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Edition 2.3, December 12, 2013 (US Letter Edition)

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to distribute it as far and as wide as you can!

By John Mulligan

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 2
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
By John Mulligan

Copyright John Mulligan and, 20042013. US Letter Edition.

Edition 2.3, December 12, 2013.

Official address: On January 6, 2012, in Nambucca Heads, NSW, Australia, I was arrested by members of the
NSW Police Force, who were eagerly doing the dirty work of their satanic overlords, as usual. The reason? I was
trying to teach my family the real facts about the true religion, especially as it relates to love, sex, and marriage,
and the serious dilemma my family is in, spiritually speaking. Doing this God-given responsibility is now regarded
as a hate crime, as we should expect when Satan and his demonic followers are in control everywhere. I am now
on the run so to speak, and therefore I have no fixed address since that time. I might also point out that the
courts are Satans Courts, and have been for a long time now. Keep out of them because you will not get true
Godly justice there. The only thing you will get will be imprisonment, and perhaps even death, if you try to preach
the word of God in the wrong place and to the wrong people (even if they are your own family members). More
details are here.

e-Mail: Website:

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All rights reserved.

This paper may be freely copied and distributed provided it is copied in total with no alterations,
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included. No charge may be levied on recipients of distributed copies. Brief quotations may be
embodied in critical articles and reviews without breaching copyright.

No Disclaimer
There is no disclaimer offered with this book, because, in the difficult quest to becoming wholly good, the reader
will learn that we are totally responsible for our own perception and interpretation of anything and everything that
we experience. I have no intention of disclaiming anything that I write. Perhaps what you will learn from reading
this book may just persuade you to change the way you live your life from now on. Anyone reading this book is
wise enough to follow their own counsel and therefore acknowledge that I cannot, do not, and will not tell anyone
what to do. Thats because I cant open your gates for you. But I can tell you the truth.

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of
the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This book contains much copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically
authorized by the copyright owners. We are making such material available, in the public interest, in our efforts to
expose and advance the understanding of the issues covered here. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any
such copyrighted material. "Freely you received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)

The picture of the Ankh, the ultimate spiritual symbol, on the cover is explained in Chapter 14, Jubilation!

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 3
Other books freely available from
The Nazarene Remnant Church of God

How Families Flourish
Preparation for Baptism
The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits
The Warning of the Last Days
The Real Crisis is About to Unfold, and It's Not Financial
The Usher of Desecration
The Prophet Daniel and December 21, 2012
The Fozdyke Letters
The Coastlands Will Weep
Where Are We Now in Prophecy?
The God Messiah Worships
What The Study Of History Should Have Been
Little Atrocities: Eichmannism in the Church
The Truth About Tithes and Offerings
Kept in the Dark
How the World Really Works,
How Shall We Tell The Children?
The Great Dream
The Monkey Trap and the Descent into Evil
The Sinister Garden at Highgrove
When Shepherds Rule in Grafton
Defining the Spiritual War You Failed to Fight
The Black Mass You Don't Want To Know About
What You Can Change, And What You Cant Revisited
The End Time Church Must Be An Underground Church
The Mission of Elijah

All are available for free download from our Web site:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 4
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction 6

2. The Key To All the Sacred Mysteries Lies in Ancient Egypt . 33

3. The Fate of the Dead .. 287

4. The Usual Physical Explanation of the Birthright and Sceptre Promises . 388

5. A Brief History of the Sceptre 393

6. The Birthright Promises and the Twelve Types of Men .. 409

7. Let's Take a Breather Here! 461

8. The Super-Science of the Sun 471

9. The Role of the Moon in This Super-Science 474

10. Bridge to the Higher Realms .. 478

11. The Camping and Marching Order of the Tribes During the Exodus .. 491

12. The Sceptre Spiritually Discerned .. 495

13. The Camping-Order Symbolism Revisited .. . 514

14. Jubilation! .. 581

15. The Discerning of Spirits .. 616

16. The Thinking Heart . 631

17. Putting Away Childish Things 638

18. What Really Is A Light Bearer? . 641

19. The Meaning of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes . 645

20. Whats All This Got To Do With The Sacred Calendar? .. 650

21. A Curious Transposition Has Taken Place . 652

22. The Whole Duty of Man 659

23. Our Human Destiny. 666

Appendix A: Zep Tepi, the First Time of the Gods! .. 675

Appendix B: Enochs Law of the Sun ... 682

Appendix C: Enochs Law of the Moon ... 686

Appendix D: Ancient Cosmology, by Livio Catulo Stecchini ... 690

Appendix E: Recovered Trace of Two Lost Spheres, by William Fairfield


Appendix F: Angels . 711

Appendix G: Poimandres, The Vision Of Hermes . 713

Appendix H: Isis Revealed as the Birthright Holy Spirit 724

Appendix I: The Size of Our World (from 735

Appendix J: The Gate of God by Gary Osborn . 738

Bibliography 803

Other Books in the Restoration of Ancient Christianity Series. . 811

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 5

Caveat: This book is meant to be studied, not
read! Of course, this is just another way of saying
that it is unreadable, which is true! That being the
case, you need to proceed step-by-step, over the
many pages of text and diagrams necessary to
make the Divine known to man, whose ways and
thoughts are much higher than ours.

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 6
Chapter 1Introduction

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power
and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. (Romans 1: 20)

This book [
] is about the double meanings associated with whats called the Birthright
and Sceptre Promises, as well as the duality found in the story of the loaves and fishes
in the New Testament. On the one hand we have the spirit in man, or better expressed
as the remnant of the spirit,
and on the other, whats commonly understood as the
Comforter or the Holy Spirit. Of course, we know that these two entities, the spirit in
man and the Holy Spirit, are entirely different, one being given as a natural right of
all humans, and the other given only to the elect upon repentance and baptism of the
Holy Spirit (Mark 1: 8). This is readily understood. But what is not understood is that
there are two parts to what is commonly called Gods Holy Spirit, and this book aims
primarily to restore that ancient knowledge. Understanding this fact is critical for your
salvation, because the most important part of the Holy Spirit, called in the Book of
Revelations the first works, (Revelation 2: 5), is totally foundational on the second
part being granted to you. The first clue to this understanding comes from they way
that they have been hidden in the Scriptures, usually under the broad terms of the
Birthright, and the Sceptre Promises. This lost knowledge has been suppressed for
hundreds of years now, and in this book, a serious attempt has been made towards its
full restoration.
This is a vital distinction we must understand. They are extremely difficult topics
to understand and write about. Consequently they have not been understood, and this
has had dire consequences on this planet, because one of them, the Birthright, is
intimately connected with the New Moon festivals, and the spiritual re-birthing
process, as you will learn. That they are both immaterial and therefore invisible has
only heightened the problem. It is about time they be aired in a new light. And because
they are invisible entities, all Scripture uses symbols and numbers to describe them,
which I shall try to unravel and explain. This book thus focuses on the Birthright and
Sceptre Promises. The Birthright and the New Moon festivalsrestoring the true
spiritual functions of the Moonare also covered in much more depth in a companion
work, The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
But first, as we proceed Id like you to keep these three Scriptures in the back of
your mind.

I had originally called this book Feed My Sheep, but have decided to call it Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and
Fishes after all. Feed My Sheep is apt because it is the spiritual symbolism that is important in the miracles to do
with feeding the multitudes with the loaves and fishes, which in actual fact represent the Sceptre and Birthright
"The LORD has been witness between you and the wife [or husband] of your youth, with whom you have dealt
treacherously; yet she is your companion and your wife by covenant. But did He not make them one, having a
remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let
none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. For the LORD God of Israel says that He hates divorce, for it
covers one's garments with violence." (Malachi 2:14-16, emphasis added).
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 7
"But we speak Gods wisdom, secret and hidden, which God decreed before the
ages for our glory.

None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have
crucified the Lord of glory.

But, as it is written, What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart
conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him these things God has
revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the
depths of God.

For what human being knows what is truly human except the human spirit that is

So also no one comprehends what is truly Gods except the Spirit of God.

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God,
so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.

And we speak of these things in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by
the Spirit, interpreting spiritual things to those who are spiritual.

Those who are unspiritual do not receive the gifts of Gods Spirit, for they are
foolishness to them, and they are unable to understand them because they are
spiritually discerned.

Those who are spiritual discern all things, and they are themselves subject to no
one elses scrutiny. For who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct
him? But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Corinthians 2: 7-16, NRSV)

And from the Book of Genesis

And [on the sixth day of creation] God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after
Our likeness: So God created man in His own image, in the image of God
created He him; male and female created He them (Genesis 1: 27, KJV,
emphasis added.)

Notice at this stage, on day six, that Adam is created as a He him, He them.
Strange language indeed! Perhaps a scribes error! It is not until some time later, at
Genesis 2: 18, 21-25, that Eve is actually separated from this He him He them
Adam and placed on Earth as a female human. But there is no error here! Instead
it is a language device used to show that Adam was actually placed on the Earth as
an androgenous creature, which indeed is the state of the spiritual beings that we
call angels, or elohim.
The word angel actually means messenger, and the stars
and planets were considered by ancient man to be divine messages written in the
sky. Originally the art of astrology was solely concerned with interpreting the
sacred message the stars were delivering about the giant Redemption Machine

In fact Psalm 8: 5 tells us that God created man a little lower than the angels. I recommend that you study
Wade Cox on the subject of the Elohim (see the Bibliography), as well as The God Messiah Worships, available
on the Web site.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 8
(i.e.the Plan of Salvation) written high above our heads, and therefore unable to be
altered by human hands. This is the classic statement, told right at the beginning of
the Bible (declaring the end at the beginning), of the destiny of all humans who are
saved. Also, right here at the beginning, the sacred marriage is described in
Genesis 2: 24: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall
cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Now its time to get really serious at this early point, because everything we are
learning thus far means just this: that the sexual intercourse of a man and a woman, in
a true sacred Covenant Marriage, is only one of three pathways to becoming
the great being that is our real destiny, and that is as elohim or an angle, in the
common parlance of the Scriptures. Heres the first pathway, and the vital missing
ingredient: the woman in such a Covenant Marriage does not become a separate
female angel, or elohim, in her own right; nor does the male in such a marriage
become the separated male equivalent, in his own right. We have been so totally
conned on this point, and this point alone, which has allowed the Illumianti fiends and
friends of satan to make this planet stink.

No, what happens, on repentance, baptism, and the indwelling of the Birthright Holy
Spirit (through the faithful keeping of the New Moon Festivals), when both of the
partners become purifiedand the purification is the key pointthe two are fused
as a single being, an elohim, or great angel! In the first sexual encounter of
two virgins in a genuine Covenant marriage, the husband and wife are joined together
forever! But at this stage the joining is figurative, since they are not actually fused
together as one great angel until the First Resurrection. Then the two finally become
one! That is a great truth that has been suppressed and now lost, but is now restored to

The second pathway is found whereby a man or a woman opts never to marry, and
therefore does not have the missing ingredient of the other half to make them whole
at the time of the resurrection. What happens here is that the missing part is provided
supernaturally in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, by God Himself!

Now there is a third pathway, which provides for the case of a marriage where one
partner gets it, repents, and begins the long climb to spiritual purity, and the other
doesnt, refuses the extended invitation to eternal life, then the following situation
applies: Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
(Matthew 24: 40) The second pathway provision, as outlined above, would then apply
in this case. The unrepentant spouse in this case would be lost forever.

Now, at this point, I hope you are realizing what the ancients understood about love,
sex, and marriage, and why they went to such extraordinary lengths to protect their
childrens virginity prior to lawful sacred marriage. Everything to do with the
Eternal Gods great Laws pertaining to love, sex and marriage is predicated on what I
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 9
have just explained. Everything! This understanding totally destroys the appeal of
fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, and all other forms of
unnatural sex. Feminists who have raged and ranted for so long just do not know what they
are talking about. All such people, through their willful stupidity and ignorance, will be
destroyed, unless they repent, and work faithfully on their own conversion.
Finally, the third Scripture, from Matthew 22: 23 -33

The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection,
and asked him, Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his
brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife,
deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
And last of all the woman died also.
Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the
power of God.
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in
marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. But as touching the
resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God,
saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
And when the multitude heard [this], they were astonished at his doctrine.
(Matthew 22: 23 -33, KJV, emphasis added.)

These are important Scriptures, and to emphasise this importance they are retold
in Mark (Mark 12: 18-27) and Luke (Luke 20: 29-38). Now what we have happening
here, as told in these few Scriptures, can be illustrated by the following
symbols, as shown in Figure 1 below, where A The Androgyne, represents the original
creation of Adam, the first man, and his division into two, as it were, with the creation
of the first woman, known to us as Eve. This at last is bones of my bones, and flesh of
my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (Genesis 2:
23) These two are shown as Female (Birthright), and Male (Sceptre) in the diagram.
The final bottom part of the diagram, B The Androgyne, represents the form in which
elect males (Northern Hemisphere Earth symbolismSceptre Promises) and females
(Southern Hemisphere Earth symbolism Birthright Promises) will be resurrected to
Eternal Life again as an Androgyne or Elohim.
Even when we begin our life at conception in our mothers womb, in the period
from the second to the fourth month, we exist as an Androgyne. Martin Seligman,
in his book, What You Can Change And What You Cant, explains further: I start
with a simplified version of how a fetus becomes male or female. The embryo has both
potentials. Very early, both sets of internal organsmale and femaleare present. The
fetus would always go on to become female but for the next, crucial step: Two
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 10
masculinizing hormones are secreted from the male fetuss testes. The female internal
organs then wither, the male internal organs grow, and the external male organs
develop. In the absence of the masculinizing hormones at this stage, the male internal
organs wither, and female internal and external organs develop. All this happens
roughly at the end of the first trimester.
You can read more about this unfamiliar
materialto moderns anywayin Appendix G: Poimandres, The Vision Of Hermes.
(pp. 7-9, Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes)

Figure 1 (1.0): Elohim to male and female and back again.

Here we thus have three created beings: an elohim, a man and a woman. Now it is
not widely known, but these three centrepieces of the Creation, have the Sun, and the
Earth as their cosmic symbols. The two parts to the Earth, the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres, stands for the male and female principle respectively, and by extension,
the first works
Birthright (Southern Hemispehere), and the Sceptre Holy Spirit
(Northern Hemisphere). They are fused together by the Great Circle we call the
Equator. The Earth undoubtedly is not just the home of the human race, it is the very
symbol for disobedient, and therefore unrepentant and Fallen mankind. It,
significantly, has a diameter of 7,920 miles.
We will eventually learn that the layout of
the geodetic system of the Earth, with its most important corners (the four corners

Seligman, Martin E P, What You Can Change And What You Cant, Fawcett Columbine, New York, 1993, p.
See Revelation 2: 5.
This figure is also 11: 11, found in the Mayan change-of-cycle date on the 11
of the 11
hour on 21/12/2012,
which is also 11 + 11 = 22 x 360 =7,920 miles. It also corresponds to 911 119 = 792.
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Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 11
are the two Solstices and the two Equinoxes), the North and the South Pole points, the
two tropics, the two circles at 66.6
degrees, as well as the Equator, and the Prime
Meridian of the Earth.
(No, the Prime Meridian of the Earth, is not the one that
passes through Greenwich, or even the Rose Line through Paris.
It is the great circle
that passes exactly through the centre of the Great Pyramid at Giza, and passes
through the Poles of the Earth. This knowledge needs to be restored to its prime
status.) Included in this whole system are the 360 great circles that go to make up the
lines of Longitude (remember the name Longinus? Seems very close to the word
Longitude to me!), and the 180 lines of Latitude (from 90 degrees North and South of
the Equator). There are some interesting numbers here that are worth contemplating
at some time: 180 x 360 = 64,800 2,160 = 30! In other words, we have an Earth that
is riddled with spiritual meaning, and which can be expressed geometrically and
mathematically! And, I might add, all of the numbers have a bearing on our salvation.
But what we are leading to here is something that has been also totally suppressed,
and that is the Arc (not Ark) of the Covenant, which we can now also restore to the
understanding of the people of the Earth.
At this point Id like to introduce you to a very promising theory that is the
brainchild of Mike Beckwith. Mike calls his theory The Host Model of Earth, and I will
present the nuts and bolts of it here:

I begin with the rather surprising observation that the continents of Planet
Earth are not randomly drawn topographical figures. On the contrary, I
believe that the continents of this planet represent the figure of a planetary
being. According to this view the American continents represent the hind legs
of our planetary host. Hudson Bay and the vast Canadian wetlands represent
the creatures rectal cavity, while Bering Strait represents its lumbar-sacral
junction. The Pacific Ocean represents its belly, the vast Eurasian continent is
its trunk, and the African continent represents its forelegs. The creatures head
is found in the vicinity of Europe, and Australia is its foetus strung at the end
of an umbilicus, the Indonesian archipelago.

Now, Im not going to go into this highly controversial topic here, except to say, that is
holds promise for understanding much more, which requires more study and
reflection. I will also say that aspects of Mikes book causes warning bells to go off in

No, the Prime Meridian of the Earth is not the one that passes through Greenwich, or even the Rose Line
through Paris. It is the great circle that passes exactly through the centre of the Great Pyramid at Giza, and
passes through the Poles of the Earth.
"Using the old Paris Meridian, this [Mount Hermon in Israel] lies exactly at 33.33 degrees North and 33.33
degrees east. It is also 2012 miles from the equator and 2012 miles from the Paris Meridian. The Paris Meridian
is the meridian to which many ancient structures are aligned. The number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of
the earth is 2012.9. This corresponds to the year, month day that (December 21, 2012) the ancient Mayans
believed their calendar would end." (Source: The numbers 33
and 3 are both prominently featured in occult doctrine. Ancient mythology teach that the Sons of man (Fallen
Angels cast out of Heaven with Lucifer?) landed on earth on Mount Hermon. It was then in Phoenicia; now in
Israel. Its altitude makes it Israel's primary strategic early warning system. Ibid.
The Host Model of Earth by Mike Beckwith, is freely available here:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 12
my head, especially when he indicates his agreement for the genocide of the Earths
population down to a figure of less than one billion human beings. He is deluding
himself here, especially when he makes the wild claim that excessive human
numbers are obviously responsible for our problems.
He says further: When our
numbers are again no more than a billion I believe that we will make beautiful music
together which will echo throughout the ages, and fill the void
with a radiance which will remain forever a shining example of our ability to achieve
the goal of representational fidelity. Its disturbing when a human being, who is so out
of contact with reality in this respect, can make beautiful music with one hand, while
murdering over 6 billion people to do it with the other!
Next in our diagram (Figure 1.0 above), we have the symbol for the Elohimand
the Master Elohim is Jesus Christ Himselfwhich is the Sun itself.
It has a diameter

This is a hoax driven by the agenda of the satanic Illuminati, and just about every educational institution,
including the media, on the planet. It is not true!
If you consider our Sun, the Sun of our Solar System, to be symbol of the Eternal Creator God, then think
again! There is only one candidate in our entire Galaxy that is majestic enough to wear that mantle, and that is
the Galactic or Central Sun. It is also known as the axis mundi, the centre of the world, the central point,
the pole around which everything else revolves: What is the galactic center? When we look up to the
constellation of Sagittarius, the Archer is seen to be aiming his arrow directly at the galactic center (at 2
Sagittarius), where an extraordinarily intensive point of infra-red light has been discovered. This energy source,
approximately 50 light years in diameter, has been identified as the actual center of our Milky Way galaxy.
Located some 25,000 light years from our solar system, it is estimated that this energy source is about 500
million times more powerful than our Sun. From here emanates the power that holds our galaxy of more than
100 billion stars together. This is the Central Sun, referred to in Plato's Timaeus as the Supra-Celestial Sun, of
which all the stars (including our Sun) are miniature copies, having originated (in an archetypal sense) by way of
emission from the Central Sun.
All the stars that we see in the heavens are Suns, like our Sun. All of them rotate slowly in a clockwise
direction around the Central Sun, Like a wheel that is evenly moved by the love that moves the Sun and the
other stars (Dante, The Divine Comedy: Paradise 33: 144-145). In light of Dante's words: Could it be Divine
Love emanating from the Central Sun that supports and sustains all the Suns/stars in the heavens such that it is
literally Love that makes the world go round?
To gain an idea of the immensity of the Central Sun at the galactic center (which is NOT a black hole as
modern astronomy teaches), imagine a second Sun alongside our Sun. And then add a third Sun, and a fourth
Sun, and a fifth Sun and so on, until there are 500 million Suns there. This imaginative exercise can offer us a
glimpse of the majesty and grandeur of the Central Sun at the galactic center, which holds 100 billion Suns/stars
in their orbits around it.
The Russian poet and mystic Daniel Andreev once had a vision of the galactic center, which he describes in
his book The Rose of the World: I remember seeing a glowing mist of stunning majesty, as though the creative
heart of our universe had revealed itself to me in visible form for the first time. It was Astrofire, the great center
of our galaxy. Pluto And The Galactic Center, by Robert Powell. This article is from the Christian Star
Calendar 2007 (Sophia Foundation: Palo Alto/CA, 2006).
But there is much more information about our Sun, and its relationship to the Central Sun: the Sun
moves around its galactic centre at 186 miles per second, which chimes with the moons complete cycle of the
Earth of 18.6 years (the Saros Cycle), and also the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second. Incredibly, this
Cosmic Year, as it is called, takes 2160 (x 10
) Earth years for the Sun to revolve around its galactic centre; that is
also 2,592 million months (the Precessional Cycle is 25,920 years) [which equates to 216,000,000 million years].
Just how amazing is that?
Moreover, the Sun is also moving at a speed of 12 miles per second [43,200 miles per hour] towards a point
on the star sphere in the constellation Lyra, not far from the first magnitude star Vega. With a little bit of
arithmetic it can be seen that 12 miles per second is also 720 miles per minute; and 43,200 miles per hour, which
is 21,600 x 2 (or (6 x 6 x 6) x 200). Neil, William, How We Were made: A Book of Revelations, Oracle Books,
London, 2003, pp. 112.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 13
of 864,000 miles. It is an ancient and provable truth that our Sun
stands as symbol

Thus our Sunwhich stands for our Destiny, an angel, symbolicallyis moving towards the Great Throne of
the Creator of the Universe, who we call God the Father, at a fantastic speed. Over mans allotted time of 120
years, the distance travelled to the throne of God amounts to 5,184,000 miles (or 2,400 x 2,160), a truly fantastic
Rodney Collin, writing in The Theory of Celestial Influence, Stuart, 1954, pp. 14-15, provides us with more
interesting information about this whole matter of the Central Sun:
The diameter of the earth, for instance, is one millionth that of the Solar System; but the diameter of the
Solar System is only perhaps one forty-millionth that of the Milky Way. When in our own system we find such
relationships it is not between the sun and planets, but between the sun and satellites of planets .. . By analogy of
scale and mass, we should expect the Solar System to be revolving about some greater entity, which in turn was
revolving about the centre of the Milky Way; just as the Moon revolves about the Earth, which in turn revolves
about the Sun .
What and where is this 'sun' of our Sun? Several attempts have been made to discern a 'local' system
within the Milky Way, particularly by Charlier who in 1916 seemed to have established such a group 2000 light
years across and with its centre several hundred light years away in the direction of Argo. If we study our
immediate surroundings in the galaxy, we find an interesting gradation of stars, two of which are suggestive from
this point of view. Within ten light years we find one star similar in scale to our sun, and Sirius, over twenty
times as bright. Between forty and seventy light years distant we come on five much larger stars, 100 to 250
times as bright; between 70 and 200 light years, seven greater still .. . and between three hundred and seven
hundred light years six immense giants tens of thousands of times more brilliant. The greatest of these,
Canopus, which lies 625 light years behind, in the exact wake of the Solar System, and is 100,000 times more
radiant than our Sun, could indeed be the 'sun' of Charlier's local system . . . The most brilliant object in the
heavens, after those within the Solar System itself, is of course the double-star Sirius . . By physical distance and
by radiance and mass a Syrian system would seem in some way to fill the excessive gap between the cosmoses of
the Solar System and the Milky Way. Indeed, the distance of the Sun to Sirius--one million times the distance
from the Earth to the Sun--falls naturally into the scale of cosmic relationships mentioned, and provided
nineteenth century astronomers with an excellent unit of celestial measurement, the siriometer, now
unfortunately abandoned. Quoted in West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient
Egypt, Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1993, p. 99.
D.M. Murdock (pen name Acharya S), Jesus as the Sun Throughout History, pp. 19-20 informs us of the
following: Moreover, this sun-son word play has been noted many times previously in history by a variety of
individuals, including English priest and poet Robert Southwell in the 16th century and English poet Richard
Crashaw in the 17th century. English poet and preacher John Donne (1572-1631) and Welsh poet and priest
George Herbert (1593- 1633) likewise engaged in the son/sun pun as applied to Christ. In discussing Donne, Dr.
Arthur L. Clements, a professor at Binghamton University, remarks that the "Son-sun pun" is "familiar
enough."83 Comparing Christ to the "day star," famous English poet John Milton (1608-1674) was aware of the
"sun/son of God" analogy and "revel[ed] in the sun-son pun." In his book about English poet Andrew Marvell
(1621-1678), Dr. Nigel Smith, a professor at Princeton University, comments that "Jesus was also thought to have
been referred to in Mal. 4:2 (thereby involving a pun on Sun/Son of God)..."85 Puritan minister Edward Taylor
(1642-1729) engaged in the same punning by describing Christ as "the onely [sic] begotten Sun that is in the
bosom of the Father..."
Furthermore, in describing the actions of the Church fathers in adapting sun myths to Christianity, Thomas
Ellwood Longshore declared in 1881, "They merely changed the visible 'Sun of God' for the invisible 'Son of God,'
or for this personage they called the 'Son of God'..." While addressing the Shakespearean character Petruccio's
"arrogation of the son/sun pun" in "The Taming of the Shrew," Dr. Peter Holland, a professor of Shakespearean
History at Notre Dame University, says that this play on words is "normally used to glorify Christ..." In An
Introduction to English Grammar, Dr. Sidney Greenbaum, a professor of English at University College London,
comments, "Religious poetry traditionally puns Sun with Son, Christ the son of God..." Dr. Stephen C. Behrendt,
a professor of English at the University of Nebraska, called the pun "longstanding." The sun-son play on words
as applicable to Christ has also been deemed so "common" as to represent a "devotional pun."
Obviously, this "devotional pun" was widely recognized centuries ago by the Englishspeaking intelligentsia and
educated elite. Therefore, shallow criticisms of the statement that the son of God is the sun of God represent
illogical straw men reflective of ignorance of this fact and should be dismissed as such. In reality, the repeated
punning across several centuries proves once more that Christ was widely associated with the sun long before the
19th century. In any event, the idea of the sun as both God and the son of God predates the Christian era by
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for Jesus Christ, as well as for all of his true followers, for that is the destiny of all who
would be saved. The Greeks knew this as well: According to Plato [Socrates] called the
Sun not God himself but the son of God.
In fact in the Old Testament, the episode
of Moses and the Burning Bush,
is really about Moses and the Sun! The word
bush is translated from the word seneh, which means Sun in English. It doesnt
take too much intuition to understand that the scribes wished to hide the knowledge
that the Sun God Re (or Ra), was presenting Himself to Moses here. The authors
Messod and Roger Sabbah, writing in Secrets of the Exodus: Did the Pharaohs Write
the Bible? point out that Exodus 3: 2 can be translated: The fire was inside the
luminous sphere of Re, the sphere was on fire, yet it was not consumed.
In a
footnote the Sabbahs point out the following:
The Egyptian root Sn means uncle or relative, among other meanings. Ay would
be the father or father-in-law of Moses and Horemheb [derived from the word
Hor = Horus]. According to Fabre dOliver, Sn is also the luminous disk, symbol
of Re, Sun in English. Consequently, Moses bush (seneh in Hebrew) would be the
sphere of the Sun that burns without being consumed.

Finally, in this trilogy we have the Moon, which has a diameter of 2,160 miles, the
same diameter as the Earths core (the Birthright Holy Spirit is the core, rock or
foundation of our salvation). These are all important dimensions to understand,
because it is through understanding these Sacred numbers that we can truly know
the meaning of the entire Plan of Salvation, down to the last jot and tittle. And
by the Plan of Salvation I take it that you have a good grasp of what the Fall of
mankind is all about, because that is truly important.
So, we have three majestic
symbols standing before us: the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, and more
importantly, their dimensions in miles, and these are shown in Figure 1A.

centuries, and the ancient solar role was most obviously transferred first to Yahweh and then to his supposed
son, the alleged Jewish messiah Jesus Christ.
Quoted in D.M. Murdock/Acharya S, Jesus as the Sun Throughout History, p. 19.
An emissary from Adon-Ay appeared to him in a flame of fire, in the middle of a bush. And he beheld that the
bush (seneh) was on fire, yet the bush was not consumed. (Aramaic Bible, Exodus 3: 2)
Messod and Roger Sabbah, Secrets of the Exodus: Did the Pharaohs Write the Bible? Thorsons, London,
2000, p. 160.
Messod and Roger Sabbah, Secrets of the Exodus: Did the Pharaohs Write the Bible? Thorsons, London,
2000, p. 161.
Basically the Fall means the death penalty that was imposed on the entire human race by their refusal to live
their lives under the Law of God. It is told poetically as the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. For
more detail, see the essay The Fall in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
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Figure 1A (1.1): The five great symbols for the Birthright (the Moon), the Sceptre
(the Sun, which should be shown as a cube, whose dimensions can be reckoned
as 270 degrees per corner (i. e. 90 degrees x 3) x 8 corners = 2,160 degrees); for
elohim (the Sun-double), for man (Northern Hemisphere) and woman (Southern
Hemisphere). There is something vitally important that is missing from this
diagram, though! The missing sphere is presented in Figure 23A of Chapter 22.
The structure of the Sacred Year is based on the 91,000,000 million miles to the
Sun, and that forms the basis of the four seasons of the year, each of 91 days
each (364 days), plus the Last Great Day, giving us a 365-day Sacred Year
calendar. To gain some sort of an idea of the relative size of our world, see
Appendix I: The Size of Our World.

But you will be surprised to learn that there is something vitally important that is
missing from Figure 1A! William Fairfield Warren, writing in his 1909 The Earliest
Cosmologies: The Universe As Pictured in Thought By The Ancient Hebrews,
Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans, makes reference to this
massive invisible giant star, when he says:

All modern interpreters of ancient references to the moon have gone upon
the assumptions that by the words the lunar sphere, or the lunar world,
an ancient writer or singer always meant the moon which we see waxing and
waning in the nocturnal sky. But if now, in addition to our visible moon,
there was in ancient thought an invisible one, a lunar sphere a
thousand times vaster, inclosing in itself the whole earth and all the clouds
above and below the earth, it becomes for the interpreter of ancient
literatures a most important problem to determine in every instance to
which of the two lunar spheres his author in any particular expression may
be referring. And, inasmuch as in this same all-antedating world-view the
solar sphere is immensely vaster than the sun that rises in the east and sets
in the west, a parallel lunar necessity arises for discriminating between these
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two bodies whenever we find an ancient writer making reference to the
movements or domains of a solar god.


This invisible
lunar sphere a thousand times vaster [than our Moon], inclosing in
itself the whole earth and all the clouds above and below the earth, is the Royal
star of ancient Egypt, the bright star Sirius! It is certainly a giant star, being
1.8 times the diameter of our Sun, 864,000 miles x 1.8 = 1,555,200 miles in diameter,
which is 691,200 miles greater diameter than our Sun. In terms of the dimensions of
the Earth, which we will look at shortly, the diameter of Sirius (1,555,200 miles)
divided by the diameter of the Moon (2,160 miles), or 1,555,200 2,160 = 720, which
is another way of mathematically defining the Plan of Salvation, as we will presently
Thus Sirius (i.e. Horus), sister of the Sun (i.e. Osiris), is the true
symbol for the Birthright Holy Spirit. It is a giant star because it represents the
gigantic importance of doing the first works,
which begins with repentance,
baptism, and the faithful keepingin spirit and factof the monthly New Moon
Festivals, which is the mechanism for the writing of Gods Birthright Holy Spirit onto
the hearts and minds of all true Christians. This is the born-again process, which is
explained in much more depth in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
In other words, this is the process of spiritual purification from all sin.
We can see here that the smaller physical dimensions of a woman (the Moon),
compared to the greater size and strength of a man (the Sun), also hides a massively
powerful feminine aspect (Sirius), which is the Birthright! The old saying that behind
every successful man is a powerful woman contains absolute truth verifiable in our
skies. Undoubtedly this is why the ancient rabbis held that God

Second Thoughts About Feminism

By Fay Weldon

So did we feminists get it wrong, back in the Seventies, when
we fought for our liberation. When we suggested that only male
oppression stopped us from having it all; that we could work, we could
earn, we could love, we could have equal dignity.

A learned correspondent obligingly calls my attention to a passage in Plutarch, where in two consecutive
sentences there is mention of the invisible earth-inclosing lunar sphere, and of the visible earth-attending
moon. The passage is in the explanation of the sistrum, in Isis and Osiris, 63.
Warren, William Fairfield, The Earliest Cosmologies: The Universe As Pictured in Thought by the Ancient
Hebrews, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans, Eaton and Mains, New York, 1909, p.
102. The book has an extended sub-title: A Guidebook For Beginners in the Study of Ancient Literature and
Religion. Another useful book by Warren is his The True Key To Ancient Cosmology and Mythical Geography.
See Appendix XXX for the full chapter by William Warren on this topic.
See Essay 1 The Fall, in The Doctrine of the Two Spirits, for the explanation of the invisibility of Sirius.
Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come
unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Revelation 2: 5)
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Well, we fought a noble battle and we got a lot of it right. Just not all.

We dont have to put up with the indignity of being second-class citizens
and that is a great achievement.

But we never paid any attention to what to do with the children. We
certainly never imagined handing them over to other lesser-paid women
to bring up, making them strangers to us, their mothers.

Yet, that, sadly, is what has happened. We fought against the definition of
women as people who have children. And now the birth rate falls and

We resented the assumption that we werent so much people as mothers,
sisters, daughters, wives and widows. We didnt want to be seen as
existing only in relationship to a man. [Nazarene Remnant comment:
Or indeed, in relationship to man and God!]

In refusing this definition, we inadvertently bred a race of young men who
wont commit to women.

The trouble is that feminism sang to capitalisms tune. If the women of the
West went out to work, and both sexes worked equally punishing hours,
male wages could, in real terms, be halved as the workforce was doubled.

So the male wage that once kept a family, mysteriously no longer can.
This, too, is something that we did not foresee.

I only hope that the next generation will do better. Do I feel apologetic?
Yes, I do.

endowed woman with more intelligence than man (Nid 45 b).
William Barclay
also reminds us of the great importance of the virtuous woman: The Jews
never questioned the supreme influence of the woman. The rabbis told a story of a
pious man who was married to a pious woman. They were childless, and after ten
years childlessness divorce was compulsory. He went and married a wicked woman,
and she made him wicked; she went and married a wicked man, and she made him
righteous. It follows that all depends on the woman (Genesis R, 17.7). The
influence of the woman for good or for evil was never denied, and none ever held a
more honoured place than the good wife and the good mother.
There are two famous

Extract from Fay Weldon, Daily Mail (UK), August 5, 2010.
Quoted in William Barclays The Plain Mans Guide To Ethics: Thoughts On The Ten Commandments, Collins
Fontana Books, London, 1973, p. 106.
Barclay, Op Cit., p. 107.
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descriptions of the good wife in Scripture: Ecclesiastes 26: 1-4 and Proverbs 31: 10-31.
We might note, importantly, that the Birthright is thus the minimum requirement for
salvation, without which no man or woman will see God. Those who refuse to repent of
their sins, and be converted by the Birthright Holy Spirit receive the penalty of eternal
You will notice that the Earths diameter is 7,920
miles, which is not a tidy figure that divides equally
into the dimension of the Sun (864,000 7,920 =
109.0909091), the symbol of the being we are to
become! But the figure for the Earth, which defines
fallen and unrepentant mankind, is 720 fewer than
the ideal 1/100
scale model of the Sun, which would
give a perfect Earth of 8,640 miles diameter, and put
it in lock-step (i.e. obedience) with the Sun! Thus we
would have 8,640 x 100 = 864,000 miles. The
shortfall of 720 is actually 2 x 360, which represents
the re-attainment of what we, as a race, lost at the
Fall, because of our innate disobedience, stupidity
and stubbornness. Actually this figure of 720 is a
numerical expression of the Law, whereby 5 x
72 = 360 (the Birthright), and 4 x 72 = 288 + 1 x 72 =
72, so that we have 9 x 72 = 648 + 1 x 72 = 72, which

Figure 1B (1.2): The Unrepentant
and Repentant Earth. Note that
scientists have discovered that
the centre of the Earth is a solid
crystal 744 miles across.
To gain
some sort of an idea of the
relative size of our world, see
Appendix I: The Size of Our
gives 648 + 72 = 720! Thus becoming one with God means 9 (5 and 4) + 1 = 10, or a
diligent keeper of the Law.
What was lost to the human race at the Fall was the Sceptre Holy Spirit, because
we disobeyed Gods command to keep His Law. When God tells Adam, after the event
of the Fallsymbolically expressed as eating the forbidden applethat You shall not
eat of it (Genesis 3: 17), this is a direct reference to the fact that the Sceptre Holy
Spirit was withdrawn from the human race, followed promptly by their ejection from

Mehler, Stephen S, The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001,
ISBN 0-932813-58-5, p. 207.
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Figure 1C (1.3):: The Great Pyramid and the missing capstone. Both encode the
sacred numbers of the Earth and the Sun. The number 4 used in the
multiplications in the diagram stand for the four faces of the Pyramid. I have
pictured the capstone as a mini-triangular structure, but I am totally convinced
that it is actually a cube, similar to the temple on top of the Temple of Kukulcan
(El Catillo) at Chichn Itz in Yucatan in Central America. The missing capstone
(cube) is actually found in Solomons East-West facing Temple at Jerusalem,
and it is the cube-shaped Most Holy Place. See Chapter 14, Jubilation! for
more information on El Castillo, as well as Chapter 2 of The Sacred Calendar of
the MessiahRestored! Also note that the Great Pyramids 203 courses equates
to 180
+ 23
= 203
, with the 23
being the angle of tilt from the vertical that
prevailed at the time the pyramid was built.

Instead of obeying God, every last one of usexcept the Messiahwith itching ears
and a reprobate mind, have willingly rejected Gods Way and have been deceived into
living according to the way of Satan, which is the way of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, which is the signature profile of Satans way of life. We can see these
missing dimensions to our lives as the yellow ring in Figure 1B. The withdrawal of the
Sceptre is also the meaning of the missing capstone in the Great Pyramid at Giza, as
Figure 1C shows.
So what is needed, mathematically, to bring an unrepentant 7,920 state into a
repentant 8,640 state? Well the difference is 720, which, because of the two aspects of
the Holy Spirit, means 2 x 360, where the 360 is the number of degrees in a circle, and
a circle is always used to show completion or wholeness. In other words, in the
measuring rod of the Birthright Holy Spirit, there are 360 degrees, as there are for the
Sceptre. Thus, when we have completed the first works, (Revelation 2: 5) we will
have arrived at the point of spiritual purification shown in Figure 8.1 of chapter 8 of
The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits. Only then do we qualify for the
bestowal of the Sceptre, and it is the judgment of the Fall that only the male partakes
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of the Sceptre, which is how God has locked a couple together for life in a Covenant
(hence the origin of the term wedlock)!

Year 1 = 360 days
Year 2 = 360 days
720 days = 720 days

Year 3 = 360 days
Year 4 = 360 days
720 days = 720 days

Year 5 = 360 days
Year 6 = 360 days
720 days = 720 days
2,160 days
x 4
8,640 days
The Relationship of the 24 Priestly Courses of
Ancient Israel (the Birthright Calendar) To the
Moon and the Sun.
Joseph E. Mason, writing in his article 11:11 What Does it Mean? on the Web site, points out many important relationships in these
number systems:

The Earth has an 11:11 in its radius/diameter as 11 + 11 = 22 and 22 x 360 =
7920 miles. The literal meaning of the word Gematria is measuring the
Earth. The harmonic may have been suggested by 911 - 119 = 792. The 119 here
may be related to the big east coast blackout of 11-9-65, 36 years prior to 9-11-

The ones, when squared, give the other numbers:

1.11111111 squared = 1.2345678987654321

Again on the same site we have the following:

All the numbers add to nine or a multiple of nine and are divisible by nine. They all
end in an even number. The starting multiples of nine form a mirror between 45 and
54, like this:

This term, a Covenant Marriage, is an important principle, and is explained in depth in Section 3, The
Shocking Suppressed Truth About Love, Sex and Marriage, of How Families Flourish, freely available here:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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0 9 18 27 36 45 (mirror) 54 63 72 81 90
These numbers (multiples of 36) only have two tangents when the ending zeros and
plus/minus signs are ignored. When the two tangent numbers are multiplied, the
result is the square root of five, which itself is the tangent of the speed of light in air!
The diagonal the Double Square in Solomon's Temple demonstrates the square root
of five. The square root of five = .618 + 1 + .618, which is related to PHI, the Golden
Ratio, or the Fibonacci Sequence [Nazarene Remnant comment: It is most
important to note that all growth on Earth From flowers to human embryos and from
seashells to galaxieseverything in the universe that grows expands outwards
according to [the] fundamental rhythm of the Fibonacci Series.
]. See:
Square Root of Five - Double Square of Solomon's Temple
The Fibonacci Concept of Creation Numbers
Phi - Sound and Healing (chakras)
The five-pointed star demonstrates the PHI ratio by the division of each crossbar.

The table below gives numbers that go together in a similar manner to make all the
triplets [Nazarene Remnant comment: Notice that the number 666 is the
number of a repentant man or woman who has climbed Jacobs Ladder, and has
reached the level of the Bridal Chamberi.e. the Queens Chamber in the Great
Pyramid at Giza. Thus that number is a Godly number, and is not satanic at all, and
never has been. Since satan and his followers have created nothing useful and
beautiful though, it should be apparent that they always counterfeit Gods sacred
symbols and claim them as their own. This is why we have the almost universal
erroneous belief that the number 666 is satanic, and belongs to the Antichrist! [
] The
distance between the Abyss, or the South Pole star, Canopus, to the bright star of
Sirius (the symbol of the Elect), is a distance of 36
or the number 666, which is
arrived at by adding all the numbers between 1 and 36 together (another expression of
Jacobs Ladder), as in the following sequence:

Christopher Knight, Alan Butler, Civilization One: The World Is Not As You Thought It Was, Watkins
Publishing, London, 2010, p. 170.
Also see the article The Number 666 Is Not What You Think, here:
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1 + 2 = 3 + 3 = 6 + 4 = 10 + 5 = 15 + 6 = 21 + 7 = 28 + 8 = 36 + 9 = 45 + 10 = 55 + 11
= 66 + 12 = 78 + 13 = 91 + 14 = 105 + 15 = 120 + 16 = 136 + 17 = 153 + 18 =171 + 19 =
190 + 20 = 210 + 21 = 231 + 22 = 253 = + 23 = 276 + 24 = 300 + 25 = 325 + 26 =
351 + 27 = 378 + 28 = 406 + 29 = 435 + 30 = 465 + 31 = 496 + 32 = 528 + 33 = 561
+ 34 = 595 + 35 = 630 + 36 = 666

Of this number 36 is meant to symbolise the 36 weeks (9 months by 4 weeks = 36
weeks) we spent in our mothers womb during our first birth. This is where
the term re-birth or born again comes from. End NR comment]:

72x or 36x = with 39x or 13x or 19.5x gives

or 37x
1 2 72 1 3 2 72 + 39 = 111 3
2 4 144 2 6 4 144 + 78 = 222 6
3 6 216 3 9 6 216 + 117 = 333 9
4 8 288 4 12 8 288 + 156 = 444 12
5 10 360 5 15 10 360 + 195 = 555 15
6 12 432 6 18 12 432 + 234 = 666 18
7 14 504 7 21 14 504 + 273 = 777 21
8 16 576 8 24 16 576 + 312 = 888 24
9 18 648 9 27 18 648 + 351 = 999 27

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Old drawing of two beings in one, that is, a
man and a woman wearing double crowns,
and the man holding an upright sword. This is
an ancient depiction of an angel, which is the
destiny of all human beings who are to be
saved from destruction! Now angels are of
two kinds. The first kind are righteous eternal
angels who rule the whole Universe (except
for the dispensation on Earth where rebellious
Lucifer/Satan rules with his demonic cohorts
in a restrained tyranny, usually symbolized by
chains used in the coat-of-arms of the money-
power elite [
] ) under Ptah, the Great
Creator God, and Yeshua (Jesus Christ), His
only begotten son. These are the kind Yeshua
spoke of here: Thinkest thou that I cannot
now pray to my Father, and he shall presently
give me more than twelve legions of angels?
(Matthew 26: 53) The picture to the left seems
to be of this kind, because it represents the
Birthright Holy Spirit on the left (the woman,
wearing the Southern astronomical crown,
and holding it in her left hand as well), and the
Sceptre Holy Spirit on the right (the man,
wearing the Northern astronomical crown and
holding the upright sword, representing the
upright backbone in repentant and baptised
men and women over the age of 30 years, as
distinct from the bent or crooked backbone of
the evil person). Notice that both the man and
woman are trampling on what looks like the
old man or old woman (their evil and
deluded former selves before baptism and
repentance, shown as the snakes entwined
around their legs), who are intend upon
pulling them back down into their old world of
sin and degradation (i.e. to commit the
unpardonable sin). The diagram is a very good description of our destiny, except for two flaws that I can
see. The first flaw is that the woman should be standing upon an image of an old woman, not an old
man! The second flaw is the bat wings. The diagram is from Texe Marrs book, Codex Magica) I think he
is totally mistaken in what he says about this picture: The androgyne, a combination creature of male
and female, symbolizes the hermaphrodite principle of the two-faced entity or two-headed eagle. In the
Jewish Cabala, this strange creation of the feminine and masculine principle is known as "Adam
Kadmon," both Adam and Eve, a Golem. This conjunction of opposites is part of the science of alchemy,
or hermeticism, and is especially beloved by occult magicians. In witchcraft, it is known as the joining of
sun and moon, and sacred sex rituals are common. (Texe Marrs, Codex Magica, p. 264) The second
kind of angel, the fallen or demonic angel, is shown in the next diagram, which is the symbol of the two-
headed eagle, or the 33
degree Freemason.

These chains are soon to be broken, giving Stan total domainion over the Earth. This will happen during the 42
months of the Great Tribulation.
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Here is the insignia of a Fallen Angel, and it is also the insignia of the 33
degree Freemason, because
this is what it really means! It has the saying Ordo Ab Chao on top. This saying means Order Out Of
Chaos. Everyone needs to know that the Chaos that is a fact of life of the modern world, and getting
worse by the hour, is a direct result of the work of Satanic Freemasons (most Freemasons haven't a clue
to the real nature of the organisation they belong to) who control this world. Of course they already have
the solution to the chaos they have caused, and that is the Order they will MURDEROUSLY FORCE on
the world when they take final control. They will use the policies outlined in The Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion to enforce that so-called Order. Make sure you check out what all local
Freemasons are unwittingly involved in, by reading this diabolical book. There are two points you
should understand here. First, an eagle is the supreme symbol of the Sun, and since we have two eagles
in the one eagle here, this image is the supreme symbol of hypocrisy. That is because it is a
representation of the Black Sun, which is the way of Satan, and the way of a 33rd degree Freemason.
This is shown by one of its heads pointing to the right, and the other to the left. Thus a two-headed eagle
represents Satans way, which is defined in the Book of Genesis (see Genesis 3: 1-24) as the tree of
knowledge of good and evil. This is the duality lie taught by Freemasonry, which is pure evil. On the
other hand, in the art of symbolism, an eagle with a single head pointing to the right (i.e. the right-hand
path) symbolizes Gods Way of Life, and in Genesis this is called the way of the Tree of Life. The second
point you should understand is that it is the destiny of all those who would be saved to become great
angels in the heavens. In other words, we are to become Suns: For in the resurrection they neither
marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God [i.e. elohim] in heaven. (Matthew 22: 30).
Not Black Suns on the descending path (did you know that Jordan, as in Jordan River, means
descent?) but Golden Suns who will be given a Crown of life! Thus the two-headed eagle of the 33
degree Freemason is a symbol of a great FALLEN angel! Thats what zealous but totally ignorant
Freemasons aspire to! That's why it is the supreme symbol of Freemasonry, according to Manly P Hall,
the 20th Century's most revered Masonic scholar. Of course it is known as the 33rd degree because 33%
of the original angelic creation rebelled against the most High God, and followed Lucifer who is also
Satan (amongst many other names). They were all cast out of Heaven and landed on Mount Hermon is
Israel (now in Syria), which is on the 33rd degree North parallel of Latitude. Thus a 33rd degree
Freemason is being acknowledged as a pure follower of Satan, taking the same oath that the followers
of Satan took when they decided to go against the One True God (for they oath they took, see the Book
of Enoch, chapters 6-8, R H Charles translation).Also, it has been the prime tenet of the wiles of Satan
that they deceive the whole world (Revelation 12: 9) by teaching this ancient monstrous lie: "The Great
Serpent of the Garden of Eden [i.e. Lucifer or Satan] and the Lord God are identical." (Helena Blavatsky,
The Secret Doctrine) Nothing could be further from the truth but ignorant Freemasons fall for
this trickery every day of their lives, and then some.
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It is of extreme importance to realise that with this split into the male and female
physical dimensions, there came a split in the spiritual dimensions as well! And that
means a split of the potential Holy Spirit into two unequal component parts, known as
the Birthright and the Sceptre! This is fundamentally why there are two separate
calendars running concurrentlythe Birthright Calendar recording the born-again
process, and the Sceptre Calendar, recording the Holy Spirit of firein true ancient
Christianity, just as the ancient Egyptians understood and observed. The two symbols
involved in the process, the Sun (symbol for the male, who has 216 bones in his body),
and the Moon (symbol for the female, who also has 216 bones in her body), and their
movements, are vital to understanding the whole of the Plan of Salvation since the
Fall, as you will see. As well, there are two important numbers to keep firmly
implanted in your mind, as we learn the system of the Eternal God: 2,160 is the sacred
number that represents the Moon (the Birthright), because that is its diameter, in
statute miles, and 864,000 is the number that represents the Sun (the Sceptre), whose
diameter is 864,000 miles! As well, the number 10 is the number of the Spiritual Law,
the key to the whole of life.

Moon Diameter (HI): 2,160 miles
Moon Radius: 1,080 miles

CD is the 30
parallel, the parallel the Great
Pyramid sits near,
as well as the parallel that
most of the ancient Jubilee-marker sites are
located near. See Chapter 14Jubilation!
Earth Circumference: 24,880 miles
Diameter: 7,920 miles
Radius: 3,960 miles

Arc AG: 6,220 miles
Arc AB: 2,073.3 miles
Arc BE: 2,073.3 miles

Giza is actually just over one mile South of the 30th parallel, at 29
59' N. Livio Catullo Stecchini prefers the
value of 30
N for Giza. See discussion by the Appendix of Secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Peter Tompkins, p.
296, highlighting the fact that a correction factor of about 15 is required to be added because The position of the
shadow is not determined by the center of the sun, but by the upper limb of the disk.
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Source: Chris Tedder
Arc EG: 2,073.3 miles

AD: 1,980 miles
DF: 1,980 miles
AF: 3,960 miles

The number 216, for the bones in the human body, is taken directly from
the 216 names of God (3 x 72), because it is in Gods image that we have been created:
Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and
over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. So God
created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he
created them. (Genesis 1: 26-27, RSV)
The ancients understood that the Holy Spirit was the food of the
gods. They also understood that when the angel was cleaved into male and female
parts, as explained previously, so too this divine food was divided into a liquid and a
solid part. The name used for the solid part was Nectar and the liquid part was
named Ambrosia. Other names were used as well. For example, a land flowing with
milk and honey, and the drink of immortality, are other variations on this theme,
such as the meaning of name of the trobe of Ephraim, which is double fruit. The fact
that there are two forms of the Holy Spirit gives us the reality of the two seperate
systems, the Sabbatical System, and the Jubilee System. It also means that there are
two forms of the calendar, the outer or more public form being the calendar based on
the New Moon Festivals, and the inner secretive one being the Jubilee System.
The authors of Hamlets Mill, Giorgio De Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend,
report that it was Demeter who separated the double nourishment of the gods,
splitting it up into Nectar and Ambrosia, both of which come out of the horn of
Amaltheia, i.e. Alpha Aurigae.(Alpha Aurigae is Capella, or the Goat, which equates
to ther Zodiacal Sign of Capricorn)
By the time the writers of the New Testament had finished with their rendition of
this most vital of ancient truths, the two forms of the Holy Spirit were changed into
new symbols, the bread for the Ambrosia, and the wine for the Nectar. Christ
Himself used the symbols of loaves and fishes, which I have worked into the title of
this book. This was later changed into simply the body and blood of Christ. Changing
these symbols into the body and blood of Christ required two further steps to make the
deception complete. The first step was the invention of the Catholic Mass, and the
second was the lie of the doctrine of the Trinity (three gods in one). Both of these
deceptions have had the sole function of hiding the ancient spiritual truths connected
with the New Moon Festivals, and the born-again process of spiritual redemption. In
this task the satanic deceivers have been totally successfully, as history, and the still
supreme position of the Mass (and Eucharist) in Catholicism and Protestantism,
clearly shows.
Both these two foods were allocated their respective Holy Days, and spiritual
functioning, the Ambrosia being directly associated with the monthly New Moon
Festivals, and the great Feast of Tabernacles (Booths or prison cells) at the end of the
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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year, and the Nectar, a function of the weekly Saturday Sabbath. Both of these High
Days were considered of equal importance in ancient Christianity, but as Revelation 2:
5 makes clear, without doing the first works of spiritual purification, no one will
receive the second part of the Holy Spirit. In ancient Egypt the Birthright Holy Spirit
was known as Isis,
the mother goddess, and the Sceptre Holy Spirit was known as R
or R. Thus it could be said that the formula for angel-making, or eternal salvation,
could be written thus: Is (i.e. Isis, or the Birthright Holy Spirit) + Ra (i.e. the Sceptre)
= El (i.e. elohim, or an angel). This Is + Ra + Is = Israel, that most important of
names! For more understanding of the term elohim, see our free book The God
Messiah Worships.

Briefly put, at the Fall, we were all cast into a prison cell. This prison cell,
booth, dungeon, cave, etc., stands as symbol for the Zodiacal Sign in
which we were conceived (not born, as moderns insist), and from which we
have to be released or rescued. It is from the keeping the New Moon Festivals that we
are spiritually purified, or released, from the death sentence of the Fall, or our own
unique place of imprisonment in the world, as dictated by the events at the time
of our conception. Thus we put on, potentially, the other 11 Signs of the Zodiac, and
together with the single Sign when our conception occurred, we thus have 11 + 1= 12,
the building blocks of a great angel, which we will become if we repent, become
baptised (from the age of 30 yearseven the Catholic Church once had this
), and begin faithfully keeping the New Moon Festivals. The apostle Paul tells
us that it is this natural man does not receive the gift of the Birthright Holy Spirit:

The Sumerian goddess Ninkharsag is synonymous with the Egyptian goddess Isis!
The Egyptian Book of the Dead contains many references to those locked in their cells, dungeons, caves,
halls, booths, and holes. The context is about the souls of those locked in such places being rescued by
sacred light, which is a direct reference to Horus /Jesus and the sun. The meaning is always the same, that of
Isis, or the Birthright Holy Spirit, raising those in prison from the dark night of the underworld. For a discussion
on this, see D.M. Murdocks Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, pp. 386 ff. D.M. Murdock (a.k.a.
Acharya Sanning), Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, Stellar House Publishing, 2009.
The Council of Trent [1546] anathematised a number of teachings on baptism. These are that: The
baptism on John (the precursor) has the same efficacy as the baptism of Christ. True and natural water is not
necessary for baptism, and therefore the words of our Lord Jesus Christ 'unless a man be bore again of water and
the Holy [Spirit]' are metaphorical. The true doctrine of the Sacrament of Baptism is not taught by the Roman
Church. Baptism given by heretics (i.e. those not in communion with Rome) in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy [Spirit] with the intention of performing what the church performs is not true baptism.
Baptism is free, that is, not necessary for salvation. A baptised person, even if he wishes it cannot lose grace, no
matter how much he sins unless he refuses to believe. Those who are baptised are obliged only to have faith, but
not to observe the whole law of Christ. Baptised persons are not obliged to observe all the precepts of the Church,
written and traditional, unless of their own accord they wish to submit to them. All vows made after baptism are
void by reason of the promises made in baptism itself because by these vows injury is done to the faith, which has
been professed in baptism and to the sacrament itself. All sins committed after baptism are either forgiven or
rendered venial by the sole remembrance of the baptism that has been received. Baptism although truly and
properly administered, must be repeated in the case of a person whom has denied the faith of Christ before
infidels and has been brought again to repentance. No one is to be baptised except at the age that Christ
was baptised or at the moment of death. Infants, not being able to make an act of faith, are not to be
reckoned among the faithful after their baptism, and therefore when they come to the age of discretion they are
to be rebaptised; or it is better to omit their baptism entirely than to baptise them as believing on the sole faith of
the church, when they themselves cannot make a proper act of faith. Those baptised as infants are to be asked
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But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are
spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2: 14)

One of the central facts of our redemption is the use of sacred numbers and
geometry to apply the necessary measurements that are to be used in our final
judgment. The following information gives you the starting position in this numerical
system. The material is from the section headed The Sacred Mathematics of the
Birthright and Sceptre Holy Spirit, of Essay 8, The Macrocosm and the Microcosm,
of our book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits:

our human body contains the base foundational measure of 216, as noted
above, and when we know that this is the mathematical definition of an
unrepentant natural man or woman, and that our destiny is the
number 864,000,
we can immediately see that we fall far short of being saved
as a great spiritual being that will live forever in the Paradise! Just how great is the
gulf between the two states is difficult to express in any other way but through the
use of numbers. Now if we divide 216 (a human being) into 864,000 (a great angel)
we get 4,000, which is another way of saying that we are, in our unrepentant state,
1 / 4,000
part of a great angel! This, as you can see, is the mathematical
expression of the human problem, and why the only way to be saved is to allow
Ptah Himself to make up the 3,999
shortfall. This He has promised to do if you
will but repent, become baptised, and begin keeping the New Moon festivals, and
let Him heal us, and bring us to Himself as His true sons and daughters:

For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of
hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with [their]
eyes, and hear with [their] ears, and understand with [their] heart, and
should be converted, and I should heal them. (Acts 28: 27)

when grown up, whether they wish to ratify what their sponsors had promised for them at their baptism; and if
they reply that they do not wish to do so they are to be left to their own will in the matter and not to be forced by
penalties to lead a Christian life, except to be deprived of the reception of the Eucharist and of the other
sacraments until they reform. (cf. The Catholic Encyclopaedia, p. 259). (Source: Catholicism Frequently Asked
Questions, (No. 8), by Wade Cox, Christian Churches of God, Woden, ACT, 2001, p. 44. This article is available
from here: or here: )
To state that our destiny is to become the number 864,000 is an ancient truism that has long ago been
suppressed from this Earth. This is just another way of saying that we are to become the Sun of righteousness,
as a true follower of Yeshua the Messiah, who was the original Sun of righteousness. For an in-depth treatment
of this important subject see our free book (all our material is free) The Key to all the Sacred Mysteries Lies in
Ancient Egypt, which is here:
From Essay 8, The Macrocosm and the Microcosm, of our book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two
Spirits, which is freely available here: . The
relevant section is under the heading The Sacred Mathematics of the Birthright and Sceptre Holy Spirit.
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We recommend you carefully study this part of the book The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits. Here is some further explanatory material from Essay
#1, The Fall, of the same book:

The brokenhearted, the captives, and those who were bound, in prison,
included the whole human race, who had lived their lives according to the tenets of the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil, without the Holy Spirit since the Fall. He
was here, finally, to reverse the severe and long punishment told by the poetry of the
story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. From the day of Pentecost following His
crucifixion, the Sceptre Holy Spirit was finally available again to members of the
human race who were repentant, who were baptized, and did deeds of repentance. The
acceptable year of the LORD was the Jubilee Year, as the culmination of the process of
the removal of sin through the born-again process that is shown in the workings of the
New Moon Festivals. At the Fall each of us was for all time cast into the prison cells of
our Zodiacal birth sign, and the Feast of Tabernacles is the annual celebration of the
progressive release of repentant souls from these dark places. The full text of this
important message from the Book of Isaiah is here:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is]
upon me; because the LORD
hath anointed me to preach good
tidings unto the meek; he hath
sent me to bind up the
brokenhearted, to proclaim
liberty to the captives, and the
opening of the prison to
[them that are] bound;
[Nazarene Remnant
comment: The prisons cells
mentioned here are the actual
monthly Zodiacal birth
signs we have been born into.
Important in this whole
imprisonment, which is one of
the sentences of the Fall, is the
role of the Moon for either good
or evil. Those who repent,
become baptised, and know how
the Moon actually works,
spiritually speaking, are released
from these prison cells or caves.
This is actually the born-again
process of spiritual redemption.
This is the whole foundation of
the New Moon Festivals,
culminating in the annual Feast
of Tabernacles, which is the
annual celebration of having run
the course, or the running race
of our redemption. The historical
background to this is that, in
ancient Christianity going right

back to the days after the Fall, in ancient Egypt, it was conceived that the Sun,
the Moon, and the planets, especially the planets Venus (representing Horus or
Jesus) and Mercury (representing Set or Satan), were engaged in competing
with each other in a running race, the course of which was between the two
tropics (Cancer and Capricorn) which marked out the sidelines of the race. This
great raceway, course, or river in the sky, which was 14
wide, was the giant
band of the Zodiac. We see this running racing concept behind the apostle
Pauls comments in the Second book of Timothy: I have fought a good fight, I
have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4: 7, Also see Acts
13: 25; 20: 24). The Feast of Tabernacles was also known as the Feast of
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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Booths. Booths of course not standing for temporary dwelling places, which is
a deception taught by many people, but permanent prison cells in which all
who refuse to repent will be kept. More details about the details of this Feast of
Tabernacles will be found later in this essay. The Egyptian Book of the Dead
contains many references to those locked in their cells, dungeons, caves,
halls, booths, and holes. The context is about the souls of those locked in
such places being rescued by sacred light, which is a direct reference to Horus
/Jesus and the sun. The meaning is always the same, that of Isis, or the
Birthright Holy Spirit, raising those in prison from the dark night of the
underworld. This meant that becoming whole was making the other 11 Zodiacal
partsFor a discussion on this, see D.M. Murdocks Christ in Egypt: The Horus-
Jesus Connection, pp. 386 ff.

To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance
of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that
he might be glorified.

And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations,
and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.

And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien [shall
be] your plowmen and your vinedressers.

But ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD: [men] shall call you the
Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory
shall ye boast yourselves. (Isaiah 61: 1-6, KJV)

The number 22, which you will frequently come across in the Sacred Mathematics, is a
reference to the other 11 houses of the Zodiac, the character which we are to put on,
via the work of the Birthright Holy Spirit during the New Moon Festivals each month. Also
know that an angel is put back together as a single great being from the male and female
components, so that 11 female = 11 male = 22 = 2 (a husband and wifes original Zodiacal Sign
at conception) = 24. For further discussion of this important number see our books The New
Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, and The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the
Two Spirits.
And this has been the briefest of sketches of how the first and second works of
salvation have been cunningly changed, suppressed and lost to the world. Now they
have been restored to their rightful place, so that the keeping of both High Days, the

D.M. Murdock (a.k.a. Acharya Sanning), Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, Stellar House
Publishing, 2009.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 32
monthly New Moon Festivals, and the weekly Saturday Sabbath, and the other High
Days of the Eternal God,
are central to the salvation of every man and
woman on the planet. For more information on how the ancients used these two
terms, Nectar and Ambrosia, in their supposed myths and legends, see Hamlets Mill,
p. 259, 379, and 426.

These other High Days are the Passover (the most important day in the religious year), which is also known as
The Night to Be Much Observed, Pentecost, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day.
There are three important points that you need to understand about the Holy Days: 1. Days begin and end at
sunrise and at no other time; 2. High days are kept as they come to your locality, and not according to Jerusalem
time; and 3. The New Moon Festivals are kept on the actual day of the first-crescent New Moon, and not the day
after! More details about these Feast Days are in our free books:
The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
The Sacred Calendar 2004 to 2013
Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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Chapter 2The Key To All the Sacred Mysteries
Lies in Ancient Egypt

(Originally I had called this chapter The Key To All the Sacred Mysteries Lies in Ancient
Egypt and Central America, but upon reflection I decided to revert to the Egyptian form
only, since this is the true home of the ancient mysteries since the time of the Fall after the
Golden Age. Towards the end of this essay (in the section headed The Central American
Connection) you will understand why I originally added Central America to the title.)

You would be an unusual reader if you did not feel uncomfortable, perhaps irked
somewhat, when you read a chapter heading that declares that the key to all the sacred
mysteries lies in ancient Egypt, the Mizraim of the Bible.
After all, my introduction to
the school subject of ancient history, in the early sixties, informed me very early on
in class that the religion of ancient Egypt was paganism pure and simple, and that the
ancient Egyptians were indeed a very primitive race, and therefore incapable of
producing any high wisdom at all. A very brief coverage of the religious system of the
ancient Egyptians usually followed that dogmatic statement, focusing very heavily on
animal-headed gods and goddesses. And over and over the words pagan and
primitive prefaced just about everything said about ancient Egypt. I dont need to tell
you after such an introduction, all courses moved as quickly away from the topic of the
gods, goddesses, and religion of ancient Egypt just as quickly as they could. No attempt
was ever made to understand what the original Egyptian religion had been, before it
had been corrupted, and this has been the case in all branches of education,
especially the subject of Egyptology, to the present day. But to cap it all, no one dared
to touch or mention the new subject called Khemitology, or the fact that another
ancient name for Egypt was in fact Khemit!
Here are a few samples
of the astounding baldfaced lies we were taught as the
gospel about ancient Egypt:

The Jew, Bertrand Russell,
and prominent Fabian Socialist, writing in his
Wisdom of the West, MacDonald, 1969, p. 10, says:

In the Book of Genesis, Ham is one of the sons of Noah. Hams children are Mizraim, Cush, Put, and Canaan,
but in the Bible the names of Hams children are also used to denote geographical places: Egypt (Mizraim),
Ethiopia (Cush), Libya (Put), and Palestine (Canaan). Many Biblical scholars have proposed that the name Ham
meant, in ancient Hebrew, black and hot, implying that the Land of Ham was a warm, tropical region
populated by Black people. The Land of Ham is thus often said to be that part of the world we call Black Africa
(which has been thought of as sub-Saharan Africa). From Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient
Egypt, by Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, Bear & Company, Rochester, 2011, p. 156.
All quotations taken from West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Quest
Books, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1993, pp. 5-9.
Remember this is the same Bertrand Russell who wrote: Although this science will be diligently studied, it
will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its
convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in
charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or
policemen. (Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, 1953) For more revealing quotations, see:
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Philosophy and Science, as we now know them, are Greek inventions. The rise
of Greek civilisation which produced this outburst of intellectual activity is one
of the most spectacular events in history. Nothing like it has ever occurred
before or sin e . . . Philosophy and Science began with Thales of Miletus in the
early Sixth Century, BC . . . What course of previous events had come to set off
this sudden unfolding of the Greek genius ? . . . Among the civilisations of the
world the Greek s a late comer . Those o f Egypt and Mesopotamia are older by
several millennia. These agricultural societies grew up along the great rivers
and were ruled by divine kings, a military aristocracy and a powerful class of
priests who presided over the elaborate polytheistic religious systems . The
bulk of the population were serfs who worked the land . Both Egypt and
Babylon furnished some knowledge which the Greeks later took over. But
neither developed Science or Philosophy . Whether this is due to lack of native
genius or to social conditions is not a fundamental question here. What is
significant is that the function of religion was not conducive to the exercise of
the intellectual adventure.

Arthur Koestler, from his book, The Sleepwalkers, Hutchinson, 1968 , pp . 19 , 20,

When I try to see the universe as a Babylonian saw it around 3000 BC, I
must grope my way back to my own childhood. At the age of four I had what
I felt to be a satisfactory understanding of God and the world I remember an
occasion when my father pointed his finger at the white ceiling, which was
decorated wit h a frieze of dancing figures, and explained that God was up
there, watching me . I immediately became convinced that the dancers were
God . . . Much in the same manner, I like to imagine that the luminous figures
on the dark ceiling of the World appeared as living divinities to the
Babylonians and Egyptians . . . Some six thousand years ago, when the human
mind was still half asleep, Chaldean priests were standing on watch towers,
scanning the stars."

From Adolf Ermans A Handbook of Egyptian Religion, Archibald Constable, 1907
, p. 255, we find this incredible comment:

"A time will come when it will appear as though it were for naught that the
Egyptians piously and sedulously worshipped the godhead . . . for the godhead
will return from earth to heaven, and Egypt will b e left desolate, and the land
which was the abode of religion will no longer shelter the gods . . . Oh Egypt,
Egypt, of thy religion only fables will survive, which will appear incredible to
later races, and words only will remain upon the stone s which record thy pious

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[This prophecy from Pseudo Apuleius, Asctepius, xxiii , is quoted b y Adolf
Erman, a fact even more astonishing than the prophecy itself: for of all the
misguided Egyptologists that ever were, none have shown less understanding
of ancient Egypt than Erman, none have evinced so deep rooted a sense o f
smugness in the accomplishments of modern man. J.A. West's note.]

T. Eric Peet, The Present Position of Egyptological Studies, Oxford, 1934, p. 18 had
the gall to write this:

In the eyes of the Greeks the Egyptians possessed a reputation for wisdom. As
time goes on and we learn more about the Egyptian mind and its products it
becomes increasingly difficult t o understand this . . . The Egyptian mind was
practical and concrete and concerned itself little or not at all with speculations
regarding the ultimate nature of things. Theology, for instance, consisted of a
mass of myth and legend in which the deeds o f the gods, neither better nor
worse than those of any other pantheon, were preserved . . . The fact is that the
Egyptians never disentangled philosophy from the crudest theology.

Somers Clarke and R. Engelbach, writing in their Ancient Egyptian Masonry,
Oxford, 1930:

Before we can completely account for the extreme conventionality, 'even
monotony' of ancient Egyptian architecture, several factors have to be taken
into consideration . . . The quarrying and working up of the material seems to
have been in the hands of the state. It was natural, therefore, that when
methods of work had been established, the tendency to a hide bound system
common to all bureaucracies should develop itself and become so thoroughly
crystallised that we see in Egypt, the same things done in the same way from
the earliest dynasties down to the period of Roman occupation, a period of
some 3500 years.

A. Badawys Ancient Egyptian Architectural Design, University of California, 1965,
p. 3, says:

Works o f sculpture and painting in Egypt are often very similar in
composition of detail, and occasionally direct copies of other works, especially
during the XXVI Dynasty when achievements from the Old Kingdom were
taken as models. Architecture, however, does not show this servile copying,
and two buildings are seldom if ever found to have the same characteristics and
dimensions . . . every pylon or facade and every column or drawing not only
bear the stamp of individual design but vary in scale.

John D. Christian, writing in his very worthwhile book, Antichrist And The Green
Prince, mixes up truth with lies (which is satans way), when he declares:

In Egyptian mythology and religion, Osiris was the great sun-god of the earth
and vegetation, god of the dead. He once possessed human form and
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lived on earth, and was one of the most important deities in ancient Egypt.
As the first son of Geb, the original king of Egypt, Osiris inherited the throne
when Geb abdicated. He is one of the oldest pagan gods for whom records have
been found. One of the oldest known attestations of his name is on the Palermo
Stone dated to around 2500 BC. A fertility god in the Pre-Dynastic Period he
had by about 2400 BC become also a funerary god and the personification of
the dead pharaohs. The kings of Egypt believed the pagan myth, as Osiris rose
from the dead they would, in union with him, inherit eternal life through a
process of magic. With his sister-consort, the goddess Isis and their rising sun-
god son Horus, he formed the great triad of Abydos. Osiris is credited with
teaching the skills of agriculture to the Egyptians.

Osiris was usually depicted as a green-skinned (green was the color
of rebirth [Nazarene Remnant comment: This is not true. The
colour of rebirth is actually red, and yes, this does matter! Re-birth
is the beginning of the process of redemption, and its colour is red,
because that is the colour of death and blood, which is where we
came from prior to repentance. The last rung on Jacobs Ladder is
actually that of Horus the elder, whose colour equates with that of
blue (it is where we get the term bluebloodfrom, standing for the
Elect), which equates with Ptah (the Father of the Gods with the
appropriate name of Pa, or as we call Him, God the Father), and the
bright star Sirius, standing for Isis (the Birthright Holy Spirit). Thus
those who reach the top rung of Jacobs Ladderi.e. the Queens
Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Gizaare the true Elect of God,
and can rightly be called blue bloods. For explanation and
discussion, see the article Attitude to Vegetarianism, here: ]) pharaoh
wearing the triple Atef Crown (now the symbol of the Prince of
Wales today), as shown in the images on the next page. Typically he
was also depicted holding the crook and flail which symbolized the divine
authority in Egyptian pharaohs again, similar to those carried by Prince
Charles on ceremonial occasions today.

[Nazarene Remnant comment: But these symbols rightly belong to
the common man and woman who has repented, become baptised,
and through the born-again process, has reached the top of Jacobs
Ladder. Prince Charles the imposter has, like all imposters, stolen
the rightful symbols of eternal life from those who rightly own
them. This is second nature to the likes of him though.]

H.P. Blavatsky, the noted Jewish-Russian occultist wrote an article entitled,
Christmas Then and Christmas Now. In it she states, We are reaching the
time of the year when the whole Christian world is preparing to celebrate the
most noted of its solemnities the birth of the founder of their religion In
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North Western Europe the holly and ivy will decorate each home, and the
churches bedecked with evergreens; a custom derived from the ancient
practices of the pagan Druids that sylvan spirits might flock to the evergreens,
and remain un-nipped by frost till a milder season. She continues, So Adonis,
Bacchus, Osiris, Apollo, etc. were all born on the 25
of December. Christmas
comes just at the time of the winter solstice; the days then are shortest, and
Darkness is more on the face of the earth than ever. All the sun gods were
believed to be annually born at that epoch; for from this time its Light dispels
more and more darkness with each succeeding day, and the power of the Sun
begins to increase.

The Atef Crown of Osiris, the specific
feathered white crown of Osiris..

Osiris, the Green Prince, wearing the Atef Crown
and holding the crook and flail.
The feathers are
said to be ostrich feathers.

Source of image:
The flail is a Birthright Holy Spirit symbol for the cord used in the baptismal ceremony, indicating that the
wearer has completed the first works (Revelation 2: 5); while the crook is a symbol for the Sceptre Holy Spirit,
indicating that the person is worthy of the Elect rulership of the Earth, with Yeshua, during the coming
Millennium. The crook has been used as the original model for shepherds staffs. For more information on the
cord mentioned here see the section below headed The Truth About the Stretching of the Cord Ceremony in
Ancient Egypt.
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Prince Charles version of the Atef Crown
of Osiris, as taken from his coat of arms.
The three ostrich feathers emblem of the
Prince of Wales is originally derived from
the Atef Crown of Osiris.

The model after which the Atef Crown has been
designed! From Gary Osborns article The Gate of
God: If we now look at the opened-up brain in Figure
24, we can see a remarkable resemblance between the
opened up Corpus Callosum, the pituitary and pineal
glands, the thalamus, and the various details of the Atef
Crown. For more detail, see Figures 23, 25 and 26, of
Gary Osborns article The Gate of God, which is
Appendix J of this book.

In Egypt, Osiris was not only portrayed with green skin, he was also referred
to as the Great Green. Green malachite was the stone used to represent him.
It was seen as a symbol of joy, and the land of the blessed dead was described
as the field of malachite. In chapter 77 of the Book of the Dead, it is said that
the deceased will become a falcon whose wings are of green stone. This color,
of course, was representative of new life and re-birth. The Eye of Horus
amulet was commonly made of green stone. This is why, for example,
the Polynesians of the Pacific, in their witchcraft today still make amulets of
their gods in green stone. The green stone Hei-Tikis still worn by the
indigenous pagan Maori people of New Zealand in the South Pacific today are
actually almost identical to the green stone amulets of Osiris worn by Egyptians
in 2500 BC.

Unfortunately Christians view is far too common when it comes to Osiriss place in
ancient Egypt. It is a very wrong understanding, but his book should not be shunned
because of this error, because it contains one of the best treatments of the modern
greenie and environmental movements, and what is really behind them, that you

Prince Charles, as the Antichrist, is really following the dictums of Masonic sorcery here, which in this case is
to imitateinvertmock the truth of the Most High God. He is imitating Osiris (i.e. the Messiah), then
inverting good or righteousness into evil, and finally, in everything the satanic Illuminati core-elite do, and
follow in their ceremonies and rituals, they laugh at and mock the Most High God, and His Son, Jesus Christ
(better known as Yeshua
) by dressing in his regalia. This is what the Romans did with Christs purple robe,
which also symbolizes the Sceptre Holy Spirit, after the crucifixion on Calvary.
Antichrist and the Green Prince is available here:
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will ever find. So, the moral, dont throw the baby out with the bath water, applies
when it comes to this book.

John D Christian also provides us with the vital connection between Osiris (the
risen Christ) and the planet Jupiter, which the Illuminati have worked up to become
St, George, the slayer of the Dragon, and the patron saint of their demonic
organisation, the Order of the Garter:

Supposedly, St. George was born in 270 AD at Lydda called Diospolis
(city of Jove [Jupiter]) by the Romans, and martyred at Nicomedia on April 23,
304 AD. According to myth, he just happened to live to the age of 33, the same
age as Jesus Christ who was martyred so that many might be saved.

Supposedly, St. George served as a soldier in the army of the Roman emperor
Diocletian, the most wicked persecutor of Christians the world has ever seen
a strange vocation to say the least, for a Christian soldier and martyr as part
of the requirement of serving in the Roman army was to take an oath of
allegiance to the emperor and to Jupiter.

According to pagan legend, St. George valiantly appealed to Diocletian to spare
his Christian brethren, and he was beheaded on April 23, 304. Strange, this
date April 23
, was the greatest feast day in ancient fascist Rome called the
Vinalia consecrated to Jupiter (as god of the vines). Born in the city of Jove
(Jupiter). Died on the Vinalia. If ever there was a character who represented
the arch-enemy of Jesus Christ and his followers, but claimed to be one of
them, it would have to be St. George and the Dragon. St. George is simply
the Christianized name of Jupiter. Jove is simply the pagan counterfeit
of the Old Testament Jehovah and the New Testament Jesus (name means:
Jehovah saves). Hence, Jupiter, or in the apostate Christian Church,
St. George, is one of the key names associated with Antichrist.

Not only is St. George today the founder and patron of the Order of the Garter
and St. George (of which the British Sovereign is the head and Prince Charles is
a member) which is the highest order of British Israel World Freemasonry
he is also the patron saint of England, revered in Russia and the Moslem world
alike. In England he is called the Ever Green Green One, the champion of
religious liberty, the Victorious One, the Captain of the Noble Army of Martyrs
both in apostate Christianity and fundamental Islam.

The Moslems revere St. George as a saint too, where he is known as El Khidre
or El Khadre the Ever Green One. Literally, Jupiter means Father
who helps. In Rome he was known as Jupiter but in Greece he was called
Zeus, in India he was the Victim Man, and among the Buddhists of the East he
was called the Savior of the World. The Greeks called him Zeus the Savior. In
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Egypt he was called Osiris and named King of Kings and Lord of
Lords. He was the Hero-god and given a name above all names. Highly
honored, he was worshipped as the Great World King.
His color green, thus became the color of Islam. He is the great patron
of the United Nations Organization and the European Union. He is the same
pagan deity worshipped by all of the knights of the Roundtable in his chapel at
Windsor Castle. He is British Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves of Sherwood
Forest [Nazarene Remnant comment: We have to be careful here! See the
article Robin Hood Fought Cabalist Control of Britain
]. He is Prince
Caspian possessed by the lion Aslan (Satan) in the Chronicles of Narnia.

He is Prince Shrek (German: terror) the large green frog-ogre in the
animated movies Shrek. In the animated movie Shrek II, he is literally
represented with a real life picture (not animated) of Prince Charles, who is
revealed in a mirror that Princess Fiona is looking into. This is British occult
propaganda at its finest not simply a childrens animated movie!

J.R.R. Tolkiens orcs in his The Lord of the Rings are identical characters to
the green frog-ogre Shrek. In Roman mythology, Orcus was a god of the
underworld, punisher of broken oaths, god of the infernal regions, god of the
land of the dead. The French and English words ogre and the Italian orco are
all derived from Orcus, one of the names for the Angel of Death. Orco was
also identified as Dis Pater (Latin: Rich Father) and his Greek equivalent was
the Greek god Hades (translated in the KJV Hell) or Pluto (Rich One).

Finally we have been totally indoctrinated in the old faithful, the scientific method!
Joseph Needham, writing in his In The Radicalization of Science, ed. Stephen and
Hilary Rose , MacMillan, 1976 , p . 100,

The whole anti-science movement has arisen because of two characteristics of
our Western civilisation: on the one hand the conviction that the scientific
method is the only valid way of understanding and apprehending the universe,
and on the other hand the belief that it is quite proper for the results of this
science to be applied to a rapacious technology . . . The first of these
convictions is held as a semi-conscious assumption by a great number of
working scientists; though formulated clearly only by a small number.

From Chapter 5, St. George, Jupiter, and the Nazi, Green Frog Prince,: of Antichrist and the Green Prince,
available here:
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Works of Unspeakable Greatness.

Now contrast all of the above examples to Herodotus' comment about ancient Egypt,
and he certainly possesses more credibility than anyone else, because he visited and
wrote about the place!

Concerning Egypt I will now speak at length, because nowhere are there so
many marvellous things, nor in the whole world beside are there to be seen so
many works of unspeakable greatness.

Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, writing in Keeper of Genesis, borrowing an
excellent description Dr Philip Morisson of MIT once used in regard to the Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), make the important point that the Giza necropolis
is packed full of clues and unmistakable clever devices. Indeed, the whole of Egypt is
full of such clever clues and symbolic devices, but the real problem is that for far too
long now, Egypt is so full of tawdry Egyptologists who have no real interest in
finding the truth about the place. That is the real problem!

Together with the ancient texts and rituals that are linked to them, could
the vast monuments of the Giza necropolis have been designed to transmit a
message from one culture to anothera message not across space, but across
Egyptologists reply to such questions by rolling their eyes and hooting
derisively. Indeed they would not be Egyptologists (or at any rate they could
not long remain within that profession) if they reacted with anything other
than scorn and disbelief to suggestions that the necropolis might be more than
a cemetery, that the Great Sphinx might significantly predate the epoch of
2500 BC, and that the Pyramids might not be just royal tombs. By the same
token no self-respecting Egyptologist would be prepared to consider, even for
a moment, the outlandish possibility that some sort of mysterious message
might have been encoded into the monuments.

Michael Baigent joins the fray when he points out that Hancock and Bauval have
been closer to the truth about Egypt than the whole academic branch of modern
Egyptology put together:

To Hancock and Bauval the Giza complex is truly the sacred heart of
Egyptif not the world. It is a site so sacred that not one part of the design
could be altered despite the passing of many thousands of years.
All this provides a wonderful story: a colourful adventure in wild ideas,
anomalous discoveries and unexpected insights punctuated by repeated
challenges to some of the most respected figures in modern Egyptology.

Bauval, Robert, and Hancock, Graham, Keeper of Genesis, p. 238.
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Hancock and Bauval are solidly anti-establishment. Their work in particular
diligently notes the denial of contrary evidence, the prevention of access to
sites, the withdrawal of investigation permits, the mislaying of anomalous
artefacts and the general academic disdain for any alternative explanations,
however apparently plausible. Theirs is the perfect book [Keeper of Genesis]
to read during a long flight in order to survive complicated time-zones and
lobotomized airline videos.

And Gary Osborn, author of Axis of God, cuts to the chase with this incisive

For thousands of years the Pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza have
withstood the ravages of time. Many of us have been brought up to believe
that the pyramids were the tombs of Pharaohs. What many of us do not know
is that these monuments and temples really stand as a testament to a timeless
Golden Age when the earth and its inhabitants enjoyed a continual
springtime climate and lived peacefully in a virtual Garden of Eden ... a
utopian paradise, before the global catastrophe that caused the axis to fall. ...
The author has found much accumulating evidence from many different
sources that it was/is believed that the Earths axis was upright at one time
(Arcadia Tep Zepi [
]) and that we are being told that a global catastrophe
happened which had tilted the axis and changed everything. (Gary Osborn,
Arcadia, Ancient Giza and the Hidden Truth Behind the Jesus Myth, )

Here are several more quotations from the past, and all point to the fact that the
true religion has been the target of suppression right from the days following the
Fall and the Great Flood. I will begin with some Scriptures from the Old Testament,
many of them speaking of the great supernatural events that led up to the release of
the Hebrews, from 430 years of Egyptian captivity, at the time of the Exodus. But
many of them also allude to the greatness that was Egypt even earlier than this period:

They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt.
(Psalm 106: 21)

Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not
the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked [him] at the sea, [even] at the Red sea.
(Psalm 106: 7 )

Baigent, Michael, Ancient Mysteries: A History Through Evolution and Magic, Viking Press, 1998, p. 164.
Nazarene Remnant comment: There are two vital aspects to Zep Tepi, and they go far beyond what
Egyptology and the Catholic Church want you to know! In fact when you discover these truths you will
understand why the Catholic Church introduced and taught the lie of infant baptism in the first place. For
explanation see our book The Suppressed Truth About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the
Scriptures, which is here:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan.
(Psalm 78: 43)

And they said unto him, From a very far country thy servants are come because of
the name of the LORD thy God: for we have heard the fame of him, and all that
he did in Egypt. (Jos 9: 9)

And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that ye
have seen; and ye shall haste and bring down my father hither.
(Genesis 45: 13)


For what is now called the Egyptian religion existed of old and was never absent from
the beginning of the human race until Christ came in the flesh. Then true religion
which already existed began to be called Christian. (Saint Augustine,
Retractiones, I, xiii)


[Charles] Dupuis [
] had located the birthplace of the zodiac in an Egypt older by far
than any chronology based on textural argumentsand especially on the Book of
Mosescould possibly allow. (Standard biblical chronology placed the origin of all
things at about 4,000 BC ) According to Dupuis, the zodiac, and astronomy itself,
was born near the Nile over 14,000 years ago. The Greeks, he insisted, were
scientific children compared to the Egyptians, whose knowledge and
wisdom underlay all of Western science and mathematics. (Original quote
by Jed Z. Buchald, Egyptian Stars Under Paris Skies, Engineering and Science
Magazine 66, no. 4, California Institute of Technology, 2003. This quote from Black
Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, by Robert Bauval and Thomas
Brophy, p. 19.


We have done all this because we believe in our cause and in our work and because we
love the excitement and thrill of the chase and the challenge of the enterprise. Most of
all, we have done all this because a huge intellectual dam has been breached,
and we want to be part of the flood that will regenerate Egypt with a new abd purer
vision of itself. (From Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, by
Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, p. 4)

Charles] Dupuis was a pre-French Revolutionary scholar, who had based his study of the origins of religion on
interpreting religious mythologies in astronomical terms. Quoted in Black Genesis, by Robert Bauval and
Thomas Brophy, p. 19.
Published by Bear & Company, Rochester, 2011.
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Everything the ancient Egyptians didall monuments they built, all ceremonies and
rituals they performed, all art and writing they createdwere inspired by the idea
of eternity and how they could become part of it. We need only look at the
pyramids to feel their inspiration. (From Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of
Ancient Egypt, by Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, p. 232.)


The Religion proclaimed by him to All Nations was neither New nor Strange.
(Bishop Eusebius, The History of the Church, II, iv)


There can be no doubt that the oldest Egyptian writings contain some vestiges of
primeval faith. Egyptians in very remote areas believed in the immortality of man, with
reward or punishment in the future state. They believed in the existence of good and
evil powers in this life, and were not without a sense of personal
responsibility. (Rev. Dr. W. H. The Horus Myth and Its Relation to Christianity,


Now when the ancient Egyptians, awestruck and wondering, turned their eyes to the
heavens, they concluded that two gods, the sun and the moon, were
primeval and eternal: they called the former Osiris, the latter Isis.
(Diodorus Siculus, The Antiquities of Egypt.) This means that the Brithright Holy
Spiritwhich is what Isis and half of what the Moon representschanges the old
man of sin and degradation into the new man of light and righteousness, which is
what Horus stands for. Having completed the first works mentioned in Revelations
2: 5,
Horus is now empowered to do even mightier works, which is to say, he now has
access to the second form of the Holy Spirit, which is the Sceptre. Upon the death of
this new creation, the real historical Horus is resurrected as Osiris, the great Angel of
the Presence,
and Lord of all eternity:

I am the Great One, the son of the Great One; I am Fire, and the son of the Fire, to
whom was given his head after it had been cut off. The head of Osiris was not taken
away from him, let not the head of the deceased be taken away from him. I have
knit myself together (or reconstituted myself); I have made myself whole and
complete; I have renewed my youth; I am Osiris, the lord of eternity.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto
thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Revelation 2: 5)
This is the subject of our free book, The God Messiah Worships, available from our Web site.
Budge, E A Wallis, Egyptian Religion: Ideas of the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, Gramercy Books, New York,
1959, p. 101.
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It is important to note that the name Horus is probably a Greeks corruption of the
Egyptian Hor, because Horus is actually read as Hor in Egyptian. Horeb, as in
Mount Horeb, means Horus is celebrating.
Notice also that Moses elder brother,
Aaron, died on Mount Hor, which was Pharaoh Horemhebs name (Deuteronomy
32: 49-50).

There are some who without reservation assert that Osiris is the Sun and is called
the Dog-star (Sirius) by the Greeksand there are those who declare that Isis is none
other than the Moon; for this reason it is said that the statues of Isis that bear
horns are imitations of the crescent moon, and in her dark garments are shown the
concealments and the obscurations in which she in her yearning pursues the Sun. (1
Plutarch, Isis and Osiris, Moralia V, 52)


Ruling over the universe by day, the Sun was identified with Horus, the god of
kingship; at sunset he was seen as Atum, the oldest of all gods. The Suns daily
movement through the sky was viewed as a journey from birth to death, and his
rebirth at dawn was made possible through Osiris, the force of new life.... ...In the
middle of the night the Sun merged with Osiriss body; through this union, the Sun
received the power of new life while Osiris was reborn in the Sun. (Dr. James P. Allen,
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts)


... in several African dialects, as names of the Sun, Airo, Ayero, eer, uiro, ghurrah,
and the like. The royal name rendered Pharaoh, was PHRA, that is, Pai-ra,
the Sun. The legend of the contest between Hor-ra and Set, or Set-nu-bi, the same
as Bar or Bal, is older than that of the strife between Osiris and Typhon; as old, at
least, as the nineteenth dynasty. It is called in the Book of the Dead, The day of the
battle between Horus and Set. [
] The later myth connects itself with Phoenicia
and Syria. The body of OSIRIS went ashore at Gebal or Byblos, sixty miles above
Tsur. You will not fail to notice that in the name of each murderer of Khurum, that

Christian Jacq, Grammaire gyptienne de Champollion, Solin, 1997, p. 39, and quoted in Messod and Roger
Sabbahs Secrets of the Exodus: Did the Pharaohs Write the Bible? Thorsons, London, 2000, p. 161.
Messod and Roger Sabbahs Secrets of the Exodus: Did the Pharaohs Write the Bible? Thorsons, London,
2000, p. 152.
Referred to by modern Satanists as The Battle of Evermore, the song popularized by Led Zeppelin of 40
years ago or thereabouts. This is really the battle between Yeshua (Jesus Christ) and Lucifer (Satan) at the End of
Days, which we are entering right now. See chapter 20, So finally, and sadly, we come to meet The Usher! in
our free book The Usher of Desecration, which is here:
desecration.html See the sub-heading The Battle of Evermore is About to Begin. Note that the group Led
Zeppelin (dominated by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant) are acknowledged flat-out Satanists. For more
information on this see our book Drumbeat, which is on the DvD / USB, or online here:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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of the Evil God Bal is found. [


In Osiris the Christian Egyptians found the prototype of Christ, and in the pictures
and statues of Isis suckling her son Horus, they perceived the prototype of the
Virgin Mary and her Child. Never did Christianity find elsewhere in the world a people
whose minds were so thoroughly well prepared to receive its doctrines as the
Egyptians. Dr. E.A. Wallis Budge, Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life)


There are few points on which the Egyptian and Christian religions so nearly
analogize, and which are more striking in their resemblances, than that one doctrine
which has always been regarded, and rightly so, as a special result of revelation: the
doctrine of a Vicarious Deliverer of mankind in the person of a mysterious Being, who
is at once both very God and very man. (W.R. Cooper, The Horus Myth in Its Relation
to Christianity)


The Christian Trinity ousted the old triads of gods, Osiris and Horus were
represented by our Lord Jesus Christ, Isis by the Virgin Mary, Set the god
of evil by Diabolus [Satan]and the various Companies of the Gods by the Archangels,
and so on. (Dr. E.A. Wallis Budge, Egyptian Tales and Romances)


The god Seth, called Typhon by the Greek writers, was the Satan of later
Egyptian mythology. He was the personification of the evil in the world, just as
Osiris was the personification of the good. (Philip Van Ness Myers, Ancient History)


Horus is presented in manifold aspects in Egyptian mythology. Mainly as the
vindicator of the principle of Good; as the avenger of his father, Osiris, who
succumbed temporarily in his struggle against Evil embodied in the god Set, who
corresponds to our Satan. Set was represented as a beast with long pointed ears and
erect tail, and may perhaps be the origin of the popular representations of Satan, the
ears having come to be regarded as horns. (H. Villiers Stuart, Egypt After the War)


Codex Magica, by Texe Marrs p. 238.

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When we examine the religious and mythological beliefs of the Egyptians, in fact, we
discover there is little theological they did not consider and incorporate into their faith
that we possess in modern religions today. In other words, the Egyptians in particular
not only were highly spiritual but also either originated or developed many of the
cosmological and theological concepts found in current popular religions, such as the
afterlife, immortality, heaven, deity and so on. One of the main religions in which we
find the most apparent Egyptian influence is Christianity, in both its myths and rituals.
Like many other faiths, the Egyptian and Christian religions share a strong
overall theme of good versus evil and light versus dark. In the case of the
Egyptian religion, good and evil were manifested in several gods, including and
especially Horus and Set, while their Christian counterparts are Jesus and Satan.
(Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, 2009, p. 17.)


An early Christian work, the Paschal Chronicle (Migne ed. xcii, col. 385), tells us that
every year the temples of Horus presented to worshipers, in mid-winter (or about
December 25th), a scenic model of the birth of Horus. He was represented as a
babe born in a stable, his mother Isis standing by. Just in the same way is the birth of
Christ dramatized today in every Roman Catholic church in the world on December
25th. The Roman writer Macrobius makes the same statement about the
representation of the birth of Horus in the templesand adds that the young god was a
symbol of the rebirth of the sun at that date. The fact is, at all events, beyond question.
We are brought to the very threshold of Christianity. The whole world by the year 1
A.D. was familiar with the Egyptian statues or pictures of Isis with the divine babe
Horus in her arms. (Joseph McCabe, The Story of Religious Controversy)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the last, when [Osiris's] cult disappeared before the religion of the Man Christ,
the Egyptians who embraced Christianity found that the moral system of the old cult
and that of the new religion were so similar, and the promises of resurrection and
immortality in each so much alike, that they transferred their allegiance from
Osiris to Jesus of Nazareth without difficulty. Moreover, Isis and the child
Horus were straightway identified with Mary the Virgin and her Son, and in the
apocryphal literature of the first few centuries which followed the evangelization of
Egypt, several of the legends about Isis and her sorrowful wanderings were made to
centre round the Mother of Christ. Certain of the attributes of the sister goddesses of
Isis were also ascribed to her, and, like the goddess Neith of Sais, she was declared to
possess perpetual virginity. Certain of the Egyptian Christian Fathers gave to the
Virgin the title 'Theotokos,' or 'Mother of God,' forgetting, apparently, that it was an
exact translation of neter mut, a very old and common title of Isis. (Dr. E.A. Wallis
Budge, The Gods of Egypt, p. xv-xvi)

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Horus was not the only sun-god recognised by the Egyptians. His own father
Osiris, the Savior (of whom Horus was a re-incarnation), was bornalso at the
winter solsticeof an immaculate virgin, the goddess Neith, who, like Isis, the
mother of Horus, was known by the titles of Mother of God, Immaculate Virgin, Queen
of Heaven, Star of the Sea, The Morning Star, The Intercessor. (William Williamson,
The Great Law: A Study of Religious Origins)


But in spite of this [
], Osiris kept and held the highest place in the minds of the
Egyptians, from first to last, as the God-man, the being who was both divine and
human; and no foreign invasion, and no religious or political disturbances, and no
influence which any outside peoples could bring to bear upon them, succeeded in
making them regard the god as anything less than the cause and the symbol and type
of the resurrection, and of the life everlasting. For about five thousand years
men were mummified in imitation of the mummified form of Osiris; and
they went to their graves believing that their bodies would vanquish the
powers of death, and the grave, and decay, because Osiris had
vanquished them; and they had certain hope of the resurrection in an
immortal, eternal, and spiritual body, because Osiris had risen in a
transformed spiritual body, and had ascended into heaven, where he had
become the king and the judge of the dead, and had attained unto
everlasting life therein. The chief reason for the persistence of the worship of
Osiris in Egypt was, probably, the fact that it promised both resurrection and eternal
life to its followers.

In Osiris the Christian Egyptians found the prototype of Christ, and in the pictures
and statues of Isis suckling her son Horus, they perceived the prototype of the Virgin
Mary and her Child. Never did Christianity find elsewhere in the world a people whose
minds were so thoroughly well prepared to receive its doctrines as the Egyptians.


I feel very strongly from what I understand about Egypt, that a slight of hand was
being played, a negative hand I will add, in the truth surrounding the French genius
Champollion who first deciphered the Rosetta stone using the Coptic language and
thus on his way to breaking the lie of the Nefilim. Incidentally the Coptic Church only
this year (2007) celebrated the year 2000. The fact and way in which the widely

The this here referes to the fact that in ancient Egypt the work of satan progressed to such an extent that
Amen-R had been thrust into the sacred place once reserved exclusively for Osiris as the prime elohim of the
ancient Egyptian world.Egyptians. E. A. Wallis Budge tells us that from about 900 BC the priests of Amen led the
people into praying to Amen instead of Osiris.
Budge, E A Wallis, Egyptian Religion, pp. 103-105.
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accepted Prussian Scholar Lepsis became the prime source of released translation and,
through this, a false history through false interpretation, is it any surprise the finest
minds still cannot make sense of the Egyptian knowledge? I would also state the
reason they chose a Prussian was to act as if the new translator was scuppering the
then known fear of the Roman Illuminati Church's horror at the consequences of
Champollion's correct translation, thus manipulating a strong belief and acceptance of
the work of Lepsis for those who opposed Rome, continuing the perceived division
between Rome and German (protestant) elite, and thus involvement in his murder
thrown onto the back of Rome, all who oppose Rome then accepting the work of Lepsis
believing it to be in opposition to Rome, thus believing Lepsis to be giving a truer
picture of Egypt than Rome wished. The Egyptian root of Biblical patriarchs
continued to be hidden. It was Wilhelm IV of Prussia that commissioned Lepsis to
the task. For the sharp mind it is further proof of the connections at Royal level
between the European Royal Houses and the Roman Church. You just need to allow
yourself to look at the game in the way I am proving. For those with closed minds one
would need access to the full and complete works of Champollion before the elite
removed him from the game. I feel he was being poisoned slowly while in
Egypt, which gave the cause for what happened to him when he went
home. They, upon him arriving in France had him locked up under quarantine laws;
yet his Italian partner, who also operated for British intelligence, was received as a
hero, Champollion then died in very mysterious circumstances twenty seven months
later age 41, the official reason was put down to a massive stroke. The play here is to
create the fact to the masses and those high in the social hierarchy that France, Italy,
England and Germany are believed to be separate nations. This creates the idea that
the plunder of Egypt since Napoleon has been a separate individual nation plunder of
the Temples and tombs of Egypt. This then, portrays the idea purposefully,
that the truth cannot ever be found because the knowledge has been
dispersed unto each individual nation. When you understand that the elite of
each nation involved in this plunder are one and the same, it proves the fact that
although seemingly separate nations plundered Egypt for themselves, it was a
single co-ordinated collection by the Illuminati of the last proof of true historical
fact beyond the flood and the possible Biblical Patriarchs Egyptian roots, which in turn
would show the history I have offered in this work, especially relating to the
connection of the Pharaohs to the Biblical patriarchs, which would prove the fact that
the three pillars (Judaism, Christianity and Islam are an invention incorporated into
the Earths history via the Egyptian Hyksos ( Elohim/ Melchedekans). Of course the co-
ordinated collection of artefacts was under the control of the elite bloodlines
that are one family and force, above the illusory separate nation states. So
Champollion was a danger to this manipulation. Here we have a point in time with the
opportunity to affect the history of Egypt to serve as it has in the world of the secret
societies, but especially in preventing the truth coming out through the plunder of this
civilisation for the future years. The Frenchman's work and gained knowledge had he
the chance to fully publish, which of course he would after his return to France, would
have freed us, whereas the Prussian's work has taken us down another dead end for
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the acquirement of knowledge, and another nuclear strike for the elite relative to
hiding the true historical Egypt. Is it any wonder we understand nothing but the
nonsense the Illuminati have allowed out to the world, which would equate to all
'experts' dealing in nonsense.

The Notion of the Sun God

If there is one subject that the peoples of the world have been so thoroughly deceived
about, it is in the notion of the powerful star at the centre of the Solar System, the Sun.
Turn to any book on the subject and you will learn a great deal about the Sun, except
for one important fact that has been totally suppressed and lost. That fact is that
the Sun is the supreme religious symbol of our destiny, and it is not true to
say that the ancients worshipped the Sun, for the true sons of God, those in the
know and worth their salt, would never break the First Commandment by
worshipping the Sun, or the Moon, Venus, or any the host of heaven:

I [am] the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of
the house of bondage. (Exodus 20: 2, KJV) Thou shalt have no other gods before
me. (Exodus 20: 3, KJV)

It has been the demonic Anunnaki race, the demonic seedline of Cain, who have
planted and nourished the notion of sun worship throughout the world. Here is a fairly
typical example of how the agents of darkness continue to spread the lie about the Sun
being the centre of religious worship:

All major religions in this world are sponsored by the Anunnaki. Religion is an
extremely effective tool for keeping control of the people. A fundamental
aspect of all these religions is that the central figure of worship is the
sun, whether they called their sun god Ra, Apollo, Helios etc. This was true in
ancient Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Roman, English, Mayan, and
Incan cultures, etc.

Sun worship is the basis for major religions today, even if it has been
corrupted or its foundation has been obscured or lost. For instance, Jews have
their ancient temples constructed to honour the sun and the Zodiac.

Most notable of these temples dedicated to sun worship would be Solomons
Temple, which was standing during the entire reign of Josiah. Josiah is
remembered by Bible students for knocking down idols dedicated to worship of the
sun and other gods formerly of the Jewish pantheon. Josiah claimed to be
following the Laws of Moses. Yet Solomons Temple, which was built long after the
death of Moses and violated many of those laws, was left untouched. Either the

From Egypt, available here:
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laws of Moses were tampered with after the Temple was built to allow it to stand,
or Solomons Temple was an abomination to the Jewish faith. For whatever
reasons, Josiah allowed the temple in Jerusalem to remain despite its obvious
construction and dedication to sun worship.

One characteristic of sun worship is that everything hinges on the resurrection of
the rising sun. The sun gives warmth and life according to their beliefs. That is why
there are so many legends of dying/rising gods. Candidates for the third degree of
Freemasonry play the part of Hiram Abiff in a drama. The candidate, like Abiff, is
raised from the grave, symbolizing the dying/rising god legends.

Christians honour Jesus, the Son of God, who takes the place of the physical sun.
Even the name EAST-er SUN-day for Christianity gives away its basis. Thomas
Paine noted that:

[T]he Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a
man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same
adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.

It should be stressed here that the Magi of Persia were also sun worshipers, which
demonstrates that the invention of the story about the visit of the three Magi at the
birth of Jesus was added to the account contained in the New Testament. This
addition happened sometime after Constantine made Christianity orthodox and
included sun worship in the Christian religion.

In Celtic tradition, the direction east is also very significant. Druids worshipped the
sun; Native Americans place great significance on sun dances; Eastern religions
highly respect the sun. Often, emperors were compared to the rising sun in ancient
days of the Eastern world.

Freemasons construct their lodges east and west and the Worshipful Master of the
lodge stands in the east because, according to Masonic teachings, as the sun rises
in the east, so should the Master stand in the east. Freemasons make advancement
in degrees by seeking more light in Masonry. This is not to be confused with Divine
Light. Masonic teachings state that there are two lights. These lights are referred to
as the greater and the lesser lights. The sun is the greater light, while the moon is
the lesser.

In Grand Master George Smiths The Use and Abuse of Free-Masonry is found:

The emblematical meaning of the Sun is well known to the enlightened and
inquisitive Free-Mason; and as the real Sun is situated in the centre of the
universe, so the emblematical Sun is the centre of real Masonry. We all know
that the Sun is the fountain of light, the source of the seasons, the cause of the
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vicissitudes of day and night, the parent of vegetation, the friend of man; hence
the scientific Free-Mason only knows the reason why the Sun is placed in the
centre of this beautiful hall.

The Anunnaki have planted sun worship throughout the world. They
have forced construction of structures to pay homage to the sun, such as
Stonehenge, where the altar stone faces the rising sun. Even though Stonehenge
was also used as an observatory and had other purposes, sun worship was its main
purpose. The Anunnaki know that the sun must keep burning or the illusion of the
solar system will shatter. That is the main objective of Anunnaki occupation of
worlds to keep the stars burning. (From The Real Secret Word of the

By the way, the One True God does not want to be worshipped! That is a pure trait of
ego-bound people, narcissists, and is a prime identifying charateristic of satan. What
the One True God wants of us, however, is well expressed in John 14: 15: If ye love
me, keep my commandments.

In the very early Egyptian religion, which was ancient Chtistianity, the Sun stood as
being the most important symbol of life:

the sun in the Egyptian religion symbolized life, purification, salvation,
resurrection and immortality, among many other important qualities, such as
omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence. Indeed, in Egypt over a period of a
thousand years, the sun in all its permutations constituted a symbol of the divine,
and was beseeched as such in countless prayers and invocations, directed at not
just the solar disk or orb itself but also as the unseen power behind it, as well as its
heat, light and all its various aspects and movements through the heavens.

But perhaps the greatest deception and lie about ancient Egypt, and indeed about
most ancient cultures, is about the concept of the Sun god. To the ancient
Egyptians this god was known as Ra (or Re) the Sun god. To the Greeks the Sun god
was Helios, and to the Persians and Romans, the Sun god was Mithras (the Sol
Invictus). To the ancient Israelites, the Sun god was Yahweh, who led them from
captivity in Egypt, to 40 years of wandering in the desert regions of Sinai and adjacent
areas, before taking them across the Jordan into the Promised Land.

In my books and articles, I present the evidence that many aspects of the gospel story
about Jesus Christ, and of Christian tradition in general, represent motifs from older
astrotheology and solar mythology, specifically reflecting legends and so-called myths
] regarding the sun gods of antiquity. There remains much confusion concerning

Murdock, D M, Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, Stellar House Publishing, 2009, p. 63. Web
This material is not legend and myth, but actual truth!
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this subject, including erroneous claims that this equation of Jesus with the Sun only
started to be expressed during the 19th century. This contention that connecting Jesus
to the sun constitutes a modern phenomenon is easily demonstrated to be false,
through the study of ancient texts, including the Bible and works of the early Church
fathers, as well as Christian traditions, rituals, architecture and artifacts. From a wide
variety of sources, it is clear that associating, identifying and equating Christ with the
Sun began in ancient times and has continued abundantly over the many centuries
since then.

The exploration of Christ as a solar figure includes a study of ancient sun worship not
only in the Pagan world but also in Israel, as exhibited by the solar nature of Jesus's
purported Father, the Israelite god Yahweh. Demonstrating the copious
substantiation for Israelite sun worship, especially as concerns the main Jewish god, in
Yahweh and the Sun: Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for Sun Worship in
Ancient Israel, Rev. Dr. J. Glen Taylor, a theologian and professor of Old Testament
and Biblical Proclamation at Wycliffe College, remarks:

This book is a slightly revised version of my doctoral dissertation entitled "Solar
Worship in the Biblical World" which was submitted to the Graduate School of Yale
University in the Spring of 1989. As may be judged from the title of that work, I had
at one time planned to cover more territory than sun worship in ancient Israel, but
found the material pertaining to ancient Israel so vast that I never got beyond it.
The description of Yahweh and the Sun states, This challenging provocative book
argues that there was in ancient Israel a considerable degree of overlap between the
worship of the sun and of Yahweh-even that Yahweh was worshipped as the
sun in some contexts.

As Rev. Dr. Taylor further says:

Probably the most provocative issue related to the nature of sun worship in ancient
Israel ... is the specific claim that Yahweh was identified with the sun.

In his tome, Taylor discusses Yahweh as a sun god-terming this adulation solar
Yahwism-as reflected in the sun worship by Israelites described in the biblical texts
of Deuteronomy, the Prophets, Job and the Psalms. He also addresses linguistic
evidence as well as various archaeological finds that reveal Israelite sun worship,
including artifacts such as sun disks and temple/shrine alignments. For example,
Psalms 84: 11 directly tells us that "... the Lord God is a sun and shield."

Putting all this into one sentence, we have learnt that the destiny of all human beings
is to become the Sun, symbolically speaking. From ancient times Christ was labeled as
the Sun of Righteousness, and was depicted as the sun god. All genuine Scripture
teaches that Jesus is the Sun, the Master Teacher, and we as His followers are to walk
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in His footsteps, and become like Him also. Thus the Sun stands as the master symbol
for our destiny, which is to become angels.

D.M. Murdock's (pen name Acharya S, the S stands for Sanning) Jesus as the
Sun Throughout History, 2009, Stellar House Publishing, LLC. Jesus as the Sun
Throughout History examines ancient texts, including the Bible and works of the early
Church fathers, as well as other writings, art, artifacts and traditions to demonstrate
that Jesus has been perceived as the sun, both spiritually and as the actual, physical
solar orb, many times over the centuries by numerous people, including religious
authorities and common people. D.M. Murdock's books are available from her Web
site here:

According to Philip Jones, writing in Lucifer Rising, the ancient worlds view of
the Sun was that it represented god, but the truth of the matter is that it stands as
symbol for Jesus Christ Himself, and ultimately, for the followers of Jesus, it stands as
symbol for what the Elect are to become. And what are the Elect to become? As Jesus
has pointed out many times in the Scriptures, we are to become angels:

The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection,
and asked him, Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his
brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife,
deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
And last of all the woman died also.
Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the
power of God.
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in
marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. But as touching the
resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God,
saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
And when the multitude heard [this], they were astonished at his doctrine.
(Matthew 22: 23 -33, KJV, emphasis added.)

Of course all of this is the theme of this book you are reading now!

The Solar Logos.

Throughout the Ancient World, the Sun was worshipped in many guises
as God. In Babylon it was Nimrod, in Egypt- Osiris, the Canaanites worshipped Baal
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and in Greece, it was Apollo. The New Age Sun God is called the `Solar Logos` or
`The Word` thereby blasphemously counterfeiting the Biblical Jesus Christ. In her
book, `Rays and Initiations`, Alice Bailey reveals this Solar Logos as Lucifer himself.
Today, as in millenia past, the Sun God is being worshipped by the New Age
as divine.

David Spangler, refers to the Sun God in these terms: The light that reveals to us
the path to the New Age `Christ` comes from Lucifer. He is the light giver. It is his
light that heralds for man the dawn of a greater consciousness. The true light of this
great being can only be recognised when one's own eyes see with the light of the
inner sun. It is an invitation into the New Age

The ancient doctrine of the Sun God or Solar Logos melds itself easily with
Pantheism, which as we have seen is at the moment a core dogma of the
New Age. By denying the existence of a personal God, whilst insisting that the
universe itself is God, New Agers declare that as man is part of the universe, man is
also God. The Luciferian master plan cannot succeed unless people accept that there is
no God who loves and cares for them. Therefore, accepting that the Moon, the Stars,
the Galaxies are all Gods in themselves, the New Age Sun God or Solar Logos as
humanity's master becomes a required tenet of belief and we can establish that
throughout man's history, all `Sun God's have been nothing more than guises for the
great deceiver, Lucifer.

Witches believe that Lucifer is the God of the Sun, and the Sun God is also
known as the `Horned God` (Lucifer is also known as the "Angel of Light). Many of
the Witch's holy days revolve around the Sun such as the Yule. A large part of their
belief system is the concept of the Sun weakening and the world dying, then on the
Winter Solstice the Sun God Lucifer is reborn and warms the Earth. To the Ancient
Latin people's, Lucifer was the Sun God, father of Aradia and the brother and lover of

To appreciate how this adversary of God has been able to clandestinely insinuate
himself into our lives, we only have to look all around at the plethora of pagan sun
symbolism which now proliferate throughout society. One example of this can be
found in the world of female bodybuilding, where each year, a trophy shaped in a
design used to symbolize the worship of Lucifer is awarded at a major I.F.B.B.
women's bodybuilding event. The meaning of this trophy is hidden from most
everyone but a select few who are initiated. The trophy is in the form of an obelisk,
which to those unfamiliar is a tapering, four-sided shaft that has a pyramidal top. The
obelisk is a symbol that definitely has connections to Freemasonry. The obelisk is
important to Masons and has roots in ancient Egypt. It is the symbol of a god
worshipped by believers involved in the ancient mysteries.

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The obelisk represents the Sun God Lucifer. The sun is also a major Masonic
symbol. Albert Pike, who we deal with below wrote: "The sun is the ancient symbol of
the life-giving and generative power of the Deity."

Ralph Epperson, a historian and lecturer on the subject writes: "The sun was a symbol
of something that only the believers in the religion...understood. These believers,
...knew that the people would not accept their mystery religion, so they had to
conceal it from them. So the task became one of creating a religion around a belief
that they knew the people would accept. Their basic purpose was to create a popular
religion as a cover for their secret worship. They would have to keep their beliefs
from the people, and conceal their secret worship in hidden symbols." Epperson
continues: "The obelisk stands for the very presence of the sun god! And the sun
god is Lucifer!

In The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, the following important
points are made:

In ancient Egypt the New Moon Festival was the Festival of Min, and the Feast of
Tabernacles was the Heb-Sed Festival. In ancient Egypt the belief and practise was
that a virginrepresenting the object upon which the Birthright Holy Spirit is
written, via the New Moon Festivals, and which was also symbolised by the celestial
cow giving suck to her offspringwould give birth (re-birth would be a better phrase)
to the Pharaohs who would go on to become the sons of Ra, the sun-god. This is just
another way of saying that the destiny of everyone who is to be eternally
saved is to become sun gods, or angels,
as the scriptures clearly teach.
In the
New Testament, the story of Marys miraculous conception of Jesus is clearly meant to
portray the truth that the Birthright Holy Spirit had conceived Jesus, and that is why
He was born without sin, since in the womb He was freed from the curse of the Fall
which was spiritual deathenabling Him to take the ritual water baptism at the hands
of John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Of course the catholic church has totally
defiled this original true teaching into the doctrine of Mary the Mother of Christ, and
has therefore destroyed the chances of countless thousand upon thousands of innocent
people from being part of the first resurrection! This of course is not saying that Jesus
was miraculously conceived by Mary, for He was! To consider otherwise has always
been heresy and against the truth of all life, past, present, and future. For more
detailed information on this, see The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
And here is another very useful section from M Scott Peck on the father of lies:

Philip Jones, Lucifer Rising,
See Luke 20: 36 and Mark 12: 25. also see Hebrews 1: 5; 2: 16; 13: 2; Jude 1: 6; 1 Titus 5: 21 and Revelation 21:
See The God Messiah Worships for a more detailed explanation of the concepts involved here.
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The Father of Lies

Towards the end of one exorcism, in response to a comment that the spirit must
really hate Jesus, the patient, with a full-blown satanic facial expression, said in
a silky, oily voice, We dont hate Jesus, we just test him. In the middle of the
other exorcism, when asked whether the possession was by multiple spirits, the
patient with hooded, serpentine eyes answered quietly, almost in a hiss, They all
belong to me.
As the title of a recent article asks, Who in the hell is satan? [US Catholic,
Feb., 1983, pp. 7-11] I dont know.
The experience of two exorcisms is hardly sufficient for one to unravel all the
mystery of the spiritual realm. Nor would the experience of a hundred be
sufficient. But I think I now know a few things about satan and also
have the basis to make a few speculations.
While my experience is insufficient to prove Judeo-Christian myth and
doctrine about satan, I have learned nothing that fails to support it. According to
this myth and doctrine, in the beginning satan was Gods second-in-command,
chief among all His angels, the beautiful and beloved Lucifer. The service it
performed in Gods behalf was to enhance the spiritual growth of human beings
through the use of testing and temptationjust as we test our own children in
school so as to enhance their growth. satan, therefore, was primarily a teacher of
mankind, which is why it was called Lucifer, the light bearer. As time went by,
however, satan became so enamored with its adversarial function that it began to
employ them more for its own delight than on Gods behalf. This we see in the
Book of Job. Coincidentally, God decided that something more was needed than
simple testing for the uplifting of mankind; what was required was both an
example of His love and an example to live by. So He sent His only son to live and
die as one of us. satan was superseded by Christ by in function and in Gods heart.
It was so enamored of itself that satan perceived this as an intolerable personal
insult. Puffed up with pride, it refused to submit to Gods judgment of the
precedence of Christ. It rebelled against God. satan itself created the situation in
which heaven became literally not big enough for the both of them. So satan was
inevitably, by its own doing, immediately cast out into hell, where, once the light
bearer, it now dwells in darkness as the Father of Lies, nursing continual dreams
of revenge against God. And through the angels at its command, who joined in its
rebellion and fall, it now wages continual war against Gods design. Where once it
existed to spiritually uplift mankind, it now exists to spiritually destroy us. In the
battle for our souls it attempts to oppose Christ at every turn. satan perceives
Christ as its personal enemy. As Christ in spirit lives, so is satan the living
The spirit I witnessed at each exorcism was clearly, utterly, and totally
dedicated to opposing human life and growth. It told both patients to kill
themselves. When asked in one exorcism why it was the Antichrist, it answered,
Because Christ taught people to love one another. When further questioned as to
why human love was so distasteful, it replied, I want people to work in business
so that there will be war. Queried more, it simply said to the exorcist, I want to
kill you. There was absolutely nothing creative or constructive about it; it was
purely destructive.
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Perhaps the greatest problem of theodicy is the question why God, having
created satan in the first place, simply didnt wipe it out after its rebellion. The
question presupposes that God would wipe anything out. It assumes that God can
punish and kill. Perhaps the answer is that God gave satan free will and that God
cannot destroy; He can only create.
The point is that God does not punish. To create us in His image, God gave us
free will. To have done otherwise would have been to make us puppets or hollow
mannequins. Yet to give us free will God had to forswear the use of force against
us. We do not have free will when we have a gun pointed at our back. It is not
necessary that God lacks the power to destroy us, to punish us, but that in His
love for us He has painfully and terribly chosen to never use it. In agony He must
stand by and let us be. He intervenes only to help, never to hurt. The Christian
God is a God of restraint. Having forsworn the use of power against us, if we
refuse His help, He has no recourse but, weeping, to watch us punish ourselves.
This point is unclear in the Old Testament. There God is depicted as punitive.
But it begins to become clear with Christ. In Christ, God Himself [
] impotently
suffered death at the hands of human evil. He did not raise a finger against His
persecutors. Thereafter in the New Testament we hear echoes of the punitive Old
Testament God, one way or another, saying that the wicked will get whats
coming to them. But these are only echoes; a punishing God does not enter the
picture ever again. While many nominal Christians still envision their God as a
giant cop in the sky, the reality of Christian doctrine is that God has forever
eschewed police power.
Of the Holocaust as well as of lesser evils it is often asked, How could a loving
God allow such things to happen? It is a bleeding, brutal question. The Christian
answer may not suit our tastes, but it is hardly ambiguous. Having forsaken force,
God is impotent to prevent the atrocities that we commit upon one another. He
can only continue to grieve with us. He will offer us Himself in all His wisdom,
but He cannot make us choose to abide with Him.
For the moment then, God, tormented, waits upon us through one holocaust
after another. And it may seem to us that we are doomed by this strange God who
reigns in weakness. But there is a dnouement to Christian doctrine: God in His
weakness will win the battle against evil. In fact, the battle is already won.
The resurrection symbolizes not only that Christ overcame the evil of His day two
millennia ago but that He overcame it for all time. Christ impotently nailed upon
the cross is Gods ultimate weapon. Through it the defeat of evil is utterly assured.
It is vitally necessary that we struggle against evil with all the power at our
command. But the crucial victory occurred almost two thousand years ago.
Necessary and even dangerous and devastating though our own personal battle
may be, unknown to us they are but mopping-up operations against a retreating
enemy who has long since lost the war.
This idea that satan (and its works), despite all appearances, is actually on the
run offers a possible answer to a major question of mine. I have spoken of the
factors that predisposed both of the two patients to their possession. But what
about the far greater number of children who are also lonely victims of human

See The God Messiah Worships, for an understanding of the differences between God the Father and the
Messiah, Jesus Christ, for they are two separate Beings.
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evil and have even more serious character defects as a result yet who do not
apparently become possessed? Why not? I also mentioned a quality of potential
holiness in the personalities of both patients. I wonder if they did not become
possessed precisely because of this potential holiness. I wonder if satan did not
specifically invest its energy in attacking them because they represented a
particular threat to its designs. Perhaps satan does not have the energy left to go
wherever there is human weakness. Perhaps it is frantically engaged in
attempting to put out the fires.
Be that as it may, as Martin points out, it is terribly important to
understand that satan is a spirit. I have said I have met satan, and this is
true. But it is not tangible in a way that matter is tangible. It no more has horns,
hooves, and a forked tail than God has a long white beard. Even the name, satan,
is just a name we have given to something basically nameless. Like God, satan can
manifest itself in and through material beings, but it itself is not material, nor is it
even its manifestations. In one case described it manifested itself through the
patients writhing, serpentine body, biting teeth, scratching nails, and hooded
reptilian eyes. But there were no fangs, no scales. It was, through the use of the
patients body, extraordinarily and dramatically and even supernaturally
snakelike. But it is not itself a snake. It is a spirit.
Herein lies an answer, I suspect, to a question that has been asked through
the ages: Why do demonic spirits have such an attachment to human bodies?
During one of the exorcisms I witnessed the exorcist attempted to so enrage satan
that it would leave the possesseds restrained body to attack him, the exorcist. The
maneuver did not work. Despite its obvious homicidal fury at the exorcist,
nothing happened. And slowly it dawned on us that the spirit either could not or
would not leave the patients body under such conditions. This led us to two
conclusions. One, already mentioned, is that ultimately the patient had to be the
exorcist. The other is that satan has no power except in a human body.
satan cannot do evil except through a human body. Although a murdered
from the beginning, it cannot murder except with human hands. It does not have
the power to kill or even harm by itself. It must use human beings to do its
devilry. Although it repeatedly threatened to kill the possessed and the exorcists,
its threats were empty. satans threats are always empty. They are all lies.
In fact, the only power that satan has is through human belief in
its lies. Both patients became possessed because they bought its false seductive
promise of friendship. Possession was maintained because they believed its
threats that they would die without it. And the possession was ended when both
chose to believe its lies no longer but to transcend their fear by trust in the
resurrected Christ and to pray to the God of Trust for deliverance. During each
exorcism satans lies were confronted. And each exorcism was concluded
successfully by a conversion of sortsa change of faith or value system. I now
know what Jesus meant when he so frequently said, By your faith you have been
So we are back to lies. Whatever relationship it might have to the people of
the lie, I know no more accurate epithet for satan than the Father of

Peck, M Scott, People of The Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil, Rider Publishing, Melbourne, 1983, pp.
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Lies. Throughout both exorcisms it lied continually. Even when it revealed itself,
it did so with half-truths. It was revealed to be the Antichrist when it said, We
dont hate Jesus, we just test him. But the reality is that it does hate Jesus.
The list of lies it spoke was endlesssometimes almost a boring litany.
The major ones I remember were: humans must defend themselves in order to
survive and cannot rely on anything other than themselves in their defense;
everything is explainable in terms of negative and positive energy (which balance
out to be zero), and there is no mystery in the world; love is a thought and has no
objective reality; science is whatever one chooses to call science; death is the
absolute end to lifethere is no more; all humans are motivated primarily by
money, and if this appears not to be the case, it is only because they are
hypocrtites; to compete for money, therefore, is the only intelligent way to live.
satan can use any human sin or weaknessgreed and pride, for instance. It
will use any available tactic: seduction, cajolery, flattery, intellectual
argument. But its principal weapon is fear. And in the postexorcism period,
after its lies had been exposed, it was reduced to haunting both patients with its
dully repetitive threats: We will kill you. We will get you. We will torture you. We
will kill you.
As well as being the Father of Lies, satan may be said to be a spirit of mental
illness. In The Road Less Travelled I defined mental health as an ongoing
process of dedication to reality at all costs. satan is utterly dedicated to opposing
that process. In fact, the best definition I have for satan is that it is a real spirit of
unreality. The paradoxical reality of this spirit must be recognized. Although
intangible and immaterial, it has a personality, a true being. We must not fall
back into Saint Augustines now discarded doctrine of the privatio boni, whereby
evil was defined as the absence of good. satans personality cannot be
characterized simply by an absence of good. satans personality cannot be
characterized simply by an absence, a nothingness. It is true that there is an
absence of love in its personality. It is also true, however, that, pervading this
personality is an active presence of hate. satan wants to destroy us. It is
important that we understand this. There are quite popular systems of
thought these days, such as Christian Science or the Course in Miracles, which
define evil as unreality. It is a half-truth. The spirit of evil is one of unreality, but
it itself is real. It really exists. To think otherwise is to be misled. Indeed, as
several have commented, perhaps satans best deception is its general success in
concealing its own reality from the human mind.

To conclude this section, quoting from another part of this book

So, the destiny of all humans, following the resurrections, in right order
(elect first, and then the rest of repentant mankind), is to become as angelselohim
in the heavens, and thus returning all things to their former state of glory (see
Appendix F: Angels). It is the reason Jacobs name was changed to Israel, for in that
name, everything is neatly summarized.
Jesus the Messiah, at Luke 20: 27-40
, goes
to some length in explaining the process to a group of Sadducees

The word Israel means Moon (Is from Isis) + Sun (Ra) = Elohim (El, to mean male [12 powers] + female [12
powers] = angelic elohim [24]), a very shorthand way of concealing the whole plan of creation in one word, but
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There came to him some Sadducees, those who say that there is no resurrection,
and they asked him a question, saying, Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a mans
brother dies, having a wife but no children, the man must take the wife and raise
up children for his brother. Now there were seven brothers; the first took a wife,
and died without children; and the second and the third took her, and likewise all
seven left no children and died. Afterward the woman also died. In the
resurrection, therefore, whose wife will be the woman be? For the seven had her as

And Jesus said to them, The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage; but
those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from
the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, for they cannot die any more,
because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the
resurrection. But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the passage
about the bush, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac
and the God of Jacob. Now he is not God of the dead, but of the living; for all live
to him. And some of the scribes answered, Teacher, you have spoken well. For
they no longer dared to ask him any question. (Luke 20: 27-40)

The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 2: 9, says it all when he quotes Isaiah 64: 4:
But as it is written Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into
the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.

Also in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul explains further:

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God

And Jesus completes the story of the Plan of Salvation by declaring:
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are
as the angels of God [i.e. elohim] in heaven. (Matthew 22: 30, emphasis

Enter The Pharaoh

Much has been written about the identity of Pharaoh (whose name means the Sun)
as well as the identity of the ancient land called Egypt in the Scriptures. The following
scriptures sing to the raft-tops that the Pharaoh in ancient Egpt was the
personification of satan, while the land of Egypt itself is a symbol for one Zodiacal
Sign. Putting this as it is meant ro read, this means that the Earth (standing as
symbol for man and women, or Adam and Eve) is ruled by Pharaoh (satan), and
that is the fact since the time of the Fall. The author of Tarot Orat Rota Tora, Edgar T.
Portisch, makes it clear that the human agents of satan were already hard at work, and
succeeding in their quest, in ancient Egypt:

this has been so totally corrupted by Satanic influences, especially through freemasonry, to have new and
different meanings these days.
This is also reported in Matthew 22: 23-33 and Mark 12: 18-27.
The Sadducees taught that there is no resurrection from the dead, that angels do not exist and that there is no
such thing as the spirit. See Acts 23: 8. The Pharisees believed in all three.
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But: Confound those, who willingly choose to secret away supposed secrets, only
to use them for their own aggrandizement. For this already led to the downfall of
Egypt, when the [satanic] priesthood refused to spread the precepts, knowledge
and wisdom freely, keeping it to keep control. But the secret reveals itself, no Man
may touch it.

The whole theme of the Exodus from Egypt is the releases of the slaves of satan (thats
you and I and everyone who repents and turns their heart genuinely towards God),
and their 40-year purification from all sin, via the working of the indwelling Birthright
Holy Spirit. That is, the movement from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern

The Name Pharaoh Means the Sun

... in several African dialects, as names of the Sun, Airo,
Ayero, eer, uiro, ghurrah, and the like. The royal name
rendered Pharaoh, was PHRA, that is, Pai-ra, the
Sun. The legend of the contest between Hor-ra and Set,
or Set-nu-bi, the same as Bar or Bal, is older than that
of the strife between Osiris and Typhon; as old, at least,
as the nineteenth dynasty. It is called in the Book of the
Dead, The day of the battle between Horus and
Set. [
] The later myth connects itself with Phoenicia and
Syria. The body of OSIRIS went ashore at Gebal or
Byblos, sixty miles above Tsur. You will not fail to notice
that in the name of each murderer of Khurum, that of
the Evil God Bal is found. [

Edgar T. Portisch, Tarot Orat Rota Tora, chapter 2, freely available here: and
Referred to by modern Satanists as The Battle of Evermore, the song popularized by Led Zeppelin of 40
years ago or thereabouts. This is really the battle between Yeshua (Jesus Christ) and Lucifer (Satan) at the End of
Days, which we are entering right now. See chapter 20, So finally, and sadly, we come to meet The Usher! in
our free book The Usher of Desecration, which is here:
desecration.html See the sub-heading The Battle of Evermore is About to Begin. Note that the group Led
Zeppelin (dominated by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant) are acknowledged flat-out Satanists. For more
information on this see our book Drumbeat, which is on the DvD / USB, or online here:
Codex Magica, by Texe Marrs p. 238.

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Brian Shaw, of, reveals the following:

1. The Mother was cast down to the ground (Ezekiel 19.10/14)
2. TheDaughter of Zion was also cast down from Heaven to the Earth
(Lamentations Chapter 2)
3. Pharaoh was in the Garden of God before being cast into Hell (Ezekiel
Chapter 31)
4. Pharaoh was raised up out of Hell to be the opponent of Almighty God in the
total plan of resurrection (Romans 9.17)
5. Pharaoh is the Great Dragon revealed in Revelations 20.2 and Ezekiel 29.3
6. Pharaoh is the adulterer referred to in Isaiah 57.3 and John 8.44
7. The Adulterer (Pharaoh) and the Whore (The Mother) share a co-throne in
Hell (Isaiah 57.3 and Jeremiah 13.18)
8. The Female (The Mother) is the dominant individual in the co-throne in hell
(Proverbs 7.24/27)
9. The Mother and Her Daughter are united in purpose (Ezekiel 16.44)
10. The Whore (The Mother) is already judged (Revelations 19.2)
Ezekiel Chapter 19: 10-14
Thy mother [is] like a vine in thy blood, planted by the waters: she was fruitful
and full of branches by reason of many waters.
And she had strong rods for the sceptres of them that bare rule, and her stature
was exalted among the thick branches, and she appeared in her height with the
multitude of her branches.
But she was plucked up in fury, she was cast down to the ground, and the east wind
dried up her fruit: her strong rods were broken and withered; the fire consumed
And now she [is] planted in the wilderness, in a dry and thirsty ground.
And fire is gone out of a rod of her branches, [which] hath devoured her fruit, so
that she hath no strong rod [to be] a sceptre to rule. This [is] a lamentation, and
shall be for a lamentation. (Ezekiel 19: 10-14, KJV)
Lamentations Chapter 2
How hath the Lord covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger, [and]
cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel, and remembered not
his footstool in the day of his anger!
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The Lord hath swallowed up all the habitations of Jacob, and hath not pitied: he
hath thrown down in his wrath the strong holds of the daughter of Judah; he hath
brought [them] down to the ground: he hath polluted the kingdom and the princes
He hath cut off in [his] fierce anger all the horn of Israel: he hath drawn back his
right hand from before the enemy, and he burned against Jacob like a flaming fire,
[which] devoureth round about.
He hath bent his bow like an enemy: he stood with his right hand as an adversary,
and slew all [that were] pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of
Zion: he poured out his fury like fire.
The Lord was as an enemy: he hath swallowed up Israel, he hath swallowed up all
her palaces: he hath destroyed his strong holds, and hath increased in the daughter
of Judah mourning and lamentation.
And he hath violently taken away his tabernacle, as [if it were of] a garden: he hath
destroyed his places of the assembly: the LORD hath caused the solemn feasts and
sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion, and hath despised in the indignation of his anger
the king and the priest.
The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath abhorred his sanctuary, he hath given up
into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces; they have made a noise in the
house of the LORD, as in the day of a solemn feast.
The LORD hath purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion: he hath
stretched out a line, he hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying: therefore he
made the rampart and the wall to lament; they languished together.
Her gates are sunk into the ground; he hath destroyed and broken her bars: her
king and her princes [are] among the Gentiles: the law [is] no [more]; her prophets
also find no vision from the LORD.
The elders of the daughter of Zion sit upon the ground, [and] keep silence: they
have cast up dust upon their heads; they have girded themselves with sackcloth:
the virgins of Jerusalem hang down their heads to the ground.
Mine eyes do fail with tears, my bowels are troubled, my liver is poured upon the
earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people; because the children and
the sucklings swoon in the streets of the city.
They say to their mothers, Where [is] corn and wine? when they swooned as the
wounded in the streets of the city, when their soul was poured out into their
mothers' bosom.
What thing shall I take to witness for thee? what thing shall I liken to thee, O
daughter of Jerusalem? what shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O
virgin daughter of Zion? for thy breach [is] great like the sea: who can heal thee?
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Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee: and they have not
discovered thine iniquity, to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee false
burdens and causes of banishment.
All that pass by clap [their] hands at thee; they hiss and wag their head at the
daughter of Jerusalem, [saying, Is] this the city that [men] call The perfection of
beauty, The joy of the whole earth?
All thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee: they hiss and gnash the
teeth: they say, We have swallowed [her] up: certainly this [is] the day that we
looked for; we have found, we have seen [it].
The LORD hath done [that] which he had devised; he hath fulfilled his word that
he had commanded in the days of old: he hath thrown down, and hath not pitied:
and he hath caused [thine] enemy to rejoice over thee, he hath set up the horn of
thine adversaries.
Their heart cried unto the Lord, O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down
like a river day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thine eye cease.
Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like
water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy
young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street.
Behold, O LORD, and consider to whom thou hast done this. Shall the women eat
their fruit, [and] children of a span long? shall the priest and the prophet be slain
in the sanctuary of the Lord?
The young and the old lie on the ground in the streets: my virgins and my young
men are fallen by the sword; thou hast slain [them] in the day of thine anger; thou
hast killed, [and] not pitied.
Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of
the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and
brought up hath mine enemy consumed. (Lamentations 2:1-22, KJV)
Ezekiel Chapter 31
And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the third [month], in the first [day] of
the month, [that] the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude; Whom art
thou like in thy greatness?
Behold, the Assyrian [was] a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a
shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick
The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with her rivers running
round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees of the field.
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Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field, and his boughs
were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters,
when he shot forth.
All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did
all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all
great nations.
Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by
great waters.
The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his
boughs, and the chesnut trees were not like his branches; nor any tree in the
garden of God was like unto him in his beauty.
I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden,
that [were] in the garden of God, envied him.
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thou hast lifted up thyself in height,
and he hath shot up his top among the thick boughs, and his heart is lifted up in
his height;
I have therefore delivered him into the hand of the mighty one of the heathen; he
shall surely deal with him: I have driven him out for his wickedness.
And strangers, the terrible of the nations, have cut him off, and have left him: upon
the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs are
broken by all the rivers of the land; and all the people of the earth are gone down
from his shadow, and have left him.
Upon his ruin shall all the fowls of the heaven remain, and all the beasts of the field
shall be upon his branches:
To the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves for their height,
neither shoot up their top among the thick boughs, neither their trees stand up in
their height, all that drink water: for they are all delivered unto death, to the nether
parts of the earth, in the midst of the children of men, with them that go down to
the pit.
Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day when he went down to the grave I caused a
mourning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained the floods thereof, and the
great waters were stayed: and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees
of the field fainted for him.
I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to hell
with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best
of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth.
They also went down into hell with him unto [them that be] slain with the sword;
and [they that were] his arm, [that] dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the
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To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? yet
shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the
earth: thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with [them that be] slain by
the sword. This [is] Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel
31: 1-18, KJV)
Romans Chapter 9: 17-18
For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised
thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared
throughout all the earth.
Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will [have mercy], and whom he will he
hardeneth. (Romans 9: 17-18, KJV)
Revelation Chapter 20: 1-3
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit
and a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and
bound him a thousand years,
And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,
that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be
fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. (Revelation 20: 1-3, KJV)

Ezekiel Chapter 29

In the tenth year, in the tenth [month], in the twelfth [day] of the month, the word
of the LORD came unto me, saying,
Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him,
and against all Egypt:
Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I [am] against thee, Pharaoh
king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said,
My river [is] mine own, and I have made [it] for myself.
But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto
thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of
thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales.
And I will leave thee [thrown] into the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy
rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor
gathered: I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the
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And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I [am] the LORD, because they
have been a staff of reed to the house of Israel.
When they took hold of thee by thy hand, thou didst break, and rend all their
shoulder: and when they leaned upon thee, thou brakest, and madest all their loins
to be at a stand.
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut
off man and beast out of thee.
And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I [am]
the LORD: because he hath said, The river [is] mine, and I have made [it].
Behold, therefore I [am] against thee, and against thy rivers, and I will make the
land of Egypt utterly waste [and] desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the
border of Ethiopia.
No foot of man shall pass through it, nor foot of beast shall pass through it, neither
shall it be inhabited forty years.
And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries [that are]
desolate, and her cities among the cities [that are] laid waste shall be desolate forty
years: and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them
through the countries.
Yet thus saith the Lord GOD; At the end of forty years will I gather the Egyptians
from the people whither they were scattered:
And I will bring again the captivity of Egypt, and will cause them to return [into]
the land of Pathros, into the land of their habitation; and they shall be there a base
It shall be the basest of the kingdoms; neither shall it exalt itself any more above
the nations: for I will diminish them, that they shall no more rule over the nations.
And it shall be no more the confidence of the house of Israel, which bringeth
[their] iniquity to remembrance, when they shall look after them: but they shall
know that I [am] the Lord GOD.
And it came to pass in the seven and twentieth year, in the first [month], in the
first [day] of the month, the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
Son of man, Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon caused his army to serve a great
service against Tyrus: every head [was] made bald, and every shoulder [was]
peeled: yet had he no wages, nor his army, for Tyrus, for the service that he had
served against it:
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will give the land of Egypt unto
Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon; and he shall take her multitude, and take her
spoil, and take her prey; and it shall be the wages for his army.
I have given him the land of Egypt [for] his labour wherewith he served against it,
because they wrought for me, saith the Lord GOD.
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In that day will I cause the horn of the house of Israel to bud forth, and I will give
thee the opening of the mouth in the midst of them; and they shall know that I
[am] the LORD. (Ezekiel 29: 1-21, KJV)
Isaiah Chapter 57: 3
But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the
whore. (Isaiah 57: 3, KJV)
John Chapter 8: 44
Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth
in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the
father of it. (John 8: 44, KJV)

It Doesnt Get Any Easier Enter the Committed Athiest, Dorothy M.
Murdock, a.k.a. Acharya Sanning and the Zeitgeist Movement

If all of the above hasnt created great confusion, as it is intended to do (not by us,
though), then along comes DM Murdock (who usually writes under the pen name of
Acharya S) and the movie Zeitgeist! with a whole lot of restored information about the
religion of ancient Egypt. Unfortunately, though, totally wrong conclusions are drawn
from this exciting material.

Archarya's part in the production of Zeitgeist is strictly to peddle her brand of bull-
headed atheism, and the movie itself is nothing but satanic Illuminati propaganda.
This is also to say that D.M. Murdock is nothing other than an Illuminati shill,
promoting a false gospel, which is designed to transition millions of unsuspecting
young people into the New World Religion (which is satanism). However, what she
reveals about the Osiris-Horus-Jesus connection is spot on, as you will learn!

Here are a few statements from her The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the
Historical Jesus Christ, which contains excerpts from her book The Christ Myth
Anthology (

Furthermore, since Horus was evidently called Iusa,
while Osiris was the KRST,

centuries before any Jewish character similarly named, it would be safe to assume that
Jesus Christ is just a repeat of Horus and Osiris, among others. According to Taylor,
the title Christ in its Hebraic form meaning Anointed (Masiah) was held by all kings

Murdock, Christ In Egypt, 321ff.
Murdock, Christ In Egypt, 313ff.
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of Israel, as well as being so commonly assumed by all sorts of impostors, conjurers,
and pretenders to supernatural communications, that the very claim to it is in the
gospel itself considered as an indication of imposture...


Horus's principal enemyoriginally Horus's other face or dark aspectwas Set or
Sata, whence comes Satan.
Horus struggles with Set in a similar manner that Jesus
battles with Satan, with 40 days in the wilderness, among other parallels.
The myth
represents the triumph of light over dark, or the sun's return to relieve the terror of the
night. (p. 20)


Like many biblical characters, Noah is also a myth, long ago appropriated from the
Egyptians, the Sumerians and others, as any sophisticated scholar could demonstrate.
(p. 22)


The so-called Flood of Noah may refer to the annual flooding of the Nilean event
that was incorporated in Egyptian mythology. However, it is also yet another part of
anChrist in Egyptnt mythology. (p. 22)


Additionally, the Esther of the Old Testament Book of Esther appears to be a remake
of the Goddess Ishtar, Astarte, Astoreth or Isis, from whom evidently comes Easter
and about whose long and ubiquitous reign little is said in God's infallible Word. Per
Harwood, Esther is best transliterated Ishtar and Mordechai is Mardukay. (p. 22)

It is no accident that there are 12 patriarchs and 12 disciples, 12 being the number of
the months and astrological signs. Indeed, like the 12 Herculean tasks and the 12
helpers of Horus, Jesus's 12 disciples are symbolic for the zodiacal signs and do not
depict any literal figures who played out a drama upon the earth circa 30 AD/CE.225
Each of the disciples can be shown to correspond to an earlier deity, folkloric hero,
constellation or other figure. (p. 22)


Taylor, Robert, The Diegesis, Abner Kneeland, Boston, 1834, 7.
Murdock, Christ In Egypt, 67ff.
Massey, Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, II, 837.
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For example, Peter can be revealed to be a mythological character, while Judas has
been said to represent Scorpio, the backbiter, the time of year when the sun's rays are
weakening and the sun appears to be dying.

James, brother of Jesus and brother of the Lord, may be equivalent to Amset,
brother of Osiris the Lord. It is interesting to note that, in the Egyptian story from pre-
Christian times, Horus was said to have been killed by Set, in the form of a scorpion.

Massey says that Taht-Matiu was the scribe of the gods, and in Christian art Matthew
is depicted as the scribe of the gods, with an angel standing near him, to dictate the
gospel. (p. 23)



As Walker says, Scholars' efforts to eliminate paganism from the Gospels in order to
find a historical Jesus have proved as hopeless as searching for a core in an onion.

The gospel story of Jesus is not a factual portrayal of a historical master who
walked the earth 2,000 years ago. It is a myth built upon other myths and godmen,
who in turn were personifications of the ubiquitous sun god mythos.

The Christ of the gospels is in no sense an historical personage or a supreme
model of humanity, a hero who strove, and suffered, and failed to save the world
by his death. It is impossible to establish the existence of an historical character
even as an impostor. For such an one the two witnesses, astronomical mythology
and gnosticism, completely prove an alibi. The Christ is a popular lay-figure that
never lived, and a lay-figure of Pagan origin; a lay-figure that was once the Ram
and afterwards the Fish; a lay-figure that in human form was the portrait and
image of a dozen different gods. (Gerald Massey, The Historical Jesus and the
Mythical Christ.) (p. 24)

In her book, Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, Murdock shows that the
origin of Christianity goes much further back in history than what moderns have been
taught to believe on this subject. In fact, it is my contentions that at the Fall, when the
Eternal God reorganized the solar system, he would have provided a faithful guide to
teach mankind how to achieve eternal life, along with all the features of the Plan of
Salvation, including the Sacred Calendar, the monthly New Moon Festivals, and every
aspect required to overcome satan and his evil designs. That guide was Osiris, the
scene of early Christianity is ancient Egypt. It is put down as myth that Osiris was
murdered by his twin brother Seth, and that his son Horus set about his restoration.
D.M. Murdock shows some of the direct comparisons between Horus and Christ, and
they are undoubtedly referring to the same being:
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Horus was born on December 25 (Winter Solstice) in a manger.

He was of royal descent, and his mother was the virgin Isis-Mery.

Horuss birth was announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise

At the age of 12, he was a child teacher in the Temple, and at 30 he was

Horus was baptised by Anup the Baptiser, who was decapitated.

The Egyptian god had 12 companions, helpers or disciples.

Horus performed miracles, exorcised demons and raised Osiris from the

The god walked on water.

Horus was crucified between two thieves.

He (or Osiris) was buried for three days in a tomb and resurrected.

Horus/Osiris was also the Way, the Truth and the Life, Messiah, Word
made flesh, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, the Word made flesh,
the Word of truth, etc.

Horuss personal epithet was Iusa, the ever-becoming son of the Father. He
was called Holy Child, as well as the Anointed One, while Osiris was the

Horus battled with the evil one, Set/Seth.

Horus was to reign for one thousand years.

DM Murdock, as scholarly as she seems to be, totally disappoints me with her
deliberate and consistent use of the word myth whenever she is addressing anything
of ancient significance to do with Set, Horus, or Osiris. For example, no sooner has she
enumerated the previous list of the comparisons between the Horus of ancient Egypt
and the Jesus of the New Testament, in the very next paragraph she used the word
myth no less than seven times, and its not a particularly lengthy paragraph either.
Its almost as if she is driven by some dark agenda to ensure that our old history is

Murdock, D M, Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, Stellar House Publishing, 2009, p. 44. Web
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simply passed off as little more than a vast collection of ancient legends and myths.
Nothing would please the satanic overlords who rule and condition this planet than
that. Its a pity she didnt pay close attention to what Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha
von Deschend has to say about the importance of myth in their fabulous book,
Hamlets Mill.

Philip Coppens, writing in his revealing work, The Canopus Revelation: Stargate of
the Gods and the Ark of Osiris, points out several very salient features concerning the
world of so-called myth and legend:

Our ancestors wrote myths and legendsstories larger than history, which
according to some, were never part of history. The concept of this ancient story-
telling has three levels. The first level is the physical world, within which
the stories of creation were depicted. The life of Jesus is literally carved into the
landscape of Israel. The story of King Arthur is in the British landscapeand in
so many places that it is clear that not all of them can be true historical claims.

This happens in all religions. Although they say God is everywhere, God is
linked particularly with sacred sites, such as churches and temples. This was the
same in ancient times. We will come across these themes and realise that items
of the myths were depicted visibly in the landscape, including concepts such as
voyages into the Underworld, which occurred literally inside the Earth, either in
natural caves or man-made tunnels,. This physical world was divided into three
levels: the heaven, the earth, and the underworld, literally, inside the Earth.

The second level is the sky, with its elements: the stars, planets, the sun and
the moon. We can imagine the fire in the middle of a hot night, the tribe all
gathered, to hear the soap operas of prehistory, with the black canvas of the
night sky acting as the television screen on which the images were projected. All
deities were linked with the sky and the names of the planets, such as Venus,
Mars, etc., are figures of Roman mythology. Here again was a three-fold
division: the visible sky, the horizon, and the underworld, those planets not
visible, below the horizon; that part of the umbrella canopy not visible.
Heliacal risings were interesting in this concept. For a star to rise together with
the Sun meant that they had left the Underworld altogether. Both the Sun and
the star had descended beneath the horizon, and as it was invisible, the old
story-tellers, sitting underneath the night sky and telling their stories, wondered
whether it would ever succeed in its resurrection. When it rose heliacally, it
somehow implied that it had succeeded in its task, together with, if not with the
actual help of the Sun, the supreme deityor at least the representation of that
super god.

The third level was the voyage of the soul in the afterlife. This was
and is the core of religion. [Nazarene Remnant comment: This is a
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nonsense idea that should never have been promoted in the first place, because
in ancient Egypt we have been taught that you only had to worry about the
afterlife when you got there, in other words, when you were dead! Certainly
all religion is about the afterlife, but it is what we do in this life that has all
bearing on whether there will be an afterlife for us! One of the greatest
deceptions and absurdities that has been forced on the human race, about the
religion of the ancient Egyptians, is that only after death could the pharaoh
(and everyone else, by extension) save himself! By then it is too late, as any
normal person would quickly understand. Not only do we read this, we ourselves
have actually come to tolerate, even believe, this stuff to be true! This discussion
is continued in Chapter 3 below, The Fate of the Dead.] In popular
Christianity, we have the story of the soul going into heaven, being confronted at
the gate with St. Peter, who holds the key to Heaven. It is, in fact, mythology
very similar to the events of the Egyptian soul, which also had to pass through
several gates before it was allowed to enter heaven. In Egypt, officially no one
seemed to have doubted the existence of an Afterlife. Anyone knowing the right
answers would be allowed entry into the Afterlife.

In fact, the first and second levels were physical reminders, learned during life,
so that the apprentice would know how to behave, what to expect, what to look
out for on his voyage after death [Nazarene Remnant comment: This is
patent nonsense.] , in an attempt to meet the gods and reside with them for
eternity. As this voyage was deemed perilous, either successful or a failure, with
no second attempts until after the next reincarnation [Nazarene Remnant
comment: There was no reincarnation in the Egyptian religion.], a lot of
emphasis was placed on getting it right the first time around. That was exactly
why the myths, the story of what would happened to the soul in the afterlife,
were depicted on the landscape and inscribed in the stellar pattern of the sky.
They were mnemonic devices to help Mankind learn how to conquer death, what
to expect, and be prepared.

This concept of a physical reminder is not unique to religion. It is used by
people who have to speak in public and, particularly, actors in the theatre.
Francis Yates has actually labelled these techniques the art of memory, in
which specific features in the theatre were re-used as mnemonics, there to aid
the story teller. In Egyptand elsewherethe voyage of the stars, or
particularities or peculiarities in the landscape served as such mnemonic

But at the same time, these stories remained anything but static, as Stuart
McHardy points out: Within oral societies the need for accurate, datable
material was subjugated to the need for stories and tales that could help
preserve the internal cohesion of particular societies. This meant that in some
cases the character of a story could change as long as the meaning of the
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particular tale continued, or was even enhanced by replacing an ancient figure
with a new better known one, for example, a more recent ancestor. In other
words, the story of forbidden love moved through the hands of Shakespeare and
resulted in Romeo and Juliet in the 20
century, it turned into West Side Story.
As Rundell Clark stated: for the Egyptians, mythology was not a collection of
texts, but a language.

But mythology was not the same thing as the telling of tales. It was the
explanation of the universe. This is the most important message: myths existed
to serve a purpose. They were not a purpose in themselves. They were aides.
They were tools. And if they no longer seemed clear or helpful, they had to be
adapted. This is why it is difficult to understand mythology, particularly in the
present age. In a world seeking specific details that are immovable, myths are
probably one of the toughest nuts to crack. Nevertheless, such adaptations to
suit new needs are what Egyptian religion are full ofunsurprisingly, seeing that
it lasted for more than 3,000 years.

This seems to have happened when Atum was substituted by Osiris, who became
substituted by Serapis, who himself, in the form of the resurrecting deity, was
replaced by Jesus Christ. The far-too-easy substitution of pagan religions
realised that the resurrecting deity of Christianity was identical in function to
their deity, and hence that they were able to convey the same message using this
new figure. It had happened before. Why fight it? They realised that there was
no need to fight against the new deity on the block, who could easily be used to
purvey the same century-old, if not millennia-old, message that had been
preached before. We have a parallel in the modern world where companies
regularly change their name: same concept, same product, just a different

Murdock claims she is working for the betterment of humanity, with such pathetic
statements as the following, which comes from her Web site (emphasis added):

Acharya's work exposing religious fundamentalism can help prevent
religious warfare on a global scale. For example, the end times prophetic
ideology where we have Christianity and Islam professing an apocalyptic war
that will destroy 2/3rds of the non-believing human population on Earth in the
name of their religion will be the largest mass genocide in human history.

Acharya's work demonstrates these religious ideas either to be based on myth
or to be faulty, having no basis in reality and, therefore, totally unnecessary.

Coppens, Philip. The Canopus Revelation: Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris, Frontier Publishing,
Adventures Unlimited Press, Enkhuizen, the Netherlands, 2004, pp. 109-111. Emphasis added. The book is
available here and here
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Rather than sitting back and watching this self-fulfilling prophecy become a
reality by using the Bible and the Koran as blueprints, please start sharing
Acharya's work. I strongly feel that helping Acharya is a great way to head-off
this absurd CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY in the name of their god, making
your support part of a vital humanitarian effort.

This is naivety, even stupidity, on a grand scale. And thats being kind! This
woman seem to completely lack the basic understanding of the working out of the
Grand Plan, or of how the whole human race has been deceivedplayed is a better
descriptionby the secret satanic government that rules over this entire Earth. Thats
one side of the battle group, the evil dark side. You can find many of the details of the
Grand Plan,or End-Game, of satan in our freely available work, The Usher of
Desecration, available here:

The other side of the battle group is the force of righteousness, light, and
redemption, which will not show its superior hand until near the very end
of this age, which is upon us right now. We are in a war that D M Murdock knows
little about, or has been paid to turn a blind eye to. Its the war of all wars. Its not a
war between Christianity (which in its modern guise is actually a form of satanism
anyway, since satan has subverted all the churches, except the Nazarene Remnant
Church of God) and Islam (which has always been closer to the truth than
Christianity, but contains deadly eveil elements, e.g. sharia law, which is satanic in
origin and intent) as she have been deceived into thinking is the case. Thats a set up.
To think that she has consigned all this valuable work of hers, and I will gladly
acknowledge that (minus her deeply flawed atheistic conclusions), which she spent
years gathering, and then label it all as being based on myth or to be faulty, having no
basis in reality and, therefore, totally unnecessary, is an absurdity, even a gross act
of insanity. After all, who spends all their life digging up a phantom that doesnt
exist, and then tries to sell it to the world? What could be the motive for such an act?
The truth of the matter is that the final clash is totally necessary, and has been the
intent from the very beginning!

Here is a list of Acharyas books, but by all means become very discerning about the
poison and the nourishment they contain:

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold - ISBN 0932813747
(Written under her pen name, Acharya S)
Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled - ISBN 1931882312 (Written
under her pen name, Acharya S)
Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ - ISBN 0979963109 (Written under
her name, D.M. Murdock)

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection - ISBN: 0979963117 (Written
under her name, D.M. Murdock)
The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1 (ebook) (Written under her pen name,
Acharya S)
2010 Astrotheology Calendar (Written under her pen name, Acharya S)
Acharya's Videos
Zeitgeist Part 1 Evidence and Sources (Written under her pen name, Acharya S)

Now letss turn to the movie Zeitgeist.
Here is how D M Murdock describes the
arrival on the world scene of this movie,
which she has been closely associated

Chockfull of controversial,
nerve-jarring themes, in 2007 the
hit viral movie phenomenon
Zeitgeist was zinging around the
internet at break-neck speed,
receiving upwards of a million
views per month. Needless to say,
these various controversial
themes, focusing on religious,
political and financial

conspiracies aimed at the common people, have become the subject of a great
deal of debate.In fact, Part 1, which deals with religious conspiracy, indicting
Christianity in particular of being a remake of ancient pre-Christian religions
and myths, has caused a tremendous amount of furor in many forums.
Naturally, as one of the sources of the material in Part 1, my work too has
received interest by those intrigued by the suggestion that important motifs
found in our modern religions have been around a very long time and have
been incorporated into these religions, rather than the latter constituting
unique, divine revelation. Over the centuries, in fact, it has been the
contention of numerous scholars and researchers of comparative religion and
mythology that one of the major influences on the Christian religion was that of
ancient Egypt, as highlighted in Zeitgeist. Because of this fact of Zeitgeist
emphasizing the Egyptian religion, in this Companion Guide ebook, I will deal
almost exclusively with some of the evident parallels between the Egyptian and
Christian myths and rituals. A fuller treatment of the other aspects of Zeitgeist,
Part 1, may be found in a forthcoming longer work on the subject. In the
meantime, interested parties should consult my books The Christ Conspiracy:
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The Greatest Story Ever Sold and Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ

However, as the television salesman shouts, theres still more to come, with the story
of the religious movements of the Last Days, that also indeed is what you should
expect. Now we have the arrival on the world scene of the False Elijah, (most people
who study the Bible have always considered the Pope to be the false prophet!) in the
person of Claude Rael (his name is taken from Israel, minus the IS bit), and you can
read what hes claiming in our article Beware the Raelian Movement is Satanic, here:

Actually, its not true to say that Claude Rael arrived on the world scene now. He was
born in 1946, which is also my birth year, and his Raelian Movement actually started
in 1975! So, not only do the Illuminati have a False Messiah waiting in the wings (and
we know who that is, dont we?
), they also have a False Prophet who began his
mission in 1975!

But lets get back to DM Murdock and the connection to the Zeitgeist Movement! In
their book The Zeitgeist Movement - Observations And Responses: Activist
Orientation Guide,
by Peter Joseph, Roxanne Meadows, and Jacque Fresco (Jacque
Fresco is the leader of the Zeitgeist Movement),

Here is a brief sampling of the doctrine the Zeitgeist Movement wishes to teach to the
world (references are to the book The Zeitgeist Movement - Observations And
Responses: Activist Orientation Guide):

it can be difficult and even painful for a person to revise or remove
the cherished understandings which they have considered true for long
periods of time. pp. 2-3

If nature has taught us only one thing, it is that the only constant is
change [Nazarene Remnant comment: See Malachi 3: 6: For I [am] the
LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed; and
Proverbs 24: 21 My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: [and]
meddle not with them that are given to change:]. There is no such thing

Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, 2009, p. 1. Available here:
In case you dont know, its Prince Charles. Read more about this in What the Study of History Should Have
Been, The Warning of the Last Days, and the Sinister Garden at Highgrove. Also keep track of his rapidly
accelerating downward path in our freely available newsletter, Last Days Watch, available here:
The Zeitgeist Movement - Observations And Responses: Activist Orientation Guide, by Peter Joseph, Roxanne
Meadows, and Jacque Fresco, The Zeitgeist Movement, February 2009. The Zeitgeist Movement is the activist
arm of The Venus Project , which constitutes the life long work of industrial designer and social engineer, Jacque
Fresco. Available from:,
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as a Utopia. [Nazarene Remnant comment: See Revelation 2: 7: He
that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To
him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the
midst of the paradise of God.] Therefore, in order for us to grow
productively as a species, we need to become experts at changing our
minds about anything and everything. If you choose to approach this
material with a conscious attempt at being open minded and objective,
we feel the ideas expressed here will realign your vision of the world,
yourself, and the future of our human family in a way that is the most
productive, humane and effective. p. 3

Natural Law 2: The only constant is change and human understandings
are always in transition. There is no evidence to support the idea that
anything we think is true today will maintain its integrity tomorrow.
And yes, paradoxically, this goes for everything you are reading here.
While certain observed natural phenomena may seem near empirical
based on current scientific evidence, the specifics of each notion will
always be altered, for our tools and methods of analysis and
measurement are always changing and hopefully, improving.

In the words of C.J. Keyser: Absolute certainty is a privilege of
uneducated minds and fanatics. (Fresco and Keyes, Looking Forward ,
Barnes, 1969, p. 62) pp. 35-36.

Everything we think and know are only probabilities and with modern
methods of analysis, which have proven to have proactive benefits to
society over long periods of time, we can now weigh our understandings
and beliefs on a sliding scale, ranging from least probable to most
probable, based not on human opinion or subjectivity, but on concrete
feedback responses from the natural world. p. 36.

In this section, we are going to discuss The Venus Project. The Venus
Project, which constitutes the life long work of social engineer and
structural designer Jacque Fresco, is an organization that wants
nothing less than a peaceful and sustainable global
civilization. It seeks to update society to present day knowledge and
modern methods. Its tenets are essentially based on the application of
Science and Technology for human and social concern. The social
structure it advocates is called a Resource- Based Economy. p. 47.

Human behavior is a product of the environment. Genetic components,
which manifest in physiological traits, serve only to create propensities
for certain reactions. Therefore, since it is the environment that
influences our behavior itself, if we find patterns of behavior in our
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society that are socially offensive and abusive, we should look to the
environment to figure out why those behaviors manifest to begin with.
The legal system today is a massive social distortion that does not take
into account the environmental influences of a supposed criminal. In a
Resource-Based Economy, where scarcity and deprivation are
deliberately reduced through modern technological methods, the
behavior of society will change dramatically for the better. p. 77.

The Religious Ideal

Nearly all religions of the world talk about certain ideal values for

Christianity: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Buddhism: Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill
nor cause another to kill.

Confucianism: Never impose on others what you would not choose
for yourself.

Hinduism: One should never do that to another which one regards as
injurious to one's own self.

Islam: Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.

Judaism: The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of
your citizens; you shall love him as yourself.

Taoism: Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your
neighbor's loss as your own loss.

Regardless of these notions, one glance at society today makes one
wonder why the ideal of universally valuing and respecting your fellow
human being has never taken root. It was the Jesus character who said:
Love thy neighbor as thy self. But how? How can we have a society
where people live together in harmony, working for the common good ,
as the religious ideals promote?

The answer is that it is up to us to design a system that
allows for those humane ideals to flourish.

Today's self interested, money oriented society creates an environment
that refuses to allow for the universal caring of another. This system is
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based on the perpetuation of oneself, at the expense of others , and
therefore it can never allow for a world of balance and harmony.

The fact is, it is time to stop praying, stop wishing and stop blindly
talking about our supposed humanistic and religious ideals and
actually work to make them happen! (pp. 78-79)

It is time we stop pontificating and providing lip service to those
spiritual values which religious and secular philosophers have been
discussing for millennia and finally put them into practice. While there
are endless scientific and superstitious opinions about who we are and
where we have come from, the most important issue at hand exists in
the here and now. In view of the terrible suffering and questionable
future of the human race, worrying about if god created the universe, or
if we were created by extraterrestrials [Nazarene Remnant comment:
This is the teaching of the satanic Raelian Movement, briefly mentioned
above], or even if we are a product of evolution and celestial matter, is
meaningless . Big Bang or no Big Bang it doesn't change the problems
we have now.

We cannot wait for some divine revelation or some 'great man' to guide
us. We must realize that we are on our own on this planet [Nazarene
Remnant comment: Let your] conversation [be] without
covetousness; [and be] content with such things as ye have: for he hath
said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)] and it is
up to us to change the world for the better. Science is the tool for this
functional spirituality and if we work to apply its method for the
betterment of civilization itself, we can reach the spiritual goals we have
sought since antiquity. (pp. 79-80)

Timothy, from Norfolk, Virginia, United States, tells us more about the movie Zeitgeist
on his blog article, The Truth Will Come Out, available here:

For a 2011 update on later versions of Zeitgeist movies, see the article:

New Age Communism: The Zeitgeist Agenda

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By Timothy
July 29, 2008

The movie Zeitgeist is becoming very popular in the alternative media. The atheists
and anti-religious crowd especially love the film since the film hates the
views of religious belief. Frankly, religious people made more contributions (Just
look to William Tyndale, William Wilberforce, George Washington Carver, and others)
to society than any atheist did at all. Also, there is nothing wrong with believing in God
or a Supreme Being who created the Universe. I think it's a disgrace to the real patriot
movement. The reason is that many real Patriots believe in God. This film using
divisive tactics (the same tactics the new world order crowd does) in intimidating
people who sincerely believe in God. Additionally, it's a movie using half truths and
lies to get their points across. Lies will never be effective in waking up individuals
about the new world order and the problems in our society. Zeitgeist is accurate on
some topics. The film is right that the Federal Reserve is a private banking system that
devalues our currency and control our economic system. Zeitgeist is correct to point
out the nefarious history of the Vatican. The Vatican has been complicit in the
Crusades, the Inquistion, the murder of the saints, the murder of innocent Jewish
people, the invention of the modern slave trade, and other degenerate events. Today,
The Vatican/Jesuit network has huge power via the Knights of Malta (who were caught
in the Ratline which allowed Nazis to escape justice), Opus Dei, the Knights of
Columbus, the Constantnian Order, etc. Romanism has 1.1 billion members making it
the most powerful religious group in the world. Paganism is easily found in Romanism
from Halloween, Easter, to the holiday of Christmas. Some even in the alternative
media refuse to discuss these issues for some reason. The film is right that world
leaders have called for a new world order and an one world government (like David
Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Walter Cronkite, and Henry Kissinger). They rightfully
expose the SPP or the Security and Prosperity Partnership which is apart of a North
American Union agenda. Even ex-President Vicente Fox endorsed a North American
union and a single North American currency in a long term goal to be similar to the
European Union. I saw him on TV and on Youtube admitting to this. Therefore, many
leaders seek this wicked globalization in the world. Many leaders have promoted
global government for a long time.

Here's examples of the inaccuracies in Zeitgeist. The film is notorious assault
against Christianity. Beit Shalom Ministries outlined a popular film exposing "Zeitgeist
called Zeitgeist: Spirit of the Age Refuted." The film was narrated by Michael Worsley.
Zeitgeist believes that Christianity was created for social control. Is this true? The
answer is no. The reason is that Christianity was not created by political elites. In the
Book of John, the Bible calls Satan as the temporary ruler of this world. Also, Peter
said to Obey God rather than man. Early Christians were harshly persecuted in the
times of the ancient Roman Empire and throughout the history of the past 2,000
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years. Also, the Bible forbids taking the Mark of the Beast in the Book of Revelations.
This mark is part of social control instituted by the Last Day Antichrist government
system. This mark looks similar to the Verichip microchip. Therefore, real Christianity
isn't about unlimited government submission or social control. Real Christians follow
God not man or his social control mechanisms. The Bible has been exploited by
political elites before though like the FEMA plan to use pastors to submit to the
government (i.e. to be pacified) in times of martial law. FEMA wants the pastors to do
what FEMA wants. Some sources are promoted in Zeitgeist Part 1 that are either
biased (or false) or blatantly pro-new world order. Many of these sources are used
more than once.

DM Murdock is a source and this is a code name for Acharya S (a woman who is a
known Christ-hater). Achraya S believes that the story of Jesus Christ is a rehash of
stories about solar deities in Ancient Egypt especially. Druid and Egyptologist Gerald
Massey is another source there as well. Atheist John Allegro wrote a book about the
Mushroom that suggests similar ideas about early Christians using illicit drugs.
Historical scholars criticized him as his views based on false theology. The creators of
Zeitgeist use the source of Theosophist HP Blavatsky. Blavatsky blatantly promote
ideas about the New Age and the New World Order. Her book The Secret Doctrine
influenced the Nazis. The Secret Doctrine is her book where she praised Lucifer and
Satan. HP Blavatsky is quoted as writing that: "...And now it stands proven that Satan
or the Red Fiery Dragon, the Lord of Phosphorus..and Lucifer or Light Bearer is in is our mind [our] Redeemer, our intelligent liberator and Saviour form pure
animalism..." ( HP Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2, The Theosophical University
Edition, pp. 513). Gerald Massey wrote for the Theosophical magazine entitled
"Lucifer." Also, Theosophist Alice Bailey wrote in favor of the endgame of some Secret
Societies in desiring a world government plus a world economy. Why would this movie
give credence to a Theosophist when they are league with globalism? It could only be
that Zeitgeist embrace disinformation.

[Nazarene Remnant comment: This next rather long paragraph contains much
error, and is very typical of what many modern-day Christians believe about ancient
Egypt, specifically the two personages Horus and Osiris. A correct understanding of
these two vitally important beings is necessary for your very salvation, for they
represent the two aspects of the Holy Spirit, the Birthright Holy Spirit, and the Sceptre
Holy Spirit. The satanic agenda has always been to take over the true symbols and
personages of history, and claim them as their own. This way the ignorant masses will
automatically come to false conclusions about them, such as we see here. So keep your
wits about you as you read Timothys paragraph.] It's interesting to note that the 3
sources of Goodfrey Higgins, Manly P. Hall (a proponet of the plot of exploiting
America to form a New Atlantis then world democracies in an utopia), and Albert
Churchward are all Freemasons. Notice how Zeitgeist doesn't expose Freemasonry as a
tool of the New World Order at all. Usually the film refuses to offer other points of
view on religion but one anti-religion mindset. Usually, unbaised films show many
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views not just one on an issue. They even cite George Carlin to mock religion and God,
but a using a comedian to ridicule religion as an argument is a fallacious attempt to
make sense of their arguments. Zeitgeist teaches that the Gospels are based on
astrology. The truth is that Virgo is not similar to Mary in its cosmology at all. Also, the
existence of Bethlehem is real and is documented by Josephus. JB Hennessy writes of
Bethlehem being inhabited since the Iron Age period and before that time. Achraya S
believes that the 12 disciples were based on the 12 characters of the Zodiac. The truth
is that Moses is never identified as a Ram. Achraya S claims that Jesus will bring in the
Age of Aquarius, but that age will never come until the year of 2150. She claims that
Jesus is the Lamb and the Ram, but Jesus was never identified as a Ram. Also, A Ram
is never a Shepherd at all. The pattern of these liars is that they use animals symbols to
attempt to connect with Christianity, but in essence they outline non-sequitors. In
other words, skeptics just connect items without evidence of astrological links. Not to
mention, that the prophet Isaiah in the Bible condemns astrology and using the stars
for mystical purposes in Isaiah 47:13-14. God condemns the worship of the sun, stars,
and planets. The biggest claim of the film Zeitgeist is that it believes that Jesus Christ
is a pagan myth. The Apostle Paul in Colossians 2:8 condemned the traditions of men.
The film claims that Horus was born in December 25th, it was from a virgin, 3 Kings
saw him, he was a teacher at 12, he was baptized, Horus performed miracles, called the
Son of God, resurrected after 3 days. The truth is that no original ancient Egyptian
sources promote these claims of Horus. In the Egyptian myth, Osiris was murdered by
his jealous brother named Seth. The Horus is a complex character and many gods were
known as Horus. Once, Horus was viewed as bird. Later, he was seen as a child in the
arms of Isis, her mother. Isis wasn't a virgin and Osiris wasn't resurrected since he was
relegated to the world of the Dead. Horus avenged the death of her father Osiris'
death. Horus was called the son of Ra as well. Horus' birth wasn't accompanied by a
star in the east, Horus didn't have 12 disciples, and Horus wan't even crucified. Also,
no biblical reference exists of Jesus Christ being born in December 25th at all. The film
Zeitgeist talks about the 3 wise men meeting Jesus Christ as a baby, but the Bible don't
cite 3 wise men at all. The Bible only cites a group of wise men. These pagan myths
change constantly, but God in Malachi 3:6 says that: "....I am the Lord, I change not..."
Hebrews 13:8 show the same thing about Jesus Christ.

According to Charlie Campbell the story of Attis rising from the death wasn't
mentioned until after 150 A.D., which was long after the time of Jesus. Even Attis was
reborn from a tree and not resurrected from a tomb at all. The film clams that Krishna
is similar to Jesus Christ being of a virgin birth, having a star in the east, etc. The truth
is that Krishna wasn't birth of a virgin birth. Krishna had no star in the East, but
Krishna fought monsters. Krishna was murdered at his heel by an arrow according to
Dr Edwin Bryant (he's a scholar of Hinduism, Ph.D. in Indic languages and cultures,
and Professor of Hinduism at Rutgers University). Dr. Bryant denies Krishna was
crucified at all. Some view Jesus as a rehash of Mithras but that is false as well.
Mithras was born from a rock, he didn't experience the Virgin Birth, he never
performed miracle, he wasn't crucified, and Mithras wasn't resurrected from the dead
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at all. Therefore, Jesus Christ isnt Mithras or a rehash of it. Then there was Mithras
and Sunday. Yet, Jewish people and even Jesus celebrated the Sabbath on Saturday.
Christians celebrated God in worship daily (which includes Saturday and Sunday.
There is nothing wrong with worshipping God on any day of the week). (Acs 2:46-47).
Claims of Christianity being a rehash of the ancient Mysteries are opposed by many
experts. The narrator of Zeitgiest says that Achraya S is right to point that an
inscription in Luxor, Egypt outlines the birth and life similar to Jesus. The Luxor
inscription oulines the Queen of Egypt and sex not necessary Isis. It has state officials
and not Kings. An Atheist Richard Carrier disputes the Luxor claim made by Zeitgeist.

Tacticus from 112 A.D. describe Jesus Christ as murdered under the procurator
Pontius Pilate. He called Jesus' doctrines as spreading as far as Rome. Lucian who was
a Greek satirist outline Christians and outline Jesus as crucified. The Roman Historian
Suetonius (who lived from 69 to 122 A.D.) wrote that: "He banished the Jews from
Rome who were continually making disturbances, Chrestus being their leader," This
statement confirms the exile of Jews from Israel in the 40's A.D. from the Book of Acts.
Thallus in 52 A.D. wrote an eclipse of the sun which some view as the season of the
Paschal full moon when Jesus Christ was crucified. Dr. Ronald Nash from his book
"The Gospel and the Greeks: Did the New Testament Borrow from Pagan Thoughts?"
writes that: "...The conception that the god dies and is resurrected in order to lead his
faithful to eternal life is represented in no Hellenistic mystery religion." Hence,
Christianity being a rehash of the Mystery Religions are refuted. Zeitgeist is hiding
their hatred of not only Christainity but any belief in God. 1 John 2:22 and 1 Timothy
4:1-3 are Bible verses about this issues as well.

*In essence, the film Zeitgeist promote the interests of the New World
Order. The reason is that they want to bash religion when real religious freedom is a
threat to the Elite. They believe in wanting to destroy religion to form a new society.
They even accept Greenpeace when many Greens are co-opted by the Club of Rome
and the WWF (Both controlled or related to the Bilderberg Group and
internationalists). They approve of occultist Helena Blavatsky when she embraced
extremists views on races, etc. It's a disinformation film that won't even
expose Secret Societies like the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Skulls
and Bones. The destruction of mainstream religion to promote a new order in the
world is exactly what numerous elitists want. Zeitgeist follows the exact goals and
plans of the people they supposedly condemn. Zeitgiest II's trailer (the 2nd edition
comes in October of 2008) admitted that they want to change human
conscienceness. They refuse to expose the New Age Movement being apart of the
New World Order agenda (as promoted by the elite), because their views are blatantly
pro-New Age.

Before we leave D.M. Murdock, which we believe to have been positioned as a
contemporary Alice Bailey, for the purposes of the final religious deception that is

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being planned by the forces of darkness on this planet. Lyndon LaRouche, as we do,
identifies this dark sinister enemy as the most evil machine ever developed,
the Black Guelph ruling elite of Britain.
In case you dont know who these
people are, they are the British Royal family, the House of Windsor, who long ago
changed their name from Guelph to Windsor to hide their true origins. Thats Queen
Elizabeth II, Prince Philip (the Greek King), and Prince Charles, Prince William, and
Prince Harry, in fact the whole crowd of them! With that said, you may like to see our
free book, Alice Bailey and the Wiles of Satan, which is freely available here:

So, what have we got with all this?

Not Only Were We Deceived, But
We Became Deceivers As Well

Im sure you experience the same indoctrination and frustration as I did with all
this confusing and conflicting material! It was not until I pursued my interests in
religion, ancient and modern history, as an independent seeker of the truth, many
years laterand well away from the lying halls of academia (especially Egyptology),
and any church group on earth, I might addthat it became very clear what has been
done to all of us. What I gradually discoveredsee What the Study of History Should
Have Beenwas that most, if not all, of our history has been deliberately written to
obscure and hide the truth, and this process continues on unabated to this day in every
In fact, in my country, Australia, the powers of darkness in charge of the
education system here are in the process of ensuring that an already false historical
account is going to become even worse. All I can say is if you want to get your life in
order, make sure that you get your historical education, your moral education, and in
fact anything to do with the important issues of life, from anywhere and anyone but
the public and private school system (and this definitely includes the college and
university system as well). In short, look at home-schooling your children, and start
realizing the dangers represented by a well-qualified school teacher who has been
totally indoctrinatedplayed would be a better wordinto teaching the lies they are
highly paidbribed would be a better wordto teach. And of course the best
indoctrination into lies starts in the public and private education system, and is
finished off in the teachers colleges and universities of the planet, which is the system
that actually maintains its moral degradation. And if, by the way, you finally come to
understand what is meant when I say that the prototype is a school teacher,
you will
be on the right track to understanding the game plan of the enemy.

Lyndon LaRouche, The Secrets Known Only To The Inner Elites, available here:
Explain in Reading 7: The Age of Lying and Deception, in The Warning of the Last Days.
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Not only were we deceived, but we became deceivers as well, and deceiving of all
others when we passed these lies onto them without further thought or deeper study. 2
Titus 3: 13 informs us But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
deceiving, and being deceived. Most of us have not been evil-intentioned in blowing
up these lies into the accepted beliefs of the age. What we have done, though, is to
be naive, and stupid, in that we have accepted these lies without at first proving them
one way or the other. And of course a teacher who discovers he or she has been duped
from the beginning, and then tries to teach the truth in the degraded educational
institutions of the world, is soon given such rough treatment by the powers that be, of
that system, that they are soon forced to leave and find employment elsewhere.
Returning to the original religious system of ancient Egypt, did you know that the
early Church had many important connections with ancient Egypt, as Philip Coppens
writes about here:

It should therefore not come as a surprise that so many of us try to grasp an
understanding of the ancient Egyptian gods, but seldom can or do. From
exploded planets to stars in the sky, all our modern explanations fail to capture
the essence of their religion. In the Luxor museum, there is a depiction of a female
deity gently embracing the pharaoh, patting him on the back. The scene is
emotional, depicting the love of the goddess for the pharaoh, who is depicted as
being guided, taught by the goddess herself in his task and role of pharaoh. The
Egyptians considered their gods to be nearby, and living; they are not a distant
god, unreachable by Mankind. They are gentle, guiding principles. The gods are
on intimate terms with the priests and kings, and are treated in many aspects as
living beings. Amun's living quarters could not be too warm, hence the ancient
Egyptians installed an elaborate ventilation system. Though this might sound
absurd to the modern mind, it is obviously our own fault we can't understand the
ancient Egyptian mind. This is, perhaps, also the main reason why explanations
of the Egyptian religion and its civilisation as a development of the shamanic
religion, which also allowed for intimate contact between Man and the deities, is
rarely done, and why theories of lost technological civilisation, which are literally
untouchable and therefore far off, and ancient astronauts, whereby the gods are
by default no longer present either, so popular these days. This is why when we
look at an ancient Egyptian temple, we see one man using high technological
utilities, rather than a group of men lovingly cutting away, to create something
for their guiding principles.
Did it all die? And when? It is in Southern Egypt that one is confronted the
most with how Christianity and the ancient Egyptian temples go hand in hand.
Edfu, Kom Ombo, Philae, Luxor, certain tombs in the Valley of the Kings, all of
these were used by the Christians as places of worship. In many, the visual traces
of their presence can still be found, mostly in the form of crosses or scenes of the
Last Supper. The central place of worship of the ancient Egyptian religion
became the central place of worship for the new Christian religion. As this
occurred so often throughout Southern Egypt, perhaps one should be inclined not
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to classify this as a mere coincidence but perhaps ponder the notion that
Christianity indeed descended from Egyptian origins, as some scholars and
authors now argue. In Philae the worship of Isis and Osiris continued until the
5th century AD. Less than a century later, Christian crosses were inscribed on the
walls of that temple, the temple now inhabited by Christians and used for their
rituals. It seems a very smooth transition from the one to the other religion, with
Isis and Horus being replaced by the Virgin Mary and Jesus the Divine Child.
Different names, but the same concept.

The Alexandrian philosopher Philo (30BC - 45 AD) would seem to bear this out.
The Egyptian city of Alexander was one of the predominantly intellectual centres of the
first Century world, and early Christianity thrived there. Philo also informed us that
early Christianity knew about the Celestial and the Human Messiah as well. And that
old authority on ancient Egypt, James Henry Breasted, has made it clear that the
latter religion of ancient Egypt bore no similarity to the original, which
has been lost, or so he insisted.
And did you know that in 1895 Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (18571934),
Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum, published a full
edition of The Book of the Dead. In this book Budge presents us with this striking
information, which I bet you werent taught, about the God of the ancient Egyptians:

From the attributes of God set forth in Egyptian texts of all periods, Dr.
Brugsch, de Roug, and other eminent Egyptologists have come to the opinion
that the dwellers in the Nile valley, from the earliest times, knew and
worshipped one God, nameless, incomprehensible, and eternal. In
1860 de Roug wrote:

"The unity of a supreme and self-existent being, his eternity, his
almightiness, and external reproduction thereby as God; the attributing of the
creation of the world and of all living beings to this supreme God; the
immortality of the soul, completed by the dogma of punishments and rewards:
such is the sublime and persistent base which, notwithstanding all deviations
and all mythological embellishments, must secure for the beliefs of the ancient
Egyptians a most honourable place among the religions of antiquity." Nine
years later he developed this view, and discussed the difficulty of reconciling
the belief in the unity of God with the polytheism which existed in Egypt from
the earliest times, and he repeated his conviction that the Egyptians believed in
a self-existent God who was One Being, who had created man, and who had
endowed him with an immortal soul. In fact, de Roug amplifies what
Champollion-Figeac (relying upon his brother's information) wrote in 1839:
"The Egyptian religion is a pure monotheism, which manifested itself
externally by a symbolic polytheism." M. Pierret adopts the view that the texts
show us that the Egyptians believed in One infinite and eternal God who was

Philip Coppens, The North-South Divide: the Mirror of Egypt,
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without a second, and he repeats Champollion's dictum. But the most recent
supporter of the monotheistic theory is Dr. Brugsch, who has collected a
number of striking passages from the texts. From these passages we may select
the following:

God is one and alone, and none other existeth with Him--God is the
One, the One who hath made all things--God is a spirit, a hidden spirit, the
spirit of spirits, the great spirit of the Egyptians, the divine spirit--God is from
the beginning, and He hath been from the beginning, He hath existed from old
and was when nothing else had being. He existed when nothing else existed,
and what existeth He created after He had come into being, He is the Father of
beginnings--God is the eternal One, He is eternal and infinite and endureth for
ever and aye--God is hidden and no man knoweth His form. No man hath been
able to seek out His likeness; He is hidden to gods and men, and He is a
mystery unto His creatures. No man knoweth how to know Him--His name
remaineth hidden; His name is a mystery unto His children. His names are
innumerable, they are manifold and none knoweth their number--God is truth
and He liveth by truth and He feedeth thereon. He is the king of truth, and He
hath stablished the earth thereupon--God is life and through Him only man
liveth. He giveth life to man, He breatheth the breath of life into his nostrils--
God is father and mother, the father of fathers, and the mother of mothers. He
begetteth, but was never begotten; He produceth, but was never produced; He
begat himself and produced himself. He createth, but was never created; He is
the maker of his own form, and the fashioner of His own body--God Himself is
existence, He endureth without increase or diminution, He multiplieth Himself
millions of times, and He is manifold in forms and in members--God hath
made the universe, and He hath created all that therein is; He is the Creator of
what is in this world, and of what was, of what is, and of what shall be. He is
the Creator of the heavens, and of the earth, and of the deep, and of the water,
and of the mountains. God hath stretched out the heavens and founded the
earth-What His heart conceived straightway came to pass, and when He hath
spoken, it cometh to pass and endureth for ever--God is the father of the gods;
He fashioned men and formed the gods--God is merciful unto those who
reverence Him, and He heareth him that calleth upon Him. God knoweth him
that acknowledgeth Him, He rewardeth him that serveth Him, and He
protecteth him that followeth Him.

And in Budges Egyptian Religion: Ideas of the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, we have
the following:

A study of ancient Egyptian religious texts will convince the reader that
the Egyptians believed in One God, who was self-existent, immortal,

Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis, The Book Of The Dead, The Papyrus Of Ani, 1895, my copy from
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invisible, eternal, omniscient, almighty, and inscrutable; the creator of the sky
and the sea, men and women, animals and birds, fish and creeping things,
trees and plants, and the incorporeal beings who were the messengers wish and

this sublime idea was never lost sight of; on the contrary, it is reproduced
in the religious literature of all periods.

And here is more from Budge

... the Egyptians possessed, some six thousand years ago, a religion and a
system of morality which, when stripped of all corrupt accretions, stand second
to none among those which have been developed by the greatest nations of the

Children were also a very important part of ancient Egyptian culture:

Children were very important to the ancient Egyptian family. A woman who
produced many children was respected in the community, and children were
expected to look after their parents in their old ageit was their duty. If a couple
could not have children, then they could adopt them. Because many women died in
childbirth (as it was quite dangerous), there were often orphans who would be glad
to be accepted into a family that wanted them.

The great central idea of the Egyptian religion, which was ancient Christianity, was
the resurrection of the dead: The resurrection was the object of every formula, every
text, every ceremony of Egyptian life. Toward that one end the whole of this
formidable religion tendedand in that one area all inconsistencies bury
Along with the resurrection was the idea of immortality given to those
who are judged worthy in the weighing of the heart ceremony in the great Hall of
Maat. This idea existed unchanged for thousands of years, and formed the pivot upon
which the religious and social life of the ancient Egyptians actually turned. From the
beginning to the end of his life the Egyptians chief thought was of the life beyond the
grave [and] absorbed the best thoughts of his mind and a large share of his worldly

Closely associated with the resurrection of the dead was the Egyptians
extraordinary solar monotheism and devotionoriginallyto the One True God.
Woven into this sacred fabric was a commanding moral stature that would turn most
modern people on their heads.

Budge, E A Wallis, Egyptian Religion: Ideas of the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, Gramercy Books, New York,
1959, pp. 17-18.
Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 12.
Clayton, Peter, Family Life in Ancient Egypt, Wayland Publishers, Sussex, England, 1995, p. 13.
Budge, Egyptian Religion, pp. 6-7.
Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 10.
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Budge also informs us clearly that the moral doctrine of the ancient Egyptians was
very comprehensive
indeed, and in fact constitute a full declaration of the nine
major commandments. In fact the only commandment missing is the one to keep the
weekly Sabbath, a fact that is easily explained by knowing that the Sceptre Holy Spirit
was not to be bestowed on any human until after the Passover sacrifice of the Messiah,
who is Jesus Christ. This declaration is far more comprehensive and exact than
anything taught in the modern world, and nowhere in the ancient Egyptian texts will
you find the foolish lie that the law has been done away with. You can find the details
of the moral doctrine of the ancient Egyptians in the final longish section of chapter 3,
The Fate of the Dead.
Unfortunately Budge, and a host of other researchers as well, have not properly
identified the Sun god of the ancient Egyptians, who they called R (or Re).
Budge proclaims:

The noblest manifestation of the one almighty, invisible God was R, the sun
god. In his shadow thronged bewildering orders and hierarchies of lesser gods,
some feeble indeed, but one of them practically Rs equal. This was Osiris, the god
of the resurrection, who having suffered death and mutilation, rose again to
become king of the underworld and judge of the dead. A god who had suffered as a
man, he received the Egyptians torrential prayers that the body might not decay
after death.
After death and mummification, mans soul passed through the dreaded ordeal
of judgment, from whichif he had lived virtuously and recited his prayers and
confessions correctlyhe would pass into the delights of the well-watered green
fields of the underworld. I have snared feathered fowl and fed upon the finest of
them, he could then rejoice. I have seen Osiris, my father, and I have glazed upon
my mother, and I have made love I am led into celestial regions, and I make the
things of earth flourish; and there is joy of heart I have tied up my boat in the
celestial lakes I have recited the prescribed words with my voice, and I have
ascribed praises unto the gods.

When I say that R, the Sun god of the ancient Egyptians, has not been properly
identified, I mean simply that these early writers have no true idea that R is actually a
symbol for the Messiah when He walked as a truly human man in the Holy Land
during what is called His first advent. Because we, as true Nazarenes, are His
followers, we must do what He did, so that we too can become true sons of the One
True God, whom no man has ever seen. Our sun is the symbol of having been born
again through the purification from all sin, via the Birthright Holy Spirit (which in
ancient Egypt is personified as Isis), which is the process implicit in the keeping of the
monthly New Mon Festivals. When Jesus was murdered He rose again on the third day
and rejoined with His Father as an angel once again. Not just any angel, mind you, but
the greatest of them all, for it was He who was the Angel of the Presence of God in Old

Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 160.
Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 6.
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Testament times, as well as the great archangel, Michael. Resurrected as an angel
once again, R has now transformed back into the celestial Osiris. Michael
Baigent fills in the gaps for us:

The mythology and the rituals surrounding death and the afterlife had been
carved on the interior walls of a number of pyramids, admittedly some time later
than those of Gizabeing within later 5
and early 6
Dynasty tombsbut
undoubtedly recoding very early material. These writings are known as The
Pyramid Texts. They make it clear that after death the king was considered to go to
the stars and become the god Osiris. The texts also make it clear that the
celestial form of Osiris was a constellation called Sahu.
Two experts of ancient Egyptian astronomy, Otto Neugebauer and R.A. Parker,
discovered that this Sahu was the constellation we now know as Orion. Hence
there was an identification of Osiris with Orion [Nazarene Remnant
comment: This is an old error, the identifying of Osiris as Orion. The truth is that
Orion is Horus and Osiris is the River Nile as the Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio]. In
addition, the terrestrial gate to heaven was called Rostau or Rosetjau. This has
been identified with Giza.


The ancient Egyptians understood Isis to be what I have identified as the Birthright
Holy Spirit, which is intimately connected to the monthly New Moon Festivals.

Isis was the mother goddess of fertility and nature. Her worship was
combined with that of her brother and husband, Osiris, and her son Horus. After the
murder of Osiris she rescued his body

This is the land ------ the burial of Osiris in the House of Sokar. ------

Isis and Nephthys without delay, for Osiris had drowned in his water. Isis [and
Nephthys] looked out, [beheld him and attended to him]. Horus speaks to Isis
and Nephthys: "Hurry, grasp him ---." Isis and Nephthys speak to Osiris: "We
come, we take you ---."

------ [They heeded in time] and brought him to [land. He entered the hidden
portals in the glory of the lords of eternity]. -------. [Thus Osiris came into] the
earth at the royal fortress, to the North of [the land to which he had come. And
his son Horus arose as king of Upper Egypt, arose as king of Lower Egypt, in
the embrace of his father Osiris and of the gods in front of him and behind

Sometimes she is depicted wearing on her head the horns of a cow, encircling either a
lunar or solar disk, which were generally attributes of Hathor. Her worship originated

Baigent, Michael, Ancient Mysteries, pp. 181-182.
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in Egypt, and by Hellenistic times she had assimilated the attributes of the major
Greek divinities Demeter and Aphrodite [Nazarene Remnant comment: except
that these deities were pure representations of satans way of life, the opposite of
what Isis always meant]. By the period of the Roman Empire, she had become the
most prominent deity of the Mediterranean basin, as her temple at Pompeii attests.

Isis who had saved her son Horus from death was the great healer of mankind:

The Egyptians report of Isis that she was the inventor of many remedies and
very knowledgeable in medicine. Therefore her greatest joy, even now after she
had become immortal, was still to make people well, and to those who
implored her she explained remedies in their dream, clearly revealing her
presence to every petitioner needing help.

The Isis cult focused on the celebration of the mysteries associated with the death and
resurrection of Osiris. In The Golden Ass (ca.155 AD), Lucius Apuleius, an African
priest of Isis, left an excellent account of her appearance and mystery cult; in a dream
or during initiation, Apuleius saw Queen Isis rise with the moon from the sea. In this
text she has many titles, including Queen of Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld, and
Mother of Wheat.

During the early centuries CE the cult of Isis vied with the newly founded Christian
religion for dominance. Despite persecutions of her followers, the Isis cult continued
well into the 6th century.

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Put simply, Isis and Osiris, in the
religion of the ancient Egyptians, is none
other than what is identified herein as
the Birthright, and Sceptre Holy Spirits,
respectively. Isis was the queen,
representing the Moon and the
Birthright Holy Spirit. Osiris was the
king, representing the Sun, and the
Sceptre Holy Spirit. Michael Baigent
observes: The king and queen, Osiris
and Isis, in Egyptian mythology were
married, producing a son, Horus. Horus
was said to be the first demigod ruler of
Egypt long before the time of the
pharaohs. The Followers of Horus were
the initiates mentioned in the Pyramid
Texts. The early pharaohs all had Horus
as part of their names.
It is also
extremely important to note tha Ra was
also a representation of the Sceptre Holy
spirit in ancient Egypt.
Of course to those who follow after
satan, the truth of the New Moon
Festivals had to be totally eradicated
from the Earth. This meant that the old
Egyptian symbolism of Isis had to be re-
worked in new and very creative ways so
as to deceive as many people as possible.
According to the authors of King Kill 33,

Isis is here shown as a woman, which is her
usual symbolism, but she has also been
symbolised as a wolf (see the Romulus and
Remus image further on). Notice the twin towers
or pillars (Jachin and Boaz), one representing the
Way of Righteousness, and the other the way of
One leads to the Golden Sun of
Righteousness, and therefore Eternal Life, while
the other leads to the Black or Night Sun, or
Eternal Death.

Baigent, Michael, Ancient Mysteries, p. 183.
Source of image:
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Isis with her son Horus, who is
Jesus Chris, and, by extension, all
of His followers who have been
born again via the agency of the
Birthright Holy Spirit. Sometimes
she [Isis] is depicted wearing on her
head the horns of a cow, encircling
either a lunar or solar disk, which
were generally attributes of Hathor.
Her worship originated in Egypt, and
by Hellenistic times she had
assimilated the attributes of the
major Greek divinities Demeter and
Aphrodite. By the period of the
Roman Empire, she had become the
most prominent deity of the
Mediterranean basin, as her temple
at Pompeii attests.
depiction, the horns of the cow, are
meant to symbolise the morning and
evening star phases of the planet
Venus, which is the Messiahs star
emblem, as it rises to the Sun.
James Shelby Downard and Michael A. Hoffman II,
one of those re-workings was the invention of the
goddess Diana, or DianaHecate. DianaHecate
is triple-countenanced and being three-fold in
aspect she is known as Diana on earth, Luna in
heaven and Hecate in hell. These three women
[notice the appearance of Hecate to the three
witches in Shakespeares Macbeth.], of course,
comprise one of the triads of western mythology.
Such triads were a central part of ancient religions
and the mystical triad idea became part of
Masonic symbolism; in fact there is a triad of three
governing officers to be found in almost every
degree [of Freemasonry] and in the higher degrees
there exists a symbolical triad that presides under
various names, just as Hecate presides in different
places under various names.
Crossroads were considered sacred to
DianaHecate, the deity who is both virgin and
whore (Fair is foul, and foul is fair), and such
crossroads were the favored sites of the wanton
women/witches and the Grand Masters (Masonic
sorcerers) who were her votaries.
Crossroads [Nazarene Remnant
comment: this is a play on the Eternal Gods
crossroads, which is the intersection of the three
gorgons, or the three great circles. Interesting
Diana, Princess of Wales, was murdered on a very
significant crossroads in Paris!] were and are of
significance to ritual sex magic; the wearing of
clothes of the opposite sex and the performance of
bisexual acts are so-called crossroad rites. The
women engaging in these perversions were, in the
vernacular referred to as Dikes and it was said
that they travelled The Old Dike Road and The
Old Dirt Road. These sorts of activities are
extremely secret in keeping with the lore of
Hecate as illustrated in the Crossroads were also
places of human and animal sacrifice and such rites
were often carried out in conjunction with magica
sexualis since the participants recognized

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an existing relationship between fertility and death. Hecate is therefore also identified
as a death goddess
and her sex-and-death attributes are similar to those ascribed
to Venus (Aphrodite, Prone, Kypris).

Who is Hecate? According to Jason Perdue, from his Hecate's Womb, we find the following: It is also advised
that people do their own preliminary studies on the Gods and Goddesses utilized in these techniques. To study
Hecate or Pan for instance would better enhance your ability to fully understand the nature of the working.
There is also another question that may come into play. Shouldn't men work with male deities and females with
female deities when engaging in acts of Magick? Here is where I also advise Initiates and Magicians to study the
significance of the feminine divine. Men should engage in predominantly feminine deities, especially in Sex
Magick for a better and often divine understanding on the true feminine nature of the centre of Woman. Women
should also engage feminine deities for the sake of unlocking their true nature. There are some things that I
cannot reveal in this text, secrets of the Antichrist; for herein is the backlash of Shekinah, the Awakening of Kali
and the essence of LYLTV. Men have shut the Sacred significance of Woman out of spiritual workings for far too
long and nature is in the process of balancing that out. Now that being sad, let us proceed to some other points of
Hecate was to the Greeks, the Goddess of Magick. Her name, also known as Hecuba was first known in 700
B.C.E., though it is unlikely that the utterance of Her name was not spoken before that date. Her name means
literally, "influence from afar", hence Her association with Magick, as it is well known that most of our kindred
can put 1 and 1 together on that note. She is currently celebrates by Pagans, Dark Neo-Pagans, Satanists,
Thelemites, and other paths, each with their own reasons. I suppose a Thelemite might regard Her significance
as the Goddess of the Moon to be in correlation with many Thelemic teachings (there is even a theory that
Hecate was originally derived from the Egyptian Goddess Hequit). Dark Neo-Pagans regard her as the All
Mother, Mother of the Darkness, Mother of Night and it is She who bears the womb of Magick: She is the very
essence of Magick. Satanists revere Hecate as Demon rather than a Goddess, I suppose because of Her bad
reputation for Her worshippers of the old, sacrificing puppies and lambs to Her. Some have depicted her as
having the head of a horse, a dog and a lion; the Beastial but all seeing Goddess who rules the crossroads of
Malkuth, the Aethyrs and the Dimensions Beyond. Her reputation of being the Mother of all Vampires has given
her an association with the Goddess Lilith, who is also said to be the Mother of All Vampires. Like Lilith, Hecate
is associated with all forms of sorcery, witchcraft, and enchantment. Often thought of as the embodiment of one
Trinity, being Hecate, Persephone, and Demeter, she is often thought to be a crone and a ragged bitch who is
ugly, undead and terrifying (we'll get to my veiw of Hecate shortly). Hecate, also notably in Her reputation for
sacrifice and Her association with the netherworld parallels Kali, who when was intoxicated with the blood of
demons, devoured all in sight in a fit of rage, devouring even her young. Similarly, Lilith becomes intoxicated by
the blood of her Children as does Hecate. The correlations are elusive at first glance but let me offer my thoughts
on Hecate.
First and foremost, being the All Mother of Magick, I find her beautiful for all that she represents and I believe
many of the perceptions of old fail to see Her as fully capable of one of her greatest gifts, that of enchantment, to
take the form of a beautiful lady who steals the hearts of men at a glance. When meditating with Hecate as my
centre, she appeared to me as a Woman in Her late 30's, possibly early 40's with long, black hair and piercing
violet eyes. Her eyes at times were glazed over with sheer blackness and in the reflection of Her Darkness, I sat
humbly on bended knee before Her. It was then I realized that it was She who was like BABALON who fed the
child to the Serpent as a Sacrifice to that which must come to be. I saw the essence of BABALON's seduction
within Her. And in Her lips, there was veiled a tongue that thirsted for blood, a thirst akin to that of Lilith who is
the True All Mother, though sharing the trait of Her Serpent Children: the Serpent Children who had not been
devoured by LEVIATHAN but they who devour just as LEVIATHAN does. In her eyes I did see the intoxication
of Kali, who like BABALON fed Her children to the Serpent; though as it were, Kali had become the Serpent for
Kali, the Supreme Devatta is the Independence of Woman, the Absolute who shall not cease for but an Age, then
return. Hecate is She who bears the blood-stained smile of Kali, She who bears the seduction of BABALON, She
who thirsts as Lilith and She whose beauty shall slay he who looks upon Her void of veil. In this book, I shall take
the reader through Hecate and Her many faces and forms that she takes. The Womb of Hecate is fertile and
bears the seed of Magickal inclination in each child that She reaches out to touch while the Child drifts among
the Aethyrs awaiting a home. The Womb of Hecate can just as easily return the lifeform of the Child to the mouth
of the Serpent and/or Leviathan so that it may return to the Aethry from whence it came. She giveth, receiveth
and taketh away. She is of Darkness, yet She is also of Light, Mother of the Illuminating Moon and in the
company of NUT, She is the blossom of the infinite Stars.
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The island of Delos is the reputed birthplace of Apollo and Diana. It is located in the
southwest Aegean Sea and is considered the domain of Hecate, the patroness of the
'Infernal Arts'. Delos is alternately known as the Island of the Dead.

