January 2014

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The Palos Pen

January 2014
Knights of Columbus Palos Council 35 Rev. M. B. Roddan Assembly #108 360 King St. Bristol, CT 06010 860-589-1379 www.kofcbristolcouncil35.org bristolctkofc@gmail.com
Grand Knight Kevin Glazier 860-874-4810 ktg90@comcast.net Faithful Navigator Gil Martin 860-940-3847 gckmartin06@yahoo.com

Find us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/kofcbristolct

Upcoming Events
All event are at Knights of Columbus, 360 King St., Bristol, CT Unless otherwise noted
January January 1 New Years Day (Holy Day of Obligation) 8th Association Meeting 7:30pm 8th 3rd Degree Meeting February 6th 4th Degree Meeting 7:00pm 12th Association Meeting 7:00pm 12th 3rd Degree Meeting 7:30pm

15th 4th Degree Meeting 7:00pm

26th - Breakfast

The Palos Pen is published each month and distributed to members via email, hardcopies are placed on the bar at the council. If you have anything to submit to The Pen please email it to Claude Genest, cgenest@att.net. The Pen layout is designed by Mike Corey, mpcorey@gmail.com

The cemetery of the victims of human cruelty in our century is extended to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the unborn. Pope John Paul II

Council and Assembly News

Member Interest Survey
The annual Member Interest Survey is now available online. We ask that all members please take a few minutes to complete the survey. This helps us determine who is interested in the various service programs of the council. You can find the survey online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KPR9X2V The survey will also be mailed out to members with the dues notice and December Palos Pen.

Knights in Action CT
Ojeda Council 33 in Naugatuck held a food drive Nov. 15-16, raising food and monetary donations valued at over $6,000. Washington Irving Council 50 in Enfield held its 5th annual "Turkey Challenge" to support the needy of Enfield. Knights donated cash, turkeys and other food items to local food banks. Hundreds of volunteer hours helped make this year the most successful Turkey Challenge to date. Members of Our Lady of the Assumption Council 11077 in Fairfield pose with children who received warm winter coats from the council through the Order's Coats for Kids program. The council delivered 60 coats to Action for Bridgeport Community Development (ABCD), which has more than 1,200 children in its education program.

Dues and the Pen

Notices for 2014 dues will be going out before the first of the year. Please make an effort to remit payments early to avoid second and subsequent bills having to be sent. Contact F.S. Claude Genest A.S.A.P. with any discrepancies or with any problem in making payment. If we dont have your email address (you arent receiving Council newsletters or notices online) or it has changed, please give us that info when you make your remittance or by emailing cgenest@att.net. If you do not have email would you be willing to pay $10 a year for postage and printing to receive it by mail? Honorary life members if you want to make a donation to the council for scholarship, Fisher house, or other cause please let us know.

Council Treasurer
Tom Young has accepted the position of council treasurer. This leaves the position of Outside Guard open. If you are interested in this position please contact Grand Knight Kevin Glazier.

New Email and Facebook Page

There is a new email address for the Council and Assembly. The new email address is bristolctkofc@gmail.com This address has been set up to send email out on behalf of the Council or the Assembly to all members. The reason for doing this is so that we have one address to send out notifications even if and when officers change. The Grand Knight and Faithful Navigator will have access to this email address. Other may be given access to it at the GK and FNs discretion. If you would like to be added to the master email list send an email to bristolctkofc@gmail.com with a note to add you. We also have a new Facebook page. The page can be accessed at https://www.facebook.com/kofcbristolct Go to the page and click the button that says Like in the upper right of the page. We will be posting items of interest to Knights and local events here.

Association News
In December the members of the House and Finance committees were elected. The House Committee consists of Gil Martin, Kevin Glazier, and chair Mike Corey. The Finance Committee is Claude Genest, Tom Young, and chair Al Saindon.

