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Numerical Modelling of Installation Aids for Platform Installation Dr. Peter S. K.

Lai, Xavier Chevalley Saipem UK Limited

ABSTRACT The present paper details the numerical modelling of installation aids for platform installation and demonstrates the use of the techniques to evaluate the corresponding dynamic loading during installation. These aids include the bumper and guide system, supports, pin and bucket docking system, fender system, leg mating unit and desk supporting unit. These installation aids are mainly for topside deck module installations by lift and floatover operations. These operations have been simulated in time domains and results are also presented in the present paper. The usage of animation in presenting the simulated operation is also discussed. 1 INTRODUCTION

In installing topside deck module onto an offshore platform, a number of different installation aids are used to install the new module into the exact location whilst reducing the impact loads during installation and to protect the equipment which is already on the platform located around the new module. These installation aids include Bumper and Guide system, Docking system (Pin and Bucket), Fendering and Leg Mating Unit and Desk Supporting Unit. The installation operation is analysed with numerical simulation in time domain to finalise the installation methodology and design of the structure and installation aids, and to define the operational limits. Simplified assumptions are used in the numerical model to represent the installation aids in most advanced analytical software available in the industry. However, the corresponding analysis may not represent the actual marine operation. The numerical modelling of these installation aids is investigated in detail in the present study. The function of these installation aids is described and corresponding methodologies in representing the aids in the numerical model, including the numerical equations, are presented in this paper. This paper is concluded with some analytical results from the assessed installation operations together with discussion about the use of animation.

The following two Real Life cases are used. 1) Module installation by lifting: - module installed by Saipems semi-submersible crane

vessel, S7000, onto a semi-submersible floating production unit with bumper and guide, docking pin and bucket and module landing systems. 2) Module installation by floatover: - module installed by floatover operation using the

Saipems cargo barge S45 with fendering system, leg mating unit and deck supporting unit. Although the presented installation is for a fix jacket, the same technique can be applied onto the floating platform. 2 2.1 INSTALLATION AIDS NUMERICAL MODELS Lift Operation

Heavy deck modules over 11,000t can be installed by heavy lift crane vessel, such as the semi-submersible crane vessel, Saipem S7000, as shown in Figure 2.1-1. This installation is mainly for new platform construction including Spar Buoy, Floating Production Unit and jacket platforms.

Figure 2.1-1 Lift Operation In order to extend the life time and function of existing floating and fix platforms, lighter modules are removed and new module are installed onto existing platforms mainly through lift operations as well. In these operations, bumper and guide system, as shown in Figure 2.1-2, are used to protect the existing structure and equipment from damage during the installation. This system also guides the module into the final position. A docking pin and bucket system, as shown in the Figure 2.1-3, is used for the final touch down and locks the module into the exact location on the platform within strict tolerances.


Bumper Pin

Bucket Guide Figure 2.1-2 Bumper and Guide System Figure 2.1-3 Pin and Bucket System

The pin and bucket system is also widely used for deck module supports stabbing in the jacket legs and to dock a jacket onto pre-installed piles. Finally, the deck module is supported vertically at the supporting structure. 2.1.1 Bumper and Guide system

The bumper and guide system is represented by two lines (AB and CD), as shown in the Figure 2.1-4.




Figure 2.1-4 Bumper and Guide System

Figure 2.1-5 Support System

At a specified time instant of the time domain simulation, the global locations of the bumper (CD) and guide (AB) extremities are calculated. The line is presented as a vector with the known position of its extremities. The coordinates of a point P on the guide post is defined by the following equation:

( X P , YP , Z P ) = ( X A , YA , Z A ) + n AB L AB
where n AB is the unit vector: of segment between A and P. Similarly, the bumper can be represented by a vector (CD) and the coordinate of a point Q on the bumper is defined as follows.
n AB = ( X B X A , YB Y A , Z A Z B ) / A B and LAB is the length

where nCD is the unit vector:

, YQ , Z Q ) = ( X C , YC , Z C ) + nCD LCD

nCD = ( X D X C , YD YC , Z D Z C ) / C D

When the vector between PQ is perpendicular to vector AB and CD, the distance between P and Q is the shortest distance between the guide post (AB) and the bumper (CD). This can be represented by two governing conditions as follows 1) Vector AB has to be perpendicular to Vector PQ:
AB PQ = 0 ,


