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Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center

Your Own Perfect Medicine

by Martha Christy
You may think that when it comes to alternative health therapies you've heard it all. But there is one natural therapy you've probably never heard of even though it's one of the most powerful most researched and most medically proven natural cures ever discovered. !o matter how hard it may be for you to stomach the fact is that knowing the truth about this incredible natural substance will be one of the most crucial health facts you'll ever learn. "nd one of the most remarkable things about this incomparable natural therapy is that the medical community has already been aware of its astounding efficacy for decades and yet none of us has ever been told about it. #hy$ Maybe they think it's too controversial. Or maybe more accurately there wasn't any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most e%traordinary natural healing elements in the world. But no matter why the medical establishment has chosen to keep his invaluable information a secret it's time that every man woman and child be told about the only health tool in the world that is always available to everyone and never out of reach - physically or financially. &o ' want you to sit back open your mind and get ready to hear the incredible medical facts about human urine - the facts that will change your life.

#hat You (on't )now Can *urt You

+very one of us has a right to know that our bodies produce an invaluable source of nourishment and healing that we can utili,e to heal ourselves and to maintain our lives and our health in both everyday circumstances and in emergencies and life-threatening situations. -wo news articles from the past that recently came across my desk vividly illustrate the absolutely tragic conse.uences of the public's

lack of information and our completely unfounded misconceptions regarding our bodies' own perfect medicine/ -om Brokaw !B0 !ightly !ews October 12 1334/ "In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37year-old man alive in earthquake rubble !e survived almost "# hours by drinking his own urine !is wife, daughter and mother would not and they died " "ssociated Press 5uly 1367/ I don$t think there$s any question that these women and the child would not have died had they simply been aware of the truth that not only would their own urine not harm them, but would, in fact, have provided a power-packed combination of liquid nutrients and critical immune factors that would have sustained them in good health until help arrived

-he Medical Proof

8or almost the entire course of the 49th century unknown to the public doctors and medical researchers have been proving in both laboratory and clinical testing that our own urine is an enormous source of vital nutrients vitamins hormones en,ymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. They use urine for healing cancer heart disease allergies auto-immune diseases diabetes asthma infertility infections wounds and on and on -- yet we're taught that urine is a to%ic waste product. -his discrepancy between the medical truth and the public information regarding urine is ludicrous and as the news releases you've :ust read demonstrate can mean the difference between life and death to you and to your loved ones. #hen ' contracted a crippling incurable disease early in life ' used every available conventional medical and alternative healing method over the course of many years without success. #hen an ac.uaintance suggested ' try ;urine therapy; ' though she'd lost her mind but with no options left ' swallowed my pre:udice and decided to give it a go. -o my own <and everyone else's= ama,ement my healing was so rapid and so profound with urine therapy that no .uestion remained in my mind that someone in the medical community had to know more than

they were telling about this incredible body substance. "nd as a matter of fact they did know more - a lot more. "fter many months of haunting university libraries scanning countless microfiche files and poring over piles of medical :ournals ' had amassed a small mountain of astounding research studies findings and files on the use of urine in medicine and healing ' discovered among numerous other things that urine far from being a to%ic body waste was actually a purified derivative of the blood made by the kidneys which contains not body wastes but rather an incredible array of critically important nutrients en,ymes hormones natural antibodies and immune defense agents. "t the end of it all as ' sat tiredly in my chair eyeing the stacks of research papers covering my desk ' reali,ed that the medical community had pulled off one of the biggest hoodwinks in history. -ake for instance the doctor who reported that ;urine acts as an e%cellent and safe natural vaccine and has been shown to cure a wide variety of disorders including hepatitis whooping-cough asthma hay fever hives migraines intestinal dysfunctions etc. 't is completely safe and causes no side effects.; <5. Plesch M.(. The Medical Press 13>?=@ or the oncologist who reported that ;a patient with intractable ovarian cancer was treated with *uman Arine (erivative and is now completely well and en:oying the rest of her life.; <(r. M. &oeda Aniversity of -okyo 1326=. -hese remarkable findings were published in medical :ournals - but did you ever hear about them$ "nd what about the immunologist who after e%tensive clinical and laboratory research stated/ ;'t was rapidly appreciated that undiluted urine administered orally was therapeutically effective for 'mmune -herapy and was initiated when it became obvious that an allergic condition had become uncontrollable.; <(r. 0.#. #ilson 136B Caw *ospital &cotland=. Or the *arvard medical researchers who discovered that active ;antibodies to cholera typhoid diphtheria pneumonia polio leptospira and salmonella have been found in the unconcentrated urine of infected individuals.; <Cerner Demington E 8inland *arvard Medical &chool 1324=. #hat abut the &candinavian researcher who in 1371 conclusively proved that human urine can completely destroy tuberculosis$ 't's a deadly disease and is now resistant to antibiotics. 'sn't it time someone told us that our own urine is medically proven to be anti-tubercule$ -hen there's the research into wounds and burns using urea <the primary solid component of urine=. "s only one research study among many reported/ ;'n "merica urea has been used for the treatment of various infected wounds and it has been found to be e%tremely efficient...even the deepest wound can be treated effectively.... Area treatment has been successful where other treatments have failed. 8or e%ternal staph infections we found urea preferable to any other

