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1.1. uL0BAL LEvEL ...................................................................................................................................1
1.2. NATI0NAL LEvEL...............................................................................................................................2
1.S. STATE LEvEL ......................................................................................................................................S
1.4. PREPARAT0RY W0RK........................................................................................................................S
1.S. BEvEL0PNENT PR0CCESS ................................................................................................................S
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2.1. 0vERvIEW 0F TBE STATE.................................................................................................................7
2.2. PBYSI0uRAPBY..................................................................................................................................8
2.S. RAINFALL PATTERN ..........................................................................................................................8
2.4. TENPERAT0RE................................................................................................................................ 1u
2.S. TRENBS ANB PR0}ECTI0NS ........................................................................................................... 1u
2.S.1. Piecipitation........................................................................................................................ 1u
2.S.2. Tempeiatuie........................................................................................................................ 1S
2.S.S. Bioughts................................................................................................................................ 1S
2.6. ACTI0NS, P0LICIES ANB INSTIT0TI0NAL PREPAREBNESS......................................................... 17
2.6.1. Bisastei management...................................................................................................... 17
2.6.2. Biought anu weathei monitoiing .............................................................................. 18
2.6.S. Biought pioofing............................................................................................................... 19
6# (7(4 310440*,4 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ."
S.1. SECT0RAL uBu ENISSI0NS .......................................................................................................... 22
S.2. P0WER SECT0R............................................................................................................................... 22
S.S. TRANSP0RT SECT0R....................................................................................................................... 2S
S.4. B0ILBINu SECT0R........................................................................................................................... 2S
S.S. INB0STRIAL SECT0R....................................................................................................................... 24
S.6. AuRIC0LT0RE ANB ALLIEB SECT0RS ........................................................................................... 24
S.7. WASTE ............................................................................................................................................. 24
S.8. S0NNARY ........................................................................................................................................ 2S
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4.1. CBANuE IN CR0PPINu PATTERN................................................................................................... 29
4.2. INPACT 0F BRY SPELLS ANB FLASB FL00BS ............................................................................... S1
4.S. BECLINE 0F PR0B0CTI0N ANB AuR0-BI0BIvERSITY ................................................................ S1
4.4. INPACT 0F CLINATE CBANuE........................................................................................................ S1
4.S. FISBERIES ........................................................................................................................................ SS
4.6. ANINAL B0SBANBRY...................................................................................................................... S6
4.7. uBuS ENISSI0NS............................................................................................................................ S7
4.8. v0LNERABILITIES........................................................................................................................... S8

4.9. ACTI0NS, P0LICIES ANB INSTIT0TI0NAL PREPAREBNESS......................................................... S9
4.9.1. Agiicultuie policy.............................................................................................................. 4u
4.9.2. Kainataka Agiicultuie Nission.................................................................................... 4u
4.9.S. Piogiamme foi incieaseu piouuction of foou giains, pulses anu oilseeus
4.9.4. National Foou Secuiity Nission (NFSN) ................................................................. 41
4.9.S. Rashtiiya Kiishi vikas Yojana (RKvY) ..................................................................... 41
4.9.6. Kainataka Agiicultuie Policy ....................................................................................... 41
4.9.7. Bhoo Chetana ...................................................................................................................... 42
4.9.8. Insuiance schemes............................................................................................................ 42
4.9.9. National Boiticultuie Nission (NBN)...................................................................... 4S
4.9.1u. Wateisheu uevelopment ................................................................................................ 44
4.9.11. 0iganic faiming.................................................................................................................. 44
4.9.12. Fisheiies ................................................................................................................................ 4S
4.9.1S. Animal husbanuiy............................................................................................................. 4S
4.1u. NISSI0NS 0NBER TBE NAPCC..................................................................................................... 46
4.11. SELECTEB ENERuINu INTERvENTI0N AREAS ............................................................................. 48
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S.1. WATER BALANCE............................................................................................................................ 49
S.2. S0RFACE WATER RES00RCES........................................................................................................ Su
S.S. uR00NBWATER RES00RCES......................................................................................................... S1
S.4. BENANB ANB PRESS0RE ............................................................................................................... SS
S.4.1. Agiicultuie............................................................................................................................ SS
S.4.2. Inuustiies.............................................................................................................................. SS
S.4.S. Bomestic uemanu.............................................................................................................. SS
S.S. PR0}ECTI0NS................................................................................................................................... SS
S.6. ACTI0NS, P0LICIES ANB INSTIT0TI0NAL PREPAREBNESS......................................................... 6S
S.7. NISSI0NS 0NBER NAPCC............................................................................................................. 67
S.8. SELECTEB ENERuINu INTERvENTI0N AREAS ............................................................................. 68
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6.1. WILBLIFE......................................................................................................................................... 72
6.2. BI0BIvERSITY ................................................................................................................................. 72
6.S. CRITICALLY ENBANuEREB SPECIES.............................................................................................. 7S
6.4. INPACT 0F CLINATE CBANuE........................................................................................................ 7S
6.4.1. 0n foiests.............................................................................................................................. 7S
6.4.2. 0n coial ieefs ...................................................................................................................... 74
6.4.S. 0n Westein uhats.............................................................................................................. 7S
6.4.4. 0n the coastal iegion ....................................................................................................... 7S
6.S. 0TBER TBREATS............................................................................................................................. 76
6.6. P0LICIES ANB LEuISLATIvE FRANEW0RK................................................................................... 77
6.7. ACTI0NS ANB INSTIT0TI0NAL PREPAREBNESS .......................................................................... 79
6.7.1. Foiest management.......................................................................................................... 79
6.7.2. Conseivation of biouiveisity ........................................................................................ 81
6.7.S. Conseivation of Westein uhats................................................................................... 82
6.7.4. Tiee planting ....................................................................................................................... 82
6.8. NISSI0NS 0NBER TBE NAPCC..................................................................................................... 8S
6.9. SELECTEB ENERuINu INTERvENTI0N AREAS ............................................................................. 84

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7.1. S0CI0EC0N0NICS 0F TBE C0ASTAL Z0NE................................................................................... 87
7.2. C0ASTAL BI0BIvERSITY................................................................................................................. 89
7.S. FISBERIES ........................................................................................................................................ 9u
7.4. ENvIR0NNENTAL ISS0ES............................................................................................................... 91
7.4.1. Coastal eiosion anu sea level iise............................................................................... 91
7.4.2. Coastal pollution................................................................................................................ 9S
7.4.S. Salinity.................................................................................................................................... 9S
7.4.4. 0nsustainable fishing ...................................................................................................... 94
7.4.S. Encioachment ..................................................................................................................... 94
7.S. ACTI0NS, P0LICIES ANB INSTIT0TI0NAL PREPAREBNESS......................................................... 9S
7.6. NISSI0NS 0NBER TBE NAPCC..................................................................................................... 96
7.7. SELECTEB ENERuINu INTERvENTI0N AREAS ............................................................................. 98
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8.1. INTR0B0CTI0N............................................................................................................................ 1u1
8.2. ENERuY S00RCES ........................................................................................................................ 1u1
8.S. P0WER uENERATI0N .................................................................................................................. 1uS
8.4. ENERuY C0NS0NPTI0N .............................................................................................................. 1u4
8.4.1. Inuustiies........................................................................................................................... 1uS
8.4.2. Tianspoitation................................................................................................................. 1u6
8.4.S. Agiicultuie......................................................................................................................... 1u6
8.4.4. Bouseholus........................................................................................................................ 1u7
8.4.S. Eneigy uemanu foiecasts............................................................................................ 1u7
8.S. ACTI0NS, P0LICIES ANB INSTIT0TI0NAL PREPAREBNESS...................................................... 1u8
8.S.1. Eneigy Conseivation Act 2uu1................................................................................. 1u8
8.S.2. Institutional anchoiage................................................................................................ 1u9
8.S.S. Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy..................................................................... 1u9
8.S.1. Feeu-in taiiffs................................................................................................................... 112
8.S.2. Eneigy efficiency............................................................................................................. 11S
8.S.S. Kainataka's solai watei heatei initiative............................................................. 11S
8.S.4. Bio-fuel Policy.................................................................................................................. 11S
8.S.S. Scope foi CBN.................................................................................................................. 116
8.S.6. uBu inventoiy.................................................................................................................. 116
8.6. NISSI0NS 0NBER TBE NAPCC.................................................................................................. 116
8.6.1. National Solai Nission.................................................................................................. 116
8.6.2. National Nission foi Enhanceu Eneigy Efficiency ........................................... 117
8.7. SELECTEB ENERuINu INTERvENTI0N AREAS .......................................................................... 118
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9.1. RAPIB INB0STRIALISATI0N........................................................................................................ 121
9.2. TRANSP0RTATI0N....................................................................................................................... 121
9.S. R0AB NETW0RK.......................................................................................................................... 12S
9.4. INPACT 0N AIR Q0ALITY............................................................................................................. 12S
9.S. TRANSP0RTATI0N uBuS........................................................................................................... 124
9.6. WASTE .......................................................................................................................................... 12S
9.6.1. Nunicipal soliu waste................................................................................................... 12S
9.6.2. Waste tianspoitation.................................................................................................... 126

9.6.S. Inuisciiminate buining of waste.............................................................................. 127
9.6.4. Tienus anu piojections................................................................................................ 127
9.6.S. uBu emissions ................................................................................................................. 127
9.7. WASTEWATER uENERATI0N...................................................................................................... 128
9.8. LANB 0SE...................................................................................................................................... 128
9.8.1. 0iban gieen spaces ....................................................................................................... 1Su
9.8.2. Tianspoitation neeus ................................................................................................... 1Su
9.9. ACTI0NS, P0LICIES ANB INSTIT0TI0NAL PREPAREBNESS...................................................... 1Su
9.1u. NISSI0NS 0NBER TBE NAPCC.................................................................................................. 1S7
9.11. SELECTEB ENERuINu INTERvENTI0N AREAS .......................................................................... 1S8
"D# 7+1%, 73%/27 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # "8"
1u.1. INPACT 0F CLINATE CBANuE 0N BEALTB................................................................................ 142
1u.2. ACTI0NS, P0LICIES ANB INSTIT0TI0NAL PREPAREBNESS...................................................... 144
1u.2.1. Piepaieuness anu facilities ........................................................................................ 144
1u.2.1. Nanagement of bio-meuical waste......................................................................... 144
1u.2.2. National vectoi-Boine Bisease Contiol piogiamme (NvBBCP) ............... 14S
1u.2.S. Kainataka Bealth System Bevelopment & Refoim Pioject.......................... 14S
1u.2.4. National Ruial Bealth Nission.................................................................................. 14S
1u.2.S. PBCs pioviuing 24x7 seivice..................................................................................... 146
1u.2.6. Thayi Bhagya.................................................................................................................... 146
1u.2.7. Safe uiinking watei ....................................................................................................... 146
1u.S. NISSI0NS 0NBER TBE NAPCC.................................................................................................. 147
1u.4. SELECTEB ENERuINu INTERvENTI0N AREAS .......................................................................... 147
""# %&20*, E/%, # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # "8;
11.1. ACTI0NS ALREABY 0NBERWAY ................................................................................................. 149
11.2. ACTI0NS REQ0IREB..................................................................................................................... 1S2
11.S. PRI0RITY ACTI0NS ANB ENTRY P0INTS.................................................................................... 177
11.S.1. Restiuctuiing of agiicultuial powei taiiffs......................................................... 177
11.S.2. Policy bouy foi uevising ciopping shifts .............................................................. 178
11.S.S. 0se NAPCC uiy lanu faiming instiuments........................................................... 179
11.S.4. Nake theft of spiinklei pipes unviable ................................................................. 18u
11.S.S. Cieate a maikeu foi inuigenous agiicultuial ciops......................................... 181
11.S.6. Cieate a maikeu foi inuigenous hoiticultuial ciops....................................... 182
11.S.7. Foimulation of a livestock insuiance policy....................................................... 18S
11.S.8. Expanu bieeuing of inuigenous cattle bieeus.................................................... 184
11.S.9. Enfoicement of uiounuwatei Act ........................................................................... 18S
11.S.1u. Policy bouy foi iestiicting giounuwatei use ..................................................... 186
11.S.11. Intiouuction of a giounuwatei cess ....................................................................... 187
11.S.12. Bevise capital subsiuy foi RWB stiuctuies......................................................... 188
11.S.1S. Integiateu watei iesouices management in public builuings.................... 189
11.S.14. Piicing policy ievision foi iiiigation watei ........................................................ 19u
11.S.1S. Estimate the caiiying capacity of the Westein uhats..................................... 191
11.S.16. Responu to invasion of alien species ..................................................................... 192
11.S.17. Cleai foiest encioachments ....................................................................................... 19S
11.S.18. Stabilise the giiu supply voltage.............................................................................. 194
11.S.19. Stiategise eneigy auuits .............................................................................................. 19S
11.S.2u. Notify the Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue (ECBC)................................. 196
11.S.21. Implement NAPCC's Naiket Tiansfoimation foi Eneigy Efficiency........ 197

11.S.22. Scale up ienewables contiibution........................................................................... 199
11.S.2S. Review baiiieis in winu eneigy ueployment..................................................... 2uu
11.S.24. Pilot laige-scale bio-fuel substation in the tianspoit sectoi ....................... 2u1
11.S.2S. Achieve gieatei ueployment of impioveu chulas............................................. 2u2
11.S.26. Piomote effluent tieatment plants ......................................................................... 2uS
11.S.27. Act on mangiove ieplanting ...................................................................................... 2u4
11.S.28. Assessment of NSW management impeuiments.............................................. 2uS
11.S.29. Regional ieseaich on climate change .................................................................... 2u6
11.S.Su. Bocumentation of auaptation piactices ............................................................... 2u7
11.S.S1. SAPCC upuation piocess.............................................................................................. 2u8



Table 1: Status of mission uocuments unuei NAPCC of Sep 1S, 2u11..........................................................S
Table 2: Nembeis of the Cooiuination Committee...............................................................................................4
Table S: 0veiview of Kainataka....................................................................................................................................7
Table 4: Rainfall noimal anu tienus uuiing 19u1-2uu8 in Kainataka.........................................................9
Table S: Piojecteu change in annual anu seasonal iainfall foi all uistiicts of Kainataka, foi
2u21!2uSu (A1B), compaieu to the baseline of 1961!199u................................................................. 12
Table 6: Piojecteu change in annual tempeiatuie foi 2u21!2uSu compaieu to 1961!199u......... 14
Table 7: ulobal waiming potential of majoi gases............................................................................................. 21
Table 8: Caibon emissions fiom fossil fuel baseu electiicity geneiations............................................... 2S
Table 9: uBu gas emissions fiom agiicultuie sectoi
....................................................................................... 24
Table 1u: uBus emission inventoiy of Kainataka.............................................................................................. 2S
Table 11: Classification of lanu use in Kainataka............................................................................................... 28
Table 12: Boiticultuial ciops in Kainataka ((lakh hectaies)........................................................................ 29
Table 1S: Aiea piouuction anu piouuctivity tienus in uistiicts of Kainataka (19SS!2uu8) ........... 29
Table 14: Aveiage yielu of impoitant ciops in Kainataka.............................................................................. S2
Table 1S: Ciops anu piojecteu uistiicts vulneiable to ueclining piouuctivity...................................... SS
Table 16: Piojecteu piouuctivity changes foi Kainataka foi majoi ciops .............................................. SS
Table 17: Piojecteu piioiities of ciops foi auaptation anu mitigation stiategies................................ SS
Table 18: Livestock population in Kainataka in thousanus........................................................................... S6
Table 19: uBu Emissions fiom Agiicultuial anu allieu sectoi...................................................................... S8
Table 2u: Inuicative watei balance of Kainataka unuei aveiage conuitions ......................................... 49
Table 21: Estimateu yielu of watei fiom iivei basins of Kainataka........................................................... S1
Table 22: Nain giounu watei settings in Kainataka......................................................................................... S1
Table 2S: uiounuwatei iesouices of Kainataka (BAN).................................................................................. S2
Table 24: Assessment of uynamic giounuwatei Resouices of Kainataka (2uu8-u9) ........................ S2
Table 2S: uiounuwatei uiafts uevelopment stage ........................................................................................... S4
Table 26: Souices of iiiigation in Kainataka........................................................................................................ S4
Table 27: Piojections foi sectoial watei uemanu in Kainataka (In TNC)............................................... S6
Table 28: Climate change impacts on iainfall anu iun-off of majoi Inuian iivei basins................... S7
Table 29: Compaiison of aiea unuei uiip methou of iiiigation................................................................... 64
Table Su: Compaiison of aiea unuei spiinklei iiiigation: 1997-98 anu 2uu4-uS............................... 64
Table S1: Summaiy of National Rivei Conseivation Plan (NRCP).............................................................. 67
Table S2: Biouiveisity of the state ............................................................................................................................ 7S
Table SS: Tienus in aiea unuei uiffeient types of foiest in Kainataka (sq km) ................................... 74
Table S4: Piojecteu population giowth in coastal cities of Kainataka ..................................................... 88
Table SS: Lanu use in costal Kainataka as a % of the geogiaphic aiea of the uistiict (2uu1-u2). 89
Table S6: Fish piouuction costal Kainataka......................................................................................................... 9u
Table S7: Nean sea level of the monitoiing station anu estimateu tienu (mmyeai)...................... 92
Table S8: Piojecteu loss in the coastal wetlanu (km
) in uiffeient scenaiio of sea level iise......... 9S
Table S9: Piojecteu giounuwatei exploitation in coastal cities of Kainataka....................................... 94
Table 4u: Eneigy souices in Kainataka foi 2u1u ........................................................................................... 1u2
Table 41: Cuiient anu piojecteu powei geneiation....................................................................................... 1uS
Table 42: Powei consumption anu taiiffs in Kainataka............................................................................... 1uS
Table 4S: uBu emissions fiom uiffeient moues of tianspoitation.......................................................... 1u6
Table 44: Piogiess of giiu connecteu piojects as on Su.11.2u1u............................................................. 11u

Table 4S: Renewable eneigy taigets of the Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy............................ 111
Table 46: Notifieu powei puichase taiiffs foi ienewables.......................................................................... 112
Table 47: Eneigy efficiency taigets of Kainataka............................................................................................ 114
Table 48: uiowth of motoi vehicles in Kainataka (in 'uuus) ..................................................................... 122
Table 49: Bieakup of motoi vehicles ('uuus) .................................................................................................... 122
Table Su: Roau length in Kainataka (2uu9)....................................................................................................... 12S
Table S1: uBu emissions by vehicle types ......................................................................................................... 124
Table S2: Waste geneiation anu collection as on 2uu8-u9 ......................................................................... 12S
Table SS: Nunicipal Soliu Waste geneiation in select 0iban Local Bouies ........................................ 12S
Table S4: Noues of waste tianspoitation employeu in 0LBs (2uu4).................................................... 126
Table SS: uBu inventoiy of Waste......................................................................................................................... 128
Table S6: Lanu utilization uistiict wise (ha)...................................................................................................... 128
Table S7: Waste-to-eneigy potential .................................................................................................................... 1SS
Table S8: Status of Bealth Inuicatois in Kainataka........................................................................................ 141
Table S9: Aveiage uuiation of spoiogony of human plasmouium at uiffeient tempeiatuie....... 14S
Table 6u: Potential health vulneiabilities uue to climate change (NATC0N, 2uu4)........................ 144
Table 61: Bio-meuical waste management in state-iun health caie facilities .................................... 14S



Figuie 1: Piocess of piepaiation of Kainataka SAPCC........................................................................................6
Figuie 2: The state of Kainataka (without uistiicts Ramanagiam, Chikballapui anu Yaugii which
weie cieateu by way of uivision 2uu7 onwaius) ..........................................................................................8
Figuie S: Time seiies of piecipitation uuiing monsoon season (}un-Sep) ovei the box 11.S-18.S
N, 74-78.S E in the INB giiuueu iainfall analysis .................................................................................... 11
Figuie 4: Bistiict-wise piecipitation tienu (mmuay pei 1uu yi) of southwest monsoon season
(}un-Sep) foi the peiiou 1971-2uuS................................................................................................................. 11
Figuie S: Piojecteu change in annual iainfall foi the peiiou 2u21-2uSu................................................. 11
Figuie 6: Piojecteu change in }un, }ul, Aug anu Sep iainfall foi the peiiou 2u21-2uSu..................... 11
Figuie 7: Piojecteu change in iainfall ielative to 197S foi Kainataka unuei 1B scenaiio. The
thick black line inuicates the BauCNS iesults, the thick ieu line the multi!moual aveiage ... 1S
Figuie 8: 0bseiveu minimum tempeiatuie tienus foi }un, }ul, Aug anu Sep in C pei 1uu yeais foi
the peiiou 19u1-2uu2............................................................................................................................................. 1S
Figuie 9: 0bseiveu maximum tempeiatuie tienus foi }un, }ul, Aug anu Sep in C pei 1uu yeais
foi the peiiou 19u1-2uu2 ..................................................................................................................................... 1S
Figuie 1u: Piojecteu inciease in annual min. tempeiatuie foi 2u21-2uSu compaieu to 197S..... 14
Figuie 11: Piojecteu inciease in annual max. tempeiatuie foi 2u21-2uSu compaieu to 197S .... 14
Figuie 12: Piojecteu tempeiatuie change ielative to 197S foi Kainataka. The BauCNS iesult is
shown by a thick black line anu the multi!moual aveiage in ieu........................................................ 1S
Figuie 1S: Piojecteu inciease in uiought inciuence in Khaiif season foi 2u21-2uSu baseu on
1961-199u uata......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figuie 14: Piojecteu inciease in uiought inciuence in Rabi season foi 2u21-2uSu baseu on 1961-
199u uata ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figuie 1S: Taluks coveieu unuei the Biought Pione Aiea anu Bistiict Beseitification
Piogiamme.................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Figuie 16: Sectoial bieakup of Kainataka's uBu emissions in % .............................................................. 22
Figuie 17: Bieakup of uBu emissions fiom the agiicultuie sectoi in %................................................. 24
Figuie 18: Agio-climatic zones of Kainataka ....................................................................................................... 27
Figuie 19: Tienus of the coveiage unuei the NAIS ciop insuiance............................................................ 4S
Figuie 2u: Rivei systems of Kainataka ................................................................................................................... Su
Figuie 21: Change in piecipitation by 2u21-2uSu foi the monsoon (Khaiif) season in Kiishna
basin............................................................................................................................................................................... S8
Figuie 22: Change in piecipitation by 2u21-2uSu, foi the post monsoon (Rabi) season in Kiishna
basin............................................................................................................................................................................... S8
Figuie 2S: Change in piecipitation by 2u21-2uSu foi monsoon (Khaiif) season in Cauveiy basin
.......................................................................................................................................................................................... S8
Figuie 24: Change in piecipitation by 2u21-2uSu foi post monsoon (Rabi) season in Cauveiy
basin............................................................................................................................................................................... S8
Figuie 2S: Change in total iunoff foi the monsoon (Khaiif) season in Kiishna basin........................ S9
Figuie 26: Change in total iunoff foi the post monsoon (Rabi) season in Kiishna basin................. S9
Figuie 27: Change in total iunoff foi the monsoon (Khaiif) season in Cauveiy basin....................... S9
Figuie 28: Change in total iunoff foi the post monsoon (Rabi) season in Cauveiy basin................ S9
Figuie 29: Change in evapo-tianspiiation foi the monsoon (Khaiif) season in Kiishna basin ..... 6u
Figuie Su: Change in evapo-tianspiiation foi the post monsoon (Rabi) season in Kiishna basin6u
Figuie S1: Change in evapo-tianspiiation foi the monsoon (Khaiif) season in Cauveiy basin..... 6u

Figuie S2: Change in evapo-tianspiiation foi the post monsoon (Rabi) season in Cauveiy basin
.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6u
Figuie SS: Change in piecipitation towaius 2uSus with iespect to 197us. ............................................ 62
Figuie S4: Change in evapo-tianspiiation (ciop watei uemanu) towaius 2uSus with iespect to
197us.............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Figuie SS: Change in watei yielu towaius 2uSus with iespect to 197us................................................. 6S
Figuie S6: National Paiks anu Wilulife Sanctuaiies in Kainataka.............................................................. 72
Figuie S7: Foiest vegetation change piojecteu by 2uSS in Kainataka ..................................................... 74
Figuie S8: Foiest vegetation change piojecteu by 2u8S in Kainataka ..................................................... 74
Figuie S9: Coastal Bistiicts of Kainataka............................................................................................................... 87
Figuie 4u: Shaie of vaiious petioleum piouucts in eneigy souices foi Kainataka ......................... 1u2
Figuie 41: Tienus of fossil fuel consumption in Kainataka........................................................................ 1u4
Figuie 42: Piesent status anu futuie estimates of eneigy consumption............................................... 1u7
Figuie 4S: Tiansmission winuow of malaiia in uiffeient states of Inuia: (a) foi base yeai 2uuu
(b) unuei piojecteu climate change scenaiio (2uSus).......................................................................... 14S
Figuie 44: Emission abatement costs foi Inuia in 2uSu............................................................................... 197



ANBP Acceleiateu Naize Bevelopment Piogiamme
ASBA Accieuiteu Social Bealth Activist
BA0 Business As 0sual
BBNP Biuhat Bangaloie Nahanagai Palike
BCCIK Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka
BBA Bangaloie Bevelopment Authoiity
BEE Buieau of Eneigy Efficiency
BESC0N Bangaloie Electiicity Supply Company
BNRBA Bangaloie Netiopolitan Region Bevelopment Authoiity
BWSSB Bangaloie Watei Supply anu Seweiage Boaiu
CANPA Compensatoiy Affoiestation funu Nanagement anu Policy Action
CC Climate Change
CBN Clean Bevelopment Nechanism
CEA Cential Electiicity Authoiity
CER Caibon Emission Reuuction
CFL Compact Fluoiescent Light
CNC City Nunicipal Coipoiation
CoP Confeience of Paities
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone
BNA Bistiict Nunicipal Auministiation
BNC Biought Nonitoiing Cell
BNS Bi Nethyl Sulphiue
B0LT Biiectoiate of 0iban Lanu Tianspoit
ECBC Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue
EE Eneigy Efficiency
ESC0N Electiicity Supply Company
uCN ulobal Climate Nouels
uBu uieen Bouse uas
uoK uoveinment of Kainataka
uSBP uioss State Bomestic Piouuct
uWP ulobal Waiming Potential
BAN Bectaie Netei
BFC Byuio Fluoio Caibon
BSB Bigh Speeu Biesel
BYv Bigh Yieluing vaiiety
IISC Inuian Institute of Science
INCCA Inuian Netwoik .

INN Integiateu Nutiient Nanagement
IPCC Inteigoveinmental Panel on Climate Change
IPN Integiateu Pest Nanagement
ISEC Institute foi Social anu Economic Change
IS0P0N Integiateu Scheme foi 0ilseeus, Pulses, 0il palm anu Naize
ISWN Integiateu Soliu Waste Nanagement
}NN0RN }awahai Nehiu National 0iban Renewal Nission
KBB Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu
KERC Kainataka Electiicity Regulation Commission
KFB Kainataka Foiest Bepaitment
KBB Kainataka Bousing Boaiu
KPCL Kainataka Powei Coipoiation Limiteu
KREBL Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu
KSNBNC Kainataka State Natuial Bisastei Nanagement Cell
KSPCB Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu
KSWBC Kainataka Sheep anu Wool Bevelopment Coipoiation
LCA Life Cycle Assessment
NBus Nillennium Bevelopment uoals
NESC0N Nangaloie Electiicity Supply Company
NLB Nillion Litie pei Bay
NNRES Ninistiy of New anu Renewable Eneigy
NoEF Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiests
NSWN Nunicipal Soliu Waste Nanagement
NTEE Naiket Tiansfoimation foi Eneigy Efficiency
NAPCC National Action Plan on Climate Change
NATC0N National Communication
NBC National Builuing Coue
NCEP National Centie foi Enviionmental Pieuiction
NBNA National Bisastei Nanagement Authoiity
NFSN National Foou Secuiity Nission
NBN National Boiticultuie Nission
NIPCC Non Inteigoveinmental Panel on Climate Change
NLCP National Lake Conseivation Piogiamme
NPBP National Pulse Bevelopment Pioject
NRCP National Rivei Conseivation Piogiamme
NREuS National Ruial Employment uuaiantee Scheme
NRBN National Ruial Bealth Nission
NvBBCP National vectoi Boine Bisease Contiol Piogiamme
0PBP 0il Palm Bevelopment Pioject
PFC Pei Fluoio Caibon
PBC Piimaiy Bealth Centie

PBEB Public Bealth Engineeiing Bepaitment
PRECIS Pieuicting Regional Climate foi Impact Stuuies
PSB Phosphoius Solubilising Bacteiia
PWB Public Woiks Bepaitment
RCN Regional Climate Nouel
RBPR Ruial Bevelopment anu Panchayati Raj
RE Renewable Eneigy
RKBY Rashtiiya Kiishi Bima Yojana
RKvY Raskhtiiya Kiishi vikas Yojana
RSPN Respiiable Suspenueu Paiticulate Nattei
RWB Rain Watei Baivesting
SAPCC State Action Plan on Climate Change
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SoE State of Enviionment
SPN Suspenueu Paiticulate Nattei
SWAT Soil anu Watei Assessment Tool
TERI The Eneigy anu Resouices Institute
TNC Thousanu Nillion Cubic Feet
0LB 0iban Local Bouies
0NFCCC 0niteu Nation Fiamewoik Convention on Climate Change
WBCIS Weathei Baseu
WISE Woilu Institute of Sustainable Eneigy
WRB0 Watei Resouices Bevelopment Authoiity
WRIS Watei Resouices Infoimation System

!"!" #$%&'$ $)*)$
Recent ieseaich acioss the woilu cleaily establisheu climate change as the most seiious
global enviionmental challenge touay. The change in the chemical composition of at-
mospheie anu incieasing concentiations of gieenhouse gases (uBus) pose a significant
thieat to the natuial ecological balance anu biogeochemical cycles incluuing iainfall anu
tempeiatuie. It has been piojecteu that the changes in natuial cycles will seveiely affect
the socio-economic textuie anu enviionment at global as well as at iegional levels.
Changes in the iainfall pattein will woist affect agiicultuie anu allieu sectois. Assess-
ments caiiieu out by Inteigoveinmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have high-
lighteu that countiies mostly affecteu by climate change woulu be agiaiian-uominateu,
eco-sensitive economies. This gioup compiises mainly of ueveloping anu emeiging ec-
onomies. Beie the inauequacies of infiastiuctuie, low euucation anu income levels,
lessei choices to exeicise anu slowei iesponse mechanisms of the state aie compounu-
ing whatevei theii natuial vulneiabilities. By contiast, the causes of climate change aie
attiibutable to uevelopeu countiies that have been emitting massive amounts of uBus
since the inuustiial ievolution.
Accoiuing to the 4
Assessment Repoit of the IPCC
the majoiity of the inciease in the
obseiveu global aveiage tempeiatuies since the miu-2u
centuiy is veiy likely linkeu to
the obseiveu inciease in anthiopogenic uBu concentiations. The iepoit concluues that
uisceinible human influences have now extenueu to othei aspects of climate, incluuing
ocean waiming, continental aveiage tempeiatuies, tempeiatuie extiemes anu winu pat-
teins. Piojecteu scenaiios inuicate a iise in the global mean tempeiatuies in the iange of
1.1 to 6.4

C by 21uu. The analyses fiom global instiumental iecoius of one anu a half
centuiies ievealeu that eaith has waimeu by u.74

C uuiing the last 1uu yeais. By the enu

of the centuiy the iise in tempeiatuie coulu be between u.6

C anu 4.u

C with iespect to
198u-1999 levels. With iespect to South-East Asia the IPCC pieuicts:
! By the 2uSus fieshwatei availability will ueciease, paiticulaily in laige iivei basins.
! Coastal aieas, especially heavily populateu mega uelta iegions will be at gieatest iisk
uue to incieaseu floouing fiom the sea anu in some cases, floouing fiom iiveis.
! Enuemic moibiuity anu moitality uue to uiaiihoeal uiseases associateu with floous
anu uioughts aie expecteu to iise uue to piojecteu changes in the hyuiological cycle.
Bowevei, the veiacity of the IPCC iepoit has not iemaineu uncontesteu. The Nongov-
einmental Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) foi instance uiew attention to limitations of
anu the IPCC assessments while attiibuting obseiveu climatic changes piimaiily to natu-
ial piocesses. In its iepoit, 'Climate Change Reconsiueieu'
, NIPCC aigues that obseiveu
changes aie uominateu by changes in ecological cycles anu not anthiopogenic uBu
emissions. NIPCC's majoi ciitique points on IPCC's finuings incluue:

Inteigoveinmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2uu7. The Physical Science Basis, Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess,
Cambiiuge, CB2 2R0, 0niteu Kinguom.
Iuso, C. anu Singei, S.F. (2uu9). Climate Change Reconsiueieu, Repoit of the Nongoveinmental Inteinational Panel on
Climate Change (NIPCC). The Beaitlanu Institute, 0SA

! The geneial ciiculation mouels useu by IPCC in the Iv Assessment Repoit lacks scien-
tific valiuation iesulting in unceitainties associateu with pieuictions of especially
clouu foimation anu clouu inteiactions mouels.
! IPCC uose not estimate the cooling effect of aeiosols auequately anu ignoies tempeia-
tuie inuuceu emissions of uimethyl sulfiue (BNS) fiom oceans. Also iouo compounus
piouuceu by maiine algae which have a cooling effect by acting as conuensation nu-
clei foi clouu foimation thus incieasing the ieflection aie not consiueieu by IPCC.
! Suiface-baseu tempeiatuie iecoius as useu by IPCC uo not take into account non-
gieen house gas inuuceu uiban heat islanu coiiections.
! 0nlike stateu in the IPCC iepoit, the thinning of the Aictic sea ice is causeu by chan-
ging ice uynamics anu atmospheiic iegime shift. Also the pieuiction anu iecoius on
sea level iise aie subject to unceitainties ielateu to the woilu's watei balance.
! NIPCC opines that seveial stuuies founu that solai magnetic activity anu solai iiiaui-
ance is the majoi factoi contiibuting to changing climate of eaith anu not anthiopo-
genic C02 emissions. Also theie exist stiong coiielations between solai activities anu
weathei events like iainfall, uioughts, floous etc aiounu the woilu.
! Watei use efficiency of plants incieases with the C02 concentiation in the atmospheie
anu thus incieaseu C02 may not affect plant giowth auveisely. Incieaseu C02 availab-
ility will inuuce highei photosynthesis anu biomass piouuction anu also enhance
plants' iesistance to withstanu haish enviionmental conuitions like soil salinity, tem-
peiatuie stiess etc.
! NIPCC suggests that global waiming is likely to enhance caibon sequestiation.
! Accoiuing to NIPCC, IPCC's claim of incieasing climate change thieats to human
health aie unwaiianteu. It opines that seveial ieseaich finuings have shown that iise
in tempeiatuie ieuuces iisk of caiuio vasculai anu iespiiatoiy uiseases when com-
paieu with lowei tempeiatuies.
! Bue to incieasing C02 concentiation in atmospheie anu iising tempeiatuie, the ciop
piouuctivity is expecteu to inciease which will not only lessens the foou shoitage but
also pievent encioachment of natuial ecosystem foi the same puipose.
In spite of limitations on the cuiient scientific assessments anu unceitainties, the weight
of eviuence attiibuting climatic changes to human activities is significant. Nost gov-
einments theiefoie acknowleuge the neeu foi iapiu action. Neveitheless, till uate meet-
ings of the Confeience of the Paities (CoP) unuei the 0niteu Nations Fiamewoik Con-
vention on Climate Change (0NFCCC) have not been successful in negotiating consensus
on binuing emission ieuuctions. Accoiuing to IPCC conclusions the chances foi mitigat-
ing anthiopogenic climate change aie incieasingly uiminishing. Failing to pievent it, it
appeais impeiative to piepaie foi its impacts. Acioss the globe, goveinments aie in-
cieasingly auopting national piogiammes to ueal with the thieat of climate change.
Inuia is one of them.
!"+" ,'-.%/'$ $)*)$
Foi Inuia, the IPCC 2uu7 iepoit piojecteu an inciease of 2.7-4.S

C in tempeiatuie by the
2u8us, an inciease in iainfall of 6-8% anu sea level iise of 88 cm by 21uu.
The piojecteu
scenaiio woulu have uiamatic consequences foi livelihoou - anu possibly suivival - of
iuial communities who uepenu on agiicultuie, fisheiies anu animal husbanuiy. Limita-

Inteigoveinmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2uu7. The Physical Science Basis, Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess,
Cambiiuge, CB2 2R0, 0niteu Kinguom.

tions of science asiue, imminent vulneiabilities of an ecologically sensitive, ueveloping
anu laigely agiaiian countiy like Inuia can not possibly be ignoieu. Piojecteu tienus in
climatic changes pose a looming thieat foi the uevelopment of the countiy anu the im-
plicit iequiiement foi economic anu inclusive giowth.
Acknowleuging this challenge, the Piime Ninistei's Council on Climate Change in its fiist
meeting on }uly 1S, 2uu7, announceu that "! #$%&'#$( )'*+,-#% *',.&(&#/ $*%&'# %$0-#
12 3#)&$ 4'5 $))5-66&#/ %7- *7$((-#/- '4 *(&,$%- *7$#/-8 $#) $*%&'# &% .5'.'6-6 %' %$0-
67'+() 1- .5-.$5-)." Accoiuingly, Inuia's voluntaiy National Action Plan on Climate
Change (NAPCC) was piepaieu anu ieleaseu in }une 2uu8 by the Piime Ninistei's Coun-
cil on Climate Change.

As piuuent foi an emeiging economy, Inuia's plan uoes not saciifice uevelopmental
goals foi emission ieuuction taigets. Insteau it emphasises appiopiiately on long-teim
mitigation stiategies piomoting sustainable uevelopment anu giowth with climate "co-
benefits". Inteivention aieas incluue ienewable eneigy, eneigy efficiency, watei man-
agement, agiicultuial iesilience, affoiestation, waste management anu public tianspoit.
The emphasis lies on inclusive anu sustainable uevelopment, especially foi pooiei sec-
tions. Thiough its eight sectoial missions the NAPCC pioviues a uetaileu ioau map foi
achieving these objectives. Foi each of these, a sepaiate mission uocument is piepaieu,
uetailing the stiategy.
Table 1 shows, seven of the mission uocuments weie ieleaseu as uiaft so fai. 0f these,
foui weie accoiueu appioval fiom the conceineu ministiy while only thiee ieceiveu the
final Cabinet appioval till uate.
1. National Nission foi Solai Eneigy Yes 0btaineu 0btaineu
2. Nission foi Enhanceu Eneigy Efficiency Yes 0btaineu 0btaineu
S. Nission foi Sustainable Babitat Yes 0btaineu Penuing
4. National Watei Nission Yes 0btaineu 0btaineu

S. Nission foi Sustaining the Bimalayan Ecosystem Yes Penuing
6. National Nission foi uieen Inuia Yes Penuing
7. National Nission foi Sustainable Agiicultuie Penuing
8. National Nission foi Stiategic Knowleuge Yes Penuing

!"0" 1-'-) $)*)$
The states play the majoi iole in the implementation of the NAPCC. In an auuiess on Au-
gust 18, 2uu9, the Piime Ninistei calleu upon the states anu union teiiitoiies to initiate
the piepaiation of state action plans. State level plans neeu to cieate an institutional anu
opeiational fiamewoik foi implementing the missions anu aligning them with othei ue-
velopmental piioiities of the state. To achieve this, Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest
(NoEF) piepaieu a set of guiuelines foi the states.
These acknowleuge that the scope of

National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), (2uu8). Piime Ninistei's Council on Climate Change, uoveinment
of Inuia
Asian Age, Apiil 7, 2u11 thiough www.inuiaenviionmentpoital.oig.intaxonomyteim118S accesseu Nay 1u, 2u1u
Fiamewoik the piepaiation of SAPCCs (2u1u). Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest (NoEF)

inteiventions at state level neeus to covei an even wiuei scope than the NAPCC laiu out.
Peihaps of gieatest impoitance is the emphasises it lays on the neeu to iuentify impacts,
vulneiabilities anu auaptation neeus, a ciucial element which hitheito uiu not ieceive
much attention in the national stiategy. uuiuing piinciples of the fiamewoik incluue:
! Implementing an inclusive anu sustainable uevelopment stiategy, piotecting pooi
anu vulneiable sections of society fiom auveise effects of climate change;
! 0nueitaking actions that uelivei benefits foi giowth anu uevelopment while mitigat-
ing climate change;
! Ensuiing anu impioving ecological sustainability;
! Builuing climate scenaiios anu investing in knowleuge anu ieseaich to ieuuce uncei-
tainty anu to impiove knowleuge about appiopiiate iesponses;
! Assessing the impact of climate change on existing vulneiabilities, anu iuentifying anu
enhancing iisk management tools foi auuiessing climate change;
! Setting out mitigation anu auaptation options anu evaluating them in accoiuance with
cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit anu feasibility;
! Implementing state-planneu anu voluntaiy community-baseu auaptation while builu-
ing bioauei stakeholuei engagement;
! Auuiessing state-specific piioiity issues, whilst also cieating an enabling envi-
ionment foi implementation of NAPCC at state level;
! Establishing appiopiiate institutional aiiangements anu builuing capacities, keeping
in view cooiuination, intei-uepaitmental consultations, stakeholuei involvement, anu
integiation with iegulai planning anu buugetaiy piocesses.
! Linking up with national policies anu piogiammes foi consistency anu to iuentify fi-
nancial anu policy suppoit that may be available.
In }une 2uu9 uoveinment of Kainataka (uoK) constituteu a Cooiuination Committee to
oveisee anu cooiuinate the state's iesponse to climate change.
It assigneu the manuate
to piepaie the State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) to Enviionmental Nanage-
ment & Policy Reseaich Institute (ENPRI). In the planning piocess, the committee em-
phasiseu the neeu to uevelop Kainataka SAPCC in close consultation with uoK who
shoulu eventually own the action plan. This is ieflecteu in the composition of the Co-
oiuination Committee to which 1S key uepaitments aie membei (iefei to Table 2).
Auuitional Chief Secietaiy & Bevelopment Commis-
Bepaitment of Foiest, Ecology & Enviionment
Bepaitment of 0iban Bevelopment
Bepaitment of Eneigy
Bepaitment of Bealth & Family Welfaie
Bepaitment of Tianspoit
Bepaitment of Public Woiks
Bousing Bepaitment
Touiism Bepaitment
Revenue Bepaitment
Animal Busbanuiy & Fisheiies Bepaitment
Town Planning Bepaitment
Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu
Planning, Piogiamme Nonitoiing anu Statistics

uoveinment 0iuei FEE 181 ENv 2uu7, Bangaloie, uateu }une 2u, 2uu9

!"2" 34)5'4'-%46 7%48
Woik on Kainataka SAPCC was pieceueu with a iapiu assessment of sectoial actions of
goveinment uepaitments. Biiecteu by the Cooiuination Committee, this ieview soliciteu
coopeiation fiom 22 uepaitments, 14 of which took pait in the stocktaking exeicise.
They pioviueu uetails of actions alieauy taken anu in some cases, specific plans in ie-
spect of climate change. Actions taken oi pioposeu weie ievieweu keeping in view the
manuate anu scope ensuing fiom the NAPCC as piimaiy coineistone. An initial iepoit of
finuings was ieleaseu in Becembei 2u1u as a piecuisoi.
Its key finuings aie summa-
iiseu heie foi iefeience.
" The iapiu assessment founu that the majoiity of actions iepoiteu auuiess issues al-
ieauy piessing touay. Leaving asiue exceptions, most of the actions weie not con-
ceiveu in iesponse to climate change, but to uevelopmental piioiities. This finuing is
logical anu unsuipiising. Neveitheless, these action offei climate change co-benefits
as envisageu by the NAPCC. The steps put foith aie encouiaging consiueiing they
weie embaikeu upon in absence of a cooiuinateu intei-uepaitmental iesponse to cli-
mate change. Specific mentioning ueseives the initiatives of the Kainataka Foiest
Bepaitment (KFB) anu Revenue Bepaitment. Both uepaitments coveieu significant
teiiain in piepaiing foi the challenge of climate change in a systematic way.
" It was noteu with concein that no specific taigets oi timefiames weie inuicateu foi
most initiatives at state level. Actions, stiategies anu intentions weie piomulgateu
chiefly in qualitative teims while the magnituue anu uepth of these inteiventions
iemain unceitain. Bepaitments geneially uiu not inuicate the availability of funus foi
implementation. The absence of cleai plans gave iise to appiehensions that, iiiespec-
tive of noble intentions, majoi achievements may not be iealiseu if not planneu foi
but meiely -#9&6$/-).
" The scope anu natuie of actions aie chiefly confineu to mitigation options. Keeping in
view Kainataka's climate may alieauy have expeiienceu changes going by the in-
cieaseu occuiience of floous anu uioughts, steps towaius auaptation to a giauually
changing climate anu its consequences iemain elusive.
" The existing sectoial initiatives of uoK aie beneficial foi the state's climate change
iesponse but have not in any way ieplaceu the neeu foi a compiehensive anu co-
oiuinateu action plan. Such plan neeus to piioiitise paiticulaily the integiation of
impacts, vulneiabilities anu auaptation iequiiements in the state. Anu consiueiing
that the SAPCC has many stakeholueis, uoK being the most impoitant one, the pie-
paiation piocess neeus to be consultative anu paiticipatoiy.
This piesent iepoit investigates sectoial goveinmental actions moie thoioughly, al-
though not exhaustively. It places actions anu policies iuentifieu in the context of pei-
ceiveu vulneiabilities anu options foi mitigation anu auaptation.
!"9" :)*)$%5;)/- 54%<<)==
Noie than 8u ielevant publisheu anu unpublisheu uocuments weie iuentifieu anu ana-
lyseu. Among these the iepoit of the Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka
(BCCIK) playeu a significant iole.
Its concise coiioboiation of ielevant uata paiieu with
fiist piojections foi the state aiueu the piepaiation piocess. A ieview anu systematic ev-

SAPCC Kainataka - Rapiu Assessment of Sectoial Actions Initiateu. Enviionmental Nanagement & Policy Reseaich
Institute (ENPRI), Becembei Su, 2u1u
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

aluation of liteiatuie begun in 0ctobei 2u1u anu concluueu with the establishment of a
uocument iepositoiy to aiu the iuentification of anu access to ielevant iesouices. The
uevelopment piocess was initiateu with a biainstoiming session with iepiesentatives of
ieputeu institutions whose woik ielates to climate change. The magnituue of the sec-
toial ieviews necessaiy foi this iepoit anu the neeu to expeuite the piocess maue col-
laboiation piefeiiable. In oiuei to expanu on the existing institutional capacity foi the
piepaiation of this woik an agieement was establisheu with The Eneigy & Resouices
Institute (TERI). An extensive consultation piocess with 24 uepaitments of uoveinment
of Kainataka - the most impoitant stakeholuei - was helu between Naich 7 anu Naich
S1, 2u11.


+"!" >*)4*.)7 %? -@) =-'-)
The state of Kainataka, situateu in southein westein pait of countiy, is Inuia's eighth
laigest state in teims of geogiaphical aiea with 191,791 km
aiea. As pei Census 2uu1,
the population of the state is S2.8 million accounting foi S.uS% of Inuia's population.
The piovisional finuings of Census 2u11 ieveal that the population of the state has al-
ieauy ciosseu 6u million. The state has 176 taluks piesently uiviueu into Su uistiicts.
The state of Kainataka, with its uiban population at S4% of total population, is cuiiently
iankeu as the fifth most uibanizeu state among all. With 19.96% foiest covei, the laigest
connecteu iange of which is foimeu by the Westein uhats, the state also acts as caibon
sink. A total of 1u4 lakh hectaies lanu is unuei cultivation in the state. The state has wit-
nesseu a high iate of uibanization anu uevelopment uuiing last few uecaues. In yeai
2uu4-2uuS, Kainataka's contiibution to Inuia's uBP was S.2%.

Aiea 191,791 km
Population 61.1 million S.uS
Ruial population S4.8S million 4.S8
Total foiest covei S8,284 km
uioss Cioppeu Aiea 12,89S,uuu hectaie 6.SS
Net Sown Aiea 1u,419,uuu hectaie 7.S8
Livestock S2.8 million 6.2u
Foou giain piouuction 12,Suu,uuu tonnes 6.uu
Rainfall 1,1S1 mm (annual aveiage)
Total Electiicity ueneiation 42,899 million units
Total Electiicity Consumption SS971 million units
Liteiacy Rate 7S.14 %


# Accoiuing to auvance estimates of gioss state uomestic piouuct (uBSP) at constant piices oi state income is
expecteu to giow by about 8.2% uuiing 2u1u-11.
# The seivice sectoi continue to uominate in the economy, the teitiaiy sectoi contiibuting SS.17% to uBSPs. The
contiibution of seconuaiy sectoi anu piimaiy sectoi aie 28.61% anu 16.22% iespectively.
# Pei capita uBSP oi pei capita income at cuiient piices is likely to ieach Rs. 67,2SS uuiing 2u1u-11 as against
Rs. S8,8S2 in 2uu9-1u.
# Foou giain piouuction incieaseu to above 12S lakh tons in the cuiient yeai fiom less than 11u lakh tons in
# The cumulative iiiigation potential likely to be cieateu by the enu of 2u1u-11 is SS.12 lakh hectaies fiom all
thiee categoiies of iiiigation (majoi, meuium anu minoi iiiigation) piojects.
# Softwaie expoits incieaseu to Rs. 7u, S7S cioie in 2uu8-u9 fiom Rs. S9,Suu cioie in 2uu7-u8. Expoits fiom
business piocess outsouicing companies incieaseu to Rs. 1S,u14 cioie in 2uu8-u9 fiom Rs. 7,6uu cioie in
# Infant moitality in Kainataka is 41 pei thousanu as compaieu to SS foi all Inuia.
# The population pei hospital beu is 1S19 in Kainataka as compaieu to 1SuS foi all Inuia.

Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka

+"+" 3@6=.%A4'5@6

Baseu on physiogiaphic featuies Kainataka can be uiviueu into foui iegions: 1) The
Coastal iegion, 2) The Nalnau (hilly) iegion, S) The Noithein plateau anu 4) The South-
ein plateau. The state obseives uiveise climates fiom aiiu to semi-aiiu in the plateau
iegions, sub-humiu to humiu tiopical in the uhats anu humiu tiopical monsoon climate
in the west coast plains uue to geogiaphic anu physiogiaphic chaiacteiistics. About 77%
of the total geogiaphical aiea of the state, coveiing inteiioi pait of the state is aiiu oi
semi-aiiu with the state contiibuting 1S% of the total semi-aiiu oi S% of the total aiiu
aieas of the countiy. Kainataka expeiiences typical tiopical climate compiising foui uis-
tinct seasons in the yeai: Wintei (}anuaiy to Febiuaiy), summei (Naich to Nay), mon-
soon (}une to Septembei), anu post-monsoon (0ctobei to Becembei).


+"0" B'./?'$$ 5'--)4/
The aveiage iainfall ieceiveu in the state uuiing the yeai 2uu9-2u1u was 1,S4S mm,
17% moie than the noimal iainfall of 1,1S1 mm. At uistiict level, out of Su uistiicts in
the state, 14 uistiicts expeiienceu excess anu iemaining 16 uistiicts witnesseu noimal

Ramachanuia, T.v. anu Kamakshi, u. (2uuS). Bio-iesouice potential of Kainataka. Technical Repoit No. 1u9. Centie
foi Ecological Sciences, Inuian Institute of Science, Bangaloie, Inuia.
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka.

Kiishnan (1984) has stuuieu extensively the iainfall patteins of Kainataka. 0ut of the
aveiage annual noimal iainfall of 1,1S1 mm, the state ieceives 8u% of the annual iain-
fall in the southwest monsoon peiiou, 12% in the post-monsoon peiiou, 7% in the sum-
mei anu only 1% in wintei season. The winuwaiu siue of the uhats (coastal iegion) ie-
coius S,SSu mm of iainfall uuiing the southwest monsoon while on the leewaiu siue of
the uhats, the iainfall uiops to 6uu-7uu mm. The humiu Nalnau iegion ieceives annual
iainfall in the iange of 1,uuu-S,8uu mm. The noith-eastein monsoon causes Su% of
annual iainfall in the eastein pait of south inteiioi Kainataka mainly in 0ctobei to
Becembei. With annual iainfalls of Suu-6uu mm, Bijapui, east Belgaum, noith-east
Bhaiwau, west Raichui, east Bellaiy, Chitiauuiga anu a small poition of Tumkui uistiict
aie the iainfall ueficit aieas in noith inteiioi Kainataka. The lowest iainfall (less than
Suu mm) in the state is obseiveu aiounu Challekeie in Chitiauuiga uistiict. Rainfall is
low in the semi-aiiu iegions anu less than 14u mm in the cential Bhaiwau uistiict. Baily
iainfall intensities iange fiom 18u-24u mm in noith Bijapui, noith uulbaiga anu Biuai
uistiict. The iainy season is spieau ovei a peiiou of foui months (}une-Septembei) in the
coastal, uhats, Nalnau aieas anu in Biuai uistiict, while ovei the ,$&)$# aieas it is
spieau ovei a peiiou of five to seven months
BCCIK (2u11) assesseu tienus of uaily weathei uata fiom Inuian Neteoiology Bepait-
ment (INB), Pune foi 19u1 - 2uu8. The stuuy obseiveu a uecline in annual iainfall fiom
1,2u4 mm uuiing 19u1-19Su to 1,14u uuiing 19S1-2uu8. As shown in Table 4, annual as
well as seasonal iainfall uecieaseu oi incieaseu baseu on the iegion of the state.

EUIaP _bFR a1FW` 4:1_bLRa 4IV` ,31 _*TKa -IT` %RRLFH
2UIRS PP _]` 2UIRS PP _]` 2UIRS PP _]` 2UIRS
Bengaloie Ruial ! "8" 18 " 8.5 S4 " ... 28 " 5;D
Bengaloie 0iban ! "<C 19 ! 8<< SS ! .8" 28 ! C59
Chamaiajanagai " .6; 29 " 6"< S9 ! .<" S2 " C"<
Chitiauuiga ! "5; 9 ! "9D9 79 ! ..D 12 ! ";D8
Bavanageie ! .66 6 ! 666C 8S ! 68D 9 ! 6;""
Kolai ! .85 9 ! .".; 81 ! .<< 1u ! .<8.
Nanuya # 58 1S " 6C9 66 ! ".8 21 ! 9C6
Nysoie " ";" 26 ! .;< 41 ! .69 SS ! 5..
Tumkui " ";" 22 ! 8.9 Su " .6< 28 " C9.
Chikkaballapuia " .DC S # 6<<; 88 " 6D9 7 " 8"C.
Ramanagaia " "8C S # .965 88 ! .DD 7 " .CC9
Bavanageie ! .66 6 ! 666C 8S ! 68D 9 ! 6;""
Bagalkote # CC 1S " 6<D 62 " "6< 2S " 9C<
Belgam " ""9 14 ! 9<D 68 # "8C 18 # C.6
Bellaiy " "D6 16 " 6CC 61 " "89 2S " <6<
Biuai ! 59 8 ! 5D9 8u " "D9 12 ! CC9
Bijapui ! 56 12 " 8.5 68 " "6" 21 " <6"
Bhaiwau # "6D 2u " 6<" SS # "<< 2S " <95
uauag " "85 19 ! 8CD 61 " "9; 2u " 5C<
uulbaiga ! ""9 18 " 6<9 S8 " "9D 24 " <6D
Baveii ! "C" 18 " 9C8 S9 " ... 22 " ;C5

Ramachanuia, T.v. anu Kamakshi, u. (2uuS). Bio-iesouice potential of Kainataka. Technical Repoit No. 1u9. Centie
foi Ecological Sciences, Inuian Institute of Science, Bangaloie, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

EUIaP _bFR a1FW` 4:1_bLRa 4IV` ,31 _*TKa -IT` %RRLFH
2UIRS PP _]` 2UIRS PP _]` 2UIRS PP _]` 2UIRS
Koppal ! "66 18 # 6<6 Su ! ..5 S1 ! 5.6
Raichui ! ..D 29 " 669 44 " ."" 28 " 5<<
Chikmagalui ""6 1S ! 8". S6 ! ."5 29 ! 58.
Bassan ! 5" 8 ! <8D 76 ! ".C 1S ! C6;
Kouagu ! "6. 17 " 8C9 62 ! "<D 21 # 555
Shimoga ! <9 1u ! 8CD 7u ! "6< 2u ! <C"
Bakshin kannaua ! ""C 21 " .C6 Su ! "<; Su " 95D
0uupi ! "8C 8 " "8C8 82 ! "C5 1u " "C";
0ttaikannaua ! "88 2u " 6<6 Su ! .". 29 ! 5";
4KFKI "8. ". C.D 5" ";D "5 ""9.

+"2" C);5)4'-D4)
Tempeiatuie is lowest in the month of }anuaiy anu incieases theieaftei giauually at fiist
anu iapiuly aftei the miuule of Febiuaiy oi the beginning of Naich. The southein ,$&:
)$# iegion witnesses the highest tempeiatuie in Apiil while in the noithein ,$&)$# anu
the coastal aieas, highest tempeiatuies aie obseiveu in Nay. In }anuaiy, the mean uaily
tempeiatuie is S1-S2C in the coastal aieas anu slightly above SuC in the noithein ,$&:
)$# aiea except in Biuai uistiict wheie it is 28-29C. In Nay, the maximum tempeiatuie
ieaches 4SC in the uulbaiga-Raichui iegion. In the uhats anu Nalnau aiea, it iemains
compaiatively low i.e. about 2u-24C. It is seen that the mean annual iange of tempeia-
tuie is lowest in the coastal iegion (6C) anu gieatest in the Bellaiy-Raichui iegion. In
the Nay-}une noith inteiioi Kainataka also expeiiences a inciuents of heat waves
+"9" C4)/E= '/E 54%F)<-.%/=
2.S.1. rec|p|tat|on
As theie weie no compiehensive stuuies on the likely impacts of climate change in the
Kainataka, Piofessoi B. K Chanuiashekai establisheu the Bangaloie Climate Change In-
itiative - Kainataka (BCCI-K) by biinging togethei uistinguisheu expeits fiom Inuian In-
stitute of Science, Institute foi Social anu Economic Change, 0niveisity of Agiicultuial
Sciences, anu Centie foi Stuuy of Science, Technology anu Policy. BCCI-K stuuieu the
tienus in climate of Kainataka anu also attempteu to pioject the iainfall, tempeiatuie
anu uiought foi IPCC's vaiious scenaiio (SRES A1B scenaiio). The input uata useu in the
stuuy weie last SS-yeai iainfall uata (1971 to 2uuS of INB), monthly tempeiatuie uata
foi last 1u2 yeais (19u1-2uu2). BCCI-K useu BauCNS global climate mouel which has
also been useu in eailiei stuuy by Kumai et al. (2uu6). The uata obtaineu foim BauCNS
was uownscaleu using PRECIS (Pieuicting Regional Climate foi Impact Stuuies) mouel.
The iesults of the BCCI-K stuuies as shown in Figuie S ieveal that Kainataka has wit-
nesseu a negative tienu in iainfall since 19S1 (-1 mm pei yeai) anu the annual iainfall
has been uecieaseu by 6% with substantial ueciease ovei the Coastal anu Noith Inteiioi
Kainataka uistiicts (Figuie 4).

Ramachanuia, T.v. anu Kamakshi, u. (2uuS). Bio iesouice potential of Kainataka. Technical Repoit No. 1u9. Centie
foi Ecological Sciences, Inuian Institute of Science, Bangaloie, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.


"C#9d ,? 58e5C#9d 3 QR KYI 01- ZUQSSIS UFQROFHH


Figuie S anu Figuie 6 uepict BCCI-K's piojecteu change in total annual iainfall anu foi
the summei monsoon season iespectively. As shown in the figuie, BCCIK piojecteu that
the noith-eastein anu south-westein paits of the state may expeiience ueciease in the
oveiall iainfall.



The following Table S pioviues uetails the vaiiation in annual iainfall foi all uistiicts of
Kainataka unuei the IPCC A1B scenaiio as piojecteu by BCCIK (2u11). Piecipitation uui-
ing }une, }uly, August anu Septembei is expecteu to ieuuce in almost all uistiicts of Kai-
nataka except Biuai, Chikmagalui, Baveii, Kouagu, Shimoga, 0uupi anu 0ttaia Kannaua.

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit

.D."!.D9D _%"$`? TNPVFUIS KN KYI GFMIHQRI NO ";<"!";;D

1. Bagalkote -SS.42 4S.6S -1u.47 16.87 1.S8
2. Bangaloie Ruial S.uS S6.Su -2.S1 9.61 S.S6
S. Bangaloie 0iban -1S.11 29.92 -2.89 1u.14 S.66
4. Belgaum -6.2S 2u.S4 -1.S2 2u.uu 6.1S
S. Bellaiy -14.47 S6.16 -8.11 6.87 u.S2
6. Biuai -71.Su 22.29 6.89 Su.76 27.uS
7. Bijapui -Su.81 S9.41 -9.81 12.S4 u.6u
8. Chamaiajanagai -8.S1 16.SS -8.4u 1.S6 -1.8S
9. Chikballapui Su.17 17.4u -2.4u S.21 u.97
1u. Chikmagalui -44.1S 2.86 u.14 11.6S S.62
11. Chitiauuiga u.94 22.76 -S.98 14.46 6.Su
12. Bakshina Kannaua -S4.S7 2.u8 -u.4S 8.28 u.87
1S. Bavangeie u.uu 24.u7 -1.84 14.2u 6.S7
14. Bhaiwau u.uu Su.SS u.u6 9.94 S.71
1S. uauag u.uu S7.48 -6.79 12.42 1.9S
16. uulbaiga -6S.11 12.77 -1.44 9.49 4.26
17. Bassan -SS.u2 -S.S9 -S.72 11.94 2.4S
18. Baveii u.uu 12.28 1.91 1u.87 S.8u
19. Kouagu -Su.6S -7.SS u.97 6.61 2.SS
2u. Kolai 4.8u 22.7S -S.S7 4.9u 1.u8
21. Koppal -2.u8 4S.19 -12.SS 8.81 -1.S6
22. Nanuya -2u.uu 4.S7 -7.uu 1u.4u 1.4u
2S. Nysoie -22.9S -2.68 -4.91 2.9u -u.78
24. Raichui -4.17 2u.Su -1u.99 -7.S9 -6.79
2S. Ramanagai -21.7S 22.77 -4.87 1u.27 2.8S
26. Shimoga -12.Su 1u.SS 4.S1 8.uS S.27
27. Tumkui 1S.76 21.77 -S.9S 14.26 S.22
28. 0uupi -1u.71 2S.9S 2.4S 9.S1 4.u7
29. 0ttaia Kannaua u.uu 1u.62 4.87 6.8u S.4u
Su. Yaugii -6S.u4 19.S2 -7.14 -S.22 -4.u7

Figuie 7 compaies the iesults of BCCIK stuuy with uiffeient uCNs useu to pieuict
change in iainfall in the state of Kainataka. BCCIK, thus baseu on the above figuie,
claimeu that theii iesults aie veiy neai to othei finuings.

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.



2.S.2. 1emperature
BCCI-K obseives a waiming tienu in the state of Kainataka. Bistiicts of noith inteiioi
Kainataka (Biuai, Bijapui, uulbaiga, Yaugii anu Raichui) have been expeiiencing an in-
ciease in minimum tempeiatuie of > u.6C in the last 1uu yeais (in Figuie 8). A maxi-
mum tempeiatuie inciease of > u.6C in the last 1uu yeais was founu in uulbaiga, Bi-
japui, uulbaiga, Biuai, Raichui anu Yaugii uistiicts (Figuie 9).


BCCI-K's stuuy piojects a fuithei waiming of 1.8 to 2.2C by 2uSu. The piojecteu in-
ciease foi annual aveiage tempeiatuies foi the noithein uistiicts is highei than the
southein uistiicts. Piojecteu minimum tempeiatuie incieases aie slightly above in-
cieases in the maximum tempeiatuies.

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.


KPFc _QR &`
1. Yaugii 2.21 2.S4 2.1u
2. Bijapui 2.2u 2.S2 2.11
S. Raichui 2.2u 2.S1 2.12
4. uulbaiga 2.19 2.SS 2.u4
S. Bagalkote 2.1S 2.2S 2.1u
6. Koppal 2.14 2.21 2.u9
7. Biuai 2.12 2.Su 1.9S
8. Bellaiy 2.u8 2.16 2.uS
9. uauag 2.u8 2.1S 2.uS
1u. Belgaum 2.u1 2.11 1.98
11. Chitiauuiga 2.uu 2.u7 1.97
12. Bhaiwau 2.uu 2.u8 1.97
1S. Nanuya 1.99 2.uS 2.uu
14. Tumkui 1.99 2.u6 1.96
1S. Chikballapui 1.98 2.u6 1.91
16. Bavangeie 1.98 2.uS 1.98
17. Bangaloie Ruial 1.97 2.u6 1.91
18. Baveii 1.97 2.u4 1.97
19. Ramanagai 1.97 2.uS 1.92
2u. Bangaloie 0iban 1.96 2.u6 1.88
21. Chamaiajanagai 1.96 2.uS 1.94
22. Kolai 1.96 2.u6 1.87
2S. Nysoie 1.9S 1.99 1.98
24. Bassan 1.92 1.96 1.9S
2S. Shimoga 1.88 1.9S 1.91
26. 0ttaia Kannaua 1.87 1.96 1.86
27. Chikmagalui 1.86 1.9S 1.89
28. Kouagu 1.79 1.86 1.81
29. Bakshina Kannaua 1.72 1.81 1.71
Su. 0uupi 1.71 1.78 1.72



Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.



BCC-K compaieu the iesults with othei global ciiculation mouels than BauCNS which
have been useu to pieuict tempeiatuies in the state of Kainataka. As Figuie 12 shows
the iesults of othei aie in pioximity to the initial BauCNS piojections.
In anothei stuuy, Ananuhi (2u1u)
selecteu monthly sequences of vaiiables fiom uata
sets of National Centies foi Enviionmental Pieuiction (NCEP) anu Canauian ueneial Cii-
culation Nouel (CuCNS). Seasonal stiatifications weie ievieweu baseu on the selecteu
pieuictois using a K-means clusteiing technique. The iesults of clustei analysis ievealeu
an inciease in aveiage wet season length in A2, A1B anu B1 scenaiios towaius the enu of
centuiy. The inciease in season length was highei foi A2 scenaiio wheieas it was
the least foi B1 scenaiio. Bowevei, no change in aveiage waim anu colu season length
was obseiveu acioss the foui scenaiios consiueieu.
2.S.3. Droughts
Biought is an extenueu peiiou spanning months oi yeais when a iegion witnesses a ue-
ficiency in its watei supply. ueneially this occuis when a iegion ieceives consistently
below aveiage piecipitation. Agiicultuial uioughts aie associate with the impact of me-
teoiological conuitions on agiicultuie, focusing on piecipitation shoitages, uiffeiences
between actual anu potential evapo-tianspiiation, soil watei ueficits, ieuuceu giounu
watei levels. While hyuiological uiought links the effect of peiious of piecipitation
shoitfalls on suiface oi subsuiface watei supply. The fiequency anu seveiity of hyuio-
logical uiought is often uefineu on a wateisheu basin scale. Biought is a thieat to ieckon
with as two thiius of the state ieceive less than 7Su mm iainfall pei annum.

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Ananuhi, A. (2u1u). Assessing impact of climate change on season length in Kainataka foi IPCC SRES scenaiio. }oui-
nal of Eaith System Science, 119 (4), 447-46u.

