Lesson Plan Subject Verb

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Lesson Plan Lesson: Subject Verb Agreement Length: 30 minutes Age or Grade Level Intended: 3rd grade Academic

Standard: 3.6.3 Identify and use subjects and verbs that are in agreement Performance Objective: Students will be able to write sentences using correct subject verb agreement with 90% accuracy. Assessment: Have students write three sentences in a grou and share with the class. !hen ass out a wor"sheet to each student with subject verb agreement sentences. Advance Preparation by eacher: Have several three age boo"s with singular and lural subjects on age one# singular and lural verbs on age two and adverbs on age three. Procedure: Introduction!"otivation: $% lain that subject verb agreement is very im ortant in everyday s ea"ing so you can correctly state your thoughts clearly and be understood. Step#by#Step Plan: $% &rite a sentence with a singular subject and one sentence with a lural subject on the board. !o show the difference between singular and lural subject verb agreement. Gardner: Verbal#Linguistic &% !ell the students that the subject determines the form of the verb. '% 'ist rules regarding subject(verb agreement on the board i.e. Singular verbs often end with s# but lural verbs usually do not. (% Hand out the boo"s with subjects and verbs in them to each student Gardner: Visual#Spatial )% !ell the "ids to get with their reading artner and come u with three sentences using the boo"lets that they will then share with the class.

Gardner: Visual#Spatial Gardner: Interpersonal *% 'et the children write fun and silly sentences but remind them that they must have subject(verb agreement. +% )llow five to ten minutes for them to come u with these sentences wal"ing around hel ing when needed. ,% Have each grou share one sentence with the class as"ing the class if there should be any corrections and if so what needs to be done. -% &hen a sentence needs corrected allow the students to write in on the board as as" class mates for suggestions in a *.+.'. format. $.% Hand out the wor"sheet for each child to ta"e home and bring bac" the ne%t day.

/losure: )s" a few ,uestions such as- &hat verb would you use with the subject hats.# and &hat subject would go well with the verb swings. 0loom: Level $ 1no2ledge )lso as" how they now when a verb agrees with a subject and what they have to thin" about when ic"ing verbs to mach subjects. 0loom: Level ' Application Adaptations!3nrichment: Have a student with a reading disability label the subjects as singular or lural before ic"ing out a verb. Have a gifted student to the same activity adding adverbs to each sentence. Self#4eflection: If at least 90% of all students understand I will move on# however if I see that most still don/t understand I will go over a few ,uestions on the wor"sheet in class.


S5063/ #V340 AG433"37

8irections: /ircle the verb that agrees 2ith the subject of each sentence
$% I 2need# needs3 to ta"e care of my ets. &% &ill you 2hel # hel s3 me bathe my dog. '% 4y dad 2li"e# li"es3 to watch football. (. &e 2"ee # "ee s3 our car in the bac" yard. )% 4y friends 2is# are3 very nice to me. *. 5ou 2wal"s# wal"3 to the store.

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