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City of Oakland

Public Works Agency

Department of Facilities & Environment Parks and Buildings Division

Standard Operating Procedures

SUBJECT: INTENT: RESPONSIBLE PERSON: CRITICAL TIMING: INVOLVED INDIVIDUALS: CFM Year-round Supervisors and Managers Preventative Maintenance of City Tot Lots To provide scheduling and procedures for tot lot maintenance

Background: This is to outline the procedures for the cleaning and inspection of all City tot lots. Certification of every tot lot is required only once by the State when its first installed by a trained and certified inspector. Routine inspection by trained City staff keeps the tot lot up to standard. Cleaning of the tot lots should be done twice a year or more if necessary.

Maintenance Inspection Procedure Basic Structure: o The following basic items of the structure should be inspected for any and all safety issues Slides, Decking, Panels, Railings, Welds, Bolt caps, Ladders, Stairs, Turning Bars, Fire Poles, Ring trek, Nets and Cables, Bridges, Tunnels, Roofs, Brackets and Pins, Bolts, Finish Paint and Vinyl, Sand, and Rubberized Surfacing

Swings: o swings should be inspected for seat straps, tot seats, handicap seats, hangers, bushings, chain, poles, brackets, welds, finish, surfacing , sand, S hooks and D bolts.

Net Climbers: o Net climbers should be inspected for poles, finish, fittings, nets and surfacing.

Jug Fillers: o Jug Fillers should be inspected for and finish. faucet operation, pressure, base, spout,

Buck About: o The Buck about should be inspected for any flaws in the surface, finish, springs and rubberized surfacing

Spika: o The Spika should be inspected for the pole, cap, deck, base and bearings.

Other equipment: o Should be inspected accordingly

Each item should be looked at in detail and any discrepancies should be noted on the Maintenance Inspection Sheet. It should be repaired while on site for the inspection, if it cannot be repaired the items should be made safe until repairs can be done. Inspection sheets should be filed in the inspection binder for a detailed history of each tot lot. Cleaning: o The area around the tot lot should be have barriers placed on the outer perimeter of the tot lot to keep citizens away and safe while the tot lot is being serviced. o Heavy graffiti should be cleaned with Taganator on a rag or spray on Knock Out, let it sit then wipe the area off. o The tot lot and surrounding area of rubberized surfacing should be sprayed with a biodegradable cleaner (Simple Green) and then the area should be power washed with a high power water blast. o The tot lot should then be blown with a power blower to facilitate drying.

Surface inspection and maintenance: o Tot-turf and Sand surface shall be inspected. Failure of the Tot-turf will be noted and repairs shall be scheduled. Sand surfaces shall be inspected for cleanliness, plant growth, and proper fill height. o Tot-turf maintenance repairs are to be made by Facilities Services staff or licensed contractor. Sand surfaces are to be maintained by Park and Tree services.

What is the time frame:

Facilities Complex Manager Building Services Manager Facilities Services Department of Facilities & Environment

o Tot lots should be serviced twice a year as schedules allow. o City works will issue a work order for each tot lot 6 months after the last work order was closed.

Signature for approval

Facilities Complex Manager Building Services Manager Facilities Services Department of Facilities & Environment

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