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AP US History Course Syllabus Course Overview

This course will attempt to provide the student with a classroom experience at the college level. It is also the aim of this course to prepare the student to master the AP Exam. The course will emphasize document interpretation, compiling a factual understanding of US istor!, and the writing of essa!s. This course will explore man! topics. The! will include "ut are not limited to# Exploration, $olonial %ife in America, the &evolutionar! 'ar, the $onstitution, (effersonian and (ac)sonian *emocrac!, +anifest *estin!, the $ivil 'ar, the Industrial &evolution, the Progressive Era, ''I, The ,reat *epression, ''II, The $old 'ar, the $ivil &ights +ovement, The ,reat Societ!, -ietnam, and ,lo"alization. The course will also fulfill the re.uirement for US histor! for high school graduation. This course will also explore man! themes that are mandated "! the $ollege /oard for a thorough understanding of US istor!. These themes are as follows# American diversit!, American identit!, American culture, demographic trends, economic trends, environmental issues, political institutions, and components of citizenship, role s of religion, social reforms, histor! of slaver!, war and diplomac!, and the role of the US in a glo"al arena. This course will attempt to show the interconnection of these themes as we move throughout the course. To achieve these o"0ectives a variet! of activities will "e utilized. $hapter .uizzes will "e administered as well Unit Tests. Some units will also re.uire the students to write a document "ased essa! as well as a free response essa! chosen "! the instructor. Each student will also "e re.uired to )eep a note"oo) throughout the !ear. This note"oo) will "e used "! the students to discuss how each of the ma0or themes are integrated into each chapter we stud!. 1inall!, each chapter will "e supplemented "! using the AP Exam prep guide listed in the resource section of this s!lla"us. All Students enrolled in this course will be required to take the AP Exam. he cost will be a!!roximately "#$. Each unit will also encourage students to approach histor! from an historian s prospective 2ex. ow has histor! changed or remained the same or what is the historical significance of an event34. This will "e accomplished through discussion and free response .uestions. %radin& 567 Unit Tests 867 */9 essa!s 867 $hapter Assignments 867 9uizzes 1. Survey text: You are responsible for reading and studying the survey text by Brinkley. There will be a study guide and calendar located on the web page at the beginning of each unit to assist in understanding the text material and following the schedule for reading and daily activities as well as quiz and test dates. hile some of the text will be discussed in detail! much of it will be covered through independent learning. "pproximately #$% of the multiple& choice questions on the unit tests will come directly from the text assignment. 'nit reading quizzes consisting of ()&($ questions based on the text and the study guide will be given to encourage students to stay abreast of reading assignments. These quizzes will be daily grades and could be either multiple choice or fill&in&the&blank. 2. Supplemental readings: You will be given primary and secondary reading materials *essays! articles! documents! etc.+ within each unit that will deal with an organizing concept that will be emphasized on the unit writing assignments. The materials are to be read and eventually used to help construct and defend a thesis within a timed written essay. These supplemental reading assignments will take the form of individual reading and response to questions! group assignments and seminar&type or group discussions. "lso you will be required to write brief essays taking a position on the , here -istorians .isagree/ series defending your position. 3. Notes: 0ood note&taking skills are essential in an ".1. class. You are required to take notes on lectures and discussions and 2 recommend a spiral notebook for that purpose. 4. Research: 3esearch is a significant part of this college level course. 'se of a college library and primary sources in original research will be expected.

extbook and Other 'esources Alan /rin)le!. American History: A Survey. :8th ed. ;ew <or), ;<# +c,raw Primar! Source Investigator $* &om. /oston, +ass# +c,raw>cas>histor!>americadocs.htm

ill, 866=

ill $ompanies, Inc., 866=.

enretta, (ames A., /rod!, *avid, *umenil, %!nn. *ocuments to Accompan! America s istor! Sixth Edition. /oston, +ass# /edford> St. +artins, 866? Course Schedule &eading of re.uired text and documents are re.uired to "e completed "efore the! discussed in class. The instructor ma! test periodicall! to assess reading comprehension. Students will not onl! "e responsi"le for reading, "ut for anal!zing and interpreting the reading assignments as well, to facilitate in depth classroom discussions of the material. U() *+ ,oundin& o- the Colonies $hapter : 2pp 5@A:4 $ontent# Assignment America /efore $olom"us 2p54 'here istorians *isagree 2pp ?@B4 Europe %oo)s 'estward 2p B4 The Arrival of the English 2p8A4 $hapter 8 2pp A8@C84 $ontent# The Earl! $hesapea)e The ,rowth of ;ew England The &estoration $olonies /orderlands and +iddle ,rounds The Evolution of the /ritish Empire PPT# ow to do the */9