dressing...there are no contra-indications to its use.; <(r. C. Muldavis 13B6 Doyal 8ree *ospital Condon=. !ow these medical reports are only a few of the more than 79 research studies ' compiled and published in the book Your Own Perfect Medicine but they certainly give an indication of the importance of what we've never been told about urine by the medical community. "s far back as 137> the ournal of the !"erican Medical !ssociation <5uly issue= reported that ;More scientific papers have probably been published on urine than on any other organic compound.; "nother publication revealed that ;more than 1 999 technical and scientific papers related only to low molecular weight substances in urine appeared in medical and scientific literature in one single year.; "ll this fuss about a substance that we're told is nothing more than a body waste$ ' think one of the most interesting pieces of information on urine ' came across was the fact that the amniotic fluid that surrounds human infants in the womb is primarily urine. "ctually the infant ;breathes in; urine-filled amniotic fluid continually and without this fluid the lungs don't develop. (octors also believe that the softness of baby skin and the ability of in-utero infants to heal .uickly without scarring after pre-birth surgery is due to the therapeutic properties of the urine-filled amniotic fluid. Deports on the e%traordinary e%ternal benefits of urine abound as well. Medical studies relate remarkable cases of stubborn or ;incurable; chronic severe ec,ema that miraculously disappear with urine therapy. Because urine is both anti-viral and anti-bacterial it's ideal for treating cuts wounds and abrasions of all kinds. "cne rashes athlete's foot and fungal skin problems respond dramatically to urine soaks and compresses as well. <You'll find complete instructions for using urine therapy internally and e%ternally in Your Own Perfect Medicine#$ 8or home use or emergency treatment care for wounds poisonous bites or stings and even broken bones urine is an incomparable proven natural healing agent that provides instantaneous therapeutic benefits under any circumstances. 8or years people have said to me ;#ell ' have heard of people surviving by ingesting their own urine but ' thought it was :ust a myth.; Myth it isn't. Medical fact it is. "s (r. 5ohn D. *erman remarked in his article which appeared in the New Yor% &tate ournal of Medicine in 5une 1369/ '!uto(uro)athy *urine thera)y$ did flourish in "any )arts of the world and continues to flourish today####there is un%nown to "ost of us+ a wide usage of uro)athy and a great volu"e of %nowledge available showing the "ultitudinous advantages of this "odality# !ctually+ the listed constituents of hu"an urine can be carefully chec%ed and no ite"s not found in hu"an diet are found in it#

Percentages differ+ but urinary constituents are valuable to hu"an "etabolis"#'

Your Body's Own &uper-!utrition -herapy

'n 13?7 one of the founders of Miles Caboratories (r. ".*. 8ree published his book ,rinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound <purer than distilled water= but that ;it is now recogni,ed that urine contains thousands of compounds and as new more sensitive analytical tools evolve it is .uite certain that new constituents of urine will be recogni,ed.; "mong the urine constituents mentioned in (r. 8ree's revealing treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. "s (r. 8ree comments the ingredients listed below are only a few critical nutrients found in urine/
"lanine total ..... B6 mgFday "rginine total ..... B4 mgFday "scorbic acid ..... B9 mgFday "llantoin ..... 14 mgFday "mino acids total ..... 4.1 gFday Bicarbonate ..... 1>9 mgFday Biotin ..... B7 mgFday 0alcium ..... 4B mgFday 0reatinine ..... 1.> mgFday 0ystine ..... 149 mgFday (opamine ..... 9.>9 mgFday +pinephrine ..... 9.91 mgFday 8olic acid ..... > mgFday Glucose ..... 199 mgFday Glutamic acid ..... B96 mgFday Glycine ..... >77 mgFday 'nositol ..... 1> mgFday

