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Petitioners, - vers s G.R. No. 182426

Present: Ynares-Santiago, J. (Chairperson), ! stria-"artine#, Chi$o-Na#ario, Na$h ra, an% Pera&ta, JJ. Pro' &gate%:

CARMEN CRUZ, represented b !er att"rne #$n#%a&t, VIR'ILIO CRUZ, Respon%ent.

(e)r ar* 1+, 2,,. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . DECISION YNARES#SANTIA'O, J.: /his Petition 0or Revie1 on Certiorari213 assai&s the ! g st 28, 2,,4 5e$ision223 o0 the Co rt o0 !ppea&s in C!-G.R. C6 No. 47,4-, setting asi%e the 8r%er2+3 o0 9ran$h 14 o0 the Regiona& /ria& Co rt o0 "a&o&os in Civi& Case No. 742-"2,,,, 1hi$h %is'isse% respon%ent:s Co'p&aint 243 0or 0ai& re to prose$ te. !&so assai&e% is the "ar$h 28, 2,,8 Reso& tion 273 %en*ing petitioners: "otion 0or Re$onsi%eration.263 /he 0a$ts are as 0o&&o1s: Respon%ent Car'en Cr #, thro gh her attorne*-in-0a$t, 6irgi&io Cr #, 0i&e% a $o'p&aint 0or %a'ages243 against petitioners 0or a&&ege%&* %estro*ing her pa&a* $rops. ;hi&e a%'itting that petitioners o1n the agri$ &t ra& &an% she ti&&e%, respon%ent $&ai'e% she 1as a &a10 & tenant thereo0 an% ha% )een in a$t a& possession 1hen petitioners 'a&i$io s&* 0i&&e% so 1ith soi& an% pa&a* h s< on = &* 1 an% 2, 2,,,. Respon%ent pra*e% that petitioners )e he&% &ia)&e 0or a$t a& %a'ages, 'ora& %a'ages, e.e'p&ar* %a'ages, &itigation e.penses an% attorne*:s 0ees, an% $osts o0 the s it. Petitioners 0i&e% a "otion to 5is'iss, 283 1hi$h 1as %enie% )* the tria& $o rt in an 8r%er2-3 %ate% 5e$e')er 4, 2,,,. >t he&% that it has ? ris%i$tion over the $ase )e$a se the a&&egations in the Co'p&aint 'a%e a $&ai' 0or %a'ages, an% not an agrarian %isp te 1hi$h sho &% )e re0erre% to the 5epart'ent o0 !grarian Re0or' !%? %i$ation 9oar% (5!R!9)@ an% that the Co'p&aint 1as proper&* 0i&e% )e$a se the Certi0i$ation o0 Non-0or ' Shopping 1as signe% )* respon%ent:s attorne*-in-0a$t. Petitioners si' &taneo s&* 0i&e% an !ns1er 21,3 to the $o'p&aint an% a "otion 0or Re$onsi%eration2113 o0 the 5e$e')er 4, 2,,, 8r%er. Ao1ever, the $o rt a quo %enie% the 'otion 0or &a$< o0 'erit in an 8r%er 2123 %ate% Septe')er 1,, 2,,1. 8n =an ar* -, 2,,2, the tria& $o rt iss e% an 8r%er 21+3 %is'issing the $ase % e to respon%ent:s 0ai& re to prose$ te.

