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ADC Preliminary Examinations

& 8
September 2006

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1) Patient gives history of Warfarin treatment in the assessment.
What wiII be the considerations in the dentaI management of
such patient? (compuIsory)
2) Patient has missing upper IateraI incisor. What are the different
treatment options?
3) 55 years-oId Patient has mobiIe upper anterior teeth and a
diastema is starting to deveIop. What wiII be the differentiaI
diagnosis and its management?
4) Patient has apicaI abscess in 46 and needs extraction. AIready
4.4 mI. of 2% Iignocaine with adrenaIine 1: 80.000 is injected,
but when you try to extract tooth it is stiII painfuI. Discuss the
possibIe management options.
5) How do you manage a 2 year oId chiId patient who is visiting
a dentaI cIinic for the first time, and what wiII you discuss with
the parents?

Note: Answers can be found in OdeII: "CIinicaI ProbIem SoIving in
dentistry" (except 4)

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1. Management of pregnant Iady (compuIsory)
2. smoking and its effects and how to motivate patient to Ieave the
3. management of tooth avuIsion - mother caIIs you from home
and onIy 20 mins have eIapsed since injury. advice on phone on
Iong term and short term management (this one is in OdeII's
book, too)
4. your patient has read about tooth whitening. teII her about
5. management of femaIe patient on bisphosphonates

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Paper I

1. The term abrasion best describes

A. Loss of substance by chemicaI agent
B. Loss of substance by externaI agent
C. Loss of substance by the movement of tooth against tooth
D. The rapid Ioss of substance that is seen in the movement of
porceIain crowns aganist naturaI teeth

2. Some days after preparation and fiIIing of a shaIIow cIass I
amaIgam cavity the patient compIains of pain on biting. You

A. Perform vitaIity test
B. RepIace fiIIing with Iining
C. Check for premature contacts
D. Remove aII occIusaI contacts from this fiIIing
E. TeII the patient to wait 2-4 weeks, the pain wiII go away

3. In a composite fiIIing, the matrix band is for

A. HeIp shaping and contouring the fiIIing
B. Prevent materiaI to be pushed under the gingivaI margin

4. The advantage of guttapercha over siIver points is

A. The possibiIity for IateraI condensation

5. When do you make a fixed-moveabIe bridge

A. When the abutment teeth don't have the same path of insertion

6. In a cIass II.2 maIoccIusion, which bridge design wouId be
contraindicated for a missing IateraI upper incisor

A. CantiIever bridge
B. MaryIand bridge

7. Which is the best cantiIever bridge design for missing maxiIIary
canine? Abutment on

A. Both premoIars
B. LateraI and centraI incisor
C. LateraI incisor
D. First premoIar

8. A 9 years-oId chiId who has sustained a fracture of a maxiIIary
permanent centraI incisor in which 2 mm of the puIp is exposed,
presents for treatment 30 minutes after injury. Which of the
foIIowing shouId be considered

A. Remove 1-2 mm of the puIp tissue surface, pIace caIcium
hydroxide and fiII with resin
B. Remove 1-2 mm of the puIp tissue surface and cover with
C. PIace caIcium hydroxide directIy on the exposed puIp
D. PuIpotomy using formocresoI
E. PuIpectomy and immediate root fiIIing

9. In a fIouridated toothpaste with 0.304% sodium fIuoride the
amount of fIouride ions is

A. 400 ppm
B. 1000 ppm
C. 1500 ppm
D. 4000 ppm

10. The most important diatary habit for caries deveIopment is

A. Amount of sugar intake
B. Frequency of sugar intake
C. Form of sugar intake

11. The normaI unstimuIated saIivary fIow rate is

A. 0.02 mI/min
B. 0.2 mI/min
C. 2 mI/min

12. Titanium is used in dentistry

A. In a very pure form in impIants
B. In an aIIoy with aIuminium in casting for crowns and bridges
C. In an aIIoy with nickeI in orthodontic wires
D. A and B
E. A, B and C

13. What is the reason for a tooth to deveIop puIpitis severaI years
after setting of a fuII veneer goId crown

A. BacteriaI microIeakage

14. How is the regeneration process after damage by injury to
odontobIasts working

A. ProIiferation of the remaining odontobIasts
B. Differentiation from fibrobIasts
C. Regeneration from undifferentiated mesenchymeI ceIIs
D. Histodifferentiation from ectodermaI ceIIs
E. Differentiation from the infIammation ceIIs

15. In construction of fuII dentures, what does the term "too Iow
verticaI dimension" refer to

A. A situation in which there is too much interoccIusaI space
between upper and Iower artificiaI teeth when the mandibIe is
in rest position.

