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Label the diagram:

Mouth Tongue



Gall Bladder Stomach

Bile Duct
Duodenum Large Intestine


Small Intestine Rectum



Where are enzymes found in the body?

Lesson Objectives: 1. Describe where amylase, pepsin, lipase and bile work in the digestive system 2. Identify where amylase, pepsin, lipase and bile are made 3. Identify the substrates and products of reactions with amylase, pepsin, lipase and bile

Important enzymes of digestion

Amylase (a type of carbohydrase)


starch into glucose Secreted into mouth by salivary glands

Protease (pepsin)

proteins into amino acids Secreted by the lining of the stomach Required acidic pH to work well


fats into fatty acids and glycerol Secreted by the pancreas Needs the help of bile to work efficiently

Bile and emulsification

Bile is made in the liver, stored in the gall bladder and secreted into the small intestine via the bile duct Breaks large lumps of fat into smaller lumps of fat This increases the surface area that lipase has to work on Bile DOES NOT digest the fat molecules

Absorption of Food

The mechanically and chemically digested food is absorbed into our blood streams in the small intestine. The small intestine is highly adapted for this function. One of the main ways in which the small intestine is adapted is in its massive surface area. Below are 2 diagrams that show how the small intestine achieves the big surface area.

Digestive Summary
Amylase Pepsin Lipase

Starch Protein Fat

Amino Acids
Fatty acids and glycerol

Mouth Stomach
Small Intestine

The Digestive System

into Ingestion taking food __________ the body.

large Digestion making _________ insoluble molecules into ___________ soluble molecules. small Which the body can ____________ and use. absorb There are two steps: Breaking down food mechanically ____________ with your teeth. chewing Breaking down food chemically using ____________. enzymes

Absorption big food molecules cant pass through cell membranes. Enzymes break big molecules into small molecules in the small intestine _____________. These can pass into the blood __________ (in the plasma) and then into cells. This is called absorption. Egestion Expulsion of waste food from the anus __________.

Break down of food. (Digestion)

mechanical Mouth _____________ breakdown of food by chewing. Different teeth are designed for different jobs. Saliva is added, this contains the enzyme __________ amylase that breaks down starch _____________ molecules.

Stomach food is mixed with protease protein enzymes that break down _____________ and hydrochloric acid, which kills bacteria and gives a low pH for the enzymes to work.

Small intestine more enzymes are added from the pancreas to digest carbohydrates ________________, ________ and fats ___________. Food is absorbed through the proteins gut wall into the blood. The small intestine is covered in millions of finger like projections called ________. These are perfect for villi absorbing food. They have: thin Very __________ outer layer of cells. blood Good ___________ supply. surface area Large ______________ ________ for absorption.

water Large intestine absorbs __________ from food.

Rectum waste food is stored here before expulsion (egestion) from the anus.

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