .arious sectors es#eciall" the "outh' 7he imbalance reinforces dee#er the marginaliGation and de#ri.ation of some sectors to basic ser.ices' A .iscious c"cle is created and more are difficulties to access #ro.ision on health"'

:ncreased #o#ulation mo.ement

7he scarcti" of local em#lo"ment has triggered the #artici#ation of the "outh in o.erseas (or;' 7he mo.emente of the sector has caused dis#lacement from families and lo.e ones increase "outhBs .ulnerabilit" to eA#loitation- lo( #a"ing &obs' According to a stud" in % $- there (ere more tha 2(or;ers in the teenage grou# o.erseas (or;ers and it is most li;el" that the" (ould land in o.erseas lo( #a"ing (or;'

Attitudes- 4ifest"les- Sense of Dalues- Norms and 5eha.iours of Adolescents

Health 9is; 5eha.iors

A significant #ro#ortion of "oung #eo#le engage in high-ris; beha.iors 8 %/! had #re- marital seA- +*! of first seA eA#erience (as un#lanned and un#lanned' About * ! - , ! of their most recent seAual eA#eriences (ere un#rotected (YAFS- % %)'

7he % % Young Adult Fertilit" and SeAualit" Sur.e" sho(ed that the #ro#ortion of $+-%4 "ear olds (ho (ere currentl" smo;ing- drin;ing and using drugs (ere % ')!- 4$'4! and %'4!- res#ecti.el"' 7he #ro#ortion is higher among males com#ared to females' A com#arati.e data ($))4 and % /) sho(ed that among $+ 8 %4 "ear olds- smo;ing increased b" %/!1 drin;ing increased b" $ !1 drug use increased b" ,+!1 and #re martial seA increased b" / ! (YAFSS- % /)' 7he li;elihood of engaging in #re-marital seA is higher among those (ho smo;e- drin; alcohol or ta;e drugs' As a conseCuence of substance and alcohol abuse- some ha.e mental and neurological disorders1 others s#end the #roducti.e "ears of their life behind bars (ith hardcore

la(less adults'

Health See;ing 5eha.ior

Adolescents are more li;el" to consult the health center (4+!) or go.ernment #h"sician ($)!) for their health needs (5aseline Sur.e" for the National 0b& for Health- % )' 7he most common reasons for not consulting (ere the lac; of mone"- lac; of time- fear of diagnosis- distance and of #arents' Dental eAamination and 5P monitoring (ere the most common reasons for consultation (2%'4! and /*',!- res#ecti.el")'Similalr"<onditions relating to #regnanc"- childbirth and #ost #artum (ere among the leading reasons for utiliGation of in-#atient- emergenc" room and out #atient health ser.ices at D0H-9etained 7ertiar" >eneral Hos#itals'

4o( <ontrace#ti.e =se

7he o.erall use of contrace#tion among seAuall" acti.e adolescents is at % !' Non- desire for #regnanc" and high a(areness of contrace#ti.e methods (ere not enough to encourage adolescents to use' Among the reasons cited for the lo( contrace#ti.e use (ereH

< (ere gi.en onl" to married indi.iduals of re#roducti.e age E.en if the" (ere made a.ailable to adolescents- the culture sa"s that it is taboo for "oung unmarried indi.iduals to a.ail of contrace#ti.e ser.ices and commodities' <ondom use is #ercei.ed mainl" for S7:s- H:D@A:DS #re.ention rather than contrace#tion

7he #ractice Abortion and =nmet need for <ontrace#tion :n % - induced abortion among adolescents reached /$)' 7his is due to the inadeCuate ;no(ledge on #re.enting un(anted #regnancies'

<onseCuences of teen-age #regnancies among "oung mothers include not being able to finish school and reduced em#lo"ment o#tions and o##ortunities' :n addtion- the social stigma and fear brought about b" un(anted #regranc" #ushes the "oung mother to resort to abortion' Although the rating for abortion remains to be high- there is an increasing trend among those (ho a##ro.e of it (from 4! to 2! in males and /'+! to 4! in females)'0n contrace#ti.e use - adolescents also donIt use condoms for #re.ention of H:D-itIs not onl" that the" donIt use them for contrace#tion'

9is; of H:D@A:DS due to =n#rotected SeA

Adolescents including children in eAteme conditons and great eA#osure to seAual eA#loitation and abuse belong to high-ris; categories threatened b" un#rotected seA' 4atest data on these sho(s that ma&orit" of #eo#le engaged in seA (or; are "oung and * ! of H:D infections in.ol.e male-tomale seA' 7he #ro#ortion of "oung #eo#le re#orted to ha.e S7Ds@H:D and A:DS is increasing' 7he YAFS sur.e" sho(ed that although a(areness about S7Ds is increasing- misconce#tions about A:DS a##ear to ha.e the same trend' 7he #ro#ortion of those (ho thin; A:DS is curable more than doubled (from $%! in $))4 to %,! in % %)' 3an" adolescents also resort to ser.ices of unCualified traditional healers- obtain antibiotics from #harmacies or drug ha(;ers or resort to ad.ices from friends (e'g' drin;ing detergent dissol.ed in (ater) (ithout #ro#er diagnosis to address #roblems of S7Ds' :m#ro#er or incom#lete treatment ma" mas; the s"m#toms (ithout curing the disease increasing the ris; of transmission and de.elo#ment of com#lications' 7he limited use of condoms to #rotect adolescents from ris; of H:D is an issue to reflection for condom use is not onl" to #re.ent #regrananc" but also #re.enting seAuall" transmitetd disease' r 7he YAFS % % sur.e" sho(ed that Fili#ino males and females are at ris; of S7:s- H:D@A:DS' :t (as re#orted that 2% ! of seAuall" transmitted infections affect the adolescents (hile %) ! of H:D #ositi.e Fili#ino cases are "oung #eo#le' :n addition- it (as re.ealed that thirt" se.en #ercent (/*!) of Fili#ino males %+ "ears of age ha.e had seA before the" marr" (ith (omen other than their (' Some (ill ha.e #aid for seA (hile others (ill ha.e had fi.e or more #artners'

Political and Economic Factors

3arginaliGation and Po.ert"

7he disturbing #o.ert" situation of households and families (here ma&orit" of the adolescents belong brings in difficulties to meet adolescentsB'needs' Po.ert" is closel" lin; to adolescent health issues' :t reinforces to the situation of adolescents .ulnerabilit" to health ris;s due to the lac; of access to .arious ser.ices and unsu##orti.e social- #olitical and economic en.ironment' 7he follo(ing are some of the conseCuences of #o.ert" faced b" the "outh'

4imited Access to :nformation -among the greatest challenges for Fili#ino "outh is access to correct and meaningful information on seAual and re#roducti.e issues' 4imited access to ser.ices and commodities-7he lac; of access to contrace#ti.e ser.ices and su##lies (as among the most freCuentl" articulated concerns (ith regard to adolescent S9H' Programs such as the AYHDP do recogniGe adolescentsB need for access to contrace#tion' 4imited a(areness of #ertinent #olicies-Fhile the AYHP Administrati.e order (as issued in % - fe( ;e" informants ;ne( of its eAistence' :n fact- man" ;e" informants said that no A9H #olic" eAisted at the time the" (ere

7echnological Factors

9a#id Ad.ancement of <ommunication

7he .alue of technological ad.ancement could be discounted' Ho( to the curious and ad.enturous adolescents .arious modes of

communications are oftentimes abused and misused such as the use of internet and mobile #hones' Adolescents then become .ulnerable to eA#loitation- in c"berseA and #ornogra#h" eA#osing them dee#er into ris;" beha.iour' :n addtion the digital de#endence and addiction causes alienation of adolescetns to #ersonal and closer mode of communciation resulting to a distorted image of the adoelscents relationshi#s to the social en.ironment' 7his also the adolescents from #roducti.e acti.ities (here the" can de.elo# full" gro(n u# and mature e conomic and socail being communcation ad.antcement has also #roduced ad.erstisements and tele.ision commercials (hose image are not adoelsentfriendl" are the (a" for so much consumerism- distorted #ersonal and famil" .alues


,' :nternational Policies- Passages and 4a(s as anchors

:n :nternational 4a(s

=N <on.ention on the 9ights of <hildren =N <on.ention the Action for the Promotion and Protection of the health of adolescents <on.ention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination againts (omen $))4 :nternational <onference on Po#ulaiton and De.elo#ment ( :<PD) $))+ Fourth Forld <onference on Fomen Forld Programme of Action for Youth % 3D> >oals H >oal %HAchie.e =ni.ersal Primar" Education

>oal /HPromote >ender ECualit" >oal 4 H 9educe <hild 3ortalit" >oal +H :m#ro.e 3aternal Health >oal 2H<ombat H:D@A:DS- 3alaria and other diseases National 4a(s and Policies

o National 0b& for Health

o Fourmula 0ne for Health

o Adolescent and Youth Health Polic" (AYH)

o Adolescent and Youth Health

and De.eloment Program

o National Directional Plan for reaching the =n reahced Youth Po#ulation

o 9e#roducti.e Health Program A0J$ s$)),

o 4ocal >o.ernment <ode

FH0- together (ith countries and areas in the 9egion and #artner agenciesare (or;ing to #romote health" de.elo#ment of adolescents and reduce mortalit" and morbidit"' :n the Festern Pacific 9egion- se.eral technical units are (or;ing to im#lement inter.entions that im#ro.e adolescent health in the 9egion' 7he Phili##ines belong to the Festern Pacific 9egion and is committed toH

9ecogniGe adolescents as K.ulnerable and a Kgrou# in needB

o Address :ssues that ha.e an e.idence base

o Socio- <ultural

o De.elo# :nno.ati.e mechanisms to reach out to adolescents'

o Encourage collaboration and #artnershi#s

o Program im#lementation is monitored and e.aluated'

7he Adolescent Health Program

7he Adolescents Youth and Heath De.elo#ment Programs (as established in % $ under the o.ersight of the De#artment of Health in #artnershi# (ith other go.ernment agencies (ith adolescent concerns and other sta;eholdres' 7he #rogram is targeting "outh ages $ 8%4- and the #rogram #ro.ides com#rehensi.e im#lementation guidelines for "outh-friendl" com#rehensi.e health care and ser.ices on multi#le le.elsLnationalregional- #ro.incial@cit"- and munici#al'

7he #rogram is solidl" achored on :nternational and la(s- #assages and #olices meant to address adolescentBs health concerns' :t is o#erating then (ithin the facets and adolescents and "outh health that includes disabilit"mental and en.ironmental health- re#roducti.e and seAualit"- .iolence and in&ur" #re.ention and among others'

:t em#lo"ed strategies to ensure integration of the #rogram intothe health care s"stem in addition- broader societ" such as building a su##orti.e #olic" en.ironment- intensif"ing :E< and ad.ocac" #articularl" among teachersfamilies- and #eers- building the technical ca#acit" of #ro.iders of care- and

su##ort for "outh1 accessibilit" and a.ailabilit" of Cualit" health ser.ices- strengthening multi-sectoral #artnershi#s- resource mobiliGationallocation and im#ro.ed data collection and management'

7he #rogram to address seAual and re#roducti.e health issues li;e(ise ado#ts gender-sensiti.e a##roaches' 7he #rimar" res#onsibilit" for im#lementation of the AYHDP- and its mainstreaming into the health s"stemfalls to regional and #ro.incial@cit" sectors' >uidelines":E<- training- research and information collection- monitoring and e.aluationand Cualit" assurance'

Program 3anagerH

Dr' 3iner.a Dinluan

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol - Famil" Health 0ffice

PhoneH ( %) 2+$-*,

locals $*%,-$*/

EmailH minera.inluanM"ahoo'com

%$++2 reads

5oti;a Ng 5aranga" (5n5)

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 5oti;a ng 5aranga"

5oti;a ng 5aranga" :' Fhat is 5oti;a ng 5aranga"N

5oti;a ng 5aranga" (5n5) - refers to a drug outlet managed b" a legitimate communit" organiGation (<0) @ non-go.ernment organiGation (N>0) and@or the 4ocal >o.ernment =nit (4>=)- (ith a trained o#erator and a su#er.ising #harmacist s#ecificall" established in accordance (ith this 0rder' 7he 5n5 outlet should be initiall" identified- e.aluated and selected b" the concerned <enter for Health De.elo#ment (<HD)- a##ro.ed b" the PHA93A + Pro&ect 3anagement =nit (P3=) and s#eciall" licensed b" the 5ureau of Food and Drugs (5FAD) to sell- distribute- offer for sale and@or ma;e a.ailable lo(-#riced generic home remedies- (07<) Drugs and t(o (%) selected- #ublicl"-;no(n #rescri#tion antibiotics drugs (i'e' AmoAicillin and <otrimoAaGole)'

7he establishment of the 5oti;a ng 5aranga" (5n5) in the communities- including the insurgent areas- ensures accessibilit" of lo(#riced generic drugs and eight (,) #rescri#tion drugs as recommended b" the National Drug Formular" <ommittee' =nder 3emorandum J /$ and its amendment- as much as 4 essential medicines that address common diseases can be made a.ailable in 5n5s de#ending on the morbidit" and mortalit" #rofiles of the communit"' And the #olicies surrounding the 5n5 (A0 $44) ensure that such can be sustained in the medium term'

::' 0b&

7he ob& of this 0rder are as follo(sH

7o #romote eCuit" in health b" ensuring the a.ailabilit" and accessibilit" of affordable- safe and effecti.e- Cualit" essential drugs to all- (ith #riorit" for marginaliGed- underser.ed- critical and hard to reach areas' 7o integrate all related issuances of the D0H that #ro.ides rules and regulations in the establishment and o#erations of 5n5s1 and

7o define the roles and res#onsibilities of the different units of the D0H and other #artners from the different sectors in facilitating and regulating the establishment of 5n5s' :::' Status of the Program

Dariants of the 5n5s include 5oti;a 5inhi (funded b" the members of the Peso for Health (ith counter#art from the local go.ernment unit)- Health Plus (funded b" the >7O)- 5oti;a sa Paro;"a (funded b" D0H and 0ffice of the President) and the 5oti;a ng 5a"an (5N5) eA#ress under P:7<@ P:7< Pharma :nc' At #resent- about $2-/+ 5n5 outlets ha.e been established in the countr"'

7he initial target (as to establish $ 5n5 to ser.e / ad&acent 5aranga"s' Ho( due to the immensit" of 5aranga"s- and the need for more than $ 5n5 in some #oor ad&acent baranga"s to better #ro.ide for the the target (ere changed to $H$'

Since absor#ti.e ca#acit" for the D0H-<HDs to establish 5n5s is also limited due to resource and time constraints- the initial #hasing of the target to achie.e $H$ is being done' 7hus- for the neAt t(o (%) "ears- the target (ould be initiall" $H% eAce#t for select areas that ha.e high #o.ert" incidenceconflict or >eogra#hicall" isolated areas- and the li;e (here the target (ould be $H$'

Sourcing of medicines for the initial seed ca#ital of these medicines is done through P:7< Pharma :nc'

:ssuances about 5oti;a ng 5aranga"


Date 7itle 3oratorium Submission

De#artment 3emorandum No' % $$- %% Eanuar" %2- % $$ on the Establishment of 5oti;a ng 5aranga" (5n5) Nation(ide De#artment 3emorandum No' % $ // Februar" $%- % $

of 9e#orts for the :m#act Assessment of 3aAimum Drug 9etail Price (3D9P) @ >o.ernment De#artment 3emorandum No' % ,- /, Februar" %$- % , Amendment to 3emorandum No' /$ s' % / dated $* Februar" % / reH Drugs to be sold in 5oti;a ng 5aranga"s (5n5s) De#artment 3emorandum No' % +42

A#ril +- % + =tiliGation of Slo( Pharma + 5oti;a ng 5aranga" (5n5) Drugs and 3edicines Administrati.e 0rder No' % +- $$ A#ril 4- % + Su##lemental >uidelines to Administrati.e 0rder No' $44 series % 4- entitledH P>uidelines for the Establishment and 0#erations of 5oti;a ng 5aranga"s (5n5) and Pharmaceutical Distribution Net(or; (PDNs)P relati.e to the inclusion of other drugs (hich are classified as Prescri#tion Drugs and other related matters De#artment 3emorandum No' $$, s' % 4

No.ember %%- % 4 5oti;a ng 5aranga" Performance 3onitoring 9e#orts and 9outine Schedule of Submissions Administrati.e 0rder No' $44 s' % 4 A#ril $4- % 4 >uidelines for the Establishment and 0#erations of 5oti;a ng 5aranga"s (5n5) and Pharmaceutical Distribution Net(or; (PDNs) 3emorandum No' /$ s' % ng 5aranga"s (5n5s) / Februar" $*- % / Drugs to be sold in 5oti;a

Program 3anagerH

Fernando E' De#ano

Health Education Promotion 0fficer :D

National <enter for Pharmaceutical Access and 3anagement (N<PA3)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,

local %++4@%+++

Alice <' 4aCuindanum

Senior Health Program 0fficer

National <enter for Pharmaceutical Access and 3anagement (N<PA3)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*, 5reastfeeding 7SEQ

local %++4@%+++

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 0n Februar" %/- % $$- the De#artment of Health (D0H) launched the eAclusi.e breastfeeding cam#aign dubbed R5reastfeeding 7SEQH (7amaSa#at- E;s;lusibo)S' 7he #rimar" target of this cam#aign is the ne( and eA#ectant mothers in urban areas'

7his cam#aign encourages mothers to eAclusi.el" breastfeed their babies from birth u# to 2 months' EAclusi.e breastfeeding means that for the first siA months from birth- nothing eAce#t breast mil; (ill be gi.en to babies' the cam#aign aims to establish a su##orti.e communit"as (ell as to #romote #ublic consciousness on the health benefits of breastfeeding' Among the man" health benefits of breastfeeding are lo(er ris; of diarrhea- #neumonia- and chronic illnesses'

$4 44 reads 5lood Donation Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 9e#ublic Act No' **$)- also ;no(n as the National 5lood Ser.ices Act of $))4- #romotes .oluntar" blood donation to #ro.ide sufficient su##l" of safe blood and to regulate blood ban;s' 7his act aims to inculcate #ublic a(areness that blood donation is a humanitarian act'

7he National Doluntar" 5lood Ser.ices Program (ND5SP) of the De#artment of Health is targeting the "outh as .olunteers in its blood donation #rogram this "ear' :n accordance (ith 9A No' **$)- it aims to create #ublic consciousness on the im#ortance of blood donation in the of millions of Fili#inos'

5ased from the data from the National Doluntar" 5lood Ser.ices Program- a total of 2+4-*2/ blood units (ere collected in % )' Fift"-eight #ercent of (hich (as from .oluntar" blood donation and the remaining from re#lacement donation' 7his "ear- #articular #ro.inces ha.e alread" achie.ed $ ! .oluntar" blood donation' 7he D0H is ho#ing that man" indi.iduals (ill become regular .oluntar" un#aid donors to guarantee sufficient su##l" of safe blood and to meet national blood necessities'


5lood Safet" 5lood AdeCuac" 9ational 5lood =se

Efficienc" of 5lood Ser.ices <hild Health and De.elo#ment Strategic Plan Year % $-% 4

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF :ntroduction 7he Phili##ine National Strategic Frame(or; for lan De.elo#ment for <Hildren or <H:4D %$ is a strategic frame(or; for #lanning #rograms and inter.entions that #romote and safegurad the rights of Fili#ino children' <o.ering the #eriod % -% +- it #aints in broad stro;es a .ision for the Cualit" of life of Fili#ino children in % %+ and a roadma# to achie.e the .ision'

<hildrenIs Health % %+- a subdocument of <H:4D %$- realiGes that health is a critical and fundamental element in childrenIs (elfare' Ho(e.erhealth #rograms cannot be im#lemented in isolation from the other com#onent that determine the safet" and (ell being of children in societ"' <hildrenIs Health % %+- therefore- should be able to integrate the strategies and inter.entions into the o.erall #lan for childrenIs de.elo#ment'

<hildrenIs Health % %+ contains both mid-term strategies- (hich is targeted to(ards the "ear % 4- (hile long-term strategies are targeted b" the "ear % %+' :t utiliGes a life c"cle a##roach and ( in the rights of children' 7he life c"cle a##roach ensures that the issues- needs and ga#s are addressed at the different stages of the childIs gro(th and de.elo#ment'

7he #eriod "ear % % to % 4 (ill #ut em#hasis on timel" diagnosis and management of common diseases of childhood as (ell as disease #re.ention and health #romotion- #articularl" in the fields of immuniGationnutrition and the acCuisisiton of health lifest"les' Also critical for effecti.e #allning and im#lementation (ould be addressing the com#onents of the health infrastructure such as human resource de.elo#ment- Cualit" assurance- monitoring and disease sur.eillance- and health information and education'

7he successful im#lementation of these strategies (ill reCuire

collaborati.e efforts (ith the other sta;eholdres and also im#lies integration (ith the other de.elo#mental #lan of action for children'


A health" Fili#ino child isH

Fanted- #lanned and concei.ed b" health" #arents<arried to term b" health" mother5orn into a caring' stable famil" ca#able of #ro.iding for his or her basic needsDeli.ered safel" b" a trained attendant Screened for congenital defects shortl" after birth1 if defects are foundinter.entions to corrrect these defects are im#lemented at the a##ro#riate time EAclusi.el" breastfed for at least siA months of age- and continued breasfeeding u# to t(o "ears:ntroduced to com#ementar" foods at about siA months of age- and graduall" to a balanced- nutritious dietProtected from the conseCuences of #rotein-calorie and micronutirent deficiencies through good nutrition and access to fortified foods and iodiGed salt Pro.ided (ith safe- clean and h"gienic surroundings and #rotected from accidentsPro#erl" cared for at home (hen sic; and brought timel" to a health facilit" for a##ro#riate management (hen needed'0ffered eCual access to good Cualit" curati.e- #re.enti.e and #romoti.e health care ser.ices and health education as members of the Fili#ino societ" 9egularl" monitored for #ro#er gro(th and de.elo#ment- and #ro.ided (ith adeCuate #s"chosocial and mental stimulationScreened for disabilities and de.elo#mental dela"s in earl" childhood1 if disabilities are foundinter.entions are im#lemented to enabled the child to en&o" a life of dignit" at the highest le.el of function attainable Protected from discrimination- eA#loitation and abuse Em#o(ered and enabled to ma;e decisions regarding health" lifest"le and beha.iors and included in the formulation health #olicies and #rogramsAfforded the o##ortunit" to reach his or her full #otential as adult

<urrent Situation

Deaths among children ha.e significantl" decreased from #re.ious "ears' :n the $)), NDHS- the infant mortalit" rate (as /+ #er $ li.ebirths(hile neonatal death rate (as $, deaths #er $ li.ebirths' Among regions :39 is highest in Eastern Disa"as and lo(est in 3etro 3anila and <entral Disa"as' Death is much higher among infants (hose mothers had no antenatal care or medical assistance at the time of"' 7o# causes of illness among infants are infectious diseases (#neumonia- measles- diarrheameningitis- se#ticemia)- nutritional deficiencies and birth-realted com#lications'

7he #robabilit" of d"ing bet(een birth and fi.e "ears of age is 4, deaths #er $ li.ebirths' 7he to# fi.e leading causes of deaths ((hich ma;e u# about * !) of deaths in this age grou#) are #neumonia- diarrheameasles- meningities and malnutrition' About 2! die of accidents i'e' submersion- foreign bodies- and .ehicular accidents'

7he decline in mortalit" rates ma" be attributed #artl" to the EA#anded Program of :mmuniGation (EP:)- aimed to reduce infant and child mortalit" due to se.en immuniGable diseases (tuberculosis- di#theriatetanus- #ertussis- #oliom"elities- He#atitis 5 and measles)'

7he Phili##ines has been declared as #olio-free druing the Q"oto 3eeting on Poliom"elities Eradication in the Festern Pacific 9egion last 0ctober % ' 7his' ho( is not a reason to be com#lacent' 7he ris; of im#orting the #olio.irus from neighboring countries remains high until global certification of #olio eradication' 7here is an urrgent need for sustained .igilance- (hich includes strengthening the sur.eillance s"stem- the ca#acit" for ra#id res#onse to im#ortation of (ild #olio.irus- adeCuate laborator" containment of (ild #olio.irus materials- and maintaining high routine immuniGation until global certification has been achie.ed'

3alnutrition is common among children' 7he $)), FN9: sur.e" sho( that three to four out of ten children -$ "ears old are under(eight and stunted' 7he #re.alence of lo( .itamin A serum le.els and .itamin A deficienc" e.en increased in $)), com#ared to $))2 le.els as re#orted b" FN9:' Ditamin A su##lementation co.erage reached to more than ) !ho( a do(n(ard trend (as e.ident in the succeeding "ears from as high as )*! in $))/ to *,! in $))*'

5reastfeeding rate is ,,! (NS0 % 3<H Sur.e")- (ith #ercentage higher in rural areas ()%!) than in urban areas (,4!)' EAclusi.e breastfeeding increased from $/'%! to % ! among children 4-+ mos of age (NDHS)'

Se.eral strategies (ere utiliGed to om#ro.e child health' 7He :ntegrated 3anagement of <hildhood :llness aims at reducing morbidit" and deaths due to common chldhood illness' 7he :3<: strateg" has been ado#ted nation(ide and the #rocess of integration into the medical- nursing- and mid(ifer" curriculum is no( under(a"'

7he Enhanced <hild >ro(th strateg" is a communit"-based inter.ention that aims to im#ro.e the health and nutritional status of children through im#ro.ed caring and see;ing beha.iors' :t o#erates through health and nutrition #osts established throughout the countr"'

>a#s and <hallenges

3an" 4ocal Health =nits (ere not adeCuatel" informed about the Frame(or; for <hildrenIs Health as (ell as the #olicies' 7here is a need to disseminate the t(o documents- <H:4D %$ and <hildrenIs Health % %+ to ser.e as the tem#late for local #lanning for childrens health' 7here is also the need to u#date and reiterate the #olicies on childrenIs health #articularl" on immuniGation- micronutrient su##lementation and :3<:'

4>=s eA#erienced #roblems in the a.ailabilit" of .accines and essential drugs and micronutrients due to (ea;ness in the #rocurement- allocation and distribution'

Poc;ets of lo( immuniGation co.erage is attributed largel" to the irregular su##l" of .accines due to inadeCuate funds' there is a need to re.italiGe the #romotion of immuniGation'


7he ultimate goal of <hildrenIs Health % %+ is to achie.e good health for all Fili#ino children b" the "ear % %+'

3edium-term 0b& for "ear %


Health Status 0b&

$' 9educe infant mortalit" rate to $* deaths #er $-

li.e births

%' 9educe mortalit" rate among children $-4 "ears old to //'2! #er li.ebirths /' 9educe the mortalit" rate among adolescents and "ouths b" + !

9is; 9eduction 0b&

$' :ncrese the #ercentage of full" immuniGed children to ) ! %' :ncrease the #ercentage of infants eAclusi.el" breastfed u# to siA months to / ! /' :ncrease the #ercentage of infants gi.en timel" and #ro#er com#lementar" feeding at siA months to * ! 4' :ncrease the #ercentage of mothers and caregi.ers (ho ;no( and #ractice home management of childhood illness to , ! +' 9educe the #re.alence of #rotein-energ" malnutrition among schoolage children 2' :ncrease the health care-see;ing beha.ior of adolescents to + !

Ser.ices and Protection 0b&

$' Ensure ) ! of infants and children are #ro.ided (ith essential health care #ac;age %' :ncrease the #ercentage of health facilities (ith a.ailable stoc;s of .accines and esential drugs and micronutrients to , ! /' :ncrease the #ercentage of schools im#lementing school-based health and nutrition #rograms to , ! 4' :ncrease the #ercentage of health facilities #ro.iding basic health ser.ices including counseling for adolescents and "outh to * !

Strategies and Acti.ities

T Enhance ca#acit" and ca#abilit" of health facilities in the earl" recognitionmanagement and #re.ention of common childhood illness

7his (ill entail im#ro.ements in the flo( of ser.ices in the im#lementing faciities to ensure that" child recei.e the essential ser.ices for sur.i.algro(th and de.elo#ment in an organiGed and efficient manner' Facilities should be eCui##ed (ith the essential instruments- eCui#ment and su##lies to #ro.ide the ser.ices' Health #ro.iders shall ha.e the ;no(ledge and s;ills to be able to #ro.ide Cualit" ser.ices for children' EAisting child health #olicies- guidelines and standards shall be and u#dated- and ne( ones formulated and disseminated to guide health #ro.iders in the standard of care'

T Strengthening communit"-based su##ort s"stems and inter.entions for childrenIs health

Notable communit"-based #ro&ects and inter.entions- such as the health and nutrition #osts- mother su##ort grou#s- communit" financing schemes shall be re#licated for nation(ide im#lementation' 3odel building and dissemination of best #ractices from #ilot sites has #ro.en effecti.e in generating su##ort and ado#tion in other sites' 3ore of these shall be initiated #articularl" for de.elo#ing inter.entions to increase care-see;ing and #re.ention of malnutrition in children'

T Fostering lin;ages (ith ad.ocac" grou#s and #rofessional organiGations and to #romote childrenIs health

<ollaboration (ith the nongo.ernment sector and #rofessional grou#s shallH

T <onduct national cam#aigns on childrenIs health

T <onduct and su##ort national cam#aigns for children

T :nitiate and su##ort legislations and researches on childrenIs health and (elfare

T De.elo#ment of com#rehensi.e monitoring and e.aluation s"stem for child health #rograms and #ro&ects

)$22 reads <HD Scorecard

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF <HD Scorecard shall reflect #erformance of the <HD as eAtension #roducers of the D0H in its mandate and function of steering and leading the national health s"stem' Performance indicators shall include eAtent and Cualit" of goods and ser.ices desired b" the local health s"stems in the regional co.erage area- and #rescribed b" D0H management- along the 4 main strategies of F$' Performance indicators shall also include satisfaction of clients (ith <HD ser.ices and #roducts' <ommittee of EAaminers for =nderta;ers and Embalmers

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Embalming is the funeral custom of cleaning and disinfecting bodies after death' :t has been #art of the funeral #arlors so (ith our' For the #ast decades- embalming has been undergoing #rofound transformational e.entsnot onl" in the Phili##ines but (orld(ide' 7oda"- embalming is also considered an art' :t is done to #reser.e the dead bod" from natural decom#osition and for restoration for a more #leasing a##earance' 4i;e(isethe #rocedure is significant for restoration of e.idences such as in medico-

legal cases'

7hese changes (ere made #ossible b" the multitudes of forces con.erging in the national as (ell as the local le.els- (hich is im#acting on the Cualit" of embalming #ractice in the countr"' Embalmers toda" should therefore- be loo;ed u# to- because of the significant manifold tas;s the" are rendering including the counseling assistance the" are #ro.iding the berea.ed #arties'


7he De#artment of Health (D0H) created the <E=E to regulate embalming #ractice in the countr"' 7he creation (as made #ossible b" Presidential Decree (PD) No' ,+2 P<ode of Sanitation of the Phili##inesP <ha#ter UU: PDis#osal of Dead PersonsP and EAecuti.e 0rder No' $ % s' $))) P9ationaliGation and Streamlining Plan of the D0HP'


7o ensure that onl" Cualified indi.iduals enter the regulated #rofession and that the care and ser.ices (hich the embalmers #ro.ide are (ithin the standards of #ractice- the D0H-<E=E createdH

$' <E=E 9esolution No' % $$- $ - 7hree Year 7ransition Period for <om#liance of Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ - //'

%' 3emorandum dated August $ - % $ - to the <enters for Health De.elo#ment (<HDs) Human 9esource De.elo#ment =nits (H9D=s) regarding =#dates on the <ommittee of EAaminers for =nderta;ers and Embalmers (<E=E) Program'

/' Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ - // - 9e.ised :m#lementing 9ules and 9egulations of PD ,+2 <ha#ter UU: >o.erning Dis#osal of Dead Persons

4' <E=E 9esolution No' % $ Embalmers in the Phili##ines

$ - Ado#tion of the <ode of Ethics for

+' <E=E 9esolution No' % )- $ - <reation of the <ommittee for <ontinuing Embalmers Education <ouncil (<EE<)

2' <E=E 9esolution No' % ,- $ - <onduct of 4icensure EAamination for Embalmers in <enters for Health De.elo#ment (<HDs) to conduct a simultaneous licensure eAamination in the <entral 0ffice and the <HDs (ith a minimum of + eAaminees for cost effecti.eness'

*' De#artment 3emorandum No' % ,) - Designation of D0H Human 9esource De.elo#ment =nits (D0H-H9D=s) as <oordinators for Embalmers ProgramP to facilitate immediate res#onse to Cueries and com#laints regarding the embalming #ractice'

,' <E=E 9esolution No' % ,- $ - Accredited 7raining :nstitutions and 7raining Pro.iders for Embalmers for <Y % ,-% $$ to regulate eAisting and #otential training #ro.iders and training institutions for embalmers for the enhancement and maintenance of its #rofessional standards'

)' <E=E 9esolution No' % 9esolution No' % *- $'


% - EAtension of 3oratorium as #er <E=E

$ ' <E=E 9esolution No' % *- $ - 3oratorium on the Non-rene(al of 4icenses of Embalmers for the #ast fi.e (+) "ears and (ith the aim of #ro.iding chance to licensed embalmers (ho (ere unable tio rene( their licenses for the #ast fi.e "ears and'

$$' Administrati.e 0rder No' % *- % - Policies and >uidelines for the Accreditation of 7raining :nstitutions- 7raining Programs and 7raining Pro.iders for Embalmers in the Phili##ines (ith the aim of institutionaliGing the

continuing education #rogram for embalmers in the countr"' Hence- to ensure the maintenance of efficient- ethical and technical- moral and #rofessional standards in its #ractice- ta;ing into account the Cualit" of care to be rendered to res#ecti.e clientele' At the same time- the regulation ensures the global com#etiti.eness of the Fili#ino embalmers'

$%' De#artment <ircular No' % *- $/) - 9eiteration on the obser.ance of #recautionar" measures in the dis#osal of dead #ersons'

<ha#ter UU: PDis#osal of Dead PersonsP mandate the <E=E to monitor and enforce Cualit" standards of embalming #ractice in the Phili##ines and eAercise the #o(ers necessar" to ensure the maintenance of efficient- ethical and technical- moral and #rofessional standards in its #ractice- ta;ing into account the Cualit" of care to be rendered to res#ecti.e clientele' At the same time- the regulations ensure the global com#etiti.eness of the Fili#ino embalmers'

Program Status

Nation(ide information dissemination of the follo(ingH

Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ -

// (Dis#osal of Dead Persons)

<urriculum for licensure eAaminations 3anuals for 4icensure EAaminations <ode of Ethics 3arch %+- % $$ - National <a#ital 9egion 3a" /- % $$ - Disa"as 9egion (:loilo <it") 3a" $/- % $$ - 3indanao 9egions (<aga"an de 0ro <it") Eune / - % $$ - 5utuan <it" (u#on reCuest) August %+- % $$ - A;lan (u#on reCuest)


Dr' Eose#hine Hi#olito @ 3s' Finsell Eo" 3analo

Health Human 9esource De.elo#ment 5ureau

Phone NoH 2+$-*,

local 4% 4@4%%*

EmailH hhrdbVdohM"ahoo'com <ommittee of EAaminers for 3assage 7hera#" (<E37)

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7raditional medicine throughout the (orld recogniGes the significance of thera#eutic massage in managing stress- illness or chronic ailments' 3assage thera#" is considered the oldest method of healing that a##lies .arious techniCues li;e fiAed or #ressure- holding- .ibration- roc;ing- friction;neading and com#ression using #rimaril" the hands and other areas of the bod" such as the forearms- elbo(s or feet to the mascular structure and soft tissues of the bod"'

3assage thera#" can lead to significant biochemical- #h"sical- beha.ioral and clinical changes in massage as (ell as the #erson the massage' :t contributes to a higher sense of general (ell-being' 9ecogniGing this- man" healthcare #rofessionals ha.e begun to incor#orate massage thera#" as a com#lement to their routine clinical care' Efficac" of massage thera#" in #atient ranges from #retern neonates to senior citiGens' Although the countr" has the training standards and regulations through the 7echnical Education and S;ills De.elo#ment Authorit" (7ESDA)- it lac;s control @ regulations the training institutions- thus- an"one (ho calls himself@herself a massage thera#ist is one- regardless of training or eA#erience'


7he De#artment of Health created the <ommittee of EAaminers for 3assage 7hera#" (<E37) to regulate the #ractice of massage thera#" in accordance to the #ro.isions of the Sanitation <ode of the Phili##ines (PD ,+2) and EAecuti.e 0rder No' $ % s' $)))- 9eorganiGation and Streamlining of the De#artment of Health' :t #ro.ides the <E37 the function to ensure that onl" Cualified indi.iduals enter the regulated #rofession and that the care and ser.ices (hich the massage thera#ists #ro.ide are (ithin the standards of #ractice'


7o ensure that onl" Cualified indi.iduals enter the regulated #rofession and that the care and ser.ices (hich the massage thera#ists #ro.ide are (ithin the standards of #ractice- the D0H-<E37 createdH

<E37 9esolution No' % $$- $ - 7hree-Year 7ransition Period for <om#liance to Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ - /4' 3emorandum dated August $ - % $ - to the <enters of Health De.elo#ment (<HDs) Human 9esource De.elo#ment =nits (H9D=s) regarding =#dates on the <ommittee of EAaminers for 3assage 7hera#" (<E37) Program Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ - /4 - 9e.ised :m#lementing 9ules and 9egulations of PD ,+2 <ha#ter U::: >o.erning 3assage <linics and Sauna Establishments <E37 9esolution No' % $ - $ - Ado#tion of the <ode of Ethics for 3assage 7hera#ists in the Phili##ines' <E37 9esolution No' % )- $ - <reation of <ommittee for <ontinuing 3assage 7hera#" Education <ouncil (<37E<) <E37 9esolution No' % ,- $ - <onduct of 4icensure EAamination for 3assage 7hera#ists in <enters for Health De.elo#ment (<HDs) to conduct a simultaneous licensure eAamination in the <entral 0ffice and the <HDs (ith a minimum of + eAaminees for cost effecti.eness'

De#artment 3emorandum No' % ,) - Designation of D0H Human 9esource De.elo#ment =nits (D0H-H9D=s) as <oordinators for 3assage 7hera#" Program to facilitate immediate res#onse to Cueries and com#laints regarding the massage thera#" #ractice' <E37 9esolution No' % ,- $ - Accredited training institutions and training #ro.iders for massage thera#ists for <Y % ,-% $$ to regulate eAisting and #otential training #ro.iders and training institutions for massage thera#ists for the enhancement and maintenance of its #rofessional standards' <E37 9esolution No' % ,9esolution No' % ,- $ % - EAtension of 3oratorium as #er <E37

<E37 9esolution No' % ,- $ - 3oratorium on the Non-9ene(al of 4icenses for Embalmers for the #ast fi.e (+) "ears and (ith the aim of #ro.iding chance to licensed embalmers (ho (ere unable to rene( their licenses for the #ast fi.e "ears and Administrati.e 0rder No' % ,- /$ - Policies and >uidelines for the Accreditation of 7raining :nstitutions- 7raining Programs and 7rainining Pro.iders for 3assage 7hera#ists in the Phili##ines (ith the aim of institutionaliGing the continuing education #rogram for massage thera#ists in the countr"' Hence- to ensure the maintenance of efficient- ethical and technical- moral and #rofessional standards in its #ractice- ta;ing into account the Cualit" of care to be rendered to res#ecti.e clientele' At the same time- the regulation ensures the global com#etiti.eness of the massage thera#ists' <ha#ter U::: P3assage <linics and Sauna Establishments mandate the <E37 to monitor and enforce Cualit" standards of massage thera#" #ractice in the Phili##ines and eAercise the #o(ers necessar" to ensure the maintenance of efficient- ethical and technical- moral and #rofessional standards in its #ractice- ta;ing into account the Cualit" of care to be rendered to res#ecti.e clientele' At the same time- the regulations ensure the global com#etiti.eness of the Fili#ino massage thera#ists'

Program Status

Nation(ide information dissemination of the follo(ingH

Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ -

/4 (3assage <linics and Sauna

Establishments) <urriculum for 4icensure EAaminations 3anuals for 4icensure EAaminations <ode of Ethics $' 3arch %+- % $$ - National <a#ital 9egion

%' 3a" /- % $$ - Disa"as 9egions (:loilo <it")

/' 3a" $/- % $$ - 3indanao 9egion (<aga"an de 0ro <it")

4' Eune / - % $$ - 5utuan <it" (u#on reCuest)

+' August %+- % $$ - A;lan (u#on reCuest)


Dr' Eose#hine Hi#olito @ 3s' Finsell Eo" 3analo

Health Human 9esource De.elo#ment 5ureau

Phone NoH 2+$-*,

local 4% 4@4%%*

EmailH hhrdbVdohM"ahoo'com <limate <hange

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF SP<limate<hangesheet'&#g SP<limate<hangesheet'&#g Ano ang <4:3A7E <HAN>EN

Ang climate change a" ang #agbabago ng ;lima o #anahon dahil sa #agtaas ng mg greenhouse gases na nag#a#ainit sa mundo' Nagdudulot ito ng mga sa;una ;aga"a ng heat(a.e- baha at tagtu"ot na maaaring magdulot ng #ag;a;asa;it o #ag;amata"' Qa#ag tumaas ang tem#eratura ng mundodadami ang mga sa;it ;aga"a ng dengue- diarrhea- malnutris"on at iba #a'

Sanhi ng <4:3A7E <HAN>E

A"on sa #ag-aaral- ang dala(ang sanhi ng climate change a" angH

$' Natural na #agbabago ng ;lima ng buong mundo nitong mga nagdaang matagal na #anahon' :to a" sama-samang e#e;to ng enerhi"a mula sa ara(sa #ag-i;ot ng mundo- at sa init na nagmumula sa ilalim ng lu#a na nag#a#ataas ng tem#eratura o init sa hangin na bumabalot sa mundo'

%' 3ga ga(ain ng tao na nagbubunga ng #agdami o #agtaas ng carbon dioAide at iba #ang greenhouse gases )>H>s)' ANg >H>s ang nag;u;ulong ng init sa mundo' Ang #agbuga ng carbon dioAide ng mga sasa;"ang gumagamit ng gasolina- ang #ag#utol ng mga #uno na si"a sanang mag-aalis ng carbon dioAide sa hangin- at #ag;abulo; ng mga baga" na organic na nagbubunga ng methane (isa #ang uri ng >H>s) a" ilan sa mga dahilan ng climate change'

E#e;tong Pang;alusugan ng <4:3A7E <HAN>E

3ga e#e;to sa tao ng matinding init- tagtu"ot at bag"o' Pagtaas ng bilang ng ;aso ng mga sa;it naH - Dala ng tubig o #ag;ain tulad ng choler at iba #ang sa;it na ma" #agtatae' - Dala ng inse;to tulad ng lamo; )malaria at dengue) at ng daga (4e#tos#irosis)' Dulot ng #olus"on (allerg") 3alnutris"on at e#e;tong #angli#unan dulot ng #ag;asira ng mga ;omunidad at #ang;abuha"an nito'

Dideo Presentation on >reen for HealthH Plant a 7ree PProtecting Health from <limate <hangeP <limate <hange Polic" 3anual <limate <hange FH0 9eference 3anual <limate <hange Ne(sletter Dental Health Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 0ral disease continues to be a serious #ublic health #roblem in the Phili##ines' 7he #re.alence of dental caries on #ermanent teeth has generall" remained abo.e ) ! throughout the "ears' About )%'4! of Fili#inos ha.e tooth deca" (dental caries) and *,! ha.e gum diseases (#eriodontal diseases) (D0H- N3EDS $)),)' Although #re.entable- these diseases affect almost" Fili#ino at one #oint or another in his or her lifetime'

7able $H Pre.alence of the 7(o 3ost <ommon 0ral Diseases b" YearPhili##ines

YEA9 Pre.alence Dental <aries $),* )/')!2+'+! $))% )2'/!4,'$! $)), )%'4!*,'/! Peridontal Disease

7he oral health status of Fili#ino children is alarming' 7he % 2 National 0ral Health Sur.e" (3onse 5' et al- N0HS % 2) in.estigated the oral health status of Phili##ine #ublic elementar" school students' :t re.ealed that )*'$! of siA-"ear-old children suffer from tooth deca"' 3ore than four out of" fi.e children of this subgrou# manifested s"m#toms of dentinogenic infection' :n addition- *,'4! of t(el.e-"ear-old children suffer from dental caries and 4)'*! of the same age grou# manifested s"m#toms of dentinogenic infections' 7he se.erit" of dental caries- eA#ressed as the a.erage number of deca"ed teeth indicated for filling@eAtraction or filled #ermanent teeth (D3F7) or tem#orar" teeth (dmft)- (as ,'4 dmft for the siA"ear-old age grou# and %') D3F7 for the t(el.e-"ear-old age grou# (N0HS % 2)'

7able % - Dental caries EA#erience (3ean D3F7@dmft)- #er age grou#sPhili##ines

Age in Years N3EDS $),%N3EDS $),*N3EDS $))% N3EDS $)), N3EDS % 2 2 $% $+-$) 2'/) +'+% ,'+$ +'4/ ,'%+ 4'+, 2'/ ,'4 dmft %')

/+-44 $4'$, $4',% $4'4% $+' 4

Fili#inos bear the burden of gum diseases earl" in their childhood' According to N0HS- *4! of t(el.e-"ear-old children suffer from gingi.itis' :f not treated earl"- these children become susce#tible to irre.ersible #eriodontal disease as the" enter adolescence and a##roach adulthood'

:n general- tooth deca" and gum diseases do not directl" cause disabilit" or death' Ho( these conditions can (ea;en bodil" defenses and ser.e as #ortals of entr" to other more serious and #otentiall" dangerous s"stemic diseases and infections' Serious conditions include arthritis- heart disease- endocarditis- gastro-intestinal diseases- and ocular-s;in-renal diseases' Aside from #h"sical deformit"- these t(o oral diseases ma" also cause disturbance of s#eechsignificant enough to affect (or; #erformancenutrition- social interactions- income- and self-esteem' Poor oral health #oses detrimental effects on school #erformance and mars success in later life' :n fact- children (ho suffer from #oor oral health are $% times more li;el" to ha.e" da"s (=S>A0 % )' :n the Phili##ines- toothache is a common ailment among schoolchildren- and is the #rimar" cause of absenteeism from school (Arao&o % /- $ /-$$ )' :ndeed- dental and oral diseases create a silent e#idemic- #lacing a hea." burden on Fili#ino schoolchildren'

D:S:0NH Em#o(ered and res#onsible Fili#ino citiGens ta;ing care of their o(n #ersonal oral health for an enhanced Cualit" of life 3:SS:0NH 7he state shall ensure Cualit"- affordable- accessible and a.ailable oral health care"'

>0A4H Attainment of im#ro.ed Cualit" of life through #romotion of oral health and Cualit" oral health care'



7he #re.alence of dental caries is reduce

Annual 7arget H +! reduction of the #re.alence rate" "ear


7he #re.alence of #eriodontal disease is reduced

Annual 7argets H +! reduction of the #re.alence rate" "ear


Dental caries eA#erience is reduced

Annual 7arget H +! reduction of the mean dmft@D3F7 for +@2 "ears old and $% "ears old children" "ear

4' 7he #ro#ortion of 0rall" Fit <hildren (0F<) $%-*$ months old is increased

Annual 7argets H :ncreased b" % ! "earl"

7he national go.ernment is #rimaril" tas;ed to de.elo# #olicies and guideline for local go.ernment units' :n % *- the De#artment of Health formulated the >uidelines in the :m#lementation of 0ral Health Program for Public Health Ser.ices (A0 % **)' 7he #rogram aims to reduce the #re.alence rate of dental caries to ,+! and #eriodontal disease b" to 2 ! b" the end of % $2' 7he #rogram see;s to achie.e these ob& b" #ro.iding #re.enti.e- curati.e- and #romoti.e dental health care to Fili#inos through a lifec"cle a##roach' 7his a##roach #ro.ides a continuum of Cualit" care b" establishing a #ac;age of essential basic oral health care (50H<) for" lifec"cle stage- starting from infanc" to old age'

