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Closing Date:


Tenderers Name:..

Electricity Authority of Cyprus Head Office 11 Amphipoleos Street, 2025 Strovolos PO Box 24506 CY-1399 Lefkosia, Cyprus Fax: +357 22 201660 E-mail: Website:


SECTION 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS .............................................1

1.1 Extent of Services .............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Right to Accept any Proposal and to Reject any or all Proposals.......................... 1 1.3 Validity of Proposals........................................................................................... 1 1.4 Cost of Preparing Proposals .............................................................................. 1 1.5 Association with other Firms .............................................................................. 2 1.6 EAC involvement................................................................................................ 2 1.7 Submission of Quotations .................................................................................. 2 1.8 Tender Prices ..................................................................................................... 2 1.9 Queries............................................................................................................... 3 1.10 Clarification of Proposals.................................................................................... 3 1.11 Experience ......................................................................................................... 3 1.12 Evaluation of Proposals and Award ................................................................... 3 1.12.1 Evaluation of Proposals ..................................................................................... 3 Stage A Qualitative & Technical Evaluation ............................................ 3 Stage B Financial Evaluation .................................................................. 4 1.12.2 Award of Contract .............................................................................................. 5 1.13 Curriculum Vitae................................................................................................. 5 1.14 Professional Offence .......................................................................................... 5 1.15 Income Tax......................................................................................................... 5 1.16 Stamp Duty......................................................................................................... 5 1.17 Funding .............................................................................................................. 5

SECTION 2 - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ................................6

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Contractors Obligations ..................................................................................... 6 Schedule of Works ............................................................................................. 6 Payment ............................................................................................................. 6 Local Taxes / Tax Clearance Certificate ............................................................ 6

SECTION 3 - TERMS OF REFERENCE ...........................................................7

3.1 3.1.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 Introduction......................................................................................................... 7 Site Location....................................................................................................... 8 Scope of Work.................................................................................................... 8 Solar Radiation and Other Meteorological Measurements................................. 8 Reports............................................................................................................... 9


Table of Contents

ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY OF CYPRUS RFQ NO. 157/2009 SECTION 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) is inviting proposals for one (1) continuous year (365 consecutive days) Solar Radiation and other Meteorological Measurements required for the development of a large-scale Concentrated Solar Thermal Power plant (CSP), subject to these Instructions to Tenderers and to the attached General Conditions of Contract and Terms of Reference. 1.1 Extent of Services

Notwithstanding anything contained in this document: The Tenderer will be at liberty to submit alternatives in respect of any or all of the items under the scope of services, provided that each alternative is adequately justified by proper explanation and documentation. In any case, the main proposal must be based on the Terms of Reference as set out in this Tender Document and tender evaluation shall be based on the main proposal. Alternative proposals will only be considered if submitted by the lowest evaluated responsive bidder on the basic requirement. The contract will provide for all parts of the project to be completed in every respect to the satisfaction of EAC and all necessary services to be considered as been included in the contract. During the execution of the contract, EAC reserves the right to extend the scope of the Services. To this effect the rates stated in Annex II shall be used. The Tenderers must also confirm that they undertake to satisfactorily complete the whole range of scope of services as outlined in Section 3, Terms of Reference. EAC has the option to extend the period of the Contract for one or two more years. To this effect the Tenderes should give their price for Options A and B in Schedule A. Right to Accept any Proposal and to Reject any or all Proposals


The Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Proposal and reserves the right to annul the Tendering process and reject all Tenders at any time prior to the award of Contract for reasons stipulated in the relevant Cyprus Law ( 179/2009 article 26), without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers. 1.3 Validity of Proposals

Proposals shall be held open for acceptance or rejection for a period of 60 days from the Closing Date fixed for submission of proposals, so that they shall remain binding and may be accepted at any time during the said period of 60 days. A proposal valid for a shorter period than the one specified above may be rejected. Throughout the whole of the validity period you will maintain, without change, the personnel proposed for the assignment, and your proposed rates and prices. 1.4 Cost of Preparing Proposals

The cost of preparing a proposal and of final contract clarifications, including trips you may make to Cyprus is not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment. EAC will not be responsible for any expenses or losses which may be incurred by any Tenderer in the preparation and submission of his proposal.
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Association with other Firms