;ith the %enia&2143 o0 her "otion 0or Re$onsi%eration, 2173 respon%ent interpose% an appea& to the Co rt o0 !ppea&s 1hi$h ren%ere% the assai&e% 5e$ision %ate% ! g st 28, 2,,4, the %ispositive portion o0 1hi$h states: ;ABRB(8RB, the appea& is here)* GR!N/B5. !$$or%ing&*, the 8r%er, %ate% =an ar* -, 2,,2, o0 the R/C 29ran$h 14, "a&o&os3 is here)* RB6BRSB5 an% SB/ !S>5B. P&ainti00-appe&&ant:s Co'p&aint is here)* RB>NS/!/B5 an% the $ase is here)* RB"!N5B5 to the R/C 29ran$h 14, "a&o&os3 0or 0 rther pro$ee%ings. S8 8R5BRB5.2163 /he Co rt o0 !ppea&s r &e% that the tria& $o rt erre% in 0in%ing that the parties 0ai&e% to ta<e ne$essar* a$tion regar%ing the $ase )e$a se the re$or%s p&ain&* sho1 that petitioners 0i&e% an !ns1er to the $o'p&aint, 1hi&e respon%ent 0i&e% an 8pposition to the "otion 0or Re$onsi%eration 1ith "ani0estation Re: !ns1er o0 5e0en%ants.2143 ;ith regar% to the or%er o0 the tria& $o rt %is'issing the $o'p&aint on the gro n% o0 0ai& re to prose$ te, the appe&&ate $o rt he&% that the previo s a$ts o0 respon%ent %o not 'ani0est &a$< o0 interest to prose$ te the $ase@ that sin$e 0i&ing the Co'p&aint, respon%ent 0i&e% an 8pposition to petitioners: "otion to 5is'iss, an !ns1er to petitioners: $o nter$&ai', an% a Co''ent to petitioners: "otion 0or Re$onsi%eration@ that respon%ent %i% not ignore petitioners: "otion to 5is'iss nor %i% she repeate%&* 0ai& to appear )e0ore the $o rt@ that no s )stantia& pre? %i$e 1o &% )e $a se% to petitioners an% that stri$t app&i$ation o0 the r &e on %is'issa& is n? sti0ie% $onsi%ering the a)sen$e o0 pattern or s$he'e to %e&a* the %isposition o0 the $ase on the part o0 respon%ent@ an% that ? sti$e 1o &% )e )etter serve% i0 the $ase is re'an%e% to the tria& $o rt 0or 0 rther pro$ee%ings an% 0ina& %isposition. 8n "ar$h 28, 2,,8, the Co rt o0 !ppea&s %enie% petitioners: "otion 0or Re$onsi%eration@ hen$e, this petition )ase% on the 0o&&o1ing gro n%: ;AB/ABR 8R N8/ /AB 5BC>S>8N 8( /AB A8N8R!9CB C8DR/ 8( !PPB!CS >N C.!.-G.R. C6 No. 47,4-, NDCC>(Y>NG !N5E8R RB6BRS>NG !N5E8R SB//>NG !S>5B /AB 8R5BRS 5!/B5 =!ND!RY -, 2,,2 !N5 "!Y 8, 2,,2 >SSDB5 9Y /AB R/C-9DC!C!N >N C>6>C C!SB No. 742-"-,,, >S C8N/R!RY /8 C!; !N5 PRB6!>C>NG =DR>SPRD5BNCB. Petitioners a&&ege that respon%ent 0ai&e% to $o'p&* 1ith the 'an%ate o0 the 1--4 R &es o0 Civi& Pro$e% re to pro'pt&* 'ove 0or the setting o0 the $ase 0or pretria&@ that Fheav* press res o0 1or<G %oes not ? sti0* the 0ai& re to 'ove 0or the setting o0 the $ase 0or pre-tria&@ that the a&&egations in the Co'p&aint 1hi$h pertain to respon%ent:s stat s as a tenant o0 B&ena C. 5e =es s a'o nt to 0or ' shopping that 1o &% e.tre'e&* pre? %i$e the'. Petitioners th s pra* 0or the n &&i0i$ation o0 the 5e$ision an% Reso& tion o0 the Co rt o0 !ppea&s an% the a00ir'ation o0 the %is'issa& o0 the Co'p&aint )* the tria& $o rt. /he petition &a$<s 'erit. /he Co rt o0 !ppea&s $orre$t&* note% that petitioners raise% the 'atter o0 respon%ent:s a&&ege% 0or ' shopping 0or the 0irst ti'e on&* in their "otion 0or Re$onsi%eration. >ss es not previo s&* venti&ate% $annot )e raise% 0or the 0irst ti'e on appea&,2183' $h &ess 1hen 0irst raise% in the 'otion 0or re$onsi%eration o0 a %e$ision o0 the appe&&ate $o rt.