From our Field Agent

Palos Council 35 has a new Field Agent. Our new agent is Frank Russo. His contact information is: New Field Agent Frank G. Russo 74 East Main Street Bristol, CT 06010 Telephone: (860)212-9817 E-Mail: Frank.Russo@kofc.org

Council and Assembly News

Archdiocesan Marriage Enrichment Celebration
The 7th annual Archdiocesan Marriage Enrichment Celebration will be held on Sat., Feb. 1, 2014, from 5:00 -9:00 p.m. at Mary Our Queen Church, 248 Savage St., Plantsville, CT. Join with other married couples for Mass, prayer, and a good deal of laughter focusing on the theme: "Miracles of Matrimony: Love, Laughter and the Transforming Power of Sacramental Marriage." The cost is $25.00 per couple and includes dinner (scholarships are available.) To register, contact Tom and Donna Finn at 860-6217858 or email to dfinnmspt@sbcglobal.net. Please R.S.V.P. by Jan. 28, 2014. Co-Sponsored by the Hartford Archdiocesan Family Life Office and Catholic Engaged Encounter.

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

It may sound like a story line from a bad situation comedy, but how many of you parents out there have gone to one of those parent-teacher meetings, only to come away shaking your head in wonder. "Was that our kid she was talking about?" Little Junior who can't find the clothes hamper, talks with his mouth full, and slugs his sister at home is one of the most delightful young students in Mrs. Smith's class. Sometimes, are we standing too close to our children to really see them for who they really are? According to ancient Jewish laws, a woman who had given birth was not allowed into the temple for f orty days, where she was then given "purification" as described in today's Gospel reading from Luke. Most new mothers would also offer a lamb and a dove for a sacrifice, or if the family was very poor, two doves or pigeons, as was the case for Joseph and Mary. It was Simeon and Anna, two faith-filled individuals from outside the family, who recognized with joyful exclamations that the child Jesus was the Messiah. Luke tells us that Joseph and Mary "were amazed at what was said about him." In today's seemingly secular world, where those of faith are greeted with disdain and even hostility, the faithful family stands even more importantly as a center of life itself (CCC 1656). The Second Vatican Council even recognized that parents are "by word and example ? the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children. They should encourage them in the vocation which is proper to each child." Today is the feast of the Holy Family; look at the children around you, perhaps for the first time, with amazement at these young gifts from God.

By Laws Committee
The By Laws Committee has completed their review of our current by laws and has made their recommendations to the Grand Knight on needed changes. Supreme provides a by laws template that makes the updating process easier. The template only allows for the local Council to change a few things. Here are the key items that the committee updated or retained. The final version of the by laws will be voted on at the January meeting. If you would like a copy of the draft or have comments email committee chair Mike Corey by January 10, 2014. mpcorey@gmail.com Dues will remain the same, $40 per year. Initiation fee - $25 covers first, second, and third degree. Those under the age of 26 will be $10. There is no initiation fee for religious. Meeting date and time No change, only one meeting per month. Quorum reduced from 12 to 8. Maximum amount that can be paid without a vote - $100, no change. Relief fund There will be no relief fund. If a member is in need they can appeal to the Council. Memorial Committee will arrange one memorial mass per year and one communion Sunday. Financial Secretary compensation 10%, no change. Lecturer no change, continue to be a position in the Council

Report and the Grand Knight and Faithful Navigator

Brother and Sir Knights, This month the Faithful Navigator and Grand Knight reports will be a single report from both of us. First and foremost we would like to wish you and your families a happy new year! We hope you and yours had a blessed and merry Christmas. January, like always, is when dues need to be paid. All 3rd and 4th degree Knights should make sure they get their dues in to the Financial Secretary and/or Comptroller as soon as possible. If you need to make payment arrangements or cannot pay your dues please contact the Faithful Navigator and/or Grand Knight. January is also a time to make new years resolutions. We would like to encourage all Knights of the council and assembly to make a resolution to get more active in council and assembly activities. The work we do in the parishes and the Bristol community is central to who we are, but to do this work requires the participation of all our brother Knights. Happy New Year and Vivat Jesus!