Vector CD has to be perpendicular to Vector PQ:

CD PQ = 0

We have two equations here with two unknowns, LAB and LCD. Therefore the coordinates of point P and Q and, hence, the distance between the centrelines of the bumper and guide post (PQ) can be found. If the distance between the centrelines is less than the sum of their external radius, an impact occurs between the bumper and guide and the difference is the deflection. Hence, the impact force of the specified time instant can be calculated based on the given stiffness of the system and the calculated deflection. The impact force will be acting on points P and Q of two bodies. The stiffness is linear based on the elastic behaviour of the guide post which is part of permanent structural member. However, the guide post can be sacrificial member in some cases which will be removed after the installation. Plastic deformation is acceptable in these cases. The stiffness is non-linear with local indentation considered. The non-linear load and deflection relationship is curve-fitted to a polynomial equation in order to increase computational efficiency.
2.1.2 Supports

In general, the support only provides vertical support with no horizontal restrictions. The footing of the deck module can slide along the supporting deck within the horizontal tolerance from bumper and guide and/or pin and bucket systems. It is represented by a point to plane impact model, as shown in the Figure 2.1-5. The point is the support footing of the module and the plane represents the landing area.

The plane can be defined by two vectors with three points (O, A and B) on the supporting deck structure and is described by the following equation:
aX + bY + cZ + 1 = 0

The coefficients a, b and c can be found as followings:


1 Yo 1 Where a = 1 YA W 1 YB


X o 1 Zo 1 b= X A 1 ZA W X B 1 ZB

Xo 1 c= XA W XB


YA 1 YB 1

The shortest distance (D) between the point P (the footing) and the plane (supporting deck structure) can be found by using the following equation:
D= aX P + bYP + cZ P + 1 a2 + b2 + c2

eq. (2.6)

The normal vector of the plane and the distance D can be used to determine whether the point P is above or below the plane and whether D is a gap or a deflection (with impact). Once a deflection is calculated, the corresponding impact force can be found using the specified structural linear stiffness based upon the elastic behaviour of the supporting structure.
2.1.3 Docking Pin and Bucket System

The docking pin and bucket system is one of the installation aids widely used for module installation. The main purpose of this system is to facilitate the installation of the module into the exact location and heading within strict tolerances. This system is used mainly for the final installation stage before touch down. This system is also widely used in jacket installation. The system will typically consist of a docking pin with tapered end on one body and a receptacle cone (bucket) on the other, as shown in Figure 2.1-6. When the docking pin lowers down and enter the receptacle cone, the engagement can be separated into the following three different stages, as shown in Figure 2.1-7. 1) 2) 3) The tip of the pin is within the receptacle cone. The tip of the pin passes the bottom of the cone. The parallel section of the pin enters the parallel section of the bucket.

Figure 2.1-6 Pin and Bucket System Stage 1

Figure 2.1-7 Stages of Engagement

The bottom of the pin is located between the top and bottom of the receptacle cone. When the relative horizontal movement at the specified vertical position is bigger than the gap at that vertical position, an impact is obtained, as shown in Figure 2.1-8. The resultant of the impact force has to be normal to the slope surface of the cone.





Figure 2.1-8 Stage 1 Engagement The slope () is at the side of the cone. The gap between the bottom of the pin (P) and the side of the cone is calculated based on the location of the pin and bucket.
tan ( ) =


DCL ) 2 LC

Gap = h


DCL ) DCL DPL + 2 LC 2

h = LC (z c z p )

If the relative horizontal movement between the pin and bucket (L) is greater than the Gap, then impact occurs. The horizontal deflection is (H), which is contributed by the horizontal

compression (H) due to horizontal stiffness and horizontal deflection induced by the vertical compression (V) with the vertical stiffness
L =

( x C x P )2 + ( y C y P )2

H = L Gap = H '+ V '


DCL ) 2 LC

The Horizontal Impact Force can be calculated based on the horizontal deflection (H) together with the stiffness in X and Y directions, as follow. The Vertical Impact Force FV can also be calculated accordingly with V.