U() .+ Early Colonial Society 4hapter 5 4ontent6 "ssignment The 4olonial 1opulation *p##+ here -istorians .isagree *p 78+ The 4olonial 9conomies *p 7:+ 1atterns of ;ociety *p :5+ here -istorians .isagree *p:<+ "wakenings and 9nlightenment *p <)+ U() /+ he Em!ire in ransition $hapter 5 $ontent# %oosen Ties 2p :664 Assignment The Struggle for the $ontinent 2:6A4 The ;ew Imperialism 2:6=4 Stirrings of &evolt 2::A4 $ooperation and 'ar 2:8:4

U() 0+ he American 'evolution $hapter D $ontent# Assignment The States United 2p:8?4 'here istorians *isagree 2p:A64 The 'ar for Independence 2p:AA4 'ar and Societ! 2p:5A4 The $reation of State ,overnments 2p:5B4 The Search for a ;ational ,overnment 2p:D:4 */9# American &evolution U() $+ he Constitution and the (ew 'e!ublic $hapter C $ontent# 1raming a ;ew ,overnment 2p:C64 Assignment 'here istorians *isagree 2p:C54 1ederalists and &epu"licans 2p:C?4 Esta"lishing a ;ational Sovereignt! 2p:=84 The *ownfall of the 1ederalists 2p:=54 U() 1+ he 2e--ersonian Era $hapter =@? $ontent# $hapter = Assignment The &ise of $ultural ;ationalism 2p:?84 The Stirrings of Industrialism 2p:??4 (efferson the President 2p:BA4 *ou"ling the ;ational *omain 2p8664 Expansion and 'ar 2p8654 The 'ar of :?:8 2p86B4 $hapter ? A ,rowing Econom! 2p8:54 Expanding 'estward 2p8:B4 The Era of ,ood 1eelings 2p8884 Sectionalism and ;ationalism 2p8854 The &evival of Epposition 2p88?4 U() 3+ 2acksonian 4emocracy 4hapters < 4ontent6 "ssignment The 3ise of =ass 1olitics *p85>+ ?ur @ederal 'nion *p85:+ The 3emoval of the 2ndians *p8>8+ Aackson and the Bank ar *p8>#+ The 4hanging @ace of "merican 1olitics *p8><+

UNI !: "merica#s $conomic Revolution 4hapter () 4ontent6 "ssignment The 4hanging "merican 1opulation *p8#)+ Transportation! 4ommunications! and Technology *p8#$+ 4ommerce and 2ndustry *p87(+ =en and omen at ork *p87>+ 1atterns of 2ndustrial ;ociety *p87<+ The "gricultural *p8::+ UNI %: &otton' Slavery' and he (ld South 4hapters (( 4ontent6 "ssignment The 4otton 9conomy *p8<8+ hite ;ociety in the ;outh *p8<:+ ;lavery6 The 1eculiar 2nstitution *p5)5+ The 4ulture of ;lavery *p5()+ UNI 1): "nte*ellum &ulture and Re+orm 4hapter (8 "ssignment The 3omantic 2mpulse *p5(#+ 3emaking ;ociety *p588+ The 4rusade "gainst ;lavery *p55)+ UNI 11: he Impending &risis 4hapter (5 4ontent6 "ssignment Booking estward *p55:+ 9xpansion and ar *p5>#+ The ;ectional .ebate *p 5$(+ The 4risis of the (:$)s *p5$$+ UNI 12: he &ivil ,ar 4hapter (> 4ontent6 The ;ecession 4risis *p5#:+ "ssignment The =obilization of the Corth *p57(+ here -istorians .isagree *p577+ The =obilization of the ;outh *p57<+ ;trategy and .iplomacy *p5:5+ The 4ourse of Battle *p5::+ UNI 13: Reconstruction and the Ne- South 4hapter ($ 4ontent6 "ssignment The 1roblems of 1eacemaking *p>)8+ 3adical 3econstruction *p>)#+ The ;outh in 3econstruction *p>)<+ The 0rant "dministration *p>(>+ The "bandonment of 3econstruction *p>(#+ The Cew ;outh *p>8(+

.BD6 ;lavery

UNI 14: he &on.uest o+ the /ar ,est 4hapter (# 4ontent6 "ssignment The ;ocieties of the @ar est *p>5>+ The 4hanging estern 9conomy *p>>8+ The 3omance of the est *p>>7+ The .ispersal of Tribes *p>$5+ The 3ise and .ecline of the estern @armer *p>$7+ UNI 10: Industrial Supremacy 4hapter (7 4ontent6 "ssignment ;ources of 2ndustrial 0rowth *p>#>+ 4apitalism and 4ritics *p>78+ 2ndustrial orkers in the Cew 9conomy *p>77+ @ree 3esponse 9ssay6 3obber Barons v 4aptains of 2ndustry UNI 11: he "ge o+ the &ity 4hapter (: 4ontent6 "ssignment The 'rbanization of "merica *p><)+ The 'rban Bandscape *p><7+ ;trains of 'rban Bife *p$)(+ The 3ise of =ass 4onsumption *p$)>+ Beisure in the 4onsumer ;ociety *p$)#+ -igh 4ulture in the "ge of the 4ity *p$(5+ UNI 12: /rom Stalemate to &risis 4hapter (< 4ontent6 "ssignment The 1olitics of 9quilibrium *p$88+ The "grarian 3evolt *p$87+ The 4risis of the (:<)s *p$55+ " 4ross of 0old *p$57+ UNI 1!: he Imperial Repu*lic 4hapter 8) 4ontent6 "ssignment ;tirrings of 2mperialism *p$>>+ ar ith ;pain *p$><+ The 3epublic as 9mpire *p$$:+ UNI 1%: Rise o+ 3rogressivism 4hapter 8(&88 4ontent6 "ssignment The 1rogressive 2mpulse *p$##+ omen and 3eform *p$78+ The "ssault on the 1arties *p$77+ ;ources of 1rogressive 3eform *p$:(+

