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Church Opening Today: Jim Hider Church Opening Next week: Jim Hider Ushers this week: Richard

Bast, Laird Christie, Lori & Kirk Speiran Greeters this week: Charles & Margaret Lupton Greeters next week: Phil & leanor !n"ender Coffee this week: Marlene Hanson & Sharon #a$s
NEWSLETTER: The office is looking for submissions for the January/February edition!!! CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS IN THE SANCTUARY We will be removing the decorations from the sanctuary on Tuesday, January 7th at 6 !" #$m$ %f you are available, #lease &oin us for this 'fun( activity$ We do have a few laughs and en&oy each other)s friendshi#$ *gain, many hands make light work$ GROCERY TAPES: +ehrs is no longer acce#ting grocery ta#es ,-T you can continue saving and bringing to the church, grocery ta#es from The Independent Grocery McDonalds in St. Marys as well as Valumart in Mitchell. Thanks to everyone over the years for saving the +ehrs ta#es for the elevator fund and now the community dinners$ %f you have any .uestions, #lease contact /ollie *rcher 012347!31505 A thank you to everyone who has signed up to set-up and clean-up coffee and treats on Sunday mornings. I still require 2 people for February and June. The Sign up sheet is in the church office or contact nne !arie"Tim #auli at either $%&-2'%-('%) or at timpauli*

OUR 11WEEKLY MISSION - 6on)t forget to sto# at

the Food ,ank table and #urchase an item$ *ll food items have #rices marked$ 7im#ly make your choice and #lace it in a bo8 below$ Then #ay by #utting the money into the cash bo8$ 7o sim#le but each donation makes such a difference in the lives of those in need$ Minister: 9ev$ :ark ;edcke 012 070 <<17 or by email at mgedcke=kno8stratford$com Director o M!sic: 7u>anne 7trahan O ice A"#inistr$tor: ?athy ,aker Tre$s!rer: 7hannon *rcher O ice: %1&-'(1-)*(* kno8s=wightman$ca O++ICE HOURS &$#- 1,# T!es"$-!/. +ri"$-

KNO0 PRES1YTERIAN CHURCH 2$n!$r- %t.3 ')14 11:)) $# :inister3 9ev$ :ark ;edcke 6irector of :usic3 7u>anne 7trahan

PREPARATION +OR WORSHIP 3 @rayer, :editation and Aisiting PRELUDE: /e %s ,orn, the 6ivine Bhrist Bhild C trad$ French carol, arr$ 6$D$ Wagner

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP: Eeader Eet us sing #raise to the ;od of all creation$ People: Let us sing praise to the Spirit who gives life to all. Eeader Eet us sing #raise to Jesus Bhrist, in whom the fullness of ;od was #leased to dwell, People: That everything and everyone in all creation might be reunited with God through Christ. All: e sing with the faithful of all ages! tongues and races" F9uth B$ 6uck, ,read for the Journey, 9esources for Worshi#, ed$ by 9uth B$ 6uck, -nited Bhurch @ress, Bleveland, GhioH OPENING HYMN: I 156 *ngels from the realms of glory


Gur Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven$ ;ive us this day our daily bread$ Forgive us our tres#asses as we forgive those who tres#ass against us$ Eead us not into tem#tation but deliver us from evil$ For thine is the kingdom, the #ower and the glory forever and ever$ *men
PASSING O+ THE PEACE: Eeader The @eace of Bhrist be with you Congregation: And also with you.

ANTHEM: Wise :en 7aw The Eight C E$ Earson CHILDREN6S HYMN: I 17! We three kings CHILDREN6S TIME SCRIPTURE READING: :atthew 4 134! SERMON: /o#e for a Jew Kear

HYMN: I 15! %nfant holy, %nfant lowly O++ERING O++ERTORY: Tomorrow 7hall ,e :y 6ancing 6ay C trad$ Dnglish carol, arr$ 6$D$ Wagner

O++ERTORY PRAISE: I174 *s with gladness men of old PRAYER O+ DEDICATION FtogetherH i!ing God" mo!ed #y the coming o$ %hrist to our li!es" we seek to #e your people. &elp us to li!e in $aith$ul co!enant with you and with one another. et the peace o$ %hrist guide us" and let %hrist's message in all its richness li!e in our hearts" that we may praise you without ceasing. (men F9uth B$ 6uck, ,read for the Journey, 9esources for Worshi#, ed$ by 9uth B$ 6uck, -nited Bhurch @ress, Bleveland, GhioH PRAYERS O+ THE PEOPLE: CLOSING HYMN: I172 *rise, shine out, your light has come 1ENEDICTION POSTLUDE: /ark! The /erald *ngels 7ing C :endelssohn, arr$ *$E$ @age 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1ACKPACK SUNDAY 7unday, January 42th will be a back#ack 7unday for our 7unday 7chool$

@lease note that the *lley Thrift 7tore :ission will re3 o#en January 2th, 4"15$

GAMES NIGHT 8 2$n!$r- *1st3 ')14 8 (:)) ,9#9 Eooking for something to do to get rid of the winter blahsL Join us for a fun night of games in the ban.uet hall! ,ring your favourite game and snack$ Kou can #lay your favourite game with your friends or learn a new one$ :ark you calendars and be ready to have some fun with your church family!!! YOUTH GROUP GOES +OR A SLEIGH RIDE: Gn 7unday, January 12th, we will be going on a one3hour sleigh ride$ We meet at 0 50 #$m$ at the church and will car#ool$ Gur sleigh ride is from 6 !" C 7 !" #$m$ and then we will return for a cu# of hot chocolate at the church$ We would a##reciate volunteers to make hot chocolate while we are on the sleigh ride and/or the donation of hot chocolate$ %f you have any .uestions or if you are interested in attending this fun event, #lease s#eak with 7hannon M Wendell *rcher$ NEW ELDERS: Gn 7unday, January 14, 4"15, Ffollowing the sermon in our worshi# serviceH we will be confirming and ordaining the new elders for ?no8$ The following #eo#le have been chosen as elders Wendell *rcher, Jim 6ougall, Aivien /arding, ,ev /ider and Eori 7#eiran$ SOMETHING TO THINK A1OUT: %f you are wondering what to do with all those e8tra gift bags, tissue #a#er or bo8es, then #lease donate to the 4"15 Bhildren)s Bhristmas 7ho##ing 7#ree$ We need these items for ne8t year$ Kou can dro# them off in the Jarthe8 or at the church office$ The Gutreach Team SUNDAY3 2ANUARY 1'3 ')14: This is ',irthday 7unday( in 7unday 7chool$ Dvery year, the children of ?no8 celebrate their birthdays with a s#ecial birthday #arty in January$ 7ue Grr will lead the children in learning about the need for clean water in Dtho#ia and the need to drill a well$ The children are asked to bring change to donate to this worthwhile cause as our s#ecial birthday gifts to children in this area of the world$

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