'odine ..... 9.47 mgFday 'ron ..... 9.7 mgFday Cysine total ..... 72 mgFday Magnesium ..... 199 mgFday Manganese ..... 9.7 mgFday Methionine total ..... 19 mgFday !itrogen total ..... 17 gFday Ornithine ..... 19 mgFday Pantothenic acid ..... B mgFday Phenylalanine ..... 41 mgFday Phosphorus organic ..... 3 mgFday Potassium ..... 4.7 mgFday Proteins total ..... 7 mgFday Diboflavin ..... 9.3 mgFday -ryptophan total ..... 46 mgFday -yrosine total ..... 79 mgFday Area ..... 4>.7 mgFday Hitamin B2 ..... 199 mgFday Hitamin B14 ..... 9.9B mgFday Iinc ..... 1.> mgFday

"s you read over this e%traordinary list of nutritional elements you can begin to understand why the stories you may have heard of people surviving on their own urine are true. But what about other elements in urine that you've heard about$

0learing Ap the Misconceptions

'f you asked a person on the street what uric acid is he or she would invariably answer that it's a to%ic body waste. !o so say medical

researchers at the Aniversity of 0alifornia at Berkeley who in 1364 reported they had discovered that ;uric acid destroys body-damaging cancer-causing free radicals and is considered to be one of the physiological factors that enable human beings to live so much longer than other mammals.; But what about urea$ Area is in urine and isn't that the to%ic stuff that causes uremic poisoning$ "ctually medical researchers discovered many decades ago that urea far from being a to%ic body waste is an incredibly versatile far-reaching and effective medicinal agent. 'n numerous medical studies it was shown that urea is one of the most potent non-to%ic virucidal agents ever discovered. 'n one particular study the rabies and polio virus JsicK were killed so .uickly and efficiently by concentrated urea that even the laconic researchers themselves were surprised/ ;Area is such a relatively inactive substance and certainly not a protoplasmic poison such as are most virucidal agents that it is in a way surprising that rabies and poliomyelitis are killed so easily by urea solutions; <Mc)ay E &chroeder &ociety of +%perimental Biology 13B2=. 'n reality Area is an 8("-approved medicinal agent that doctors and researchers utili,e in an ama,ing variety of therapeutic modalities. Because of its remarkable and comprehensive anti-neoplastic <antitumor= properties it's presently being used in anti-cancer drugs and is e%tensively studied for use in cancer treatments. -he urea compound drug glica,ide is used successfully by the medical establishment in treating both insulin-dependent and non-insulindependent diabetics. "s a natural diuretic urea is unparalleled and is a proven and accepted treatment in cases of edema or swelling such as e%cess cerebral and spinal pressure glaucoma epilepsy meningitis even premenstrual edema and many other disorders in which e%cess fluid is a problem. "s one "merican neurosurgeon reported regarding a patient who nearly died form complications following brain surgery/ ;Area was administered intravenously as an emergency measure. #ithin 49 minutes from the start of in:ection her blood pressure had returned to normal....from this time on her recovery was uneventful. 'n this case urea was definitely life-saving because prior to its administration the patient's survival was unlikely. 'n many similar instances urea was found to be life-saving; <(r. M. 5avid Aniversity of #isconsin=.

-he Physiological "nswer to a -herapeutic Mystery

-he medical findings on urine and urine constituents are overwhelming and yet it's difficult for most people to understand why our bodies e%crete elements that are so obviously valuable to human health and well-being.