Thus we have seen a brief understanding of how the true significance of the New
Moon Festivals has been changed by the followers of satan into a goddess of a new
but downward dimension: Isis becomes Diana of Hecate! This took care of their
needs to present a new symbol to the black or true side of their system, but they
needed a new symbol to deceive the other side of themselves, which is the white side.
Here they changed Isis into the Virgin Mary (the Madonna
), replete with
child, Jesus Christ, conceived by Immaculate Conception (actually Immaculate
Deception). and that is the actual origin of Maryology in the Catholic Church!

And the Giza necropolis (or
Rosteau on Earth) is indeed the
most sacred place on the planet,
despite the fact the Messiah is to
return to and make His abode at
Jerusalem. The prophet Isaiah
makes this clear:

In that day shall there
be an altar to the LORD in
the midst of the land of
Egypt, and a pillar at the
border thereof to the
LORD. (Isaiah 19: 19)

The ancient Egyptian word for
pyramid is mer. I believe that
Michael Baigent is correct when
he suggests that this compound
word is made up from the
syllable m, which means place
or instrument, and the verb r,
meaning to ascend. Baigent

Romulus and Remus.
This is a satanic representation of
the spirit of satan, symbolised by the wolfs milk being fed
to the two children, that enters into the hearts and minds of
all sinners. The Book of Enoch is one source of this
knowledge: The course of the moons path to the
righteous is light, but to sinners it is darkness; in the name
of the Lord of Spirits, who created a division between Light
and darkness, and separating the spirits of men,
strengthened the spirits of the righteous in the name of his
own righteousness (Isaiah 30: 26; Mark 13: 24). (Book of
Enoch, 41: 6-7, Richard Laurence translation, 1821.)

Hecate, O Mother of enchantment, breathe your essence into me so that I may taste the lips of creation and so
that I may intertwine with you, mother of the Moon. From Hecate's Womb (And Other Essays), Published by
the Knights of Mendez publishing.
King Kill 33, by James Shelby Downard and Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History & Research, P.O.
Box 849 o Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, pp. 3 and 10. Notice that Princess Diana is actually buried on an island, which
is meant to portray the Island of Delos, the Island of the Dead. Available here:
Notice how the white Virgin Mary of the Catholic system has morphed into the Black Madonna, the singer
Madonna, who is completed by a new form of childhood!
Source of image:
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says: If this is so, then it would
suggest that the inner, deeper, secret meaning of a pyramid was place of ascension or
instrument of ascension.The pyramid would be both the place and the means of
raising the pharaoh to the gods. A tool, in other words, to be used by those with the
requisite secret knowledge, and the requisite magical spells and rituals. What Dr
Edwards did not consider, however, is that this tool might also have been used by the

Michael Baigent is spot on here, but did not realise that this tool is the gift of
repentance and baptism, and the secret knowledge was the power of the New Moon
festivalsculminating in the annual Heb Sed festival (i.e. the Feast of Tabernacles)
which is the method by which our old carnal man or woman is slowly replaced by the
Birthright Holy Spirit of the Father, which now comes to dwell within us. This is the
real meaning of alchemy, usually thought to mean the changing of a base metal like
lead into the most refined pure gold. In Tutankhamuns time this supernatural change
was rather crudely represented by the scarab beetle. The faithful completion of this
vital spiritual work is the minimum requirement for salvation. The ascension
mentioned here is the ascent, or return, to the very throne of God, following the
human races expulsion from the Divine presence at the Fall. This ascent is structured
astronomically by the celestial path taken by the Messiahs star-emblem, the planet
Venus. This is why all ancient cultures in possession of this secretand there were
manyknew to keep track of the eastern and western horizon-based events of Noga
(Hebrew for Venus), for this was the signal that heralded the beginning of the critical
morning and evening star cycles of the planet.
Standing guard nearby was the
Sphinx, acting as the start (Virgo) and finishing (Leo) line of this great marathon.

Baigent, Michael, Ancient Mysteries, p. 190.
The heliacal rising and setting of Venus.
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Various representations of Diana, or the satanic inversion of the
Birthright Holy Spirits symbol, Isis, from ancient Egypt.

Diana as Artemis (Greek version of
Diana) sporting crescent Moon in

Mars, Venus and Diana

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Many writers know somewhat what the original system of the early Church in
Jerusalem was, and have no qualms in pointing out in great historical detail how that
system has been perverted and changed over the last 2,000 years or so. They spend
much time and effort, for example, in pointing out the original doctrines of early
Christianity, as they perceive them to be (and being grossly mistaken in most aspects
of this, I might add), while exposing and denouncing the changes that have been made
since, resulting in the formation of the grand error and deception that is the Roman
Catholic system. Now to me that is intellectual honesty.
But when it comes to the original system of religion in ancient Egypt, they do no
such thing. They pay no attention to the information provided by the prophet Isaiah:

The LORD hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof: and they have
caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken [man] staggereth in his
vomit. (Isaiah 19: 14)

Instead they reveal what the original system became, as Isaiah 19: 14 makes clear
the Egyptian paganism of Egyptology and modern academiaand hammer that for
all they are worth. They do not ever delve into the historical process of how the system
became perverted, or what the original system was, as I repeat! In other words,
the churches they have built have been built on a totally faulty premise, and we know
what happens to such institutions (Luke 6: 47-49).
For example, lets look at what the new discipline of Khemitology
has to say
about ancient Khemit, which Khemitologists point out, is the ancient name for Egypt.
Now in ancient Egypt all repentant males were called a Hor, thus a Hor-us, as true
followers of who we now know as Jesus Christ, whose name in ancient Egypt equates
with the dual Messiah of Horus and Osiris. A repentant female was known as Hat-hor.
But this fact has been hidden from the world, since those who have interpreted ancient
Egypt for the world (i.e. Egyptologists) have been satanists and have made the religion
of ancient Egypt revolve around the dead Pharaoh, instead of every ordinary man and
woman over the age of 30 who has repented! The following information from Stephen
S Mehlers The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology is instructive:

[AbdEl] Hakim [had] an interesting take on the term Seshsu Hor. Instead of
interpreting Hor as others [Nazarene Remnant comment: i.e.
Egyptologists, who have always been out to hide the true facts about ancient
Egypt.] have done, that of identifying with the dynastic concept of Horus as the
king or with an introduced kingship through the myth [
] of Isis-Osiris-Horus,
Hakim relies on the indigenous translation of Hor or Horus as the
realized human male. Before a concept of kingship evolved in Khemit [the
proper name for ancient Egypt] in the early dynastic time period, perhaps ca.
4000-3000 BC, Hor was used as the term for the male who had

For an introduction to this subject, see Mehler, Stephen S, The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to
Khemitology, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001, ISBN 0-932813-58-5.
This is no myth, but the true fact of ancient Christianity!
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achieved a flowering of the senses, a degree of enlightenment
[Nazarene Remnant comment: This really means that the person has
repented and has begun to climb Jacobs Ladder.]. It had nothing, originally,
to do with royalty, but later became the basis for the male chosen by the female
as her consort (she as Hat-hor) in the matrilineal descent patterns prevalent
in ancient Khemit [Nazarene Remnant comment: I dont believe that the
ancient Khemtians would have allowed this version of society, as Mehler claims,
since they were very close in time to the judgments of the Fall, which addresses a
very serious fact that moderns have totally disobeyed: and that is the very
serious issue that God has always had with women since the time of the Fall.
What I believe the texts at Edfu are referring to with the terms Sep Tepi and
Seshu Hor is the time period in the current Khemitian cycle when men, the
male, came into a high state of consciousness and used all their senses
[Nazarene Remnant comment: Only males who had repented, and become
baptized, would have gained access to the Birthright Holy Spirit, the source of
what Stephen Mehler calls the realized human male, a flowering of the
senses, and a high state of consciousness.] (the [360] Neters) and began large
scale building in stone and created the Bu Wizzer [Nazarene Remnant
comment: AbdEl Hakim translates Bu Wizzer as The Land of Osiris. This land
of ancient Khemit, or ancient Egypt, according to Hakim, stretched from the
present sites of Dahshur in the South, to Abu Roash in the North, and included
the well-known areas of Sakkara and Giza. This is an area of about 25 square
miles, but it needs to be understood that ancient Khemit had to be far bigger
than this to conform to being the Temple of the Birthright Holy Spirit on the
face of the whole Earth.] civilization.

Originally in this land, which is the place of the origin of ancient Christianity, the
true religion belonged to all the people, not just the Pharaoh and the priestly class. In
fact, as I have pointed out it was the land of the Dual Messiahs, of Osiris and Horus,
but after the crucifixion of Horus (yes, you read that right!), the true religion was
gradually hijacked by the wealthy priestly class who created a new false
religion, keeping the original mysteries to themselves. The truth thus
became hidden from the people, and this has become the true signature of satans
actions in the world ever since. We see this is in the religion of Judaism, the Catholic
religion, and the the Muslim religion, and all other religions (Hinduism, Taoism,
Buddhism, Confuscianism etc), since they are all false religions.

To understand why God has very serious issues with the women of the world, see our Essay The Fall, in our
free book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, available here:
This statement does not in any way exonerate the men, for they have been at great fault as well, in so many ways,
but especially in regard to the fact that they have craved sex so badly they have been easy marks for the
unscrupulous of the world.
Mehler, Stephen S, The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001,
ISBN 0-932813-58-5, pp. 189-190.
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For a second example, during the Exodus from Egypt, such dishonest researchers
tell us the story of the golden calf at the foot of Mount Sinai. Much mention is made
about "the gods that brought them up out of Egypt," and that the manufacture of the
golden calf was a serious attempt to return to the old pagan system they followed in
Egypt as slaves to the Egyptians. The Moon god Sin is often mentioned, along with the
declarationwhich is truethat Moloch and Malcom are the same deity. Then grand
mistakes are gradually introduced with unqualified declarations that The moon-god
was represented by the upturned horns of the bull calf as a symbol of the crescent.
This last statement is utter nonsense!
Not one attempt is ever made to understand, or even acknowledge the possibility,
that the moon can represent both righteousness (it is the mechanism of the born-
again process through the workings of the monthly New Moon Festivals) and sin
(from day 16 of the lunar month to the conjunction, which is the time when satan's
character is written onto our hearts and minds, if we are sinning ), which is the fact
of the matter, as many ancient documents attest (see, for example, Book of Enoch, 41:
Richard Laurence translation, 1821). In fact if you want to understand how the
Moon god Sin, and the Moon god Righteousness, actually works, consult The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, freely available on our Web site:

Now it may come as a great surprise to learn that the golden calf made and
worshipped at the foot of Mount Sinai is actually a representation of the celestial cow,
and the Birthright Holy Spirit-to-come, which is what the temple of Upper Egypt itself,
as a country, was meant to symbolise. Roderick Grierson, Stuart Munro-Hay, in their
book, The Ark of the Covenant: The True Story
of the Greatest Relic of Antiquity, make the following important points:

When the God of Israel reveals himself on Mount Sinai, and Moses descends to
find that the Children of Israel have made a Golden Calf, the Hebrew text says very
little about the idol. Modern scholars have suggested that the incident is a veiled
denunciation of the later cult established at Dan and Bethel by the Israelite king
Jeroboam as an alternative to the Temple at Jerusalem, but the Aramaic
translation in the Jerusalem Targum tells us explicitly that the idol is an image of
the Apis Bull. This was an incarnation of the Egyptian god Osiris, and its cult was
of immense antiquity. The appearance of the Apis Bull is recorded as early as the
First Dynasty. It was also of immense importance. In 1851 Auguste Matiette
discovered the Serapeum at Saqqara, and found twenty-eight huge sarcophagi
which held the mummified bodies of every incarnation of the Apis Bull from the

The course of the moons path to the righteous is light, but to sinners it is darkness; in the name of the Lord
of spirits, who created a division between light and darkness, and separating the spirits of men, strengthened the
spirits of the righteous in the name of his own righteousness (Isaiah 30: 26; Mark 13: 24).
Nor does the angel prevent this, neither is he endowed with the power of preventing it; for the Judge beholds
them all, and judges them all in his own presence (Genesis 1: 14; Revelation 8: 12) Book of Enoch, 41: 6-7,
Richard Laurence translation, 1821.
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reign of Rameses II to the Twenty-sixth Dynasty. The Bible presents the Golden
Calf as an absolute horror and abomination. It was a violation of the covenant
between God and his Chosen People. The story became part of the liturgy of the
Day of Atonement, reminded Israel of the sin committed at Sinai in the hope that
God might turn aside from his wrath, renew the covenant and allow life to continue
for another year.

The Hebrews at Sinai found it difficult to push through from their belief in the
system of the Birthright, the North-South temple that was the land of Egypt, and to
follow Moses Eastward to a new land, and a new unfolding of the Plan of Salvation,
where the symbolism changed into the east-west system which would be symbolised in
the Temple of Solomon. This of course was the Sceptre! It is also pertinent to realise
that the system of the celestial cow is of great antiquity, as evidenced, for example, by
the worship of the cow in India. Unfortunately in India, the symbol of deeper truth has
become the object of worship, and the real meaning lost. Of course one of the great
commandments given at Moses was designed to teach the eternal principle that we are
not to make images and worship them.
No effort is made to understand what the original religious system of ancient Egypt
really was, and such writers and researchers reveal their inconsistent attitude to
seeking the truth of any matter. Thus they force their pet theories onto the subject
matter, instead of pursuing their research with an open mind, and allowing the truths
encountered to guide further discovery and understanding. This selectivity ensures
that they discover and expose nothing new, and just continue fill the world with lies.
The same writer Im referring to above heads a church which claims to teach the
doctrines of the early church, yet in another glaring untruth he insists, and spreads the
lie, that the Sacred Calendar begins with the conjunction of the Moon. Now, as you will
learn, hes actually beginning his calendarwhich is actually the ancient calendar of
Nippur, and nothing at all to do with the true Sacred Calendaron satans high day of
the month, which is the conjunction!
I would like to offer a suggestion to all those people who still have open minds, and
would like to take a fresh look at ancient Egypt, or ancient Khemit, that is you get
yourself a copy of John Anthony Wests masterful book, Serpent in the Sky: The High
Wisdom of Ancient Egypt. As West points out:

Grierson, Roderick, Munro-Hay, Stuart, The Ark of the Covenant: The True Story of the
Greatest Relic of Antiquity, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1988, p. 301. In Egyptian
mythology the Apis Bull held a very important place. It was regarded as a symbol and incarnation of Osiris, the
husband of Isis, and next to R, the great divinity of Egypt. Grecian authorities tell us that the Apis Bull was
black, with some distinctive white markings; and on its back (or tongue, according to variant accounts) the figure
of a scarabaeus [beetle] was to be observed. From a drawing in Ebers Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 121, we may, however,
gather, as I think I have seen it elsewhere stated, that the Apis Bull was marked by equal areas of black and
white. Such equal areas would fitly symbolize the equal day and night of the equinoctial season, and the presence
of the scarabaeus on the back or tongue of the Bull would point to the traditional connection of that creature
with the same equinoctial season. Plunkett, Emmeline, Calendars and Constellations of the Ancient World,
Senate, Random House, London, 1991 (originally published 1903), p. 233.

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It is for this reason that, in all our schools, we are presented with an
obvious paradox. We are taught that the ancient Egyptians were a people
capable of producing artistic and architectural masterpieces unequalled in
recorded history, yet that at the same time they were priest-bound
necrophiles, an intellectually infantile race obsessed with purely materialistic
concerns for a mythical hereafter; a people slavishly worshipping a grotesque
pantheon of animal-headed gods; a people devoid of real mathematics,
science, astronomy or medicine, and devoid of any desire to acquire such
knowledge; a people so conservative, so opposed to change, that their artistic,
political, social and religious institutions remained rigid for four millennia.

This work is a grand tour of much truth about ancient Egypt that has not been
presented to the general public via the educational system they have had the
misfortune of being exposed to. Wests book is essentially an exposition of the work of
the Alsatian mathematician and philosopher, R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz (1891-
1962) , who spent two decades of his life in Egypt, discovering and bringing to the light
of day, many beautiful, staggering, but totally suppressed truths about ancient Egypt,
truths that will absolutely delight and stun you:

After two decades of study, mainly on site at the Temple of Luxor,
Schwaller de Lubicz was able to prove that all that is accepted as dogma
concerning Egypt (and ancient civilization in general) is wrong, or
hopelessly inadequate; his work overthrows or undermines virtually
every currently cherished belief regarding man's history, and the 'evolution'
of civilization.
Egyptian science , medicine , mathematics and astronomy were all of an
exponentially higher order of refinement and sophistication than modern
scholars will acknowledge. The whole of Egyptian civilization was based
upon a complete and precise understanding of universal laws. And this
profound understanding manifested itself in a consistent, coherent and
interrelated system that fused science, art and religion into a single organic
Unity. In other words, it was exactly the opposite o f what we find in the
world today.
Moreover, every aspect of Egyptian knowledge seems to have
been complete at the very beginning. The sciences, artistic and
architectural techniques and the hieroglyphic system show virtually no signs
of a period of 'development'; indeed, many of the achievements of the earliest
dynasties were never surpassed, or even equalled later on. This astonishing
fact is readily admitted by orthodox Egyptologists, but the magnitude of the
mystery it poses is skillfully understated, while its many implications go
unmentioned .

West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Quest Books, Theosophical
Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1993, p. 8.
West, Serpent in the Sky, p. 1.
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Meet Gerald Massey (1828-1907)

No one ever understood the mythology and Ritual of Ancient Egypt so well as
Gerald Massey since the time of the Ancient Philosophers of Egypt. (Albert
ChurchwardPreface to Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man)

Massey was born near Tring, Hertfordshire in England on the 29 May 1828. It is
difficult to simply categorise Gerald Massey as one of the truly great genuine
Egyptologists, for he had a talent that ensured he excelled in many fileds. He was a
chartist and journalist, a poet, an essayist and poetry critic, a Shakespearean
researcher, a lecturer, and a great researcher.
Massey's parents were poor. When
little more than a child, he was made to work hard in a silk factory, which he afterward
deserted for the equally laborious occupation of straw plaiting. These early years were
rendered gloomy by much distress and deprivation, against which the young man
strove with increasing spirit and virility, educating himself in his spare time, and
gradually cultivating his innate taste for literary work.

During the later years of his life, (from about 1870 onwards) Massey became
interested increasingly in Egyptology and the similarities that exist between
ancient Egyptian mythology [Nazarene Remnant comment: Massey never
considered anything out of ancient Egypt to be a legend or a myth, and neither do
I!] and the Gospel stories. He studied the extensive Egyptian records housed in
the British Museum, eventually teaching himself to decipher the

Massey will be remembered most for many things, but I feel that he will be best
rememberd by seekers for his three major works: A Book of the Beginnings, The
Natural Genesis, Ancient Egypt, The Light of the World. An excellent Web site
devoted to the memory and work of Gerald Massey (where you can freely gain access
to his works) is

We are faced with the inescapable realisation that if Jesus had been able to read
the documents of old Egypt, he would have been amazed to find his own
biography already substantially written some four or five thousand years
previously. (Dr. Alvin Boyd Kuhn, 1880-1963)

... much of the Christian History was pre-extant as Egyptian Mythology. I have
to ask you to bear in mind that the facts, like other foundations, have been buried
out of sight for thousands of years in a hieroglyphical language, that was never
really read by Greek or Roman, and could not be read until the lost clue was
discovered by Champollion, almost the other day! In this way the original sources

For more infotmation on Gerald Massey's many-faceted talents, see http://www.gerald-
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of our Mytholatry and Christology remained as hidden as those of the Nile, until
the century in which we live. (From Massey's lecture ... The Historical Jesus and
the Mythical Christ.)

Here is a comparative list of some pre-existing and pre-Christian data which were
Christianized in the canonical gospels and the Book of Revelation, from Gerald
Massey. Comments in square brackets thus [] are by Nazarene Remnant.

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Egyptian Christian
The Mysteries = The miracles
The Sem, or mythical representations = The parables
The Ritual as the book of resurrection = The Book of Revelation
The sayings of Iu or Iu-em-hetep = The Sayings of Jesus
Huhi the father in heaven as the eternal, a title of
= Ihuh, the father in heaven as the eternal
Ra, the holy spirit [I call this the Sceptre Holy Spirit] = God the Holy Ghost
Ra the father of Iu the Su, or son of God, with the
hawk or dove as the bird of the holy spirit
= God, the Father of Jesus, with the dove as the bird of
the Holy Spirit
Iu or Horus, the manifesting son of God = Jesus the manifesting Son of God.
The trinity of Atum (or Osiris) the father, Horus (or
Iu) the son, and Ra the holy spirit
= The Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Iu-Su or Iusa, the coming son of Iusaas, who was great
with Iusa or Iusu
= Jesus
The ever-coming Messu or Child as Egyptian = The Hebrew Messianic Child
Horus (or Heru), the Lord by name, as a child = Child-Jesus as the Lord by name (Gospels of the
Isis, the virgin mother of Iu, her Su or son. [This is
the Birthright Holy Spirit]
= Mary the virgin mother of Jesus
The first Horus as Child of the Virgin, the second as
son of Ra, the father
= Jesus the Virgins child, the Christ as son of the father
The first Horus as the founder, the second as fulfiller
for the father
= Jesus as the founder, and the Christ as fulfiller for the
The two mothers of Child-Horus, Isis and Nephthys,
who were two sisters
= The two mothers of Child-Jesus, who were sisters
Meri or Nut, the mother-heaven = Mary as Regina Coeli
The outcast great mother with her seven sons = Mary Magdalene, with her seven devils
Isis taken by Horus in adultery with Sut = The woman taken in adultery
Apt, the crib or manger, by name as the birthplace
and mother in one
= The manger as cradle of the child-Christ
Seb, the earth-father, as consort to the virgin Isis = Joseph, the father on earth, as putative husband to
the Virgin Mary
Seb, the foster-father to Child-Horus = Joseph, as foster-father to the Child-Jesus
Seb, Isis and Horus, the Kamite holy trinity = Joseph, Mary and Jesus, a Christian holy trinity
[Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, p. 908]
Seb, the builder of the house, the carpenter = Joseph, the carpenter
Seb, the custodian of the mummied dead = Joseph of Arimathea, the keeper of the Corpus Christi
Sut and Horus, the twin opponents = Satan and Jesus, the twin opponents
Horus, the sower, and Sut, the destroyer, in the
= Jesus, the sower of the good seed, and Satan, the
sower of tares
Sut and Horus contending in the desert = Satan and Jesus contending in the wilderness
Sut and Horus contending on the Ben-Ben or
= Satan and Jesus contending on the pinnacle
Horus carried off by Sut to the summit of Mount
= Jesus spirited away by Satan into an exceeding high
Sut and Horus contending on the mount = Satan and Jesus contending on the mount
Sut undoing the good that Horus does = Satan sowing tares by night
Smen, for Khemen, a title of Taht = Simeon

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Egyptian Christian
Smen, who held Child-Horus in his arms as the young
solar god
= Simeon, who took the child-Jesus in his arms
Anna or Annit (a title of Hathor), with Taht-Smen = Anna, the prophetess, with Simeon
The Petar or Petra by name in Egyptian as revealer to
= Peter, the revealer to the Christ
The house of Annu = Bethany
The group in the house at Annu = The group in the house at Bethany
Horus in Annu = Jesus in Bethany
Asar or Osiris = Lazarus
The two sisters Mertae = The two sisters Mary and Martha
Osiris, whom Horus loved = Lazarus, whom Jesus loved
Osiris perfumed for his burial = Jesus anointed, when the odour fills the house
Osiris prays that he may be buried speedily = Jesus begs that his death may be effected quickly
Osiris prepared for burial under the hair of Hathor-
= Jesus prepared for his burial beneath the hair of Mary
Osiris, who slept in the tomb at Annu = Lazarus, who slept in the tomb at Bethany
Osiris raised from the tomb by Horus in Annu = Lazarus raised from the tomb at Bethany
The mummy Osiris bidden to come forth by Horus = The mummy Lazarus bidden to come forth by Jesus
The Great One who does the work of washing = Jesus washing the feet of his disciples
The star, as announcer for the child-Horus = The Star in the East that indicated the birthplace of
The seven Hathors (or cows) who minister to Horus = The seven women who minister to Jesus
Anup, the precursor of Horus = John, the forerunner of Jesus the Christ
Anup, the baptizer = John the Baptist
Aan, the saluter of Horus = John, the saluter of the Christ
Aan, a name of the divine scribe = John, the divine scribe
Hermes, the scribe = Hermas, the scribe
Mati, the registrar = Matthew, the clerk
Taht, Shu, and black Sut = The three kings, or Magi
Nut at the pool of the Persea, or sycamore-tree, as
giver of divine drink
= The woman at the well as giver of the water
Horus born in Annu, the place of bread = Jesus born in Bethlehem, the house of bread
The vesture put on Horus by the goddess Tait = The swaddling clothes put on the infant Jesus
[Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, p. 909]
Offerings made to the child by the worshippers in
= Offerings and worship of the Magi
Child-Horus with the head of Ra = Child-Jesus with the solar glory round his head [i.e.
the Sceptre Holy Spirit]
The Bull of Amenta in the place of birth = The ox in the birthplace of the child
The ass, Iu, in the birthplace = The ass in the birthplace (catacombs)
The lions of the horizon attending upon Horus = The lions attending the child-Christ (pseudo-
Child-Horus emerging from the papyrus-reed = The child-Jesus in the catacombs issuing from the
Horus, the ancient child = The little old Jesus in the catacombs
Horus, the gracious child = Jesus, the child full of grace
Horus, one of five brethren = Jesus, one of five brothers
Horus, the brother of Sut the betrayer = Jesus, the brother of Judas the betrayer
Amsta, the one brother of Horus in the human form = James, the human brother of Jesus
The two sisters of Horus = The sisters of Jesus
Horus the lad in the country and youth in town = Jesus as the child in the country and youth in town
Horus baptized with water by Anup = Jesus baptized with water by John

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Egyptian Christian
Horus in the tank of flame = Jesus the baptizer with fire [i.e. the Sceptre Holy
Horus in his baptism becoming the beloved son of
God the Father
= Jesus becoming the son of God the Father in his
Horus the husbandman with the fan in his hand = Christ coming with the fan in his hand
Horus the Good Shepherd, with the crook upon his
= Jesus the Good Shepherd, with the lamb or kid upon
his shoulder
Horus with the four followers in the Mount = Jesus with the four disciples in the Mount
Horus with the seven great spirits [i.e. the Sceptre
Holy Spirit] in the Mount
= Jesus with the seven spirits in the Mount (Rev.)
Herrut the Apap-reptile, slayer of the younglings in
the egg
= Herod, the murderer of the innocents
Isis commanded to take her child down into Egypt for
= Mary warned to take her child down into Egypt for
Horus as the typical fish = Jesus as Ichthus the fish
Horus as the fisher = Jesus as the fisher
The four fishers with Horus as founders of the
= The four fishers with Jesus as founders of the
Sebek, the father of the fishers = Zebedee, the father of the fishers
Two fisher-brethren, Kabhsenuf and Hapi = Two fisher-brethren, Simon and Andrew
Two other fisher-brethren, Amsta and Tuamutef = Two other fisher-brethren, James and John
The seven on board the bark with Horus = The seven fishers on board the bark with Jesus
The wonderful net of the fishers = The miraculous draught of fishes in the net [153 in
Horus as the lamb = Jesus as the lamb
Horus as the lion = Jesus as a lion
Horus (Iu) as the black child = Jesus as the little black bambino
Horus as Ahi, the striker with the flabellum = Jesus wielding the scourge of cords as the striker
Horus identified with the tat or cross = Jesus identified with the cross
The blind Horus, in two characters, as the God and
= The two blind men of the gospels
Horus of twelve years = Jesus of twelve years
Horus made a man of thirty years in his baptism = Jesus, the man of thirty years in his baptism
[Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, p. 910]
Horus (Iu), the son of a beetle [the scarab beetle, or
Sign of Cancer]]
= Jesus, the good scarabaeus
Horus (or Ra) as the great cat = Jesus as the cat
Horus as the shrewmouse = The mouse of Jesus dedicated to 'Our Lady'
Horus, the healer in the mountain = Jesus, the healer in the mountain
Horus as Iusa, the exorcizer of evil spirits as the Word = Jesus, the caster out of demons with a word
Horus, born as the shoot, branch, or plant from the
= Jesus born as the natzer of Nazareth, so rendered in
the course of localizing the legend
Osiris as the vine-plant, Aarru = Jesus as the vine
Horus, the bringer of the fish and the grapes in Egypt = Jesus as bringer of the fish and the grapes
Horus, the child standing on two crocodiles which
adore him
= The Christ-child adored by dragons = crocodiles
Horus, the child of a widow = The child-Christ who lodges with a widow in Egypt
Horus, the child of the widow in Sutenkhen = The child-Christ with the widow in Sotenin (pseudo-
The golden Horus = The corn-complexioned Jesus
Horus full of wine = Jesus the wine-bibber
Horus, who gives the water of life [a direct reference
to the Birthright Holy Spirit]
= Jesus as giver of the water of life
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Egyptian Christian
Horus in the lentils and the grain = Jesus the bread of life
Horus as Unbu in the bush of thorn = Jesus in the crown of thorn
Horus the just and true = Jesus the faithful and true
Horus-Mat-Kheru, the Word made truth at the second
= Jesus the spirit of truth at the Second Advent
The human Horus glorified in becoming a (khu) spirit = The spirit not given until Jesus is glorified
The world made through Horus = The world made through Jesus
Horus the bridegroom with the bride in Sothis [Sothis
is the Elects Star, the bright star Sirius]
= Jesus the bridegroom with the bride [the elect are the
Horus of both sexes [a representation of an angel]. = Jesus as the bearded Sophia; Charis, the female Christ
Horus who exalts his father in every sacred place = Jesus who exalts his father in every place
Horus as Remi the weeper = Jesus as the weeper
Dumb Horus, or the silent Sekari = Jesus silent before his accusers
Horus behaving badly to Isis = Jesus speaking brutally to his mother
Horus the gladsome = Jesus the jocund
Horus as prince of the divine powers = Jesus the prince
Horus the uplifted serpent = Jesus uplifted as the serpent
Horus as the Bennu [a.k.a. the Phoenix or Bennu
= Jesus as the phoenix
Horus who gives light by means of his own body [i.e. a
= Jesus the light of the world [i.e. the Sun].
Horus the hider of himself as Har-Sheta = Jesus the concealer of himself
Horus the word-made-flesh = Jesus the word-made-flesh
Horus the word-made-truth = Jesus the doer of the word
Horus in the bosom of Ra = Jesus in the bosom of the Father
Horus the krst = Jesus the Christ
Horus the avenger = Jesus who brings the sword
Iu-em-hetep who comes with peace = Jesus the bringer of peace
Horus called the illegitimate child = Jesus called the Mamzer
Horus the afflicted one = Jesus the afflicted one
Horus the unique one = Jesus the unique one
Horus the lord of resurrections from the house of
= Jesus the resurrection and the life
Horus as the type of life eternal = Jesus the type of eternal life
Iu (em-hetep) the child-teacher in the temple = The child-Jesus as teacher in the temple
[Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, p. 911]
Child-Horus as sower of the seed = Child-Jesus as sower of the seed
Har-Khuti, lord of the harvest = Jesus, lord of the harvest
Horus the founder = Jesus the founder
Horus the fulfiller = Jesus the fulfiller
Horus as master of the words of power = Jesus whose word was with power
Horus Ma-kheru = Jesus, 'the witness unto the truth'
Horus as the lily = Jesus typified by the lily
Horus the link = Jesus the bond of union
Horus who came to fulfil the law = Jesus who comes to fulfil the law
Horus as bearer of the ankh-symbol of life and the un-
sceptre of resurrection
= Jesus as the resurrection and the life personified
Horus (or Khunsu) the chaser of boastfulness = Jesus the humbler of the proud
Horus of the Second Advent = The coming Christ
Horus the hidden force = Jesus the concealed
Horus as Kam-Ura, the overflower, and extender of
the water illimitably
= Jesus, giver of the water of life without limit
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Egyptian Christian
Horus, who came by the water, the blood and the
= Jesus, who came by the water, the blood and the spirit
Horus the opener as Unen = Jesus the opener with the keys
Horus of the two horizons = Jesus of the two lands
Horus as teacher of the living generation = Jesus as teacher on the earth
Horus as teacher of the spirits in Amenta = Jesus as preacher to the spirits in prison [i.e. the
prison of our own Zodiacal Sign of birth].
Horus as teacher on the Atit-bark, with the seven
glorious ones on board
= Jesus the teacher on the boat, also with the seven
fishers on board
Horus uttering the words of Ra in the solar bark = Jesus uttering the parables on board the boat
Horus walking the water = Jesus walking the water
The blind mummy made to see by Horus = The blind man given sight by Jesus
Horus and the Hamemmet or younglings of Shu = Jesus and the little ones
The children of Horus = The children of Jesus
Horus the raiser of the dead = Jesus the raiser of the dead
Horus the raiser up of Asar = Jesus the raiser up of Lazarus
Horus, who imparts the power of the resurrection to
his children
= Jesus who confers the same power on his
Horus entering the mount at sunset to hold converse
with his father
= Jesus entering the mount at sunset to hold converse
with his father
Horus one with the father = Jesus one with his father
Horus transfigured on the mount = Jesus transfigured on the mount
Amsu-Horus in his resurrection as a Sahu- mummy = Jesus rising again corporeally or incorporated
The blood of Isis [a reference to the monthly New
Moon Festivals]
= The issue of blood suffered by the woman
The field manured with blood in Tattu = Aceldama
The mummy-bandage that was woven without seam = The vesture of the Christ without a seam
Seven souls of Ra the [Sceptre] Holy Spirit = Seven gifts of the [Sceptre] Holy Spirit
Seven hawks of Ra the [Sceptre] Holy Spirit = Seven doves of the [Sceptre] Holy Spirit
Seven loaves of Horus for feeding the multitude
reposing in the green fields of Annu
= Seven loaves of Jesus for feeding the multitude
reclining on the grass
Twelve followers of Har-Khuti = Twelve followers of Jesus, as the twelve disciples
[Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, p. 912]
Horus with the twelve in the field of divine harvest = Jesus with the twelve in the harvest-field
The twelve who reap for Horus = The twelve who reap for Jesus
Horus as the intercessor = Jesus as the paraclete
Horus as the great judge = Jesus as the great judge
The judgement of the righteous, who are the sheep of
Horus, the good shepherd
= Judgment of the righteous, who are the sheep of
Jesus the Good Shepherd
The judgment of the guilty, who are the goats [Sign of
Capricorn] of Sut
= Judgment of the wicked, who are the goats [Sign of
Capricorn] of Satan
Horus parting off the evil dead = Jesus parting off the accursed
The condemned spirits entering the swine = The evil spirits entering the swine
The glorious ones that wait on Horus = The angels that minister unto Jesus
Horus ascending to heaven from Bakhu, the mount of
the olive tree
= Jesus ascending to heaven from Mount Olivet
The revelation of Horus, given by Ra, his father, to
make known the mysteries of divine things to his
= The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to
show unto his servants
The revelation written down by Aan (Tehuti), the
scribe of divine words
= The revelation written by John the Divine
The saluter Aani, who bears witness to the word of Ra
and to the testimony of Horus
= John, who bears witness to the Word of God and the
testimony of Jesus Christ
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Egyptian Christian
The secret of the Mysteries revealed by Taht-Aan = The secret of the Mysteries made known by John
The books in Annu = The book of doom and the book of life in Patmos
The books and their bringer = The book and its opener
Seven dungeon-seals = The book with seven seals
The great mother Apt, the pregnant water-cow = The woman sitting on the waters
The crocodile as great mother = The dragon as great mother
The great mother as Hathor, the abode = The woman that was the great city personalized
The great or enceinte mother in her lunar character = The woman arrayed with the sun about to bring forth
the child
Isis, who brought forth Horus in the marshes = The woman who brought forth in the wilderness
Isis pursued by the great crocodile = The woman persecuted by the dragon
Isis, hawk-winged = The woman with eagles wings
The bride as Hathor-Isis, with the calf or lamb upon
the mount of glory
= The bride as the lambs wife upon the mount
Atum-Huhi, the closer and the opener of Amenta = Ihuh, who carries the keys of death and Hades as
closer and opener
Atum-Ra, the [Sceptre] holy spirit = The spirit
Hathor-Iusaas the bride, with Horus the lamb (or
earlier calf) upon the mount
= The bride with the lamb upon the mount
Anup and Aan, the two witnesses for Horus = The two Johns as witnesses for Jesus
The seven khuti or glorious ones = The seven spirits of God
Horus, with the seven khabsu stars, or gods of the
= Jesus in the midst of the seven golden lampstands
Sebek-Horus the lamb on the mount = Jesus the lamb on the mount
Horus the morning star [i.e. the bright planet Venus]. = Jesus the morning star [i.e. the bright planet Venus].
[Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, p. 913]
Horus, who gives the morning star to his followers = Jesus, who gives the morning star to his followers
The Har-Seshu, or servants of Horus = The servants of Jesus Christ
The seven [Sceptre] spirits of fire around the throne of
= The seven [Sceptre] spirits of fire before the throne
The fathers, or the ancient ones = The four-and-twenty elders
The four corner-keepers [the two Solstices and the two
= The four living creatures at the four corners
The solar god of golden form = The form with feet like unto burnished brass, and
countenance as of the sun
Iu the son of man (or Atum) = Jesus the son of man
Horus as the firstborn from the dead = Jesus the Christ as firstborn of those that slept
Horus in the house of a thousand years = The millennial reign of Jesus and His Elect.
Sebek the solar dragon = The scarlet-coloured beast with seven heads
Seven souls or powers of Ra = Seven heads of the solar dragon
The eighth to the seven = The eighth to the seven
Ten Tata-gods or powers = The ten horns or kings
The war in heaven = The war in heaven
Har-Tema as the avenger, the red god who orders the
block of execution
= The word of God, faithful and true, with raiment
dipped in blood
Har-Makhu = Michael the Archangel
Sut the accuser = Satan the accuser
Sut and Horus = Christ and the Anti-Christ
The celestial Heptanomis = The seven mountains of earth or islands in the sea
The seven children of the old earth-mother = The seven kings of the earth
Horus at the head of the seven = Jesus at the head of the seven
The last judgment = The last judgment

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Egyptian Christian
The mount of glory = The throne set in heaven on the mount
The mount as judgment-seat = The mount as throne of the Great Judge
The lion-faced throne of steel = The great white throne
The great judge seated on his throne = The Great Judge on the judgment-seat
The god in lion form = The god who is the lion of the tribe of Judah
The god in the solar disc = The god with the sun-like countenance
The god whose dazzling mouth sends forth breezes of
= The god from whose mouth proceeded the two-edged
Osiris-Tat, the sufferer in the Lower Egypt of Amenta = The Lord who was crucified in Egypt
The Apap-reptile, the serpent of evil = Abaddon, Apollyon, [Apollo] or Satan, that old
Apap, the power of evil in the Abyss = Abaddon or Apollyon, the angel of the Abyss
The binding of Apap in chains and casting the beast
into the Abyss
= The binding of the dragon, that old serpent, and
casting him into the pit
Apap and Sut bound in chains and cast into the abyss = The Devil or Satan bound in a great chain and cast
into the pit
The ankh-key of life and the un-symbol of the
= The keys of death and Hades in the hands of the
The first resurrection and the second death in Amenta = The first resurrection and the second death
[Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, p. 914]
The Lake of Putrata where the lost souls fall headlong
into everlasting night
= The lake of the second death
The beatified in their white garments of glory = The beatified spirits arrayed in white
The name of Ra on the head of the deceased = The name of the Father written on the forehead
The little column of white stone given as a talisman to
the initiates
= The white stone given to the initiated
The mount of the double earth in Hetep = The mountain great and high
The eternal city at the summit = The Holy City
The water of life as lake or river = The river of the water of life
The two divine sycamores over the water of life = The tree of life on either side of the water of life
The water of life proceeding from the throne of Osiris. = The water of life proceeding from the throne of God
The great lake in Hetep upon which the gods and
glorified alight
= The glassy sea on which the victors stand triumphant
The great white lake of Sa = The sea of crystal
The calf (later lamb) of Horus standing on the mount
with Hathor bearing the bride
= The lamb standing on Mount Zion with the bride
The lunar goddess Hathor bearing the solar orb = The woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon at
her feet
The glorified in Hetep stoled and girdled and crowned = The angels girt about the breasts with golden girdles
The emerald dawn around the mount or throne of Ra = The rainbow like an emerald round the throne
The ba enclosure of Aarru, in twelve measures = The walled enclosure of the New Jerusalem, in twelve
Heaven according to the measure of a man = Heaven according to the measure of a man
The paradise of the polestar = The Holy City lighted by one luminary that is neither
the sun nor the moon = the polestar
The ark of Osiris-Ra = The Ark of the New Covenant in heaven

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Here is a further short sampling of the magnificent work of Gerald Massey

The Messiah-Story Traced in Egypt
for Ten Thousand Years

Summary: In ancient Egypt Jesus was known as the Mesu, or Messianic Prince of
Peace, born into the world at Memphis in the Cult of Ptah as the Egyptian Jesus, with
the title of IU-EM-HETEP. He was born in the sign of Leo when the Vernal Equinox
was in the lion sign. According to Herodotus (Herodotus 2, 43) Jesus in
Egypt goes back 20,000 years ago when he was one of the eight great gods of
Egypt. He was known by various names. This divine child, Iu-em-hetep was the
image of eternal youth, the little hero of all later legend, the Kamite HERAKLES,
who was also known by names such as KHEPER, HORUS, ATEN, TUM or NEFER-
ATUM according to the cult. At On (Heliopolis) he was known as Atum-Ra. He was
also known as WIZZER.

Jesus has manifested Himself many times in the past, in fact at least once for
each of the 2,160 year-long Great Months, and near their beginning. Each time
He has been brutally murdered by the followers of Satan here on Earth. Satans brand
of Christianity, which is now preached in all the churches across the globe, teaches that
He only came once and for all, and that was as Jesus Christ of the New Testament.
Then He fulfilled His mission, as usual, by crucifixion on the hill called Golgotha, the
place of the skull, just outside Jerusalem. This was carried out by the secret Inner
Circle of what we would call today Freemasonry, and in the Bible, are called
Of course those in the Outer Circle of Freemasonryi.e. those who belong
to the first to the 32
degreesare completely ignorant of this fact.
We have to
understand that the appearances of Lord Pacal, Viracocha, and Viracocha Pachacamac,
and the appearances to the North American Indian tribal groups, are in actual fact
manifestations of the periodic return of the Messiah.

See the book Woe Unto You Lawyers, for an appreciation of who the modern Pharisees really are. It is here:
See The 33rd Degree Freemason, here:
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On a typical Masonic emblem we usually see the compass, the square and the
rule. Here on these emblems we see the compass, and the rule embedded in the
square. In the centre of nearly all Masonic emblems you will find a large
prominent capital "G," which does not refer to God, or even to
Jahbulon/Jaobulon (which means Satan). What it means is "Golgotha," the
Place of the Skull, where they crucified the Messiah (otherwise known as
Calvary). So what they are continually doing on their emblem is bragging about
their murderous deed, while pretending that the "G" stands for the genuine
Creator God, the Father of us all. Except that Satan and his followers are
showoffs, having a liking fancy and colourful clothing, they would have kept
their identity even more secret had they left this capital "G" off their symbols.
But Satan is a showoff. Notice that the rings with the skulls on the right show
the intended sinister meaning. By the way the American secret society "Skull
and Bones" is a form of Masonry. These fiends have even managed to
substitute the cross of Calvary as the original symbol of Christianity, which
they have used to hide the true meaning, which is the Djed Pillar of ancient
Egypt (see next page).

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The Djed Pillar shown on the left being aligned with the Celestial
North Pole, symbol that the first works (Revelation 2: 5) of
redemption had been achieved. On the ground this represented the
Bridal Chamber (known as the Queens Chamber to moderns) in
the Great Pyramid at Giza. The Great Djed Pillar on the right is being
aligned to its true upright position, and is pointing directly to the
Pole of the Ecliptic, which is Gods Throne in the centre of the
Universe. Thus the use of the Djed Pillar was two-fold to represent
the work of both forms of the Holy Spirit, the Birthright and the
Sceptre, as the critical astronomical alignments were reached in the
sky. It goes without saying that both of these days in the Sacred
Calendar were High Holy Days. You may like to know that a person
who was connected to the Djed Force, or the Holy Spirit of the
Creator God Ptah, was referred to in the Star Wars movies as a
Jedi, which comes from the word Djedi. So it is absolutely
correct to say that a Jedi Warrior is a born-again Christian! (Source
of image: Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, Fulcanelli's Final
Revelation: Raising the Djed at the End of Time, 1 September,
2002. The seven-part article starts here: )

The Djed Pillar in ancient
Egypt stood as symbol for the
personal djed, the backbone
of the individual man or
woman. This of course is the
origin of our saying hes got
backbone, or conversely,
shes got no backbone.

When it was held upright, and
no longer tilted, as the Great
Djed, it declared the Jubilees,
which was the symbol par
excellence of the full
Redemptive process, which is
the only escape mechanism
from the Judgment of the Fall,
which is eternal death to all
who refuse to repent.

Gary Osborn points out the following: There is also the tilted cross that Jesus carries on his back before it is
raised up, and which not only represents the earths axis but also his spinal column and it is from this upright
position that Jesus, who represents everyman, is able to ascend to heaven - the crucifixion being a metaphor for
the Kundalini Awakening experience. (Gary Osborn, Arcadia, Ancient Giza and the Hidden Truth behind the
Jesus Myth, )
Source of image: Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, Fulcanelli's Final Revelation: Raising the Djed at the End
of Time, 1 September, 2002. The seven-part article starts here:
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Prince Charles, the Antichrist, showing his true colours. Here he is with his hammer, performing for his
Ashkenazi groomers. The hammer is a decidedly anti-Christian symbol as used by world Freemasonry,
and in every court and parliament on the planet: Let us erect the two pillars, one at the right and the
other at the left. Let us bless them. We bless these instrument and we also bless these various symbols
of Jesus (12) that represent, ironically, some episode of those that the Impostor spoke of during his
preaching in his instructions and blasphemies, such as the cock, the sword, the light, the darkness, the
hammer, because of its being the instrument that was used to nail his hands and his feet, and with it we
will open all the sessions, emphasizing this irony. Every session will be opened by striking three times
consecutively with this hammer; thus we will remember eternally, through the centuries, that we have
crucified him and that with this hammer we have fixed the nails in his hands and feet, killing him. These
three stars you see symbolize the three nails. We would be able to change them for three points that VI
have the same significance. Among our symbols will be the three steps, ridiculing with them this
blasphemy: God is Father, Son and Holy Ghost, with his claiming to be the Son. (From Dissipation of
the Darkness: History of the Origin of Masonry, available here: and here: ) For
more information on the hammer, see Antichrist and the Green Prince, Chapter Five, St. George,
Jupiter, and the Nazi, Green Frog Prince. This book is available from our Web site.

Now let us look at what Gerald Massey had to say about the Messiah-story in ancient
Egypt, which according to Herodotus, goes back 20,000 years and more.

By Gerald Massey (18281907)

THE Messianic mystery which has caused unparalleled mental trouble to the
world did not originate with, nor was the solution to be found in, the Biblical collection
of the Hebrew writings. The Egyptian mesu, to anoint, and as a name for the
Anointed, is earlier than the Jewish Messiah. Nor would there have been any
typical Christ the anointed but for the making of the Karest-mummy. We have to look
a long way beyond these books to learn how salvation came into the world by water, or
a saviour could be represented by the fish. It was thus salvation came to Egypt
periodically in the new life of the Nile, and thence the saviour, who was imaged in the
likeness of a fish. According to the mythical rendering Horus-Iu-em-hetep was a
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saviour because he came with plenty of food and water in the inundation, as the shoot
of, or as the child on the papyrus. In the eschatology he represented the saviour who
showed the way by which the Manes might attain eternal life, when immortality
was held to be conditional and dependent upon right conduct and true
character. A doctrine of messiahship was founded on the ever-coming Messu, or
child of the inundation in the pre-anthropomorphic phase of symbolism, in which the
type might be the fish, the papyrus-shoot, the beetle, hawk or calf, each one of which
bears witness that when the infant-likeness was adopted as a figure of the ever-coming
saviour or messiah the human type was just as non-historical as any of its

The advent of the Messu (the Hebrew Messiah) was periodic in accordance
with the natural phenomena: not once for all. Once for all could have no meaning in
relation to that which was ever-coming from age to age, from generation to generation,
or for ever and ever. Eternity itself to the Egyptians of the Ritual was aeonian, and
synonymous with millions of repetitions, therefore ever-coming in the likeness
of perennial renewal, whether in the water-spring of earth or the day-spring on high,
the papyrus-shoot, the green branch, or as Horus the child in whom a saviour was at
length embodied as a figure of eternal source. At the foundation of all sacrifice we find
the great Earth-mother, following the human mother, giving herself for food and
drink. Next the type of sacrifice was that of the ever-coming child. Ten
thousand years ago a divine ideal of matchless excellence had been portrayed in elder
Horus as a voluntary [Page 728] sacrifice of self, not for the sins of the world, but for
human sustenance. This voluntary victim took the parents place, and suffered in the
mothers stead. Thenceforth the papyrus-plant was represented by the shoot; the tree
by the branch; the sheep by the lamb; the saviour by the infant as an image of
perpetual renewal in life by means of his own death and transformation in furnishing
the elements of life. Next Horus, as the foremost of the seven elemental powers, passed
into the solar mythos, where the typical virgin and child were reproduced and
constellated as repeaters of periodic time and season in the Zodiac. The Jesus-
legend is Egyptian, but it was at first without the dogma of historic personality. We
have now to follow it in the circuit of precession, where it might be traced back to a
beginning with the sign of Virgo. But for the present purpose, the birthplace of
the virgins child was in the sign of Leo when the vernal equinox was resting in the
lion constellation. The Messu, or the Messianic prince of peace, was born
into the world at Memphis in the cult of Ptah as the Egyptian Jesus, with
the title of Iu-em-hetep, he who comes with peace or plenty and good fortune as
the type of an eternal youth.

Here we may note in passing that this divine Child, Iu-em-hetep, as the image of
immortal youth, the little Hero of all later legend, the Kamite Herakles, had
been one of the eight great gods of Egypt who were in existence twenty thousand
years ago (Herodotus, 2, 43). This wondrous child, who is the figure of ever-coming
and of perennial renewal in the elements of life, was also known by name as Kheper,
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Horus, Aten, Tum or Nefer-Atum according to the cult. He was continued at On
[Heliopolis] or Annu. The title likewise was repeated in the new religion, when Iu-
em-hetep became the representative of Atum-Ra. His mothers name at On
was Iusas [Nazarene Remnant comment: Personification of the Birthright Holy
Spirit, and forerunner of Isis], she who was great (as) with Iusa or Iusu, the
evercoming child, the Messiah of the inundation. Such doctrine, however, did not
originate as uterine or come the human way, although it might be expressed in human
terminology. We have now to track the ever-coming child Iusa, Iusu or Jesus in
the sphere of time as the son of Iusas and of Atum, who was Ra in his first
sovereignty; not merely in the round of the lesser year, but in the movement of
precession as determined by the changing equinox or by the shifting position of
the pole.

As we have shown, the Zodiacal signs were set in heaven according to the seasons of
the Egyptian year and in the annual circuit of the sun. The birthplace of the Inundation
and the Grapes was figured in or near the sign of Virgo or the Virgin, the mother
of the child who brought the new life to the land in water as Ichthus the fish and in
food as Horus on his papyrus. But Horus the traveller of eternity has to be
tracked and followed in the movement of Precession. And thus the new
beginning for the present quest is in the sign of Leo. The priests of On attributed a new
creation of the world, or the heavens, to Atum-Ra. This was the cultivated enclosure or
garden of a new beginning. And this garden of a new beginning or creation
was visibly featured in the southern heaven. There ran the river Nile as the
one water from its hidden source, as it flowed in the starry stream Eridanus, and
meandered through the Aarru-garden that was [Page 729] made for Atum, in the
likeness of which the future paradise was represented in Amenta (Rit., ch.
150, Vignette). According to the Osirian rendering, the later Aarru-field is the garden
of the grape (Rit., Vignettes). The typical tree of life in an Egypto-Greek planisphere is
the grape-vine. This is the tree still represented by the female vine-dresser and the
male grape-gatherer in the Decans of Virgo (Higgins, W. H., Arabic Names of the
Stars). Orion [Nazarene Remnant comment: The constellation of Orion
should be known as the constellation of Horus. Undoubtedly the name of this
constellation has been changed, as have many others, to hide the truth written in the
stars. For more information see the section headed Astronomical Deception: Giving
the Circumpolar Stars New Names, in Appendix N: Methods for Determining the
North and South Poles, of our book The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
which is freely available here:
messiah-restored.html ] rose up when the grapes were ripe to represent the Deliverer,
who was coming full of wine.

The goblet or mixing-bowl in which the drink was brewed to hugely celebrate the
Uaka-festival of the Inundation is constellated in the sign of Krater. The
ancient enemy of man, the evil dragon of Drought, is imaged in the form
of Hydra, waiting to devour the Virgins child the moment it is born. At
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one time the birthplace in the stellar mythos was where Sothis rose as opener of the
year [Nazarene Remnant comment: Sothis is the bright star Sirius, the Elects
star, known in the scriptures as the bride of Christ.] and herald of the Inundation.
This was the star of Hathor and her Messu or Messianic babe who came to make war
on the dragon and to bruise the serpents head. And Iusas was a form of Hathor.
[Nazarene Remnant comment: Also a personification of the Birthright Holy
Spirit]. The fulfilment of the primitive promises of the coming child as bringer of all
good things was annual in the astronomical mythology. The babe, the birth,
the birthplace and the bringer to birth, were all continued in the solar cult, from this,
the starting-point, with Sothis now as the announcer of the Inundation, and the life of
vegetation figured as the young deliverer Horus on his papyrus, or the later
Atum-Horus issuing from the lotus on the day of come thou to me, the first day of
the Egyptian year or new creation. Time in the old year of the Great Bear [Nazarene
Remnant comment: To discover the original names of the Great Bear, see the
section headed Astronomical Deception: Giving the Circumpolar Stars New Names,
in Appendix N: Methods for Determining the North and South Poles, of our book
The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!] and the Inundation had not been
subject to the changes in Precession. In this year there was but one birthplace
for the typical child who originated in Horus of the Inundation as the figure of food
and bringer of the water, and therefore of salvation. Also there was but one date for
the birthday of the child, namely, the first of the month Tekki (or Thoth) which
we equate with July 25 [Nazarene Remnant comment: This is the Feast of
Pentecost every year, the date not being fixed, but moveable], when the five dies non
are also counted in the reckoning of the year. If Ra had not discovered the co-partnery
of the Great Mother and Sebek-Horus the Fish of the Inundation, and substituted the
time of the sun, the birthplace of the babe might have remained for ever fixed in
heaven. Time in the ordinary year was always kept and reckoned by the recurring
seasons; firstly by the Inundation. In the great year this time was rectified by the
retrocession of the equinoxes and the changing position of the pole. Thus time was
kept by double entry. And when the birthplace of the Messianic child was made
zodiacal it travelled round the backward circuit of precession to fulfil a course of six-
and-twenty thousand years [Nazarene Remnant comment: 12 x 2,160years =
25,920 years actual]. The great year might have gone its way unrecognized but for this
change of pole-stars or the backward lapsing of the equinoxes being observed and
registered by the astronomers. It was solar time, which had to be continually revised
and readjusted by means of the stars. The Inundation was a fixture in relation to the
earth, and a primary factor in the year of the Great Bear, the end and re-beginning of
which were memorized by means of the Sut-Heb or festival of the tail that is, the
tail of the Great Bear as pointer at its southernmost longitude, [Page 730] which was
dependent on the revolution of the sphere [Nazarene Remnant comment: The
Heb-sed or Feast of Tabernacles, was celebrated in the tail or end of the year.]. The
Great Bear, hippopotamus or crocodile, [Nazarene Remnant comment: All of
these are demonic symbols. The Great Bear in the sky is a Merovignian name denoting
the coming Antichrist, who is Prince Charles of Wales. Thus the coming New World
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Order/AshkeNazi Fourth Reich is, to Satanists, a symbolic return to the Kingdom of
King Arthurs Camelot, but in the personage of King Solomon! By the way the name
Arthur and Bear are synonymous.] was then the Stellar bringer-forth to Horus of the
Inundation. But with Horus, born of Virgo in the Zodiac, the birthplace of the babe
was figured in the vernal equinox, and thus became subject to the changes in
precession. It parted company with the lesser year of the Inundation to travel from
sign to sign around the circuit of the worlds great year.

Fourteen thousand years ago the vernal equinox coincided with the sign of Virgo and
the autumn equinox with the sign of Pisces. And here the learned writer
Eratosthenes has a word to say upon this point. He is a most unimpeachable witness
for the Egyptians; a better could not be subpoenaed. He was born in the year 276 B.C.
He was keeper of the great Alexandrian library and the most learned Greek in Egypt at
the time. Amongst other subjects he wrote on was astronomy, and he testifies to the
fact that the festival of Isis, [Nazarene Remnant comment: The Festival of Isis has
to be the most important religious festival of the year and that is the annual Passover,
which is a moveable feast regulated by the movement of the star-emblem of the
Messiah, the planet Venus. Of course the demonic Catholic Church has changed the
meaning of the Passover (explained in our free book The Sacred Calendar of the
MesiahRestored!), and replaced it with their satanic and fixed date of Easter. In a
sense the Festival of Isis at the head or beginning of the yearthe year was viewed as
a serpent
in ancient Egyptends with the annual Heb-sed, or the Feast of
Tabernacles/Booths/Prison Cells, at the end or tail of the year (when personifying or
viewing the year as a serpent), since Isis is a personification of the Birthright Holy
Spirit, and connected to the born-again process of spiritual redemption, which are the
monthly New Moon Festivals. Of course everything in this born-again process of
spiritual redemption begins with the realisation that eternal life was understood to be
totally conditional and totally dependent upon right conduct and true
character, and that can only be gained by allowing God to teach you Himself (see
chapter 1, What Kind of Church is the Nazarene Remnant Church of God? of our
book Beliefs and Structure of the Nazarene Remnant Church of God), through the
keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals. For an introduction to the New Moon
Fetivals, see our book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, here:
salvation.html ] which was celebrated in his time at the autumn equinox, had been
celebrated when the Easter equinox was in Virgo. This perfectly agrees with the

The central fact of the matter is that in the ancient world the snake was used to symbolize both the good (the
Messiah) and the bad (satan). It is the perfect symbol for the monthly New Moon Festivals, and the year, as you
will learn. In fact the word serpent in Egyptian is djed-ft, which is directly related to the Djed Pillar (from
which we get the Jedi [Djedi] Warrior of Star Wars fame), which stands as symbol for the backbone in human
beings, which you will learn is an ancient religious symbol having great Cosmic truth. You will also learn that the
Christian cross was invented by the satanic enemy to hide the truth of the Djed Pillar! (From The New Moon
Festivals: the First Works of Salvation) For deeper explanation see chapter 20, Representations of the New
Moon Festivals: Ancient and Modern, of our book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation,
which is here:
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position of Isis, the Virgin Mother in the Zodiac. During those six months in
the great year=six signs, the child as periodic fulfiller of time and season in the Zodiac,
together with the birth and birthplace, was receding through the six signs in
precession, from Virgo to Pisces. Thirteen thousand years later the autumn equinox
coincided once more with the sign of Virgo. Now there is no meeting point of the
mythology with the astronomy more obvious than in these two signs of
the Zodiac. But it is impossible that this imagery should have been constellated in
the planisphere the last time the equinoxes entered them, which was about the year
255 B.C., where they still linger at the present moment. And the time before that, in
round numbers, was 26,000 [25,920 actual] years previously. It is a fixed
fundamental fact that the death and rebirth of the year were
commemorated at this time from the 20th to the 25th of July, when the
birth of Horus was announced by the star Sothis [Nazarene Remnant
comment: i.e. the star Sirius, which is the Elects star, or the Bride of Christ, but to
Satanists, who turn everything upside down, Sirius is the Black Sun] or the
Bennu=Phoenix. [Nazarene Remnant comment: In the New Testament, the
Bennu Bird, or the Phoenix, has been turned into a dove to hide the true meaning. See
The Sinister Garden at Highgrove, for how Prince Charles renders the doves on his
estate at Highgrove. The book is here:
garden-at-highgrove.html ] It is equally a fact that when the solar Horus had entered
the Zodiac the birthplace was shifted from sign to sign, according to the movement in
precession, from Virgo to Leo, from Cancer to the Gemini, from Taurus to Aries, from
Aries to Pisces. The pathway of eternity was now depicted in the circle of
precession. In this the sonship of Horus was continued after the fatherhood of God
had been established, and Horus became the manifestor for the eternal in the sphere
of solar time. Hence the sayings of Horus in the Ritual. I am Horus, the prince of
eternity. Witness of Eternity is my name (ch. 42). He calls himself the persistent
traveller on the highways of heaven, which he surveys as the everlasting one. I am
Horus, he says, who steppeth onwards through eternity without stopping or ever
standing still. This was Horus, otherwise the Egyptian Jesus, as the ever-
coming son (Iu-sa) in all the years of time that culminated in the all-inclusive cycle of
precession. Horus as the shoot, or the later wheat-ear (spica), had been brought forth
when the birthplace was in Virgo. If we look on this as a sign in precession, the next
birthplace in the backward course is in the sign of Leo, in which Horus was the lion of
the solar power that was doubled in the vernal equinox. When the Osiris comes to
witness [Page 731] the judgment on the mount of glory (Rit., ch. 136 B), he sees the
lion forms called the Kherufu, which are three in number. Two of these are figures of
the Double Force, as shown in the vignette to ch. 18, and the one in the centre is the
lion of the double lions=the double force, as the lion or as the solar disk. Now Atum is
this solar lion on the mount which is in the equinox, and which can be thus identified
with the lion-sign or sign of the lions in the Zodiac. Atum is the god with the lions
face, who is also called the man-faced lion. He is said to lay the foundations of
the eternal house (Rit., ch. 17).
That is, in building the new heaven which was

The foundations are laid through the work of the Birthright Holy Spirit, creating or re-creating from the
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based upon the equinoxes in the circuit of precession, at a certain starting point,
including all the previous foundations laid by Ptah and Taht, Shu and Sut, and by the
first great Mother in the Heptanomis.

It is a tradition common to the Quichs, the Aztecs, the Bushmen, the Australian
aborigines and other ancient races that their ancestors existed before the creation of
the sun. The Bushmen say that the sun did not shine on their country in the beginning.
It was only when the children of the first Bushmen had been sent up to the summit of
the Mount that the sun was launched to give light to the South African world (Bleek,
Bushmen Folk-Lore, p. 9). So in Egypt it might be said there was no sun before the
creation of Ra, when Atum issued from the lotus on the day of Come thou to me. It is
stated in the texts that light began with this new creation, when the sun-god rose up
from the lotus; that is, the solar light which followed the lunar and the starlight which
preceded day in accordance with the mythical representation. Atum-Horus sinks at
evening in the waters as the closer of day, with the lotus on his head. At dawn he rises
from the lotus, the opening flower of dawn. But, instead of commencing with the sign
of Virgo, the present writer [Gerald Massey] traces this new beginning in the solar
mythos to the time when the vernal equinox was in the sign of Leo, now some 13,000
to 15,000 years ago, according to the reckoning in the greater year. By this, however, it
is not meant that equal day and night were then coincident with the birth of the
Inundation or the heliacal rising of the dog-star on the 25th of July. The position of the
equinox has to be made out according to the precessional year, not by the lesser year.
This difference constitutes the difficulty of the reckoning. The time of equinox was
determined in the lesser year by the recurrence of equal day and night, but the position
of the equinoxes in the annus magnus was determined by the risings of the
herald stars. Amongst other figures of the god Atum, he is portrayed standing on a
lion, in others he is accompanied by his mother the lioness, Sekhet or Bast. The annual
resurrection of the solar god was always in the Easter equinox, and when the funeral
couch is figured in the lion-form, and the rising of the dead is from the lion-bier, the
fact is registered in the eschatological phase of the astronomical mythology. It is said
in the Ritual (ch. 64), He who lulleth me to rest is the god in lion-form.

Another note of this zodiacal beginning with the birthplace in the sign of the lion is
recognizable in the arrangement of the twelve signs as double houses for
the seven planets. In ancient astrology five of the planets had each one a house on
either side of the Zodiac excepting the sun and moon; these had but one house
between the two that is, in the [Page 732] lion-sign; or rather, the lion-sign was the
only double house of the Zodiac, and this was of necessity founded at the place of the
equinox. The double house of the astrologers is identical with the great
hall of Mati, the place where the balance was always set up in whichever sign the
equinox occurred for the time being. The place of the equinox was the hall of
Mati, or rather the double equinoxes formed the double house of Mati. The Egyptian
founders of astronomical science did not begin with mathematical calculations. They

old man or woman the new creation which will never be destroyed while the repentant person stays on track.
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had to verify everything by observation through all the range of periodic time, and this
was the only method that was fundamental or practical at first. It was by direct
observation, not by calculation, that the wise men of Egypt and Mero
attained their knowledge of precession. By ages on ages of watching and
registering they perceived that the backward movement of the equinox, as immense in
time as it is slow in motion, had to be reckoned with as a factor of vast
magnitude; and that this long hand on the face of the eternal horologe was a
determinative of the hugest cycle of all,
so far as they could measure periodic
time. By imperceptible degrees the movement itself had become apparent, and the
point of equal day and night was observed to be passing out of one group of stars upon
the ecliptic into another; which sometimes coincided with a change of polestars.
We have now to trace the vernal equinox in precession, from the sign of the lion
through the signs of the crab, the twins, the bull, the ram, until it entered the sign of
the fishes, about 255 B.C. For 2,155 years Atum-Horus manifested, as Iu-sa, the
coming son in the vernal equinox, or as the lion of the double force, when this
was in the constellation Leo. The next sign in precession is the crab [Nazarene
Remnant comment: In modern terms, the Sign of Cancer], the Kamite original of
which was the [scarab] beetle, and the beetle was an emblem of Ptah and Atum
as a type of the God who came into being as his own son, that is Iu-sa, the child of

When the equinox had receded from the lion-sign to the
house of the beetle our crab the young Jesus of the
Zodiac was there brought forth as Kheper the beetle, the
good scarabaeus, which type and title he
retained until the Christian era. [
] In this sign of
the beetle we find the crib or manger of the infant
figured in an early form. The star called El Nethra
by the Arabs, and Proesepe by the Greeks, which is
in the eighth lunar mansion, is the crib or manger by
name. In Cancer, then, the Horus of the Zodiac
was reborn in his solar character as the beetle
of the Nile, the reproducer of himself by
transformation. Thus Horus had been born in his

Colourful scarab beetle.

As far as human life is concerned the largest cycle we are living in is what is known to Satanists as the Dark
Cycle. This cycle will come to an end on December 21, 2012, and will end Satans long dominion over the earth
and its peoples since the time of the Fall. In other words, the judgment of the Fall, which essentially was to give
the human race to Satan as his property, will end at sunrise on that date! For more information see Essay #1
The Fall, in our book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, and The Prophet Daniel and
December 21, 2012.
New research shows that scarab beetles (species Scarabaeus satyrus) can navigate using the starry sky and
the faint light from the Milky Way, in regions where the Milky Way is distinctly visible. See the article Dung
Beetles Guided by Milky Way, here:
Image not part of original article. Source:
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solar character as a young lion in the sign of Leo, in the
month of the lions; and reborn 2,155 years later as a beetle, see Hor-Apollo, I, 10). Also
the ass, another zootype of Iu, is figured in this sign of the beetle or crab. Here, then,
we find the crib, or manger, of Iu, the ass, in the sign which was the birthplace in the
vernal equinox from 12,000 to 10,000 years ago, and therefore the original birthplace
of the divine infant that was born in a manger or a stable, and was attended by the ass
of Atum and the bullock of Iu. When the equinox entered the sign of the Twins
[Gemini], it no longer coincided by a month in the great year with the birthplace in the
crab; and there was now a difference of two months betwixt the day [Page 733] of the
equinox in the twins and the opening day of the sacred year, on the 25th of July, at the
time when the equinox was in the sign of the lion. And two months in the great year
are equivalent to 4,310 lesser years [Nazarene Remnant comment: I would
content that the numbers used by Massey should be multiples of 2,160, the length of
the Great Month. Hence instead of 2,155 years we should use 2,160 years, and instead
of 4,310 years we should use 2 x 2,160, or 4,320 years.].

Next Iusa, the coming son, the second Atum, was born of Hathor-Iusas,
the cow-headed goddess, in the sign of the bull [Taurus] where the equinox
rested from the year 6,465 to the year 4,310 B.C. In this sign the divine child was
brought forth in the stable as a calf or a bullock. The lunar cow was in the stable of the
solar bull, where the young babe was born and laid in a manger now as Horus or
Iu, the calf. Mother and child might be and were portrayed in human form, but it is
the cow that gives the name of Meri, and but for the cow-headed Hathor-Meri there
would have been no human Mary as a virgin-mother in the Jesus-legend.
Hathor-Meri was the mother of Horus, the Su in the house of a thousand years, born
in the stable or the manger of the bull. He had been brought forth as a young lion in
the house of the lions, as a scarabaeus in the sign of the beetles, and now was
manifested as the calf in the sign of the bull. And it was as the lunar cow in the
house of a thousand years that the mother brought forth her child as a calf in the
stable which was rebuilt for the oxen, that is, for the bull, the cow and calf, when
the birthplace passed into the zodiacal house, stable, or byre of Taurus. In re-erecting
the house of heaven on earth when it was going to ruin, or, at the end of the period,
King Har-si-Atef says he has built the stable for oxen in the temple. (Stele of King Har-
si-Atef, left side. Records, v. 6, p. 90.) In this stable of the temple the mystery of the
birthplace was sacredly performed, and the child born in a manger (the Apt)
was exhibited to the worshippers every year. The ox and the ass that were
present at the birth of the Divine child in the stable at Bethlehem were extant in this
sign. The ass had been present without the ox when the birthplace was in the sign of
the lion; and again when the birthplace was in the sign of the crab. The manger in
which the little Jesus lay is figured in the sign of Cancer, and the birth of the babe in
that sign with the manger for his cradle had occurred 8,875 years B.C. Also the ass
on which the child Iusa rode is standing by the manger in the stable. The
ass in the birthplace is a representative of the sun-god Atum-Iu, and when the ass and

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ox are found together in the stable the birthplace is in the sign of the bull. Horus
or Iusa in the house of a thousand years was the bringer of the millennium, which
was renewed in the following cycle. Sut or Satan was loosed for a little while, seven
days at most, during the Saturnalia; then he was bound in chains for another cycle of
time, whilst Horus took possession of the house once more on a lease of a thousand
years to establish his reign of peace, plenty and good luck in the domain of time and
law, justice and right by the inauguration of another millennium. The Divine mother
and child had been humanized in the Egyptian religion when the stone monuments
begin for us, at least ten thousand years ago, but the zootypes were still
continued as data in sign-language. This was the knowledge that was in possession of
the Wise Men, the Magi, the Zoroastrians, Jews, Gnostics, Essenes and others who
kept the reckoning, read the signs, and knew the time at which the advent was to
occur, once every fourteen lifetimes (14 x 71-2 years), in the house of a thousand
[Page 734] years, or once every 2,155 years [2,160], when the prince of peace was to
be reborn as the lamb in the sign of the ram, or as Ichthus the fish in the sign of
Pisces. He had been born as a calf in the sign of the bull; as the beetle in Cancer; as
the lion in Leo; as the red shoot of the vine in Virgo; as lord of the balance in the
Scales. And when the Easter equinox had moved round slowly into the sign of the ram,
the coming fulfiller of the cycle was Jesus or Horus, that Lamb of God, who is
supposed to have become historical 2,410 years later to take away the sins of the
Christian world. Before passing on to follow the vernal equinox into the sign of the
fishes (we may add the corn, of which this also was the sign on account of the harvest
in Egypt), we must glance back for a moment to the birthplace and the beginning with
the Inundation, which was the source of so much astronomical mythology that
necessitated continued readjustment of the reckoning in precession. The fish, a
figure of plenty brought by the Inundation, was continued as a symbol of
AtumHorus. The type might be changed from the crocodile of Sebek to the silurus or
electric eel of Atum, but the fish remained as an emblem of Ichthus, or of Ichthon, that
saviour of the world who came to it first in Africa by water as the fish. We have already
seen that the mystical emblem called the Vesica Pisces, as a frame and aureole for
the virgin and her child, is a living witness to the birth of Jesus from the fishs mouth,
as it was in the beginning for Iusa or Horus of the Inundation. This will also
explain why Ichthus, the fish, is a title of Jesus in Rome; why the Christian
religion was founded on the fish; why the primitive Christians were called Pisciculi,
and why the fish is still eaten as the sacrificial food on Friday and at Easter. There is
evidence to show the impossibility of this sign having been founded in the year 255 B.
C. as the sign of the vernal equinox, either in relation to Horus the fish or Horus the
bread of life, or Iu the Su (son) of Atum-Ra. For instance, the wheat-harvest in Egypt
coincides with the Easter equinox, and always has done so since wheat was grown and
time correctly kept. In the Alexandrian year the month Parmuti, the month of the
mother of corn, begins on the 27th of March, or about the time of the equinox when
this had entered the sign of Pisces. According to the table of the months at Edfu and
the Ramesseum, Parmuti was the very ancient goddess of vegetation, Rannut. Rannut
was the goddess of harvest and also of the eighth month in the year, which opened
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with the month Tekki or Thoth. From Thoth, the first month, to Rannut-Parmuti,
the eighth month, is eight months of the Egyptian year, equivalent to two tetramenes
in the year of three seasons. When Horus had fulfilled the period of 2,155 [2,160] years
with the Easter equinox in the sign of Aries, the birthplace passed into the sign of
Pisces, where the ever-coming one, the Renewer as the eternal child who had been
brought forth as a lion in Leo, a beetle in Cancer, as one of the twins in the sign of the
Gemini, as a calf in the sign of the bull [Leo], and as a lamb in the sign of the ram
[Aries], was destined to manifest as the fish, born of a fish-mother, in the zodiacal sign
of the fishes [Pisces]. The rebirth of Atum-Horus or Jesus as the fish of Iusas and the
bread of Nephthys was astronomically dated to occur and appointed to take place in
Bethlehem of the Zodiac about the year 255 B.C., at the time [Page 735] when the
Easter equinox entered the sign of Pisces, the house of corn and bread; the corn that
was brought forth by the gestator Rannut in the eighth month of the Egyptian year,
and was reaped in the month named from Parmuti the Corn-Mother; and the bread
that was kneaded by Nephthys in the house of bread. Horus, or Jesus, the fulfiller of
time and law, the saviour who came by water, by blood and in the spirit, Horus the fish
and the bread of life, was due according to precession in the sign of the fishes about
the year 255 B.C. A new point of departure for the religion of Ichthus in Rome is
indicated astronomically when Jesus or Horus was portrayed with the sign of the fish
upon his head, and the crocodile [Nazarene Remnant comment: Another symbol
for Sut or Satan. ] beneath his feet (fig. p. 343). This would be about the year 255 B.C.
(so called). But the perverters of the Jesus-legend, in concocting the Christian
history, had falsified the time in heaven that the Egyptians kept so sacredly on earth
during the ages on ages through which they zealously sought to discern the true way to
the infinite through every avenue of the finite, and to track the Eternal by following the
footprints of the typical fulfiller through all the cycles and epicycles of renewing time.

The Death of Gerald Massey, 29 October, 1907
WITH the departure of Gerald Massey there is removed from this scene an
Egyptologist of a new order, and one of the old guard of Modern Spiritualism.

The main incidents of his outer life have already been given out by the daily press.
His lowly birth at Tringson of bargemanone of a family of thirteen. His early
struggles against adversity as factory lad and errand boy in the West End. His love of
books and thirst for knowledge. First effusions of poetic geniuseditorship at twenty-
onecontact with the Christian Socialists of the forties, Kingsley and Maurace
attraction to the Chartist movementthe fiery lyrics, "The Cries of '48," warm from a
quick-beating heartthen the beautiful poem of Christabelall this, and much more,
has been told in the rush of a few daysit needs no repetition. It pictures to us a child
of stirring perioda young man touched by the epoch-making scenes and realities

Massey, Gerald, Ancient Egypt: The Light Of The World, Edition limited to 500 copies. From Book XII: The
Jesus-Legend Traced In Egypt For Ten Thousand Years. You can obtain digital versions of this important work
online, e.g. (a free service).
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around him. He felt the tragedy of oppression"the iron entered into his soul." The
poor man must be either a slave or a rebelhe became a rebel; that is, a rebel of the
mental spheresuch as England produces.

But there were other movements besides Chartism.

In the early fifties it was mooted that the "silent land" had sent forth a voicethe
"dead" (so it was said) had come back! They were manifesting their actual nearness
by moving tables, by voices, by visible forms. Massey heard, and investigated for
himself. The evidence was sufficient. He was convinced. At the close of the decade
another "bolt from the blue" startled the worldDarwin's great book on evolution.
This opened still another world of thought. At the same time the old land of Egypt was
coming back into life, bringing startling facts, upsetting all notions of history and

In those days we find Gerald Massey busy, taking the chair at Spiritualistic
meetings, welcoming mediums, lecturing and writing.

But in our last interview he told me that it was at his own home, chiefly through his
wife (his first wife) he became convinced of the fact that the dead were not dead. He
never forgot those days. And here is the most potent thing to remember. His spiritual
science concerning phenomena, psychology, and present-day manifestations became
the lamp which threw that lurid light on the inexplicable gloom and mystery of ancient
Egypt, a light now to be found in his books.

On one occasion we were talking of another remarkable man who had used a
similar lamp to illumine the land of the Sphynx. Mr. William Oxley had then lately
passed away. As I spoke of him to Mr. Massey interest was revived. "I never knew
him," said the latter, "but I have heard of his books." Oxley had visited Egypt; but,
strange to say, Gerald Massey never set foot there. The two men explored in the same
countrythe sphere of Spiritual science and philosophybut they took distinctly
different routes, as their several works show. They resemble each other in this: They
were consciously helped by invisible agents in the inner planes of existence. Cardinal
Newman was right when he wrote that inspiration was not an exclusive, but a world-
wide act or gift. The literary career of the one now departed is a further illustration
that influx or inspiration is a thing apart from any orthodoxy or sectarianism.

One point more. Gerald Massey was behind the times in one thing. He was not a
money-hoarder. What money he obtained by his writings he handed over to "John
Gutenberg," as he calls him. He has died a comparatively poor man, exhausted in
pocket by the expense of publishing.
His departure synchronises with the issue of this new book "Ancient Egypt," and
he seemed to me to feel a special interest in this work. He has just lived to finish it. He
had an intuition that he would do so.Samuel Keyworth.
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Gerald Massey was buried at Old Southgate to-day, Nov. 4th. Mrs. and Miss
Massey and a few friends came in two carriages. The coffin was carried straight to the
grave, and a young gentleman, who preferred not to give his name, (Ed. The 'young
gentleman' was James Milne - see 'Pages in Waiting.') gave a brief address. There were
about twelve wreaths on the coffin, including one from my father. It was a very quiet
affair, only about fifteen, all told, being present. The bodies of two of his daughters are
already in the same grave:Archie Glendinning.

So, Lets Resume Our Exploration of Ancient Egypt

To commemorate the awesome event described in the Introduction to this book
the halving of an angeland to show for all ages the truth of what you have just learnt,
the Eternal God caused to be carved, supernaturally, on the place of re-creation
, the
Sphinx (Figure 2), which as you know is half lion and half human. As you will learn
later in this book, the Sphinx, which is older than ancient Egypt itself, is aligned
directly towards the point of the equinoxthe eastern horizon, the place of life. This
makes the Sphinx into a giant geodetic marker of the ages. The Sphinx represents The
Androgyne, which could also be said to contain the important number of 432 (216 x 2
from above), which when doubled, gives 864, the base building blocks for the value of
the Sun. The male section is carved to show the Sceptre Promises reside with the male,
while the head of the sphinx was actually carved as the head of a woman. It was only
re-carved as a male much later on, during the time Egyptologists erroneously insist it
was built, which they call the Pyramid Age. The head of the woman is designed to show
the Birthright Promises, which she carries, the Zodiacal Age of Virgo, and the bright
star Sirius.
This period of the original creation is known as the First Time, and
occurred during the Age of Leo (end of Virgo) during the first precessional cycle, which
may have been well over 100,000 years ago. By the way, the Sphinx lies about 1,200
feet southeast of the Great Pyramid. It is 240 feet long, 66 feet high, and 13 feet 8
inches at the widest. Keep these points in mind as you proceed, because they are
important numbers for understanding the MacrocosmMicrocosm design principle
that God has used, as above, so below, to show His deep love and regard for His
human creation.

There is no doubt that the Fall was a monumental and highly tragic event for all concernedexcept Satan
who no doubt rejoiced that he would be given an opportunity to rule, and to wreak the havoc the world has
witnessed by following his false way. I say re-creation here, because what Egypt represents is the place of re-
creation, and the building of the symbols of the Plan of Salvation, the Great Pyramid being the most prominent
of them all.
Richard H Allen, writing in Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1963,
pp. 255-6, makes this startling admission: The great androsphinx [of Giza] is said to have been sculptured with
Leos body and the head of adjacent Virgo. Quoted in Bauval, Robert, Hancock, Graham, Keeper of Gensis: A
Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind, Heinemann, London, 1996, p. 330.
The Sphinx also once had an obelisk between its outstretched paws, which could be used to compute the
circumference of the Earth as well as the variance in the degree of latitude.
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Figure 2 (1.4):: The Sphinx Facing Due East at Giza, Egypt

Coupled with this symbolic fact of the Sphinx, the Eternal God has based the whole
of the creation around mankind, as you will discover. The other major symbol of
the Androgyne is the very Earth itselfa major factor to always keep in mind as
we weave our way through this difficult materialwhich is mans home in the Solar
System. The whole spherical form of the Earth stands for the male (Northern
hemisphere) and the female (southern hemisphere), following the formula and the
two shall become one, which is the destiny of obedient human beings as Eternal spirit
beings (elohim), granted to live forever in Paradise.

Source: Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper and Row,
Publishers, New York, 1971, p. 33. The Great Sphinx lies about twelve hundred feet southeast of the Pyramid of
Cheops. Carved from a single limestone knoll, the colossus is 240 feet long, 66 feet high, and 18 feet 8 inches at
its widest. Note the measurements that are directly related to aspects of the Venus Cycle.
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The upright central line is the polar axis of the heavens and earth [representing the
backbone of a human being
]. The two seven-staged pyramids represent the earth, the
upper being the abode of living men, the under one the abode of the dead. The separating
waters are the four seas. The seven inner homocentric globes are respectively the domains
and special abodes of Sin, Shamash, Nabu, Ishtar, Nergal, Marduk, and Ninib, each being a
world ruler in his own planetary sphere. The outermost of the spheres, that of Anu and
[Enki] Ea [Enki Ea is Satan], is the heaven of the fixed stars. The axis from center to zenith
marks the Way of Anu;[Anu is another name for the Most High God, which we generally call
God the Father. In ancient Egypt in the days of the true religion he was also known as Ptah.]
the axis from center to nadir the Way of Ea. See Journal of the American Oriental Society,
Vol. xxii, pp. 138-144; opposite p. 388; and xxvi, pp. 84-92.
In the above diagram, imagine
Sirius to be located below the whole circular structure (near the word Babylonian) at the
time of the Fall, revolving around the Southern Pole completely hidden from Gods view from
the far North (because it is still under the horizon at this stage of its precessional cycle). To
understand the effects of Siriuss precessional slide up the meridian line in the celestial river,
the Milky Way, see the section The Masonry and Astronomy of the Fall, and the Fall of
Phaeth,on in Essay #1, The Fall, of our book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two
In other words, Sirius (the Elects Star) climbs Jacobs Ladder.

Comments in square brackets by Nazarene Remnant.
Warren, William Fairfield, The Earliest Cosmologies: The Universe As Pictured in Thought By the Ancient
Hebrews, Greeks, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans, Chapter ix: Recovered Trace of Two Lost Spheres, Eaton and
Mains, New York, 1909, p. 2.
Source of diagram is Warren, William Fairfield, The Earliest Cosmologies: The Universe As Pictured in
Thought By the Ancient Hebrews, Greeks, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans.
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The two halves of the Earth are joined together at the equator, which is currently
inclined about 23
27 to the ecliptic,
which is the pathwaycalled the eclipticthat
the Sun (apparent movement), the Moon, and the planets take as they revolve around
the Sun. Along this line of the ecliptic, and by extension, along the zodiacal band
(which we will come to soon), there are four important marker points, which are not
all that important in our current discussion, but Ill mention them for future reference,
where they will become important. These four points are the two solstices (21 June
[embedding the important number 21.6] for the Northern hemisphere, and 22
December [again embedding 21.6, as 6 months after the summer solstice, on the 21

day] for the southern hemisphere) and the two equinoxes (21 March and 22-23
September, which again embed 21.6),
which dominate the four seasons of the year.
An interesting and important fact is that the Sun spends about 186 days 10 hours
North of the equator, and only 178 days 20 hours south of it, or 8 days 14 hours longer
in the Northern hemisphere, or, if you prefer, in the male domain.
Another one of His great creations, done after the Fallsupernaturallywere the
three pyramids on the Giza Necropolis, with the Great Pyramid being the pivotal
These were built to tell the story, in stone, of the Fall in the Garden of Eden,
as well as the Plan of Salvation, since at the time of the Fall, the whole human race
being condemned to death, the state all humans now live under. The Great Pyramid of
Giza, often described as the most sublime landmark ever built, was constructed as a 1:
43,200 scale-model of the Northern hemisphere of the Earth. This was the ancient and
universal conception of the world as a pyramid, as we will presently see.
It could also
be seen as a cone.

I take it that during the time of Adam being alone on Earth as the Androgyne, the axes of the equator and the
ecliptic were identical, set at 90
, and not the current

27. I totally agree that Milton, in Paradise Lost, got it
right when he said that this event was the signal for the expulsion from Paradise. Now Fallen time, as we now
know it on Earth, could begin, and Saturn, whose orbital period is 30 years, was set in place as the measurer of
Time. This is the beginning of the Sacred Calendar, after the Golden Age (i.e. after the Fall), and numbers like 30
x 12, 2160, 5, 6, 8, 365, 584, and 72 first make their appearance in the world, and show us the original mapping
of the Priestly Courses, upwards through the planetary spheres, via Venus, to Saturn. Thus 5 orbits of Venus
gives one Sacred Year of 5 x 584 = 2,920, which is 8 x 365. And 72 orbits of Saturn give one Great Age (30 x 72 =
2,160 years). Everything has been set in place, and then the Time Machine was switched on: "While the earth
remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease"
(Genesis 8: 22).
The solstice is the standing still and turning back of the Sun at the lowest point of winter and the highest
point of summer. The two equinoxes, occurring in spring (called the Vernal Equinox) and the autumn (Autumnal
Equinox), and cut the year in half, and on those days there is equal day and night, because they are the two
intersections of the equator and the ecliptic.
Tony Bushby, writing in Celestial Prophecies and the Great Pyramid, Part 2 of 2, pp. 49-54, Nexus
Magazine, October-November, 2008, tells us that At the time of the desecration of the Great Pyramid (c.
1100s), it was recorded that there were: eighteen pyramids on the Giza Plateau each of the pyramids was
consecrated to a star they were originally erected in consequence of the stars foretelling the deluge many of
the pyramids were destroyed by Karakousch who built, with the materials, Kela Gebel [the Citadel], the walls
of Cairo, and the causeway with arches near Gizeh. (Makrizi [or Al-Maqrizi], an Egyptian historian [1364-1442],
from Manuscript No. 671 in Uris Catalogue; extracts passim from pp. 92-97 of Dr. A. Sprengers translation of
Ouvaroffs Egyptian Mysteries, 1849 edition.) Makrizis reference to eighteen pyramids in Northern Egypt in
the 12
century reveals that nine were demolished before Colonel Vyse arrived there in 1837, for in his book,
Operations Carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837, he provides detailed dimensions of nine pyramids then
standing on the plateau. Today there are only three.
The ancients used the term the Oikoumene to describe what they understood to be the inhabited world.
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Northern Hemisphere as an upright conical
representation of the Solar System.

Southern Hemisphere as an inverted conical
representation of the Solar System.

Why the number 43,200?
This number, significantly, comes from a simple restatement of Genesis 6: 1-4:
When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to
them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife
such of them as they chose. Then the Lord said, My spirit shall not abide in man for
ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. A
prophetic year is 360 days long, and 120 years x 360 days = 43,200 days, the allotted
life-span of a human being, all from Genesis 6: 1-4. If you turn this lifespan into a
journey taken in giant steps of 36 days apiece, you would get 43,200 36 = 1,200
steps. Add the female dimension (the Southern Hemisphere), so that 43,200 x 2 =
86,400 (a 1/10
scale model of the Sun) 36 = 2,400 steps to the Sun. Factor in the
value of the Law10and you get 864,000 36 = 24,000. These are all dimensions
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of the planet Venuss revolution, in days, around the Sun, as you will come to
understand. Venus is the Messiahs star emblem, whom all true Christians follow!
Thus the motions of Venus are of dire significance of all those who are true Christians.
Put another way, the 43,200 days of a persons life could be considered to be the
period of grace God allots to each person to make a return to Him and His Ways,
prior to the Gates of Righteousness being closed on him and her forever. When we
repent, become baptised, and begin the return to God via the keeping of the New Moon
Festivals, the process of re-birth also takes 43,200 days (or degrees), as you will see in
our book The New Moon Festivals: The First Works of Salvation, freely available from
our Web site.

Also directly tied in with all of this is the highly significant fact that our Sun has a
diameter of 864,000 miles, which is 2 x 432,000 miles! Thus the Sun becomes the
symbol of our destiny to become what the ancient Egyptians referred to as sun-
gods, which is just another way of saying what the New Testament has been telling us
along! And that is, that the repentant and born-again are destined to become angels in
the heavens above.
Most people are highly ignorant of this fact of the Sun
being the symbol of destiny, but it is true nevertheless.
Joseph Campbell, writing in Occidental Mythology, also highlights the significance
of the important numbers of 43,200 and 86,400:

I have remarked that in Genesis, between the creation of Adam and the time of
Noahs deluge, there are ten Patriarchs and a span of 1656 years. But in 1656
years [
] there are 86,400 seven day (i.e. Hellenistic-Hebrew) weeks And,
finally, 86,400 divided by 2 gives 43,200: all of which points to a long-standing
relationship of the number 432 to the idea of the renewal of the eon; and such a
renewal, from the pagan to the Christian eon is exactly what the date of Patricks
arrival in Ireland [
] represents.

It is also pertinent that there are also 43,200 seconds in a 12 hour period. and
86,400 seconds in a day. All of these numbers restate the ancient maxim of the
microcosm and the macrocosm: as above, so below. What takes them to the full
dimension of the granting of Eternal life is their multiplication by a factor of 10, which
is the number of the Law.
Of course the Great Pyramid has four faces, and these represent four x 30 year
periods in a human beings life, so that 43,200 4 = 10, 800 days, or 30 years (360 x
30 = 10,800 days), which is the minmum age at which a repentant human being may
be baptised. Also notice that the number 43,200 when divided by 3 = 14,400 days, and
14,400 360 = 40, the duration, in years of the Exodus, and also one third of the

Available here:
See The God Messiah Worships, available at
Keep in mind that we are dealing with years being composed of 8 x 365 days = 2,920 days, or 8 Earth years at
a minimum! See chapter 2, "The Sacred Calendar - General Nature," of The Sacred Calendar of the Messiah-
St Patrick was supposed to have come to Ireland in 432 AD.
Quoted in Seymour, Percy, The Birth of Christ: Exploring the Myth, Virgin Publishing, London, 1999, p. 262.
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lifespan of Moses, who died at the age of 120 years on Mount Nebo (see Deuteronomy
34: 1-12), never having set foot in the Promised Land, which of course is the Paradise
that Jesus referred to on the cross.
Each of the four faces of the pyramid (shown as the numbers 1 to 4 in Figure 2A)
depicted a section of the Northern hemisphere. #1 represented Europe and Africa, or
12.5o x 7
12 divisions of the that face. #2 represented most of the Atlantic Ocean,
while #3 was North America from Florida to Alaska. #4 was China and Asia from the
Bering Sea to the Meridian at Malacca (90

Figure 2A (1.5): The Great Pyramid at Giza as a 1: 43,200 scale model of the
Northern hemisphere of the Earth, derived from Genesis 6: 1-4 (120 x 360 = 43,200
days). The dotted yellow lines indicate the true eight-sided nature of the Great
Pyramid, based on the eight-year-long Venus year.
Herodotus tells us that each
face of the Great Pyramid is equal to 8 Egyptian acres. The length of one side of
the Great Pyramid is equal to the distance swept by the rotation of the Earth at the
latitude of the Pyramid in one second of time. The figures here are from J H Coles
1925 survey of the Great Pyramid. As Livio Catullo Stecchini emphatically points
out, Cole "was not an Egyptologist but a professional surveyor." His
measurements made it possible to know the dimensions of the base of the Pyramid
to within a few millimeters, and put an end to years of controversy.
discussion in Peter Tompkins Secrets of the Great Pyramid, pp. 361-370.

Source of background image is The Readers Digest Great World Atlas, The Readers Digest Association,
London, p. 143.
Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 163 and 386.
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Symbolic representation of the Cursings of Deuteronomy 28. This engraving from 1622 AD
demonstrates that the artist was highly knowledgeable about the black religion of Satan, for it shows all
the symbols of someone who is perishing and on the downward path to the Pit (Abyss). First we have
the skeleton, always a symbol of death, but here it stands for the 216 bones in the human body, and an
important number connected with the Moon. And it is in the bones where the blood is produced, and it is
in the blood where life or death (evil) resides. Hence, if we are sinners, this is the device of Cursing
that God gives all sinners to, and Satans perfect unholy spirit enters into them. Conversely, if we
repent, become baptised, and begin keeping the monthly New Moon Festivals, then God Blesses us
with His Birthright Holt Spirit, the first works of salvation (Revelation 2: 5) and we become re-born to
eternal life. The two angels in the picture are pointing downwards indicating that they are passing
judgment on the fallen skeleton. As well the skeleton is holding a raven or crow is his right hand, and
these birds are always indicative of death and destruction. As well, the skeleton is standing on a Black
Sun, which is the favourite symbol for those who are perishing in Satanism. In Satanism the Black Sun
is Sirius, and in the female version of Freemasonry, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Black Sun/Sirius is
the Eastern Star. However Sirius is actually the Elects star, which lies 36 degrees Northward on the
plumb line from Canopus, which denotes the Abyss. The number 9 pictured is an important indicator of
the levels to be traversed from the Abyss to the Sun. Engraving 9 from, J.D. Mylius Philosophia
reformata, Frankfurt, 1622. Diagram from Gary Osborns article, The Internal Eclipse, from here:

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Figure 1.6
This whole structure in Egypt, called the Giza
Necropolis (Earth cemetery), is primarily
modelled on the configuration of the three belt
stars of the constellation of Orion (Mintaka, Al
Nilam and Al Nitak). The Great Pyramid itself
models the star Al Nitak, and represents a 1:
43,200 scale model of the Northern hemisphere
of the Earth.
This scale was chosen as the most
fundamental unit in the spiritual born-again
process of redemption, as you will learn, because
there are 86,400 seconds (or 1,440 minutes) in
24 hours (43,200 x 2)!
Thus we can see where
the importance of the number 15 in the Psalms of
Ascent stand in the Monthly New Moon festivals in King Solomons Temple, since
360/24 = 15, where a minute or a second of time is equal to 15 minutes or 15 seconds
of degree.
But I have dealt with that at another place,
suffice to say here, in the
words of Peter Lemesurier, If one wished to have an architectural symbol for the
planet Earth one could scarcely do better than to take the Great Pyramid of Giza.
itself, the Great Pyramid shows the entire Plan of Salvation, including the differing
spiritual work assigned to Elect males (via the Ascending Passage and the Grand
Gallery to the Kings Chamber) and Elect females (via the Ascending Passage to the
Queens Chamber), as well as the fate of the those people who are not predestined and
called in this age, as well as those who will never be called again, since they have
committed the unpardonable sin.

the perimeter of the Great Pyramids base is indeed 1:43,200 of the equatorial circumference of the earth.
And as near as makes no difference, the height of the Great Pyramid above that base is indeed 1:43,200 of the
polar radius of the earth. In other words, during all the centuries of darkness experienced by Western civilisation
when knowledge of our planets dimensions was lost to us, all we ever needed to do to rediscover the knowledge
was to measure the height and base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply by 43,200! Hancock, Graham,
Fingerprints of the Gods: The Quest for the Beginning and the End, Mandarin Books, London, 1995, p. 460.
The ancients took this time to be a Universal constant, and youll note how this figure works up to the next
time level in the Sirius (Sothic) cycle of 1440 years (360 x 4).
If you divide the Earth into a 360 degree circle, and again into 60 minutes of 60 seconds, then the result is one
second of arc, or 100 geographical feet.
See The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, for more in-depth information on whole structure of
the Great Pyramid at Giza being a metaphor for the Great Man (in the Essay The Great Pyramid As Metaphor
and Road-Map.).
Lemesurier, Peter, The Great Pyramid Decoded, Element Books, Brisbane, 1996, p. 9.
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The Second Pyramid at Giza, virtually
equal in height to the Great Pyramid, is a
representation of the Southern Hemisphere
of the Earth. It is a near full-size companion
for the Great Pyramid! It does not have the
splendour and advanced design of the Great
Pyramid, but it does send a simplistic but
powerful message. It has a single layer of
red granite at its base, most probably
coming from the region of Mount Sinai, the
place of the giving of the Decalogue, where
this type of rock is found in abundance.

The Great Pyramid does not have this
feature. The rock under the pyramid,
symbolising a human being, is the sure
foundations of life, which in all the
Scriptures is taught as pure wisdom, which
is Commandment-keeping. This is the
Birthright Pyramid! Here is the teaching of
the Messiah on the subject:
Source of image: Tarot Orat Rota
Tora by Edgar T. Portisch.

Every one that cometh to me and heareth my words and doth them, I will shew
you to whom he is like. He is like to a man building a house, who digged deep and
laid the foundation upon a rock. And when a flood came, the stream beat
vehemently upon that house: and it could not shake it: for it was founded on a
rock. But he that heareth and doth not is like to a man building his house upon the
earth without a foundation: against which the stream beat vehemently. And
immediately it fell: and the ruin of that house was great. (Luke 6: 47-49)

But there is something else that is quite spectacular about the three pyramids on
the Giza Necropolis. Certainly they are based on the three belt stars of the
constellation of Orion (which I prefer to refer to as the Constellation of Horus), but
they also stand as symbol for the three inner-most planets of the Solar system,
Mercury, Venus and the Earth itself, as shown in the image above. Edgar T. Portisch,
author of Tarot Orat Rota Tora, points out some pertient facts in this regard:

The ancient Egyptians accounted for this by placing the three pyramids at Gizeh
to reflect Earth (Khufu), Venus (Khefren) and Mercury (Menkaur). Their volumes
coincide with Venus and Earth, their orbital relations and their lay-out on the

The Egyptian hieroglyph for the true pyramid is a pyramidal object with a red band at its base, as shown in the
diagram on this page. This is exactly what the Second Pyramid at Giza is.
Tarot Orat Rota Tora, is freely available here: and
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ground reflect their respective distances from the Sun (in time, due to the
movement of Al Nitak, the pyramids also reflect the belt-stars of Orion, suggesting
the time around 10,450 B.C. as the time of their origin, or as the time of
commencement of our present era).

The red colouration denotes
blood, because it is in the blood
where the life resides, and it is here
that the born-again process of
spiritual redemption begins, through
genuine repentance, baptism, and
the keeping of the monthly New
Moon festivals. Red stands for death
and sin, and it is in our red blood
that the life resides. The red also
denotes the first or new growth, as
nature teaches us everyday.

In the Book of Isaiah we see the fury of the Lord towards those who refuse to repent,
and the highlighting of the significance of the colour red:

Who [is] this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah?
this [that is] glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I
that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.

Wherefore [art thou] red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him
that treadeth in the winefat?

I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people [there was] none
with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and

Tarot Orat Rota Tora by Edgar T. Portisch. For more information on the pyramids as
Venus/Mercury/Earth/Moon system, see Chapter 8, Which Morning Star is Which? of our free book, The
Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
When we see how the branching of trees resembles the branches of arteries and the branching of rivers , how
crystal grains look like soap bubbles and the plates of a tortoise's shell, how th e fiddleheads of ferns, stellar
galaxies, and water emptying from the bathtub spiral in a similar manner, then we cannot help but wonder why
nature uses only a few kindred forms in so many different contexts. Why do meandering snakes, meandering
rivers, and loops of string adopt the same pattern, and why do cracks in mud and markings on a giraffe arrange
themselves like films in a froth of bubbles?
In matters of visual form we sense that nature play s favourites. Among her darlings are spirals, meanders,
branching patterns and 120degree joints. Thos e patterns occur again and again. Nature acts like a theatrical
producer who brings on the same players each night in different costumes for different roles. The players
perform a limited repertoire: pentagons make most of th e flowers but none of the crystals; hexagons handle
most of the repetitive two-dimensional patterns but never by themselves enclose three-dimensional space. On
the other hand, the spiral is the height of versatility, playing roles in the replication of the smallest virus and in
the arrangement of matter in the largest galaxy. Peter S. Stevens, Patterns in Nature, Penguin, 1976, p. 3.
Quoted in West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Quest Books,
Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1993, p. 57.
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their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my

For the day of vengeance [is] in mine heart, and the year of my
redeemed is come.

And I looked, and [there was] none to help; and I wondered that [there was]
none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my
fury, it upheld me.

And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them
drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth.
(Isaiah 63: 1-6)

Thus the Second Pyramid stands as symbol
for the Birthright Promises, which constitutes
the first works that Jesus mentions in the
Book of Revelation: "Be mindful therefore
from whence thou art fallen: and do penance
and do the first works. Or else I come to thee
and will move thy candlestick out of its place,
except thou do penance." (Revelation 2: 5)
Another feature of the Earth that deserves
special mention is the length of the line
cutting the Earth into two equal halves. This
is shown on Figure 2B as the line joining the
letter A back to itself.
As the diagram shows
the path of the Sun is a zig-zag one, following
the seasons, as its crosses the equator at the
equinoxes, on its journey between the two

The modern way of expressing the length of the Equator (24,902.45 miles) disguises the ancient method,
which is the only way to link into the truth of the whole matter.
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In this great action we see
a stitching together of the two
hemispheres, symbolising the
stitching together of the male and the
female parts. Moreover, the Great
Pyramid was intentionally built so
that the base of the Great Pyramid
shaped not into four straight sides,
but into eight, as in Figure 2.19 in
Chapter 2 of The Sacred Calendar of
the MessiahRestored!would
indicate the value of a degree at the
equator, as well as correspond
upwards to the

value of the orbit of the planet Venus and the
great star Sirius! Put another way, the base
of the Pyramid was intended to be 1/8 minute
of degree at the equator,
again making the
link to the eight-year Venus cycle
as clear as
crystal. 500 of Jomards cubits multiplied by 8
for a minute, by 60 for a degree and 360 for a
circumference, equals 86,400,000 cubits,
most prominent figure we have encountered
In ancient Egypt this zig-zag was known
as the Winding Waterway, which was taken
to mean the zone between the two tropics,
the zone where the Sun and the planets move, and kept in check within this zone by
Aker the Bender, the guardian of the travelling Sun.

This diagram is highly exaggerated for effect. In actual fact there are only two equinox points and two solstice
Tompkin, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, New York, 1971, p. 209. I would
recommend that you get a copy of this superb book, as it contains a wealth of mathematical information that is
vital in understanding the connections between the Great Pyramid of Giza, the geographic dimensions of the
Earth, the cycle of Venus and Sirius, and the mathematical connections between the different Levitical and
Priestly Course in the Temple at Jerusalem in King Solomons time.
Which is the subject of The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
Tompkin, Ibid., p. 209.
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Figure 2B (1.7): The Stitching Together Again of Adam and Eve

Figure 2B1 (1.8): The Egyptian Zig-Zag, or annual path of the Sun, which, with a little
re-arrangement here and there, forms the motif found in the Star of David. In ancient Egypt what I
call the Egyptian Zig-Zag is known as the Winding Waterway, and the Winding Canal. In
ancient Egypt, the teaching was that for the deceased to attain to the sky, he must use the
Winding Waterway, which is the 14
ecliptic, or path the Sun traverses across the sky each year.
See James P Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta,
2005, 9, 244.

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Figure 2B2 (1.9): The REAL Egyptian Zig-Zag, or annual path of the Sun, showing the
terrestrial procession of the Equinoxes along the Equator, mirroring the celestial
progression of the Equinoxes in the heavens high above. In both cases the number
25,920 is critical. In the macrocosmic or celestial model, the number is 25,920 years,
while in the microcosmic model, the number is 25,920 seconds, which is 7
12, or
. E = Equinoxes. SS = Summer Solstice. WS = Winter Solstice. The information
contained in this diagram enables the restoration of the true Jubilees, which occur
every 50 years. The ancient system thus divided the Earths circumference at the
Equator into 50 parts, and 1/50
of the circumference is 25,920 seconds, as indicated

This reveals the source of the Egyptian cubit and foot. There are 86,400 seconds
in a day of twenty-four hours (again encoding that important number, 8,640), or the
time it takes the earth to revolve on its axis. So the distance travelled by the earth at
the equator in one second is exactly 1000 of Jomards cubits.
Put another way, the
speed of the rotation of the vault of heaven is 1000 geographic cubits a second.

Tompkin, Ibid., p. 210.
Stecchini, Livio Catullo, in Peter Tompkins Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, New
York, 1978, p. 317.
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Figure 2B3 (1.10): The Sun also moves through the Zodiac in a zig-zag
pattern, called in ancient Egypt, the Winding Waterway.

In ancient Egypt the god Aker, the Bender, (also known as Akeru, Akerui), and
whose symbol was the akhet, stood as the symbol of the two tropics, and thus setting
the bounds of the Sun. Aker was responsible for bending the Suns apparent path
either Northward (at the winter solstice) or southward (at the summer solstice) when
it reached either the Northern or southern tropic. You will know that the Sun stays
strictly in the zone between these two important imaginary lines on the Earth, and
stand as symbol for the measure of the Fall. They are placed today at approximately
North and South of the Equator (today the Solstices are reckoned to be at 23
North and South of the Equator), but at the time of the Fall I believe they were placed
at 21.6
North and South. The angles represent the displacement from the vertical of
the Earth at the Fall, and 2 x 21.6o = 43.2o, is the measure of the return we must
make to our Eternal Father. Moreover, there are four important points along this
zone as the Sun traverses its Way: the two Equinoxes and the two Solstices.

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Aker - "the Bender," Guardian of the travelling sun.

"Aker was an ancient earth-god in Egypt. He was believed to guard the gates
of the dawn from which the sun rose each morning. He was portrayed as a
double-headed lion, or a two lions sitting back-to-back. In between them is
shown the sun with the sky overhead. In this way they form the akhet symbol,
which was a symbol of the horizon. Occasionally they were portrayed bearing
the akhet on their backs (as in the image above).

The two lions were called Sef and Duau, which means "Yesterday" and
"Today" respectively.

As Egyptians believed that the gates of the morning and evening were
guarded by Aker, they often placed statues of lions at the doors of their
palaces and tombs. This was to guard the households and tombs from evil
spirits and other malevolent beings. Sometimes they gave these statues the
heads of men and women. The Greeks called this class of statuary,

This band on Earth, between the two tropics, has its astronomical counterpart in
the sky: Generally speaking all the planets and the Moon, in their movement around
the Sun, follow the line of the ecliptic. Except the planet Mercury [which is Satans
star-emblem], which appears to have a mind of its own, as you would expect, since it
deviates quite radically from The Way of the Sun (the ecliptic). Mercury can be as
much as 7
00 North or south of the ecliptic. This swathe that Mercury follows marks
out a belt 14
wide and follows the Zodiacal band. Compared to the path of the Sun, it
is a very broad path, and Jesus notes this in this astronomical statement: Enter ye in
at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many there be which go in thereat ... (Matthew 7: 13) The ecliptic is
seen as a very narrow band, as mentioned previously, along which the Sun travels. It is
conceived of the Way of Righteousness, and Jesus makes reference to this fact in
Matthew 7: 14, when He says: Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way,
which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. The narrow way is the path of
the Sun and on Earth it had its equivalent in the circumference of the Earth at the
Equator, a very narrow piece of land indeed.

Chapter 8, Which Morning Star Is Which, in The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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Year # Annual
Year # Annual
1 7.2
7.2 26 7.2
2 7.2
14.4 27 7.2
3 7.2
21.6 28 7.2
4 7.2
28.8 29 7.2
5 7.2
36 30 7.2
6 7.2
43.2 31 7.2
7 7.2
50.4 32 7.2
8 7.2
57.6 33 7.2
9 7.2
64.8 34 7.2
10 7.2
72 35 7.2
11 7.2
79.2 36 7.2
12 7.2
86.4 37 7.2
13 7.2
93.6 38 7.2
14 7.2
100.8 39 7.2
15 7.2
108 40 7.2
16 7.2
115.2 41 7.2
17 7.2
122.4 42 7.2
18 7.2
129.6 43 7.2
19 7.2
136.8 44 7.2
20 7.2
144 45 7.2
21 7.2
151.2 46 7.2
22 7.2
158.4 47 7.2
23 7.2
165.6 48 7.2
24 7.2
172.8 49 7.2
25 7.2
180 50 7.2
Table 1: Annual Progression of the Equinoxes along the
Equator over the 50-year Jubilee period.

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Base Perimeter Apothem
Egyptian foot of .300 metres 770 3080 616
Greek or geographic foot of .308 metres 750 3000 600
Greek or geographic cubit of .462 metres 500 2000 400
Royal Egyptian cubit of .525 metres 440 1760 352
Pyk belady cubit of .5775 metres 400 1600 320
Megalithic yards of .84 metres 275 1100 220
Brasse of 6 geographic feet (1.848 metres) 125 500 100
Decapodes of 10 geographic feet 75 300 60
Plethra 7.5 30 6
Stadium of 600 geographic feet 1 5 1
Miles or minute of degree 1/8 1/10
Parasangs 1/24 1/6 1/30
Long schoene 1/48 1/12 1/60
Geographical degree 1/480 1/120 1/600
Table 1B: Geodetic Values Incorporated in the Dimensions of the Great Pyramid at Giza

This also reveals the origins of the 50s, 100s and 1000s in King Solomons
organization of the Priesthood in the Temple in Jerusalem: 1 Chronicles 22: 6 to 27: 34
mentions the chief fathers, the captains over thousands and hundreds, and the
captains of the host. Again pure Earth measures/speeds standing in to represent
celestial measures: The builders of the Great Pyramid gave its base a length
corresponding to the distance the earth rotates in a second. This makes the cubit
and the foot doubly earth commensurate: the cubit was equal to 1/1000 of a second of
time, the foot to 1/100 second of arc. From the figures it is evident that the ancient
astronomers took the earths daily rotation on its axis as a unit of time and made 1000
cubits the distance travelled by the earth in a second of time.
These unchangeable
mathematical systems underpin the whole spiritual ripening system of the first 15
days of Ascent during each months New Moon festivals, and forms the work of doing
the first works, becoming totally free of sin, which is the spiritual Birthright.
Now after youve gotten a little accustomed to the majestic genius of the Eternal
Creatorwhich could be distilled right down to the term angel-making
and the
symbols Hes using, heres another startling and interesting fact! Not only has he split
an angel into two unequal parts (in creating Adam and Eve, which is the gist of Genesis
1: 27), and built many dual-faceted creations to reflect this fact, but Hes also split
ancient Egypt, neatly in two, horizontally, and in a 6: 1 ratio vertically, as well! If you
look at Figure 1.11 youll notice that the ancient land of Egypt
was re-created after the
Fall to show the following:

Tompkin, Ibid., p. 213.
Tompkin, Ibid., p. 210.
Understand that an angel is cpomosed of pure light, and to make this white light, seven colours are required!
The Hermetic dictum is that Egypt was made in the image of heaven.
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Figure 2B (1.11): The Geography and Geometry of Ancient Egypt. Upper Egypt on
Earth represents one Zodiacal Sign in the heavens, which is the prison each
person has to escape from in this life, as explained in Section 4, The Judgments
of the Fall, in our book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation,

The geographic cubit was ideal in that it gave an admirable length of Egypt of
1,800,000 cubits. From Behdet to Syene is 7 degrees, or 1/48
of the earths
circumference of 86,400,000 cubits.

Available here:
Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 211.
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It was 7 degrees 30 minutes of latitude
from North to South, with the centre
line (representing the Equator, or The Way of the Sunthe ecliptic, since the
Sun moves a mere 50 seconds a day) properly located at ancient Akhet-Aten
(modern Tell el Amarna), whose Northern and Southern boundary pillars were
set to reflect the width of the Equator (which is the narrow way as used by
Jesus in Matthew 7: 14: "Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way,
which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."). Thus the Equator is an
important marker: it is The Way of the Sun!

Livio Catulo Stecchini (19131979) points out that the Tropic of Cancer,
which is presently at 23
27 North, was at 23
51 when the geodetic system of
ancient Egypt was established by the Deity.
William Neil states that
the tropics were set at 21.6
, conforming to the a one-tenth count of
the number of bones (216) in the human body,
which derives from the 216
names of God, and the conformation of the seasons in the year.
The centre line
of Egypt is 31
14' East longitude, in the modern system (which is designed to
hide the original truth of the Earth and its relation to the Cosmos), and at this
point only in a Jubilee year, the Sun will make its appearance furtherest North
i.e. the Summer Solsticein its journey, before turning Southwards, and,
according to Stecchini, crossing the Equator at the Island of the Gorgones,
which is the island of So Tom, in the Gulf of Guinea. Stecchini also maintains
that in the ancient world this location was the Prime Meridian, at 0

To the ancients, the path of the Suni.e. the line of the Eclipticwas conceived
as being marked on the face of the Earth (i.e. they must stnd on the Earth), as it
is marked today on some globes. But even this aid to understanding the ancient
truths has been cunningly removed from most globes these days.

The two points where the Zodiac Signs (i.e. the ecliptic) crosses the Milky Way
are known as the "Gates of the Gods." Prior to 7BC, these two points occurred in

This was simplified down to exactly 7
when the Egyptian geographers accurately marked the dimensions of
Northern Egypt as a triangle exactly 1
deep, with its apex where the Nile splits just North of the Pyramid of
Cheops, fanning out 1
24 East and West to where it flows into the sea. Tompkin, Ibid., p. 180.
Tompkin, Ibid., p. 180-181.
He is possibly unaware that originally the Earths axis was vertical, pointing directly at the pole of the Ecliptic.
He is talking about the situation that was imposed on the Solar System at the Fall.
William Neil, How We Were Made; A Book of Revelations.
That is, the Summer Solstice is 21/6 (21
June); the Winter Solstice six months away on the 21
day; and the
Equinoxes are also positioned in such a striking manner. Thus the sequence 21.621.621.621.6., giving 21.6 x
4 = 86.4, the signature number of the Sun, whose diameter is 864,000 miles. All of this is to say that, as evil
increases on the Earth, we are getting further aad further away from the throne of God. We have gone from 21. 6
36) to 23
27, and if the system reaches 24
then the whole system will be destroyed. This will only be
prevented when God the Father sends the Messiah to halt the degradation, and restore the whole system back to
what it was.
In the ancient world this would have placed the western boundary of Egypt at 21.6
Eastthat number
againwhich is 21
36, or 3 x 7
12 east of the Prime Meridian, its centerline at 23
0 East (3 x 7
12 + 1.24
) and
its eastern boundary at 24
24 (3 x 7
12 + 1.24
+ 1.24
), which in the modern system is 32 38 E. Remember,
the ancients divided the circumference into 50 equal divisions of 7.2
each. It is thus the path of the Sun, and its
time of passing overhead at the Prime Meridian, that determines the Jubilee year.
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the Zodiacal Signs of Cancer and Capricorn, and it is from this fact that the two
tropics get their name, which is still in use today. Because of the precession of
the equinoxes, however, these points are continually moving, taking 2,160 years
to move from one Zodiacal Signs to the next. The Gate of Cancer (i.e. the June
Solstice) is now actually in the Sign of Gemini, and the Gate of Capricorn (i.e.
the December Solstice) is now in the Sign of Sagittarius, but those responsible
for the naming conventions of the lines of longitude and latitude on our planet,
have deliberately not bothered to make the corresponding changes in our
educational and navigational systems, and in our atlases and globes. Of course
"those responsible" mean the Illuminati and those who do their dirty work, who
exist in all institutions on Earth. Their biggest geographical deception, though,
occurred when they moved the true Prime Meridian of Longitude from its
position through the centre of the Great Pyramid at Giza to its position in
Greenwich in London, the modern seat of Satan. What all this means is that on
all our maps, the Tropic of Cancer should now read the Tropic of Gemini, and
the the Tropic of Capricorn should now read the Tropic of Sagittarius! After
2,160 years, the next two Zodiacal Signs will provide the naming conventions for
the lines of the Tropics. All of this is to say that we need to restore the fact that at
the two Solstices, the "Gates of the Gods" must "stand" upon the Earth, which is
to say they must rise heliacally (i.e. to rise in the pre-dawn sky before the Sun) at
the Winter (June 21) and Summer (December 21) Solstices. As well, the True
Meridian must be restored back to where it belongs in Egypt, on the Earth
Cemetery there, which is the Giza Necropolis.

The horizontal division of the country was unequally set at 6 degrees of latitude
for Upper Egypt, and 1
30 for Lower Egypt. Lower Egypt represents the
Sabbath Day, and therefore the Sceptre Promises, and on its southern
at 30
North, is the Great Pyramid. Upper Egypt was situated over
of latitude, and represented the six days of the week, the Jubilee System, and
therefore the Birthright Promises (i.e. the New Moon Festivals, and the spiritual
ripening process). Of course all of this is also a symbolic way of representing the
6 day week (our Sunday to Friday)the Birthrightand the weekly Sabbath
(Lower Egypt)the Sceptre!

Egypt was not only divided horizontally (into the Eastern and Western halves),
but also vertically into two great divisions called Upper and Lower Egypt. These
two great zones were further subdivided into districts called nomes. For Upper
Egypt there were 22 nomes, and for Lower Egypt there were 20 nomes, making
42 nomes in all.

The prophet Isaiah speaks of a great structure on the Southern frontier of Egypt, and its certain that hes
talking about the Great Pyramid at Giza, which is truly on the Southern boundary: See how the Lord comes
riding swiftly upon a cloud, he shall descend upon Egypt When that day comes there shall be an altar to the
Lord in the heart of Egypt, and a sacred pillar set up for the Lord upon her frontier. It shall stand as a token and
a reminder to the Lord of Hosts in Egypt, so that when they appeal to him against their oppressors, he may send
a deliverer to champion their cause, and he shall rescue them. (Isaiah 19: 1, 19-20)
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Each Nome had a great temple as capital, with a specific function, and its own
priesthood. Undoubtedly this priesthood would have been based on the 24
Courses used by King David in ancient Israel.
These nomes were transferred
Eastward in the Exodus, and this was shown symbolically in the Scriptures by
the 42 stages of the Exodus.

These two zones correspond to the Birthright and the Sceptre forms of the Holy
Spirit. The 22 divisions of Upper Egypt correspond to the entry into Egypt of the
Elect's star emblem, the bright star Sirius, in the far South of the country, at the
time known as Zep tepi, the first time of the gods. This is a symbolic
representation, on a national scale, of the born-again process of spiritual
purification/redemption through the faithful keeping of the monthly New Moon
festivals. This spiritual and physical journey from the Great Arch at nome 1 in
the far south to the Bridal Chamber (Queen's Chamber) in the Great Pyramid,
on the Gizeh necropolis, in nome 22. It is meant to be the symbol of a pure
virgin bride walking down the aisle to meet her future pure virgin
husband, her true groom, at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! Women could
go no further North than the Bridal Chamber in nome 22, because she didn't
have to! At that point she becomes one with her true Covenant husband! Thus
the whole country of Upper Egypt, from the border in the far South to the
division between the two countries, at Gizeh, represents the South-North
Birthright Temple of Egypt.

The highly significant topic of the 42 nomes of ancient Egypt, as well as that of
the 42 stages of the Exodus, and their interconnections, is a massive topic in its
own right, and this book is already quite large. I have decided to halt the
discussion of this material here, preferring to take up the discussion elsewhere
in the Study Papers (they are available as Web pages or a PDF download)
section of the Web site:

The 42 Nomes of Ancient Egypt

The 42 Stages of the Exodus

The Temple of the Sunsymbol of the Messiah,
and the Destiny of every man
and woman who repents, becomes baptised, and follows after the example

The 24 Courses of the Priesthood are explained in depth in our freely available The Sacred Calendar of the
Yes, this is another way of saying that the Sun is the symbol of the Messiah, which is indeed very apt, because
nothing on Earth can live without the Sun. Similarly, no man or woman can live forever without becomes
true followers of Jesus Christ, and this is the intended symbolism. For an attempt at understanding the theology
behind the importance of the Sun, see Jesus as the Sun Throughout History by D.M. Murdock who writes under
the pen name of Acharya S, which is available via this site:
But keep your wits about you, because while the author presents much valuable information, she does not
get it!!
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Christ set for uswas at Heliopolis (also known On and Annu) in Lower
Egypt, and Akhet-Aten was in Upper Egypt. Heliopolis, the On of the Bible [and
modern Iunu], was considered the greatest university in the world.

Although the Giza complex is generally considered the Geodetic centre
of Egypt, it is just one of several (3rd-6th dynasty) pyramid complexes in
the region which shared a specific architectural feature in common,
suggesting allegiance to a centre of greater magnitude, namely -
Heliopolis (the On in the Bible). The pyramids built at these sites built
between the 3rd-6th dynasties have their corners aligned in the direction
of Heliopolis, while those built before or after, while still showing a
preference for corner alignments, no longer do so towards Heliopolis. For
this reason, and because of closer proximity to the 30th parallel,
Heliopolis might well have be considered the true geodetic centre by
ancient Egyptians. (Source: )

Not only that, to highlight its great religious significance, all temples in ancient
Egypt were aligned directly to Heliopolis, the location of the Temple of the Sun:

From a tomb in the South of France, we need to return to Egypt, to the
pyramids. The author Michael Rice pointed out that the Zoser complex
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was unique. 'Once again, it is totally without precedent, not merely in
Egypt but in the entire world.' The building of pyramids seems to have
been a particular enterprise of the priests of Heliopolis - those linked with
the sun god, Ra, with whom Sirius rose heliacally. Imhotep was the chief
priest at Heliopolis. There is also a connection with the most impressive
pyramids of all: those on the Gizeh plateau. A sacred road connected
the Gizeh pyramids to Heliopolis - and all pyramids lie in the
general vicinity of Heliopolis; none were built in Upper Egypt. Dr.
Gerhard Haeny of the Swiss Institute of Archaeology in Cairo stated that
the pyramids of Gizeh align to the obelisk of Heliopolis, which replaced the
Temple of the Phoenix, where the benben stone had previously been kept.
Mark Lehner also pointed out that the pyramids of the 5th Dynasty, at
Abusir, were aligned to Heliopolis. The link between the pyramids and
Heliopolis therefore seems quite solid - as solid as hewn stone

Heliopolis: (30 06' N, 31 11' E) - Baalbek:(34 03' N, 36 10' E). In
addition, Giza (Heliopolis) shares several other close geometric and
geodetic connections with other important ancient and sacred sites. Of
particular interest is the association with Baalbek (Also called
Heliopolis) in Lebanon, which is exactly 4 North and 5 East. (Source: )

Sir E A Wallis Budge (18571934), writing in Egyptian Religion: Ideas of the
Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, makes the significant observation that one of the

Philip Coppens,
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gods of Heliopolis was Temu, the Sun-god of the evening,[
] the great god of
Heliopolis. He is depicted always in human form and with the face of a man, a
fact which proves that he had at a very early period passed through all the forms
in which gods are represented, and had arrived at that of a man. He has upon
his head the crown of the South and North.

In The Dawn of Astronomy, the British astronomer J Norman Lockyer, who had
the opportunity of surveying the site of ancient Heliopolis before most of it was
buried under the suburbs of Cairo, noted that the principal mound on the site
had a bearing of 14 degrees south of easti.e. the identical bearing to the Khafre
causeway [at Giza]. Lockyer also reminds us of ancient Egyptian traditions that
Heliopolis was founded by the Shemsu Hor, the Followers of Horus, long
before the beginning of Dynastic history.
It is located 12 miles to the North-
east of Giza, along whats known as the Giza Diagonal, at the significant angle
of 43
20. It had existed since much earlier times under the domination of the
priests, of whom there were said to be 13,000 in the time of Rameses III, 1225
BC. More than 200 years earlier, Moses was instructed at Heliopolis in all the
wisdom of the Egyptians, which included physics, arithmetic, geometry,
astronomy, medicine, chemistry, geology, meteorology and music.
Hancock and Robert Bauval, in their book Keeper of Genesis, point out that it
was Professor I.E.S. Edwards who first demonstrated, the High Priest of
Heliopolis was Chief of the Astronomers, and the regalia of this notable was a
ceremonial robe spangled with five-pointed stars,
which is a direct reference
to the five synodic periods of Venus over eight years. The Pharaoh, Akhenaten,
after being taught righteousness,
and realising that the priests in Heliopolis
and Thebes had corrupted the true religion (just as they do today), sought to
rectify matters, by a restoration back to the sound principles of justice, truth and
righteousness (known in ancient Egypt as Maat), which characterised the earlier
Golden Age, which existed in predynastic times, when the true religion was
centred on Heliopolis.

You will probably have difficulty accepting that our Sun, the centre of our Solar
System, is the religious symbol, par excellence, of the destiny of the human
racewhich is as Matthew 22: 30 clearly reveals: "For in the resurrection they
neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in
This difficulty would undoubtedly be caused by the programming and

Ra-Harmachis was the hawk-headed Sun-god of the morning dawn and the noon.
Budge, Sir E A Wallis, Egyptian Religion: Ideas of the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, Gramercy Books, New York,
1959, p. 165.
Quoted in Keeper of Genesis, p. 341.
Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 214.
Bauval, Robert, Hancock, Graham, Keeper of Genesis: A Quest For the Hidden Legacy of Mankind,
Heinemann, London, 1996, p. 194.
See Sabbah, Messod and Roger, Secrets of the Exodus: Did The Pharaohs Write The Bible? Thorsons,
London, 2002., for an excellent treatment of this whole matter.
Also see Luke 20: 36, Mark 12: 25.
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lies you received at the hands of deceived educators, taking their cue from the
lies of Egyptology, that the Temple of the Sun at Heliopolis was dedicated to the
Sun God cult, Re, which has been the standard explanation for centuries. Of
course those who deliberately reject God in favour of following after satan have
the Night or Black Sun as their symbol of what they are to become spiritually.

Figure 2B2 (1.12): The foundational geometry of the Plan of Salvation, seen in the
ground-Duat in Egypt, which has its celestial counterpart in the sky, in the region
of Orion and the Hyades (the Dahshur pyramids having their counterparts in the
two brightest stars of the Hyades). The huge triangular region just south of the
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Apex of the Nile Delta encompassing Heliopolis, Memphis and Giza was regarded
by the ancient Egyptians as the actual geographical location of the events of the
First Timea sort of geodetic Garden of Eden focused on astronomical latitude
30 degrees North.
Actually this region of Egypt contains the signature of the
time following the Fall, not the First Time, as Bauval and Hancock claim. The line
between Giza and Heliopolis is known as the Giza Diagonal and is at 43
William H Zitman proposes that if we draw a line between Letopolis and
Heliopolis, and then from both places to Memphis; this produces a triangle. This
triangle corresponds to the head of the constellation Scorpio.

One of Akhenatens first acts was to restore the centre of the countrythe capital
cityback to where it should have rested if it was truly to reflect the Way of the
Sun, or, as history tells it, the Resting point of Aten, which really means that
such a city should rest on the equator of the country. Simply put, the location of
the capital city must reflect the everlasting cosmic principles of truth, justice and
which is at the centre of the true religion. This is, of course, the
Ten Commandments!

Professor Livio Catullo Stucchini has the truth of what Akhenaten did:

Akhenaten wanted to emphasize that the Resting point of Aten was at the
middle point of Egypt. By giving to the new geodetic center a dimension of 6
atur, he left 50 atur from it to Behdet and 50 atur from it to the parallel 24
North. This was particularly significant since there was another basic estimate of
the length of Egypt as 100 atur, from the base line of the delta (31
06 North) to
parallel 24
00 North. Akhet-Aten [became] the true and just navel of
But equally important was that Akhenaten restored the true
understanding of what the Sun symbolised, i.e. the Sun, as pointed out
previously, is the symbol for elohim, or an angel, which is the destiny of all
human beings who are counted as being truly repentant. The Scriptures call this
group of human beings the saved, and we also know from the Scriptures that
this is a very very large group of people indeed, for they are described thus: "And
thou saidst, I will certainly deal well with thee, and make thy seed as the sand of
the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude" (Genesis 32: 12). Prior to
Akhenaten Egypt had corrupted the true religion into the worship of Amen-Ra
throughout the length and breadth of Egypt. Akhenaten broke with the false

Bauval, Robert, Hancock, Graham, Keeper of Genesis: A Quest For the Hidden Legacy of Mankind,
Heinemann, London, 1996, p. 142.
William H Zitman,
In ancient Egypt living in truth, justice and righteous, according to the Eternal Law, was said to be living in
maet. This principle will soon again encompass the entire planet, when Messiah returns and puts to the sword all
who refuse to live any other way. Good was deified as Maat, goddess of justice and truth, qualities that were
sacred and religious. These qualities were linked to the God who created the universe, having nothing to do with
knowledge of evil. Maat has the same root as the Hebrew Emet, meaning truth and justice. In this state of
innocence, good was never the opposite of evil, as it is in the Bible. Evil was a well-known idea, under the name
of Isefet. With the Egyptians, Isefet was a destructive force. Sabbah, Messod and Roger, Secrets of the Exodus:
Did The Pharaohs Write The Bible? Thorsons, London, 2002, p. 68.
Tompkin, Ibid., pp. 342-343.
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religion of the country and returned the country to the proper understanding of
the place of the Sun in the grand scheme of the religious symbols. Of course, the
erroneous view of Egyptology is that Akhenaten invented his own religion by
focusing upon the worship of the disk of the Sun (Aten). Nothing could be further
from the truth.

Ayan is the district of Egypt where the division of the Two Lands was made, after
the nine member gods of the "Ennead" of Heliopolis judged between Horus and
Seth. It is here also that the Wall was placed, denoting the division of the Two
The Wall has the same function as the veil in the Temple of Solomon.

The River Nile as Osiris

We all should be appreciative of the work of Willem H. Zitman,
of for his
brilliant research and absolutely fabulous deductions and conclusions he has arrived at
concerning ancient Egypt. In summary he shows how the Pyramid field in ancient
Egypt presents an exact model of the Constellation of Horus, which is the
Constellation of Orion (not Osiris, as many erroneously teach). He has reveals how the
mirror image of the river Nile, with its sixteen important settlements, correlated with
the sixteen stars of Scorpio, the constellation of Osiris.

But first it is important to realize that one of the Hermetic texts, written down in Latin
and Greek in the early centuries of the Christian era, the god Hermes (the Greek
counterpart of the ancient Egyptian wisdom god Thoth) tells his pupil Asclepius that:

Do you know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or to speak more
exactly, in Egypt all the operation of the powers which rule and
work in heaven are present in the Earth below? [This is a reference to
the fact that the Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio has been copied from the path of the
Zodiac in the heavens, and pasted onto Earth as the ancient land of Egypt] In
fact it should be said that the whole Kosmos dwells in this our land as in a

See discussion on the wall in Bauval, Robert, Hancock, Graham, Keeper of Genesis: A Quest For the Hidden
Legacy of Mankind, pp. 143-144.
He is the author of the following books: The Cosmic Pendulum of Times, 1993 (ISBN 90.74358.04.7); Ancient
Egyptian Records and Astronomy, 1995/1996, (ISBN 90.74558.07.0); The Constellation of Horus, 2000, (ISBN
90.4390.117.2), Vol. I: Egypt: Image of Heaven, Vol. II: The Planisphere and the Lost Paradise; Unknown
Aspects of Nostradamus, 2002, (ISBN 90.806700.3.0), and The Unveiling of the Time Key.
From the Preface of The Master Game: Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World, by Graham Hancock and
Robet Bauval, published by the Disinformation Company, 2011.
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Osiris as the Constellation of Scorpio and the Nile River is is the iconographic
image of the god Osiris. The constellation Scorpio when mirrored corresponds
with the course of the Nile from the Delta up to Denderah.

The river NILE is the ICONOGRAPHIC IMAGE of the god OSIRIS


The unique course of the river Nile has influenced the religion of ancient Egypt in a
very typical manner. The Nile effectively symbolized the essence of their religion.
There are essential texts, pictures and geographical clues that show a link with the
stellar religion. Their most important deities, Osiris, Horus and Seth and other gods
are constellations or stars. So far, this connection has not yet been made.
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The Constellation of Scorpio forms one of the star gates in the Milky Way, and really does look like
a scorpion. In Greek mythology it is the scorpion that killed Orion, rather than Osiris. It is probably
from this corruption that we get the very prevalent error of equating Osiris with Orion, rather than
Orion with Horus, which is the truth of the matter. Its brightest star is Antares (Greek for rival of
Mars). The Romans called this star the heart of the scorpion, as do the French. David H Levy, is
his book Skywatching, points out that It is significant that the ancient Chinese referred to
Antaress red glow as the Great Fire at the heart of the Dragon of the East.
This corresponds
with the importance that satanists put on the symbol of the flame, a symbolism we see everywhere
on the planet, as I have pointed out in many places. David H Levy says: Thought to be about 600
light years away, Antares is a red supergiant some 600 million miles across and is 9,000 times
more luminous than the Sun. However, with a mass of only 10 to 15 times that of the Sun, it is not
very dense. Its insides might be like a hot vacuum.

The Greek writer Plutarch wrote in Isis and Osiris 33 that the most scholarly priests
identified the river Nile with Osiris. In a remarkable article by the French
Egyptologist Daressy (BIFAO XII, 1916), one can read that the Egyptian priests looked
towards the starry heaven to discover similarities with the Earth. For they were the
priests who believed that the Nile was a celestial road that had literally descended on

Levy, David H, Skywatching, The Five Mile Press, 2008, p. 208.
Levy, David H, Skywatching, p. 208.
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earth. Until now, Egyptologists assumed that the priests were referring to rainfall, yet
that proves to be an error. The main problem was to relate Osiris - Plutarch claimed he
was cleft into 14 or 16 pieces and labelled as the God of Death and Resurrection - to the
sky. My research was furthermore obstructed by the prevalent conviction
that Osiris is Orion, a conviction which happens to be just as erroneous.

On the ancient Egyptian plaque of Denderah, Osiris, the god of Death and
Resurrection, is depicted near the edge, below the constellation Scorpio (see Subpage 4
for further details, or see this footnote
) Another explicit clue regarding the stellar
origin of Osiris can be found in astrology, i.e. religious astronomy, an ancient science
that belongs amongst / has its roots in the ancient cultures, especially the Egyptian.
According to this astrological science, concepts such as Death and Resurrection were
and are linked to the constellation Scorpio. Scorpio consists to this day of
sixteen stars, the same number found in Plutarch, where he describes the
extent of Osiris dismemberment. Hence, Osiris is the constellation
Scorpio. [Prince Charles of Wales, the Antichrist, born on November 14 (making him
a Scorpio), will attempt to play out the charade that he is the original Once and
Future King, returned to Earth to take up his rightful kingdom. Of course this
imposter is a direct counterfeit of what Christ will do at His return when He indeed
will become Osiris, the true Once and Future King.]

The constellation Scorpio, when mirrored, corresponds with the course of the Nile,
from the Delta up to Denderah. Archaic settlements correlate with the
constellation of Scorpio, as well as the five mouths of the river Nile (Fig. 9).
Several Pyramid Texts, and findings in the temples of the ancient cult centres of Osiris
(e.g. Abydos), where his relics were kept, confirm my assumption that Osiris is
identical with the Nile, and that his son Horus is related to Orion. This implies
that the ancient Egyptians may have used a mirror or a viewer to observe the stars in
the nocturnal sky and hence noticed the correspondence between the river Nile and
the constellation Scorpio. Indeed, the geographical surface of Egypt, including the
course of the river Nile, is the earthly temple of the cosmos. [Nazarene Remnant
comment: Actually this statement needs a little refinement in that it should read
the course of the river Nile, is the earthly Birthright temple of the cosmos.]


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Projection of the Star map on the total Pyramid field reveals the Boat of Osiris

Projection of star map
on the total pyramid
field reveals the boat of
Osiris (Sokar).
In Isis and Osiris 22 (p.55), Plutarch mentions the direction in
which the boat of Osiris was sailing. Symbolically, the boat of
Osiris, also called the boat of Sokar, sailed the river Nile,
heading for the stars of Orion and Sirius. The shape of the boat
corresponded to a constellation (Fig.10), and was furthermore
outlined by pyramids of the third Dynasty up to and including
the sixth Dynasty and also of the twelfth Dynasty. Numerous
Pyramid Texts (138, 620, 1824-1826, 1966, 1970) describe
the boat of Osiris and the connection between Horus and

Religious astronomy, iconography and geometry
were part of the framework of the Egyptian culture
at its very beginning.

Willem Zitman expands on the previous observations, making the following ten points
(in random sequence):

1. The land Egypt is his [Osiris] mystic body. (De Geboorte van Horus,
part V, Stricker, p. 690).

2. Plutarch, De Isis et Osiris, 32: According to the Egyptians Osiris is the Nile,
which [].

3. Heliodorus: The Nile is a God to the Egyptians and they consider it as the
greatest transcendental (being) whilst solemnly assuring that the river is
an imitation of the heaven.

4. Porphyrius: For the Egyptians, Osiris represents the power of fertility. A little
further down: He is also considered to be the power of the river Nile. If they
interpret the Earth down here, then Osiris is considered as the power of fertility;
if they interpret the heavenly [Earth], then Osiris is the Nile which is believed
to descend from heaven.

5. The Nile is the god Osiris, citation 412, 413, 414, 415, 417 (see Plut., De
Osir., 33, 36, 39; Idem, Quaest. Conviv., VIII 8, 2; Aelian., De Nat.Anim., X 46;
Porphyr., apud Euseb., Praep. Evang., V 7, 5; Joann. Lyd., De Mensib., IV 45.
Father Nile: Plut., Quaest. Conviv., VIII 8, 2; Tibull., Eleg., I 7, 23.), who is

Source: William H Zitman,
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coming to his consort Isis, and impregnate the goddess of the Earth. (De
Geboorte van Horus, part II, Stricker, p. 110 and 111).

6. In Myth and Symbol by Rundle Clark, p.102, or the Pyramid Text reads as
follows, par. 1195 ff.: I am [river Nile] the herald of the year, O Osiris,
[] Thus, Osiris as river Nile is mentioned as the herald of the year. This
probably refers to the Osiris festival, after which the Nile returns to its bed.

7. The French Egyptologist Daressy starts his article Lgypte Cleste with the
words: It is known that the Egyptian priests took great satisfaction in finding
similarities between the heaven or domain of spirits [gods in the heaven] and
our earth; the other world is only a copy thereof, and the Nile is a heavenly way,
which descended. (BIFAO XII, 1916).

8. On the plaquette of Denderah, on the edge and underneath the constellation
Scorpio, Osiris is depicted in his characteristic bearing, with the Atef crown
on his head and the typical posture of the arms, holding the familiar attributes
in his hands This is an obvious iconographic resemblance. Sebshesen is the
name of the neighbouring decade, but not the name of the figure Osiris, which is
portrayed on the edge. Sebshesen is probably the star beta Scorpio (Graffias)
which is located at the entrance of the Netherworld (Die Sterne von Babylon,
Papke, p.140, 141). This offers further proof that the constellation
Scorpio is in fact the Netherworld of Osiris.

9. In the The Great Hymn to the Aten, one reads: You made a heavenly Hapi
descend for them. (Ancient Egyptian Science, Vol. I, Clagett, p.570).

10. In Lgypte Cleste, Daressy divides the land of Egypt into two parts. It is the
proverbial division of Egypt into two Niles. My investigations show that
his approach is not foolproof. There is an iconographical similarity which is
supported by the fact that Denderah is called the Southern On]. In his book The
Triumph of Horus, p. 126, Fairman writes: Two Outpourings, according to one
Egyptian view there were two Niles, an Upper and a Lower Egyptian [Nile]
whose sources were at Elephantine or in its neighbourhood and Heliopolis.
Thus, the Outpouring of Seth (Kebeh Seth) was Upper Egypt and the
Outpouring of Horus (Kebeh Hor) was Lower Egypt.

I specify the area between Letopolis/Heliopolis and Abydos as the first Nile,
and the area between Hiw/Denderah and Phila as the second Nile.

The region of the second Nile consists of: Letopolis, Hiw, Heliopolis,
Denderah, Memphis, Thebes, Heracleopolis, Esna, Hermopolis, Edfu, Assiut, Kom,
Ombo, Abydos, Phila.

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The following is a schematic geographical description: draw a line between Letopolis
and Heliopolis, and then from both places to Memphis; this produces a triangle. This
triangle corresponds to the head of the constellation Scorpio. In the same
way, a line can be drawn from Memphis, via Herakleopolis, Hermopolis and Assiut, to
Abydos. This demarcates the first Nile and corresponds to the tail of the
constellation Scorpio. The same can be done between Hiw and Denderah and from
both places to Thebes, which results in a second triangle, also corresponding to the
head of the constellation Scorpio. Now, draw a line from Thebe, via Esna, Edfu and
Kom Ombo, to Philae. This part marks out the second Nile and corresponds
to the tail of the constellation Scorpio.

The similarity between the function which Memphis fulfilled during the Old Kingdom
(Saqqara, city of the Dead) and the subsequent function of Thebe (Valley of the
Kings and Queens) from the Middle Kingdom up to and including the Greco-
Roman period, is evident. The similarities between Heliopolis and Denderah have
already been mentioned. The similarities between the schematic geographical
framework and the schematic astronomical framework of the constellation Scorpio are

William H Zitman,
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Northern Hemisphere view of the Constellation of Horus (Orion) ,
showing the famous bent right-arm pose, which corresponds to the
layout on the ground in Egypt. The left arm, stemming from the star
Bellatrix, is holding a Lions skin (Zodiacal Sign of Leo).
The bend is
at Saqqara, location of the famous Step Pyramid, depicting the elbow
of the strong arm. At certain times, the planet Mars representing the
battle-axe of the first Nome of Lower Egypthovers above his right
"Arm" of the Constellation of Horus/Orion.
Many images from
ancient Egypt depict
the Eternal struggle
between the forces of
good, represented by
Horus and Osiris, and
the forces of evil,
represented by Seth or
satan. The pyramids
built in Egypt also
depict the
representation of
whats referred to as
the Horus pose, or
the the Constellation
of the King. This pose
is now known under
the term smiting the
enemy. The famous
pose of Horus was
based upon the main
outline of Orions
bent right-arm, the
arm which is holding
the club (see image
opposite). Even the
generalised shape of
the pyramid field in
ancient Egypt follows
this pose. It is
significant that the
Way of the Eternal
God is also known
as the Right-Hand Path, while that of Seth and satan, as the Left-Hand Path.
In the Northern Hemisphere view (below) notice the proximity of the star Rigel to the
beginning of the celestial river known as the River Eridanus, which flows away to the
South towards the Abyss (the Bottomless Pit). Rigel represents the left foot of Horus,
and its name is derived from the Arabic for foot. Rigel is a mighty supergiant, which
is about 800 light years away, [and] is more than 50,000 times as luminous as the
Zitman also points out that The pyramid of Abu Rawash is called The

Source of image: Levy, David H, Skywatching, The Five Mile Press, 2008, p. 194.
Levy, David H, Skywatching, p. 195.
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pyramid which is the Sehedu-star, and this correlates with the star Rigel, which is at
the foot of Orion (Horus).

In the Southern Hemisphere, Orion/Horus appears upside down, with
the Elects star, Sirius, appearing to the South of the constellation.

On the next couple of pages a few examples of the famous Horus pose, from William
Zitman, again. They all clearly demonstrate the ancient Egyptians understanding that
the fate of all sinners is eternal death, and they made no bones about it at all, or tried
to show it in anything but its truly violent nature.

Image source: Levy, David H, Skywatching, p. 194.
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The Constellation of Orion Is The Iconographic
Image Of The God Horus

It is a common error perpetrated in so many places that the Constellation Orion
represents Osiris. Nothing could be further from the truth, which is that Orion
represents Horus. William H Zitman makes 18 points about this important fact, the
direct connection between Orion and Horus:

1) In tudes de Nautique Egyptienne by Charles Boreux, p. 110, one finds the
characteristic hieroglyph T15, which, according to Egyptologist Boreux, represents the
western delta, the region that is the homeland of Horus.

2) In Kingship and the Gods, Henry Frankfort, p. 87, one can read: The procession
moves to the chapel of Horus of Libya, who lifts his arm.

3) In Le Secret des btisseurs des grandes Pyramides Khops, George Goyon writes
on p.89: Le monument doit tre plac sous la protection astrale du dieu Horus,
Seigneur de Khem (Ltopolis). Translation: The monument must be marked out
[determining the location] under the protection [or with the help] of the god Horus,
Lord of Khem. Horus presided (meaning: to sit on the throne or chair) at Khem. In
order to orientate the pyramid towards the sacred place Khem, the astronomers
determined the true North by means of a fixed star, the Polar Star [between 3,050
and 2,850 BCE: the star alpha Draconis] (ibid, p.89).

4) The constellation Lepus has the form of a chair; the star Arneb is the uppermost
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star of the central chair leg, which is known as the Chair of the Giant and the Throne of
Jauzah (Star Names, Hinckley Allen, p.265). The name Arneb is derived from the
Greek word Arnebeschnis, which means that Horus presides over Letopolis (L
III, col.41, 42, see also L II, col. 998f Harnebeschinis).
5) The Copts called Orion the star [the constellation] of Horus (L IV, col.609).

6) The term Gizeh stands for Orion (see my explanation above). See also The Great
Pyramid by Piazzi Smyth, p. 4 and Star Names, Hinckley Allen, p. 307.

7) Horus as Orion and Orion was the soul of Horus (Life in Ancient Egypt, Erman,
p. 271 and 348). Orion was the soul of Horus, (see also Isis and Osiris, Plutarch, p.
53). Remark: after Osiris had been killed by Seth, Horus succeeded his father Osiris.
The constellation Scorpio is diametrically opposite to Orion. When Orion rises - is
born - on the eastern horizon, the constellation Scorpio (Osiris) disappears - dies -
below the western horizon, where the underworld and the world of death (the West)
assumedly began. Osiris was, par excellence, the God of Death, Rebirth, and the
Netherworld). During his lifetime, the Pharaoh was Horus, and after his
death he became Osiris.

8) and its course lies not far from that of Orion and the Dog-star; of these the
Egyptians believe that one is sacred to Horus and the other to Isis.(Isis and Osiris,
Plutarch, p. 55)

9) In Groes Handwrterbuch gyptisch/Deutsch by the German
Egyptologist Hannig, page 857, 3rd line, one can find a synonym for
Horus as follows (shown to the right):

I believe that this shows the strong arm in combination with the
throwstick and a casing-stone from a pyramid. That latter hieroglyph is
nowadays translated as sandy hill, which I consider to be incorrect.

10) The Ready Fighter, Horus who is over the stars of the sky; see
Pyramid Texts, Faulkner, par.449, and note 7, which literally quotes:
fighter with the arm.

11)I worship Min, I extol arm-raising Horus. (Ancient Egyptian Literature,
Vol.I, Lichtheim, p.204)

12) [], just as Horus, who presides over Khem [Letopolis], lives (Pyramid Texts,
Faulkner, par. 910) and at explanation: [], as with the throwsticks [hieroglyph T 15]
of Him [Horus] who presides over Khem (ibid. Faulkner, par. 908). The battle-axe,
or club, was the characteristic item by which Horus was recognized.
(Etudes de Nautique Egyptienne, Boreux, p. 110)

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13) In the sacred temple city of Letopolis, the 14 shoulder blades of the god Osiris are
kept as venerated relics. These 14 parts correspond to 11 pyramids, Abu Rawash, Gizeh
(3x), Zawjet el Aryan (2x), Abusir (pyramid city 5th Dynasty), Sakkara (2x), and
Dahshur (2x), and the 3 temple cities: Letopolis, Heliopolis, and Memphis (Die
Cheopspyramide, Goyon, p. 249, note 111), amounting to a total of 14 parts. A text at
Denderah says that the figure consists of 14 parts, whereas other texts mention 16. The
pyramids Meidum and Seila are the 2 parts that fill out the difference.

14) Horus was the great god, Lord of the sky, and we grant strength to thine arm.
(The Triumph of Horus, Fairman, p. 90)

15) On the ceiling of the entrance to the hypostyle room at Denderah, we see the
rectangular zodiac, on which the Horus-falcon on his standard (papyrus column,
hieroglyph M13) is shown, which is placed between the heavenly cow Sirius and Orion.
This indicates that Horus ruled the central sector of the sky (width: 42), from the star
Alhena to the star Algol/the Pleiades (see Sterrenbeeld van Horus (Egypt: 'Image of
Heaven'), fig. 6 and Ch.4).

16) The Pyramid Texts by Faulkner, par. 1089; 1285; 1373; and 1507, mention a girdle
or the wearing of a girdle as follows: I am girt with the girdle of Horus; You
have relieved Horus of his girdle; I am girded as Horus; The pharaoh [is said to
have gone out] from his house girded as Horus. [Nazarene Remnant comment:
Is this the origin of the Masonic apron?]

The red granite architrave of pharaoh Sahure can be seen in the Egyptian Museum in
Berlin. The name of Sahure in the architrave consists of three hieroglyphs (see
Hirogliefen lezen, p. 51, K.Zauzich). The middle hieroglyph is D61 (Eg.Gr., Gardiner)
and, according to Egyptologist K. Locher, it represents the head of Orion. On several
lids of sarcophagi, he appears to wear it as a crown; it was the customary way to
adorn deities with his or her characteristic ideogram. The belt or girdle of Orion is
the most characteristic part of the constellation Orion, and I therefore
venture to suggest that the resembling hieroglyph D61 may be an accessory: a buckle
or an indiscernible pin by which a loincloth or belt is fixed or tightened. The
pictured object shows three teeth that are connected at the bottom by a strip. On the
left side of this strip, there is a small cord in the shape of an eye. On closer
examination of the picture, the three teeth appear to be linked together by a similar
cord which could be used to pull or connect something. There are also versions with
two and with four teeth (see New arguments for the celestial location of the decanal
belt and for the origin of the S3h hieroglyph, p. 281, Locher).

These suppositions would mean that Sah is not the toe-star Rigel of Orion, and that
D61 represents the belt of Orion. The waist is known as the belt of Orion and the
reference to Horus who wears the belt would mean that Horus represents Orion.

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Remark: The pyramid of Abu Rawash is called The pyramid which is the Sehedu-star
(Atlas van het oude Egypte, Baines en Malek, p. 140). Hence, the toe-star Rigel is the
Sehedu-star, because a projection of the constellation Orion onto the pyramid field
shows that this star correlates with the pyramid of Abu Rawash. The name of the
Northern pyramid at Zawjet el Aryan of pharaoh Baka also refers to a star, according
to an inscription on the wall made by a team of workmen: Baka is a star (De Ibis 23,
1998 no.3, p.106). These stars mark the astronomical main outline between the giant
stars Rigel and Betelgeuse of the constellation Orion (The Atlas of the Universe,
P.Moore, p. 216).

17) An image of the Northern sky, portrayed on the ceiling of the temple of Senmut,
shows Horus holding a spear. The temple of Horus at Edfu was built to commemorate
the Triumph of Horus over Seth, and it was measured out on August 23rd, 237 BCE
(III Smw 7, year 10 of Ptolemy III, on the sixth day of the Moon-month; Calendars,
Parker, par. 102), On that day, the constellation Orion (the stars Nu Orion, Betelgeuse
and Saiph) was located on the primus verticalis (first meridian) exactly in the south,
while Kochab with Pherkad of the constellation Ursa Minor, and eta Draconis, were
also on the primus verticalis, (first meridian) yet exactly in the North. We know from
inscriptions in the temple that the building was measured out - stretching the cord - in
exact alignment with the four cardinal points of the compass by observing Orion and
Ursa Major (De Ibis 26, 2001 no.2, p. 55). My astronomical investigations show
that the inclusion of Ursa Major is incorrect; it is Ursa Minor, which is
meant. It appears that Orion (Horus with the spear) must keep control over stars in
the polar region (i.e. circumpolar stars near the earths axis), in order to ensure the
continuity of humanitys earthly existence (threatened by Seth). I believe that Seth
symbolically is the star Alcor, which is located near the star Mizar (zeta Ursa Major)
in Ursa Major; the Roman poet Ovid revealingly called that star Atlantis. According
to the Roman Hyginus, this star Alcor left its location in the Pleiades as a comet or
falling star and assumed a new position near the star Mizar; this led to a catastrophe
on earth (Star Names, Hinckley Allen, p. 406 and p. 445-446, and Hamletts Mill, de
Santillana and von Dechend, p. 385). Uta-napishtim, builder of the houseboat
MA.GUR, (Die Sterne von Babylon, Papke, p.148-152) managed to escape this
catastrophe, which was known as Era or Irra-Epos.

Remark concerning the current translation of hieroglyph F23 (mshtyw) as the
constellation Ursa Major; however F23 may also refer to the constellation Ursa
Minor, since the orientation of the Horus-temple at Edfu was based on Ursa Minor,
not on Ursa Major. Egyptologist Borchardt also held the opinion that Ursa
Minor had the form of the Adze. (The Pyramid Texts in Translation and
Commentaries, Lauer, op.cit. p. 106, footnote 1)

18) Pyramid Text 956-959 is an iconographical text, in which Orion is definitely and
indisputably brought into relation with Horus. Approximately 1,500 years after the
Pyramid Texts were written, pharaoh Ramesses II ordered Pyramid Text 959 to be
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displayed as a wall relief in the temple of Abu Simbel. Abu Simbel was the southern
gate to Egypt (see picture Fig.7a or Kingship and the Gods, Frankfort, fig. 10).

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The spread of part of the Pyramid field in Egypt along the West bank, the Land of the Dead,
of the Nile River.

Diagram adapted from Bauval, Robert, The Egypt Code, Century Books, London, 2006, p. 70.
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Did the ancient Egyptians lay out the pyramids on a Fibonacci Spiral on the ground?
Such a spiral would mirror the whirlpool in the sky, and the whirpool is something that
was well known and vitally important to the ancients. Fibonacci Spiral of the area known
as Bu-Wizzer or The Land of Osiris. Depiction of Bu Wizzer Per-Neters (pyramids) on a
proposed Fibonacci Spiral. Drawing by Paul E. Bowman, 1999, and slightly modified.

The Mosque at Zawiyet el Aryan in this scheme, would represent Sirius at its starting
position in the Abyss (Hades or Hell), while the Finishing Position in the Queens
Chamber would represent a repentant human being having climbed Jacobs Ladder, and
reaching the level of the planet Saturn. In other words, the Fibonacci Spiral on the
ground in ancient Khemit would mirror the movement of the bright star Sirius in the sky.
It is most important to note that all growth on Earth From flowers to human embryos
and from seashells to galaxieseverything in the universe that grows expands
outwards according to [the] fundamental rhythm of the Fibonacci Series.

For more information on the astronomy of this diagram, see Essay #1, The Fall, in The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, freely available here:

Source of image: Mehler, Stephen S, The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology, Adventures
Unlimited Press, 2001, ISBN 0-932813-58-5, p. 193.
Christopher Knight, Alan Butler, Civilization One: The World Is Not As You Thought It Was, Watkins
Publishing, London, 2010, p. 170.
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(Set, Setekh, Setesh, Seti, Sutekh, Setech, Sutech)
The Egyptian god of chaos who embodied the principle of hostility - he was the
adversary of the god Osiris - or of outright evil, even if his role was not altogether
negative: Only he could withstand the stare of the Serpent of Chaos and only he had
the weapons to which its flint scales were vulnerable. He was associated with foreign
lands where Maat, the rule of justice [Nazarene Remnant comment: i.e. the Ten
Commandments, the statutes and the judgments. See Malachi 4: 4: Remember ye the
law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with]
the statutes and judgments.], was unknown.
During the second dynasty Seth became closely connected with Ash, the original god of
the Upper Egyptian city of Ombos, whom he substituted as that city's chief deity. For a
while during the third millennium BCE, Seth replaced Horus as the guardian
[read possessor] of the pharaohs.
As the story of Seth's murder of Osiris and his eighty year war against Horus gained
currency, Horus was restored to his preeminence. During that war Seth tore out
the left eye of his adversary [i.e. the Moon] but lost a foreleg and his testicles [i.e. he
lost the ability to interbreed with human women, i.e. the cause of the Fall.].
...the combat which took place on the day when Horus fought with Seth, during
which Seth threw filth in the face of Horus, and Horus crushed the genitals of
Seth .... This storm was the raging of Ra at the thunder-cloud which [Seth] sent
forth against the Right Eye of Ra (the Sun). Thoth removed the thunder-
cloud from the Eye of Ra, and brought back the Eye living, healthy, sound, and
with no defect in it to its owner. (From the Papyrus of Ani )

A council of the gods declared Horus the victor, and made him ruler of the
kingdoms of Lower and Upper Egypt. Seth had to give back the eye of Horus
and was killed according to one tradition, according to another he joined the sun god
Re and became the voice of the thunder, according to a third he was reconciled with
Horus. (good and evil can never be reconciled)

Seth was the one of Nubet and his connection to royalty is, according to some
interpreters, reflected in the so-called Golden Horus name of the pharaonic titulary,
thought to mean rather "Horus over the one of Nubet", i.e. Seth.

The Book of the Dead refers to Seth as the "Lord of the Northern sky", responsible for
clouds and storms.

The souls of ordinary deceased Egyptians where sometimes seized by him, but Seth
protected Re against the serpent Apophis on his nightly voyage through the
underworld. Later he was - strangely - identified with this enemy of his.

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Throughout history Seth's reputation grew steadily worse, until he became Seth, the
abominable. In the Book of victory over Seth the god is expelled from Egypt. Magic
is invoked against him, his effigy is burned, and he is delivered to the Devourer. Even
his mother Nut is driven to repudiate her son:

"Is there a mother who consumes her child?
Is there a woman who draws her knife against him who emerged from her?"
I have opened (my) mouth in order to eat,
I have drawn (my) knife in order to commit slaughter
against that wretched Seth and his following,
(against him) who was not mild, who grasped in evil
against the eldest of my body, of mild manners,
who emerged with the royal serpent on his head from (my) body,
who was crowned before he was born,
(against him) who created evil against the body cleaver,
who was hard hearted against the benefactor,
who brought about unequalled crimes. (From The Book of the Victory over

Seth was usually depicted in human form with a head of indeterminate origin, said to
resemble that of an aardvark with a curved snout, erect square-tipped ears and a long
forked tail. Sometimes he was represented in entirely animal form with a body similar
to that of a greyhound. He was said to be the son either of Nut and Geb or of Nut and
Ra, and the brother of Isis, Osiris and Nephthys. Nephthys was sometimes given as his
consort, although he is more commonly associated with the foreign, Semitic goddesses
Astarte and Anat. Despite his reputation, he had an important sanctuary at Ombus in
Upper Egypt, his reputed birthplace, and had his cult was also prominent in the North-
eastern region of the Nile delta.

Animals sacred to Seth were the desert oryx, the crocodile, the boar, and the
destructive hippopotamus. The pig was taboo in Seth's cult.
The Hyksos introduced Baal into Egypt where he came to be identified with Seth; the
Greeks equated Seth with Typhon.

Other Features of Egypt

Behdet is a most important locality in the scheme of ancient Egypt, for it was
the pre-dynastic capital, and located precisely on the meridian. This was because
the word Behdet means Crown, and the Nile Delta itself stands as
symbol for the Crown chakra.
Here in Behdet there existed a sanctuary

See chapter 10, Neteru, Akhu, Shemsu Hor, of the book The Shining Ones: The Worlds Most Secret Society
Revealed, by Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn, Watkins Publishing, London, 2006, p. 176. Dont be surpirised
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devoted exclusively to the South Pole Star, Canopus. Giorgio De Santillana, and
Hertha Von Dechend, authors of Hamlet's Mill, emphasise that Canopus was,
symbolically, the cover stone that holds back the Waters of the Abyss, which
caused the Deluge at the end of the previous world age. Canopus is in the
Constellation of Argo. This constellation is the celestial boat of the ancient
Egyptian religion, and undoubtedly the Nile River functions as the Milky Way,
upon which this boat sails south to North. To the ancient Egyptians this boat is
also called Sokar, and it shipped souls to the afterlife.
Sokar is also known as
Seker, an ancient deity ruling at Abydos. Eridu, Sumerian
, is Canopus,
alpha Carinae, the bright star near the South Pole, as has been established
irrefragably by B L van der Waerden, a distinguished contemporary historian of
van der Waerdens The Thirty-Six Stars, in Journal of Near
Eastern Studies, 8 (1949, p. 14), reveals that The bright southern star Canopus
was Eas town Eridu [NUN
ki d

The goddess Nut to the ancient Egyptians was the personification of the
Milky Way, represented on Earth as the Milky Way: In Egyptian mythology,
the sky-goddess Nut is said to nightly swallow the sun, and then give birth to it
each morning from between her thighs. Egyptologist Dr Ronald Wells has
identified Nut as a personification of the Milky Way, with her thighs and vulva -
from which the new sun was born - marked by the commencement of the Great
Rift in the vicinity of the Cygnus stars. He has written that in 3500 BC, when
Egyptian myth and ritual began, ceremonies would have celebrated the annual
rebirth of the sun at the time of the Winter Solstice, when Cygnus hung low in
the Eastern sky. A very similar scenario might have existed at Newgrange c.
3200-3000 BC, when the passage grave was built to let in the first rays of the
midwinter sun. ... When the new sun of 21 December 2012 aligns with Galactic
Center, it is born via the Cosmic Mother's 'birth tube' or 'birth canal', the Milky
Way's Great Rift, identified by Egyptologist Dr Ronald Wells as the womb and
vulva of the sky-goddess Nut. Thus, in line with ancient beliefs and practices
from places as far away as Ireland and Egypt, the new sun of 2012 is born from
Cygnus, the womb and vulva of the Cosmic Mother, something the Maya are
unlikely to have been unaware of when they chose this date as the culmination
point of their 13-Baktun cycle. So the fact that Glastonbury's landscape swan
exudes these arcane mysteries of religion, which are arguably as much as 30,000

that I mention the word chakra here! There are many more surprises to be understood as we traverse this
suppressed and lost territory!
In the ancient Egyptian religion boats are of supreme importance. Many Egyptian texts refer to the front and
stern of celestial boats. For example, the word tepi, in addition to its Zep Tepi flavour, also means the foremost
part of a ship. Alford, Alan F, The Phoenix Solution: Secrets of a Lost Civilisation, published by NEL, Hodder &
Stoughton, London, 1998, p. 488. There are also numerous references to the steerage point of the boat, at the
helm, which gives rise to the concepts of the helmsman and the ferry-man.
Santillana, Giorgio de and Deschend, Hertha von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of
Human Knowledge and its Transmission Through Myth, A Nonpareil Book, David R Godine Publisher, Boston,
1977 paperback, p. 211.
Hamlets Mill. p. 211.
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years old, calls for a celebration in the Isle of Avalon on 21 December 2012 unlike
anything ever seen before, and I propose that it starts at Samhain, the time of the
Cailleach, the force of death and renewal. I suggest the 4 November - the eve of
both the cross-quarter day and Guy Fawkes' Day - which for all of us now
becomes Glastonbury's Cygnus Day according to the flight of its terrestrial swan.

The bright star Canopus, the principal star in the great constellation of Argo,
stands as symbol for the pit in the Great Pyramid, and shows the destination,
after death, of all those people, right from the beginning of time, to the present
day, who have not been called to repentance during their lifetime. Canopus is a
gigantic star, the dimensions of which are hard to imagine until we look at a
diagram such as Figure 2B3. As you can see, the stars size is staggering compared
to most other stars in the universe.

Figure 2B3: The size of Canopus relative to the Sun
and the part of the Solar System between the orbit of
the Earth and the Sun.

Canopus is situated 52
40 minutescompare this value to the angle of the faces
of the Great Pyramid at Gizaof arc south of the Celestial Equator, or 36
south (together this gives us a value of approximately 52 + 36 = 88
) than
another significant bright star, Sirius. Later on you will appreciate why this value
of 36
, especially when you multiply it by the number of the Law, which is 10, so
that we have 10 x 36o = 360
! Thus we have a numeric value of moving from the

From the article Glastonbury's Landscape Swan And The Mysteries Of Cygnus: The Key To 2012, by Andrew
Collins, available here:
Other stars are bigger, such as Antares, which has a diameter of 450,000,000 miles, and Alpha Herculis (Ras
Algethi), with a diameter of 690,000,000 miles.
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level of the Pit, spiritually speaking, which is Canopus, to the level of Sirius,
along the plumb line, which stands as symbol of the Elect. This figure is the
measuring rod, the plumb-bob, of salvation, so often mentioned in the ancient
writings. As you can see, the measure of ascent from the Pit in the Great Pyramid
at Giza (the fate of all who sin and refuse to repent) to the first level of salvation,
which is the Bridal Chamber in the Great Pyramid (the world calls this chamber
the Queens Chamber), is a 36
, or a 10 x 36
journey, and this whole scheme is
why we may say that one of the supreme creations of the Father is the circle,
which of course, like many other things, we take for granted!

The location of Canopus on the Nile Delta near Alexandria. Source
of image, National Geographic, July 2011, p. 55.

Another important point is that Canopus is approaching the Earth at an
astonishingly great speed. Astronomers tell us this speed is 20.6 km. per hour,
but I would like to contradict that figure and say that it is approaching us at 21.6
km. per hour, a slight, but significant difference! We dont notice any of this
because Canopus is just so far away.

The importance of Behdet, or Canopus of the North, was not lost on Robert
Temple in The Sirius Mystery. Temple, in the words of Philip Coppens, "...
insisted that the town of Canopus inherited the fame of Behdet, a pre-dynastic
capital of Egypt: In earlier times the fame of Canopus was held by a city called
Behdet, which was a pre-dynastic capital of Egypt, just as Canopus became
superseded by Alexandria, Canopus itself had superseded the extremely ancient
Behdet which existed before 3200 BC as the most important city on the Egyptian
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coast. Temple's reference to Behdet/Canopus was the prime driver in my
research into the mystery of this town, and its possible connection to the star."

Netjerikhets pyramid, standing for the planet Venus, is located at the southern
end of the line of pyramid fields, and is known in the Pyramid Texts as the
Morning Star. The Morning Star is Netjerikhets Third Dynasty funerary
complex at Saqqara, was Horus is the Star at the Head of the Sky
(Quirke/Helck), or Star of Horus, Foremost of the Sky (in the Pyramid Texts,
Horus was called the Morning Star).

King James Version. ... I am the LORD
thy God from the land of Egypt, and
thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no
saviour beside me." Hosea 13: 4

Young's Literal Translation of Hosea 13:4:
: "And I [am] Jehovah thy God from the land
of Egypt, And a God besides Me thou dost not
know, And a Saviour -- there is none save

"The Christian myths were first related of
Horus or Osiris, who was the embodiment of
divine goodness, wisdom, truth and purity ...
This was the greatest hero that ever lived in
the mind of man -- not in the flesh -- the only
hero to whom the miracles were natural
because he was not human." (Gerald Massey,
writing in his The Natural Genesis)

Located in the Nile River, in Upper Egypt, is
the island of Suhail. On this island is
Elephantine, and to ancient Egyptians, this
island symbolised the southern Pole Star,
Canopus, and the island marked the southern
boundary of Egypt. Across the Nile on the
eastern bank was Syene (modern Aswan), and
it is here that the ancient Egyptians had an
astronomical observatory. They also used a
rather deep well to determine when the Sun

Horus, wearing the Double
Crown of ancient Egypt
symbolising the Sceptre and
Birthright Holy Spiritson his
head and holding the ANKH
(which also symbolises the
Birthright Holy Spirit),
significantly, in his left or West-
hand, and whats become known

Philip Coppens in Lectures, The Truth About Egypt's Star Religion: The Canopus Revelation, delivered at the
Questing Conference, London, November 5 2005. See
Robert Bauval, The Egypt Code, p. 235.
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was directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer.
This had the tremendously important
function of determining when the Jubilee
Year would be declared, as you will learn later
(in Chapter 14Jubilation!). When this
as the Spear of Destiny in his
right hand. This staff also
symbolises the Sceptre Holy
Spirit. The Double Crown is also
known as the Pschent (sh-yen).
observation was spot oni.e. the Sun was directly overhead at the Tropic, and at
the precise longitude of Syenethe priestly class would then know that 91 days
later the Sun would be directly overhead at the Equator, and in fact they could
then declare the 50th year, the Year of Jubilee!

As Peter Tompkins points out, To observe the exact moment the sun fills a well
without shadow as it reaches its farthest point North, at the Summer Solstice, the
observation would have to be made under the Northern rim of the sun, 15
further North than the line of the tropic.

When the tropic was at 23
51, the ancient Egyptians observed it at Syene at 24


Today the tropic is at 23
27. [It is also of note
that currently the Solstices are located at
latitude 23.44
North and South, i.e. for
spiritual purposes, 24
North and South.] By
establishing the moment of solstice at the
tropic, the ancient astronomers were able
correctly to compute the circumference of the
earth by the use of deep wells and obelisks.

Significantly, the length of ancient Egypt, or
the distance from the Canopus in the South
(Elephantine), and the Canopus in the North
(Behdet) was 106 atur, or 1,800,000 of
geographic cubits. This figure is significant
because it is 1/12
of the length of the meridian
from the Equator to the Pole. In this scheme of
things, 7
30 (7
) is 1/48
of the Earths
circumference of 86,400,000 cubits (standing
as symbol for the width of the Sun, where a
cubit equals a mile).
As Peter Tompkins
observes: Clearly the ancient Egyptians knew
the shape of the earth of a degree not
confirmed till the eighteenth century when it
was established that Newton was correct on his

The Pschent: The Pschent (sh-
yen) was the name of the Double
Crown of Ancient Egypt. The
Ancient Egyptians generally
referred to it as sekhemti, the Two
Powerful Ones. It combined the
Red Deshret Crown of Lower
Egypt and the White Hedjet Crown
of Upper Egypt. The Pschent
represented the pharaoh's power
over all of unified Egypt. It bore
two animal emblems: An Egyptian

Notice that the Earth is not 8,640 miles in diameter, but 7,920 miles, as discussed previously.
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theory that the planet was somewhat flattened
at the poles, and they knew the size of the earth
to a degree not matched till the middle of the
nineteenth century when it was first
remeasured with comparable accuracy by the
German geodesist Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel. It
is equally evident that they could divide a day
into 24 hours of 60 minutes and 60 seconds,
and produce a unit of measure that was earth
commensuratejust as Taylor, Smyth and
Jomard had surmised.

cobra, known as the uraeus, ready
to strike, which symbolized the
Lower Egyptian goddess Wadjet,
and an Egyptian vulture
representing the Upper Egyptian
tutelary goddess Nekhbet. These
were fastened to the front of the
Pschent and referred to as the
Two Ladies. Later, the vulture
head sometimes was replaced by
a second cobra. (Source:

Figure 2C (1.13): At the time of the earliest
Egyptian dynasties, when the geodetic system
was established, the Tropic of Cancer was at 23
51' North. Today it is at 23 27' North. Robert
Bauval says it is at 23 26' North. The latest 2011
information I have places it at 23.44

Peter Tompkins, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, pp. 211-212.
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Philip Coppens ( provides some keen insights of the
relationships between Sirius and Canopus: Together with Sirius, Canopus was
said to action as the Plumb Line, measuring the depths of the Abyss. One
of the reasons why Sirius and Canopus are deemed to measure the Abyss is
because Canopus is situated virtually directly South from Sirius. Visually, a line
connecting Sirius and Canopus would thus be considered a plumb line, with
Canopus the weight at the bottom of it. Robert Temple knew this, as he had
stated that Canopus, when connected to Sirius, was called Ponderosus, meaning
the Weight. Hamlet's Mill links the Arabic name for Canopus, Suhail el-wezn,
meaning heavy-weighing, with the weight at the end of a plumb-line.
[Nazarene Remnant comment: We will soon see, though, that this 36-step
plumb line was directly linked to the baptismal Stretching of the cord
ceremony, which is another thing that satan and his followers, especially in
Egyptology, have deceived the world about.]

We should note that one of Osiris' names translates as plumb line. [Nazarene
Remnant comment: the distance between the Abyss, or Canopus, to the bright
star of Sirius (the Elect), a distance of 36
or the number 666, which is arrived
at by adding all the numbers between 1 and 36 together] This was mentioned by
Jane Sellers, where Sellers herself links this epithet with Canopus. The same
applies to Utterance 518 of the Pyramid Texts, where there is a reference to a
plumb-line. I am the herald of the year, O Osiris. This is very precise, for not
only do we have Osiris here, but also an indicator of a new era.

This link with the Plumb Line is due to the location of Canopus, forming the
Southern polar stars, around which the other stars evolve. Together with Sirius,
it is therefore said to pierce into the Underworld, the Abyss, which is below
the Southern Polar star - invisible in the sky, and perhaps to be interpreted as
residing within another dimension, in which Canopus would act as a type of star

While talking about the region near Elephantine, I would also like to refresh your
memory of all those old pen and ink pictures weve seen of the area, always
showing ferocious crocodiles in the Nile, and in other pictures, the same
crocodiles, but with the addition of hippopotami!
Elephantine, of course, was

Philip Coppens, See the article Lectures, The Truth About Egypt's Star Religion:
The Canopus Revelation, delivered at the Questing Conference, London, November 5 2005.
Central to the imagery of the Duat is a central path, a tunnel, from the world of the living, into the darkness
of the Duat. In that tunnel, the soul is given three paths, each leading to a specific destiny, and identified, at least
at the times of Tuthankhamun, with three different couches: a cow, a hippopotamus and a lion.
This imagery translates straightforwardly to the Great Pyramid: the entrance leads down into a dark, low
tunnel. By default, the path descends to the Lower Chamber. However, there is an entrance towards another
tunnel, leading to the Queens Chamber or the Kings Chamber. A lot of ink has been written as to how this
stone blocking this tunnel was put in place, and whether it could pivot or not. That is less important than the
observation that there was a guarded entrance in this fork in the road. Once in the ascending passage an apt
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the city of the elephants. Quarries near Syene supplied the hard granite
monoliths for the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid, and for the tall Egyptian
obelisks used for measuring the length of shadows.

Also, the country was cleaved equally into two vertical sections, as
Figure 2B (The Geography and Geometry of Ancient Egypt) clearly shows,
representing the male and female principle already discussed. The western
boundary line was Longitude 29
50 East, and the eastern boundary was at
longitude 32
38 East, with a centre line, or prime meridian (31
14 East)
running from Behdet in the North to Aswan in the south. Thus ancient Egypt
was 7
30 long by 2.48 degrees wide (2 x 1
24). And its important to know that
the degrees of longitude also correspond to distance travelled, e.g. 15 degrees of
longitude, at the Equator, where the girth of the Earth is greatest, equals 1,020
miles statute miles or 900 nautical miles (one degree is equal to 68 statute
miles, so 15 x 68 statute miles = 1,020 miles; or one degree equals 60 nautical
miles, so that 15 x 60 nautical miles = 900 nautical miles)! This means that the
New Moon Festival days of 15 each month are directly linked to the number
1020 or 900! Moving North or south of the Equator, however, the mileage value
of each degree decreases, as Figure 2C shows, so that at the poles, it is virtually

To show this division into Birthright and Sceptre, it was only fitting that the
Pharaoh of the country should wear a royal emblem alluding to this division.
And so it was that the Pharaoh [whose name means the Sun] wore two
crowns on his head: a red straw hat for Northern Egypt (representing the
Sceptre Promises), and a white wool cap (representing the Birthright Promises),
for southern Egypt.
Later this was refined into a more elegant solution, as seen
in the diagrams of Tutankhamun's head gear in Essay #8 The Macrocosm and
the Microcosm, in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits. You will
also notice there that the Hebrews adopted the exact same symbolism!
Egyptologists have been unusually kind to truth seekers by pointing out that a
cobra was the symbol for Lower Egypt (the Northern lands), while a bird, the
vulture, was the symbol for Upper Egypt (the southern section).

description for those trying to attain heaven a further fork occurred, one leading to the Queens Chamber,
another that continued to climb, towards the Kings Chamber.
Did each of the tombs symbolise a path? The path of reincarnation, of the Hippopotamus, would be the
Underground Chamber: easiest to reach, but very basic: earth to earth. The path of the Cow would be the
Queens Chamber: in between both, specifically there for a soul stalling to make the final ascent to the Kings
Chamber. The Lions path would be the continued ascent towards the Kings Chamber, where the tomb of God,
the coffin, was the symbol of resurrection initiation in the Divine Abode. Philip Coppens, See the article Lectures, The Truth About Egypt's Star Religion: The Canopus
Revelation, delivered at the Questing Conference, London, November 5 2005.
Livio Catullo Stecchini, in Tompkins, Op Cit., p. 293.
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The two crowns of ancient Egypt.

The cobra was the symbol of royalty in ancient Egypt from the earliest times,
and if you notice the zig-zag design on the skins of different snakes (e.g. the
American diamond rattlesnake), you will understand that this is a disguise for
the symbol of the Egyptian zig-zag, or annual path of the Sun, as we are
describing in this book. In other words, the cobra in Egypt, and the rattlesnake
of America, are the symbol for the Sceptre promises. In fact, its worth
pondering whether the annual hierophany that occurs at Chichn Itz,
Yucatan in Central America, to this day, was also duplicated at the Great
Pyramid in Egypt. Unfortunately, the outer limestone covering, and other
probable architectural structures (such as four stairways to the top central
platform) have been removed long ago.

See chapter 13, Jubilation!
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A most fitting
creature to
symbolise the
Birthright Holy
Spirit is the
vulture, because
that is a species of
bird that gets its
life from the
carcasses of dead
animals. Since the
Birthright Holy
Spirit does the
work of the born-
again process, by
raising new life
from the old dead

Photographer Eliza Snow's Description: Vultures envelop a kill
seconds after the cheetah begins slowly walking away from it in a
cloud of dust.

persons former self, the vulture sends a clear message about the power of the
Birthright Holy Spirit.

Another highly significant symbol in ancient Egypt was the scarab beetle,
which was the original symbol for the Zodiacal Sign of Cancer (it is now a crab).
That was added later to deceive the nations about the true religion.

Located in the narrow band between the lands of Northern Egypt and the lands
of Southern Egypt, there was a special district: In the administration of Egypt,
the area between 29
51 and 30
06 North was organized as a special
district which did not belong either to the list of nomes (provinces) of Southern
Egypt nor to that of the nomes of Northern Egypt. The hieroglyph for this district
is a rectangle which is either empty or filled with water or fish. A distinguished
Egyptologist, being at a loss for a better explanation, has read this hieroglyph as
fishpond. He did not realize that a rectangle, either empty or filled with water or
fish, is the symbol of the Square of Pegasus. In Hamlets Mill, de Santillana
and Deschend have presented illustrations (Explained in much more detail in
Chapter 12The Camping-Order Symbolism Revisited, of this present work.)
of this symbolism occurring all over the globe (between pages 434 and 435).
There are in the sky four stars which are at a distance of about 15
from each
other and mark a square with sides that run according to the celestial meridians
or parallels; these four stars form the Square of Pegasus. In iconography
this square was at times portrayed as filled with water or fish, because it was in
the constellation of Pisces. The Square of Pegasus was considered the starting
point in the mapping of the sky. The ancients, from the Sumerians to the
Romans, in surveying land began by marking a square of a standard dimension

Source: Eliza Snow, eMail:
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and then proceeded to measure out of it in a checkerboard pattern. In cuneiform
texts the name ik is given to the basic surveying square, to a unit of land
surface, and to the Square of Pegasus. The hieroglyph used to refer to the district
extending from 15 from Memphis-Sokar to the apex of the Delta indicates that
this district was considered the basic reference unit from which there started the
mapping of Northern and Southern Egypt.

Livio Cattulo Stecchini
has shown that the region from Heliopolis to Memphis
was a very special district, and entirely separate from the nomes of Upper and
Lower Egypt. This design of course has been copied by the Catholic Church,

with Vatican State, also a totally separate district outside of the jurisdiction of the
nation of Italy, which surrounds it. According to Alan F Alford, the dimensions
Stecchini gave for this district, while they may have been true at one time, do not
prevail at a later time. According to Stecchini, this zone began from the latitude
of 30
6 North, the approximate positions of Heliopolis and Letopolis
(Thunderbolt Town). Stecchini was not quite right, however, in his conclusion
that this zone ended in the village of Sokar (Saqqara) at 29
51 N. Perhaps
this was so at one time, but the great Step Pyramid, the enormous subterranean
vaults of the Serapeum, and the archaic city of Memphis (which was surely more
important than the tiny obscure village of Saqqara), were all positioned at 29

52N. This tiny adjustment of one minute of one degree of latitude to Stecchinis
geodetic system is by no means a trivial matter, for it means that the special
district which encompassed Giza at 30
N, was skewed in the proportion of 6 : 8,
six minutes of latitude North of Giza, as far as Heliopolis, and eight minutes of
latitude south of Giza, as far as Memphis. Once again we have our symbolism of
six and eight.
Stecchini has also pointed out that the hieroglyph symbol for
this special district around Giza was a square filled with water or a fish. This is
the symbol for the Square of Pegasus. the Square of Pegasus is the
conjunction of two separate constellations, Andromeda and Pegasus. Andromeda
incorporates one of the four corners of the Square and thus comprises six major
stars; whilst Pegasus, excluding the corner which belongs to Andromeda,
comprises eight stars. Once again we have our 6 : 8 ration, in this case
specifically linked to the Giza district via the hieroglyph for the Square of
Pegasus. The constellation Pegasus, by the way, is the mythical Winged

Livio Catullo Stecchini, Appendix 1 in Secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Peter Tompkins, p. 297.
Livio Catullo Stecchini was Professor of Ancient History and Quantitative Science at William Patterson
College in New Jersey. He has been described as "a Copernicus of the twentieth century," by Professor Giorgio de
Santillana of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, co-author of Hamlet's Mill.
Unable to better the genius of the Great Creator, Satan is a copier and a deceiver, showing what a shonk he
really is!
Alford, Alan F, The Phoenix Solution: Secrets of a Lost Civilisation, published by NEL, Hodder & Stoughton,
London, 1998, pp. 509-510.
Alford, Alan F, The Phoenix Solution, p. 510.
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This district is highly significant, and this arrangement is explained in Essay 1-
The Fall, in the section headed "The Masonry and Astronomy of the Fall," of The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the "Two Spirits."

The Step Pyramid at Saqqara is aligned not to True North as is the Great Pyramid at Giza, but
is offset by 4
35, so that it becomes an important astronomical marker. The Step Pyramid is
aligned to the star Al Kaid in the Plough, a part of the Big Dipper in the far North. Robert
Bauval has successfully shown how this pyramid was orientated in such a way that it is a
time marker for the rising of Sirius, the star-emblem of the Elect. This important area was
undoubtedly the major headquarters for the keeping of the annual Heb-Sed Festivals in
ancient Egypt, which are actually what we call today the Feast of Tabernacles. A running
course was laid out to reflect the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, and running races around this
course were important part of the festivities. In the New Testament we see Paul referring to
running my course, which is a veiled reference to the keeping of the New Moon Festivals:
But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might
finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify
the gospel of the grace of God (Act2 20: 24); I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my]
course, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4: 7). Source of image: Robert Bauval, The Egypt
Code, Century Books, London, 2006.

The structures on the Giza plateau have been deliberately built to show the fate
of all the dead, right down throughout all the ages. Thus the land of Egypt west
of the Nile is symbolically the Land of the Dead, and is the location of the Giza
Necropolisthe Earth Cemeterythe site of the three pyramids. It is also the
place of the Egyptians Underworld. This Earth Cemetery has its counterpart in
the sky, in the Constellation of Orion and the neighbouring bright star, Sirius, a
star which is traveling directly towards the Earth at many thousands of miles per
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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hour. Next time youre at a funeral and the religious celebrant mentions that
the departed soul is in heaven with God, think again, and take a close look at the
section The Fate of the Dead, in chapter 3. Night after night in the most
prominent position in our skies you will see the Mighty Hunterthe
Constellation Orion, and the bright star Siriussymbolically stalking the
heavens for the daily yield of the dead from planet Earth, and you will notice,
eventually, that it forms a decided dance with the planet Venus.

If you could take a stroll through this mighty celestial cemetery you wouldnt find a sections for Catholics,
another for Anglicans, and then the Protestant section. But you would find a section for the infamous, where
youd find the graves of the likes of Adolf Hitler, and Jezebel, and the likes. Then youd find the section for the
righteous, where youd find the graves of Moses, King David, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, and similar
people. And no, there would be no evidence whatsoever for the error known as reincarnation.
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The massive walls around the Step Pyramid complext at Saqqara are the origin of the walls around
enclosing Moses Tabernacle in the wilderness, and Solomons Temple in Jerusalem. In all cases they
are about the ceremonies held during the annual Feast of Tabernacles, called the Heb-Sed Festival in
ancient Egypt. Zep tepi first time means to take your first Feast of Tabernacles, after you had become
baptized at the ege of 30, and had kept 12 previous New Moon Festivals. Source of image: Robert
Bauval, The Egypt Code, Century Books, London, 2006.

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Entrance in the massive walls around the Step Pyramid complext at Saqqara.

The Heb-sed Courtyard at the complex at Saqqara. Images from Wikipedia.
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To show the finer workings of the Birthright and the Sceptre, or Upper and
Lower Egypt, the ancient Egyptians used two calendars that ran concurrently.
The reason for this is the same as the reason that the restored Sacred Calendar,
used by the Nazarene Remnant Church of God, also use the same system. These
were the 364-day calendars of old.

Another important measure was that of the atur, as Figure 2B, shows, and
ancient Egypt was 106 atur from North to south, which is a clear link to the
orbital behaviour of both the planet Venus and the bright star Sirius.

General layout of the complex at Saqqara.

The Milky Way Galaxy. Source: Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Pasadena, California.

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The key to Egypt is the River Nile, the longest river on Earth, and as us old
geographers were taught way back in the days when geography was still
geography, rather than the deliberate dumbed-down environmentalism of
today, if the Nile dies tomorrow morning, Egypt dies tomorrow night. This is
because Egypt does not receive any rainwater. It is the Nile that waters by its

From the earliest times the Nile was regarded by the Egyptians as the source
of all the prosperity of Egypt, and it was honoured as being the type of the life-
giving waters out of the midst of which sprang the gods and all created things.
In turn it was identified with all the gods of Egypt, new or old, and its influence
was so great upon the minds of the Egyptians that from the earliest days they
depicted to themselves a material heaven wherein the Isles of the Blest were
laved by the waters of the Nile, and the approach to which was by the way of
its stream as it flowed to the North. Others again lived in imagination on the
banks of the heavenly Nile, whereon they built cities; and it seems as if the
Egyptians never succeeded in conceiving a heaven without a Nile and canals.
The Nile is depicted in the form of a man, who wears upon his head a clump of
papyrus or lotus flowers; his breasts are those of a woman, indicating fertility.
Lanzone reproduces an interesting scene[1] in which the North and south Nile
gods are tying a papyrus and a lotus stalk around the emblem of union to
indicate the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt, and this emblem is found cut
upon the thrones of the kings of Egypt to indicate their sovereignty over the
regions traversed by the South and North Niles.

It is no accident that the Nile appears as a great serpent, the significance
of which will be explained presently, winding and meandering its way North
from its twin locations deep in central Africa. In fact, it could be said that the
Nile is actually two great serpents winding its way Northward towards the
Mediterranean sea in the North. This of course is the origin of the symbol, often
mistakenly called the caduceus of Mercury, showing two great serpents, one
black, the other white, entwined on a staff or rod (representing the spinal
column in human beings) that ends in the Sun disk (symbol of the destiny of the
Redeemed) at the top of the pole. The two wings of a bird are to indicate that the
serpents are to be considered winged or feathered serpents. One source branch
of the river represents the path of the planet Mercury (the Blue Nile as satans
character), while the other branch represents the path of the planet Venus (the
White Nile as the Birthright Holy Spirit
)thus a play on the motions of the
two celestial serpents of old. The religious significance of this is explained in
detail in Essay 2To Walk Between The Pillars, in The Beguiled and the

Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis, The Book Of The Dead, The Papyrus Of Ani, 1895, my copy from
When the White and the Blue Nile merge you can actually see the difference at that location. One side is
silvery and the other side is blue.
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Doctrine of the Two Spirits. The River Nile is thus the terrestrial expression of
the orbit of both Mercury and Venus as explained in the chapter Which
Morning Star is Which? in The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!

Often mistakenly referred to as the caduceus of Mercury, now purloined by the medical profession
as their logo (except medicine has the two serpents intertwined around a dagger!), but whose
origins go right back to the Christianity of the ancient world. As you can clearly see here, the two
intertwined serpents are an accurate symbolisation of the double-helix form of our DNA. It is also a
clear representation of the two branches of the Nile River, the White and the Blue Nile, in Africa and
Egypt, as they wind their way Northwards towards the Nile Delta and the Mediterranean Sea. It also is
a representation of the movement of Sirius A around Sirius B through space, and this metaphor
could also be extended to include the movement of the Earths Moon as both bodies revolve around
the Sun.
As Max Igan points out: All of these symbols, both ancient and modern, are a clear
representation of what we now know to be the spiraling double helix form of human DNA many
years and even centuries before it was discovered. The inclusion of a winged object at the crest is
also significant.
Of course this spiralling movement replicates the motion of the whirlpool.

Two serpents making their way to the Sun depict the Doctrine of the Two Spirits. Thus they also
represent the twin pillars (towers) outside the porch of Solomons Temple, called Jachin and Boaz.
Depending upon whether we obey God and His law (i.e. the Ten Commandments), or whether we
follow satan and his law (Do what thou wilt, is the whole of the law, from Aleister Crowley), the
destination is always the symbolic Sun. The Golden Sun is the minimum required for salvation. The
Black or Night Sun is reserved for the followers of satan, and is expressed in the Scriptures as the

For explanation see Essay 2, The Fall, of The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
Max Igan, Earths Forbidden Secrets Part One, p. 222. Available here:
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tree of the knowledge of good and evil, i.e. hypocrisy. The Blue Nile symbolises the path to the Black
Sun (blue is for the Blue Planet, which is planet Earth, the one that satan has been given dominion
over.) The White Nile symbolises the path to the Golden Sun. The black snake is the path of the
planet Mercury, whilst the other snake depicts the path of Venus. Take away the black snake from
the image and we have the rod of Moses and Aaron. Take away the white snake and we have the rod
of the Egyptian/Nazi sorcerers. The Temple of the Sun was located in Heliopolis in ancient Egypt.

See enlarged image on the next page.
Conveniently the New Testament and the
Catholic Church has been responsible for a
simple trick of deception, which was easily done
by changing the word chakra into the word
sacrament, and simply and swiftly, we have
lost a mountain (i.e. the first works of
Revelation 2: 5) of knowledge essential for our
redemption. All modern writers on the subject of
the seven chakras have no idea whatever of the
connection between the keeping of the New
Moon Festivals and the opening of these
chakras! The original meaning of the six lower
chakras, representing Upper Egypt from the
South, Northwards to the special district around
Giza, was completely lost. The colours of the six
lower chakras are: red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, and indigo. These colours of Upper Egypt
form Joseph's "Coat of Many Colours." The
seventh colour, purple, is what Lower Egypt and
the Deltas region represent. The colour purple
symbolises the Sceptre Holy Spirit, or the Crown
chakra. It is the purple robe of kingship (i.e. the
Elect who will rule with Christ in the
Millennium.) which the Jews (via the Romans)
used to mock Jesus during His Passion /
Crucifixion. The seven chakras stand as symbol
for the born-again process. For a person to be
born again, and for the chakras to be opened in

full bloom, in their correct order, they must first come to genuine repentance, and be baptised in water
(after attaining the minimum age of 30 years). Thereafter they must actively assist the work of the
Birthright Holy Spirit in overcoming their old sinful way of life (Psalm 51: 5). This is intimately bound up
with faithfully keeping the New Moon Festivals each month. An excellent method of overcoming sin is
explained in Essay 14, The Law of the Four P's, of our book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two
Spirits, which is on the DvD or online here: Unfortunately it has often been the
deeply religious who have been the enemy of the growth towards full spiritual maturity. This is because
it has been too easy for them to just pray for healing, asking it as a giant favour, and all the while
continuing to do nothing positive in themselves towards their own recovery. All too often they expect
the magic wand treatment. This is probably because they cannot conceive of a loving yet invincible
Creator God who is the cornerstone of all reality. Unfortunately far too many of us have become experts
at pushing reality into the dark recesses of our lives, hoping against hope that eventually it will go
Remember this: the invincible Creator will not rob you of your freedom of choice by coming
down and waving the magic wand over you, precisely because such actions are incompatible with the
development of all of your spiritual faculties. I hope that the spiritual growing to maturity that you can do
by learning to love, and thus opening the green chakra four [the heart chakraSee chapter 16, The

For example Henry Cloud and John Townsend have published an excellent book on the subject of magic
wands and other misconceptions, called, 12 Christian Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy: Relief From False
Assumptions, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1995.
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Thinking Heart, of this book], when you begin to take the spiritual path, will help you realise just how
great God is in not coming down with His magic wand!
Remember the message! Physician, heal
yourself. I have seen many a baptised Christian do absolutely no spiritual work on themselves at all,
except to keep the Saturday Sabbath and other Holy Days of the Lord, attend religious services, to pay
and pray, and to expect Gods healing of them via an imaginary magic wand that somehow does with
them what they will not do with themselves. All the while they still concentrated on acquiring and
keeping physical wealth and all its trappings, including power and materialism, in Satans world system,
for all their worth! They will not spend any real effort in learning about God and His Ways. Nor can they
teach their spouse or children about God, because they are really illiterate concerning Him. The red or
first chakra of such a person will remain unopened and he or she will not develop a soul. That is to say,
such a person will remain imprisoned in his or her Birthright Zodiac Sign (explained in Essay #1, The
Fall, of The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits,), and will not progress spiritually beyond 30
degrees of the possible full circle (360 degrees). Conversely, if a baptised Christian aims no higher than
opening the third chakra (the yellow or solar plexus chakra) then they are really only lukewarm
Christians, whereas Christ tells us clearly what He will do with the lukewarm (see Revelation 3: 16). It is
not possible to do the work of the fourth chakras (green)learning to loveuntil a person has learnt
how to control their emotions and their passions / lusts, which is the work of the red or first chakra. As
Mary Hardy says: If you can't control your emotions, you can't demonstrate love.
All of the seven colours correspond to the seven colours of the true sacred calendar of the Messiah, as
shown in the images on the next page. This is restored and demonstrated in our book In the eighth year
white symbolises our destiny which is to become as great angels living with the Family of God
forever! By the way, an angel is composed of pure white light!

This is not to deny that there are many times when in fact God does indeed come down and save the day for us
with His magic wand, but it is not His principal way of saving us from ourselves.
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The seven chakras are a guide to our spiritual development.

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Year 1Red Chakra

Year 2Orange Chakra

Year 3Yellow Chakra

Year 4Green Chakra

Thumbnails of the Calendar Colours, Years 1 to 4 (years 5 to 8 continued next page). The Birthright
Calendar system follows the seven colours of the chakra system, as shown in the above calendar
snapshots taken over eight years of the true Sacred Calendar. For in-depth explanation on the Sacred
Calendar see our book The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored! which is on the DvD version of
this work, or online here:

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Year 5Blue Chakra

Year 6Indigo Chakra

Year 7Purple Chakra

Year 8White Light (an Angel !)

Thumbnails of the Calendar Colours, Years 5 to 8 (years 1 to 4 on previous page). The Birthright
Calendar system follows the seven colours of the chakra system, as shown in the above calendar
snapshots taken over eight years of the true Sacred Calendar. Notice that year 8 symbolises our destiny,
which is to become as angels in Heaven. Angels are pure white light ! As Jesus taught: For in the
resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
(Matthew 22: 30) For in-depth explanation on the Sacred Calendar see our book The Sacred Calendar of
the MessiahRestored! which is on the DvD version of this work, or online here:

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The Seven Sacraments
by Rogier van der Weyden,
ca. 1448. The cross of Calvary is used to
deceptively hide the truth of the Djed Pillar of ancient Christianity. The fraudulent seven sacraments of
the Catholic Church replace the seven chakras of ancient Christianity. The fraudulent seven sacraments
of the Catholic Church are: Infant Baptism [
], Confirmation, Holy Communion (also known as the
Eucharist), Confession (also known as Penance or Reconciliation), Marriage (also known as Matrimony),
Holy Orders (also known as Ordination), and Anointing of the Sick (also known as Extreme Unction or
Last Rites). In genuine ancient Christianity every individual, when baptised, is given all the good gifts of
the Birthright Holy Spirit. None are held back to him or her. This means that they can baptise, marry and
bury people, as well as anoint the newly baptised person, or the sick, with Holy Oil. In the Catholic /
Protestant system every individual is not able to receive every sacrament. Only a separate class can do
that! With sinister intent the Catholic Church created--and the Protestants followed limply along--a
separate priestly / ministerial class, which is totally against the ordinances of God. Now only this
fraudulent class can administer certain sacraments! For in-depth information about this Catholic /
Protestant violation of the truth of God, see chapter 15, "Ordination: Ministerial Snake Oil," of our book
Beliefs and Structure of the Nazarene Remnant Church of God, which is on the DvD or online here: Image
from Wikipedia.

Infant baptism is totally unacceptable to the Living God and is the single reason why every Catholic
/ Protestant who has relied upon it will only have their chance at Salvation in the Second Resurrection. You will
find the truth about the correct minimum age of baptism in our book The Suppressed Truth About Water
Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures, which is on the DvD or online here:
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Distribution of divine graces by means of the Catholic Church and the sacraments (Johannes Hopffe,
before 1615). Infant baptism is totally unacceptable to the Living God and is the single
reason why every Catholic / Protestant who has relied upon it will only have their chance at Salvation in
the Second Resurrection. You will find the truth about the correct minimum age of baptism in our book
The Suppressed Truth About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures, which is on the
DvD or online here: .
Infant baptism is a total fraud and has deprived many people of a place in the First Resurrection.
Thankfully a merciful Father of us all will raise those millions of deceived Catholics and Protestants in
the Second Resurrection, and give them another chance at Salvation. For true information on how this
Plan of the Father works, see our book Where Are We Now in Prophecy? which is on the DvD or online
here: The relevant information is in
chapter 6, The Millennial Rule of Christ and His Saints of this book. Image from Wikipedia.