x xP y yP FH = H ' K x C +Ky C = H 'K xy L L

FV = K z V '

The resultant of the impact force will be normal to the surface of the cone and

(D DCL ) FV = tan ( ) = CU FH 2 LC
Once we have the global locations of point C (xC, yC, zC) on the cone and point P (xP, yP, zP) on the pin, we have only two unknowns, (H) and (V). The vertical deflection can be found by substitution and is listed as
V ' = H tan ( ) Kz + tan 2 ( ) K xy
H ' = H V '

The corresponding impact force will be

Fx = H 'K x xC x P L Fy = H 'K y yC y P L

FZ = FV = V 'K z

The impact forces are applied at the point P on the pin. Due to the fact that LC is short in comparison, the impact forces are applied at the point C on the receptacle cone. Stage 2 At this stage, the bottom of the pin has passed the bottom of the receptacle cone. However, the bottom of the receptacle cone is in between the top and bottom of the tapered section of the pin. When the relative horizontal movement at the specified vertical position is bigger than the gap, an impact is obtained. The resultant of the impact force has to be normal to the slope surface of the pin, as shown in Figure 2.1-9.

P' B
h P' B P



Figure 2.1-9 Stage 2 Engagement

Figure 2.1-10 Stage 3 Engagement

The slope () is the side of the pin. The gap between the bottom of the pin and the side of the cone is calculated as follows
tan ( ) =


DPL ) 2 LP

Gap =

(D pU D pL ) DCL DPL h 2 2 Lp

h = (z B z p )

Similar to the Stage 1, once we have the global locations of point B (xB, yB, zB) on the bottom of the cone and point P (xP, yP, zP) on the pin, we have only two unknowns, (H) and (V). The vertical deflection can be found by substitution and the corresponding impact force will be
Fx = H 'K x xB xP L Fy = H 'K y yB yP L

FZ = FV = V 'K z

The impact forces are applied at the point P on the pin and point B on the receptacle cone. Stage 3 At this stage, the top of the tapered section of the pin has passed the bottom of the receptacle cone. When the relative horizontal movement is bigger than the gap, an impact is obtained. There will only be horizontal impact force. The gap between the bottom of the pin and the side of the cone is
Gap = DCL DPU 2
L =

(x B x P ' )2 + ( y B y P ' )2

H = L Gap

The horizontal impact force can be calculated based on the horizontal deflection (H) together with the stiffness in X and Y directions, as follows.

2 y B y p' xB xP' = H K xy FH = H K x Ky + L L

The corresponding impact force will be

Fx = H K x xB xP' L Fy = H K y y B y P' L

Fz = FV = 0.0

The impact forces are applied at the point P on the pin and point B on the receptacle cone.
2.2 Floatover

Heavy deck modules can be installed by floatover method for semi-submersible, TLP and fixed jacket structure. At the moment, the availability of heavy lift vessel with crane lifting capability exceeding 10,000 t is very restricted in some areas, such as south-east Asia, Sea of Okhotsk and Caspian Sea etc. Floatover would be the only installation method for heavy deck module installation. The deck module will be transported by a flat top cargo barge and sit on high supporting frame on the deck of the cargo barge, as shown in Figure 2.2-1.
A B 1 2

Leg Mating Unit (LMU) Surge Fender

0.075m BOW

Deck Supporting Unit (DSU)



Sway Fender


Figure 2.2-1 Floatover Operations

Figure 2.2-2 Installation Aids of Floatover Operations

The barge is towed into the gap between the legs of semi-submersible or jacket. After the barge moves in, the barge is ballasted down and lowers the module onto the platform. In order to minimise the impact load, special installation aids are used, such as Surge and Sway Fender units, Leg Mating Unit (LMU) between the legs of platform and deck module and Deck Supporting Unit (DSU) between the barge and deck module. The usual arrangement of these units is presented in Figure 2.2-2. The surge fender will be pressed on the leg of platform to restrict the barge surge motion during floatover operation. There is a small gap between the sway fender and the leg of the platform. The LMU is usually at the outmost support of the deck module. The DSU is at the inner supports on the barge deck.



