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Research Project Proposal for PhD Study


Modulation and Multiplexing Techniques in Radio over Fiber on Passive Optical Network (PON


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)r* !how !hee Onn

)epart+ent O, #lectrical #ngineering Facult- o, #ngineering .niversit- o, Mala-a

PhD Research Project Proposal Lee Heng Yew

1.0 Background Radio over ,iber (RoF / which is an integration o, optical ,iber and wireless technologies has e+erged as a pro+ising technolog- ,or providing speciali0ed coverage o, wireless co++unications services* 1n RoF s-ste+s/ the in,or+ation which is contained in radio ,requenc- (RF subcarrier trans+its through optical ,iber a,ter +odulation o, the RF signal onto an optical carrier* The +ain +otivation ,or the develop+ent o, RoF s-ste+s is the edge that optical co++unications hold over RF trans+ission in high data rate and long distance applications* (ince in,or+ation travel through two trans+ission do+ains in RoF s-ste+s/ i+prove+ent o, the trans+ission throughput through signal processing can be achieved with the discover- o, +ore e,,icient +odulation and +ultiplexing techniques in either RF do+ain or optical do+ain* 2s bandwidth de+ands have continuousl- increased/ the opto3electronic device and integration technologies have also advanced 456* New research opportunities arise as new techniques have been +ade possible:3 The introduction o, ,ew3+ode ,iber (FMF has +ade the exploration o, +ultiple3input +ultiple3output (M1MO as space division +ultiplexing (()M technique in +ulti+ode ,iber viable 476 486* The advance+ent in optical 2)! spurred the research o, various optical +odulation techniques in digital RoF 496 4:6 4;6* The relativel- +ature RF do+ain has also garnered renew research interest 4<6 in the ,or+ o, subcarrier +ultiplexing ((!M *

2.0 Problem Statements Modern wireless broadband applications call ,or diverse per,or+ance require+ents in ph-sical and +edia access la-ers* There are thus reasons to believe that the co+ing 9% s-ste+s will not be based on a single co++unication technolog- but will enco+pass a nu+ber o, di,,erent co+ple+entar- access techniques* RoF/ with its unique architecture that

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PhD Research Project Proposal Lee Heng Yew

co+bines the advantages o, optical ,iber and wireless access would be able to o,,er high +obilit- and high speed data throughput at the sa+e ti+e* $owever/ continuous develop+ent in optical hardware and signal processing techniques brings new opportunities as well as new challenges in achieving higher data throughput per,or+ance*



The proposed studies will ,ocus on the investigation and develop+ent o, novel technologies ,or the i+ple+entation o, RoF networks in order to reali0e ultra3high3speed/ high3qualit-/ and +ulti3service links The ob=ectives o, this pro=ect are: 5* To +odel/ si+ulate and anal-se the per,or+ance o, (!M3RoF s-ste+s under various +odulation and +ultiplexing setups in RF do+ain* 7* To +odel/ si+ulate and anal-se the per,or+ance o, optical3M1MO channel in RoF s-ste+s*

#.0 Research $ethods The +ethodolog- o, this pro=ect can be su++ari0ed as ,ollow: 5* 1denti,ication and +odeling o, the RoF s-ste+ architecture* 7* (i+ulation o, the developed +odels with Matlab>(cilab and Opti(-ste+ 8* Per,or+ance anal-sis in ter+s o, !arrier to Noise Ratio (!NR / ?it #rror Rate (?#R / e-e diagra+ as well as losses and attenuation over distance* The proposed Ph) work is expected to involve onl- si+ulation* There is no plan ,or experi+ental data acquisition at the +o+ent*

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PhD Research Project Proposal Lee Heng Yew

%.0 Schedule and Report!ng &ear @ (e+ester 2012 &an' (pr &ul' $ar '&un Sep 2013 &an' (pr &ul' $ar '&un Sep 201# &an' (pr &ul' $ar '&un Sep 201% &an' (pr &ul' $ar '&un Sep

ct' Dec

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ct' Dec

ct' Dec

"iterature Review MethodologModelling (i+ulation 2nal-sis @ Review Thesis 'riting

The research will be docu+ented in a doctoral thesis as well as in papers published in international con,erences and =ournals*

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PhD Research Project Proposal Lee Heng Yew

).0 References 456 476 486 P* A* 'in0er/ BModulation and +ultiplexing in optical co++unication s-ste+sC/ 1###3 "#O( Newsletter / Februar-/ 7DDE 'illia+ (hieh/ 2n "i/ 2bdullah 2l 2+in/ and Fi !hen B(pace3)ivision Multiplexing ,or Optical !o++unicationsC/ 1### Photonics (ociet- Newsletter* October/ 7D57 2* 2+phawan/ BReview o, Optical Multiple31nput3Multiple3Output Techniques in Multi+ode FiberC* Optical #ngineering/ Gol* :D/ No* 5D/ pp* 5D7DD535D7DD53;H Nove+ber 5/ 7D55* &* &ang/ !* "i+/ P*2* %a+age/ and 2* Nir+alathas/ B5I %$0 RF Transport based on )igiti0ed Radio3over3Fiber techniqueC/ 2sia3Paci,ic Microwave Photonics !on,erence (2PMP / 7D5D* %a+age/ P*2*/ Nir+alathas/ 2*/ "i+/ !*/ Novak/ )*/ and 'aterhouse/ R*/ B)esign and anal-sis o, digiti0ed RF3over3,iber linksC/ A* "ightw* Technol*/ 7</ 7D:7/ 7DDE* ?eena R ?allel and )r* (hikha Ne+a/ BPer,or+ance !o+parison o, 2nalog and )igital Radio over Fiber "inkC/ 1nternational Aournal o, !o+puter (cience and #ngineering Technolog- (1A!(#T / Gol* 8/ No* ; Aune 7D57* M* 2rsat/ (* M* 1drus and N* M* Nawawi/ BPer,or+ance 2nal-sis o, (ub !arrier Multiplexed (-ste+ ,or Radio over Fiber Technolog-C/ Proceeding o, National !on,erence on Teleco++unication Technologies and Mala-sia !on,erence on Photonics 7DDI (N!TT3M!P / 7;37I 2ugust 7DDI*


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