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Xsteel Training Course Lesson 12 – Revision Control Exercise

Lesson 12 – Revision Control Exercise

Delete endplate from Truss and re-number train 8 model 2

Numbering History File 3

Updating revised drawings 5

Check for any members not detailed 6

Add revision marks to the drawings revised 7

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 12-1

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 12 – Revision Control Exercise

Delete endplate from Truss and re-number train 8 model

As a sample revision exercise we are simply going to delete the endplate connection at the left end of
the Truss and see what sort of effect this has on the drawings in the model.

Open the 3d view of Train 8 model and zoom in on the left end of the Truss.

Highlight the joint symbol for the endplate at the left end of the truss at the top chord and delete it.

Now before we can run any reports or open any affected drawings we must re-number the model.

From the Setup pull-down menu check the settings in the Numbering Setup dialogue box. (“Keep
number if possible” for revised members is the likely setting.

Then go to the Tools pull-down menu and select Numbering – Full.

After you have numbered the model you should check the drawing list for any flags beside the affected

A “P” flag indicates that Parts have changed on the drawing. eg. New items have been added or deleted
and/or the shape or size of items have been revised etc..

An “N” flag indicates that the quantity of members has changed. E.g. There may have been three of
these items prior to the revision but now there are only 2 etc..

We now need to check what items in the model have been affected by the revision. In the drawing list,
select each drawing that has a “P” or an “N” flag beside it and press the Select Parts button on the
drawing list. This will highlight all the parts in the model affected by the revision. This is a visual check of
what has been revised.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 12-2

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 12 – Revision Control Exercise

Numbering History File

Now we need to check the numbering.history file to see if any parts or assemblies have been re-
numbered. Pick Tools->Display log file->Numbering history log… from the menu at the top of the
screen. The numbering.history file is located in the model directory and can also be opened though
Windows Explorer.

A Sample numbering.history report would be as follows:

*** Numbering: ******************************
Wed Aug 19 15:46:39 1998

Full numbering
Compare new to old parts
Tolerance: 1.000000
XXXP-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXA-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXE-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
Xp/1 Max Part 76 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
Xm/1 Max Part 2 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXB-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXC-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
m/1 Max Part 85 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
B/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 27 FreeNo 0
BR/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 8 FreeNo 0
C/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 12 FreeNo 0
P/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 24 FreeNo 0
R/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 6 FreeNo 0
T/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 1 FreeNo 0
XXXP-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXA-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXE-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
Xp/1 Max Part 76 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
Xm/1 Max Part 2 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXB-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXC-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
m/1 Max Part 85 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
B/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 27 FreeNo 0
BR/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 8 FreeNo 0
C/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 12 FreeNo 0
P/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 24 FreeNo 0
R/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 6 FreeNo 0
T/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 1 FreeNo 0
*** Numbering finished ******************************

This numbering history report indicates that no parts or assemblies were re-marked as the words Part or
Assembly were not listed down the left side of the report where the arrows are shown.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 12-3

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 12 – Revision Control Exercise

If Parts or Assemblies have been renumbered for some reason, the numbering.history file may look like

*** Numbering: ******************************

Wed Aug 19 15:46:39 1998

Full numbering
Compare new to old parts
Tolerance: 1.000000
XXXP-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXA-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXE-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
Xp/1 Max Part 76 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
Xm/1 Max Part 2 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXB-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXC-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
m/1 Max Part 85 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
B/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 27 FreeNo 0
BR/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 8 FreeNo 0
C/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 12 FreeNo 0
P/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 24 FreeNo 0
R/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 6 FreeNo 0
T/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 1 FreeNo 0
Part 68033 series:p/1 p/62 -> p/64
Part 71712 series:p/1 p/62 -> p/64
Part 71716 series:p/1 p/62 -> p/64
XXXP-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXA-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXE-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
Xp/1 Max Part 76 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
Xm/1 Max Part 2 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXB-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
XXXC-/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
m/1 Max Part 85 Max Assembly 0 FreeNo 0
B/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 27 FreeNo 0
BR/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 8 FreeNo 0
C/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 12 FreeNo 0
P/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 24 FreeNo 0
R/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 6 FreeNo 0
T/1 Max Part 0 Max Assembly 1 FreeNo 0
Assembly 36860 series:R/1 R/3 -> R/5
Assembly 41321 series:R/1 R/5 -> R/6
*** Numbering finished ******************************

The lines that have changed are shown bold. The above report is saying that three item p/62’s have
been re-marked to now become p/64. In addition, Assembly R/3 is now R/5 and R/5 is now R/6.

If you do not get the result that you expected, or wanted, you can Undo the last numbering and try
different numbering options or check why this has been numbered this way.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 12-4

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 12 – Revision Control Exercise

Updating revised drawings

Once you are happy with what has been revised, you now need to update the affected drawings.

Highlight the affected drawings in the drawing list and from the bottom of the drawing list select Update.

Tip: Make a note of which drawings are being updated. This will be useful to know when the drawings
need to be issued

This will then fully redraw any drawings with a “P” flag that are unfrozen, update the quantities on a
drawing with an “N” flag and just switch the “P” flag on a Frozen drawing to a “*”. This indicates that the
picture of the member has been updated, but because the drawing was frozen, the dimensions and part
marks have not.

Warning: Updating freezed drawings can lead to a situation of incomplete or erroneous dimensioning,
marking etc. if the user does not manually complete the dimensioning.

We therefore need to open the frozen drawings, update the marks by going to the Edit pull-down menu
choosing Update Marks – All Parts.

We then need to fix up any dimensions that need updating.

Once we exit and save the frozen drawing, the “*” flag is removed.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 12-5

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 12 – Revision Control Exercise

Check for any members not detailed

Finally we need to check for any new members that need drawings created for them due to the revision.
This may happen because a member that previously was two off, now becomes two one off members.
One of these members subsequently needs to be drawn.

From the Properties pull-down menu select Assembly drawing.

In the Name field type NOT DRAWN and Apply the dialogue box.

Now window the entire model and from the Drawing pull-down menu select Assembly drawings.

Xsteel will now detail any assemblies that are not detailed.

Note: Xsteel will not detail anything twice.

Now repeat this procedure for the Single Part drawings.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 12-6

Xsteel Training Course Lesson 12 – Revision Control Exercise

Add revision marks to the drawings revised

You should have previously made a note of which drawings were revised prior to updating them.

Highlight these drawings in the drawing list and select the Revision button on the right side of the
drawing list.
Complete the dialogue box as shown below and press Create once.

This will add a revision to the drawings highlighted.

Now they can be printed out for issue.

Tip: You can choose whether to get revision number or revision mark displayed in the drawing list. By
default is shown the revision number. If you want to change it to revision mark, set the environment
variable XS_SHOW_REVISION_MARK_ON_DRAWING_LIST=TRUE in your batch file.

Copyright Tekla Oyj 2000 Page 12-7

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