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Mike Davies of Chrysalis Architects and Richard Rogers
and Partners describes some radical new proposals for the way
we use glass in building.
Top left: Mies' glass cower
project. Right: Clwneal/
Homc. Middle: Ste'uc Baa's
m'"ll/al(1' operated
I II E STEADILY increasing use of glass in
',"i1dings over the last 1,500 years has seen a
.ll:Irp acceleration since the industrial revolu-
:"n. In this century, glass has been instrumen-
.iI in an almost complete reversal of the
; iIvsical forms of Mediaeval times. Buildings
h'I;'e evolved from structures of massive walls,
1"'lletrated by small openings to diaphanous
.kins of minimal material, clothing skeleton
'.1 ructural frames and cores.
During this gradual evolution, glass has
IIlldergone technological refinement. Two
:lIajor factors are apparent - increased size
.llld increased material strength - which have
I pcrmitted a greater and greater range of uses.
12ualitatively, however, glass remains un-
,hanged; its properties of light transmission
i"l\le not been modified. Nevertheless, great ar-
, iIitectural changes were built around the in-
,Icased capabilities of glass as small panels
\\cre replaced by elements of the scale of a
The pioneers of modern architecture
I'"wered their way forward using glass as a
IllI1damental tool in the exploitation of new
,patial dynamics.
In 1921 Mies van del' Rohe revealed his
::Iass sky-scraper project - the precursor of
Ihc curtain wall building of today; no clearer
11,11' more fundamental statement of the glass
'.kin concept has subsequently been made.
')cventy years earlier, in another great
lI1ilestone of glass application - the Crystal
I'<dace - glass became the total infill surface
111 an iron frame, the two elements forming an
"Ilvelope of great clarity.
When transparency was a problem but light
'I ill vital, glass block was developed and used
as a uniformly grained translucent
.\alling system in the 1920s and 30s. Gropius'
Bauhaus building in Germany, Pierre Char-
I cau's all-glass conversion in Paris and Sir
\ hven Williams' factory for Boots Ltd in
I:ngland in 1932 continued the articulation of
. hc large scale transparent and translucent
, ,,,,,lli.
Further increases in size and material
'lrength led to yet more spectacular uses of
,:lass. The refinement of frameless glazing and
Ihc development of suspended glass techni-
'lues allowed even greater glass facades to be
,llnstructed with no visible structural support.
\\' ails became vistas rather than barriers and
,'lear glass, as a completely transparent sur-
1.lce, uncluttered by structural constraints,
: cached its conceptual limit. The gap between
Ihe technology of glass and Mies' vision of the
IIltimate wall finally closed; the fortress win-
,low after 1,500 years finally became the whole
II I\i\} Februarv 1981
.. '"' ........... ,.
"",.,,!, "I\' ,
Burgeoning developments in the size and
strength of glass since the 1950s, notably the
revolutionary float process and the toughening
and armouring of glass have resulted in its
complete integration as a major element in
modern construction. But all was not well.
Lurking alongside the increasing use of glass
and the architect's exploitation of its light and
weathering properties, was the growing pro-
blem of environmental control.
The 60s saw the first general awareness of
ecology as a science, of global and strategic
resource planning and of resource depletion
and energy crisis. The energy crisis freed ar-
chitects and users to look at the performance
of their buildings: Mies' wonderwall was
recognised as an energy problem. We were
caught admiring the concept but with our
technological panties round our knees. Single
glazing became a problem. Undaunted, the
glass industry, drawing on the precedents of
thermal shl/ccers. Boccom:
IRCAM ill Paris bv Piallo
alld Rogers; a dyll;mical/y
variable space.
colder climates came up with their perfect
answer - more glass!
Double glazing - twice the performance at
a little more than twice the price. Light, space
and glass could live again and our architectural
consciences were clear; there was even an up-
market vote to the idea of double glazing.
Thermal losses were halved from 5.6
wattslm 110C, a figure conjuring up images of
burning pound notes to keep warm, to the
total of 2.8 watts1m1/0c. With the cost of
energy steadily rising and energy artificially
cheap at the price, even 2.8 wattslm 110c looked
dubious in terms of a reasonable architectural
freedom under the new thermal building
regulations, which linked the amount of glass
in an envelope to the performance of the
envelope in general. In a matter of a few years
the great glass wall had come under direct at-
tack, not from an aesthetic standpoint which
might perhaps have been expected and defend-
ed but from an energy, economic and perfor-
mance viewpoint, a new upstart in a territory
hitherto largely peopled by aesthetic concerns.