EAC has no objection to your firm associating with another firm to enable a full range of expertise to be presented, or to strengthen your firms proposal. However, full details of such an association must be provided with the proposal (Please refer to ANNEX I). Moreover, if you shall be using a Local Agent, his name, telephone, email and address must be stated in your proposal. 1.6 EAC involvement

EAC shall assign a small project team to assist the Contractor on work to be carried out in Cyprus. Although the Authoritys staff will be actively involved in all stages of the study, the work input and the overall responsibility shall be borne by the Contractor as described in this Document. 1.7 Submission of Quotations

Proposals, along with the attached schedules filled in and signed, must be prepared in triplicate (i.e. one marked original and two marked as copies) and must be submitted in one sealed envelope, bearing the words: RFQ No. 157/2009 SOLAR RADIATION AND OTHER METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LARGE-SCALE CONCENTRATED SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT CLOSING DATE: 4.11.2009 Your quotation should either be deposited in the Tender Box at the Head Office of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus at 11 Amfipoleos street, 2025 Strovolos, Cyprus, or be sent by post addressed to the Electricity Authority of Cyprus, P.O. Box 24506, CY-1399, Cyprus and should reach this office before 12:00 hrs noon Local Time of the above mentioned closing date. Quotations received after the closing date and time will not be considered. Additionally, quotations received by email will not be considered. In case the envelope is larger than the opening of the Tender Box (49cm x 7cm), the quotation must be delivered to the Section Head of the Registry on the 1st floor. Alternatively, your quotation including price and schedules may also be submitted by fax on the condition that the quotation duly signed and in its original form will also be submitted by post and will be at the Purchasing Departments (EAC Head Office possession within three days from the closing date. For your reference, EACs fax number is (+357) 22201660. 1.8 Tender Prices

QUOTED PRICES SHOULD ONLY BE STATED IN EURO. The Tenderer must fill-in and sign the Price Schedule (Schedule A). The tender price quoted in the Price Schedule (Definite and Optional work) shall be firm and shall be all-inclusive, taking into account any taxes, duties, charges, etc. that may be payable in Cyprus. The attached Price Schedule must be completed and submitted together with your proposal.
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It is clarified here that the evaluation of the Proposals will be based on the Tender Price of the Definite Work only. The required method of payment shall be clearly specified in the Tenderers proposal and the Tenderer must bear in mind that the method of payment shall be taken into consideration during evaluation of his proposal. The terms of payment requested by Tenderers, shall be evaluated with reference to the net cost imposed by each Tender on the Purchaser. The discount/compound factor to be used for evaluation purpose shall be 6% per annum. 1.9 Queries

A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification of the Tender Document shall notify EAC by fax or e-mail at EACs mailing address indicated below: Fax No: E-mail: (+357) 2220 1660

EAC shall not be held responsible for not answering to any clarification request sent to any other fax or e-mail within the organization. EAC will respond by e-mail or fax to any requests for clarification of the Tender Documents which it receives not later than 26.10.2009. Written copies of the purchasers response (including an explanation of the query) will be sent to all prospective Tenderers who have received the Tender Documents. EAC shall NOT respond to any requests for clarification submitted within the last 6 days prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders. 1.10 Clarification of Proposals To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of the proposals submitted, EAC may, at its discretion, ask the Tenderer for clarification of his proposal. The request and the response shall be in writing by fax and no change in the price or substance of the proposal shall be sought, offered or permitted. 1.11 Experience The Tenderer must have proven and extensive experience in the execution of assignments of similar nature and value. A list of references of previous experience of similar nature giving full involvement details must be submitted with your proposal (Annex III). 1.12 Evaluation of Proposals and Award 1.12.1 Evaluation of Proposals Any Tenderer suggesting or submitting changes to the General Conditions of Contract set out in Section 2 of this document may be deemed to be materially non-compliant and may be rejected accordingly. The Authority will evaluate the Proposals in two stages as follows: Stage A Qualitative & Technical Evaluation

Section I Instructions to Tenderers

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The information given in the submitted proposals will be assessed to determine the substantial responsiveness of each Tender to the following criteria: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Adherence to the RFQ Document Terms and Conditions. Adherence to the Terms of Reference Experience. Delivery Schedule/Completion Programme offered by the Tenderer. Professional Offence (see clause 1.14). Any other requirements of the Tender Document.