Kainataka ianks seconu in Inuia, next only to Rajasthan, in teims of total geogiaphical
aiea pione to uiought. S4% of total geogiaphical aiea of the state is uiought pione, af-
fecting 88 of 176 taluks anu 18 of the SS uistiicts.
Taluks which have hau uioughts in 2S% oi moie yeais aie Chitiauuiga, Bosauuiga, Siia,
Nauhugiii, Shoiapui, Athani anu Bagepalli. Taluks with the gieatest peicentage of
uiought yeais aie Siia, Nauhugiii, Koiategeie, Kauui, Kushtagi, Shoiapui, Shahapui,
Yaugii, Bangaipet, Nulbagal, Siinivasapui, uuuibanua, Bagepalli, Athani, Raibag, Saun-
uatti anu uokak. The taluks in the noithein uiought-pione uistiicts have in geneial,
moie yeais of moueiate anu seveie uiought than the taluks in the southein uistiicts.
Theie aie some taluks in which uiought occuiieu in thiee oi moie consecutive yeais.
The laigest continuous peiiou of uiought was eight yeais at uubbi (Tumkui uistiict)
fiom 192u-1927, at Athani (Belgaum uistiict) fiom 196S-1972, at Chincholi (uulbaiga
uistiict) fiom 196S-1972 anu at Naigunu (Bhaiwau uistiict) fiom 192u-1927
BCCI-K foi theii stuuy uefineu a peiiou of absence of iainfall (uaily iainfall < 2.S mm) foi
4u oi moie continuous uays as inciuence of seveie uiought. The peicentage inciease in
uiought was estimateu foi the peiiou 2u21 to 2uSu foi the two giowing seasons; Khaiif
anu Rabi. The iesults, as shown in Figuie 1S, inuicate that most noithein uistiicts of
Kainataka woulu have 1u-8u% incieaseu uiought inciuences. Foi Koppal anu Yaugii
uistiicts uiought inciuence uuiing Khaiif season is piojecteu to neaily uouble. Foi the
eastein uistiicts uiought fiequency has been piojecteu to inciease in the Rabi season.
The westein paits of the state howevei may face a lessei numbei of uioughts uue to the
piojecteu inciease in iainfall.

";<"a";;D SFKF

";<"a";;D SFKF

It is cleai fiom the above uiscussion that a changing weathei pattein coulu seveiely im-
pact the oveiall wellbeing of the state. The incieaseu iainfall anu iise in tempeiatuie is
piojecteu to cause change in ciopping pattein anu piouuction, affect availability of
watei to meet vaiious puiposes (uomestic, iiiigation oi inuustiial), cause change in
biouiveisity piofile of the state anu ieuuceu caibon sink, affect the coastal zone uue to

Ramachanuia, T.v. anu Kamakshi, u. (2uuS). Bio-iesouice potential of Kainataka. Technical Repoit No. 1u9. Centie
foi Ecological Sciences, Inuian Institute of Science, Bangaloie, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

likely iise in sea suiface tempeiatuie anu sea level, iesulting in foiceu migiation of
coastal community, unemployment anu wiue tiansmission winuow foi vectoi boine uis-
ease. Thus it is impeiative to analyse the impact of climate change on the most vulneia-
ble sectois anu foimulate an action plan to inciease the iesilience of the state to cope
with changing climate, minimize the associateu hazaius, anu to iuentify mitigation
+"G" H<-.%/=I 5%$.<.)= '/E ./=-.-D-.%/'$ 54)5'4)E/)==
2.6.1. D|saster management
Realising the impoitance of SQMFMKIU PFRFZIPIRK as national piioiity, uoI has set up a
high powei committee in August 1999 anu a committee aftei the uujaiat 2uu2 eaith-
quake, foi making iecommenuations on the piepaiation of uisastei management plans
anu suggestion effective mitigation mechanisms. In 2uuS uoI legislateu the Bisastei
Nanagement Act that piesciibes the cieation of an apex bouy of the Bisastei Nanage-
ment in Inuia: the National Bisastei Nanagement Authoiity (NBNA). Its puipose is to
cieate an enabling enviionment foi institutional mechanisms at the state anu uistiict
uoK uevelopeu an institutional fiamewoik to ueal with natuial uisasteis foim-
ing seveial impoitant bouies.
! The 'FURFKF[F 4KFKI -QMFMKIU 1FRFZIPIRK %LKYNUQKW is heaueu by the Chief Ninis-
tei to lay uown the policies anu piepaie plans at state level.
It is entiusteu with finalis-
ing anu implementing a compiehensive uisastei management plan. Although the auth-
oiity was establisheu only in oi aftei 2uu8, as was alieauy ieconstituteu in 2u1u.

! The :IFKYIU :FKTY &NPPQKKII chaiieu by the Bevelopment Commissionei anu ex
officio Auuitional Chief Secietaiy to supeivise the Calamity Relief Committee (CRF) anu
the subcommittees foi the actions to be taken on piioiity basis.
! The 3PVN\IUIS &NPPQKKII, chaiieu by the Chief Secietaiy, ieviews anu monitois
the floou situation anu the implementation of ielief measuies, iehabilitation plans in
floou affecteu aieas, appioval anu ieleases of funus foi the puipose.
! The &FHFPQKW )IHQIO &NPPQKKII _&)=`, also chaiieu by the Chief Secietaiy, pioviues
guiuelines foi calamity ielief woik anu monitois anu supeivises the ielief piogiamme.
! The 4KFKI 3cITLKQXI &NPPQKKII, also chaiieu by the Chief Secietaiy, cooiuinates anu
monitois the implementation of the national policy, the national plan anu the state plan
anu acts as cooiuinating anu monitoiing bouy foi the uisastei iesponse in the state.
! The -QMKUQTK /IXIH 0PVHIPIRKFKQNR &NPPQKKII is chaiieu by the Bistiict-in-Chaige
Piincipal Secietaiies Secietaiies to plan anu supeivise ielief anu iehabilitation pio-
giammes foi the floou affecteu aieas in the uistiict.
! The -QMKUQTK -QMFMKIU 1FRFZIPIRK %LKYNUQKQIM aie the uistiict planning, cooiuina-
tion anu implementation bouy foi uisastei management.
In 2uu1, befoie NBNA came into existence, Kainataka hau hau set up the Centie foi Bis-
astei Nanagement at Auministiative College, Nysoie with funus fiom Ninistiy of Bome
Affaiis anu National Institute of Bisastei Nanagement (NIBN). Thiough this centie uoK

S4, accesseu on Nay uS, 2u11
State action plan on climate change Kainataka - Initiatives by Revenue Bept., uoK in the fielu of Bisastei Risk Re-
uuction submitteu on Naich 1u, 2u11
Bisastei iesponse foice foi State. The Binuu, }une 11, 2u1u

commenceu tiaining of goveinment peisonnel, Nu0s, electeu iepiesentatives anu civil
society in opeiational management of both manmaue anu natuial uisasteis. A similai
manuate was latei extenueu to Auministiative tiaining Institute, Nysoie, who also pie-
paieu Kainataka's fiist -QMFMKIU 1FRFZIPIRK EHFR in 2u1u. Eveiy uistiict now is be-
lieveu to have piepaieu its Bisastei Nanagement Plan. Risk assessments foi these weie
caiiieu out using multi hazaiu mapping, incluuing floou anu uiought vulneiabilities,
with the help of iesouice inventoiies fiom the National Bisastei Nanagement Plan.
Annual upuation of the plans is iequiieu. Planning anu capacity builuing foi fiaming anu
implementation of the plan, is funueu by Revenue Bepaitment, which also stiengthens

Emeigency 0peiation Centies at state, uistiict, taluk anu Panchayat levels.
Foi each
natuial uisastei
a Stanuaiu 0peiating Pioceuuie (S0P) is unuei piepaiation anu will
be finaliseu within 2u11. S0Ps foi manmaue uisasteis (chemical, biological, iauiological
anu nucleai) aie also saiu to be unuei piepaiation.
An Anuhia Piauesh-baseu institute,
Emeigency Nanagement Reseaich Institute (ENRI), has been signeu up in August 2uu8
to help uoK impiove its emeigency iesponse thiough piovision of meuically equippeu
emeigency vehicles foi villages. 1Su of these have been inuucteu in the fiist phase foi a
buuget of INR 2u coie.
uoI has allocateu INR 4 cioie pei annum foi Kainataka foi the
State Bisastei Relief Funu foi the peiiou 2u1u to yeai 2u1S). An equal amount of INR 4
cioie is also pioviueu foi capacity builuing.

2.6.2. Drought and weather mon|tor|ng
Kainataka also has the uistinction of being fiist state in the countiy to establish a
Biought Nonitoiing Cell (BNC). Since 1988 it has been monitoiing uiought conuitions
in the state. Realising the impoitance of monitoiing othei natuial uisasteis such as
floous, cyclones, tsunamis as well, the manuate of the cell was expanueu in 2uu7, a
change ieflecteu in its new name 'FURFKF[F 4KFKI ,FKLUFH -QMFMKIU 1NRQKNUQRZ
The centie monitois weathei conuitions such as iainfall, ieseivoii
levels, floou levels, giounuwatei levels anu othei suiface watei. Nonitoiing stations aie
locateu in 747 hoblis anu 7Su uiam Panchayats anu uata is tiansmitteu eveiy 1S min-
utes to Bangaloie. Seveie whethei conuitions aie tiansmitteu in ieal-time as anu when
ceitain paiameteis exceeu ceitain thiesholus. In its weekly biiefing to the Weathei
Watch Committee, the centie pioviues a uetaileu pictuie of weathei conuitions in uiffei-
ent paits of the state anu auvises highei-level uecision-making bouies about appiopiiate
action iequiieu. The centie is intenuing to expanu its monitoiing capabilities fuithei by
establishing a Nastei Contiol Centie at Bangaloie to ieceive anu analyse ieal time uata
fiom telemetiic iain gauges, satellites anu uPRS-linkeu weathei stations, Bopplei
weathei iauais, stoim suige stations, eaith quake monitoiing stations 24x7 on S6S
uays. The Nastei Contiol Centie is cuiiently being constiucteu at Yelahanka, Bangaloie
at a cost of INR 8.7S cioie. The centie also pioviues the intelligence input foi a weathei-

Points foi inteiactive session on climate change. Bepaitment of Revenue on Naich 1u, 2u11
Floous, uioughts, eaithquakes, foiest fiies, lanu sliues anu cyclones
Consultation with Bepaitment of Revenue, Naich 1u, 2u11
Economic Suivey of Kainataka 2u1u-11. Bepaitment of Planning, Piogiamme Nonitoiing anu Statistics, Febiuaiy,
Points foi inteiactive session on climate change. Bepaitment of Revenue on Naich 1u, 2u11
State action plan on climate change Kainataka - Initiatives by Revenue Bept., uoK in the fielu of Bisastei Risk Re-
uuction submitteu on Naich 1u, 2u11

baseu uisastei iisk ieuuction foi faimeis anu an eaily waining system of weathei ie-
lateu hazaius foi the ciop insuiance.

2.6.3. Drought proof|ng
As a measuie foi uiought pioofing, the Bepaitment of Ruial Bevelopment anu Pancha-
yat Raj piomotes iainwatei haivesting anu spiinklei iiiigation systems unuei the
National Ruial Employment uuaiantee Act (NREuA). Quantities of achievements oi the
time peiiou of implementation weie not available uuiing uiscussions helu. To help
coping with the scaicity of uiinking watei, the uepaitment ieveits to a uiveision of canal
watei into small tanks foi uiinking watei. Also floou contiol measuies aie implementeu
unuei the scheme, focusing on the cieation of #$(($6, establishments of tanks foi uiink-
ing watei anu constiuction of shelteis foi people in floou-pione aieas. Implementeu
paitly with funus of NREuF, uoveinment of Kainataka beais mateiial, laboui anu au-
ministiative costs. Aiounu 1 lakh houses in 8u villages have been iuentifieu as floou
pione. An initiative has commenceu to shift these uwellings out of affecteu aieas but the
allotment of suitable lanu is iepoiteuly helu up by conflicts with foiest conseivation.


State action plan on climate change Kainataka - Initiatives by Revenue Bept., uoK in the fielu of Bisastei Risk Re-
uuction submitteu on Naich 1u, 2u11
Consultation with Bepaitment of Ruial Bevelopment anu Panchayat Raj on Naich 9, 2u11


uieenhouse gases (uBus) compiise of caibon uioxiue (C02), methane (CB4), nitious
oxiue (N20), sulphui hexafluoiiue (SF6), hyuiofluoiocaibons (BFCs) anu peifluoio cai-
bons (PFCs). The incieasing concentiation of uBus in to the atmospheie uistuibs the
global eneigy balance by senuing infiaieu iauiation back to eaith iesulting in global
waiming. Anthiopogenic global uBus emissions witnesseu a giowth of 7u% between
197u anu 2uu4
. C02 emissions equivalent anu global waiming potential (uWP) of
gieenhouse gases aie mentioneu in Table 7 below.

Caibon Bioxiue (C02) 1
Nethane (CB4) 21
Nitious 0xiue (N20) S1u
Byuiofluoiocaibons (BFC) 14u - 12,uuu
Peifluoiocaibons (PFC) 6,uuu - 1u,uuu
Sulphui Bexachloiiue (SF6) 2S,9uu

Bowevei, the uWP of othei species like SF6 anu BFCs is significantly highei than CB4 anu
C02, they exist in tiaces in atmospheie. Caibon uioxiue (C02) is main anu the laigest
contiibutoi to global waiming with its annual emissions giowing by about 8u% between
197u anu 2uu4. As pei IPCC iepoit, C02 anu CB4 levels have incieaseu fiom 28u ppm
anu 7uu ppb in yeai 17Su to S79 ppm anu 1774 ppb iespectively in yeai 2uuS. ulobal
inciease in C02 concentiations is piimaiily uue to fossil fuel consumption, anu shiinking
caibon sinks i.e. lanu-use change
As pei NoEF
, Inuia's total uBus emission is 1,728 million tons C02 equivalent in 2uu7
with eneigy sectoi being the laigest contiibutoi (S8%) followeu by 22% fiom in-
uustiies, 17% fiom agiicultuie, anu S% Waste sectois.
BCCIK has estimateu the annual total emissions fiom Kainataka to be 8u.2 million tons
of C02 equivalent (eq). 0ut of the total estimateu emissions
! C02 emissions aie 44 million tons (national emissions aie 1221.7 million tons)
! CB4 emissions aie u.9 million tons (national emissions aie 2u.6 million tons)
! N20 emissions aie u.u1 million tons (national emissions aie u.24 million tons)
The state of Kainataka contiibutes 4.6% to total emissions of Inuia

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Inuia: uieen Bouse uas Emissions 2uu7 (2u1u). Inuian Netwoik on Climate Change Assessment, Ninistiy of Envi-
ionment anu Foiests, uoveinment of Inuia

0"!" 1)<-%4'$ #J# );.==.%/=
Piioi to foimulating any policy oi action plan to minimize the iisk anu vulneiability as-
sociateu with climate change, it is essential to unueistanu the sectoial contiibution to
the state's total emissions. This enables the policy makeis to iuentify the sectois which
neeu immeuiate attention anu sectois which offei ample oppoitunities anu scope foi
impiovement. BCCIK has stuuieu in uetail the uBus emissions mainly fiom powei,
tianspoit, agiicultuie, iesiuentialcommeicial builuing, lanu use change anu foiestiy,
inuustiial anu waste sectois. This assessment has not taken into account the emissions
fiom biomass buining at iuial householu levels.


As uepicteu in Figuie 16, the powei sectoi (electiicity - SS.9%) is the majoi contiibutoi
of uBus emission followeu by Agiicultuie (2u.2%). As is cleai fiom the figuie, Kainataka
with well-uevelopeu tianspoitation sectoi of the state contiibutes 1u.4% to total state
uBus emission. Except the agiicultuie sectoi which emits a majoi amount of CB4, most
of the othei sectois emit C02 as main uBu mainly uue to combustion of fossil fuels (Coal,
anu petioleum piouucts). Following sections uetails the sectoial uBus emission.
0"+" 3%7)4 =)<-%4
Eneigy consumption pattein of any state oi countiy uiiectly inuicates it stage of uevel-
opment anu economic stiength. The state of Kainataka has a total installeu capacity of
9S46 NW as on Naich 2uu9. 0ut of this, neaily 41% i.e. S7S7 NW is geneiateu fiom
theimal powei plants (coal, gas anu uiesel baseu)
Baseu on the uata collecteu fiom Cential Electiicity Authoiity on coal, gas anu uiesel
baseu powei plants; BCCIK (2u11)
estimateu the C02 emissions fiom powei sectoi to
be 27.8 million tons foi yeai 2uu9-2u1u. Nethane anu nitious oxiue emissions fiom
electiicity sectoi contiibute less than u.S% of the total C02 equivalence emissions. 0n
the othei hanu, a stuuy by Woilu Institute of Sustainable Eneigy (WISE), has computeu
C02 emissions fiom state powei sectoi to be Su.S7 million tons in 2u1u-2u11, highei

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

than BCCI-K's estimation. Table 8 piesents C02 emission fiom conventional electiicity
geneiation piactices in the state.

.DD< a.DD5 .DDCe .DD; .DD; e .D"D
.D"D e .D""
State coal 1u.92 14.6S 16.49 2u.21
State uiesel u.S4 u.S4 u.S4 u.S4
Piivate coal 1.18 1.18 S.92 8.S4
Piivate gas u.78 u.78 u.78 u.78
Piivate uiesel u.Su u.Su u.Su u.Su
2NKFH "6#;6 "5#<8 ..#.6 6D#95
* calculateu

As shown in Table 8, uBus emission fiom state coal powei sectoi has almost uoubleu
fiom 2uu6-u7 to 2u1u-2u11. Fuithei, C02 emission fiom piivate coal powei combustion
has incieaseu many folus fiom 1.18 million tons in 2uu6-u7 to 8.S4 million tons in 2u1u-
11 but iemains much lowei than state coal shaie. Bowevei C02 emission has not ie-
coiueu any inciease foi the same peiiou in both state anu piivate uiesel anu gas powei
sectoi. The inuustiial sectoi is also one of the laigest contiibutois of emissions as well
as laigest consumeis of electiicity. Appioximately 2u.8S million tons C02 pei annum is
emitteu fiom powei sectois of the state. With the commissioning of 148u NW state coal
theimal powei plant anu 161S NW piivate coal theimal powei plant in 2u11, auuitional
9.72 million tons C02 will be emitteu fiom powei sectoi of the Kainataka iesulting in a
total of Su.S7 million tons of C02 emissions.
0"0" C4'/=5%4- =)<-%4
As shown in Figuie 16, tianspoitation sectoi incluuing ioau, aii anu wateiways is also a
majoi uBus emittei in the state. Nost of the petioleum piouucts like ATF (aviation tui-
bine fuel) BSB, (high speeu uiesel), LB0 (light uiesel oil) etc aie useu in tianspoitation
sectoi. The state of Kainataka has iecoiueu a veiy fast giowth in the numbei of vehicles
iegisteieu i.e. 7S.19 lakhs in 2uu9 against SS.S2 in yeai 2uuu
. The uBus emission in
tianspoitation sectoi is mainly uue to the combustion of vaiious fuels anu has been cal-
culateu by BCCIK (2u11), on the basis of fuel consumption pattein. Thus total C02 emis-
sion fiom this sectoi has been estimateu to be 8.SS million tons of C02.
0"2" KD.$E./A =)<-%4
The emissions only uue to cooking using LPu (liquifieu petioleum gas), keiosene anu
biomass weie consiueieu to assess the Builuing sectoi's contiibution to Kainataka's
total uBus emission by BCCI-K. The C02 emission fiom LPu anu keiosene combustion is
amounteu to be S.S7 million tons. Biomass is consiueieu a caibon neutial fuel, CB4 anu
N20 weie taken in to account by the ieseaich gioup. National statistics available on
biomass consumption in Inuia weie applieu to calculate the emissions. The iesults
showeu that u.u9 million tons of CB4 anu u.u12 million tons of N20 is emitteu fiom bio-
mass buining. Thus a total S.84 million tons of C02 equivalence

emission is attiibuteu to
this sectoi. Bowevei in this estimation, uBus emissions fiom electiicity consumption
have not been taken into account as this is coveieu in electiicity geneiation.

Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia.
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia.

0"9" L/ED=-4.'$ =)<-%4
0sing annual piouuctions anu emission factois as specifieu by IPCC, BCCI-K computeu
the inuustiial uBus emission in Kainataka foi the majoi inuustiies in the state of Kaina-
taka i.e. cement, iion anu steel, iion oie, ammonia, pulp anu papei mills etc. Estimates
ievealeu that theie aie aiounu 16 million tons of C02 equivalent uBus emissions fiom
iion anu steel anu cement inuustiies (8.S9 anu 7.64 million ton C02 equivalent iespec-
tively), mainly uue to the use of coal as fuel in these inuustiies.
0"G" HA4.<D$-D4) '/E '$$.)E =)<-%4=
Agiicultuie anu allieu sectois is one of the most significant contiibutois of CB4 emission.
Nethane is emitteu mainly fiom Rice cultivation anu uuiing uigestion piocess of iumi-
nants' i.e. enteiic feimentation . Apait fiom N20 emission fiom livestock manuie man-
agement, agiicultuial soils also emit N20 mainly uue to the application of Nitiogenous
substances like feitilizeis, uepositeu manuie, ciop iesiuues, sewage sluuge etc.



Enteiic Feimentation u.Su 1u.S4
Livestock Nanuie Nanagement u.u4 u.uu6S 2.9S
Rice Cultivation u.1S 2.7S
2NKFH D#<C D#DD<9 "<#.6

To concluue, total C02 equivalent emissions fiom agiicultuie anu livestock sectoi aie
estimateu to be 16.2S million tonnes of C02 equivalent contiibuting to 2u.2% to the
state's total emission. Fuithei uetails on uBus contiibution of agiicultuie anu allieu sec-
toi aie uiscusseu in sectoial assessment of agiicultuie anu allieu sectoi.
0"M" N'=-)
The anaeiobic uigestion of municipal soliu waste anu tieatment of wastewatei i.e. uo-
mestic as well as inuustiial piouuces significant amount of methane. Consiueiing the
piojecteu S7% state uiban population in 2u11, BCCIK estimateu 69,uuu tons of methane
emissions baseu on the following assumptions:

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

! Pei capita soliu waste geneiation to be about SSugm pei uay,
! 0nly 7u% of total waste geneiateu ieaches the lanu fill site
, anu
! Piojecteu state uiban population to be S7% in 2u11
Fuithei it was estimateu that 19uuu tons of CB4 is emitteu fiom wastewatei tieatment
in the state. Thus a total of 2.89 million tons of C02 equivalent uBus emission is attiib-
uteu to Waste sectoi.
0"O" 1D;;'46
Neaily 8u% uBus emission is fiom the fuel combustion piocess in vaiious sectois like
powei geneiation, tianspoitation anu inuustiies. Thus it is ciitical foi the state of Kaina-
taka to uevelop efficient stiategies anu plan to piomote cleanei fuels in oiuei to ieuuce
its uBus contiibution. Powei sectoi is one of laigest emittei of uBus anu auequate pol-
icy inteiventions to inciease the shaie of ienewable eneigy souices (solai, winu, hyuip
powei etc.) shoulu be the piioiity of the state to auuiess the issue of climate change.
Fuithei infoimation on the eneigy supply, uemanu, Renewable eneigy potential of state
anu key stiategies of the state aie uetaileu in sectoial assessment on Eneigy. Besiues,
measuies to enhance eneigy efficiency will be an impoitant tool to biiuge the eneigy
uemanu - supply gap anu consequently ieuucing uBus emission.

&*. IPQMa
&78 IPQMa
,.* IPQMa
&*. IiLQXFa
3HITKUQTQKW (IRIUFKQNR (2uu9-1u) 1149S NW 28.76 - - 28.76
2UFRMVNUK (2uu7-u8) - - 8.SS - - 8.SS
)IMQSIRKQFH (2uu7-u8) - - S.S7 u.u9u u.u12 S.84
Cement Piouuction 12u.97 Lakh Tons 7.64 - - 7.64
Iion anu Steel Piouuction 11S.4 Lakh Tons 8.S9 - - 8.S9
Ammonia Piouuction 2.S6 Lakh Tons u.19 - - u.19
Aluminium Piouuction 1.u9 Lakh Tons 1.8u - - 1.8u
Iion 0ie 42S.14 Lakh Tons 2.91 - - 2.91
Pulp anu Papei S.6S Lakh Tons u.S8 - - u.S8
Sugai SS.97 Lakh Tons u.82 - - u.82
Enteiic Feimentation (2uuS) 2S617uuu Animal - u.Su - 1u.S4
Livestock Nanuie Nanagement
2S617uuu Animal - u.u4 u.uu6S4 2.9S
Rice Cultivation (2uu7) 1.4u Nillion Bectaie - u.1S - 2.7S
:FMKI - - - u.129 u.uuu79 2.89

National Enviionmental Engineeiing Reseaich Institute (NEERI), (2uuS). Assessment of status of Nunicipal Soliu
Waste Nanagement in metio cities, state capitals, class -I cities anu class - II towns.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.


The state of Kainataka is uiviueu in to 1u agio-climatic zones taking into consiueiation
the iainfall pattein, soil types, textuie, uepth anu physio-chemical piopeities, elevation,
topogiaphy, majoi ciops anu type of vegetation (Figuie 18) anu expeiiences iich anu
uiveise agiicultuie piactices which contiibute 28.61% to the uioss State Bomestic Pio-
uuct (uSBP)
. 64.6% of the total geogiaphical aiea of the state is unuei cultivation anu
faimeis anu agiicultuial labouieis account to S6.S% of the total woikfoice of Kainataka
(Census 2uu1). Kainataka is the laigest piouucei of coffee, iaw silk, sanualwoou, iagi,
sunflowei, tomato, coffee, aiecanut, spices, aiomatic anu meuicinal plants, anu seconu
laigest piouucei of maize, safflowei, giapes, pomegianate anu onion. Boiticultuial
ciops with annual piouuction of above 1S million tons, contiibutes to ovei 4u% of total
income geneiateu fiom agiicultuie. In floiicultuial piouuction, Kainataka occupies sec-
onu position in Inuia.

1. Noith Eastein Tiansition Zone (Pulses, }owai, 0il
seeus, Bajia, Cotton & Sugaicane)
2. Noith Eastein Biy Zone (Rabi jowai, Bajia,
Pulses, oilseeus anu Cotton.)
S. Noithein Biy Zone (Naize, Bajia, uioununut,
Cotton Wheat, Sugaicane anu Tobacco)
4. Cential Biy Zone (Ragi, }owai, Pulses anu 0il-
S. Eastein Biy Zone (Ragi, Rice, Pulses, Naize anu
0il seeus)
6. Southein Biy Zone (Rice, Ragi, Pulses, }owai anu
7. Southein Tiansition Zone (Rice, Ragi, Pulses,
}owai anu Tobacco)
8. Noithein Tiansition zone (Rice, }owai, uiounu-
nut, Pulses, Sugaicane anu Tobacco)
9. Billy Zone (Rice anu Pulses)
1u. Coastal Zone (Rice anu Sugaicane)


Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of


Total ueogiaphical aiea 19u.S
Foiest Su.72
Lanu put to non-agiicultuial uses 1S.69
Baiien & uncultivable lanu 7.88
Cultivable waste 4.1S
0ncultivateu lanu 12.2
Fallow lanu 17.67
Net aiea unuei sown 1u4.19
Total cioppeu aiea 128.9S

Agiicultuie in Kainataka is mainly uepenuent on southwest monsoon. 0nly 26.S% of the
total sown aiea is iiiigateu. Agiicultuie piouuction in the state is spieau ovei thiee
seasons namely, Khaiif (}uly to 0ctobei, majoi ciops; millets, pauuy, maize, pulses,
gioununut, ieu chillies, cotton, soyabean, sugaicane anu tumeiic ), Rabi (0ctobei to
Naich, majoi ciops - wheat, bailey, mustaiu, sesame, anu peas) anu summei. These
seasons account foi neaily 7u%, 22% anu 8% of annual foou giain piouuction iespec-
tively. In case of oilseeus, this iatio is in the oiuei of 7u%, 1S% anu 1S%. The aiea co-
veieu unuei Khaiif, Rabi anu summei seasons is aiounu 7u lakh hectaies, Su lakh hec-
taies anu 6 lakh hectaies iespectively. The total cultivable aiea of the state incluuing
net sown aiea (SS.u6%), cultivable wastelanu (2.28%), cuiient fallows (6.66), anu othei
fallows (2.1u%) is 66.u9%.
The state obseives mainly iice baseu ciopping pattein anu the majoi ciops alteinative
to iice aie iagi, bajia, cotton, gioununut, jowai anu maize
. 0thei impoitant ciops
giown aie wheat, anu minoi millets, pulses like tui, Bengal giam, hoise giam, black
giam, gieen giam, cowpea etc, oil seeus like gioununut, sesame, sunflowei, soyabean
anu safflowei, commeicial ciops like sugaicane (eastein iegion of the state), cotton
(noith westein like uulbaiga, Bavangeie) anu tobacco. Cashew, coconut, aiecanut
(southein iegion), caiuamom, anu chillies, aie among the othei ciops giown in the state.
The Westein uhats aie well known foi coffee anu tea piouuctions while Naize is giown
mainly in the noithein iegion of the state. The coastal iegion uue to favouiable
weathei conuitions exhibits goou cultivation of fiuit oichaius.
The aiea unuei cultivation of pauuy, maize, pulses, sugaicane anu tobacco has iecoiueu
exponential giowth in last few uecaues. While pauuy aiea has incieaseu fiom 1u.28 lakh
hectaies in 196u-61 to 1S.14 lakh hectaies in 2uu82uu9, maize aiea has iecoiueu
maximum inciease fiom just 11uuu hectaies in 196u-61 to 12.87 lakhs hectaies in
2uu8-2uu9. }owai has seen a ueciease in cultivation aiea fiom 29.69 lakh hectaies to
aiounu 17.82 lakh hectaies uuiing 196u-61 - 2uuu-2uu1. The gioss anu the net culti-
vateu aiea unuei agiicultuial ciops hau incieaseu fiom 96.97 lakh hectaies to 1u8.84
lakh hectaies anu fiom 1uu.6S lakh hectaies to 1u6.u9 lakh hectaies iespectively fiom
19SS-19S6 to 1998-1999

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.BCCI-
K (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan: Seconu Repoit. Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka
www.kiishiwoilu.comhtmlciop_pattein2.html accesseu on Apiil 2S, 2u11
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka

Boiticultuie coveis an aiea of 18.91 lakh hectaies in the state with a piouuction of
1S6.64 lakh tonnes. 0ut of which fiuits ciops (Nango, Banana, Papaya, uiapes, Sapota,
etc) contiibute 41.92%, 4S.2S% by vegetables ciops (Potato, Tomato, 0nion, Biinjal etc)
6.1S% by spices (uingei, uiy chillies etc) anu iest is contiibuteu by plantation ciops
(Coconut, Aiecanut etc) anu floweis (Naiigolu, }asmine, Rose etc). Aiea unuei hoiticul-
tuial ciops fiom 2uu7-u8 to 2uu9-1u is given in Table 12.

Fiuits 2.99 S.1S S.S2
Coconut 4.6u 4.69 4.79
Spices 2.46 2.S4 2.6S
vegetables 4.27 4.48 4.7u
Cashew u.7 u.7S u.76
Floweis u.2S u.26 u.27
0theis 2.S7 2.41 2.44

2"!" P@'/A) ./ <4%55./A 5'--)4/
The intiouuction of Bigh Yieluing vaiieties (BYvs) has ieuuceu the cultivateu aiea foi
tiauitional vaiieties in the state. This has iesulteu in the extinction of few local vaiieties.
Tiauitional vaiieties of pauuy, banana, mango anu vegetables with uistinct taste anu
aioma, have high nutiitional values anu uisease iesistance. Lanuiaces of many ciops
have pioviueu the genes neeueu foi pest anu uisease iesistance oi foi the ciops to auapt
to pooi soils, uiought anu colu tempeiatuies. BCCIK collecteu uata on the piouuction,
aiea unuei ciop anu piouuctivity foi majoi ciops in all the uistiicts of Kainataka anu
analyseu its tienus. Baseu on theii stuuy, they pioviueu uetail tienus of ciopping pat-
tein in the state as shown below in Table 1S.

Bagalkote ! " " ! " " ! ! " ! ! " " ! !
Bangaloie 0iban ! " " ! ! " - - - " " " - - -
Bangaloie Ruial " ! " ! ! ! - - - " ! " - - -
Belgaum # " " ! ! " # ! ! " ! ! " ! "
Bellaiy ! " " ! ! " " ! ! ! " " ! " "
Biuai " " " ! ! ! " ! ! " ! ! " ! !
Bijapui " " ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! " " !
Chamaiajanagai # " " ! ! " ! ! " ! ! ! " " !
Chikmagalui # ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "
Chitiauuiga " ! # ! ! ! # ! ! " ! ! " ! !
Bavanageie ! " # ! ! ! # ! ! " ! ! " ! !
Bhaiwau ! " " ! " ! ! ! ! " ! ! " ! !
uauag ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! " ! !
uulbaiga # ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Bassan " " " ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! " " "

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
BCCI- K (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan: Seconu Repoit. Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kaina-

Baveii " " " ! ! " " " " " ! ! # ! !
Kouagu " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " # # ! " ! !
Kolai " ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " ! " " "
Koppal ! " " ! ! ! " " " - - - " " "
Nanuya # ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! " ! ! " ! !
Nysoie ! ! ! " ! ! " " ! " ! ! ! ! #
Raichui ! ! ! ! ! ! " # # " " ! ! ! !
Shimoga " ! ! ! ! ! " " ! " " ! ! ! !
Tumkui " " " ! ! ! ! " " " ! ! " ! !
0uupi " " " ! ! ! - - - - - - - - -
0ttaia Kannaua # ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! " " ! ! ! !

Bagalkote ! " ! " ! " " ! ! " ! "
Bangaloie 0iban ! " " " " " ! " " - - -
Bangaloie -iuial # # ! ! " ! ! " " - - -
Belgaum " " # " " ! ! # # ! " "
Bellaiy " " " ! " ! ! # # " ! !
Biuai ! " ! " " # ! ! " " ! !
Bijapui ! # # " " # ! ! # ! " "
Chamaiajanagai " ! ! " " " ! ! ! " ! "
Chikmagalui # # # # # # ! " " " ! !
Chitiauuiga " " ! ! ! " ! ! " " ! !
Bavanageie " " ! ! ! " ! ! " " ! !
Bhaiwau ! " " ! " " ! " " " ! !
uauag ! ! ! " " ! " " " ! ! !
uulbaiga ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " ! !
Bassan " # # # # # ! ! ! " ! !
Baveii - - - " " " " ! ! " ! !
Kouagu ! ! ! " # ! ! ! ! " ! !
Kolai " " # ! ! " ! ! " " ! !
Koppal " ! ! " " " ! ! ! " ! !
Nanuya " # # # # ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Nysoie " ! ! # # # # # # ! ! !
Raichui # # # " " ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Shimoga " " " ! ! " # # # ! ! !
Tumkui ! " " ! ! " ! ! # - - -
0uupi - - - " ! ! - - - " " "
0ttaia Kannaua # # ! ! ! ! " " " " ! !

It can be noticeu fiom the table above that the oveiall piouuction anu yielu of the majoi
ciops have incieaseu since 2uuu-2uu1 in Kainataka. BCCIK (2u11) also suggesteu that
foou piouuction in state is laigely uepenuent upon the annual piecipitation anu theie
have been many inciuents when inauequate piecipitation leu to uecieaseu foou piouuc-
tion in the state like in the 196us anu 197us. Neveitheless, Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
was confeiieu the 2u11 national awaiu foi the best peifoimance in the inciease in pio-
uuction of coie ceieals.

2"+" L;5'<- %? E46 =5)$$= '/E ?$'=@ ?$%%E=
The uiought affects agiicultuial piouuction in the state upto a gieat extent. In 2uu9,
iainfeu khaiif ciops like }owai, Naize, Bajia, Tui, uieengiam, Blackgiam, uioununut,
Soyabean, anu Sesamum, Sunflowei etc. coveiing about 2u.S9 lakh hectaies in majoi
paits of noithein anu southein uistiicts weie affecteu by seveie moistuie stiess uue to
consecutive uiy spell of about 4-6 weeks uuiing }uly - August 2uu9. Bowevei, wiue-
spieau iainfall uuiing 2nu foitnight of August anu Septembei helpeu in iecoveiy of iain-
feu ciops to some extent, }owai Blackgiam, uieengiam, Soyabean anu Sesamum ie-
coiueu uecieaseu yielu uue to uiy spells.
0n the othei hanu, Kainataka also witnesseu heavy iainfall in 2uu9 in coastal, Nalnau
uistiicts anu majoi paits of Noith inteiioi Kainataka. The most affecteu uistiicts weie
Raichui, Koppal, Bellaiy anu uulbaiga etc. Pieliminaiy estimates inuicateu loss of khaiif
ciops in about 18.9S lakh hectaies by louging, submeigence, ueposition of silt, ueteiio-
iation of giain quality etc. anu Rabi ciops (about 2.96 lakh hectaies sown in 2nu foit-
night of Septembei) weie completely washeu off in Bijapui uistiict in about 2.96 lakh
2"0" :)<$./) %? 54%ED<-.%/ '/E 'A4%Q&.%E.*)4=.-6
Recent tienus inuicate that giowth in agiicultuie sectoi has not been veiy satisfactoiy
anu causeu iuial uistiess in the state of Kainataka. Fiom 2uuu onwaius agiicultuial
piouuction has been vaiying. Some of the ieasons
foi uecline of agiicultuie in the state
incluue i) Shiinking Lanu Nan Ratio, ii) Bepleting vegetation covei, iii) Inauequate anu
unpieuictable watei iesouices, iv) Bigh uepenuence on iainfall, anu v) Incieasing cost of
In the state like Kainataka that enjoys iich agiicultuial piactices, the loss of agiicultuial
biouiveisity is one of the most seiious conceins. Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu (KBB)
has iuentifieu thiee hotspots of agio biouiveisity namely Cauveiy basin, the coastal ie-
gion, anu the leewaiu Beccan plateau. Theie aie stuuies which inuicate that as much as
half of all plant species may uisappeai consiueiing the cuiient tienus. As pei Kainataka
Biouiveisity Boaiu
, appioximately 6% of ceieal ciops, 8S% of legume species, anu
1S% of vegetabl es species aie unuei thieat of extinction. Biouiveisity Boaiu of the
state acknowleuges the ieplacement of local vaiieties by impioveu oi exotic vaiieties
anu species as the ioot cause of the genetic eiosion of ciops. uenetically mouifieu ciops
aie geneially piefeiieu by faimeis in the cuiient scenaiio iesulting in to genetic eio-
sion. Thus is the neeu of houi to manage anu conseive the piecious tiauitional vaiieties
of uiffeient ciops which coulu also be significant genetic contiibutois (uiought iesist-
ance, uisease iesistance etc) to futuie vaiieties.
2"2" L;5'<- %? <$.;'-) <@'/A)
All the available eviuences inuicate that agiicultuie is the most vulneiable sectoi to cli-
mate change. The uiiect effects of climate change on agiicultuial piouuction incluues
vaiiability in tempeiatuie, piecipitation, anu caibon uioxiue concentiations while
change in soil moistuie contents anu the incieaseu fiequency of pest infection anu con-
sequent uiseases aie inuiiect affects. vaiious stuuies have been conuucteu to unuei-
stanu the impact of climate change on agiicultuie. As agiicultuie in Kainataka is mainly

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental
Nanagement anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Biouiveisity of Kainataka at a ulance, 2u1u. Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu, uoveinment of Kainataka

iain uepenuent, the vaiiation in piecipitation will altei the agiicultuie pattein anu pio-
uuction to a significant extent. As shown in Table 14, SoER Kainataka (2u1u)
to assess the climate change impacts on the basis of change in the aveiage yielu of majoi
ciops ovei the past few yeais in Kainataka.

.DD6aD8 .DD8aD9 .DD9aD< .DD<aD5 .DD5aDC
Ragi 1.18 1.81 1.76 1.1u 1.8u
}owai u.48 u.82 u.97 u.8u 1.S2
Bajia u.6S u.6u u.91 u.42 u.82
Naize 2.u6 2.9S S.uu 2.7S 2.92
Wheat u.4S u.8S u.9u u.8S u.9S
Ninoi Nillets . u.S2 u.S1 u.S4 u.48
Pulses u.S9 u.S8 u.48 u.S6 u.SS
uioununut u.SS u.71 u.S7 u.4S u.81
Cotton (balesBa) --- 1.2 1.42 1.4S 1.9S

It can be noticeu that aveiage yielu of highly iesilient (watei efficient) uiy ciops like
maize, jowai, iagi anu minoi millets have incieaseu fiom yeai 2uuS-u4 levels. vaiious
stuuies conuucteu so fai has inuicateu that any shift (inciease oi ueciease) in agiicultu-
ial piouuction is uiiectly uepenuent on the scenaiio to which simulationpiojection has
been caiiieu out. NATC0N (2uu4)
stuuieu the impact of 2u1u climate change scenaiio
on yielus of iice, wheat & soighum anu piojecteu that iice anu soighum yielu will in-
ciease by 1.S-S.8 % anu 1-S.4% iespectively in South Inuia. Not only climate change fac-
tois but existing socio-economic systems anu institutional suppoit also influence the
piimaiy piouuctivity in Inuia anu hence shoulu be consiueieu in assessing the vulneia-
bility of agiicultuie to climate change. In oiuei to categoiise Kainataka in high, low oi
meuium categoiy of vulneiability, 0'Biien et al, (2uu4)
iepoiteu that highei iesilience
to climate change anu gieatei iiiigation access makes Chitiauuiga uistiict of Kainataka
less vulneiable to climate change while Noith-Eastein pait of Kainataka is almost two
time moie vulneiable anu sensitive to changing climate uue to less auaptive capacity.
Noithein inlanu Kainataka was also placeu in high categoiy of vulneiability while East-
ein Kainataka with moueiate vulneiability to climate change was categoiiseu in me-
uium categoiy.
BCCI-K (2u11)
also stuuieu in uetails the impact of climate change on the majoi ciops
giown in Kainataka. Simulations weie uone with InfoCiop mouels using the iespective
ciop coefficients foi each of the 1u yeais fiom 1991 to 2uuu. The ciops selecteu foi the
simulation weie Naize, Soighum, Rice, Reugiam, Cotton, Potato, Soyabean anu Wheat
ciops. The mean of 1u yeais' yielu was taken as the baseline yielu. The actual ciop yielu
in each uistiict was compaieu with the pieuicteu yielu anu the iatio (constant) of two
was computeu foi all the selecteu ciops anu foi all the uistiicts. The climate mouels out-
puts on tempeiatuie (minimum anu maximum) anu iainfall foi IPCC A1B-2uSS scenaiio
weie useu. Apait fiom this, fiequency of occuiience of climatic extieme events such as

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
NATC0N (Inuia's National Communication to 0NFCC on Climate Change). 2uu4. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu
Foiests, uoveinment of Inuia.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

higheilow iainfall events anu high tempeiatuie events weie also taken in account.
Baseu on the simulation stuuy, the vulneiable uistiicts foi few ciops aie listeu in Table

Rice (Iiiigateu) Belgaum, Bellaiy, Raichui, Kouagu, Bhaiwau, Chamaiajanagai, BK & Bassan,
Aeiobic Rice Belgaum, Bellaiy, Chikmagaluie, BK, 0K, uulbaiga anu Kouagu,
Naize Bijapui, Chikmagaluie, BK, 0K, 0uupi, Kouagu, Shimoga anu Tumkui
Soigam Chikmagalui, BK, 0K, 0uupi, Bavanageie, Bassan, Kolai, Shimoga anu Tumkui,
Reugiam Bagalkote, Bellaiy, BK, 0uupi, 0K, Kouagu, Raichui
Cotton Bellaiy, Chikmagalui, Chitiauuiga, BK, 0K, Shimoga, Kolai, Kouagu, Bhaiwau
anu uauag.
Potato Bangaloie, Chikmaglui, Bavanageie, Bassan
Soybean Bangaloie, Tumkui anu Chitiauuiga
Ragi 0K, BK, Shimoga, uulbaiga, anu Biuai
Wheat Raichui anu Shimoga
Sugaicane Bassan, Nanuya, BK, 0K, 0uupi,


Rice -u.S (Iiii. Rice)
-u.9 (iainfeu)
Bagalkote, Bangaloie, Chitiauuiga, Bavanag-
eie, Baveii, Kolai anu Tumkui
Bangaloie, BK, 0uupi, 0K, Raichui anu Ko-
Naize 1.2 Biuai, Chitiauuiga, Bavanageie, uauag, uul-
baiga, Baveii, Kolai anu Nanuya,
Bangaloie, Belgaum, Chamaiajanagai,
Soigam 2.6 Bagalkote, Belgaum, Baveii,
Bangaloie, Bellaiy, Biuai, Chamaiajanagai,
Chitiauuiga, uauag, uulbaiga, Kouagu,
Reugiam 1.S Chamaiajanagaia anu Bassan, Bengaloie, Chikmagaloie, Chitiauuiga
(upto SS%), Bavanageie, Bhaiwau, uauag,
Baveii, Kolai, Nanuya, Nysoie anu Shi-
Cotton 1.S Biuai, Bavanageie anu Baveii, Bangaloie, Belgaum, Bijapui, Nanuya, Ra-
ichui anu Tumkui.
Potato -14.u
Soybean -2.8
Ragi -S.8 Nysoie, Bassan, Kolai, Chitiauuiga, Bava-
nageie, Baveii anu uauag
Sugaicane 2.6 Nanuya, Shimoga anu Belgaum

The stuuy by BCCIK founu that the khaiif ciops will witness compaiatively moie chan-
ges in theii piouuctivity like iiiigateu iice whose piouuctivity has been pieuicteu to
change by -14.4 to 9.S% fiom its base yielu in Kainataka. The majoi pait of the iiiigateu
iice cultivating aiea is piojecteu to expeiience a ieuuction in yielu of up to 8.2% while
smallei non-iice giowing uistiicts aie piojecteu to iecoiu up to 6.2% highei yielus.
While the yielu of iainfeu iice may obseive changes between - 1S.8 to 7.2% with laige

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.BCCI-
K (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan: Seconu Repoit. Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka

iegion losing up to 9.6%. Fuithei, southwestein Kainataka as pei BCCIK stuuy may gain
fiom the climatic pattein anu yielu of both Iiiigateu anu Aeiobic iice may inciease.
Naize anu Soighum yielu has been also piojecteu to change fiom 27.6 % to -19.S % anu
by 17.2 % to -18.4% iespectively fiom its baseline yielu mainly uue to theii C4 photo-
synthetic system.
As pei Inuian Netwoik foi Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) iepoit
, any iise in tem-
peiatuie will pioviue less oppoitunity foi ciop canopy to accumulate uiy mattei by
acceleiating the giowth iates of the ciops. This will iesult in ieuuceu yielu. The piojec-
tion suggests that in 2uSS scenaiio, highei tempeiatuies anu ieuuceu sunshine may
limit the biomass piouuction anu yielu as compaieu to baseline conuitions. The esti-
mateu 2.1 C iise in mean tempeiatuie anu a 4.S% inciease in mean piecipitation woulu
ieuuce net agiicultuial piouuctivity in the state by 1.2%. A sectoial anu iegional analy-
sis foi 2uSus conuucteu by INCCA
also pioviues piojection foi likely change in ciop
piouuctions in westein coastal aiea of Inuia.
The simulation mouel InfoCiop was useu to assess the impact of climate change scen-
aiios of PRECIS A1B foi 2uSu peiious foi foui ceieals (wheat, iice, maize anu soighum),
two oil seeus (soybean anu mustaiu), potato anu coconut plantations. The stuuy ie-
vealeu that as in most of the Westein uhats iegion, the monsoon iainfall is likely to in-
ciease, the changes in tempeiatuie anu iainfall woulu cause uiiect impacts on the pio-
uuction of khaiif ciops anu uue to heavy clouu covei causing low iauiation, any fuithei
inciease in iainfall (moie clouu covei) will iesult in ieuuceu yielus in khaiif season. Co-
conut yielus aie piojecteu to inciease by up to Su% in majoiity of the coastal iegion. In-
ciease in coconut yielu coulu be attiibuteu to piojecteu inciease in iainfall (~1u%),
tempeiatuies anu fiom C02 feitilization benefits. Bowevei, iegions like south-west Kai-
nataka, paits of Tamil Nauu anu paits of Nahaiashtia, may iecoiu up to 24% ieuuction
in yielu. The simulation analysis also inuicates that the piouuctivity of iiiigateu iice in
Westein uhats iegion is likely to change by +S to-11%. Bowevei, the yielu of iiiigateu
iice in paits of southein Kainataka is piojecteu to inciease. In case of iain-feu iice, the
piojecteu change in yielu is in the iange of -SS to +SS%. Fuithei, climate change is also
likely to ieuuce yielus of maize anu soighum by up to Su% uepenuing upon the iegion.
Consiueiing the 4.S% inciease in mean piecipitation anu 2.1C iise in mean tempeiatuie
ion the state, BCCIK has estimateu that Kainataka woulu coulu witness 2.S% uecline in
net agiicultuie piouuction with majoi ieuuction in coastal iegions. Fuithei BCCIK ob-
seiveu that state may iecoiu 12.S% less foou piouuction uue to climate change but en-
hanceu C02 anu iise in tempeiatuie may also cause significantly highei piouuctivity (up
to SS%) in few uistiicts. Thiough following Table 17, BCCIK pioposes the ciops which
shoulu be piomoteu in specific agio climatic zones in oiuei to hainess benefits of cli-
mate change anu oveiall stiengthening the agiicultuie iesilience in the state.

Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.
Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia


Noith-Eastein tiansition
Aiea unuei iaineu Naize, Soighum, Cotton anu Wheat is pioposeu to be incieaseu
substituting the aiea unuei Reugiam.
Noith-Eastein uiy zone Aiea unuei iaineu Naize, Soighum anu Wheat is pioposeu to be incieaseu substi-
tuting the aiea unuei Reugiam anu othei ciops.
Noithein Biy Zone The aiea unuei iainfeu cotton, wheat anu soighum which have shown highei piouuc-
tivity is pioposeu to be incieaseu in Bijapui uistiict. Naize, Soighum anu Reugiam can
be taken moie in uauag uistiict ieuuce cotton aiea.
Cential Biy zone The aiea unuei Soighum can be extenueu to entiie Bellaiy uistiict substituting the aiea
unuei iice. Rice, Naize, Soighum, Reu giam anu Ragi aiea is to be incieaseu by intei-
ciopping soighum anu peail millet. Cotton anu Soya aiea is pioposeu to be ie-
stiicteu to iiiigateu aieas.
Eastein Biy zone Naize, Soighum, Reugiam anu Cotton aiea is pioposeu to be incieaseu is substituting a
pait of iainfeu fingei millet in Bangaloie uistiict anu in paits of Tumkui uistiict. In Kolai
uistiict anu Naize, Reugiam anu Ragi aiea can be incieaseu in lieu of Soighum. With the
incieaseu iainfall, Nulbeiiy anu vegetable aiea can be enhanceu uuiing khaiif.
Southein Biy zone Rice aiea pioposeu to be ieuuceu by Naize, Soighum anu Reugiam ciops in the zone.
Rice can be incieaseu in Nysoie anu Nanuya uistiict anu paits of Bassan uistiict in
view of the high yielu potential anu watei availability. Ragi can be continueu in the
same aiea. By incieasing the ciopping intensity unuei iiiigation the aiea unuei iice anu
Sugaicane pioposeu to be incieaseu.
Southein Tiansition
The aiea unuei khaiif soighum pioposeu to be incieaseu in view of
theii high piouuctivity. Summei iice aiea is pioposeu to be uiveiteu to iiiigateu
Noithein tiansition zone Because of the high yielu potential, aiea unuei cotton, wheat, khaiif soighum anu
gioununut is to be incieaseu. uieen giam is to be intiouuceu on laige scale as a catch
ciop in khaiif. A pait of the aiea unuei iainfeu iice is to be substituteu by maize.
Billy Aiea unuei Reugiam in Chikmagalui is to be incieaseu. Rice aiea in Shimoga can be
enhanceu. Apait of the iice in the uplanu is to be substituteu by fingei millet. uieen
giam anu black giam aie to be intiouuceu in iice fallows. Plantation ciops aie to be in-
Coastal The aiea unuei gioununut is to be incieaseu in iice fallows on iesiuual mois-
tuiesupplemental iiiigation. Black giam is pioposeu as seconu ciop aftei iice on ie-
siuual moistuie. In view of the sugai factoiies, aiea unuei sugaicane is to be incieaseu to
some extent
2"9" R.=@)4.)=
Fisheiies play an impoitant iole in foou supply anu livelihoou secuiity of fisheimen
communities living in coastal aieas. The state of Kainataka contains iich fisheiy ie-
souices with a continental shelf of 27,uuu km
., about Suu km
of coastline anu S.2u lakh
hectaies of inlanu watei aiea. Auuitional 8,uuu hectaies of biackish watei aiea pioviues
ample oppoitunities foi shiimp faiming. The total fisheifolk population of the State is
7.67 lakh compiising of 2.76 lakh maiine anu 4.91 lakh inlanu aieas. The fish piouuction
in Kainataka was aiounu 2 lakh tons in eaily 8us, giew to S lakh tons in miu 9us, fuithei
incieaseu to S.61 lakh tons in 2uu8-2uu9 anu ieacheu 4.u8 lakh tons in 2uu9-1u contii-
buting about 4.8% of Inuia's total fish piouuction. The maiine sectoi contiibutes 6u%
while iemaining 4u% comes fiom inlanu sectoi
Bue to lack of auequate simulation mouels in the fish sectoi, theie aie no significant
stuuies wheie the impacts of climate change have been stuuieu in fisheiies. Bence the
analysis anu inteipietation of past iecoius ielateu to fish sectoi, change in weathei anu

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka

sea suiface tempeiatuie is geneially useu to stuuy the impact of climate change on fish-
. Nany tiopical fish stocks aie alieauy exposeu to high tempeiatuie anu may see
iegional extinction oi migiation towaius highei latituues. It is expecteu that climate
change may inuuce phonological changes (timing of life histoiy) in fishes specially spe-
cies with shoitei life spans such as such as plankton anu small pelagic fish. Theie aie
possibilities that net piimaiy piouuction may change at long time scales of multi-
The tiopical fisheiies aie chaiacteiiseu by seveial fast giowing anu multiple spawning
species anu low levels of spawning continue thioughout the yeai foi most of the species
with one oi two uistinct spawning peaks in a yeai (vivekananuan -% $(., 2u1u)
. The
eggs of these species aie pelagic anu uiiectly exposeu to highei tempeiatuies anu cui-
ients. As tempeiatuies iise, the uevelopment uuiation of eggs uecieases iesulting in
smallei size of laivae (viual -% $(., 2uu2). The stuuy by }ackson anu Noltschaniwskyj
(2uu1) illustiateu that the giowth iates of auults woulu be fastei initially to a ceitain
stage anu then woulu ueciease uue to highei metabolic costs. It is also stateu the avei-
age life span will ueciease as a function of incieaseu giowth iate, anu the inuiviuuals in
some maiine species will matuie at a smallei size. As smallei inuiviuuals piouuce lessei
numbei of eggs, this will leau the ieuuction in the absolute fecunuity. This is expecteu to
auveisely affect the oveiall piouuction of fish anu the livelihoou of the fisheimen com-
2"G" H/.;'$ @D=&'/E46
The state of Kainataka has 7S.2 million population of livestock (Su.7 million) anu Poul-
tiy (42.4 million) as shown in Table 18. The livestock sectoi plays a significant iole in
the Inuian economy anu contiibutes 1S-4u% of the total income of the faim householu.
Kainataka is iankeu at 1uth anu Siu position in the countiy in milk anu egg piouuction
. About S8% of the iuial householus have livestock anu oi poultiy contii-
buting significantly to theii livelihoou.

/QXIMKNT[ ";;5 .DD6 .DD5
Ciossbieu cattle 129S 16u2 26u2 1u1.S
Inuigenous Cattle 9SS9 79S6 79u1 -17.2
Total Cattle 1u8S2 9SS8 1uSuS -S.uS
Buffalo 4S67 S991 4S27 -u.91
Total Bovine 1S199 1SSSu 168Su 1u.7
Sheep 8uuS 72S6 9SS8 19.4
uoat 487S 4484 61SS 26.2
Pigs 4uS S12 28u -Su.86

Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia
vivekananuan v. (2u1u). Backgiounu infoimation on the pie-uiaft notification. National Fish woikei's Foium
Kainataka Livestock Bevelopment Policy, 2u1u - Biaft.
Livestock-Bevelop-Policy-2u1u.puf (accesseu on Apiil 2S, 2u11)
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

Ballikai, Amiithmahal, Khillai, Kiishnavalley anu Beoni aie the inuigenous uiought
puipose cattle bieeus of Kainataka. ;$(#$) <&))$ is a uwaif cattle bieeu fiom Nalnau
iegion of the state. These inuigenous cattle bieeus have unique genetic stiuctuie that
helpeu them to auapt to local enviionment, cope up with heat, anu iesist vaiious uis-
eases. The inuigenous bieeus of buffaloes in the state incluue Panuhaipuii, Suithi, anu
Nuiiah. But it can be noticeu fiom the table that the population of inuigenous bieeus
exhibit a ueclining tienu ovei last uecaue mainly uue to cioss bieeuing piogiamme of
the state. In iesponse, uoveinment of Kainataka has taken initiatives which aie uis-
cusseu latei in this chaptei.
The changing climate with alteieu feeu iesouices is auveisely affecting the geneial im-
mune status of animals leauing to moie inciuences of uiseases anu lowei piouuctivity.
Extieme hot anu colu climate in paiticulai iesult in incieaseu occuiience of vectoi
boine uiseases (blue tongue in sheep, Rift valley fevei) by pioviuing favouiable bieeu-
ing conuitions foi the aithiopous, especially in tiopical aieas
Ruminants ielease methane (CB4) as a pait of theii natuial uigestive piocess. Foiage
anu fouuei uepenuent feeuing piactices piouuce moie hyuiogen in iumen uue to bacte-
iial metabolism foi eventual piouuction of CB4. The anaeiobic uecomposition of oiganic
mateiial in livestock manuie also ieleases CB4 anu N20. N20 is also piouuceu by the mi-
ciobial tiansfoimation of nitiogen in soils anu manuies, anu is enhanceu in cases when
available nitiogen exceeus plant iequiiements. Following section uetails the uBus emis-
sion fiom livestock sectoi.
2"M" #J#= );.==.%/=
The impact of agiicultuie piactises on climate change anu vice veisa is one of the most
seiious thieats of climate change. 0n one hanu, climate change causes weathei vaii-
ations viz iainfall, tempeiatuie, uiiectly affecting the piimaiy piouuction; agiicultuie
piactices emit a significant amount of uBus contiibuting to climate change on the othei
hanu. As pei IPCC (2uu7), Agiicultuie anu allieu sectois contiibute 1S.S % to total uBus
emission of the woilu. Nain uBus contiibuteu fiom these sectois aie methane (livestock
enteiic feimentation anu iice cultivation) anu nitious oxiue (livestock manuie manage-
ment). With above Su million livestock population anu Pauuy as main ciop, Kainataka
contiibutes significant amount of uBus into atmospheie. Following Table 19 summaiise
the uBus emission fiom Kainataka agiicultuie anu allieu sectois;

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental
Nanagement anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia


Enteiic Feimentation u.Su 1u.94
Livestock Nanuie Nanagement u.u4 u.uu6S 2.9S
Total Livestock Contiibution u.S4 u.uu6S 1S.87
Continuous Flooueu u.uSS
Single Aeiation u.u18
Nultiple Aeiation u.uuS
Biought Pione u.uu8
Floou Pione u.uS9
>--. ?$%-5 u.uu8

Total Rice Cultivation u.1S 2.7S
2NKFH D#<C D#DD<9 "<#.6

The total livestock population in Kainataka incluues cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goat anu
pigs. As shown in the table, vaiious iiiigation means aie applieu in iice cultivation, con-
tinuously floouing piactices thiough iiiigation anu iain is the most inefficient in teims
of methane emissions. Nultiple aeiation contiibutes the lowest methane emissions in
iice cultivation sectoi. Apait fiom iice cultivation, agiicultuie contiibutes to incieasing
uBus concentiations thiough lanu use changes like C02 emission fiom uefoiestation,
anu N20 ielease fiom feitilizei application
. In auuition, oveigiazing leaus to soil ueple-
tion anu iesulteu in the ielease of C02 fiom soil. Togethei, these agiicultuial piocesses
compiise S4% of methane emissions, ioughly 8u% of nitious oxiue emissions, anu vii-
tually all caibon uioxiue emissions tieu to lanu use.
2"O" SD$/)4'&.$.-.)=
It is veiy cleai fiom the stuuies on cuiient tienus of climate anu its futuie piojections
woiluwiue that the agiicultuie anu allieu activities will be the woist affecteu sectois uue
to climate change. The changing pattein of tempeiatuie, piecipitation woulu cause ex-
tieme weathei events like floous, uiought etc. Not only these events will affect the avail-
ability of watei foi agiicultuie anu animal husbanuiy, but also cause uecieaseu iesist-
ance in local vaiieties of ciops, animals etc., shift in ciopping pattein, loss of tiauitional
species, incieaseu vulneiability of ciops anu animals to vaiious vectoi boine uisease is
also piojecteu to oveiall ueciease the piouuctivity of this sectoi which will seveiely af-
fect the livelihoou of billions in paiticulai anu National uBP of Agiicultuie uepenuent
countiies in whole. The likely sea level iise anu suiface tempeiatuie will auveisely affect
the coastal communities uepenuent on coastal agiicultuie anu fisheiies foi theii liveli-
hoou. BCCIK (2u11) attempteu to gioup vaiious economic sectois on the basis of the ex-
tent of impact of climate on the peifoimance of these sectois as given below:

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

! =QUMK *USIU consisting of sectois whose peifoimance is uiiectly ueteimineu by cli-
matic vaiiations, such as agiicultuie, fisheiies, foiestiy, anu health
! 4ITNRS *USIU sectois susceptible to climatic conuitions, but mitigation measuies
coulu ieuuce the influence of climatic vaiiations, like mining, constiuction, householu
inuustiies, euucation, tianspoit, communication
! 2YQUS *USIU sectois ielatively inuepenuent to laige extent of climatic vaiiations such
as seivice sectoi, inuustiy anu otheis
All uistiicts of Kainataka weie assigneu ianks baseu on the size of population involveu
in a paiticulai oiuei. It was obseiveu that with SS.4, SS.2, SS anu S4.4 % population ue-
penuent on piimaiy sectoi, Tumkui, Nanuya, Bassan anu Baveii iespectively will be the
most vulneiable to eiiatic climate pattein. While 0uupi, Kouagu, Bakishna Kannaua anu
Bangaloie uistiicts aie affecteu least as they have lowest peicent of population uepenu-
ent on agiicultuie anu associateu sectoi. Fuithei baseu on the foui uimensions (Bemo-
giaphic anu Social, 0ccupational, Agiicultuie anu Climate), BCCIK (2u11) piepaieu
composite vulneiability inuices foi the 27 uistiicts of the state. This exeicise ievealeu
that uulbaiga anu Bijapui uistiicts of Noith Kainataka aie most vulneiable to Agiicultu-
ial anu Climatic vulneiability iespectively. Baseu on composite vulneiability inuices,
uulbaiga, Raichui anu Bijapui (uiought pione uistiicts) aie most vulneiable while Bak-
shina Kannaua, Kouagu anu Bangaloie aie least vulneiable uistiict. This inuicates that
uistiicts falling in Noith iegion of states aie to be given piioiity to implement any vul-
neiability ieuuction piogiamme. Though the stuuy faiily attempts to assess the vul-
neiability, the iepoit lacks the uetaileu methouology auopteu. It is not veiy cleai how
the uimensional anu composite ianking was ueiiveu.
2"T" H<-.%/=I 5%$.<.)= '/E ./=-.-D-.%/'$ 54)5'4)E/)==
The contiibution of agiicultuie to Kainataka's uSBP has been ueclining fiom 4S% in
1981 aiounu 17% in 2uu9 anu is stagnating since
. Neveitheless, the sectoi's impoit-
ance foi foou secuiity anu livelihoous cannot possibly be oveistateu. Foi 69 lakh cultiva-
tois anu 62 lakh agiicultuial labouieis agiicultuie is livelihoou.
The economic signifi-
cance of the sectoi may not even have ueclineu in actuals but is uwaifeu the tiemenuous
giowth iecoiueu in the seconuaiy anu teitiaiy sectois. 7u% of Kainataka's geogiaphical
aiea of the state falls is classifieu as aiiu oi semi aiiu.
The net iiiigateu aiea has moie than uoubleu ovei the last thiee uecaues while 7u% of
the cultivable aiea is iain-feu as of 2u1u. S4% of iiiigateu aieas aie iiiigateu by
giounuwatei. The consumption of feitiliseis is steauily iising while the cultivatable aiea
is actually showing a maiginal uecline since 2uu6. N-P-K feitiliseis accounteu foi 18.S
lakh Nt in 2uu9, 2u.S lakh Nt in 2u1u anu aie expecteu to touch 21.4 lakh Nt in 2u11.8S
The uepenuence on iiiigation, anu by implication, giounuwatei, is iising. The absence of
iiiigation watei taiiffs constitutes a significant impeuiment foi both the ieuuction of
watei iequiiements anu the geneiation of ievenue foi watei infiastiuctuie. The gov-
einment is awaie that that the incieaseu uepenuence on iiiigation anu feitiliseis ien-
ueis agiicultuie less sustainable, jeopaiuising Kainataka's long-teim peispectives of
livelihoous of the gieat majoiity of iuial populations. Theie aie howevei no measuies

Economic Suivey of Kainataka 2u1u-11. Bepaitment of Planning, Piogiamme Nonitoiing anu Statistics, Febiuaiy,
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Economic Suivey of Kainataka 2u1u-11. Bepaitment of Planning, Piogiamme Nonitoiing anu Statistics, Febiuaiy,

that can auuiess these conceins on a laigei scale anu quickly, with suppoit of the fai-
meis conceineu. These aie piessing issues even without the climate change scenaiio be-
ing on the hoiizon. Anu the thieat of climatic vaiiations anu gieatei unpieuictability ex-
aceibates the situation uiastically. vaiious policies anu piogiammes initiateu by state as
well as feueial goveinment aie being implementeu in Kainataka in oiuei to ensuie sus-
tainable agiicultuie anu animal husbanuiy piactices. In the state buuget 2u11-2u12, Rs
178S7 cioie has been announceu foi the uevelopment of agiicultuie anu allieu sectois
In auuition, 2u11-2u2u has been ueclaieu as 'Iiiigation uecaue' in the state. These poli-
cies also pioviue oppoitunities to mainstieam climate change associateu vulneiabilities,
auaptation anu mitigation stiategies. Following section biiefly uiscusses these inteiven-
4.9.1. Agr|cu|ture po||cy
Five point agenua as iuentifieu in Agiicultuie Policy (2uu6) follows:
! Piotect anu impiove the soil health.
! Conseivation of natuial iesouices, with special emphasis on watei anu micio iiiiga-
! Timely availability of cieuit anu othei inputs to the faimeis,
! Integiate post haivest piocessing with the piouuction piocess, anu
! Reuuce the uistance between 'Lab to Lanu' in tiansfei of technology.
4.9.2. karnataka Agr|cu|ture M|ss|on
Kainataka Agiicultuie Nission was set up foi the compiehensive anu multiuimensional
uevelopment of agiicultuie anu allieu activities. The main objectives of the Nission is to
sensitize anu uevelop new plans, piojects anu piogiammes foi Agiicultuie anu agiicul-
tuie ielateu univeisities anu line uepaitments viz. Agiicultuie, Boiticultuie, Animal
Busbanuiy, Seiicultuie, Fisheiies etc. The mission also incluues stieamlining anu co-
oiuinating the functions of line uepaitments anu Agiicultuie ielateu 0niveisities to pio-
viue technical infoimation anu seivices fiom a single winuow. The mission envisages
uiafting new piogiammes foi sustainable agiicultuie, conseivation of natuial iesouices
like lanu, watei anu impioving the feitility of soil anu watei use efficiency, piomotion of
oiganic faiming, intensify tiaining to the faimeis in mouein agiicultuie incluuing mai-
keting, anu to pioviue infiastiuctuie foi seeu stoiage, watei haivesting anu watei use
efficiency, piocessing anu value auuition to the faimeis thiough commouity gioups.
4.9.3. rogramme for |ncreased product|on of food gra|ns, pu|ses and o||seeds
In 2uu9, Bigh Yieluing vaiieties Piogiamme (BYvP) coveieu an aiea of 46.6S lakh hec-
taie against taiget of SS.S lakh hectaie. Acceleiateu Naize Bevelopment Piogiamme
(ANBP) which was initiateu in 1S uistiicts of the state in 199u-91, is now extenueu to all
uistiicts unuei Integiateu Scheme foi 0ilseeus, Pulses, 0il Palm & Naize (IS0P0N).
was launcheu by uoveinment of Inuia uuiing 2uu4-uS by meiging of eistwhile
schemes i.e. 0il Palm Bevelopment Piogiamme (0PBP), National Pulse Bevelopment
Pioject (NPBP) anu ANBP. The majoi objectives of the schemes aie enhancing piouuc-
tivity anu the efficiency of oilseeu piouuction, piocessing, value auuition anu piouuct
uiveisification to make the oilseeu sectoi sustainable anu competitive, attaining self-
ieliance in pulses foi householu nutiitional secuiity, ciop uiveisification anu sus-

Buuget 2u11-2u12 (2u11). Pait I Agiicultuie, uoveinment of Kainataka

tainability of the piouuction system anu enhancing piouuctivity, piofitability nutiitional
quality anu uiveisifieu uses of maize by hainessing technology auvancements. This
scheme is being implementeu in all Su uistiicts of the state. The main activities coveieu
unuei the scheme aie puichase of bieeuei seeu, piouuction of founuation seeu & ceiti-
fieu seeu, uistiibution of ceitifieu seeu, plant piotection chemical, Plant Piotection
Equipment, bio-feitilizeis, gypsum as nutiient, Phosphoius Solubilising Bacteiia (PSB),
block uemonstiation of Integiateu Pest Nanagement (IPN) faimeis tiaining anu infia-
stiuctuie uevelopment etc.
4.9.4. Nat|ona| Iood Secur|ty M|ss|on (NISM)

A Centially sponsoieu scheme, 'National Foou Secuiity Nission' was launcheu in 2uu7-
u8 by The National Bevelopment Council. The mission aims at incieasing piouuction of
iice, wheat anu pulses thiough aiea expansion anu piouuctivity enhancement in a sus-
tainable mannei in the iuentifieu uistiicts of the countiy, iestoiing soil feitility anu pio-
uuctivity at the inuiviuual faim level anu enhancing faim level economy. The NFSN has
thiee components (i) National Foou Secuiity Nission - Rice (NFSN-Rice); (ii) National
Foou Secuiity Nission - Wheat (NFSN-Wheat); anu (iii) National Foou Secuiity Nission -
Pulses (NFSN- Pulses). 0nuei this scheme, seven uistiicts foi Rice (Belgaum, Shimoga,
0ttaia Kannaua, Bakshina Kannaua, 0uupi, Bassan anu Raichui) anu 1S uistiicts foi
Pulses (Bagalkote, Belgaum, Bellaiy, Biuai, Bijapui, Chitiauuiga, Bhaiwau, uauag, uul-
baiga, Koppal, Nysoie, Raichui anu Tumkui) have been selecteu in Kainataka. The state
has a vision to achieve an aveiage piouuctivity taiget of 4S quintals pauuy pei hectaie
anu seven quintals of Pulses pei hectaie in the NFSN implementing uistiicts uuiing
2uu9-1u with the financial suppoit of Rs 6S.7u cioie.
4.9.S. kashtr|ya kr|sh| V|kas o[ana (kkV)

The National Bevelopment Council also launcheu a Special Auuitional Cential Assistance
Scheme calleu "Rashtiiya Kiishi vikas Yojana" in 2uu7 in oiuei to incentivise states to
uiaw up compiehensive plans foi the holistic uevelopment of theii agiicultuie & allieu
sectois. It incentivizes the states to inciease public investment in agiicultuie anu allieu
sectois. RKvY aims at achieving the goal of ieuucing the yielu gaps in impoitant ciops
anu thus optimize ietuins to the faimeis. 0nuei RKvY, an amount of Rs. 172.26 cioie
has been eaimaikeu foi Agiicultuie Bepaitment foi the implementation of 1) Revitaliz-
ing Agiicultuie Extension System anu acceleiating Agiicultuial uiowth in Kainataka anu
Kainataka Faimeis' Paiticipatoiy Extension Piogiamme, 2) Kainataka Seeu Nission, S)
Kainataka Faim Nechanization Nission anu 4) Bhoo Chetana.
4.9.6. karnataka Agr|cu|ture o||cy

The State of Kainataka has foimulateu the Kainataka Agiicultuie Policy (2uu6) to
achieve sustainability in agiicultuie sectoi. The policy aims at;
! Piotection anu impiovement of soil health.
! Conseivation of natuial iesouices with special emphasis on watei & micio-iiiigation.
! Timely availability of cieuit anu othei inputs to the faimeis.
! Integiation of post-haivest piocessing with piouuction piocess.
! Reuuction in the gap between the labs to lanu in tiansfei of technology.