The Nile as Prime Meridian and a Time River

The Nile River was considered by the ancient Egyptians to represent Osiris, while
Rosteau, or the Giza necropolis (i.e. world cemetary), was a representation of Horus.

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Rosteau on the ground (i.e. Giza) was mirrored by Rosteau in the sky, and refers to the
great Constellation of Orion (which should be called the Constellation of Horus).

A satellite view of Egypt and the River Nile, looking
North. Notice how the Delta area looks like the head of a
If you turn this picture on its side, the Nile
River, and its delta system, looks exactly like the
Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio.

At this point I would like to draw your attention to a book called The Time Rivers: An
Ancient Map of Time Revealing the Secret Legacy and Destiny of Human
by Goro Adachi. Goro describes himself as an independent researcher,
and his book is significant for a number of very important reasons.

Here is a small sampling of information from Goros book:

1. The indelible foot print of the Nile River as the marker for the location, or near-
location, of the Prime Meridian of the Earth. When I say that this meridian is nearby, I
mean right on the bank of the Nile, on the Giza necropolis. Situated there is the
greatest wonder of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid. Running right through
the North-South axis of this structure is the prime meridian of the Earth.

The Nile River is a massive river, and is the world's longest river. In fact it possesses
one vital quality and that is the fact that it flows nearly directly Northwards. It begins
at Lake Victoria on the Equator and runs Northward for over 4,000 miles, and empties
out into the Mediterranean Sea, at 30
North Latitude.

The Nile is the gift of Osiris, but Egypt is the gift of the Nile. (Herodotus)

Osiris is quite simply the god of the Nile. Osiris is also known as Seraphis.

2. The Latitude of the Great Bend in the Nile is precisely 19
30 North, i.e. for
spiritual purposes, 20

Adachi, Goro, The Time Rivers: An Ancient Map of Time Revealing the Secret Legacy and Destiny of Human
Civilisation,, Inc. It is available here:
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3. Aswan is at 24
N. This there is something of great significance hidden under the
Aswan High Dam, there is no doubt about that. It is also of note that currently the
Solstices are located at latitude 23.44
North and South, i.e. for spiritual purposes, 24

North and South.

4. Oceanus was the great
primordial river that encircles the
world. It is in fact the Milky Way.

[Osiris is] the Great Circle, in
your name of Great Surround, an
enveloping ring, in the Ring that
encircle the Outermost Lands, a
Great Circle in the Great Round of
the Surrounding Ocean. p. 37.

in ancient India, the name
given to Orion, (the celestial form
of Osiris), was Kal-Purush, or
Time-Man. [Note that Orion is
not Osiris, but Horus] p. 37.

Source of image:
So, to all intents and purposes, Osiris is considered to be the Egyptian version
of Cronus-Saturn, the god of time. p. 37.

Cronus-Saturn was also considered to be the god of the Golden Age. Osiriss number is
30 years,
and this equates with the period it takes Saturn to revolve around the Sun,
and the minimum age at which a person can become baptised.
This is the origin of
the phrase the once and future king who will one day be resurrected. Osiris is also
closely associated with corn. I would like to emphasize that this once and future king
motif is not the one that the Antichrist, Prince Charles, wants to steal and use for his
grand deception of the Last Days. Rather the the once and future king is actually the
Messiah who will return and take His place as the Lord of Lords and the King of

The importance and significance of the number 30 is explained in chapter 1, "The Fall," in our free book The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, available here:
See our free book The Suppressed Truth About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures,
available here:
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Shown above is an overview map of the Nile River in Africa, the worlds longest river. Goro Adachi
tells us that 1. The Nile is distinctively vertical (longitudinal), and it is the only notable river on this
planet to flow directly Northward. 2. The Nile begins at the Equator and disintegrates precisely at
30N latitude, marked by Egypts capital Cairo and Giza, the home of the great pyramids and the
Sphinx. 3. The generally straight Nile makes a dramatic turn southward near the halfway point. The
Northern peak of this remarkable bend sometimes referred to as the Great Bend pinpoints
latitude 19.5N. Source: In the geographic scheme of Africa, Lake
Victoria stands as symbol for the Pit (Hell, Hades, or the Abyss) in the Great Pyramid, while the Nile
River itself is equivalent to the Descending Passage in the Great Pyramid that leads down to the Pit.
The Nile delta could be seen as a placenta in a mothers womb. So the Nile can easily be seen as a
43,200 days timeline of a persons life, from the womb to the grave. All people, except the Elect in
this dispensation (and currently we are still in the Age of the Gentiles), are on the downward path to
death, in this symbolism. We can invert this symbolism, and see that the path to life is in the
opposite direction, Northwards, towards the Nile delta.

In many ways Prometheus is anciently depicted as Saturn as well! Both Osiris and
Prometheus were associated with fire.

Seth is Jupiter, the storm-thunder god, whose number is 12 years, and who
overthrew the God of the Golden Age. Notice that Saturn is cast outwards from the
orbit of Jupiter in the arrangement of the Solar System.

Rostau is a reference to the Giza necropolis.
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Interpreting the Nile as the Winding Waterway, instead of it being a North-South
representation of the true Winding Waterway, which runs East to West. So we have to
turn the North-South image of the Nile sideways (i.e. East-West) to make this
symbolism work!

The length of the Nile will prove to be very important, but finding the
length of the worlds longest river is probably impossible to compute.
However, I would suggest that since it is the spiritual symbol of our
destiny, and that we are given 120 years of life (i.e. 43,200 days), then
the river itself should be 4,320 miles long! This equates to the Giza
diagonal of 43.2
, again, all derived from the length of the Nile, and our
allotted days here on Earth. I did a search on Google for the length of
the Nile, in miles (which is the true sacred system of measurement),
and heres a sampling of the results of that search from the top 100
sites, in miles: 4, 405; 4,184; 4,160; 4,145; 4,132; 4,100; and 4,000. Also
important here is the number 30, and this directly connects to the
planet Saturn, and the importance of this fact is discussed in our book
The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, in Essay 1, The
Fall. Source of image:

There is this interesting information from Plutarch, who tells us that the ancient
Egyptians view of the world is at odds with the modern:

There is also a religious lament sung over Cronus [Saturn]. The lament is for
him that is born in the regions of the left, and suffers dissolution in the regions
on the right; for the Egyptians believe that the Eastern regions are the face of the
world, the Northern the right, and the Southern to the left [this would equate
with the Right and the Left Hand Way, or the East being the Land of the Living,
and the West being the Land of the Dead]. The Nile, therefore, which runs from
the South, and is swallowed up by the sea in the North, is naturally said to have
its birth on the left and its dissolution on the right. (Adachi, Goro, The Time
Rivers: An Ancient Map of Time Revealing the Secret Legacy and Destiny of
Human Civilisation,, Inc., p. p. 22)

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More information follows in the images that follows (p. 23)

Goro Adachi sees the Great Bend as the Winding Waterway. He also insists that the angle
of 19.5 degrees is not a Sirian angle, but is more closely associated with Mars instead.

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Is this also telling us that Siriuss furtherest progression Northward, in the Whirlpool
system, is 19.5
N????? And then it descends again back into the Abyss????

Rather I see it as the Benders, or the two Solstices, which act to turn back the path of
the Sun, into the zone between the two tropics. That is, the Winding Waterway.

5. Zeus and the Olympians the Greek gods, who are in fact demons. Zeus, in fact, is
the chief of demons, or satan.

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On the significance of Mars

An integral part of the religion of the ancient Egyptians was the belief that the
Nile on earth had its counterpart in heaven. They referred to this celestial Nile as
a Nile in Heaven, as the following text shows:

Thou didst create the Nile in the depth and dost and lead him hither at thy
pleasure to give nourishment to men. Thou didst create the life nourishment of
all distant lands and didst set a Nile in Heaven that it may flow down to them;
he forms waves upon the mountains like an ocean and moistens their fields.
How beautiful are thy decrees, thou Lord of Eternity. The Nile of heaven didst
thou give over to the strange peoples and the animals of the desert, but the Nile
from the depth comes for Egypt.

In ancient Egypt the name of the Great Eternal God, whom we call God the
Father, is Ptah: Ptah is the god of the creation. He created the heavens and the
earth by divine word. He is the creator of the animals, the plants, and all that the

Ermans Religion of the Egyptians, p. 68. Quoted in Warren, William Fairfield, The Earliest Cosmologies:
The Universe As Pictured in Thought by the Ancient Hebrews, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Iranians, and
Indo-Aryans, Eaton and Mains, New York, 1909, p. 65. The book has an extended sub-title: A Guidebook For
Beginners in the Study of Ancient Literature and Religion. Another useful book by Warren is his The True Key
To Ancient Cosmology and Mythical Geography.
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earth can produceeverything is created through his commands. Ptah is also the
god of the opening of the mouth,[
] the ceremony designed to render to the
dead pharaoh the gods power and his word. In the names of the kings of Egypt,
Ptah is represented as a kneeling man, in a meditative state, holding in his hands
the sceptre Uaz, the symbol of power.

Figure 1.14: The Great God Ptahs hieroglyphic phonetic
name (Treatise of Champollion).

Messod and Roger Sabbah in their important work, Secrets of the Exodus: Did
the Pharaohs Write the Bible? point out that The Egyptian word for sun
written in its hieratic form, is close to Pharaoh in Hebrew: PER-AA =
This is in keeping with the most important role of the king (pharaoh)
of Egypt as the keeper of the Law (expressed as Maat) and the true religion, and
his name is directly connected to the symbol of the destiny of all who will be
saved: the disk of the Sun. In other words, the pharaoh himself stood as a symbol
of the Messiah, who we follow!

This really is the opening of the womb ceremony, which is the ritual indicator of the conferring of the
Birthright Holy Spirit, and the commencement of the born-again spiritual process of redemption, the only way
any of us will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is explained in Essay 8-The Macrocosm and the Microcosm,
under the section headed "The New Moon Festivals and the Feast of Tabernacles of Ancient Egypt," in The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits. The Babylonian Epic of Creation, the Enuma Elish, makes
reference to "the opening of your mouth." The phrase "Let the opening of your mouth quench the Fire-god" is
uttered three times, and perfectly fits the meaning of recovery from the death of the "fire god's" (a direct
reference to satan) unholy evil spirit. This is the born-again process of spiritual rebirth (thus the "quench"-ing)
through the work of the Birthright Holy Spirit.
Sabbah, Messod and Roger, Secrets of the Exodus: Did The Pharaohs Write The Bible? Thorsons, London,
2002, p. 238. Jean Francois Champollion (1790-1832), decipherer of the Rosetta Stone, and founder of
Sabbah, Messod and Roger, Secrets of the Exodus: Did The Pharaohs Write The Bible? Thorsons, London,
2002, p. 238.
Sabbah, Messod and Roger, p. 240.
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Figure 1.15: Comparative reading of Pharaoh: The
Great God issued from the mouth of Re and Ptah.

The true meaning of the name Paroo is associated with several pharaohs.
Consequently, the Biblical scribes usually used the term Paroo to designate
Akhenaten (Anoki-Aten), and also to designate Amenhotep III and
Smenkhkare. Paroo means the sacred place where the king resides (Ha-
In Judaism, the One God is called Hamelekh (the king) or Hamakom
(the place).
Bill Manley [
] affirms that the true origin of Paroo or Per-aa
(Pharaoh) is found at Akhet-Aten: The king [Akhenaten] and the court were so
intimately linked that the word designating the entire royal institution, Per-Aa
(the great domain), became a synonym for the king and, through the influence
of the Bible, this words came into the modern world in the form Pharaoh.

There are other highly relevant matters about ancient Egypt which indicate it was a
very special place indeed, but it does not deserve the accolade of the place of the
original Creation that many scholars have given it.
After the Fall, the Egyptians

Sabbah, Messod and Roger, p. 240.
Bill Manley, Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt, Autrement, Collection Atlas/Mmores, 1998, p. 76.
Sabbah, Messod and Roger, p. 240.
Rashi (actual name Rabbi Shelomoh ben Yishaq) tells us that the Garden of Eden was located in Egypt. For
more in-depth historical and archeological material that places the Garden of Eden in Egypt, see Sabbah, Messod
and Roger, Secrets of the Exodus: Did The Pharaohs Write The Bible? Thorsons, London, 2002. However, I
believe that this is not the true fact of the historical record. I believe that the original creation occurred in
Sumeria, and agree with Zecharia Sitchins conclusions: The earlier notion that civilization may have begun in
Egypt has been discarded by now. There is ample evidence now showing that the Egyptian-organized society and
civilization, which began half a millennium and more after the Sumerian one, drew its culture, architecture,
technology, art of writing, and many other aspects of a higher civilization from Sumer. The weight of evidence
also shows that the Gods of Egypt originated in Sumer. ( Sithcin, The 12
Planet, p. 84)The only workable
theory can be that the original creation, and the Golden Age that followed, and to be later corrupted by Satan,
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received the true religion from the Sumerians, and because they corrupted their way,
the oracles of the Eternal God were then passed on to the Hebrews. For instance, the
true original religion of the ancient Egyptianseven though they, like modern
Christianity, totally perverted what they hadrecognized the New Moon Festivals, and
the Bride-Groom relationship that existed between the celestial bodies of the planet
Venus and the bright star Sirius.
We see this in the Great Pyramid symbolism, and in
the fact that the ancient Egyptians possessed two main calendarsas you would
expectas did the ancient Hebrews, which worked together as a unified system.
civil calendar is actually the calendar of the New Moon Festivals, and worked on the
365-day motion
of Sirius, giving what is called the Sothic Cycle (365 x 4, or 1460
and also it was the instrument, along with the Great Pyramid itself, and the
planet Venus, that determined the start and end of the Jubilee years (25 x 2).

occurred in Sumeria, but the re-creation and tumult that came as a result of the Fall, saw the new civilization to
have been driven to Egypt.
The French mathematician R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, describes the awareness, by the ancient Egyptians, of
the motions of Sirius this way: We cannot but admire the greatness of a science capable of discovering such a
coincidence. The double star of Sirius was chosen because it was the only star that moves the needed distance
and in the right direction against the background of the other stars. This fact, known four thousand years before
our time and forgotten until our day, obviously demands an extraordinary and prolonged observation of the sky.
Quoted in Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods: A Quest For The Beginning and the End, Mandarin
Books, London, 1995, p. 399. It is a tragic and disgusting fact that just about any discovery of the Creators great
handiwork is passed off as a mere coincidence by these so-called scholars, and simply reflects the fact that they
have bought The Lie, and will do all in their power to keep it going. They couldnt, for example, accept the fact
that the ancient Egyptians were probably told via direct verbal revelation, about the way the Sacred Calendar,
and Sirius, functions, much along the same lines of Moses and the Decalogue on Mount Sinai during the Exodus.
When the Sceptre was passed from the Egyptians to the Hebrews via Moses at the time of the Exodus, the
same planet and star system continued on in the heavens! Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for
ever. (Hebrews 13: 8)
Actual 365.25 days.
According to Peter Tompkins, Sothic Cycles began in A.D. 140, 1320 B.C., 2780 B.C. and 4240 B.C. This
would mean that the last Cycle was in 2004 and the next one will be in 2008. See Peter Tompkins Secrets of the
Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, New York, 1978, p. 143.
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Figure 2D (1.14): Measuring Longitude

The other calendar was the true Sacred Calendar, and would only have been known
in the priestly circles, and it worked on the 40-year Venus cycle, which I have
reconstructed in The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored. The old difficulty of
trying to get the seven year Sabbatical Cycles (7 x 7, or 49 years) to divide nicely into
the 50-year Jubilee system is an old conundrum that would never have resolved itself,
through the knowledge that the Sabbatical system works on the eight-year period of
Venus (the Groom), and the Jubilee system works on the 365-day period of Sirius (the
Bride)! Two entirely separate, but coiled systems, altogether!
From the pictures of ancient Egyptian boats navigating through what we would call
empty space, and the existence of boat pits that have been found around the base of
the Great Pyramid, it is my conclusion that they also knew that the void of space is not
a void at all, rather that it is composed of ether. It is this ether that is the unseen
medium, the waters on which these ancient boats floated and passed through! The
ancient Greeks have been credited with the discoveryas they have also been wrongly
credited with the discovery of the precession of the equinoxesthat space was filled

Sobel, David, and Andrewes, William J H, The Illustrated Longitude, Fourth Estate, London, 1998, p. 6.
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with ether.
This means that the ancient Egyptians knew about the absolutely
tremendous energy inherent in this unseen medium. In fact so powerful is this energy
that two modern mainstream physicists, Dr John Wheeler and Dr Richard Feynman,
have calculated that an amount of it that would fit into a single light bulb would be
powerful enough to bring all the worlds oceans to boiling point! It is only in the last 50
or so years that it has dawned on scientists that what we call gravity,
electromagnetism, and weak and strong nuclear power, are probably nothing other
than different forms of this ether! And what is of extreme significance about this ether
is that it spirals in its movement, as does a whirlwind, and gives a new dimension to
understanding what the ancients already knew: that this spiralling ether is the very
true nature and manifestation of time itself. Again, another significant breakthrough
in science, known thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians!

Any study of ancient Egypt, and indeed
the wisdom literature produced in the
world since the beginning of time, would
not be complete without addressing the
topic of serpents and snakes, for they are
everywhere employed as a symbol. For
example, we are all familiar with the story
of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,
and know too well that it was the beguiling
serpent that is portrayed as the major
trouble-maker. Unfortunately, though, it is
perhaps this single story that has done
more than anything else to connect the
serpent as the prime symbol of evil and
trouble, and nothing else. The fact is that
of all the animals revered in ancient world,

A flying serpent carry a human being heaven-
ward through a gate between ten stars.

none were as prominent or as important as the snake.
The central fact of the matter is that in the ancient world the snake was used to
symbolize both the good (the Messiah) and the bad (satan). It is the perfect symbol for
the monthly New Moon Festivals, as you will learn! As a consequence of the Fall, every
human being has to walk between the influences of both of these spiritswhich the
snakes symbolizeand this is the subject of a companion book, The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits. John Anthony West, writing in his superb book, Serpent
in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, talks more of this duality:

At first glance the serpent may seem a perfect model for unity. What
could better express singleness than the serpent's undifferentiated length?

Tompkins, ibid., p. 138.
For more information on modern sciences re-discovery of this unseen powerful ether system see the work of
the renowned Russian astrophysicist Dr Nikolai A Kozyrev (19081983), and the article The Breakthroughs of
Dr N.A. Kozyrev, by David Wilcox, available here:
Source: John Anthony west, Serpent in the Sky, p. 58.
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In Egypt, however, the serpent was the symbol for duality or,
more accurately, for the power that results in duality. And that power is itself
dual in aspect; it is simultaneously creative and destructive: creative in the
sense that multiplicity is created out of unity, destructive in the sense that
creation represents the rupture of the perfection of the Absolute. When it is
realised that the serpent bears both a forked tongue and a double penis,
the underlying wisdom of the choice becomes clear. As a symbol of duality,
the serpent represents intellect, the faculty by which man discriminates
that is to say, by which we break down the whole into its constituent parts.
But unchecked duality is chaos. Analysis run rampant is just
destruction. To merely know without synthesising is to parody God which
his probably why, borrowing the serpent from Egypt, the Book of Genesis
uses it as symbol for temptation. The serpent, seemingly a unity, is dual in
expression both verbal and sexual, dual and divisive by nature. But duality,
and for that matter intellect, is not only a human but a cosmic function.
There is a higher and a lower intellect. Thus, symbolically, there is the
serpent that crawls, and the higher intellect, that which allows man to know
God the heavenly serpent, the serpent in the sky. The Egyptians knew
perfectly well that snakes don't fly. But there is a deep meaning to their
placing the serpent in the air under specific circumstances. The winged
serpent, common to so many civilisations, was employed in Egypt as well and
played a similar symbolic role.
Parallel thinking directs the union of cobra and vulture on the royal
diadem worn by the pharaoh, which stands for the union of Upper and Lower
Egypt and at the same time symbolises the triumphal union of the
faculties of discernment and assimilation, the mark of the
perfected or royal man. (Schwaller de Lubicz also demonstrates the
connection between the serpent and the sense of smell and shows this
symbolism pervading the sanctuary of the Temple of Luxor in which the
olfactory sense is symbolised. This in turn relates to the hieroglyph for Neith,
Neter of 'weaving', since the action of warp and weft is the Egyptian way of
symbolising the 'crossing' that is characteristic of the mental process.) Thus
the choice of the rich and powerful symbol of the serpent for duality divulges
both a total understanding of the many aspects of duality in both its creative
and destructive senses, and an equally complete understanding of the nature
of the animal chosen to represent duality. It is also significant that while in
general Egypt provided each animal with a single name, the serpent, in its
role of 'separator' (hence obstructor) of the works of Ra, is vilified under a
host of different names (perhaps qualifying in some way the specific kind of
obstruction or negation). These appear in the innumerable rites and texts in
which the deceased is supposed to pray to be freed from the protean forms
negation takes. Set, the separating fire, in Christian terms becomes Satan,
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who is famous for his guile; in other words, Satan appears under many
guises, and in Egypt under many names.

In looking back over the material in this chapter, it is easy to see why ancient Egypt
was seen as the prehistoric home of geography, which I prefer to call spiritual
geography. It is also easy to see why geography as a serious academic subject in all our
schools, colleges, and universities has been totally destroyed by the barbarians who
rule this planet on behalf of satan! Philip Coppens makes a couple of important
observations about this:

Little is known of the early history of cartography, though clay tablets showing
maps that date to ca. 2300 BC have been found in Babylonia. An important clue
about prehistoric geography can be read in Apollonius of Rhodes, in The Voyage of
Argo, where Argus informs Jason: Now we are told that from this country [Egypt]
a certain king set out. and made his way through the whole of Europe and Asia,
founding many cities as he went. to this day Aea stands, with people in it
descended from the very men whom that king settled there. Moreover they have
preserved tablets of stone which their ancestors engraved with maps giving the
outlines of the land and sea and the routes in all directions.
This is powerful evidence that in ancient times, Egypt was seen as the
prehistoric home of geography, that ordered Europe and Asia, in line with
Stecchini's finding. We can extend Stecchini's grid [
] further west, whereby we
find that the Paris Meridian - officially an invention of the 17th century - actually
turns out to fit perfectly in Stecchini's Pyramid Grid System. Is it a coincidence
that sites such as the French Carnac sit within this grid as well?
We are at the beginning of rediscovering a lost science, which other authors,
such as Florence and Kenneth Wood in Homer's Secret Iliad, are also
rediscovering step by step. It is powerful evidence that our forefathers were much
more knowledgeable than commonly believed and that they were able to accurately
map the lands from western Europe to Asia.

West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky, pp. 58-60.
To understand what ancient geography was all about, a great place to start is , a site
devoted to the memory of Livio Catullo Stecchini (described by Professor Giorgio de Santillana of MIT as a
Copernicus of the twentieth century), Professor of the History of Science. Stecchini did much to restore to the
modern world the concepts of ancient geography, metrology, geodesy and astronomy developed by the ancient
Egyptians and Sumerians.
Extracted and adapted by Philip Coppens from his The Canopus Revelation: Stargate of the Gods and the
Ark of Osiris, with minor additions not found in the book. From the article The Canopus Revelation: Dividing
Egypt, which you can find here:
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So, Who is Horus?

This is Horus. He is the Sun God of Egypt
of around 3000 BC.
He is the sun anthropomorphized, and his life is a series of allegorical myths
involving the suns movement in the sky. From the ancient hieroglyphs in
Egypt, we know much about this solar messiah. For instance, Horus, being
the sun, or the light, had an enemy known as Set [
], and Set was the
personification of the darkness or night. And, metaphorically speaking, every
morning Horus would win the battle against Set while in the evening, Set
would conquer Horus and send him into the underworld. It is important to
note that dark vs. light or good vs. evil is one of the most ubiquitous
mythological dualities ever known and is still expressed on many levels to
this day.

Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows: Horus was born on
December 25
of the virgin Isis-Meri. His birth was accompanied by a star in
the east, which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new-
born savior. At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of
30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus began his ministry.
Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, performing miracles such as
healing the sick and walking on water. Horus was known by many gestural
names such as The Truth, The Light, Gods Anointed Son, The Good
Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others. After being betrayed by
Typhon [Set], Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus,

When reading this type of synopsis of the myth of Horus, one needs to keep in mind
that it is the contention of those who claim Jesus to be a mythical construct that bits
and pieces of the myths of these various other godsthe essential parts of the myth,
as Cooper puts itwere pulled out of context and woven together to create the gospel
story. Again, one does not find this tale as above outlined in an ancient Egyptian
encyclopedia, such that the creators of the Christ myth merely scratched out the
Egyptian names and inserted the Christian ones. Those who have been attempting to
explain the creation of the Christ myth have been compelled to back-engineer the story
in order to analyze its components. In other words, in explaining the various mythical

The Egyptian Horus was conceived by Isis (i.e. the Birthright Holy Spirit) without the direct intervention of a
male, highlighting for humans the absolute necessity for virginity and chastity prior to marriage, which is one of
the great commandments ...
One of the five children of Seb, the earth-god, and Nut, the sky-goddess, Set is described in chapter 17 of the
Book of the Dead/Ritual as that god who steals souls, who laps up corruption, who lives on what is putrid,
who is in charge of darkness, who is immersed in gloom, of whom those who are among the languid ones are
afraid. As the one who is in charge of darkness, Set comes to carry off the light [of the Moon] Regarding Set's
role, Lewis Spence remarks, As the days began to shorten and the nights to lengthen it was thought that he stole
the light from the sun-god. Hence, Set is a thief in the night who robs Osiris/Horus of his strength and life.
Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, p. 20.
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motifs used in the gospel story, some have retold the tale utilizing the original god or
gods, in a gospel-like manner in order to express those components.

Further on, we find this vital gem:

in ancient Egyptian documents such as the Pyramid Texts, Horus's role as a sun
god or aspect of the sun itself is repeatedly emphasized, although this singularly
pertinent fact is seldom found in encyclopedias and textbooks, leaving us to wonder
why he would be thus diminished.

Concerning Horus, Dr. James P. Allen remarks:

Horus was the power of kingship. To the Egyptians this was as much a force of
nature as those embodied in the other gods. It was manifest in two natural
phenomena: the sun, the most powerful force in nature; and the pharaoh, the
most powerful force in human society. Horus's role as the king of nature is
probably the origin of his name: hrw seems to mean "the one above" or "the one
far off"... This is apparently a reference to the sun, which is "above" and "far off"
in the sky, like the falcon with which Horus is regularly associated...

And, Who is Osiris?

Osiris, god of the dead and the Duat, was one of the most important deities in ancient
Egypt. A fertility god in the Pre-Dynastic Period, he had by about 2400 BCE become
also a funerary god and the personification of dead pharaohs. With his sister-consort
Isis and their son Horus, he formed the great triad of Abydos (Abdu, about 520 km
south of Cairo).

The only complete account of the Osiris myth occurs in Plutarch's Of Isis and Osiris,
Egyptian text fragments support much of his version. The son of the earth-god Geb
and the sky-goddess Nut, Osiris is credited with teaching the skills of agriculture to the

Thou art the eldest son of the womb of Nut. Thou wast begotten by Keb (Geb), the

In the temple of Denderah he is given his full royal titulary and personal details like
size and ancestry:

Osiris who has appeared as king on the throne of his father.
Horus, strong of arm.
Nebty strong by courage.

268 Quoted in Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, 2009, p. 10. Available here:
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Golden Horus Osiris.
King of Upper and Lower Egypt Osiris.
Son of Re, Wennefer, triumphant.
This is his exact name.
Eight cubits, six palms, three fingers.
He was put in this world at Thebes.
His father was Geb.
His mother was Nut.
He has appeared (as king) at Heracleopolis.
While he acted as the lord (?),
Thoth acted as vizier,
Hu as general of Upper Egypt,
Sia as general of Lower Egypt

After Jean Yoyotte, Une notice biographique du roi Osiris, BIFAO 77 (1977), p.145
According to another tradition Osiris was the founder of Thebes, rather than being
born there.

When he was twenty-eight Osiris was murdered and dismembered by his brother
Seth, according to one tradition because he had had an affair with Seth's wife
Nephthys, but Isis recovered the fourteen scattered parts of his body, reassembled
them, restored him to life and was impregnated by him. However, Osiris did not return
to rule this world, but remained in the underworld as king, the Khentamenti (First of
the Westerners, i.e. the deadoriginally an epithet of Anubis), while his
posthumous son Horus became king of the living.

His sister [Isis] hath protected him, and hath repulsed the fiends, and turned
aside calamities (of evil). She uttered the spell with the magical power of her
mouth. Her tongue was perfect, and it never halted at a word. Beneficent in
command and word was Isis, the woman of magical spells, the advocate of her
brother. She sought him untiringly, she wandered round and round about
this earth in sorrow [Nazarene Remnant comment: which is exactly what
our Moon does every month!], and she alighted not without finding him. She
made light with her feathers, she created air with her wings, and she uttered
the death wail for her brother. She raised up the inactive members of whose
heart was still, she drew from him his essence, she made an heir, she
reared the child in loneliness, and the place where he was not known, and
he grew in strength and stature, and his hand was mighty in the House of Keb.
The Company of the Gods rejoiced, rejoiced, at the coming of Horus, the son of
Osiris, whose heart was firm, the triumphant, the son of Isis, the heir of Osiris.
(From the Book of the Dead, translated by E.A.Wallis Budge)

Osiris, whose death had been unlawful, was justified, i.e. was declared free of
wrongdoing, and regained life [Nazarene Remnant comment: i.e. he was born
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again]. He came to represent the resurrection into eternal life that Egyptians sought by
having their corpses embalmed and swathed like that of their beneficent god.

Osiris is depicted mummified in green stone statues, but in pictures the color of his
skin suggests that he was a black god. His body is customarily wrapped in white
funeral cloths. In his hands he holds the crook and flail of kings and the scepter of the
gods. The Ani Papyrus (ca.1250 BCE; at the British Museum) of the Book of the Dead
shows a green Osiris enthroned, sitting in judgment over the dead, who recite before
him their 42 negative confessions, asserting that they had lived blameless lives.

Grant thou to me glory in heaven, and power upon earth, and truth-speaking
in the Divine Underworld, and [the power to] sail down the river to Tetu in the
form of a living Ba-soul, and [the power to] sail up the river to Abydos in the
form of a Benu bird, and [the power to] pass in through and to pass out from,
without obstruction, the doors of the lords of the Tuat. (From the Hymn to
Osiris Un-Nefer, translated by E.A.Wallis Budge)

Like other gods, Osiris was at times equated with Re.

It is Osiris. Others, however, say that his name is Ra, and that the god who
dwelleth in Amentet is the phallus of Ra, wherewith he had union with himself.
(From the Book of the Dead, translated by E.A.Wallis Budge)

Self-fertilisation, a recurring motif in creation myths, is also attributed to Amen.

The Greeks identified Osiris with Dionysos, and other gods as well:

Osiris is considered at times to be one with Serapis, at times with Dionysos,
with Pluto, with Ammon, occasionally with Zeus, often with Pan. Some claim
Serapis to be the same as the one called Pluto by the Greeks. (Diodorus Siculus,
Historical Library, Vol.1 chapter 25)

The association of the hare, Egyptian wn, with Osiris-Wennefre, who also carries the
epithet of Wen (wn), is based on a misunderstanding of 19th century Egyptologists.
There is no apparent ancient Egyptian connection between this animal and the god.

Thus, Horus symbolizes the power aspect of the sun, and the falcon is likewise a solar
symbol by virtue of how high it flies.

Regarding the Egyptian custom of naming, personifying and deifying different aspects
of the sun, as well as rolling them together as one, Dr. Allen also states:

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The sun...can be seen not only as the physical source of heat and light (Re) but
also as the governing force of nature (Horus), whose appearance at dawn from
the Akhet makes all life possiblea perception embodied in the combined god
Re-Harakhti (Re, Horus of the Akhet). The tendency to syncretism is visible in
all periods of Egyptian history.

Horus therefore represents the sun as the governor of nature, the "Lord of lords," as it
were. The "Akhet" is the "region between the day and night skies," into which the sun
sets and rises, before and after entering the Duat, or the nightly "netherworld." As can
be seen, Horus at the dawn is so important as to make "all life possible." Further
revealing Horus's solar aspects, in the Pyramid Texts also appear many other epithets
of the sun as Horus, such as: "He Whose Face is Seen," "He Whose Hair is Parted" and
"He Whose Two Plumes are Long."
Horus's solar role was also expressed in the adoption of the important "Horus names"
by various pharaohs. As Cooper states:

The Egyptian kings, who by a magnificently conceived political fiction were
themselves incarnations of the Deity, generally assumed also the name and
offices of Horus the Sun in one of their two cartouches, which was called the
Horus title, and which was, in fact, their proper name. This cartouche was
always preceded by the hieroglyphs signifying Son of the Sun...

The solar imagery throughout the Book of the Dead/Ritual is equally clear and
pervasive, as the deceased in his efforts to attain resurrection and immortality is
continuously likened to the sun in his daily battle with the darkness of night
[Nazarene Remnant comment: see The Meaning of Temptation, and the "Law of
the Four Ps," which is a constant theme in all our work.]. In this regard, Sir Renouf
remarks that "all the forms assumed in the Book of the Dead by the deceased are well
known forms of the Sun-god."

As an example of how much Egypt's spirituality was tied into the sun, chapter 15 of the
Ritual constitutes a long prayer or hymn to the divine sun, said in the voice of the
deceased to ensure his passage into the afterlife as an immortal soul. One of the main
copies of the Book of the Dead is the Papyrus of Ani, designed to facilitate the passage
of the deceased scribe Ani, and estimated to have been composed around 1250 BCE.
The profound reverence for the sun is highly evident in chapter 15, in which the
speaker repeatedly addresses the sun or "Re," also transliterated as "Ra," including in
several rubrics or titles of different sections, such as: "Worship of Re when he rises in
the horizon until the occurrence of his setting in life."6 In another section of chapter 15
appears the following expression of veneration for the sun, Re/Ra:

Worship of Re when he rises in the eastern horizon of the sky, when those who
are in his following are joyful.

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O Sun-disk, Lord of the sunbeams, who shines forth from the horizon every day:
may you shine in the face of Ani, for he worships you in the morning, he
propitiates you in the evening. May the soul of Ani go up with you to the sky

The Osiris Ani says when he honors his lord, the Lord of Eternity: Hail to you,
Horakhty, Khepri the self-created! How beautiful is your shining forth from the
horizon when you illumine the Two Lands with your rays! All the gods are in joy
when they see you as king of the sky

The "Osiris Ani" is the deceased, who is identified with Osiris, the "Lord of Eternity,"
as well as the "Lord of Resurrections," two epithets very much the same as those of the
much later Lord Jesus. Horakhty is "Horus of the Two Horizons," referring to the
sunrise and sunset. He is also the "beetle" Khepri, who reproduces himself at dawn. As
we can tell by the ebullience of the speaker, the sun was the epitome of divinity to the
average Egyptian, who may have heard such words as found in the funereal/mortuary
literature that comprised the Book of the Dead many instances during their lifetimes.
Regarding the Egyptian religion, Sir Lockyer concludes: "In Egypt, then, as India, the
pantheon was astronomical and, to a very large extent, solar in origin."

Indeed, in the sacred literature of Egypt, the sun is all-important, repeatedly invoked,
beseeched and prayed to as facilitating the beneficent passage of the soul into the
afterlife. In fact, it is evident from these texts that there is no greater purifying power
than the sun [Nazarene Remnant comment: this is a big error, for the purification
takes place via repentance and the keeping of the monthly New Moon festivals], and its
role in Egyptian religion was supreme. As Allen further comments:
The Sun was the original and daily source of all life: his appearance at the
creation and at every sunrise thereafter made life possible in the world.
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Side view of the giant Constellation of Orion [Horus], which spans across six light-years of
space (35 trillion years), showing the massive distances from Earth of each of the
constellation's component parts. The great Orion nebula (the word nebula means "mist" or
"cloud" in Latin ) is amongst its most distant features, and is absolutely bursting with young
stars. The ancient Egyptians were the first to understand what they were seeing when they
gazed up at Orion: this was a view of the spiritual symbol for Horus, which, thanks to the lies of
modern Egyptology, and a false education and religious system, has been branded as a "god"
of the ancient Egyptians, when in fact it was no such thing (see text for explanation). When the
Greeks looked at Orion they saw a Mighty Hunter (above); the Pawnee Indians imagined a deer,
and the South American Moche and Chimu saw a thief thrown to buzzards. The giant
Constellation of Orion is meant to symbolise Horus, or Jesus Christ, to all people of all ages.
Thus Horus, or Yeshua (Jesus), is never far away from us in the night sky. Every time we look at
this giant symbol, we are meant to know that it stands for eternal salvation from the judgment
of the Fall.
This is only secured by the spiritual removal of all sin, following upon repentance
and water baptism, and the faithful keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals. This is the
born-again process whereby the Birthright Holy Spirit is writtenonto the mind and heart of
the true believer. For an introduction to the first works of salvation, which the Birthright Holy
spirit is, see our free book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation.
of image: National Geographic magazine, Vol. 188, No. 6, December 1995, p. 93)

Concerning the sun's path, Allen also states:

The Sun's daily movement through the sky was viewed as a journey from birth
to death, and his rebirth at dawn was made possible through Osiris, the force of
new life.

To fully appreciate the Judgment of the Fall, see Essay 2 The Fall, of our freely available book, The Beguiled
and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, freely available from our Web site.
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Importantly, this rebirth of the sun was associated with the desired state of human
immortality, as Allen further says:
This vision of daily death and rebirth lay behind the ancient Egyptian concept of
the afterlife. Like the Sun, each person's ba [soul] was seen as passing through
the night of death before coming to life again with the sunrise.

Early native Australian astronomers named the constellations after the animals with which they
shared the continent, including kangaroos, cockatoos and fish. For example, the constellation
Orion represents an emu. The Milky Way is a river filled with fish and lily "sky people" and the
Magellanic Clouds represent an old man and woman by a campfire.

Other tribes consider the emu in the sky
to be associated, not with Orion, but
with the Coalsack near the Southern
Cross. The Coalsack forms the head of
the best known Indigenous
constellation, the Emu in the Sky. If you
can see the Coalsack, you might also be
able to see the rest of the Emu - the
shadow of dark nebulae running
virtually the length of the Milky Way.
From its head near the Southern Cross,
the Emu's neck passes between the

Pointers, and its body lies across Scorpius. The Emu's orientation in the sky
indicates the availability of different seasonal foods. For example, a carving of the Emu
in Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park North of Sydney lines up with the Emu in the Sky
just when real-life emus are laying their eggs. While the Emu constellation is known to
Indigenous groups from around Australia, there are some alternative interpretations
of the Coalsack itself. In the central desert it's the neck of a wedge-tailed eagle whose

Source of images:
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footprint is the Southern Cross. The Coalsack sits near the foot of Crux (the
Southern Cross), tucked between the brightest star (Crucis) and Mimosa.

Again we see how singularly significant was the sun that its own cycles were closely
tied in with the salvation of the human soul, thousands of years before the Christian
era. In his Guide to the Egyptian Rooms at the British Museum, Dr. Budge
summarizes the Egyptian solar mythology:

The Sun has countless names, Ptah, Tmu, Ra, Horus, Khnemu,
Sebek, Amen, etc.; and some of them, such as Osiris and Seker, are names of
the Sun after he has set, or, in mythological language, has died and been
buried.... All gods, as such, were absolutely equal in their might and in their
divinity; but, mythologically, Osiris might be said to be slain by his brother Set,
the personification of Night, who, in his turn, was overthrown by Horus (the
rising sun), the heir of Osiris.

As the sun progresses through the day and night, "he" becomes a number of
charactersor changes his epithets and characteristics, as it werebeginning with the
rising sun, Horus, who at noon becomes Ra, who at sunset becomes Tmu or Atum,
who at midnight becomes Osiris, who becomes Horus at sunrise, and so on. In the end,
these gods are all oneas are their enemies, recounted here as "Set."
When studying Egyptian religion and mythology, it should be noted that its deities are
not "simply" sun gods but symbolize a wide variety of elements, qualities or aspects of
life as well. These various gods or epithets represent not only the physical sun but also
its disk, light and heat, as well as the cosmic power behind it. In this regard, although
Osiris, for example, is largely a sun god, the ancients also recognized that the sun's
light is reflected in the moon, a symbol of Isis, who gives birth to Horus, the
"reincarnation" of Osiris. Thus, Osiris was both solar and lunar, as well as the god of
the star Sirius, of the river Nile, of water in general, of fertility, and of the resurrection
and afterlife, these latter two precisely as was said of the later, Jewish version of the
myth, Jesus Christ.

In addition, like Jesus, who is identified in the biblical book of Revelation (22:16) as
the "morning star"one of many astrotheological themes in Christianityso too in the
Pyramid Texts is "Horus of the Duat" called the "morning star." In the Book of the
Dead (ch. 109), the speaker says:

I know the Powers of the East: Horus of the Solar Mount, the Calf in presence of
the God, and the Star of Dawn.

Here Renouf translates the hieroglyph for "Horakhty" as "Horus of the Solar Mount,"
who is the "sun-calf," as well as the "Star of Dawn" or morning star. These "powers of
the east" constitute the "Souls of the Easterners."

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Moreover, many of these gods fuse together in the Egyptian pantheon in the
syncretism spoken of by Dr. James Allen, for the reason that the Egyptian mysteries
long ago taught monotheism, with one overarching god whose numerous "members"
assorted gods and goddessesexpanded, contracted and merged with each other.
Hence, in the Egyptian texts we find prayers to one god or goddess that include the
names or epithets of many other gods or goddesses. For example, there is the sun god
Amen"the hidden god"and the sun god Ra, but they are also combined as Amen-
Ra, and so on. Regarding this fusion and confusion, Dr. Allen further remarks:

Although the Egyptians recognized most natural and social phenomena as
separate divine forces, they also realized that many of these were interrelated
and could also be understood as different aspects of a single divine force. That
realization is expressed in the practice known as "syncretism," the combining of
several gods into one.

Thus, as is the case in other religions and mythologies, such as the Indian, the
Egyptian represents a sort of "polytheistic monotheism" that ascribes divinity to a vast
proportion of creation, while maintaining the cosmos to be one.

In addition, when analyzing myths, it is important to realize that, because they are
myths, there will often be different versions of any particular story or motif. Such is the
case with the myths surrounding Osiris, Isis and Horus. Moreover, there were various
Horuses or Horus epithets, two of whom, for instance, were named as the son(s) of
Osiris and Isis, and all of whom have been confounded in both ancient and modern
times. This confounding is not necessarily a mistake but may be deliberate since, as
stated, the myths and characteristics of gods and goddesses frequently blend into and
overlap each other. The interchangeability of Osiris and Horus, for example, becomes
evident on a daily basis, as the night sun Osiris at dawn becomes Horus. Regarding
Osiris's transformation into Horus, Dr. Allen states:

Within Nut's womb, he embodied the force through which the Sun received the
power of new life, to appear at dawn as Osiris reborn in his own son, the god

In the story of the conflict between Osiris (thats you and I) and Set (thats satan or the
adversary), the central theme is the Fall of Mankind, or in this case, the human
tendency of always giving into sin, and being eventually destroyed by it (see the
Blessings and Cursings sections of the Old Testament: the Blessings at Deuteronomy
28: 1-14, and the Cursings are at Deuteronomy 28: 15-68.). Then comes the final, but
awful discovery, that such a life is not really worth living, because of all the pain and
suffering it causes. Then follows repentance, hopefully, and water baptism. This begins
the putting back together of the Old Man as the New Man, who had been

Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, pp. 12-16.
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dismembered into 14 pieces (this is meant to be an allegory for the effects of sin on a
persons life), because of sin, as the ancient story goes. Everything is put back together
except one vital piece: the phallus of Osiris was never found, so that he is
reconstructed, by his mother Isis (the Birthright Holy Spirit), as a 13-piece being,
called the New Man. The 14
part is meant to represent the diminishment of the
importance of sex, and the sex-drive, in a persons life, as we mature. This
diminishment of the sex drive should always be understood as a signal that the third
phase of life has begun, one in which human beings begin to do serious spiritual work
on themselves, following upon repentance. This is the work of the Birthright Holy
Spirit, in the genuine observance of the monthly New Moon festivals. Of course satan
and his Earthly followers has convinced modern man that s/he cannot do without a
thunderous sex urge right up to the grave! We see this in the extremes of human
sexuality, pornography, film and television, where sex, and the craving for it, is always
portrayed as the modern idol to be sought after at all costs. Viagra, Cialus , and the
other sexual stimulants are meant to counteract Gods plan for the human race, in this

We can put this another way, in words that were first used by a true scholar of ancient
Egypt, such as Sir E.A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934), a professed Christian and the Keeper
of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum. In the words of
Acharya S we learn the following:

Regarding the important and ancient goddess Neith, from whom Horus is said to
have been born, Budge states:

And the priests of the goddess Net (Neith) of Sais...held the view that she was
self-begotten and self-produced, that she was the mother of the Sun-god,
and at the same time a perpetual virgin-goddess.

Moreover, in a startling series of admissions concerning Isis, sincere Christian Budge
further remarks:

it is clear that early Christians bestowed some of her attributes upon the
Virgin Mary. There is little doubt that in her character of the loving and
protecting mother she appealed strongly to the imagination of all the Eastern
peoples among whom her cult came, and that the pictures and sculptures
wherein she is represented in the act of suckling her child Horus formed the
foundation for the Christian figures and paintings of the Madonna and Child.
Several of the incidents of the wanderings of the Virgin with the Child in Egypt
as recorded in the Apocryphal Gospels reflect scenes in the life of Isis as
described in the texts found on the Metternich Stele, and many of the attributes
of Isis, the God-mother, the mother of Horus, and of Neith, the goddess of Sais,
are identical with those of Mary the Mother of Christ. The writers of the
Apocryphal Gospels intended to pay additional honour to Mary the Virgin by
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ascribing to her the attributes which up to the time of the advent of Christianity
they had regarded as the peculiar property of Isis and Neith and other great
indigenous goddesses, and if the parallels between the mythology history of Isis
and Horus and the history of Mary and the Child be considered, it is difficult to
see how they could possibly avoid perceiving in the teachings of Christianity
reflections of the best and most spiritual doctrines of the Egyptian religion. The
doctrine of parthenogenesis [= virgin-birth, reproduction by a virgin,] was
well known in Egypt in connexion with the goddess Neith of Sais centuries
before the birth of Christ; and the belief in the conception of Horus by Isis
through the power given her by Thoth, the Intelligence or Mind of the God of
the universe, and in the resurrection of the body and of everlasting life, is
coeval with the beginnings of history in Egypt. We may note too in passing the
probability that many of the heresies of the early Christian Church in Egypt were
caused by the survival of ideas and beliefs connected with the old native gods
which the converts to Christianity wished to adapt to their new creed.

All of this means to say that the ancient Egyptians were well and truly versed in
the born-again process of spiritual redemption, via the monthly observance of
the New Moon Festivals, and well before Christ came in the flesh! As Sir E.A. Budge
rightly claimed

It has often been said and written that the cult of Isis and Horus and the
worship of Mary the Virgin and the Child are one and the same thing...

Incidentally, other names for the Birthright Holy Spirit from the ancient world
include (the Birthright Holy Spirit has been totally changed into the Immaculate
Conception of the Virgin mary by the Catholic Church, and of course that should read
the immaculate deception):

The Great Mother,
The Immaculate Virgin,
Virgin-mother of the Sun-god,
The Intercessor,
The Star of the Sea,
The Morning Star,
The Female God,
The Goddess,
Isis the Virgin,
The ancient Virgin Mother-goddess Neith
Divine Lady,
Greatest of Gods and Goddesses,
Queen of the Gods,

Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, pp. 38-39.
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Lady of Heaven,
Holy one of Heaven,
Great Goddess of the Other World,
Mother of Horus,
Mother of the God,
Lady of Life,
Lady of Joy and Gladness,
Queen of Heaven.
The Mother of the Sun,
The Celestial Virgin,
The Constellation of Virgo,
The "Inviolable Begetter of the Sun,"
Preparer of the Way for the Sun-god,
The Constellation of the Virgin (i.e. Virgo, he Virgin), and
The Virgin Giving Birth To The Baby Sun [i.e. baby Horus] At The Winter

In short, the Birthright Holy Spirit is a pure virgin goddess! This is expressed
in the words inscribed on her temple, My garment no one has lifted up, which is
immediately followed by, The fruit that I have borne is the Sun. She is thus the virgin
mother of the sun. (History of the Egyptian Religion, by Dr. Cornelius P. Tiele, 1830-
1902, a professor of the History of Religions at the University of Leiden)

Returning to Plutarch, who further explains the astro-theological meaning of the Osiris

Some say that the years of Osiris's life, others that the years of his reign, were
twenty-eight; for that is the number of the moon's illuminations, and in that
number of days does she complete her cycle. The wood which they cut on the
occasions called the burials of Osiris they fashion into a crescent-shaped coffer
because of the fact that the moon, when it comes near the sun, becomes
crescent-shaped and disappears from our sight. The dismemberment of Osiris
into fourteen parts they refer allegorically to the days of the waning of that
satellite from the time of the full moon to the new moon.

Regarding this tale, astronomer Dr. Edwin C. Krupp, Director of the Griffith
Observatory in Los Angeles, remarks:

The numbers are significant. Although the moon completes its phases in 29
days, the number 28 was used symbolically for this interval....

The 14 pieces of the body of Osiris sound like the 14 days of the waning, or
dying moon, and on the main ceiling of the Dendera temple are inscriptions
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and pictorial reliefs that leave no doubt. In one panel, an eye, installed in a disk,
is transported in a boat. The eye, we know, was a symbol of the sun or moon.
Thoth, the ibis-headed scribe god of wisdom and knowledge, pilots the barge.
Thoth was closely associated with the moon and counted the days and seasons.
The text for this panel refers to the period after the full moon, and 14 gods
accompany the eye in the disk.

In other words, here we are seeing the power of satans unholy spirit (referred to as
the Divine Spark by satanists), which works to possess those who commit sin, and
begin the process of character degradation that is the hallmark of his way of life (also
known as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), and which drags those who
follow after lies to the Pit. Those people in the know, true witches and Satanists, know
this, and they use the symbol of the flaming torchwhich is still their most
important symbol, despite the invention of the atomic bomb and its first trial
detonation on the 33
parallel of latitude
to portray this ancient truth. This is why
the Moon is said to contain the seeds of both life and death. This is also the reason why
the Moon is so important to both true Christians (via the keeping of the monthly New
Moon Festivals) and to witches and Satanists (who keep the dark side of the Moon for
their festivities).

Concerning the conflict between Osiris and Set, Budge remarks, Details of the
engagement are wanting, but the Pyramid Texts state that the body of Osiris was
hurled to the ground by Set at a place called Netat, which seems to have been near
Abydos. [Nazarene Remnant comment: Abydos would thus denote the burial
place of the Old Man, or the place of the annual Passover, which is the most
important Holy Day of the Christian Calendar] The Pyramid Texts, in fact, contain

Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, p. 19.
The atomic bomb is the ultimate symbol of satan, and the terrible vision given to the prophet Daniel
undoubtedly speaks of this coming terror: "My personal odyssey began whilst sitting in a pew in St. Matthew's
Church, Colchester, half-listening to the vicar's sermon. An early ban-the-bomb advocate, he was preaching the
dire consequences of the arrival of nuclear weapons on the earth. I can no longer recall exactly what he said, but
I was suddenly struck with a revelation that the atom bomb was the ultimate symbol of Lucifer
- the light-bringer; that this destroying light had ripped away the old world - had removed all absolutes and
'givens'. Everything which I had been brought up to take for granted was shaken - the firm foundations of my
world crumbled in that instant, and I was 'lost', as it were. (Letter from a Luciferean, by Rex Monday, p. 1.)
Here is the prophecy from Daniel 8: 18-27: Now as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep on my face
toward the ground: but he touched me, and set me upright. And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what
shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end [shall be]. The ram which thou
sawest having [two] horns [are] the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat [is] the king of Grecia: and
the great horn that [is] between his eyes [is] the first king. Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it,
four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power. And in the latter time of their kingdom,
when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark
sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy
wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his
policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify [himself] in his heart, and by peace
shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told [is] true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it
[shall be] for many days. And I Daniel fainted, and was sick [certain] days; afterward I rose up, and did the
king's business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood [it]. (Daniel 8: 18-27)
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another, older version of Osiris's death, in which he was said to have been drowned by
Set, or Seth.

According to a later magical papyrus, this drowning took place in the water of the
underworld. This aspect of the myth is interesting in light of the fact that in Greek
mythology the sun god Helios was said to have been drowned in the river Eridanus

or Jordan, in which Jesus was likewise said to have been baptized or dunked.

The earliest versions of Osiris's passion
[Nazarene Remnant comment:
compare the passion of Christ, as well as your own passion, for indeed, if you are to
become a true Christian, you will surely have one!] depict Set simply as slaying the
god, without the ark and the dismemberment, while later sources attach 72
villainous helpers to assist in Set's murderous crime against Osiris. The story of
Osiris being entombed in a tree
and found by Isis at the city of Byblos in Phoenicia,
also related by Plutarch, is later than the one in which his parts are simply tossed
around Egypt. The Byblos tale may have been added by the Egyptians after 1500 BCE
in order to explain the similar myth of the dying-and-rising god Adonis-Tammuz in
that part of the Near East.

In addition, the 72 co-conspirators in the later version of the tale likewise possess
astrotheological meaning, representing the 72 dodecans [or 36 constellations], or
divisions of the circle of the zodiac into 5 degrees each. Interestingly, in the gospel
story Jesus is depicted with either 70 or 72 disciples, the number 70 often
symbolizing the dodecans as well. Also, the drowning of Osiris in the "river" Eridanus
evidently signifies the god's passage through the well-known constellation of the same
name. It is likely that the Jordan river, biblical site of so many purported miracles, was
named after its apparent stellar counterpart, with said "miracles" also taking place not
on Earth but in the heavens.

Furthermore, the subsequent avenging of Osiris's murder by his son(s) Horus also
constitutes an astrotheological motif. In the myth, Horus the first son of Osiris and Isis
is already alive before Typhon/Set tears Osiris's body into 14 pieces.1 Osiris is depicted
by Plutarch as later coming from "the other world" to train this Horus to battle
Typhon, also called Seth.2 At a certain point, the other, newborn Horus becomes the

Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, 2009, p. 18, magnificently points out that: In the
Egyptian, the Jordan is called Iurutana. (Cooper, AAD, 259.) This is the same term for the constellation of the
river Eridanus.
Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, 2009, p. 18, again points out that: The term passion
refers to the sufferings of the god and does not belong exclusively to the Christian faith, despite the biases and
oversights of dictionaries, and the spurious claims of Christian apologists. Osiris's sufferings have been referred
to as a passion by numerous writers for a century or more, including by Professor Franz Cumont, who related:
Since the time of the twelfth dynasty, and probably much earlier, there had been held at Abydos and elsewhere a
sacred performance similar to the mysteries of our Middle Ages, in which the events of Osiris's passion and
resurrection were reproduced. (Cumont, 98.)
See The Sinister Garden at Highgrove to find out what kind of tree Prince Charles fell in love with here, and
which was instrumental in him buying the property in the early 1980s.
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avenger of his father's death by killing Set. These different Horuses nevertheless
symbolize the one sun in various phases of its "life."

The three main players here are, of course, Isis, Horus and Osiris.
Greece Rome
Osiris (the Sun)

Dionysus, and also
sometimes Sirius.

Horus (son of a virgin
The sun-god Apollo,

Isis (the Moon)
Selena, but also with
Demeter,Ceres, Minerva

), and Artemis.
Diana, Diane, Romulus
and Remus

Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, 2009, p. 11. Available here:
Osiris was called many-eyed because of his rays. Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, p.
Harpocrates, the Greek god of secrecy and silence whose statue was often placed at the entrance of
temples, caves and other places where the mysteries were performed, was of symbolical importance to the Hell-
Fire Club. A statue of Harpocrates which depicted him holding a finger to his mouth was one of a number of
statues used on club premises. From King Kill 33, by James Shelby Downard and Michael A. Hoffman II, p. 3.
Compare to the images of Oxford Eve at the University of Oxford in England,where Rhode Scholars are
Minerva (who is also Athena in many locations) is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl usually
named as the owl of Minerva, which symbolizes that she is connected to wisdom. Wikipedia informs us that
Minerva--the dark of the Moon goddess--graces many educational institutions right around the world: The
Minerva head has been associated with the Chartered Society of Designers since its inception in 1930 and has
been redefined several times during the history of the Society by notable graphic designers. The current logo was
established in 1983. Minerva is the symbol of the University of Porto. Athena is the patron goddess of Bryn Mawr
College in Pennsylvania. Minerva is displayed in front of Columbia University's Low Memorial Library as "Alma
Mater." Above the entrance to the University of Vienna main building, there is a sculpture work titled "The Birth
of Minerva".[6] A statue of Minerva adorns the library at the United States Military Academy Minerva is the
name of a language school in Ruse, Bulgaria. Minerva is the name of a female residence at the University of
Stellenbosch in South Africa. Minerva is displayed to the East of University of North Carolina at Greensboro's
Elliot University Center as a statue. The SUNY Potsdam campus in Potsdam, NY is home to multiple statues of
Minerva and a cafe named after her. Minerva is featured on the seals and logos of many institutions of higher
learning. Here is a very small listing (consult Wikipedia under "Minerva" for a mammoth lising of just how
subverted to Satanism the world's eucation institutions really are) the University of Louisville official seal; the
University of South Carolina official seal; the University of North Carolina at Greensboro official seal. UNCG also
has a Minerva statue, donated by the Class of 1953; University of Lincoln; An emblem of Minerva's head is
represented in the logo for this UK University. There is a tradition within the Lincoln Rugby Union team where it
is thought that they are Knights of Minerva, with each match being fought and won in her honour; University at
Albany, The State University of New York. Minerva is pictured in the university's logo. "Minerva, the Roman
goddess of wisdom has been the institution's enduring symbol." Minerva is still venerated by seniors and their
'torch bearers' during a pre-graduation ritual called "Torch Night" there; the University of Alabama; the
University of Virginia; Union College, New York. Union College has also used Minerva as the name of their new
academic and social "Third Space" program, the Minerva House System; and, also here, Minerva is the goddess
of Theta Delta Chi; UFRJ, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil; Escola Politcnica da USP,
Polytechnic School of the University of So Paulo, in Brazil; Ghent University, in Belgium. American Academy of
Arts and Sciences, in Cambridge, Mass. The seal's principal figure is Minerva - a symbol appropriate for an
organization created in the midst of the American Revolution and dedicated to the cultivation of every art and
science to "advance the interest, honour, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people;"
Heidelberg University, Germany's most ancient university (1386), features depictions of Minerva (or Pallas
Athene) in the Old University's assembly hall (1785) as well as over the door of the New University building
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Egypt Greece Rome
Seth (satan or the

Other names for Isis in the ancient world: Babylonian name is Ishtar and/or Inanna;
Roman and Italian name is Diana, Diane; Ephesian name: Dia Anna; Greek name: Artemis;
Etruscan name: Artumes; Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) name: Bast; Phoenician name: Astarte;
Cretan name Ariadne.

A head of "Sulis-Minerva" found
in the ruins of the Roman baths
in Bath

Raised-relief image of Minerva
on a Roman gilt silver bowl, 1st
century BC

Temple of Minerva in Sbeitla,

(1931); Max Planck Society, Germany; Leiden University; Minerva is presented in the centre of the great seal of
the most ancient University in the Netherlands (1575); Minerva is featured in the emblem of Ballarat Clarendon
College, Australia, as derivative of the emblem of Clarendon Ladies' College; Minerva is featured in the logo of
The Mac.Robertson Girls' High School, Australia; The symbol of Hornsby Girls High School, Australia, is the
"Torch of Knowledge" and words of the school song include "Minerva by our southern seas her sacred groves
replanted, with whispering gums to woo the breeze that flows o'er lands enchanted; with ageless hills she
rimmed her bower, her sunlit shrine of learning, and here we keep through shine and shower the Torch of
Knowledge burning..." (NOTE on Australianisms: gums here means "gum trees" (eucalyptus), not a part of the
mouth). Here ( you can see a model of the Torch is still used in
events; Minerva is the name of the managed learning environment at the University of Sheffield Medical School;
Minerva is the name of the main file server at Keystone College; Minerva is on the crest of the Girls Day School
Trust; A statue of Minerva appears on top of the Minerva Building at Dumfries Academy, Dumfries, Scotland;
Minerva is a supercomputer at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City on the Upper East Side; A
statue of Minerva stands atop the dome of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, Scotland; A seven foot statue of
Minerva stands at the highest point in Brooklyn, overlooking New York Harbor, located in Green-Wood
Cemetery. Even in books Minerva is often given pride of place. In the Harry Potter series, J.K Rowling named a
leading female character Minerva McGonagall in light of the Goddess. Indeed the character's main trait was that
of wisdom - a clear inspiration from the Goddess. Also, like Minerva (who had the ability to transform into an
owl), the character of McGonagall had the ability to transfigure into a cat. Also, like Minerva's other trait as a
goddess of war, Minerva McGonagall is shown to be a good and courageous soldier, actually dueling Tom
Marvolo Riddle himself.
Athenas temple is the Parthenon at Athens.
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The Seal of California

Medal of Honor

The statue of Minerva atop
Writers' Building, Kolkata, India.

The battle between Horus and Set is mentioned in many places in Egyptian texts, in
which the dynamic duo is called, among other things, the "Two Combatants" and the
"Divine Pair."3 The story of this conflict includes various details such as Horus's
association with Ra in attempting to destroy Set, as well as numerous other characters
such as the blacksmiths on Horus's side and the vast army of "bad guys" with Set.
Some of these particulars signify astrotheological elements added as the science of
astronomy became more sophisticated. For example, Horus's battle with Set depicted
in the inscriptions at the relatively late site of Edfu includes him slaying Set's
monsters, the crocodile and hippopotamus, which symbolize two of the "circumpolar
stars" that are "washed out" or removed from sight when the sun's rays appear on the
horizon. With or without the details, of course, the contention between Horus and Set
ultimately represents the battle of good versus evil and light versus dark.

Statue of Minerva on the Alte Brcke in

An 1817 French Empire mantel clock depicting
Minerva. Purchased by James Monroe for the
White House.

Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, pp. 19-20.
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The Winter Solstice and the Birth of the Sun God

The following material is from Acharya Sannings (who is D.M. Murdock), The
Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, and is worth presenting for several reasons:

Although many people remain unaware of the real meaning behind Christmas, one
of the better known correspondences between pre-Christian religion and Christianity
has been the celebration of the god's birth on the 25th of December. Nevertheless, it
has been argued that this comparison is erroneous because Jesus Christ was not born
on December 25th, an assertion in itself that would come as a surprise to many, since
up until just a few years ago only a miniscule percentage of people knew such a fact. In
any event, this argument constitutes a logical fallacy, because over the centuries since
the holiday was implemented by Christian authorities, hundreds of millions of people
have celebrated Jesus's birthday on December 25th, or Christmas, so named after
Christ. Moreover, hundreds of millions continue to celebrate the 25th of December as
the birth of Jesus Christ, completely oblivious to the notion that this date does not
represent the "real" birthday of the Jewish son of God.[
] In actuality, it would be
highly refreshing for the facts regarding the true meaning of Christmas to be known
around the world: To wit, "Christmas"or the winter solstice represents the
birth of the sun god dating back millennia.

Concerning the origins of this solar holiday vis--vis Christianity, the authoritative
Catholic Encyclopedia states:

The earliest rapprochement of the births of Christ and the sun is in [the writings
of Church father] Cyprian [200-258]O, how wonderfully acted Providence
that on that day on which that Sun was bornChrist should be born.

In the fourth century, Chrysostomsays: "But Our Lord, too, is born in the
month of Decemberthe eight before the calends of January [25 December],
But they call it the 'Birthday of the Unconquered'. Who indeed is so
unconquered as Our Lord? Or, if they say that it is the birthday of the Sun, He
is the Sun of Justice.

As we can see from these revealing remarks, the birth of Christ at the winter
solstice has been asserted since as early as the 3rd century. Moreover, the reason for
this birthdate is clearly given: This date represents "the birthday of the Sun!"

Regarding Christ's birth and the establishment of Christmas, Christian apologist
Thomas Thorburn relates:

In 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 847, officially declaring December 25th to be the
birthday of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Whereas on December 25 of each calendar year, American
Christians observe Christmas, the holiday celebrating the birth of their savior, Jesus Christ
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The earliest church commemorated it at various times from September to
March, until in 354 A.D. Pope Julius I assimilated the festival with that of the
birth of Mithra (December 25), in order to facilitate the more complete
Christianisation of the empire.

Thus, Christ's birth at the winter solstice was not formalized until the fourth century
and this fact demonstrates a deliberate contrivance by Christian officials to usurp
other religions, as we contend the entire Christian religion was specifically created to
do. Prior to its celebration as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the 25th of December/
winter solstice was claimed as the birthday for a number of other gods and godmen,
including the Perso- Roman god Mithra and the Greek god Dionysus. So too,
apparently, do we find this annual celebration in Egypt concerning the sun god, which
represents the "birth" of the "new sun" after the "old sun" "dies" around December
21st (in the Northern hemisphere), lying in his "tomb" or "cave" for three days and on
December 25th being "born again."

There appears to be frequent confusion regarding the dates of December 21st, 22nd
and 25th. The fact is that all of them represent the time of the winter solstice, which
begins at midnight on the 21stequivalent to the morning of the 22ndand ends at
midnight on the 24th, which is the morning of December 25th. To summarize, in the
solar myth the "death" of the "old sun" occurs as the days decrease in length towards
the winter solstice, the word "solstice" meaning "sun stands still," as for three days the
sun appears not to be moving south or North. Hence, it was considered "dead" and did
not "return to life" until three days later, at midnight on December 24th, when it began
its Northerly journey again. Therefore, the ancients said the sun was born on
December 25th.

In this regard, it has been the frequent contention of writers since antiquity that the
Egyptians likewise celebrated the birth of the sun at the winter solstice, a
logical conclusion, considering the reverence with which the sun was held in Egypt.

Concerning this cycle in Egypt, in "Isis and Osiris" (chapter 65), Plutarch remarked
that Horusor "Harpocrates," his Greek namewas "born about the winter solstice,
unfinished and infant-like..." A couple of centuries after Plutarch, in his Saturnalia (I,
XVIII:10), ancient Latin writer of the fourth century Macrobius also reported on this
annual Egyptian "Christmas" celebration:

at the winter solstice the sun would seem to be a little child, like that which
the Egyptians bring forth from a shrine on an appointed day, since the day is
then at its shortest and the god is accordingly shown as a tiny infant.

As to the antiquity of the Egyptian winter-solstice, solar-birth drama depicted by
Plutarch and Macrobius, Professor Orlando P. Schmidt makes some interesting claims
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regarding the Egyptian king Amenemhet or Amenemhat I (c. 1991/1985-c. 1962/1956
BCE), called in Greek "Amenemes" or "Ammenemes," founder of the 12th dynasty:

Now, as the sun of the Sothiac year reached the winter solstice in the
seventeenth year of the reign of King Amenemes I, he assumed the title of Nem-
mestu, meaning "Re-born," in commemoration of his birth as Harpokrates.

Thus, according to Schmidt the birth of Harpocrates at the winter solstice apparently
dates back to almost 2,000 years prior to the Christian era, a tradition evidently
verified by Plutarch.

This epithet "Nem-mestu" is the king's "Horus name" and means "repeater of births,"
"repetition of births" or "reborn." Regarding this title, Budge says:

..."nem mestu," i.e., "repeater of births," the allusion being to the idea that the
king was like the Sun-god Re who was reborn daily; this title became a great
favorite with the kings of the XIIth Dynasty.

Budge thus verifies that this particular Horus name was indeed popular in the dynasty
in question. Intriguingly, according to Budge the Egyptian word for winter solstice is
nen, which would make a Horus name of "Nen-mestu" equivalent to "born of the
Winter solstice." Also according to Budge, citing German Egyptologist Professor
Heinrich Brugsch, the hieroglyph for the winter solstice reveals two deities holding the
sun with its rays extending down over an ankh,3 the symbol of life. If these two deities
surrounding the sun being given life are indeed Osiris and Isis, as they appear to be,
this hieroglyph would represent a clear indication that their child, Horus, was in fact
born at the winter solstice.

In any case, this Horus name "repeaters of births" as a reflection of the sun god's birth,
whether daily, annually or both, dates back thousands of years in Egypt, and the
significance of the winter solstice in Egypt, as well as its perception as the birth of the
sun god, seems evident.

In the Egyptian language, Harpocrates is "Her-pa-chruti" or "Heru-pa-Chrat," "the
morning sun." On the subject of Plutarch and Harpocrates, Budge remarks:

The curious legend which Plutarch relates concerning Harpocrates and the
cause of his lameness is probably based upon the passage in the history of Osiris
and Isis given in a hymn to Osiris of the XVIIIth Dynasty.

Budge never seems to return to this "curious legend," apparently coming from chapter
19 of Plutarch, which omits the pertinent part about Harpocrates representing the
weak or "lame" sun of the winter solstice, as in chapter 65. Concerning the Osirian
myth presented in Plutarch, in Egyptian Ideas of the Future, Budge remarks:
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When we examine this story by the light of the results of hieroglyphic
decipherment, we find that a large portion of it is substantiated by Egyptian

Budge proceeds to name many of the most significant details from Plutarch as having
been verified by hieroglyphs, including texts, inscriptions, papyri, etc. The passage
from Plutarch quoted here by Budge is also from chapter 19 and, again, although
mentioning the birth of Harpocrates, lacks the pertinent part about the winter solstice
found in chapter 65. In neither book, in fact, does Budge describe the assertion in
chapter 65. Perhaps as a professed Christian, Budge did not wish to reproduce these
significant remarks concerning the "Christmas" birth of the Egyptian sun god. From
comments by various writers of the time, it appears there was indeed a debate as to
whether or not to accept the "opinions of the Greek" with regard to Harpocrates's
nature as the sun born at the winter solstice. One must therefore ask whether or not
this debate about the "correctness" of the ancient Greeks in their assertions regarding
this figure.a debate continued by apologists today.has been based on scientific
reasoning or religious prejudice, representing an intentional suppression and
censorship of pertinent data. And, if the bulk of Plutarch's summary of the myth of
Osiris, Isis and Horus is sustainable through Egyptian writings, as Budge himself
states, can we not assume that this winter-solstice part would be reliable as well?

If Horus was not born at the winter solstice, why does Plutarch state that he was, in his
form as Harpocrates or Horus the Child? Why does Macrobius record an Egyptian
festival of apparent antiquity that celebrated the birth of the baby sun at the winter
solstice? Would the Egyptianswho were so keenly aware of astronomy, solar
mythology and astrotheologytruly be completely oblivious to, or deliberately
unaffected by, the revered status of the sun at the winter solstice? Certainly the
Egyptians were highly conscious of the all-important solsticesas demonstrated
abundantly by the alignments of their monumentscould they possibly fail to
integrate them into their solar religion?

Indeed, according to Budge the solstices were personified as gods. [Nazarene
Remnant comment: see The God Messiah Worships for the reasons why this is
true. The Winter Solstice was the personification for Horus, while the Summer Solstice
was the personification of Osiris. I do not see how Osiris can be associated with the
Winter Solstice, as Acharya Sanning is doing here.]. In fact, Budge claims that the
personification of the winter solstice is the god "Ap-uat," while Renouf says Apuat is
"identical with Osiris." Thus, Osiris would represent the Winter Solstice, making this
time of year highly significant to the Egyptians.

Furthermore, it is agreed that in Egypt "the summer solstice was paramount,
for it heralded the rise of the Nile." As Herodotus states, the Nile began to overflow
around the summer solsticespecifically named as such by Herodotus (1:19). The
Greek historian further remarks that the river continues to rise for about 100 days, at
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which point it levels off and then starts to drop again, remaining low throughout
winter.4 This life-giving time of year was so important to the Egyptians that at periods
over the millennia they opened the new year with the summer inundation of the Nile.

During other periods, apparently, the year began at the winter solstice, which would be
indicative that such a time was considered the "birth of the sun," as in so many other
cultures. In Horae Aegyptiacae: Or, the Chronology of Ancient Egypt, Discovered
from Astronomical and Hieroglyphic Records Upon Its Monuments, Egyptologist and
professor of Archaeology Dr. Reginald Stuart Poole, another Keeper at the British
Museum, states:

The Season of the Waters, in the ancient nomenclature, plainly shows that the
Tropical Year to which that nomenclature was originally applied commenced at
the winter solstice, and not at, nor near, either of the equinoxes, or the summer
Thus we find that the true period of the commencement of "the Season of the
Inundation" was one month before the autumnal equinox; and the end, at the
winter solstice; and, consequently, that the Tropical Year anciently in use among
the Egyptians commenced at the winter solstice, when all things in Egypt begin

Obviously, the Egyptians were well aware of the winter solstice, which they evidently
identified with Osiris and other gods at some point and which during certain eras or in
various places opened with Egyptian year.

Concerning these important times of the year, astronomer Sir Lockyer remarks:

Did the ancients know anything about these solstices and these equinoxes? That
is one of the questions which we have to discuss. Dealing with the monumental
evidence in Egypt alone, the answer is absolutely overwhelming.

Lockyer next describes a number of astronomical alignments of various monuments
and buildings in Egypt, beginning with the temple enclosure at Karnak. Calling the
temple of Amen-Ra at Karnak the "finest Egyptian solar temple" and "the most
majestic ruin in the world," Lockyer dated its foundation to 3700 BCE, using
astronomical measurements. Encompassing twice the area covered by St. Peter's in
Rome, the complex comprised "two temples in the same line back to back, the chief
one facing the sunset at the summer solstice, the other probably the sunrise at the
winter solstice."5 Concerning the smaller temple, Lockyer states:

The amplitude of the point to which the axis of the small temple points is 26o S.
of E., exactly the position of sunrise at the winter solstice.

There is more evidence of this kind.
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Lockyer then discusses the colossal statues of Amenhetep III on the plain of Thebes,
which were oriented to watch "for the rising of the sun at the winter solstice."
Astronomer Dr. Edwin C. Krupp likewise comments on the winter-solstice alignment
of Egyptian buildings:

Winter solstice sunrise alignment was also found at the solar sanctuary in
Hatshepsut's mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri, and these sanctuaries were
linked with the Egyptian beliefs about the passage of Re through the
netherworld and the transformation of the soul of the deceased pharaoh.

The Temple of Amun-Ra at Abu Simbel, built by Ramses II, ranks as another edifice
aligned with sunrise at the winter solstice.

In the Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt ("EAAE") appears a
discussion of the small temple at Aghurmi in the Siwa Oasis. This temple possesses a
window in the west wall of the sanctuary that connects with an opposite window
opposite, producing a lightshaft which illuminates the "god's barge naos in the center
of the sanctuary." EAAE then states:

The fact that Onuris and Tefnut are represented right next to this window and
the mythology connected with these two gods suggest that occurrence of this
event to have coincided with the winter solstice.

Hence, we find multiple astronomical alignments proving that the ancient Egyptians
highly valued the winter solstice.

Moreover, a number of ancient Egyptian water clocks, such as at Karnak, were
designed to measure the winter and summer solstices. Indeed, that the Egyptians were
keen measurers of time may be seen in an inscription from the tomb of the Karnak
clock's creator, a "certain official" named Amenemhet who was buried "near the top of
the hill of Sheikh Abd el-Gurna in Western Thebes." This very ancient inscription
describes the measurements of the "longest night of wintertime" and the "shortest
night of summertime," the former of which, of course, would be the winter solstice and
the latter, the summer. This inscription also refers to Egyptian sacred literature as "the
books of the divine word," demonstrating the reverence with which these texts were
held, no less than the holy books of today. The official in question dedicated his clock
to Amenhotep I, who reigned in the 18th Dynasty, during the 16th century BCE.

In Ancient Egyptian Science, professor of Historical Studies Dr. Marshall Clagett
(1916- 2005) depicts another ancient Egyptian clock used to measure the equinoxes
and solstices:

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The first (and indeed only) Egyptian technical description of an ancient
Egyptian shadow clock is found in an inscription in the cenotaph of Seti I (ca.
1306-1290 [BCE]).

Dr. Clagett also describes an Egyptian sundial from Luxor that apparently dates to the
"Greco-Roman period" and that possesses marks to measure, among other things, the
winter solstice.

As another example of Egyptian astronomical knowledge and the particular
importance of the winter solstice, in 46 BCE famed Alexandria astronomer Sosigenes
created a new solar calendar for Julius Caesar, called the Julian Calendar: "The new
system, depending wholly on the sun, would naturally have commenced with the
winter solstice," called bruma in Latin, one source of the Roman celebration the

In The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt, Rosemary Clark describes another festival
that purportedly took place on the winter solstice:

As the winter solstice denotes the literal decline of solar light, festivals
celebrated at this time are connected with the renewal of the life force. One of
these festivals was the annual raising of the Djed pillar of Asar [Osiris] at his
great temple at Busiris in Lower Egypt. This was a symbolic restoration of the
Neter's [God's] life, an event which followed a ritual reenactment of an episode
in the great Osirian mythos, The Contendings of Heru [Horus] and Set. It took
place, according to ancient records, on the 30th of Choiach [Khoiak], a time
coinciding with the end of the Nile's inundation over the land. In our calendar
the festival begins on December 10 and culminates at the winter solstice
(December 22).

The djed-pillar is a very ancient "cult icon of Osiris" that was "erected in a rite
symbolizing Osiris's revivification after death." The raising of the djed-pillar at Busiris
is mentioned in chapter 18 of the Book of the Dead. The month of Choiach/Khoiak/
Koiak corresponding to December comes from the Coptic calendar and is presumably
an accurate rendering of an ancient Egyptian dating system. In Calendrical
Calculations, Professors Dershowitz and Reingold state:

The Christian Copts, modern descendants of the Pharaonic Egyptians, use a
calendar based on the ancient Egyptian solar calendar...but with leap years.

Dershowitz and Reingold further say that "the Copts celebrate Christmas on Koiak 29
(which is always either December 25 or 26 on the Julian calendar)..."

Modern Egyptians also still celebrate a festival around the vernal equinox called
"Sham el- Nessim," or "Shamo," which traditionally occurs in April and closely
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resembles the Western celebration of Easter. Since this spring festival is estimated to
date to at least 4,500 years ago, it would be reasonable to assert that comparable
winter-solstice celebrations may approach that age in Egypt as well.

Knowing all these facts, it is logical and rational to assume that Plutarch and
Macrobius were not in error in their reports about the Egyptian sun god celebrated at
the winter solstice. If Macrobius is correct in his assertions that the Egyptians brought
out an image of the baby sun at the winter solstice, we have no credible, scientific
reason to dismiss Plutarch's statement regarding Harpocrates/Horus being this baby
sun born at the winter solstice, especially since many of his contentions can be verified
by the hieroglyphs, as stated by Budge.

In fact, the "restoration of Osiris" at the winter solsticewhich would essentially
constitute his rebirth in Horusis also related by Plutarch:

Moreover, at the time of the winter solstice they lead the cow [symbol of Isis,
or the Birthright Holy Spirit] seven times around the temple of the Sun
[Nazarene Remnant comment: The Temple of the Sun was at Heliopolis.
Compare this to marching seven times around the wall of Jericho, which then
fell down. See Joshua 6: 1-27. Also see Hebrews 11: 30] and this
circumambulation is called the Seeking for Osiris, since the Goddess in the
winter-time yearns for water; so many times do they go around, because in
the seventh month the Sun completes the transition from the winter solstice to
the summer solstice. It is said also that Horus, the son of Isis, offered sacrifice to
the Sun first of all on the fourth day of the month, as is written in the records
entitled the Birthdays of Horus.

Although here Plutarch discusses Osiris's water aspect [Nazarene Remnant
comment: the sign of Aquarius], logic would indicate that the god's solar nature was
also being sought at the winter solstice, when the sun is viewed as "weakening,"
"dying" or otherwise diminishing, in line with the shortening days of the years.
Furthermore, the "Seeking of Osiris" at the solstice is confirmed by the conservative
Encyclopedia Britannica as one of the Egyptians' "most characteristic celebrations":

Among those most characteristic celebrations of the Egyptians were those which took
place at the or disappearance of Osiris in October or November, at the
search for his remains, and their discovery about the winter solstice...1

The discovery of Osiris's remains at the winter solstice means that he was "born again"
at that time, since he was thereafter resuscitated [Nazarene Remnant comment:
through repentance, baptism, and the work of the Birthright Holy Spirit]. Because
Horus and Osiris were one and interchangeable, the new sun replacing the old, it
could be truthfully stated that the "rebirth" of Osiris at the winter
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solstice represents the "new birth" of Horus. Hence, again we find Horus being
born on December 25th.

The winter-solstice motif is also represented in the story related by Plutarch of Osiris
being shut up in his ark during the sign of Scorpio, the "backbiter," who robs the sun of
its strength as it nears the death of winter. Horus being killed by a scorpion would
likewise represent the same theme.

Obviously, it would be fascinating to inspect the ancient "records entitled the
Birthdays of Horus" to which Plutarch refers. It is possible these texts could be found
in the Library of Alexandria, which unfortunately was destroyed, taking with it a vast
amount of human culture and knowledge, including many of these mysteries and
secrets. Again, when we hear the clamor for "primary sources," we are reminded of this
heinous destruction of ancient culture, often by religious fanatics trying to prevent the
truth from becoming known. In the same vein as Plutarch, and quite possibly
discussing the same records or text, in his treatise on the dual birthdays of Horusone
at the vernal equinox and the other at the winter solsticeMassey refers to "the
Egyptian Book of the Divine Birth":

The double birth of Horus at the two times, or the birth of the babe in the winter
solstice and the rebirth as the adult in the Easter equinox is acknowledged in the
Egyptian Book of the Divine Birth. The celebration of the Nativity at the solstice
is referred to in the calendar of Edfu, and it is said that everything is performed
which is ordained in the Book of the Divine Birth.

The text Massey is referring to was also mentioned by Austrian professor Dr. J. Krall,
quoted by Lockyer:

On the 6th of Pachons ... the solstice is then celebrated. The Uza-eye is then
filled, a mythical act which we have in another place referred to the celebration
of the solstice, and "everything is performed which is ordained" in the book on
the Divine birth.

This solstice that is celebrated on the 6th of Pachons is that of the summer, once again
demonstrating the significance of that time of year. The "Uza-eye" being filled
apparently refers to the Eye of the Sun (Ra and/or Horus) approaching its culminating
strength at the summer solstice.

According to Lockyer, Krall also discusses an inscription discovered at both Edfu and
Esne "which seems to have astronomical significance." This inscription describes a
feast day during the period of "1. Phamenoth" called the "Festival of the suspension of
the sky by Ptah" or the "Feast of the suspension of the sky." In chapter 43 of "Isis and
Osiris," Plutarch also remarks upon a festival that falls on the new moon in the month
of Phamenoth called "Osiris's coming to the Moon," which the historian says "marks
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the beginning of spring." However, Krall clarifies these festivals as being "connected
with the celebration of the Winter Solstice, and the filling of the Uza-eye..." He then

Perhaps the old year, which the Egyptians introduced into the Nile valley at the
time of their immigration, and which had only 360 days, commenced at the
Winter Solstice. Thus we should have in the "festival of the suspension of the
sky" by the ancient god Ptahvenerated as creator of the worlda remnant of
the time when the Winter Solstice ... marked the beginning of the year, and also
the creation.

As we have seen on the very good authority of Dr. Poole, the Egyptian year at one point
apparently began with the winter solstice. Adding to this notion is the suggestion that
this period preceded the adjustment of the Egyptian 360-calendar with the addition of
the five intercalary or epagomenal days. The god Ptah is the very ancient Father-
Creator figure who, in "suspending the sky," resembles other Egyptian deities such as
Isis and Horus with arms outstretched in the vault of heaven, as well as the Greek god
Atlas supporting the world on his shoulders, and various renderings of the Christian
Father and Son depicted as holding up the heavens.

In On Mankind: Their Origin and Destiny, Arthur Thomson summarizes the story of
the baby sun at the winter solstice, who was born of a virgin mother [Nazarene
Remnant comment: i.e. the Birthright Holy Spirit], specifically as applied to Horus
and Isis:

The Egyptians did in fact celebrate at the winter solstice the birth of the son of
Isis (Plutarch, De Iside), and the delivery of the goddess who had brought this
young child into the world, feeble and weak, and in the midst of the darkest
night. This child, according to Macrobius, was the god of light, Apollo, or the
sun, painted with his head shorn of his beaming hair, his head shaved, and with
only a single hair left. By this, says Macrobius, the dimness of the light at the
winter solstice, and the shortness of the days as well as the darkness of the deep
cave in which this god seemed to be born, and from which he issued forth to rise
in the direction of the Northern hemisphere and the summer solstice, in which
he reassumed his dominion and his glory, was indicated

It was this child of whom the virgin Isis called herself the mother in the
inscription over her temple at Sais (Plutarch, De Iside) which contained the
words, "The fruit which I have begotten is the sun." (Procl. in Tim. p. 30). This
Isis of Sais has been correctly assumed by Plutarch to be the chaste Minerva,
who, without fearing to lose her name of virgin, nevertheless says of herself that
she is the mother of the sun. This Isis cannot be the moon, for she would never
be called the mother of the star whose light she borrows [Nazarene Remnant
comment: Isis is indeed the Moon and the Birthright Holy Spirit!]. She is the
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Virgin of the constellations, who is called by Eratosthenes, a learned
Alexandrian (Eratosthen. cap. vii.), Ceres or Isis; that Isis who opened the year,
and presided over the birth of the new solar revolution, and of the god of dayin
a word, of her in whose arms we shall soon see the symbolic child.

As another version of the solar hero, the Greek god Dionysus too was asserted to have
been born at the winter solstice, when his followers held a wild celebration in his and
the sun god Apollo's honor. This winter-solstice birth may also have come with
Dionysus's identification with Osiris, since, as Plutarch states (35), "Osiris is identical
with Dionysus."

Concerning winter solstice "Feasts and Festivals," the Encyclopedia Britannica further

The common people in China have a similar custom on the arrival of the winter

...The Phrygian festivals were also arranged on the theory that the deity was
asleep during the winter and awake during the summer.

The EB also names several other cultures as having winter celebrations, including the
Mexicans and Peruvians. Of course, the Romans were famed for their lengthy winter
festival of Saturnalia, which encompassed the solstice. Even the lunar Jews had their
winter holiday, or "Feast of the Dedication," as mentioned in John 10: 22. As we can
see, the celebration at the winter solstice represents an ancient tradition.

Acharya S, The Companion Guide to Zeitgeist, Part 1, 2009, pp. 24-33. Available here:
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The Truth About the Stretching of the
Cord Ceremony in Ancient Egypt

There is one central area of the Egyptian religion that has been consistently warped
and twisted by all agents of deceit, and especially by all branches of Egyptology. This
concerns the concept of a measuring cord being used to lay out the foundations of
new temples. In this section we will look at what this concept of sacred measurement
is really all about. First, lets look at some Scriptures to introduce the concept:

For I [am] with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end of
all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee:
but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether
unpunished. (Jeremiah 30: 11)

But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift
of Christ. (Ephesians 4: 7)

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of
Christ. (Ephesians 4: 13)

From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which
every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of
every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
(Ephesians 4: 16)

And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise,
and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship
therein. (Revelation 11: 1)

But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it
is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty [and]
two months. (Revelation 11: 2)

And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the
gates thereof, and the wall thereof. (Revelation 21: 15)

And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred [and] forty [and] four cubits,
[according to] the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. (Revelation 21:

Obviously there is something very mysterious to do about measurement that has
extreme significance for our salvation, and which is not explained at all in our Bibles!
So, lets explore this sacred idea of our being corrected in measure, which is code for
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being born-again, through the operation of Gods Redemption Machine, which is His
Birthright Holy Spirit, which was called Isis in ancient Egypt, given on genuine
repentance and water baptism to an Elect person.

In ancient Egypt it was standard practice at all water baptism ceremonies in ancient
Christianity to lay out the looped measuring cord or rod, which was knotted at 36-
step intervals, to indicate to the newly baptised person (who was the new
temple) the starting and finishing points, along with all intermediary points, they
had to climb in their return to obedience to the Most High God. In effect this
measuring cord was another way of depicting Jacobs Ladder. It was als the plumb line
that is frequently mentioned with regard to ancient Egypt.

There would have been 36
knots in this line, and these
represent the 36 steps,
through the 36 constellations
or decans of the Egyptian
to the Sun as
outlined in Chapter 2,
General Nature of the Sacred
Calendar, under the heading
The Great Pyramid at Giza
and the Sacred Year, of The
Sacred Calendar of the
MessiahRestored!), and in
Appendix H: Venus Ascends
To The Sun in 36-Day Steps,

Figure 17: 1: Knotted calibrated ropes from Khufu's barque.
Fundamentally this cord represents the distance of the
Ascending Passage in the Great Pyramid at Giza.

of the same book.
In the ancient world this was known as the plumb line, denoting
the starting point in the Abyss (the star Canopus in the deep South), and the finishing
point at the Elects star, which was (and still is) Sirius. The plumb line was also
known in the Hebrew world as Jacobs Ladder. The angular distance in the sky
between the two great stars, Canopus and Sirius, is 36

Always keep in mind that the ancient land of Khemit/Egypt was a copy of the Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio that
has literally been pasted upon the Earth.
The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored! is freely available here:
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Front Cordsman in a Scene of Stretching the Cord from the Tomb of Menna (Theban Tomb 69). Note the
figure holding the Sceptre in the left-middle of the image. Photo by David Goodman. Menna was a
Scribe of Estate of the Pharaoh and Amon in the mid-Eighteenth Dynasty (ca 1475 BCE). (Source:
Surveying in Ancient Egypt, by Joel F. Paulson, USA)

Rear Cordsman in a Scene of Stretching the Cord from the Tomb of Menna. (Photo by David Goodman.
Source: Surveying in Ancient Egypt, by Joel F. Paulson, USA)

The Book of Enoch has an interesting reference to the North-South movement of the
Sirius-Orion system, and clearly identifies it as part of the 36-stage measuring rod or
line that forms the New Moon systems:

In those days I beheld long ropes given to those angels; who
took to their wings and fled, advancing towards the North.
And I enquired of the angel, saying: wherefore have they taken those
long ropes, and gone forth? He said: They are gone forth to
The angel, who proceeded with me, said: These are the measures
of the righteous; and cords shall the righteous bring, that they may
lean upon the name of the Lord of spirits for ever and ever. (Rev. 11: 1-2)
The elect shall begin to dwell with the elect. (1 Thessalonicans 4: 17)
And these are the measures which shall be given to faith, and which
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shall strengthen the word of righteousness. These measures shall reveal
all the secrets in the depth of the earth. (Book of Enoch, 60: 1-6,
Richard Laurence translation, 1821, emphasis added. The secrets in the
depth of the earth are revealed in the section headed The Sacred
Mathematics of the Birthright Holy Spirit, of Essay 8, The Macrocosm
and the Microcosm, of The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two

Of course Egyptologists have successfully deceived the world by disguising the truth
about this baptismal cord, and instead presenting it as the stretching of the cord
ceremony, which they interpret as a method to align stone Egyptian temples to true
North. Hundreds of books and articles have been written about the so-called
stretching of the cord ceremony, and we will take a brief look at the lie that has been
so successfully concocted around this measuring line.

Two images of Osiris holding the keys to eternal life. In his right hand he is holding the Sceptre,
symbol of the rulership of the Elect under His Kingship during the coming millennium. In His left
hand He is holding the measuring cord, symbol of the Birthright Holy Spirit, and the 36-step journey
from Canopus to Sirius. Egyptology insists that this cord is nothing other than a flail!

For an introductory example, here is a typical piece of Egyptologist spin about the
stretching of the cord ceremony:

Stretching the cord (pedj-shes) was one of the most important elements of
the whole foundation ritual. Its importance was such that in later times the
entire ritual up to the point of construction was known as pedj-shes. From as
early as the Second dynasty the ceremony was closely associated with the
goddess Seshat, Mistress of the House of Architects. The cord in question is
the masons line which was used to measure out the dimensions of the building
and align the building with the stars or points of the compass. This stage ritual
had three distinct phases; marking out the four corners of the building (at
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night), 'stretching the cord' (driving stakes into the four corners and tying the
cord to link them), loosening the cord (so that it slipped down the stakes and lay
on the ground marking the limits of the building) It is often noted that the
Ancient Egyptians were incredibly accurate in the laying of foundations and the
orientation of their buildings. It is thought that they used a tool known as a
'merket,' a notched stick though which the constellation of the Great Bear could
be viewed to enable the builders to calculate the position of true north and so to
align their buildings accurately." Source:

Another example from the world of scholars comes from Robert Bauval and Thomas
Brophy, writing in their 2011 book, Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient

It has been known for some time that the ancient Egyptians performed a very
important ritual for aligning their religious monuments toward the sun and
stars. From earliest times, they performed a ceremony called stretching the cord
to align royal pyramids and temples. This ceremony required the participation
of the pharaoh and a priestess, who assumed the role of a deity called Seshat.

The goddess Seshat was unique among all the other goddesses of ancient Egypt
in that she was said to be supremely proficient in the sacred sciences,
particularly astronomy and sacred architecture. Depicted as a slender woman,
Seshat was particularly venerated by scribes, for she was also the patroness of
the sacred hieroglyphic writing and keeper of the royal annals. Her companion
husband was Thoth, the god of wisdom and astronomy, and she often appears
next to him on temple reliefs. Such a prestigious union gave Seshat enormous
status and respect. Nonetheless, her most important role was participating with
the kings in the stretching the cord ceremony to establish the four corners of
temples and pyramids and to align them towards specific stars, usually the Big
Dipper. In this capacity, Seshat is always shown in a leopard-skin dress with
spots that are sometimes shown as stars, which is apparently symbolic of her
ability to see in the dark, like the leopard. On her head, Seshat is depicted
wearing a golden tiara with a seven-pointed star or rosette. Her many epithets
included Foremost in the Library, Mistress in the Writing in the House of Life,
Keeper of the Royal Annals, and Lady of the Stars. The French scholar Anne-
Sophie Bomhard, an expert on the ancient Egyptian calendar, writes, The
recognition of the annual cycle and its definition, the linking of celestial
phenomena to terrestrial happenings, are essential preliminaries to establishing
any kind of calendar. This enterprise requires long prior observations of the sky
and the stars, as well as the recording, in writing, of these observations, in order
to verify them over long periods of time. It is quite natural, therefore, that the
divine tutors of Time and Calendar should be Thoth, God of Science, and Seshat,
Goddess of Writings and Annals.
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Egyptologists have established that the stretching the cord ceremony was known
since at least 2,900 BCE, [Nazarene Remnant comment: This is not right,
because it goes right back to the beginning of the Plan of Salvation, at the time of
the Fall, since the stretching of the measuring line is a baptismal ceremony. As
such we are looking at least 10,000 years prior to what the Egyptologists have
come up with here!] and it was a crucial part of a temple foundation ritual.
Textural knowledge of this ceremony comes mostly from inscriptions on the
temple at Edfu and Dendera, although much earlier evidence is found in
drawings and reliefs depicting the ceremony. Sir I.E.S. Ewards, the foremost
expert on Egyptian pyramids, writes that

[i]n spite of the relative late date of the inscriptions referring to the
episodes of the foundation ceremonies, there is no reason to doubt that
they preserved an ancient tradition. Some indication that similar
ceremonies were already current in the Pyramid Age is provided by a
fragmentary relief found in the Vth Dynasty sun-temple of Niuserre,
which shows the king and a priestess impersonating Seshat, each holding
a mallet and a stake to which a measuring cord is attached. The scene is in
complete agreement with the text in the temple at Edfu, which represent
the king saying: I take the stake and I hold the handle of the mallet. I hold
the cord with Seshat.

During the stretching the cord ceremony, both the Seshat representative and the
king carried a peg and a mallet and faced each other, possibly from some twenty
paces apart. A cord was looped between the pegs while the king and Seshat
determined the alignment of the axis of the future temple or pyramid by sighting
a specific star in the Northern sky. Once the sighting was successfully made,
they stretched the cord and fixed the line by hammering the two pegs into the
ground with the mallet. From inscriptions at Edfu and Dendera we can read:
[The king says]: I hold the peg, I grasp the handle of the mallet and grip the
measuring cord with Seshat. I turn my eyes to the movement of the stars. I
direct my gaze towards the bulls thigh [the Big Dipper] I make firm the
corner of the temple [Seshat says]: The king stretches joyously the cord,
having turned his head towards the Big Dipper and testblishes the temple in the
manner of ancient times. [The king says]: I grasp the peg and mallet; I stretch
the cord with Seshat; I observed the trajectory of the stars with my eye which is
fixed on the Big Dipper; I have been the god who indicates Time with the
Merkhet instrument. I have established the four corners of the temple. [Seshat
says]: The king while observing the sky and the stars, turns his sight towards
the Big Dipper.

In the many years we have investigated the astronomical alignments of Egyptian
pyramids and temples, it has often occurred to us that there may be more than
just a religious purpose in fixing the axes toward the rising stars or the Sun. If
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we attribute a knowledge of precessional astronomy to the ancient buildersand
recent studies have shown that there is much reason to do sothen it is quite
possible that these ancient megalith builders may have used their monuments
for long-term calendric computations in order to hark backward to distant
epochs that had specific significance to them. Further, this stretching of the cord
ceremony may well have been a ritual to verify, upon inauguration of a new
temple building site, that the stars in the heavens were continuing to operate as
the astronomer-priests expected they should, and so the earthly and heavenly
events could be unified in the temple to maintain sacred order. Indeed, all the
signatures of the precursor to the stretching of the cord ceremony were present
at Nabta Playa, even if it was not the same ritual itself.

Heres another example how
scholars have done the dirty
work of Seth. This example is
also from the work of Robert
Bauval and Thomas Brophy,
writing in their book, Black
Genesis: The Prehistoric
Origins of Ancient Egypt.
They cite the example of
Egyptian hieroglyphic
inscriptions found on the
Djedefre Water Mountain in
Egypt (shown opposite). At
this point first read the
caption under the image.
Bauval and Brophy go on to
state their interpretation of
the glyph as the star of
wisdom which heralds in the
rainy season/monsoon is
greeted with joy. (p. 271)

Figure 17: 2: Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions shown on the
Djedefre Water Mountain in Egypt, first discovered by Carlo
Bergmann, about 50 miles Southwest of Dakhla oasis. Robert
Bauval and Thomas Brophy, writing in Black Genesis, make the
following comment about this inscription: The glyph is
composed of three rows of signs. The top row shows a five-
pointed star, a cows head, and a rope with a shape
reminiscent of an ankh sign. The middle row depicts a flat plate
with four lines extending vertically below it. The bottom row
shows the same flat sign but with only one line extending down
crookedly, and with two prongs at its end and, on each side,
zigzagging lines. The other two glyphs in the bottom row, a
lightning bolt and a human figure running or jumping, probably
imply a rain-dance or storm-dance ritual.

On the other hand I would state that the glyph says this instead:

Through the keeping of the Feast of the New Moons and my connection,
through the looped measuring cord, to the most High God through His

Bauval, Robert, and Brophy, Thomas, Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, Bear &
Company, Rochester, 2011, pp. 229-231.
Bauval, Robert, and Brophy, Thomas, Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, Bear &
Company, Rochester, 2011, p. 271.
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Birthright Holy Spirit, I can run the Heb-Sed festival course at the end of the
year with joy and gladness because I have eternal life.

In other words what has been labelled as the Djedefre Water Mountain is nothing
other than a sacred site where the annual Feast of Tabernacles or Booths (the Heb-sed)
was held annually.

A couple of pages further on in their book, Bauval and Brophy make the following
high-sounding declaration:

For more than twenty-five years we have been on the quest for the origins of
the ancient Egyptian civilisation, yet we never suspected that it would be such a
thrilling and rewarding intellectual adventure. We have tried our very best to
pass the barrage of entrenched interests and to tell the general public of the
many scattered clues that we have found in the alignments of pyramids and
temples, all of which have led us to piece together a giant historical puzzle.
Slowly but surely a completely new picture of our past emerges, revealing a lost
and forgotten world, which extended from the Nile to the borders of Sudan and
Chad and which told a very different story of the origins of ancient Egypta tale
much more thrilling than that which any Egyptologist or anthropologist had
previously led us to believe. We can now look with even greater awe at the
wonderful legacy of ancient Egyptespecially at those imposing pyramids and
templesand see in them a very ancient message that was written in the stars, a
message that directed us to faraway places in the desert and to a time when
hardy and intelligent black-skinned men planted a seed that grew in the Nile
Valley to give rise to a wonderful civilisation. We know that from now on Egypt
will never be the same for us, for when a Black Nubian or African passes us by,
we will see in him or her, as surely as we see in ourselves, the reflection of a
common Black genesis.

All I can say, Robert and Thomas, if you ever get to read this book, that you open your
minds to the sublime truth that in Egypt, the land you have loved, worked in, and
wrote about for so long, you will see the true origins of ancient Christianity, and the
true story of Osiris and Horus, which is finally being restored to the place where it
really belongs: in the minds and hearts of all sincere people on Earth. And to Robert
again, together with Graham Hancock, I would counsel you to refrain from calling 911
truth-tellers hairbrained,
for it is yourselves who fall into this class, in view of all
the evidence staring us in the face since that tragic event in 2001.

Bauval, Robert, and Brophy, Thomas, Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, Bear &
Company, Rochester, 2011, p. 273.
In an article called The Pentagon and Sirius, published in New Dawn magazine, Special Issue 18, Summer
2011/2012, Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock said: We know, of course, of the many hairbrained conspiracy
theories that followed the 11 September 2001 attacks, and we dont want to add more fuel to the fire. (p. 25)
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But the truth of this looped
cord is that it laid out, for a
new temple, in very clear
terms, the direction of
celestial South (where
satans Abyss is found), and
celestial North (where the
throne of God was located).
It must never be for gotten
that a temple in all Scripture
has always symbolised a
baptised person into which
the Holy Spirit comes to
dwell. A new temple would
of course represent a newly
baptised person, one who
could now keep the Heb Sed
festival (i.e. the Feast of
Tabernacles) for the First
Time (Zep Tepi). This is a
fundamental fact. This
ceremony symbolically

Figure 17: 3: The Pharaoh and the Goddess Seshat, planting
stakes linked by a looped rope, participate in the 'Stretching
the Cord' ceremony. "I hold the peg. I grasp the handle of the
club [mallet] and grip the measuring cord with Seshat. I turn
my eyes to the movements of the stars. I send forth my gaze to
the Bulls thigh (the Great Bear). I count off time, I watch the
clock, I establish the four corners of your temple" Words
spoken by the Pharaoh, from an inscription at Edfu temple.
showed the newly baptised person, having reached the age of 30 years, what was the
true nature of the spiritual work required of him or her, as they worked hard on
themselves, spiritually speaking, to make the 36-step return to God in the far North.
You will find the mathematical expression of this 36-step pilgrimage in the table
headed Zodiacal Signs and the Arc of the Covenant on the next page.

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and
counteth the cost, whether he have [sufficient] to finish [it]? (Luke 14: 28)

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The simplified version of the Amritamanthana (or Churning of the Milky Ocean) still shows Mount
Mandara used as a pivot or churning stick, resting on the tortoise (showing how slow the whole process
is). Notice the demonic features on the figure to the right, which wears no crown, while the other two,
representing righteousness, do wear crowns (representing the constellations of the Southern and
Northern Crowns). Also notice the snake is looped around the churning stick, which represents a
baptised person, who, must walk between the two spirits. Such a person is subject to the temptations
of evil from the demonic side, and the pulls of righteousness from the Godly side of the snake. In
ancient Egypt the baptismal ceremony of stretching the looped measuring cord had the same
significance. The complex concepts involved in this picture are covered in much more detail in section
19, Representations of the New Moon Festivals: Ancient and Modern, of our free book The New Moon
Festivals: the First Works of Salvation. (The image is from Hamlet's Mill. )

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a n d t h e
A R C o f t h e C O V E N A N T

Note that the numbers in this system can be understood to be days or degrees.

Year in

1 15

2 15

3 15

4 15

5 15

6 15

7 15

8 15

9 15

10 15

11 15

12 15

13 15

14 15

15 15

16 15

17 15

18 15

19 15

20 15

21 15

22 15

23 15

24 15

The degree of spiritual ripening (15 days or degrees for each of the 288 New Moon Festivals in the
24-year sequence) is 4,320 days or degrees. Since it is Gods character and heart that is being
written onto our hearts and minds, this also includes His Great Law, the 10 Commandments. Thus
we have to add that factor to each of the calculations, so that we now get 4,320 x 10 = 43, 200 days,
exactly matching the number of days in our first life! Indeed, Gods system is a mirror image of the
life of our old man, which we put to death during the rest of our lives following repentance and
baptism. There are 12 Signs of the Zodiac, but because each sign is considered to equal 30
days) in the sky, and since God is only working in the first half of each sign, it will take 24 years for
the full born-again sequence to be completed. Thus we have ascended from the depth of the sea
and have returned to God, which is the purpose of our lives. We have gone from Canopus to Sirius,
the Elects star (also known as the heavenly cow), astronomically speaking. Note that in the
ancient Egyptian system of the Zodiac, the Zodiacal Sign of Virgo is Thoth, Libra is Horus, Scorpio is
Wadget, Sagittarius is Sekhmet, Capricorn is Sphinx, Aquarius is Shu, Pisces is Isis, Aries is Osiris,
Taurus is Amun, Gemini is Hathur, Cancer is Phoenix and Leo is Anubis.

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The simple, but profound, truth is that the real purpose of the laying out of this looped
measuring rope has nothing to do with laying out the foundations of a new stone
temple. The stretching the cord ceremony is a baptismal covenant made between God
and the newly baptised person (who is the temple!). The real astronomical purpose is
outlined in two places, first, in Chapter 14, Jubilation! of our freely available book,
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes, which is freely available here:

The second place is in Appendix N, Methods for Determining the North and South
Poles, of The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored! which is here:

While Egyptologists and other academics have laid emphasis on this cord as a
surveyors measuring device to lay out the architecture of new stone temples in ancient
Egypt, they completely ignore the fact that the cord had a deliberate loop in it. Which
is to say, a tape measure with a loop in it is useless to measure anything! It is my belief
that the newly baptised person would stand in that loop, thus completing the
symbolism of the upward and downward tug of the two spirits, that are part and
parcel of life during each lunar month. That is to say, the mill would grind out either
righteousness or evil each month. This is shown in image of the simplified version of
the Amritamanthana, shown above. The upward path represented the born-again
ascension to the Bridal Chamber (i.e. the Queens Chamber in the Great Pyramid at
Giza), and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The downward path represented the path
of succumbing to the temptations of sin, and a descent to the Abyss of Satan
(represented by the Pit in the bowels of the Great Pyramid.).

The sad and tragic fact is that the entire educational world, especially the academic
disciple called Egyptology, and modern deceived Churchianity, has faithfully
marched lock-step with satans evil purpose, and done his dirty work by suppressing
the glorious truth about ancient Egypt, but especially about the baptismal ceremony of
the the stretching the cord.
Christ addresses such modern people in the clearest
possible language of the Book of Revelations: Because thou sayest, I am rich, and
increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art
wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. (Revelation 3:
17) We can see what has happened from one of the Hermetic texts, written down in
Latin and Greek in the early centuries of the Christian era, where the god Hermes

Of course this is only one of a massive number of lies that we have been taught about the true Christian
religion that flourished in ancient Egypt during the Golden Age. Two very significant lies have been the
minimum age for baptism, which is 30 years, instead of the lie of infant baptism (or indeed any baptism up to
the age of 30 years); and the commanded use of cannabis oil as part of the anointing oil that should be used at
the baptismal ceremony. For more information on the first lie, see Appendix D below: The Suppressed Truth
About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures. For detailed information on the second lie, see
section 24, The Power of a Thumping Big Lie, of our free book The God Messiah Worships.
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(the Greek counterpart of the ancient Egyptian wisdom god Thoth) delivers the
following prophecy to his pupil Asclepius:

Do you know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or to
speak more exactly, in Egypt all the operation of the powers which
rule and work in heaven are present in the Earth below? [This is a
reference to the fact that the astronomical Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio has been
copied from the path of the Zodiac in the heavens, and pasted onto Earth as the
ancient land of Egypt] In fact it should be said that the whole Kosmos dwells in
this our land as in a sanctuary.

And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of
all events before they come to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of
what I will now tell you.

There will come a time when it will have been in vain that Egyptians have
honoured the Godhead with heartfelt piety and service; and all our holy
worship will be fruitless and ineffectual.

The gods will return from Earth to heaven; Egypt will be forsaken, and the
land which was once the home of religion will be left desolate, bereft
of the presence of its deities.

O Egypt, Egypt, of thy religion nothing will remain but an empty
tale, which thine own children in time to come will not believe; nothing will be
left but graven words, and only the stones will tell of thy piety.

And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the
universe worthy of reverent wonder and worship Darkness will be
preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than
life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven; the pious will be deemed
insane, the impious wise; the madmen will be thought a brave
man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good.

As for the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to
attain to immortality, as I have taught youall this they will mock, and even
persuade themselves that it is false.

No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven, will
be hear or believed.

And so the gods will depart from mankinda grievous thing!and
only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive
the poor wretches into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and
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robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the

The prophet Amos puts the matter even more succinctly:

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the
land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of
the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the North
even to the East, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the
LORD, and shall not find [it]. (Amos 8: 11-12)

Ancient Black Egypt 101


To the ancient Greek and Latin writers contemporary with the ancient Egyptians the
physical classification posed no problems with them: the ancient Egyptians were black,
snub-nosed, thick lips, with curly hair. [Primary evidence]

Herodotus: "there were eighteen Ethiopian kings, and one queen, native to the
country" (The Histories, Book 2:100)

"Colchians are an Egyptian race . . . . the fact that they are black-skinned and have
woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so
too." (The Histories, Book 2:104)


Professor William Petrie "The Father of Egyptian Pre-history"
Egyptologist Petrie, excavations at Nagada and Ballas in Upper Egypt nearly 100 years
ago unearth nearly 2200 ancient graves. He wrote over a thousand books, articles and
reviews reporting on his excavations and his finds.

Petrie, W.M. Flinders, The Making of Egypt, Sheldon Press, New York, 1939, p. 105:

Sudanese Dynasties:

"Scorpion king of the Anu [Aunu] culture".

"A breath of life came from the Sudan. This southern source was likewise the
inspiration of . . ." the 1st, 2nd (Anu), 3rd [Sudanese], 4th, 5th, 12th [Sudanese]
dynasties. "The 12th dynasty was undoubtedly descended from Amenemhat, the great

From the Preface of The Master Game: Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World, by Graham Hancock and
Robet Bauval, published by the Disinformation Company, 2011.
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vizier of the 11th dynasty. It seems, then, that he married the heiress of the Uah-ka
family, as stated in the pseudo-prophecy, "A king shall come from the south whose
name is Ameny, son a Nubian woman." She called her son by the family name
Senusert, and he was the founder of the 12th dynasty, according to Manetho. The main
sources of the 18th dynasty were Nubian and Libyan, depicted black and yellow, but
not red of the Egyptians. Ahmos Nefertari was one of their black queens. Her black
strain seems to come through the Tao I and II ancestry. The 19th dynasty was a direct
mixture of races." Petrie states: "Decay continued in a divided kingdom; Egypt seemed
hopeless until a fresh Ethiopian invasion stimulated it, as in earlier instances". This
was the beginning of the 25th dynasty.
See photo of kings Menes, Khasekhem and Djoser. Also the Gebel el-Arak Knife.


The following was taken from Petrie, The Making of Egypt, Sheldon Press, New York,
1939, p. 125-129:

"The Galla Penetration. It has long ago been remarked that the black sphinxes, later
appropriated by the Hyksos, approximated to the Galla type of Abyssinia".

"This starts an enquiry how the Galla connection could thus appear on monuments. In
the clearance and planning of the rock tombs at Qau, Antaeopolis, the peculiar plan of
those tombs, with great halls and small chambers annexed, was observed to be closely
parallel to that of later Nubian temples. In both tomb and temple the chief work is in
the solid rock, while the forecourt is of masonry constructed in front of it. Another
peculiarity was the hammer-work excavation of one tomb, which had evidently been
done with stone balls, as in the Aswan granite working, and this implies a southern

"These people do not appear in any records, and all their monuments have been
reappropriated. They left, however, a most striking style of sculpture, in the sphinxes
which were later removed to Tanis, but seem originally to have come from El Kab,
where a piece of such a sphinx has been found.The type is closely like that of the Galla.
The evidence that all the earlier sculptures of Tanis were collected there by Ramessu II
seems clear; and that these sphinxes are earlier than the Hyksos is certain by those
kings having appropriated them. No period seems so likely for them as the 7th to the
10th dynasties. The type was heavily bearded, with bushy hair". Petrie


Nubia is a relatively modern name, introduced a mere 2000 years ago by the Greek
geographer and historian Strabo (63 BC-24 AD), who met members of the Noba tribe
and decided to call their country Nubia. For millennia before Strabo's visit, the
Egyptians called it Ta-Seti, "Land of the Bow," because of its famous archers. Strabo
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visited the lands south of the Nile's first cataract in 29 B.C., he remarked on the
region's mineral wealth.


X-raying the Pharaohs:

The authors of X-raying the Pharaohs (1978) are James E. Harris director of the
expedition to x-ray the pharaohs, professor of dentistry and chairman of the
Department of Orthodontics at the University of Michigan; Kent R. Weeks, an
American Egyptologist and member of the expedition, is associate professor and
chairman of the Department of Anthropology at The American University in Cairo
Seqenenra Tao: "His entire lower facial complex, in fact, is so different from other
pharaohs that he could be fitted more easily into the series of Nubian and Old
Kingdom Giza skulls than into that of later Egyptian kings. Various scholars in the past
have proposed a Nubian--that is, non-Egyptian--origin for Seqenenra and his family,
and his facial features suggest this might indeed be true. If it is, the history of the
family that reputedly drove the Hyksos from Egypt, and the history of the Seventeenth
Dynasty, stand in need of considerable re-examination".

Written in the book X-raying the Pharaohs states that Donald Redford, a modern
Canadian Egyptologist. . . . "believes Hatshepsut's attainment of the throne represents
the final attempt in the Eighteenth Dynasty to establish a strong matrairchate in
Egypt. He cites the unusual importance of earlier queens in this period --Tetisheri,
Ahhotep I, Ahmose-Nefertari--as evidence of such a tendency, and here suggest that
the influences for such a matriarchally determined order of succession might have
come from Nubia. The possibility that the rulers of the Seventeenth Dynasty were
themselves at least part Nubian".
James E. Harris, Kent R. Weeks, X-raying the Pharaohs, 1973, p. 135; 17th & 18th
dynasty family tree.


1980 Discovery in Upper Egypt:

35,000-30,000 years ago: "Oldest human skeleton found in Egypt". Nazlet Khater
man was the earliest modern human skeleton found near Luxor, in 1980. The remains
was dated from between 35,000 and 30,000 years ago. The report regarding the racial
affinity of this skeleton concludes: "Strong alveolar prognathism combined with fossa
praenasalis in an African skull is suggestive of Negroid morphology [form & structure].
The radio-humeral index of Nazlet Khater is practically the same as the mean of
Taforalt (76.6). According to Ferembach (1965) this value is near to the Negroid
average." The burial was of a young man of 17-20 years old, whose skeleton lay in a
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160cm- long narrow ditch aligned from east to west. A flint tool, which was laid
carefully on the bottom of the grave, dates the burial as contemporaneous with a
nearby flint quarry. The morphological features of the Nazlet Khater skeleton were
analysed by Thoma (1984). The 35,000 year old skeleton was examined using
multivariate statistical procedures. In the first part, principal components analysis is
performed on a dataset of mandible dimensions of 220 fossils, sub-fossils and modern
specimens, ranging in time from the Late Pleistocene to recent and restricted in space
to the African continent and Southern Levant. (Thoma A., Morphology and Affinities
of the Nazlet Khater Man; Journal of Human Evolution, vol. 13, 1984.)

Nazlet Khater falls closer to the Late Palaeolithic Nubian samples . . . If an ancestral
descendant relationship existed between Nazlet Khater and the Late Palaeolithic
Nubian specimens, then regional continuity persisted among the Upper/Late
Pleistocene populations of the Upper Nile region. The Nazlet Khater specimen is part
of a relict population which is a descendant of a larger sub-Saharan stock, which
extended as far North as present day upper Egypt sometime during the Last
Interglacial period, or the early part of the Last Glacial period. In such a scenario, the
Nazlet Khater belongs to a relict population which retained some of the morphological
features [form & structure] that were present among Middle Stone Age populations,
but no longer present in other contemporaneous sub-Saharan and North African

The Position of the Nazlet Khater Specimen Among Prehistoric and Modern African
and Levantine Populations, Ron Pinhasi, Departent of Biological Anthropology,
University of Cambridge, U.K., Patrick Semal, Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,
Belgium; Journal of Human Evolution (2000) vol. 39, 269288.


Ancient Text Source (Primary):

It has been observed that the annual procession of the sacred ship so often represented
on Egyptian monuments, and the return of the deity from Ethiopia after some days'
absence, serves to show the Ethiopian origin of Thebes, and of the worship of Jupiter
Ammon. "I think," says Heeren, after quoting a passage from Diodorus about the holy
ship, "that this procession is represented in one of the great sculptured reliefs on the
temple of Karnak. The sacred ship of Ammon is on the shore with its whole equipment,
and is towed along by another boat. It is therefore on its voyage. This must have been
one of the most celebrated festivals, since, even according to the interpretation of
antiquity, Homer alludes to it when he speaks of Jupiter's visit to the Ethiopians, and
his twelve days' absence."
Long, "Egyptian Antiquities" vol. 1 p. 96. Eustathius, vol. 1 p. 98, sq. (ed. Basil)
(quoting from the the Iliad, written by Homer in 800 B.C.E )

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Greek historian Diodorus Siculus. From his own statements we learn that
he traveled in Egypt around 60 BC. His travels in Egypt probably took him
as far south as the first Cataract.

"They (the Ethiopians) say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the
Ethiopians, Osiris ["King of Kings and God of Gods] having been the leader of the
colony . . . they add that the Egyptians have received from them, as from authors and
their ancestors, the greater part of their laws." Diodorus's declared intention to trace
the origins of the cult of Osiris, alias the Greek Dionysus also commonly known by his
Roman name Bacchus. The Homeric Hymn "To Dionysus" locates the birth of
Dionysus in a mysterious city of Nysa "near the streams of Aegyptus" (Hesiod 287).
Diodorus cites this reference as well as the ancient belief that Dionysus was the son of
Ammon, king of Libya (3.68.1), and much of Book 3 of the Bibliotheka Historica is
devoted to the intertwined histories of Dionysus and the god-favored Ethiopians
whom he believed to be the originators of Egyptian civilization. [emphasis added] (1st
century B.C., Diodorus Siculus of Sicily, Greek historian and contemporary of Caesar
Augustus, Universal History Book III. 2. 4-3. 3)

Dionysus is Orisis reinvented. The mysteries were neither of Cretan origin nor a part of
the original Greek religion is well established by the fact that the initiatory rites as
practiced among these islanders were open to everyone, in contrast to the secret rituals
of Byblus, Cyprus, Thrace, Samothrace, and Eleusis (Diodorus, Book V, 77). The
mystery, which originated in Egypt, was imported into Greece long after Zeus and his
family had migrated from Mt. Ida to Mt. Olympus.

Diodorus devoted an entire chapter of his world history, the Bibliotheke Historica, or
Library of History (Book 3), to the Kushites ["Aithiopians"] of Meroe. Here he repeats
the story of their great piety, their high favor with the gods, and adds the fascinating
legend that they were the first of all men created by the gods and were the founders of
Egyptian civilization, invented writing, and given the Egyptians their religion and
culture. (3.3.2).

"Now they relate that of all people the Aithiopians [Ethiopians] were the earliest, and
say that the proofs of this are clear. That they did not arrive as immigrants but are the
natives of the country and therefore rightly are called authochthonous is almost
universally accepted. That those who live in the South are likely to be the first
engendered by the earth is obvious to all. For as it was the heat of the sun that dried up
the earth while it was still moist, at the time when everything came into being, and
caused life, they say it is probable that it was the region closest to the sun that first
bore animate beings".

[160,000-year-old fossilized skulls uncovered in Ethiopia are oldest anatomically
modern humans.]

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Diodorus continues:

"They further write that it was among them that people were first taught to honor the
gods and offer sacrifices and arrange processions and festivals and perform other
things by which people honor the divine. For this reason their piety is famous among
all men, and the sacrifices among the Aithiopians are believed to be particularly
pleasing to the divinity,"

"The Aithiopians [Ethiopians] say that the Egyptians are settlers from among
themselves and that Osiris was the leader of the settlement.The customs of the
Egyptians, they say, are for the most part Aithiopian, the settlers having preserved
their old traditions. For to consider the kings gods, to pay great attention to funeral
rites, and many other things, are Aithiopian practices, and also the style of their
statues and the form of their writing are Aithiopian. Also the way the priestly colleges
are organized is said to be the same in both nations. For all who have to do with the
cult of the gods, they maintain, are [ritually] pure: the priests are shaved in the same
way, they have the same robes and the type of scepter shaped like a plough, which also
the kings have, who use tall pointed felt hats ending in a knob, with the snakes that
they call the asp (aspis) coiled round them."

"There are also numerous other Aithiopian tribes [i.e. besides those centered at
Meroe]; some live along both sides of the river Nile and on the islands in the river,
others dwell in the regions that border on Arabia [i.e. to the east], others again have
settled in the interior of Libya [i.e. to the west]. The majority of these tribes, in
particular those who live along the river, have black skin, snub-nosed faces, and curly
(Diodous Siculus, Bibliotheke, 3. Translated by Tomas Hagg, in Fontes Historiae
Nubiorum, vol. II: From the Mid-Fifth to the First Century BC [Bergen, Norway, 1996])


Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) Greek philosopher, scientist, and tutor to
Alexander the Great.

Aristotle is said to have written 150 philosophical treatises.

"Too black a hue marks the coward as witness Egyptians and Ethiopians and so does
also too white a complexion as you may see from women, the complexion of courage is
between the two."
(Physiognomics, Vol. VI, 812a)

Aristotle makes reference to the hair form of Egyptians and Ethiopians: "Why are the
Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living creatures
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become distorted by heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The condition of
their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other nations, and curliness
is as it were crookedness of the hair."
(Physiognomics, Book XIV, p. 317)


The evidence of Lucian (Greek writer, 125 B.C.) is as explicit as that of the
previous writers. He introduces two Greeks, Lycinus and Timolaus, who
start a conversation:

Lycinus (describing a young Egyptian): "This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips
and his legs are too thin . . . his hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a

Timolaus: "But that is a sign of really distinguished birth in Egypt, Lycinus, All
freeborn children plait their hair until they reach manhood. It is the exact opposite of
the custom of our ancestors who thought it seemly for old men to secure their hair
with a gold brooch to keep it in place."
(Lucian, Navigations, paras 2-3)


Herodotus (490-425 B.C.E.) The first Greek historian. Called the Father of

He reports faithfully what the Egyptian priests communicated to him as
the history of their country, when he visited Egypt about 460 to 450 BC.

"I went as far as Elephantine [Aswan] to see what I could with my own eyes, but for the
country still further south I had to be content with what I was told in answer to my
questions. South of Elephantine the country is inhabited by Ethiopians. . . Beyond the
island is a great lake, and round its shores live nomadic tribes of Ethiopians. After
crossing the lake one comes again to the stream of the Nile, which flows into it . . .
After forty days journey on land along the river, one takes another boat and in twelve
days reaches a big city named Mero, said to be the capital city of the Ethiopians. The
inhabitants worship Zeus and Dionysus alone of the Gods, holding them in great

"The Ethiopians to whom this embassy was sent are said to be the tallest and
handsomest men in the whole world. In their customs they differ greatly from the rest
of mankind, and particularly in the way they choose their kings; for they find out the
man who is the tallest of all the citizens, and of strength equal to his height, and
appoint him to rule over them . . . The spies were told that most of them lived to be a
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hundred and twenty years old, while some even went beyond that age --- they ate
boiled flesh, and had for their drink nothing but milk. Among these Ethiopians copper
is of all metals the most scarce and valuable. Also, last of all, they were allowed to
behold the coffins of the Ethiopians, which are made (according to report) of crystal,
after the following fashion: When the dead body has been dried, either in the Egyptian,
or in some other manner, they cover the whole with gypsum, and adorn it with
painting until it is as like the living man as possible. Then they place the body in a
crystal pillar which has been hollowed out to receive it, crystal being dug up in great
abundance in their country, and of a kind very easy to work. You may see the corpse
through the pillar within which it lies; and it neither gives out any unpleasant odor,
nor is it in any respect unseemly; yet there is no part that is not as plainly visible as if
the body were bare. The next of kin keep the crystal pillar in their houses for a full year
from the time of the death, and give it the first fruits continually, and honor it with
sacrifice. After the year is out they bear the pillar forth, and set it up near the town. . ."

"Where the south declines towards the setting sun lies the country called Ethiopia, the
last inhabited land in that direction. There gold is obtained in great plenty, huge
elephants abound, with wild trees of all sorts, and ebony; and the men are taller,
handsomer, and longer lived than anywhere else. The Ethiopians were clothed in the
skins of leopards and lions, and had long bows made of the stem of the palm-leaf, not
less than four cubits in length. On these they laid short arrows made of reed, and
armed at the tip, not with iron, but with a piece of stone, sharpened to a point, of the
kind used in engraving seals. They carried likewise spears, the head of which was the
sharpened horn of an antelope; and in addition they had knotted clubs. When they
went into battle they painted their bodies, half with chalk, and half with vermilion. . ."
(Herodotus: The Histories, c 430 BCE, Book II); Herodotus, The History, trans.
George Rawlinson (New York: Dutton & Co., 1862)

Herodotus on the pharaohs: "So far, all I have said is the record of my own
autopsy and judgment and inquiry. Henceforth I will record Egyptian chronicles,
according to what I have heard, adding something of what I myself have seen" . . . .
"The priests told me that Min was the first king of Egypt, and that first he separated
Memphis from the Nile by a dam" . . . "After him came three hundred and thirty kings,
whose names the priests recited from a papyrus roll. In all these many generations
there were eighteen Ethiopian kings, and one queen, native to the country; the rest
were all Egyptian men" . . . "The name of the queen was the same as that of the
Babylonian princess, Nitocris. She, to avenge her brother (he was king of Egypt and
was slain by his subjects, who then gave Nitocris the sovereignty) put many of the
Egyptians to death by treachery". (Herodotus: The Histories, c 430 BCE, Book II,
chap. 100

Herodotus also asserted that "the names of nearly all the gods came to Greece from
Egypt . . . for the names of all the gods have been known in Egypt from the beginning
of time . . . It was the Egyptians too who originated, and taught the Greeks . . .
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ceremonial meeting, processions and liturgies . . . The Egyptians were also the first to
assign each month and each day to a particular deity, and to foretell the date of a man's
birth, his character, his fortunes, and the day of his death . . . The Egyptians, too have
made more use of omens and prognostics than any other nation. . ." (Herodotus, The
Histories, 149-150; 152; 159).

There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any
mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck
me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the
Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of
them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from
the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are
black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several
other nations are so too. But further and more especially, on the circumstance that the
Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised
circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine
themselves confess that they learned the custom of the Egyptians. And the Syrians who
dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbors the
Macronians, say that they have recently adopted it from the Colchians. Now these are
the only nations who use circumcision, and it is plain that they all imitate herein the
Egyptians. With respect to the Ethiopians, indeed, I cannot decide whether they
learned the practice of the Egyptians, or the Egyptians of them (it is undoubtedly of
very ancient date in Ethiopia). But that the others derived their knowledge of it from
Egypt is clear to me, from the fact that the Phoenicians, when they come to have
commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow
their children to remain uncircumcised. (Herodotus, The Histories, Book 2:104)

The Greek writer Herodotus repeatedly referred to the Egyptians as being dark-
skinned people with woolly hair. "They," he says, "have the same tint of skin which
approaches that of the Ethiopians." The opinion of the ancient writers on the
Egyptians is more or less summed up by French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero The
Dawn of Civilization (1894), when he says, "By the almost unanimous testimony of
ancient historians, they [the Egyptians] belong to an African race which first settled in
Ethiopia on the Middle Nile: following the course of the river they gradually reached
the sea." The German scholar, Eugen Georg, in his book The Adventure of Mankind
(1931) p. 121, tells us about the ". . . world-wide dominance of Ethiopian
representatives of the black race. They were supreme in Africa and Asia. In upper
Egypt and India they erected mighty religious centers and mastered a perfect
technique in the molding of bronze --- and they even infiltrated through Southern
Europe for a thousand years."

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Stephanus of Byzantium, who is said to represent the opinions of the most ancient
Greeks, says:

"Ethiopia was the first established country on the earth, and the Ethiopians were the
first who introduced the worship of the Gods and who established laws."
Quoted by John D. Baldwin, Prehistoric Nations, p. 62.


According to Professor Emeritus Frank M. Snowden Jr., (AB, AM, Ph.D.) Howard
University Classicist Department --- reading of the sources, the Ethiopians
"pioneered" religion, and were key to the origin and propagation of many of the
customs which existed in Egypt. The Egyptians, it was argued, were descendants of the
Ethiopians. Snowden states that the term Kushites, Nubians, or Ethiopians is to used
in much the same way as the modern term "colored", "black, or Negro". "The
experiences of those Africans who reached the alien shores of Greece and Italy
constituted an important chapter in the history of classical antiquity," he writes.
"Using evidence from terra cotta figures, paintings, and classical sources like
Herodotus and Pliny the Elder, Snowden proves, contrary to our modern assumptions,
that Greco-Romans did not view Africans with racial contempt. Many Africans worked
in the Roman Empire as musicians, artisans, scholars, and generals as well as slaves,
and they were noted as much for their virtue as for their appearance of having a "burnt
face" (from which came the Greek name Ethiopian)."
(Snowden Jr., Frank M. Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman
Experience. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.,1970; Before Color
Prejudice: The Ancient View of Blacks (1983).)

Side Note: President Bush announced one of the 2003 Humanities medal to Frank
M. Snowden Jr. (Washington, D.C.), one of the foremost scholars on blacks in ancient
Egypt, Greece, and Italy, is Professor Emeritus of Classics at Howard University in
Washington, D.C. A graduate of Harvard, Snowden has served as a member of the U.S.
delegation to UNESCO in Paris and as a cultural attach to the American Embassy in
Rome. As a U.S. specialist lecturer for the Department of State, Snowden delivered
lectures in Africa, Egypt, Italy, Austria, Greece, India, and Brazil. His many books on
blacks in the ancient Mediterranean world include Blacks in Antiquity (1970), The
Image of the Black in Western Art I: From the Pharaohs to the Fall of the Roman
Empire, which he co-authored (1976), and Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View
of Blacks (1983). Snowdens nominator writes, Howard students will remember him
for his dramatic classroom recitations in ancient Greek and Latin from memory and
his plea for the beauty and universality of great literature.


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Basil Davidson, born on November 9, 1914 in Bristol, England, well-known English
scholar of African history. Combining archeological evidence and scholarly research
Davidson traces the exciting development of the rich kingdoms of the lost cities of
Africa, fifteen hundred years before European ships first came to African shores. "East
Africa has developed from a completely primitive country, . . . more backward than the
Stone Age . . ." Yet the Stone Age blacks of Khartoum (in Sudan) manufactured pots
before the inhabitants of Jericho, the world's earliest known city. The Khartoum
Mesolithic culture is dated about 7000 B.C. Prehistoric Egyptian artifacts dated a
thousand years later would reflect a Khartoum influence. Between 5th century B.C.
and 3rd century A.D., Meroe in Sudan was an iron-smelting center. 12th century Arab
writer Edrisi reported numerous iron mines in Malindi and Sofala. Edrisi rated Sofala
iron better than India iron. At that time, southeastern Africa exported smelted iron to
India. (Malindi and Sofala are in modern Kenya and Mozambique respectively.)
(Davidson, Basil, The Lost Cities of Africa, Back Bay Books; Revised edition [1959]).
Davidson has written more than 30 books on Africa since 1952.


The Senegalese Physicist and African Egyptologist Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986) tells
us in his book The African Origin of Civilization Myth or Reality (1974) that the Greek
writer, Herodotus, may be mistaken, when he reports the customs of a people. "But
one must grant that he was at least capable of recognizing the skin color of the
inhabitants of countries he visited." His descriptions of the Egyptians were the
descriptions of a Black people. At this point the reader needs to be reminded of the fact
that at the time of Herodotus's visit to Egypt and other parts of Africa (between 480
and 425 B.C.) Egypt's Golden Age was over. Egypt had suffered from several invasions,
mainly the Kushite invasions, coming from within Africa, and starting in 751 B.C., and
the Assyrians' invasions from Western Asia (called the Middle East), starting in 671
B.C. If Egypt, after years of invasions by other people and nations was a distinct Black
African nation at the time of Herodotus, shouldn't we at least assume that it was more
so before these invasions occurred?

Until the publication of James G. Spady's article, "Negritude, Pan-Benegritude and
the Diopian Philsophy of African History," in A Current Bibliography on African
Affairs, volume 5, number 1, January, 1972, and an interview by Harun Kofi Wangara,
published in Black World magazine, February, 1974, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop was known
to only a small group of Black writers and teachers in the United States. His major
works includes The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality, Lawrence Hill &
Co; (1983) (The book presents the historical, archaeological and anthropological
evidence that supports the theory that the civilization of ancient Egypt, the first that
history records, was actually Negroid in origin); The Peopling of Ancient Egypt & the
Deciphering of the Meroitic Script, Karnak House, (1997) (A concise report of the 1974
Cairo conference and contains the arguments concerning the ethnic, linguistic and
cultural composition of the ancient Egyptians as well as the deciphering of the merotic
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script). All of his books were originally published by Presence Africaine, the Paris-
based publication arm of the International Society of African Culture.

The Legacy of a Genius: Cheikh Anta Diop (New York Amsterdam News;
10/8/2003; by Boyd, Herb) [Excerpts]:

"Two words - "union" and "intellectual" - were integral to Professor Diop and his
dream to create a united Africa, as well as a singular pursuit of knowledge that made
him one of the most versatile thinkers the world has ever seen. During an interview
with Dr. Charles Finch, Diop recounted some of the early motivations that influenced
his quest for knowledge and identity. "My desire to know my history, my culture, my
personal problem - that is, my desire to become fulfilled as a person - led me to
history." My efforts were geared towards the restoration of the linguistic and historical
personality of Black Africans," Diop declared. In 1966, the first World Black Festival of
Arts and Culture, held in Dakar, Senegal, honored Dr. Diop and Dr. W.E.B. DuBois as
the scholars who exerted the greatest influence on African thought in the 20th century.
For many aspiring Black thinkers, they represented the twin towers of African


The Western Dilemma:

If Egypt is a dilemma in Western historiography, it is a created dilemma. The Western
historians, in most cases, have rested the foundation of what is called "Western
Civilization" on the false assumptions, or claim, that the ancient Egyptians were white
people. To do this they had to ignore great masterpieces on Egyptian history written by
other white historians who did not support this point of view, such as Gerald Massey's
great classic, Ancient Egypt, The Light of the World, (1907) and his other works, A
Book of the Beginnings and The Natural Genesis. Other neglected works by white
writers are Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians,
Egyptians, by A.H.L. Heeren (1833), and Ruins of Empires, by Count Volney (1787).

In the first chapter of his book, Dr. Diop refers to the Southern African origins of the
people later known as Egyptians. Here he is on sound ground with a lot of support
coming from another group of neglected white writers. In his book Egypt, British
scholar Sir E.A. Wallis Budge says: "The prehistoric native of Egypt, both in the old
and in the new Stone Ages, was African and there is every reason for saying that the
earliest settlers came from the South." He further states: "There are many things in the
manners and customs and religions of the historic Egyptians that suggests that the
original home of their prehistoric ancestors was in a country in the neighborhood of
Uganda and Punt." (Some historians believe that the biblical land of Punt was in the
area known on modern maps as Somalia.)

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European interest in "Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization" dates from the early part
of the nineteenth century and is best reflected in a little known, though important,
paper in German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius' Incomparable Survey of the
Monumental Ruins in the Ethiopian Nile Valley in 1842-1844. The records found by
Lepsius tend to show how Ethiopia was once able to sustain an ancient population that
was numerous and powerful enough not only to challenge but, on a number of
occasions, to conquer completely the populous land of Egypt. Further, these records
show that the antiquity of Ethiopian civilization had a direct link with civilization of
ancient Egypt.

Many of the leading antiquarians of the time, based largely on the strength of what the
classical authors, particularly Greek historian Diodorus Siculus (1st century B.C.) and
Stephanus of Byzantium, had to say on the matter, were exponents of the view that the
ancient Ethiopians, or at any rate, the Black people of remote antiquity were the
earliest of all civilized peoples and that the first civilized inhabitants of ancient Egypt
were members of what is referred to as the Black race who entered the country as
emigrants from Ethiopia. A number of Europe's leading writers on the civilizations of
remote antiquity have written brilliant defenses of this point of view. Some of these
writers are Brice, Count Volney, Fabre, d'Oliver, and Heeren. In spite of the fact that
these writers defended this thesis with all the learning at their command and
documented their defense, most of the present-day writers of African history continue
to ignore their findings.

In 1825, German backwardness in this respect came definitely to an end. In that year,
Arnold Hermann Heeren (1760-1842), Professor of History and Politics in the
University of Gottengen and one of the ablest of the early exponents of the economic
interpretation of history, published, in the fourth and revised edition of his great work
Ideen Uber Die Politik, Den Verkehr Und Den Handel Der Vornehmsten Volker Der
Alten Weld, a lengthy essay on the history, culture, and commerce of the ancient
Ethiopians, which had profound influence on contemporary writers in the conclusion
that it was among these ancient Black people of Africa and Asia that international
trade was first developed. He thinks that as a by-product of these international
contacts there was an exchange of ideas and cultural practices that laid the
foundations of the earliest civilizations of the ancient world. Heeren in his researches
says: "From the remotest times to the present, the Ethiopians have been one of the
most celebrated, and yet the most mysterious of nations. In the earliest traditions of
nearly all the more civilized nations of antiquity, the name of this distant people is
found. The annals of the Egyptian priests are full of them, and the nations of inner
Asia, on the Euphrates and Tigris, have interwoven the fictions of the Ethiopians with
their traditions of the wars and conquests of their heroes; and, at a period equally
remote, they glimmer in Greek mythology. When the Greeks scarcely knew Italy and
Sicily by name, the Ethiopians were celebrated in the verses of their poets, and when
the faint gleam of tradition and fable gives way to the clear light of history, the lustre of
the Ethiopians is not diminished."
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The French writer Constantin-Franois Volney (1757-1820), in his important work,
The Ruins of Empires, extends this point of view by saying that the Egyptians were the
first people to "attain the physical and moral sciences necessary to civilized life." In
referring to the basis of this achievement he states further that, "It was, then, on the
borders of the Upper Nile, among a Black race of men, that was organized the
complicated system of worship of the stars, considered in relation to the productions
of the earth and the labors of agriculture; and this first worship, characterized by their
adoration under their own forms and national attributes, was a simple proceeding of
the human mind." (Volney's Ruins; or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires,
Boston, J. Mendum, 1869.)


English traveller Thomas Legh, member of the British Parliament, visited Egypt &
Nubia in 1812-1814, was one of the first Europeans to visit the archaeological sites
above the First Cataract and to publish plates of ruins that no longer exist today. Legh
writes: "There has been considerable dispute about the colour of the ancient
Egyptians, some authors asserting that they were Negroes, while others maintain that
the present Copts are their descendants, and attempt to prove their supposition by the
appearance of mummies, which exhibit complexions of dusky brown, lips occasionally
thick, but the nose frequently aquiline. The opinion that the former inhabitants of the
country were Negroes is founded chiefly on the expressions used by Herodotus, who
calls them 'dark-coloured and woolly haired', and on the character of the head of the
Sphinx, which has the Negro features, and may be justly supposed to offer a correct
representation of the countenance of the Egyptians. On the other hand, with respect to
the present Copts, it cannot be denied, that the dark hue of their hair and eyes, the
former of which is frequently not more curled than is occasionally seen among
Europeans, their dusky brown complexions and aquiline noses, all correspond pretty
exactly with the paintings to be found in the tombs of Thebes. It is remarkable,
however, that the inhabitants of the island of Elephantine (i.e. at the border of Nubia)
are nearly black. But notwithstanding their colour, the females of Elephantine are
conspicuous for their elegant shapes, and are, upon the whole, the finest women we
saw in Upper Egypt." (Thomas Legh, Narrative of a Journey in Egypt and the
Country beyond the Cataracts, Second Edition London, John Murray, 1817).


Over a generation ago African American historians such as Carter G. Woodson, W.E.B.
Du Bois, Drusilla Dunjee Houston, Willis N. Huggins, J. A. Rogers, and Charles C.
Seifort read the works of these radical writer historians and began to expand on their
findings. This tradition continued and is reflected in the works of present day Black
historians such as John G. Jackson's Introduction to African Civilizations (1970),
Yosef ben-Jochannan's Black Man of the Nile (1972), Chancellor Williams's The
Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race From 4500 B.C. to 2000
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A.D. (1971), and Ivan Van Sertima, Egypt Revisited. Transaction Publishers, New
Brunswick (USA) & London (U.K.), 1999.


Egyptology developed in concurrence with the development of the slave trade and the
colonial system. It was during this period that Egypt was literally taken out of Africa,
academically. Historian Basil Davidson also states that throughout history "the land of
Ancient Egypt appears to have detached itself from the delta of the Nile, some five and
a half thousand years ago, and sailed off into the Mediterranean on a course veering
broadly towards the coasts of Syria". (Basil Davidson, The Ancient World and Africa:
Whose Roots? Race & Class (Vol. 29, no. 2, 1987).


Races of Africa, according to Edith Sanders, went through several editions and was
reprinted until 1966 virtually unchanged. Much of the more vulgar scholarship on the
'racial' ancestry of the ancient Nile valley Africans can be traced to the intensity of
racism in Europe from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. Its decline after the
second world war. (Edith R. Sanders, 'The Hamitic hypothesis: its origin and functions
in time perspective', Journal of African Histor, (Vol. 10, no. 4, 1969), pp. 521-32).


Flora Shaw's (alias Lady Flora Lugard) book is an extraordinary look at the history of
Africa, which she gathered from countless sources, and one would imagine a great deal
of it came from the British Library and from the archives of The Times of London, for
whom she had for many years been the Foreign Political Correspondent. She had
always been known to be an intensive researcher into her subject matter, and one
wonders at the months and probably years she put into this undertaking, which
became the reference work for so many future books on Africa. This book was first
publish 100 years ago showing the detail and descriptive power, and the greatness that
Africa once was. Lady Lugard argues that:

"When the history of Negroland comes to be written in detail, it may be found that the
kingdoms lying towards the eastern end of Sudan (classical home of Ancient
Ethiopians) were the home of races who inspired, rather than of races who received,
the tradition of civilization associated for us with the name of ancient Egypt. For they
cover on either side of the Upper Nile between the latitudes of ten degrees and
seventeen degrees, territories in which are found monuments more ancient than the
oldest Egyptian monuments. If this should prove to be the case and civilized world be
forced to recognize in a black people the fount of its original enlightenment, it may
happen that we shall have to revise entirely our view of the black races, and regard
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those who now exist as the decadent representatives of an almost forgotten era, rather
than as the embryonic possibility of an era yet to come."

"The fame of the ancient Ethiopians (ancient Kushites) was widespread in ancient
history. Herodotus described them as the tallest, most beautiful and long-lived of the
human races, and before Herodotus, Homer, in even more flattering language,
described them as the most just of men, the favorites of the gods. The annals of all the
great early nations of Asia Minor full of them. The Mosaic records allude to them
frequently; but while they are described as the most powerful, the most just, and the
most beautiful of the human race, they are constantly spoken of as Black, and there
seems to be no other conclusion to be drawn than that remote period of history, the
leading race of the Western World was a Black race."
Lady Lugard/Flora Shaw Lugard, Asa G. Hilliard, III, A Tropical Dependency: An
Outline of the Ancient History of the Western Sudan With an Account of the Modern
Settlement of Northern Nigeria, Black Classic Press (1996)


A Shift in the Perception of Ancient Egypt:

Further archaeological discoveries continue to legitimize the southern origin of
Egyptian civilization. Archaeologist Bruce Williams's discovery of the
Qustul incense burner and of a city at Kerma dating back to 4,500 BCE. (Bruce
Williams, 'The Lost Pharaohs of Nubia', in Ivan van Sertima (ed.), Egypt Revisited
(New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction, 1993). Williams also claims that there were
southern predecessors of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, one of the latest results of
archaeological explorations in the Northern Sahara should be noted:

"The Sahara west of the Nile in southern Egypt was hyperarid and unoccupied during
most of the late Pleistocene epoch. About 11,000 years ago the summer monsoons of
central Africa moved into Egypt, and temporary lakes or playas were formed. The
Nabta Playa depression, which is one of the largest in southern Egypt, is a kidney
shaped basin of roughly 10km by 7km in area. We report the discovery of megalithic
alignments and stone circles next to locations of Middle and Late Neolithic
communities at Nabta, which suggest the early development of a complex society. The
southward shift of the monsoons in the Late Neolithic age rendered the area once
again hyperarid and uninhabitable some 4,800 radiocarbon years before the present
(years BP). This well-determined date establishes that the ceremonial complex of
Nabta, which has alignments to cardinal and solstitial directions, was a very early
megalithic expression of ideology and astronomy. Five megalithic alignments within
the playa deposits radiate outwards from megalithic structures, which may have been
funerary structures. The organization of the megaliths suggests a symbolic geometry
that integrated death, water, and the Sun. An exodus from the Nubian Desert at 4,800
years BP may have stimulated social differentiation and cultural complexity in pre-
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dynastic Upper Egypt. (J. McKim Malville, Fred Wendorf, Ali A Mazar and Romauld
Schild, Megaliths and Neolithic Astronomy in Southern Egypt, Nature (Vol. 392, no.
2, April 1998).)

The Mystery of the Black Mummy

This programme explores the enigmatic central Saharan society which once spanned
the entire North African continent. We unravel their tale through the story of the
discovery of the black mummy, Uan Muhuggiag. It soon becomes obvious that these
people were responsible for an extraordinary array of innovations which later became
famous under the Egyptians. Their presence re-writes the history of Egypt and of the
entire continent of Africa.

Professor Fabrizio Mori discovered the black mummy at the Uan Muhuggiag

Evidence of the Badarians into Prehistoric Egypt (4500-3800 BC)


In many ways Egypt is the key to ancient African history. African history is out of kilter
until ancient Egypt is looked upon as a distinct African nation. The Nile River played a
major role in the relationship to Egypt to the nations in Southeast Africa. During the
early history of Africa, the Nile was a great cultural highway on which elements of
civilization came into and out of inner Africa.

John D. Baldwin's Pre-History Nations or Inquiries Concerning Some of the Great
Peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity and Their Probable Relation to a Still Older
Civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia (1869). Baldwin, commenting on
the greatness of the Cushite people, says that early in the period of its colonizing
enterprise, commercial greatness, and extensive empire, it established colonies in the
valleys of the Nile and the Euphrates, which in later ages became Barbary, Egypt, and
Chaldea. The ancient Cushite nation occupied Arabia and other extensive regions of
Africa, India, and Western Asia to the Mediterranean. He concludes that "The old
notion that Africa is chiefly a land of black savages arose from ignorance of the
country, which could not be removed, but, on the contrary, was heightened by slave-
trading communication . . . They could not describe truthfully what came under their
observation, but they sought to excuse their own frightful savagery by describing
Africa as a land of Negroes in the darkest and most hopeless condition of debasement.
When this had been repeated many times, they ventured to represent their kidnapping
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villains as missionary agencies, intent on transferring savages to Christian countries
for their own good."

American Anthropological Association Statement on "Race" (May 17,

"How people have been accepted and treated within the context of a given society or
culture has a direct impact on how they perform in that society. The "racial" worldview
was invented to assign some groups to perpetual low status, while others were
permitted access to privilege, power, and wealth. The tragedy in the United States has
been that the policies and practices stemming from this worldview succeeded all too
well in constructing unequal populations among Europeans, Native Americans, and
peoples of African descent. Given what we know about the capacity of normal humans
to achieve and function within any culture, we conclude that present-day inequalities
between so-called "racial" groups are not consequences of their biological inheritance
but products of historical and contemporary social, economic, educational, and
political circumstances."
(To read the complete statement go to AAA Statement on "Race").

Turning to the major falsification of the history of mankind, as he puts it, Cheikh Anta
Diop underlines that the time has come to bring justice to the Negro race, to give black
people their due credit for leading the march, and blazing a trail for humanity to

Ancient Black Egypt 101
Afrocentric Book Recommendations

"Now the Ethiopians, as historians relate, were the first of all men and the proofs of
this statement, they say, are manifest." (Diodorus of Sicily, Universal History, Book
III: 2)

For Further Information on Black Africa, see Black Genesis: The Prehistoric
Origins of Ancient Egypt, by Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, Bear & Company,
Rochester, 2011.

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Why Do the Talmud / Cabala Disparage Blacks?

Caption Reads: The Sphinx as the
first French scientific mission
found it in the 19th Century. This
profile is neither Greek nor
Semitic: it is Bantu. Its model is
said to have been Pharaoh Cephren
(c. 2600 BC Fourth Dynasty) who
built the second Giza Pyramid.
(source: National Geographic,
November, 1970)

By Hassan Abdulhakeem

Why does the Talmud (Oral Traditions
of Jewish Sages) and the Cabala find it
necessary to disparage people of African

The only reasonable answer is the fact,

that the Children of Israel were enslaved and in bondage in Africa by Black Africans.
The Greek historian Herodotus repeatedly referred to the Egyptians as being
dark-skinned people with woolly hair. "They," he says, "have the same tint of
skin which approaches that of the Ethiopians." ov. 1970)

Many scholars confirm this. French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero in The Dawn of
Civilization (1894), says, "By the almost unanimous testimony of ancient historians,
they [the Egyptians] belong to an African race which first settled in Ethiopia on the
Middle Nile: following the course of the river they gradually reached the sea."

The German scholar, Eugen Georg, in his book The Adventure of Mankind (1931) p.
121, tells us about the ". . . world-wide dominance of Ethiopian representatives of the
black race. They were supreme in Africa and Asia. In upper Egypt and India
they erected mighty religious centers and mastered a perfect technique in the molding
of bronze --- and they even infiltrated through Southern Europe for a thousand years."

How we can debate and speculate on who the Egyptians were! As one observes, this
defined unambiguous chiseled human face, this 'living - stone' testimonial in solid
stone; how is it possible to not see and deny what is in front of one's eyes? Is this mind
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control at its very best (a mass MK Ultra world program...with a little help from
Napoleon who reportedly used his cannons to shoot off the NOSE) ?
To observe an empty stone brick wall and then be able to see/know/define its
builders... Then, to observe a massive stone carved facial structure (on a lions body)
and be unable, confused and confounded as to its builders (and what and who it
depicts) is simply astonishing and astounding!!!

Here are some examples of how the Cabala/Talmud disparages "Blacks":

There is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a
Negrophobic content into the episode (the Hamitic Myth)...The Talmudic
glosses of the episode added the stigma of blackness to the fate of enslavement
that Noah predicted for Ham's progeny [1]

"The Hamitic Myth "ingeniously ties-in the origin of 'blackness and other
Negroid traits' to Noah's curse of Ham and his son Canaan and All of their
Progeny" [2] :

Ham is told by his outraged father that: Because you have abused me
(sodomized/buggered me) in the darkness of the night, your children shall be
born black and ugly... because you have twisted your head to cause me
embarrassment, they shall have kinky hair and red eyes ... because your lips
jested at my exposure, theirs shall swell...and because you neglected my
nakedness, they shall go naked with their shamefully elongated male members
exposed to all to see... [3]

" Ham sodomized a dog on board Noah's Ark "resulting in or adding to his curse
of 'blackness' (Midrash Rabbah 1:292-293).

From the above few quotes this disparagement is glaringly apparent. In referencing,
this particular excerpt from the main body of the text, I strongly would suggest that
those engaged in this type of disparagement ARE indicative of a Demonic Psycho-
sexual Maladjusted Sociopathic Xenophobe (A hater of humanity and everything good.)


As you know, Talmudic and Cabbalistic invectives are not only directed to people of
African descent but to all people including Jesus and Mary (May Peace Be Upon Them

"Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement" Gittin 57a

"She (Mary) who was the descendant of princes and governors played harlot
with carpenters" Sanhedrin 106a
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"All gentile children are animals" Yebamoth 98a

"Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden"
Yebamoth 63a

"Even the best of the gentiles should be killed" Soferim 15, Rule 10

"Satan had sexual intercourse with Eve in the Garden and Cain was their issue;
therefore, all of humanity is basically demonic/evil EXCEPT the Jews whom
became purified when Moses went to the Mountain (Mount Sinai).

Therefore, all humanity must be destroyed leaving only the Jews to inhabit the earth" explained by your scholarly radio guest Chris Jon Bierknes . Also, see the book by
Ted R. Weiland, "Eve: Did She or Didn't She? (Scottsbluff, Nebraska: Mission to
Israel Ministries 2000), pp 64-103 .


[1] Harold Brackman, "The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black-Jewish
Relations through 1900" (1977 PhD dissertation) pp. 79-81
[2] Ibid, pp. 79-81
[3] Ibid, pp. 79-81

Makow Comment: Like Americans in general, most Jews are mislead by
their Illuminati leadership. However, the vast majority have never read
the Talmud and Cabala, and not aware of the real sources of anti-
Semitism. That's why this article has universal value and, in my opinion,
is relevant to the current financial turmoil.


There Will be a Famine of the Word

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a
famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they
shall wander from sea to sea, and from the North even to the East, they shall run to
and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find [it]. (Amos 8: 11-12)

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Figure 29: The four possible pathways of human life as depicted in the Great Pyramid at
Gizeh. Pathway 1 is that of the Celestial Cow or Birthright Holy Spirit, following baptism
and repentance. This is also known as Jacobs Ladder, and leads to the Queens
Chamber. Pathway 2 is that of the Sceptre Holy Spirit, and leads, through the Grand
Gallery, or Hall of the Orbit, to the Kings Chamber. Pathway 3, the way of the
hippopotamus, is the way most of the human race is following, and leads straight to the
Pit (the grave). This Southerly journey is also what is symbolized by the story of the
voyage of the ship Argo (remember Jason and the Argonauts?) from the ancient world.
The destination of that voyage is the city of Satan, Canopus (or Eridu), to the largest
constellation in the sky, Argo. Those people in this group will get their chance at
salvation following the Second Resurrection. Those people who commit the
Unpardonable Sin are on their way to the Westernmost part of the Pit. From here there
is no possibility of return.

In one of the Hermetic texts, written down in Latin and Greek in the early centuries of
the Christian era, the god Hermes (the Greek counterpart of the ancient Egyptian
wisdom god Thoth) delivers the following prophecy to his pupil Asclepius:

Do you know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or to speak more
exactly, in Egypt all the operation of the powers which rule and work in heaven
are present in the Earth below? [This is a reference to the fact that the Zodiacal
Sign of Scorpio has been copied from the path of the Zodiac in the heavnes, and
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pasted onto Earth as the ancient land of Egypt] In fact it should be said that the
whole Kosmos dwells in this our land as in a sanctuary.

And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of all events
before they come to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of what I will now
tell you.

There will come a time when it will have been in vain that Egyptians have
honoured the Godhead with heartfelt piety and service; and all our holy
worship will be fruitless and ineffectual.

The gods will return from Earth to heaven; Egypt will be forsaken, and the
land which was once the home of religion will be left desolate, bereft
of the presence of its deities.

O Egypt, Egypt, of thy religion nothing will remain but an empty tale, which
thine own children in time to come will not believe; nothing will be left but
graven words, and only the stones will tell of thy piety.

And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the
universe worthy of reverent wonder and worship Darkness will be
preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than
life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven; the pious will be deemed
insane, the impious wise; the madmen will be thought a brave
man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good.

As for the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to
attain to immortality, as I have taught youall this they will mock, and even
persuade themselves that it is false.

No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven, will be hear or

And so the gods will depart from mankinda grievous thing!and
only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive
the poor wretches into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and
robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the

From the Preface of The Master Game: Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World, by Graham Hancock and
Robet Bauval, published by the Disinformation Company, 2011.
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The Central American Connection

So far in this chapter we have covered a lot of new territory that will be difficult to
accept for most people, since they have been deceived out of the true knowledge of
their Birthright, and in fact because of the lie of infant baptism, instead of baptism at
the age of 30 years and beyond, many have also been cheated out of a place in
the First Resurrection as well. These genuine people from past ages will have to
await their chance in the Second Resurrection.
But now we turn to an even greater
problem in the restoration of the true worldwide religion, and that is the problem of
the existence in the Americas, and specifically Central America, of Egyptian cities and
nations, and a flourishing religion that only can be called the ancient Christianity of
Central America, fully 10,000 years before the arrival of Christ, as Yeshua, in

Now at the beginning of this chapter I noted that I had originally called this chapter
The Key To All the Sacred Mysteries Lies in Ancient Egypt and Central America, but upon
reflection I decided to revert to the Egyptian form only, since this is the true home of the
ancient mysteries since the time of the Fall, which ended the Golden Age, which was the rule
of Osiris upon this earth. Towards the end of this essay (in the section headed The Central
American Connection) you will understand why I originally added Central America to the
title. We will now turn to look at the place Central America has played in the practice of
the true religion in the ancient world. And remember, as we look at this material, the
true religion was not just practised in Egypt, or Central America, during the Golden
Age, but all over the world! When we talk about Jacobs Ladder, and the 36 steps
of Venus (the star-emblem of the Messiah) to the Sun,
we must also understand that
the true religion in Central America also had their version of these metaphors. For
example, the greatest pyramid in Central America was the Pyramid of the Sun at
Teotihuacan, which had the great double staircase,
symbolizing the two forms of
the Holy Spirit. As well, their 364-year calendar is virtually identical to the true Sacred
Calendar as found in the Book of Jubilees, and The Sacred Calendar of the Messiah
Restored! And we must never forget that the end of their Long Count, at Sunrise on
December 21, 2012, is the end of the Judgment of the Fall. This matter is the subject of
our book, The Prophet Daniel and December 21, 2012.

In 2009 a book appeared on the world scene, called When Rocks Cry Out, by Horace
Its subtitle is equally volatile: Explosive Secret Uncovered: An Ancient
Egyptian City Called Jerusalem, in South America! Now I would be lying if I didnt

The differences between the First and Second Resurrections are discussed in detail in Chapter 3, The Fate of
the Dead.
The 36 steps to the Sun is explained in our book The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
Copying the Ascending Passage and the Grand Gallery in the Great Pyramid at Giza.
Butler, Horace, When Rocks Cry Out: Explosive Secret Uncovered: An ancient Egyptian City Called
Jerusalem, in South America! Stone River Publishing, Fort Worth, Texas, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-615-29265-6.
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point out that this book has literally spooked many people into a trance-like state that
they havent properly recovered from since reading it. They have been so shocked by
the revelations and claims coming from this book, that many now believe that history
will now have to be rewriiten concerning the origin of the true religion, as one friend
observed after reading the book.

The central theme in this book is the explosive claim that instead of Moses starting the
true religion in the days of the Egyptian Captivity, and the giving of the Decalogue on
Mount Sinai, the true religion began in Central America, and the actual Exodus wasnt
an Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land in Palestine, but an Exodus from Central
America, across the Jordan River (which Butler conjures up to be the equatorial
current of the Atlantic Ocean! pp. 114, 139), to East Africa, where a second Egypt was
built. In other words, The Hebrews Exodus had become a military invasion of Egypt,
(p. 137) with that country being the Promised Land! So goes the fantastic, and
unbelievable, claim of this book.

Now no matter how fantasically deceived this author is, whether he be pure
Illuminat or just controlled opposition,
he does present some very interesting
information that needs to be the subject of further research. Lets briefly look at some
of these claims:

Horace Butler says that Heliopolis, the great Temple of the Sun city across the
Nile to the North-East from the Giza Necropolis, had its counterpart in Central
America. He points out that the terrestrial Heliopolis is represented as a star (no
doubt this is Sirius) on a beautiful man-made sea called Moeris, and it is very
clear that what we are talking about here is the Moon (width 10 x 216 miles) in
the midst of the Milky Way. We could also see here that Sirius swims on the lake
of the Moon! This material is also referencing the concept of the ancient notion
of the Labyrinth. Further reference in When Stones Cry Out: Chapter 15,
Worlds Largest City Has Completely Vanished.

Further, Butler says that the pyramids at Teotihuacan were the original
blueprint on which the pyramids at Giza were constructed (p. 77). He says that
we need to stop calling the pyramids at Giza the Great Pyramids (p. 79). This is
an outrageous claim, since these Teotihuacan pyramids are not in the hunt,
compared to the Great Pyramid at Giza, and its unique spiritual messages. But
he is right in claiming that all pyramids incorporated in their design staircases,
with tiers, or steps, as in the song Stairway to Heaven. He erroneously makes
the claim, though, that the pyramids at Giza are smooth-sided and had no tiers
(i.e. staircases). This is just not true! For more information see The Sacred
Calendar of the MessiahRestored! (see Chapter 2, General Nature of the
Sacred Calendar, under the heading The Great Pyramid at Giza and the Sacred

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He correctly points out that it was Herodotus, known as the Father of History,
who first reported the suppressed racial secret that the ancient Egyptians, the
birth-place of ancient Christianity, were black skinned and woolly-
haired (p. 84).

Butler is correct in pointing out that there is a direct connection between the
ancient Egyptian deity called Heru and Horus, for we will eventually learn
that they are identical, and relate to the Messiah! (See chapter 19, A Crocodile
in the Lake of the Moon.)

Now we come to a most important claim that Butler makes, and that is
that the priests of Satan in ancient Egypt were in fact the priests of
Ammon. Here is what Butler says here: I knew that Olympus was associated
with the deified man whom the Greeks called Zeus. This Zeus, the ancient
writings explained, was really another name for Egypts deified ruler, Ammon.
It was this Ammon who was meant when Christ said ye cannot serve God
and mammon. Here again, was the one-letter rule: they had put an m on
Ammons name, making it mammon. (pp. 133-134) Thus we clearly see that,
like today, we have a two-fold division in the priesthood. On one hand there are
the priests of satan (e.g. the Catholic and Protestant hireling priests and
ministry), and the true priest fo the Most High God who serve our High Priest
who is Osiris in the angelic realm and Horus in the human relam. As Solomon is
reputed to have said, there is nothing new under the Sun.

Butler also makes the interesting connection between the Yucaten city, Chichen
Itza, and the three belt stars of Orion (p. 173).

Probably the most startling, and exciting, claim in Butlers book is the one about
the city of Jerusalem being located in ancient Egypt as the city of Heru, or Jeru,
which is another name for Horus. This means that there was a city of
Jerus-salem (or Heru-salem) in ancient Egypt. This is known as the city of
the hidden name, and means that there was in ancient Egypt a city called
Jerusalemthe city of peace. Butler says that Jerusalem was built with its
stones crying out the citys name. Here was the Horus throne of Upper Egypt,
sitting in a valley nearly 12,000 feet above sea-level. It was clear why the
hieroglyphs described this city as being in Upper Egypt. (Chapter 37, City of
the Hidden Name.) Butler identifies Jerusalem in ancient Egypt as
being the ancient city of Thebes. He says that there were actually two
Egyptian cities called Thebes; the Thebes of the West and the other one has
to be the Thebes of the East. The final startling point comes when Butler is
able to show that in the Old Testament the name Thebes is never found,
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because its proper name is Thebez! When you search the Old Testament
on the names Thebez, instead of Thebes, it becomes quite clear:

Then went Abimelech to Thebez, and encamped against Thebez, and
took it. (Judges 9: 50)

Who smote Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth? did not a woman cast a
piece of a millstone upon him from the wall, that he died in Thebez? why
went ye nigh the wall? then say thou, Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead
also. (2 Samuel 11: 21)

In other words, it is easy to make Thebes disappear from the Scriptures by
changing the letter z into the letter s. Even Josephus shows this! (pp. 182-
183). Horace Butlers conclusion is simple: For Horace is Horus and
Horus is Heru, and Heru is Jerusalem. (p. 195)

Butler goes on with even more startling information, which I regard as being true:

Greek writers preferred using the name Horus and Hiero instead of Heru. So,
Heru, Horus, and Hiero, all, refer to the ancient deified Pharaoh that
the Egyptians called Heru.

Romes Julius Caesar explained in his Gallic Wars that the word solym was
taken from the word sol which means sun.

Combining pieces of understanding from the Biblical narratives, from the
footnote in Josephus, from the notes of Julius Caesar, and from the Egyptian
histories, the meaning of the name of Jerusalem was uncovered.

The Biblical city called Jerusalem was the Egyptian capital city named for Heru,
the deified Egyptian king whose memory was to be kept alive by using the daily
presence of the Sun to commemorate him. Jerualems name was more properly,
Heru-solym, from Heru and the sun.

If that is offensive to some, I can only say, Wait until you comprehend the
meaning of the Biblical writing called Revelation where it reveals Egypts great
founder Amen (Revelation 3: 14). That passage uncovers the meaning of events
in Genesis and the Old Testament, generally. Those coded Scriptures are called
Revelation for a reason.

Now I understand why the ancient hieroglyphs described the man Amen to be
far seeing. It was written that Amen had built Herus city to last for a million
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years. Egypts design of Jerusalem and the hidden name that Egypt placed in
that design had, so far, lasted for more than 17,000 years.

Here is the full message of Revelation 3: 14:

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the
Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of
God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold
or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I
will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased
with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and
miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold
tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that
thou mayest be clothed, and [that] the shame of thy nakedness do not appear;
and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I
rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at
the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to
him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to
sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father
in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the
churches. (Revelation 3: 14-22)

For more information on this topic see chapter 3, The Messiah and The Use of the
Word AMEN, in our book The God Messiah Worships, which is freely available here:

Also see chapter 4, The Record of the Creation of the Messiah, in the same book.

It has long been my belief that the Catholic Church deliberately, with cold murderous
and horrendous precison, demolished and destroyed, in what must surely go down as
one of the quickest acts of genocide ever committed, all the traces of the true religion
in Central America. As Prescott informed us: They demolished, in a short time, all the
Aztec temples, great and small, so that no vestige of them remained.
This also
included the genocide of the Olmecs. Just as all traces of the true religion were
systematically wiped from ancient Egypt, so too in Central America, where a second
copy of the truth was installed by the Great God, our Father, the followers of
Satan on this Earth enacted the exact same policy.
The Catholic murderers, the

Horace Butler, When Rocks Cry Out, pp. 178-179.
Quoted in Horace Butler, When Rocks Cry Out, p. 43.
Always remember this: Satan cannot do evil except through a human body. Although a murdered
from the beginning, it cannot murder except with human hands. It does not have the power to kill or even harm
by itself. It must use human beings to do its devilry. Although it repeatedly threatened to kill the possessed and
the exorcists, its threats were empty. satans threats are always empty. They are all lies. In fact, the only power
that satan has is through human belief in its lies. Both patients became possessed because they bought its false
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priests of Ammon Ra, predictably, concentrated on finding and destroying every Aztec
(note that the Aztecs were black-skinned!
) book or written record that they could
find. They did this also at the island city of Tenochtitlan and drained most of the lakes
around the city. (p. 93)

Horace Butlers When Stones Cry Out is an interesting book for a couple of reasons.
First, for its sheer audacity in attempting to completely destroy the truth about the
Exodus from Egypt, and replace it with a South American version. Secondly, Butlers
research has revealed many other important pieces of information that enable the
puzzle of the true ancient religion to be understood. All that is required is great
discernment when reading it. Butler finishes the book with these comments:

What means the thing, when God whispers down and names a baby at birth with
the name of the city that God allows him to find? For Horace is Horus, and
Horus is Heru, and Heru is Jerusalem.

seductive promise of friendship. Possession was maintained because they believed its threats that they would
die without it. And the possession was ended when both chose to believe its lies no longer but to transcend their
fear by trust in the resurrected Christ and to pray to the God of Trust for deliverance. During each exorcism
satans lies were confronted. And each exorcism was concluded successfully by a conversion of sortsa change of
faith or value system. I now know what Jesus meant when he so frequently said, By your faith you have been
healed. Satan can use any human sin or weaknessgreed and pride, for instance. It will use any available tactic:
seduction, cajolery, flattery, intellectual argument. But its principal weapon is fear. And in the postexorcism
period, after its lies had been exposed, it was reduced to haunting both patients with its dully repetitive threats:
We will kill you. We will get you. We will torture you. We will kill you. (From Peck, M Scott, People of The Lie:
The Hope For Healing Human Evil, Rider Publishing, Melbourne, 1983, pp. 202-208)
Also see chapter 31, Black Shepherds Take Egypt.
Horace Butler, When Rocks Cry Out, p. 195.
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Chapter 3The Fate of the Dead

God has declared our fate right from the beginning of the Plan of Salvation, both in the
heavens and on the earth. When we die, our fate is not to ascend into heaven to be with
God or Jesus, as the false religious shepherds teach. As for the doctrine of the
immortal soul, there is only one way that can ever be true, and that concerns the soul
of all those who live forever as part of what the Scriptures call the saved. Those who
refuse to repent from their sins die whats known as the second death. And there is
no such place as purgatory, and as for the doctrine of an Eternal Hell, that is also a lie.
This scripture from the apostle Paul sums up the fate of the dead, and puts paid to the
lie of the doctrine of incarnation as well: And as it is appointed unto men once to
die, but after this the judgment. (Hebrews 9: 27)

Figure 3.1. Map of Pre-Sand Egypt.
All of the Pyramids in Egypt represent star systems, and all
pyramids in Egypt are located on the death, or Western side, of the Nile River, which represents the
river of life (the Milky Way) in the heavens.

At this point a little background informationwhich has been totally suppressed
by the religious teachers of this worldis necessary:

Source: Gilbert, Adrian, Magi: The Quest For A Secret Tradition, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1997, p.
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The gates around Solomons Temple, and Ezekiels Temple, have astronomical
meaning. In the heavens, the stargates are the points where the Galaxy and the
Ecliptic intersect (Genesis 2: 10 ff), and the two main points of intersection are
shown in Figure 3.2, which are at the points of the Zodiacal signs Gemini and
Sagittarius. There are another two points of intersection, and they are the signs
Scorpio and Taurus. These gates are what is mimicked around the Gates
surrounding Solomon's Temple, and the future Millennium Temple. There are
also the points of intersection which are located at the "four corners of the
Earth," which always means the two solstices and the two equinoxes. At the time
of the Summer Solstice the Sun is located in the Star Gate in the middle of
the Milky Way between Taurus and Gemini. Conversely, at Winter Solstice,
the Sun is in the Star Gate in the Milky Way between the signs of Sagittarius and

Figure 3.2. The Milky Way intersecting the Ecliptic at the point of the Star
Gates. Psalm 118: 19-29 is about these gates. At the time of the Summer
Solstice the Sun is located in the Star Gate in the middle of the Milky Way
between Taurus and Gemini. Conversely, at Winter Solstice, the Sun is in the
Star Gate in the Milky Way between the signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio.

The Great Pyramid at Giza represents the four life possibilities that face all
human beings as they go through life. These are the way of the [celestial] Cow;
the way of the Lion; the way of the hippopotamus; and the way of the
Unpardonable Sin. We will look at these four pathways in greater depth later on
in this chapter, but at this stage we need to know that there are four
corresponding stellar destinations of these four life possibilities, as
the Book of Enoch reveals (another compelling reason why the satanic early
Catholic Church kept the Book of Enoch out of the Canon).

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The land of Egypt is symbolically the Land of the Dead, and is the location of the
Giza Necropolisthe Earth Cemeterythe site of the three pyramids. Giza tells
us what the judgment of the Fall really iseternal death for all those who do not
repent and become righteous human beings, and learn to live according to the
Tree of Life.

The land You will also appreciate the importance of the 30
parallel of Latitude
at the location of Giza on the Earths surface. This ties in very closely with how
an End-time Elijah will fulfill the following prophecy, which is found in the Book
of Malachi:

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great
and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers
to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come
and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4: 5-6, KJV)

For more information on this most vital of topics, see Essay #1, The Fall, in
our book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.

Figure 3.3. The Two Lands in the sky, separated by the Great River of Eridanus,
separating the sky into Two Ways, The Way of the Tree of Life, and the way of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil. Notice the all important great white star Sirius, the Royal
Star of Egypt (and the whole Earth, for that matter), and its location right in the Milky
Way. It is important to understand that Sirius is the leader of the planets, and in fact
operates as an eighth planet.
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In fact Giza has it allthe road-map to heaven and hell, the destiny, and the
salvation. Every human being lives under this death sentence, and this is
something we all urgently need to know about. You will notice that moving
towards the Westthe direction of movement along the Zodiac Path (called the
Ecliptic by modern people)when this is noted in scripture, is an allegory for
moving in the downward direction of the Pit, which is one of the most
powerful symbols in the Great Pyramid at Giza. Figure 3.3 illustrates this.
Moving Eastwards, as in the Exodus, is moving towards Life, and the crossing of
the Red Sea, also tells about the changing of our attitudes (repentance), so vital
in the born-again process.

It is also vitally important to know that the Prime Meridian of the Earth
originally passed through the centre of the Great Pyramid, dividing the Earth
into the Eastern and Western halves, as Figure 3.4 clearly shows.

Figure 3.4. Livio Catullo Stecchinis grid of the ancient world, showing the location of the Prime
Meridian. The Paris and the London Meridians are lies and deceptions. I shall have occasion to show
that there was established a system of geodetic squares, extending from latitude 30
N to latitude 36
each 7
12' wide, such that 9 squares to east of Persepolis and 9 squares to the west covered the entire
Oikoumene from the coast of China (117
38'E) to the west coast of Africa (11
58' W).

From the article Ancient Cosmology, by Livio Catulo Stecchini, from here:
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Figure 3.5 shows the fate of the dead, until they are resurrected, either in the
First (at the end of this Age, which will occur in just a few short years) or the Second
Resurrection (at the end of the Millenium). The red arrows show the destination of all
unrepentant sinners, while the blue arrows from the King and Queen chambers and
connecting with Sirius, show the destination of the Elect! Figure 3.6 shows the clear
symbolism here of the gathering of all the dead, from the position of the Hyades, into
the hand of the Great Hunter, pictured as the Constellation of Orion,
along with its
neighbouring star, the bright star Sirius, which is the Elects star-emblem. The three
pyramids on the Giza Necropolispictured as a mass cemetery for the whole
human race, which is its symbolic purpose
show that there are four classes
of the dead, which well discuss shortly. These three pyramids were supposedly built
by Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkhare in the Fourth Dynasty, but that is a grand
deception of Egyptology, and Satans earthly shadow-government, both of whom are
much more interested in deceiving the people about the pyramids, than in revelations
of truth.

Ptolemy based himself on this system except that, by distorting, as it is well-known, the east-west distances, he
made the geodetic squares 10
wide, in order to arrive at a width of 180
for the Oikoumene instead of the
correct 120
(half of the circumference of the Earth);[8] furthermore, he anchored his presentation on the
Western Axis of Egypt (29
50'E) instead of the Main Axis (31
14'E), thereby giving more importance to
Alexandria and initiating his reckoning from the easternmost of the Canary Islands (Fortunate Isles). In this he
conformed to the policy of the Ptolemies whose first king, in order to break the Egyptian national tradition,
forced to Alexandria the Egyptian astronomers of Heliopolis, whose observatory was at longitude 31
14'E. The
small shift of Ptolemy undermined the links of the Persian Empire and of Pharaonic Egypt with the cosmic
order. (Source:
This area of the sky is the destination of the dead Pharaoh in ancient Egypt, which they called the Duat. The
Constellation of Orion should be called the Constellation of Horus.
See Bauval, Robert, Gilbert, Adrian, The Orion Mystery: Unlocking The Secrets of the Pyramids, Mandarin
Books, London, 1997, for more discussion on the topic of the Giza Necropolis as the Earth Cemetery. See index
under Rostau.
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Figure 3.5 Orion, The Mighty Hunter, shown above the three
Pyramids on the Giza Necropolis. A is the Great Pyramid
(originally clad in brilliant white limestone), B is the Second
Pyramid, and C the Third (originally clad in red granite), all
mapped to tell the fate of the dead. View is from the Southern
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Figure 3.6 Osiris (Orion) and the Shaft of the
Great Pyramid, pointing to his belt.
The view is
looking South in the Northern Hemispehere from the
longitude of the Nile River near the Giza Necropolis.
The Book of Enoch
has the sense
of the four classes of the dead:

From thence I proceeded to
another spot, where I saw on the
West a great and lofty mountain, a
strong rock, and four delightful
places. [

Internally it was deep, capacious,
and very smooth, as smooth as it
had been rolled over; it was deep
and dark to behold.

Then Raphael, one of the holy
angels who were with me,
answered and said: These are the
delightful places where the
spirits, the souls of the dead,
will be collected; for them were
they formed; and here will be
collected all the souls of the sons of

These places, in which they dwell,
shall they occupy until the day of
judgment, and until their
appointed period.

Their appointed period will be long, even until the great judgment. And I saw
the spirits of the sons of men Who were dead; and their voices reached to heaven,
while they were accusing (Book of Enoch, 22: 1-6).

Source of base drawing: Bauval, Robert, Gilbert, Adrian, The Orion Mystery: Unlocking The Secrets of the
Pyramids, Mandarin Paperbacks, London, 1994, p. 225.
The Book of Enoch is available here:
The stars of Orions BeltMintaka, Alnilam, Alnitakand Sirius. See Figure 2H.
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Figure 3.7. Bullingers diagram of the great
Constellat7on of Orion. Note the proximity of the
path of the Zodiac to Orion.

As Robert Bauval also points out
in his The Egypt Code, the ancient
Egyptian system also called for a
location for the burial of the dead in the
stars: As for Osiris himself, we are told
that he ascended to the stellar world and
established a kingdom for the dead
called the Duat.
This celestial
cemetery was located in Orion (which
should be called the Constellation of
Horus), and also nearby Sirius. The
ancient Egyptians known as the
Shemsu-Hor, the Followers of Horus,
originally had the same belief. They
believed that when the Pharaohwho
represents the Messiah, and therefore
also His followers, the Electdied, he
was transported to Sirius, a belief that
was later changed to the constellation of
which is Osiris/Orion, where he
became a star, or angel, and passed
into the next life, to join the gods in their
abode. Being transported to Sirius after
death is the same as being transported
into the abode of the First Resurrection:
Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part
in the first resurrection: on such the
second death hath no power, but they
shall be priests of God and of Christ, and
shall reign with him a thousand years.
(Revelation 20: 6). Of course being in
the first resurrection absolutely entails repentance, baptism, and the faithful keeping
of the New Moon Festivals until total purification, over quite a lengthy period, is

Thus there are four classes of the dead, and undoubtedly the three stars in
Orions belt are part of this, with the bright star Sirius, located in the midst of the
Milky Way, is the destination of the Elect, being the fourth mountain. This is
because it is the symbol of the Celestial Bride, with the Grooms emblem being the

Bullinger, E. W. The Witness of the Stars, 1893. Source:
Bauval, Robert, The Egypt Code, p. 44.
Obviously this change was at the direction of Satan, designed, as always, to deceive.
This is fully explained in our book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, which is here:
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bright Morning Star, the planet Venus.
Alnitak, the Great Pyramid on the Giza
Necropolis, is intended to teach all of the principles and practices of ancient
Christianity (see Figure 3.7), and relates to the fate of those who marry and are called
and chosen (Matthew 20: 16; Revelation 17: 14). It also contains the road-map to
Eternal Salvation, and is the key to the Messiahs life and death in His form as Osiris
during the Golden Age, Horus, Jesus Christ, and other great personages of history.
There is also a part of the Great Pyramid that is reserved for those who commit the
unpardonable sin, and who therefore will not be called again. They will be
permanently destroyed.

Philip Coppens, author of The Canopus Revelation, suggests that there were
three possibilities for human beings after death in the ancient Egyptian religion, before
it became corrupted:

Central to the imagery of the Duat is a central path, a tunnel, from the
world of the living, into the darkness of the Duat. In that tunnel, the soul is
given three paths, each leading to a specific destiny, and identified, at least at
the times of Tuthankhamun, with three different couches: a cow, a hippopotamus
and a lion.
This imagery translates straightforwardly to the Great Pyramid: the
entrance leads down into a dark, low tunnel. By default, the path descends to the
Lower Chamber. However, there is an entrance towards another tunnel, leading
to the "Queen's Chamber" or the 'King's Chamber.' A lot of ink has been written as
to how this stone blocking this tunnel was put in place, and whether it could pivot
or not. That is less important than the observation that there was a 'guarded'
entrance in this fork in the road. Once in the ascending passage - an apt
description for those trying to attain heaven - a further fork occurred, one
leading to the Queen's Chamber, another that continued to climb, towards the
King's Chamber.
Did each of the tombs symbolise a path? The path of reincarnation, of the
Hippopotamus, would be the Underground Chamber: easiest to reach, but very
'basic:' earth to earth [Nazarene Remnant comment: and dust to dust, in
other words a wasted life]. The path of the [celestial] Cow would be the Queen's
Chamber [Nazarene Remnant comment: this is the result of repentance,
conversion, and the born-again process coming directly through the keeping of the
monthly New Moon Festivals, which is caused by the Birthright Holy Spirit. This is
what the celestial cow meant to the ancient Egyptians] in between both,
specifically there for a soul stalling to make the final ascent to the King's
Chamber. The Lion's path [Nazarene Remnant comment: this is the Sceptre
Holy Spirit, and is also symbolized by the celestial Bull, whose Zodiacal Sign is

Understand that there are two Morning Stars, one being the star-emblem of the Messiah (the planet Venus),
and the other the star-emblem of the Adversary, Satan (the planet Mercury). For more in-depth information see
chapter 8, Which Morning Star is Which? in The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
See the Essay The Great Pyramid As Metaphor and Road-Map, in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two
Spirits, available here:
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Taurus.] would be the continued ascent towards the King's Chamber, where the
'tomb of God,' the coffin, was the symbol of resurrection - initiation in the Divine
This interpretation of the Great Pyramid as the three-dimensional
visualisation of the Duat would explain many anomalies, too many to list here.
But one intriguing anomaly is the "Well shaft", a roughly hewn path that
connects the Lower Chamber with the fork in the tunnel towards respectively the
Queen's and King's Chambers. This path was the "loop" from the second path,
that of the Cow, either to reincarnation or regeneration. It would, by default,
have to bypass the original "choice" (the original fork in the road), but would
have to lead to both other chambers. For the architect, this presented a problem,
but I believe the shaft and its execution display exactly the nature of the path: it
was rough, "unhewn". To some extent, the architect had made the passage from
the Queen's Chamber to the Lower Chamber more difficult than the passage
towards the King's Chamber: It was a reminder that the seeker "had come so far,
why not go all the way" - towards ascension?" (From "The Truth About Egypt's
Star Religion: The Canopus Revelation," by Philip Coppens

It has always bewildered me to think how ignorantly blind the human race has
been in trying to understand the Egyptian religion, when the best all of our scholars
can come up with is the possibilities after death, when it is all too late to matter in
the final judgment. It is how we have lived our life in the here and now that matters,
and nothing else. Let me explain this in more detail, because it is very important.
One of the greatest deceptions and absurdities that has been forced on the human
race, about the religion of the ancient Egyptians, is that only after death could the
pharaoh (and everyone else, by extension) save himself! By then it is too late, as
any normal person would quickly understand. Not only do we read this, we ourselves
have actually come to tolerate, even believe, this stuff to be true!
Again and again, when it comes to anything pertaining to this subject, we are
expected to believe, and comprehend (and this is just one example), total absurdities
about the religion of the ancient Egyptians. Philip Coppens, in his revealing book, The
Canopus Revelation: Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris, says that the
Egyptian Book of the Dead is just that: a book for the dead on what to
do when dead.
How would you like to be given a book for the afterlife, say when
you were 30 years old (which is the minimum age any human being is allowed to
approach the Deity through repentance and baptism and anointing with Holy Oil),
with the explanation that it wasnt to be read in your current life, but only useful after
youre dead?!

In Philip Coppens The Canopus Revelation: Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris, Frontier Publishing,
Enkhuizen, the Netherlands, 2004, there are many important references to the threefold path of the soul. See for
example the discussion in chapter 9, Stargate of the Gods.
Coppens, Philip. The Canopus Revelation: Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris, Frontier Publishing,
Adventures Unlimited Press, Enkhuizen, the Netherlands, 2004, p. 148. Emphasis added. The book is available
here and here
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When it comes to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, we encounter nonsense (which
we have believed) at every turn:

The Book of the Dead was therefore the manual for the deceased person to
find its way in death. So what did the ancient Egyptians think happened to the
soul after death? It is clear that they had a vastly defined concept of the
afterlife. They believed that the knowledge of certain formulae would allow
them access to a divine realm, where they would be met by the ancestors,
deities, and remain there forever.


The road of the deceased was the same as the route taken by the solar deity,
Ra, on his barque, when entering the night.

Figure 3.8. : The four possible pathways of human life as depicted in the Great Pyramid at
Gizeh. Pathway 1 is that of the Celestial Cow or Birthright Holy Spirit, following baptism
and repentance. This is also known as Jacobs Ladder, and leads to the Bridal (Queens)
Chamber. Pathway 2 is that of the Sceptre Holy Spirit, and leads, through the Grand
Gallery, or Hall of the Orbit, to the Kings Chamber. Pathway 3, the way of the

Coppens, Philip. The Canopus Revelation, p. 150.
Coppens, Philip. The Canopus Revelation, p. 84.
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hippopotamus, is the way most of the human race is following, and leads straight to the
Pit (the grave). This Southerly journey is also what is symbolized by the story of the
voyage of the ship Argo (remember Jason and the Argonauts?) from the ancient world.
The destination of that voyage is the city of Satan, Canopus (or Eridu), to the largest
constellation in the sky, Argo. Those people in this group will get their chance at salvation
following the Second Resurrection. Pathway 4 is reserved for all those people who commit
the Unpardonable Sin. These stubborn and willfully ignorant people are on their way to the
Westernmost part of the Pit. From here there is no possibility of return. To understand
whether or not you have committed the Unpardonable Sin, see section 22, Have You
Committed the Unpardonable Sin? of our free book, The New Moon Festivals: the First
Works of Salvation.

And now this pearler!

what would happen after death could only be confirmed once the deceased
Pharaoh was deadit was then that the choice [between the Four
pathways shown in the Figure 3.7 above] had to be made.

These unchallenged (until now) deceptive interpretations comes down to us
principally from the lies of the academic discipline of Egyptology, which has been
perpetrated in all books and historical courses on the subject of the ancient Egyptians.
This lie has been taught to all generations all over the planet, in schools, colleges,
universities, and, most importantly, from the pulpit. People who had something
definitive and useful to say about ancient Egypt, such as Gerald Massey (1828
were derided and mocked, while the works of misinformants, such as Jean-
Francois Champollion (1790-1832), Otto Neugebauer (1899-1990), Sir Arthur Evans,
Franz Cumont, Charles Darwin, and a whole host of others, were promoted to the
highest levels. In fact, one of the greatest culprits in destroying the truth about ancient
Egypt have been the modern group of so-called Christians, having their origin in the
Catholic Church. It is time that their monstrous lies about ancient Egypt are exposed
and corrected. As Philip Coppens observes: Their conclusions have been taken as
gospel, rather than critically challenged.

The truth about ancient Egypt is that the deceased in their religion was always a
reference to the old man, who existed before repentance and baptism. It is this old
man who has to be put to death by the living repentant person during the born
again process. That is what conversion means. This is the exact same teaching in
genuine Christianity, which doesnt put the insane spin on the concept. There, as in
ancient Egypt, the death of the old man is the most vital step that we all must take,

Coppens, Philip. The Canopus Revelation, p. 151. Emphasis added.
Masseys interpretation of Egyptian writings has been all too largely ignored by savants, yet he has the merit
of having approached the task with a mind free from scholastic, theological and conventional biases, which have
so utterly blinded the discernment and vitiated the conclusions of orthodox authorities. It is permissible for us to
state that it was his works that opened our eyes to the hidden meaning under the material, when the works of
more accredited specialists in the field had left us without a single enlightening hint. Massey is the only scholar
in whose hands the recondite Egyptian material begins to take on rational significance. All the others leave it
resembling unintelligible nonsense.

(Alvin Boyd Kuhn,

Signs and Symbols, Academy Press; NJ, 1940, p. 596)

Coppens, Philip. The Canopus Revelation, p. 30.
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eventually, if we are to be saved. Put simply, this means the sequence of genuine
repentance, adult (after the age of 30 years) water baptism, followed by anointing with
the genuine holy anointing oil,
the keeping of Gods Laws, including His Holy Days,
especially the New Moon Festivals, and the weekly Saturday Sabbath. There is no
escape from this fact of life for anyone in any age!
Philip Coppens, in another part of his book, points out the following:

The Dutch Egyptologist Bruno Stricker states that the reason for this situation
had to do with the surviving records of Egyptian texts. Half of these records are
copies of the Book of the Dead. This never changed over the millennia of
Egyptian civilisation. The other half amounts to very little and is of little
interest. With only the Book of the Dead to show for millennia of civilisations,
historians stated that the Greeks were superior, producing more advanced
philosophical debate, in much less time. The absence of evidence was, therefore,
taken as evidence of absenceonce again showing how the scientific approach
practised by the less intelligent of scientists is bound to destroy and give a
warped view of factual history. Today, we know that even if the Egyptian
philosophy was written down, it was the discipline of its adherents that kept it
secret, as ordained by the priests. When the Greeks went to study in Egypt, they
were sworn to secrecy alsoand many of them respected that secrecy and hence
did not write it down. Others, like Plutarch, were more ambiguous and wrote
down certain items, but not all. And whereas it is true that the written material
would reveal the doctrine of the Egyptians to us, the fact that so much doctrine
was either unwritten or secret means that today Egyptian philosophy still poses
major questions for Egyptologists.

Yeshua or Horus or Jesus Christ (Orion) is the Mighty Hunterof Dead Souls
and this motif can be found universally, in the ancient legends from all over the
world. Remember He is the Lord of all Eternity, the Lord of Lords, and the Great
King, symbolically to be seen every night hunting down both sinners, and the
righteous, and putting them in one of the three pouches (or great mountains) that
He has attached to His belt. These are the souls who are consigned to one of the two
possible pathways mentioned earlier: the third pathway, the way of the hippopotamus,
and the fourth pathway, the way of the Unpardonable Sin. The first (the celestial cow)
and second (the lion) pathways are also found in the third pouch, and these are
transferred to the Elects star, the fourth great mountain, which is Sirius. Figure 3.6
above attempts to show these different linkages.
Now it is no coincidence that the Antichrist false Messiah, Prince Charles of Wales, has
on his property at Highgrove in England, a statue of a black gladiator, as shown in

Most people who have taken the vital step of adult water baptism have not been anointed with the oil that
God Himself has prescribed! See Section 25, The Power of a Thumping Big Lie, of The God Messiah Worships
for explanation. The link is:
Coppens, Philip. The Canopus Revelation, p. 51.
In fact he is one himself, being blind!
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Figure 3.9 below. This black gladiator holds a sword of defiant opposition, and stands
at the end of what Charles calls the Thyme Walk (he means to symbolize the Time
Walk along the Zodiac Path) in a warlike pose facing the East, which is the direction
from which the true Messiah will return to Earth. This Thyme Walk is, according to
Charles, the the central glory of the formal garden
at Highgrove. Imagine if you
can that a long cord, with 36 separate stages or knots, joins the point where the
black gladiator stands on Earth with where the giant figure of Horus/Orion stands in
the heavens high above, and you will get the exact sense of what I am trying to get at
here. In other words we have a direct confrontation between the followers of
Horus/Jesus (the ancient Shemsu-Hor) at one end of the cord, and the followers of
Seth/Satan mapping down to Earth, at the other end!

The Constellation of
Horus (Orion) can be seen high
in the sky in the evening in the
Northern Hemisphere, in mid-
Winter, where, with a little
imagination, you can see
Him pictured as in Figure 3.6
above, when looking South.
Orion is always in close
proximity to the Milky Way,

as the diagrams show. People
in the Southern Hemisphere,
where it would be mid-
Summer, will see a totally
different view of Orion, which
is the upside-down version,
when they look North.
You will notice quite
clearly that there are three
stars in Orions belt. One of
them is Mintaka, and maps
down to the symbolic Earth
Cemeterythe Giza
Necropolison which is built
the Great Pyramid. The other
two stars in Orions Belt
Alnilan and Alnitakalso

Figure 3.9. The bronze statue of a gladiator, with sword in
hand, confronts the Westward-facing Thyme Walk
(representing the path of the Zodiac, or as moderns have it,
the ecliptic), and the Cedar of Lebanon, on Prince Charles
property Highgrove.
Prince Charles will posture himself
as the hero who slays the Scorpion/Dragon! But remember
that everything is backwards in Satanism: the truth is that it
is Prince Charles who is the Scorpion/Dragon, and the figure

H.R.H The Prince of Wales, and Green, Candida Lycett, The Garden At Highgrove, p. 63. Emphasis added.
The Milky Way is also connected with the way of the deada road abandoned by the living, as Hamlets Mill
has itand it seems, symbolically, that the Mighty Hunter stands on its banks plucking out the souls of the dead
for safe-keeping in his belt. See Hamlets Mill for a good coverage of many of the ancients stories and legends
about these ideas.
The Garden At Highgrove, p. 64.
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map down to Earth as the
Second and Third Pyramid on
the Giza Necropolis. This is no
accident, because Mintaka sits
almost squarely on the celestial
Equator, the projection of the
coming from the East, who he faces with upraised sword, is
none other than Jesus/Horus/Osiris/Orion and every true
follower of the Messiah! And through his policy also he
shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall
magnify [himself] in his heart, and by peace shall destroy
many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;
but he shall be broken without hand. (Daniel 8: 25)
Earths Equator out onto the sky. This has the effect that Orion can be seen
from just about anywhere on Earth! If you follow a line through Orions belt,
Eastward, you will come to the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius, the Dog Star, in
the constellation of Canis Major.

Sirius is the Elects Star-Emblem, and the Eighth Planet

Sirius, which is 8.6 light-years from Earth, is such an important star in the
whole system, and has in fact been called the leader of the planets: The amazing
significance of Sirius as leader of the planets, as the eighth planet, so to speak, and of
Pan, the dance master (choreuts) as well as the real kosmokrator, ruling over the
three worlds, would take a whole volume [to explain]. The important point is that the
extraordinary role of Sirius is not the product of the fancy of silly pontiffs, but as
astronomical fact. During the whole 3000-year history of Egypt Sirius rose every
fourth year on July 20 of the Julian Calendar. In other words, Sirius was not
influenced by the Precession, which must have led to the conviction that Sirius was
more than just one fixed star among others. And so when Sirius fell, Great Pan was
Sirius in fact plays a vital role in the Sacred Calendar, because its heliacal rise
every four years denotes the placement of the Feast of Pentecost in the Sacred
Calendar, and this function would have been identical in ancient Egypt, where Sirius
was the royal star of the Elect.
Before we get into the truth about Sirius and its importance for the eternal
salvation of all people on Earth, we should understand some important background
information on the eighth planet. An excellent introduction to this critical topic is
Vigilant Citizens essay The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human
History, which you can find here:

The article is also available as Article #18 in Reading 64: The Games of the
Slaughterthe 2012 London Olympics, of our book The Real Crisis is About to
Unfold, and It's Not Financial, which is here:

Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977, p. 286.
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Vigilant Citizen introduces his article with these words:

Since ancient times and across multiple civilizations, Sirius, the dog star, has been
surrounded with a mysterious lore. Esoteric teachings of all ages have invariably
attributed to Sirius a special status and the stars importance in occult
symbolism is an attestation of that fact. What makes Sirius so special? Is it
simply due to the fact that it is the brightest star in the sky? Or is it also because
humanity has an ancient, mysterious connection with it? This article looks at the
importance of Sirius throughout History and secret societies and will describe the
symbolism surrounding it.

Bear in mind as you read this article, that its author knows nothing about the true
nature of the religion of ancient Egypt, and the real nature of Isis, which was the
Birthright Holy Spirit.

Figure 3.10. Sirius, the Blazing Star, is at the centre of all Masonic mosaic pavements, and is their Black
The black and white squares of the Masonic pavement symbolize the way of Satan, which is a
combination of good and evil. In all Scripture this way if life is called the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil.

Source of image:
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Figure 3.11. The Blazing Star, Sirius, which is the ultimate symbol of the Birthright Holy Spirit, shown
here shining upon members of a Masonic lodge.
In its reverse form, Sirius is seen as the symbol of
the Mysterious Force, which was the original name of Freemasonry.

The real exciting point about Sirius (also known as Alpha Canis Majoris),
thought, is that it is bound to Venus in the most extraordinary ways. Both
Venus and Sirius have the magic imprint of Enoch, the number 365. Sirius was a clear
determinant of one of the ancient Egypts calendars,
which had a year-length of 365
days, and which the Romans, through the Canopus Decree, destroyed, thus
contributing greatly to the suppression of truth, once again one of the chief hallmarks
of Satan. And the Venus Cycle is built up of chunks of 365-day periods: 365 x 8 =
2,920 days x 5 = 14,600 days (i.e. 40 years), which is the highly significant 40-year
first and second birth periods, and therefore, connected to the Sothic Period of Sirius,
which is 1,460 days, which is 4 x 365, 10 x 1,460 (i.e. back to that magical number
again, 40 years). We will find that this number, 365, is very important in so many ways
in the attainment of spiritual perfection.
But the binding of Venus and Sirius is even more profound than this, because
both astronomical bodies are symbols of the Sacred Marriage, called in the scriptures,
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. You see, Sirius is Venus consort star, the Bride,
the Church, while Venus is the star-emblem of the bridegroom, Jesus Christ Himself
(i.e. the Horus of the ancient Egyptians.
)! Sirius is the destination of all the elect
who have died, thus making up the fourth delightful place, that the Angel Raphael
told Enoch about. Now while I have been referring to Sirius as a bright star, that is not

Source of image:
The Egyptians based one of their calendars on the movement of Sirius, which they called Spdt, which the
Greeks translated as Sothis.
Note that in ancient Egypt a repentant adult male over the age of 30 years (the minimum age for baptism)
was called a Hor, while a repentant female over 30 years was known as a Hathor.
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exactly correct, because Sirius is actually two stars revolving around each other, with a
period of 50 years (one Jubilee period in fact). Astronomers call these two binary stars,
Sirius A and Sirius B. It is interesting that the Dogon tribe of West Africa knew about
Sirius A, and Sirius Bwhich cannot be observed without a powerful telescopelong
before the invention of telescopes. In fact they have worshipped these stars for the past
5,000 years! The Dogon say that Sirius B is immensely heavy, invisible, very small, yet
extremely powerful. Their understanding of the two stars' orbits coincides exactly with
modern astronomical findings, yet was arrived at thousands of years before it was
scientifically proven. They also say that a third star, Emme Ya - Sorghum Female,
exists in the Sirius system. They claim that this star is larger and lighter than Sirius B,
and also that it revolves around Sirius A as well. Further, they also believe Sirius to be
the axis of the universe,
and from it all matter and all souls are produced in a great
spiral or whirlpool motion.

Another important point about Orion the Mighty Hunter (Horus) is that he is
blind, the only blind figure in the stories of the ancient constellations!