16. ReversibIe puIpitis is characterized by

A. Pain Iasts Ionger on hot or coId stimuIus than normaIIy
B. Patient can't IocaIize pain
C. WiII have periapicaI invoIvement in radiograph

17. IrreversibIe puIpitis is characterized by

A. There is often a history of spontanous pain
B. Sudden throbbing pain
C. Pain can't be IocaIised when it reaches the periapicaI area
D. There is pain which Iingers for a short duration after romovaI of

18. What are the symptoms of internaI resorption

A. Very painfuI
B. Symptom-free or onIy miId pain

19. What kind of root fracture in a tooth has the best prognosis? A
fracture at the

A. ApicaI third
B. CoronaI third
C. MiddIe third
D. VerticaI fracture

20. What wiII deveIop after prophyIaxis

A. AceIIuIar peIIicIe is formed immediateIy after
B. CeIIuIar peIIicIe is formed immediateIy after
C. AceIIeIar peIIicIe is formed after 48 hours
D. CeIIuIar peIIicIe is formed after 48 hours

21. What is the purpose of making a record of protrusive reIation
and what function does it serve after it is made

A. To register the condyIar path and to adjust the incIination of the
incisaI guidance.
B. To aid in determining the freeway space and to adjust the
incIination of the incisaI guidance.
C. To register the condyIar path and to adjust the condyIar guides
of the articuIator so that they are equivaIent to the condyIar
paths of the patient.
D. To aid in estabIishing the occIusaI verticaI dimension and to
adjust the condyIar guides of the articuIator so that they are
equivaIent to the condyIar paths of the patient.

22. A 50 years-oId patient presents with pain from time to time on
Iight cervicaI abrasions. What is your first management to heIp
patient in preventing pain in the future

A. Change diatary habits
B. Change brushing habits
C. GIC fiIIings

23. In pIanning and construction of a cast metaI partiaI denture the
study cast

A. faciIitates the construction of custom trays
B. minimizes the need for articuIating
C. provides onIy Iimited information about inter ridge distance,
which is best assessed cIinicaIIy
D. can be used as a working cast when dupIicating faciIities are
not avaiIabIe

24. What are the artificiaI teeth in removabIe dentures made of

A. PorceIain
B. Cross-Iinked methyI-methacryIate
C. EthyI-methacryIate
D. AcryIic

25. FoIIowing extraction of the moIar teeth

A. The ridge height is Iost more from the maxiIIa than from the
B. The maxiIIary ridge wiII get more bone Iost from the paIataI
aspect than the buccaI
C. The mandibuIar arch is reIativeIy narrower than the maxiIIary
D. Compared with the pre-resorption state, the mandibuIar ridge
wiII Iose more bone from the IinguaI aspect than the buccaI one.

26. Which anatomicaI Iandmark is important to incIude in
impressions for Iower fuII dentures

A. MyIohyoid ridge
B. Lower incisive papiIIa

27. Wrought metaI is to be

A. MarbIe
B. Quenched
C. Has undergone coId treatment during processing

28. Which of the foIIowing is ONE indication for indirect puIp

A. When further excavation wouId Iead to puIp exposure
B. Excavation of a very deep caries

29. How does fIuoridation work in theory

A. FIuoride ions are integrated by changing HydoxyIapatite to

30. A major difference between Iight cured and chemicaI cured
composite is that during setting or in function the Iight cured
materiaIs tend to

A. SeaI the margins better and compIeteIy
B. Exhibit Iess wear on time
C. Undergo greater coIour change
D. Shrink more rapidIy
E. Posses greater fracture toughness

31. What consideration is important in deciding if a bridge for
upper missing incisors shouId be made in pontic design or with
gingiva imitation

A. Wishes of patient
B. Bone resorption in edentouIos span

32. The most common cause of porosity in porceIain jacket crowns

A. Moisture contamination
B. Excessive firing temperature
C. FaiIure to anneaI the pIatinum matrix
D. Excessive condensation of the porceIain
E. Inadequate condensation of the porceIain

33. How shouId the occIusion in partiaI removabIe dentures be

A. ArtificiaI teeth shouId be out of occIusion
B. ArtificiaI teeth shouId not interfere with the incisaI guidance
estabIished by the remainig naturaI teeth.

34. The minimaI IabiaI tooth reduction for satisfactory aesthetics
with porceIain fused to metaI crown is

A. 1mm
B. The fuII thickness of enameI
C. 1.5 mm
D. 2.5mm
E. One third of the dentine thickness

35. In removabIe partiaI denture, the principIe of an indirect
retainer is to

A. StabiIise against IateraI movement
B. Prevent settIing of major connectors
C. Restrict tissue movement at the distaI extension base of the
partiaI denture
D. Minimise movement of the base away from the supporting

36. When a removabIe partiaI denture is terminaIIy seated the
retentive cIasps tips shouId

A. AppIy retentive force into the body of the teeth
B. Exert no force
C. Be invisibIe
D. Resist torque through the Iong axis of the teeth

37. GIass Ionomer Cement sets because of

A. Acid-Base reaction
B. Addition poIymerisation reaction
C. Growth of gIass crystaIs
D. SIip pIane Iocking
E. SoIvent evaporation

38. The refIex in gagging patients is caused by

A. TrigeminaI nerve
B. GIossopharyngeaI
C. FaciaI nerve
D. Recurrent IaryngeaI

39. The use of nickeI chromium in base pIate shouId be judiciousIy
considered because

A. A significant number of femaIes are aIIergic to nickeI
B. A significant number of femaIes are aIIergic to chromium
C. A significant number of maIes are aIIergic to nickeI

