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Editor's Note SECTION I VASTU AND ITS RELEVANCE TO MODERN TIMES Relevance of Vastu Dr. B.V. Raman Vastu Vidya Prof. S.K. Ramachandra Rao The Status and Relevance of Vastu in the Contemporary Context V. Ganapati Sthapati The Concept of Vastu Purusa Mandala H.A. Savarkar The Vastu Purusa M.S. Thirumalachar Vastu for Multi-storeyed Residential Buildings Dr. S.P. Sabharathnam Vastu and Modern Engineering Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara Importance of Vastu Madhura Krishnamurty Sastry Vastu for Revival of Sick Industries B.N. Reddy Vastu 6astra: Its Importance K.V.R. Anjaneyulu Vastu and Town Planning K. Marimuthu Relevance of Ancient Vastu Technology to Modern Town Planning K.V. Raja Rao 3 13 v

28 37 45 49 58 64 69 74 79



CONTENTS 93 95 101

Hospitals and Consulting Chambers Dr. Bhargava C. Babu Vastu: Yesterday and Day Before Prof. S.A. Deshpande General Vastu Guidelines C.H. Gopinath Rao SECTION II VASTU AND JYOTTSA (ASTROLOGY) Astrological Configurations for Vastu S.K Kelkar Vastu in Astrology Dr. T.S. Vasan Vastu and Jyotisa A. Narasimha Alse Relevance of Muhurta of Vastu astra S. Krishna Kumar The Efficacy of Vastu Sastra Kowtha Lalith Manohar Vastu: A Result-Oriented Science Arvind Pandurang Vaze Vastu or the Heavenly Planets in Human Houses R.G. Rao Hindu Geomancy U.S. Pulippani Rectification Through Vastu Principles K.S. Ananda Kumar Vastu and Remedial Measures K.R. Dasa Setty SECTION III VASTU AND TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE References to Vastu in the Scriptures M.V. Janardana

111 115 121 124 141 146 152 157 171 175




The Vastu of Temples

V. Bala Naidu

188 192 195 206

The Sabda-Dosas in Aarseya Vastu Grantha

Sri Ramakavacham Venkateswara Sarma

Indian Architecture Dr. S.R.N. Murthy Vastu Principles in the Construction of Theatres
Dr. B.V. Venkatakrishna

Vastu Sastra and Ancient Temples (With Special Reference to Temples in Karnataka)
M.N. Prabhakar

214 227 233

Basics of Temple Interiors

Ganapathi Kadirappa

Some Research Notes on Vastu

Brahma Ganapathi Kadirappa

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