7he follo(ing are the basic #ac;age of essential oral health ser.ices@care for" lifec"cle grou# to be #ro.ided either in health facilities- schools or at home'



(5asic 0ral Health <are Pac;age)

3other(Pregnant Fomen) TT

0ral EAamination 0ral Pro#h"laAis (scaling) Permanent fillings >um treatment Health instruction Neonatal and :nfants under $ "ear oldTT Dental chec;-u# as soon as the first tooth eru#ts Health instructions on infant oral health care and ad.ise on eAclusi.e breastfeeding <hildren $%-*$ months old TT

Dental chec;-u# as soon as the first tooth a##ears and" 2 months thereafter

Su#er.ised tooth brushing drills

0ral =rgent 7reatment (0=7)

- of teeth

- referral of com#licated cases

- treatment of #ost eAtraction com#lications

- drainage of localiGed oral abscess

A##lication of Atraumatic 9estorati.e 7reatment School <hildren (2-$% "ears old) 0ral EAamination Su#er.ising tooth brushing drills 7o#ical fluoride thera#h" Pits and Fissure Sealant A##lication 0ral Pro#h"laAis Permanent Fillings Adolescent and Youth ($ -%4 "ears old)TT 0ral EAamination


Health #romotion and education on oral h"giene- and ad.erse effect on consum#tion of s(eets and sugar" be.erages- tobacco and alcohol 0ther Adults (%+-+) "ears old) 0ral EAamination Emergenc" dental treatment

Health instruction and 9eferrals 0lder Person (2 "ears old and abo.e)TT 0ral EAamination EAtraction of tooth >um treatment 9elief of Pain Health instruction and S79A7E>:ES AND A<7:0N P0:N7SH

$' Formulate #olic" and regulations to ensure the full im#lementation of 0HP

a' Establishment of effecti.e net(or;ing s"stem (De#ed- DSFD- 4>=- PDAFit for School- Academe and others)

b' De.elo#ment of #olicies- standards- guidelines and clinical #rotocols

- Fluoride =se

- 7oothbrushing

- 0ther Pre.enti.e 3easures

%' Ensure financial access to essential #ublic and #ersonal oral health ser.ices

a' De.elo# an out#atient benefit #ac;age for oral health under the NH:P

of the go.ernment

b' De.elo# financing schemes for oral health a##licable to other le.els of care ( Fee for < Net(or; (ith H30S)

c' 9estoration of oral health budget line item in the >AA of D0H <entral 0ffice

/' Pro.ide rele.ant- timel" and accurate information management s"stem for oral Health'

a' :m#ro.e eAisting information s"stem@data collection (re#orting and recording dental ser.ices and accom#lishments )

- setting of essential indicators

- de.elo#ment of :7 s"stem on recording and re#orting oral health accom#lishments and indices

- :ntegrate oral health in" famil" health information toolsrecording boo;s@manuals

b' <onduct 9egular E#idemiological Dental Sur.e"s 8" + "ears

4' Ensure access and" of Cualit" oral health care ser.icesa'

a' =#grading of facilities- eCui#ment- instruments- su##lies

b' De.elo# #ac;ages of essential care@ser.ices for different grou#s (children- mothers and marginaliGed grou#s) of the sealant #rogram for school children

- toothbrushing #rogram for #re-school children

- outreach #rograms for marginaliGed grou#s

c' Design and im#lement grant assistance mechanism for high #erforming 4>=s

- A(ards and

- Sub-allotment of funds for #riorit" #rograms@acti.ities

d' 9egular conduct of consultation meetings- technical u#dates and #rogram im#lementation (ith sta;eholders

+' 5uild u# highl" moti.ated health #rofessionals and trained auAilliaries to manage and #ro.ide Cualit" oral health care

a' Pro.ision of adeCuate dental #ersonnel

b' <a#acit" enhancement #rograms for dental #ersonnel and non-dental #ersonnel

<urrent FHS:S :ndicators@#arametersH

a) 0rall" Fit <hild (0F<)8 Pro#ortion of children $%-*$ months old and are orall" fit during a gi.en #oint of time' :s defined as a child (ho meets the follo(ing conditions u#on oral eAamination and@or com#letion of treatment a) caries- free or carious tooth@teeth filled either (ith tem#orar" or #ermanent filling materials- b) ha.e health" gums- c) has no oral debris- and d) No handica##ing dento-facial anomal" or no dento-facial anomal" that limits normal function of the oral"

b) (50H<)

<hildren $%-*$ months old #ro.ided (ith 5asic 0ral Health <are

c) Adolescent and Youth ($ -%4 "ears old) #ro.ided (ith 5asic 0ral Health care (50H<)


Pregnant Fomen #ro.ided (ith 5asic oral Health <are (50H<)

e) 0lder Persons 2 "ears old and abo.e #ro.ided (ith 5asic 0ral Health <are (50H<)

Polic"@Standards@>uidelines formulated@de.elo#edH

a' Health

A0' $ $ s' %

/ dated 0ct' $4- %

/ 8 National Polic" on 0ral


A0 %


* 8 Dated Eanuar" /- %

* >uidelines :n 7he

:m#lementation 0f 0ral Health Program For Public Health Ser.ices :n 7he Phili##ines

c' A0 4-s'$)), 8 9e.ised 9ules and 9egulations and Standard 9eCuirements for Pri.ate School Dental ser.ices in the Phili##ines

d' A0 $$-D s' $)), 8 9e.ised Standard 9eCuirements for Hos#ital Dental ser.ices in the Phili##ines

e' A0 / s' $)), - 9e.ised 9ules and 9egulations and Standard 9eCuirements for 0ccu#ational Dental ser.ices in the Phili##ines

f' Ser.ices

A0 4-A s' $)), 8 :nfection <ontrol 3easures for Dental Health

7rainings@<a#acit" Enhancement ProgramH


5asic 0rientation <ourse on 3anagement of Public Health Dentist

7he training #rogram (as designed (ith the Public Health Dentists (PHDs) as the main reci#ients of the 5asic <ourse on the 3anagement of 0ral Health Program' 7he training is eA#ected to #ro.ide an in-de#th understanding of the different roles and functions of the PHDs in the management and" of Public Health Ser.ices' A training module (as de.elo#ed for the basic course'



National 3onitoring E.aluation Dental Sur.e" (N3EDS)'

7he De#artment of Health (D0H) has been conducting nation(ide sur.e"s" fi.e "ears ($)**- $),%- $),*- $))%- and $)),) to determine the #re.alence of oral diseases in the Phili##ines' Data gathered #ro.ide continuous information that enables #lanners to u#date data used in #lanning- im#lementation and e.aluation of eAisting oral health #rograms' 7he latest N3EDS (as conducted in % $$' 9esults (ill be a.ailable on the $st Cuarter of % $%'

EAisting For;ing >rou# for 0ral HealthH

National 7echnical For;ing >rou# (7F>) on 0ral Health (DP0 % $$)*)


3ember AgenciesH

De#artment of Health (N<DP<- HH9D5- N<HP)

D0H- <enter for Health De.elo#ment for N<9- <entral 4uGon and <alabarGon

Phili##ine Dental Association

De#artment of Education

=#- <ollege of Public Health

De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment

De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment

4ocal >o.ernment =nits ( 3a;ati- WueGon <it")

Print materialsH

$' 4eaflets (3ala;as ang dating 5uo ang Ngi#in) for <hildren- AdolescentPregnant Fomen and 0lder Person

%' 7raining 3odule on 5asic <ourse on 3anagement of 0ral Health Program

Non->o.ernment 0rganiGation 3a&or PartnersH

Phili##ine Dental Association

Fit for School- :nc'

Program 3anagers@<oordinatorsH

Dr' 3anuel F' <alonge

<hief Health Program 0fficer

National 0ral Health Program <oordinator

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol

De#artment of Health

3anila- Phili##ines

(2/%) 2+$-*,

loc' $*%2-$*/

E-3ail H mfcalongeM"ahoo'com

9E>:0NA4 DEN7A4 <009D:NA709S


<HD DEN7A4 <009D:NA709S

<HD F09 <09D:44E9A

5>3< <om#ound- 5aguio <it"


Dr' Flora 5' Pelingen


<HD F09 :40<0S

San Fernando- 4a =nion

(9egion $)

Dr' Artemio 9' 4icos



7uguegarao- <aga"an

(9egion %)

Dr' Eosefino Flores


<HD F09 <EN79A4 4=O0N

San Fernando- Pam#anga

(9egion /)

Dr' 5lessilda SancheG


<HD F09 S0=7HE9N 7A>A40>


Pro&ect 4- WueGon <it"

(9egion 4)

Dr' Ed(ina >o


<HD F09 S0=7HE9N 7A>A40>


Pro&ect 4- WueGon <it"

Dr' 3aria >racia S' >abriel


<HD F09 5:<04

4agas#i <it"- Alba"

(9egion +)

Dr' Elena <orteG



3andurriao- :loilo <it"

(9egion 2)

Dr' <lodualdo 5' Di.inagracia Er'

drcd&rV$ M"ahoo'com


<ebu <it"

(9egion *)

Dr' EA#edito 3edalla@Dr' Philli# Yra" Er'



7acloban <it"

(9egion ,)

Dr' 3a' Dilma Estorba



Oamboanga <it"

(9egion ))

Dr' 3anuel :sagan

)$*% 2/,*,

<HD F09 N097HE9N 3:NDANA0

<armen- <aga"an de 0ro <it"

(9egion $ )

Dr' Fe Paler


<HD F09 DADA0 9E>:0N


(9egion $$)

Dr' 3emor" Padua


3s' 3a' 7heresa 9onCuillo



<otabato <it"

(9egion $%)

Dr' Anna 4iGa Alo


<HD F09 <A9A>A

5utuan <it"


Dr' 3a' <armela 3ar" 5eltran


<HD F09 3E790 3AN:4A

Felfare.ille Subd'- 3andalu"ong <it"


Dr' AleAander Alberto

)$+,, $//%

A=70N030=S 9E>:0N F09 3=S4:3 3:NDANA0


<otabato <it"

Dr' Shalmal"nne Am#atuan ShallVdentM"ahoo'com'#h $4/%2 reads Emerging and 9e-emerging :nfectious Disease Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF Emerging and re-emerging infections (e'g'- SA9S- meningococcemia- A.ian

:nfluenGa or bird flu- A (H$N$) .irus infection) threaten countries all the (orld'

:n % /- SA9S affected at least / countries (ith most of the countries from Asia' :n res#onse to its sudden and uneA#ected emergence- Cuarantine and isolation measures and ra#id contract tracing (ere carried out' 7he Phili##ines (as able to minimiGe the im#act of SA9S through effecti.e information dissemination- ris; communication- and efficient conduct of measures'

7he uneA#ected and unusual increase in cases of meningococcal disease (meningococcemia as the #redominant form) in the <ordillera Autonomous 9egion resulted to at least + ! of cases in the earl" stage of occurrence'

:n % )- the influenGa A (H$N$) .irus infection led to global e#idemic- or most #o#ularl" ;no(n as #andemic' 0n Eune $$- % )- a full #andemic alert (as declared b" the Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0)'

Ho( some local health offices from man" #ro.inces (ere not able to res#ond effecti.el" and ra#idl"' Fith the lac; of strong lin;ages and coordinating mechanisms- the De#artment of Health (D0H) ho#es to further im#ro.e the functionalit" and effecti.eness of local res#onse s"stems'

Efforts to #re#are for emerging infections (ith #otential for causing high morbidit" and mortalit" are being done b" the #rogram' A##licable #re.ention and control measures are being integrated (hile the eAisting s"stems and organiGational structures are further strengthened'

>oalH Pre.ention and control of emerging and re-emerging infectious disease from becoming #ublic health #roblems'


7he #rogram aims toH

$' 9educe #ublic health im#act of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases1 and

%' Strengthen sur.eillance- #re#aredness- and res#onse to emerging and reemerging infectious diseases'

Program StrategiesH

7he D0H- in collaboration (ith its #artner organiGations@agencies- em#lo"s the ;e" strategiesH

$' De.elo#ment of s"stems- #olicies- standards- and guidelines for #re#aredness and res#onse to emerging diseases1

%' 7echnical Assistance or 7echnical <ollaboration1

/' Ad.ocac"@:nformation dissemination1

4' :ntersectoral collaborations1

+' <a#abilit" building for management- #re.ention and control of emerging and re-emerging diseases that ma" #ose e#idemic@#andemic threat1 and

2' 4ogistical su##ort for drugs and .accines for meningococcemia and anti.iral drugs and .accine for Pandemic :nfluenGa Pre#aredness'

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing organiGations@agencies ta;e #art in the goal of the #rogramH

Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) =nited Nations <hildrenBs Fund (=N:<EF) De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment (D:4>) De#artment of Education (De#Ed) =nited States Agenc" for :nternational De.elo#ment (=SA:D) Asian De.elo#ment 5an; (AD5) Phili##ine Health :nsurane <or#oration (PhilHealth) De#artment of Agriculture-5ureau of Animal :ndustr" (DA-5A:)

Program 3anagerH

Dr' 4"ndon 4' 4ee Su"

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

EmailH donleesu"mdM"ahoo'com En.ironmental Health

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF En.ironmental Health is concerned (ith #re.enting illness through managing the en.ironment and b" changing #eo#leIs beha.ior to reduce eA#osure to biological and non-biological agents of disease and in&ur"' :t is concerned #rimaril" (ith effects of the en.ironment to the health of the #eo#le'

Program strategies and acti.ities are focused on en.ironmental sanitationen.ironmental health im#act assessment and occu#ational health through inter-agenc" collaboration' An :nter-Agenc" <0mmittee on En.ironmental Health (as created b" .irute of E'0' 4,) to facilitate and im#ro.e coordination among concerned agencies' :t #ro.ides the .enue for technical collaboration- effecti.e monitoring and communication- resource mobiliGation#olic" and de.elo#ment' 7he <ommittee has fi.e sectoral tas; forces on (ater- solid (aste- air- toAic and chemical substances and occu#ational health'


Health Settings for All Fili#inos


Pro.ide leadershi# in ensuring health settings


9eduction of en.ironmental and occu#ational related diseases- disabilities and deaths through health #romotion and mitigation of haGards and ris;s in the en.ironment and (or;s#laces'

Strategic 0b&

$' De.elo#ment of e.idence-based #olicies- guidelines- standards#rograms and #arameters for s#ecific health" settings'

%' Pro.ision of technical assistance to im#lementers and other rele.ant #artners

/' Strengthening inter-sectoral collaboration and broad based mass #artici#ation for the #romotion and attainment of health" settings

Qe" 9esult Areas

A##ro#riate de.elo#ment and regular e.aluation of rele.ant #rograms#ro&ects- #olicies and #lans on en.ironmental and occu#ational health 7imel" #ro.ision of technical assistance to <enters for Health De.elo#ment (<HDs) and other #artners De.elo#ment of res#onsi.e@rele.ant legislati.e and research agenda on DP< 7imel" #ro.ision of technical in#uts to curriculum de.elo#ment and conduct of human resource de.elo#ment 7imel" #ro.ision of technicall" sound to the Secretar" and other

sta;eholders 7imel" and adeCuate #ro.ision of strategic logistics <om#onents

:nter- agenc" <ommittee on En.ironmental Health :A<EH 7as; Force on Fater :A<EH 7as; Force on Solid Faste :A<EH 7as; Force on 7oAic <hemicals :A<EH 7as; Force on 0ccu#ational Health En.ironmental Sanitation En.ironmental Health :m#act Assessment 0ccu#ational Health EA#anded Program on :mmuniGation

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF :' 9ationale

7he EA#anded Program on :mmuniGation (EP:) (as established in $)*2 to ensure that infants@children and mothers ha.e access to routinel" recommended infant@childhood .accines' SiA .accine-#re.entable diseases (ere initiall" included in the EP:H tuberculosis- #oliom"elitis- di#htheriatetanus- #ertussis and measles' :n $),2- %$'/! Rfull" immuniGedS children less than fourteen months of age based on the EP: <om#rehensi.e Program'



>lobal Situation

7he burden

:n % %- FH0 estimated that $'4 million of deaths among children under + "ears due to diseases that could ha.e been #re.ented b" routine .accination' 7his re#resents $4! of global total mortalit" in children under + "ears of age'

SourceH Fee;l" E#idemiological 9ecord- FH0H No'42-% $$-,2'+ )-+% )

5urden of Diseases

7he immuniGation co.erage of all indi.idual .accines has im#ro.ed as sho(n in Figure $H (Demogra#hic Health Sur.e" % / and % ,)' Full" :mmuniGed <hild (F:<) co.erage im#ro.ed b" $ ! and the <hild Protected at 5irth (<PA5) against 7etanus im#ro.ed b" $/! com#ared to an" #rior #eriod' 7hus- the Phili##ines has no( historicall" the highest co.erage for these t(o ma&or indicators'

Figure $H <om#arison of the %

/ and %

, EP: indicators- SourceH NDHS

<om#arison of the %

/ and %

, EP: indicators- SourceH NDHS


:nter.entions@ Strategies

Program 0b&>oalsH >oalH

7o reduce the morbidit" and mortalit" among children against the most common .accine-#re.entable diseases'

S#ecific >oalsH

$' 7o immuniGe all infants@children against the most common .accine#re.entable diseases'

%' 7o sustain the #olio-free status of the Phili##ines'

/' 7o eliminate measles infection'

4' 7o eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus

+' 7o control di#htheria- #ertussis- he#atitis b and >erman measles'

2' 7o #re.ent eAtra #ulmonar" tuberculosis among children'


9e#ublic Act No' $ $+%R3andator":nfants and <hildren Health :mmuniGation Act of % $$Signed b" President 5enigno ACuino ::: in Eul" %2- % $ ' 7he mandator" includes basic immuniGation for children under + including other t"#es that (ill be determined b" the Secretar" of Health'


<onduct of 9outine :mmuniGation for :nfants@<hildren@Fomen through the 9eaching" 5aranga" (9E5) strateg" 9E5 strateg"- an ada#tation of the FH0-=N:<EF 9eaching" District (9ED)- (as introduced in % 4 aimed to im#ro.e the access to routine immuniGation and reduce dro#-outs' 7here are + com#onents of the strateg"namel"H data anal"sis for action- re-establish outreach ser.ices- - strengthen lin;s bet(een the communit" and su##orti.e su#er.ision and maAimiGing resources'

Su##lemental :mmuniGation" (S:A) Su##lementar" immuniGation acti.ities are used to reach children (ho ha.e not been .accinated or ha.e not de.elo#ed sufficient immunit" after #re.ious .accinations' :t can be conducted either national or sub-national 8in selected areas'

Strengthening Daccine-Pre.entable Diseases Sur.eillance 7his is critical for the eradication@elimination efforts- es#eciall" in identif"ing true cases of measles and indigenous (ild #olio .irus

Procurement of adeCuate and #otent .accines and needles and s"ringes to all health facilities nation(ide


Status of im#lementation@ Accom#lishment

All health facilities (health centers and baranga" health stations) ha.e at least one ($) health staff trained on 9E5'

Polio EradicationH

7he Phili##ines has sustained its #olio-free status since 0ctober %


Declining 0ral Polio Daccine (0PD) third dose co.erage since % , from )$! to ,/!' A least )+! 0PD/ co.erage need to be achie.ed to #roduce the

reCuired herd immunit" for #rotection'

Figure % 0PD$ and 0PD/ <o.erage- Phili##ines- %

+-% $

0PD$ and 0PD/ <o.erage- Phili##ines- %

+-% $

7here is an on-going #olio mass immuniGation to all children ages 2 (ee;s u# to +) months old in the $ highest ris; areas for neonatal tetanus' 7hese areas are the follo(ingH Abra- 5anguet- :sabela <it" and 5asilan- 4anao Norte<otabato <it"- 3aguindanao- 4anao Sur- 3ara(i <it" and Sulu'

Acute Flaccid Paral"sis (AFP) re#orting rate has decreased from $'44 in % $ to $'/, in % $$' 0nl" regions :::- D and D::: ha.e achie.ed the AFP rate of %@$ children belo( $+ "ears old' (SourceH NE<- D0H)' A decreasing AFP rate means (e ma" not be able to find true cases of #olio and ma" eA#erience resurgence of #olio cases

3easles Elimination

<onducted 4 rounds of mass measles cam#aignH $)),- %

4- %

* and % $$' )

:m#lemented the %-dose measles-containing .accine (3<D) in % 3<D$ (mono.alent measles) at )-$$ months old

3<D% (339) at $%-$+ months old'

:m#lemented and strengthened the laborator" sur.eillance for confirmation of measles' 5lood sam#les are (ithdra(n from all measles sus#ect to confirm the case as measles infection' A su##lemental immuniGation cam#aign for measles and rubella (>erman measles) (as done in % $$' 7his (as dubbed as R:ligtas sa 7igdas ang PinasS $+'2 million (,4!) out of the $,'+ million children ages ) months to , "ears old (ere gi.en $ dose of the measles-rubella (39) .accine bet(een A#ril and Eune % $$' 9a#id co.erage assessment (9<A) (ere conducted in selected areas to .alidate immuniGation co.erage- assess high Cualit" and that there are N0 missed child in" baranga"' 0.erall 9<A results sho(ed that * -+)4 ()*'2!) out of *%-/+/ ) months to , "ears old in the randoml" selected baranga"s (ere .accinated' 7here are /-4)4 baranga"s (ith a #o#ulation of $ and abo.e that (ere randoml" selected' )*'2! of all eligible children (ere gi.en the 39 .accine during the immuniGation cam#aign'

7he >o.ernment of the Phili##ines s#ent PhP 2/+'*3 for the successful conduct of the 39 cam#aign'ss high Cualit" and that there are N0 missed child in" baranga"' 0.erall 9<A results sho(ed that * -+)4 ()*'2!) out of *%-/+/ ) months to , "ears old in the randoml" selected baranga"s (ere .accinated' 7here are /-4)4 baranga"s (ith a #o#ulation of $ and abo.e that (ere randoml" selected' )*'2! of all eligible children (ere gi.en the 39 .accine during the immuniGation cam#aign'

As of 3orbidit" Fee; , of % $%- there (ere )% confirmed casesH 2 cases (ere laborator" confirmed- + cases (ere e#idemiologicall"-lin;ed and %* clinicall" confirmed' 7his means (e ha.e at least 2 RtrueS measles at #resent' 3easles is said to be eliminated if (e ha.e $ case #er million or belo( $ cases in a "ear

3aternal and Neonatal 7etanus Elimination

$ areas (ere classified as highest ris; for neonatal tetanus (N7)' Figure / sho(s the areas categoriGed as lo( ris;- at ris; and highest ris; based on the N7 sur.eillance- s;illed birth attendants and facilit" based" and the tetanus toAoid %X (77 %X) .accination'

Figure /H 4e.el of 9is; for N7- Phili##ines

4e.el of 9is; for N7- Phili##ines %

+-% $

7hree (/) rounds of 77 .accination are currentl" on-going in the $ highest ris; areas' An estimated $- $ -*+$ (omen age $+ - 4 "ear old (omen regardless of their 77 immuniGation (ill recei.e the .accine during these rounds' 7his is funded b" the Qi(anis :nternational through =N:<EF and Forld Health 0rganiGation'

<ontrol of other common .accine-#re.entable diseases (Di#htheria- PertussisHe#atitis 5 and 3eningitis@Ence#halitis secondar" to H' influenGae t"#e 5)

<ontinuous .accination for infants and children (ith the DP7 or the combination DP7-He#5-Hi5 7"#e 5' AnneA$ EP: Annual Accom#lishment 9e#ort' D0H #rocures all the .accines and needles and s"ringes for the immuniGation acti.ities targeted to infants@children@mothers'

He#atitis 5 <ontrol

9e#ublic Act No' $ $+% has been signed' :t is other(ise ;no(n as the R3andator" :nfants and <hildren Health :mmuniGation Act of % $$- (hich reCuires that all children under fi.e "ears old be gi.en basic immuniGation against .accine-#re.entable diseases' S#ecificall"- this bill #ro.ides for all infants to be gi.en the birth dose of the He#atitis-5 .accine (ithin %4 hours of birth' 0ne strateg" to strengthen He#atitis 5 co.erage is to integrate birth dose in the Essential :ntra#artum and Ne(born <are Pac;age (E:N<)' :n % $$- $$ tertiar" hos#itals are alread" E:N< com#liant' 7he goal of He#atitis 5 control is to reduce the chronic he#atitis 5 infection rate as measured b" H5sAg #re.alence to less than $! in fi.e-"ear-olds born after routine .accination started $ ! He#atitis 5 at birth .accination' Figure 4 He#atitis 5 <o.erage' Phili##ines- % $-% $$

7iming of administration@dose Y%4 hours Z%4 hours /4! 2%! /,! ++! ,2! $4! %4! ,$!

) % $ T % $$T

He# 5 /rd dose

/ !

Tboth % $ and % $$ data are as of 0ctober % $$

Daccines and cold chain management

=#graded the cold chain eCui#ment in the , #ro.inces- /, cities and $2 regions since % /' An effecti.e .accine management assessment (as conducted last December % $$ and re.ealed cold chain ca#acit" ga#s from the national u# to the im#lementers le.el' A total of PhP %2* million is reCuired to address the ga#s identified during the assessment'

:ntroduction to Ne( Daccines

For % $%- 9ota.irus and Pneumococcal .accines (ill be introduced in the national immuniGation #rogram' :mmuniGation (ill be #rioritiGed among the infants of families listed in the National Housing and 7argeting S"stem (NH7S) for Po.ert" 9eduction nation(ide' 7he >o.ernment of the Phili##ines has allocated PhP $'2 billion for the #rocurement of these % .accines'

D' Future Plan@ Action

Strengthening the <old <hain to su##ort the :mmuniGation Program <a#acit" 5uilding for Health For;ers for the :ntroduction of Ne( Daccines Ad.ocac" for the financial sustainabilit" for the ne(l" introduced .accines for eA#ansion' De.elo#ment of the com#rehensi.e multi-"ear #lan for immuniGation #rogram'

D:' 0ther Significant information (orth mentioning

0ne significant milestone is that the budget allocation for the immuniGation #rogram has continued to increase "ear b" "ear 7he >o.ernment of the Phili##ines allocated budget for the immuniGation of all infants@children@(omen@older #ersons nation(ide' For % $%- the budget for EP: is PhP$', billion and another P$'+ 5illion for the immuniGation for senior citiGen and children for the NH7S families' 7his is great lea# to(ards

uni.ersal access to Cualit" .accines for the #re.ention of the most common .accine-#re.entable diseases'

Program 3anagersH

Dr' Eo"ce Ducusin

3edical S#ecialist :D

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol - Famil" Health 0ffice

7ele#hone NumberH 2+$-*,

locals $*%2-$*/

3s' 4uG.iminda >arcia

Su#er.ising Health Program 0fficer

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol - Famil" Health 0ffice

7ele#hone NumberH 2+$-*, Essential Ne(born <are

locals $*%2-$*/

Profile@9ationale of the Health Program 7he <hild Strateg" #ublished b" the De#artment of Health has em#hasiGed the need to strengthen health ser.ices of children throughout the stages' 7he neonatal #eriod has been identified as one of the most crucial #hase in the and de.elo#ment of the child' 7he =nited Nations 3illennium De.elo#ment >oal Number 4 of reducing under fi.e child mortalit" can be achie.ed b" the Phili##ines ho( if the neonatal mortalit" rates are not addressed from its trend of decline- 3D> 4 might not be achie.ed'

Dision and 3issionH None to mention as these are inclusi.e in the 3N<HN Strateg" and N0H % $$-% $2

>oalsH 7o reduce neonatal mortalit" rates b" %@/ from $)) le.els


7o #ro.ide e.idence-based #ractices to ensure of the ne(born from birth u# to the first %, da"s of life 7o time-bound core inter.ention in the immediate #eriod after the" of the ne(born 7o strengthen health facilit" en.ironment for breastfeeding initiation to ta;e #lace and for breastfeeding to be continued from discharge u# to % "ears of life 7o #ro.ide a##ro#riate and timel" emergenc" ne(born care to ne(borns in need of resuscitation 7o ensure access of ne(borns to affordable medicines to reduce deaths and morbidit" from leading causes of ne(born conditions 7o ensure inclusion of ne(born care in the o.erall a##roach to the 3aternalNe(born- <hild Health and Nutrition Strateg"


$' 5oth #ublic and #ri.ate sector at all le.els of health" #ro.iding maternal and ne(born ser.ices %' Health Professional 0rganiGations and their member health #rofessionals

a' Pediatricians@neonatalogists of the Phili##ine Pediatric Societ" (PPS) and the Phili##ine Societ" of Ne(born 3edicine (PSNb3)

b' 0bstetrician->"necologists of the Phili##ine 0bstetrical and >"necological Societ" (P0>S)

c' Perinatologists of the Perinatal Association of the Phili##ines- :nc'- (PAP:)

d' Anesthesiologists and obstetric anesthesiologists of the Phili##ine Societ" of Anesthesiologists (PSA) and the Societ" for 0bstetric Anesthesia of the Phili##ines (S0AP)-

e' Famil" medicine s#ecialists of the Phili##ine Academ" of Famil" Ph"sicians (PAFP)

f' Nurses- 3aternal and child nurses- intensi.e care nurses of the Phili##ine Nurses Association and its affiliate nursing societies

g' 3id( of the :ntegrated 3id( of the Phili##ines (:3AP)- Phili##ine 4eague of >o.ernment and Pri.ate 3id( :nc' (P4>P3:)- 3id( Foundation of the Phili##ines (3FP) and Fell Famil" 3id( <linic

/' >o.ernment regulator" bodies e'g' Professional 9egulations <ommission

4' Academe - #rofessors and instructors from members schools and colleges ofH

a' Association of Phili##ine 3edical <olleges (AP3<)

b' Association of Deans of Phili##ine <olleges of Nursing (ADP<N)

c' Association of Phili##ine Schools of 3id(ifer"

+' Hos#ital- health care administrator and infection control associations

a' Phili##ine Hos#ital Association (PHA)

b' Pri.ate Hos#itals Association of the Phili##ines (PHAP)

c' Phili##ine <ollege of Hos#ital Administrators

d' Phili##ine Hos#ital :nfection <ontrol Societ"

2' 4ocal go.ernment units - local chief and 4>= legislati.e bodies


a' Ne(borns all the countr"

b' Parents

c' communities

Program StrategiesH

$' Health Sector 9eform

a' Polic" and >uideline :ssuance

i) Administrati.e 0rder % )- %+ - Ado#ting Policies and >uidelines on Essential Ne(born <are - December $- % )

ii) <linical Poc;et >uide on Essential Ne(born <are

b' ACuino Health Agenda and =ni.ersal Health <are Administrati.e 0rder % $ - /2

c' PhilHealth <ircular % $$- $$ dated August +- % $$ on Ne(born <are Pac;age

d' De.elo#ment of 0#erationaliGation of Essential Ne(born <are Protocol in Health Facilities

% :dentification of <enters of EAcellence

- Ado#tion of essential ne(born care #rotocol(including intra#artum care and the 3N<HN Strateg")

/' <urriculum 9eforms

- <urriculum integration of essential ne(born care (including intra#artum care and the 3N<HN Strateg") in undergraduate health courses

- :ntegration and re.ision of board eAam Cuestions in licensure eAaminations for #h"sicians- nurses and

4' Social 3ar;eting

- De.elo#ment of social mar;eting tools - =nang Ya;a# 3D> 4 ? +

3a&or Acti.ities and its >uidelinesH

a' <onduct of one-da" orientation-(or;sho# on essential ne(born care (including intra#artum care and the 3N<HN Strateg") b' 9egional 3N<HN <onference for <HDs and 4>=s including D0H-retained

hos#itals and 4>= hos#itals

<urrent Status of the Program

A' Fhat ha.e been achie.ed@done

$' Polic" (as issued in December $- %

%' D0H@FH0 Scale-u# :m#lementation (as done in $$ hos#itals

/' Ad.ocac" Partners Forum on essential ne(born care (including intra#artum care and the 3N<HN Strateg")

4' 0ne-da" orientation-(or;sho# on essential ne(born care (including intra#artum care and the 3N<HN Strateg") among health (or;ers in different health facilities

+' :nclusion of deAamethasone and surfactant as core medicines in the essential medicines list for children in the Phili##ine National Formular"

5' Statistics Earl" outcomes of E:N< im#lementation has sho(n reduction on neonatal deaths in select D0H-retained hos#itals including deaths from neonatal se#sis

and com#licatons of #rematurit"

Partner organiGations@agenciesH

National Nutrition <ouncil Po#ulation <ommission FH0 =N:<EF =NFPA AusA:D =SA:D health #rofessional and academic organiGations mentioned abo.e'

Program 3anagerH

Dr' Anthon" <alibo

Su#er.ising Health Program 0fficer

Direct 4ineH (2/ %) */)%-)+21 (2/ %) 2+$*,

local $*%2- $*%,- $*%)

7elefaA (Director :DIs 0ffice)H (2/ %) *$$-*,42

3obileH )$*4,$ 22$ or )%/**24,*

Famil" Planning

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 5rief Descri#tion of Program

A national mandated #riorit" #ublic health #rogram to attain the countr"Is national health de.elo#mentH a health inter.ention #rogram and an im#ortant tool for the im#ro.ement of the health and (elfare of mothers- children and other members of the famil"' :t also #ro.ides information and ser.ices for the cou#les of re#roducti.e age to #lan their famil" according to their beliefs and circumstances through legall" and medicall" acce#table famil" #lanning methods'

7he #rogram is anchored on the follo(ing basic #rinci#les'

9es#onsible Parenthood (hich means that each famil" has the right and dut" to determine the desired number of children the" might ha.e and (hen the" might ha.e them' And be"ond res#onsible #arenthood is 9es#onsible Parenting (hich is the #ro#er ubringing and education of chidren so that the" gro( u# to be u#right- #roducti.e and ci.ic-minded citiGens' 9es#ect for 4ife' 7he $),* <onstitution states that the go.ernment #rotects the sanctit" of life' Abortion is N07 a FP methodH 5irth S#acing refers to bet(een #regnancies ((hich is ideall" / "ears)' :t enables (omen to their health (omenIs #otential to be more #roducti.e and to realiGe their #ersonal as#irations and allo(s more time to care for children and s#ouse@husband- and1 :nformed <hoice that is u#holding and ensuring the rights of cou#les to determin the number and s#acing of their children according to their lifeIs as#irations and reminding cou#les that #lanning siGe of their families ha.e a direct bearing on the Cualit" of their childrenIs and their o(n'

:ntended AudienceH

3en and (omen of re#roducti.e age ($+-4)) "ears old) including adolescents

Area of <o.erageH



E0 $$) and E0 $ %


Em#o(ered men and (omen health"- #roducti.e and fulfilling and eAercising the right to regulate their o(n fertilit" through legall" and acce#table famil" #lanning ser.ices'


7he D0H in #artnershi# (ith 4>=s- N>0s- the #ri.ate sectors and communities ensures the a.ailabilit" of FP information and ser.ices to men and (omen (ho need them'

Program >oalsH

7o #ro.ide uni.ersal access to FP information- education and ser.ices ( and ( these are needed'



7o hel# cou#les- indi.iduals achie.e their desired famil" siGe (ithin the conteAt of res#onsible #arenthood and im#ro.e their re#roducti.e health' S#ecificall"- b" the end of % 4H


339 from $*% deaths $ 45 :39 from /+'/ deaths@$ births

45 in $)), to less than $



li.ebirths in $)), to less than / deaths@$

7F9 from /'* children #er (oman in $)), to %'* chidren #er (oman


<ontrace#ti.e Pre.alence 9ate from 4+'2! in $)), to +*! Pro#ortion of modern FP methods use from %,Z%! to + '+!

Qe" 9esult Areas

Polic"- guidelines and #lans formulation Standard setting 7echnical assistance to <HDs@4>=s and other #artner agencies Ad.ocac"- social mobiliGation :nformation- education and counselling <a#abilit" building for trainers of <HDs@4>=s 4ogistics management 3onitoring and e.aluation 9esearch and de.elo#ment


Frontline #artici#ation of D0H-retained hos#itals Famil" Planning for the urban and rural #oor Demand >eneration through <ommunit"-5ased 3anagement :nformation S"stem 3ainstreaming Natural Famil" Planning in the #ublic and N>0 health facilities

Strengthening FP in the regions (ith high unmet need for FPH <A9- <HD +- ,N<9- A933 <ontrace#ti.e :nterde#endence :nitiati.e

3a&or Acti.ities

:' Frontline #artici#ation of D0H-retained hos#itals

Establishment of FP :tinerant team b" each hos#ital to res#ond to the unmet needs for #ermanent FP methods and to bring the FP ser.ices nearer to our urban and rural #oor communities FP ser.ices as #art of medical and surgical missions of the hos#ital Pro.ide budget to su##ort o#erations of the itenerant teams inclduing the drugs and medical su##lies needed for .oluntar" surgical steriliGation (DS) ser.ices Partnershi# (ith 4>= hos#itals (hich ser.e as the DS site ::' Famil" Planning for the urban and rural #oor

EA#anded role of Dolunteer Health For;ers (DHFs) in FP #ro.ision Partnershi# of itenerant team and 4>= hos#itals Pro.ision of FP ser.ices :::' Demand >eneration through <ommunit"-5ased 3anagement :nformation S"stem

:dentification and masterlisting of #otential FP clients and users in need of PF ser.ices (#ermanent or tem#orar" methods) Segmentation of #otential clients and users as to (hat method is #referred or used b" clients

:D' 3ainstreaming Natural Famil" Planning in the #ublic and N>0 health facilities

0rientation of <HD staff and creation of 9egional NFP 3anagement <ommittee Diacon (ith sta;eholders :nformation- Education and counseling acti.ities Ad.ocac" and social mobiliGation efforts Production of NFP :E< materials 3onitoring and e.aluation acti.ities D' Strengthening FP in the regions (ith high unmet need for FPH <A9- <HD +,- N<9- A933

Field of itinerant teams b" retained hos#itals to #ro.ide DS ser.ices nearer to the communit" :nstallation of <0mmunit" 5ased 3anagement :nformation S"stem Pro.ision of augmentation funds for <53:S acti.ities D:' <ontrace#ti.e :nterde#endence :nitiati.e

EA#ansion of PhilHealth co.erage to include health centers #ro.iding No Scal#el Dasectom" and FP :tenerant 7eams EA#ansion of Philhealth benefit #ac;age to include #ills- in&ectables and :=D Social 3ar;eting of and FP ser.ices b" the #artner N>0s National Funding@Subsid" D:::' De.elo#ment @=#dating of FP <4inical Standards

:U' Formulation of FP related #olicies@guidelines' E'g' <reation of DS 0utreach team b" retained hos#itals and its o#erationaliGation- >=idelines on the Pro.ision of DS ser.ices- etc'

U' Production and re#roduction of FP ad.ocac" and :E< materials

U:' Pro.ision of logistics su##ort such as FP commodities and DS drugs and medical su##lies

0ther Partners

$' Funding Agencies

=nited States Agenc" for :nternational De.elo#ment (=SA:D) =nited Nations Funds for Po#ulation Acti.ities (=NFPA) 3anagement Sciences for Health (3SH) Engender Health 7he Futures >rou# %' N>0s

9eachout foundation DQ7 Phili##ine Federation for Natual Famil" Planning (PFNFP) Eohn Sno( :nc' - Fell Famil" <linic Phli##ine 4egislators <ommittee on Po#ulation De.elo#ment (P4P<D) 9emedios Foundation Famil" Planning 0rganiGation of the Phili##ines (FP0P)

:nstitute of 3aternal and <hild Health (:3<H) :ntegrated 3aternal and <hild <are Ser.ices and De.elo#ment- :nc' Friendl" <are Foundation- :nc' :nstitute of 9e#roducti.e Health /' 0ther >0s

<ommission on Po#ulation D:4> D04E 4>=s Food and Faterborne Diseases Pre.ention and <ontrol Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 7he #rogram co.ers diseases of a #arasitic- fungal- .iral- and bacteria in nature- usuall" acCuired through the ingestion of contaminated drin;ing (ater or food' 7he more common of these diseases are bacterial in naturethe most common of (hich are t"#hoid and cholera' 7hese t(o organisms had been the cause of ma&or outbrea;s in the Phili##ines in the last t(o "ears' Parasitic organisms are also an im#ortant factor- among them ca#illariasis- Hetero#h"diasis- and #aragonimiasis- (hich are endemic in 4uGon- Disa"as- and 3indanao' <"sticercosis is also a ma&or #roblem since it has a neurologic com#onent to the illness' 7he a##roaches to control and #re.ention is centered on #ublic health a(areness regarding food safet" as (ell as strengthening treatment guidelines'

>oal and 0b&ecti.esH

7he #rogram aims toH

$' Pre.ent the occurrence of food and (aterborne outbrea;s through strategic #lacement of (ater #urification solutions and tablets at the regional le.el so that the area coordinators could res#ond in time if the situation (arrants1

%' Procure :ntra.enous Fluid solutions- .enosets and :D cannula for adult and #ediatric #atients in diarrheal outbrea;s and to be stoc;#iles at the $* <enters for Health De.elo#ment (<HD) and the <entral 0ffice for emergenc" res#onse to com#lement the stoc;s of HE3S1

/' Place first line and second line antimicrobial and anti-#arasitic medicines such as albendaGole and #raGiCuantel at selected <HDs for outbrea; mitigation as (ell as emergenc" stoc;s at the D0H (arehouse located at the Wuirino 3emorial 3edical <enter (W33<) com#ound1

4' :ncrease #ublic a(areness in #re.entable food-borne illnesses such as ca#illaria- (hich is centered on unsafe cultural #ractices li;e eating ra( aCuatic #roducts1

+' :ncrease coordination bet(een the National E#idemiolog" <enter (NE<) and 9egional e#idemiolog" sur.eillance =nit (9ES=) to adeCuatel" res#ond to outbrea;s and #ro.ide technical su##ort1

2' Procure 7"#hidot-3 diagnostic ;its for the earl" detection and treatment of t"#hoid #atients1

*' Procure 7"#hoid .accine and oral cholera .accine to reduce the number of cases seen after se.ere flooding1

,' Pro.ide training to local go.ernment unit (4>=) laborator" and allied medical #ersonnel on the Accurate laborator" diagnosis of common #arasites and #ro#er culture techniCues in the isolation of bacterial food #athogens1


)' Pro.ide guidance to field medical #ersonnel (ith regard to the correct treatment #rotocols .is-[ .arious #arasitic- bacterial- and .iral #athogens in.ol.ed in food and (aterborne diseases'

5eneficiaries@7arget Po#ulationH

7he Food and Faterborne Disease <ontrol Program targets indi.idualsfamilies- and communities residing in affected areas nation(ide' For #arasitic infections- endemic areas are more common'


<ase monitoring is maintained through the Phili##ine :ntegrated Disease Sur.eillance and 9es#onse (P:DS9) frame(or; of NE< and the sentinel sites of the 9ES=' 7o add to that- Cuarterl" re#orts of the regional coordinators su##lement the data and the regular u#dating from NE< 0utbrea; Sur.eillance'

0utbrea;s are being #re.ented though #ublic education in #rint and radio stations' 7he need for safe food and (ater inta;e b" adeCuate coo;ing and boiling of drin;ing (ater is inculcated to the #ublic'

3ulti-drug resistant cases of t"#hoid are monitored through re#orts from the hos#ital sentinel site and the data from the 9esearch :nstitute of 7ro#ical 3edicineBs Antibiotic 9esistance ? Sur.eillance Program'

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing organiGations and agencies ta;e #art in the achie.ement of #rogram ob&ecti.esH

=ni.ersit" of the Phili##ines-National :nstitutes of Health (=P-N:H) De#artment of Agriculture-National 3eat :ns#ection (DA-N3:S) Asia <entric Disease 5ureau Forld Health 0rganiGation-Festern Pacific 9egional 0ffice (FH0-FP90) Forld Health 0rganiGation-Southeast Asia 9egional 0ffice (FH0-SEA90)

Program 3anagerH

Dr' 4ino Y ' 3acasaet

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

EmailH macasaetmdM"ahoo'com Food Fortification Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 0b&ecti.esH

$' 7o #ro.ide the basis for the need for a food fortification #rogram in the Phili##inesH 7he 3icronutrient 3alnutrition Problem

%' 7o discuss .arious t"#es of food fortification strategies

/' 7o #ro.ide an u#date on the current situation of food fortification in the Phili##ines

Fortification as defined b" <odeA Alimentarius

Rthe addition of one or more essential nutrients to food- (hether or not it is normall" contained in the food- for the #ur#ose of #re.enting or correcting a demonstrated deficienc"of one or more nutrients in the #o#ulation or s#ecific #o#ulation grou#sS

Ditamin A- Ditamin A Deficienc" (DAD) and its <onseCuences

Ditamin A - an essential nutrient as retinol needed b" the bod" for normal sight- gro(th- re#roduction and immune com#etence Ditamin A deficienc" - a condition characteriGed b" de#leted stores ? lo( blood le.els of .itamin A due to #rolonged insufficient dietar" inta;e of .it' A follo(ed b" #oor absor#tion or utiliGation of .it' A in the bod" DAD affects childrenBs #ro#er gro(th- resistance to infection- and chances of (%/ to /+! increased child mortalit")- se.ere deficienc" results to blindness- night blindness and bitotBs s#ot Pre.alence of Ditamin A Deficienc"H $))/- $)),- % /- % ,

(D0S7 8 FN9:- NNS)

Ph"siological State $))/ $)), % 2 months - + "rs' Pregnant 4actating $2'4 $2'4 /+'/ %%'% $2'+ /,' $*'+ % '$

/ %

4 '$ )'+ 2'4


FH0 <ut 8 off Point to be considered a #ublic health #roblem \ Z$+!

:ron and :ron Deficienc" Anemia (:DA) and its conseCuences

:ron - an essential mineral and is #art of hemoglobin- the red #rotein in red blood cells that carries oA"gen from the lungs to the cells :ron Deficienc" Anemia - condition (here there is lac; of iron in the bod" resulting to lo( hemoglobin concentration of the blood :DA results in #remature"- increased maternal mortalit"- reduce abilit" to fight infection and transmittable diseases and lo(" Pre.alence of anemia b" age- seA and #h"siologic stateH Phili##ines- % ,

Pre.alence of anemia b" age- seA and #h"siologic stateH Phili##ines- %

SourceH NNSHFN9:

:odine and :odine Deficienc" Disorders (:DD)

:odine -a mineral and a com#onent of the th"roid hormones 7h"roid hormones - needed for the brain and ner.ous s"stem to de.elo# ? function normall" :odine Deficienc" Disorders refers to a grou# of clinical entities caused b"

inadeCuac" of dietar" iodine for the th"roid hormone resulting into .arious condition e'g' goiter- cretinism- mental retardation- loss of :W #oints Progress in the Phili##ines to(ards the Elimination of :DD- $)),-% ,

:ndicator $)), %

>oalT Achie.ements / % , Z) )'* +2' ,$'$

Pro#ortion of Households using :odiGed Salt- ! 3edian =rinar" :odine- ug@4 2-$% "rs' $ -% $ -% *$ % $ $/% $$$ $4% ,$ $ +

4actating Fomen Pregnant Fomen

$+ -%4)

Pro#ortion Y + ]g@4- !