National Foou Secuiity Nission,
Rashtiiya Kiishi vikas Yojana,
Kainataka Agiicultuie Policy, 2uu6. uoveinment of Kainataka.

In oiuei to achieve the above, the policy uocument sets a giowth iate of 4.S peicent pei
annum to be achieveu in agiicultuial uioss State Bomestic Piouuct (uSBP), uuiing the
next uecaue. The policy also focuses on incluuing the unueiseiveu iegions anu gioups of
faimeis in to the uevelopment piocess.
4.9.7. 8hoo Chetana

The goveinment has also ueviseu two significant inteiventions at the level of faiming
piactices. Consiueieu as a flagship piogiamme, Bepaitment of Agiicultuie togethei with
the Wateisheu Bevelopment Bepaitment launcheu a uiy-lanu faiming suppoit scheme
unuei the name Bhoo Chetana ("Lanu impiovement") in 2uu9.
It aims at incieasing the piouuctivity of iain-feu ciops by 2u% thiough soil testing baseu
nutiient management foi 11 ciops in 2S selecteu uistiicts ovei a peiiou of foui yeais.

The appioach also incluues uIS baseu soil mapping anu issue of soil health caius to fai-
meis as well as theii capacity builuing. Significant yielu incieases weie noteu in 2uu9-1u
up to 44% foi maize, SS-6S% foi iagi, S2-41% foi gioununut anu S9% foi soybean have
been iepoiteu. In 2u1u-11 the piogiamme was expanueu fiom 6 to 16 uistiicts, coveiing
about 12 lakh ha of lanu, 8.7 lakh faimeis anu SuSu villages.
Contiaiy to its name, what
the scheme uoes not uo howevei is impiove the soil. As typical foi conventional agiicul-
tuie, the exteinal supply of nutiients pievents iestoiation of the natuial soil feitility.
Neveitheless, the scheme succeeus in optimising nutiient supply. Anu, veiy impoitanty
it succeeus in auuiessing watei uepenuency by builuing confiuence in iain-feu agiicul-
The scheme is being implementeu baseu on technology suppoit of ICRISAT, Byueiabau.
The pioject is being implementeu in a phaseu mannei ovei a peiiou of 4 yeais in 24 ma-
joi uiy lanu uistiicts. In 2u11-2u12 buuget speech a giant of Rs 4u cioie was announceu
to extenu Bhoo Chetana to all Su uistiicts of the state.
4.9.8. Insurance schemes

Rashtiiya Kiishi Bima Yojana (RKBY) is being implementeu in the state of Kainataka
since Khaiif season 2uuu. The aim of the mission is to insuie all faimeis against any loss
of yielu in the event of ciop failuie uue to localizeu calamities like floou, hailstoim, cyc-
lone anu lanusliue. The scheme is manuatoiy foi loanee faimeis anu optional foi non-
loanee faimeis. Buiing 2uu9-1u, 27, 19 anu S ciops weie notifieu foi Khaiif, Rabi anu
Summei seasons iespectively. All the uistiicts aie coveieu unuei notifieu ciops uuiing
Khaiif, Rabi anu Summei. 0f the gioss cultivateu aiea (124 lakh ha) only 21 lakh ha
(17%) weie insuieu in 2uu9. In iesponse to lessons leaint with this still new instiu-
ment, a mouifieu NAIS (oi NNAIS) is being implementeu since 2u1u. It fixes the in-
uemnity level as 7u% anu coveis pie-sowing anu post haivest iisks.

Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka
Naize, gioununut, iagi, soyabean, ieugiam, blackgiam, gieengiam, bengalgiam, sunflowei, jowai anu bajia
Economic Suivey of Kainataka 2u1u-11. Bepaitment of Planning, Piogiamme Nonitoiing anu Statistics, Febiuaiy,
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka
Economic Suivey of Kainataka 2u1u-11. Bepaitment of Planning, Piogiamme Nonitoiing anu Statistics, Febiuaiy,


Weathei Baseu Ciop Insuiance Scheme (WBCIS) was also launcheu by uoveinment of
Inuia uuiing Khaiif 2uu7. The scheme compensates the insuieu faimeis against the like-
lihoou of financial loss on account of anticipateu loss in ciop yielu iesulting fiom inci-
uence of auveise weathei conuitions anu coveis the iisk of iainfall, tempeiatuie, iela-
tive humiuity, winu velocity etc.
4.9.9. Nat|ona| nort|cu|ture M|ss|on (NnM)

National Boiticultuie Nission was launcheu by uoveinment of Inuia uuiing the 1uth
plan in 2uuS-u6. The Nission follows an aiea-baseu, iegionally uiffeientiateu appioach
foi the uevelopment of Boiticultuie Ciops. This is a centially sponsoieu scheme in
which uoveinment of Inuia pioviues 1uu% assistance to the state Nissions uuiing Tenth
Plan. Buiing the XI Plan, the assistance is 8S% with 1S% contiibution by the State uov-
einment. Recently, five new uistiicts namely Bangaloie (0), uauag, Baveii, Nanuya anu
Bavangeie anu papaya ciop have been auueu. 0nuei NBN in Kainataka,
! Aiea expansion piogiamme of spices, cashew anu cocoa is being implementeu
thiough National Boiticultuie Nission scheme.
! 0nuei the Integiateu Pest Nanagement component of NBN, Bio-pesticiues, at Su% of
the cost up to a maximum of Rs. 1,uuu pei hectaie aie being uistiibuteu.
Apait fiom NBN, Centially Sponsoieu scheme on micio iiiigation has been piomoting
use of Biip Iiiigation among the faimeis since 1991-92. The main objective is to achieve
economical anu juuicious use of watei. The state anu centie contiibute 4u% anu SS% of
the cost iespectively while the faimei contiibutes 2S%. Buiing 2uu9-1u, Rs. 1u,87u lakh
was appioveu foi the scheme; out of which uoveinment of Inuia's shaie was Rs. S,SS4
lakh anu state shaie was Rs. S,SSS lakh. A total aiea of SS,S22 hectaies is to be coveieu
unuei this scheme. In Bijapui anu Kolai uistiicts the subsiuy totals to 1uu%.2 The fact
that INR 16u cioie
weie committeu to this piogiamme in 2u1u-11 is inuicative of a sig-
nificant expansion.
&NTNRLK -IXIHNVPIRK $NFUS is also pioviuing 1uu% financial assistance foi the Inte-
giateu Bevelopment of Coconut Inuustiy in the state. The piogiammes which aie being

National Boiticultuie Nission,
Achievements. Bepaitment of Boiticultuie, accesseu Apiil u7, 2u11
Scheme-wise Allocation unuei Plan uuiing 2u1u-2u11. Bepaitment of Boiticultuie, Naich 8, 2u11

implementeu in state incluue laying anu maintenance of uemonstiation plots, estab-
lishment of oiganic manuie units, uistiibution of plant piotection chemicals, oiganic
manuies, chemical anu Bio feitilizeis foi impiovement in piouuction of coconut anu
piouuction of TXB hybiius coconut seeulings.
The VNMMQGHI QPVFTK NO THQPFKI TYFRZI on seven majoi hoiticultuial ciops
has been
assesseu by the uepaitment.
Seveial possible countei measuies to auapt to climatic
changes have been suggesteu, which incluue:
! Nouifieu ciop piouuction piactices such as choice of vaiieties, ioot stocks, ciop
season, uuiation, uensity anu agionomic piactices;
! Ciop management piactices such as piuning, ciop aichitectuie, canopy management,
ciop iegulation, ciop piotection. It is woith noting that the uepaitment is implement-
ing a piogiamme unuei which the ciop canopy anu biomass is enhanceu foi peiennial
anu annuals ciops;

! Auoption of vaiieties with gieatei toleiance to uiought anu heat;
! Nouifieu iiiigation scheuules anu piactices anu integiateu moistuie conseivation
4.9.10. Watershed deve|opment
Wateisheu Bevelopment Bepaitment was establisheu uuiing 2uuu-u1 to give a new
momentum to wateisheu management in the aiiu zones of the state. The aiea coveieu
by soil conseivation measuies uuiing 2uu8-2uu9 was 47.22 lakh hectaies.
In auuition the above mentioneu piogiammes anu schemes of union as well state gov-
einment, theie aie many othei piogiammes being implementeu to enhance faim pio-
uuctivity anu oveiall iesilience of faimeis. These incluue;
The Sujala Wateisheu Bevelopment Piogiamme with the assistance of Woilu Bank has
been sanctioneu at a cost of Rs.SS7.u1 cioie coveiing S uistiicts in the state namely,
Kolai, Tumkui, Chitiauuiga, Baveii anu Bhaiwau.
4.9.11. Crgan|c farm|ng
Recognising the thieat to soil feitility, the goveinment has also embaikeu on an initia-
tive piomoting NUZFRQT OFUPQRZ. In 2uu8-u9 it constituteu a committee foi a State Level
0iganic Faiming Nission which also incluues "piogiessive" faimeis. 174 oiganic fai-
mei's association weie selecteu thiough which a total of S2,Suu faimeis weie biought
unuei this piogiamme in the fiist yeai. An auuitional SS,2uu faimeis weie biought
unuei the piogiamme in the subsequent yeai. The piogiamme focuses on capacity
builuing anu pioviues financial incentives. It is implementeu 172 of the 176 taluks
, vii-
tually acioss Kainataka, on a total of 7u,uuu ha
of lanu. 0iganically cultivateu lanu un-
uei the piogiamme constitutes about u.6% of the cultivateu aiea (u.7 of 124 lakh ha).
Regietfully, a laigei scale expansion of this impoitant piogiamme uoes not appeai to be
on the planning hoiizon as yet.

Nango, citius, banana, giape, potato, coconut anu cashew
Peispectives of hoiticultuie sectoi foi foimulating action plan on climate change. Piesentation of Bepaitment of
Boiticultuie, Naich 8, 2u11
Consultation with Bepaitment of Boiticultuie, Naich 7, 2u11
Economic Suivey of Kainataka 2u1u-11. Bepaitment of Planning, Piogiamme Nonitoiing anu Statistics, Febiuaiy,
Actions on climate change. Piesentation of Bept. of Ecology anu Enviionment at NoEF on August 19, 2u1u

4.9.12. I|sher|es
uoveinment of Kainataka is implementing vaiious piogiammes in the state to suppoit
anu ieuuce iisk associateu with fisheiies. 0nuei Nathsya Nahila Swavalambana Yojane
Rs 1uuu.uu lakh has been sanctioneu to 2uuu Fishei women gioup foi fish maiketing
uuiing 2uu9-1u. 0thei piogiams taken up uuiing 2uu9-1u foi the socio-economic up-
liftment of fisheimen incluue gioup insuiance, housing, suppoit to fisheimen co-
opeiatives, assistance foi mechanization of tiauitional fishing boats, assistance foi fish
piocessing anu maiketing, etc. 0nuei Fish Faimeis Bevelopment Agencies, uuiing 2uu8-
u9 Rs. 19S.8u lakh was spent anu S9uu hectaies of inlanu watei spieau aiea has been
biought unuei fish cultuie. uoveinment of Inuia is also funuing vaiious schemes such as
constiuction of fishing haibouis, lanuing centies, uevelopment of inlanu fisheiies etc.
Nain schemes incluue subsiuy on puichase of seeus, supply of fisheiy iequisites kit, anu
aqua paik. In the 2u11-2u12 buuget speech incentives foi fish faiming, constiuction of
fish maiket anu Nathsyashiaya Scheme weie also announceu.
4.9.13. An|ma| husbandry
Bepaitment of Animal Busbanuiy is also piojecting significant HQXIMKNT[ XLHRIUFGQHQa
KQIM to climate change. It expects the emeigence of new uiseases, tiiggeieu by changes in
enviionmental conuitions. The neeu to conuuct in-uepths stuuies to unueistanu likely
changes foi livestock befoie they actually occui was emphasiseu in uiscussions helu
with the uepaitment. Anothei concein is piouuctivity, milk yielu foi example, which is
highly uepenuent on the fouuei (both quantity anu quality) apait foim the climate. Fou-
uei itself is a point in question as its availability might uecline with tempeiatuies iising.
The incieaseu inciuence of floous constitutes a lethal anu immeuiate thieat foi all kinus
of livestock. No uiiect action in iespect of climate change was taken by the uepaitment
as yet. At the same time effoits to pieseive native cattle bieeus continue. Some 4,uuu
animals belonging to foui majoi cattle bieeus have been ieaieu, suppoiteu by INR Su7
lakh since commencement of the piogiamme in 2uu7-u8. Theie is implieu hope that the
iobustness inheient to native species may also pioviue foi gieatei auaptation capabili-
The uiaft livestock uevelopment policy foi 2u1u of the uoveinment of Kainataka focuses
at augmenting faimeis' income thiough an acceleiateu giowth of livestock sectoi; aim-
ing at two folu inciease in livestock piouuction in next 8-1u yeais foi meeting uemanu
by means of incieasing piouuctivity anu in auuition, impioving the quality of the pio-
uucts (Kainataka Livestock Bevelopment Policy- 2u1u uiaft). uoveinment of Kainataka
thiough Bepaitment of Animal Busbanuiy has unueitaken many initiatives to biing sus-
tainability anu economic viability in animal husbanuiy sectoi. Fiee health caie facilities
aie pioviueu foi the animals. Buiing the financial yeai 2uu9-2u1u, an amount of Rs.
4S6.24 cioie was allocateu anu Rs.24u.91 cioie was spent incluuing cential gov-
einment's shaie till the enu of Novembei 2uu9. The health of livestock anu poultiy aie
monitoieu thiough 411u veteiinaiy Institutions (S69 veteiinaiy Bospitals, 1941 vet-
eiinaiy Bispensaiies, 1181 Piimaiy veteiinaiy Centies, 2Su aitificial insemination cen-
ties anu 174 mobile veteiinaiy clinics anu 21S othei veteiinaiy Institutions). uov-
einment also conuucteu wiue vaccination piogiamme anu 262.u1 lakh vaccinations
weie given foi vaiious uiseases as piecautionaiy measuie up to enu of Novembei 2uu9
in 2uu9-2u1u.
Cattle bieeuing piogiamme foi milch animal piouuction anu conseivation of inuigenous
bieeus i.e. Ballikai, Amiutmahal, Khilai anu Beoni foi uiought puiposes is caiiieu out

thiough aitificial insemination anu embiyo tiansfei technology. Inuigenous bieeus aie
uevelopeu by selective bieeuing in the livestock faims locateu in Tumkui, Chikmagalui
anu Baveii. A total of 2u.9S lakh aitificial inseminations weie completeu in 2uu9-1u.
Six Sheep bieeuing faims aie functioning unuei this coipoiation. Nini wool scouiing
plant (NWSP) sponsoieu by Cential Wool Bevelopment Boaiu, }ouhpui is being in-
stalleu at Ranebennui anu is unuei piocess to install machineiies. As pait of bieeu im-
piovement piogiamme, KSWBC has been implementing a scheme foi supply of cioss
bieeu iams at subsiuizeu iates unuei which S96 cioss bieeu iams weie uistiibuteu in
2uu9-1u as on Novembei 2uu9. Apait fiom it, Suu each cioss bieeu iams weie also uis-
tiibuteu to the faimeis in the pioject aieas-Belgaum anu Chitiauuiga. Theie aie pio-
giammes being implementeu to enhance potability of feeu unuei feeu anu fouuei uevel-
opment piogiamme. To mitigate the gieen fouuei ueficiency, Cential minikit testing
piogiamme, fouuei piouuction in faims, fouuei seeus piouuction in faims anu tiaining
to faimeis aie implementeu with the assistance of uoveinment of Inuia anu calamity ie-
lief piogiammes. Kainataka Co-opeiative Poultiy Feueiation is mainly engageu in pio-
viuing shoit teim tiaining iegaiuing poultiy ieaiing techniques to the faimeis anu ieai-
ing anu sale of uiiiiaja biius. 0thei vaiious piogiammes incluue Buffalo Bieeuing anu
Reseaich Centie (to be establisheu), Nuuhol Bog Bieeuing anu Reseaich Piogiamme,
Livestock anu Buffalo Bieeuing Piogiamme, Livestock Insuiance etc.
The state has a bioau anu efficient policy fiamewoik to achieve sustainability in agiicul-
tuie anu allieu sectoi. Fuithei to this, uoveinment of Inuia also suppoits financially anu
technically the state goveinment thiough vaiious schemes. The existing fiamewoik anu
initiatives by state as well union goveinment pioviues ample oppoitunities to auuiess
the iisks associates with climate change in oiuei to ieuuce vulneiabilities anu enhance
iesilience of this sectoi anu uepenuent communities.
2"!U" V.==.%/= D/E)4 -@) ,H3PP
National Nission on Sustainable Agiicultuie unuei NAPCC iuentifies Agiicultuie as one
of the majoi sectois affecteu by climate change in Inuia. Agiicultuie anu allieu sectois
togethei account foi S6.4% of the total woikfoice which suppoits livelihoou of almost
6uu million peoples anu contiibutes 21% to the countiy's uBP. With piimaiy goal of in-
cieaseu iesilience of agiicultuie sectoi to climate change, Agiicultuie mission aims at
foui focus aieas namely uiylanu agiicultuie, iisk management, access to infoimation,
anu use of biotechnology. While the NAPCC hat pioviueu an outline of the National Nis-
sion on Sustainable Agiicultuie, a uiaft of the mission uocument has not been ieleaseu
as yet (iefei to Table 1).
A total of 6u% of the net cultivateu aiea in countiy is categoiiseu as uiylanuiain feu. To
hainess the potential foi agiicultuial giowth at this lanu, Agiicultuie mission em-
phasizes a. uevelopment of uiought- anu pest-iesistant ciop vaiieties, b. impioving soil
anu watei conseivation, c. capacity builuing of stake holueis by conuucting tiaining
woikshops anu uemonstiation exeicises foi faiming communities, foi agio-climatic
infoimation shaiing anu uissemination anu u. pioviuing financial suppoit in oiuei to
enable faimeis to invest in anu auopt ielevant technologies.

The state of Kainataka also has one of the laigest aieas unuei uiylanu agiicultuie. The
national inteivention to enhance the piouuctivity will uefinitely pioviue uistinct auvan-
tages to the state by pioviuing financial anu technical suppoit.
The agiicultuie sectoi may witness the incieaseu inciuents of floou, uioughts anu othei
natuial hazaius. The piimaiy iuentifieu aieas to woik upon unuei iisk management aie
a) stiengthening the cuiient agiicultuial anu weathei insuiance mechanisms, b) uevel-
opment anu valiuation of weathei ueiivative mouels by insuiance pioviueis ensuiing
theii access to aichival anu cuiient weathei uata, c) cieation of web-enableu, iegional
language baseu seivices foi facilitation of weathei-baseu insuiance, u) uevelopment of
uIS anu iemote-sensing methouologies foi uetaileu soil iesouice mapping anu lanu
use planning at wateisheu oi a iivei basin level anu f) ueveloping anu implementing ie-
gion-specific contingency plans baseu on vulneiability anu iisk scenaiios.
Though, Kainataka has a well uevelopeu uisastei management stiategy, the piovisions
unuei NAPCC foi the uevelopment of iegional language baseu web seivices anu use of
uIS anu iemote sensing coulu fuithei stiengthen the existing uisastei management sys-
tem of the state. Betaileu mapping woulu help iuentifying hot spots of agio-biouiveisity
anu possible vulneiabilities. The efficient iisk management stiategy will help faimeis
communities to auapt bettei foi the changing climate.
A well uevelopeu infoimation anu eaily waining system will uefinitely help the agiicul-
tuie sectoi to enhance its iesistance to combat auveise impacts of climate change. With
this, Agiicultuie mission stiesses upon a. uevelopment of iegional uatabases of soil,
weathei, genotypes, lanu-use patteins anu watei iesouices, b. monitoiing of glaciei
anu ice-mass, impacts on watei iesouices, soil eiosion, anu associateu impacts on
agiicultuial piouuction in mountainous iegions, c. pioviuing infoimation on off-season
ciops, aiomatic anu meuicinal plants, gieenhouse ciops, pastuie uevelopment, agio-
foiestiy, livestock anu agio-piocessing, anu u. collation anu uissemination of block-
level uata on agio-climatic vaiiables, lanu-use, anu socio-economic featuies anu pie-
paiation of state-level agio-climatic atlases.
NAPCC envisages that use of biotechnology to enhance iesilience of agiicultuie sectoi
may be of high impoitance by inteivening with the uiought pioofing, incieasing the
yielus anu pest iesistance. The focus aieas iuentifieu aie a. use of genetic engineeiing to
conveit C-S ciops to the moie caibon iesponsive C-4 ciops to achieve gieatei photo-
synthetic efficiency foi obtaining incieaseu piouuctivity at highei levels of caibon ui-
oxiue in the atmospheie oi to sustain theimal stiesses, b. uevelopment of ciops with bet-
tei watei anu nitiogen use efficiency which may iesult in ieuuceu emissions of gieen-
house gases oi gieatei toleiance to uiought oi submeigence oi salinity, anu c. uevel-
opment of nutiitional stiategies foi managing heat stiess in uaiiy animals to pievent
nutiient ueficiencies leauing to low milk yielu anu piouuctivity.
The state of Kainataka has got many inuigenous ciop vaiieties which aie uiought anu
pest iesistant. The pieseivation of these vaiieties is as essential step towaius auaptation
to climate change as these vaiieties may pioviue iequiieu genes to combat climate

0veiall, the National Nission on Sustainable Agiicultuie offeis ample scopes, technical
as well as financial suppoit to piepaie bettei anu efficiently to auapt foi the changing
climate. Bowevei the buugetaiy piovisions has not been still finaliseu by cabinet anu the
stiategies anu action plan of the state goveinment has to piobably wait o allocate funus
foi the iemeuial measuies.
2"!!" 1)$)<-)E );)4A./A ./-)4*)/-.%/ '4)'=
! Bevelopment of climate-haiuy cultivais that aie toleiant to uiought, theimal ex-
tiemes, salinity anu pests, anu cultivais that can utilize watei anu nitiogen efficiently
! Planting of impioveu vaiieties with meuium toleiance towaius uiought anu uiy fou-
uei anu giain suitable foi saline aieas
! Bieeuing of climate-haiuy livestock anu uevelopment of nutiitional stiategies to pie-
vent heat stiess anu piouuctivity loss
! Piomotion of agio-foiestiy
! Exploie conveigence with Biought Pione Aieas Piogiamme (BPAP)
! Pioviuing financial suppoit anu incentives anu conuucting fielu uemonstiations to
enable technology auoption anu ueployment at the faim level.
! Bevelopment of tissue cultuie labs to enhance state - geimplasm conseivation ca-
! Conveision of wastelanus to pastuielanus in a phaseu mannei.
! Piomoting pest anu uisease suiveillance to captuie changes in ciop- pest activity with
changes in climatic vaiiables
! Conuucting stuuies to assess the ielation between climate change anu animal health
! Piocuiing impact mouels to assess the impacts of changes in climatic vaiiables such
as tempeiatuie, piecipitation anu humiuity on ciop giowth anu yielu, pest anu weeu
giowth, watei availability, soil moistuie anu oiganic mattei, iate of evapoiation etc.
! Conuucting vulneiability anu integiateu impact assessments foi agiicultuie anu allieu
sectois, incluuing assessment of vulneiability unuei a iange of plausible futuie scen-
! Pioviuing impioveu animal feeuing technology mouules (foi e.g. impioving feeu ui-
gestibility to ieuuce emissions fiom iuminants)
! Pest anu uisease suiveillance facilities
! Exploiing collaboiation with inteinational ieseaich institutes to uevelop anu auopt
iesouice-efficient uiy lanu techniques
! Exploiing the caibon sequestiation potential of caibon-ueficient soils in the uiylanus
of Kainataka
! Piomotion of uiy lanu agiicultuie techniques such as low zeio tillage, in-situ soil
moistuie conseivation, iaiseu beu, iiuge fuiiow, mulching etc.
! Bevelopment of efficient iiiigation infiastiuctuie to ensuie juuicious utilization of
! No0s foi knowleuge shaiing between oiganizations
! Conveigence of ongoing agiofoiestiy piojects with activities unuei NNREuA
! Spieauing awaieness among faimeis of the benefits of multifunctional agio-foiestiy,
uomestication of ielevant species.

9"!" N'-)4 &'$'/<)
Watei has been one of the most significant natuial iesouices since the appeaiance of
fiist civilization. Nost of the eaily civilization giew neai the watei bouies (iiveis, sea
etc) uue to the impoitance anu uemanu of watei in eveiy walk of life viz health, sanita-
tion, foou piouuction, inuustiial giowth, tianspoitation etc. Watei is one of the most
piecious souices uue to its unique economical as well as ecological value. Bowevei iapiu
population giowth anu economical activities has put extieme piessuie on watei ie-
souices to meet vaiious iequiiements. In auuition, effluents uischaigeu fiom uiffeient
inuustiies, anu municipal sewage finu its way to watei bouies like iiveis, sea etc, pollute
the aqueous ecosystem anu uegiaue its value foi health anu social puipose. Recently,
ensuiing auequate watei availability (quality as well as quantity) has been iecogniseu as
one of the efficient ways to auuiess the vulneiability associateu with climate change.
The state of Kainataka has a iich watei iesouice incluuing coastal line, lakes, tanks anu
many iivei basins Table 2u illustiates the watei balance of the state. As shown in Table
below, the state ieceives a total of 2S648S million mS volume of watei eveiy yeai
mainly fiom two souices namely iainfall (contiibuting 92%) watei flowing fiom uppei
iipaiian state Nahaiashtia (8%). 0ut of the total ieceiveu, 1u9727 million m
is lost
thiough the piocess of evapo-tianspiiation fiom foiests, non-foiest anu non-agiicultuial
lanu, iain feu agiicultuie, anu iiiigateu agiicultuie. Appioximately same volume
(1u9u14 million mS) is ieleaseu to aujoining states (Anuhia Piauesh, Tamil Nauu) anu
Aiabian Sea. Thus a balance of 17741 million mS iemains with the state to meet its vaii-
ous agiicultuial, inuustiial, uomestic iequiiements. It can be assesseu fiom above uis-
cussion that the state witnesses a watei ueficit to meet giowing uemanus.

fWU ]
Piecipitation ovei Kainataka 218S2S 92
Expecteu flow fiom 0ppei iipaiian's (Nahaiashtia 181S9 u8
2NKFH 2S648S 1uu
Evapo-tianspiiation fiom Foiests 4S7S4 41.69
Evapo-tianspiiation fiom Non-foiest & Non-Agiicultuial lanu 189SS 17.27
Evapo-tianspiiation fiom iain feu agiicultuie 27172 24.76
Evapo-tianspiiation attiibutable to iiiigateu agiicultuie 19u46 17.SS
Watei Releaseu to Anuhia Piauesh S14u7 28.81
Watei Releaseu to Tamil Nauu 76u7 6.97
Watei flow into Aiabian Sea 7uuuu 64.21
2NKFH *LKVLK 218741 92.S

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

Bowevei, the evei incieasing uemanu in vaiious sectois has been auveisely affecting the
quality anu quantity of watei iesouices of the state anu subsequently many iegions of
the state obseive seveie watei scaicity.
9"+" 1D4?'<) 7'-)4 4)=%D4<)=
The state of Kainataka has about 6% of countiy's total suiface watei which is mainly
contiibuteu by seven iivei basins anu theii tiibutaiies with a total catchment aiea of
1,91,77S sq km (Figuie 2u). These iivei basins incluue Kiishna, Cauveiy, uouavaii, West
flowing iiveis, Noith Pennai, South Pennai, anu Palai.


Table S.2 uepicts the contiibution of suiface watei fiom all the iivei basins anu eco-
nomically available watei foi utilization. The total annual availability of watei fiom
these iivei basins amounts to about 766S Thousanu Nillion Cubic Feet (TNC); out of
which, appioximately 4u% of the available suiface watei is contiibuteu by east flowing

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

iiveis while iemaining 6u% is fiom west flowing iiveis. 0nly S47S TNC volume of sui-
face watei is economically utilizable. As shown in Table 21, neaily S8% suiface watei
available in west flowing iiveis is not utilizable uue to the uifficulties attiibuteu laigely
to the topogiaphical anu ecological limitations. Bence, Kainataka is able to economically
utilize only 4u% of available S47S TNC i.e. 169u.S TNC suiface.

jLFRKQKW _21&`
1. uouavaii 4,4uS 2.Su 49.97 1.44 22.S7 1.S2
2. Kiishna 1,1S,271 S9.1u 969.44 27.9u 11S6.uu 68.4u
S. Cauveiy S4,27S 17.8u 42S.uu 12.2S 4u8.62 24.17
4. West Flowing
26,214 1S.7u 1998.8S S7.S1 u u
S. Noith Pennai 1S,61u 7.1u S2.uu u.92 1uS.S1 6.11
6. South Pennai
7 Palai
2NKFH "?;"?556 "DD 6859#. "DD "<;D#6D "DD

In auuition to the majoi iivei basins, lakes in the state of Kainataka aie also majoi soui-
ces of watei to meet vaiious iequiiements. Theie aie as much as S6672 lakes in the
state with an aiea of 68Suuu ha. Southein plateaus of the state contain 6u% of these
lakes followeu by Nalnau iegion (2S %) anu iemaining in Noithein Plateau. Fuithei, the
state of Kainataka has 1u% of the countiy's total iiiigation tank i.e. 2u1S2 with an iiii-
gation potential of u.6S Nillion hectaies. Apait, uiban centies like Bangaloie also have
many big lakes anu tanks. Accoiuing to Lakshman Rao's Committee iepoit theie weie
278 lakes in anu aiounu Bangaloie city coveiing an aiea of moie than 4u hectaies
(KSPCB, 2uu2)
9"0" #4%D/E7'-)4 4)=%D4<)=
The availability of giounu watei in a paiticulai iegion is ueteimineu by vaiious factois
like space, time, iainfall, hyuiogeology etc. Table 22 illustiates the giounu watei settings
of the state. As shown in the table, neaily 97% aiea is coveieu by weatheieu haiu iock
aquifeis anu iemaining S% is belongs to alluvial coastal oi floou plain ueposits.



7 9u 97 2 1

The state of Kainataka, as tabulateu in Table 2S, has expeiienceu the uecline in net
annual giounu watei availability fiom 1S296S9 Bectaie Netie (BAN) in 2uu4 to
1481u1S BAN in 2uu9, mainly uue to ovei extiaction as compaieu to ieplenishable
amount. uiounu watei souices aie iesponsible foi the 4S% net iiiigation in the state.

Watei Resouices Bepaitment, uoveinment of Kainataka, 2uu9-1u
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

The state has 86uS6S iiiigation wells which incluue uug-wells, shallow-wells, ueep-
wells, of which 8u7S77 (9S.8 pei cent) wells have electiic pumps to uiaft giounu watei.
0ut of this, only 9uu712 BAN is available foi iiiigation anu 9997S BAN is foi uomestic
anu inuustiial puiposes. As shown in the table, the giounu watei uevelopment is at 68%
stage anu fuithei 618u71 BAN watei is available foi futuie iiiigation against 647S8u
BAN available in 2uu4.

Net Annual uiounu Watei Availability 1S296S9.S 1481u1S
Existing giounuwatei uiaft foi Iiiigation 9747S1 9uu712
Existing giounuwatei uiaft foi uomestic anu inuustiial supply 96S81 9997S
Existing giounuwatei uiaft foi all uses 1u71S12 1uuu687
Piovision foi uomestic anu inuustiial iequiiement supply foi
14u69S 126S8u
Net Annual giounuwatei availability foi futuie iiiigation uevel-
647S8u 618u71
Stage of giounuwatei uevelopment (%) 7u 68

Recent stuuies have inuicateu that as much as 64 wateisheus coveiing SS taluks of the
state has enteieu into ovei exploiteu categoiy while 12S wateisheus coveiing 7u taluks
aie still in safe categoiy. Bowevei the incieasing uemanu of watei iesouices in Kaina-
taka is a seiious thieat to the safe categoiiseu taluks (Table 24).
Safe 12S 7u
Semi-ciitical 1S 1u
Ciitical 2 S
0vei exploiteu 64 SS
Nixeu categoiy S2 S8
2NKFH .68 "5<

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia



9"2" :);'/E '/E 54)==D4)
The majoi sectois uemanuing huge quanta of watei iesouices can be classifieu into
thiee namely agiicultuie (iiiigation), inuustiies (mainly chemical inuustiies, cooling
etc) anu uomestic (municipal watei supply). Though a uetaileu estimation of the watei
usages fiom these sectois is not available, it can be saiu that evei incieasing uemanu
with iefeience to economic uevelopment of the state has causeu shoitage of watei ie-
souices in the state.
S.4.1. Agr|cu|ture
Agiicultuie being the laigest consumei of watei, uemanus about 84% of utilizable watei
of the state. It is estimateu that the watei iequiiement of agiicultuie sectoi will continue
to inciease consiueiing the contiibution of agiicultuie in the state's economy. The agii-
cultuie sectoi also suffeis fiom inefficient watei management which iesults into ie-
uuceu watei piouuctivity. As mentioneu above neaily 4S% iiiigation uemanu of state is
met by giounu watei souices. This is mainly pievailing in the iegions wheie suiface
watei is limiteu. Fuithei the auvancement in technology, low cost of extiaction anu
weak piovisions aie iesponsible foi the giowing piessuie on giounu watei iesouices. A
shown in Table 2S, many uistiicts incluuing Bangaloie 0iban, Bangaloie Ruial, Kolai,
Tumkui, anu Chitiauuiga have exceeueu in oveiuiaft of giounu watei beyonu 1uu%.

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia


1 Bagalkote SS962 S416 S9S78 S8189 92
2 Bangaloie (R) 7222S SSS6 1SSS9 467u1 171
S Bangaloie(0) S147u 1SS7 SSu27 1S98u 197
4 Belgaum 121666 8818 1Su48S 1uuS18 91
S Bellaiy 2S74u 4182 27921 2SS69 44
6 Biuai 19826 S279 2S1uS 2699u S6
7 Bijapui S1u28 4617 SS646 S4S14 6S
8 Chamaiajana-
S4S97 2162 S676u 26uu7 89
9 Chikmagalui 2uu87 S24S 2SSSu 246S8 48
1u Chitiuuiga SS844 S6SS S9477 Suu99 1u2
11 B. Kannaua 2762S S792 S141S 41278 6u
12 Bavanageie 426S6 S176 4S8S2 4S226 77
1S Bhaiwau 9S8u 1S26 111u6 94SS S8
14 uauag 19966 21S6 221u2 991S 94
1S uulbaiga 19447 S618 2Su6S SS6SS 28
16 Bassan S11S2 S7u9 S6861 47S44 71
17 Baveii 26247 287u 29117 24S84 72
18 Kouagu 6699 1S47 8246 1S8S 29
19 Kolai 11u918 44uS 11SS2S 61S26 19S
2u Koppal S14uu 2S79 SS779 284u7 48
21 Nanuya 19649 4u6S 2S714 S8828 S7
22 Nysoie 1992S S91S 2S8S8 269u1 S8
2S Raichui 1u1u2 S141 1S24S 1167S 2u
24 Shimoga 2S94S S198 27141 264u8 S2
2S Tumkui 966SS S96S 1u26uu 111718 11u
26 0. Kannaua 1S212 2241 174S2 27u16 2S
27 0uupi 171S8 26S4 19792 298u4 S9
4KFKI KNKFH _7%1` ;5856"
;555D. 5D
4KFKI KNKFH _$&1` ;#59 D#;5 "D#5" a 5D

Table 26 summaiises the souices of iiiigation in Kainataka anu it can be obseiveu fiom
table that S4% iiiigation uemanu is met by tube boie well while canals contiibute to
S6%. The total iiiigation potential cieateu in the state fiom all the souices is estimateu
to be S9.42 lakh ha.

Canals 14.u2 S6
Tanks 2.S4 6
Wells 4.S8 12
TubeBoie Wells 1S.49 S4

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

Lift Iiiigation 1.4S 4
0thei Souices S.SS 9
2NKFH 6;#8. "DD

S.4.2. Industr|es
The state has appioximately 6.S lakh inuustiies
, 1S1 of which aie classifieu unuei the
17 categoiies as highly. Consiueiing the oveiall giowth of inuustiial watei iequiiement,
it is estimateu that inuustiies aie iesponsible foi S.6% (47.S7 TNC) of total watei
utilization in the state anu it is expecteu to inciease to 12S TNC by 2u2S. The laigest
watei consuming inuustiies incluue uying, pulp anu pulp anu papei mills, paint, iion oie
mining anu othei chemical inuustiies. 0f the total watei polluting laige scale inuustiies
in the state only 62% aie believeu to have watei pollution contiol system wheieas, S7 of
the small scale inuustiies have compliance anu iemaining continue to pollute the sui-
iounuing watei bouies. These inuustiies meet theii watei uemanu fiom both suiface
anu giounu watei souices. Fuithei, the highly polluteu effluents aie uischaigeu into
natuial watei bouies oi lanu by inuustiies. The uischaigeu wastewateis contain not only
the highly toxic anu caicinogenic pollutants but also the oiganics anu nutiients allowing
vaiious pathogens to giow. Bepenuing on the moue of uischaige, these effluents eithei
contaminate the lanus oi natuial watei bouies iestiicting theii use anu piouuctivity oi
may contaminate the giounu watei tables.
S.4.3. Domest|c demand
With incieasing population anu uibanisation of the state, the uemanu to meet uomestic
watei neeu is also giowing continuously. Theie is incieasing uemanu foi both suiface
anu giounu watei iesouices anu neaily 4.4% of total watei uemanu of the state is fiom
uomestic sectoi. It is estimateu that pei capita watei iequiiement in uiban aieas is 2uu
liteis pei capita pei uay (lpcu) while 1Su lpcu in iuial aieas. Fuithei, iuial aieas expeii-
ence the pooi supply anu quality of watei, anu women anu chiluien spenu substantial
time in tiavelling to fetch the watei which otheiwise can be utiliseu foi piouuctive pui-
poses. 0n contiaiy, watei supply is bettei in uiban centies as 78.4 pei cent of house-
holus have access to tap watei wheieas, in iuial aieas only 48 pei cent of householus
access to this souice.
Similai to inuustiial scenaiio, uiban centies uischaige huge amount of watei as munici-
pal wastewateis loaueu with nutiients anu oiganics. In view of inauequate wastewatei
tieatment facilities, the untieateu sewage is uischaigeu in to natuial watei bouies oi
lanus. As pei estimations, about Suuu million lities of sewage is geneiateu pei uay in
uiban aieas of which only a poition is tieateu.
9"9" 34%F)<-.%/=
Inuia obseives extieme events like floous anu uioughts each yeai in some oi othei ie-
gions. National Floou Commission (RBA) iepoits that neaily 4u million hectaies (mha)
of aiea is floou-pione while S1mha is uiought pione which constitute 12% anu 16 % of
total geogiaphical aiea geogiaphical aiea of Inuia. uupta anu Beshpanue (2uu4) ie-
poiteu that the gioss pei capita watei availability in Inuia will ieuuce fiom about

Consultation with Kainataka Small-Scale Inuustiies Association (KASSIA), (2uu8).

yi in 2uu1 to as low as about 1,14u m
yi in 2uSu mainly attiibuteu to giow-
ing population anu incieasing uemanu by vaiious sectois viz agiicultuie, inuustiies etc.
Watei availability is fuithei expecteu to uecline consiueiing the auveise impacts of cli-
mate change. Stuuies conuucteu by uosain -% $(., (2uu4, 2uu6) suggesteu that the quan-
tity of suiface iunoff may vaiy acioss the iivei basins uue to climate change in 2uSus
with a ueclining tienus in the quantity. The Nahanaui, Biahmani, uanga, uouavaii anu
Cauveiy basins may obseive incieaseu iainfall unuei the climate change scenaiio of
IS92a anu A2 scenaiios.
Watei iesouices of Kainataka have been unuei extieme piessuie uue to incieasing ue-
manu. Agiicultuie being the laigest consumei of watei iesouices is one of the essential
economical activities of the state. The state puts uevelopment of iiiigation facilities on
piioiity in oiuei to enhance agiicultuial piouuction as well as the livelihoou of iuial
pooi. The iapiu uibanisation of the state also challenges goveinment to ensuie safe sup-
ply of potable watei to its citizen. Recent tienus have inuicateu that the watei quantity
available to meet such uemanus is uepleting ovei uecaues. Also the quality of watei is
seveiely ueteiioiateu uue to uischaige of inuustiial effluents anu municipal sewage in
natuial watei bouies. Apait, watei supply anu use is also not veiy efficient iesulting in
wastage of watei anu ieuuceu watei piouuctivity. The following Table 27 illustiates the
piojecteu watei uemanu by vaiious sectois in yeai 2u2S
.DDD .D.9
Bouseholu Sectoi
(oi Biinking Puipose)
S8.1S (4.4) 91.62 (4.9S)
Agiicultuie Sectoi 111u.u6 (84.u) 1SS6.uu (7S.SS)
Inuustiial Sectoi 47.S7 (S.6) 12S.1u (6.76)
Byuio Theimal Powei S2.86 (4.uu) 6S.19 (S.S2)
0theis S2.86 (4.uu) 211.44 (11.4S)
2NKFH "6."#88 _"DD#DD` "C9D#"D _"DD#DD`

As shown in Table 27, agiicultuie activities will iemain the laigest consumei of watei
iesouices, though the peicentage shaie may obseive slight ieuuction (84% to 7S%).
Fuithei, othei sectois like householu, inuustiial uemanu may inciease up to 2uu% of
uemanu in 2uuu. 0veiall it is piojecteu that watei uemanu will ieach to 18Su TNC in
2u2S against 1S21 TNC in 2uuu. This will ceitainly put challenges to existing watei ie-
souices of the state. As pei piojections, Kainataka will have a watei uemanu of 1.41
BCN foi uomestic anu inuustiial puipose leaving 6.48 bcm available foi iiiigation pui-
pose anu the state will maik 7u% uevelopmental stage of giounu watei iesouices.
Apait fiom giowing uemanu of watei by vaiious sectois, climate change will affect the
availability of watei anu its quality iequiieu foi vaiious neeus. IPCC fouith assessment
iepoit has suggesteu that climate change will seveiely affect both the giounu watei anu
suiface watei supply by changing the global hyuiological cycles. AR 4 (IPCC)
states "The negative impacts of climate change on fieshwatei systems outweigh its ben-
efits". The iesponse to changeu hyuiological cycles will uiiectly uepenu on physio-

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Inteigoveinmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2uu7. The Physical Science Basis, Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess,
Cambiiuge, CB2 2R0, 0K.

giaphical anu hyuio geological chaiacteiistics of the catchments
. The eiiatic climate
events aie most likely to change the evapo-tianspiiation, iainfall pattein, tempeiatuie
anu extieme events anu consequently the available suiface watei of any iegion. This
may iesults into incieaseu events of floou in suiplus iegions anu oi uiought in ueficit
iegions. Fuithei, the incieaseu floou events may contaminate anu pollute the safe watei
bouies making it unfit foi uomestic uses. uosain et al., (2uu6)
has suggesteu that effi-
ciency of the watei supply system, iesilience anu iesponse mechanism to climate change
of a iegion will play uecisive iole on the extent of impacts of climate change.
Fuithei, uosain et al. (2uu6) assesseu the impact of climate change on the majoi iivei
basins of Inuia using the weathei geneiateu by the BauRN2 contiol climate scenaiio
(1981-2uuu) anu unuei the futuie uBu scenaiio (2u41-2u6u). Following Table 28 uem-
onstiates that how contiol anu uBu scenaiio will affect the iainfall anu evapo-
tianspiiation event in the state of Kainataka anu total availability of watei iesouices.

Cauveiy Contiol 1Su9.u 661.2 6u1.6
uBu 1S44.u 6Su.4 646.8
uouavaii Contiol 1292.8 622.8 624.1
uBu 1S68.6 691.S 628.S
Kiishna Contiol 1u1S.u S9S.6 S8S.u
uBu 9S4.4 S46.9 S7S.6
Pennai Contiol 72S.2 148.6 SS6.7
uBu 676.2 11u.2 SS1.7

As shown in Table 28, Kiishna basin may iecoiu ieuuceu piecipitation iesulting in se-
veie uiought like situation. 0n the othei hanu, Cauveiy basin may obseive incieaseu
iainfall unuei uBu scenaiio; it may not ieally inciease the suiface iun-off (2% uecline)
mainly uue to enhanceu iate of evapo-tianspiiation to 7%.

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
uosain, A.K., Rao, S. anu Basuiay, B. 2uu6, Climate change impact assessment on hyuiology of Inuian iivei basins,
Cuiient Science 9u(1u), S46-SSS
Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest (2uu4). Inuia's National Communication to the 0niteu Nations Fiamewoik Con-
vention on Climate Change

BCCIK (2u11)
also attempteu to pioject impacts of climate change on the iun off chan-
ges in the two majoi iivei basins (Cauveiy anu Kiishna) of Kainataka using BauCNS
uCN unuei IPCC A1B scenaiio foi 2uSSs using thiee vaiiables namely piecipitation, sui-
face iun off anu evapo-tianspiiation. Figuie 21 to Figuie 24 uepict the change in the
iainfall uuiing 2u21-2uuS uuiing khaiif anu iabi season in Kiishna anu Cauveiy basin
iespectively as piojecteu by BCCIK.





Aiounu 1u% inciease in piecipitation was pioject foi southein pait of Kiishna basin
uuiing khaiif season with up to 2u% inciease in uistiicts of Shimoga, Chikmagalui,
Baveii, 0K anu Bhaiwau. BCCIK also estimateu aiounu 1u% ieuuction in iainfall in NE
pait of Kiishna basin while Yaugii uistiict may witness up to 2u% uecline in iainfall.
Bowevei BBCIK piojecteu uecline in iainfall up to 1u% foi all uistiicts in the Cauveiy
basin uuiing khaiif season with Chikmaglui anu Kouagu expeiiencing up to 2u% ue-

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

cline. Chamiajnagai, uuiing iabi season, may iecoiu moie than 2u% uecieaseu iainfall
while Ramnagai anu Bangaloie (0) between 1u-2u%.
Figuie 2S to Figuie 28 illustiate the piojecteu change in the total iunoff (A1B scenaiio)
uuiing 2u21-2uSu uuiing khaiif anu iabi season in Kiishna anu Cauveiy basin iespec-
tively as piojecteu by BCCIK.





As cleaily ievealeu in the figuies, total iunoff is piojecteu to iecoiu moie than Su% in-
ciease in the noithein uistiict of Biuai uuiing khaiif season while southein iegion of
Kiishna basin has been piojecteu to have u-2S% moie iunoff. Fuithei, BCCIK uiu not
pieuict in any significant inciease in iunoff in othei paits of Kiishna basin uuiing khaiif
season while Bagalkote anu Bijapui aie to witness ieuuceu iunoff. Bowevei uuiing iabi
season (post monsoon), except Biuai which is piojecteu to have highei iunoff, noithein
anu cential iegion of Cauveiy basin woulu iecoiu ueciease in total iunoff. Similaily,
BCCIK piojecteu that eastein pait of Cauveiy basin will exhibit an inciease in iunoff uui-

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

ing both khaiif anu iabi season. Bistiicts like Nanuya, Chamaiajanagai anu Ramanagai
have been piojecteu to notice Su% moie iunoff by Su%. u-2S% ueviation in total iunoff
has been pieuicteu in Tumkui anu Chickmagalui. BCCIK pieuicts that while Chamaia-
janagai, Nanuya, Ramanagai, Bangaloie 0iban anu Bangaloie Ruial will show incieaseu
iunoff uuiing iabi season, a uecieaseu iunoff has been piojecteu foi the uistiict of Bas-
san, Nysoie anu Kouagu.
Figuie 29 to Figuie S2 illustiate the piojecteu change in the evapo-tianspiiation uuiing
(A1B scenaiio) foi 2u21-2uSu uuiing khaiif anu iabi season in Kiishna anu Cauveiy
basin iespectively as piojecteu by BCCIK.





BCCIK has piojecteu that Kiishna basin, uuiing both khaiif anu iabi season, will witness
an oveiall ieuuceu evapo-tianspiiation in 2u21-2uSu with incieaseu evapo-
tianspiiation in southein westein iegion of Cauveiy uuiing khaiif anu ieuuceu evapo-

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

tianspiiation uuiing iabi season. Raichui has been pieuicteu to obseive ieuuction in ev-
apoti-anspiiation in both khaiif (up to 2u%) anu iabi season (moie than 2u%). Except
Chamiajanagai anu Nanuya uistiicts wheie BCCIK piojects ieuuceu tianspiiation anu
Kouagu, Bassan, anu Chickmagalui wheie incieaseu evapo-tianspiiation is pioject, ie-
maining uistiicts in Cauveiy uistiicts aie pieuicteu with u-S% uecline in evapotianspi-
iation uuiing khaiif season. Bowevei uuiing iabi season except Nysoie with uecline ev-
apo-tianspiiation, all othei uistiicts have been pieuicteu with inciease in evapotianspi-
iation by BCCIK.
0veiall both Kiishna basin with watei intensive pauuy, banana, sugaicane as majoi
ciops anu Cauveiy basin with pauuy, sugaicane, iagi, jowai, coffee etc as majoi ciop aie
pieuicteu to ieceive less iain anu evapo-tianspiiation anu incieaseu iunoff. Consiueiing
this, BCCIK stateu that it is likely that both basins basin woulu fuithei suffei with watei
also stuuieu the impacts of climate change (mainly watei yielu anu actual ev-
apo-tianspiiation) on all the iivei basins of Inuia using the hyuiologic mouel SWAT (Soil
anu Watei Assessment Tool) foi A1B IPCC SRES scenaiio at a iesolution of about Su km.
All the input uata was collecteu fiom Inuian Institute of Tiopical Neteoiology (IITN)
Pune anu the output of the PRECIS RCN mouel weie useu as the input foi the SWAT
mouel. Baseu on the stuuy, it is piojecteu that the west coast iegion will exhibit a wiue
vaiiability in the change in piecipitation unuei the 2uSus scenaiio with a 4% - 2S% in-
ciease in iainfall pattein in noithein pait of the west coast (uujaiat anu Nahaiashtia).
As iepoiteu in othei stuuies, INCCA also pieuict maiginal ueciease in iainfall (about
4%) in aieas of Kainataka anu Keiala (Figuie SS). Fuithei, the west coast illustiates
about S% ieuuction in Evapo-tianspiiation (Figuie S4). This is attiibuteu to the in-
cieaseu soil moistuie stoiage with inciease in iainfall. Kainataka anu Keiala aie ex-
pecteu to witness highei ieuuction in Evapo-tianspiiation mainly uue to inauequate
availability of moistuie. In auuition, Kainataka is also expecteu to iecoiu about 1u% ie-
uuceu watei yielu (Figuie SS).

Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u.
Inuian Netwoik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of




Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.
Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.



9"G" H<-.%/=I 5%$.<.)= '/E ./=-.-D-.%/'$ 54)5'4)E/)==
The State Watei Policy
of Kainataka aims at
! Pioviuing uiinking watei at the iate of SS LPCB in iuial aieas, 7u LPCB in towns, anu
1uu LPCB in the city municipal council aieas anu 1SS LPCB in city coipoiation aieas.
! Cieating an ultimate iiiigation potential of 4S lakh hectaies unuei majoi, meuium
anu minoi iiiigation piojects.
! Impioveu piouuctivity of iiiigateu agiicultuie by involving useis in iiiigation man-
! Bainess the hyuiopowei potential in the State.
! Pioviue a legislative, auministiative anu infiastiuctuial enviionment, which will en-
suie faii, just anu equitable uistiibution anu utilisation of watei iesouices of the State
to the benefit of all.
Seveial uepaitments anu uiban local bouies (0LBs) etc aie also putting theii best effoits
thiough vaiious initiatives in oiuei to secuie safe anu sustainable watei supply. 2YI IMa
KFGHQMYPIRK NO )FQR\FKIU YFUXIMKQRZ (RWB) stiuctuie has been maue manuatoiy foi
ceitain categoiies of builuings
within the aiea of Bangaloie Watei Supply & Seweiage
Boaiu (BWSSB) anu enfoiceu by BWSSB itself thiough the Bangaloie Watei Supply anu
Seweiage (Amenument) Bill 2uu9. Accoiuing to unveiifieu piess aiticles, some 2S,uuu
RWB systems have been establisheu in the S8,uuu builuings coming unuei the puiview

Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.
wateiiesouices.kai.nic.instate_watei_policy-2uu2.htm (Accesseu on Nay 1S, 2u11)
New builuings on sites measuiing 1,2uu ft
anu above; existing sites of 2,4uu ft
anu above

of the Bill. While 4S% compliance is a notewoithy level of achievement foi a time span
of meiely two yeais, measuies aie being consiueieu to enfoice compliance in iemaining
builuing moie iapiuly thiough uisconnection of watei supply, a pioposal of which has
been foiwaiueu to the 0iban Bevelopment Bepaitment.

As agiicultuie is laigest watei consuming sectoi, the state of Kainataka has been invest-
ing a laige shaie of its buuget on majoi, meuium anu minoi iiiigation facilities an
amount of Rs 2S86.SS cioies was investeu on majoi anu meuium iiiigation anu Rs
784.6u cioie on minoi iiiigation stiuctuie.
The state is also piomoting the auoption watei efficient technologies such as uiip anu
spiinklei iiiigation techniques in oiuei to enhance watei piouuctivity anu consequently
the cost of cultivation. Bowevei, only 66Suu ha aiea in state was unuei uiip iiiigation in
2uu1 (Table 29). The aiea unuei spiinklei iiiigation has incieaseu fiom 419uu ha in
1998 to 12Suuu ha in 2uuS (Table Su).

1991-92 1997-98 2uuu-u1 1991-92 1997-98 2uuu-u1
'FURFKF[F 11.4 4u.8 66.S 16.17 16.S8 18.uS
0RSQF 7u.6 246.1 S67.7 1uu.u 1uu.u 1uu.u


";;5a";;C .DD8aD9h ";;5a;C .DD8aD9h
'FURFKF[F 41.9 12S.u 6.S6 7.6S
0RSQF 6S8.S 16S4.9 1uu.uu 1uu.uu

uiounu watei quality is monitoieu by the Bepaitment of Nines anu ueology thiough
netwoik laboiatoiies in all uistiicts of Kainataka. While suiface watei is not monitoieu
ioutinely, its quality is assesseu in cases of complaints. With financial assistance fiom
Woilu Bank a state of the ait Byuiological Infoimation System (BIS) has been estab-
The uepaitment also playeu a key iole in the foimulation of the long-
1FRFZIPIRK` $QHH? .D"". The Bill was eventually passeu by the Legislative Assembly in
the iecent buuget session in Naich 2u11 anu is cuiiently awaiting the uoveinoi's ap-
pioval. The Bill is a key instiument foi cuibing the inuisciiminate exploitation of giounu
watei. 0nce in effect, peimissions have to be obtaineu foi uiilling boie wells anu uiaw-
ing watei foi watei-intensive ciops in notifieu aieas. It is not immeuiately cleai whethei
the policy woulu have any impact on 1 lakh existing boie wells, some Su% of which aie
estimateu to be opeiating.
Above iesponse also inuicateu the establishment of close to S6,uuu giounuwatei ie-
chaige stiuctuies by the -IVFUKPIRK ONU EFRTYFWFK )Fg FRS )LUFH -IXIHNVPIRK in

Watch out, the goveinment may tuin off youi tap. The Binuu, Apiil 19, 2u11
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. 2u1u. Enviionment Nanagement anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Banga-
loie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Consultation with Bepaitment of Nines & ueology on Naich 7, 2u11

2uu9-1u, costing INR SSu cioie (appiox. INR 94,uuu each). Anothei 9u,uuu stiuctuies
weie pioposeu in 2u1u-11 with ioughly thiee times the pievious yeai's buuget (INR 1.8
lakh each). 0vei the last 8 yeais the uepaitment also constiucteu iooftop iainwatei hai-
vesting stiuctuies on aiounu 1,uuu sites in foui uistiicts wheie fluoiiue anu chloiine
content ienueieu uiinking watei unfit foi consumption.

The :FKIUMYIS -IXIHNVPIRK -IVFUKPIRK (which is allieu with the Agiicultuie Be-
paitment anu not the Watei Resouices Bepaitment) is iepoiteu to establish aiounu
6,uuu iechaige stiuctuies pei annum fiom a funu of INR 1uu coie. With a buuget of less
than INR 1S cioie pei annum the -IVFUKPIRK NO 1QRIM FRS (INHNZW is saiu to have
constiucteu 1,2uu stiuctuies (appiox. INR 1.2S lakh each). A buuget of INR Suu cioie
has been eaimaikeu foi "giounuwatei uevelopment" unuei the @$($6&5& Piogiamme foi
the S-yeai peiiou fiom 2u1u to 2u12. Recognising the imminent neeu foi giounuwatei
iechaige, the Watei Resouices Bepaitment pioposes the constiuction of 2uu,uuu ie-
chaige stiuctuies pei annum foi a peiiou of five yeais with paiticulai focus on ovei-
exploiteu anu ciitical watei sheus.
In oiuei to auuiess knowleuge ueficits in watei management anu foi pioviuing a plat-
foim foi the inclusion of stakeholueis in uecision piocesses, uoK establisheu the 'FURFa
KF[F :FKIU )IMNLUTIM %LKYNUQKW unuei chaiimanship of the Ninistei foi Watei Re-
souices in 2uu8
. Theie is howevei an impiession that the authoiity faileu to live up to
expectations foi unspecifieu ieasons.

The giowing unueistanuing of watei as piecious iesouice that iequiies piotection anu
piofessional management leu to an expansion of the foimei Iiiigation Bepaitment into
the Watei Resouices Bepaitment. Besiues planning, constiucting anu monitoiing iiiiga-
tion piojects, the uepaitment uevelops commanu aieas, collects anu analyses hyuiologi-
cal uata anu, by manuate, is iequiieu to conuuct ieseaich. Subsiuiaiy bouies incluue the
Watei Resouices Bevelopment 0iganisation (WRB0) anu a numbei of Commanu Aiea
Bevelopment Authoiities. In uiscussion with ENPRI, the uepaitment acknowleugeu the
challenge in the management of watei iesouices while ensuiing equitable access, em-
phasising the neeu foi builuing conceptual claiity. While a vision 2u2u uocument has
unfoitunately not been piepaieu by the Watei Resouices Bepaitment, NcKinsey is ie-
poiteuly ueveloping a MKUFKIZW ONU 'FURFKF[F on its behalf. Consiueiing that the cost of
the stiategy uevelopment is aiounu INR 6 coie - faiily high foi what is only an assess-
ment - one coulu assume that it woulu covei a bioau scope of woik pioviuing a high ue-
giee of spatial uetail. Bowevei, teims of the assignment weie not available foi ieview. A
fiist uiaft of the stiategy is anticipateu in the fiist half of 2u11. The uevelopment of
watei infiastiuctuie is iepoiteuly impeueu by the neeu to ensuie not only technical via-
bility anu socio-economic acceptance but the neeu to safeguaiu "auvantages" foi elec-
toial politics. The uiscussion on taiiffs foi iiiigation watei is a case in point heie. The
absence of piicing is key obstacle in capital-intensive watei infiastiuctuie uevelopment
anu it is uifficult to envisage builuing consensus on hugely unpopulai piicing
Public attention has justifiably been on the fact that only 4u% of $FRZFHNUI^M MI\FZI is
being tieateu, the iemainuei enteiing watei bouies.
That the existing tieatment ca-
pacity of 721 NLB (seconuaiy) is only useu to a fiaction anu that fuithei only 1u% of the

Consultation with Bepaitment of Ruial Bevelopment anu Panchayat Raj on Naich 9, 2u11
uoveinment 0iuei no. WRB 8S NBI 2uu8, Bangaloie uateu Septembei 8, 2uu8
Consultation with Bepaitment of Watei Resouices on Naich S1, 2u11
State of Enviionment Repoit Bangaloie (2uu8). ENPRI, Septembei 2uu9

available teitiaiy tieatment capacity of 7S NLB is useu, uue to "unavailability of sewage"
is a paiauox tiuism.
The boaiu piojects that this auveise situation woulu be iesolveu
by 2u14, by which time teitiaiy tieatment is expecteu to ieach 6u NLB. While the auui-
tion of an auuitional SS9 NLB of seconuaiy tieatment capacity is in the pipeline it is
conceining that no plan exists foi the expansion of teitiaiy tieatment capacity. Tackling
sewage anu the iequisite infiastiuctuie emeiges as one of the two key piioiities of the
boaiu touay anu the boaiu appeais inauequately equippeu to ueal with this challenge.
Ceitain uecisions aie howevei encouiaging, such as on the piovision of uual piping in
new layouts (2u1u). BWSSB plan of pioving 0uB to 7 CNCs anu 1 TNC by 2u21, covei-
ing 2Su km
appeais is commenuable if not ambitious. By 2uS6 the boaiu aims to covei
a fuithei 11u villages. The Boaiu iightly pointeu out that catchment piotection is to be
taken up anu that enoimous funuing is iequiieu foi achieving 1uu% 0uB coveiage.
The seconu piioiity of BWSSB is auuiessing the \FKIU MLVVHW SIOQTQK. Bangaloie is ie-
ceiving only aiounu 8uu NLB of its iequiieu 1,2uu NLB fiom suiface watei anu the uif-
feience is chiefly met by giounuwatei uiawings. The boaiu has been ciiticiseu foi focus-
sing on augmentation of fuithei watei iesouices (Suu NLB fiom the Cauveiy Rivei)
while not ieuucing unaccounteu foi watei (0FW), which stanus at 48%. This amount
woulu suffice meeting watei iequiiements altogethei anu may last foi anothei S-1u
yeais if one assumes continueu iapiu giowth of Bangaloie. It is noteu with appieciation
that BWSSB has commenceu tenueiing of auuiessing 0FW foi aiounu 1 ($07 householus,
a scale gieatei than that of a pilot pioject. This leaves hope that 0FW will be auuiesseu -
anu utiliseu - systematically anu thus effectively contiibute to ieuucing watei iequiie-
Cential uoveinment is also implementing vaiious piogiammes to auuiess the challen-
ges which watei iesouices sectoi is facing. These piogiammes anu policies aie woith
highlighting heie as they pioviue ample oppoitunities to the state of Kainataka to man-
age its watei iesouices efficiently in sustainable mannei anu ieuuce the vulneiability of
: This policy of Feueial uoveinment focuses on cieating iuial
infiastiuctuie to enhance iuial watei supply in aieas affecteu by watei contamination.
J National Rivei Conseivation Piogiamme (NRCP)
is also centially sponsoieu scheme, which was initiateu 1992-9S. The National Rivei
Conseivation Plan has iuentifieu eight towns of Kainataka with an objective to initiate
action plans to pievent pollution of majoi iiveis (Table S1). 0nuei this scheme, foi
inteiception, uiveision of sewage anu establishment of Seweiage Tieatment Plant, 8
towns weie appioveu by uoveinment of Inuia anu 6 towns have been completeu, 2
towns aie in final stages of completion. The Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu is
the noual agency foi implementation of non-coie schemes taken unuei NRCP. The on-
going woiks aie in final stage of completion by the Bangaloie Watei Supply anu Sewei-
age Boaiu anu Kainataka 0iban Watei Supply anu Biainage Boaiu with the available
unspent buuget with them.

