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21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.

1290 |


PERSONAL DATA: All personal information is confidential and treated appropriately. Your Name Address Work Phone Home Phone Mobile Phone

Personal Email

Fax Number

Date of Birth

Marital Status

# of Children

Are you considering relocation in order to achieve your career goals? ___Yes ___No

Do you have access to a computer at home? ___Yes ___No

How would you rate your computer skills with respect to looking up info online, sending email, using MS Word for creation of correspondence? ___ Very little experience ___ Average skill ___ Above-Average skill

What is your current salary? $________ What is your target salary for your next move? $________ What time frame are you looking at for being settled in a new opportunity? _________

What is the most important thing youd like to accomplish with respect to your career? What's your time frame for seeing this happen? On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to making this happen? When you accomplish this, what will be different about your life (please be specific with respect to impacts on time/schedule, quality of life, self-esteem, income, sense of purpose, family relationships)?

Please use this table to outline your past employment. Add lines for additional positions, if necessary. Also, if available, please attach a current resume. (Note: in the far-right column, rate each position on a 1-10 scale, with 10 being I loved this position and 1 being I hated this job! Employer Job Title
(list multiple jobs with same co. on a new line)


What I Liked Most About This Job

What I Disliked Most About This Job

Skills I Used That I Enjoyed The Most

Skills I Used I Disliked The Most

Rate It! 1-10 scale

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

In the past, how have you found most of your new job opportunities (e.g., proactively targeted/strategized/planned; just sort of fell into my jobs; people offered me positions without my seeking them; followed others advice; etc.)?

Please summarize your educational highlights (degrees, continuing education, certifications). What training was most interesting to you? What training would you like to take in the future?


What accomplishments do you think must occur during your lifetime so that you will consider your life to have been satisfying and well liveda life of few or no regrets? If there were a secret passion in your life, what would it be? If you could devote your life to serving othersand still have the money and lifestyle you needwould you do it? How would it look? Whats missing in your life? What would make your life more fulfilling? Do you believe in God or in the concept of a higher power? If so, describe the most useful and empowering aspects of this belief. If not, what reference point do you use?


What is the most significant project you accomplished or initiative you showed in your professional life? Describe this in terms of the Challenge faced, Action taken, and Results achieved. Challenge: Action: Results:

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

What is the most significant project you accomplished or initiative you showed in your personal life? Describe this in terms of the Challenge faced, Action taken, and Results achieved. Challenge: Action: Results:

When performing your work, what is the greatest benefit you bring to your employer/customers/coworkers?

What sets you apart from other individuals who perform a job function similar to yours?

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |


Imagine you have the ability to live five completely differently career lives. There are no limits in placeabsolutely no potential for failure, no financial restrictions, no lack of training, no family responsibilities holding you back, no one poo-pooing or naysaying your idea, no lack of any kind of resources. Please write one paragraph for each of the five livesyou can include information about what you would be doing, in what industry, where youd be living, how much money youd be making, whod you be interacting with, who you would know and who would know you, etc. Be creative! Life #1:

Life #2:

Life #3:

Life #4:

Life #5:

What is one proactive step you could take this week that would move you closer to your goal? What do you do to recharge your batteries or give yourself a sense of optimism? Name the one biggest thing that is getting in the way of you moving forward. What tips would you give me to help keep you focused and moving forward? How many hours per week do you plan to devote to the career goal stated earlier? ____ What steps do you need to take to make room in your schedule? Who else needs to be involved in your transition (spouse/significant other, colleagues, etc.)? What else would you like me to know?

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |


Career "Master F.I.T."

External F.I.T.
(the easily observable F.I.T.)

Internal F.I.T.
(the less observable, but equally important F.I.T.)

Function (What you want and like to do! What

strengths/talents/skills/passions have you excelled at in the past? What would you like to learn to do? What job titles are associated with these functions? Conversely, what do you want to avoid? If there were one task you couldn't give up in your current career, what would it be? Job titles will often be associated with the Function.)

Fulfillment (Why do you work? What is your

purpose/cause/destiny? What difference do you want to make? How would you describe your living legacy? Why will this be rewarding?)

Interests/Industry (Where or With Whom

would you love to use your "function" skills? Where do your interests, knowledge, or experiences lie? Whom do you enjoy working with/helping most? What industries/companies/products do these interests represent? Conversely, what situations do you want to avoid?)

Identity (Who are you? Who are you

becoming? What adjectives best describe your present and future you? What areas are you growing in? How do you want others to perceive you? Who are your role models? Who have been your key supporters?)

Things That Matter (Which values and

prioritiesfinancial, work/lifestyle, environmental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual must be present for you to be your best in your work?)

Type (How do you prefer to re-energize, take in

information, make decisions, and orient your environment? For instance, Are you more energized by people and things or ideas and concepts? Do you primarily trust information that is tangible and concrete or abstract and conceptual? Do you prefer to make decisions based on logic or how it will affect people? Do you prefer an environment that is more controlled and predictable or unstructured and variable? How do you learn best?)

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

Best Next Steps:

21 St. Clair Ave East | Suite 503 | Toronto, ON. | M5S 3A5 | Tel: 416.361.1290 |

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