Y% 2-$% "rs' 4actating Fomen Pregnant Fomen T:<<-:DD % * /+', $$'4 $)'* %/'* $,' /4' %+',

Polic" on Food Fortification

AS:N 4AF 9e#ublic Act ,$*%- RAn Act Promoting Salt :odiGation Nation(ide and for other #ur#osesS- Signed into la( on Dec' % - $))+

Food Fortification 4a( 9e#ublic Act ,)*2- RAn Act Establishing the Phili##ine Food Fortification

Program and for other #ur#osesS mandating fortification of flour- oil and sugar (ith Ditamin A and flour and rice (ith iron b" No.ember *- % 4 and #romoting .oluntar" fortification through the SPSP- Signed into la( on No.ember *- %

Status of the Phili##ine Food Fortification Program

Status and 9ecommendations for the Sang;a# Pino" Seal Program

7here are $/) #rocessed food #roducts (ith Sang;a#Pino"Seal (ith ,/! (ith .itamin A- %)! (ith iron and $4! (ith iodine (% ,) /*! of the #roducts are snac; foods 3ost of the #roducts FDA anal"Ged are (ithin the standard 5ased on % / NNS HouseholdsB a(areness of SPS- and FF-#roducts is $$! and $4!- res#ecti.el"- in % , a(areness is $$'2! Although a(areness is lo(- usage of SPS-#roducts is ))'%! 9ecommendationsH .oluntar" fortification standards as standards (ere de.elo#ed #rior to mandator" fortification <onduct in-de#th anal"sis of the co.erage of Sang;a#Pino"Seal of the % NNS ,

=#date list of Sang;a# Pino" Seal #roducts as some com#anies ha.e sto##ed using the seal in their #roducts :ntensif" #romotions of Sang;a# Pino" Seal Status and 9ecommendation on Flour Fortification (ith Ditamin A and :ron


5ased on FDA monitoring all local flour millers are fortif"ing (ith .itamin A and iron )4! and )%! of all sam#les tested b" FDA in % ) (ere fortified (ith .itamin A and iron res#ecti.el" (hile **! and ))! (ere fortified (ith .itamin A and iron res#ecti.el"' :n % $ decrease in .itamin A due to nonfortified im#orted and mar;et sam#les flour' +,! of sam#les from local mills for .itamin A and 2*! of im#orted flour for iron (ere fortified according to standards' 9ecommendationsH fortificantsfor iron and #ossible other micronutrients to be added to (heat flour <ontinue monitoring (heat fortification Assist flour millers to im#ro.e Cualit" of fortification Need to sho( im#act of flour fortification Status and 9ecommendations on 3andator" Fortification of 9efined Sugar (ith Ditamin A


Non 8 fortification b" industr" due to the unresol.ed issue of (ho (ill bear the cost of fortification brought about b" the Cuedans"stem of transferable certificates of sugar o(nershi#' 4ac; of #remiA #roduction Fortification of refined sugar (ould benefit mainl" those in the high income grou#' 9ecommendationsH

<ontinue discussions (ith sugar industr" to eA#lore a com#romise for fortification ie' fortification of (ashed sugar #olic" on mandator" fortification of refined sugar Status and 9ecommendations on 9ice Fortification (ith :ron


NFA is fortif"ing + ! of its rice in %

) and % $

Fith the non 8 fortification of NFA rice- #ri.ate sector has an eAcuse for non 8 fortification of its rice' 7here is limited commercial@#ri.ate sector iron rice #remiA and iron fortified rice #roduction and distribution mostl" in 3indanao (9egion U:: and U:) (ith >en San the onl" commercial iron rice #remiA #lant in the Phili##ines and <it" im#lementing mandator" rice fortification in food outlets NFA conducted communications cam#aign for its iron fortified rice thru the so called R:-riceS cam#aign though issues remain on the acce#tabilit" of its #roduct 9ecommendationH of mandator" fortification of rice (ith iron Status and 9ecommendations on <oo;ing 0il Fortification (ith Ditamin A


5ased on the sam#les anal"Ged b" FDA in % are fortified ()$! in % ) and )4! in % $ ) Sam#les monitored (ere labeled and #ac;ed FDA is not monitoring Pta;alP 9ecommendationsH

) and % $ - more than ) !

7o increase freCuenc" of monitoring b" FDA and other agencies such as P<A and 4>=Bs- to ensure all oil refiners and re#ac;ersare monitored at least once a "ear 3onitoring of Rta;alS oil- use of test ;it 3onitoring im#orted oil- FDA and 50< to coordinate #olic" of mandator" fortification of oil to #ossibl" limit to those mostl" used b" at ris; #o#ulation (coconut and #alm oil) Status and 9ecommendations on Salt :odiGation


5ased on the % , NNS- ,$'$! of households (ere #ositi.e for iodine using 9a#id 7est Qit (97Q) :n the same sur.e" for 9egion :::- ++'*! (ere #ositi.e for 97Q but onl" /4'%! and %4'%! ha.e iodine content Z+##m and Z$+##m res#ecti.el" using FYD 7ester For FDA monitoring in % $ - ,,! (ere Z+##m (hile 44! (ere Z$+##m FDA started im#lementing localiGation of AS:N 4a( (ith >eneral Santos <it" as the $stto ha.e a 30A (ith FDA on localiGation 9ecommendationH

FDA to eA#and localiGation of AS:N 4a( Set 8 u# iodine titration for testing iodine in salt <ontinue to intensif" monitoring #articularl" im#orted and ta;al salt Food Fortification Da" 7heme % $ H

E0 /,% declares No.ember * as the National Food Fortification Da"

Program <oordinatorH

3s' 4ibert" :m#orta

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol - Famil" Health 0ffice

PhoneH 2+$-*,

local $*%2-$*%,

EmailH lim#ortaM"ahoo'com >arantisadong Pambata

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 7he 3andateH A'0' /2- s% $

ACuino Health Agenda (AHA)H =ni.ersal Health <are for All Fili#inos


Achie.ement of better health outcomes- sustained health financing and res#onsi.e health s"stem b" ensuring that all Fili#inos- es#' the disad.antaged grou# (lo(est % income Cuintiles) ha.e eCuitable access to affordable health care =ni.ersal Health <are


Financial ris; #rotection' :m#ro.ed access to Cualit" hos#itals and facilities Attainment of health-related 3D>s b"H De#lo" <H7s to acti.el" assist families in assessing and acting on their health needs =tiliGe life c"cle a##roach in #ro.iding needed ser.icesH FP- AN<- F5D- EN<:PP- >P for -$4 "ears old Aggressi.e #romotion of health" lifest"le change Harness strengths of inter-agenc" and intersectoralcoo#eration (ith De#EdDSFD and D:4> EUPANDED >A9AN7:SAD0N> PA35A7A

<om#rehensi.e and integrated #ac;age of ser.ices and communication on health- nutrition and en.ironment for children a.ailable"da" at .arious settings such as home- school- health facilities and communities b" go.ernment and non-go.ernment organiGations- #ri.ate sectors and ci.ic grou#s'


<ontribute to the reduction of infant and child morbidit" and mortalit" to(ards the attainment of 3D> $ and 4' Ensure that all Fili#ino children- es#eciall" the disad.antaged grou# (>:DA)ha.e eCuitable access to affordable health- nutrition and en.ironment care' 9ationale for the Ne( >P Design

9ationale of the Ne( >P Design

7he EA#anded >arantisadong Pambata

>P Ser.ices Pac;age

Age b" Year Health -$ 3aternal health care



Essential ne(born care



:ron su##lementation

Ditamin A

Earl" ?eAclusi.e breastfeeding

<om#lementar" feeding



H"giene #romotion

0ral health

<hild in&ur" #re.ention

7reated bednets

Smo;e-free homes

$-+ :mmuniGation





Ditamin A

:ron su##lementation

:odiGed salt at home

2-$ De(orming

5ooster immuniGation (Screening)

Pro#er nutrition

:odiGed salt at home

$$-$4 De(orming

5ooster immuniGation (Screening)

Ph"sical" (Health" lifest"le)

Pro#er nutrition

:ron su##lementation

:odiGed salt at home

Ditamin A Su##lementation

Polic" remains the same for Ditamin A ca#sulesH 9outineH

-" 2 months for 2-+) months #reschoolers


- $ ca#sule u#on diagnosis regardless of (hen the last dose of DA< for #reschoolers (ith measles

- $ ca#sule u#on diagnosis eAce#t (hen child (as gi.en Ditamin A (as gi.en less than 4 (ee;s for #reschoolers (ith se.ere #neumonia#ersistent diarrhea- se.erel" under(eight

- $ ca#sule immediatel" u#on diagnosis- $ ca#sule the neAt da" and another

ca#sule after % (ee;s after for #reschoolers (ith Aero#hthalmia

( Please refer to "our 30P for other target grou#s)


FHS:S 9ecords and 9e#orts >P Forms 8 submitted to N<DP< thru <HDs A#ril 8 #reschoolers 2-+) months gi.en DA< from No.ember of #ast "ear to A#ril of the current "ear 0ctober 8 #reschoolers 2-+) months gi.en DA< from 3a" to 0ctober

<ore 3essages #er >ate(a" 5eha.ior


(Ne(born to 2 mos) Pasusuhin ng gatas ni Nana" lang

(2 mos to % "ears old) 3ag#asuso at big"an ng (mga masustansi"ang ibatibang #ag;ain) ibang #ag;ain (#am#amil"ang #ag;ain)'

5umili@ >umamit ng mga #rodu;tong ma" SAN>QAP P:N0Y seal sa #agluluto'


Siguraduhing ;um#letoang ba;una ni bab" bago si"a magdi(ang ng unang


Paba;unahan ng 339 ang mga batang $ taon hanggang $ taon at / bu(an' :to a" laban sa tigdas- be;e at rubella (>erman 3easles)

3A>5:7A3:NA A

Siguraduhing mabig"an (ma#ata;an) ng 5itamina A ;ada anim (2) na bu(an ang in"ong mga ana; na edad 2 na bu(an hanggang + taon

3A>P=9>A Siguraduhing ma#urga ang in"ong mga ana; na edad $ hanggang $% na taong gulang ;ada anim na bu(an'

>=3A3:7 N> PA4:Q=9AN >umamit ng ;ubeta o #ali;uran sa #agdumi at #agihi'

3A>S:P:4Y0 Fastong #agsisi#il"o ng ngi#in ng dala(ang beses sa isang ara(- lalo na bago matulog'

3A>H=>AS N> QA3AY 3aghugas ng ;ama" bago ;umain at mata#os gumamit ng ;asil"as' =galiin din ang #aghuhugas ng ;ama" mata#os maglaro o huma(a; ng maduduming baga"'

Program <oordinatorH

3s' 4ibert" :m#orta

Program 3anager

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol - Famil" Health 0ffice

PhoneH 2+$-*,

local $*%2-$*/

EmailH lim#ortaM"ahoo'com Human 9esource for Health Net(or;


7he De#artment of Health (D0H) s#earheaded the creation of Human 9esource for Health Net(or; (H9HN)- (hich is a multi-sectoral organiGation com#osed of go.ernment agencies and non-go.ernment organiGations' 7he net(or; see;s to address and res#ond to human resource for health (H9H) concerns and #roblems'

H9HN (as formall" established during the launching and signing of the 3emorandum of =nderstanding among its member agencies and organiGations held on 0ctober %+- % 2' 7his net(or; (as grounded on the Human 9esources for Health 3aster Plan (H9H3P) de.elo#ed b" the D0H and the Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0)' 7he H9HN (as concei.ed to im#lement #rograms and acti.ities that reCuire multi-sectoral coordination'

DisionH <ollaborati.e #artnershi#s for a better- more res#onsi.e and globall" com#etiti.e H9H'

3issionH 7he H9HN is a multi-sectoral organiGation (or;ing effecti.el" for coordinated and collaborati.e action in the accom#lishment of each member organiGationBs mandate and their common goals for H9H de.elo#ment to address the health needs of the Phili##ines- as (ell as in the global setting'

DaluesH =#holds the Cualit" and Cuantit" of H9H for the #ro.ision of Cualit" health care in the Phili##ines'


7he ob& of the H9HN are as follo(sH

$' Facilitate im#lementation of #rograms of the H9H3P that (ould entail coordination and lin;age of concerned agencies and organiGations1

%' Pro.ide #olic" directions and de.elo# #rograms that (ould address and res#ond to H9H issues and #roblems1

/' HarmoniGe eAisting #olicies and #rograms among different go.ernment agencies and non-go.ernment organiGations1

4' De.elo# and maintain an integrated database containing #ertinent information on H9H from #roduction- distribution- utiliGation u# to retirement and migration1 and

+' Ad.ocate H9H de.elo#ment and management in the Phili##ines'


During its first "ear of im#lementation- the H9HN has the follo(ing #riorit" #ro&ects and acti.itiesH

$' and HarmoniGation of H9H 9elated Policies1

%' De.elo#ment of H9HN Febsite1

/' <onduct of <a#abilit" 5uilding Acti.ities1 and

4' <onduct of the National H9H Forum'

Program 3anagerH

3s' >("n >race Dacura(at

De#artment of Health-Health Human 9esource De.elo#ment 5ureau (D0HHH9D5)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local 4% 4@4%%*

EmailH hhrdbVdohM"ahoo'com

Health Development Program for Older Persons - (Bureau or Office: National Center for Disease Prevention and Control )

PrintPrintEmailEmailPD PD Bureau or Office: National Center for Disease Prevention and Control

Program Briefer

Cogni!ant of its mandate and crucial role" the Philippine Department of Heallth (DOH) formulated the Health Care Program for Older Persons (HCPOP) in #$$%& 'he DOH HCPOP (presentl( renamed Health Development Program for Older Persons) sets the policies" standards and guidelines for local governments to implement the program in colla)oration *ith other government agencies" nongovernment organi!ations and the private sector&

'he program intends to promote and improve the +ualit( of life of older persons through the esta)lishment and provision of )asic health services for older persons" formulation of policies and guidelines pertaining to older persons" provision of information and health education to the pu)lic" provision of )asic and essential training of manpo*er dedicated to older persons and" the conduct of )asic and applied researches&

'arget Population,Clients

#& Older persons (-. (ears and a)ove) *ho are: a& /ell and free from s(mptoms )& 0ic1 and frail c& Chronicall( ill and cognitivel( impaired d& 2n need of reha)ilitation services 3& Health *or1ers and caregivers 4& 567 and partner agencies

8rea of Coverage




:ienna 2nternational Plan of 8ction on 8geing 6eneral 8ssem)l( ;esolutions 5ocal:

Philippine Constitution (8rticle <222" 0ection <2) ;epu)lic 8ct =%=- - 0enior Citi!ens Center 8ct of the Philippines ;epu)lic 8ct No& =>43 - 8n 8ct to 9a?imi!e the Contri)ution of 0enior Citi!ens to Nation Building" 6rant Benefits and 0pecial Privileges and for Other Purposes Proclamation No& >=. - Declaring the #st *ee1 of Octo)er ever(

(ear as @Elderl(

ilipino /ee1@

Philippine Plan of action for Older Persons (#$$$-3..>) :ision

Health( ageing for all



8 health( and productive older population is promoted& Health De.elo#ment Program for 0lder Persons - 9'A' *,*2 (Senior <itiGens <enter Act of the Phili##ines)

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 9EP=54:< A<7 N0' *,*2 AN A<7 ES7A54:SH:N> A SEN:09 <:7:OENS <EN7E9 :N A44 <:7:ES AND 3=N:<:PA4:7:ES 0F 7HE PH:4:PP:NES- AND APP90P9:A7:N> F=NDS 7HE9EF09'

Sec' $' 7itle' L 7his Act shall be ;no(n as the PSenior <itiGens <enter Act of the Phili##ines'P

Sec' %' Declaration of Polic"' L :t is the declared #olic" of the State to #ro.ide adeCuate social ser.ices and an im#ro.ed Cualit" of life for all' For this #ur#ose- the State shall ado#t an integrated and com#rehensi.e a##roach to(ards health de.elo#ment #riorit" to elderl" among others'chan robles .irtual la( librar"

Sec' /' Definition of 7erms' L (a) PSenior citiGens-P as used in this Act- shall refer to an" #erson (ho is at least siAt" (2 ) "ears of age'

(b) P<enter-P as used in this Act- refers to the #lace established b" this Act (ith recreational- educational- health and social #rograms and facilities designed for the full en&o"ment and benefit of the senior citiGens in the cit" or munici#alit"'

Sec' 4' Establishment of <enters' L 7here is hereb" established a senior citiGens center- hereinafter referred to as the <enter- in" cit" and munici#alit" of the Phili##ines- under direct su#er.ision of the De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment- hereinafter referred to as the De#artmentin collaboration (ith the local go.ernment unit concerned'

Sec' +' Functions of the <enters' L 7he centers are eAtensions of the fourteen ($4) regional offices of the De#artment' 7he" shall carr" out the follo(ing functionsH

(a) :dentif" the needs- trainings- and o##ortunities of senior citiGens in the cities and munici#alities1chan robles .irtual la( librar"

(b) :nitiate- de.elo# and im#lement #roducti.e acti.ities and (or; schemes for senior citiGens in order to #ro.ide income or other(ise su##lement their earnings in the local communit"1

(c) Promote and maintain lin;ages (ith #ro.incial go.ernment units and other instrumentalities of go.ernment and the cit" and munici#al councils for the elderl" and the Federation of Senior <itiGens Association of the Phili##ines and other non-go.ernment organiGations for the" of health care ser.ices- facilities- #rofessional ser.ices- .olunteer training and communit" self-hel# #ro&ects1 and

(d) 7o eAercise such other functions (hich are necessar" to carr" out the #ur#ose for (hich the centers are established'

Sec' 2' <enter For;ers' L 7he Secretar" of the De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment (DSFD) ma" designate social (or;ers from the

De#artment as the (or;ers of the centersH Pro.ided- ho( 7hat the Secretar" ma" a##oint other #ersonnel (ho #ossess the necessar" #rofessional Cualifications to (or; efficientl" (ith the elderl" of the communit"'

7he Secretar" ma" also call u#on #ri.ate .olunteers (ho are res#onsible members of the communit" to #ro.ide medical- educational and other ser.ices and facilities for the senior citiGens'

Sec' *' Wualification@DisCualification' L A senior citiGen (ho suffers from a contagious disease- or (ho is mentall" unfit or unsound or (hose actuations are inimical to other senior citiGens as determined b" the DSFD on the basis of an a##ro#riate certification b" a Cualified go.ernment or #ri.ate .olunteer #h"sician- ma" be denied the benefits #ro.ided in the <enter' Ho( the center shall refer the senior citiGen concerned to the a##ro#riate go.ernment agenc" for the needed medical care or confinement'

Sec' ,' EAem#tions of the <enter' L 7he <enter shall be eAem#ted from the #a"ment of customs duties- taAes and tariffs on the im#ortation of eCui#ment and su##lies used actuall"- directl" and eAclusi.el" b" the <enter #ursuant to this Act- including those donated to the <enter'

Sec' )' 9ules and 9egulations' L FithinsiAt" (2 ) da"s from the of this Act- the DSFD- in coordination (ith other go.ernment agencies concerned- shall issue the rules and regulations to effecti.el" im#lement the #ro.isions of this Act' An" .iolation of this section shall render the concerned official(s) liable under 9e#ublic Act No' 2*$/- other(ise ;no(n as the P<ode of <onduct and Ethical Standards for Public 0fficials and Em#lo"eesP and other eAisting administrati.e and@or criminal la(s'

Sec' $ ' <oordination of >o.ernment Agencies' L 7he DSFD- in coordination (ith the De#artment of Health and other go.ernment agencies and local go.ernment units- shall assist in the effecti.e im#lementation of this Act and #ro.ide the necessar" su##ort ser.ices'

Sec' $$' A##ro#riations' L 7he amount necessar" to carr" out the #ro.isions of this Act shall be included in the >eneral A##ro#riations Act of the "ear follo(ing its enactment into la( and" "ear thereafter'

7he sum necessar" for the continuous o#eration of the centers shall be subsidiGed in #art b" the DSFD and in #art b" the local go.ernment units concerned'

Sec' $%' 9e#ealing or Amending <lause' L All la(s- decrees- eAecuti.e orders- and rules and regulations- (hich are not consistent (ith this Act- are hereb" modified- amended or re#ealed accordingl"'chan robles .irtual la( librar"

Sec' $/' 7his Act shall ta;e effect fifteen ($+) da"s after its #ublication in t(o (%) ne(s#a#ers of general circulation'

A##ro.edH Februar" $4- $))+ Health De.elo#ment Program for 0lder Persons (>lobal 3o.ement for Acti.e Ageing (>lobal Embrace $)))))

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 7he >lobal 3o.ement for Acti.e Ageing- (hich (as concei.ed b" the Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0)- (ill need the collaboration of man" different #artners from all the (orld' Acti.e ageing is the ca#acit" of the #eo#leas the" gro( older to lead #roducti.e and health" in their familiessocieties and economies'

7he >lobal 3o.ement (ill be a net(or; for all those interested in #olicies and #ractice to(ards Ageing' :t (ill #ro.ide models and ideas for #rogramme and #ro&ects that #romote acti.e ageing'

7he ;e" messages of the >lobal 3o.ement areH

$' <E4E59A7E 8 <elebrate ageing 1 getting older is good1 the alternati.e d"ing #rematurel" is not

%' A S0<:E7Y F09 A44 Acti.e ageing is ;e" for older #ersons continuing to contribute to societ"1 all dimensions for being acti.e should be ta;en into account H the #h"sicalmental- social- and s#iritual

/' :N7E>ENE9A7:0NA4 S04:DA9:7Y 0lder #ersons should not be marginaliGedH reflecting the theme of the =N :nternational Year of 0lder Persons- Rto(ards a societ" for all agesS

Fhat is the >lobal Embrace $)))N

7he >lobal Embrace- (hich (ill mar; simultaneousl" the launching of >lobal 3o.ement for Acti.e Ageing $))) :nternational Year for 0lder Persons- is eAactl" as the title im#lies- a series of (al; e.ents embracing the globeH in time Gone after time Gone- ageing (ill be celebrated in cities around the (orld- through these (al; e.ents' 7he (al; (ill start in countries in the Pacific- (here the date line mar;s the start of a ne( da"'

7hus- the first (al; (ill be in Ne( Oealand '' follo(ed b" Australia- then Ea#an- Qorea- <hina- 7hailand- the Phili##ines- :ndonesia and :ndia'' Al(a"s at a set time- a grou# of cities- (ithin the same time Gone- (ill be starting their celebrations' E.entuall"- the" (ill reach the 3iddle East- Africa- Euro#e- the America- until the .er" last locations (ill close the da" and embrace' 7he >lobal embrace is a round the cloc; around the (orld #art" (hich" countr" is in.ited'


$' 7o ins#ire- to inform- to #romote health and to #ro.ide en&o"ment and good com#an"' %' it (ill lin; the local #ro&ect to a global communit" of similar concerns and #eo#le from all the (orld'

7arget date H 0ctober %- $))) (Saturda") 7arget Po#' H >eneral #o#ulation 7arget .enue H WueGon 3emorial <ircle- WueGon <it" (3etro 3anila) simultaneous (ith 4a =nion (4uGon)- 3etro <ebu (Disa"as)- and 3etro (3indanao)

As there are still negati.e stereot"#e associated (ith old age in man" societies- a #artici#ator" e.ent that #romotes a #ositi.e image of ageing (ill assist in dissi#ating these stereot"#es' 7his is a necessar" #recondition both for allo(ing the aged to ma;e a contribution to the (orld as (ell as for building a harmonious global communit" and an intergenerational societ"'

A' % 7he 3essage R Qami a" #ara sa QSPS ( Qalusugan Sa Pagtanda or Health" Ageing) Ageing is a N093A4- d"namic #rocess and N07 a D:SEASE' :t is the ine.itable alternati.e to P9E3A7=9E DEA47H' :t can #re.ent or dela" man" disabling conditions that often accom#an" ageing through health" lifest"le such as #ro#er dieteAercise- a.oidance of unto(ard stress- smo;ing and alcohol'

A' / 7he Fal; E.ent 7he Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) Ageing and Health Programme has launched that encourage health" ageing globall"' 7o assist in the #romotion- an annual celebration on 0ctober % (Saturda") as designated b" the =nited Nation and mandated b" la( shall recogniGe the R:nternational

Year of 0lder Persons (:Y0P)S 7hese celebrator" e.ent (ill be held at the WueGon 3emorial <ircle- WueGon <it"- / #'m' till midnight

A' 4 7arget Po#ulation Since the (al; e.ent #romotes health" ageing there is N0 SPE<:F:< 7A9>E7 P0P=4A7:0N'"bod" (All ages) are encouraged to #artici#ate in the (al;' 7here is N0 com#etiti.e as#ect to the e.ent that #eo#le at all le.els of #h"sical" are encouraged to ta;e #art' 7he #rimar" aim is to #romote intergenerational eAchanges' Health De.elo#ment Program for 0lder Persons - 9'A' *4/% (An Act to 3aAimiGe the <ontribution of Senior <itiGens to Nation 5uilding- >rant 5enefits and S#ecial Pri.ileges)

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF AN A<7 70 3AU:3:OE 7HE <0N79:5=7:0N 0F SEN:09 <:7:OENS 70 NA7:0N 5=:4D:N>- >9AN7 5ENEF:7S AND SPE<:A4 P9:D:4E>ES AND F09 07HE9 P=9P0SES'

5e it enacted b" the Senate and House of 9e#resentati.e of the Phili##ines in <ongress assembledH

SE<7:0N $' Declaration of Policies and 0b& 8 Pursuant to Article UDSection 4 of the <onstitution- it is the dut" of the famil" to ta;e care of its elderl" members (hile the State ma" design #rograms of social securit" for them' :n addition to this- Section $ in the Declaration of Princi#les and State Policies #ro.idesH R7he State shall #ro.ide social &ustice in all #hases of national de.elo#mentS' Further- Article U:::- Section :: #ro.idesH R7he State shall ado#t an integrated and com#rehensi.e a##roach to health de.elo#ment (hich shall endea.or to ma;e essential goods- health and other social ser.ices a.ailable to all the #eo#le at affordable cost' 7here shall be #riorit" for the needs of the under#ri.ileged- sic;- elderl"- disabled- (omen and children'S <onsonant (ith these constitutional #rinci#les the follo(ing are the declared #olicies of this ActH

a) 7o moti.ate and encourage the senior citiGens to contribute to nation building1

b) 7o encourage their families and communities the" li.e (ith to reaffirm the .alued Fili#ino tradition of caring for the senior citiGens'

:n accordance (ith these #olicies- this act aims toH

$) Establish mechanism (hereb" the contribution of the senior citiGens are maAimiGed1

%) Ado#t measures (hereb" our senior citiGens are assisted and a##reciated b" the communit" as a (hole1

/) Establish a #rogram beneficial to the senior citiGens- their families and the rest of the communit" that the" ser.e'

SE<7:0N %' Definition of 7erms' 8 As used in this Act- the term Rsenior citiGenS shall mean an" resident of the Phili##ines at least siAt" (2 ) "ears oldincluding those (ho ha.e retired from both go.ernment offices and #ri.ate enter#rises- and has an income of not more than SiAt" thousand #esos (P2 ' ) #er annum sub&ect to b" the National Economic and De.elo#ment Authorit" (NEDA)" three (/) "ears'

7he term Rhead of the famil"S shall mean an" #erson so defined in the National :nternal 9e.enue <ode'

SE<7:0N /' <ontribution to the <ommunit"' 8 An" Cualified senior citiGens as determined b" the 0ffice for Senior <itiGen Affairs (0S<A) ma" render his@her ser.ices to the communit" (hich shall consist of but not limited to an" of the


a) 7utorial and@or consultanc" ser.ices1

b) Actual teaching and demonstration of hobbies and income generating s;ills1

c) 4ectures on s#ecialiGed fields li;e agriculture- health- en.ironmental #rotection and the li;e1

d) 7he transfer of ne( s;ills acCuired b" .irtue of their training mentioned in Section 4- #aragra#h (d)

e) =nderta;ing other a##ro#riate ser.ices as determined b" the 0ffice for Senior <itiGens Affairs (0S<A) such as school traffic guide- tourist aid- #reschool assistant- etc'

:n consideration of the ser.ices rendered b" the Cualified elderl"- the 0ffice for Senior <itiGens Affairs (0S<A) ma" a(ard or grant benefits or #ri.ileges to the elderl"- in addition to the other #ri.ileges #ro.ided for under Section 4 hereof'

SE<7:0N 4' Pri.ileges for the Senior <itiGens' 8 7he senior citiGens shall be entitled to the follo(ingH

a) 7he grant of t(ent" #ercent (% !) discount from all establishments relati.e to utiliGation of trans#ortation ser.ices- hotels and similar lodging establishment- restaurants and recreation centers and #urchase of medicines an"(here in the countr"H Pro.ided- 7hat #ri.ate establishments ma" claim the cost as taA credit1

b) A minimum of t(ent" #ercent (% !) discount on admission fees charged b" theaters- cinema houses and concert halls- circuses- carni.als and other similar #laces of culture- leisure- and amusements1

c) EAem#tion from the #a"ment of indi.idual income taAesH Pro.ided7hat their annual taAable income does not eAceed the #o.ert" le.el as determined b" the National Economic and De.elo#ment Authorit" (NEDA) for that "ear1

d) EAem#tion from training fees for socioeconomic #rograms underta;en b" the 0S<A as #art of its (or;1

e) Free medical and dental ser.ices in go.ernment establishment an"(here in the countr"- sub&ect to guidelines to be issued b" the De#artment of Health- the >o.ernment :nsurance S"stem and the Social Securit" S"stem1

f) 7o the eAtent #racticable and feasible- the continuance of the same benefits and #ri.ileges gi.en b" the >o.ernment :nsurance S"stem (>S:S)- Social Securit" S"stem (SSS) and PA>-:5:>- as the case ma" be- as are en&o"ed b" those in actual'

SE<7:0N +' >o.ernment Assistance' 8 7he >o.ernment shall #ro.ide the follo(ing assistance to those caring for and (ith the senior citiGenH

a) 7he senior citiGen shall be treated as de#endents #ro.ided for in the National :nternal 9e.enue <ode and as such- indi.idual taA#a"ers caring for them- be the" or not shall be accorded the #ri.ileges granted b" the <ode insofar as de#endents are concerned'

b) :ndi.iduals or non-go.ernmental institutions establishing homesresidential communities or retirement .illages solel" for the senior citiGens shall be accorded the follo(ingH

$) 9ealt" taA holida" for the first fi.e (+) "ears starting from the first "ear of o#erations1

%) Priorit" in the building and@or maintenance of #ro.incial or munici#al roads leading to the aforesaid home- residential communit" or retirement .illage'

SE<7:0N 2' 9etirement 5enefits' 8 7o the eAtent #racticable and feasible retirement benefits from both the >o.ernment and the #ri.ate sectors shall be u#graded to be at #ar (ith the current scale en&o"ed b" those in actual'

SE<7:0N *' 7he 0ffice for Senior <itiGens Affairs (0S<A)' 8 7here shall be established in the 0ffice of the 3a"or an 0S<A to be headed b" a <ouncilor (ho shall be designated b" the Sangguniang 5a"an and assisted b" the <ommunit" De.elo#ment 0fficer in coordination (ith the De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment' 7he functions of this office areH

a) 7o #lan- im#lement and monitor "earl" (or; #rograms in #ursuance of the ob& of this Act1

b) 7o dra( u# a list of a.ailable and reCuired ser.ices (hich can be #ro.ided b" the senior citiGens1

c) 7o maintain and regularl" u#date on a Cuarterl" basis the list of senior citiGens and to issue nationall" uniform indi.idual identification cards (hich shall be .alid an"(here in the countr"1

d) 7o ser.e as a general information and liaison center to ser.e the needs of the senior citiGens'

SE<7:0N ,' 3unici#al 9es#onsibilit"' 8 :t shall be the res#onsibilit" of the munici#alit" through the 3a"or to ensure that the #ro.isions of this Act are im#lemented to its fullest'

SE<7:0N )' Penalties' 8 Diolation of an" #ro.ision of this Act for (hich no #enalt" is s#ecificall" #ro.ided under an" other la(- shall be #unished b" im#risonment not eAceeding one ($) month or a fine not eAceeding 0ne thousand #esos (P$' ) or both'

SE<7:0N $ ' :m#lementing 9ules and 9egulations' 8 7he Secretar" of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment &ointl" (ith the De#artment of Finance- the De#artment of 7ourism- the De#artment of Health- the De#artment of 7rans#ortation and <ommunications and the De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment shall issue the necessar" rules and regulations to carr" out the ob& of this Act'

SE<7:0N $$' A##ro#riation' 8 7he necessar" a##ro#riation for the o#eration and maintenance of the 0S<A shall be a##ro#riated and a##ro.ed b" the local go.ernment units concerned' 7he National >o.ernment shall a##ro#riate such amount as ma" be necessar" to carr" out the ob& of this Act'

SE<7:0N $%' 9e#ealing <lause' 8 All #ro.isions of la(s- orders- and decreesincluding rules and regulations inconsistent here(ith are hereb" re#ealed and@or modified accordingl"'

SE<7:0N $/' Se#arabilit" <lause' 8 :f an" #art or #ro.ision of this Act shall be held to be unconstitutional or in.alid- other #ro.isions hereof (hich are not affected thereb" shall continue to be in full force and effect'

SE<7:0N $4'"' 8 7his Act shall ta;e effect fifteen ($+ da"s follo(ing its #ublication in one ($) national ne(s#a#er of general circulation'


(S>D') 9A30N D' 3:79A

S#ea;er of the House of

(S>D') NEP7HA4: A' >0NOA4ES

President of the Senate

7his bill- (hich is a consolidation of Senate 5ill Nos' ,/+- $4/+ and House 5ill No' /+//+- (as finall" #assed b" the Senate and the House of on Februar" *- $))%'

(S>D') <A3:40 4' SA5:0

Secretar" >eneral

House of

(S>D') ANA<4E70 D' 5AD0Y- E9'

Secretar" of the Senate

A##ro.edH A#ril %/- $))%

(S>D') <09AO0N <' AW=:N0

President of the Phili##ines

bac; to to#

>=:DE4:NES 0N 7HE :SS=AN<E 0F 7HE NA7:0NA44Y =N:F093 :Ds 0F SEN:09 <:7:OENS AS PE9 9'A' *4/% 7he national :'D' of Senior <itiGens as #er #ro.ision of 9A *4/% is to be #ro.ided b" the De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment (DSFD) for free' A senior citiGen (ho has an income of P2 ' and belo( #er annum shall be granted the benefits #er Section 4 of 9A *4/%' 7he #rocess of securing the :D is as follo(sH

$' A Senior <itiGen shall enlist at the 0ffice for Senior <itiGens Affairs (0S<A) established at the 0ffice of the 3a"or in his@her cit" or munici#alit"1

%' 7he 0S<A shall determine the eligibilit" of the senior citiGen' All eligible senior citiGens shall #ro.ide 0S<A t(o (%) :D #ictures ta;en (ithin the "ear of enlisting at 0S<A' 0ne :D #icture shall be attached to the 0S<A registration form to be ;e#t b" the said office' 7he other #icture shall be for the :D card1

/' 7he 0S<A shall #re#are the list of Senior <itiGens to be certified b" the local office of the 5ureau of :nternal 9e.enue and the local < 9egistrarBs office1

4' Du#licate co#" of the certified list of senior citiGens shall be submitted b" 0S<A to the DSFD filed office1

+' 7he 5ureau of Disabled Persons Felfare- DSFD shall send to the $4 DSFD Field 0ffices number of :Ds needed b" the Elderl" of the region1

2' 7he DSFD Field 0ffice shall release the :Ds to the res#ecti.e local 0S<As1

*' 7he 0S<A shall issue the :D cards dul" signed b" the munici#al@cit" 3a"or to the Cualified senior citiGens1

,' 7he 0S<A shall issue the nationall" uniform :D card (ithout cost to the Senior <itiGen'

:n case the :D is lost- it must be re#orted to the local 0S<A' 9e#lacement shall be issued u#on reCuest b" 0S<A (ith corres#onding cost' 7he cost #er :D shall be determined b" DSFD' 7he #a"ment shall remain at 0S<A as #art of its funds' No :D cards of senior citiGens shall be issued directl" b" the

DSFD <entral 0ffice or its field offices'

S0<:A4 DEDE40P3EN7 <033:77EE 9esolution No' $ (Series $))/) the :m#lementing 9ules and 9egulations of 9'A' *4/% 3aAimiGing the <ontribution of Senior <itiGens to Nation 5uilding- >rant 5enefits and Pri.ileges

Fhereas- the Phili##ine <onstitution recogniGes the dut" of the famil" to ta;e care of its elderl" members (ith the state designing #rograms of social securit" for them- and the need for the state to #romote social &ustice in all #hases of national de.elo#ment- b" ma;ing a.ailable essential social ser.ices to the #riorit" grou#s such as the sic;- elderl"- disabled- (omen and children1

Fhereas- 9A *4/% has been enacted to moti.ate and encourage senior citiGens to contribute to nation building and to mobiliGe their families and the communities the" li.e (ith to reaffirm the .alued Fili#ino tradition of caring for the senior citiGen1

Fhereas- the 3edium 7erm Phili##ine De.elo#ment Plan (37PDP) $))/-$)), aims to #ursue a better Cualit" of life for all Fili#inos #articularl" the disad.antaged sectors b" #ro.iding focused basic ser.ices to allo( them to manage and control their resources- as (ell as benefit from de.elo#mental inter.entions1

Fhereas- the draft :9 on 9'A' *4/% (as formulated b" an :nter-agenc" <ommittee headed b" the De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment (DSFD)- and #artici#ated in b" the De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment (D:4>)- 7ourism (D07)- 7rans#ortation and <ommunications (D07<)- Health (D0H) and Finance (D0F)- including the National Federation of Senior <itiGens Association of the Phili##ines (NFS<AP)'

N0F- 7HE9EF09E- 5E :7 9ES04DED- AS :7 :S HE9E5Y 9ES04DED- b" the <hairman and the members (of the NEDA- 5oardBs Social De.elo#ment

<ommittee (SP<) <abinet le.el- to a##ro.e the :m#lementing 9ules and 9egulations of 9'A' *4/%'

(Sgd') Honorable 9' <onfesor

Secretar"- De#artment of 4abor and Em#lo"ment

<hairman- Social De.elo#ment <ommittee

(Sgd') Honorable <ielito F' Habito- Er'

Secretar" for Socioeconomic Planning

<o-<hairman- Social De.elo#ment <ommittee

(Sgd') Hon' <oraGon Alma >' De 4eon

Acting Secretar"

De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment

(Sgd') Hon' 9oberto S' Sebastian


De#artment of Agriculture

(Sgd') Hon' Ernesto D' >arilao


De#artment of Agrarian 9eform

(Sgd') Hon' Euan 3' Fla.ier


De#artment of Health

(Sgd') Hon' 9afael 3' Alunan- :::


De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment

(Sgd') Hon' Armand D' Fabella


De#artment of Education- <ulture and S#orts

(Sgd') Hon' Edelmiro A' Amante- Sr' Secretar" 0ffice of EAecuti.e Secretar" Health and Fell-being of 0lder Persons

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7he #ro#ortion of older #ersons is eA#ected to rise (orld(ide' :n the $)), Forld Health 9e#ort- there (ere /) million older #eo#le and this figure is eA#ected to increase further (FH0)' 7his gro(th (ill certainl" #ose a challenge to countr" go.ernments- #articularl" to the de.elo#ing countries- in

caring for their aging #o#ulation' :n the Phili##ines- the #o#ulation of 2 "ears or older (as /'* million in $))+ or +'4! of total #o#ulation' :n the <Y % census- this has increased to about 4', million or almost 2! (NS<5)' At #resent there are *3 senior citiGens (2')! of the total #o#ulation)- $'/3 of (hich are indigents'

Fith the rise of the aging #o#ulation is the increase in the demand for health ser.ices b" the elderl"' A stud" done b" 9acelis et al (% /) on the share of health eA#enditure of Fili#ino elderl" on the National Health Account- the elderl" are Rrelati.el" hea." consumers of #ersonal health care (%%!) and relati.el" light consumers of #ublic health care (+!)'S From out-of-#oc;et costs- the aged are hea." users of care #ro.ided b" medical centershos#itals- non-hos#ital health facilities and traditional care facilities'

<ogniGant of the gro(ing concerns of the older #o#ulation- la(s and #olicies (ere de.elo#ed (hich (ould #ro.ide them (ith enabling mechanisms for them to ha.e Cualit" life' 9A )%+* or the EA#anded Senior <itiGens Act of % / (#redecessor of 9A )))4) #ro.ided for the eA#ansion of co.erage of benefits and #ri.ileges that the elderl" ma" acCuire- including medicall" necessar" ser.ices' Parallel to this ob&ecti.e is the De#artmentBs desire to #ro.ide affordable and Cualit" health ser.ices to the marginaliGed #o#ulationes#eciall" the elderl"- (ithout im#eding currentl" #ursued ob& and alongside health s"stems reform'

0ne of the #ro.isions of 9A )))4 or the EA#anded Senior <itiGens act of % $ is for the D0H to administer free .accination against the influenGa .irus and #neumococcal diseases for indigent senior citiGens' 7he D0H in coordination (ith local go.ernment units (4>=s)- N>0s and P0s for senior citiGens shall institute a national health #rogram and shall #ro.ide an integrated health for senior citiGens' :t shall train communit" 8 based health (or;ers among senior citiGens health #ersonnel to s#ecialiGe in the geriatric care and health #roblems of senior citiGens'

:nter.entions@Strategies :m#lemented b" D0H

$' <reation of a National 7echnical For;ing >rou# on the Health and Fell-being of 0lder Persons (DP0' No' % $$- /+*, dated Eune %)- % $$ <haired b" N<DP<- Director :::'


Planning 3eeting for the Senior <itiGens :mmuniGation Program

/' <onsultati.e Planning and FinaliGation of :mmuniGation >uidelines for :ndigent Senior <itiGens

4' Pro.ision of Pneumococcal and Flu Daccines to :ndigent Senior <itiGens aged 2 "ears old and abo.e using the NH7S of the DSFD including >0 8 N>0 shelter homes in % $$


<onduct annual R Summer <am# ni 4olo at 4ola R


Su##ort the annual RFal; for 4ifeS for the elderl"" 0ctober

Status of :m#lementation @ Accom#lishment

$' 7he total #neumococcal and influenGa .accines deli.ered to all <HDBs for the <Y % $$ (ere $)*and $*/res#ecti.el" including the sub-allotment #er region for HF0P acti.ities'

%' 7raining and 0rientation of Pneumo and Flu Daccines for HF0P <oordinators

/' Signed >uidelines to :m#lement the Pro.isions 9ele.ant to Health of 9A )))4 or the EA#anded Senior <itiGens Act of % $ '


Summer <am# ni 4olo at 4ola % $% held at <it"'

+' Su##ort Forld Health Da" A#ril $%- % $% (ith the theme R Ageing and Health R in coordination (ith N<HP and FH0

Future Plan @ Action


Pneumococcal and :nfluenGa Daccines for <Y % $% still (ith <05A<


Su##ort to Fal; for 4ife" on 0ctober % $%'


Summer <am# nina 4olo at 4ola % $/

Program 3anagerH

3s' 9emedios >uerrero

De#artment of Health-Non <ommunicable Disease 0ffice (D0H N<DP<DD0)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local $*+ -$*+%

:nfant and Young <hild Feeding (:Y<F)

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF :' Profile@9ationale of the Health Program

A global strateg" for :nfant and Young <hild Feeding (:Y<F) (as issued &ointl" b" the Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) and the =nited Nations <hildrenBs Fund (=N:<EF) in % %- to re.erse the disturbing trends in infant and "oung child feeding #ractices' 7his global strateg" (as endorsed b" the ++th Forld Health Assembl" in 3a" % % and b" the =N:<EF EAecuti.e 5oard in Se#tember % % res#ecti.el"'

:n % 4- infant and "oung child feeding #ractices (ere assessed using the FH0 assessment #rotocol and rated #oor to fair' Findings sho(ed four out of ten ne(borns (ere initiated to breastfeeding (ithin an hour after birth- three out of ten infants less than siA months (ere eAclusi.el" breastfed and the median duration of breastfeeding (as onl" thirteen months' 7he com#lementar" feeding indicator (as also rated as #oor since onl" +*') #ercent of 2-) months children recei.ed com#lementar" foods (hile continuing to breastfed' 7he assessment also found out that com#lementar" foods (ere introduced too earl"- at the age of less than t(o months' 7hese #oor #ractices needed urgent action and aggressi.e sustained inter.entions'

7o address these #roblems on infant and "oung child feeding #ractices- the first National :Y<F Plan of Action (as formulated' :t aimed to im#ro.e the nutritional status and health of children es#eciall" the under-three and conseCuentl" reduce infant and under-fi.e mortalit"' S#ecificall"- its ob& (ere to im#ro.e- #rotect and #romote infant and "oung child feeding #ractices- increase #olitical commitment at all le.els- #ro.ide a su##orti.e en.ironment and ensure its sustainabilit"' Figure $ sho(s the identified ;e" ob& su##orti.e strategies and ;e" inter.entions to guide the o.erall im#lementation and e.aluation of the % +-% $ Plan of Action' 7he main efforts (ere directed to(ards creating a su##orti.e en.ironment for a##ro#riate :Y<F #ractices' 7he of the National Plan of Action in

% + hel#ed the De#artment of Health (D0H) and its #artners- in the de.elo#ment of the first ($st) National Polic" on :nfant and Young <hild Feeding' 7hus on 3a" %/- % +- Administrati.e 0rder (A0) % +- $4H National Policies on :Y<F (as signed and endorsed b" the Secretar" of Health' 7he #olic" (as intended to guide health (or;ers and other concerned #arties in ensuring the #rotection- #romotion and su##ort of eAclusi.e breastfeeding and adeCuate and a##ro#riate com#lementar" feeding (ith continued breastfeeding' ($)

>=:D:N> P9:N<:P4ES

7he :Y<F Strategic Plan of Action u#holds the follo(ing guiding #rinci#lesH

$' <hildren ha.e the right to adeCuate nutrition and access to safe and nutritious food- and both are essential for fulfilling their right to the highest attainable standard of health' (+)

%' 3others and :nfants form a biological and social unit and im#ro.ed :Y<F begins (ith ensuring the health and nutritional status of (omen' (+)

/' Almost" (oman can breastfeed #ro.ided the" ha.e accurate information and su##ort from their families- communities and res#onsible health and non-health related institutions during critical settings and .arious circumstances including s#ecial and emergenc" situations'(+)

4' 7he national and local go.ernment- de.elo#ment #artners- nongo.ernment organiGations- business sectors- #rofessional grou#s- academe and other sta;eholders ac;no(ledges their res#onsibilities and form alliances and #artnershi#s for :Y<F (ith no conflict of interest'

+' Strengthened communication a##roaches focusing on beha.ioral and social change is essential for demand generation and communit" em#o(erment'

>0A4- 3A:N 05EE<7:DE- 0=7<03ES AND 7A9>E7S


9eduction of child mortalit" and morbidit" through o#timal feeding of infants and "oung children

3A:N 05EE<7:DEH

7o ensure and accelerate the #romotion- #rotection and su##ort of good :Y<F #ractice


5" % $2H

) #ercent of ne(borns are initiated to breastfeeding (ithin one hour after birth1 * #ercent of infants are eAclusi.el" breastfeed for the first 2 months of life1 and )+ #ercent of infants are gi.en timel" adeCuate and safe com#lementar" food starting at 2 months of age' 7A9>E7SH

5" % $2H

+ #ercent of hos#itals #ro.iding maternit" and child health ser.ices are certified 35FH:1 2 #ercent of munici#alities@cities ha.e at least one functional :Y<F su##ort grou#1 + #ercent of (or;#laces ha.e lactation units and@or im#lementing nursing@lactation brea;s1 $ #ercent of re#orted alleged 3il; <ode .iolations are acted u#on and sanctions are im#lemented as a##ro#riate1 $ #ercent of elementar"- high school and tertiar" schools are using the u#dated :Y<F curricula including the inclusion of :Y<F into the #rescribed teAtboo;s and teaching materials1 and $ #ercent of :Y<F related emergenc"@disaster res#onse and e.acuation are com#liant to the :FE guidelines'

::' 7arget beneficiaries of the #rogram are infants ( -$$ months) and "oung children ($% to /2 months "ears old or $ to / "ears old)

:::' Action@For; Plan

Frame(or; National Plan of Action for :nfant and Young <hild Feeding % $$% $2


S79A7E>:ES- P:44A9S AND A<7:0N P0:N7S

S79A7E>Y$H Partnershi#s (ith N>0sand >0s in the coordination and im#lementation of the :Y<F Program

$'$ FormaliGe #artnershi#s (ith >0s and N>0s (or;ing on :Y<F #rogram coordination and im#lementation

a' Strengthen the 7F> to allo( it to effecti.el" coordinate the >0s and N>0s (or;ing for the :Y<F Program