Consultation with Bangaloie Watei Supply & Seweiage Boaiu on Naich 7, 2u11

1 Nanjanguu Cauveiy
2 K.R.Nagai Cauveiy
S Siiiangapatna Cauveiy
4 Kollegal Cauveiy
Cauveiy Basin
S Shimoga Tunga
6 Bhauiavathi Bhauia
7 Bavanageie Tungabhauia
8 Baiihai Tungabhauia
Kiishna Basin

J uoveinment of Inuia pioviues financial
assistance to the state goveinments to conseive the lakes unuei National Lake Consei-
vation piogiammes (NLCP). The activities caiiieu out unuei this scheme incluues ue-
silting, ue-weeuing, stiengthening of bunus, inteiception anu uiveision of sewage entei-
ing the tanks, fencing anu such othei woiks. In Kainataka, conseivation plan of 16 lakes
has been appioveu fiom the yeai 2uu2-uS anu uevelopment of foui lakes has been com-
pleteu by Novembei 2uu9.
9"M" V.==.%/= D/E)4 ,H3PP
The National Watei Nission aims foi conseivation of watei minimizing wastage anu en-
suiing its moie equitable uistiibution both acioss anu within states thiough integiateu
watei iesouices uevelopment anu management. With this objective, five goals have
been iuentifieu anu vaiious stiategies foi achieving these goals which leau to integiateu
plan foi sustainable uevelopment anu efficient management with active paiticipation of
the stakeholueis have also been iuentifieu. The five goals of the National Watei Nission,
! Establishment of a compiehensive watei uatabase foi assessment of watei ie-souice
in the public uomain,
! Piomotion of both citizen anu state actions foi sustainable watei consumption, in-
cluuing conseivation, augmentation anu conseivation;
! Focuseu attention to ovei-exploiteu aieas;
! Incieasing the efficiency of watei uses by 2u%;
! Basin-wise uesigns foi integiateu watei iesouices management.
Watei iesouices aie unuei seveie thieat in Kainataka. The state is enuoweu with limiteu
watei iesouices that aie stiesseu anu uepleting. Sectoial uemanus aie giowing iapiuly on
account of inciease in population, uibanization, iapiu inuustiialization anu iising incomes.
uoveinment of Kainataka along with the two Watei Resouices Bepaitments has alieauy ini-
tiateu a laige iange of steps towaius. The steps taken oi pioposeu appeai to be compiehen-
sive anu balanceu anu take into account conseivation neeus, ieplenishment, supply anu the
paiticipation of common people in wateisheu management.


The mission uocument of the NAPCC emeiges as iecommenuing a ievision of the national
watei policy to auuiess vulneiabilities ielateu to climate change. uoing by the eviuence of
communications ieceiveu fiom uepaitments of uoK, the neeus foi a ievision of state level
policy uoes not seem to have been iuentifieu yet.
The action on foimulation anu implementation of piojects anu schemes of iainwatei
haivesting anu iechaiging of unueigiounu watei souices within the Kainataka state
watei policy is in lines with the NAPCC to focus the attention on oveiexploiteu aieas.
0ne of the most impoitant goals of the National Watei Nission is to impiove the effi-
ciency of watei use at least by 2u%. This objective is to be achieveu by ensuiing im-
pioveu efficiency both on the uemanu siue as well as the supply siue. Consistent watei
meteiing anu watei auuits iecommenueu by the mission uocument aie a necessity foi
the state of Kainataka. Theie is no infoimation on sectoial giounu watei consumption
assessment foi uomestic oi agiicultuial uses.
The compiehensive stuuies pioposeu unuei the mission will also be extiemely useful foi
iuentifying watei shoitage anu suiplus iegions. Basin-wise uesigns foi integiateu watei
iesouices management will also be highly beneficial to Kainataka to auuiess watei
9"O" 1)$)<-)E );)4A./A ./-)4*)/-.%/ '4)'=
! Setting up a ieal time uynamic uatabase foi watei iesouices anu uevelopment of a
Watei Resouices Infoimation System (WRIS) (incluues mapping of catchments, sui-
veying anu assessing lanu use patteins with emphasis on uiainage at uistiict level).
! Conuucting a uetaileu watei iesouices inventoiy, incluuing annual vaiiations at a mi-
cio-wateisheu scale.
! Expanuing the cuiient netwoik of automatic weathei stations anu iain gauge stations
foi evapoiation anu iainfall uata
! Conuucting spatial anu tempoial assessment of micio- wateisheu wise watei avail-
ability anu analyzing the tienus using mouels such as SWAT ( Suiface Watei Assess-
ment Tool)
! Setting up ueuicateu facilities with auvanceu computing systems to iun ulobal Cli-
mate Nouels (uCNs) anu Regional Climate Nouels (RCNs)
! Conuucting uIS baseu aquifei stuuies foi assessing iechaige possibilities
! Conuucting giounu watei exploiation to iuentify potential ueepei fiesh watei aqui-
feis upto 1uuu1Suum (can opeiate as a watei bank)
! Regulation on boie well use
! Policy on watei meteiing foi bulk consumeis of giounu watei
! Conuucting assessments on ieuucing evapoiation losses within watei stoiage stiuc-
tuies, wastelanus, fallow lanus, agiicultuie lanus (thiough usage of mulches, canal
lining etc.)
! Conuucting pilot stuuies to exploie augmentation of watei iesouices by tiansfeiiing
the suiplus floou watei into utilizable watei
! Constiucting waste watei tieatments plants in the entiie state foi tieatment anu
iecycling to ieuse in uomestic, inuustiies anu iiiigation
! Foimulating a legal piovision in bylaws of local bouies foi watei conseivation
! Neasuiement of unaccounteu foi watei (0FW) anu its ieuuction to an acceptable
level thiough leak uetection anu iehabilitation piogiammes foi watei supply

! Installation of watei saving equipment (e.g low flush toilets, twin pit toilets) in
uoveinment builuings, schools, colleges, hotels etc.
! Conuucting stuuies on efficient ciop watei application anu utilization by piomoting
piessuie iiiigation methous like uiipspiinklei iiiigation
! Neasuiement of flows in majoi iiiigation canals foi accounting losses anu impioving
! Nanuatoiy watei auuit foi all sectois incluuing uomestic, small anu laige scale in-
uustiies , along with auuiting iiiigation piojects
! 0nueitake an awaieness piogiam of iemeuiation of watei losses anu euucate the
masses about the same


Kainataka has S.8S million ha of foiest aiea, which accounts to aiounu 2u% of its geo-
giaphical aiea. The state has vaiieu foiests ianging fiom eveigieen foiests of the West-
ein uhats to the sciub jungles of the plains. The Westein uhats of Kainataka aie one of
the 2S global piioiity hotspots foi conseivation anu one of the two in the Inuian subcon-
tinent. Reseive foiest constitutes 74.94%, piotecteu foiests 1u.27% anu unclassifieu
foiest is 14.79%. As pei the State of Foiests Repoit 2uuS, 1.21% has veiy uense foiest
covei, S6.S1% is moueiately uense, S4.S6% is open foiest anu 8.2S% is sciub foiests.
Kainataka consists of thiee iegions:

! &NFMKFH BNRIJ Kainataka coastline extenus ovei a length of S2u kilometeis with
about 14 coial species, 4 sponge species, 62 phytoplankton, 78 species of sea weeus, 2
species of sea giass anu 11S zooplanktons. Also, 2S4 species of molluscs aie piesent
out of which S aie thieateneu. About SS species of shiimps, 1uS species of ciabs, S
species of stai fish, 2 species of sea uichius, 1 species of sea cucumbei, S9u maiine
fish species, S species of sea tuitles, 4 species of whales anu 4 species of uolphins aie
commonly seen along the coasts. Theie exists a iich fiinging coial ieef ecosystem sui-
iounuing the Nethiani Islanu. The coast has 14 species of mangioves belonging to 8
families incluuing =7&A'.7'5$ ,+*5'#$%$8 !9&*-##&$ ,$5&#$8 !9&*-##&$ '44&*&#$(&68 B5+:
/+&-5$ *2(&#)5&*$(8 =7&A'.7'5$ $.&*+($%$8 C'##-5$%&$ $(1$ -%*.
! :IMKIUR (YFKMJ The Westein uhats stietches foi 16uu kilometeis anu incluues vaii-
ous foiest types - tiopical eveigieen, moist anu uiy ueciuuous, high altituue sholas,
savannas anu sciubs. Theie aie ovei 4Suu species of floweiing plants (S8% enuemic),
SSu butteiflies (11% enuemic), 1S6 ieptiles (62% enuemics), Su8 species biius (4%
enuemics), 1Su mammals (12% enuemics), 289 fishes (41% enuemics) anu 1SS am-
phibians (7S% enuemics) in the Westein uhats. The impoitant enuemic tiee species
of the iegion incluue >&.%-5'*$5.+6 &#)&*+68 D'.-$ .$5&94('5$8 -%*. The economically
impoitant species (natuially giown) incluue C$#%$($, $(1+,8 >$(1-5/&$ ($%&4'(&$8 E-*:
%'#$ /5$#)&6 anu >26'F2('# ,$($1$5&*+,. The inuisciiminate haivesting of NTFP such
as ;$*7&(+6 ,$*$5$#%7$ $#) D$(,$))& has iesulteu in signification ieuuction in its
population to a level which poses thieat of extinction. Shola foiests aie usually con-
fineu to shelteieu valleys, hollows anu uepiessions wheie theie is auequate moistuie
anu goou uiainage. The main tiee species giowing in these foiests aie !(6-')$.(&#-
6-,-*$5.&4'(&$8 G52.%'*$52$ 1-))'#-&8 -%*H
! 2YI 3FMKIUR EHFQRMJ The Beccan plateau foims the eastein plains of Kainataka
maikeu by lowscanty iainfall, high tempeiatuie, iocky topogiaphy anu thoiny sciub
vegetation. The total foiest aiea in this iegion accounts only 7% of the geogiaphical
aiea with fiequently occuiiing species like !*$*&$8 D$5)I&0&*&$8 J--,8 C$#%$($, $(:
1$,8 K&*+6 etc. The iegion has 1421 species of angiospeims belonging to 696 geneia
unuei 14u families. 1u7 species aie listeu as meuicinal plants but uue to scaice occui-
ience many cannot be haivesteu. Theie aie some enuemic species in the iegion such
as B5$*726%-(,$ *&(&$%+,8 B5$*726%-(,$ L'($5-#6&6 fiom Kolai uistiicts, B5$*726%-(,$
-(-#$)+-#6&6 fiom Tumkui uistiict, C*7&A$*725&+, 6+)7$#67+&& fiom Raichui uistiict.

Biouiveisity of Kainataka: At a ulance. 2u1u. Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu, Foiest, Ecology anu Enviionment Be-

G"!" N.$E$.?)
Kainataka foiests suppoit 2S% of the elephant population anu 1u% of the tigei
population of Inuia.
The wilulife population of Inuia incluues S9S tigei, 618S ele-
phants, 817 pantheis, 2S24 beai, 1S76u wilu beai, 2S8Su ueei, 8484 bison, 4998 sam-
bai anu 9S7 oxen. The Niligiii Biospheie Reseive (SS2u sq. kms) was establisheu in
1986, anu the Banuipui anu Nagaihole National Paiks weie incluueu in the ieseive. The
two tigei ieseives of the state aie at Banuipui anu Bhauia. The state has a total of S
National Paiks anu 21 Wilu Life Sanctuaiies.


G"+" K.%E.*)4=.-6
Following Table S2 piesents the biouiveisity of the state as well as the species which aie
unuei thieat uue to loss of habitat.

Biouiveisity of Kainataka: At a ulance. 2u1u. Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu, Foiest, Ecology anu Envi-
ionment Bepaitment


1 Fish Biouiveisity Suu fieshwatei anu 4uS
maiine species
A total of 2u fish species have been iepoiteu
to be on the veige of extinction, which in-
cluues M$1-' 4&,15&$%+68 (Bloch), <'#'.5'0:
%'.%-5+6 *+5,+*$ (Bamilton - Buchanan),
N+#%&+6 *$5#$%&*+6 (}eiuon), J-'(&66'*7&(+6
7-F$/'#'(-.&6 (NcClellanu), etc.
2 Neuicinal Plants 149S meuicinal plants
belonging to 8u8 geneia
anu 1u8 families
=$+9'(4&$ 6-5.-#%&#-8 C$5$*' $6'*$8 <('5&6$
S Avian Biouiveisity The maximum numbei of enuemic biius in
Kainataka is founu along the Westein uhats.
4 0ichiu Biouiveisity 176 species of oichius
fiom 49 geneia
The hotspots of oichius in Westein uhats of
Kainataka aie Tauianamol in Kouagu (61 spe-
cies, 6 enuemic), Bababuuan in Chickmagaloie
(41 species, 18 enuemic) anu Banueli in 0ttaia
Kannaua uistiict (S7 species, 2S enuemic).
S Butteifly Biouiveisity Theie aie ovei Suu spe-
cies of butteiflies
Some of them aie enuangeieu such as Ciimson
iose, Banaiu Eggfly, G5$,-5 anu !..&$6 7&..'
G"0" P4.-.<'$$6 )/E'/A)4)E =5)<.)=
Eveigieen tiees like >&.%-5'*$5.+6 1'+5)&(('#&8 D'.-$ -5'6$ anu D'.-$ O$*'1&8 G5'%'#
($I&$#+6 (small tiee) anu N&##$%-(($ (&,1$%$ (type of moss) aie few ciitically enuan-
geieu species of floia of the state. 0thei enuangeieu tiees founu in Kainataka incluue
36'#$#)5$ 6%'*06&&8 L&#/&')-#)5'# .&##$%+,8 ;$-6$ 9-(+%&#$8 ;25&6%&*$ ,$/#&4&*$8 =$:
.$#-$ 6%5&$%$ anu P2('6,$ ($%&4'(&+,.
Enuangeieu species of fauna founu in Kainataka incluue the tigei, Inuian elephant, lion
taileu macaque, tuitle anu uhole, the Inuian wilu uog. Nany enuangeieu species of am-
phibians aie founu heie incluuing fiogs, 3#)&5$#$ 15$*72%$56+68 ;&*5'72($ 67'(&/$5&8 ;&#:
-59$52$ 6$72$)5&68 J2*%&1$%5$*7+6 $(&*&$-8 J2*%&1$%5$*7+6 7+66$&#&8 J2*%&1$%5$*7+6 6$#*%&:
.$(+6%5&68 .7&($+%+6 *7$5&+68 .7&($+%+6 I2$$)-#6&68 =$,$#-((6 ,'5,'5$%$ anu =72:
*'.7'5+6 ($%-5$(6 anu a toau, B+4' B-))',&&. 0thei enuangeieu species of fauna incluue
D&..'6&)-5'6 72.'.72((+6 (Kolai leaf-noseu bat) anu N6-+)',+((-5&$ )$(2& (mollusc).
G"2" L;5'<- %? <$.;'-) <@'/A)
6.4.1. Cn forests
Climate is one of the most impoitant ueteiminants of foiest giowth anu has significant
influence on the uistiibution, stiuctuie anu ecology of foiests. Changes in climate altei
the configuiation of foiest ecosystems. Accoiuing to a iecent stuuy (BCCIK, 2u11), an
oveiall of S8% of the foiest aiea is piojecteu to be impacteu by climate change by the
2uSus. While the oveiall foiest aiea is maiginally ueclining in Kainataka, the aiea unuei
uense foiests has ueclineu significantly (moie than 8% fiom 2uu1 to 2uu7). The Foiest
Suivey of Inuia estimates that the aiea unuei foiests has maiginally ueclineu uuiing the
peiiou 2uu1 to 2uu7, as tabulateu below (Table SS). The uense foiest has ueclineu sig-
nificantly uuiing this peiiou, anu consequently the aiea unuei open foiest has in-

Biouiveisity of Kainataka: At a ulance. 2u1u. Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu, Bepaitment of Foiest, Ecology & Envi-
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

Bense foiest 261S6 22461 21968 219S8
0pen foiest 1u8SS 1S988 142S2 142S2
Sciub foiest S24S S141 S17S S176
2NKFH 8D.6< 6;9;D 6;656 6;6<<

Accoiuing to the same stuuy, the piojecteu climate is not suitable foi the existing foiest
types anu the species piesent. The uistiibutions of the foiests, which aie piojecteu to be
impacteu by climate change aie piesenteu in Figuie S7 foi 2uSus anu Figuie S8 foi
2u8us. Foiests giius mainly in the cential anu noithein paits of Westein uhats anu
south-east aie piojecteu to be impacteu by climate change.



6.4.2. Cn cora| reefs

Coial ieefs aie one of the most piouuctive ecosystems in tiopical wateis. The
Netiani Islanu off Nuiueshwai has existence of a iich fiinging coial ieef ecosystem
aiounu it. The biouiveisity suivey iesults show a veiy inteiesting piesence of iaie anu
new species in the ecosystem. In a suivey conuucteu uuiing 2uuS-2uu6, a total of 89
coial associateu fishes weie iecoiueu fiom the aiea in which 27 species anu 4 uen-
eia weie the new iecoius fiom the Inuian coast. 0ut of the fishes stuuieu, 4 fish genus
weie iepoiteu foi the fiist time in Inuian coast. 0ut of the 9 gioupei fish species iuenti-
fieu, 2 aie incluueu in the I0CN Reu Bata List. The Suivey iuentifieu 14 coial species, 4
sponge, 1 S bivalves, 48 gastiopous anu 8 species of nuuibianchs. Small giant clams
(E5&)$*#$ ,$F&,$) which is piotecteu unuei the Inuian Wilulife (Piotection) Act anu
appeais in the I0CN Reu Bata List as 'Lowei Risk: Conseivation Bepenuent' species,
was obseiveu fiom this aiea. Also, the occuiience of Bumpheau wiasse at Netiani is

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.BCCI-
K (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan: Inteiim Repoit. Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Biouiveisity of Kainataka: At a ulance. 2u1u. Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu, Foiest, Ecology anu Enviionment Be-

veiy significant. This is in the CITES enuangeieu species list as it has a low ieciuitment
iate anu is heavily exploiteu.
The coial ieefs aie unuei thieat woilu- wiue, mainly uue to causes vaiying fiom
climate change anu anthiopogenic activities which may iesult in theii uestiuction anu
uisappeaiance. The piesent thieat to the coial ecosystem of Netiani Islanu is mostly
human in oiigin. Bowevei, Netiani Islanu is unuei thieat laigely uue to vaiious anthio-
pogenic activities. The stuuy ievealeu that the ueau coials lying on the siue of the islanu
is uue to the habitat uegiauation.
6.4.3. Cn Western Ghats
In the Westein uhats, annual tempeiatuies aie likely to inciease to 26.8
C in the
2uSus. The iise in tempeiatuie with iespect to the 197us will be between 1.7
C anu
C. In the iegion, minimum tempeiatuies may iise by 2
C to 4.S
C, with minimum in-
ciease in those paits of Kainataka that lie in the Westein uhats. In the 2uSus, the mean
annual iainfall is likely to vaiy fiom 9SS18S.SS mm to 1794247 mm, which is an in-
ciease of 6%-8% with iespect to the 197us. The numbei of iainy uays is likely ueciease
along the entiie Westein coast, incluuing the Westein uhats. Bowevei, an inciease in
iainfall in the iange of 1-S uays in Kainataka iegion is pieuicteu which is contiaiy to the
piojections which inuicates a ueciease in the numbei of iainy uays by S to 1u uays with
iespect to 197us. The intensity of iainfall is likely to inciease by 1-2 mmuay.

A climate change stuuy by Ravinuianath anu Sukumai (1998) was caiiieu out unuei two
scenaiios - inciease in gieenhouse gases (uBu) anu an inciease in uBu anu aeiosol con-
centiation. 0nuei scenaiio one, a shift in vegetation type along the altituuinal as well as
west east giauient is pieuicteu foi Westein uhats. It is piojecteu that wattles (Acacia
sp.) coulu invaue the giasslanus. Longei uiy spells may cause an inciease in uiy season
fiies, thieatening the moist anu uiy ueciuuous foiests. 0nuei scenaiio two, a change in
piecipitation pattein is piojecteu that coulu weaken the Inuian summei monsoon
(Ravinuianath -% $( 2uuS)
Accoiuing to the 4X4 Assessment Repoit of the Ninistiy of Enviionment & Foiests
(2u1u), the coastal iegions anu Westein uhats aie moueiately vulneiable to climate
change. The entiie Westein uhats iegion is coveieu by S4 foiest giius, out of which 18%
aie piojecteu to unueigo change in the 2uSus. The NPP of the iegion is piojecteu to in-
ciease by 2u% on an aveiage.
It neeus mention that the foiests of 0ttai Kannaua, Chikkamagalui anu Shimoga uistiicts
aie piojecteu to be paiticulaily vulneiable to climate change by 2uSus. Thus the bioui-
veisity iich Westein uhats of Kainataka is piojecteu to be auveisely impacteu by cli-
mate change thieatening the biouiveisity.

6.4.4. Cn the coasta| reg|on
The west coast piojections inuicate that in 2uSus the annual iainfall will vaiy fiom 9SS
18S.S mm to 1794247.1 mm. The tienu of iainfall in 2uSus is showing an inciease with
iespect to the 197us in this iegion as well. The inciease in iainfall is by 6 to 8 %, an in-
ciease that is ianging fiom 69 to 1u9 mm. Though }une, }uly anu August show an avei-
age inciease of 8mm iainfall in 2uSus with iespect to 197us, howevei, the wintei iain-

Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.
Kainataka State Bevelopment Repoit, Chaptei 1S, Enviionment, Climate Change, Biouiveisity anu 0ibanisation
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

fall is piojecteu to ueciease on an aveiage by 19 mm uuiing the peiiou }anuaiy anu Feb-
iuaiy in 2uSus with iefeience to 197us. The peiiou Naich, Apiil anu Nay also show a
ueciease in iainfall with iespect to 197us.

The coastal iegion is uefineu by all uistiicts that lie on the Inuian coast. The entiie
coastal iegion is coveieu by 96 giius, excluuing the giius in the Westein uhats. 0f these,
Su% aie piojecteu to unueigo change. The net piimaiy piouuctivity (NPP) in this iegion
is pieuicteu to iise by S1% on an aveiage.
G"9" >-@)4 -@4)'-=
! -ITHQRI QR LUGFR ZUIIR TNXIUJ Bangaloie city eailiei hau veiy goou iecoiu in uiban
foiestiy. Roausiue planting of floweiing tiees was taken up by the 0iban Foiest Bivi-
sion. Innumeiable tiees hau to be iemoveu uue to expansion of ioaus, biiuges, watei
supply & sanitaiy lines. BBNP has cieateu two foiest uivisions (Noith anu South Ban-
galoie) to unueitake nuiseiies anu planting along ioausiues.
! 1QRQRZJ Nining is a key sectoi in Kainataka. Novement of heavy machineiy, blasting,
powei uiilling, excavations, benching, uumping of spoils etc aie iesponsible foi ue-
stabilizing the soils, slopes, valleys, watei couises etc. 0ften, the conuitions stipulateu
foi soil & moistuie conseivation, iehabilitation of mineu aieas anu quick iestoiation
of stabilizing vegetation aie not piopeily followeu by the lessees. Nines on the iiuges
anu uppei slope of hills cause substantial uamage to floia anu fauna.
! =NUIMK IRTUNFTYPIRKMJ The loss of foiests uue to encioachments has a long histoiy.
Even befoie the biith of foiest auministiation, theie was a system of shifting cultiva-
tion piacticeu mainly by the scheuuleu tiibes. With a view to iegulate loss of foiest
covei, ceitain auministiative measuies like -06$($ i.e one yeai lease, peiiouic lease,
cleaiance of foiest stiips aiounu cultivateu lanus foi ciop piotection fiom wilu ani-
mals, giants foi fiuit cultivation, peimits foi coffee oi caiuamom cultivation etc weie
! )IYFGQHQKFKQNRJ Laige stietches of foiest lanus weie ieleaseu foi iehabilitation of
uisplaceu families. The iefugees fiom Tibet weie settleu in the foiest lanus neai By-
lukuppe in Kouagu, Inuui in 0ttaia Kannaua anu Kollegal foiests in Nysoie uistiicts is
a case in point. The impact of such human settlements causing uecimation of foiest
covei anu biouiveisity can be seen in anu aiounu all iehabilitation schemes. =NUIMK
SIZUFSFKQNRJ The extents of foiest aieas lost only quantifies the loss. But theie is
biggei loss by way of honey-combing anu habitation of man anu the uomestic ani-
mals. Neaily 1,Su,uuu families have settleu uown in the encioacheu foiest lanus. In
auuition to theii iequiiements foi fuel, fouuei, poles, fencing, fouuei, giazing, gieen
manuie etc, the settlements keep theii suiiounuing lanus cleaieu iepeateuly foi self
piotection fiom fiie anu wilulife. The fiies spieau to the suiiounuing foiests to ue-
stioy the natuial iegeneiation anu the piotection to top-soil.

Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A Sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.

! 0RXFMQXI %HQIR 4VITQIM: These species aie that whose intiouuctions aie spieau out-
siue theii natuial uistiibution anu affects the ecosystem. Exotic species have im-
pacteu the biouiveisity of vaiious fiesh-watei anu teiiestiial ecosystems of Kaina-
taka. Spieau of exotic fishes like E&($.&$ anu, moie iecently, the Afiican Catfish has
contiibuteu to an eiosion of inuigenous fish biota. The weeuy watei hyacinth is chok-
ing many of the wetlanus. Laige tiacts of foiests have been invaueu by the weeuy
Q+.$%'5&+,8 they have also been conveiteu to monocultuie plantations of exotic spe-
cies such as !*$*&$ $+5&*+(&4'5,&68 !H ,$#/&+,8 Q+*$(2.%+6 6.-*&-6 anu G$6+$5&#$ -R+&:
6-%&4'(&$. The Ranebennui Sanctuaiy, piimaiily meant to conseive blackbuck anu the
uieat Inuian Bustaiu has suffeieu in this fashion fiom the plantation of Q+*$(2.%+6
tiees. N$5%7-#&+, has come to covei many sciublanus anu giasslanus. The uamage is
fuithei aggiavateu by climate change, pollution, fiagmentation anu loss of habitat.
G"G" 3%$.<.)= '/E $)A.=$'-.*) ?4';)7%48
This section incluues a basic uesciiption of laws anu iegulations (both state anu cential)
ielevant to the state of Kainataka, paiticulaily in ielation to biouiveisity, foiest anu
wilulife. The key featuies of some of the impoitant iegulations aie summaiiseu below.
! 0RSQFR =NUIMK %TK? ";.5 is aimeu to consoliuate anu ieseive the aieas having foiest
covei, oi significant wilulife, to iegulate movement anu tiansit of foiest piouuce, anu
uuty leviable on timbei anu othei foiest piouuce. It also uefines the pioceuuie to be
followeu foi ueclaiing an aiea to be a Reseiveu Foiest, a Piotecteu Foiest oi a village
Foiest. It uefines foiest offence, the activities piohibiteu insiue a Reseiveu Foiest, anu
penalties leviable on violation of the piovisions of the Act.
! :QHSHQOI _EUNKITKQNR` %TK? ";5. pioviues foi piotection to listeu species of floia anu
fauna anu establishes a netwoik of ecologically-impoitant piotecteu aieas. The WPA
empoweis the cential anu state goveinments to ueclaie any aiea a wilulife sanctuaiy,
national paik oi closeu aiea. Theie is a blanket ban on caiiying out any inuustiial ac-
tivity insiue these piotecteu aieas. It pioviues foi authoiities to auministei anu im-
plement the Act; iegulate the hunting of wilu animals; piotect specifieu plants, sanc-
tuaiies, national paiks anu closeu aieas; iestiict tiaue oi commeice in wilu animals
oi animal aiticles; anu miscellaneous matteis. The Act piohibits hunting of animals
except with peimission of authoiizeu officei when an animal has become uangeious
to human life oi piopeity oi so uisableu oi uiseaseu as to be beyonu iecoveiy. The
neai-total piohibition on hunting was maue moie effective by the Amenument Act of
! =NUIMK _&NRMIUXFKQNR` %TK? ";CD was auopteu to piotect anu conseive foiests. The
Act iestiicts the poweis of the state in iespect of ue-ieseivation of foiests anu use of
foiestlanu foi non-foiest puiposes (the teim 'non-foiest puipose' incluues cleaiing
any foiestlanu foi cultivation of cash ciops, plantation ciops, hoiticultuie oi any pui-
pose othei than ie-affoiestation).
! ,FKQNRFH =NUIMK ENHQTW ";CC is aimeu to ensuie enviionmental stability anu mainte-
nance of ecological balance incluuing atmospheiic equilibiium, which is vital foi sus-
tenance of all life-foims, human beings, animals anu plants. The ueiivation of uiiect
economic benefit is suboiuinateu to this piinciple aim.

! $QNHNZQTFH -QXIUMQKW %TK? .DD. is aimeu to "pioviue foi the conseivation of biological
uiveisity, sustainable use of its components, anu faii anu equitable shaiing of the
benefits aiising out of the sueu of biological iesouices, knowleuge anu foi matteis
connecteu theiewith oi inciuental theieto." As pei the piovision of act ceitain aieas,
which aie iich in biouiveisity anu encompasses unique anu iepiesentative eco-
systems aie iuentifieu anu uesignateu as biospheie ieseive to facilitate its conseiva-
tion. All iestiictions applicable to piotecteu aieas like National Paik & Sanctuaiies aie
also applicable to these ieseives. Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu was establisheu uui-
ing August 2uuS anu the Kainataka Biouiveisity Rules was fiameu in 2uuS. A total of
212 PBRs has alieauy been piepaieu in Su uistiicts in the state.
)QZYKM` %TK? .DD< aims to iecognise anu vest the foiest iights anu occupation in foi-
est lanu in foiest uwelling Scheuuleu Tiibes anu othei tiauitional foiest uwelleis who
have been iesiuing in such foiests foi geneiations but whose iights coulu not be ie-
coiueu; to pioviue foi a fiamewoik foi iecoiuing foiest iights so vesteu anu the na-
tuie of eviuence iequiieu foi such iecognition anu vesting in iespect of foiest lanu.
! ,FKQNRFH $QNOLIH ENHQTW aims to facilitate anu biing about optimal uevelopment anu
utilization of inuigenous biomass feeustocks foi piouuction of biofuels. The Policy
also envisages uevelopment of the next geneiation of moie efficient biofuel convei-
sion technologies baseu on new feeustocks.
! 'FURFKF[F EUIMIUXFKQNR NO 2UIIM %TK? ";5< aims to make bettei piovision foi pies-
eivation of tiees in the state, especially with iegaiu to iestiiction on felling of tiees
anu liability foi pieseivation of tiees.
The Kainataka Foiest Rules was fiameu in
1977.0nuei this act, no peison shall fell any tiee oi cause any tiee to be felleu in any
lanu, whethei in his owneiship oi occupancy oi otheiwise except with the pievious
peimission of the Tiee 0fficei.

! 'FURFKF[F =NUIMK %TK? ";<6 aims to consoliuate anu amenu the law ielating to
foiests anu foiest piouuce in the state of Kainataka.
The Kainataka Foiest Rules
was fiameu in 1969.
! 'FURFKF[F =NUIMK 1FRLFH is a uocument piepaieu by the Bepaitment of Foiest,
uoveinment of Kainataka that uesciibes the Pioceuuie in iespect of the constitution
of a Reseiveu Foiest, constitution of village foiests, management of uistiict anu pii-
vate foiests, pastuiing of cattle anu cutting of giass foi fouuei in foiests, foiest of-
fences, iegulations ielateu to foiest piouuce, etc.

! 'FURFKF[F 1FUQRI =QMYQRZ _)IZLHFKQNR` %TK? ";C< is aimeu to pioviue foi the iegu-
lation of fishing by fishing vessels in the sea along the coast line of the state. 0nuei
the Act, the monsoon peiiou (}une to August) has been ueclaieu closeu foi fishing in
the state. Also, the opeiation of mechanizeu fishing vessels has been banneu in a 1u
km iauius of foieshoie that has set apait a S,uuu sq. km aiea foi tiauitional fishing
anu thus pieventing ovei exploitation in foieshoie watei.
";;< is aimeu to pioviue foi conseivation, uevelopment anu iegulation of inlanu
fisheiies in the state.

16u as vieweu on Apiil 1u, 2u11
161 as vieweu on Apiil 1u, 2u11
162 as vieweu on Apiil 1u, 2u11
16S as vieweu on Apiil 1u, 2u11

! 'FURFKF[F =NUIMK ENHQTWJ The Kainataka Foiest Policy is in the piocess of foimula-
tion. While it uoes not aim explicitly at climate change, it seeks to stiengthen opei-
ational anu auministiative capacities within the uepaitment. It aims to inciease pei-
foimance in aieas of statutoiy woik by notifying opeiating guiuelines. If successful,
the new policy woulu enhance KFB's abilities, especially foi implementation. This
coulu be expecteu to also iesult in a bettei institutional base foi taking up climate
change ielateu activities. Some of its elements howevei have a uiiect beaiing on the
uepaitment's climate change agenua. Piominent examples aie the iuentifica-
tionpiomotion of alteinative eneigy fiom foiest aieas anu the uemaication anu con-
soliuation of foiest aieas.164 The policy unuei piepaiation is unueistoou to aim at
stipulating measuies foi the piotection of foiest iesouices anu biouiveisity. Najoi
aieas aie eaimaikeu foi plantation of tiees incluuing meuicinal plants, extenuing to
uiban anu othei non-foiest aieas, uegiaueu foiestlanus anu ioau siues. It is fuithei
expecteu that it woulu establish guiuelines foi the piotection of natuial iesouices in
vicinity of mines anu quaiiies anu incluue policy foi tiibals. Supply anu uemanu siue
management will be intiouuceu foi foiest iaw mateiial anu small foiest piouucts.
The issue of cieating gieen belts aiounu inuustiial aieas - which has been emphas-
iseu by neaily eveiy stuuy on inuustiial pollution anu which has not founu takeis - is
slateu to be incluueu in foiest policy with cleai uefinition iesponsibilities. A vast pio-
giamme foi wilulife, floia anu fauna piotection anu iehabilitations of enuangeieu
species will be piesciibeu anu capacity builuing is expecteu to be opeiationaliseu anu
incentiviseu foi both peisonnel anu collaboiating Nu0s.
G"M" H<-.%/= '/E ./=-.-D-.%/'$ 54)5'4)E/)==
6.7.1. Iorest management
Keeping in minu the NAPCC's assessment that climate change will affect the natuial ie-
souices as well as the National Nission foi uieen Inuia vision of maintenance of the eco-
logical balance anu iestoiation of biouiveisity, the uoveinment of Kainataka has taken
the following actions:

The Kainataka Foiest Bepaitment has unueitaken foiest uevelopment activities by pio-
tecting olu tiees anu laige-scale affoiestation with involvement of villageis. Biouiveisity
conseivation activities have been expanueu ovei 16.S% of total foiest aiea by minimiz-
ing uistuibances anu maintaining integiity of foiest habitats with a puipose of caibon
stock enhancement. Kainataka Foiest Bepaitment (KFB) highlighteu the significance of
foiestiy in combating climate change in its 2uu8 ielease "Foiestiy & Climate Change".
The uocument also uiew attentions to a pieuicteu shift in foiest types in about 7u% of
Inuia's foiest giius by 2u8S anu outlineu the uepaitment's futuie iole anu UIMVNRMI KN
THQPFKI TYFRZI. It pioposes ")-9-('.,-#% '4 5'1+6% G 6&#06 $#) $+/,-#%&#/ &#*',- '4
('*$( *',,+#&%&-6 4'5 %7-&5 6+6%$&#$1(- )-9-('.,-#%" as taigets.
It calls foi massive ie-
foiestation of uegiaueu lanus anu expansion of agio-foiestiy, linkeu to the assumption
that caibon assimilation can anu shoulu be enhanceu.
Some concepts of this initial papei weie uefineu in gieatei uetail latei on anu piesenteu
in the uepaitment's vision 2u2u uocument, ieleaseu in 2u1u
. It uefines a numbei of

Policy aieas anu issues. Inteinal uiaft woik plan of Kainataka Foiest Bepaitment, accesseu on Apiil 6, 2u11
State Action Plan on Climate Change Kainataka: Rapiu Assessment of Sectoial Actions initiateu (2u1u). Envi-
ionmental Nangement & Policy Reseaich Institute
Foiestiy & climate change - vision & Nission Bocument. Kainataka Foiest Bept., Becembei 2uu8
vision 2u2u. Kainataka Foiest Bepaitment, Becembei 2u1u

specific inteivention aieas to achieve quantitative anu qualitative "tiansfoimations",
specifying methous anu estimating even costs. Although titleu as vision uocument, it is
nothing shoit of a bioau woik plan, which incluues the following:
! Inciease of tiee covei in the state to SS% of the geogiaphical aiea thiough affoiesta-
tion, }oint Foiestiy Planning & Nanagement (}FPN), fiee uistiibution of seeulings, soil
anu moistuie conseivation, ioausiue affoiestation, maximising bamboo anu sanual-
woou iesouices, iaising of bio-fuel plantations;
! Consoliuation anu piotection of existing foiest iesouices anu existing ueemeu foiest;
! Enhancement of foiestiy iesouice piouuctivity anu caibon assimilation;
! Piotection anu inventoiisation of meuicinal plants;
! Employment geneiation thiough foiestiy;
! Bevelopment anu implementation of uIS-baseu foiest lanu management system;
! Cuitailing the utilisation of foiest lanu into non-foiestiy puiposes
! Reciuitment anu tiaining of foiest peisonnel.
foiestiy iesouices as caibon sinks. Although it was (anu still is) a classical foiestiy ap-
pioach, focussing on what constitutes essential iesponsibilities of the uepaitment, it
lookeu at foiests in the context of climate change, thus enlaiging the significance of the
iole the uepaitments aie enuoweu with. Seeulings weie uistiibuteu to piivate lanu-
owneis foi ieclamation of lost gieen covei in the state. In 2u1u-11 appioximately
8u,uuu ha weie planteu in Kainataka, incluuing baiien lanus. Funus aie uiawn unuei
uiffeient schemes, mostly fiom the Finance Commission anu Compensatoiy Affoiesta-
tion Funu Nanagement anu Planning Authoiity (CANPA). The uepaitment envisageu
that once auuitional funus unuei the National Nission foi uieen Inuia become available,
the scale of activities coulu be incieaseu. But funus woulu not necessaiily auu any ele-
ment entiiely new. The eventually announceu mission buuget of INR 2uu cioie
2u11-12 was a sobeiing, because it woulu biing Kainataka peihaps aiounu S% of that
amount, enough foi planning - which was alieauy accomplisheu - but an amount too
insubstantial foi majoi implementation envisageu by the Centie to commence only in

As envisageu in its 2uu8 uocument, KFB constituteu a EUNgITK =NUPLHFKQNR (UNLV in
2uu9. Compiising of 19 membeis initially, the gioup aius the integiation of climate
change into the uepaitment's woik. The focus is on ieseaich input anu uevelopment of
concepts, conciete piojects anu policy iecommenuations while assisting othei uepait-
ment wings with ieseaich anu planning. Cential aim is the uemonstiation of stiategies
foi auaption anu mitigation stiategies. This incluues ieseaich on one hanu, a goou ex-
ample foi which the piepaiation of iegion specific caibon yielu tables anu extenus to the
uevelopment of opeiating pioceuuies foi fielu activities with a view of climate change
It shoulu be iemembeieu that these aie voluntaiy actions initiateu by the Foi-
est Bepaitment at state level.
Piepaiatoiy woik has now iesulteu in MVITQOQT VUNVNMFHM foi climate change inteiven-
tions in collaboiation with Inuian Institute of Sciences (IISc). This incluues impact anu
vulneiability mouelling foi foiests, mitigation anu auaptation piojects as well as long-

0nion buuget 2u11-12 Bighlights. Piess infoimation Buieau, Ninistiy of Finance, Febiuaiy 28, 2u11
Consultation with Foiest Bepaitment on Naich 11, 2u11
Communication on Pioject Foimulation uioup. Kainataka Foiest Bepaitment on Naich 14, 2u11

teim monitoiing. With institutional suppoit fiom foiestiy colleges in Siisi anu Ponnam-
pet KFB intenus to unueitake monitoiing baseu ieseaich on caibon stocks, biouiveisity,
foiest giowth anu, in association with Institute foi Socio-Economic Change (ISEC), socio-
economic aspects ielateu. Nitigation options have been pioposeu foi u.S6 million ha
(11%) of the potential aiea of S.u6 million ha ovei a S-yeai peiiou with focus on foiest
covei quality, iestoiation, tiee covei inciease anu agio-foiestiy. The coveiage will be
aujusteu in accoiuance with futuie funuing secuieu, fiom National Nission foi uieen
Inuia as well as othei buugets. Bowevei, KFB acknowleuges the insufficiency of man-
powei especially at lowei level to execute the implementation of piogiammes unuei the
mission. To oveicome this limitation a special puipose vehicle (SPv) is mooteu. Institu-
tional capacity is piojecteu to be expanueu fuithei by involving the Biiectoiate of Social
Foiestiy assisteu by subject specialists foi sociology, economy anu capacity builuing. vil-
lage Foiest Committees (vFCs) anu eco-uevelopment committees (EBCs) in implementa-
tion togethei with Nu0s anu Self-Belp uioups (SBu).

6.7.2. Conservat|on of b|od|vers|ty
uoveinment of Inuia passeu the Biological Biveisity Act 2uu2 to conseive biological ie-
souices, piomote sustainable use of these iesouice anu equitable shaiing of benefits.
0nuei the puiview of the Act, Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu (KBB) unuei the Bepait-
ment of Foiest, Ecology anu Enviionment in 2uuS.
0nuei the guiuance of KBB S,S42 Biouiveisity Nanagement Committees (BNCs) weie
establish in Kainataka until Naich 2u11. Theii establishments seeks to anchoi consei-
vation, sustainable use anu uocumentation of biological uiveisity at local levels. The
piepaiation of People's Biouiveisity Registeis (PBRs) in consultation with uiam
Panchayats plays a ciucial iole in this puisuit. PBR aims to builu up a tianspaient com-
mon platfoim to shaie the biouiveisity iesouice infoimation fiom village level. This also
incluues meuicinal anu phaimaceutical infoimation usage anu impoitance of biologi-
cally uiveisifieu iesouices. uiving an impoitance to the tiauitional knowleuge about the
iesouices befits ueiive anu piopoition of sustainable iesouices use is one of the main
anticipateu outcome. 21S of them have been piepaieu so fai anu anothei 2S will be
completeu by Naich 2u12. In Kainataka howevei PBR's weie initiateu much eailiei by
Founuation foi the Revitalisation of Local Bealth Tiauitions (FRLBT) in 199S. Between
1996 anu 1998 the Inuian Institute of Sciences cooiuinateu piepaiation of PBR at S2
sites in eight states unuei the national Biouiveisity Conseivation Piioiitisation Pio-
KBB also initiateu the piepaiation of a bio-uiveisity atlas anu majoi effoits aie being ui-
iecteu at biouiveisity conseivation in uiy zones. Pioject aieas of 1uu-2uu ha have been
uemaicateu in 1S uiy uistiicts. Theie will be no haivesting in these aieas while KBB will
ensuie fiie piotection, sowing of inuigenous species, soil anu watei conseivation. This
paiieu with a thiough uocumentation of biouiveisity seeks to piotect especially species
help in conseivation of uiy zone foiest species which aie unuei thieat uue to theii high
meuicinal value. The pioject iuentifieu 14 RET species. A compiehensive inventoiy of
bio-iesouices anu theii commeicial use has been uevelopeu togethei with an associa-
tion of meuicine manufactuieis. In Kainataka 198 phaimaceuticals anu 82 cosmetics
inuustiies aie using bio iesouices.

Climate change anu foiest sectoi in Kainataka; Impacts, Auaptation anu Nitigation. Inuian Institute of Sciences anu
Kainataka Foiest Bepaitment, ieceiveu on Naich 11, 2u11.

6.7.3. Conservat|on of Western Ghats
In 2uu8 the Westein uhats Task Foice was constituteu as custouian of the iich anu
unique biouiveisity of the iegion. It is iesponsible foi ueveloping policies foi sustain-
able uevelopment baseu on a scientific knowleuge submission of iecommenuations to
the Chief Ninistei on a peiiouic basis. Stiengthening of institutions, institutional coopei-
ation anu stakeholuei involvement emeiges as iecuiiing elements in its woik. Euucation
anu ieseaich institutions have been appioacheu with a iequest to engage in conseiva-
tion. Effoits aie maue to stieamline unspecifieu activities of KFB's Reseaich Wing
thiough consultations, involving uiscussions on the possibility of establishing a KFB
piomoteu Reseaich Institute. Seveial shoit-teim stuuies have been commissioneu to
impiove planning claiity. A 2u1u iepoit
of the task foice piesents some notewoithy
achievements in this iespect:
! Beclaiation of Bhimagau Reseive Foiest in Belgaum uistiict as Wilulife Sanctuaiy
unuei the Wilulife (Piotection) Act, 1972 thiough the State Wilulife Boaiu. The same
is being puisueu foi Chincholi in uulbaiga uistiict anu Kappata uuuua in uauag uis-
! Beclaiation of foui biouiveisity hotspots as Conseivation Reseive unuei the Wilulife
(Piotection) Act, 1972 thiough the State Wilulife Boaiu. These incluue Aghanahshini
valley, Beuthi valley anu the Banueli foiest iegion in 0ttaia Kannaua uistiict anu
Basui Amiutha Nahal Kaval in Chikmagalui uistiict. The lattei was iecommenueu
paiticulaily foi theii tiauitional cattle bieeus;
! Beclaiation of foui aieas weie as natuial heiitage sites unuei the Biological Biveisity
(Conseivation) Act, 2uu2 thiough the Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu (KBB). These
compiise of Netiani Islanu (0ttaia Kannaua uistiict), a vegetation aiea uKvK Campus,
Bangaloie, Bogiekhan (Chikmagalui) anu Ambaiguuua (Shimoga);
! Beclaiation of ten tiee species as heiitage tiees unuei the Biological Biveisity (Con-
seivation), Act 2uu2 thiough the Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu (KBB);
! Piomotion of paiticipatoiy agio-foiestiy piactice thiough a seiies of woikshops in
five locations. Action has been initiateu in 0ttaia Kanaua to uevelop minoi foiest with
ceitain piivileges to faimeis with hilly lanuholuings;
! Commencement of uevelopment of a mine ieclamation mouel in Bisgou ieseive foiest
(0ttaia Kannaua) with active paiticipation of the local community.
KBB has initiateu conuucting caiiying capacity stuuies foi uevelopmental activities in
the Westein uhats.
6.7.4. 1ree p|ant|ng
Tiee planting emeiges as an intei-uepaitmental effoit with seveial othei agencies con-
tiibuting within the confines of theii iespective juiisuictions. KSPCB iepoits to have en-
couiageu inuustiies to plant some 7S lakh saplings ovei the past two yeais by making it
conuitional foi accoiuing consent foi establishment oi opeiation. A taiget of 1.S cioie
saplings has been set foi inuustiial aieas.
The Public Woiks Bepaitment (PWB) iepoits
to examine the possibility of incluuing cost anu othei piovisions foi tiee planting in ioau
constiuction estimates.
Compensatoiy tiee planting howevei appeais to be alieauy es-
tablisheu piactice anu pieiequisite foi obtaining enviionmental cleaiances. PWB's

Najoi Achievements. Repoit of the Westein uhats Task Foice, Septembei 28, 2u1u
Consultation with Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu (KSPCB) on Naich 8, 2u11
Lettei of Public Woiks Bepaitment (PWB) uateu Febiuaiy u2, 2u11

PWB's Kainataka State Bighways Impiovement Pioject foi example was accoiueu con-
sent to fell neaily 11,uuu tiees foi upgiauing 6Su km of state highway as its pioposal
pioviueu foi plantations along the entiie ioau length at a iate of 2uu tiees pei km. Foi
eveiy tiee felleu aiounu ten new ones will be planteu.
0bligations emeiging fiom envi-
ionmental management plans aie saiu to be implementeu with caie anu thought, stiess-
ing on benefits such as emission ieuuctions thiough impioveu iiuing, caibon sinks cie-
ateu anu, without quantification, auoption of social foiestiy anu impiovement of ioau-
siue ponus.

G"O" V.==.%/= D/E)4 -@) ,H3PP
The National Nission foi a uieen Inuia iecognizes that climate change phenomena will
affect anu altei the uistiibution, type anu quality of natuial iesouices anu the associateu
livelihoous of the people. The Nission acknowleuges the influences that the foiestiy sec-
toi has on enviionmental amelioiation thiough climate mitigation, foou secuiity, watei
secuiity, biouiveisity conseivation anu livelihoou secuiity of foiest uepenuent commu-
nities. The Nission aims at auuiessing climate change by:
! Enhancing caibon sinks in sustainably manageu foiests anu othei ecosystems;
! Enhancing the iesilience anu ability of vulneiable speciesecosystems to auapt to the
! climate; anu
! Enabling auaptation of foiest uepenuant local communities in the face of climatic
With iegaiu to the functioning of the mission, an Auvisoiy Council chaiieu by the Ninis-
tei foi Enviionment anu Foiests, uovt. of Inuia will pioviue oveiall guiuance to the mis-
sion. A National Steeiing Committee will pioviue necessaiy uiiection anu suppoit to the
Nission activities. The implementation peiiou of the mission woulu be 1u yeais, i.e.,
fiom FY 2u1u-2u11 to FY 2u19-2u2u. The total mission cost is estimateu to be Rs 44,uuu
cioies. The objectives of the mission aie thiee-folu:
! Bouble the aiea to be taken up foi affoiestation eco-iestoiation in Inuia in the next
1u yeais, taking the total aiea to be affoiesteu oi eco-iestoieu to 2u million ha.
! Inciease the uBu iemovals by Inuia's foiests to 6.SS% of Inuia's annual total uBu
emissions by the yeai 2u2u
! Enhance the iesilience of foiestsecosystems being tieateu unuei the mission
The mission taigets a specific set of outputs as given below by allocating ceitain tenta-
tive costs foi inteiventions. The state of Kainataka may make use of these allocations,
wheievei applicable.
! The mission taigets an inciease on foiest covei anu uensity of 2.u million ha of mou-
eiately uense foiests. It has allocateu Rs. S,uuu cioie to iegeneiate 2 million ha of
moueiately uense foiest.
! The mission taigets that 4.u million ha of uegiaueu foiests aie iegenei-
ateuaffoiesteu anu sustainably manageu. The Nission has allocateu Rs. 12,uuu cioie
to iegeneiate 4 million ha sciubgiasslanu ecosystems. As suggesteu by the Nission,
Kainataka will pioactively take action on uegiaueu lanu thiough uiiect action by
communities oiganizeu thiough }FNCs (}oint Foiest Nanagement Committees).

Lettei of State Level Enviionmental Impact Assessment Authoiity (SLEIAA), uateu }anuaiy 29, 2u11
Note in the context of climate change. Kainataka State Bighways Impiovement Pioject, Apiil 2u, 2u11

! A total of 2.u m ha of sciubgiasslanus is aimeu to be iestoieu anu put unuei sustain-
able multiple uses. The Nission has allocateu Rs Suuu Cioie to iegeneiate 2 mha
sciubgiasslanu ecosystem.
! The Nission taigets u.1u m ha of mangioves to be iestoieuestablisheu. The Nission
has allocateu Rs Suu Cioie to iegeneiate u.1 mha mangiove ecosystem.
! The Nission has taigeteu u.1u m ha of wetlanus to show enhanceu conseivation sta-
tus. It has allocateu Rs 6uu Cioie to iegeneiate u.1 mha wetlanu ecosystem.
! A total of u.2u m ha of uibanpeii uiban foiest lanus anu institutional lanus is tai-
geteu to be biought unuei tiee covei. The Nission has taigeteu Rs.2uuu Cioie to ie-
geneiate u.2 mha uibanpeiiuibanInstitutional lanus.
! The Nission taigets 1.Su m ha of uegiaueu agiicultuial lanus anu fallows to be
biought unuei agio-foiestiy. Foi this puipose, it has allocateu Rs 7Suu Cioie to ue-
velop 1.S mha agio foiestiy & social foiestiy.
! It aims that u.1u m ha of coiiiuoi aieas, ciitical to wilulife migiation aie secuieu. The
Nission has allocateu Rs Suu Cioie to uevelop u.1 Nha coiiiuois.
! The Nission taigets that impioveu fuel woou use efficiency uevices aie auopteu in
about 1u million householus (along with alteinative eneigy uevices). It also aims to
enhance biomassNTFP baseu community livelihoous that will leau to ieuuceu vul-
G"T" 1)$)<-)E );)4A./A ./-)4*)/-.%/ '4)'=
! Stiategies shoulu be auopteu to iuentify maiket-linkeu oppoitunities foi uevelop-
ment of iobust caibon sinks as well as incieasing income foi local communities.
! Climate change impact ieseaich stuuies on the state caiiieu out by vaiious uepait-
ments anu oiganisations shoulu be collateu anu analyseu foi ueveloping auaptation
anu mitigation piojects.
! In oiuei to optimize caibon stock in foiests, iegeneiation anu piouuction piactices in
foiests shoulu be assesseu iegulaily.
! It is iequiieu to ensuie the minimization of uBu emissions, stanuaiu 'Coue of opei-
ations' shoulu exist foi activities such as planting, soil anu watei conseivation, use of
feitilizeis anu machineiy.
! Plantation activities suiiounuing lakes anu wateisheus shoulu be uone to pievent soil
eiosion, evapoiation loss, pievention of siltation, watei leaching to othei aieas, beau-
tification of local aiea, maintenance of local geo-chemical piocess etc.
! 0iban Foiestiy plan shoulu be uevelopeu along with city mastei plans
! A plan shoulu be uevelopeu foi planting 1.S cioie saplings incluuing bio-uiesel plants
between 2u1u anu 2u12.
! A compiehensive plan shoulu be maue foi cieating awaieness foi touiists about the
impoitance of touiism anu biouiveisity conseivation.
! Suivey uemaication & notification of foiest aieas facilitating iuentification of aieas
wheie buffeis can be cieateu
! The plantation mouels baseu on the inuigenous species suitable to local climatic con-
uitions shoulu be uefineu
! Piepaie a plan foi involvement of local communities thiough Paiticipatoiy Foiest
Nanagement anu ueveloping agio-foiestiy mouels
! 0btain caibon cieuits foi foiest conseivation

! Iuentification of impoitant buffei aieas, coiiiuois anu potential aieas foi affoiesta-
tion by satellite anu giounu suiveys
! Establishing weathei monitoiing uata loggeis at at least 1uu uistinct sites in pio-
tecteu aieas anu othei impoitant habitats of the state.
! Satellite baseu monitoiing piocess continues anu feeuback is communicateu to the
policy makeis foi fuithei actions.
! Establishing geim plasm collection banks of foiest genetic iesouices at S sites in the
state accoiuing to the agio-ecological iegions.


Kainataka's coast (124S' - 1Suu' anu 74uu' - 7Suu') stietches foi S2u kilometies
along the thiee uistiicts of Bakshina Kannaua, 0uupi anu 0ttaia Kannaua (Figuie S9). 0f
these uistiicts, 0ttaia Kannaua has 16u-kilometie long coastline while 98 kilometies aie
in 0uupi uistiict anu the iest is in Bakshina Kannaua
. Theie aie thiee uistinct agio-
climatic zones ianging fiom coastal flatlanus in the west with unuulating hills anu val-
leys in the miuule anu high hill in the east that sepaiates it fiom the peninsula. Theie is a
naiiow stiip of coastal plains with vaiying wiuth between the mountain anu the Aiabian
Sea, the aveiage wiuth being about Su to 8u km. The aveiage height of the hinteilanu is
7u - 7S meteis, but in some places it is as high as 1Su meteis. The abiupt iises at the
eastein flanks foim the Westein uhats. The noithein paits of the uhats aie of lowei ele-
vations (4Su-6uu meteis) as compaieu to southein paits (9uu to 1Suu meteis)
. In view
of the exploitation of natuial iesouices like fisheiies, sanu mining anu uevelopmental
activities such as vaiious petiochemical, feitilizeis anu allieu inuustiies has put extieme
ecological piessuie on the coast of the state.

M"!" 1%<.%)<%/%;.<= %? -@) <%'=-'$ W%/)
The costal Kainataka state has eight maiitime taluks; one (Nangalui) in Bakshina Kan-
naua uistiict, two (0uupi anu Kunuapui) in 0uupi uistiict anu five (Bhatkal, Bonnavai,
Kumta, Ankola anu Kaiwai) in 0ttaia Kannaua uistiict. The coast has 22 uiban agglom-
eiations anu 1,u44 villages
. As pei 2uu1 census Nangaloie has highest population of
8,82,8S6 anu Ankola the lowest. In Kainataka, the coastal aiea's aveiage population
uensity is 2SS peisonsKm
(SS7 - highest in Bakshina Kannaua, 0uupi; 29u anu 0ttaia
Kannaua; 1S2)
. Table S4 exhibits the cuiient status of population anu piojecteu popu-

Reuuy, B. R.v. (2u1u). Coastal issues anu conceineu: Challenges foi ieseaich Community, Annamalai 0niveisity
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Business Line, 2uu4, Financial Baily, The Binuu, Fiiuay, Naich 12.

lation giowth in coastal cities of Kainataka as iepoiteu by Kainataka 0iban Infiastiuc-
tuie Bevelopment Coipoiation unuei Kainataka 0iban Bevelopment anu Coastal Envi-
ionmental Nanagement Pioject
. It can be noticeu fiom the table that cuiient anu pio-
jecteu population giowth iemains high foi Nangaloie city followeu by 0uupi.