Sway Fender

When the barge moves in between the legs of the platform, impact occurs between the side of the barge and the leg. Sway fenders are mounted on the sides of the barge to protect the barge and the legs, as shown in Figure 2.2-3. The sway fender is typically wooden fender (with higher stiffness) or rubber fender (with lower stiffness). It is common to use rubber fender to reduce the impact but wooden fender is also used for benign sea area. The gap between the fender and the leg normally is small (e.g. 75mm) in order to minimise impact load, especially when the barge reaches the final mating position.

Surge Fender Sway Fender

Figure 2.2-3 Sway Fender

Figure 2.2-4 Surge Fender

The line to line impact numerical model used in bumper and guide system can be used here. The fender and leg are modelled as two lines. As described in the section 2.1.1, the closest distance between the leg and the surface of sway fender can be found at a specified time instant. If the distance is less than the radius of the leg, impact occurs and the difference will be the deflection. At the specified time instant, the impact force can be calculated based on this deflection and the combined stiffness between the sway fender and the leg structure. The load deflection curve of a non-linear system with rubber fender is curve-fitted into polynomial equation in order to increase the computational efficiency.
2.2.2 Surge Fender

The action of surge fender unit is aligned parallel to the barge longitudinal axis to restrict the surge motion. In the operation, the leading tug takes the barge into the opening between the legs of the platform until the surge fender touches the leg. A mean tug pull will be used to

apply a mean pre-compressed deflection on the surge fender to restrict the surge motion of the barge. The surge fender is usually a rubber fender with non-linear load and deflection relationship, as shown in the Figure 2.2-5.





Pre-Compressed Deflection


Tug Pull





0 0 100 200 300 D e f l e c t i on ( m m) 400 500 600

Figure 2.2-5

Load and Deflection curve for Rubber Surge Fender

Figure 2.2-6 Surge Fender System

In the numerical model, the surge fender is simplified as a point (Q) on the cargo barge and the leg of the platform will be represented by a line AB, as shown in Figure 2.2-6. At a specified time instant, the global locations of the leg (AB) extremities and location of the surge fender (Q) are calculated. The line is presented as a vector with the known position of its extremities. The coordinates of a point P on the guide post is defined by the following equation: where n AB is the unit vector:

( X P , YP , Z P ) = ( X A , YA , Z A ) + n AB L AP
n AB = ( X B X A , YB Y A , Z A Z B ) / A B and LAP is the length

of segment between A and P, which is the unknown. In this numerical model, the vertical coordinates of the P and Q are the same (ZQ=ZP) to have impact. By substituting ZQ into the previous equation, the LAP is found and hence the horizontal distance between P and Q can be found. The distance PQ at the instant is compared to the pre-compressed distance. The difference is added onto / minus from the pre-compressed deflection. The impact force can be found based on the curve-fitted load and deflection relationship shown in Figure 2.2-5. With the small angle assumption, the impact force will be in X (fore and aft) direction applying through points P on the platform and Q on the barge.
2.2.3 Leg Mating Unit

When the barge reaches its final mating position, the longitudinal position is restricted by the pre-compressed surge fender and the gap between the sway fender and the leg is small. The

horizontal motion of the barge is limited. In this situation, the seafastening structures will be cut and the barge will be ballasted down. The first contact between the deck module and the leg of the platform is at the Leg Mating Unit, as shown in the Figure 2.2-7.

Leg of Deck Module


Leg Mating Unit

Compressed LMU


Leg of Platform

Figure 2.2-7 Leg Mating Unit

The Leg Mating Unit (LMU) is a rubber shock block mounted at the leg of the deck module. The initial contact surface is a cone shape component and has a non-linear load and deflection relationship as with rubber fenders. In high load transfer condition, the LMU is closed and deck and platform legs will be directly in contact with high linear stiffness. The slope surface in LMU does provide low stiffness during impact not only vertically but also horizontally in the initial stage. Due to the cone profile, the horizontal movement will induce the vertical compression of the LMU. Therefore the horizontal compression includes the horizontal deflection of the structure and the deflection caused by the vertical compression. The resultant of the impact force has to be perpendicular to the slope surface of the cone. These conditions formed two boundary condition and two equations. The two unknown deflections can be solved and the unit can be numerically modelled. In high load transfer, the LMU is closed and the horizontal and vertical stiffness will be high. Three different phases are considered in the engagement. Stage 1- No Load Transfer In this stage, the LMU is over the cone on the platform leg. There is no load transfer and a vertical gap exists between the LMU and the cone, as shown in Figure 2.2-8.