7he national 7F> (ill remain but (ill be strengthened' :t shall be constituted b"H N<DP< as <hair- FH0 as secretariat and from N<DP<-FH0- N<HP- FDA- DEF3H- DSFD-<F<- NN<- :40- FH0 and =N:<EF' 7his time- members of the7F> (ill be tas;ed to focus #artici#ation to the inter.ention setting (here it ismost rele.ant'

7he 7F> shall be re#orting regularl" to the" <luster Head' At the 9egional le.el- the 9egional <oordinators from the abo.e offices shall collaborate in the im#lementation of the :Y<F Program' 7o ensure that >0 and N>0 :Y<F #artners (or; together- the com#osition of the 7F>s and AD Hoc committees shall be made u# of from the go.ernment and non-go.ernment sectors and the Ad Hoc <ommittees shall be chaired b" the rele.ant agenc" (here the inter.ention setting belongs'

At the #ro.incial- munici#al and baranga" le.els the eAisting <oordinating <ommittees (hich has an interagenc" com#osition shall be the coordinating arm of the :Y<F Program' 7his is (here the #artici#ation of non-go.ernment entities (ill be facilitated' 3echanisms for coordination shall be de.ised to build a strong foundation for #artnershi# bet(een the 4>=- the <oordinating <ommittees and local N>0s or #ri.ate entities'

A memorandum of agreement (30A) shall be eAecuted bet(een D0H and other agencies in.ited to become members of the 7F>'

b' 0rganiGe functional :nter.ention Setting <ommittees (this is the same as the ad-hoc committee)

7he "ears co.ered b" this action #lan (ill be mar;ed (ith man" de.elo#mental acti.ities in all the inter.ention settings' 7he 7F> shall create a committee for each of the inter.ention setting' 7he committees shall be chaired b" the rele.ant agenc"@ office' 0ther go.ernment and nongo.ernment agencies (ill be in.ited to the committees rele.ant to their mandate'

c' 9eturn the 35FH: res#onsibilit" from N<HFD to N<DP<

7he National Polic" on :Y<F created in % + has affirmed the 35FH: res#onsibilit" to N<HFD' Since 35FH: is no( under the umbrella of the :Y<F Program- it is in a better #osition to consolidate efforts to(ards 35FH: com#liance' 7hus the return of the 35FH: res#onsibilit" from N<HFD to N<DP< shall be #ursued' 7he collaboration of N<HFD is still needed though as it has a direct hand on health facilit" de.elo#ment' At N<DP< the integration of :Y<F in the 3N<HN Action Plan shall be (or;ed out in all as#ects of the #rogram and at the different le.els of im#lementation'

d' Augment human resource com#lement of N<DP<- FH0- :Y<F #rogram

N<DP<-FH0 as the secretariat of the 7F> and su#er.ising and su##orting

the :Y<F Program (ill not be able to effecti.el" carr" out the technicalmanagement and administrati.e roles and res#onsibilities (ithout additional human resource' Funds shall be allotted for &ob orders for this #ur#ose'

e' Programmed contracting out of acti.ities to organiGations outside of D0H

7o achie.e the ob& and targets of the :Y<F #rogram- it shall be im#lemented simultaneousl" in the different inter.ention settings and at a faster #ace' 7his is a gargantuan tas; considering the eAtent of the de.elo#mental (or;- the management reCuirements- and the mobiliGation of the :Y<F net(or; and the sourcing of funds for im#lementation'

0rganiGations and consultants that #ossess the eA#ertise and the commitment to the :Y<F #rogram (ill be contracted out for com#leA acti.ities that reCuire time and effort be"ond the ca#acit" of the 7F> and the Ad Hoc committees' 7hese contracts shall be arranged based on need and a(arded based on merit'

S79A7E>Y %H :ntegration of ;e" :Y<F action #oints in the 3N<HN Plan of Action@Strateg"

%'$ :nstitutionaliGe the :Y<F monitoring and trac;ing s"stem for nationalregional and 4>= le.els

a' :nstitutionaliGe the collection of P:9 Data and generate annual #erformance re#ort

7he established :Y<F data set that are being collected during P:9s shall be further re.ised as a##ro#riate and institutionaliGed through a De#artment <ircular and in collaboration (ith the other #rograms in the FH0'

An :Y<F Program annual #erformance re#ort shall be generated at the end of" "ear based on the P:9 data- the consolidated data from the unified monitoring and related data coming from research and studies as a##ro#riate' 9e#orts on the #erformance of de.elo#mental acti.ities shall be collected as #art of the data base and to be re#orted as needed to the" <luster Head'

b' 3aAimiGe the use of the unified monitoring tool

7he <HDs through its 9egional <oordinators shall be reCuired to use and consolidate the unified monitoring tool' A sim#le data management #rogram shall be de.elo#ed to facilitate the consolidation of data eAtracted from monitoring' 9e#orts shall be reCuired t(o (ee;s after the end of" Cuarter'

c' <ollaborate (ith the National E#idemiolog" <enter (NE<) and :nformation 3anagement (:3S) regarding :Y<F data

7he current records and re#orts being collected b" the D0H Field Health :nformation S"stem (ill remain as the main source of data from health facilities' Ho( collaboration (ith NE< and :3S to im#ro.e data Cualit" and include data on com#lementar" feeding is essential'

%'% Partici#ation of the :Y<F Focal #erson in 3N<HN #lanning and monitoring acti.ities

a' Designate the :Y<F Focal Person as a regular member of the team (or;ing for the de.elo#ment and im#lementation of the 3N<HN Strateg"

7he :Y<F Focal Person shall ensure that the :Y<F action #oints become an agenda of the 3N<HN Strateg" and thus ultimatel" the :Y<F ser.ices forms a #art of the integrated ser.ices for mothers and children' :n the 3N<HN #lanning and monitoring- the :Y<F Focal Person shall hel# ensure that in the multitude of acti.ities- critical :Y<F action #oints and indicators

are not o.erloo;ed'

S79A7E>Y /H Harnessing the eAecuti.e arm of go.ernment to im#lement and enforce the :Y<F related legislations and regulations (E0 +$- 9A *% and 9A $ %,)

/'$ <onsultation mechanism (ith the :A< and D0E for the enforcement of the 3il; <ode and (ith other rele.ant >0s for other :Y<F related legislations and regulations

a' De.ise and im#lement a consultation mechanism to bring together the :A<- D0E and other rele.ant >0s for :Y<F related legislations and regulations

7he <ommittee for :ndustr" 9egulation shall de.ise and im#lement a consultation mechanism to facilitate the im#lementation and enforcement of :Y<F related la(s and regulations' 7his (ill reCuire #artici#ation of higher le.els of authorit" in the >0s'

7he goal of the consultation mechanisms is to de.elo# acti.ities that (ill focus on facilitating the #rocess of monitoring of com#liance and enforcement of :Y<F related la(s and regulations not onl" at the national le.el but also at regional and local le.els and in the fi.e :Y<F inter.ention settings'

/'% Su##ort < Societ" in the im#lementation and enforcement of :Y<F related la(s and regulations

a' :nstitutionaliGe enforcement of 35FH: com#liance in the regulator" function of the D0H

7he inclusion of the 35FH: reCuirements in the unified licensing@accreditation benchmar;s of the 5HFS and the 4icensing 0ffices shall be #ursued more .igorousl" in collaboration (ith 5HFS and the 4icensing offices of the <HDs' 7hese offices are in a better #osition to enforce com#liance in relation to their regulator" function and in their #o(er to #romulgate #enalties for .iolations'

b' and im#ro.e the #rocessing of re#orts on .iolations on the 3il; <ode

7he handling of re#orts on .iolations shall be for thoroughness and timeliness from the time a re#ort is submitted u# to the final decision rendered on a case' Problematic areas and bottlenec;s shall be identified and threshed out' 3easures to ensure that all re#orts on .iolations are acted u#on shall be de.ised'

7o ensure s#eed" resolution of cases- it is necessar" to set deadlines on the #rocessing of re#orts on .iolations'

c' :n.ite the Professional 9egulator" 5oard as a resource agenc" of the :A<

A#art from com#anies (ho are acti.el" mar;eting breastmil; substituteshealth #rofessionals (ho ha.e direct access and influence on #regnant and #ost#artum (omen are also among the most common .iolators of the la(' 7he P9< as the legal authorit" that regulates the #ractice of the medical and allied #rofessions can contribute to the de.elo#ment and enforcement of the :A<Bs regulator" function'

d' Augment human resource of FDA as secretariat of the :A<

7he current load of .iolations cases being #rocessed and the fulfillment of other res#onsibilities (ith regards to the 3il; <ode at FDA reCuire a full time legal officer (ho (ill also assist the <HDs' Furthermore- the strengthened monitoring of com#liance to the 3il; <ode (ill result in a surge on .iolation re#orts' FDA should be #re#ared to #rocess such re#orts' An additional full time legal officer and an administrati.e@ clerical staff is reCuired to facilitate and hel# s#eed u# the #rocess'

e' Engage #rofessional societies to come-u# (ith measures for self monitoring and regulation

3onitoring of o.ert ad.ertisements and mar;eting of breast mil; substitutes is a #ersistent challenge' 3onitoring of com#liance to the 3il; <ode among health (or;ers and medical and allied #rofessional organiGations is much more difficult' Promotion of breast mil; substitutes is more #ersonal and concealed'

7he medical and allied #rofessional societies are strong and acti.e bodies that foster organiGational de.elo#ment and disci#line among its members' An ad.ocating stance a #uniti.e a##roach ma" be the more #rudent initial a##roach in this en.ironment' 7here (ill be dialoguenegotiations and forging of agreements to #ush the 3il; <ode and other #olicies on :Y<F' 7he #rofessional societies (ill be engaged to #artici#ate in the de.elo#ment of the monitoring scheme (ithin their ran;s and in health facilities' 7he" are a good resource in the de.elo#ment of schemes for 35FH: and related technical matters' For;ing arrangements@contracts ma" be forged to seal res#onsibilities and #artnershi#s' from the #rofessional societies (ill constitute the S#ea;erBs 5ureau (hich (ill be organiGed for the information dissemination@a(areness cam#aign on the 3il; <ode- the EA#anded 5reastfeeding Promotion Act and the Policies on :Y<F'

S79A7E>Y 4H :ntensified focused acti.ities to create an en.ironment su##orti.e to :Y<F #ractices

4'$ 3odeling the 35F s"stem in the ;e" inter.ention settings in selected regions

a' Set u# 3odels of 35FH: and 3N<HN im#lementation in ;e" strategic hos#itals and referral net(or;s

9egional Hos#itals and selected #ri.ate hos#itals shall be de.elo#ed as models of 35FH: and 3N<HN im#lementation to hel# create an im#act and to ser.e as sho(cases for other health facilities'

:f these hos#itals are currentl" training facilities for obstetrics and #ediatrics residenc" #rogram- the 35FH: en.ironment (ill certainl" add .alue to the training'

An itinerant team (ill facilitate the de.elo#ment of the hos#ital models' 7he team (ill be com#osed of an 0bstetrician (ith training@bac;ground on 3N<HN- Pediatrician (ith training@bac;ground on 4actation 3anagement@Essential Ne(born <are- Nurse trainer for breastfeeding counseling- Senior :Y<F Program #erson (ith administrati.e bac;ground (ho can deal (ith arrangements and coordination (ith hos#itals and local go.ernments and (ho can be a trainer and an administrati.e assistant (ho (ill facilitate administrati.e matters' 7he team (ill facilitate the acti.ities leading to the organiGation and maintenance of the 35FH: in the hos#itals' 7his shall include #lanning- setting u# of o#erational details and #h"sical structures (hen needed- training@coaching of #ersonnel- ;ee#ing records and com#leting re#orts and self assessment'

9egional hos#itals shall be de.elo#ed for :Y<F ca#acit" building' 7rainings at 9egional Hos#itals shall be conducted in collaboration (ith the <HDs' 7his is so that training is de-centraliGed and monitoring and e.aluation can be done more freCuentl" at the #ro.incial and munici#al le.els'

b' Establish #rotocols@standards on ho( to set-u# and maintain 35F

(or;#laces and integrated in the standards for health" (or;#lace

7he :Y<F Program shall focus on the enforcement of the EA#anded 5reastfeeding Promotion Act of % ) (hich mandates (or;#laces to establish lactation stations and@or grant breastfeeding brea;s' >uidelines for the establishment and maintenance of 35F (or;#lace shall be de.elo#ed' :t (ill learn from lessons of alread" established and successful 35F (or;#lace' :n as much as standards for the health" (or;#lace are alread" establishedthe 35F guidelines shall be integrated into those standards'

7he establishment of 35F (or;#laces initiated in factories shall be scaled u# and efforts shall be eA#anded to include go.ernment and #ri.ate offices in line (ith EA#anded 5reasfeeding Act' 7he current collaboration #artners in the (or;#lace setting ma" also need to be eA#anded to #romote the establishment of the 35F (or;#lace in go.ernment and #ri.ate offices' Fith the multitude of (or;#laces scattered throughout the countr"- the eA#ansion ma" reCuire outsourcing of organiGations to continue the 35F (or;#lace efforts'

c' Enhance the #rimar"- secondar" and tertiar" education curricula on :Y<F

7he enhancement of the #rimar"- secondar" and tertiar" education curricula on :Y<F shall be #ursued' :f necessar"- a of the curriculum (ill be done #rior to the enhancement' A#art from the curriculum enhancement- training materials- boo;s and teachersB guide shall also be u#dated'

7he initial collaboration for the enhancement of the #rimar"- secondar" and tertiar" education curricula shall ta;e #lace at the central office of De#Ed (5ureau of Elementar" Education and 5ureau of Secondar" Education) and 7ESDA' 7he enhanced curriculum- training materials- boo;s and teacherBs guide shall be field tested #ro.ince-(ide in three selected #ro.inces- e.aluated and further enhanced before a national im#lementation'

d' De.elo# #olic" on :Y<F in emergencies (:FE) and guidelines on the management of malnutrition- and :Y<F in s#ecial medical conditions for the communit"

A clear #olic" on :Y<F is necessar" to allo( the #rogram to define the guidelines that can be easil" follo(ed b" >0s- N>0s and 4>=s once such situations arise' 7he #olic"@guidelines shall address among others the issue of mil; donations' >uidelines on the <ommunit" 3anagement of 3alnutrition:Y<F in s#ecial medical conditions such as errors of metabolism or H:D #ositi.e mothers shall also be de.elo#ed for im#lementation'

<am# managers and organiGed local nutrition clusters shall be oriented on the :FE guidelines'

Disaster #rone areas (ill be #rioritiGed in the orientation' 7raining@orientation shall be a collaborati.e effort bet(een the :Y<F Program- HE3S and the ND<<'

4'% <reation of a 9egional and National incenti.e and a(arding s"stems for the most outstanding :Y<F cham#ions in the different sectors of societ"

a' and u#date the eAisting a(arding s"stem

7he current a(arding s"stem shall be' 7he search #rotocol shall be further refined to allo( a (ider search' 7he organiGation of the search committees in the local and national le.els shall be formaliGed' Funds for the a(ards shall be ensured'

b' Establish a recognition s"stem for health facilities com#l"ing (ith E0+$- 9A$ %, and the 35FH: National Polic"

Set u# an annual recognition s"stem for facilities- establishments com#l"ing (ith rele.ant :Y<F legislations and regulations' 7he benefits #ro.ided for b"

the 3il; <ode to com#liant health facilities shall be and im#ro.ed@established #arallel (ith the de.elo#ment of the incenti.e scheme for the EA#anded 5reastfeeding Promotion Act' Procedures for claiming benefits shall be established and made accessible in collaboration (ith PhilHealth- 5:9 and other rele.ant go.ernment offices'

4'/ Allocate@9aise @See; resources for :Y<F 9esearch acti.ities that document best #ractices in the Phili##ines

a' <arr" out an in.entor" of best #ractices on :Y<F :dentif" best :Y<F #ractices b" allo(ing" #ro.ince in the countr" to identif" eAem#lar" or creati.e acti.ities on :Y<F that boosted #rogram ser.ices@#erformance' Dalidate the re#orts through <HDs and select the best #ractices for documentation and #ublication'

b' Allocate resources and conduct :Y<F related researches focusing on the documentation and measure of im#act of noble eA#eriences and inter.entions

7he documentation of :Y<F best #ractices is considered a critical area that allo(s the de.elo#ment of models@ references for a##ro#riate :Y<F #rotocols and guidelines for im#lementation' Field #ersonnel (ho are able to establish and #ro.ide successful models of :Y<F ser.ices are often deficient in resources and s;ills to document the efforts' 9esources to conduct :Y<F related researchers- focusing on the documentation and measure of im#act of noble eA#eriences and inter.entions- (ill ha.e to be allocated'

S79A7E>Y +H Engaging the Pri.ate Sector and :nternational 0rganiGations to raise funds for the scaling u# and su##ort of the :Y<F #rogram

+'% Setting u# of a fund raising mechanism for :Y<F (ith the #artici#ation of :nternational 0rganiGations and the Pri.ate Sector

a' Set-u# the fund raising mechanism

7he de.elo#ment and sustainabilit" of :Y<F acti.ities #artl" de#ends on the a.ailabilit" of resources' At the national le.el- (here man" de.elo#mental acti.ities (ill ta;e #lace- the regular sources of funds are not sufficient' At the local le.els- the #oorer more #roblematic areas ha.e the least resources to #romote- #rotect and su##ort good :Y<F #ractices' :t is critical for the :Y<F Program to determine and acti.el" source budgetar" and other resource reCuirements' 7he a.ailabilit" of resources (ill guide the scale and #rioritiGation of :Y<F acti.ities in the annual o#erational #lanning'

7o augment the funds for the :Y<F #rogram- a funding mechanism@bod" that (ill ser.e as a fund raising arm for the elimination of child malnutrition shall be established'

7he effort should be able to eA#lore and #roceed (ith the de.elo#ment of a funding mechanism that can encourage #ublic-#ri.ate #artnershi# and ensure resources to initiate and sustain critical inter.entions nation(ide' 7he arena of fund raising is not (ithin the eA#ertise of D0H- and it (ill be im#ortant to discuss (ith the international and national #artners on the most suitable mechanism that can hel# attain such im#ortant goal'

P:44A9 $H <a#acit" 5uilding

<a#acit" building shall ta;e different forms and intensit" in accordance to the reCuirement of the inter.ention settings'

:n health facilities- training on 4actation 3anagement and <ounseling shall continue' A s"stem for regular in- or refresher training to address the fast of health staff in hos#itals and to #ro.ide necessar" #rogram u#dates shall be #ut in #lace' Staggered training and self- enforcing #rograms ma" also be de.ised to im#ro.e access to training (hen (arranted' Periodic e.aluation shall be incor#orated into the s"stem to ensure effecti.eness and efficienc" of the trainings'

7he 3il; <ode monitors at FDA- <HDs and local le.els shall be trained on the latest guidelines to hel# ensure that #ro.isions on regulation and enforcement in the 9:99 of the 3il; <ode are closel" adhered to' 7he monitors should be #re#ared to handle incidents of actual .iolation of the code during ins#ection@monitoring' 7he local monitors shall be eCui##ed (ith user friendl" monitoring tools'

7he com#etencies of teachers and administrators to teach the ne( :Y<F u#dated curriculum and to a##reciate the im#ortance of 35F en.ironment shall be enhanced' A training@seminar #rogram on :Y<F for teachers@ administrators (ill be de.elo#ed' A core of teacher trainers in" region (ill be de.elo#ed and organiGed to conduct the training@seminars nation(ide'

:D' Status of the Program A 9ED:EF F903 % + 70 % $

0b& and 7argets set in % 9emar;s

+-% $

Status of Achie.ement

05EE<7:DE $H 70 :3P90DE- P907E<7 AND P90307E APP90P9:A7E :NFAN7 AND Y0=N> <H:4D FEED:N> P9A<7:<ES <H:4D FEED:N> P9A<7:<ES

- * ! of ne(borns initiated to breastfeeding (ithin / (NDHS ,) 4 '*!(NDHS $)),) - , ! of -2 months infants are eAclusi.el" breastfed



/4! (NDHS %

,) //'+!(NDHS %


- + ! of infants are eAclusi.el" breastfed for 2 months %%'%! (NDHS % ,) $2'$!(NDHS % /)

- median duration of breastfeeding is $, months $+'$months (NDHS % ,) $/ months (NDHS $)),)

- ) ! of 2- Y$ months infants are gi.en timel"- adeCuate and safe com#lementar" foods +,! (NDHS % ,) +*')!(NDHS % /) - )+! of children 2 months to +) months recei.ed Ditamin A ,)

*+')! (NDHS %

*2! (NDHS %


NDHS % , and % / data refers to those that recei.ed .itamin A in the #ast 2 months from the - * ! of lo( birth (eight babies and iron deficient 2 months to less than + "ears recei.ed com#lete dose of iron su##lements /*! of children age 2-+) months recei.ed iron su##lements in the se.en da"s before the sur.e" (NDHS % ,)

*,'/! of children 2-+) months consumed foods rich in iron in the #ast %4 hours from the time of the sur.e" *%',! of 2-+) months recei.ed iron dro#s @ s"ru# (not s#ecified if com#lete dose- 3<HS % %) **',!

- , ! of #regnant (omen ha.e at least 4 #renatal .isits (NDHS % ,) 2*'+! (3<HS % %)

- , ! of #regnant (omen recei.ed com#lete dose of iron su##lements ,%'4! (NDHS % ,) ,%! (not s#ecified if com#lete dose- 3<HS % %)

- , ! of lactating (omen recei.ed .itamin A ca#sule 4+'2! (NDHS % ,) 44'2! (NDHS % /) NDHS % / and % , data re#resents the ! of (omen that recei.ed Ditamin A dose during #ost-#artum - , ! of household using iodiGed salt 4$')! (NDHS % ,)

,$'$! household #ositi.e for iodine in salt (NDHS %


/,!- household using iodiGed salt and +2'4! household #ositi.e for iodine in salt (NNS % 05EE<7:DE %H 70 :N<9EASE P04:7:<A4 <033:73EN7 A7 D:FFE9EN7 4EDE4S 0F >0DE9N3EN7- :N7E9NA7:0NA4 09>AN:OA7:0NSN0N- >0DE9N3EN7 09>AN:OA7:0NS- P9:DA7E SE<709- P90FESS:0NA4 >90=PS - <:D:4 S0<:E7Y- <033=N:7:ES AND FA3:4:ES /)

- A##ro.ed and (idel" disseminated National :nfant and Young <hild Feeding Polic" :Y<F Polic" a##ro.ed 3a" %+- % + and disseminated to all 9egions and 4>=s' - A##ro.ed multi-sectoral :Y<F Plan of Action :Y<F Plan of Action % +-% $ a##ro.ed' National

- :Y<F #olic" enhancement for emerging issues A0 % *- $*H >uidelines on the Acce#tance and Processing of 4ocal and Foreign Donations During Emergenc" and Disaster Situations (as signed 3a" %,- % *' - :ncrease number of organiGations acti.el" in.ol.ed in :Y<F Ne( grou#s (ere acti.e in su##orting acti.ities on :FE mostl" during the #ost-0ndo" inter.entions and in relation to breastfeeding su##ort' Acti.e organiGations include 4atch- 4a 4eche 4eague- Sa.e the <hildren- Plan :nternational and Arugaan' - :ncrease budget for :Y<F From $ million #esos in % + to % million #esos in % $ '

Additional funds (ere secured b" the Eoint #rogram on 3D>-F- (herein =N Agencies (=nicef- FA0- :40 and FH0) (ith NN< and D0H- started im#lementing ;e" :Y<F inter.entions'

Additional funds for :Y<F (ere secured since A#ril % (ith intensi.e :Y<F training'

*- the start of the AH3P

Se#tember % )- signing of the EP for Ensuring Food Securit" and Nutrition for <hildren -%4 months in the Phili##ines- funded b" the >o.ernment of S#ain through the 3D> Achie.ement Fund' 05EE<7:DE /H P90D:DE S=PP097:DE END:90N3EN7 7HA7 F:44 ENA54E PA9EN7S- 307HE9- <A9E>:DE9S- FA3:4:ES AND <033=N:7:ES 70 :3P4E3EN7 0P7:3A4 FEED:N> P9A<7:<ES F09 :NFAN7S AND Y0=N> <H:4D P90>9A33E 3ANA>E3EN7 - Functional :Y<F Program authorit" and res#onsibilit" flo( at the nationalregional and 4>= le.el National 7F> acti.e and $$@$% 9egions confirmed established a 7F>'

At the 4>= le.el *@, #ro.inces)@$% cities and $*+@$4%+ munici#alities ha.e #assed a resolution@ordinance in su##ort of :Y<F' Data as of Dec % )' Although the national 7F> is

considered acti.e- the collaboration bet(een agencies can be considered deficient' - EAisting local committees functioning as :Y<F committees No

a.ailable data :NS7:7=7:0NA4 S=PP097 - $-4%2 currentl" certified 35F hos#itals sustained $ ste#s A0 % *- %2H 9e.italiGation of the 35FH: in Health Facilities (ith 3aternit" Ser.ices (as signed and endorsed on Eul" $ - % *'

PhilHealth <ircular No' %2 S-% +H 9eCuirement for Accredited Hos#itals to be R3other- 5ab" Friendl"S (as issued on 0ctober $$- % +' Fithin % "ears after the issuance of <0<- @4* hos#itals a##lied for accreditation to become 35F based on the ne( standards and reCuirements' -/ additional hos#itals@l"ing-in certified as 35F

0nl" 4*@$4,* ha.e recei.ed a <0< since % *


! of hos#itals rooming8in their ne(borns

No a.ailable data

- All offices of go.ernment agencies (ho are members of the :Y<F :A< (ill be 35F 9A $ %,H EA#anded 5reastfeeding Promotion Act of % ) (as enacted on 3arch $2- % $ ' 9A $ %, set the standards to becoming 35F' - At least one model (or;#lace #er #ro.ince@cit" certified as 35F 2@$2 9egions re#orted that there are at least ,, breastfeeding friendl" (or;#laces' - At least one model :Y<F resource center $ #ro.ince and $ cit" in each region No resource center established - At least / :Y<F model baranga"@ munici#alit" #er #ro.ince and cit" $ @$2 9egions re#orted that there are at least %$+) breastfeeding su##ort grou#s at the baranga" le.el' - Functional mil; ban; in all medical centers

3il; ban; is functional in / 3edical <entersH P>H- DEF3H and P<3< 9A $ %, encourages other 3edical

<enters to set u# their o(n mil; ban;' :3P90D:N> SYS7E3S - $ ! of national- regional and 4>= health facilities ha.e integrated :E< on :Y<F into regular 3<H ser.ices (ith clearl" stated #rotocols on ho( to #ro.ide ;e" :Y<F 5ased on monitoring .isits and re#orts from <HDs- #ublic health facilities ha.e ensured the integration'No a.ailable data on #ri.ate health facilities' - Functional and effecti.e 3il; <ode 3onitoring s"stem 0nl" 4@$/ 9egions re#orted some sort of 3il; <ode monitoring acti.ities'

At the FDA- from % * to % )- there (ere 2* re#orts of .iolations and onl" /@$/ 9egions re#orted filing a com#laint for the alleged .iolations'

- :nstitutionaliGe facilit" :Y<F 3:S s"stem in #lace b" end of % )

Draft tool de.elo#ed and used in t(o ;e" instances' No institutionaliGation "et' s;ills of health man#o(er %,- 2/@/4-%), staff (ere trained on :Y<F <ounseling' N<DP< and NN< combined re#ort - A.ailable national @ regional :Y<F trainers $2@$* 9egions re#orted conduct of training on :Y<F' - Acti.e :Y<F S#ea;ersB 5ureau No a.ailable data

- A.ailable :Y<F counselors in + ! of health facilities %,- 2/@/4-%), staff (ere trained on :Y<F <ounseling' N<DP< and NN< combined re#ort' - At least $ Fili#ino health #rofessionals internationall" accredited as breastfeeding counselors b" the :nternational 5oard of 4actation <onsultants EAaminers D0H focused on ca#acitating health (or;ers on <ounseling and 4actation 3anagement' Fith the su##ort of NN<' - A lactation s#ecialist is a.ailable in tertiar" hos#itals )@$/ 9egions re#orted trained a total of $4,+ hos#ital based health (or;ers on 4actation 3anagement (ith the su##ort of DEF3H- N<DP<-<HDs and NN<' No denominator a.ailable' - :m#ro.ed curricula for :Y<F of medical @ nursing @ mid(ifer" schools :n Eune % $ a (or;sho# on integration@u#dating of good :Y<F #ractice into the medical- nursing- mid(ifer" and nutrition curricula (as conducted' 7he #rocess of integration is on-going' - :nclusion of breastfeeding in elementar" education 9A $ %,H EA#anded 5reastfeeding Promotion Act of % ) mandates the integration' 9A $ %, (as enacted on 3arch $2-

% $ ' 7he :99 is "et to be signed' - <ommunit" le.el su##ort s"stems and ser.ices $ @$2 9egions re#orted that there are at least %-$+) baranga" le.el 5F su##ort grou#s and more than 4 5F friendl" #ublic #laces' As of Dec % )'

9A $

%, (ill hel# boost the number of breastfeeding friendl" #ublic #laces'

- $ ! of target communities (ith functional communit" le.el monitoring s"stem of :Y<F #ractices and changes No a.ailable data - At least + ! of cit" and #oblacion munici#alities (ith adeCuate number of trained :Y<F #eer counselors $ @$2 9egions re#orted that there are at least %-$+) 5F su##ort grou#s at

the baranga" le.el'

- At least one functional 5F @ :Y<F su##ort grou# in #oblacions and selected communities $ @$2 9egions re#orted that there are at least %-$+) 5F su##ort grou#s at the baranga" le.el'

05EE<7:DE 4H ENS=9E S=S7A:NA5:4:7Y 0F :N7E9DEN7:0NS 70 :3P90DEP907E<7 AND P90307E :NFAN7 AND Y0=N> <H:4D FEED:N> - Functional self assessment health facilit" tools for :Y<F in certified 35FH and main health centers 7ool Drafted' Not "et institutionaliGed' - Annual #rogress re#orts of status of im#lementation of 3il; <ode9ooming :n and 5reastfeeding Act- AS:N 4a(- Food Fortification and E<<D 4a( @ :Y<F Polic" $st :Y<F P:9H % *

%nd :Y<F P:9H %

- :Y<F integrated into Phili##ine Plan of Action for Nutrition and annual #lanning and health monitoring s"stems at all le.els :Y<F integrated in PPAN % +-% $ ' P:9 (as conducted last Cuarter of % $ '

Qe" result of integration (as the intensi.e training on :Y<F <ounseling in AH3P target areas' - Periodic feedbac; of :Y<F status during annual con.entions of health #rofessionals@4eagues of Pro.inces@ <ities@3unici#alities and 5aranga"s 9egular Presentations are offered b" D0H on :Y<F status (% $st #resentation during National <on.ention 4iga Ng 5aranga") +H

D' Program 3anager D:<EN7A E' 509EA- 9N- 3PH

Su#er.ising Health Program 0fficer

Famil" Health 0ffice

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol

De#artment of Health

7ele#hone no' */%))+2

E-mail AddH .icentabor&aMhotmail'com

Partner 0rganiGations@agencies

N>0 PartnersH


Em#lo"ers <onfederation of the Phili##ines 7rade =nion <ongress of the Phili##ines 5eaut"- 5rains and 5reastfeeding A9=>AAN Action for Economic 9eforms Sa.e 5ab" e-grou# Phili##ine Pediatric Societ" Phili##ine 0bstetric and >"necolog" Societ" Phili##ine Academ" of Famil" Ph"sicians :nc' Phili##ine Societ" of Ne(born 3edicine Phili##ine Societ" of Pediatric >astroenterolog" Phili##ine Neonatolog" Societ" Phili##ine Societ" of 0bstetric Anesthesiologist Phili##ine Academ" of 4actation <onsultant Perinatal Association of the Phili##ines Phili##ine 3edical Association :ntegrated 3id( Association of the Phili##ines 3aternal and <hild Nurses Association of the Phili##ines Phili##ine Nurses Association National 4eague of Phili##ine >o.ernment Nurses :nc' 3allsH S3 - N<<< =nion of 4ocal Authorities of the Phili##ines <0DHEND

>o.ernment PartnersH

De#artment of 4abor and Em#lo"ment De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment De#artment of Eustice De#artment of 7rade and :ndustr" De#artment of 4ocal >o.ernment Food and Drug Administration National Nutrition <ouncil <ouncil for the Felfare of <hildren De#artment of Education <ommission on Higher Education Nutrition <ouncil of the Phili##ines :nternational 0rganiGationsH

Forld Health 0rganiGation =N:<EF P4AN :nternational Helen Qeller :nternational Sa.e the <hildren-=S Forld Dision :ligtas sa 7igdas ang Pinas


A Door-to-Door 3easles-9ubella (39) :mmuniGation <am#aign Daccinating All <hildren- ) months to belo( , "ears old From A#ril 4 to 3a" 4- % $$

7he Phili##ines has committed to eliminate measles in % $%- the target "ear agreed u#on (ith the other countries in the Festern Pacific 9egion' 7hree (/) mass measles immuniGation cam#aigns (ere conducted in $)),- % 4 and % *- )+! co.erage in each round' :n contrast- the annual co.erage for routine measles .accination gi.en to infantsB ages )-$$ months reached the target of at least )+!' 7he highest co.erage attained is )%! and the lo(est co.erage (as 2*! ($),* D0H EP: 9e#ort)'

7he lo(er the co.erage- the faster is the accumulation of unimmuniGed susce#tible infants- resulting in measles outbrea;s in different areas of the Phili##ines' 4aborator" confirmed measles cases continued to be re#orted all the countr"- (hich indicates uninterru#ted circulation of measles .irus transmission resulting to illness and deaths among children'

3ass measles immuniGation cam#aigns #ro.ide a Rsecond o##ortunit"S to Rcatch missed childrenS- but these are done" %-/ "ears and therefore not enough to #re.ent seasonal outbrea;s from occurring in areas (ith lo( immuniGation co.erage' 7he administration of a %nd dose of measles containing .accines on a routine schedule (ill #ro.ide this Rsecond o##ortunit"S at an earlier time and ensure the #rotection against measles of infants@children (ho failed to be #rotected during the first dose'

As a res#onse to interru#t the transmission of the measles .irus and #re.ent a #otential large measles outbrea; to occur- there is an urgent need to conduct a measles su##lemental immuniGation" this A#ril % $$' All children ages )-)+ months old nation(ide should be gi.en a dose of measlesrubella .accine through a door-to-door .accination cam#aign' =nli;e #re.ious cam#aign- a measles-free certification (ill be issued to cit"@#ro.ince meeting all the criteria of ($) all baranga"s #assed the 9<A (ith no missed child and )+! and abo.e house mar;ing accurac"1 (%) there are no measles cases for the neAt / months after the cam#aign and (/) measles sur.eillance indicators ha.e met the national standards'

:nter 4ocal Health Oone

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF An :4HO is defined to be an" form or organiGed arrangement for coordinating the o#erations of an arra" and hierarch" of health #ro.iders and facilities(hich t"#icall" includes #rimar" health #ro.iders- core referral hos#ital and end-referral hos#ital- &ointl" a common #o#ulation (ithin a local geogra#hic area under the &urisdictions of more than one local go.ernment'

:4HO- as a form of inter-4>= coo#eration is established in order to better #rotect the #ublic or collecti.e health of their communit"- assure the constituents access to a range of ser.ices necessar" to meet health care needs of indi.iduals- and to manage their limited resources for health more efficientl" and eCuitabl"'

For these to ha##en- eAisting :4HOs in the countr" must strengthen their o#erations and sustain their functionalit"' 9egardless of the organiGational nature of each :4HO- (hether these are formall" organiGed- informall" organiGed or D0H-initiated- the o.erall aim is to ma;e each :4HO functional in order to #erform its abo.ementioned #ur#oses and tas;s'

:t must be recogniGed that a good inter-4>= coordination in health is one that secures health benefits for the #eo#le in 4>=s that are coordinating (ith one another' A functional :4HO therefore is to be .ie(ed as one that #ro.ides health benefits to its indi.idual residents and to the Gone #o#ulation as a (hole' 7he :4HO functionalit" is defined mainl" b" Gone-(ide health sector #erformance results in terms ofH

(i) im#ro.ed health status and co.erage of #ublic health inter.ention of the Gone #o#ulation1


access b""one in the Gone to Cualit" care1 and


efficienc" in the o#erations of the inter-local health ser.ices'

9e#lication of EAem#lar"

9e#licationH Sharing >ood Practices and Practical Solutions to <ommon Problems

5" .irtue of Administrati.e 0rder No' % ,2- dated Eanuar" %%- % ,the D0H has ado#ted the integration of re#lication strategies in its o#eration'

9e#lication is learning from and sharing (ith others eAem#lar" #ractices that are #ro.en and effecti.e solutions to common and similar #roblems encountered b" local go.ernment units- (ith the least #ossible costs and effort' 7he underl"ing #rinci#le of re#lication is to a.oid rein.enting the (heel and benefiting from alread" tested solutions'

4>=s can share lessons learned from #ractices that (or;- as (ell as share eA#eriences s"stematicall"' A structured organiGed #rocess of re#licatingincluding #ro#er dissemination of .alidated eAem#lar" #ractices and ma;ing 4a;ba" Arals more meaningful and useful- hel# ensure the chances of best results' 9e#lication ma;es learning more interesting and eAciting as one gets to see the model and its benefits firsthand'

<riteria for Selecting EAem#lar" Health Practices

$' 4>=-initiated solutions initiated to address one or more health issues or #roblems encountered'

%' High le.el of sustainabilit"

<onsistent (ith eAisting health #olicies 4>= su##ort Had been in #lace for more than three ears Fidel" #artici#ated and su##orted b" the communities Ado#ted as a #ermanent structure or #rogram (ith regular budgetar" su##ort Ado#ted as a #ermanent structure or #rogram (ith regular budgetar" su##ort <ommunit" re#resentation in decision ma;ing bodies and committees /' Sim#le and doable so that the" can be re#licated (ithin one "ear and a half or less'


<ost effecti.e and cost efficient

3obiliGation and utiliGation of indigenous resources 3inimal su##ort from eAternal sources +' Positi.e results on the beneficiaries and communities'

0ther im#ortant factors to considerH

<onsistenc" (ith the thrusts or #riorities of the De#artment of Health Fillingness of the Host 4>= to share its #ractice to others Demand for the #ractice from other 4>=s 2*,2 reads :ntegrated 3anagement of <hildhood :llness (:3<:)

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 0ne million children under fi.e "ears old die each "ear in less

de.elo#ed countries' Eust fi.e diseases (#neumonia- diarrhea- malariameasles and dengue hemorrhagic account for nearl" half of these deaths and malnutrition is often the underl"ing condition' Effecti.e and affordable inter.entions to address these common conditions eAist but the" do not "et reach the #o#ulations most in need- the "oung and im#o.erish'

7he :ntegrated 3anagement of <hildhood :llness strateg" has been introduced in an increasing number of countries in the region since $))+' :3<: is a ma&or strateg" for child health" gro(th and de.elo#ment and is based on the combined" of essential inter.entions at communit"- health facilit" and health s"stems le.els' :3<: includes elements of #re.ention as (ell as curati.e and addresses the most common conditions that affect "oung children' 7he strateg" (as de.elo#ed b" the Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) and =nited Nations <hildrenBs Fund (=N:<EF)'

:n the Phili##ines- :3<: (as started on a #ilot basis in $))2thereafter more health (or;ers and hos#ital staff (ere ca#acitated to im#lement the strateg" at the frontline le.el'

0b& of :3<:

9educe death and freCuenc" and se.erit" of illness and disabilit"- and <ontribute to im#ro.ed gro(th and de.elo#ment <om#onents of :3<: case management s;ills of health (or;ers $$-da" 5asic <ourse for 9H3s- PHNs and 30Hs

+ - da" Facilitators course

+ 8 da" Follo(-u# course for :3<: Su#er.isors health s"stems famil" and communit" health #ractices

9ationale for an integrated a##roach in the management of sic; children

3a&orit" of these deaths are caused b" + #re.entable and treatable conditions namel"H #neumonia- diarrhea- malaria- measles and malnutrition' 7hree (/) out of four (4) e#isodes of childhood illness are caused b" these fi.e conditions

3ost children ha.e more than one illness at one time' 7his o.erla# means that a single diagnosis ma" not be #ossible or a##ro#riate'

Fho are the children co.ered b" the :3<: #rotocolN

Sic; children birth u# to % months (Sic; Young :nfant)

Sic; children % months u# to + "ears old (Sic; child)

Strategies@Princi#les of :3<:

All sic; children aged % months u# to + "ears are eAamined for >ENE9A4 DAN>E9 signs and all Sic; Young :nfants 5irth u# to % months are eAamined for DE9Y SEDE9E D:SEASE AND 40<A4 5A<7E9:A4 :NFE<7:0N' 7hese signs indicate immediate referral or admission to hos#ital 7he children and infants are then assessed for main s"m#toms' For sic; children- the main s"m#toms includeH cough or difficult" breathing- and ear infection' For sic; "oung infants- local bacterial infectiondiarrhea and &aundice' All sic; children are routinel" assessed for nutritionalimmuniGation and de(orming status and for other #roblems 0nl" a limited number of clinical signs are used A combination of indi.idual signs leads to a childBs classification (ithin one or more s"m#tom grou#s rather than a diagnosis' :3<: management #rocedures use limited number of essential drugs and encourage acti.e #artici#ation of careta;ers in the treatment of children <ounseling of careta;ers on home care- correct feeding and of fluidsand (hen to return to clinic is an essential com#onent of :3<:

5AS:S F09 <4ASS:FY:N> 7HE <H:4DBS :44NESS (#lease see enclosed #ortion of the :3<: <hartboo;let) 7he childBs illness is classified based on a color-coded triage s"stemH


indicates urgent hos#ital referral or admission

YE440F- indicates initiation of s#ecific 0ut#atient 7reatment

>9EEN 8 indicates su##orti.e home care

Ste#s of the :3<: <ase management Process

7he follo(ing is the flo( of the i3<: #rocess' At the out-#atient health facilit"- the health (or;er should routinel" do basic demogra#hic data collection- .ital signs ta;ing- and as;ing the mother about the childIs #roblems' Determine (hether this is an initial or a follo(-u# .isit' 7he health (or;er then #roceeds (ith the :3<: #rocess b" chec;ing for general danger signs- assessing the main s"m#toms and other #rocesses indicated in the chart belo('

7a;e note that for the #in; boA- referral facilit" includes district#ro.incial and tertiar" hos#itals' 0nce admitted- the hos#ital #rotocol is used in the management of the sic; child'


:ntegrated <ase 3anagement Process


De#artment of Health

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol -Famil" Health 0ffice

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*, Qnoc; 0ut 7igdas % *

local $*%2-$*/

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF Qnoc;-out 7igdas 4ogo Qnoc;-out 7igdas 4ogo RQnoc;-out 7igdas % *S is a seCuel to the $)), and % 4 R4igtas 7igdasS mass measles immuniGation cam#aign' All children ) months to 4, months old ( born 0ctober $- % / 8 Eanuar" $-% *) should be .accinated against measles from 0ctober $+ - No.ember $+- % * - door-to-door' All health centers- baranga" health stations- hos#itals and other tem#orar" immuniGation sites such as bas;etball court- to(n #laGas and other identified #ublic #laces (ill also offer F9EE .accination ser.ices during the cam#aign #eriod'

0ther ser.ices to be gi.en include Ditamin A <a#sule and de(orming tablet'

Qnoc;out 7igdas for the #eriod of the 5aranga" and SQ Elections EAecuti.e 0rder No' 22/ Promotional materials

Fhat is RQnoc;-out 7igdas (Q07) %


RQnoc;-out 7igdas % *S is a seCuel to the $)), and % 4 R4igtas 7igdasS mass measles immuniGation cam#aigns' 7his is the second follo(-u# measles cam#aign to eliminate measles infection as a #ublic health #roblem'

Fhat is the ob&ecti.e of the Qnoc;-out 7igdasN

7he Qnoc;-out 7igdas is a strateg" to reduce the number or #ool of children at ris; of getting measles or being susce#tible to measles and achie.e )+! measles immuniGation co.erage' =ltimatel"- the ob&ecti.e of Q07 is to eliminate measles circulation in all communities b" % ,'

Fhat does measles elimination meanN

3easles elimination meansH

$' 4ess than one ($) measles case is confirmed measles #er one million #o#ulation'

%' Detects and eAtracts blood for laborator" confirmation from at least % sus#ect measles cases #er $ #o#ulations'

/' No secondar" transmission of measles' 7his means that (hen a measles case occurs- measles is not transmitted to others'

Fho should be .accinatedN

All children bet(een ) months to 4, months old ( born 0ctober $- % Eanuar" $-% *) should be .accinated against measles'


Fhen (ill it be doneN

:mmuniGation among these children (ill be done on 0ctober $+-No.ember $+- % *'

Ho( (ill it be doneN

Daccination teams go from door-to-door of" house or" building in search of the targeted children (ho needs to be .accinated (ith a dose of measles .accines- Ditamin A ca#sule and de(orming drug'

All health centers- baranga" health stations- hos#itals and other tem#orar" immuniGation sites such as bas;etball court- to(n #laGas and other identified #ublic #laces (ill also offer F9EE .accination ser.ices during the cam#aign #eriod'

3" child has been .accinated against measles' :s she eAem#ted from this .accination cam#aignN

No- she is not' A #re.iousl" .accinated child is not eAem#ted from the .accination cam#aign because (e cannot be sure if her #re.ious .accination (as $ ! effecti.e'

<hances are a .accinated child is alread" #rotected- but no one can reall" be sure' 7here is $+! .accine failure (hen the .accine is gi.en to ) months old children' Fe (ant to be $ ! sure of their #rotection'

Fhat strateg" (ill be used during the cam#aignN

:t is a door-to-door strateg"' 7he team goes from one-household to another in all areas nation(ide'

3" child had measles #re.iousl"- is he eAem#ted in this cam#aignN

7here are man" measles-li;e diseases' Fe cannot be sure eAactl" (hat the child had- es#eciall" if the illness occurred "ears ago' An"(a"- the

.accination (ill not harm a child (ho alread" had measles' 7he effect (ill also be li;e a booster .accination' 7he #re.iousl" recei.ed measles immuniGation has formed antibodies- (ith the booster shot it (ill strengthened the said antibodies'

:s there an" o.erdose- if m" child this booster immuniGationN

Antibodies in the blood (hich #ro.ide #rotection against disease decrease as the child gro(s older' 5ooster .accinations are needed to raise #rotection again' 3easles .accination during the said cam#aign (ill be a booster .accination for a #re.iousl" .accinated child' 7he childBs (aning internal #rotection (ill increase' 7he child (ill not harm because there is no .accine o.erdose for the measles .accine' 7he measles .accine is e.en ;no(n to enhance o.erall immunit" against other diseases'

Fhat (ill ha##en to m" child after the measles immuniGationN

Normall"- the child (ill ha.e slight' 7he is a sign that the childBs .accine is (or;ing and is hel#ing the bod" de.elo# antibodies against measles'

7he best thing to do (hen the child has is to gi.e him #aracetamol" four (4) hours' >i.e him #lent" of fluids and breastfeed the child' Ensure that the child has enough rest and slee#'

Fhat (ill ha##en after the RQnoc;-out 7igdas %


7o interru#t measles circulation b" % ,- A44 children ages ) months (ill continue to routinel" recei.e one dose of the measles .accine together (ith the .accines the other disease of the childhood li;e #olio- di#htheria#ertussis- etc' All children (ith and rashes ha.e to be listed and tested to .erif" the cause of the infection'

A44 $, months old children (ill be gi.en a second dose of measles immuniGation to reall" ensure that these children are #rotected against measles infection'

Fhat other ser.ices (ill be gi.enN

Ditamin A ca#sule (ill be gi.en to all children 2 months to *$ month old and de(orming tablet to $% months to *$ months old nation(ide'

Additional messagesH

0nce the child is .accinated- the #osterior u##er left earlobe (ill be mar;ed (ith gentian .iolet- so do not tr" to remo.e for the #ur#ose of .alidation'

Houses (ill also be mar;ed- so do not erase'

R: heard that there are cases (here the child (ho (as .accinated (ho became seriousl" ill or died' :s this trueN