!t an* rate, this Co rt %oes not 0in% respon%ent:s a&&egations in her $o'p&aint in Civi& Case No. 742-"-,, to )e $onstit tive o0 the e&e'ents o0 0or 'shopping. Respon%ent 'ere&* %es$ri)e% herse&0 as a tenant o0 petitioners an% 'entione% that there 1as an n&a10 & %etainer $ase 21-3 invo&ving the par$e& o0 &an% 1hi$h is a&so invo&ve% in the instant $ivi& $ase 0or %a'ages. /here is 0or '-shopping 1hen as a res &t o0 an a%verse %e$ision in one 0or ', or in anti$ipation thereo0, a part* see<s a 0avora)&e opinion in another 0or ' thro gh 'eans other than appea& or certiorari. (or '-shopping e.ists 1hen t1o or 'ore a$tions invo&ve the sa'e transa$tions, essentia& 0a$ts, an% $ir$ 'stan$es@ an% raise i%enti$a& $a ses o0 a$tion, s )?e$t 'atter, an% iss es. Sti&& another test o0 0or '-shopping is 1hen the e&e'ents o0 litis pendencia are present or 1here a 0ina& ? %g'ent in one $ase 1i&& a'o nt to res judicata in another H 1hether in the t1o or 'ore pen%ing $ases, there is an i%entit* o0 (a) parties (or at &east s $h parties as represent the sa'e interests in )oth a$tions), ()) rights or $a ses o0 a$tion, an% ($) re&ie0s so ght.22,3 !&tho gh there is an i%entit* o0 so'e o0 the parties in the instant $ase 0or %a'ages an% the n&a10 & %etainer $ase, there is, ho1ever, no i%entit* o0 re&ie0s pra*e% 0or. /he 0or'er is 0or re$over* o0 %a'ages a&&ege%&* $a se% )* petitioners: a$ts on respon%ent:s pa&a* $rops@ 1hi&e the &atter $ase invo&ve% possessor* an% tenan$* rights o0 respon%ent. !s s $h, respon%ent %i% not vio&ate the r &e on 0or '-shopping. Se$tion 1, R &e 18 o0 the 1--4 R &es o0 Civi& Pro$e% re i'poses pon the p&ainti00 the % t* to pro'pt&* 'ove ex parte to have the $ase set 0or pre-tria& a0ter the &ast p&ea%ing has )een serve% an% 0i&e%. "oreover, Se$tion +, R &e 142213 provi%es that 0ai& re on the part o0 the p&ainti00 to $o'p&* 1ith sai% % t* 1itho t an* ? sti0ia)&e $a se 'a* res &t to the %is'issa& o0 the $o'p&aint 0or 0ai& re to prose$ te his a$tion 0or an nreasona)&e &ength o0 ti'e or 0ai& re to $o'p&* 1ith the r &es o0 pro$e% re. >t ' st )e stresse% that even i0 the p&ainti00 0ai&s to pro'pt&* 'ove 0or pretria& 1itho t an* ? sti0ia)&e $a se 0or s $h %e&a*, the e.tre'e san$tion o0 %is'issa& o0 the $o'p&aint 'ight not )e 1arrante% i0 no s )stantia& pre? %i$e 1o &% )e $a se% to the %e0en%ant, an% there are spe$ia& an% $o'pe&&ing reasons 1hi$h 1o &% 'a<e the stri$t app&i$ation o0 the r &e $&ear&* n? sti0ie%. 2223 >n the instant $ase, the Co rt o0 !ppea&s $orre$t&* he&% that the %is'issa& o0 respon%ent:s $o'p&aint is too severe a san$tion 0or her 0ai& re to 0i&e a 'otion to set the $ase 0or pre-tria&. >t ' st )e pointe% o t that respon%ent prose$ te% her a$tion 1ith t'ost %i&igen$e an% 1ith reasona)&e %ispat$h sin$e 0i&ing the $o'p&aint H she 0i&e% an opposition to petitioners: 'otion to %is'iss the $o'p&aint@ a $o''ent to petitioners: 'otion 0or re$onsi%eration o0 the 5e$e')er 4, 2,,, 8r%er o0 the tria& $o rt@ an% an !ns1er to Co nter$&ai' o0 petitioners. ;hen the tria& $o rt iss e% an or%er %is'issing the $ase, respon%ent 0i&e% 1itho t %e&a* a 'otion 0or re$onsi%eration@ an% pon its %enia&, she i''e%iate&* 0i&e% a Noti$e o0 !ppea&. 22+3 "oreover, $ontrar* to petitioners: $&ai' that respon%ent 1as si&ent 0or one *ear sin$e she 0i&e% her !ns1er to Co nter$&ai' nti& the tria& $o rt:s %is'issa& or%er, 2243 re$or%s sho1 that )et1een sai% perio%, )oth parties an% the tria& $o rt 1ere threshing o t petitioners: 'otion 0or re$onsi%eration o0 the 5e$e')er 4, 2,,, 8r%er. ;hi&e Fheav* press res o0 1or<G 1as not $onsi%ere% a pers asive reason to ? sti0* the 0ai& re to set the $ase 0or pre-tria& in Olave v. Mistas,2273 ho1ever, n&i<e +

