Engineering Design Portfolio

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Cell Stretching Machine This is a specialized biomedical research device.

Im building a machine that will cyclically stretch and relax flexible silicone membranes on which cells are growing. Devices that do this are commercially available but theyre tremendously expensive, so were working on a low-cost, user friendly version. Another engineer previously built the machine directly below; Im doing a full redesign to make a new version of the machine thats more versatile, robust, and user-friendly. The video at right is one of the versions of my current design.

VIDEO: Click the image above for a YouTube link to the SolidWorks animation of my current machine design.

Design: Clamping Mechanism

Old design: user unfriendly 6 screws per clamp. 5-10 minute setup per clamp. 6 clamps: 30-60 minutes just to mount silicone membranes in place. Stress concentrations.

New design: easier, faster setup

v1 of cell stretch machine

Threaded outer ring Washer Silicone rubber membrane Threaded inner ring Posts hold silicone in place for clamping but bear no load during experiment

cell cultures loaded in v1 machine

Design Problem

Raised circular ring provides uniform clamping force around perimeter - no stress concentrations

On the v1 machine, just clamping the silicone rubber membranes in place takes over 30 minutes. The design outlined at right aims to streamline this process.

3D print of threaded ring design

Cell Stretching Machine

Design Problem

Original design is low-throughput: only 6 samples per experiment.

Design Problem

Original design is not modular; only one size sample can be tested.
Design: Modular Machine

Design: 24-Well Clamp

The design below allows for parts to be interchanged so that the same machine can be used for different types of experiments.

The above design is for higher throughput experiments. 6 of these clamps will mount in the machine for a total of 144 samples per experiment.

A) High throughput mode: 144 small samples

B) High resolution mode: 6 large samples

Above: First 3D print of 24-well plate. Design fits in radioimaging equipment for data collection.

Future Design Goals

This is a current project; here are some of my additional design objectives as of December 2013: 1. User-friendly controls: program controller so experiments can be revised without the need to reprogram the device; i.e. by turning knobs on the device. 2. Robust packaging: a humid incubator environment is hostile to electronics. Im working on either a waterproof housing or a way to keep the control electronics outside the incubator.

Above: Indenting columns that will interface with 24well clamp to stretch individual cultures.

3. Ease of calibration: any machine such as this that requires precise precision controls needs to be manually calibrated. The easier, the better.

Whip Cracking Machine

Featured in a Cooper Union art show, this machine was designed to crack a whip at random time intervals. It used a stepper motor controlled by an Arduino and coupled to a quick-return mechanical linkage. The moment arm was CNC machined; the motor mount was plasma cut; the wooden frame was built by hand.

Initial Mechanism Sketches

VIDEO:Click the above freeze-frame to view machine on YouTube.

CAD Building

Mo Fun Razor Cleaner Conceived as a fun solution to get hair out from between the blades of a razor while shaving, this design concept is for a coin purse-like pouch that contains some water and snaps shut around your razor like a Venus fly trap, allowing you to shake it like a maraca to clean out the hairs. Foam core models are shown to the right.

Sketches and Models

Telescoping Desklamp

When our manufacturing professor gave us a 12 x 24 piece of acrylic and ten springs and told us to go make something, this is what we came up with. A spring-actuated ratchet mechanism allows the lamp to extend to the proper height. The light itself was harvested from a discarded lamp; the floppy drive which serves as the base came from a dumpster.


Product Photos

Sumo Robot This pink, glittery robot took third place in the 2013 Cooper Union Robot Sumo competition, in which small autonomous robots competed against one another in a robotic version of Sumo wrestling. Built for a course in Mechatronics, this robot has a chassis made of laser-cut acrylic, is controlled by a Microchip PIC, takes sensory input from four IR sensors, and is powered by two 12V DC motors.

Design Sketches/CAD


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