Undoubtedly Orion is the blind every man and every woman, the one the Book of
Proverbs strives long and hard to teach: that the only solution to the good life is to
live a life based on goodness and morality, and the fear of God (which is the beginning
of wisdom, or the opening of the eyes). Blind fools are everywhere in epidemic
proportions these days. In this sense the analogy in the sky, of the blind man, fits
perfectly with Garry D. Nation's classification of evil, presented in his excellent article,
Character Deficiency Syndrome, where the notion of evil is called by such names as
folly, foolishness, and the like. Undoubtedly Jesus had this same thought in mind
when He said: Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead

Many traditions about the cosmic axis have come down to us, and most of them depict the axis as a sacred
pillar, or tree, the Tree of Life. Nigel Pennick, writing in his Secret Signs, Symbols and Sigils, informs us: The
ancient British tradition taught by the Druids is the most coherent exposition of this system. It was almost lost at
one time, but fortunately it was pieced together again from ancient manuscripts saved from Rhaglan Castle by
the great Welsh bard Llewellyn Sion of Glamorgan (c. 1560-1616). In the Bardic tradition, there are four linked
circles of being (Y cylchau), which can be viewed as stacked, one above the other, around the cosmic axis. In
effect, only three cylchau are accessible by humans, so the uppermost, Ceugant, is the unreachable sole abode of
the transcendent creator, Hn Ddihenydd, the ineffable divine principle of being to whom all religions ultimately
address themselves, whether they know it or not. In the late Nordic tradition, this supreme deity is identified
with the Allfather Odin. At some point, Odin superseded either Thor or Tyr as the chief god, though in Norway,
Thor remained the most popular. Here, in Odinic symbolism, Ceugant is an exact parallel of the Air Throne,
HliXskjlf, which is the seat accessible only to the High One and his consort, Frigg. From HliXskjlf, the
Allfather or the Queen of Heaven can view the nine worlds of Norse cosmology.
In British Bardism, the cylch (circle) immediately below Cuegant is Gwynvyd, the White Land, whose name
signifies the quality of Felicity. This is the abode of the enlightened: the goddesses and gods and people who have
transcended the reincarnatory cycle of their Earthly lives [Editors comment: Christ taught that we die once!].
Below this is the middleworld, Abred, upon which we are born as human beings, live, experience joy and
sorrows, reproduce and die. The bardic name Abred also has the alternative kenning of Adfant, which means The
Place with the Turned-Back Rim, an allusion to the flat Earth concept. In Abred, good and evil
equipreponderate, and hence there is free will for all. (pp. 30-31)
This whole matter of the Dogon and Sirius was the theme of the book The Sirius Mystery by Robert Temple.
Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977, p. 177-78. Fortunately, however, in the ancient legends, he does get his sight back, which
undoubtedly means that he repented from his foolish ways that led to the blindness in the first place.
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the blind, both shall fall into the ditch (Matthew 15: 14). Garry Nation classifies the
blind into four categories: 1. the Simple or Naive Fool, 2. the Self-Confident Fool, 3.
the Committed Fool, and 4. the Scornful Fool:

The wisdom literature of the Bible (which includes Job, Ecclesiastes, some of the
Psalms, and especially the book of Proverbs) gives us a sharp description and
diagnosis of this crisis of character. It calls it "folly.

Our English word "fool" translates several Hebrew words used widely in the Old
Testament for individuals who are lacking in moral character. A fool is not someone
who is silly or unintelligent, but one who is unwise. He has never learned that the
fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

As I said, there are a number of Hebrew words for fool, but they do not all mean
exactly the same thing. They have very different shades of meaning. In fact, they
indicate at least four progressive stages or degrees of descent into the moral
and spiritual depravity which I call Character Deficiency Syndrome.

1. The first degree is the Simple or Naive Fool, who is unthinking, gullible.
He lacks the most basic understanding of moral cause and effect.

2. The second degree is the Self-Confident Fool. He is known by his
stubbornness, and by his big mouth.

3. The third degree is the Committed Fool, who has decisively rejected
wisdom, and instead pledged his allegiance to destructive ideas and behaviors.

4. The fourth degree or terminal stage of Character Deficiency Syndrome is
reached by the Scornful Fool, a mocker who is openly contemptuous of
spiritual truth and moral righteousness.

Now we want to look more closely at the latent stage of Character Deficiency Syndrome,
the Naive Fool.

One final point here about the constellation of Orion is its close proximity to a
whirlpool in the sky. Now there are many of these in the sky, but this is probably the
main one, as Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend, authors of Hamlets Mill,
point out: That there is a whirlpool in the sky is well known; it is probably the
essential one, and it is precisely placed. It is a group of stars so named (zalos) at the
foot of Orion, close to Rigel (beta Orionis, Rigel being the Arabic word for foot), the
degree of which was called death, according to Hermes Trismegistos, whereas the
Maori claim outright that Rigel marked the way to Hades (Castor indicating the
primordial homeland).
Undoubtedly the deepest point of this whirlpool is the city

Nation, Garry D, Character Deficiency Syndrome. You can find a copy in The Warning Of The Last Days,
Reading 48: Unless We Repent, We Will Die, available at our Web site:
Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977, p. 210. There is much valuable information about whirlpools scattered all through this superb
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of satan, the bright star Canopus (called Eridu), which is where mankind has been
figuratively cast since the days of the Fall. This is the low point of the orbit of Sirius,
which rises upwards from this point over a 12,960 year period (i.e. through six Zodiac
Ages of 2,160 years each).
You will know that there are many pyramids, and remains of pyramids, in Egypt,
and Figure 3.12, shows a sampling of them. If we recognize the great antiquity of the
three Giza pyramids, then the supposed mysteries surrounding the design and
construction of Egypts other pyramids find an easy solution: all are copies of the three
pyramids at Giza, which the later Dynastic Egyptians repeatedly, but unsuccessfully,
tried to copy and emulate. History, and the ruins in Egypt, testify to that fact. And the
three pyramids at Giza have never been designed or built as a tomb for anyonenone
of them was found to contain the body of its builder, or in fact any type of religious
inscription at all. Again another of the lies of Egyptology.
While all the pyramids in Egypt are on the death side of the Nile, only three of
them are intended to teach the fate of the dead, and these are the three pyramids on
the Giza Necropolis (See Figure 3.6). Notice that all the pyramids have a dead-end Pit,
which signifies the destination of all those who have either not been called in this age,
or, if they have, have not heeded the call of the Eternal God. The second pyramid on
the Giza Necropolis symbolizes all the male population that has ever lived, and their
fate, while the smaller and offset third pyramid stands for the fate of all the female
population that has ever lived, who have never been called in their lifetime. Matthew 7:
13-14 sums up the matter: Enter in through the narrow gate, for wide the gate and
broad the way that leads to destruction, and many are they who enter in through it.
For narrow the gate and straitened the way that leads to life, and they are few who find
it." (Matthew 7:13-14, Darby Translation)

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Figure 3.12. Some of the less well-known pyramids in Egypt.

Here are several Scriptures that explains what the Pit really is:

He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.
(Job 33: 18)

Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the
pit: I have found a ransom. (Job 33: 24)

He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.
(Job 33: 28)

To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the
living. (Job 33: 30)

Source: Lemesurier, Peter, The Great Pyramid Decoded, Element Books, Brisbane, 1996, p. 5. This is a
reprint from Professor C Piazzi-Smith's Our Inheritance In The Great Pyramid, 1864.
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The heathen are sunk down in the pit [that] they made: in the net which they
hid is their own foot taken. (Psalm 9: 15)

Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, [if] thou be
silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. (Psalm 28: 1)

O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive,
that I should not go down to the pit. (Psalm 30: 3)

He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my
feet upon a rock, [and] established my goings. (Psalm 40: 2)

But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and
deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee. (Psalm
55: 23)

Let not the waterflood overflow me, neither let the deep swallow me up, and let
not the pit shut her mouth upon me. (Psalm 69: 15)

I am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as a man [that hath] no
strength: (Psalm 88: 4)

"That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be
digged for the wicked. (Psalm 94: 13)

The mouth of strange women [is] a deep pit: he that is abhorred of the LORD
shall fall therein. (Proverbs 22: 14)

Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself
into his own pit: but the upright shall have good [things] in possession.
(Proverbs 28: 10)

A man that doeth violence to the blood of [any] person shall flee to the pit; let
no man stay him. (Proverbs 28: 17)

Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." (Isaiah 14: 15)

Fear, and the pit, and the snare, [are] upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
(Isaiah 24: 17)

For the grave cannot praise thee, death can [not] celebrate thee: they that go
down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. (Isaiah 38: 18)

Fear, and the pit, and the snare, [shall be] upon thee, O inhabitant of Moab,
saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 48: 43)

They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of [them
that are] slain in the midst of the seas. (Ezekiel 28: 8)
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And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth:
and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. (Revelation 9: 1)

Many are Called, But Few are Chosen

But it is the Great Pyramid on the Giza Necropolis that commands the most
attention, and rightly so. It represents what Matthew 22: 14 teaches: For many are
called, but few [are] chosen. These are the vast numbers of people who have been
predestined, and called by God, but for one reason or another, they fall by the way side
(i.e. end up in the Pit), as Jesus explains: And he spoke to them many things in
parables, saying, Behold, the sower went out to sow: and as he sowed, some grains
fell along the way, and the birds came and devoured them; and others fell upon the
rocky places where they had not much earth, and immediately they sprang up out of
the ground because of not having any depth of earth, but when the sun rose they
were burned up, and because of not having any root were dried up; and others fell
upon the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them; and others fell upon the
good ground, and produced fruit, one a hundred, one sixty, and one thirty. He that
has ears, let him hear (Matthew 13:3-9, Darby Translation).

Jesus explains His parable this way:

Ye, therefore, hear the parable of the sower.

From every one who hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand
it, the wicked one comes and catches away what was sown in his heart: this is
he that is sown by the wayside.

But he that is sown on the rocky places--this is he who hears the word and
immediately receives it with joy, but has no root in himself, but is for a time
only; and when tribulation or persecution happens on account of the word, he
is immediately offended.

And he that is sown among the thorns--this is he who hears the word, and the
anxious care of this life, and the deceit of riches choke the word, and he
becomes unfruitful.

But he that is sown upon the good ground--this is he who hears and
understands the word, who bears fruit also, and produces, one a hundred, one
sixty, and one thirty (Matthew 13: 18-23, Darby Translation).

The final outcome is well summarized by the Messiah:

Whoever therefore hears these my words and does them, I will liken him to a
prudent man, who built his house upon the rock; and the rain came down, and the
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streams came, and the winds blew and fell upon that house, and it did not fall, for it
had been founded upon the rock.

And every one who hears these my words and does not do them, he shall be likened to
a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand; and the rain came down, and the
streams came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell, and its fall
was great (Matthew 7:24-27, Darby Translation).

Figure 3.13. The Pyramids in the Giza Region

Youll notice that from all the
pyramids in Egypt, only one has the
grandeur and design of the Great
Pyramid. Only it has the interior
passages, shafts and chambers that
convey a much deeper meaning about
life, and its significance, which Ive
covered elsewhere in this book.
All the other pyramids just contain a
great passage-way leading down to a pit.
Adrian Gilbert came close to the truth of
the matter, when he wrote near the very
end of his 1996 work, Magi: The Quest
For A Secret Tradition:

The rising and setting of the
constellation of Orion and its close
neighbour Sirius, the brightest star in
the sky, seems to be behind many of
the worlds most persistent myths.
The yearning to become one with
these stars [Nazarene Remnant
comment: And that star is Sirius, the elelcts star-emblem.] is expressed most
strongly in the Pyramid Texts and seems to be the chief motive behind the building of
the pyramids. Yet, others too seem to have a yearning for these particular stars and
this is expressed most poignantly in the legend of Robin Hoods last arrow. The story
of Orion is in a sense that of Everyman as he seeks to grapple with nature, come to
terms with his life on Earth, his blindness to his eventual destiny after death and his
yearning for a better world amongst the stars of Heaven.

Egyptology, owned and controlled by the Babylonian Brotherhood, the
Illuminati power elite, has gone to a great deal of trouble to enforce the view that these
Pyramids were constructed only 4,300 years ago, in about 2,500 B.C. They take a

Source: Lemesurier, Peter, The Great Pyramid Decoded, Element Books, Brisbane, 1996, p. 4. This is a
reprint from Professor C Piazzi-Smith's Our Inheritance In The Great Pyramid, 1864.
Gilbert, Adrian, Magi: The Quest For A Secret Tradition, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1997, p. 283.
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similar view about the age of the Sphinx, and its message to mankind. However, all
four structures are much older.

Now many people will become confused here because of my emphasis on the
Egyptian religion, but I have done that intentionally because the Great Pyramid is part
of the Eternal Gods visual demonstration of what He has set in motion at the Fall. It
tells, in giant stone, and in a remarkably very simple way, what the judgments were at
the Fall, for both the man and the woman. You will later appreciate that exactly the
same story is told in the Hebrew religious symbolsthe Tabernacle of Moses and the
Temple of Solomon, and Herods Templebut they are more craftily disguised there.
But it is exactly the same scenario!

Figure 11.10: View of the western sky 16 days before the 70-day
disappearance of Sirius, which will reappear again in the east
for its heliacal rise on the Feast of Pentecost.

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In The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored, it was demonstrated that the
planet Venus is the regulator and determinant of the Sacred Calendar, that in fact if we
were able to straighten out the almost circular orbit of the plant, and make a long
line out of it, as Figure 11.3 argues, we would have a measuring staff or rod, and since
this is that line which does in fact measure whats known as the fullness of Christ,
and expressed in Ephesians 4: 11-16: And his gifts were that some should be apostles,
some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the equipment of the
saints, for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, until we all
attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. To mature
manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; so that we
may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of
doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles. Rather, speaking
the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,
from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is
supplied, when each part is working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself
in love.

Figure 11.11: The Great Pyramids Internal Passages

Source of diagram: Tompkins, Op Cit., p. 28. Annotations added. According to John B Schmaltz, in a small
booklet called Nuggets From King Solomon's Mines, the modern deck of playing cards could be taken as a
symbol for the Egyptian year incorporated in the Great Pyramid. "According to Schmaltz the 52 cards represent
the weeks, the 12 face cards the months, the 13 cards in a suit the lunations, the suits the seasons, the total face
value of the cards (counting jack as 11, queens as 12 and king as 13) 364 days, plus the joker as the magic 1.234,
for a total of 365.234 days in the year." Tompkins, p. 112.
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The Great Pyramid shows that at point D (in Figure 11.3) the measuring rod of
spiritual growth forks, with one ascending to the Kings Chamber along the DE
pathway, and the other leading to the Queens, along the level DF path. It is here that
we see that it is the woman who carries the Birthright Promises, while the male carries
the Sceptre Promises! From point D for the male, it is still an arduous uphill journey,
through the Grand Gallery, but for the female, now the way has become much easier,
as it is now a level road to the destination. In other words, the work of spiritual growth
for the woman is complete at point D. Thereafter she has the work of enduring in
righteousness, and I imagine a good description of such a woman could be found in
Proverbs 31: 10-31!
Now because the Great Pyramid absolutely reeks of the mark of Venus, we would
expect to find in the motions of that planet, a similar sort of dual carriageway
measuring rodsas well. Indeed we do! What is inside the Great Pyramid here, is
actually a scaled down exact replica of Venuss orbital behaviour. If you study Figure
11.12 carefully, you will notice that Venus has alternating orbits of 120 years (3 x 40 or
8 x 15), and 104 years (2 x 52 or 8 x 13), separated by the inter-transit periods of 8
years. Adding both parts of the Venus Cycle together we get 15 (the Sceptre measuring
rod) + 13 (the Birthright measuring rod) + 2 = 30.

240 Earth years
Figure 11.12: 30 Sacred Years (Macrocosm) Matches One Sacred Month (Microcosm)

All told this is a miniature version of the greater reality of the solar systemas in
the macrocosm, so too in the microcosmwhereby the number 30 is also critically
important is 1/12
of an even greater cycle (see Figure 9). Understand when studying
that diagram, that it is the maroon values at the bottom were really interested in, since
modern astronomys time periods hide the true situation. We have Moses life as an
anagram for the male measuring rod (3 x 40 years), the 40-year Venus cycle, and
nowhere in the Scriptures will we find mention of a woman whose life is divided into 2
x 52. It is left up to the seeker to understand this puzzle.

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243 years

243 years

243 years

243 years

Dec 7
Dec 7
Dec 9
Dec 6
Dec 11
Dec 6

June 6
June 3
Jun 8
June 6
June 11
June 9
8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs 8 yrs

129.5 yrs 129.5 yrs 129.5 yrs

113.5 yrs 113.5 yrs



Colour coding:

The primary Venus Cycle.

The dual sub-cycle occurring between pairs.

The duration between the last transit of one pair and the first transit of the second
pair, according to modern astronomys time-reckoning (Gregorian Calendar)

The duration between the last transit of one pair and the first transit of the second
pair, according to Jubilee System time-reckoning (Sacred Calendar)

Figure 11.13: Table Showing The Complicated
Nature of the Venus Cycle
To simplify this diagram, we have the following orbital behaviour of Venus (Figure 10),
in the period from 6 June 1761 through to 6 December, 2125

Figure 11.14: Birthright and Sceptre Measurements Built Into
The Orbit of Venus like A String of Pearls in the Sky

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The 104 year cycle of Venus, represented by the pink band, and divided into 13
periods of 8 years each, represents the Birthright, and is symbolic of both the womans
measuring rod, and the mans foundational spiritual base (known as the first works),
and has its miniature replica in the Great Pyramid: the Ascending Passage. Conversely,
the 120 year period, the blue band in Figure 11.6, and divided into 3 x 40-year Venus
cycles (or 15 periods of 8 years each), represents the Sceptre, and the mans measuring
rod, complete with its Great Pyramid duplicate: the Grand Gallery leading to the
Kings Chamber. There are just so many features in the Grand Gallery that are actually
scaled down versions of the 40-year Venus cycle, even down to the 40 ratchet-like
limestone slabs of its roof (see Figure 8.8 in Essay 8) are reminiscent of cogs on the
wheels within wheels model presented in Figure 8.9 in Essay 8 below.
Inside the Kings Chamber you would expect to find, if you got their first as in
the quest depicted in The Raiders of the Lost Ark, fabulous treasures and untold
riches. But the chamber was bare except for an empty, lidless, uninscribed granite
coffer, or sarcophagus. This coffer has been cut roughly, so that, as Sir William
Matthew Flinders Petrie
related, an entire side was cut by the strokes of a huge saw,
which at times was backed up after it had dented the stone as much as one inch out of
Where was the deceased in this great wonder that is overtly designed as a
The emptiness is undoubtedly telling us that the identity of the symbolic
occupant means something very profound indeed! In fact the symbolic meaning is that
the deceased meant to lie in the coffer here is the whole human population that is
Eternally saved! Those who will be in the first resurrection
are the corpes that lie
here. The dimensions of this coffer deliberately mimic the three-stages of Mosess
lifeand he stands as a symbol for Christ, the first of the first fruitsneatly divided
into 3 x 40 years, giving the total years of his life as 120. Now Moses lived for 120
years, and everything in his life is neatly organized into three major divisions of 40
years each, this making up the figure of 120 years.
The coffers dimensions show 80
pertaining to the length of Moses life up to the Exodus from Egypt, and 40
artabas for the inner dimensions. I believe that Livio Catullo Stecchini has by far the
best interpretation of the measurements of this coffer, and neatly solves the riddle of
the coffer:

According to my interpretation the contents of the coffer is 8 cubic royal

Famous Egyptologist who is responsible for many excavations at Giza, and author os several books on the
Great Pyramid. He is considered to be the father of modern scientific archelogy.
This empty coffin has been misinterpreted as an indicator that the Pyramid was a tomb for the Pharaohs.
And all those who overcome evil and become wholly good from the second resurrection.
This topic is treated in-depth in The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored (Chapter 2, General Nature of
the Sacred Calendar), whereby Moses life is portrayed as a cryptogram for the structure of time in the Solar
System, as regulated by the true Sacred Calendar, which is based on the orbital behaviour of planet Venus.
The artaba, a Persian name, is the ancient standard of grain measure in the middle East, and one artaba was
the standard grain ration for one month. The geographic foot, computed astronomically, forms the edge of a
cube or artaba which was the standard unit of grain measure in the Near East down to the Persian Empire.
Stecchini, ibid., p. 206. Also see discussion on pp. 322-326. Also note the dimensions of a geographic foot: If
you divide the earth into 360 degrees, and again into 60 minutes of 60 seconds, the result is one second of arc, or
100 geographical feet. Translated into metres by multiplying by .308 Tompkins, ibid., p. 206.
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cubits = 40 artabas (1166.40 liters), and the walls were given a thickness such
that the outside volume of the coffer is twice that of the contents, that is, 16
cubic royal cubics = 80 artabas (2332.800 liters).

by comparing the reports of Greaves, Piazza Smyth, Petrie, and others, I have
identified the intended dimensions of the coffer, since I have the advantage of
knowing the exact value of the unit of measurement.

The whole Great Pyramid symbolism is duplicated in new and different ways in
the Promised Land west of the Jordan River, and in the Temple of Solomon in
Jerusalemas of course it needs to beand its greater external environment,
including the five gateways into the Temple (representing the 40-year long Venus year,
5 x 8),
the Court of the Women (substituting for the Queens Chamber), the 15 Stairs
of Ascent (replacing the Ascending Passage symbolism), tying directly in to the New
Moon Festivals (and the 15 Psalms of Ascent), and the interior of the Temple itself (the
Ulam and the Holy Place), which is telling the same story as the Grand Gallery, and
the Kings Chamber finds its expression as the Most Holy Place. The Sea of Galilee
represents the entrance of a newly born baby into the world at the 19
course in the
Great Pyramid where the long descending passage begins. The Jordan River is the
descending passage itself, and the Dead Sea represents the Pit. The symbolic point of
repentance in the Great Pyramid is at the place where the

There Are Two Seas
In Palestine

By Bruce Barton (The copywriter that nobody knows)

There are two seas in Palestine.

One is fresh, and fish are in it. Splashes of green adorn its banks. Trees
spread their branches over it and stretch out their thirsty roots to sip of its healing

Along its shores the children play as children played when He was there. He
loved it. He could look across its silver surface when He spoke His
parables. And on a rolling plain not far away He fed five thousand people.
The river Jordan makes this sea with sparkling water from the hills. So it
laughs in the sunshine. And men build their houses near to it, and birds their nests;
and every kind of life is happier because it is there.

Livio Catullo Stecchini in Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, New York,
1978, pp. 322-323. Peter Lemesurier, writing in The Great Pyramid Decoded, makes the coffers dimensions as:
exterior length 89.80568 P (3 x 29.84 code equivalent), exterior width 38.69843 P (2 x 19), exterior height
41.21319 P (2 Royal Cubits), interior length 77.8 P (11 x 7). See Peter Lemesurier, writing in The Great Pyramid
Decoded, pp. 127-128.
See chapter 2 (General Nature of the Sacred Calendar) of The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored,
under the heading The Venus Alignment and the Temple of Solomon, for details.
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The river Jordan [
] flows on south into another sea.

Here no splash of fish, no fluttering of leaf, no song of birds, no children's
laughter. Travelers choose another route, unless on urgent business. The air
hangs heavy above its water, and neither man nor beast nor fowl will drink.
What makes this mighty difference in these neighbor seas? Not the river
Jordan. It empties the same good water into both. Not the soil in which they lie; not
the country round about.

This is the difference. The Sea of Galilee receives but does not keep the
Jordan. For every drop that flows into it another drop flows out. The giving and
receiving go on in equal measure.

The other sea is shrewder, hoarding its income jealously. It will not be
tempted into any generous impulse. Every drop it gets, it keeps.

The Sea of Galilee gives and lives. The other sea gives nothing. It is named
The Dead.

There are two kinds of people in the world. There are two seas in Palestine.

Ascending Passage (directly connected to the 15 Psalms of Ascent found in the Old
Testament) begins the work of re-birth following upon repentance. The point of the
Jordan Crossing at the conclusion of the Exodus, and the spot where John the Baptist
baptized Christ, symbolically represents the upward journey towards the King and the
Queens Chamber in the Great Pyramid. In both religious systems, the bright star
Sirius plays a significant role as well, marking as its does the reappearance of Sirius on
the day of Pentecost each year,
and as the marker point that determines the
Jubilees. Even the rocky outcrops on which the Temple of Solomon and the Great
Pyramid at Giza were flattened out in a stepped manner.
There is not sufficient time

The word Jordan means descent as in descent into the Pit. It has the same symbolic meaning as the
Descending Passage in the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, except that in the Holy Land the Pit is the Dead Sea, which
will be transformed into the Lake of Fire where all the unrepentant sinners, including the Beast and the False
Prophet, will be finally destroyed.
Bartons poem echoes Erich Fromms great book, To Have or To Be.
Which was the start of the Civil Year in ancient Egypt, as it was also the start of the Civil Year in ancient
Israel. The modern religion of Judaismwhich has little connection with the true religion, naturallystill retains
a memory for this Civil Year, but in their erroneous Hebrew Calendar, the Jews place the New Civil Year at the
beginning of the seventh month, having no idea of the truth of the matter. They also begin their Sacred Year at
the wrong time, on Nisan 1, following the Babylonian inheritance.
See Zechariah Sitchin s The Wars of Gods and Men, Avon Books, New York, 1985, pp. 210-211, for a
discussion on this.
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to include this material in this book, as I feel it so important to get this to the people of
the world. Time is that short!

Suffice to point out that the organization of the religious system in ancient Egypt
was run along similar lines to the religious organization adopted by King David and
King Solomon in ancient Israel! In particular both civilizations used a system of
priestly courses, and the idea of courses derives entirely from the masonry courses in
the Great Pyramid at Giza. If you skip forward a couple of pages to Figure 11.15 youll
notice that the Kings and Queens Chambers in the Great Pyramid sit on the 24
Birthright) and 50
Course (the Sceptreleading to the Kings Chamber) of Masonry,
respectively, entirely symbolic of the purification process which sees the Eternal Law
of the Creator written on the hearts and minds of repentant human beings, through
the rebirth process, and the monthly New Moon Festivals. Youll notice from the First
Book of Chronicles, the whole section from 1 Chronicles 22: 6 right through to 1
Chronicles 28 is pure astronomy, showing how the whole nation was organized around
the different Priestly Courses, which in turn stood for the progressive steps in the
spiritual unfolding of the Great Man, whose number is 25,920, and is built into the
Great Pyramid (216 courses x 120 years = 25,920). And as weve discovered, the Great
Pyramid is a 1: 43,200 scaled-down model of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth,
which is also symbolic of the Great Man.
Peter Tompkins great book, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, points out the direct
connection between dance of the Sky SerpentsVenus as Groom, Sirius as Brideand
the rituals carried on by the ancient Egyptian priests, who marched around the Great
Pyramid, mimicking the orbital behaviour of the two celestial partners. Muck
suggests that to dramatize the importance of the 1460 [day
] cycle the figure was
built into the pavement around the Pyramid of Cheops in such a way that a cortege of
priests dressed in white could liturgically march round the pyramid rhythmically
counting out 1460 paceswhich were subdivided into 25 inches, and again subdivided
by 5.
This is what the Priests did in Solomons Temple, as Edersheim has pointed
out: Casting Lots for the Services Those who were prepared now followed the
superintending priest through a wicket into the court. Here they divided into two
companies, each carrying a torch, except on the Sabbaths, when the Temple itself was
lit up. One company passed eastwards, the other westwards, till, having made their
circuit of inspection, they met at the chamber where the high-priest's daily meat-
offering was prepared (Lev 6:12-16, according to the Rabbinical interpretation of the
law), and reported, 'It is well! All is well!' Thereupon those who were to prepare the

God willing, I hope to present this in a third reconstruction, called The Dance of the Sky Serpents, whose base
skeleton structure is online here:
This is known in history as the Sothic Cycle, made up of 4 x 365 profane days = 1460, or 4 x 360 Sacred Days
= 1440.
Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper and Row, Publishers, New
York, 1971, p. 145. Tompkins goes on to point out that Mucks pace of 25 inches is the same length as Newtons
and Piazzi Smyths sacred cubit, one hundred of which form the side of the English acre. This same cubit,
Newton discovered, was the cubit used in Solomons Temple!
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high-priest's offering were set to their work, and the priests passed into the 'Hall of
Polished Stones,' to cast lots for the services of the day.

Now what of the case of a righteous man, or woman, one who has determined to
rid his or her life of error and sin, who has been baptized, and faithfully keeps the New
Moon festivals for many many years, but, at the presentation of a very powerful
temptation, falls, and goes off the track. What about them? What is their fate?
The Book of Ezekiel answers such a matter in the following way:

Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear
the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked,
Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the
wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his
iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and
he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity;
but thou hast delivered thy soul. Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his
righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall
die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his
righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I
require at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the
righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also
thou hast delivered thy soul. And the hand of the LORD was there upon me; and he
said unto me, Arise, go forth into the plain, and I will there talk with thee. Then I
arose, and went forth into the plain: and, behold, the glory of the LORD stood there,
as the glory which I saw by the river of Chebar: and I fell on my face. Then the spirit
entered into me, and set me upon my feet, and spake with me, and said unto me, Go,
shut thyself within thine house. But thou, O son of man, behold, they shall put bands
upon thee, and shall bind thee with them, and thou shalt not go out among them: And
I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumb, and
shalt not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house. But when I speak
with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord
GOD; He that heareth, let him hear; and he that forbeareth, let him forbear: for they
are a rebellious house. (Ezekiel 3:17-27, KJV, emphasis added)

Edersheim, Alfred, The Temple: Its Ministry and Services, Chapter 7, At Night in the Temple.
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When Women Acted Like Women

Comments from

Kent writes: I just read your article entitled The Effect of Sexual Deprivation on
Women. I agree with everything 100%. I am already familiar with many of these
concepts by studying Falun Dafa, a Chinese Buddhist meditation practice. Check
out this quote from Falun Dafa's teacher Li Hongzhi:

Question: In today's society, the concept of equality between men and women
prevails. As female disciples, how can we be gentle and tender while progressing
diligently in cultivation?

Teacher: At present, people have commented that women are becoming more
and more liberal and their character is also getting stronger. In fact, you're not
being driven by your benevolent side. I don't believe strength is necessarily
reflected in the appearance of a person. If in your daily life you're like a gentle, true
woman, your competence will let you have everything you deserve all the same. It's
not necessary for you to be tough and manly. Do you understand the principles I'm
talking about? (Applause)

In other words, if you're a woman, you need to act like one, kind and gentle. Only
that way can you gain respect and love from men. If you're not kind and gentle, men
will be afraid of you when they see you. (Laughter) You'll then be denied the love
and even the family affection that you're supposed to have.

From the opposite perspective, let's not only talk about women. We men should
also behave like men. However, today's society in this world has become corrupt. I
can only ask my disciples to behave this way, which is not achievable by the society.

I remember that before the fifties, men in the West were very gentlemen-like. They
treated women with respect. Because women acted like women, men loved to help
them, respect them and care for them. At the same time, in a feminine way, women
cherished their husbands. This was human behavior. Yet today you have distorted
all of this.

In Asian society, women have become overly strong, making the men act like
women. I can tell you that, in your bones you want your men to be strong, yet in
your mind you want to keep them under your control. Isn't this contradictory? If
the way of the society becomes like this, will men still be able to walk around with
pride? Will they have their manhood?

Two people can't be the head of one household, just as there can't be two kings
living on the same mountain. Consequently, when two tigers fight, one has to get
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hurt. (Laughter) Disharmony will find its way into families. How is it going to work
if two kings live under the same roof? One has to be the head of the household.
That's why there are divorces and discord. You always say this: "Men comment that
this woman doesn't act like a woman; women remark that this man doesn't act like
a man."

It's even more blatant in Western society where when they marry each other, they
have already divided up their property: "When we divorce in the future, this
belongs to me and that belongs to you." It's even more blatant. The feeling of a
woman relying on her man when they're married is simply nonexistent; yet a man
doesn't feel that once this woman marries him, she has entrusted him with her
whole life and that he should be responsible to her. These kinds of thoughts have
simply disappeared. Self interest and individual freedom have taken over
everything. Where do you then find the warmth of a family? You argue and try to
win against each other-no one wants to listen to each other. I'm telling you, this is
not a human state! (Applause)

Today's society and its media are leading people to discuss individual freedom and
to be self-indulgent with individuality. I can tell you, this unrestrained individuality
might make you appear to be free, but actually, you'll never get sweet happiness
anymore. You'll never ever have someone else you can trust! (Applause)

The Judgment Hall of Mat

In ancient Egypt the fate of the dead was a final judgmentor
reckoningakin to that describe in the Christian scriptures. However, the ancient
Egyptian version is much more instructive and useful! This judgment was carried out
in the Hall of Mat, which contained 42 gods, which is very much reminiscent of the
42 stages of the Exodus as found in the Old Testament in the thirty-third chapter of
the Book of Numbers. The number 42 also figures significantly in Douglas Adams'
book series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
In ancient Egypt the word Mat

Wikipedia provides the following information about the number 42: "The Answer to The Ultimate Question
Of Life, the Universe and Everything is a theoretical solution in Douglas Adams' book series The Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy. The "Answer" is simply "42". In the story, the Answer to the Ultimate Question about Life,
the Universe, and Ever insufficient when asked to provide the Ultimate Question to match the answer of 42.
Thereafter, the answer given by Deep Thought prompts the protagonists to embark on a quest to discover the
Question to which this is the Answer." From we have the following: "According to the
Hitchhiker's Guide, researchers taking the form of mice, which are actually 3-dimensional profiles of a pan-
dimensional, hyper-intelligent race of beings, construct Deep Thought, the second greatest computer of all time
and space, to calculate the answer to the Ultimate Question. After seven and a half million years of pondering the
question, Deep Thought provides the answer: "forty-two". "Forty-two!" yelled Loonquawl. "Is that all you've got
to show for seven and a half million years' work?" "I checked it very thoroughly," said the computer, "and that
quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually
known what the question is." Deep Thought informs the researchers that it will design a second and greater
computer, incorporating living beings as part of its computational matrix, to tell them what the question is. That
computer was called Earth and was so big that it was often mistaken for a planet. The question was lost five
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originally meant a measuring reed or stick, and undoubtedly is tied to the cord with
the 36 knots that was used in the baptismal ceremonies of all repentant human beings
in ancient Egypt.

In the Egyptian judgment system the deceased says to Osiris:

Homage to thee, O thou great God, thou lord of the two Mat goddesses! I have
come to thee, O my Lord, and I have made myself to come hither that I may
behold thy beauties. I know thee, and I know thy name, and I know the names of
the two and forty gods who live with thee in this Hall of Mati, who live as
watchers of sinners and who feed upon their blood on that day when the
characters (or lives) of men are reckoned up (or taken into account) in the
presence of the god Un-nefer. Verily. God of the Rekhti-Merti (i.e. the twin sisters
of the two eyes), the Lord of the city of Mati is thy name. Verily I have come to
thee, and I have brought Mat unto thee, and I have destroyed wickedness.

The deceased then goes on to enumerate the sins or offences which he has not
committed, and he concludes by saying: I am pure; I am pure; I am pure; I am pure.
My purity is the purity of the great Bennu which is in the city of the Suten-henen
(Heracleopolis), for, behold, I am the nostrils of the God of breath, who maketh all
mankind to live on the day when the Eye of R is full in Annu (Heliopolis) at the end
of the second month of the season PERT (I.e. the last day of the sixth month of the
Egyptian year, called by the Copts Mekhir.). I have seen the eye of R when it was full
in Annu (the allusion here seems to be to the Summer or Winter Solstice)[
therefore let not evil befall me either in this land or in this Hall of Mati, because I,
even I, know the names of the gods who are therein.
Now as the gods who live in the Hall of Mat with Osiris are two and forty in
number, we should expect that two and forty sins or offences would be mentioned in
the addresses which the deceased makes to them; but this is not the case, for the sins
enumerated in the Introduction never reach this number. In the great illustrated
papyri of the XVIIIth and XIXth dynasties we find, however, that notwithstanding the
fact that a large number of sins, which the deceased declares he has not committed, are
mentioned in the Introduction, the scribes and artists added a series of negative

minutes before it was due to be produced, due to the Vogons' demolition of the Earth, supposedly to build a
hyperspace bypass. (Later in the series, it is revealed that the Vogons had been hired to destroy the Earth by a
consortium of philosophers and psychiatrists who feared for the loss of their jobs when the meaning of life
became common knowledge.) Lacking a real question, the mice proposed to use "How many roads must a man
walk down?" (the first line of Bob Dylan's famous civil rights song Blowin' In The Wind) as the question for talk
shows, after considering and rejecting the question, "What's yellow and dangerous?"actually a riddle whose
answer, not given by Adams, is "Shark-infested custard". However, this may also refer to the Vogon Constructor
Fleet that demolished Earth, in that they were yellow and most certainly dangerous."
Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis, Egyptian Religion: Ideas of the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, Gramercy Books,
New York, 1959, p. 152.
Budge, Egyptian Religion, pp. 152-153.
Nazarene Remnant comment: I would conclude this is a direct reference to a lunar eclipse occurring at
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statements, forty-two in number, which they set out in a tabular form. This, clearly, is
an attempt to make the sins mentioned equal in number to the gods of the Hall of
Mat, and it would seem as if they preferred to compose an entirely new form of this
section of the one hundred and twenty-fifth chapter to making any attempt to add to
or alter the older section. The artists, then, depicted the Hall of Mat, the doors of
which are wide open, and the cornice of which is formed or uraei and feathers,
symbolic of Mat. Over the middle of the cornice is a seated deity with hands extended,
the right over the Eye of Horus, and the left over a pool. At the end of the Hall are
seated the goddesses of Mat, i.e., Isis and Nephthys, the deceased adoring Osiris who
is seated on a throne, a balance with the heart of the deceased in one scale, and the
feather, symbolic of Mat, in the other, and Thoth painting a large feather. In this Hall
sit the forty-two gods, and as the deceased passes by each, the deceased addresses him
by his name and at the same time declares that he has not committed a certain sin. An
examination of the different papyri shows that the scribes often made mistakes in
writing this list of gods and lists of sins, and, as a result, the deceased is made to recite
before one god the confession which strictly belongs to another. Inasmuch as the
deceased always says after pronouncing the name of each god, I have not done such
and such a sin, the whole group of addresses has been called the Negative Confession.
The fundamental ideas of religion and morality which underlie this Confession are
exceedingly old, and we may gather from it with tolerable clearness what the
ancient Egyptian believed to constitute his duty towards God and
towards his neighbour.
It is impossible to explain the fact that forty-two gods [Nazarene Remnant
comment: Remember that ancient Egypt was divided into 42 districts, called nomes,
and the actual structure of the Exodus from Egypt is also divided into 42 stages as
) only are addressed, and equally so to say why this number was adopted. Some
have believed that the forty-two gods represented each a nome of Egypt, and much
support is given to this view by the fact that most of lists of nomes make the number to
be forty-two; but then, again, the lists do not agree. The classical authors differ also,
for by some of these writers the nomes are said to be thirty-six in number, and by
others forty-six are enumerated. These differences may, however, be easily explained,
for the central administration may at any time have added or taken from the number
of nomes for fiscal or other considerations, and we shall probably be correct in
assuming at the time the Negative Confession was drawn up in the tabular form in
which we meet it in the XVIIIth dynasty the nomes were forty-two in number.
we may notice that the forty-two gods are subservient to Osiris, and
that they only occupy a subordinate position in the Hall of Judgment, for it is the
result of the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the balance that decides his
future. Before passing to the description of the Hall of Judgment where the balance is
set [Nazarene Remnant comment: The Zodiacal Sign of Libra], it is necessary to
give a rendering of the Negative Confession which, presumably, the deceased recites

For more information see the articles The 42 Nomes of Ancient Egypt, and The 42 Stages of the Exodus,
available here:
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before his heart is weighed in the balance; it is made from the Papyrus of Nu (British
Museum, No. 10,477).

1. Hail Usekh-nemtet (i.e. Long of strides), who comest forth from Annu
(Heliopolis), I have not done iniquity.
2. Hail Hept-seshet (i.e. Embraced by flame), who cometh forth from Kher- ba
(a city near Memphis), I have not robbed with violence.
3. Hail Fenti (i.e. Nose), who cometh forth from Khemennu (Hermopolis), I
have not done violence to any man.
4. Hail m-khaibitu (i.e. Eater of shades), who comest forth from the Qereret
(i.e. the cavern where the Nile rises), I have not committed theft.
5. Hail Neha-hra (i.e. Stinking face), who comest forth from Restau, I have
slain neither man nor woman.
6. Hail Rereti (i.e. Double Lion-god), who comest forth from heaven, I have not
made light of the bushel.
7. Hail Maata-f-em-seshet (i.e. Fiery eyes), who comest forth from Sekhem
(Letopolis), I have not acted deceitfully.
8. Hail Neba (i.e. Flame), who comest forth and retreatest, I have not
purloined the things which belong unto God.
9. Hail Set-qesu(i.e. Crusher of bones), who comest forth from Suten-henen
(Heracleopolis), I have not uttered falsehood.
10. Hail Khemi (i.e. Overthrower), who comest forth fromShetait (i.e. the hidden
place), I have not carried off goods by force.
11. Hail Uatch-nesert (i.e. Vigorous of Flame), who comest forth from Het-ka-
Ptah (Memphis), I have not uttered vile (or evil) words.
12. Hail Hra-f-ha-f (i.e. He whose face is behind him), who comest forth from
the cavern and the deep, I have not carried off food by force.
13. Hail Qerti (i.e. the double Nile source), who comest forth from the
Underworld, I have not acted deceitfully.
14. Hail Ta-ret (i.e. Fiery-foot), who comest forth out of the darkness, I have
not eaten my heart (i.e. lost my temper and become angry).
15. Hail Hetch-abehu (i.e. Shining teeth), who comest forth from Ta-she (i.e. the
Fayym), I have invaded no [mans land].
16. Hail m-senef (i.e. Eater of blood), who comest forth from the house of the
block, I have not slaughtered animals which are the possessions of
17. Hail m-besek (i.e. Eater of entrails), who comest forth from Mbet, I have
not laid waste the lands which have been ploughed.
18. Hail Neb- Mat (i.e. Lord of Mat), who comest forth from the city of the two
Mati, I have not pried into matters to make mischief.
19. Hail Thenemi (i.e. Retreater), who comest forth from Bast (i.e. Bubastis), I
have not set my mouth in motion against any man.
20. Hail nti, who comest forth from Annu (Heliopolis), I have not given
away to wrath without due cause.
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21. Hail Tututef, who comest forth from the nome of Ati, I have not
committed fornication, and I have not committed sodomy.
22. Hail Uamemti, who comest forth from the house of slaughter, I have not
polluted myself.
23. Hail Maa-ant-f (i.e., Seer of what is brought to him), who comest forth from
the house of the god Amsu, I have not lain with the wife of a man.
24. Hail Her-seru, who comest forth from Nehatu, I have not made any man
to be afraid.
25. Hail Neb-sekhem, who comest forth from the Lake of Kaui, I have not
made my speech to burn with anger (literally, I have not been hot of
26. Hail Seshet-kheru (i.e. Orderer of speech), who comest forth from Urit, I
have not made myself deaf unto the words of right and truth.
27. Hail Nekhen (i.e. Babe), who comest forth from the Lake of Heqt, I have
not made another person to weep.
28. Hail Kenemti, who comest forth from Kenemet, I have not uttered
29. Hail An-hetep-f (i.e., Bringer of his offering), who comest forth from Sau, I
have not acted with violence.
30. Hail Ser-kheru (i.e. Disposer of Speech), who comest forth from Unsi, I
have not hastened my heart (i.e. acted without due consideration).
31. Hail Neb-hrau (i.e., Lord of Faces ), who comest forth from Netchefet, I
have not pierced (?) my skin, and I have not taken vengeance on the god.
32. Hail Serekhi, who comest forth from Uthent, I have not multiplied my
speech beyond what should be said.
33. Hail Neb-bui (i.e., Lord of horns ), who comest forth from Sauti, I have
not committed fraud, [and I have not] looked upon evil.
34. Hail Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Ptah-het-ka (Memphis), I have
never uttered curses against the king.
35. Hail Tem-sep, who comest forth from Tattu, I have not fouled running
36. Hail Ari-em-ab-f, who comest forth from Tebti, I have not exalted my
37. Hail Ahi, who comest forth from Nu, I have not uttered curses against
38. Hail Uatch-rekhit [who comest forth from his shrine (?)], I have not
behaved with insolence.
39. Hail Neheb-nefert,, who comest forth from his temple, I have not made
distinctions (i.e. I have not been guilty of favouritism).
40. Hail Neheb-kau,, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not increased
my wealth except by means of such things as are mine own
41. Hail Tcheser-tep, who comest forth from thy shrine, I have not uttered
curses against that which belongeth to God and is with me.
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42. Hail An--f (i.e. Bringer of his arm), [who comest forth from Aukert], I have
not thought scorn of the god of the city.

A brief examination of this Confession shows that the Egyptian code of
morality was very comprehensive, and it would be very hard to find an act, the
commission of which would be reckoned a sin when the "Confession" was put
together, which is not included under one or other part of it. The renderings of the
words for certain sins are not always definite or exact, because we do not know the
precise idea which the framer of this remarkable document had. The deceased states
that he has neither cursed God, nor thought scorn of the god of his city, nor cursed
the king, nor committed theft of any kind, nor murder, nor adultery, nor sodomy, nor
crimes against the god of generation; he has not been imperious or haughty, or
violent, or wrathful, or hasty in deed, or a hypocrite, or an accepter of persons, or a
blasphemer, or crafty, or avaricious, or fraudulent, or deaf to pious words, or a party
to evil actions, or proud, or puffed up; he has terrified no man, he has not cheated in
the market-place, and he has neither fouled the public watercourse nor laid waste the
tilled land of the community. This is, in brief, the confession which the deceased
makes; and the next act in the Judgment Scene is weighing the heart of the deceased
in the scales. As none of the oldest papyri of the Book of the Dead supplies us with a
representation of this scene, we must have recourse to the best of the illustrated
papyri of the latter half of the XVIIIth and of the XIXth dynasties. The details of the
Judgment Scene vary greatly in various papyri, but the essential parts of it are always
preserved. The following is the description of the judgment of Ani, as it appears in his
wonderful papyrus preserved in the British Museum.

Figure 3.14. A depiction of the Last Judgment in the ancient Egyptian religion. The
weighing of the heart of the scribe Ani in the balance in the presence of the gods. Notice satan,
sitting there like a dog, waiting to devour the heart of the person who is judged unworthy to enter
into the presence of the gods. Source: Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 163.

Budge, Egyptian Religion, pp. 153-160.
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In the underworld, and in that portion of it which is called the Hall of Maati, is set
a balance wherein the heart of the deceased is to be weighed. The beam is suspended
by a ring upon a projection from the standard of the balance made in the form of the
feather which is the symbol of Maat, or what is right and true. The tongue of the
balance is fixed to the beam, and when this is exactly level, the tongue is as straight as
the standard; if either end of the beam inclines downwards the tongue cannot remain
in a perpendicular position. It must be distinctly understood that the heart which was
weighed in the one scale was not expected to make the weight which was in the other
to kick the beam, for all that was asked or required of the deceased was that his heart
should balance exactly the symbol of the law. The standard was sometimes sur-
mounted by a human head wearing the feather of Maat; sometimes by the head of a
jackal, the animal sacred to Anubis ; and sometimes by the head of an ibis, the bird
sacred to Tnoth ; in the Papyrus of Ani a dogheaded ape, the associate of Thoth, sits on
the top of the standard. In some papyri (e.g., those of Ani

and Hunefer
), in
addition to Osiris, the king of the
underworld and judge of the dead, the gods of his cycle or company appear as
witnesses of the judgment. In the Papyrus of the priestess Anhai
in the British
Museum the great and the little companies of the gods appear as witnesses, but the
artist was so careless that instead of nine gods in each group he painted six in one and
five in the other. In the Turin papyrus

we see the whole of the forty-two gods, to
whom the deceased recited the "Negative Confession," seated in the judjment-hall. The
gods present at the weighing of Ani's heart are:

1. Ra-HARMACHIS, hawk-headed, the Sun-god of the dawn and of noon.
2. TEMU, the Sun-god of the evening, the great god of Heliopolis. He is depicted
always in human form and with the face of a man, a fact which proves that he
had at a very early period passed through all the forms in which gods are
represented, and had arrived at that of a man. He has upon his head the
crowns of the South and North.
3. SHU, man-headed, the son of Ra and Hathor, the personification of the
4. TEFNUT, lion-headed, the twin-sister of Shu, the personification of moisture.
5. SEB, man-headed, the son of Shu, the personification of the earth.
6. NUT, woman-headed, the female counterpart of the gods Nu and Seb ; she was
the personification of the primeval water, and later of the sky.
7. Isis, woman-headed, the sister-wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus.
8. NEPHTHYS, woman-headed, the sister-wife of Osiris, and mother of Anubis.
9. Hoxus, the " great god," hawk-headed, whose worship was probably the oldest
in Egypt.
10. HATHOR, woman-headed, the personification of that portion of the sky where

About 1,500 B.C.
About 1,370 B.C.
About 1,000 B.C.
Written in the Ptolemaic period.
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the sun rose and set.
11. Hu, man-headed, and
12. SA, also man-headed ; these gods are present in the boat of Pa in the scenes
which depict the creation.

Figure 3.15. The wicked and the unrepentant are cast into the Lake of Fire. 1. The wicked cast
head downwards (i.e. to the South, the location of the Abyss) into a pit of fire. 2. Enemies being
burnt in a pit of fire. 3. The heads of the damned being burnt in a pit of fire. 4. The souls of the
damned being burnt in a pit of fire. 5. The shadows of the damned being burnt in a pit of fire. From
the Book Am-Tuat. Source: Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 164.

On one side of the balance kneels the god Anubis, jackal-headed, who holds the
weight of the tongue of the balance in his right hand, and behind him stands Thoth,
the scribe of the gods, ibis-headed, holding in his hands a reed wherewith to write
down the result of the weighing. Near him is seated the tri-formed beast Am-mit, the
"Eater of the Dead," who waits to devour the heart of Ani should it be found to be light.
In the Papyrus of Neb-qet at Paris this beast is seen lying by the side of a lake of fire, at
each corner of which is seated a dog-headed ape; this lake is also seen in Chapter
CXXVI. of the Book of the Dead. The gods who are seated before a table of offerings,
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and Anubis, and Thoth, and Am-mit, are the beings who conduct the case, so to speak,
against Ani. On the other side of the balance stand Ani and his wife Thuthu with their
heads reverently bent ; they are depicted in human form, and wear garments and
ornaments similar to those which they wore upon earth. His soul, in the form of a
man-headed hawk standing upon a pylon, is present, also a man-headed, rectangular
object, resting upon a pylon, which has frequently been supposed to represent the
deceased in an embryonic state. In the Papyrus of Anhai
two of these objects appear, one on each side of the balance ; they are described as Shai
and Renenet, two words which are translated by "Destiny" and "Fortune" respectively.
It is most probable, as the reading of the name of the object is Meskhenet, and as the
deity Meskhenet represents sometimes both Shai and Renenet, that the artist intended
the object to represent both deities, even though we find the god Shai standing below it
close to the standard of the balance. Close by the soul stand two goddesses called
Meskhenet and Renenet respectively ; the former is, probably, one of the four
goddesses who assisted at the resurrection of Osiris, and the latter the personification
of Fortune, which has already been included under the Meskhenet object above, the
personification of Destiny.
It will be remembered that Meskhenet accompanied Isis, Nephthys, Heqet, and
Khnemu to the house of the lady Rut-Tettet, who was about to bring forth three
children. When these deities arrived, having changed their forms into those of women,
they found Pa-user standing there. And when they had made music for him, he said to
them, " Mistresses, there is a woman in travail here; " and they replied, " Let us see
her, for we know how to deliver a woman." Rd-user then brought them into the house,
and the goddesses shut themselves in with the lady Rut-Tettet. Isis took her place
before her, and Nephthys behind her, whilst Heqet hastened the birth of the children ;
as each child was born Meskhenet stepped up to him and said, "A king who shall have
dominion over the whole land," and the god Khnemu bestowed health upon his
Of these five gods, Isis, Nephthys, Meskhenet, Heqet, and Khnemu, the first
three are present at the judgment of Ani; Khnemu is mentioned in Ani's address to his
heart (see below), and only Heqet is unrepresented.
As the weighing of his heart is about to take place Ani says, "My heart, my mother!
My heart, my mother! My heart whereby I came into being I May naught stand up to
oppose me in the judgment; may there be no opposition to me in the presence of the
sovereign princes ; may there be no parting of thee from me in the presence of him
that keepeth the Balance! Thou art my ka, the dweller in my body ; the god Khnemu
who knitteth and strengtheneth my limbs. Mayest thou come forth into the place of
happiness whither we go. May the princes of the court of Osiris, who order the
circumstances of the lives of men, not cause my name to stink." Some papyri add, "Let
it be satisfactory unto us, and let the listenina be satisfactory unto us, and let there be
joy of heart unto us at the weighing of words. Let not that which is false be uttered
against me before the great god, the lord of Amentet ! Verily how great shalt thou be
when thou risest in triumph! "
The tongue of the balance having been examined by Anubis, and the ape having

See Erman, Westcar Papyrus, Berlin, 1890, hieroglyphic transcript, plates 9 and 10.
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indicated to his associate Thoth that the beam is exactly straight, and that the heart,
therefore, counterbalances the feather symbolic of Maat (i.e., right, truth, law, etc.),
neither outweighing nor underweighing it, Thoth writes down the result, and then
makes the following address to the gods:-
Hear ye this judgment. The heart of Osiris hath in very truth been weighed, and
his soul hath stood as a witness for him ; it hath been found true by trial in the Great
Balance. There hath not been found any wickedness in him ; he hath not wasted the
offerings in the temples ; he hath not done harm by his deeds ; and he spread abroad
no evil reports while he was upon earth."
In answer to this report the company of the gods, who are styled " the great
company of the gods," reply, "That which cometh forth from thy mouth, 0 Thoth, who
dwellest in Khemennu (Hermopolis), is confirmed. Osiris, the scribe Ani, triumphant,
is holy and righteous. He hath not sinned, neither hath he done evil against
us. The Devourer Am-mit shall not be allowed to prevail over him, and meat-offerings
and entrance into the presence of the god Osiris shall be granted unto him, together
with a homestead for ever in the Field of Peace, as unto the followers of Horus."
Here we notice at once that the deceased is identified with Osiris, the god and
judge of the dead, and that they have bestowed upon him the god's own name; [
the reason of this is as follows. The friends of the deceased performed for him all the
ceremonies and rites which were performed for Osiris by Isis and Nephthys, and it was
assumed that, as a result, the same things which took place in favour of
Osiris would also happen on behalf of the deceased, and that in fact, the
deceased would become the counterpart of Osiris. Everywhere in the texts of
the Book of the Dead the deceased is identified with Osiris, from B.C. 3,400 to the
Roman period. Another point to notice is the application of the words mad kheru to
the deceased, a term which I have, for want of a better word, rendered " triumphant."
These words actually mean "true of voice" or "right of word," and indicate that the
person to whom they are applied has acquired the power of using his voice in such a
way that when the invisible beings are addressed by him they will render unto him all
the service which he has obtained the right to demand. It is well known that in ancient
times magicians and sorcerers were wont to address spirits or demons in a peculiar
tone of voice, and that all magical formulae were recited in a similar manner ; the use
of the wrong sound or tone of voice would result in the most disastrous consequences
to the speaker, and perhaps in death. The deceased had to make his way through a

These are a class of mythological beings, or demi-gods, who already in the Vth dynasty were supposed to
recite prayers on behalf of the deceased, and to assist Horus and Set in performing funeral ceremonies. See my
Papyrus of Ani, p. cxxv.
The new name is of utmost importance in the Christian religion, as the Scriptures remind us:
And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name,
which the mouth of the LORD shall name. (Isaiah 62: 2 )
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to
eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man
knoweth saving he that receiveth [it]. (Revelation 2: 17)
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write
upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, [which is] new Jerusalem, which cometh
down out of heaven from my God: and [I will write upon him] my new name. (Revelation 3: 12)
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number of regions in the underworld, and to pass through many series of halls, the
doors of which were guarded by beings who were prepared, unless properly addressed,
to be hostile to the new-comer ; he also had need to take passage in a boat, and to
obtain the help of the gods and of the powers of the various localities wherein he
wanted to travel if he wished to pass safely into the place where he would be. The Book
of the Dead provided him with all the texts and formulae which he would have to recite
to secure this result, but unless the words contained in them were pronounced in a
proper manner, and said in a proper tone of voice, they would have no effect upon the
powers of the underworld. The term mad kheru is applied but very rarely to the living,
but commonly to the dead, and indeed the dead needed most the power which these
words indicated. In the case of Ani, the gods, having accepted the favourable report of
the result obtained by weighing Ani's heart by Thoth, style him mad kheru, which is
equivalent to conferring upon him power to overcome all opposition, of
every kind, which he may meet. Henceforth every door will open at his
command, every god will hasten to obey immediately Ani has uttered his name, and
those whose duty it is to provide celestial food for the beatified will do so for him when
once the order has been given. Before passing on to other matters it is interesting to
note that the term mad kheru is not applied to Ani by himself in the Judgment Scene,
nor by Thoth, the scribe of the gods, nor by Horus when he introduces him to Osiris ;
it is only the gods who can make a man maa kheru, and thereby he also
escapes from the Devourer.

Figure 3.16. Horus, the son of Isis (i.e. produced by the born-again process of the working of the
Birthright Holy Spirit, through the keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals), leading the scribe
Ani into the presence of Osiris, the god and judge of the dead; before the shrine of the god Ani
kneels in adoration and presents offerings. Source: Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 173.

The judgment ended, Horus, the son of Isis, who has assumed all the
attributes of his father Osiris, takes Ani's left hand in his right and leads him up to the
shrine wherein the god Osiris is seated. The god wears the white crown with feathers,
and he holds in his hands a sceptre, a crook, and whip, or flail, which typify
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sovereignty and dominion. His throne is a tomb, of which the bolted doors and the
cornice of uraei may be seen painted on the side. At the back of his neck hangs the
menat or symbol of joy and happiness ; on his right hand stands Nephthys, and on his
left stands Isis. Before him, standing on a lotus flower, are the four children of Horus,
Mestha, Hapi, Tuamutef, and Qebhsennuf, who presided over and protected the
intestines of the dead ; close by hangs the skin of a bull with which magical ideas seem
to have been associated. The top of the shrine in which the god sits is surmounted by
uraei, wearing disks on their heads, and the cornice also is similarly decorated. In
several papyri the god is seen standing up in the shrine, sometimes with and
sometimes without the goddesses Isis and Nephthys. In the Papyrus of Nunefer we
find a most interesting variant of this portion of the scene, for the throne of Osiris
rests upon, or in, water. This reminds us of the passage in the one hundred and
twenty-sixth chapter of the Book of the Dead in which the god Thoth says to the
deceased, "Vho is he whose roof is of fire, whose walls are living uraei, and the floor of
whose house is a stream of running water? Who is he, I say? " The deceased answers, "
It is Osiris," and the god says, "Come forward, then ; for verily thou shalt be mentioned
[to him]."
When Horus had led in Ani he addressed Osiris, saying, " I have come unto thee,
0 Un-nefer, and I have brought the Osiris Ani unto thee. His heart hath been found
righteous and it hath come forth from the balance; it hath not sinned against any god
or any goddess. Thoth hath weighed it according to the decree uttered unto him by the
company of the gods; and it is very true and right. Grant unto him cakes and ale; and
let him enter into thy presence ; and may he be like unto the followers of Horus for
ever! " After this address Ani, kneeling by the side of tables of offerings of fruit,
flowers, etc., which he has brought unto Osiris, says, " 0 Lord of Amentet, I am in thy
presence. There is no sin in me, I have not lied wittingly, nor have I done
aught with a false heart. Grant that I may be like unto those favoured ones who

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Figure 3.17. Osiris seated in judgment placed on the top of a flight of nine steps,
on which stand the nine gods of his Company. He is holding a sceptre and an
ankh. The pig in the boat represents Set or satan. In the right-hand corner stands
Anubis. From a sarcophagus in the Louvre. Source: Budge, Egyptian Religion, p.

round about thee, and that I may be an Osiris greatly favoured of the beautiful god and
beloved of the Lord of the world, [I], the royal scribe of Maat, who loveth him, Ani,
triumphant before Osiris."'
Thus we come to the end of the scene of the weighing of
the heart.
The man who has passed safely through this ordeal has now to meet the gods of the
underworld, and the Book of the Dead provides the words which "the heart which
is righteous and sinless" shall say unto them. One of the fullest and most correct
texts of "the speech of the deceased when he cometh forth true of voice from the Hall
of the Maati goddesses" is found in the Papyrus of Nu ; in it the deceased says:
Homage Homage to you, 0 ye gods who dwell in the Hall of the Maati goddesses, I,
even I, know you, and I know your names. Let me not fall under your knives of
slaughter, and bring ye not forward my wickedness unto the god in whose train ye are ;
and let not evil hap come upon me by your means. 0 declare ye me true of voice in the
presence of Neb-er-tcher, because I have done that which is right and true in Ta-mera
(i.e., Egypt). I have not cursed God, therefore let not evil hap come upon me through
the King who dwelleth in his day.

Or "true of voice in respect of Osiris;" i.e., Ani makes his petition, and Osiris is to hear and answer because he
has uttered the right words in the right manner, and in the right tone of voice.
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Figure 3.18. A modern history textbook depiction of the
weighing of the heart ceremony, or the Last Judgment.
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"Homage to you, O ye gods, who dwell in the Hall of the Maati goddesses, who are
without evil in your bodies, and who live upon right and truth, and who feed
yourselves upon right and truth in the presence of the god Horus, who dwelleth in his
divine Disk ; deliver ye me from the god Baba
who feedeth upon the entrails of the
mighty ones upon the day of the great reckoning. O grant ye that I may come to you,
for I have not committed faults, I have not sinned, I have not done evil, I have not
borne false witness ; therefore let nothing [evil] be done unto me. I live upon right and
truth, and I feed upon right and truth. I have performed the commandments of men
[as well as] the things whereat are gratified the gods ; I have made God to be at
peace [with me by doing] that which is his will. I have given bread to the
hungry man, and water to the thirsty man, and apparel to the naked man, and a boat
to the [shipwrecked] mariner. I have made holy offerings to the gods, and sepulchral
meals to the beatified dead. Be ye then my deliverers, be ye then my protectors, and
make ye not accusation against me in the presence of [Osiris]. I am clean of mouth and
clean of hands ; therefore let it be said unto me by those who shall behold me, 'Come in
peace, come in peace.' I have heard the mighty word which the spiritual bodies spake
unto the Cat
in the house of Hapt-re. I have testified in the presence of Hra-fha-f, and
he hath given [his] decision. I have seen the things over which the Persea tree
spreadeth within Re-stau. I am he who hath offered up prayers to the gods and who
knoweth their persons. I have come, and I have advanced to make the declaration of
right and truth, and to set the Balance upon what supporteth it in the region of Aukert.
Hail, thou who art exalted upon thy standard (i.e., Osiris), thou lord of the ` Atefu '
crown whose name is proclaimed as Lord of the winds, deliver thou me from thy
divine messengers who cause dire deeds to happen, and who cause calamities to come
into being, and who are without coverings for their faces, for I have done that
which is right and true for the Lord of right and truth. I have purified myself
and my breast with libations, and my hinder parts with the things which make clean,
and my inward parts have been [immersed] in the Pool of Right and Truth. There is
no single member of mine which lacketh right and truth. I have been
purified in the Pool of the South, and I have rested in the City of the North, which is in
the Field of the Grasshoppers, wherein the divine sailors of Ra bathe at the second
hour of the night and at the third hour of the day ; and the hearts of the gods are
gratified after they have passed through it, whether it be by night, or whether it be by
day. And I would that they should say unto me, 'Come forward,' and 'Who art thou ?'
and 'What is thy name?' These are the words which I would have the gods say unto
me. [Then would I reply] 'My name is He who is provided with flowers, and Dweller in
his olive tree.' Then let them say unto me straightway, 'Pass on,' and I would pass on
to the city to the North of the Olive tree. 'What then wilt thou see there ?'[say they.
And I say] 'The Leg and the Thigh.' 'What wouldst thou say unto them?' [say they.]
'Let me see rejoicings in the land of the Fenkhu' [I reply]. 'What will they give thee ?
[say they]. A fiery flame and a crystal tablet [I reply]. What wilt thou do therewith?

The firstborn son of Osiris.
i.e., Ra as the slayer of the serpent of darkness, the head of which he cuts off with a knife. The usual reading is
"which the Ass spake to the Cat;" the Ass being Osiris and the Cat Ra.
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[say they]. Bury them by the furrow of Maat as Things for the night [I reply]. 'What
wilt thou find by the furrow of Maat ?' [say they]. A sceptre of flint called Giver of Air'
[I reply]. 'What wilt thou do with the fiery flame and the crystal tablet after thou hast
buried them ?' [say they]. ` I will recite words over them in the furrow. I will
extinguish the fire, and I will break the tablet, and I will make a pool of water' [I
reply]. Then let the gods say unto me, 'Come and enter in through the door of this Hall
of the Maati goddesses, for thou knowest us."'
After these remarkable prayers follows a dialogue between each
part of the Hall of Maati and the deceased, which reads as follows:

Door bolts. "We will not let thee enter in through us unless thou tellest our
Deceased. "Tongue of the place of Right and Truth ' is your name."
Right post. "I will not let thee enter in by me unless thou tellest my name."
Deceased. "`Scale of the lifter up of right and truth ' is thy name."
Left post. "I will not let thee enter in by me unless thou tellest my name."
Deceased. "`Scale of wine' is thy name."
Threshold. "I will not let thee pass over me unless thou tellest my name."
Deceased. "`Ox of the god Seb ' is thy name."
Hasp. "I will not open unto thee unless thou tellest my name."
Deceased. "`Lea-bone of his mother' is thy name." Socket-hole. " I will not
open unto thee unless thou tellest my name."
Deceased. "`Living Eye of Sebek, the lord of Bakhau,' is thy name."
Porter. "I will not open unto thee unless thou tellest my name."
Deceased. "`Elbow of the god Shu when he placeth himself to protect Osiris' is
thy name."
Side posts. "We will not let thee pass in by us, unless thou tellest our names."
Deceased. "`Children of the uraei-goddesses' is your name."
"Thou knowest us; pass on, therefore, by us" [say these].
Floor. "I will not let thee tread upon me, because I am silent and I am holy,
and because I do not know the names of thy feet wherewith thou wouldst walk
upon me; therefore tell them to me."
Deceased. "`Traveller of the god Khas' is the name of my right foot, and 'Staff
of the goddess Hathor' is the name of my left foot."
"Thou knowest me ; pass on, therefore, over me " [it saith].
Doorkeeper. "I will not take in thy name unless thou tellest my name."
Deceased. "`Discerner of hearts and searcher of the reins' is thy name."
Doorkeeper. "Who is the god that dwelleth in his hour? Utter his name."
Deceased. "`Maau-Taui' is his name." Doorkeeper. "And who is Maau-Taui ?"
Deceased. "He is Thoth."
Thoth. "Come ! But why hast thou come?"
Deceased. "I have come and I press forward that my name may be
Thoth. "In what state art thou ?"
Deceased. "I am purified from evil things, and I am protected from the baleful
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deeds of those who live in their days; and I am not of them."
Thoth. "Now will I make mention of thy name [to the god]. And who is he
whose roof is of fire, whose walls are living uraei, and the floor of whose house
is a stream of water ? Who is he, I say?"
Deceased. "It is Osiris."
Thoth. "Come forward, then ; verily, mention of thy name shall be made unto
him. Thy cakes [shall come] from the Eye of Ra ; and thine ale [shall come]
from the Eye of Ra ; and thy sepulchral meals upon earth [shall come] from
the Eye of Ra."

With these words Chapter CXXV comes to an end. We have seen how the
deceased has passed through the ordeal of the judgment, and how the scribes
provided him with hymns and prayers, and with the words of a confession with a view
of facilitating his passage through the dread Hall of the Maati goddesses.
Unfortunately the answer which the god Osiris may be supposed to have made to his
son Horus in respect of the deceased is not recorded, but there is no doubt that the
Egyptian assumed that it would be favourable to him, and that permission would be
accorded him to enter into each and every portion of the underworld, and to partake
of all the delights which the beatified enjoyed under the rule of Ra and Osiris.

The Millennial Rule of Christ and His Saints
At the end of the millennial reign of Christ, four great events occur:
First, Satan is released out of his prison (Revelation 20: 7) and sets out to deceive the
nations yet again. Once again, for 100 years, the way of life known as the knowledge of
good and evil (planet Mercury), prevails alongside the Tree of Life (planet Venus),
which is perfect obedience to the Ten Commandments, on the Earth. This is the
recreation of the spiritual conditions found in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve
were told: "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall die."
(Genesis 2: 16-17, RSV) However, this time the Holy spirit is available to all peoples on
the planet!
Second, Satan has some success, because he is able to rouse Gog and Magog, and stir
them to attack the Holy City of Jerusalem. However, their mass armies are completely
destroyed supernaturally, and Satan is thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone
"where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night
for ever and ever." (Revelation 20: 10) There is little doubt that the Dead Sea will
become the lake of fire and brimstone. Ezekiel tells the story of this great tragic event:
The word of the LORD came to me: "Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of
the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy
against him and say, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against you, O

Budge, Egyptian Religion, pp. 160-182.
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Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal; and I will turn you about, and put
hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth, and all your army, horses and
horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great company, all of them with
buckler and shield, wielding swords; Persia, Cush, and Put are with them, all
of them with shield and helmet; Gomer and all his hordes; Beth-togar'mah
from the uttermost parts of the north with all his hordes -- many peoples are
with you. "Be ready and keep ready, you and all the hosts that are assembled
about you, and be a guard for them. After many days you will be mustered; in
the latter years you will go against the land that is restored from war, the land
where people were gathered from many nations upon the mountains of Israel,
which had been a continual waste; its people were brought out from the
nations and now dwell securely, all of them. You will advance, coming
on like a storm, you will be like a cloud covering the land you and all your
hordes, and many peoples with you. "Thus says the Lord GOD: On that day
thoughts will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil scheme and say,
`I will go up against the land of unwalled villages; I will fall upon the quiet
people who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having no
bars or gates'; to seize spoil and carry off plunder; to assail the waste places
which are now inhabited, and the people who were gathered from the nations,
who have gotten cattle and goods, who dwell at the center of the earth.
Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all its villages will say to
you, `Have you come to seize spoil? Have you assembled your hosts to carry
off plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to
seize great spoil?' "Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say to Gog, Thus says
the Lord GOD: On that day when my people Israel are dwelling securely, you
will bestir yourself and come from your place out of the uttermost parts of the
north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great
host, a mighty army; you will come up against my people Israel, like a cloud
covering the land. In the latter days I will bring you against my land, that the
nations may know me, when through you, O Gog, I vindicate my holiness
before their eyes. "Thus says the Lord GOD: Are you he of whom I spoke in
former days by my servants the prophets of Israel, who in those days
prophesied for years that I would bring you against them? But on that day,
when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, says the Lord GOD, my wrath
will be roused. For in my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On
that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel; the fish of the sea,
and the birds of the air, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that
creep on the ground, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall
quake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the
cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. I will summon every
kind of terror against Gog, says the Lord GOD; every man's sword will be
against his brother. With pestilence and bloodshed I will enter into judgment
with him; and I will rain upon him and his hordes and the many peoples that
are with him, torrential rains and hailstones, fire and brimstone. So I will
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show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the
eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the
LORD.(Ezekiel 38: 1-23 RSV, emphasis added)
Third, there occurs a most magnificent and supernaturally powerful event: the
resurrection of all the dead who were not part of the first resurrection (Revelation 20:
5), and generally known as the Second Resurrection (or the General Resurrection of
the Dead). Thereafter follows a great period of 100 years, symbolised by the Last Great
Day in the Sacred Calendar, and well described by the prophet Isaiah:
"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth [6]; and the former things
shall not be remembered or come into mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in
that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a
joy. I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and be glad in my people; no more shall be
heard in it the sound of weeping, and the cry of distress. No more shall there be
in it an infant that lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his
days, for the child shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred
years old shall be accursed. They shall build houses and inhabit them, they
shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another
inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall
the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their
hands. They shall not labour in vain, or bear children for calamity; for they
shall be offspring of the blessed of the Lord, and their children with them.
Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. The wolf
and the lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox; and dust
shall be the serpent's food. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy
mountain, says the Lord." (Isaiah 65: 17-25, RSV.)
A most important warning is required here, and concerns what is known as the
"unpardonable" sin. The Scriptures clearly indicate that at the end of the thousand
years of the millennial rule of Christ, the " rest of the dead" are resurrected to life,
because while they lived they probably never heard of Jesus Christ or the Messiah; or
perhaps they were taught by false shepherds who, as to this day, taught them all sorts
of rubbish about salvation, for example, that the Law has been abolished, and the like.
And they probably colluded with this teaching because they never bothered, through
laziness perhaps, to prove whether what was being taught was the truth. Whatever the
reason, these people will hear of the absolute place of the Ten Commandments ("For
truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from
the law until all is accomplished" Matthew 5: 8.), the New Moon Festivals, and the
Plan of Salvation for the first time, during this 100-year period. Others of them will
hear the full truth, and not a mixture of truth and baloney, for the first time in their
lives. Both groups, in effect, are given a second chance. But there will be a third group
who will make a most serious error with their lives. Knowing about the second
resurrection in their first life, and knowing the full demands of salvation then, many
people will mistakenly think that they can continue on now leading sinful lives, and do
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their repenting during the 100-year period after the second resurrection. Knowing the
truth and deliberately not repenting now, is unpardonable after the second
resurrection. In other words, if you know the truth now, today is the day of
salvation for you, and not during the 100-year period after the second resurrection.
Fourth, at the end of the 100-year period is the Great White Throne Judgment of the
living and the dead:
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face
the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And
I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened:
and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were
judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their
works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell
delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man
according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This
is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life
was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20: 11-15, emphasis added)
The Great White Throne Judgment will be the place of the final judgment of the living
and the dead. The White Throne comes from the White Crown of Upper Egypt, which
stands as symbol for the Birthright Holy Spirit, and the fact that we have been born
again, and have climbed Jacob's Ladder out of the Pit (or Abyss) where we had been
cast at the Fall, and have risen to the level of the Bridal Chamber, the place of the
Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
God Becomes All In All
The prophetic Plan of Salvation is complete when the deadly fracture in the angelic
realm is finally healed by the power of the Father, and He Himself becomes " all in
"The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no
resurrection, and asked him, Saying, 'Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no
children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.'
Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a
wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
And last of all the woman died also.
Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor
the power of God.
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For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as
the angels of God in heaven. But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye
not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of
Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the
dead, but of the living.
And when the multitude heard [this], they were astonished at his doctrine."
(Matthew 22: 23 -33, KJV, emphasis added. Also see Mark 12: 25; and Luke 20:
This is the end point of the Law, and not one second before: "For assuredly, I say to
you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from
the law until all is fulfilled." (Matthew 5: 18) For the whole goodness of God is now "all
in all." "Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also
be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all." (1
Corinthians 15: 28, emphasis added) At this point heaven and earth will indeed pass
away, there is no sun or moon, day or night, and the new creation is called the
"heavenly Jerusalem." "It [The Plan is Salvation] is done! I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the beginning and the end." (Revelation 21: 6, RSV)
A Deadly Serious Case Study in Repentance

Now a want to finish this chapter by showing you that you have been taught smooth
things, outright lies, by your so-called religious tutors, when it comes to the vital
subjects of repentance and salvation. First, I will use the diagram (Figure 3.19) on the
next page to point out that repentance means that we must make a river crossing,
paying the ferryman, as we sail across the River of Life, from the Death Side in
the West, to the Eternal Life side in the East, as represented on Earth by the land of
Egypt. Secondly I will use a case study to show what needs to be done to genuinely
repent from the sins of divorce and remarriage, which in nearly all cases today, break
the Seventh Commandment. These are gross sins against God and your true Covenant
spouse, and most modern people have no idea at all about the truth concerning these
serious matters.

Repentance to God and to the other human beings we have injured in this life is
changing from the left-hand way, (in the left column in Figure 3.19 below) and then
making a river crossing, over the river of life, to the right-hand path (the right-hand
column above). All those sins of the left-hand have to give way to all those qualities of
life and righteousness, in the right-hand column. Crossing a river in the sacred texts
always symbolizes having a change of attitude to God, to ourselves, and to other
people, and to life in general, including genuinely coming out of this world.

At this point it is most important to realise that God is no respecter of persons.
This means that the modern lies about coming to Him as you are, and that you dont
have to be perfect to be accepted by Him, and other deceptive teachings, are all lies of
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the first order. So is the lie that the Ten Commandments have been done away with. To
make this very clear to you, understand well what God did to His own son, as
recorded in the Essay The Fall, in our book The Beguiled and the

Figure 3.19. In the ancient world there existed the idea of the ferry man, whose sacred duty was to
ferry across the river (or celestial waters) all repentant human beings, from the West to the East. The
fee, as in pay the ferry man, can be found in the schedule of fees, which is Table 2 (in Appendix C) of
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our free book, The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation.
The ferry man is the Moon!
Conversely the ferry man also had to make a return journey back to the Western bank again, and that
journey is symbolic what happens to sinners from day 16 through the to Dark Moon at the time of the
lunar conjunction each month. Thus the journey on this ship of life was from Canopus to Sirius on the
Northward voyage, or from Sirius to Canopus, on the Southern return journey. It is interesting to note
that Satanists consider Sirius to be their Black Sun! By the way, this journey is a 36-stage one.

Doctrine of the Two Spirits. And no, I am not referring to what happened to the
Messiah on Calvary, but what God did to His other son, who is generally known
as Lucifer or satan.

If He has done this to His own son, for the sake of pure righteousness, you can be sure
that He will also do that to you and your family, lest you all repent from all sin and
become converted by the Birthright Holy Spirit (i.e. through the genuine keeping of
the New Moon Festivals).

So, Ill finish this chapter by telling you straight, the following hard facts of
repentance that this subject of marriage and divorce desperately requires, for it
really is true what Christ told us at Luke 13: 3: I tell you, nay: but, except ye amend
your lives, ye shall all likewise perish:

But before you start into this difficult topic, you must understand that God views all
sin as equally serious. All wisdom literature and all Scripture shows that God pulls no
punches when it comes to sin, declaring it to include three aspects: thoughts, words,
and actions: For from within, out of mens hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual
immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander,
arrogance and folly. (Mark 7: 21-23) In other words, all sin is equally serious in Gods
eyes. Many people have a very limited understanding of sin, considering it to include
only sins like murder, adultery, and robbery, but Gods commands make it clear this is
a very serious error. In fact, He commands us to forsake the world and live the life He
proclaims will lead to happiness and fulfilment. This includes keeping all His Holy
Days, which includes the very key to the being born-again, which is the keeping of
the monthly New Moons.

With those provisos clearly understood, lets see what amending your life
really means, primarily in respect to the sins of fornication (which includes
all sexual sin, including homosexuality and sexual immorality, such as pornography)
and adultery, but also referencing other trangressions that are not known
about, and therefore always overlooked:

The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, is freely available here:
For an understanding of the 36-stage journey, see the following: Appendix H: Venus Ascends To The Sun in
36-Day Steps, in our book The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored! which is here:
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You must repent from the heart, to your Covenant husband or
wife, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and to
God, for all the strife and trouble you have caused them in their
lives. Undoubtedly your so-called ex-spouse will also have caused you
significant trouble too, because it really does take two to tango.

The first step of repentance requires that there be a drastic change of mind
(i.e. a river crossing of sorts). For this to bear fruit, you must admit that you
are a sinner, and begin a genuine willingness to forsake the adulterous
relationship(s), and completely change the direction of your life. You actually
have to do deeds of repentance, and God will always challenge you to prove
your repentance by your deeds. The key point here is that God will not
forgive any sin that you are not willing to forsake. The trust we need to have
is that little children show towards loving parents: Verily I say unto you,
Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into
the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18: 3)

The second step of repentance requires that you get out of the sinful
sexual relationship you are living in just as soon as you can, before
nightfall on the day you read this, would be the best time, because if
something happens to you, and you are taken before you leave, then you are
liable for the most serious shock of your life at the Great White Throne

The third step is to make contact again with your only true spouse, and the
children you have injured, no matter where they may be, or how long ago the
breakdown occurred, and teach them what you have learned about the true
status of your life situation (for you are responsible for them as well, you
know!). For a process that is known to work, see Section 7, How To Restore
Broken Family Relationships, of our book How Families Flourish. I know
this is a highly simplistic treatment of the whole problem, but it does contain
the gist of the broad painful steps that must be taken, no matter how
difficult this turns out to be.

After you have done step one, two, and three above, the fourth step of
repentance requires also that you must become baptised in water,
that you must clearly understand that if you back-slide and return to your
old sinful ways, you then invoke the Unpardonable Sin against you. Jesus
spoke of this sin here: And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his
hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:
62) In the Old Testament it was Lots own wife who was turned into a pillar

The Great White Throne Judgment is explained in our book Where Are We Now in Prophecy? which is
available here:
See our free book, Preparation for Baptism, here:
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of salt for looking back! To understand what Im saying here about baptism,
see our book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, which
is available here:

The relevant section is Section 22, Have You Committed the Unpardonable

The Book of Ezekiel also teaches the same doctrine about the Unpardonable

For when a righteous man turneth away from his
righteousness and commiteth iniquity, he shall even die for
the same, he shall even die for his iniquity that he hath
done. Again, when the wicked turneth away from his wickedness that
he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall
save his soul alive. Because he considereth, and turneth away
from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall
surely live, and shall not die. (Ezekial 18:26-28, Geneva Bible)

Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, everyone according to his
ways, saith the Lord God: return therefore, and cause others to turn
away from all your transgressions: so iniquity shall not be your
destruction. (Ezekiel 18:30, Geneva Bible)

NOTE: While this article focuses on marriage and divorce, and the penalties
for breaking Gods Law in these vital areas, the truth is that the same
penalties revealed herein also apply to the breaking of any of the other Laws
of God as well. That includes all the sins on the death side of life, which are
listed in Table 1 (Figure 3.21) at the end of this section (under the heading
Sin-Controlled Living). The Table does not cover all of the sins
legislated against by the Ten Commandments:

The First Commandment: I [am] the LORD thy God, which have
brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20: 2-3, KJV)

The Second Commandment: Thou shalt not make unto thee any
graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above,
or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the
earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I
the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the
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fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of
them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that
love me, and keep my commandments. (Exodus 20: 4-6, KJV)

The Third Commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the
LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that
taketh his name in vain. (Exodus 20: 7, KJV)

The Fourth Commandment: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep
it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh
day [is] the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any
work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy
maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates:
For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that
in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed
the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. (Exodus 20: 8-11, KJV)

The Fifth Commandment: Honour thy father and thy mother: that
thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee. (Exodus 20:12, KJV)

The Sixth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13,

The Seventh Commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
(Exodus 20: 14)

The Eighth Commandment: Thou shalt not steal. (Exodus 20:15,

The Ninth Commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbour. (Exodus 20:16, KJV)

The Tenth Commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's
house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant,
nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy
neighbour's. (Exodus 20:17, KJV)

Especially note that disobeying and dishonouring a righteous
parent (as opposed to an evil parent) is against Gods Law, and if trespassed
against, will bring the same punishments mentioned in this article.

There are a host of laws that have been disobeyed, and these are covered in
the statutes and the judgments of the Old Testament. One particularly just
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law concerns providing for the poor in the land. God commands all of
us to lay aside provision for the poor in the land, and if we disobey this
command, we are guilty of stealing from them, thus breaking the
Eighth Commandment.

It is important that all farmers clearly understand that they have a Divine
command to obey, concerning the poor and the stranger in the land. Seeing
that all bounty and blessings come from God, principally through the
farming of both the land and the sea, it is important that even the stranger in
the land, and the poor, participate in these great blessings. In fact it is a
truism to say that if the various Godless Kings and Queens of England had
obeyed these Divine Laws, as they were commanded to, then there would not
have been the mass transportation of so-called criminals to places like North
America and Australia, for "offences" such as stealing a loaf of bread! If
God's Law on the subject of feeding the poor and the stranger (e.g. Leviticus
19: 9-10; and Leviticus 23: 22) had been kept, there would never have been
the massive scale of petty theft in England, Scotland, and Ireland, that led to
the convict settlement of places like Australia. For more information on this,
see our article Attitude to the Land.

I also suggest that you have a thorough understanding of the 42 sins covered
in the section headed The Judgment Hall of Maat above. This will give you
a very comprehensive codification of the Ten Commandments, one that
modern people are generally ignorant about.

Repentance also requires that you die to your old sinful self, for water
baptism signifies that we bury our old self, and rise and begin
being born-again. It also signifies that Gods Birthright Holy Spirit
comes to dwell in you, and actually does the work of cleansing you, over a
minimum period of 24 years. Jesus made it quite clear that the first stage
of entering the Kingdom of God (i.e. of receiving eternal life) was repentance
towards both God and man, and then becoming baptised of water:

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be
born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God." (John 3: 5)

In other words, if we refuse to repent and become baptised, we never gain
access to the saving and healing power of the Birthright Holy Spirit. Genuine
repentance and conversion means that we should develop the same heart
which was in King David, and that there never be any back-sliding: With
my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy
commandments. (Psalm 119: 10, KJV) When we do that we are known as
overcomers, and have a right to wear the Atef Crown of life, along with
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King David and the rest of the Elect (see Revelations 2: 10 and 3: 11).

When I talk about repentance, baptism and the keeping of the New Moon
Festivals, we have to understand that I am talking about a resurrection
from the dead while we are still living. This is always a reference to
the fact that we are as good as dead when we wilfully disobey God and live
our lives according to our own selfish ways, which are always described as
darkness, death, and being asleep. We Fremen have a sayingGod
created Arrakis (the Earth) to train the Faithful. One cannot go against the
Word of God (and live) (Dune) The classic statement of Jesus about
this almost universal state of deadness is found in Matthew 8: 22: But Jesus
said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. Ephesians 5: 14
counsels us to literally wake up from our comatose state, repent, become
baptised, and start to finally to claim for ourselves what life is really all
about: Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the
dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Again we see the same meaning
in 2 Corinthians 1: 9: But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we
should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead. Romans 6:
13 is similar: Neither yield ye your members [as] instruments of
unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are
alive from the dead, and your members [as] instruments of righteousness
unto God.

In other words we must begin to make a river crossing from the Land of the
Dead, which is sin-controlled living, to the Land of the Living, which is
spirit-controlled living, as shown in Table 1 and 2 at the end of this section.
If we display any of the qualities in Table 1, we will die the death
that leads to something truly awful. Only those qualities of Table 2
will qualify us for eternal life. The only way this cleansing can be achieved
is through the faithful keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals, and
engaging in the difficult task of doing spiritual work on ourselves. It is most
important that everyone who begins keeping the New Moons Festivals must
keep them as non-working days, as they are on a par with the Saturday
Sabbath, which is also a day in which we are commanded to rest from all
The New Moon Festivals are introduced in our book The New Moon

The Book of Jasher (Chapter LXXX: 2), one of the so-called Lost Books of the Bible, reveals that, during the
negotiations and struggles with the Pharaoh, prior to the last plague, and the flight from Egypt at the time of the
Exodus, Moses approaches the Pharaoh, removes the royal crown from his head, and puts it on his own head!
This royal crown is the Atef Crown! From the Book of Jasher, published by Artisan Publishers, Muskogee,
Oklahoma, 1997 reprint of the 1840 translation. ISBN 0-934666-25-3, p. 234.
"Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six
working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened. And the
prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without, and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the
priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate:
then he shall go forth; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening. Likewise the people of the land shall
worship at the door of this gate before the LORD in the sabbaths and in the new moons. And the burnt offering
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Festivals: the First Works of Salvation. The first works are mentioned
in Revelation 2: 5. We are also required to shun the worlds systems of
religion, and way of life, and to begin keeping Gods Holy Days, including the
weekly Saturday Sabbath. See our book The Sacred Calendar of the
MessiahRestored! You will find all the information you need freely
available on our Website under the link Core eBooks in the left-hand

In striving to be born again, or converted, we need to keep in mind that our
Eternal Father will be with us always, provided we keep on course:

For I [am] with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end
of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of
thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee
altogether unpunished. (Jeremiah 30: 11)

Now you have heard it said that no amount of commandment keeping will
save you, and that is the truth:

Truly, all our righteous acts are as filthy rags, so God granted us the
gift of righteousness, and hath clothed me with the robe of
righteousness. (Revelation 19: 8; Romans 5: 17; Isaiah 61: 10, 64: 6)

Many people are deceived into believing that performing a whole host of

that the prince shall offer unto the LORD in the sabbath day shall be six lambs without blemish, and a ram
without blemish. And the meat offering shall be an ephah for a ram, and the meat offering for the lambs as he
shall be able to give, and an hin of oil to an ephah. And in the day of the new moon it shall be a young bullock
without blemish, and six lambs, and a ram: they shall be without blemish. (Ezekiel 46: 1-6, KJV)
The Holy Anointing Oil that must be used for Baptism as described in Exodus 30: 23 contains six pounds of
cannabis (i.e. marijuana), and is therefore rendered illegal to use by the satanic government systems all around
the world, as you would have to expect. In actual fact the term calamus as used in the earliest Greek text of the
Old Testament, called the Septuagint, is a mistranslationundoubtedly a deliberate one at thatand the correct
Hebrew term for calamus is Kaneh Bosem. In the course of time the two words kaneh bosem were fused into
one, kanabos, or kannabus, from which we get cannabis. In fact Websters New World Hebrew Dictionary tells
us that the Hebrew for hemp is kanabos. (p. 607) The taking of the sacred name Nazarene is thus dependent
upon a person being baptised with the proper Nazer or anointing oil. The Gospel of Philip makes it very clear
that to receive the Birthright Holy Spirit, and to be purified via the monthly New Moon Festivals, requires that
we be baptised with this special oil, and not some modern alternative that uses olive oil (as in the case of the
invalid infant baptism in the Catholic Church) or any other concoction. For more in-depth information on this
important topic, consult chapter 24, The Power of a Thumping Big Lie, of our free book The God Messiah
The stretching of the cord ceremony is the subject of chapter 18, Jacobs Ladder on the Ground: The Ancient
Nation of Egypt, of our book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, available here:
For more information see the text box The Vacant Seat Number 666 in the European Parliament, in the
Introduction of our free book What The Study Of History Should Have Been, available here:
Even if our true spouse has died, we still commit adultery by being married to a man or woman whose true
spouse still lives!
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religious activities will somehow make them right with God. They may make
many sacrifices, make long prayers, attend many religious ceremonies in
their local church, give great offerings, do extensive Bible study, sacrifices of
time and effort (e.g. in doing community service), or anything else, but not
one of these good deeds can cancel out sin. Taking part in these activities
may make you feel good, but they cannot make you good.

Certainly many of these activities are good in themselves, such as prayer and
Bible study, because God tells us to do these things. But do not dare make
them a substitute for changing your character! The only thing that can
change our sinful nature is through the converting process of the Birthright
Holy Spirit during the New Moon Festivals each month, as we strive, with all
our might, to win the battle against sin and temptation.

Summary of this important step:

We are to baptized under water, anytime after reaching our 30th year,
which symbolises the burial of our old selves. We arise out of the water
signifying the beginning of the re-birth-to-new-life process, and are anointed
with genuine Holy Anointing Oil, as prescribed by Exodus 30: 23, and not
the false mixture used for decades now.
We believe that the ancient
Egyptian stretching of the cord ceremony,
properly understood, should
also be restored in our baptismal ceremonies! This 36 degree journey out
of the Abyss to the Elect star Sirius, which the cord represents, is also
expressed as the number of a man (Revelation 13: 18) which, contrary to
what most people believe about this number, is 666 (Revelation). The
number 666 is arrived at by adding all the numbers between 1
and 36 together! Unfortunately most people do not understand that Satan
and his human followers have taken on the things of God, inverted and
corrupted them, and claimed them as their own. This is how the number 666
has been erroneously designated as Satan's number. It is also why seat
number 666 in the European Parliament has never been taken, as it is sitting
there awaiting for the Antichrist to claim it, and this will happen later this
year (2012) I believe.

As well we should receive our coat of many colours after this, because from
the instant of our baptism and anointing we are saved (provided that our
baptism has been valid, and there has not been the existence of known secret
sin at the moment of baptism, e.g. we are married to an illicit partner still,
and have not returned to our true spouse.

Absolutely we have to put away foreign husbands and wives, as soon as we
possibly can, and return to the husband or wife of our youth (i.e. our
Covenant spouses). Of course if they are no longer living, then this
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legislation doesnt apply. But it does apply if we have married someone else
whose spouse is still living! If we refuse to forgive them, and go back to them
/ or have them back, then this scripture will be invoked against us at
judgment day: For if you forgive men their trespasses [this includes the
husband or wife you have divorced], your heavenly Father also will forgive
you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will
your heavenly Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6: 14-15,
RSV.) The wages of your sinful life will be paid in full, according to the full
Wrath of the Eternal God, as outlined in point 8 below.

If our sin of fornication and adultery has resulted in us having bastard
children in illegal
subsequent marriages, then we are duty-bound to
find out the only way God will remove that curse from these
innocent children, and teach this knowledge to them (including their
children as well). The vital information you need here can be found in our
free book How Families Flourish. The most relevant sections are in Section
3, The Shocking Suppressed Truth About Love, Sex and Marriage. Pay
particular attention to the sections headed with the following:

DEFINITIVE TRUTH #1: Here Are The Dictates Of The Sacred
Law Concerning Love, Sex And Marriage;

DEFINITIVE TRUTH #2: The Uncompromising Law of the
Bastard Curse; and

DEFINITIVE TRUTH #3: The Suppressed Truth About Water
Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures.

Section 4, What Does This Mean For The True Church? is also very
important. Pay particular attention to the section My Familys Sexual Sins:
What Is To Be Done Henceforth?

Everyone on the planet has to understand the suppressed truth about
the minimum age of baptism, or the age at which we are allowed to
approach God. Gods Law in this respect is always designed to unify and
strengthen families, including our extended families, as told in the
following book:
The Suppressed Truth About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the

When I say illegal here, I mean that they are illegal in the eyes of God.
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The simple fact is that most of us, deceived (through illegal infant baptism)
into thinking we have been baptised, have never had access to Gods
redeeming Birthright Holy Spirit at any time!

Have you ever wondered how an Elijah of the End of Days would
actually turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of
the children to the fathers, as found in the prophecy at Malachi 4: 5-6?

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the
great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the
fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest
I come and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4: 5-6, KJV)

Well a thorough understanding of the above book, The Suppressed Truth
About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures, will tell you
fathers the information you need to know on how to do this with
your own children!

We must regain, or learn for the first time, a true appreciation of
what sin is, and how temptation is meant to be handled, and as
Joel the prophet counsels us: Tell ye your children of it, and [let] your
children [tell] their children, and their children another generation. (Joel
1: 3) The following book is the best I have seen on the topic, and is quite
suitable for children:

The Purpose of Temptation, by Bob Mumford, available here:

We must spend the rest of our lives fighting the good fight
against all the powers of darkness that control this world. We must
not be distracted in this task by the cares of the world (Mark 4: 19). And we
must undertake this task as if it is the most important thing in the world,
because it is!

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence
only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2: 12)

Finally, always remember that we are to become what Ephesians 4: 13 so
well expresses:

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature
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of the fulness of Christ. (Ephesians 4: 13)

Stages of Spiritual Growth

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:
for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them],
because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2: 14)

James Allen, writing in his excellent little book, Above Life's Turmoil, taught
that there are three stages to spiritual growth:

Stage 1: The soul, in its journey towards perfection, passes through three
distinct stages.[
] The first is the animal stage, in which the man is
content to live, in the gratification of his senses, unawakened to the
knowledge of sin, or of his divine inheritance, and altogether unconscious of
the spiritual possibilities within himself.

Stage 2: The second is the dual stage, in which the mind is continually
oscillating between its animal and divine tendencies having become
awakened to the consciousness of both. It is during this stage that
temptation plays its part in the progress of the soul. It is a stage of
continual fighting, of falling and rising, of sinning and repenting, for the
man, still loving, and reluctant to leave the gratification in which he has so
long lived, yet also aspires to the purity and excellence of the spiritual state,
and he is continually mortified by an undecided choice.

Stage 3: In this stage the wise seeker after the heavenly crowns (the
Birthright and Sceptre Crowns, which are the two crowns of ancient Egypt,

and the two headpieces worn by the Israelite High Priest ) knows that he has
been brought to a river-crossing of sorts, and this always denotes a change of
attitude. All the turmoil, suffering, and tears of Stage 2 give way to two
essential qualities: first, we become sorrowful, for we start to truly
realize what monsters we have been, and this new awareness begins
the softening of the hardened heart. Secondly, this sorrow, if it is of God,
leads to genuine repentance.

There are four actually, because James Allen had no knowledge of the Birthright Holy Spirit, and the function
of the Moon relative to the New Moon Festivals, as well as the spread of evil over the hearts and minds of men.
Allen, James, Above Life's Turmoil, Axiom Publishing, Stepney, South Australia, 2003, p. 33.
Allen, James, Above Life's Turmoil, p. 33.
The Pharaoh wore two crowns on his head: a red straw hat for Northern Egypt (representing the Sceptre
Promises), and a white wool cap (representing the Birthright Promises), for Southern Egypt. Livio Catullo
Stecchini, in Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, New York, 1978, p. 293.
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We dont suddenly become born-again as many people foolishly
teach. Rather it is a slow gradual process, and is finely tuned to the New
Moon Festivals, a vital monthly religious festival which most people on this
planet are totally ignorant. You can read about the process in The New Moon
Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, available here

Figure 3.20. The four possible pathways of human life. Pathway 1 is that of the Celestial
Cow or Birthright Holy Spirit, following baptism and repentance. This is also known as
Jacobs Ladder, and leads to the Queens Chamber. Pathway 2 is that of the Sceptre Holy
Spirit, and leads, through the Grand Gallery, or Hall of the Orbit, to the Kings Chamber.
Pathway 3, the way of the hippopotamus, is the way most of the human race is following,
and leads straight to the Pit (the grave). Those people in this group will get their chance at
salvation following the Second Resurrection. Those people who commit the Unpardonable
Sin are on their way to the Westernmost part of the Pit. From here there is no possibility of

I call this Stage 4 because James Allen knows nothing about the function of the Moon, and the nature and
significance of the New Moon Festivals. He also pays lip-service to the function of repentance, and the true born-
again process.
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Stage 4: the third stage,[
] that of knowledge, in which the man
rises above both sin and temptation, and enters into peace.
Temptation, like contentment in sin, is not a lasting condition, as the
majority of people suppose; it is a passing phase, an experience through
which the soul must pass; but as to whether a man will pass through that
condition in this present life, and realize holiness and heavenly rest here and
now, will depend entirely upon the strength of his intellectual and spiritual
exertions, and upon the intensity and ardour with which he searches for
Truth. (Allen, James, Above Life's Turmoil, p. 35.)

Now if you, being guilty of the sins of adultery and fornication,
still refuse to genuinely amend your ways, as I have outlined to
you above, then it is your sure fate that you will die the death, or
as Luke 13: 3 puts it, except ye amend your lives, ye shall ...
likewise perish. It is only a matter of time before this fate
becomes your reality.

[Refresher: Every sin requires repentance and change: For from within,
out of mens hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder,
adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and
folly. (Mark 7: 21-23)]

On the day of your Last Judgment you will not be permitted to put any ifs,
buts, howevers, and other religious questions
in this vital case
concerning your life or death. The decision will be final, irrevocable,
and the sure judgment against you will come with one last terrible sting
that Im sure you have never properly considered, and your religious tutors
have never warned you about.

These religious charlatans should have taught you four vital truths, first,
that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, second, that the
wages of sin are death, third, that the wrath of God will be fully

Be acutely aware of what author Bob Mumford calls the religious question, which is based on the sorts
of questions that Eve asked the serpentnote especially the very deceptive answers given by the serpentduring
her temptation in the Garden of Eden. When we are in the midst of temptation, Gods principle will always be
questioned. This is the essence of temptation! We shall refer to this critical point in our journey through the
wilderness as the religious question. This question may take any number of forms, but it always amounts to a
doubting of Gods Word or His intentions: Hath God said ? It always seeks to dishonour God. ...The
religious question will always suggest that your own way is the easier and better way (while God's way is
difficult, hard, and could not possibly lead to the fulfilment of your dreams and ambitions). While you are in
the grip of temptation, the religious question will present itself in the form of deception, rationalization, and
excuses--and you will find that your reason and your senses are likely to be in direct opposition to God's
Word. For more details see chapter 6, The Religious Question, of Bob Mumfords great book, The Purpose of
Temptation, which is available for download from here: Also see the heading The Law
of the Four Ps in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
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deployed against you if you continue to live a sinful life:

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord: all they that
observe them, have good understanding: his praise endureth forever.
(Psalms 111: 10, Geneva Bible)

Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, and delighteth
greatly in his commandments. (Psalms 112: 1, Geneva Bible)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools
despise wisdom and knowledge. (Proverbs 1: 7, Geneva Bible)

The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom: and before
honor goeth humility. (Proverbs 15: 33, Geneva Bible)
The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, as pride and arrogancy, and
the evil way: and a mouth that speaketh lewd things I do hate.
(Proverbs 8: 13, Geneva Bible)

By mercy and truth iniquity shall be forgiven, and by the fear of the
Lord they depart from evil. (Proverbs 16: 6, Geneva Bible)

What man is he that feareth the Lord? him will he teach the way that
he shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease, and his seed
shall inherit the land. (Psalms 25: 12-13, Geneva Bible)

Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: for he is their helper, and
their shield. (Psalm 115: 11, Geneva Bible)

The fourth thing is truly terrible, and is a most severe demonstration
of the Wrath of God. But before we explore the Wrath of God in this regard,
let us be mindful of Gods heart on the matter of our future lives:

As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasurein the death of
the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye,
turn ye from you evil ways; for why will ye die? (Ezekiel 33: 11)

Now there will be one of two possibilities that you will surely face if
you refuse to repent, and both of them are contradictory. Since I have no
revelation on this topic, beyond which is written in the Scriptures, I will

Notice in Egypt that all the pyramids are built on the death side of the Nile, which is the Western side.
One of the most important and most unknown books of Sacred Scripture, which was used by the early
Church, is the Book of Enoch (also called 1 Enoch). It is still largely unknown and unappreciated in the West
because of the false prohibitions that have been placed on it by religious charlatans who deliberately suppressed
the truths that it contains. For more information on the Book of Enoch, see Chapter 5, Little Known
Information About The Book of Enoch, in our free book, The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
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show you both of them, leaving it up to you to decide what is true here.
Either one of these judgments is a terrible catastrophe, no matter which way
you look at it, as Mark 8: 36 asks: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall
gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

1. The first possibility is called the second death, and it is only found
in four places in the Scriptures, and all of them in the Book of Revelation.
Here they are:

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the
churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second
death. (Revelation 2: 11)
Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in the first resurrection: on
such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of
God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
(Revelation 20: 6)

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the
second death. (Revelation 20: 14)

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall
have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:
which is the second death. (Revelation 21: 8)

Wikipedia has the following entry under the subject of Second Death:

The majority of Christians who believe in the immortality of the soul regard
the second death to mean eternal suffering or torment in a place called
the Lake of Fire, though a minority of Christians who believe in the
immortality of the soul teach universal salvation. Mortalists, including many
Anglicans, some Lutherans, all Seventh Day Adventists, and others, oppose
the idea of eternal suffering but believe that the Second death is an
actual second death, meaning that the soul perishes and will be annihilated
after the final judgment.

2. The second possibility is far more severe, and comes from many verses in
the Bible that clearly teach that unrepentant sinners are bound for eternal
torment in Hell or Hades.

Many so-called religions like to deny this information about the existence of
Hell (symbolised by the Pit in the Western half of the Great Pyramid at Giza,
which is located on the death or Western side of the Nile River), but the
gospels clearly teach that it exists and that it is not a good place to go, one
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that must be avoided at all costs.

Here are the Scriptures that mention an everlasting hell fire:

Wherefore if thine hand cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee
to enter into life, maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell, into
the fire that never shall be quenched, Where their worm dieth not,
and the fire never goeth out. (Mark 9: 43-44)

And being in hell in torments, he lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham
afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom, Then he cried, and said, Father
Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of
his finger in water and cool my tongue: for I am tormented in this
flame. (Luke 16:24)

In the Apocalypse of Peter (which was used as scripture in the early church,
but then removed) there is the following: And other men and women were
burning up to the middle and were cast into a dark place and were beaten
by evil spirits, and their inwards were eaten by restless worms: and these
were they who persecuted the righteous and delivered them up.
(Apocalypse of Peter, Verse 25) And others near them, women and men,
burning and turning themselves and roasting; and these were they that
leaving the way of God. (Apocalypse of Peter, Verse 33)

The Book of Enoch
is another important book used by the early
Christian church, and later forcibly removed by the apostate Catholic Church
. The Book of Enoch opens with the special blessing conferred on Enoch the

These are the words of the blessing of Enoch; according to which he
blessed the chosen and righteous who must be present on the day of
distress, which is appointed, for the removal of all the wicked and
And Enoch began his story and said: - There was a righteous man
whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he saw a Holy vision in the
Heavens, which the Angels showed to me. And I heard everything from
them, and I understood what I saw: but not for this generation, but
for a distant generation that will come.
Concerning the Chosen I spoke; and I uttered a parable concerning
them: The Holy and Great One will come out of his dwelling.
And the Eternal God will tread from there upon Mount Sinai, and he
will appear with his Host, and will appear in the strength of his power
from Heaven.
And all will be afraid, and the Watchers will shake, and fear and great
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trembling will seize them, up to the ends of the earth.
And the high mountains will be shaken; and the high hills will be laid
low and will melt like wax in a flame.
And the earth will sink, and everything that is on the earth will
be destroyed, and there will be judgment upon all, and upon all the
But for the righteous: He will make peace, and He will keep safe the
Chosen, and mercy will be upon them. They will all belong to God, and
will prosper and be blessed, and the light of God will shine on them.
And behold! He comes with ten thousand Holy Ones; to execute
judgment upon them and to destroy the impious, and to contend with all
flesh concerning everything that the sinners and the impious have done
and wrought against Him. (The Book of Enoch, 1: 1-9, McKnibb

In the Book of Enoch you will find the same teaching about an eternal
punishment in Hell: And darkness shall be their dwelling, and worms
shall be their bed, and they will have no hope of rising from their
beds, because they do not extol the name of the Lord of Spirits. (Enoch
And from thence I went to another place, which was still more
horrible than the former, and I saw a terrible thing: A great fire
there which burnt and blazed, and the place cleft as far as the abyss, being
full of great magnitude could I see, nor could I conjecture. Then I said:
How fearful is the place and how terrible to look upon! Then Uriel
answered me, one of the holy angels who was with me: Enoch, why hast
thou such fear and affright? And I answered: Because of this fearful
place, and because of the spectacle of the pain. (Enoch 21: 7-10)

And I looked and turned to another part of the earth, and saw there a deep
valley with burning fire. And they brought the kings and the mighty, and
began to cast them into this deep valley. (Enoch 54:1-2)

And the Book of Revelation reveals the following: And the smoke of their
torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day or
night. ... (Revelation 14: 11 KJV)

And the devil that deceived them, was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone,
where the beast and the false prophet shall be tormented even day and
night forevermore. (Revelation 20: 10)

Before we conclude this article, lets look at the views of the Web site

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Conclusion from a Third Party:


The other idea pictures God as a kindly grandfather, who is too good to kill
anyone. This theory generally holds that all will be saved, regardless of their
character in this life. But this casts God as a god who has neither the power
nor the backbone to deal with the problem of evil. But will God have to make
a place for those who willingly destroy the peace and harmony of the
universe for all eternity? Will He, along with those who love peace,
be at the mercy of selfish and unscrupulous creatures for time
without end?

The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and
to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgement to be punished. 2
Peter 2:9.

It may be pleasing to the carnal minds of men and women to imagine that
they can live as sinfully as they like in this life and still be saved in the life to
come, but the Bible simply does not support this idea. Jesus said:

Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the fate, and broad is the
way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in
thereat. Matthew 7: 13
There will be a day of judgement for those who continue in rebellion against
the principles of God's government. And there will be a punishment as a
result of that judgement. The Bible calls that punishment the
Second Death.

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second
death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was
cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20: 14, 15.

What is this lake of fire and the second death that is said to be its result? Will
the fire burn forever? Will those who are thrown there live in conscious
torment for all eternity? For the answer, we must again allow the
Bible to speak for itself. The scriptures use a great variety of expressions
and images to describe the experience of second death. Read the following
list carefully

For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the
Lord, they shall inherit the earth. Psalm 37: 9.
For a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt
diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. Psalm 37: 10.
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But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the the Lord shall be
as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they
consume away. Psalm 37: 20.

I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a
green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea,
I sought him, but he could not be found. Psalm 37: 35, 36.
Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked
be no more. Psalm 104: 35.

Consume them in wrath, consume them, that they may not be.
Psalm 59: 13.

The Lord preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked
will he destroy. Psalm 145: 20.

Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall
find out those that hate thee. Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven
in the time of thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up in his
wrath, and the fire shall devour them. Psalm 21: 8, 9.

When the wicked spring as the grass, and when the workers of
iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed forever.
Psalm 92: 7.

For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast
done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon
thine own head. For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so
shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and
they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had
not been. Obadiah 16

And the destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be
together, and they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed.
Isaiah 1: 28.

Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be consumed
and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that
strive with thee shall perish. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt
not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that way
against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought. Isaiah 41:
11, 12.

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For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the
proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be as stubble; and the day
cometh that shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it
shall leave them neither root nor branch. Malachi 4: 1.

The wicked are overthrown, and are not: but the house of the
righeous shall stand. Proverbs 12: 7.

Do you not know this from of old, since man was placed upon the
earth, that the exulting of the wicked is short, and the joy of
the godless but for a moment? Though his height mount up to
the heavens, and his head reach to the clouds, he will perish
forever like his own dung; those who have seen him will say,
'Where is he?' He will fly away like a dream, and not be found; he
will be chased away like a vision of the night. The eye which saw
him will see him no more, nor will his place any more
behold him. Job 20: 4-9, R.S.V.

Phrases such as destroyed forever, perish, and consume away, are often
used to describe the final state of the lost. These terms are more significant
when we are clear as to what they mean. Notice the following definitions
from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language:

destroy - 1. To ruin completely; spoil so that restoration is impossible;
consume 2. To tear down or break up; raze; demolish. 3. To do away with;
get rid of; put an end to. 4. To kill.

perish - 1. To die, especially in a violent or untimely manner. 2. To pass
from existence; disappear gradually.

consume - 1. To destroy, as by fire. 2. To use up or waste (time, energy,
money, etc.). 3. To drink or eat up; devour. v.i. to waste away; perish.
Notice that all of these have the concept of something put out of
While it may seem that the above list of texts is rather long, actually it is only
a sample of the many phrases, descriptions, and images that are used in both
Testaments of the Bible to describe the experience of the second death.
When we put all of these passages together, three conclusions stand out
clearly in regard to the second death:

1. The final punishment (second death) consists of death by fire, or burning.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into
the lake of fire. Revelation 20: 15.
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and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
Revelation 20: 9.

The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved. Psalm
75: 3.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the
heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt
with fervent heat, the earth also and the works therin shall be burned
up. Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved . . . Nevertheless we,
according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth,
wherein dwelleth righteousness. 2 Peter 3: 10, 11, 13

The Lord will swallow them up in his wrath; and fire will consume
them. Psalm 21: 9.

2. The end result of this punishment will be death, i.e. nonexistence.

The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Ezekiel 18: 4.

For the wages of sin is death. Romans 6: 23.

They shall be as though they had not been. Obadiah 16.

3. The permanent effect of this punishment will be eternal nonexistence.

they shall be destroyed forever. Psalm 92: 7.

When the tempest passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is
established for ever. Proverbs 10: 25.


Some believe that the wicked are doomed to burn consciously forever
because the Bible speaks of "everlasting fire." Notice the following verse that
contains the expression "eternal fire."

Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner,
giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh
[Nazarene Remnant comment: i.e. homosexuality, lesbianism,
and bestiality], are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of
eternal fire. Jude 7.

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Are Sodom and Gomorrha still burning today? Listen to the words of the
apostle Peter:

by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha to ashes he
condemned them to extinction and made them an example to those
who were to be ungodly. 2 Peter 2: 6 R.S.V.

Sodom and Gomorrha are not burning today. Their destruction by fire was
intended to be an example for all mankind of what will ultimately
happen to all the wicked of all ages; not eternal torture, but eternal
extinction. The fire is said to be everlasting because it is the ultimate
expression of God's hatred of sin. God will always hate sin and its
effect on His creation. If He were to ever change His attitude toward sin
in the future, then He would be unjust for applying stiff penalties for it now.
But His attitude will never change. For I am the Lord, I change not;
Malachi 3: 6. The fire of God's wrath will always burn against sin. Right
will always be right, and wrong will always be wrong. Love and
mercy will always find approval in the sight of God, and
selfishness will always be condemned.


God's wrath will always be directed against sin. Does that mean
that God is always angry? Anyone who has ever gotten between a mother
bear and her cub knows what it is like when a bear gets angry. Hidden
cameras have revealed that bears are not angry all the time. They are
normally docile and doting parents. It is the presence of an intruder that
arouses their anger. Sin is an intruder, a constant threat to God's
loyal children. And anyone or anything that lifts a finger against God's
children is threatening the apple of His eye. Zechariah 2: 8 When sin is put
out of existence, God will not continue in a state of anger. His anger would
return only if sin were to return to provoke it. And that will never happen
again. The prophet Nahum promises, He will make an utter end: affliction
shall not rise up the second time. Nahum 1:9. In order for sin to re-enter the
universe, it would have to enter through the mind of one of God's creatures
by an act of free will. After the demonstration that we are witnessing and
experiencing at the present time, none will ever again make that choice.


Revelation 20: 4-9 gives us the order of events to take place in the universe
from the second coming of Christ till the destruction of the wicked. These
two events are separated by the millennium; 1,000 years of peace, during
which the righteous are in heaven with Christ [Nazarene Remnant
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comment: This is an old error. The righteous are called the Elect, and they
all arise or are supernaturally changed (if they are still living) in the First
Resurrection, and rule this Earth for 1,000 years of the Millenium. For more
in-depth information, see our book Where Are We Now in Prophecy?]. Only
after this period is over will the wicked be subjected to the lake of fire."
None are burning today. The apostle Peter states that the heavens and the
earth are now kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgement
and perdition of ungodly men." 2 Peter 3: 7.

There is a day of final reckoning. The second death will be a
stark reality. But beyond that we can share the hope of Peter:
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new
earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. 2 Peter 3: 13. How does God view
the second death? He is not willing that any should perish, but that all
should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3 :9.

Conclusions from the Scriptures

Being on the receiving end of the Wrath of God, which will be the
SECOND DEATH, and not being tormented in AN ETERNAL
HELL, is not ever going to be worth the price of foolishly losing our eternal
life, no matter how enticing and compelling the temptations have been that
we have succumbed to: For what shall it profit a man, though he should
win the whole world, if he lose his soul? Or what exchange shall a man give
for his soul? (Mark 8: 36-37)

The depravity and the evilness of fornication and adultery in the destruction
of our families cannot be overstated. And it is a grim sobering thing to
know and understand that through fornication and adultery, a man or
woman, and their children, are automatically placed under the
bastard curse that will last up to 10 generations. Given the ugly and
devastating eternal punishment in hell, or the second death, it doesnt make
any sense for anyone at any time, to commit fornication and adultery for any

For he will render to every man according to his works; to
those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honour and
immortality, he will give eternal life; but to those who are
factious and do not obey the truth, but obey wickedness,
there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and
stress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also
the Greek, but glory and honour and peace for every one who does
good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no
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For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he
spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God; severity
towards those who have fallen, but Gods kindness to you, provided
you continue in his kindness, otherwise you too will be cut off.
(Romans 2: 6-11; 11: 21-22).

Let me finish with a re-statement of the whole matter, which I hope and pray
will deliver you from the trance-like state that you may be living under:

I tell you, nay: but, except ye amend your lives, ye shall all
perish. (Luke 13: 3)

Those who ignore these warnings from Jesus Christ, and the other prophets,
do so at their own risk.

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Land of the Dead

Table 1: The Old Man or Woman who lives in
the Land of the Dead, which is in the West.

Land of the Living

Table 2: The New Creation, the New Man,
or Woman, who lives in the Land of the East.


Figure 3.21. We must undergo a genuine change of attitude and make the River Crossing from the
Land of the Dead, to the Land of the Living. If we refuse to do this, we will have
no future at all, and will be totally destroyed from any chance at Eternal Life.

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Appendix to Essay 11:

The Mystery of the Masonic Mosaic Pavement
By Vigilant Citizen

And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant
to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden,
and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. ... And the LORD God took the
man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the
LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou
shalt surely die. (Genesis 2: 9, 15-17. This quote was not part of Vigilant
Citizens original article.)

But the wisdom that is from above [i.e. from the workings of the Birthright
Holy Spirit within baptised and converted human beings] is first pure, then
peaceable, gentle, [and] easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits,
without partiality, and without hypocrisy. (James 3: 17)

The black and white checkered floor has existed in temples since the times
of ancient Egypt. More than simply decorative, the mosaic pavement
bears a profound esoteric meaning. Today it is one of Freemasonrys most
recognizable symbols and is the ritualistic floor of all Masonic lodges. The
pavement is the area on which initiations occur and is emblematic of
human life, checkered with good and evil.

The mosaic pavement in an old symbol of the Order. It is met with in the
earliest rituals of the last century. It is classed among the ornaments of the lodge along
with the indented tessel and the blazing star. Its party-colored stones of black and
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white have been readily and appropriately interpreted as symbols of the evil and
good of human life. (Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
[Nazarene Remnant comment: TRUE Christians are not initiated (into
evil) by taking forbidden oaths [
], but being cleansed from all sins they
have repented from, by the full immersion in water, and not by standing
on black and white tiles, whose centre is the black sun. To the true
Christian this symbolizes they have died to their old self and will begin
doing spiritual work on themselves, in cooperation with the Birthright
Holy Spirit, so that the new man or woman, slowly comes to the fore.
This, for true Christians, begins their walk with God, whereby He cleanses
them of all sin, through the keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals.
Freemasons, on the other hand, stand on the foundational floor of good
and evil (i.e. the black and white tiles of Masonic hypocrisy in their
temple and we all know that a temple is a symbol for a human being) by
agreeing to take their forbidden oaths on this vile spot. In effect, they are
being willingly initiated into the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good
and evil, and accept that the destination point is the black sun. The
penalty: thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die will be their reward. And Masons are quick to tell
you, when you point out to them that they must leave the Brotherhood,
if they wish to be saved, once a Mason always a Mason.
Lets be right up-front about all this! This means that Freemasons and fellow
travellers, such as Rotary International, Lions, Apex, must come to grips with the
oaths they have sworn in life. They must renounce them all. To fail to do that
means that you are still disobeying the First Commandment, which
forbids any of us from taking oaths of any kind. This applies to occupational
oaths (e.g. accountants, police, the military, magistrates, judges, politicians, solicitors,
and Justices of the Peace [JPs]), and to secret society oaths (e.g. Freemasonry and its
many offshoots). More is said on this critically important topic in Part 6, Attachment
to Helping Sin? under the heading Before You ever Present Yourself for Baptism,
You Must Renounce All Oaths You Have Taken, of our free book Preparation for
Baptism, which is on the DvD / USB or online here:

Also see the following:

Any Man Who Takes An Oath Is A Liar

Swear an Oath; Tell a Lie

At no time may a true Christian take an oath! This is because it violates the First Commandment.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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All Bad Things Flow from the Oath of a Man
End Nazarene Remnant comment.]
According to occult researchers, the checkered mosaic pavement has historically
represented the House of the Mysteries and its origins can be traced back to ancient
Egypt and the Dionysiac rites.
The checkerboard floor upon which the modern Freemasonic lodge stands is the old
tracing board of the Dionysiac Architects, and while the modern organization is no
longer limited to workmens guilds it still preserves in its symbols the metaphysical
doctrines of the ancient society of which it is presumably the outgrowth. (Manly P.
Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages)
In the Entered Apprentice Degree, the mosaic pavement represents the
ground floor of King Solomons Temple. In the account of King Solomons
Temple in the Bible, the ground floor is said to be made of pine or fir, depending on
the Bible translation (1 Kings 6: 15).
While the pavement of most lodges consist of a black and white checkered pattern, the
colors might vary. Lozenges might also be used instead of squares.

Mosaic pavement of an Eastern Star Lodge

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Mosaic pattern inside Notre Dame de Paris, a Cathedral built by the
Knight Templars, the spiritual ancestors of the Freemasons

The juxtaposition of opposing colors on the
mosaic pavement is a visual representation an
important principle of hermetism: duality.
The pavement, alternately black and white,
symbolizes, whether so intended or not, the
Good and Evil Principles of the Egyptian and
Persian creed. It is the warfare of Michael and
Satan, of the Gods and Titans, of Balder and Lok;
between light and shadow, which is darkness; Day
and Night; Freedom and Despotism; Religious
Liberty and the Arbitrary Dogmas of a Church that
thinks for its votaries, and whose Pontiff claims to
be infallible, and the decretals of its Councils to
constitute a gospel. (Albert Pike, Morals and
The Floor, or groundwork of the Lodge, a
chequer-work of black and white squares, denotes
the dual quality of everything connected with
terrestrial life and the physical groundwork of
human nature the mortal body and its appetites
and affections. The web of our life is a

La Papesse is card number two of
the tarot, a number symbolic of
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mingled yarn, good and ill together, wrote
Shakespeare. Everything material is characterized
by inextricably interblended good and evil, light
and shade, joy and sorrow, positive and negative.
What is good for me may be evil for you; pleasure
is generated from pain and ultimately
duality. Notice the Ying Yang symbol
on the Priestresss book
representing the same dualistic
principles of the mosaic pavement.
[Nazarene Remnant comment: Using
the word duality instead of
hypocrisy, the sin Jesus hated most,
is used to hide the truth from the
ignorant and simple minded Mason.]
degenerates into pain again; what it is right to do at one moment may be wrong the
next; I am intellectually exalted to-day and to-morrow correspondingly depressed and
benighted: The dualism of these opposites governs us in everything,and experience of
it is prescribed for us until such time as, having learned and outgrown its lesson, we
are ready for advancement to a condition where we outgrow the sense of this chequer-
work existence and those opposites cease to be perceived as opposites, but are
realized as a unity or synthesis. To find that unity or synthesis is to know the
peace which passes understanding i.e. which surpasses our present experience,
because in it the darkness and the light are both alike, and our present concepts of
good and evil, joy and pain, are transcended and found sublimated in a condi-
tion combining both. And this lofty condition [Nazarene Remnant comment:
This is pure hogwash! There is nothing lofty at all in being destroyed forever.] is
represented by the indented or tesselated border skirting the black and white chequer-
work, even as the Divine Presence and Providence surrounds and embraces our
temporal organisms in which those opposites are inherent. (W. L. Wilmshurst, The
Meaning of Masonry)
Furthermore, the checkered floor is representative of earth, the material world and
contrasts the ceiling, which is made to represent the heavens and the spiritual realm.

[Nazarene Remnant comment: It is true that the way of life symbolized by the
black and white squares is the way of life of most people on planet Earth, known to
Satanists as duality. It has been succinctly expressed in the lie above: To find that
unity or synthesis [of good and evil] is to know the peace which passes understanding
i.e. which surpasses our present experience, because in it the darkness and the light
are both alike, and our present concepts of good and evil, joy and pain, are
transcended and found sublimated in a condition combining both.

The scriptures have held the clear answers for thousands of years, had we cared to look
and learn with a serious mind. The point that most people have missed is that God's
plan is to develop wholly good people, not a mixture of good and evil,
without disturbing free will, which means that we have a choice in life. As you will
learn, since the Fall, the Creator God has set up a system whereby we choose which
way we will go. But what most people dont realise is that, while we can choose out
paths, we cannot choose the eternal consequences! This plan can only be achieved by
the operation of God's goodness, mercy and justice through pain, suffering and death,
and most significantly, through the temptations and deceptions offered by the most
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powerful created being.

The most dangerous lie of Freemasonry is well expressed by Amitakh Stanford:

The most dangerous misconception about Evil is that It is believed
to be necessary in order to balance the Light. This misconception
actually justifies Darkness and is a deadly trap. It locks people into tolerating,
and, worse still, embracing Evil, thus giving Evil the same glory and importance
as Light. If that be the case, there would be no need to fight Evil, there would be
no need to counteract Evil, and there would be no need to work on
oneself towards Purity and goodness. If Evil were necessary to balance
Light, then one's house should be open indiscriminately to marauders as well as
friends at all times.

The Light is A-itu, which means The Eternal Flame.

Darkness has several representatives who make up an assembly of thoughts
from the various beings. These thoughts are extremely putrid and form the
circle of Darkness. The energy assembled in the circle of Darkness becomes
the total mind of Darkness - the Evil Mind.

It is from the Evil Mind that all Evil forms are created and projected into the
realms of Darkness. The Evil Mind is a mind of total Evil. There is no Light in
the Evil Mind. The Evil Mind is the total mind of eight high beings of Light
who have embraced Darkness. These eight beings of Light, are now, for all
intents and purposes, beings of Darkness. For want of a better description, they
are called the eight evil minds. Each of them expresses extreme
deception, cruelty and filth. They are so cunningly deceptive and evil that
pure beings are easily deceived by them because pure beings have difficulties
comprehending Evil.

Thus, it has taken extreme laboured efforts and Love for the Light to study Evil
in order to gain sufficient understanding of Evil so that It can be effectively
combated. Many people believe that love conquers all, but Love does NOT
conquer all in this realm of Virtual Reality controlled by Evil. In fact, Love
cannot conquer Evil in this evil creation. Love can only appear to conquer
Evil in this Evil realm because Evil surreptitiously manipulates,
suffocates, exploits and abuses True Love for Its own selfish
purposes. It has often been observed that when Love no longer serves Evil's
purposes, Evil can turn and reveal Its ugly face without remorse or
conscience. It is only the viable True-Light beings who can be touched by True
Love in this Virtual Reality. (From The Eight Evil Minds, by Amitakh
Stanford, from here: Source: )
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We have to make a river crossing from the Land of the Dead, which describes Freemasonry perfectly,
to the Land of the Living. Every trace of evil has to be totally removed from our character. Freemasons,
and many so-called wisdom teachers, such as Carl Jung, have taught lies when they propose that the
dark side of our naturei.e. the evil left-hand side of the above imagehas to be incorporated into our
spirit. This is not true at all. The truth is that all traces of darknessthe left-hand path in the above
diagramhave to be TOTALLY eliminated from our character, and it is the spiritual re-birthing process,
or the work of the Birthright Holy Spirit, that does this for repentant and baptised human beings.
Freemasons and people like Jung knew nothing about this most important of all spiritual processes.

Those Freemasons who opt to live a putrid sinful life of duality invite a group of
destructive beings to dwell within their hearts and minds, alien visitors of the worst
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Freemasons are poor duped human beings who do the dirty work of the
Satanic money-power elite in all our villages, towns, and cities right around the world.
You will understand why C S Lewis could so confidently make the following claim:
There is no neutral ground in the universe: every square inch, every split second is
claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satan.
The Book of Enoch neatly sums
up the dual spiritual process of the Moonand none of its functions act as a calendar
determinantand which explains why Enoch was left out of the Bible:

The course of the moons path to the righteous is light, but to sinners
it is darkness; in the name of the Lord of Spirits, who created a division
between Light and darkness, and separating the spirits of men, strengthened
the spirits of the righteous in the name of his own righteousness (Isaiah 30:
26; Mark 13: 24).[

Nor does the angel prevent this, neither is he endowed with the power of
preventing it; for the Judge beholds them all, and judges them all in his own
presence (Genesis 1: 14; Revelation 8: 12).[
] (Book of Enoch, 41: 6-7,
Richard Laurence translation, 1821.)
Very few people on this Earth have understood the truth that is found in the Moons
path each month. That truth is that the white squares symbolize the Moons work
from first crescent to day 15 each month; and that the black squares depict the evil
emanation of evil (i.e. Satans defining destructive character).
This is because Satan was given dominion over all the Earth at the time of the Fall.
Everyone who is sucked in by this lie will be destroyed unless he or she repents,
becomes baptised, and allows God to teach him His truths, and change his character
through the work of the Birthright Holy Spirit during the 15 days of the New Moon
Festivals each month.

Indeed there is such a thing as demon possession, and youd better believe it! Unfortunately this facet of
human nature has been so thoroughly redefined by the shadow government as mental illness, and not the result
of sin. For more information on demonic possession see Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes.
Lewis, C S, Christianity and Culture in Christian Reflections, edited by Walter Hooper, Eerdmans Publishing
Company, Grand Rapids, 1967, p. 33.
Compare Isaiah 30: 26 with Mark 13: 22-26: "Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the
breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound." (Isaiah 30: 26) For false Christs and false prophets
shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect. But take ye heed:
behold, I have foretold you all things. But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the
moon shall not give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be
shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. (Mark 13: 22-
"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let
them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years." (Genesis 1: 14) "And the fourth angel sounded, and
the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the
third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise." (Revelation
8: 12)
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The Way of Righteousness, the New Moon Festivals, lasting from
the first crescent New Moon (day 1) to Day 15 of each month.

The Way of Evil, the Dark Cycle of the month.
Lasting from day 16 to the end of the month

Source of original image (I have added the arrows and text to Avenis image): Aveni, Anthony, Conversing
With The Planets: How Science and Myth Invented the Cosmos, Kodansha International, New York, 1994, p. 25.
Source of original image (I have added the arrows and text to Avenis image): Aveni, Anthony, Conversing
With The Planets: How Science and Myth Invented the Cosmos, Kodansha International, New York, 1994, p. 25.
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One of the favourite pictures that Satanists use to depict this ancient truth about the Moon is that of
Baphometi.e. Satanshown above. Different names for the Adversary: Anu-Lucifer / Set / Baal / Satyr /
Jahbulon / Loki / Goat of Mendes / Baphomet / Enki / Enki-Ea / Satan. Notice that the goat-headed (sign
of Capricorn, which is the lowest sign in the Zodiac) Satan is portrayed as an hermaphrodite, with the
breasts of a woman and the beard and penis of a man. The staff that is protruding from the groin area
also doubles as the penis. The head of his penis (the penis of Pindar) looks very much like a pine cone!
See Chapter 2The Key To All the Sacred Mysteries Lies in Ancient Egypt, of Birthright, Sceptre,
Loaves and Fishes [
], for the connection between pine cones, the penis of satan, and the antics that
are goings on in the latter day Catholic Church. Notice also the double serpents coiled up this staff,
which many people call the Caduceus of Mercury. Also notice that satan here is pointing to the first
crescent New Moon with his right hand, and to the last crescent Moon, with his left hand. This is very
significant. The Moon on Baphomets right-hand is the path of righteousness, and lasts from first-
crescent New Moon to day 15 each month, and this is the period of the monthly New Moon Festival [
The Moon on Baphomets left-hand is the path of evil, as noted above. Also worthy of note is the fact
that the newest state on Earth, quietly proclaimed by the Nazi Satanists in Australia, is that of
Capricornia, and is that part of Queensland North of the Tropic of Capricorn. Notice that at the very
pinnacle of this new satanic state is an island in Torres Strait called Prince of Wales Island! The new
state of Capricornia will be the founding state of the New World Order.[

For explanation of the vital significance of the New Moon Festivals to your salavation, see our free book The
New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, which is on the USB / DvD or online here:
For more information see the article Capricornia, Australia's Secretive Seventh State, Starting to Appear on
Australian Maps, in Issue #40, 21 January, 2011, of our free available Last Days Watch newsletter, available
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 378
For Further Study into the Matter of Your Eternal Future:

See Essays 1 to 5 of our free book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits:

Essay 1The Fall.
Essay 2To Walk Between The Two Pillars.
Essay 3The Answer To Albert Einstein's Vital Question.
Essay 4The Way of the "Two Spirits" Described.
Essay 5The Ethics of the Wolf and the Wisdom of the Dove, Compared.

The book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits is available on the USB /
DvD version of this work, or online here:
End Nazarene Remnant comment]
The Covering of the Lodge is shown in sharp contrast to its black and white flooring
and is described as a celestial canopy of divers colours, even the heavens.
If the flooring symbolizes mans earthy sensuous nature, the ceiling typifies his
ethereal nature, his heavens and the properties resident therein. The one is the
reverse and the opposite pole of the other. His material body is visible and densely
composed. His ethereal surround, or aura, is tenuous and invisible, (save to
clairvoyant vision), and like the fragrance thrown off by a flower. Its existence will be
doubted by those unprepared to accept what is not physically demonstrable, but the
Masonic student, who will be called upon to accept many such truths
provisionally until he knows them as certainties, should reflect (i) that he has
entered the Craft with the professed object of receiving light upon the nature of his
own being, (2) that the Order engages to assist him to that light in regard to matters of
which he is admittedly ignorant, and that its teachings and symbols were devised by
wise and competent instructors in such matters, and (3) that a humble, docile and
receptive mental attitude towards those symbols and their meanings will better
conduce. to his advancement than a critical or hostile one. (W. L. Wilmshurst,
The Meaning of Masonry)
[Nazarene Remnant comment: This is just another way of saying that the
Masonic student will advance best in the order, and in society, if he suspends his
critical thinking and research capabilities, and his quest for truth. Thus the Entered
Apprentice of Freemasonry agrees instead to be moulded into a
brainwashed drone who accepts everything and examines nothing. The
Gnostic text The Gospel of Philip is highly pertinent to such a pathetic individual:
So long as the root of wickedness is hidden, it is strong. But when it is
recognized, it is dissolved When it is revealed, it perishes As for ourselves, let
us each dig down after the root of evil which is within each of us, and produces
its fruit in our hearts. It masters us. We are its slaves. It takes us captive,
to make us do what we do not want, and what we do want, we do not do. It is
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powerful because we have not recognized it. (The Gospel of Philip, II,
3, 83.5-30)

Source of image:
End Nazarene Remnant comment]
Ceremonial Floor
The mosaic pavement is a esoterically-charged space on which stands the
ceremonial altar, the center of most rituals. The ceremony for the Apprentice
Degree symbolically takes place in that location. According to the Third Degree Ritual,
the Square Pavement is for the High Priest to walk upon.
Why is the chequer floor-work given such prominence in the
Lodge-furniture? The answer is to be found in the statement in the Third
Degree Ritual : The square pavement is for the High Priest to walk upon. Now
it is not merely the Jewish High Priest of centuries ago that is here referred to,
but the individual member of the Craft. For every Mason is intended to be
the High Priest of his own personal temple [Nazarene Remnant comment:
That is, every Mason is intended to become an Antichrist, whose spiritual
identity is known as Deity, who is Satan.] and to make of it a place where he
and Deity may meet. By the mere fact of being in this dualistic world every
living being, whether a Mason or not, walks upon the square
pavement of mingled good and evil in every action of his life, so that
the floor-cloth is the symbol of an elementary philosophical truth
common to us all. [Nazarene Remnant comment: Great evil being
revealed to us here, but few seem to recognise this fact.] But, for us, the words
walk upon imply much more than that. They mean that he who aspires to be
master of his fate and captain of his soul must walk upon these opposites
in the sense of transcending and dominating them, of trampling upon
his lower sensual nature and keeping it beneath his feet in subjection and
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control. He must become able to rise above the motley of good and
evil, to be superior and indifferent to the ups and downs of fortune, the
attractions and fears governing ordinary men and swaying their thoughts and
actions this way or that. His object is the development of his innate spiritual
potencies, and it is impossible that these should develop so long as he is over-
ruled by his material tendencies and the fluctuating emotions of pleasure and
pain that they give birth to. It is by rising superior to these and attaining serenity
and mental equilibrium under any circumstances in which for the moment he
may be placed, that a Mason truly walks upon the chequered ground work of
existence and the conflicting tendencies of his more material nature. (W. L.
Wilmshurst, The Meaning of Masonry)
Some claim that the mosaic pavement serves as a magical circle to be used in inter-
dimensional travel and communication. The deeper meaning of the mosaic is therefore
said to transcend the limits of the material realm.
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A plate from The Hidden Life of Freemasonry by Charles W. Leadbeater depicting a candidate
being introduced to nature-spirits, occurring on the checkered floor.
In Popular Culture
Whether for intentionally Masonic purposes or as an archetypal reflex, scenes
ritualistic and metaphysical transformation are often depicted on a checkered
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A checkerboard pattern leading to Dr Parnassus
magic mirror, a gateway to the spiritual plane.

Tri-dimensional crop circle design where the mosaic
pavement leads to a metaphysical portal
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Michael Jackson dressed in ritualistic red garments
on the ceremonial checkerboard floor.

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[Nazarene Remnant comment: The modern movement to destroy heterosexual
marriage for life has been developed on the sexual principle of duality, as expressed
in the following image, which shows Satan as a transvestite, as well as the duality
expressed in the first and last crescent of the Moon.

Satan portrayed as an hermaphrodite, with the breasts of a woman and the beard and penis of a man.
The head of his penis (the penis of Pindar) looks very much like a pine cone! See Chapter 2The Key
To All the Sacred Mysteries Lies in Ancient Egypt, of Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes [
], for
the connection between pine cones, the penis of Satan, and the antics that are goings on in the latter
day Catholic Church. Notice also the double serpents coiled up this staff, which many people call the
Caduceus of Mercury.

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Related Articles:
In The House That Evil Built (in Issue #74b [
] of our newsletter Last Days
Watch), Devvy Kidd wrote that ...
Exposing secret societies will help people better understand who
pulls the strings. ...
But she neglected to say that the greatest scourge on the planet is actually
Freemasonry. But more importantly she neglected telling us that it is LOCAl
Freemasonry that is, and has always been, gnawing away at the very
fabric of our society, and slowly but progressively destroying it.
She went on to say ...
There are many, many groups around the globe all jockeying for
even higher power, but the major ones I listed above are the big players.
They have no allegiance to any country for their lust of power and money over
rides anything so antiquated as loyalty to one's country. Their evil has built
the house of horrors every man, woman and child in this country is
currently trapped in; sadly a hundred million plus Americans have
no idea who is pulling the strings of their misery. Secret societies are a
cancer that has been eating away at our republic for centuries. Secret societies
and organizations like the CFR and Trilateral are the ones who really make and
shape US policy. Taking back America means exposing the
evildoers regardless of their name or political party. ...
We cannot defeat our enemies if we don't know who they are, how
they operate and stop putting money and support behind them and
their entities. They are evil in human form responsible for the deaths of
millions of human beings over the centuries; that's not an exaggeration. It's
long past time to bring down the house of evil they have built over
the centuries. (From The House That Evil Built, Part 1)
What Devvy says applies in all countries, and especially means that we must
become very astute, initially, at identifying who the real local evil
players are in each locality, village, town and city on the planet.
So here are a few more articles to help you understand just why it's not just our
local communities, but the whole world, that now walks in the silent tyranny that has
been produced in the Masonic Lodges of the world:
The Dissipation of the Darkness: History of the Origin of Masonry. In this
book you will find information that will chill you to the bone, and much of what is
written in this book is unknown to Porch Freemasons, who are really dupes
doing the dirty work of the Satanic money-power elite.

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 386

The People Who Do the Dirty Work of the Satanic Elite, Part 3: Porch

The Traitors in Freemasonry Are Not Exempt from the Coming Slaughter

Lazarus and His Drunk as a Monkey Mate

33rd Degree Freemason John Howard and the Haunting Echo of 1929, in
Issue 38, 6 December, 2010, of our Last Days Watch newsletter, which is on the DvD
or online here:

John Howard, PM of Australia, Pays a Visit to the US Federal Reserve,
May 2006, in Issue 3, 1 February, 2007, of our Last Days Watch newsletter, which is
on the DvD or online here:

Secrets of Howards Terror Plan, in Issue 65a, 21 November, 2012, of our Last
Days Watch newsletter, which is on the DvD or online here:

John Howard's Father: A Member of the Fascist New Guard, in Issue 52, 21
October, 2011, of our Last Days Watch newsletter, which is on the DvD or online here:

The 33rd Degree Freemason

List of Famous 33rd Degree Freemasons

Freemasonry: Two Organizations, One Visible, the Other Invisible

Who Runs Your Town?

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 387
An Overview of the Brigalow Corporate Takeover of Australia

Download the above article as a PDF File ...

An Overview of the Brigalow Corporate Takeover of Australia
Download time on 56kb modem: 12 seconds

The following revealing articles about Freemasonry can be found in our
Last Days Watch newsletter:
Australian Demands Freemason Judges Outed, Issue 46, 25 May, 2011, here:
What Really is Happening in Australia? Issue 38, 6 December, 2010, here:
Freemasons Barter for Power in Australia, Issue 36, 21 September, 2010, here:
My Story: A Youth Learns About Freemasonry (Part 1/5), Issue 34, 21 July,
2010, here:
My First Experience of Freemasons (Part 2/5), Issue 36, 21 September, 2010,
Advancement Hinged on a Hand Sign (Part 3/5), Issue 36, 21 September, 2010,
Freemasons Control Local Commerce (Part 4/5), Issue 36, 21 September, 2010,
Outwitting Local Freemasons (Part 5/5), Issue 36, 21 September, 2010, here:
End Nazarene Remnant comment]

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Chapter 4The Usual Physical Explanation of the
Birthright and Sceptre Promises
Most people are not aware that God made two separate and quite distinct promises to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They are called the Birthright and the Sceptre
The Birthright is usually understood to mean the promises of prosperity, power and
great material and national wealth, as pertaining to many nations. The Birthright
promises were thought to be purely carnal and physical, and having not one iota of the
Holy Spirit attached. The Sceptre, on the other hand, was always taken as the promise
of salvation coming through the kingly line of the Messiah, which is only possible for
someone who is registered
(see Hebrews 12: 23) in the Book of Life, and has been
given the Holy Spirit, as it was called, for it is the work of the Holy Spirit to write the
spiritual Law inwardly on the heart, and the mind, something which never happened
under the Old Covenant.
You can read about this two-fold distinction in your Bible: First there is the
exclusive promise
made to Judah (and remember that in todays world, Judah is
supposedly made up of what we now call the Jews): The sceptre shall not depart from
Judah (Genesis 49: 10) but the birthright was Josephs (1 Chronicles 5: 2)
The latter promises, the Birthright, were never made to the Jews, but to the rest of the
tribes of Israel, or so the understanding went.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines birthright as: a right,
privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth. The Sceptre is defined
as 1 : a staff or baton borne by a sovereign as an emblem of authority; 2 : royal or
imperial authority.

Thus we have two sorts of blessings. One, the Birthright, which is actually given to
a person upon birth, or so this teaching proclaims, and the Sceptre, which is salvation
through grace, which I take to mean unmerited pardon of sin, provided all those whom
God has called to Christ for shepherding yield to and obey Him. In a very real way, the
full possession of the Birthright was supposed to mean the complete conquest of life,
here on earth, in the physical and carnal realm of wealth, prosperity and national
abundance onlyand was predicated on the keeping of the Law.

Note that the word sceptre is the British version of the American word scepter.
To be registered in heaven is the gist of the matter. If you consult a legal dictionary you will discover that to be
registered (e.g. via your Birth Certificate registration) means to hand your authority over to the king or crown.
Did you realize that?
This is also what John 4: 22 is referring to, where Christ declared, Salvation is of the Jews.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary at
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The specific understandings
that people teach about the Birthright Promises,
keeping this really brief, are that the descendants of Abraham were to:

This understanding is usually referred to as British-Israelism or Anglo-Israelism. If you would like to study
this matter in greater depth I suggest that you do a search in Google, using search terms like British - Israelism
or Anglo - Israelism. Or you could try David Packs Restored Church of God Website, at:
which offers a re-write of Herbert W. Armstrongs version of this understanding. Packs book is called America
and Britain in Bible Prophecy. If you dont have access to the Internet try obtaining a copy of Herbert W.
Armstrongs The United States and Britain in Prophecy.
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become "great."
become many nations.
become a great nation (taken to be the USA) and a greater company of nations
(taken to mean Britain and the British Commonwealth of Nations).
be exceedingly fruitful.
spread to every area of the Earth (e.g. the British Empire [Operation Bluebeam
in its earliest incantation]).
be undefeatable as they inherit and possess the birthright blessing.
be like a lion (the symbol of Great Britain [and the future New World Order]).
have control of the world's oceans.
have great agricultural wealth.

Moreover ... the descendants of Israel were to:

dwell safely in isolation (e.g. the USA, Canada, Australia and South Africa).
have great mineral wealth.
be feared and envied by all nations.
be the financial leaders of the world.
reign over many nations.
possess the "gate" of their enemies.
live in the islands and coastlines of the Earth.
be the preserver of the Word of God.
be a people following Christ.
be kind to the poor of the land.
be a blessing to the other nations of the world.

In summary, the promises were given to Josephs two sons, Ephraim and
Manasseh. Ephraim (said to be Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations countries,
in this line of thought) was given the great promises of authority and
rulership (the Sceptre), while Manasseh (pictured to be the United States in most
theories) was given the lesser physical and carnal promisesthe Birthright.
The Ten
Commandments, along with animal sacrifice, and circumcision, are the heart and soul
of the Old [Birthright] Covenant. All of the other statutes and judgments are based

This is a highly abbreviated summary of the whole matter. For more in-depth information on these points, see
the following Web page:
But keep in mind that much of what we have learnt about the Birthright Promise is nothing other than very
clever implanting of the notion of the divine right of the British to conquer the world! This of course is nothing
other than the conquest of the world by the British-led agenda that we now recognize as the Satanic tyranny of
the last days, and known as the New World Order.
Lawrence H Schiffman, writing in New Light On The Pharisees, says that Ephraim is a code word for the
Pharisees. This designation results from the similar sound of Ephraim and the Hebrew word Perushim,
Pharisees. Manasseh, on the other hand, designates the Sadducees. In Shanks, Hershel, (Ed), Understanding
the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reader From The Biblical Archaeology Review, Random House, New York, 1992, p.
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upon and rest upon them. Without the Ten Commandments there would be no Old
Covenant, for this covenant was meant for carnal man, and carnal man without the
Holy Spirit is still carnal man, incapable of becoming wholly good! In other words
keeping the Law is of no consequence in the broad scheme of things, unless you
mean that to be a progression in our learning to become truly converted, through the
power of the baptism of fire (the Sceptre Holy Spirit), so that we can then have a
genuine change of heart, and start living through faith and the grace of God.
more important than anything else, the Birthright [Old Covenant] did not carry with it
the promise of eternal life, because it couldnt do that. Only the New Covenant could
make this possible. And both Covenants were delivered by the Messiah, as the Angel of
the Presence in the Old Covenant, and as Shiloh (Genesis 49: 10) in the New Covenant!

Figure 3: Partial Lunar Eclipse, 5.05am,
8 Sept, 2006, Wauchope, NSW, Australia

At this point we would do well to understand that the Law is not for a righteous
man! Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless
and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for
murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers (I Tim. 1:9). So who
are those who are under the law? As far as God is concerned it is all the world and
they are all ... guilty before God because the law (the Ten Commandments) is a
ministration of death (II Cor. 3:7) and the ministration of condemnation (II Cor.
3:9). Why is that?
Because the ten commandments were not designed for those who have God's law of
love written on their hearts and mindsthrough the work of the Holy Spirit (notice the
singular case), which was denied everyone unless Christ came in the flesh. The heart
and soul of the Old Covenant, and hence the Birthright, is the condemnation of the

Paul uses the phrase after the flesh and after the letter to describe Old Covenant Birthright conditions
(Romans 2: 29, 8: 1); contrasted this with after the spirit (2 Corinthians 3: 6).
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Law of all those who live without the (Sceptre) Holy Spirit. And always remember
this: the way to the Tree of Lifewhich is the powerful symbol for the Holy
Spirithad been barred since the days of the Fall of Adam and Eve. Everyone who
lived prior to the day of Pentecost, after Christs resurrection, except John the Baptist
(see Luke 16: 16), had no access to the higher powers
of the Holy Spirit. This often
overlooked fact is the cause of much confusion about the Old and the New Covenant,
but I am getting side-tracked here. Suffice to say at the moment that which Paul said in
Romans 2, when he was taking the Jewish believers to task for judging the Gentile
believers who have not the law, but do by nature [the divine nature of II Peter 1: 4]
the things contained in the law. (Romans 2: 14, emphasis added).

This chapter hones in on those higher-powers of the Holy Spirit, as you shall soon see.
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Chapter 5A Brief History of the Sceptre

Now I dont want to delve too deeply into the physical or historical expression of the
Birthright Promises, because they are the subject of two other books, The Beguiled and
the Doctrine of the Two Spirits,
and The New Moon Festivals: the First Works
of Salvation.
This is not to dismiss this understanding as being insignificant,
suspect or untrue. Its just that much already has been written and I accept some of it
as truth. But people have stopped short at the physical understanding and have not
progressed to the deeper spiritual grasp of the Birthright Promises. This ties in with
the suppression of the connection between the Birthright Holy Spirit, and the Moon,
and the religious truth known as the first works, as revealed in Revelation 2: 5.
Simply put, the central core of the true religion, which is ancient Christianity, has been
deliberately suppressed. This central core is the New Moon Festivals. This has been a
terrible travesty, and has deceived millions and millions of people for nearly 2,000
Remember, in just about everything to do with prophecy, truth is dual. It is that
viewthe duality of meanings of the Birthright Promisesthat I want to go beyond the
superficial understanding that has been the hallmark on planet Earth for far too long,
and has much more importance in our spiritual growth and development.
As for the Sceptre Promises, the situation is very similar to that of the Birthright
Promises, in that physical and historical dimensions are only understood and taught.
As usual, the underlying spiritual dimension of the Sceptre Promises is ignored.
The physical and historical dimensions of the Sceptre are worked out in the
following ways. According to the New Testament, the genealogy of the Messiah, and
therefore the continuation of the Sceptre line, runs as follows:

The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:
Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his
brothers. Judah begot Perez and Zerah by Tamar, Perez begot Hezron, and
Hezron begot Ram. Ram begot Amminadab, Amminadab begot Nahshon, and
Nahshon begot Salmon. Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth,
Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David the king. David the king begot
Solomon by her who had been the wife of Uriah. Solomon begot Rehoboam,
Rehoboam begot Abijah, and Abijah begot Asa. Asa begot Jehoshaphat,
Jehoshaphat begot Joram, and Joram begot Uzziah. Uzziah begot Jotham, Jotham
begot Ahaz, and Ahaz begot Hezekiah. Hezekiah begot Manasseh, Manasseh begot
Amon, and Amon begot Josiah. Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers about
the time they were carried away to Babylon
And after they were brought to

Always, of course following the prophetic promise, from the Book of Genesis (49: 10) that : The sceptre shall
not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from beneath his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto Him shall the
gathering of the people be.
The captivity occurred in stages, beginning with Jehoiakim, continued with Jeconiah (Jehoiachin), and was
completed in Zedekiah. See 2 Kings 24 and 25 and 2 Chronicles 36. It is important to realize that Jeconiah was
later restored as a vassal king, 37 years after the captivity, as reported in 2 Kings 25: 27-30.
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Babylon, Jeconiah begot Shealtiel, and Shealtiel begot Zerubbabel. Zerubbabel
begot Abiud, Abiud begot Eliakim, and Eliakim begot Azor. Azor begot Zadok,
Zadok begot Achim, and Achim begot Eliud. Eliud begot Eleazar, Eleazar begot
Matthan, and Matthan begot Jacob. And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of
Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ.

So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from
David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the
captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations." (Matthew 1: 1-17,
KJV. Notice that we are dealing with 42 generations here, which is the exact
number of the stages of the Exodus from Egypt! It is also important to notice that
the names Ezra and Nehemia never appear at any time in the genealogy of the

Because King David was a man devoted to His God, God made an everlasting
Covenant with him, that meant God would build a housea kingdom and a throne
that would be safe until the end of time. In 2 Samuel, 11-13, Nathan the prophet
tells King David: Also the Lord telleth thee that he will make thee an house. And
when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed
after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He
shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom
forever. As Psalm 89: 3-4 notes: I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have
sworn unto David my servant. Thy seed will I establish forever, and build up thy
throne to all generations, Selah. This is not just to last for a few generations, but in
perpetuity. It was unconditional, even with the likelihood of the seed forsaking the law
and breaking the statutes: If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my
judgments; if they break my statutes and keep not my commandments; Then I will
visit their transgressions with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes (Psalm 89: 30-
But the location of this house, symbolized by the Cedar of Lebanon (note that
Prince Charles has a cedar of Lebanon in his home at Highgrove. Its top has been
knocked off! For the details consult out book The Sinister Garden at Highgrove
was not to be in the Holy Land, nor in ancient Babylon! The prophet Ezekiel gives us a
powerful clue about where this throne was to be re-located after the nation of Israel,
both parts of it, were destroyed: A great eagle with great wings, long-winged, full of
feathers, which had divers colours, came into Lebanon, and took the highest branch
of the cedar. He cropped off the tops of this young twigs, and carried it into a land
of traffick: he set it in a city of merchants[
] (Ezekiel 17: 3-4). Many
erroneously believe and teach that this prophecy was fulfilled when Nebuchadnezzar
carried off King Zedekiah (since he was the supposed highest branch, or so the theory
goes) to Babylon, where he died, blinded, in prison.
But Jeremiah the prophet had escaped to Egypt with part of the Judahite
population, as we shall see, after the conquest of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. The

I strongly believe that this city is the City of London. For more information see the material on Who is
Mystery Babylon the Great, found elsewhere on the Website associated with this book.
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result of that submission was that in Babylon the Biblical story, which had been
fundamentally Egyptian, was transformed into a Mesopotamian story. Jeremiah was
railing against the lies that were being promulgated by the false prophets at that

So do not listen to the words of the prophets who say, Do not submit yourselves
at all to the king of Babylon. For they are prophesying lies to you. I have not
sent them, saith Yahwe. They prophesy lies in my name. Therefore I will banish
you and those false prophets. Then I said to the priests and the people. Thus
saith Yahwe, Do listen to the words of the prophets who say, The vessels of the
House of Yahwe will soon be brought back from Babylon, for they prophesy a lie
to you. Do not heed them. Serve the King of Babylon and live. (Jeremiah 27: 14-

Notice in Matthew 1: 1-17 above, that it appears that the Sceptre Promise (Genesis
49: 10), which are for a future time, fails at the destruction of Judah during the last
stage of the Babylonian Captivity. All the nobles of Judah, and the wise men, were
killed. The sons of King Zedekiah, the heirs to the throne of David, were killed in their
fathers presence. Finally, King Zedekiahs eyes were pulled out of his head, and he was
transported to Babylon where he died in prison. At first glance it seems that the throne
of David had finally come to an end at this stage of world history, and that the Sceptre
Promises made by the Eternal God had come to a full stop. It is certainly true that the
royal throne no longer exists in Judah, or Jerusalem, or even among the Jews, but the
Eternal does not ever fail on His promises!
The royal throne, the Sceptre, does still
exist today, and we shall soon see how this came about.
After the Babylonian Captivity, the New Testament (at Matthew 1: 12-16) reports
that the Messiahs line continues down from Shealtiel (Salathiel)

Jeconiah begot Shealtiel, and Shealtiel begot Zerubbabel. Zerubbabel begot
Abiud, Abiud begot Eliakim, and Eliakim begot Azor. Azor begot Zadok, Zadok
begot Achim, and Achim begot Eliud. Eliud begot Eleazar, Eleazar begot
Matthan, and Matthan begot Jacob. And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of
Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ.

Sabbah, Messod and Roger, Secrets of the Exodus: Did The Pharaohs Write The Bible? Thorsons, London,
2002, p. 50. For a more in-depth discussion of the entire conspiracy that occurred during the Babylonian
Captivity, and the massive deceptions that followed, see chapter 7, The Lying Pen of Scribes.
Many people erroneously believe that the return of the Jews to Israel in 1948 heralded a new beginning for
the Jews, one that was in total accord with the Eternals wishes. It was certainly part of His plan for salvation,
but it is not according to His grace. It is part of the workings of the Mystery of Iniquity, and the final scenario of
the End Days. God would not permit any descendant of Judah, except the Messiah, to rule in Jerusalem after the
destruction of the Kingdom of Judah. Devout modern Jews realize this important principal. You can read more
about this here: Truth-seeking Jews know that they are in exile by
Divine Decree and may emerge from exile solely via Divine Redemption. All human efforts to alter a
metaphysical reality are doomed to end in failure and bloodshed. History has clearly borne out this teaching.
Quote is from the Web page here:
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Figure 4: The Coronation Throne
Basically, the understanding is that
when God determined that Judah should be
banished from her previous royal role of the
guardian of the Sceptre, He would now have
to find a way to ensure that the promises
made to Abraham, the patriarchs, and
especially King David (all who were by this
time long dead), were fully honoured. The
man selected by God to carry out this
mysterious mission was Jeremiah the
prophet: See, today I appoint you over
nations and over kingdoms, to pluck
up and to pull down, to destroy and to
overthrow, to build and to plant (Jeremiah
1: 10, NRSV, emphasis added). Crucial to
everything is what Jeremiah the prophet

said: He had earlier prophesied that, from
his time forward, King David would never
lack a man [or woman, for that matter] to
sit on the throne of the house of Israel
(Jeremiah 33: 17).
So we see in Genesis 38: 29 that long
before the dispersal of Judah in Babylon,
there was a "breach" between the twin sons
of Judah, Pharez and Zarah. (Gen. 38:29).
Accordingly, the line of Pharez was to be exalted with a line of kings from the time
of David until Zedekiah. Zarah was to be lowly with no kings. Now there are various
theories of how the Sceptre came to be rescued from destruction, but the basis of it is
that it was transferred through the migration westward, via Egypt,
Greece, and
Spain, of a remnant from Judah, and from this remnant a line of Irish kings was
established. Specifically the daughter of Zedekiah (the last King of Judah, whom
Ezekiel tells us was a profane, wicked Prince of Israel
)Tea Tephi (or Tamar)
was taken by Jeremiah, with his scribe Baruch, and others,
to Ireland, via Egypt,
where she continued the Royal family, by marrying into Irish nobility (the Irish King
Eochaidh, who is said to be of Judean origin), descending from David. Tea Tephi is
also alleged to have taken with her from Palestine Jacobs Pillar stoneaka the Stone
of Sconeidentified today with the coronation stone which used to sit in Westminster
Abbey, but which has since been returned to Scotland.
It is from this new
transplanting, via Tea Tephi, in Ireland, that the three over-turnings, mentioned in
Ezekiel 21: 25, first from Judah to Ireland, then Ireland to Scotland, and finally,
Scotland to England, occurred.
As an aside here, it will surprise many people to learn

Jeremiah the prophet arrived in Ireland around about 580 BC. His work and influence were so powerful there
that he soon became the Patriarch Saint of Ireland. With the help of some intrigue and cunning deception by the
Catholic Church, Jeremiah, the Patriarch Saint of Ireland, soon was changed into Saint Patriarch, after the
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Roman Catholics branded a Christian missionary by the name of Patrick (he died in the county of Down, on
March 17, 465 A.D.). This fact is recorded in the true history of Ireland. This Catholic Saint Patrick was never the
traditional patron of Ireland. That title belongs strictly to Jeremiah. The fact is, Rome began early to covet
Ireland. Once they got possession, it was necessary for them to destroy the influence of Jeremiah . This they did,
in part, by substituting the name of St. Patrick in the place of the prophet's; and more, they then set to work to
destroy even the old and famous capital city of Tara . In 565 [A.D.] St. Ruadham, along with a posse of bishops
and chiefs of the South of Ireland, cursed the city, so that neither King nor Queen might ever rule or reign
therein again. They forced the government, monarchy, and people to abandon the place. From thence Tara was
deserted... (The Ten Lost Tribes, Joseph Wild, D.D., 1883, London: Robert Banks, Printer, Racquet Court, Fleet
Street, E.C.)
After they arrived in Egypt the Pharaoh adopted Zedekiah's daughters as his own daughters and gave them a
palace at Tanis, still called today, Quasr bint el Jehudi, the Palace of the Daughter of Judah. They stayed for a
while until Jeremiah was warned that Nebuchadnezzar was going to attack Egypt and that they must leave.
From the article Tamara Tephi - Queen of Jerusalem, Gibraltar and Ireland, from the Web
site. Article URL: This article also reveals the
information that Queen Elizabeth II has been crowned on the fake Stone of Scone, and not the real Stone of
Destiny (stolen from the Scottish by Edward ILongshanksin 1296 AD ):
In 1950 four Scottish Nationalists removed the Stone [of Destiny] from Westminster Abbey; took it back to
Scotland and a fake stone called the Stone of Scone was later placed at Arbroath and from there taken to London.
It was this same fake stone that Elizabeth the Second was crowned upon in 1953, so in actual fact, she has never
really officially been crowned queen of the British people in the eyes of God.
All of the Irish; Scottish and English monarchs after 583 B.C., including Elizabeth the Second, are descended
from Eochaidh and Teia Tephi of the line of David from the tribe of Judah. The Stone was taken in 1950 from the
House of Windsor from the line of David in fulfillment of God's Prophecies in The Bible Book of Genesis chapter
49: 10 :
The sceptre shall not depart from Judah (the line of David), nor a law-giver from between his feet, until
Shiloh (Christ) comes.
"And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity [shall have] an end, Thus
saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this [shall] not [be] the same: exalt [him that
is] low, and abase [him that is] high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no [more], until he
come whose right it is; and I will give it [him]." (Ezekiel 21: 25-27)
There is the possibility that a Greek King, mentioned by Daniel the Prophet in Daniel chapter 8 (Daniel 8:
21, KJV, king of Grecia), was also part of the party to flee to Ireland. This will prove to be the key in identifying
who, in the modern world, Daniels the king of Greece really is, for it is not the literal king of Greece. Certainly
there is a lot to be sorted out here, but King Gathelus, son of Cecrops of Athens, in some ancient accounts, was a
member of Jeremiahs party. And it is also known that most of the European royal families, including the
Windsors, are descended from the royal house of Athens! As Tom Robinson, in The Throne of Britain:
Its Biblical Origin and Future, points out: Interestingly, all the early histories of Ireland mention the arrival
there of people from Greece called the Tuatha de Danaan. While some today equate them with demigods or
mythical fairy folk, they were definitely a genuinely historical people. The word tuath simply means tribe. The
Annals of Ireland report: The Danans were a highly civilized people, well skilled in architecture and other arts
from their long residence in Greece, and their intercourse with the Phoenicians. Their first appearance in Ireland
was 1200 BC, or 85 years after the great victory of Deborah. The Tuatha de Danaan, then, must be synonymous
with the Danaans of Greece and thus the Israelite tribe of Dan. This is not at all farfetched. Javan (or Yavan)
being the name for Greece in the Old Testament. Tom Robinson, op cit., pp. 8-9. It is also interesting that the
so-called Church Father Irenaeus concluded, from his understanding that the tribe of Dan and Ephraim are
not listed in the apocalyptic list of the twelve tribes from which the 144,000 are to come, that the end-time
antichrist would come from the tribe of Dan! Tim Cohen, in The AntiChrist And a Cup Of Tea, remarks:
Hippolytus, observing that both Judah and Dan are called a lions whelp (Gen. 49: 9, Deut. 33: 22) and that
the deceiver seeks to liken himself in all things to the Son of God, wrote: As the Christ springs from the tribe of
Judah, so the AntiChrist is to spring from the tribe of Dan. Jacob prophesied, saying, Dan shall be a red dragon
[serpent] by The Way [the way], a horned serpent [viper] by the path, that bites the horses heels so that its rider
falls backwards. Understood literally, Jacobs prophecy refers to the mortal conflict between the red dragon or
Satan, as represented by Dan (cf. Rev. 13: 2-4), and the Messiah (see Gen. 3: 15; Rev. 12: 3-5; cf. Rev. 1: 18, 20: 1-
2), who is The Way (John 14: 6), as well as the saints in Him (cf. Rev. 12: 9-17, 20: 4), who in the first century
were referred to collectively as the Way. We are also told in the pseudepigraphic (Jewish) Testament of Dan
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that perhaps there have been only two over-turnings in history, and the third one is
about to occur. It will be from England to the secretive seventh state of Australia,
called Capricornia, which is going to be the foundational state of the New World Order
(aka the AshkeNAZI Fourth Reich).

Jeremiah is also thought to have taken the Ark of the Covenant to Ireland as well
the true religion of the ancient Hebrews. Frederick Haberman, writing in his Tracing
Our White Ancestors, says: Irish historians are unanimous that about 580 B.C. there
arrived in Ulster a notable man, a patriarch or saint, accompanied by an Eastern
princess, and a lesser person by the name of Simon Brach , or Barech. This party
brought with them several remarkable things about which Ireland's songs and legends
cluster; those things were a harp (David's harp), and a wonderful stonethe Stone of
Destinythe Lia Phail . ...Irish tradition tells us that Jeremiah married the princess
Tamar Tephi to Eochaidh, the Heremon, or head king of Ireland, after the latter
embraced the worship of the true Jehovah. Jeremiah became the chief figure in Irish
history, life and religion. J. H. Allen, author of Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's
Birthright, says that Jeremiah's group brought with them an ark, as well, which is
claimed to be the Ark of the Covenant.
Now the connecting link between ancient Judah and our modern dayremember
that the Scriptures promises that the Sceptre, the Royal Crown of Rulership, will not
depart from Judah until Shiloh (the Messiah) comeshas to exist in our modern

(found in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs) that Dans prince is Satan (5: 6). Ever since the days of Jacob,
Israels twelve tribes have been individually represented by the signs of the twelve houses of the zodiac. With this
in mind, one writer observes, To Judah was given the insignia of Leo, the Lion, and to Dan was given the
insignia of Scorpio, the seed of the serpent. Morris comments, Dans bad reputation may be quite old, for
this tribe (along with Zebulon) is omitted from the genealogies in the early chapters of 1 Chronicles. From Tim
Cohen, The AntiChrist And A Cup Of Tea, op cit., pp. 93-94. See Appendix 2 of Tom Robinsons work: Were The
Greeks Israelites? Also, on the probable identification of the tribe of Dan in the modern world, see Collins,
Steven M, The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Found! Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 1992, pp. 42-50. It seems to me
that the tribe of Dan, wishing to escape the tyranny of heaven, and seek freedom from Gods Law (for that is
what Satanists really mean when they cry the mantra of the French Revolution Liberty, Equality, Fraternity),
left the Holy Land, as 13-tribe group (the 12 Illuminati bloodlines, with the 13
bloodline being the
Merovingians, the tribe from which the Antichrist and False Prophet will emerge), in a reverse Exodus back to
the land of sin. Except their Exodus route was not back to Egypt via Mount Sinai, but to Arcadia in Greece, via
Mount Olympus, where they received their Law of Sin from Zeus, the King of their gods. Of course Zeus is satan,
and his sacred mountain, from which he dispenses his sacred spark every four years, for use in the Olympic
Torch Relay, is Mount Olympus! The Merovingians are understood to have settled in Arcadia (named after
Arcas) in Greece for a long period, before they moved further West (the direction of sin and death), and settling
in Ireland as the the Tuatha de Danaan in 1200 BC. Of course all of this is a pure mockery of the actual events of
the Moses-led flight from sin, which the original Exodus portrayed. For further information about the origin of
the Merovingians, see Appendix N: Methods for Determining the North and South Poles, of our book The
Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
Some conspiracy theorists maintain that the false Messiah to be presented to the world in the last days will
also be crowned sitting on this stone!
I recommend that you consult the following excellent reference on the identity of Davids throne in the
modern world: Robinson, Tom, The Throne of Britain: Its Biblical Origin and Future, published by the United
Church of God, an International Association, 2003. Their Website is
For more information on what is really happening in Australia see Julia Gillard, Red Slippers, "TC"
Proponents, and the AshkeNAZI Fourth Reich, here: Also see our Last
Days Watch newsletter archives here:
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world. So, who is modern Judah? And what is the genealogical connection between
ancient Judah and modern Judah? Again there are different theories on the matter.
First, in 1902 The Covenant Publishing Company Limited in England published a
genealogy chart
in their publication, The Illustrious Lineage of the Royal House of
Britain. Based on this information a chart was published in 1923 which showed a
genealogy listing for the Royal Houses of Great Britain.
It begins way back in
Biblical times with Judah begetting Phares, lists at the tenth step that Jesse begat King
David, and at the eleventh, that David begat Solomon. Then after the Babylonian
captivity it shows how the Sceptre Promises do not die out in the destruction of Judah,
but continue on in the daughter of Zedekiah, who begets Tea Tephi. All told there are
100 generations listed in this genealogy, from Judah, right down through Zedekiahs
daughter Tea Tephi, through the lines of many of the ancient Kings of Ireland,
Scotland and England, right down toguess who? Yes you guessed right The
current Prince Charles of Wales, who is born into the world

The Real Stone of Scone?

At Scone King Edward removed Lia Fail, the Stone of Destiny on which every Celtic
king of Scotland had been crowned. Legend had it that the grey basalt stone had been
the pillow on which Jacob slept when he dreamed of angels ascending a ladder to
heaven. It was believed to have been brought from the Holy Land by Scota, the
daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt from whom the Scots took their name, and
subsequently brought from Spain to Ireland by Gadalos or Gaelus, ancestor of the
Gaels. In the sixth century Fergus of Dalriada brought the stone from Ireland to Scone
where it reposed for eight hundred years. According to Blind Harry, King Edward had
himself symbolically crowned on the stone of Scone before removing it to Westminster
Abbey where it reposes, under the Coronation chair, to this day. Harry included a
prophetic couplet:

But where that stone is, Scots shall masters be,
God haste the time Margretis heir to see.

The prophecy would be fulfilled 130 years later after this poem was written, when
James VI, King of Scots, succeeded to the throne of England in 1603. An
unsubstantiated myth, which persists to this day, alleges that the monks of Scone,
apprised of the approaching English army, hid the stone and substituted a piece of rock
hewn from a local quarry. By inference, the real Stone has been concealed ever since,
no one knows where.

The chart can be purchased from this site:
You can see the full 100-step genealogy here on this Website:
Youll have to scroll down at least half-way through this rather long page to find it.
Mackay, James, William Wallace: Brave Heart, Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh and London, 1995, p. 79.
Incidentally, many people believe that the true identity of the legendary English hero, Robin Hood, is none other
than William Wallace, the Scottish patriot, hero and martyr. Notice this comment, which is worth following up
on: I did not realise to what extent the controllers would go to suppress the book that I co-authored with my
brother, but we gradually discovered that powerful Freemasons in the UK were not pleased with our findings and
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system exactly 100 generations after Judah (according to this chart)! Thus the current
British House of Windsor, and the British monarchy, are said to be the
successors of Tamar Tephi and Eochaidh, and therefore considered to be the modern
descendants of the Kings of Israel, with King Solomon being their prime target
See The Revelation of the Antichrist as the Second Coming of Solomon
] for details about this claim. This article on King Solomon also forms an appendix
to our book, The Sinister Garden at Highgrove.
But there have been other claimants to the Royal Throne of Jerusalem, and the
Webmaster of the Website, Clinton Ortiz, makes note of this fact:

Two Royal Families in Great Britain have claimed of them to be descendants of
the Royal House of David,
a Bloodline which supposedly produced many of
the ruling Houses of Europe today, including the British Monarchy and current
ruling House of Windsor [
]. The other family important to this lineage is the
Scottish House of Stuart (Spencer), whose most infamous
descendant was the late Princess Diana. While there is discrepancy as to
whether or not the Windsor claims to the Throne of England are legitimate
(being descendants of the Germanic House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), most agree
that the Stuart lineage are not only the rightful heirs to the Throne of England

used every means to counter our discoveries by closing off access to the mass media and universities, going so far
as to commission television programmes about Robin Hood that effectively maintained the illusion that his true
identity cannot be discovered and has to remain a mystery. The original publisher we approached, NWP of
Glasgow, was very enthusiastic after his initial reading of our manuscript, believing that he had a commercial
success on his hands, but changed his attitude very suddenly and dramatically, and could give us no coherent
reason for his decision to drop the book. I soon discovered one of the key reasons. A series of books that have
presented a pseudo history, beginning with The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, a series designed to create
skepticism regarding the death and resurrection of Christ and which pursues the themes of the Rosicrucians, had
incorporated in one of the later books, The Hiram Key, the suggestion that Sir William Wallace, (the real Robin
Hood) was in fact a Knight Templar.
Our work had blown such a suggestion apart, and Freemasonry is not pleased. Whereas our time and effort to
produce a work that is both informative and entertaining should have rewarded us with the fruits of commercial
success, I am instead eking out a daily existence working as a newspaper delivery van driver. I feel that you may
understand that I am not suffering from a paranoid condition, something that the Illuminati would wish us to
believe of ourselves.
Yours affectionately,
Tony Cooper
For more information on this important claim, checkout the Readers Comments to this article, How University
Betrays Students, at Henry Makow's Web site:
There are many opponents to the view fostered by British-Israelism, one such example can be seen on this
There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today with numerous collateral branches who are of
Merovingian lineage. These include the Houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine, Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat,
Montesquiou, and various others. According to the Prieure documents, the Sinclair family in Britain is also allied
to the Bloodline as are various branches of the Stuarts. All of these Houses could claim a pedigree from Jesus;
and if one man at some point in the future is to be put forward as a new Priest-King [Messiah], we do not yet
know who he is. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, Dell
Publishing Company, 666 Fifth Avenue, New York. pp. 409-10
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(and Scotland), yet also to the Throne of David, and Israel itself. In light of this,
it was therefore of paramount importance that the Windsor's seek out a 'Virgin'
of the Merovingian Bloodline to marry into, in effect, to finally legitimize their
long held Occult power and authority claimed of them being descendants of
Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon, who was given the honor of the Kingdom and
declared "King of Jerusalem" in 1099, as well as creating what they see would be
a unique Christ descendant from such a union of their draconic lineages that
would forever legitimize their tight grasp on the British Monarchy. Therefore
this intriguing and most infamous of arranged marriages between Charles and
Grail Princess Diana was not hatched solely by the Windsor's themselves [
], it
was of far more ancient design and connected to the Knights Templar.
Interestingly enough, six months after the Royal Wedding, while Diana was
already three months pregnant, came the release of Holy Blood Holy Grail in
which the three authors made the shocking claim of the secret of the Knights
Templar. This 'secret' being propagated to the world in 1982 contained the
genealogical record of the Davidic Bloodline passing thru Christ and His
descendants to became the Frankish Merovingian Kings, a secret which
curiously became the foundation for the modern Occult itself, connected to their
prophecy about the birth of a future Antichrist figure.[

This ancient secret that included a unique Bloodline supposedly descended from
King David [
] was so powerfully wrought with arcane knowledge that it
threatened the gluttonous ruling classes of Europe and Church, granting the
original Templars enough power to rival both Europe's nobles and the Church
itself with extinction. The Knights Templars practiced and prospered,
worshiping a god named Baphomet which many believed to be the Devil. In time
the Church, as well as the new King of France (who it is said was awash in
Templar debt) had enough, the decree went out and the once untouchable
Knights Templar who had grown so vastly powerful in such a short time, were
rounded up and put to death wherever they were found, yet many were not
found. The year was 1313, and the abrupt disappearance of a major part of the
European infrastructure left some to speculate that Templars had escaped into
the underground, taking with them their vast wealth, power, and knowledge.
And so it was, from France into Scotland, the Templars took with them their
heretical lineage, science, and secrets where they patiently waited, and subtly
worked. Many of today's secret fraternal Orders, including Scottish Rite
Freemasonry, as well as the cunningly devised metaphysical movements which
prepare for a New Age, even Satanic cults themselves, all trace their spiritual
roots to Grail Templarism as well as the so-called Divine Feminine [
]. While
in Scotland, the Templars created the Jacobite movement, putting its cause

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behind the Royal House of Stewart [
]. The "Davidic Bloodline" had now
secured a Crown in what was becoming the most powerful country in the world,
as Queen Elizabeth I dies without an heir and James Stewart VI of Scotland
becomes King James of England. The Knights Templar, and their Royal House
of Stewart were thence connected to the powerful Bloodline and seat, a
Bloodline which eventually produced Lady Diana Spencer, the late Princess of

The Merovingian Kings, their supposed Holy Bloodline (and their true
progenitor), have a rich and twisted history all their own [
], yet is directly
connected to the supposed findings of the Templars in that they are the
connective link between the Christ lineage and European Royalty, which is
believed to include the Hapsburgs, Plantagenets, and Stuarts, among others.
According to this latest revived heresy developed with a very specific purpose
and timeframe yet to play out, Jesus did not die on the cross and rise from the
dead becoming mankind's Salvation, instead it is claimed He had sex with Mary
Magdalene, survived the Roman crucifixion, and lived to father at least one, or a
number of Divine children, the firstborn said to be a son named Judah or
Merovee, a name later given to the first Merovingian King in France (447 to 458
AD) while others believe the child was actually a daughter, given the name of
Sarah (or Tamar, which became the name of an ultra-secretive organization
whose task it was to protect future Merovingian descendants) [
]. Regardless
of the supposed names, titles, and endless genealogies, an entire race of
enlightened Christ-like beings each leading to the next in succession in some
Messianic Dynasty has supposedly passed down through the ages toward a final
One who would rule in the name of Christ, albeit, in the stead (instead) of Christ.
This could only be Anti-Christ. The same who take these fanciful claims of
Christ having 'holy' children who twist it into historical fact also say these
"truths" were kept hidden from the rest of the world, having been suppressed by

The Royals of Great Britain in particular have arranged for the destruction of Christianity. The Holy Grail
blasphemously represents the Blood of Jesus as having been preserved in this Royal Family, which is heir to the
Throne at Jerusalem. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (p. 406) speaks of a New King of "the Holy Seed of
David" who will preside over a "Masonic Kingdom." Who might be the heir of this purported Royal Bloodline of
Jesus deemed worthy to sit on the Throne of David?
Lady Diana was married to Prince Charles to combine the House of Windsor and the House of Stuart. The
authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail include a list of noble families of Merovingian heritage which include the
following quote: "According to the 'Prieur documents,' the Sinclair family in Britain is also allied to the
Bloodline, as are various branches of the Stuarts." Of special note, Princess Diana was a member of the Stuart
family, which claims a greater nobility than the House of Windsor. Moreover, along with the glories of
Freemasonry, the Stuart contribution to this Occult order is acclaimed thusly: "During their stay in France the
Stuarts had been deeply involved in the dissemination of Freemasonry." Arthurian texts makes the Messianic
role quite clear: 'I bring thee the desired Knight who is descended from the Bloodline lineage of King David."
Source: (Quoted on
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the Catholic Church and revealed only by the original Knights Templar who then
passed these shocking revelations on to an underground stream of alchemists,
astrologers, cabalists, necromancers, and elite Royal families through various
secret societies such as the main inheritors of the Templarian secrets, the
Freemasons [
]. The fact that this information is becoming known and falsely
tauted as the Bloodline of Christ to this generation indicates the time of the
Merovingian Antichrist revealing is near [

The British Royal Family's own links to this supposed Bloodline and history is
damning in of itself (as it turns out to be a lineage [
] dating back to Cain, and
not Christ at all) passing through the Merovingian Kings of France and into
Scotland where it became known as the House of Stuart, of which Princess
Diana is descended from and becomes her more legitimate trace to this
Bloodline of the Holy Grail which is why, as it is believed, she was selected by
the British Royal Family* for the most infamous of arranged marriages. To the
Occult mind, she literally was the Holy Grail, the receptor of Christ's Blood, the
embodiment of the Divine Feminine [Nazarene Remnant comment:
Actually the name Diana suited the Occult Royals of Great Britain admirably,
because of its connections to the demonic ancient cult of Diana, whose worship
is nothing other that satanic worship, and its fruits ultimately lead to the Black
or Night Sun.], and her womb would bring forth a powerful King into the world
who provides the many curative powers attributed to the Grail for the healing of
a wounded world. With certain guidance from their 'spirit masters' over a span
of six millennia, secret societies such as the modern Knights Templar and others
each have their role as protector to the ancient lineage, as Guardians of the Holy
Grail [
], unseen hands throughout the ages carrying out the will of one who
made it. As such, this Bloodline was always to find its way down thru history,
thru the vanquishing of ancient advanced civilizations, thru the rise and fall of
great empires, thru violent crusades and times of inquisition right into our own
modern age and into its intended final recipient, who according to the Occult
texts, seems much more to be an Antichrist figure than anything even remotely
resembling Jesus Christ. Might it be therefore that this Bloodline, being "the
secret of all ancient secret societies," is currently being made public and
purposefully released into the mainstream of society as a way to lay a foundation
for further "secrets" to come, to deceive the masses? Have you ever noticed that
all of these same secrets go at great strides to denegrate the Divinity of Christ,
while promoting a questionable lineage that is actually connected to the coming

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Through the ages, the secret of the "Holy lineage" has gone by many names,
strange metaphors, and Occult symbols [
] with those possessing it believing
themselves to be true and rightful heirs of Jerusalem, they being the true
Kingdom of [their] God on earth and gods of a Divine Monarchy whose right it is
to rule the world. Heresy at best as some might attribute, yet it is their own
elitist belief and prophecy in a soon revealed King from the lineage of King
David, of Anglo-Messianic descent which arises to preside over all the world at a
time he's needed most, that is most intriguing. So the current British Royal
Family sought out a young Virgin, not for the love that many, including Diana
herself, were at first deceived with, yet the seedy marriage arrangement was
devised for one purpose only, for the Merovingian ancestry Diana held, knowing
the firstborn child produced would be an heir to the Merovingian-Grail lineage
and therefore rightful heir to the Throne of David. [Nazarene Remnant
comment: See Reading #45: Zeroing In On The Antichrist: "Wolves in sheep's
clothing." Especially see the section headed Who is the AntiChrist, Prince
Charles or Prince William? in The Warning of the Last Days,] However, what
is seen by them to be another incarnation of the Christ must give way to the far
more ancient warnings in Scripture which speak of an earthly King that arises in
the place of Christ, instead of Christ, who is perceived to have all the credentials
to make himself the World Messiah yet who is the Antichrist. Scriptures refer to
this one as the last Evil King and Beast who together with his Prophet, shall
deceive the nations and Israel into a covenant made not with peace and security,
yet with death and hell. What else should we know in advance to this obvious
DaVinci Code disinformation campaign [

The coming world leader commonly known as the Antichrist has at least 33
titles* ascribed to him in the Old Testament and 13 titles [
] in the New, yet
despite what some may think, he is only called the "Antichrist" five times in all
of Scripture and all of those are found within the epistles of John, possibly the
same man who wrote Revelation where Antichrist is then called "the Beast".
However, there are two more titles in particular that reappear four times
between Isaiah and Revelation which further intrigue. The coming
Antichrist is called a "Prince" in Daniel 9:26-27; "the people of the Prince
that shall come shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary," yet he is also called
a "King" in Revelation 17:8; "the King who was, is not, yet will be again." This
shows us that the coming Antichrist is not just metaphorically called a King, as
some believe, but that he will move through the normal procession of a
monarchial tradition, being first a European Prince, and then a King. Daniel
9:26-27, which makes a Biblically common dual-layered prophecy whose first
fulfillment came in 66AD, the year of a great Omen by why of a large Comet [

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when Vespasian along with his son Titus (fitting the 'Roman Prince' archetype)
and his armies destroyed both Jerusalem and the Temple (the City and the
Sanctuary) over the next four years until Jerusalem became a wasteland, yet its
future and final fulfillment shall occur when the Antichrist along with his False
Prophet and armies destroy that future Third Temple, and with it, Jerusalem.
The Scriptures use this kind of dual-layered prophecy more than once [
], and
it has always confused people yet we know the prophecy in Daniel is referring to
the Antichrist because of Christ's own prophetically coded language found
within Matthew 24:3-33 (among others) in which he links Daniel's entire
prophecy about the "Abomination of Desolation," the future "Prince to come," to
be the end-time Antichrist, and the key to unlocking that truth is found in verse
three "As He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately,
saying, Tell us when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming
and of the end of the world?" (*See 'Cain: A Type of the Coming Antichrist and
Son of Satan' [

As with most prophetic Scripture, especially those found in Daniel, God always
makes a way for the correct interpretation to be known. In this instance, Christ
made it clearly known what was meant by Daniel's prophecy when providing the
interpretation that there were two distinct destructions coming upon Israel, the
first by a Roman and his Roman army, the later fulfillment in the
endtimes by the Antichrist, a European Prince that arises out of a nation
formerly included in the ancient Roman Empire. Interestingly, London itself
was actually created and founded by the Romans around 33 AD, the same year
Christ was crucified. It quickly became a large industrial Roman port city linking
London directly to Rome. After which, Rome then flooded thousands of troops
into England, thru their new city stronghold where they conquered ancient
Britain North to Hadrian's Wall. Biblical prophecy authors and researchers have
debated for decades announcing that the Antichrist must be a Roman, and arise
out of Rome, from their linear understanding of the Scriptures in Daniel and
Revelation. A more careful look at those same prophecies however clearly
indicate that the coming Prince arises out of a nation (and city) that was part of
the ancient Roman Empire, not Rome itself. The fact that London was actually
created by Roman hands does lend an interesting connection and shows us that
London virtually became, in effect, the 'New Rome' by 66 AD.

Britain officially became part of the Roman Empire by 84 AD whereby the
Roman Legions remained there until around 410 AD. As Rome and the Roman
Empire itself waned in power, England and its new capital city of London gained
power, prestige, and global influence. Today, we have a Prince and soon-to-be
King about to rise from this ancient Roman nation whose power still sits upon
"many waters," which brings to mind that apocalyptic Great Harlot, Mystery

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Babylon of Revelation 18 [
] who holds in her hand the golden Grail of Blood.
Add to this, certain facts now surfacing attempting to expose the secretive Occult
factions behind the American and British Governments, and their intelligence
agencies, whose end goal is the creation of a British-led Anglo-Empire uniting
the world in 'peace' while bringing forth an Aryan-Arthurian figure to the
forefront [
] after a great global destruction, at a time when the world is
weakened enough and in need of such a leader, and we have all the makings of
the ultimate conspiracy. We aren't told who this future ruler might be, yet the
Occult underground is supposedly preparing their ranks for a young and
charismatic Prince who will be seen in the future as a King Arthur returned [
Shortly before her untimely death in France, the late Princess Diana herself is
quoted as saying: I believe Wills (her name for William) can rebuild
Camelot and I will be his Merlin. Together we will return to the chivalry,
pageantry, and the glory that was King Arthur's Court. [Nazarene Remnant
comment: Actually, if you are familiar with English history you will recall that
King Arthur's legendary Court, and Camelot, were quite degenerate and evil!
William will remake the British Monarchy by showing love, leadership, and
compassion. Currently running which is actually serving to educate and
outright deceive the world about a supposed Bloodline from Christ taking us?
Where is all of this "evidence" of a Merovingian King
in line to the British

For example, note these quite sordid events: The fame of King Arthur, leader of the Britons, circa 500 AD,
derives from his election as Guardian of the Holy Grail, reported to be the cup used by Jesus and His disciples at
the Last Supper. Readers who are familiar with the tales of the Arthurian period of English history (e.g. Camelot)
will recall the degeneracy of King Arthur's legendary Court rather than its virtue. A New Age book, Messiah and
the Second Coming by John David and Naomi Rice, recalls the much glamorized affair at Camelot:
The fair Knight Lancelot came to King Arthur in his young manhood, gifted, adventure-some, idealistic, the
King and knights accepted him into their sacred group. Guinevere gave Lancelot her heart instantly. He
returned her love and betrayed his king, though he loved Arthur, Lancelot took every opportunity to be with
Queen Guinevere
The guilty love between Lancelot and Guinevere cast a cloud upon King Arthur's court. Misdirected thinking
and living for self-gratification has a way of being contagious. Other knights began to weaken and live for
Guinevere's power over Lancelot caused him to fail in his quest for the Holy Grail. Jealousy and ambition
overcame the knights and the secret love of Lancelot and Guinevere denounced by each of them to the King.
Arthur's grief appears to be more for Lancelot, his fair knight, than for his love, Guinevere. Lancelot fled to
France, Arthur followed, but while Arthur was gone some of the knights seized the kingdom. Arthur returns,
having lost his battle with Lancelot. Arthur wins back his kingdom but is mortally wounded. (John Davis and
Naomi Rice, Messiah and the Second Coming, Coptic Press, 1982, pp. 100-1)
In this 95-generation genealogy of Prince Charles, every 11
generation (labelled as 1. in the series shown
here) will be free from the bastard curse. Tragically, all throughout history, it seems that such generations
immediately broke Gods Law of love, sex, and marriage again, and immediately brought down the bastard curse
against their descendants for another ten generations! Notice that Prince Charles, according to the Law of the
bastard Curse, is a bastard himself! For details of the bastard curse, see Section 3, The Shocking Suppressed
Truth About Love, Sex and Marriage, of our book How Families Flourish, available here: Here begins Prince Charles genealogy: 1. Judah begat
Phares (1), 2. Phares begat Esrom (2), 3. Esrom begat Aram (3), 4. Aram begat Aminadab (4), 5. Aminadab begat
Nashon (5), 6. Nashon begat Salmon (6), 7. Salmon begat Boaz (7), 8. Boaz begat Obed (8), 9. Obed begat Jesse
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Throne having rights to be called Israel's Messiah leading us? (Source: Clinton
Ortiz, )

(9), 10. Jessie begat David (10), 1. David begat Solomon (11) (the 11
generation and free of the Bastard Curse), 2.
Solomon begat Rehoboam (12), 3. Rehoboam begat Abijah (13), 4. Abijah begat Asa (14), 5. Asa begat Jehosaphat
(15), 6. Jehosaphat begat Jehoram (16), 7. Jehoram begat Ahaziah (17), 8. Ahaziah begat Joash (18), 9. Joash
begat Amaziah (19), 10. Amaziah begat Uzziah (20), 1. Uzziah begat Jotham (21) (the 11
generation and free of
the Bastard Curse), 2. Jotham begat Ahaz (22), 3. Ahaz begat Hezekiah (23), 4. Hezekiah begat Manasseh (24), 5.
Manasseh begat Amon (25), 6. Amon begat Josiah (26), 7. Josiah begat Zedekiah (27) (who was captured and
blinded in Babylon, but who was released) 8. Zedekiah begat Tea Tephi (28) (taken to Ireland by Jeremiah the
prophet, she becomes ancestor to all Irish and Scottish kings), 9. Tea Tephi begat Ugaine the Great (29), 10.
Ugaine the Great begat Argus the Prolific (30), 1. Argus the Prolific begat Ferchard (31), 2. Ferchard begat Fergus
I (32), 3. Fergus I begat Maine (33), 4. Maine begat Dornadil (34), 5. Dornadil begat Reuther (35), 6. Reuther
begat Eders (36), 7. Eders begat Conaire the Great (37), 8. Conaire the Great begat Corbred I (38), 9. Corbred I
begat Corbred II (39), 10. Corbred II begat Modha Lamha (40), 1. Modha Lamha begat Saraid Conaire II (41), 2.
Saraid Conaire II begat Corbred Dalriada (42), 3. Corbred Dalriada begat Eochaidh (43), 4. Eochaidh begat
Athirco (44), 5. Athirco begat Findachar (45), 6. Findachar begat Thrinklind (46), 7. Thrinklind begat
Fincormach (47), 8. Fincormach begat Romaich (48), 9. Romaich begat Angus (49), 10. Angus begat Eochaidh
(50), 1. Eochaidh begat Erch (51), 2. Erch begat Fergus the Great (52), 3. Fergus the Great begat Dongard (53), 4.
Dongard begat Govran (54), 5. Govran begat Aydan (55), 6. Aydan begat Eugene (56), 7. Eugene begat Donald
(57), 8. Donald begat Ethach (58), 9. Ethach begat Ethdre (59), 10. Ethdre begat Ethafind (60), 1. Ethafind begat
Ethas (61), 2. Ethas begat Alpin (62), 3. Alpin begat Kenneth (63), 4. Kenneth begat Constantine (64), 5.
Constantine begat Donald IV (65), 6. Donald IV begat Malcolm (66), 7. Malcolm begat David (67), 8. David begat
Henry (68), 9. Henry begat David (69), 10. David begat Isobel (70), 1. Isobel begat Robert (71), 2. Robert begat
Robert (72), 3. Robert begat Robert the Bruce (73), 4. Robert the Bruce begat Marjory (74), 5. Marjory begat
Robert II (75), 6. Robert II begat Robert III (76), 7. Robert III begat James I (77), 8. James I begat James II (78),
9. James II begat James III (79), 10. James III begat James IV (80), 1. James IV begat James V (81), 2. James V
begat Mary Queen of Scotts (82), 3. Mary Queen of Scotts begat James VI (83), 4. James VI begat Elizabeth (84),
5. Elizabeth begat Sophia (85), 6. Sophia begat George I (86), 7. George I begat George II (87), 8. George II begat
Fredrick Prince of Wales (88), 9. Fredrick Prince of Wales begat George III (89), 10. George III begat Queen
Victoria (90), 1. Queen Victoria begat King Edward VII (91), 2. King Edward VII begat King George V (92), 3.
King George V begat King George VI (93), 4. King George VI begat Queen Elizabeth II (94), 5. Queen Elizabeth II
begat Prince Charles of Wales (95).

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For Further Research:

Krister, in a blog comment on Henry Makow's excellent article Were Illuminati
Jews Responsible for the Holocaust? revealed this important information on March
22, 2012, which is deserving of deeper research:
Swedish-American Pastor John Torell, already in the 1970:s identified that the plan of
the NWO, was hidden in the Jewish Kaballah. He made this discovery as a result of
first researching Freemasonary and later on studying the works of Professor Gershom
Scholem. Pastor Torell writes about the booklets:

In this series of booklets you will learn how the diabolical Kaballah was started
in the days of Moses, more than five thousand years ago by men who rebelled
against God. This secret religion among the twelve tribes of Israel
burned like a smoldering fire under the surface and it was King
Solomon who fanned the fire some 900 years before Christ and
made it into the refined system we see today. As we are approach the
coming of the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast, it should be of utmost
importance to know about the religion of this coming world dictator.

The main subject (names) of the four booklet is Sabbatai Sevi, Jacob Frank, 'The
Rothschild Family and The Stealth Takeover of the United States.

The booklets can be ordered by following this link: " (Source: "Were Illuminati Jews
Responsible for the Holocaust" )

The Sinister Garden at Highgrove, here:

The Second Coming of Solomon, here:

What Role Will the Great Pretender Play: Charlemagne, King Arthur or
King Solomon? here:

The books are also on the USB / DvD version of this work.

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Chapter 6The Birthright Promises and
the Twelve Types of Men

Where there is a mystery, it is generally accepted
there must also be evil. (Lord Byron)

WARNING: Before commencing this chapter please understand that you have to
avoid being fooled into believing that it is all about astrology. It may appear to
the sceptic and the uneducated to be about this topic, but actually its not about
astrology as we know it today. Now your religious teachers have most probably
pointed out, the scriptures make it clear that anything to do with astrology is from
Satan, and therefore to be avoided. I have no argument with that. But there is a
problem here, in that most people assume that modern astrology is the same as
ancient astrology. That is not so! Jonathan Gray, in his book Sting of the Scorpion:
The Truth Behind Star Signs, tells us the following vital information:

Would it surprise you to learn that zodiac signs have nothing to do with
horoscopes? Yes, you read it right. The two have as much in common as a kitten
and a rattlesnake. Did you know that the zodiac enshrines the oldest pictures in
the world, but that horoscopes are relatively new? It is time for the truth. The
original intent of the zodiac was infinitely more grand and masterly. It contained
a powerful message, which for 4,000 years was clearly understood. Then, about
300 BC, this noble and sacred science fell under the influence of the Babylonian
priests in what is now Iraq. They hijacked it, so to speak. Then the whole field
was left almost entirely to astrology. How could it be that we have missed the
real significance of the zodiac? Significantly, the same names and figures are
consistent throughout history and throughout the cultures of the world. And they
have survived on astronomical charts to this day.

The apostle Peter told us that there ... are some things [which are] hard to
understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own
destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
The discussion which follows
is in this same class: hard to understand, but nevertheless, understandable. Therefore
the aim of this chapter is to discover the symbolic meaning of the number 12 as it
pertains to salvation as a great angel who is given eternal life. Now when we accept
that something is not understandable, or a secret known only to God,
we often

Jonathan Gray, Sting of the Scorpion: The Truth Behind Star Signs, PO Box 3370, Rundle Mall, 5000, South
Australia. 1997. pp. 1-2.
2 Peter 3: 16, NKJV, emphasis added.
Of course there are so many things that can only be known by God, because He is God. Of course this also is
not to say that we know everything! A very essential point on the road of knowing is to come to that hard place
where you must admit that you know nothing. Aristotle and Socrates had the advantage over many men and
women because this is precisely the position they were able to come to! In fact Aristotle is reported to have said:
"I have an advantage over other mortals because I know that I do not know." We must continually acknowledge
our own ignorance if we are to progress anywhere on the path of truth.
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create for ourselves a new problem. The problem hard to understand can quite easily
be turned into a supposedly new class of problem: a mystery! In a sense the problem
becomes solved by our tacit agreement that it cannot be solved at all! Consequently
the matter is consigned to the mystery class of objects, and we give up any further
study of the problem, the dilemma, or the object of study, and accept that it as a great
mystery. This acceptance now becomes our new wisdom, and this is one of the most
basic of flaws in the teachings of all the churches of God.

Anyone who studies the Scriptures, and ancient legends, even fleetingly, knows
that the number twelve has great prominence. In the ancient world we find ample
evidence of the number twelve first connected with the constellations known as the
Zodiac. Symbols depicting the twelve Zodiacal Signs have survived through the
Sumerian records, and even from Babylonia, and the Egyptian monuments contain
identical depictions and names of the twelve stations of the Zodiac.
The twelve
zodiacal signs are: Aries the ram, Taurus the bull, Gemini the twins, Cancer the crab,
Leo the lion, Virgo the virgin, Libra the scales, Scorpio the scorpion, Sagittarius the
man with a body of a horse, Capricorn the deer with the body of a fish, Aquarius the
water bearer, and Pisces, the fish.
There are so many occurrences of the number twelve, it is hard to compile a full
listing. Suffice, a few examples:

The 12 signs of the Zodiac,
The 12 Tribes of Israel (and each of them being associated with a Sign of the
The 12 Princes of Ishmael,
The 12 Disciples of Christ,
King Arthur and his 12 Knights of the Round Table,
Himmler and his 12 knights in the Nazi SS,
The woman with a crown of 12 stars in the Book of Revelation,
The 12 Drotters presiding over the mysteries with Odin.

Of course the false doctrine of the Trinity is in this same class.
For a discussion of this, see Zecharia Sitchin, The Cosmic Code, chapter 2 Fate Has Twelve Stations, Avon
Books, New York, 1998.
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The Twelve Tribes of Israel and
their associated Zodiac Sign.
Undoubtedly there is something very special connected with the number twelve,
and thirteen, and Satan knows that too, which is why he has taken over the use of that
sacred number for his own systems. Using this very effective strategy of Satanic
sorcery, which I call stealadoptrebrand, we see that people will conclude
that anything to do with number 13 is Satanic, and therefore overlook its true meaning.
It is the reason (we are told) that many high-rise buildings do not label a thirteenth
floor, but instead in listings, there is a jump from the 12
floor to the 14
floor. It is
Satans basic operational plan, and we must always remember that Satan is the Father
of Lies.

The Biblical records first mention the number twelve in relation to Abrahams
descendants through the handmaiden Hagars son, Ishmael, whom God blesses
through this prophecy:

And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will
make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he
beget, and I will make him a great nation. (Genesis 17: 20)

The next occurrence of the number twelve is in relation to the well-known
prophecy about Jacobs twelve sons:

Now the sons of Jacob were twelve:
The sons of Leah; Reuben, Jacob's firstborn, and Simeon, and Levi, and
Judah, and Issachar, and Zebulun:
The sons of Rachel; Joseph, and Benjamin:
And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid; Dan, and Naphtali:
And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid; Gad, and Asher: these [are] the

For an expose of how Satan and his followers invert the true meaning of sacred truth, and claim them as his
own evil system, see our book Alice Bailey and the Wiles of Satan, here:
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sons of Jacob, which were born to him in Padanaram. (Genesis 35: 23-26. By
the way, the four mothers are symbols for the four living creatures. )

Figure 5

Indeed the number twelve and the
signs of the zodiac are very much a part of
the Jewish religion, even to this day, as
Zecharia Sitchin observes: Archaeologists
excavating the remains of Jewish
synagogues in the Holy Land are
sometimes puzzled to find the floors of
such synagogues decorated with the
zodiacal circle of the twelve constellations
(Figure 5). They tend to view the finds as
aberrations resulting from Greek and
Roman influences in the centuries before
Christianity. Such an attitude, stemming
from the belief that the practice was
prohibited by the Old Testament, ignores
the historical recordthe Hebrews familiarity with the zodiacal constellations and
their associations with predictions of the futurewith Fate.
For generations and to this day, one can hear cries of Mazal-tov! Mazal-tov! At
Jewish weddings or when a boy is circumcised. Ask anyone what it means, and the
answer will be: It means Good luck, let the couple or boy have good luck with them.
Few realize, however, that though that is what is intended, that is not what the
phrase means. Mazal-tov literally means a good/favourable zodiacal constellation.
The term comes from the Akkadian (the first or Mother Semitic language), in which
Manzalu meant stationthe zodiacal station in which the Sun was seen to station
itself on the day of wedding or birth.

