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Suresh Pamarthi

Instrumentation & Controls Engineer Mobile: +91 7893223290 E-mail: pamarthisuresh !ahoo"#om $primar!% psuresh89 gmail"#om $se#on&ar!% Career Objective: I am loo'ing (or a goo& position in the (iel& o( instruments an& automation in a prestigious #ompan! )here pre*ious s'ills an& #apabilities #an be put to e((i#ient use" I possess e((e#ti*e organi+ational s'ills an& the abilit! to super*ise a team an& &e*elop the (inal output" Personal details: ,ate o( -irth 0ationalit! Marital status 2anguages 3no)n 7assport 0umber Summary of Skills: E;perien#e as an instrumentation an& #ontrols engineer in &etaile& troubleshooting4 maintenan#e4 #ommissioning an& &e*elopment #o-or&ination o( instruments an& #ontrol s!stems in 7o)er 7lant4 <il re(iner! storage plant an& Chemi#al 7lants" Con(iguring an& (aults &iagnosis o( ,C=4 72C4 =C>,>4 ?514 7ro(ibus Communi#ation4 >nal!+ers an& Control 2oops" o DCS : Honeywell, Metso automation version ! !"!# $, %merson Delta & automation o P'C : Siemens simatic S( )** and +% ,anuc series $*-)* o SC.D. : /01CC2Siemens Installation4 #alibration an& loop #he#'ing o( the (iel& instruments $Emerson ?osemount4 >--4 6one!)ell4 @o'oga)a4 =iemens4 Ao;boro4 AuBi Ele#tri#4 En&ress+6auser4 <mega4 ,1?>8 ,18 9904 Control >ir in#4 ?ote;4 =)it+er4 Aair#hil&4 7!ro Ele#tri#4 general4 =hin'a)a4 Aorbes MarshallC""% Maintenan#e an& #alibration o( the #ontrol *al*es $7neumati#4 solenoi&4 ele#tri#al4 h!&rauli# *al*es4 =>,C ,ampers an& po)er #!lin&ers4""""" % o( 3eltron4 rote;4 >uma mati#4 2imitorDue4 ?otor'4 =iemens4 Mas#ot4 Aisher4 MI24 Alo)ser*e4 Ealte'""""" E;perien#e& in (lo) meters #on(iguring $ele#tromagneti#4 ori(i#e plate4 ultrasoni#4 turbine% o( >--4 ?osemount4 @o'oga)a"""" ,esigning4 Implementing an& Commissioning o( ne) #ontrol loops as per site reDuirements" ?e*ie) o( #ontrol philosoph!4 7 & I &iagrams4 #ause & e((e#t &iagrams4 instruments list4 (lo) #hart 7reparing master &ata sheet (or 7M s#he&ule4 ensuring sa(e an& e((i#ient per(orming o( CM 5e#hni#al =upport (or the ele#tri#al an& instrumentation team" E;perien#e& in the (iel& instruments an& #ontrol s!stems pro#urement a#ti*ities =pares balan#e in*estigation an& in*entor! #ontrol (or all instruments spare parts E;#ellent #ommuni#ation interpersonal s'ills" : : : : /une 1989 In&ian 1nmarrie& English4 5elugu4 an& 6in&i : 8 8297.08 $*ali& till 27:03:2018%

%ducational 3ualifications: ,egree : Fuali(i#ation ,is#ipline: =pe#iali+ation >#a&emi# @ears College: =#hool -"5e#h 10+2 ==C Ele#troni#s & Instrumentation 2009 - 2010 E"?"=i&&hartha Engineering College Maths4 7h!si#s4 Chemistr! 200. - 2009 EiBa!a 3rishna /unior #ollege ==C 2003 - 200. >mali 6igh =#hool

