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Lutherans in Lima

Serving our Lord in Peru - LCMS International

Edition 18 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Peru! We pray that you all had a blessed time celebrating our Saviors birth with friends and family. Here at the Peru Mission, we celebrated His birth on various occasions and in various ways throughout the month of December. On December 4, the entire mission team got together for an Advent devotion and then decorated the office. The picture on the right is from that day. On December 7 and 14, we hosted chocolatadas, or traditional Peruvian Christmas parties, for our members and friends. The party on the 7th was held at the San Borja church. Many people came to drink hot chocolate and eat panetn (Italian sweet bread that is a Peruvian Christmas treat). Pastor Mark led us in singing carols and watching the short movie VINO, which tells the Christmas story from a modern perspective. On December 14, we held our Christmas party at the Mighty Fortress Mercy House in La Victoria. Almost 60 December 2013

John 1:14, 16
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truthAnd from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

children came to sing Christmas songs with us and hear the Christmas story as told by Rosita, Anthony, and Rachel in skits and Bible readings. We also had a short visit from Pap Noel (Santa), who reminded the kids that the best gift of all is Jesus. At the end of the party, all the kids drank hot chocolate, ate panetn, and received a special Christmas gift. All of this was made possible by the Visit with friends in Lucumo donations we so generously receive for the Mercy House by many of you. Thank you! You can see pictures from the chocolatada by clicking here. On Dec. 20 and 21, we were blessed to visit Lunahuana again to reconnect with old friends. Anthony and I took Rachel and Caitlin with us so they could meet everyone and see where the LCMS mission work began in Peru. We were excited to talk
Thank God for many opportunities to

Prayer Requests
Praise God for sending His Son to save us from sin, death, and the devil!

and pray with people and invite them to our babys baptism in February. Anthony continues to teach adult Bible class on Sunday mornings and a catechism class on Tuesday nights, both of which he really enjoys. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We look forward to sending out next months newsletter and a special Baby edition (unless our little boy or girl arrives late). My due date is January 25. To support our work financially, you may send a taxdeductible gift to: The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod P.O. Box 790089 St. Louis, MO 63179-0089. Make checks payable to The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Mark checks DiLiberto Support. Gifts can also be given through the LCMS website on our online giving page at You can also send your support gifts to Mission Central at 40718 Highway E-16, Mapleton, IA 51034


share the Gospel this month. Pray that those who heard it would believe it!

Pray for Omar and Anthony as they


continue to study the catechism together. Thank God for a time to visit old friends


in Lunahuana. Continue to pray for the faith of the people there.

Praise God for the continued health


He has granted to me and to the baby. Please pray for a safe delivery.

Thank God for providing workers for


His harvest field! We pray for Pastor Joshua Gale and his family as they prepare to move to Peru.

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