3easles .accine is .er" safe' 3inor reactions ma" occur such as but in an alread" immuniGes child- this ma" not occur' 7he most serious and 9A9E ad.erse e.ent follo(ing immuniGation is ana#h"laAis (hich is inherent on the child- not on the .accines' 4e#ros" <ontrol Program DisionH Em#o(ered #rimar" sta;eholders in le#ros" and eliminated le#ros" as a #ublic health #roblem b" % %

3issionH 7o ensure the #ro.ision of a com#rehensi.e- integrated Cualit" le#ros" ser.ices at all le.els of health care

>oalH 7o maintain and sustain the elimination status


7he National 4e#ros" <ontrol Program aims toH

Ensure the a.ailabilit" of adeCuate anti-le#ros" drugs or multi#le drug thera#" (3D7)' Pre.ent and reduce disabilities from le#ros" b" /+! through 9ehabilitation and Pre.ention of :m#airments and Disabilities (9P:0D) and Self<are' :m#ro.e case detection and #ost-elimination sur.eillance s"stem using the FH0 #rotocol in selected 4>=s' :ntegration of le#ros" control (ith other health ser.ices at the local le.el' Acti.e #artici#ation of #erson affected b" le#ros" in le#ros" control and human dignit" #rogram in collaboration (ith the National Program for Persons (ith Disabilit"' Strengthen the collaboration (ith #artners and other sta;eholders in the #ro.ision of Cualit" le#ros" ser.ices for socio-economic mobiliGation and ad.ocac" acti.ities for le#ros"'


7he N4<P targets indi.iduals- families- and communities in h"#erendemic areas and those (ith histor" of #re.ious cases'

>lobal Strateg"


2-% $ )

N4<P Strateg"

(% $$-% $2)

3D>? N0H

=ni.ersal Health <are

(Qalusugang Pang;alahatan)

Sustain le#ros" control in all endemic countries Pro.ision of Wualit" 4e#ros" ser.ices at all le.els >o.ernance for Health Strengthen routine ? referral Health S"stem Strengthening" Ensure high Cualit" diagnosis- case management- recording ? re#orting in all endemic communities <a#abilit" building of an efficient- effecti.e- accessible human and facilit" resources Polic"- Standards ? 9egulations Establish the Sentinel Sur.eillance S"stem to monitor Drug 9esistance De.elo# #olicies@ guidelines@ sentinel sites@referral centers (4uGon-Disa"as ? 3indanao) Human 9esources for Health De.elo# #rocedures@ tools that are home@communit"- based- integrated and locall" a##ro#riate for Self <are@P0D- rehabilitation ser.ices (<59) <ollaborate (ith NE<@9ES=@ PES= @ 3ES= Health :nformation

N4A5- N<<4 Health Financing

9A *%**- 9ights of PFD ? <aregi.ers

5P /4- Accessibilit" ? Human 9ights 4a(

PhilHealth :nsurance Pac;age

Program 3anagerH

Dr' Francesca <' >a&ete

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

EmailH francescaVga&eteM"ahoo'com 4>= Scorecard

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 7he #erformance indicators in the 4>= Scorecard are a subset of the Performance :ndicator Frame(or; (P:F) of the 3E/' 7he #erformance indicators measure basic intermediate outcomes and ma&or out#uts of health reform #rograms- #ro&ects and acti.ities (PPAs)'

7here are 42 #erformance indicators in the 4>= Scorecard categoriGed in t(o sets (Set : and Set ::)' 7he t(o sets of #erformance indicators are the follo(ingH

Set : is com#osed of %* outcome indicators mostl" re#resenting intermediate outcomes that can be assessed" "ear (See AnneA $H Data Definitions for Set : :ndicators in 4>= Scorecard)' Set :: is com#osed of %* out#ut indicators re#resenting ma&or thrusts and ;e" inter.entions for the four reform com#onents of"- regulation- financing- and go.ernance' 7he" are mostl" com#osed of health s"stem reform out#uts' 7hese indicators are assessed onl"" /-+ "ears- since these reCuire more time and more resources to set u#' 7he eCuit" dimensions of these indicators are not measured (See AnneA %H Data Definitions for Set :: :ndicators in 4>= Scorecard)'

Set : #erformance indicators of the 4>= Scorecard are standardiGed as to numerators- denominators- multi#liers and data sources' 7he definition of #erformance indicators is consistent (ith the De#artment of Health FHS:S

data dictionar"' 7he other references used in defining #erformance indicators in the 4>= Scorecard are PhilHealth data definitions and FH0 definitions of indicators' 7he standardiGation of #erformance indicators guarantees consistenc" of data across .arious 4>=s and across "ears of im#lementation' :t also facilitates the automation of the 4>= Scorecard collection and #ublication of results'

7he sources of data utiliGed for the 4>= Scorecard are the institutional data sources in the De#artment of Health' 7he a.ailabilit" of data on an annual basis (as an im#ortant consideration for inclusion of Set : #erformance indicators in the 4>= Scorecard' 4icensure EAaminations for Para#rofessionals =nderta;en b" the De#artment of Health

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Presidential Decree No' ,+2 R<ode of Sanitation of the Phili##inesS

3assage 7hera#ists

Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ - /4 8 R9e.ised :m#lementing 9ules and 9egulations >o.erning 3assage <linics and Sauna 5ath EstablishmentsS

Embalmers Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ - // R9e.ised :m#lementing 9ules and 9egulations >o.erning Dis#osal of Dead PersonsS


7he <ommittee of EAaminers for 3assage 7hera#" (<E37) and the <ommittee of EAaminers for =nderta;ers and Embalmers (<E=E) (ere created b" the D0H to regulate the #ractice of massage thera#" and embalming to ensure that onl" Cualified indi.iduals enter the #rofession and that the care and ser.ices to be #ro.ided are (ithin the standards of #ractice'

::' A##lication Procedure

A' Fho can a##l"

An" high school graduate At least $, "ears old at the time of the eAamination

5' Ho( to a##l"

A##lication 9eCuirementsH

a' <ertified 7rue <o#" of 5irth <ertificate (at least $, "ears old at the time of the eAamination)

b' <ertificate of >ood 3oral <haracter from baranga" ca#tain of the communit" (here the a##licant resides

c' <ertification or clearance from the National 5ureau of :n.estigation (N5:) or #ro.incial fiscal that he@she is not con.icted b" the court in an" case moral tur#itude'

d' 3edical <ertificate from a go.ernment #h"sician

e' <ertified 7rue <o#" of Di#loma or 7ranscri#t of 9ecord (at least high school graduate)

f' Submit 3arriage <ontract for female married a##licant

g' <ertification from an" D0H accredited training institution@ #ro.ider that he@she has recei.ed basic instructions in fi.e (+) sub&ects based on Program <urriculum

h' <ertification from an" D0H accredited training institution@#ro.ider that he@she has s;illfull" embalmed at least $ cada.ers (ithin one "ear #eriod under his@her su#er.ision

i' Filled u# a##lication form ($ co#")

&' $ ^ U $ ^ siGe #hotogra#h ta;en (ithin the last 2 months (/ co#ies)

Fhen is the licensure eAaminationN

3assage 7hera#ist 8" $st (ee; of Eune and December

Embalmers 8" $st (ee; of 3arch and Se#tember

:::' <ontact PersonsH

Dr' Eose#hine H' Hi#olito

3r' 9"an 5' Dordas

De#artment of Health- HH9D5-

%nd Floor- 5ldg $%-A- San 4aGaro <om#ound

Sta' <ruG- 3anila

<ontact NumberH ( %) 2+$-*,

locals 4% %- 4% /- 4%%*

3alaria <ontrol Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF malariaVthumb'&#g malariaVthumb'&#g 3alaria is a #arasite-caused disease that is usuall" acCuired through the bite of a female Ano#heles mosCuito' :t can be transmitted in the follo(ing (a"sH ($) blood transfusion from an infected indi.idual1 (%) sharing of :D needles1 and (/) trans#lacenta (transfer of malaria #arasites from an infected mother to its unborn child)'

7his #arasite-caused disease is the )th leading cause of morbidit" in the countr"' As of this "ear- there are +, out of ,$ #ro.inces that are malaria endemic and $4 million #eo#le are at ris;' :n res#onse to this health #roblemthe De#artment of Health (D0H) coordinated (ith its #artner organiGations and agencies to em#lo" ;e" inter.entions (ith regard to malaria control'

DisionH 3alaria-free Phili##ines

3issionH 7o em#o(er health (or;ers- the #o#ulation at ris; and all others concerned to eliminate malaria in the countr"'

>oalH 7o significantl" reduce malaria burden so that it (ill no longer affect the socio-economic de.elo#ment of indi.iduals and families in endemic areas'


5ased on the % $$-% $2 3alaria Program 3edium 7erm Plan- it aims toH

$' Ensure uni.ersal access to reliable diagnosis- highl" effecti.e- and a##ro#riate treatment and #re.enti.e measures1

%' <a#acitate local go.ernment units (4>=s) to o(n- manage- and sustain the 3alaria Program in their res#ecti.e localities1

/' Sustain financing of anti-malaria efforts at all le.els of o#eration1 and

4' Ensure a functioning Cualit" assurance s"stem for malaria o#erations'


7he 3alaria <ontrol Program targets the meager-resourced munici#alities in endemic #ro.inces- rural #oor residing near breeding areas- farmers rel"ing on forest #roducts- indigenous #eo#le (ith limited access to Cualit" health care ser.ices- communities affected b" armed conflicts- as (ell as #regnant (omen and children aged fi.e "ears old and belo('

Program StrategiesH

7he D0H- in coordination (ith its ;e" #artners and the 4>=s- im#lements the follo(ing inter.entionsH

$'Earl" diagnosis and #rom#t treatment

Diagnostic <enters (ere established and strengthened to achie.e this strateg"' 7he utiliGation of these diagnostic centers is #romoted to sustain its functionalit"'

%' Dector control

7he use of insecticide-treated mosCuito nets- com#lemented (ith indoor residual s#ra"ing- #re.ents malaria transmission'

/' Enhancement of local ca#acit"

4>=s are ca#acitated to manage and im#lement communit"-based malaria control through social mobiliGation'

Program Accom#lishmentsH

For the de.elo#ment of health #olicies- the 3alaria 3edium 7erm Plan (% $$% $2) is alread" in its final draft (hile the 3alaria 3onitoring and E.aluation Frame(or; and Plan is being drafted' 7he 3alaria Program is being monitored in siA #ro.inces as the Phili##ine 3alaria :nformation S"stem is being and enhanced'

:n strengthening the ca#abilities of the 4>=s- trainings are conducted' 7hese includeH series of 5asic and Ad.ance 3alaria 3icrosco#" 7raining1 3alaria Program 3anagement 0rientation and 7raining for the rural health unit (9H=) staff1 and Data =tiliGation 7raining' Also- there are the <linical 3anagement for =ncom#licated and Se.ere 3alaria and the 3alaria E#idemic 3anagement'

4astl"- health ser.ices are le.eraged through the #ro.ision of anti-malaria commodities'

Partner 0rganiGation@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing organiGations@agencies ta;e #art in the goals of 3alaria <ontrol ProgramH

Pili#inas Shell Foundation- :nc- (PSF:) 9oll 5ac; 3alaria (953)1 Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) Act 3alaria Foundation- :nc Field E#idemiolog" 7raining Program Alumni Foundation- :nc' (FE7PAF:) 9esearch :nstitute of 7ro#ical 3edicine (9:73) =ni.ersit" of the Phili##ines-<ollege of Public Health (=P-<PH) Phili##ine 3alaria Net(or;

Australian Agenc" for :nternational De.elo#ment (AusA:D) Asia Pacific 3alaria Elimination Net(or; (AP3EN) 3alaria Elimination >rou# (3E>) 4ocal >o.ernment =nits (4>=s)

Program 3anagerH

Dr' 3ario S' 5aCuilod

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

EmailH marbaCuilodM"ahoo'com

Files and 4in;sH

4ist of 9egional 3alaria <oordinator 3alaria Streamer FreCuentl" As;ed Wuestions on 3alaria National 7uberculosis <ontrol Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 7uberculosis is a disease caused b" a bacterium called 3"cobeacterium tuberculosis that is mainl" acCuired b" inhalation of infectious dro#lets containing .iable tubercle bacilli' :nfectious dro#lets can be #roduced b" coughing- sneeGing- tal;ing and singing' <oughing is generall" considered as the most efficient (a" of #roducing infectious dro#lets'

:n % *- there are )'%* million incident cases of 75 (orld(ide and Asia accounts for ++! of the cases' 7hrough the National 75 Program (N7P)- the Phili##ines achie.ed the global targets of * ! case detection for ne( smear #ositi.e 75 cases and ,)! of these became successfull" treated' 7he .arious underta;en b" the Program- in #artnershi# (ith critical sta;eholders- enabled the N7P to sustain these targets' Nonethelessemerging concerns li;e drug resistance and co-morbidities need to be addressed to #re.ent ra#id transmission and future generation of such threats' <o.erage should also be broadened to ca#ture the marginaliGed #o#ulations and the .ulnerable grou#s namel"- urban and rural #oor- ca#ti.e #o#ulations (inmates@#risoners)- elderl" and indigenous grou#s'

4ast % )- the National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol of the De#artment of Health led the #rocess of formulating the % $ -% $2 Phili##ine Plan of Action to <ontrol 75 (PhilPA<7) that as the guiding direction for the attainment of the 3illenium De.elo#ment >oals (3D>s)' 4earning from the Directl"-0bser.ed 7reatment Shortcourse (D07S) strateg"- the eight (,) strategies of PhilPA<7 are anchored on this 75 control frame(or;' 3oreo.erthese strategies are also attuned (ith the >o.ernmentBs health reform agenda ;no(n as Qalusugang Pang;alahatan (QP) to ensure sustainabilit" and ris; #rotection'

DisionH 75-free Phili##ines

>oalH 7o reduce b" half 75 #re.alence and mortalit" com#ared to $)) figures b" % $+


7he N7P aims toH

9educe local .ariations in 75 control #rogram #erformance

Scale-u# and sustain co.erage of D07S im#lementation

Ensure #ro.ision of Cualit" 75 ser.ices

9educe out-of-#oc;et eA#enses related to 75 care


=nder PhilPA<7- there are , strategies to be im#lemented- namel"H

4ocaliGe im#lementation of 75 control

3onitor health s"stem #erformance

Engage all health care #ro.iders- #ublic and #ri.ate

Promote and strengthen #ositi.e beha.ior of communities

Address 3D9-75-75-H:D and needs of .ulnerable #o#ulations

9egulate and ma;e Cualit" 75 diagnostic tests and drugs

<ertif" and accredit 75 care #ro.iders

Secure adeCuate funding and im#ro.e allocation and efficienc" of fund utiliGation

Program Accom#lishmentsH

Significant #rogress has been achie.ed since the Phili##ines ado#ted the D07S strateg" in $))2 and at the end of % %-% /- all #ublic health centers are enabled to D07S ser.ices' 5ecause of the >o.ernmentBs efforts to continuousl" im#ro.e health care"- there ha.e been #rogressi.e increases in the detection and treatment success' Fhile a strong ground(or; has been installed- acceleration of efforts is entailed to eA#and and sustain successful 75 control' All sta;eholders are called u#on to achie.e the 75 targets lin;ed to the 3D>s set to be attained b" % $+' Ho( (ith the emergence of other 75 threats- more has to be done' 4i;e(ise- (ith the ongoing global de.elo#ments and ne( technologies in the #i#elineconstraints (ill ho#efull" be addressed'

7he % $ -% $2 PhilPA<7 as defined b" multi-sector #artners- through broad-based collecti.e technical in#uts- underlines the ;e" strategic a##roaches to(ards these targets at both national and local le.els' 7he Plan aims for uni.ersal access to D07S including strategic res#onses to .ulnerable grou#s and emerging 75 threats' Nation(ide- a (ide arra" of health facilities are installed and eCui##ed to #ro.ide Cualit" 75 care to the general #o#ulation' 7his #artici#ation of #ri.ate facilities (clinicshos#itals)- other health-related agencies or N>0s and other >o.ernment organiGations' <o.erage for D07S ser.ices- at least in the #ublic #rimar" care net(or; has reached nearl" $ ! in late % %' E.ersince- diagnosis through s#utum smear microsco#" and treatment (ith a com#lete set of anti-75 drugs are gi.en free through the su##ort of the >o.ernment' 7raining on 75 care for different t"#es of health (or;ers is being conducted through the regional and local N7P <oordinators' 7he conclusions during the #rogram im#lementation (P:9) done b" the D0H of selected #ublic health #rograms on Eanuar" % , re.ealed the follo(ingH

EAtent and Cualit" of nation(ide 75-D07S co.erage ha.e reached le.els necessar" for e.entual control since % 4 u# to #resent

N7P continues to add enhancements and im#ro.ements to 75 care #ro.iders for better" of ser.ices

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing are the organiGations@agencies that ta;e #art in the ob& of the National 75 <ontrol ProgramH

Phili##ine 5usiness for Social Progress

Phili##ine <oalition Against 75

Holistic <ommunit" De.elo#ment (H<D:)

National 75 9ef 4aborator"

4ung <enter of the Phili##ines

5ureau of Eail 3anagement and Penolog" (5E3P)

5ureau of <orrections

De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment (D:4>)

De#artment of Education (De#Ed)

Armed Forces of the Phili##ines-0ffice of the Surgeon >eneral (AFP-07S>)


9esearch :nstitute of 7uberculosis@ Ea#an Anti-7uberculosis Association Phili##ines- :nc' (9:7@EA7A)

Phili##ine 7uberculosis Societ" :nc' (P7S:)

Qabali;at sa Qalusugan

Samahang 4usog 5aga

National <ommission for :ndigenous Peo#les

De#artment of National Defense-Deterans 3emorial 3edical <enter (DNDD33<)

0ccu#ational Health and Safet" (0SH<)1 5ureau of For;ing <onditions (5F<)

Forld Dision De.elo#ment Foundation (FDDF)

:nternational <ommittee of 9ed <ross

Qorea Foundation for :nternational Health <are (Q0F:H)

Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0)

=nited States Agenc" for :nternational De.elo#ment (=SA:D)

<ommittee of >erman Doctors for De.elo#ing <ountries

Program 3anagerH Dr' 9osalind >' DianGon

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

EmailH rg.ianGon$ M"ahoo'com

Natural Famil" Planning

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF Po#ulation@Famil" Planning :ssue

Senate 5ill No' $+42H P9e#roducti.e Health Act of %


House 5ill No' $2H P9e#roducti.e Health Act of %


7he 7ruth About the P+ 3 <F< <ontract (ith D0H

<F<-D0H Partnershi#

4etter to the EditorH Phili##ine Dail" :nCuirer

Famil" Planning 5rief Descri#tion of Program

A national mandated #riorit" #ublic health #rogram to attain the countr"Is national health de.elo#mentH a health inter.ention #rogram and an im#ortant tool for the im#ro.ement of the health and (elfare of mothers- children and other members of the famil"' :t also #ro.ides information and ser.ices for the cou#les of re#roducti.e age to #lan their famil" according to their beliefs and circumstances through legall" and medicall" acce#table famil" #lanning methods'

7he #rogram is anchored on the follo(ing basic #rinci#les'

T 9es#onsible Parenthood (hich means that each famil" has the right and dut" to determine the desired number of children the" might ha.e and (hen the" might ha.e them' And be"ond res#onsible #arenthood is 9es#onsible Parenting (hich is the #ro#er ubringing and education of chidren so that the" gro( u# to be u#right- #roducti.e and ci.ic-minded citiGens' National Filariasis Elimination Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF Filariasis is a ma&or #arasitic infection- (hich continues to be a #ublic health

#roblem in the Phili##ines' :t (as first disco.ered in the Phili##ines in $) * b" foreign (or;ers' <onsolidated field re#orts sho(ed a #re.alence rate of )'*! #er $ #o#ulation in $)),' :t is the second leading cause of #ermanent and long-term disabilit"' 7he disease affects mostl" the #oorest munici#alities in the countr" about *$! of the case li.e in the 4th-2th class t"#e of munici#alities'

7he Forld Health Assembl" in $))* declared RFilariasis Elimination as a #riorit"S and follo(ed b" FH0Bs call for global elimination' A sign of the D0HBs commitment to eliminate the disease- the #rogramBs official shift from control to elimination strategies (as e.ident in an Administrati.e 0rder J%+A-s $)), disseminated to endemic regions' A ma&or strateg" of the Elimination Plan (as the 3ass Annual 7reatment using the combination drugDieth"lcarbamaGine <itrate and AlbendaGole for a minimum of % "ears ? abo.e in established endemic areas after the issuance from FH0 of the safet" data on the use of the drugs' 7he Phili##ine Plan (as a##ro.ed b" FH0 (hich ga.e the go.ernment free su##l" of the AlbendaGole (donated b " >SQ thru FH0) for filariasis elimination' :n su##ort to the #rogram- an Administrati.e 0rder declaring RNo.ember as Filariasis 3ass 7reatment 3onth (as signed b" the Secretar" of Health last Eul" % 4 and (as disseminated to all endemic regions'

DisionH Health" and #roducti.e indi.iduals and families for Filariasis-free Phili##ines

3issionH Elimination of Filariasis as a #ublic health #roblem thru a com#rehensi.e a##roach and uni.ersal access to Cualit" health ser.ices

>oalH 7o eliminate 4"m#hatic Filariasis as a #ublic health #roblem in the Phili##ines b" "ear % $*

>eneral 0b&ecti.esH 7o decrease Pre.alence 9ate of filariasis in endemic munici#alities to Y$@$ #o#ulation'

S#ecific 0b&ecti.esH

7he National Filariasis Elimination Program s#ecificall" aims toH

$' 9educe the Pre.alence 9ate to elimination le.el of Y$!1

%' Perform 3ass treatment in all established endemic areas1

/' De.elo# a Filariasis disabilit" #re.ention #rogram in established endemic areas1 and

4' <ontinue sur.eillance of established endemic areas + "ears after mass treatment'

5aseline DataH

Pre.alence 9ate ($))*)H )'*! #er $-


Endemic in 4/ #ro.inces in $$ regions (ith a total #o#ulation at ris; of / -

7arget Po#ulation@<lients@5eneficiariesH

7he #rogram targets indi.iduals- families and communities in endemic munici#alities in 44 #ro.inces in $% regions (/ million targeted for mass treatment or $@/ of the total #o#ulation of the countr")' Ho( ) #ro.inces ha.e reached elimination le.el namel"H Southern 4e"te1 Sorsogon1 5iliran1 5u;idnon1 9omblon1 Agusan Sur1 Dinagat :slands1 <otabato Pro.ince1 and <03DA4'

Program StrategiesH

S79A7E>Y $' Endemic 3a##ing

S79A7E>Y %' <a#abilit" 5uilding

S79A7E>Y /' 3ass 7reatment (integrated (ith other eAisting #arasitic #rograms)

S79A7E>Y 4' Su##ort <ontrol

S79A7E>Y +' 3onitoring and Su#er.ision

S79A7E>Y 2' E.aluation

S79A7E>Y *' National <ertification

S79A7E>Y ,' :nternational <ertification

3anagement 5eing =sedH

$' Selecti.e 7reatment 8 treating indi.iduals found to be #ositi.e for microfilariae in nocturnal blood eAamination'

DrugH Dieth"lcarbamaGine <itrate

DosageH 2 mg@;g bod" (eight in / di.ided doses for $% consecuti.e da"s (usuall" gi.en after meals)

%' 3ass 7reatment 8 the drugs to all #o#ulation from aged % "ears and abo.e in all established endemic areas'

DrugH DiethlcarbamaGine <itrate (single dose based on 2 mg@;g bod" (t) #lus AlbendaGole 4 mg gi.en single dose gi.en once annuall" to #eo#le % "rs ? abo.e in established endemic areas

/' Disabilit" Pre.ention thru home-based or communit"-based care for l"m#hedema ? ele#hantiasis cases' Surgical management for h"drocele #atients'

Status of the ProgramH

P90D:N<ES 7HA7 9EA<HED E4:3:NA7:0N S7A>EH Southern 4e"te- Sorsogon5iliran- 5u;idnon- 9omblon- Agusan Sur- Dinagat island- <otabato Pro.ince and <03DA4

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing are the organiGations@agencies that ta;e #art in the ob& of the National Filariasis Elimination ProgramH

<oalition for the Elimination of 4"m#hatic Filariasis <ulion Foundation- :nc' Peace and ECuit" Foundation- :nc' (PEF) :loilo <aucus of De.elo#ment N>0s- :nc' :loilo (:<0DE) 3arinducare Foundation- :nc' 4inga# Para sa Qalusugan ng Samba"anan- :nc' (4:QAS) Del 3onte Foundation- :nc' Ang-HortaleGa Foundation (S#lash Foundation) 5elo 3edical >rou#

>laAoSmitheQline Foundation <enter for Social <oncern and Action (<0S<A) (ith 7heolog" 9eligious Education De#artment (79ED7F0) 8 De 4a Salle =ni.ersit"-3anila =P 0#en =ni.ersit"-3anila =P 3anila 8 National :nstitutes of Health (=P 3anila-N:H) =P-<ollege of Public Health

Program 3anagerH

Dr' 4eda 3' HernandeG

Di.ision <hief- :nfectious Disease 0ffice

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

EmailH drVledamherM"ahoo'com National 9abies Pre.ention and <ontrol Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF 9abies is a human infection that occurs after a transdermal bite or scratch b" an infected animal- li;e dogs and cats' :t can be transmitted (hen infectious material- usuall" sali.a- comes into direct contact (ith a .ictimBs fresh s;in lesions' 9abies ma" also occur- though in .er" rare cases- through inhalation of .irus-containing s#ra" or through organ trans#lants'

9abies is considered to be a neglected disease- (hich is $ ! fatal though $ ! #re.entable' :t is not among the leading causes of mortalit" and morbidit" in the countr" but it is regarded as a significant #ublic health #roblem because ($) it is one of the most acutel" fatal infection and (%) it is res#onsible for the death of % -/ Fili#inos annuall"'

DisionH 7o Declare Phili##ines 9abies-Free b" "ear % %

>oalH 7o eliminate human rabies b" the "ear % %

Program StrategiesH

7o attain its goal- the #rogram em#lo"s the follo(ing strategiesH

$' Pro.ision of Post EA#osure Pro#h"laAis (PEP) to all Animal 5ite 7reatment <enters (A57<s)

%' Pro.ision of Pre-EA#osure Pro#h"laAis (PrEP) to high ris; indi.iduals and school children in high incidence Gones

/' Health Education

Public a(areness (ill be strengthened through the :nformationEducation- and <ommunication (:E<) cam#aign' 7he rabies #rogram shall be integrated into the elementar" curriculum and the 9es#onsible Pet 0(nershi# (9P0) shall be #romoted' :n coordination (ith the De#artment of Agriculturethe D0H shall intensif" the #romotion of dog .accination- dog #o#ulation control- as (ell as the control of stra" animals'

:n accordance (ith 9A )4,% or R7he 9abies Act of % *S- rabies control ordinances shall be strictl" im#lemented' :n the same manner- the #ublic shall be informed on the #ro#er management of animal bites and@or rabies eA#osures'

4' Ad.ocac"

7he rabies a(areness and ad.ocac" cam#aign is a "ear-round" highlighted on t(o occasions 8 3arch as the 9abies A(areness 3onth and Se#tember %, as the Forld 9abies Da"'

+' 7raining@<a#abilit" 5uilding

3edical doctors and 9egistered Nurses are to be trained on the guidelines on managing a .ictim'

2' Establishment of A57<s b" :nter-4ocal Health Oone

*' D0H-DA &oint e.aluation and declaration of 9abies-free islands

Program Achie.ementsH

7he D0H- together (ith the #artner organiGations@agencies- has alread" de.elo#ed the guidelines for managing rabies eA#osures' Fith the im#lementation of the #rogram strategies- fi.e islands (ere alread" declared to be rabies-free'

:n % $ - %+* rabies cases and %22-% animal bites or rabies eA#osures (ere re#orted' A total of /2+ A57<s (ere established and strategicall" located all the countr"' Post EA#osure Pro#h"laAis against rabies (as #ro.ided in all the /2+ A57<s'

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing organiGations@agencies ta;e #art in attaining the goal of the National 9abies Pre.ention and <ontrol ProgramH

De#artment of Agriculture (DA) De#artment of Education (De#Ed) De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment (D:4>) Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) Animal Felfare <oalition (AF<) 53>F Foundation FH0@53>F 9abies Elimination Pro&ect 5ill and 3elinda >ates Foundation Forld Societ" for the Protection of Animals (FSPA) 3edical 9esearch <ouncil (39<)

Program 3anagerH

Dr' 9aff" A' Dera"

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH *+$-*,-

or 2+$-*,-

local %/+%

EmailH raff"s&,4M"ahoo'com

Ne*)orn 0creening
9e#ublic Act )%,,

Ne(born screening (N5S) is a #ublic health #rogram aimed at the earl" identification of infants (ho are affected b" certain genetic@metabolic@infectious conditions' Earl" identification and timel" inter.ention can lead to significant reduction of morbidit"- mortalit"- and associated disabilities in affected infants' N5S in the Phili##ines started in Eune $))2 and (as integrated into the #ublic health" s"stem (ith the enactment of the Ne(born Screening Act of % 4 (9e#ublic Act )%,,)' From $))2 to December % $ - the #rogram has sa.ed 4+ %,/ #atients' Fi.e conditions are currentl" screenedH <ongenital H"#oth"roidism- <ongenital Adrenal H"#er#lasia- Phen"l;etonuria- >alactosemia- and >lucose-2Phos#hate Deh"drogenase Deficienc"'

<urrent Status of N5S :m#lementation in the Phili##ines

Ne(born Screening 4egislation N5S (as integrated into the #ublic health" s"stem (ith the enactment of 9e#ublic Act )%,, or Ne(born Screening Act of % 4 as it institutionaliGed the KNational N5S S"stemB- (hich shall ensure the follo(ingH _a` that" bab" born in the Phili##ines is offered N5S1 _b` the establishment and integration of a sustainable N5S S"stem (ithin the #ublic health" s"stem1 _c` that all health #ractitioners are a(are of the benefits of N5S and of their res#onsibilities in offering it1 and _d` that all #arents are a(are of N5S and their res#onsibilit" in #rotecting their child from an" of the disorders' 7he highlights of the la( and its im#lementing rules and regulations areH

D0H is the lead agenc" tas;ed (ith im#lementing this la(1 An" health #ractitioner (ho deli.ers or assists in the" of a ne(born in the Phili##ines shall #rior to"- inform #arents or legal guardians of the ne(borns the a.ailabilit"- nature and benefits of N5S1 Health facilities shall integrate N5S in its" of health ser.ices1 <reation of the Ne(born Screening 9eference <enter at the National :nstitutes of Health and establishment and accreditation of NS<s eCui##ed (ith a N5S laborator" and recall@follo( u# #rogram1 Pro.ision of N5S ser.ices as a reCuirement for licensing and accreditationthe D0H and the Phili##ine Health :nsurance <or#oration (PH:<) :nclusion of cost of N5S in insurance benefits

<urrentl"- there are four Ne(born Screening <enters (NS<s) in the countr"H NS<-National :nstitutes of Health in 3anila1 NS<- Disa"as in :loilo <it"1 NS<3indanao in <it"1 and NS<-<entral 4uGon in Angeles <it"' 7he four NS<s #ro.ide laborator" and follo( u# ser.ices for more than / X health facilities'

D0H- its #artners and ma&or sta;eholders remain aggressi.e in identif"ing strategies to intensif" a(areness in the communities and increase co.erage among home deli.eries' Among the recent efforts to increase the ne(born screening co.erage are a##ointment of full-time 9egional N5S <oordinators1

o#ening more >2PD <onfirmator" 4aboratories1 #artnershi# (ith mid( organiGations1 and #roduction of information materials targeting different grou#s of health (or;ers and #rofessionals'

Qe" Pla"ers in the :m#lementation

0rganiGational chart for the national im#lementation of Ne(born Screening

0rganiGational chart for the national im#lementation of Ne(born Screening

Ne(born Screening Statistics As of December % $ - there are %-/,)-)+) babies that ha.e undergone N5S and based on these data- the incidences of the follo(ing disorders areH <H ($H /-/%4)1 <AH ($H )-442)1 PQ= ($H $4)-/*%)1 >al ($H $ ,-2/+) and >2PD deficienc" ($H +%)' 7he #rogram has sa.ed the follo(ing numbers of ne(borns from com#lications and@or deathH *$) from <H- %+/ from <AH- %% from >al- $2 from PQ= and 44 %*/ from >2PD deficienc"'

<o.erage As of December % $ - the co.erage of N5S is at /+!'

D:9E<709Y 0F P90>9A3 :3P4E3EN7E9S

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol 8Famil" Health 0ffice Program 3anager Dr' Euanita A' 5asilio Dr' Anthon" P' <alibo

National Ne(born Screening <oordinatorH 3s' 4ita 0rbillo San 4aGaro <om#ound- Sta' <ruG- 3anila 7ele#honeH ( %) */+))+2 litaorbilloVrnM"ahoo'com

Ne(born Screening 9eference <enter DirectorH Dr' <armencita D' Padilla National :nstitutes of Health 5uilding H- =P A"ala 4and 7echnohub <om#leA-<ommon(ealth A.enue- 5rg"' =P <am#us Diliman- WueGon <it" EmailH infoMne(bornscreening'#h ((('ne(bornscreening'#h

Ne(born Screening <enters

For 9egions :- ::- ::: ? <A9 =nit HeadH Dr' Florencio DiGon

Ne(born Screening <enter 8 <entral 4uGon Angeles <it" =ni.ersit" Foundation 3edical <enter 3acArthur High(a"- 5aranga" Sala#ungan- Angeles <it" 7ele#honeH ( 4+) 2%42+ %- /1 EmailH nscMaufmc'org

For 9egions :D- D ? N<9 Ne(born Screening <enter8 National :nstitutes of Health =nit HeadH 3s' 3a' Elouisa 9e"es 5uilding H- =P A"ala 4and 7echnohub <om#leA-<ommon(ealth A.enue- 5rg"' =P <am#us Diliman- WueGon <it" EmailH nbsadmin'ihgMgmail'com

For Disa"as Ne(born Screening <enter8 Disa"as =nit HeadH Dr' E Finston Edgar Posecion Fest Disa"as State =ni.ersit" 3edical <enter E' 4o#eG St'- Earo- :loilo <it" 7elefaAH ( //) /%)-/*441 EmailH (.sumcVnscMinfo'com'#h

For 3indanao Ne(born Screening <enter8 3indanao =nit HeadH Dr' <onchita AbarCueG Southern Phili##ines 3edical <enter E'P' 4aurel A.enue- <it" 7ele#honeH ( ,%) %%2-4+)+ @ %%4- //*

7elefaA ( ,%) %%*-4$+%1 EmailHnscmindanaoMgmail'com

<enters for Health De.elo#ment


3ailing Address

5usiness Phone

N5S 9egional <oordinator ( *%) %4%+/$+1 ( *%) %4%4**/

<HD $ - :locos San Fernando- 4a =nion <larita 5' 4e(is- 9N

<HD % - <aga"an Dalle" 7uguegarao <it" ( *,) / 42+,+1 ( *,) ,442+,+1 ( *,) ,442+%/ 4eticia 7' <abrera- 3D- 3PA <HD / - <entral 4uGon San Fernando- Pam#anga ( 4+) 4++%/%41 ( 4+) )2$*24)1 ( 4+) )2$*2+4 Adelina <abrera- 9N <HD 4-A <alabarGon W33< <om#ound- Pro&ect 4- WueGon <it" 44 //*% 3aria 4uisa 3' 3alana- 9N <HD 4-5 3imaro#a Wuirino Hos#ital <om#ound- WueGon <it" )$/42+ 1 ( %) )$$+ %+ 3a' 7eresa <astillo- 3D <HD +- 5icol First Par; Subdidi.ion- Daraga- Alba" loc +$*@+$2 <arla A' 0roGco- 3D- 3PH 3S ::: <HD 2 - Festern Disa"as W' Abeto St'- 3andurriao- :loilo <it" ( //)/%$ /24 9enil"n P' 9e"es- 3D <HD * - <entral Disa"as P' 5autista-3D- 3PH 0smeaa 5l.d'- <ebu <it" ( /%) 4$,*2// ( +/)/%/+ %+ Na"da ( %) ( %)

( +%) 4,/ ,4

<HD ,- Eastern Disa"as <andahug- Palo - 4e"te 4ilibeth Andrade- 3D

<HD ) - Oamboanga Peninsula =##er <alarian- Oamboanga <it" ( 2%)),/ /$4-$+ Nerissa 5' >utierreG- 9N <HD $ - Northern 3indanao E'D' Seriaa St'- <armen- <aga"an de 0ro <it" ,,-%%- *%*4 Ellenietta H3D N' >amolo- 3D- 3PH <HD $$ - 9egion E'P' 4aurel A.enue- <it" ( ,%) %%$4 $$ 3a' <larose 3' 3ascardo- 9N- 3PH ( ,%) / +$) *1

<HD $% - <entral 3indanao A933 <om#ound- >o.' >uttiereG A.e<otabato <it" ( 24) 4%$*4/21 ( 24) 4%$, +/ 4uc" Decio- 9N <HD <A9A>A PiGarro St' cor' Narra 9d' 5utuan <it" >l"nna 5' Ando"- 3D- 3PH ( ,+) /4$$4+%

<HD <A9 5>H3< <om#ound- 5aguio <it" ( *4) 44%, )21 ( *4) 444+%++ Nicolas 9' >ordo- Er- 3D <HD N<9 Felfare.ille <om#ound- 5rg"' Addition Hills- 3andalu"ong <it" ( %) *$,/ )*1 ( %) +/+4+%$ 3a' PaG P' <orrales- 3D <HD A933 09> <om#ound- <otabato <it" ( 24) 4%$** / Sangco#an- 3D National H:D@S7: Pre.ention Program Da"an



9educe the transmission of H:D and S7: among the 3ost At 9is; Po#ulation and >eneral Po#ulation and mitigate its im#act at the indi.idual- famil"- and communit" le.el'

Program Acti.itiesH

Fith regard to the #re.ention and fight against stigma and discriminationthe follo(ing are the strategies and inter.entionsH

$' A.ailabilit" of free .oluntar" H:D <ounseling and 7esting Ser.ice1

%' $ ! <ondom =se Program (<=P) es#eciall" for entertainment establishments1

/' Peer education and outreach1

4' 3ulti-sectoral coordination through Phili##ine National A:DS <ouncil (PNA<)1

+' Em#o(erment of communities1

2' <ommunit" assemblies and for a to reduce stigma1

*' Augmentation of resources of social H"giene <linics1 and

,' Procured male condoms distributed as education materials during outreach'

Program Accom#lishmentsH

As of the first Cuarter of % $$- the #rogram has attained #articular targets for the three ma&or final out#utsH health #olic" and #rogram de.elo#ment1 ca#abilit" building of local go.ernment units (4>=s) and other sta;eholders1 and le.eraging ser.ices for #riorit" health #rograms'

For the health #olic" and #rogram de.elo#ment- the 3anual of Procedures@ Standards@ >uidelines is alread" finaliGed and disseminated' 7he A9D

9esistance sur.eillance among Peo#le (ith H:D (P4H:D) on 7reatment is being im#lemented through the 9esearch :nstitute for 7ro#ical 3edicine (9:73)' both the Strategic Plan % $%-% $2 for Pre.ention of 3other to <hild 7ransmission and the Strategic Plan % $%-% $2 for 3ost at 9is; Young Peo#le and H:D Pre.ention and 7reatment are being drafted'

Fith regard to ca#abilit" building- the 7raining <urriculum for H:D <ounseling and 7esting is alread" re.ised' 7(ent" fi.e #riorit" 4>=s #ro.ided su##ort in strengthening 4ocal A:DS councils' as of 3arch % $$- there (ere alread" $* 7reatment Hubs nation(ide'

4astl"- for the le.eraging ser.ices- baseline laborator" testing is being #ro.ided (hile male condoms are being distributed through social H"giene <linics' A total of $-%+ P4H:D (ere #ro.ided (ith treatment and 4S7: (ere treated'

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing organiGations@agencies ta;e #art in the goal of the National H:D@S7: Pre.ention ProgramH

De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment (D:4>) Phili##ine National A:DS <ouncil (PNA<) 9esearch :nstitute for 7ro#ical 3edicine (9:73) S7:@A:DS <oo#erati.e <entral 4aborator" (S<<4) Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) =nited States Agenc" for :nternational De.elo#ment (=SA:D) Pino" Plus Association

A:DS Societ" of the Phili##ines (ASP) Positi.e Action Foundation Phili##ines- :nc' (PAFP:) Action for Health (A<H:EDES) Affiliation Against A:DS in 3indanao (A4A>AD-3indanao) A:DS Fatch <ouncil (AFA<) Famil" Planning 0rganiGation of the Phili##ines (FP0P) Free 9ehabilitation- Economic- Education- and 4egal Assistance Dolunteers Association- :nc' (F9EE4ADA) Phili##ine N>0 council on Po#ulation- Health- and Felfare- :nc' (PN>0<) 4e"te Famil" De.elo#ment 0rganiGation (4EFAD0) 9emedios A:DS Foundation (9AF) Social De.elo#ment 9esearch :nstitute (SD9:) 74F share < :nc' 7rade =nion <ongress of the Phili##ines (7=<P) Qati#unang 3anggaga(ang Pili#ino Health Action :nformation Net(or; (HA:N) Ho#e Dolunteers Foundation- :nc' QAN4=N>AN <enter Foundation- :nc' (Q<F:) Qabataang >aba" sa Positibong Pamumuha"- :nc' (Q>PP)

Program 3anagerH

Dr' Eose >erard 5' 5elimac

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

National 3ental Health Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF :' 9ationaleH

5ac;ground of the Program DisionH Fili#inos' 5etter Wualit" of 4ife through 7otal Health <are for all


A 9ational and =nified 9es#onse to 3ental Health'


Wualit" 3ental Health <are'


:m#lementation of a 3ental Health Program strateg"

7he National 3ental Health Polic" shall be #ursued through a 3ental Health Program strateg" #rioritiGing the #romotion of mental health- #rotection of the rights and freedoms of #ersons (ith mental diseases and the reduction of the burden and conseCuences of mental ill-health- mental and brain disorders and disabilities'

State :nternational Su##ort and Policies- 3andates Sta;eholdersH

7o ensure the sustainabilit" and effecti.eness of the National 3ental Health Program- certain committees and teams (ere organiGed'


National Program 3anagement <ommittee (NP3<)

7he NP3< is chaired b" the =ndersecretar" of Health of the Polic" and Standards De.elo#ment 7eam for" and co-chaired b" the Director :D of the National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (N<DP<)'

:ts functions are as follo(sH

0.ersee the de.elo#ment of mental health measures for sub-#rograms and com#onents1 :ntegrate the .arious #rograms- #ro&ect and acti.ities from the .arious #rogram de.elo#ment and management grou#s for each sub-#rogram1 3anage the .arious sub-#rograms and com#onents of the National 3ental Health Program1 0.ersee the im#lementation of #re.ention and control measures for mental health issues and concerns1 and 9ecommended to the Secretar" of Health a master #lan for mental health aligned (ith the mandates and thrusts of .arious go.ernment agencies' %' Program De.elo#ment and 3anagement 7eams (PD37)

=nder the NP3<- PD37 shall be established corres#onding to the four sub#rograms of the National 3ental Health Program' A PD37 shall o.ersee the o#erations of a sub-#rogram of the National 3ental Health Program'

7he functions of PD37 areH

Formulate and recommend #olicies- standards- guidelines a##roaches on each s#ecifics sub-#rograms on mental health1

De.elo# a #lan of action for each s#ecific sub-#rogram in consultation (ith mental health ad.ocates and sta;eholders De.elo# o#erating guidelines- #rocedures- #rotocols for the mental health sub-#rogram' Ensure the im#lementation of the #rogram among all sta;eholders1 and Pro.ide technical assistance to other mental health teams according to sub-#rograms thrusts' /' 9egional 3ental Health 7eams (93H7)

7o ensure an efficient and effecti.e multi-sectoral im#lementation of the National 3ental Health Program at the regional le.el- a 93H7 shall be established in each of the <enters for Health De.elo#ment (<HD)'

7he functions are as follo(sH

0.ersee the #lanning and o#eration of the National 3ental Health Program at the regional le.el1 Pro.ide technical assistance on the issues and concerns #ertaining to the im#lementation of the different sub#rograms of the National 3ental Health Program1 Strengthen technical and managerial ca#abilit" at the local le.el to ensure 4>= #artici#ation on the im#lementation of the National 3ental Health Program1 Ensure establishment of 4>= teams for mental health1 Ensure the conduct of monitoring and e.aluation of the im#lementation of the National 3ental Health Program at the regional le.el1 and 9egularl" u#date the PD37 on the status of the regional im#lementation of the National 3ental Health Program' 4' 4ocal >o.ernment =nit 3ental Health 7eams (4>=3H7)

7he suggested members of the 4>=3H7 are the local health board memberstechnical health staff- societ" grou#s- non-go.ernment organiGations and

other sta;eholders' Primaril"- the 4>=3H7 enacts necessar" legislati.e issuances and #romotes and ad.ocates the im#lementation of <ommunit"based 3ental Health Program among their res#ecti.e localities and constituents'


0ther Partners and Sta;eholders

0ther sta;eholders (ho ma" or ma" not belong to the abo.e-mentioned committees or teams ma" contribute to the im#lementation of the National 3ental Health Program b"H

Ensuring the a.ailabilit" of com#etent- efficient- culturall" and gendersensiti.e health care #rofessionals (ho #ro.ide mental health ser.ices1 :dentif"ing mental health needs of the #o#ulation and refer findings to the a##ro#riate mental care #ro.ider1 and Promoting and ad.ocating for the im#lementation of the #rogram (ithin their res#ecti.e areas of res#onsibilit"'



>lobal SituationH

3an" #eo#le (ith mental health conditions- as (ell as their families and eA#erience the conseCuences of .ulnerabilit" on a dail" basis' Stigma- abuse- and eAclusion are all-too-common' Although their .ulnerabilit" is not ine.itable- but rather brought about their social en.ironments- time it leads to a range of ad.erse outcomes- including #o.ert"- #oor healthand #remature death'

5ecause the" are highl" .ulnerable and are barel" noticed- eA#ert to be stigmatiGed and de#ri.e of their rights- it is crucial that #eo#le (ith mental

health conditions are recogniGed and targeted for de.elo#ment inter.entions' 7he case for their inclusion is com#elling' Peo#le (ith mental health conditions meet .ulnerabilit" criteriaH the" eA#erience se.ere stigma and discrimination1 the" are more li;el" to be sub&ected to abuse and .iolence than the general #o#ulation1 the" encounter barriers to eAercising their and #olitical rights- and #artici#ating full" in societ"1 the" lac; access to health and social ser.ices- and ser.ices during emergencies1 the" encounter restriction to education1 and the" eAcluded from income-generating and em#lo"ment o##ortunities' As a cumulati.e result of these factors- #eo#le (ith mental conditions are at heightened ris; for #remature death and disabilit"' 3ental health conditions also are highl" #re.alent among #eo#le in #o.ert"- #risoners- #eo#le (ith H:D@A:DS- #eo#le in emergenc" settings- and other .ulnerable grou#s'

Attention from de.elo#ment sta;eholders is needed urgentl" so that the do(n-(ard-s#iral of e.en-greater .ulnerabilit" and marginaliGation is sto##ed- and instead- #eo#le (ith mental health conditions can contribute meaningfull" to their countriesB de.elo#ment'

As a starting #oint- de.elo#ment sta;eholders can consider carefull" the general #rinci#les for action outlined in this re#ort- and decided ho( best to incor#orate them into their s#ecific areas of (or;' 7argeted #oliciesstrategies- and inter.entions for reaching #eo#le (ith mental conditions then should be de.elo#ed- and mental health inter.entions should be mainstreamed into broader national de.elo#ment and #o.ert" reduction #olicies- strategies- and inter.entions' 7o ma;e im#lementation a realit"adeCuate funds must be dedicated to mental health inter.entions- and reci#ients of de.elo#ment aid should be encouraged to address the needs of #eo#le (ith mental health conditions as a #art of their de.elo#ment (or;' At countr" le.el- #eo#le (ith mental health conditions should be sought and su##orted to #artici#ate in de.elo#ment o##ortunities in their communities'

S#ecific areas for action address the social and economic factors leading to .ulnerabilit"' 3ental health ser.ices should be #ro.ided in #rimar" care settings and integrated (ith general health ser.ices' 7o that end- mental health issues should be mainstreamed on countriesB broader health #olicies#lans- and human resource de.elo#ment- as (ell as recogniGed as an im#ortant issue to consider in global and multisectoral efforts- such as the :nternational Health Partnershi#- the >loring Health For;force Alliance- and

the Health 3etrics Net(or;' During and after emergencies- de.elo#ment sta;eholders should #romote the (re)construction of communit"-based mental health ser.ices- (hich can ser.e the #o#ulation long be"ond the immediate aftermath of the emergenc"' De.elo#ment strategies and #lans should encourage strong lin;s bet(een health@mental health ser.iceshousing- and other social ser.ices' Access to education for #eo#le (ith mental conditions- as (ell as earl" childhood #rogrammes for .ulnerable grou#s should be su##orted b" de.elo#ment sta;eholders in order to achie.e better de.elo#ment outcomes' Peo#le (ith mental health conditions should be included in em#lo"ment and income generating #rogrammes to assist (ith #o.ert" alle.iation- im#ro.e autonom" and mental health' 7hroughout their different areas of (or;- de.elo#ment sta;eholders can and should su##ort human rights #rotections for #eo#le (ith mental conditions and built their ca#acit" to #artici#ate in #ublic affairs'

7his re#ort #ro.ides a number of recommendation and s#ecifics areas of action that need to be integrated into #olic"- #lanning- and im#lementation b" de.elo#ment sta;eholders according to their role and strategic ad.antage' 7o achie.e this aim de.elo#ment sta;eholders need to recogniGe #eo#le (ith mental health conditions as a .ulnerable grou# reCuiring su##ort from de.elo#ment #rogrammes'

(Forld Health 0rganiGation and 3ental Health and Po.ert" Pro&ect- % $ )

4ocal Situation :n a local baseline sur.e" in $)24-2* in Sta' <ruG- 4ubao- Pam#anga3ana#sal of the D0H Di.ision of 3ental H"giene- 5ureau of Disease <ontrolfound that the #re.alence of mental health (as /2! #er $adultschildren and adolescents' 7he $), FH0 <ollaborati.e Studies for EAtending 3ental Health <are in >eneral Health <are Ser.ices ( se.en countries) sho(ed that $*! for adults and $2! of children (ho consulted at three health centers in Sam#aloc- 3anila ha.e mental disorders' De#ressi.e reactions in adults and ada#tation reaction in children (ere most freCuentl" found' :n Sa#ang Pala"- San Eose Del 3onte- 5ulacan- the #re.alence of adult schiGo#hrenia (as $% cases #er $#o#ulation in $),,-$),) (3analang et al)'

:n 9egion 2 (:loilo- Negros 0ccidental and AntiCue)- Perlas et al' im $))/-)4 sho(ed that the #re.alence of the follo(ing mental illness in the adult #o#ulation (ereH #s"chosis (4'/!)- anAiet" ($4'/!)- #anic (+'2!)' For the children and adolescent- the to# fi.e most #re.alent #s"chiatric conditions (ereH enuresis ()'/!)- s#eech and language disorder (/')!)- mental subnormalit" (/'*!)- ada#tion reaction (%'4!) and neurotic disorder ($'$!)'

