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1.Explain how you would determine the constant of tacheometer 2.

A tacheometer was set up at a station A and the following readings were obtained on a vertically held staff Station Staff station B.M A Vertical angle -218 Hair readings 3.225,3.550 and 3.875 1.650,2.515 and 3.380 Remarks R.L of bench mark is 437.655m


Calculate the horizontal distance from A to B and the R.L of B,If the constant of the instrument were 100 and 0.4. 3.Explain the principle of substense method in tachometric surveying.
4.How do you calculate the horizontal and vertical distances between a instrument station and a staff station when the line of collimation is inclined to the horizontal and the staff is held vertically?

5.Differentiate between fixed hair method and movable hair method of tacheometery 6. a.What are the errors in stadia surveying b.How the tacheometry is classified . Describe in detail. Unit-2

Explain the procedure of setting out works in horizontal direction List out the specification of secondary triangulation Give the general rule for the adjustment of a geodetic triangle. Explain the step-by-step method to measure the base line for triangulation survey A base line was measured with a steel tape,which was exactly 30m at 20c,and a pull of 6kg and the measurement was 30c and the pull applied was 10kg.the tape was uniformly supported during themeasurement.find the true length of the line if the cross-sectional area of the tape was 0.02 cm2 the coefficient of expansion per 1c=0.0000035and the modulus of elasticity=2.1x106kg/cm2 What is meant by satellite station? When do we resort to a satellite station? From an eccentric station E,13.8m from station A,the angle measure to three trigonometric stations A,B and Care as follows,the stations C and E being opposite sides of line AB:

The length of AC and AB are 5588.4m and 4317.0m respectively .calculate the angle of<BAC. (i) What is meant by EDM? Explain the use and principle of EDM. (6) (ii) How will you locate the position of boat in the hydrographic survey? Explain the procedure. (10) Or (b) (i) Explain the use of photogrammetry in large scale mapping. (8) (ii) Define cartography and explain the concept of map making. (8

The satellite station S,5.8m from the main triangular station A, the following directions were observed: A B C D 00* 132* 232* 296* 0 18 24 6 00 30 6 11

The lengths of AB,AC and AD were 3265.5m,4022.2m and 3086.4m respectively. Determine the directions of AB,AC and AD. The elevation of two proposed triangulation station A& B 100km apart are 140 m and 416m respectively. The elevation of the intervening peak at C,60km from A is 150m.check A ana B are intervisible , if not find the height of scaffold required at B,so that the line of slight may clear the groundby 3m. Explain satellite station . Explain the different laws of weightas applicable to the theory of errors.

Find the most probable values of A,B,C from the following observation . A=25*1710.2 weight 1 B=28*2216.4 weight 2 C= 32*4028.5weight2 A+B=53*3923.1weight2 A+B+C=86*1957.8weight1 Find the probable value of angles P,Q and R using the given data. The weights of the observations are given below.(use methods of differences) P Q =70*3018.6 3 =61*129.8 2


=112*4131.6 4 =131*4320.6 2 =173*5336.2 2 1

P+Q+R =244*2454

Find the probable values of the angles A,B and R of a triangle ABC from the following measurements(use the method of correlates) Derive an expression for the normal equation Find the most probable value of the angle A from the following observation equation A=30*2840 Wt.2 3A=91*2555 Wt.3 Derive an expression for the method of correlates State any four laws of weights. The angle of a triangle ABC were recorded as follows: <A=77*14120 weight=4 <B=49*4035 weight=3 <C=53*0452 weight=2 Find the corrected values of the angles by normal equation method.

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