For the purpose of these clauses a substantially responsive Tender is one, which conforms to the above requirements without material deviation. The Purchasers determination of a Tenders responsiveness is to be based on the content of the Tender itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. A Tender determined as substantially non-responsive will be rejected by the Purchaser and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Tenderer by correction of the nonconformity. The Purchaser at his absolute discretion may waive any deviation or nonconformity or irregularity in a Tender, which does not constitute a material deviation. Proposals determined as being substantially responsive will be further evaluated in Stage B. Stage B Financial Evaluation The following will be taken into consideration during the Financial Evaluation stage: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Tender Price (Schedule A Definite Work). Cost due to method of payment. Cost for rectifying minor and non-substantial deviations, if any. Extra engineering requirements, if any Any other costs.

It is clarified that: a) The cost of minor deviations from the specification which are acceptable to the Authority will be added to the Tenderers price for price levelling of all offers. b) Engineering requirements will be taken into account when evaluating tenders in the following manner: It is expected that similar Engineering requirements and costs will be imposed by all Tenderers upon the Authority for the works not included in the Tenderers extent of supply (if any). Nevertheless, if any such extra costs are anticipated from any offer, then these costs will be taken into account for tender evaluation purposes. c) Any Tenderer stating terms of payment that are different from those set out in the General Conditions of Contract will be evaluated according to the net cost (increase/decrease) imposed on the Purchaser by these alternative terms. d) For all future payments (if any) the Net Present Value will be utilized using the discounted cash flow method. In such case a discount rate of 6% will be applied.

Section I Instructions to Tenderers

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1.12.2 Award of Contract The Tender will be awarded as a whole to the bidder with the lowest total evaluated price. 1.13 Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae of all staff members that will be assigned to the project and of the senior officer, who will be responsible for the project, must be submitted together with your proposal. 1.14 Professional Offence If it is proven by the Authority, by any means and at any stage during the evaluation procedure, that the Tenderer has committed a serious professional offence, including: a) attempting or pursuing, either personally or with the aid of any other party, to influence in any manner the decision or judgement of any employee, committee, or member of a committee during the execution of their work; having or holding, without legal authority or permission, and on his own initiative, information or confidential documents regarding the subject Tender in which he is participating; having contravened/violated or not faithfully executed other contracts that were awarded to him from the Authority or from another organization; having unjustifiably denied, even though the contract was awarded to him, to sign the contract awarded to him by the Authority or by another organization; not having fulfilled the mandatory requirements of a previous Tender awarded to him by the Authority; not fulfilling the qualitative selection criteria defined in Article 51 of Cyprus Law 12(I)/2006;


c) d) e) f)

the Authority reserves the right to reject his Tender and to prohibit the Tenderer from participating in future tenders for a period to be decided by the Authority. 1.15 Income Tax All firms and personnel will be subject to all tax regulations of the Republic of Cyprus. The Tenderer must make his own enquiries and ascertain whether he may be liable to Cyprus Income Tax. 1.16 Stamp Duty The contractor is liable for any stamp duties imposed by the relevant laws of the Republic of Cyprus. 1.17 Funding The Authority reserves the right to cancel/withdraw the Tender in the event that the funding for this project has not been acquired by the time of award.

Section I Instructions to Tenderers

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The Contractor shall carry out his obligations under the terms of this Contract with reasonable skill and care and to the best of his ability and shall ensure that his employees and associates shall carry out all the necessary works (cleaning, maintenance etc) in order to meet the Contractors obligations. 2.2 Schedule of Works

The Contractor will be expected to commence work immediately after the award notification (by fax). To this effect a kick-off meeting (2-3 days), at EACs Head Office in Nicosia will be arranged, in about seven (7) days from the award notification, during which a visit to the site will also be arranged. It is also expected that the Contractor will set up the Meteorological Station and start measurements within about six (6) weeks from contract award. The overall duration of the contract shall be approximately 14 months. 2.3 Payment

