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SUBMITTED TO: Mrs.Socorro Quinajon

SUBMITTED BY: Melissa Angela Barlis



Description: - Lie on back with knees bent, and hands clasped behind neck. - Raise shoulders up until they clear the floor and return to start position for one set. - For the other two sets, raise left shoulder toward right knee, return to floor. - Lift right shoulder toward left knee, return to floor.

Description: - Lie on back with knees bent, and hands clasped behind neck. - Position legs up over chair. - Raise shoulders up until they clear the floor and return to start position for one set. - For the other two sets, raise left shoulder toward right knee, return to floor. - Lift right shoulder toward left knee, return to floor.

Description: - Lie on back with knees bent, and hands clasped behind neck. - Raise left shoulder up and raise right knee up, twist until they touch. - Lower and repeat with right shoulder and left knee.

Description: - Position body between arm holds of chair. - Place arms on grips. - Tighten upper body muscles and slightly lift legs of floor by pushing down with shoulders. - Keep knees bent and lift thighs upward, bending at waist. - Lower legs and repeat.

Description: - Position body between arm holds of chair. - Place arms on grips. - Tighten upper body muscles and lift legs of floor by bending knees. - Keep knees straight and lift thighs upward, bending at waist. - Lower legs and repeat.

Description: - Lie on back with knees bent, arms over head, palms upward. - Bring one knee to center of chest. - Lift buttocks off floor, keeping knee to chest. - Lower and repeat with other leg.

Description: - Lie on back on bench. - Hold weights in hands, arms above head. - Lift arms up and across body. - Slightly lift upper body off bench. - Lower body and return arms to start position. - Repeat.

Description: - Stand with barbell resting on shoulders behind head. - Hold bar with elbows bent. - Place feet shoulder distance apart.

- Bend sideways to left, then to right. - Repeat

Description: - Lie on floor on your side, forearm supporting upper body. - Knees should be bent to 45 degrees. - Place free hand on hip as shown. - Keep knee and lower leg on floor and raise hip off floor. - Lower and repeat. - Repeat exercise on other side.

Description: - Lie on side. - Cross arms over chest. - Lift shoulders up. - Return to start position and repeat.

Description: - Stand, holding weight in left hand. - Bend to right. - Return to start position and repeat. - Repeat sets with weight in right hand and bending to left.

Description: - Lie on back with knees straight, and hands clasped behind neck. - Your legs should not be held down. - Raise shoulders up until they clear the floor. - Continue by bending your body until reaching a full sitting position. - Return to start position and repeat. * If your back is not flat against the floor when you lie down, you may place a small pillow under your knees.

Description: - Lie on back with ankles on ball. - Lift buttocks up as shown. - Lift one leg off of ball and lower leg back to ball. - Lift other leg off of ball and lower leg back to ball.

Description: - Sit with good posture. - Place barbell behind neck on shoulders. - Rest arms on bar. - Look over left shoulder and twist to left. - Return to start position and repeat to right.

Lifting without equipment

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