In the Book of Job there is a reference to the Mazzaroth: "Canst thou bring forth
Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?" (Job 38 :32,
KJV) While it is difficult to prove, I believe this is a direct reference to the circle of the

Source: Sitchin, Cosmic Code, p. 37.
Source: Sitchin, Cosmic Code, pp. 36-37.
The Albert Barnes Notes on the Bible, (1798-1870), has this to say about the term Mazzaroth: Job 38:32 -
Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? - Margin, the twelve signs; that is, the twelve signs of the
zodiac. There has been much diversity of opinion about the meaning of this word. It occurs nowhere else in the
Scriptures, and of course it is not easy to determine its signification. The Septuagint retains the word
maxsuroth, without attempting to translate it. Jerome renders it, Luciferum - Lucifer, the morning-star. The
Chaldee, - the constellations of the planets. Coverdale, the morning-star; and so Luther renders it.
Rosenmuller, signa celestia - the celestial signs, and so Herder, Umbreit, Gesenius, and Noyes, the zodiac.
Gesenius regards the word mazzarah, as the same as mazzalah, properly lodgings, inns; and hence,
the lodgings of the sun, or the places or houses in which he appears in the heavens, and thus as meaning the
signs in the zodiac. Most of the Hebrew interpreters adopt this view, but it rests on no certain foundation, and as
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The Book of Enoch tells us that the zodiac was created after the creation of this
Son of man: In that hour was this Son of man invoked before the Lord of spirits, and
his name in the presence of the Ancient of Days. Before the sun and the signs were
created, before the stars of heaven were formed, his name was invoked in the presence
of the Lord of spirits. A support shall He be for the righteous and the holy to lean
upon, without falling; and he shall be the light of nations (Hebrews 1: 2; John 1: 1-

The Book of Genesis (Genesis 1: 14: "And God said, Let there be lights in the
expanse of the heavens, to divide between the day and the night; and let them be for
signs, and for seasons, and for days and years ...") clearly informs us that some of the
lights in the heavens are there for the express purpose of forming signs, which extends
to mean the Signs of the Zodiac. The ancient Sumerians called the band of the Zodiach
UL.HE (The Shiny Herd), and the Greeks changed this to zodiakos kyklos (Animal
Circle), and today we still use the term Zodiac. Not only the names by which these
star groups were called by the SumeriansBull (Taurus), Twins (Gemini), The Pincer
(Cancer), Lion (Leo) and so exactly onbut even their pictorial depictions have
remained unchanged through the millennia. The much
later Egyptian Zodiac representations were almost identical to the Sumerian ones.

The heavens are an unbelievably complex creation, beyond the full grasp of the
human intellect. However, a couple of very important aspects of the heavens are
understood, and need exposition.
First, the circle of the Zodiac contains twelve signs or constellations for symbolic
purposes, which are divided up into three constellations, giving a total of 36 steps or

Here are the 36 Constellations of the Zodiac:

1. Virgo: The Prophecy of the Promised Seed. The three constellations are:

Coma: Woman and child.
Centaurus: The despised sin offering;.
Bootes: The coming one with branch.

II Libra: The Redeemed Atoning Work. The three constellations are:

Crux: The Cross endured.
Lupus: The Victim slain.
Corona: The Crown bestowed.

we are not certain as to the meaning of the word, the only safe way is to retain the original, as is done in our
common version. I do not see how it is possible to determine its meaning with certainty, and probably it is to be
regarded as a name given to some constellation or cluster of stars supposed to exert an influence over the
seasons, or connected with some change in the seasons, which we cannot now accurately understand.
Book of Enoch 48: 2-3.
Sitchin, Zecharia, The Stairway To Heaven, Avon Books, New York, 1980, p. 90.
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III Scorpio: The Redeemers Conflict. The three constellations are:

Serpens: Assaulting the mans heel.
Ophiuchus: The man grasping the serpent.
Hercules: The mighty man victorious.

IV Sagittarius: The Redeemed Triumph. The three constellations are:

Lyra: Praise prepared for the conqueror.
Ara: Fire prepared for his enemies.
Draco: The dragon cast down.

V Capricornus: The Result of the Redeemers Suffering. The three constellations are:

Sagitta: The arrow of God sent forth.
Aquila: The smitten One falling.
Delphinus: The dead One rising again.

VI Aquarius: The Blessing Assured. The three constellations are:

Picis Australis: The Blessings bestowed.
Pegasus: The Blessing quickly coming [the sign of the flying white horse, and
symbol of the cube. Christ will return from this constellation.].
Cygnus: The Blesser surely returning.

VII Pisces: The Blessings in Abeyance. The three constellations are:

The Band: The great enemy.
Andromeda: The redeemed in bondage.
Cepheus: The Deliverer coming to loosen.

VIII Aries: The Blessing Consummated. The three constellations are:

Cassiopeia: The captive delivered.
Cetus: The great enemy bound.
Perseus: The Breaker delivering.

IX Taurus: Messiah Coming to Rule. The three constellations are:

Orion: The Redeemer breaking forth as Light.
Eridanus: Wrath breaking forth as a flood.
Auriga: Safety for His redeemed in the day of wrath.

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X Gemini: Messiah as Prince of Princes. The three constellations are:
Lepus: The enemy trodden underfoot.
Canis Major: The coming glorious Prince [this is the Elect's star, Sirius].
Canis Minor: The exalted Redeemer.

XI Cancer: The Messiahs Redeemed Possessions. The three constellations are:

Ursa Minor: The lesser sheepfold.
Ursa Major: The fold and the flock.
Argo: The pilgrims arrival home.

XII Leo: The Prophecy of Triumph Fulfilled. The three constellations are:

Hydra: The old serpent destroyed.
Crater: The cup of wrath poured out.
Corvus: The birds of prey devouring. (From: )

Now if you keep the New Moon Festivals, you will know that religiously the New
Moon is the first crescent, and on New Moons Day, a High Day (which begins at
sunrise on the day of the first-crescent) in the year, and if you look towards the eastern
horizon at sunrise, there you would see a Constellation of the Zodiac rising.
course you cannot see these constellations, so the best method to get an understanding
of these matters is to use a good astronomy software package, which will easily enable
you to simulate these events.
In Table 1B I have listed the New Moon Days for
Brisbane, Australia, along with the Constellation that is rising with the Sun on these

Many times it will not be apparent which is the dominant constellation, because the Sunrise position may be
midway between two adjacent Constellations.
A good inexpensive astronomy package is Skyglobe, the program that I have used throughout this book.
There are many other good packages availablejust do a search on Googlebut I recommend that Skyglobe is
your basic tool.
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New Moon Days 2007 Constellation Rising in the East
January 21 Capricornus (i.e. Capricorn)
February 19 Aquarius
March 21 Pisces
April 19 Aries
May 18 Taurus
June 17 Gemini
July 16 Cancer (the Sun actually spends more time in this sign
than any other)
August 15 Leo
September 14 Tail end of the Constellation of Leo
October 14 Virgo
November 13 Libra
December 13 Sagittarius and Ophiuchus rise together.
Table 1B: New Moon Days, Brisbane, Australia,
For 2007, and their associated Constellations.

It is also important to realize that not all Constellations are the same size in the
sky, which gives the impression that they are 30
of arc across. Physically, the width of
the constellations along the ecliptic ranges from 18
in the case of Libra to 46
Virgo. However, symbolically they are interpreted as if they are 30
motions of the planet Venusthe astronomical Constantis the key point in the whole
system, and, as you will learn, the bright star Sirius is a vital key as well. The starting
point in the whole religious system is also determined by the planet Venus, which is
what the Sacred Calendar is all about. Figure 6 shows some of these matters. Notice on
the figure the big yellow arrow. This is the direction of the movement of the Moon, the
Sun, and the planets along the circle of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the highway in the
sky, an imaginary circle on the celestial sphere, formed by the projection of the Earths
orbit out on to it.

I believe the heavens will be recreated during the millennium so that the signs are indeed 30
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Figure 6: New Moon Day in the sky, Brisbane, December 13, 2007.

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The Band

Lupus or Victima






Canis Major (Sirius)
Canis Minor (Procyon)


Ursa Minor (the Little Bear)
Ursa Major (the Great Bear)

Pisces Australis

Crater (the Cup)
Table 1C: The 36 constellations of the Zodiac. Note that in ancient Egypt the names of
the Zodiacal Signs may have been after the Great Company of the gods who are in
Annu. This Great Company is either the nine Great Gods of the Ennead, but in other
places twelve gods are named. They are Tem, Shu, Tefnut, Seb, Nut, Osiris, Osiris-
Khent-Amenti, Set of Ombos, Heru of Edfu, Ra, Khent-Maati, and Uatchet. As Budge
relates thus the Great company of the gods of Heliopolis may contain either nine or
twelve gods. Quoted in D.M. Murdocks Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection,
stellar House Publishing, 2009, p. 263.

As well the Zodiac is divided into six signs of darkness and six signs of light, which
was a direct result of the judgment against mankind given by God at the Fall, since
they had chosen a mixed form of morality, which is hypocrisy, or the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. This is shown in Figure 6A. For more information on this
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important division of the Signs into light and dark, see The Beguiled and the Doctrine
of the Two Spirits, Essay 1, The Fall.

Figure 6A: The six Signs of light and the six Signs of darkness, the right-hand and the
left-hand path respectively. The dividing line between the two territories is the central
meridian that passes through the Great Pyramid at Giza, which is meant to stand as
symbol for the Milky Way in the sky. This arrangement has enormous consequences for
the human race! The numbers 1-36 represent the 36 constellation, three for each Sign of
the Zodiac. The red-dividing line between the two territories could also be said to
represent the Djed Pillar, which needs to be brought back to the upright position, which
denotes righteousness. The Judgment of the Fall lasts from the Fall (position X on the
diagram) until all the six Signs of Darkness are traversed by the Sun, and will end at
Sunrise on December 21, 2012, when the Sun passes over the Dark Rift in the Milky Way
(position Y in the diagram). This is the meaning of the following scripture: And He sent
two of His disciples, and said to them, Go into the city. And you will meet a man carrying
a pitcher of water [i.e. the Sign of Aquarius]. Follow him. And wherever he goes in, say
to the housemaster, The Teacher says, Where is the guest room where I may eat the
Passover with My disciples? And he will show you a large upper room, having been
spread and made ready. Prepare for us there. And His disciples went out and came into
the city and found it as He told them. And they prepared the Passover. And evening
having come, He came with the Twelve. (Mark 14: 13-17) Here Christ was alluding to the
Great Passover at the end of this Age of Pisces, which occurs on June 6, 2012.
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The Zodiac is well illustrated on the Zodiac of Dendera,
which is shown in Figure
7, 7a, 7a1, and 7a2 below. Here you will notice an inner circle of spiralling animal and
human figures, which are the Zodiacal constellations (Gemini, Leo, Virgo, etc), which
circles around the celestial North pole (the Jackal or Little Bear, as it was at the time
the zodiac was carved).
The second feature shows that the Zodiac itself, in turn,
circles around the celestial North pole of the ecliptic (the celestial pathway followed by
the apparent motion of the Moon, the Sun and the planets), which is situated in the
breast of the Hippopotamus or Draco, as it was then located in the heavens. Thus we
learn here an important truth: there are two poles in the sky!

The Zodiach of Dendera was discovered by Napoleons General Desaix in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. It
was subsequently dynamited (!) from the ceiling of the Temple, and sold to Louis XVIII for 150,000 francs, from
whence it ended up in the Louvre, where it resides today.
The celestial North Polenot the terrestrial North Poledescribes a circle around the North Pole of the
ecliptic, which is the true centre of the planetary system, the radius of which is the same magnitude as the
obliquity of the ecliptic with respect to the equator, 23
. The point of the celestial North Pole thus moves at the
rate of 1
every 72 years, and takes 72 x 360 = 2,160 years, to change from the start of one Zodiacal Age to the
next one. The Sacred Calendar keeps perfect track of this movement without the need for astronomical or
mathematical instruments, through the rotation of the 24 Courses of the Priesthood (Old Covenant), and the 7
Courses of the Elders (New Covenant). Thus the star in the Northern sky which this point targets changes. In
3,000 BC the Pole Star was alpha Draconis; at the time of the Greek civilization it was beta Ursae Minoris, and in
our day it is alpha Ursae Minoris.
Do not confuse the two North Poles in the sky with the North Magnetic Pole. The author of the Website,, provides us with the following information: The North Geographic Pole (True North)
represents the top of the Earth's fixed "axis" upon which it spins, but the North Magnetic Pole (NMP) - the point
that traditional magnetic compasses point toward - is at a different location. Not only is the NMP at a different
location, it is constantly moving! As magnetic compasses point to the NMP (not True North), it is important to
know where that pole is - and keep track of it. Because of its importance to navigation, finding its location was a
major objective of the British Royal Navy in the 19th century. The Navy was very interested in magnetism and
included magnetic observers on many of its Arctic expeditions. Great rewards were offered to whoever found it's
exact location. When James Clark Ross discovered the location of the NMP on June 1, 1831, it was on the west
coast of Boothia Peninsula (70 05.3' N, 96 46' W). Ross calculated a magnetic inclination (angle at which the
magnetic forces enter the Earth) of 89 59'. As fluctuations in the magnetic field cause the NMP to be continually
moving in an irregular path around its average position, and given the accuracy of his instruments, this reading
was close enough to 90 for him to claim to be on top of the Pole. Since that discovery in 1831, the NMP has
moved about 1100 km / 684 miles. It also started to accelerate - it's now moving at more than 40 km / 25 miles
per year. If the NMP maintains its present speed and direction - it could reach Siberia in about 50 years.
(Source: )
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Figure 7: The Zodiac of Dendera

This brings us to a very important phenomena which has been given the name of
the precession of the Equinoxes by Hipparchus the Greek, in the second century B.C.,
who is wrongly credited with its discovery. However, what is important to grasp, at this
stage, about the precession is that in ancient Christianity, the origin of this vital
conception, the idea was understood as a slowly turning giant grain mill, to describe
and understand how it worked. Through all ages since the Fall this giant mill either
ground out spiritual redemption as a great angel whose sacred number was 25,920 (12
x 2,160 years), or as a demonic entity headed for complete spiritual annihilation. Thus
it could be both a conversion machine, or an instrument of spiritual destruction. This

Source: Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper and Row,
Publishers, New York, 1971, p. 173.
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is the original meaning of the precession, which satan and his followers have
successfully suppressed and presented to the world as the precession of the Equinoxes.
During the Golden Age this mill ground out peace, righteousness, and plenty. But
following the great sin of the Fall, it was no longer of any use, and began to grind out
salt. It was then cast to the bottom of the sea, where its hole became the funnel of the
whirlpool. Thus the mill becomes a whirlpool, taking all to the bottom of the sea, and
Freyr (or satan
) became Lord of the Mill at the Southern end of the sky. This is the
Abyss of Satan (aka Enki, also meaning the Way of Enki, since Enki is one of the most
ancient names of Satan). This is a direct reference to the massive star Canopus (aka
Eridu, the seat of satan), which is known as the South Pole Star. It is what the Pit
symbolizes in the Great Pyramid at Giza. By the way, the word sea, spiritually
speaking, is not a reference to the salt waters of the seas that are on our planet, but the
great expanse of the sky South of the Tropic of Capricorn. The only way out of the
whirlpool was Northward via the 36 degrees of Jacobs Ladder. This is the angular
distance in the sky between Canopus and Sirius. This is the whirlpool of old, then, and
Sirius moves up and down through this whirlpool over half a precessional period of
12,960 years (but Sirius itself is not part of the precession). Sirius is also the eighth
planet and the leader of the planets. In ancient Egypt it was known as the Royal Star,
no doubt because they understood that it was the Elects Star, and the Elect were the
bride of Christ.

For the distinctions between satan and Lucifer, see the article How to Recognize a Satanist, by Samuel
Butler, in The Fozdyke Letters, available here:
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Figure 7a: Detail of the Zodiac of Dendera

Source: West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Quest Books,
Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1993, p. 101.
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Figure 7a1: Another view of the Egyptian Zodiac
from the ceiling of the Temple of Dendera. From the
article Pharaoh's Signs of the Zodiac, available

Figure 7a2: Enlaregd view of part of the Egyptian Zodiac from the ceiling of
the Temple of Dendera. From the article Pharaoh's Signs of the Zodiac,
available here:

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This is not the place to go into a lengthy discussion on precession, because you can
find that in most good astronomy books,
and many sites on the Internet. Figure 8
and 8A give a quick visual impression of the phenomena. Suffice to present a few
concise snippets of information from Robert Bauval, from his article The Anchor Of
The World. Did the Pyramid Builders of the Old Kingdom use the Pole of the Ecliptic?
on the topic of precession:

We always think in terms of the North celestial pole as being the focal point of the
sky, an immovable imaginary point around which all the fixed stars seems to
revolve in concentric circles. So entrenched is this idea that we ignore or are
unaware that this imaginary point is not the true focal point of the sky at all. And
even though the idea that the North celestial pole is a fixed point holds true for a
very short period of time, the statement becomes invalid over long periods of time
because of precession. The fact is that the North celestial pole drifts away from the
fixed field of stars at the rate of about 20 arc seconds a year due to the perpetual
wobble-like cycle of our planet. Furthermore, the North celestial pole will keep on
drifting from the fixed star field up to a full 47

(about one quarter of the visible sky

field) over its 26,000 years cycle.[
] This is hardly a fixed point in terms of cosmic
time. There is, however, another point in the sky which drifts away from the fixed
star field at the very much slower rate of 0.4 arc seconds per year, that is 50 times
slower than the drift of the North celestial pole and thus, by true definition,
making it the real focal point of the sky. This point is known as pole of the ecliptic.
Furthermore, the pole of the ecliptic will only displace itself a mere 2.5

over its
40,000 years cycle.[

The pole of the ecliptic is located in the heart of the constellation of Draco,
approximately between the stars Zeta Draco and Al Tais. Assuming that the
ancient astronomer-priests of Egypt began observing and recording the position of
stars some 200 years before the dynastic period, say c. 3500 BC, up to the start of
the 4th Dynasty in c.2500 BC, a simple calculation shows that the position of the
pole of the ecliptic would have displaced itself by only 6 minutes of arc (0.1

), over
this whole 1000 year period. On the other hand, the North celestial pole would
have been displaced by 333 minutes of arc (5.55

). Imagine a dartboard where one

dart (the pole of the ecliptic) is 1 cm away from the bull's eye and another (North
celestial pole) is 50 cm away, and you will get the picture. The pole of the ecliptic
will cross the meridian twice each day i.e. upper and lower culmination.

There is a good treatment of the topic in Graham Hancocks Fingerprints of the Gods: A Quest for the
Beginning and the End, Mandarin Books, London, 1996, Part V.
Actual figure is 25,920 years.
The real figure is 43,200 years.
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The Pole-Spear of the Hawk-Headed Horus

The pole of the ecliptic seems to have been known by some ancient cultures. For
example, the French astronomer A. Bouche-Leclerq noted that "it is well-known
that the pole par excellence for the Chaldeans was the pole of the
ecliptic, which is in the constellation of the Dragon (Draco)" [10]. Also the MIT
scholar Giorgio de Santillana believed that the ancients perceived the pole of the
ecliptic as the centre of a 'whirlpool' in the sky [11]. In keeping with this
hypothesis, R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz demonstrates that the astronomical
arrangements of the circumpolar and zodiacal constellations at the centre of the
circular Denderah Zodiac show both the pole of the ecliptic as well as the North
celestial pole.

However, precession is so very important to an understanding of the New Moon
Festivals, and in fact everything else, because the Eternal God has created the
Universethe Cosmoson the principle of as above, so below. It is His great
organising principle, in effect His indeliable signature! Everything we see on the
Macrocosmic level, discussed here, downsizes to the Microcosmic size of each human
being. There is a scripture from the New Testament that neatly sums up the
importance of the precession, or the giant stone mill, in our salvation via the doing of
the first works (Revelation 2: 5). It is found in Matthew 24: 41:

Two [women shall be] grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other
left. (Matthew 24: 41)

Here the two women stand as metaphors for Gods Birthright Holy Spirit (i.e the
born-again process) on the one hand (i.e. the woman who will be taken), and satans
unholy spirit on the other (the left-behind woman). In other words the mill will still
grind out peace, plenty and righteousness for those who repent, become baptised, and
start keeping the New Moon Festivals. This occurs for the first 15 days of each and
every month. Conversely, for sinners, it will grind out salt until they come to their
senses. This happens from day 16 right through to the dark of the Moon (known as the
conjunction) each month. These truths are more fully explored in our free books The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, (the important section to grasp is
found in Essay 9, The Antidote to the Poisonous Tree, and in The New Moon
Festivals: the First Works of Salvation.

A little earlier I pointed out that there are actually two poles in the sky! At this
stage it is also vital to know that these two poles are actually represented on Earth in
the Great Pyramid as the King (the Grooms Chamber) and Queens Chamber (actually
this is the Bridal Chamber). We escape from the Pit of Canopus, to the bright Elects
star, which is the main star in the Zodiacal Sign of Gemini, which is Sirius (located in
the centre of the River of Life, the Milky Way), via the 36 steps of Jacobs Ladder (i.e.
the keeping of the New Moon Festivals). These two stars, Canopus and Sirius, are

Robert Bauval, The Anchor Of The World. Did the Pyramid Builders of the Old Kingdom use the Pole of the
Both are freely available for download from our Wweb site here:
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exactly 36
apart in the sky, and this is a vital number connected with your Covenant
you make with God. This forms the backbone of the Arc (not Ark) of the Covenant,
which actually expands out to be 36
x 10 (for the Ten Commandments), which gives
, or a complete circle.
Now it is also important to know that the two poles in the sky also have stellar
symbols, and these are known to moderns (after their true ancient names and
representations were changed by the followers of satan) as the Little Bear (Ursa
Minor) and the Great Bear (Ursa Major), both located in the Zodiacal Sign of Cancer.

The Great Bear is important because it points the way North, where the throne of God
is located. But between us (located in Canopus in our sinful and unrepentant state)
and our redemption, stand the two luminaries, the Moon, and the Sun, which are to be
found as a part of the Microcosm/Macrocosym system. In every sense we have to make
a spiritual journey to these systems, a star trek if you like. Remember, we have been
given 120 years of our human life span, or 360 x 120 = 43, 200 days to repent (this is
really what the grace of God means). The Moon has a diameter of 2,160 English miles
(the number of bones in our body, 216 x 10 = 2,160), and multiplied by 10 (standing
for the Law), gives us 21,600. The Sun is 93,312,000 English miles away (not
93,000,000 miles as is the popular misconception), and dividing that number by the
diameter of the Moon (2,160), we get 43,200 precisely!
Here are the derivation of some other numbers that are of great significance to the
whole human race:

216 (number of bones in a man or woman) 15 (number of days in the monthly
New Moon Festivals) = 14.4 x 10 (the Law) = 144, and 144 x 10 = 14,400, and
14,400 x 10 = 144,000. Notice the organising principle from Microcosm (a man
or woman) to Macrocosm (i.e. an angel or elohim), which is a neat way of
stating our destiny. We are to go from the Microcosmic state to the
Macrocosmic stae, something that the ancients well understood.

If we start with the distance to the Sun in English miles, 93,312,000, divided by
the diameter of the Sun, 864,000 English miles, we get that most important
Saturn-Jupiter number, which is 108! From that we have the fact that every 20
years, Saturn and Jupiter come into conjunctions that have been called Great
Trigons, and there are 108 of them in one Great Age, which lasts 2,160 years
(see Figure 7b).

From Dee Finney's The 2:163:16's of the Bible article on her site, here:

The Grid Latitude of Stonehenge is encoded by the number 216 times 100,
based on the 60 original Sarsen Circle stones multiplied by the 360-degree
circle. The number 2160 (216 x 10) appears in the calculation for the
longitude of Stonehenge.

The third constellation in Cancer is, significantly, Argo!
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Michael Morton pointed out that 21600 is the number of arc-minutes on
any circumference, according to "our" math conventions, and is also the
number of Nautical Miles on the polar circumference of Earth.

The total number of corner-angle degrees on the surface of a cube is 2,160,
[i.e. 270 x 8 = 2,160.]

James (Jimi) Furia found that "terrible music" centered at 180 degrees on
his Music Circle, and that when you multiplied it by the 12 octaves in the
circle, it came to 2160.

About the same time, I found that 2160 miles is the radius of the earth's
core. He also pointed out that 6 x 6 x 6 = 216, and 666 appears in
He told me a dream where an 18 foot man tried to get him to run over a
baby in his car. Later, I realized 18 feet times 12 inches equals 216.

The next day I went into a little store called "Cheap Jimmy's" to pick up a
package of Trident gum I had ordered. Cheap Jimmy's wife pulled out the
package, which had a paper attached with numbers on it. She explained
that I had been overcharged the last time I bought a package of Trident.
Jimmy had charged me for 18 packs of gum. After I left, they realized the
mistake. There are only 12 packs of gum in the package, and each one has
18 sticks of gum.

The symbolism of the trident, and eventually the number 216, also became
related to the number 21, as the penultimate letter of the Hebrew alphabet,
which is shaped like a trident. This is said to be related to the Holy Spirit.

Driving home, I remembered a similar incident back in 1991 that involved a
series of dreams, Trident gum, and coincidences. Then it hit me that the
address of Cheap Jimmy's is 216, and that there are exactly 216 sticks of
gum in the package! And it's the same multiple as in Jimmi Furia's Music
Wheel and his dream.

And, of course, we all know the Devil carries a trident - pitchfork.

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Figure 7b: A detailed illustration of the motion of the Trigon of
Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn from 1583 to 1763. The
Transition from Water to Sun Temple. The transition from one
Great Age to the next: A new zodiacal sign was termed to rule
starting from the day of a great conjunction at the place of the
passage. In 7 BC one such Great Conjunction saw the beginning
of the Age of Pisces.
These Trigons step around the Zodiac in
leaps of 20 years, giving 108 of them in one Great Age of 2,160

Now the Bible clearly tells us that all humans are created a little lower than
the angels:

For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast
crowned him with glory and honour. (Psalm 8: 5)

Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him
with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands.
(Hebrews 2: 7)

Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977, p. 168.
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But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the
suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace
of God should taste death for every man. (Hebrews 2: 9)

What these scriptures actually means is of extreme significance, for when they
say a little lower, they are telling us that we were conceived in our
mothers wombs as miniature angels, a true miniaturisation of our
Destiny, which is to become Great Angels in the heavens, and live in Paradise

A human being has 216 bones in their body. The number of the Law is 10. The
conversion process, from 216 to 25,920 (explained below), begins with
repentance, then water baptism, and the keeping of the monthly New Moon
Festivals. As you will come to understand, this monthly walk with God
accumulates and can be added up mathematically (discussed below), so that
just for one sign (e.g. the one usually taken to be our birth sign, e.g. say Aries),
the full conversion is 2,160 derived from 10 x 216. But you are still 11/12ths
short of a Great Angel. We are short of a Great Angel by 11 x 2,160 = 23,760. But
add 2,160 to the previous figure of 23,760 = 25,920 and we have become what
we were always destined to become (provided of course that we repent and
begin the born again process)! You now have become whole or (W)holy!

During the Exodus we see the organising principle expressed again as the 12
Tribes organised around the central hub, this hub being Moses (standing for
Christ) or the central Sun. Again in the New Testament the same principle
applies: Jesus picks 12 disciples and they are organised around about Him, He
again symbolising the central Sun. All of this symbolism points to the Great
Man (i.e. Great Angel), whose number is 25,920, made up of 12 x 2,160. This is
the meaning of the 12 types of men or women making up a Great angel!

Now consider the following fantastic information about the
numbers 216 and 10 (10 x 21.6, and all relating to the Ten Commandments,
and the number of bones in your body, all 216 of them!), courtesy of the author
of Tarot Orat Rota Tora, Edgar T. Portisch:

As concerns astrologic time and how it applies to Man's station in the
here and now, it is also the measure of Man himself. ... Usually, ideally in
a healthy individual, the heart beats 4 times during one breath and
beats and is measured by the pulse 72 times in one minute, during which
the lungs breathe 18 times. Thus the heart beats 2,160 times in 30
minutes, 4,320 times in one hour, 25,960 times in 6 hours and 103,680
times in a 24-hour day. These are all numbers of precession [of the
Equinoxes], and 103,680 equals 4 whole precessional cycles, one World
of Amero-Indian tradition or 1 Hindu Daiba-Yuga, all in years. The lungs
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breathe 18 x 60 = 1,080 times in one hour and 25,920 times in one day.
So wholly is physical Man an integral part of creation as to reflect the
measures of time, the planet, the star and Moon in his body, the
microcosm as perfect reflection of the macrocosm: as above so
below, as Hermes Trismegistos states in the Emerald Tablet. These
same numbers we will encounter within astronomic time, distance and
mass of the Sun and its planets in the solar system.

All of these measures represent the miniaturisation of an angel! Think about that.
Still think that there is no God? Or that you are under grace, and do not have
to repent, be baptised, and become born again according to these
numbers? As you can see from all this material, the order of the Divine universe can
be discovered mathematically, and all ancient stories from many cultures powerfully
confirm this. Those big numbersthe Macrocosmic onesall define the
being we are to become, which is the definition of a great angel, and that
is the destiny of all humans, existing now on the Microcosmic level, who
are to be saved.
Returning to the two celestial emblems in the sky in the far North sky, the Great
Bear and Little Bear, you will remember that it was said a little earlier that their
ancient names and representations in the sky have been changed to
reflect false mythologies, and these mythologies have been what all of us have
been raised to believe. This has been according to all the wiles of Satan, and his earthly
followers, as Lyndon LaRouche points out:

Outside and above the foolish folk who rely upon the Washington Post, New York
Times, London Times, or the popular women's magazines, and so on and so forth,
there is indeed a governing elite. This elite does possess secret knowledge.
The first aspect of this special knowledge, which makes it efficiently
secret, is that the elite not only know that the mythologies are
mythologies, but also know that they themselves create and use those
mythologies to manipulate the credulous masses. (Lyndon LaRouche,
The Secrets Known Only To The Inner Elites

The ancient Greeks turned the Divine Pageant in the far Northern sky into a
mythological lie ...

To the ancient Greeks, Ursa Major represented Callisto, a follower of Artemis,
virgin huntress and goddess of the crescent moon. [Nazarene Remnant

Edgar T. Portisch, Tarot Orat Rota Tora, chapter 2, freely available here: and
LaRouche Lyndon, The Secrets Known Only To The Inner Elites, freely available here: Source: Or you may prefer to read the
version on our Website, which is exactly the same as the one on Lyndon LaRouche's site, but it also contains our
comments as well. Our "version" is available here:
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comment: This is the key point, the Moon, and it is the last crescent, and the dark
of the Moon, which are of prime significance to Satansists. From day 16 through to
the end of the month the ultimate cause of all evil here on Earth comes to dwell in
the hearts and minds of all sinners, for it is during this period all sinners partake,
little by little, of Satans perfect evil spirit. In other words, it is the reverse of the
Holy Spirit coming to dwell in baptised and repentant believers, which is one of the
central teachings of Christianity. But we must always remember what M Scott Peck
taught us: Satan cannot do evil except through a human body. Although a
murdered from the beginning, it cannot murder except with human hands. It does
not have the power to kill or even harm by itself. It must use human beings to do
its devilry. Although it repeatedly threatened to kill the possessed and the
exorcists, its threats were empty. satans threats are always empty. They are all lies.
In fact, the only power that satan has is through human belief in its lies. Both
patients became possessed because they bought its false seductive promise of
friendship. Possession was maintained because they believed its threats that they
would die without it. And the possession was ended when both chose to believe its
lies no longer but to transcend their fear by trust in the resurrected Christ and to
pray to the God of Trust for deliverance. During each exorcism satans lies were
confronted. And each exorcism was concluded successfully by a conversion of
sortsa change of faith or value system. I now know what Jesus meant when he so
frequently said, By your faith you have been healed. Satan can use any human sin
or weaknessgreed and pride, for instance. It will use any available tactic:
seduction, cajolery, flattery, intellectual argument. But its principal weapon is fear.
And in the postexorcism period, after its lies had been exposed, it was reduced to
haunting both patients with its dully repetitive threats: We will kill you. We will
get you. We will torture you. We will kill you.
] Zeus, king of the gods, fell in
love with Callisto and she gave birth to his child named Arcas. Some say Hera, wife
of Zeus and queen of the gods, became intensely jealous and changed Callisto into
a bear left to roam the forest. One day Arcas came upon the bear. Callisto stood on
her hind legs to welcome her son. Thinking himself attacked, Arcas readied his
bow. Zeus, who saw what was about to happen, turned Arcas into a small bear.
Grabbing both bears by their tails, Zeus hurled them into the safety of the sky,
where they still roam close together as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. This action
might explain why the ancient view of the Great Bear has an unusually long tail.

This old hoax has been reworked repeatedly, as we see below:

Some say Hera had the last laugh, she moved the bears into a part of the sky near
the celestial pole. There they would never set below the horizon, never resting,
remaining the eternal victims of Zeus wandering eye.

From Peck, M Scott, People of The Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil, Rider Publishing, Melbourne,
1983, pp. 202-208.
From the article The Great Bear Constellation Ursa Major, here:
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Another legend says Zeus seduced Callisto by taking on the form of Artemis to
deceive her. Artemis demanded the strictest chastity from the maidens who
followed her hunting through the mountains. In order to save Callisto and Arcas
from the wrath of the virgin goddess, Zeus transformed Callisto into the Great Bear
and set her in the stars with Arcas, their child, beside her.

Still others say it was the rage of Hera or Artemis which cursed Callisto, who then
turned into a bear pursued by her own hounds. Only later was she placed as the
Great Bear among the stars.

Three depictions of the Great Bear. View 1 of 3.

Some say Arcas grew up to become king of Arcadia and brought agriculture to that
wild and rugged country, for which he was immortalized among the stars as
Bootes, inventor of the 'Wagon,' which is the other name for the constellation of
the Great Bear.

Source of imags:
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Three depictions of the Great Bear. View 2 of 3.

A more ancient belief behind the story of Callisto is that the Great Bear is really
Artemis herself, and that Callisto is another name for Artemis. Artemis is the
ancient queen of the stars and the ruler of the Arctic Pole. The she-bear is her
symbol. She is the 'Sounding One' and the 'Lady of the Wild Mountains' giving off a
'brilliant blaze' as she hunts. She is the queen of the inviolate meadow far from the
haunts of men. She is the queen of the crescent moon, moonlight being her actual
presence, and she is believed to cause wild animals and trees to dance.

Later the English linked the constellation to both the Bear and Wagon. They saw
it as the wagon of King Arthur, whose Round Table is reflected in the constellations
circling the Pole, and whose name comes from the Celtic word for 'bear.' Legend
has it that Arthur is sleeping in a cave with his knights beside him, and will return
one day to save his country in its hour of need. The seven most important stars of
the Bear-Wagon (the Big Dipper) are also known as the Seven Sleepers of Epheus,
who lie dreaming in a mountain cave waiting for the resurrection. These Seven
Sleepers, unlike Arthur, are said to have awoken after 200 years and gone down to
the local town for provisions, after which they went to sleep once more.

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Three depictions of the Great Bear. View 3 of 3.

In ancient China the seven stars of the Big Dipper were associated with the
celestial palace of the Lord On High, the Star God of Longevity, the heavenly
mountain, the paradise of the immortals. The star Sirius, the Heavenly Wolf,
guarded this celestial palace. Today Sirius, which shares the space motion Ursa
Major, is regarded as an outlying member of it!

The Great Bear throughout the ages has been linked to the gods and goddesses to
royality and immortality. Open to this constellation in the springtime and receive
its heavenly blessings! The paws of the Great Bear are up high, as if walking in the
heavens, and the bowl of its Big Dipper is inverted as if pouring heavenly contents
upon an awakening earth. Look up, be blessed and graced! (From the article The
Great Bear Constellation Ursa Major, here: )

Now here is more vital information that has been swept from the people of the Earth
long ago. The ancients had two kinds of understandings about the Great Bear (Ursa
Major) and the Little Bear (Ursa Minor). The first was seeing Ursa Major as a great
coffin, not a great bear! This is the Sioux Indian belief, and is mentioned, along with
the phrase the coffin of Lazarus, in Hamlets Mill on p. 384. There in footnote 5 it is
also revealed that The Sioux take Ursa Major for a coffin, accompanied by
mourners. The footnote goes on to say that This picture is not too obvious, so it is
significant that Ursa is banat nash with the Arabs, i.e., the bier and its daughters; the
bier is formed by the chest of the wagon, El-nash, the handle of the Dipper being the
daughters. See Ideler, Sternnamen, pp. 19f. Kunitzsch, Arabische Sternnamen in
Europa, p. 149, no. 71, adds that according to Athanasius Kircher, christianized Arabs
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recognised in the constellation the coffin of lazarus, followed by the mourners
Maryam, Marta, and their maid (al-amia). See also Henninger, ZfE [Zeitschrift fr
Ethnologie] 79, p. 81. Due to Islamic influence, the constellation is called bintang
alnash, star of the bier, by the people of Minangka-bau, Southern Sumatra. (See H.
Werner, Die Verstirmung des Osiris-Mythos, IAfE [Internationales Archiv fr
Ethnographie (Leiden)] 16 [1954], p. 154.

The second understanding of the the Bears was that they represents the Lesser
Sheepfold, and the Greater Sheepfold. This is the true Christian conception,
and was also the belief of E.W. Bullinger. Simply put they also represent the Dual
Messiah, which the ancients clearly understood to be Horus and Osiris! The ancient
truth about the two great constellations in the far Northern sky, now known as the
Great Bear and the Little Bear, have been changed to suit the plan of Satan and his
human followers here on Earth. Whereas once these constellations (actually they are
more like a smaller star grouping, called asterisms, within a larger constellation, or as
the Book of Ezekiel would say, wheels within wheels.) symbolised the Plan of
Salvation, and the harvest of the First and the Second Resurrections, we can been
conned into believing that they tell the ancient story of King Arthur (Clovis I of
history) and his Knights of the Round Table. Remember that Ursa Major means Great
Bear, it is especially noteworthy that the Prieur de Sion (Sion and Zion mean the
Sun), a Satanic organisation, was founded by one Prince Ursus, hence the name Ursa
in both bear's names. This has been developed over many centuries in readiness for
the satanic fiction we are about to witness here on Earth, which is the hoax of the
Antichrist posing as the genuine article. The scriptures tell us that even some of the
Elect will be deceived, at first, by this long-planned show. Thus the restored knowledge
of these two constellations is that of the Lesser Sheepfold, and the Greater
Sheepfold, with the former being the Elect of the First Resurrection, and the latter
representing all those who will be saved after being purified over 100 years, after the
Second Resurrection.

All of this goes to say that the coffer in the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid at
Giza has its counterpart in the sky as the Great Coffin in the far Northern sky, now
called Ursa Major! This begs the question: whats should have been in the Queens
Chamber, and is now missing? My feeling is that it is a Coronation Throne, along with
a Crown, as well as a large white stone, reminiscent of the Stone of Scone!

Santillana, Giorgio de and Deschend, Hertha von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of
Human Knowledge and its Transmission Through Myth, A Nonpareil Book, David R Godine Publisher, Boston,
1977 paperback version, p. 384.
From Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes, freely available here:
sceptre-loaves-and-fishes.html To understand the sequence of redemption that is meant here, see our book
Where Are We Now in Prophecy? which is here:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 437

Figure 8: Macrocosmic view of the
Precession of the Equinoxes, which
occurs at both poles.

Another important point to grasp is that
the grinding of the precession has to have a
beginning and ending point, and that is at the
point where the two great circles (the circle of
the Zodiac and the Ecliptic) intersect, which is
the point of the equinox, or due east (which is
the point towards which the Sphinx faces at
Giza). This pointthe Earths axis projected
outward into the celestial spheremoves in a
great circle through all the signs of the Zodiac,
taking, as pointed out previously, 25,920
years (the Great Year) to complete. This cycle
of 25,920 years determines all other
movementsin fact it is the basic movement
of the Universe, including the life of human
beings, as well as historical events. That is the
Macrocosmic view, and is imperceptible to
human beings, but readily understood by
consulting the Sacred Calendar, which uses
the motion of Venus to mimic this colossal
At the microcosmic view, we see
that the marker point is a great object in the
heavens, and easily identifiablethe Moon
itself. It is now the Moon which creates a
miniature version of the Great Year, by
passing though all of the twelve signs of the
Zodiac every month, plus one, thirteen signs
in all.
Thus what we really have is a Zodiac
within a Zodiac! This is one key point in
understanding the New Moon festivals that the Eternal God has created for our

Source: Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating The
Origins Of Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey,
New Hampshire, 1977, p. 61.
I take it that Moses would have been given detailed instructions of this phenomenon by the Angel of the
Presence for the 40 days and nights (a Nazarite vow) he spent on Mount Sinai. But of course I err here, dont I,
because Moses knew all the wisdom of the Egyptians anyway, and they certainly understood the slow grinding
of the precession and the New Moon festivals. There is no doubt about that.
There is no mistake here! There are actually twelve signs only. The thirteenth month occurs because the Moon
actually passes through the starting Zodiac sign twice in its monthly progression. The marker points for the New
Moon is the first crescent. Youll understand this better through a study of the diagrams in The Beguiled And The
Doctrine Of The Two Spirits.
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Figure 8A: The Precessional Circle through which the
vernal point passes through the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
The vernal point is shown at the beginning of the Age of
Aquarius in this diagram.

During each month of the
year the path of the Sun appears
to move backwards through
each of the signs of the Zodiac,
moving in the direction of the
first sign Pisces Aries
Taurus Gemini Cancer
Leo Virgo etc., and ending in
the last sign, Aquarius. This is
an anticlockwise movement,
which is also the direction of
movement of the Earths daily
rotation, and annual revolution
around the Sun. The
precessional movement of 1

every 72 years is in the opposite
direction to the path of the Sun,
moving from Leo Cancer
Gemini Taurus Aries
Pisces Aquarius etc. As
Graham Hancock points out, the
times of transition between one
age and the next have been regarded as ill-omened. While much attention has been
devoted to the precession of the Equinoxes on the macrocosmic level, hardly any
attention has been paid to the precession at the microcosmic level. Here Im referring
to the point where the Suns path crosses the Equator here on Earth twice yearly at the
Equinoxes. This is also a mini-version of whats occurring high in the heavens,
whereby the Suns equinoctial crossing point actually progresses 7
12 each year. This
amounts to the figure of 25,920 seconds of arc each year, and it takes 50 years (25,920
x 50 = 1, 296,000 seconds, i.e. 50 x 7.2
= 360
), or one Jubilee, for the Suns crossing
point to return to the starting pointthe true prime meridian once again, which Im
sure youve already seen, is how the Jubilees are determined! This of course raises the
important question: what is the prime meridian on planet Earth?

Hancock, Graham, Fingerprints of the Gods: A Quest for the Beginning and the End, Mandarin Books,
London, 1996, p. 254.
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Precession also has another very
important effect on the altitude of all
stars above the horizon as they cross
the meridianan important imaginary
line dividing the sky into eastern and
western sectorsthe two
territorieswhich is best envisaged
as a large hoop connecting the North
and south poles and passing directly
over the observers headbecause they
appear to slide up and down the
meridian, taking 12,960 years to
ascend from bottom to top, and a
further 12,960 years to descend from
top to bottom again. Figure 8C and 8D
show this phenomenon. Notice that
the constellation of Orion is presently
very near the top of its precessional
cycle, or, as the Hopi Indians of North
America understand, God bless them,
the South Star (symbol of the Elect) is
approaching the North Star (symbol
for the Throne of the Almighty God),
which is the signal for the end of this
age, when the Elect will be granted
access to the Kingdom of God,
When it reaches the highest
point it will begin its precessional
descent back down to the region of the
celestial equator, where it will arrive in
about 12,960 years time!

Figure 8A1: The Giant Constellation of Draco (the
Dragon) circling the pole of the ecliptic. Notice the
nearby constellations of Ursa Minor (the Little
Bear) and Hercules. Notice that the Pole star is in
the tail of the Great Bear (Ursa Minor) nearby.

dealing with this phenomena in the higher Northern latitudes, keep in the back of your
imaginative mind that the great Constellation of the Dragon (Latin = Draco)
the way to the pole of the ecliptic! This is because the Pole of the Ecliptic appears to be
in the Constellation of Draco (Figure 8A1). The Dragon, in mythology, has always been

For more information on this material see The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored! Chapter 8, Which
Morning Star is Which? in the section headed "The Pawnee Indians and the Morning Star."
According to Robert Bauval in 11,500 BC Sirius was 1
above the horizon, and before that date it was below
the horizon and couldnt be seen. In 2,500 BC it was 36
above the horizon and currently it is at 43
above the
horizon. Robert Bauval, The Egypt Code, Century Books, London, 2006, p. 60.
Source: Bullinger, E. W. The Witness of the Stars, 1893. Source:
Draco is a circumpolar constellation visible all night long from Northern latitudes. It looks like Draco is
encircling the Little Bear, Ursa Minor. At one time Draco was much larger when the ancient Mesopotamians
gave the dragon large wings which wound around Ursa Major. In the sixth century BC, the Greek philosopher,
Thales, lopped off Draco's wings, making it a less obvious sky feature!
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the traditional guardian of temples and treasures as well as the springs of life and
immortality. Later on, you will understand why the Dragon can prevent a cosmic
traveller from proceeding any further in a Northerly direction, which will explain the
fact that the ancient symbolism of slaying the dragon actually meant to slay the
dragonsin within, and replace that with Gods righteousness.


Figure 8C: The effect of Orions precessional slide up the meridian between
10,500 BC and 2,500 BC.
The Elects star, Sirius, the main star in the Zodiacal
Sign of Gemini, also oscillates Northward and Southward with this great

The Zodiac and the precessional cycle thus become a giant calendar in itself, going
right back to the very beginning of creation (and probably supernaturally modified at
the Fall). Each precessional cycle (called a Great Year) thus takes 12 x 2,160 years
(significantly, this figure, 2160 miles, is also the diameter of the Earths Moon,
and is
a derivation of the Eternal Lawthe Decaloguemultiplied by the number of bones in
the human skeleton, 10 x 216) to complete, or 25,920 years, and as you can see from
Figure 11 below, we are currently in the Age of Pisces (which began in 60 B.C.
according to modern astrology
), and about to begin the Age of Aquarius (on

Bauval, Robert, Hancock, Graham, Keeper of Gensis: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind,
Heinemann, London, 1996, p. 231.
The corrupt writers of astronomy on this planet would say something like this by a strange coincidence, this
figure, 2160 miles etc
This is according to the theories of modern astrology. The Age of Pisces began at the precise time of Jesus
conception (not his birth), and this probably would be near to the time of the one of the triple-conjunctions of
the planets Jupiter and Saturn, which occurred on 27 May (first conjunction), 6 October (second), and 1
December, 7 BC (third), in 7 BC. I believe He was born on Pentecost, 7 BC. Percy Seymour, however, makes a
very compelling case for September 15, 7 BC, on the evening of which the sun was setting in Virgo in the western
part of the sky, while Jupiter and Saturn, in the constellation of Pisces, were rising above the eastern horizon in
Bethlehem. The Sun being in Virgo is usually held to point to the virgin Mary, a very Catholic interpretation.
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December 21, 2012 A.D.).
Satanists believe that the Age of Pisces ended on May 4,
2005, and the Age of Aquarius began next morning.
This figure of 2,160 years
directly ties in with the Old Covenant Sacred Calendar (and an aspect of the motion of
Venus), the one established by King David and King Solomon (and featuring a
conveniently and blatantly ignored section3,743 words in length, to be exactof the
Old Testament), and which ties in directly with the New Moon festivals. In a very real
way, this precession is not about the movement of the Equinox, but the history of the
Plan of Salvation, and the return of the Messiah, spiritually portrayed!

However, I think there is a deeper meaning than that, which goes right back to the thirteenth child of Leah, who
was Dinah, a symbol of the Birthright Promises (see Footnote 54 below for more information). But the Virgo-
Pisces polarity is significant because it carries with it the full statement that here, in this new baby, comes the
return of what was taken from mankind at the time of the Fall: the Sceptre (Pisces), and the Birthright (Virgo).
See Santillana and Von Dechends Hamlets Mill, chapter 18, The Galaxy for an interesting discussion of the
casting down of the constellation Virgo at the end of the Golden Age (i.e. the Fall), and its expected return:
Where has Virgo been, supposedly, so that one expected the constellation back? For an excellent treatment of
the whole matter of the birth of Jesus, and the Star of Bethlehem, see Percy Seymours excellent book, The Birth
of Christ: Exploding the Myth, Virgin Publishing, London, 1998.
The reappearance of the Phoenix every couple of millennia or so, seems to me to be directly related to the
beginning of each great new Zodiacal age lasting 2,160 years. As we move from the Age of Pisces to the Age of
Aquarius undoubtedly the term "Phoenix Rising" will come more and more into vogue.
On May 5 of the year 2000, there occurred an event that was heralded by New Agers as the dawning of the
Age of Aquarius. The night of May 4, 2000, was the eve of one of the most exciting, powerful, and
transformative celestial events of our millennium according to astronomy and astrology experts. It began with
the darkest night in living memory... no moon or planet lit up the sky as the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn were hidden from human eyes behind the Sun. The next morning, May 5th, at 8:08 a.m.
Universal Time, the longitudinal span of these five planets, Sun and Moon collimated within a geocentric (Earth-
centered) sector of 27 degrees of the Constellation of Taurus in our Milky Way galaxy, forming a 'Grand
Planetary Alignment.'...Many cultures, including the Mayans and Hopi, have a prophecy predicting the May 5th
Grand Planetary Alignment and this time, 'the birth of the New Age of Enlightenment' - The Age of Aquarius. On
the Mayan calendar, May 5th marked the end of the 5th Sun and the birth of the 6th Sun. (Planetary Alignment:
Birth of the Age of Aquarius: May 5, 2000: ) MAY 5, 2000
was the close of present Age of Pisces, in New Age terms. Expected to be the day of reckoning, decision and
judgment, New Agers believe that May 5, when all of the planets were in alignment, was a "cosmic moment"
similar in appearance and significance to the Star of Bethlehem which announced to the Magi the coming of the
Messiah. At the turn of every age (two millennia), there are "revolutionary transformations accompanying the
change of Ages...It is the twilight of the gods -- the Day of Judgment for the outgoing and incoming Ages."
[ ]
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Figure 8D: The effect of Orions precessional slide
up the meridian between 10,500 BC and 2,500 BC, looking
south over the Giza Necropolis.

This also directly challenges those who believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years
It is my belief that the Creation took placeat a maximumanywhere from
between 103,680 (4 precessional cycles
of 25,920 years each) and 323,040 years ago

Bauval, Robert, Hancock, Graham, Keeper of Gensis: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind,
Heinemann, London, 1996, p. 72.
For more information on the age of the earth, see our free eBook The Way of the Sky Serpents, available at .
I cannot prove this, except to say that the giant image of Daniel's prophecy to Nebuchaddnezzar has the ages
divided into four great periods, and the first period is pictured as a Golden Age (which is what the First Time of
creation has been called), which the prophecy tells us is the first kingdom, or Nebuchaddnezzar's kingdom. Three
other kingdoms follow, until the time of the destruction of the last kingdom, which will occur in our time. But
prophecies are dual, and this would have an extension into the great ages of the past, meaning that we have four
great precessional ages, each divided into 4 x 3 signs (which is the teaching of the camping order of the ancient
Hebrews around the central Tabernacle, as shown in Figure 11.5, in which the leading tribe is Judah), prior to the
present one.
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(12 precessional cycles). The Great Sphinx
was carved in Egypt on the Giza
necropolis, the Earth Cemetery, to mark this monumental event (at the junction of the
sign of Leo and Virgo, to mark the cleaving of the Adam into male (indicating the
Sceptre Promises, symbolized by the sign of Leo) and female halves
(indicating the Birthright Promises and the sign of Virgo, the Virgin
minimum age of the Earth would have to calculate down to at least one precessional
cycle (25,920 years), because there is much evidence from ancient records and legends
around the world, that this indeed was so.

Figure 9: Zodiac showing the overlap of the circuit
of the earths celestial pole around the pole of the
ecliptic, indicating different dates in the past.

The Sphinx is part lion, indicating the sign of Leo and the Sceptre Promises, and part woman: the head of a
woman, indicating the sign of Virgo or the Birthright Promises. This would also fit in nicely with the symbolism
of an angel, which is the destiny of the elect, and so also declares the end from the beginning. It is also worth
pointing out that the original twelve children of Jacob included a daughter. The last child born to Leah was a
daughter, Dinah. This would thus give a Zodiac of eleven male signs, and one female sign (Virgo, the Virgin).
I also understand that the layout plan of the Notre-Dame cathedrals in Northern FranceRouen, Chartres,
Leon, Reims, and othersis designed to symbolize the meaning of the sign of Virgo, or the Birthright Promises,
and the first works that Christ mentions in the Book of Revelation. For more information on this see Adrian
Gilberts, Magi: The Quest For A Secret Tradition, chapter 12 The Second Crusade and the Temple on the
Rhine, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1997.
The Sphinx is a figure with the head of a woman and the body of a lion! What is this but a never-ceasing
monitor, telling us to begin with Virgo and to end with Leo! In the Zodiac in the Temple of Esneh, in Egypt, a
Sphinx is actually placed between the Signs of Virgo and Leo ... Bullinger, E. W. The Witness of the Stars, 1893,
p. 24. Source:
Source: Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper and Row,
Publishers, New York, 1971, p. 173, p. 172.
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These records and legends, which history has largely ignored,
indicate that
before the Fall of mankind,
as told poetically in the early part of the Book of
Genesis, there existed a time which was referred to as a Golden Age. The belief in this
earlier Golden Age is universal, and many cultures on Earth have written about it. This
was the age before the axis of the Earth tipped, and when the Ecliptic coincided with
the Equator. There were no seasons and human livelihood, as the earlier parts of the
Book of Genesis show, was easy and plentiful. The inhabitants of the Earth got their
livelihood, as the poet reminds us, all days of the year without sowing or plowing.
Indeed, the very axis of the Earth pointed directly to the throne of the Great Eternal
Creator high in the North. This was the time before good and evil gained the upper
hand all over the Earth. The ancient Egyptians referred to this period as Zep Tepi, the
First Time of the gods, we are taught! Heslod, the ancient Greek poet, described this
utopian world this way:

Man lived like Gods, without vices or passions, vexation or toil. In happy
companionship with divine beings, they passed their days in tranquillity and joy,
living together in perfect equality, united by mutual confidence and love. The
Earth was more beautiful than now, and spontaneously yielded an abundant
variety of fruits. Human beings and animals spoke the same language and
conversed with each other. Men were considered mere boys at a hundred years
old. They had none of the infirmities of age to trouble them and when they passed
to regions of superior life, it was in a gentle slumber.

Livio Catullo Stecchini has this description of this Golden Age, in his The
Navigations of Odysseus:

The poet further specifies that the Cyclopes [
] do not have laws and have so
much confidence in the Immortal gods that they do not cultivate plants with their
hands, nor do they plow. This refers to the myth which appears as the myth of

Zecariah Sitchin is one of the few scholars to bring this suppressed history of the world to the light of day, yet
it is still largely ignored in this deceived world. Sitchins understanding was born of his translation of a most
important discovery: the clay tablets, known as the Sumerian Texts or Tablets, which were discovered in 1850,
250 miles from Baghdad, Iraq, by the Englishman Sir Austen Henry Layard, as he excavated the site of Nineveh,
the capital of Assyria. Sitchin published his findings in a collection of books known as The Earth Chronicles, the
individual titles being: The 12
Planet, The Stairway To Heaven, The Wars of Gods and Men, The Lost Realms,
and When Time Began. Additionally there is another important book, Genesis Revisited. All of Sitchins books
are published by Avon Books, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York. They all should be available through this
link: Also see the important discussions in Graham Hancocks, Fingerprints of the
Gods: A Quest for the Beginning and the End, Mandarin Books, London, 1996, 3032.
Recorded as the story of the Apple in the Garden of Eden, which is also the Garden of the Hesperides of the
Doane, T W, Bible Myths, And Their Parallels In Other Religions, Health Research, PO Box 850, Pomeroy,
WA, USA, 99347, first published 1882, p. 10.
Stecchini tells us that The land of the Cyclopes is the territory of Atlantis at the Equator; it is the pivot of the
world with the three concentric circles. This is the island of So Tom, in the Gulf of Guinea, at the Equator and
between 6
28 East and 6
46 East. The three concentric circles are the Milky Way (Prime Meridian), the
Ecliptic, and the Equator. See Stecchinis description of the location of ancient Atlantis in his article Atlantis,
which you can find here:
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the Garden of Eden in the Old Testament and the myth of the Garden of the
Hesperides of the Greeks. It is a basic theme of the mythologies of the world that
there was a happy time before the axis of the Earth tipped, at the beginning of the
zodiacal period of Taurus (roughly 4250 B.C.), when the Ecliptic coincided with
the Equator and there were no seasons and human livelihood was easy and
plentiful. This situation was conceived as still existing at the island where the
Ecliptic was thought to cut the Equator. The Cyclopes are described as in the
situation which the Old Testament conceives as before good and evil; but the
poet, as a good Greek, concerned with law and reason, describes that situation as
primitive savagery and wickedness. The Greeks had a conception of history
opposite to that popularized in our time by Rousseau on the basis of Christian
tradition. But in spite of the introduction of the Greek legalistic view, the poet
follows the mythical tradition by reporting that in the land of the Cyclopes
nobody hunts the animals and they do not suffer pains in getting their food.
They get their livelihood all days of the year without sowing or plowing. This is
a clear reference to the age without seasons, before the Ecliptic separated from
the Equator. At this point the poet breaks into an emotional expression of
hankering for that happy age, a nostalgia that is expressed in the mythologies of
many cultures.

It is highly significant in this story of the ancient world, that the lost city of
Atlantis, as told in Platos dialogue Timaeus, is not mythical at all. It really existed, and
its easterly location was considered by all ancient geographers to be the Prime
Meridian of the worldthe meridian of the Atlas-Pillar of the Sky. This was meridian
zero, which today is meridian 6
48 E in the modern system which has the Greenwich
Meridian as the Prime Meridian! We will learn much more about the true significance
of this ancient Prime Meridian, and its remnant in the Gulf of Guinea, which is the
Island of So Tom, in a later chapter.

Daniel Frances Yates book Astraea tells how the constellation of Virgo
was the
just Virgin of this golden age, and he elaborates on a story told in Ovids
Metamorphoses, telling us that there were three more great ages that followed the
golden age, after which the great image of Nebuchadnezzars dream is structured:

There is a famous description in the first book of Ovids Metamorphoses of the
four ages. In the first golden age, under the rule of Saturn, men gathered their
food without labour in an everlasting spring, all were virtuous by nature, and
peace universal reigned. After the golden age of Saturn came the silver age of
Jove when the eternal spring gave place to seasons,[
] men felt for the first time

Stecchini, Livio Catulo, The Navigations of Odysseus,
Stecchini, The Sahara, found at For more details about
Atlantis, the place where the three Gorgones, the three pivots of the world, did overlap, see Stecchinis article
Atlantis, located at:
The constellation Virgo is symbol for the Birthright Promises, and not the Virgin Mary as Bullinger and the
Catholic Church have popularized.
That is, the axis of the Earth was tilted from the vertical.
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the extremes of heat and cold and the labour of tillage began. The third age was
the age of brass, sterner than the first two, but yet not impious. Finally came
the iron age, when evil was let loose. Modesty, truth, and faith fled from the
earth; men travelled greedily over the earth for gain; delved into the earth for
metals. War came, and brandished in its bloody hands the clashing arms. Piety
lay vanquished, and the Virgin Astraea,[
] last of the immortals, abandoned the
blood-soaked earth.

Peter Tompkins sums up the matter of the Zodiac and the precession of the Sacred
Calendar in a most useful manner:

The evidence leaves little doubt that the ancient Egyptians knew there were
two poles in the sky, a North pole, which shifted around a fixed [
] pole, or
open hole in the heavens; they also knew that this slow circling brought
about the precession of the equinoxes. That the phenomenon of the
precession was the matrix from which a thousand myths were developed is
abundantly illustrated by the work of Giordio de Santillana and Hertha von
Dechend in Hamlets Mill
There is no doubt in Santillanas mind that the ancient Egyptians were
aware of the precession. In his preface to a recent reprint of [Sir Norman
Lockyers] The Dawn of Astronomy, Santillana, then professor of history and
philosophy at MIT, remarked that when a stellar temple is oriented so
accurately that it requires several reconstructions at intervals of a few
centuries, which involves each time the rebuilding of its barrow alignment on
a star, and when zodiacs, like that of Dendera, are deliberately depicted in
the appearance they would have had centuries before, as if to date the
changes, it is not reasonable to suppose the Egyptians were unaware of the
precession of the equinoxes.
Santillana was even more forceful in his condemnation of modern
archaeological scholars who refuse to accept the idea that the precession was
known in Egypt thousands of years before it was rediscovered by
Hipparchus. In Hamlets Mill, Santillana accuses the scholars of having
cultivated a pristine ignorance of astronomical thought, some of them
actually ignorant of the precession itself.
The precession was considered the basic mechanism of the universe by
the Egyptians, controlling not only astronomical phenomena but all human
and biological development.
Since the beginning of history, the spring equinox has moved through
Taurus, Aries, and Pisces, or almost one-quarter of a whole cycle. Santillana
points out that the Copernican system, which for us explains the precession
as the wobble of the earths axis, has stripped the phenomenon of its
But if, as it appeared once, it was the mysteriously ordained behaviour of

The constellation of Virgo is a Latinization of Astraea.
Quoted in Gilbert, Adrian, Magi: The Quest For A Secret Tradition, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1997, p.
This is not correct because the pole of the ecliptic does move, but even slower that the celestial North pole, as
you will learn.
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the heavenly sphere, or the cosmos as a whole, then who could escape the
astrological emotion? For the precession took on an overpowering
significance. It became the vast impenetrable pattern of fate itself, with one
world-age succeeding another, as the invisible pointer of the equinox slid
along the signs, each age bringing with it the rise and downfall of astral
configurations and rulerships, with their earthly consequences.

I would just like to add one other thing to these stunning observations of Giordio
de Santillana: it also shows that the key point to understanding our religious
significance as human beings is as old as creation itself, and was understood by all of
the ancient cultures who were privy to the secrets of the Great God. The connection
between this massive macro system is explained at its next level, within the heart of
man, showing us clearly what Christ meant that the kingdom of heaven is within us.
It also needs to be made clear that satans most clever devise is to copy the systems
of the Great God, and give them his own evil meaning. Unable to create perfection
himself, satan closely copies Gods signature work, and presents his copy to the world,
which is immediately rejected as being satanic. We then become deceived as to which
system is which, and unable to discern the difference, we brand the real system as
belonging to satan. Thus we become deceived.
What has been done to the Zodiac is one great example of this deception. And
modern science seems to have been a most willing servant of satans scheme of things,
by its crude insistence upon the notion that the ancients conception of astrology has
no validity in the modern world. Thankfully, there are modern scientists who still are
capable of retaining an open mind on the subject of true astrology, which is actually
about the Microcosm and the Macrocosm!
One such example is Percy Seymour, and in his masterful book, The Scientific
Proof of Astrology: A Scientific Investigation of How the Stars Influence Human
Nature, he points out that Western science has a total misunderstanding of serious
astrology. This misunderstanding is so basic and flawed that it could only be described
as pathetic: What these scientists normally call astrology is in effect cheap sun-sign
astrology of the horoscope columns run by some newspapers. These bear as much
resemblance to the research now being done on astrology.
To the ancients the true

Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper and Row, Publishers, New
York, 1971, p. 173, pp. 174-175.
Seymour, Percy, The Scientific Proof of Astrology: A Scientific Investigation of How the Stars Influence
Human Nature, Quantum Books, London, 2004, p. v. Percy Seymour goes on to say that The task of sorting out
the wheat from the chaff of ancient astrology is one that still has to continue, and this book is concerned with
making a contribution to the quest. It examines the scientific evidence that shows quite clearly the links between
the universe and the bio-sphere. It seeks to clarify those concepts of astrology that can be understood in terms of
a theory which does not step outside the current paradigm of science, and it attempts to define the limitations
placed on the claims of astrology by this particular theory.
It also examines the so-called scientific arguments against astrology, and shows that these are not really
scientific at all, but merely rationalizations or irrational and pseudo-scientific prejudices. The militant terms in
which these scientists couch their objections to astrology, and the high moral tones usually evident in these
statements, are just a smoke screen with which they attempt to hide the nakedness of their arguments. The
attitudes of these scientists are usually strikingly similar to those of some astrologers whom they condemn with
such sanctimonious zest-i.e. they are willing they accept 'uncritically' those results which reinforce their beliefs
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science of astrology was, as presented by Fred Gettings in his Dictionary of Astrology,
The study of the relationship between the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, which (in
material terms) is often defined as the study of the influence of the celestial bodies on
the Earth and its inhabitants. The most potent of these celestial bodies was the Moon,
and these ancients clearly understood that the Moons influence during each lunar
month could be for evil or for good, depending upon whether a person was a follower
of the Great God, and therefore had access to the Birthright Holy Spirit, or an evil
practitioner of the ways of the adversary, who is satan. The concept of the Macrocosm
and the Microcosm, and how the New Moon Festivals rule the born-again process, is
the subject of our freely available book, The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two

Before we move on, I would like to draw your attention to some other aspects of
the origin of the Zodiac, and the connections to the names we now know the Signs by.
In this regard, what we need to understand what they actually were called in ancient
Egypt just after the Fall, because in the ancient world the months were named after the
names of the Zodiacal Signs.
According to the article Pharaoh's Signs of the Zodiac, We are told that the signs
of the Zodiac as perceived and recorded by the pharaohs have recently been discovered
at the Louvre Museum in Paris (source: Egyptian Government). People were to read
their luck not as shown in daily newspapers under signs such as: Capricorn, Taurus,
Aries etc, but rather according to the somewhat different ancient Egyptians horoscope.
The signs of the zodiac, which allegedly reflect the effect of stars on the destinies of
people born within specific date groups, were first devised by the ancient Greeks.
However, hundreds of years before, the ancient Egyptians had charted a similar map
of the stars. Here are the Pharoahs Signs of the Zodiac, and our modern Greek

and reject those which may undermine their cherished preconceptions. Such attitudes cannot be graced with the
word scientific, even if they are held by eminent scientists. (pp. vii-viii)
For further information on the deceits of satan, see Appendix F, Alice Bailey and the Wiles of Satan, of The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
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Ancient Egyptian Signs of the Zodiac
Equivalent Zodiac Today

Thoth (August 29 - September 27) Virgo (August 24 September 23)
Horus (September 28 - October 27) Libra (September 24 October 23)
Wadget (October 28 - November 26) Scorpio (October 24 November 22)
Sekhmet (November 27 - December 26) Sagittarius (November 23 December 22)
Sphinx (December 27 - January 25) Capricorn (December 23 January 20)
Shu (January 26 - February 24) Aquarius (January 21 February 19)
Isis (February 25 - March 26) Pisces (February 20 March 20)
Osiris (March 27 - April 25) Aries (March 21 April 20)
Amun (April 26 - May 25) Taurus (April 21 May 20)
Hathur (May 26 - June 24) Gemini (May 21 June 21)
Phoenix (June 25 - July 24) Cancer (June 22 July 23)
Anubis (July 25 - August 28)

Leo (July 24 August 23)

Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, writing in their book Black Genesis: The
Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, explain that Later in the New Kingdom, the
months received official names: (1) Thoth, (2) Phaopi, (3) Athyr, (4) Choiak, (5) Tybi,
(6) Mechir, (7) Phamenpah, (8) Pharmuti, (9) Pachons, (10) Payni, (11) Epihpi, and
(12) Mesore.

E.W. Bullinger, writing in his The Witness of the Stars, says that the ancient name
of the Zodiac is not about a herd of animals at all, but comes from the ancient Hebrew
root word Sodi, which in Sanscit means a way: Its etymology has no connection with
living creatures, but denotes a way, or step, and is used of the way or path in which
the sun appears to move amongst the stars in the course of the year.
In other words,
the Way is a direct reference to the Way of the Signs, or, to put it squarely, the Way of
the New Moon Festivals through the Signs of the Zodiac. E.A. Wallis Budge, writing in
his The Gods of the Egyptians or Studies in Egyptian Mythology, tells us that, in the
Pyramid Text of Pepi II, there appears the Great Company of the gods who are in
numbering the Nine Great Gods of the Ennead. Later in the same text the list
is extended to twelve gods:

Tem, Shu, Tefnut, Seb, Nut, Osiris, Osiris-Khent-Amenti, Set of Ombos,
Heru of Edfu, Ra [understand that the ancient Egyptians used this name for

From the article Pharaoh's Signs of the Zodiac. Source:
A note from Tour Egypt: Occasionally we find interesting tidbits from the Egyptian government. This is certainly
one of those, though the source and information is difficult to verify. Hence, we are running this story not so
much as a serious research paper, but more for the fun of it. However, the Louvre Museum does provide a
display of what it calls a Zodiac from the ceiling of a chapel of the great temple of Denderah (Dendera), though
this Zodiac is dated to 50 BC (the Roman Period, after the Greek Period). For additional information (and a
more serious discussion) on ancient Egyptian astrology, see the Tour Egypt section on this topic.
Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, Bear &
Company, Rochester, 2011, p. 236.
Bullinger, E. W., The Witness of the Stars, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, 1967, reprint of the 1893
edition, p. 15.
Remember that Anu is another name for God the Father.
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what I call the Sceptre Holy Spirit], Khent-Maati, and Uatchet; thus the
Great company of the gods of Heliopolis may contain either nine or twelve

As noted, [Helmutt] Brunner names the 12 gods at Deir el Bahari as Osiris, Isis
[the ancient Egyptians used this name for what I call the Birthright Holy Spirit],
Horus, Nephyys, Seth, Hathor, Montu, Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, and Nut. Hence, in the
ancient Egyptian writings and images we find both Osiris and Horus with 10 others,
totaling 12 gods.
Alfred Wiedermann, writing in his Religion of the Ancient
Egyptains (1897), says that later [Egyptian] texts transfer both Shu and Tefnut to the
zodiac of the twins.

We also have to keep in mind the following information from William Mure, in his
A Dissertation on the Calendar and Zodiac of Ancient Egypt, dated 1832:

Each sign of the zodiac appears to have been a mere hieroglyphic of the
season of the year to which it corresponded, or of the deity to whom the
season was specifically sacred The hieroglyphical zodiac, therefore,
represented the seasons mythologically or figuratively, and had no connection
with the imaginary forms or creatures in the heaven itself Thus Cancer or
the Scarabee represented the solstitial month of summer Libra (anciently
the Altar) the month of the autumnal equinox, Aries that of the vernal
equinox, and so of the rest; afterwards, when the signs were attached by the
Greeks to particular groups of stars, embodied into fantastical forms, the
ancient terms became unmeaning, and the origin and history of the whole
system was confounded and obscured.

That the twelve divisions of the zodiac, among the ancient nations, (whether
Chaldee or Egyptian), with whom the institution originated, were, from the
first, signs or [dodekatimoria, i.e. twelve divisions], and
not constellationsportions of the suns course in the heavens,
corresponding, more or less accurately, to the seasons, not imaginary forms in
the celestial spherewe have strong proof in the tradition preserved of the
manner in which the astronomers of those nations subdivided the ecliptic

Then we have this from Schmidt, concerning the Zodiac in Egypt:

The signs of the zodiac, to which we have been accustomed from earliest
childhood, were derived from the symbols of the Egyptian months. The
science of astronomy, as taught in Egypt, was carried to Babylonia and

Quoted in Murdock, D.M. (a.k.a. Archarya Sanning), Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, Stellar
House Publishing, 2009, p. 263.
Murdock, D.M., Christ in Egyp, p. 269.
Quoted in Murdock, D.M., Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, pp. 266-267.
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surrounding countries shortly after the Hyksos Invasion, and, although it was
changed in many particulars to confirm to new conditions and local notions,
many surviving features enable us to trace it back to its original home on the
banks of the Nile.

James Bonwicks Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought (1956) adds this

The twelve gods may be more readily identified with Mazzaroth, or the
twelve signs of the Zodiac, through which the sun passes every year.
Mazzaroth is the Hebrew name for the Zodiac, as found in Job 38: 32:
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of
Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide
Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou
set the dominion thereof in the earth? Canst thou lift up thy voice to the
clouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee? Canst thou send lightnings,
that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we [are]? Who hath put wisdom in
the inward parts? or who hath given understanding to the heart? (Job 38: 31-

Gerald Masseys (1828-1927) Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, makes at attempt
at correlating the ancient Egyptian gods with the signs of the Zodiac as we now know

1. The ram-headed Amun with the constellation of Aries.
2. Osiris the Bull of Eternity, with the sign of Taurus.
3. The Twin god of Set-Horus with Gemini. [Alfred Wiedermann associates Gemini
with Shu and Tefnut]
4. The beetle-headed Kheper-Ptah with the sign of the Beetle, which was later to
become the Crab of Cancer.
5. The lion-faced Atum with the sign of Leo.
6. The Virgin Neith with the constellation of Virgo.
7. Hat-Makhu of the Sacles equivalent to the sign of Libra.
8. Isis-Serqet, the scorpion goddess, with the sign of Scorpio.
9. Shu and Tefnet figured as the Archer with the sign of Sagittarius.
10. Khnum, the goat-headed, with the sign of Capricorn.
11. Menat/Hathor, the divine wetnurse, with the sign of Aquarius. [D.M. Murdocl
makes the observation that Aquarius could be also identified with the god
12. Horus of the two crocodiles with the sign of Pisces.

Quoted in Murdock, D.M., Christ in Egypt, p. 268.
Quoted in Murdock, D.M., Christ in Egypt, pp. 268-269.
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E W Bullinger (1837-1913), writing in The Witness of the Stars, also has some
important information to pass along to us, concerning the names of the ancient Signs
of the Zodiac:

The Sign of Libra:

The name Libra for this sign was a very ancient corruption. The original name
for the Sign of Libra was the Akkadian name Tulka: Tul means mound (like
dhul and dul), and ku means sacred; hence, Tulka means the sacred mound, or
the holy altar.
The most ancient form of this sign was the circular altar. The
disc of this altar has been turned into two circular scales to hide the ancient
meaning. In my opinion this fits very nicely into the Brazan Altar that is part of
the courtyard in Solomons Temple in Jerusalem (shown in Figure 18 in Chapter
12 below).

This corruption of the primitive teaching of the Altar, shows how the enemy
attempted to seize the Atonement, bring in the way of Cain, and substitute
human merit for the atoning sacrifice of Christ; thus perverting the truth at its
fountain head. Just as in Genesis 3 we have the womans promised Seed in
conflict with the Enemy, so in Genesis 4, we see the Scorpions clawsthe way
of Cain in conflict with the Way of God

There can be little doubt, therefore, that the first sign of the Zodiac was
Virgo, the second was the Altar, and the third was the Scorpion. The
lesson which they teach is clear: the Seed of the woman (Virgo), who was to
come as a child, should be a sacrifice (the Altar) for the sins of His people;
endure a great conflict with the enemy (Scorpio), in which he should be
wounded in the heel; but should in the end crush and tread the enemy under

The Sign of Capricorn:

In all the ancient Zodiacs, or Planispheres, we find a goat with a fishs tail. In
the Zodiacs of Denderah and Esneh, in Egypt, it is half-goat and half-fish, and it
is there called Hu-penius, which means the place of the sacrifice.

Capricornus is merely the modern (Latin) name of the sign, and means

Bullinger, E. W., The Witness of the Stars, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, 1967, reprint of the 1893
edition, p. 47.
Bullinger, E. W., The Witness of the Stars, p. 204.
Bullinger, E. W., The Witness of the Stars, p. 75.
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The Sign of Aries:

In the Denderah Zodiac its name is Tametouris Ammon, which means the
reign, dominion, or government of Ammon. The lambs head is without horns,
and is crowned with a circle.

The Hebrew name is Taleh, the lamb. The Arabic name is Al Hamal, the sheep,
gentle, merciful. The Syriac name is Amroo, as in the Syriac New Testament
in John 1: 29: Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.
The ancient Akkadian name was Baraziggar. Bar means altar, or sacrifice; and
ziggar means right making; so that the full name would be the sacrifice of

The Sign of Gemini:

The name in the ancient Denderah Zodiac is Clusus, or Claustrum Hor; which
means the place of Him who cometh. It is represented by two human figures
walking or coming.

The old Coptic name was Pi-Mahi, the united, as in brotherhood. Not
necessarily united by being born at the same time, but united in one fellowship
or brotherhood. The Hebrew name is Thaumim, which means united.

The Greek later changed these names to Apollo and Hercules. The Romans
called them Castor and Pollux.

This Zodiacal Sign contains the most important star in the heavcens, the lead
star, the leader of the planets, also referred to as the eighth planet. This star is
the Elects star, Sirius.

The Sign of Cancer:

In the ancient Zodiacs of Denderah, and Esneh, and in the Hindu Zodiac, this
sign was represented by the Scarabaeus, or Scarab Beetle.
The ancient
Egyptians held this beetle to be the sacred emblem of the resurrection. The
Greeks changed this symbolism to the crab.

The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, available here:

Bullinger, E. W., The Witness of the Stars, p. 105.
Bullinger, E. W., The Witness of the Stars, p. 137.
Bullinger, E. W., The Witness of the Stars, p. 147.
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Now before leaving off this chapter it is important that we address the issue that is
often raised by Christians who claim that the idea of the Zodiac is just all about
astrology, and that Gods Word (the Bible) makes its quite clear that astrology and the
use of horoscopes is totally forbidden to a Christian. I have no problem with that
understanding either, provided that we all understand that the concept of
the Macrocosm and the Microcosm is not astrology at all, but is the very
signature by which we can be sure that God is the Creator of such a system. Coupled
with the Macrocosm and the Microcosm we have the Divine use of numbers and
angles, through the use of geometry and mathematics. And why numbers and angles?
Because they dont lie!

a n d t h e
A R C o f t h e C O V E N A N T

Note that the numbers in this system can be understood to be days or degrees.

Year in

1 15

2 15

3 15

4 15

5 15

6 15

7 15

8 15

9 15

10 15

11 15

12 15

13 15

14 15

15 15

16 15

17 15

18 15

19 15

20 15

21 15

22 15

23 15

24 15


For the explanation of the above table, see our free book: The New Moon Festivals: the
First Works of Salvation, available here:

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Now I mentioned right at the start of this chapter that the apostle Paul told us that
there ... are some things [which are] hard to understand, which those who are
untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the
Scriptures. (2 Peter 3: 16, NKJV, emphasis added) Here I would like to show you an
example of how the Scriptures have been twisted to hide Gods truth concerning the
Zodiac and His Macrocosm and Microcosm. Barbara Aho, the author of the series The
False Gospel In The Stars: Preparing The Way Of The Antichrist,
has the clear
intention of turning Gods Plan of Salvation, as expressed in the heavens, and in the
Divine concept of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, into a class of work that she
refers to as occultic,
twaddle, and a false gospel. Here are classic examples
from a couple of the parts of the series:

The Hermetic axiom as above, so below is the supreme principle
governing the belief system and practices of the occult. Since man is a
microcosm of the macrocosmos, whatever occurs in the heavens is regarded as
the blueprint of the gods for man's activity on earth. Occultists strive to
conform their pagan rituals, leading personages, sacred sites, occult objects
and calendar of events to the heavenly blueprint as interpreted by their adepts
and masters. These deluded souls believe that scrupulous attention to the
Hermetic axiom, "as above, so below," will bring about the global
transformation which Satan has promised them.

This phrase comes from the beginning of The Emerald Tablet and
embraces the entire system of traditional and modern magick which was
inscribed upon the tablet in cryptic wording by Hermes Trismegistus...
The significance of this phrase is that it is believed to hold the key to all
mysteries. All systems of magick are claimed to function by this
formula. 'That which is above is the same as that which is below -
macrocosmos is the same as microcosmos. The Universe is the same as
God, God is the same as man, man is the same as the cell, the cell is the
same as the atom, the atom is the same as and so on, ad infinitum.'

This message theorises that man is the counterpart of God on Earth; as
God is man's counterpart in heaven. Therefore, it is a statement of an
ancient belief that man's actions on Earth parallel the actions of God in
heaven. This pivots on the belief that 'all things have their birth from this
one thing by adaptation'...

The purpose of all rituals in ceremonial magick is to unite the microcosm

By the way the word occult just means secret, and this word can be used equally to refer to Gods works as
well as Satans!
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with the macrocosm to join God, or Gods when invoked, with the human
consciousness. When such a supreme union is achieved the subject and
object becomes one. This is because the magickian feels that he is
consciously in touch with all elements of the Universe, therefore, he or she
can control them. It may be said, the magickian feels connected with the
Universe. This feeling intensifies the more the magickian successfully
practices his or her skills. Whenever he experiences a failure, he or she
knows that the ritual was not performed correctly. (976)

Astrology is the Hermetic science of religiously modeling phenomena on the
earth below to a pattern that exists in the heavens above. This accounts for
the mythology of ancient pagan belief systems which depict an epic
narrative of the ancient gods of Atlantisthe antediluvian civilization which God
judged in Genesis 7whose home was believed by pagan cultures to be in the
stars. The pictures found today in the zodiac were not developed by the Greeks,
but were in place perhaps as early as 4000 B.C. predating even the civilizations
of Sumeria. False teachers such as D. James Kennedy, E.W. Bullinger
and Joseph Seiss have suggested that there is a Biblical message in the stars,
viz., that the zodiac is a pictorial story of God's plan of salvation on earth. Yet
Kennedy et al blow their cover when they identify the key to understanding the
celestial zodiac as found in ancient depictions of the Great Sphinx of Egypt.

The author of this deceptive piece of writing then lamely invokes two Old Testament
scriptures in an attempt to muddy the waters even further.

But he shall not ... cause the people to return to Egypt ... forasmuch as the
LORD hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.
(Deuteronomy 17:16)

Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in
chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong;
but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD! (Isaiah
31: 1)

But the Macrocosm and the Microcosm is the supreme organising principle of our
God, and Barbara Aho does not know the difference between that and astrology. Here
is another rant of hers against genuine Christians who tried to enlighten the world
about Gods supreme truths as found in the things that are made:

The Real Meaning of the Zodiac reveals the author's working knowledge of
astrologythe occult's false gospeland ancient mythology, the pagan pantheon
of false gods. D. James Kennedy glorifies the ancient pagan gods depicted in the
signs of the Zodiac as heroic types and figures of Jesus Christ. His antecedent,
E.W. Bullinger, stated in the Witness of the Stars, These ancient star-pictures
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reveal this Coming One. They set forth 'the sufferings of Christ and the glory that
should follow.

According to our so-called 'biblical astrologers', the various houses of the
zodiacpersonified by wolves, unicorns, sea-goats, phoenixes and pagan gods
such as Hercules, Apollo and Zeusare said to be types and figures of Jesus
Christ and His redemptive work. For example, the sacred fish, the dolphin, is
associated with divine powers in the New Age belief system; nevertheless,
advocates of the false gospel in the stars make the astonishing claim that the
dolphin represents Christ in His resurrection. Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, was
originally Ganymede, the homosexual lover of Zeus, but Kennedy and his
antecedents maintain that Aquarius is a type of the Holy Spirit! Capricorn, a
half-goat/half-fish representation of the 'lusty god Pan' is acclaimed to be a
'beautiful representation' of Jesus Christ. The androgynous Gemini twins
picture the dual nature of Jesus, say Kennedy et al. And Pegasus, the winged-
horse who carries the thunderbolt of Zeus, is Christ as the first horseman of the
Apocalypse. And so on and so forth ad nauseum.

Outrage is an appropriate response for the Christian reader who must endure
his Lord, Jesus Christ, likened to the beasts and monsters and perverted gods of
pagan mythology. The only explanation for such wickedness can be that that
Kennedy is promoting another Christ and another gospelthe false gospel of
ancient heathen cultures who awaited the return of their false Christbe he
Horus of the Egyptians, the Babylonian Tammuz, Saturn of Rome, Quetzalcoatl,
god of the Aztec and Mayan cultures, Viracocha of the Incas, King Arthur of
Great Britain, and the myriad of other supreme deities of pagan traditions
ancient gods who are expected to return from their celestial abode to establish a
Golden Age of peace and prosperity on earth. From: Barbara Aho, The False
Gospel In The Stars: Preparing The Way Of The Antichrist, Introduction,
here: )

Once you understand how Gods system of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm works,
there is no need for subjective argument and discussion, as King David points out:

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the expanse sheweth
the work of his hands.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth
There is no speech and there are no words, yet their voice is
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their language
to the extremity of the world. In them hath he set a tent for the
And he is as a bridegroom going forth from his chamber; he

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rejoiceth as a strong man to run the race.
His going forth is from the end of the heavens, and his circuit
unto the ends of it; and there is nothing hid from the heat
thereof. (Psalm 19: 1-6, Darby translation)

Here the Psalmist, who is King David, describes the marvel of the heavens, and the
miracles of the creation, whereby night and day follow each other, as the Earth rotates
about its axis (the backbone that goes through the centre of the Earth) and orbits the
Sun that sits at the centre, as a potentate sits in the centre of his tent. The tent could
be imagined as the Northern Hemisphere of our planet, with the North Pole being the
place where the King sits, at the very centre of His creation, with the tarpaulin of his
tent cascading down to the ground (i.e. the Equator) around him. But this wont do,
because the Earth is mans home, not the Eternal Creator Gods throne, high in the
heavens, which is at a location known geographically and astronomically, as the Pole of
the Zodiac (called the Ecliptic today).

No words are uttered because the whole scheme is nearly impossible to discern, as
King David implies, since it exists as invisible dotted lines in the sky, but with the right
understanding, and the right harmony of numbers, the dots can be joined and the
system made to speak. And the universally understood language the whole gigantic
system speaks is mathematics,
and geometry.
Furthermore, you will also learn
that you and I were created out of this Designers Specification, and also that, to realize
our highest calling, the very purpose of our life here on Earth, is to be born-again
reconstructed from the ground upagain according to these same mathematical
specification, by the keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals, after we have
repented and been baptised from the age of 30 years.

The fuller rendition of As above, so below, is recorded
in the Tabula Smaragdina (The Emerald Table of Hermes
Trismegistus) as That which exists in the greater world
(the macrocosmos) is reflected perfectly in the lesser world

The Pole of the Zodiac/Ecliptic is also known as the Pole of the Cube.
As I was putting the finishing touches to this edition I came across a most interesting book review in the
August-September 2007 issue of Nexus Magazine ( ). The book, by British
author, William Neil, is called How We Were Made: A Book of Revelations, and published by Oracle Books,
Reading, UK. ISBN 978-0-9545957-1-5. Neil shows a very advanced understanding of how human beings have
been created, and shows that the answer is mathematical. Or to be very specific, the answer is tied directly to the
Sumerian sexagesimals systems of mathematics, which centres around base 6, or 60.
This number system is also found in the Mayan system as 20, which is one third of 60. And the really
important numbers to take account of are these: 4, 5, 8, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15, 24, 36, 203, 216, 360, 1,440, 2,160 (10 x
216), 2, 592, 2,920, 4,320, 8,640, 25,920, 43,200, 86,400, 144,000 , 288,000, and 864,000.
William Neil, author of How We Were Made: A Book of Revelations, observes: These calculations are
identical to the Sumerian system of arithmetic, called the sexagesimal base. However, the Egyptians used the
strictly decimal base of 10, and so their coincidental use of 6, is for the marking of time, remarkable. Neil,
William, How We Were Made: A Book of Revelations, Oracle Books, London, 2003, p. 16. It is unfortunate that
William Neil uses the word coincidental here, for with the Eternal Creators system, everything is very
deliberate, and nothing is left to chance or coincidence, as Neil implies.
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(the microcosmos),so that the wonders of the One are

For millennia, astronomer-priests in all lands, from Sumeria, to Egypt, to Central and
South America, to the Far East, have looked to the heavens for guidance and
understanding. They have constructed complex celestial temples and observatories,
such as Newgrange in Ireland, to the stone circles of Stonehenge in England, to the
ziggurats of Sumer and Babylon, the temples of Egypt and Jerusalem, or the Caracol at
Chichn Itz in Central America. They watched, calculated, recorded, and warned the
people of coming events of great significance, the most important for Eternal
Salvation, of course, being the year of the Jubilee. Because they understood the
heavens better than we do, and paid far more attention than we do, their structures
were always aligned to precise celestial orientations. Standing stones, pillars,
apertures, and other devices provided pathways for the Sun, Moon, planets and the
stars to talk their special language, and at special times, such as Solstices, Equinoxes,
eclipses, heliacal risings and settings,
and conjunctions.

What marvellous information were the heavenly travellers sharing with these
ancients? Obviously, it must have been extremely important, otherwise how do we
account for the great expense in time, labour and money, that they went to. Everything
they did, which was majestic, and was designed to draw down to earth the cosmic
powers that would ensure their own immortality and well-being: And I, said Hermes,
will make mankind intelligent, I will confer wisdom on them, and make known to
them the truth. I will never cease to benefit thereby the life of mortal men; and then
will I benefit each one of them, when the force of nature working in him is in accord
with the movements of the stars above.

Scholars customarily tell us that their great monuments, structures, and temples
were used for agricultural purposes, for telling when to sow and when to reap, or
similar nonsense. However, that is a stark fallacy, as any good gardener doesnt have
need of a calendar to know when to sow or when to reap. Other similar pathetic
reasons have been advanced, and taken for granted for far too long. The heavens were
being studied so persistently and extensively for religious reasons, for the
determination of times, for seasons, for holy days, for Lunar and Solar eclipses, for the
coming of the Passover, the determination of Pentecost, and the other festivals of the
Eternal God. The key link between mankind down here on Earth, and the events of the
heavens he concentrated on so much, was the concept of the Macrocosm and
the Microcosm, a concept that has long ago deliberately suppressed and lost, but is
now being restored to the people of the Earth.

Pennick, Nigel, Secrets Signs, Symbols and Sigils, Capall Bann Publishing, Berks, 1996, p. 5
The heliacal rising or setting of a star or planet refers to its observation in the east (rising) or west (seeting)
just before the Sun rises or just after it sets.
Bauval, Robert, Hancock, Graham, Keeper of Genesis: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind,
Heinemann, London, 1996, p. 132.
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He also taught us that the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal
power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. (Romans 1: 20) Now the things
that are made, and which cannot be shaken (i.e. changed), include the Sun, the
Moon, the Earth, and all the planets, the stars and constellations, the Great Month
(2,160 years), and the Great Man (expressed as 25,920 years). This also includes our
human form itself, which includes all 216 bones in our body, and that is where our
bloodin which life or death residesis made. As well even the number of official days
we have been allotted, 120 years, expressed as 120 x 360 = 43,200 days, is factored
into the story. And of course everything is bound together by the number that
expresses the Law of God, 10, for the Ten Commandments.

We are made as miniature angels, in the very image of the other faithful angelic
host. As you have learned in this book, all these things have physical dimensions,
such as length, width, geometric, and time dimensions, expressed via the English
mathematical and geometric system, and it is from this that we were meant to
understand the Plan of Salvation, and the Law, and our responsibilities to Him.

I will finish this chapter, as I started, with a keen word of wisdom from Paul once

See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who
refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn
away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: Whose voice then shook the earth:
but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth
only, but also heaven. And this [word], Yet once more, signifieth the removing
of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things
which cannot be shaken may remain. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom
which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably
with reverence and godly fear: For our God [is] a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:

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Chapter 7Lets Take a Breather Here!

So far so good. I think weve seen a fair understanding of the very limiting physical
and historical information about the Birthright and Sceptre Promises. But now lets
look under the spiritual bonnet, so to speak, at those things which are in the hard to
understand class, and see what else turns up! In this section I would like to briefly
return to the Birthright, which the forms the foundation on which everything else is
built. You will know that anything worthwhile in life needs a secure and strong
foundation, and the builders of such anchors had better know their stuff. You will
learn, and I hope be stunned at, the fact that the builder of our foundation, spiritually
discerned, is God Almighty Himself! You will also learn that we have a massively
important role to play in the whole drama as well: total obedience to the spiritual Law.
It seems from the story starting at Genesis 25:19-23 that the two children that
Rebekah has in her womb, one represents the Birthright Promises, and the other, the
Sceptre Promises. Genesis 25: 23 puts the matter this way: And the Lord said unto
her [Rebekah], Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall
be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other
people; and the elder shall serve the younger. The two children were Esau and Jacob,
and the story goes on quickly to the point where Jacob, who has the Sceptre, is also
able to trick Esau out of his right, which was the Birthright. So we see that both
promises, the Birthright, and the Sceptre, will come through one person, Jacob.
Nechama Sarah G Nadborny, writing in her The Twelve Dimensions of Israel, set
out to find the deepest meanings of the twelve tribes of Israel. What she has discovered
is nothing other than the truth of the prophecies of the twelve tribes as found in the
forty-ninth chapter of the Book of Genesis. Now this is one of the most difficult parts of
Genesis because it tells us immediately that Jacob is going to tell his sons, who lived
thousands of years ago, that which shall befall you in the last days (Genesis 49: 1).
How can that be, seeing they would have died long ago, unless of course this part of
Genesis is pure allegory, and designed to hide something more terribly important.
Put simply Gods Plan of the Creation of mankind is very complex and mysterious,
and the following section, concerning the creation of the Zodiac, from information
found in The Hermetica,
will shed light on the understanding I am attempting to
convey here:

Most of this was written down in what's called The Hermetica, which is a collection of writings attributed to
Thoth-a mythical (some say) ancient Egyptian sage whose wisdom far surpassed that of any normal human being
of his time. Thoth was known in ancient Egypt from at least 3,000 BC and he is given the credit for inventing the
sacred hieroglyphic writings. He is usually depicted as a scribe with the head of an ibis. Thoth is said to have
taught the Egyptians all their knowledge about astronomy, architecture, geometry, medicine, and their sacred
religion. He is also the patron god of the science and art of alchemy. The ancient Greeks believed him to be the
architect who designed the pyramids. They called him Hermes "Trismegistus," to distinguish him from the
Egyptian Hermes, which means Thrice Great, to honour his sublime wisdom. The collection of books
attributed to him collectively eventually became known as The Hermetica.
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Hermes explains the power of the Zodiac that controls the fate of men, and the
possibility of becoming free from its limiting constraints.

When the Creator
Had created this wonderfully ordered universe,
He wanted to order the world also.
So, he sent down man
A mortal creature
Made in the image of an immortal being
To be an embellishment
Of the divine body of the Cosmos.
It is mans function
To complete the work of Atum.
He was made to view the universe
With awe and wonder,
And to come to know his Maker.

At first, the heavenly gods complained saying:
You are being rash in creating humanity.
They see with inquisitive eyes,
And hear what they have no right to hear.

They reach out with audacious hands.
They will dig up the roots of plants, and investigate the properties of stones
They will dissect the lower animals
And one another also!
They will seeks to discover
How it is that they are alive,
And what is hidden within.
They will cut down the woods of their native land
And sail across the sea to see what lies there.

They will dig mines
And search the uttermost depths of the Earth.
All this might be bearable,
But they will do much more.
They will press on to explore the world above,
Seeking by observation to discover the laws
That govern the movements of the heavens.

Atum replied:
I will built the Zodiac
A secret mechanism in the stars,
Linked to unerring and inevitable fate.
The lives of men,
From birth to final destruction,
Shall be controlled
By the hidden workings of this mechanism.
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And when the mechanism began to work,
The keen-eyed goddess Destiny
Supervised and checked its movements.
Through this mechanism,
Destiny and Necessity are cemented together.
Destiny sows the seed.
Necessity compels the results.
In the wake of Destiny and Necessity Comes order
The interweaving of events in time.

Atum implants each human soul in flesh
By means of the gods who circle in heaven.
It is mans lot to live his life
According to the fate
Determined for him
By these circling celestial powers
And then to pass away
And be resolved into the elements.

There are some whose name will live on,
Through the memorials
Of their mighty handiwork,

But the names of the many
Will fade into darkness.

Few can escape their fate
Or guard against
The terrible influence of the Zodiac
For the stars are instruments of Destiny,
Which bring all things to pass
In the world of men.
If, however,
The rational part of a mans soul
Is illuminated by a single ray of Atums Light,
The workings of these gods is as nothing
For all gods are powerless
Before the Supreme Light.
But such men are few.
Most are led and driven by the gods
Which govern earthly life,
Using our bodies
As the instruments of Destiny.
To my way of thinking, however,
It is our duty not simply to acquiesce
In our human state,
But, through intense contemplation
Of divine things,
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To detach ourselves
From our merely mortal nature.

The hidden sense of the section of the Book of Genesis is that each of the sons
pictures a type of man, one that is true for all of us, depending upon the lunar month
in which we are conceived.
Like each of the sons of Jacob, we are born with a certain
type of foundational nature,
but few of us realize that stored inside our genetic
structure is the capability, under the right circumstances, to develop eleven
dormant aspects of our natures as well.

Figure 10
Figure 10 opposite is a symbolic
representation of these concepts. The birth
pointM for male and F for femaleis at the
top of the diagram, as we come into the world
as either a male or female infant. Number 1
circle represents the zodiacal (Mazzaroth)
house of Aries, #2 Taurus, #3 Gemini, #4
Cancer, #5 Leo, #6 Virgo, #7 Libra, #8
Scorpio, #9 Sagittarius, #10 Capricorn, #11
Aquarius and # 12 Pisces, the ultimate form.
Table 2 further into the chapter links these
types with the relevant Hebrew tribe. Now
Im not at all suggesting that if your type is
Pisces, that you have no further work to do on
yourself, or no further blessings to receive
from the creation process. You still will be
weaksinful may be a better wordin the
preceding eleven dimensions. That will form
part of the spiritual work of the rest of your
life, aided monthly by the progress of the
reflected light of the sun, via the Moon,

through each of the zodiacal signs, as
indicated by the monthly New Moons.

Freke, Timothy and Gandy, Peter, The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs, Piatkus Publishing,
London, 1997, pp.99-101.
Modern astrology holds that it is the month of birth that is important.
I prefer to use foundational nature as the descriptor here, instead of the more common personality, because
it seems more accurate, though less understood. The word personality, from the Greek persona, a mask, is taken
as a way people adopt a social personality, one that often deceives others just as much as it deceives the self, as to
a persons real character. Unfortunately the real person lurks behind the persona, and may not even be known to
the owner of the mask.
Its actually thirteen in number, but is considered as 12, as you will see. If you take a look at the heavens youll
note that there are actually 13 constellationsOphiuchus is really up there! In fact a strong case can be made for
Pisces being the first of 13 signs, with Aquarius being the 13
, a topic Ill discuss in more depth in the forth-
coming The 42 Stages of the Exodus. In such a scenario, this would be the order: Pisces --> Aries --> Taurus -
-> Gemini --> Cancer --> Leo --> Virgo --> Libra --> Scorpius --> Ophiuchus --> Sagittarius --> Capricornus --
> Aquarius.
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Moreover, each of these birthright
dimensions has to be moulded by total obedience to the Ten Commandments, thus
giving us the meaning of the 120 years (10 x 12 = 120) as found in the Book of
Keeping the monthly New Moon festivalswhich translates down to ridding
your life of all sinis a direct reminder to each of us of this important life task.
Nechama Sarah G Nadborny, in her The Twelve Dimensions of Israel, mentioned
above, calls this dominant dimension of our nature, our gate, referring of course to the
twelve gates of the Temple in Jerusalem, through which each of the tribes entered the
Temple Mount. This is all pure allegory, related directly to astronomy! A close
approximation to what Nechama is saying, is the modern equivalent of our zodiacal
type. We are all familiar with our birth sign, for example, Cancer or Pisces etc, and
while Im absolutely in no way saying that our modern understanding of the zodiac has
any connection whatsoever to the ancient idea of the twelve types of men, because of
the corruptions in understanding that have occurred, I think you can better get the
point using this example. The understanding is that were born with a certain type of
strength, and the other
eleven possibilities lie dormant within us. Instead of just strengthening our dominant
nature, as modern astrology
obsessively teaches, the ancients believed
that lifes main developmental task was the awakening to maturity of the other eleven
dimensions that lie dormant within. I believe this is the meaning of the allegory of
Jacobs prophecy to his twelve sons, because these dormant possibilities are built right
into the genetic structure of all humans, and Jacob was just telling his sons about the
strengths and weaknesses of their different natures.

The Moon passes through each Zodiacal sign, and twice through one of them, each lunation.
Genesis 6: 3.
It needs pointing out that, anciently, astrologers didnt churn out horoscopes for pay, but instead deeply
considered and speculated on the systems of the cosmos, and made use of whatever knowledge they could,
whether it came from astronomy, geography, mythology, the scriptures, etc., to build up their world system.
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Figure 11: Macrocosmic ViewThe Great Year (symbol for The Great Man)
Note that the dates of the
Great Ages should all be adjusted around the year 7 BC, not 60 BC (claiming to be the start year of the
Age of Pisces) as shown in this diagram, the date of the birth of the Messiah (each age is 2,160 years

Source: Sitchin, Zecharia, The Cosmic Code: Book VI of the Earth Chronicles, Avon Books, New York, 1998, p.
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Gary Osborns great diagram of the Zodiac and the Earth and Suns position relative to it. Not the clear
demonstration of the two North poles in the sky, the Pole of the Zodiac (the ecliptic), and the Pole of the
Earth. The 23.5-degree difference between the Ecliptic Plane and Earths Equatorial Plane resulting
from the Earths tilted Axis. Note that the Zodiac Constellation Belt is aligned with the Ecliptic Plane (in
red) but from our perspective on Earth the zodiac constellations on this belt will appear to be moving
across the sky tilted at 23.5. Also note the Equinoxes are where the ecliptic and equatorial planes
intersect twice a year. The Summer and Winter Solstices mark the extreme opposite ends of the yearly
cycle and therefore the opposites. Diagram by Gary Osborn, The Internal Eclipse, from here:

Nechama Sarah G Nadborny says that she discovered that the twelve tribes of
Israel are not a historical human artifact but rather a vibrant living reality expressed in
the present genealogy of mankind. Yehudah is not just a son of Jacob, progenitor of a
tribe, but rather he is a living dimension of Divine energy lying dormant within

Thus each Hebrew tribe symbolized one of the signs of the zodiac. William
Drummond, writing in Oedipus Judaicus, has this to say on the matter: I have already
proved that the twelve tribes of Israel took for their emblems the twelve signs of the
zodiac, even before they left the land of Egypt. When they are said to

Nechama Sarah G Nadborny, The Twelve Dimensions of Israel, Yaalat Chein Publishers, Jerusalem,1995, in
A Note to the Reader.
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have entered the promised land, it appears, that the places were named after various
stars, constellations, etc.
Again he says: That the history of the twelve
labors of Hercules refers to the progress of the sun through the twelve signs of the
zodiac is, I believe, generally admitted.
We will meet again with the twelve labours
of Hercules later on, in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, and in The
Die Is Cast, for they are really the labours of who would be born-again!
Thus we imagine that these aspects of ourselves, the parts of our nature that lie
dormant within us, need waking up and bringing to the full light of day. In a sense this
is a part of what becoming whole (holy) is about, and as was said earlier, this is what
the ancients understood to be the case.
The New Moon festivals, which are High Days on a par with the weekly Sabbath,
are celebrated monthly when the Sun reflects the light of a new zodiacal sign onto all
on Earth, and this determines the foundational nature of each new-born baby that is
conceived in that month, and accounts for the saying that there are twelve types of
During each month a certain kind of the power from God, being one-twelfth
part of the Birthright Promise, enters the foetus at conception, and this is determined
by the zodiacal sign the Sun occupies at the time of conception.
For in each year a
fertile woman can release twelve eggs,
each with a differing nature. And the fact of
the Fall is that man is born in sin, and the pathway to become free of sin and seek God,
is called repentance, which is an absolute call to become spiritually reborn and put on
a whole new attitude to God, ourselves, and other people. The Moon plays an
absolutely decisive and misunderstood role in the whole re-birthing process,
this is why New Moon festivals have to be kept as the New Moon comes to each
believer in their home locality. It is also the reason why keeping Jerusalem time, if you
dont live in Jerusalem, is such a silly notion!
Clearly solar radiationGods glorious Lightimpinges upon life is so many ways
that we just cannot as yet fully understand. Certainly it is understood in some ways,
e.g. the process of photosynthesis in plants is fairly well understood, but it is right at

Drummond, William, Oedipus Judaicus, Bracken Books, London, 1811, 1986 reprint edition, p. 183.
Drummond, Op Cit., p. xlvi.
I think that deeper investigation will reveal that, with the first advent of the Messiah, the constellations in the
heavens changed somewhat, allowing the appearance of a thirteenth sign of the zodiac, which is called
Ophiuchus. This sign appears between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and has much in common with the Hebrew
Joseph of Old Testament fame. See Genesis 41: 40-44. One interesting aspect is that one meaning of Josephs
name is to join together, as in joining the 12 types of human being with the 12 spirits, as in the diagrams Ive
used in this chapter. It is also telling, symbolically, that Jesus appears as the thirteenth person, after his
appointment of the twelve fishermen, very early in His earthly ministry. Thus the number 13 is linked to the
Birthright Promises, and forms half of whats commonly referred to as the Tree of Life.
Notice that we are here saying that this mysterious process takes place at the time of conception, and not at
the time of birth, as is the teachings of modern astrology.
When a baby girl is born, she has all the eggs her body will ever use, and many more, perhaps as many as
450,000? They are stored in her ovaries, each inside its own sac called a follicle. As she matures into puberty, her
body begins producing various hormones that cause the eggs to mature. This is the beginning of her first cycle;
it's a cycle that will repeat throughout her life until the end of menopause.
For an in-depth treatment of this important subject, see our The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two
Spirits, available from our Website:
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the centre of the deepest mysteries of God, and is especially connected with the origin
of evil, as you will learn in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
The New Moon Festivals and its associated Feast, the Feast of Tabernacles (called
the Heb-Sed in ancient Egypt), were clearly celebrated in ancient Egypt,
and here is
how they described the imparting of the monthly Birthright Holy Spirit:

Herodotus (fifth century BC) reported that the Apis was the calf of a cow which is
incapable of conceiving another offspring; and the Egyptians say that lightning
descends upon the cow from heaven, and that from thence it brings forth the Apis.
This calf, which is called Apis, has the following marks: it is black, and has a square
[a cube] spot of white on the forehead; and on the back the figure of an eagle.
Several centuries later Plutarch (first century AD) wrote that the Apis, they say, is
the animate image of Osiris, and he comes into being when a fructifying light
thrusts forth from the moon and falls upon a cow in her breeding season. Now the
cow was a symbol of the goddess Isis, who also donned the moon disc between the
cow horns on her headdress. The identification of the Apis to Osiris is also given by
Diodorus ( first century BC), who was probably an eye-witness to a funeral of the
Apis bull:

After the splendid funeral of Apis is over those priests who have charge of the
business seek out another calf as like the former as they can possibly find, and
when they have found one an end is put to all the mourning and lamentation, and
such priests as are appointed for that purpose lead the young bull through the
city of Nile and feed him forty days [Exodus symbol]. Then they put him into a
barge wherein is a golden cabin and so transport him as a god to Memphis For
the adoration of the bull they give this reason: they say that the soul of Osiris
passes into a bull and therefore whenever the bull is dedicated, to this very day
the spirit of Osiris is infused into one bull after another for posterity.

Thus the Sun in a sense is the source of two great supernatural powers: on the first
level there is the power that determines our foundational nature, which I am calling
here the Birthright Holy Spirit; the second manifestation is that of the giver
of the seven great powers, the spark of Eternal life, the Sceptre Holy Spirit, which we
will look at later on in this chapter. Thus there are two portions of the Holy Spirit: the
glorious light of the Sun dispensing the Sceptre spiritual powers, and the
reflected light of the Sun, via the Moons surface, the Birthright.
That is what the
ancient scriptures have been telling us all along! As you read along, and especially in
The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, you will find some amazing twists

See Essay 8-The Macrocosm and the Microcosm, the section headed "The New Moon Festivals and the Feast
of Tabernacles of Ancient Egypt," of The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
Bauval, Robert, The Egypt Code, p. 266.
It could also be suggested that the word Israel means Moon (Is from Isis) + Sun (Ra) = Elohim (El, to mean
male [12 powers] + female [12 powers] = angelic elohim [24]), a very shorthand way of concealing the whole plan
of creation in one word, but this has been so totally corrupted by Satanic influences, especially through
freemasonry, to have new and different meanings these days.
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to the story, twists that may quite disturb your comfortable ways of viewing reality.
You will also notice that the Birthright is kept according to the sacred routine of the
Old Covenant Calendar (and the fifteen Psalms of Ascent), the one that King Solomon
used in the Temple at Jerusalem, which is presented in more detail in the chapter,
Calendar Manipulation in Ancient Israel, in The Sacred Calendar of the Messiah
Restored! This calendar still functions within the New Covenant version of the Sacred
Calendar. The only differences being that there are no longer 24 Priestly Courses, but
the Courses of the Seven Elders.

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Chapter 8The Super-Science of the Sun

Maurice Cotterell, writing in The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret Codes of the
Emperors Army, presents what he calls the Astrogenetic Theory, which he says
suggests how the Sun is responsible for the determination of personality
astrology) through genetic mutations beginning at the moment of conception. This
theory, he says, brings together many of the accepted scientific discoveries of the
twentieth century.

Here is a very brief summary of that theory.

1. The Sun spins on its equatorial axis once every 26 days (or once every 28 days
when viewed from Earth), and once every 37 days (40.5 days when viewed from
Earth) at its polar axis. The resulting turbulence showers the Earth with charged
particles (first discovered in 1962 by the Mariner II spacecraft). These particles
were given the collective name of the solar wind by scientists. The key point
here, in my opinion, is that the Sun spins once every 26 days
on its equatorial
axis, and half of that figure is the number of half a solar orbit: the magical
root number 13. This is the key number that appears everywhere in the life
and symbolism of the Messiah, and which binds all astronomical (and therefore
calendar) cycles together. Because the purpose and destiny of man is of such
importance, the whole of the creation uses a numeric system that is a giant
puzzle to be understood.
The puzzle is understanding just what is the meaning of the term the marriage
supper of the Lamb. First the angelic Androgyne, whose number is 12 + 1 =13,
plus 12 + 1 =13, giving the number of the Sun, i.e. 26, multiplied by 2 (Adam =
one male [13], Eve = one female [13]) = 52 or the number of the
bride in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Add another 52 to this (the
number of the Groom, the Messiah) and you get the number 104, the Divine
Marriage! And 13 x 8 (13 true length of the Sacred Years) also gives us 104 years.
Now this is an interesting number being one year less
than one of the great
intervals between successive transits of Venus (the other being the 15 x 8 year
period of 120 years).

Its unfortunate that he uses the term personality, for the reasons suggested in footnote 18 above.
Cotterell, Maurice, The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret Codes of the Emperors Army, Headline Book
Publishing, London, 2003, Appendix 3, pp. 177-228. Also see his book Astrogenetics.
On the importance of the number 26 see Gilbert, Adrian, and Cottrell, Maurice, The Mayan Prophecies:
Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization, Element Books Ltd., 1996. Also it is understood that one of the
purposes of sunspots on the face of the Sun is to enable humans on Earth to count their progression, thus
enabling us to understand the deeper symbolism that we are talking about here.
Add one year and we get the true figure of 105 years. It is an interesting feature of the Sacred Calendar that in
most parts of it, a certain figure, +1, equals the true figure. For example, each of the 90 day seasons has a +1
added at the end (but not counted in the full summation). At the end of 7 years there is a +1, the eighth year, and
so on. It seems that in the Creators system you can never dispense with the +1!
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2. Then in 1979 the British astronomer Professor Iain Nicholson discovered that
the bombardment of the Van Allen radiation belts, which encircle the Earth, by
the solar wind causes dramatic changes in the Earths magnetic field.

3. In 1986 Maurice Cotterell showed that the differential rotation of the sun (the
interaction of its magnetic fields) results in the release of twelve different
monthly bursts of radiation from the sun throughout the year. From this, it
became clear that the twelve types of radiations from the sun will result in
twelve bursts of magnetic activity from the Van Allen belts during the same
twelve-month period.

4. The final piece of the puzzle appeared two years earlier, in 1984. A team at the
Naval Medical Research Institute at Bethesda, Maryland, USA, led by Dr A. R.
Lieboff, had been experimenting on test-tube babies when they noticed that
magnetic fields, from electric lighting in the laboratory, were causing genetic
mutations in their experiments. Studying the phenomenon more closely, they
discovered that magnetic fields, just like these, affected the manufacture of DNA
in tissues, causing genetic mutations in developing fetuses. The teams
experiments were performed with human cells called fibroblasts. The lowest
level of magnetic field used was lower than that of the earth and still had an
effect, proving that the earths field is strong enough to have the same effect.

5. The 12 genetic mutations every year correlate with the 12 signs of the zodiac.
The positive signs [Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius] are
extroverted; the negative signs are introverted. This suggests that the sun is
responsible for the determination of personality (sun-sign astrology) through
genetic mutations beginning at the moment of conception.

6. In summary, the astrogenetic model suggests that personality is genetically
determined at the moment of conception. Twelve types of personality result
from twelve types of solar radiation. Astrogenetics also shows that the position
of the planets, at conception and birth, can affect both the moment of birth and
the moment of labour in pregnant females and modify the development of
personality (see The Tutankhamun Prophecies, Appendices 1xvii and xviii).

Thus the twelve types of men mentioned in the Jewish sources, and the Twelve
Tribes of Israel, have a modern scientific basis! And the first-crescent of the Moon is
not some pagan mumbo-jumbo rubbish, as some falsely believe and teach, but an
actual sign as to when the old burst of monthly radiation ends and the new begins.
However, this is oversimplifying the situation, because what really appears to be

Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 179, emphasis added.
Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 179.
Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 178.
Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 179.
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happening is that the monthly bursts of reflected lunar radiation are turned off exactly
on day 15 of each monthly cycle. Again, this matter is covered in greater depth in the
companion work, The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, The Scriptures
point out that all flesh shall come before Me on the New Moon day, which means
animals, fish, as well as humans, and this period lasts up to the 15
, after which a
progressive spiritual darkness prevails until the next New Moon. The first crescent
acts as a switch telling us which constellation the Sun is in for the next month, as well
as indicating that Gods lesser spiritual powerthe Birthrightis influencing
humanity, and this is why we have the important Scriptures found at Psalms 81: 3 and
Isaiah 66: 23:

Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast
day. (Psalms 81: 3. NKJV)

And it shall come to pass, That from one New Moon to another, And from one
Sabbath to another, All flesh shall come before Me, says the Lord. (Isaiah 66: 23.

Thus in the Sacred Calendar the New Moon festivals are celebrated from sunrise to
sunrise, beginning on the same morning as the sighting of the first-crescent New
Moon (see the Book of Enoch 77: 14) later that day, following an alternating 30 and 29-
day lunar month cycle.

Must Watch Video by Eric Dollard

The Sun is Not What We We Have Been Told ...

Eric Dollard Reveals 3 Secrets About the Sun

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Chapter 9The Role of the Moon in
This Super-Science

It also appears that these solar-inspired [aka God-inspired] magnetic fields are also
responsible for causing a certain kind of stimulation of the hypothalamus and pituitary
gland in fertile women, causing menstruation and ovulation to vary with variations in
solar emissions. It had been thought that the females generalized 28-day cycle
been determined by the phases of the Moon. However, it appears that this cycle
corresponds exactly with the Suns 28-day period of rotation, as seen from the Earth.
Undoubtedly this is because the Moon shines upon the Earth with light borrowed from
the Sun, and, as pointed out previously, every first-crescent New Moon is a sign that
weve entered into a new form of cosmic light reaching the earth for the present lunar
cycle. In other words, every month the Sun, in some way, is able to transmit to humans
on Earth special forces and powers that contribute to the growth and development of
the twelve types.
But there are problems with this idea, as Maurice Cotterell reports:

It became clear that the suns radiation not only determined
personality but controlled behaviour of the human organism after the
moment of birth; the suns radiation is converted by the Van Allen
belts into modulating magnetic fields (Nicholson) which affect the
endocrine system directly (Aidley), causing the pineal gland to regulate
the production of the timing-hormone melatonin throughout the 28-
day period. At least, that was the inference, but how to prove it?
Measuring variations in melatonin against corresponding changes in
behaviour is difficult if not impossible to do, given the subjective
nature of behaviour. It seemed unlikely that a link between the two
could ever be proven.

The analysis that Maurice Cotterell has undertaken, of how the female endocrine
system is regulated by solar radiation,
demonstrates that the suns radiation affects
the hypothalamus and pineal gland
in humans and in so doing regulates fertility
hormones. Here is his summary conclusions:

In summary, the suns radiation is converted to magnetic modulations
by the Van Allen belts. These then act on the hypothalamus and pineal
glands which, in line with Ross Aideys experiments on rats, pigeons

While there are twelve types of human beings, as foretold in the Scriptures, a women on a regular 28-day
cycle actually ovulates thirteen times in a year! This doesnt negate what we are saying about the twelve types,
because the first and the last, the first and the thirteenth, are actually of the same type! Figure 8.5 ("As above
[Macrocosm], so below [Microcosm]," the Hermetic dictum showing a Zodiac with a Zodiac.) in The Beguiled
and the Doctrine of the "Two Spirits" explains why this is so!
Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 181.
Examined on pp. 181-187, The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret Codes of the Emperors Army, Headline Book
Publishing, London, 2003.
I speculate that the pineal gland is not involved in the female processes discussed here.
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and guinea-pigs, convert the magnetic modulations into chemical
variations in the endocrine system. The expression electrochemical
transduction denotes this magnetic-to-chemical conversion process.
Hence the 28-day solar cycle regulates menstruation and fertility in
females. This is why ancient sun-worshipping civilizations like the
Maya and Egyptians worshipped the sun as the god of fertility.

Of course not all females menstruate at the same time and this is because, as
science likes to claim, each individuals biological clock starts at differing times.

However, other artificial influences appear to be at work in disturbing the natural 28-
day cycle.
This gives a variation plus or minus 4 days, or from 24 to 32 days
long. However the average period amounts to 28 days.
Research also suggests that
longer cycles are also in play. These cycles are apparently of 12-years duration and they
trigger puberty and menopause 12 years and 48 [4 x 12] years after conception.

Scientific evidence shows that no radiation equals no babies, because without the
sun, menstruation stops, and a womans biological clock will malfunction. Cotterell
cites the following information from New Scientist, of June 1989, as evidence:

Stefania Follini, an Italian interior designer, emerged from isolation
last week after four months in a cave in New Mexico. Italian scientists
watched how her waking days lasted 35 hours and were punctuated by
sleeping periods of up to 10 hours. She lost 17 pounds and her
menstrual cycle stopped. Follini believed she had spent two months
under ground, not four.

Thus the conclusion is that the Moon can never be considered the prime mover in
regards to fertility, but as you will eventually learn, it is the prime method, par
excellence, to measure sin, and righteousness!

Cotterells results dismiss the notion that the moon is the prime
mover in regard to fertility, which it never could be: its cycle of
periodicity amounts to 29.5 days, not 28. More important, it becomes
clear that fertility on earth is dependent upon the suns radiation: no

Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 186.
It is more likely that the cycle has been interrupted by the influence of electrical devices, because in primitive
societies, where there isnt the all-pervasive influence of electrical radiation (consider the effects of electrical
radiation in your life, as you use all those wonderful appliances you cant seem to live without, including the
influence of high-voltage electrical damage to your delicate system), the norm is closer to the 28-day cycle.
A 1975 book by Louise Lacey documented the experience of herself and 27 of her friends, who found that
when they removed all artificial night lighting their menstrual cycles began to occur in rhythm with the lunar
cycle. She dubbed the technique Lunaception. Later studies in both humans and animals have found that
artificial light at night does influence the menstrual cycle in humans and the estrus cycle in mice (cycles are more
regular in the absence of artificial light at night), though none have duplicated the synchronization of women's
menstrual cycles with the lunar cycle. One author has suggested that sensitivity of women's cycles to night
lighting is caused by nutritional deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals.
Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 186.
Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 187.
Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 189.
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radiation = no babies.

The churches of God must faithfully keep the monthly New Moon festivals, but not
after the knowledge of modern astrology, as the meaning of the original twelve types
has undoubtedly been corrupted and lost. One of the prime reasons that sin is the
norm on this planet, is the total ignorance of the function of the Moon. This function is
explained in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits. And the New Moon is
the visible first crescent, as it comes to each locality, as defined in the Book of Enoch at
Enoch 77: 14. Moreover, the claim that the New Moon is the conjunction, should be

Cotterell, Op Cit., p. 189.
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put to permanent rest. Keeping the New Moons is something that will form part of the
religious economy of the millennial rule of the Messiah, as previously noted in Isaiah
66: 23.
Im sure we have enough patience to await His proper explanation of just
what each of the twelve types is all about. However, the key point needs to be stressed,
and that is in understanding the Moons pivotal role in the existence of good, and evil
(mostly), on planet Earth.

How many students of astrology have ever analysed the fact that, of the twelve
signs of the zodiac, eight are animal, three human and one inanimate? There is no
work in existence, at least no translation of any old book or manuscript, dealing
with this subject; for, together with everything else (except mathematics), the
fundamental and esoteric analysis of the signs and all that pertains to them has
been perverted. What little was known concerning them gradually faded from
the race consciousness. And because the race consciousness as a whole does not
yet wish to concern itself with pure and unadulterated astrology, it will be seared
and blinded by the lightning of Uranus. For we are now in the Day of Uranus, and
all that concerns the heavens and man will soon be uncovered. We may not look
forward to it, but nothing can prevent it.

However, the life and death reason why the New Moon festivals should
be faithfully kept can only be described as strong meat, something that many
people will prefer to avoid. In our ebook The Beguiled And The Doctrine of the Two
Spirits you will find laid out in quite an amount of detail, the vital reasons for the
keeping of the New Moons, and why they are to be regarded with joy and delight.

Also see Numbers 29: 6; 1 Samuel 20: 5, 18, 24; 2 Kings 4: 23; Ezekiel 46: 1, 6; Amos 8: 5, and Colossians 2:
Carey, George Washington and Perry, Inez Eudora, The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation. Samuel Weiser,
Inc., York Beach, Maine, USA, 1932, p. 288, emphasis added.
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Chapter 10Bridge to the Higher Realms
Returning to the discussion about Figure 10 above (in Chapter 7Lets Take a
Breather Here!), we see that the symbolism is telling us, showing us, that there is
actually a sub-human or animal foundational level (symbolised in our skies as the
herd of animals, known as the zodiac) to our beings. Generally speaking scripture calls
this the natural or carnal mind in man or woman. The prophet Daniel tells
Nebuchadnezzar this straight tale: let his [i.e. Nebuchadnezzars] mind be changed
from a mans, and let a beasts mind be given to him; and let seven times pass over
him. (Daniel 4: 16, RSV, emphasis added.) Precisely we see a reversal of the order of
nature here. We are all given a beasts mind at birth
, plus the nephesh (mind or
spirit in man), that we have to learn, through righteousness-training.
But here
Nebuchadnezzar goes in reverse, from having the mind of man back to having the
mind of a beast! Spiritually, what he had was taken from him. The Apostle Paul calls
this part of ourselves the carnal mind: For to be carnally minded is death; but to be
spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
The animal nature
that Scripture prefers to liken to human nature is that of sheep, who are so easily led,
in any direction, is mind-numbing (especially if you are a parent struggling to
shepherd your young sheep in the modern un-Godly world)!

... the day I bought them I ... realised that this was but the first stage in a long,
lasting endeavour in which from then on, I would, as their owner, have to
continually lay down my life for them, if they were to flourish and prosper. Sheep
do not 'just take care of themselves' as some might suppose. They require,
more than any other class of livestock, endless attention and
meticulous care.

It is no accident that God has chosen to call us sheep. The behaviour of
sheep and human beings is similar in many ways ... Our mass mind (or mob
instincts), our fears and timidity, our stubbornness and stupidity, our perverse
habits are all parallels of profound importance.

Yet despite these adverse characteristics Christ chooses us, buys us, calls us by
name, makes us His own and delights in caring for us.

The New World Order dictatorial police state that is swiftly being created throughout the world expressly
needs all peoples to think of themselves as nothing less than animals, with no higher level functioning within us
at all. This Satanic system cannot bear to have us know that there is such a thing as a Divine spark within a
certain class of human beings. Instead this evil system will increasingly promote the con that all humans are
nothing less than pure animals. As Henry Makow has pointed out in his timely article, London Zoo Exhibit is
Elite Psy-Op, They want people to think of themselves as animals, better to harness, herd, breed and, yes, cull.
Be prepared for this psychological and brutal onslaught! Read Henrys article here:
Actually it is far more than righteousness training, as explained in the Appendix The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits. In a sense we are, spiritually speaking, two people, and if we passionately desire to
find the true pearls of life, and become as wise as serpents yet as innocent as doves, then we will have to possess
the necessary spiritual knowledge to enable us to unlock the indwelling kingdom of heaven. See Luke 17: 21 and
Matthew 5: 20.
Romans 8: 6-7.
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[The Good Shepherd] ever working on our behalf to ensure that we will
benefit from His care.
... I can still see one of the sheep ranches in our district which was operated by a
tenant sheepman. He ought never to have been allowed to keep sheep. His stock
were always thin, weak and riddled with diseases and parasites. Again and again
they would come and stand at the fences staring blankly through the woven wire
at the green lush pastures which my flock enjoyed. Had they been able to speak I
am sure they would have said, "Oh, to be set free from this awful owner!

The animal or carnal naturethe sheep mindis shown in Figure 10 (shown a
few pages back), and is the mindset that most people are trapped in (hence Jesus
saying about the walking dead) and live by.

Figure 12
Figure 12 shows this most important dimension
to the human makeup. On the right-hand side of
the diagram, the spirit in man is shown and is
numbered 1 to 5, and labelled The Spirit
(Nephesh) in Man. Genesis 2:7 clearly shows
that God made man from the dust of the earth,
and these particles, therefore, make up the
material part of man. Then God breathed the
breath of life into Adam. This breath of life is
then the immaterial or spiritual part of man. It is
this nephesh
in man, and this is something
that the churches have only superficially
understood, to their detriment. It is also
important to realize that the nephesh in

human beings operates differently, in a spiritual sense, for males and females. All of
the symbolism shows that the female five-fold nephesh is unable to receive the light
of the Sceptre Promises, or the Sceptre Holy Spirit.

Keller, Phillip. A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23. Marshall Pickering, London, 1970, Chapter 1, (emphasis
The word nephesh occurs 754 times in the Hebrew Old Testament. ... In the Authorized Version and Revised
Version it is translated "soul" 472 times, while in the other 282 places it is represented by forty-four different
words of phrases. In fifty-three of these places there is a
marginal rendering which calls attention to the fact that the word is "nephesh", while in 229 passages the English
reader has hitherto been left in ignorance of the fact. The English word "soul" is in every occurrence the
rendering of the Hebrew nephesh, except in Job 30:15 and Isaiah 57:16.
It will be seen that the word "soul", in its theological sense, does not cover all the ground, or properly represent
the Hebrew word "nephesh". The English word "soul" is from the Latin solus = alone or sole, because the
maintenance of man as a living organism, and all that affects his
health and well-being, is the one sole or main thing in common with every living thing which the LORD God has
made. The correct Latin word for the theological term "soul" (or nephesh) is anima; and this is from the Greek
anemos = air or breath, because it is this which keeps the whole in life and in being. From The Companion
Bible, Appendix 11.
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Today we would call the carnal mind the emotions, and becoming free of the
emotions, yet still retaining feeling (which is an entirely different thing), is a part of the
spiritual path to the higher levels. In fact the emotions and the thoughts that
support them are often called by the name of demons, and Jesus shows this in his
healing of Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons. (Mark 16: 9)

The bridge to the higher realms is well expressed in the following:

Moses spoke to the council: So much of the truth as it is given to mortals to
know, is within the reach of those alone whose intellects are
unclouded by passion or excess. To attain it, to comprehend the delicate
distinctions of the thought in which the truth is embodied, the intellect, like a keen
instrument of the finest steel, must be able to dissect the thought, and distinguish
one from the other its invisible nerves. The edge of the instrument is blunted by
the indulgence of the sensual appetites, or of the intemperate passions of the soul.
Therefore it is that the sages have always required of those who sought to scale the
heights of philosophy a preparatory discipline, of long-continued temperance
and self-restraint; and fasting is enjoined, as well as prayer. If thy intellect is dull
and course by nature, or clouded and confused by indulgence, the sacred
symbolism will have no meaning to thee; and we shall address thee in a foreign
tongue. Thus it is that [the truth] has always been, and always must be, confined
to a few; since to the mass its truths are foolishness and valueless.

However, as we know, there is much more to a human being than carnality,
because at birth something much more superior is imparted to a human being, and
it is what the Scriptures call the spirit in man (not to be confused with the Comforter
or the Holy Spirit). Suffice to say, the nephesh in man is composed of five potential
parts, and is intimately known and taught about by many people on the earth. This is
not an abstract concept I am talking about here, but the actual reality of the human
condition, the very building blocks of our character (or lack of it). In fact we are given

For a good discussion on the doctrine of the soul, the emotions, and related material see chapter 6, St
Jospehs Abbey in Jacob Needlemans Lost Christianity: A Journey of Rediscovery to the Centre of the Christian
Experience, Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1990.
Knight, Christopher, and Lomas, Robert, The Book of Hiram: Freemasonry, Venus and the Secret Key to the
Life of Jesus, Century Books, London, 2003. p. 366. What we have just read is similar in intent to the vows of the
Nazarite as presented in Numbers chapter 6. This source says that if someone wants to be separate to the Lord
in a special way, then they are to abstain from wine, wine vinegar, and grape juice and grapes and raisins. They
must abstain from shaving the hair on their heads, and they must never go anywhere near a corpse (is this also a
reference to what Jesus referred to as the living dead). Apparently the Nazarite vow is a temporary one,
because Numbers 6 also makes it clear that at the end of the vow the hair is to be shaved off, and sacrifices are to
be offered. It is quite clear that the reference to not drinking alcohol during the disciplinary period has a broader
reference to all other mind-altering substances as well, such as caffeine, drugs and any other similar mind-
altering substances, such as valium and other anti-depressants. Also note the reference about Daniel eating only
vegetables for 10 days. This is clearly a reference to the fact that Daniel had taken a Nazarite vow. Incidentally,
one of the most respected alcohologists (one who specializes in healing alcoholics) on the planet, Claude
Steiner, says that an essential part of the healing process is stopping the alcoholic from drinking (through
rigidly-enforced contracts) so that he can gain access the higher facilities of the mind, which in the Transactional
Analysis that Steiner uses, is called the Adult. You might like to read Steiners excellent paper on the subject of
healing alcoholism here:

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three parts at birth, and with normal growth and development, the other two are
added during the maturation process. But it also has to be clearly understood that man
only has a soul in potential. Each of the five loaves in the Miracle of the Five Loaves
and Fishes, recorded in Mark 6: 34-44, symbolize (discussed further on) one part of
the nephesh (or spirit or soul) in man. Thus each loaf in the miracle is part of the old-
man so often mentioned by Paul in the New Testament:

knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the
body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of
sin. (Romans 6:6, KJV, emphasis added.)

that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows
corrupt according to the deceitful lusts (Ephesians 4:22, KJV, emphasis

Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds
(Colossians 3:9, KJV, emphasis added.)

Other Scriptures put the matter a little differently, such as Romans 12: 2 (here the
word mind is used instead of soul or spirit: And be not conformed to this world: but
be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.), but the intended meaning is still the same.
Thorough repentancepurificationrequires that we seriously attend to
perfecting our spiritual makeup, or our five-fold nephesh, because it is here, in the
spirit in us, that sin first beguiles and then rules over us, and then we teach this
deception to others. Christ spoke much about this topic, making it clear that this is
where the real work of change is to occur if we are to gain eternal life. In Revelation
2: 5 He tells us clearly: Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent,
and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy
candlestick out of its place, except thou repent. The candlestick of course is a symbol
for the seven gifts of the Sceptre Holy Spirit (and part of the second tree in the Garden
of Edenthe Tree of Lifethe one Adam and Eve were told only to eat of). He is
telling us here that unless we first purify our five-fold spirit withinthe first
workswe will be denied access to the seven-fold gift of the Holy Spirit (the
candlestick), and without these we die eternally. Unfortunately, as Christ says, we have
ignored learning and developing just what the truth is before we have made significant
life decisions. In fact the fake shepherds of this earth have led us into a pit of death,
and taught us to follow a false path of life: the tree of good and evil.

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The Two Spirits

The Master shall instruct all the sons of light and shall teach them the
nature of all the children of men according to the kind of spirit which they
From the God of Knowledge comes all that is and shall be. Before ever
they existed He established their whole design, and when, as ordained for
them, they came into being, it is in accord with His glorious design that they
accomplish their task with change
He has created man to govern the world, and has appointed for him
two spirits in which to walk until the time of His visitation: the spirit of
truth and falsehood.
Those born of truth spring from a fountain of light, but those born of
falsehood spring from a spirit of darkness. All the children of righteousness
are ruled by the Prince of Light and walk in the ways of light, but all the
children of falsehood are ruled by the Angel of Darkness and walk in the
ways of darkness.
The Angel of Darkness leads all of the children of righteousness astray,
and until his end, all their sins, iniquities, wickednesses, and all their
unlawful deeds are caused by his dominion in accordance with the mysteries
of God
But the God of Israel and His angel of Truth will succour all the sons of
light. For it is He who created the spirits of Light and Darkness and founded
every action upon them and established every deed (upon) their (ways).
And He loves the one everlastingly and delights in its works for ever; but
the counsel of the other He loathes and for ever hates its ways (1QS
3: 13-4: 1DSSE 75-6)

Which goes to say that at a critical point in our lives, each of us has taken a
serious wrong turn.
This is the meaning of the allegory of the serpents deception
of Eve in the Garden. Like Eve (and remember, Adam was caught up with her in this
process as well, but the Scripture lays the prime blame on her: And Adam was not
deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (1 Timothy 2: 14) ),
every human being has chosen to follow the same path as Adam and Eve. Thus the
beguiling! They have followed the exact same system of mixed ethics
by the tree of good and evil, from which they and the whole world has eaten ever since,
and which is discussed in depth in the companion book, The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits. None of us is exempt from what we did, because we
are all beguiled by the same deception, and have followed the exact same path!

Vermes, Geza, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective, SCM Press Ltd., London, 1982, pp. 171-172.
Some of us have taken multiple serious wrong turns, but all of them can be reversed!
It is a mixture of good and bad, honour and dishonour, a pick and choose poisonous mixture that all humans
(except Christ) have eaten of.
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Because all of us live our lives according to the lie symbolised by the tree of good and
evil, each of us will face sure death unless we repent and change our ways back to the
way of perfect purity (and good-enough-purity will not cut it!), and understand
perfectly why we need to do this.
At this point a most serious truth has to be set on the table. It is the most grave
teaching of this book. It is this: unless we repent of our wrong choices in life, track
them back to the wrong turns we have made, wherever possible, and the injuries
we have done to people, and how we did it, and rectify them, and purify ourselves, we
will die eternally, period! This is the eternal law of life. It is the law of Passover!
It is one of the weightier matters of the law (the other one is eternal death if you
dont!) the Messiah gave to Moses! When Christ had one argument with the Pharisees
He told them straight: Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you tithe
mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice
and mercy and faith; these you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.
You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel! (Matthew 23: 23, RSV,
emphasis added.
) And contrary to what people teach, it is the law of water
Nothing is surer than this principle. Now this doesnt just mean that we
have a magic-wand-mind-trip, and singularly excuse ourselves of our past crimes by
just doing what most of the walking dead do by just saying sorry to those we have
injured, and thinking they theyve made atonement for their mistakes, and all is OK, I
can march innocently onwards, still continuing to live in the crime that destroyed
the relationship. Not so! That is a fake and a false doctrine. The law says, as Christ
says, repent and sin no more. If you really believe that you can just walk up to
the offended party and say sorry, please forgive me, and continue living in your sin,
youre deluding yourself and in the final wrap-up, youll pay the full penalty for your
banality. More importantly, such a wilful process makes the law of no effect, a pure
mockery. If the Eternal Law works like this, then there has never been such a Law,
because it would be so easily destroyed by crooked thinking and behaving. No, the Law
has a potent sting, and it will stay fully in place until all things have been achieved
(Matthew 5: 18). What I have just said is the justice principle behind the law: the
offender must repent and seek restitution, wherever humanly possible. The mercy
principle is simply this: the offended person must forgive the offender, otherwise
God will not forgive him of his offences.
Now it is fact that all sorts of imperfectionsinexist in the nephesh of man, and
it is this part that really has to be understood if we are truly to make the

I like Jesus saying here, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel! The modern equivalent would
probably be majoring in minors, which I see as a definite sign of the sickness of the last days.
Many people tenaciously cling to the false belief that once youre baptized youre totally excused and forgiven
for all past sins, even if your still living in them. Baptism is not a permanent waiver from sins which
you are still committing! The key is repentance, and then sin no more, as Christ often said, which clearly
means that you stop the destructive act and make reconciliation with the offended party, wherever humanly
possible. Give yourself 30 seconds of pure honest thought and youll soon see that this simple strategythinking
that saying sorry excuses you in the face of the law makes all of the commandments to no effect and that what
youre really done is mocking God and all those people that you have injured. As the Scriptures clearly proclaim:
God is not mocked, and neither am I!
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redecisions and changes of attitude that are required of us. Some of these
problems include:
contamination by strange and fanciful fictions which we could rightly call trash,
and which we come to fixate on as being truth;
a lot of the human programming has to do with taking onboard beliefstrue and
false, evil and good, honourable and dishonourable that have never been
properly examined (this is a massive problem, perhaps the problem) or proved
(as Paul tells us in the verse just above, Romans 12: 2, we must prove all things,
something few people take to heart.) as reliable and true, in the first place;
parts of our nephesh may not work at all, or parts can be periodically blocked
out, and this can make these sorts of people incredibly difficult to live or work
with, or just to even have a calm rational discussion about their bad behaviours

The excluded Adult part of the nephesh is found in the case of the chronic condition of emotional turbulence,
as seen in extreme cases of what psychology calls manic-depressive psychosis (which has now been redefined as
bipolar disorder) and other distressing spiritual conditions (e.g. multiple personality disorder, and various
trance states). But this is not a condition of disease, but of sin. If youve ever been emotionally attacked
by a manic-depressive while they are in their most toxic and vicious mood, youll know that something is way out
of order in their makeup, and if you really get to know them, youll understand that something much deeper is
going on here, something that can only be explained by spirit interference. Yes, thats right, Im directly drawing
your attention to something the ancients clearly understood: demon possession, which is something the church
clearly has to understand, for it really does exist. Arthur Guirdham M.D., the British psychiatrist, has observed
after 40 years of practice that every severe mental illness can be explained by spirit interference of some sort
(Bancroft, Mark. The History and Psychology of Spirit Possession and Exorcism. EnSpire Press 1998). In actual
fact, when you understand how evil enters the world (see The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits),
youll understand why the Scriptures have so many references to demonic possession. Demons affect emotions
and attitudes, the mind, the tongue, sex and physical appetites. Most of the time, the victim will allow the demon
to enter without knowing the terrifying consequences of their actions. As 1 Timothy 4:1 points out, The Spirit
clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by
demons. Demons go to any length to avoid detection, and trying to have a rational conversation with
someone in such an acute emotional episode bears this out. Never forget that the Angel of Light, Satan, appears
as a false teacher corrupting music, art, movies, books and every relationship. We are always susceptible to sin
and evil. And Satan along with his demons attack us in our areas of weakness. Consequently, anyone susceptible
to possession should honestly isolate their areas of bondage one-by-one, and begin a deep purification of these
evils in their life, based upon a genuine keeping of the spiritual Law and the monthly New Moon festivals. Signs
of demonic possession may include: the ability to speak foreign or ancient languages, speaking gibberish
in a childish voice, supernatural abilities and prodigious strengths, secret knowledge of a person's life
(especially the exorcist), habits of sexual immorality, moral decay, perversions, fortune-telling, extreme fetishes,
involvement in the occult (and this includes astrology, horoscopes, the Tarot, palm-reading, Ouija boards and
other occult paraphernalia), blasphemous remarks and great aversion to God, hatred, abuse, habitual use of foul
language, vicious fury, contentions (as in marital strife or abuse of loved ones), resentment, envy, will to murder,
pride, vengeance, bitterness, fear, traumas, fixations, complexes, insecurities, phobias, neuroses, mental
breakdown, feeling a heavy weight in the stomach, the 'evil eye' ('vaskania'), extreme anxiety, asthma, allergies,
uncontrolled laughter, and exceedingly foul odor. Notice that this list isn't my invention, but the observations of
exorcists from ancient times up until the present time. (Remsen, Jim. Casting Out Demons, by Means of
Deliverance. Philadelphia Inquirer 17 September 2003. Schell, Bonnie Henderson. I Beg You, Do Not Torment
Me. The Humanist May/June 1992: 12+). Anybody can be a victim and become a host for a demon, and
sometimes demons can be passed down through relatives. In his Believers Guide to Spiritual Warfare, author
Thomas White advises parents to look for spirits that gained entrance into the bloodline as evidenced by family
members who have committed suicide or who have a history of depression or psychiatric illness (Schell, 2003).
This type of suffering is sometimes called congenital demonism or transgenerational evil (Kaminer, Wendy.
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in most cases most of us have spent our lives deceiving the world, and usually
ourselves as well, and this is one of the prime reasons this world is in such a
lowly state. Of course most of this is out of the conscious awareness of the victim
and his or her audience.
We must learn more about our nephesh, what it is, how it develops (or doesnt),
where its been (spiritually speaking), where it might go (with help, tutoring, and
spiritual ripening), and all sorts of similar quests. So it is essential that the churches
learn about the complex nature of the nephesh in man, and when it is so equipped,
then it can really teach people how and what to change. And many people think they
know how to change, but unfortunately, that is often only pride talking, because while
they huff and puff about how theyve changed, they dont really know how to, and in
fact havent really changed at all! In saying all of this, I am mindful of the fact that it is
the Holy Spirit, in its Birthright and Sceptre dimensions, that actually do the spiritual
work of changing our natures from the old to the new, but we must fully and
conscientiously cooperate in the whole process. Of great important in the process is
the decision and determination to rid our lives of all sin, including the influence of
demons, and become wholly good people, through a good understanding of the
monthly New Moon festivals.

The Devil Made Us Do It. Nation 5 November 2001: 28-30). Thus Exodus 20:5, which says this about idolatry,
"I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth
generation of those who hate me. Paul wrote about spiritual darkness in high places or demonic possession,
saying the ways to deal with it are very ordinary: praying, believing, reading scripture, and just living out a
Christian life. On one occasion, Jesus said, If I, with the finger of God, cast out devils, then, no doubt, the
Kingdom of God has come to you. When a strong man, who is well armed, guards his palace, his goods are safe.
But if someone stronger than him, overpowers him, he will strip him of his armor and distribute his goods. . .
When the unclean spirit has departed out of a man, it wanders through dry places, seeking rest, but upon failing
to find any, says to himself, 'I will return to my former house'. And when it returns and finds it swept clean and
garnished, he goes and finds seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter into the man and dwell
there and the last state of that man is worse that at the beginning. - Luke 11: 20-26 See Luke 8: 29-31, Luke 10:
18-19, Mark 9: 29, Philippians 2: 5-11, Acts 19: 13-17, Mark 16: 17, 18. If you think you are exempt from the
influence of demons, it is timely that I recommend this great book on the subject (perhaps the best book
available today): War on the Saints, by Jessie Penn-Lewis, with Evan Roberts, World Wide Web Edition (Based
on Unabridged 1912 Edition), available here:
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Figure 13: Clarence Larkins Depiction
of the Invisible Nature in Man

What is overlooked by all those who seek the Holy Spirit of Godthe spark of life
is whats in the middle top right of Figure 12, and numbered 1 through 5, acting as
bridge between the animal nature within, the substantial part of our Birthright, and
the Divine nature represented by the seven coloured circles of Figure 19 below, and
numbered from 6 to 12.
So between the animal nature on the left and the Divine nature on the right of
Figure 19 we have the middle groundthe five-fold nephesh acting as a bridge between
the two, and that bridge is love, maturely understood.
It is here where most of the
action resides! And it is here, within our spirit, where most of us cannot or will not
go: perhaps we are ignorant that such a journey is necessary in the first place; perhaps
we are too afraid; perhaps we want to make the journey, but have no teachers to guide
us. It can be like the name of that famous movieA Bridge Too Far!
Genuine spiritual growth require a connection to be made between the animal and
Divine nature. The meeting place is the nephesh in manusually translated as the
souland the only helper which will call down the supernatural powers from heaven
is total and genuine repentance, and that means absolute purification of the self by
complete obedience to the spiritual commandments. Many people seek purification
and wholeness and visit psychologists and psychiatrists who have no real idea of the
full price to be paid. Other people try things like joining the local dramatic society,
having heard that here they can learn to rid themselves of their demons and their
insecurities. But no one tells them that they never really find themselves here, because
it is here that they learn to pretend to be someone else, which of course means that
they never really find their true self. Such shortcutting of the sacred process never

By maturely understood I mean the attainment of the highest form of love, and not the sentimental, romantic
and other notions of pseudo-love that infest far too many people on this Earth.
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works, and even a good number of such people know this is true, but never let their
clients, their relatives, or friends, know how theyre being short-changed.

Figure 13a: The Ardagh Chalice or Holy Grail, showing part of the Birthright (the pentagon
representing the five-fold nephesh) and Sceptre features (the octagon). Both these features are
found in significant detail in the Great Pyramid at Giza, in the Queens Chamber and the in the cross-
section of the Grand Gallery leading to the Kings Chamber. See Figure 21a below.

Christ appears on the scene in the Gospels as the thirteenth among twelve
fisherman. He is showing that He possesses the Birthright Promises, which in the
Book of Revelation, He calls the first works. Hes not portraying a thirteenth sign, as
some believe, but is actually standing as the thirteenth precisely because hes
representing the middle ground between having developed above the animal nature
(of the left side of the diagram) and having done the first works (a five-fold nephesh
totally obedient to the commandmentsthe Teacher) preparatory to receiving the full
measure of the seven gifts of the Sceptre Holy Spirit. But there is also duality in this
picture of Christ as the thirteenth, as well presently see.
The bridge to the higher realms is what is called the soul (the nephesh in man) and
it has several components, as we have seen, which need to function harmoniously in
the work of perfecting the self. So one great area that the restored Church has to
understand, is what goes into the process of Soul-making, the bridge (or the white
stepping-stones across the Jordan, at the conclusion of the Exodus, setup on Mount
) between man and God, and, when a firm grip is gained on this material, to
start vigorously teaching it. In the words of G.I. Gurdjieff:

In the past not all men were called Christians. Some members of the same
family were called Christians, others pre-Christians, still others were called
non-Christians. So in one and the same family there could be the first, the
second and the third. But now all call themselves Christians. It is nave,

From Cotterell, Maurice, Jesus, King Arthur, and the Journey of the Grail, Bear and Company, Rochester,
Vermont, 2006, p. 148 and Plate 23. Notice what Maurice Cotterell calls the solar cross on the side of the chalice,
which is really a cross formed by the motion of the planet Venus and the bright star Sirius.
See Deuteronomy 27: 2-10
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dishonest, unwise and despicable to wear this name without justification.
A Christian is a man who is able to fulfil the Commandments.
A man who is able to do all that is demanded of a Christian, both with his mind
and his essence, is called a Christian without quotation marks. A man who, in
his mind, wishes to do all that is demanded of a Christian, but can do so only
with his mind and not with his essence, is called pre-Christian. And a man who
can do nothing, even with his mind, is called a non-Christian.
Try to understand what I wish to convey by all this. Let your understanding be
deeper and broader.

Now at this point I feel it is possible to attempt a preliminary definition of the
spiritual Birthright: it is as depicted in Figure 19 (below) and includes the twelve type
of men (symbolised by the Twelve Tribes of Israel
), and the five-fold nephesh in
man, which can be translated as spirit, soul and even mind. And the first tree in the
Garden of Eden, the one that the first two humans were permitted to eat from, is the
Tree of Life, which yielded two types of fruit: the Birthright, and the Sceptre. The
following section is designed to show how the Old Testament has symbolised the story
as previously explained to this point. As you read youll notice the mention of a wall!
What I am saying here is that the task of all alive people is to learn how to
love in the most mature of ways. This is no easy path that can be simply followed
by anyone out for a short daily walk along the beauty spots of their locality. In fact love
and sublime peace cannot be learnt so simply. It is a life-long task and requires the
deepest of wisdom, the development of the life of the mind, and the most profound
attention to developing the whole of what us moderns call the personality. It means
that we must do serious and deep spiritual work on ourselves, with the key to
unlocking the mysteries of life being utmost honesty and truth. In the words of

He who knows nothing, loves nothing. He who can do nothing understands
nothing. He who understands nothing is worthless. But he who understands
also loves, notices, sees. The more knowledge is inherent in a thing, the
greater the love Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as
the strawberries knows nothing about grapes.

Attaining the state of love (and therefore peace) that Paracelsus defines, requires a
deep commitment to a way of life that has the following characteristics:

We commit ourselves to learning that love is an art and an emotional science
in other words, there is a theory to love that we first have to learn. The theory
of love that will abound forever is based on the understanding of the Eternal

Quoted in Jacob Needlemans Lost Christianity: A Journey of Rediscovery to the Centre of the Christian
Experience, Element Books, Longmead, 1990, p. 170.
Is (Isis) = Moon, Ra = Sun, and El = Elohim, which neatly summarizes what its all about!
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The central map of love are the two great commandments, upon which
all the spiritual Law is based: to Love God as the central essence and reality of
life, and to love our neighbour as our self: And one of the scribes came, and
having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that
he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments [is], Hear, O Israel;
The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this
[is] the first commandment. And the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt
love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than
these. And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for
there is one God; and there is none other but he: And to love him with all the
heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the
strength, and to love [his] neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt
offerings and sacrifices. And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he
said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that
durst ask him [any question]." (Mark 12: 28-34)

Then we have to learn the practice of love. Everyday, in every situation we
find ourselves in, we will find occasion to practice the theory. We will find that
true love is entirely different to the raw and unenlightened conceptions of love
taught in the popular media, and in the horde of womens magazines (and to a
lesser extent, the mens imitations) that focus on glamour, fashion, sex, sport,
and romanticism. In doing this we learn wisdom, in that the theory actually does
work. In fact it is the only thing that does work! Only after living life in such a
fashion, can we ever hope to see why the theory is so true. Unfortunately most
people, when confronted by evil in life, whether it be of a subtle or monstrous
nature, respond with more evil of their own, so that really what happens is an
evil versus evil power play, which only results in an escalation of the evil on both
sides. Put another way, both sides fight dirty. The simple Christian truth about
confronting evil is that we do not resist it, but try to overcome it through love
and good works. The Apostle Paul provides the formula for overcoming evil: "Be
not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12: 21). In other
words, we overcome evil by fighting the good fight. After we gain sufficient
successes in this way, a whole new dimension of life opens up for us. We then
understand much about the Eternal Law, and our faith increases one-hundred
fold! But few understand the sublime pinnacle that can be reached
by obedience to the Eternal law of love!

But the most important characteristic of this whole process is profound: unless
mastering the art of loving is the very top priority of our lives, bar none,
we will have learnt nothing. It must become the ultimate concern, the ultimate

We learn the theory of love from the written word, from sources such as the Scriptures, and books like Erich
Fromms The Art of Loving, and C S Lewiss The Four Loves, etc.
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art and science (and not a con job), and nothing must shake us from its

Central to the whole process of engaging in genuine spiritual repentance is the
need for absolute truthfulness and honesty. Put simply, we have to
become totally honest with ourselves, with others, and with the Deity, and stop
living in the world of illusion, pretense, and appearances, and start living in
the world of pure reality, no matter how much we have been
And boy, have we been brainwashed! Now honesty and truth are
not as easy as they sound. We live in a fallen society where dishonesty not only
lurks everywhere, but in many instances it is taken for granted as being the
norm, e.g. we expect dishonesty from our public leaders, and we are not
surprised when we get it from them. But the most tragic thing today is that the
greatest dishonesty is being taught by apostate modern Christianity every
Sunday (naturally on the wrong day) in every so-called Christian church all over
the world. Many of us believe we are honest people, but if we take a long hard
look at ourselves, we will probably be horrified at what we find!

Figure 14: The Wilderness Tabernacle

I use the term the Deity to include the Supreme Creator God, called God the Father, and the Messiah, His
only Begotten Son, known to the world as Jesus Christ.
Courtesy Son Light Publishers, Inc.,

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Chapter 11The Camping and Marching Order
of the Tribes During the Exodus
Table 2 shows the twelve tribes of Israel and the zodiacal sign associated with each of
the tribes as they left slavery in ancient Egypt.

Sons Name Zodiac Sign
1. Reuben Aquarius
2. Simeon Pisces
3. Levi Libra
4. Judah Leo
5. Issachar Cancer
6. Zebulun Virgo
7. Gad Aries
8. Asher Sagittarius
9. Joseph Taurus
10. Benjamin Gemini
11. Dan Scorpio
12. Naphtali Capricorn
Table 2

Allegorically this is the marching order of the tribes of Israel during the Exodus
from Egypt. What we actually see in the above diagram are two rings, an outer ring
with the names of the twelve sons of Jacob (and their corresponding zodiacal signs),
and an inner ring composed of the tribes of the Levites (made up of Moses, Aaron, and
the Gershonites, Kohathites and Merarites). The Levitical priests were responsible for
the tabernacle, for transporting it, setting it up, and taking it down. There is a wall
separating the two rings. Right in the centre, with no wall separating it from the
Levital group, is the Tabernacle. You can see this wall in Figure 15 below. Lets look at
this symbolism in more detail.

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First, the outer ring is divided into four groups of three tribes each, thus we
have the following arrangement

Tribes to the east (these are the last three sons born to Leah)

Judah is the sign of the lion, and in the zodiac is Leo. Judah has as its colours
the colours of the three stones of the second row of the High Priest's

Isaachar, the brother of Judah (same mother, Leah. Gen 35: 23) has Cancer as
its sign on its standard.
Zebulun is also brother to Judah (same mother, Leah) and has Virgo as its sign
on its standard.

Tribes to the south

Reuben is the sign of a man (perhaps a water-carrying man!), and in the zodiac
is Aquarius. Reuben has as its colours the colours of the three stones of the first
row of the High Priest's Breastplate

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Simeon, the brother of Reuben (same mother, Leah. Gen 35: 23) has Pisces as its
sign on its standard.
Gad is half brother to Reuben (mother is Zilpah) and has Aries as its sign on its
standard. Gad replaced Levi when Levi was selected to be the priestly tribe.

Tribes to the west

Ephraim is the sign of an ox and has as its colours the colours of the three
stones of the fourth row of the High Priest's Breastplate. In the zodiac, Ephraim
and Manasseh are the two horns of Taurus the bull. Ephraim, the youngest,
bears the standard, according to the blessing given in Genesis 48: 14-20.
Manasseh, the brother of Ephraim (same mother as Ephraim, Asenath. See
Genesis 41: 51-52) has Taurus the bull as its sign on its standard. There is a
legend around that Asenath was Dinah's daughter (the twelfth child born in the
seventh year) from that rape and that she was sent away to Egypt.
Benjamin is also brother to Ephraim and Manasseh (same mother, Rachel) and
has Gemini as its sign on its standard. Note that Joseph and Benjamin were
brothers, with the same mother Rachel. So these two brothers expanded to a full
side of the circle, three tribes in all, from the same mother.

Tribes to the North

Dan is the sign of an eagleScorpio (substituted for the serpent of Genesis 49:
17. Compare Ezekiel 1: 10 and Revelation 4: 7) and has as its colours the colours
of the three stones of the third row of the High Priest's Breastplate. Dan's
mother is Bilhah. You will notice that Dan camps in the centre of the North!
You might also remember that the Antichrist is prophesized to come out of the
tribe of Dan. This will also mean that he must be born under the sign of Scorpio!
Also note that the Nazis used the eagle in just about all of their icons and
symbols, along with the swastika and the SS symbol, which also means to say
that the Antichrist will have strong Nazi ties as well.
Asher (the son of the handmaid, Bilbahand put with Dan and Naphtali, the
sons of Bilpah) has Sagittarius, the Archer, as its sign.
Naphtali, son of Bilhah, has Capricorn, the goat, as its sign.

And when the tabernacle setteth forward, the Levites shall take it down: and when
the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up: and the stranger that cometh
nigh shall be put to death. (Numbers 1: 51, KJV, emphasis added.)

The marching order of Israel during the Exodus is set down in Numbers 2: 1-34
and is shown diagrammatically in Figure 16.

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Figure 16: The Marching Order of Israel in the Exodus, looking like a giant serpent
of the sky! Notice that the tribe of Judah (the sign of Leo) is first, and the tribe of
Naphtali (whose sign is Capricorn) is last. Keep in mind the saying, and the first
will be last, and the last will be first.

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Chapter 12The Sceptre Spiritually Discerned

In Figure 15 youll notice that there is a wall separating the outer (the Twelve tribes)
and the inner (Moses and the Levites) ring. This wall has a dual meaning.
Its first meaning is exactly what all walls representthey keep people out! And it is
the entire human race that is kept out of the Garden of Eden, as a consequence of the
Fall. Prior to the Fall, during the Golden Age, when the gods (i.e. the elohim
communed with men on Earth, there was no need for such a wall. But following upon
the human race living life according to its own carnal nature, the previous harmonious
relationship with God totally changed for the worst, for now the whole human
race is sentenced to Eternal death, because of their defiance of God. There is
only one way out, and this is known as repentance, followed by water baptism, and the
doing of genuine spiritual work on oneself, in cooperation with the Birthright Holy
Spirit, which is done, first, through the keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals.
Spiritual purification, the work of the Birthright, comes first, followed by the granting
of the Sceptre Holy Spirit, but this latter power is not granted equally to both men and
women, as you will learn.
This fact, the unequal granting of the Holy Spirit, is the walls second
meaning, and is much more powerful and ominous, for it is in this legislation of the
that the real protection of the family originates, and which many
millions of moderns defy, to their peril, everyday of their lives! It is to separate the
Birthright from the Sceptre, as Figure 15 below clearly shows. This wall has exactly the
same meaning as the wall that separated the Womens Court from the inner parts of
Solomons Temple, and in the Restoration Temple.
This is also the intent of the
symbolism portrayed in the Great Pyramid at Giza, where there is a common
Ascending Passage that men and women walk (representing the Jubilee System, and
the spiritual purification done by the Birthright Holy Spirit), but at the top of this
passage the women go no further (the Queens Chamber on the 24
course of
masonry), while the male has to continue on to the Kings Chamber, via the Grand
Gallery (which represents the Sabbatical System and the Sceptre Holy Spirit).
The Queens Chamber, I believe, should rightly be called the Bridal Chamber,
for it is at this minimal level that salvation to Eternal Life is gained, through the born-

See The God Messiah Worships, for the explanation of this term.
Recorded in Genesis 3. Notice the part that defines the relationship between the sexes. To the woman he
said, I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall
be for your husband, and he shall rule over you. (Genesis 3: 16, RSV, emphasis added)
Notice in the Book of Revelation that there is also a wall separating the Inner and the Outer Court, and it is
only the elect in the Inner Court who are measured with the measuring rod: And there was given me a
measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, Rise and measure the Temple of God, and the altar, and those who
worship in it. And leave out the court which is outside the Temple, and do not measure it, for it has been
given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months. (Revelation 11:1-2)
Whats inside the wall here, and to be counted, is the elect! History informs us that when Herods Temple stood
in Jerusalem, stone plaques, some in Latin, others in Greek, were placed in the Court of the Gentiles warning any
Gentile not to enter the precincts of the Temple at the risk of losing his life. The signs read: No Gentile is to be
approach within the balustrade round the Temple and the peribolos. Whosoever is caught will
be guilty of his own death which will follow.
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again work of the disciple and the Birthright Holy Spirit. The Gospel of Phillip has the
correct understanding of the Bridal Chamber:

The Bridal Chamber is not for animals, nor for men-slaves (of passions), nor for
dissolute women. It is for pure women and men who gained Freedom.

[Commentary from Vladimir Antonov: One's birth in the eon of the Father,
maturing in it, and Mergence with God-the-Father constitutes the completion of
the individual evolution of the soul. Only he can attain this who is highly developed
intellectually, ethically, and psychoenergetically; in particular, who has liberated
oneself from earthly passions and attachments, achieved the purity and Divine
subtlety of the consciousness.]


All Who enter the Bridal Chamber will kindle the Light of Truth more, for They
are not begotten in the darkness as those begotten in earthly marriages! The Fire
will burn in night and flare up stronger, because the mysteries of this Marriage are
performed in the Light of Day! That Light of Day will never cease (for Them)!

And again

If one becomes a Son of the Bridal Chamber, it means that He cognized the Light
(of the Holy Spirit) before.

The one who has not cognized It in the world of matter will not receive It in That
place. He Who cognized the Light (of the Holy Spirit) cannot be seen and captured
(by evil spirits). And none (of them) can torment such Man, even if He lives in the
world of matter (in a body). He has cognized the Truth - with Himself-
Consciousness! His Abode now is the eon of the Primordial Consciousness! And It
is opened for Him - Who is Perfect - in the Light of the Holy Day.

The wall symbolises the fact that, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating of
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the availability of the Tree of Life (i.e. the

From The Gospel of Phillip, verse 73. This book presents a full and competent translation of the Gospel
written by apostle Philip - a personal Disciple of Jesus Christ. The translation is accompanied by clarifying
commentaries. In the Gospel, Philip put the emphasis on the methodological aspect of spiritual work. The book
is addressed to everyone aspiring to Perfection. A note of caution is in order about this edition of the Gospel
of Phillip! In this edition of the Gospel of Phillip you will come across false teachings in the commentary section
about fornication and adultery, indicating that the commentators are ignorant of the true law of love, sex, and
marriage. The text itself of the Gospel of Phillip says nothing to support the commentators false notion. Russian
edition by Vladimir Antonov, translated from Russian by Anton Teplyy and Mikhail Nikolenko. ISBN 978-1-
897510-26-1. Published in 2008 by New Atlanteans, 1249 Birchview Road, Lakefield, Ontario, K0L 2H0,
Canada. Printed by Lulu:
The Gospel of Phillip, verse 126.
The Gospel of Phillip, verse 127.
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Birthright and Sceptre Holy Spirit) was totally withdrawn
from the human race, until
Shiloh comes. But the punishment of the Fall was not the same for men and women,
and undoubtedly, the story of Eve eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good
and evil, has deeper implications than is realised, and is related directly to the
conditions of modern marriage and the destruction of the familywhich has been a
top-level aim of the ministers of Satanwhereby most of the petitions of divorce are
initiated by women!
Saying it simply, the relationship between the sexes in modern
times has degenerated to at least the same level of severity that produced the Fall! This
second time around will see the greatest destructions the world has ever seen,
and in
the Scriptures this is called the Day of the Lord (Law).
This situation continued right through the ages from the Fall, right down to the
Exodus from Egypt, and the first Great Passover recorded in the Scriptures. In other
words, the Birthright and the Sceptre were denied to the human race for a very long
period in human history. Then Mosesas a type of Christwas granted access,
symbolically speaking, to the Birthright from the time of the Exodus from Egypt, along
with the Levites. But in reality it was not until John the Baptist came, that the
Birthright Holy Spirit was granted, symbolised by Johns particular type of baptism,
which was water baptism. This situation was not extended to the whole Hebrew
nation, comprising the twelve tribes. Theybeing symbolic of the
whole human race were not to receive the greater spiritual promises, the Sceptre,
which were reserved for one greater to come, and that was the Messiah.

He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword
which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. Genesis 3: 24.
This whole problem is discussed in the books The Warning of the Last Days (see Reading #6, The
Destruction of the Family), and in How Families Flourish (especially see Section 3, The Shocking Suppressed
Truth About Love, Sex and Marriage )
For descriptions of these monumental events, see the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Jeremiah, the Book of
Daniel, as well as the Book of Revelation.
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Figure 17: The Zodiacal Camping Arrangement of
Israel During the Exodus634

The Birthright and the Sceptre pertains to a greater realm than the physical, for it
is of the spiritual world. These blessings are entirely conditional, and is based on total
and complete obedience to God and all His requirements, including (but not limited
to) the Ten Commandments. The goal is to develop total righteous character, and
requires total conversion to Gods way of life, and this in turn means that hostility,
rebellion and defiance to God and His Eternal Law, has to be totally wiped from our
lives. In a nutshell, we must become wholly good and merciful people! Keeping the
Law under the Old Covenant could not produce these blessings, because that can only
be achieved through the power of the indwelling Birthright Holy Spiritvia the
mechanism of faithfully keeping the monthly New Moon Festivalswhich is only
possible during the time of the New Covenant, our time.

Source: Drummond, William, Oedipus Judaicus: Allegory in the Old Testament, first published 1811, Bracken
Books, London, 1986, p. 45.
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Now not so well understood is the notion that, while all could share in the
Birthright Promises, there was a definite limit, or sequence, put on who could share
in the Sceptre Promises. Right up to the birth of the John the Baptist, no one could
share in either the Birthright or the Sceptre Promisesthe Holy Spirit! This was
because the Messiah had to have the pre-eminence in both parts of the Holy Spirit, and
it is why Adam and Eve were denied access to the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden,
when they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil instead. When they
decided on the fruit of this tree, which symbolizes their disobedience to Gods
instructions for eternal life, they were driven from the garden and the way to the Tree
of Life (i.e. both aspects of the Holy Spirit) was blocked (Genesis 3: 24). The whole of
the Solar System would have been dramatically changed to reflect this great tragic
event, with the Earths Axis changed to reflect the astronomy of the Fall (which well
come to presently), from a near vertical axis (90
), to about 23
the present
approximate value.
Instead of following Gods instructions in pursuing a life that was devoted to
becoming wholly good and merciful, Adam and Eve basically told God to go take a
hike, and that they would live their lives as they pleased. This is keeping with the free
will that the one true God has given mankind, but what we all need to know is that
while we can live as we please, there are permanent consequences for our decision.
What pleased them, of course, was to live their lives according to a mixed way,
is what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil really symbolizes. It is the way of
The fall of mankind was complete, and every human being born since Adam and
has followed in the same pathway, until either death or a deep repentance
overtakes them. If they re-decide on the pathway of repentance, the long arduous
process of being born again (The first man [is] of the earth, earthy: the second man
[is] the Lord from heaven. 1 Corinthians 15: 47), and of learning how to become
wholly good and merciful, commences. In this day and age, the task of repentance
often only begins when a person fully comes to the realization that their major
difficulties in life come principally from the fact they have never been taught to grasp
an Eternal system of values
that they can live their lives by, no matter what. For
many, the realization, that you need a thoroughly good and merciful
ethical framework within which to make wise life decisions, comes as
something of a road-to-Damascus-like experience. However, most scoff at the
doctrine, but it is the truth nevertheless!
Christ was to be the firstborn and both the Birthright and the Sceptre Promises
had to come through Him. Thus the Promises had a giant reserved for the Messiah
sign placed on the Sceptre, the symbol of Divine rulership, until after Messiah had

This mixed way of morality is the subject of the book, The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
Except the Messiah, who came to show us that living a life that was wholly good is eminently possible,
provided of course access to the Holy Spirit is available to them.
The Eternal system of values I refer to are the Ten Commandments, properly taught and properly understood.
What I mean by properly taught and properly understood can be grasped by reading How Families
Flourish, Part 2, available here:
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been crucified and risen from the dead. On that first day of Pentecost, after the
resurrection, the Sceptre Promises, in the form of tongues of fire, were bestowed on
other human beings for the first time. This is the second baptism, or, as the
Scripture makes clear, the Baptism of Fire, as opposed to the first baptism, the
Baptism of Water (which was the baptism of John the Baptist), and the granting of the
Birthright Holy Spirit. Thereafter begins the process of the great spiritual harvest of
the Elect, through the born-again process!
Paul makes this point in Colossians 1: 18:

He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from
the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. (Colossians
1: 18, NRSV, italics added.
And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn
from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. (Colossians
1: 18, KJV, italics added)

In the Book of Genesis we are told that there are some very special things to
remember, as we proceed with this story, about Joseph:

Joseph is a fruitful bought, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches
run over the wall: the archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and
hated him: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were
made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the
Shepherd, the Stone of Israel:) (Genesis 49: 22, emphasis added)

It is also vital that we remember this scripture as well:

And Joseph dreamed a dream and told it to his brothers. And they increased
to hate him still more. And he said to them, Now hear this dream which I have
dreamed: And behold! We were binding sheaves in the middle of the field. And,
behold, my sheaf rose up and also stood up. And, behold, your sheaves came
around and bowed themselves to my sheaf. And his brothers said to him, Shall
you indeed reign over us, or shall you really rule over us? And they hated him
still more because of his dreams, and because of his words. (Genesis 37: 6-8)

But now Joseph has another dream, and this time it was not just his brothers, but
also his mother and father, who were bowing down to him! Though his mother were
dead, she was present in his dream in this way, but the meaning of the dream was
quite clear to Joseph: he was to have pre-eminence over the entire family. In this way,
Joseph is used as a symbol for the coming Messiah. The second dream is found in
Genesis 37: 9-11:

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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And he dreamed still another dream, and told it to his brothers. And, he said,
Behold, I have dreamed another dream. And, behold, the sun and the moon
and the eleven stars were bowing themselves to me. And he told it to his father,
and to his brothers. And his father rebuked him, and said to him, What is this
dream you have dreamed? Shall we indeed come to bow ourselves to the earth
to you, I, your mother, and your brothers? And his brothers were jealous of
him. But his father paid attention to the word.

Now in the marching and camping order the tribe of Joseph has been replaced by
his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, but the prophecy still holds true.Inside the inner
ring, and the wall, and around the Tabernacle were the Levites, symbolising the
Sceptre Promises. The order of their camping is shown in Numbers Chapter 3 and
the order of their marching in Numbers Chapter 10. Their Zodiacal sign was Libra, or
more anciently, the altar. In the centre of the camp was the Tabernacle of the
congregation, a tent-like structure. The Companion Bible points out that So is the tent
of the chief of the tribe to this day.

The whole picture of the camping order of the Hebrews around the Tabernacle
during the 40 years of the Exodus is a cryptogram of the solar system, following the
Fall, designed to show many spiritual truths, using astronomical symbols, as youll
soon see. It is the Old Covenant, which would incorporate the geometric expression,
the Arc of the Covenant!
The outer ring of the Twelve Tribes has a physical counter-
part in the solar system and that is the herd of animals, or the constellations known
to us as the Zodiac. These signs are symbolized by the tribes of Israel, as weve seen
above. They are the gates (of the Moons track) mentioned in the Book of Enoch. The
signs and the tribes symbolize the twelve types of men, and play a vital role in the
monthly New Moon Festivals. Of this outer ring (the Birthright ring, shown as the
mauve section in Figure 15 above), and not destined to go over the wall, Jesus says the

Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have the right to
the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are
dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters , and
whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. I Jesus have sent Mine angel to testify unto
you these things in the churches. I am the Root and Offspring of David, and the
bright and morning star. (Revelations 22: 14-16)

It is of no wonder that the 120 years mentioned in the Book of Genesis has so many
interpretations. In this case the twelve fruits of this outer ring, multiplied by the 10

The Companion Bible, p. 180.
No, this is not an error: I do mean ARC! This is because the whole story of the Covenant is actually expressed
used Sacred Geometry and Sacred Mathematics, as you will eventually learn. See the discussion in Chapter XX,
Temple of Secret Initiation, in Peter Tompkins Secrets of the Great Pyramid, pp. 256-267.
Revelation 21: 8 and 22: 15 renders the Greek word pharmakeus as sorcerers. This is an error. See Strongs
no. 5332 [21: 8] and 5333 [22: 15] for the correct rendering, which is from pharmakon [a drug, i.e.
spellbinding/giving potion] or poisoner [by extension a druggist or pharmacist]. The bright and morning star
mentioned here by Jesus is His star-emblem, the planet Venus.
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commandments, gives the number 120 (Genesis 6: 3). It is also no accident that Moses
lived to the ripe old age of 120 years (3 x 40 years), and then died, without entering
over the Jordan River, into the Promised Land. In the Book of Revelation the Tree of
Life is presented in a different way. There it appears in the New Jerusalem where the
Tree of Life grows on either side of the rivera symbol for the Milky Way, the great
river in the sky which was known as the goddess Nut to the ancient Egyptianswhich
flows from beneath the divine throne (Revelation 22: 2) in the far sides of the North.
But the tree still yields twelve kinds of fruit all year round, and its leaves are for
healing the nations. There is a similar motif in the Book of Ezekiel, where in the
restored Jerusalem, the stream actually flows down to the Dead Sea.
The wall is symbol to remind all and sundry that there was just one who has
access to the full path of salvation. Thus the wall symbolizes the Old Covenant, and
during Old Covenant times all the unrepentant people could do was to offer sacrifices
(operating as a sort of fine system of punishment) to atone for their sins, and sacrifice
can never take away sins (Hebrews 10: 11). His name is Jesus Christ and His time
to make this journeyin the days of the Twelve Tribes, and in fact right up to the time
of Christs first advent had not yet come. He is to be the first of the first fruits, and
this is the meaning of the wall. You can read about the fact that the second part of the
Holy Spirit, the Sceptre, were held back to all humans except Christ since the Fall in
the garden in the latter chapters of the Book of Hebrews. Notice there that Paul, its
author, clearly tells us that none of the following people received what was promised
(i.e. the Sceptre Holy Spirit): Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob,
Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and all the
prophets ( all these died in faith, not having received what was promised Hebrews
11: 13.).
All these people, though, had been spiritually purified through the
indwelling Birthright Holy Spirit, through the working of the monthly New Moon
festivals. It seems clear that the Sceptre will be given to the Elect during the Last Days,
starting with the two witnesses, as we see from the Book of Revelation: And I will give
[power] unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred
[and] threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. (Revelation 11: 3) In John 10: 8 we are
directly told by Jesus, that:

All that ever came before Me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep
did not hear them. I am the door [through the wall]: by Me if any man enter in,
he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. (John 10: 8,
emphasis added)

The wall also represents another fact: that no one can gain free access to the secret
knowledge of the next inner level of spiritual gifts unless they have been called,
chosen and faithful. (Revelation 17: 14) and in the right order. By right order I
mean that none of the ancients, as we have seen, including all the prophets, were given
the Sceptre Holy Spirit, because that was reserved to be given to Christ as the first of

For more detailed information on these facts, see Section 25, The Power of a Thumping Big Lie, in our free
book The God Messiah Worships.
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the first fruits. You will eventually understand that the religion of the entire ancient
world, during the Golden Age, was ancient Christianity, and all of ancient Christianity
was about gaining access to the Birthright Holy Spirit, which would do the work of the
born-again process. You will recall that the wall has been a religious symbol
separating the two types of the Holy Spiritthe Birthright and the Sceptresince the
days of the Fall in ancient Egypt, mentioned in chapter 1.
Jeremiah was certainly one of the prophets who knew about his own fragile
position under the Old Covenant, and he taught these facts to the people, who
probably never quite grasped that he was referring to the Birthright Holy Spirit:

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the
house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: not according to the covenant that
I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out
of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband
unto them, saith the Lord: but this shall be the covenant that I make with the
house of Israel. After these days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their
inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and
they will be my people (Jeremiah 31: 31-33).
By the time of the apostle Paul, writing in the Book of Hebrews, we see that this
New Covenant had, by then, become part of history:

This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I
will put the laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds, then he adds:
I will remember their sins and their misdeeds no more.
Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin.
(Hebrews 10: 16-17, RSV).

After Christs resurrection, the next phase of the Plan of Salvation, was to grant the
Sceptre Holy Spirit to the Electwhich was taken from the human race at the Fall,
leaving them only with access to the Birthright Holy Spiritand that was given on the
Day of Pentecost, which is the Baptism of Fire. In fact Christ told us directly that His
coming represented the return of access to the Holy Spirit (which means the Sceptre
here), which is really the Good News the Gospels teach, in the following words:

"And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom
was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he
had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the
Lord [is] upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the
poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the
captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are
bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and
he gave [it] again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that
were in the synagogue were fastened on him. And he began to say unto them,
This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. And all bare him witness, and
wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they
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said, Is not this Joseph's son?" (Luke 4: 16-22, KJV)

The brokenhearted, the captives, and those who were bound, included the whole
human race, who had lived their lives according to the tenets of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, which perhaps could be distilled down to its essence: the
end justifies the means. The acceptable year of the LORD was the Jubilee Year,
you will understand, as the culmination of the process of the removal of sin through
the born-again process that is shown in the workings of the New Moon Festivals. The
full text of this important message from the Book of Isaiah is here:

"The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me
to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the
brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison
to [them that are] bound;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our
God; to comfort all that mourn;
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that
they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he
might be glorified.

And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations,
and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.

And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien [shall
be] your plowmen and your vinedressers.

But ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD: [men] shall call you the
Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory
shall ye boast yourselves." (Isaiah 61: 1-6, KJV)

After being granted the Birthright Holy Spirit, thereafter begins the long spiritual
journey that is properly referred to as being born again.
Thus, in the camping order
of Israel, there are levels of being, or gradations of holiness, where each zone is
more sacred than the last. As of old, the sacred could only be approached in stages and
not everybody was to be permitted to approach the inner circles of sanctity.
was also the case in Solomons Temple, and will also be the case in the restored
Temple, known as Ezekiels Temple, that the Messiah will build when He returns.

Symbolized by the 50
course of masonry in the Great Pyramid of Giza, upon which the Kings Chamber sits.
This of course has nothing to do with the false and fanciful notion of reincarnation that so many people have
allowed themselves to believe in.
Armstrong, Karen, A History of Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths, HarperCollins Publishers, 1997, p. 85.
In fact in Ezekiels Millennial Temple, it appears that the holiness of the Lord God is to be segregated even
more carefully from the profane world, because that Temple will be surrounded by not one, but two walled
courts!. Ibid., p. 85.
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As in the Garden of Eden, so too in the marching order of Israel, the Tabernacle,
Solomons Temple, and right on into the Ezekiels Millennial Temple.
In Solomon's Temple, this New Covenant
situationfor the Holy Place in the Temple
represents the period of the New Covenantis
shown in Figure 18 by the ten seven-branched
candlesticks (lamp stands or menorahs) that
Solomon placed in the Holy Place. The seven
individual lamps of each one of them
represented the sevenfold Holy Spirit, and
because there were ten lamps, representing the
ten commandments, the allegorical meaning is
clear: The Law is now said to be written on the
Elect's "heart," through the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit, the only way that a person can
really be born again, and make the deep
character changes required by the process of
becoming wholly good. That is the central
message of the Holy Place.
Another important symbol found in the Holy
Place was the table of showbread with the
twelve loaves of showbread, and again these
were used by Christ in the New Testament.
These were divided into two groups, five loaves
on one side, and seven on the other. The
important symbolism is discussed in more
depth further on in this chapter. Suffice to say
at this stage, that after Christs resurrection,
the next phase of the Plan of Salvation, was to
grant the Holy Spirit to the Elect, and that was
given on the Day of Pentecost, so that they
could perfectly keep the Law. This is the
allegorical meaning of the ten lamp stands in
the Holy Place.

Figure 18: Floor Plan of
the Temple of Solomon

From Tony Badillo's King Solomon's Astonishing Temple Secrets. Used with permission.
Tony Badillo shows the Temple of Solomon as Temple Man, which is worth looking at in the above reference.
Ren Schwaller de Lubiczs (18871961) exhaustive study of the Temple of Amun-Mut-Khonsu, at Luxor, in the
1940s, produced a similar concept of Temple Man, which not only explained mans nature, but also reflected the
physical structure of the human body itself.
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But Joseph was not given the full measure of the Birthright and Sceptre Promises,
that of rulership over the Kingdom. He, and his coat of many colours, minus the colour
purple, were symbols of the Birthright Holy Spirit, which he had access to. The purple
robe that Christ wore symbolised the flaming sword, the Sceptre Holy Spirit to come.
That was given to the tribe of Judah, down through the line of David, to the King of
Kings, the long-awaited Messiah.
But after the days of King David and Solomon, Judah has proven to be the most
rebellious and sinful of all the tribes. Ezekiel was active as the prophet to Judah during
the Babylonian Captivity. He told Jerusalem (representing Judah) that Neither hath
Samaria committed half of thy sins. (Ezekiel 16: 51) A few chapters further on, in
Chapter 23, Ezekiel introduces the judgment of both the Northern and Southern
Tribes by using the metaphor of a mother who had two harlot daughters. One daughter
is Aholah and she pictures Samaria; the other is Aholibah, symbolising Jerusalem (or
Judah). Even the example of what happened to the Northern Tribes was never enough
to turn Judah from her chosen path of apostasy and destruction. Of all the prophets,
Ezekiel saw the great final destruction of Judah, its capital city Jerusalem, the loss of
independence in the promised land, the exile of all the leading citizens to Babylonia,
the tearing down of Solomons Temple,and the removal of the House of David from the
kingship (2 Kings 25; Jeremiah 39-41, 52; Lamentations 1-5; 2 Chronicles 36)..
The crown and the diadem (a badge of royalty)two crowns of royalty, actually
were taken from Judah, as the following verses explain:

Thus saith the Lord God; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown; this
shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will
overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until He come
Whose right it is; and I will give it Him.

The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned!
(Lamentations 5: 16)
It is important to note that when Jacob became ill (Genesis 48: 1) and Joseph was
informed of this, he (Joseph) bought his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh so that
Jacob, now called Israel,
might bless them. What in effect happened at this blessing
was this. First the whole composition of the Jewish tribes was changed because Jacob
elevated Ephraim and Manasseh to the status of his own sonsthereby transferring to
Joseph a double portion of the inheritance. Secondly, Jacob removed the special
firstborn status from the tribe of Reuben and gave it to Josephs offspring. Thirdly,
Jacob gave priority to the younger son, Ephraim, for, as he explained to Joseph, both
sons would be great, but Ephraim would be the greater of the two. (Genesis 48: 8-21)
Joseph is a type of Christ and used as a symbol to show that it is Christ who is to
have the first access to the Sceptre Holy Spirit. His other brothers are not given this
blessing. Even Josephs name is instructional: it derives from the Hebrew verb ysp,

It has been suggested that the name Is-ra-el is derived from the following combination of names: Is (ISis)
Ra El (ELohim), or Moon (Birthright PromisesSirius), Sun (Sceptre PromisesVenus), Stars (Elohim or
angels), which is an excellent summary of the whole Plan of Salvation.
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which means He adds.
The Anchor Bible Dictionary says that The popular
etymology for the name in Gen 30: 24 suggests that the divine name was the subject of
the verb and that the meaning of the name is: May the Lord add (to me another
Of course what we are seeing here is the addition of the second portion of the
Spirit, one portion being the Birthright Promises, and the other, the Sceptre Promises.
There is a split in the Joseph tribe between Ephraim and Manasseh. Instead of twelve
tribes, we have thirteen, with Ephraim (Josephs youngest son) being given the

Figure 19
The greater blessing that was to
be given Joseph, through Christ,
was at least one part of the
seven-fold Holy Spirit, and
shown by the coloured circles
numbered 6 to 12 in Figure 19.
Thus each colour
and each
year in the Sabbatical System,
numbering seven, represents one
of the gifts of the Sceptre Holy
Spirit. Christ bequeathed these
gifts to His disciples and they in
turn were qualified to assist at
the initiation and edification of
their own followers into the
possession of these very same
gifts. And so to this day, all who
wholeheartedly follow Christ,
will eventually get to know Him
and become disciples too. In
time they then will be able to
express at least one or more of
the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
(also called the Comforter). In

See The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 3, David Noel Freedman, Editor-in-Chief, Doubleday, New York,
1992, p. 976.
Ibid., p. 976.
The colours I have used are in this order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. I have not used
white and black for the colours of the cycle of the sevens, believing them to be tints instead of true colours, as
seen in the prism. White is for purification, the eighth year. These are the colours seen in the rainbow and in
Josephs coat of many colours. When sunlight is passed through a prism, the light divides out and then appears
as a band of colours interrupted by dark lines, so it looks very similar to a rainbow with a bar code imprinted
on it. I believe this colour spectrum, along with the bar coding, is the Great Creator Gods cosmic signature, His
name in fact, and will be the method used to seal the 144,000 as mentioned in the Book of Revelation 7: 2-4; 14:
1. Also See Revelation 9: 4 and 2 Timothy 2: 19. We have much more to learn about colour, and its composition,
and I look forward to learning more. Contrast this coloured bar code band with Satans modern version, the
black and white bar code with the regions of the world clearly imprinted, along with the tell-tale number 666!
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fact Jesus declared to His followers: All these things [wisdom, prophesy, healing,
discerning of spirits, and the gifts of tongues, etc] which I do and more shall ye do.
At the end of Moses life, after leading the Israelites for 40 years during the Exodus
days, the Angel of the Presence (Jesus Christ is the Great Angel here) said to him: And
the Lord said to Moses that very day, Ascend this mountain of the Abarim, Mount
Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, opposite Jericho; and view the land of Canaan,
which I give to the people of Israel for a possession; and die on the mountain which
you ascend, and be gathered to your people Then Moses issues a blessing to all of
the tribes of Israel, but it is the blessing that he gives to the tribe of Joseph that I want
to quote here, because these blessings are about the Birthright and the Sceptre

And of Joseph, he said, Blessed by the Lord be his land, with the choicest gifts
of heaven above, and of the deep that couches beneath, with the choicest fruit
of the sun [i.e. the Sceptre Promises], and the rich yield of the months [i.e.
the Birthright Promises], with the finest produce of the ancient mountains, and
the abundance of the everlasting hills, with the best gifts of the earth and its
fullness, and the favour of him [the Angel of the Presence] that dwelt in the
bush. Let these come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of the
head of him that is prince among his brothers. His firstling bull has majesty,
and his horns are the horns of a wild ox; with them he shall push the peoples,
all of them, to the ends of the earth; such are the ten thousands of Ephraim,
and such are the thousands of Manasseh. (Deuteronomy 33: 13-17, RSV,
emphasis added.)

The Apostle Paul had similar things to say about these great blessings in the First
Epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 12, and it is very well worth noting that he
addressed his remarks here to all the community members:

the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of
knowledge, by the same Spirit;

To another faith, by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing, by the same

To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning
of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of

But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man
severally as He will. (1 Corinthians 12: 7-11, emphasis added.)

Thus the first gift of the Sceptre Holy Spirit is wisdom. We can say that wisdom is
the ability to perceive and distinguish between good and evil, which is the essence of
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everything. Our Father, the Great Creator God, intended from the time of the Fall, that
we should learn righteousness, and to that end He set up a system whereby we have to
walk a life, with evil on one side, and goodness on the other. This topic is discussed in
more depth in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits. It is having
awareness of the fundamental cause of everything in human life. The scriptures also
speak of understanding and knowledge. Understanding is the quick appreciation of
things and brings creative thinking into being.
Knowledge, the second gift, has to do with the physical creation, and is more
concerned with effects. Causation is the special province of wisdom, so here knowledge
enables us to see the effects of those causes.
The third gift, faith, has enormous power. We are told that a faith no bigger than a
mustard seed is enough to accomplish the seemingly impossibleto move mountains.
It is a deep and abiding faith that gives our lives the direction it needs.
Then there is the power of healing, which is exercised either by the laying-on of
hands, or by a sort of mind healing, either mental or from a distance. But one of the
keys to true healing is found in this Scripture:

And He said to them, You will surely say this proverb to Me,
Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done in Capernaum, do
also here in Your country. (Luke 4:23, KJV, emphasis added)
The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible puts it this way:
He said to them, 'Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, Doctor, cure
yourself! And you will say, Do here also in your hometown the things that
we have heard you did at Capernaum. (Luke 4: 23, NRSV)

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Figure 20: Herods Temple

There are many healing therapies available to all of us right here and now, and
unfortunately most of the churches of God have treated them as superstitious rot. I
have actually heard ministers in the churches say things like We must be the wisest
people on Earth, which was a pure nonsense thing to say, considering the standard of
teaching that was being fed to the unsuspecting brethren! Then youll all know of
cases of a very sick church member who is critically ill, who fails to respond to prayers
for healing and anointing by the ministry. Usually what happens is that the member
actually shuns any outside help, and instead dies.
The working of miracles are no doubt the most spectacular of all the gifts, and it is
really all about overcoming the ordinary laws of nature e.g. the changing of water into
wine; or making heavy solid objects float, the raising of the dead, etc.
The gift of prophecy was especially esteemed in the land, and prophets had a pride
of place that was matched by no other.
The discerning of spirits (I Corinthians 12:10), which we will look at in more depth
in a moment, has produced many novel theories as to its nature. Some claim it is
clairvoyance. Others have seen it as a gift which enables the believer to uncover evil
supernatural activities in other peoples lives, or to be able to sense false, counterfeit
spirits at work in all kinds of settings. But it is really none of these. Instead it is the
ability to actually perceive the distinct parts in another persons five-fold nephesh, and,
I suspect, the colours in a true light-bearer, a topic well get to shortly.

Courtesy Son Light Publishers, Inc.,
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The gift of tongues is simply the ability for a teacher or a preacher, speaking say
only in the English language, to be understood by an audience composed of say mixed
languages (say French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Indian etc) who do not at
all understand the English language. I dont think the modern gibberish that is
practiced in some modern Churches is a gift at all.
The gift of interpretation is probably not well understood or accepted in todays
world, but in the days of a Joseph, or the prophet Daniel, this gift was readily
understood and accepted. It is simply the ability to rightly interpret dreams.
Unfortunately by the time of the Middle Ages most these gifts of the Holy Spirit
had been debased, misunderstood, and channelled into the arena of Black Magic by
the combined efforts of layman and cleric alike. As the Church became even more
fearful, corrupt and worldly, the common people, mostly spurred on by the errant
religious leaders, often judged that the possessors of such gifts were nothing other
than witches and ogres, and burnt thousands of them at the stake. And the really sad
fact is that these so-called deluded mystics and intuitive thinkers included the best
minds of the race!
Healing now is, unfortunately, mostly in the province of the medical profession
and they certainly dont take kindly to anyone who dares tread on their territory! It is
also ironic that the Essene priests and healers were widely famous for their medical
and healing skills, and their emblem was two snakes and a staff, which has been
commandeered by todays medical establishment as their very own!
It is time to begin to seek the true sacred knowledge, so long denied us. And the
present churches of God are not the place to seek help: she (the church) is so well and
truly stuck in a rut of ritual defilement that she can no longer help us (or themselves,
for that matter). This will require us to leave the churches of this world in our wake,
and seek our personal progress from the mind of the one true teacher, known to most
of us as Jesus Christ. This will require the formation of groups of true believers around
the world, where the false shepherds who have taught us so many lies, will be denied
access, unless they repent from the heart.
And never forget that there have been many men and women who have been high
initiates of the sacred mysteries and have been given the gift of the Birthright Holy
Spirit, and have never been inside a so-called Christian church. One of them I believe
to be Lao Tzu,
who wrote in his Tao The King:

I have three precious things which I hold fast and prize: the first is
gentleness; the second is frugality; the third is humility, which keeps me
from putting myself before others.
Be gentle and you can be bold; be frugal, and you can be liberal; avoid
putting yourself before others, and you can become a leader of men.

Lao Tzu was born in the state of Chu in todays Honan province of China around 604 BC. Legend says that
his mother carried him in her womb for seventy-two years, so that when he was at length delivered his hair was
already whitehence the name: Lao Tzu, Old Boy. Cotterell, Maurice, The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret
Code of the Emperor's Army, p. 22.
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Gentleness brings victory to him who attacks, and safety to him who
defends. Those whom Heaven would save, it fences around with
The greatest conquerors are those who overcome their enemies without

Lao Tze also taught many other high wisdom precepts, as told by Maurice Cotterell
in his The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret Code of the Emperors Army:

The aspiring sage, he [Lao Tzu] believed, should act without presuming an
outcome and work without assuming rank, believing that humility precludes rivalry.
The wise man would avoid at all costs, the pursuit of adoration and acclaim: When a
work of merit is done and reputation [fame] is coming, to get out of the way is the way
of heaven.
Section 10 of the Tao deals with what may be done (without the whiplash effect of
cause and effect) and says: to act and expect notthis is called sublime virtue.
Other sections deal with the conduct of the good man:

Take hard jobs in hand while they are easy and great affairs, too, while they are
The troubles of the world cannot be solved except before they grow too hard.
The business of the world cannot be done except while relatively small.
The wise man, then, throughout his life, does nothing great and yet achieves a
greatness of his own.
Choosing hardship, then, the wise man never meets with hardship all his life
(The Way of Life, Lao Tzu, trans. R.B. Blakney, New American Library, New
York, 1955).

Other proverbs from Lao Tzu include:

He that grasps loses.
While one goes ahead, another lags behind.
While one blows hot, another blows cold.
The wise man simply puts away all excess and gaiety and grandeur.
He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty.
He who knows when he has enough is rich.
He who dies, but perishes not, enjoys longevity.
The sage thinks of all people as his children.
He takes care of his own part of the contract and exacts nothing of others.
He who knows his true life will fear no wild beast nor need he armour.
The saint hoards not.
The more he does for others, the more he has of his own.
The more he gives to others, the more he is increased.
This is the way of heaven, which benefits and does not injure.
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This is the way of the sage, who acts but does not strive (The Worlds Religions,
Bettany, Ward, Lock and Co., 1890).Thus ends the Tao.

Let us turn now to Jesus. When asked by a bystander: Can one sentence cover
the whole duty of man? the Messiah replied: Love God with the whole of your
being, and do not do unto others what thou wouldst not they should do unto thee.
This is the basis for the future and the whole brotherhood of man. Soon, we know, we
will see this spiritual code grow inside every man and woman on the planet, and the
keyword of the code is Love, based on the keeping of the spiritual Law through the
power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Cotterell, Maurice, The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret Code of the Emperor's Army, Headline Book
Publishing, London, 2003, pp. 24-25.
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Chapter 13The Camping-Order
Symbolism Revisited
You have probably seen the camping order of the tribes of Israel many times over,
but the real significance of the whole scheme can be best described by using a series of
pictures and diagrams. When understood, these pictures will reveal the real intent of
the symbolism. The key to understanding all the mysteries, though, is to be found in
ancient Egypt, and for that purpose Figure 1.11 in chapter 1 above is fundamental,
which we will simplify somewhat in the picture series that follow. A second key will be
your own imagination, which you will need in some measure for this next section! A
third important key is the degree with which you can unlearn all the false religious lies,
mumbo-jumbo, and conditioning that you have been exposed to, courtesy of the false
prophets and hirelings on this planet. You will recall that the ancient land of Egypt was
created to show the real scheme of the two parts of the Holy Spirit, the Birthright and
the Sceptre, among other things.

Diagram #1
Diagram #1 shows the land of ancient Egypt
as laid out at the Fall. Notice again that it is divided
equally longitudinally by the line running down the
centre of Egypt. This line runs right down through
the centre of the Great Pyramid at Giza as well,
from the North to the south, and you will learn that
the main axis of the passage ways (the Descending
Passage, the Ascending Passage, the Queens
Chamber Passage, and the Grand Gallery) in the
Great Pyramid are all displaced 286.1 Pyramid
to the east of this centre line, a fact of
great significance well come to presently. Now the
most important feature of the map of ancient Egypt
in Diagram #1 is that it is meant to be a
representation of the Northern hemisphere from
the Equator to the North Pole. It is also of
relevance that the dividing North-south line cutting
Egypt precisely in two was also considered to be the
Egyptian zero meridian, in the same way that the
Greenwich Meridian performs that function in the
secular world of today.
This meridian pointed to
the terrestrial North pole, which points to the
celestial North Pole. They also considered that the

See discussion in Lemesurier, Peter, The Great Pyramid Decoded, Element Books, Brisbane, 1996, Appendix
Peter Tompkins explains: The meridian, or great circle through the earths celestial poles, is the plane in
which all heavenly bodies culminate, or obtain the highest point in their passage midway from the eastern to the
western horizons as seen from the earth. Circumpolar stars have a high and a low culminating point on the
meridian above and below the celestial pole. Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon
Books, Harper and Row, Publishers, New York, 1971, p. 150.
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prime or true meridian was the most important one, offset to the direction of the
zero meridian, and which pointed to the other pole in the sky, called the Pole of the
Ecliptic, which was also considered to be the centre of a massive 'whirlpool' in the sky.
Egypt is also divided into two unequal latitudinal sections, as explained previously:
one of 6 degrees, representing the Birthright Holy Spirit (yellow section), the other a
one degree section, representing the Sceptre Holy Spirit (red section, with red being
for fire). It is also important to keep in mind the parallels of 24
6, 24
00, and 23
North, which are symbols for the Tropic of Cancer, or more precisely, the Arc of the
Covenant. What I have just related is the mathematical expression of the magnitude of
the Fall23
roughly, from the vertical
whereby mankind has been kicked out of
the Garden of Eden (i.e. the Paradise), and sentenced to death, except they repent and
return to the Lord (i.e. His Law).

In Diagram #2, we take the single rectangle of the two parts of ancient Egypt (i.e.
Diagram #1) and place multiples of it side-by-side, in each hemisphere, so that we get
a domino effect, with the pattern circling the whole Earth at the location of the
Equator. We now see this diagram as representing the Northern half of the Zodiac
band, which is shown elsewhere in this book, circling the Earth in the greater vault of
heaven, along the circle of the Ecliptic.

Originally this figure was 21.6
, as you will learn.
More light is shed on the mathematics of the Great Flood in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two
Spirits, in the essay - The Answer To Albert Einstein's Vital Question, in the section "What Was The Ancient
World's View of Evil?"

