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Barefoot inside the palace

SamI DaouD
Scattered words dedicated to Yahia Yousry
Finale of an evening of no one's life

To: Sami Daoud

Don’t put on your glasses

So as not to see the pity in their eyes

You are broken

And the illusion of the defeat will haunt you

Live in your inner world

Flying far away

Were there obsolete streets and dilapidated buildings are,

Continue your endless smile,

Look at the top, the bottom and around you


To Faten

Group of pictures

Dating years ago,

You look at them to know how much time has passed by,

To know that you are alone,

And for the first time, you shed a tear without noticing,

For the rest of your life,

And maybe you will sleep,

In quietness

The Total Collapse

To: Faten

On a high hill….

A castle far away

With a red arched door

Inhabited by animals, with sharp claws

And a man, down the hill…..

Looking at the top;

Raising his hands, with its long nails

Opening his mouth to utter a thing

Nothing is said, his hand goes down

He sits there….

At the bottom of the hill

A picture on a ceramic

To: Lavinia

Aspired for light

Passing through a glass
Flirting upon my face

Climbed up a tower
Looking for a breeze

Who would purchase these scattered clippings?

Even if used for wrapping the bread

But truth terrifies me

Doesn’t provoke me to change reality

I don’t want to be that being

The silent being
Silence terrifies me
As it screams out the truth
The moon in the middle of the sky

To: Alexandra

My Marsh will be played in Heaven

With all who dreamt and couldn’t achieve

I'll laugh my last laughs, here, before I leave

I'll live in the legend that I have created

To be able to finally smile

Applaud my friends, the comedy is over

On the white Sand

Dedicated to Alexandra

Remember me with every passing cloud

You won't see it again

Remember me with every rose u smell,

It sacrificed its life for you happiness

Remember me with every wave that touches your body,

This feeling won't come again,

Remember one moment we lived together,

Which I'll never forget

Somewhere in the year 2000

The honored silence

To: Sami Daoud

Take a minute of your time,

Look at what has happened and what is coming next,

To know that you are unstable,

You are haunted by what you inherited,

You don’t realize it till now,

When you took a minute of your time

The end or the beginning

To: Tamer Zikry

The clock ticked exactly at 10

Nothing has changed since the morning

Birds are still flying

Flowers bowing where the sun rays are

I looked from my window

And stayed quite still

Looking at the horizon,

Is my destiny going to be like the travelers around the world?

Traveling from one side to the other seeking the end

Maybe I will not reach the end

Maybe I have to look for the beginning

The Ideal contradiction

To: Faten

Closing their eyes to kiss

From embarrassment or pleasure

Stealing to get rich or to eat

Painting to decorate or for expression

Demonstrating when hit

Clapping when winning in violent sports

Decorating streets while celebration

Leaving others to clean after

Living to enjoy

Because life is lived once

The Black Vault

To: Faten

Here I am alone,

Vacuum surround me

No love or hate

Exploring the scourge of loneliness

Listening to the voice of memories

Seeing images of the past

Here I am alone,

Seeing her without words

Hearing her without sight

Like a blind, and a deaf

Struggling through the city walls

City of love that I have created

Here I am alone

No more speech or expression

There is only love and in silence

Maybe, forever

I the clown

To: Alexandra

The red nose that still bleeds

The pale white face

And the curly wet hair

The frowned eyebrows

And the clown was created

That still wonders Laughing

The Dirge

To Alexandra

The Heavens will open their doors

For the angels to cry

Carrying its son

Mourning, kyrie eleison

Heavens will close their doors for me

I, the sinner

Yet I shall not die

I’ll live forever

My stories will be told

Someway, sometime

As I'm life

A sentimental story

To: HIM and HER

A shooting star

In a night melted in clouds

We walk along the old avenue

On the top of the plateau

A wine amphora in the next morning

Half full, half empty

The sun rise

We smile

The life of someone else
To Alexandra

Swarm of flying crows

Swirling around the bronze statue
In a static day before the rain

The fire burning in the barrel

Warming a homeless for a few moments before sleep

The pain heretofore

Is just a hot breeze on an autumn day

You will wake up to see the dream once again

Just an illusion
You will be living an illusion
Until it becomes your only

A Floating Soul

To: Salma

Here among these heavens

I stand looking at you with my bodiless soul hanging

Gazing at my chose one

Writing with every feeling I won

Everything I do, I love her,

Close by me, she is, despite the far dimensions

Always wriggling on my mind and dreams

I love thee more with my eyes shut, my lips silent

Listening to every whisper

She is the one I aspired to love with

Gazing at her, before sleep and after waking up

It's you

Frozen Tears


Children toddle in silence

A bowing man walking in the street

A clown that doesn't laugh

Ladies with black cloths screaming

Black flags raised by someone

White flags lowered by another's will

I dream….

I dream that I dream to do

Never, Never as long as you and we shall live

Coinciding thoughts


Have you seen it?

How did it feel?

What have you done about it?

Didn’t it occur on your mind?

Look around you!


To: Alia

A naked lying body,

As coming to life,

As god sins it,

As Human beings desire,

As it used to live in the past,

As it is, never and never will change


To: Alexandra

I will open the cage and set my birds free

I won't see my reflection on the water surface

Like a narcissus flower admiring its forbidden love

No, don’t show me my face anymore

I will see her, I will see them

And the revolution will start

Possibly shattering my body

As I was born to be free

Barefoot inside the palace

To: Alexandra

When my dreams become my nightmares

What I dream of doing is what can be my major sin
My desire is what prompts me to do anything
But is it really in my fate to do this anything?
Does it really matter what I do?

I'm no longer afraid

Perhaps through me I still am afraid

Yet I drew the courage on my face
My soul has become alienating from submission and adhesion
Looking around and no one in sight
Are they really following me?
Or am I following my own footsteps?
Am I really dying?

A young girl running in the field with her mother

To Alexandra

The radiated light that you see,

is the nurse's white gown.

Half her face is lit;

the half facing the window.

You sit in silence;

Like roses aside the railroad
A moment passed; perhaps several ones…..

And the silence is still mute


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