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Right To Play (RTP) is an international humanitarian organization uses sport and play to promote holistic development of children and youth in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. RTP is committed to improving the lives of these children and to strengthening their communities by translating the best practices of sport and play into opportunities to promote development, health and peace. RTP programs foster healthy physical, social and emotional development of children and build safer and stronger communities. RTPs guiding principles are inclusion, which recognizes the importance of children who may be marginalized for reasons of gender, religion, ability, ethnicity, disability, or social background; and sustainability, which ensures the projects, has a lasting impact. Since 2008, Right To Play program has been dedicatedly working to provide sport and play opportunities for children and youth and contributing towards their holistic development. As of December 2012, we have expanded to 12 districts/ locations in the country, reaching over 169,000 children and youth. II. PROJECT IN BRIEF Right To Plays Social Cohesion and Resilience Program for Children and Youth in Swat and Lower Dir Districts of KP proposed to ensure access to quality learning opportunities and protective environments for children in schools and especially in out of school settings is a right that should be sustained even in the most difficult circumstances. The purpose of the unicef supported SC&R program is to contribute in the mitigation of root causes that are the driver of conflicts. Learning through sport and play based activities have the potential the build the capacities of children, youth and communities to prevent, reduce and cope with instability and to promote SC&R. The program is designed to strengthen resilience, social cohesion and human security in conflict affected context. The program will also contribute to strengthen policies and practices in education for peace building. The objective of the project activities will be on building peaceful communities and positive child and youth development through structured sport and play based learning activities. The overall goal of the Social Cohesion and Resilience program is to strengthen social cohesion and resilience through education in vulnerable, conflict prone context, including countries at risk of or experiencing and recovering from instability. Regular SC&R program activities, capacity building initiatives, and special events will be undertaken to promote & build peaceful communities in targeted districts. III. FOCUSED AREA The current baseline study would be carried out in Swat and Lower Dir Districts of Khyber

Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. IV. OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE BASELINE STUDY The objective of the consultancy is to conduct a baseline to measure quantitative and qualitative status of different indicators set for the project through selecting a significant sample size and using an experimental methodology in Districts Swat and Lower Dir of (Khyber Pukhtunkhwa), Pakistan. Program Outcome: Increased capacity of target children, parents, teachers and community members to prevent and cope with instability and promote social cohesion and resilience. Outcome Indicators: % of targeted children (boys/girls) and adult community members (male/female) reporting positive change in their own ability to prevent, reduce and cope with conflict and promote peace % of children reporting tolerant attitude/beliefs and respect other/others beliefs % of children in madrassas participating in activities with other in and out of school children during regularly activities % of trained junior leaders leading activities at community level focusing on building peaceful communities, social cohesion and resilience % of coaches, staff and partners demonstrate to effectively integrate active learning methodologies during their engagement with in and out of school children to ensure building peaceful communities, social cohesion and resilience among children from diverse group % of partners demonstrate, plan, implement and monitor sport for development activities to address social cohesion and resilience among in and out of school children from diverse groups % of safe play spaces used to engage targeted beneficiaries in events/tournaments focused on social cohesion and resilience % of community members perceives girls as having and equal ability to boys to be leaders in communities V. AREAS TO BE FOCUSED FOR BASELINE The baseline will be designed to collect the following information: Demographic data of communities in targeted districts Information about time spent for sport and play activities To what extent children and youth are able to feel belonging with their communities Status of interpersonal competence (inclusive of participation and empathy), Decisionmaking, Self-esteem, Social Support and Leadership among children and youth What are the childrens and youth views about sport and play activities in general and as tool to build peaceful communities? What are communities / parents views about sport and play activities for children in school and community? Level of girls access to sport and play opportunities Facilities and support available for sports and play activities in target districts communities

What is the level of life skills focused for cognitive, social, emotional and physical development among children and youth? (Confidence, Cooperation and Communication)? What are the reasons of conflicts among children and youth in targeted districts and how they resolve it? Do children and youth feel recognition in their communities?