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Diagram #2
In Diagram #3 we view Diagram #2 from a location high in the Northern
heavens, from the position of whats known as the Celestial North Pole (illustrated in
Diagrams 7 and 8 below), which these days, is located near the star Polaris. We now
see that there are two bands (three, if we count the bands in the southern hemisphere)
circling the central point. These two bands are meant to represent the ancient
Egyptian nation, but since the Sceptre was passed on to the Hebrews via Moses, they
now represent the camping order of ancient Israel! The outer yellow band symbolises
the twelve tribes, while the inner red band represents the Plan of Salvation, through a
future Messiah, who in the cosmology of the Exodus, is represented by Moses, who is
assisted by Aaron, and the Levitical Priests, the Merarites, the Gersonites and the
Kohathites. In this whole representation it is always important to place the Wall (see
Diagram 4) clearly in your mindthis is the wall separating the two groups, the
Birthright group (the tribes) and the Sceptre groups (Moses and the priests).
Thus we have the clear representation of the two aspects of the Holy Spirit, the
Birthright on one hand (the yellow band of the Twelve Tribes), and the Sceptre (red
band of Moses etc) on the other (see Diagram #4). Now this scheme is the subject of
a whole section of the Old Testament, which is the astronomical section of 1
Chronicles, starting at Chapter 23 and extending right to the end of the book, which
outlines in symbolic terms, King Davids organization of the Israelite religion. What he
was doing was organizing the nations religion around the ancient method that had
been handed down to the Egyptians, but with certain modifications of the geodetic
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design of the Earth. His courses of Priests are a direct, but veiled reference, to the
203 (216 with the missing capstone) courses of masonry in the Great Pyramid, and
most of the New Testament is actually a record of the Plan of Salvation as Jesus leads
us through the various passage ways and levels of the Great Pyramid at Giza,
stand as metaphors for the 36-day steps (36 72 108 144 180 216 252
288 324 360 396 432, etc etc, all the way up to 864) the planet Venus takes
as it makes it way to the Sun. The number 216 is highly relevant because that is the
number of bones in the human body, after the 216 names of God, and the place where
the blood (and the life or death is in the blood) is produced, and changed mysteriously,
by the White Serpent, or the Red Dragon, during each lunar month, and explained by
Enoch at Enoch, 41: 6-7, which well come to presently.
This is the reason why the bones of the Messiah, and His symbol in Old Testament
times, the Passover lamb, were never to be broken.
They were the bones of the only
human being in history who had not broken the Eternal Law:
In one house shall it [the Passover lamb] be eaten; thou shalt not carry forth
any of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye break a bone thereof.
(Exodus 12: 46)

For these things took place that the scripture might be fulfilled, Not a bone of
him shall be broken. John 19: 36)

It is also probable that the original degree of tilt of the Earths axis from the
vertical was 21.6
(giving 21.6 x 10 [for the Law] = 216), and the general trending
towards more lawlessness has seen an even greater increase in this angle from its
original 21.6
. Another number of great significance is the number 15, which is the
number of days each month from the day of the first crescent New Moon to the Full
Moon. When these two numbers are operated upon in this manner, 216 15, we get
this most important number, 14.4, which will be explained in due course. This of
course relates directly to the monthly New Moon Festivals, and the spiritual process of
being born-again, which you can read about in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the
Two Spirits, freely available here:

Interestingly, the human spine is made up of 24 vertebrae in all, divided into three sections: 7 cervical, 12
thoracic, and 5 lumbar. To this are added the separate fused sections of the sacrum and the coccyx, which
contain 5 and 4 vertebrae respectively. This gives a grand total of 33 vertebrae, and the reason why ancient
Freemasonry was founded on thirty-three degrees. Thus in all, there are four sections to the human spine, if we
include the Crown (and certainly involving the pituitary and pineal gland) in this number. Gardner, Laurence,
Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press, London, 1999, p. 129 and 277. Notice that we get the number 66 when
we put a man side-by-side with a woman!
There are many other references to the bones in the Scriptures: "... for we are members of his body; we are of
his flesh, and of his bones." (Ephesians 5: 30) By faith Joseph when dying called to mind the going forth of the
sons of Israel, and gave commandment concerning his bones. (Hebrews 11: 22) I heard, and my belly trembled;
My lips quivered at the voice; Rottenness entered into my bones, and I trembled in my place, That I might rest in
the day of distress, When their invader shall come up against the people. (Habbakuk 3: 16) Woe to you, scribes
and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like whited sepulchres, which appear beautiful outwardly, but within are full
of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. (Matthew 23: 27)
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Anciently, these three bands we have been discussing, which represent the full
zone of the zodiac, were called the Way of Anu, as the authors of Hamlets Mill,
Giorgio De Santillana, and Hertha Von Dechend, explain:

The Way of Anu represents a band, accompanying the equator, reaching
from 15 (or 17) degrees North of the equator to 15 (or 17) degrees south of it;
the Way of Enlil runs parallel to that of Anu in the North, the Way of Ea in
the south That, due to the precessional shifting of the crossroads of the
ecliptic and equator, the stars stranding these three ways are not the same
all the time. Goes without saying.

Anthony Aveni, author of Conversing With The Planets, describes the Way of Anu
this way

The Sumerians called it [the central strip of the zodiacal band] the Way of
Anu, a road lit by bright stars, counsellor gods or consultants who survived
what happened in their own zones and advised the gods about future
undertakings. The Northern region of the zodiac near the Tropic of Cancer
constituted the way of Enlil or Bel, Lord of the Earth, whereas the southern
part, the region of the Tropic of Capricorn, was the Way of Ea, god of the

Actually, what the three ways really are, can be described as the Way of the Sun,
and the Way of the New Moon Festivals, the latter being composed of two aspects
(Enlilthe way of the knowledge of the tree of knowledge and eviland Eathe way of
the Tree of Life [or the Red Dragon], thus making up the three), as explained briefly
below, and in more detail in The Beguiled And The Doctrine of The Two Spirits.

This gives us the Three Ways. The Way of the Sun is the Sceptre Holy Spirit, and it is
available to repentant and baptized males who have completed the first works
have purified themselves through the work of the Birthright Holy Spirit). The Sceptre
Holy Spirit is available only each Sabbath day (our Saturday), and this is the reason
why the Sabbath Day is so important (actually it is on a par with the day of the
monthly New Moon Festivals, because it is through the faithful keeping of these
Festivals that the Creators Own Character is written onto our own minds and

Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977, p. 434. For more information on these three ways, see van der Waerden, The Thirty-Six
Stars, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 8, 1949, p. 16. Zecharia Sitchin also discusses these matters in Genesis
Revisited, p. 326.
Aveni, Anthony, Conversing With The Planets: How Science and Myth Invented the Cosmos, Kodansha
International, New York, 1994, pp. 152.
Available here:
"Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto
thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." (Revelation 2: 5)
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The Way of the New Moon Festivals incorporates the ancient Way of Enlil and the
Way of Ea. The Book of Enoch neatly sums up the dual function of the Moonand
none of its functions act as a calendar determinant:

The course of the moons path to the righteous is light, but to
sinners it is darkness; in the name of the Lord of Spirits, who created a
division between Light and darkness, and separating the spirits of men,
strengthened the spirits of the righteous in the name of his own righteousness
(Isaiah 30: 26; Mark 13: 24). Nor does the angel prevent this, neither is he
endowed with the power of preventing it; for the Judge beholds them all, and
judges them all in his own presence (Genesis 1: 14; Revelation 8: 12).

Book of Enoch, 41: 6-7, Richard Laurence translation, 1821.

The real point of the New Moon Festivals is the born-again process, represented
by the Ascending Passage (male and female) and the Grand Gallery (male alone) of the
Great Pyramid of Giza. It is about the getting of true wisdomin choosing the Tree of
Life instead of the tree of the knowledge of good and eviland genuine repentance and
restitution: He who repents not before Him shall perish (Revelation 20: 15) (Book of
Enoch, 49: 3, Richard Laurence translation, 1821.)
The symbol of the Way of Light, and the star-emblem of the Messiah, who is the
Groom, is the planet Venus. The star-emblem of the group called the Elect, who is the
Bridethe called-out onesis the bright star Sirius. The star-emblem of the adversary,
who is Satan, is the planet Mercury. Both Venus and Mercury are evening and morning
stars, never straying much in the heavens from the pathway of the Sun. In fact they
regularly appear in the sky to the right and the left of the Sun, just as the great pillars
Jachin and Boaz stood besides the entrance into Solomons Temple.
And if youve
been puzzled as to why Satan has been allowed to still influence the world, in fact rule
the world, well that was a result of the Fall, as told in the opening chapters of the Book
of Genesis.
Now, unfortunately, weve been deceived into placing this real event
expressed poeticallyinto the category of a colourful and fanciful myth, to our grave
peril. Now, in these Last Days, we need to make a drastic mental readjustment of our
positions, each and every one of us, and realize that we are all under sentence, not just
of the first death, but of the second death as well, which is to say, weve totally missed
the whole point of our lives here on planet Earth. Instead of our being shepherded into
the glorious Light of Salvation, which is the job of a true teacher and a true shepherd,
the false shepherds have herded us into an abattoir of genocide. You can read more

It is important to realise that in ancient Egypt the first form of the Holy Spirit was known as the goddess Isis,
and this I have called the Birthright Holy Spirit. It was (and still is) available to all baptised human beings from
the day of the first crescent New Moon (which is a High feast day), until the final day of the festival, which is day
15 of the month. From day 16 of the lunar month, satan's spirit prevails, increasing in intensity until the day of
the astronomical New Moon, when the lunar disk cannot be seen (the dark of the Moon). By the way, satan's
spirit in ancient Egypt was known as the goddess Nephthys.
See chapter 8, Which Morning Star is Which? of The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored!
Essay 1-The Fall, of The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits" is a more detailed treatment of the
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about our real position in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, and The
Warning of the Last Days.

Diagram #3
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Diagram #3A: The Celestial North Pole, showing the Pole Star in 10,200 BC (Vega), and the giant
Constellation of Draco (The Dragon), as well as the centre line of the Great Circle of the Milk Way, and
the angle of separation.

Diagram #4: The Camping Arrangement of Ancient Israel during the Exodus from Egypt.

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Diagram #5: The Way of Anu (Anu is another name for the Most High God, or as
we call Him today, God the Father. In ancient Egypt he was also called Ptah.)

Diagram #6 is designed to show the nature of the Solar System in a more realistic
manner, using a circle and a cube, than perhaps you are used to seeing. A study of the
diagram reveals that there are actually two poles in the sky, something that the ancient
Egyptians and Hebrews were acutely aware of (and which the dumbed-down subject of
modern geography deliberately ignores):

1. One is the nearly fixed pole of the entire solar system, and it is called the Pole of
the Ecliptic (which is not the North Pole Star, Polaris) to moderns, but was
known as the Pole of the Zodiac in the ancient Christian world during the
Golden Age.
Now the Northern heavensi.e. the zone around the Pole of the
Eclipticare highly significant, for this is where the throne of the Eternal God is
located. King David, speaking in Psalm 48: 2, is talking about this very zone:
Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, [is] mount Zion, [on] the
sides of the North, the city [throne] of the great King (Psalm 48: 2).

The Golden Age refers to a period untainted by evil when the known world was ruled by Osiris, and ancient
Christianity was the only religion of the entire world. When Seth murdered Osiris, the Golden Age on Earth
ended, and Set, or Set-en, set about destroying the true religon, and setting up false religions all over the planet.
Wim van den Dungen, writing in his article Escaping Osiris, reminds us that Seth or Satan, and his Earthly
followers, are our main enemy: When Seth murdered Osiris, the Golden Age on Earth ended. No longer would
Egypt be ruled by the gods, but by their offspring. The relationship is however not incarnational (Re would not
incarnate in Horus the king), but genetico-magical. In Osirian faith, the conception of Horus is magical, but
involves Isis & Osiris (cf. infra). In Heliopolitanism, Re overshadowed his highpriest to impregnate the mother of
the future king, the "son of Re". The world is always on the brink of disaster, for although Seth (after Horus was
vindicated) was condemned to carry Osiris and assist Re (in the 7th Hour of the Amduat), he nevertheless
continued to be a dangerous god, associated with natural and moral evil. To know where he is and what he is
doing is better than to send him in the desert and turn one's back to him. As the "netjer" of all dark desires and
disruptive emotional states, his presence teaches one to hold desires in check and by doing so understand their
overall evolutionary process. Always willing to cause havoc, Seth remains the friend of evildoers. (Source:
Escaping Osiris, by Wim van den Dungen,
It is important to understand the conception the ancients had about the cosmos. They believed that the Earth
was flat and circular, and at the very centre of everything. More importantly, they understood their own country
to be at the centre of this cosmos, and in the centre of their countrywhether it be ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome,
etcalways was a Holy Mountain (e.g. Mount Zion, Mount Olympus, and so on), which was where the gods
dwelt. This then was the ancient conception, which was a as above, so below viewpoint, the Macrocosym and
the Microcosym, because the Eternal Creator God, the source of everything, did in fact dwell on a high
mountain in the furtherest parts of the North. He was King of the Universe, while men were the kings on Earth,
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also had designs on this zone: For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend
into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the
mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North ... (Isaiah 14: 13) After
he brought me through the entry, which [was] at the side of the gate, into the
holy chambers of the priests, which looked toward the North: and, behold, there
[was] a place on the two sides westward." (Ezekiel 46: 19) Now these [are] the
names of the tribes. From the North end to the coast of the way of Hethlon, as
one goeth to Hamath, Hazarenan, the border of Damascus Northward, to the
coast of Hamath; for these are his sides east [and] west; a [portion for] Dan.
(Ezekiel 48:1).The Book of Revelations also has many descriptions of this
awesome place, high in the furtherest parts of the North. For example, see
Revelation 4: 4, 10; 5: 5, 6. The Book of Enoch also has a good description of this
awesome place, for example, in chapter 33.

2. The other pole is the celestial North Pole of the Earths axis (commonly known
as the Celestial North Pole), which moves (known as the Precession of the
Equinoxes to moderns) in a slow circle (Diagram #7) around the Pole of the
Ecliptic. Currently the star Polaris marks the celestial location of the North Pole.

3. But it will become apparent that one Pole represented the Birthright Holy Spirit,
while the other Pole represented the Sceptre Holy Spirit. Now this knowledge
introduces a most important truth: the most important line that indicates North
in the sky does so when it passes through both the celestial North Pole
AND through the Pole of the Ecliptic as well. We can credit Peter
Tompkins with being one of the few people in the modern world to make this
observation. Tompkins writes, in his masterful book, Secrets of the Great
Pyramid (p. 380):

If my interpretation of Egyptian sky charts is correct, the line that indicates
the North used to be marked so as to pass through the celestial pole AND
through the pole of the ecliptic.

Tompkins also points out that the ancients clearly understood the precession of
the Equinoxes (see Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 382) as something of vital

I have collected a mass of numerical evidence which shows that the
inhabitants of the ancient world were acquainted with the rate of the
precession of the equinoxes [and solstices] and attached a major significance to

and His will, represented by the Decalogue, was the ancient rule of life on planet Earth, and in the vault of the
heavens. And human beings, or at least those in the know, were taught the language the Creator God spoke: it
was Gods very own system of mathematics. It was as simple as that! When Messiah returns, he will expel Satan
and his servants from Jerusalem, and from everywhere else they inhabit, and establish Jerusalem, and Mount
Zion, and the Temple (described in the Book of Ezekiel), to reflect entirely new features of the Cosmic design.
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This knowledge about the true North line will have immense ramifications when
we come to determining the Jubilee year, as you will see in chapter 5 below,

The notion of two poles in the sky also applies to the southern regions, where the
South Celestial Pole is not marked by any star (which is also the case in the North), but
the bright star Canopus (alpha Carinae = Eridu) is nearby. The Great Cloud (known as
the Large Magellanic Cloud) marks the South Pole of the ecliptic.
Giorgio de
Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, in Hamets Mill, point out that there are many
indications that the South PoleCanopuswas taken for static, [and] exempted from
the Precession.

The Large Magellanic Cloud of the Southern
Hemisphere, as seen through binoculars.

The Australian Aborigines have a Dreamtime legend about whats been called the Southern skys best kept
secretthe Magellanic Clouds. Gregg Thompson tells the story of the legend, which only goes to show that these
peoples once understood the profound sacred sexual laws:
When Ferdinand Magellan sailed around the tip of South America in 1520, his sailors noticed two large
detached portions of the Milky Way in the far Southern sky only 20
from the South Celestial Pole. They had no
idea what they were. They named them the Clouds of Magellan. Because the clouds lie so far South, we who live
in the Southern hemisphere have a priveleged view of the most spectacular galaxies in the sky.
As the story goes, a young Aboriginal boy and a young girl were in love, against the tribes social rules and,
unfortunately for them, they were both bethrothed to others. When their secret love affair was discovered,
they were both banished forever from the face of the Earth by the Dreamtime Spirits as a lesson to others to
never do the same. They were thrown upward through the starry night immediately after their conduct was
discovered. As the boy went through the celestial sphere he left, for all to see for all time, a hole in the sky, the
Large Magellanic Cloud. His lover formed the Small Magellanic Cloud. (Thompson, Gregg D , The Australian
Guide To Stargazing, Lansdowne Publishing, Sydney, 1993, p. 105.)
Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977, p. 269, also see footnote 16 there.
Thompson, Gregg D , The Australian Guide To Stargazing, Lansdowne Publishing, Sydney, 1993, pp. 112-
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Locating the Large Magellanic Cloud in the Southern skies.
Nearby is the Small Magellanic Cloud.

It is also of significance that there is a river in the sky not frequently mentioned,
and no, we are not referring to the Milky Way, but to the very long river called
Eridanus, known as the River. David H Levy, comet discoverer and Science Editor of
Parade Magazine, writing in Skywatching, tells us more: Its source lies immediately
to the west of Rigel in Orion, with a star called Cursa or Beta () Eridani. It flows
southward until it reaches its mouth in Achernar (Alpha [] Eridani) near the south
celestial polea very bright star few Northern observers ever see. From the Southern
Hemispehere, an observer can follow the full course of the river, even though the stars
are faint.
This constellation has been seen as a river since ancient times For early
observers in South-west Asia, the river extended only as far south as Acamat, or Theta
() Eridani, because they could not see the stars that lay further south. In Book II of
Metamorphoses, Ovid writes of Phaeton being tossed out of the chariot of the Sun to
drown in Eridanus.
The river Eridanis is shown in Diagram #XXX on the next

Thompson, Gregg D , The Australian Guide To Stargazing, Lansdowne Publishing, Sydney, 1993, pp. 112-
Levy, David H, Skywatching, The Five Mile Press, Rowville, Victoria, 2008 edition, p. 170. Web site:
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Diagram XXX: The course of the river Eridanus (shown in red) flowing from the foot
of Orion (close to Rigel, beta Orionis, Rigel being the Arabic word for foot.),
marking the way to Hades (or the way of the dead) in the deep South.

Returning to our trusty source once again, Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von
Dechend, again in Hamets Mill, show that the whole part of the sky from the foot of
the Constellation of Orion, right to the star Canopus, is the region of the sky through
which the river Eridanus flows, and which was known as the way to Hades. As such it
is the river of death. Here is more information on this important topic from Hamlets

That there is a whirlpool in the sky is well known; it is most probably the
essential one, and it is precisely placed. It is a group of stars so named
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(zalos) at the foot of Orion [the Mighty Hunter], close to Rigel (beta
Orionis, Rigel being the Arabic word for foot), the degree of which was
called death, according to Hermes Trismegistos, whereas the Maori claim
outright that Rigel marked the way to Hades (Castor indicating the
primordial homeland). Antiochus the astrologer enumerates the whirl
among the stars rising with Taurus. Franz Boll takes sharp exception to the
adequacy of his description, but he concludes that the zalos must, indeed,
be Eridanus which flows from the foot of Orion. Now Eridanus, the watery
grave of PhaethonAthanasius Kirchers star map of the southern
hemisphere still shows Phaethons mortal frame lying in the streamwas
seen as a starry river leading to the other world. The initial frame stands,
this time traced in the sky. And here comes a crucial confirmation. That
mysterious place, p nrti, literally the mouth of the rivers, meaning,
however, the confluence of the rivers, was traditionally identified by the
Babylonians with Eridu. But the archaeological site of Eridu is nowhere
near the confluence of the Two Rivers of Mesopotamia. It is between the
Tigris and Euphrates, which flow separately into the Red Sea, and placed
rather high up. The proposed explanation, that it was the expanding of
alluvial land which removed Eridu from the joint mouth of the rivers, did
not contribute much to an understanding of the mythical topos of p nrti,
and some perplexed philologist supposed in despair that those same
archaic people who had built up such impressive waterworks had never
known which was the waters flow and had believed, instead, that the two
rivers had their source in the Persian Gulf.
This particular predicament was solved by W.F. Albright, who
exchanged mouth and source [
]; he left us stranded high and drya
very typical mythical situation, by the wayin the Armenian mountains
around the source. And though he stressed, rightly, that Eridup nrti,
could not mean geography, he banished it straightaway into the interior of
the planet.
The source is as unrevealing as the mouth has been, and as every
geographical localization is condemned to be. Eridu, Sumerian
, is
Canopus, alpha Carinae, the bright star near the South Pole, as has been
established irrefragably by B.L. van der Waerden [
], a distinguished
contemporary historian of astronomy. That one or another part of Argo was
meant had been calculated previously. [
] And that, finally. made sense of
the imposing configuration of myths around Canopus on the one hand, and
of the preponderance of the confluence of the rivers on the other hand.
This unique topos will be dealt with later.

W.F. Albright, The Mouth of the Rivers, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature, 35, 1919,
pp. 161-195.
B.L. van der Waerden, The Thirty-six Stars, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 8, 1949, p. 14. The bright
Southern star Canopus was Eas town Eridu (NUN
See P.F. Gssmann, Planetarium Babylonican, 1950, 306.
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One point still remains a problem. The way of the dead to the other
world had been thought to be the Milky Way, and that since the oldest days
of high civilization. This image was still alive with the Pythagoreans. When
and how did Eridanus come in? A reasonable supposition is that this was
connected with the observed shifting of the equinoctial colure [
] due to
the Precession. But the analysis of this intricate problem of rivers will come
in the chapter on the Galaxy.
One thing meanwhile stands firm: the real, the original, way from the
whirlpool lies in heaven. With this finding, one may plunge again into the
bewildering jungle of earthly myths concerning the Waters from the

And here is more

Thus in whichever dialect the phenomenon is spelled out, the fallen ruler
of the Golden Age [said to be Saturn] is held to dwell nearest to the celestial
South Pole, particularly in Canopus which marks the steering oar of Argo,
Canopus at the confluence of the rivers.


So whether the figure is the son of God, the first-man, or the Bear, he
hunted a stag along the Milky Way, tore it up and scattered its limbs in the
sky right and left of the white path, and so Orion and Ursa Major were

And a final morsel!

The plain meaning of nibiru is ferry, ferryman, fordmikis nibiri is the
toll one has to pay for crossing the riverfrom eberu, to cross. Alfred
Jeremias insisted that Nibiru in all star-texts of later times indicated
Canopus, taking this star for the providor of the meridian of the city of
Babylon. There have been other identifications (including even a comet!)
the summer solstice, or the celestial North Pole, the opinions and verdicts

The equinoctial colure is the great circle which passes through the celestial poles and the equinoctial points:
the solstitial colure runs through both the celestial and ecliptic poles and through the solstitial points. Macrobius
has it, strange to say, that they are not believed to extend to the South Pole, whence kolouros, meaning dock-
tailed, which are so called because they do not make complete circles (Comm. Somn. 1.15.14). The translator,
W.H. Stahl (p. 151), refers, among others, to Germanus 5.4950. Geminus, however (5.49, Manitius, pp. 6061),
does not claim such obvious nonsense; he states the following: Kolouroi they are called, because certain of their
parts are not visible (dia to mer tina autn atherta ginesthai). Whereas the other circles become visible in
their whole extension with the revolution of the cosmos, certain parts of the Colures remain invisible, docked by
the antarctical circle below the horizon. Hamlets Mill, footnote 17, p. 212.
Hamlets Mill, pp. 210-212.
Hamlets Mill, p. 265.
Hamlets Mill, p. 247. emphasis added.
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collected by Gossmann (Planet., 311) show clearly that Nibiru remains an
unknown factor for the time being.

The information from Hamelts Mill that we have just read connects directly to the
notion of treading under foot, as used many times in the Scriptures. Now we can
understand why:

And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and [some] of her
blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under
foot. (2 Kings 9: 33 )

In that time shall the present be brought unto the LORD of hosts of a
people scattered and peeled, and from a people terrible from their beginning
hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have
spoiled, to the place of the name of the LORD of hosts, the mount Zion. (Isaiah
18: 7 )

That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread
him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart
from off their shoulders. (Isaiah 14: 25)

Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion
under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.
(Jeremiah 12: 10)

The Lord hath trodden under foot all my mighty [men] in the midst of me:
he hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men: the Lord hath
trodden the virgin, the daughter of Judah, [as] in a winepress. (Lamentations 1:

Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain
[saint] which spake, How long [shall be] the vision [concerning] the daily
[sacrifice], and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and
the host to be trodden under foot? (Danial 8: 13)

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith
shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be
trodden under foot of men. (Matthew 5: 13)

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the
sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
(Revelation 12: 1)

Hamlets Mill, p. 432. emphasis added.
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But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for
it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty
[and] two months. (Revelation 11: 2)

To return to the regions of the North, after this important digression, the circle
described by the movement (the Precession) of the vernal equinox (see Diagram 7,
which shows that the Precession turns around the pole of the ecliptic
), which marks
out the Great Year, and determines world-ages, is also highly significant, for this circle
is a mark in the sand, so to speak, beyond which sinful and mortal man cannot cross.
Step over that line in a Northerly direction, and youre in the lands of the immortal
gods. Stay marooned to the south of this line, and you will inherit eternal death, which
is indeed the judgment of the one true God, as a result of the Fall. Inside this circle is
thus a strict no-go zone, for this is Gods own country, and at its centre is the Throne
of the Creator of Everything. It is, in effect, the proverbial Promised Land, the true
Garden of Eden, the Paradise, which was the sacred spot many of the adventurous
ancient heroessuch as Gilgameshset out to find and conquer.
This new arrangement of the Cosmos, especially the tilting of the Earths axis from
the vertical, by 21.6
originally, and now about 23 degrees, and what this pictures
(being kicked out of Paradise, and defined very precisely by mathematics), was set in
motion as a direct and immediate consequence of the Fall. Prior to that, the gods and
men dwelt together, in harmony, during the Golden Age, ruled by what the ancient
legends call the Titans.
But instead of keeping to their sacred duty, these Titans
overstepped the mark, and began to work iniquity in secret. One of the features of
their rule, their iniquity, reported everywhere in the ancient legends, was their
overbearing rule over the people they were meant to serve.

But their biggest crime was in deceiving the human racerepresented by Adam
and Eveinto following the way of the Satans (i.e. the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil), who are the fallen angels, rather than the Way of the Eternal Law,
represented by the Tree of Life. We know the story: when men and women rebelled,
and decided to follow the way of the Satans, monumental cosmic changes swept
through the whole system, and the human race was banished from the Garden of
Eden, the story of which is told in the opening chapters of the Book of Genesis. More
importantly, the whole of the human racethat includes you and I, unless we repent,
become baptised, and begin the process of being born-againare on Death Row,
period, awaiting the penalty for living a sinful life.
The ancients understood this death in the following way:

Such is the nature of the world; and when the dead reach the region to which
their divine guides severally take them, they first stand trial, those who have lived

Which the ancients knew very well, but it was Hipparchus who was actually able to prove this fact.
At this time Egypt was not divided into the two lands, but was totally unified (Moon + Sun images, or
432,000 x 2), and its capital (the Crown) was in the far North at Behdet. This undoubtedly was a reflection of the
theology of the country, but at the Fall, the country was split in two.
A familiar story indeed! See When Shepherds Rule in Grafton, here:
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nobly and piously, as well as those who have not. And those who are found to
have lived neither particularly well nor particularly badly journey to Acheron, and
embarking on such vessels as are provided for them arrive in them at the lake.
There they dwell and are purified; paying due penalties, they are absolved fro any
sins that they have committed, and receive rewards for their good deeds, each
according to his merits. Those who are judged incurable because of the enormity
of their crimes, having committed many heinous acts of sacrilege or many
treacherous and abominable murder or crimes of that magnitude, are hurled by
their fitting destiny into Tartarus, whence they never more emerge. Those who
are judged to be guilty of crimes that are curable but nevertheless greatthose,
for example, who having done some act of violence to father or mother in anger
live the rest of their lives repenting of their wickedness, or who have killed
someone in other circumstances of a similar naturemust fall into Tartarus; but
when they have fallen in and stayed there a year, the wave casts them forththe
murderers along Cocytus, those who have struck their fathers or mothers along
Pyriphlegethon; and when they are being carried past the Acherusian lake, they
shout and cry out to those whom they have murdered or outraged, and calling
upon them beg and implore them to let them come out of the lake, and to receive
them; and if they can prevail upon them, they come out and cease from their
woes, but if not, they are carried again into Tartarus, and from there once more
into the rivers, and they do not stop suffering this until they can prevail upon
those whom they have wronged, for such is the sentence that the judges have
pronounced upon them. Lastly, those who are found to have lived exceptionally
good lives are released from these regions within the earth and allowed to depart
from them as from a prison, and the reach the pure dwelling place up above and
live on the surface of the earth; and of these, those who have sufficiently purified
themselves by means of philosophy dwell freely from the body for all time to
come, and arrive at habitations even fairer than these, habitations that it is not
easy to describe; and there is not time to make the attempt now. For these
reasons we should do all in our power to achieve some measure of virtue and of
wisdom during our lives, for great is the reward, and great the hope.

Guarding these Northern regions, preventing further progress by the unwary
traveller, are truly dangerous snares and difficulties. The dominant constellation in the
far North is the constellation of the DragonDraco, in Latinthe giant red dragon
that encircles the sky so majestically throughout this zone. This red dragon, unless you
know how to handle it, will keep you to the south of the mark in the sand,
permanently! Then there are the Seven Sages, as Indian mythology likes to tell us,
also known as the Seven Stars of Ursa, which are directly linked to the planets that
move along the ecliptic in the south, and are helpers for the weary and the
downtrodden, as they trek towards the North.

Hamlets Mill, pp. 184-185.
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The ancient Egyptian maypole.

As you will appreciate, this
Ascent, or journey, or arc from
the Equator (0
) to the North Pole
North), is symbol for being
born-again, and is what the
knowledge of the Way is all about.
Actually the journey is from the Great
Pyramid at Giza (at 29
58 51) to the
North Pole, which is a journey that
encodes the number of man, 666,
since the North Pole is almost
precisely two-thirds (0.666) of the
way down from the North pole.
is a road-mapgiven to the human
race at the time of the Fall, in the
form of the Great Pyramid, and the
other features of the Giza
requiring the seeker
and traveller, to be intimately versed
in the location of all its pot-holes and
smooth paths. In this road-map, the
fixed stars represent the kingly power, silent and unmoving, [while] the planets are
the executive power.
As will be shown,this path leads upwards and outwards,
through all the planetary spheres, along a road of invisible dotted lines, past the
mighty battlements of the zodiac, onwards past the Northern fixed stars (including
Ursa Major and Ursa Minor), all the time being wary of the tricks and craftiness of
Draco (who specializes in lies and deception), but being helped by the Seven Sages,
and heading across the line that must never be crossed by the sinner, the ignorant and
the profane, into the zone of the Paradise, above the pole of the ecliptic, where the
Great Creator God resides eternally. This Paradise is therefore the purple-coloured
no-go zone of Diagram 7 below. The boundary line marking out this zone is also
important, as well see.
It is important to realise that 90
North is only on the circular boundary, or sides,
of the Paradise (it is the North Pole of the circle, which is the Earth), and far from the
centre (the Sceptre) of the Throne of God, which is in the North Pole of the cube or
ecliptic. Study this diagram in conjunction with Diagram 8 below, for they are closely
related. This whole position is called doing the first works (i.e. the born-again
process of spiritual redemption), and as you can see from Diagram 7, 7b and 7c, in this
position you have Ascended to the very edge of the Sun, i.e. you are now sitting

This picture of the Egyptian maypole is from Peter Tomkins, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 132.
Neil, William, How We Were made: A Book of Revelations, Oracle Books, London, 2003, p. 70.
Which is oriented to the position that the Pole Star occupied 5,000 years ago. At that time the Pole Star was
alpha Draconis!
Hamlets Mill, p. 151.
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around King Arthurs Round Table, and the twelve knights are representations of the
twelve signs of the Zodiac, while King Arthur, the thirteenth, symbolises Jesus the
Messiah (see Diagram 7b2 below). Going back to the Christianity of ancient Egypt, this
is also a recreation of Christ in his Osiris mode, and is meant to portray the spiritual
that is only possible through repentance, baptism, and the faithful
keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals. (Diagrams 6a, which shows King Arthur,
seated centre, with his nine knights,
dining at the table of the Great King, is meant to
be a play of Christ in his Horus mode), the Table of course being the Sun, which, you
will recall, has the important number of 864,000 miles as its diameter.
) But you
arent there yet! We are still on the edge of the Sun, figuratively speaking, rather than
right at the centre (pole,of the Ecliptic), which takes us into the very presence of the
Eternal Creator Gods throne. This is the spiritual condition of the married female,

who can only ascend further by claiming the Crown of her Covenant
husband, for
this is the meaning of the expression and the two become one. In these Last Days,
this factor, along with the legislation of the bastard curse, denoting that the husband
and wife have always been tied together in a lifelong Covenant Marriagewhich the
false shepherds didnt bother to discern and teachwill bring thousands and
thousands to their senses, and therefore to full repentance.
But the key truth that has
cleverly been suppressed is that the marriage is defined as the first sexual act of a
couple. If one is not a virgin, that relationship is invalid, as of old! Thus the absolute
importance of keeping from fornication, and ensuring that your partner is also a

By the way, all the material that has ever been written on the quest for the Holy Grailwhich is really the
quest for immortality, or in the words of the Scriptures, Eternal Lifenever mentions the fact that it can only be
achieved by allowing the ferryman (remember it is Osiris who is the ferryman, guiding the good ship Argo), and
all its repentant passengers, Northward to the land of the living in the Far North. The ship of course has the
bright star Canopus as a rudder! All those stories about the quest for the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of
Destiny, the Grail Cup, etc etc, are all lies designed to suppress the truth of the New Moon Festivals.
Notice the time-lapse window to the left in the diagram, which shows Arthur withdrawing the sword
Excalibur from the stone. Also understand that the British Royal House of Windsor, which absolutely serves the
Red Dragon or Satan, has attempted to subvert the original meaning of King Arthur and the Round Table by its
Satanic mimicking of Gods Heavenly Order through the establishment of their Satanic non-Christian Order of
the Garter, with its 24 companion knights, plus the sovereign (Elizabeth II) and his (or her) eldest son,
fashioned on Gods Throne in the far North, where we find the 24 elders, plus the Father and the Son,
established forever.
Notice the Earth-Sun symbolic connections, for the Earth has a circumference of 86,400,000 cubits. See
discussion in Chapter XVI Scientific Survey Gives Geographical Proof, of Peter Tompkins Secrets of the Great
Pyramid, pp. 201 ff.
The single female is granted her crown through the mysteries of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, granted to
her by the grace of God.
The Covenant marriage partner is explained in How Families Flourish, especially the section The Shocking
Suppressed Truth About Love, Sex and Marriage.
This whole journey Northwards, the Plan of Salvation, could be expressed geometrically this way: the Arc of
the Old Covenant was 90
(i.e. from the Equator to the terrestrial North Pole); while the Arc of the New
Covenant is 90
+ 10
+ 13
or 113
, which is 6
short of the important number 120. This value of 10
representing the approximate value of the tilt of the Earths Axis. As the Plan of Salvation advances, the tilt
of the axis of the Earth changes, by a factor of about a degree in six or seven thousand years. See Tompkins,
Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 165.
This whole matter is discussed in more detail in How Families Flourish, in the section The Shocking
Suppressed Truth About Sex and Marriage.
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Diagram #6
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Diagram 6a: King Arthurs Round Table. Notice the time-lapse window on the extreme
left. Also notice that this roundtable has nine knights, plus King Arthur. This is also the
same nine-fold structure of Freemasonry, which is explained in more depth in our What
the Study of History Should Have Been.
Many claim that the Round Table is based on
the setting of the Last Supper, but the table there is not round. Perhaps it was! The
Round Table in the North is not the Round Table in the South, although the concept is
similar, the tragedy is that the satanic evil Round Table in the South is a direct counterfeit
of the righteous Round Table in the North. With 12 knights sitting around such a table,
each having the value of 216 (for the bones in a human being), multiplied by 10 (the Ten
Commandments), we have a new value of 2,160 for each knight. Thus we arrive at the
number of the Great Year, which stands for the Great Man (or angel), which is 25,920!

Diagram XXX: The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci. The Webmaster at tells
us to look at the figures above and more importantly, the stuff on the table, this da Vinci image

Source, Cotterell, Maurice, Jesus, King Arthur, and the Journey of the Grail, Bear and Company, Rochester,
Vermont, 2006, Plate 20, between pages 118-119.
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fits in with the above flat milky way on the horizon. Yet another symbol of the galactic alignment
of December 21, 2012. We could suppose that the original Last Supper table was a Round
Table as well, but those who wished to hide and suppress this truth disguised it as a long table,
which we see here.

Diagram #7: The circle and the cube. The symbol for the throne of
the Most High God is in the far North, in the centre of the pole of the
ecliptic, while the symbol for the throne of Satan is in the far South,
and known as the Abyss to the ancients.

We are told by the satanic world system that the cube is the planet Saturns figure, but
the ancients understood that the planets were spheres, or circles, and not cubes. We
also know that Christ has been described as a cube-shaped mountain, upon which a
tower is erected.
This of course clearly informs us that the Messiah, known
generally to the world by the name Jesus Christ, in in fact the Sun!

Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlet's Mill, pp.222 and 223. Also see the most
important chapter XV, The Golden Section, in Peter Tompkins Secrets of the Great Pyramid.
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Diagram #7a: The geometry of the North, showing the angles
of the circle (centred on the celestial North Pole), and the
angles of the cube (centred on the Pole of the Ecliptic).

Diagram #7b: The Arc of the Covenant. But 36 + 180 (2 x 90) = 216, the real number we are after!

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Diagram 7b2 shows the Round Table of King Arthur, according to The Secret
Teachings of All Ages, by Freemason Manly P Hall (who is also probably a satanist).

Diagram #7b2: The Round Table of King Arthur. Notice that the Great King
seated at the very centre of the table, according to satanists, is symbolic of the
king the Israelites asked to be placed over them. Give us a king to lead us
, they cried. This prophecy forms the most important core of what should
have been the centrepiece of all historical study. The prophecy is found in 1
Samuel 8 : 6, 9-19. Of course the purpose of the Fourth Reich which has been
formed right around the world is to place this king, who is the Antichrist, on
the throne of the world. You can find out the identity of this evil satanist in our
freely available What the Study of History Should Have Been.
The rightful
occupant of this throne is first, of course, Jesus Christ, as the Great King who
will reign for 1,000 years during the Millenium, followed by his handing over the
throne to the father of us all, the Great Eternal God, who will finally come to
dwell with men once again: And there shall be no night there; and they need no
candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they
shall reign for ever and ever. (Revelation 22: 5)

See the Introduction of What the Study of History Should Have Been, for more in-depth treatment. This book
is freely available from our Web site:
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Here is what Manly P Hall says about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table:

According to tradition, Arthur, when a boy of fifteen, was crowned King of Britain,
in A.D. 516. Soon after his ascension to the throne he founded the Order of the
Knights of the Round Table at Windsor. Thereafter the Knights met annually at
Carleon, Winchester, or at Camelot, to celebrate Pentecost. From all parts of
Europe came the brave and the bold, seeking admission into this noble order of
British knighthood [Nazarene Remnant comment: As they do to this day!].
Nobility, virtue, and valor were its requirements, and those possessing these
qualities to a marked degree were welcomed to King Arthur's court at
Camelot. Having gathered the bravest and noblest Knights of Europe about him,
King Arthur chose twenty-four who excelled all the others in daring and integrity
and formed of them his Circle of the Round Table. According to legend, each
of these Knights was so great in dignity and power that none could occupy a more
exalted seat than another, so when they gathered at the table to celebrate the
anniversary of their foundation it was necessary to use a round table that all might
occupy chairs of equal importance.

While it is probable that the Order of the Round Table had its distinctive rituals
and symbols, the knowledge of them has not survived the ages. Elias Ashmole, in
his volume on the Order of the Garter, inserted a double-page plate showing the
insignia of all the orders of knighthood, the block set aside for the symbol of the
Round Table being left blank. The chief reason for the loss of the symbolism of the
Round Table was the untimely death of King Arthur upon the field of Kamblan
(A.D. 542) in the forty-first year of his life. While he destroyed his bitter enemy,
Mordred, in this famous battle, it cast him not only his own life but the lives of
nearly all his Knights of the Round Table, who died defending their commander.

The Order of the Garter was probably formed by Edward III in
imitation of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, which institution
was hopelessly scattered after the battle of Kamblan. The popular story to the
effect that the Countess of Salisbury's garter was the original inspiration for the
foundation of the order is untenable. The motto of the Order of the Garter is "Honi
soit qui maly pense" (Shamed be he who thinks evil of it). St. George is looked
upon as the Patron of the order, for he typifies the higher nature of man
overcoming the dragon of his own lower nature. While St. George is supposed to
have lived during the third century, it is probable that he was a mythological
personage borrowed from pagan mythology.

Arthur received the exalted position of Grand Master of these Knights because he
had faithfully accomplished the withdrawal of the sword (spirit) from the anvil of
the base metals (his lower nature).

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The body of the historical Arthur was probably interred at Glastonbury Abbey,
a building closely identified with the mystic rites of both the Grail and the
Arthurian Cycle.

We need also to look at this whole matter of King Arthur and what it really means in
an astronomical light that also introduces the two great constellations in the Far
North, Ursa Minor (the Little Bear), and Ursa Major (the Great Bear). The author of
The Merovingian Dynasty: Satanic Bloodline Of The Antichrist And False Prophet,
tells us more valuable information about them:

The legend of King Arthur has astrological significance, the twelve knights of
the round table corresponding to the twelve signs of the Zodiac's circle of
animals. The name Arthur, in fact, is derived from Artos, the Bear,
and the constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear, is known as
Arthurs Chariot.

The name Ursa Major, according to The New English Dictionary,
appears to arise out of the verbal association of the star
name Arcturus with Arturus or Arthur, and the legendary
association with Arthur and Charlemagne ... In Welsh lore,
the constellation is seen as a symbol of the Celtic King Arthur; his
name, it is claimed, is derived from Arth-Uthyr, the wonderful
bear. So it was that the early Britons saw Arthurs Chariot in the
great constellation; Arthurs slow wain [wagon] his course doth
roll in utter darkness round the Pole ... Furthermore it has been
suggested that this constellation, with its circular route, may have
led to the notion of the round table (The Zodiac) ...

ARCTURUS ... A golden red star situated on the left knee of
Bootes, the 4th brightest in the sky.

Arcturus takes its name from its nearness to the sky Bears, Big
and Little Bears, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. From Arktouros or
Arctophilax, the Bear Guard and also called the Bear Watcher.
The Herdsman, or driver of oxen are other titles.

According to E W Bullinger (The Witness of the Stars), a biblical
interpreter of the constellations, the ancient Egyptians called
Bootes Smat, which means one who rules, subdues, and governs.
They also called him Bau, which means also the coming one. -
833 (Ursa Major)

We mention these details of the Arthurian legend because the Plantard family
crest displays two Rampant Bears which are esoteric symbols of the Great Bear
and Little Bear constellations, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. These
constellations are found in the astrological sign of Cancer and, in this
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section, we have presented further compelling evidence that Thomas Plantard
de Saint-Clair is the Antichrist.

We will soon learn that, contrary to what you have just read, Thomas Plantard de
Saint-Clair (former Grand Master of the Prieur de Sion
) is not the Antichrist! Even
if he was still alive (he died in the year 2000), there is a whole set of evidence that
points to someone else being the AntiChrist. That someone else is, of course,Prince
Charles, who is indeed the wicked prince, and his coat of arms also cleverly disguises
the connection to the constellation of the Great Bear. If you look closely at the
apparent figure of the lion (remember that Prince Charles desires to become the Lion
King) on Prince Charles' coat of arms (see The Die Is Cast for an in-depth treatment
of this important topic), you will see that it is actually a composite creature. It has the
mouth of a lion (Zodiacal sign of Leo), the body of a leopard, and the feet of a bear
(the Great Bear, the Celtic King Arthur). Now Prince Charles signed on to follow satan
as his liege in 1969, and to do his cosmic bidding, to become his king over all the
Earth, just as there existed a time in history when the North Pole star was Draconis
which ruled over all the planet
and the Great Bear moved around it as if it were
held by a chain, as Livio Catullo Stecchini reminds us:

At this point I must call to attention another significant fact that has been
overlooked. The Ox-leg usually appears tied at the bottom by a chain held by the
Hippopotamus that represents the constellation of the Dragon. This symbolism
can have only one meaning: There was a time when a Draconis was the
polar star and the Great Bear moved around it as if it were held by a
chain. The star Draconis was closest to the pole (only 7' to the South) in 2775 B.C.,
but it can have been used as polar star as early as 3000 B.C. or even earlier.

The Merovingian Dynasty: Satanic Bloodline Of The Antichrist And False Prophet, Part III, The Sacred
Marriage. Source: Since Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair died in
the year 2000 we can be sure that this information is a blind!
According to the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail: After 1188 [the Prieur de] Sion is said to have chosen a
grand master of its own, the first of them being Jean de Gisors. According to the 'Prieur documents' every grand
master, on assuming his position, had adopted the name Jean (John)or, since there were four women, Jeanne
(Joan). Sion's grand masters are therefore alleged to have comprised a continuous succession of Jeans and
Jeannes, from 1188 to the present. This succession was clearly intended to imply an esoteric and Hermetic
papacy based on John, in contrast (and perhaps opposition) to the exoteric one based on Peter. One major
question, of course, was which John. John the Baptist? John the Evangelistthe 'Beloved Disciple' in the Fourth
Gospel? Or John the Divine, author of the Book of Revelation? It clearly seemed to be one of these three because
Jean de Gisors in 1188 had purportedly taken the title of Jean II. Who, then, was Jean I? The Merovingian
Dynasty: Satanic Bloodline Of The Antichrist And False Prophet, Part V, William Cooper And The Three Bears.
Available here: Available here:
It is now Polaris, a name which means satan.
Source: The Dimensions of the Great Pyramid, by Livio Catullo Stecchini, here:
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Figure XXX: Ursa Major, The Great Bear, showing its most prominent
part, the Big Dipper, or the Plough (yellow lines).

Picture of The Great Bear from Levy, David H, Skywatching, Five Mile Press, Rowville, Victoria, 2008
edition, p. 200.
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Figure XXX: As the Earth revolves on its axis, the handle of the
Plough (the tail of The Great Bear) makes one complete
revolution. The sky, shown as a square, representing the four
corners of the heavens, is divided into twelve equal parts.
When the tail points east, it is spring, and when it points to the
west, as shown here, it is autumn.

Ascending North To The Edge of the Sun

864,000 1
North = 864,000
864,000 2
North = 432,000
864,000 3
North = 288,000
864,000 4
North = 216,000
864,000 5
North = 172,800
864,000 6
North = 144,000
864,000 9
North = 96,000
864,000 10
North = 86,400
864,000 14.4
North = 60,000
864,000 20
North = 43,200
864,000 24
North = 36,000

Cotterell, Maurice, The Tarracotta Warriors: The Secret Code of the Emperors Army, Headline Book
Publishing, London, 2003, p. 67.
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864,000 28.8
North = 30,000
864,000 30
North = 28,800
864,000 36
North = 24,000 (666)
864,000 40
North = 21,600
864,000 50
North = 17,280
864,000 60
North = 14,400
864,000 70
North = 12, 342.85714
864,000 72
North = 12,000 x 12,000
864,000 80
North = 10,800
864,000 90
North = 9,600
864,000 100
North = 8,640
864,000 120
North = 7,200 (72 x 100)
The value of 864,000 represents the diameter of the Sun in miles.
The number of a man, 666. The number of a woman is 300.
We are now in the zone of the Round Table, or the cube, moving
towards its centre, and the limiting number 120 (Genesis 6: 3).
This system will relate the degree of spiritual ripening, via the monthly New
Moon Festivals, bearing in mind that the speed of a moving point of sunlight at
the Equator, As Livio Catulo Stecchini points out: The speed of a point at the
equator in terms of mean solar time was obtained by dividing the length of the
equator into 24 hours = 1440 minutes = 86,400 seconds. But the ancients
were concerned particularly with the speed of a point at the equator in terms of
sidereal time. A minute of time (solar time) corresponds to the length of 15
minutes of degree of equator. A minute of time (sidereal time) is equal to the
same length multiplied by 365.25/366.25, that is, it is the shorter.
Thus we
have the basis of a spiritual measuring rod!

Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, comment by Livio Catullo Stecchini, in the Appendix, p. 348.
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Diagram #7c Shows the Arc of the Old Covenant (0 to 90
and the Arc of the New Covenant (0
to 113

Diagram 8 and 8a are from Giorgio De Santillana, and Hertha Von Dechends,
Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of Human Knowledge And Its
Transmission Through Myth, and shows the Limit of the Northern circumpolar stars
from Paris, today, and in about 13,000 years time (or again, 13,000 years ago). The
centre of the limit circle rotates around the pole of the ecliptic, and we have indicated
its trajectory, which makes it possible to draw the limit circle for intermediate dates.

The throne of God is shown in the centre of the mauve circle (King Arthurs Round
) in Diagram 8.

Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977, p. 143.
Clovis I is supposed to be the legendary King Arthur.
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Diagram #8 : The Northern Heavens

Diagram #8a: The Southern Heavens

Diagram #8b, and #8c and #8d show that the angles formed by the layout of
three pyramids on the Giza Necropolis. Diagram #8b shows the simple layout of the
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angles involved, while Diagram #8c is an aerial view. Diagram #8d show the dividing
line between the East and the West running down the North-south centre line of the
Great Pyramid at Giza, where in the deep dark bowels of the Great Pyramid is the
Place of No Return, reserved for those who commit the Unpardonable Sin, and will not
repent (Diagram 8e).

Diagram #8b: Angles of the Celestial Equator and the Ecliptic on the ground at Giza.

The Unpardonable Sin is explained in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the "Two Spirits," in Essay 11-The
Great Pyramid As Metaphor and Road-Map.
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Diagram #8c: The Three Pyramids at Giza, the two poles in the sky, and
the Giza Diagonal line pointing directly to Heliopolis.

Diagram #8d: The East-West Dividing Line in the Great Pyramid.

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Diagram #8e: The Place of No Return, deep
in the bowels of the Great Pyramid.

Diagram #9 shows a part of the equatorial line of the Earths Equator, with two
wavy lines extending from the east to the west. This is a representation of Moses staff
from the Old Testament, with the staff itself representing the Equatorial line, and the
serpents representing the pathways of Venus and Sirius, as they dance (dance=to
revolve) around each other in their movement through the vault of heaven. Diagram
#9A shows the ancient meaning of the Caudacus, the two sky serpents that are
intimately involved in the supernatural angel-making process, with the golden orb of
the Sun symbolising an angel.

Source: Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, New York, 1978, p. 250.
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Diagram #9

Diagram #9A

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Diagram #10 is designed to zero in even further into the geodetic design of
ancient Egypt, especially Lower Egypt around the region of the Giza Necropolis and
the adjoining sacred sites of Heliopolis (Iunu, Anu), and Letopolis (modern Ausim,
and Khem to the ancient Egyptians). What I am attempting here is to show, in
pictures, the judgment of the Fall, because this is what this whole area in Lower Egypt
is all about.

In Diagram #10, notice that the two brightest stars in Orions Belt,
Al Nitak and
Al Nilam, are at an angle of 43
20 to the meridian (which points to the pole). This
is matched on the ground at Giza by the two largest pyramids in the complex, the
Great Pyramid (called by Egyptologists, Khufus Pyramid), and the second pyramid
(Khafras), and these too lie at an angle of 43
20 to the meridian.

100 stadia directly North of the Great Pyramid is the sacred centre at Letopolis,
and 100 stadia directly east of Letopolis is the centre of the true ancient religion,

We have the Nile River as a counterpart of the Milky Way in the sky, which is the
celestial Nile. The Giza Necropolis and Letopolis are on the terrestrial Niles west
bank, while Heliopolis lies across the river to the North-east, on the east bank. In
the ancient Egypt religion ferry boats have been shown to be important, and would
no doubt have formed an important part in the crossing-of-the-river ceremonies
that were regularly held. And crossing a river, i.e. the Nile River, standing
astronomically for the Milky Way, always meant a change of attitude (repentance),
a movement from the land of the dead (west bank) to the land of the living (east
bank). After all, this is precisely the same symbolism of the Exodus of the Hebrews
from slavery in Egypt.

The three stars of Orions belt are depicted in the folk history of many countries as The Three Kings, The
Three Wise Men, and even the three Magi from the East, who figured so prominently in the narrative of
Christs nativity.
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Diagram #10 Note that anciently Ursa Major was known as the Greater Sheepfold.
The Giza Diagonal
is a line, at 43
20 with the meridian, that passes through
the south-east corners of the three Giza pyramids and points directly to the
Temple of the Sun in Heliopolis across the Nile River to the North-east. The
numbers in this angle432come from 216 x 2, and 216 comes from 10 x 21.6.

The Giza 'diagonal' has been noted by Lehner. A line connecting the SE corners of Menkaura and Khufu's
pyramids is parallel with a line connecting the centres of Khafra and Khufu's pyramids. The NE direction of the
Giza 'diagonal' is about 43.3 degs [exact 43.20 degrees] east of North, which means that if this 'diagonal' is
extended to the North-east it will be heading in the general direction of Iunu [i.e. Heliopolis]. This bearing is
interesting as it has the same angle as the slope of the corner edge of Khafra's pyramid, and it closely
approximates the angle of the incline of the upper part of Sneferu's Southern pyramid at Dahshur, which
suggests the master builders/architects, were designing the complexes according to common design rules.
Egyptologists (including Lehner), who have studied and worked at the Giza and Abusir pyramids fields, have
supported the idea that both these pyramid fields were aligned with the great religious centre of Iunu across the
river to the North-east. If this is true, then all the architects involved in these more than half a dozen royal
funerary complexes, were following the same alignment strategy that persisted many generations. Bauval,
Robert, The Egypt Code, p. 248.
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Since this alignment line points to Heliopolis, location of the Temple of the Sun,
is not too difficult to see that these are numbers that take you on a flight or trek
in fact a sacred road did connect the Giza Necropolis to Heliopolis, as wellto the
Sun (i.e. an Exodus, whereby you come out of the world system and begin the life-
changing process of being born-again, coming principally from understanding and
obeying the spiritual Law and the monthly New Moon festivals), whose number is
864, and is derived from 2 x 432. This is the spiritual redemption process of
keeping the New Moon festivals, which is explained in detail in The Beguiled and
the Doctrine of the Two Spirits. Thus the Sun itself is the symbol of the destiny of
every human being, and not the symbol of any solar deity, a falsification coming
from the Egyptologists, one that would please Satan immensely! As Alan F Alford
points out, it was none other than James Henry Breasted who was primarily
responsible for branding the Sun as Re, the Sun-god: Breasted is held in high
regard as the founder of Egyptology in the New World, and one of his greatest
achievements (sic) was to brand Re as a Sun-god and the Pyramid Texts as a simple
case of solar monotheism. And It might seem an outrageous suggestion that an
entire generation of Egyptologists has misinterpreted the meaning of the god Re,
but unfortunately it happens to be entirely plausible.

This whole process is linked to the flight of the phoenix, which is a most
important ancient Egyptian motif. R Wilkinson, in The Complete Gods and
Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, says that The benu bird (phoenix) was called Lord of
This is important information that directly supports the finding that
the flight of the phoenix represents nothing but the flight to the Sunthe born-
again process of true Christianityand precisely defined by the numbers 10, 21.6,
216, 432 and 864, as defined in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
This whole Jubilee is regulated by the movement of Sirius. We have to remember
that the Divine Judgment of the Fall is the death of all human beings who do not
repent, and purify themselves through the work of the Birthright Holy Spirit, a
process that is intimately connected to the Moon and its monthly festival. The only
way out of our rebellion is via this process, and the image of a rising phoenix bird is
an apt symbol for divine death and resurrection. For the woman, the Great
Pyramid at Giza, the 24 Courses of the Priesthood in Solomons Temple, as well as
the regulations of the Womens Court there, testify to the importance of the period
of 24 years. For the man, the period is 50 yearsthe Jubileeand it is that latter
period when the Phoenix bird would fly, symbolically, from Abydos to Giza, and
then follow the 43
20 Giza Diagonal directly to the Sun Temple in Heliopolis
across the river to the east. In effect, the Phoenix or Bennu bird was flying, as the
bride, to meet the Groom, in the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, in the Paradise, from
which the human race had been ejected at the Fall. The redemptive process ends in

The Temple of the Sun at Heliopolis was the Temple of Ra-Horakhti.
Alford, Alan F, The Phoenix Solution: Secrets of a Lost Civilisation, New English Library, Hodder and
Stoughton, London, 1998, pp. 335 and 334.
Quoted in Alford, ibid., p. 154.
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the completion of the circle. Alan F Alford makes an important point when he says:
before the advent of Christianity, the Phoenix-bird was probably the ultimate
symbol of rebirth.
And even more important point is this: the genuine religion of
the ancient Egyptians, before they corrupted it, was ancient Christianity!
Undoubtedly this whole ancient process would have been ritualised in important
ceremonies, and I have no doubt that the structure was mimicked by the
priesthood at Heliopolis, along the same (or very nearly exact) lines that was
followed by King Solomon and the Temple Priesthood in Jerusalem, and recorded
for all to study in the last eight chapters of the First Book of Chronicles. However,
the ancient Egyptians, being close to the great Nile river, used boats, and
undoubtedly these were meant to be cosmic sailing boats for making journeys into
the celestial vault of heaven. These boats undoubtedly also connected the very
important religious centre in the south of Egypt, which was Abydos. Being in the
south, where Sirius roams, these boat trips up and down the Nile would have
mimicked the North-south movement of that bright star as in traversed the Milky
Way, as outlined in chapter 6 above.

As Robert Bauval points out in The Egypt Code, these three centres, Giza, Letopolis
and Heliopolis, played an important role in the ancient Master Plan:

Bearing this in mind, it follows that an ancient observer placed at the Giza
plateau at night looking due North would have seen the Plough transiting directly
over Letopolis, while another observer placed at Letopolis looking due south would
have seen Orions belt transiting over the Great Pyramid. Giza and Letopolis are thus
interrelated, and the latter, which is also due west of Heliopolis, must by necessity be
added to the master plan that I am proposing. These three locationsGiza, Letopolis,
and Heliopolisform a huge Pythagorean triangle, with two of its cornersthe
North at Letopolis and the south at Gizaappearing to represent two prominent
constellations, the Plough and Orions belt, on the ground. These two constellations
are on the west bank of the Milky Way. Could the third corner of the triangle, at
Heliopolis, which lies across the Nile some 18 kilometres due east of Letopolis, also be
denoting a prominent constellation that is on the eastern bank of the Milky Way and
is seen due east from Letopolis? Which constellation could that be? A fortuitous
inscription that refers to the stretching of the cord ceremony gives us a clue: The
king has built the great temple of Ra-Horakhti in conformity with the horizon which
bears his disc; the cord was stretched by his Majesty himself, having held the rod in
his hand with Seshat
Could the Great Temple of Ra-Horakhtia name applied specifically to the Great
Temple of Heliopolishave represented a prominent constellation that coalesced
with the sun disc in the eastern horizon at dawn?

Alford, Ibid., p. 360. See this section of Alfords book for a good discussion of the Phoenix, better known to the
ancient Egyptians as the Bennu bird, and represented by a yellow wagtail or a grey heron.
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Bauval answers his own question by stating that two separate divinities
born in the eastern sky at dawnas new solar or stellar godsand goes on to draw
support for this conclusion from the Pyramid Texts: The Pyramid Texts are implicit
that these two divinities [one is Ra, the Sun god, and the other is Horakhti, yet to be
identified] rose in the eastern horizon when the Nile began to flood, which, of course,
was during the summer solstice.
The sections he quotes from the Pyramid Texts are
clearly stating the fact that the dead Pharaoh is being ferried over to the eastern side
of the sky, to the place where the gods [Elohim] were born.
He goes on to identify
Horakhti as a recumbent lion, none other than the zodiacal sign of Leo. In effect
Bauval is ferrying the dead king across the Nile, and marrying him with the sign of
Leo, and with the Sun god! These were the two separate divinities of Bauvals
interpretation. Now that is just a tad preposterous!

Diagram #10a: Ground plan of the very ancient enclosing wall of
the Temple of Heliopolis. The correspondence between the shape
of the western wall and the stylistic shape of the plan of the
Pyramid field is striking (cf. also hieroglyph T15).Source: Willem
H. Zitman, Egypt: Image of Heaven,

We know that the sign of Leo is vital in understanding the message of Christ, since
He is of the tribe of Judah, whose sign it is.
If we extend this line of thought a little
more, Bauval has the dead king marrying both Jesus (from Leo) and His Father (the
Sun God) in the place where the gods are born. As I said earlier, preposterous!

Bauval, Ibid., p. 82.
Bauval, Ibid., p. 82.
Bauval, Ibid., p. 83.
His sign is not Pisces, as many believe. He only was born at the beginning of this age, but it is not his sign.
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Something else needs to be said here. If Bauval is right, and I believe hes not, and
it is indeed the sign of Leo who is Horakhti, then this would undoubtedly be true prior
to the destruction of Judah (whose sign is the powerful Leo) by the Babylonians.
Thereafter I believe we have to keep in mind the first being last, and the last being
first principal. Since Naphtali is last, in the marching order of the Hebrews, during
the Exodus, now we have to consider the Sign of Capricorn (the deer) as being the
background sign that rises in the east at this time, since that tribe was last in the
column that left Egypt. But well come to this matter a little later on.
But if Horakhti is the Sphinx, a combination of the sign of Leo (or Capricorn later
on) and Virgo (the beginning and end of the Zodiac circle), and not the sign of Leo
alone, and if it is this Horakhti that is ferried across the river to meet the divinity on
the eastern horizon, then we have an entirely new ball game! But it can only be a
legitimate game if this divinity that rises at dawn across the river is the real groom,
and not some totally illegal union.
I believe what we are really talking about here is the dance of the sky serpents, or
in other words, the Sacred Marriage between the bride (the Elect) and groom (Christ).
The bride of course is the church, characterised by the Great Sphinx, who goes across
the water via the 4-3-2 pathway (i.e. the slow born-again spiritual ripening process) of
repentance. And of course the Great Sphinx is meant to symbolize a wholly purified
and refined follower of Christ, a true Christian in the full meaning of the term, and not
some shonk Christian, the likes of which are everywhere these days. That is the true
meaning of Horakhtia purified Pharaoh who had achieved this state while living
crossing the water into the Duat, to meet and merge with the Groom.
Now the Great Sphinx that symbolically goes across the water (i.e. follows the path
of repentance towards God and his fellow man) is the Egyptian Pharaoh, who stands as
symbol for the spiritual direction of the whole living nation.
It is utter rubbish for
Egyptologists to teach, and for us to stupidly swallow, the notion that we could do all
this after death, when it is too late, and still be accepted by the Great Eternal Creator
God! The Pharaoh then stands as guarantor for the whole nation, of the cosmic order
according to the full spiritual law of maat, which was the keeping of the Ten
Commandments in total purity. And the Egyptian Pharaoh who stood head and
shoulders above all the rest as far as being totally dedicated to truth and purity, was
Pharaoh Akhenaten, whose wife was Nefertiti. This dedication to truth and purity is
identical to the requirements the Living God places on the head and shoulders of every
husband and father on planet Earth, period!
The two divinities, then, that appear in the east are the bright star Sirius and the
planet Venus, in other words, the star-emblem of the Messiah (Venus) and the sign of
the Elect, which is the bright star Sirius. These are the bride and groom. The fate of the
Elect is to become as angels in the heavens (Matthew 22: 30), which occurs at the time
of the First Resurrection, and later on at the Second Resurrection. Following upon the
death of a repentant and purified human being, who has faithfully dedicated
themselves to the born-again process, their spirit leaves their dead bodies where it is
collected in the bright star Sirius. This is exactly the teaching from the Book of Enoch

Pharaoh Akhenaten is the best example of this principle.
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(Book of Enoch, 22: 1-6). It is the purpose behind the whole burial process of a dead
Pharaoh in ancient Egypt, where the Kings physical spirit Ka (the five-fold nephesh in
man) and Ba-double (Birthright Holy Spirit) ascended to the heavenly Duat, where it
was mysteriously transformed (i.e. the Marriage Supper of the Lamb) into a glorious
Akh (in the form of Osiris or a great angel), in which the Sun stands as symbol.
Involved in the Egyptian ceremony was the central truth that every human being must
give an account of their lives, and in this final judgment, the Egyptians featured the
Hall of Judgment, where the Weighing of the Heart took place.
But not every Pharaoh [i.e. man] is a living saint, and those who have not lived in
maat, approach a destiny across the waters that is dire indeed, as they are carried to
their fate in the celestial Pit, awaiting their sure judgment. Undoubtedly the Egyptians
corrupted the truth of their original religion, and every Pharaoh, good or bad, would go
to heaven, which is about on par with what you hear at modern funerals. What we
are being told in the ancient Egyptian texts is nothing other than a description of the
working of the Jubilee system, and the cycling of the day of Pentecost, around the civil
calendar, until we arrive at the Jubilee yearthe 50
year and not the 30
or any
other variationpure and simple. An important piece of the puzzle also include the
background zodiacal sign that appears at these times.
Thus the ancient Egyptians understood the astronomy of the New Moon festivals
(the Festival of Min), the born-again process, which the Pyramid Texts describe, and
which formed a central part of the true religion of the ancient Egyptians, culminating
in the annual Feast of Tabernacles, which was called the Heb-Sed Festival in ancient
Egypt. As Alan F Alford describes in The Phoenix Solution, the day of the full Moon in
this festival symbolised the reconstitution of the sixty-four fragments of the Wedjat-
As well, they understood that besides the born-again process, which intimately
involves the Moon, the process of becoming evil, is also a function of the Moon. Thus
they understood the information in the Book of Enoch that the Moon contains in itself
the capacity for both good and evil. Alan Alford asks why were two deities, Wedjet
and Thoth, thought to reside in a single Moon?
Well, the truth of the matter is
simply because they did, as this was the spiritual mechanism of the Judgment of the
Fall. Moreover, the Egyptian word wedjat literally meant sound, restored, or
making whole, meanings entirely consistent with born-again.
This whole matter is
the subject of The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
But the point that needs crying out from the rooftops is this: what is born in the
east is a new Elohim, which is the Elect, the true followers of the Messiah! Ra-
Horakhti is none other than the appearance of Sirius-Venus on the eastern horizon
according to the dance of the sky serpents. In ancient Egypt Heliopolis was the city of
Ra- Horakhti, and in the Temple of the Sun in that place was the famous benben stone.

Alford, Alan F, The Phoenix Solution: Secrets of a Lost Civilisation, New English Library, Hodder and
Stoughton, London, 1998, p. 461. Alford refers us to Utterance 437, paragraph 794, and Utterance 610,
paragraph 1711, of The Pyramid Texts.
Alford, Ibid., p. 470.
Alford, Ibid., p. 344.
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Unfortunately for the truth, Egyptologists have always ensured that our schools
and universities taught the lie that the true ancient Egyptian religion was about either
star (earlier) or sun (later on) worship,
for nothing could be further from the truth.
The original religion in Egypt was monotheism, and the suns disk was not a
representation of the One True God at any time, which is the pathetic line that
Egyptology has spun ever since I can remember. Rather the Sun is a representation of
the Elohim,
which is the destiny of all human beings who are saved!
thats you and I! In other words, the Sun is the symbol the Eternal has used to
represent the destiny of all those who are saved. The Sun is a symbol for making us
into an angel, and the angel-making process involves two major steps, the claiming of
the Birthright and the Sceptre, which of course is the subject of this book. Now because
we are followers of Jesus Christ, who is the first-born of all those who will be saved, the
Sun therefore tells the astronomical story of his life, death and resurrection, which we
must emulate, with the help of the two forms of the Holy Spirit, of course.
Diagram #11 is a plan of the Earth designed to show the path of the Sun and the
Moon, according to the gateways described in the Book of Enoch (see Appendix B:
Enochs Law of the Sun, and Appendix C: Enochs Law of the Moon,), along with the
critical angles of a circle, involved. The only decent modern study on the pathway of
the Sun, relative to the ancient instructions in the Book of Enoch, has been that done
by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, and presented in their book Uriels
Machine: The Prehistoric Technology That Survived The Flood, and presented as the
diagram labelled Uriels Machine in Appendix B.
Unfortunately, no one seems to
think that plotting the rising point of the Full Moon has a significant story to tell,
otherwise they would have presented such work. So at the moment, until this work is
done (hopefully using good astronomy software, to simulate what is really happening),
this is as far as we can go on the subject, except to point out what the critical angles of
the whole system are, as seen in Diagram 10 and 11 that follow.

For example, the very influential American Egyptologist, James Henry Breasted, always taught that the
Pyramid Texts contained clues to a stellar cult that pre-dated the solar cult at Heliopolis, and that eventually the
stellar notion had been absorbed in the Solar. Quoted in Robert Bauvals The Egypt Code, p. 81.
See The God Messiah Worships for an explanation of this important term, here:
Wade Cox of the Christian Churches of God, headquartered in Canberra, Australia, has an interesting article
on this very topic, called Elect as Elohim. This paper deals with the multiplicity of the elohim in the Godhead and
the destiny of the elect to become elohim. Available here:
Chapter 10 of Uriels Machine: The Prehistoric Technology That Survived The Flood, presents the procedure
for building such a machine yourself.
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Diagram #11

Taras Brooch (Diagram #12) is a piece of jewellery that reveals many of the
Deitys top-level secrets, which have been hidden from the human race for so long. The
brooch (not really Taras Brooch, because it was only given that name
to enhance its
commercial value) was found in 1850 at the mouth of the Boyne River, near
Bettystown, County Meath, in Ireland.
Youll notice that the broochdesigned not as a practical piece of jewellery to lock
together a cloak, since the pin (actually a sword), being 12.5 inches long, would more
than likely impale the wearer following a fallcontains all of the symbols needed to
reveal the truth of the Birthright and the Sceptre Promises: the Earth, the Moon
(flapping around the Earth, and showing the Full Moon and the Dark of the Moon),
the Sun, planet Mercury and Venus in both its evening and morning star modes, and
the bright star Sirius. And what is most revealing is that it isnt the sign of Leo that has
any presence on the brooch, but the sign of Capricorn, which is the deer or stag. And
that animal is the sign of Capricorn! Here are some of the features:

It was named after Tara, after the name of the ancient Irish seat of kings to the North-west of Dublin.
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On the Light side (front):

The diameter of the ring is 1/100 part (5.84 inches) of the Venus number of 584
days, and the planet Venus and Mercury are shown in transit positions, however
the main theme of the brooch, fittingly, is a Passover one, the most important
feast day in the whole Sacred Year;
The Earth is represented by a square, and significantly, through the very heart of
this square is the pin (a sword, representing the Law, and truth and courage,
which hangs over the whole Earth);
This sword
is a sharp double-edged sword (i.e. the Birthright and the Sceptre
Holy Spirit, and is the sword of justice: "And he had in his right hand seven
stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance
[was] as the sun shineth in his strength." (Revelation 1: 16); "And to the angel of
the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword
with two edges;" (Revelation 2: 12);
The handle of the sword (pin) is shaped in the form of the head and antlers of a
stag, which is the zodiacal sign of Capricorn (Naphtalis emblem, which was the
last tribe in the marching order of the Exodus, and, as youll recall, So shall the
last be first and the first last. For many are called but few chosen. Matthew 20:
16. In other words, the once chosen peoplethe Jews, whose sign is Leowill
be last into the kingdom, while Naphtali will be first). The angle between the
stags antlers (Capricorn) measure 14.4
. This also means that the importance
we have ascribed to the sign of Leo and the bright star Regulus, should be
transferred to the last constellation of the marching order of Israel, which is
Naphtali, whose sign is Capricorn. As Maurice Cotterell shows The antler
appendages each carry two circles (representing two zeros). A semicircle sits
centred in the antler arrangement, representing a half-zero, shared by each
antler. The sum of the arrangement hence amounts to 144,000, from Revelation,
confirming the efficacy of the interpretation of measuring the angle between the
pin-end stops on the main ring.

The earth is picture as a square to represent a heart of stone (i.e. cold,
tyrannical, stubborn and unchanging), and this is the core characteristic of the
way of Satan, or as the Garden of Eden story tells it, the way of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil;
Thus Taras Brooch is a representation of the sentence of the Fall, a sentence,
you need to know, one the whole human race is still under;
The sword through the centre of the stone is thus clearly allegorical: all people
who possess such a heart will be put to the sword (which in essence, is the

The sword of justice, used here, is described in more detail in the Introductory section of The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
Source, Cotterell, Maurice, Jesus, King Arthur, and the Journey of the Grail, Bear and Company, Rochester,
Vermont, 2006, Plate 20.
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sentence of the Fall, for Satans way is stony cold and heartless), unless the
sword is somehow removed;
The removal of the sword from the stone (notice the connection with King
and the sword named Excalibur) requires the secret knowledge of the
Eternal God ( he who draws the sword from the stone [who understands the
meaning of the expression 144,000] will be a king in heaven [i.e. an angel].
The pin (sword) must be revolved through the vital angle of 14.4 degree (meant
to incorporate the 15 days of Ascent [
] x 14.4 = 216, the number of courses in
the Great Pyramid, which is meant to symbolise the 216 bones in the human
body, the place where the bloodcontaining the life or deathis manufactured),
and when it reaches its full-swing (14.4 x 10 [the Law] = 144 degrees) it can only
then be removed from the brooch (thus removing the death threat). This is the
pathway of Ascension to the Throne in the Far North, the expression used to
represent the spiritual born-again process that follows the motions of the
Moons day one through 15, each month (i.e. from first crescent to Full Moon).
This is sacred mathematics for the born-again process of the New Moon
Festivals, one key aspect of ancient Christianity (the other is the Saturday
Sabbath). The ominous message: there is only way to remove the sword (the
death sentence), and that is through repentance and baptism, and the keeping of
the monthly New Moon festivals.
The angles in the brooch are also meant to show the finer workings of the Venus
Cycle, because it is this cycle that forms the foundation of the Sacred Calendar of
the Messiah. If you carefully compare the numbers in the brooch with the
numbers in the Venus Cycle, found in Figures 2.20, 2.23 and 2.24 of Chapter 2,
The Sacred Calendar - General Nature, of The Sacred Calendar of the
MessiahRestored! youll see what I mean.

The whole story of King Arthur is an astronomical allegory, because the Round Table is meant to represent
the circle, in the furtherest sides of the North, painted by the circle of the Great Year (King Arthur being the
Great Man, or better, the great archangel Himself, the ninth knight, or the Sun, as in I and the Father are
One), around which his other knights sit (the other knights beings Sirius, Saturn [whose symbol is the cube],
Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Moon, Venus, and Mercury, ). The number nine is significant astronomically, because this
is the highest number that you can achieve before becoming an angel, i.e. being invited to sit at the Round Table.
In effect these nine knights sit around the table, which is the no-go zone described above, which takes us back
full-circle to the Fall of the human race, from which we must ascend, if we are truly to attain the meaning and
purpose of our lives. This no-go zone needs to be seen as the Sun (hence the Round Table), or the Eternal God,
from whose presence all humans have been banished, except they who become wholly good (i.e. born-again, and
thus are invited back to the Round Table, through the spiritual process of repentance). It is no accident that the
British Monarchys Order of the Garter, with its 24 young men, plus the king and his eldest son, is a
blasphemous copy of Gods Throne, in the far North. Satan and his followers, unable to better the Great Creator,
are thus great imitators and pretenders! See discussion in Tim Cohens The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea,
Prophecy House, 1998, chapter 7, The Heraldic Symbols in the Arms and Their Interpretation.
Source, Cotterell, Maurice, Jesus, King Arthur, and the Journey of the Grail, Bear and Company, Rochester,
Vermont, 2006, Plate 20.
This ties in directly with the 15 Psalms of Ascent, the monthly New Moon Festival ritual that was carried out
in the grounds of Solomons Temple in ancient Jerusalem. This is explained in much more depth in The Beguiled
and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
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Diagram #12Taras Brooch
Compare with the angles in Diagram 11.

On the Dark side (back):

The broochs reverse side
mirrors the dark side of the Moon, the side that we
on Earth never see. This is the part of the month that Satanists revere, and is the
reason why they hold their most important festivals on the dark of the month, at
the time of the astronomical New Moon. This side also represents the western
section of the heavens, which, if youve been following the discussion previously,
represents Satans celestial real estate: the western section of the sky. The

Source, Cotterell, Maurice, Jesus, King Arthur, and the Journey of the Grail, Bear and Company, Rochester,
Vermont, 2006, Plate 20, between pages 118-119.
See an illustration of the reverse side of Taras brooch in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits,
right at the very beginning, under the heading The Central Question of Life.
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dividing line between the two sections is the Milky Way: to the east of the river
in the sky is the land of the living, while to the west is the land of the dead;

The bird of the night presented on the back section represents darkness and
death (the animal on the front represents light and purification). The bird of
the night appears there as a giant black bat, and this is a lunar symbol for days
16 right through to the day of the dark of the Moon (called by moderns the
Astronomical New Moon, which many deceived churches uses as the point of
their months beginnings. Indeed, Satan is undoubtedly well pleased with his
deception!), in the monthly lunar cycle, which is Satans time. Appropriately,
this ominous bird is shown as flapping its way around the whole Earth, just as
the Moon does, bringing eternal death to all who pay no attention to the signs
and symbols of life that are all around them. What this of course symbolises
what is dear to the hearts of all satanists, for it represents the gradual and
successive indwelling of satans unholy spirit in the heart and mind of the
satanist, from day 16 right through to the dark of the Moon (Astronomical New
Moon), every month. At Bohemian Grove in California, USA, a place where
satanists gather regularly, the bat is replaced, fittingly, by an owl, also a bird of
the night;

The imagery of the brooch presents the planet Mercury as the black evening
star, while Venus is always presented as the evening star of light, on the brooch.
Notice that on the front the sword does not penetrate the heart, but on the
reverse it does. A clear statement indeed!;

Dragon heads are portrayed on the brooch, as pin-stops, and these undoubtedly
are the head and tail of Draco (English = dragon), again discussed above, and
essential points to grasp in this whole picture. This dragon is the red dragon, a
prominent symbol on the coat of arms of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and is
the symbol of Satan: The head of a dragon is like nothing else in heraldry it is
like nothing else in heaven or on earth. Its neck is covered with scales not unlike
those of a fish. All four legs are scaled and have claws, the back is scaled, the
tongue is barbed, and the underpart of the body is likewise scaled, but here, in
rolls of a much larger size. Great differences will be found in the shape of the
ears, but the wings of the dragon are always represented as the wings of a bat,
with the long ribs or bones carried to the base The dragon is one of the most
artistic of heraldic [beasts], and lends itself very readily to the genius of any
artist. In nearly all modern representations the tail, like the tongue, will be
found ending in a barb ;

The whole point of Mercury (Satan) is to pretend, to deceive and to lie, to entrap
the whole human race under his servitude (which he showcases as universal
peace, abundant riches, and anything else thats liable to entice the foolish

Cohen, Tim, The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, published by Prophecy House, 1998, pp. 176-177. See The
Warning of the Last Days, Reading 45: Zeroing In On The Antichrist: "Wolves in sheep's clothing," for the
images of the dragon chosen by the British Monarchy for Prince Charles coat of arms.
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shepeople of this world), without anyone of them, from the greatest to the
smallest, being any the wiser! Gradually drawing the fish into his cosmic net
aka the inevitability of gradualnesshe then intends to close the net, lock it
tight, and then make total war
on his captives, who, he thinks, cannot possibly
escape his masterful plan. This whole scenario, of course, is not much
different to how the massive fishing operations in the North Sea, for example,
are carried out, which yields such tremendous catches.

A vital stratagem in the whole plan, is that the fish do not, at any stage,
understand where they are being led, and what is planned for them.
applies from the least to the greatest of them. They think that they are working
for the betterment of the human race, and that their democratic vote will have
a decisive influence on the making of a better world. They have not woken up to
the enemys simple old stratagem: he has both political parties in his pocket, so
it really doesnt matter who gets elected! As the old saying goes, its like two
foxes and a chicken voting on whats for dinner. People should have been able to
discern this from what happens with our rigged political systems. Indeed, being
ignorant about how the system is rigged, foolish and stupid are the fish! The
system of Freemasonry is the model. Here is a system that has captured the
hearts and minds of many good men, who do not realise the red dragon that
rules over it all, at the top-level, and his deadly modus operandithe knowledge
of the real plan is in the hands of the few, and the rest are kept ignorant.

Total war is a euphemism for total genocide. See The Warning of the Last Days for details of this program.
The Agenda is for the complete takeover of the planet by the reptilians without anyone realizing that it has
ever happened.
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The Abode of God Almighty

Diagram #13: According to the Kabbalah, the location of the Creator Gods abode led
through ten Sefirot, translated brilliances but actually depicted as ten concentric
spheres in which the central one is named Yessod (Foundation), the eighth and
ninth Binah and Hokhmah, and the tenth Ketter, the Crown of the God Most High.
Beyond that stretches Ein Soff, Infinity.
Ascending toward the Divine Abode [Enoch] was lofted through a series of
heavenly spheres. From the place of the Seventh Heaven he could see the shape of
the planets; in the Eighth Heaven he could discern constellations. The Ninth
Heaven was the home of the twelve signs of the zodiac. And in the Tenth Heaven
was the Divine Throne of God.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The Cosmic Code: Book VI of the Earth Chronicles, Avon Books, New York, 1998, pp. 129,
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Diagram #14: Vitruvian Man

The message of the supposed
da Vincis Vitruvian Man is interesting, and
pertinent here, because it illustrates that da Vinci understood that there were two
poles in the sky. The circle represents what I have been saying about the celestial
North Pole, while the cube has as its centre the Pole of the Ecliptic, which is the
location of Gods Throne. The man in the circle pictures fallen man carried around and
around in seemingly endless cyclescircles of mechanical compulsionwithout any
cessation in his suffering, and each day not much different from the previous. But once

I say supposed because da Vinci plagiarized this drawing from a first-century AD Roman engineer and
architect by the name of Vitruvius. See the important discussion in Williams Neils, How We Were Made: A
Book of Revelations, chapter V, Divine Measures.
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man finds the meaning of his life, and starts taking his destiny seriously, and begins
doing work on his fallen status, which means to say, he becomes sorrowful and
repentant, a spiritual re-birthing process takes place whereby the endless
meaninglessness fades away, and the incessant comings and goings, are replaced by a
man in a stable solid cube.
Vitruvian Man also illustrates that da Vinci knew that the ultimate destiny of the
thinking, aware, and repentant human being is to become as angels, which is what the
outer cubed border represents. In other words, the man standing in the circle
(representing the spheroid of the Earth) has to become the man standing in the cube
(the man standing in the foreground of the Vitruvian Man image above). The man in
the cube is the man who has crucified his old self (which is the circle of the Earth, or
the ego-bound self), and has set his course towards the Eternal goal of immortality, the
pole of the ecliptic! Such is the story of Christs final journey through the veil in the
Temple, and on into the Most Holy Place after His death, when the veil in Herods
Temple was ripped in two. Then Jesus was the man at the most important place in the
cubethe pole of the ecliptic finally! That is to say, he has been re-united with the
Great Eternal Creator God in the place that Jesus called The Paradise. But da Vinci
has the story I have just related backwards, because the man in the square is sex-
centred, as your can see, while the centre of gravity for the man in the circle becomes
his navel, or his absolute being!
Why the reference to a cube as the symbol for an angel?
The answer to that is that as our destiny is to become as angels, and the Suns of the
universe represent angelic beings, we are to become as Suns. The answer to our
question about the cube comes from Amitakh Stanford, a lady living near Stanthorpe
in Queensland, Australia:

The following will surprise almost everyone. The Sun of our solar system
is NOT a sphere at all. It is a CUBE. Astronomers and scientists have erroneously
assumed that since the planets and moons in the solar systems are spheroid, that
the stars (Suns) must also be spheres. It is important to see the Sun as it is - a cube
- in order to begin breaking down the illusion and programming the Sun emits.

The cube (Sun) tumbles and gyrates upon its central point. This tumbling is so
rapid that it creates the illusion that the cube (Sun) seems to be a sphere. In fact,
all extant stars in the cosmos are cubes tumbling and gyrating so rapidly that they
appear to be spheres.

Amitakh, in part 2 of the article, explains the principle involved:

The motion spins the cube (sun) so rapidly that its corners appear to touch nearly
all points of the perceived sphere, thus giving the illusion that the object in the sky

Amitakh Stanford, Shattering the Cube, available here:
Also see part 2 of this important article here:
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is a sphere. By analogy, consider that a fan has blades, but when it is set into fast
motion, the blades of the fan seem to disappear and an illusion is created which
makes the blades look like a circle. This illusion can also be seen in airplane
propellers, which also appear to be circles as the propellers spin rapidly. It should
also be mentioned that at various speeds, the circles of the propellers seem to
change their direction of rotation. This two-dimensional circular type of illusion is
the principle behind the cubed-sun's three-dimensional illusion that it is a sphere
and that the sphere is rotating.

However, the sun appears to be aflame, while propellers and fan blades do not.
This is partly because the Designer created gravity, which attracted particles of
atmosphere to the cube (sun). These particles of air were thereafter trapped by the
sun's gravity and forced to stay with the cube. The flaming sun is primarily due to
the vast differences in velocities of the spinning of the objects. Thus, the sun's
atmosphere blazes while the fans' and propellers' do not. When the cubed sun
spins ferociously fast, it creates a great deal of friction coupled with the fact that
the 12 "sharp" edges and 8 "hard" corners of the cube heighten the friction.

The apparent rotation of the sun on an axis has been called "differential rotation"
because it appears to take 25 days for the sun to rotate around its equator and 35
days at its poles. This has erroneously been accepted by science as a phenomenon
of a gaseous sphere. It is actually an illusion that the sun has a spheroid rotation.
This is much like the example of the spinning fan blades. The spinning cube
gyrates in such a way that it appears that there is a sphere and that the sphere is
rotating irregularly. Thus, an illusion of a differential rotation is created by the
spinning cube.

Unfortunately Amitakh goes right on to propagate the old universal lie, that the
ancient peoples of the world worshipped the Sun. This, as I have pointed out in many
many places, is an old stratagem of satan to deceive the whole world out of their true
God-given destiny. Here is what Amitakh says next in her article:

Sun worship is the basis for major religions today, even if it has been corrupted or
its foundation has been obscured or lost. For instance, Jews have their ancient
temples constructed to honour the sun and the Zodiac. In Celtic tradition, the
direction east is also very significant. Druids worshipped the sun; Native
Americans place great significance on sun dances; Eastern religions highly respect
the sun. Often, emperors were compared to the rising sun in ancient days of the
Eastern world. Freemasons worship the sun and the master of the blue lodge sits in
the east. The worship of the sun is also influenced by certain nefarious "time-
space" beings.

Amitakh Stanford, Break Point: Shattering the Cube Part 2, available here:
Amitakh Stanford, Shattering the Cube.
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In her The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons, Amitakh compounds the problem:

In Grand Master George Smith's The Use and Abuse of Free-Masonry is found:

The emblematical meaning of the Sun is well known to the enlightened and
inquisitive Free-Mason; and as the real Sun is situated in the centre of the
universe, so the emblematical Sun is the centre of real Masonry. We all know
that the Sun is the fountain of light, the source of the seasons, the cause of the
vicissitudes of day and night, the parent of vegetation, the friend of man;
hence the scientific Free-Mason only knows the reason why the Sun is placed
in the centre of this beautiful hall. [Nazarene Remnant comment: This is
not factual. What causes all these distortions is mans continual rebellion
against God at the Fall. Gods response was not the creation of the Sun, but a
complete alteration of its programmingfor both good or eviland the effects
cited above are caused by the tilting of the Earths axis away from the vertical
plane, to an original figure of 21.6
, which increases as evil grows upon the

The Anunnaki have planted sun worship throughout the world. They have forced
construction of structures to pay homage to the sun, such as Stonehenge, where
the altar stone faces the rising sun. Even though Stonehenge was also used as an
observatory and had other purposes, sun worship was its main purpose. The
Anunnaki know that the sun must keep burning or the illusion of the solar system
will shatter. That is the main objective of Anunnaki occupation of worlds to
keep the stars burning.

The simple fact is that the ancient never at any time worshipped the Sun, because
they knew what it truly represented. This is an old deception that has worked wonders
against the truth being firmly understood. But then our friend Amitakh then goes on to
make a most amazing true statement, a statement which is, unfortunately, only half

The sun appears to sustain life. In fact, it does sustain biological life, but, it is also
a main programming agent for Darkness.

Actually it is the Sun, through the New Moon Festival each month (day one to 15),
that writes the Birthright Holy Spirit onto the hearts and minds of repentant and
baptized believers. Conversely, Amitakh is dead write in saying that the Sun (actually it
is the reflected light of the Sun) is also a main programming agent for Darkness. This
is because after day 15, from day 16 to the dark of the Moon (either day 29 or 30), it is
satans unholy spirit that enters into the hearts and minds of all those who fail to keep

Amitakh Stanford, The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons, available here:
Amitakh Stanford, Shattering the Cube.
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the Eternal Gods Great Commandments and Statutes, either through ignorance or
defiance. Of course this is just another way of saying commiting sin. You can read
more detail about this in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, freely
available from our Web site.
This brings us to the point where we can easily understand why the money-power
elite of this world, including their minions (our political and religious leaders), love
to place black cubes in very prominent places. What they are mocking us about is that
Black Sunsor demons, both spiritual and humanactually rule this world, right
under our noses. Of course this is in direct contrast to

Black cube sitting on one of its
corners in Santa Ana.

The black cube here is part of Apple Computers
24/7 store in New York City. Notice how solidly it

Black cube in Australia. Notice how solidly it
connects to the ground!

Black cube sitting on one of its
corners in Denmark.
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Black cube sitting on one of its corners
in Manhattan, New York. Notice that it is
composed of eight sub-cubes. The half-
circle is not accident either!

Its obvious who this man serves.

the Golden Suns of righteousness, which is the destiny of all those who overcome
this world through the seeking of love and righteousness.
It is worthwhile pointing out at this stage that the Bible and other scriptures use
the phrase sand of the sea to stand as metaphor for the Elect, who are to become as
remnant golden Suns, or angels:

That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the
stars of the heaven, and as the sand which [is] upon the sea shore; and thy seed
shall possess the gate of his enemies. (Genesis 22: 17)

And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as the sand of the
sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude. (Genesis 32: 12)

And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea, very much, until he left
numbering; for [it was] without number. (Genesis 41: 49)

For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, [yet] a remnant of them
shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness. (Isaiah
10: 22)

As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured:
so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto
me. (Jeremiah 33: 22)

Sources of these diagrams is the article Occult Symbolism : Saturn Worship from
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Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which
cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, [that] in the place
where it was said unto them, Ye [are] not my people, [there] it shall be said unto
them, [Ye are] the sons of the living God. (Hosea 1: 10)

Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel
be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved. (Romans 9: 27)

Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, [so many] as the
stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore
innumerable. (Hebrews 11: 12)

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth,
Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom [is] as the
sand of the sea. (Revelation 20: 8)

I have seen no better rendition of the true Sacred Mathematics of the creation of
man, than in William Neils superb book, How We Were Made: A Book of
Neil calls da Vincis Vitruvian Man the mansphere, or more correctly
The Paradigm Human Male (PHM). The mansphere fills a box, a cube whose sides
measure 6 feet [1 fathom]. There are 6 sides to the cube. This produces a surface area
216 square feet, and a volume of 216 cubic feet.
This figure is part of the Great
Pyramid at Giza, which stands 203 courses high. The extra 13 courses, to give the final
216 courses (203 + 13 = 216), is provided by the missing capstone, which is in the
shape of a cube.
Elsewhere I have pointed out that the 203 number represents the
Temple of Spiritual Purification, which is represented on the Earth as ancient Egypt.
This is a North-South Temple. This was taken out of ancient Egypt, because of its
absolute rebellion against the Eternal Law, and transferred to Jerusalem, where the
Temple of Solomon was built. The Temple of Solomon is an East-West Temple, and
its critical number is 13. Adding the Temple of Egypt (203) to the Temple of Solomon
(13) yields the mystical number of 216.
Because PHM is a walking tape measure, he clearly shows how the dimensions of
man are intimately connected with the Plan of Salvation, and the orbit of the planet
Venus, so that the Scripture, But to every one of us is given grace, according to the
measure of the giving of Christ, (Ephesians 4: 7) takes on new and exciting meaning.
As well you will also understand why the number 666 has nothing at all to do with
Satan, except that he, unable to better the Creator, has copied this number for himself,
and deceiving the human race that it is his brand number, when in fact it is the clear
number of a man, according to the measure of the creation.

Neil, William, How We Were Made: A Book of Revelations, Oracle Books, London, 2003. The important
chapter about PHM is in, chapter V, Divine Measures.
Neil, op cit., p. 51.
Notice that the evil beings who rule this planet insist on presenting the capstone of the Great Pyramid as a
mini pyramid with the all-seeing eye being prominent!
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William Neil points out that All the measures we have seen so far concerning the
dimensions of the PHM are based on 6, 6
, and 6
. We have met them everywhere
from Sumer to Yucatan. These numbers confirm that they are part of the Divine
Measures, as are Time etc., and that man himself is the living measuring stick,
predicated on the gods number base of 6, and designed accordingly.
PHM have
body measurements in inches, feet and yards, which are also a reflection of the Earth,
the Moon, and the Solar system (Venus in particular). A PHM is, as William Neil
observes, a walking (72 inch) tape-measure. A PHM has the following dimensions:

Length = 6 feet or 1 fathom or 72 inches.
Outstretched arms, fingertip to fingertip = 72 inches
Length of shoes = 12 inches
Width of pressed thumb = 1 inch
Length of the stride = 36 inches (1 yard)
Distance from the breastbone to the tip of the long finger = 36 inches.
The centre of the body is the perineum (crotch), which is 36 inches from the top
of the head, and the same distance from the ground.
The waist = 36 inches.

While on the topic of the circle and the square, it is worth comparing da Vincis
Vitruvian Man with the zodiac of Dendera, which is also a circle inside a square. Figure
7 in section 5 above (The Birthright Promises and the Twelve Types of Men) shows
the Dendera zodiac. The zodiac is in a circle whose centre is our North Pole. This circle
is then inside a square, whose North Pole is the pole of the ecliptic, and it is this axis
line which is the true meridian of the Solar System, because it points directly to the
very centre of the Throne of the one true God in the far North.
There is another important aspect of the astronomy of the Plan of Salvation, and
the layout of ancient Egypt as the Birthright Temple, and discussed briefly aboveand
symbolized as the Special District sandwiched between Southern and Northern
Egyptthat hasnt been given the attention it deserves. This involves the role of the
zodiac sign of Pisces,
as well as its nearby celestial companion, the great
Constellation of Pegasus. Now most people know about the sign of Pisces, but they
entirely overlook its close connection with Pegasus, as Diagram 15 and 16 clearly
shows, with the two fish of Pisces sandwiching the famous Square or Cube of Pegasus,
the flying horse (remember, in effect, that the Messiah returns on a flying white
from out of the Sign of Pegasus) PAH Seymours great book, The Birth of
Christ: Exploding the Myth, has certainly highlighted the Pisces (Pisces being
associated astro-geographically with Palestine) aspect of the Messiah, showing that
this sign in the sky heralded the first advent of the Messiah, with the author claiming,

Neil, op cit., p. 54.
There are three groups of stars in this constellation (the Band, Andromeda [the chained woman], and Cephus
[the Crowned King]), and all three need to be taken into account in telling the story, as does the nearby
constellation of the Flying Horse, Pegasus.
"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him [was] called Faithful and
True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." (Revelation 19: 11)
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rightly I believe, that Messiah was born in 7 BC, when a triple conjunction of Jupiter
and Saturn took place.

Diagram #15
The cube of Pegasus, representing the Sun of Righteousness, or the
Messiah, who is the leader of all who call themselves Christian. They too are Suns!

Diagram #16: The two fishes of the Sign of Pisces

There is another aspect to
Pisces that needs careful
attention, and that is the fact
that there are two fishes, at
right angles to each other,
bound together by a rope that
is knotted to a nearby
constellation: One end of the
band is fastened securely round
the tail of one fish, and it is the
same with the other. Moreover,
this band is fastened to the
neck of Cetus, the sea
monster, while immediately above is seen a woman chained as a captive [of Satan].
These both tell the same story, and, indeed, all are required to set forth the whole
truth. The fishes are bound to Cetus; the woman (Andromeda) is chained; but the
Deliverer of both is near. Cepheus, the Crowned King, the Redeemer, "the Breaker,"
the Branch, is seen coming quickly for the deliverance of His redeemed. These are the
three constellations of this sign, and all three are required to set forth the story. Israel
now is bound. The great enemy [Satan] still oppresses, but deliverance is sure. ARIES,

Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay Investigating The Origins Of
Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New
Hampshire, 1977, pp. 434-435.
Bullinger, E. W. The Witness of the Stars, 1893. Source:
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the Ram [the beginning sign in the Zodiac], is seen with his paws on this band, as
though about to loosen the bands and set the captives free, and to fast bind their great

Diagram #17: The Flying Horse, Pegasus

Now fish swim in water,
and specifically in this sign the
water is in two great celestial
rivers, the Ecliptic (the fish
swimming horizontally towards
the east), and the Milky Way
(the fish swimming directly
North, not to the North Star, as
E W Bullinger claimed, but to
the Pole of the Ecliptic, the very
throne of God). If you look at
Figure 8c above, youll notice
that the knot of the two ropes
of Pisces is a symbol for the celestial location where the Ecliptic intersects the Axis of
the Cube (see the blue dashed lines in Figure 8c). The two fish of Pisces therefore
stand as symbol for the two great circles, the great circle of the Milky Way (and
symbolized on Earth as the Birthright or Water Temple, which is the entire geographic
landmass of ancient Egypt), and the great circle of the Ecliptic (and symbolized on
Earth as the Sceptre or Fire Temple of Solomon). Both Temples trend in the same
direction as the great circles they represent. The direction of the Birthright Temple of
ancient Egypt is North-south; whilst the direction of the Fire Temple in Jerusalem
follows the east-west direction of the ecliptic.
But the Messiahs murder and burial sees an important climax to His life: the veil
that separates the Holy Place (shaped like a rectangle) from the Most Holy Place (a 20
cubit x 20 cubit cube) in the Temple in Jerusalem is ripped in two, showing that He
has ascended to the place of the Square (i.e. the cube), whose astronomical symbol has
always been the mighty Square of Pegasus. Many ancient writers equate Pegasus with
the Paradise.
In the ancient world Pegasus is certainly the field measure of great
importance, and I would not be surprised to find that the New Jerusalem that
descends from the heavens is the Constellation of Pegasus. Livio Catulo Stecchini,
described as a Copernicus of the twentieth century,
had this to say about the
Square of Pegasus: There are in the sky four stars which are at a distance of about 15

[Nazarene Remnant comment: The number 15 is intimately connected with the New
Moon Festivals, which is the duration of one of them] from each other and mark a
square with sides that run according to the celestial meridians or parallels; these four
stars form the Square of Pegasus. In iconography this square was at times portrayed as

Bullinger, E. W. The Witness of the Stars, 1893.
Bullinger, Op Cit.
See discussion in Hamlets Mill, pp. 434 ff.
By Professor Giorgio de Santillana of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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filled with water or fish, because it was in the constellation of Pisces. The Square of
Pegasus was considered the starting point in the mapping of the sky. The ancients,
from the Sumerians to the Romans, in surveying land began by marking a square of a
standard dimension and then proceeded to measure out of it in a checkerboard
pattern. In cuneiform texts the name ik is given to the basic surveying square, to a
unit of land surface, and to the Square of Pegasus. The hieroglyph used to refer to the
district extending from 15 from Memphis-Sokar to the apex of the Delta indicates that
this district was considered the basic reference unit from which there started the
mapping of Northern and southern Egypt.

Diagram #18

Before closing this chapter I would like to look at one final master stroke in the
Plan of Salvation. You will have noticed that indeed there are two forms of North in the
sky, the celestial pole of our Earth and the pole of the Ecliptic. We already know that
the celestial North pole of Earth rotates around the greater pole, the pole of the
Ecliptic. Astronomers, astrologers, philosophers, and scientists have long called this
phenomena the precession of the Equinoxes. But what I have not specifically touched
on so far is the fact that the pole of the ecliptic also revolves around a central spot in
the universe. This rotation is referred to as the precession of the axis of the world, as
distinct from the precession of the equinoxes. It is time to investigate the connection
between the two types of precession mentioned here, and to understand what it all
means. Incidentally, the ancient Babylonians called the pole of the Equator Bil, and the
pole of the ecliptic Anu. Because the precession of the axis of the world is an integral

Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper and Row, Publishers, New
York, 1971, p. 297.
Hamlets Mill, pp. 434-435.
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part of Gods Plan, the ancient Egyptians would have been in possession of this secret
teaching as well.

This information is presented sequentially:

1. First, since the ancient Egyptians didnt use modern-style magnetic compasses, they
needed a proven method to determine the true North datum line for all their
building projects, and most of the important projects had deep religious

2. In a previous chapter (Chapter 5The Birthright Promises and the Twelve Types of
Men) we saw that there are two North poles in the sky (conversely there are two
south poles as well), the North celestial pole, and the pole of the ecliptic. We also
saw that it is a giant misconception that the stars seems to rotate around our North
celestial pole, whereas in actual fact they rotate around the pole of the ecliptic,
which has often been also mistakenly reported as being fixed in the sky. The simple
fact is that both rotate, at varying speeds, around something much bigger and much
more significant, which could be called a third pole in the sky!

3. As Robert Bauval points out, in the Denderah Zodiac Schwaller has the pole of
the ecliptic on the breast of the Hippopotamus (Draco) constellation, and the North
celestial pole at the front feet of the Upuaut/Fox constellation (Ursa Minor).
Chapter 5 above, The Birthright Promises and the Twelve Types of Men, for an
illustration of the Dendera Zodiac mentioned here.

Robert Bauval, The Anchor Of The World. Did the Pyramid Builders of the Old Kingdom use the Pole of the
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Diagram #19: A hawk-headed man is holding a spear
which is pointed at the Constellation of the Great
Bear (Ursa Major). According to Livio Catullo
Stecchini, this indicates the meridian through the
pole of the ecliptic.
Notice that the giant
hippopotamus (on the left) is holding a chain which
is attached to the thigh of the cow (it could also be a
bull), and that this animal divides the seven stars
(known as the Big Dipper or the Plough) into two
groups, one of three stars, the other of four. The
spear divides these two star groups. Also notice that
the cow or bull has a star between its horns, which
is a near exact replica of the picture of Sirius
(Diagram #20 below) in the southern region of the
Zodiac of Dendera, except that the celestial cow is
sitting in a boat.

4. Bauval further states that In the
1970s the professor of the History
of Science, Livio C. Stecchini,
examined ancient Egyptian charts
of the circumpolar constellations,
showing the Hippopotamus
(Draco) and the Thigh (Ursa Major
or Great Bear) as well as a hawk-
headed man, probably Horus, seen
pointing a pole or spear at the head
of the Bull
You can see this
opposite in Diagram #19.

5. Thus, in the sky, we have the
symbols of a cow (female) used for
the Birthright Holy Spirit, and the
symbol of a bull (male) used for the
Sceptre Holy Spirit, in the ancient
Egyptian system.

6. Again following Stecchinis analysis
as reported by Peter Tompkins in
Secrets of the Great Pyramid,

but reported by Bauval here, we
have: According to the
Czechoslovakian Egyptologist
Zybnek Zaba, the pole or spear
held by the hawk-headed man
indicated the meridian line passing
through the North celestial pole.

7. But Stecchini did not agree. He
maintained that Zaba did not
notice that the spear's head divided
the seven stars of the Thigh (Big
Bear) constellation into groups of
three and four stars. This line
defined by the spear, argued
Stecchini, does not indicate the
meridian passing through the
North celestial pole at all, but the

Source: Tompkins, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 174.
Bauval, Op Cit.
Tompkins, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 174.
Bauval, Op Cit.
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Diagram #20: Sirius, the celestial cow, riding in a
boat with a star between her horns, as seen in the
Zodiac of Dendera.
meridian passing through the pole
of the ecliptic. According to
Stecchini, the ancient Egyptians
not only understood the
precession of the equinoxes but also knew that the true meridian is the one
passing through the pole of the ecliptic. Another point that seems to have
escaped both Zaba and Stecchini, however, is the peculiar way the standing
Hippopotamus holds a rope with its right hand that is attached to the lower end of the
Thigh constellation. In my opinion the position of the 'right hand' seems very much to
denote the actual position of the pole of the ecliptic onto which the Thigh (Great Bear)
constellation seems to be 'moored' to or 'anchored' with a rope.
Stecchini provides more detailed information on what we have been discussing on
the Web site,, devoted to honouring his memory and great work:

In 1932 Gerald Avery Wainwright, a specialist of Egytptian sky mythology, made a
great contribution to knowledge by discovering that the Egytptians used the
constellation of the Swan to determine the North. In diagrams [see Diagram #19
above] of stars there appears a hawk-headed man (later identified with Horos)
with arms uplifted and holding in his hands a streched line, which in some later
representations becames a spear. The line extends at one end beyond the hands
and reaches the Ox-leg that represents the seven stars of the Great Bear. There
cannot be any doubt that the line represents the meridian, since the charts of
constellations considered by Zba make this most clear. Wainwright shows that the
man holding the meridian, called Dwn-'nwy, "he who unfolds two wings,"
represents the crosslike shape of the constellation of the Swan, called Ornis, "the
Bird" by the Greeks. In my opinion the man holds the line at eye level between the
outstretched arms and hence he may suggest also the instrument used to obtain
the North from this constellation. I consider that the Egyptian merkhet was not
different in principle from the Roman groma: an horizontal cross turning on a
central pivot with four plumb lines at the ends.

The representations of the group of the Swan and the Great Bear joined by the
meridian do not date earlier than the IX or X Dynasty and belong mostly to the
Hellenistic period, but such images are reproduced from much older models. Zaba
suggests that some minor stars of the constellation of the Swan were used to
determine the meridian, but I object that there cannot be any doubt that one of the
two stars was a Cygni or Deneb (in Arabic "the Tail [of the Chicken]"), because
except for this most brilliant star ther would not have been any reason to select this
constellation as indicator: hence the problem becomes that of determining the
other star. On principle one could say that the other star must be on the other line
of the constellation , since this is suggested by the man with outstreched arms; I
agree with Zba that the two hands holding the line correspond to two stars.
Wainwright and Zba have overlooked an extremely clear and unequivocal piece of
evidence: in the most clear representations the meridian line aims at the point of
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the Ox leg between d and e Ursae maioris. It is natural to divide the seven stars of
the Great Bear into a group of four, a to d, and a group of three. The meridian must
be such that it passes by a Cygni and between d and e Ursae maioris; hence, the
other star is z Cygni. I would need the help of an astronomer to calculate when the
line drawn through a and z Cygni and passing between d and e Ursae maioris cut
across the pole, but by my rough calculation this took place around 2500 B.C. This
datum is fundamental for the study of Egyptian chronology.

Zba observes with great surprise that in two cases the line held by Dwn-'nwy is not
straight; in one case the line proceeds straight, makes a little semicircle, and then
proceeds straight again. In my opinion, this suggests that corrections were
introduced in order to take into account the precession.

In the Tomb of Senmut (XVIII Dyn.) the usual representation adds a new detail:
there are two lines at a very narrow angle aiming at a star surrounded by a circle
and linked by a line to the bottom of the Ox-leg. Z ba argues that the circle
indicates that the star is a circumpolar one, but the star is at the center of the circle
and hence must be a polar one. Z ba quotes the two lines at an angle to prove that
the North was obtained by bisecting the angle formed by the two extreme positions
of a circumpolar star, but the angle points to the star and not to the observer, so
that the two lines indicate a parallax. The parallax suggests that the same star
appeared under different angles in different periods of history. At this point I must
call to attention another significant fact that has been overlooked. The Ox-leg
usually appears tied at the bottom by a chain held by the Hippopotamus that
represents the constellation of the Dragon. This symbolism can have only one
meaning: There was a time when a Draconis was the polar star and the Great Bear
moved around it as if it were held by a chain. The star Draconis was closest to the
pole (only 7' to the South) in 2775 B.C., but it can have been used as polar star as
early as 3000 B.C. or even earlier. One may note that there were no hippopotami
in Egypt in historical times. The hippopotamus holding the chain to the Ox-leg
represents a method of orientation used before the adoption of the constellation of
the Swan. In the image of the Tomb of Senmut the star surrounded by a circle at
the end of the Ox-leg is a Draconis; record is preserved of the time when it was a
polar star, but it is also indicated that it later appeared at an angle.

Source: The Dimensions of the Great Pyramid, by Livio Catullo Stecchini, here:
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Chapter 14Jubilation!

When is the annual High Day called the Day of Atonement, and when
does the Jubilee year start and end? More importantly, how is the Jubilee
That is an interesting, and by no means easy, question to answer, according to the
opinions of men. We can accurately reconstruct the Sabbatical System years entirely
from the movements of the planet Venus, since she has never been far from us in our
skies. However, reconstructing the true year of the Jubileethe fiftieth yearis not
such an easy matter, and has been attempted by many people.
For that famous Jewish sage, Moses Maimonides (also known as Rambam, Rabbi
Moses ben Maimon, and also just Maimonides, 1135-1204 AD), every 15
and 65
in each century is a Jubilee year, and the intermediary 49 years represent the seven
cycles of the Shermittah (release) years.
And The 7-year cycles, also called the
Shemittah or release year periods, are counted, according to Maimonides and to our
present custom, from the year 3829 on, the year of the destruction of the Second
Temple which was a Shemittah year. Every year that leaves the remainder zero when
divided by seven is a seventh or Shemittah year.
I believe that Maimonides came
closest to the true reckoning of the Jubilees than anyone else, as you will learn.
In the 1850s Benedict Zuckermann published A Treatise on the Sabbatical Cycle
and the Jubilee, an attempt to recreate the sabbatical years of ancient times. Two well-
known historical studies by Rabbi Ben Zion Wacholder of Hebrew Union College,
Cincinnati, have also contributed to the debate of reckoning the Sabbatical and Jubilee
years. The first appeared as The Calendar of Sabbatical Cycles During the Second
Temple and the Early Rabbinic Period,
and the second, as The Timing of Messianic
Movements and the Calendar of Sabbatical Cycles.
Wacholders sabbatical year
dates are one year later than Zuckermanns. Rabbi Wachholder was also brave enough
to claim that the year of the Bar Kochba revolt (AD 132/33) happened to be the only
Jubilee recorded in history.
According to the very prolific writer, Wade Cox of the Christian Churches of God,
the current Jubilee and Sabbatical years are as follows: The last Jubilee year was 1977.
The next cycle had/has Sabbath years in 1984, 1991, 1998, 2005, 2012, 2019 and
Thus Cox has the Jubilees falling in the 27
and 77
year of each century, so
that currently 1977 was a Jubilee and the year 2027 is the next, and fortieth Jubilee
after Messiah announced the Jubilee as The Acceptable Year of the Lord in 27 AD.

In this scenario Cox has interpreted 2027 AD to be the latest possible date for the

Spier, Arthur, The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar: 5660-5860 : 1900-2100, Feldheim Publishers, Third,
Revised Edition, Jerusalem/New York, 1986, p. 21.
Ibid., p. 22, emphasis added. An example is also given: the year 5713 is one year after the Shemittah which
was 5712. 5712 divided by 7 leaves the remainder 0.
Hebrew Union College Annnual, 44, 1973, pp. 1`53-96.
The same HUCA for 1975. You can read a review of Wacholders studies here:
Wade Cox,, from the paper Tithing (No. 161).
Luke 4: 16-30; Isaiah 61:1-7.
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parousia (second coming of Christ).
Cox sees the end-time scenario structured in the
following manner: 2027/2028 Fortieth Jubilee since Messiah and Forty-ninth since
the second Temple and Ezra/Nehemiah. 2028 Beginning of the Jubilee of Jubilees.
The fiftieth jubilee since the construction of the Temple and the restoration of the
Temple and the Law under Ezra and Nehemiah. The one thousand year Millennial
Reign of Jesus Christ begins. The planet is run in peace and prosperity according to
Gods Laws for 1000 years. 3012-3027 Satan is released and the last war of the end
begins. 3028 The General Resurrection of the Dead The 100 year Judgment. 3127
The City of God is complete and the Universe is structured anew.

Unfortunately none of these writers understand how the Sacred Calendar works.
They have paid scant attention to astronomy, and the movement of the celestial vault,
particularly the movements of the star Sirius and the planet Venus, relative to the
movements of the Sun and the Moon along the Zodiac path (called the Ecliptic these
days) throughout the seasons. The movements of the Messiahs star-emblem, the
planet Venus, gives the exact determination of the Sabbatical years, as shown in The
Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored! We shall learn that the period of 1460
days is critical in the movement of both Venus and the bright star Sirius. They are also
pivotal in the Jubilee system.
The Book of Enoch has an interesting reference to the North-south movement of
the Sirius-Orion (actually the Constellation of Orion should be renamed back to what
it was known as in the ancient world, which was the Constellation of Horus) system,
and clearly identifies it as part of the measuring rod that forms the New Moon
systems. This is very much like the Egyptian maypole, and the many instances of
maypoles in Ireland, indicating that the ropes here are in actual fact invisible dotted
lines in the skythe lines of longitude, as established in the ancient world (and which
are entirely different today, having been changed for obvious reasons):

In those days I beheld long ropes given to those angels; who took to
their wings and fled, advancing towards the North.
And I enquired of the angel, saying: wherefore have they taken those
long ropes, and gone forth? He said: They are gone forth to
The angel, who proceeded with me, said: These are the measures of
the righteous; and cords shall the righteous bring, that they may lean
upon the name of the Lord of spirits for ever and ever (Rev. 11: 1-2).
The elect shall begin to dwell with the elect (1 Thess. 4: 17).
And these are the measures which shall be given to faith, and which
shall strengthen the word of righteousness.
These measures shall reveal all the secrets in the depth of the
earth. (Book of Enoch, 60: 1-6, Richard Laurence translation, 1821,
emphasis added. The secrets in the depth of the earth are revealed in the
section headed The Sacred Mathematics of the Birthright Holy Spirit, of

Wade Cox,, from the paper Outline Timetable of the Ages, (No. 272).
Cox, Outline Timetable of the Ages, p. 29.
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Essay 8, The Macrocosm and the Microcosm, of The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits.)

The Acceptable Year of the Lord is code for saying that it is the truly repentant
person, whose heart and mind have been purified by the action of the Birthright Holy
Spirit, through the workings of the mechanics of the born-again process, who will be
saved, and nothing short of this mark is acceptable. He was further revealing, and this
is far more importantwhich went over everyones headthat after Him the Holy
Spirit would finally be returned to the world of human beings since it had been
withdrawn at the Fall!
Except that this should happen, the human race have no
chance at salvation at all, and this is the truly Good News of the Gospel, and what
Jesus said on that fateful day in the synagogue at Nazareth. Dating the year in which
Jesus stood up in the Temple speaking the words of Isaiah 61: 2 (reported at Luke 4:
) is no indicatoras some claimthat He was secretly revealing that this was a
Jubilee Year! You will later find out that this whole spiritual ripening processfor
thats exactly what it isis based on the geographic fact that the Sun moves through
the heavens at a speed of 50 arc seconds per year!
Coupled with this will be the
understanding of the connection of the speed of light (144,000 minutes of arch per
second or 2,400 degrees per second) with the scriptural definitions of a man.
That is,
a light beam travels around the physical Earth 6.66 times in one second, or 666 times
in 100 seconds.

What needs to be understood, however, before we can make true headway on
declaring the actual year of the Jubilee, is to learn what the ancients understood to be

For more information see the section The Sceptre Spiritually Discerned in Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and
And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the
synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read. And there was delivered unto him the book of the
prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the
Lord [is] upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the
brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them
that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and he gave [it] again to the
minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. And he began
to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. And all bare him witness, and wondered at the
gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son? (Luke 4: 16-22, KJV,
emphasis added)
This is the speed of the Sun along the pathway of the 25,920 years that make up the Great Year. This is the
Macrocosmic speed of the sun. Thus it takes 72 years for the Sun, at this level, to travel through one degree. Thus
3,600 seconds (i.e. one degree) 72 years = 50 arc seconds of travel per year. Or 25,920 72 = 360
. Put
another way, 3,600 x 360 = 1,296,000 seconds 50 seconds = 25,920 seconds. On Earth, however, the speed of
the Sun is much faster, and is referred to as the Microcosmic speed of the Sun, which is 7.2
per year, or 7.2 x
3,600 = 25,920 seconds per year. 7.2 degrees is identical to 7 degrees 12 minutes. Thus, 7 x 3,600 seconds (there
are 3,600 seconds in one degree: 60 minutes in one degree x 60 seconds in one degree = 3,600 seconds ) =
25,200 seconds + 12 minutes x 60 seconds = 720 seconds. 25,200 + 720 = 25,920.
Here are three scriptural definitions of a man: And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred [and] forty
[and] four cubits, [according to] the measure of a man, that is, of the angel (Revelation 21: 17). Here is wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number
[is] six hundred threescore [and] six (Revelation 13: 18). Revelations 14: 3 tell us that there are 144,000 to be
redeemed from the Earth, composed of 12,000 x 12,000.
See discussion in Cotterell, Maurice, The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret Codes of the Emperor's Army,
Headline Book Publishing, London, 2003, p. 219.
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the method of their determination. The best material I have discovered on this
problem is that presented by Livio Catullo Stecchini, whom we have met at
numerous places in this work. Put simply he has shown that the ancients divided the
circumference of the Earth, along the Equator, into fiftieths, with each fiftieth being
equal to 7
12, or 7.2
or 25,920 seconds.
Now when I said that the ancients did the
dividing, that is not quite correct, for it was based on the movement of the Sun in its
seasonal path from solstice to equinox to solstice and back again to the starting
equinoctial position. This is shown in a repeat of a diagram used in chapter 2 from
above, and as you can see (Figure 13.1), this system of determination is totally outside
of the interference any human being, which is of utmost importance in this vital
matter. It is entirely determined by the movement of the Sun relative to the Earth, and
Im sure that the Moon, Venus and Sirius, will all chime into a beautiful and accurate
system that will truly amaze us.

Figure 13.1: The REAL Egyptian Zig-Zag, or annual path of the Sun, known as the Winding
Waterway to the ancient Egyptians, showing the terrestrial procession of the Equinoxes along
the Equator, mirroring the celestial progression of the Equinoxes in the heavens high above. In
both cases the number 25,920 is critical. In the macrocosmic or celestial model, the number is
25,920 years, while in the microcosmic model, the number is 25,920 seconds, which is 7
12, or
. E = Equinoxes. SS = Summer Solstice. WS = Winter Solstice. The information contained in
this diagram enables the restoration of the true Jubilees, I believe, which occur every 50 years.
The ancient system thus divided the Earths circumference at the Equator into 50 parts, and 1/50

of the circumference is 25,920 seconds, as indicated above.

Not to be confused with the system the ancient Egyptians used for the measure from the Equator to the Pole.
This system was divided into 48 units of 7
30 or 7
, or 27,000 seconds. This system took into account the
flattening of the Earth at the pole.
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Figure 13.2: The Suns progress through the seasons as an Egyptian Pyramid. The Sun, in its
passage through our skies, spends the Winter Solstice in the middle of the Celestial River, the
Milky Way, in the star gate location between the Zodiacal signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. The
Sun then moves on across the celestial vault, spending the Summer Solstice in the middle of
the Milky Way, in the star gate between the signs of Taurus and Gemini. In between these two
seasonal high points, the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator at the two Equinoxes, the Vernal or
Spring Equinox, and the Autumnal Equinox, which is always the annual Day of Atonement. You
would need an astronomy software package to be able to set this up and actually see this, and
one of the best around is Skyglobe 3.6, which is an exceptional and very reasonable price piece of
shareware software.

Unfortunately most moderns consider the story of ancient Atlantis to be an
invention of the ancient poet and writers, and to never have existed in reality. In
fact it has become obvious in this quest that Satan has managed, with great
thoroughness, to wipe from the Earth just about all evidence that can be used to
restore ancient Christianity, which is the true religion. If he has not been able
to hide the evidence, he has copied the Creators system, so that people nowadays
have considered many things that are true to be evil. For example, the number 666
(6, 6
, 6
), is considered to be Satans number, whereas it is a Divine number at the
heart of how man himself was created. The ancient writings, such as Plato's
Timaeus, have been handed down to us as myths and legends, whereas in actual
fact they contain many great truths. As Stecchini remarks, ... a true scientist ...
[begins] with the assumption that Plato was speaking sensibly about something
that had a basis in reality.
Following Stecchini's reconstructions using a profound and deep
understanding of ancient geography, he gives us startling and vital information
about the city of Atlantis (known to the Nazis as Thule), which I believe is the
key to establishing the original Jubilees. But first, let's look at a few items of
interest that Stecchini has dug up about ancient Atlantis. This abbreviated material
is from his article Atlantis found at this location:

Available from KlassM Software, PO Box 1067, Anne Arbor, MI, 48106.
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I recommend that you read the article for yourself, but heres the meat of it:

Once it is understood what was the true nature and scope of Hannos
discoveries, it becomes possible to face the hoary problem of the location of the
island of Atlantis described by Plato.
The majority of modern classical scholars have interpreted Plato so as to make
him appear to have written his dialogues in a state of mental frenzy and made
pronouncements that are as profound as they are incomprehensible or absurd.
By this they have provided a justification to pathological characters whose
minds conform to this description. As a result books on the subject of the
location of the Island of Atlantis mentioned by Plato, written by graphomaniacs
with pseudoscientific delusions, appear at the rate of about one every year or
every two years. Since classical scholars have presented Platos statements as
being totally chaotic and self-contradictory, this has made it possible to place
Atlantis anywhere on the surface of the earth and even at the bottom of the
seas, since Plato reports that most of the territory of Atlantis was sunk under
water. It would be probably easier to list the areas of the globe where Atlantis
has not been placed, but I shall not try to draw such a map, since I do not know
but a fraction of the literature on the subject, although I have perused more
than one hundred books and essays specifically dedicated to the location of
Atlantis. All I can say is that the explanations written by academic persons in
their commentaries on Platos works are somewhat duller and less imaginative,
but not more rational.
Plato describes with numerical details what was the territory of Atlantis before
it sank into the sea.
Assuming that Plato had a sane mind and wrote for an audience capable of
sober understanding, it is possible to interpret his words by the statements of
ancient geographers and by the modern data of geography. He states that there
used to be a circular Island of Atlantis, which had a diameter of 127 stadia and
that this island had a territory that was approximately rectangular with a width
of 2000 stadia and a height of 3000 stadia. The Island and its territory
disappeared under the sea because of convulsions of the earth, so that there
remain only islands which are like the skeleton of a person who died wasted by
disease. Ancient geographers give the name of Atlantis to Ilha So Tom (Pliny
VI 36, 199); hence this volcanic island must be the remainder of the original
island. Ilha So Tom is described today as being about 30 km from east to
west and about 50 km from south to North. Calculating in geographical stadia,
the Island of Atlantis had a diameter of 23.5 km. The city of the Island of
Atlantis consisted of an island with a central core with a diameter of 5 stadia,
surrounded by a canal of 1 stadion in width, enclosed by a circle of land of 2
stadia and another canal of 2 stadia, followed by a second circle and a third
canal of 3 stadia each; all this was surrounded by an outer circular district
extending to the sea with a width of 50 stadia. I shall not discuss here the
cosmological meaning of this arrangement, except to point out that the
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Chinese, for the same cosmological reasons, constructed royal palaces and
capital cities on similar principles. Ilha So Tom is a volcanic island the
craters of which suggest a circular pattern; in one of these craters there is a
lake: the Lake at the top of Mount Lagoa Amelia. Similar lakes in the craters of
volcanoes occur also in the neighboring islands.
Plato describes with numerical details what was the territory of Atlantis before
it sank into the sea. Most striking is Plato's description of the territory
surrounding the island as a rectangle of 3000 by 2000 stadia. It consisted of a
perfectly level plain surrounded by mountains on all sides, except the southern
side. These mountains protected the plain from the Northern winds. The
mountains were particularly high on the North side; "the entire region rose
sheer out of the sea to a great height." These details are obviously inspired by
the descriptions of Mount Cameroon. The level plain proves to be represented
today by the sea to the east and to the North of Ilha So Tom. The body of Ilha
So Tom extends from 0

24'N to 0

01'N and from 6

28'E to 6

46'E; one of the

islets in its vicinity, Ilheu das Rolas, is exactly at the Equator at 6
32'E and may
have been chosen as a geodetic point. We may start to count from 0
00' of
latitude at longitude 6
49'E; the plain extended to the east for 2000 stadia or
20', reaching longitude 9
09'E. The eastern side of the plain followed more or
less the present line of the shore from the Southern Horn of Hanno to the
North and passed through the peak of Mount Cameroon, continuing along the
line of the coast to Baia del Rey. The Northern side of the square extended
along parallel 5
00'N (3000 stadia from the Equator) reaching the North-
western corner at 5
00'N, 6
49'E, where Hanno placed the Great Island.
When Plato spoke of the island of Atlantis he was speaking of a place that was
known and recognizable: the island of So Tom. He places the island outside
the Pillars of Hercules and specifies that when Oceanus was navigable it was
against its mouth. In the original conception the Nile was continued by the
river Oceanus that moved along the Equatorial line and joined the seas: this
mythical river was no longer to be found by those who explored the area, but
the Island of So Tom, which extends to the North from the equatorial line
would have been against the mouth of Oceanus. The estuary of Gabon, the gulf
of the Southern Horn, must have been interpreted as the estuary of the former
river Oceanus.
The statement that the river Oceanus no longer exists explains why Plato states
that the convulsion that caused the ruin of the Island of Atlantis took place
9000 years before his time. The figure of 9000 years indicates that he
computed the Great Year of the precession by the round figure of 24,000 years
(2 human generations of 40 years to one degree of precession). There had been
a time before Plato, which can be counted as 45 of precession or 3000 years, in
which the Vernal Equinox was near Sagittarii, the point of the arrow of
Sagittarius, with the result that the Equator, the Ecliptic, and the
Milky Way crossed each other in one point. This was the happy age in
which the three Gorgons were united in one place, forming a single pivot of
the cosmos. At this time the Nile, which is the equivalent on earth of the Milky
Way, originated from this pivot of the cosmos. At that time the territory of
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Buganda on the shores of Lake Victoria was the Garden of the Hesperides or
Garden of Eden. This Garden, with the tree that holds the apple, (i.e., the
cosmos), was placed at the Equator at longitude 3238E. Plato reasoned that
since it is the course of the Milky Way that determines the course of the Nile,
the river Oceanus that goes from Lake Victoria to the Southern Horn could not
have existed at that time: the Oceanus must have existed 6000 years earlier
when the Milky Way was at an angle of 90 with the Nile. In other words, the
river Oceanus existed as earthly counterpart of the Milky Way 9000 years or
135 of precession before Platos time. At this time the Island of Atlantis was
against the mouth of Oceanus and hence was the Garden of the Hesperides, the
seat of the Gorgons, the pivot of the world.
But if the Island of Atlantis is considered the pivot of the cosmos, the Nile can
no longer be the North-south axis of the Oikoumene [
]. But that problem had
already been solved because the position had been computed as being placed on
the meridian at Mount Atlas, the Pillar of the Sky, which was already
considered a pivot of the world. Longitude 649 replaced longitude 3238 as
the axis of the Oikoumene. Even though Plato claims that his information was
derived from Egypt, it must have been the Carthaginians who performed these
calculations that robbed the Egyptians of the privilege of living on the axis of
the Oikoumene.
There was a direct link between the Atlas Pillar of the Sky and the Island of
Atlantis, because the former was on the Tropic and hence corresponded to the
Ecliptic, whereas the latter was the point at which there met the three circles of
the cosmos: the Equator, the Basic Meridian, and the Ecliptic. The Island of
Atlantis was the place where the three Gorgons, the three pivots, did overlap.
This is the reason why the Island of Atlantis is composed of three concentric
circles. On the third land belt there ran in a circle the hippodrome; since the
ancient ritual race represents the race of the planets along the Ecliptic, this
third belt corresponds to the Ecliptic.

The Oikoumene was the term the ancients used to describe the known world of their time.
This material from Emphasis added.
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Figure 13.3: The pivot of the ancient world and its Prime Meridian, prior to
the Fall, centred on the island of So Tom. This was 0
00 but in moderns
terms it is 6
49 East of Greenwich, which is located in the centre of

Here are some more pearls from Stecchini, this time from an article on the
ancient Sahara:

Herodotus (IV 184) states that in the land of the Atlantes there is a mountain
of great height which is called Atlas and which the natives say to be the Pillar of
the Sky: The Atlas is narrow, rounded all around, and so high that it is
impossible to see its summits because it is never free of clouds, summer or
winter. The Atlas can be readily identified with peak Ilaman in the chain Takor
in the mountains of the Ahaggar. This peak is the highest one in the Ahaggar
and in the Sahara desert (almost exactly 3000 meters) and has a shape which is
unique in the world and which is exactly described by Herodotus. It is so steep
and narrow that the Matterhorn would look like a stump in comparison with it;
it is of an unusually regular round contour. Observers have reported that its
summit is surrounded by clouds for long unbroken periods.
The geographical features indicate that there was a time in which the great
volcanic massif of the Ahaggar in the middle of the Sahara was the center of a
great hydrophagic system. It divided the watershed of the Mediterranean from
that of the gulf of Guinea. The course of the two great wadi, now completely
dry, indicates that a river (Wadi Igharghar) went from the Ahaggar to Chott el-
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Jerid or Lake Triton of the Greeks and another river (Wadi Tafanasset) went to
the river Niger. Touching each other at their sources, they established a line of
communication by water between the tropical countries and the
Mediterranean. I will show that the Greek myth of the Argonauts concerns
navigation along these rivers.
The Atlas or Pillar of the Sky was taken as a basic geodetic point by ancient
geography not only because it is the highest peak of the Sahara and because it is
located at the watershed between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Oceans,
but also because it is on the line of the Tropic. It was also on the meridian that
indicates the course of the two rivers that in protohistoric times joined Swamp
Triton with the River Niger. The Atlas-Pillar of the Sky is on the meridian
648E which was considered the western limit of the Oikoumene. To the south
this meridian cuts across the mouth of the river Niger and at the Equator
reaches the island of So Tom, which the ancients called Island of Atlantis, the
basic point of ancient geography.
Herodotus calls the Pillar of the Sky by the name of Atlas and places it in the
land of the Atlantes, which is the Ahaggar.
Since the Pillar of the Sky is on the Tropic, the line traced by Herodotus
continued exactly along the Tropic. To the east of the Atlantes he places the
Atarantes. Evidently he is referring to Ghat at 2457N, 1017E, at the present
political border of Libya and Algeria. Up to about 1880 it was an important
center for the trade of slaves. Its longitude is listed as 1017 45 which
corresponds to the walls of Carthage. The center of Ghat was established
exactly on the meridian of Carthage.
The terms Atlantes and Atarantes are two forms of the same name. A large
number of scholars agree that these terms are derived from the Berber adrar
(plural idaren) which means mountain. When Herodotus states that the
Atarantes have a collective name, but no personal name, he probably
misundertood the information that their country is simply called adrar,
mountain. The Sahara area is full of areas and places simply called Adrar.
Because of the similarity of names, Herodotus applied improperly a piece of
information. He states that the Atarantes curse the sun and address to it all sort
of insults when it is just above them. To be exact, I must observe that the
manuscripts of Herodotus state that the people of the fourth station are called
Atalantes as those of the fifth. All modern editors change the reading from
Atlantes to Atarantes, but if there is an error in the manuscript tradition it must
be very old, since Pliny and Mela report that it is the Atlantes who curse the
sun. I am more inclined to believe that Herodotus said Atlantes and introduced
the form Atarantes in explaining the name. The detail of the cursing of the Sun
refers to the fact that the land of the Atlantes is at the Tropic, so that at the
summer solstice the Sun is at Zenith.
For more than a century some geographers have claimed that in a not too
distant time the Sahara was covered with vegetation and that the process of
desiccation took place in historical times. This contention is based on
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geographical and geological features and on the statements of ancient
geographers. But this contention has been resisted up to recently because it
would undermine the dogma of the isolation of Black Africa from the stream of

More again from Stecchini, this time from his article on Thule,
which was
understood to be the Westernmost limit of the Egypt-centred world:

The point Thule was given a certain extension along parallel 6300N
because the corresponding point Atlantis at the Equator was stretched
The point Atlantis at the Equator was given a certain extension along
the Equator because it had to satisfy different requirements. It extended
to the east and to the west of meridian 824E. It extended 136 east to
meridian 1000E (meridian of Carthage), because this meridian not only
marks the easternmost point of the African coast in the area and the
eastern coast of Tunisia, but because this meridian was of fundamental
importance in world geography.
The point Atlantis was understood to be identical with the island of the
three Gorgones which was the intersection of the Ecliptic with the
Equator and the basic meridian. If the intersection of the Ecliptic with
the Tropic and with the basic meridian (Main Axis of Egypt) is placed at
2351N, 3114E, the island of the Gorgones has to be placed 2351 west
and 2351 south, at the Equator and 723E.
Hence, Ptolemy places the limit of Thule at 1000E and 724E.
According to him Thule also extends 15 South and 20 North of parallel
6300N. Possibly the territory of Thule was intended to extend a solar
diameter in a direction North-south, on the analogy of similar
calculations in Egypt. The extension in the direction North-south may
have been based on some physical features of the Norwegian coast, but
may also have been based on the physical features of its counterpart at
the Equator, the island of So Tom. So Tom extends from 028N to
When Plato, in order to explain the gap between the island of So Tom

Stecchini, Livio Catulo, The Sahara, available here:
The fact that the meridian indicated by the beginning of the Danube and of the equatorial Nile indicates an
important terminal line, explains why Ptolemy places Thule at this longitude of 30P which corresponds to
824E Greenwich. It means that it is placed three units of 712 east of the Western Axis of Egypt (60 for
Ptolemy), since Ptolemy counts each unit of 712 as 10, making the Oikoumene 180 wide instead of 120.
Other geographers identified Thule with the mathematical position of the NE corner of the rectangle of the
Oikoumene, which would be 63N,0P for Ptolemy.
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and the African coast, develops the myth of the lost territory of Atlantis,
his description of this lost territory appears to have been influenced by
the Norwegian fjords at Thule, at the opposite end of the meridian.
Finally, the question should be raised whether the three islands that
today compose Kristiansund correspond to the three Gorgones. Plato
speaks of three islands joined together by bridges.
The island of Thule is described in the account of the travels of Pytheas of
Marseilles, who visited it ca. 330 B.C. The texts indicate that Pytheas left
the British Isles for Thule, crossing from the Orkades, or Orkney Islands,
and from Thule went to the land of amber. It can be considered certain
that the land of amber was the western shore of the peninsula of Jutland
to the North of the estuary of the Elbe, which are well marked by
meridian 824E . Most scholars of ancient geography describe this
account as mere fantasy; for instance, J. Oliver Thomson concludes (p.
130): a hearsay of Iceland seems to suggest itself as the more plausible
Scholars have tried to identify Thule with Iceland because they do not
understand the meaning of the conception that Thule was at the end of
the world. But those who have interpreted the texts in a realistic spirit
agree that Thule must be placed on the Norwegian coast between Bergen
at the south and Trondheim at the North. Richard Hennig, whose study
of the problem has met with deserved approval, is inclined to identify
Thule with Trondheim (6336N, 1023E) which today is a harbor of
international importance. It is remarkable that Hennig, who considered
only the narrative material without taking the data of mathematical
geography into account and without using the text of Ptolemy, came quite
close to a correct solution: Kristiansund is only half a degree below
Pytheas reported: The Barbarians pointed out to us the place where the
Sun goes to rest (Geminos VI 8). This is one of the passages that has
been used to heap ridicule upon him, but it contains a precious bit of
information. It reveals the etymology of the name reported by the Greeks
as thyle. This word is to be traced to the Germanic root dhul-, a root that
means to stop in a place, to take a rest. In Old High German gi-twelan
means to fall asleep. Pytheas translated Thule perfectly as the place
where the Sun goes to rest. The natives pointed out to him the exact
location of the geodetic point Thule.
Ptolemys data about Thule reveal an accurate knowledge of the details of
the intricate geography of the Norwegian coast.
Ptolemy describes Thule as a diamond-shaped area with one diagonal
extending along parallel 63N, from 29 P to 3140 P, and the other
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diagonal extending along meridian 3020 P, from 6315N to 6240N:

These figures translated into our system of coordinates are:

In spite of the fact that Ptolemy rounded his figures to units of 5 minutes,
the positions can be identified quite readily from the geography. For
instance, the bottom point of the diamond corresponds to the position of
the present town of Sunndalsoera, at the very end of a deep fjord. The
center of the diamond corresponds to the point where the river Surna
empties into the sea.
Ptolemy presents Thule as a diamond-shaped area instead of a simple
geodetic point, because ideally Thule should have been placed at the
intersection between parallel 63N and meridian 824E (=30 P). But it
happens that parallel 63N reaches the water of the Atlantic Ocean not at
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824E, but at about 14 west of this longitude at the mouth of the river
Surna, which I have mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Further it
cannot be said that parallel 63N reaches the Atlantic Ocean near the
present village of Arnes (830E) which is deep into a fjord. This location
is the center point of the diamond. Parallel 63N really reaches the open
sea at the western end of Island Avery.

Lets try to put all this information we have gathered into some kind of order!
The ancient Egyptians observed the stars as they culminated at the meridian
in the Northern latitudes (the circumpolar stars, such as Draco, Ursa Major
and Ursa Minor) as well as in the south (Orion, Sirius and Canopus). The so-
called air-shafts in the Great Pyramid clearly show this fact.
They also paid great attention to the rising of the stars in the East, especially
at dawn, and especially before the rising of the Sun (i.e. the heliacal rising).

The heliacal setting of stars in the West was not ignored, either.
It follows that they also observed simultaneously the stars rising or setting in
all three positions: the East, the West, and at the Meridian.
All of the pyramids have bases aligned to the four cardinal points, which
indicates that the dominant alignments were an axis running East-West and
another axis running North-South, forming an imaginary cross through the
pyramid. This is an inescapable conclusion from the situation in all of the
pyramids in Egypt.
What this really means is that the East-West axis served for the observation
of the rising of celestial bodies in the East, whereas the North-South axis
served for the observation of the culmination of celestial bodies North and
South at the meridian.

The helical rising of any planet or star is visually defined as the day of the year on which such a celestial body
first appears on the Eastern horizon just before the Sun rise. However, there will be many occasions when the
Eastern horizon is not visible, caused by cloud, fog or dust, and this could persist for many days, making the
pinpointing of the precise date impossible. It is on these occasions that we must adopt a secondary method to
determine the heliacal rise. Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, writing in Black Genesis, suggest a secondary
solution, using astronomy software programs (such as SkyMapPro), for determining the heliacal rising of Sirius,
which is defined as a specific angular relationship of Sun, Sirius and the horizon. (Black Genesis: The
Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt, by Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, p. 302.) Here is their definition:
We make this the definition of Sirius heliacal risingthe day of the year when Sirius is at altitude 1 degree and
the Sun is simultaneously at altitude -8.96 degrees or lower. We must remember, however, that a given date
for heliacal rising of Sirius should persist for about four years in a row on the Egyptian civil calendar, so that in
order to nail down the exact Sothic cycle, we must check the following years. (Black Genesis, p. 302.) A couple
of other points need keeping in mind. First, we need to be aware of the correspondence of the Summer Solstice
and the heliacal rising of Sirius, which is something that happens once every 25,920 years. Secondly, we need to
understand that 1 Thoth must also correspond with a first crescent New Moon, since what we are really trying to
understand here is the cycle of the New Moon Festivals, which is something that scholars know zero, and care
even less, about.
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Now, most importantly, we have the position of the spring and autumnal
Equinoxes, which are the positions where the sun will rise in the East at these
Now note that when an equinox is rising due-East on the horizon, the prime
meridian, or one of the three gorgones, or 'great circles,' will loop directly
above, passing through the North celestial pole and also through the pole of
the Ecliptic.

Thus we have a most important rule: The Pole of the Ecliptic (i.e. the
Zodiac) is always on the Prime Meridian line (a gorgone) when an
Equinox point (another gorgone) is rising in the Eastern horizon.

Robert Bauval makes this important final point: However, the pole of the
Ecliptic will be at upper culmination at the Meridian (about 53.5 altitude)
only when the vernal point (spring Equinox) is rising due-East. When this
happens, all the main 'stations' (or 'colures') of the sky --the two Equinoxes
and the two Solstices-- will be found in the four cardinal directions of the
celestial landscape.

Figure 13.3a: The three gorgones of the ancient world: the Milky Way
(personified by the sky goddess Nut), the Equator and the Ecliptic. All are
Great Circles.

Robert Bauval, The Anchor Of The World. Did the Pyramid Builders of the Old Kingdom use the Pole of the
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There are more stunning revelations from the ancient world
In the ancient world, space itself, that is the sky itself, was divided into two
halves. The dividing line was a Meridian an imaginary line running North-
South, connecting the Northern with the Southern polar stars. The best-
known example is the meridian defined by the Great Pyramid, identified by
Stecchini. This meridian bisected the Nile Delta (at 31 degrees 14 minutes
East) and allegedly predated the building of the Great Pyramid. Stecchini
built upon observations from Napoleons savants who observed, when they
arrived in Egypt in 1798, that the Great Pyramid is situated at the exact apex
of the Nile Delta such that an arc centred on the Great Pyramid defined the
extent of the Delta, perfectly enclosing its outer perimeter. The Northern
promontory of the Delta is due North of the pyramid.
The plumb-line in the sky, is made by Sirius and Canopus, which
in mythology was said to measure the depths of the Abyss the annual
inundation of the Nile. The distance between these two starsone
representing the Elects star (Sirius), and the other representing the Abyss or
Hell (Canopus)is the actual arc of the Covernant, or system to be
used in measuring the Temple (which is the actual spiritual body of a
repentant and redeemed human being). This figure is 36 degrees, and
in ancient Egypt, following upon repentance and baptism, a cord
was given to a newly baptised follower of Horus. This cord was
divided into 6 x 6 stages to represent the spiritual journey to be
made from the Abyss to Gods Throne. This is the real meaning of
the stretching of the cord ceremony in ancient Egypt, which
was used to align new temples. New temples, of course, were
new converts, into which the Birthright Holy Spirit came to
Moreover, in the ancient world, there were centres that marked out the 7
division into fiftieths around the globe. According to Stecchini, the Gizeh
plateau may have been the prime primeval hill of Egypt. But that is not all. Stecchini
further claimed that a number of locations throughout the ancient world were located
in exact geodetic relation to the longitude meridian of the Great Pyramid. Among
these sites were: Nimrod, Sardi, Susa, Mycenae, Dodona and Delphi, as well as the
Kaaba at Mecca, and Mt. Gerizim, the original Jewish holy centre, before it was
moved to Jerusalem in 980 BC. Another centre was the Persian capital Persepolis,
which was located at 30 00 North latitude, and three units of exactly 7 12 east of
the meridian of the Great Pyramid. Of course 7 12 is 7.2
, and 3 x 7.2
= 21.6
, a most
important number indeed!
Again according to Stecchini, the reason for this 7 12 unit was that the
Persian Empire of King Darius the Great was idealised as three geodetic
squares of six degrees of latitude, stretching from thirty to 36 degrees North.
Note that that latitude was the Northern limit of the visibility of Canopus,
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Egypts southern polar star, with 30 degrees North not only the latitude of
Persepolis, but also the Great Pyramid. At 33 North, the midpoint of this
distance, six degrees of latitude is equal to 7 12 of longitude, thus making
these regions true squares.
This brings us full-circle to the great
square constellation of Pegasus, the flying horse, and the symbolic white
horse upon which Christ sits at His second coming, which well file away in
our heads for a future time!
And I saw heaven opened: and behold a white horse. And he that sat upon
him was called faithful and true: and with justice doth he judge and fight.
And his eyes were as a flame of fire: and on his head were many diadems.
And he had a name written, which no man knoweth but himself.
And he was clothed with a garment sprinkled with blood. And his name is
called: The Word of God.
And the armies that are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in
fine linen, white and clean.
And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp two-edged sword, that with it he
may strike the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he
treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God the Almighty.
And he hath on his garment and on his thigh written: King Of Kings And
Lord Of Lords. (Revelation 19: 11-16)
Anyone who has the smallest appreciation of ancient temples and
monuments, such as the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Acropolis, Stonehenge,
etcwill know that the marker used to pinpoint the day of the
Winter Solstice is always important. Many have been puzzled at this
strange arrangement, thinking that the day of the Summer Solstice should
have the prominence. The reason for the prominence of the Winter Solstice
at 21.6 (i.e. 21
day of the sixth month after the Summer Solstice) is that the
steps begins and ends at this point, making it an important
yardstick in the determination of the Jubilees. It is also of significance that
when the Great Creator God takes back the human prison system from satan,
granted to him at the Fall, the Sun will have passed from the Western side of
the Galaxy, into the Eastern side, and this will occur on the Winter Solstice,
December, 2012. For more information on these vital topics see our free
The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits (see Essay #1, "The
Fall."), and The Prophet Daniel and December 21, 2012, both available from
our Web site.

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In ancient Egypt the ankh was the
supreme religious icon representing
eternal life. Numerous examples of the
ankh have been found in ancient Egypt,
some made from metal, others of wood and
clay. It was usually worn on the upper arm
as an amulet, and was also placed on
mummies as well. The ankh is actually the
original cross, and to suppress its ancient
potent meaning, the Catholic framers of
pagan Christrianity replaced it as the
supreme icon with the cross of Calvary.
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt defines
the ankh as:

The symbolic representation of both
physical and eternal life. The
ankh is the original cross with a loop that
was held by the gods. It is associated with
Isis and Osiris in the Early Dynastic Period
[in Egypt], and although the knowledge of
what object it signified was lost, it remained
a hieroglyphic symbol of life to the
Christian era.

Ancient Egypt as an ankh.
According to Nur Ankh Amen, the socio-spiritual meaning of the ankh is as

In woman the loop of the Ankh represents the womb, the crossbar the
fallopian tubes, the staff the birth canal. Inman the loop is his prostrate, the
crossbar his testes, the staff his penis. Ankh is a life wand.

Then we have the stunning discovery, by author Gary Osborn, that the three
Great Circlesor Gorgonesactually interest in the Kings Chamber of the Great
Pyramid at Giza! Gary has published his findings and ideas on this in his book Axis of
God, but here is a brief taster of his work:

One can try searching the Internet and try looking through some well-
researched books on the subject, however one will find nothing that compares to

Quoted in The Ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism, by Nur Ankh Amen, A & B Publishing Group,
Brooklyn, New York, 1999, p. 19.
The Ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism, by Nur Ankh Amen, A & B Publishing Group, Brooklyn,
New York, 1999, p. 125.
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this hidden design; which means that apart from the true initiates who have
preserved and safeguarded this information since recorded history - no one -
including the Egyptologists - are actually aware of this

Year # Annual
1 7.2
7.2 26 7.2
2 7.2
14.4 27 7.2
3 7.2
21.6 28 7.2
4 7.2
28.8 29 7.2
5 7.2
36 30 7.2
6 7.2
43.2 31 7.2
7 7.2
50.4 32 7.2
8 7.2
57.6 33 7.2
9 7.2
64.8 34 7.2
10 7.2
72 35 7.2
11 7.2
79.2 36 7.2
12 7.2
86.4 37 7.2
13 7.2
93.6 38 7.2
14 7.2
100.8 39 7.2
15 7.2
108 40 7.2
16 7.2
115.2 41 7.2
17 7.2
122.4 42 7.2
18 7.2
129.6 43 7.2
19 7.2
136.8 44 7.2
20 7.2
144 45 7.2
21 7.2
151.2 46 7.2
22 7.2
158.4 47 7.2
23 7.2
165.6 48 7.2
24 7.2
172.8 49 7.2
25 7.2
180 50 7.2
Table 13.1: Annual Progression of the Equinoxes, in 1/50
, along the Equator over the
50-year Jubilee period, in chunks of 25,920 seconds of arc, which the Microcosmic speed
of the Sun. Each year, at the time of the Autumnal Equinox, the Day of Atonement was
celebrated, and one of these High Days. The 50
, was the Jubilee. Compare these
numbers with the days in the Venus Cycle, noting the similarity!

about the Great Pyramid - i.e., that symbolically, the ecliptic plane, the
earth's equator and polar-axis all intersect the King's Chamber, and
that when both a cross-sectioned diagram of the Great Pyramid and the Sun-
Earth-Moon system are superimposed together, the apex of the Great Pyramid
pokes up through the surface of the earth exactly at the same point where the
Great Pyramid is located!

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And if we need further confirmation, then we can also superimpose the Great
Pyramid on the diagram of the Sun-Earth-Moon system shown earlier by
making sure the cross formed from the ecliptic plane and the pole of the ecliptic
intersect at the King's Chamber - which of course was designed to be offset from
the apex to receive it in relation to the position of the Great Pyramid on the
earth - which wasn't built on the ecliptic plane, but in 'minutes of arc', was built
around 6
25' from it.

You can read more about this important discovery in Essay 1: The Fall, in The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, or at Gary Osborns Web site:

I came across some interesting related information at a travel Web site, about
Pacal Votans nine-levelled Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque (Figure 13.5),
Chichn Itz, in Yucatan in Central America, better known as the Temple of Kukulcan
(called Castillo). It is worth repeating here, because it shows one such geodetic point of
observation of the Sun in its yearly 25,920 seconds of its apparent travel along the
Equator each year. And as we learnt, these geodetic points were scattered all around
the globe, undoubtedly to keep a tight track of the progress of the Jubilee.

Pacal VOTAN was the Mayan prophet who lived in the seventh century of this
Christian era between the years 631 and 683. It took nine years after 683, when he
disincarnated, to build the nine-levelled Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, and at
the bottom of the temple in his tomb. His tomb was dedicated in the year 692. When
the departure of the Maya took place in 830 A.D. at the end of the tenth baktun, no
one knew about that tomb any longer.

On the equinoxes, the Sun crosses
a center point and makes an exact
90-degree angle directly over the
Pyramid of Ku'Kulkan (El Castillo) at
the sacred site of Chichn Itz on
Mexico's Yucatan peninsula (a place
that represents the turtle's head on
the continent known as Turtle Island
or North America).
The Castillo is part of the Mayan
calender's Path of the Sun (solar

Figure 13.5
calendar) with 4 stone stairways of 91 steps each plus an upper platform for a total of
365. The Maya had an 18-base for their mathematics and 18 months in a year. The
pyramid has nine levels divided by the staircases or 18. The relationship of the Sun to

From The Great Pyramid And The Earths Axis, by Gary Osborn, and available here:
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the Earth at this sensitive point creates the phenomenon of the dramatic Shadow of
the Seven Triangles, shadow triangles projected on the North staircase with serpent
heads at the base. The triangles undulate in an ascending fashion in March and
descend during the fall equinox.

Anthony Aveni describes the action of light on stone at the Castillo:

The Eastern Ratllesnake

The subtle influence of light and
shadow in Mesoamerican
architecture may be another way
Maya people expressed their
knowledge of astronomy. A
hierophany is a showing of
something sacred. It usually consists
of a phenomenon in the landand
skyscape displayed via the deliberate
arrangement of architecture. The
idea is to provide a powerful religious experience that people who assembled in the
ceremonial center could witness. One hierophany that has gained considerable
notoriety in the Mayan world is the equinox phenomenon that occurs at the
Temple of Kukulcan (the Castillo) at Chichn Itz. Today the event attracts tens of
thousands of celebrants and other visitors from all over the world, thanks to the
easy access of Chichn to tourists. First recognized by photographer Laura Gilpin
in the 1940s, the phenomenon was described in detail by a Frenchman, Jean
Jacques Rivard, a generation later in an obscure note. The mid-1970s saw the
event popularized, and by the 1980s it had attracted a worldwide following from
Maya aficionados to New Agers. Here is what happens: Late on the afternoon of
either equinox (and for a period of up to a week before and after), the nine tiers of
Chichns largest pyramid cast shadows on the western balustrade of the North
stairway. The shadows form a wavy line that seems to attach to the stone serpent
head situated at the base. Interestingly, the North stairway is the only one with
serpents heads extant, and it also leads to the main doorway of the temple at the
top. As the sun descends, the undulating shadow rim touches the top of the
balustrade forming seven triangles of light, not unlike the triangular pattern on
the back of a [western] rattlesnake. Rivard went on to speculate that after the
serpent descends the stairway he moves in the direction of the sacred well, the
home of the rain god, to the North. He also indirectly ties other buildings
representing Venus and the underworld into the hierophany.

This is a clear indication that the ancient Mayans not only understood the Jubilee
and the Sabbatical system, but they actually plotted their progress, by following the
Sun, through the device of this geodetic marker. This means that it is not just the Sun

Image from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Aveni, Anthony, Stairways to the Stairs: Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Cultures, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.,New York, 1997, pp. 145-146.
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that they followed, but they also followed the Moon, and the key point in this whole
sky-dance, was the waltz of the Bride and the Groom. This is why the Mayas
calendar was a Sun-Moon-Venus calendar. Put another way, the religion of the ancient
world was Christianity, as it was in ancient Egypt! There, in ancient Egypt, it is also
apparent that what we have come to believe is based on a massive amount of lies and
false information. Thankfully, however, this situation is being rectified, as the peoples
of the world are being given access to much ancient information that has enabled the
reconstruction of the true religion, which is ancient Christianity. The following snippet
of information shows that the ancient Egyptians also set up geodetic markers (with the
Great Pyramid being the marker point par excellence) to keep track of the path of the
Sun, just as the Maya did, and for the same purpose.
Stecchinis evidence shows that far from being the great innovators of
geographical knowledge, the Alexandrine geographers of the next half millennium,
such as Eratosthenes, Hipparchus and Ptolemy were mainly handling and mishandling
traditional data of an advanced science that preceded them, and which they only
understood in part.
Current scholarship keeps repeating that the circumference of the earth was first
measured by Eratosthenes, the Greek who was put in charge of the library at
Alexandria, but it is clear that Eratosthenes merely cited old Egyptian information
about the circumference of the earth without really understanding it.
Eratosthenes claimed to have found that a degree of latitude was 700 stadia. This,
says Stecchini, was nothing but the traditional Egyptian datum of 14 atur to 50 stadia.
Eratosthenes also claimed to have found by
observation that when the sun does not cast a
shadow at the southern limit of Egypt, [at Syene,
modern Aswan], it casts a shadow of 7
12 at
In reality Eratosthenes had read the old
Egyptian data (then more than 2000 years old) to the
effect that the tropic was at latitude 23
51 and that
the sun did not cast any shadow at Elephantine.
What he did not know, and could not measure, was
that by this time the tropic had shifted to 23
45. Nor
did Eratosthenes understand the necessity of
adjusting his figures according to the apparent semi-
diameter of the sun; he believed Alexandria to be 7

12 North of 23
51; he even claimed that Alexandria
was on the same meridian as Elephantine, whereas
they are apart by about 3
, or 200 miles of longitude.
Furthermore, Eratosthenes used the great
cubit of Babylon (532.702 millimeters) to obtain his
stadium, instead of the more ancient royal cubit of

Figure 13.6: Gnomon at
Alexandria at summer

Our 25,920 seconds again!
Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 215.
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the Egyptians of 525 millimeters, unaware that the first step taken by the Assyrians
when they conquered Egypt in the seventh century BC was to substitute their own
Mesopotamian cubit for the Egyptian one in order to manifest their own domination
[and to hide the truth].
On the basis of his research into ancient geography, Stecchini is now convinced
that there existed on this planet a people with an advanced mathematical and
astronomical science several millennia before classic Greece.

Figure 13.7: Christs flag is the Union Jack/ob. It is my firm belief that the
modern flag of the United Kingdom is nothing other than a clever
representation of the three Gorgons that used to be centred at the island of
ancient Atlantis..

Figure 13.7a: Notice anything familiar here?

Tompkins, Ibid., pp. 215-216.
Source of image:
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Figure 13.8: The three great circles, or gorgones, or rivers of life.
They are red, white and blue. The red line denotes the Milky Way
(the sky goddess Nut in ancient Khemit or ancient Egypt), the
blue line circling the blue planet (Earth) is the Celestial Equator,
and the black line (which should be white, but is black to stand
out here) is the Ecliptic and the circle of the animals, the Zodiac.

Figure 13.9: The Egyptian symbol for Life (i.e. Eternal Life) is the
ankh, which is a similar representation of the intersection of the
three great circlesthe three gorgonesas shown in the flag of
the UK. This point of intersection always denotes the Jubilee Year,
and so the ankh is the symbol of the attainment of Jubilee, or
Eternal Life, which is shown in the Great Pyramid as the Kings
Chamber, which sits on the 50
course of masonry! In this
illustration the Egyptian priest is holding up the ankh, the symbol
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for Eternal Life (i.e. an angel), and holding it as a magic wand over
the ancient Egyptian symbol for the destiny of all who will be
saved, which is to become as angels, which the Sun symbolizes,
and in this image the Sun is shown as a winged disk, hence the
ancient representation of angels as having wings.

Figure XXX: The Egyptian ankh, sacred symbol of Eternal Life. This
famous emblem anciently represented the Day of Atonement on the
Jubilee, or the 50
year, in the true Sacred Calendar of ancient
Christianity, when the three Great Circles lined up. The three Great
Circles are labelled: 1. the Milky Way, 2. the Ecliptic, and 3. the Celestial
Equator, which, in the ancient world, was also known as the three

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Figure XXX: The cross formed by the Great Celestial Conjunction. The Cross of Hendaye has been
associated with the End-of-Times prophecy in the book The Mysteries of the Great Cross of
Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time authored by Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner. The cross is
situated in Hendaye in the south of France near St Jean de Luz and Biarritz. It contains all of the
required cross elements that we identified in this article to represent a Great Celestial Conjunction
[Nazarene Remnant comment: Which takes place every 12,960 years]. The 8 pointed crossSun-
Galactic Alignment associations are apparently not restricted to the New World but were
understood in the Old World as well. On the Cross of Hendaye we find a Sun symbol central in a
quincunx, an 8 pointed star [Nazarene Remnant comment: Always in the sacred language, the eight-
pointed cross is associated with Venus, hence the Horus/Jesus/Messiah connection], a four pointed
cross with four As depicted in each of the four quadrants and the double XX cross appearing on
the cross. The As represent the four World Ages (Les quatre Ages de l'humanit ) each equalling a
fourth of the precession cycle (6480 x 4 years = 25,920).The cross contains the text INRI and its
Gematria value in the Hebrew characters equals 2160, exactly one twelfth of the precession cycle, or
one month of the Great Year [or 216 x 10, with the 216 representing the number of bones in the
human body, and the 10 coming from the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments]. The Ankhs
[Nazarene Remnant comment: The ankhs stand as symbol for an angel, which is the destiny of all
human beings who are redeemed to eternal life! For explanation see Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and
Fishes] represent the two crossing places of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator. The pillars
represent the Djed pillars as a symbol of the Milky Way. The boat is Ras barque that is used by the
Sun God to cross the Milky Way and symbolizes the precession of the Sun through the Galactic
Plane (Galactic Alignment).
Notice the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic similarities between this
diagram and the diagrams showing the positions of the Celestial Cross that is formed every year at
the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes. Notice also that each year it is the Celestial Cross that is
formed at the Autumnal Equinox which is the annual Holy Day called the Day of Atonement, and one
of these Equinox points will be the year in which the Jubilee will be declared (since it takes 50 x 7.2o
degrees for one revolution to take place.)

From Great Celestial Conjunction Crosses, by Jan Wicherink, Part I: Crosses in the New World, , Part II: Crosses in the Old
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Diagram from Jay Weidners Web site. In a flash
I knew I had it. The four As on the pedestal of
the Cross at Hendaye represented the 26,000
[25,920 years actual] year long precession with
each age being of approximately 6,500 [6,480
years actual] years length. Every 13,000 [12,960
years actual] years the great cross would occur.
This lined up perfectly with Fulcanelli and eerily
shadowed what Mevryl had also said. (Jay

Macrocosmic view of the Galactic Cross is
formed once every 12,960 years when the
center of the galaxy was going to be at a direct
right angle to the Earths position in the
precession of the equinoxes, essentially
creating a great cross in the sky. (Jay
Weidner) The Microcosmic view is the view of
our Solar System, with the Earth in one of its
four seasonal positions, the two Solstices and
the two Equinoxes.

Source of image: Network X interviews Jay Weidner,
Source of image: Network X interviews Jay Weidner,
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Figure 13.10: Caption from Peter Tompkins Secrets of the Great Pyramid, reads: Eratosthenes
is said to have measured the circumference of the earth by noting the angle of the suns rays at
Alexandria at the summer solstice, the day he knew the sun would be directly overhead at
Syene on the tropic of Cancer. Finding a shadow angle of 7
12 at Alexandria, he deduced the
distance from Alexandria to Syene to be 7
12 of the 360
circumference of the globe. As 360 /
12 = 50, Eratosthenes multiplied the 5000 stadia he believed to separate Alexandria from
Syene by 50 and got a figure of 250,000 stadia for the circumference of the earth. Because his
various errors cancelled out, he was credited with a scientific answer.

One thing we can be grateful to Eratosthenes for is the vital fact that he passed
on to us, unbeknown to him, the ancient Egyptian understanding of the importance of
12 as being 1/50
of the earths circumference, and therefore the geometry of how
the ancient Jubilees were precisely declared every 50 years. As Stecchini points out,
this information was already at least 2,000 years old at the time Eratosthenes
conducted his experiments. At that time, or even earlier, the Tropic of Cancer was at
51 North, and today it is at 23
27 North. Most of the modern texts that deal
realistically with what we have been talking about here, which is the establishment of
the moment of Solstice at the tropic, always conclude that the purpose of such detailed
work was to calculate the circumference of the earth. What was actually being
determined, of course, was the Day of Atonement on the Autumnal Equinox (23

September) each year, and the Jubilee every 50
year! Then the cycle would repeat.

Diagram and caption from Peter Tompkins Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 216.
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All this information from the ancient world makes it abundantly clear that the
Prime Meridian, prior to the Fall, was at the island of So Tom, at longitude 6
49 in
the modern British system based on Greenwich, and that when the Sun was directly
overhead at this very favoured place, the 50
year had just ended, and a new Jubilee
period of 50 years was about to commence. The ancient location of the island of
Atlantis is then the equinoctial marker point
for determining the Jubilees in the
ancient world, prior to the Fall. But it is my belief that at the Fall, when the whole
system was drastically rearranged supernaturally (explained in Essay #1, The Fall, of
The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, available from our Web site), the
Prime Meridian of the Ecliptic (not the Prime Meridian of the Earth, which is still
properly centred on the Great Pyramid at Giza) was moved to the East of Egypt. To me
that new location has to be centred on Jerusalem. So, for the time being in this
restoration, I am declaring that the annual Holy Day, the Day of Atonement
occurs on the day of the Autumnal Equinox, or Septemnber 21, each year. As
for which of these days is the 50
or Jubilee year, I would like to reserve that for a
future time, except to say, that if I had to go with any one day to be the next Jubilee, I
would favour Septemnber 23
2012. This would make the last Jubilee Septemnber 21
1962. Thus the Jubilee years,

in such a system, would fall on 12
and 62
year of each
century. So, the next step in doing this is in determining exactly when the Autumnal
Equinox (Northern Hemisphere reckoning) occurs at this precise spot where the three
Gorgones do meet! By the way, making the So Tom longitude of 6
49 East the
Prime Meridian, and therefore 0
degrees longitude, now makes the Western border of
Egypt (29
50 East in the Greenwich system) 23
01 East, which is the angle of tilt
from the Pole of the Ecliptic to the North Pole star!

No wonder Atlantis has been turned into a myth and a legend!
One other important point needs clearing up about the ancient Aztecs and Mayans!
Many academics persistently but mistakenly claim that the ancient Mayans
worshipped the planet Venus. Here is a fairly representative sample of that view: I
have focused so intently on the Maya worship of the planet Venus for two reasons:
first, to give an idea of the depth of Maya astronomical calculation and prediction,
and second, to offer clues for finding representations of the planet in the unwritten
record. Given the importance the Maya accorded it, we ought not be surprised to
discover Venus imagery turning up in sculpture, statuary, and mural paintings all
over the Maya area and beyond.

The marker point needs to be on the Equator, and therefore occurring at an Equinox, so that the Sun spends
approximately equal times in each hemisphere.
I assume that at some time near the Fall this figure would have been 3 x 7.2
or 21.6 degrees
Aveni, Anthony, Stairways to the Stars: Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Cultures, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 1997, pp. 128-129.
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On the contrary, these cultures
did not worship Venus at all! They knew that
Venus was the Messiahs star-emblem, and its movements throughout the heavens
plotted the true Sacred Calendar, whose Holy Days served as symbolic marker points
for our own attainment of the Eternal Promises, as we become the Sun, which is the
symbol of our Destiny. The Maya and the Aztecs were intimately connected with
ancient Christianity. Of that there is no doubt, except the doubt planted in the minds
of those who just will not see, by the agents of Satan who control the shadow
government of all nations on this planet.

And there [at the Aztec capital city at Teotihuacan] all the people raised
pyramids for the sun and for the moon; then they made many small pyramids
where offerings were made. And when the rulers died they buried them there.
Then they built a pyramid over them. The pyramids now stand like small
mountains, though made by hand All were worshipped as gods when they
died; some became the sun, some the moon

They were symbolically making the point that the pyramids they constructed stood
as symbols for the Sun and the Moon, which of themselves stood as symbol of the
Birthright and Sceptre Promises, or, in other words, the Birthright and Sceptre Holy
Spirit. All were worshipped as gods when they died, means that they hoped and
expected that they would fulfil their human destiny, which was to become as angels
whom they referred to as gods or elohim
in the heavens! Their many carvings,
sculptures, paintings and murals always were couched in a theme of the continuous
cosmic battle against the forces of darkness. In other words, they intimately knew
about the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, and, like King David and King Solomon, the
walk of life between the twin pillars of Mercury and Venus (i.e. evil and goodness).
This also goes on to prove that they must have had a very deep and profound
understanding of the New Moon Festivalsfor that is what their eclipse warning
are all aboutand the Jubilees. In other words, they knew all about true
ancient Christianity, well before the demonic human forces of Satanin the form of
the very catholic Spanish Conquistadorsarrived to destroy their religion and their
civilisation. Sounds all very Egyptian, doesnt it, except in the case of Egypt, the
destroyers were Greeks and Romans!

The signs of Christs footprints, and his true followers, on our planet are everywhere, if you care to look. They
exist from the old tribal areas of the North American Indians, right down throughout central America to South
America, and across the seas to ancient Babylon (modern Iraq), and to the very continent of Africa (especially
Egypt) itself, and on to North-west Europe (for example, in the Boyne River valley in Ireland, and Stonehenge in
England) and elsewhere. The grand ancient monuments of South-East Asia are testimony also to the Jubilee
path of the Sun, all built on critical geodetic marker points for the stellar path of Venus to the Sun, which is
meant to convey both the attainment of the Birthright and Sceptre Promises. This is something that the ancients
intimately understood, until it was deliberately suppressed and finally destroyed by the enemies of truth on this
Earth, who are now so arrogant and cocky, they think they have won the spiritual war.
Aveni, Stairways to the Stars, p. 128.
See The God Messiah Worships for explanation.
The forthcoming Dance of the Sky Serpents will explain why the eclipse cycle is such a vital component of the
New Moon Festivals.
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There is also another interpretation that has been forced upon these Central
American peoples that is utterly false. It is the view that these people were a
very hostile and war-like people. Evidence for this is supposed to derive from
their very warlike-looking sculptures, paintings, murals, etc, which in turn, has led to
this view. Anthony Aveni is one such victim of this view: Their warlike paintings
extinguished any prevailing thoughts about the Maya being a purely philosophical,
placid people in search of eternal truth, with little interest in self-glorification or
imperial conquest.
They strived to be a holy righteous people, and the warfare their
art depicted was not against other people, but against the spiritual powers of darkness.
In other words, against evil and against Satan. That is what their art is telling us! And
as for a people searching for eternal truth, they already possessed it!
We have seen that everything the Eternal does in regard to the Creation and the
Plan of Salvation has some sort of Sacred Mathematical value attached to it. For
example, we know what the value of the Birthright Holy Spirit amounts to, and how
this form of the Holy Spirit is symbolically delivered, for 15 days, to all who seek it, via
the reflected light of the Sun off the New Moons each month. So, this begs the
question: what is the value of the Sceptre Holy Spirit?
Well, for starters, the Sceptre is delivered only to repentant males who have
become purified through the born-again process, and Christ indicates this here: Be
mindful therefore from whence thou art fallen: and do penance and do the first works.
Or else I come to thee and will move thy candlestick out of its place, except thou do
penance. (Revelation 2: 5, emphasis added) Im sure youve wondered why we see no
true evidence of the working of the indwelling sevenfold Sceptre Holy Spirit on the
Earth today. Its because we havent repented from our gross sins and imperfections
and sought Gods forgiveness, nor the forgiveness and restitution of those we have
defrauded in our lives. Very few keep the Sabbath with keen understanding. And fewer
still keep the monthly New Moon festivals, teaching instead that they have been done
away with, and do not need to be kept. This is incredible, because they are the very
mechanism of the born-again process, but thats what the false-shepherds have done
and are still doing! Put simply, the false shepherds have never understood that there
are two forms of the Holy Spirit, and what they understand to be the Holy Spirit, is the
Sceptre only! An absurd system indeed!
Here are a few pointers about the Sceptre Holy Spirit:

It is available only to repentant males, as discussed in How Families Flourish
and The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
The covenant marriage is the mechanism of the born-again process, whereby
the husband and the wife become one.
The wife gets the Sceptreone of her Crownsfrom her covenant husband.
This is the basis of the sacred marriage, whereby two properly prepared human
beings join together in marriage, which lasts as long as either of them are alive,
thus the ancient term wedlock.

Aveni, Stairways to the Stars, p. 129.
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The Sceptre Holy Spirit is only available on the weekly Sabbath (our Saturday).
The speed of the Sun along the Equator is 25,920 seconds,
or 7
12 (25,920
360 = 7.2
) of arc per year. Thus 25,920 360 = 72 seconds per day. 72 x 52
Sabbaths = 3744 seconds per Sabbath, or 3744 60 seconds = 62.4 minutes
60 = 1.04 degrees of spiritual enhancement (the Sceptre) from keeping the
Sabbath. Over 50 years that amounts to 50 x 1.04 = 52. This is the old
ancient Egyptian game called The Game of Satni-Khamois!

The following Scriptures shows that the Sceptre will be restored towards the
end of our days, just before the return of Christ:

And when the days of the Pentecost were accomplished, they were all together in
one place:
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming: and
it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
And there appeared to them parted tongues, as it were of fire: and it sat upon
every one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost: and they began to speak with divers
tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak.
Now there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, out of every nation
under heaven.
And when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were
confounded in mind, because that every man heard them speak in his own tongue.
And they were all amazed, and wondered, saying: Behold, are not all these that
speak Galilean?
And how have we heard, every man our own tongue wherein we were born?
Parthians and Medes and Elamites and inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea, and
Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of
Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews also, and proselytes, Cretes, and
Arabians: we have heard them speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of
And they were all astonished, and wondered, saying one to another: What
meaneth this?
But others mocking, said: These men are full of new wine.
But Peter standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and spoke to them: Ye
men of Judea, and all you that dwell in Jerusalem, be this known to you and with
your ears receive my words.
For these are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day:
But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel:
And it shall come to pass, in the last days, (saith the Lord), I will pour out of my

Compare to the speed of the Sun along the line of the Great Year of 29,520 years, which is a speed of 50 arc
seconds per year!
See Appendix B ("Adventures of Satni-Khamois with the Mummies, and the Game of 52") of The Beguiled
and the Doctrine of the "Two Spirits."
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Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy: and your
young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
And upon my servants indeed and upon my handmaids will I pour out in those
days of my spirit: and they shall prophesy.
And I will shew wonders in the heaven above, and signs on the earth beneath:
blood and fire, and vapour of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great
and manifest day of the Lord to come.
And it shalt come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved. (Acts 2: 1-21)

Now declaring the Jubilees in this work has to be tentative at this stage,
because I do not have the resources, at the moment, to determine the exact moment
that the Sun is at the Equinox precisely 90
overhead at Jerusalem. But that will come!
But I have looked at a number of other important astronomical occurrences, which I
wont go into here, and make a tentative attempt at nominating the Jubilee as
discussed above.
An interesting sidelight to the Jubilee System and its cosmic order symbolizing
justice, truth and righteousness can by found in the study of English measures,
particularly those units of measurement that can be traced back to ancient Egypt, and
the reforms of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Livio Catullo Stecchini, Professor of the History of
Science, and called a Copernicus of the twentieth century,
says this about the
connections between the two:

Scholars are so bent on principle to interpret the history of measures
and measurement in terms of the most crude primitivism, that in most works
of history that deal with English measures one reads that the English foot was
ordinarily set by the length of the foot of an English king. The name of the
king whose lower extremities were so decisive varies from scholar to scholar,
although, when one thinks about it (which is not done in matters of
measurement) kings of average human size should be excluded. There is
agreement among scholars that the king in question reigned in the centuries
following the Norman conquest, since it is assumed and often stated that
before this time England did not have set units of measure. A variant of the
fairy tale about the English foot is provided by historians who tell us that it
was not a matter of the foot but of the arm of a king which decided the length
of the yard (three feet). Usually the length of the arm of King Henry I (1068
1135) is mentioned in this connection.
Such statements are made in spite of the fact that it is not necessary to
be a specialist in the history of measures to find out that a foot equal to the
English foot was the basic standard of Russia, from the time of the first
available historical records of the Soviet revolution. I grant that it takes a

He was given this title by Giorgio de Santillana of MIT and co-author of Hamelts Mill.
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specialized historical training to trace the linear standard of England and
Russia to the ancient Orient, but I may also observe that there are well known
Greek temples which have been planned in English feet, and that archeologists
of English and American nationality have studied them without realizing
what they had before their eyes.
Historians could have developed less benign notions about the origins
of English measures, even without extending their horizon beyond the British
Isles, because there is a law of King Athelstan (924-940) which defines the
length of the English foot. The text of this law is included in the standard
collections of medieval English laws. The words of the law of Athelstan were
repeated exactly in the legislation about measures issued by King Henry I. The
law of Athelstan provides the most fundamental text for the study of English
measures, but it has been ignored.
Athelstan prescribed that the kings girth shall extend from the royal
residence for a distance of three miles, 3 furlongs, 9 acres, 9 feet, and 9
barleycorns. The kings girth was an area considered a direct extension of the
Kings place of residence and as such the area in which the Kings peace was in
force. This was the area in which attacks on private persons were crimes
against the Crown.
The picturesque language of the law means that the Kings girth extends
for a radius of 18,250 feet, since it is a matter of the following units:

mile 5,280 feet
furlong 600 feet
acre 66 feet
palm foot
barleycorn 1/3 inch

The law employed a form of expression which had a particular
numerological rhythm and at the same time defined the values of the
multiples and submultiples of a foot. My understanding of the law of King
Athelstan is that the radius of the Kings girth was defined as 3 minutes of
latitude. The Kings girth extended 6minutes or 1/10 of degree from North to
south. This implies that a degree was understood to be 365,000 English feet,
which is the length of the degree at the latitude of towns like Winchester.
A more detailed analysis of the law of Athelstan belongs to a study of
English measures. What is important to stress here is that the English foot
was defined by length of a stretch of 1/10 latitude around the kings place of
residence. The political conditions of the feudal society of Saxon England were
very different from those of Pharaonic Egypt , but the method used by King
Athelstan in order to relate his power to the system of measures and the
cosmic order bears a remarkable similarity to that adopted by the Pharaoh

Stecchini, Livio Catullo, in Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper
and Row, Publishers, New York, 1971, pp. 343-345.
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The real interest here lies in the fact that in ancient Egypt the dimensions on the
land were laid out according to the cosmic order of maat,
which the Biblical Jospeh
and the Pharaoh Akhenaten, championed. The figure of 18,250 used in the later
English conceptions of King Athelstan shows that in Saxon England the concept of the
Jubilee was clearly understood, for the figure of 18,250 feet (365 x 50), for the kings
girth, is a figure directly related to the Jubilees, for there are exactly that number of
days in one Jubilee of 50 years, and there are 20 such periods in the Great Jubilee Year
of 365,000 days (18,250 x 20 = 365,000), or 1,000 years (a Millennium). Put another
way, King Athelstans kingdom was a mini version of the Kingdom of God on Earth,
where total obedience to the Ten Commandments was the Law of the

In pre-dynastic Egypt the Pharaoh was the personification of maat, a word which has been translated as
justice or truth, but which has the extended meaning of the original and proper moral cosmic orderbased
on the Decalogue or Ten Commandmentsat the time of the creation by the Eternal God the Father. Pharaoh
Akhenaten attempted, during his reign, to revert back to this ancient system of Jubilee. Immediately upon his
death, his enemies spared no effort in destroying all aspects of his work. See the discussion in Tompkins, Peter,
Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper and Row, Publishers, New York, 1971, pp. 336-
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Chapter 15The Discerning of Spirits
and the Showbread

A few paragraphs back I stated that the discerning of spirits is the ability to actually
perceive the distinct parts in another persons five-fold nephesh. Now Im sure that
most people will have difficulty with this concept, but let me assure you that the five-
fold nephesh, or the spirit in man, is not just a theoretical concept but an actual
observed reality in human beings. It is an important reality that has received only
shallow and superficial understanding, especially in religious circles. Perhaps the best
way to explain this matter is to use the terms that psychologists and psychiatrists have
coined to describe the separate parts of our invisible spirit. To do this I have chosen to
employ the branch of psychology known as Transactional Analysis (TA), because this
method of treating spiritual disorders has developed a particularly insightful way of
describing the invisible parts of our nephesh.
Now in taking off on what appears to be a major tangentstay with meI am
painfully aware that religious people will, at first, tend to shun this excursion, because
they have been conditioned by false shepherds to believe that anything to do with
psychology is from satan. But if that describes you, then I ask you not to jump to
conclusions, and to keep reading, because this branch of psychology has developed a
psychic model that is extremely instructive, and therefore very useful! There is much
that religious people can learn from the world of psychology, provided of course they
have honed their senses to sift out the errors of psychology, and there are hordes of
them. So this is also an appeal to the religious mind not to throw the psychological out
the window, just as much as it is an appeal to the psychologist to add religious truth,
especially an understanding of sin, and repentance, to his tool kit.
The key point about Transactional Analysis is that a person has many parts to
his personality, and one part may trick [deceive may be a better word] another just
as he tricks other people in his life. How human beings can fool themselves and others,
sometimes with tragic consequences, and tend to do it over and over again, is
explained by principles of transactional analysis which have gradually evolved by
carefully looking at what people do to other people.
Consider the following scenario
described by John Dusay in Eric Bernes A Laymans Guide To Psychiatry and

It is well known that people speak differently under varying conditions. The
young business executive will speak with one tone of voice when he is making a
report to his manager, another tone of voice when he returns home in the
evening and next morning when, just as he is about to leave for the office, his
three-year old son spills a glass of prune juice on his freshly pressed business
suit. Not only does his tone of voice change in these different experiences but the
look on his face, his feelings, his actions, and his thoughts also change. Careful
observation of patients has led to the discovery that there are three basic ways

Berne, Eric, A Laymans Guide To Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis, Penguin Books, London, 1976, pp. 302-
303. Emphasis added.
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that an individual may exist at any one time. These are called ego states. The ego
state includes the way a person is thinking, feeling, and behaving at any one time.
The three ego states available to any person are called the Parent, the Adult, and
the Child (when written with capital initial, Parent, Adult, and Child refer to ego
states, and when written with small-letter initial, parent, adult, and child refer to
actual persons.). Regardless of how old a person is (except in the case of a very
young infant), he exists in one of the three ego states.

The Parent ego state
is essentially a copy of all the attitudes and behaviours of all
emotionally significant people who have served as parents for the child. Thus its
functions are to believe, protect, control, direct and nurture. Sometimes the
nourishing and loving qualities of the parents are seen in a person who is in the Parent
ego state, and at other times punitive, unfair, prejudiced attitudes of the real parents
may come out. Patients are often surprised when certain attitudes and gestures of their
own are traced back to origins in their parents, especially if they have spent a great
deal of energy in rebelling and separating from their real parents. They overlook many
of their parents basic characteristics which they incorporate, almost habitually, as
their own.
Significantly, the Parent ego state is the transmitter of cultural and
family scripts. It is valuable for the survival of the human race, since it facilitates the
automatic performing of parenting tasks, freeing the Adult ego state to deal with the
weightier problems of existence.

Claude Steiner offers, in his article A Compilation of Core [TA] Concepts, I
believe, an even more insightful description of the nephesh in man, starting with the

The Parent is like a tape recorder. It is a collection of pre-recorded, pre-
judged, prejudiced codes for living. When a person is in the Parent ego state she
thinks, feels and behaves like one of her parents or someone who took their
place. The Parent decides, without reasoning, how to react to situations, what is
good or bad, and how people should live. The Parent judges for or against
and can be controlling or supportive. When the Parent is critical it is called the
Critical Parent. When it is supportive it is called the Nurturing Parent.
One ego state can dominate a person to the exclusion of the other two. An
example of this is the excluding Nurturing or Critical Parent, which happens
when a person is unable to use their Child or Adult. This person is at a great
disadvantage because in order to be a well-functioning human being, the ego
states must be available when needed.
With an excluding Parent as the only functioning ego state a person has to live
without the benefit of his Child or Adult and is therefore cut off from two thirds

Berne, Ibid., p. 303.
An approximation is Freuds Super-ego.
Berne, Ibid., p. 303-304.
James, Muriel, Jongeward, Dorothy, Born To Win: Transactional Analysis With Gestalt Experiments,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Chicago, 1978, p. 127.
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of his human potential.
The Parent uses old tapes to solve problems, and is therefore usually twenty five
years behind the times (though it may be 250 or as much as 2,500 years behind
the times.) and is useful when there is no information available to the Adult, or
no time to use the Adult to think. The Child, on the other hand, will create novel
solutions based on intuition but these solutions may not be as reliable as the fact-
based Adult decisions.

Because the Parent ego state is the part of us that stores our beliefs about life, it is
also the source of our conception of reality or deception, and in the latter case, of our
flights into living in a fantasy world of our own creation. Steiner also makes this very
interesting observation about the Parent ego state:

The Parent [ego state] is often used to solve problems, but it must be
remembered that it bases its decisions on tradition, so it is at least 25 years
behind the timesit may be as much as 250 or 2,500 years behind the times.

The Parent is useful when having to make decisions about which there is no
information to be computed by the Adult, or no time to use the Adult to think; but
its greatest use is the nurturing healing aspect of the person which is its natural
function. The Critical Parent controls others and tries power plays. Most people
with humanistic and democratic [and religious, I might add] convictions shun its
use altogether. When the Child is used for problem solving, it will create novel
solutions based on intuition; but these solutions may not be as reliable as the fact-
based Adult decisions.

Unfortunately the Parent in most people is structured from what they read in
newspapers, and see on television and in film, and what they are taught
in a school
system controlled and administered by the agents of satan on this Earth. This insight
into the Parent ego state prompted Thomas Jefferson to pen the following many years

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads
nothing but newspapers.

Today we would have to update Jefferson's quote to include anyone who gets their
information from organized religion, radio, television, newspapers and magazines.
Anyone who relies on these sources for their information is going to be totally
deceived, and induced into a trance, and that's exactly the intention of the New World

Claude Steiner, A Compilation of Core [TA] Concepts,
Steiner, Claude, Healing Alcoholism: A New, Proven Approach to One of Americas Most Serious Problems,
Grove Press, Ne York, 1979, p. 66.
For example, see our What The Study of History Should Have Been to gain an insight into the mass
deceptions inserted into our unsuspecting Parent ego states.
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Order plan! And when it comes to religious truth the mass Parent ego state on planet
Earth today is certainly 2,000 plus years out of contact with the reality of what is true
ancient Christianity. This has been achieved by teaching lies from the pulpit, and from
the disgraceful behaviour of people who call themselves religious, which has had the
effect of instilling a revolting conception of anything religious in most peoples belief
system. Fortunately, the true religion is anything but revolting, and when you study
the freely available works on our site, you will also gain a good appreciation of this
central fact of ancient Christianity, which is now being restored to the peoples of the

They Will Have Problems with
their Eyes, or One of Them

The priesthood of Melchizedek became one of the most powerful and famous of
its kind. Today the highest level of the Mormon priesthood is called the
Melchizedek Priesthood. When you next come in contact with high level
Mormons, Jehovahs witnesses and Freemasons [or someone who has let satan
into their life], pay great attention to their eyes, those who are most open
to possession by the creature have problems with their eyes or one of their
eyes, some even have a film of translucent skin across one of them, the blacker
they are the greater their possession.

The Adult ego state
is essentially a computer. It thinks, computes and
analyses. It is the part of the individual which is rational and logical and mainly
processes data much like a huge electronic brain; therefore feeling and emotions are
not part of the Adult. The Adult is seen when a scientist presents research data to a
group of colleagues or when a housewife adds up the bank account. This is the part
which does work. The mental process necessary for a carpenter to hammer a nail is
Adult. When he slips and hits his thumb the Adult gives away to another ego state. The
Adult is not always the best ego state to be in, however; at most parties the Adult
would be very boring.

Steiner says of the Adult:

When in the Adult ego state the person functions as a human computer. It
operates on data it collects and stores or uses to make decisions according to a
logic-based program.
When in the Adult ego state the person uses logical thinking to solve problems
making sure that Child or Parent emotions do not contaminate the

From Egypt, available here:
This concept is missing in Freud.
Berne., Op Cit., p. 304.
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process. People may conclude from this that emotions are not good. But it only
means that in order to be rational and logical we need to be able to
separate ourselves from our emotions. It doesn't mean that to be rational and
logical is the best way to be at all times. In fact, just as an excluding Parent makes
for an incomplete human being, so does an excluding Adult have the same
deadening effect on people. People will also object: I am an adult and I have
emotions! and they are right. Being a mature human being or grownup is not the
same as being in the Adult ego state. Little children can be in their Adult and well
adjusted grown-ups use their Parent and Child all the time.
The Adult computes all the facts fed into it. If the facts are up-to-date, then the
Adult's answers will be timely and more effective than the Parent's solution. If
the facts are incorrect, the Adult computer will produce incorrect answers. A very
important function of the Adult is to predict outcomes and to provide a fact-
based critique of the effectiveness of people's behavior in the pursuit of their
chosen goals. This fact-based, critical function is different from the value-based
function of the Critical Parent.
Sometimes the Adult uses information which has its source in the Child or in the
Parent and which may be incorrect. This is known as contamination. When a
contamination comes from the Parent it is called a prejudice. For instance when
someone assumes that women prefer to follow a man's lead instead of making
their own decisions this is data which comes to the Adult the from the Parent,
and is a contamination because it is accepted as a fact without checking it against
The same unchecked acceptance of information can occur with information fed
by the Child in which case it is called delusion. A delusion is usually based on a
Child fear or hope that is accepted as reality by the Adult. For instance when a
person is convinced that he is being poisoned by the government this is probably
based on his Child's fears which the Adult accepts, rather than on fact. An
extremely important process in transactional analysis is decontamination of the

Steiner makes these additional important observations about the Adult ego state:

The Adult [ego state] has no emotions of its own. People who think that the Adult
is supposed to be the best ego state may conclude that emotions are no good. But
it means only that in order to operate logically, we need to be able to keep our
emotions submerged. This does not mean that emotions are ignoredin fact, they
are important data when solving problems. It only means that emotions do not
enter into the logical program of our [Adult] biocomputer. When they do, the
answers lose their objectivity.

Steiner, op cit.
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This doesnt mean that being logical is the best way to be at all times. In fact, just
as Mr. Peakes excluding Parent makes him an incomplete human being, so does
an excluding Adult have the same deadening effect on people. People also say, I
am an adult and I have emotions! And they are right. Being a mature human
being or grown-up is not the same as being in the Adult ego state. Little children
can be in their Adults, and happy grown-ups use their Parent and Child a lot.

The Adult computes all the facts fed into it. If the facts are up-to-date, then the
Adults answers will be timely and superior tom the Parents solution. If the facts
are incorrect, the adult computer will produce incorrect answers. Sometimes the
Adult stores data which has its source in the Child or in the Parent and which
may be incorrect. This is known as contamination. When contamination comes
from the Parent, it is called prejudice.

For example, Dr Gizeh is an Egyptologist who teaches the view of the ancient
Egyptians being a primitive race, and not at all capable of the wondrous art and
wisdom ascribed to them by many investigators. Every time he comes across evidence
and research findings that portray the ancient Egyptians in their true brilliant light, he
automatically dismisses it all, and clings to his own beliefs that deny the true nature of
this ancient people. This false information comes to Dr Gizehs Adult from his Parent,
and is a contamination because he has accepted it as fact without checking it out
against reality.

The same unchecked acceptance of data can occur with information fed by the
Child, in which case it is called a delusion. A delusion is usually based on the
Childs fear or hope. For example, Sunny Kutlo was afraid of men. She was often
sure they called her cheap behind her back. She decontaminated her Adult by
checking why men looked at her and found that men looked at her because she
was very beautiful, rather than cheap-looking.

The Child ego state feels, wants, demands, plays, adapts, and fights. The Child ego
state is that part of the personality which is preserved from actual childhood. Children
can be naughty (children are born frank and free. Early transactions with their parents
shape the personalities of older children.) or nice, very happy or very sad, stubborn or
flexible, and any person, regardless of his chronological age, may have the same
feelings, thoughts, and behaviours that he once did as a child. Children have the ability
to see through needless or absurd social conventions (Parent) and dont like to take
time to figure out everything logically (Adult). There is a spontaneous, creative,
intuitive quality to the Child ego state. Older people (more than three years of age)
who are intuitive are experiencing childlike qualities; for example, a child will stare at
any part of a persons body that interests him, while the parents will discourage this

Steiner, Claude, Healing Alcoholism: A New, Proven Approach to One of Americas Most Serious Problems,
Grove Press, Ne York, 1979, p. 66-67.
Steiner, Ibid., p. 67.
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type of behaviour. Seeing new or interesting things, the individual is more like a child
and less like a parent. The intuitive person is said to be Child and not Parent. Children
also seem to have all the fun, and people who habitually enjoy themselves have a very
active Child ego state.

The Child ego state divides into three discernable parts, giving us the five-fold
nephesh. TA calls these three parts the Natural Child,
the Little Professor, and the
Adapted Child (also known as the Pig Parents, the Witch or Ogre). The Natural Child
is that part of the Child ego state that is the very young, impulsive, untrained,
expressive infant still inside each person. It is often like a self-centered, pleasure-
loving baby whose response is cozy affection when needs are met or angry rebellion
when they are not met.
Here is Steiners description of the Child:

When we are in the Child ego state we act like the child we once were. We aren't
just putting on an act; we think, feel, see, hear and react as a three or five or eight
year old child. The ego states are fully experienced states of being, not just roles.
When the Child is hateful or loving, impulsive, spontaneous or playful it is called
the Natural Child. When it is thoughtful, creative or imaginative it is called the
Little Professor. When it is fearful, guilty or ashamed it is called the Adapted
Child. The Child has all the feelings; fear, love, anger, joy, sadness, shame and
so on. The Child is often blamed for being the source of people's troubles because
it is self-centered, emotional, powerful and resists the suppression that comes
with growing up.
In transactional analysis (TA) the Child is seen as the source of creativity,
recreation and procreation; the only source of renewal in life. The Child can
be observed in children for extended periods of time, but also in grownups in
situations where people have permission to let the Child out, like at sport events
or parties. The Child will appear for short periods of time in other situations,
such as board meetings, classrooms or serious discussions where it may not be
desired at all. In its most undesirable form it completely dominates a person's
life, as in the cases of persons who are severely emotionally disturbed whose
confused, depressed, crazy or addicted Child will drive them to virtual self-
destruction with out-of-control behavior. The Child may also appear for long
periods of time in the form of depression or grief, as in the case of people who
have incurred a great loss.

Notice Steiner slips in this bombshell In transactional analysis (TA) the Child is
seen as the source of creativity, recreation and procreation; the only source of renewal
in life. They completely deny the power and influence of the demonic (explaining the
true source of evil) and the divine (the only source of goodness and purity), and
because of this, they will never bring mankind to the purification required for man to

Berne, Ibid., p. 304.
Freuds Id.
Steiner, op cit.
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realise his destiny. Thus the power of the Birthright Holy Spirit, during the monthly
New Moon festivals, is completely lost on them. Similarly, they can hold no joy
because the even more powerful Sceptre Holy Spirit does not even exist for people with
this destructive mindset.
Steiner concludes this useful article with another delusion from the modern Adult
that TA promotes:

Since people are born OK it stands to reason that with competent help they can
return to their original OK position. The capacity to be OK is waiting in every person
ready to be released from the prohibitions of the script. Transactional analysts know
that by making clear, goal oriented therapeutic contracts, effectively analyzing
people's transactions and powerfully giving people permission to change
and protecting them from their fears, it is possible for everyone to have a chance to
become happy, loving and productive.

Not all people are born OK, but in the depths of the time of the month that stands
under the sway of Satan, as I explain in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two
Speaking of the Child ego state, the apostle Paul definitely had this part of our
nephesh in mind when he penned the following: "When I was a child, I spake as a
child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put
away childish things." (1 Corinthians 13: 9)
The Little Professor is the unschooled wisdom of a child. It is that part of the Chid
ego state that is intuitive, responding to non-verbal messages and playing hunches.
With it, a child figures things out, things such as when to cry, when to be quiet, and
how to manipulate mama into smiling. The Little Professor is also highly creative.
The Adapted Child
is that part of the Child ego state that exhibits a modification
of the Natural Childs inclinations. These adaptations of natural impulses occur in
response to trauma, experiences, training, and, most importantly, to demands from
significant authority figures. For example, a child is naturally programmed to eat when
hungry. Shortly after birth, however, this natural urge may be adapted, so that the
childs eating schedule is determined by the childs parents. A child would also do and
take whats wanted naturally on impulse, but may be adapted to share and to be
courteous towards others in ways determined by parents.

Figure 20a
shows the five-fold aspect of the nephesh, which TA calls the ego
states: the Parent, the Adult, and the Child (which is further subdivided into Adapted
Child, Little Professor and Free Child), which is shown in Figure 20b. On the left-hand
side of the diagram, the spirit in man is shown and is numbered 1 to 5, and labelled
The Spirit (Nephesh) in Man. Genesis 2:7 clearly shows that God made man from the
dust of the earth, and these particles, therefore, make up the material part of man.

Steiner, op cit.
Freuds Ego.
James and Jongeward, Op Cit., pp. 139-140.
A repeat of Figure 11.3
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Then God breathed the breath of life into Adam. This breath of life is then the
immaterial or spiritual part of man. It is this nephesh
in man, or TAs ego states
(shown on the right-hand side as Figure 20b), and this is something that the churches
have only superficially understood, to everyones detriment.

Figure 20a: According To The Symbolism of the
Five Showbread Loaves
Figure 20b: The Spirit in Man, According To
Transactional Analysis

Figure 20c below is a copy of Figure 2A and 2B of the finer points of whats called
Structural Analysis, in TA, and is from Steiners classic book on healing alcoholism,
Healing Alcoholism: A New, Proven Approach to One of America's Most Serious

The word nephesh occurs 754 times in the Hebrew Old Testament. ... In the Authorized Version and Revised
Version it is translated "soul" 472 times, while in the other 282 places it is represented by forty-four different
words of phrases. In fifty-three of these places there is a
marginal rendering which calls attention to the fact that the word is "nephesh", while in 229 passages the English
reader has hitherto been left in ignorance of the fact. The English word "soul" is in every occurrence the
rendering of the Hebrew nephesh, except in Job 30:15 and Isaiah 57:16.
It will be seen that the word "soul", in its theological sense, does not cover all the ground, or properly represent
the Hebrew word "nephesh". The English word "soul" is from the Latin solus = alone or sole, because the
maintenance of man as a living organism, and all that affects his
health and well-being, is the one sole or main thing in common with every living thing which the LORD God has
made. The correct Latin word for the theological term "soul" (or nephesh) is anima; and this is from the Greek
anemos = air or breath, because it is this which keeps the whole in life and in being. From The Companion
Bible, Appendix 11.
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Figure 20c: Second Order Structural analysis in Transactional Analysis,
from Claude Steiner.
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Optimally, ego states do not function in isolation, just as a car stuck in first gear
would not get us very far. Certainly, many activities require the functions of just one of
the ego states. For example, writing out cheques (in Adult), riding a roller coaster (in
Child), or kissing it better (in Parent). Most situations in life require the functioning
of more than one ego state. Thus the three ego states, ideally, should participate in the
healthy functioning of a free mature person.
Of course this is not encouraged in
tyrannical organizations, and especially in many of the churches of God. Thus Parent
and Adult collaborate to form judgments, while the Adult and Child find and choose
between alternatives, and Parent and Child form compromises. Thus, we need to have
all three ego states readily available in order to function adequately in everyday life.
However, these days, and as Christ pointed out, many many people are far more likely
to stay in Childwhose specialty is playing and fightingthan any of the other ego
states: "And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation?
and to what are they like? They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and
calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced;
we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept." (Luke 7: 31-32)

Figure 21: The five giant granite blocks over the
Kings Chamber symbolising the fivefold nephesh in
Man, and all under the covering of the limestone
crowning gable.

It is my firm opinion that many
aspects of TA should be taught and
understood in the church, because
TA provides such valuable spiritual
insights that are next to impossible
to get anywhere else. My intention is
to show that TA offers an insight
the ego statesthat is useful in
understanding the nephesh in man,
and that in itself helps to understand
much of the Scriptures. TA is not a
replacement for any aspect of a
belief in God and His Eternal Law,
purpose, or anything else, but
anyone treading this ground should
be aware of certain highly
significant problems with TA:

In Transactional Analysis this concept is known as the trilog. I believe that it is this full-spectrum functioning
that the term the soul is the best descriptor.
From Lemesurier, Peter, The Great Pyramid Decoded, Element Books, Brisbane, 1996, p. 130. I agree with
Peter Lemesuriers observation that the granite symbolizes spirit (and only spirit can symbolically contain
spirit, as he points out), but I also believe that the granite plugs, at the beginning of the Ascending Passage,
actually symbolize the veil that has been deliberately put in place over mens eyes, as the scriptures proclaim.
The limestone represents the physical in man. In Figure 21, crossed lines indicate granite; single lines limestone.
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That there is a power far greater than we realize, and this power is the Great
Creator of us all, which TA totally ignores, preferring to teach the very
unenlightened gospel of self-esteem via its Im OK Youre OK mantra, and its

Consequently this great power is never thanked, never consulted, and treated as a
total outsider in the grand scheme of thingmeaning that for just about the whole
of the human race, He doesnt exist! And forget about this Great Beings Divine
Commands, especially the First and Second Commandments!

Which means to say that we are conned into thinking, believing and acting as if we
are totally alone and independent of His conditional love and great help;

Conversely TA laughs
at the punishments and provisions that the Eternal Creator
has put in place to protect his Laws from being broken. For example, in days gone
by, and not so long ago either, the very idea of the bastard curse
kept many a
marriage from going on the rocks, which is exactly its purpose. Today people have
no concept of just what that curse is, or how its effects last for ten generations! We
deal with the bastard curse in Section 3, The Shocking Suppressed Truth About
Love, Sex and Marriage, of our How Families Flourish, freely available here:

This Great Powers principles of livingthe Ten Commandments, the New Moon
Festivals and their meaning and wise observance, the keeping of the Feasts and
Holy Days, and the Judgments of the Fallare totally ignored by most; this means
that sin isnt really seen as the central problem, and instead the conditions in people
that sin produces, are redefined as all kinds of disorders, diseases and complexes,
which psychology claims they can heal. For example, the condition that is often
labelled as ambulatory schizophrenia is none other than that old dragonsloth,
and a few other problems tossed inwhich is a serious violation of one of the
commandmentsdressed up in new regalia, and which doesnt address the core
problem. However, the true religion insists, and rightly so, that sin can only be
overcome through genuine repentance, baptism, following upon doing deeds of
repentance, combined with the strict observance of the Jubilee System (i.e. keeping

It would be more correct to say that most people involved with TA have never even heard of the bastard curse,
such is the success of the suppression of this vital information in this world.
Deuteronomy 23: 2 clearly informs us that A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even
to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. This Law has never been
rescinded, and the Book of Revelations tells us quite clearly that only when the plan of salvation is complete,
then and only then, will there be no more curse: And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal,
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the
river, [was there] the tree of life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits [Nazarene Remnant comment: This is a
direct reference to the Birthright Holy Spirit], [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree
[were] for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the
Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name [shall be] in their
foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God
giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. (Revelation 22: 1-5)
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the intend and spirit of the monthly New Moon Festivals). The Christian road-map
to living, the true road-map, is much more potent and meaningful than anything
human psychology could contrive.

In TA there is no place for an external origin of a spiritual ripening process
coming from a great and benevolent, yet demanding, Godsince this branch of
psychology, like all psychology, insists that wethe human raceis all that there is,
and we had better learn to accept that and get on with life the best way we can! The
result is that the greatest Helper knownand the only cure for the Fallen human
spiritis bypassed in favour of our impotent selves, and our human teachings!

