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National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Ne !iver "orge National !iver P. #. $ox %&' 1(& )ain Street "len *ean+ ,- %./&' 0(&1&'.1(.(/ phone 0(&1&'.1(.21 fax

For Immediate Release

CONTACT: National Park Service Jodi French-Burr 304-574-2115

2014 Youth Arts in the Parks Art Contest Announced len !ean" #est $ir%inia" !anuar& 2" 2014Ha nature ever in !ired "ou to do o#ethin$

creative% &ocal tudent can cele'rate their creativit" throu$h the Youth Arts in the Parks !ro$ra#( )hi "outh art conte t and *!ril art e+hi'ition at )a#arack, alloco##unit" leader and rai e a-arene tudent to erve a o. *!!alachia/ natural diver it" and !ark ( )heir o.

-ork -ill in !ire co##unit" connection to local ecolo$", a -ell a outdoor te-ard hi!( Student !artici!ant in thi art !ro$ra# -ill al o have the o!!ortunit" to e+!lore the 'u ine art and it role in econo#ic develo!#ent( )hi -ild.lo-er art conte t i o!en to all 0 1 12 $rade tudent in Fa"ette, Nichola , 2alei$h, and Su##er 3ountie ( Student #a" u e a variet" o. #ediu# to create a -ork o. art in !ired '" a !rin$ *!!alachian -ild.lo-er native to the Ne- 2iver 4or$e area o. 5e t 6ir$inia( 3onte t in.or#ation, rule , li t o. acce!ted -ild.lo-er !ecie , and entr" .or# are availa'le online at ---(n! ($ov7neri7"outh-art -in-the-!ark (ht# or ---(ta#arack-v(co#7$aller"7"outhart inthe!ark (a !+( 3onte t art entrie #u t 'e hand delivered to a conte t receivin$ tation 'et-een Fe'ruar" 8 and 19, 2014: ee conte t rule .or !eci.ic receivin$ ite location ( )o! entrie -ill 'e ho-ca ed at )a#arack in Beckle" in *!ril and online( ;)hi !ro<ect hel!ed #e reali=e ho- 'eauti.ul and uni>ue our natural urroundin$ are( )hi hel!ed ?#" chool@ reali=e that -e need to re !ect and a!!reciate the !ark 'ecau e the" !rotect our natural urroundin$ and 'eauti.ul -onder ,A aid )e a B(, an Cnde!endence Diddle School tudent -ho !artici!ated in thi !ro$ra# in 2011( ;C like to hike too, and it -ould 'e $reat to ee the e .lo-er in the -ild,A aid &il" Burr, a Fa"ette count" tudent -ho ha !artici!ated in thi conte t .or everal "ear ( Cnde!endence Diddle School *rt )eacher 3arol"n Bu='ee added, ;)hi !ro<ect 'rid$e valle" 'et-een chool , !ark , and the co##unit" throu$h art, -ild.lo-er , and education(A Youth Arts in the Parks i !art o. Ne- 2iver 4or$e 5ild.lo-er 5eekend, a !ecial event that cele'rate the area/ a#a=in$ ecolo$"( * !artner hi! o. Ne- 2iver 4or$e National 2iver, Ba'cock State Park, Ha-k Ne t State Park, &ittle Beaver State Park, Pi!e te# 2e ort State Park, and )a#arack ho t thi annual !u'lic event each !rin$( Park like the e are !lace that ;'rin$ relevance to all citi=en ,A aid National Park Service Birector Jon Jarvi ( ;)hat/ -here learnin$ reall" 'e$in (A

The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

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Join thi cele'ration o. ecolo$" throu$h art -ith Youth Arts in the ParksE
For #ore in.or#ation a'out Ne- 2iver 4or$e National 2iver and u!co#in$ ran$er activitie , vi it htt!F77---(n! ($ov7neri, check out the !ark Face'ook !a$e at htt!F77---(.ace'ook(co#7ne-river$or$en! , .ollo- u on )-itter at htt! F77)-itter(co#7Ne-2iverNPS, or to! '" an" !ark vi itor center( A'out the National Park (er)ice *+P*RI*NC* YO,R A-*RICA )he National Park Service care .or !ecial !lace aved '" the *#erican !eo!le o that all #a" e+!erience our herita$e( For #ore in.or#ation a'out the National Park Service, vi it htt!F77---(n! ($ov. 3mage caption4 %(10 $est in Sho 4 $luets+ colored pencil dra ing by *enna "ale+ 1% th grade+ 5ayetteville 6igh School. 7777


The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

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