VI. METHODOLOGY The baseline study will be conducted by using tools developed by Right To Play, Head Quarter in newly partner schools against set indicators/areas. The possible ways of collecting the information can be: 400 Child Survey in community/schools (age 5 16 (40% girls)) 100 child survey as comparison group 4 6 Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with parents and community members In-depth interviews where necessary VII. GENERAL CONDITIONS The consultant will have an orientation of the project right in the beginning of the launch of baseline to know about the Right To Play methodology The consultants will submit a detailed methodology, and time frame for the completion of the baseline Consultants will regularly provide the description of all surveying process that will be used in the baseline The consultant will assign a contact person and a lead researcher for the baseline After the completion of the report the final report a presentation would be given on the report to share the results and recommendations VIII. FORMAT OF THE BASELINE REPORT Table of Contents Executive summary (summary of key findings) Background Baseline methodology (methods used and tools), sampling and locations Data analysis and findings from the baseline (Quantitative and Qualitative) Presentation of graphics in SPSS Recommendations Annexes: Pictures from field, Schedule, List of people interviewed, Tools for Data Collection, TORs and any data tables etc. IX. END PRODUCT A complete report with qualitative and quantitative information will be submitted to Right To Play, Pakistan. The report will be in English and both hard and electronic copy in Word and PDF format should be submitted to the organization. X. TARGET AUDIENCE The target population will be: Children and youth from Swat and Lower Dir Districts (age 5 16 (40% girls))

Parents, teachers and community members Government officials from education department/social welfare department

XI. KEY STRATEGIES TO IMPLEMENT THE OBJECTIVES INCLUDE An authentic baseline report will be generated and disseminated widely to provide evidence. The baseline report generated as an end product will be utilized as a building base for developing Right To Play, Pakistans strategy for Positive Child and Youth Development and Building Peaceful Communities. The baseline report will be utilized as reference at different target audiences basic level against proposed project outcome. At different plat forms the baseline report will be shared for review and endorsement. The baseline report will be utilized as primary document for project evaluation. XII. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Researcher (s) Responsibilities Researcher (s) responsibilities will include the following: Preliminary meetings or discussions regarding concept clarity and approach; in some cases via email, phone concepts and themes and approach Research plan development in collaboration with Right To Play, Pakistan at Country Office level Development and sharing to data collection tools and finalization of tools Finalization of travel plan Review of secondary data/desk review Preparation, research by field visits for gathering primary data (quantitative and qualitative) from the identified area Informed consent of each and every respondent and key informant Usage of social science i.e. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) packages for data analysis Geographical and graphical representation as well as analysis of the primary data Prevention from personal interests Data collection, data analysis, preparation and presentation of drafts as well as the final baseline report Draft baseline report to be reviewed by Right To Play, Pakistan with suggestions, feedback, for final version XIII. TIME SCHEDULE The survey is to be undertaken within one month. Proposed schedule is specified below: Submission of Proposal: 23 December, 2013 Decision to Award Contract: 27 December, 2013 Tool Sharing and Data Collection: 07 January, 2014 st 1 Draft Report: 15 January, 2014 Final Report: 22 January, 2014 XIV. PROPSED PAYMENT SCHEDULE

First payment: submission of the technical proposal along with baseline tools (30%) Final payment: submission of the final report (70%)

XV. REQUIREMENTS A registered organization/individual with at least 5-7 years of experience in research field Previous experience of conducting baseline, especially with children, youth and community The key staff/individual should have a relevant degree and at least 5-years of relevant professional experience in data collection and analysis of education projects, preferably those related to behavior studies Excellent skills and experience collecting data with children; on Positive Child and Youth Development and building peaceful communities Working experience in the target district is an asset The researchers/data collectors should be well versed with Pashto language for an effective interaction with the children, youth and communities in the target areas XVI. PROPOSAL APPLICATION SUBMISSION: Interested organizations/Individual are requested to submit the proposals complete profile, highlighting previous experience in conducting similar baselines in KPK and CVs of the key team members who will be the part of this baseline study by 23 December, 2013. Following is the contact for submitting the proposal applications.

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