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[Certified Job Search Strategists Contact Info] JOB SEEKER PROFILE FORM

ashboard Last#a$e]
#a$e! E$ai"! Ce"" Phone! %or& Phone! 'o$e Phone! Mai"ing (ddress! Cit)* State +i,! -i$e Fra$e for Search! .o/r -arget 0 -he Master F1I1-12 3 F/nctiona" Position! 3 Ind/str)! 3 -hings that Matter (organizational culture, commute, travel, values, etc.): Long4-er$ -arget (is current target a stepping stone to an ultimate goal)? Brand ifferentiators (Greatest Strengths):

ata! [C"ient First#a$e

Sa"ar) -arget 5 C/rrent Sa"ar)! 6eogra,hic -arget (local, regional, national, intl): O,en to Re"ocation! (ge! Potentia" Cha""enges 7 Barriers (also see Target-Gap Analysis): Job Search B/dget ( hat level o! investment Other! ill you "e ma#ing in your career):

$ %&&' (o" Search Aca)emy ,erti!ie) (o" Search Strategists - *ermission to .eprint

(o" See#er *ro!ile +orm

[Certified Job Search Strategists Contact Info]

-arget46a, (na")sis
*lease provi)e / 0o" postings that represent your i)eal 0o" target. Trans!er each sentence (or the essence o! the sentence) into separate ro s in the !irst column "elo ((o" posting )escription). 1e2t, rate each item on a scale o! 3-4 (45high) in terms o! your level o! e2perience. A)) a secon) rating !actor that )escri"es here you use) the s#ills: consi)er your most current6recent employer, 7mployer 8A9, the one "e!ore that 7mployer 8:9, the one "e!ore that 7mployer 8,9, an) so on. A)) more ro s to the ta"le as nee)e). ;n the e2ample "elo , the can)i)ate rate) himsel! a < on having hel) the title o! Accounting =anager, as he ha) only "een an Accounting =anager at his ne2t to current position. >e rate) himsel! a 4 (high6e2pert) on preparation o! !inancial statements an) per!orme) these s#ills at all !ive o! his employers (A, :, ,, ?, 7). +or the item 8@il A Gas ;n)ustry 72perience,9 he rate) himsel! a 8%9 !or level o! e2perience an), in terms o! here he use) those s#ills, he only or#e) in this in)ustry at his 4 th to most recent employer (7), hich as Buite a num"er o! years ago. Sa$,"e

Accounting =anager
Job posting description

ith 722on

Level of experience I have with this on a scale of 1-5 (1=none; 5=high/expert)

!plo"ers where I #sed s$ills

(%=!ost recent e!plo"er; &=next to !ost recent e!plo"er; etc')

Title o! Accounting =anager @perating6!inancial statement preparation ?irect general accounting sta!! @versee monthly, Buarterly, year-en) closings ,oor)inate year-en) au)it S@C compliance @il A gas in)ustry e2perience ,*A )esignation

< 4 < 4 / 4 % 4

: A, :, ,, ?, 7 :, , A, :, , ,, ?, 7 A, : 7 A, :, ,, ?

$ %&&' (o" Search Aca)emy ,erti!ie) (o" Search Strategists - *ermission to .eprint

Target-Gap Analysis

[Certified Job Search Strategists Contact Info]

Profi"e of Idea" Co$,an)
;n)ustry: General ?escription: *ro)ucts6Services: =ission6Dision: *u"lic6*rivate: +or-*ro!it61on*ro!it: Annual Sales: E o! 7mployees: ,ompany ,ulture: ,ompany .eputation: Geographic Focation: *ay Scale6:ene!its: ,ommute ?istance: @ther:

$ %&&' (o" Search Aca)emy ,erti!ie) (o" Search Strategists - *ermission to .eprint

*ro!ile o! ;)eal ,ompany

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