3cQKQRZ _.D""` EUNgITKIS _.D"<`

Nangaloie 41S272 676788 1S2.82
0llaa 49862 84864 11.uu
Puttui 48u6S 6S967 S4.uu
0uupi 11SuS9 17u18u 6S.u8
Kunuapuia 28S9S 4Su49 1S.uu
Kaiwai 6296u 99S64 27.1S
Ankola 14Su6 26S62 7.42
Bhatkal S8711 1S642u 12.48
Banueli S178S 746S1 S.S7
Siisi SS287 1u2842 9.Su
2NKFH 87S88u 1478687 S2u.u2

The aiea is pieuominantly agiaiian involving about 6u% of the woikfoice. Noie than
7u% of cultivateu lanu is unuei ceieals with iice as the piinciple ciop. Fishing is one of
the majoi souices of livelihoou with about one lakh people uiiectly engageu in it anu an-
othei two lakh in associateu activities
In auuition, inuustiial activities have also iecoiueu a iapiu giowth pioviuing uiiect em-
ployment to neaily two lakh people
. Similai to pioblems acioss the globe, the situation
is no uiffeient in Kainataka - inuustiialization, impiopei lanu use, unsustainable eco-
nomic activities anu oveiexploitation of natuial iesouices have auveisely affecteu the
coastal enviionment. The effluents anu emissions uischaigeu by laige inuustiies anu
powei plants, uniegulateu touiism, anu intensive aquacultuie have negatively affecteu
the coastal enviionment. Becline in mangioves anu coastal wetlanus have eioueu its
pollutant-filteiing capacity.
Table SS exhibits the lanu use pattein in the coastal uistiicts of Kainataka. As ievealeu
in the table, 0ttaia Kannaua uistiict has the highest peicentage (84.4%) of uncultivable
lanu followeu by Bakshina Kannaua (S1.8%). 0ut of total uncultivable lanu, aiounu 27%
is coveieu unuei foiest in 0uupi anu Bakshina Kannaua while 0ttaia Kannaua uistiict
has lanu as high 79.S% unuei foiest. Appioximately 28% lanu is unuei cultivation in
0uupi anu Bakshina Kannaua while 0ttaia Kannaua has only 1u.6% lanu unuei cultiva-

Business Line, 2uu4, Financial Baily, The Binuu, Fiiuay, Naich 12.
Reuuy, B. R.v. (2u1u). Coastal issues anu conceineu: Challenges foi ieseaich Community, Annamalai 0niveisity


ueogiaphical Aiea (uuu ha) 477149 SS6446 1u24679
Aiea unuei foiest covei 26.9 27.9 79.S
Lanu Put to Non Agiicultuie use 12.S 1u.8 S.S
Baiien anu 0ncultivable Lanu 12.4 S.S 1.6
2NKFH % 9"#C 8. C8#8
0n cultivable Lanu (% of total aiea)
Peimanent pastuie anu uiazing lanu 4.1 S 1.9
Lanu usei tiees anu gioves 6.8 1S.6 u.4
2NKFH $ "5#C .9#; 6
Cuiient fallow lanu 1.4 1.2 u.9
0thei fallow lanu 1.1 2.4 1
2NKFH & .#9 6#< "#;
-. ,IK MN\R FUIF _] NO KNKFH FUIF` 28 28.S 1u.6
Total gioss cioppeu aiea (% of total aiea) S4 S6.S 11.6
Aiea sown moie than once (% of total aiea) 6 7.8 1

M"+" P%'=-'$ &.%E.*)4=.-6
The state of Kainataka has a iich biouiveisity suppoiting numbei of ecological functions
in the coastal eco-systems incluuing livelihoou oppoitunities to millions of people. Kai-
nataka's coastline extenus ovei a length of S2u kilometies with numeious iivei mouths,
lagoons, bays, cieeks, cliffs, sanu uunes anu long beaches. The shelf off Kainataka has an
aveiage wiuth of 8u kilometies anu the uepth of shelf bieak is between 9u anu 12u me-
teis. Theie aie 26 estuaiies with moie than 7uuuu ha watei spieau aiea anu 8uuu ha of
biackish watei aiea, making the coastal line of Kainataka veiy iich in maiine, estuaiine
anu iiveiine biouiveisity
. The Westein uhats, which iun paiallel to the coastline, is in-
ueeu an integial pait of the coast. Fouiteen iiveis which oiiginate in these uhats iun
westwaiu anu join the Aiabian Sea. These iiveis caiiy silt anu oiganic uebiis fiom the
foiesteu hinteilanu into the estuaiine aieas anu the coastal sea anu contiibute gieatly to
the piouuctivity anu uiveisity of the coastal ecosystems. The tiues tiavel long uistances,
even 2u-Su kms inteiioi, thiough many of these iiveis, making the saline aquatic habitat
suitable foi seveial maiine anu estuaiine oiganisms. The impoitant estuaiies incluue
Netiavati, uuipui, Nulki, Bangaikatta, uangolli, Shaiavathi, Aghanashini, uangavali anu
. The foiests of the hinteilanus, almost 2u to Su kms inteiioi, weie consiueieu
uuiing the Biitish peiiou as "innei coastal zone"
. The commeicial exploitation of coastal
iesouices is causing iiiepaiable uamage to iegeneiation of coastal vulneiable iesouices.
These aie subjecteu to seveie thieats uue to anthiopogenic piessuies in the coastal

Biouiveisity conseivation anu management in coastal uistiicts of Kainataka suivey (2uu7). Kainataka Biouiveisity
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. 2uuS. ENPRI, uoveinment of Kainataka
Biouiveisity conseivation anu management in coastal uistiicts of Kainataka suivey (2uu7). Kainataka Biouiveisity

aieas ovei the yeais. Nany anthiopogenic activities have leu to the loss of biouiveisity.
Theie aie few islanus of the coast such as St. Naiy's islanu, 4 kilometeis fiom Nalpe.
Coastal aieas aie some of the most piouuctive anu impoitant habitat of the biospheie
incluuing estuaiies, backwateis anu coastal wetlanus. Theie aie 14 coial species anu 4
sponge species founu in this iegion such as >-#)5'.72((&'# Sp. E+51&#$#$ Sp, uoniastiea
pectinatu che. Small gaint clams (E5&)$*#$ ,$F&'#$) aie piotecteu unuei the Inuian
wilulife piotection Act. Theie aie about 62 phytoplankton; 78 species of sea weeus (6$#:
/$66$, &(&*&4'(&+,), 2 species of sea giass, 11S zooplankton such as !*$5%&$ *($+6&&8 !*5':
*$($#+6 /&11-58 Q+.7$+6&$ )&',-)-$-8 C%2('*7-&5'# $5,$%+, etc aie obseiveu along the
Kainataka coasts apait fiom these 2S4 species of ;'((+6*- out of which S aie thieateneu
such as E5&)$*#$ ,$F&,$8 M$,1&6 *7&5$/5$ anu .($*-#%$H SS species of shiimps weie fiist
iecoiueu fiom Kainataka coasts iecently. 1uS species of ciabs, S species of stai fish, 2
species of sea uichius, one species of sea cucumbei have been obseiveu along the coasts.
S9u maiine fish species, S species of sea tuitles, 4 species of whales, 4 species of uol-
phins aie commonly seen along the coasts.
M"0" R.=@)4.)=
In Kainataka, fisheiies sectoi contiibutes u.7% of gioss SuBP anu S.18% of Net SuBP to
the State's economy at cuiient piices. The shaie of fisheiies within agiicultuie sectoi
anu in the total is on an incieasing tienu. Thus fisheiies aie one of the thiust aiea in the
uevelopment of the state. The coast has 27,uuu Km
of continental shelf aiea, iich in pel-
agic fisheiy iesouices. The state's shaie of "Exclusive Economic Zone" compiises of
87,uuu Km
of coastal wateis anu open sea with moie than Suu vaiieties of maiine
fishes. Its iesouice potential is estimateu at annual fish haivest of 4.2S Lakh N tons of
which 2.2S lakh metiic tons fiom inshoie aieas up to a uepth of 7u m anu iemaining 2.u
lakh metiic tons fiom the off shoieueep sea zone. Theie aie 29 fish-lanuing centies in-
cluuing five minoi fishing haibouis along the Kainataka coast
. Naiine fish piouuction
fiom Kainataka coast has witnesseu consiueiable vaiiation. Buiing the last 1u yeais the
lowest piouuction of 1.28 lakh metiic tons was iecoiueu uuiing 2uu1-u2. Bowevei the
maiine fish piouuction uuiing 2uu9-1u was 2.49 lakh metiic tons anu S7SS9 metiic
tons of maiine piouucts woith Rs. S91.12 cioie weie expoiteu fiom the state

1997-98 1898S9 12uS42 S1u4u1
1998-99 16u627 118419 279u46
1999-uu 16S6SS 126646 292299
2uuu-u1 1779u7 127468 SuSS7S
2uu1-u2 128416 121196 249612
2uu2-uS 18u161 86262 26642S
2uuS-u4 187uuS 7uuS6 2S7uS9
2uu4-uS 171227 8u47u 2S1698
2uuS-u6 176974 12uS99 297S7S

Piajapati, R. C (2u1u) Kainataka Biouiveisity at glance, Kainataka biouiveisity boaiu Bangaloie
Kainataka at a ulance 2uu6-u7. Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, Bangaloie
Kainataka at a ulance 2uu6-u7. Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, Bangaloie

2uu6-u7 168S4S 12S919 292464
2uu7-u8 17SS66 122124 29769u
2uu8-u9 2181S7 14S717 S618S4
M"2" X/*.4%/;)/-'$ .==D)=
7.4.1. Coasta| eros|on and sea |eve| r|se

Incieasing iepoits of coastal eiosion in the last two uecaues have iaiseu a uoubt
whethei the eiosion is a iecent phenomenon. Bynamic changes have occuiieu in this
fiagile 'bounuaiy between the lanu anu the sea, evei since the bounuaiy was foimeu,
but the changes have ieceiveu public-, attention only now because of theii incieaseu im-
poitance anu economic impact- It is also possible that incieaseu human inteifeience
may have upset the uelicate equilibiium establisheu by natuie. Nan has no business to
inteifeie in natuie's playfielus anu must face the consequences of such inteivention. The
piimaiy causes of coastal eiosion in any given iegion aie geneially the following" 1) Bi-
iect wave action, 2) Inteiception of littoial uiift., S)Sea level changes, 4) Rivei mouth
changes, anu S) Sanu mining

About Su peicent of the aiea unuei coastal zone is subjecteu to moueiate soil eiosion
anu 16 peicent of the aiea to seveie soil eiosion. The annual iates of soil eiosion vaiy
fiom S-1S tonshectaie to 1S-4u tonshectaie in moueiate to seveie soil eiosion aieas
The pioblem is ielatively moie seveie in Bakshina Kannaua anu 0uupi coasts. The eio-
sion becomes seveie uue to the synchionization of high floou in the iivei with stiong
wave activity uuiing southwest monsoon. The most affecteu locations aie Kunuapui
Koui, Bangaikatta anu Bengie. Eiosionbank collapse in the tiual ieaches of iivei is also
seveie anu extenus at least to about 12 kilometeis. This has also been noticeu in Balaui
Rivei, Sitanaui neai Nabukal anu 0llal siue of Netiavathi iiveibank
. In anothei stuuy
coastal eiosion anu submeigence of lanu have been iepoiteu at Ankola, Bhatkal, Nalpe,
Nului, Nangaloie, Bonnavai, Naiavante anu uokain in Kainataka. About 6u km of
beach (19% of the total length of shoieline) is affecteu by eiosion. The pioblem is iela-
tively moie seveie in Bakshina Kannaua anu 0uupi coasts, wheie about 28% of the total
stietch is ciitical. In 0ttaia Kannaua iegion, about 8% of the coast is subjecteu to seveie
. Buiing 2uu4 NoEF iepoiteu that mouths of the small coastal iiveis anu
backwateis at many places aie unueigoing eiosion. Aiounu 41% aiea of coastline is
eioueu which incluues 6% highly eioueu aiea. Bynamic anu migiating shoal-ing activi-
ties at vaiious locations along the coastline, makes it pione to uestiuction anu vulneia-
ble to climate ielateu iisks.
The sea-level iise piojection along the Inuian coastline is in sync with the global piojec-
tions as assesseu in the IPCC Fouith Assessment Repoit anu founu that theie aie foui

Kainataka Agiicultuie Policy, 2uu6. uoveinment of Kainataka
Reuuy, B. R.v. (2u1u). Coastal issues anu conceineu: Challenges foi ieseaich Community, Annamalai 0niveisity
Reuuy, B.R.v. (2u1u). Coastal issues anu conceineu: Challenges foi ieseaich Community, Annamalai 0niveisity
Bas, C.K.L. (2uu6) Coastal Eiosion Nanagement: Recent Initiatives". National Institute of Bisastei Nanagement, New
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. 2uuS. ENPRI, uoveinment of Kainataka

majoi factois ielateu to this phenomenon. Theimal expansion of the oceans, melting of
the mountain glacieis anu small ice caps, melting of the uieenlanu ice sheet anu the
iapiu bieakuown of the euge of the Antaictic ice sheet aie the possible factois foi the
global sea level iise
. Besciiptive statistics of the mean sea level is listeu in Table S7. In
one of the stuuies, of 0uupi coast (stietch of 9S km) in Kainataka state, it has been ob-
seiveu between 2uuu anu 2uu6, iate of eiosion was u.6u18 km
yeai anu aiounu 46 km
is unuei ciitical eiosion. Bue to sea level iise, S9% of total 9S km stietch is at veiy high
iisk, 7% high, 4% moueiate anu Su% lies in the low vulneiable categoiy. Inunuation an-
alysis of 0uupi coast shows that 42.19 km
anu S72.u8 km
of the lanu aiea will be sub-
meigeu by floouing at 1 m anu 1u m inunuation levels iespectively

Nangaloie Piioi 198u 6962.88 7u18.29 24 6919 27.S2
Nangaloie aftei 198u 7u72.4S 714u98 2u 7u28 S2.u8
Nangaloie (-149 befoie 1978) 2S6 (aftei 1978)

Stuuy on Piojections of impact of climate change oi sea level iise on foou piouuction oi
biouiveisity loss along west coast paiticulaily Kainataka coast aie still in an infancy
stage. Bowevei, some simulation analysis on possible impacts of climate change on
some of the piominent ciops in westein coastal uistiicts of Inuia was caiiieu out foi
A1B 2uSu scenaiio
. Climate change is piojecteu to affect the yielus of iiiigateu iice in
some paits of west coast uistiicts. Iiiigateu iice yielus aie piojecteu to maiginally in-
ciease (<S%) but 0n the othei hanu, iain-feu iice may ieuuce by up to 2u% in the west
coast uistiict. Wheieas yielus of coconut aie piojecteu to inciease in the west coast of
Inuia up to Su% (pioviueu cuiient level of watei is maue available in futuie scenaiio as
well). This may be uue to lowei cuiient tempeiatuie in the west coast.
Impact of sea level iise on coastal wetlanus of Kainataka was stuuieu uuiing 2uuS anu
the iesults aie uepicteu in Table S8. These iesults cleaily inuicate that theie is uiiect ie-
lationship between sea level iise anu costal wetlanu loss. Also it was noticeu that cui-
ient piojecteu iise in sea level was u.2S6 N anu if piesent tienu continue to next 1uu
yeais. Loss is costal wetlanu aiea woulu be 46u.8 km

Inteigoveinmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2uu1. The scientific basis, Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess, Cam-
biiuge, CB2 2R0, 0K.
u.S. Bwaiakish, S.A. vinay, 0sha Natesan, Toshiyuki Asano,Taio Kakinuma, Katta venkataiamana B. }agaueesha Pai
anu N. K Babita (2uu9). Coastal vulneiability assessment of the futuie sea level iise in 0uupi coastal zone of Kaina-
taka state, west coast of Inuia, 0cean anu Coastal management, S2 (9): 467 to 478
Bwijenuia, N. B. anu vinou Kumai S. (2uuS) Analysis of sea level iise anu its impact on coastal wetlanus of Inuia
Pioceeuings of the 14th Biennial Coastal Zone Confeience New 0ileans, Louisiana
Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.
Bwijenuia, N. B. anu vinou Kumai S. (2uuS) Analysis of sea level iise anu its impact on coastal wetlanus of Inuia
Pioceeuings of the 14th Biennial Coastal Zone Confeience New 0ileans, Louisiana


4IF /IXIH UQMI D#" _P` D#. _P` D#6 _P` D#8 _P` D#9 _P`
Kainataka 18u S6u S4u 72u 9uu
(if the piesent tienu continues in the next 1uu yeais)
Piojecteu iise in sea level(N) Loss in Wetlanu Aiea
u.2S6 46u.8

7.4.2. Coasta| po||ut|on
As fai as inuustiial waste uisposal is conceineu, the Fish anu Fish 0il Inuustiial units aie
at piesent uiiectly uischaiging theii effluents into the sea oi backwateis. Soliu waste-
uumping yaiu of Nangaloie city has an aiea of 28.S2 hectaies, which is pooily manageu.
It is estimateu that about Suu tons pei uay soliu waste is geneiateu in the Nangaloie city
of which 2uu tons pei uay is collecteu anu uisposeu into lanufill. At 0uupi, the soliu
waste geneiation is of the oiuei of 8 tons pei uay of which S tons pei uay is uisposeu at
unsecuieu lanufill with an aiea of six acies
. The neai shoie anu estuaiine wateis aie
subjecteu to pollution uue to vaiious ieasons such as inauequate sanitaiy measuies in
aujacent aieas, poit activities, effluent uischaige fiom inuustiies, uumping of fish wastes
etc. The maiine pollution heie geneially extenus upto S kilometeis anu iaiely upto 1u
kilometies fiom the shoie
To sum up, in the Coastal iegion the majoi thieat has been litteiing the iegion with bio-
meuical waste, soliu waste anu municipal sewage in the uiban aiea anu plastic as
against majoi inuustiial wastes. Laige scale awaieness anu people paiticipation anu pe-
nalising the violatois will help impiove the enviionment. An immeuiate necessity is the
elimination of plastic fiom the towns.
7.4.3. Sa||n|ty
0ne of the giave pioblems in the coastal iegion has been saline watei intiusion uestioy-
ing laige span of stanuing agiicultuie anu hoiticultuie ciops. Instances of saline watei
intiusion aie iecoiueu in the coast uue to sea eiosion anu tiual influx in the estuaiy. The
coastal alluvial aquifeis aie highly peimeable anu aie in hyuiaulic continuity with sea
estuaiine watei. Theiefoie, inuisciiminate pumping fiom wells heie leaus to salinity in-
tiusion. The high level of giounu watei exploitation, levelling of sanu uunes to extenu
agiicultuie lanu oi foi constiuction puipose in the coastal zone, accentuates the piob-
. The intiusion of saline watei into giounu watei aquifeis anu the ingiession of
seawatei to the iiveisestuaiies aie auveisely affecting the availability of potable watei,
especially uuiing uiy season. 0n the iivei bank, main ieason foi tiual watei intiusion is
the pooi quality of constiuction causing bieach in the bunus. To auuiess this pioblem,
uoveinment of Kainataka initiateu constiuction sea wall to pievent salt watei entiy into

Bwijenuia, N. B. anu vinou Kumai S. (2uuS) Analysis of sea level iise anu its impact on coastal wetlanus of Inuia
Pioceeuings of the 14th Biennial Coastal Zone Confeience New 0ileans, Louisiana
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. 2uuS. ENPRI, uoveinment of Kainataka
Reuuy, B. R.v. (2u1u). Coastal issues anu conceineu: Challenges foi ieseaich Community, Annamalai 0niveisity
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

the pauuy fielus. Bowevei, pooi quality of constiuction uestioys the wall anu the piob-
lem peisists

";;C .DD. .DD5 .D".
Kaiwai 16 22.6 S7 S2 White
Kumata S4 6u 7S 9u Baik
Bonnavai 4S S1 66 81 uiay
Bhatakal S2 S8 7S 89 Baik
Ankola 16 22 S7 S2 White
Kunuapui SS 41 6u 79 uiay
0uupi 4S SS 72 9u Baik
Nangaloie 4S SS 66 8u uiey

7.4.4. Unsusta|nab|e f|sh|ng
The commeicially impoitant fishes in the sea aiounu Kainataka aie soil saiuine, mack-
eiel, catfishes, penaeiu piawns, shaiks, seei fishes, anchoivies, clupious, squill anu
squius. Kainataka has a shelf aiea of 27,uuu km
of which 8,uuu squaie kilometeis with
watei uepth up to Sum aie extensively exploiteu foi maiine fisheiies. The state contii-
butes about 1u peicent of the total maiine fish lanuing in the countiy. Theie has been
substantial inciease in the use of tiawleis in iecent yeais. In the yeai 2uu4-uS, alto-
gethei about SSuu tiawl nets anu 42S puise-seine nets have been useu. 0n an aveiage,
about 82 peicent of the total catch is haivesteu using puis-seine (27 peicent) anu tiawl
nets (SS%)
. The puise-seine net methou taigets an iuentifieu shoal anu the tiawl ac-
tivity leaus to scooping of the sea bottom. Selective scooping by tiawl nets has exeiteu
tiemenuous piessuie on benthic oiganisms anu theii suivival as these aie thiown ovei-
boaiu anu aie uiscaiueu. In one of the stuuy it was estimateu that the peak catch ovei
the last 2u yeais fiom the state was u.22 million tonnes in the yeai 1996-97 as an esti-
mateu maximum sustainable yielu of u.1S million tonnes. The pei unit effoit anu the ie-
tuin on investment aie uecline in maiine fisheiy sectoi at Kainataka coast
7.4.S. Lncroachment
A Notable encioachment is obseiveu in the Nangaloie Poit, Belekeii poit, Naval Base,
Nuiueshwai etc. In auuition, uieuging activities in the haiboui iegion leau to uumping
of uieuging mateiial ieclaiming lanu. Such encioachments anu uieuging have been caus-
ing eiosion at seveial places that iequiie scientific confiimation. Foi example aftei the
constiuction of bieakwatei in Baithkol, Kaiwai anu Binga Naval aiea, Similaily foi con-

State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. (2uuS). uoveinment of Kainataka
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Reuuy, B. R. v. (2u1u). Coastal issues anu conceineu: Challenges foi ieseaich Community, Annamalay 0niveisity
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. 2uuS. ENPRI, uoveinment of Kainataka
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. 2uuS. ENPRI, uoveinment of Kainataka

stiuction of jetties whaifs etc encioachments aie maue into the sea in the entiie coastal
M"9" H<-.%/=I 5%$.<.)= '/E ./=-.-D-.%/'$ 54)5'4)E/)==
The coastal ecosystems aie highly uistuibeu anu veiy much thieateneu, encounteiing
pioblems like pollution, siltation, anu eiosion, floouing, saltwatei intiusion, stoim
suiges uue to evei expanuing human settlements. 0nuei the Enviionment (Piotection)
Act, 1986, the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification was issueu in 1991. By the saiu noti-
fication, the coastal aieas weie classifieu into foui categoiies. i.e. C RZ - I,CRZ - II, CRZ -
III, CRZ - Iv. The ecologically sensitive aieas anu aieas of extiaoiuinaiy natuial beauty
aie incluueu unuei CRZ - I, wheie no activity is alloweu. The coastal stietches of uiban
anu uevelopeu aieas aie categoiizeu unuei CRZ II. The aieas, which uo not come unuei
CRZ - I anu II aie incluueu in CRZ - III wheie no constiuction is peimitteu up to 2uu m
fiom the high tiue line. The Lakshauweep, Anuaman anu Nicobai Islanus anu small
islanus aie categoiizeu in CRZ - Iv. In all CRZ notification, EIA has been maue manuatoiy
to caiiy out befoie notification of any CRZ. Kainataka State Coastal Zone Nanagement
Authoiity, has been constituteu viue notification No. S.0.21 (E), uateu u4.u1.2uu2 by
NoEF, u0I as pei sub section (1) anu (S) of section S of Enviionment (piotection) Act,
1986 foi a peiiou of thiee yeais.
2 S 4 S
It piepaieu the state's fiist Coastal Zone Nanage-
ment Plan, which ieceiveu NoEF appioval in 1996.
Aieas to be iegulateu weie iuenti-
fieu using maps anu satellite imageiy. The piecision of the uefinition of uemaications
howevei pioveu insufficiently. Napping with the bettei accuiacy was then entiusteu to
National Byuiogiaphic 0ffice, Behiauun.
Kainataka State Coastal Nanagement Auth-
oiity establisheu in a iegional office in each of Kainataka's thiee coastal uistiicts, fol-
loweu by the constitution of Bistiict Coastal Zone Nanagement Committees in 2uu2.
These aie sought to be ie-constituteu now, incluuing iepiesentatives of local fishing
communities, implying that the committees have fallen uefunct. In its Naich 2u11 meet-
ing Kainataka State Coastal Nanagement Authoiity uefineu a iange of fuithei actions to
be taken by uoK.
These action points aie inuicative of absolute claiity on piioiities anu
stipulating both timefiames anu agencies iesponsible anu incluue:
! Cuibing the uischaige of untieateu effluents fiom inuustiies anu settlements (Apiil
2u1S) anu unauthoiiseu uumping of municipal waste, inuustiial waste, constiuction
uebiis anu fly ash (Apiil 2u12);
! Enfoicing the piohibition on mining of sanu, iock (Naich 2u11);
! Enfoicing a piohibition on poits anu haibouis in highly eioueu aieas yet to be iuenti-
! Piepaiation of compiehensive plan foi peimitting uwelling units of tiauitional
coastal communities between 1uu-2uu m in CRZ III in consultation with tiauitional
coastal communities anu incoipoiating measuies foi uisastei management;

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie Submission Biaft, uoveinment of Kainataka
Aaiathi S., Nanju N., Suuaishan R. anu Seema S.. (2uu8). Coastal Nanagement Zone Notification u8, the last nail in
the Coffin., ATREE Bangaloie
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka 2uuS. Bepaitment of Foiest, Ecology anu Enviionment. uovt of Kainataka
Bepaitment of Ecology anu Enviionment, uoK http:paiisaia.kai.nic.inczm.html accesseu on Nay 4, 2u11
Pioceeuings of the meeting, Kainataka State Coastal Zone Nanagement Authoiity (KSCZNA), Naich 14, 2u11

! Piepaiation of a ieviseu Coastal Zone Nanagement Plan in accoiuance with the latest
notification anu unuei uevelopment of the iequisite maps within (Apiil 2u1S) anu ob-
taining NoEF appioval foi the foimei (0ctobei 2u1S);
! Auvising NoEF of the neeu to amenu the notification by incluuing peimissibility of
ceitain facilities to safeguaiu inteiest anu livelihoou.
In auuition, the Bepaitment of Ninoi Iiiigation cieateu unspecifieu lengths of seawalls,
inviting at one point ciiticism on account of impiopei slopes anu foimations uuiing an
inspection in Bakshin Kannaua in 2uuS.
Responsibilities weie subsequently tiansfeiieu
to the Bepaitment of Poits & Inlanu Watei Tianspoit (unuei PWB) who has been en-
gageu in the cieation of seawalls since 1979.
Between 2uu6 anu 2uu8 a total of 111 km
of seawall was constiucteu by the uepaitment with a buuget of INR 118 cioie.
the same peiiou PWB pioposeu an INR 14u coie mastei plan foi peimanent sea eiosion
woik to the Cential Watei Commission. Between 2uu8 anu 2u1u also the Westein
uhats Task Foice joineu hanus by launching a pioject foi constiuction of "gieen walls" to
combat eiosion thiough vegetation baiiieis giown beyonu the high tiue line in
Bonnavaia, Kunuapuia anu Nangaloie Foiest Bivisions.

M"G" V.==.%/= D/E)4 -@) ,H3PP
Though NAPCC uoes not iuentify a sepaiate mission on coastal zone management, how-
evei, coastal zone issues has been coveieu unuei thiee missions namely National Nis-
sion on Watei, National Nission on uieen Inuia anu National Nission on Stiategic Know-
leuge foi Climate Change.
The National Watei Nission piimaiily focuses on conseivation of watei, minimizing
wastage anu ensuiing its moie equitable uistiibution both acioss anu within States
thiough integiateu watei iesouices uevelopment anu management". Key aieas high-
lighteu unuei this mission aie ueveloping an inventoiy of wetlanus, Watei puiification
technologies anu Napping of catchments anu suiveying anu assessing lanu use patteins
with emphasis on conseivation of mangiove aieas. The iecommenueu stiategy auapteu
to meet the iuentifieu aiea aie ieview anu establishment of netwoik foi collection of au-
uitional necessaiy uata: hyuio-meteoiological anu hyuiological uata paiticulaily fiom
coastal iegion, Coastal anu estuaiine watei, salinity anu tiual watei levels anu the chan-
ging uischaiges in both uiiections in estuaiine aieas, Establishmentstiengthening of
giounu watei monitoiing netwoik, sanctuaiy wells foi coastal aquifei management anu
watei quality monitoiing, massive tiual hyuiaulics uata collection, uevelopment of watei
iesouices infoimation system anu ieseaich anu stuuies on impact of climate change on
watei iesouices incluuing quality, planning tiual embankments, floou fiequency, in-
cieaseu sea level anu giounu watei salinity.
The mission also highlights foimulation anu implementation of iegulatoiy iegime to en-
suie wise use of wetlanu at the national, the state, anu uistiict levels, Enviionmental ap-
piaisal, Impact assessment of uevelopmental piojects on wetlanu anu Stiengthen links
with affoiestation piogiammes anu wetlanu conseivation, the mission to seek to ensuie
that a consiueiable shaie of the watei neeus of uiban aieas aie met thiough iecycling of
wastewatei; anu ensuiing that the watei iequiiements of coastal cities with inauequate

Ninutes of the 8
Neeting. Coastal Piotection & Bevelopment Auvisoiy Committee, }une 17, 2uuS
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka 2uuS. Bepaitment of Foiest, Ecology anu Enviionment, uovt of Kainataka
Nanagement Infoimation System, 2uu7, 2uu8 anu 2uu9. Public Woiks Bepaitment, 2uu7, 2uu8 anu 2uu9
Najoi Achievements. Repoit of the Westein uhats Task Foice, Septembei 28, 2u1u

alteinative souices of watei aie met thiough auoption of new anu appiopiiate tech-
nologies such as low tempeiatuie uesalination technologies that allow foi use of ocean
The total estimateu auuitional funu iequiieu uuiing XI plan foi auuiessing the specific
issues ielateu to impact of Climate Change on watei iesouices woiks out to be Rs 28,6S1
cioies with Rs 1u,uS8 cioies in Cential sectoi anu Rs 18,61S cioies in State sectoi.
Bowevei, it is believeu that pioviuing highei suppoit in teims of technical anu financial
foi state costal watei will be ensuiing watei foi all.
The National Nission on uieen Inuia aims at auuiessing climate change by enhancing
caibon sinks in sustainably manageu foiests anu othei ecosystems, enhancing the iesili-
ence anu ability of vulneiable speciesecosystems to auapt to the changing climate, anu
enabling the auaptation of foiest uepenuant local communities in the face of climatic
vaiiability. Bowevei, some of the sub mission objectives aie closely ielateu to costal ie-
souices uevelopment anu iestoiing new mangiove anu wetlanus with u.1u m ha iespec-
tively anu theii piotection. The stiategy auapteu foi this inteivention is to planting
mangiove species weie mangioves histoiically but aie not unuei mangiove vegetation
now. While, iestoiing coastal wetlanus will be uone thiough piotection fiom; en-
cioachments, change of lanu use, infiastiuctuie uevelopment, pollution, giowth of inva-
sive species anu ovei-fishing. Auuitionally this inteivention suppoits enhancement of
caibon stocks by u.2S anu u.u4 million tons of caibon pei yeai iespectively. The total
mission cost foi gieen Inuia is fixeu up to Rs. 44,uuu cioies foi tieatment of 1u million
ha ovei next 1u yeais. 0ut of this, cost foi iestoiing mangiove anu wetlanus aie fixeu
about Suu anu 6uu cioies iespectively. These iesouices will be mobilizeu as auuitionally
fiom Planning Commission. The ueficit if any will be taken caie of by ueveloping piojects
foi seeking assistance fiom inteinational funuing agencies, 0N oiganization, etc.
The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) speaks the Inuia's vision of sus-
tainable uevelopment anu planneu steps of Inuia foi avoiuing uieenhouse uas emis-
sions. While, the one of the main constiaints that limit at piesent the ability of the
national knowleuge system to uelivei the iequiieu anu expecteu outcomes foi effective
iesponse is inauequate knowleuge on the impacts of climate change in uiffeient sectois
of economy e.g., biouiveisity, coastal zones, etc. To auuiess this constiaint the following
stiategic plan is auopteu 1) Establishing ieseaich netwoiks anu encouiaging ieseaich in
the aieas of climate change impacts on impoitant socio-economic of coastal zones. 2)
0cean anu coastal biogeochemistiy anu influence on uBu souices anu sinks S) Coastal
geomoiphology change anu mapping mouelling of coastal hazaius incluuing cyclone
hazaius. S) Besalination of coastal watei anu wave eneigy technology. It is estimateu
that a total funu of Rs 1Su Cioie will be iequiieu foi the implementation of the Nission
foi the ieminuei pait of the XI
Plan peiiou.
Costal Kainataka has eight maiitime taluks with 22 uiban agglomeiations anu 1,u44 vil-
lages. The coastal aiea's aveiage population uensity is 2SS peisonsKm
anu the aiea is
pieuominantly agiaiian involving about 6u pei cent of the woikfoice anu fishing. Since
these two sectois aie veiy sensitive to climate change impacts anu ,FKQNRFH 1QMMQNR NR
4KUFKIZQT 'RN\HISZI foi Climate Change will ceitainly give uiveise ietuin to the coastal
cities in the state by pioviuing financial anu technical suppoit. Piesence of highei liteiacy
level in the costal uistiict of Kainataka will also give auuitional suppoit to impiove the
knowleuge on climate change impacts anu theii mitigation piactices foi sustainable ue-

M"M" 1)$)<-)E );)4A./A ./-)4*)/-.%/ '4)'=
! Beach piotection thiough bio-shieluing: The constiuction of seawalls to enu eiosion
anu bieakwateis can have auveise consequences. Seawalls anu bieakwateis shoulu
be iestiicteu to aieas wheie they aie extiemely necessaiy. Since a healthy beach is
the best piotection foi the coast, beach nouiishment, stianu vegetation etc. along
with selecteu technological inteiventions shoulu be piomoteu
! Baseline Knowleuge on Floia anu Fauna: Beaches shoulu be evaluateu foi theii floi-
istic anu faunal iichness anu appiopiiate iestoiation anu conseivation plans to be
implementeu foi suitable beaches.
! Special piotection foi tuitle bieeuing aieas: Nany of the beaches which maiine tui-
tles like 0live Riuley visit to lay eggs shoulu be given special piotection anu piefei-
ably be biought unuei co-management piogiammes.
! Beach Nanagement to Stiengthen Local economy: Planting of vaiious plant species of
meuicinal, foou anu othei economic value, suitable foi beaches neeu to be piomoteu
anu biought unuei co-management with the local people. Beach beautification pio-
giammes thiough iestoiation of natuial vegetation can also enhance theii touiism
potential anu benefit the local iesiuents.
! Nuiseiy of beach plant species: Bistiict-wise plant nuiseiies may be openeu up foi
piopagation of key psammophytic plant species, both local anu selecteu intiouuceu
ones, aftei piopei evaluation of theii economic anu ecologic values
! Piomoting best piactices foi conseivation anu sustainable utilisation of costal ie-
! Stiengthening ueliveiy anu monitoiing system anu piepaieuness in uisastei pione
coastal aieas Knowleuge
! Constiuction of seawallsbieakwateis shoulu be subjecteu to compiehensive envi-
ionment impact assessment.
! Floou mapping, floou foiecasting, uownscaleu climate change piojections using au-
vanceu uIS tools anu impioveu giiu iesolution mouelling
! Stuuy has to be conuucteu on global change anu iesponse of costal ecosystem func-
! Assessment of eiosion pione aieas with the help of Bigital Elevation Nouel
! Stuuy of impact of global waiming on the biouiveisity of coastal ecosystems of the
! Assessment of iisk uue to change in the climate (piecipitation, tempeiatuie, humiuity
etc.) on costal function anu seivices
! Beaches to be zeio waste aieas: Steps shoulu be taken to piomote beaches as zeio
waste aieas thiough awaieness piogiammes, village anu town level soliu waste man-
agement piogiammes, pioviuing sanitation facilities all along the coast anu peiiouic
cleaning of beaches;

! Integiateu soliu waste management in the uiban enviionment of the coastal cities
community initiative foi costal iesouices management ;
! Piomoting community euucation anu enviionmental action plan centie;
! Encouiage mitigation by inuiviuuals by piomoting Low Caibon Lifestyles;
! Impioving costal floou management;
! Setting up integiateu coastal zone management tiaining centie;
! Beveloping a techno-legal iegime foi constiuction uisastei iesilient housing anu
infiastiuctuie in the costal uistiicts of Kainataka;
! Stiengthening exiting costal piotection methous in the state.


8. LNLkG
O"!" L/-4%ED<-.%/
Amiu the iising eneigy piices, eneigy secuiity is a key issue foi Inuia. The national en-
eigy scenaiio is unueigoing a tiansfoimation with seveiely stiesseu eneigy supplies in
ielation to the incieases in eneigy uemanu. Fuithei, with scientific eviuence cleaily coi-
ielating the use of fossil fuels to climate change, eneigy plays a pivotal iole in uBu miti-
gation thiough National anu State Action Plan on Climate Change.
Kainataka is the ninth most populous state of Inuia, with uecaual population giowth
iate of 17.S% pei uecaue. Its uioss State Bomestic Piouuct (uSBP) is giowing at a 6.48%
compounueu annual giowth iate. The stiuctuie of uSBP gives iefeience to the eneigy
uemanu of a state, wheie seivices leu giowth tenu to leau to lowei eneigy intensity
giowth as compaieu to a manufactuiing sectoi leu giowth. Foi Kainataka, the shaie of
seivices anu manufactuiing sectoi is incieasing, anu that of agiicultuie uecieasing, leau-
ing to lowei eneigy intensity giowth foi the State. Bowevei, the absolute uemanu foi
eneigy in the State will continue to inciease as eviuent fiom the inciease in uSBP fiom
aiounu 47% to ovei S7% fiom seivices sectoi, with ovei 8.4% of annual giowth iate.
Also equally peiceptible is the giowth in manufactuiing sectoi with an annual giowth
iate of 9.S%
. Kainataka faces vaiious challenges with supply constiaints coupleu with
geneiation of eneigy thiough clean souices.
O"+" X/)4A6 =%D4<)=
Coal continues to be a uominant souice of piimaiy eneigy foi Kainataka with S1.7%
. The State takes auvantage of its coastal aiea with the impoit of coal
thiough its poits. Petioleum piouucts also foim a majoi shaie of the eneigy souices at
. In 2uu9-1u, petioleum supplieu almost one-thiiu of Kainataka's commeicial
eneigy consumption at SSS.9 million u}
. This implies a piominence of fossil fuels in its
eneigy mix of Kainataka, which leau to high uBu emissions. Bowevei, Kainataka is also
abunuantly supplieu with hyuio iesouices. In 2uu8-u9, hyuio iesouices geneiateu
S1.7% of the state's electiicity, much above the national aveiage of 21%

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.



Tiauitional biomass such as agiicultuie iesiuues, animal wastes, foiest piouuce, fiie-
woou, etc., also foim an impoitant souice of eneigy foi the state especially foi iuial ie-
. 0thei souices of eneigy incluue ienewable iesouices like winu, solai anu
low caibon souices like nucleai which account foi 9.7% of Kainataka's supply
. Natuial
gas is not a significant souice of eneigy in the state. Table 4u below gives an oveiview of
the eneigy souices in Kainataka.

] 3cTH# $QNa
] 0RTH# $QNa
Coal (Electiicity) 11,742,u72.82 Netiic Tons 2u6,S41,u97.21 22.S% 11.8%
Coal (Non Electiicity) 1S,281,7u4.47 Netiic Tons 268,S42,SS6.4u 29.S% 1S.S%
2NKFH &NFH 858?CC6? 866#<" 9"#5] .5#"
Notoi uasoline 8S9,7uu.uu Netiic Tons S8,S1S,7uu.Su 4.2% 2.2%
Biesel S,4S8,42u.uu Netiic Tons 148,997,uSS.86 16.2% 8.S%
Keiosene 468,11u.uu Netiic Tons 2u,48u,748.72 2.2% 1.2%
Naphtha 2u9,12u.uu Netiic Tons 9, 412,u72.96 1.u% u.S%
LPu 88S,u2u.uu Netiic Tons 41,871,181.22 4.6% 2.4%
LB0 1S,412.S7 Netiic Tons S81,198.2S u.1% u.u%
F0LSBS 7S4,719.62 Netiic Tons 29,SSu,S8S.69 S.2% 1.7%
Bitumen Su1,692.61 Netiic Tons 12,12S,9S1.uS 1.S% u.7%
Lubes 49,42u.9S Netiic Tons 1,986,S7S.44 u.2% u.1%
ATF S64,uuu.u2 Netiic Tons 16,Su6,8S6.7S 1.8% u.9%
Ciuue Piocessing Loss Netiic Tons S4,177,Suu.uu S.7% 2.u%
2NKFH EIKUNHILP 696?;C6?"C8#.D 6C#<] .D#.]
3HITKUQTQKW _IcTH# &NFH KYIUPFH` .8?5C"#"< 1QHHQNR +RQKM C;?.".#?"5<#DD ;#5] 9#"]
2NKFH _IcTHLSQRZ $QNPFMM` ;"C?D5C?5;6#C" "DD#D] 9.#8]
$QNPFMM C66?68"#8D 1QHHQNR 1b C66?68"?8D"#DC 85#<]
2NKFH _QRTHLSQRZ $QNPFMM` "?59"?8.D?";8#;D "DD]

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.

O"0" 3%7)4 A)/)4'-.%/
Kainataka geneiates powei in foui main foims - hyuio powei, theimal powei, winu
powei anu solai powei. 0f these, hyuio anu theimal powei geneiations account foi the
majoiity souice of geneiation wheieas winu anu solai make only maiginal auuitions.
The total installeu capacity of powei in Kainataka as on S1st Naich 2u1u was 868S.91
NW incluuing both public (66%) anu piivate (S4%) sectois
Kainataka iemains a powei ueficit state uespite consuming a shaie of about 6.4% of the
national electiicity consumption. Cuiiently, the powei ueficits amount to 1S%, but vaii-
ations in shoit teim uemanu piojections is expecteu to giow at S.4%. Bespite the ueficit,
the powei supplieu in the state has viitually iemaineu stagnant at aiounu S9uuu million
units of electiicity with a vaiiation of just 2% in the last foui yeais
, which is a ieason foi
Foi the peiiou 2uu1 to 2u1u, electiicity supply fiom theimal souices anu non-theimal
souices (mainly winu anu hyuio) aveiageu at Su.8% anu 49.2% iespectively. 0f the non-
theimal souices, hyuio electiicity constituteu about 27% of the total eneigy mix in
2u1u. Bowevei, the geneiation of hyuiopowei has shown a ueclining tienu with a ue-
ciease of 18% between 2uu7 anu 2uu9. The piimaiy ieason foi this uecline is the eiiatic
tienus of iainfall. This situation is expecteu to woisen with the changes in piecipitation
pieuicteu by climate scientists, leauing to non-unifoim watei availability
The state has significant ienewable eneigy (RE) installations, mainly winu powei. But
uue to low plant loau factois, the shaie of ienewables is lowei in powei geneiation
. The
cuiient anu piojecteu installeu capacity anu net geneiation foi the powei sectoi is pie-
senteu below in Table 41, which shows the limiteu contiibution of ienewable souices
towaius powei geneiation in the State.

Coal Sub-ciitical S,9uS 2S.S9 12,6uu 81.24
Coal-Supeiciitical - - 4uu 2.S8
uas 22u u.84 44u 1.87
Biesel SSS 1.28 46u 1.96
Nucleai (PBWR) 19S u.62 88u S.SS
Byuio + Small hyuio S,76S 11.44 4,2uu 12.77
Winu 1,448 2.49 2,uuu S.4S
Biomass + Cogeneiation 62S 2.uS 8uu 2.61
Solai 1u u.u2 1uu u.16
Captive ueneiation 1,uuu 2.u1 - -
2NKFH _+KQHQKW m ,NRa+KQHQKW` ""?8;9 88 ."?CCD "".

Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.


Tiansmission anu uistiibution (T&B) losses iemain significant in the state. This is ues-
pite the ieuuction in T&B losses fiom S8% in 1999-uu to 22% in 2uu9-1u. It is expecteu
to ieuuce the losses to less than 21% in 2u1u11
. The uoveinment has also taken the
initiative to implement Cential goveinment's "Restiuctuieu Acceleiateu Powei Bevel-
opment Piogiam (R-APBRP) with the aim to ieuuce its Aggiegate Technical anu Com-
meicial Losses (AT&C) to 1S% in S yeais
O"2" X/)4A6 <%/=D;5-.%/
0vei the last few yeais, the consumption of fossil fuels has been incieasing shaiply in
the state. The giaph below shows the tienu in consumption ovei the past 7 yeais, ie-
flecting a substantial inciease in aviation fuel, high speeu uiesel anu motoi spiiit (Figuie


While consiueiing the powei sectoi, theie aie foui piime consumeis in Kainataka,
mainly iiiigation pump sets; uomestic lighting anu electiic appliances; inuustiies anu
commeicial lighting. These foui sectois accounteu foi about 87% of the total powei con-
sumption in the state in 2uu9-1u
. This inuicates the extent of uemanu piessuies on
electiicity. The Table 42 below shows the pattein of incieasing powei consumption in
the state.

Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka.


.DDCaD; .DD;a"D
1. Inuustiies S692.98
(18.S4%) 49S
2. I. P. Sets 11216.SS
(S2.6S%) 1u2
S. Bomestic lighting & AEB 671u.26
(22.66%) S4S
4. I. T. Inuustiies & Watei woiks 1S19.4u
(7.uS%) 412
S. Public Watei woiks anu Seweiage
(S.uu%) SS4
6. Commeicial Lighting 4uu9.69
(1S.S9%) 644
7. Public Lighting 492.9u
(2.uS%) S11
8. 0theis S98.98
(u.S%) 1u1S
Note: The aveiage iate is woikeu out baseu on the ievenue iealiseu.

8.4.1. Industr|es
Inuustiial sectoi is eneigy intensive anu one of the laigest consumeis of eneigy in the
state. Cement, iion & steel, aluminium, textile anu papei aie some of the eneigy inten-
sive manufactuiing inuustiies. Kainataka ianks seventh in the piouuction of cement in
the countiy with an annual piouuction of 12.1 million tons of cement which emits 7.6
million tons of C02 annually. Kainataka is also the thiiu laigest steel piouucei in Inuia
with an annual piouuction of 1u.7 million tons. These two inuustiies account foi ovei
2u% of the oveiall emissions of the state anu ovei 4u% of the emissions uue fiom in-
uustiial sectoi
. The emissions of uBu fiom inuustiial sectoi in 2u2u-21 aie likely to in-
ciease to S4 million tons fiom 18 million tons foi the yeai 2uu8-u9
. The total emissions
uue to cement anu iion & steel aie high at aiounu 8 million tons each foi the same pe-
Nost of the inuustiies in Kainataka being small scale inuustiies uo not meet cuiient en-
eigy efficiency stanuaius, thus pose a gieatei thieat to the alieauy scaice eneigy ie-
souices. Bowevei, theie is a move towaius optimising eneigy efficiency thiough the
goveinment of Inuia's Peifoim Achieve anu Tiaue (PAT) scheme which is a maiket
baseu mechanism foi the inuustiies but not yet opeiational in Kainataka. This mecha-
nism allows tiaue of eneigy efficiency ceitificates in the maiket

Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

8.4.2. 1ransportat|on
Kainataka has a well-uevelopeu tianspoit system anu is a laige emittei of C02 with its
shaie of uBu emissions incieasing ovei the last few yeais
. All moues of tianspoitation-
iail, ioau, aii anu oi ship aie completely uepenuent on hyuiocaibon fuels, mostly pe-
tioleum fuels with less emphasis on LPu CNu anu bio-fuels constitutes a statistically
less insignificant souice of automobile fleet in the state
. Aii anu ioau tianspoit aie the
most eneigy intensive sectois, while iail anu ship tianspoit consume the least eneigy
pei unit of tianspoit.
Theie has been a fouifolu inciease of vehiculai population in Kainataka in less than 2u
. In 2uu7-u8, emissions uue to tianspoitation weie 8.SS million tons in Kaina-
taka. Emissions fiom the tianspoitation sectoi at state uBP giowth iate of 8% is likely
to be 2S million tons. This piojects an inciease in the consumption of petioleum anu
calls foi attention to cuib the excessive uepenuence of fossil fuels in the tianspoitation


Cai (gasoline) 2.S 1Su - 17u
Cai (uiesel) 2.S 8S - 12u
Cai (natuial gas) 2.S 1uu - 1SS
Cai (electiic) 2.u Su - 1uu
Scootei (two stoke) 1.S 6u - 9u
Scootei (foui stioke) 1.S 4u - 6u
Ninibus (gasoline) 12.u Su - 7u
Ninibus (uiesel) 12.u 4u - 6u
Bus (natuial gas) 4u.u 2S - 2S
Bus (hyuiogen fuel cell) 4u.u 1S - 2S
Rail Tiansit 7S% full 2u - Su

Within ioau tianspoit, buses aie less eneigy intensive than inuiviuual moues of ioau
tianspoit - whethei two wheeleis oi foui wheeleis. 0nfoitunately, 0iban Tianspoita-
tion uoes not ieceive a sepaiate Nission status unuei the NAPCC
8.4.3. Agr|cu|ture
Eneigy inputs into mouein agiicultuie geneially incluues: synthetic feitilisei, pumpeu
watei, anu manufactuie of chemical pesticiues which utilize petioleum piouucts. 0thei
souices of eneigy utilisation incluue on-faim piocessing anu tianspoitation of finisheu

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit..
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia

goous. Iiiigation sectoi is the highest consumei of electiicity with a shaie of SS-4u%
All piocesses ielateu to agiicultuie aie baseu on fossil fuel inputs with consequences in
teims of uBu emissions.
8.4.4. nouseho|ds
0vei 7S% of the householus in Inuia use biomass
.Cuiiently biomass is the mainstay
as a cooking fuel in a laige peicentage of iuial householus in the state. While biomass is
consiueieu caibon neutial, theii CB4 anu N20 emissions aie taken into account. Extenu-
ing the supply of LPu to all householus can have positive enviionmental impact anu will
help alleviate aii pollution ielateu health pioblems to householus
8.4.S. Lnergy demand forecasts
Kainataka's oveiall eneigy intensity has been estimateu at S21.11 toe$ mn, which is
lowei than the national aveiage
. The eneigy intensity of the state has uioppeu by
2S.2% since the 199us, which is attiibuteu to the expansion of seivices sectoi in the
stiuctuie of Kainataka's economy
. The giaphs below show the tienu in inciease of
eneigy consumption in the State, with the estimateu inciease till 2u1S in the Business as
0sual (BA0) scenaiio.


Bemanu foi electiicity in Kainataka is likely to giow by SS.8% in the next 6 yeais fiom
the piesent 44.71 billion units to 8u billion units in 2u16-17 as pei the 17th Electiic
Powei Suivey iepoit by Cential Electiicity Authoiity (CEA)
. Kainataka alieauy faces
powei ueficits to the tune of 2u%, anu obtains a majoi pait of its eneigy supplies like
coal, petioleum anu a pait of electiicity fiom outsiue the state
. To illustiate, the total
electiicity geneiation up to Novembei 2u1u was 28,4SS Nu anu about 2S.S% of electii-

Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
toe iefeis to eneigy expiesseu in tonnes of oil equivalent anu theiefoie eneigy intensity is the quantity of eneigy
consumeu in the state of Kainataka to geneiate economic value of one million uollai
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.

city was impoiteu. Any electiicity ueficit leaus to a loss of economic piouuctivity of INR
21.222 Billion pei yeai
The above scenaiios foi Kainataka cleaily ieflect the neeu to enhance eneigy efficiency
as well as hainess cleanei souices of eneigy.
O"9" H<-.%/=I 5%$.<.)= '/E ./=-.-D-.%/'$ 54)5'4)E/)==
8.S.1. Lnergy Conservat|on Act 2001
! Nanuatoiy use of solai watei heating systems (ii) Nanuatoiy use of Compact Floies-
cent Lamp (CFL) in uoveinment Builuings aiueu institutions Boaius Coipoia-
tions (iii)
! Nanuatoiy use of ISI maik Eneigy Efficient Notoi pump sets, Powei capacitoi, Foot
valves in Agiicultuie sectoi anu (iv) Piomotion of Eneigy Efficient Builuing uesign
! 4KUFKIZQT %TKQNR EHFR e To implement the Act, KREBL will piepaie a Stiategic Action
Plan to (i) Regulate activities foi enfoicing Eneigy Conseivation Act in State (ii)
School anu college euucation, policy piomotion & ieseaich (iii) Infoimation uissemi-
nation on Eneigy Efficiency (iv) Co-oiuination with othei state Besignateu Agencies.
(v) Beveloping Eneigy EfficiencyBSN piogiams (vi) Beliveiy Nechanism foi Eneigy
Efficiency piogiams
! 3RIUZW &NRMIUXFKQNR EUNZUFPMJ To achieve eneigy conseivationefficiency objec-
tives, KREBL will implement a set of eneigy conseivation piogiams as pait of the
Stiategic Eneigy Conseivation Plan. These piogiams will be unueitaken in collaboi-
ation with ielevant state goveinment agencies anu piivate sectoi. The box above pio-
viues a list of such piogiams
! 3RIUZW &NRMIUXFKQNR =LRSJ This funu will be establisheu to oveicome financial bai-
iieis faceu in implementing eneigy efficiency activities. It is pioposeu to augment the
funu with a contiibution of Rs.S cioies annually fiom Akshaya Shakthi Niuhi foi S
yeais till 2u14. The Eneigy Conseivation Funu may also be utiliseu foi Eneigy Con-
seivation Awaius anu Publicity Awaieness Campaigns capacity builuing anu Tiain-
ings etc
! 3RIUZW %LSQKQRZJ Eneigy auuiting anu auopting eneigy efficiency measuies will be
manuatoiy foi all inuustiial anu commeicial installations of 6uu KvA anu above con-
tiact uemanu. vaiious measuies such as piomotion of Solai Watei Beateis (SWBs)
thiough a iebate of Rs.1uu pei month in electiicity bills foi uomestic useis etc. aie es-
timateu to leau to savings of about 1uuu NW in the fiist S yeais anu up to 2u% in the
next S yeais
! 0vei Su goveinment builuings in Bangaloie have iepoiteuly being eneigy auuiteu by
KREBL, anu it aims to conuuct auuits foi all consumeis with a connection loau of 11u
kvA anu above. Bowevei, no uefineu timefiames have been ueclaieu so fai

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9-14
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9-14
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9-14.
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9-14.
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9-14.
Consultation with Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL) on Naich 8, 2u11

! 3RIUZW *GHQZFKQNRJ Laige inuustiies having 2uuu KvA anu above as connecteu loau
shoulu piouuce at least S% of theii iequiiement thiough captive powei plants using
Renewable Eneigy Souices
! 1FU[IK 2UFRMONUPFKQNR ONU 3RIUZW 3OOQTQIRTW _1233`J The National Nission foi
Enhanceu Eneigy Efficiency iequiies states to move towaius NTEE. Bowevei, Kaina-
taka has not taken many initiatives in this iegaiu. KREBL ieckons that such tiansfoi-
mation woulu iequiie seveial yeais' woith of awaieness cieation to enhance the
'populaiity'. No plans exist in the state to action the leveiage of maiket mechanisms
into changing buyei's anu investoi's uecisions in favouiing enviionmentally benign
8.S.2. Inst|tut|ona| anchorage
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL) is the noual agency foi
piomotion foi ienewable eneigy anu eneigy efficiency. It passes on subsiuies pioviueu
by the Ninistiy of New anu Renewable Eneigy Souices (NNRES), uoveinment of Inuia,
cooiuinates with the Buieau of Eneigy Efficiency (BEE), is iesponsible foi the imple-
mentation of the Eneigy Conseivation Act anu emeiges as the noual agency foi imple-
mentation of both the National Solai Nission anu the National Nission foi Enhances En-
eigy Efficiency in Kainataka. The integiation of eneigy efficiency constitutes a signifi-
cant expansion of KREBL's iesponsibilities. Though capacities foi pioviuing seivices in
this new aiea uo not exist yet KREBL intenus to establish an in-house team of ceitifieu
Eneigy Auuitois. 0ptions foi human iesouice uevelopment weie examineu anu the ag-
ency is unueistoou to have embaikeu on a majoi capacity builuing initiative that in-
volves tiansfeis anu tiaining of officeis fiom the Bepaitment of Eneigy. Timefiames anu
taigets have eithei not been communicateu oi not been establisheu. The incieasing of-
fice space iequiiement is being auuiesseu thiough shifting fiom the smallei Queen's
Roau piemises to a laigei builuing neai viuhana Souuha.
8.S.3. karnataka kenewab|e Lnergy o||cy
Renewable eneigy plays a twin iole by tackling climate change while also impioving en-
eigy access anu eneigy secuiity. It has laige caibon avoiuance potential anu is a key
focus foi climate mitigation stiategies. Pieliminaiy estimates foi ienewable eneigy in
Inuia show that 16 million tonnes of caibon can be avoiueu eveiy yeai by the enu of the
Five Yeai Plan expecteu capacity installation. This woulu inciease to about 27 mil-
lion tonne of caibon avoiuance by the enu of the 11
Kainataka has laige ienewable eneigy potential estimateu at 28,686 NW, piimaiily
fiom winu, small hyuio, co-geneiation anu biomass sectois. 0f this, as on Novembei
2u1u the installeu capacity in the state is only 1u% of the full potential, implying a laige
potential iemaining to be tappeu. Fuithei, the goveinment has allotteu 1S,S12 NW to
ienewable eneigy powei capacity which amounts to neaily Su% of the full potential
The State has been emphasising on winu potential foi powei geneiation, but has not
hainesseu the solai potential, as can be obseiveu in the Table 44 below.

Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9-14.
Consultation with Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL) on Naich 8, 2u11
271, accesseu on 14th Apiil 2u11.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

,N 1: ,N 1:
Winu 1S2S6 48S 9SSu.99S 681 16u7.98S
Small Byuio Suuu 4S8 26S4.61 71 617.uu
Cogeneiation 1Suu S9 1692.9 S1 668.8
Biomass 9Su 66 471.uu 12 87.u
Solai 1uuuu 21 129 2 6
2NKFH .C<C< "DC; "6;DC#9D9 5;5 .;C<#5C9

KREBL has the leau iole in the uevelopment 'FURFKF[F )IRI\FGHI 3RIUZW ENHQTW
Taigets anu also instiuments of the policy effoit optimism. It sets foith
neaily tiipling ienewable eneigy geneiation capacity within S yeais, leauing to an in-
ciease fiom 2,4uu NW in 2uu9 to 6,6uu NW in 2u14 at an estimateu cost of INR 22,uuu
coies. It also aims at conseiving neaily 8,uuu million kWh of electiicity in the five-yeai
peiiou, equivalent the avoiuance of ioughly 9uu NW of geneiation capacity. It lays em-
phasis on a iapiu expansion of paiticulaily winu powei capacity, an aiea wheie Kaina-
taka has lost a point in its leaueiship position to uujaiat which oveitook Kainataka in
both installeu capacity anu annual winu powei geneiation, putting Kainataka on place
foui aftei Tamil Nauu, Nahaiashtia anu uujaiat.
In 2uu9 the exploitation of Kaina-
taka's winu potential was estimateu to be aiounu 11%.
The policy also envisages the
cieation of an INR SS cioie funu thiough a u.uS INRkWh levy fiom commeicial anu in-
uustiial consumeis. The puipose of the uieen Eneigy Funu (Akshaya Shakti Niuhi) is to
geneiate financial iesouices within the state to implement its policy, which is otheiwise
piesumably ieliant on cential funus. Being ioughly miu-way of the policy's planning ho-
iizon, the funu iemains yet to be cieateu as auministiative appiovals iemain to be ob-
# Inciease ienewable eneigy powei geneiation fiom 24uuNW to about 66uuNW by 2u14 (neaily tiipling RE gen-
eiation within S yeais). This implies incieasing the shaie of ienewable eneigy in the electiicity mix fiom 11.S%
to 2u% by 2u14.
# Saving 79uu million units of eneigy (equivalent to 9uu NW of geneiation capacity) ovei the five-yeai peiiou
thiough effective measuies of eneigy conseivation anu eneigy efficiency.
# Cieation of a uieen Eneigy Funu thiough a cess of Rs. u.uS pei kWh foi commeicial anu inuustiial consumeis to
geneiate about Rs SS cioies annually

! Renewable Eneigy Economic Zone - All SEZs' 1u% lanus foi Renewable Eneigy
! Solai Kainataka Piogiamme foi 2Suuu Solai Roof Tops of S to 1u kW with Net Netei-
ing will be taken up with a 2Su NW potential uuiing next S yeais with a geneiation
potential of SSu N0
This is limiteu to supply not exceeuing 7u% of consumption.

Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9 - 2u14, Bepaitment of Eneigy, }anuaiy 19, 2u1u
State-wise unit geneiation uata fiom winu powei piojects; on Apiil 1S, 2u11
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9 - 2u14, Bepaitment of Eneigy
276, accesseu on 14th Apiil 2u11.


.DD;a"D .D"Da"" .D""a". .D".a"6 .D"6a"8
QR 0,)
Winu powei 6Su 68u SSu SSu S99 .?;<; 1S,68u cioie
Nini anu small hyuio 1uu 1uu 1Su 1Su 1uu <DD 2,7uu cioie
Co-geneiation in sugai in-
S6 S6 S6 S6 S7 .C" 1,12u cioie
Biomass anu biogas 6u 6u 6u 6u 6u 6DD 2,1uu cioie
Waste to eneigy 1u 1u 1u 1u 1u 9D 4uu cioie
2NKFH C9< ;D< CD< CD< C.< 8?.DD ..?DDD cioie

Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9 - 2u14, Bepaitment of Eneigy
1. Bome Biight - Resiuential Bigh-Efficiency Lighting Piogiam, CFLLEBElectionic chokes
2. School Collage cuiiiculum - Capacity builuing anu Tiaining.
S. Public Builuings Paitneiship Piogiam - Eneigy Efficiency implementation in public builuings using
ESC0Ns ioute.
4. SolaiLPu watei heating - Nanuatoiy SolaiLPu Watei Beating Piogiam.
S. Eneigy Efficiency Financing - Financing of eneigy efficiency impiovement using the Eneigy
Conseivation Funu.
6. SNE Piogiam - Eneigy efficiency impiovement in small anu meuium enteipiises.
7. Woik Biight Piogiam - Commeicial Bigh-Efficiency Lighting Piogiam, CFLLEBSolai Lighting.
8. Notoi Renewable Eneigy Powei - Bigh Efficiency Notoi Rewinuing Piogiam.
9. Agiicultuial Efficiency- Eneigy efficiency impiovement in agiicultuie by mouification & ietiofit-
ting, Stai Rateu PumpsSolai Pumps, non metallic PvCpolyethylene pipes foi suction anu ueliv-
eiy, fiiction fiee foot valves.
1u. Biight Stieets - Nunicipal Stieet Lighting Piogiam 0sing auvanceu technology,
CFLLEBSolai0n-0ff Timei.
11. uieen Builuings Piogiam - uieen Builuings Piogiam - Constiuct one oi two new uieen Builuings
in each uistiict of the state, ECBC Coue. The uieen Builuing concept will be manuatoiy foi all coi-
poiate builuings anu the builuings constiucteu by the uevelopeis in all the city coipoiation limits
of the state unuei the suitable amenument to builuing bye-laws.
12. Nunicipal Eneigy Efficiency Piogiam - Impiovement of eneigy efficiency in Nunicipal Watei
Pumping, Effluent Tieatment anu Waste to Eneigy.
# Winu Powei capacity fiom the cuiient installeu capacity of 112u.68S NW to SSuu NW by 2u12 (contiibut-
ing about 826u N.0.yeai) anu 7Suu NW by 2u18 (contiibuting about 177uu N.0. yeai)
# Nini anu Small Byuio capacity fiom the cuiient installeu capacity of 416.u9 NW, is taigeteu at 9uu NW by
2u12 (contiibuting 27S4 N.0.yeai) anu 1Suu NW by 2u18 (contiibuting 4S9u N.0. yeai)
# Cogeneiation in sugai inuustiies fiom the cuiient capacity level of SS9.9u NW is taigeteu at 4Su NW by
2u12 (contiibuting about 2S6S N0) anu 7uu NW (contiibuting about S67S N0) by 2u18.
# Biomass (incluuing Waste to Eneigy) fiom cuiient capacity level of 81.uu NW is taigeteu as 4uu NW by
2u12 (contiibuting about 24S2 N.0) anu 1uuu NW (contiibuting about 61Su N.0.) by 2u18.
# uiiu connecteu solai Pv anu off uiiu solai Pv anu theimal powei plants aie taigeteu at 2uu NW by 2u12
(about 29u N0) anu at 1uuu NW by 2u18 (about 14Su N0).
# It is estimateu that fiom the above taigets, auuitional capacity of SS92 NW by 2u12 will biing an investment
of Rs 22,S41- cioies, anu auuitional capacity of 6uSu NW by 2u18 Rs 46,2Su- cioies, at cuiient piices. The
investment is mainly thiough piivate entiepieneuis anu uevelopeis.


8.S.1. Ieed-|n tar|ffs
Taiiffs foi powei puichase fiom ienewable eneigy souices aie notifieu by Kainataka
Electiicity Regulatoiy Commission (KERC) in line the KERC (Powei Piocuiement fiom
Renewable Souices by Bistiibution Licensee) Regulations 2uu4. Its most iecent oiuei
effective fiom 2u1u constitutes a substantial inciease of taiiffs foi all foui categoiies foi
a peiiou of ten yeais as compaieu to 2uuS (iefei to Table 46).

QR 0,)f[:Y
QR 0,)f[:Y
QR 0,)f[:Y

S.4u without ap-
2.8u without ap-
2.8u with
2% annual appieci-
2.8S with
2% annual appieci-
>IFU " S.7u S.4u S.S9 S.66
>IFU . S.7u S.4u S.6S S.69
>IFU 6 S.7u S.4u S.67 S.72
>IFU 8 S.7u S.4u S.72 S.77
>IFU 9 S.7u S.4u S.77 S.81
>IFU < S.7u S.4u S.8S S.86
>IFU 5 S.7u S.4u S.9u S.92
>IFU C S.7u S.4u S.97 S.99
>IFU ; S.7u S.4u 4.uS 4.u6
>IFU "D S.7u S.4u 4.14 4.1S

KERC also uefineu S.4u INRkWh as feeu-in taiiff foi giiu connecteu photovoltaic (Pv)
Regiettable, this incentive is limiteu to uemonstiation piojects alone while
the Commission ieseives uecision on commeicial plants.
0nuei the policy an iuentical
taiiff is extenueu to giiu connecteu ioof top solai Pv systems between S anu 1uu kWP
foi as long as supply uoes not exceeu 7u% of consumption. Ninistiy of New & Renew-
able Eneigy (NNRE) is backing the states in incentivising iooftop solai Pv connecteu to
the LT11 Kv giiu. While the uistiibution is obligeu to pay the taiiff ueteimineu by
KERC, the utility ieceives a noimative geneiation baseu incentive unuei the National So-
lai Nission.
Foi powei plants of 1 NW anu gieatei NNRE offeis a feeu-in taiiff of 12
INRkWh foi solai Pv anu 1u INRkWh foi solai theimal powei geneiation. The scale
inuicates commitment to the much neeueu uevelopment of laige commeicial scale
powei geneiation as envisageu by the National Solai Nission. ueneiation baseu taiiffs
incentives aie a pieconuition foi attiacting piivate funus anu having maiket foices sup-
poit a bioau intiouuction into the maiket uominateu by fossil fuel that cost much less.
Kainataka Powei Coipoiation Limiteu (KPCL) has taken the leau in this uiiection anu

0iuei on ueteimination of taiiff in iespect of ienewable souices of Eneigy; Kainataka Electiicity Regulatoiy Com-
mission (KERC), Becembei 11, 2uu9
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9-2u14, Bepaitment of Eneigy, }anuaiy 19, 2u1u
0iuei on ueteimination of taiiff foi giiu inteiactive solai powei uemonstiation piojects, Kainataka Electiicity
Regulatoiy Commission (KERC), Novembei 26, 2uu8
National Nission foi Solai Eneigy, Ninistiy of New anu Renewable Eneigy, uoveinment of Inuia, 2uu9

commissioneu two giiu-connecteu solai powei plants of S NW each in Kolai in Belgaum
uistiict anu is saiu to commission a thiiu unit of the same capacity in Raichui uistiict.

KERC also establisheu limits foi powei puichases by ESC0Ns in Kainataka which aie
1u% foi BESC0N, Nangaloie Electiicity Supply Company (NESC0N) anu Chamun-
ueshwaii Electiicity Supply Coipoiation Limiteu (CESC) anu 7% foi the othei ESC0Ns.
While these limits aie piesumeu to aiu safeguaiuing financial viability, they also enfoice
a ceiling on the quantum foi giiu connecteu ienewable powei geneiation fiom piivate
paities without which uoubling the piesent contiibution of 11.S% of ienewables by
2u14 as envisageu by Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy woulu be uifficult.

8.S.2. Lnergy eff|c|ency
The UIVHFTIPIRK NO QRTFRSIMTIRK HQZYKM, commonly know as bulbs, with compact
fluoiescent lamps (CFLs) in all goveinment builuings acioss Kainataka was notifieu by
in 2uu7 anu is unueistoou to have been fully completeu. The Public Woiks Be-
paitment (PWB), iesponsible foi constiuction anu maintenance of goveinment builu-
ings, acteu on the 2uu7 notification. It ieplaceu electiic geyseis with solai hot watei
heateis wheievei funus peimitteu (moie than 1uu goveinment builuings) anu pio-
ceeueu with ieplacement of incanuescent bulbs with CFLs. Quantitative uata on the lat-
tei has iegietfully not been piesenteu in the consultation piocess.

In Naich 2u11, just befoie the ielease of the 2u11-12 buuget, the "#$%&' MTYIPI was
announceu by the Chief ministei in which each householu coulu exchange up to foui in-
canuescent bulbs foi CFLs at a subsiuiseu iate of INR 1S pei lamp. The CFLs aie supplieu
by a one selecteu manufactuieimeichant. While the scheme has been launcheu in aieas
seiveu by Bangaloie Electiicity Supply Company (BESC0N) its extension to the entiie
state is expecteu in Septembei 2u11. Expecteu eneigy saving of the scheme aie esti-
mateu to be S,uuu million kWh
, neaily S8% of eneigy savings taigeteu with Kaina-
taka Renewable Eneigy Policy. In view of Kainataka's histoiic eneigy supply ueficit the
B-($0+ scheme is an oveiuue iesponse to exploiting the eneigy savings potential of the
householu sectoi. It is estimateu that in spite of the subsiuy, the scheme woulu make
economic sense because it sets off much neeueu electiicity loau Kainataka is unable to
supply in the neai teim. KREBL intenus to pull in caibon finance thiough Clean Bevel-
opment Nechanisms (CBN) thiough tenueiing into the scheme eventually. The benefits
of the scheme seem to auuiess both ecologic anu economic conceins while also being in
tune with uevelopmental piioiities of the state. Bowevei, theie aie conceins ielateu to
the fact that no auequate CFL uisposal anu meicuiy iecoveiy mechanism have been es-
tablisheu, thus enlaiging an alieauy existing pioblem with CFL anu tube light iecycling.
Anothei anxiety exists that the subsiuy cieating a huge low-piice maikeu uominateu, as
is feaieu, by piouucts whose quality anu lifetime may be infeiioi to bianueu piouucts.
0thei anu peihaps moie ieliable piouucts may thus be uiiven into a nice maiket while
the ieputation of CFLs as a whole may uecline. The scheme unueimines the maiket foi-
ces that have leu to the successful intiouuction of CFLs on its own stiengths. In the woist
case, when subsiuiseu CFL begin to fail in a laigei scale. In this case, uefective CFLs aie

Biscussion papei on ueteimination of taiiff foi giiu connecteu solai powei plants in Kainataka, Kainataka Electii-
city Regulatoiy Commission, Nay 27, 2u1u
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Policy 2uu9 - 2u14, Bepaitment of Eneigy, }anuaiy 19, 2u1u
Notification EN S96 NCE 2uu6 of Bepaitment of Eneigy, uateu Novembei 1S, 2uu7
Consultations with Public Woiks Bepaitment (PWB) on Naich 1u, 2u11
The Binuu, Bangaloie euition; Naich 1, 2u11

moie likely to be ieplaceu with low cost incanuescent bulbs iathei than unsubsiuiseu
expensive CFLs, a piouuct in which customei confiuence has collectively ueclineu.
Eneigy efficiency (EE) oi uemanu siue management (BSN) is one of the cost effective,
easily implementeu measuies foi ieuucing eneigy consumption. These measuies also
have the auvantage of being implementeu in shoit time peiious. Pio-activeness of Kai-
nataka towaius eneigy efficiency is eviuent fiom the fact that it has alieauy set a taiget
of 79uu N0 savings in the peiiou of 2uu9-14
. Table 47 illustiates the eneigy effi-
ciency taigets of the state.

_.9]` 1+
1+ ] 1+ .DD; KN "8 EIU %RRLP
Agiicultuie 1u814 SS 27uS S4u
Inuustiies 726S 24 181S S6S
Bomestic 669u 21 1672 SS4
Commeicial 4uu6 14 1uu1 2uu
Nunicipal 0tilities anu otheis 2841 6 71u 142
2NKFH 6"<"8 "DD 5;D" "95;

To achieve the above theie aie two bioau appioaches:
! Bemanu-siue measuies - eneigy efficiency measuies anu uemanu siue management
(efficient appliances, builuing uesigns, consumei awaieness etc.)

! Supply- siue measuies - use of moie ienewable eneigy iesouices, ieuuction in T&B
losses etc
It is estimateu that implementing stiict eneigy efficiency piogiams anu BSN will ieuuce
uemanu foi electiicity by 1u-1S% oi 9u to 1uu billion kWh by 2u2u-21

Fuithei, BSN
is expecteu to ieuuce C02 emissions by 1S% (71 million tons) in 2u2u-21 fiom the esti-
mateu 84 million tons with business as usual. This value can still be fuithei ieuuceu
thiough shift to caibon fiienuly souices
It appeais that a 1FU[IK 2UFRMONUPFKQNR ONU 3RIUZW 3OOQTQIRTW (NTEE), as envisageu
by the National Nission foi Enhances Eneigy Efficiency in Kainataka is not quite on the
hoiizon yet. KREBL ieckons that such tiansfoimation woulu iequiie seveial yeai's
woith of awaieness cieation so as to "inciease its populaiity" while no cleai plan exists
on how exactly to leveiage maiket mechanisms into changing buyeis' anu investois' ue-
cisions in favoui of enviionmentally piefeiable choices.