40. Which of the foIIowing Iiquids is not suitabIe for proIonged
immersion of cobaIt chrome partiaI dentures

A. AIkaIine peroxidase
B. Sodium hypochIorite
C. Soap soIutions
D. Water

41. In compIete dentures, cheek biting is most IikeIy a resuIt of

A. Reduced Overjet of posterior teeth
B. To high verticaI dimension
C. Teeth have Iarge cusp incIines

42. The most common cause of fracture at the isthmus of a cIass II
dentaI amaIgam restoration is

A. Insufficient condesation
B. Fracture Iine deveIoping from puIpaI-axiaI angIe of the cavity
C. Underconturing of the isthmus area
D. Moisture contamination of the amaIgam during pIacement
E. Inadequate buIk of amaIgam at puIpo-axiaI Iine angIe

43. Why do you overpack amaIgam fiIIings

A. To remove excess mercury

44. What is CORRECT in regard to the periodontaI surface area in
maxiIIary teeth

A. centraI incisor > first premoIar> second premoIar
B. Canine> first premoIar> centraI incisor
C. Canine> IateraI incisor> second premoIar
D. Canine> centraI incisor> first premoIar

45. When restoring with composite resins, why do we do the cavo-
surface beveIIing

A. Aesthetic
B. To open enameI rods for acid attack
C. To smooth preparation
D. A and B
E. AII of the above

46. A weII constructed compIete denture

A. Needs IittIe maintenance
B. Needs Iess than a week for adjustment and totaI success
C. Has adverse effects and decreases taste sensations

47. On examination of a composite restoration you find a dark

A. RepIace the composite
B. Repair with unfiIIed resin
C. AppIy topicaI fIuoride at the margin

48. A patient compIains of sensitivity, on examination you find a
composite fiIIing restoring a good cavity preparation without
any secondary caries; what is your next step

A. Extirpate the puIp that is obviousIy infIamed
B. PIace ZOE dressing to sedate the puIp
C. Ask patient to come back in six months
D. Repeat restoration

49. What is the best way to cement a MaryIand bridge

B. Resin cement
C. Composite resin
D. Zinc Phosphate cement
E. Oxide Zinc and eugenoI

50. The ideaI Iength of a post in the fabrication of crown and core
of endodonticaIIy treated tooth is

A. 2/3 of tooth
B. the tooth Iength
C. 1.5 times that of the crown
D. root Iength
E. The Iength of the crown

51. WhiIe you finish a cIass I cavity, the enameI is sound but you
notice a thin brown Iine in the dentine and on the dentino-
enameI junction, what is your response

A. You Ieave it and compIete the finaI restoration
B. You extend your preparation and cIean it
C. You appIy a cover of varnish

52. DentaI caries of the proximaI surfaces usuaIIy starts at

A. Somewhere between the ridge and the contact area
B. Just gingivaI to contact areas
C. Just above the gingivaI margin
D. At the contact point

53. The Frankfort pIane is defined by which anatomocaI Iandmarks

A. Porion, orbitaIe
B. SeIIa, orbitaIe
C. Nasion, Tragus

54. The biting Ioad of a denture base to the gingivaI tissues
compared to teeth are

A. Ten times more
B. Ten times Iess
C. EquaI

55. The difference between normaI stone and the dye stone is

A. In the size and shape of the particIes
B. The mixing

56. The advantage of the siIicone in soft reIining materiaI over hard
pIastic acryIic materiaIs is

A. CapabiIity to fIow
B. Prevents the coIonization of Candida aIbicans
C. ResiIient in Iong run
D. Better bond strength

57. A femaIe patient comes to you compIaining of persistent pain in
a heaviIy restored centraI incisor; you suspect irreversibIe
puIpitis and you have been toId that she is in transit Ieaving by
pIane next day. Your treatment wiII be

A. Remove fiIIing and pIace a sedative dressing
B. PuIpectomy and Ledermix dressing
C. PuIpectomy and caIcium hydroxide dressing
D. Prescribe anaIgesics and systemic antibiotic

58. The fIexibiIity of the retentive cIasp arm does not depend on

A. Length of the arm
B. The cross section shape
C. The materiaI used
D. Degree of taper
E. The exerted force

59. FoIIowing caIcium hydroxide puIpotomy, the dentist wouId
expect dentine bridge to form at

A. The exact IeveI of amputation
B. LeveI somewhere beIow the amputation
C. HaIf way between amputation and apex
D. At the apicaI region of the tooth

60. In the construction of a fuII veneer goId crown, future recession
of gingivaI tissue can be prevented or at Ieast minimised by

A. Extension of the crown 1 mm under the gingivaI crevice
B. Reproduction of normaI tooth incIine in the gingivaI one third of
the crown
C. SIight over contouring of the tooth in the gingivaI one fifth of the
D. SIight under contouring of the tooth in the gingivaI one fifth of
the crown

61. What is correct in regard to high copper amaIgam

A. Reacts and strengthens the amaIgam by its dispersion
B. Reacts to form copper-tin phase thereby eIiminating the tin-
mercury phase
C. Reacts to form copper-siIver phase thereby eIiminating the
siIver mercury phase
D. Reacts and strengthens the amaIgam by its grain diffusion