Platform Leg

Platform Leg

Figure 2.2-8 Stage 1- no load transfer

Figure 2.2-9 Impact Forces

The global coordinates of the point P of the LMU and the point Q of the leg of the platform are calculated at a specified time instant. A vertical gap can be identified and the corresponding horizontal gap (GAPH) is calculated based on the slope of the mating cone (). If the horizontal movement (L) is larger than GAPH, impact occurs. The horizontal deflection (H) is calculated.


GAPV tan( )

L =


X Q ) + (YP YQ )

H = L GAPH = H '+

V ' tan( )

This horizontal deflection (H) is a combination of horizontal structural deflection (H) and the horizontal deflection due to the vertical compression (V) of the LMU. This equation forms the first condition and the two deflections are unknown. In general, the horizontal structural stiffness is linear contributed by the combined lateral stiffness of the legs of the platform and the deck module. However, the vertical stiffness is non-linear and is a combination of the non-linear shock absorber and linear vertical structural stiffness at the legs of platform and deck module. With the deflections, the horizontal (FH) and vertical (FV) impact forces can be found. Since the impact occurs at the slope of the cone, the resultant is normal to the surface of the cone, tan ( ) = the second condition. This case creates two unknowns with two equations. Owing to the non-linear deflection and load relationship of the LMU, the two unknowns, H and V, are found by numerical iteration and hence the FH and FV are calculated. Similar to the section, the Fx and Fy can be found from the FH and Fz = FV.
FH , as shown in Figure 2.2-9. This is FV Stage 2- Low Load Transfer In this stage, the load is transferred from the barge onto the leg of the platform. There is no horizontal gap and LMU is compressed, as shown in Figure 2.2-10.
Vertical Im pact Force FVc LMU P Q LMU Length - V V' LMU P H

Figure 2.2-10 Stage 2- Low Load Transfer As with the previous section, the global coordinates of the point P of the LMU and the point Q of the leg are known. From the vertical coordinates of points P and Q, a compression (V) of the LMU can be identified and the corresponding impact load can be found based on the non-linear load and deflection relationship. Similar to the stage 1, the horizontal deflection (H) combines with horizontal structural deflection (H) and the deflection due to further vertical compression (V) of the LMU.

H =


X Q ) + (YP YQ )

H = H '+

V ' tan( )

In this stage, the vertical impact force is the total load due to the compression (V) and further compression (V) due to horizontal deflection. Similar to stage 1, the two unknowns, (H) and (V) are found and hence the impact forces, Fx, Fy and Fz, are calculated for the specified time instant. Stage 3- High Load Transfer In this stage, the LMU is fully compressed with majority of the weight of deck module transferred from the barge onto the platform. Usually, it is over 80% of the weight transferred onto the legs of platform. The vertical and horizontal stiffness are linear and pure structural stiffness due to the fact that the LMU is full compressed and assumed to be rigid. At a specified time instant, the vertical coordinates of points P and Q can be calculated. The vertical compression can be identified. The corresponding (FVc) is calculated from the load and deflection relationship.

Similar to previous cases, the horizontal deflection (H) is a combined deflection from horizontal (H) and vertical (V) deflections. The resultant of the impact force is normal to the slope of the cone.

