Lesson 6 - Train 5: Create Detail 1 Connection Interactively 3

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Xsteel Training Course Lesson 6 – Train 5 Model

Lesson 6 - Train 5
Study first the drawing(s) and
• Start New Model
• Create 3d View
• Create Grids
• Create Views (Plans & Elevations)
• Input Members

Create Detail 1 Connection interactively 3

Stiffeners 3
Fin plate 3
Bolts 5

Create Detail 2 Connection interactively 6

End preparation shape 6
Stiffeners, fin plate, bolts 7

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 6-1

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 6 – Train 5 Model

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 6-2

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 6 – Train 5 Model

Create Detail 1 Connection interactively

In the Plan view at level 6000 use the Fitting command to trim the beam 20 mm short of the column

In the plan view created at the T.O.S. level of the beam input the top stiffener using the Beam Properties
dialogue box picking the corner points shown below. Modify the rotation and position in depth value to
position the stiffener correctly.

Weld the stiffener to the column.

Now copy this stiffener down the depth of the beam.

Fin plate
In the Plan view at level 6000 use Create view by two points command to Create an elevation view
along the face of the Beam web.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 6-3

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 6 – Train 5 Model

Then construct the points for the Fin Plate using the various Point Creation commands. Create the Fin
Plate with square corners ignoring the radiuses at the internal corners.

Input the Fin Plate using the Contour plate macro ensuring that it is offset sufficiently.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 6-4

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 6 – Train 5 Model

To add the internal radius in the Fin plate double click on the vertex in the corner where the radius is to
be added. The Chamfer Properties dialogue box should come up.

Change the picture in the Drop down to be an internal radius, put 11 in the X value and press modify.
Repeat this for the other corner.

Now weld the Fin Plate to the column.

Construct the points for the bolts.

Using the Interactive Bolt macro complete the dialogue box and Apply this, pick the Fin Plate then the
Beam, middle button of the mouse, the top bolt point then the bottom bolt point.

Note: Ensure that you pick the Fin Plate first then the Beam. This will color the beam yellow which
indicates that this member has the bolts associated with it in reports and bolt lists.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 6-5

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 6 – Train 5 Model

Create Detail 2 Connection interactively

End preparation shape

To create the end preparation shape on the right end of the beam first construct the points as shown
below and then use the Polygon Cut command to remove the end of the beam.

To radius the internal corners, double click on the vertex and modify it to a radius of 11.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 6-6

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 6 – Train 5 Model

Stiffeners, fin plate, bolts

Add the top stiffener using the Contour Plate macro picking the 4 points shown below.

Point 1
Point 2

Point 3
Point 4

Modify the corners in the column web to be 15x15 chamfers.

Weld the stiffener and copy it down

Construct the points for the Fin Plate and create it using the Contour Plate macro.

Weld the Fin Plate to the column.

Construct the points for the bolts and add the bolts.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 6-7

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