The glass industry backed the idea of
energy budgeting. The industry pointed out
that a south facing window in the right sort of
building is a net energy gainer over the year
and thus our architectural consciences might
be assuaged again. But things began to look
bleak. North walls lost everything except some
generalised all-sky radiation. South-facing
glass with woolly overcoats is the new look, or
long thin eastwest buildings maximising their
solar gain potential like lizards basking on a
sunlit stone.
Mies' wonderwall was heavily under attack.
Must we say goodbye to glass? Can we never
return to the transparent skin? Has the pendu-
lum begun to swing back again towards the
leaded lights in the massive walls of yester-
year? Can we stave ofT the problem by greater
feats of ingenuity? Can we ever evolve a new
architecture based upon intelligent passive
energy design?
Clearly architects and the building indus-
tries are responding to the energy crisis in
design terms. In the USA where government
energy policy is relatively clear and already
backed by several hundred million dollars in
research funds, considerable evolution is
taking place towards a new solar-capitalising,
energy conscious architecture.
But what of northern Europe and the UK?
Sitting at the same latitude as Hudson Bay in
Canada, where only with good weather condi-
tions, clear sites and buildings specifically
designed as thermal collectors and processors
can one hope to gain really significant con-
tributions to winter energy budgets.
Top: Lig/I/ n!<u bv
Dt.l'i.:ics 197i, plh'if}l/(}j
Opllru(('t./ /ig/ii lrvll.ouissioll
(011/1'01. Bc/",,': Kill Peall
soldr telescopic ,:}i1l1
icmpen.1lIfl'(. rt.'fJult.llillg fluid
ill il,,' d"ddillg. Bd",,,: Mill,'
Dtl'i..'it"S I st.'(f udjusrillg f/!crgy
!lollse. BOllOI1l: PhOIO-'l..'O!h:it"
An architecture of high insulation values
and small window areas, preferably on south-
erly walls only, is the logical response to the
energy problem and the new thermal regula-
tions. Yet our architectural concerns with light
and space, legibility, appropriateness, func-
tion, meaning and quality will not be submerg-
ed in an acceptance of an architecture of
insulated overcoats and minimal window areas
whatever the price of energy.
Mies' great glass wall is not up to rigours of
the new thermal demands: our 20th-century
wall, the very fabric which defines our
building volumes is not performing adequate-
ly in the new context of energy economy. We
must redesign again.
We must evolve general design strategies for
energy economical buildings, in which highly
insulated fabric and efficient services measures
will playa major part. But we will still be
searching for light, for views, for a contact
with the external world; and that means glass,
large amounts of glass as part of the building
What is the glass industry's answer this
time? Triple glazing, gas filled triple glazing,
quadruple glazing, even deeper filters and
tints, more reflectivity, more blind one-sided
walls; more elements which work well in one
situation and miserablv in another? It is clear
in the energy context o-fthe next decad.e or two
that the future of glass lies in high perfor-
mance products with much greater thermal
An investigation of the industry shows that
radical change is not about to' take place.
Among the British glass giants the 2tlitude is
clear; production of basic glass is what makes
the money and high performance glass pro-
ducts are efTecti\'ely a by-product.
Even the largest double glazing plants
assemble in hand craft operations, and hope
that evelllual standardisation of double glazing
sizes wii! aIio\\' automation of the assembl'
process. an 2ttirudt: th,il is as antedelu\'ian as [t
1 delusory. \\'hat is needed is complete
review of the W8\' in which high
glass can be made. An objective look 8.I g13ss
and its use immedime!v re\'eals thal the glass
curtain wall and the windo\\' have beco111l
major elemenrs in building fabric not onl!' for
architectural and spatial reasons but '11so
because glass is an incredibly long-lived. e:lSily
maint2.ineci: n1atCti21. and is
\veather enYclope ciespite irs thernlai
Glass is ecolosicallv ai'.d strategical!\' tOD 0:-
the contents Est. Th:e D<.se material of giass:
is the most abundant element 0:: earth;
our oceans :i:-'-c. ,iese:"rs ce"i.eree 11": _ ::-:"<.::-
tically inexhaustible supply of the raw material
and we find that glass is a totally recyclable
inert material which by simple hearing
becomes a totally transparent and homogenous
sheet of rigid waterproof stone. In fact we ha\'e
011 our hands an almost perfect building skin
material with enviable q'ualities S8\'e the
problems of thermal transfer and radiariOl:
But if the thermal qualities (lfthe \\'all are so
bad, how did glass get so farr The scale of its
use before the turn of the \,'as inV8.11-
abl\' related to the \\indo\\. sill
and it:3 secondary t Glass v:orkec. i:-l
combination \\'iti: otht:!" cunaiEs to
StOP light ana sound entering. 1.:0 leaKage
of heat, shuttc,s W reflen he,ll, linds to stop
!lIar:::. lace curtains tel screen ,"ie\A,:s 2nC to pee-i.-
Glass worked in combinatior. \\'ltn
other sin1ple but etTectl\'e ei:\'ironnlerlt"l
d:yi-:es" by :he 0CCUP2IlIS of!ne
... _._--------------
Much of our modern building fabric h,,"
evolved without recourse to these small scak
traditional environmental control device,.
