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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EDITION TOP 20 Great Gramma; cy Keith S. Folse / Elena Vestri Solomon / Barbara Smith-Palinkas for Great Writing Second Edition Keith S. Folse Elena Vestri Solomon Barbara Smith-Palinkas THOMSON HEINLE [asala » Canada » Mexico + Singapore» Spain» Urited Kingdam « United States THOMSON —+ HEINLE Top 20, Second Eton Fos Soloman /Sit-Painkas Publisher: Sherise Roche Acquisitions Editor, Academic ESL: Tom Jeeves Director of Content Development: Anita Raducanu Director of Produet Marketing: Amy Mabey International Marketing Manager: Ian Martin [Executive Marketing Manager, im MeDonough Senior Held Marketing Manager: Donna Lee Kennedy Assistant Marketing Manoger: Stephanie Blanchard ‘Copyright © 2008 by Thomson Heinle a part of ‘The Thomion Corporation. Honiton, Heike and the Sar logo are tademaris used herein under lcense, [Al rights reserve. No pat ofthis work covered by the copyight hereon may be reproduced or used In any form or by any means—graphic, electronic 5, including photacapying,esording, ‘aping, Web dstebution or information storage and retrieval ystems—aithout the wetten permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States, 12345578910 11 1009 0807 Photo Credits Development Editor: Kathleen Seth Content Project Manager: Tan Jin Hock Print Buyer: Susan Caroll Production Management: Matrix Productions, lc Compositor: negra ‘Cover Designer: Darnmora Ing Printer: Thomson West or mor Infoumation contact Thomson Heinle, 25 Thomson Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02210 USA, You cn Visit ur web site at ft thomson.con For pevmision to use matea fom this text or product, submit a request online at Any addtional questions about peemisions an be sunt By emai to ehomsonrightseehomson, oom J9BN-13:978.0-618-78967.2 ISBN-10: 0-618-78967-7 ISEISBN-13:978-1-4240.1748-5 ISEISBN-10- 14240-17483 (Not for ste the United Sates) Leary of Congress Control Number 2007926467 p. 106 Peter Armale/indexOpen: p. 19,29, 30 © Photos com: p. $8.0 ply. Id /Iadex Open; p. 48 € Index Open; . 60 8 stewart Cohetv/ndexOpen; , 62 © Photos. coms p. 6S © FogStock LLC/IndexOpen; . 72 ©;p. 79 © Franky De Meyer) ‘Stockphoto; p. 15 © Photos com; p, 107 © LLC, VSteck/IndexOpen; p. 137 © LLC, VStock/IndexOpen: p. 151 © Bettmann/CORBIS: 1.1548 Pamela Moot/Steckphoto; p. 169 © Photos com; p. 193 D Underwood AchiveflodexOpen:p. 208 © FogSteck LLC/IndexOpen; -23690 IndexOpen; p. 240.9 VStock LLCJIndexOpen; p. 249 (eh) © dary Winlken/indexOpen right} © Cay-Uwe KulzerliStockphoto; 276.6 VStock LLC/lndesOpen; p. 286.0 Stewaet Cohen/IndexOpensp. 288 Image DjfladexOpen;p- 281 © ndexOpen,

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