7he current D0H bed ca#acit" for mental disorder is +-42+' 0f these- 4-% beds are in the N<9 (at the National <enter for 3ental Health)' 7he rest of the countr" share the remaining $-%2+ beds (<A9-4 beds- 9egion %-% beds9egion/-+ beds- 9egion $$-% beds)' 9egions $-4-$ -$%- <A9A>A and A933 do not ha.e in#atient #s"chiatric facilities' 0nl" %* D0H medical centers and regional hos#itals ha.e mental health ser.ices' <a.ite is the onl" #ro.ince (ith a #s"chiatric facilit"'

7hese situations ha.e ham#ered the" of basic ser.ices- aborted the national de.elo#ment- and reduced Cualit" of life of the Fili#ino' 4ife has become se.erel" stressful to most- (hether rich or #oor- "oung or old' 7he resilienc" of the Fili#ino #eo#le to ada#t to his #resent life situation is being stretched too far' Farning signs of restlessness abound such as increasing re#orts of suicides and substance abuse' Decline in the socio-economic condition ma" translate into mental-ill health and therefore mental health disorders and mental disabilities'

Ho( the #ro.ision of mental health ser.ices in the countr"- has remained illness-oriented- institution-based- fragmented- inadeCuateineCuitable- inaccessible- #rohibiti.e- and neglected'

7he De#artment of Health (D0H)- the national lead agenc" for health recogniGes the magnitude of the mental health #roblem as contained in the National 0b& for Health (N0H) $)))-% 4' Among the ob& are set the follo(ingH

9eduction of morbidit"- mortalit"- disabilit" and com#lications from mental disorder

Promotion of health" lifest"le through the #romotion of mental health and less stressful life'

Ho( the D0H has constraints in attaining these ob& gi.en the limited go.ernment resources' Fithin the health sector- mental health has to com#are for resources against other eCuall" im#ortant health ob&' <oncomitant reforms are therefore being #ursued in hos#itals- #ublic healthlocal health s"stems- regulation as (ell as financing (ith the of the health of all Fili#inos as embodied in the Health Sector 9eform Agenda'

Statistics@4ocal data about the disease #rogram Disorder Number of <ases )/ /$ / $) 2 ! )+! <:

S#ecific Phobias Alcohol Abuse De#ression $4

$+'),- %/'$ 4'+2- ,')2

$'*4- 4',

Number of Diagnosis 0ne Diagnosis +2

No' of 9es#ondents ! $% $+ /% * %*

3ulti#le Diagnosis 22 % Diagnoses / Diagnoses

Z@\4 Diagnoses 7otal $%% %*

TDe#artment of Health (D0H) and Field E#idemiolog" 7raining Program Alumni Foundation :ncor#orated (FE7PAF:)


:nter.entions@ Strategies em#lo"ed or im#lemented b" D0H

7he National 3ental Health Program has the follo(ing #rogram strategiesH


Health Promotion and Ad.ocac"

Enrichment of ad.ocac" and multimedia information- education and communit" (:E<) strategies targeting the general #ublic- mental health #atients and their families- and #ro.iders shall be done through the #romulgation of obser.ances issued b" the 0ffice of the President'

%' Pro.ision

Enhancement of" at the national and local le.els (ill enable the earl" recognition and treatment of mental health #roblems' 7o ensure continuit" of care- mental health ser.ices for #eo#le (ith #ersistent disabilities shall be established close to home and the (or;#lace'


Polic" and 4egislation

7he formulation and institutionaliGation of national legislation- #olicies#rogram standards and guidelines shall em#hasiGe the de.elo#ment of efficient and effecti.e structures- s"stems- and mechanisms that (ill ensure eCuitable- accessible- affordable and a##ro#riate health ser.ices for the mentall" ill #atients- .ictims of disaster- and other .ulnerable grou#s'


Encouraging the de.elo#ment of a research culture and ca#acit"

7he #rogram shall su##ort researches and studies rele.ant to mental health(ith focus on the follo(ing areasH clinical beha.ior- e#idemiolog"- #ublic health treatment o#tions- and ;no(ledge management' :t aims to acCuire e.idence-based information that (ill contribute to the #ublic health information and education- #olic" formulation- #lanning- and im#lementation'


<a#abilit" 5uilding

7he ca#abilit" of national- regional and local health (or;ers in deli.ering efficient- effecti.e and a##ro#riate mental health ser.ices shall be strengthen' 7raining shall be conducted on #s"chosocial care- the detection and management of s#ecific #s"chiatric morbidit"- and the establishment of mental health facilities'


Public-Pri.ate Partnershi#

:nter-sectoral a##roaches and net(or;ing (ith other go.ernment agenciesnon-go.ernment organiGations- academe and #ri.ate #ro.iders and other sta;eholders at the locals- regional and national le.els shall be #ursued to de.elo# #artnershi# and eA#and the in.ol.ement of sta;eholders inH a') ad.ocac"- #romotion and #ro.ision of mental health ser.ices1 b') conduct of rele.ant studies- researches and sur.e"s1 c') training of mental health (or;ers1 d') sharing of researches- data and other information on mental issues and concerns1 and e') sharing of resources'


Establishment of data base and information s"stem

7his is needed to determine the magnitude of the #roblem- its e#idemiological characteristics and ;no(ledge and #ractices to ser.e as basis for shifting the #rogram for being institutional and treatment focused to being #re.enti.e- famil" focused and communit" oriented'


De.elo#ment of model #rograms

5est #ractices@models for #re.ention of substance abuse and ris; reduction for mental illness can be re#licated in different 4>=s in coordination (ith other agencies in.ol.ed in mental health and substance abuse #re.ention #rograms'


3onitoring and E.aluation

A regular #rocess shall be conducted' 9esults of #rogram monitoring and e.aluation shall be used in formulating and modif"ing #olicies- #rogram ob& and action #lans to sustain the mental health and ensure continuing im#ro.ement in the" of mental health care'

National 3ental Health Program

Program Direction

National 3ental Health Program Direction

3icro Point of Die(

3icro Point of Die(

3a&or Acti.ities@<elebrationsH

<elebration Date Autism <onsciousness Fee;" /rd Fee; of Eanuar" Februar" $4 to $)" $st Fee; of Se#tember

National 3ental 9etardation Fee; National E#ile#s" A(areness Fee; National 3ental Health Fee;" %nd Fee; of 0ctober"

National Attention Deficit@H"" Disorder A(areness Fee; /rd Fee; of 0ctober

Substance Abuse Pre.ention ? <ontrol Fee;" /rd Fee; of No.ember D' Future Plan@ Action

% 5atches of 7raining on Promotion 3ental Health in the <ommunities

$ 5atch of 7raining on Ps"chosocial :nter.ention


Series of lecture on Suicide #re.ention in different Schools ?


3ental Health Summit in celebration of Forld 3ental Health

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing organiGations@agencies #arta;e in the .ision of the #rogramH

Phili##ine Ps"chiatric Association (PPA) Suite $ *- $ th flr' 3edical PlaGa 0rtigas <ondominium

San 3iguel A.e' 0rtigas <enter Pasig <it"

J (2/%) 2/+-),-+,'

- Dr' <onstantine Della


<ontact no' )%%-,+/*)4)

Email Add'H constantine'dellaMdlsu'edu'#h

- Dr' 9omeo EnriCueG

Dice President

<ontact no' )//-+*)4$4 @ )% -) +/ 4$

Email addH #naso#M"ahoo'com

National <enter for 3ental Health (N<3H) Nue.o de Pebrero St' 3au(a"- 3adalu"ong <it"

J (2/%) +/$-) - $

-Dr' 5ernardino Dicente

3edical <enter <hief

Phili##ine 3ental Health Association (P3HA) No' $, East A.enue- WueGon <it" $$ J (2/%) )%$-4)-+,1 (2/%) )%$-4)-+)

-3s' 9egina De Eesus

National EAecuti.e Director

<hristoffel 5lindenmission (<53)

=nit 2 4- Alabang 5usiness 7o(er

$%$2 Acacia A.enue- 3adrigal 5usiness Par;

Alabang- 3untinlu#a <it" $*,

J (2/%) , *-,+-,21 (2/%) , *-,+-,*

-3r' Fill" 9e"es

<ontact no' ) +-4$4%2 ,

Program 3anagersH

3r' 3elson 3endoGa

EmailH nelmend%


3s' 9emedios >uerrero

EmailH &ingVsVguerreroM"ahoo'com

3s' Ditas Purisima 9a"mundo

EmailH ditasturianoM"ahoo'com

De#artment of Health-Non <ommunicable Disease 0ffice (D0H-N<D0)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local $*+ -$*+%

National Dengue Pre.ention and <ontrol Program


7he National Dengue Pre.ention and <ontrol Program (as first initiated b" the De#artment of Health (D0H) in $))/' 9egion D:: and the National <a#ital 9egion ser.ed as the #ilot sites' :t (as not until $)), (hen the #rogram (as im#lemented nation(ide' 7he target #o#ulations of the #rogram are the general #o#ulation- the local go.ernment units- and the local health (or;ers'


Dengue 9is;-Free Phili##ines

3issionH 7o im#ro.e the Cualit" of health of Fili#inos b" ado#ting an integrated dengue control a##roach in the #re.ention and control of dengue infection'

>oalH 9educe morbidit" and mortalit" from dengue infection b" #re.enting the transmission of the .irus from the mosCuito .ector human'


7he ob& of the #rogram are categoriGed into threeH health status ob&ecti.es1 ris; reduction ob&ecti.es1 and ser.ices ? #rotection ob&'

Health Status 0b&ecti.esH

9educe incidence from /% cases@$ #o#ulation1

#o#ulation to % cases@$

9educe case fatalit" rate b" Y$!1 and Detect and contain all e#idemics' 9is; 9eduction 0b&ecti.esH

9educe the ris; of human eA#osure to aedes bite b" House indeA of Y+ and 5reteau indeA of % 1 :ncrease ! of HH #racticing of mosCuito breeding #laces to , !1 and :ncrease a(areness on DF@DHF to $ !'

Ser.ices ? Protection 0b&ecti.esH

Establish a Dengue 9eference 4aborator" ca#able of #erforming :g3 ca#ture E4:SA for Dengue Sur.eillance1 :ncrease the ! of $b and %b go.ernment hos#itals (ith laborator" ca#able of #latelet count and hematocrit1 and Ensure sur.eillance and in.estigation of all e#idemics'

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he follo(ing organiGations@agencies ta;e #art in the achie.ement of the #rogramBs ob&ecti.esH

Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) =nited Nations childrenBs Fund (=N:<EF) De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment (D:4>) De#artment of Education (De#Ed) =nited States Agenc" for :nternational De.elo#ment (=SA:D) Asian De.elo#ment 5an; (AD5) Phili##ine Health :nsurance <or#oration (PhilHealth)

Program 3anagerH

Dr' 4"ndon 4' 4ee Su"

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

EmailH donleesu"mdM"ahoo'com National Pre.ention of 5lindness Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF >o.ernment 3andates and Policies H

Administrati.e 0rder No' $*) s'% 4H >uidelines for the :m#lementation of the National Pre.ention of 5lindness Program De#artment Personnel 0rder No' % +- +4*H <reation of Program 3anagement <ommittee for the National Pre.ention of 5lindness Program SubcommitteesH 9efracti.e Error@4o( Dision- <hildhood 5lindness- <ataract

Proclamation No' 4 declaring the month of August" "ear as RSight 3onthS DisionH All Fili#inos en&o" the right to sight b" "ear % %

3issionH 7he D0H- 4ocal Health =nit (4>=) #artners and sta;eholders commit toH

Strengthen #artnershi# among and (ith sta;eholder to eliminate a.oidable blindness in the Phili##ines1 Em#o(er communities to ta;e #roacti.e roles in the #romotion of e"e health and #re.ention of blindness1 Pro.ide access to Cualit" e"e care ser.ices for all1 and For; to(ards #o.ert" alle.iation through #reser.ation and restoration of sight to indigent Fili#inos' >oalH 9educe the #re.alence of a.oidable blindness in the Phili##ines through the #ro.ision of Cualit" e"e care'

7he #rogram has the follo(ing ob&ecti.esH

>eneral 0b&ecti.e No' $H :ncrease <ataract Surgical 9ate from */ to %-+ b" the "ear % $


<onduct *4-

good outcome cataract surgeries b" % $ 1

Ensure that all health centers are acti.el" lin;ed to a cataract referral center b" % ,1 Ad.ocate for the full co.erage of cataract surgeries b" Philhealth1 Establish #ro.incial sight #reser.ation committees in at least , ! of #ro.inces b" % $ 1 3obiliGe and train at least one #rimar" e"e care (or;er #er baranga" b" % $ 1 3obiliGe and train at least one mid-le.el e"e care health #ersonnel #er munici#alit" b" % $ 1 :m#ro.e ca#abilities of at least + o#hthalmologists in a##ro#riate

techniCues and technolog" for cataract


De.elo# Cualit" assurance s"stem for all o#hthalmolog" facilities b" % ,1 and Ensure that *2 #ro.incial-$2 regional and +2 D0H retained hos#itals are eCui##ed for a##ro#riate technolog" for cataract surger"'

>eneral ob&ecti.e no %H 9educe .isual im#airment due to refracti.e errors b" $ ! b" the "ear % $


:nstitutionaliGe .isual acuit" screening for all sectors b" % $ 1

%' Ensure that all health centers are acti.el" lin;ed to a referral center b" % ,1


Distribute $%+-

e"e glasses b" % $ 1

4' Ensure that the hos#itals and of health centers ha.e #rofessional e"e health care #ro.iders b" % $ 1

+' Ensure establishment of eCui##ed refraction centers in munici#alities b" % ,1 and


Establish and maintain an e"eglass ban; b" %


>eneral ob&ecti.e no /H 9educe the #re.alence of .isual disabilit" in children from '/! to '% ! b" the % $

$' :dentif" children (ith .isual disabilit" in the communit" for timel" inter.ention1

%' :m#ro.e ca#abilit" of ) ! of health (or;er to identif" and treat .isual disabilit" in children b" % $ 1 and

/' Establish a com#letel" eCui##ed #rimar" e"e care facilit" in munici#alities b" % ,'

5urden of 5lindness and Disual :m#airment H

>lobal Facts

7he Phili##ines is a signator" in the >lobal Elimination of A.oidable 5lindnessH Dision % % 8 7he 9ight to Sight' 7he Dision % % (as initiated b" the :nternational Agenc" for Pre.ention of 5lindness (:AP5)- Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0)- and the <hristian 5lind 3ission (<53)- Dision % % aims to de.elo# sustainable com#rehensi.e health care s"stem to ensure the nest #ossible .ision for all #eo#le and thereb" im#ro.e the Cualit" of life'

According to FH0 estimates H

A##roAimatel" /$4 million #eo#le (orld(ide li.e (ith lo( .ision and blindness 0f these- 4+ million #eo#le are blind and %2) million ha.e lo( .ision $4+ million #eo#leIs lo( .ision is due to uncorrected refracti.e errors (nearsightedness- far-sightedness or astigmatism)' :n most cases- normal .ision could be restored (ith e"eglasses Yet , ! of blindness is a.oidable - i'e' readil" treatable and@or #re.entable

) ! of blind #eo#le li.e in lo(-income countries 9estorations of sight- and blindness #re.ention strategies are among the most cost-effecti.e inter.entions in health care :nfectious causes of blindness are decreasing as a result of #ublic health inter.entions and socio-economic de.elo#ment' 5linding trachoma no( affects fe(er than , million #eo#le- com#ared to /2 million in $),+ Aging #o#ulations and lifest"le changes mean that chronic blinding conditions such as diabetic retino#ath" are #ro&ected to rise eA#onentiall" Fomen face a significantl" greater ris; of .ision loss than men Fithout effecti.e- ma&or inter.ention- the number of blind #eo#le (orld(ide has been #ro&ected to increase to *2 million b" % %

5urden of 5lindness and Disual :m#airment H

4ocal Facts

Number of blind #eo#leH +)%(based on % $$ estimated #o#ulation of $ %3 ? % % blindness #re.alence of '+,!) Number of #ersons (ith moderate or se.ere .isual im#airmentH % million (% $$ #o#n' ? % % #re.alence of %' 4!) Number of blind due to cataractH /2*Number of blind due to E09H +)(2%!)

($ !) )

Number of blind from cataract belo( #o.ert" lineH )%(%+!- NS<5 % figures`1 figure est' doubled to include first ? second Cuintiles

9P Pre.alence of 5lindness (!)- %


'$2 '$)

National <a#ital 9egion

<ordillera Autonomous 9egion <entral 3indanao :locos 9egion Festern Disa"as Eastern Disa"as Southern 4uGon National Figure '+, '4 '+ '+$ '+/ '+2


Northern 3indanao '2$ <entral Disa"as 5icol 9egion '*$ '*4 '*) ', '2%

Festern 3indanao <entral 4uGon

Autonomous 9egion of 3islim 3indanao <aga"an Dalle" ',*

Southern 3indanao$' ,

9P Pre.alence of 4o( Dision (!)- %


'2 ',$ ',*

National <a#ital 9egion

<ordillera Autonomous 9egion

<entral 4uGon


<entral 3indanao $'+/ Festern 3indanao $'+) Southern 3indanao$'*$ <entral Disa"as Festern Disa"as National Figure $'), $'*2 $')$

Northern 3indanao %'$* :locos 9egion %'4/ %'4/

Autonomous 9egion of 3uslim 3indanao 5icol 9egion %'+% Eastern Disa"as Southern 4uGon <aga"an Dalle" %'+2 /'*$ 4' *

9P Pre.alence of Disual :m#airment (!) - %


'*2 $ $' *

National <a#ital 9egion

<ordillera Autonomous 9egion <entral 3indanao $')/ <entral 4uGon %

Festern 3indanao %'//

<entral Disa"as Festern Disa"as National Figure %'+2

%'/, %'4%

Northern 3indanao %'*, Southern 3indanao (blindness) %'*) :locos 9egion (4o( Dision) %')/ Eastern Disa"as (4o( Dision) /'$, /'%/

Autonomous 9egion of 3uslim 3indanao 5icol 9egion /'%/ Southern 4uGon (4o( Dision) <aga"an Dalle" 4')4 4'%*

:nter.entions@Strategies em#lo"ed or :m#lementation b" the D0H


Ad.ocac" and Health Education

7his includes #atient information and education- #ublic information and education and intersectoral collaboration on e"e health #romotion and the nature and eAtent of .isual im#airments #articularl" its ris; factors and com#lications and the need@urgenc" of earl" diagnosis and management'


<a#abilit" 5uilding

7his com#onent shall focus on ensuring the ca#abilit" of national and local go.ernment health facilities in deli.ering the a##ro#riate e"e health care

ser.ices es#eciall" to the indigent sector of the #o#ulation' Program shall #ro.ide training for coordinators at regional and #ro.incial le.els1 (ill ensure the a.ailabilit" of and access to training #rograms b" #rogram im#lementers' :t shall include strengthening treatment@management ca#abilities of eAisting #ersonnel and o#erating ca#abilities of facilities conducting cataract o#erations etc'- ta;ing into outmost consideration basic Cualit" assurance and standardiGation of #rocedures and techniCues a##ro#riate to each facilit"@localit"'


:nformation 3anagement

7he #rogram shall de.elo# an information management s"stem for #ur#oses of re#orting and recording' As far as #racticable- this s"stem shall consider and (ill build on an" eAisting mechanism' 7he s"stem shall be national in sco#e- although the mechanism shall consider the regional and local needs and ca#abilities'


Net(or;ing- Partnershi# 5uilding and 9esource 3obiliGation

An im#ortant com#onent of the #rogram is net(or;ing and #artnershi# building to ensure that ser.ices are a.ailable at the local le.el' 7his shall include #ublic-#ri.ate and #ublic-#ublic #artnershi# aimed at building coalition and net(or;s for the" of a##ro#riate e"e health care ser.ices at affordable cost es#eciall" to the indigent sector' 7his com#onent shall also focus on ensuring that the highest a##ro#riate Cualit" ser.ices are made a.ailable and accessible to the #eo#le'


Su#er.ision- 3onitoring and E.aluation

7he Program shall be coordinated b" a national #rogram coordinator from the Degenerati.e Disease 0ffice of the National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol- De#artment of Health' 7he national #rogram coordinator shall o.ersee the im#lementation of #rogram #lans and acti.ities (ith the assistance of the regional coordinators from the <enters for Health De.elo#ment'

A s"stem of monitoring #rogram #lans and acti.ities shall be de.elo#ed and im#lemented ta;ing into consideration the #ro.ision of the local go.ernment code as (ell as the organic act of 3uslim 3indanao- and an" similar issuances@la(s that (ill be #assed in the future'

A #rogram shall be conducted as needed' 9esult of #rogram e.aluation shall be used in formulating #olicies- #rogram ob& and action #lans'


9esearch and De.elo#ment

7he #rogram shall encourage the conduct of researches for #ur#oses of de.elo#ing local com#etence in e"e health care and for other #ur#oses that ma" be necessar"' 7he de.elo#ment and dissemination of clinical #ractice guidelines for e"e health shall form #art of the research agenda of the #rogram'

7he #rogram shall su##ort researches@studies in the clinical beha.ior (QAP) and e#idemiological (trends) areas' :t also aims to acCuire information that is utiliGed for continuing #ublic health information and education- #olic" formulation- #lanning and im#lementation'

*'"" for the #re.ention of 5lindness Program shall be co.ered b" the #rinci#le of best #ractice' :n collaboration (ith the local go.ernment units and sta;eholders- the #rogram shall de.elo# s"stems and #rocedures for the integration and #ro.ision of ser.ices at the communit" le.el' 7his means #rimar" e"e #re.ention concentrating on health education- ad.ocac" and #rimar" e"e inter.entions1 Secondar" #re.ention1 screening@earl" detection@basic management@ counseling- referral and@or definiti.e care and tertiar" #re.entionH management of com#lications- continuing care and follo( u# including rehabilitation' 7he follo(ing areas (ill be the #riorit" areas for

ser.ices to be #ro.ided b" the National Pre.ention of 5lindness ProgramH


<ataract Surgeries


Errors of 9efraction


<hildhood 5lindness

Acti.ities for the Ditamin A Deficienc" Disorder- for #ractical #ur#oses- shall be led b" the Famil" Health 0ffice also of the N<DP<'

A 9eferral S"stem shall form #art of ser.ices deli.ered b" the #rogram' 7his is to ensure that all #atients recei.e Cualit" e"e health care at a##ro#riate le.els of health care" s"stem' All rural health units should be lin;ed to an e"e care referral center'


<ataract- the o#acification of the normall" clear lens of the e"e- is the most common cause of blindness (orld(ide' :t is the cause in 2%! of all blindness in the Phili##ines and is found mostl" in the older age grou#s' 7he onl" cure for cataract blindness is surger"' 7his is a.ailable in almost all #ro.inces of the countr"1 ho( there are barriers in accessing such ser.ices' :nter.entions (ill therefore consist of increasing a(areness about cataract and cataract surger"1 as (ell as the" of cataract ser.ices' 7he #arameter used (orld(ide to monitor cataract" is the <ataract Surgical 9ate'

Errors of 9efraction

Errors of refraction is the most common cause of .isual im#airment in the

countr" (#re.alence is %' 2! in the #o#ulation)' Errors of refraction are corrected either (ith s#ectacle glasses- contact lenses or surger"' 7he ser.ices to address the #roblem of E09 are #ro.ided mainl" b" o#tometrists' Ho( the #ro.ision of the e"eglasses or lenses ((ho should #ro.ide- ho( is it #ro.ided- etc') has to be addressed'

<hildhood 5lindness

7he #re.alence of blindness among children (u# to age $)) is ' 2! (hile the #re.alence of .isual im#airment in the same age grou# is '4/!' 7he #roblem of childhood blindness is the highl" s#ecialiGed ser.ices that are needed to diagnose and treat it' Ho( screening of children for an" sign of .isual im#airment can be done b" #ediatricians- school clinics and health (or;ers'

Future Plan@ActionH

De.elo#ment of Pac;age for Pre.ention 5lindness Program De.elo#ment of <linical Practice >uidelines for Pre.ention 5lindness Program De.elo#ment of Strategic Frame(or; and a Fi.e Year Strategic Plan for Pre.ention 5lindness Program (% $%-% $2) <ontinue conduct of #romotion and ad.ocac" acti.ities and #artnershi# (ith National <ommittee for Sight Preser.ation- S#ecialt" Societies and other sta;eholders on P5P <reation of P5P 9egistr" S"stem Ensure the im#lementation of the National Pre.ention of 5lindness Program

Status of :m#lementation@Accom#lishmentH

De#artment of Health su##orts #re.ention of blindness and .ision im#airment o Signator" of all Forld Health Assembl" resolution on Dision % % and blindness #re.ention'

o National Pre.ention on 5lindness Program under Non<ommunicable Disease <luster'

o Funded / national sur.e"s of blindness $),*- $)++ and %


care %

o Planning (or;sho# % 4 crafted + "ear de.elo#ment #lan for e"e +-% $ assisted b" :AP5 @ :<EH'

o A0 $*) issued on No.' % 4 b" Sec' Da"rit creating R>uidelines for :m#lementation of the National Pre.ention 5lindness Program (NP5P)S (hich set-u# the Program 3anagement <ommittee (P3<)

o 5lindness #re.ention and rehabilitation of #ersons (ith irre.ersible blindness are incor#orated in the health #rogram for #ersons (ith disabilit" of D0H

7he follo(ing #rograms@#ro&ects are included in the 3aternal and <hild <are Program of D0HH

o EA#anded Program for :mmuniGation (includes .accination for diseases that causes blindness)

o Ditamin A #ro.ision for #regnant mothers and children to #re.ent .itamin A deficienc"

o <om#rehensi.e ne(born care includes #ro#h"laAis for o#hthalmia neonatorum

o Ne(born screening includes screening for galactosemia (hich cause congenital cataract

Se.eral acti.ities in the P5P

o <onsultati.e and Planning For;sho# on P5P- 0ctober % $$

o National E"e Summit- 3anila >rand 0#era Hotel- 3anila last 0ctober )

o Strategic Planning For;sho# on the National Sight Preser.ation and 5lindness Program % ,

o 7raining of 7rainors of Primar" E"e <are conducted %

0ther Significant informationH

A.ailable Human 9esourcesH 0#hthalmologists of Eanuar" %*- % $$ $-+*/ registered PA0 members as

)+! is in #ri.ate #ractice

0#tometrists 5oard of 0#tometr" as of Eul" % $

$ -%22 registered (ith Phili##ine

Financial 9esources o D0H #ro.ides funds largel" for technical assistance for training- ca#acit" building acti.ities- and augmentation of funds for local #rogram im#lementation'

o Phili##ine Health :nsurance <or#oration co.ering #ersonal e"e care ser.ices (hos#ital based)

Partner 0rganiGationsH Aside from the collaborating di.isions in the D0H- the follo(ing institutions #arta;e in the #rogramH

4ocal >o.ernment =nits (4>=s) National <ommittee for Sight Preser.ation (N<SP) Phili##ine Academ" of 0#hthalmolog"

Phili##ine :nformation Agenc" 0#tometric Association of the Phili##ines 9otar" :nternational :ntegrated Phili##ine Association of 0#tometrists Foundation for Sight Helen Qeller :nternational 4ions <lub :nternational 7anggal Qatarata Foundation =P - :nstitute of 0#hthalmolog" <hristian 5lind 3ission 9esources for the 5lind Sentro0fthalmologico Eose 9iGal Forld Health 0rganiGation SourcesH Files and 4in;sH

Administrati.e 0rder No' $*) s' %

Forld Health 0rganiGation

Program 3anagerH

3a' <ristina 9a"mundo

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and

<ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

locals $*+ -$*+%

0ccu#ational Health Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF Dision@3ission Statement

Health for all occu#ations in #artnershi# (ith the (or;ers- em#lo"ers- local go.ernment authorities and other sectors in #romoting self-sustaining #rograms and im#ro.ement of (or;ersI health and (or;ing en.ironment' Program 0b& and 7argets

7o #romote and #rotect the health and (ell being of the (or;ing #o#ulation thru im#ro.ed health- better (or;ing conditions and (or;ersI en.ironment' Persons (ith Disabilities

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF :' Profile @ 9ationale of the Health Program

9e#ublic Act No' *%**- RAn Act Pro.iding for the 9ehabilitation- and Self9eliance of Disabled Persons and 7heir :ntegration into the 3ainstream of Societ" and for 0ther Pur#oses-S and other(ise ;no(n as R7he 3agna <arta for Disabled Persons'S (as #assed in Eul" $)- $))$' 7his s#ecificall" reCuired the De#artment of Health (D0H) to' ($) :nstitute a national health #rogram for PFDs- (%) establish medical rehabilitation centers in #ro.incial hos#itals- and (/) ado#t an integrated and com#rehensi.e to the Health De.elo#ment of PFD (hich shall ma;e essential health ser.ices a.ailable to them at affordable cost'

9ule :D- Section 4' Paragra#h 5 of the im#lementing rules and regulations (:99:) of this act reCuired the De#artment of Health to address the health concerns of se.en (*) different categories of this abilit"- (hich includes the follo(ingH ($) Ps"chosocial and beha.ioral disabilities- (%) <hronic illnesses (ith disabilities- (/) 4earning (cogniti.e or intellectual) disabilities- (4) 3ental disabilities- (+) Disual@ seeing disabilities- (2) 0rtho#edic@ and1 (*) <ommunications deficits'

:n com#liance thereof- the D0H #iloted in $))+ a communit" based rehabilitation #rogram in $$% (*'+!) out of $-4)% to(ns nation(ide' 5et(een $))% and % 4 it had u#graded D0H hos#ital facilities to include rehabilitation and allied medical ser.ices for PFDs' 7oda" there are about %$ D0H hos#itals that ha.e rehabilitation #rogram@units@centers re#resenting %%! of all D0H hos#itals' :t had registered + ,-%* PFDs in % 4 or about $%! of the target PFD #o#ulation' (SourceH D0H re#ort % 4)' 7he turnout (as influenced b" the #resence- absence or inadeCuac" of health ser.ices for PFDs at the local regional le.el and in D0H health facilities' A Social Feather (SFS) sur.e" commissioned b" D0H last % 4 re.ealed that around *! of the households under the stud" ha.e at least one famil" member (ho is disabled' (Source SFS Sur.e" % 4)' Fith the frontline ser.ices of the De#artment of Health de.elo#ed to the local go.ernment units- the final im#lementation of this Act no( rests (ith the 4ocal >o.ernment =nits (4>=s)' 7his 0rder #rescribes the guidelines in the formulation- im#lementation- and e.aluation of health #rograms for PFDs'

DisionH (PFD)

:m#ro.e the total (ell-being of Person (ith Disabilities

3issionH 7he De#artment of Health- as the focal organiGation- shall ensure the de.elo#ment- im#lementation- and monitoring of rele.ant and efficient health #rograms and s"stems for PFDs that are a.ailableaffordable- and acce#table'

>oals and 0b&ecti.esH

7his 0rder defines and establishes the strategic and o#erational frame(or; for the de.elo#ment- im#lementation and monitoring of an effecti.e- and efficient- #romoti.e- #re.enti.e- curati.e- rehabilitati.e and #alliati.e health ser.ices from conce#tion- birth- gro(th- maturit" and in terminal #hase in the life of PFDBs

Strategic >oalsH :nternational De.elo#ment 0rganiGations (:N>0s)

American 4e#ros" 3issions Forld Health 0rganiGation Australian Agenc" for :nternational De.elo#ment (AusA:D) <hristoffel 5lindenmission (<53) E:<A EA#ert =nicef



>lobal Situation

Qe" facts a billion #eo#le- about $+! of the (orldBs #o#ulation- ha.e some form of disabilit"' 5et(een $$ million and $) million #eo#le ha.e significant difficulties in functioning'

9ates of disabilit" are increasing due to #o#ulation ageing and increases in chronic health conditions- among other causes' Peo#le (ith disabilities ha.e less access to health care ser.ices and therefore eA#erience unmet health care needs' H0F A9E 7HE 4:DES 0F PE0P4E F:7H D:SA5:4:7:ES AFFE<7EDN Peo#le (ith disabilities are #articularl" .ulnerable to deficiencies in health care ser.ices' De#ending on the grou# and setting- #ersons (ith disabilities ma" eA#erience greater .ulnerabilit" to secondar" conditions- comorbid conditions- age-related conditions- engaging in health ris; beha.iors and higher rates of #remature death'

Secondar" conditions <o-morbid conditions Age-related conditions Engaging in health ris; beha.iors Higher rates of #remature death

5A99:E9S 70 HEA47H <A9E

Peo#le (ith disabilities encounter a range of barriers (hen the" attem#t to access health care including the follo(ing'

Prohibiti.e costs 4imited a.ailabilit" of Ph"sical barriers :nadeCuate s;ills and ;no(ledge of health (or;ers

ADD9ESS:N> 5A99:E9S 70 HEA47H <A9E

>o.ernments can im#ro.e health outcomes for #eo#le (ith disabilities b" access to Cualit"- affordable health care ser.ices- (hich ma;e the best use of a.ailable resources' As se.eral factors interact to inhibit access to health care- reforms in all the interacting com#onents of the health care s"stem are reCuired'

Polic" and legislation Financing" Human resources Data and research

4ocal Situation

7he results of the $))+ <ensus sho(ed that the total #o#ulation of #ersons (ith .arious disabilities (as )$)-//%' <onsidering that the total #o#ulation of the countr" at that time (as 2,-2$*- the disabled #o#ulation (as $'/!' 7he male #o#ulation (as com#rised of '2! (hile female- also- '2!' 7he lo( .ision had the highest #re.alence rate of 4' !'

7he recentl" conducted % National <ensus of Po#ulation is eA#ected to #ro.ide a better and reliable statistics of #ersons (ith disabilit" in as much as its #re#aration for the conduct ga.e much consideration to obser.e limitations- (ea;nesses and errors of the #re.ious censuses and sur.e"s as (ell as the criticisms and recommendations of eA#erts and users' Ho(e.erthe result of the <ensus onl" registered $'%/ #ercent PFDs (hich is (a" belo( the #re.alence rate estimated b" the Forld health 0rganiGation'


:nter.entions@ Strategies em#lo"ed or im#lemented b" D0H

7he #rogram goals areH


9educe the #re.alence of all t"#es of disabilities1 and

%' Promote- and #rotect the human rights and dignit" of PFDs and their caregi.ers'

Strategic 0b&ecti.esH

7he strategic ob& of the #rogram are as follo(sH

$' De.elo# an integrated national health and human rights #rogram and local models to ser.e the s#ecial health needs1

%' Pursue the im#lementation and monitoring of la(s and #olicies for PFD such as the accessibilit" la(- human rights- and other related la(s1

/' Ensure that the health facilities and ser.ices are eCuitable- a.ailableaccessible- acce#table- and affordable to PFD through the de.elo#ment and im#lementation of essential health #ac;age that is suitable to their s#ecial needs and enrollment of into the National Health :nsurance Program1

4' :nitiate and strengthen collaboration and #artnershi# among sta;eholders to im#ro.e the facilities de.oted to the management and rehabilitation of PFD and u#grade the ca#abilities of health #rofessional and frontline (or;ers to cater to their s#ecial needs1 and

+' <ontinue and fast-trac; the registration of PFD in order to generate data for accurate #lanning and im#lementation of #rograms' 7he Phili##ine 9egistr" for Persons (ith Disabilit" (ill be continued- monitored- and e.aluated and de.elo#ed into an information s"stem that (ill be incor#orated into currentl" used health information s"stem'

Program Strategies@Program <om#onentsH

A Health #rogram shall be de.elo#ed for each t"#e of disabilit" and s#ecial #o#ulation (hich must contain all of the follo(ing essential com#onentsH


Health Promotion

7his conce#t shall include #atient and information and education#ublic information and education and intersectoral collaboration on disabilit" health #romotion on the nature and eAtent of im#airments #articularl" its ris; factors- com#lications and the need@urgenc" of earl" diagnosis and management'

7his com#onent shall ensure the ad.ocac" for then follo(ing #romulgated obser.ances on the follo(ing s#ecified time each "ear as #er issuances from the 0ffice of the PresidentH

<elebration 7ime Autism" /rd (ee; of Eanuar"" Februar"

National Do(nBs S"ndrome

9etarded <hildrenBs Fee; Februar" $4 to $) 4e#ros" Fee;

Fomen (ith disabilities Da"

4ast (ee; of Februar"

4ast 3onda" of 3arch

National disabilit" Pre.ention and 9ehabilitation Fee; Eul"" /rd (ee; of

NDP9 Fee; to <ulminate on the 5irthdate of the Sublime Paral"ticH A#olinario 3abini Eul" %/ Fhite <ane Safet" Da" in the Phili##ines 5rain attac; a(areness /rd Fee; of August August $

<erebral Pals" A(areness Fee; Se#tember $2 to %% National E#ile#s" A(areness Fee; National 3ental Health Fee; $st Fee; of Se#tember

%nd Fee; of 0ctober

5one and Eoint (3usculo-S;eletal) A(areness Fee; /rd Fee; of 0ctober National Attention Deficit @ H"" Disorder (ADHD) A(areness Fee; /rd (ee; of 0ctober National S;in Disease Detection and Pre.ention Fee; No.ember Deaf A(areness Fee; No.ember $ to $2 /rd Fee; of No.ember %nd Fee; of

Drug Abuse Pre.ention and <ontrol

Future related obser.ances #romulgated b" the office of the President shall also become #art of this com#onent'


<a#abilit" 5uilding

/' Phili##ine 9egistr" for Persons (ith Disabilities (P9PFD)

4' Net(or;ing- :nter-organiGational lin;ages- and 9esource 3obiliGation

+' 3onitoring and E.aluation

2' Accreditations and ECuitable Health Financing Pac;ages

*' 9esearch and De.elo#ment


7he follo(ing areas for ser.ices to be de.elo#ed for im#lementing facilitieslocalities or organiGationsH

<ommunit" based and institution-based rehabilitation #rogram <linical assessment of functioning- health and disabilit" 3edical assisti.e de.ices


Status of :m#lementation@ Accom#lishment

<a#abilit" 5uilding on <ommunit" 9ehabilitation of 5aranga" Health For;ers in Pilot areas-Done'

Feb enabled online 9egistration im#lemented'

EA#ansion of co.erage of Ne(born Screening'

:m#lementation of PFD Health 5enefits as #ro.ided for 9A /))4(% ! discount)'

Su##ort to acti.ities of PFD grou#s gi.en'


Future@ Action

<onduct" training to Health (or;ers at all le.els'

Formulate PFD Health #ac;ages'

Formulate mechanism to #ro.ide s#ecialt" societ" ser.ices on detection diagnosis and care of non-a##arent PFDs in all region'

Program 3anagersH

Dr' Fran; DiGa

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,Pino" 3D Program

local $*+ -$*+%

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A 3edical Scholarshi# >rant for :ndigenous Peo#le- 4ocal Health For;ers5aranga" Health For;ers- De#artment of Health Em#lo"ees or their children' 7his is a &Eoint #rogram of the De#artment of Health (D0H)- Phili##ine <harit" S(ee#sta;es 0ffice (P<S0)- and se.eral State =ni.ersities and 3edical Schools' For interested a##licants see the Pino"3D fl"er for the Cualification and scholarshi# #ac;age details' Province-*ide 2nvestment Plan for Health (P2PH)

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF A fi.e "ear medium term #lan #re#ared b" F$ con.ergence #ro.inces using the Fourmula 0ne for Health frame(or; to im#ro.e the highl" decentraliGed s"stem1 financing- regulation- good go.ernance and"

7he fi.e "ear #ro.ince-(ide in.estment #lan for health is an im#ortant e.idence-based #latform for local health s"stem management and a milestone in DoH engagement at the local le.el'

P:PH (as ado#ted on a #ilot basis b" $2 #ro.inces in % *- follo(ed b" %$ more in % ,- including siA #ro.inces from the Autonomous 9egion of 3uslim 3indanao (A933)' :n % )- 44 #ro.inces and eCight cities ha.e com#leted their o(n fi.e "ear #lans' Phili##ine 3edical 7ourism Program

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P7he global leader in #ro.iding Cualit" health care for all through uni.ersal health careP


7o ensure that the Phili##ines is globall" com#etiti.e through im#lementation of Cualit" standards in both #ublic and #ri.ate sector'


$' 7he local >lobal Health <are industr" (ill contribute a noticeable and Cuantifiable amount to the Phili##ine econom" and im#ro.ement in the Cualit" of life'

%' :ncrease the number of institutions offering ad.anced medical ser.ices suitable for >lobal Health<are- the generation of &obs in the 3edical Ser.ices

industr" and other related industries- thereb" increasing the" of the (or;force and enabling it to eA#and and u#grade'

/' Attract increased numbers of .isitors from other countries a.ailing of medical ser.ices and at the same time ensure that Cualit" of those currentl" offering ser.ices suitable for >lobal Health <are is on the same le.el as (ith globall"-recogniGed standards- and ma;ing these ser.ices eCuitabl" a.ailable for both 3edical 7ra.ellers and local #atients'


$' 7o increase com#etiti.eness b" com#liance to recogniGed bodies that im#lement national and international healthcare organiGation accreditation

%' :nstitutionaliGe #olicies and enact legislation for high le.el Cualit" healthcare and #atient safet" standards in all health facilities

/' <ontinue collaboration (ith national go.ernment agencies- 4>=s- #ri.ate sector organiGations and academe in.ol.ed in Cualit" healthcare and #atient safet"- international medical tra.el and (ellness ser.ices- retirement- trade and tourism

4' <ontinue ad.ocac" in all regions of the countr" on Cualit" healthcare and #atient safet"- international medical tra.el and (ellness ser.ices- retirementtrade and tourism through Cuad media a##roach- ca#acit" building acti.ities and collaborati.e #artici#ation in international forum and conferences


Pri.ate clinics@centers- Public and Pri.ate Hos#itals- National >o.ernment Agencies- Pri.ate S#ecialt" <linics@<enters #ro.iding Dermatolog"- #lastic surger"- o#hthalmolog" and dental medicine- >eriatric and 7reatment and 9ehabilitation <enters for substance abuse

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

De#artment of 7ourism (D07) De#artment of Foreign Affairs (DFA) De#artment of 7rade and :ndustr" (D7:) De#artment of Public For;s and High(a"s (DPFH) De#artment of :nterior 4ocal >o.ernments (D:4>) De#artment of Eustice (D0E) De#artment of Finance (DFA) De#artment of Science and 7echnolog" (D0S7) De#artment of 4abor and Em#lo"ment (D04E) D7: - 5oard of :n.estments (50:) D7: - Phili##ine EA#ort Oone Authorit" (PEOA) D07 - 7ourism :nfrastructure Enter#ise Oone Authorit" (7:EOA) D0E - 5ureau of :mmigration (5:) D0F - 5ureau of <ustoms (5o<) Subic 5a" 3etro#olitan Authorit" (S53A) <lar; De.elo#ment <or#oration (<D<)

Phili##ine Health :nsurance <or#oration (PhilHealth) Phili##ine 9etirement Authorit" (P9A) <ebu Health and Fellness <ouncil (<HF<) De.elo#ment Academ" of the Phili##ines (DAP) National Economic De.elo#ment Authorit" (NEDA) 7echnical Education and S;ills De.elo#ment Authorit" (7ESDA) <ommission on Higher Education De.elo#ment (<HED) Phili##ine :nformation Agenc" (P:A) Public Pri.ate Partnershi# <enter (PPP<) Eoint Foreign <hambers of <ommerce in the Phili##ines Euro#ean <hamber of <ommerce in the Phili##ines (E<<P) American <hamber of <ommerce in the Phili##ines (A<<P) <anadian <hamber of <ommerce (<<<) Australian Ne( Oealand <hamber of <ommerce in the Phili##ines (ANO<HA3) Ea#anese <hamber of <ommerce in the Phili##ines (E<<P) Qorean <hamber of <ommerce in the Phili##ines (Q<<P) Phili##ine Association of 3ultinational <om#anies 9egional HeadCuarters- :nc' (PA3=9:) Professional 9egulations <ommission (P9<) Phili##ine 3edical Association (P3A) Phili##ine Nurses Association (PNA) Phili##ine Hos#ital Association (PHA) Phili##ine <ouncil for the Accreditation of Health <are 0rganiGations (P<AH0) :nternational Societ" for Wualit" in Healthcare (:SW=A) Eoint <ommission :nternational (E<:) National Accrediting 5od" for Hos#itals (NA5H - :ndia) 7=D 9heinland

Pri.ate Sector Health and Fellness Alliance of the Phili##ines (HEA4 Phili##ines) Health <ore and H:3 <ommunications 9etirement and Healthcare <oalition (9H<) S#as and Fellness Association of the Phili##ines (SAP:) Phili##ine Dental Association (PDA)

Program 3anagerH

Emmanuel A' 7iongson- 3D

%ndflr- 5ldg$2- San 4aGaro <om#ound- De#artment of Health <om#ound- Sta' <ruG- 3la


local % %4-% %+ faA *$$ ,*$

EmailH butchiongsonM"ahoo'com Pro.ision of Potable Fater Program (SA4:N7=5:> Program - Sagana at 4igtas na 7ubig Para sa 4ahat)

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Pro.ision of safe (ater su##l" is one of the basic social ser.ices that im#ro.e health and (ell-being b" #re.enting transmission of (aterborne diseases' Ho( about 4++ munici#alities nation(ide ha.e been identified b" NAP< as (aterless areas that are households (ith access to safe (ater of

less + ! onl"' As a result- diarrhea and other (aterborne diseases still ran; among the leading causes of morbidit" and mortalit" in the Phili##ines' 7he incidence rate for these diseases is high as $-))* #er $ #o#ulation (hile mortalit" rate is 2'* #er $ #o#ulations' 7he Sagana at 4igtas na 7ubig sa 4ahat Program (SA4:N7=5:>) is one of the go.ernmentBs main actions in addressing the #light of Fili#ino households in such areas'

7he #rogram aims to contribute to the attainment of the goal of #ro.iding #otable (ater to the entire countr" and the targets defined in the Phili##ine De.elo#ment Plan % $$-% $2 3illennium De.elo#ment >oals (3D>)- and the Phili##ine Fater Su##l" Sector 9oadma# and the Phili##ine Sustainable Sanitation 9oadma#' 7o attain this ob&ecti.e- 0ne 5illion and Fi.e Hundred 3illion Pesos (Ph# $-+ ) is a##ro#riated to the D0H through :tem 5':'a of the % $$ >eneral A##ro#riations Act (>AA)' 7he a##ro#riation is a grant facilit" for 4>= to de.elo# infrastructure for the #ro.ision of #otable (ater su##l"'

A' 05EE<7:DES


7o increase (ater for the (aterless #o#ulation


7o reduce incidence of (ater-borne and sanitation related diseases


7o im#ro.ed access of the #oor to sanitation ser.ices

5' 7A9>E7S


:ncreased (ater for the (aterless #o#ulation b" + !