the respon%ents in the sai% $ase, herein respon%ent never 0ai&e% to $o'p&* 1ith the R &es o0 Co rt or an* or%er o0 the tria& $o rt at an* other ti'e. (ai&ing to 0i&e a 'otion to set the $ase 0or pre-tria& 1as her 0irst an% on&* te$hni$a& &apse % ring the entire pro$ee%ings. Neither has she 'ani0este% an evi%ent pattern or a s$he'e to %e&a* the %isposition o0 the $ase nor a 1anton 0ai& re to o)serve the 'an%ator* reI ire'ent o0 the r &es. !$$or%ing&*, the en%s o0 ? sti$e an% 0airness 1o &% )est )e serve% i0 the parties are given the 0 && opport nit* to &itigate their $&ai's an% the rea& iss es invo&ve% in the $ase are threshe% o t in a 0 &&-)&o1n tria&. 9esi%es, petitioners 1o &% not )e pre? %i$e% sho &% the $ase pro$ee% as the* are not strippe% o0 an* a00ir'ative %e0enses nor %eprive% o0 % e pro$ess o0 &a1. /his is not to sa* that a%heren$e to the R &es $o &% )e %ispense% 1ith. Ao1ever, e.igen$ies an% sit ations 'ight o$$asiona&&* %e'an% 0&e.i)i&it* in their app&i$ation.2263 >n%ee%, on severa& o$$asions, the Co rt re&a.e% the rigi% app&i$ation o0 the r &es o0 pro$e% re to a00or% the parties opport nit* to 0 &&* venti&ate the 'erits o0 their $ases. /his is in &ine 1ith the ti'e-honore% prin$ip&e that $ases sho &% )e %e$i%e% on&* a0ter giving a&& parties the $han$e to arg e their $a ses an% %e0enses. /e$hni$a&it* an% pro$e% ra& i'per0e$tion sho &% th s not serve as )asis o0 %e$isions.2243 (ina&&*, !.". No. ,+-1-,--SC or the ne1 Guidelines To Be Observed By Trial Court Judges And Clerks O Court !n T"e Conduct O #re$Trial And %se O &eposition$ &iscovery Measures, 1hi$h too< e00e$t on ! g st 16, 2,,4, ai's to a))reviate $o rt pro$ee%ings, ens re pro'pt %isposition o0 $ases an% %e$ongest $o rt %o$<ets, an% to 0 rther i'p&e'ent the pre-tria& g i%e&ines &ai% %o1n in !%'inistrative Cir$ &ar No. +---2283 %ate% =an ar* 17, 1---. !.". No. ,+-1-,--SC states that: F;ithin 0ive (7) %a*s 0ro' %ate o0 0i&ing o0 the rep&*,22-3 the p&ainti00 ' st pro'pt&* 'ove ex parte that the $ase )e set 0or pre-tria& $on0eren$e. 2+,3 >0 the p&ainti00 0ai&s to 0i&e sai% 'otion 1ithin the given perio%, the 9ran$h C8C sha&& iss e a noti$e o0 pre-tria&.G !s s $h, the $&er< o0 $o rt o0 9ran$h 14 o0 the Regiona& /ria& Co rt o0 "a&o&os sho &% iss e a noti$e o0 pre-tria& to the parties an% set the $ase 0or pre-tria&. (HERE)ORE, the Petition 0or Revie1 on Certiorari is DENIED. /he ! g st 28, 2,,4 5e$ision o0 the Co rt o0 !ppea&s in C!-G.R. C6 No. 47,4-, setting asi%e the 8r%er o0 9ran$h 14 o0 the Regiona& /ria& Co rt o0 "a&o&os %is'issing Civi& Case No. 742-"-2,,, 0or respon%ent:s 0ai& re to prose$ te, an% its "ar$h 28, 2,,8 Reso& tion %en*ing petitioners: "otion 0or Re$onsi%eration are A))IRMED. /he $&er< o0 $o rt o0 9ran$h 14 o0 the Regiona& /ria& Co rt o0 "a&o&os is DIRECTED to iss e a noti$e o0 pre-tria& to the parties. SO ORDERED*

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