The usual method of payment adopted by EAC, which is a Public Utility, is within 30 days from submission of the invoice. However any Tenderer who seeks more favourable terms of payment may set out such terms in detail in his quotation, but the Tenderer must bear in mind that the method of payment will be taken into consideration when adjudicating the tenders received. The terms of payment requested by Tenderers, shall be evaluated with reference to the net cost imposed by each Tender on the Purchaser. Any additional services over and above those described in the contract shall be paid for by EAC on the basis of the Consultants Financial Proposal to be given in Schedule A1. 2.4 Local Taxes / Tax Clearance Certificate

All foreign firms and personnel offering services in Cyprus will be subject to all tax regulations of the Republic of Cyprus. As mentioned in clause 1.15, the Tenderer must make his own enquiries and ascertain whether he may be liable to Cyprus Income Tax. All applications for payment to foreign Companies or persons for services carried out in Cyprus must be accompanied by a Tax Clearance Certificate (Income Tax Form IR25) issued by the Commissioner of Income Tax.

Section 2 General Conditions of Contract

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EAC is currently the sole provider of electricity in the Government controlled area of Cyprus. The introduction of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) plants in EACs generation portfolio will assist in diversifying its energy sources and to reduce its CO2 emissions. The natural environment of Cyprus is particularly suitable for production of electricity via solar power. Cyprus has already a very good track record in solar heating as it ranks first in the world in the use of solar radiation per capita for water heating. EAC has been monitoring the developments in the area of solar power and in particular large-scale concentrated solar power technology and is now investigating the possibility for the development of a large-scale Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plant for power generation. For the purpose of this project, EAC has appointed a Consultant to carry out a comprehensive techno-economic and financial feasibility study. Direct Normal Irradiation and other Meteorological data of the area required for the feasibility study, shall be made available to the Consultant from the existing data available from the nearest Meteorological Station. The prospective CSP is proposed to be installed on a site located on the southern coast of the island of Cyprus, about 3 km to the west of Limassol between Ladys Mile Beach and Akrotiri Village, with easy access to the islands existing highway system. A topographic map of the area is attached at the end of Section 3. The Bishopric of Limassol is the owner of the site and recently a co-operation agreement has been signed between EAC and the Bishopric of Limassol for a long-term leasing of the area to EAC for the purpose of investigating the possibility for the development of a large scale Concentrated Solar Power Plant. For the purpose of adequate power plant planning and design and for providing better data accuracy and reduce the overall project risk, detailed long-term measurement of Direct Normal Irradiation and other Meteorological Measurements are required for the above area. The objective is to obtain valid data to the satisfaction of EAC for one continuous year (365 consecutive days). EAC has the option to extend the period of the contract to one or two more years. To this effect the Tenderers should give in Schedule A their price for Options A and B. It is clarified that the evaluation of the Tender will be based on the Tender Price of the Definite Work only. The Electricity Authority of Cyprus will have exclusive rights to the collected data. The successful Tenderer will not disclose the data to a third party without the prior written consent of EAC. Data should be logged by an appropriate automatic data logger, which should be able to ensure the integrity of the data. All the data collected should be made available to EAC at the end of the contract. No copies should be retained by the Contractor. 3.1.1 Site location

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The site is located into the British Sovereign Base Area of Akrotiri. For the installation of the Meteorological Station, an application has been submitted to the Area Officer for the required permission. The outcome of the application is not yet known. To this effect Tenderers must know that if the required permission is not given before contract award, EAC will be forced to terminate the Enquiry procedure without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers. 3.2 Scope of Work

The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) is inviting your quotation for the provision of the following services. The Scope of Work described below is indicative and it should be considered as the minimum acceptable. 3.2.1 Solar Radiation and Other Meteorological Measurements

The measurement, assessment and evaluation is required for one (1) continuous year (365 consecutive days), at the area specified in clause 3.1, of the following parameters, as specified by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Standard (Instruments and Observing Methods Report No. 65 WMO/TD No. 862): Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) at 1m height Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) at 1m height Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) at 1m height Atmospheric pressure at ground level Air Temperature at 1, 2m height Air Relative Humidity at 1, 2m height Wind speed (Average and Maximum) at 2m height Wind direction (prevailing direction) at 2m height Rainfall at ground level Dust at ground level