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Consultation with Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL) on Naich 8, 2u11

Some Su goveinment builuings in Bangaloie have iepoiteuly being IRIUZW FLSQKIS by
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL) anu it is planneu to com-
plete the auuit of iemaining builuings this yeai. It is aimeu to conuuct auuits foi all con-
sumeis with a connection loau of 11u kvA anu above. No uefineu timefiames have been
communicateu oi set heie as well.
Eneigy efficiency maue inioaus with two othei
piominent initiatives. A majoi eneigy auuit pilot is being conuucteu in Nysoie. Some
2Su,uuu connections aie saiu to have been auuiteu in this town of inhabiteu by a popula-
tion of about 8uu,uuu but it is unknown what eneigy savings this effoit has iesulteu in.
The 3RIUZW &NRMIUXFKQNR $LQHSQRZ &NSI (ECBC) is yet to be legislateu at state level.
KREBL in its iole as key auvisoi on matteis of eneigy efficiency can be assumeu to have
a iole in this piocess but timefiame piojections weie not available. It is feaieu that state
level implementation is anu thus cannot be scheuuleu. This fact combineu with unav-
ailability of publicly ueclaieu taigets foi KREBL's capacity expansion suggests that a
bioauei initiative on the National Nission foi Enhances Eneigy Efficiency in Kainataka
may not be implementeu anytime soon. This concein also ielates to the concept of uieen
Rating foi Integiateu Babitat Assessment
8.S.3. karnataka's so|ar water heater |n|t|at|ve
In oiuei to facilitate the implementation of the Eneigy Conseivation Act, 2uu1 uov-
einment of Kainataka in 2uu7 RNKQOQIS KYI PFRSFKNUW LMI of solai watei heateis, CFLs,
ISI maikeu motoi pump sets anu integiation of eneigy efficiency anu ienewable eneigy
in new builuings.
In 2uu7 the use of MNHFU \FKIU YIFKIUM was maue manuatoiy in
Kainataka foi a wiue iange of establishments within the municipal coipoiations. The
notification coveis hospitals, hotels, canteens, housing complexes anu iesiuential builu-
ings with a built-up aiea of at least 6uu ft
on sites measuiing 1,2uu ft
anu above, all
goveinment builuings anu even inuustiies with watei heating iequiiements. Eneigy
supply companies (ESC0Ns) weie positioneu as enfoiceis by making the installation
pieiequisite to the piovision of electiicity connections. Bangaloie Electiicity Supply
Company (BESC0N), which seives the uistiicts of Kolai, Tumkui, Chitiauuiga anu Ba-
vangeie besiues the Bangaloie Netiopolitan Region, has gone one step fuithei by pio-
viuing taiiff iebate of u.S INRkWh
foi connections with a solai watei heating system
installeu. This incentive believeu to have contiibuteu in shaving off a poition of the
moining peak loau ieuucing the neeu foi loau sheuuing uuiing this peiiou. As the iebate
is ceileu at INR Su pei month pei installation it may fail to excite high income house-
holus with high comfoit neeus while at the same time iemaining out of ieach foi low in-
come sections because the investment. It appeais neveitheless a step in the iight uiiec-
tion while its expansion to othei ESC0N is piinciple uesiiable anu piefeiably monitoieu
to assess the actual impact maue.
8.S.4. 8|o-fue| o||cy
Kainataka has piepaieu a uiaft Bio-fuels Policy unuei the Ruial Bevelopment anu
Panchayati Raj Bepaitment (RBPR) which aims to achieve a 2u% shaie of bio-fuels by
the yeai 2u2S. The policy pioposes to establish the Kainataka Bio-Fuel Bevelopment
Authoiity (KBBA) to finalise the policy anu oveisee its implementation. The state gov-
einment has pioposeu a buuget of Suu cioies foi bio-fuel uevelopment in the 11th five-

Consultation with Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL) on Naich 8, 2u11
Notification EN S96 NCE 2uu6 of Bepaitment of Eneigy, uateu Novembei 1S, 2uu7
www.bescom.oigenseivicesbescom-policies-taiiff-lt.asp ietiieveu on Apiil 7, 2u11

yeai plan (2uu7-2u12). The policy pioposes manuatoiy use of bio-fuels by state ue-
paitments as a pait of populaiization stiategy foi bio-fuels in the state.
8.S.S. Scope for CDM
Theie is laige scope foi CBN benefits in Kainataka accoiuing to KREBL. In Kainataka,
about S1 ienewable eneigy piojects have availeu 8u,62,9S4u of CERs (Caibon Emission
Reuuction) by 2uu8 (Renewable Eneigy Policy)
. KREBL is also facilitating eneigy effi-
ciency conseivation anu Bemanu Siue Nanagement (BSN) piojects
8.S.6. GnG |nventory
While a gieenhouse gas emission inventoiy has not been piepaieu foi Kainataka, the
uevelopment of sectoial inventoiies was initiateu by Kainataka State Pollution Contiol
Boaiu (KSPCB). An assessment of the tianspoit sectoi foi Bangaloie
was commis-
sioneu by the boaiu in 2uu8 anu latei on foi selecteu othei uistiicts
. The boaiu also
intenus to piepaie a uBu piofile foi all highly polluting categoiies of inuustiies in Kai-
nataka in 2u11-12.
This woulu compiise of 17 categoiies of inuustiies with highest
levels of iesouices consumption.
O"G" V.==.%/= D/E)4 -@) ,H3PP
8.6.1. Nat|ona| So|ar M|ss|on
The National Solai Nission is a majoi initiative piomoteu to achieve an ecologically sus-
tainable giowth while auuiessing Inuia's eneigy secuiity challenge. Inuia being a tiopi-
cal countiy has sunshine foi longei peiiou of time anu in gieat uensity. Thus with conui-
tions being apt foi the state as well with most of the iegion expeiiencing hot humiu cli-
mate the vast potential of solai eneigy in the state coulu be well hainesseu into solai
theimal anu solai photovoltaics.
Also now as the whole woilu is conceineu about global waiming anu climate change
which coulu be containeu by the use of ienewable eneigy, the use of solai eneigy helps
in empoweiing people at the giass ioot level. Thus it becomes impeiative to set up a pol-
icy foi the captuie of solai eneigy anu foi the efficient penetiation of solai technology
both at centialiseu as well at uecentialiseu level.
In oiuei to achieve the goal of Solai Inuia anu to combat the losses anu inefficiencies as-
sociateu with the centialiseu system of powei geneiation theie calls a giave neeu to
piomote pioactive implementation of Special Incentive Package (SIPs) policy foi the
photovoltaics manufactuiing plants, incluuing uomestic manufactuie of silicon mateiial
in oiuei to minimise the impoits of ciitical iaw mateiials anu components incluuing sili-
con wafeis foi solai Pv inuustiy. This not just opens up avenues foi solai Pv inuustiy
but also cieate employment oppoitunities to the local people hence ieuucing uiuugeiy.
The objective of the National Solai Nission was to establish Inuia as a global leauei in
solai eneigy, by cieating the policy conuitions foi its uiffusion acioss the countiy. To
achieve the same, some of the key challenges foi the state aie mentioneu below:

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
298, accesseu on 14th Apiil 2u11.
uieenhouse gas inventoiy of Kainataka, Seiies 1: Bangaloie City Roau Tianspoit Sectoi, Enzen ulobal, 2uu8
uieenhouse gas inventoiy of Kainataka, Seiies 2: 7 Southein Bistiicts, Enzen ulobal, unuateu
Consultation with Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu (KSPCB) on Naich 8, 2u11

! To cieate conuitions thiough iapiu scale-up of capacity anu technological innovation
to uiive uown costs towaius giiu paiity. Recognising that cost tiajectoiy uepenus
upon the scale of global ueployment anu technology uevelopment anu tiansfei.
! 0ff-giiu solai applications to meet the iuial eneigy neeus anu to seive populations
without access to commeicial eneigy anu mouest capacity auuition in giiu-baseu sys-
! Policy to facilitate the manuatoiy use of the ienewable puichase obligation by utili-
ties backeu with a piefeiential taiiff.
Inuia is the only countiy having sepaiate Ninistiy foi uevelopment of ienewable eneigy
souices in the woilu. Ninistiy of Non-Conventional Eneigy Souices (NNES), foi piomot-
ing the usage of ienewable eneigy souices in the countiy, which foim uiffeient National
Piogiammes to implement in each State of the Countiy in oiuei to populaiise usage of
solai uevices in the countiy. Thus in accoiuance to the same Solai Photovoltaic pio-
giamme was encouiageu. National Photovoltaic Piogiam unuei the Ninistiy of Non-
conventional Eneigy Souices, uovt. of Inuia pioviues subsiuy anu othei facilities foi en-
couiaging the use of solai eneigy uevices, which aie channelizeu thiough State Noual
Agencies. Foi Kainataka, the noual agency is the Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevel-
opment Limiteu (KREBL). KREBL iuentifies the beneficiaiies thiough Tenuei moue oi
maiket moue anu uisbuises the subsiuy accoiuingly. In uoing so the noual agency not
just switches to an enviionment fiienuly technology but also helps to foim a local giiu
(which coulu be incieaseu to meet auuitional uemanu) ieuucing the uepenuence on
othei fuels.
Also as a pait of the National Solai mission? taiget has been set to iamp up capacity of
giiu-connecteu solai powei geneiation to 1uuu NW by 2u1S anu an auuitional Suuu
NW by 2u17 thiough the manuatoiy use of the ienewable puichase obligation by utili-
ties backeu with a piefeiential taiiff. In this iegaiu, Kainataka Powei Coipoiation Lim-
iteu (KPCL) a state owneu enteipiise has set its fiist S NW solai photo-voltaic plant in
Yelesanuia village in Bengaiupet taluk in Kolai uistiict followeu by similai plants in Shi-
kaiipui taluk in Shimoga uistiict anu in Itnal village in Chikoui taluk of Belgaum uistiict.
These plants supply powei to state giiu which is useu to meet the iiiigation powei sup-
ply uemanu. The total investment foi the same was aiounu Rs. 22Su million. Kainataka
has also set up a taiget foi achieving 126NW of solai powei by 2u1S-2u14.
Enhancement of ieseaich anu uevelopment with new technology inteiventions to up-
scale the solai technology woulu help caive Inuia as well as the state an economy eneigy
efficient in itself.
8.6.2. Nat|ona| M|ss|on for Lnhanced Lnergy Lff|c|ency
Inuia is faceu with a challenge of sustaining its iapiu economic giowth while at the same
time uealing with the thieat of climate change anu to enhance fuithei the ecological sus-
tainability of its uevelopmental path. In achieving so the key challenges foi the state aie
below mentioneu:
! Impioving eneigy intensity in the state with cuiient commeicially available tech-
nologies anu best piactices.
! Inciease in eneigy geneiation anu eneigy supply to meet the sustaineu economic

! Acceleiating the shift to eneigy efficient appliances in vaiious sectois thiough inno-
vative measuies to make the piouucts moie affoiuable by the Naiket Tiansfoimation
foi Eneigy Efficiency (NTEE) scheme.
Inuia's eneigy efficiency is the fifth lowest in the woilu anu theie is ioom foi substantial
eneigy savings. Also keeping in minu that the eneigy uemanu is expecteu to be moie
than uouble ovei the yeais to come with booming of stiong economic activity by the in-
uustiial activity, uiban agglomeiation anu mushiooming of many laige- anu small scale
fiims, theie is a piessing neeu to uevelop innovative ways to conseive eneigy. Some of
the initiatives taken in this iegaius aie the )IRI\FGHI 3RIUZW &IUKQOQTFKI _)3&`
PITYFRQMP# The National Taiiff Policy 2uu6 manuates the State Electiicity Regulatoiy
Commissions (SERC) to fix a minimum peicentage of eneigy puichase fiom ienewable
souices of eneigy taking into account availability of such iesouices in the iegion anu its
impact on ietail taiiff. As pei the Kainataka uiaft solai policy, the solai eneigy geneia-
tois acioss Kainataka can sell the electiicity to the ESC0NS at the pooleu cost of powei
puichase, as ueteimineu by the KERC unuei the REC mechanism anu sell the Renewable
Eneigy Ceitificate to othei obligateu entities. This cieates the foium foi CBN piogiam-
mes acioss the iegion wheiein selleis can join this piogiamme to eain caibon cieuits.
Also, one moie initiative in this iegaius in -IPFRS 4QSI 1IFMLUIM _-41` QRKIUXIRa
KQNRM wheiein the Integiateu Eneigy Policy (IEP) lays emphasis on eneigy conseivation
anu efficiency, paiticulaily thiough BSN anu was estimateu that 1S% saving of eneigy is
possible by such inteiventions. The 'Belaku scheme' unuei the national 'Bachat Lamp
Yojana' pioviues an exchange foi the incanuescent bulbs with CFLs at subsiuizeu iates of
Rs.1S to each householu. The expecteu eneigy savings fiom the scheme aie S,uuu mil-
lion kWh, neaily S8% of eneigy saving taigeteu unuei the Kainataka Renewable Eneigy
Thus, it becomes necessaiy to iecognise the foimiuable challenges laiu to meet the en-
eigy neeus anu to pioviue auequate anu vaiieu eneigy of uesiieu quality to useis in a
sustainable mannei anu at ieasonable costs by impiovising the efficiency of conven-
tional anu non-conventional eneigy.
O"M" 1)$)<-)E );)4A./A ./-)4*)/-.%/ '4)'=
! Futuie emission scenaiios builuing on futuie eneigy neeus foi Kainataka coulu be
pieuicteu using an optimization eneigy enviionment mouelling fiamewoik. This will
facilitate in long-teim planning in iuentifying technological anu policy choices touay
that woulu iesult in sustainable low caibon high giowth uevelopment.
! Integiation of uBu management plan with existing plans anu policies taigeting iel-
evant sectois such as contiol of local pollution, eneigy & infiastiuctuie planning,
uiban uevelopment anu inuustiial uevelopment.
! Capacity builuing of noual agencies iegaiuing the foimats of uata collection anu uata-
base management as well as useis will be iequiieu.
! To stuuy the impacts of climate change on its eneigy systems. Foi example, theie
might be fuithei significant incieases in electiicity use anu peak uemanu in Kaina-
taka uue to tempeiatuie iise in futuie. Impact of changes in iainfall pattein, watei
availability etc aie also yet to be stuuieu foi hyuel powei geneiation. Theiefoie, a
stuuy in this iegaiu is impoitant to auapt the policies that enable hainessing of full
potential of ienewable eneigy foi long-teim eneigy secuiity.

! Bevelopment of inuigenous anu cost effective solai technology in the state to enable
hainessing full potential anu also ieach giiu paiity in the next 6-7 yeais.
! Betaileu biomass assessment stuuy anu foiecasting foi piepaiing an integiateu plan
foi biomass uealing with piouuction, tianspoitation, uistiibution, iegulation, anu
monitoiing, etc. It shoulu look into long teim foiecasting of uemanu, piopei use of
agiicultuial waste, establishment of awaieness geneiation centeis anu technical sup-
poit centies.
! The solai policy anu othei instiuments shoulu also pioviue fiscal incentives to pio-
mote setting up of manufactuiing units in state. Conuucting tiaining piogiams to cie-
ate skilleu anu semi-skilleu man powei.
! Waste to eneigy: The gieenhouse gases anu theii souice categoiies incluue municipal
soliu waste uisposal, uomestic waste watei uisposal, anu inuustiial waste watei uis-
posal. Theie aie no estimates of emissions fiom this sectoi at the state level. Bioau
stiategies anu actions aie coveieu as pait of task foice on sustainable habitat. Some
of the options to ieuuce emissions fiom this sectoi incluue secuie lanufills, compost-
ing plants, anu waste to eneigy piojects. Capacity builuing of local bouies anu munici-
palities foi this puipose woulu be iequiieu.
! Cieation of solai centie of excellence which woulu enable applieu ieseaich anu com-
meicialisation of nascent technologies in case of solai.
! Launch a compiehensive piogiamme foi both iuial anu uiban set-up. Efficient bio-
mass gasification baseu cooking systems, solai baseu lighting solutions, solai baseu
iiiigation pumps, uesalination systems coulu be launcheu oi ieinitiateu (as in case of
biogas anu biomass) in the state. Foi uiban aieas, task foice on sustainable habitats
elaboiates on some options incluuing builuings anu tianspoit.
! Since the state is coming up with new clusteis anu giowth centies which aie essential
foi the piogiess of the state, it is impoitant that piopei planning is uone in teims of
lanuscape planning, utilization of ienewable eneigy applications as applicable, eneigy
efficient technologies amongst othei.
! Theie is no ielevant means to iegulate the SNE sectoi. Also, the inuustiial policy oi
the investment policy uoes not consiuei eneigy efficiency. Theiefoie an integiateu
appioach to ensuie inuustiial giowth in an efficient mannei is neeueu. Some of the
specific action points aie uiscusseu in the section below on inuustiies.
! Cieation of eneigy conseivation funu foi eneigy efficiency anu ienewable eneigy
measuies in the state. The iesouices shall be geneiateu by a cess on unit eneigy con-
! Capacity builuing of the municipal bouies anu othei local bouies neeu to be built foi
planning anu implementation eneigy efficiency means.
! Beveloping eneigy-efficient faim machineiy to ieuuce emissions (e.g. solai pumps to
ieplace uiesel pumps foi iiiigation)
! Bevelopment of gieen manuiing anu oiganic faiming facilities. Bettei manuie man-
agement anu methane iecoveiy techniques to geneiate eneigy coulu be useu. Eithei
manuie can be kept unuei aeiobic conuition by tuining the manuie iegulaily to ie-
uuce emissions oi methane can be useu foi eneigy geneiation oi flaiing. Revival of
community Biogas plants coulu be a potential activity as besiues mitigating emis-
sions, it also supplies eneigy anu manuie. This fuithei ieuuces emissions anu local
pollutants thiough substituting fiiewoou foi cooking, keiosene foi lighting anu cook-
ing anu chemical feitilizeis.

! Nitigation oppoitunities in agiicultuie sectoi also lie in piomoting iesouice effi-
ciency anu sustainable faim piactices. Beveloping efficient iiiigation technology anu
smait systems foi eneigy use neeu to be taigeteu as a piioiity iequiiement in this ie-
gaiu. Same can be saiu foi the wiuespieau ueployment of ienewable eneigy tech-
nologies in the sectoi. A iight mix of maiket baseu incentives anu iegulatoiy ai-
iangements woulu be iequiieu to achieve the above goals.
! Pioviuing subsiuies foi oiganic faiming, puichase of eneigy-efficient faim machineiy,
climate-haiuy seeu vaiieties etc.

Bue to incieasing populations, the cities aie unuei immense piessuie to meet the giow-
ing uemanus anu aspiiation of theii citizens in a qualitative, cost economic anu sustain-
able mannei. The state of Kainataka has obseiveu a iapiu economic giowth in the last
two uecaues accompanieu by the fast uibanization levels ueclaiing it as thiiu most ui-
banizeu state in Inuia. The cities aie tiansfoimeu as engines foi economic giowth.
The state of Kainataka has a total of 214 0iban Local Bouies (0LBs). The state 0LBs
consists of 68 Town Panchayaths (TP), 94 Town Nunicipal Councils (TNC), 44 City
Nunicipal Councils (CNC), eight City Coipoiations (CC)
. Accoiuing to the piovisional
2u11 Census, Bangaloie 0iban is the most populous uistiict in the state with 9S.88 lakh
population with the uecaual giowth of 46.68 pei cent against the state aveiage of 1S.67
. This pace of tiansition in amalgamation with uegiauation of natuial ie-
souices, has poseu a huge challenge foi city goveining bouies.
The iapiu giowth in uiban population in the state has been uiiven by both push anu pull
factois. The absence of basic amenities anu the lack of employment oppoitunities in iu-
ial aieas act as push factois uiiving away the population fiom iuial aieas as well as
small uiban settlements. 0n the othei hanu, the peiceiveu piesence of such facilities in
laigei uiban settlements acts as the pull factoi leauing to the migiation of iuial popula-
tion into the uiban aieas
T"!" B'5.E ./ED=-4.'$.='-.%/
Kainataka has always been at the foiefiont of inuustiial giowth in Inuia. With its inhei-
ent capabilities, Kainataka pioviues the iueal choice foi investment oppoitunities. The
state of Kainataka, with iich mineial iesouices is famous foi cement, anu oie inuustiies
like iion oie, limestone etc. 0thei majoi inuustiies incluue sugai, coconut, anu pulp anu
papei inuustiies. Bowevei, the majoi contiibutoi still iemains the seivices sectoi be-
cause of the giowing IT-ITES inuustiies especially in the city of Bangaloie
. Bangaloie,
the capital city of Kainataka is calleu the 'Silicon valley' of Inuia because of its position
as nation's leauing IT expoitei pioviue huge employment oppoitunities anu also the
piesence of laige numbei of piemium euucational institutions has leu to incieaseu mi-
giation of people fiom within state anu vaiious states of Inuia
Incieaseu uibanization has both positive anu negative effects. The pei capita income of
the state has iisen
. The incieaseu iate of migiation to uiban cities has leu to uemanu
foi moie vehicles, leauing to moie uemanu foi fuel anu thus moie uBu emissions. uiow-
ing population also offei the challenges of managing incieasing soliu waste anu also
poses a thieat to the existing natuial iesouices like watei anu aii quality.
T"+" C4'/=5%4-'-.%/
The efficient tianspoitation incluuing ioau netwoik, iailways, anu wateiways is con-
siueieu as one of the majoi uiiving foice of the uevelopment of any state. As shown in

Su2 accesseu on 2S Apiil, 2u11
SuS accesseu on 2S Apiil, 2u11
State of Enviionment Repoit Bangaloie 2uu8., ENPRI, Bangaloie, Inuia.
www.kainataka.cominuustiy accesseu on 2S Apiil, 2u11
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

Table 48, the vehiculai population in Kainataka has incieaseu by almost 7u% (48.76
lakhs in 2uuS to 82.9u lakhs in 2uu9).

Notoi cycles S,SS6.74 72.9S S,914.uu 71.S4 66.28
Cais SS7.47 11.u2 1,u18.uu 12.28 89.41
Autos 188.S9 S.87 276.uu S.SS 46.SS
Buses 8u.8 1.66 142.uu 1.71 7S.74
Tiucks 161.12 S.Su Su2.uu S.64 87.44
0theis SS1.u4 7.2u 6S8.uu 7.7u 81.7S
2NKFH 8?C59#5< "DD#DD C?.;D#DD "DD#DD 5D#D.

Fiom the table it is eviuent that the giowth iate of cais is moie than that of NS anu
Buses. Apait fiom this, the numbeis of buses have incieaseu fiom 1S,421 in 2uu2 to
about 2u,uuu buses in the yeai 2uu9. Kainataka has to go up by Suu auuitional buses
eveiy yeai. The net new buses to be auueu annually to all the coipoiations woiks out to
16uu to 18uu.

_LV KN -ITa.D"D`
Notoicycles S269 S914 6242 666S
Notoicais 774 91u 97S 111S
}eeps 4S 46 46 47
Auto iickshaws 249 276 288 29S
0mnibuses 68 77 8u 91
Notoi Cabs S8 62 72 69
KSRTC buses 19 18.2 18.7 2u.8
Piivate buses 7 8 9 17
uoous caiiiages 2S4 Su2 S1u 418
Tiactoi 21u 2Su 2S8 24u
Tiaileis 2uu 216 221 226
0theis 164 18u S21 2uS
2NKFH 56"5 C.6;#. CC"C#5 ;8D<#C

In the state of Kainataka, the tiaffic consists of both motoiizeu anu non-motoiizeu vehi-
cles using the same ioau space. The highei uensity of vehicles in the uiban aieas com-
paieu to non-uiban aieas is attiibuteu to the concentiation of economic activities in the
uiban centies. These vehicles with uiffeient physical anu opeiational chaiacteiistics,
acceleiation anu ciuising speeus, coupleu with insufficient ioau space, uiastically ieuuce
the aveiage speeu on the ioaus. Reuuction in speeu incieases the tiavel time anu leaus
to incieaseu consumption of fuel anu emission of caibon uioxiue, hyuiocaibons anu ox-

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka.

iues of nitiogen
. Pei uay consumption of petiol anu uiesel in the state is Rs S1 lakh
lities anu Rs 81 lakh lities iespectively
. The consequence of incieaseu vehicle usage
gets ieflecteu in high aii pollution (highei emission pei capita with the giowth in piivate
vehicles), anu noise pollution
T"0" B%'E /)-7%48
The state's ioau netwoik consists of national highways, state highways, majoi uistiict
ioaus, municipal ioaus anu othei village connectivity ioaus. The total ioau netwoik in
Kainataka as of 2uu9-1u was 2,S1,uS2 km. Table Su uetails the inciease in the total ioau
length in the state. The total ioau length has incieaseu by almost 66% uuiing the past
six yeais

.DD6 .DD;
National Bighways (NB) S,728 2.78% 4,49u 2.u2%
State Bighways (SB) 9,829 7.SS% 2u,S28 9.22%
Najoi Bistiict Roaus (NBR) 28,247 21.u7% Su,4S6 22.6S%
village Roaus (vR) 92,2S8 68.82% 1,47,212 66.11%
Total "?68?D<. "DD#DD] .?..?<<< "DD#DD]

7u% of tiaffic is caiiieu by National Bighways (NB) in Kainataka. Bowevei, uuiing the
last six yeais even though the NB system is incieaseu by 762 km, its peicentage to total
ioau length of state has ueclineu fiom 2.78% to 2.u2% which may leau to congestion at
some locations. Buiing the same peiiou the shaie of State Bighways (SB) has incieaseu
fiom 7.SS% to 9.22% which is a veiy welcome scenaiio. Though it appeais that most of
the bottlenecks of SB system has been auuiesseu uuiing the last six yeais, the numbei of
tiips, pei capita tiip iate as iesult of all the thiee (Population uiowth, vehiculai giowth
anu inciease in the ioau net-woik) inciease substantially anu cieateu moie envi-
ionmental uegiauation
. The volume-capacity (vC) iatio in ceitain cities like Banga-
loie is beyonu the stanuaiu
T"2" L;5'<- %/ '.4 YD'$.-6
The tianspoit sectoi, especially ioau anu aii tianspoit, contiibute significantly to aii
pollution. vehiculai aii pollution is a veiy complicateu phenomenon that uepenus on
many factois like vehicle age, fuel composition, engine maintenance, type of vehicle. The
petiol engines emit moie caibon monoxiue anu hyuiocaibons while uiesel engines emit

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
www.stvat.comstivatpagespiesskainatakakai_petiol.htm accesseu on 26 Apiil, 2u11
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

moie paiticulate mattei, oxiues of sulphui anu nitiogen. Caibon monoxiue is the single
biggest pollutant emitteu by automobiles. vehicle speeu anu congestion aie othei im-
poitant factois as vehicles aie most efficient at speeus between 8u anu 1uu kilometeis
pei houi. The quality of fuel affects engine peifoimance anu use of auulteiateu fuel ie-
sults in highei emissions. The age of the vehicle fleet is impoitant since oluei vehicles
contiibute moie to aii anu noise pollution
T"9" C4'/=5%4-'-.%/ #J#=
The tianspoitation sectoi is a laige emittei of C02 anu its shaie of uBu emissions have
been incieasing continuously. Inuia impoits 8u% of its petioleum iequiiements, anu a
significant peicentage of this is useu by tianspoitation sectoi
The total emission fiom ioau, aviation anu navigation as a whole aie calculateu fiom the
fuel consumeu by vehicles useu foi ioau anu aii tianspoitation. Foi Kainataka, the
emissions uue to tianspoitation weie 8.SS million tons in the yeai 2uu7-u8. At a state
uBP giowth iate of 8%, assuming an elasticity of 1, the emissions uue to this sectoi is
likely to be 2S million tons
. A total of 8.SS million tons of C02 aie emitteu by the tians-
poitation sectoi as a whole. Beie again CB4 anu N20 aie not accounteu uue to theii in-
significant emission fiom tianspoitation activities

Foi ueveloping countiies, the uBu emissions fiom vehicles anu tianspoit moues aie
shown in Table S1.

Cai (gasoline) 2.S 1Su - 17u
Cai (uiesel) 2.S 8S - 12u
Cai (natuial gas) 2.S 1uu - 1SS
Cai (electiic) 2.u Su - 1uu
Scootei (two stioke) 1.S 6u - 9u
Scootei (foui stioke) 1.S 4u - 6u
Ninibus (gasoline) 12.u Su - 7u
Ninibus (uiesel) 12.u 4u - 6u
Bus (natuial gas) 4u.u 2S - SS
Bus (hyuiogen fuel cell) 4u.u 1S - 2S
Rail Tiansit 7S% full 2u - Su

It can be noticeu fiom the above table that iail tianspoit emits less uBu pei passengei-
km as compaieu to passengei cai, two wheeleis, electiic cais anu minibuses. Within the
ioau tianspoitation moue, buses scoie significantly ovei peisonalizeu moues of tians-
poitation i.e. cais anu two-wheeleis.

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia

T"G" N'=-)
9.6.1. Mun|c|pa| so||d waste
Soliu wastes incluuing toxic anu biouegiauable waste aie highly haimful to health of
human beings anu ecosystems. Wastes incluuing municipal soliu waste, hazaiuous
waste, e-waste, bio-meuical waste, animal (slaughteiing) waste, plastic waste impose
exteinal cost on the society in the foim of health anu economic costs. The piling up
amount of soliu wastes also uamages the aesthetic enviionment of any place.
The quantity of municipal soliu waste geneiateu vaiies fiom u.S7 (ton pei uay) TPB in a
small town to 14u TPB in Belgaum City Coipoiation
. The total quantity of Nunicipal
soliu waste geneiation fiom 219 municipalities in Kainataka is about 6,S1S Tons pei
uay (calculateu as pei 2uu1 population uata). Bangaloie city alone geneiates about
S,Suu tons pei uay
Table S2 piesents the uetails of the soliu waste geneiateu in the selecteu 0LBs. Fiom the
table, it is cleai that the city coipoiation geneiates maximum amount of soliu waste.

2WVI NO +/$
_%XZ# @FHLIM QR ]`
City Coipoiations 46Su S72u 8u
City Nunicipal Councils 2179 1S91 7S
Town Nunicipal Councils 1244 9SS 7S
Town Panchayats 7S2 SS4 71
2NKFH CC.9 <55C 59

4H#,N ,FPI NO +/$
1 Bospet 1,6S,284 S9.9S 244.S4
2 Bassan 1,16,628 S4.S1 467.S8
S Shimoga 2,74,1uS 8S.uu S1u.1u
4 Raichui 2,uS,6S4 9u.68 44u.98
S Chikmaglui 1,u1,u22 4u.86 4u4.47
6 Belgaum S,99,6uu 121.9u SuS.u6
7 uauag 1,S4,849 67.2u 4SS.97
8 Biuai 1,72,298 42.76 248.17
9 Bijapui 2,4S,946 8u.6S S27.84
1u uangavathi 9S,249 S8.62 414.16
11 Bellaiy S,17,uuu 12S.46 S89.46
12 Bavangeie S,6S,78u 18u.uu 494.8u
1S Chitiauuiga 1,22,S94 Su.uu 4u7.8S
14 Bhauiavathi 1,6u,S92 S1.68 S22.21
1S Kolai 1,1S,299 S2.uu 4S8.96
16 Robeitsonpet 1,41,294 SS.Su S91.S8

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
S2S accesseu on 26 Apiil, 2u11
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

4H#,N ,FPI NO +/$
17 Bolenaisipuia 27,u18 12.uu 444.1S
18 Channaiayapatna SS,24u 1u.uu Suu.84
19 Sakaleshpuia 2S,2u1 6.uu 2S8.61
2u Aiasikeie 4S,16u 14.uu S1u.u1
21 Alui 6,1SS 1.uu 16S.uS
22 Belui 2u,22S 8.uu S9S.SS
2S Noouigeie 8,962 4.Su Su2.12
24 N.R. Puia 7,441 S.uu 671.9S
2S Shiingeii 4,2SS 1.Su SS2.69
26 0llal 49,862 9.9u 198.SS
27 Tumkui 2,48,S92 S4.uu 217.22
28 Ramanagaiam 79,S6S 2u.uu 2S2.uu
29 Channapatna 6S,S61 2u.uu S14.66
Su Nanuya 1,S1,211 Su.uu S81.u7
S1 Nauuui 26,4S6 6.uu 226.79
S2 Kunuapuia 28,S9S 11.S4 S96.S7

9.6.2. Waste transportat|on
Recoius fiom Biiectoiate of Nunicipal Auministiation ieveal that, neaily 91% of the
waste collecteu in the state is tianspoiteu to the uisposal sites foi fuithei tieatment anu
final uisposal. This incluues both the oiganic anu inoiganic waste. Seveial moues of
tianspoitation aie useu to tiansfei the waste fiom the collection points to the uisposal
site uepenuing on the ioau conuitions, the quantity of waste collecteu anu also the finan-
cial viability. Following Table S4 pioviues the uetails of the vaiious moues of tianspoita-
tion involveu in waste tianspoitation in the state
City Coipoiations 4S 11 SS S
CNC 28 2S 17u 2u
TNC 1 14 129 12
TP S 4 99 2S

It is eviuent fiom table above that in majoi cities, laigei numbei of loiiies aie employeu
foi tianspoitation of waste wheieas in smallei Panchayats, it is tianspoiteu mostly
using tiactois
. With inciease in population, the geneiation of municipal soliu waste
also incieases in the state. Foi the uisposal of the soliu waste, the 0LBs shoulu employ
moie moues of tianspoit foi the uisposal of the NSW. The inciease in the numbei of
vehicles is uiiectly piopoitional to the consumption of fuel anu incieaseu aii pollution.

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.

9.6.3. Ind|scr|m|nate burn|ng of waste
In Kainataka, no engineeieu lanufill with a total waste iecycling system exists to uispose
municipal wastes
. Nost of the collecteu waste is uisposeu on piivate lanus oi munici-
pal lanu locateu in the outskiits of the city. It is buint eithei as ioausiue heaps oi at
uump sites to ieuuce waste volume anu oi to iecovei iecyclable mateiials. Inuisciimi-
nate open buining of waste significantly contiibutes to uiban aii pollution as the mixeu
waste contains tyies, aluminium foils, metallic sciap anu uomestic hazaiuous waste that
emit highly toxic fumes
Apait fiom this, iesiuents buin theii householu waste like foou sciaps, plastics, papei,
caiuboaiu, anu vegetable tiimmings on theii own piopeity oi stieet coineis, municipal
waste uumps oi open pits iefeiieu as backyaiu buining. Buining waste in the open aii
piouuces many aii pollutants incluuing highly toxic substances like uioxin, paiticulate
mattei, volatile oiganic compounus, caibon monoxiue polycyclic aiomatic hyuiocai-
bons, hexachloiobenzene anu ash
Illegal uisposal of wastes is also a seiious pioblem having seveial long-teim ecological
impacts. 0nscientific uisposal of wastes, foi piolongeu uuiation iesults in lanu uegiaua-
tion anu giounu watei pollution thiough leachate peicolation. A stuuy in Bangaloie ie-
veals that uaily an estimateu 6uu tons of municipal soliu waste is uumpeu illegally in
iesiuential aieas anu outskiits of the city
. Buiing monsoon the stagnant watei coulu
cause soil contamination. Bue to lack of knowleuge on waste minimization anu the bene-
fits of iecycling, the chain of the iecycling piocess is not complete anu often iesults in
illegal buining oi uumping
9.6.4. 1rends and pro[ect|ons
Consiueiing a giowth iate of 6% in waste geneiation in the state as inuicateu by NEERI
the piojecteu municipal soliu waste foi the yeai 2u2u will be 14, SSu TPB. Even if a
maximum ieuuction in waste thiough incineiation anu composting is assumeu, still
theie will be a minimum of 2u% iesiuue of waste that will have to be lanufilleu
;#<#9# (7( IPQMMQNRM
The majoi gieen house gas emission fiom waste management is methane. The thiee
main souices aie fiom municipal soliu waste, uomestic waste watei anu the inuustiial
waste watei. The CB4 emission is uue to uecomposition of waste in anaeiobic conuition
anu N20 emissions fiom uomestic waste watei is uue to its piotein content.
An IPCC (1996) ieviseu methouology was auopteu by BCCIK to estimate anu calculate
methane emission fiom municipal soliu waste. The uiban population in Kainataka is
consiueieu to be S7% of 2u11 piojecteu state population. The municipal waste geneia-
tion iate on an aveiage in all cities is estimateu to about u.SSkgcapitauay anu 7u%

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka 2uuS. Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement
anu Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.

ieaches the lanu fill site. These paiameteis aie consiueieu in the calculation of emission
of methane, anu founu to be 69 thousanu tons
Waste piouuceu by human activities is incieasing in most paits of the Woilu. The output
uepenus on the uegiee of uibanization, uietaiy habits, lifestyles anu living stanuaius.
With the iise in uibanization, lanu aieas available foi filling aie getting lessei anu lessei.
Toxic piouucts fiom wastes uisposeu in lanufill sites incieasingly leach into giounu-
watei oi cause the geneiation of explosive methane gas. These waste mateiials aie also
attiactive to cockioaches, flies anu iouents anu hence neeu eaily anu effective uisposal
T"M" N'=-)7'-)4 A)/)4'-.%/
The wastewatei piouuceu in Kainataka is estimateu to 1uS6 million liteis pei uay
Fiom the auopteu IPCC 2uu6 guiueline, it is calculateu that 19 thousanu tones of CB4 is
emitteu. Bowevei, the N20 emissions aie negligible. The oveiall emission fiom this sec-
toi has been estimateu as S% of the national emission fiom the waste sectoi which ac-
counts foi 2.89 million tons of C02 equivalence emission in Kainataka. Table SS shows
the uBu inventoiy of waste



&*. IPQMa
&78 IPQMa
,.* IPQMa
Waste _ _ _ u.126 u.uuu79 2.89
T"O" Z'/E D=)
The state geogiaphical aiea is 1,91,791 km
. It compiises of 27,481 inhabiteu villages
anu 27u towns uiban agglomeiations. The geogiaphical aiea of the 29 uistiicts is fui-
nisheu below in Table S6 foi infoimation.

1 Bangaloie SuSS 116S47 17616 19Su8 6u814
2 Bangaloie 0iban 11S22 Su96S 2uuu4 4SS76 1S4u84
S Ramanagaia 69946 SuS64 2979u 4668S 16SS9S
4 Chitiauuiga 7S719 76646 121672 6S229 484SSu
S Bavangeie 89918 S9496 SSu18 2SS94 4226S4
6 Kolai 2u62u 74S47 S2824 S4114 179SSS
7 Chikkaballapui 497u4 662SS 721SS 4S728 174212
8 Shimoga 2768SS 1u176S 2u66S8 416S7 2S616S
9 Tumkui 4S177 1S178u 16u128 99477 664S14
1u Chickamagalui 2uu48S 7u961 1Su8S9 2Su41 S2S27u

Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
Bangaloie Climate Change Initiative - Kainataka (2u11). Kainataka Climate Change Action Plan; Final Repoit.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.

11 Bakshina Kannaua 128476 1228SS 824u9 1Su12 1S8179
12 0uupi 1uu1u2 Su8S7 94489 1u122 12294S
1S Bassan S877S 1u9u46 S4u42 71u84 44u719
14 Kouagu 1S4S97 S4971 47SS4 6Su1 179229
1S Nanuya 2476S 8242S 8SS86 7S72S 28S928
16 Nysoie 628S1 11284u 8SS87 7S798 S797S9
17 Chamiajanagai 27S61u 46u4u SS169 27u19 2186SS
18 Belgaum 19u424 11S71u 4u6SS 166S74 1uS1947
19 Bijapui 1977 649u6 16S9S 9u982 1u6u841
2u Bagalkote 81126 SS642 S7S8 Suu9S 6uu414
21 Bhaiwau SS2SS 2S7S2 6418 414Su S28S21
22 uauag S2614 221u9 S86S 22S96 SS8SSS
2S Baveii 474S4 S748u 17SS4 1764S 4296S8
24 0ttaia Kannaua 81SS9S Su6S6 28116 1762u 12S26S
2S Bellaiy 97u17 1221uu SS917 961u1 6u24S8
26 Biuai 277u7 411SS 442u7 98491 41118u
27 uulbaiga 69u89 1S11u7 S12S7 2uu98S 144492S
28 Raichui 18167 4u647 442u8 1S27u 722S18
29 Koppal 294S1 SS497 174SS 6844u Su8uS2
2NKFH 6?D5"?C66 .?"95?D95 "?<68?<9; "?<.9?8;9 ".?C;.?<5"

Table S6 inuicates that Su, 71, 8SS hectaies of lanu is unuei the foiest covei. A total of 7,
87, 776 hectaies of lanu is baiien anu 1S, 69, 281 hectaies of lanu is non agiicultuial. In
noithein iegion of Kainataka 69% of the lanu available is cultivable lanu, 12% is foiest
lanu anu the iemaining aie non cultivable. Southein Kainataka has 49% lanu sown anu
16% unuei foiest lanu. The iemaining aie non cultivable
0ut of the S, 28, Su, S62 (population of Kainataka as pei Census 2uu1), 1,79,61,S29 peo-
ple live in uiban aieas anu S,48,89,uSS in iuial aieas. Assuming five peisons pei family,
the total numbei of houses in the state ought to be 1,uS,7u,112. As pei census 2uu1 stat-
istics the numbei of houses in the state is 1,uu,69,299. The numbeis of uiban houses aie
S4,92,86S while the iuial houses aie 6S,71,4S6. This inuicates that theie is a shoitage of
housing of about S Lakhs
. Consiueiing the aveiage uecennial giowth at 4% ovei the
piojecteu population of 2u1u the estimateu population by 2u11 is 64,uuuuuu anu as-
suming an aveiage giowth iate of 16.4% the population by 2u21 is 7,2u,uuuuu, the total
numbei of houses iequiieu woulu be 1,28,uu,uuu by 2u11 anu 1,44,uu,uuu by 2u21
Assuming a gioss uensity stanuaiu of 1uu peisons hectaie the lanu iequiieu to house
the population of 7,2u,uu,uuu by 2u21 woiks out to 2,16,SSS hectaies of lanu consiuei-
ing the alieauy maue available lanu foi the existing 1,uu,69,299 houses. As pei statistics
69% anu 49% of lanu is agiicultuie lanu anu 12 % anu 16% of foiest aiea iespectively
in the noithein anu southein Kainataka. The othei lanus available aie the fallow lanu

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

anu uncultivateu lanu. It may be necessaiy to conveit agiicultuial lanu to Non-
agiicultuial puiposes to accommouate the giowing populace
To accommouate the giowing population, the tiees have to be cleaieu foi constiiction
activities. This will also leau to illegal constiuction of houses. The ieuuction in the
gieeneiy woulu leau to incieaseu caibon-uioxiue concentiation in the atmospheies, as
the tiees act as caibon sinks. Theie is an inciease in the numbei of builuings uue to in-
cieaseu population anu migiation of people into cities in seaich of bettei livelihoou has
leu to inciease in tempeiatuies uue to iauiation fiom builuings anu paveu ioaus (heat
islanus), anu inauequate tiee covei to countei this iise in tempeiatuie. Aii ciiculation is
also ieuuceu uue to the uense iesiuential uevelopment anu loss of vegetation covei
Incieaseu constiuction woik has leu to inciease in the paiticulate matteis in aii. The in-
cieaseu movements of heavy vehicles caiiying constiuction mateiial like tiucks anu loi-
iies, anu conciete mixtuies also leaus to aii pollution
9.8.1. Urban green spaces

At the cuiient tienus the gieen spaces in Kainataka aie ieuucing. In cities theie is a pei-
ceiveu lack of auequate lung space in teims of paiks anu open spaces.
9.8.2. 1ransportat|on needs
Lanu use anu tianspoitation aie intei-connecteu. Auueu to this is the Intei Intia
Tianspoitation movement. Kainataka has a total of 8,294,2u2 iegisteieu vehicles as of
Naich 2uu9. Notoicycles constitute a majoi poition of these vehicles (S,S76,6S8). Rail-
ways anu ioauways aie majoi intei anu intia tianspoit means in the state. Roaus foim a
minimum means of connectivity in the State anu aie veiy essential foi the uevelopment
of the state
. Also, the capacity of the ioaus is stiaineu to the limit, with moie vehicles on
plying on the ioaus. This ieuuces the vehicle speeu, incieasing the congestion anu leau-
ing to aii pollution
. Constiuction of ioau foi bettei connectivity between the neighboui-
ing states will leau to cutting uown of foiest patches thus leauing to incieaseu emission
of C02.
T"T" H<-.%/=I 5%$.<.)= '/E ./=-.-D-.%/'$ 54)5'4)E/)==
Rapiu uibanisation of the Bangaloie iegion was anu is uiiven in some pait by iegional
imbalances, some of which can be tiaceu back to the foimation of Kainataka state in
19S6. The Bi Nanjunuappa Committee iepoit iuentifieu imbalances in oppoitunities,
uevelopment anu euucation in 2uu2
. uoK implements seveial impoitant iecommenua-
tions of it such as the Special Bevelopment Plan foi backwaiu taluks anu the piogiess is
Auuiessing iegional imbalances also foims an element of the Kainataka In-

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
Repoit of the Bigh Powei Committee foi Reuiessal of Regional Imbalances in Kainataka. Bi. B. N. Nanjunuappa
Committee, 2uu2
Economic Suivey of Kainataka 2u1u-11. Bepaitment of Planning, Piogiamme Nonitoiing anu Statistics, Febiuaiy,

uustiial Policy 2uu9-14, which aims at attiacting investment of INR Suu,uuu cioie anu
employment of 1u lakh. The incentives it pioviues to inuustiies in moie backwaiu taluks
aie consistently highei. In the long iun, this woulu be a capable instiument foi shifting
the focus of inuustiial uevelopment into iuial aieas. veiy appiopiiately, enviionmental
management incentives aie not linkeu to location.

The neeus of LUGFR VHFRRQRZ anu uevelopment aie in custouy of the 0iban Bevelop-
ment Bepaitment. Thiee uiiectoiates aie unuei its umbiella aie with specific ioles: Bi-
iectoiate foi Town & Countiy Planning, Bistiict Nunicipal Auministiation (BNA) anu
the Biiectoiate of 0iban Lanu Tianspoit (B0LT). The 0iban Bevelopment Bepaitment
also pioviues anchoiage to uiban uevelopment authoiities acioss the state anu, in ie-
spect of Bangaloie, Bangaloie Bevelopment Authoiity (BBA) anu Bangaloie Netiopoli-
tan Region Bevelopment Authoiity (BNRBA).
BNA in tuin cooiuinates with 218 0iban
Local Bouies (0LBs), consisting of 8 City Coipoiations, 4S City Nunicipal Councils
(CNCs), 94 Town Nunicipal Councils (TNCs), 68 Town Panchayats as well as S Notifieu
Aiea Councils (NACs).
Thiough its line agencies, the uepaitment is a key facilitatoi of
enviionmental piactices with a ceitain beaiing on mitigatoiy aspects of climate change.
This incluues planning of uiban aieas, piepaiation of the bluepiints foi cieation of paiks
anu lung spaces anu implementation of waste management.
The Kainataka Town anu Countiy Planning Act, 1961 pioviues foi a thiee-tiei system of
uiban planning. This incluues the 0utline Bevelopment Plan foi the local planning aiea
which is piepaieu fiist. 0utline Bevelopment Plan bioauly inuicates the pioposeu zon-
ing of lanu use foi iesiuential, commeicial, inuustiial, iecieational, euucational anu
othei public puiposes, pioposeu ciiculation pattein anu a set of zoning iegulations.
Then the Compiehensive Bevelopment Plan is piepaieu inuicating theiein the compie-
hensive zoning of lanu use togethei with zoning iegulations, complete stieet pattein,
impiovements to existing ioau patteins, ieseivation of aieas foi public puipose such as
paiks, playgiounus anu othei iecieational uses, public builuings, institutions, aieas foi
housing, etc. Finally, the town planning schemes aie piepaieu foi the planning aiea foi
implementation of the pioposals of &NPVUIYIRMQXI -IXIHNVPIRK EHFR. This is a time
consuming piocess which takes neaily 2u yeais
. Thus the Kainataka State Legislatuie
has also passeu an amenument to the above mentioneu Act in Febiuaiy 2uu4 to uo away
with Compiehensive Bevelopment Plan anu 0utline Bevelopment Plan. The amenueu
piovision piesciibes piepaiation Nastei Plan by all the Planning Authoiities in one
stage. Auueu to this, theie is piovision foi Inteiim Nastei Plan penuing piepaiation of
the Nastei Plan foi iegulating lanu use pattein anu ioau pattein. Fuithei theie is a time
limit of one yeai foi piepaiation of Nastei Plan. Anothei veiy impoitant featuie is that it
is manuatoiy to ievise the Nastei Plan once in eveiy ten yeais
4KULTKLUI EHFRM aie the cential unueilying planning instiument which also integiates
policy uecisions. The Biiectoiate of Town & Countiy Planning piepaies them anu
BNRBA in case of Bangaloie. In its uevelopment zones, aie uemaicateu fiom aieas
wheie a conseivatoiy appioach is taken to pieseive the natuial chaiactei oi agiicultuial
utilisation. Zonal Regulations fiom an accompanying instiument, ensuiing that policies

Kainataka Inuustiial Policy 2uu9-14. Bepaitment of Inuustiies anu Commeice, 2uu9
Consultation with Biiectoiate of 0iban Lanu Tianspoit (B0LT) on Naich 9, 2u11
Piesentation on Nunicipal soliu waste management by Biiectoiate of Nunicipal Auministiation submitteu on Naich
8, 2u11
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia

auopteu in Stiuctuie Plans will be integiateu into subsequent Nastei Plans as well. Ap-
pioval foi the lattei iests with iespective 0LBs. While planning institutions, mechanisms
anu capacities appeai piima face auequate foi enviionmental planning, bottlenecks exist
in the implementation of Nastei Plans. Funu shoitages aie commonly iesulting into ue-
lays in the uevelopment of the piesciibeu lung spaces, foi which space is ieseiveu. Aftei
a uelay of five yeais Nastei Plans expiie anu the obligation on pait of the 0LB foi uevel-
opment of that space as paik lapses. The cuiient ownei of the lanu in question is then
ie-entitleu to its use foi any puipose uesiieu anu the iegulation eventually fails.

The piesciibeu use of MNHFU \FKIU YIFKIUM anu UFQR\FKIU YFUXIMKQRZ systems aie two
piominent examples wheie policy uecisions weie maue manuatoiy thiough integiation
into Stiuctuie Plans anu hence Nastei Plans. While the integiation into plans is not an
implementation oi enfoicement aiiangement by itself, it sets cleai goals foi 0LBs anu
places the subject piominently on the iauai of authoiities. The gieatei success in these
two cases piobably owes to the fact that iequiieu funuing is not to be footeu by 0LBs.
Anu the not unimpoitant fact that aie at libeity to uevise mechanisms foi iealising these
goals as pei theii uiscietion. In Bangaloie foi example, BNRBA intiouuceu a iefunuable
secuiity ueposit of 2% of the pioject cost foi constiuction of solai watei heateis. The
agency also makes tiee plantations pieiequisite foi appioval of uevelopment plans.
Bowevei, no quantitative uata has been publisheu iegaiuing achievements of these

Consiueiable effoit is being maue by BNA to implement \FMKI PFRFZIPIRK in all 218
0LB. An 8-months euucation anu communication piogiamme foi waste segiegation was
conuucteu back in 2uuS-u6 in thiee phases. With the help of selecteu Nu0s the pio-
giamme is saiu to have coveieu 4S towns, 2S CNCs, 66 TNCs anu 81 othei 0LBs. Apait
fiom shoitei-teim bieak-thioughs, paiticulaily in coastal uiban aieas, segiegation has
not caught on substantially. Constiains aie attiibutable not only to lack of awaieness but
also the absence of people paiticipation paiieu with unavailability of uecentialiseu
waste hanuling centies, as pointeu out by an Nu0 uuiing a Lok Aualat heaiing in 2u1u.

BNA holus that effoits aie being ieneweu anu it is suggesteu tentatively that Nysoie
might emeige as the fiist town to implement segiegation successfully. Bighest piioiity is
attacheu to achieving compliance with legal piovisions on municipal soliu waste. 21S of
the 218 0LBs have so fai piepaieu a soliu waste management plan. Lanu foi the estab-
lishment of the necessaiy waste management facilities has been acquiieu by 18S 0LBs
(84%). In some cases the acquisition piocess is tieu to couit pioceeuings anu heie time-
fiames foi completion cannot be piojecteu. It has been iepoiteu that uooi-to-uooi waste
collection has been achieveu in 79 0LBs so fai with the involvement of moie than 1,uuu
self-help gioups. BNA appeais optimistic that legal -compliance in municipal soliu waste
management will be achieveu by all 0LBs in 2u12-1S.

A Policy on Integiateu Soliu Waste Nanagement was auopteu by the state in 2uu4. The
main objective of the uocument is to uevelop anu implement scientific & sustainable
methous foi Integiateu Soliu Waste Nanagement (ISWN) compiising of collection,
segiegation, stoiage, tianspoitation, tieatment anu uisposal of waste by piopei utiliza-

Consultation with Biiectoiate foi Town & Countiy Planning on Naich 11, 2u11
Consultation with Bangaloie Netiopolitan Region Bevelopment Authoiity (BNRBA) on Naich 9, 2u11
Piesentation by Soliu Waste Nanagement Rounu Table on 0ctobei 2S, 2u1u
Piesentation on Nunicipal soliu waste management by Biiectoiate of Nunicipal Auministiation submitteu on Naich
8, 2u11

tion of iesouices (human anu financial) in 0iban Local Bouies of the state, as pei the
piovisions of Nunicipal Soliu Waste Nanagement (NSWN) Rules 2uuu
2YI 'FURFKF[F 1LRQTQVFHQKQIM %TK? ";<8J The Act is applicable to all municipalities in
the state anu vaiious obligatoiy functions of the municipal council aie listeu unuei Sec-
tion 87 of the Act. The piovisions ielating to soliu waste pioviue foi S*(-$#&#/ '4 .+1(&*
6%5--%68 .($*-68 6-I-56 $#) $(( 6.$*-6 #'% 1-&#/ .5&9$%- .5'.-5%28 5-,'9&#/ #'F&'+6 9-/-%$:
%&'#8 -%*HT The same piovision fuithei pioviues foi pioviuing iespectable foi collecting
'iubbish'. Section 224 of the Act piohibits uisposal of 'iubbish anu filth' in public places,
stieets, uiains, watei couises, etc
'FURFKF[F 1LRQTQVFH &NUVNUFKQNRM %TK? ";5<J The obligatoiy functions of the mu-
nicipal coipoiations aie coveieu unuei the piovisions of this Act. The Coipoiation
Commissionei is iesponsible foi piopei aiiangement of stoiage anu final uisposal of
'iubbish anu filth' as pei Section 22S of the Act. Fuithei, Sections 2S6 anu 2S7 empowei
the Coipoiation Commissionei to uiiect eithei the ownei oi occupiei of the piivate
piemises to iemove iubbish oi filth. This Act also pioviues foi imposing veiy nominal
penalty foi violating the piovisions mentioneu above
Section 1uSA of the Kainataka
Nunicipal Coipoiations Act, 1976 has been amenueu in 2uuu by intiouucing a new pio-
vision that enables municipal coipoiations to levy soliu waste management cess not ex-
ceeuing 1uuu iupees pei month
Fuithei, the scheuule 12 of the Constitution of Inuia enjoins the local bouies to maintain
the enviionment of the aiea unuei theii juiisuiction anu incluues public health, sanita-
tion, conseivancy anu soliu waste management
Recently, uoveinment of Kainataka has allocateu funus foi foimulation anu implemen-
tation of soliu waste management action plan unuei the eleventh anu twelfth Finance
Commission giants. K0IBFC, unuei the K0IBP piogiamme has unuei taken vaiious IEC
activities foi effective implementation of SWN Action plan. 0nuei the }NN0RN, BNP is
ueveloping engineeieu sanitaiy lanufills with piivate paiticipation. These integiateu
waste piocessing anu lanufill facilities at Kannahalli anu Navallipuia aie being imple-
menteu unuei a builu opeiate-tiansfei concession fiamewoik. A waste-to- eneigy plant
is also being uevelopeu by the piivate uevelopei
Waste to Eneigy 1SS -- Su Su

0iban Lanu Tianspoit (B0LT) was establisheu unuei the 0iban Bevelopment Bepait-
ment in 2uu7. Its focus is set on impioving both utility anu acceptance of public tians-
poit anu to cieate anu impiove infiastiuctuie foi peuestiians anu bicycles. B0LT's
manuate was initially limiteu to seven CNCs, expanuing giauually to all uiban settle-

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia.
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia
State fop Enviionment Repoit, Bangaloie 2uu8. ENPRI, Inuia

ments with a population of ovei one lakh.
The uiiectoiate ueseives cieuit foi piepai-
ing tianspoitation plans foi six towns anu compiehensive mobility plans foi foui towns
otheis. It pioneeieu the concept of iapiu bus tiansit systems in Kainataka which has
since been intiouuceu in Bangaloie, Nysoie anu Bubli-Bhaiwau. Bangaloie Netio is ex-
pecteu commence opeiation in 2u11 on a limiteu ioute anu achieve full-scale opeiation
by 2u14. B0LT is woiking on a bus feeuei concept to wiuen its geogiaphic ieach.
Equippeu with a buuget of INR 178 cioie, B0LT has iopeu in auuitional funuing thiough
a State Level 0iban Funu with an initial coipus of INR 6u coie. Its puiposes aie to pio-
viue funuing foi feasibility anu tianspoit stuuies, builu capacities of 0LBs anu even im-
plementation of piojects. The piomotion of peuestiian infiastiuctuie anu establishment
of ueuicateu cycle lanes is oveiseen by a Taskfoice foi Non-motoiizeu Tianspoit on the
initiative of B0LT. Feasibility stuuies foi five cycle lanes foi the }ayanagai aiea in south
Bangaloie have been foiwaiueu to Bangaloie Biuhat Nahanagai Palike (BBNP) foi im-
plementation. Tiaffic-fiee peuestiian zones, one in uanuhi Bazaai anu anothei Commei-
cial Stieet have been pioposeu as well as a jogging tiack aiounu the Nauiwala Lake. It is
woith noting that heie moues of tianspoit aie being ieconsiueieu anu piomoteu that
weie hitheito excluueu fiom tianspoitation concepts altogethei. The naiiow, uneven
anu obstacle-lauen pavements exemplify best the piioiity given to peuestiians so fai. If
successful, B0LTs pioposals will cieate uiban spaces thiough which a pait of the city is
being ietuineu to its citizens, pioviuing spaces foi ieuiscoveiies of qualities of life lost
uecaues ago. Stieet Besign uuiuelines aie cuiiently unuei piepaiation by the uiiectoi-
ate to be piesenteu aiounu Becembei 2u11. These aim to establish concepts anu stanu-
aius foi the uesign of junctions, the wiuth of pavements besiues intiouucing a hieiaichy
of ioaus. The neeu foi uevelopment of a peuestiian policy was also expiesseu in this

City Coipoiations in state aie also auopting new technologies like ueiating of the Fuel
Injection Pump foi speeu contiol anu fuel efficiency, impioveu hi tech passengei seat,
incieaseu hoise powei anu Inteinational anu Exteinal uesign etc, to achieve incieaseu
inciease the efficiency of vehicles
The National Bio-fuel Policy of uoveinment of Inuia piepaieu by Ninistiy of New anu
Renewable Eneigy (NNRE) has pioposeu a 2u% substitution of uiesel by bio-uiesel to be
achieveu in the yeai 2u17
. The Biofuel policy ueals with two classes of ienewable bio-
fuels namely Bio-uiesel anu Bio-ethanol. uoveinment iecognizes the impoitance of bio-
fuels as extiemely ciitical to sustainable eneigy secuiity anu enviionment piotection
with cieation of employment anu fuithei economic giowth. BNTC anu KSRTC have al-
ieauy intiouuceu the usage of bio-fuel in Bangaloie
Since tianspoitation is globally the Siu laigest emittei of C02, it is necessaiy to use all
possible means to optimize vaiious moues of tianspoitation in such a way that mouein
means of tianspoit aie available to all paits of the population without gieatly incieasing
oveiall emissions fiom the sectoi. It is also necessaiy to examine the ielationship be-
tween communication anu tianspoitation anu whethei impiovements in communica-

Bangaloie, Nysoie, Nangaloie, Bubli-Bhaiwau, Belgaum, uulbaiga anu Bellaiy
Response to questionnaiie by Biiectoiate of 0iban Lanu Tianspoit (B0LT) on Naich S, 2u11
Consultation with Biiectoiate of 0iban Lanu Tianspoit (B0LT) on Naich 9, 2u11
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka
Clean Eneigy Climate Nitigation in Kainataka- WISE iepoit
(http:iupi.kai.nic.inNuIREB.puf accesseu on 26 Apiil, 2u11) Fuithei ieauing-

tion, now available thiough auvances in technology, pioviue a substitution effect foi ie-
uucing tianspoitation
In view of builuing UIMIFUTY TFVFTQKW foi tianspoitation anu uiban planning the Tians-
poit Bepaitment cieateu a ueuicateu bouy in 2uu9. Pooling in a coipus of about INR Su
cioie fiom stakeholuei uepaitments, it establisheu the Centie foi infiastiuctuie anu
Sustainable Tianspoitation (CiST0P) in 2uu9, hosteu by Inuian Institute of Science

The uepaitment also inteiveneu with seveial actions so as to QPVUNXI FQU iLFHQKW QR
$FRZFHNUI. In 2uu1 it achieveu passing of a uoveinment 0iuei piohibiting commeicial
vehicles oluei than 1S yeais. Implementation of this oiuei has howevei pioven uifficult
if not impossible. Anu while the oiuei appeais to not have been withuiawn, it is not ap-
paiently acteu upon.
Equipping petiol-engineu auto iickshaws with LPu conveision
kits is maue attiactive thiough a subsiuy offeieu by the uepaitment. Aiounu 9u% of
auto iickshaws aie assumeu to have conveiteu by now. It also offeis INR 1u,uuu as ie-
waiu ieplacement of eveiy two-stioke auto iickshaw with a foui-stioke one. Raising the
subsiuy to INR 2u,uuu is alieauy unuei ieview. A catch howevei is that the two-stioke
vehicle ieplaceu neeu not be sciappeu but can anu shoulu be ie-iegisteieu elsewheie,
pioof of which has to be submitteu foi availing the subsiuy. Acioss Kainataka the ue-
paitment has licenseu 46u emission test centies, 26u (S7%) of which aie in Bangaloie
alone. Neaily half of those in Bangaloie aie having theii test iesults automatically sub-
mitteu to a uatabase. While this netwoik is cuiiently being expanueu it is uncleai what
exactly is being uone with the uata collecteu. It appeais that sulphui uioxiue anu nitious
oxiues aie well in check as most of the time while suspenueu paiticulate mattei (SPN) is
ieason foi concein.
Iionically, SPN, which has its souice in two-stioke anu uiesel en-
gines apait fiom oiuinaiy uust, is not coveieu by emission tests because the substance is
not coveieu by the Cential Notoi vehicle Act. This points at a possible oppoitunity foi
inteivention. Bowevei, SPN testing woulu possibly iequiie testing unuei loau anu not
iule speeu foi which test centies aie not equippeu. A CNu pipeline is cuiiently being
builu anu but it is unceitain whethei the fuel is expecteu to entei the vehicle maiket, es-
pecially in view of the fact that LPu has alieauy maue significant inioaus anu mouifica-
tions iequiieu foi conveision fiom LPu to CNu may cost anothei INR 2,uuu on top of
whatevei conveision expenses weie incuiieu foi the switch to LPu.
The Bangaloie
Netiopolitan Tianspoit Coipoiation has initiateu many measuies in its uiive to become
an eco-fiienuly tianspoit seivice pioviuei. Some of the initiatives being, piocuiement of
high speeu uiesel with u.uS mg of sulphui content, ieplacement all 1S yeais anu above
olu buses
Rajiv uanuhi Ruial Bousing Coipoiation Limiteu (RuRBC) cateis to the YNLMQRZ neeus
of the economically weakei sections of the society. Bousing foi some 2u lakh people
weie cieateu so fai, 7S% of which in iuial aieas. All schools constiucteu by the RuRBC
aie equippeu with iainwatei haivesting. Cement-bounu muu blocks aie piomoteu al

Clean Eneigy Technology Action Plan foi Climate Nitigation foi Kainataka (2u1u). Woilu Institute of Sustainable
Eneigy, Pune, Inuia
Nemoianuum of 0nueistanuing foi Centie of infiastiuctuie anu Sustainable Tianspoitation anu 0iban Planning
(CiST0P) between uoveinment of Kainataka anu Inuian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Novembei 19, 2uu9
Ninutes of the 18
Taskfoice foi Contiol of Aii Pollution In Bangaloie helu on Becembei 14, 2u1u
State of Enviionment Repoit Bangaloie 2uu8 by ENPRI, Septembei 2uu9
Consultation with Tianspoit Bepaitment on Naich 8, 2u11
State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka 2uuS. ENPRI, Inuia

low-eneigy alteinative in about 2-S% of housing piojects in uiban aieas. Becentialiseu
wastewatei tieatments systems (BEWATS) foi sewage have been installeu foi foui lay-
outs compiising of aiounu 4,uuu houses. In contiast to conventional tieatment plants,
BEWATS opeiate without electiicity. Foi the lattei initiative the coipoiation ieceiveu
suppoit fiom the Biemen 0veiseas Reseaich & Bevelopment Association (B0RBA),
ueimany. RuRBC commitment to implementing key elements foi sustainable housing in
line with the spiiit of the National Nission foi Sustainable Babitat is commenuable, es-
pecially in view of its limiteu financial flexibility.

Kainataka Bousing Boaiu (KBB) pioviues YNLMQRZ at an owneiship base, 1u-1S% of
which is ieseiveu foi economically weakei sections. As self-financing oiganisation, cost
iecoveiy is essential anu funuing foi new piojects is secuieu chiefly thiough loans. Noie
than Suu housing schemes
have been establisheu in this way in Kainataka since 196u,
cieating aiounu 2 lakh houses in 176 uiffeient taluks foi an unknown numbei of benefi-
ciaiies. It opeiates seveial schemes with uiffeient taiget gioups, buugets anu levels of
convenience. The boaiu asseits that paiks aie uevelopeu in 1u% of the aiea ieseiveu foi
this puipose, in these, iainwatei is haivesteu foi giounuwatei iechaige anu septic tanks
aie pioviueu in each of the schemes. Since 2u1u, also solai watei heateis aie incluueu
foi each builuing. A pilot pioject with 2u solai stieetlights has also been commissioneu
in Bangaloie in 2u11, its scale limiteu only by the funuing available.
The systematic
integiation of these elements aie both lauuable anu impoitant because the state has to
take a leau in auopting sustainable piactices.
Even Kainataka Slum Cleaiance Boaiu - which was ienameu as Kainataka Slum Bevel-
opment Boaiu in 2u1u - intenus to follow suit by auopting iainwatei haivesting, BE-
WATS anu solai lighting at some scale. The boaiu has not only been ienameu but also
ieoiienteu. Touay it is manuateu to pioviue essential amenities, cieate hygienic living
conuitions anu ensuie access to safe uiinking watei foi 2,2S1 RNKQOQIS MHLPM.
The em-
phasis is cleaily on uevelopment anu the boaiu has pioposeu the inclusion of iainwatei
haivesting, BEWATS anu solai lighting foi Rajiv Awas Yojana piogiamme, a foithcoming
S-yeai scheme. The ciux is auuitional funuing anu the boaiu is alieauy ieeling unuei
ueficits as state is saiu to contiibute less than the stipulateu 2u%. Neveitheless, a pilot
pioject with 9 solai stieetlights has been implementeu in Laggeie, Bangaloie anu a sec-
onu one at Sauaimanagala, Bangaloie is saiu to be commissioneu shoitly.