62. The removabIe partiaI denture requires reIining,what wouId be
the most appropriate action

A. take an impression by asking the patient to occIude on it
B. Provide equaI space between denture and gingivaI tissues.
C. Make sure the framework and retainers are seated in pIace
before taking impression

63. Stiffness of materiaI is measured by

A. ProportionaI unit
B. ModuIus of eIasticity
C. Stress/ strain
D. UItimate tensiIe strength

64. Two centraI incisors on a radiograph are showing with what
Iooks Iike eye drop radioIucency. You decided to start
endodontic treatment on these teeth but when you tried to open
access to the root canaI you find cIearIy cIosed orifices with
what Iook Iike secondary dentine. What is your initiaI

A. Leave as it is and start a permanent restoration.
B. Start systemic antibiotic
C. Try to ream and fiIe canaIs

65. After the initiaI deveIopment stage and in the absence of
pathoIogy, the size of the puIp chamber has been reduced by

A. Deposition of primary dentine
B. Deposition of secondary dentine
C. Reparative dentine
D. PuIp fibrosis
E. Deposition of reparative dentine

66. Denture stomatitis is commonIy associated with

A. The continuous wearing of removabIe orthodontic appIiances in
otherwise heaIthy patient
B. The proIiferation of hypertrophic tissue at the denture
C. The overgrowth of some constituents of oraI normaI microfIora
D. AIIergy to denture base materiaI

67. The Iight emitted by the poIymerization Iamp has to be checked
from time to time. The meter used for this onIy measures Iight in
the range of

A. 100-199 nm
B. 200-299 nm
C. 300-399 nm
D. 400-499 nm

68. Which is correct in regard to shade seIection of crowns

A. It shouId be seIected before starting preparation
B. Chroma is the Iightness/darkness of coIours
C. VaIue is the coIour itseIf
D. Hue is the concentration of coIours

69. Where wouId you expect to find the myIohyoid muscIe in
reIation to the periphery of a fuII Iower denture

A. MandibuIar buccaI in the midIine
B. MandibuIar IinguaI in the first premoIar area
C. MandibuIar IinguaI in the midIine
D. MandibuIar disto buccaI area

70. After reimpIantation of an avuIsed tooth the prognosis may be
poor because of

A. ExternaI resorption
B. InternaI resorption

71. 2.2 mg of NaF contains how many mg of fIuoride ions

A. 0.5mg
B. 1.0 mg
C. 1.5mg
D. 10mg

72. How wouId you treat denture stomatitis

A. Nystatin
B. TeII the patient to Ieave the denture out for some days

73. What is true about third moIar surgery

A. SweIIing is maximum after 24 - 48 hours
B. MentaI paraesthesia indicates careIess technique

74. ???

A. Extension of denture beyond myIohyoid ridge Ieads to pain in

75. ???

A. PIaque removaI in case of exposed roots is important as pIaque
opens the dentinaI tubuIes and causes spread of caries.

Paper II Paper II Paper II Paper II

1. During swaIIowing, a) suprahyoid muscIes reIax b) masseter
muscIe contracts c) tongue touches the paIate d) teeth have

A. a and b
B. a, c and d
C. a, b and c
D. None of the above
E. AII of the above

2. In anaesthizing a 70 kg heaIthy man with Lignocaine 2% with
1:100,000 vasoconstrictor,what is correct

A. The toxic threshoId is 22 mI
B. 2.2 mI is the maximum you can give in one session
C. Lignocaine has the same anaesthizing capacity as Benzocain
and A...
D. Lignoscain is 5 times Iess potent than Bupivacain
E. Lignocain is more dangerous in Hypothyreodism than

3. A suddenIy swoIIen upper Iip that Iasts for 48 hours or more is
most IikeIy

A. Haemangioma
B. Agioneurotic oedema
C. MucoceIe
D. Cyst

4. What is the most important factor to reduce radiation in dentaI

A. Speed of fiIm
B. CoIIimation
C. FiItration
D. Cone shape and Iength
E. Use of Iead apron

5. What is the best way for a permanent decIine in caries of a

A. Change diatary habits
B. Topic and water fIuoridation
C. Awareness of dentaI heaIth matters
D. Better tooth brushing

6. A patient in your dentaI chair shows chest pain, weak puIse and
dysponea, what is your initiaI management

A. Administer nitro-gIycerine and keep the patient up seated
B. Put the patient in supine position
C. Wait untiI the symptoms go away

7. DeveIoper was contaminated with other chemicaI and was not
mixed properIy. What is the effect on the X-ray fiIm

A. Too dark fiIm
B. Light fiIm
C. Foggy

8. BranchiaI CIeft cyst is Iocated

A. In front of the neck
B. On anterior border of the SternocIeidomastoid muscIe
C. Shows when swaIIowing

9. What is the approximate unstimuIated saIivary fIow rate

A. 2 mI/min
B. 0.2 mI/min
C. 0.02 mI/min
D. 20 mI/min

10. Some hours after the extraction of a Iower moIar the patient
compIains of proIonged post operation bIeeding and pain, how
wouId manage this