All of this ultimately adds up to this: meaninglessness, and the only help available
for us comes from gurus as provided by TA, or any other similar humanistic
approach. And you know the Scripture about the consequences of the blind leading
the blind!

TA does not understand the nature of the thinking heartwhich we will briefly
explore in the next sectionwhich is a major deficit. If you read the Scriptures
youll frequently come across the truth that the heart is much more than a pump,
that in fact it is the seat of a compassionate intelligence, one that the hardened
intelligence of efficiency, productivity, and the money approach to everything
(represented by the Adult of TA)the modern approachis the only way to reckon
reality. Thankfully there are some people who seems to be helping science catch up
on this ancient knowledge, and its long overdue!
This is something that the
ancients clearly understood, and it is something that needs very careful attention,
especially in regards to modern Western mans inhumanity to his fellow man,
which again is a reflection of the heart made of stone.

Of course I could go on for quite some time in this vein, but thats not the intention.
Just one final point. Psychology, especially its highly self-centred philosophy,
powerfully trends to make people think they are demi-gods, especially through the
teaching of self-esteem, and positive thinking, which leads to very serious problems,
which Ben Williams sums up in the following way

Indulgence is the thing. When man is empowered with the feeling of impunity;
when he sees himself above judgment, he can eliminate guilt. Do away with
conscience and the law is fatally wounded. Just excuse yourself with an
indulgence. Sin (crime) is no problem when you are your own judge and the only
one to whom you must answer. It is a great relief, to a sinner, to alleviate from his
life the existence of Yahweh. I'm OK; you're OK. What's wrong for you may not
be wrong for me. What's right today may not be right tomorrow. Are there any
standards in today's society which do not change? Man, as lawmaker, has created
In the '50's and '60's we often heard the term "situation ethics" to describe the
lawless mentality. With the further decline of morality over the past four decades,

For example, see Paul Pearsalls The Hearts Code, Bantam Books, Sydney, 1999.
Aka the reptilian brain!
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society has dropped the use of that term. Sadly, the current generation no longer
has the ability to relate to the inherent ugliness inferred by the term only four
decades ago. Following this pattern, the term Humanism has also lost its
inherent ugliness.
It seems that modern man thinks he has finally come into his own. Now, in
this age of discovery, man has freed himself of God, unplugged his conscience, and
discovered he can do whatever he wants. He can change the rules if he wants. He
can partake of the forbidden fruit with no recrimination. He can sin and call it
creativity and freedom ... even grace. Has he come a long way? Not really. In
truth he is right back to the scenario of Genesis 3:5. Some things just don't change.
Idioms of our culture are obvious. Self-assertiveness, self-awareness, self-
adjustment, self-actualization, self, self, self! Sort of self-explanatory aren't
they? It all means self-worship! It all points to the deification of the spirit of man,
and the rejection of Yahweh and his law.
Thus, the spirit of man is the spirit of lawlessness. It is true anarchy,
and is the natural result of self-worship. Anarchy (rejection of God) starts in
childhood and develops through church and public school teachings. It finds its
home environment in modern society's commerce and entertainment. It's
ultimate pinnacle is reached in Washington D.C., where anarchy is officially
established as the Beast who disguises itself as a lamb, but speaks as a dragon
(Rev. 13:11). The mystery of lawlessness begins in the heart of a child, and
matures into the spirit of American Self-Power ... whose image stands in every
legislature or state house.
The irony of it is that this same Beast which is the epitome of anarchy, and
lawlessness has itself become the American symbol of law and order.

Williams, Ben, Antinomianism: The Spirit of Lawlessness, emphasis added. Reprinted from The American
Christian, March-April Issue, 1997. The American Christian is published by American Christian Ministries, P.O.
Box 740, Grangeville, ID 83530
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Figure 21a: Symbols of the Elect Female and Elect Male
in the Great Pyramid at Giza

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Chapter 16The Thinking Heart

A few weeks ago I came across this article, called Thinking Heart, in a newspaper
clipping that a friend gave me. The article was written by Amanda Gore:

New Research shows the heart is an intelligent organ.

Last week I had the great fortune to hear Hawaiian-based Dr Paul Pearsall speak at
a conference in New Zealand. Not only was he a powerful speaker, but he also had a
spectacular message. You are about to read some mind-blowing informationnot
due to be released (in his book The Hearts Code) until next month. It may change
the way you look at, and feel in, the world. Dr Pearsall is a heart transplant specialist
and scientist who has for decades been working with leading American University
research organisations investigating the workings of the heart. It seems we have
grossly underestimated the hearts ability to think and its effect on our whole body.
The following stories are a small sample of what is outlined in detail in his bookand
for cynics, they are backed up by serious scientific data.
First, the story of a nine-year old who received the heart of an eight-year old
girl who was murdered. The nine-year old, from the day of the transplant, started
having recurring nightmares of being murdered. Not only were these vivid enough
for her to accurately describe the murderer, she also knew his name. The man, after
investigation, was subsequently convicted of the crime.
Or the married coupleboth doctorswho were driving home from dinner.
They were in the middle of an angry argument when the car crashed and he was
killed. Two years later, the wife was still distraught, and asked to meet the recipient
of her husbands heart.
A non-English-speaking Spanish boy (the recipient) and his mother met the
doctors wife, who asked if she could touch the boys chest. As she did, she began
sobbing, asking her husbands forgiveness and repeating a word the two of them had
invented to symbolise the end of a fight. The word was copathetic. The mother of the
boy was translating these words and at the end of the outpouring of grief, he asked
his mother, what does that word copathetic mean? I have been saying it for the last
two years.
Then there was the scenario of when Dr Pearsall arrived in Auckland. He
received a phone call from a doctor at the leading hospital asking for advice about a
transplant patient who was dying and covered in hives. They were bewildered by his
condition. Dr Pearsall asked if the patient was allergic to anything, to which
the answer was no. He suggested checking if the donor had any allergies. Yesto
penicillin, and his reaction was to break out into hives.
Dr Pearsall then asked about the colour of the recipients eyes. They were blue
the same colour as the donor. But before the operation they were brown. Apparently
it is very common for recipients to immediately adopt the same allergies, food
cravings, memories and eye colour as the donor. In Dr Pearsalls opinion we have
overestimated the role of the brain in thinking. He believes that our mind is in our
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hearts and bodies: our feelings are more crucial to our state of health than we ever
though possible.
We need to stop the rushing, achieving, and drive to succeed (the brains doing)
and stop and tune in to our hearts; we need to pay attention before we damage our
hearts beyond repair.

Carl Jung, the great Swiss psychologist also struggled with the idea of the
thinking heart. In his book Memories, Dreams, Reflections, he records the following
conversation he had with a Pueblos Indian man:

When I contemplated for the first time the European spectacle from the Sahara,
surrounded by a civilisation which has more or less the same relationship to ours as
Roman antiquity has to modern times, I became aware of how completely, even in
America, I was still caught up and imprisoned in the cultural consciousness of the
white man. The desire then grew in me to carry the historical comparisons still
farther by descending to a still lower cultural level.
On my next trip to the United States I went with a group of American friends to
visit the Indians of New Mexico, the city-building Pueblos. City, however, is too
strong a word. What they build are in reality only villages; but their crowded houses
piled one atop the other suggest the word city, as do their language and their whole
manner. There for the first time I had the good fortune to talk with a non-European,
that is, to a non-white. He was chief of the Taos Pueblos, an intelligent man between
the ages of forty and fifty. His name was Ochwiay Biano (Mountain Lake). I was able
to talk with him as I have rarely been able to talk with a European. To be sure, he
was caught up in his world just as much as a European is in his, but what a world it
was! In talk with a European, one is constantly running up on the sand bars of things
long known but never understood; with this Indian, the vessel floated freely on deep,
alien seas. At the same time, one never knows which is more enjoyable: catching
sight of new shores, or discovering new approaches to age-old knowledge that has
been almost forgotten.
See, Ochwiay Biano said, how cruel the whites look. Their lips are thin, their
noses sharp, their faces furrowed and distorted by folds. Their eyes have a staring
expression; they are always seeking something. What are they seeking? The whites
always want something; they are always uneasy and restless. We do not know what
they want. We do not understand them. We think that they are mad.
I asked him why he thought the whites were all mad.
They say they think with their heads, he replied.
Why of course. What do you think with? I asked him in surprise.
We think here, he said, indicating his heart.
I fell into a long meditation. For the first time in my life, so it seemed to me,
someone had drawn for me a picture of the real white man. It was as though until
now I had seen nothing but sentimental, prettified colour prints. This Indian had
struck our vulnerable spot, unveiled a truth to which we are blind. I felt rising within

No publishing details available, but the book should be easily tracked down using a Google search.
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me like a shapeless mist something unknown and yet deeply familiar. And out of this
mist, image upon image detached itself: the first Roman legions smashing into the
cities of Gaul, and the keenly incised features of Julius Caesar, Scipio Africanus, and
Pompey. I saw the Roman eagle on the North Sea and on the banks of the White Nile.
Then I saw St. Augustine transmitting the Christian creed to the Britons on the tips of
the Roman lances , and Charlemagnes most glorious forced conversions of the
heathen; then the pillaging and murdering bands of the Crusading armies. With a
secret stab I realised the hollowness of that old romanticism about the Crusaders.
Then followed Columbus, Cortes, and the other conquistadors who with fire, sword,
torture, and Christianity came down upon even these remote Pueblos dreaming
peacefully in the Sun, their Father. I saw, too, the peoples of the Pacific islands
decimated by firewater, syphilis, and scarlet fever carried in the clothes the
missionaries forced on them.
It was enough. What we from our point of view call colonisation, missions to the
heathen, spread of civilisation, etc., has another facethe face of a bird of prey
seeking with cruel intentness for distant quarrya face worthy of a race of pirates
and highwaymen. All the eagles and other predatory creatures that adorn our coat of
arms seem to me apt psychological representatives of our true nature.

Figure 22: A scene from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, showing the
weighing of the heart and the presentation of a worthy soul at the
court of Osiris. Thoth records the outcome on his palette.

As Paul Pearsall teaches and recommends, learn to tell the difference between
your brains natural way of working (self-centred, controlling and reactive), and your
heart great wisdom, and start having a heart in everything you do.

Jung, C G, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, recorded and edited by Aniela Jaff, translated from the German
by Richard and Clara Winson, Flamingo by Fontana Paperbacks, London, 1983, pp. 275-277.
Source: Bauval, Robert, Gilbert, Adrian, The Orion Mystery: Unlocking The Secrets Of The Pyramid,
Mandarin Paperbacks, London, 1997, p. 97.
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The 1,000 heart patient sample who took the Heart Energy Amplitude
Recognition Test averaged a total score of 66. By contrast, a 200-person sample of
Polynesians to whom I gave this test during a lecture tour through the islands of the
Pacific averaged 8. When I announce my test results at meetings, someone always
complains that the scoring system is unrealistic. One person said, No one could
possibly score below 21 on your test. They wouldnt be normal if they did and
Polynesians dont drive or have elevatorsthey arent living in the modern world
with all its stress. My response is always, Thats exactly my point. What we have
come to accept as normal life energy in our daily life is evidence of the brains
constant abuse of its body and heart. Normalcy is now the major risk of our health.
the degree of difference in these two average scores from a Western and
Polynesian group is interesting in terms of the energy ecology of island as opposed to
continental, life. Living in Hawaii, I have found that the Oceanic way of life and its
close connection with the energy of nature, reliance on ancient healing energy
models, high degree of emphasis on the family, and view of the heart and not the
brain as the center of a very relaxed state of consciousness may account for the lower
Polynesian score.
Even though the brain sees the universe as a powerful and unfriendly place
with which it must struggle to maintain some semblance of control in order to avoid
being its victim, it is convinced it can get its piece of the pie by outworking other
brains. It thinks that, with enough effort, clever maneuvering to take advantage of
others, and sacrifice of those aspects of life the heart so longs for, it
can keep itself alive. Many self=help books are written in the brains code. They
contain instructions for being all you can be, avoiding the errors of dysfunctionality,
doing all you can do; and winningno matter that every victory requires another
persons loss.
A self-help book written in the hearts code would be more of an us help book
and would provide four essential health warnings. Dont abuse your heart by
allowing your brain to physically harm it by exposing it to constant stress and
straining towards self-fulfillment. Dont exploit your heart by allowing your brain to
misappropriate its miraculous energy for selfish purpose. Dont deprive your heart
by allowing your brains innate selfishness to distance you from the hearts of others.
Finally, dont neglect your heart by allowing your brain to be so busily and reactively
consumed with trying to stay alive that it forgets to allow time for your heart to
proactively reflect on what purposes you chose for your living.
Many so-called self-help books offer individual strategies for escaping denial,
freeing and expressing the self, and progressing into a perpetual state of recovery.
Heart-coded us-help books would be more likely to teach that you should always try
to be at least a little less than you can be, try to collaborate more than compete, and
pay more attention to your loving cellular memories stored within you in the form of
a mature inner elder than you do in finding and indulging the often socially
immature and narcissistic brain, that whining inner child. Heart-coded books would
be more likely to emphasize that, no matter how positive your attitude and how hard
your brain makes you work, there are some
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things you can never achieve. Moreover, most achievements require you to have
intimate and mutually dependent connections with others. Heart-coded books are
more likely to ask readers to consider entirely new ways of understanding their own
responsibilities, limitations, and emotional impacts on others than to offer a new
technique for more self-actualization. Books written from the perspective of the
hearts code more likely be in the tradition of Franz Kafkas description of a book as
an axe for the frozen sea within us, while brain-coded books may be more likely to
teach us how to spiritually ice-skate.
The heart knows that success cannot be pursued but must ensue as a result of a
more gentle, balanced, connected, and loving orientation to the world.

Quotes from The Hearts Code:
Tapping The Wisdom and Power
of Our Heart Energy

The author defines the hearts code this way: The subtle info-energetic
(L energy) signals from the heart that contain encoded memories of
each persons cells and heart, and of all peoples cells and hearts.

Our ancestors knew that the heart had energya powerful energyand
that it conveyed deep wisdom. However, as the human species
developed its brain, it began to lose sight of its heart. At this point in
history as we venture into space, create global communications, and
invent all sorts of technological tools and toys, we are poised to destroy
ourselves, our children, and everything around us. Have we simply lost
our minds, or have we lost something deeper? Have we lost our

These paragraphs highlight Paul Pearsalls growing awareness that our
hearts not only loves and feels, which we all know, but it also thinks,
remembers, communicates with other hearts, helps regulate immunity,
and stores information that continually pulses through our bodies

Like a babys frustrated cry as it tries to express its needs without
words, my heart sobbed in a primal language that can be understood
only when we allow our heart to enter into constant dialogue between
our brain and its body and when we become sensitive to a much subtler
energy than the brain is used to processing. Until it has to attack us to
get our attention, our heart has a very delicate way in which it tries to

Pearsall, Paul, The Hearts Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy, Bantam Books,
Sydney, 1999, p. 32.
The Hearts Code, p. 232.
Ibid., p. ix
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get our attention, and to hear it we must focus on our chest and not our

I have little doubt that the heart is the major energy center of my
body and a conveyor of a code that represents my soul.

Science has recently discovered three startling new possibilities
regarding how we think, feel, love, heal, and find meaning in our life.
This research suggests that the heart thinks, cells remember, and that
both of these processes are related to an as yet mysterious, extremely
powerful, but very subtle energy with properties unlike any other known
force. If the preliminary insights regarding these prospects continue to
be verified, science may be taking the first tentative steps to

understanding more about what shamans, kahuna, priests, spiritual
leaders, and healers from ancient traditional medicines have been
teaching about for centuriesthe energy of the human spirit and the
coded information that is the human soul. The hearts code is
recorded and remembered in every cell in the body as an informational
template of the soul, constantly resonating within and from us, sent
forth from our heart.

The brain is self-protective and territorial. Its code is I, me, mine.
[and] has an evolutionary bias towards pessimism. The energy that
attracts and comes from the brain seems to be a darker, ready-to-fight,
more negative energy than that of the heart.

Because we tend to be so cerebral-centric and driven by the brains
constant search for the negative, we gawk at an auto crash, race to
witness a disaster in progress, and are drawn to television shows that
show real life crises. Even though it may break our heart, our brain
seems to seek the sad and terrible. While the brain may consider
sameness boring and predictability dull, the heart is constantly on the
lookout for the wonderfully simple pleasures of life.

The brain is expert at enhancing the self [and taking] precedence
over regard for the welfare of others. you can see its results all around

Ibid., p. 2.
Ibid., p. 40.
Ibid., pp. 4-5.
Ibid., pp. 25-26.
Ibid., p. 27.
Ibid., p. 27.
Ibid., p. 27., emphasis added.
Ibid., pp. 227-228.
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you an increasingly heartless world of alienation, disconnection,
depression, failed and often abusive relationships, violence,
discrimination, sexual harassment, environmental pollution, and an
accelerating life pace that leaves us too busy trying to stay alive at have
the time to reflect on the joy of being alive.

Putting the heart back into our life can not only help save and prolong
our life but make our life and all of the life around us more hardyand

heartyfor everyone and everything.

The brain is more protectively reptilian, paleomammalian, and
immaturely emotional than it is reflective, considerate, and patient.

healing is a matter of the heart, not the head. It is realizing what
my mother told me when I was a little boy. When my grandfather died
and we were all crying, I asked her if everyone had to get old. Her
answer left a cellular memory in my heart that is being recovered and
sent with this book. She said, The body gets old, but never your mind.

Even if the brain seems to fail and the body gets weak, the heart stays
strong and its energy is forever. In the central place of every heart, there
is a recording and sending chamber; so long as you see to it that your
heart keeps sending loving signals to other hearts even when you are
sad, your heart will get loving signals back. If what you sent was
beautiful, cheerful, hopeful, and caring, that is what your heart will
eventually receive, and no matter what happens in your brain or your
body, who you are and have been to others will make you forever young
at heart.

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Chapter 17Putting Away Childish Things

When many people first learn that giving up the way of the child is part of the
process of spiritual growth, they usually twist and squirm and generally act up in all
manner of childish ways, trying to deny that such a need is really necessary.
Unfortunately, it is a belief in the general population that as a person entered
adulthood his childish behaviour patterns gradually fell away, to be replaced with new
and more mature adult patterns. However this is far from true! There are many people
in the world who are chronological adults but who are in reality still very much highly
emotional children. As the author of Putting Away Childish Things, David A
Seamands, says, Their quantity of birthdays may reveal their age in life, but their
quality of behaviour reveals their stage in lifechildhood.

The Apostle Paul expressed this need, the need to give up the emotional habits of
the child, and he used the Greek word katargeo. He said we are to katargeo
childish behaviour patterns and attitudes that are keeping us from reaching spiritual
maturity. This Greek word means to put away, to render inoperative, inactive; to
cause a person to be free from something that has been binding him. Our model, he
taught, was Christ: "But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things,
which is the head, [even] Christ ..." (Ephesians 4: 15).
The Apostle Paul described his own spiritual growth path when he said: When I
was a little child I talked and felt and thought like a little child. Now that I am a man,
my childish speech and feelings and thought have no further significance for me (1
Corinthians 13: 11, Phillips). Ive given up the ways of a child (Berk). Katargeo is a
strong verb. And putting it into practice requires great effort and
struggle if we are to emerge from the fight victorious and grown-up. Childish things
dont simply fall away by themselves as dead leaves fall from a tree. We have to put
them away, katargeo them, and be finished with childish things (New English

For some people, giving up the ways of the child seems like a more difficult task
than they can handle. In fact, they openly rebel against the very thought. In essence,
giving up the ways of a child means giving up, or at least reducing and/or moderating,
the emotional side of our spiritwhich specializes in playing and fighting, amongst
other thingsin favour of the rational part. A good example of the problem faced by
those people who seem to spend more effort thinking up arguments against rationality
than at experimentally trying to apply it to their lives, is given by authors Albert Ellis
and Robert A Harper:

One of my (R.A.HS) clients, Ronald, kept resisting my rational approach to
his severe problem of anxiety and compulsive eating and frankly admitted his
Do you fear, I asked, that if you reconstruct your life along the ways we
have discussed, you will be a kind of rational machine-monster?

Seamands, David A, Putting Away Childish Things, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1986, preface.
Seamands, Ibid., preface.
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Well, in a sense, yes, the client replied.
All right. Now lets look at your fear of acting machine-like as a result of
therapy, just as we would examine any of your other anxieties. Do you have any
facts that support this fear? Name a person you know who seems so rational that
he doesnt appear to enjoy life and acts like a logical machine, as you have
Well, I dont know, exactly. But I must admit that at times you seem a bit,
you know, that way yourself. You do seem awfully efficient. And you rarely get
upset about things. Even when I break down and cry or rant, it doesnt seem to
affect you. And that seems stranger and, well, maybe a bit heartless to me.
And that shows that I am coldly and dreadfully incapable of enjoying life, or
of feeling happy?
Not exactly. But I fear that I might lose my capacity for joy if I act as calmly
and objectively as you do.
Ah, quite a different thing! Here you feel almost as miserable as you can,
because of your extreme anxiety and compulsiveness. And, as you just described
me, I almost never upset myself about things. Obviously, if your description of
me holds true, I dont feel very unhappy. And yet you fear that if you achieve
calmness, like me, you will be unhappy, or at least lose the capacity for joy.
Yes. Somehow I feel that way.
You mean, really, you believe that way. But I still ask: What evidence do you
have for your belief? Have you experimentally tried, even for a few days or weeks,
acting as calmly as I? Have you, in the course of such a trial, proven to your own
satisfactionor shall we say, your own dissatisfactionthat you then feel worse,
more unhappy, than you feel now?
No, I cant say I have.
Then why dont you, quite experimentally, try? After all, you can always
return to your present depressed state, you now, if this kind of honest trial fails.
If, somehow, you try behaving more rationally and start turning into a computer-
like zombie, you can always return to whatever degree of irrationality you care to

get back into your life. You sign no contract to continue behaving in a cold and
dull rational manner, if your experiment in logical thinking actually starts
turning out that way. So far as I can see, however, because you havent tried
rationality yet, and because you feel distinctly miserable living your present
irrational way, you keep setting up a bogeyman as an excuse against the dangers
of changing yourself.
You mean people like me so greatly fear changing their ways that they
dream up exaggerated and false objections to doing so?
Precisely. Without even trying a new path, you set up so many fanciful
objections to it that you never give yourself a chance to learn whether it would be
So you think that my disturbance, right now, consists of not so much of my
acting irrationally, but of my refusing to even try rationality and then insisting

Ellis, Albert, Harper, Robert A, A Guide To Rational Living, Third Edition, Melvin Powers Wilshire Book
Company, Hollywood, California, 1997, pp. 82-85.
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that, if I did try it, it would make me into a mechanical, unemotional zombie.
Exactly. Why dont you try it and see?
Ronald did try working against his compulsive eating and questioning the
irrational beliefs leading to his crippling anxieties. Several weeks later, after
making considerable progress, he enthusiastically reported:
Not only have I stopped eating when I dont feel hungry, as I did when I
came to see you, but Ive actually started a real diet for the first time in years and
have already lost eight pounds. I feel sure Ill keep it up, now that I see that my
eating mainly served to distract me from my nutty idea that I cant face the
hazards of life myself, without the continual babying of my parents, my wife, and
even my children.
I really want to bring up another point. As my compulsive eating and some
of my fears of standing on my own feet kept going down, that mechanical-like
feeling that I so feared getting a few weeks ago just hasnt materialized. Just the
opposite! I feel so darned more emotional, in a good way, and so enthusiastic
about my life, that I practically go to the office singing each morning. In fact, this
very morning I did find myself singing, for the first time in years. And I stopped
for a moment, as I listened to myself and said, Wow! That son-of-a-gun
Harperhow right! If singing on the way to work illustrates how mechanical this
rational therapy stuff will help make me, I think Id better get some heavier doses
of it and learn to warble like a nightingale! Mechanical-schmechanicalI like
acting like this kind of robot.
As this client began to see, a rational approach to life does not mean a one-
sided kind of rationality. The definition of rational used in REBT [Rational
Emotive Behavioural Therapy] is: showing reason; not foolish or silly; sensible;
leading to efficient results; producing desired effects with minimum of expense,
waste, unnecessary effort, or unpleasant side effects; helping to achieve the
individual and social goals that you strive for.
Human reason, therefore, includes healthy emotionality, good habits and an
exciting existence. Rational living is not an end in itself. Life is rational when you
use your head to experience happier, more fulfilling days and years. To be
rational, you act (and feel!) more joyously.
If you follow this kind of rational thinking, you will not respond
mechanically or overintellectually. Various people mean various things by the
term rational. We mean: sensible, efficient, unself-defeating. And we include
human emotion, sensitivity, creativity, and art as quite rational pursuitsas long
as you do not take them to such extremes as to sabotage your living and other
forms of enjoying.

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Chapter 18What Really is a Light-Bearer?

Gary Osborne, a researcher, and writer on many esoteric subjects, has presented a
stunning revelation, that the Great Pyramid of Giza is also a gigantic representation of
the human head and brain, as the following diagram shows. I agree entirely with his
findings, including his interpretation of the scarab beetle symbolism from ancient
Egypt, especially Tutankhamuns scarab beetle brooch. For more information I suggest
you consult Gary Osborns Axis of God and Gate of God,
and Appendix J of this book
Axis of God by Gary Osborn, but in the meantime you can read more about this
stunning information in Chapter 18, What Really Is A Light Bearer? of Birthright,
Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes.

In our brain is located a master gland called the hypothalamus by moderns. It is the
part of the brain that can glow coloured light, if its owner has reached the
foundational level of human development,
and has become the temple of the
Birthright Holy Spirit. This light (often times the symbol used in Scripture is that of
fire, the Divine spark) is nothing other than the indwelling light of an aspect of the
Holy Spirit. None of the New Testament writers were ignorant on this matter. Notice
the massive number of scriptures that mentions this light in the New Testament:
Matthew 5: 14-16; 6: 22-23; 17:2; Luke 1: 79; 2: 32; 8: 16; 11: 33-36; 16: 8; John 1: 4-9;

As an introduction to Gary Osborns findings, see The Gate of God, Part 1 and Part 2,
and Part 3,
Remember all those scriptures about foundations, and building your house on rock and not sand, and the
like? This is what they allude to!
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3: 19-21; 5: 35; John 8: 12; 9: 5; 11: 9-10; 12: 35-36; 12: 46; Acts 9: 3; 12: 7; 13: 47; 26:
23; Romans 2: 19; 13:12; ; 2 Corinthians 4: 4, 6; 6: 14; Ephesians 5: 14; Colossians 1:
12, 1 Thessalonicans 5: 5; Revelation 21: 23; and 22:5. All these writers are saying the
same thing: that a person in possession of the Birthright has an indwelling light
(represented by colours) which can be seen by others of like-spirit. Indeed, the
kingdom of heaven is within! (Luke 17: 21) as Christ repeatedly tells us. This
indwelling light is the Birthright Holy Spirit, not to be confused with the crown.
It is worth noting that the King James Version of the Bible mentions the word
crown 60 times. Now the word is used as a symbol for the Birthright Holy Spirit
(female domain), and the Sceptre Holy Spirit (male domain),
which is not given
equally to the sexes, as we will learn. In fact a crown with embedded gemstones is the
symbol used all over the world for royalty, taken undoubtedly from the original
Scriptural meaning. A good example is 1 Chronicles 20: 2. Note also the following
Scriptures: Genesis 49: 26; Exodus 29: 6; 39: 30; Leviticus 8: 9; Deuteronomy 33: 16; 1
Kings 7: 31; Ezeliel 21: 26; Philippians 4: 1; 2 Timothy 4: 8; James 1: 12; 1 Peter 5: 4;
Revelation 2: 10; 3: 11; 14: 4, and 6: 2.
An important digression is in order here! In 2005 I attended a two-day workshop
on a topic of interest to me given by Malcolm McClure of .
During the presentation Malcolm started talking about a subject that was completely
off the topic of the seminar. He related to us that during a dissection of a cadaver
where a friend of his had been present, parts of the brain of the deceased glowed
brightly with colour. What he was talking about hit me like a thunderbolt and I nearly
fell off my chair, so important was what he had just said, or at least to me it was! I
found out later that Malcolms friend was Lynda Brownsey from Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia. I later contacted her and heres the gist of what she told me:
she is a practicing health professional,
and as part of her interest in learning more,
she was present at what she called a quite unusual dissection of a cadaver, when the
hypothalamus was dissected, a distinct phosphorescence and coloration was noticed.
This colouration was coming from the 13 caudate nuclei in the hypothalamus (which
Lynda pointed out, experts have no idea at all as to their function
). In fact they look
like gems within the hypothalamus, the Birthright Crown
of the elect! Lynda said
they were a casket of jewels within the hypothalamus. Lyndas conclusion, mine too,
is that the 13 caudate nuclei are nothing less than our spiritual organs for the

Actually there are two crowns worn by the Pharaoh in ancient Egypt, and two also in the Hebrew tradition,
which indicates one for the Birthright and the other for the Sceptre. In ancient Egypt the Pharaoh wore two
crowns on his head: a red straw hat for Northern Egypt and a white wool cap for Southern Egypt. Stecchini,
Livio Catullo, in Peter Tompkins Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, New York, 1978, p.
If you are interested in health, mind-body medicine, and spiritual healing, this section, and the follow-up
material, will become vital to you!
Undoubtedly this information is widely known, but suppressed by the shadow-government that rules this
planet, and who actively serve the moon god Sin, who is a real spiritual entity, as you will learn!
There are actually two Crowns, one representing the Birthright Holy Spirit, and discussed in this section, and
the other, representing the Sceptre Holy Spirit. This is why Pharaoh in ancient Egypt wore two crowns on his
head, a custom that was also taken over by the Hebrews at the time of the Exodus.
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reception of the Birthright Holy Spirit.
As she said, they are the gems within every
human being, lying there dormant just waiting to be awakened! And they are given to
every human being as part of the physical apparatus of simply being born into this
world, and as such they are a pure gift from God, called in the scriptures, the
Birthright! But of course they are only activated when a person repents, becomes
baptized, is anointed, and it is then that the power of the Birthright Holy Spirit begins
its re-birthing work. Asking Lynda how we can find out more about this phenomenon,
she said that its only going to come from surgeons who actually operate on people and
see this close up. But she did volunteer that in her view, the colouration of the caudate
nuclei becomes more intense in people who bravely stand up for truth, love, hope,
trust, gratitude and justice, which, she said, is where our highest energies originate! A
tremendous and totally true deduction! You can draw your own conclusions, but I
know what mine are, and one of them is that this is the origin of Jospehs Coat of
Many Colours!
(If you would like to skip to a deeper coverage of this important
topic, go to our The Beguiled And The Doctrine Of The Two Spirits.)
In ancient Egypt the New Testament versions of light-bearers were known as the
Shining Ones, also known as the Shemsu-Hor, or the followers of Horus. Philip
Gardiner and Gary Osborn's book, The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful
Secret Society Revealed,
is a must-read for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian
Christianity. However, you will have to get around the use of the term enlightenment
instead of using the correct term, which is born-again, and other New Age language
which hides the fact that the Shemsu-Hor were the first Christians! For example, the
book proposes that these people were a primordial shamanistic priesthood, instead
of the true form, namely followers and priest of the Most High God. And instead of
baptised we always find an artful and deceptive substitute: initiated.
Here is a brief review of The Shining Ones by Peter Bently:

Through concentrated spiritual practice, energy rises up the spine (the body's
main energy channel), through seven chakras (energy vortices centred on the
endocrine glands) to the three glands of the brain, emerging at a point just above
the crown of the head known as the bindu - the point of enlightenment. When
energy reaches the bindu the initiate experiences a powerful explosion of "inner
light" within the brain that brings with it a total clarity about the nature of the
cosmos and all existence - enlightenment. It is from their experience of his "inner

I did not point out to Lynda, at that stage, that the use of the term the Holy Spirit, that shed used here, was
not entirely accurate, because there are two versions of the Holy Spirit, which Im sure youd have picked up by
now: the Birthright Holy Spirit, and the Sceptre Holy Spirit. They are completely different, and are not equally
distributed to men and women, as you will learn!
A related and mysterious topic is that of the power of water. A good place to start, if youre interested in the
healing power of water, is at Masaru Emotos Website, here:
Masaru Emoto has also written the following books on the topic: The True Power of Water, (Beyond Words
Publishing), Messages from Water, Vol. 1, Love Thyself : The Message from Water III, all available here:
Osborn, Gary, and Gardiner, Philip, The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed,
published by Watkins, 2006.
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light" or "inner sun" that these ancient enlightened initiates acquired the name
"Shining Ones".

The Shining Ones carried their profound wisdom and knowledge to other cultures
around the world, encoding it in myth and stories in order to render it accessible
only to the initiated. As this book sets out to demonstrate, almost all universal
symbolism can be referred back to the Shining Ones knowledge of the kundalini
process - despite attempts by powerful self-interested institutions and societies,
such as the Catholic Church, to obscure and suppress this knowledge. The ideas of
the rising kundalini underlie, for example, the concepts of the world mountain and
the world tree, while the seven chakras of the body and the three glands of the
brain account for the importance respectively of the numbers seven and three in
cultures worldwide. (Peter Bently, 2005)

Also related to this reality, but completely separate, is the seven day cycle which is
locked to the Sabbath day, and declares that it is on the Sabbath day, and none other,
that the seven-fold light of the Sceptre Holy Spirit is available to certain believers.

By surprise, science has discovered amazing seven-day cycles in the very building
blocks of plant and animal life. These newly found sevens, or "septans," also lie buried
in us humansdeep in our metabolic, hormonal, and neuronal networks! This
startling discovery has wide-ranging effects that you will want to understand. The
following article explores those effects by answering three questions. First, does the
formerly unknown, automatic rhythm of sevens hold the secret to one of history's
most perplexing enigmasthe origin of the seven day week? Second, what could
these innate, autonomous rhythms mean for us? And lastly, what will this new
knowledge tell us about the biblical Sabbath and the Creator God?

Ive deliberately used the word certain here to point out a vital truth about the differences between the
Sceptre Holy Spirit and the Birthright Holy Spirit. You can read about this astonishing truth in The Beguiled And
The Doctrine Of The Two Spirits, available from our Web site.
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Chapter 19The Meaning of the Miracles of the
Loaves and Fishes

The Gospel of Mark, at Mark 6: 34-44 and Mark 8: 1-9, set before us a most powerful
riddle for us to solve, in the tradition laid down in Proverbs 1: 6. Here the riddles are
wrapped up in two miracles that Jesus performed, using loaves and fishes as the prime

Five loaves and two fishes

Seven loaves only
And Jesus, when he came out, saw much
people, and was moved with compassion toward
them, because they were as sheep not having a
shepherd: and he began to teach them many
And when the day was now far spent, his
disciples came unto him, and said, This is a
desert place, and now the time is far passed:
Send them away, that they may go into the
country round about, and into the villages, and
buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to
He answered and said unto them, Give ye them
to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and
buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give
them to eat?
He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye?
go and see. And when they knew, they say,
Five, and two fishes.
And he commanded them to make all sit down
by companies upon the green grass.
And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and
by fifties.
And when he had taken the five loaves and the
two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed,
and brake the loaves, and gave them to his
disciples to set before them; and the two fishes
divided he among them all.
And they did all eat, and were filled.
And they took up twelve baskets full of the
fragments, and of the fishes.
And they that did eat of the loaves were about
five thousand men. (Mark 6: 34-44)
In those days the multitude being very great,
and having nothing to eat, Jesus called his
disciples unto him, and saith unto them,
I have compassion on the multitude, because
they have now been with me three days, and have
nothing to eat:
And if I send them away fasting to their own
houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of
them came from far.
And his disciples answered him, From whence
can a man satisfy these men with bread here in
the wilderness?
And he asked them, How many loaves have ye?
And they said, Seven.
And he commanded the people to sit down on the
ground: and he took the seven loaves, and gave
thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set
before them; and they did set them before the
And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed,
and commanded to set them also before them.
So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up
of the broken meat that was left seven baskets.
And they that had eaten were about four
thousand: and he sent them away. (Mark 8: 1-
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Apparently the apostles never understood the riddle, and Jesus never
communicated the meaning of what had just happened on these two occasions,
because later, when he was alone with His disciples, He questioned them further:

When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of
fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve.

And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments
took ye up? And they said, Seven.

And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand? (Mark 8: 19-21,
emphasis added.)

First, the loaves are made of barley, as John 6: 9 reveals, which is the first grain
crop of the agricultural year in Palestine, followed by the wheat. Thus the barley
represents the first harvest, and the first resurrection, in the great plan of salvation,
that of the elect. The wheat represents the rest of mankind, the second great harvest,
or the second resurrection. So what the riddles are about has to do with the harvesting
of the elect first, and then the rest of mankind, and in that order.
But the really important points about these two miracles are here: in the first
miracle, there are five loaves and two fishes, while in the second miracle, there are no
fish and seven loaves. This is a most important distinction because it shows us the
clear separation of the Birthright symbolism (the five loaves and the two fishes) from
the Sceptre symbolism (the seven loaves). Yet both sets of loaves belong as a part of
the bigger message that Christ is telling us, and that is the message of the showbread.
Of course the miracle of the five loaves is also a new way to feed the multitude with
manna (representing the Birthright Holy Spirit only), as was done during the Exodus
by the Angel of the Presence, who was Christ!
Now the showbread have been misunderstood for thousands of years and much
has been written about them. Debate has raged as to the specific order (see Exodus 40:
4, 23; 2 Chronicles 13: 11) in which they were placed on the showbread table in the
Tabernacle in the wilderness and in Solomons Temple. Some said six loaves were
placed on one side of the table and six on the other. Then again, others said the order
was seven on one side and five on the other. Of course Jesus neatly solves this debate
by the number he used in these two miracles: it is seven and five. Another critical point
about the showbread is that they have also been referred to as the bread of the faces,
a subject well come to soon.
According to William Drummond heres what the showbread represented:

Of this [shew] bread there were twelve loaves, which were placed upon the table.
Josephus tells us distinctly, that these twelve loaves were typical of the twelve
months of the year.

William Drummond, Oedipus Judaicus, Bracken Books, London, 1811, 1986 reprint edition, p. 137.
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I agree that the showbread was used as a symbol for twelve of some kind of entity,
but it is certainly not the twelve types that we have discussed previously in this
chapter, as Drummond observes! Now in the early church it was the practice of the
members to come together on the first day of the week, Sunday, to eat the
(shew)bread, and to take wine (not grape juice), and to fellowship together.
Undoubtedly this fellowship would also have involved genuine and intimate confession
of faults,
from one friend to another, because they clearly understood the need to do
away with all form of sin in their lives: "Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray
one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
availeth much." (James 5: 16 ) They would also give thanks, sing hymns, and work at
understanding and healing themselves, their fellow brethren, and their calling, as the
following scripture makes clear:

Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break
bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his
message until midnight. (Acts 20:7)

In keeping with the secret and mysterious nature of the shewbread and its
symbolic meaning, the Gospel writers deliberately disguised the fact that the meal
known as the Lords Supper was recorded as a Passover meal, because in actual fact it
was the Old Testament practice of the High Priest, along with the weekly priestly
course, even down to the detail of the foot-washing, eating the showbread which was
specially prepared each week. The following scriptures make it quite clear that, to
outside eyes, the event is seen simply as a Passover meal.

When you come together, it is not really to eat the Lords supper. (1 Corinthians
11: 20, NRSV, emphasis added.)

So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them, and they prepared the Passover
meal. (Matthew 26: 19, NRSV.)

So the disciples set out and went to the city, and found everything as he had told
them; and they prepared the Passover meal. (Mark 14: 16, NRSV.)

So they went and found everything as he had told them; and they prepared the
Passover meal. (Luke 22: 13, NRSV.)

Remember that it was Christ, in the Old Testament, as the Angel of the Presence,
who had delivered the Ten Commandments to Moses. It was also this very same great
Archangel who gave Moses the blueprints for the building of the Tabernacles, and one
of the significant parts of the religious economy in the Exodus was the table of

I am in no way saying or inferring that the Catholic system of confession is what is intended! The type of
confession is the intimate talk between trusted friends, where pride is absent, and the spiritual need of
overcoming sin, whatever form it took, was a vital priority. This confession would certainly be on the minds of
the believers, especially during the New Moon festivals.
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shewbread and the twelve shewbread loaves themselves, and how they were to be used.
Obviously there was something very important about the showbread, something that
has been missing for thousands of years!
However, during Christs last week, on his final Sunday, we see that it would have
been impossible for him to be partaking of the shewbread then (which was the day the
early Church came together to partake of the bread and wine, undoubtedly the custom
that Jesus taught them), because he was elsewhere performing a most
prophetic act: the entry into Jerusalem, from the east, on whats generally referred to
as Palm Sunday (symbolically, entry through the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid
at Giza). He had been keeping the weekly Sabbath at Bethany (symbolically at the top
of the Ascending Passage in the Great Pyramid, at the junction of the Queens Passage
and the Grand Gallery), and early on Sunday morning he sent two of the disciples for a
colt, on which he enters the city, moving over palm leaves (symbol for the city of
which was conquered early on after the entry into the Promised Land at the
conclusion of the Exodus), weeps for it, goes to the Temple, and then returns to
Bethany, prior to taking that final Giant Step that put Him on His final collision course
with the religion of corrupt Judaism.
Thus he had delayed the eating of the shewbread for that week, and instead took it
with his disciples on the night before he was taken by the Jews and the Romans. This
event, this customary eating of the shewbread, has been erroneously turned into a new
and unnecessary ordinance called the Last Supper, or the Lords Supper, kept once a
The connection between the showbread and the miracles of the loaves and fishes is
nearly identical. The five loaves symbolize the five-fold nephesh in man (which can be
spiritually discerned), which has to become converted to the pure man of God, through
the in-dwelling of the Birthright Holy Spirit. The showbread have been referred to as
the bread of the faces, and I take that to mean that the facial expressions of each of
the five-fold nephesh can readily be discerned by someone who has knowledge and
experience of such matters. They are also connected to the five faces of the Great
Pyramid at Giza. The two fishes are the fish of the sign of Pisces, and the meaning here
is not that this was Christs birth sign, as many have claimed. Rather what He is saying
symbolically, is that all of the elect need to have developed to the highest of the signs
the sign of the twelfth house, Pisces or Leo, the sign of the Tribe of Judahof the
Birthright, as the foundational rock on which further spiritual development is to be
grafted (and discussed previously), which is the Sceptre. Suffice to hint at here: the
sign of the two fish point to another secret, one that I will reveal discuss in relation to
the nearby constellation, the Square of Pegasus! So in this first miracle at Mark 6: 34-
44 the Messiah has neatly defined the spiritual Birthright. And a key point about the
Birthright Promise was that it pertained to carnal man, for in the days of the Old
Covenant, only the Birthright and not the seven higher powers of the Sceptre Holy
Spirit were available to human beings, for the Messiah, who was given the pre-
eminence in being the first to receive the Sceptre, had not yet come in the flesh.

Jericho means Moon City.
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Similarly, the seven loaves picture the actual Sceptre Holy Spirit itself, which has
many other symbols as well: the candlestick in the Temple, the seventh colour of the
rainbow (purple),
and the seven elders of the churches. Notice that there are no fish
in this miracle at all, because they are not part of the symbolic message delivered.
The weekly taking of the bread (symbolising the 216 bones of the human being)
and wine (symbolising the blood in the bones, and the blood in the river of life, the
bloodstream, which is changed by the faithful keeping of the New Moon Festivals by
repentant and baptized human beings) is really all about the purification and spiritual
development of the elect, by the power of the Birthright Holy Spirit. It is also the
restoration of the Old Testament practice of the eating of the showbread once a week,
and the most convenient day of the profane days to do this, is Sunday. It is never done
on the weekly Saturday Sabbath, which is devoted to other matters which I have
discussed elsewhere. And it is not done just once a year, as the Lords Supper, which is
an error that most of the Sabbath-keeping churches have been led into. And it is not
about the changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, as the
Catholics would tell us, which is also an ancient error.
The significance of the numbers 4,000 and 5,000 (total 9,000), in these miracles,
is discussed in more detail in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the "Two Spirits," in
Essay 8, "The Macrocosm and the Microcosm," in the section headed: The Sacred
Mathematics of the Birthright and Sceptre Holy Spirits. There you will find the
mathematical determination of the 4,000 and what it means for the salvation of every
baptised (from the age of 30 years
) man and woman on the planet.

Note that the first six colours of the rainbow symbolise the Birthright Holy Spirit. Josephs coat of many
colours (Genesis 37: 3, 23, 32) is also a symbol of this fact, as are the first six days of the week, and the rings
around the planet Saturn. This coat should be received by all newly baptised members of the Nazarene Remnant
Church of God. At this point it needs to be clearly understood that the coat of many colours is composed of six
colours only. The seventh colour, purple, is the symbol of the Sceptre Holy Spirit, which is the weekly Saturday
Sabbath, and the purple robe worn by Christ at His trial and crucifixion (Matthew 27: 28, 31; Luke 23: 11; and
John 19: 2,5).
See The Suppressed Truth About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures, on the DvD or
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Chapter 20Whats All This Got To Do
With The Sacred Calendar?

Quite a lot, actually. First, we understand that the spiritual symbols of all of the powers
of the Holy Spirit are tied up in the number 24, which is made up of 12 + 12. The
number 24 is the number of the perfected human being, and as such it is also a symbol
of a perfected human male. The high priests attire includes the breastplate, which
includes 12 jewels, one for each of the tribes of Israel, and symbolizing the Birthright
Promises. The jewels, or stones, were as follows: green feldspar for Manasseh, jade for
Benjamin, jasper for Dan, green jasper for Asher, chrysolite for Naphtali, lapis lazuli
for Judah, agate for Isaachar, cornelian for Zebulon, sardin for Reuben, purple garnet
for Simeon, turquoise (opal) for Gad, and topaz for Ephraim.
The number 24 was the significant number chosen by the Angel of the Presence (at
the command of the Eternal God) to instruct Moses in the religious symbolism of the
nation. It was the number of the priestly courses, which, as weve seen, formed the
Temple roster system, which was the calendar of the Old Covenant, being the structure
of the monthly New Moons, and the Birthright Promises. This calendar was perfectly
matched to the movements of the planet Venus, which in turn measures perfectly the
precession of the ages. It was also the calendar of the Book of Enoch and the Book of
Jubilees, and was the calendar used by the Essene community at Qumran. The number
represents for us, that during the time of the Old Covenant, when the way to both
aspects of the Holy Spirit (the flaming sword of Genesis 3: 24) was blocked, that 24
jewels, or spiritual powers, formed the full measure of a holy and righteous human
being. The high priests breastplate showed that only 12 of these jewels could be
attained, thus leaving 12 in the balance (and these were present in the Tabernacle and
Temple as the showbread loaves). All in all, symbolically speaking, the crown jewels
are thus 24 in number.
When Christ (Shiloh) came in the flesh, one of His first acts, through the selection
of the 12 disciples, was to disband the priesthoodof which there were 24 coursesof
the Old Covenant. The numbers that remained to be achieved were now 5 + 7, and this
combined sum was what the showbread represented, and discussed above in the
miracle of the loaves and fishes. There was no longer such a concept as the 24 courses,
and after Christs resurrection, we see that it was an important role of the disciples to
eventually appoint seven elders in all the New Covenant churches that had been
formed. Because the calendar is a living device that shows the progressive nature of
the plan of salvation, and Christ had come and claimed the full measure of the Holy
Spirit, it had to be changed (which was also the case with the Law as wellsee
Hebrews 7: 12
). Now what remained, for the carnal man who was called and chosen,
and who repented of his folly and crimes, was access to the seven gifts of the Sceptre.
Thus the change to the seven elders and the change in the Sacred Calendar to its New
Covenant form, which we should keep.

The change in the Law is discussed in more detail in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
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Thus, the Sacred Calendar is not only a timing device which perfectly monitors the
precession of the equinoxes, and a roster system, it is also a symbol of
the 24 jewels in the crown of the elect, a term that is frequently used in all the
Scriptures. And the Sun (representing the male principle, the Sceptre) and the Moon
(representing the female principle, the Birthright) are intimately involved in a very
powerful symbolic dance, which culminates, after 40 years for the Sun cycle, and 42
stages of the Moon cycle, in the coming together in the sky as one, during what we call
a total Solar eclipse! But more on this a little later in the chapter. In the New
Testament we find better descriptions of the crown, as in the following examples:

crown of life (James 1: 12)

crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4: 8)

imperishable crown (1 Corinthians 9: 25)

crown of glory (1 Peter 5: 4)

crown of thorns (thus mocking the whole idea of Eternal life through the
Messiah, Matthew 27: 29; Mark 15: 17 and John 19: 2, 5)

a golden crown (Revelations 14: 4)

There are seven more jewels to be attained. Seek after them with all your might, more
than fine gold and silver, and remember Hold fast what you have, that no one takes
your crown. Revelation 3: 11)

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Chapter 21A Curious Transposition
Has Taken Place has many definitions of the word transpose, but the meaning Im
using here is to reverse or transfer the order or place of something. Specifically, what
was once understood to be wholesome and good, has been changed into something
that is evil and to be shunned. In effect, good has become bad, and in many ways, evil
has become good. Unfortunately the comparatively new religion of science and
psychology has taken over many of the teachings that were once the pure province of
religion and claimed them as their own. Thus the saying that good has become bad,
and bad become good. When science and psychology couldnt or wouldnt take over a
teaching, such as the validity of the Ten Commandments, they degraded the doctrine
by teaching that it had been done away with, or that it was a falsification. Examples
abound from everywhere!
Healthy patriarchy and masculinity has been replaced by blatant feminist
doctrines, that are having serious harmful effects, especially on our young male
The Sabbath, the true Passover and anointed times (i.e. the true
Feasts of the Eternal) have been replaced by false Jewish Holy Days (usually based on
the Modern Hebrew Calendar, which is actually the ancient and Satanic Calendar of
Nippur), Easter, Christmas, Sunday, and Lent, and other profane days. The New Moon
Festivals and the weekly eating of the showbread has been replaced by the Catholic
mass (the Eucharist) and the Lords Supper. The worship and acknowledgement of the
One True God has been replaced by the worship of Angels (i.e. declaring Jesus to be
God as God is God) and the false doctrine of the Trinity. The understanding of the New
Moons and the twelve types of men have been replaced with modern and pop
astrology. The spirit in man, and its discernment, has been taken over as ego states,
and other notions, such as the id and the superego. The important understanding of
defilement, as taught by Jesus at Matthew 15: 10-20 and Mark 7: 14-23, has been taken
over by whats called cognitive behaviour therapy (also called the A-B-C Theory of
Personality, amongst other things). Love of others has been given a hefty shake by the
doctrine of self-esteem, which seems to rule everywhere, and very few people seem
capable of understanding the high risks of going overboard with this teaching.
The soul (translated from the Hebrew word nephesh) that dies (the mortal soul)
has been replaced in too many places by the doctrine of the immortal soul. Despite
being informed that it is given to man once to die (Hebrews 9: 27), many people on the
planet actively believe and teach reincarnation. The rotation of the seven serving
unpaid elders faithfully serving their local flocks has also been totally lost so that we
see words like minister turned into proper nouns, complete with power, position,
salary, a motor vehicle, superannuation and many other lurks and perks. And instead

For some idea of what Im claiming here, see Henry Makows excellent Website at:
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of these imported religious shepherds
serving their brethren, and teaching them the
truth, we see them ruling, usually according to the false doctrine, which incidentally,
Christ absolutely hates, of obedience to hierarchical authority.
In fact there were
times, in my experience, that all we seem to hear in weekly sermons, was a
combination of direct and subtle threats, that unless we towed the line, wed be put
out. And while on the topic of a paid eldership, it is quite clear that the original
teaching, found in 2 Thessalonians 3: 7-15,
has been totally abused by most of the
churches of God. And notice that seven rotating elderseach serving for one week
according to the Sacred Calendar colourscould never be maintained by the tithes of
the flock. That would be too much of a burden, so that the elders labour in good old-
fashioned honest work, as do all the brethren!
Healing is not understood or taught in the Churches, and lip-service is paid to
Jesus saying at Luke 4: 23:

And He said to them, You will surely say this proverb to Me, Physician, heal
yourself! Whatever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in Your
country. (Luke 4:23, KJV)

The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible puts it this way:

He said to them, 'Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, Doctor, cure
yourself! And you will say, Do here also in your hometown the things that we
have heard you did at Capernaum. (Luke 4: 23, NRSV, italics added.)

There are many healing spiritual and physical therapies available to all of us right
here and now, and unfortunately most of the churches of God have treated them as
superstitious rot. In fact, in the words of Allan Bloom, people have become convinced
that there is indeed a basement to which psychiatrists have the key.
All of us
must learn quite a good deal about mending and healing broken people, just as
motor mechanics learn much about fixing broken and worn-out cars. And we must
teach this knowledge to all in the Church.

This is an absolute no-no! The eldership must be selected from the local community, and not imported ring-
ins from afar.
Even in the non-spiritual world, we see that Public Servants have become Public Masters, and no one seems
to be doing anything worthwhile about this loss of sovereignty of the original pristine man.
For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you; Neither
did we eat any mans bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be
chargeable to any of you: Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow
us. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Now
them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat
their own bread. But ye brethren, be not weary in well doing. And if any man obey not our word by this epistle,
note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but
admonish him as a brother. (2 Thessalonians 3: 7-15, KJV) Unfortunately most so-called leaders have turned
this doctrine totally around: it is the brethren who are cajoled into working to support the ministry. This has to
be urgently and totally corrected!
Bloom, Allan, The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and
Impoverished The Souls of Todays Students, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1987, p. 155.
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It's an interesting observation that many people in the Church are very forcefully
taught that there is no connection between religion and psychology. Much of the
valuable insights available from psychology
are not available to Church people
simply because of the brainwashing about what psychology is and isn't, that comes
principally from the false shepherds, known as the "Ministry" (or the Clergy) Church
people end up by throwing the psychological baby out with the bathwater! So the
missing element in religion, the psychological (or more correctly, the spiritual), needs
to be properly reclaimed because we are principally religious and spiritual beings.
We cannot evade this connection. It is time that the taboo about certain worthwhile
aspects of psychology be removed. An interesting start to the removal of this taboo
would be for all Church people, especially those of the old school who have been
unthinking autocrats, to seriously read and study M Scott Peck's The Road Less
Travelled and The People of the Lie. This would give them much to consider! And
while theyre at it, they should also consult Claude Steiners The Other Side of Power,
Scripts People Live, and Emotional Literacy: Intelligence With a Heart.

It is also an interesting observation that just as religious people are taught a one-
sided jaundiced view of reality by the degradation of the psychological view, so too are
psychologists and psychiatrists taught the other side of the coin: that religion, and
especially sin, has no place in the life of their clients. What a mess we live in! John
White in The Shattered Mirror
presents the viewpoint of a psychiatrist and a
religious man. His main theme is the damage we do to ourselves when religious people
throw the psychological out the window, as well as the damage psychological people do
when they throw the religious out. He compares
modern psychologywith its deep, scientific investigation of the personand
Christian understanding of mankind, as the shattered image of God. He says:

The missing element in much [psychological] counselling today is still the
religious. Human beings are essentially religious.

... I was taught as a resident in psychiatry that I must never allow a patient to talk
to me about religion. The reason? Discussions of religion raised by patients
usually represented a resistance to the psychotherapeutic process. Religious
themes were anti-therapeutic. They were the client's escape route from the
medicine of the therapist. I came gradually to understand that though resistance
to truth can take a religious form, it often is, in fact, psychiatrists and
psychologists who are threatened by such topics. Many clear barriers of resistance
to them, anxious to avoid for neurotic reasons of their own.

He goes on to point out, with case study examples, of how people in his profession
neglect a very real element in human beings when psychologists and psychiatrists

Of course many of psychologys truths are nothing but bunkum, and the keen seeker will know what they
are. For more depth on this subject see William Kirk Kilpatricks Psychological Seduction: The Failure of
Modern Psychology.
More details about the books of M Scott Peck and Claude Steiner can be found in the Bibliography.
John White, The Shattered Mirror: Reflections on Being Human, Inter-Varsity Press, 1987.
John White, p. 32.
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evade religious issues. And as severe a problem is the fact that for far too long now,
religious questions in the Western World have been left to religious specialists who
have not one iota of spiritual or psychological insight in them! It is high time that the
religious specialist learns to reclaim the spiritual and psychological truths that have
been rejected as Satanic, and put them to use in the service of genuine truth and
The same could be said about the true ministers of Satan on this planet, and like
the marriage between socialism and government (which is Fascism) , the high-priests
of the immorality (the false shepherds) have combined with the high-priest of power,
propaganda and authority (the lawyers, magistrates, teachers and politicians, along
with their private army, the public service, the teachers, the media, the military, and
the police). They have produced a legal system which is in all actuality, a sin
system, all regulated and taught in our schools, colleges, and universities, as the Law.
As previously pointed out, goodness and righteousness have now been replaced by
Satans system of ethics, (the mixed bag of good and evil), but the system is so
cunningly devised and implemented that the sheople cannot discern the deceptions.
Everything adds to reveal the real intentions of our would-be dictators, and that is
developed through a long slow and insidious process (the inevitability of
gradualness) of enslaving all peoples of the earth in an open prison, which is not
perceived, until they reach the critical point where they can put their real cards on the
table. And when they do this, it will be too late to resist, and then we will see, and
experience, their evil murderous system in all its naked ugliness.

Read This Book!

I could regale you with mountains of statistics to illustrate the damage
schools cause. I could bring before your attention a line of case studies to
illustrate the mutilation of specific individualseven those who have been
apparently privileged as its "gifted and talented."
What would that prove?
Youve heard those stories, read these figures before until you went numb
from the assault on common sense. School cant be that bad, you say. You
survived, didnt you? Or did you? Review what you learned there. Has it
made a crucial difference for good in your life? Dont answer. I know it hasnt.
You surrendered twelve years of your life because you had no choice. You paid
your dues, I paid mine. But who collected those dues? (John Taylor Gatto,
The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's
Intimate Investigation Into The Problem Of Modern Schooling, available
from the authors Web site:

What I would never do is to argue that the damage to human potential is adequately caught in the rise or fall
of SAT scores or any other standardized measure because these markers are too unreliable-besides being far too
prone to strategic manipulation. The New York Times of March 9, 2003, reported in an article by Sara Rimer
that Harvard rejects four valedictorians out of every five, quoting that school's director of admissions as saying:
"To get in [Harvard], you have to present some real distinction..." A distinction which, apparently, 80 Percent of
"top" students lack.
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Let me give you a personal example

Use the Giles Finney letter, dated 12 June, 2008:

Our clients [my son and his wife] have instructed us that they do not want any
further contact with you.
Given the instructions that have been provided to us, we have advised our clients that
they have good grounds for seeking a Restraining Order against you.
Our clients particularly treat your most recent letter to Anyas parents as unwarranted
harassment. It contained language which was intimidatory, threatening, abusive and

Source of image: John Taylor Gattos Web site here:
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vitriolic. In our view each contained numerous defamatory comments of our clients and
Anyas father
As indicated above, our clients do not wish to see or hear from you again. This
includes Sean Mulligan, Anya Mulligan and their children. Any further communication
will be taken as a continuation of your ongoing harassment and appropriate action will be

Yours faithfully
CBD Law [Personal Injury Law Specialists]

The planet reeks of lawlessness. Satan must be pleased, but he also knows his
celebration will be short-lived with the arrival of the Messiah

Kingdom of Satan versus the Kingdom of God.

Why people believe almost anything.

No, we are never lied to ...

Politicians would never lie, because they are at our service, and not
at the bidding of the richest financier. The CIA and intelligence
establishment would never lie, because their sole job is to protect the
national security and only do what is necessary to protect freedom
throughout the world. The Pentagon and defense industry would
never lie, because all they are interested in is securing the blessings
of liberty, and are doing so altruistically. The FBI and police forces
would never lie, because they are only interested in stopping evil,
predatory criminals who use the legal system that clearly is to their
benefit. Businesses would never lie, because they are only interested
in giving us more information about their products via commercials
so we can make better purchasing decisions. And, of course, religious
leaders would never lie either, because they are only interested in
spiritually saving others and have a duty to God to tell the truth.

The funny thing is, most people take on faith these denials of deceit,
and get really upset if someone points out how full of shit our given
assumptions are. Which leads me to conclude that the biggest
liars of all are ourselves.

As even Fox Mulder would put it, I want to believe.

Robert Sterling is editor of the Konformist <>,
and a bona fide agent provocateur. (From You A re Being Lied To,
Edited by Russ Kick, published by The Disinformation Company Ltd.

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419 Lafayette Street New York NY 10003, )

Christians dont take matters of dispute and crisis to Satans judicial system, for
resolution, where there is no justice and truth at all. To do so is a bit like hitch-hiking
to heaven, only to get into the first lift that comes along, which happens to be a car
driven by Satan himself!

The Chinese Dangan Is Upon Us!

Something has been happening in America since the end of WWII,
accelerating since the flight of Sputnik and the invasion of Vietnam. A
massive effort is underway to link centrally organised control of
jobs with centrally organized administration of schooling. This
would be an American equivalent of the Chinese "Dangan"linking a personal
file begun in kindergarten (recording academic performance, attitudes,
behavioural characteristics, medical records, and other personal data) with all
work opportunities. In China the Dangan cant be escaped. It is part of a web
of social controls that ensures stability of the social order; justice has nothing
to do with it. The Dangan is coming to the United States [Nazarene Remnant
comment: and Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the UK, Ireland, and Europe,
in fact the whole world] under cover of skillfully engineered changes in
medicine, employment, education, social service, etc., seemingly remote from
one another. In fact, the pieces are being coordinated through an interlink
between foundations, grant-making government departments, corporate
public relations, key universities, and similar agencies out of public view.
This American Dangan will begin with longer school days and years,
with more public resources devoted to institutional schooling, with more job
opportunities in the school field, more emphasis on standardized testing,
more national examinations, plus hitherto unheard of developments like
national teaching licences, national curricula, national goals, national
standards, and with the great dream of corporate America since 1900, School-
to-Work legislation organizing the youth of America into precocious work
battalions. A Dangan by its nature is always psychopathic. It buries its

Gatto, John Taylor, The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate
Investigation Into The Problem Of Modern Schooling, The Odysseus Group. You can read the entire book
online, here:
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Chapter 22The Whole Duty of Man

I have set out to show, in a most generalised way, that there is a definite path to follow,
a road map if you like, which takes a human being from the lower physical to the
higher spiritual planes. This explains, in a most general treatment, what the spiritual
Birthright and Sceptre Promises are really all about. This is possible in the first place
because our loving Creator God has designed into us all the spiritual organs that well
ever require to succeed on this path. His door is always open to those who
understand that repentance and baptism are the prerequisites, followed by the
spiritual ripening process that takes place through the faithful keeping of the New
Moon days, which is covered in depth in the book The Beguiled and The Doctrine of
the Two Spirits. Nothing outside you really can stop this process--"For the gifts and
call of God are irrevocable" (Romans 11: 29) if youre sincere and genuine, and know
that there are serious consequences for having taken the wrong path, just as there are
great rewards for having taken the high road. But you must be ready, willing and able
to do work on yourself.
Giving yourself quality truth time, prayer, meditation and sufficient solitude, good
and merciful friends and good guides, if you truthfully search deep inside yourself and
the Scriptures, youll find the truth that will unlock you from your enslavement. There
are people who know the Way, and finding them is like finding a road map to a great
treasurea veritable stairway to heavenas you will understand when you study the
road map that is found in the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt.
We do need to become
our brothers keeper, as true friends, and nothing outside of the Eternal can replace
the true friend. The true friend understands, challenges us and offers sympathy when
needed, and offers truth in just the right dose at the right time. The true friend will
kick your backside and challenge you to grow when thats what is best for you.
Conversely, the enemy will always teach you to surrender yourself, to become docile
and dependent upon outside influences, such as medication, to cope with life.

See Essay 11-The Great Pyramid As Metaphor and Road-Map in The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two
Spirits, available at our Web site free of charge:
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There Is No Greater Mistake

It is impossible to be permanently happy
While attached to a body.
A man should train his soul in this life
So that, when he enters the other world
Where he is able to see Atum,
He does not lose his way.

Each souls hope of eternal life
Rests in his life here on Earth.
But many cannot believe this,
Seeing it as an empty story
To be laughed at
For the possessions of this life
Are too pleasant,
And such pleasures
Grip the soul by the throat,
Holding it down to Earth.
Our possessions possess us.
We were not born with possessions,
But acquired them later.
Everything a man uses to gratify his body
Is alien to his original god-like nature.
Not only possessions
Even the body is foreign
To our true Self.

The mind of the Cosmos
Is known through thought alone.
A soul with no inner vision
Is blind to Atums Goodness
Tossed by the sea of passions
Which the body breeds.
What fire burns with impurity?
What hungry predator
Has the power to maim the body
As impurity does to mutilate the soul?
Cant you see the torture

That the impure soul endures?
It shrieks:

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I am burning. I am on fire.
I dont know what to say or do.
I am devoured
By the miseries that possess me.
Are not such cries
The appeals of a soul in torment?
Such a soul bears the body like a burden,
As its master, not as its slave.

Tear off this cloak of shadows.
This web of ignorance.
These shackles of decay.
This living death.
This conscious corpse.
This portable tomb.
This robber in the house.
This enemy that hates all that you love.
This garment that smothers you,
And holds you down.

Ignorance floods the land.
Its currents sweep you away.
Dont be borne downstream.
Make use of the back-flow.
Seek the safe haven of liberation.
Anchor there and find a guide
To lead you to the House of Knowledge.
There you will see with the heart,
The brilliant brightness.

If you shut your soul up in your body
And demean yourself, saying,
I cannot know. I am afraid.
A cannot ascend to heaven.
Then what have you to do with Atum?
Wake up your sleeping soul.
Why give yourself to death,
When you could be immortal?
You are drunk with ignorance of Atum.
It has overpowered you,
And now you are vomiting it up.
Empty yourself of darkness
And you will be filled with light.

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There is no greater mistake

Than to have the power to know Atum
And not to use it.
Simply wishing and hoping to know him

Is a road that leads straight to Goodness.
It is an easy road to travel.

Everywhere Atum will come to meet you.
Look and he appears
At times and places when you least expect.
While you are awake or asleep.
When you travel by water or land.
By night or by day.
Whilst you are speaking or silent.
This is because
Atum is all. [

But also keep in mind that all humans, whether they are masters of the spiritual
Way or not, will have wild animals, shadows and crooked ways that also need to be
straightened out. The practice of teaching demands continuous exposure and
purification of the teachers imperfections (and there will be plenty of them!). If you
are not willing to continually work on yourself, then you should not become a teacher.
Its all about humility, really, and its that simple.
Despite what many lay people believe, the restored church offers the only road
map worth possessing, potentially, if it will just learn and thoroughly teach that only
the purified will enter into Life, and then teach the process to all. And when this
teaching matures, as it will, experienced guides will emerge in all manner of places,
ready to help lost sheep every step of the way. And as these lost sheep find
themselves, theyll have the very best foundation in guiding newcomers toward the
higher spiritual ground. When we truly are able to say to suffering brothers or sisters,
I know how you feel, but I also know the road out of there, then the churches of God
can claim the wisdom that is its due. And its long overdue! At the moment there are
not enough people who know that such a map actually exists, let alone have the ability
to read it.
Unfortunately it has often been the deeply religious who have been the enemy of
the growth towards spiritual maturity. This is because it has been too easy for them to
just pray for healing, asking it as a giant favour, and all the while continuing to do
nothing positive in themselves towards their own recovery. All too often they expect
the magic wand treatment. This is probably because they cannot conceive of a loving

Freke, Timothy and Gandy, Peter, The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs, Piatkus Publishing,
London, 1997, pp.127-130.
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yet invincible Creator God who is the cornerstone of all reality. Unfortunately far too
many of us have become experts at pushing reality into the dark recesses of
our lives, hoping against hope that eventually it will go away.
Remember this: the
invincible Creator will not rob you of your freedom of choice by coming down and
waving the magic wand over you, precisely because such actions are incompatible with
the development of all of your spiritual faculties. I hope that the spiritual growing to
maturity that you can do by learning to love, when you begin to take the spiritual path,
will help you realise just how great God is in not coming down with His magic wand!

Remember the message! Physician, heal yourself. Get practical. Find people who
have already succeeded on the road you want to travel. If theyre the real McCoy,
theyll have the map and theyll walk the road with you.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep
His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring
every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or
whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14, KJV, emphasis added.)

The destruction of Satans power, and his invisible shadow-government that rules
this planet, is imminent, but will not happen until after we experience the greatest
tribulation the world will ever see. Satan will have his covert kingdom openly
revealed for 42 months, then will come the first resurrection, then the Wrath. There
are difficult days ahead, but the good news is that it will not last: the Kingdom of the
Messiah is indeed right at the very door. Then Christ will begin the restoration of this
planet to its former glory, and He, along with the Elect, and their offspring, will rule
this planet for one thousand years, thus achieving the next stage in the Plan for the
Redemption of the whole human race. Therefore, repent and change your attitude and
your whole life, while there is still a moment or two left to you, and return to the
presence of the Eternal God in every way that He requires of you. For in the words of

I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries,
and will bring you into your own land.
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your
filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will
take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
And I will put My spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and ye
shall keep My judgments, and do them.
And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be My
People, and I will be your God.
I will also save you from all your uncleannesses:
And I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you.

For example Henry Cloud and John Townsend have published an excellent book on the subject of magic
wands and other misconceptions, called, 12 Christian Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy: Relief From False
Assumptions, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1995.
This is not to deny that there are many times when in fact God does indeed come down and save the day for
us with His magic wand, but it is not His principal way of saving us from ourselves.
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And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall
receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen.
Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good,
and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your
Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord God, be it known unto you: be
ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.
Thus saith the Lord God; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your
iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be
And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that
passed by.

And they shall say This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden;
and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are
Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build
the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the Lord have spoken it, and
I will do it. (Ezekiel 36: 24-36, KJV. The passage the heathen that are left
round about you is explained by Zechariah 13: 8-9: And it shall come to pass,
that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but
the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and
will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall
call on My name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is My People: and they shall
say, The Lord is my God.)

The tree of good and evil
preaches atheism and decadence under the disguise
of personal freedom. It is an honour/dishonour system. It denies the existence of the
Eternal Creator and His great plan of salvation as well as absolute standards of justice,
truth and morality. In the words of Henry Makow: Essentially it is a case of who will
people obey and serve: God or Lucifer? If they believe in God, then they follow a
healthy spiritual and moral design. If they believe in Lucifer, they are God and they can
do whatever they wish. Do what thou wilt, is their motto. Governed by self interest,
they are easy to control. Our idealism has been tricked and misdirected.

It is the prophet Ezekiel who sums up the situation well: Behold, all souls are
mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sins
shall die. If a man is righteous and does what is lawful and rightif he does not eat
upon the mountains or lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, does not defile
his neighbours wife or approach a woman in her time of impurity, does not oppress
any one, but restores to the debtor his pledge, commits no robbery, gives his bread to
the hungry and covers the naked with a garment, does not lend at interest or take any
increase, withholds his hand from iniquity, executes true justice between man and

See the The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, for a better understanding of the symbolism
involved in this phrase.
Henry Makow, The Trouble with Judaism, Emphasis
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man, walks in my statutes, and is careful to observe my ordinanceshe is righteous, he
shall surely live, says the Lord God. If he begets a son who is a robber, a shedder of
blood, who does none of these duties, but eats upon the mountains, defiles his
neighbours wife, oppresses the poor and needy, commits robbery, does not restore the
pledge, lifts up his eyes to the idols, commits abomination, lends at interest, and takes
increase; shall he then live? He shall not live. He has done all these abominable things;
he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon himself. The soul that sins shall die. The
son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for
the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself,
and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself. (Ezekiel 18: 4-13, 20. RSV,
emphasis added.)

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Chapter 23Our Human Destiny
It is no cosmic coincidence that the Moon is about 400 (10 x 40) times closer to the
Earth than the Sun.
At the same time, the Sun is about 400 times larger than the
Moon. What this means is that the size of the Sun and Moon, as seen from the surface
of the Earth, whose diameter is 7,920 miles, appears to be about the same in the sky.
When viewed from the surface of Earth, both the moon and sun appear to be about one
half a degree in sizethat is, about the size of your thumbnail when you extend your
arm. In astronomical terms, the Sun and Moon have roughly the same angular size.
This makes it possible for a solar eclipse to occur. No other planets in our solar system
enjoy the same one-to-one ratio. Moreover, the diameter of the Moon2,160 miles
and the diameter of the Sun864,000 milesgives the two important numbers in this
relationship (864,000 2,160 = 400), and the mathematical definition of the
Birthright and the Sceptre promises.
These two numbers for the basis to the
understanding of the whole Plan of Salvation, as youll discover in The Beguiled and
the Doctrine of the Two Spirit. This Plan is told in the Exodus story, and you'll recall
that the Exodus lasted 40 years from the flight from Egypt to the final crossing of the
Jordan. That number 40 is highly significant, and 10 (standing for the Law) x 40 is
how the number 400 is derived. Thus it is important to realize that much of the sacred
symbolism needs to be multiplied by 10, for the number of the Spiritual Law, to get the
intended meaning. Probably the best presentation of this principle was found in
Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. You'll recall from Figure 18 in chapter 11 that
Solomon placed ten seven-branched candlesticks in the Holy Place in the Temple. Of
course, there are many other similar symbols used to allude to the "secret things" of

He made also ten lavers, and put five on the right hand, and five on the left, to
wash in them: such things as they offered for the burnt offering they washed in
them; but the sea [was] for the priests to wash in.

And he made ten candlesticks of gold according to their form, and set [them] in
the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.

He made also ten tables, and placed [them] in the temple, five on the right side,
and five on the left. And he made an hundred basons of gold. (2 Chronicles 4:
6-8, emphasis added)

Nor is it another giant fluke that it is 2160 miles in diameter.
The number 400 is highly significant, and is derived from 10 x 40 years, or 10 Exodus periods, again designed
to show the tight integration of the Ten Commandments with the work of spiritual purification, through
repentance and the keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals, which the Exodus symbolizes.
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Figure 23: The Celestial Wedding Ring

Thus, we see that the Moon represents the Birthright Promises (whose important
number derives from 21.6 x 10 = 216 x 10 = 2,160, which denotes the size of our
Zodiacal birth sign in the sky), while the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth represents
the Birthright, and the Northern Hemisphere the Sceptre. Notice that our Earth is
7,920 miles in diameter, a shortfall of 720 miles on the scaled-down 8,640 miles
diameter of the Sun, indicating that 2 x 360 degrees of work needs to be added (i.e. the
work of redemption that we need to attend to, in cooperation with both forms of the
Holy Spirit) before the process of being born again is completed. Figure 23A shows
this process, and the two values of 360 degrees represent a spiritual measuring rod,
which you can see revealed, for the Birthright anyway, in Figure 8.1 in chapter 8 of The
Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. In the Great Pyramid we symbolically
reach the level of the completion of the born-again processvia the indwelling
Birthright Holy Spiritat the level of the Bridal (Queens) Chamber, whose esoteric
value is 24 (being on the 24
course of masonry) x 5 (the value of the niche in the wall
in the Queens Chamber), which gives 120 years, or 43,200 days (And the LORD said,
My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall
be an hundred and twenty years. Genesis 6: 3).
Just about everyone on the planet has been deceived about the nature of the Holy
Spirit, which is falsely conceived of as a single entity. As one false-shepherd
impatiently said to me when I tried to show him that there are two forms of the Holy
Spirit, the Holy Spirits the Holy Spirit, implying of course that I didnt know what I
was talking about. As Figure 23A shows, gaining access to the Sceptre is not
understood by moderns at all, and hence the saying of Jesus at Revelation 2: 5
(explained below) prevails in this world of total and rampant lawlessness. Of absolute
importance for everyone who would be saved is that they first become purified from all
sin, and that, as we know, cannot be accomplished under our own steam. We need the

This brilliant eclipse photo of the Total Solar Eclipse of 2001 Jun 21, Chisamba, Zambia, courtesy of Fred
Espenak, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. Eclipse photo courtesy of Fred Espenak, NASA/Goddard Space
Flight Center.
For more information on solar and lunar eclipses, see Fred Espenak's Eclipse Home Page:
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power of the Creators Birthright Holy Spirit to wash and cleanse us. And, as Ive
hinted at, for those who marry it can only be achieved under conditions of true

Figure 23A: The main purpose of the Creation, showing our
Destiny in symbolic numbers, and the four great spheres: Moon,
Earth, Sun, and Sirius. The fifth sphere, Venus, is missing from the
diagram, and represents Christ and all His true followers. And the
two become one again as elohim in the heavens. Numbers show
the diameter, in miles, of the Moon, Earth, and the Sun.

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Figure 23B: Both the above diagrams are an enlargement, if you like, of the two smaller circles of
Figure 23A just above, and labelled Step 1 and Step 2, for the female (Birthright) and the male
(Sceptre). Notice the makeup of the number 144 (2 x 72), 216 (3 x 72), 288 (4 x 72), 360 (5 x 72), and
432 (6 x 72). The addition of these numbers are related to the Birthright and Sceptre Holy Spirit, and
in this way they are the measuring rods mentioned in the Scriptures e.g. at Revelation 21: 17. Note
that 72 x 360 = 25,920, the number of the Great Man or Platonic Year, in the 12 x 2,160 = 25,920 cycle
of the Zodiac.

I began this book by stating that the original Adam was created as an angelic being.
He was then separated into male and female parts. All of the Plan of Salvation, all of
the spiritual and Earth symbolism (i.e. the Northern and Southern hemispheres),
including the Moon symbolism, is designed to show a re-unification of male and
female back, through a two-step process, at the end of the story, to that same state as
existed in the beginning. That re-unification is known as the Marriage Supper of the
Lamb (the two become one, or the Elect become elohim) and is symbolised in our skies
by total Solar and Lunar eclipses, and this is the reason for the supposed cosmic
coincidence that the Sun (the male dimension, the Sceptre) and the Moon (the female
dimension, the Birthright) appear to be the same size. What you are viewing in a total
Lunar eclipse, is the first part of the spiritual purification process, when the Earth and
the Moon become one; while in a total Solar eclipse we see the Sun (the Sceptre) and
the Moon (the Birthright) becoming one, the second part of the process.

However, the fact is that a preparatory spiritual worka total spiritual
purification called being born againhas to be accomplished in the male and female
before access to the Sceptre Holy Spirit, which is a purely male domain. This is the
whole point of the saying of Jesus at Revelation 2: 5: Remember therefore from
whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto
thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
This preparatory spiritual work is accomplished only in one way: through repentance

You would also be interested in knowing that after every rise of the great stari.e. planet Venusin the east
as the Morning Star, the next Full Moon afterwards is going to be a total lunar eclipse. Every time you see this
you know that the Messiah is true to His Eternal Promise, which is that He would never leave us.
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from living the sinful life, baptism, and the total keeping of the Eternal spiritual Law
(the Ten Commandments, and the other Statutes), through the monthly New Moon
Festivals, which is outlined in more detail in our books The Beguiled and the Doctrine
of the Two Spirits, and Preparation for Baptism, both freely available from our Web
site. Suffice to point out here that the symbolism of this process has been right under
our noses in the skies above.
It is the found in total Lunar eclipses, which show that
the Earth and the Moon actually do, symbolically, become one in the skies, as Figure
24 and 25 show.

Figure 24: 28 August, 2007, moving
towards total lunar eclipse, Stanthorpe,
Queensland, Australia. The eclipse was
visible between 7.20 and 9.39 pm on the
night of the full moon on 28th August,
2007. The photo above shows the Moon
nearly half-eclipsed. Unlike a solar
eclipse, a lunar eclipse is visible from an
entire hemisphere of the Earth.

Figure 25: 28 August, 2007, total lunar eclipse
is now visible, Stanthorpe, Queensland,
Australia. This photo shows what the Moon
looks like when it is fully eclipsed. These
important astronomical features are an
important phenomena in the New Moon
Festivals, and occur every four years, and
only when the Moon is full.

In the symbolism from ancient Egypt, there is also this same story. For example, in
the Egyptian ritual symbol known as the raising of the djed-pillar, we have both the
male and female symbolism, in a single structure. The foundation of the pillar appears
feminine, with a male figure emerging from a platform atop the womans head. There
are also the important concepts of the Ka, and the Ba, and the Akh in ancient
Egypt. Much has been written about the Ka and the Ba, but to simplify the matter, the
Ka is the spirit in man, and the Ba is the indwelling Birthright Holy Spirit that is given
to a repentant and baptised adult human being. The Ba or soul or spiritual double of
the Christian old man, begins to form only in a baptized and repentant believer who
starts the long process of being born again through the keeping of the monthly New

As you can see from Figure 24, even Adam and Eve could have seen that the Earth was round from the curve
of its shadow cast on the Moon. The astronomy books written for gullible people tell us that, for instance In 450
BC, Anaxagoras of Clazomenae reasoned that because the Earths shadow on the Moon was curved, the Earth
itself must have been spehrical. Moore, Patrick, The Moon, Mitchell Beazley Publishers, published in
association with the Royal astronomical Society, London, 1981, p. 10.
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Moon Festivals. Once this process of replacing the Ka with its spiritual double, the Ba,
is begun in earnest, it cannot be stopped. Thus the soul is the very mind and heart of
God that begins to dwell in such a person. Put into the language of the Egyptians,
Horus dies and rises to the sky as Osiris, using the Winding Waterway, which is also
rendered in some texts as Osiris ascending into heavcen via the ladder of Horus. In
other words, Horus/Jesus, the Earthly man, and all his true followers, when deceased,
becomes spiritualized or akhified, which means they becomes an elohim or angel.

Figure 26: The High Priest
The whole structure of the djed-
pillar could be interpreted as a kind
of Tree of Lifedepicting the
ultimate destiny of the human race
as angels in the heavens. The pillar
contains much Venus symbolism,
including the 13 dots on each side-
skins, plus there are eight light-
coloured horizontal bands
separated by darker layers (very
similar to the alternate gold and
blue bands of Tutankhamuns
Osiris-regalia): giving the feminine
13 periods x 8 years in the lesser
feminine section of the Venus cycle
(see The Beguiled and the Doctrine
of the Two Spirits for the
explanation) . On top of that
structure is the ankh, symbol of the
Life and power of the full initiate,
representing the male, and a pair of

Figure 27: The Djed-
arms reaches up past the egg-shaped ankh-head to embrace the solar disk, which isnt
the Divinityas Egyptology falsely teachesbut the Sun itself, symbol of our ultimate
destiny to become elohim. The cross-piece of the ankh brings the number of horizontal
platforms to five, again highly significant in the Venus cycle (5 x 8). It is only from that
high point that the seeker can truly reach up to immortality.

The Israelite High Priests clothing also contains dual male and female symbolism.
The jewels in the Breastplate are distinctly Birthright (the 13 caudate nuclei in the
brain), and therefore of feminine origin, while the head gear, is more representative of
a jewelled crown, indicating a symbolism that is directly related to the Sceptre, or the
Crown of life.
So, to conclude this chapter, the destiny of all humans, following the resurrections,
in right order (elect first, and then the rest of repentant mankind), is to become as
angelselohim in the heavens, and thus returning all things to their former state of

Lemesurier, Peter, The Great Pyramid Decoded, Element Books, Brisbane, 1996, p. 173-175.
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glory (see Appendix F: Angels). It is the reason Jacobs name was changed to Israel, for
in that name, everything is neatly summarized.
Jesus the Messiah, at Luke 20: 27-
, goes to some length in explaining the process to a group of Sadducees
There came to him some Sadducees, those who say that there is no resurrection,
and they asked him a question, saying, Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a mans
brother dies, having a wife but no children, the man must take the wife and raise
up children for his brother. Now there were seven brothers; the first took a wife,
and died without children; and the second and the third took her, and likewise all
seven left no children and died. Afterward the woman also died. In the
resurrection, therefore, whose wife will be the woman be? For the seven had her as

And Jesus said to them, The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage; but
those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from
the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, for they cannot die any more,
because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the
resurrection. But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed, in the passage
about the bush, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac
and the God of Jacob. Now he is not God of the dead, but of the living; for all live
to him. And some of the scribes answered, Teacher, you have spoken well. For
they no longer dared to ask him any question. (Luke 20: 27-40)

The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 2: 9, says it all when he quotes Isaiah 64: 4:
But as it is written Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into
the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.
Also in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul explains further:
Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God

And Jesus completes the story of the Plan of Salvation by declaring:
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are
as the angels of God [i.e. elohim] in heaven. (Matthew 22: 30, emphasis

The word Israel means Moon (Is from Isis) + Sun (Ra) = Elohim (El, to mean male [12 powers] + female
[12 powers] = angelic elohim [24]), a very shorthand way of concealing the whole plan of creation in one word,
but this has been so totally corrupted by Satanic influences, especially through freemasonry, to have new and
different meanings these days.
This is also reported in Matthew 22: 23-33 and Mark 12: 18-27.
The Sadducees taught that there is no resurrection from the dead, that angels do not exist and that there is no
such thing as the spirit. See Acts 23: 8. The Pharisees believed in all three.
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Figure 28: Astronomical Signature of the
Marriage Supper of the Lamb

But the key ingredient, the thing that must come to all human beings, eventually, is
to become humble and repentant human beings through a long process of
righteousness training. The aim is to become wholly good and merciful, and to totally
rid our lives of all sin. Yet, many of us may not know that every human being who
entered Solomons Temple,
had to do so by walking between the two giant pillars
that stood before the Temple. These two pillars represented the first works, which
means the spiritual process of being born again, which is what most of the religious
symbolism in ancient Egypt always alluded to (i.e. before satan and his henchmen
destroyed the true understanding of the systems found in Egypt, via Egyptology, and
most of the academic discipline called Ancient History.). It is the same allegory that
faced Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, only the symbolism is more powerful. One
pillar represented the forbidden tree of good and evil, and the other the Tree of
Life, with the visitor, representing the eclipsed Sun and Moon, walking between them,
which is the destiny of all saved human beings, as explained previously. The cube-
shaped Most Holy Place, at the other end of the Temple, represented our destiny: to
become as angels.
The two pillars show clearly that the Creator God had always
intended that we have to learn and discern to clearly distinguish between
the Two Ways, and that life on planet Earth was to choose between these two ways

This brilliant eclipse photo (highly enhanced) of the Total Solar Eclipse of 2001 Jun 21, Chisamba, Zambia,
courtesy of Fred Espenak, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.
For an interesting report on the eclipse see the following Webpage:
For more information on solar and lunar eclipses, see Fred Espenak's Eclipse Home Page:
Undoubtedly the forerunner of this powerful symbolism was the painting of the left and right door posts of
the Hebrews dwellings in Egypt with blood, on the night of the first Passover.
Solomons Temple contains lots of other significant symbols, the most interesting for this present work being
the Ulam. The Ulam (1 Kings 6:3; 2 Chr. 3:4; 9:7), or tower, stood next innermost after the pillars of Jachin and
Boaz, and was 120 cubits high, with seven levels, standing also as an allegory for Moses' life and the Venus Cycle,
and by extension, for the 3 x 40 year periods of the Sacred Calendar presented here!
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(the blessings and the curses. The Cursings are at Deuteronomy 28: 15-68; and the
Blessings at Deuteronomy 28: 1-14.), and choose life (the Tree of Life). Hence the
saying be wise as serpents, but as innocent as doves. Thus the principle thing in life
is to learn how to thoroughly discern between good and evil, and always to choose
good, which is wisdom. Putting all this into one sentence, we have learnt that the
destiny of all human beings is to become the Sun, symbolically speaking. From ancient
times Christ was labeled as the Sun of Righteousness, and was depicted as the sun
god. All genuine Scripture teaches that Jesus is the Sun, the Master Teacher, and we as
His followers are to walk in His footsteps, and become like Him also. Thus the Sun
stands as the master symbol for our destiny, which is to become angels.

Now the Temple is long gone, Jachin and Boaz have similarly disappeared or have
been destroyed, and so has the meaning of the ancient allegory. But the Creator has
understood that this had to happen, because Satans power to deceive and destroy is
very great, and one of his most important items on his agenda, and the agenda of his
evil followers, has been the two-fold destruction of religion and the family. He has
almost succeeded!
Yet the Eternal God has seen to it that there would be a small remnant alive at
the very end to pass on the truth. And that truth had to be stored somewhere beyond
the reach of Satans grubby hands, lest he destroy the allegory. So He set it high in the
heavens beyond the destructive hands of those opponents. Today the cosmic identity
of the tree of good and evil and the Tree of Life still stands majestically, ominously,
before the whole Earth! It is found in the dance of the two mornings stars, Mercury
(the tree of good and evilthe Way of Satan) and Venus (the Tree of Lifethe Way of
Eternal Life), around the Sun! Unfortunately the vast majority of mankind is living out
a destiny that they are largely unaware of, and whose destination is the Pit. Choose
well my friend, for your Eternal life totally depends upon it. This is
because law-enforcement upon those who refuse to obey the Creators
simple rules of living will be absolute and final, and is soon to be effected
on all, and is called the Day of the Lord in the scriptures.

See D.M. Murdock's (pen name Acharya S) Jesus as the Sun Throughout History, 2009, Stellar House
Publishing, LLC. Jesus as the Sun Throughout History examines ancient texts, including the Bible and works of
the early Church fathers, as well as other writings, art, artifacts and traditions to demonstrate that Jesus has
been perceived as the sun, both spiritually and as the actual, physical solar orb, many times over the centuries by
numerous people, including religious authorities and common people. Available here:
Some other scriptures call this day the Day of Law. If you would like to have a deeper appreciation of what is
to happen at this great event, soon to descend upon the Earth, spend some time reading the Book of Isaiah, and
the Book of Jeremiah, found in the pages of the Bible.
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Appendix A

Zep Tepi, the First Time of the gods!

In their profound and beautiful religious texts, the ancient Egyptians frequently spoke
of Zep Tepi, which literally means First Time. To them this First Time of the gods
was regarded as an actual mysterious and beautiful golden age that had immediately
followed the first creation. This geographic area is believed to be centred on the Giza
necropolis, the site of the Sphinx and the three Pyramids. They also believed and
taught that this magical epoch had been projected and recorded in the catalogue of the
starry sky above ancient Egypt. That in fact it had a specific cosmic address in the sky,
a specific pathway, to the dwelling place of the gods of Orion and Sirius on the banks
of the celestial Nile. This was the Duat. The earliest religious writings that have
survived from ancient Egypt speak of the Duat, which is a powerful symbolic
terminology used to describe the cosmic world of the dead and its features. This
word is routinely translated by modern Egyptologists as the Underworld, and
sometimes as the Netherworld. But in the Pyramid Texts the Duat is clearly a
location in the starry sky. As Sir E A Wallis Budge points out: the Egyptiansfrom
the earliest timesdepicted to themselves a material heaven [the Duat]...on the banks
of a heavenly Nile, whereon they built cities.
Elsewhere they talked about the
Kingdom of Osiris in Orion on the right bank of the Nile in the sky, the Milky Way.
This motif is re-anacted endlessly in the cosmic setting by the cyclical displays of the
celestial orbs and constellations. It was permanently in place on the grounded Duat
in Egypt, and still exists there to this day, albeit poorly understood.
Robert Bauval
and Graham Hancock, authors of the Keeper of Genesis, have this to say about this
whole ancient Egyptian epoch:

What they had in mind, in other words, was a kind of cosmic passion play,
expressed in the language of allegorical astronomy, in which each main character
was identified with a specific celestial body. Re was the sun, Osiris was Orion, Isis
was the star Sirius, Thoth was the moonand so on and so forth. Nor was the
drama only confined to the celestial realms; on the contrary, as one might expect
in dualistic ancient Egypt, it was also re-enacted on the ground, amidst the cosmic
ambience of the astronomical Pyramids of Giza, where the events of the First
Time were commemorated for millennia in secret rituals and liturgies.

For an astronomical view of Zep Tepi see Essay 1 The Fall, in our freely available The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits.
E A Wallis Budge, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1967, p. cxxiii.
This region on the ground in Egypt and in the sky, which periodically lines up, has also been called the "Land
of Sokar" which is said to occupy the Fifth Division of the Duat. In fact the House of Sokar may in fact be the
Great Pyramid! For a more detailed discussion refer to Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, Genesis Keeper, pp.
Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, Keeper of Genesis: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind.
Heinemann, London, 1996, p. 140.
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Now Egyptologists tells us that very little is known of these secret rituals and
liturgies! A famous Egyptologist, R T Rundle Clark tells us that:

The creation of the myths was founded on certain principles. These are strange
and, as yet, only partially understood. The most important element seems to have
been as follows:
(a) The basic principles of life, nature and society were determined by the gods
long ago, before the establishment of kingship. This epochZep Tepithe First
Timestretched from the first stirring of the High God in the Primeval Waters to
the settling of Horus upon the throne and the redemption of Osiris. All proper
myths relate events or manifestations of this epoch.
(b) Anything whose existence or authority had to be justified or explained must
be referred to the First Time. This was true for natural phenomena, rituals, royal
insignia, the plans of temples, magical or medical formulae, the hieroglyphic
system of writing, the calendarthe whole paraphernalia of the civilisation

These motifs are certainly not myths, as R T Rundle Clark claims, but in fact were
stories based on events that really did happen so very long ago! In fact Clark further
explains that the Pharaohs role was to re-enact and commemorate the events that
were believed to have happened in this blissful golden First Time. This author also
points out that nearly all Egyptian art is deeply symbolic, and that the architectural
arrangements and decoration were a kind of mythical landscape work right down to
the last detail, and that everything had a meaning:

The shrine [tomb or pyramid complex] of the god [the king], for instance, was the
Horizon, the land of glorious light beyond the dawn horizon where the gods dwelt.
The Temple was an image of the universe as it now existed and, at the same time,
the land on which it stood was the Primeval Mound which arose from the waters of
the Primeval Ocean at CreationAt the close of the daily temple service, the priests
raised a small figure of Maat (the goddess of Law and Order) in front of the
divine image. This act was meant to assert that rightness and order had been re-
established, but it was also a repetition of an event that took place at the beginning
of the world of some mythical happening in the time of the gods.

The Egyptian concept of Maat was central to their very civilisation, as it will be
once again in the soon to come Millenial Rule of the Messiah. Maat signified
something more comprehensive than fairness. Originally the word was a physical
term; it meant level, ordered, and symmetrical like the foundation plan of a temple.
Later it came to mean righteousness, truth, and justice. [P H Newby, Warrior
Pharaohs, quoted in, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of
the Secret Scrolls of Jesus, by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, Arrow Books
Limited, 1997, London, p. 136]. These authors also proclaim that the ethical code
found in the ancient art of Freemasonry as practiced around the world today, is

R T Rundle Clark, Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt, Thames and Hudson, London, 1978, pp. 263-65.
Ibid., p. 27.
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nothing other than the original complex concept of Maat.
Maat means truth, justice,
fairness, equity, harmony and moral rectitude as symbolised by the regular purity
of the perfectly upright and square foundations of a temple. [Ibid., p. 188] At first in
ancient Egypt Maat was the central concept of just plain old goodness and purity,
freely given to all. Later Maat became a goddess, was sister to Thoth, the god of the
moon. Lomas and Knight explain: Maat was the daughter of the sun god Re and
sailed across the sky with him in a boat, and she is often depicted as standing at the
bow ensuring that a true and perfect course is maintained. Maat is shown
with an ostrich feather in her headdress and an ankh hanging from each arm. The
ankh was, and is, the symbol of life. Its form is a crucifix with the top section
split down the middle and opened up, to form the shape of an eye or boat in a vertical
position. [Ibid., p. 139] Incidentially, Maat is often accompanied at the bow of this
symbolic boat by none other than her brother, the Egyptian moon god Thoth! In
Egyptian religion a king that fought evil was said to be a good godan heir to Thoth.
This Egyptian concept had its counterpart in the ancient Hebrew sacred economy
as well. There are three Hebrew words which are used almost constantly in the psalms:
mishpat, tzedek, and shalom. The second of these words, tzedek, implied justice and
righteusness, and was a central attribute of the sun god, who brought hidden
crimes to light, righted the wrongs done to the innocent, and watched over the world
as a judge. Once Yahweh had been enthroned on Zion, tzedek became his attribute too:
he would see that justice was done in his kingdom, that the poor and vulnerable were
protected, and that the strong did not oppress the weak.
Thus, both the
Egyptian Maat and the Hebrew tzedek are a pragmatic statement of one of the central
teachings of Jesus the Nazoreando unto others as you would be done to.
Now it is interesting to know, say the Egyptologists, that the ancient Egyptians
strongly asserted that this happening did not occur in some hard-to-find place like the
Biblical Garden of Eden. They maintained, again according to Egyptologists, that the
momentous events of the First Time had taken place right in their own land, in the
triangular geographical region just south of the apex of the Nile delta encompassing
Heliopolis (known as the city of the sun and also as the Biblical On), Memphis and
Giza. This was the real Garden of Eden, or so we are told. It was here, in this sacred
landscape, that the gods of the First Time were said in the religious texts to have
established their earthly kingdom.
According to R T Rundle Clark this was a golden age of absolute perfection.

all that was goodwas established on the principles laid down in the First
Timewhich was, therefore, a golden age of absolute perfectionbefore the
rage or clamour or strife or uproar had come about. No death, disease or disaster
occurred in the blissful epoch, known variously as the time of Re, the time of
Osiris, or the time of Horus.

I know of several respected Freemaons and none of them keep the Law of God!
Armstrong, Karen, A History of Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths, Harper Collins Publishers, London, 1997,
p. 53.
Clark, Op Cit., p. 264.
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But this golden age was not to last. As Bauval and Hancock observe, The gods
Osiris and Horus, together with Re (in his composite form as Re-Atum, the Father
of the gods) were regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the supreme expressions
and exemplars of this golden age.
Osiris was especially remembered for
having the distinction of being the first to sit on the throne of this divine Kingdom,
which he ruled jointly with his consort Isis. The golden age of plenty over which the
royal couple presided (during which agriculture and animal husbandry were taught to
humans and laws and religious doctrines were set for them) was however brought to
an abrupt and violent halt when Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth. Left
without child, Isis brought the dead Osiris back to life for long enough to receive his
seed. As a result of this union she, in due course, gave birth to Horus whose destiny it
was to wrangle back the kingdom of Osiris from the clutches of his evil uncle Seth.

Thus the stage had been set for the eternal struggle between goodness and evil,
between the right hand and the left hand, and between the East and the West.
According to Allan F Alford, the Pyramid texts tell us that there were three stages
to Zep Tepi. During this creative period the Pyramid Texts have ... the creator-god
boasting that: I was born in the abyss before the Sky existed, before the Earth existed,
before that which was to be made firm existed, before turmoil existed, before that fear
which arose on account of the Eye of Horus existed.
Elsewhere in the Egyptian texts,
the creator-god explained his own birth, throwing more light on the first divine
occupants of Nun: I came into being as One who Becomes; I came into being and
Becoming became. All beings came into being after I had come into being. Many are
the becomings that came forth from my mouth, at a time when the Sky did not exist,
the Earth did not exist, solid land had not yet been created, no more than the snakes
which are in this place. I created some of them in the Primeval Ocean as Inert Ones,
at a time when I had not yet found a place to stand.

These three stages of Zep Tepi Alford has recognised as follows:

1. Stage one is a time when the Creator alone existed in Nun. There are no other
gods who stand with him.

2. Stage two occurs when he is joined by the Inert Ones, and

3. Stage three occurs when the creator finds a place to stand.

In my opinion the story about Nibiru is the story of the first creation, and yes,
on this planet Nibiru, not the Earth as we know it now! We are repeatedly
told by the Sumerian clay tablet record that the reckoning of time on this planet was

Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, Keeper of Genesis, Op Cit., p. 143.
Ibid., p. 143.
The eyes are meant to be symbols of the Sun (right-eye) and the Moon (left eye).
Alan F Alford, The Phoenix Solution, pp. 212-213.
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far greater than that on planet Earth, as Max Igan reminds us that Zechariahhh Sitchin
has already shown this:

In their texts the Sumerians repeatedly state that time flows differently
on Nibiru than how it flows on earth. They stress the point that the flow of
time on any given planet is directly related to the time it takes that planet
to orbit its parent star, in this case, the Sun. This means for example, that
since it takes 12 earth years for Jupiter to orbit the Sun, a man living on
Jupiter for one orbit, would only physically age one year as apposed to
someone on standing on earth who would age 12 years in the same period
of Earth time. It therefore stands to reason that a person who lived on a
planet that takes 3,600 earth years to orbit the Sun would also only age
one year during that orbital timeframe. Such discrepancies in time are
actually proven in part by Einstein's Special theory of Relativity and it is
well known how time flows slower for astronauts when they are away
from earths rotational pull for example. Einstein even speculated that
time was a type of 'fabric' that the planets 'roll' across similar to a ball
rolling across a strip of linen.

The Sumerians inform us that one year on planet Nibiru was called a shar
and was equivalent in time to 3,600 Earth years. They also say that the
average Anunnaki lifespan was around about 120 shars which equates to
120 times 3600 or 432,000 earth years. According to the Sumerian King
List a period of 120 shars passed from the time the Anunnaki first arrived
on Earth until the time of the Great Flood. This is extremely significant as
432,000 is a number that also features very highly in numerous other
mythologies as well. (p. 151, Earths Forbidden Secrets.)

This information strongly suggests that the very long period of the life of the early
patriarchs, as recorded in the Bible, was set in an environment where a year was
tremendously longer than it was on Earth. On another planet in fact, or on an Earth
that was 10 times larger than it currently is! After all, the scriptures tells us that Adam
lived to be 930 years old, Seth 912 years, Enosh 905 years, Kenan 910 years, Noah 950
years, and so on. This of course is a total contradiction of Genesis 6: 3 (discussed
below). Then, the early part of the Book of Genesis does suggest that there has been a
whole new recreation, or redesigning of the Earth and the Solar System, since the
demons who rebelled in the first Fall
(yes, there have been two Falls!) on planet
Nibiru (Sitchins twelfth planet), were then cast down to the newly refashioned
Earth (actually refashioned from a cosmic collision with Nibiru), which according to
Sitchins research, was called Tiamat by the ancient Sumerians. Nibiru of course either
being totally destroyed, or cast into outer darkness (which is as good metaphor as
any to describe a planet on a such a long orbit. See Figure XXX.). The time formula on

To understand the fact of two Falls see Philip Jones Who Rules the World, available here:
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Nibiru, being 120 times 3600 or 432,000 earth years, was supernaturally shortened
in proportion, so that now mankinds days were recast as 120 times 360 days, or
43,200 Earth days. This is a magic number in a sense is found in everything to do
with the salvation of man, as I have pointed out in many other places. This is the real
meaning behind Genesis 6: 3: And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive
with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty
years, or 43,200 days.

Now I believe is a good time to finish off this section with what zep tepi really means!
In The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored! you will find the following

Before moving on from the Feast of Tabernacles, it is important to understand
that this Feast did not originate with Moses during the Exodus from Egypt, for it
had formed a central part of the ancient Christianity that began at the time of the
Fall, in ancient Khemit (this is the actual name of ancient Egypt). There it was
known as the Heb-Sed festival, and was celebrated at the end of the year. In
fact you will find references to the names given to some of the Heb-Sed festivals
there, such as zep tepi heb-sed, (which translates as the heb-sed of the First
Time), and also zep tepi uahem heb-sed, (which translates as the repetition of
the heb-sed of the First Time).
This has been consistently misunderstood as a
specific time in history, and deliberately written into the history books, especially
those on Egyptology, to hide the fact the zep tepi is a direct reference to the first
time a newly baptised person gets to keep a Heb-Sed festival!
You see, in the
true religion, a person cannot become baptised until they have reached 30 years of
age (this is one of the judgments of the Fall that has been deleted from most
), and thereafter the born-again process of spiritual redemption
begins with the keeping of the monthly New Moon Festivals. These culminate in
the Feast of Heb-sed, or the Feast of Tabernacles at the end of the year, after twelve
such New Moons had been kept. Thus a person after one year of repentance and
walking on the true path, the Way, the first translation above--zep tepi heb-sed,
would apply as he attended his or her first Feast of Tabernacles. In succeeding
years, as the Feast of Tabernacles was kept, the second expression zep tepi uahem
heb-sed, applied. There is also much mumbo-jumbo presented by Egyptologists,
and fellow travellers, about the Pharaoh taking the sed festival after 30 years of his
reign, for example, Robert Bauval says, in his book The Egypt Code, that as a rule,
all Egyptologists agree that the sed festival came after a period of 30 years of a

From Robert Bauvals The Egypt Code, Century Books, London, 2006, p. 65.
For more information see Appendix A: Zep Tepi, the First Time of the Gods! of our book, The Beguiled and
the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, which is freely available here:
For more information on this important judgment see Essay #1, The Fall, in our book, The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits, which is freely available here:
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kings reign.
This is patent nonsense. What actually happened is that all people
in ancient Egypt who had repented, could only become baptised after attaining the
age of 30 years! This applied to everyone, not just the king. You can read much
more in-depth material on this in Essay 8The Macrocosm and the Microcosm,
under the heading The New Moon Festivals, the Feast of Tabernacles of Ancient
Egypt, and the Dresden Codex, of our freely available The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits.

Robert Bauvals The Egypt Code, Century Books, London, 2006, p. 61.
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Appendix B: Enochs Law of the Sun

Figure B1: Rising position of the Sun charted at monthly intervals
throughout the year, as viewed from Teotihuacan, Mexico, and
Stonehenge, England.
The number of days from solstice to
solstice is 366 days inclusive, and 364 days exclusive, while the
difference in days is 365. For example, if you count from
December 21, 2006 to December 21, 2007, and count those two
days in the interval, youll get 366 days,
giving 364 days by
excluding those two, and 365 days as the difference in days.

Enochs Law of the Sun

Chapter 71

The book of the revolutions of the luminaries of heaven, according to their respective
classes, their respective powers, their respective periods, their respective names, the
places of their nativity, and their respective months, which Uriel, the holy angel who
was with me, explained to me; he who conducts them. The whole account of them,

Source: Aveni, Anthony, Skywatchers, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2001, p. 64.
This figure of 366 days was so important to the ancient world, who understood the need for a calendar year of
364 days, by ignoring the start and finish day day (as discussed in the description of Figure B1 above), in the
reckoning of the year. For more information on the importance of the number 366, see The Sacred Calendar of
the MessiahRestored! Chapter 2, General Nature of the Sacred Calendar, under the heading "The 366-Day
Year and the Megalithic Yard."
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according to every year of the world for ever, until a new work shall be effected, which
will be eternal (Revelation 21: 1).
This is the first law of the luminaries. The sun and the light arrive at the gates of
heaven, which are on the east, and on the west of it at the western gates of heaven.
I beheld the gates whence the sun goes forth; and the gates where the sun sets;
In which gates also the moon rises and sets; and I beheld the conductors of the
stars, among those who proceed them; six gates were at the rising, and six at the
setting of the sun.
All these respectively, one after another, are on a level; and numerous windows are
on the right and on the left sides of those gates.
First proceeds forth that great luminary, which is called the sun; the orb of which is
as the orb of heaven, the whole of it being replete with splendid and flaming fire.
Its chariot, where it ascends, the wind blows.
The sun sets in heaven, and, returning by the North, to proceed towards the east, is
conducted so as to enter by that gate, and illuminate the face of heaven.
In the same manner it goes forth in the first month by a great gate.
It goes forth through the fourth of those six gates, which are at the rising of the
And in the fourth gate, through which the sun with the moon proceeds, in the first
part of it, there are twelve open windows; from which issues out a flame, when they are
opened at their proper periods.
When the sun rises in heaven, it goes forth through this fourth gate thirty days, and
by the fourth gate in the west of heaven on a level with it descends.
During that period the day is lengthened from the day, and the night curtailed
from the night for thirty days. And then the day is longer by two parts than the night.
The day is precisely ten parts, and the night is eight.
The sun goes forth through this fourth gate, and sets in it, and turns to the fifth
gate during thirty days; after which it proceeds from, and sets in, the fifth gate.
Then the day becomes lengthened by a second portion, so that it is eleven parts;
while the night becomes shortened, and is only seven parts.
The sun now returns to the east, entering into the sixth gate, and rising and setting
in the sixth gate thirty-one days, on account of its signs.
At that period the day is longer than the night, being twice as long as the night; and
becomes twelve parts;
But the night is shortened, and becomes six parts. Then the sun rises up, that the
day may be shortened and the night lengthened.
And the sun returns towards the east, entering into the sixth gate, where it rises
and sets for thirty days.
When that period is completed, the day becomes shortened precisely one part, so
that it is eleven parts, while the night is seven parts.
Then the sun goes from the west, from that sixth gate, and proceeds eastwards,
rising in the fifth gate for thirty days, and setting again westwards in the fifth gate of
the west.
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At that period the day becomes shortened two parts; and is ten parts, while the
night is eight parts.
Then the sun goes from the fifth gate, as it sets in the fifth gate of the west; and
rises in the fourth gate for thirty-one days, on account of its signs, setting in the west.
At that period the day is made equal with the night; and being equal with it, the
night becomes nine parts, and the day nine parts.
Then the sun goes from that gate, as it sets in the west; and returning to the east
proceeds by the third gate for thirty days, setting in the west at the third gate.
At that period the night is lengthened from the day during thirty mornings, and the
day is curtailed from the day during thirty days; the night being ten parts precisely,
and the day eight parts.
The sun now goes from the third gate, as it sets in the third gate at the west; but
returning to the east, it proceeds by the second gate of the east for thirty days.
In like manner also it sets in the second gate in the west of heaven.
At that period the night is eleven parts, and the day seven parts.
Then the sun goes at that time from the second gate, as it sets in the second gate in
the west; but returns to the east, proceeding by the first gate, for thirty-one days.
And sets in the west in the first gate.
At that period the night is lengthened as much again as the day.
It is twelve parts precisely, while the day is six parts.
Into that gate it enters for thirty days, and sets in the west, in the opposite part of
At that period the night is contracted in its length a fourth part of it, that is, one
portion, and becomes eleven parts.
The day is seven parts.
Then the sun returns, and enters into the second gate of the east.
It returns by these beginnings thirty days, rising and setting.
At that period the night is contracted in its length. It becomes ten parts, and the
day eight parts. Then the suns goes from that second gate, and sets in the west; but
returns to the east, and rises in the east, in the third gate, thirty-one days, setting in
the west of heaven.
At that period the night becomes shortened. It is nine parts. And the night is equal
with the day. The year is precisely three hundred and sixty-four days.
The sun has thus completed its beginnings and a second time goes around from
these beginnings.
The lengthening of the day and night, and the contraction of the day and night, are
made to differ from each other by the process of the sun.
By means of this progress the day is daily lengthened, and the night nightly
This is the law and progress of the sun, and its turning when it turns back, turning
sixty days, and going forth. This is the great everlasting luminary, that which He
names the sun for ever and ever (Gen. 1: 14-19; Mal. 1: 11).
This is also that which goes forth a great luminary, and which is named after its
peculiar kind, as God commanded.
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And thus it goes in and out, neither slackening or resting; but running on in its chariot
by day and by night. It shines with a seventh portion of light from the moon; but the
dimensions of both are equal.

The Book of Enoch, Chapter 71: 1-47, Richard Laurence translation, 1821.
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Appendix C: Enochs Law of the Moon

For information on how to create your own Uriels Machine, using the instructions
from the Book of Enoch that follow, see Christopher Knight, and Robert Lomass,
Uriels Machine: The Prehistoric Technology That Survived the Flood, Century Books,
London, 1999. For an understanding of the spiritual significance of these Gates, and
how they are related to the monthly New Moon Festivals, see Section 24 and 25 of The
Die Is Cast.

A complete Uriel Machine, in which the large posts mark
the numbered portals, while the small posts the

Enochs Law of the Moon

Chapter 72

After this law I beheld another law of an inferior luminary, the name of which is the
moon, and the orb of which is as the orb of heaven.
Its chariot, which it secretly ascends, the wind blows; and light is given to it by
Every month at its exit and entrance it becomes changed; and its periods are as the
periods of the sun. And when in like manner its light is to exist, its light is a seventh
portion from the light of the sun.

Christopher Knight, and Robert Lomas, Uriels Machine: The Prehistoric Technology That Survived the
Flood, Century Books, London, 1999, p. 238. You will need to work on eclipse prediction, as this is the counter
mechanism of the New Moon Festivals, and a good place to start is Anthony Avenis, Stairway To The Stars:
Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Cultures, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1997. Especially useful is the
section in Appendix A on how to make your own eclipse table.
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Thus is rises, and at its commencement towards the east goes forth for thirty days.
At that time it appears, and becomes to you the beginning of the month. Thirty
days it is with the sun in the gate from which the sun goes forth (Gen. 1: 14-19; Ps. 113:
Half of it is in extent seven portions, one half; and the whole of its orb is devoid of
light, except a seventh portion out of the fourteen portions of its light. And in a day it
receives a seventh portion, or half that portion, of its light. Its light is by sevens, by one
portion, and by the half of a portion. It sets with the sun.
And when the sun rises, the moon rises with it; receiving a half portion of light.
On that night, at the beginning of its day, previously to the day of the month, the
moon sets with the sun.
And on that night it is dark in its fourteen portions, that is, in each half; but it rises
on that day with one-seventh portion precisely, and in its progress declines from the
rising of the sun.
During the remainder of its day its light increases to fourteen portions.

Chapter 73

Then I saw another progress and regulations which He affected in the law. The
progress of the moons, and every thing relating to them, Uriel shewed me, the holy
angel who conducted them all.
Their stations I wrote down, as he shewed them to me.
I wrote down their months, as they occur, and the appearance of their light, until it
is completed in fifteen days.
In each of its two seven portions it completes all its light at rising, and at each of its
seven portions it completes all its darkness at setting.
On stated months it changes its setting; and on stated months it makes its progress
through each gate. In two gates the moon sets with the sun, viz., in those two gates
which are in the midst, in the third and fourth gate. From the third gate it goes forth
for seven days, and makes its circuit.

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Figure C2: Lunar motion relative to the stars. These consecutive evening twilight scenes of
the western sky reveal that over the course of one day the moon passes from the Pleiades
through the Hyades in Taurus, a distance of 13
degrees or about 25 times it own diameter
(which is 2160 miles). Thus in one day the moon travels 25 x 2160 = 54,000 miles, 1,620,000
miles in 30 days, or 19,440,000 miles in one year. Notice how each of these figures is divisible
by the important number of 1440.

Again it returns to the gate whence the sun goes forth, and in that completes the
whole of its light. Then it declines from the sun, and enters in eight days into the sixth
gate, from which the sun goes forth.
When the sun proceeds from the fourth gate, the moon goes forth for seven days,
until it passes from the fifth gate.
Again it returns in seven days to the fourth gate, and completes all its light,
declines, and passes on by the first gate in eight days.
And returns in seven days to the fourth gate, from which the sun goes forth.
Thus I beheld their stations, as according to the fixed order of the months the sun
rises and sets.
At those times there is an excess of thirty days belonging to the sun in five years; all
the days belonging to each year of the five years, when completed, amount to three
hundred and sixty-four days, and to the sun and stars belong six days; six days in each
of the five years; thus thirty days belong to them;
So that the moon has thirty days less than the sun and stars.
The moon brings on all the years exactly, so that their stations may come neither
too forwards nor to backwards a single day; but that the years may be changed with
correct precision in three hundred and sixty-four days. In three years the days are one
thousand and ninety-two; in five years they are one thousand eight hundred and
twenty; and in eight years two thousand nine hundred and twelve days.
To the moon alone belong in three years one thousand and sixty-two days; in five
years it has fifty days less than the sun, for an addition being made to the one thousand
and sixty-two days, in five years there are one thousand seven hundred and seventy
days; and the days of the moon in eight years are two thousand eight hundred and
thirty-two days.

Source: Aveni, Anthony, Skywatchers, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2001, p. 68.
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For its days in eight years are less than those of the sun by eighty days, which
eighty days are its diminution in eight years.
The year then becomes truly complete according to the station of the moons, and
the station of the sun; which rises in different gates; which rises and sets in them for
thirty days.

Chapter 74

These are the leaders of the chiefs of the thousands, those which preside over all
creation, and over all the stars; with the four days which are added and never
separated from the place allotted them, according to the complete computation of the
And these serve four days, which are not computed in the computation of the year.
Respecting them, men greatly err; for these luminaries truly serve, in the mansion
of the world; one day in the first gate, one in the third gate, one in the fourth, and one
in the sixth gate.
And the harmony of the world becomes complete every three hundred and sixty-
fourth state of it. For the signs,
The seasons,
The years,
And the days, Uriel shewed me; the angel whom the Lord of glory appointed over
all the luminaries (Gen. 1: 14-19).
Of heaven in heaven, and in the world; that they might rule in the face of the sky,
and, appearing over the earth, become
Conductors of the days and nights; the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the
ministers of heaven, which make their circuit with all the chariots of heaven.
Thus Uriel shewed me twelve gates open for the circuit of the chariot of the sun in
heaven, from which the rays of the sun shoot forth.

The Book of Enoch, Chapter 72: 1-10 , 73: 1-16, and 74: 1-10. Richard Laurence translation, 1821.
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Appendix D: Ancient Cosmology

By Livio Catulo Stecchini

The most important theme of ancient cosmology is a moral one: The condition of man
is terrible; the world is askew; humanity has decayed from an earlier age of bliss. This
is the biblical theme of original sin and expulsion from the garden east of Eden. But
the concept of paradise and the expulsion of the human race from it is not peculiar to
biblical religion. Ancient cosmologies were concerned with the basic problem
confronting all religions: Why is there evil in the world? This is an imperfect
world and the condition of mankind oscillates between happiness and sorrow. To this
problem, which is the greatest question facing mankind, the ancients gave a
cosmological answer: because the cosmos is not constructed in the right way, because
its measurements are not what they should be. But there was another explanation
which went much deeper cosmologically and assumed that what was wrong with the
world was much more serious: The world in which we live is a crooked world
because the ecliptic forms an angle with the equator. The ecliptic is the great
highway of the sky: it is the course not only of the sun, but also of the moon and of the
five planets. We know today that this results from the fact that all the bodies of the
solar system move on a single plane, except for deviations of a few degrees.
The two most important points in the world are the points where the
ecliptic meets the equator, the equinoctial points. Ancient astronomical
systems considered as the year zero, the year from which the shifts in the position of
the stars resulting from the precession of the equinoxes begin to be counted. According
to the basic conception, the happy time prevailed long ago when the equinoxes were
near the stars Gemini and Sagittarii. At this time not only the circle of the ecliptic
and the circle of the equator met at one point, but the circle of the Milky Way as well,
which then formed a right angle with the circle of the equator.
At the point where the three circles of the cosmos used to meet there
were the three Gorgones; their name means "pivot." The Greeks said that two of
the Gorgones were immortal and one was mortal, for it was no longer true that the
Milky Way met at one point with the ecliptic and with the equator. But long ago, when
the three great circles-the Milky Way, the ecliptic, and the equator-coincided at the
Vernal Equinox, the world was in its right shape and the human race lived in a state of
eternal spring. Therefore the notion was also current that the state of mankind and of
the cosmos changes when an Equinox becomes a Solstice and inversely; this happens
as a result of a rotation of 90
caused by the precession. If the Great Year of the
precession is computed by the round figure of 24,000 years, the happy state of
mankind existed 6,000 years earlier. This is the reason why one of the biblical
chronologies computes 6,000 years from Adam to Jesus. Jesus was born at the
moment in which the sun passed from the constellation of Aries to the
constellation of Pisces.
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In the centuries preceding Jesus the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, and the
Egyptians had started to count the years backwards from the date of -6 (there are
small variations in the reckoning of the final year), expecting that at that moment
there would have come the culmination of a great period which had started when the
Sun had entered the constellation of Gemini. The best known evidence for these
expectations is the Fourth Eclogue of Virgil, on the basis of which the Roman poet
came to be considered a Christian prophet. But even though in this specific case the
period of 6,000 years was given a fixed ending and a fixed beginning, there was a
vague conception simply that there had been a happier time when the Milky Way and
the river Nile, which was closely identified with it, were turned 90
relative to their
present position. For this reason in this blissful time the Nile went from west to east.
As such it was known as the river Oceanus.
The frame of ancient geography was based on the assumption that the Nile is the
Basic Meridian of the inhabited earth. The Nile begins from two lakes at the Equator
and can be conceived of as ending at 30
, 31
, or 31
30'N, all highly significant
latitudes. The Nile is closely identified with the Milky Way which in its ideal position
goes from the extreme south to the extreme North, arching over the earth. The Milky
Way is the Nile of the Sky or the Nile is the Milky Way of the earth.
If the Milky Way passes over our heads and coincides with the Basic Meridian, it
follows that six hours earlier and six hours later it coincides with the Equator, i.e., it is
at the level of the primeval water from which the cosmos emerged. Hence, the Milky
Way marks not only the Basic Meridian, but also the line of the Equator. Since the Nile
corresponds to the Milky Way, there must also be a Nile that flows to the east and to
the west along the equator. Arab geographers of the Middle Ages conceived that from a
great lake of central Africa there originated three Niles: The Nile of Egypt that
empties into the Mediterranean, the Nile of Mogadiscio, that flows into the Indian
Ocean, and the Nile of the Land of the Black (Sudan) that ends in the Atlantic Ocean.
This equatorial Nile was called Oceanus by the Greeks. Since it merges with
what we call the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, the name Oceanus came to be
given to these bodies of water. Strictly speaking Oceanus makes a circle along the
Equator, but the ancients had problems with projections as we do. If we imagine
ourselves in any of the places that the ancients considered navel of the world, at
Thebes for the Egyptians, at Delphi or Rhodes for the Greeks, at Jerusalem for the
Jews and for Dante, the Oikoumene, or inhabited earth, will appear as a flat circle,
even if we are standing on a hemisphere. As a result of this it was conceived that the
river Oceanus surrounded the inhabited world, meaning Africa, Europe and Asia,
rather than the entire hemisphere of earth above the Equator.
The existence of a river Oceanus as an extension of the Nile along the Equator was
considered a serious reality in Greek times. Probably the upper course of the
river Congo suggested the course of the Oceanus. Furthermore, just where the mouth
of the Oceanus should have been, on the Atlantic, there was a large estuary of the river
Mano (00
02'N), which has been given the name Gabon, "cloak," by the Portuguese
because of its shape. As a result of the assumption that there was a river Oceanus
linking the Atlantic with the sources of the Nile, the theory was formed that the floods
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of the Nile are caused by water of the Atlantic Ocean forced up Oceanus (or the
equatorial Nile) by the Etesian winds. The physical philosophers Thales and
Anaxagoras believed in this theory. But this opinion about the causes of the Nile Flood
is referred to with disapproval by Herodotus. Herodotus rejected the theory that the
flood of the Nile is caused by the melting of snow because he believed in the existence
of the river Oceanus. Herodotus expresses his doubts about the existence of the river
Oceanus, but leaves unsettled the question of an equatorial Nile, extending from the
true sources of the Nile to the Atlantic Ocean. There were several reasons for which it
was conceived that there should be a Nile running along the Equator, among which
one is that, since the basic meridian of the earth was indicated by the course of the
Nile, continued by the course of the Boristhenes, and since basic parallels were
indicated by the axis of the Mediterranean (36
N) and the Danube (45
N) the
reasoning can be reversed by assuming that there is a big river wherever there is a
fundamental line of longitude. This reasoning is well indicated by the epic
Argonautica in which the ship Argo navigates not only across existing seas and rivers,
but also overland along important lines of latitude and longitude.
A further reason for believing that there was an equatorial Nile was that in the
original cosmological conception which had not been completely superseded, the earth
was a sphere that floated in the water of Oceanus up to the middle. When the stars
and the planets go below the Equator they are conceived of as going below water. Later
it was realized that the earth is dry also below the Equator, but even in the age of
Ptolemy there was a difficulty in explaining concretely the extension of the Oikoumene
below the Equator. For Dante, the earth below the Equator belongs to the
realm of the dead. When it was accepted that the inhabited earth extends below the
Equator, the Oceanus was reduced to a river running along the equatorial line.
Herodotus declares that he is not well informed about the Nile that runs across
Libya, because it traverses an area that is uninhabited and desert-which means
unmapped in his terminology-but that he believes that it extends as far west as the
Danube extends from its mouth to its source. He adds that, whereas there may be
uncertainty about the course of the Nile across Libya, the course of the Danube is well
known since it cuts across Europe, a familiar area. In spite of this specific declaration,
the greatest majority of scholars asserts that Herodotus had childish and absurd
notions about the course of the Danube.
There cannot be any doubt that the Nile that "divides Libya into two" (II 33) was at
the Equator, because it is identified with the land of the Pygmies. The ancients
associated the Pygmies with the Equator and from their reports it seems that they
occupied more or less the area they occupy today: about 5
North and south of the
Equator, from the area of the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.
Herodotus relates (II 32-34) that in the Greek city of Cyrene he learned from some
of the inhabitants that they had been told by Etearchos, King of the Oasis of Ammon,
that some young Nasamonians (inhabitants of the area of present Northern Libya) had
crossed the desert, reaching the land of the Pygmies, and continuing their march
through a marshy part of the land of the Pygmies (which can be readily identified with
the great marshy area along the middle course of the river Congo around the city of
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Coquilhatville at the Equator) they came to a river in which the water flowed from west
to east. It was believed that the water of the Equatorial Nile flowed from west to east;
water does flow in this direction in the Gabon when the tide is rising and the Etesian
winds are blowing. Etearchos believed that the river reached by the Nasamonians was
the Nile. Herodotus quite soundly leaves in doubt the question whether the river was
the Nile, but declares himself willing to believe the positive datum ascribed to
Etearchos, that there was a river that flowed from west to east beginning at the
longitude of the sources of the Danube near Pyrene.
The time when the Oceanus was flowing was conceived of as the ideal time in
which the three pivots of the world coincided. This was the happy period of the
garden east of Eden according to the Old Testament; the corresponding concept in
Greek mythology is the Garden of the Hesperidesin the extreme West. This garden is
placed in the west because the course of the primeval Nile was from west to east. For
this reason the ladies in the garden acquired the name of Hesperides, "ladies of the
west." To this conception may have contributed the notion that the land of the dead is
at the west. In the Garden there is a tree and an apple, guarded by a serpent[1]; the
tree is the pivot of the cosmos, and the apple is the sphere of the cosmos. In this time if
one had gone down the Nile to the Equator, one would have reached the pivot. This
was a happy time because one was able to navigate down the Nile and continue with
the boat on the Milky Way, the Milky Way being the place where the happy departed
souls dwell. For this reason some of the great poems of the world deal with
a voyage to the realm of the dead.
The Greek epic of the Argonauts presents the ship Argo going to the end of the
inhabited earth to search for the golden fleece, which is the desired pivotal
point where one can enter the Milky Way. The Odyssey also preserves traces of
having been conceived as a trip to the land of the dead. Odysseus finally reaches Ithaca
which was considered the end of the world and, as Emile Mireaux has properly seen,
interpreting the last lines of the poem, jumps to his death from the rocks of Cape
As even Christians are supposed to believe, the important problem is not the
inevitability of death but of dying with the knowledge that one will be
able to pass to the land of eternal bliss. The Divine Comedy is quite close to the
model of ancient cosmology: by a voyage underground Dante reaches a mountain at
the extreme south, Purgatory, from where he can climb to heaven. It is significant that
at the top of Purgatory there is the Garden of Eden. Whereas Dante travels
underground, the souls of the departed reach Purgatory on a ship that leaves from the
mouth of the Tiber. This indicates that since the Aeneid presents a voyage of the
traditional type that ends at the Tiber, this river was understood to be one of the ends
of the world.
If the Nile is rotated by 90
it can follow the equatorial course, the course of
Oceanus, but there were other alternative interpretations. One could conceive that the
mouth of the Nile remained the same, and that the primeval Nile ran along latitude
or 31
, depending on whether the primeval Nile ended at the present shore or at
the apex of the Delta.
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In the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius instructions about the geography of the
earth are introduced with these words:
Think of a time when the wheeling constellations did not yet exist; when one would
have looked in vain for the sacred Danaan race, finding only the Apidnean Arcadians,
who are said to have lived before the moon itself was there, feeding on acorns in the
hills. These were the times when the noble race of Deucalion ruled the Pelasgian land,
when Egypt, mother of an earlier race, was known as the grain-rich country of the
Dawn, and the Nile that waters all its length was called Triton, a generous river flowing
through a rainless land, yet by its floods producing crops in plenty.
This was a time preceding the flood in which Deucalion performed the role of the
biblical Noah. At that time the Nile ran where the ancients placed Lake Tritonis, that
is, the series of swamps that are at the southern margin of the mountains of Tunisia
and Algeria and which were deeper and more extensive in ancient times. The swamps
of Lake Tritonis were taken as evidence of the earlier course of the Nile. The text also
refers to the passage of the Nile through the Sahara desert. This means that the Nile
came from mount Atlas, beyond which was the Island of the Hesperides. According to
a passage of the Odyssey (I. 45) that some interpreters consider a later addition,
Odysseus was kept prisoner on the island of Atlas, "navel of the seas," an island that
has the sea on two sides, where the pillars are that hold at one end the earth and at the
other end the sky.
According to the poet Hesiod, who is not much younger than Homer, Atlas, son of
a nymph of the Oceanus, holds up the sky at the limits of the world, "in front of the
Hesperides" (Theogony 517-519). The poet also states that the Hesperides were
created together with Shame and painful Suffering; the image is quite close to that
conveyed by the Old Testament in the story of the garden east of Eden. They were
created also with the Moirai, the divinities that the Romans called Parcae and the Old
Germans called Nornen; these figures correspond like the Hesperides to the three
circles joined at one point that determine the motion of the cosmos. Since
the misfortune of man began at the moment in which the equinoctial points moved
away from their original position, Hesiod lists all the evils that befel mankind: with the
Hesperides there were born Nemesis, Deceit in Lovemaking, Old Age, Contention,
Painful Work, Forgetfulness, Hunger, Pains, Brawls, Battles, Murders, Massacres,
Quarrels, Deceptive Words, Disputes, Lawlessness and Disaster. To this list there is
added also the Night, because, according to ancient cosmology, in the
original state of bliss it was always noon.
From the geographical point of view it is difficult to ascertain where Mount Atlas
was. Certainly it was a mountain in the area inhabited by Berbers. It would seem that
the term Atlas derives from the Berber noun adrar, "mountain," pronounced by a
foreign nation. The trouble is that the area of the Maghreb and of the Sahara is full of
places called Adrar. Herodotus mentions a mount Atlas which he calls Pillar of the Sky,
which is one of the peaks of the Ahoggar that dominate the central Sahara. The
Ahoggar is at the Tropic. Since the Nile was understood to be originating at the Little
Cataract, which is at the Tropic, there could have been a conception to the effect that
the primeval Nile flowed from west to east along the Tropic. Later I shall submit
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evidence of this conception. But the Greeks in early times applied the name of Atlas to
that part of the chain of the Atlas that extends into the Ocean between Mogador
40'N) and Agadir (30
32'N) and hence roughly corresponds to the latitude of the
Nile Delta. In classical times the name of Islands of the Blessed was given to the
Canary Islands. The name of Atlas was given also to those mountains that reach the
Ocean just North of the river Dra, the southern limit of ancient Mauritania and of
present Morocco, so that the Canary Islands could be conceived of as being directly in
line with the Atlas.
There was an Egyptian conception, which became the standard one, by which the
Elysian Fields were entered by a gap between rocks at Abydos, on the right bank
of the Nile. It not difficult to see why this point was chosen: it is the point that
corresponds with the only section of the Nile within Egypt in which the river runs from
east to west.
But if the primeval Nile runs from Abydos to the west, Mount Atlas must be placed
more or less on this line. In substance the primeval Nile was conceived of as running
through the desert to the west of Egypt and ending at some mountain which overhangs
the Atlantic. It was a matter of opinion which physical features could be interpreted as
evidence of this earlier course. From Greek geography it appears that several rivers or
wadi of the desert between Egypt and the Atlantic were identified with the former
course of the Nile.
Because of this east-west course of the Nile, Greek geographers, obviously drawing
on an earlier tradition, identify the Islands of the Blessed with the Canary Islands. The
Canary Islands could be conceived of as being beyond the Straits of Gibraltar or, even
better, against the mentioned points of the Chain of the Atlas that extends into the
Later I shall discuss a conception by which the Islands of the Blessed were
identified with the Islands of Cape Verde, since they are against Cape Verde, the most
westerly point of Africa. This conception is linked with the notion that the river
Senegal, which was conceived of as a continuation of the Niger (the sources of the two
rivers are close to each other) represented the primeval Nile.
One conception associated the entrance to the Elysian field with the Strait of
Gibraltar. It is called by the Greeks "the place of passage":[2] This passage or limit was
originally known by the name of Tartessos, which was a great city beyond the straits.
Later it was called by the name of Gades.
In the period of the maritime expansion at the beginning of the first millennium
B.C., the people of Tyre associated the Straits of Gibraltar with the two pillars that
represented the omphalos in the Temple of Melqaart in their city. As a result the
Greeks referred to the Straits of Gibraltar as Pillars of Hercules.[3] The name of
Melqaart was usually rendered by the Greeks by "Herakles," but also by "Kronos."
Hence the Straits of Gibraltar were associated also with the name of
Kronos, and the Atlantic Ocean beyond them was called the Sea of
The Pillars were conceived of as being located in a specific place. The Northern
column was associated with the present rock of Gibraltar. It had the name of Kalpe,
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but more interesting is the fact that it had also the name of Alybe. The same name was
given to the southern Pillar, which was identified with a hill near the shore to the west
of Ceuta, the present Gebel Musa, "Mountain of Moses."
Even though much has been written on the subject of the Pillars of Herakles, the
most revealing fact that it has an Egyptian name has not been noticed. The
development of the route through Gibraltar has been ascribed to practically all nations
of the Mediterranean, to the Ligurians, to a not-too-well identified nation called
Tyrrhenians, to the Etruscans, to the Cretans, to the Carians, to the Phoenicians, to the
Greeks of Phokaia, but not to the Egyptians.
Strabo calls the southern Pillar by the name of Elephant, and Pliny writes that
Mount Abyla produces elephants.[4] This suggests that the name Alybe corresponds to
the Greek term for elephant, elephas, which is certainly a foreign word in Greek; the
second element of it has been explained by the Egyptian yeb (ebu in Coptic), "elephant,
ivory."[5] The first element seems to be the Egyptian word `ab or `ab, "tusk, elephant
tusk"; apparently since the word yeb could mean both "elephant" and "ivory," there
was prefixed a word that made clear that the Gebel Musa was not an elephant, but an
elephant tusk.[6]
The association of the Pillars of Herakles with the tusks of an elephant
is most significant. The island which marks the southern end of Egypt proper and
is below the Little Cataract on the right bank of the Nile was called Yebu by the
Egyptians and Elephantine by the Greeks. In Indian astronomy the constellation of
Taurus was represented not by a bull, but by an elephant; apparently this alternative
representation existed also in Egypt at some time. The bull and the elephant have in
common their two horns or tusks. The two horns of our constellation of Taurus mark
the limit on the right or eastern bank of the Milky Way when it crosses the Ecliptic.
This explains why the bull has the most important role in the Egyptian conception of
how one enters the Elysian Fields. Raymond Weill in the first part of his study of The
Elysian Fields in Egyptian Texts, has clarified the role of the bull, except that he has
not seen the astronomical meaning. To gain admittance to the Elysian Fields, the
hero must defeat the bull; he enters as the conqueror of the bull that
guards the route to the West, that guards the Elysian Fields. One of
Pyramid texts reads: "The Bull of the Sky inclines his horn, so that he [the deceased]
may pass."[7] At times the bull instead of being presented as an enemy is a friend who
helps in crossings; the bull itself is identified with the hero and becomes the actor of
the triumphant crossing: "He comes out into the sky. He crosses the vault of heaven,
lively and powerful, he crosses the foamy Oceanus, overthrowing the wall of Shu." At
times the bull is a ladder, the ladder that gives access to the sky. Weill
observes that the deceased is presented as moving towards Orion, so that the bull is
"most probably" Orion itself; but Orion and Sirius (Sothis) are mentioned as guides to
the bull because the two most important stars are also on the bank of the Milky Way,
just below the two horns of Taurus.
Weill has also ascertained that the deceased enters the Elysian Fields by flying
through the air holding onto the horns of the bull. He properly observes that
the conquering hero is a torrero. This provides a clear explanation of the most
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important sacred ceremony of Cretan religion, the taurokatapsia, the ritual in
which champions grab the horns of a bull and vault over it. It also explains
why the bull is such an important symbol in Cretan religion; it does not mean that the
Minoans worshipped bulls or believed that bulls were gods. Every sensible person
recognizes that the Spanish bullfight is rooted in a sacred rite, a survival of an
ancient religion. The conclusive point of the bull-fight, el momento de la verdad, is
when the torrero exposes his chest to the horns of the bull in order to lean over the
animal's head and plant the sword between the horns. Such an act obviously implies a
defiance of death.
Whereas Eratosthenes considers the beginning of the inhabited world to be at the
Strait of Gibraltar, Ptolemy follows a tradition by which the first meridian is placed at
the Canary Islands; this tradition is based on the principle by which the Persians set
their capital, Persepolis, at latitude 30
00'N, at a point that is half way between the
Canary Islands and the coast of China, the middle of the Oikoumene. This point is
exactly 3 x 7
12' east of the geodetic point Pi-hapy (30
00'N, 31
14'E), the end of the
Upper Nile. Persepolis was intended to be exactly at the middle of the width of the
Oikoumene. I shall have occasion to show that there was established a
system of geodetic squares, extending from latitude 30
N to latitude
N, each 7
12' wide, such that 9 squares to east of Persepolis and 9
squares to the west covered the entire Oikoumene from the coast of China
38'E) to the west coast of Africa (11
58' W).
Scholars have wondered why King Darius, when he founded a new capital in order
to sanction the establishment of his Empire, selected this particular area and even
more why he selected an odd location within the area. The immense cluster of palaces
that constituted Persepolis were erected on the slopes of a hill in a position such that
they had to rest on an artificial terrace supported by huge walls on three sides.
Apparently Persepolis was the place closest to the geodetic point
00'N, 52
50'E that was fit for a city. At exactly this geodetic point there was
erected the greatest cluster of monuments outside Persepolis itself, among which there
were the tombs of King Darius the Great, the founder of Persepolis, and of three of his
successors. Persepolis was built on the opposite bank of the river Puluar, at 29
58 `N,
53'E. Perhaps the Persians intended to have the city of the living
separated from the city of the dead, as it was done in Egypt. The geodetic
point was established with a precision of at least one minute of degree both in latitude
and in longitude, which is quite a feat by any standard. A survey in situ would establish
which limit of precision was achieved beyond the minute of degree.
Ptolemy based himself on this system except that, by distorting, as it is well-
known, the east-west distances, he made the geodetic squares 10
wide, in order to
arrive at a width of 180
for the Oikoumene instead of the correct 120
(half of the
circumference of the earth);[8] furthermore, he anchored his presentation on the
Western Axis of Egypt (29
50'E) instead of the Main Axis (31
14'E), thereby giving
more importance to Alexandria and initiating his reckoning from the easternmost of
the Canary Islands (Fortunate Isles). In this he conformed to the policy of the
Ptolemies whose first king, in order to break the Egyptian national tradition, forced to
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Alexandria the Egyptian astronomers of Heliopolis, whose observatory was at
longitude 31
14'E. The small shift of Ptolemy undermined the links of the Persian
Empire and of Pharaonic Egypt with the cosmic order.

End Notes:

[1] Euphorion, (Amsterdam, 1977), fg. 153: kai ton ta khrusa mla tn Esperidn
phrourounta ophin kpouron mase.

[2] poros (Diod. 4,18; Polyb. 3,39) porthmos (Strabo 58), diaplous (Herodotus,
Strabo), pyla, pylai, stoma, (Polyb. 3,39) perata (Steph. Byz. s.v. belos) horos (Plato,
Tim. 25 C), ohoroi, termones (Euripides), fauces (Liv 28, 30), ostium (Cicero 2, 86).

[3] Der Heraklestemple von Gades, Festschrift f.d. 55 Philol. Versamm. (Erlagen,
1925), p. 71. In Malta there have been found two arrows with the inscription To our
master Melqaart, Lord of Tyre and in Greek To Herakles, the colony-founder.
(Corpus Inscr. Sem. I, 122). The name of Melqaart of the Straits of Gibraltar is also
rendered into Greek by Belos, that is, Baal (since Melqaart was the Baal of Tyre), by
Briareos, a giant, and by Aigaion, a giant who was god of the Sea.

[4] The name Abinna or Abenna has an ending that is most common in geographical
names all around the Mediterranean, and which is ascribed to a language or to a
culture called pre-Greek, Asianic, or Mediterranean, a culture of which Minoan Crete
seems to have been one of the important elements. Names like Tartessos belong to the
same linguistic group. The name is reported as Abila, Abilyx, Abenna, Abinna, and

[5] If the ending -enna is excluded, the root appears to be the Egyptian yeb, elephant,
ivory, Coptic ebu. The word occurs in Latin as ebur, ivory but in Greek it occurs in
the form el-ephans, used by Homer, Hesiod and Pindar for ivory and by Herodotus
for elephant. For the first element of the Greek term there have been suggested only
unacceptable explanations: that it is the Arabic article and that it is an Indo-European
word meaning horn. But the Pillar of Herakles is called not only Abenna or Abinna,
but also Abila, Alybe, and Abilyx, which seems to correspond to the Greek form.

[6] A form *abiba was dissimilated either into abila or into aliba.There is a possibility
that when the Phoenicians identified Mount Alybe with one of their sacred stones that
mark the omphalos, they reinterpreted the name Abinna or Abenna as being in their
language the equivalent of the Hebrew eben, stone, marking stone.

[7] Pyramid Text No. 1432.

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[8] It was because of this distortion introduced by Ptolemy or his source that
Columbus believed that India could be reached by sailing 180 to the West.

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Appendix E: Recovered Trace of Two Lost Spheres

By Warren, William Fairfield

Source: Warren, William Fairfield, The Earliest Cosmologies: The Universe As
Pictured in Thought by the Ancient Hebrews, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks,
Iranians, and Indo-Aryans, Eaton and Mains, New York, 1909. The book has an
extended sub-title: A Guidebook For Beginners in the Study of Ancient Literature and
Religion. Another useful book by Warren is his The True Key To Ancient Cosmology
and Mythical Geography.

If the Babylonian, or, better, the pre-Babylonian, world-view as here understood lies
back of all our oldest mythologies, it is evident that the scholars of the future have
before them many and most fascinating tasks. One of these relates to the earth s
nearest neighborworld, the moon.

All modern interpreters of ancient references to the moon have gone upon the
assumptions that by the words the lunar sphere, or the lunar world, an ancient
writer or singer always meant the moon which we see waxing and waning in the
nocturnal sky. But if now, in addition to our visible moon, there was in ancient thought
an invisible one, a lunar sphere a thousand times vaster, inclosing in itself the whole
earth and all the clouds above and below the earth, it becomes for the interpreter of
ancient literatures a most important problem to determine in every instance to which
of the two lunar spheres his author in any particular expression may be referring. And,
inasmuch as in this same all-antedating world-view the solar sphere is immensely
vaster than the sun that rises in the east and sets in the west, a parallel lunar necessity
arises for discriminating between these two bodies whenever we find an ancient writer
making reference to the movements or domains of a solar god.

No student need be told that to make the proposed discriminations, and especially to
demonstrate their correctness in every instance, is not likely to prove easy. The
interpretation of myths, as competent judges know, is about the most difficult and
baffling of all the duties that face the investigator of iniquity. Rarely can a large group
of scholars agree even as to the principles to be considered as regulative in their
interpretation. The published expositions of a single myth are often so discrepant and
contradictory that one feels almost ready to unite with those who pronounce all
scholarly effort in this field a simple waste of

A learned correspondent obligingly calls my attention to a passage in Plutarch, where in two consecutive
sentences there is mention of the invisible earth-inclosing lunar sphere, and of the visible earth-attending
moon. The passage is in the explanation of the sistrum, in Isis and Osiris, 63.
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time and labour. Particularly difficult is the interpretation of topographical and
cosmographical myths. They reach us in forms and in mutual relations far removed
from the primordial. As to possible unities if such myths, it is natural to expect to find
the most elaborate and complete mythological world-pictures where the mythical
world-rulers and world-tenants are most numerousthat is, in systems and among
peoples in which polytheism has found its completest expression. Facts justify this
antecedent expectation. But as all the greatest polytheisms of antiquity seem to have
included ideas and cults originally local, the world-picture of each composite empire or
people is at a very early time a composite one, a syncretistic product with indetectable
variations in detail, and with indetectable blurrings in the mass. Then it is to be
remembered that all the great polytheisms of the early ages were later and in some
cases repeatedly subjected to the influence of profound pantheistic and teaching and,
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in this way, to further modification of details and to further blurring of the resulting
total. That the product of such a process maintained through millenniums, as in the
case of the Egyptians, should at last defy analysis as effectually as the dream of a
hasheesh smoker, ought not to occasion surprise.

Despite these considerations, however, there is a possibility that our proposed
discriminations between the lunar sphere and the visible moon, and between the solar
sphere and the visible. may prove to be of service. In any case sun, the students of early
give them a fair trial. Even in the most confused and baffling of all fields, that of the
Egyptian mythology, I should be glad to see the method of attempting such
discriminations put on trial. I am encouraged by the outcome of my first experiment,
an attempt to deal with the problem of the location of Tuat.

Among Egyptologists this problem is often characterized as peculiarly difficult.
the name of the same region of the world, the word Tuat is found in the very oldest of
the Egyptian texts. As Budge correctly states, it is ordinarily translated Underworld.
Opposing this view, O.H. Lange says that Tuat was a dark space above the stars.
Renouf, on the contrary, expressly states that it was below the earth. Steindorff says,
underneath the earth. Maspero, Budge, Mallet, and others assure us that in reality it

Modern Egyptology prefers to use the term the Duat.
E-st sehr schwieng, sich eine richtigc Vorstettung von der Duat zu
machen. H. O. Lange, in Chantepie de la Saussayes Religionsgeschichte, Bd, i, S, 222.
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was neither beneath the earth nor above it. It was an imaginary extramundane region
North of the earth, and on the level of the Egyptian horizon, but no part either of
heaven or of the earth. No wonder that many have pronounced the problem insoluble,
and that Budge and Steindorff express the belief that the Egyptians of the historic
period had themselves lost the original meaning of the term.

In their descriptions of the region our highest living authorities are equally conflicting.
Budge, of London, writes: Through the valley of the Tuat runs a river, which is the
counterpart of the Nile in Egypt and of the celestial Nile in heaven, and on each bank
of this river lived a vast number of monstrous beasts, and devils, and fiends of every
imaginable kind and size, and among them there were large numbers of evil spirits
which were hostile to any being that invaded the valley. For such a region we would
naturally look in one of the lowest of the hells.
But if before beginning our search in

Budge elsewhere calls it the blackest hell. The Egyptian Soudan, ii, 17.
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that quarter we turn to Erman, of Berlin, we find this same Tuat described in these

A kingdom of light, the dwelling place of the gods, who traveled with the happy dead,
on those beautiful ways where the glorified travel. For such a region we would
naturally look in one of the highest of the heavens. One eminent Hibbert lecturer,
alluding to the Tuat water on which the sun-god voyages the twelve hours, calls it the
heavenly river, yet on the self same page, and only fourteen lines further on, with no
apparent consciousness of the incongruity, styles it the infernal river. Reviewing all
that has been written on this topic, the student is inclined to exclaim with

Confusion now hath made his masterpiece.

Despite all the conflicting opinions, however, there are several important points on
which nearly all recent investigators now seem to agree. They may be summed up
under eight heads, as follows: First. The nightly journey of the sun from the place of
his setting to the place of his rising is neither above nor beneath the earth, yet lies in
this elusive land of Tuat. Second. This twelve hours journey is conceived of as in every
part horizontal. Third. It is furthermore semicircular. Fourth. The movement of a
barque sailing a semicircular course over water represents the Egyptian idea of this
solar journey. Fifth. The waterway passed over by the barque is pictured in thought as
lying between two parallel mountain ranges which like semicircular walls hold the
waters in their place. (see figure on the previous page) Sixth. During the voyage the
sun-god has the Egyptian earth lying some distance away on his right hand, but
beyond and distinct from the more southerly of the two mountain walls which bound
the waterway over which he is sailing. Seventh. The sun god does not enter the land of
Tuat proper immediately upon sinking below the horizon of Egypt, but only after
making one hours journey and passing through the nearer of the two parallel
semicircular mountain ranges.
In like manner the twelfth hour of the voyage is not
in Tuat proper, but is spent in passing from Tuat proper to the eastern horizon of
Eighth. During the voyage in Tuat proper the sun-god has personal
intercourse with both gods and demons.[

Maspero gives the technical name of the opening in the mountain and translates it the Slit. Elsewhere he
calls it the mouth of the Cleft.
This passage from Tuat to Bakhua is represented as serpentine in a very peculiar sense. Twelve gods tow the
boat, not over a river, or over a serpent or serpents, but completely through a serpent. Budge, i, 257. See
Lanzone, Dizionario, tav, vii. E. Amlineau agrees with Budge that the passage is through the serpent and not
along his back. Revue de lHistoire des Religions, tome lii, pp. 26, 27.
From Jno Cook's article, Recovering the Lost World, A Saturnian Cosmology, Part 7: The Age of the Gods
and the Flood, by Jno Cook, available here:
"The four trees or pillars also occur in the 'mythology' of the Egyptians and the Chinese. From Egypt we have
the following...
"This heaven was situated in the sky, which the Egyptians believed to be like an iron ceiling, either flat or
vaulted, and to correspond in extent and shape with the earth beneath it. This ceiling was rectangular, and
was supported at each corner by a pillar; in this idea, we have, as M. Maspero has observed, a survival of the
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roof-tree of very primitive nations. At a very early date the four pillars were identified with "the four ancient
khu's who dwell in the hair of Horus," who are also said to be "the four gods who stand by the pillar-sceptres of
heaven." These four gods are "children of Horus," and their names are Amset, Hapi, Tuamautef, and
Qebhsennuf. They were supposed to preside over the four quarters of the world, and subsequently were
acknowledged to be the gods of the cardinal points."
From E. A. Wallis Budge in The Book of the Dead (1895)
Budge further explicates that the four pillars holding up the sky, are also called the "four blazing flames made
for the Khu." Talbott quotes from the Indian Satapatha Brahmana an appellation, "O Vishnu, with beams of light
didst thou hold fast the Earth on all sides." [note 58]
Two of the trees of Mesoamerica are associated with the east and the west. I cannot place these, with certainty.
At first I thought they might be the leading edges of the Absu, lit by the Sun, and seen rising up and widening
directly from the east cardinal point and from the west. But after the Absu has disappeared, the four trees are
sighted again two additional times, according to the "Chilam Balam.
Additionally, Don Scott and Anthony Peratt have published a paper which notes that in Northern Brazil (ten
degrees above the equator) the plasma discontinuities seen in the "Age of the Gods" were oriented toward the
east. Although this does not establish evidence for the existence of the east plasma plume after 3114 BC (and
other, later dates), it does suggest that a plasma inpouring at the equatorial level is a good possibility.
Both China and Mesoamerica assign colors to the four trees, and as a result to the four cardinal points. The
colors assigned in Mesoamerica can be traced to the celestial phenomena involved. The tree at the North is
white, as would be appropriate to a glow-mode plasma. The tree of the South is yellow, which is likely the
coloration due to looking South through the Earth's atmosphere or, more likely, filtered through the coloration of
the Absu, or before it disappeared. The tree in the east is noted as being red only in 2349 BC and 1492 BC when
only a single red ring remained. After 3114 BC, the east tree is listed as being yellow, although the translator of
the "Chilam Balam" thinks this is an error. But the Absu most likely was colored yellow. The tree in the west is
always black. So reads the Maya "Book of the Chilam Balam."
The colors of the east and west trees were most likely determined as the night passed and dawn came
(Mesoamerica defined events at their completion). At dawn the east tree would reflect the light of the rising Sun.
The west tree is in the shadow of the earth at dawn, so it is always black.
The North tree would be the largest since the North magnetic pole would be most effective in gathering
electrons. The formation of this tree was a monumental event, recorded in specifics not only in the "Chilam
Balam" but also in casual reference in the "Popol Vu" narrative. The event of the establishment of the tree in the
North was monumentalized in AD 700 in the sculptured texts of the Temple Inscriptions at Palenque in the
Yucatan. The central temple relates in part,
"On August 13, 3114 BC, 13 Baktuns were completed.
1 year, 9 months, and 2 days after the new epoch began,
GI' [Saturn] entered the sky.
On February 5, 3112 BC, GI' dedicated it.
'Wacan chan xaman waxac na GI [Venus]'
(raised-up-sky North-eight-house GI) was its name.
It was his house of the North."
For the present purpose it should be noted that the raised-up-sky North-eight-house ("edifice") was dedicated
a year and a half after the start of the current era, as retrocalculated by the Maya. It is within expectations that it
would take perhaps a year to develop a plasma stream in glow mode in response to a change in the electrical field
surround the Earth's plasmasphere. (It starts in dark mode and then suddenly switches to glow mode.) The event
is noted here (and in other records) because the raised-up-sky North-eight-house was much larger than anything
else ever seen in the skies up to this point in time. It rose far above the previous polar location of Saturn. Seen
from Mesoamerica, the Saturnian planets had hovered only some 20 degrees above the North horizon. "Saturn
entered the sky," is noted because the planet had now moved (within a year and 9 months) across the sky and to
the South. This had to be established first (in this text) because otherwise Saturn (GI') would not have been able
to construct his edifice. Mesoamerican languages are action based.
I think, from the use of names in the "Chilam Balam," that North-eight-house GI (Venus) signifies a total of
eight appearances of the plasma plume. There is one Maya record (a ballcourt marker at Copan) which claims
nine appearances. The Axis Mundi would certainly be well remembered if, as I would suggest it was last seen in
686 or 685 BC. [note 59]
If, as I have claimed, the plasma plume would impinge on the Earth at the magnetic poles, then certainly there
should be some record of this for the North magnetic pole -- if the magnetic pole were located in the North
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Eureka! The Tuat problem is solved! The solution must be clear to every careful
reader. Turn to the diagram of the Babylonian or pre-Babylonian world-view (next

Atlantic. As a matter of fact, there are historical claims as early as AD 800, although somewhat fancifull in
claiming a descent into the whirlpool created by the concentrated plasma stream. There are stories told as late as
the 19th century.
There are additional Celtic, Icelandic, and Norse 'myths' which claim the whirlpool to emit a thunderous noice
and flames. Some of the recollections might incorporate details from much longer ago than the 7th century BC.
As with Jupiter and Saturn, the incoming plasma bored a hole into the ocean. The rotational magnetic field
surrounding the incoming electrical current would set the water in rotation. The boiling of the ocean water
would produce the grinding noice, the concentration of plasma at the point of contact would change the plasma
stream to arc mode. Among Northwestern European nations (Friesland, Denmark, England, and Norway) the
whirlpool is known as the Maelstrom (or Maal Stroom), which translates as 'grinding stream.' Maps of the North
Atlantic place the Maelstrom off the coast of Norway. [note 60]
The trees would fade with time, then suddenly disappear. As a result the trees will reappear again, as the
"Chilam Balam" makes clear, with each major change in the Earth's orbit -- as, for example, in 2349 BC and 1492
BC. I will address these changes in following chapters.
There was also a "green tree of the center" defined in the "Chilam Balam" at this time (directly after 3114 BC)
but not at later times, but the location is probably the whole range of the Southern sky. This is Jupiter on his
green mountain receding into the distance. It would appear first in the Northeast and look small. The green
shape would increase in size as the Earth overtook Jupiter, and diminish again in size as Earth passed Jupiter.
The green mountain would thus seem to move across the whole of the sky. (And on a daily basis.) This
movement through the South skies would allow the judgement that the green tree was located somewhere in
front of the trees of the east, the west, and in front of the yellow tree of the South. In about 2880 BC Jupiter
enters the asteroid belt, and the green mountain disappears as the plasma outpouring changes shape.
Footnote 58: Book 13 of the "Chilam Balam," titled "The Creation of the Uinal" by Roys, reports on how the
Uinal, the 20 day month, "came to be created before the creation of the world." The remainder of this Book is
composed as a song, attributing some quality to each of the 13 day names (which repeat) of the 20 day month. At
one point we have, "Then the following were set up in the middle of the land: the Burners, four of them." The
"Burners" are named after the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th day of the month, then noted that "These are the four
rulers." There is little question that these four Burners are the four Bacabs, the gods of the cardinal points.
Footnote 59: Ballcourt A-IIb at Copan in Honduras was built during the sixth or seventh century AD, and soon
remodeled. The remodeling preserved three central alley markers, representing the mythological burial places of
the father and uncle of Hunahpu and Xbalanque the heroes of the "Popol Vu." Similar markers are found at
Yaxchilan, Cerros, and other locations. But at Copan the carvings are well preserved. Two mythological
characters are shown flanking a ball in each marker. Only the ball of the central marker in in play (between
Hunahpuh and One-Death); the balls of the North and South markers are suspended by a twisted cord from
overhead beams.
A tree is shown on the outside area of the North and South markers. The tree of the North is labeled "Nine
Successions;" the tree of the South is labeled "Seven Successions." If, as I suspect, the trees represent the plasma
plumes of the North and South, then we have here an inventory of how many times the Axis Mundi reappeared.
It would be appropriate to reappear more frequently in the North, since the North magnetic pole would facilitate
a larger influx of electrons.
I can only list seven events where this might have happened -- 3114 BC, 2349 BC, 2193 BC, 1492 BC, 1440 BC,
747 BC, 686 BC -- each corresponding to a known change in the Earth's orbit. The dates of 1440 BC and 686 BC
are less certain. The date of 685 BC could be added. I also have the suspicion that there might have been two
additional changes in the orbit of Earth between 2349 BC and 2193 BC, which have remained unrecorded. All of
this information will be developed in following Chapters.
The name "Nine Successions" is one more 'succession' than noted in the records at Palenque, where the first
Northern plasma plume is called "North-eight-house."
Footnote 60: With reference to the Maelstrom, Giorgio de Santillana and H. von Dechend, in "Hamlet's Mill"
(1969), reproduce, without much comment, two early maps, the 16th century "Carta Marina" (Olaus Magnus)
and an illustration from Athanasius Kircher's "Mundus Subterraneus" (AD 1665). The first map places the
Maelstrom off the southwest coast of Norway; the second map places it further North. Both locations are
relatively close to land. In the 16th century the North magnetic pole was located South of Spitsbergen and west of
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The upright central line is the polar axis of the heavens and earth. The
two seven-staged pyramids represent the earth, the upper being the
abode of living men, the under one the abode of the dead. The
separating waters are the four seas. The seven inner homocentric
globes are respectively the domains and special abodes of Sin,
Shamash, Nabu, Ishtar, Nergal, Marduk, and Ninib, each being a
world ruler in his own planetary sphere. The outermost of the
spheres, that of Anu and Ea, is the heaven of the fixed stars. The axis
from center to zenith marks the Way of Anu; the axis from center to
nadir the Way of Ea. See Journal of the American Oriental Society,
Vol. xxii, pp. 138-144; opposite p. 388; and xxvi, pp. 84-92.

In it the nocturnal path of the sun answers to every requirement:

1. It is neither under the earth, nor yet above it.

2. It is in every part horizontal.

Warren, William Fairfield, The Earliest Cosmologies: The Universe As Pictured in Thought By the Ancient
Hebrews, Greeks, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans, Chapter ix: Recovered Trace of Two Lost Spheres, Eaton and
Mains, New York, 1909, p. 2.
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3. It is semicircular.

4. Movement on it is like that of a barque sailing a semicircular course over water.
5. The concentric lunar and solar spheres, or rather the portions from the west-
point around Northward to the east-point, give us the two parallel mountain
ranges of the Egyptian picture.

6. As during the voyage Ra has the Egyptian, so Shamash has the Babylonian earth
lying at some distance away on the right hand, but beyond and distinct from the
more southerly of the two mountain walls which bound the waterway over which
he is sailing.

7. Observing daily that the sun gods day-journey was in a wholly different plane
from that of the supposed night-journey, the Egyptians seem not unnaturally to
have imagined that he required an hour after sinking below the western hills to
get back into Tuat, and again an hour in the morning to make his way from
beyond the lunar sphere to the eastern horizon of the dwellers upon the Nile.

8. Finally, Tuat being originally the space between the invisible lunar and solar
spheres, and the nightly journey of the sun-god being in the equatorial or
approximately equatorial plane which divides all the heavens from all the hells,
the student should expect to find precisely what we do find, namely, that on the
journey the solar god personally communicates as freely with gods as with
demons, and with demons as with gods.

Lost Tuat, or at least the best known part thereof, is certainly found. With it we
recover, in the semicircular mountain ranges, the indubitable traces of two lost
spheres. Would we see them as figured at one period upon the monuments, we have
only to return to the oft-reproduced cut given on page 211 of Brugschs Religion und
Mythologie der alten Aegypter.

The Egyptian pictures of the nocturnal voyages of their sun-god, Ra, recall to the memory of every reader of
the classics the corresponding Greek myth of the cup, or coracle, in which Helios was represented as making
each night the same semicircular passage on the surface of the Ocean-stream. See Rapp, in Roschers Lexikon, i,
2, Sp, 2014. Very likely the sun boat in this case was called a cup because those among whom the myth
originated were familiar with the Kufa, or ordinary small river boat of the Tigris and Euphrates which was in the
form of a bowl. (See cut in Rawlinsons Herodotus, i, 260.) Referring to Bergk (Jahrb. fur Philologie, 1860, p.
389 ) and Kuhn (in his Zietschrift, i, 536), Rapp correctly remarks: Der Okeanos in welchem der Sonnenbecher
dahinschwimmt, ist ursprunglich der Wolkenhimmel die Einbecher dahinschwimmt, ist urspriinglich der des
Anschlu* seiner Fahrt auf die Nachtzeit nur die Folge schrankung des Okeanos und der Einfugung dieses an die
irdische Localisirung alten Mythus in die anderen, schon entwickelteren Vorstellungen.
Warren, William Fairfield, The Earliest Cosmologies: The Universe As Pictured in Thought By the Ancient
Hebrews, Greeks, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans, Chapter ix: Recovered Trace of Two Lost Spheres, Eaton and
Mains, New York, 1909, pp. 101-109.
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By way of comparison, I have included a picture of the Inca conception of the
universe (next page). The image of the Inca conception of the Cosmos is from Zecharia
Sitchin's The Lost Realms, Avon Books, New York, 1990, p. 171. There are indeed some
excellent concepts here to look at.

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The Inca Conception of the Cosmos

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Appendix F: Angels

By Dee Finney

The angelic beings, or celestial intelligences, are divided into three triads, containing
the nine orders, and whose names, as we shall see, represent the divine attributes that
they manifest to all below them. Continuing from the fine introduction to the work,
Dionysius says these divine attributes also have an inner relation with every human
soul, for through their ministrations the aspiring soul becomes liberated from the
bondage of material things, receives knowledge of that soul's purpose, and is enabled
to live its true life, ultimately attaining its divine likeness to the full.

The first order of the first triad is seraphim. They are described in the passage already
quoted from Isaiah as the "burning" or "fiery" ones, from whom the stream of
superessential grace flows (God transcends all essence). Like fire, the seraphim
consume all that separates the human from God. The second order is cherubim. The
name "cherub" means "fullness of knowledge". Through cherubim, the energy of God
streams forth as a transcendental light that perfectly illuminates the soul and unites it
with the divine wisdom. It imparts a full and lucid understanding to the universal
divine immanence. In the Bible, cherubs are depicted as great winged [The Cherubim
were said to have four wings and the Seraphim six.] creatures - for instance, in the
construction of the Ark in the wilderness (Exodus 25.18 passim), King Solomon's
majestic temple (1 Kings 6.23 passim) and the visions of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1.10 and 10.1
passim). In one passage, the cherub is portrayed as a flying creature on which God
travelled in order to help King David (2 Samuel 22.11). All this shows how hard it is for
the human mind to avoid conceptualizing a formless energy The third order of the first
triad are the thrones; these are divine seats through which the soul is lifted up to God
and becomes established in the constancy of the divine service. This first triad is
closest at all times to the divine presence.

In the second triad come first the dominions, or dominations, that are free from all
earthly passions, from all inward inclination to the bondage of discord, and from all
that is low; they display a liberal superiority to harsh tyranny, and an exemptness from
degrading servility. They are true lords, perpetually aspiring to true lordship, and to
the Source of Lordship. The second order of the second triad are the virtues, that have
a powerful and unshakable virility welling forth into all their God-like energies. There
is no weakness in them: instead, they ascend unwaveringly to the superessential virtue
which is the Source of Virtue, and flow forth providentially to those below. The third
order are the powers, or authorities, that are invested with a capacity to regulate
intellectual and supermundane power which never debases its authority by tyrannical
force, but is irresistibly urged onward in due order to the Divine. This order
beneficently leads those below it, as far as possible, to the supreme power which is the
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Source of Power. It re-directs the forces that fetter the human mind to earthly things.
Through this second triad, the soul is liberated from all that is below, and assimilated
to that which is above.

The third, and lowest, triad is concerned with the final execution of the work of
providence, which is God's beneficent care for his creatures. The principalities exhibit
divine lordship and true service; through them, the soul may turn from attachment to
earthly activities to the service of God, so as ultimately to become a co-worker with the
divine ministers. The archangels imprint the divine seal on all things, whereby the
universe is the written word of God. They impart to the soul the spiritual light through
which it may learn to read the Bible, and also to know and use its own faculties
correctly. The lowest order of this triad is the angels, who minister to all things of
nature, including humans, by purifying and uplifting them.

In this triadic scheme, the higher orders inspire those lower than they, but not vice
versa. Thus it is clear that the third triad is nearest the world, and transmits the
illumination received from above. The end of the process is the transfiguration of the
whole of the universe in the glorious light that proceeds from on high. This whole
hierarchy spreads the divine light through the cosmos, that vast realm that includes
the universe, as far as human understanding can define it, and also the psychic plane
where we may meet the spirits of the dead and also the communion of saints and the
ministry of angels. The great work of the angelic hierarchy is to praise and glorify God.
This praise is not a rational acclaim so much as a great paean of joy that the world is as
it is and that the angels are privileged both to know it and to participate in it. This is
how we should say the Gloria of the Eucharist: that we are privileged to partake of the
body and blood of the Saviour If the whole cosmos could resound to that praise, and
move beyond prejudice and emotional bonds, we would pour out peace and goodwill
to all creatures. The angelic hierarchy, with its enlightened will turned resolutely to the
divine presence, helps to bring forward the Kingdom of God on earth - and elsewhere
in our unimaginably glorious cosmos.

And so it is that all aspiring human souls move to the divine presence, aided by an
immense angelic hierarchy, none more important than the other. If the humble angel
leads the way, the destination is through the cherub and seraph to the source of all
being whom we call God. It may well be that much illumination from the Holy Spirit
comes to us through the angelic hierarchy, centering on our own guardian angel.

By Dee Finney,
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Appendix G:
Poimandres, The Vision Of Hermes

By Manly P Hall.

Poimandres, The Vision Of Hermes

Note: Schure identifies Poimandres as the god Osiris.

The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus is one of the earliest of the
Hermetic writings now extant. While probably not in its original form, having been
remodeled during the first centuries of the Christian Era and incorrectly translated
since, this work undoubtedly contains many of the original concepts of the Hermetic
cultus. The Divine Pymander consists of seventeen fragmentary writings gathered
together and put forth as one work. The second book of The Divine Pymander, called
Poimandres, or The Vision, is believed to describe the method by which the divine
wisdom was first revealed to Hermes. It was after Hermes had received this revelation
that he began his ministry, teaching to all who would listen the secrets of the invisible
universe as they had been unfolded to him.

The Vision is the most famous of all the Hermetic fragments, and contains an
exposition of Hermetic cosmogony and the secret sciences of the Egyptians regarding
the culture and unfoldment of the human soul. For some time it was erroneously
called "The Genesis of Enoch," but that mistake has now been rectified. At hand while
preparing the following interpretation of the symbolic philosophy concealed within
The Vision of Hermes the present author has had these reference works: The Divine
Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (London, 1650), translated out of the
Arabic and Greek by Dr. Everard; Hermetica (Oxford, 1924), edited by Walter Scott;
Hermes, The Mysteries of Egypt (Philadelphia, 1925), by Edouard Schure; and the
Thrice-Greatest Hermes (London, 1906), by G. R. S. Mead. To the material contained
in the above volumes he has added commentaries based upon the esoteric philosophy
of the ancient Egyptians, together with amplifications derived partly from other
Hermetic fragments and partly from the secret arcanum of the Hermetic sciences. For
the sake of clarity, the narrative form has been chosen in preference to the original
dialogic style, and obsolete words have given place to those in current use.

This material is from Hall, Manly P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopaedic Outline of Masonic,
Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings
Concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of All Ages. Published by Forgotten Books, 1967. ISBN
1605064882, 9781605064888. Originally published in 1928. Copyright not
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Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus.
From Historia Deorum Fatidicorum.

while wandering in a rocky and desolate place, gave himself over to
meditation and prayer. Following the secret instructions of the Temple, he gradually
freed his higher consciousness from the bondage of his bodily senses; and, thus
released, his divine nature revealed to him the mysteries of the transcendental
spheres. He beheld a figure, terrible and awe-inspiring. It was the Great Dragon, with
wings stretching across the sky and light streaming in all directions from its body. (The
Mysteries taught that the Universal Life was personified as a dragon.) The Great
Dragon called Hermes by name, and asked him why he thus meditated upon the World
Mystery. Terrified by the spectacle, Hermes prostrated himself before the Dragon,
beseeching it to reveal its identity. The great creature answered that it was
Poimandres, the Mind of the Universe, the Creative Intelligence, and the Absolute
Emperor of all. (Schure identifies Poimandres as the god Osiris.) Hermes then
besought Poimandres to disclose the nature of the universe and the constitution of the
gods. The Dragon acquiesced, bidding Trismegistus hold its image in his mind.

Immediately the form of Poimandres changed. Where it had stood there was a glorious
and pulsating Radiance. This Light was the spiritual nature of the Great Dragon itself.

It is doubtful that the deity called Thoth by the Egyptians was originally Hermes, but the two personalities
were blended together and it is now impossible to separate them. Thoth was called "The Lord of the Divine
Books" and "Scribe of the Company of the Gods." He is generally depicted with the body of a man and the head of
an ibis. The exact symbolic meaning of this latter bird has never been discovered. A careful analysis of the
peculiar shape of the ibis--especially its head and beak--should prove illuminating.
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Hermes was "raised" into the midst of this Divine Effulgence and the universe of
material things faded from his consciousness. Presently a great darkness descended
and, expanding, swallowed up the Light. Everything was troubled. About Hermes
swirled a mysterious watery substance which gave forth a smokelike vapor. The air was
filled with inarticulate moanings and sighings which seemed to come from the Light
swallowed up in the darkness. His mind told Hermes that the Light was the form of the
spiritual universe and that the swirling darkness which had engulfed it represented
material substance.

Then out of the imprisoned Light a mysterious and Holy Word came forth and took its
stand upon the smoking waters. This Word--the Voice of the Light--rose out of the
darkness as a great pillar, and the fire and the air followed after it, but the earth and
the water remained unmoved below. Thus the waters of Light were divided from the
waters of darkness, and from the waters of Light were formed the worlds above and
from the waters of darkness were formed the worlds below. The earth and the water
next mingled, becoming inseparable, and the Spiritual Word which is called Reason
moved upon their surface, causing endless turmoil.

Then again was heard the voice of Poimandres, but His form was not revealed: "I Thy
God am the Light and the Mind which were before substance was divided from spirit
and darkness from Light. And the Word which appeared as a pillar of flame out of the
darkness is the Son of God, born of the mystery of the Mind. The name of that Word is
Reason. Reason is the offspring of Thought and Reason shall divide the Light from the
darkness and establish Truth in the midst of the waters. Understand, O Hermes, and
meditate deeply upon the mystery. That which in you sees and hears is not of the
earth, but is the Word of God incarnate. So it is said that Divine Light dwells in the
midst of mortal darkness, and ignorance cannot divide them. The union of the Word
and the Mind produces that mystery which is called Life. As the darkness without you
is divided against itself, so the darkness within you is likewise divided. The Light and
the fire which rise are the divine man, ascending in the path of the Word, and that
which fails to ascend is the mortal man, which may not partake of immortality. Learn
deeply of the Mind and its mystery, for therein lies the secret of immortality."

The Dragon again revealed its form to Hermes, and for a long time the two looked
steadfastly one upon the other, eye to eye, so that Hermes trembled before the gaze of
Poimandres. At the Word of the Dragon the heavens opened and the innumerable
Light Powers were revealed, soaring through Cosmos on pinions of streaming fire.
Hermes beheld the spirits of the stars, the celestials controlling the universe, and all
those Powers which shine with the radiance of the One Fire--the glory of the Sovereign
Mind. Hermes realized that the sight which he beheld was revealed to him only
because Poimandres had spoken a Word. The Word was Reason, and by the Reason of
the Word invisible things were made manifest. Divine Mind--the Dragon--continued
its discourse:

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Before the visible universe was formed its mold was cast. This mold was called the
Archetype, and this Archetype was in the Supreme Mind long before the process of
creation began. Beholding the Archetypes, the Supreme Mind became enamored with
Its own thought; so, taking the Word as a mighty hammer, It gouged out caverns in
primordial space and cast the form of the spheres in the Archetypal mold, at the same
time sowing in the newly fashioned bodies the seeds of living things. The darkness
below, receiving the hammer of the Word, was fashioned into an orderly universe. The
elements separated into strata and each brought forth living creatures. The Supreme
Being--the Mind--male and female, brought forth the Word; and the Word, suspended
between Light and darkness, was delivered of another Mind called the Workman, the
Master-Builder, or the Maker of Things.

In this manner it was accomplished, O Hermes: The Word moving like a breath
through space called forth the Fire by the friction of its motion. Therefore, the Fire is
called the Son of Striving. The Workman passed as a whirlwind through the universe,
causing the substances to vibrate and glow with its friction, The Son of Striving thus
formed Seven Governors, the Spirits of the Planets, whose orbits bounded the world;
and the Seven Governors controlled the world by the mysterious power called Destiny
given them by the Fiery Workman. When the Second Mind (The Workman) had
organized Chaos, the Word of God rose straightway our of its prison of substance,
leaving the elements without Reason, and joined Itself to the nature of the Fiery
Workman. Then the Second Mind, together with the risen Word, established Itself in
the midst of the universe and whirled the wheels of the Celestial Powers. This shall
continue from an infinite beginning to an infinite end, for the beginning and the
ending are in the same place and state.

Then the downward-turned and unreasoning elements brought forth creatures
without Reason. Substance could not bestow Reason, for Reason had ascended out of
it. The air produced flying things and the waters such as swim. The earth conceived
strange four-footed and creeping beasts, dragons, composite demons, and grotesque
monsters. Then the Fatherthe Supreme Mindbeing Light and Life, fashioned a
glorious Universal Man in Its own image, not an earthy man but a heavenly Man
dwelling in the Light of God. The Supreme Mind loved the Man It had fashioned and
delivered to Him the control of the creations and workmanships.
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The Scheme Of The Universe According To The Greeks And
Romans. Here we see the ascent from Hades to the levels of
the High Gods. From Cartari's Imagini degli Dei degli Antichi.

The Man, desiring to labor, took up His abode in the sphere of generation and
observed the works of His brother--the Second Mind--which sat upon the Ring of the
Fire. And having beheld the achievements of the Fiery Workman, He willed also to

By ascending successively through the fiery sphere of Hades, the spheres of water, Earth, and air, and the
heavens of the moon, the plane of Mercury is reached. Above Mercury are the planes of Venus, the sun, Mars,
Jupiter, and Saturn, the latter containing the symbols of the Zodiacal constellations. Above the arch of the
heavens (Saturn) is the dwelling Place of the different powers controlling the universe. The supreme council of
the gods is composed of twelve deities--six male and six female--which correspond to the positive and negative
signs of the zodiac. The six gods are Jupiter, Vulcan, Apollo, Mars, Neptune, and Mercury; the six
goddesses are Juno, Ceres, Vesta, Minerva, Venus, and Diana. Jupiter rides his eagle as the symbol of his
sovereignty over the world, and Juno is seated upon a peacock, the proper symbol of her haughtiness and glory.
Hall, Manly P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 33.
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make things, and His Father gave permission. The Seven Governors, of whose powers
He partook, rejoiced and each gave the Man a share of Its own nature.

The Man longed to pierce the circumference of the circles and understand the mystery
of Him who sat upon the Eternal Fire. Having already all power, He stooped down and
peeped through the seven Harmonies and, breaking through the strength of the circles,
made Himself manifest to Nature stretched out below. The Man, looking into the
depths, smiled, for He beheld a shadow upon the earth and a likeness mirrored in the
waters, which shadow and likeness were a reflection of Himself. The Man fell in love
with His own shadow and desired to descend into it. Coincident with the desire, the
Intelligent Thing united Itself with the unreasoning image or shape.

Nature, beholding the descent, wrapped herself about the Man whom she loved, and
the two were mingled. For this reason, earthy man is composite. Within him is the Sky
Man, immortal and beautiful; without is Nature, mortal and destructible. Thus,
suffering is the result of the Immortal Man's falling in love with His shadow and
giving up Reality to dwell in the darkness of illusion; for, being immortal, man has
the power of the Seven Governors--also the Life, the Light, and the Word-but being
mortal, he is controlled by the Rings of the GovernorsFate or Destiny.

Of the Immortal Man it should be said that He is hermaphrodite, or male and female,
and eternally watchful. He neither slumbers nor sleeps, and is governed by a Father
also both male and female, and ever watchful. Such is the mystery kept hidden to this
day, for Nature, being mingled in marriage with the Sky Man, brought forth a wonder
most wonderful--seven men, all bisexual, male and female, and upright of stature,
each one exemplifying the natures of the Seven Governors. These O Hermes, are the
seven races, species, and wheels.

After this manner were the seven men generated. Earth was the female element and
water the male element, and from the fire and the ther they received their spirits, and
Nature produced bodies after the species and shapes of men. And man received the
Life and Light of the Great Dragon, and of the Life was made his Soul and of the Light
his Mind. And so, all these composite creatures containing immortality, but partaking
of mortality, continued in this state for the duration of a period. They reproduced
themselves out of themselves, for each was male and female. But at the end of the
period the knot of Destiny was untied by the will of God and the bond of all things was

"Then all living creatures, including man, which had been hermaphroditical, were
separated, the males being set apart by themselves and the females likewise, according
to the dictates of Reason.

Then God spoke to the Holy Word within the soul of all things, saying: Increase in
increasing and multiply in multitudes, all you, my creatures and workmanships. Let
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him that is endued with Mind know himself to be immortal and that the cause of death
is the love of the body; and let him learn all things that are, for he who has recognized
himself enters into the state of Good. (p. 39.)

The discourse continues

The name Hermes is derived from "Herm," a form of CHiram, the Personified
Universal Life Principle, generally represented by fire. The Scandinavians worshiped
Hermes under the name of Odin; the Teutons as Wotan, and certain of the Oriental
peoples as Buddha, or Fo. There are two theories concerning his demise. The first
declares that Hermes was translated like Enoch and carried without death into the
presence of God, the second states that he was buried in the Valley of Ebron and a
great treasure placed in his tomb--not a treasure of gold but of books and sacred

The Egyptians likened humanity to a flock of sheep. The Supreme and Inconceivable
Father was the Shepherd, and Hermes was the shepherd dog. The origin of the
shepherd's crook in religious symbolism may be traced to the Egyptian rituals. The
three scepters of Egypt include the shepherd's crook, symbolizing that by virtue of the
power reposing in that symbolic staff the initiated Pharaohs guided the destiny of their

"And when God had said this, Providence, with the aid of the Seven Governors and
Harmony, brought the sexes together, making the mixtures and establishing the
generations, and all things were multiplied according to their kind. He who through
the error of attachment loves his body, abides wandering in darkness, sensible and
suffering the things of death, but he who realizes that the body is but the tomb of his
soul, rises to immortality."

Then Hermes desired to know why men should be deprived of immortality for the sin
of ignorance alone. The Great Dragon answered:, To the ignorant the body is supreme
and they are incapable of realizing the immortality that is within them. Knowing only
the body which is subject to death, they believe in death because they worship that
substance which is the cause and reality of death." Then Hermes asked how the
righteous and wise pass to God, to which Poimandres replied: "That which the Word of
God said, say I: 'Because the Father of all things consists of Life and Light, whereof
man is made.' If, therefore, a man shall learn and understand the nature of Life and
Light, then he shall pass into the eternity of Life and Light."

Hermes next inquired about the road by which the wise attained to Life eternal, and
Poimandres continued: "Let the man endued with a Mind mark, consider, and learn of
himself, and with the power of his Mind divide himself from his not-self and become a
servant of Reality."

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Hermes asked if all men did not have Minds, and the Great Dragon replied: "Take
heed what you say, for I am the Mind--the Eternal Teacher. I am the Father of the
Word--the Redeemer of all men--and in the nature of the wise the Word takes flesh. By
means of the Word, the world is saved. I, Thought (Thoth)--the Father of the Word,
the Mind--come only unto men that are holy and good, pure and merciful, and that live
piously and religiously, and my presence is an inspiration and a help to them, for when
I come they immediately know all things and adore the Universal Father. Before such
wise and philosophic ones die, they learn to renounce their senses, knowing that these
are the enemies of their immortal souls.

"I will not permit the evil senses to control the bodies of those who love me, nor will I
allow evil emotions and evil thoughts to enter them. I become as a porter or
doorkeeper, and shut out evil, protecting the wise from their own lower nature. But to
the wicked, the envious and the covetous, I come not, for such cannot understand the
mysteries of Mind; therefore, I am unwelcome. I leave them to the avenging demon
that they are making in their own souls, for evil each day increases itself and torments
man more sharply, and each evil deed adds to the evil deeds that are gone before until
finally evil destroys itself. The punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment."

Hermes bowed his head in thankfulness to the Great Dragon who had taught him so
much, and begged to hear more concerning the ultimate of the human soul. So
Poimandres resumed: "At death the material body of man is returned to the elements
from which it came, and the invisible divine man ascends to the source from whence
he came, namely the Eighth Sphere. The evil passes to the dwelling place of the
demon, and the senses, feelings, desires, and body passions return to their source,
namely the Seven Governors, whose natures in the lower man destroy but in the invie
invispiritual man give life.

"After the lower nature has returned to the brutishness, the higher struggles again to
regain its spiritual estate. It ascends the seven Rings upon which sit the Seven
Governors and returns to each their lower powers in this manner: Upon the first ring
sits the Moon, and to it is returned the ability to increase and diminish. Upon the
second ring sits Mercury, and to it are returned machinations, deceit, and craftiness.
Upon the third ring sits Venus, and to it are returned the lusts and passions. Upon the
fourth ring sits the Sun, and to this Lord are returned ambitions. Upon the fifth ring
sits Mars, and to it are returned rashness and profane boldness. Upon the sixth ring
sits Jupiter, and to it are returned the sense of accumulation and riches. And upon the
seventh ring sits Saturn, at the Gate of Chaos, and to it are returned falsehood and evil

"Then, being naked of all the accumulations of the seven Rings, the soul comes to the
Eighth Sphere, namely, the ring of the fixed stars. Here, freed of all illusion, it dwells
in the Light and sings praises to the Father in a voice which only the pure of spirit may
understand. Behold, O Hermes, there is a great mystery in the Eighth Sphere, for the
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Milky Way is the seed-ground of souls, and from it they drop into the Rings, and to the
Milky Way they return again from the wheels of Saturn. But some cannot climb the
seven-runged ladder of the Rings. So they wander in darkness below and are swept
into eternity with the illusion of sense and earthiness.

"The path to immortality is hard, and only a few find it. The rest await the
Great Day when the wheels of the universe shall be stopped and the immortal
sparks shall escape from the sheaths of substance. Woe unto those who wait, for they
must return again, unconscious and unknowing, to the seed-ground of stars, and
await a new beginning. [Nazarene Remnant comment: I take this to mean the
Second Resurrection, and the 100 year period of learning how to live a pure life, rather
than a plug for the doctrine of reincarnation!] Those who are saved by the light of the
mystery which I have revealed unto you, O Hermes, and which I now bid you to
establish among men, shall return again to the Father who dwelleth in the White Light,
and shall deliver themselves up to the Light and shall be absorbed into the Light, and
in the Light they shall become Powers in God. This is the Way of Good and is revealed
only to them that have wisdom.

"Blessed art thou, O Son of Light, to whom of all men, I, Poimandres, the Light of the
World, have revealed myself. I order you to go forth, to become as a guide to those who
wander in darkness, that all men within whom dwells the spirit of My Mind (The
Universal Mind) may be saved by My Mind in you, which shall call forth My Mind in
them. Establish My Mysteries and they shall not fail from the earth, for I am the Mind
of the Mysteries and until Mind fails (which is never) my Mysteries cannot fail." With
these parting words, Poimandres, radiant with celestial light, vanished, mingling with
the powers of the heavens. Raising his eyes unto the heavens, Hermes blessed the
Father of All Things and consecrated his life to the service of the Great Light.

Thus preached Hermes: "O people of the earth, men born and made of the elements,
but with the spirit of the Divine Man within you, rise from your sleep of
ignorance! Be sober and thoughtful. Realize that your home is not in the earth
but in the Light. Why have you delivered yourselves over unto death, having power to
partake of immortality? Repent, and change your minds. Depart from the dark
light and forsake corruption forever. Prepare yourselves to climb through the Seven
Rings and to blend your souls with the eternal Light."

Some who heard mocked and scoffed and went their way, delivering
themselves to the Second Death from which there is no salvation. But
others, casting themselves before the feet of Hermes, besought him to teach them the
Way of Life. He lifted them gently, receiving no approbation for himself, and staff in
hand, went forth teaching and guiding mankind, and showing them how they
might be saved. In the worlds of men, Hermes sowed the seeds of wisdom and
nourished the seeds with the Immortal Waters. And at last came the evening of his life,
and as the brightness of the light of earth was beginning to go down, Hermes
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commanded his disciples to preserve his doctrines inviolate throughout all ages. The
Vision of Poimandres he committed to writing that all men desiring immortality might
therein find the way.

In concluding his exposition of the Vision, Hermes wrote: "The sleep of the body is the
sober watchfulness of the Mind and the shutting of my eyes reveals the true
Light. My silence is filled with budding life and hope, and is full of good. My words are
the blossoms of fruit of the tree of my soul. For this is the faithful account of what I
received from my true Mind, that is Poimandres, the Great Dragon, the Lord of the
Word, through whom I became inspired by God with the Truth. Since that day my
Mind has been ever with me and in my own soul it hath given birth to the Word: the
Word is Reason, and Reason hath redeemed me. For which cause, with all my
soul and all my strength, I give praise and blessing unto God the Father, the Life and
the Light, and the Eternal Good.

Holy is God, the Father of all things, the One who is before the First Beginning.
Holy is God, whose will is performed and accomplished by His own Powers which He
hath given birth to out of Himself.

Holy is God, who has determined that He shall be known, and who is known by His
own to whom He reveals Himself.

Holy art Thou, who by Thy Word (Reason) hast established all things.

Holy art Thou, of whom all Nature is the image.

Holy art Thou, whom the inferior nature has not formed.

Holy art Thou, who art stronger than all powers.

Holy art Thou, who art greater than all excellency.

Holy art Thou, who art better than all praise.

Accept these reasonable sacrifices from a pure soul and a heart stretched out unto

O Thou Unspeakable, Unutterable, to be praised with silence!

I beseech Thee to look mercifully upon me, that I may not err from the knowledge of
Thee and that I may enlighten those that are in ignorance, my brothers and Thy sons.

Therefore I believe Thee and bear witness unto Thee, and depart in peace and in
trustfulness into Thy Light and Life.
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Blessed art Thou, O Father! The man Thou hast fashioned would be sanctified with
Thee as Thou hast given him power to sanctify others with Thy Word and Thy Truth.

The Vision of Hermes, like nearly all of the Hermetic writings, is an allegorical
exposition of great philosophic and mystic truths, and its hidden meaning may be
comprehended only by those who have been "raised" into the presence of the True
Mind. (pp. 39-40.)

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Appendix H:
Isis Revealed as the Birthright Holy Spirit

By Manly P Hall.

The Egyptian deity [Isis] under many names appears as the principle of natural
fecundity among nearly all the religions of the ancient world. She was known as the
goddess with ten thousand appellations and was metamorphosed by Christianity into
the Virgin Mary, for Isis, although she gave birth to all living things--chief among them
the Sun--still remained a virgin, according to the legendary accounts.

Apuleius in the eleventh book of The Golden Ass ascribes to the goddess the following
statement concerning her powers and attributes: "Behold, * *, I, moved by thy prayers,
am present with thee; I, who am Nature, the parent of things, the queen of all the
elements, the primordial progeny of ages, the supreme of Divinities, the sovereign of
the spirits of the dead, the first of the celestials, and the uniform resemblance of Gods
and Goddesses. I, who rule by my nod the luminous summits of the heavens, the
salubrious breezes of the sea, and the deplorable silences of the realms beneath, and
whose one divinity the whole orb of the earth venerates under a manifold form, by
different rites and a variety of appellations. Hence the primogenial Phrygians call me
Pessinuntica, the mother of the Gods, the Attic Aborigines, Cecropian Minerva; the
floating Cyprians, Paphian Venus; the arrow-bearing Cretans, Diana Dictynna; the
three-tongued Sicilians, Stygian Proserpine; and the Eleusinians, the ancient Goddess
Ceres. Some also call me Juno, others Bellona, others Hecate, and others Rhamnusia.
And those who are illuminated by the incipient rays of that divinity the Sun, when he
rises, viz. the Ethiopians, the Arii, and the Egyptians skilled in ancient learning,
worshipping me by ceremonies perfectly appropriate, call me by my true name, Queen

Le Plongeon believes that the Egyptian myth [Nazarene Remnant comment: the
Birthright Holy Spirit is no myth, I can tell you!] of Isis had a historical basis among
the Mayas of Central America, where this goddess was known as Queen Moo. In Prince
Coh the same author finds a correspondence to Osiris, the brother-husband of Isis. Le
Plongeon's theory is that Mayan civilization was far more ancient than that of Egypt.
After the death of Prince Coh, his widow, Queen Moo, fleeing to escape the wrath of his
murderers, sought refuge among the Mayan colonies in Egypt, where she was accepted
as their queen and was given the name of Isis. While Le Plongeon may be right, the

This material is from Hall, Manly P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopaedic Outline of Masonic,
Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings
Concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of All Ages. Published by Forgotten Books, 1967. ISBN
1605064882, 9781605064888. Originally published in 1928. Copyright not
Hall, Manly P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 45.
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possible historical queen sinks into insignificance when compared with the allegorical,
symbolic World Virgin; and the fact that she appears among so many different races
and peoples discredits the theory that she was a historical individual.

According to Sextus Empyricus, the Trojan war was fought over a statue of the moon
goddess. For this lunar Helena, and not for a woman, the Greeks and Trojans struggled
at the gates of Troy.

Egyptian Demon or Spirit of the Adversary, was born upon the third day. Typhon is
often symbolized by a crocodile; sometimes his body is a combination of crocodile and
hog. Isis stands for knowledge and wisdom, and according to Plutarch the word
Typhon means insolence and pride. Egotism, self-centeredness, and pride are the
deadly enemies of understanding and truth. This part of the allegory is revealed. After
Osiris, here symbolized as the sun, had become King of Egypt and had given to his
people the full advantage of his intellectual light, he continued his path through the
heavens, visiting the peoples of other nations and converting all with whom he came in
contact. Plutarch further asserts that the Greeks recognized in Osiris the same person
whom they revered under the names of Dionysos and Bacchus. While he was away
from his country, his brother, Typhon, the Evil One, like the Loki of Scandinavia,
plotted against the Sun God to destroy him.

Gathering seventy-two persons as fellow conspirators, he attained his nefarious end in
a most subtle manner. He had a wonderful ornamented box made just the size of the
body of Osiris. This he brought into a banquet hall where the gods and goddesses were
feasting together. All admired the beautiful chest, and Typhon promised to give it to
the one whose body fitted it most perfectly. One after another lay down in the box, but
in disappointment rose again, until at last Osiris also tried. The moment he was in the
chest Typhon and his accomplices nailed the cover down and sealed the cracks with
molten lead. They then cast the box into the Nile, down which it floated to the sea.
Plutarch states that the date upon which this occurred was the seventeenth day of the
month Athyr, when the sun was in the constellation of Scorpio. This is most
significant, for the Scorpion is the symbol of treachery. The time when Osiris entered
the chest was also the same season that Noah entered the ark to escape from the
Deluge. Plutarch further declares that the Pans and Satyrs (the Nature spirits and
elementals) first discovered that Osiris had been murdered. These immediately raised
an alarm, and from this incident the word panic, meaning fright or amazement of the
multitudes, originated. Isis, upon receiving the news of her husband's murder, which
she learned from some children who had seen the murderers making off with the box,
at once robed herself in mourning and started forth in quest of him. At length Isis
discovered that the chest had floated to the coast of Byblos. There it had lodged in the
branches of a tree, which in a short time miraculously grew up around the box. This so
amazed the king of that country that he ordered the tree to be cut down and a pillar
made from its trunk to support the roof of his palace. Isis, visiting Byblos, recovered

Hall, Manly P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 45.
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the body of her husband, but it was again stolen by Typhon, who cut it into fourteen
parts, which he scattered all over the earth. Isis, in despair, began gathering up the
severed remains of her husband, but found only thirteen pieces. The fourteenth part
(the phallus) she reproduced in gold, for the original had fallen into the river Nile and
had been swallowed by a fish. Typhon was later slain in battle by the son of Osiris.
Some of the Egyptians believed that the souls of the gods were taken to heaven, where
they shone forth as stars. It was supposed that the soul of Isis gleamed from the Dog
Star, while Typhon became the constellation of the Bear. It is doubtful, however,
whether this idea was ever generally accepted.

Among the Egyptians, Isis is often represented with a headdress consisting of the
empty throne chair of her murdered husband, and this peculiar structure was
accepted during certain dynasties as her hieroglyphic. The headdresses of the
Egyptians have great symbolic and emblematic importance, for they represent the
auric bodies of the superhuman intelligences, and are used in the same way that the
nimbus, halo, and aureole are used in Christian religious art. Frank C. Higgins, a well-
known Masonic symbolist, has astutely noted that the ornate headgears of certain
gods and Pharaohs are inclined backward at the same angle as the earth's axis. The
robes, insignia, jewels, and ornamentations of the ancient hierophants symbolized the
spiritual energies radiating from the human body. Modern science is rediscovering
many of the lost secrets of Hermetic philosophy. One of these is the ability to gauge
the mental development, the soul qualities, and the physical health of an individual
from the streamers of semi-visible electric force which pour through the surface of the
skin of every human being at all times during his life. (For details concerning a
scientific process for making the auric emanations visible, see The Human
Atmosphere by Dr. Walter J. Kilner.) Isis is sometimes symbolized by the head of a
cow; occasionally the entire animal is her symbol. The first gods of the Scandinavians
were licked out of blocks of ice by the Mother Cow (Audhumla), who symbolized the
principle of natural nutriment and fecundity because of her milk. Occasionally Isis is
represented as a bird. She often carries in one hand the crux ansata, the symbol of
eternal life, and in the other the flowered scepter, symbolic of her authority. Thoth
Hermes Trismegistus, the founder of Egyptian learning, the Wise Man of the ancient
world, gave to the priests and philosophers of antiquity the secrets which have been
preserved to this day in myth and legend. These allegories and emblematic figures
conceal the secret formula, for spiritual, mental, moral, and physical regeneration
commonly known as the Mystic Chemistry of the Soul (alchemy). These sublime truths
were communicated to the initiates of the Mystery Schools, but were concealed from
the profane. The latter, unable to understand the abstract philosophical tenets,
worshiped the concrete sculptured idols which were emblematic of these secret truths.
The wisdom and secrecy of Egypt are epitomized in the Sphinx, which has preserved
its secret from the seekers of a hundred generations. The mysteries of Hermeticism,
the great spiritual truths hidden from the world by the ignorance of the world, and the
keys of the secret doctrines of the ancient philosophers, are all symbolized by the
Virgin Isis. Veiled from head to foot, she reveals her wisdom only to the tried and
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initiated few who have earned the right to enter her sacred presence, tear from the
veiled figure of Nature its shroud of obscurity, and stand face to face with the Divine

The explanations in these pages of the symbols peculiar to the Virgin Isis are based
(unless otherwise noted) on selections from a free translation of the fourth book of
Bibliotque des Philosophes Hermtiques, entitled "The Hermetical Signification of
the Symbols and Attributes of Isis," with interpolations by the compiler to amplify and
clarify the text.

The statues of Isis were decorated with the sun, moon, and stars, and many emblems
pertaining to the earth, over which Isis was believed to rule (as the guardian spirit of
Nature personified). Several images of the goddess have been found upon which the
marks of her dignity and position were still intact. According to the ancient
philosophers, she personified Universal Nature, the mother of all productions. The
deity was generally represented as a partly nude woman, often pregnant, sometimes
loosely covered with a garment either of green or black color, or of four different
shades intermingled-black, white, yellow, and red. Apuleius describes her as follows:

"In the first place, then, her most copious and long hairs, being gradually intorted, and
promiscuously scattered on her divine neck, were softly defluous. A multiform crown,
consisting of various flowers, bound the sublime summit of her head. And in the
middle of the crown, just on her forehead, there was a smooth orb resembling a
mirror, or rather a white refulgent light, which indicated that she was the moon. Vipers
rising up after the manner of furrows, environed the crown on the right hand and on
the left, and Cerealian ears of corn were also extended from above. Her garment was of
many colours, and woven from the finest flax, and was at one time lucid with a
white splendour, at another yellow from the flower of crocus, and at another flaming
with a rosy redness. But that which most excessively dazzled my sight, was a very black
robe, fulgid with a dark splendour, and which, spreading round and passing under her
right side, and ascending to her left shoulder, there rose protuberant like the center of
a shield, the dependent part of the robe falling in many folds, and having small knots
of fringe, gracefully flowing in its extremities. Glittering stars were dispersed through
the embroidered border of the robe, and through the whole of its surface: and the full
moon, shining in the middle of the stars, breathed forth flaming fires. Nevertheless, a
crown, wholly consisting of flowers and fruits of every kind, adhered with indivisible
connexion to the border of that conspicuous robe, in all its undulating motions. What
she carried in her hands also consisted of things of a very different nature. For her
right hand, indeed, bore a brazen rattle [sistrum] through the narrow lamina of which
bent like a belt, certain rods passing, produced a sharp triple sound, through the
vibrating motion of her arm. An oblong vessel, in the shape of a boat, depended from
her left hand, on the handle of which, in that part in which it was conspicuous, an asp
raised its erect head and largely swelling neck. And shoes woven from the leaves of the
victorious palm tree covered her immortal feet."
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The green color alludes to the vegetation which covers the face of the earth, and
therefore represents the robe of Nature. The black represents death and corruption as
being the way to a new life and generation. "Except a man be born again, he cannot see
the kingdom of God." (John iii. 3.) White, yellow, and red signify the three principal
colors of the alchemical, Hermetical, universal medicine after the blackness of its
putrefaction is over.

The Sistrum

The ancients gave the name Isis to one of their occult medicines; therefore the
description here given relates somewhat to chemistry. Her black drape also signifies
that the moon, or the lunar humidity--the sophic universal mercury and the operating
substance of Nature in alchemical terminology--has no light of its own, but receives its
light, its fire, and its vitalizing force from the sun. Isis was the image or representative
of the Great Works of the wise men: the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of Life, and the
Universal Medicine.