4rusade for ;ocial ?rder and 3eform *p$:>+ 4hallenging the 4apitalist ?rder *p$:7+ T3 and the =odern 1residency *p$<>+ The Troubled ;uccession *p$<:+ ilson and the Cew @reedom *p#)(+ The Big ;tick *p#)>+

UNI 2): "merica and the 4reat ,ar 4hapter 85 4ontent6 "ssignment The 3oad to ar *p#(>+ ar ithout ;tint *p#(#+ The ar and "merican ;ociety *p#8(+ The ;earch for ;ocial 'nity *p#8>+ The ;earch for a Cew orld ?rder *p#8:+ " ;ociety in Turmoil *p#58+ UNI 21: he Ne- $ra 4hapter 8> 4ontent6 "ssignment The Cew 9conomy *p#>8+ The Cew 4ulture *p#>7+ " 4onflict of 4ultures *p#$7+ 3epublican 0overnment *p##(+ UNI 22: he 4reat 5epression 4hapters 8$&8# "ssignment The 4oming of the 0reat .epression *p##:+ The "merican 1eople in -ard Times *#78+ The .epression and "merican 4ulture *p#7:+ The 'nhappy 1residency of -erbert -oover *p#:$+ Baunching the Cew .eal *p#<>+ The Cew .eal in Transition *p#<<+ The Cew .eal in .isarray *p7)7+ Bimits and Begacies of the Cew .eal *p7)<+ UNI 23: ,,II 4hapter 87&8: 4ontent6 "ssignment The .iplomacy of the Cew 9ra *p78)+ 2solationism and 2nternationalism *p785+ @rom Ceutrality to intervention *p78:+ ar on Two @ronts *p7>)+ The "merican 1eople in artime *p7>5+ The .efeat of the "xis *p7$#+ @ree 3esponse 9ssay6 TB" UNI 24: he &old ,ar 4hapter 8< 4ontent6 "ssignment ?rigins of the 4old ar *p7#:+ The 4ollapse of 1eace *p77)+

"merican ;ociety and 1olitics *p77$+ The Eorean ar *p77<+ The 4rusade "gainst ;ubversion *p7:8+ .BD6 4old ar

UNI 20: he "++luent Society 4hapter 5) 4ontent6 "ssignment The 9conomic =iracle *p7<)+ The 9xplosion of ;cience and Technology *p7<5+ 1eople of 1lenty *p7<:+ The ?ther "merica *p:)7+ The 3ise of 4ivil 3ights *p:)<+ 9isenhower 3epublicanism *p:(8+ 9isenhower! .ulles! and the 4old ar *p:(5+ UNI 21: &ivil Rights' 6ietnam' and 7i*eralism 4hapter 5( 4ontent6 "ssignment 9xpanding the Biberal ;tate *p:88+ The Battle for 3acial 9quality *p:8#+ @lexible 3esponse *p:58+ The "gony of Fietnam *p:5>+ The Traumas of (<#: *p:>5+ UNI 22: he &risis o+ "uthority 4hapter 58 4ontent6 "ssignment The Youth 4ulture *p:$8+ The =obilization of =inorities *p :$7+ The Cew @eminism *p:#5+ 9nvironmentalism in a Turbulent ;ociety *p:##+ Cixon! Eissinger! and the ar *p:#<+ Cixon! Eissinger! and the orld *p:75+ 1olitics and 9conomics 'nder Cixon *p:7>+ The atergate 4risis *p:7<+ UNI 2!: /rom the "ge o+ 7imits to the "ge o+ Reagan 4hapter 55 4ontent6 "ssignment 1olitics and .iplomacy "fter ater 0ate *p::#+ The 3ise of the Cew "merican 3ight *p:<+ The 3eagan 3evolution *p:<$+ "merica and the aning of the 4old ar *p<)(+ UNI 2%: he "ge o+ 4lo*ali8ation 4hapter 5> 4ontent6 " 3esurgence of 1artisanship *p<()+ The 9conomic Boom *p<(#+ ;cience and Technology in the 9conomy *p(<+ " 4hanging ;ociety *p<88+ " 4ontested 4ulture *p<87+

The 1erils of 0lobalization *p<55+ The ar on Terrorism *p<5#+

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