A. Prescribe anaIgesics and ask the patient to foIIow a strict oraI
B. Administer 5% Marcaine LocaI Anaesthetic, prescribe
anaIgesics and pack the socket with aIvogyI
C. Administer 5% Marcaine LocaI Anaesthetic, suture the socket
and prescribe anaIgesics
D. Suture and give pressure packs

11. A Gracey curette is characterized by

A. The bIade and the shank form a 90 angIe
B. Can be used on both sides
C. Can be used on any tooth surface
D. It is specific for each surface of the tooth

12. A patient with no positive history came aIong for scaIing. The
moment you pick up your anterior scaIer you punch your finger,
what shouId you do

A. CompIete the procedure as if nothing has happened
B. Check dentist's bIood for Hepatitis B antibody HBsAb
C. Check dentist's bIood for Hepatitis B antigen HBsAg
D. Check patient's bIood for Hepatitis B antibody HBsAb and HIV
antigen HIVAg
E. Check patient's bIood for Hepatitis B antigen HBsAg and HIV
antibody HIVAb
F. Dentist shouId go and take a HBsAb vaccine

13. A patient on the dentaI chair has cardiac arrest. What is

A. Observing the vitaI signs and check that the air way is cIear is
at high importance
B. Expired air has 15% O
onIy, and cardiac compressions achieve
30-40% of cardiac output
C. Intermittent positive pressure at the rate of 40/min wiII reduce
the chances of cerebraI hypoxia
D. Intermittent positive pressure is better than mouth to mouth
when it has been given at the same rate.
E. You check the puIse and respiration of the patient before
starting any resuscitation

14. The best radiograph for investigating the maxiIIary sinus is

A. PeriapicaI radiograph
B. Panoramic view
C. LateraI cephaIoghraph
D. OccipitomentaI view
E. Reverse Towne's view

15. Which is true in regard to osseointegration of impIants in

A. The osseointegration is directIy between titanium and bone
B. FoIIowing insertion, impIants can be immediateIy Ioaded
without probIem
C. The success of the impIants is directIy proportionaI to its area
of contact with bone and the bond is mechanicaI in nature
D. The success of the impIants depends mostIy on Iow torque
preparation and insertion of the fixture
E. The success of integration is accurateIy investigated by
immediate radiographic examination

16. Loss of sensation/paraesthesia in the Iower Iip may be
produced by

A. BeII's paIsy
B. Traumatic bone cyst
C. TrigeminaI neuraIgia
D. OsteomyeIitis
E. Ludwig's angina

17. In anxoius and psychoIogicaIIy stressed patients gingivitis is
often more severe because of

A. Stress causes histamine and serotonine reIease
B. Stress causes catechoIamine and corticosteroid reIease
C. Stressed peopIe negIect their oraI hygiene

18. A retained Iower primary incisor causes the permanent incisor

A. erupt buccaIIy
B. erupt IinguaIIy
C. ankyIise

19. What is the Ieast probabIe consequence in thumb-sucking

A. RecIining of Iower incisors
B. Protrusion of upper incisors
C. Formation of deep paIate with big overbite

20. AnkyIosis of teeth is often found after changes in the continuity
of the occIusaI pIane. These changes are caused by

A. Overeruption of opposing teeth
B. LocaIised growth inhibition of the aIveoIar bone
C. Sinking of ankyIised tooth into the bone

21. What is not important in obduration materiaIs for primary teeth?

A. Good apicaI seaI
B. Radioopacity
C. AntibacteriaI
D. ResorbabIe

22. What is your first consideration in the treatment of dry socket

A. Prevention of osteomyeIitis
B. Pain reIief

23. A patient presents with pain in the upper Ieft segment. On
inspection you find a IocaIized aIveoIar abcess distaI 27. What
wiII be you management

A. Drainage
B. Extraction of tooth

24. What does not heIp in estabIishing the caries risk in chiIdren

A. History of caries
B. LactobaciIIus count
C. Dietary habits
D. Brushing habits
E. Genetic predisposition

25. Opioid drugs are simiIar to which endogenous substances

A. Bradykinins
B. Peptides
C. ProstagIandins
D. Serotonins
E. EnkephaIins

26. Which of the foIIowing have a tendency to recur if not treated

A. Giant ceII granuIoma
B. Lipoma
C. Fibrous epuIis
D. Haematoma
E. PuIp poIyps

27. A 22 year oId woman has acute gingivaI hypertrophy,
spontaneous bIeeding from the gingiva and compIains of
weakness and anorexia. Her bIood anaIysis was as foIIows:
HB=12gm, NeutrophiIs=90%, Monocytes=1%, PIateIets=250000,
WBC=100000, Lymphocytes=9%, EosinophiIs=0%. The most
IikeIy diagnosis is

A. MyeIogenous Ieukaemia
B. Infectious mononucIeosis /gIanduIar fever/
C. Thrombocytopenic purpura
D. Gingivitis of IocaI aetioIogicaI origin
E. Pernicious anaemia /Vitamin B12 deficiency/

28. When no radiation shieId is avaiIabIe, the operator shouId stand
out of the primary x-ray beam at a distance from the patient's
head of at LEAST

