Consumer Communication

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Communication and Consumer Behavior

Sender (Source)

Basic Communication Model


Channel (Medium)

Receiver (Consumer)

Presented By Neha Gupta


Elements of the Communications Process

The Message Initiator (the Source) The Sender The Receiver The Medium The Message The Target Audience (the Receivers) Feedback - the Receiver s Res!onse

Issues in Credibility
Credibilit" o# In#ormal Sources Credibilit" o# Formal Sources Credibilit" o# S!okes!ersons and $ndorsers Message Credibilit"

Endorser Credibility
$ndorser credibilit" is im!ortant &hen message com!rehension is lo& Match must e'ist bet&een !roduct attributes and endorser attributes Credibilit" is higher &hen endorser s demogra!hic characteristics are similar to those o# target audience $ndorser credibilit" is not a substitute #or cor!orate credibilit"

Sleeper Effect

The idea that both !ositive and negative credibilit" e##ects tend to disa!!ear a#ter a !eriod o# time(

Barriers to Communication
The Target audience (receivers) )ersonal Characteristics and com!rehension Involvement and Congruenc" (e(g( a humorous ad &ithin a humorous T* series) Mood Selective )erce!tion
Channel Sur#ing Combat &ith Road blocking

)s"chological +oise
Combat &ith re!eated e'!osures, contrast in the co!", and teasers

Issues in Designing Persuasive Communications

Communications strateg" Media strateg" Message strateg"

Communications Strategy

Perceptions Experience


Perception! Experience! emory "dvertising

odel of

edia Strategy
Consumer !ro#iles Audience !ro#iles
A cost-effective media choice is one

)re-e'!erience $'!osure

)ost-e'!erience $'!osure

Framing )erce!tion

$nhancing $'!erience

.rgani/ing Memor"

$'!ectation Antici!ation Inter!retation

Sensor" $nhancement Social $nhancement

Cueing 0randing Inter!retation

that closely matches the advertisers consumer profile with the mediums audience profile.

Persuasive Capabilities and #imitations of a$or edia %Ne&spaper'

Access to large audiences $##ective #or local reach Fle'ible Fast Feedback !ossible through cou!on redem!tion, etc( +ot selective Short message li#e Clutter Cost varies based on ad si/e and vehicle circulation

Persuasive Capabilities and #imitations of a$or edia % aga(ines'

2ighl" selective Selective binding !ossible 2igh 3ualit" !roduction 2igh credibilit" 4ong message li#e 2igh !ass along rate 4ong lead time 2igh clutter 5ela"ed and indirect #eedback Rates var" based on circulation and selectivit"

Persuasive Capabilities and #imitations of a$or edia %)elevision'

4arge audiences !ossible A!!eals to man" senses $motion and attention !ossible 5emonstration !ossible *er" high costs overall 4o& costs !er contact 4ong lead time 2igh clutter Short message li#e *ie&ers can avoid e'!osure &ith /a!!ing, etc( 5a"-a#ter recall tests #or #eedback

Persuasive Capabilities and #imitations of a$or edia %*adio'

2igh geogra!hic and demogra!hic selectivit" Short lead time Relativel" ine'!ensive 6ood local coverage Short e'!osure time Audio onl" 2igh clutter 7a!!ing !ossible 5ela"ed #eedback through da"-a#ter recall tests

Persuasive Capabilities and #imitations of a$or edia %Internet'

)otential #or audience selectivit" Customi/ed tracking !ossible and other #eedback tools !ossible 9se#ul #or branding and rein#orcement o# messages 5emogra!hic ske& to audience *er" high clutter 7a!!ing !ossible 6reat variation in !ricing )rivac" concerns

Persuasive Capabilities and #imitations of a$or edia %Direct ail'

2igh audience selectivit" )erce!tion o# :unk mail )ersonali/ation !ossible Feedback !ossible +ovel, interesting stimuli through res!onse !ossible 2igh cost !er contact 4o& clutter

Persuasive Capabilities and #imitations of a$or edia %Direct ar+eting'

5evelo!ment o# )rivac" concerns databases Measurable res!onses 2igh audience selectivit" Cost !er in3uir", cost Relativel" #ree o# clutter !er sale, revenue !er ad can be calculated

Buyer Personalities and "dvertising Strategies




How might advertising be designed for these three distinct buyer types?

Involvement )heory and Persuasion

)he Elaboration #i+elihood that mar+eters use the odel %E# ' proposes

,central route to persuasion for high involvement products and the ,peripheral route to persuasion for lo& involvement products

Central *oute to Persuasion

Issues in

essage Presentation

Resonance Message Framing .ne-sided *ersus T&o-sided Messages Com!arative Advertising .rder $##ects Re!etition

)&o-Sided "ppeal

Emotional "dvertising "ppeals

Fear 2umor Abrasive advertising Se' in advertising Audience !artici!ation

Impact of Humor on Advertising

=2umor attracts attention( =2umor does not harm com!rehension( =2umor is not more e##ective at increasing !ersuasion( =2umor does not enhance source credibilit"( =2umor enhances liking( =2umor that is relevant to the !roduct is su!erior to humor that is unrelated to the !roduct( =Audience demogra!hic #actors a##ect the res!onse to humorous advertising a!!eals( =The nature o# the !roduct a##ects the a!!ro!riateness o# a humorous treatment( =2umor is more e##ective &ith e'isting !roducts than &ith ne& !roducts( =2umor is more a!!ro!riate #or lo&-involvement !roducts and #eelingoriented !roducts than #or high-involvement !roducts(

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