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Media Contact: Rodolfo Martinez 305-573-0882 rmartinez@gohrmc.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Atlantic Luggage Announces the Introduction of the Debut Luggage Collections and Lu!ina

-The Leader in Affordable, Stylish, Lightweight Luggage Since 1919"oca Raton# Fla$# % &an '# '()* % Atlantic brand luggage !art of the "ra#el!ro famil$ of brand% and a mar&et leader in affordable light'eight luggage %ince ()() i% !lea%ed to launch the ne' Atlantic Debut and Atlantic Lu!ina collection% de%igned for the famil$ lei%ure tra#eler. *+ot onl$ are the ne' Atlantic ,ebut and -umina collection% fa%hionable and of great .ualit$ but the$ 'ill hel! ma&e tra#el ea%ier and more affordable for famil$ tra#eler% / %aid 0cott A!!lebee 1ice 2re%ident of Mar&eting for the "ra#el!ro and the Atlantic -uggage brand%. *"he%e #er%atile and light'eight collection% ha#e %ome uni.ue feature% that are ideal for famil$ tra#eler% on the go./ "he Atlantic Lu!ina collection introduce% a contem!orar$ %atin loo& and feel to hard%ide luggage. 3eaturing a uni.ue !ol$urethane fini%h on a %cul!ted hard %hell $ou ha#e to touch -umina to a!!reciate it% rich %atin te4ture. 5om!lete 'ith a dual-'heel %!inner %$%tem and an e4!andable !ac&ing com!artment -umina combine% %u!erior %trength loo&% and maneu#erabilit$ 'ith great #alue. A#ailable in fa%hionable blac& rub$ red and midnight blue the collection include% the follo'ing model%6 20/ 7nternational 5arr$-8n 0!inner 29/ 0!inner and 28/ 0!inner. -umina luggage i% !erfect for chic tra#eler% of all age% and i% bac&ed b$ a (0-$ear 'arrant$. Atlantic -uggage i% al%o introducing the ne' Atlantic Debut collection. "hi% uni.ue four-!iece collection combine% the #er$ be%t of toda$:% fa%hion and light'eight de%ign. ,ebut:% %t$li%h ca%e re%i%t% abra%ion and i% built to ab%orb %hoc& during e#er$ da$ tra#el !ro#iding !rotection for $our !o%%e%%ion%. "he t'o-com!artment de%ign allo'% for greater !ac&ing fle4ibilit$ and ea%e of tra#el. 5ombine thi% 'ith e$e-catching !in& and tur.uoi%e fabric color%; ,ebut i% ideal for female teenager% and college %tudent% 'ho lo#e to tra#el. "he Atlantic ,ebut collection feature% a 20/ 5arr$-8n <!right 25/ and 28/ <!right% and a hand$ Rolling "ote. 7t i% co#ered b$ a (0-$ear 'arrant$. 3or more information or to !urcha%e Atlantic -uggage !lea%e #i%it ''' About Atlantic "rand Luggage 0ince ()() the Atlantic brand ha% been %$non$mou% 'ith affordable #alue-added and light'eight luggage. A% a mar&et leader in the light'eight luggage %egment including neatl$ de%igned u!right% and %!inner% to trend$ and %mart garment bag% and tote% all Atlantic branded luggage i% of %u!erior .ualit$ and durabilit$. =hether for bu%ine%% or !lea%ure tra#el i% ea%ier 'ith Atlantic luggage no' !art of the "ra#el!ro famil$ of brand%. 2lea%e #i%it Atlantic -uggage at ''' for a full li%t of the late%t !roduct%. About Tra+el,ro 3or o#er 25 $ear% "ra#el!ro 7nternational ha% !rided it%elf on de%ign inno#ation and durabilit$ in crafting the highe%t .ualit$ luggage for tra#eller% 'orld'ide. 0ince tran%forming the ea%e of modern da$ tra#el 'ith "he 8riginal Rollaboard 'heeled luggage "ra#el!ro ha% been the brand

of choice for flight cre'% and fre.uent tra#eler% 'orld'ide. "ra#el!ro i% dedicated to building a lifelong relation%hi! 'ith it% cu%tomer% b$ con%i%tentl$ under%tanding and e4ceeding their need%. "ra#el!ro 'a% honored to recei#e the +e' 2roduct 7nno#ation A'ard from the "ra#el >ood% A%%ociation ?">A@ in March 20(3 for the re#olutionar$ 2latinum MagnaA luggage collection. 2lea%e #i%it "ra#el!ro at '''.tra#el! for a full li%t of the late%t !roduct% and retail location%. 3ollo' u% on 3aceboo& at '''.faceboo&.comB"ra#el!ro7+"- and "'itter6 @"ra#el!ro7ntl CCC

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