H =


X Q ) + (YP YQ )

H = H '+

V ' tan( )

tan ( ) =


The horizontal and vertical impact forces are

x P xQ FH = H ' K x H y P yQ + K y H

= H 'K xy

FV = FVc + K z V '

This stage is also with two unknowns, (H) and (V), and two equations. The further vertical deflection (V) is calculated by substitution as follows and hence, horizontal deflection (H) can be found.
V ' = K xy H FVc tan ( ) K xy K Z tan ( ) + tan ( )

Similar to previous stage, the impact forces, Fx, Fy and Fz, are calculated for the specified time instant.
2.2.4 Deck Supporting Unit

The deck module sits on a supporting grillage on the deck of cargo barge. In high load transfer condition, majority of weight is supported by the leg of the platform. The deck module can be separated from the supporting grillage on the barge prematurely due to dynamic response which can cause high re-impact load. In order to reduce the re-impact load, Deck Supporting Unit (DSU) with rubber shock absorber block is used, as shown in Figure 2.2-11. In low load transfer condition, the DSU is closed and fully compressed. The deck module is supported at the point P on the grillage. The stiffness of the support is high and linear. In high load transfer condition, as example, with less than 30% of weight is left on the barge, the DSU is opened and the stiffness at these support points will be reduced significantly. Hence, the re-impact load is reduced. A typical load and deflection curve of DSU is presented in Figure 2.2-12 for reference.

Deck Support Unit Q P V

10000.0 14000.0

DSU Load and Deflection relationship

Deck Module


Full Compressed Design load

Supporting Grillage

Force (kN)





0.0 0.000



0.150 Deflection (m)



Design Compression


Figure 2.2-11 Deck Supporting Unit Figure 2.2-12 Load and Deflection relationship of DSU
The global coordinates of the points P and Q are calculated for a specified time instant. If the vertical location of point Q is greater than that of point P, the DSU unit is opened and corresponding compression is the fully compressed deflection minus the difference between vertical locations between point P and Q. The vertical impact force is calculated based on this compression and the non-linear load and deflection relationship. The point to plane impact method described in section 2.1.2 can also be used as more accurate model to cope with high sliding situation in an unlikely event.

In the engineering phase of the project, the installation operation is analysed using time domain simulation. Saipem UK use the time domain simulation program, LIFSIM, reference [3.1], from the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) The Netherlands. LIFSIM handles up to three coupled bodies and calculates the motion responses by solving the 18 coupled motion equations with fluid reactive forces described by convolution integrals. Hydrodynamic coefficients of floating bodies are read into the program. The program allows user to define additional external forces to each body. Users can write their own interface subroutine which will be called at each time step in solving the coupled body motion equations. The program provides 6 degrees of freedom motion responses of each body as input to the user interface subroutine. The user can use the motion responses to convert into additional external forces and moments, as described in previous sections, to the centre of gravity of each body. These forces and moments are then considered in each integration time step in solving the motion equations. The described numerical models have been programmed in the time domain simulation using the mentioned user interface facilities of LIFSIM.


Lift Operation

An installation of a 400t deck module onto a moored semi-submersible Floating Production Unit (FPU) is simulated, as shown in Figure 3.1-1. The installation is carried out by the semisubmersible crane vessel (SSCV), S7000, with the module on the hook. In order to position and protect the existing machinery and structure, front and side bumper and guide systems, pin and bucket system and supports are fitted on the 400t deck module and FPU.
40 40 38.268



Bumper and Guide System

BG_front i 20 20 BG_sidei




0 0 0 0 200 400 Ti 600 800 0 3 110 1000

Pin and Bucket

Figure 3.1-1 Deck Module Installation

Figure 3.1-2 Front and Side Bumper &Guide Impact Loads

The simulation for quartering sea with a 2.0m Hs with 7 sec Tp using long crested Torsethaugen wave spectrum is presented for reference. In the simulated operation, the SSCV approaches the front guide post with a slow constant velocity (e.g. 1m/min) and establishes an overboom to make the module lean on to the guide post. This will stabilise the deck module. Then the module moves sideways with the same slow constant velocity. Similarly, an overboom on the side bumper and guide system is also achieved. The module will then be lowered down onto the target position by engaging the pin and bucket systems and landed on the supporting deck structure. The front and side bumper and guide impact loads are shown in Figure 3.1-2. Figure 3.1-3 shows the impact loads at the pin and bucket system. Similarly, the impact load at the support is shown in Figure 3.1-4. The presented values are from one of the guide posts, pins and supports for reference. As shown in Figure 3.1-2, the module approaches the front guide post in the first 100 seconds and high impact load occurs in the initial phase. After the over boom is established, the module leans onto the guide post and the impact load reduces. In case of high slow drift motion, the module could separate from the guide post and re-contact with a corresponding high impact load.