%' 9educed incidence of (ater-borne and sanitation related diseases b" % !


:m#ro.ed access of the #oor to sanitation ser.ices b" at least $ !

4' Sustainable o#eration of all (ater su##l" and sanitation #ro&ects constructed- organiGed and su##orted b" the Program b" , !'

::' A50=7 7HE S7AQEH04DE9S@ 5ENEF:<:A9:ES

7he #rogram is designed to be im#lemented b" D0H- NAP< and D:4>' 7he NAP< (ill #erform as the lead coordinating agenc"- the D0H (ill #ro.ide the funding and ensure the im#lementation of .arious (ater su##l" #ro&ects and the D:4> (ill be in-charge of the ca#acit" building of 4>=s' 7he im#lementing guidelines define the s#ecific roles of each agenc"'

7he D0H- NAP< and D:4> used the data from the National Household 7argeting S"stem for Po.ert" 9eduction for identification of the target munici#alities (hich com#ose of the follo(ingH

$$+ Faterless 3unici#alities Faterless Areas based on the follo(ing thematic concernsH Poorest (aterless baranga"s (ith high incidence of (ater borne diseases

9esettlement areas in 5ulacan- 9iGal- <a.ite- 4aguna- 5atangas and Alba"

Health <enters (ithout access to safe (ater

:::' P90>9A3 <03P0NEN7@A<7:D:7:ES

A' 9ehabilitation@eA#ansion@u#grading of 4e.el ::: (ater su##l" s"stems including a##ro#riate (ater treatment s"stems'

5' <onstruction@rehabilitation@eA#ansion@u#grading of 4e.el :: (ater su##l" s"stems'

<' <onstruction@rehabilitation of 4e.el : (ater su##l" s"stems in areas(here such facilities are onl" a##licable'

D' Pro.ision of training for eAisting or ne(l" organiGed (ater users associations@ communit"-based organiGations'

E' Su##ort for ne( and inno.ati.e technologies for (ater su##l"" and sanitation s"stems'

F' 7raining- mentoring- coaching and other ca#acit" de.elo#ment assistance to 4>= on #lanning- im#lementation and management of (ater su##l" and sanitation #ro&ects'

:D' S7A7=S 0F 7HE P90>9A3

Summar" of Ph"sical and Financial Status 9e#ort

% $%

Eanuar" % $% Februar" % $% 3arch % $% A#ril % $% 3a" % $% Eune % $% Eul" % $% August % $% Se#tember % $% 0ctober % $% No.ember % $% December % $% % $/

Eanuar" % $/ Februar" % $/ 3onthl" Status 9e#ort #er Site

% $$ ? % $%

0ctober % $$ Eanuar" % $%

Februar" % $% 3arch % $% A#ril % $% 3a" % $% Eune % $% Eul" % $% August % $% Se#tember % $% 0ctober % $% No.ember % $% December % $% % $/

Eanuar" % $/ Februar" % $/ Administrati.e :ssuances

De#artment 0rder J % $$De#artment 0rder J % $$De#artment 0rder J % $$De#artment 0rder J % $$-

) )$ )$-A )$-5

3emorandum of Agreement of the National Po.ert" <ommission- De#artment of Health and De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment :m#lementing >uidelines of the Salintubig Program


P90>9A3 3ANA>E9(S)

A' F=44 NA3E(S) 0F P90>9A3 3ANA>E9S


EN>9' E0SE4:70 3' 9:E>0 DE D:0S


EN>9' 3A' S0NA5E4 S' ANA9NA


EN>9' 4=:S F' <9=O


EN>9' >E9A9D0 S' 30>04


EN>9' 904AND0 :' SAN7:A>0


EN>9' <A7HE9:NE E' 04AD:DES

5' PA97NE9 09>AN:OA7:0N@ A>EN<:ES AND 7HE:9 <0N7A<7 DE7A:4S


DEPA973EN7 0F 7HE :N7E9:09 AND 40<A4 >0DE9N3EN7 (D:4>)

Francisco >old <ondominium ::- EDSA cor' 3a#agmahal St- DilimanWueGon <it"- Phili##ines $$

<ontact No'H 7el' No' )%+- // @ )%+- //$1 FaA No' )%+- //%


NA7:0NA4 AN7:-P0DE97Y <033:SS:0N (NAP<)

/rd Floor- Agricultural 7raining :nstitute 5uilding- Elli#tical 9oadDiliman- WueGon <it"- Phili##ines$$ $

7run;linesH 4%2-+ %, @ 4%2-+ $) @ 4%2-4)+2 @ 4%2-4)2+

FacsimileH )%*-)*)2 @ 4%2-+%4)

EmailH na#c'go.Mgmail'com



En.ironmental and 0ccu#ational Health 0ffice Di.ision

5ldg' $4- San 4aGaro <oum#ound- 9iGal A.e'- Sta' <ruG- 3anila $

7el'H */%-))22 local %/%4 to %/%2

FaAH *$$-*,42

EmailH litoriegoM"ahoo'com- masonabelM"ahoo'comlouied#ogiM"ahoo'com- roila"asantiagoM"ahoo'com

9ural Health 3id( Placement Program (9H3PP) @ 3id(ifer" Scholarshi# Program of the Phili##ines (3SPP)

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7he Phili##inesB maternal and infant morbidit" and mortalit" rates ha.e been mar;ed des#ite its efforts to assist local go.ernment units for the #ast decade' An im#ortant factor identified (as the lac; of trained healthcare #ro.iders #articularl"- in the far flung areas of the countr"' 7his hinders the recognition of basic obstetric needs and" of Cualit" health to the communit"'

7o intensif" the countr"Bs ca#acit" in the #ro.ision of Cualit" health to the #eo#le- the De#artment of Health (D0H) has ado#ted the facilit"-based basic emergenc" obstetric care strateg"' 7he mid( being the frontline healthcare #ro.iders- ha.e been identified b" the D0H to ser.e as the lin; bet(een health" and the communit" in the reduction of maternal and neonatal morbidit" and mortalit"'

7he 9H3PP aims to #ro.ide com#etent mid( to areas that ha.e not #erformed (ell in terms of facilit"-based deli.eries- full" immuniGed child and contrace#ti.e #re.alence rates- hence- im#ro.e facilit"-based health ser.ices' 5" augmenting health staff to selected go.ernment units- the D0H ma" im#ro.e maternal and child health and attain the 3illennium De.elo#ment >oals (3D>s)'

:n order to ensure a constant su##l" of com#etent mid( and to their ser.ices to the #eo#le in dire need- the D0H created the 3SPP that aims to #roduce com#etent mid( from Cualified residents of #riorit" areas'

Program Descri#tionH

7he Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) affirms that a##roAimatel" $+! of all #regnant (omen de.elo# a #otentiall" life-threatening com#lication that calls for either s;illed care or ma&or obstetrical inter.entions to sur.i.e' 9eadil" accessible Emergenc" 0bstetric <are ma" thus reduce maternal and #erinatal morbidit" and mortalit"'

7he D0H is restating its commitment to(ards a health nation through more aggressi.e safe motherhood hence- the u#grading of obstetric deli.eries to strategic facilit"-based 5asic Emergenc" 0bstetric <are (5Em0N<)- (here these facilities are manned b" a team com#osed of a licensed #h"sician- #ublic health nurse- and a rural health mid(ife at the #rimar" le.el'

Since the rural health mid( are considered as the frontline health (or;ers in the rural areas and ha.e #rogressed to become multi-tas; #ersonnel in the" of healthcare ser.ices- amidst migration of other healthcare #rofessionals- the D0H created the 9ural Health 3id(ife Placement Program (9H3PP) to address the ineCuitable distribution of mid( and eCui# them for facilit"-based 5Em0N< #ractice' :n su##ort to the 9H3PP- thus- ensure constant su##l" of com#etent mid( the D0H created the 3id(ifer" Scholarshi# Program of the Phili##ines (3SPP)'

<areer 7rac;@ 9eturn 0bligation

=#on com#letion of the 3SPP and obtaining the mid(ifeBs <ertificate of 9egistration and license- the scholars shall render t(o (%) "ears of to the D0H for" "ear of scholarshi# granted as form of return'

EA#ected 0ut#utH

7he 3SPP aims to #roduce and ensure constant su##l" of com#etent mid( (ho are read" to ser.e the D0H identified #riorit" areas of the countr"'

7he 9H3PP addresses the ineCuitable distribution of mid( and eCui# them for facilit"-based 5Em0N< #ractice' 4i;e(ise- it #ro.ides com#etent mid( to areas that ha.e not #erformed (ell in terms of facilit"-based deli.eries- full" immuniGed child and contrace#ti.e #re.alence rates- henceim#ro.e facilit"-based health ser.ices' 7he D0H ultimatel" aims in the attainment of the 3illennium De.elo#ment >oals (3D>s)'

Program StatusH

For the 3SPP- a hundred scholars are currentl" #ursuing the 3id(ifer" <ourse' 0n A#ril of this "ear- $$ scholars graduated and #assed the 5oard EAamination b" the Professional 9egulation <ommission (P9<)' 7hese scholars (ere de#lo"ed to D0H identified #riorit" areas starting Eul" % $$' 7his coming No.ember- /* other scholars (ill ta;e the 5oard EAamination'

For the 9H3PP- %/ 9egistered 3id( (ere alread" de#lo"ed for the first batch (% ,-% $ )' :n addition to that- $*+ 9egistered 3id( (batch %% $ -% $%) and $$ scholars (batch /- % $$-% $/) are currentl" being de#lo"ed in the D0H (5Em0N<@<<7) identified #riorit" areas'

Partner SchoolsH

<urrentl"- the 3SPP has four #artner schoolsH

Area Partner School National <a#ital 9egion 3id(ifer" 5atch $H $2 scholars (%

7otal J of Scholars Dr' Eose Fabella 3emorial Hos#ital- School of ,-% $ )

5atch %H $$ scholars (Eune %

)-3a" % $$)

5atch /H %$ scholars (Eune % $ -3a" % $%)

5atch 4H $* scholars (Eune % $$-3a" % $/)

4uGon Naga <ollege Foundation- Naga <it" 3a" % $/) Disa"as 4e"te

5atch $H $) scholars (Eune % $$-

=ni.ersit" of the Phili##ines- School of Health Science- Palo)-3a" % $$)

5atch $H /* scholars (Eune %

5atch %H %) scholars (Eune % $ -3a" % $%)

3indanao 7ecarro <ollege Foundation- :nc'- <it" 5atch $H $4 scholars (Eune % $$-3a" % $/) 7he 9H3PP has de#lo"ed mid( in the different D0H identified #riorit" areas of the countr"H

5atch@ Year 7otal Number of 3id( 5atch $

,-% $

%/ 9H3s 5atch %

% $ -% $%

$*+ 9H3s

(to include the $2 scholars from 3SPP for 9eturn

5atch /

% $$-% $/

$$ 9H3s

9eturn of scholars

:::' <areer 7rac; @ 9eturn 0bligation

=#on com#letion of the 3SPP and obtaining the mid(ifeIs <ertificate of 9egistration and license- the scholars shall render t(o (%) "ears of to the D0H for" "ear of scholarshi# granted as form of return'

:D' EA#ected 0ut#ut

7he 3SPP aims to #roduce and ensure constant su##l" of com#etent mid( (ho are read" to ser.e the D0H identified #riorit" areas of the countr"'

7he 9H3PP addresses the ineCuitable distribution of mid( and eCui# them for facilit"-based 5Em0N< #ractice' 4i;e(ise- it #ro.ides com#etent mid( to areas that not #erformed (ell in terms of facilit" based deli.eries- full" immuniGed child and contrace#ti.e #re.alence rates- im#ro.e facilit"-based health ser.ices' 7he D0H ultimatel" aims in the attainment of the 3illenium De.elo#ment >oals (3D>s)'

D' Program StatusH


$$ scholars graduated on A#ril % $$ and #assed the 5oard EAamination b" the Professional 9egulation <ommission (ill be de#lo"ed starting Eul" % $$ to D0H identified #riorit" areas' /* scholars (ill ta;e the No.ember % $$ 5oard EAamination b" the Professional 9egulation <ommission $ scholars #ursuing the 3id(ifer" <ourse

5' 9H3PP

$*+ 9egistered 3id( are currentl" de#lo"ed in the D0H (5Em0N<@<<7) identified #riorit" areas De#lo"ment of $$ scholars

Program 3anagerH

Dr' Eose#hine H' Hi#olito @ 3s' Finselle Eo" <' 3analo

Program <oordinators

De#artment of Health-Health Human 9esource De.elo#ment 5ureau (D0HHH9D5)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local 4% 4@4%%*

EmailH hhrdbVdohM"ahoo'com Schistosomiasis <ontrol Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF Schistosomiasis is an infection caused b" blood flu;es#ecificall" Schistosoma &a#onicum' An indi.idual ma" acCuire the infection from fresh (ater contaminated (ith cercariae- (hich de.elo# in snails' :nfected "et untreated indi.iduals could transmit the disease through discharging schistosome eggs in feces into bodies of (ater'

4ong term infections can result to se.ere de.elo#ment of lesions(hich can lead to bloc;age of blood flo(' 7he infection can also cause #ortal h"#ertension- (hich can ma;e collateral circulation- hence- redirecting the

eggs to other #arts of the bod"'

Schistosomiasis is still endemic in $% regions (ith %, #ro.inces$) munici#alities- and %-%/ baranga"s' A##roAimatel" $% million #eo#le are affected and about %'+ million are directl" eA#osed'

>oalH 7o reduce the disease #re.alence b" + ! (ith a .ision of eliminating the disease e.entuall" in all endemic areas


7he Schistosomiasis control Program has the follo(ing ob&ecti.esH


9educe the Pre.alence 9ate b" + ! in endemic #ro.inces1 and

%' :ncrease the co.erage of mass treatment of #o#ulation in endemic #ro.inces'

Program StrategiesH

7he Schistosomiasis <ontrol Program em#lo"s the follo(ing ;e" inter.entionsH


3orbidit" controlH 3ass 7reatment


:nfection controlH Acti.e Sur.eillance


Sur.eillance of School <hildren


7ransmission <ontrol


Ad.ocac" and Promotion

:ts enabling acti.ities include1 lin;aging and net(or;ing1 #olic" guidelines and <P>s1 institutional ca#acit" building1 com#etenc" enhancement of frontline #ro.ider1 and monitoring and su#er.ision'

Program 3anagerH

3s' 9uth 3' 3artineG

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+/

Soil 7ransmitted Helminth <ontrol Program


Profile@9ationale of the Health Program

>i.en the relati.el" high #re.alence rate of S7H infections in the countr" and the eAisting issues confronting the im#lementation of the S7H<P nation(ide- there is a need to integrate all related efforts and strengthen coordination of those in.ol.ed to ensure better com#lementation of resourceobtain higher co.erage and generate better health outcomes' Fithin the De#artment of Health (D0H)- se.eral #rograms eAist (hich are .iable mechanisms to o#erationaliGe an integrated a##roach in #re.enting and controlling S7H infections more effecti.el" and efficientl"' 7his needs to eA#and to the other national and local agencies and organiGations engaged in the same endea.or'

7he :H<P en.isions health" and #roducti.e Fili#inos' :t aims to reduce the deaths and diseases due to S7H infections b" reducing the #re.alence of the infection among #o#ulation grou#s found most at ris;' Helminth infections ad.ersel" affect the health of the children and (omen' Program inter.entions and related measures ha.e to be focused on them' <hildren are classified into #reschoolers and school children (hile (omen include adolescent females and #regnant (omen' :n addition- there are also s#ecial grou#s- (hich b" the nature of their (or; and situation- are gra.el" eA#osed to helminthes infection' 7hese include the soldiers- farmers- food handlers and o#erators as (ell as indigenous #eo#le' 7he" also reCuire the necessar" attention'

7he :H<P inter.entions consist #rimaril" of chemothera#"- FASH and se.eral beha.ior changing a##roaches' <hemothera#" remains as the core #ac;age in helminth infection control' 7he :H<P identifies the corres#onding a##roach of de(orming that must be a##lied for each identified #o#ulation grou#' Fater- sanitation and h"giene (FASH) as the cornerstone in reducing the #re.alence of (orm infection' 7he eA#ansion of these measures reduces more effecti.el" the transmission of (orm infection' 7he #romotion of desired beha.iors ensures that these efforts on chemothera#h" and FASH are translated into actual health" #ractices and better utiliGation of these facilities'

7hese inter.entions onl" become .iable and effecti.e if the" are carried out in a su##orti.e en.ironment' Enabling mechanisms must therefore be established to su##ort their im#lementation' An enabling en.ironment entails good go.ernance of the :H<P at all le.els of o#erations' 7he #olitical (ill and su##ort of national and local leaders are essential to #ro#el the cause of the :H<P' Wualit" of de(orming ser.ices and eA#ansion of outlet to increase access must be gi.en due to consideration' Financing reforms must li;e(ise introduce' 7he 4>=s must begin to allocate budget for their o(n de(orming #rogram' A more eCuitable or rationaliGed allocation of de(orming assistance from the D0H must be established' 4ocal financing mechanisms to sustain the" of S7H<P ser.ices need to be eA#lored and established' Strict monitoring of 4>=s com#liance to national la(s and #olicies must be underta;en (hile se.eral #rogram su##ort s"stems (e'g'#rocurement and logistics management- information management s"stemsur.eillance and research) ha.e to be installed'

<entral to the achie.ement of the :H<P .ision is the commitment and #artici#ation of all sectors concerned considering that helminth infection is a multi-faceted #roblem' Fhile the 4>=s are eA#ected to be #rimaril" res#onsible for the controlling helminth infection- the su##ort of D0H- De#Ed and other national go.ernment agencies including the #ri.ate sector- societ" and the communit" is .er" critical to the success of :H<P'


Health" and Producti.e Fili#inos in the %$st <entur"


7o reduce the morbidit" and mortalit" due to S7H infections'


7he #rogram aims to reduce the #re.alence of S7H infection to belo( + ' ! among the $-$% "ears old children b" % $ and lo(er S7H infection among adolescent females- #regnant (omen and other s#ecial #o#ulation grou#'


7he D0H is the lead agenc" in the de(orming of children (hile the De#artment of Education (De#Ed) is in charge of de(orming all children aged 2-$% "ears old enrolled in #ublic schools (>rade $-D:)' De(orming is done b" teachers under the su#er.ision of school nurses or an" health #ersonnel'

Program StrategiesH


:m#ro.e go.ernance throughH




Securing budget for S7H #re.ention and control1


3obiliGation and coordination of sectoral su##ort1 and


:m#ro.e Cualit" and scale-u# co.erage'


<a#acit" building


Areas for training

E#idemiolog"- life c"cle etc'

Proficienc" training on lab diagnosis for med techs@lab techs

Annual@biannual u#dates on current technolog" in lab diagnosis

7raining on drug administration- side effects- etc


7arget #artici#ants


7raining mechanisms


De.elo#ment and issuance of #rotocols and guidelines


EA#ansion of" #oints


A.ailabilit" and affordabilit" of de(orming drugs


:nstitute financing reforms


Efficienc" in #rogram im#lementation


3obiliGation of resources


Strengthening 4>= financing schemes


Strengthen regulations


:nstallation of management su##ort s"stems


Drug #rocurement





7argets and Doses

$' <hildren aged $ "ear to $% "ears old

For children $% 8 %4 months old

AlbendaGole - % mg- single dose" 2 months' Since the #re#aration is 4 mg- the tablet is hal.e and can be che(ed b" the child or ta;en (ith a glass of (ater



- +

mg- single dose" 2 months

For children %4 months old and abo.e


- 4

mg- single dose" 2 months



- +

mg- single dose" 2 months

NoteH :f Ditamin A and de(orming drug are gi.en simultaneousl" during the >P"- either drug can be gi.en first'

%' Adolescent females

:t is recommended that all adolescent females (ho consult the health be gi.en anthelminthic drug

AlbendaGole 4

mg once a "ear


3ebendaGole +

mg once a "ear

/' Pregnant (omen

:t is recommended that all #regnant (omen (ho consult the health be gi.en anthelminthic drug once in the %nd trimester of #regnanc"'

:n areas (here hoo;(orm is endemicH

Fhere hoo;(orm #re.alence is % 8 / !

AlbendaGole 4

mg once in the %nd trimester


3ebendaGole +

mg once in the %nd trimester

Fhere hoo;(orm #re.alence is Z + !- re#eat treatment in the /rd trimester

4' S#ecial grou#s- e'g'- food handlers and o#erators- soldiers- farmers and indigenous #eo#le

Selecti.e de(orming is the of anthelminthic drug to an indi.idual based on the diagnosis of current infection' Ho( certain grou#s of #eo#le should be gi.en de(orming drugs regardless of their status once the" consult the health center'

S#ecial grou#s li;e soldiers- farmers- food handlers and o#erators- and indigenous #eo#le are at ris; of morbidit" because of their eA#osure to different intestinal #arasites in relation to their occu#ation or cultural


For the clients (ho (ill be de(ormed selecti.el"- treatment shall gi.en be an"time at the health centers'

>uidelines@Administrati.e 0rders

A0 No' % $ - %/ 8 guidelines on de(orming drug administration and the management of ad.erse e.ents follo(ing de(orming (AEFD)

A0 No'% 2- %, 8 Strategic and o#erational frame(or; for establishing integrated helminth control #rogram (:H<P)

Status of the #rogram

De(orming of target #o#ulation duringH

$-+ "ears old 8 during >arantisadong Pambata (>P) A#ril and 0ctober

2-$% "ears old (school children >rade $-2 enrolled in #ublic schools)" Eanuar" and Eul"

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

Forld Health 0rganiGation (FH0) =ni.ersit" of the Phili##ines-National :nstitutes of Health (=P-N:H) =nited Nations <hildrenBs Fund (=N:<EF) Forld Dision Feed the <hildren :nternational Helen Qeller :nternational (HQ:) <ouncil for the Felfare of <hildren De#artment of Science and 7echnolog"-Food and Nutrition :nstitute (D0S7 -FN9:) De#artment of Education (De#Ed) Plan :nternational Sa.e the <hildren

Program 3anagersH

Dr' Y.onne <F 4umam#ao

Program 3anager

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+%

Dr' Ernesto ES Dillalon :::

Assistant Program 3anager

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local %/+%

Smo;ing <essation Program



7he use of tobacco continues to be a ma&or cause of health #roblems (orld(ide' 7here is currentl" an estimated $'/ billion smo;ers in the (orld(ith 4') million #eo#le d"ing because of tobacco use in a "ear' :f this trend continues- the number of deaths (ill increase to $ million b" the "ear % % * ! of (hich (ill be coming from countries li;e the Phili##ines' (7he 9ole of Health Professionals in 7obacco <ontrol- FH0- % +)

7he Forld Health 0rganiGation released a document in % / entitled Polic" 9ecommendations for Smo;ing <essation and 7reatment of 7obacco

De#endence' 7his document .er" clearl" stated that as current statistics indicate- it (ill not be #ossible to reduce tobacco related deaths the neAt / -+ "ears unless adult smo;ers are encouraged to Cuit' Also- because of the addicti.eness of tobacco #roducts- man" tobacco users (ill need su##ort in Cuitting' Po#ulation sur.e" re#orts sho(ed that a##roAimatel" one third of smo;ers attem#t to Cuit each "ear and that ma&orit" of these attem#ts are underta;en (ithout hel#' Ho( onl" a small #ercentage of cigarette smo;ers ($-/!) achie.e lasting abstinence- (hich is at least $% months of abstinence from smo;ing- using (ill #o(er alone (Fiore et al % ) as cited b" the abo.e #olic" #a#er'

7he #olic" #a#er also stated that su##ort for smo;ing cessation or Rtreatment of tobacco de#endenceS refers to a range of techniCues including moti.ationad.ise and guidance- counseling- tele#hone and internet su##ort- and a##ro#riate #harmaceutical aids all of (hich aim to encourage and hel# tobacco users to sto# using tobacco and to a.oid subseCuent rela#se' E.idence has sho(n that cessation is the onl" inter.ention (ith the #otential to reduce tobacco-related mortalit" in the short and medium term and therefore should be #art of an o.erall com#rehensi.e tobacco-control #olic" of an" countr"'

7he Phili##ine >lobal Adult 7obacco Sur.e" conducted in % ) (D0HPhili##ines >A7S <ountr" 9e#ort- 3arch $2- % $ ) re.ealed that %,'/! ($*'/ million) of the #o#ulation aged $+ "ears old and currentl" smo;e tobacco- 4*'*! ($4'2 million) of (hom are men- (hile )' ! (%', million) are (omen' Eight" #ercent of these current smo;ers are dail" smo;ers (ith men and (omen smo;ing an a.erage of $$'/ and * stic;s of cigarettes #er da" res#ecti.el"'

7he sur.e" also re.ealed that among dail" smo;ers- %$'+! ha.e Cuit smo;ing' Among those (ho smo;ed in the last $% months- 4*',! made a Cuit attem#t- $%'/! stated the" used counseling and or ad.ise as their cessation method- but onl" 4'+! successfull" Cuit' Among current cigarette smo;ers- 2 '2! stated the" are interested in Cuitting- translating to around $ million Fili#inos needing hel# to Cuit smo;ing as of the moment' 7he abo.e scenario dictates the great need to build the ca#acit" of health (or;ers to hel# smo;ers Cuit smo;ing- thus the need for the De#artment of Health to set u# a national infrastructure to hel# smo;ers Cuit smo;ing'

7he national smo;ing infrastructure is mandated b" the 7obacco 9egulations Act (hich orders the De#artment of Health to set u# (ithdra(al clinics' As such D0H Administrati.e 0rder No' $%% s' % / titled 7he Smo;ing <essation Program to su##ort the National 7obacco <ontrol and Health" 4ifest"le Program allo(ed the setting u# of the National Smo;ing <essation Program'

DisionH 9educed #re.alence of smo;ing and minimiGing smo;ingrelated health ris;s'


7o establish a national smo;ing cessation #rogram (NS<P)'


7he #rogram aims toH


Promote and ad.ocate smo;ing cessation in the Phili##ines1 and

%' Pro.ide smo;ing cessation ser.ices to current smo;ers interested in Cuitting the habit'

Program <om#onentsH

7he NS<P shall ha.e the follo(ing com#onentsH



7he NS<P training committee shall define- and regularl" recommend training #rograms that are consistent (ith the good clinical #ractices a##ro.ed b" s#ecialt" associations and the in line (ith the rules and regulations of the D0H'

All D0H health #ersonnel- local go.ernment units (4>=s)- selected schoolsindustrial and other go.ernment health #ractitioners must be trained on the #olicies and guidelines on smo;ing cessation'



A smo;e-free en.ironment (SFE) shall be maintained in D0H and #artici#ating non-D0H facilities- offices- attached agencies- and retained hos#itals' D0H officials- staff- and em#lo"ees- together (ith the officials of #artici#ating nonD0H offices- shall #artici#ate in the obser.ance and celebration of the Forld No 7obacco Da" (FN7D)" /$st of 3a" and the Forld No 7obacco 3onth" Eune'


Health Education

7hrough health education- smo;ers shall be assisted to Cuit their habit and their immediate famil" members shall be em#o(ered to assist and facilitate the smo;ing cessation #rocess'


Smo;ing <essation Ser.ices

5elo( is the National Smo;ing <essation Frame(or; detailing Smo;ing

<essation ser.ices at different le.els of careH

4EDE4 0F <A9E S7AFF:N> EW=:P3EN7S P9:3A9Y 4EDE4 :' 5aranga" Health Station 93

:nter.ention Pac;age



9is; assessment@ 9is; screening (NoteH =se 9is; Assessment Form) Assess for 7obacco =se :f smo;er- do 5rief :nter.ension (+ AIs) See Attached Protocol :f non-smo;er- <ongratulate and continue Health" 4ifest"le" None 9is; Assessment 7ool Wuit <ontract 9eferral Form P9:3A9Y 4EDE4

::' 9H=


7E97:A9Y 4EDE4

Abo.e Plus

Nurses Doctors and other health #ersonnel

Abo.e Plus

Wuit <linic (=se D0H Protocol or other suggested #rotocols e'g' 3oti.ational Protocol- etc' as a.ailable)

D0H Protocol #ro.idesH Assessment of clientIs Smo;ing Histor"- <urrent Smo;ing Status and 9eadiness to sto# smo;ing Planning for clients 9eadiness to sto# smo;ing Wuit da"H Pharmacologic- Ps"chological and 5eha.ioral :nter.entions - :dentif"ing and address triggers for going bac; into smo;ing

- Dealing (ith cra.ings to smo;e

- 3anaging (ithdra(al s"ndromes

3onitoring and Pre.ention of 9ela#se Wuit 4ines

=se of Nicotine 9e#lacement thera#" #articularl" Nicotine #atch and Nicotine >um is ad.ocated Patient Assessment 7oolH

Stages of change FH0 3ental Health <hec;list 3oti.ation and <onfidence to Cuit Smo;ing Histor" and <urrent Smo;ing Status Self-test for reason for smo;ing (HornIs Smo;erIs Selt-test) Fagerstrom Nicotine De#endencetest Self-test on 9eadiness to sto# smo;ing Pre.ious attem#ts to sto# smo;ing FormH

Wuit <ontract

+' 9esearch and De.elo#ment

9esearch and de.elo#ment acti.ities are to be conducted to better understand the nature of nicotine de#endence among Fili#inos and to underta;e ne( #harmacological a##roaches'

Partner 0rganiGationsH

7he follo(ing institutions ta;e #art in the goals of the #rogramH

4=N> <EN7E9 0F 7HE PH:4:PP:NES

<ontact NumberH )%4-)% 4

PH:4:PP:NE <044E>E 0F <HES7 PHYS:<:AN

<ontact NumberH)%4-2$ $ to %


<ontact NumberH ++4-,4

F094D HEA47H 09>AN:OA7:0N

<ontact NumberH //,-*4*,@ //,-*4*)


<ontact NumberH ,44-%$/+ @ ,,)-, +/

PH:4:PP:NE 3ED:<A4 ASS0<:A7:0N

<ontact NumberH )%)-2/22

F9A3EF09Q <0NDEN7:0N 0N 705A<<0 <0N7904

<ontact NumberH 42,- *%%%

PSY<H040>:<A4 ASS0<:A7:0N 0F 7HE PH:4:PP:NES

<ontact NumberH 4+/-,%+*


<ontact NumberH +%2-),* @ +%2-),*$@ +/2-$ ,

PH:4:PP:NE A35=4A709Y PED:A79:< ASS0<:A7:0N

<ontact NumberH+%+-$*)*

PH:4:PP:NE PSY<H:A79:< ASS0<:A7:0N

<ontact NumberH 2/+-),+,

3E790P04:7AN 3AN:4A DEDE40P3EN7 A=7H09:7Y

<ontact NumberH ,,%-4$+$

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)


<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local $*+ -$*+$ and */%-%4)/

Program <oordinatorH

3s' Frances Prescilla <

e-mail addressH#resc"ncdMgmail'com- #resc"ncdM"ahoo'com

Smo;ing <essation <ouncilorsH

Dr' Fran;lin DiGa 3s' Frances Prescilla < 3s' 9emedios >uerrero e-mail addressH &ingVsVguerreroM"ahoo'com

=rban Health S"stem De.elo#ment (=HSD) Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF (As contained in Administrati.e 0rder No' % $$, dated Eul" $%- % $$)



:n de.elo#ing countries- the ra#id rate of urbaniGation has out#aced the abilit" of go.ernments to build essential infrastructure for health and social ser.ices' Among man" features of urbaniGation in de.elo#ing countries include greater #o#ulation densities and more congestion- concentrated #o.ert" and slum formation- and greater eA#osure to ris;s- haGards and .ulnerabilities to health (eg' .iolence- traffic in&uries- obesit"- and settlement in unsafe areas)' 7he concentration of ris;s is seen in the #oorest neighborhoods resulting to health ineCuities'

From the abo.e- it (ill reCuire more than the #ro.ision and use of health ser.ices to im#ro.e the health of urban #o#ulations' =HSD must hel# cities address the challenges of ra#id urbaniGation brought about b" the inter#la" of different social determinants of health'

::' A'

=HSD >0A4S AND 05EE<7:DES >oals

$' 7o im#ro.e Health S"stem 0utcomes =rban Health S"stems shall be directed to(ards the follo(ing goalsH (i) 5etter Health 0utcomes1 (ii) 3ore eCuitable healthcare financing1 and (iii) :m#ro.ed res#onsi.eness and client satisfaction' %' 7o influence social determinants of health 7he D0H must hel# influence social determinants of health in urban settings- (ith focused a##lication on urban #oor #o#ulations #articularl" those in slums' /' 7o reduce health ineCuities =rban Health S"stems De.elo#ment see;s to narro( the dis#arit" of health outcome indicators bet(een the rich and the #oor'


>eneral ob&ecti.eH 7o address the =rban Health challenge

<' $'

S#ecific ob&ecti.esH 7o establish a(areness on the challenges of =rban Health1

%' 7o initiate inter-sectoral a##roach to =rban Health S"stems De.elo#ment1 and /' 7o guide 4>=s to de.elo# sustainable res#onses to the =rban Health challenge



7he follo(ing are the de.elo#mental com#onents of the =HSD ProgramH


Programs and Strategies

- Health" <ities :nitiati.e (H<:)H the a##roach of continuousl" health and social determinants of health- and continuall" creating and #h"sical and social en.ironments shall be continued and further strengthened' - 9eaching" De#ressed 5aranga" (9ED)@9eaching the =rban Poor (9=P)H a strateg" of going to" de#ressed baranga" to reach the urban #oor- .ulnerable grou#s and hidden slums to increase access to health ser.ices' - En.ironmentall" Sustainable and Health" =rban 7rans#ort (ESH=7) (hich include the de.elo#ment or enhancement of eAisting #ro&ects that im#ro.e the #olic"- design and #ractice of an urban trans#ort s"stem and lead to im#ro.ement of health and safet" of urban #o#ulation'


Planning 7ools and Frame(or;

- =rban Health ECuit" Assessment and 9es#onse 7ool (=rban HEA97)H a tool to facilitate identification of and res#onse to health eCuit" concerns' :t is used as a situational assessment- monitoring and #lanning tool #articularl" for Highl" =rbaniGed <ities- in tandem (ith the 4ocal >o.ernment =nit (4>=) Scorecard' - <it"-(ide :n.estment Planning for Health (<:PH)H a frame(or; for the de.elo#ment of #ublic in.estment #lans in health co.ering the utiliGationmobiliGation and rationaliGation of the cit"Bs relati.el" abundant resources-

more eAtensi.e ca#abilities and stronger institutions to attain health s"stem goals'


<a#abilit" 5uilding

Short <ourse on =rban Health ECuit" (S<=HE) is a 2-month course offered to cities and urban sta;eholders that aims to im#ro.e the ;no(ledge- #ractice and s;ills of health #ractitioners- #olic" and decision-ma;ers at the nationalregional and cit" le.els to identif" and address urban health ineCuities and challenges- #articularl" in relation to social determinants of health'


>eneral Princi#les

$' Health" urbaniGation' =rban Health S"stems (=HS) must #romote health" urbaniGation so that cities de.elo# in (a"s that achie.e better health and a.oid ris;s to ill health under conditions of ra#id urbaniGation' %' :nter-sectoral action' =HS must be designed through inter-sectoral collaboration (ith #eo#le and institutions from outside the health sector to influence a broad range of health determinants and generate res#onses #roducing sustainable health outcomes' /' :nter-cit" coordination' :nter-cit" coordination bet(een contiguous cities is im#ortant because a cit"- #articularl" if it is not a Highl" =rbaniGed <it" ma" not ha.e all the resources- institutions and ca#acities to be able to res#ond to the entire health needs of its constituents- and ma" thus benefit from resources- institutions and ca#acities of other cities through inter-cit" or inter-4>= coordination' 4' Social cohesion' Social cohesion is action through core grou#s'

+' <ommunit" #artici#ation' <ommunit" #artici#ation must be integrated in all as#ects of the inter.ention #rocess- including #lanning- designingim#lementing- and sustaining an" #ro&ect@#rogram' 2' Em#o(erment' Em#o(erment is enabling indi.iduals and communities to ha.e ultimate control ;e" decisions their (ellbeing through strategies such as building ;no(ledge and #urchasing #o(er- and mechanisms to increase client accountabilit"'

7he D0H a##roach in the reform of urban health s"stems is the management of social determinants of health in urban settings- (ith focused a##lication on

#oor #o#ulations- #articularl" those in slum communities@settlements to address eCuit" concerns'

5riefer on the =rban Health ECuit" Assessment and 9es#onse 7ool (=rban HEA97)



9a#id un#lanned urbaniGation rise to urban #o.ert"- health #roblemsand health ineCuities in the cities' Dis#arities in health s"stem outcomes bet(een the affluent and the #oor are becoming more #rominent in highl" urbaniGed areas as go.ernment sectors find it hard to co#e (ith the increasing demands of the fast gro(ing #o#ulation of urban #oor'

7o address the abo.e concerns- the =rban HEA97 or the =rban Health ECuit" Assessment and 9es#onse 7ool (as de.elo#ed b" the FH0 <entre for Health De.elo#ment in Qobe- Ea#an to assist 3inistries of Health of countries in s"stematicall" generating e.idence to assess and res#ond to unfair health conditions and ineCuit" in the urban setting' :t (as initiall" launched in 7ehran- :ran on A#ril % ,- and the Phili##ines along (ith :ran- Oambia- and 5raGil (ere the #ilot sites to test the =rban HEA97 in each countr"'

Se.en cities initiated the use of the =rban HEA97 in the Phili##ines in % ,% )- namel"H ParanaCue <it"- 7aguig <it"- 0longa#o <it"- Naga <it"7acloban <it"- Oamboanga <it"- and <it"' 7he cities hel#ed de.elo# the tool for a##licabilit" in .aried urban settings in the countr"'

=rban Health S"stems need to establish e.idence on the status of the disad.antaged #o#ulation in the highl" urbaniGed areas in order to de.elo# ob&ecti.e inter.entions to address ineCuities' De#artment 3emorandum No' % $ - % * dated August % - % $ on the R=se of the =rban Health ECuit" Assessment and 9es#onse 7ool in Highl" =rbaniGed <itiesS is intended to hel# Highl" =rbaniGed <ities (H=<s) generate s"stematic data on health ineCuities

to guide effecti.e inter.entions'

=nang Ya;a# (Essential Ne(born <areH Protocol for Ne( 4ife)

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3an" globall" and locall"- hel# sa.e of #regnant (omen and children' Essential Ne(born <are (EN<) is one'

EN< is a sim#le cost-effecti.e ne(born care inter.ention that can im#ro.e neonatal as (ell as maternal care' :7 is an e.idence-based inter.intion that

em#hasiGes a core seCuence of actions- #erformed methodicall" (ste# -b"ste#)1 is organiGed so that essential time bound inter.entions are not interru#ted1 and fills a ga# for a #ac;age of bundled inter.entions in a guideline format'

Diolence and :n&ur" Pre.ention Program


Accidents consistentl" remain one of the leading causes of morbidit" and mortalit" in the countr"' 7he Phili##ine Health Statistics from $)*+ to % % re.ealed that there has been increasing trend of mortalit" due to accidents #er $ #o#ulations' 3ortalit" rate increased from $)'$@$ #o#ulation in $)*+ to 4%'/@$ #o#ulations in % % corres#onding to

//-2$* deaths- ma&orit" of (hich is caused b" assaults ($/-%*2)1 trans#ort accidents (2-$/$)1 accidental dro(ning and submersion (%-,*$)1 and accidental falls ($-+/2)' Accidents ran;ed ,th in $)*+- *th in $),+ and 2th in $))+ and +th in % % among the $ leading causes of death'

7he De#artment of Health (D0H) shall ser.e as the focal agenc" (ith res#ect to .iolence and in&ur" #re.ention' As such- it shall design- coordinate and integrate acti.ities- #lans- and #rograms of .arious sta;eholders into an effecti.e and efficient s"stem' 7he Diolence and :n&ur" Pre.ention Program is hereb" institutionaliGed as one of the #rograms of the National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (N<DP<)'

7o ensure coordination and sustainabilit" of the #rogram- a Program 3anagement <ommittee (P3<) shall be organiGed' 7he <ommittee shall then be subdi.ided into Sub-<ommittees according to the areas of concernH road traffic in&uries- thermal in&uries (burns and scalds)- dro(ning- #h"sical in&uries (fall- .iolence)- and chemical in&uries (#oisoning- etc')' For a com#rehensi.e a##roach- the Program shall coordinate (ith other #rograms li;e the 3aternal and <hild Health and other D0H 0ffices such as the National <enter for Health Facilit" De.elo#ment- Health Emergenc" and 3anagement Ser.icesamong others- solicit acti.e re#resentation from #ublic and #ri.ate sta;eholders that are in.ol.ed in .iolence and in&ur" #re.ention'

7he 4 Es' Strategies shall utiliGe the conce#t of the 4 REBsS- EducationEnforcement (in addition to Enactment)- Engineering- and Economic in the #re.ention and control of in&uries'

Education entails dissemination of information related to in&ur" #re.ention' Strategies and #rograms can be targeted at the ris; grou# indentified in the #o#ulations'

Enforcement and enactment of strategies indentif" o##ortunities for in&ur" #re.ention #olic" de.elo#ment and im#lementation'

Engineering #ro.ides and effecti.e (a" of reducing the im#act of in&ur" causes through a##lication of energ" transmission designs'

Economic can be instrumental in #ursuing in&ur" #re.ention #olicies'

>oals and 0b&ecti.esH

7o establish a national #olic" and strategic frame(or; for in&ur" #re.ention acti.ities for D0H and other go.ernment agencies- local go.ernment units (4>=s)- non-go.ernment organiGations (N>0s)- communities- and indi.iduals'

Program StrategiesH

7he #rogram and action #lan that are to be de.elo#ed for each classification of in&uries shall consider the follo(ing #rinci#lesH


Health Promotion

D0H- in collaboration (ith other sta;eholders- shall underta;e ad.ocac"information and education- #olitical su##ort- and inter-sectoral collaboration on accidents@in&ur" #re.ention and #atterns and factors associated (ith

incidence of accidents@in&ur" to #olic" ma;ers- go.ernment agencies- societies- #eo#leBs organiGations- the general #ublic and other sta;eholders'


De.elo#ing :nstitutional Arrangement and <a#acit"

D0H- and #artnershi# (ith other sta;eholders- shall de.elo# and enhance the .iolence and in&ur" #re.ention ca#abilities of a (ide range of sectors and sta;eholders at the local and national le.els' 7raining #rograms shall be made a.ailable and accessible to #olic" im#lementers at the national- regional- and local le.els'


:n&ur" Sur.eillance S"stem

D0H shall establish and institutionaliGe a s"stem of data recording- re#ortinganal"sis at the national- regional and local le.els' An information s"stem shall be de.elo#ed for this #ur#ose' 7he s"stem shall record in&uries- #atterns and factors that ma" ha.e cause the in&ur" as (ell as the a.ailable ser.iceshealth status needs and circumstances of in&ured #erson' D0H shall ad.ocate to .arious sta;eholders in.ol.ed in the management of different t"#es of in&uries through coo#erated re#orting- and lin;ing of ne( and eAisting databases for a more com#rehensi.e #icture'


Net(or;ing and 9esource 3obiliGation

D0H shall #romote #artnershi# (ith among .arious sta;eholders to build

coalitions and net(or;s and generate resources for acti.ities related to .iolence and in&ur" #re.ention' :n the #rocess- the de#artment shall initiate coalition building through formal and informal instruments (ith sta;eholders in order to ascertain their commitment in im#lementing defined action #lans and #rograms and in mobiliGing all a.ailable resources' Sharing of res#onsibilities and allocation of resources to address the #roblem to achie.e maAimum results shall be eA#lored'


3onitoring and E.aluation

D0H- in consultation (ith .arious sta;eholders- shall identif" indicators and targets for #rogram monitoring and e.aluation #ur#oses'


ECuitable Health Financing Pac;age

D0H in collaboration (ith .arious sta;eholders- shall ad.ocate to health financing institutions and financial intermediaries- insurance com#anies- the de.elo#ment and im#lementation of #olicies that (ould be beneficial to .ictims of .iolence and in&ur"'


9esearch and De.elo#ment

D0H shall #romote the conduct of multi-disci#linar" and multi-sectoral solutions and researches for #ur#oses of de.elo#ing national and local com#etence in in&ur" #re.ention- health care ser.ices and for other #ur#oses

that ma" be necessar"'


:n collaboration (ith sta;eholders- D0H shall institutionaliGe s"stems and #rocedures for the integration and #ro.isions of ser.ices at the communit" le.el' :nformation shall be utiliGed for continued #ublic health information and education- #lanning and im#lementation- and #olic" re.ision' A##ro#riate #rimar" #re.ention- care and rehabilitation of in&ured #eo#le shall also be cruciall" #ro.ided'


<ommunit" Partici#ation

D0H shall aim for a successful communit" based .iolence and in&ur" #re.ention to anchor u#on a communit"-(ide sense of o(nershi# and em#o(erment to accom#lish tas;s' 7his is to ensure that all #atients recei.e Cualit" ser.ices at the a##ro#riate le.els of health care" s"stem' Successful communit"-based #rograms also re.ol.e around the formation of ne( #artnershi#s bet(een a di.erse grou# of constituents (ho ha.e .ested interest in .iolence and in&ur" control- including of #ublic safet"- la( enforcement- fire- local go.ernments- schools- businesscommunit" grou#s- and health care #ro.ider' All rural health units should be lin;ed to a referral center s#ecific and a##ro#riate to the t"#e of in&ur" sustained'

$ ' Polic" Ad.ocac"

D0H shall ad.ocate for the necessar" #olic" instruments- such as la(seAecuti.e orders- administrati.e orders- and ordinances to the <ongressother national agencies and 4>=s- res#ecti.el"' 7his a##roach shall ensure sectoral and communit"-based inter.entions to #ro#el action on .iolence ad in&ur"'