relying on increasingly powerful and
consuming building services plant and equi!'
ment to heat and cool the various buiIGin!',
In summer, excessive incoming radiatio]]
entering through glass makes the servicim:
system work hard to combat heat build-up. Til
winter excessive heat loss makes the servicing
system work to add heat to the internal en
vironment. In both cases energy is
wasted owing to the poor facade performancl'
Mies' tower equipped with lace curtains, sh\.1
tel'S, blinds and velvet drapes would actualh
perform beller than it would as a clear gi<."
tower although the building clearly cannot
have such devices.
One conclusion seems inevitable. On tb,
one hand we have glass with its attributes (11
impermeability, longevity and transmissiYl'
properties, and on the other hand, a range "I
quality modulators of heat, light and sOUi1d
transfer, both of which are needed for a tor'"
performance. We need to develop a new inte'
grated window wall where all these elemen:,
are one where multiple performance is int,.'
grated in one single element. What is. needed :'
an environmental diode, a progressive t herr"" I
and spectral switching device, a dynamic int,,;
actiw multi-capability processor acting as ;
building skin. The diode is logically based c
the remarkable physical properties of glas,.
but will have to incorporate a greater range r1
thermal and visual adaptive
capabilities in one polyvalent product. T!'
environmental diode, a polyvalent wall as c:-
envelope of a building will remove the ..
tion bel\\'een solid and transparent, as it
be capable of replacin!, both conditions I
wili dynamically regulate energy flow in eithc
direction depending upon external and inte:
nal conditions, monitor and cQiltrol lig..
ie\'e!s 2nd constant ratios as necessary at
points i;: the envelope. The wall \\'ould .
capable or energv traDSfer along its surL
adding to or energy fton1
ZOl1f.S \\"hich are too hot or coid, tradi
e'lerg\' surplus for energy need.
Tte polnalem ."ali is tbels .i chamele'
skin ad2"pti"ng itSelf to provide ocst possible:
The v.l211. in acting a Ce-
ment - absorber, radiator, reflector, filter I
transfer device - will need to have a loc
micro-logic and sensing nodes connected tc
conn'oi proces,o, \\'hich carries information c
use hc:bits anc environn:.ental pt _J
:,./: _.;' .'
.......... :
8 am 113m

) pm
".. .....
8 pill ...... 0 oO'
11 pill
Top: Po/yvalell/ 10all; lypica/
waII respollse all a SI/IlIlY
sprillg day. BaHam: Davies'
image of /he polyva/clI/ wall.
J Sihl:l \H"alill'r skill ami lkl'''!<olliull
. St"IP.lIf ;Ind t"IInlll,1 - t':\:llTnal.
J I'hnhl dn:tlll crill, .
I ""KIIll;J1 shn'I'r;Jdi:uur/l-l:h:("liw :lhMHh,:t,
'l E1l'l'l HI rdln'll\"l'
ft ,\ \ pua' 1!:Jl- l1nw layl:fl-.
j I-:Il'l.."'rtl rl'lln'IIW dl'pllMllllll,
S ,.lIlJ llllllfllllll)!ll kI\l'f - lUll'llI.ll,
II dqlll\lllllll ,lI1J IIl11ll
still not yet perfected, would have a radical ef-
fect on the thermal performance of glass and
building. An electronically-switched deposi-
tion surface whose properties vary between 15
per cent reflective and 85 per cent reflective
controllable progressively by electrical input
would provide an instantly selectable thermal
diode for incoming radiation in the day and
outgoing radiation at night. A "window" with
those properties would have significant effects
on architecture. We would be in possession of
the first dynamically adaptive building
material of a large range of possibilities and
Many control and monitoring systems of
great complexity but low cost exist owing to
the processing power of the microchip. The
second, present, industrial revolution is almost
entirely based upon molecular scale effects and
those effects will be coupled with other
elements of the built environment which can
operate at a molecular scale rather than
materials science. In fact the construction base
and the switching capabilities of the microchip
are not unlike a possible model for the surface
of the polyvalent wall, but there will be many
multiple layers imposed one upon another in a
three-dimensional matrix with variable optical
thermal properties and even acoustic proper-
ties. There is enormous potential for new pro-
ducts based upon new attitudes to glass
fabrication and their combustion with multi-
ple dynamic chemical phenomena.