-he commonly-asked .uestion ;'f your urine is so good for you why does your body e%crete it$; is best answered by looking into how our kidneys function. "s your blood moves through the circulatory system it flows through the kidneys at a rate of about 1499 ml of blood per minute. 'nside the kidneys the blood is continuously filtered through a huge system of minute tubules called nephron which sift out e%cess water vitamins minerals en,ymes salts and hundreds of other elements including vital antibodies urea and uric acid. " large portion of these key physiological elements are reabsorbed into the bloodstream but a certain amount of critical blood constituents are pooled by the kidney into a li.uid which doctors refer to as a ;plasma ultrafiltrate; <we call it urine=. Much of this sterile nutrient filled ultrafiltrate or urine is reabsorbed and some remains in the kidney for a period of time and is eventually released into a tube called the urethra which empties the urine into the bladder where it is finally e%creted. !ow you're probably wondering why the body e%cretes valuable nutrients water hormones en,ymes etc. that are critical to body functioning. (oesn't it make more sense to retain these elements$ 'f urine is a collection of such life-sustaining elements why does the body get rid of it$ -he answer is that the kidneys e%crete a portion of urine as a way of removing certain key elements in your blood that are simply not needed at a s)ecific )oint in ti"e. 8or instance you've :ust been out :ogging. You come home and have one or two big glasses of water to drink. !ow at this point you've probably taken in more water than your body actually needs. But not to worry -- your kidneys will balance the amount of water delivered into your bloodstream by your copious water drinking and through the urine will e%crete whatever amount of water from the blood that isn't needed at the time. !ow water is certainly a life-sustaining element the body cannot do without. &o why is it e%creted from the body$ -he answer is obvious. -here are times when there's too much water in your system and it needs to be e%creted. 't's a physiological fact that in order for us to function normally the amounts or concentrations of every element in our blood must be carefully and strictly controlled and this is done by the kidneys. -oo much water in the blood is fatal. -oo much salt in the blood is deadly. "s wonderful a nutrient as vitamin 0 is too high a concentration of it or any nutrient could kill you. -his is why the kidneys e%crete valuable elements from the body -- too much of any good thing isn't good for your health. -he same is true of urea. People who have heard of uremic poisoning are surprised when they read the medical research showing urea to be a widely-used 8("-approved medicine. But :ust like any other element in the blood urea only becomes dangerous to the body when

the kidneys are damaged or diseased and can't properly balance the amount of urea <and all other substances= in the bloodstream. Your kidneys aren't doing damage to your body by getting rid of particular e%cess nutrients they're :ust simply e%creting the precise amount not presently needed by your body at a given time. "nd the same goes for practically every nutrient en,yme hormone antibody etc. that are critical to your survival -- the kidneys keep what your body needs at a certain time and e%cretes what it isn't momentarily using into your urine. "nd as medical scientists and doctors have discovered these urinary ingredients e%tracted from the blood can be therapeutic magic bullets.

" Billion (ollar 'ndustry

(espite what the public has been led to believe about urine pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Pergonal a fertility drug made from human urine earned a reported L677 million in sales in 1334 and sales <L1>99 a month per patient= have increased yearly. Arokinase a urine ingredient is used in drug form and sold as a ;miracle blood clot dissolver; for unblocking coronary arteries. Area medically proven to be one of the best moisturi,ers in the world has been a boon to cosmetic companies who package it in e%pensive glamori,ed creams and lotions. +ver used Murine ear drops$ -hey're made from carbamide -- another name for synthetic urea. #hen you look at the real facts the tragedy of the general disinformation campaign on urine is surpassed only by the irony of our unwitting and often incredibly e%pensive purchases of what we all mistakenly but firmly believe to be our bodies' ;useless; and ;offensive; waste-product urine.

!ew "cceptance for a Misunderstood -herapy

Because of the nearly all-pervasive public misunderstanding about what urine is and how it can be of immense medical benefit to us the often ama,ing anecdotal stories of healing and survival via urine have been routinely ignored ridiculed or have been written off as ;old wives' tales.; But when people learn the real facts these stories take on a significance that not even doctors are now willing to ignore. &ince the first release of Your Own Perfect Medicine rather than the doubt and derision ' e%pected to encounter ' was ama,ed at the tens of thousands of people who have willingly accepted the information in the book. Many people <including doctors= have come forward to tell me about their own e%periences or about news stories they've read that tell about using urine medicinally and in survival situations/ (r. (avid G. #illiams !lternative Newsletter+ !ugust+ -../0