Vivat Jesus! Gil Martin Faithful Navigator Kevin Glazier, Grand Knight

Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others. St. Augustine

Please Keep in Your Prayers

This month we pray for our new Archbishop Leonard Blair.
All brother Knights and their family members who are ill or in need. All brother Knights and their families. We pray especially for our brother Knight and new Archbishop Leonard Blair. For those that have passed away, may light perpetual shine upon them, especially: Wilfred Doucette and Augustine Lepore Jr For those in the military especially: PFC Thomas Carrell, USMC

For those celebrating a birthday this month we offer thanksgiving especially: Pasquale Di Stasio (6), Adrien Morin (7), Ronald L Doucette (11), James Short (11), Roger G Thibeault (11), Lawrence J Parent (15), Leonard Virello (15), Louis P Cote (20), Gregory Danilewicz (20), Michael D Rothkugel (21), Donald D Dubay (22), Robert A Martel (22), Patrick Damboise (24), Jean L Labrecque (24), Marcel J Cyr (26), David R Lemoine (26), Robert E Lemoine (30), David Saulnier (30), Paul C Michaud (31)

Get Involved!
Palos Council 35 needs your help. The work of the Knights of Columbus is carried out by individual members. There are opportunities to get involved through committees, assisting with events, and through the parishes. A wise man once said that A lazy man has no time, a busy man makes time. There is always a way to pitch in to build up Gods kingdom through the Church. If you would like to become more active please contact Grand Knight Kevin Glazier. His contact information can be found on the first page of the Pen and in the list of officers.

Our next breakfast will be January 26

"Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die." -G.K. Chesterton

Third Degree
Officer Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recording Secretary Financial Secretary Name Kevin Glazier Brent Laprade Robert Deluzio Joseph Morin Claude Genest 860-675-3196 Phone 860-874-4810 Officer Navigator Captain Pilot Admiral Comptroller Scribe Purser Newman Masse Gary Oullette Gil Martin Mike Corey Fr. Gary Simeon Stephen Fredericksen 203-841-6084 860-518-4124 860-589-3709 Outer Sentinel Trustee 3 yr Trustee 2 yr Trustee 1 yr Commander Inner Sentinel

Fourth Degree
Name Gil Martin Kevin Glazier Newman Masse Jim Hines Joseph Morin Jeff Theriault Brent Laprade Clerance Dupere Ron Doucette Fran Riel Claude Genest Jim Swicklas Kevin Glazier 860-675-3196 860-584-2361 Phone 860-940-3847 860-874-4810

Warden Inside Guard Outside Guard Trustee 3 yrs Trustee 2 yrs Trustee 1 yr Advocate Chaplain Field Agent

Tom Young
Al Saindon Ken Archambeault 203-879-2605

Corporate Officers
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer House Chair Permittee Jim Swicklas Gil Martin Kevin Glazier Al Saindon Mike Corey Gary Oullette 860-584-2361 860-940-3847 860-874-4810 203-879-2605 860-518-4124 860-589-3709

Hall Rentals Please contact House Chairman, Mike Corey at 860-518-4124 or email bristolctkofc@gmail.com to check availability

On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.Dan Lipinski

Norms Painting
Bristol, CT Brush, airless, spray, paperhanging Fully Insured 40 years experience
860-589-3346 860-628-1102 (cell)

Funk Funeral Home

www.funkfuneralhome.com 35 Bellevue Ave. Bristol, CT 860-583-4107
Pre-funeral planning, irrevocable trust for Title 19
Knights of Columbus Insurance
Frank Russo Field Agent

A service of the Office of Radio & Television of the Archdiocese of Hartford. 88.9 FM - Hartford 93.1 FM - Hamden 107.1 FM - New Haven

74 East Main Street Bristol, CT 06010 Telephone: (860)212-9817 E-Mail: Frank.Russo@kofc.org

To advertise in the Pen contact Mike Corey, 860-518-4124 or mpcorey@gmail.com Advertisement price is $90 per year

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