Snow Storm 1.2.2014 - 2

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Michael L. Butler, Chairman James A. MacDonald, Vice Chairman Carmen E. DelloIacono Sarah E. MacDonald Paul A. Reynolds illiam !.

"ee#an, Jr. $o%n Administrator &ancy A. Ba'er Asst. $o%n Administrator TOWN OF DEDHAM Board o( Selectmen E7mail Address (or Board o( Selectmen (reshideas<dedham7ma.#o;

DED)AM $* & )ALL +, BR-A&$ S$REE$ P.*. B*. /0, DED)AM, MA 0+0+1 $EL 21345 16478400 9A. 21345 16478408 $DD 21345 /+,7:8:, EB SI$E %%%.dedham7ma.#o;

Date: January 2, 2014

Snow Emergency Declared

This is Town Administrator Bill eegan calling to noti!y residents that "The Town o! Dedham has declared a Snow Emergency e!!ecti#e at $:00 %&'& on Thursday, January 2, 2014 through until Saturday, January 4, 2014 at (:00 A&'&)
With the Snow Emergency declared, the Towns Winter Parking Regulations are now in effect. Residents can receive up to the minute reports on the conditions associated with the current snow storm y following the local television stations of !, ", # and $". %nformation can also e heard on W&' radio, (hannel )*+* on the ,- .ial. Snow is e/pected to continue throughout the day today and to intensify after 01** P.-. tonight and last through tomorrow afternoon. Predictions are for significant accumulations to occur during the overnight hours. Town .PW crews will e working throughout the storm to keep roads open ut slippery conditions will e/ist and heavy snow accumulations may make some road travel particularly treacherous. The Town advises residents with vehicles to keep them off the road if possi le ut that any vehicles that must e parked on the side of the road are restricted to the odd house num ered side of the road. There will e no parking on sidewalks. 2iolators of these restrictions are su 3ect to eing towed at the owners e/pense.

Michael L. Butler, Chairman James A. MacDonald, Vice Chairman Carmen E. DelloIacono Sarah E. MacDonald Paul A. Reynolds illiam !. "ee#an, Jr. $o%n Administrator &ancy A. Ba'er Asst. $o%n Administrator TOWN OF DEDHAM Board o( Selectmen

DED)AM $* & )ALL +, BR-A&$ S$REE$ P.*. B*. /0, DED)AM, MA 0+0+1 $EL 21345 16478400 9A. 21345 16478408 $DD 21345 /+,7:8:, EB SI$E %%%.dedham7ma.#o;

%n addition, there will e no overnight parking allowed on the following streets1 East Street 45igh Street to Route )$67, (ommon Street, East .edham S8uare, -ilton Street, (ourt Street, 9akdale S8uare, :eedham Street, Sanderson ,ve, 5igh Street, .edham S8uare, &ussey Street, ,mes Street, Sprague Street, and all of Washington Street in .edham. Residents are also advised that trash pickup will continue as scheduled ut are reminded that the schedule is one day late this week due to the :ew ;ears 5oliday. .ue to the e/treme cold weather conditions that are e/pected to impact the Town over the ne/t few days, residents should contact the .edham .ispatch (enter at #6)<#")<=+** if you e/perience a power outage or heat failure and we will make arrangements to assist. ,s always, in the event of an emergency please dial =)). Please make arrangements to stay warm and sheltered throughout this winter storm event.

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