3a&or Acti.ities and its >uidelinesH

:n line (ith the effort to reduce the incidence of firecrac;er - related in&uries during the Holida" Season and in consonance (ith its #resent strateg"- the De#artment of Health embar;s on the #ro&ect- Qontra Pa#uto; (hich #romotes information and a(areness on the dangers of firecrac;ers and the #re.ention of firecrac;ers and fire(or;s- related in&uries' :n this regard- all <enter for Health De.elo#ment Directors and <hiefs of D0H Hos#itals are hereb" directed to mobiliGe their res#ecti.e offices and hos#itals to underta;e the follo(ing acti.itiesH


Public :nformation <am#aign

All <enters for Health De.elo#ment should ta;e the lead and shall im#lement a #ublic information cam#aign in their res#ecti.e 9egion or catchments area for Qontra Pa#uto; Acti.ities' 7he" should coordinate (ith their local radio and 7D Net(or; and assign a #ool of s#ea;ers to #romote the #re.ention of firecrac;er in&uries- es#eciall" informing the #ublic on the dangers of using #rohibited firecrac;ers and (atusi' As #er 3emorandum of the Firearms and Di.ision-Phili##ine National Police (FED-PNP) dated $* Eanuar"

% %- FA7=S: :S A49EADY 5ANNED F903 7HE 3A9QE7 and no longer authoriGed the sale of the said firecrac;er' Streamers and #osters should be #osted in strategic and #ublic #laces' 7he slogan for this "earIs cam#aign is PFalang 5atang 3ag#a#a#uto;P See the Protot"#es of the streamer and #oster at the D0H (ebsite'


Emergenc" 9oom Pre#aredness and 9es#onsi.eness

All D0H Hos#itals are hereb" declared on <0DE FH:7E A4E97 on December %4- %+- /$- % $ and Eanuar" $- % $$ to #re#are their emergenc" units and ensure the #ro.ision of #rom#t emergenc" ser.ices to in&ured #atients during the Holida"'


Nation(ide 9egistr" :n&uries

All D0H Sentinel Hos#itals shall re#ort to the 0nline National Electronic Sur.eillance S"stem 9egistr" (0NE:SS) of the De#artment of Health' 7he sur.eillance #eriod for fire(or;s related in&uries- stra" bullets and (atusi ingestion .ictims shall commence at 2H am of December %$- % $ and (ill end at +H+) am of Eanuar" +- % $$' 9e#orting should be done dail" and strict obser.ance of time is reCuired'


7etanus Sur.eillance

7he sur.eillance #eriod for fire(or;s-related tetanus .ictim shall commence

on December %$- % $ and shall end on Eanuar" %$- % $$' Fire(or;s related tetanus cases hos#italiGed e.en after the sur.eillance #eriod must be re#orted' A.ailabilit"@stoc;s of 7etanus 7oAoid@Daccine in hos#itals should be ensured'


Net(or;ing (ith 0ther >o.ernment Agencies

7he strateg" for this "earIs cam#aign is ad.ocating the use of safe and alternati.e (a"s of celebrating the Ne( Year (ith a Health" 5ang such as street #arties- concerts- amateur contests- Ati-Atihan- designation of identified area for fire(or;s dis#la" and other (a"s of noise-ma;ing li;e using #ots and #ans and torotot' And in the light of the de.olution- #ro.ision of technical assistance and close coordination (ith the 4ocal >o.ernment =nits (4>=s) should be enhanced (herein the 4ocal >o.ernment (4>Es) should enforce strictl" the 9e#ublic Act *$,/ (Firecrac;er 4a() and s#read the safe and alternati.e celebration of the Ne( Year in their res#ecti.e areas'

<oordination among the 9egional 0ffices of .arious Agencies 8 Phili##ine National Police- Armed Forces of the Phili##ines- De#artment of EducationDe#artment of 7rade and :ndustr"- De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment- De#artment of 4abor and Em#lo"ment- Phili##ine :nformation Agenc"- 5ureau of Fire Protection- National Police <ommission- De#artment of En.ironment and Natural 9esources- De#artment of Science and 7echnolog"different 4eagues of the Phili##ines (Pro.incial- <ities- 3unici#alities- and 5aranga") and non-go.ernment agencies 8 strengthen #ublic information cam#aign and other ad.ocac" acti.ities es#eciall" against the use of Fatusi and illegal Firecrac;ers- (hich is #rohibited under 9e#ublic Act *$,/ or the Firecrac;er 4a('


Firecrac;er 5an on all D0H Facilities

All offices- hos#itals of the D0H and its attached agencies are hereb" declared a F:9E<9A<QE9 F9EE O0NE' SE44:N> 0F F:9E<9A<QE9S :S S79:<74Y P90H:5:7ED (ithin the #remises of the De#artment of Health Facilities' All Heads of Agencies are hereb" instructed to disseminate these guidelines to their res#ecti.e #ersonnel'

Status of the ProgramH

As a nation(ide underta;ing- the N<DP< reCuires health facilities to adhere to all national #olicies and guidelines on in&ur" re#orting' 7he N<DP< is the central coordinating bod" for the e.aluation- #rocessing- monitoring- and dissemination of data or information' Each health facilit" is reCuired to re#ort on a dail" basis all in&ur" related cases through the 0nline National Electronic :n&ur" Sur.eillance S"stem' Fhile the N<DP< has no regulator" #o(er the health facilities- it does ha.e indirect #o(er thru the 5ureau of Health Facilities and Ser.ices' 7he N<DP< as the highest #olic" ma;ing bod" can ma;e recommendations to the 5HFS for a##ro#riate actions on erring health facilities'

7he general ob&ecti.e of National Electronic :n&ur" Sur.eillance S"stem (NE:SSE) is to ma;e efficient and effecti.e the current s"stems and #rocedures of re#orting in&ur"-related data' S#ecificall"- NE:SS aims toH

Promote efficienc" to maAimiGe time and effort in data collection- #rocessing.alidation- anal"sis and dissemination of in&ur"-related data1 :m#ro.e accurac"- reliabilit"- integrit" and timeliness of in&ur"-related data1 :m#lement the most reliable and effecti.e technolog" solution to interconnect (ith the different agencies and@or beneficiaries@sta;eholders of the in&ur"

related data1 and Enforce standards on in#uts- #rocesses and out#uts on in&ur"-related data collection- anal"sis- re#ort generation and feedbac;' 0NE:SS shall be the standard re#orting s"stem for the collection- storageanal"sis and re#orting of data #ertaining to in&ur"' 0NE:SS is the information s"stem being im#lemented b" the D0H in su##ort of the :n&ur" Program'

7he PN:D3S

7he Phili##ine Net(or; for :n&ur" Data 3anagement S"stem (PN:D3S) is a multi-sectoral organiGation com#osed of the Forld Health 0rganiGation=nited Nations <hildrenIs Fund- De#artment of Health- De#artment of 7rans#ortation and <ommunication- De#artment of Public For;s and High(a"- Phili##ine National Police - High(a" Patrol >rou#- 3etro 3anila De.elo#ment Authorit"- 4and 7rans#ortation 0ffice and Safe Qids Phili##ines(hich aims to establish and maintain a coordinated data management s"stem that can lin;- integrate- or combine in&ur" data from .arious sources or s"stems to #ro.ide an o.erall #icture for #olic" ma;ers and decision ma;ers at the national- regional and local le.els'

Partner 0rganiGations@AgenciesH

7he #rogram management committee (P3<) shall be chaired b" the director :D of the National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (ith the follo(ing as membersH Di.ision chief of the Degenerati.e Disease ProgramH National focal #erson (Program 3anager) for .iolence and in&ur" #re.ention

#rogram1 and from D07<- DPFH- D:4>@4eague of munici#alities' S#ecialt" Societies and other agencies@organiGations are to be identified b" the committee itself' EA#erts in the .arious as#ects of .iolence and in&ur" #re.ention shall also be in.ol.ed to ensure a com#rehensi.e #rogram a##roach'

7he follo(ing institutions@agencies #arta;e in the achie.ement of the #rogram goalsH

De#artment of 7rans#ortation and <ommunication (D07<) Phili##ine National Police (PNP) De#artment of :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment (D:4>) De#artment of Public For;s and High(a"s (DPFH) De#artment of Education (De#Ed) 3etro 3anila De.elo#ment Authorit" (33DA) De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment (DSFD) 5ureau of Fire Protection (5FP) Safe Qids Phili##ines- :nc' Automobile Association of the Phili##ines Safet" 0rganiGation of the Phili##ines- :nc' Phili##ine National 9ed <ross 3otorc"cle De.elo#ment Partici#ants Association Ford 9oad Safet" Youth <ouncil Pro&ect <A9ES 7rauma <entersH o Phili##ine 0rtho#edic Hos#ital

o East A.enue 3edical <enter

o 4as Pidas >eneral Hos#ital and Satellite 7rauma <enter

o =P-Phili##ine >eneral Hos#ital

o Dicente Sotto 3emorial 3edical <enter

Program 3anagerH

Dr' Fran;lin DiGa

De#artment of Health-National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol (D0H-N<DP<)

<ontact NumberH 2+$-*,-

local $*+$

FomenIs Health and Safe 3otherhood Pro&ect

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7he Phili##ines has committed to the =nited Nation millennium declaration

that translated into a roadma# a set of goals that targets reduction of #o.ert"- hunger and ill health' :n the light of this go.ernment commitmentthe De#artment of Health is faced (ith a challengeH to cham#ion the cause of (omen and children to(ards 3D>s 4 (reduce child mortalit")- + (im#ro.e maternal health) and 2(combat H:D@A:DS- malaria and other diseases)' Pregnanc" and child birth are among the leading causes of deathdisease and disabilit" in (omen of re#roducti.e age in de.elo#ing countries' 7he Phili##ine go.ernment commitment to the 3D>s is- among others- a commitment to (or; to(ards the reduction of maternal mortalit" ratios b" three-Cuarters and under-fi.e mortalit" b" t(o-thirds b" % $+ at all cost'

<onfronted (ith the challenge of 3D> + and the multi-faceted challenges of high maternal mortalit" ratio- increasing neonatal deaths #articularl" on the first (ee; after birth- unmet need for re#roducti.e health ser.ices and (ea; maternal care" s"stem- in addition to identif"ing the technical inter.entions to address these #roblems- the D0H (ith su##ort from the Forld 5an; decided to focus on ma;ing #regnanc" and childbirth safer and sought to change fundamental societal d"namics that influence decision ma;ing on matters related to #regnanc" and childbirth (hile it tries to bring Cualit" emergenc" obstetrics and ne(born care to facilities nearest to homes' 7his ensures that those most in need of Cualit" health care b" com#etent doctors- nurses and mid( ha.e eas" access to such care'

Pro&ect De.elo#ment 0b& and :ndicators

7he Pro&ect contributes to the national goal of (omenBs health b"H

$' Demonstrating in selected sites a sustainable- cost-effecti.e model of deli.ering health ser.ices access of disad.antaged (omen to acce#table and high Cualit" re#roducti.e health ser.ices and enables them to safel" attain their desired number of children'

%' Establishing the core ;no(ledge base and su##ort s"stems that can

facilitate countr"(ide re#lication of #ro&ect eA#erience as #art of mainstream a##roaches to re#roducti.e health care (ithin the Qalusugan Pang;alahatan frame(or;'

Pro&ect <om#onents

<om#onent AH 4ocal" of the FHS3 8 Pac;age

7his com#onent su##orts 4>=s in mobiliGing net(or;s of #ublic and #ri.ate #ro.iders to the integrated FHS3-SP' :n such #ro&ect site- the follo(ing are currentl" being underta;enH

$' Establishment of <ritical <a#abilities to Pro.ide Wualit" FHS3 Ser.ices through the organiGation and o#eration of a net(or; of" 7eams consisting ofH

a' FomenBs Health 7eams

b' 5Em0N< 7eams

c' <Em0N< 7eams

d' :tinerant 7eams

%' Establishment of 9eliable Sustainable Su##ort S"stems for FHS3"H

a' Drug and <ontrace#ti.e Securit"

b' Safe 5lood Su##l"

c' 5eha.ior <hange :nter.entions

d' Sustainable financing of local FHS3 ser.ices and commodities

<om#onent 5H National <a#acit"

$' 0#erational and 9egulator" >uidelines (3anual of 0#erations)

%' Net(or; of 7raining Pro.iders

/' 3onitoring- E.aluation- 9esearch and Dissemination

::' :N7E9DEN7:0NS AND S79A7E>:ES E3P40YED

7he De#artment of Health through the FomenBs Health and Safe 3otherhood

Pro&ect % introduces ne( strategies to address critical re#roducti.e health concerns (hile confronting both demand and su##l" side obstacles to access for disad.antaged (omen of re#roducti.e age' Among the changes that the Pro&ect introduced and has s"stematicall" mainstreamed into the current National Safe 3otherhood Program are the follo(ingH

Strategic <hange in the Design of FomenBs Health and Safe 3otherhood Ser.ices FHS3P% brought about strategic changes in the (a" ser.ices are deli.ered to clients #articularl" the disad.antaged and underser.ed' 7hese changes in.ol.e ($) a shift in em#hasis from the ris; a##roach that identifies high-ris; #regnancies during the #renatal #eriod to an a##roach that #re#ares all #regnant for the com#lications at childbirth 8 this change brought about the establishment of the 5Em0N< 8 <Em0N< net(or;- (hich is no( #art of the 3N<HN" net(or;1 (%) im#ro.ed Cualit" of FP counseling and eA#anded a.ailabilit"- including the organiGation of more :tinerant 7eams #ro.iding #ermanent methods and :=D insertion on an outreach basis and (/) the integration of S7: screening into the maternal care and famil" #lanning #rotocols'

An :ntegrated Pac;age to FomenBs Health Ser.ices 7he abo.e changes in" (ill li;e(ise in.ol.e a shift from centrall" controlled national #rograms (3<- FP- S7: and AH) o#erating se#aratel" and go.erned inde#endentl" at .arious le.els of the health s"stem to an 4>= go.erned s"stem that deli.ers an integrated (omenBs health and safe motherhood #ac;age' 7his" strateg" is focused on maAimiGing s"nergies among ;e" ser.ices and on ensuring a continuum of care across le.els of the referral s"stem' At the ground le.el- this im#lies that a (oman- ( her age and s#eciall" if she is disad.antaged- (ho see;s care from a #ublic health #ro.ider for re#roducti.e health concerns- could eA#ect to be gi.en a com#rehensi.e arra" of ser.ices that addresses her most critical re#roducti.e health needs'

9eliable Sustainable Su##ort S"stems Su##ort S"stems for FHS3" include s"stems for ($) drug and contrace#ti.e securit"- through a strateg" of contrace#ti.e self reliance1 (%) safe blood su##l"1 (/) sta;eholder beha.ior change- through a combination of #erformance 8 based grants and ad.ocac" and communication1 (4) sustainable financing- through a di.ersification of funding sources- #rinci#all" gi.en b" the de.elo#ment of client classification scheme so that the #oor gets #ublic subsidies and the non-#oor are charged user fees'

Stronger Ste(ardshi# and >uidance from the D0H D0H #ro.ides ste(ardshi# and guidance through ($) e.idence-based guidelines and #rotocols on FHS3 ser.ices- (%) a s"stem for accrediting #ro.iders of integrated FHS3 8 #ac;age training #rogram1 and (/) monitoring- e.aluation and research on the ne( FHS3 strategies'

7he Pro&ect is im#lemented in 4>=s in % #hasesH

Phase $ (% 2-% $%)H Sorsogon in the 5icol region and Surigao del Sur in the <araga 9egion

Phase % (%

)-% $%)H Alba"- <atanduanes and 3asbate

:::' S7A7=S 0F :3P4E3EN7A7:0N AND A<<03P4:SH3EN7S

As of December % $$- the #ro&ect accom#lishments its life of #ro&ect (or; #lan is *$!' Among the o#erations issues that dela"s accom#lishments of critical in#uts relates to #rocurement and other eAternal factors such as 4>= organiGational structures'

7he follo(ing summariGes the accom#lishment of the #ro&ect'

9esults 3atriAH

0utcome :ndicators 5aseline (% $ ) Accom#lishments Dalues% $$ Accom#lishments , ! Facilit"-based 5irths 2*! , ! **! , ! ++!

% $$ 7arget

, ! of the Fomen (ho ga.e birth ha.e birth #lans ))! *+! of facilit" deli.eries are financed b" PH:< :ncrease <P9 b" $ #ercentage #oints /2! increase /)! $ $ $*!


+! #oints increase /! #oints

! of 4>=s ha.e #assed an ordinance on the <ontrace#ti.e Self 9eliance 4*! $ ! * ! ! of 5Em0N< ha.e 3<P accreditation 4+! *%! + ! *+! +%! $ !

=ni.ersal Social Health :nsurance <o.erage

9elati.e to the #h"sical targets- the Pro&ect has accom#lished the follo(ing in the Pro&ect sitesH


Pro&ect 3ilestones Status

Social Pre#aration of 5atch % Sites

0rganiGation of" 7eams

9egional 5lood <enters eCui#ment u#grade




)-% $$

Facilit" u#gradeH :nfrastructure and ECui#ment



Alba"H ) !

3asbateH , !

<atanduanesH 2 !

Surigao del SurH +/!

SorsogonH ,4!

)-% $

7raining <enters :nsfrastructure and eCui#ment enhancement

<urrentl" undergoing #rocurement

$/ 7raining <enters alread" #ro.ided (ith eCui#ment and other training logistics

)-% $

Ensuring en.ironmental Safeguards

0rganiGation of E3= in <Em0N<s Designation of Faste 3anagement Focal Persons in 5Em0N<s Done % ,-% $% <a#abilit" EnhancementH FomenIs Health 7eams

5Em0N< S;illsH 2 !

SorsogonH */!

Alba"H $ /!

<atanduanesH ++!

3asbateH */!

Surigao del SurH 2/!

% %

,-% $ ,-% $

5Em0N< 7eams 3id( on 5Em0N< S;ills 3odule currentl" being finaliGed 3odule currentl" being

% $$-% $% finaliGed % $ %

<Em0N< Doctors (non-s#ecialists)

Pro.incial 7eams Done )-% $/

5eha.ior <hange :nter.entions

Performance-based >rantsH

Facilit" based Deli.eries =ni.ersal Social Health :nsurance <o.erage Essential Drugs and <ontrace#ti.e Securit"

% $ -% $/ Ad.ocac" for Positi.e 5eha.ior <hange

7D :nfomercials 4 :nfomercials #roduced and aired in % $$1 another 4 being #roduced for airing in % $%' % )-% $/ 5Em0N< Facilit" 3<P Accreditation


Alba"H /$! (+@$2)

<atanduanesH $*! ($@2)

3asbateH 2%! ($/'%$)

SorsogonH ,%! ($4@$*)

Surigao del SurH $2! (/@$))

:D' P4ANS F09 % $%

7he Pro&ect intends to #ro#ose for an eAtension of another "ear to enable it to accom#lish im#ortant acti.ities as #ro.ided for b" the design and loan agreement (ith the Forld 5an;' 7hese areH

$' Pilot test of an Adolescent Health Program model for the Phili##ines' 7his reCuires % "ears'

%' Stud" on the :m#act of the FHS3P% Performance 8 5ased >rant on Facilit" 5ased Deli.eries is a one-"ear stud"'

/' Assessment of 5Em0N< Functionalit" is nation(ide in sco#e and reCuires $ "ear'

:f the eAtension is not granted- the Pro&ect im#lementation ends b" December % $%' 7he acti.ities therefore (ill be focused on accom#lishing the remaining tas;s (ith no ne( acti.ities- eAce#t the conduct of the end of Pro&ect sur.e" to determine its im#act at the Pro&ect 4>=s and its contribution to the attainment of national goals' Friting of end of #ro&ect re#orts (ill be done in Eanuar" to Eune of % $/'

7he #ro&ect also su##orted the 5Em0N< S;ills 7raining Program of the

National Safe 3otherhood Program and (as instrumental in the 8

$' Establishment of / 7raining <enters in the countr" for the 5Em0N< S;ills 7raining <ourse' 7hree of these training centers ha.e efficientl" #artnered (ith academic institutions'

%' De.elo#ment of training guidelines'

/' Passage of the De#artment 0rder allo(ing for the collection of training fees for the o#eration of the 7raining <enters'

4' Engagement of 7echnical Assistance (=P-3anila <ollege of Public Health) for the de.elo#ment of the <Em0N< 7raining <urriculum and 3odule'

+' De.elo#ment of the HarmoniGed 3odule for 5Em0N< for 3id( in coo#eration (ith =N:<EF and =NFPA'

2' 7raining of 5Em0N< 7eams nation(ide1 the current accom#lishment is 4,!'

*' De.elo#ment and maintenance of a database on 5Em0N< 7raining'

D' 0ther Significant :nformation Forth 3entioning

$' 7he Pro&ect #ro.ided assistance in the de.elo#ment of the 3aternal Health 9e#orting and Protocol in coo#eration (ith the National Safe 3otherhood Program and FH0'

%' Publication of the Pro&ect EA#erience (in Sorsogon) in the No.ember % $$ issue of the FH0 5ulletin'

Program 3anagerH

3s' Oenaida D' 9ecidoro

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol - Famil" Health 0ffice

7ele#hone NumberH 2+$-*,

locals $*%2-$*/

(As stated in the FomenBs Health and Safe 3otherhood Pro&ect % :m#lementation Plan)

FomenIs Health Safe 3otherhood Program %

Safe 3otherhood and FomenIs Health Pro&ect

Fomen and <hildren Protection Program

PrintPrintEmailEmailPDFPDF :' 5A<Q>90=ND AND 9A7:0NA4E

7he ACuino Health Agenda (AHA)H =ni.ersal Health <are for All Fili#inos embodied in Administrati.e 0rder No' % $ - /2- dated December $2- % $ states that #oor Fili#ino families Rha.e "et to eA#erience eCuit" and access to critical health ser.ices'S A' ' % $ - /2 further recogniGes that the #ublic hos#itals and health facilities ha.e suffered neglect due to the inadeCuac" of health budgets in terms of su##ort for u#grading to eA#and ca#acit" and im#ro.e Cualit" of ser.ices'

AHA also states Rthe #oorest of the #o#ulation are the main users of go.ernment health facilities' 7his means that the deterioration and #oor Cualit" of man" go.ernment health facilities is #articularl" disad.antageous to the #oor (ho needs the ser.ices the most'S

:n $))*- Administrati.e 0rder $-5 or the REstablishment of a Fomen and <hildren Protection =nit in All De#artment of Health (D0H) Hos#italsS (as #romulgated in res#onse to the increasing number of (omen and children (ho consult due to .iolence- ra#e- incest- and other related cases'

Since A'0' $-5 (as issued- the #artnershi# among the De#artment of Health (D0H)- =ni.ersit" of the Phili##ines 3anila- the <hild Protection Net(or; Foundation- se.eral local go.ernment units- de.elo#ment #artners and other agencies resulted in the establishment of (omen and child #rotection units (F<P=s) in D0H-retained and 4ocal >o.ernment =nit (4>=) -su##orted hos#itals' As of % $$- there are /, (or;ing F<P=s in %+ #ro.inces of the countr"' For the #ast "ears- there ha.e been attem#ts to increase the number of F<P=s es#eciall" in D0H-retained hos#itals but the" ha.e been unsuccessful for man" reasons'

7he eA#erience of these /, (omen and children #rotection units reflect thatH the last * "ears from % 4 to % $ - all these F<P=s handled an a.erage of 2-%%4 ne( cases (ith a mean increase of $+2 #ercent' 7he % $ statistics #resented a record high of $%-*,* ne( cases and an a.erage of *)',2 #ercent increase from % )' 3ore than +) #ercent (ere cases of seAual abuse1 more than /* #ercent (ere #h"sical abuse and the rest on neglectcombined seAual and #h"sical abuse and minor #er#etrators' 3ore than + #ercent of these ne( cases (ere obtained from F<P=s based in highl" urbaniGed areas across the countr"' Figures sho( there is a need to continue to raise a(areness on domestic .iolence to ha.e more accurate recording and re#orting1 7he National Demogra#hic and Health Sur.e" of % , re.eals that one in fi.e (omen aged $+-4) are #h"sicall" abused and one out of $ of the same age grou# are seAuall" abused' 7his figure runs into millions of abused (omen nation(ide (ho do not see; an" hel# or assistance1 A consistent and adeCuate budget is necessar" to sustain a (omen and children #rotection unit once it is established1 7he source of budget cited in A'0' $-5 is sub&ected to multi#le inter#retations and is de#endent on the #riorities of the local chief eAecuti.e and@or the healthcare facilit" management1 7here is no standard Cualit" of ser.ice1 Doctors and social (or;ers are reluctant to ta;e on the tas; due to hea." (or;load of (omen and child #rotection (or;- lac; of training and feeling of inadeCuac"- and the nature of (or;- (hich among others reCuires res#onding to sub#oenas and a##earing in court1 All the F<P=s are being managed b" #art-time #ersonnel (ho are gi.en addon res#onsibilities and their a##ointments are not classified as regular #lantilla #ositions1 Fomen and child #rotection (or; is a ne( field and a #ool of #rofessionals must be recruited and trained to sustain the (or;1 and Fomen and children #rotection (or; has gone be"ond being a health ad.ocac" to becoming an essential health addressing the needs of .ictims of .iolence against (omen and children' 7he strategies es#oused b" the AHA- s#ecificall" the" net(or; (SDN) and #ublic-#ri.ate #artnershi# (PPP)- (ill be utiliGed in the institutionaliGation of the (omen and children #rotection #rogram nation(ide' A health SDN is com#osed of a net(or; of health #ro.iders at different le.els of care from le.els $H health centers or (omen and childrenBs des;s offering #rimar" ser.ices- %H district health facilities offering secondar"

care and /H regional and national hos#itals (ith tertiar" care' An SDN can be as small as an :nter-4ocal Health Oone or as large as a regional SDN (ith a regional hos#ital as the end-referral hos#ital' 7he most efficient s"stem for (omen and child #rotection facilities follo(s the SDN model (here a com#lete and integrated (omen and child #rotection unit is located in a strategic hos#ital'

7he #rimar" goal is to identif" (here the (omen and children #rotection units (ill be located across the countr" and to ensure that there (ill be at least one in each #ro.ince' Hos#itals- (hether #ublic or #ri.ate- (hich do not ha.e a (omen and child #rotection unit ma" be trained to refer the .ictims to (omen and children #rotection coordinators (F<P<s) and F<P=s in other hos#itals (here the staff is trained in recogniGing- recording- re#orting and referring abuse cases' 7his (ill ensure that all (omen and children .ictims of .iolence (ho see; medical care ha.e access to health ser.ices #ro.ided b" trained- com#etent- and caring health #ersonnel'

::' >0A4S AND 05EE<7:DES

>0A4H 7o institutionaliGe and standardiGe the Cualit" of and training of all (omen and children #rotection units'


$' Establish at least one (omen and children #rotection unit in" #ro.ince1

%' Ensure that all health facilities ha.e com#etent and trained genderres#onsi.e #rofessionals (ho (ill coordinate the ser.ices needed b" (omen and children .ictims of .iolence1

/' StandardiGe and maintain the Cualit" of health care ser.ices rendered b" all (omen and children #rotection units1

4' Ensure the sustainabilit" of (omen and childrenBs #rotection unit #rograms through a##ro#riate organiGational and budgetar" su##ort1

+' <reate and maintain a centraliGed and harmoniGed database for all re#orts submitted b" the different (omen and children #rotection units'

:::' S<0PE AND <0DE9A>E

7his issuance shall a##l" to the entire health sector- including the D0H hos#itals- 4>=-su##orted health facilities- #ri.ate hos#itals- and other attached agencies in.ol.ed in the im#lementation of the AHA'

Health #rofessionals from #ri.ate hos#itals seeing #atients (ho the" sus#ect are .ictims of abuse are dut"-bound to refer the said indi.iduals to concerned go.ernment agencies for a##ro#riate res#onse in accord (ith either 9e#ublic Act Nos' *2$ _$` or )%2%_%`'

:D' DE<4A9A7:0N 0F P04:<Y

7his issuance su##orts the >o.ernment Health 9eform Agenda- the <on.ention on the 9ights of the <hild- the <on.ention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Fomen- the 5ei&ing Platform for Actionthe <hild Protection 4a(-_/` the Anti-Diolence Against Fomen and 7heir <hildrenBs Act of % 4-_4` Anti-9a#e Act of $)),-_+` the 9a#e Dictim Assistance and Protection Act of $)),_2`- and the 3agna <arta of Fomen (% ))'_*`

7he D0H shall thereb" contribute to the realiGation of the countr"Bs goal of eliminating all forms of gender-based .iolence and #romoting social &ustice' _,`

D' >=:D:N> P9:N<:P4ES

7his issuance is go.erned b" the follo(ing #rinci#lesH

$' 9ights-based a##roach' 8 :dentification and treatment of .iolence against (omen and children is anchored on res#ect for and recognition of the rights of (omen and children as mandated b" the Phili##ine <onstitution- the <on.ention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Fomenthe <on.ention on the 9ights of the <hild- and the 5ei&ing Platform for Action'

%' 5est interest of the child' 8 All actions concerning .ictims of abuseneglect- and maltreatment shall ta;e full account of the childrenBs best interests' All decisions regarding children shall be based u#on the needs of indi.idual children- ta;ing into account their de.elo#ment and ca#acities so that their (elfare is of #aramount im#ortance' 7his necessitates careful consideration of the childrenBs #h"sicalemotional@#s"chological- de.elo#mental and s#iritual needs' AdeCuate care shall be #ro.ided b" multidisci#linar" child #rotection teams (hen the #arents and@or guardians fail to do so' :n cases (hether there is doubt or conflict- the #rinci#le of the best interest of the child shall #re.ail'

/' Holistic"' 8 <are focused on the (hole #erson addressing the bio-medical- #s"cho-social- and legal concerns'

4' 9es#ect for di.ersit" and non-discrimination' 8 Holistic and a##ro#riate health care deli.ered shall be cou#led (ith res#ect for cultural- religiousde.elo#mental (including s#ecial needs)- gender and seAual orientation- and socio-economic di.ersit"' All (omen and children .ictims of .iolence shall ha.e a right to recei.e medical treatment- care- and #s"cho-social inter.entions'

+' E.idence-based inter.entions and a##roaches' 8 Policies and guidelines shall be de.elo#ed in accordance (ith recent data gathered through #re.alence sur.e"s- efficac" studies- and other research done locall" and internationall"' 9ecommendations from international organiGations ma" also

be utiliGed (hen a##ro#riate'

2' 3ultidisci#linar" a##roach' 8 9ecognition- re#orting- and care management of cases .iolence against (omen and children are be best achie.ed through medical- #s"cho-social- and legal team(or; including the mental health inter.ention and local go.ernment unit res#onse and coo#eration- ( necessar"'

D:' :3P4E3EN7:N> 9=4ES AND >=:DE4:NES

$' <ommittee on Fomen and <hildren Protection Program' 8 7he <ommittee on Fomen and <hildren Protection Program- hereinafter referred to as the R<ommittee-S shall be #rimaril" res#onsible for #olic"ma;ing- coordinatingmonitoring- and o.erseeing the im#lementation of this re.ised issuance'

%' <om#osition' - 7he <ommittee shall be com#osed of the follo(ingH

a' =ndersecretar" of Health" as eA officio <hair#erson1

b' =ndersecretar" for the 4ocal Affairs of the De#artment of the :nterior and 4ocal >o.ernment or his@her authoriGed re#resentati.e1

c' =ndersecretar" for Polic" of the De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment or his@her authoriGed re#resentati.e1

d' A regional director of the De#artment of Health1

e' A hos#ital director of a D0H-retained hos#ital1


EAecuti.e Director of the Phili##ine <ommission for Fomen1

g' EAecuti.e Director of the <ouncil for the Felfare of <hildren1

h' EAecuti.e Director of the <hild Protection Net(or; Foundation1

i' 0ne re#resentati.e each from the Phili##ine Pediatrics Societ"- the Phili##ine 0bstetrics and >"necological Societ"- :nc'- the Phili##ine Ps"chiatric Association- the Phili##ine Ps"chological Association- the Phili##ine <ollege of Emergenc" 3edicine- the Phili##ine <ollege of Surgeonsand the Phili##ine Academ" of Famil" Ph"sicians- :nc'

7he <hair#erson shall a##oint a Dice-<hair from among the <ommittee members (ho shall #reside the meeting in the formerBs absence'

7he <ommittee shall designate from among its members a #rogram manager (ho (ill be gi.en a##ointment b" the =ndersecretar" of Health through a De#artment Personnel 0rder'

7he <ommittee ma" create a technical (or;ing grou#- as the need arises- to hel# it in the #erformance of its functions'

/' 7erm' 8 7he <ommittee shall hold office for three (/) "ears and ma" be rea##ointed or until their successors shall ha.e been a##ointed'

4' Functions' 7he <ommittee shall ha.e the follo(ing functionsH

:dentif" and recommend strategicall"-located D0H-retained and 4>=su##orted hos#itals for F<P= establishment using geogra#hical and

#o#ulation ratio criteria1 Formulate standard #rotocols and #rocedures and the manual of o#erations for multidisci#linar" care for (omen and children .ictims of abuse and .iolence1 Set the #olic" for criteria and #rocedure for accreditation of (omen and children #rotection units to be for(arded to the 5ureau of Standards and 9egulation for a##ro#riate action b" the De#artment of Health (D0H)1 4a" do(n the #olic" for minimum reCuirements for training #rograms that are gender res#onsi.e- such as the <ertificates for Fomen and <hild Protection S#ecialt" Program and other rele.ant residenc" #rograms1 3onitor and e.aluate the efficac"- effecti.eness and sustainabilit" of creation- o#erations- and maintenance of F<P=s1 9ecommend #olic" reforms and ne( guidelines anchored on e.idence-based inter.entions and a##roaches1 HarmoniGe eAisting databases and create a central databan; for (omen and children #rotection cases1 and Perform other functions as ma" be necessar" for the im#lementation of the re.ised issuance' +' 9e#ortorial Functions' 8 7he <ommittee shall submit to the 0ffice of the Secretar" of Health its annual re#ort on #olicies- #lans- #rograms and acti.ities on or before the last (or;ing da" of Februar"'

2' 3eetings' 8 7he <ommittee shall meet regularl" at least once" Cuarter' 7he .enue shall be agreed u#on b" the members' S#ecial meetings ma" be reCuested b" the <hair#erson or an" <ommittee member- as the need arises'

7he <ommittee members and #rogram manager shall be entitled to an honorarium for" meeting'

D:::' 904ES AND 9ESP0NS:5:4:7:ES 0F PA97NE9 A>EN<:ES

A' De#artment of Health at the National 4e.el

7he <ommittee shall be under the direct su#er.ision of the 0ffice of the =ndersecretar" for Health Ser.ices"' 7he s#ecific office@s to be designated b" the =ndersecretar" for Health Ser.ices" shall be #rimaril" res#onsible forH a' 7he o.erall eAecution of the re.ised #olic" and manual of o#erations on Fomen and <hildren Protection Program1

b' Accreditation of F<P=s1

c' >eneration mobiliGation of resources for the o#erations of F<P=s'

5' Phili##ine Health :nsurance 0ffice (PhilHealth)

7he PhilHealth shall de.elo# a #ac;age for all F<P= #atients that (ill facilitate the #ro.ision of in#atient and out#atient ser.ices'

<' <enters for Health De.elo#ment

Disseminate the #olic" for ado#tion and im#lementation b" 4>= health s"stems in the different localities (ithin their res#ecti.e regions1 Pro.ide technical assistance to 4>=s in organiGing F<P= acti.ities and de.elo#ing rele.ant technical references and information- education and communication (:E<) materials1 >enerate resources to strengthen the im#lementation of the #olic" and manual of o#erations for F<P=s1 Formulate and im#lement ad.ocac" #lans to generate sta;eholdersB su##ort#articularl" the local officials1 3onitor the im#lementation of the #olic" and guidelines in both #ublic and #ri.ate hos#itals- and in different localities in their res#ecti.e regions1

=nderta;e regular (ith 4>=s on the #rogress of the F<P= #olic" and guidelines' D' 4ocal >o.ernment =nits

$' Pro.incial @ <it" Health 0ffice

a' 7rain #ri.ate and #ublic health (or;ers on the (omen and children #rotection #rogram1

b' Ad.ocate (ith munici#alities@cities and other concerned agencies and sta;eholders to ado#t and im#lement the re.ised #olic" on the (omen and children #rotection #rogram1

c' >enerate and allocate resources in su##ort of F<P= #ro.ision (e'g'counter#art funds for training- #rocurement of additional F<P=s- etc)1

d' 9eCuire all hos#itals to im#lement the re.ised #olic" and its manual of o#eration as an integral #art of their treatment and care #rotocols'

%' 9egional and #ro.incial hos#itals

a' 9eCuire all hos#itals to im#lement the re.ised #olic" and its manual of o#eration as an integral #art of their treatment and care #rotocols1


Allocate budget sufficient for the o#erations of F<P=s1


<onduct training and orientation on 49s1


3aintain an accurate and com#lete database on F<P= clients'

D' <hild Protection Net(or; Foundation- :nc'

Pro.ide eA#ertise and technical su##ort for the establishment of F<P=s and the central database on childrenBs cases1 EAtend guidance to the trained #h"sicians and social (or;ers in F<P=s1 <oordinate (ith the Phili##ine <ommission for Fomen- <ouncil for the Felfare of <hildren and non-go.ernment organiGations (N>0s) regarding matters related to (omenBs and childrenBs health and gender concerns1 Partici#ate in the im#lementation of the F<P= #olic" including its manual of o#erations' E' Phili##ine <ommission on Fomen

Pro.ide eA#ertise and technical assistance on gender-res#onsi.e" of ser.ices b" the F<P= #ro.iders and the central database on (omenBs cases1 Assist the D0H in monitoring the im#lementation of the F<P= using the Performance Standards and Assessment 7ools for Ser.ices Addressing DAF in the Phili##ines1 9eCuire all hos#itals to allocate from their gender and de.elo#ment (>AD) budget the funds reCuired to create- o#erate- and maintain F<P=s and to re#ort the use of their >AD funds to P<F' :U' 9EW=:9E3EN7S F09 7HE ES7A54:SH3EN7 0F F03EN AND <H:4D9EN P907E<7:0N =N:7S

7he <ommittee shall ensure that all #resent and future F<P=s com#l" (ith the criteria mandated in this re.ised #olic" and its 3anual of 0#erations'

All F<P=S- de#ending on the number of their #ersonnel- range of ser.ices rendered- and annual budget shall be classified as 4e.els :- :: and ::: facilities' 3inimum criteria for each of these units are enumerated in the 3anual of 0#erations of this #olic"'

3AN=A4 0F 0PE9A7:0NS

7he <ommittee on Fomen and <hildren Protection Program shall regulate the establishment and o#erations of all F<P=s in the Phili##ines'

:' 3:N:3=3 9EW=:9E3EN7S F09 A44 H0SP:7A4S

A' 7raining' 8 7he <ommittee shall reCuire that all hos#ital #ersonnel undergo training on the recognition- re#orting- recording and referral (49Bs) of cases of .iolence against (omen and children'

5' Fomen and <hildren Protection <oordinator' 8 Hos#itals (ithout a (omen and children #rotection unit shall ha.e a (omen and children #rotection coordinator (F<P<) res#onsible for coordinating the management and referral of all .iolence against (omen and children cases in the hos#ital'

::' 7he minimum standard criteria shall be maintained b" all F<P=s'

A' 0rganiGational Structure - 7he F<P= shallH

5e an integral #art of the hos#ital1 5e under the 0ffice of the <hief of <linics1 5e su#er.ised b" a F<P= head (ho shall ha.e the follo(ing res#onsibilitiesH a' :ntegrate and o#erationaliGe the multidisci#linar" functions of the F<P= b' Pre#are the annual (or; and financial #lan- including budget #re#aration4' Submit Cuarterl" re#orts to the 0ffice of the =ndersecretar" for Health Ser.ices"'

+' Ha.e the follo(ing minimum staff- #referabl" (ith regular #lantilla #ositions- (ho shall be #rimaril" res#onsible to the F<P=H a' a trained #h"sician and b' a trained social (or;er'

5' Facilities - 7he F<P= shallH

5e #ermanentl" situated in a designated area- #referabl" near the emergenc" room of the hos#ital1 5e s#acious enough to accommodate all the ser.ices #ro.ided b" the facilit"such asH a' A se#arate room for and crisis counselling b' A se#arate room for medical eAamination1 c' A rece#tion area to accommodate those (aiting to be ser.edincluding their com#anions' 7he rece#tion area must ha.e culture- and gender-sensiti.e information materials on .iolence against (omen and children (DAF<) d' Filing cabinets and other furniture@eCui#ment that (ill ensure the securit" and confidentialit" of files and records1

Ha.e its o(n toilet or comfort room1 Ha.e the follo(ing fiAturesH a' EAamination table b' Des; and chairs c' Fashing facilities (ith clean running (ater d' 4ight source- and e' 7ele#hone line f' <om#uter and #rinter

g' 0ffice su##lies

Ha.e readil" a.ailable su##lies and eCui#ment for medical eAaminationincludingH a' Digital camera b' 9a#e ;it c' S#eculum of different siGes d' 5lood tubes e' S"ringes- needles and sterile s(abs f' EAamination

g' Pregnanc" testing ;its h' 3icrosco#e slides i' &' 3easuring de.ices li;e rulers and cali#ers =rine s#ecimen containers

;' 9efrigerator for storage of s#ecimens l' Analgesics- medicines for S7: #ro#h"laAis- and emergenc" m' 4abels n' 3edical forms including consent forms and anatomical diagrams o' <ol#osco#e (0#tional) #' Dideo camera for recording the forensic (o#tional) C' 7a#e recorder (o#tional)


4EDE4S 0F <A9E DE4:DE9ED 5Y F<P=s

a' 4e.el : F<P=

%' Personnel

A trained #h"sician- and A trained and registered social (or;er' /' Ser.ices' 8 A le.el : F<P= #ro.ides

3inimum medical ser.ices in the form of medico-legal eAamination- acute medical treatment- minor surgical treatment- monitoring ? follo(-u# :n the #re#aration of the medico-legal certificate and re#ort- the F<P= shall utiliGe the terminolog" and the form attached as AnneAes RAS and R5-S res#ecti.el"- to this 3anual of 0#erations A full co.erage- %4@* 3inimum social (or; inter.ention such as safet" (and ris;) assessmentcoordination (ith other disci#lines (i'e'- De#artment of Social Felfare and De.elo#ment (DSFD) or the local social (elfare and de.elo#ment office (SFD0)- #olice- legal- N>0s) Peer of cases Pro#er documentation and record-;ee#ing EA#ert testimon" in court Net(or;s (ith other disci#lines and agencies 4' 7raining <a#abilit"

7raining on 49s



Pro#er documentation of eA#eriences (hich (ill ser.e as in#uts for #olic" research- formulation and #rogram im#ro.ement b' 4e.el :: F<P=

$' Personnel

A trained #h"sician1 A trained and registered social (or;er- also (ith full-time co.erage of duties at the F<P=1 and A trained #olice officer or a trained mental health #rofessional' %' Ser.ices

3edical ser.ices similar to a 4e.el : F<P= including ra#e ;its and surgical inter.ention' :n the #re#aration of the medico-legal certificate and re#ort- the F<P= shall utiliGe the terminolog" and the form attached as AnneAes RAS and R5-S res#ecti.el"- to this 3anual of 0#erations Full co.erage- %4@* Social (or; inter.ention similar to that of a 4e.el : F<P= #lus case management and case conferences Additional ser.ices in the form of #olice in.estigation or mental health care Pro#er documentation and record-;ee#ing using the <hild Protection 3anagement :nformation S"stem (<P3:S) EA#ert testimon" in court Peer of cases A.ailabilit" of s#ecialt" consultations (EN7- o#hthalmolog"- surger"- 05->"ne#atholog") Net(or;s (ith other disci#lines and agencies' 2' 7raining <a#abilit"

7raining on 49s 9esidenc" training *' 9esearch

Pro#er documentation of eA#eriences (hich (ill ser.e as in#uts for #olic" research- formulation and #rogram im#ro.ement c' 4e.el ::: F<P=



At least t(o (%) trained #h"sicians1 At least t(o (%) trained and registered social (or;ers1 A registered nurse1 A trained #olice officer1 and A mental health #rofessional %' Ser.ices

3edical ser.ices of a 4e.el % F<P= :n the #re#aration of the medico-legal certificate and re#ort- the F<P= shall utiliGe the terminolog" and the form attached as AnneAes RAS and R5-S res#ecti.el"- to this 3anual of 0#erations Full co.erage- %4@* Social (or; inter.ention of a 4e.el % F<P= ca#acit" #lus long-term case management 3ental health care Police in.estigation Nursing ser.ices Peer of cases Death Pro#er documentation and record-;ee#ing using the <P3:S EA#ert testimon" in court

A.ailabilit" of s#ecialt" consultations (i'e'- EN7- o#hthalmolog"- surger"- 05g"ne- #atholog") 0ther su##ort ser.ices (i'e'- li.elihood- educational) Net(or;s (ith other disci#line and agencies A.ailabilit" of subs#ecialt" consultations (e'g'- child de.elo#ment- forensic #s"chiatr"- forensic #atholog") /' 7raining <a#abilit"

7raining on 49s <om#etence and facilit" to run residenc" training and s#ecialt" trainings 4' 9esearch

Pro#er documentation of eA#eriences (hich (ill ser.e as in#uts for #olic" research- formulation and #rogram im#ro.ement1 <onduct of em#irical in.estigations on (omen and children #rotection (or;1 Publication of such research studies in re#utable &ournals and@or #resentation in scientific conferences or meetings'


79A:N:N> AND ED=<A7:0N :N F03EN AND <H:4D9EN P907E<7:0N

A multi-disci#linar" training #rogram (ill address human resource needs of (omen and child #rotection units and (omenBs and childrenBs des; as (ell as create and sustain a (oman- and child-sensiti.e hos#ital en.ironment' 7he (omen and children #rotection #rogram in the central office (ill set directions and define a career #ath for medical and #aramedical graduates (ho might be interested in #rofessionall" #ursuing this line of (or;' 7his (ill be made a.ailable not onl" to hos#ital #ersonnel but to communit" and interested organiGations that (ould li;e to a.ail of the training' 7raining areas ma" focus on the follo(ingH

For trainees to acCuire@enhance attitudes necessar" in the management of acute and chronic causes of crisis such as"- com#assionconfidentialit" and em#ath"' For the trainees to de.elo#@strengthen their s;ills in earl" detectionscreening- #h"sical eAamination- use of a##ro#riate diagnostic #rocedures- management- counseling and referral' For the trainees to ha.e additional ;no(ledge on understanding of conditions leading to crisis- recognition of earl" sign of crisis identification- anal"sis of aggra.ating@contributor" factors including famil" factors@stressesunderstanding of the im#act of crisis on the indi.idual the famil" and the communit" management of #atients and their families net(or;ing- lin;age de.elo#ment and referral' D' 3:N:3=3 9EW=:9E3EN7S 0F A 79A:NED F03EN AND <H:4D9EN P907E<7:0N SPE<:A4:S7

$' Ph"sician

SiA (2)-(ee; <hild Protection S#ecialist 7raining for Ph"sicians of the <hild Protection Net(or; Foundation or its eCui.alent %' Social For;er

Four (4) -(ee; <hild Protection S#ecialist 7raining for Social For;ers of the <hild Protection Net(or; Foundation or its eCui.alent /' Police 0fficer

Four (4)-(ee; <hild Protection S#ecialist 7raining for Police 0fficers of the <hild Protection Net(or; Foundation or its eCui.alent

_$` 9e#ublic Act *2$ H Anti-<hild Abuse 4a( _%` 9e#ublic Act )%2%H Anti-Diolence Against Fomen and their <hildren Act

_/` 9e#ublic Act No' *2$ _4` 9e#ublic Act No' )%2% _+` 9e#ublic Act No' ,/+/ _2` 9e#ublic Act No' ,+ + _*` 9e#ublic Act )*$ _,` D0H Performance Standards and Assessment 7ools for Ser.ices Addressing Diolence against Fomen in the Phili##ines- % , (ed)- at #')'

Program 3anagerH

3s' Norma Escobido

National <enter for Disease Pre.ention and <ontrol - Famil" Health 0ffice

PhoneH 2+$-*,

locals $*%2-$*/

EmailH nor(a"VesVsantosM"ahoo'com

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