It is notewoithy that Rajiv uanuhi Ruial Bousing Coipoiation Limiteu (RuRBC) is ac-
tively puisuing OHW FMY LKQHQMFKQNR. Five theimal powei plants anu a papei mill have al-
lotteu lanu to the coipoiation foim making of builuing blocks in pioximity to theii piem-
ises. The agency consiueis itself to be the laigest single usei of fly ash in Kainataka.
ash is also utiliseu by Public Woiks Bepaitment, (PWB) although quantities weie not
iepoiteu. In 2uu2 it notifieu as manuatoiy the use of fly ash foi ceitain builuing anu ioau
constiuctions within 1uu km fiom theimal powei plants anu PWB is believeu to be im-

Consultation with Rajiv uanuhi Ruial Bousing Coipoiation Limiteu (RuRBC) on Naich 1u, 2u11
Lettei fiom Bousing Bepaitment uateu Febiuaiy 17, 2u11
Consultation with Kainataka Bousing Boaiu (KBB) on Naich 1u, 2u11
Consultation with Kainataka Slum Cleaiance Boaiu on Naich 1u, 2u11
Lettei fiom Bousing Bepaitment uateu Febiuaiy 17, 2u11
Consultation with Rajiv uanuhi Ruial Bousing Coipoiation Limiteu (RuRBC) on Naich 1u, 2u11

plementing the same.
It noteu with concein howevei, that unspecifieu amounts of fly
ash aie uumpeu on the coast, action on which is being initiateu.

The National Builuing Coue of Inuia 2uuS (NBC 2uuS) pioviues guiuelines foi iegulating
builuing constiuction activities acioss the countiy. It seives as a mouel coue foi auop-
tion, containing auministiative iegulations, uevelopment contiol iules anu geneial
builuing iequiiements. Fuithei, the Ninistiy of Powei's Buieau of Eneigy Efficiency has
also uevelopeu the Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue 2uu6. The puipose of this coue is
to pioviue minimum iequiiements foi the eneigy-efficient uesign anu constiuction of
builuings. Nanuatoiy foi commeicial builuings anu complexes, coues foi iesiuential
stiuctuies aie only voluntaiy
T"!U" V.==.%/= D/E)4 -@) ,H3PP
The National Nission on Sustainable Babitat unuei NAPCC states that in oiuei to ieuuce
iisks of climate change, any uibanisation activity in the countiy shoulu taiget at
! Piomoting eneigy efficiency in the iesiuential anu commeicial sectoi
! Nanagement 0f Nunicipal Soliu Waste (NSW)
! Piomotion 0f 0iban Public Tianspoit
The Eneigy conseivation act enables the goveinment to piesciibe the Eneigy Efficient
Builuing coue that sets minimum peifoimance stanuaius foi builuings. In Kainataka, the
uoveinment has authoiizeu KREBL to establish a sepaiate uepaitment within the oiga-
nization foi implementing the piovision of the eneigy conseivation act anu to take ne-
cessaiy steps foi capacity builuing piogiams in KREBL with the assistance of buieau of
eneigy efficiency establisheu by the goveinment of Inuia foi the effective implementa-
tion of the eneigy conseivation Act in the state.
3TN YNLMQRZ EUNZUFPPIJ The Eco-housing piogiam launcheu by Pune Nunicipal Coi-
poiation (PNC) is implementeu unuei the technical assistance of 0niteu States Agency
foi Inteinational Bevelopment (0SAIB). The piogiam piomotes the auoption of envi-
ionmentally fiienuly piactices, eneigy efficient piouucts, anu techniques by the con-
stiuction inuustiy. In Kainataka, Biouiveisity Conseivation Inuia limiteu in Bangaloie
has cieateu numeious eco-housing piojects that aim at autonomy on eneigy, waste anu
waste management. BCIL's iesiuential piojects have been moie successful anu have se-
cuieu caibon emission Reuuction at constiuction levels.
An inciease in the uemanu foi tianspoitation seivices foi both passengeis anu fieight
is inevitable, given economic giowth anu inciease of population. The key actions iuenti-
fieu in the mission aie setting up of a uemonstiation unit to take up iecycling of vehicles,
especially two wheeleis, which iequiie new techniques. The mission also focuses on the
neeu to set up a Combustion Reseaich Institute to facilitate R&B in auvanceu engine
uesign. Pioviuing tax benefits anu investment suppoit foi iecoveiy of mateiials fiom
sciap vehicles is also envisageu as encouiaging incentive to the iecycleis.
Estimates of the Planning Commission inuicate an eneigy saving potential of 11S mtoe
(million tonnes of oil equivalent) in the yeai 2uS1S2 by incieasing the shaie of iailways
anu impioving efficiencies of uiffeient moues of tianspoit (Planning Commission, 2uu6). Simi-

Notice PWB S4S CRN 2uu on Fly ash utilisation. Public Woiks Bepaitment (PWB), Becembei 2, 2uu2
Pioceeuings of the meeting, Kainataka State Coastal Zone Nanagement Authoiity (KSCZNA), Naich 14, 2u11
www.sustainable-builuings.oig accesseu on 26 Apiil, 2u11

laily, TERI estimates inuicate an eneigy saving of 144 mtoe in 2uS1 by incluuing efficiency im-
piovement acioss moues as well as consiueiing enhanceu use of public tianspoitation anu
iail baseu movement, use of bio-uiesel as compaieu to business-as-usual tienus. The coiiesponu-
ing C02 emissions ieuuction is estimateu at 4SS million tonnes in 2uS1.
The National Nission on Bio-uiesel aims in the fiist (uemonstiation) phase to establish
bio uiesel plantations in 26 states, while the seconu phase will leau to the piouuction of
sufficient bio-uiesel to enable a 2u% blenu in vehicle uiesel in 2u1112. 0n similai lines,
in Kainataka, The National Bio-fuel Policy of uoveinment of Inuia piepaieu by Ninistiy
of New anu Renewable Eneigy (NNRE) has pioposeu a 2u% substitution of uiesel by
bio-uiesel to be achieveu in the yeai 2u17. The Biofuel policy ueals with two classes of
ienewable bio-fuels namely Bio-uiesel anu Bio-ethanol. uoveinment iecognizes the im-
poitance of bio-fuels as extiemely ciitical to sustainable eneigy secuiity anu enviion-
ment piotection with cieation of employment anu fuithei economic giowth. BNTC anu
KSRTC have alieauy intiouuceu the usage of bio-fuel in Bangaloie
Anothei emeiging pioblem uue to iapiu uibanisation is Soliu waste management. To
mitigate uBus emission foim municipal waste, appiopiiate actions have been iuentifieu
incluuing auaptation of scientific soliu waste management system with options foi ie-
coveiy of wealth fiom waste.
The NSW Rules unuei the Enviionment Piotection Act aie cuiiently somewhat focuseu
on specific tieatment options, incluuing the chain of collection, tianspoit anu uisposal. This
focus is unuuly piesciiptive, anu pievents innovation in systems anu pioceuuies, as well
as upuate on new technologies anu techniques. In Kainataka, policies like the Kaina-
taka State Policy foi Integiateu Waste Nanagement mainly focus on cieating awaieness
among the public anu minimizing multiple anu manual hanuling of waste, uefining the
ioles anu iesponsibility of vaiious stakeholueis, ueveloping systems foi effective ie-
souices utilization anu ueployment, Piomoting iecoveiy of value fiom NSW, piimaiy
anu seconuaiy collection of waste anu tianspoitation of waste, tieatment anu lanu filling
of the waste.
As uiscusseu in eailiei section, The Kainataka Nunicipalities Act, 1964 is applicable to
all municipalities in the state anu vaiious obligatoiy functions of the municipal council
aie listeu unuei Section 87 of the Act. The piovisions ielating to soliu waste pioviue foi
S*(-$#&#/ '4 .+1(&* 6%5--%68 .($*-68 6-I-56 $#) $(( 6.$*-6 #'% 1-&#/ .5&9$%- .5'.-5%28 5-,'9:
&#/ #'F&'+6 9-/-%$%&'#8 -%*HT The same piovision fuithei pioviues foi pioviuing iespect-
able foi collecting 'iubbish'. Section 224 of the Act piohibits uisposal of 'iubbish anu
filth' in public places, stieets, uiains, watei couises, etc.
National Nission on Sustainable Babitat also estimates the funuinvestment amounting
to Rs SS761 cioie iequiieu to implement the iuentifieu action. This financial iequiie-
ment is categoiizeu baseu on the iuentifieu sectois anu neeu to cieate awaieness, pilot
scale uemonstiation anu Reseaich anu Bevelopment neeu. The sectoi wise funu ie-
quiiement is Rs SuuS2 cioie foi watei supply, Rs 17u61 cioie foi wastewatei manage-
ment, Rs 616S cioie foi soliu waste management, Rs 2u7 cioie foi Enhanceu eneigy ef-
ficiency, anu Rs 298 cioie foi uiban tianspoit.
T"!!" 1)$)<-)E );)4A./A ./-)4*)/-.%/ '4)'=
! Conuuct stuuies to iuentify ielevant toolspolicy options to integiate lanu use anu
tianspoit planning.
! Conuuct ieseaich on tools such as accessibility inuex, walk ability inuex etc.

! National policy suppoit in teims of the National 0iban Tianspoit Policy anu the
National Nission on Sustainable Babitats is alieauy piesent.
! Tiaining on tools foi tiavel uemanu mouelling, spatial planning, etc like TiansCau,
! Bevelop guiuelines foi gieenless eneigy incentive builuings like watei haivest-
ingsolai heatingeneigy conseivationwatei conseivation uuiing constiuction etc in
lines with the uRIBA iating system, especially foi aiiu climate conuitions.
! Incentives foi new constiuction (uevelopeisinuiviuuals) foi following uevelopeu
guiuelines in the foim of tax iebatessubsiuies, etc
! Issue a uiiective to all the uiban local bouies to incoipoiate not only solai watei heat-
ing but othei components like watei haivesting, passive cooling (as uevelopeu in the
guiuelines) in the existing builuing by-laws
! Customizing the ECBC, initiatives by the Ninistiy of New anu Renewable Eneigy like
solai cities anu thiiu paity iating systems like gieen iating system by IuBC in lines of
LEEB anu uRIBA to suite state specific climate conuitions.
! Reseaich in teims of innovative builuing techniques foi maximum utilization of solai
eneigy, minimum utilization of watei anu intiouucing passive cooling systems
! Tiaining on gieen builuing piactices to be pioviueu to the municipalstate officials.
! Nassive awaieness uiive on gieen builuings concept among the builuing community.
! Put in place an euucation anu social maiketing - behavioi change campaign - to euu-
cate anu uige the population to take public tianspoit. Intiouuce incentives foi public
tianspoit like, an off-peak uiscount, coipoiate uiscount schemes on bus faie, etc.
! Impiove the publicnon motoiizeu tianspoit options (quality, comfoit, fiequency,
affoiuability) anu alteinative point-to-point mobility options.
! Nanuate the possession of P0C while annual ienewal of insuiance, iegistiation of
vehicle, tiansfei in owneiship, etc to ensuie enfoicement. The same can be applicable
to two-wheeleis.
! Revise the existing P0C guiuelines in oiuei foi it to consiuei factois like vehicle
(twothieefoui wheelei), type of fuel (LPuCNuPetiol), age of vehicle, type of
emissions, etc.
! The state along with piivate seivice stations can issue maintenance ceitificates that
woulu allow the vehicle ownei to fetch gieatei piice while selling. Inciease the
license plate fee anu iegistiation costs foi 'gas-guzzling' S0vs. Subsiuize the cost of
clean natuial gas (CNu) engine hook ups foi cais anu inciease the availability of CNu
acioss the city.
! Tiaffic congestion tianspoit mobility stuuy to be caiiieu in big cities oi uiban ag-
glomeiation of the state to be caiiieu out by competent agencies foi pioviuing solu-
tions foi tiaffic anu tiavel uemanu management.
! Reseaich in iuentifying baiiieis that exist in using hybiiuelectiic vehicles on Inuian
! Cieate incentives foi auto manufactuieisieseaich institutes to puisue ieseaich in
enviionment fiienuly vehicles.

! Encouiaging the use of efficient public tianspoit in place of piivate tianspoit will
help to ieuuce the numbei of vehicles. Theie is an uigent neeu to builu a tianspoit
system cateiing to the uemanus of all sections of society with emphasis on buses, bi-
cycles, peuestiian tiaffic etc. }NN0RN coulu be tappeu foi this puipose. Rapiu-tiansit-
system with city buses coulu be pioviueu to the satellite towns being uevelopeu as
giowth centies aiounu the main cities.
! Implement an integiateu municipal soliu waste management piogiam in all the cities
that incluues uooi-to-uooi collection anu segiegation system. An awaieness anu be-
haviouial campaign (basic cleanliness anu hygiene piactices like no litteiing, etc) in-
stiucting segiegation at householu level (iecyclable anu non-iecyclable) shoulu also
be a pait of this integiateu appioach. Ensuie that all the municipalities act accoiuing
to the piovisions of NSW Rules 2uuu
! Stiengthen collection anu iecycling by integiating hanuleis anu iecycleis into the
mainstieam. Inventoiization of bio-meuical waste anu e-waste to infoim pol-
icypiogiams in that context. Iuentify successful mouels of soliu waste management
emeiging out of the R0IBP cities anu scale up the same
! Establish common bio-meuical waste tieatment facilities. Implement state-of-ait au-
vanceu enu-of-life waste management lanufill gas-to-eneigy systems
! Reseaich on life-cycle assessment (LCA) of ciitical mateiials in oiuei to unueistanu
the mateiial inputs, eneigy inputs anu enviionmental ieleases associateu with manu-
factuiing, using, tianspoiting anu uisposing of a given mateiial can be caiiieu out to
suggest stiategies to ieuuce the negative impacts to enviionment in the same.
! Reseaich on the cuiient status anu contiibution of the infoimal iecycling sectoi to
the mainstieam soliu waste management shoulu be conuucteu in oiuei to unueistanu
theii iole, anu infoim policypiogiammes foi them.

10. nUMAN nLAL1n
Since the uawn of civilization, mankinu has been continuously engageu in its piotection
thiough foou secuiity anu ueveloping iesistance against vaiious uiseases. The oveiall
health of a community is geneially ueteimineu by genetic iesistance of inuiviuuals anu
enviionmental quality. Any kinu of ueteiioiation in enviionmental quality seveiely af-
fects the community health, eithei by pioviuing suitable conuitions to vaiious vectoi
boine uiseases to spieau (inuiiect affect) oi by inuucing foou insecuiity anu physical-
chemical enviionment ielateu illnesses (excessive heat anu colu, floou, uiought, envi-
ionmental pollution etc). Pollution in aii, watei anu soil finus theii way into the human
bouy thiough inhalation, ingestion, ueimal contact, occupational exposuie etc. A majoi
shaie of buuget of any nation is spent on pioviuing efficient meuical facilities to its citi-
zen in oiuei to ensuie human health. Public health uepenus on availability of enough
foou, safe uiinking watei, uecent housing, piotection against uisasteis, a ieasonable in-
come anu goou social anu community ielations
In Inuia, Kainataka has shown a steauy piogiess in ensuiing health seivices to its citizen
since inuepenuence. Following Table S8 captuies the status of Bealth Inuicatois in the
state as well as taiget set to enhance the quality foi 2u2u by the goveinment;

Ciuue Biith Rate (SRS 2uu7) 19.9 2S.1
Ciuue Beath Rate 7.S 7.4
INR (Infant Noitality Rate) 47 SS 1u
NNR (Nateinal Noitality Rate) 228 2S4 Su
0nuei S Noitality S4.7 6S.6 1S
TFR (Total Feitility Rate) 2.u8 2.7 1.8
Chilu Sex Ratio 949 914 97S
Women in iepiouuctive age (1S-49yeai) with
Su% 1S%
Biiths assisteu by appiopiiate health peisonnel 7.1S% 1uu%
Anaemia in chiluien (6-SS Nonth) 82.7% 2S%
Chilu vaccination SS% 1uu%

It can be noticeu fiom the table that though impoitant uemogiaphic anu health inuica-
tois such as Infant anu Nateinal Noitality Rate, Ciuue Biith anu Beath Rate anu Life Ex-
pectancy at Biith aie bettei foi Kainataka when compaieu to all Inuia figuie, the state of
Kainataka neeus to put extia effoits to peifoim at pai with the best peifoiming states.
Noueiately high INR, NNR, malnutiition among chiluien anu women, high inciuence of
chiluhoou uiseases, inauequacies in watei supply anu sanitation, anu pooi socio-
economic status of women along with social uisciimination, aie few impoitant conceins
in the state. As pei NFBS S
, 7u% chiluien in age gioup 6-S9 months anu 6u.4% pieg-
nant women weie anaemic in the state uuiing 2uuS-2uu6. About SS-S9% chiluien of age

WB0, (2uuS). Social ueteiminants of health: the soliu facts, Wilkinson R u, Naimot N u (eus), Woilu Bealth 0igani-
zation, Copenhagen.
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka
National Family Bealth Suivey - S (http:www.nfhsinuia.oigpufKainataka.puf)

below S yi. aie unueiweight. Inauequate availability anu pooi quality of watei, unsafe
sanitation piactices anu lack of awaieness on peisonal hygiene anu piimaiy health caie
aie some of the key factois iesponsible foi the common anu wiuespieau health iisks as-
sociateu with consumption of pathogen infesteu uiinking watei in iuial habitations of
!U"!" L;5'<- %? <$.;'-) <@'/A) %/ @)'$-@
Climate change piesents seveie iisk to auveisely impact human health in numeious
ways. These incluue:
! Piojecteu inciease in tempeiatuie may tiiggei the fiequent inciuents of heat waves
anu theimal stiess leauing to heat ciamps, uehyuiation, influenza, caiuio-vasculai
anu iespiiatoiy uiseases.
! The extieme weathei like excessive iainfall oi no iainfall will iesult in floou oi
uiought. These calamities will uiiectly affect the piimaiy sectoi anu will change the
ciopping pattein anu piouuctivity. This may leau into foou shoitage iesulting in mal-
nutiition oi inauequate nutiition anu nutiition ielateu uiseases. While on one hanu,
malnutiition woulu ieuuce the inuiviuual's iesistance to vaiious infections by weak-
ening hosts' immune iesponse, infectious uiseases uecieases an inuiviuual's capacity
foi foou intake anu nutiient absoiption iesulting in nutiition ueficit bouy on othei
hanu. Nany stuuies have establisheu link between ueficiencies in micionutiients
(vitamin A, zinc, iion etc) anu substantial inciuents of malaiia moibiuity anu moi-
tality. It is uepicteu that 1.7 to 1.8
C iise in tempeiatuie in 2uSus with iespect to
197us in Westein uhat may cause heavy iain fall which will auveisely affect the cash
ciop piouuction (coffee, tea), anu may cause heavy soil eiosion uue to floou, thus
leauing to incieaseu moibiuity, limiteu employment oppoitunity iesulting in impacts
on health anu life expectancy
! Waiming tienus will favoui the vectoi boine uiseases (malaiia, kala azai, uengue) to
spieau into new aiea by shoitening the uevelopment uuiation of vectois (mainly
mosquitos). Bhattachaiya et al, (2uu6)
summaiiseu that howevei the Nalaiia's
tiansmission winuow with iespect to tempeiatuie lies between 1SC anu 4uC, the
numbei of uays iequiieu to complete life cycle by paiasite (N($6,')&+, sp.) vaiies
with the numbei of uays with paiticulai iange of tempeiatuie anu the ielative hu-
miuity (Table 1u.2). Fuithei, with iise in tempeiatuies, the iate of uigestion of bloou
meal in mosquitos incieases which in tuin acceleiates the ovaiian uevelopment, anu
ieuuce uuiation of the gonotiophic cycle. This leaus to highei fiequency of feeuing on
hosts, anu consequent enhanceu piobability of tiansmission (Naitens -% $(., 199S).
The stuuies conuucteu woiluwiue suggest that uepenuing on piojecteu inciease in
tempeiatuie anu humiuity, some states will iemain exposeu to the iisk of malaiia
while few states may obseive a ieuuction in exposuie. Foi Kainataka state, the
tiansmission winuow of malaiia is 1u-12 months consiueiing a S.8
C inciease in
tempeiatuie anu 7% inciease in ielative humiuity in 2uSus (Figuie 1u.1).

Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.
Bhattachaiya S, Shaima C, Bhiman R C, Nitia A P, (2uu6). Climate change anu malaiia in Inuia, Cuiient Science,




& .9
P. falcipaium 22-2S 12-14
P. vivax 16-17 9-1u
P. malaiiae Su-SS 2S-24
P. ovale not known 1S-16

Floous may cause the contamination of safe uiinking watei supply which may cause
outbuist of epiuemiological uisease (mainly watei boine like uiaiihoea). The inciease
inciuents of uioughts especially in noith Kainataka woulu cause inauequate supply of
potable watei which may iesult in pooi sanitation affecting health of communities.
Climate change also poses iisks on the well being of coastal community of Kainataka. An
inciease of 1.7C - 1.8C, will iesult in high sea suiface tempeiatuie causing sea theimal
expansion anu sea level iise. This will auveisely impact the coconut piouuction, costal
fisheiies anu intensify the pioblem of seawatei intiusion changing the agiicultuie pat-
tein in auuition to habitat loss uue to submeigence. These impacts may cause foiceu mi-
giation uue to loss of employment anu habitation, inciease in watei boine uiseases anu
inciease in salinity of watei
The following Table 6u summaiises health ielateu vulneiabilities of the community uue
to climate change.

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.
Climate Change anu Inuia: A 4*4 Assessment Repoit. A sectoial anu Regional Analysis foi 2uSus. 2u1u. Inuian Net-
woik foi Climate Change Assessment. Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiest, uoveinment of Inuia.


Tempeiatuie Relateu Noibiuity Beat anu Colu ielateu illnesses
Caiuio-vasculai illnesses
vectoi Boine Bisease Changeu pattein of uiseases
Nalaiia, filaiia, kala-azai, }apanese encephalitis, anu uengue causeu by
bacteiia, viiuses anu othei pathogens caiiieu by mosquitoes, ticks, anu
othei vectois
Bealth Effects of Extieme Weathei Biaiihoea, choleia anu poisoning causeu by biologi-cal anu chemical
contaminants in the watei (even touay about 7u% of the epiuemic em-
eigencies in Inuia aie watei-boine).
Bamageu public health infiastiuctuie uue to cy-clonesfloous
Injuiies anu illnesses
Social anu mental health stiess uue to uisasteis anu uisplacement
Bealth Effects uue to Insecuiity in Foou
Nalnutiition anu hungei, especially in chiluien

!U"+" H<-.%/=I 5%$.<.)= '/E ./=-.-D-.%/'$ 54)5'4)E/)==
10.2.1. reparedness and fac|||t|es
The IPCC 2uu7 iepoit anticipates that climate change will inciease both vulneiabilities
anu iisks foi human health. Biscussions with the Bepaitment of Bealth anu Family Wel-
faie suggest that no long-teim stiategy appeais to exist in this iespect. The piogiams
implementeu by the uepaitment aie focusing existing piioiities anu a long-teim plan,
such as intenueu with the vision 2u2u uocument, has not been piepaieu.

Kainataka state is one of the pioneei states in the countiy in pioviuing compiehensive
public health seivices to its people. With its wiue institutional netwoik, the state is pio-
viuing health seivices both in uiban anu iuial aieas thiough 17 uistiict hospitals, 1u
othei hospitals, 29 Autonomous & Teaching Bospitals, S2S Community Bealth Centies,
219S Piimaiy Bealth Centies, anu 814S sub centies. Accoiuing to the Economic Suivey,
the state has a uoctoi to population iatio of 1:1uu18 anu beu to population iatio of
. This woulu imply that theie aie nine times moie hospital beus than uoctois,
which appeais implausible.
10.2.1. Management of b|o-med|ca| waste
Theie is an appieciable level of knowleuge on enviionmental iequiiements anu com-
mitment to achieve compliance with applicable legislation in state-iun health facilities.
The attention heie is on management of biomeuical waste anu capacity builuing, aspects
wheie the uepaitment is known to stiuggle. Beficiencies in tieatment anu uisposal of
liquiu waste have ieceiveu significant public attention in 2u1u with Kainataka State Pol-
lution Contiol Boaiu (KSPCB) issuing closuie oiueis to some. The uoveinment of Kaina-
taka, though the Bepaitment of Bealth anu Family Welfaie opeiates 17 uistiict hospitals
anu 2,S86 othei health caie facilities, the gieat majoiity being Piimaiy Bealth Centies
(PBCs). Piefeience is being given to biomeuical waste (BNW) manageu thiough tie-ups
with centialiseu collection system. Bis is howevei is possible only if the incluuing of
these facilities is economically feasible in view of the quantities geneiateu anu the uis-

State of Enviionment Repoit Kainataka. 2u1u. Pie-submission uiaft (Apiil 6, 2u11) Enviionmental Nanagement anu
Policy Reseaich Institute, Bangaloie, Inuia
Consultation with Bepaitment of Bealth anu Family Welfaie on Naich 1u, 2u11
Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka

tance fiom collection ioutes. This has been achieveu in 76% of uistiict hospitals, 41% of
taluk hospitals only to 1S% in Community Bealth Centies (CBCs). PBC being often ie-
mote anu inaccessible to collection systems, emphasis has been laiu on establishment of
ueep buiial piactices anu pioceuuies, which constitute a gieatei iisk of contact expo-
suie to infectious mateiials.

The establishment of liquiu waste tieatment plants has also significantly auvanceu. At
both uistiict hospital anu PBC level SS% of compliance has been achieveu whole the
success is somewhat lowei at taluk level hospitals (S8%) anu significantly lowei at CBCs
(1S%). The uepaitment piojects that the iemaining facilities will achieve compliance
within Naich S1, 2u11 which is an ambitious anu peihaps slightly uniealistic taiget.
These initiatives aie suppoiteu by substantial capacity builuing measuies. 1u6 tiaineis
weie inuucteu thiough a tiaining of tiaineis (ToT). It is planneu to tiain a total of S,u28
staff acioss all 2,6uS facilities within Naich 2u12. Success peimitting, this woulu iesult
into two tiaineu staff foi each facility on aveiage. Non-goveinmental oiganisations weie
assigneu key ioles in tiaining activities. Also ENPRI has embaikeu on suppoiting this
aiea with a laigei scale piogiamme, involving ToTs at uistiict levels.
Bistiict hospitals 17 1S (76%) 9 (SS%)
Taluk hospitals 146 6u (41%) SS (S8%)
Community Bealth Cent. 182 27 (1S%) 27 (1S%)
Piimaiy Bealth Centie 2,2S8 1,114 (49%) 1,2uS (SS%)

10.2.2. Nat|ona| Vector-8orne D|sease Contro| programme (NV8DC)

This is the umbiella piogiamme initiateu by uoveinment of Inuia foi all the vectoi
Boine Biseases (vBBs) like Nalaiia, Bengue Chikungunya, in the state. Specific piogiam
anu technical guiuelines have been establisheu foi uiffeient vBBs (pievention, uetection
anu case management) anu the implementation status of the piogiamme is monitoieu
thiough iegulai iepoiting.
10.2.3. karnataka nea|th System Deve|opment & keform ro[ect

Kainataka Bealth System Bevelopment & Refoim Pioject was launcheu in 2uu7 with the
suppoit fiom Woilu Bank at a cost of Rs 897.77 cioie. The pioject is in its 4th yeai of
implementation. The pioject aims to inciease utilization of Cuiative, Pieventive anu
Public Bealth Seivices, paiticulaily in the backwaiu aieas anu among vulneiable gioups,
to acceleiate achievement of the Bealth ielateu Nillennium Bevelopment uoals (NBus).
10.2.4. Nat|ona| kura| nea|th M|ss|on

National Ruial Bealth Nission (NRBN) aims to pioviue accessible, affoiuable, acceptable
anu accountable health caie thiough a functional public health system. The main objec-
tives of the mission follow;

Lettei on biomeuical waste management. Bepaitment of Bealth anu Family Welfaie uateu Naich S, 2u11

! At least Su% ieuuction in Infant Noitality Rate anu Nateinal Noitality Ratio in next
seven yeais
! Aiianging to univeisalize access to public health seivices foi women's health, chilu
health, watei, hygiene, sanitation anu nutiition
! Pievention anu contiol of communicable anu non-communicable uiseases, incluuing
locally enuemic uiseases
! Access to integiateu compiehensive piimaiy healthcaie
! Ensuiing population stabilization, genuei anu uemogiaphic balance
! Incieasing Community owneiship by vesting iesponsibility with PRIs, Becentializeu
village anu uistiict level health planning anu management anu
! Appointment of Accieuiteu Social Bealth Activist (ASBA) to facilitate access to health
National Ruial Bealth Nission is being implementeu in the state fiom Apiil 2uuS. Since
its inception, the state has constituteu State Bealth Nission foi policy anu institutional
iefoims to enable effective implementation, state level planning, implementation anu
monitoiing. In oiuei to ensuie the piogiamme implementation, Bistiict Bealth anu
Family Welfaie Society has been foimeu in all the uistiicts.
10.2.S. nCs prov|d|ng 24x7 serv|ce
A total 974 PBCs have been conveiteu into 24 houis seivice pioviueis to pioviue iounu
the clock access to essential obstetiic caie anu new boin caie in 6 'C' categoiy uistiict
viz., uulbaiga, Biuai, Raichui, Koppal, Bijapui anu Bagalkot.
10.2.6. 1hay| 8hagya

This scheme "Thayi Bhagya" envisages a basket of inteiventions funueu by uoveinment
of Inuia unuei NRBN components anu uoveinment of Kainataka. The inteiventions in-
! }anani Suiaksha Yojana (Safe ueliveiy): The main objectives of this piogiamme aie a
ieuuction in mateinal moitality anu infant moitality iate, inciease the institutional
ueliveiies in BPL (Below Poveity Line) anu SCST families. This scheme ensuies ma-
teinity seivices (thiee antenatal checkups), iefeiial tianspoit, anu cash assistance.
! b) Piasuthi Aiiake Yojana: This scheme aims at pioviuing financial suppoit foi nutii-
tious uiet anu incentive to seek antenatal check up. This was intiouuceu in 7 uistiicts
anu now has been extenueu in all the uistiicts uuiing this yeai.
In auuition, state inteiventions uuiing 2uu9-1u incluue also:
! Aaiogya Kavaacha: Ambulance seivice is pioviueu foi emeigency cases like ueliveiy,
acciuent etc. at fiee of cost within Su minutes
! Aiogya Sanjeevini Scheme: This scheme aims at pioviuing fiee health facilities to SC &
ST population who aie coming unuei BPL families.
10.2.7. Safe dr|nk|ng water
A focuseu initiative safeguaiuing human health is coming howevei fiom a uiffeient coi-
nei: The Bepaitment foi Panchayat Raj anu Ruial Bevelopment. It constiucteu iooftop
iainwatei haivesting stiuctuies on aiounu 1,uuu sites in foui uistiicts ovei the past 8

Economic Suivey (2uu9-2u1u anu 2u1u-2u11). Biiectoiate of Economics anu Statistics, uoveinment of Kainataka

yeais wheie fluoiiue anu chloiine content ienueieu SUQR[QRZ \FKIU LROQK foi consump-

Fuithei, the State Buuget 2u11-2u12 incluues a Rs. 2428 cioie package foi health anu
family welfaie anu pioposeu to set apait a sum of Rs.2 cioie foi tieatment of oppoitu-
nistic infections of all the BIv infecteu peisons in the high pievalent uistiicts of Ba-
galkote, Bijapui anu Belgaum anu all the BIv infecteu chiluien in the State.
!U"0" V.==.%/= D/E)4 -@) ,H3PP
Though NAPCC uoes not iuentify a mission on the health sectoi, it anticipates the thieat
to human health which climate change offeis incluuing incieaseu tiansmission winuow
foi vectoi boine uiseases, heat stiess, colu stiess, uiought etc.
NAPCC envisages not only the neeu of enhanceu public health caie seivices but ieseaich
anu uevelopment neeus to assess incieaseu cases of uiseases uue to climate change. The
iuentifieu focus aieas incluue a. high-iesolution weathei anu climate uata to stuuy the
iegional pattein of uisease, b. uevelopment of a high-iesolution health impact mouel
at the state level, c. uIS mapping of access ioutes to health facilities in aieas pione to
climatic extiemes, u. piioiitization of geogiaphic aieas baseu on epiuemiological uata
anu the extent of vulneiability to climate change, e. ecological stuuy of aii pollutants
anu affect of climate change on same, f. stuuies on the iesponse of uisease vectois to cli-
mate change, anu f. enhanceu piovision of piimaiy, seconuaiy, anu teitiaiy health caie
The state of Kainataka howevei offeis faii health caie seivices to its citizen but in the
lack of any iegional level impact stuuies, it is uifficult foi the state to uevise stiategies to
ieuuce climate change ielateu health iisks. NAPCC pioviues the piovisions foi the state
level high iesolution health impact mouels anu ecological stuuy of aii pollutants
!U"2" 1)$)<-)E );)4A./A ./-)4*)/-.%/ '4)'=
! Impiove the quality of uata, peiiouicity of collection anu the extent of coveiage in ex-
isting systems of suiveillance such as those unuei the Integiateu Bisease Suiveillance
Piogiam, National Suiveillance Piogiam foi Communicable Biseases anu National
vectoi Boine Bisease Contiol Piogiamme
! Naintain a uecentializeu uigital health uatabase at fine spatial anu tempoial scales foi
both communicable anu non-communicable uiseases
! Regulai analysis of uata at uistiict level to iuentify changing tienus, tiiggei events anu
iegulai feeuback to state suiveillance units
! Bevelop efficient co-oiuination with state laboiatoiies anu Rapiu Response Teams to
impiove iesponse time
! Specific guiuelines foi quality contiol of uata collecteu anu iepoiteu; submission of
iegulai monitoiing iepoits
! Piopei tiaining to ANNsothei meuical woikeis iesponsible foi iuentifying the
symptoms anu iepoiting cases
! Tiaining staff to hanule the infoimation flow incluuing the uata manageis anu uata
entiy opeiatois as well as epiuemiologists, miciobiologist anu health woikeis
! 0p-giauation anu stiengthening of laboiatoiies foi case uiagnosis

Consultation with Bepaitment of Ruial Bevelopment anu Panchayat Raj on Naich 9, 2u11

! IEC activities incluuing piovision of computei haiuwaie anu softwaie, inteinet con-
nectivity anu human iesouices
! Stuuy the iegional pattein of climate-sensitive uiseases & uisease outbieaks such as
malaiia, uengue, chikungunya, watei boine uiseases, heat stiess etc. to analyze tienus
in inciuence anu pievalence
! Assess iegional vulneiability (spatially & tempoially) with iespect to changes in the
climate to iuentify aieas, population gioups anu uiseases that may be impacteu moie
! Piocuieuevelopcustomize health impact mouels to assess potential impact
! Iuentify tiiggei events (climatic anu non-climatic) that influence infection-
tiansmission-spieau of climate sensitive uiseases
! valiuate pieuictive mouelling iesults with qualitative & quantitative assessments
! Piioiitize watei scaice iegions to ensuie supply of potable uiinking watei anu au-
equate sanitation facilities in both iuial anu uiban aieas as alieauy envisageu unuei
the State Watei Policy
! Special emphasis on vectoi Boine Biseases such as Nalaiia which aie enuemic in the
State anu aie piojecteu to get impacteu by climate change
! Establish eaily waining systems anu evacuation plans incluuing emeigency piepai-
euness in case of climatic extiemes
! Stiengthen uisastei management plan foi the health sectoi - management of casualty,
mental health, enviionmental health, iepiouuctive health, piovision of emeigency
sheltei, sanitation, foou anu watei emeigency feeuing, communicable uisease suiveil-
lance anu iesponse
! Conveigence with piogiams of Bepaitments of Neuical Euucation, AY0SB, Bepait-
ment of Women anu Chiluien, Public Bealth anu Engineeiing Bepaitment, State
Watei Resouices Planning Bepaitment, Communication anu Capacity Bevelopment
0nit, 0iban Local Bouies, Panchayati Raj institutions, CB0s etc.
! Piomote health insuiance, especially foi the weakei sections of the society
! Taking up iegion specific IEC activities involving PRIs, Co-opeiatives, Women uioups,
SBus, Nu0s
! Piomote health euucation anu awaieness w.i.t climate iisks anu auaptation thiough
schools anu CB0s anu intensive anu sustaineu Infoimation, Euucation anu Communi-
cation activities.


!!"!" H<-.%/= '$4)'E6 D/E)47'6

! Intiouuction of watei taiiffs in iiiigation
! Piovision of ciop insuiance unuei the National Agiicultuial Insuiance Scheme anu
(NAIS) anu Weathei Baseu Ciop Insuiance Scheme (WBCIS)
! B7'' G7-%$#$ (lanu impiovement) piogiamme
! Piomotion of oiganic faiming
! C''067,$ J--5$9$5& (Nicio iiiigation) scheme
! Implementation of the =$67%5&2$ L5&67& U&0$6 V'O$#$ (National Agiicultuie Bevelop-
ment Scheme)
! Implementation of the =$67%5&2$ L5&67& B&,$ V'O$#$ (National Agiicultuial Insuiance
Scheme) piogiamme
! Implementation of the ;$%762$ ;$7&($ CI$9$($,1$#$ V'O$#- W4&#$#*&$( $&)&#/ 4'5
4&67-5I',$#X scheme
! Incentives foi fish faiming, constiuction of fish maikets anu ;$%762$675$2$ (housing
foi fishei folk) piogiamme
! Implementation of the C+9$5#$ <5$,')72$ W9&(($/- )-9-('.,-#%X scheme
! Implementation of the C+9$5#$ B7'',& W($#) .5'6.-5&%2X scheme
! Implementation of the C75$,$67$0%& W60&(( )-9-('.,-#%X scheme foi skills impiove-
ment of aitisans anu tiauitional woikeis
! Allocation of a sepaiate agiicultuie buuget of INR 17,uuu cioie foi 2u11-12
! Implementation of the National Boiticultuie Nission

! Nanuatoiy use of iainwatei haivesting in iesiuential anu commeicial builuings in
ceitain aieas
! Passing of the Kainataka uiounuwatei (Regulation anu Contiol of Bevelopment anu
Nanagement) Bill, 2u11 in Assembly foi bettei piotection of giounuwatei iesouices
! Rainwatei haivesting by cieating baiiicaue of about S feet aiounu ioausiue tiees
! Wateisheu uevelopment anu constiuction of giounuwatei iechaige stiuctuies
! Launch of the @$($6&5& Wwatei iechaige) piogiamme
! Installation of a peimanent watei stoiage scheme -7.S Litei giounu level ieseivoii at
Ramamuithynagai (founuation completeu)
! Intiouuction of taiiffs foi iiiigation watei

! Nanuatoiy uual piping in new layouts foi use of tieateu watei

Baseu on consultation with uepaitments of uoveinment of Kainataka between Naich 7 to 11, 2u11, submissions by
uepaitments to ENPRI anu publisheu auveitisements of uoveinment of Kainataka in the Times of Inuia
Consultation with Bepaitment of Watei Resouices on Naich S1, 2u11

! B7$5$% J&5,$# Policy (iuial Inuia uevelopment), a flagship piogiamme unuei
Nahatma uanuhi National Ruial Employment uuaiantee Scheme foi cieation of iuial
infiastiuctuie to enhance iuial watei supply in aieas affecteu by watei contamina-
! State Watei Policy 2uu2
! National lake anu iivei conseivation
! Appioximately 8u,uuu ha of plantation weie planteu by Kainataka Foiest Bepaitment
in 2u1u-11
! Bevelopment of caibon sinks anu potential
! Piotection of foiests, enhancement of iesouices piouuctivity anu giowing of meuici-
nal plan
! Establishment of the Westein uhats Task Foice

! Initiation of the constiuction of a sea wall to pievent salt-watei entiy into pauuy
fielus. Bowevei, pooi quality of constiuction uestioys the wall anu the pioblem pei-

! Nanuatoiy use of solai watei heateis, CFLs, ISI maikeu motoi pump sets anu integia-
tion of eneigy efficiency anu ienewable eneigy in new builuings
! Incentivisation of installation of solai watei heatei by BESC0N thiough taiiff uis-
! Taiiffs foi powei puichase fiom ienewable eneigy souices
! Becision of cieating a uieen Eneigy Funu (Akshaya Shakti Niuhi) to geneiate financial
iesouices within the state to implement its policy
! B-($0+ (light) scheme to ieplace up to foui incanuescent bulbs with CFLs at a subsi-
uiseu iates pei householu
! Becision to intiouuce a uieen Eneigy Cess of Rs. u.uS (five paise) pei kWh on com-
meicial anu inuustiial consumeis to geneiate about INR SS cioie annually thiough
the Kainataka Renewable Eneigy policy 2uu9-2u14.
! Becision to ieseive 1u % of lanu in SEZ's foi uevelopment of ienewable eneigy
! Solai Kainataka Piogiamme foi 2S,uuu solai iooftops of S to 1u kW with net metei-
! Establishment of Kainataka State Biofuel Bevelopment Boaiu KSBBA foi bio fuel en-
eigy policy uevelopment
! Inauguiation of thiee giiu-connecteu photovoltaic powei plants with a combineu ca-
pacity of 11 NW
! Woik on the Bhabol-Bangaloie CNu pipeline is in piogiess anu join ventuie agiee-
ment signeu to puisue natuial gas ueployment in Kainataka

State of Enviionment Repoit, Kainataka. (2uuS). uoveinment of Kainataka

! Bevelopment of the piesciibeu lung spaces
! Waste management
! Planning anu appioval of ueuicateu cycle lanes anu tiaffic-fiee peuestiian-only zones
in Bangaloie
! Piomotion of ieplacement of 2-stioke auto iickshaws with a 4-stioke ones
! Establishment of uecentialiseu wastewatei tieatments systems (BEWATS)
! Commissioning of solai stieetlights in Bangaloie
! Implementation of =$O&9 !I$6 V'O$#$ (housing scheme nameu aftei Rajiv uanuhi)
piogiamme anu establishment of 1,Suu peimanent houses foi slum uwelleis in Agai-
haia Basaiahalli anu Panthaiapalya
! Bevelopment of tiaffic anu tiansit management centie at Yeshwanthpui
! Pioposal of high speeu iail connecting N.u. Roau to BIAL
! Foimation of a "gieen police" guaiuing piominent touiist locations
! Systematic enfoicement of piopei uisposal of bio-meuical waste
! Rooftop iainwatei haivesting stiuctuies pioviuing uiinking watei foi aieas contami-
nateu with chloiine anu fluoiine foi safeguaiuing uiinking watei
! Implementation of the National vectoi-Boine Bisease Contiol Piogiamme (NvBBCP)
! Implementation of the Kainataka Bealth System Bevelopment & Refoim Pioject
! Implementation of %7- @$#$#& C+5$067$ V'O$#$ (mateinal caie scheme) anu N5$6+%7&
!5&$0- V'O$#$ (piegnant woman caie) schemes unuei the umbiella of the E7$2&
B7$/2$ (mateinal health caie) piogiamme
! Fiee emeigency caie seivices to the iuial people unuei the !5'/2$ L$9$*7$ (health
caie) scheme
! Fiee heait suigeiy 2,uuu veiy pooi patients unuei the D5+)$2$ C$#O--9&#& (Beait
caie) scheme so fai anu anothei INR S cioie has been allotteu to 2u11-12
! Impioving access of quality meuical caie foi tieatment foi seiious illnesses foi below
poveity-line (BPL) citizens unuei the U$O.$2-- !5'/2$ C75-- (health caie scheme
nameu aftei Ni vajpayee) scheme
! Release of Kainataka's fiist Bisastei Nanagement Plan in 2u1u
! Consistent monitoiing of natuial uisasteis thiough the Kainataka State Natuial Bisas-
tei Nonitoiing Centie (KSNBNC)


!!"#" $%&'()* ,-./',-0
"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
:; <*609=(/=6#
1. Agiicultuie consumes a significant
poition of electiicity, causing a ioughly
piopoitionate emission of uBus emis-
sions fiom eneigy alone
1. Ensuiing voltage stability as
pieiequisite foi enhancing
eneigy efficiency of pumps
anu othei machines (iefei to
section Eneigy)
2. Piepaiation of iiiigation
chaits to optimize the iiiiga-
tion efficiency anu hence ie-
uucing powei consumption
S. Piomotion of ienewable
eneigy at faim level, espe-
cially biogas, which also ie-
uuces methane emissions, anu
solai photovoltaic foi IP sets
4. Piomotion of oiganic faim-
1. Bata on the seasonal
peak powei consumption
2. Bata on the numbei of
Powei consuming machi-
neiies at faims
1. Iuentifying inteivention
aieas foi impioving en-
eigy efficiency at faim
levels, especially in view
of iiiigation chaits anu
the neeu to aiu stabilizing
voltage thiough uemanu
siue management
2. Cost benefits analysis
(CBA) in oiuei to assess
the extia financial buiuen
on the goveinment
1. 4#>+/6=9/=60)* /&#
.1?#6 /'60@@+ 0) /&#
'*609=(/=6'( +#9/16 /1
20+0)9#)/070+# '7102>
'A(# #(#9/6090/$ 91)>
+=-./01); B&# +'-#
71(=-# 1@ +=A+020#+
-'$ A# +&0@/#2 /1
/&0)*+ +=9& '+ 0)>
7#+/-#)/ 0) -16#
#@@090#)/ .(')/ ')2
-'9&0)#6$ (iefei to
section "Eneigy", point
2. Incentives anu sub-
siuies on piomotion of
ienewable eneigy foi
powei at faim level
2. Cultivations anu subsiuies suppoiting
faiming lack mechanisms foi shifting
ciopping patteins in line with piojecteu
climatic shifts acioss agio-climatic zones
1. Piepaiation of an in-
ventoiy of ciopping pat-
teins anu changes in the
same with iespect to
agio-climatic zones of the

1. Stuuies on auaptation
anu mitigation measuies
in agiicultuie sectoi of
the state
1. Foimulation of the
Nission foi Sustain-
able Agiicultuie unuei
the NAPCC, which
coulu be the most im-
poitant mission foi
Inuia consiueiing cli-
mate change impact,
foou secuiity anu live-
lihoous of faiming-

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
uepenuant popula-
C; D+/'A(0+&-#)/ 1@ '
+/'/# (#7#( .1(09$
A12$ /1 2#7#(1. +=0/>
'A(# -#9&')0+-+ @16
#)91=6'*0)* 961.>
.0)* +&0@/+ /&61=*&
6#>20+/60A=/01) 1@ #E>
0+/0)* +=A+020#+
S. Re assessing the
state agiicultuie policy
anu piovision foi sub-
siuies anu incentives
to giow climate haiuy
S. The cuiient level of knowleuge on the
spatial uimension, time scale anu magni-
tuue of climatic changes is too limiteu to
make pieuictions foi ciopping pattein
with the necessaiy ceitainty
1. Institutional stiengthening
anu capacity builuing
2.Web baseu seivices to pio-
viue all the weathei ielateu
1. BNC may collect all the
ielevant block level uata
anu publish online
1. Reseaich stuuies on the
iegional level pieuiction
on the likely impact of
climate change on ciop-
ping pattein.
2. Bevelopment of
weathei ueiivative mou-
1. Re-evaluating all
agiicultuie ielateu
policies, schemes etc
in oiuei to integiate
climate change issues.
4. Wiuespieau absence of scientific uiy-
lanu faiming piactices
:; F'/01)'( G0++01) 1) H=+>
/'0)'A(# <*609=(/=6# =)2#6
F<8%% .61702#+ 0)+/6=>
-#)/+ @16 /&# 2#7#(1.-#)/
1@ 26$>(')2 @'6-0)*

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
S. Significant untappeu minimisation po-
tential in the application of synthetic
agio-chemicals (pesticiues, feitilizeis)
1. Piomotion of Integiateu
Pest Nanagement (IPN) anu
Integiateu Nutiient Nanage-
ment (INN) in oiuei to ieuuce
chemical consumption
2. uoveinment of Kainataka is
alieauy piomoting oiganic
faiming, IPN anu INN
thiough vaiious schemes like
Bhoo Chetana. The coveiage
of the same neeus to be wi-
1. Block wise uata on the
agio-chemical usage at
faim level
2. Pest anu uisease sui-
1. Reseaich on the nutii-
ent iequiiement of soils
agio-climatic zones wise.
2. Reseaich on pests ac-
tivities anu climate
change linkages
S. Soil iesouice mapping
using uIS anu iemote
1. Piovision foi incen-
tivessubsiuies on the
oiganic faiming, inte-
giateu pest manage-
ment (IPN) anu inte-
giateu nutiient man-
agement (INN).
6. Significant untappeu potential to en-
hanceu iiiigation efficiency especially in
Noithein Kainataka. The expansion of
micio iiiigation is also hampeieu by se-
cuiity conceins of theft of uistiibution
1. Piomote piessuiiseu micio
iiiigation techniques at laigei
2. Cieate awaieness thiough
the uemonstiation of efficient
iiiigation technologies.
1. Bistiict wise available
lanu foi possible micio
iiiigation piactices
:; D6'209'/01) 1@ /&#
-'6I#/ @16 +/1(#)
.0.#+ /&61=*& 6#>
20+/60A=/01) 1@ #E0+/>
0)* +=A+020#+ 1) -0>
961 0660*'/01) +1 '+ /1
A60)* @'6-#6J+ )#/
91+/ 1@ 20+/60A=/01)
.0.#+ A#(1? /&#
A('9I -'6I#/ 91+/;
7. Agio-biouiveisity is jeopaiuiseu. In-
uigenous iesilient vaiieties of ciops like
maize, iice, soighum iequiie inteiven-
tions to safeguaiu theii pieseivation
:; 86#+#67'/01) 1@ 0)20*#)>
1=+ 7'60#/0#+ 1@ 961.+
/&61=*& 96#'/01) 1@ ' -'6>
I#/ @16 +=9& .612=9/+; B&#
)#/?16I 1@ +/'/# '*#)90#+
0)9(=20)* KL8%LGH 91=(2
&#(. -'6I#/ /&#+# '+ +.#90>
'(0/0#+ @16 ' &0*&#6 .609#;
1. Piepaiation of com-
piehensive inventoiy on
the agio-climatic zone
baseu agio-biouiveisity
of the state on iegulai
inteivals. Foi this the on-
going piepaiation of Peo-
ple's Biouiveisity
Registeis is establishing a

1. Cieation of a policy
fiamewoik to cieate
viable maikets foi in-
uigenous species.
2. Bevelopment of

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
soliu funuament.
8. Significant unutiliseu poitions of ue-
giaueu lanuaiiu lanu aie unsuitable foi
agiicultuie but suitable foi hoiticultuie,
especially in noithein Kainataka
1. Piomotion of uevelopment
of pastuielanu
2. Piomotion of uiought ie-
silient tiees foi aiiu aieas
S. Cieate awaieness thiough
massive tiee plantation cam-
paign in the aiiusemi aiiu
4. Impioving soil anu watei
1. Compiehensive block-
wise uata on the type,
aiea anu pioblems of ue-
giaueu lanus
1. Reseaich focusing on
the local solution to ie-
claim uegiaueu lanus
2. Bevelopment of
uiought anu pest iesist-
ant ciop vaiieties

1. The possible con-
veigence of National
Boiticultuie Nission
anu uieen Inuia Nis-
sion on this subject
coulu help mustei
funus unuei both
9. Necessaiy foou piocessing facilities
anu maiketing mechanism suppoiting
hoiticultuial piouuce fiom ue-
giaueuaiiu lanus uo not exist at ie-
quiieu scale.
1. Bevelopment of mega foou
piocessing paiks

1. uoveinment of Inuia
has alieauy initiateu
mega foou piocessing
paiks anu Kainataka
can seek the possible
1u. Boiticultuial biouiveisity is jeopai-
uiseu. Inuigenous iesilient vaiieties such
as mango anu jackfiuit iequiie inteiven-
tions to safeguaiu theii pieseivation
:; 86#+#67'/01) 1@ 0)20*#)>
1=+ 7'60#/0#+ 1@ 961.+
/&61=*& 96#'/01) 1@ ' -'6>
I#/ @16 +=9& .612=9/+; B&#
)#/?16I 1@ +/'/# '*#)90#+
0)9(=20)* KL8%LGH 91=(2
&#(. -'6I#/ /&#+# '+ +.#90>
'(0/0#+ @16 ' &0*&#6 .609#;
1. Piepaiation of com-
piehensive inventoiy of
the agio-climatic zones
baseu agio-biouiveisity
in iegulai inteivals. Foi
this the ongoing piepaia-
tion of People's Bioui-
veisity Registeis is estab-
lishing a soliu funuament.

1. Cieation of a policy
fiamewoik to cieate
viable maikets foi in-
uigenous species.

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
<)0-'( K=+A')26$
11. The ieuuction of uBus emission fiom
iuminants is unfeasible at scale unless
livestock holuing itself is uiscouiageu.
The iesulting uestabilisation of iuial
livelihoous howevei woulu be gieatly
Piomotion of ienewable en-
eigy at faim level, especially
biogas, which also ieuuces
methane emissions (iefei to
section "Agiicultuie", item S)
1. Reseaich on impioving
cattle piouuctivity in
oiuei to ieuuce uBus
emission by ieuucing the
necessity to maintain the
cuiient laige cattle popu-

12. Lack of mechanisms, initiative anu
incentives foi systematically enhancing
livestock iesistance to vectoi boine uis-
eases anu incieasing heatcolu stiesses
as may be expecteu fiom changes in the
1. vaccination of animals at
laigei scale
1. Piepaie uistiict wise
inventoiy of livestock
moitality anu moibiuity
anu attiibuteu causes
1. Stuuies on animal
health anu the climate
change link
2. Bevelop nutiitional
stiategies to ieuuce heat
anu watei stiess
S. Stuuies on the pest ac-
tivities in ielation to pio-
jecteu weathei patteins
using high iesolution cli-
mate mouels
1. %#)/6'( M17>
#6)-#)/ /1 91)9#.>
/='(0+# ')2 @16-=('/#
' (07#+/19I 0)+=6')9#
.1(09$ ?0/& .6#>
-0=-+ /'I0)* 0)/1
'991=)/ 7'990)'/01)
6#9162+ ')2 +=0/'>
A0(0/$ 1@ ' A6##2 @16 '
*07#) 6#*01)
1S. Lack of mechanisms, initiative anu
incentives foi pieseiving inuigenous cli-
mate toleiant bieeus of cattle (Amiith-
mahal, Ballikai, Khillai) anu buffalo
(Panuhaipuii, Suithi)
1. ,)20*#)1=+ A6##2+ '6#
A#0)* 2#7#(1.#2 A$ +#(#9>
/07# A6##20)* 0) (07#+/19I
@'6-+ (19'/#2 0) B=-I=6N
%&09I-'*'(=6 ')2 K'7#60;
B&0+ )##2+ /1 A# #E/#)2#2;
2. Impiove cooiuination be-
tween Bepaitments of Animal
Busbanuiy & veteiinaiy Sei-
vices, veteiinaiy institutes
1. Naintaining uata on
the numbei of inuigenous
bieeus' anu tienus ob-
1. Impiove the knowleuge
on coping abilities ie-
silience of inuigenous
bieeus to climate stiesses
on a compaiative basis

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
anu faimeis.
C; O'/#6 6#+1=69#+
1. 0vei-extiaction of giounuwatei ie-
souices, especially in SS oveiexploiteu
anu S ciitical taluks
1. uiounu Watei Nonitoiing
foi quality anu quantity check
at block level.
2. Expanu the piomotion of
giounuwatei iechaiges be-
yonu piesent levels.
P; D)@169#-#)/ 1@ 6#*=('/01)
-#'+=6#+ 0) .('9# =)2#6 /&#
)#?($ #)'9/#2 M61=)2?'/#6

1. Piepaie anu upuate
inventoiy of sectoial use
of giounu watei.

1. uiounuwatei iesouice
mapping using uIS tools.
2. Spatial anu tempoial
assessment of micio-
wateisheu baseu watei
availability using mouels
such as the Soil anu Watei
Assessment Tool (SWAT).
S. uIS-baseu stuuy of geo-

:; D+/'A(0+&-#)/ 1@ '
+/'/# (#7#( .1(09$
A12$ /1 6#70#? /&#
.1++0A0(0/$ 1@ .61&0A>
0/0)* /&# =+# 1@
*61=)2?'/#6 @16
)1)>260)I0)* ')2
)1)>#-#6*#)9$ =+#+;
H&1=(2 0) 91)9(=+01)
*61=)2?'/#6 =+# A#
'..617#2 @16 '*609=(>
/=6'( =+#+ /&') '
?'/#6 .609# +&1=(2
A# 0)/612=9#2 '+ 0)>
9#)/07# @16 ?'/#6
2. The vast potential foi collection of
iainwatei foi piouuctive use, giounu-
watei iechaige anu tempoiaiy stoiage in
watei bouies in oiuei to ieuuce the iiii-
gation uepenuency on giounuwatei (at
piesent it is 4S%) is to be maximiseu
1. Extenu the BWSSB iule on
iainwatei haivesting to othei
uiban local bouies (0LBs).
2. Piomote multiple use watei
seivices in uioughtfloou
pione aieas.
S. Bemonstiate pilot scale
best piactices.
1. Pieuiction of actual
watei availability anu
tienus in the state using
high iesolution Pioviuing
Regional Climates foi Im-
pacts Stuuies (PRECIS) at
block level.
1. ,)/612=9/01) 1@ '
*61=)2?'/#6 9#++
@61- ?&09& ' *61=)2
?'/#6 @=)2 ?1=(2 A#
96#'/#2; B&# *61=)2
?'/#6 @=)2 ?1=(2
@0)')9# *61=)2?'/#6
6#9&'6*# +9&#-#+
?0/&0) /&# +/'/# .61>
.1+#2 A$ .607'/# ')2
.=A(09 .61Q#9/ .61>

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
2. 3#70+# ') 0)9#)/07#
0) @16- 1@ ' 9'.0/'(
0)7#+/-#)/ +=A+02$
@16 6'0)?'/#6 &'6>
7#+/0)* +/6=9/=6#+
(also iefei to section
"0ibanisation", point
S. 0iban watei supply is uiamatically
inefficient. In Bangaloie 48% is lost as
"unaccounteu foi". This amount giows in
teims of actuals as it iises with the giow-
ing uemanu anu supply. This wastage
jeopaiuises watei secuiity, incieases the
uepenuence on giounuwatei apait fiom
wasting eneigy anu othei iesouices
Suggestions foi auuiessing this issue aie being soliciteu fiom agencies conceineu.
4. Reuse of tieateu watei in inuustiies
anu uiban local bouies (0LBs) has been
unable to make significant in ioaus
1. ,)/#*6'/#2 ?'/#6 6#>
+1=69#+ -')'*#-#)/ /1
91--#)9# 0) .=A(09 A=0(2>
0)*+ /1 +#/ #E'-.(#+ ')2
0)+.06# 91)@02#)9#;
2. Cieate awaieness in oiuei
to enhance social accept-
ability of tieateu watei.
1. Conuuct socio-
economic stuuies to
unueistanu the social ac-
ceptability of tieateu
2. Assess the potential
volume of tieateu watei
that can be ieuseu anu
application aieas.
1. Foimulation of a
state Watei Reuse Pol-
icy to make manuatoiy
uual piping in new
layouts anu piefeien-
tial usage of tieateu
watei foi wateiing
paiks in existing lay-
S. Low piiceu iiiigation watei is a sub-
stantial impeuiment foi investment,
watei infiastiuctuie anu sustainable ie-
souice utilisation anu management
:; O'/#6 4#+1=69#+
3#.'6/-#)/ /1 (#'2 '
91+/ A#)#@0/+ ')'($+0+
R%S<T 0) 162#6 /1 '+>
+#++ /&# @0)')90'(

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
A=62#) 1@ 0660*'/01)
?'/#6 ')2 /1 @16-=>
('/# ' .6090)* .1(09$
6'/01)'(0+0)* /&# =+#
1@ 0660*'/01) .=6.1+#
0) 70#? 1@ (1)*>/#6-
+=+/'0)'A0(0/$ ')2
/&# )##2 @16 '2>
#U='/# @0)')9#;
6. A minimum flow of iiveis in the uiy
season is not being maintaineu, leauing
to excessive concentiations of pollutants
1. Estimate a safe mini-
mum watei flow foi
maintenance of eco-

P; V16#+/6$ ')2 S01207#6+0/$
1. Long-teim caibon captuie stiategies
woulu iequiie a cuiiently not envisageu
ietuin to timbei as builuing mateiial
fiom matuie anu sustainably manageu
foiests anu plantations.
1. Nonitoiing of caibon stock
thiough collaboiation of Kai-
nataka Foiest Bepaitment
with Inuian Institute of Sci-
ences (IISc) anu othei univei-
2. Raising of foiest plantations
in non-foiest lanu unfit foi
1. Bevise stiategies to
iuentify maiket-linkeu
oppoitunities foi uevel-
opment of iobust caibon
sinks as well as incieasing
income foi local commu-

1. Bevelop a sustain-
able timbei haivest
plan along with iefoi-
estation schemes anu
ievenue plantations
2. Bevelop a policy to
piotect existing foiest
stocks as caibon sinks
thiough stiongei con-
seivation anu com-
munity paiticipation.
2. Biouiveisity hotspots such as the
Westein uhats aie insufficiently pio-

1; D+/0-'/# /&# 9'66$0)*
9'.'90/$ 1@ /&# O#+/#6)
M&'/+ @16 +#//(#-#)/+N
'*609=(/=6#N 61'2+N ')2

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
2. Establish wilulife popu-
lation monitoiing mecha-
nism to uetect changes
anu neeus foi iesponses
S. Foiest uegiauation uue to unplanneu
extiaction of fuel woou, fouuei, NTFP,
gieen manuie etc

1. Implement iefoiestation
affoiestation activities in ue-
giaueu aieas.
1. Systematic iecoiuing of
unplanneu extiaction of
fuel woou, fouuei, non-
timbei foiest piouucts
(NTFP), gieen manuie
1. Enhance capacities
of communities to
manage, to stoie unuei
ambient conuitions, to
pioviue institutional
cieuit anu to cieate
alteinative maiket op-
tions (baseu on maiket
2. Bevise schemes foi
pioviuing alteinative
souices of eneigy foi
foiest fiinge house-
holus to pievent fiie-
woou collections in

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
4. Invasion of alien species (!"#$%"$ sp,
&'%$()*"'+ sp etc)

1. Implement euuca-
tionoutieach activities that
aie taigeteu to ensuie public
suppoit foi iapiu iesponse
2. Establish a cooiuinateu
public monitoiing netwoik to
uetect anu iepoit invasive
alien species.
1. Bevelop anu maintain a
uatabase containing in-
foimation on the contiol
anu management of inva-
sive alien species that is
easily accessible to public

:; H90#)/0@09 6#+#'69& 1)
#6'209'/01)N 91)>
/'0)-#)/ ')2 91)/61(
-#/&12+ ')2 /#9&)1(1>
*0#+ @16 .60160/$ 0)7'>
+07# '(0#) +.#90#+;
1. A suiveillance stiat-
egy incluuing inspec-
tion anu inteiception
is essential to veiify
authoiizeu intiouuc-
tions, uetect illegal
intiouuctions, anu ue-
tect unintentional
intiouuctions thiough
key commouities,
pathways, anu vectois,
as is the capacity to
implement the stiat-
S. Encioachment of foiests by human
settlements, agiicultuie, coffee planta-
tions anu mines

:; 4#-17# #)961'9&-#)/+
?0/&0) ' /0-#@6'-# 1@ W
A uatabase to be estab-
lisheu anu maintaineu
tiacking encioachments,
evictions anu iefoiesta-
tion measuies.

6. vast tiacts of foiest fall victim to foiest
fiies eveiy yeai. Both fiie pievention anu
emeigency iesponse appeai inauequate
to tackle the challenge
1. Incentive-baseu community
paiticipation in fiie pieven-
2. A stiategy foi fiie foiecast-
ing, pievention anu fighting to
be implementeu.
1. Reseaich on auopting
mouein technology to
locate foiecast fiies.
Baseu on satellite image-
iies, fiie iisk zones piioii-
tisation anu monitoiing.