Or4ani5ational %67erience: 7erio& o( Gor' : Ma! 2010 to till &ate Compan! : Easa*i 7o)er =er*i#es pri*ate 2t&4 In&ia Customer : 0ational Ele#tri#it! o( =u&an4 .;12H MG 5hermal 7o)er 7lant4 3osti >l)usta4 =u&an" 8ole : Instrumentation an& Controls Engineer <perations an& Maintenan#e:Commissioning Duration : /anuar! 2013 to 0o*ember 2013 .utomation : Metso automation ,C=4 =iemens simati# =7 300 72C an& 8E Aanu# series 9030 72C 8es7onsibilities : 2ea&ing a team o( (our instrument te#hni#ians an& reporting perio&i#all! to #ustomer about plant a#ti*ities an& preparing 37I4 7M an& CM reports" Aollo) =<7s (or all operations an& prepare reDuire& &o#umentation (or re#or&ing an& noti(i#ation o( e*ents an& #hanges relate& to eDuipment4 in#lu&ing: as-(oun&:as-le(t &ata4 maintenan#e logs4 #alibration #erti(i#ates an& instrument labels4 &e*iations an& installation reports" =ol*ing s!stem:eDuipment problems using 7&I,s4 manuals4 an& other &ra)ings as nee&e&" Ain& the root #ause anal!sis an& *eri(i#ation4 i&enti(i#ation o( solutions4 an& &e*elopment o( solution implementation )or' plans" >ssist in installation4 mo&i(i#ation4 #ommissioning4 an& *ali&ation o( eDuipment" 5roubleshooting the totall! integrate& automation (rom $6one!)ell ,C= + ,C= Metso automation *ersion 11"1"9"21119 + 72C =iemens simati# =7 300 + 72C 8E Aanu# series 90-30% so(t)are an& har&)are" 7lanning reDuire& upgra&ation (or instruments to a#hie*e pro&u#tion Dualit! an& #ost minimi+ing" Maintenan#e an& #alibration o( #ontrol *al*es4 s)it#hes4 transmitters 754 254 554 ,754 ?5,4 (lo) meters4 2oa& #ells an& anal!+ers" Creating 8raphi#al &ispla!4 5emplates an& &esign members b! using A-,s to #reate auto loop (or ne) input an& output mo&ules at the ,C= en& as per reDuirement" Maintenan#e an& #alibration o( turbine go*ernor #ontrol s!stem an& measuring s!stem $>##eleration4 Eelo#it!4 5hrust4 Eibration% 7rogram an&:or repla#e mi#ropro#essors4 7C4 72C4 an& ,C= #ontrollers an& &e*i#es" 2ogi# ,e*elopment an& b!pass the s!stem in the time o( operations in running units an& #reating ne) #hannels4 loops )hen reDuire& (or running the plant )ithout tripping an& rea#h the ma;imum e((i#ien#! as per &esign #apa#it! an& #ustomer reDuirement" Communi#ating )ith all appli#able &epartments about s#he&uling4 ser*i#e nee&s an& priorities4 problems4 status o( eDuipment an& repair Bobs4 an& status o( utilit! s!stems" Communi#ating )ith *en&ors an& ser*i#e suppliers to #oor&inate an& s#he&ule e;ternal #alibration an& maintenan#e a#ti*ities Maintaining Computeri+e& Maintenan#e Management =!stem $=>7 7M Mo&ule% to s#he&ule an& tra#' )or' or&ers (or #orre#ti*e an& pre*enti*e maintenan#e an& Ensure =pares balan#e an& in*entor! #ontrol (or all instruments spare parts"

Customer : 8rasim In&ustries $pulp an& *is#ose manu(a#turing plant%4 3arnata'a4 In&ia 8ole : Instrumentation an& Controls Engineer - Installation an& Commissioning Duration : ,e#ember 2010 to ,e#ember 2012 .utomation : Emerson ,elta E ,C=4 GI0CC:=iemens =C>,> 8es7onsibilities : 7reparation o( #able s#he&ule an& list4 Bun#tion bo; )iring s#he&ule instrument (iel& an& /- lo#ation la!outs4 Ele#tri#al - Instrument inter(a#e"

?e*ie)ing inter&epartmental &ra)ings4 pro#ess (lo)4 signal (lo)4 piping an& instrumentation ,ra)ings an& pro-a#ti*e in getting inputs reDuire& (rom other &epartments an& timel! #oor&ination )ith the same" Installation o( tra! route4 Instrumentation Cabling an& 5ermination a##or&ing to =2, an& =A,Is" 7reparation o( inputs an& outputs reDuire& (or ,C= an& =C>,> s!stems an& 7a#'ages & Instrument 7o)er Consumption ,etails:2oa& 2ist (or Instruments an& the Control =!stems" Calibration o( instrumentation eDuipments in lab an& Ere#tion o( Instrumentation eDuipments as per 7I," 7re-#ommissioning an& Commissioning o( installe& Instrumentation eDuipments in the (iel&" Creating 8raphi#al &ispla!4 5emplates an& &esign members to #reate auto loop (or ne) input an& output mo&ules at the ,C= en& as per reDuirement" 5roubleshooting an& ,ebugging the ,C= an& Instrumentation 7roblems in online (or running pro&u#tion plant an& #ommissioning the e;tension plant simultaneousl! b! upgra&ing to the ,C= s!stem" Maintenan#e o( instrumentation both in (iel& an& panel en& in#lu&ing the programming point o( *ie) an& in*ol*ing in the operations at the time o( reDuirement until han&ling the #ommissione& plant to the #ustomer"

Customer : -rahmani ?i*er 7ellets 2imite& 7elletisation 7lant ."9 M57> iron ore pellet plant, Orissa, India. 8ole : 5rainee Engineer Duration : Ma! 2010 to ,e#ember 2010 .utomation : 6one!)ell ,C= 8es7onsibilities : 7repare Instrumentation Cable =#he&ule an& mar'ing the lo#ation o( /- an& instruments in the (iel& as mar'e& in 7I, an& to ma'e (ollo) up the manpo)er" Cross #he#' the inputs an& outputs )ith =A,s (or ,C= a##or&ing to the t!pe o( signal" Aollo) up 2oop #he#' an& 5ermination team in the ,C= panel room an& up&ating the =A,s as per reDuirement" In*ol*ing (reDuentl! in the troubleshooting an& #ommissioning a#ti*ities in the panel room )ith the superiors" ,e(tl! han&ling planning & s#he&uling (or *arious a#ti*ities as per #lients reDuirement" ?esponsible (or han&ling &a!-to-&a! progress o( )or' in #oor&ination )ith seniors" Maintaining ,7? o( instrumentation )or's an& submitting to #lient"

09 Skills: <perating s!stems : Gin&o)s J74 74054 2008 =er*er 7rograms : <((i#e 5ools 4 >utoC>,4 =>7 Internet : Eer! goo& 7C 0et)or'ing : Eer! goo& 7C 6G maintenan#e : E;perien#e&

Declaration: I hereb! &e#lare that all the abo*e in(ormation state& is true to the best o( m! 'no)le&ge an& belie("

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