The sistrum is designed * * * to represent to us, that every thing must be kept in continual agitation, and
never cease from motion; that they ought to be mused and well-shaken, whenever they begin to grow drowsy as
it were, and to droop in their motion. For, say they, the sound of these sistra averts and drives away Typho;
meaning hereby, that as corruption clogs and puts a stop to the regular course of nature; so generation, by the
means of motion, loosens it again, and restores it to its former vigour. Now the outer surface of this instrument is
of a convex figure, as within its circumference are contained those four chords or bars [only three shown], which
make such a rattling when they are shaken--nor is this without its meaning; for that part of the universe which is
subject to generation and corruption is contained within the sphere of the moon; and whatever motions or
changes may happen therein, they are all effected by the different combinations of the four elementary bodies,
fire, earth, water, and air--moreover, upon the upper part of the convex surface of the sistrum is carved the
effigies of a cat with a human visage, as on the lower edge of it, under those moving chords, is engraved on the
one side the face of Isis, and on the other that of Nephthys--by the faces symbolically representing generation
and corruption (which, as has been already observed, is nothing but the motion and alteration of the four
elements one amongst another).
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Other hieroglyphics seen in connection with Isis are no less curious than those already
described, but it is impossible to enumerate all, for many symbols were used
interchangeably by the Egyptian Hermetists. The goddess often wore upon her head a
hat made of cypress branches, to signify mourning for her dead husband and also for
the physical death which she caused every creature to undergo in order to receive a
new life in posterity or a periodic resurrection. The head of Isis is sometimes
ornamented with a crown of gold or a garland of olive leaves, as conspicuous marks of
her sovereignty as queen of the world and mistress of the entire universe. The crown of
gold signifies also the aurific unctuosity or sulphurous fatness of the solar and vital
fires which she dispenses to every individual by a continual circulation of the elements,
this circulation being symbolized by the musical rattle which she carries in her hand.
This sistrum is also the yonic symbol of purity.

A serpent interwoven among the olive leaves on her head, devouring its own tail,
denotes that the aurific unctuosity was soiled with the venom of terrestrial corruption
which surrounded it and must be mortified and purified by seven planetary
circulations or purifications called flying eagles (alchemical terminology) in order to
make it medicinal for the restoration of health. (Here the emanations from the sun are
recognized as a medicine for the healing of human ills.) The seven planetary
circulations are represented by the circumambulations of the Masonic lodge [Nazarene
Remnant comment: the lodges are places of downright deception and evil, and will
never be graced by the presence of Isis, the Birthright Holy Spirit]; by the marching of
the Jewish priests seven times around the walls of Jericho, and of the Mohammedan
priests seven times around the Kabba at Mecca. From the crown of gold project three
horns of plenty, signifying the abundance of the gifts of Nature proceeding from one
root having its origin in the heavens (head of Isis).

In this figure the pagan naturalists represent all the vital powers of the three kingdoms
and families of sublunary nature-mineral, plant, and animal (man considered as an
animal). At one of her ears was the moon and at the other the sun, to indicate that
these two were the agent and patient, or father and mother principles of all natural
objects; and that Isis, or Nature [Nazarene Remnant comment: better is the
Birthright Holy Spirit], makes use of these two luminaries to communicate her
powers to the whole empire of animals, vegetables, and minerals. On the back of her
neck were the characters of the planets and the signs of the zodiac which assisted the
planets in their functions. This signified that the heavenly influences directed the
destinies of the principles and sperms of all things, because they were the governors of
all sublunary bodies, which they transformed into little worlds made in the image of
the greater universe.

Isis holds in her right hand a small sailing ship with the spindle of a spinning wheel for
its mast. From the top of the mast projects a water jug, its handle shaped like a serpent
swelled with venom. This indicates that Isis steers the bark of life, full of troubles and
miseries, on the stormy ocean of Time. The spindle symbolizes the fact that she spins
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and cuts the thread of Life. These emblems further signify that Isis abounds in
humidity, by means of which she nourishes all natural bodies, preserving them from
the heat of the sun by humidifying them with nutritious moisture from the
atmosphere. Moisture supports vegetation, but this subtle humidity (life ether) is
always more or less infected by some venom proceeding from corruption or decay. It
must be purified by being brought into contact with the invisible cleansing fire of
Nature. This fire digests, perfects, and revitalizes this substance, in order that the
humidity may become a universal medicine to heal and renew all the bodies in Nature.

The serpent throws off its skin annually and is thereby renewed (symbolic of the
resurrection of the spiritual life from the material nature). This renewal of the earth
takes place every spring, when the vivifying spirit of the sun returns to the countries of
the Northern Hemisphere,

The symbolic Virgin carries in her left hand a sistrum and a cymbal, or square frame
of metal, which when struck gives the key-note of Nature (Fa); sometimes also an olive
branch, to indicate the harmony she preserves among natural things with her
regenerating power. By the processes of death and corruption she gives life to a
number of creatures of diverse forms through periods of perpetual change. The cymbal
is made square instead of the usual triangular shape in order to symbolize that all
things are transmuted and regenerated according to the harmony of the four elements.

Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom believed that if a physician could establish harmony among
the elements of earth, fire, air, and water, and unite them into a stone (the
Philosopher's Stone) symbolized by the sixpointed star or two interlaced triangles, he
would possess the means of healing all disease. Dr. Bacstrom further stated that there
was no doubt in his mind that the universal, omnipresent fire (spirit) of Nature: "does
all and is all in all." By attraction, repulsion, motion, heat, sublimation, evaporation,
exsiccation, inspissation, coagulation, and fixation, the Universal Fire (Spirit)
manipulates matter, and manifests throughout creation. Any individual who can
understand these principles and adapt them to the three departments of Nature
becomes a true philosopher.

From the right breast of Isis protruded a bunch of grapes and from, the left an ear of
corn or a sheaf of wheat, golden in color. These indicate that Nature is the source of
nutrition for plant, animal, and human life, nourishing all things from herself. The
golden color in the wheat (corn) indicates that in the sunlight or spiritual gold is
concealed the first sperm of all life.

On the girdle surrounding the upper part of the body of the statue appear a number of
mysterious emblems. The girdle is joined together in front by four golden plates (the
elements), placed in the form of a square. This signified that Isis, or Nature, the first
matter (alchemical terminology), was the essence- of the four elements (life, light,
heat, and force), which quintessence generated all things. Numerous stars are
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represented on this girdle, thereby indicating their influence in darkness as well as the
influence of the sun in light. Isis is the Virgin immortalized in the constellation of
Virgo, where the World Mother is placed with the serpent under her feet and a crown.
of stars on her head. In her arms she carries a sheaf of grain and sometimes the young
Sun God.

The statue of Isis was placed on a pedestal of dark stone ornamented with rams' heads.
Her feet trod upon a number of venomous reptiles. This indicates that Nature has
power to free from acidity or saltness all corrosives and to overcome all impurities
from terrestrial corruption adhering to bodies. The rams' heads indicate that the most
auspicious time for the generation of life is during the period when the sun passes
through the sign of Aries. The serpents under her feet indicate that Nature is inclined
to preserve life and to heal disease by expelling impurities and corruption.
In this sense the axioms known to the ancient philosophers are verified; namely:

Nature contains Nature, Nature rejoices in her own nature, Nature surmounts
Nature; Nature cannot be amended but in her own nature.

[paragraph continues] Therefore, in contemplating the statue of Isis, we must not lose
sight of the occult sense of its allegories; otherwise, the Virgin remains an inexplicable

From a golden ring on her left arm a line descends, to the end of which is suspended a
deep box filled with flaming coals and incense. Isis, or Nature personified, carries with
her the sacred fire, religiously preserved and kept burning in. a special temple by the
vestal virgins. This fire is the genuine, immortal flame of Nature--ethereal, essential,
the author of life. The inconsumable oil; the balsam of life, so much praised by the
wise and so often referred to in the Scriptures, is frequently symbolized as the fuel of
this immortal flame.

From the right arm of the figure also descends a thread, to the end of which is fastened
a pair of scales, to denote the exactitude of Nature in her weights and measures. Isis is
often represented as the symbol of justice, because Nature is eternally consistent.

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Thoth, The Dog-Headed. From
Lenoir's La Franche-Maconnerie.

The Egyptian Madonna. From Lenoir's La Franche-Maconnerie.
Here Isis is the beautiful
mother of love and total integrity, bringing spiritual re-birth to the infant she holds who is
Horus here in her hands. The infant is also symbol for the personof any age--who has
changed their mind about life (i.e. who has repented), and who seeks to cross over the river from
the West (the land of death) to the East (the land of life). Hopefully, thats you and me! Isis gives
out the milk of Eternal Lifethe Birthright Holy Spiritto all who seek her, faithfully, relentlessly,

Aroueris, or Thoth, one of the five immortals, protected the infant Horus from the wrath of Typhon after the
murder of Osiris. He also revised the ancient Egyptian calendar by increasing the year from 360 days to 365.
Thoth Hermes was called The Dog-Headed because of his faithfulness and integrity. He is shown
crowned with a solar nimbus, carrying in one hand the Crux Ansata, the symbol of eternal life, and in the other
a serpent-wound staff symbolic of his dignity as counselor of the gods.
Isis is shown with her son Horus in her arms. She is crowned with the lunar orb, ornamented with the horns
of rams or bulls. Orus, or Horus as he is more generally known, was the son of Isis and Osiris. He was the god of
time, hours, days, and this narrow span of life recognized as mortal existence. In all probability, the four sons of
Horus represent the four kingdoms of Nature. It was Horus who finally avenged the murder of his father, Osiris,
by slaying Typhon, the spirit of Evil.
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over a 15-day period once every New Moon Festival, and they occur every month from the first-
crescent New Moon. The orb on her head is actually the Sun, and the two horns clasping it are
the two aspects of the planet Venus orbit, the Morning Star and the Evening Star phase.

The World Virgin [Nazarene Remnant comment: which has been corrupted into the
Virgin Mary, and all the illegal
and futile worship and adoration of her, by the
catholic church, for centuries now] is sometimes shown standing between two great
pillarsthe Jachin and Boaz of Freemasonry [Nazarene Remnant comment: Jachin
and Boaz are ancient symbols of the reality of life, since the Fall, and have no place in
the demonic system of Freemasonry. This is explained in our The Beguiled and the
Doctrine of the Two Spirits
]symbolizing the fact that Nature attains productivity
by means of polarity. As wisdom personified, Isis stands between the pillars of
opposites, demonstrating that understanding is always found at the point of
equilibrium and that truth is often crucified between the two thieves of apparent

The sheen of gold in her dark hair indicates that while she is lunar, her power is due to
the sun's rays, from which she secures her ruddy complexion. As the moon is robed in
the reflected light of the sun, so Isis, like the virgin of Revelation, is clothed in the glory
of solar luminosity.

Frequently the statue of Isis was accompanied by the figure of a large black and white
ox. The ox represents either Osiris as Taurus, the bull of the zodiac, or Apis, an animal
sacred to Osiris because of its peculiar markings and colorings. Among the Egyptians,
the bull was a beast of burden. Hence the presence of the animal was a reminder of the
labors patiently performed by Nature that all creatures may have life and health.
Harpocrates, the God of Silence, holding his fingers to his mouth, often accompanies
the statue of Isis. He warns all to keep the secrets of the wise from those unfit to know

Manly P Hall, goes on and links Isis with Freemasonry and a whole host of other
demonic forces, and thus contributing to the deception that holds the whole world in
its sway, right to this day:

The Druids of Britain and Gaul had a deep knowledge concerning the mysteries
of Isis and worshiped her under the symbol of the moon. Godfrey Higgins
considers it a mistake to regard Isis as synonymous with the moon. The moon
was chosen for Isis because of its dominion over water. The Druids considered

I say illegal because it is absolutely against the Law of God to do this, specifically worshipping the Virgin
Mary, or anyone else for that matter, except the Great Eternal God, breaks the First Commandment.
Freely available here:
Hall, Manly P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 48.
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the sun to be the father and the moon the mother of all things. By means of
these symbols they worshiped Universal Nature.

The figure of Isis is sometimes used to represent the occult and magical arts,
such as necromancy, invocation, sorcery, and thaumaturgy. In one of the myths
concerning her, Isis is said to have conjured the invincible God of Eternities, Ra,
to tell her his secret and sacred name, which he did. This name is equivalent to
the Lost Word of Masonry. By means of this Word, a magician can demand
obedience from the invisible and superior deities. The priests of Isis became
adepts in the use of the unseen forces of Nature. They understood hypnotism,
mesmerism, and similar practices long before the modem world dreamed of
their existence.

Plutarch describes the requisites of a follower of Isis in this manner: "For as 'tis
not the length of the beard, or the coarseness of the habit which makes a
philosopher, so neither will those frequent shavings, or the mere wearing [of] a
linen vestment constitute a votary of Isis; but he alone is a true servant or
follower of this Goddess, who after he has heard, and been made acquainted in a
proper manner with the history of the actions of these Gods, searches into the
hidden truths which he concealed under them, and examines the whole by the
dictates of reason and philosophy."

During the Middle Ages the troubadours of Central Europe preserved in song
the legends of this Egyptian goddess. They composed sonnets to the most
beautiful woman in all the world. Though few ever discovered her identity, she
was Sophia, the Virgin of Wisdom, whom all the philosophers of the world have
wooed. Isis represents the mystery of motherhood, which the ancients
recognized as the most apparent proof of Nature's omniscient wisdom and God's
overshadowing power. To the modern seeker she is the epitome of the Great
Unknown, and only those who unveil her will be able to solve the mysteries of
life, death, generation, and regeneration.

Hall, Manly P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 48.
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Appendix I:
The Size of Our World

The source for this material is unknown. It was submitted to without attribution.

22 June 2006


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Appendix J:
The Gate of God

Taken from Gate of God. Copyright Gary Osborn 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Where the skull divides there lies the Gate of God. (The Taittireeya


The history of the world is profoundly scattered with elements of mystical
enlightenment and all the wonderful symbolism that surrounds them. From cosmic
precession and ley lines to crystals and magic mushrooms there is a whole range
of different theories, which endeavour to explain the unusual effects.
However, there is one paramount and unique portion of this folklore which is
utilised by all of them and held up as being the most important aspect of the human
mystical experience. As Philip Gardiner and I have shown in our books, The Serpent
Grail and The Shining Ones, something of importance is being referred to in the myths
and legends associated with the Grail and this something exists in the head, or
rather the brain. Those readers, who are familiar with new-age literature and its
various concepts, would say that this something must be the pineal gland.
Is the pineal gland, the seed, the Philosophers Stone? . . The Philosophers Egg?
For those readers who were already under the impression that this seed-stone or
egg is the pineal, it would be a logical conclusion to make.
As to what the esoteric function of the pineal might be, there have been thousands of
explanations from the far-fetched idea of the pineal being an alien implant to the
equally new-age idea of the pineal being a cosmic communication device. However,
after everything we have looked at during the course of our research, it is only now
that we are truly able to see the real significance in this peculiar biological device
something the ancient cultures we know of may have also noticed, or the knowledge of
which had been passed onto them in the form of analogy, metaphor and symbolism.
In eastern mysticism the pineal gland is linked with the Third Eye
the second sight or the mystical, or inner, psychic vision, which is believed to be mans
doorway towards enlightenment and the glory of god. For many mystics, the pineal
is said to be associated with the sixth chakra vortex the brow chakra or Ajna.
I am now going to put to rest some old age and new-age
misconceptions about the pineal gland.
It has been said and believed and mostly in the new-age literature that the
pineal gland is the fabled, mystical, occult and esoteric third eye.
Some will say that the third eye is the pituitary gland, and others, that the third
eye is both the pineal and the pituitary. Many of us still believe that the so-called
third eye is a fanciful notion and doesnt really exist.
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There is surely much confusion here, and it is evident now that this uncertainty
cannot be resolved by just stating or believing that there is no such thing as the third
eye especially if our ancient ancestors believed in it and everything we find is
leading us to it.
In my view the significance of the third eye is all part of the 'Grail Code', linked to
something we have yet to discover at Giza in Egypt. The following lends some clues as
to what we are dealing with in regard to this code, which I am attempting to reveal in

The Brain Centres in Architecture

It is obviously a truth to state that the ancients dissected the human body and it is self-
evident that they - or possibly an unknown and advanced culture before them - did the
same with the brain.
When we overlay the side-view of the human head onto many sacred
places we discover a remarkable thing. The centre of the brain, the eyes, the
mouth, the seventh Chakra at the bregma or crown of the head, and its centre, the
bindu above the head, all seem to match up with important elements of the
architectural or archaeological site.
We should note that the monks tonsure (popular during medieval times) was
really in reference to the crown chakra and the bindu point above the head by which
one is connected to the godhead, and was an alternative to trepanning
(opening) of the skull), as practised by the Merovingians and also in ancient times and
by many different cultures.
Of course, we have to remember that these are sites that have ancient links. It is a
recorded fact that many of our modern churches are built upon much older sacred
sites which some say are linked with the energy paths of the earth.
Although the new-age view of Ley Lines and Dragon Paths is limited in my view, it
is a startling discovery to find that sacred sites are linked to the very mind or nous, and
we were to discover that this amazing fact would lead us on yet further paths of
After finding these correlations in many old sacred buildings, churches and
cathedrals, Philip Gardiner and I finally attempted this overlaying with Lichfield
Cathedral which I will describe here as an example. The reasons are quite simple. It
is a place close to Philips hometown geographically, and it is a place
that Philip believes is involved in the wider story of the Grail.
Godfroi de Bouillon the first crusader to become King of Jerusalem in 1099, and
in all but name, is made immortal in a wonderful statue on the external, south
transept. Godfroi, as we discovered, would become more and more important to the
central tale of the Grail story and intrinsically linked with not just the propaganda of
the story, but also the whereabouts of one of the Grails but this perhaps would have
to wait for a future book.
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On the other side of the Cathedral near the Chapter House there is the famous Seal
of Solomon, large as life, high up in the elegant window. This again, was important to
the legend of the Grail, but again, the reasons must wait.
The most important aspect of the symbolism employed at Lichfield however, is the
image of Christ within the West doorway. He is seated high up in the archway
of the door. Surrounding him are all the animals of the fields. [Nazarene
Remnant comment: This is a very veiled way of showing the 12 types of men, or the
twelve signs of the Zodiac, and the importance of Christ as Horus in the West, which is
the death side of life. This then leads those in the know to the true knowledge of the
monthly New Moon Festivals, and the Sacred Mathematics, with the key numbers
being 216 (number of bones in the human body), 10 (for the Law or the Ten
Commandments), 15 (for the writing of the Law onto the minds and heart of repentant
human beings during the 15 days of the New Moons), 2,160 (10 x 216) which is the
duration of one Zodiac Sign in years, and the width of the Moon in miles. All in all,
what I have just written is a highly abbreviated way of doing the first works of
Revelation 2: 5: Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and
do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy
candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. Put another way, this is all about the
spiritual return to God, via the 36 stages represented by the stretching of the cord
ceremony in ancient Egypt; and climbing Jacobs Ladder; or climbing up the
Ascending Passage to the Queens Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. This
suppressed knowledge is what salvation is all about, and it is the reason why the part
of the Holy Spirit that does this workwhich I call the Birthright Holy Spirithas been
deliberately swept from the Earth, and replaced by the generic term the Holy Spirit.
This of course has been the work of the those who have altered the Bible as far back as
the days of the Babylonian Captivity, and completed by the Catholic Church much
later. This evil work has ensured that millions and millions of believers have never
understood Gods true sacred mechanism of redemption, and how the massive system
works! End NR comment]
It is an image reminiscent of the Horned Man or Cernunnos that we see in relief on
the side of the Gundestrup Cauldron and elsewhere right across Europe as if this
connection was meant to be acknowledged. As with the Gundestrup Cauldron, the
Horned Man is surrounded by beasts; but the most important aspect is, that
he is in control and therefore utilizing the power of the serpent. The other
animals are there, but it is the serpent, which gives him the power - and for a reason
which I will reveal later.
In the image of Christ at Lichfield it is the serpent in the style of the immortal and
eternal Ouroboros that he is seated above; crushing it below him and therefore
having the power of the serpent symbolically transferred to himself.
Now, all of this (and there is more at Lichfield) is very interesting and
links the story of medieval Christianity to the early Ophite and snake
cults of the ancients.
But, what does all this have to do with these power centres within the brain?
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As I previously discovered, by overlaying a side-view cross-sectioned image of the
human head and brain onto the ground plan of ancient sacred sites, we could reveal
links between the important glands inside the head and thus show that
the architects understood what was really inside the brain.
Well, quite simply, by overlaying the image of the head onto Lichfield
we found that the eyes looked directly out of the mystical north door. The
centre of the brain the Thalamus is positioned exactly in the centre of
the Cathedral. The crown chakra was exactly where the great altar was
situated and the throat chakra ran straight up the centre of the Nave.
Drawing a line from Godfrois statue to the eyes of the head ran straight
through the centre of the head and brain again, the thalamus and
especially, the nucleus of the thalamus, the Massa Intermedia. The Seal
of Solomon, the symbol of the ultimate god, was above the bindu or
crown chakra. The pineal gland and the pituitary gland were neatly
placed under two columns running at 45 degrees to each other.
A remarkable situation and one which would prove to be fruitful in the search for
later artefacts, however, in this instance it is used for the sole intent to show just how
the pineal gland and other gland-related power centres in the brain were so important
to both the ancients and the later Christian medieval architects and reveals that there
is a secret tradition surrounding this knowledge.
There is a wealth of further information which shows just how central to the sacred
geometry of the ancients the pineal gland and the other centres in the brain were, but
the question, why? needed to be asked.
What possible reason could the ancient builders and priests of the
various cultures of the globe have for including the design of the pineal,
the pituitary and the thalamus within their structures? And why was the
pineal, the pituitary and thalamus part of the Caduceus and snake
The answer is that all three as noted in the Triad and/or Holy Trinity and also
personified in the god of wisdom Thoth-Hermes the Thrice Greatest were
associated with the Third Eye not just the pineal. And so the reason why there
is so much confusion surrounding the so-called third eye, is because the third eye
associated with the shamanic use of the hypnagogic-trance state, and
what is termed astral, inner sight or second sight is actually activated by both the
cyclical functions of the pineal and the pituitary (the power centres in the brain)
becoming in some way synchronised.
The pea-sized, pituitary and pineal glands are located within the third ventricle at
the center of the brain (See Figure 1). The carotid and thyroid glands, the thalamus
and bindu centre are also indicated.)

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Figure 1: The Gland-Chakra-Related Centres in the Neck and Brain. The white C-shaped area is
the Corpus Callosum, which connects the left and right hemispheres. Diagram by Gary Osborn

Now perhaps for the first time since it was first known, it can be revealed
explicitly that the esoteric third eye is really associated with the
Thalamus at the centre of the brain.
As we will see, it is the thalamus, which is the seed-stone (philosophers
stone) and the cosmic egg.
I was later pleased to find that Mavromatis, the author of the book, Hypnagogia (no
doubt the most extensive work on the subject) states his opinion "that the
Thalamus is the centre of consciousness and is the source of hypnagogic
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All this time people have been led a wild goose chase. It would seem that the
traditional notion that only the pineal is indeed the third eye has served as an occult
blind to put those who are not worthy of knowing it, off the scent as it were, while
reinforcing the idea that the male-related pineal gland is very important which it is,
but for reasons I will reveal later.
Lets take a close look at these three power centres in the brain, as well as the
Carotid Gland in the neck (which is also important) beginning with the pineal.

The Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is cone-shaped like a pinecone as its name implies and is
located behind and above the pituitary gland. The pineal is symbolised by the
pinecone at the top of the Thrysus staff of the pagan-shamanic god,
Dionysus/Bacchus the staff again, representing the spine.
Amongst other things, the pineal regulates our circadian rhythms associated with
the day/night, waking/sleeping cycle. Its part of our internal clock, set to the day and
night cycles produced by the rotation of the earth on its axis in the light of the sun.
Amongst other things, the pineal is known for its production of melatonin and
seratonin the production of these chemicals relying on the day/night, light/dark
cycle. The chemical melatonin is a derivative of seratonin; the neurotransmitter that
also controls our mood swings. During the day, and in response to light, a signal is
fired from the retina in the eye via the suprachiasmatic nucleus to the pineal gland,
which then secretes and stores a large quantity of seratonin.

Figure 2: Pineal Gland
In response to darkness, and via the same signal
route, the pineal gland then begins to convert the
stored seratonin into melatonin, which is then
released into the brain and blood, inducing
sleepiness throughout the night.
Here we have the same cyclical swing between
opposites, positive and negative as light during
the day increases the production of seratonin
(associated with daylight seen as positive) and
decreases the production of melatonin (associated
with the dark i.e., night-time and so seen as
Lower amounts of light hitting the eyes means lower levels of seratonin and
therefore higher levels of melatonin.
Lower seratonin levels can also result in depression (negative,) whereas higher levels
of melatonin result in fatigue and a desire to sleep. So, seratonin is associated
with the positive waking state triggered by light or daylight, and
melatonin triggered by darkness is associated with the negative
sleeping state.
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Now, the fusion point between these opposites being also the transliminal
phase or neutral, zero-point node, which happens twice in every cycle corresponds
with the hypnagogic state being the point in the waking-sleeping cycle where we are
usually unconscious. So then, ones control over these glands, and the opening of
the third eye is due to holding ones total conscious attention at this point. We can
now see why the hypnagogic state is important and was utilised by the ancients and
known as the shamanic trance state.

The Pituitary Gland

The Pituitary has been called the Master Gland, this is because it
coordinates all the other glands, controls growth and is essential to the
life and well-being of the individual. It is said that removal of the pituitary
from the brain will cause death in three days. Like the pineal gland associated with the
day/night cycles, the pituitary gland is also dual in nature and this duality is also
expressed in its physical composition.
It has two lobes, each of which performs a different function. These are known as
the anterior and posterior lobes.
Its interesting to find 'new-age' writers stating that the pituitary gland has a
glowing phosphorescent appearance, which is similar to the
effervescent light of the full moon and that it has been known that the
Egyptians knew this because they called the pituitary the Star Chamber of
Isis as the goddess Isis was associated with the moon - but there really isn't any
evidence of this that Egyptologists are aware of. [Nazarene Remnant comment:
Spiritually speaking the only way to gain access to the Star Chamber of Isis, (also
known as the Bridal Chamber, and nowadays the Queen's Chamber in the Great
Pyramid at Giza) is via repentance, water baptism (after the age of 30 years) and the
faithful keeping of the New Moon Festivals over a minimum period of 24 years. For an
introduction to this almost unknown religious truth, see our free book The New Moon
Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, available here:
salvation.html End NR comment]
According to ancient esoteric tradition, the pituitary gland represents
the feminine principle and the pineal the masculine. However, like the brain
of both male and female individuals, the two hemispheres express the opposite traits
associated with the logical-reasoning male principle (left-brain) and emotional-
intuitive female principle (right-brain.) Various esoteric traditions maintain that the
predominantly, feminine-related pituitary gland, reflects this same duality.

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Figure 3: The Pituitary Gland showing Anterior and Posterior Lobes

The frontal or anterior lobe is associated with the reasoning and
intellectual mind of the male and the posterior lobe is associated with
the emotional, imaginative female nature.
This comes from the ancient belief that there is a connection between
emotional and mental deficiency and a lack of development in the
pituitary gland and surprisingly, many endocrinologists and psychologists have
expressed the same view.
We will also add a not-so-well known gland to our list known as the Carotid
Gland or Carotid Body. As we will see, this gland was also important to the
ancients and is also important in the esoteric, mystical traditions.

The Carotid Gland

In the esoteric traditions the carotid gland is known as the alta major: however,
apart from the work of the medium and esoteric writer, Alice Bailey, the carotid gland
is hardly ever mentioned in new-age literature, so why would this gland be
Well control over ones breathing is necessary for yoga and meditation and the
carotid gland is associated with the respiratory system i.e., breathing, and maintains
homeostatic control over the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The
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duality inherent in the cycles of opposites is again evident here in the inhalation of
oxygen and the exhalation of carbon dioxide which this gland controls.
So then to recap, we have seen that
the three glands just described are
associated with homeostatic control
over the cycles of opposites
associated with ones immersion in
the material world and ones material
existence just like a diving suit
and in the following ways:

Pineal: The day/night cycles also
related to the waking/sleeping cycle.

Pituitary and Hypothalamus:
Regulates body temperature
keeping a homeostatic balance
between the extremes of hot and cold.
These also regulate the growth of the
individual i.e., keeping a relative

Figure 4: Location of Carotid Gland in the
balance between large and small and short and tall.

Carotid: The inhalation/exhalation, breathing cycles and levels of oxygen (in-breath)
and carbon dioxide (out-breath) in the blood.

Although not proven, apart from ones own experience of it, it is said that when all
three are in balance and especially the pineal and pituitary glands a synchronized
or quantum state is created within the brain, and this synchronization takes place
within the thalamus and is again experienced as the hypnagogic state.

The Thalamus

Contrary to what many would think or like to believe, the evidence I have been looking
at shows that it was the thalamus which was considered by the ancients
to be the seed-centre of ones physical existence, and so at last I can
reveal, that in regard to the physical body, the thalamus is the
Philosophers Stone, and the Philosophers Egg and this is
supported by many of the things we have already looked at.
The walnut-sized thalamus is at the centre of the brain, located on top of
the brain stem or the limbic system known as the Reptilian Brain.
Now we know what the serpents head is in regard to the brain it being most
likely a reference to the Reptilian Brain the part of the brain which is said to be
stimulated during psychic activity [1] but more on this later (see Figure 5.)

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Figure 5: The Thalamus at the centre of the brain

The thalamus has two lobes known as the thalamic bodies, which look like a
smaller version of the two hemispheres of the brain known as the
cerebrum. Interestingly, the name cerebrum is a composite of Ceres, meaning
cross and RU CerebRUm again associated with the ancient Egyptian life symbol
the Ankh, which we will come to later. The two lobes of the thalamus are
connected together by a tubular bundle of nerve fibres at their centre, called the massa
intermedia or the interthalamic adhesion - see below.
In the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the thalamus is described as being egg-shaped
and if we look up Thalamus on the Internet, we will find many references to it
resembling an egg.
Around the massa intermedia, the two thalamic bodies are separated by the third
ventricle; one of the few spaces in the brain which is filled with cerebral spinal fluid.
The thalamic cells demonstrate high proliferative activity, frequently fusing via the
massa intermedia, which is a non-neuronal structure. In other words, and in esoteric
thought based on correspondences with the sexual, procreative process, the egg
(thalamus) is continually being "seeded" or "fertilised" suggesting re-
creation. The term re-creation here means repeating patterns i.e., re-patterning.
Most importantly, the reason why this ancient shamanic priesthood may have
placed so much emphasis on the thalamus was because, like the centre of the
earth, the thalamus is smack-bang at the centre of the brain. [Nazarene
Remnant comment: Remember that the Earth, and its dimensions, are meant to be
a symbol of an androgynous human being, with the Southern Hemisphere
representing the feminine (and the Birthright Holy Spirit), and the Northern
Hemisphere representing the male (and the Sceptre Holy Spirit). The Great Pyramid at
Giza is meant to represent the Northern Hemisphere on a scale of 1: 43,200. Also
understand that the ancient Prime Meridian of the world passed through the centre of
the Great Pyramid, neatly dividing the Earth into the Western and Eastern
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Hemisphere, thus making a giant model of our twin-hemispheric brains! For more
information on the sheer majesty of Gods creation, see our free book, Birthright,
Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes, available here:
sceptre-loaves-and-fishes.html End NR comment] But not only this, the thalamus
is the major sensory and motor relay nucleus in the brain; it is our central
control box and is our interface with the reality around us. In other words, it
acts like the hub of the whole wheel.
When one part of the neocortex one spoke of the wheel
communicates with another; it does so via the thalamus being the
centre of the whole sphere.
If there were anything in the physical body that would represent the
centre of consciousness itself, it would be the thalamus at the centre of
the brain. This is also the opinion of many of todays neurologists, and I would
suggest that an ancient prehistoric culture a shamanic serpent cult or priesthood
(the Shining Ones) also understood this.
To esoteric initiates [Nazarene Remnant comment: It would be more accurate
to call these people by their proper names, and that would be ancient Christians, or
better still, Followers of Horus in ancient Khemit (Egypt). I would also like to draw
your attention to Garys comments here, about shamanism, which is taken from his
article 23.5:
When writing on the subject of Shamanism we have to tread carefully as its
possible that many of the principles of knowledge attributed to Shamanism is by no
means ancient or universal. However, nothing is new under the sun.
It has been said recently that the conventional wisdom about Shamanism, which
comes mostly from the work of history of religions scholar, Mircea Eliade, is not
always reliable or impermeable and that many writers who use Eliade as a source will
often present the material as fact. This really stems from the recent backlash against
our western view of Shamanism in response to the new-age interpretations which
many see as having corrupted the tradition. Ronald Huttons book, Shamans: Siberian
Spirituality and the Western Imagination (2002), gives a fairly critical view of what
we think we know about Shamanism. Huttons view is that other cultures which we
regard as shamanic often reflect our wish for a universal ancient religion.
I would agree with this to a certain extent. However, in my view Eliade remains a
reliable source, and we must remember that anyone with psychic abilities of one kind
or another (for instance, an out of body experiencer or remote viewer) could easily
be considered a shaman (as a psychic healer, would be compared to a witch doctor)
and so any and all cultures both now and in the past has had its fair share of
Moreover, there is good evidence to suggest that the information and knowledge that
these people were/are able to access through their own experiences and which has led
to the development of a worldwide tradition, may have resulted in a ruling priesthood
in the distant past, as much of our esoteric knowledge which includes many of the
principle themes found in Shamanism, seems to have come from a single, influential
source, as evidence suggests in my previous books and as already outlined.
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In this regard there are certain core-themes which remain consistent in the folklore of
different peoples all around the world and are therefore very ancient whether we call
them shamanic or not.
These core-themes are associated with mans concept of the Primordial Centre, the
so-called World Pillar, the World Tree and the Cosmic Mountain or World
Mountain. These terms have indeed been referred to as shamanic in origin and
amongst other things, are related to the earths axis, the polestar, the pole of the
ecliptic and the ecliptic centre in the heavens. And as we will see later, these themes
and more besides, are incorporated within the Great Pyramid of Giza a splendid
example of the World Mountain of Shamanic lore. See here:
Yet again, these conceptions really stem from mans internal, psychic experiences in
that they are metaphorical descriptions that reflect early mans attempts at trying to
describe the indescribable but still many of us tend to interpret them too literally,
also partially or wrongly and miss the original meaning.
Most importantly, all these conceptions have their origin in the internal
enlightenment experience an energy phenomenon in which the subject
experiences his or her consciousness having imploded or collapsed-in-on-itself and
much like a dying star; gathering in everything together and becoming as One with
the centre of all creation the same source that is within everyone of us.
This experience reveals how the deeper connections that exist between one thing and
another was actually perceived and then conceptualised and further developed and
applied to become a system of knowledge, which still remains virtually unknown in
our societies as a whole, but is the source of all our ancient esoteric wisdom.
This experience is central to the whole theme of this, my present work being the
enlightenment experience, as described by Hindu mystics a rare but very real
phenomenon that does happen to some people and spontaneously.
This experience is said to be the real aim of Tantric Yoga and has been the cause of
the religious impulse of man throughout history, and so again, its something I will
touch on as we go along and will look at in more depth when it becomes appropriate.
It is for this specific reason also, that the powerful Catholic Church needed to hush
things up, as the only true way to God in their eyes was through the Church and
ultimately the Pope. The reality of this experience however proves to the individual
that the true God could be found within and did not require the input of a paid
priest. (From Gary Osborn's article 23.5 here:
introduction/4516311785 )
1 John 2: 27 has the key here, and that is that once you know how the Redemption
Machine of God works, there is not the need for any church to teach you, since the
promise is that God Himself will do the teaching: But the anointing which ye have
received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the
same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it
hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
End NR comment] the thalamus, known as the Optic Thalamus was regarded as
the real third eye. Esotericist, Alice Bailey, tells us that Francis Bacon, a
Rosicrucian, and whom many believe to be the man most likely to have written the
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plays attributed to Shakespeare, regarded the soul to be at the centre of the
brain, and again, this could only be the thalamus.
On the surface of the thalamus is a thin layer of cells called the nucleus reticularis
which regulates the transmission of this information by its inhibitory influence upon
all thalamic nuclei. It is said that the nucleus reticularis plays an important role in the
focusing of attention and has the task of filtering out the numberless sum of impulses
that come flooding into our brain at any given moment. It assures that all
messages are prioritised and regulated, as if acting like a valve or
control device. For example, while at a party and while listening attentively to
someone talking, all other incoming information around us will be automatically
suppressed and censored. This says something about our perception of the world
around us in that we tend to ignore a lot of the information around us and this is
due to the default laws of the reality we are focused in and partly due to our
personal beliefs, our mindset and what we prefer to give our attention to one of the
reasons why it is said that we tend to perceive and experience only 10% of the universe
or multiverse around us, and why some 10% of our DNA remains inactive
inappropriately called junk-DNA by our scientists.
It is said that the destruction of the thalamus causes inability to dream,
which reveals that along with the hypothalamus it is indeed a kind of midpoint
gateway or gatekeeper between the conscious-self and the subconscious realms
i.e., those realms of information that the conscious-self usually cuts itself off from
during the waking hours or waking half of the cycle.

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Modern physiological
studies of the thalamus
have emphasized the
global properties of the
thalamus and of the
cerebral cortex in
operations that underlie
changes in conscious state,
sleep and wakefulness,
and attention and
cognition. [2]

I have already mentioned
the Torus or toroidal
vortex many times in my
other articles, and so in
regard to the central
position of the thalamus in
the head, it is not
surprising that we find a
connection between the
thalamus and the Torus.
The following is from the
Webster Dictionary:

Figure 6: The Thalamus as the central relay station in
the brain.


1. A mass of nervous matter on either side of the third ventricle of the brain;
called also optic thalamus.

2. Same as Thallus. The receptacle of a flower; a torus. [3]

If we look up the Greek word Thallus which is obviously linguistically linked to the
word phallus being the male penis, and perhaps we should note that pen in Penis
means, head we find that it means, a young shoot or branch [4] as we find
sprouting from a seed. The spinal column is linked to the thalamus via the brain stem
the Reptilian Brain, which again, we will come to later. According to esoteric
traditions, the spinal cord and brain is the 'tree of life' and the image of a
flower also applies.
The etymology of the word thalamus and its derivatives are interesting, in that it
seems as if at a deeper level we are being told that:
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1.) The seed of ones existence is the thalamus.
2.) That it is both the flower and the seed, and that ones body (the spine) grows
from it just like the universe which has grown from the seed being the proto-atom
of the big bang.
3.) That in turn, and when activated, it blooms or flowers into being from
this same root which was created from it.

[Nazarene Remnant comment: It is the judgment of the Most High God that,
because of the Fall, all human beings are subject to what Freemasonry used to call
itself, the Mysterious Force, or Satans evil unholy spirit, until the time is ripe for them
to be given the chance to approach the Most High God. This age is 30 years, and it is
totally dependant upon repentance and water baptism. In ancient Egypt this evil
mysterious force was known as Nephyys, in opposition to the righteous Birthright
Holy Spirit, which was known as Isis. For a true appreciation of what the Fall was all
about, see The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits, freely available here: End NR

The above is why the altars of ancient stone circles, as well as temples, cathedrals and
churches, really represented the centre of the creation, the centre of the earth, but also
the thalamus at the centre of the brain, or possibly the seventh crown chakra (the
bindu or void) with which the thalamus is intimately connected. For more insights
which are agreeable with many of the themes I am addressing here as well as the
shamanic knowledge concerning oscillating systems and periodic cycles already
touched on, I would recommend that the reader look up a paper on the Internet
entitled Inner Self Located.
The information given in this paper is indeed reliable, being based on the most
ancient of Indian scriptures, the Upanishads of the Vedas, of which there are 108
verses. This paper contains the following quotes in regard to the thalamic centre of the

The embryo brain consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain and
brain-stem. These are the specific areas of the brain that are
discernible about five weeks after conception. As the brain grows
and expands these areas remain the central core and guiding influence.

That the embryo brain region is the location of the Self is consistent with
the many references in the Upanishads to the Self being the seed, the
source, the creator. [6]

If true, then it makes sense that during the enlightenment experience [Nazarene
Remnant comment: The correct term here is the born-again process End NR
comment], ones consciousness gathers together and journeys back to that original
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seed-point as represented physically by the thalamus. In other words, the thalamus
represented the immortal part [Nazarene Remnant comment: Man is not
immortal unless he is saved, i.e. he repents, becomes baptised, and begins faithfully
and with knowledge, to keep the monthly New Moon Festivals, and does not fall into
the trap called the Unpardonable Sin! See chapter 3, The Fate of the Dead, of our
book Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes, which is here: End NR
comment] of mans existence his core-essence, which gets carried over from one
lifetime to another.
We only have to observe how a plant or flower forms and grows from a seed to see
the correspondences. We can see the connections this makes with the 1000-petalled
Lotus flower in Hindu depictions that symbolise the Crown Chakra related to
the awakening of the Kundalini. We see the same in ancient Egyptian art the
Lilly or Lotus. The Chinese esoteric work, The Secret of the Golden Flower also
comes to mind. [7] In this mystical work the thalamus would represent the
indestructible Diamond Body, and seeing as the term thallus is also associated with
the undifferentiated vegetative body of algae, fungi, and lichens, [8] we are brought
to the significance of the mushroom which also resembles the shape of a toroid and
coincidentally, it is the shape which forms when an atomic device is detonated in a
blaze of bright white light. We note that certain mushrooms were utilized by the
shaman for their hallucinogenic properties and it is believed that they played a
key, initiatory role in the death-and-resurrection mystery religions of the ancient
world [Nazarene Remnant comment: This was the true religion practised all over
the world during the Golden Age, and it was ancient Christianity! End NR
comment]. And so the shape of these magic mushrooms now take on a whole new
meaning in that they make a magical correspondence with all the above.
The etymological link with the term, phallus is indeed appropriate, especially as the
enlightenment experience has been likened to the 'atomic explosion-like' orgasm in
which the sperm rises up the penis, just like the analogous symbolism of the Hindu
serpent, which illustrates the opposite energies rising up the human spine and along
the way fusing at the centre points of the chakras to finally fuse in the head and
explode in a bright light from the centre of the brain being the location of the
thalamus. This internal light experienced - pure energy - alters, changes and can
totally transform the patterns we are and what we experience - much like the
atomic device which transforms - externally - the physical landscape - reducing
everything to zero so as to begin again.
The word Thalamus is Greek. We are told that the thalamus received its name in
the first century from Claudius Galen (131 201 AD), an Ionian Greek anatomist and
Christian who had studied at the Great School in Alexandria, Egypt and was a doctor
at the gymnasium attached to the local sanctuary at Asklepios.
Galen named this central part of the brain the Thamalos meaning, an inner
room or storeroom of a Greek or Roman house to refer to a reservoir in the brain of
vital spirit that could be transferred to the optic nerve and thence down the nerve to
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the eye. This gave the thalamus a relationship to the optic nerve that survived for
centuries. [9] This is interesting, and supports my own theories.
Others, possibly implanting yet more encoded data, have said that the word
thalamus means, Inner Chamber or Antechamber.
The thalamus is aptly named as it indeed acts as a gateway through which most of
our sensory information i.e., visual, auditory, tactile and proprioceptive will pass
on its way to the cortex. Again, read the quote at the beginning of this article from the
Taittireeya Upanishad. The Gate of God the thalamus is indeed, and this is how it
was seen by the ancients it being the physical location of the RU . . . the gateway
into the Underworld or otherworlds'.

The ancient Egyptian RU symbol or hieroglyph - the oval placed above the Ankh
- is also egg-shaped, but also symbolises the female vagina (the ancient Egyptian
kteis) further signifying the portal between worlds. The RU also symbolizes the
mouth itself a symbol for the void through which the Logos or Word is uttered
(vibrations) into creation. And of course the RU also symbolizes the eye also
associated with the Eye of Ra and the Eye of Horus.
These god-eye-appendages are metaphors for the eye of the storm centre of the
vortex and therefore the zero-point-void and the source-centre of creation
associated with the thalamus. This is also the point of enlightenment, which the
ancient Egyptian god Atum-Ra personified - being the location of the inner sun
experienced at the climax of the enlightenment experience known by the Hindus as
Kundalini. The Norse god Odin known as the Whirlwind (cyclone-vortex) also had
one eye. The names associated with the ancient Egyptian god Osiris are related to the
eye - being the inner eye - the thalamus.
Again, not many of us are aware that the RU was placed above the T-cross or
Tau of the ancient Egyptian Ankh symbol associated with the life-force. The T-
cross represented the human spine and this is why Jesus was cRUcified on it and
entered the RU. (See article, Rose Cross, in the article section on my website which
gives more support to my theory that the physical thalamus also represented the
Philosophers Stone.)

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It would seem that the function of the thalamus
being a relay station at the centre of the brain was
the only physical organ which could make a magical
correspondence with all the above. Furthermore, one
could say that the subconscious realm which the
ancients called the Underworld is really comprised
of the extra energy-information we tend to block-out.
In other words, and from our perspective, the
thalamus acts very much like a valve a gateway
but in reverse, by only letting in very little of this
information; tapping this pool of energy-information
abitatatime, and at the very moment when a
fusion takes place at the cRUcial point during the
oscillation cycles of the thalamus. However, at certain
times some of us are able to tap more of this energy
information, which we tend to block out by being
unconscious at the point of fusion, and this depends
on how unconscious or conscious we are during this
brief pulse moment.

Moreover, the word thalamus also means,

Figure 7: A stylised
version of the ancient
Egyptian Ankh.
bedroom and bridal bed or indeed bridal chamber where of course the
marriage between partners is often consummated by sexual intercourse. Again
curious, because this part of the brain is again associated with fusion which in
esoteric terms signifies the sexual fusion of male and female opposites, associated with
the procreative process.
After examining ancient symbology, it becomes apparent that it was believed by the
ancients that we create our reality in the same way by selecting information internally
from the source and projecting it, and all during this same fusion-node-point in the
cyclical process. So, if all the information we are picking up from the world around us
is integrated within the thalamus which selects only that information with which we
are familiar and where this information is then being regulated and relayed to the rest
of the brain then we can see that during the rare enlightenment experience when
one experiences all the information of the universe at once, or so it seems the
gateway of the thalamus has opened up totally - or that all our energies are
focused at this point in the brain. [Nazarene Remnant comment: This would
occur twice during each lunar period, one gateway being tuned to receive
righteousness during the first 15 days of the month (the Birthright Holy Spirit, or the
Isis of the ancient Egyptians), and the other being opened to receive evil impulses
(Satan's evil Mysterious Force was known as Nephyys to the ancient Egyptians)
during the latter half of the month, i.e. from day 16 through to day 29 or 30, depending
upon whether it was a 29 or 30 day month. End NR comment]
Therefore it is logical to say that this conscious fusion experience takes place in the
thalamus right at the centre of the brain. This fusion is also associated with the
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activation of the third eye by which one is able to peer into, or see into the spiritual
realms i.e., the Underworld and higher-worlds and interact with these worlds as
one would via Out of Body experiences and what we now call Remote Viewing.
What I am really talking about here is the superimposition of the two realms
belonging to the left and right hemispheres i.e., the conscious-self (being the
energy-information which we interact with everyday) and the subconscious-self,
(energy-information we usually block out) and all within the thalamus at the centre of
the brain.
Further evidence that the thalamus is the true third eye is revealed in the following
quote from an old manuscript, The Realization Course by Jay Nichols: It is taken from
the section, titled Aries a sign of the Zodiac which has always been associated with
the head. We are being told that Aries the Ram, is also said to be associated with the
thalamus. This is interesting, as in the Zodiac cycle, the cusp between Aries and
Pisces represents that Alpha-Omega point in all the cycles. We are being told
that the physical thalamus at the centre of the brain represents this A-O point also
being the neutral point and the apex of the Triad.

The All-seeing Eye is the Thalamus. The Optic Thalamus means Light of
the Chamber. It is located in the center of the head and connects the
Pineal Gland and the Pituitary Body. If thine eye be single, thy
whole body will be full of Light.
The skull is the Cup of Life which has been termed the Holy
Grail. Take note that this Light from the Chamber can extend downward,
or upward, outward. A deficiency in the area of the Pituitary and Pineal
means a deficiency in the entire body. [10]

Again, I have my own speculations verified by another source on several counts: The
head or skull is said to be the cup, the chalice, the Grail which is why the
head was revered and sometimes taken from enemies. And the phrase If
thine eye be single etc., is attributed to Jesus as is the Alpha Omega Jesus
representing the Door as he is reported to have said. Now if the thalamus is the cell
or egg, then surely, and symbolically, the massa intermedia is its nucleus and here
we should note that Horus on whom Jesus is based, and like Jesus who said he
was the door and the alpha and omega, Horus claimed he was the cosmic

The Massa Intermedia

The massa intermedia is a bundle of nerve fibres that connect the left and right
lobes of the thalamus. Apparently, the massa intermedia doesnt seem to have a
function or its function is unknown which is interesting.
This junction point which marks the nucleus of the head and the nucleus of the
thalamic egg is only present in the brains of about 70% of the human population.
Most males dont possess it or if they do, it is only half the size of that of the female.
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The massa intermedia does look remarkably like the nucleus of a cell or egg the
egg being the thalamus, as shown below. and so the Egyptians or those who taught
them (again, possibly an advanced ancient culture) also made this comparison and
for symbolic, magical correspondence reasons, which could be communicated over
time and picked up by those who would make the same comparisons, thereby noting
its deeper significance in regard to the enlightenment experience.

The thalamus in cross-section as shown above
also looks like an oval and like the RU
hieroglyph which symbolises the vagina, the
mouth, and the eye. And if so, then the massa
intermedia is the pupil of this eye.
And now we come to why the Scarab Beetle
is so important to our enquiry here, and why
it manifested and made itself prominent in
the experiences of Carl Jung, whose work was
all about the collective unconscious.

The Scarab Beetle, Khepri: An Archetype for the
Thalamus and the Collective Unconscious?

The significance of the thalamus to the
advanced race of people who predated the
recorded history of the ancient civilisations

Figure 8: A sagittal view of the
Massa Intermedia inside the
Thalamus. The massa intermedia
looks like the nucleus of a cell
and also looks like the pupil of
an eye the eye being the
Thalamus. Its tempting to see
the massa intermedia as
representing the stone at the
centre of the egg.
we know of today, is reflected in the ancient Egyptian mythical traditions.
If we look back at Figure 5, then we can see that from above, the two halves of
the thalamus look exactly like the body of the scarab beetle; a creature
worshipped as sacred by the ancient Egyptians.

Figure 9: Scarab or Dung
As said, it was also noted that the thalamus is also
egg-shaped with the horns of the lateral ventricle in
the brain looking similar to the beetles horns.
Egyptologists will tell us that the scarab beetle is
an Egyptian symbol for immortality and also
regeneration and resurrection [Nazarene
Remnant comment: I repeat a previous
comment! Man is not immortal unless he is saved as
a great angel, i.e. he repents, becomes baptised, and
begins faithfully and with knowledge, to keep the
monthly New Moon Festivals, and does not fall into
the trap called the Unpardonable Sin! End NR
comment]. We are also told that the ancient
Egyptians observed these beetles rolling animal
dung balls across the ground and saw a connection
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Beetle. Note the wing
divide on its back, which
looks like a Tau or T-
between this activity and the movement of the sun
the source of Light across the sky.
It was believed that like the dung beetle, the sun-
god Khepri rolled the sun across the sky. As we know, every evening the sun will go
down only to rise again the next morning. Its no wonder that the Scarab became an
Egyptian symbol for rebirth and resurrection as the sun when it set, was believed to
go into the earth the Underworld which was then reflected in the dark, star-lit sky.
Another thing and very important to what I am saying about the thalamus; a
comparison was made between these dung balls and the female egg reinforcing the
belief that this activity of the beetle was a symbol of rebirth and that the beetle will be
born of itself.
The Egyptians also confused this ball of dung or . . .

. . . food source with the egg sack that the female dung beetle laid and buried in the
sand. When the eggs hatched the dung beetles would seem to appear from
nowhere, making it a symbol of spontaneous creation [11] [Nazarene
Remnant comment: What is created is the new man or woman, following upon
repentance and baptism, and the keeping of the New Moon Festivals! End NR

. . . as we would find with the thalamus from which one both creates i.e., selects and
extracts the appropriate information from the source or void ("nothing" and
nowhere - non-local) and projects and engages with it as in ones experience of
reality as believed by mystics.
Scarabs were worn as jewellery and amulets, and were buried with the dead so as to
ensure their rebirth in the afterlife. [Nazarene Remnant comment: Re-birth did
not happen in the afterlife, it happened as soon as the person repented and was
baptised and anointed! This is an old strategy to try to disguise the fact that the
religion of the ancient Egyptians was in fact Christianity. End NR comment]

Figure 10: Egyptian Scarab Beetle drawn in
3 different perspectives. Note the Egyptian
Its just as logical to suppose that
the Egyptians acquired their
knowledge through the method of
analogy in that they were
possibly taught, that the thalamus
in the brain looked just like the body
of a beetle, (again, see Figure 5) and
that the thalamus at the centre of
the brain was associated with the
centre of consciousness itself being
the point in the brain where a
fusion in consciousness takes place;
ensuring a spiritual rebirth through
the cleansing inner fire or inner
sun of the enlightenment
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crown glyphs on base of B each
designating one of the opposites. The
crowns worn by the two Uraei or Kundalini
serpents (ida and pingala) are supposed to
symbolize Upper and Lower Egypt, but
could have also been used to symbolize
the left and right halves of the brain and
also the pineal and pituitary gland the
scarab being the thalamus where these
opposites become ONE.
experience. This then raises the
Who taught them this?
Again, it was most likely the
people behind the cult of the
serpent; the shamanic, Shining
Ones who understood the
enlightenment experience, as their
epithet suggests. The ancient
Egyptian city of Heliopolis was the first city to be founded by the Neter gods and
the Shemsu-Hor Followers of Horus. [
] The Neters were also known as
the Neteru encompassing the term RU, meaning, gateway (Nete-RU.) My
assertion that it was these people whom had taught the ancient Egyptians their
wisdom is supported by the following quote:

The capital of the solar religion was the city of On, which Greeks called
Heliopolis (the City of the Sun), It was probably at On that Khepri, a
scarab god of the sun, appeared in the predynastic epoch. [12]

[Nazarene Remnant comment: Gary Osborn has it right that it was the work of
Horus Himself, who taught the people just as Jesus taught in the Holy Land during
His life there. Later His followers, the Shemsu-Hor, kept up this work. Its unfortunate
that Gary Osborn sticks to the term shaman, instead of pointing out that these
ancient Egyptians were in actual fact followers of Horus, who was the Christ of ancient
Egypt! End NR comment]
And now, possibly we know why. To find that the ancient Egyptian worship of the
scarab beetle Khepri [Nazarene Remnant comment: It is misleading to say that
the ancient Egyptians worshipped the scarab beetle, or anything else! That is an old
tactic to make the ancient Egyptians look like simple pagan ignoramuses, which is a
puerile tactic that has worked so well for so long. They used the things of nature,
especially the Sun and the Moon, and the planets, as well as the star-emblem of the
elect, the bright star Sirius, to symbolise deeper mysteries of their true religion. This
was an effective way to keep outsiders in the dark about the truth, just as Jesus used
parables to hide the truth from the ignorant and the profane. As I have said elsewhere,
Indeed, the whole of Egypt is full of such clever clues and symbolic devices, but the
real problem is that for far too long now, Egypt is so full of tawdry
Egyptologists who have no real interest in finding the truth about the place. That is
the real problem!
Herodotus, who actually visited ancient Egypt, had this to say
about the place: Concerning Egypt I will now speak at length, because nowhere are

For more details about the Shining Ones, see the Book of Enoch, and the book The Shining Ones: The Worlds
Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed, by Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn, published by Watkins Publishinhg,
London, 2006.
See chapter 2, The Key To All the Sacred Mysteries Lies in Ancient Egypt, of Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves
and Fishes.
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there so many marvellous things, nor in the whole world beside are there to be seen so
many works of unspeakable greatness. Even Catholic theologians knew the truth
about ancient Egypt, but they never taught this to the people: For what is now called
the Egyptian religion existed of old and was never absent from the beginning of the
human race until Christ came in the flesh. Then true religion which already
existed began to be called Christian. (Saint Augustine, Retractiones, I, xiii)
End NR comment] had originated from that region is one thing, but to discover also
that the name of Khepri could be changed to Khepru (Khep-RU) to be associated with
the RU gateway into other worlds as conceptualised by these pre-dynastic Neteru
gods and priests is another:

The name Khepri (or Kheperi, or Khepera) means The Being, The
Extant. The name Khepri is related to other words of the same root, e.g.
kheper to exist, to come to existence and khepru transformations,
metamorphoses. [13]

This is more evidence that esoterically, the RU symbol signifies the thalamus, which
has technically been termed a central relay station or information valve-gateway in
the brain.
It is also being implied by the ancients, that the thalamus reflects the cosmic egg
through which we come into existence, and that we can be transformed through its
spiritual activation experienced as enlightenment [Nazarene Remnant
comment: There is no other form of enlightenment except the Christian born-again
experience. End NR comment]. Again, the scarab beetle god, Khepri would have
personified this gateway especially in the correspondences that the beetle was seen
to make with these shamanic experiences. [14]

To support my theory that the
Neteru, Shemsu-Hor, Shining
Ones or Serpent People were a
shamanic race, there is good
evidence that the scarab beetle is
shamanic in origin as the
following quotes reveal:

"pendants" in the
shape of beetles are
known from the late
Palaeolithic epoch
(10,000 to 20,000
years ago.)
. . .

Figure 11: Scarab Brooch. This design looks
as if the brain has been sliced open revealing
the thalamus at the centre the two wings
representing the two sides of the brain, which
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studies reveal
beetles' significance
due to their
importance as a food
source and their
ability to fly. In
primitive and
traditional cultures,
shamans (medicine
is what the wings of the Caduceus is said to
also represent. The sun disk, held by Khepri
is the Inner Sun the void, which in Hindu
tradition is the bindu point above the head. As
we can see we are being told that the thalamus
via Khepri is connected to this source-
centre personified by the God Atum-Ra. Note
the three legs, like the three nerve meridians
all culminating in the thalamus.
men) play very important roles. They are men of power, who are able to
address issues in both the terrestrial and celestial worlds.
They are able to fly in the sky, (in dreams or trances) and descend to
subterranean hells where they act as mediators between infernal powers
and ordinary men.
With these talents held in high esteem, beetles were observed to fly in the sky
and dive into the ground. In addition to their palatability, it is plausible to
consider the importance of beetle symbolism within shamanic cultures . . . [15]

We can see then that the shaman saw many correspondences in the beetle: that it
could fly like the shaman as in astral flight and also dive into the ground which
suggested the shamans journey into the Underworld. The link between the black and
gold scarab beetle and the thalamus in the brain would surely have been made, as the
spiritually-activated thalamus becomes the third eye the Philosophers Stone or
Projection Stone associated with the trance state and which actually allows these
shamanic abilities.
Here's a few more extracts which suggests a connection between the scarab beetle
and the Philosophers Stone through which one finds immortality:

Taoism is another Asian religion, or rather philosophy. Its goal was to reach
immortality, either material (for the body,) or spiritual (for the soul.) Of course,
spiritual immortality was more precious and more difficult to reach. A famous
text, The Secret of the Golden Flower, takes the sacred scarab as an example of
the work to be done in order to reach spiritual immortality
[Nazarene Remnant comment: The unique work to be done in reaching
immortality as a great angel is described as the first works by Revelation 2: 5.
This is the subject of our introductory book on the New Moon Festivals, The
New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation. This process is nothing
less than spiritual alchemy, whereby the most horrid and grossest of human
beings (the dung) can be changed into the most beautiful and precious being
imaginable! End NR comment]. Taoism believes in the strengths of various
material pellets that aids in reaching immortality. The scarab dung ball was
identified as one of these pellet substances . . . [16]

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The Taoist pellets which were seen to be reflected in the dung-balls of the beetle
are obviously related to the stone or egg of alchemy as is the phrase work to be
done which is the Great Work also associated with alchemy - 'internal alchemy'
that is, as associated with enlightenment or superconsciousness and by which one
knows one is immortal. There is also a phrase used in alchemy that the stone is found
in dung, and this is further supported by the following:

The Jesuit Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) did not hesitate to recall the
identification scarab = Christ, referring both to St. Ambrose and Psalm
But I am a worm, and no man, verse which has been referred to
Christ, and where (as Kircher says), some read scarab instead of worm.
He went further to combine Christian faith with Alchemy: for him, the scarab
was the prima materia of the Great Work. This idea was shared by some
alchemists, e.g. Michael Maier (1566-1622,) who explained in his writings that
the so-called philosophical stone, product of the Great Work, was nothing
other than Christ, resuscitated from the dead [Nazarene Remnant
comment: Resurrected from the dead while still living, is the central
concept here, and this is the born-again process of spiritual redemption. End
NR comment]; a promise of resurrection for all human beings. Perhaps the
scarabs and other beetles still occasionally used as ornaments [. . .] are ultimate
remnants of these old faiths, which can be traced back to the Egyptians and
Paleolithic shamans. [17]

Yes and it would seem that a large amount of this predynastic knowledge was lost on
the later dynastic Egyptians, as if much of it was misunderstood, and what was
understood had become forgotten. The word worm - Orm (Scandinavian - see below)
is associated with the serpent and it being seen or read, as scarab is indeed
interesting. Christ is saying that he is a serpent and no man or that he is the scarab
i.e., reborn via the activated thalamus, which is experienced as
In esoteric thought, the normally functioning, and therefore spiritually inactive
thalamus, is represented by the BLACK scarab, as it represents the black void of
the unconscious. In other words, the normal inactive thalamus means that the
individual is unconscious of that source-centre as represented by the physical
thalamus. [Nazarene Remnant comment: This is a reference to what Christ called
the walking dead, a person who belongs in one of the four classes of spiritually
illiterate people described in Gary Nations very useful article Character Deficiency
Syndrome, which you can find here: . These people
constitute the greater bulk of the human race, walking the death march to the Pit.
Conversely, when a person has a change of heart and is bought to repentance, baptism,
and anointing, their dead thalamus is activated for 15 days each month by the work of
the Birthright Holy Spirit. Such a person begins a river crossing, paying the
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ferryman as they cross the River of Life from the West (the death side) to the East.
End NR comment]
The spiritually-activated thalamus is represented by the GOLDEN scarab beetle
representing the opened third eye and man having become conscious of this source-
I have already mentioned that Jesus is one of the most recent Christs or Messiahs
from a long line of anointed ones. The gods Thoth, Osiris and Horus were also
anointed ones and were the Neteru gods the archetypal shamanic gods of the
serpent people. [Nazarene Remnant comment: There are in fact two forms of the
Messiah. Horus the man is one form, and this was Jesus in His Egyptian garb. The
second is Osiris, the great resurrected angel, which Christians today would identify
with the risen Christ. He is named King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and within just a
few years He will return to claim His rightful kingdom, which He will rule with His
true followers for 1,000 years. But first there is to be revealed on the world scene an
imposter king, Prince Charles of Wales, the Antichrist, who will attempt to deceive
the whole world, even the Elect (Mark 13: 22), that he is the rightful king, as he
attempts to change the world into his own version of Camelot. For more information
on this vital topic see our free book The Real Crisis is About to Unfold, and It's Not
Financial, available here:'s-not-
financial.html End NR comment] We will look at the term anointment later
and reveal what it really means.
Again, the thalamic centre of the brain which also looks like an egg was
considered to reflect the Cosmic Egg the source of all creation which, during the
awakening of the enlightenment experience, has been consciously fertilised by the
fusion of ones opposite energies. Therefore one is 'reborn' 'resurrected' like
the Christed one the christened or anointed one - who was originally based on the
god Osiris whose name is associated with the inner eye.
The fact that the massa intermedia connects the two hemispheres of the brain
together as well as the two lobes of the thalamus, was physical proof of this fusion
between the opposites also reflected in the male-female-related left and right
hemispheres. The beetle rolling a piece of dung that looked like a female egg reinforced
this connection. [Nazarene Remnant comment: When a person makes a
statement such as the fusion between the opposites, we have to be very careful here
as to what is being said. If they mean the fusion of the male and female into a third
greater entity, such as a great angel, then well and good, for that is what our lives are
really all about. But if they have another meaning in mind, then we have trouble!
Unfortunately these days it is very fashionable to say that we have to fuse the good and
the bad parts of our nature into a working third part, which New Agers like to deceive
themselves, and others, into believing is the conscious self (whatever that means) or
some other similar silly notion, such as Abraxus. This probably derives from the work
of Carl Jung who consistently taught this doctrine. However, we need to understand
that Carl Jung taught lies when he proposed that the dark side of our naturei.e. evil
had to be incorporated into our spirit. This is not true at all. The truth is that all
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traces of darkness have to be eliminated from our character, and it is the
spiritual re-birthing process, or the Birthright Holy Spirit, that does this spiritual work
(called by the lame-duck name of enlightenment by Gary Osborn) for repentant and
baptised human beings. Jung knew nothing about this most important of all spiritual
processes. For an in-depth discussion of this important topic see Essay 3, The Answer
To Albert Einsteins Vital Question, in our book The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the
Two Spirits. The relevant section is headed What Did Carl Jung Have to Say About
Evil? End NR comment]

Figure 12: Close-up view of
the Ru above the Ankh
showing Khepri or KhepRU
(underneath an orb which in
my view, represents the
thalamus) and the two asp-
like snakes which are striking
the two orbs possibly the
pineal and pituitary glands.
Opposite we have a close-up of the Ankh symbol
we saw earlier. As we can see, Khepri also
known as Khepru (Khep-RU) is inside the RU
representing the thalamus. This is further
supported by the three orbs inside the RU oval,
which indicate the pineal, the pituitary and the
thalamus the thalamus being in its rightful
place between the pineal and pituitary and above
the scarab beetle Khepri. This orb or sun-disk,
associated with Khepri is also the void (bindu)
and the esoteric, Inner Sun.

O Atum-Khoprer, thou becamest
high in the height. Thou didst arise
up as the benben stone in the
Mansion of the Bennu Bird in
(Pyramid Texts, 600)

To round off this conclusion, we also see two asp-like snakes or serpents
striking the two orbs (pineal and pituitary.) We would also note that these three
orbs are the three golden apples that rested at the top of the tree (a metaphor for
the spine) in the Greek myth of the Garden of the Hesperides. The Tree and the three
apples were guarded by the serpent known as Ladon.

After slaying Ladon, Hercules took the three apples in that like Prometheus, he
stole the fire from heaven and it was Prometheus who told him how to find the
apples. In other words, Hercules halted the alternating-current of the
opposite serpent energies within him and experienced enlightenment, and
through this illumination he also experienced the 'source-center of creation'
something which was believed to be possessed by the gods only. [Nazarene
Remnant comment: Great stuff Gary Osborn! Repentance, baptism,
anointing, and the keeping of the New Moon Festivals turns off the
opposite serpents energies. But we will be tested at every point, and that
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is why we must absolutely understand how to handle temptation.
This is
the only way how we all turn off the deadly mysterious force of satanic
evil and deception in our lives, period! This is the only way we can ever
make the river crossing from the Land of the Dead to the Land of the
Living. End NR comment]
The apple is a symbol of the Toroidal Vortex the fRUit with the seed at its centre.
The whole design of the RU, as shown above the Tau or T-Cross of the Ankh, is
indicative of the tree, (the spine) which contains the three golden apples.
The RU of the Ankh itself could depict an apple i.e., a large toRUs or toroid with the
seed stones (pips) at its centre. As we can see, there are multiple meanings here
which all interconnect with the true meaning of the Grail (centre of the head or brain)
and mans immortality. [Nazarene Remnant comment: As I keep harping, we are
only immortal if we repent and follow the true path of wisdom! End NR comment]
Its possible that the three golden apples the pineal and pituitary glands and
the thalamus (being the main Golden Apple in particular) are the Golden Bough as
pointed out by Lady Flavia Anderson in her fascinating book The Ancient Secret:

The alchemists often called the Philosophers Stone the Golden Apple of
the Hesperides or the golden bough. [18]

'The Golden Bough' - as pointed out by J. G. Frazer, in his book with the same title - is
the Mistletoe that was ceremoniously gathered from the Oak tree by the
Druids - the priesthood of the Celts. It should be noted that each sprig of mistletoe
has up to THREE white berries that turn a golden colour when picked.
We find that the Celts belong to the racial group known as the Indo-Europeans. The
Celtic language is very close to ancient Sanskrit - the language of the Hindus -
revealing a link between the Celts and the Hindus. The supposed origin of
Hinduism is Jainism. In the Sacred book of the Jainas we have an example of the
'One should ever make his own self radiant by the light of the three jewels', [19]
says the book with all the secret teachings for those with the eyes to see and the minds
open enough to understand. For us to truly understand, to see the light, to be
'enlightened', we must utilise the 'three jewels'.
Do we not see these "three jewels" represented in the three orbs inside the ancient
Egyptian Ankh shown above surrounding the beetle god?
We also find that THREE SEEDS from the Tree of Life which stood in the Garden of
Eden were placed under the tongue of Adam after he died and then he was buried at
Gghlt (Golgotha) the place of the skull which was located at the centre of the
earth - something else which is giving us an important clue to what all this is leading to
and which is the crux of my book Gate of God.
In any case, we can see that these "three jewels", "apples", "berries" or "seeds",
correspond with everything I have mentioned so far as regards the male (pineal) and

See The Purpose of Temptation, by Bob Mumford, here:
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female (pituitary) opposites and more importantly the neutral point (thalamus),
where both opposites are united together as one.
In Buddhist belief the three jewels, similar to the Hindu, release us from the clutch
of rebirth on the material plane. The initiate would say, I go for refuge to the Buddha .
. . to the dharma . . . and to the sangha. They are the paths to enlightenment: the
father, the son and the spirit.
In Norse myth, the mountain of Asgard, based on the shamanic World Mountain
similar in conception to the world tree had three high thrones waiting to be
claimed. Again, the inclined mountain to be climbed [Nazarene Remnant
comment: This mountain to be climbed is none other than the escape, through 36
stages, from the Abyss, which is where all human beings have been cast, because of sin.
It is also known as Jacobs Ladder. Spiritually speaking, the journey begins in the
South Pole star Canopus, and ends at the Elects star, Sirius, the angular distance in
the sky between the two being 36 degrees! End NR comment] and the tree are
metaphors for the spine, and of course on top of the spine is the head containing
the three organs associated with the third eye and enlightenment [Nazarene
Remnant comment: Here I would prefer to use the phrase spiritual purification.
End NR comment]. The myth of the Phoenix, which I present in the new version of
the book The Shining Ones, is all part of this same code presented via similar
metaphors and the meaning behind them. In brief, the Bennu bird (soul) which is
perched on top of the Benben capstone of the pillar or pyramid, and later the
Phoenix, in its nest (skull) situated at the top of the tree (spine), is reborn via the
inner fire (light) of the Kundalini [Nazarene Remnant comment: The Kundalini
here is what I call, more accurately, the Birthright Holy Spirit. End NR comment].
We should note that the Phoenix was later replaced by the Dove - or rather the
Christian use of the Biblical Dove first mentioned in the story of Noah and the 'rebirth'
or 'resurrection' of the human race after the Flood or Deluge.
Furthermore, it would seem likely that we have also identified the meaning behind
the legendary Golden Fleece sought by the hero Jason and the Argonauts. The
Fleece is supposed to be the hide of the Ram and as we know the Ram is associated
with the head under the first Zodiac sign Aries. Heres another curious paragraph from
Lady Flavia Andersons book:

Mr Lewis Spence tells us that the common apple-tree reached Greece
from the North. It was adopted by the Greek sun-god as especially sacred
to him, and from the Celtic abal, and apple, the god derived his name
Apollo. Avallach and Avalooc are Celtic variants of the same word.
[Andersons source is The Minor Traditions of British Mythology by
Lewis Spence p. 107].
We have already found that because the Greek word melon means both
apple and sheep, the apple is probably identical to the Golden Fleece.

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Abal is also in the word Cabala or Qaballah and the Welsh word aval, also meaning,
apple, is associated with the Isle of Avalon being Glastonbury in England.
The term Avatar, is therefore also connected with these three apples, and Lady
Anderson also points out that the sun-temple of King Evalach or Avallach which
Joseph of Arimathea had travelled to so as to convert the heathen to Christianity
was none other than Glastonbury in England.
Glastonbury Tor, is symbolic of the primordial mound or shamanic world
mountain and some say it is a vortex. Lady Anderson goes as far as to suggest that the
ancient site of Glastonbury is the original site from where we get the legend of the
Garden of the Hesperides. And from here we can go further into these connections,
which I can only touch on here. These connections will be covered in more depth in my
book Gate of God:

It is sufficient to say here that the three nymphs of the Hesperides are the
earth-mother [World Mother or Earth Goddess] in her three-fold aspect,
and are represented on Solomons Bed that is to say on the little
golden tree by the three spinning-whorls, emblematic of the female.
Indeed the traditions take great care that the Mothers emblems shall not
be forgotten. [21]

Now read this from John Gills Exposition of the Entire Bible:

. . . also our bed [is] green; the same with his bed which is Solomons;
his by gift and purchase; the churchs, by having a right through him, and
an admittance to all the privileges of it: where the word is preached,
ordinances administered, souls are begotten and born again, there
Christ and his church have fellowship with each other; said to be
green, in allusion to the strewing of beds with green herbs and leaves,
and branches of trees particularly the nuptial bed, called from thence
thalamus and it may denote the fruitfulness of the saints in grace and
holiness, like green olive trees, in the house of God: or else numerous
converts in the church, a large spiritual seed and offspring of Christ and
the church, as were in the first times of the Gospel, and will be in the latter
day: a green bed is an emblem of fruitfulness in the conjugal state; so the
Targum and Jarchi interpret it. [22] (My emphasis).

Remember that 'thalamus' also means, bridal chamber and bridal bed and I say
its because this is where the fusion takes places within the individual and
between one's opposites, as in the physical sex act which is why this "bed" is an
emblem of fruitfulness in the conjugal state meaning the union of
marriage. Interesting because the Greek and Roman God of marriage was
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And again, does this mean that the three nymphs of the Hespirides being aspects of
the world mother and like the three golden apples of the tree, with which they are
actually associated each represent the pineal pituitary and the thalamus?
What if we were to find something in the Grail Romances that actually refers to the
above and to the thalamus?
Here are a few lines from Parzival:

My prayers and entreaties will I now send forth heart and hands aloft to
Helicon, to that ninefold throne whence the fountains spring from
which the gift of words and meaning flow. Its host and its nine hostesses
are Apollo and the Camenae . . . And could I obtain of it but a single
drop, my words would be dipped in the glowing crucible of Camenian
inspiration, to be there transmuted into something strangely wonderful,
make to order, like Arabian gold. [23]

Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival

Why would Essenbach refer to the Camenae? . . Unless it was part of a code.
We are told that in Roman religion and mythology, the Camenae were nine water
nymphs gifted in prophecy and that in later times these nine included the three Muses
or three Graces.
This is interesting as Hesiod named one of the three graces another version of the
three-fold goddess Thallia which means, to bloom like a flower. She later became
Thallo the goddess of blooming.
So we have nine water nymphs in total. The water makes a reference to the
flowing energy of the chakra vortices. The nine are the seven chakras with the
sixth consisting of three organs i.e., the three components that make up the so-
called third eye being the pineal, the pituitary and the thalamus. 6 + 3 = 9.
However when we count the levels vertically there are still seven. What magically
appears from this is a cross.

8 6 7
The pineal and the pituitary are associated with
the opposites as would be symbolized by the two
sides of the body and possibly as the outstretched
hands. The Rose (head of Jesus) at the centre of
the cross which contains the three components of
the third eye or brow chakra is the blooming
flower. The activated chakra system during the
enlightenment experience would be the nine-fold
throne in Essenbachs code where the fountains
(energy) spring from.

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The throne is a subtle metaphor in that we sit on the coccyx at the base of
the spine therefore the throne emphasises the spine from the base to the top of the

Jesus said: There are many standing at the door, but it is the solitary who will enter
the bridal chamber. [24] Saying 75 from The Gospel of Thomas. [Nazarene
Remnant comment: The bridal chamber means the Queens Chamber in the
temple of the Great Pyramid at Giza! End NR comment].

I would suggest that Solomons Bed is a yet another metaphor for the Thalamus
where union or fusion takes place being the solitary ONE who will enter the bridal
chamber meaning the fusion of ones energies making the individual a solitary.
Solomons Bed was said to have three bells hanging underneath it. I would ask the
reader to take a look at the Tarot card in Figure 13.
If you look closely, the cup has three bells hanging underneath more support
for my assertion that the cup (Grail) is the head and the thalamus in particular.
Also, we see here not only the head but
also the body of the archetypal solitary
figure the shamanic resurrection god
whom Jesus was based on.
I am, of course, talking here about the
constellation of Orion, and this
constellation is again shaped like the cup
with its three belt stars symbolised by the
three bells and again, Orion represents
Osiris and his son and reincarnation
I should remind the reader that the story
of Solomon is an allegory to the
processes associated with the Kundalini
'enlightenment experience - i.e., fusion of
opposites' - and that even Solomons name
contains words associated with the centre of
creation: Sol = sun, om = first creation, =
on = light.
It also reveals the following: sol = sun,
(male) o zero as in Void (neutral) and
mon = moon (female).
We often use the phrase ringing of bells
when we have an insight into
something. This would mean that the
traditional bells used in church towers and
located at the top of the tower (spine) could
be symbolic of the glands in the brain, and

Figure 13: Ace of Cups from the
Rider-Waite Tarot. There are more
encoded meanings in this card,
like the upside-down M on the
cup and the five fountains, which
represent the five senses and the
creation of the five lower chakras.
The sixth chakra is the disk and
the Dove is the seventh chakra
the spirit of the source-centre or
Godhead. Also note the three bells
hanging underneath the cup in
the same position as the three belt
stars of the Orion constellation
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this is further supported by the Sistrum.

which looks similar to the shape of
a cup or chalice.
The Sistrum (sistRUm) is an Egyptian, musical, bell instrument closely associated
with female gods especially Hathor [Nazarene Remnant comment: Note that in
ancient Egypt a repentant male was known as a Hor, while a repentant female was
called a Hathor! End NR comment] the serpent/cow goddess and Isis the consort
of Osiris. In form, it is very much like the Ankh with a loop at the top which seems to
represent the oval RU or egg. As we can see there are three serpents strung through
the loop as if striking the egg. These three serpents usually have small square pieces
of metal (bells) attached to them, which rattle like a tambourine. Its possible these
three serpents represent the pingala, ida and sushumna nerve channels and which
converge and fuse together within the centre of the brain (the thalamus, represented
by the RU oval) which in the individual was also thought to represent the cosmic

Figure 14: Egyptian
Sistrum. Note 3
serpent rattles.
During the ascent of these serpent energies up the spine
to the centre of the head, the individual while going
through this enlightenment process, will hear sounds
similar to the sounds the Sistrum makes i.e., rattle
sounds like tambourine bells and sounds like a bell-tree
being stroked. One will also hear noises exactly
like that of a rattlesnake, and also whistles and
flute-like sounds. Underlying these sounds is a very low
and strong rumbling noise which fades-in at first and
gets louder and louder as the process proceeds
culminating in the bright, white light explosion in the
centre of the head.
The Sistrum then was really a symbol of this experience. The Sistrum was used in
pictures and carvings to show the various gods and Pharaohs subduing the power of a
particular god and mostly because the god or goddess holding the Sistrum possessed
the knowledge, power and energy to do so through having experienced
enlightenment the third level of the Grail which the Sistrum actually represents.
Indeed this deity is a personification of the enlightenment experience. So
then, its logical to suggest that the three serpents of the sistrum represent the three
organs pineal, pituitary and thalamus.
These three organs in the brain, making the Triad or Holy Trinity are also
symbolised by the three-pronged crowns, and other three-bodied hats or
headdresses as well as the French national symbol the Fleur-de-lis meaning,
Flower of the Lilly. See Figures 15 to 20. What we are looking at here are the three
components of the third eye the pineal, pituitary and thalamus, with emphasis
given to the one in the centre the thalamus which is linked to the seventh chakra
located above the head according to the Hindus, and a regular theme I also discovered
in many other ancient traditions. One only has to look at the images below to see this.

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Figure 15: King with three-pronged crown, also holding ceremonial orb representing the earth
and head. The cross sticking out of the orb represents the spine, and like the cross depicted
inside the halo of Christ it represents the bindu point above the head linked to the thalamus.
Figure 16: A different version of Kali, the world mother this time wearing a three-pronged
crown marking the gland-related, chakra power centres within the brain by which one enters
her. Figure 17: Three components within the triad symbol or pyramid. Figure 18: The Fleur-de-
lis. Figure 19: Hindu depiction of the Ajna Chakra with three components pineal thalamus
and pituitary? Figure 20: Two Persian serpents and the egg similar to the winged orb vehicle of
the god Ahura Mazda and which we say is the depicted vehicle of the soul i.e., the individual
as a travelling orb of light.

The Djed and the Crown of Osiris

The ancient Egyptian god Osiris was not only associated with the eye (inner eye) as his
name Aus-ir implies, but in his depictions as the Djed Column, he was also
associated with the human spinal column associated with the internal processes of
the enlightenment experience (Kundalini) which centre on the spine and the seven
chakras relating to the seven endocrine glands. He was also known as the 'God of the
Staircase' - a staircase having seven steps. [Nazarene Remnant comment: The
staircase being Jacobs Ladder, which has been popularised in the song Stairway to
Heaven, except in the version of the song, the stairway leads to the Abyss, which is
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hell! This is how Satanists do things they reverse them, turning truth upside down!
By the way, it is no accident that Stairway to Heaven became the most popular rock
song of all time. End NR comment]
Among the many titles ascribed to Osiris, one frequently used is the
god of the staircase. In Chapter XXII of the Ritual the deceased prays
that he may have a portion with him who is on the top of the staircase,
and there are any number of illustrations of a stairway of seven steps.

This is a reference to the chakra levels of the spine as symbolised by the
Djed of Osiris. And according to the Eastern mystic traditions, what do we find at
the top of this "staircase" being the spine? Answer: The seventh crown chakra -
its access also associated with the Third Eye which incorporates the pineal, the
pituitary and the central thalamus the inner sun of rebirth.
The god Osiris has been called the Mighty One, the Old One or he who occupies
the throne. I would say that this throne sometimes attributed to the pineal gland
and also known as the Throne of God is also associated with the thalamus.

Figure 21: The god Osiris as the Djed column (his spine.) Note the three orbs above his head
and above the spinal column. Like the three golden apples of the 'World Tree', these represent
the glands and thalamus in the brain, and so these are really inside his head and depict the
opened up brain at the location of the thalamus. The left and right orbs are struck by serpents
like the snakes on the Caduceus. Note straightened-out rams horns underneath. Compare with
Figure 24. Figure 22: The Djed column (backbone of Osiris.) This time we see the Ankh, with
the RU (thalamus) gateway the Void being held above it, as if representing the bindu point
above the head connected with the third-eye activation of the thalamus.
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The Atef Crown worn by Osiris and other gods in various ways has been described
as a tall, white, conical shaped crown called the Hedjet (looking like a skittle) with a
plume on each side and sometimes with rams horns at its base. Here we have another
link with Aries the Ram corresponding with the head, and Osiris has also been
depicted as a ram-headed sphinx. The feathers are said to be ostrich feathers.
The Royal Cartouche that surrounds the names of Egyptian Pharaohs is an
adaptation of the Shen Ring. But it has been said that the oval cartouche is also an
egg which means that all Egyptian cartouches with the names of
their Pharoahs are really names etched inside the cosmic egg of rebirth the
cosmic egg also represented by the thalamus in the brain of every individual.
Furthermore, the egg is seeded by the seed-stone and therefore it is the Grail
and cup. This is interesting, as according to the Grail romances, those of the Company
of the Grail being those who were left to guard it were each called individually as
children by God their names and family appearing miraculously on the Grail itself.
Perhaps the concept of kingship that was set-up by the NeteRU or neutral angels
who brought the stone to earth and guarded its knowledge, became the Company of
the Grail the tradition passing into dynastic Egypt with the Pharaohs having their
names carved inside the egg or cups i.e., cartouches. However, although
interesting this connection is mere conjecture at this stage and requires more
The following too is merely conjectural at this stage, but if we now look at the
opened-up brain in Figure 24, we can see a remarkable resemblance between the
opened up Corpus Callosum, the pituitary and pineal glands, the thalamus, and the
various details of the Atef Crown, as shown in more detail in Figures 23, 25 and

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Figure 23: The Ram-headed, god Khnum, wearing the Atef Crown. Compare with Figures 24
and 27. The thalamus is the bottle or skittle part of the crown also duplicated in the
alchemists crucible known as the Philosophers Egg. The pineal is the large orb at the base;
(like the stone the genie in the bottle?) the pituitary is the orb at the top and the opened
corpus callosum are the two feathers. Figure 24: Drawing of chromic acid-hardened slices of
the underside of the human brain showing the thalamus and some of its nuclei by Luys (1865.)
Also compare details of the Thalamus in the central section with the details of the feathered
Atef Crown in Figures 21, 23, 25 and 26. Unlike the illustration above the Atef crowns depict an
unopened thalamus (being the bottle part of the crown) with the pineal below as an orb (see
Figure 26). Figure 25: Bronze god wearing an Egyptian Atef Crown, 2000-1000 B.C. Eastern
Mediterranean. Note the Uraeus serpent extending from the forehead, as if making a
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correlation with the location of the pineal gland In Figures 24 and 26. Figure 26: Ancient
Egyptian headdress symbols. Again this is the opened up thalamic part of the brain as seen
from below. It shows the pineal as the small orb below and the pituitary as the orb at the top.
The thalamus is sliced open, but not as open as Figure 24. The pingala and ida serpents flank
the two sides of the thalamus as the corpus callosum indicating the opposite sides of the
brain. Figure 27: What the middle section of Luys picture of the brain would look like if the two
sides of the thalamus were closed.

The positions of the pineal, pituitary and thalamus are different when looking at the
underside of the brain, and so its confusing as to what centre the ancient Egyptians
were really giving emphasis to. When looked at from below, the pituitary is at the apex
of the design; the pineal at the base and the thalamus is in the skittle or bottle part
of the crown. It seems confusing, but if the ancient Egyptians were really giving a
symbolical depiction of these three crucial organs in different ways all being
components of the mystical third eye it doesnt really matter how we view them.
The three orbs as shown as a Triad at the top of the picture in Figure 26, which also
looks like Figure 23 could indeed be another symbolic depiction of these three centres
as revealed when viewing the brain from the side (again, see Figure 1), and so the top
half of the picture would be an alternative view, separate from the view of the brain as
seen from below and these three centres being shown below it in the bottom half.
This Triad in the above design reveals how the third eye is activated by the pingala
and ida nerve channels being the serpents which also take their place as the two
sides of the corpus callosum therefore representing the two sides of the brain and
the opposites. The Triad is comprised of the pineal and the pituitary (the two orbs at
the base) which are being struck by the pingala and ida serpents. The
thalamus is again the bottle part of the crown.
The picture below shows Osiris again wearing the Atef Crown, only this time we
see the pineal positioned at the centre of his head, and more importantly we see the
crown indicating all three components of the third eye, positioned between
two eyes (possibly the eyes of his ultimate father Atum-Ra) as if indicating the
thalamic third eye.

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Looking at later adaptations of the
Atef Crown, which differ greatly from
the simple versions we have been
looking at and which seem to be
conveying information about the
brain and its three power centres
associated with the third eye and the
hypnagogic trance state, its possible
that the ancient Egyptians did not
know the deeper significance of the
Atef Crown and the information it
contained. I would suggest, that the
design and style of the Atef Crown
may have originated from information
which had been given to the Egyptians
by an advanced people. Perhaps these
people as represented by the
predynastic "gods" known as the
Neter or Neteru, or the Shemsu
Hor or Shining Ones and who were
said to have invented Kingship had
dictated what the state crown of
Osiris should look like, and so they
instructed the natives in the design of

Figure 28: Osiris. Note the position of the head
dress between the eyes.
the crowns and other regalia. Apart from any symbolical significance they might have
held in regard to concepts already understood or had devised themselves, its possible
that the predynastic natives had no real idea of the technical information which was
contained in the designs and would one day be conveyed.

[Nazarene Remnant comment: It is a nonsense to claim that the ancient
Egyptians may not have known the truth about their own religion! We can be sure that
while Osiris and Horus were alive in the land they would do a superb job of teaching
all the people the truth about their land and its great significance to the Plan of
Salvation. This is like saying that the Hebrews of Palestine during Jesus' day did not
understand what He was teaching them! The great central idea of the Egyptian
religion, which was ancient Christianity, was the resurrection of the dead: The
resurrection was the object of every formula, every text, every ceremony of Egyptian
life. Toward that one end the whole of this formidable religion tendedand in that one
area all inconsistencies bury themselves.
Along with the resurrection was the idea
of immortality given to those who are judged worthy in the weighing of the heart
ceremony in the great Hall of Maat. This idea existed unchanged for thousands of
years, and formed the pivot upon which the religious and social life of the ancient
Egyptians actually turned. From the beginning to the end of his life the

Budge, Egyptian Religion, pp. 6-7.
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Egyptians chief thought was of the life beyond the grave [and] absorbed
the best thoughts of his mind and a large share of his worldly goods.
associated with the resurrection of the dead was the Egyptians extraordinary
solar monotheism and devotionoriginallyto the One True God. Woven
into this sacred fabric was a commanding moral stature that would turn most modern
people on their heads. Budge also informs us clearly that the moral doctrine of the
ancient Egyptians was very comprehensive
indeed, and in fact constitute a full
declaration of the nine major commandments. In fact the only commandment missing
is the one to keep the weekly Sabbath, a fact that is easily explained by knowing that
the Sceptre Holy Spirit was not to be bestowed on any human until after the Passover
sacrifice of the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ. This declaration is far more
comprehensive and exact than anything taught in the modern world, and nowhere in
the ancient Egyptian texts will you find the foolish lie that the law has been done away
with. You can find the details of the moral doctrine of the ancient Egyptians in the final
longish section of chapter 3, The Fate of the Dead, above.
End NR comment]
Furthermore, my co-author Philip Gardiner sent me an email with a quote that's
relevant to both this enquiry into the Atef Crown and my article 23.5 Degrees.
On page 125 of The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall writes:

"Frank C Higgins, a well-known Masonic symbolist, has astutely noted that the
ornate headgears of certain gods and Pharaohs are inclined backwards at the
same angle as the earth's axis."

Indeed before Philip had sent me this quote, I had already noticed that depictions of
Osiris showed the Atef crown was angled at 23 to 23.5 degrees. There's more to this
than many of us know. Again, there are numerous references that indicate the
ancients had knowledge of the obliquity of the earth's Axis - even precession - and that
this was made important to them - and again, its something that has been largely
As the authors of Hamlets Mill (1969) have demonstrated, myths were indeed used
to transmit complex truths and its possible that to preserve knowledge, an intelligent
and scientifically-advanced people had decided to intervene in the cultures of people
around the world; shaping their cultures and loading certain information which
would be absorbed in their art, their clothing, their rituals and their folk tales. In other
words, they depended on uneducated people to accurately and directly transmit the
information across millennia and to the scientists of the future. What they didnt
reckon on was that a great deal of this information i.e., the more mystical knowledge
would be subject to discrimination; in that what wasnt understood would be
misinterpreted and become corrupted, and what would be understood, would either be
ignored, kept secret, covered-up by mundane explanations and suppressed.

Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 10.
Budge, Egyptian Religion, p. 160.
i.e chapter 3 of our book, Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes.
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[Nazarene Remnant comment: We are dealing more with deliberate suppression
and destruction of the truth by the followers of Seth (Satan) who have been diligent in
the extreme in carrying out this sinister task. This has been their top agenda in all
ages, beginning with the near obliteration of the true history about ancient Egypt and
the true religion, which is being restored to the world once again. The satanic enemies
of mankind have written and taught a version of history that has duped the world to
this day. This truth has placed the people of the world in the most horrible of
predicaments. The following material is from a pro-Illuminati Web site, and it shows
what a Satanist has to say about the writing of history:

What appears in history books is not the real history of the world. Real
history is conducted in secret and is almost never documented. Real
history revolves around a handful of power-players, together with a small
number of secret societies and closed associations. Real history is all about
conspiracies whereas history, as it appears in books, resembles a crime scene
investigation. Events take place and historians come along later and try to work
out what caused those events. But while crime scene investigators have
elaborate scientific techniques to help them gather decisive forensic evidence,
historians have access only to what is available in the public record and even
that is often unreliable.
If there is no public record, historians have nothing to fall back on other than
their imagination. They create a narrative to link the events, to establish cause
and effect. But thats all it is a narrative, a story. It's not the truth.
The real causes are always concealed from the gaze of history. Only a fool would
take a historians interpretation of events as reality. History is as meaningful as
literary criticism. Historians are always unreliable narrators.
At the end of the movie The Godfather, Michael Corleone is seen being
appointed as the new Godfather, and the door is closed in the face of his wife
because she is an untrusted outsider. It is also closed in the faces of the
audience. That is a metaphor for history. The door is always closed in our
faces at the moment when the vital decisions are taken. We never hear what took
place, who said what, who advanced what arguments, who disagreed, what
glances were exchanged, what was whispered. All we get is the speculation of
historians who werent there, working from second-hand sources and the
narratives of previous generations of historians.
The whole of history could be considered as The Godfather on a global scale.
Powerful people conspire in secret rooms far from public scrutiny and then send
out their agents, assassins and attack dogs to execute their will. Presidents,
popes and princes are agents too. Although these people may seem powerful in
their own right, the real decision-makers stand in the background,
unseen. Presidents, more often than not, are puppets put in post to do the
bidding of their masters. That might involve declaring war, introducing new
laws favourable to the puppetmasters, awarding lucrative contracts to the
puppetmasters favoured corporations, appointing allies of the puppetmasters to
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vital, well-paid jobs, discrediting enemies of the puppetmasters, planting stories,
even carrying out assassinations. All of that will be denied, of course.
Well, it would, wouldnt it?
And, naturally, they have a huge machine of misinformation, disinformation,
spin and propaganda, to conceal themselves and rubbish their enemies.
Conspiracy theorists are always dismissed as mad. Who benefits from the
discrediting of conspiracy theorists? The conspirators, of course. Their
greatest trick is to convince the ordinary person that they do not
exist. In the fairytale The Emperors New Clothes, the scam-artist weavers say
that anyone who is unable to see the emperors (non-existent) new set of clothes
is either stupid or unfit for the office they hold. Something similar happens in
reverse with conspiracy theories. Anyone who can see the conspiracy is
called stupid or unfit for office. But in each case the reality is the opposite
of what we are told by those who seek to con us.
No historian will ever take conspiracy theories seriously. They cant afford to.
If they admit that conspiracy theories exist then they are putting
themselves out of a job because they are admitting that the causes of major
historical events are forever concealed from them. Historians promote their own
agendas and exaggerate their own importance and significance. The
conspirators can rely on historians not to cause any trouble. Its an alliance of

For more information on the deceptions and suppression tactics of the followers of
Satan, see chapter 25, The Power of a Thumping Big Lie, of our free book The God
Messiah Worships, which is here: End NR comment]
And if we are in any doubt about the scarab beetle Khepri being a symbol for the
thalamus and the third eye, then we only have to look at Figure 29. Khepri is in the
same position between the eyes. The boat or barque symbolises astral travel or
after death travel through the Duat (Underworld) and it rides on the waves of the
serpent i.e., waves of energy. There is more symbolism in this ancient art, and I
could go on and on, but my purpose here is to reveal these obvious correlations.

Figure 29: The Scarab beetle god Khepri

Because of its central position, I say
that for the ancients, the thalamus
or rather the massa intermedia
represented the third eye and
because of what it looked like an eye
and also an egg. However, as said, the
metaphysical function of the

Source: The Secret History: How 6,000 People Can Rule the World
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travelling through the Duat ... the Underworld.
third eye or ajna chakra relies on both the pineal and pituitary glands.
Again, it is stated in various esoteric mystery schools that the third eye
will only open when conscious fusion takes place between the opposites
in ones consciousness.
In the view of those shaman adepts who were behind the cult of the serpent, again,
the physical, sexual act would have been the perfect metaphor for this same fusion
taking place between the opposite natures of an individual which is why the union
between male and female is depicted in many alchemical illustrations and why the
thalamus was seen to represent the female egg fertilised by the sperm-like serpent
energies that climb the spine and the Reptilian part of the brain and again, like the
sperm which climbs upwards through the erect phallus.
Now we know the meaning behind the
serpent mounds - like the serpent
holding the egg in its mouth or jaws as
depicted on the ground in Ohio, North
Again, in the individual, this fusion
takes place between the pineal (male)
and pituitary (female) glands anchored
by the carotid gland in the neck being the
decarmation point between the head and
the body. The chakra-related power
points in the head represent the realm
of mind and the rest of the body with the
lower four lower chakras represent
the realm of matter.
This duality is also depicted by the two
serpents the ida and pingala nerve
channels; the ida striking the pituitary,

Figure 30: The Reptilian part of the brain
encompassing the brain stem, limbic
system, and thalamus. Compare with Figure
below the Ohio Serpent with Egg.

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Figure 31: The Serpent with the egg in its
mouth. Ohio, North America. Is this the
Sushumna which emerges through the
Reptilian Brain stem or Limbic System,
ending at the Thalamus (egg) which it is
fertilising like the male sperm? This
serpent has also been linked with the
constellation Draco which holds the egg
the star Thuban within its body as
symbolised by the Orphic Egg shown
and the pingala striking the pineal
gland, thereby symbolising the fusion
of both opposites and the
enlightenment i.e., activation
(fertilisation) of the thalamus (egg)
which is both linked to and located at
the summit or apex of the central,
sushumna nerve channel, and which
represents the serpent in the
Reptilian part of the brain.
As some of us will know, to
illustrate the standing wave
processes inside the body regarding
the propagation of energy throughout
the human system, two serpents
(representing the male-positive and
female-negative waves) were placed
over the central staff image of the
spine in Caduceus-style.
The Caduceus staff symbolises the
autonomous propagation of this
energy and by a part of our
consciousness we are to some lesser
or greater extent unconscious of.
Tradition says that this is also the
source of intelligence itself, so the
more conscious we are of it, the more
intelligent and psychic we are.
It is this unconscious part the
source which controls and runs all
the autonomous (automatic)
functions of the body which we are
unaware of allowing us to interact with our reality in a manual way. It is said that
this neutral life-force energy (prana - Hindu or C'hi - Chinese) is provided by the
source like an electric charge, which causes the life force energy to run up and down
the spine like electricity running along a wire. The energy is then divided in two, like
the positive and negative magnetic waves that propagate outwards and perpendicular
to the path of electricity. The human aura is like the magnetic field which
surrounds a bar magnet.
Again it was observed that we are unconscious of these internal processes, but it was
believed that we can become conscious of them via the hypnagogic trance state. And at
the point of enlightenment we actually become that hidden part of our consciousness
(the Superconscious represented by the superconscious-activated thalamus) which
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runs the whole system which is why the Caduceus is a symbol for wisdom and
Again, going back to the Hindu symbolism: During trance and all related
experiences associated with the opening of the so-called third eye, the ancient Hindu
texts tell us, that the heads of the two serpents (the positive and negative
nerve channels) strike the pineal and pituitary glands. As said, the male-
related pingala strikes the male-related pineal gland, and the female-related ida strikes
the female-related pituitary gland. The two come together in the sushumna the
central nerve channel, which aligns with the brain stem (the Reptilian Brain) and this
activates the thalamus (the cosmic egg in the brain) opening it up wide to absorb
more information and energy. The biological function of these processes will be dealt
with in more depth in my book. My purpose here is to show the metaphorical
descriptions of these processes as known by the ancients.
The sushumna, which represents this fusion, is said to emerge from the centre of the
forehead like the Uraeus of the Egyptian Pharaohs symbolising the third eye and
the second sight associated with the hypnagogic trance state. Symbolically, through
the Uraeus serpent on the forehead, one is able to see into the other worlds.
The wings at the top of the later Caduceus were said also to represent the two
hemispheres of the brain, and with this activation of the third eye being the
thalamus the two hemispheres of the brain are synchronised, therefore resulting in
the reintegration of the mind or ego and the union of its male-related conscious and
female-related subconscious opposites.

Figure 32: The Orphic Egg. Figure 33: Horus with serpent sun-disk above head. The sun-disk
is the Inner Sun the thalamic egg as fertilised by the sushumna serpent. Figure 34: Avebury
with interesting diagram showing how the Henge may be an ovum or egg and also showing
cell division and growth after fertilisation.

If sustained then this fusion activates the bindu point the centre of the vortex
which is said to be located some three-fingers width from the top of the head and
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represents the source-centre of ones consciousness. If activated, or if ones energies
reach this highest point, illumination or enlightenment will result.
All the above is symbolised in the serpent mounds of Ohio and Avebury in England
as well as the Orphic Egg which symbolises the Cosmic Egg of creation.
At Avebury, in the south of England, we find a huge serpent carved into the ground
with what looks like an egg at the centre of its body. One interpretation is that the egg
of the Avebury serpent shows the fertilised egg or the egg after fertilisation as the egg
is located at the centre of the body, and shows what looks like cell division and growth
i.e., the growth of a new pattern meaning the rebirth of oneself and a new pattern
of reality all from ones new perception of it.
Was this metaphorical design constructed by the Serpent People or Shining Ones?
I would say that in a sense yes, and further suggest that it was most possibly their
descendants, or the inheritors of their knowledge, the Druids.

Anointment: the Chemical Wedding

As we saw earlier the term messiah means, anointed one and the related term
mashach means, to anoint, to smear, or spread a liquid. As we know, the word
anointed or anoint makes a reference to oil or to certain oils or balms as in a
practical sense, one is anointed (massaged) with oil. In the spiritual or metaphysical
sense, one has been touched by the hand (energy) of God, or the Spirit Holy Ghost
another term for the neutral, third force energy. [Nazarene Remnant
comment: We are dealing here with the first part of the Holy Spirit, which I have
called the Birthright Holy Spirit, which was called Isis in ancient Egypt. End NR

Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. (Psalm 23: 5.
Note the '23.5')

The anointing ritual where oil is applied to the head (the cup) is associated with the
secretions of the glands in the brain especially the opening of the third eye, which
opens via the fusion of the essences related to the pineal and pituitary.
The pineal and pituitary glands secrete hormones, which in the Green
Language could also be referred to as cups, grails or urns and the secretions, oils
also drugs in the modern term, as these hormones are indeed chemical substances
i.e., natural drugs created by the body.
Many urns and vessels of ancient civilisations have been found on archaeological
sites and this is not surprising as jars and urns were used in everyday activities, such
as mixing, storing, and transporting. Many urns served as decorative objects, and
sometimes held fragrant oils, which were often used for anointing the body. Urns also
served a sacred or religious purpose as they held oils used in the anointing ritual.

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Figure 35: Osiris and Isis as
Serpents, 1st century AD. It would
be easy to interpret the depiction
these dieties as each representing
the Hindu pingala and ida
opposites associated with the
pineal and pituitary glands.
One becomes anointed (touched by God)
through the mystical enlightenment
experience which is triggered by the
alchemical union of these glands and their
essences being the Chemical Wedding of
the King and Queen ones opposite
energies symbolised by the pineal (male)
and pituitary (female.)
The word Christ comes from the Greek
word Christos meaning, anointed so
anyone who has been anointed i.e., had
the enlightenment experience via the glands
is a Christ. And now we know why Mary
Magdalene took a litre of costly perfumed
oil made from genuine aromatic nard and
anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them
with her hair. John 11: 55-57 12:1-11.
The feet of Jesus are symbolised by the
two fishes of the Astrological sign of Pisces,
which in bodily correspondences are
associated with the feet. These two fishes
that swim in opposite directions, not only
represent the two feet but they also
represent the opposites as associated with
the conscious and subconscious, the left and
right brain and also the pineal and pituitary glands.
This gesture of anointing and massaging the feet of Jesus is part of the code, which
tells us that this anointment takes place between the glands in the brain, which secrete
the oils or chemicals one of the deepest secrets.
Mary wiping Christs feet with her hair completes this part of the code, in that the
feet and head come together as also depicted in one image of the Dance of Salome
where Salome touches her feet with her head.
Again this means that through the trance state one also captures this alpha-omega,
end-beginning point in the cycle, which actually triggers this anointment and
therefore enlightenment. This is the first time an explanation has been given to this
part of the Jesus story, and as we can see it is really a part of what I have termed
the 'Grail Code'.

[Nazarene Remnant comment: It is only possible to be enlightenment or
illuminated if we repent from our old ways and allow our Heavenly
Father to re-birth or re-parent us! Unfortunately the following false notions are
regularly expressed in the New Age literature, that the Great Pyramid of Gize was used
for shamanic initiation into the shamanic trance states, the mysteries of life, death and
rebirth (reincarnation) and the Kundalini enlightenment experience. The simple
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truth is this statement of the whole matter, which I hope and pray will deliver you from
the trance-like state that you may be living under:

I tell you, nay: but, except ye amend your lives, ye shall all likewise
perish. (Luke 13: 3)

Repentance also requires that we die to our old sinful self, for water baptism signifies
that we bury our old self, and rise and begin being born-again. It also signifies
that Gods Birthright Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us, and actually does the work of
cleansing us, over a minimum period of 24 years. Jesus made it quite clear that the
first stage of entering the Kingdom of God (i.e. of receiving eternal life) was
repentance towards both God and man, and then becoming baptised of water:

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of
water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
(John 3: 5)

In other words, if we refuse to repent and become baptised, we never gain access to
the saving and healing power of the Birthright Holy Spirit. Genuine repentance and
conversion means that we should develop the same heart which was in King David,
and that there never be any back-sliding: With my whole heart have I sought
thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. (Psalm 119: 10, KJV)
When I talk about repentance, baptism and the keeping of the New Moon Festivals,
we have to understand that I am talking about a resurrection from the dead
while we are still living. This is always a reference to the fact that we are as good
as dead when we wilfully disobey God and live our lives according to our own selfish
ways, which are always described as darkness, death, and being asleep. The
classic statement of Jesus about this almost universal state of deadness is found in
Matthew 8: 22: But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their
dead. Ephesians 5: 14 counsels us to literally wake up from our comatose state,
repent, become baptised, and start to finally to claim for ourselves what life is really all
about: Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and
Christ shall give thee light. Again we see the same meaning in 2 Corinthians 1: 9:
But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves,
but in God which raiseth the dead. Romans 6: 13 is similar: Neither yield ye your
members [as] instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God,
as those that are alive from the dead, and your members [as] instruments of
righteousness unto God.
In other words we must begin to make a river crossing from the Land of the Dead,
which is sin-controlled living, to the Land of the Living, which is spirit-controlled
living, as shown in Table 1 and 2 a couple of pages below. If we display any of the
qualities in Table 1, we will die the death that leads to something truly
awful. Only those qualities of Table 2 will qualify us for eternal life. The only way this
cleansing can be achieved is through the faithful keeping of the monthly New Moon
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Festivals, and engaging in the difficult task of doing spiritual work on ourselves. It is
most important that everyone who begins keeping the New Moons Festivals must
keep them as non-working days, as they are on a par with the Saturday Sabbath,
which is also a day in which we are commanded to rest from all work.
The New
Moon Festivals are introduced in our book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works
of Salvation. The first works are mentioned in Revelation 2: 5. We are also
required to shun the worlds systems of religion, and way of life, and to begin keeping
Gods Holy Days, including the weekly Saturday Sabbath. See our book The Sacred
Calendar of the MessiahRestored! You will find all the information you need freely
available on our Website under the link Core eBooks in the left-hand column.
In striving to be born again, we need to keep in mind that our Eternal Father will be
with us always, provided we keep on course: For I [am] with thee, saith the LORD, to
save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will
I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not
leave thee altogether unpunished. (Jeremiah 30: 11)
In summary enlightenment and illumination really mean that we are to baptized
under water, anytime after reaching our 30th year, which symbolises the burial
of our old selves. We arise out of the water signifying the beginning of the re-birth-to-
new-life process, and are anointed with genuine Holy Anointing Oil, as
prescribed by Exodus 30: 23, and not the false mixture used for decades

"Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six
working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened. And the
prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without, and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the
priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate:
then he shall go forth; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening. Likewise the people of the land shall
worship at the door of this gate before the LORD in the sabbaths and in the new moons. And the burnt offering
that the prince shall offer unto the LORD in the sabbath day shall be six lambs without blemish, and a ram
without blemish. And the meat offering shall be an ephah for a ram, and the meat offering for the lambs as he
shall be able to give, and an hin of oil to an ephah. And in the day of the new moon it shall be a young bullock
without blemish, and six lambs, and a ram: they shall be without blemish. (Ezekiel 46: 1-6, KJV)
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Land of the Dead

Table 1: The Old Man or Woman who lives in
the Land of the Dead, which is in the West.

Land of the Living

Table 2: The New Creation, the New Man, or
Woman, who lives in the Land of the East.

We must undergo a genuine change of attitude and make the River Crossing from the
Land of the Dead, to the Land of the Living. If we refuse to do this, we will have
no future at all, and will be totally destroyed from any chance at Eternal Life.

We believe that the ancient Egyptian stretching of the cord ceremony,

properly understood, should also be restored in our baptismal ceremonies! As well we

The Holy Anointing Oil that must be used for Baptism as described in Exodus 30: 23 contains six pounds of
cannabis (i.e. marijuana), and is therefore rendered illegal to use by the satanic government systems all around
the world, as you would have to expect. In actual fact the term calamus as used in the earliest Greek text of the
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should receive our coat of many colours after this, because from the instant of our
baptism and anointing we are saved (provided that our baptism has been valid, and
there has not been the existence of known secret sin at the moment of baptism, e.g. we
are married to an illicit partner still, and have not returned to our true spouse.

End NR comment]

Figure 36: Byzantine painting showing
Jesus being anointed by God at the same
time he is being baptised by John. Both
anointment and baptism are metaphors
to the same experience of enlightenment.
Note the three attendants on the right
are these the three Magi as referenced
by the three pyramids of Giza? The head
of Jesus is between two mountain peaks
the open legs of the world mother. His
The picture above of Jesus being
anointed expresses the same in that
both feet are in the water meaning
that the conscious is with the
subconscious; both are united
together as in the trance state
symbolised by the water associated
with the female subconscious. At the
same time, Jesus is experiencing the
enlightenment triggered by the trance
state as symbolised by the dove
(Phoenix of rebirth) and the anointing
of his head.
John the Baptist acts as
mediator in his anointing by God the
father. Jesus is attended by three
angels again symbolising the Triad
or holy Trinity so we are told
[Nazarene Remnant comment:
The doctrine of the Trinity is an old
deception, one that the Catholic
Church has milked for all its worth.
End NR comment]. However,
as some of us will know, three wise
Kings or Magi attended Jesus, at his

Old Testament, called the Septuagint, is a mistranslationundoubtedly a deliberate one at thatand the correct
Hebrew term for calamus is Kaneh Bosem. In the course of time the two words kaneh bosem were fused into
one, kanabos, or kannabus, from which we get cannabis. In fact Websters New World Hebrew Dictionary tells
us that the Hebrew for hemp is kanabos. (p. 607) The taking of the sacred name Nazarene is thus dependent
upon a person being baptised with the proper Nazer or anointing oil. The Gospel of Philip makes it very clear
that to receive the Birthright Holy Spirit, and to be purified via the monthly New Moon Festivals, requires that
we be baptised with this special oil, and not some modern alternative that uses olive oil (as in the case of the
invalid infant baptism in the Catholic Church) or any other concoction. For more in-depth information on this
important topic, consult chapter 24, The Power of a Thumping Big Lie, of our free book The God Messiah
The stretching of the cord ceremony is the subject of chapter 18, Jacobs Ladder on the Ground: The Ancient
Nation of Egypt, of our book The New Moon Festivals: the First Works of Salvation, available here:
Even if our true spouse has died, we still commit adultery by being married to a man or woman whose true
spouse still lives!
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feet (two fishes) are swimming in the
astral womb waters of the flowing river.
The Dove disk is the star Sirius the
Underworld and world mother from
which he has been reborn.
birth being the rebirth of Osiris as
Horus. Its possible then that these
three angels are the three wise men,
and if so, then they are also
represented by the three belt stars of
Orion and the three pyramids of Giza. These three symbolise the three power centres
in the brain by which one enters into the hypnagogic trance state.
The river in which the reborn shaman god-king is being baptised his baptism also
symbolising his rebirth as regards his initiation into the mysteries is possibly the
River Nile, which flows East of, and right next to the three pyramids. Again, if true,
then the disk containing the dove is the star Sirius in the south sky, associated with the
world mother Isis. Again this baptism is associated with the thalamus and the glands
in the brain the Triad also represented by the three angels or three wise kings.
[Nazarene Remnant comment: The star Sirius is the star-emblem of the Elect,
and is located in the centre of the River of Lifethe Milky Way36 degrees North of
the Abyss star, which is Canopus. The return to God, symbolised by baptism, is
through the 36 stages which is covered in our free book The Sacred Calendar of the
MessiahRestored! Which is here:
the-messiah-restored.html End NR comment]
Various new age writers have emphasised the point that the pituitary gland
secretes a whitish substance, and that the pineal gland secretes an orange/yellowish
substance. These have been interpreted to be associated with the milk and honey
referred to in the Bible, as well as the myths where they correspond with the White and
the Red respectively. [Nazarene Remnant comment: We are actually dealing with
the Birthright Holy Spirit, which is what the White Crown of Upper Egypt symbolises,
and the Sceptre Holy Spirit, which is what the Red Crown of Lower Egypt is all about.
Separating the two lands was a wall! For more information consult our book
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes. Make sure you read Chapter 2, The Key To All
the Sacred Mysteries Lies in Ancient Egypt. End NR comment]
What about the psychoactive mushrooms as used by the shaman?
Following is an extract from The Symbols of Wodhanaz about the Norse god Odin or
Wotan. Note the three vats and the three drinking horns and also the significance of

Wodhanaz [Odin] is said to have slid into the mountain cave of the Etins
in the form of a snake. After charming the female guardian of the three
vats in which the mead is stored, he morphs into a falcon (or eagle) and
flies from the mountain cave back to his kingdom. On the way, some of
the mead spills from his beak down to the earth, from where it is believed
to manifest itself as hallucinogenic mushrooms.
When he arrives home, he expels the mead into three drinking horns
for future use by him and his companions. Thus, in its endlessly
resurrecting fungal form, the poetic mead is made permanently available
to man, who henceforth use it to be possessed and inspired by Wodhanaz.
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One of the best ways of preserving the active compounds in
hallucinogenic mushrooms is by drying and crushing them, and then
mixing them in honey which is doubtlessly why mead (a drink made of
honey) came to represent it. [26]

Odin turning himself into a serpent, and charming the female guardian, is an allegory
for the enlightenment experience. The three vats are related to the three power centres
in the brain two of which are secreting glands the chemical secretions represented
by the mead. The drops of mead then turning into mushrooms also associated with
the word thalamus reveals that these psychoactive substances were used to activate
the third eye associated with these two glands as well as the thalamus.
The mead being expelled into three drinking horns, are again references to the three
power centres in the brain the knowledge of which is shared with his fellow man. It
is tempting to say that the use of honey makes a correspondence with the secretions
of the pineal. From the same article we find that,

In his book, Soma: Divine mushroom of immortality the late Gordon
Wasson has put forward the very convincing theory that Soma was made
from Fly agaric mushrooms. Again, this drink is associated with honey,
with the word mahdu the ancient Sanskrit precursor of the word mead
often being used by the Aryans to refer to Soma. [27]

The poem, The Spoils of Annwn is said to have been written by the Welsh bard
Taliesin who lived during the 6th century AD. The poem describes a sacred vessel,
which is sought in the Annwn or Annwfn (the Underworld) by a group of mystical
adepts including Arthur. This vessel is said to be the Grail. Surely this cauldron
would be the head of the archetypal shaman who is able to enter the Underworld. The
gateway into the Underworld (Annwn) was said to be Glastonbury Tor
a vortex.
This quest by the mystics is an allegory for the seeking of knowledge associated
with the head and the processes by which one is able to enter the Underworld.
Furthermore, it is said that the cauldron possesses three properties.
In the Celtic-derived Book of Taliesin a 13th century medieval text, also associated
with the Grail legends we are told that the Cauldron, (now a clear reference to the
head) gives drops of liquid, which provides a person with the ability to see the past, the
present, and the future . . . as if time has ceased and one is in the NOW.
The past and the future are again opposites, and are associated with the male and
female opposites which are again associated with the fluctuations of the pineal and
pituitary. One is at the centre of these fluctuations but doesnt know it, see it, or realise
it. In other words, in normal everyday consciousness, we cannot capture the present
the NOW as it is already gone when we think about it.
We are living in the present all the time, but trying to capture the Now is like trying
to hold water that seeps through our fingers and this is why most of the time life seems
dull, banal, colourless and lifeless. This is why the thalamus is spiritually
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inactive in the normal person in that it only allows in a certain amount of
information. In other words, we possess the Eternal Now (the Primal Mover) within
us and we experience the Now all the time in the cycles, but we become momentarily
unconscious at the point of experiencing it. Thus, the physical thalamus in the brain,
which represents this Eternal Now in the cycles, is the stone of the philosophers,
which is yet to become the Philosophers Stone by being made spiritually 'active'. And
through the experiences of the shaman, the Eternal Now otherwise known as ones
own Centre of consciousness can be captured. Capturing the Now to some extent is
also associated with the so-called Peak Experience, coined by psychologist, Abraham
Maslow and oft-repeated by author, Colin Wilson.
A flash of Insight, by which one sees the connections between things, is also due to
one capturing the Eternal Now to some extent. This Now is experienced in the
synchronisation of the two hemispheres the fusion between conscious and
subconscious. Again, in Hermetic philosophy and alchemy, this is the eclipse
between the Sun and the Moon i.e., male and female. The Out of Body
experiencer and OBE proponent, Robert Monroe understood this hence, Hemi-Sync
the audio-delivered, brain synchronisation device which Monroe invented.
A more intense capturing of this Eternal Now will trigger a synchronicity
experience. All ESP experiences, by which one experiences two or more things
separated by time and space, is again a more intense capture of this Eternal Now or
Centre. The ultimate capture, and if one can sustain it, is experienced as
enlightenment or awakening, whereby one experiences the 'Eternal Now' as the
Source of everything being the explosion of bright white light in the head. In effect
one experiences the big bang of the universe . . . the centre-point of all creation. As
said, this experience can awaken and alter and change, quite drastically, the pattern of
ones life, ones perceptions and beliefs.

There is a curious plate featured on page 225 of David Ovason's book, The Secret
Zodiacs of Washington DC. (Figure 205.)

To me it looks like a person being
anointed. However, I would say
that this anointment is going on
internally and related to the glands
in the brain being the pineal and
pituitary - note the Sun-disk and
serpents above the head.
The gods pouring the life and
death symbols from the urns is a
metaphor for this internal process.
Both these gods Thoth and Horus
represent wisdom. Note the life and
death symbols in the ankh (life) and
the was sceptre of the evil god Set

Figure 37: Vignette from Champollions
Monuments of Egypt and Nubia, vol I, p.xlii.
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(death). In other words, the initiate
is caught within that neutral point
between life and death and all
related opposites. His life is in the
balance as what happens during
the enlightenment experience
Thoth is playing the role of the Moon and
the subconscious, while Horus is playing
the role of the Sun and the conscious-self.
The two vases are the two cruets or urns
associated with the pineal-pingala (red) and
the pituitary-ida (white) as traditionally held
by Joseph of Arimathea.
associated as it is with the glands in the brain and the spinal column, which is why the
poured oils from the urns extend down and around the length of the body as if
surrounding it like the aura or egg-shaped, aural energy field.
The sun-disk above the head is the seventh centre associated with the thalamus
being the egg to be fertilised by the serpents (sperm) thereby activating it i.e.,
opening its gateway wide and awakening it. This awakening is associated
with rebirth. This sun-disk flanked by the two serpents as in the Hindu pingala
(male) and ida (female) nerve channels is the Inner Sun again, the Hindu snya
meaning, zero as in zero-point or void.
Again, the void nothing, blank aspect of this source-centre, reflects our
general unconsciousness of it, and this is symbolised by the esoteric term, Black Sun
as illustrated in the solar eclipse. This is why the black scarab is associated. When
conscious of this source-centre, it becomes or is experienced as the bright white
light of the superconscious . . . everything. So then, this centre is nothing and
everything at the same time, and this is represented by the golden scarab beetle the
individual "becomes as gold" through an internal alchemical process the chemical
The following is from David Ovasons book:

John W. Simons believed that the sound-values of Egyptian
hieroglyphics were more closely linked with the Hebrew language than
with Coptic, as was widely believed. When examining the hieroglyphic mst
he pointed out that the Hebrew ire means to throw drops of water, to
sprinkle, and to teach and instruct. He further pointed out that this
hieroglyphic is linked with the Egyptian baptism, with the notion of
shedding celestial dew on the head of the neophyte that is with
initiation. In support of his argument, he examined a plate which showed
an Egyptian initiation scene, where the gods Horus and Thoth pour
sacred waters on the head of the neophyte. The one initiated in
this way, by water and fire, was called in Hebrew msche, meaning
something like begotten, or born again a word relevant to the new state
of the neophyte who has been initiated. According to Simons, the
Egyptian hieroglyph equivalent of this Moses incorporated the image for
dew, baptism, or celestial tears. [28]

Could the castle of the Grail family, Munsalvaesche, (mountain of salvation) and
where they were once empowered by the stone, be based on the Hebrew word, msche
meaning born again, and through fire and water? Its a possibility
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especially when we consider that Hebrew scripts do not include vowels nor do they
include all of the consonants. However Munsalvaesche is the German version and in
French the castle is known as Montsalvat.
The words of Wolfram von Essenbach:

They live from a stone of purest kind. If you do not know it, it shall here
be named to you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power of that stone the
phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again.\

As said, this stone being associated with the
Phoenix, is the Benben and symbolizes the source-
centre of consciousness metaphorised, as the
nucleus, seed stone at the centre of a piece of fruit
and from which a new fruit-bearing tree can grow.
However, we now know that it is the corner
stone, which the builders rejected, otherwise
known as the head stone of the corner. Again, if
the stone is also the Benben pyramidion, then
this again brings us to the Great Pyramid of Giza
and as is evident, this pyramid is missing its
In fact one could say that the capstone of the
Great Pyramid would have actually symbolised
this zero seed-stone i.e., the whole of ones
consciousness reduced to a point (point of zero
singularity) the eye of the storm as
symbolised further by the (some say Masonic) all-
seeing-eye in the capstone.
Which brings me to the central question, could
the Grail story centred as it is, on and around
the mountain of salvation be a medieval
allegory which was meant to lead us to the Great
If so, then perhaps the missing capstone is
the missing Grail in that the missing
capstone symbolises mans unconsciousness

Figure 38: Christ on the
cross of his cRUcifixion.
We see Christ being pierced
on both sides with two
spears. (male-fire-Severity
and female-water-Mercy.)
Again, these are the ida and
pingala serpents or literally,
the two nerve channels,
which strike the pineal and
pituitary. This part of the
process is symbolized by
the two angels either side
of his head and who each
hold a cup or container as if
representing these two
glands the apples of the
of that source-centre and the system of knowledge that surrounds it, and that the
recovery of the missing capstone is only possible when man becomes sentient and
consciously aware of that same source within himself and acknowledges this ancient
system of knowledge.

Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a
plain: and he shall bring forth the head-stone thereof with shoutings,
crying, Grace, grace unto it!
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Zecharia 4:7

It has always been said that the Great pyramid was some kind of initiation temple. And
so again, all the evidence points to my conclusion that the pyramid was once utilised as
some kind of gateway into the shamanic Underworld and higher worlds, and as we
will see, the Great Pyramid itself actually represents the head or skull of
this shaman god.
In other words, we are being led to the conclusion that the Great Pyramid was
utilised as some kind of alchemical laboratory related to the activation of the chakra-
related glands in the brain; a place in which one was initiated into the mysteries of
resurrection as told in the story of Osiris-Horus.
I would suggest that the Great Pyramid was also a symbolic place, with all the
magical correspondences built into it, which were believed to aid and facilitate the
shamanic trance state and also the enlightenment experience by which one was
anointed by God. After all it was constructed at the centre of the earths landmasses
and stands on the borderline between East and West as if making a magical
correspondence with the centre in-between the opposites as regards the two
hemispheres of the earth and the brain. In other words, it was the place where rebirth
or resurrection took place i.e., the Hebrew term, msche meaning, born again and
through fire (male) and water (female) and all related opposites.
One goes in as Osiris and emerges as Horus, and perhaps this person a shaman
really did exist, and if there is a bloodline issue to address here, then its possibly HIS
bloodline which is important as the name Ormus (ORMUS-Horus) suggests.

The name ORMUS provides more associated meanings: OR in French is, gold.
"The name Orm is Scandinavian (Old Norse Ormr, literally "snake" or "serpent",
corresponding to the Old English wyrm, "worm"), and was not uncommon in the
Danish parts of England". Source:
MUS in Latin means, mound or mountain. All together we have gold serpent
mountain or serpent mountain where one becomes gold . . . and theres more.
ORMUS contains the word RU. We also notice that the M signifying the open legs
of the world mother is in-between the word RU. Also, if we remove the central letters
RMU we are left with OS which means god being also indicative of the god Osiris
the father and former incarnation of Horus. Now if M signifies the virgin being
Isis and if ORUS is Horus, and OS is Osiris, then the name ORMUS is also providing
us with the ancient Egyptian triad.
Again, the sign of Virgo the virgin is made up of the glyph of Aries (the alpha-
ram-head) and Pisces (the omega-fish-feet.) In other words it represents that Alpha-
Omega point in the cycle where the head and feet meet being the RU birth canal
(gateway) through which Osiris was reborn as Horus (ORUS) and via the open legs
of the virgin, Isis-Mary hence the M also the twin peak mountains between the
twin-lion god Aker from which the sun-disk (sun-god) emerges.
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We can see then that the name ORMUS also provides us with the Alpha-Omega
point in the cycle as accessed via the shamanic technique of trance and which can lead
to a rebirth.
As we can see there are so many associative meanings here as there are in the name
SION again, a name I will examine in more depth elsewhere.
The problem is, these interpretations cannot be proven one way or the other. And
unless someone comes along to prove that these interpretations were intended, then
its easy to say that we are just playing around with letters. Its the, if we take away
the . . . part that makes it a problem, and we can do that with any word. Of course
some of it must be true while other interpretations are at best coincidental.
The trouble is, that like the Bible Code, where it is said that coincidence or
synchronicity takes effect due to the mathematical nature of letters or words, so
too, does synchronicity take effect in symbolism and especially in letters or words
deriving from or forming the symbolism. In essence, it means that these symbols or
symbolic names end up having many meanings all-true when seen holistically, but
at the same time all incorrect when each element is broken down, analysed and taken
on its own.
What we have here is the same problem in how the left and right brain interprets
To the right brain, which sees the bigger picture, it is all highly significant
and probably all true. But to the left-brain, which concentrates on the parts
and usually without any connection being seen between them such interpretations
are incorrect and at best coincidental. But in the grand scheme of things, and maybe
within that neutral point or source-centre, perhaps these 'coincidences' are really
meaningful synchronicities i.e., clues as to the processes of consciousness itself, and
therefore evidence of some divine plan associated with our own collective
consciousness? Who knows?
Now, if these meanings were to come out by following the standards of cipher and
code, such as the famous Atbash cipher or alphanumerical systems, then its
acceptable because it can be proven that this is how secrets were deliberately hidden.
It cannot be proven by altering letters around in a haphazard way, so proving the
process proves the conjecture.
Anyway, I have decided to leave no stone unturned and to keep an open mind, and
so at the end of the day I leave it up to my readers to make of it what they will.
There is much more to come, which provides some proof of what I'm presenting
here, but for now and to end this article, the fire and water are associated with the
male pingala and female ida nerve channels respectively as symbolised by the
two snakes of the Caduceus. These in turn are associated with the pineal and
pituitary glands.
Now we can see that the celestial tears and the drops from the Norse or Celtic
cauldron, (head) which allows one to see the past, the PRESENT and future, is due to
the spiritual activation of the thalamus via the secretions of the glands. This seeing is
surely the second sight of the third eye by which one accesses the Eternal Now in
the cycles of space and time. In effect one is therefore transcendent of all restrictions
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as imposed on the body by its own fixed, coordinate positions in space-time, as we
find by reading the written accounts of Remote Viewers who worked for the US
government in the 70s and 80s. Again, such abilities are due to these vortex, chakra-
related glands in the brain, which I must say is still not understood clearly and we only
have the esoteric texts and these myths to rely on.
And now I can reveal another part of the Grail Code, which brings us again to the
constellation of Orion.
Looking at Ovids descriptions of the Phoenix we note that frankincense and
myrrh are mentioned, being associated with the tree of the Phoenix as made from
tree resins. The tree represents the human spine and the resins are occult
references to the glands, which align the spine especially the glands in the brain.
Frankincense, myrrh and gold were given to Jesus by the three wise men as
referenced in the three belt stars of Orion.
We are told by Laurence Gardner, in his book Genesis of the Grail Kings, that Pine-
resin was long identified with pineal secretion and was used to make frankincense
(the incense of priesthood). [29]
It is well-known by complimentary therapists that the oils of
frankincense and myrrh are associated with the pineal and pituitary
glands and also the hypothalamus, which works closely with the
pituitary. It is said that myrrh contains high amounts of sesquiterpenes,
(compounds) that have direct effects on the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the
andamygdala, considered to be the seat of our emotions. [30]
If true, then this knowledge and these associations are again, all part of the code.
And I would say that in the Jesus story, frankincense is associated with the male-
related, pineal organ which represents the male lingam or penis; myrrh, the
pituitary, as associated with the female yoni and also the egg (egg of myrrh) and the
Gold, (being the inner alchemical gold) the thalamus, which becomes awakened
through this fusion between the pineal and pituitary and the anointment of the
chemical secretions i.e., the chemical wedding between the two glands.
This part of the story tells us that Jesus was a Christed one an enlightened
This would also mean that the three belt stars are not only associated with the body
of the universal shamanic resurrection god (Osiris-Horus) and reflect the three nerve
channels in the body associated with the pingala, ida and sushumna, but that they are
also associated with the three organs of the brain the Triad consisting of the
thalamus and the pineal and pituitary glands. Again, a crucial part of the Grail
Code, which keeps leading us to the Great Pyramid of Giza and
something secreted therein.
I will end this article with this Hindu illustration of the head and face.

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As we can see the Ru gateway
being the female vagina is featured as
the two eyes, the mouth and also the
centre of the brain the Hindu third
eye as I had determined.
Further evidence that the Ru
gateway is the vagina of the world
mother and that it is represented by the
thalamus at the centre of the brain, is the
Lingam, (phallus or penis, doubling as
the nose) which is depicted to be
penetrating the thalamus and continually
"seeding" it but here activating it.
Between the thalamus and the penis is
the bowl also shaped like the moon
representing the female ovum or egg,
which is brought by the Phoenix to be
put on the phallic pillar of Atum-Ra.
Here the Hindu version of Atum-Ra
would be Brahma or Shiva.

Figure 39: Hindu illustration
encompassing many of the third level
themes associated with the
enlightenment experience.
The phallus is also the Sushumna channel and also the Reptilian Brain stem. It is
also the Arthurian sword Excalibur, which rises from the Lake in the hand of the
Lady of the Lake the world mother and risen Kundalini goddess just like the
Phallus of Atum-Ra rising out of the primordial mound or the primordial waters of
Nun to seed the universe and create a brand new cycle.
The sperm are representing the opposites as symbolised by the two serpents
(doubling as a moustache) with heads against the left and right testicles. The two rods
or staffs with what looks like a fleur de lis on each again, symbolise the opposites
associated with both sides of the brain each being associated with the pineal and
pituitary. Again, the fleur de lis an emblem of the third eye triad
consisting of the pineal, the pituitary and the thalamus in the centre.
In any case, we can see that this picture encompasses many of the themes we have
been looking at and so provides supporting evidence for many of my own theories
associated with the third level of the Grail - the head, the brain, and the point of

[Nazarene Remnant comment: We urgently need to take hold of the words of the
gospel of Matthew, and put the words enlightenment and illumination to rest in their
proper place, and replace them with reality of the need for repentance and purification
as having the highest priorities in our lives:

For this people's heart is waxed gross, and [their] ears are dull of hearing, and
their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with [their] eyes,
and hear with [their] ears, and should understand with [their] heart, and
should be converted, and I should heal them. (Matthew 13: 15)
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I will close my comments by leaving you with the following images:

The ancient Egyptian symbol for the doctrine of the two spirits, and the New Moon Festivals. Two
serpents making their way (flying as feathered serpents actually) to the Sun depict the Doctrine of
the Two Spirits, which is the central spiritual doctrine surrounding the function of our Moon. The
yellow serpent represents the Birthright Holy Spirit doing its born again work in repentant and
baptised believers for 15 days each month during the New Moon Festival. Immediately, from day 16
of the month, satan (the black serpent) counter-claims Gods new virgin-birth work in believers,
through powerful temptations that are designed to make the believer stronger (i.e. as he learns the
nature of spiritual warfare, and learns self-control, including the discipline of saying no to these
). The staff represents the backbone or spinal column of human beings. The golden
disk at the top represents the Golden Sun of righteousness; while the black disk represents the
Black Sun of evil and degradation. The wings represent our destiny, which is to become as
angels. Thus they also represent the twin pillars (towers) outside the porch of Solomons Temple,
called Jachin and Boaz. Depending upon whether we obey God and His law (i.e. the Ten
Commandments), or whether we follow satan and his law (Do what thou wilt, is the whole of the
law, from Aleister Crowley, versus Christs Divine Law of Do unto others as you would have done
unto yourself.), the destination is always the symbolic Sun. The Golden Sun is the minimum
required for salvation. The Black Sun is reserved for the followers of satan, and is expressed in the
Scriptures as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, i.e. hypocrisy, which is the sin of sins. The
Blue Nile in Egypt symbolises the path to the Black Sun (blue is for the Blue Planet, which is
planet Earth, the one that satan has been given dominion over.) The White Nile symbolises the path
to the Golden Sun. The black snake is the path of the planet Mercury, whilst the other snake depicts
the path of Venus. Take away the black snake from the image and we have the rod of Moses and
Aaron. Take away the white snake and we have the rod of the Egyptian/Nazi sorcerers (see Exodus
chapter 7). The Temple of the Sun was located in Heliopolis in ancient Egypt. In many images,
especially those used by the Catholic Church, the Sun at the top of the staff here is actually
replaced by a pine cone, and this is just a symbol for the pineal gland, which to many ancient
cultures is the Third Eye. In St Peters Square in Rome you will find a very large example of what I
am talking about here. For more in-depth information on all this, see Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves
and Fishes, especially noting the role of fluoridation of our water supply in causing the calcification
of our pineal glands (then you will truly start to see who controls our local councils who do this to

See The Purpose of Temptation, by Bob Mumford, available here:
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our water). Also see Gary Osborns article The Gate of God (Appendix J) which reveals much
more interesting information about the Third Eye.

End Nazarene Remnant comment:]

Notes and References

1. In 1974 the ESP abilities of psychic, Mathew Manning were scientifically tested by
Joel Whitton and it was found that Mathew was producing a strange and unknown
brain-wave pattern that was seen to be coming from the oldest and most primitive part
of the brain the Reptilian Brain. See: The Link: The Extraordinary Gifts of a
Teenage Psychic by Mathew Manning. (Colin Smythe Ltd. 1987.)

2. Taken from The Thalamus by Edward G. Jones. Centre for Neuroscience. University
of California.

3. Taken from Webster Dictionary. 1913.

4. Taken from Webster Dictionary. 1913.

5. Taken from Inner Self Located. See: http://www.dreams-

6. Ibid.

7. See, The Secret of the Golden Flower by Richard Wilhelm. Foreword by Carl G.
Jung. (Arkana. 1988.)

8. Taken from Word Reference.Com.
9. See:
10. Taken from The Thalamus by Edward G. Jones. Centre for Neuroscience.
University of California.

11. Taken from Cell Salts and the Zodiac contributed by Sue Miller.
Sue Miller says: This is the manuscript given to me by a physician who used astrology
as a healing adjunct in his practice. He taught a course called The Realization Course
originally taught in 1941 by Jay Nichols in Indianapolis. I have not edited it because I
do not want to alter the original meaning. I have found the information insightful.
The material on the salts themselves is from Materia Medica by William Boericke
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M.D. the book is from India, Jain Publishing Company. The United Kingdom used all
this material because, after all, they owned the world for a long time.

12. Taken from Symbols and Definitions. See:

13. Taken from Beetles as Religious Symbols by Yves Cambefort, Paris, France. 1994.

14. Ibid.

15. Some interesting notes here from In Praise of Dung Beetles By Gordon Ramel.
In some Indian tribes from South America a dung beetle named Aksak is supposed to
have modelled the first man and woman from clay, an oblique reference the dung
beetles habit of shaping the dung into balls. An ancient Taoist text contains the
following quote, The scarab rolls his pellet, and life is born in it as an effect of
nondispersed work spiritual concentration. Now, even in manure an embryo can
develop and cast his 'terrestrial' skins, why should the dwelling of our celestial heart
not be able to generate a body too, if we concentrate our spirit on it?
They reasoned that if both the sun and a scarab beetle could be reborn in a special
container in the ground then why couldn't people? It is now believed by some modern
scholars that the Egyptian mummy in its tomb/pyramid was a representation of the
pupa of S. sacer in the remains of its ball of dung in the earth. Scarab amulets became
immensely popular and remained that way for centuries and are the most common
archaeological relics from the N. African region. See:

16. Taken from Beetles as Religious Symbols by Yves Cambefort, Paris, France. 1994.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Taken from The Ancient Secret: Fire from the Sun by Flavia Anderson. (Rilko
Books. Distributed by Thorsons Publishing Group. 1987.) p. 93.

20. Ibid. p. 93.

21. Ibid. p. 95.

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22. Taken from John Gills Exposition of the Entire Bible. Song of Solomon 1. Verse 16. See:

23. Taken from Parzival by Wolfram von Essenbach.

24. The Secret Sayings of Jesus According to the Gospel of Thomas by Robert M.
Grant with David Noel Freedman. (Fontana Books, 1960.) p. 166.

25. Theosophy, Vol. 15, No. 10, August, 1927. Ancient Landmarks XIX Osiris, Isis,
Horus, and Set.


26. Taken from the Symbols of Wodhanaz. See:

27. Ibid.

28. Taken from The Secret Zodiacs of Washington by David Ovason, (Arrow, 1999.) p.

29. Taken from Genesis of the Grail Kings by Laurence Gardner. (Fair Winds Press.

30. Taken from Healing Oils by Jim Lynn. See:

Some Blog Comments:

Well its about time! Finally discovered someone who understands that the great
pyramid IS a model of the human body. I have had my own personal journey of
researching this IDEA. My research is however, not as outlined and detailed as yours.
My came as an intuition when I was a teenager and discovered the study of astrology.
This study is VERY deep and reveals what is necessary for one to examine, WITHIN
themselves HOW to Wake-up. I have met people who have channelled
information by Toth and what bits of information was given allowed me to search for

Afsanay DeLy:
I am still reading the last part of the article, however, I have to say it is about time that
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 802
someone writes so powerfully and to the truth of the ancient teachings. In this day and
age for those who seek the truth and are remembering who they are and where they
come from, this is an article I feel all should read. Truly awakening of ones mind.

Afsanay De Ly:
In finishing this article it is an awakening of knowledge and brings to light all that is
true if only those who do not seek would truly seek beyond your own mind. There are
few who have the gifts of the Gods in their work and those who do, I say it is about
time we all come out and let the truth be known, in that it will be an amazing
awakening for all who seek. In addition, when I reading this article I research and
study very indepth and came across another article that works well this one on
Crystalinks, entitled Caduceus ~ Rod of Hermes ~ DNA, the link is for anyone interested in seeking beyond.
As this too brought forth knowledge in which I have always had and recognized some
more things in this connection of DNA and right and left. Keep up the excellent work
Mr. Osborn.

This is great work and very informative. The only criticism I have is that you refer to
the work in Egypt to be not done by the Africans, but had to be that of others. This is
unfair and untrue. If you go to Egypt and see the proof of the black people's work, you
may change your mind. The knowledge was of the African, black Africans.

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 803

Alford, Alan F, The Phoenix Solution: Secrets of a Lost Civilisation, published by
NEL, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1998.

Armstrong, Herbert W, The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Worldwide
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Aveni, Anthony, Conversing With The Planets: How Science and Myth Invented the
Cosmos, Kodansha International, New York, 1994.

Aveni, Anthony, Skywatchers, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2001.

Aveni, Anthony, Stairway To The Stars: Skywatching in Three Great Ancient
Cultures, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1997.

Baigent, Michael, Ancient Mysteries: A History Through Evolution and Magic, Viking
Press, 1998.

Bauval, Robert, The Egypt Code, Century Books, Random House, London, 2006.

Bauval, Robert, Gilbert, Adrian, The Orion Mystery: Unlocking The Secrets of the
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Bloomer , George, Authority Abusers: Breaking Free From Spiritual Abuse, Whitaker
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Blue, Ken, Healing Spiritual Abuse: How To Break Free from Bad Church
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Carlson, Allan, The New Agrarian Mind: The Movement Toward Decentralist
Thought in Twentieth-Century America, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick,

Chesterton, G K, The Outline of Sanity, HIS Press, Norfolk, USA, 2001 (originally
published 1926).

Clarke, Jean Illsley, Self-Esteem: A Family Affair, Winston Press, Minneapolis, 1978.

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Cloud, Henry, Townsend, John, 12 Christian Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy: Relief
From False Assumptions, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan,

Cohen, Tim, The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea, Prophecy House, Inc., Aurora, CO,
March, 1998.

Collins, Steven M, The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Found! Sioux Falls, South Dakota,

Cotterell, Maurice, The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret Codes of the Emperors
Army, Headline Book Publishing, London, 2003.

Cotterell, Maurice, Jesus, King Arthur, and the Journey of the Grail, Bear and
Company, Rochester, Vermont, 2006.

Coppens, Philip, The Canopus Revelation: Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris,
Frontier Publishing, Enkhuizen, the Netherlands, 2004.

Coombes, R A, America, The Babylon: Americas Destiny Foretold in Bible Prophecy.

Cox, Wade, Mysticism, The Golden Calf, Christian Churches of God, Woden, ACT,
Australia. Available here:

Cox, Wade, The Angel of YHVH (Paper No. 24), Christian Churches of God, Woden,
ACT, Australia. Available here:

Cox, Wade, The Elect as Elohim, Christian Churches of God, Woden, ACT, Australia.
Available here:

Cracking The Code, Third Edition, p. xxxi, ISBN 0-9717588-2-4, Designed by D Anser,
Better Book and Cassette of America, 19528 Ventura Boulevard #584, Tarzana, CA
91356. Also see .

Croft, Mary Elizabeth, How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory
Agency Known To Man: A Spiritual Economics Book On $$$ And Remembering Who
You Are. To obtain a free copy of Mary Elizabeth Croft's eBook, either send a blank e-
Mail to , or go here:

Dale Davidson, James, Rees-Mogg, William, The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the
Transition to the Information Age.

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De Santillana, Giorgio, and von Dechend, Hertha, Hamlets Mill: An Essay On Myth
and the Frame of Time, A Nonpareil Book, David R Godine, Publisher, Boston, USA,

Doane, T W, Bible Myths, And Their Parallels In Other Religions, Health Research,
PO Box 850, Pomeroy, WA, USA, 99347, first published 1882.

Drummond, William, Oedipus Judaicus: Allegory in the Old Testament, first
published 1811, Bracken Books, London, 1986.

Duncan, David Ewing The Calendar: The 5000-Year Struggle to Align the Clock and
the Heavens And What Happened to the Missing Ten Days, Fourth Estate Press,

Dynott, Arthur, On Mankind, Their Origin and Destiny, Thomson, Kessinger
Publishing, PO Box 160, Kila, MT 59920, USA, first published 1872

Eastman, Moira, Family, The Vital Factor: The Key To Societys Survival, Collins
Dove, Melbourne, Australia, 1989.

Edersheim, Alfed, The Temple: Its Ministry and Services.

Eisenman, Robert and Wise, Michael , The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered: The First
Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Withheld for Over 35
Years. Element Books, Brisbane, 1992.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil: Why Church Fathers
Suppressed the Book of Enoch and Its Startling Revelations.

Ellis, Albert, Harper, Robert A, A Guide To Rational Living, Third Edition, Melvin
Powers Wilshire Book Company, Hollywood, California, 1997.

Ellis, Albert, How To Stubbornly Refuse To Make Yourself Miserable About Anything,
Yes Anything! The Macmillan Company of Australia Pty Ltd., Sydney, 1988.

Ellis, Albert, Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy, New York, Lyle Stuart, 1962.

Engdahl, F. William, A Century of WarAnglo-American Oil Politics and the New
World Order, 1992. This hard-to-find crucial historical book is a must read for anyone
who wishes to understand how the present Anglo-American Establishment have
virtually come to dominate the entire world as they advance their real agenda, which is
full global control. You can buy second-hand copies through . However,
the following site has valuable free excerpts (from chapters 7 and 9) available:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 807
Enroath, Ronald M, Churches That Abuse, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand
Rapids, Michigan, 1992. Also see his companion title Recovering from Churches That

Feather, Robert, The Copper Scroll Decoded: One Mans Search For The Fabulous
Treasures Of Ancient Egypt, Thorsons, London, 2000.

Finch, Paul, R, The Passover Papers: Controversy, Myth, Fairy Tales and Nonsense!
Morris Publishing, Palm Bay, Florida, 1998.

Flach, Frederic F, The Secrets Strength of Depression, Bantam Books, New York, 1974.

Flammarion, Camille, Dreams of an Astronomer, translated E E Fournier dAlbe, New
York, D. Appleton, 1923.

Foster, Richard, Freedom of Simplicity, Triangle, London, 1981.

Friedman, Richard Elliott, Who Wrote The Bible? HarperSanFrancisco, New York,

Fromm, Erich, The Heart of Man: Its Genesis for Good and Evi.

Fromm, Erich, The Art of Loving, George Allen and Unwin, London, 1961.

Fromm, Erich, To Have or To Be, Abacus Books, London, 1979.

Gardiner, Philip, and Osborn, Gary, The Shining Ones: The Worlds Most Secret
Society Revealed, Watkins Publishing, London, 2006.

Gardner, Laurence, Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press, London, 1999.

Gilbert, Adrian, Magi: The Quest For A Secret Tradition, Bloomsbury Publishing,
London, 1997.

Girdlestone, Robert, Synonyms of the Old Testament, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans,

Gish, Arthur G, Beyond the Rat Race, Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan,
Connecticut, 1973.

Gladden, Washington, Who Wrote the Bible: A Book for the People, Houghton, Mifflin
and Company, New York, 1891.

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Glasson, T, Francis, The Passover, A Misnomer: The Meaning of the Verb Pesach,
Journal of Theological Studies, n.s. 10, pt. 1, April, 1959.

Goodgame, Peter D, American BabylonRise and Fall.
Available here (free report):

Goodgame, Peter D, Mystery Babylon.
Available here (free report):

Goodgame, Peter D, Red Moon Rising.

Goleman, Daniel, Emotional Inteligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ,
Bloomsbury, 1996.

Goulding, Mary McClure and Robert L, Changing Lives Through Redecision Therapy,
Grove Press, New York, 1979.

Gourley, Alan, How To Avoid The Looming Catastrophe: Everyones Introduction To
The Secret Society (I Mean The One In Which We Live), Veritas Publishing Company,
Sydney, 1987.

Grierson, Roderick, Munro-Hay, Stuart, The Ark of the Covenant: The True Story of
the Greatest Relic of Antiquity, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1988.
Griffin, Des, Descent Into Slavery, Emissary Publications, 1980, ISBN: 0941380017.
In a book that has been described as "devastating," "magnificent" and "superbly
documented" by readers on three continents, Des Griffin zeros in on the International
Bankers and presents, in carefully documented detail, the story of their involvement in
the Illuminati plot to create a totalitarian One-World government. No punches are
pulled by the author as he presents startling documentation and brings his readers
face-to-face with the raw realities of power politics. Here, at last, is the full, true story
of the power-crazed Internationalists and the methods they employ in steering all
nations towards total social and financial ruin in preparation for their ultimate
absorption into the planned worldwide dictatorship. The inside story of World War II
is truly eye-opening! Updated in 1994, chapter 17 covers Bill Clinton, Al Gore and the
New World Order. Des Griffin lays bare the hideous tragedy that lies ahead for the
United States unless our people shake off the shackles of the conspirators and return
to individual responsibility and fiscal sanity. This is one book you can't afford to miss!

Griffin, G Edward, The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal
Reserve, Fourth Edition, American Media, Westlake Village, California, June, 2002.

Griffin, G Edward, The Fearful Master.
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Hall, Manly P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopaedic Outline of
Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy being an
Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and
Mysteries of All Ages. Published by Forgotten Books, 1967. ISBN 1605064882,
9781605064888. Originally published in 1928.

Hancock, Graham, Fingerprints of the Gods: A Quest for the Beginning and the End,
Mandarin Books, London, 1996.

Hancock, Graham, The Sign and the Seal: A Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant,
Mandarin Books, London, 1991.

Harrington, Phillip S, Eclipse! The What, Where, When, Why and How Guide To
Watching Solar and Lunar Eclipses, John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane, 1997.

Harvey, Jerry B, The Abilene Paradox.

Hillman, James, The Souls Code: In Search of Character and Calling, Random
House, Sydney, 2006.

Hook, Jack D, Babylon the Great is Falling. Available here:

Hoeller, Stephan A, The Gnostic Jung And The Seven Sermons To The Dead, The
Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, 1982.

Hunt, Dave, Global Peace and the Rise of the AntiChrist, Harvest House Publishers,

Icke, David, The Biggest Secret, Bridge of Love Publications, Scottsdale, Arizona,
April, 1999.

Ionides, S A and M L, One Day Telleth Another, Edward Arnold & Co., London, 1939.

James, Muriel, Jongeward, Dorothy, Born To Win: Transactional Analysis With
Gestalt Experiments, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Chicago, 1978.

Jaubert, Annie, The Date of the Last Supper, translated from the French by Isaac
Rafferty, Alba House, New York, 1965.
Johnson, David, VanVonderen, Jeff, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse.

Jones, Alan B, Let's Fix America. Get your free copy of Let's Fix America here:

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 810
Jones, Alan B, How The World Really Works. Get your free copy of How The World
Really Works here:
This book also contains an excellent review of Engdahl's great work.

Jones, Alan B, Secrecy or Freedom? Get your free copy of Secrecy or Freedom? here:

Jung, C G, editor, Man And His Symbols, Picador by Pan Books, London, 1978.

Jung, C G, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, recorded and edited by Aniela Jaff,
translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winson, Flamingo by Fontana
Paperbacks, London, 1983.

Keller, Werner, The Bible As History, Hodder and Stoughton, 1969.

Keil, C.F. and Franz Delitzsch, Commentary on the Old TestamentIsaiah, 1982
edition, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans.
Kilpatrick, William Kirk, Psychological Seduction: The Failure of Modern Psychology,
Thomas Nelson Publishers, New York, 1983.

Downard, James Shelby and Hoffman, Michael A. II King Kill 33, Independent
History and Research, P.O. Box 849 o Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Available here:

Kirban, Salem, 666, Saem Kirban Inc., Huntingdon Valley, 1970.

Knight, Christopher and Lomas, Robert, The Book of Hiram: Freemasonry, Venus
and the Secret Key to the Life of Jesus, Century Books, London, 2003.

Knight, Christopher and Lomas, Robert, Uriels Machine: The Prehistoric Technology
That Survived the Flood, Century Books, London, 1999.

Kopp, Sheldon, If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! A Modern Pilgrimage
Through Myth, Legend, Zen and Psychotherapy, Sheldon Press, London, 1974.

Korten, David C, When Corporations Rule The World, Earthscan Publications Ltd.,
London, 1997.

Knuth, E C, The Empire of The City, CPA Books, 1995, ISBN: 0944379125.

Laurence, Richard, The Book of Enoch the Prophet, translation, Lushena Books,

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 811
Lee, Jeremy, Australia 2000: Dispossessing The Worlds Richest Nation (What Will
We Tell Our Children), Pickford Productions Pty Ltd., Toowoomba, Queensland,
Australia, 1997.

Lemesurier, Peter, The Great Pyramid Decoded, Element Books, Brisbane, 1996.

Lewis, C S, Christianity and Culture in Christian Reflections, edited by Walter
Hooper, Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, 1967.

Lvi , Eliphas, The Key of the Mysteries, Rider, London, 1959.

Levy, David H, Skywatching, The Five Mile Press, Rowville, Victoria, 2008 edition.

Lewis, H Spencer, The Secret Doctrine of Jesus, Rosicrucian Library Vol IV, Supreme
Grand Lodge of Amorc, San Hose, Fourteen Edition, 1972.

Lewry, Hildegard and Julius, The Origin of the Week and the Oldest West Asiatic
Calendar, Hebrew Union College Annual, Volume XVII, 1942-1943.

Ley, Willey, Watchers of the Skies: An Informal History of Astronomy from Babylon
to the Space Age, The Viking Press, New York, 1966.
Lobaczewski, Andrzej M, Political Ponerology: A Science On The Nature of Evil
Adjusted for Political Purposes, by Red Pill Press, UK, 2006. ISBN: 1-905570-04-X.
Available from:

Lockhardt, Douglas, Jesus The Heretic: Freedom and Bondage in a Religious World,
Element Books, Melbourne, 1997.

Mack, Burton L, Who Wrote The New Testament? The Making of the Christian Myth,
HarperSan Francisco, New York, 1996.

Mackay, James, William Wallace: Brave Heart, Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh
and London, 1995.

Marc Eagle Eyes, Prophecies, Earth Changes and Survival Guide, Second Edition,
Melbourne, September, 2004.

Martin, Malachi, Hostages To The Devil, Bantam Books, 1977, pp. 192-193.

Mehler, Stephen S, The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology, Adventures
Unlimited Press, 2001, ISBN 0-932813-58-5.

Messod and Roger Sabbah, Secrets of the Exodus: Did the Pharaohs Write the Bible?
Thorsons, London, 2002.
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Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 812
Maor, Eli, June 8, 2004 Venus in Transit, Princeton University Press, 2000.

Mollison, Bill and Holmgren, David, Permacultue One: A Perennial Agriculture for
Human Settlements, Corgi Books, Melbourne, 1978.

Moore, Patrick, The Moon, Mitchell Beazley Publishers, published in association with
the Royal astronomical Society, London, 1981.

Morris, Robert, From Dream to Destiny: The Ten Tests You Must Go Through to
Fulfill Gods Purpose for Your Life, Regal Books, Ventura, CA, 2005.

Mumford, Bob, The Purpose of Temptation, Fleming H Revell Company, Old Tappan,
New Jersey, 1973.

Murdock, D M, Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, Stellar House
Publishing, 2009.

Murdock, D.M. (pen name Acharya S), Jesus as the Sun Throughout History, and
available here:

Nechama Sarah G Nadborny, The Twelve Dimensions of Israel, Yaalat Chein
Publishers, Jerusalem,1995.

Nee , Watchman, The Spiritual Man, Volume III.
Needleman, Jacob, Lost Christianity: A Journey of Rediscovery to the Centre of the
Christian Experience, Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1990.

Neil, William, How We Were Made: A Book of Revelations, Oracle Books, London,

Neugebauer, Otto, The Astronomy of Maimonides, Hebrew Union College Annual,
Vol XXII, 1949.

Noah, The Book of Jasher.

Nur Ankh Amen, The Ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism, A & B Publishing
Group, Brooklyn, New York, 1999.

Ogilvie, Doug, The Gnostic Gospel of Old Doug Ogilvie, published by the meek
brethren, Magic Garden, Bilambil, NSW, Australia, 1998.

Osborn, Gary, The Gate of God, 2003.

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Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 813
Osborn, Gary, and Gardiner, Philip, The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful
Secret Society Revealed, published by Watkins, 2006.

O'Kelly, Michael J, Newgrange: Archaeology, Art and Legend, Thames and Hudson,
London, 1982.

Pack, David, America and Britain in Bible Prophecy, Restored Church of God

Pearce, Joseph, Small Is Still Beautiful, 2001.

Pearsall, Paul, The Hearts Code: Tapping The Wisdom and Power of Our Heart
Energy, Bantam Books, Sydney, 1999.

Peck, M Scott, People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, Rider,
Melbourne, 1983.

Peck, M Scott, The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace, Rider,
Melbourne, 1982.

Peck, M Scott, The Road Less Travelled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional
Values and Spiritual Growth, Rider, Melbourne, 1978.

Peck, M Scott, The Road Less Travelled and Beyond, Simon and Schuster
(Touchstone), New York, 1997.

Pennick, Nigel, Secret Signs, Symbols and Sigils, Capall Bann Publishing, Berks, 1996.

Plunkett, Emmeline, Calendars and Constellations of the Ancient World, Senate,
Random House, London, 1991.

Prophet, Elizabeth Clare , Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil: Why Church Fathers
Suppressed the Book of Enoch and Its Startling Revelations.

Quigley, Carroll , Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, Macmillan
Company, New York, 1966. This book can be difficult to obtain. Just as the book was
becoming popular, Macmillan, the publishers, stopped printing the book and
destroyed the plates. Very revealing indeed! Try here anyway:

Ravenscroft, Trevor, The Spear of Destiny: The Occult Power Behind the Spear Which
Pierced the Side of Christ, Samuel Weiser Inc., York Beach, Maine, 1997.

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 814
Ring , Jennifer , The Political Consequences of Thinking: Gender and Judaism in the
Work of Hannah Arendt, Suny Series in Political Theory, Contemporary Issues.

Robinson, Stuart, Mosques and Miracles: Revealing Islam and Gods Graces, Revised
Edition, City Harvest Publications, Upper Mt Gravatt, Brisbane, 2003.

Robinson, Tom, The Throne of Britain: Its Biblical Origin and Future, published by
the United Church of God, an International Association, 2003. See their Website here:

Sabbah, Messod and Roger, Secrets of the Exodus: Did The Pharaohs Write The Bible?
Thorsons, London, 2002.

Saint John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul.

Salerno, Steve, SHAM: How the Gurus of the Self-Help Movement Make Us Helpless,
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London, 2005.

Santillana, Giorgio De, and Dechend, Hertha Von, Hamlets Mill: An Essay
Investigating The Origins Of Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through
Myth, David R Godine, Publisher, Inc., Jaffrey, New Hampshire, 1977.

Schaeffer, Edith, What is a Family? Highland Books, Suffolk, 1975.

Schaeffer, Francis, The Church Before The Watching World: A Practical Ecclesiology,
Inter-Varsity Press, London, 1972.

Schaeffer, Francis A, The Great Evangelical Disaster, Crossway Books, Westchester,
Illinois, 1984.

Schaeffer, Franky, Bad News For Modern Man: An Agenda For Christian Activism,
Crossway Books, Westchester, Illinois, 1984.

Schonfield, Hugh, Those Incredible Christians, Element Books, Shaftesbury, Dorset,

Schumacher, E. F., Small Is Beautiful : Economics as if People Mattered (1973).

Schumacher, E. F., Guide for the Perplexed (1978).

Schumacher, E. F., Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered : 25 Years
Later ... With Commentaries (1999).

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 815
Schrer, Emil, A History of the Jesus People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Hendrickson
Publishers, Second and Revised Edition, Fourth Printing, January, 2003.

Schultz, Joachim, Movement and Rhythms of the Stars, translated by John Meeks,
English version, Edinburgh, Floris Books.

Seamands, David A, Putting Away Childish Things, Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois,

Seligman, Martin E P, What You Can Change And What You Cant, Fawcett
Columbine, New York, 1993.

Senge, Peter M, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning
Organisation, Random House, Australia, 1992.

Seymour, Percy. The Birth of Christ: Exploding the Myth, Virgin Publishing, London,

Seymour, Percy, The Scientific Proof of Astrology: A Scientific Investigation of How
the Stars Influence Human Nature, Quantum Books, London, 2004.

Shanks, Hershel, (Ed.), Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reader From The
Biblical Archaeology Review, Random House, New York, 1992.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, Book I of the Earth Chronicles, Avon Books, New
York, 1978.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The Stairway To Heaven, Book II of the Earth Chronicles, Avon
Books, New York, 1980.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The Wars of Gods and Men, Book III of the Earth Chronicles, Avon
Books, New York, 1978.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The Lost Realms, Book IV of the Earth Chronicles, Avon Books, New
York, 1990.

Sitchin, Zecharia, When Time Began, Book V of the Earth Chronicles, Avon Books,
New York, 1978.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The Cosmic Code, Book VI of the Earth Chronicles, Avon Books,
New York, 1978.

Skousen, Cleon W, The Naked Capitalist.

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Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 816
Sobel, David, and Andrewes, William J H, The Illustrated Longitude, Fourth Estate,
London, 1998.

Spier, Arthur, The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar: 5660-5860 : 1900-2100,
Feldheim Publishers, Third, Revised Edition, Jerusalem/New York, 1986.

Steiner, Claude M, Emotional Literacy: Intelligence with a Heart, 2002. This book is
freely available here:

Steiner, Claude M, Games Alcoholics Play, Grove Press, New York, 1971.

Steiner, Claude M, Healing Alcoholism, Grove Press, New York, 1979. This book is
freely available here:

Steiner, Claude, The Other Side of Power, Grove Press, New York. This book is freely
available here:

Steiner, Claude M, Scripts People Live: Transactional Analysis of Life Scripts, Grove
Press, New York, 1974.

Strachan, Graham L, Globalisation: Demise Of The Australian Nation, Applause
Press, Logan Village, Queensland, Australia, 1999.

Swindoll, Charles R, Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality,
Word Publishing, Heathmont, Australia, 1985.

Szasz, Thomas S, The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal
Conduct, Revised Edition, Perennial Library, Harper and Row, Publishers, New York,

The Anchor Bible Dictionary, David Noel Freedman, Editor-in-Chief, Doubleday, New
York, 1992.

The Book of Enoch the Prophet, by Richard Laurence.

The Book of Jubilees or the Little Genesis, by G. H. Box (Introduction), R. H. Charles

The Book of Jasher, by Noah.

The Companion Bible, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1990.

Tillett, Peter, Consider the Heavens: A Guide to Astronomy and Its Impact on Our
Lives, New Holland, Sydney, 2002.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 817
Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Harper Colophon Books, Harper and
Row, Publishers, New York, 1971.

Vance, Dot, Reclaiming Our Birthright, The Radical Therapist, 2, 3, 1971.

Vardaman, Jerry, in Chronos, Kairos, Christos: Nativity And Chronological Studies
Presented to Jack Finegan, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, 1989

Velikovsky, Immanuel, Worlds in Collision, Abacus Books, 1949.

Velikovsky, Immanuel, Peoples of the Sea

Velikovsky, Immanuel, Theses for the Reconstruction of Ancient History, located here

Vermes, Geza, The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Selection of Original Manuscripts, The Folio
Society, London, 2000.

Vermes, Geza, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective, SCM Press Ltd.,
London, 1982.

Vines Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, W.E. Vine, Riverside,
Iowa Falls, Iowa, 1981.

Wallis Budge, E A, Egyptian Religion: Ideas of the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt,
Gramercy Books, New York, 1959.

Warren, William Fairfield, The Earliest Cosmologies: The Universe As Pictured in
Thought by the Ancient Hebrews, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Iranians, and
Indo-Aryans, Eaton and Mains, New York, 1909. The book has an extended sub-title:
A Guidebook For Beginners in the Study of Ancient Literature and Religion. Another
useful book by Warren is his The True Key To Ancient Cosmology and Mythical

Weir, Stephen, Historys Worst Decisions and the People Who Made Them, Murdoch
Books, Australia, Sydney, 2005.

Wellhausen, J, Prolegomena to the History of Israel, 1885.

West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Quest
Books, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1993.

White, John, Eros Defiled: The Problem of Sexual Guilt, Inter-Varsity Press, Leicester,
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 818
White, John, Flirting With The World: A Challenge To Disloyalty, Hodder and
Stoughton, London, 1982.

White, John, The Shattered Mirror: Reflections on Being Human, Inter-Varsity Press,

Wise, Michael, Abegg, Martin, and Cook, Edward, The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New
Translation, Hodder & Stoughton, Rydalmere, 1996

White, Jerry, Honesty, Morality and Conscience, NavPress, A Ministry of the
Navigators, Colorado Springs, Colorado, sixth printing, 1981.

Wilson, Robert Anton, Prometheus Rising, New Falcon Publications, Tempe, Arizona,

Woods, Guy N, Questions and Answers: Volume Two, Nashville, TN, Gospel
Advocate, 1986.

Yadin, Yigael , The Message of the Scrolls, Edited by James H Charlesworth, Christian
Origins Library, New York, 1992.

Yadin, Yigael, The Temple Scroll, Volume I, The Israel Exploration Society, The
Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 1983.

Zerubavel, Eviatar, The Seven Day Circle, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1985.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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Other books in the Restoration of Ancient Christianity Series include:

Wake Some People Up! Distribute this
material to as many people as you can.

There is a mountain of material in the books that are listed below and freely available
for distribution to anyone who cares to avail themselves of the important information
contained therein. Unfortunately these days long books, which many of these are, dont
get read. I suggest that you study the titles that have an asterisk after them * before
anything else, as they are about the most pressing problems before us.

The most pressing warning concerns the upcoming London Olympic Games. You will
find detailed information in the book The Real Crisis is About to Unfold, and It's Not
Financial. You should read this book first. A vital part of this book (in Reading
64: The Games of the Slaughterthe 2012 London Olympics?) concerns what is
possibly going to happen at the London Olympic Games, which are planned to start on
27th July and run until 12th August, 2012. You had better understand what this is all
about, and warn everyone you know what is possibly going to befall the world, because
these games could become Nostradamus The Games of the Slaughter, and may even
be the Usher (of the Age of Satan) of Desecration, which is code for what the
controlling satanists have in store for a deceived and ignorant world. Even if the
anxiety about the London Olympics turns out to be false, people should still stay away
from them having anything to do with them, because they will become a celebration of
Satans demonic unholy spirit, symbolised by the Olympic flame.
However we look at
the situation the reality in the world is very ominous. If the London Olympics are not to
be the Usher of Desecration then we may possibly see the attack on Iran fulfilling that
role, and then that the word Desecration is better suited to the mass-murder the
Illuminati refer to as The Culling of the worlds population.

Carrying the Torch of Satan's Unholy Spirit: In esoteric teachings, the act of carrying the torch is symbolic
of mans awareness of his own divine spark and represents his aspiration to become one of the gods. This is,
in a nutshell, the core philosophy of the worlds elite, which is heavily influenced by the hermetic teachings of
Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and Illuminism. For this reason, Prometheus Torch of Illumination is often found
in the occult elites symbolism. The myth of Prometheus is, in many ways, similar to the myth of Lucifer
whose name is Latin for Light Bearer. Since Lucifer fell from Heaven to the earthly realm bringing with him
the light of Illumination he is considered in occult schools to be the Bringer of Light, of the Morning Star of
intellectualism and of enlightenment. Since occult minds think alike the torch relay became part of the
Olympic tradition. So, every two years, entire countries gather and celebrate the passing of Prometheus torch,
which can only be lit by the ultimate source: the sun symbol of the deity. Since most people who assist to these
torch relays including the torch carriers themselves- know nothing about the occult meaning of the event, the
carrying of the Olympic torch remains a stunning example of the elites rituals and philosophy being celebrated
in front of a dumbfounded crowd. Clapping for and cheering their local light-bearing Lucifer, the masses
celebrate, once again, the extent of their own ignorance. (Comment by Vigilant Citizen is his article London
2012: The Olympic Torch Relay and Prometheus.) [Nazarene Remnant comment: Just make sure that you
understand that when you carry the Olympic flame, the satanic Illuminati are laughing at your ignorance and
stupidity, in that you are saying loud and clear that this unholy evil flame also burns within your own inwards
parts. As such, unless you repent from the heart, and bring the Eternal God right back into centre stage of your
life, you will be destroyed.]
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
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Let me be so bold as to suggest that you start a home-based study group of like-minded
people. The quickest way to get up to speed on this material would be for each member
of the group to elect (or you could draw straws) to read and understand one of the
books, and report a detailed summary back to the group at the next meeting, at some
date in the future. I would imagine that in the course of a two to three hour meeting,
several people could deliver their summaries in a very efficient way.

Retrain your brain by turning off
the deliberate and sinister
programming youre subjecting
yourself and your family to every
time you turn on that infernal TV,
and curl up with the absolute truth
about Gods true religion, which is
being restored once again to the
peoples of the Earth. As A.V.
Riplinger says: Our generation
has become accustomed to
learning by seeing television
pictures. We even watch as
someone else reads the news to us.
Many are addicted to getting
information in these big, easy
gulps. Reading a book seems like
work our brains are untrained to

Let me be so bold as to suggest
that you start a home-based study
group of like-minded people. The
quickest way to get up to speed on
this material would be for each
member of the group to elect (or

you could draw straws) to read and understand one of the books, and report a detailed
summary back to the group at the next meeting, at some date in the future. I would imagine
that in the course of a two to three hour meeting, several people could deliver their summaries
in a very efficient way. And hopefully they would distribute their own written summaries as

All of these books are written in the public interest, and may be freely reprinted or
republished, in full or in part, but not for profit, by who ever wishes to use them. Freely
you received, freely give. Matthew 10: 8

Most of the books and articles on the DvD are available as an HTML document, which you
will need when you use the free translation services that are available on the Internet.

Riplinger, G.A., In Awe of Thy Word: Understanding the King James Bible, Its Mystery and History, Letter
by Letter, by, A V Publishing Corp., Ararat, VA, 2003. Web:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 821
You are most welcome to translate these materials into the language of your people and
distribute it to them, so long as you abide by our policies. For more information on translating
these documents, and our policies, see the document How to Translate These Documents in
a folder by the same name.

The Plan Against Us Is Cold-Blooded Mass Murder *
This book is the briefest introduction to the murder and mayhem that lies just ahead for all
peoples on the planet. It contains the best advice youll get anywhere on the
planet! Everyone of us must make the biggest decisions of our lives, and there are really just
two options open to us. After the softening up of The Culling, those that are left who refuse
to submit to The [Satanic] Plan in its entirety, will become prisoners (in seven
classifications, as described below) of the New Age empire (Camelot), and many will be
simply exterminated:
All who subscribe to the New Age must submit to 'The Plan' in its entirety or be left
out of the 'New World Order.' [In the words of Alice Bailey, those who reject The Plan
will be ejected from the Earth.] It should be noted that this 'Plan' is universally
accepted among New Agers as literally having a superhuman origin. Alice Bailey is not
the author, only the transcriber. Likewise, no leader today at any level takes credit for
formulating the Plan. From the UN on down, every 'World Server' has his/her assigned
task, but no one has the authority to change or cancel any segment; to do so would be
to reject the Hierarchy and jeopardize the coming New Age itself.
No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to
worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian
Initiation. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

Neglecting to heed this advice will have dire consequences: Those who, take all of your
belongings and climb into the truck, will weep in utter misery for the personal
negligence that they brought upon themselves and their families. You will have paid
the ultimate price. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Usher of Desecration *
The Usher of Desecration reveals much of what is going to transpire on this planet from 2012
onwards. This book is not for the faint of heart, because what is coming on the Earth is truly
terrifying. This book is a call to face reality that is before us now. As Fritz Springmeier said in
the Preface to his book "Be Wise As Serpents:" If I could fight one thing with this book it
would be fear. If we know what we are up against and are going to experience, I believe it will
take away some of the fear of the unknown. The more we seek the Kingdom of God and his
righteousness, and the more we love and obey God the less we fear. Christ warned, Ye shall
hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled. (Mt 24: 6.) Christ also said,
Take no thought for your life... (Mt 6:25), which is rephrased by the Holy Spirit, Be anxious
for nothing. Phil 4: 6. Freely available here as a PDF download:

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 822
The Real Crisis is About to Unfold, and It's Not Financial (Volume 2) *
This is Volume 2 of the Warning of the Last Days. The control and manipulation of the
media and other institutions which direct human thinking and perception is not only to
achieve power for power's sake, there is a much bigger reason for it. The Agenda is for the
complete takeover of the planet by the reptilians without anyone realising that it has even
happened [its actually going to be voluntary servitude through deception]. They are well on
their way to achieving this unless people wake up. The basic structure is designed around a
world government which would take all the major decisions in the world. This would control a
world central bank, currency (electronic, no cash), and army. All this would be underpinned
by a microchipped population linked to a global computer. Under this structure would come
three superstatesthe European Union, the American Union, and the Pacific Union (Asia, Far
East, Australia). (David Icke, The Greatest Secret, available here: )

Freely available here as a PDF download:'s-not-financial.html

How Families Flourish *
This book is about how our families have been deliberately destroyed, through fornication and
adultery, and the ready adoption of false teachings about marriage and divorce, by the
demonic host, and the people who do its dirty work. It also shows the only way they can be put
back together again. Tragically, for our children, their children, and their grandchildren, they
have been subjected to the ten-generation-long bastard curse, which has always been Gods
prime method in protecting marriage. Win Worley, possibly the most anointed deliverance
minister in the world, loved to say I hope you enjoyed your sin. You cursed yourself, your
children, your grand children and your great-grand children [for 10 generations]. (Gene and
Earline Moody, Deliverance Manual). By acting upon the spiritual truths revealed in this
book, you might just save the eternal lives of your children, grandchildren, and great-
grandchildren, and you and your true spouse, to boot! The most vital part of How Families
Flourish is Section 3, which contains The Shocking Suppressed Truth About Love, Sex and
Marriage. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Suppressed Truth About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the
Scriptures *
There is something very special and particular about the relationship between a father and his
children that God commands us that we must never forsake. This is that a father is
commanded to raise his children in the full knowledge of all of God's requirements, but
especially in regard to avoiding fornication and adultery, so that they are able to have true
Covenant marriages,
and can rightfully become baptised themselves when they reach their
spiritual coming-of-age, which is 30 years. This has the spiritual potential to protect and
sanctify the children emotionally, physically, and psychologically, as no other relationship in
their life can.

It is a sad and tragic fact for children to realise today that their parents, but especially their
father, are part of the enemy system they have to watch out for. If you have not done this with
your children, as their father, then you have failed in your solemn responsibility as a father,

What true Covenant marriages are is explained in our book How Families Flourish.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 823
and God will hold YOU totally responsible for this crime. This book, The Suppressed Truth
About Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures, will help you realise where
you have failed, and what you need to do to put the situation straight. It goes further into the
truth on the subject of becoming Godly people and getting baptised, from the age of 30 years,
than any other book currently available. It totally debunks the demonic falsehood of infant
baptism, and in fact any baptism performed before the age of 30 years.

This book also address the vital role that the grandparents must take in this whole process of
supporting their children in raising Godly children: The grandparents of the family are
responsible to hold the family to the core values of the Laws of God that they were brought up
in and educated by. They are to anchor the family lines to the Law of God so that it doesn't
sway to and fro with the doctrines of the false religions and customs of this world. The
grandparents have the responsibility to ensure that the children are staying on the narrow
path and leading their children under the instruction that the generations before have been
brought up in. (From the article Role of the Family, by Tom Schardt and Jeremy Hatchett,
edited by Wade Cox)

The book is freely available here as a PDF download:

The Hard Facts of Repenting from Breaking the Seventh Commandment *
Sexual immorality of the gravest order is now the order of the day right around the world. As
planned for by the money-power elite, it has been the family unit that has been the prime
target of this attack, so that even Bible reading Christian take it for granted that God allows
divorce and re-marriage. But the truth is that He has never allowed divorce at any time,
except for one important reason, and that reason is not adultery! It is so important that we
truly repent from breaking Gods Law about love, sex and marriage, and this book shows what
must be done. Freely available here as a PDF download:

So You Believe that God Allows Divorce and Re-Marriage? * (46 pages)
This book is a brief introduction to the truth about love, sex and marriage. It also deals with
the deadly bastard curse, which is something that has been entirely overlooked by all modern
people. Freely available here as a PDF download:

So You Think You Understand God's Law About Marriage and Divorce? * (27
This book is a condensed version of the previous book So You Believe that God Allows
Divorce and Re-Marriage? The most relevant sections are in Section 3, The Shocking
Suppressed Truth About Love, Sex and Marriage. Pay particular attention to the sections
headed with the following: DEFINITIVE TRUTH #1: Here Are The Dictates Of The Sacred
Law Concerning Love, Sex And Marriage; DEFINITIVE TRUTH #2: The Uncompromising
Law of the Bastard Curse; and DEFINITIVE TRUTH #3: The Suppressed Truth About
Water Baptism and the Age of 30 Years in the Scriptures. Section 4, What Does This Mean
For The True Church? is also very important. Freely available here as a PDF download:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 824's-law-about-marriage-and-

Preparation for Baptism *
The purpose of this book is to help you prepare yourself for adult water baptism, the main
requirement of membership in the Nazarene Remnant Church of God. This sacrament cannot
be taken until you are 30 years of age. Freely available here as a PDF download:

Alice Bailey and the Wiles of Satan
One of the most successful tactics used by Satanists to destroy the true religion has been the
tactic explained in the Book of Jubilees:

And many will perish and they will be taken captive, and will fall into the hands of the
enemy, because they have forsaken My ordinances and My commandments, and the
festivals of My covenant, and My sabbaths, and My holy place which I have hallowed
for Myself in their midst, and My tabernacle, and My sanctuary, which I have hallowed
for Myself in the midst of the land, that I should set my name upon it, and that it
should dwell (there). And they will make to themselves high places and groves
and graven images, and they will worship, each his own (graven image), so as to go
astray, and they will sacrifice their children to demons, and to all the works of the error
of their hearts. And I will send witnesses unto them, that I may witness against them,
but they will not hear, and will slay the witnesses also, and they will persecute those
who seek the law, and they will abrogate and change everything [
] so as to
work evil before My eyes. And I will hide My face from them, and I will deliver them
into the hand of the Gentiles for captivity, and for a prey, and for devouring, and I
will remove them from the midst of the land, and I will scatter them amongst the
Gentiles. (Book of Jubilees, 1: 1-13)

Alice Bailey
has written some very useful material, if only from the viewpoint that she has
tracked down a lot of old information from the ancient world, and has abrogated and changed
it, so that such ancient Godly truths are now seen as demonic falsehoods. Unfortunately she
misuses her great knowledge, and from my experience and knowledge of her, the god she
speaks of is the same god that Satanists serve. She was a Satanist herself and her writings
are aimed at destroying the Eternal Gods truths, by taking them, and writing about them, but
putting an entirely new twist on them. Specifically, the oldest and most devious tactic of satan
has been to take on the names of the good seed of the woman Eve (i.e. the seedline of Abel),
and hide behind those same names. First and foremost, by doing this, satan directly confronts
the first commandment (I [am] the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land
of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. (Exodus 20: 2, KJV); Thou shalt have no other gods
before me. Exodus 20: 3, KJV.), thus not only disobeying but also mocking God by doing
this. This good becomes bad, because the people are ignorant of the true origins of these

To understand just what this really means in the world, see our free book Alice Bailey and the Wiles of Satan,
Many other names could be mentioned in the same light at Alice Bailey, such as: Aleister Crowley, Gurdjieff,
Ouspensky, Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall, Benjamin Creme, Castaneda, Kenneth Grant, Eliphas Levi and many
many others. Like Alice Bailey, most of these writers claim to be revealing great esoteric knowledge, but it all
belongs in the class of the wiles of Satan.
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 825
names in the world. Essentially her process is a well-known deceptive strategy used by
Satanists which is to take the old ancient truths and turn them into mythologies.
But, as we will shown in this book, there are many different kinds of mythologies, and we had
better know our territory quite well, otherwise we will be taken for a ride. Freely available
here as a PDF download:

Learn the real nightmare behind Adolf Hitler's prescription to corrupt and degrade our youth:
... if you want to corrupt a countrys youth, do it through the music. This book deals with
many of the things we all should have known to protect our children, which the following
extract from David Livingstones excellent book, Terrorism And The Illuminati: A Three
Thousand Year History, (chapter 21, The Age of Aquarius,)
shows. The fact is that we
have all been duped by the demonic host that now controls all government, media and just
about all thought on the planet. It also explains why Satanists such as Aloysius Fozdyke

loudly proclaim that they now own the minds and hearts of the young generation in all parts
of the world. In other words, we have already lost our children to satan and those who readily
do his dirty work:
While music can have many beneficial aspects, it had long been long been used in the
occult mystery rites to enflame the passions and rile the worshipper into a trance state
of demon possession. These qualities were recognized by the Illuminati researchers of
the Frankfurt School as powerful for indoctrination purposes. Essentially, music can be
used to reduce the listener to a state of emotional immaturity, which renders him
susceptible to the message it contains. Aldous Huxley, published a book called The
Devils of Loudun in 1952, where he described this phenomenon:
If exposed long enough to the tomtoms and the singing, every one of our
philosophers would end by capering and howling with savages. Assemble a
mob of men and women, treat them to amplified band music, bright lights, and
in next to no time you can reduce them to a state of almost mindless
subhumanity. Never before have so few been in a position to make fools,
maniacs, or criminals of so many.

The social theory of rock was elaborated by [the man who wrote the songs of the
Beatles (yes, you read that right!),] musicologist Theodor Adorno, who headed the
Radio Research Project:
In an imaginary but psychologically emotion-laden domain, the listener who
remembers a hit song will turn into the songs ideal subject, into the person for
whom the song ideally speaks. At the same time, as one of many who identify
with that fictitious subject, that musical I, he will feel his isolation ease as he
himself feels integrated into the community of fans. In whistling such a song
he bows to a ritual of socialization, although beyond this unarticulated

David Livingstones excellent book, Terrorism And The Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year History, chapter
21, The Age of Aquarius. The book is freely available here:
The Fozdyke Letters, freely available here:
Quoted from Wes Penre, "Still Believe the New World Order is Just a Conspiracy Theory?"
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 826
subjective stirring of the moment his isolation continues unchanged... The
comparison with addiction is inescapable. Addicted conduct generally has a
social component: it is one possible reaction to the atomization which, as
sociologists have noticed, parallels the compression of the social network.
Addiction to music on the part of a number of entertainment listeners would be
a similar phenomenon.
In 1939, the Radio Project published some of their findings in the Journal of Applied
Psychology. Their conclusion was that Americans had, over the previous twenty years,
become radio-minded, and that their listening had become so fragmented that
repetition of format was the key to popularity. The play list determined the hits, and
repetition could make any form of music, or any performer, a star. As long as a
familiar form or context was retained, almost any content would become acceptable.
Not only are hit songs, stars, and soap operas cyclically recurrent and rigidly invariable
types, said Adorno a few years later, but the specific content of the entertainment
itself is derived from them and only appears to change. The details are

Researchers of the Radio Research Project concluded that radio had already so
conditioned the minds of its listeners, having already rendered them fragmented and
unthinking, that repetition of format was the key to popularity.
In a report prepared
for the University of Michigans Institute for Social Research, Paul Hirsch described
the product of Adornos Radio Research Project. According to Hirsch, the
establishment of postwar radios Hit Parade transformed the mass medium into an
agency of sub-cultural programming. Radio networks were converted into round-the-
clock recycling machines that repeated the top forty hits. Hirsch documented how all
popular culture, including movies, music, books, and fashion, is now run on the same
program of preselection.
Freely available here as a PDF download:
The Sacred Calendar of the MessiahRestored! *
The Sacred Calendar of the Messiah--Restored. Announcing to the peoples of the Earth the
true days of the year, the ordinances of the months, and the Sabbaths of the years ... and
solving a 2,000-year old mystery. This book restores the true Holy Days of the Eternal God,
and the astronomical system upon which it is based. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Sacred Calendar 2004 to 2013
This book contains all the Holy Days of the Eternal God from 2004 to 2013, plus a section on
tools that will help you determine the date of the New Moon for your locality. Freely available
here as a PDF download:

"The Aquarian Conspiracy."
Minnicino, Michael. The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness, Fidelio Magazine, Winter 1992.
L. Wolfe, Brainwashing: How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare
"The Aquarian Conspiracy"
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 827
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes *
This book is about the double meanings associated with what's called the Birthright and
Sceptre Promises, as well as the duality found in the story of the loaves and fishes in the New
Testament. The Birthright Promises are covered as well as the Sceptre Promises.
Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Beguiled and the Doctrine of the Two Spirits *
This book is principally about the way of Cain, also known as the way of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. It also has been referred to the way of thoughtlessness, which
unfortunately has become a deeply ingrained way of life for a host of modern people,
including those in modern Christianity who falsely claim to be followers of Christ.
Specifically the book, in conjunction with The Die Is Cast, tells how my only son, whom I love
dearly, was stolen from me, by two women, and deceived out of his Birthright (which I was
trying to teach him), and into living his life according to this ancient lie. It also highlights the
fact that this deception will destroy his three children, via the bastard curse, unless he repents
from his heart, does deeds of repentance, and begins to teach his girls the truth of their lives,
if they too are to be saved. The book is available here: Freely available here as a PDF

The Die Is Cast
This is the personal story of the destruction of my own family, and what needs to be done to
restore it to its proper place. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Warning of the Last Days (Volume 1) *
When you search for specific warnings of the Last Days, you'll find everything all over the
place, and very hard to find. What I have done, The Waning of the Last Days, is to collect all
these warnings together in one place, including what I see that needs to be revealed, since this
knowledge is now suppressed by the modern media of communications. The format I've
followed is simple. The warnings are laid out one by one, in as brief a fashion as possible.
These brief warnings are then coupled with the relevant readings that expand, in some way,
on the brevity. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Prophet Daniel and December 21, 2012 *
The Real Meaning of the Winter Solstice, 2012. Its not the end of the world, but it is the end
of the world as we know it. This is because it is satans second-last stand! My personal
odyssey began whilst sitting in a pew in St. Matthews Church, Colchester, half-listening to the
vicars sermon. An early ban-the-bomb advocate, he was preaching the dire consequences of
the arrival of nuclear weapons on the Earth. I can no longer recall exactly what he said, but I
was suddenly struck with a revelation that the atom bomb was the ultimate symbol of
Luciferthe light-bringer; that this destroying light had ripped away the old worldhad
removed all absolutes and givens. Everything which I had been brought up to take for
granted was shakenthe firm foundations of my world crumbled in that instant, and I was
lost, as it were. (Letter from a Luciferean, by Rex Monday, p. 1.)

Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 828
In this book you will learn what was held back from Daniel when he asked the Almighty when
the days known as Jacobs Troubles, which he was shown in vision, would end. You
remember he was told to Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed up and sealed till the
time of the end. (Daniel 12: 9) This book, The Prophet Daniel and December 21, 2012, now
reveals those secrets. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Fozdyke Letters *
While the Australian author of this book hides behind the wacky pseudonym of Aloysius
Fozdyke, he is obviously a high-ranking Freemason. He says he belongs to the powerful
Satanic Alpha Lodges (the one Julia Gillard [
] belongs to), which he readily admits,
controls all Australian politics. This book should be read and understood for what it really is,
and expose, from the mouth of a Satanist, of just how powerful and secretive Freemasons are
in all levels of Australian political life. His revelations about Julia Gillard are particularly
disturbing. He also reminds us of the coming slaughter, which will most likely be
directed from your local Masonic Lodge, as has been the case of the French
Revolution, the Russian Revolutions, and all major bloodbaths in world history:

After the culling [
], you will lick the hand
which feeds you. (Aloysius Fozdyke)

Read this book in conjunction with our other books and articles: The 33
Degree Freemason,
Woe Unto You Freemasons, Maclean NSW the Pretty Scottish Town with a Very Ugly Secret,
and The Coming Bloodshed Will Be Directed Out of Your Local Masonic Lodge. Freely
available here as a PDF download:

The Coastlands Will Weep *
Most discussions seemed to favour God as the originator of the danger coming from water,
but it has become very clear, over the last few years, that the satanic elite have had the
capability to cause these so-called natural tragedies since the early 1990s. Have a look at Dick
Eastmans article Short Course in Clandestine Weather Modification,
which you can find
further on in this book. That includes man-made earthquakes, man-made tsunamis, man-
made mud-slides, and massive man-made floods over a very wide area. And of course we will

See: Julia Gillard, Red Slippers, TC Proponents, and the AshkeNAZI Fourth Reich, on the DvD / USB, or
online here:
The Culling is the Satanic name given to the plan to murder over 90% of the worlds population, so that a
global tyranny can be forced onto the remaining 500 million who would be left alive after such wholesale
slaughter. Some of the best sources of information on this plan can be found here: The Warning of the Last Days
(see Reading #17: The Genocide Guillotine): ;
The Culling by Jay Weidner: httptp:// , or ; The Real Crisis is About to Unfold, and
It's Not Financial (See the section on "The Murals at Denver International Airport"): ; The-real-crisis-is-about-to-unfold-and-it's-not-financial.html ; What The Study
Of History Should Have Been (see the section on he Georgia Guidestones in the Introduction): ; The Usher of Desecration,
Its also available here:
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Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 829
hear our satanic treacherous leaders carrying on about natural disasters, knowing all along
that these are man-made weather attacks against our nations, and lauding us for being such
brave and courageous souls in the face of it all. Again tragically, moderns have been
successfully programmed to dismiss the very idea of an evil being called Satan. The fact is that
he knows his time of rulership of this planet is being cut very short, and the scriptures clearly
reveal that he will ferociously attack the elect in the Last Days. One of his clear weapons of
choice is water: And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman,
that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood (Revelations 12: 15). So the clear
message is: move to a safe height above sea level now! Freely available here as a PDF

Where Are We Now in Prophecy?
This document answers the question: where are we now in prophecy. It goes on to offer the
sequence of events during these Last Days, leading to the imminent return of the Messiah and
beyond. It also offers a detailed timeline of events from July 2011 to the expected date of
Messiahs return. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The God Messiah Worships *
The purpose of this book is quite simple really. It is to show that the God of the Old Testament
is the same God as the God of the New Testament: Jesus Christ, the Messiah, whose Sacred
Calendar is the theme of this book. But as the chapter heading implies, Jesus is not God in the
same way as His Father is God. Further, modern religious teachers have done their students,
and themselves, a major disservice by teaching them that the Old Testament is of no
consequence, and leading them to seek all their understanding solely from the very limiting
chapters of the New Testament. Without the Old Testament you have nowhere to go for the
foundational truths. Freely available here as a PDF download:

What The Study Of History Should Have Been
G.K. Chesterton said the study of history should be a study of power elites. Instead historians
obscure and deny the truth. The more I read, the more I am convinced that the function of the
news media, the arts, education and entertainment is to deceive and make us stupid. While we
are numbed and distracted, our leaders carry out their orders under occult discipline (or
blackmail.) As human life becomes degraded, it seems less worth saving. The devil is afoot
and all-powerful. As long as he uses deceit, good people seem helpless to resist." "If
Communism was a ruse, you can assume that almost every historical event and cultural trend
in modern Western History is also the product of "Make-believe." If they could pull off the
Communist fraud, the 9-11 attacks and the "war on terror" are small potatoes. How do they do
it? They control the instruments of 'Make-believe:' the mass media and 'education' system.
Freely available here as a PDF download:

Little Atrocities: Eichmannism in the Church
Little Atrocities-Eichmannism in the Church is about spiritual abuse that is rife in the
Churches. It is a sad fact of life that the wider society that we come out of, being Satan's world,
teaches us from our very first days in its school system that weak people becomes the victims
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 830
of power. Because the world system is so much locked in place with fear, students learn to
prey on each other. Instead of the strong standing up for the weak, we teach our children to
turn their backs on those who do not do well. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Truth About Tithes and Offerings
The teaching about tithes and offerings from the New Covenant can be easily summed up in
the old saying: If youre only prepared to pay peanuts, expect monkeys. In other words, the
bottom line is expressed in Luke 6: 38. Freely available here as a PDF download:

Kept in the Dark *
This book is about how we have been literally kept in the dark about true world news, and
instead fed propaganda by the incessant broadcasting of blatant lies by the mass media, which
is owned by the people who intend to enslave us. In other words, we are held in the grip of
paid liars whom we call journalists, radio and media presenters, and fellow travellers, who
have zero integrity. In the background of all this turmoil during the Last Days, the sheople
cannot break their addiction to television, radio, and newspapers, and continue to blindly get
their information from the very people who intend to enslave them. The people have now
been so conditioned to scoff at conspiracy theories, they can no longer heed the warnings that
are given them. As Marshall McLuhan shrewdly observed, 'Only the small secrets need to be
protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.

The Australian journalist John Pilger is one of a very small band of honest media personalities
who still serve the people, rather than the money-power elite:
"We journalists ... have to be brave enough to defy those who seek our collusion in
selling their latest bloody adventure in someone else's country ... That means always
challenging the official story, however patriotic that story may appear, however
seductive and insidious it is. For propaganda relies on us in the media to aim its
deceptions not at a far away country but at you at home ... In this age of endless
imperial war, the lives of countless men, women and children depend on the truth or
their blood is on us ... Those whose job it is to keep the record straight ought to be the
voice of people, not power." (John Pilger, in his new film The War You Don't See, from ) Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Monkey Trap and the Descent into Evil
This article is about the Monkey Trap, including the three types of psychological seductions
(called self-deceptions in this article) that most people adopt when they live their life in a
world that has so successfully programmed them to believe the lie that God does not exist. By
this I mean that these are the three prisons within which we all live our unrepentant lives, and
this is directly related to the Zodiacal Birth Sign we entered this Fallen world under.

In other words, if the One True God is not in your life (and yes, Im speaking about you too
Mr. pastor, reverend, minister, rabbi, cosmopolitan, bishop, cardinal, and pope ), then you are
most probably living one of these three false ways, or a combination of them, mentioned here.
And in these last days, and they are the last days of this age, I write this article, first and
foremost, with this thought uppermost in my mind: before anything else you do with your life,
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 831
get yourself right with God! Because the First Resurrection and the Wrath of God are right
around the corner! Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Sinister Garden at Highgrove *
This book will quickly show you what the Antichrist has been passionately trying to tell the
world about himself and his agenda for decades now. Read in conjunction with Antichrist and
the Green Prince (see next). Freely available here as a PDF download:

Antichrist and the Green Prince *
If you've ever wondered what the environmental and the green movement that is sweeping
the world is really all about, including the identity of the person who is the Antichrist, this
book is a must-read. Freely available here as a PDF download:

When Shepherds Rule in Grafton
When Shepherds Rule in Grafton is about the spiritual abuse that obedience to hierarchical
authority, and respect of persons, brings about. "As we spoke on the phone some weeks ago,
this letter seeks your clarification on a number of issues that have emerged here in the
Grafton Church over the last 12 months or so. The fact that I have to even write it in the first
place is symptomatic of part of the problem itself. Of course it is not an easy letter for me to
write, and the things I refer to have been on my mind for quite some time now." Freely
available here as a PDF download:

Defining the Spiritual War You Failed to Fight
"You cannot reason a person out of a position they did not reason themselves into in the first
place. So, if science is taught as just a collection of (assumed-to-be) facts, it is nothing but
Dogma, Dogma stoutly resists subsequent displacement by reason. It seems anything people
have learned prior to puberty takes on the status of an immutable truth. (This is something
well understood by Parents, Government, and Religions) Rational explanations of why some
previous belief might be incompatible with the behavior of nature, and a careful explanation
of the actual behaviour of nature, are of little avail." (Jonathan Swift) Freely available here as
a PDF download:

The Black Mass You Don't Want To Know About
The information in this book is not suited for minors, as it involves extreme violence against
children. I present this information because it is not being offered in the churches, in the
media, or anywhere on the planet, making it so easy for demonic forces to have the first and
the last say. Moreover, most people on this earth turn a blind eye to shocking truths like this,
but it is time that they truly opened their eyes and understand what really goes on in this
world. Freely available here as a PDF download:'t-want-to-know-about.html

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Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 832
What You Can Change, And What You Cant Revisited
In 1993 a book touting itself as The Complete Guide to Self-Improvement hit the bookshops
of the world. It was written by Martin Seligman, psychologist and author. It is called What
You Can Change, And What You Cant. It claims itself to be the first accurate and factual
guide to what you can change and what you cannot change. (p. 6) The inside front cover has
a little note appended to the title which reads learning to accept who you are. A famous
prayer that is said to be by Friedrich Oetinger (1702--1782), and to Reinhold Niebuhr, The
Serenity Prayer (1934), is also given prominence. This prayer, often mistakenly dubbed The
Alcoholics Prayer, reads Freely available here as a PDF download:'t-revisited.html

The End Time Church Must Be An Underground Church *
The restoration of the true church of God takes place in the most difficult atmosphere in the
entire history of the world. This is because of the sheer godlessness so successfully engineered
by the vicious satanic enemy, and so prevalent everywhere, and how this will impact on the
true church in the comings weeks and months. Unfortunately nearly every man and woman
on the planet is guilty of colluding with the enemy ever step of the way. This is because they
have not seen how they have so easily become brain-dead walking corpses whose chief
characteristic is the personal denial of the dangerous world we live in. Even though the
satanist secret government that controls this planet have made no secret of their desire to
massacre over 6 billion of us, or the fact that they will soon enslave all who survive that
global-genocide, the so-called "churches of god" fail to warn the people of what is coming.
This means that satan will directly make war against all peoples on the Earth, not just the true
church of the End Days, and in this he will be very successful. Appendix A (A Glimpse of Our
Future: The NWO As Foretold by H.G. Wells, in the words of Dr. John Coleman) will give
you a good brief summary of what is planned for us, and will vigorously reinforce my claim
that the End-Time Church must be to be secretive and go underground. Freely available here
as a PDF download:

The Mission of Elijah
Eliyahu Ha-Navi (Elijah The Prophet in Hebrew), or the Prophet Elijah, was a biblical
prophet who lived in the 9th century BC in the Kingdom of Israel during the reign of King
Ahab and Queen Jezebel, who ruled either between 869 BC and 850 BC. or between 874 BC
and 853 BC, depending on which historical analysis you follow. Elijah was one of the two
peoplethe other was Enoch (Genesis 5: 21-24)who lived on earth thousands of years ago.
He was taken up to heaven without seeing death. Freely available here as a PDF download:

Woe Unto You Lawyers
No lawyer will like this book. It isn't written for lawyers. It is written for the average man and
its purpose is to try to plant in his head, at the least, a seed of skepticism about the whole legal
profession, its works and its ways. In case anyone should be interested, I got my own
skepticism early. Before I ever studied law I used to argue occasionally with lawyers - a foolish
thing to do at any time. When, as frequently happened, they couldn't explain their legal points
so that they made any sense to me I brashly began to suspect that maybe they didn't make any
sense at all. But I couldn't know. One of the reasons I went to law school was to try to find out.
Freely available here as a PDF download:
Birthright, Sceptre, Loaves and Fishes
Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 833

The Time for Talk is Over *
The time for talk is over. Any further delays in implementing self-protecting plans for
families, neighborhoods, adjacent farms and ranches are unwise, self-defeating, and
potentially disastrous. Further enumeration of the historical failures and the successful plots
against freedom, liberty, personal and national sovereignty are a waste of time. Everyone who
already knows the reasons for our current state of emergency, are crystal clear as to their
origins and the implications for all Republic loving individuals. Freely available here as a
PDF download:

The Two Seeds of Genesis 3:15
This book is written in the faith that remnant of the Covenant Family of Christian people will
see the light of Genesis 3: 15. By faith we proceed with the belief that the Living Church of
Jesus Christ in this earth will see that Genesis 3: 15 is the key that unlocks the meaning of the
Holy Scriptures, Genesis to Revelation. Any effort to evade, suppress, ignore, or diminish the
truth of Genesis 3: 15 can result only in the further loss and decline of Christian Civilisation in
our Western world. You may think that you know your Bible, you may pride yourself in having
read and studied the Bible, and even cloke yourself in great accolades received from the Bible
institutes of this world. But until you have confronted the truth of Genesis 3: 15 you can never
understand the Bible. Nor will you ever understand the origin of the people who are going to
attempt to destroy the world, and usher in the Ashkenazi Fourth Reich, which is coming upon
the world in the next few months. Freely available here as a PDF download:

The Secret Road to Mount Olympus *
There might be an explanation to all of this, but unless we re-think our "historically"-received
world-view, we won't ever see it ... and for that, and to understand what is really happening in
the world and its politics today, we have to return to 1945, to the closing days of World War
Two ... Freely available here as a PDF download:

Last Days Watch Newsletter Index
Our Last Days Watch newsletter is Dedicated to Watching and Reporting About the Enemy
Who Intends to Enslave Us ... Why do you think the Media is so important to us? You have
(as a society), in your hypnotized comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state
your planet is in today. You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you
on your televisions that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness,
incessant 'bad news', fear and 'terror'. When was the last time you stopped, to think of
something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts
about it. You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see
an injustice. Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your
allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose. (Source: Henry
Makow, Illuminati Reveal Crazy Apocalyptic Agenda) Freely available here as a PDF

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Copyright John Mulligan and, 2005-2013 834

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