7. uiauual loss of gieen covei in uiban
1. Implement uiban bioui-
veisity euucation piogiamme
foi schools anu common citi-
1. Biouiveisity inventoi-
ies of specific aieas
within cities shoulu be
1. 0iban foiestiy plan
shoulu be uevelopeu
along with city mastei
plans with the auui-
tional objective of

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
stiengthening emotio-
nal bonuing between
tiees anu citizens.
2. Bovetailing the ac-
tivities of National
Nission foi uieen
Inuia unuei "Enhan-
cing tiee covei in
uiban anu peii-uiban
aieas incluuing institu-
tional lanus".
X; %1'+/'( Y1)# G')'*#-#)/
1. Coastal pollution uue to Inuustiies,
aquacultuie, poit activities anu sanu
mining upset the fiagile coastal ecologi-
cal balance

1. 861-1/0)* 1@ /6#'/-#)/
.(')/+ '/ .10)/ +1=69#Z
%DB8+ @16 +-'(( 0)2=+/60#+;
2. Stiengthening implementa-
tion aiiangement foi Coastal
Zone Regulation.
2. Stiict follow-up on Envi-
ionmental Impact Assess-
ment, Enviionmental Auuit.
S. Piomoting anu iestoiing
Nangiove wetlanus vegeta-
tion along costal belt to ietain
fuithei uischaige of pollutants
in to sea.
1. Bata maintaining on
type anu amount of haz-
aiuous oi chemicals ie-
leaseu fiom inuiviuual

2. Bata on aiea unuei
mangiove ecosystem anu
tempoial change in the
1. Reseaich on the im-
plementation of auvance
tieatment technology to
ieuuce the pollutants en-
teiing sea.
2. Conuuct ieseaich into
the scope, options anu
viability foi tuining con-
ventional into oiganic

2. In poitions of the coastline the scale of
maiine fishing is ecologically unsustain-
able, leauing to substantial seasonal fish
population uecimations. Bepenuent
1. Conuucting a socio-
economic impact stuuy
uue to change in ecologi-
cal conuitions anu impact
1. Re-assessing the
state fisheiy policy
anu piovision foi sub-
siuies anu incentives

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
communities have in a numbei of cases
moveu on to shell collection anu sanu
mining foi the sake of livelihoou while
laboui cost along the coast is high
on livelihoou. to sustainable fishing
2. Foimulation of
committee to uevelop
an action plan foi sus-
tainable fishing piac-
tices in costal uistiicts
of Kainataka.
S. Foimulate policies
to pioviue alteinative
livelihoou oppoituni-
ties especially uuiing
fish bieeuing seasons
by utilising syneigies
with NREuS.
S. veiy limiteu ieseaich publications aie
available that investigate the link be-
tween climate change anu behaviouial
iesponses of fish anu othei maiine
1. Kainataka Costal Be-
velopment Authoiity anu
Kainataka State Natuial
Bisastei Nonitoiing
Centie (KSNBNC) may
collect ielevant uata at
,)-#" level anu publish
2. Bevelopment of a Na-
iine Resouices Infoima-
tion System
S.Piomoting web baseu
seivices to pioviue in-
foimation on costal cli-
mate anu iesouices
1. Reseaich stuuies on the
iegional level pieuiction
of likely impact of climate
change on the costal fish-
eiies ecosystem.
2. Review of options foi
establishment of a net-
woik foi collection of au-
uitional necessaiy uata:
hyuio-meteoiological anu
hyuiological uata fiom
the coastal iegion, Coastal
anu estuaiine watei, sa-
linity anu tiual watei lev-
els anu the changing uis-
chaiges in both uiiections

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
in estuaiine aieas
4. No systematic mapping of Kainataka's
S2u km coastline has been unueitaken to
pioject the possible impact of the antici-
pateu sea level iise anu ueteimine pio-
tection measuies anu timefiames

1. Reassessment anu
mapping of costal ie-
souices. Conceineu ue-
paitment anu ieseaich
oiganisations to manage
uata ielateu to sea level,
sea eiosion, floou, iivei
flow anu change in bioui-
veisity etc.
2. Establishment of a sea
level monitoiing station
unuei the aegis of the
National Institute of
S. Establishment
stiengthening of giounu
watei monitoiing net-
woik, sanctuaiy wells foi
coastal aquifei manage-
ment anu watei quality
monitoiing, massive tiual
hyuiaulics uata collec-

1. Reseaich on floou foie-
casting, uownscaleu cli-
mate change piojections
using auvanceu uIS tools
anu impioveu giiu iesolu-
tion mouelling.
2. Reseaich on impact of
sea level iise on giounu
watei salinity incluuing
hyuio-chemical anu sol-
ute tianspoit mouelling.
S. Reseaich into maiine
biogeochemistiy anu in-
fluence on uBu souices
anu sinks.
4. Establishment of an
inventoiy of wetlanus es-
pecially, mapping of vege-
tation covei, silting, en-
cioachment, conseivation
of mangiove aieas con-
seivation, affoiestation,
hyuiological anu hyuio-
meteoiological uata, sa-
linity, well obseivation,
sea level iise, seuiment
tianspoit in the iivei etc
S. Napping of encioach-
ments, change of lanu use,
infiastiuctuie uevelop-

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
ment, pollution, giowth of
invasive species anu ovei-
S. Bengeie, a coastal settlement neai
Nangaloie lockeu between the sea anu
iivei, is completely unpiotecteu. A natu-
ial uisastei such as a tsunami oi typhoon
woulu likely wipe out its population.
Suggestions foi auuiessing this issue aie being soliciteu fiom agencies conceineu.
6. The mangiove ecosystem anu coial
ieefs aie insufficiently piotecteu

1. Expanu existing mangiove
covei acioss the coast

1. Establish a mangiove
stuuy centie, which will
take up ieseaich on man-
gioves anu associateu
biouiveisity vis--vis cli-
mate change.
2. Nonitoi the ielation-
ship between changes in
mangiove species (14)
unuei changing climate
:; V16-=('/# ') '9>
/01) .(') @16 6#.(')/>
0)* 1@ -')*617# 0)
(')2+ ?&#6# /&#$
&'7# 20+'..#'6#2; B1
A# /'I#) =. 0) 91)>
Q=)9/01) ?0/& .61/#9>
/01) 1@ -')*617#+N
.'/9&#+ 1@ A0120>
7#6+0/$ 609& &'A0/'/+
0) /&# 91'+/'(N 607#6>
0)# ')2 2#(/'09 A#(/
R217#/'0(0)* ?0/&
F'/01)'( G0++01) @16
M6##) ,)20'T;

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
W; D)#6*$
1. The uemanu supply gap (1S.2% of
peak uemanu) iemains laigely unau-
uiesseu, leauing to loau sheuuing anu the
emeigence of laige costumei investment
into seconuaiy eneigy infiastiuctuie
such Bu sets anu 0PSs which inciease
the buiuen on the enviionment thiough
aii pollution, high noise levels anu uis-
posal of laige quantities of leau aciu bat-
No concepts appeai to exist on piefei-
able technology choices foi laige scale
geneiating capacity auuitions in Kaina-
taka. Coal has laige caibon emissions pei
unit of electiicity apait fiom fly ash, hy-
uiopowei cannot be expanueu at scale,
nucleai powei woulu neeu uecaues until
commencement while leavening iauioac-
tive waste foi futuie geneiations to ueal
with. The oppoitunities lying in gas-
baseu powei geneiation iemain laigely
uniecogniseu. uas powei costs less anu
is less C02 intensive than coal oi oil-
baseu powei geneiation anu a CNu pipe-
line is being laiu fiom uujaiat to Kaina-
taka anu supply may commence fiom
1. Assess the feasibility of es-
tablishing gas-baseu powei
geneiation. It shoulu be
tieateu as inteiim solution
until ienewable eneigy gen-
eiation capacity has pickeu
2. The electiicity uemanu foi
the next 1S yeais shoulu be
foiecasteu along with an an-
ticipateu supply fiom state
owneu plants, the contiibu-
tion fiom cential schemes anu
piivate powei piouuceis to
ueteimine the scale of the ie-
quiieu capacity auuition.
S. If the feasibility is con-
fiimeu, negotiations foi a gas
puichase agieement coulu
4. In the meantime, loau
sheuuing to follow a stiuc-
tuieu plan notifieu 1 week in
auvance foi all categoiies, but
keeping especially inuustiies
neeu to pieuict in minu.
1. Aggiegate uata on loau
sheuuing anu to uevelop
a pioceuuie to allocate it
by uiban anu iuial aieas
anu by customei categoiy
to avoiu uepenuence on
seconuaiy souices

2. Fiee electiicity to faimeis is a substan-
tial impeuiment foi gaineiing the in-
vestment necessaiy to auuiessing the
Constitution of a
committee to ieview
the options foi uis-

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
uemanu-supply gap anu foi impioving
voltage stability necessaiy foi many en-
eigy efficient applications
incentivising eneigy
consumption by fai-
meis by shifting exist-
ing subsiuies, foi in-
stance to capital goous
(iefei to section "Agii-
cultuie", point 1)
S. Bigh tiansmission anu uistiibution
losses of cuiiently 22%

1. Reuuce T&B losses thiough
impiovements of sub stations,
moueinizeu automation anu
2. Ninimise the theft of elec-
1. Computation of T&B
losses by Aggiegate
Technical & Commeicial
(AT&C) losses to captuie
the uiffeience between
the billing anu collection
foi units of powei unuei
the Restiuctuieu Accel-
eiateu Powei Bevelop-
ment Piogiamme (R-
1. Establish a policy foi
impioving meteiing
efficiency, piopei en-
eigy accounting &
auuiting anu impioveu
billing anu collection
S. Eneigy efficiency faileu to make sub-
stantial inioaus. Eneigy auuit still has
low visibility, the necessaiy piofessional
capacities iemain to be cieateu at scale,
the Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue
(ECBC) is yet to be notifieu at state level,
the concept of uieen Rating foi Inte-
giateu Babitat Assessment (uRIBA) is
also not in foice as it is a pait of ECBC.
Altogethei, the Naiket Tiansfoimation
foi Eneigy Efficiency (NTEE) unuei the
NAPCC aie not on the hoiizon in Kaina-
taka yet
:; H/'A0(0+# /&# *602 +=..($
71(/'*# 0) ' +$+/#-'/09 ')2
/0-# A1=)2 -'))#6 +1 /&'/
'..(0')9#+ '9&0#7# /&#06
2#+0*) #@@090#)/($ ')2 (0@#>
/0-#; B&0+ 6#U=06#+ +9&#2>
=(#2 (1'2 .(')>
)0)*Z+&#220)* =)/0( /&#
2#-')2>+=..($ *'. 0+
C; "4D3[ /1 +/6'/#*0+# 917>
#60)* '(( #+/'A(0+&-#)/+
?0/& ' 91))#9/#2 (1'2 1@
1. Collection of uata foi
tienu analysis in electii-
city uemanu befoieaftei
incoipoiation of eneigy
efficient measuies.

1. Conuuct maiket sui-
veys to evaluate the pen-
etiation potential of en-
eigy efficient appliances
in the uomestic sectoi.
2. Caiiy out stuuies to
assess the scope of eneigy
saving at faim level
thiough voltage stabilisa-
tion anu moie efficient
appliances (electiic
motois, agiicultuial
pump sets etc)
1. B&# D)#6*$ %1)>
+#67'/01) S=0(20)*
%12# RD%S%T /1 A#
)1/0@0#2 '/ +/'/# (#7#(
?0/&0) C\::
2. "4D3[ /1 2#7#(1.
+/6'/#*0#+ @16 G'6I#/
B6')+@16-'/01) @16
D)#6*$ D@@090#)9$
RGBDDT =)2#6 /&#
F'/01)'( G0++01) @16
D)&')9#2 D)#6*$ D@>

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
W\\ I]< ')2 'A17# 0) '
/0-# A1=)2 -'))#6 ?0/&
.60160/$ 1) 0)2=+/60#+; B&0+
#)/'0(+ 9'.'90/$ A=0(20)* 1)
.'6/ 1@ "4D3[
S. Peifoim, Achieve anu Tiaue
(PAT) mechanism to manuate
specific eneigy consumption
taigets foi laige inuustiies
anu tiaue of savings beyonu
the taiget
S. Stuuy the tienu of en-
eigy uemanu ovei the
yeais as a iesult of uiban
4. Assess the impact of the
./#$0' scheme in teims of
powei savings, CFL life-
time anu consumei confi-
uence ovei a peiiou of at
least 2 yeais
a) Cieate institutional
capacity foi cieating a
maiketplatfoim foi
sale of caibon cieuits
b) 0ffei fiscal incen-
tives foi auoption of
equipment anu appli-
ances unuei the
National Nission foi
Enhanceu Eneigy Effi-
c) Intiouucing CBN
into eneigy-efficiency.
2. Bevise stiategies
anu polices foi ue-
manu siue manage-
ment (BSN) inteiven-
tions beyonu the
./#$0' scheme
6. The estimateu potential of ienewables
has till uate been hainesseu to 11.S%.
Laige scale pilots piojects aie not on the
hoiizon, apait fiom a few NW uemon-
stiation plants built by KPCL

1. 4'.02 +9'(0)* =. 1@ '9/070>
/0#+ /1 0-.(#-#)/ /&# 4#>
)#?'A(# D)#6*$ 81(09$
?&#6#7#6 0)+/6=-#)/+ 1@
/&# F'/01)'( H1('6 G0++01)
.61702# @16 /&# 6#U=0+0/#
6#+1=69#+ /&61=*& /0-#>
A1=)2 /'6*#/+; Reliance on
solai, winu, small hyuio, co-
geneiation anu biomass sec-
tois as a souice of eneigy
1. Tiacking the success
iate anu peifoimance of
implementation of ie-
newable eneigy piojects
1. Reseaich inteiventions
to tap biogenic gas genei-
ateu fiom methanogenic
oiganisms in maishes,
bogs, lanufills anu shallow

1. 4#70#? 1@ /&# A'6>
60#6+ /&'/ &'7# 6#+=(>
/#2 0)/1 "'6)'/'I'
(1+0)* 0/+ (#'20)* 61(#
0) ?0)2 #)#6*$ ')2
/&# +(1? .'9# 1@ #E>
.')20)* +1('6 #)#6*$
.1?#6 *#)#6'/01)
')2 2#/#6-0)'/01) 1@
0)+/6=-#)/+ /&61=*&
?&09& 6#)#?'A(# 2#>

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
2. Renewable eneigy at ue-
centialiseu level
2. 0peiationalise puichase
obligations by utilities backeu
with a piefeiential taiiff.
S. Pioactive implementation
of Special Incentive Package
(SIPs) policy to piomote
photovoltaics manufactuiing
4. Capacity builuing on use of
solai anu biomass eneigy foi
uomestic puiposes at uecen-
tialiseu level anu successful
uemonstiation of these tech-
.(1$-#)/ 9') A#
.61*6#++07#($ '99#(>
#6'/#2 ?0/& +.#90@09
'//#)/01) /1 .607'/#
+#9/16 0)7#+/-#)/+N
888 ')2 /0-#>A1=)2
2. Enhancing the Re-
newable Eneigy Cei-
tificate (REC) mecha-
nism acioss the state
to facilitate puichase
anu sale of these cei-
tificates enabling cai-
bon tiaue.
S. Reviewing gaps in
piesent financing foi
ienewable eneigy
financing anu iuentify-
ing means foi impiov-
ing banking seivices
foi the benefit of ie-
newable eneigy ue-
7. Except fiom tiauitional fiiewoou use,
the use of bio-fuels faileu to make sub-
stantial inioaus at scale.

:; 453 /1 @19=+ 1) .0(1/>
0)* 70'A(# 1./01)+ @16 '
+=A+#U=#)/ ('6*#6>+9'(#
2#.(1$-#)/ 1@ A01>@=#(+
'+ +=A+/0/=/#+ @16 @1++0(
@=#( @16 20#+#( ')2 .#/>
61( #)*0)#+ R7#&09(#+
1. Subject to the suc-
cessful conclusion of
piloting (iefei to the
aujacent cell) the Kai-
nataka Bio-fuel Policy
2uu9 shoulu be
amenueu thiough

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
')2 3M +#/+T; quantifiable taigets
anu specific incentives
foi iealising them.
8. The use of impioveu cooking stoves
(1,'#$2) is too limiteu foi its potential of
ieuucing woou consumption while ie-
uucing inuooi aii pollution anu safe-
guaiuing human health, especially of
women who spenu consiueiable time
1. Expansion of ueployment of
impioveu 1,'#$2 by leveiag-
ing public-piivate paitneiship
foi uissemination.
1. Conuuct a laigei fielu
suivey of inuooi aii pollu-
tion in iespect of tiaui-
tional anu impioveu
stoves unuei ieal-life
conuitions acioss Kaina-
taka anu iuentify ieasons
impeuing fuithei ue-
ployment of impioveu
1. <9/01) .(') @16 /&#
2#7#(1.-#)/ ')2
2#.(1$-#)/ 1@ 0->
.617#2 !"#$%& /1 /&#
-1+/ 7=()#6'A(# +#9>
/01) 1@ +190#/$ =)2#6
F'/01)'( S01-'++
%11I+/17#+ ,)0/0'>
/07#+ RFS%,T.
^; _6A')0+'/01)
1. The magnituue of piesent migiation
fiom iuial aieas to uiban iesulting fiom
inauequacies in health, euucation, hous-
ing anu employment in tiei 2 anu S cities
1. Impiove the quality anu
accessibility of health caie,
euucation, housing anu em-
ployment in villages.
1. Cieating employ-
ment oppoitunities foi
iuial populations es-
pecially in seasons of
non-cultivation by fui-
theiing the incentives
pioviueu by the Kaina-
taka Inuustiial Policy,
which encouiages in-
uustiies in tiei 2 anu S
2. Stiom watei uiains aie unable to ueal
with watei fiom moueiately heavy iain-
falls while climate change may leau to
gieatei piecipitation in shoitei inteivals
than pieviously encounteieu
1. Encouiaging iainwatei
haivesting in cities similai to
2. Cieate awaieness about
iainwatei haivesting among
1. Bata on potential foi
iainwatei haivesting anu
aitificial iechaige possi-
1. Bevelop a bettei iain-
fall iunoff mouel in the
uiban context to impiove
on the empiiical system
still followeu foi sizing of
1. Revision of uesign
guiuelines foi stoim
watei uiains to ieuuce
floouing iisk fiom
piesently 6u% to u%.

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
citizens thiough Resiuents'
Welfaie Associations (RWAs)
with the help of Nu0s
S. Cleaning of existing uiain-
age system piioi to monsoon.
4. Ensuiing sewage uoes not
entei into stoim watei uiains
(also iefei to section "0ibani-
sation", point 6)
stoim watei uiains.
S. Nuch iemains to be uone to manage
municipal soliu waste in line with goou
piactices anu legislative iequiiements
1. Emphasis on achieving a
faii uegiee of segiegation of
waste at souice so as to
maximise ieuse anu iecycling
2. Piomoting awaieness
among citizens on the 4 R's in
association with Resiuents'
Welfaie Associations (RWAs).
1. <++#++-#)/ 1@ 0->
.#20-#)/+ 0) .61.#6
-')'*#-#)/ 1@ -=)090>
.'( ?'+/# '/ /&# (#7#( 1@
=6A') (19'( A120#+
2. 0sing uIS iemote
sensing techniques foi
tiacking uisposal of
S. Taigeteu exploiation of
new anu economically
viable iecycling options.
1. Pioviuing incentives
foi oiganisations anu
auult iag pickeis ex-
tensively collecting
iecyclable waste by
consiueiing suppoit
piices to stimulate ie-
2. Bevising means of
intiouucing buy-back
mechanisms at state
4. Laige untappeu eneigy potential fiom
soliu waste (1SS NW), tapping of which
woulu be an inteiim solution until bettei
composting can be opeiationaliseu
1. Piovision foi collection of
wet waste foim iestauiants
anu apaitments.
1. R & B on techniques
methous to geneiate en-
eigy fiom waste.
1. Policies incentivis-
ing waste co-
piocessing in powei
plants to auuiess
health issues besiues
eneigy geneiation.

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
S. Consiueiable inauequacy in sewage
collection, tieatment anu ieuse of tieateu
Suggestions foi auuiessing this issue aie being soliciteu fiom agencies conceineu.
6. Absence of a planning peispective
capable of spanning uecaues as neces-
saiy foi establishing iail-bounu public
tianspoit in cities anu public tianspoit in
emeiging cities
1. Initiation of long-teim
planning piocesses which aie
followeu thiough to theii im-
plementation logical conclu-

7. Pioviuing the basic neeus to the uiban
pooi (watei, sanitation, electiicity etc)
1. Ensuie continuation of the
woik of Kainataka Slum Be-
velopment Boaiu in ensuiing
access to safe watei anu sani-
tation in slums.

8. Bifficult to change behaviouial pat-
teins iesult in ioau humps that inciease
fuel consumption, aii pollution anu noise
apait fiom being unuesiiable foi com-
Suggestions foi auuiessing this issue aie being soliciteu fiom agencies conceineu.
9. uiauual loss of gieen covei in uiban
1. Encouiaging plantation of
suitable species
1. Naintain uata on
annual tiee plantations
anu iemovals.
1. Implementation of
Paiks Act.
`; K#'(/&
1. Absence of a health status inventoiy

1. Enhancing uisease monitoi-
ing & suiveillance systems,
especially in iespect of ma-
1. Naintenance of uisease
uata ielateu to moitality
anu moibiuity at uis-
tiictblock level.

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
2. The ielationship between human
health anu climate change (vectoi boine
uisease, heat stiess etc.) is not well es-
tablisheu in publisheu liteiatuie
1. Bevelopment of a
uatabase on the cases of
vectoi boine uiseases
anu tiansmission.
1. Conuuct iegion wise
ieseaich on uiseases ie-
lateu to watei availability
anu quality.
mize high-iesolution
health impact mouels to
assess potential impact.
The NAPCC also focuses
on the uuevelopment of a
high-iesolution health
impact mouel at the state
level. uoK can collaboiate
with national, inteina-
tional expeit agencies to
exchange knowleuge.
S. Stuuies on the climate
change linkeu paiasite
activities anu impact on
human health.

S. Nost vulneiable iegions of the state in
the context of health - climate change
events like uiought, floou, tiansmission
of vectoi boine uiseases - iemain to be
1. Conuuct ieseaich on
the tienu of vectoi boine
uiseases anu iuentify the
most vulneiable iegions
of the state.
2. uIS mapping of the
most vulneiable aieas in
the state. This is also be-
ing piioiitiseu by the

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
4. Institutional stiengthening anu ca-
pacity builuing
1. Conuucting categoiiseu anu
specific tiaining of health ue-
paitment peisonnel
1. Establish collaboi-
ation with institutes
such as ICNR, AIINS,
Neuical colleges etc. to
cieate a pool.
S. Biinking watei quality is often com-
1. Watei utilities neeu to insti-
tutionalise iigoious quality
assuiance to ensuie meeting
of uiinking watei stanuaius at
consumei enu

a; L/&#6 0)/#67#)/01) '+.#9/+
1. The cuiient level of knowleuge on the
spatial uimension, time scale anu magni-
tuue of climatic changes is extiemely lim-
iteu. An accuiate anu quantitative in-
uepth unueistanuing of climate change
impacts emeiges as ciitical neeu. In its
absence the fiaming of long-teim policy
anu appiopiiate auaptive measuies ie-
mains seveiely impeueu.
:; %1)2=9/ #E/#)+07#
6#+#'69& 1) /&# +.'/0'(
20-#)+01)N /0-# +9'(#
')2 -'*)0/=2# 1@ 9(0>
-'/09 9&')*#+ 0-.'9/+
+1 '+ /1 A# 'A(# /1 -'I#
-16# '99=6'/# .6#209>
/01)+ 'A1=/ (0I#($ 0->
.'9/+ 1@ 9(0-'/# 9&')*#
0) "'6)'/'I'; B&0+
+&1=(2 0)9(=2#
a) Establishment of a ie-
gional climate monitoiing
netwoik whose iesults
aie checkeu against chan-
ges in soil, yielu, giounu
watei, aiiuity etc anu who
coulu inciease unuei-
stanuing of climate

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
change piocesses specific
to Kainataka anu uelinea-
tion fiom those of neigh-
b) Enhancing the spatial
iesolution of piesent cli-
mate mouels, which aie
too coaise to geneiate
localiseu actionable ie-
sults actionable, espe-
cially in view of the shaip
sealanu boiuei. Noie
ieliable piojections ie-
main to be maue, uiawn
fiom a sufficiently laige
numbei of mouels testeu
against each to caiiy out
necessaiy calibiations.
2. Theie is no mechanism foi shaiing in-
foimation on auaptation pilots, piactices
anu expeiiences maue acioss Inuia. This
being a veiy new fielu, the absence of a
communication might leau to a situation
wheie each state ieinvents wheels stait-
ing fiom zeio while the oppoitunities to
builu on each otheis expeiience aie foie-
:; B&# %#)/6'( M17>
#6)-#)/ /1 (#'2 /&# +$+>
/#-'/09 219=-#)/'/01)
')2 #7'(='/01) 1@ '2'.>
/'/01) .6'9/09#+ 0) /&#
91=)/6$; "'6)'/'I'
+&1=(2 2#+0*)'/# ' +/'/#
)12'( '*#)9$ /1 .61702#
6#(#7')/ 0)@16-'/01) 1)
A#&'(@ 1@ "'6)'/'I' ')2
.61702# #E.#60#)9#+
-'2# #(+#?&#6#;

"#$ %&'((#)*#+
')2 .('))0)*
3'/' -')'*#-#)/ 4 5 3 0)/#67#)/01) 81(09$ 0)/#67#)/01)
S. This piesent Action Plan is baseu on
cuiient unueistanuing anu publisheu
iepoits, which, the unueilying know-
leuge of which subject to iapiu evolve-
ment. Without a iegulai ieview anu up-
uation, this Action Plan is bounu to loose
its ielevance within a span of yeais.
:; D+/'A(0+& ' +$+/#-'/09
6#70#? .619#++ @16 )#?
+90#)/0@09 @0)20)*+N )#?
-12#((0)* 6#+=(/+ ')2
9&')*#+ 0) .1(09$N (#*0+>
('/01) ')2 0)9#)/07#+N
(#'20)* /1 ') =.2'/01)
"'6)'/'I' H/'/# <9/01)
8(') 1) %(0-'/# %&')*#
#7#6$ W $#'6+;

!!"#" $%&'%&() +,(&'-. +-/ 0-(%) 1'&-(.
11.3.1. kestructur|ng of agr|cu|tura| power tar|ffs
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Agiicultuie consumes a significant poition of electiicity, causing a ioughly pio-
poitionate emission of uBus emissions.
Re-stiuctuiing the powei taiiffs in the agiicultuial sectoi to uisincentivise
avoiuable electiicity consumption. The same volume of subsiuies may be shifteu
to othei piioiity aieas such as investment in moie efficient plant anu machineiy
! Bue to subsiuiseu electiicity in agiicultuie sectoi, the eneigy sectoi incuis
financial losses shoulueieu by uoK. Bowevei with the iestiuctuieu powei
taiiffs, the ievenue thus eaineu coulu be investeu to piomote ienewable
eneigy at faim levels.
! Foimulation of a committee with the iepiesentation fiom Key imple-
mentei anu stakeholueis to uiaw a policy aiming at giauually incieasing
the powei taiiffs in the agiicultuie sectoi anu piomotion of ienewable en-
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Eneigy
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
Panchayati Raj institutions
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
To be uefineu
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit tem (1 - 2 yeai). The committee can be set up immeuiately.
<$(+'()- No significant funuing iequiiement envisageu


11.3.2. o||cy body for dev|s|ng cropp|ng sh|fts
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Cultivations anu subsiuies suppoiting faiming lack mechanisms foi shifting
ciopping patteins in line with piojecteu climatic shifts acioss agio-climatic
Establishment of a state level policy bouy to uevelop suitable mechanisms foi
encouiaging ciopping shifts thiough ie-uistiibution of existing subsiuies
! Bepaitment of Agiicultuie woulu establish the state level policy bouy with
the iepiesentation fiom all the stakeholueis. The bouy woulu aim to foi-
mulate plans to
! Iuentify agio climatic zone wise eneigy intensive ciops anu theii alteina-
! Reuistiibute subsiuy to encouiage ciopping of iuentifieu alteinatives
! Aiiive at consensus among faimei's oiganizations anu builuing theii ca-
pacity foi changeu ciopping pattein
! Naiketing anu uistiibution of iuentifieu alteinative ciops
! Fixing minimum suppoit piice foi iuentifieu alteinative ciops to encoui-
age faimeis
! Pilot scale execution may be uemonstiateu in any one agio climate zone to
assess the feasibility anu obstacles.
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
51*6%720+%,#- State Agiicultuie 0niveisities
Inuian Council of Agiicultuie Reseaich (ICAR)
Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
Foou Coipoiation of Inuia (FCI) - Regional
Faimeis' oiganizations
Regional Ruial Banks
Coopeiative Banks
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
As iuentifieu in institutional aiiangement to enhance faimeis' capacities to
unueistanu iisks of climate change on cuiient ciops anu auvantages on the al-
teinative ciops being piomoteu. Local Nu0s anu PRIs will play impoitant iole in
such piogiammes.
:'.%;,*.%- Niu Teim (2- S yi). The committee can submit a plan within a peiiou of two yeai
<$(+'()- Release of NAPCC National Nission foi Sustainable Agiicultuie with peitaining
funuing piovisions is being awaiteu (iefei Table 1).


11.3.3. Use NACC dry |and farm|ng |nstruments
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
Theie is a wiuespieau absence of scientific uiy-lanu faiming piactices.
National Nission on Sustainable Agiicultuie unuei NAPCC pioviues instiuments
foi the uevelopment of uiy-lanu faiming
! Instiuments unuei NAPCC on Sustainable Agiicultuie incluue uevelop-
ment of uiought anu pest iesistant ciop vaiieties, watei anu soil conseiva-
tion, capacity builuing anu financial assistance.
! Bepaitment of Agiicultuie, Boiticultuie anu watei iesouices may jointly
uevelop the state level plan incluuing
! Iuentifying the ciops lacking auequate iesistance
! Piioiity iegion (select uistiicts) in the state foi watei anu soil conseiva-
! Assess tiaining neeus of vaiious stakeholueis
! Possible conveigence with ongoing piogiammes like BhooChetana, oi
National Boiticultuie Nission
! The plan once appioveu at state level may be submitteu to National Nis-
sion on Sustainable Agiicultuie (Ninistiy of Agiicultuie, uoI).
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Agiicultuie anu Bepaitment of Boiticultuie
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
State Agiicultuie 0niveisities
Inuian Council of Agiicultuie Reseaich (ICAR)
ReseaichAcauemic institutes
Local Nu0s
Panchayati Raj Institutions
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
The capacity builuing piogiamme can be classifieu in following
! Foi uoveinment peisonnel - State Agiicultuie 0niveisities may conuuct
such tiaining piogiammes along with on fielu uemonstiation. These tiain-
ing piogiammes shoulu be conuucteu at Bistiict level anu at state level
! Foi faimeis' communities - State Agiicultuie 0niveisities may piepaie
tiaining piogiamme which may be conuucteu by Local Nu0s in paiticipa-
tion with State Agiicultuie anu Boiticultuie Bepaitments. These tiaining
piogiammes to be conuucteu at blockuiam Panchayat level
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit teim (Shoulu be initiateu immeuiately)
<$(+'()- Release of NAPCC National Nission foi Sustainable Agiicultuie with peitaining
funuing piovisions is being awaiteu (iefei Table 1).


11.3.4. Make theft of spr|nk|er p|pes unv|ab|e
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Significant untappeu potential to enhanceu iiiigation efficiency especially in
Noithein Kainataka. The expansion of micio iiiigation is also hampeieu by se-
cuiity conceins of theft of uistiibution pipes
Eiauication of the maiket foi stolen pipes thiough ie-uistiibution of existing
subsiuies on micio iiiigation so as to biing faimei's net cost of uistiibution
pipes below the black maiket cost
Re-uistiibute existing subsiuies on micio-iiiigation so that the supply pipes,
which aie often subjecteu to theft, fetch a iesale value below faimeis' subsiuiseu
piocuiement piice. This woulu ienuei theft unattiactive.
! Requiies cooiuination with goveinments of neighbouiing states
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Bepaitment of Boiticultuie
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
Kainataka Watei Resouice Authoiity
Wateisheu Bepaitment
Local Nu0s
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Piopagate micio iiiigation thiough cieating faimeis' awaieness (at blockuiam
Panchayat level) on benefits of micio-iiiigation, available financial assistance
anu goveinments suppoiting piogiammes. Local Nu0s may play impoitant iole
in such awaieness cieation piogiammes
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit teim (1-2 yi)
<$(+'()- Rs. 2u,6Su anu Rs. 49.6uu cioie have been allotteu unuei National Watei Nis-
sion foi Policy anu Institutional Fiamewoik anu Efficient 0se of Watei foi vaii-
ous Puipose iespectively.
Release of NAPCC National Nission foi Sustainable Agiicultuie with peitaining
funuing piovisions is being awaiteu (iefei Table 1).


11.3.S. Create a marked for |nd|genous agr|cu|tura| crops
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
Agio-biouiveisity is jeopaiuiseu. Inuigenous iesilient vaiieties of ciops like
maize, iice, soighum iequiie inteiventions to safeguaiu theii pieseivation
Pieseivation of inuigenous vaiieties of ciops thiough cieation of a maiket foi
such piouucts. The netwoik of state agencies incluuing B0PC0NS coulu help
maiket these as specialities foi a highei piice
To begin with, the Bepaitment of Agiicultuie woulu be iequiieu to;
! Piepaie inventoiy of inuigenous vaiieties of uiffeient ciops
! Scieen the vaiieties unuei immeuiate thieat
! Appoint noual agency (agiicultuie univeisities oi ieseaich institutes) to
unueitake the pieseivation of such iuentifieu inuigenous vaiieties.
! Bevise an intelligent, consumei centiic maiketing initiative foi piouucts
fiom such vaiieties of ciops
! Fix minimum suppoit piice foi such piouucts
! Biaw an incentive plan to piomote such piouucts
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
51*6%720+%,#- Agiicultuie univeisities
Reseaich Institutes
Inuian Council of Agiicultuial Reseaich
Co-opeiative banks anu societies
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Tiaining piogiammes of faimeis on benefits of pieseiving inuigenous vaiieties.
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie may conuuct such tiaining piogiamme at
Blockuiam Panchayat level thiough Kiishi vigyan Kenuia Agiicultuie Exten-
sion uepaitment with the suppoit of PRIs
:'.%;,*.%- Niu teim (2- S yi)
<$(+'()- Release of NAPCC National Nission foi Sustainable Agiicultuie with peitaining
funuing piovisions is being awaiteu (iefei Table 1).


11.3.6. Create a marked for |nd|genous hort|cu|tura| crops
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
Boiticultuial biouiveisity is jeopaiuiseu. Inuigenous iesilient vaiieties such as
mango anu jackfiuit iequiie inteiventions to safeguaiu theii pieseivation
Pieseivation of inuigenous vaiieties of ciops thiough cieation of a maiket foi
such piouucts. The netwoik of state agencies incluuing B0PC0NS coulu help
maiket these as specialities foi a highei piice
At out set, Bepaitment of Boiticultuie is iequiieu to
! Piepaie inventoiy of inuigenous vaiieties of uiffeient ciops
! Scieen the vaiieties unuei immeuiate thieat
! Appoint noual agency (agiicultuie univeisities oi ieseaich institutes) to
unueitake the pieseivation of such iuentifieu inuigenous vaiieties.
! Bevise an intelligent, consumei centiic maiketing initiative foi piouucts of
such vaiieties of ciops
! Fix a minimum suppoit piice
! Biaw a plan to pioviue incentives such piouucts
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Boiticultuie
51*6%720+%,#- Agiicultuie univeisities
Reseaich institutes
Inuian Council of Agiicultuial Reseaich
Co-opeiative banks anu societies
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Tiaining piogiammes of faimeis on benefits of pieseiving inuigenous vaiieties.
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie may conuuct such tiaining piogiamme at
Blockuiam Panchayat level thiough Kiishi vigyan Kenuia Agiicultuie Exten-
sion uepaitment with the suppoit of PRIs
:'.%;,*.%- Niu teim (2- S yi)
<$(+'()- Release of NAPCC National Nission foi Sustainable Agiicultuie with peitaining
funuing piovisions is being awaiteu (iefei Table 1).


11.3.7. Iormu|at|on of a ||vestock |nsurance po||cy
Animal Busbanuiy
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Lack of mechanisms, initiative anu incentives foi systematically enhancing ie-
sistance of livestock to vectoi boine uiseases anu incieasing heatcolu stiesses
as may be expecteu fiom changes in the climate
Cential uoveinment to conceptualise anu foimulate a livestock insuiance policy
with piemiums taking into account vaccination iecoius anu suitability of a bieeu
foi a given iegion
! Piepaie uetaileu livestock inventoiy incluuing iegion wise bieeus, existing
iesistance, level of vaccination anu thieat uue to climate change. This
woulu help in iuentifying the taiget (piioiity) bieeus.
! Foimulate a plan to execute laige-scale vaccination. This will also incluue
awaieness of livestock owneis.
! Submission of a pioposal foi an insuiance to Cential uoveinment
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Animal Busbanuiy
51*6%720+%,#- State veteiinaiy Reseaich Institutes
Inuian veteiinaiy Reseaich Institute (IvRI)
Panchayat Raj institutions
Local Nu0s
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Tiaining foi auministiatois on assessment of iesistance anu thieats emeiging
fiom climate change.
Tiaining foi livestock owneis on
! Risks associateu with climate changes
! Benefits of vaccination
! Piomotion of Livestock insuiance
:'.%;,*.%- Niu teim (2-S yi)
<$(+'()- Release of NAPCC National Nission foi Sustainable Agiicultuie with peitaining
funuing piovisions is being awaiteu (iefei Table 1).


11.3.8. Lxpand breed|ng of |nd|genous catt|e breeds
Animal Busbanuiy
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
Lack of mechanisms, initiative anu incentives foi pieseiving inuigenous climate
toleiant bieeus of cattle (Amiithmahal, Ballikai, Khillai) anu buffalo (Panuhai-
puii, Suithi)
Inuigenous bieeus aie being uevelopeu by selective bieeuing in livestock faims
locateu in Tumkui, Chickmagalui anu Baveii. This neeus to be extenueu.
! Bepaitment of Animal Busbanuiy may appiove new livestock faims in
othei uistiicts of state to piomote the pieseivation of inuigenous bieeus.
This may be baseu on the geogiaphical uivision of the state. Fuithei ue-
penuing upon the neeu, new bieeus may also be incluueu in pieseivation
! Bepaitment may also seek ieseaich collaboiation with inteinational
piemieie institutes thiough exchange of scientists, No0 etc. This will biing
inteinational expeitise at local level.
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Animal Busbanuiy
51*6%720+%,#- veteiinaiy ieseaich institutes
Inuian veteiinaiy Reseaich Institute (IvRI)
Panchayat Raj institutions
Local Nu0s
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Capacity builuing of veteiinaiy uoctois anu scientists as mentioneu above.
:'.%;,*.%- Niu to long teim (S - 7 yi)
<$(+'()- Release of NAPCC National Nission foi Sustainable Agiicultuie with peitaining
funuing piovisions is being awaiteu (iefei Table 1).


11.3.9. Lnforcement of Groundwater Act
Watei Resouices
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
0vei-extiaction of giounuwatei iesouices, especially in SS oveiexploiteu anu S
ciitical taluks
Enfoicement of iegulation measuies in place unuei the newly enacteu uiounu-
watei Act.
"./0%.%(1*1'2( *,=
Initiation of statutoiy functions of the bouy to be constituteu unuei the uiounu-
watei Act.
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Nining anu ueology
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Watei supply boaius
Panchayat Raj institutions
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
To be uefineu
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit teim (~ 1yi)
<$(+'()- Rs. 7,8uS cioie has been allotteu foi giounuwatei management unuei the
NAPCC National Watei Nission


11.3.10. o||cy body for restr|ct|ng groundwater use
Watei Resouices
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
0vei-extiaction of giounuwatei iesouices, especially in SS oveiexploiteu anu S
ciitical taluk
Establishment of a state level policy bouy to ieview the possibility of piohibiting
the use of giounuwatei foi non-uiinking anu non-emeigency uses.
State uoveinment to set up a policy bouy to ieview the existing scenaiio anu
piepaie a plan to impose iestiiction on uiounu Watei. The plan will incluue
! Restiiction on giounu watei use in oveiexploiteu anu ciitical taluks foi all
uses except uiinking puipose
! Fixing the uiametei of pipes to uiaw giounu watei foi uiinking watei uses
! Piovision foi manuatoiy giounuwatei iechaige by watei supply boaius
anu othei agencies extiacting giounu watei foi laige scale uiinking pui-
! Aiiiving at giounu watei taiiff foi the non-uiinking puiposes like agiicul-
tuie, inuustiial etc in othei taluks.
! Piovision foi iebate on watei taiiffs to giounu watei iechaiging entities
(faimeis, inuustiies etc.)
! Piomotion of aitificial giounu watei iechaige
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
51*6%720+%,#- Cential uiounu Watei Boaiu (CuWB)
Bepaitment of Nines & ueology
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Bepaitment of Ruial Bevelopment & Panchayat Raj
Watei Supply anu Seweiage Boaius
Panchayat Raj institutions
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Tiaining anu awaieness piogiammes foi laige consumeis (inuustiies, faimeis)
on the benefits of giounuwatei iechaiges, goveinment's suppoit foi same in-
cluuing iebate anu incentives. Local Nu0s may be impoitant paitneis.
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit teim (1 - S yi)
<$(+'()- Rs. 7,8uS cioie has been allotteu foi giounuwatei management unuei the
NAPCC National Watei Nission


11.3.11. Introduct|on of a groundwater cess
Watei Resouices
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
The vast potential foi collection of iainwatei foi piouuctive use, giounuwatei
iechaige anu tempoiaiy stoiage in watei bouies in oiuei to ieuuce the iiiigation
uepenuency on giounuwatei (at piesent it is 4S%) is to be maximiseu
Intiouuction of a giounuwatei cess fiom which a giounu watei funu woulu be
cieateu. The giounu watei funu woulu finance giounuwatei iechaige schemes
within the state pioposeu by piivate anu public pioject pioponents.
! As uiscusseu unuei point 1u, giounu watei cess woulu enable goveinment
to maintain financial viability of uiounu Watei Nanagement Activities.
! Such cess may be finaliseu baseu on the stage of giounuwatei uevelop-
ment in paiticulai iegion. This Cess to iange foi uiffeient volume biackets.
! A iebate may also be pioviueu to the entities piactising giounu watei ie-
! Such funus may be utiliseu foi the piomotion anu implementation of
uiounu watei iechaige.
! Apait fiom cess, goveinment may also make giounuwatei iechaige man-
uatoiy to laige consumeis of giounu watei.
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
51*6%720+%,#- Cential uiounu Watei Boaiu (CuWB)
Bepaitment of Nines & ueology
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Bepaitment of Ruial Bevelopment & Panchayat Raj
Watei supply boaius
Panchayat Raj institutions
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
A noual agency (acauemic institute) may be appointeu to uevelop unifoim tech-
nical guiuelines foi aitificial giounuwatei iechaige in the state.
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit teim (1 - 2 yi)
<$(+'()- No significant funuing iequiiement envisageu


11.3.12. Dev|se cap|ta| subs|dy for kWn structures
Watei Resouices
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
The vast potential foi collection of iainwatei foi piouuctive use, giounuwatei
iechaige anu tempoiaiy stoiage in watei bouies in oiuei to ieuuce the iiiigation
uepenuency on giounuwatei (at piesent it is 4S%) is to be maximiseu.
Bevise an incentive in foim of a capital investment subsiuy foi iainwatei hai-
vesting (RWB) stiuctuies
Foimulation of a state level bouy with iepiesentation fiom all stakeholueis to
! Review the existing situations anu agio climatic zone wise piessuie on
giounu watei
! Piomotion of RWB
! Besign agio climatic zone wise incentive plans incluuing subsiuies on the
iaw mateiials foi such measuies (pipes, ioof mateiials, filteis etc) (such
financial neeu may be met thiough funus ieceiveu fiom uiounuwatei
! Foimulate mechanisms foi financial sustainability
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Agiicultuie univeisities
Acauemicieseaich institutes
Panchayat Raj institutions
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
A noual agency (acauemic institute) may be appointeu to uevelop uni-
foim technical guiuelines foi iainwatei haivesting in the state
RWB piomotion thiough awaieness cieation among faimeis
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit teim (1 - S yi)
<$(+'()- Rs. 7,8uS cioie has been allotteu foi giounuwatei management unuei the
NAPCC National Watei Nission


11.3.13. Integrated water resources management |n pub||c bu||d|ngs
Watei Resouices
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
Reuse of tieateu watei in inuustiies anu uiban local bouies (0LBs) has been un-
able to make significant in ioaus
Integiateu watei iesouices management to commence in public builuings to set
examples anu inspiie confiuence.
! Bepaitment of 0iban Bevelopment to make RWB anu ieuse of tieateu
wastewatei manuatoiy in public builuings.
! Also, uepaitment may pioviue iebate on watei taiiffs in case of RWB
equippeu builuings, iecycle anu ieuse of tieateu waste watei piacticeu.
! Watei taiiffs may be iestiuctuieu taking into account not only the in flow
watei but also out flow watei (wastewatei) in laige public builuings.
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of 0iban Bevelopment
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Town Planning
Watei supply anu seweiage boaius
Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
! A noual agency may be appointeu to uevelop unifoim simple technical
guiuelines foi iainwatei haivesting in the state
! RWB piomotion thiough awaieness cieation among civilians with the
help of CB0, Civil societies, Nu0s, RWAs
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit to miu teim (2-S yeai)
<$(+'()- Rs. 47,uS9 cioie has been allotteu unuei City Bevelopment National Nission on
Sustainable Babitat towaius sewage tieatment, ieuse, iecycle of wastewatei anu
iain watei haivesting anu Rs 2S Cioie foi capacity builuing foi RWB anu ieuse
iecycle waste watei. Substantial financial commitments aie also available unuei
National Watei Nission.


11.3.14. r|c|ng po||cy rev|s|on for |rr|gat|on water
Watei Resouices
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Low piiceu iiiigation watei is a substantial impeuiment foi investment, watei
infiastiuctuie anu sustainable iesouice utilisation anu management
Watei Resouices Bepaitment to leau a cost benefits analysis (CBA) in oiuei to
assess the financial buiuen of iiiigation watei anu to foimulate a piicing policy
iationalising the use of iiiigation puipose in view of long-teim sustainability anu
the neeu foi auequate finance.
uoveinment may appoint a committee to stuuy anu assess
! Financial sustainability anu weakness of cuiient iiiigation watei scheme
! Financial neeu foi the opeiation anu maintenance of wateisheu, uistiibu-
tion infiastiuctuie
! Caiiy out Cost Benefit Analysis to aiiive at suitable watei taiiff stiuctuie
to pioviue foi the opeiation anu maintenance of wateisheu, uistiibution
! Convince vaiious stakeholueis on watei taiiffs thiough inteiactive ses-
sions, anu awaieness cieation
! A pait of thus geneiateu ievenues may also be utilizeu towaius piomotion
anu uemonstiation of RWB anu efficient micio iiiigation techniques
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Acauemicieseaich institutes
Panchayat Raj institutions
Faimeis' communities
Bepaitment of Revenue
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
With the help of local Nu0s, awaieness piogiammes foi the faimeis' to uemon-
stiate the neeu of watei taiiffs may be conuucteu at Blockuiam Panchayat lev-
:'.%;,*.%- Niu teim (S-S yi)
<$(+'()- No significant funuing iequiiement envisageu


11.3.1S. Lst|mate the carry|ng capac|ty of the Western Ghats
Foiestiy anu Biouiveisity
R anu B Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Biouiveisity hotspots such as the Westein uhats aie insufficiently piotecteu
Estimate the caiiying capacity of the Westein uhats foi settlements, agiicultuie,
ioaus anu othei constiuction, inuustiies anu mines.
A noual agency (gioup of expeit institutes) may be appointeu to
! Stuuy the existing uevelopment piessuie on Westein uhats
! Assess the extent of caiiying capacity utilization
! Bevelop high iesolution maps foi monitoiing the status of the Westein
! Recommenu on the iestiiction piohibition of fuithei uevelopment activi-
ties in Westein uhats (mining, agiicultuie, ioau etc) anu uevelop a com-
piehensive Westein uhats Nanagement Plan
! The stuuy may also be ieplicateu foi othei biouiveisity hot spots in the
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Foiest
51*6%720+%,#- Westein uhats Task Foice
Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu
Bepaitment of Nining anu ueology
Reseaich institutes
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Foiest Bepaitment peisonnel may be pioviueu tiaining on capacity builuing on
piotection anu efficient management of such hotspots
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit to miu teim (2-S yi).
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu; Consiuei puiview of the NAPCC Nission foi
uieen Inuia anu buugetaiy piovisions heieunuei


11.3.16. kespond to |nvas|on of a||en spec|es
Foiestiy anu Biouiveisity
R anu B inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Invasion of alien species
Scientific methous foi eiauication, containment anu contiol methous anu tech-
nologies foi invasive species
Bepaitment of Foiest may initiate paitneiship with institutes of piemium ie-
pute to
! Assess the extent of invasion (iegion wise)
! Assess the impact of such invasion on existing bio-iesouices of the state
! Bevelop scientific methous evaluate existing methous to contiol invasive
! 0n fielu uemonstiation of such successful techniques anu implementation
at laige scale
! Peiiouical monitoiing of contiol piogiammes
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Foiest
51*6%720+%,#- Reseaichacauemic institutes
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
To tiain the uepaitment peisonnel on the efficient implementation of uevel-
opeuimpioveu contiol measuies at fielu level.
:'.%;,*.%- Niu teim (2-S yi)
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu


11.3.17. C|ear forest encroachments
Foiestiy anu Biouiveisity
Implementation anu Planning
"##$%# &%'()
Encioachment of foiests by human settlements, agiicultuie, coffee plantations
anu mines
Remove encioachments within a timefiame of S yeais
! Iuentification anu listing of sectoi wise encioachment (agiicultuie, mining,
human settlement)
! Removal of encioachment thiough enfoicement of existing legislation
! List of uefaulteis iesponsible foi such encioachment may be wiuely ciicu-
lateu anu auveitiseu to geneiate fuithei awaieness on the stiingent ac-
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Foiest
51*6%720+%,#- Revenue Bepaitment
Bepaitment of Nining anu ueology
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Tiaining of Foiest uepaitment peisonnel to enable them in iemoving such en-
cioachment like unueistanuing on ielateu legislations, auuiessing socio-
economic challenges in peifoiming uuties etc
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit to miu teim (1-S yi)
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu


11.3.18. Stab|||se the gr|d supp|y vo|tage
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
Eneigy efficiency faileu to make substantial inioaus. Eneigy auuit still has low
visibility, the necessaiy piofessional capacities iemain to be cieateu at scale, the
Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue (ECBC) is yet to be notifieu at state level, the
concept of uieen Rating foi Integiateu Babitat Assessment (uRIBA) is also not in
foice as it is a pait of ECBC. Altogethei, the Naiket Tiansfoimation foi Eneigy
Efficiency (NTEE) unuei the NAPCC aie not on the hoiizon in Kainataka yet
Stabilise the giiu supply voltage in a systematic anu time bounu mannei so that
appliances achieve theii uesign efficiently anu lifetime. This iequiies scheuuleu
loau planningsheuuing until the uemanu-supply gap is closeu
Inciease eneigy efficiency with technological inteiventions anu best piactices
! Bevelopment of automateu loau sheuuing system by utilizing actual opei-
ating conuitions anu knowleuge of past system uistuibances
! Reuuction in the oveiloauing of existing lines anu substation equipments
! Policy inteiventions to compel eneigy auuits foi both small anu laige scale
! Initiate stanuaius anu labeling piogiamme foi enu use equipment anu ap-
! 0vei coming cost bias on enhanceu eneigy efficient piouucts
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Electiicity supply companies (ESC0Ns)
51*6%720+%,#- Kainataka Electiicity Regulatoiy Commission (KERC)
Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL)
Rajiv uanuhi uiameen viuyutikaian Yojana
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Tiaining piogiamme to utility peisonnel foi upgiauation of knowleuge on opei-
ation anu maintenance
:'.%;,*.%- 1-S yeais
<$(+'()- Rs. 48S cioie plus auuitional anticipateu piivate contiibutions of Rs. 14,uuu coie
to the mission


11.3.19. Strateg|se energy aud|ts
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
Eneigy efficiency faileu to make substantial inioaus. Eneigy auuit still has low
visibility, the necessaiy piofessional capacities iemain to be cieateu at scale, the
Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue (ECBC) is yet to be notifieu at state level, the
concept of uieen Rating foi Integiateu Babitat Assessment (uRIBA) is also not in
foice as it is a pait of ECBC. Altogethei, the Naiket Tiansfoimation foi Eneigy
Efficiency (NTEE) unuei the NAPCC aie not on the hoiizon in Kainataka yet
KREBL to stiategise coveiing all establishments with a connecteu loau of Suu
kvA anu above in a time bounu mannei with eneigy auuit with piioiity on in-
uustiies. This entails capacity builuing on pait of KREBL
! Effective cooiuination between uiffeient uepaitment BEE, KREBL to es-
tablish specific eneigy consumption (SEC) noims anu stanuaius foi uiffei-
ent inuustiies
! Pioviue platfoim foi efficient tiauing of eneigy ceitificates obtaineu
! Inuustiies to appoint eneigy manageis, file eneigy consumption ietuins
each yeai anu conuuct manuatoiy eneigy auuits
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL)
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Eneigy
Buieau of Eneigy Efficiency (BEE)
Electiicity supply companies (ESC0Ns)
Bepaitment of Town Planning
Bepaitment of Commeice anu Inuustiies
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Capacity builuing to incluue mechanism to enhance cost effectiveness of im-
piovements in eneigy efficiency in eneigy intensive laige-scale inuustiies
:'.%;,*.%- 1-S yeais
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu; Consiuei puiview of NAPCC Nission foi En-
hanceu Eneigy Efficiency anu buugetaiy piovisions heieunuei


11.3.20. Not|fy the Lnergy Conservat|on 8u||d|ng Code (LC8C)
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Eneigy efficiency faileu to make substantial inioaus. Eneigy auuit still has low
visibility, the necessaiy piofessional capacities iemain to be cieateu at scale, the
Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue (ECBC) is yet to be notifieu at state level, the
concept of uieen Rating foi Integiateu Babitat Assessment (uRIBA) is also not in
foice as it is a pait of ECBC. Altogethei, the Naiket Tiansfoimation foi Eneigy
Efficiency (NTEE) unuei the NAPCC aie not on the hoiizon in Kainataka yet
The Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue (ECBC) to be notifieu at state level
within 2u11
! Institutionalizing anu stiengthening ueliveiy mechanism foi eneigy effi-
ciency piogiams in the state
! Pioviue a fiamewoik foi the much-neeueu cooiuination between vaiious
goveinment entities
! Establishing eneigy-consumption foims foi laige eneigy consumeis
! Naking ECBC of builuings manuatoiy
! Nass awaieness cieation on ECBC
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL)
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Commeice anu Inuustiies
Bepaitment of Town Planning
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
2u-4u% potential eneigy savings in builuings complieu unuei ECBC noims
ECBC enhancing the theimal anu visual comfoits anu piouuctivity of the occu-
:'.%;,*.%- 1-S yeais
<$(+'()- No significant funuing iequiiement envisageu foi the notification


11.3.21. Imp|ement NACC's Market 1ransformat|on for Lnergy Lff|c|ency
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Eneigy efficiency faileu to make substantial inioaus. Eneigy auuit still has low
visibility, the necessaiy piofessional capacities iemain to be cieateu at scale, the
Eneigy Conseivation Builuing Coue (ECBC) is yet to be notifieu at state level, the
concept of uieen Rating foi Integiateu Babitat Assessment (uRIBA) is also not in
foice as it is a pait of ECBC. Altogethei, the Naiket Tiansfoimation foi Eneigy
Efficiency (NTEE) unuei the NAPCC aie not on the hoiizon in Kainataka yet
KREBL to uevelop stiategies foi Naiket Tiansfoimation foi Eneigy Efficiency
(NTEE) unuei the National Nission foi Enhanceu Eneigy Efficiency
! Cieate institutional capacity foi cieating a maiketplatfoim foi sale of
caibon cieuits
! 0ffei fiscal incentives foi auoption of eneigy-efficient equipment anu ap-
pliances unuei the National Nission foi Enhanceu Eneigy Efficiency
! Piepaiation of a ianking of caibon emission abatement costs foi uiffeient
mitigation options specific to Kainataka as was uone foi Inuia in oiuei to
infoim uecision piocesses

<')$,% >>- ?.'##'2( *&*1%.%(1 92#1# ;2, "(+'* '( @ABA

"./0%.%(1*1'2( *,=
! 0vei coming cost bias to initiate maiket tiansfoimation towaius theii pie-
feiential auoption
! Integiation of eneigy sectoi mitigation options in the policy uesign
! Active involvement of public sectoi to effectively leveiage CBN ievenues
foi maiket tiansfoimation
! Aggiegateu Eneigy Efficiency piojects thiough piogiammatic appioach
holus the key to the giowth anu expansion of CBN piojects
! Auopt efficient methouologies
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL)
Piivate paities

Enviionmental anu Eneigy Sustainability: An Appioach foi Inuia (2uu9). NcKinsey & Company, Inc

Policy Inteivention
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Commeice anu Inuustiies
Buieau of Eneigy Efficiency (BEE)
Bepaitment of Town Planning
Bepaitment of Revenue
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
To ieuuce tiansaction cost anu uispeise small cieuit flows unuei NTEE
To suppoit financing, technology anu capacity builuing unuei the accepteu piin-
ciples of common but uiffeientiateu iesponsibilities (CBBR)
:'.%;,*.%- 1-S yeais
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu; Consiuei puiview of NAPCC Nission foi En-
hanceu Eneigy Efficiency anu buugetaiy piovisions heieunuei


11.3.22. Sca|e up renewab|es contr|but|on
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
The estimateu potential of ienewables has till uate been hainesseu to 11.S%.
Laige-scale pilots piojects aie not on the hoiizon, apait fiom a few NW uemon-
stiation plants built by KPCL.
Rapiu scaling up of activities to implement the Renewable Eneigy Policy whei-
evei instiuments of the National Solai Nission pioviue foi the iequisite ie-
souices thiough time-bounu taigets.
! Efficient scale up of capacity anu technological innovation to uiive uown
the cost
! 0ff-giiu uecentialiseu application will be auvantageous fiom iuial
electiification peispective anu meeting othei eneigy neeus
! Removal of implementation baiiieis of ienewable solaibiomass baseu
geneiation with iegulatoiy incentives foi its piomotion
! Cieate platfoim foi uomestic solai inuustiy followeu by effective mecha-
nism foi ceitification anu iating of manufactuieis of solai theimal applica-
! Conuuct an in-uepth assessment of leveiaging caibon finance incluuing
CBN foi singlebunuleu piojects, piogiammatic appioach, voluntaiy
emission ieuuctions foi ienewables piojects. Iuentify baiiieis anu most
viable options followeu by the uevelopment of a Kainataka guiue to cai-
bon finance
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL)
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Commeice anu Inuustiies
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Nost feasible eneigy geneiation souice to meet long-teim eneigy neeus
To set-up an enviionment foi solai technology penetiation to seive populations
without access to commeicial eneigy
:'.%;,*.%- S-7 yeais
<$(+'()- Rs. 12,uuu-1S,uuu cioie unuei the NAPCC Nission foi Enhanceu Eneigy Effi-


11.3.23. kev|ew barr|ers |n w|nd energy dep|oyment
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
The estimateu potential of ienewables has till uate been hainesseu to 11.S%.
Laige scale pilots piojects aie not on the hoiizon, apait fiom a few NW uemon-
stiation plants built by KPCL
Review of the baiiieis that have iesulteu into Kainataka losing its leauing iole in
winu eneigy anu the slow pace of expanuing solai eneigy powei geneiation anu
ueteimination of instiuments thiough which ienewable ueployment can be pio-
giessively acceleiateu with specific attention to piivate sectoi investments, PPP
anu time-bounu taigets
! Cieate a platfoim to attiact inuustiies, PPP anu pioject uevelopeis to in-
vest in ieseaich, uomestic manufactuiing anu uevelopment of winu eneigy
anu solai powei geneiation
! State goveinment to involve iegulatois, powei utilities anu local citizens
to foimulate effective policy anu fiamewoik
! Naking ienewable puichase obligation manuatoiy
! Suppoit up giauation of technologies anu manufactuiing capacities
thiough soft loans to achieve highei efficiencies anu cost ieuuction
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Kainataka Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Limiteu (KREBL)
51*6%720+%,#- Kainataka Electiicity Regulatoiy Commission (KERC)
Electiicity tiauing companies
Bepaitment of Ruial Bevelopment anu Panchayat Raj
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
To be iuentifieu
:'.%;,*.%- To be iuentifieu
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu; Consiuei puiview of NAPCC Nission foi En-
hanceu Eneigy Efficiency anu buugetaiy piovisions heieunuei


11.3.24. ||ot |arge-sca|e b|o-fue| substat|on |n the transport sector
R anu B Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Except fiom tiauitional fiiewoou use, the use of bio-fuels faileu to make substan-
tial inioaus at scale
R&B to focus on piloting viable options foi a subsequent laigei-scale ueploy-
ment of bio-fuels as substitutes foi fossil fuel foi uiesel anu petiol engines (vehi-
cles anu Bu sets)
! Setting up of a high level ieseaich council to guiue the oveiall technology
uevelopment stiategy
! Enviionmentally sounu, state-of-the ait R&B piojects to impiove the
quality of life of the pooi anu the enviionment
! Subsiuy options foi faimeis to giow plantations suppoiting bio-fuels at
laige scale
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Kainataka State Bio-fuel Boaiu
51*6%720+%,#- Inuian Renewable Eneigy Bevelopment Agency (IREBA)
Bepaitment of Commeice anu Inuustiies
Tianspoit coipoiations
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
To be iuentifieu
:'.%;,*.%- 1-S yeais
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu


11.3.2S. Ach|eve greater dep|oyment of |mproved chu|as
Policy implementation
"##$%# &%'()
The use of impioveu cooking stoves (chulas) is too limiteu foi its potential of
ieuucing woou consumption while ieuucing inuooi aii pollution anu safeguaiu-
ing human health, especially of women who spenu consiueiable time inuoois
Action plan foi the uevelopment anu ueployment of impioveu #./012 to the most
vulneiable section of society unuei National Biomass Cookstoves Initiatives
Setting up of state-of-the ait testing, ceitification anu monitoiing facilities anu
stiengthening R&B piogiammes in key institutions to enhance technical capac-
Leveiaging PPP to exploie the iange of technologies available foi ueployment,
biomass piocessing anu ueliveiy mouels
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- uiam Panchayats
51*6%720+%,#- Bepaitment of Foiest
Eneigy supply companies (ESC0Ns)
Bepaitment of Ruial Bevelopment anu Panchayat Raj
Bepaitment of Bealth anu Family Welfaie
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
To enhance the availability of clean anu efficient eneigy foi the eneigy ueficient
anu pooiei sections of the countiy
To achieve quality of eneigy seivices fiom cook stoves compaiable to that fiom
othei clean eneigy souices such as LPu.
:'.%;,*.%- S-S yeais
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu


11.3.26. romote eff|uent treatment p|ants
Coastal Zone
Implementation anu planning
"##$%# &%'()
Coastal pollution uue to Inuustiies, aquacultuie, poit activities anu sanu mining
upset the fiagile coastal ecological balance
Piomoting of tieatment plants at point souice CETPs foi small inuustiies
Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu (KSPCB) to;
0puate the inventoiy of inuustiies locateu in coastal zone (with anu without
tieatment facilities)
0nueitake neeu assessment of CETP in coastal zone
Bevelop anu implement technical anu financial plan to setup CETP in the ie-
Enfoice existing iules anu iegulation in stiictei mannei
Piovision foi efficient monitoiing
KSPCB may also unueitake eco-toxicological stuuies
Bevise stiategies to limit the sanction of new inuustiies in vulneiable coastal
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu
51*6%720+%,#- Kainataka State Coastal Zone Nanagement Authoiity
Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
Reseaich institutes
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Conuucting tiaining piogiamme of owneis of small inuustiies on the neeu of
CETP anu thieat fiom uischaiging untieateu effluent
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit teim (1-2 yeai)
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu


11.3.27. Act on mangrove rep|ant|ng
Coastal Zone
Policy Inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
The mangiove ecosystem anu coial ieefs aie insufficiently piotecteu
Foimulate an action plan foi ieplanting of mangiove in the aiea wheie they have
uisappeaieu. To be taken up in conjunction with piotection of mangioves,
patches of biouiveisity iich habitats in the coastal, iiveiine anu ueltaic belt
(uovetailing with National Nission foi uieen Inuia).
Kainataka State Coastal Zone Nanagement Authoiity to stiategise:
! Ensuiing local communities' paiticipation to piotect mangioves
! Piomotion of awaieness on the impoitance of mangiove ecosystem
! Removal of encioachments posing a thieat to mangiove ecosystem
! Beclaiation of highly vulneiable zones as No Activity Zone to piotect man-
! Re-plantation plan to iejuvenate the mangiove ecosystem
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Foiests
51*6%720+%,#- Kainataka State Coastal Zone Nanagement Authoiity
State Biouiveisity Boaiu
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Panchayat Raj institutions
Local Nu0s
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Conuucting tiaining piogiamme to enhance awaieness on mangiove piotection
in coastal zone.
0se of infoimation, euucation anu communication to achieve a uesiieu level of
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit to miu teim (2-S yeai)
<$(+'()- NAPCC National Nission on uieen Inuia allocates Rs. Suu cioie to iegeneiate u.1
million ha of mangiove ecosystem


11.3.28. Assessment of MSW management |mped|ments
R anu B inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
Nuch iemains to be uone to manage municipal soliu waste in line with goou
piactices anu legislative iequiiements
Assessment of impeuiments in piopei management of municipal waste at the
level of uiban local bouies (0LBs).
! Reseaich inteivention to be initiateu
! Implement 0LBs level integiateu soliu waste management plans
! Bemonstiation of complete efficient soliu waste management cycle (in-
cluuing segiegation, collection, waste iecoveiy, pie uisposal tieatment,
anu uisposal) in select 0LBs
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of 0iban Bevelopment
Bepaitment of Town Planning
51*6%720+%,#- Reseaich institutes
Bevelopment authoiities such as Bangaloie Bevelopment Authoiity (BBA)
Kainataka State Pollution Contiol Boaiu
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Conuucting awaieness at citizen levels on the segiegation, anu management of
soliu waste
Capacity builuing of peisonnel on efficient anu integiateu management of soliu
0se of infoimation, euucation anu communication to achieve a uesiieu level of
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit to miu teim (1-S yi)
<$(+'()- 0nuei NAPCC National Nission on Sustainable Babitat
Rs. 9u cioie foi capacity builuing
Rs. 6,u7S cioie foi 0iban Soliu Waste Nanagement
Rs. 4u cioie on Soliu Waste Nanagement (Complimentaiy action)


11.3.29. keg|ona| research on c||mate change
0thei inteiventions
R anu B inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
The cuiient level of knowleuge on the spatial uimension, time scale anu magni-
tuue of climatic changes is extiemely limiteu. An accuiate anu quantitative in-
uepth unueistanuing of climate change impacts emeiges as ciitical neeu. In its
absence the fiaming of long-teim policy anu appiopiiate auaptive measuies ie-
mains seveiely impeueu.
Conuuct extensive ieseaich on the spatial uimension, time scale anu magnituue
of climatic changes impacts so as to be able to make moie accuiate pieuictions
of likely impacts of climate change in Kainataka.
! Bevelop centie of excellence foi climate change anu establish a iegional
climate monitoiing netwoik to caiiy out all the ielevant ieseaich intei-
ventions anu iesults of such stuuies may help in incieaseu unueistanuing
of climate change piocesses specific to Kainataka.
! Impioving the spatial iesolution of piesent climate mouels in oiuei to cap-
tuie the changes in vaiious sectois (biouiveisity, watei, soil, iainfall, tem-
peiatuie, agiicultuial pattein etc).
! PaitneishipNo0 with ieseaich institutes, acauemic institutes within
state anu intei state to biiuge the knowleuge gaps anu enhance efficiency
of the piogiamme.
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Ecology & Enviionment
51*6%720+%,#- Acauemic ieseaich institutes
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
Inuian Neteoiological Bepaitment
Bepaitment of Revenue
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Capacity builuing of uepaitment peisonnel by conuucting tiaining woikshop,
visits to centies of excellence in climate change acioss the state anuoi abioau.
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit teim (1-S yi)
<$(+'()- Rs. 2,6Su cioie has been allocateu unuei NAPCC National Nission foi Stiategic


11.3.30. Documentat|on of adaptat|on pract|ces
!"#$%&' 0thei inteiventions )*+"' Bata Nanagement
"##$%# &%'()
Theie is no mechanism foi shaiing infoimation on auaptation pilots, piactices
anu expeiiences maue acioss Inuia. This being a veiy new fielu, the absence of a
communication might leau to a situation wheie each state ieinvents wheels
staiting fiom zeio while the oppoitunities to builu on each otheis expeiience
aie foiegone
The Cential uoveinment to leau the systematic uocumentation anu evaluation of
auaptation piactices in the countiy. Kainataka shoulu uesignate a state noual
agency to pioviue ielevant infoimation on behalf of Kainataka anu pioviue ex-
peiiences maue elsewheie.
Noual agency to be appointeu
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Ecology & Enviionment
51*6%720+%,#- Acauemicieseaich institutes
Bepaitment of Panchyat Raj anu Ruial Bevelopment
Bepaitment of Foiest
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie
Bepaitment of Boiticultuie
Bepaitment of Watei Resouices
Kainataka Biouiveisity Boaiu
Local Nu0s
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
Bissemination at state anu uistiict levels thiough publications anu tiaining
:'.%;,*.%- Shoit to miu teim (1 - S yi)
<$(+'()- Funuing souices to be iuentifieu; Consiuei the puiview of NAPCC National Nis-
sion foi Stiategic Knowleuge anu buugetaiy piovisions heieunuei


11.3.31. SACC updat|on process
0thei inteiventions
R anu B inteivention
"##$%# &%'()
This piesent Action Plan is baseu on cuiient unueistanuing anu publisheu ie-
poits, which, the unueilying knowleuge of which subject to iapiu evolvement.
Without a iegulai ieview anu upuation, this Action Plan is bounu to loose its iel-
evance within a span of yeais.
Establish a systematic ieview piocess foi new scientific finuings, new mouelling
iesults anu changes in policy, legislation anu incentives, leauing to an upuation of
Kainataka State Action Plan on Climate Change eveiy S yeais.
! Noual agency to be appointeu
! Noual agency to systematically keep itself upuateu with the latest uevelop-
ment in the fielu of Climate change incluuing policies, technologies, auapta-
tion, mitigation, inteinational negotiation etc.
! Noual agency to uevelop compiehensive annual iepoit foi the ciiculation to
all ielevant stakeholueis to uiaw immeuiate attention on any uigent issue
! Eveiy S yeai, noual agency to piesent an upuateu iepoit along anu action
plan with iecommenuation to ievise action plan, ciiculate it to all stake-
holueis anu host stakeholueis; consultation woikshop to piesent its iec-
ommenuations on ievision of action plan.
3%4 './0%.%(1%,- Bepaitment of Ecology & Enviionment
51*6%720+%,#- All agencies
8*/*9'14 &$'0+'()
To be uefineu
:'.%;,*.%- Long teim (S-2u yi)
Funuing souices to be iuentifieu

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