A clear future for advanced high perfor-
mance glass-based products exists; it is essen-
tial that multi-disciplinary groups are brought
together to combine diverse skills. Much
knowledge exists; it is really a question of the
intelligent and creative combination of science
and industry. Over and above the clear
technological potentials of glass, architects
have not in the least lost sight of its potential
beauty and visual performance.
The polyvalent wall, a dynamic processor
should not only be the logical response to a
dynamic environment at a technical perfor-
mance level but also fulfill the role of magician
in its visual potential and virtuosity. Look up
at a spectrum-washed envelope whose surface
is a map of its instantaneous performance,
stealing energy from the air with an irridescent
shrug, rippling its photogrids as a cloud runs
across the sun; a wall which as the night chill
falls, flufTs up its feathers and turning white
on its north face and blue on the south, closes
its eyes but not without remembering to pump
a little glow down to the night porter, clear a
view-patch for the lovers on the south side of
level 22 and to turn 12 per cent silver just after

Low ghm.- ocut fa I

light p4lSS wall

OUIJ.!oing radial ion
Solar f:ldiation
raJi:.llion surf:Kt:
w::: 0
"0 "0..
<. ... <:::::., '.' ...
-0:.::::: .:,..;:. \" . . . . . .
PholO Volraic effecr: where light is converted
into electricity by photochemical reaction -
the well known solar cell.
Thcn/loc!celric cffea: generation of electricity
by thermally stimulated chemical junctions.
E/cCiro-orieli/a/ivlI <llId opuciiy: liquid
crystals are oriented by small electric charges
rendering their surface opaque, translucent or
transparent; the calculator readout is our most
common example. A genuine electric shutler.
Elce/m-O/gallie c!fcClS: microscopic algal ac-
tivity of many sons including density charge,
migration and stimulated growth efTects.
The above phenomena and other such
as electro-luminosity electromagnetism, static
charge efTects, fibre optical transfer, polarisa-
tion ofIight, etc, are all in use and although ex-
pensive at the research stage their costs have
dropped dramatically bringing them into the
realms of common usage.
A fully reversible electro-reflecti\'e reaction,
I"rmance data from the users of the building.
Thus, building uses, skin performance and ex-
lernal and internal environmental conditions
will all be optimised to give the best energy
Idance and comfort conditions, in a con-
11I1uously evolving cybernetic system.
The polyvalent wall operates at a molecular
kvel rather than at a mechanical level, tapping
energy from mains power supplies or the en-
"ironment depending upon ambient condi-
lions. It is a dynamic performance dement
which responds to continuously changing en-
"ironmental conditions.. If the concept of
dynamic rather than static performance ap-
pears somewhat ambitious, it must be said that
dements and concepts inherent in the
polyvalent wall exist in many other areas of
lechnology which are in current use. A brief
review of some precedents in this field would
inevitably commence with mechanical means
and include traditional elements such as cur-
tains, venetian blinds, etc. Further examples
include: the use of highly insulative mobile
shutters and wall elements epitomised by
Steve Baer's "zome walls" near Albuquerque,
New Mexico; automatically operated light
control blinds for maintenance of light levels
- such as the system recently installed in the
Tate Gallery in London; use of mobile
pumped insulation - bead wall - a system
utilising loose pellet insulation blown into or
out of a glass sandwich cavity wall/window.
The system is simple but nevertheless an ex-
ample of qualitative property change over time
in a "fixed" element.
More advanced examples of dynamic change
svstems tend to be chemical in nature and
o'perate at a molecular scale.
Clo/ldgc!: originally developed by Day
Chahroudi and colleagues - one of the first
examples ofa thermo-chemical control device.
.'\. clear transparent material as the centre layer
in a glass sandwich turns white with increased
temperature and clears again as temperature
drops. As temperature increases the device
becomes a more and more eHective shading
device, which thus lowers the temperature in a
greenhouse to the point where the material
becomes clearer again etc. An autonomous
solar powered reversible temperature comrol
PJwlOchroll1ic udup/ioll: in which a light-
activated photochemical reversible reaction
occurs darkening the photochromc surface
which lightens again in low light conditions.
Pilkington's Reactolite spectacles are an ex-
cellent example of this phenomenon.
Pae:,:,oc/cCirio' cjrca: crystals act as a tiny
electrical jack or muscle and change their form
when charged electrically.

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