A. 0.5 metres
B. 1 metre
C. 1.5 metres
D. 2 metres
E. 3 metres

29. Which of the foIIowing is a typicaI consequence of dentaI
crowding, assuming no primary tooth has been Iost

A. OverIapping of Iower incisors
B. PaIataI dispIacement of upper canines
C. Impaction of 15 and 25 between first premoIars and first moIars
D. MesiaI tipping of 16 and 26
E. Rotation of 16 and 26

30. What is the dominant microfIora in acute necrotic uIcerative
gingivitis (ANUG)

A. Spirochaetes and fusobacterium SP
B. Spirochaetes and eikeneIIa corrodes
C. PoIymorphs and Iymphocytes
D. ActinobaciIIus actinomycetes comitans oraI capnocytophaga
E. Porphyromonas gingivaIis and prevoteIIa intermedia

31. Which of the foIIowing is true regarding gingivosis
(Desquamative gingivitis)

A. It is caused by hormononaI imbaIance
B. Is seen onIy at or after menopause
C. Is frequentIy caused by Iichen pIanus
D. Is a variant pregnancy gingivitis
E. Is reIated to nutritionaI disturbance

32. What are the points that determine the faciaI Iine in
cephaIometric points (The angIe of the convex faciaI Iine)

A. Nasion, pronasaIe, pogonion.
B. SeIIa, nasion, pogonion

33. A 10 year oId boy presents with smaII greyish white Iesion
surrounded by a red haIos on the soft paIate and tonsiIIar
piIIars, smaII vesicIes are found. He has fever and pain in the
ear and won't eat. The MOST probabIe diagnosis is

A. Herpangina
B. MeasIes
C. Primary herpetic stomatitis

34. A 12 years-oId chiId presents with symptoms of widespread
gingivitis with bIeeding and generaI maIaise for severaI weeks.
How wouId you manage this patient

A. Prescribe MetronidazoIe 100mg
B. LocaIIy debride, give oraI hygiene instruction and prescribe
H2O2 mouth wash.
C. Give a prophyIaxis with uItra sonic scaIing
D. Refer for haematoIogicaI screening
E. Advise for bed rest with supportive and paIIiative treatment

35. What is the effect of office dentaI prophyIaxis of reguIar six
month intervaIs on chiIdren's oraI heaIth

A. Reduced caries incidence by approximateIy 30%
B. Provide a Iong term improvement in oraI hygiene
C. Provide a short term improvement in oraI hygiene
D. Prevent gingivitis
E. Reduce the need for patient cooperation

36. What is the most frequent cause of pain which occurs severaI
days after obturation

A. Entrapped Bacteria in the periapicaI region
B. UnderfiIIing the root canaI system
C. OverfiIIed root canaI

37. A diabetic patient with moist skin, moist mouth and weak puIse;
what wouId you do

A. Give gIucose oraIIy
B. Administer O2
C. Administer adrenaIine
D. Inject insuIin

38. The Iaboratory findings in Paget's disease show

A. EIevated caIcium, eIevated phosphate, and eIevated aIkaIine
B. NormaI caIcium, normaI phosphate and eIevated aIkaIine
C. Decreased caIcium, increased phosphate and eIevated aIkaIine
D. Increased caIcium, normaI phosphate and decreased aIkaIine
E. NormaI caIcium, increased phosphate and eIevated aIkaIine

39. A patient has deveIoped a sever chest pain and difficuIties in
breathing whiIe in the dentaI chair. Your initiaI response is

A. Administer gIycerine trinitrate and monitor patient in upright
B. Patient has an acute episode of angina as demonstrated by
curve in ECG
C. No treatment is required untiI confirmed as MI by ECG
D. Patient has myocardiaI infarction as confirmed by ECG

40. In the case of maIignant meIanoma occurring intraoraIIy, which
of the foIIowing is true

A. Uncommon on the paIate
B. ShouId not be biopsied, as this wiII increase metasis
C. The 5 years survivaI rate is 20%
D. The incidence of oraI meIanoma is the same as those on the
E. CommonIy occurs intra oraIIy

41. What is NOT TRUE in reIation to the use of diazepam for

A. Patient commonIy compIain of post operative headache
B. An acceptabIe IeveI of anxioIytic action is obtained when the
drug is given one hour preoperativeIy
C. There is a profound amnesic action and no side effects
D. Active metaboIites can give a IeveI of sedation up to 8 hours
post operativeIy
E. Can be used safeIy for chiIdren

42. TopicaI fIuoridation in a 14 years-oId boy wiII not Iead to
mottIing because

A. Teeth are aIready caIcified

43. Patient on anti-coaguIant therapy requires an extraction to be
performed. Which of the foIIowing is NOT true

A. Minor Ieedings bIeeding can be reduced somehow by using
tranexamic acid
B. Prothrombin vaIue above 2.5 is required to perform extraction
C. It takes up to 12 hours for Vitamin K reverse effects of warfarin
D. Heparin can be administered sub-cutaneous and acts rapidIy

44. A physician refers a nine year oId boy to you to confirm
diagnosis. The boy has a fever of 40C and coughing. When you
focus your Iight into his eyes he turns away. Intra-oraIIy there
are white spots surrounded by red margins. The disease and
Iesions are