The selection of the place for the installation of the meteorological station will be carried out by the Contractor in agreement with EAC. The selection criteria for the exact place of the meteorological station will be given to EAC by the Contractor. All associated works and requirements, like fencing of the meteorological station, protection (security), power supply, internet requirements, maintenance, monitoring, etc. will be undertaken by the Contractor. On completion of the project the Contractor will collect all Equipment/Instruments used and restore the area in the original condition. The data must be recorded in a frequency of one (1) minute. Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) measurements shall be taken by a pyrheliometer with a solar tracking, suitable for remote sites. The calibration of the Radiation sensors should be made by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) or equivalent (Calibration certificate should be submitted). All other sensors should be associated with a calibration certificate. Brief information for all the Equipment, Instruments and Sensors (including Manufacturer, Type, Accuracy, Resolution, Repeatability, etc.) should be submitted in Annex IV. 3.2.2 Reports

The following reports are required: a) Monthly Report giving for the parameters indicated in clause 3.2.1 the total, average and maximum values accordingly, for the following time periods: One minute Fifteen minutes
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One hour One day One month

For the Wind speed and direction a Wind Rose will also be provided. b) Yearly Report For the Monthly Report, a Draft Report will be submitted by the Contractor to EAC for comments in one week from the end of each month, followed by a Final Report (in triplicate) in one week from date EACs comments received. The Yearly Report shall include the last month of the 12 month period plus a section giving accordingly the total, average and maximum values of the year. The Reports shall be both in Greek and English languages. All data must be submitted in electronic form (excel) including data base form, accompanied by appropriate data management and report generation software. The exact format of the Reports and Data will be agreed upon between the EAC and the Contractor at the kick-off meeting. 3.3 Schedule of Works

The Contractor shall commence work immediately after contract award (notification by fax). A kick-off meeting shall be arranged in about seven (7) days from contract award. Set up of the Meteorological Station, calibration and start of measurements in about six (6) weeks from contract award. The overall duration of the contract shall be approximately 14 months.

Section 3 Terms of Reference

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SCHEDULE A ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY OF CYPRUS RFQ NO. 157/2009 SOLAR RADIATION AND OTHER METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LARGE-SCALE CONCENTRATED SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT PRICE SCHEDULE AND TERMS OF QUOTATION The Tenderer is directed to enter below the total firm cost of the Works as included in the Terms of Reference. Note that prices should be stated in Euro only. Companies registered in Cyprus are requested to give their VAT Registration Number. This Schedule forms part of the Quotation. Item No. 1 Description Definite Work Lump Sum to carry out the Works as specified by the RFQ Document No. 157/2009 Option A Lump Sum to carry out the Works for one more year, as specified by the RFQ Document No. 157/2009, on completion of the Contract. Option B Lump Sum to carry out the Works for one more year, as specified by the RFQ Document No. 157/2009, in one year from completion of Option A above. Within 30 days from completion of the works and submission of the invoice (See Relevant Clause in the General Conditions of Contact) Total Amount EUROS

Additional Details to be completed by the Tenderer Terms of payment:

Validity of quotation (60 days from Closing Date) : Time Schedule: a) Kick-off meeting within days, from the award notification. b) Set up, calibration and start of measurements, at least in weeks from the award notification.

Name of Tenderer: Signed: .. On Behalf of: (Company Name) Address: (Company Address) .............................................................................................................. . VAT Reg. No.: ... Tel. No.: ... Fax No.: ... Date: ANNEX I
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Name and Address of Sub-Contractor (if any)*:

* State the specific tasks that will be undertaken by the Sub-Contractor under this Tender.

Signed: ....... On behalf of: . Date:


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Signed: ....... On behalf of: . Date:


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ANNEX III ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY OF CYPRUS RFQ NO. 157/2009 SOLAR RADIATION AND OTHER METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LARGE-SCALE CONCENTRATED SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT EXPERIENCE: RELEVANT CONTRACTS COMPLETED Please fill in information about the relevant contracts completed as per clause 1.11. Name and country of Purchaser Purchasers Address (give also fax number) Description of work carried out and Completion date Amount of Contract and date

Signed: .. On behalf of: . Date:


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ANNEX IV ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY OF CYPRUS RFQ NO. 157/2009 SOLAR RADIATION AND OTHER METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LARGE-SCALE CONCENTRATED SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENTS AND SENSORS The Tenderer is requested to list here all major Equipment, Instruments and Sensors that he intents to use for the project and submit brief information for each one as per clause 3.2.1.

Signed: ....... On behalf of: . Date:


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