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Office of the Commnr. & Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. Memo.No. !" # A.

$% #&'(()(& Dated * '+)'!)&'((

Sub : School Education Budget 2011-12 Quarterly authorization Authorization to admit the bills for the 1 st uarter !ithout insisting the distribution statements "eg# "ef : $o%t# &emo 'o# (0)(-A*+,-*B$*A1*2011. dt# 1-/-11 of 0in# 1B$-12 3e4t# 5 5 5 All the unit officers under the Administrati%e control of the 6ommissioner 7 3irector of School Education. A#8#. 9yderabad are informed that the $o%ernment in their memo cited ha%e authorized all treasury officers. 8ay and Accounts :fficers 1!or;s and 4ro<ects2 and 8ay and Accounts :fficer 1=!in 6ities2 to admit the e>4enditure for the 1st uarter i#e# for the months of A4ril. &ay and ?une 2011 of the financial year 2011-12 4ending recei4t of the distribution statements from the de4artments concerned and authorization from the 3irector of =reasuries and Accounts# =he e>4enditure shall be restricted to the e>tent of amount distributed for first uarter by 9eads of 3e4artments during last financial year 2010-11 and also by ad<usting the e>cess e>4enditure. if any. in the 2 nd uarter !hen authorization is recei%ed for certain detailed heads of account both under 8lan and 'on-8lan# @n %ie! of the abo%e. all the unit officers under the administrati%e control of 3irector of School Education. A#8#. 9yderabad are re uested to incur the e>4enditure for the 1st uarter i#e# for the months of A4ril. &ay and ?une 2011 of the financial year 2011-12 4ending recei4t of the distribution statements from this office and authorization from the 3irector of =reasuries and Accounts duly restricting the e>4enditure to the e>tent of amount distributed for first uarter by this office during last financial year 2010-11 under the follo!ing detailed heads under 4lan1'#S#82 and 'on-8lan only# 010 Salaries 020 Aages 0/0 8ensionary 6harges 110*111 =#A# 1+0*1+1 Btility 8ayments 1+0*1++ Aater and Electricity 6harges 1/0 "ents. "ates and =a>es 210*212 3rugs and &edicines 2+0 6ost of "ation * 3iet 6harges 2/0 8etrol. :il and Cubricants 2)0*2)+ Aor; charged Establishment 2D0*2D2 8ayment to 9ome $uards 2D0*2D+ 8ayment to Angan!adi Aor;ers 2D0*2D/ :ther 4ayments 1@ndi%idual 4ayments2 +00 :ther 6ontractual Ser%ices +10*+11 $rants-in-Aid to!ards salaries +/0 Scholarshi4s and Sti4ends /-0 @nterest 8ayments SD#) N. S$%A SAN,ACOMMN-. & D$-EC.O- O/ SCHOO0 ED1CA.$ON =o All the "egional ?oint 3irections of School Education in the State. All the 3istrict Educational :fficers in the State. All the 8rinci4als. @#A#S#Es * 6#=#Es. All the 8rinci4als. $o%t# 6olleges of 8hysical Education. All the @ns4ectors of 8hysical Education. =he Assistant Accounts :fficer of this office. =he 3irector. S#6#E#"#=#. A#8#. 9yderabad# =he "egional @ns4ector of 8hysical Education 6o4y to A#E section of this office# ** f#b#o ** 6hief Accounts :fficer

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