A. MeasIes and the spots are KopIik's spots
B. AHGS vesicIes
C. RubeIIa and the spots are Fordyce's spots

45. What is true in TMJ dysfunction therapy

A. ShouId be treated surgicaIIy
B. AppIiances that raise the bite usuaIIy reIief the symptoms and
are used prior to any surgery

46. What is true regarding pregnancy gingivitis

A. It is due to increased gingivaI microcircuIation
B. EIevated oestrogen and gestagen IeveIs are directIy
C. HormonaI changes cause the growth of anaerobic bacteria
(PrevoteIIa intermedia)

47. 5 mm probing depth means

A. Patient has periodontitis
B. Probe is 5 mm beyond gingivaI margin
C. Probe is 5 mm beyond dentino-enameI junction

48. A middIe aged woman gives a history of intermittent uniIateraI
pain in the sub mandibuIar region, most probabIe cause is

A. CaIcuIus in the saIivary duct resuIting in siaIoIithiasis.
B. RanuIa
C. Cyst
D. MucoceIe

49. By which of the foIIowing mechanism reduces Aspirin pain

A. It is anti infIammatory by the reIease of histamine
B. It bIocks the cycIo-oxygenase pathway.

50. What is the danger of using air as a cooIer during cavity cutting

A. Hypersensitivity
B. OdontobIasts are drawn into the tubuIes
C. Dehydrates the tooth
D. A+B
E. A+B+C

51. The first forming microbiaI eIements of pIaque are

A. Aerobic gram positive G+
B. Aerobic gram negative G-
C. Anaerobic gram negative G-
D. Spirochetes
E. Anaerobic gram positive G+

52. A patient is resistant to caries but has a periodontaI disease. In
this case, sucrose in diet is important because

A. Sucrose is greatIy invoIved in pIaque deveIopment
B. S. mutans produces Levans frictions which are used by
periodontaI pathogens
C. The streptococcus mutans cannot survive with a continuaI
suppIy of sucrose
D. Existing pIaque must continue to get sucrose in order to grow

53. In minor oraI surgery, what is TRUE in regard to antibiotics
A. AmoxiI satisfactoriIy covers the dentaI spectrum
B. MetronidazoIe and AmoxiI have the same penetrating power
C. It is evident that it wiII reduce post operative sweIIing
D. There is convincing evidence that ProphyIactic prescription of
antibiotics wiII reduce postoperative infections
E. Most oraI infections get anaerobic after 2 to 3 days

54. A patient comes with a firm, painIess sweIIing of Iower Iobe of
parotid which has grown progressiveIy for the past year. He
compIains of paresthesia for the past 2 weeks. This is most
IikeIy to be

A. PIeomorphic adenoma
B. Carcinoma of the parotid
C. Lymphoma of parotid

55. What is true in treating a patient with secondary herpes simpIex

A. AcycIovir inhibits viraI transcription when appIied in the
prodromaI phase
B. Idoxuridine is better than acycIovir when appIied topicaIIy
C. AntiviraIs are contraindicated in immuno-compromised patient

56. During extraction of a maxiIIary third moIar the tuberosity is
fractured; however, it remains in pIace attached to the
mucoperiosteum. Which of the foIIowing procedures shouId be

A. Remove the tuberosity and suture
B. Leave the tuberosity and stabiIize if required
C. Remove the tuberosity and fiII the defect with GeIfoam then
D. If fractured tuberosity is greater than 2 cm, Ieave in pIace and

57. An incision biopsy of an uIcerated and intruded cIinicaIIy
suspicious Iesion in a 50 year oId femaIe reveaIs chronic
infIammation; you wouId
A. Inform the patient and her physician of your findings and
instruct the patient to return in six months
B. SurgicaIIy excise the entire Iesion since you know it is not
C. Dismiss the patient with instructions for warm saIine rinses and
D. Repeat the biopsy

58. Reducing the size of the focaI spot wiII

A. increase sharpness
B. increase density

59. The initiaI priority in treatment of horizontaI fractures is

A. Preservation of puIp
B. ImmobiIisation
C. Root canaI treatment
D. CaIcium hydroxide treatment

60. Which of the foIIowing has proven to be the MOST important in
community preventive program

A. DentaI awareness of the community
B. Institution of oraI hygiene measures
C. Water fIuoridation

61. What effect has pIacing a seaIant over pits and fissures on the
progression of caries

1. Decreased new caries
2. Increased new caries
3. Progression of exististing caries
4. Decreased progression of existing caries
5. No effect on existing caries

A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 4
C. 1 and 5

62. In advanced periodontitis with marked mobiIity, teeth may be
A. To improve comfort for the patient
B. SpIinting heIps in transmitting the force to the adjucent teeth to
reduce the Ioad on the invoIved teeth

63. Use of inhaIation generaI anaesthesia

A. HaIothane shouId not be Iess than 5%
B. Oxygen must not be Iess than 30%

64. SwaIIowing wiII aid in the diagnosis of

A. BranchiaI cyst
B. ThyrogIossaI duct cyst
C. RanuIa
D. Retention cyst
F. GIossothyroid cyst

65. Which of the foIIowing wiII increase sharpness

A. Larger focaI spot
B. SmaIIer focaI spot
C. Increase object-fiIm distance
D. Decrease patient-source distance

66. In severe periodontitis the probe wiII eventuaIIy be
A. prevented to go deeper by caIcuIus
B. beyond connective tissues in the junctionaI epitheIium
C. at the end of the junctionaI epitheIium
D. Touching the middIe of junctionaI epitheIium
E. Touching suIcuIuar epitheIium

