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Standard Customi ing Settings In the Implementation Guide, choose Financial Accounting (New)->General Ledger Accounting (New)-> Business Transactions-> ocument !plitting" !" C#assif$ G%L A&&ounts for Do&ument S'#itting #ou need to classi$% the indi&idual document items so that the s%stem 'nows how to handle them" #ou do this (% assigning them to an item categor%" The item categor% is determined (% the account num(er" In this I)G acti&it%, %ou need to assign the appropriate accounts" (" C#assif$ Do&ument T$'es for Do&ument S'#itting *&er% (usiness transaction that is entered is anal%+ed during the document splitting process" In this process, the s%stem determines which splitting rule is applied to the document" To ena(le the s%stem to determine the splitting rule, %ou need to assign a (usiness transaction &ariant to each document t%pe" )" Define *ero+,a#an&e C#earing A&&ount ,ere %ou de$ine a clearing account $or account assignment o(-ects $or which %ou want to ha&e a +ero (alance setting when the (alance is not +ero" -" Define Do&ument S'#itting C.ara&teristi&s for Genera# Ledger A&&ounting ,ere %ou speci$% to which document splitting characteristics document splitting applies, $or e.ample, pro$it center or segment" The characteristics that %ou speci$% should (e maintained in at least one o$ %our ledgers" #ou determine which characteristics are maintained in %our ledger (% assigning scenarios or customer $ields to %our ledgers" #ou also de$ine how this characteristic is to (e handled (% speci$%ing, $or e.ample, whether %ou want to appl% a +ero (alance setting, whether the $ield is a re/uired entr% $ield, and the appropriate partner $ield" /" Define Do&ument S'#itting C.ara&teristi&s for Contro##ing ,ere %ou speci$% which additional characteristics %ou want to appl% in document splitting" The additional characteristics are not rele&ant $or General Ledger Accounting" Instead, the% are rele&ant $or components in 0ontrolling that use documents trans$erred $rom General Ledger Accounting"The selected characteristics are onl% trans$erred to the speci$ied line items when the account to which the postings are to (e made can also ta'e the characteristics" 0" Define Post+Ca'ita#i ation of Cas. Dis&ount to Assets ,ere %ou de$ine whether the cash discount that is applied in the pa%ment o$ an asset-rele&ant in&oice should (e capitali+ed to the asset" 1hen %ou select this setting, the cash discount amount is not posted to the cash discount account in the pa%ment document, (ut instead directl% to the asset"

1" Edit Constants for Nonassigned Pro&esses ,ere %ou de$ine de$ault account assignments ($or e.ample, a de$ault segment) $or speci$ic line items in processes $or which it is not possi(le to deri&e the correct account assignments at the time when the document is posted" This is the case i$ the re/uired in$ormation is not %et a&aila(le when the posting occurs" 2" A&ti3ate Do&ument S'#itting In this I)G acti&it%, %ou acti&ate document splitting" The splitting method used is that deli&ered (% !A2 as standard, which contains the splitting rules $or the di$$erent (usiness transactions" I$ this splitting method does not meet %our re/uirements, %ou can $irst de$ine and then select %our own method in 0ustomi+ing $or document splitting (see the ne.t step)" Settings for Extended Document Splitting ,ere %ou de$ine %our own rules $or document splitting and ma'e the necessar% settings so that the s%stem applies the rules %ou de$ined and not the !A2 standard rules" 4" Define S'#itting Met.od ,ere %ou de$ine %our own method $or document splitting" A splitting method contains the rules go&erning how the indi&idual item categories are dealt with" !5" Define S'#itting 6u#e ,ere %ou de$ine the splitting rules $or document splitting" #ou assign one or more (usiness transaction &ariants, the account 'e% $or the +ero (alance setting, and the leading item categories $or cross-compan% code transactions to a splitting method" !!" Assign S'#itting Met.od ,ere %ou assign the splitting method to (e used $or document splitting a$ter acti&ation" I$ %ou want to acti&ate %our own splitting method, replace the standard method with %our own method" !(" Define ,usiness Transa&tion 7ariants ,ere %ou can de$ine (usiness transaction &ariants $or the (usiness transactions in document splitting"

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