60 55.122

8 7.801 6


40 4 PIN_Horz i 2 20 0 0 0 0 0 200 400 Ti 600 800 2 3 110 1000 0.187




0 0 0 200 400 Ti 600 800 110 1000

Figure 3.1-3 Pin and Bucket Impact Loads

Figure 3.1-4 Impact Load at the Support

The module starts to move sideway after 500 seconds and high impact load occurs during the initial contact. At about 700 seconds, separation occurs from side guide post and results in high impact load. The lowering of module starts from 800 seconds. Impact occurs at the slope section of the pin and bucket and vertical impact load occurs. When the pin goes through the bucket, high horizontal load occurs in the initial phases. After the pins lock the module horizontally, the horizontal impact load reduces due to the small gap between the parallel section of the pin and bucket, as shown in Figure 3.1-3. Similarly, high impact load occurs when the module support contacts the landing structure and impact load is significantly reduced after the module settles down on the landing structures.
3.2 Floatover Operation

A time domain simulation has been carried out for installing a 14000t deck module onto a jacket structure by floatover method in a quartering sea with 0.75m Hs and 7 sec Tz using long crested Jonswap Spectrum. The deck module is on the Saipem cargo barge, S45. Although the presented results are installing a module onto a fixed structure, the methodology is similar for a floating structure such as semi-submersible FPU. The cargo barge, S45, with the deck module is at the installation position, as shown in Figure 2.2-2. The lead tug applies a mean pull of 60 t onto the barge and is counter-acted by the reaction of the rubber surge fender which reduces the barge surge motion. The gap between the rubber sway fender and the leg is small with 75mm to reduce the corresponding impact loads. A constant pump rate of 6.2 t/sec has been simulated to increase the draft of the barge. Figures 3.2-1 and 3.2-2 shows the surge and sway fender impact loads. The horizontal and vertical impact load of LMU is presented in Figure 3.2-3 and the DSU vertical load is shown in Figure 3.2-4. The presented values are one of the surge and sway fenders and one of the LMU and DSU for reference.





FSWAY_A2i 200



0 0 0 0 110

0 0

310 Ti


510 4.7510

0 0



310 Ti


510 4.7510

Figure 3.2-1 Surge Fender Impact Loads

200 200 3.71210

Figure 3.2-2 Sway Fender Impact Loads







FLMUH_A1 i 100



FDSUZ_A2 i 210




0 0 0 0 110

0 210

310 Ti


0 3 510 4.7510

0 0 0 0 110


310 Ti



Figure 3.2-3 Horizontal and Vertical Impact Loads of LMU

Figure 3.2-4 DSU Impact Loads

The pre-compression load is 30t for each fender. Figure 3.2-1 shows the compression load is zero at a number of time instants which means separation between the surge fender and the leg of the platform. High horizontal impact loads occurs in the LMU in the initial contact phase. When the LMU is continuously in contact with the cone of the leg (i.e. continuously with non-zero vertical impact load), there is no horizontal gap between the LMU and the cone on the leg of platform. Hence the horizontal impact load is significantly reduced. High fluctuation of the vertical load in DSU occurs at about 4500 seconds when the Module start to separate from the DSU.

It is important to check these numerical models and simulation. Visualisation is a practical mean to check the modelling by converting the numerical simulation into animated action. Saipem UK used GLview Inova from Ceetron, Norway to convert LIFSIM time history responses into animation. It provides a means to check the coupled body dynamic behaviour

during the impact. Animation has been created for the presented simulations and realistic dynamic behaviours during impact have been found.

The presented numerical modelling has been applied in engineering projects. Although no detailed correlations have been carried out, analysis results are found to be practical and match with our experience. In addition, the animation presents a realistic dynamic behaviour which matches with our observation.

The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution from Mr. Dario Giudice, Naval Architect Coordinator, Saipem Singapore Pte Ltd, and Mr. Briac Herve, Naval Architect, Saipem UK Limited, in the numerical analysis. In addition, the authors also acknowledge the support to this work from Mr. Richard Harrison, Engineering and Welding Manager, Saipem UK Limited.

3.1 LIFSIM User Guide, MARIN, The Netherlands

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