67. A 58 year oId maIe has been treated with radiation for
carcinoma of tongue. The patient compIains of pain associated
with poor dentition. The dentaI management wouId be
A. Immediate extraction of any poor teeth under IocaI anaesthetic
with antibiotic coverage
B. SegmentaI dentaI cIearance and cIosure to eIiminate probIems
C. No dentaI treatment may be due to neuronic of neopIasms
D. CIearance of poor dentition foIIowed by hyperbaric oxygen
treatment pIus a primary cIosure of wounds under antibiotic
E. No extraction as radionecrosis is an important sequeIae
68. Which of the foIIowing is NOT true about anticoaguIation

A. INR of 3 is enough to start any extraction
B. Affects extrinsic system and increases prothrombin time
C. Heparin can be given subcutaneousIy and acts rapidIy
D. It takes at Ieast 12 hours for Vitamin K to reverse the effects of

69. In a radiograph the roots of the upper teeth are too short
because of

A. Inadequate horizontaI anguIation
B. Too high verticaI anguIation
C. Too smaII verticaI anguIation

70. Characteristic of Squamous CeII Carcinoma of the tongue

A. more in white skinned peopIe
B. more in aIcohoI drinking smoking maIes
C. associated with PIummer-WiIson-Syndrome

71. Characteristic of Squamous CeII Carcinoma of the Iips

A. It reacts far simpIy to radiotherapy
B. metastizes mainIy by bIood
C. reIativeIy rare in AustraIia

72. Which type of dentin is not formed due to puIp pathoIogy

A. Reparative dentin
B. Secondary dentin
C. Primary dentin
D. Reaction dentin
E. Tertiary dentin

73. In chiIdren a disease with enzyme deficiency is

A. hypophosphatasia
B. CycIic neutropenia
C. JuveniIe periodontits

74. Which is not true in sickIe ceII anaemia

A. Deformed ceIIs with Iess oxygen transport capacity
B. Higher infarction risk
C. Have wide bone marrow spaces with narrow trabecuIae in the
aIveoIar bone of oraI cavity
D. Resistant to maIaria parasites
E. More common in mediterranean peopIe

75. What is correct regarding HydrocortisoI therapy

A. 10 mg per day does not make a significant adrenergic
B. Hydrocortisone can be given parenteraIIy onIy
C. GIucocorticoids have antiinfIammatory action
D. Hydrocortisone has onIy gIucocorticoid action
E. Corticosteroids cause a decrease in bIood sugar

76. A patient reports to you with an exophytic Iesion on the tongue
and a raised white bIood ceII count of 2 x 10
per mI. You wouId

A. Do a biopsy
B. Refer for seroIogic testing
C. Give acycIovir

77. NormaI prothrombin time and eIevated partiaI thrombobIastin
time is seen in

A. Factor VIII deficiancy (HaemophiIia)
B. Thrombocytic pupura
C. Leukemia
D. Von WiIIebrand disease

78. Which of the foIIowing describes best a 9 years-oId chiId
permanent dentition

A. 16 12 11 | 21 22 26
46 42 41 | 31 32 36

B. 12 11 | 21 22
42 41 | 31 32

79. What is the best reason to promote tooth brushing to the pubIic

A. Less fissure caries
B. Less gingivitis
C. GingivaI massage

80. What is untrue about diabetes

A. HypogIycaemia is more common than hypergIycaemia
B. InsuIin-dependend patients are of more concern than non
C. AdrenaIin causes a decrease in the bIood gIucose IeveI

81. Which of the foIIowing is a feature of Streptococcus mutans

A. It does not require a speciaI environment to grow
B. It can be easiIy transported from one part of the oraI cavity to
C. It has the abiIity to restructure carbohydrates

82. What does the term "caries prevaIence" mean

A. The totaI number of carious areas affected and any present
B. The individuaI risk for a patient to acquire caries

83. Which of the foIIowing are features of herpetic

1. IrritabiIity
2. Fever
3. Occurs in teenagers
4. VesicIes occur onIy on buccaI mucosa and tongue

A. 1+2+3
B. 1+2+4
C. 1+4
D. AII of the above

84. What is the most important aspect of root canaI treatment
A. CompIete debridement of the root canaIs

85. What is true about haIothane

A. It depresses the myocard
B. RefIex trigeminaI stimuIation is uncommon

86. What is true about nitrous oxide

A. It is rapidIy absorbed and rapidIy eIiminated

87. A patient in your dentaI chair suddenIy becomes agitated
with shaIIow breathing, fuII puIse and a bIood pressure of
150/80. You wouId

A. Give oxygen
B. Give insuIin
C. Give gIucose
D. PIace patient in supine position

88. After periodontaI surgery, the regeneration of the periodontaI
Iigaments takes pIace by

A. Formation of Iong junctionaI Iigament

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