'&everal "onths ago 1 watched the "ovie "live. 1t's the true story of a &outh !"erican soccer tea" whose air)lane crashed in snow(ca))ed "ountains in the dead of winter# The tea" was stranded for a cou)le "onths and survived only by eating the flesh of those who had died either during the crash or later fro" in2uries# ! )ortion of the "ovie focused on two individuals whose initial wounds )rogressed into serious infections# 3nowing no way to treat these two+ the survivors could only atte")t to co"fort the"# 4ventually the infection led to death# 5atching the intense suffering of these )eo)le "ade "e wonder if there was "ore that could have been done to save the"# 1 now feel it's very )ossible that these two )eo)le+ and thousands of others around the world would still be alive if they had been aware of the thera)eutic effects of urine# 5ith urine thera)y+ you get all the benefits of urea )lus the additional antibodies+ vita"ins+ "inerals+ a"ino acids+ hor"ones and "ore#' (r. #illiam *itt 0linica *itt Me%ico 5anuary 1337 '46)erience has shown that intra"uscular in2ections of urine are the best "ethods for handling a "yriad of i""unological illnesses including )soriasis+ basal call carcino"a+ asth"a and "any other disorders#' Reuter Re)ort "ugust 1> 1339 '7our &ri Lan%an co""andos who drifted in a boat "ore than -+888 "iles to Thailand after they had been a"bushed and given u) for dead were given a ra)turous welco"e when they returned ho"e# 'They "anaged to survive on the boat by catching turtles and drin%ing urine+' a "ilitary officer said#' )yodo !ews &ervice -okyo 5uly B9 1339 '! "ale coo% was )ulled out of the rubble of the Hyatt Hotel early Monday "orning+ -/ days after a )owerful earth9ua%e devastated the northern Phili))ines+ officials said# :ry+ with only "inor bruises on his body+ he told re)orters he survived by drin%ing his own urine#' "t a time when new viruses and bacteria are outwitting even the best efforts of space-age medicine and increasingly fre.uent natural disasters put basic necessities out of reach the facts about the one medical and survival tool that the 8(" can't regulate and that's always there when you need it most may well become the greatest survival lesson any of us will ever learn.
-he author of this article Martha 0hristy is a medical research writer natural health consultant and author of Your Own Perfect Medicine as well as several other books on natural healing. Your Own Perfect Medicine is available for L4B.39 from 8utureMed 'nc. Bo% 1B6B? &cottsdale "I 67427 or call 1-699-699-66>3. Dead 0oen van der )roon's bestselling book on urine therapy <over 199.999 copies sold in Germany alone=/ The ;olden 7ountain0 The Co")lete ;uide to ,rine Thera)y <"methyst BooksFGateway Books '&B! 9-3>>472-?B-4=

1336/ &econd #orld 0onference on "uto Arine -herapy in GermanyMM 'nformation/ 0oen van der )roon )inkerstraat 64-0 197B +" "msterdam -he !etherlands telFfa%/ N B1 49 26B 7719 e-mail/

One #oman's +%periences

5ust wanted to say how grateful ' am to Martha 0hristy for writing her book. ' was skeptical at first - who wouldn't be$ But ' have been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for ? years <''m B>= to the point where ' have been nearly disabled at times@ hospitali,ed because of the pain at times@ and unable to function as a mother to my newborn B years ago. ' started with ;MY; own perfect medicine about 12 months ago and within B days... yes -*D++ ("Y& my aches were dramatically decreased my swollen :oints began 'unswelling' and over the past 12 months my 'sed' rate has dropped from an alarming 39 - 199 to about 4?@ almost normalMM 5ust wanted to let you know that Perfect Medicine is D'G*- O! in my opinion. !ow if we could :ust get others to understand. !o one in my family understands even the concept of it... so needless to say not even my husband knows ''m doing this. -hey all :ust think ;it's a miracle; that ''m feeling so much better. #ell it is a miracle. My O#! miracleM By the way ' have also used the therapy to relieve dry skin patches on my legs and face and minor acne problems. *ave also sprayed it into my hair on nights when my husband works... and left it over night. #hen ' washed in the morning my hair was soft and shiny and the dry spots were much smoother. "nd minor acne all but disappears over night. ' swear by this stuffMMM &incerely (enise

Your Own Perfect Medicine

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Nothing stated here should be considered as medical advice for dealing with a given problem. You should consult your health care professional for individual guidance for specific health problems. This page is simply a collection of information in the public domain, and presented strictly for informational and educational use only. No claims whatsoever can be made as to the specific benefits accruing from the use of urine therapy. Anyone with knowledge of additional information on urine therapy is highly encouraged to e-mail that information so that it can be shared with others who may be interested.

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