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2307 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN 37214
Non-Profit Org
US Postal Paid
Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN
Permit 2464
Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or Volume 57, No.36 September 6, 2009

Let’s Promote! Adam Faughn

Joe Adams
Today marks our Bible class promotion Today is a great day to “jump back in!” 773-2331
day. Our young people will “move up” in
If you have been coming to worship, Johny Baker
their classes to coordinate with their grade
but not staying for a class, make today 758-7654
at school.
the day you get back into your
What a great opportunity class. Maybe you don’t see the Ralph Brewer
this provides us. Some do importance or benefit of these 871-4849
not attend Bible classes as periods of study. Take a couple
Worship With Us Wayne Davidson
they should. They miss of weeks to attend with an open
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM 758-2705
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM out on so many great op- Bible and an open mind. Then
portunities to learn from you’ll see the importance! Earl Flynn
capable teachers and from other class 889-1659
members. They fail to gain from the great
Financial Peace University fellowship that comes from a Bible class. Ted Fox
Lebanon Road Catching Up on the News Adam Faughn Steve Ledbetter
church of Christ We were pleased to welcome the Steele- decided to resign from that work. He, 889-8614
man family to Lebanon Road two Sun- of course, will remain busy in God’s Charles Myers
days ago. Joel and Sam, along with their kingdom, but we will miss him as a 883-6837
precious daughter, Jade, are a great addi- deacon.
Classes will start on Sunday, Septem- What could you do… tion to our church family. Make them Jim Schroeder
ber 13 and will meet for 13 of the next ...if you had no debt? welcome. We will not be in Revelation this 754-8990
...if you had some money between you and morning, but will continue our series
14 weeks. Classes will meet at 4PM Cliff Wilson
life? We were sad to hear that brother Bill in that book next Sunday morning,
each week, and baby-sitting will be ...if you fully understood what the Bible Myers, after over 40 years as a deacon, 889-6477
provided. teaches about money? Pulpit Minister
...if you had a plan for your finances? Sunday Sermon Preview Adam Faughn
Special for Lebanon Road members: FPU AM: Why This is Important 973-4483
usually costs $93 plus shipping. Our elders Sign up for Financial Peace University at
Lebanon Road and help these goals become a PM: Sin Is... Outreach Minister
are paying for $50 of that cost to encourage reality! Harry Middleton
us to attend! Your cost will be just less 292-3164
than $50 for you and your spouse to at- Bible School Promotion Day: Today
tend!!! Youth Minister
Get Back in Bible School! JD Buckner
Classes will be offered in the future as well, but this first class is limited to the first 30 to sign up!!! (731) 336-4768
Sign up and pay (checks payable to Lebanon Road) no later than TODAY.
The Sick Worship Leaders by Harry Middleton JD’s Jargon
James Adcox is at Trevecca Health & Rehab in room Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) WHERE IS HAPPINESS FOUND? Hello everyone!
319B. Opening Prayer: Joe Adams
Sarah Adcox is at Trevecca Health & Rehab, room 307A. Closing Prayer: David Cook Not in military glory. Alexander the Great con- This week has been filled with such pleasant
Bertha Garcia is at McKendree in room 277.
Read Scripture: Marion Schow quered the known world. Having done so, he wept
Felix Gower is at his daughter’s home. Hospice has been weather. I don’t know about you, but good
called in to care for him. Sermon: Adam Faughn in his tent, because, he said, “There are no more
worlds to conquer.” weather makes me just feel happy! I hope
Harry Parman is at Mt. Juliet Healthcare, room 313. Song Leader: Lynn Wright
Bob Stewart is at Summit in room 517 following surgery you have had a great week.
Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085)
on Monday. Hoped to go home on Wednesday. Keith LeSuer 1
Not in unbelief. Voltaire was an infidel of the most
pronounced type. He wrote: “I wish I had never There are two sign-up sheets on the wall by
Shea Cofer 2
Sympathy Jay Baker 3
been born!” the teen room. Pklease sign up for RUSH
We express our sympathy to the Pirtle family on the pass- C.H. Crowell 4 and our Beech Island Trip.
Not in pleasure. Lord Byron lived a life of sensu-
ing of Suanne Pirtle. She passed away on Monday Night. Ralph Brewer 5
Her funeral was on Thursday at Hibbett & Hailey. ous pleasure. He wrote; “The worm, the canker,
Tracy Fitzgerald 6 and the grief are mine alone!” Trunk or Treat will be coming up before you
Ricky Biggs 7 know it! Even before trunk or treat, we have
Thank You Mike Purkey 8 Not in money. Jay Gould, the American multi- our annual Costume Party/Lock-in planned
I want to thank everyone for the prayers, cards visits and Sunday Evening (Contact: Cary 883-5909) millionaire, when dying, said: “I suppose I am the for October 23-24.
beautiful flowers received during the illness and death of Opening Prayer: Gene Duke most miserable man on earth.”
my brother. All were deeply appreciated. In Christian Closing Prayer: Billy Hutchens
Not in position and fame. Lord Beaconsfield en- Thank you, young men, for doing such a
Love, Judi Ballard Read Scripture: Wes Carnahan
Thank you for the prayers and many cards I have received joyed more than his share of both. He wrote, great job conducting services last Sunday
after the passing of my sister, Lola. Frankie Moore
Sermon: Adam Faughn “Youth is a mistake; manhood a struggle; old age a night. Thank you every family who has
Song Leader: Lynn Wright regret!” hosted or will host devotionals this year. I
Wedding Shower Serving Lord’s Supper (Room)
appreciate you all so very much!
Charles Myers 1 Where, then is happiness found? The answer is
For: Heather Shea and Jeremy Lamb --JD :)
Tim Hill 2 simple: In Christ alone! He said: “I will see you
When: Sunday, September 13th again and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no
Time: 1:30-3:30 Upcoming Dates to Remember
Wednesday, September 9th (Contact: Tim 883-4343) man taketh from you.” “Let us hear the conclusion
Where: Fellowship Hall of the whole matter: To fear God and keep his
Given By; Friends Read Scripture: John Thomas Baker Sept. 18-20 FHU RUSH
Opening Prayer: Philip Denny commandments --- this is the whole of man!” ---
Heather & Jeremy are registered at Belk; Bed Bath and Homer P. Reeves.
Beyond; and Target Speaker: JD Buckner Nov. 13-15 Fall Retreat
Song Leader: Stephen Kerstiens VISITATION TEAM #1 WILL MEET
Harry Middleton - Wayne Davidson
Nursery Attendants
Senior Adult Rally Barbara & Callie Cornell
Mark Your Calendar...
Saturday, September 26th
10:00AM-1:30PM The Record Today: Sycamores Terrace service led by Adam Faughn, Tim Mullican, and Daniel Hargrove
West 7th Church of Christ Sunday Morning Worship: 362 Today: Class Promotion Day
Columbia, TN Sunday Evening Worship: 226 Today: Financial Peace University sign-up DEADLINE
Speaker: James Watkins
Sunday Bible Study: 240 September 8: Ladies Bible Class at 10AM
Lunch will be provided
If you are interested in attending please sign up in Wednesday Night: 209 September 16: Time Saver Supper
the foyer or see Joe Adams or Tommy Moore. Contribution: $11,349.00 Oct 30– Nov. 1: Trip to Beech Island, SC

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