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(excerpt from Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, p.144-151) WHY !H"#$H %& !

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e a=s>er, i= a ?i=d of trivale=t =@ts<ell, isA (1) emotio=al stress, (B) p<ysical va=ity, (C) a certai= D@eer ?i=d of self-obliterati=E loEic i= t<e microeco=omics of co=s@mer <iE<-tec<. (1) %t t@r=ed o@t t<at t<ere >as somet<i=E terribly stressf@l abo@t vis@al telep<o=e i=terfaces t<at <ad=-t bee= stressf@l at all abo@t voice-o=ly i=terfaces. 1ideop<o=e co=s@mers seemed s@dde=ly to realiFe t<at t<ey-d bee= s@bGect to a= i=sidio@s b@t ><olly marvelo@s del@sio= abo@t co=ve=tio=al voice-o=ly telep<o=y. !<ey-d =ever =oticed it before, t<e del@sio= it-s li?e it >as so emotio=ally complex t<at it co@ld be co@=te=a=ced o=ly i= t<e co=text of its loss. $ood old traditio=al a@dio-o=ly p<o=e co=versatio=s allo>ed yo@ to pres@me t<at t<e perso= o= t<e ot<er e=d >as payi=E complete atte=tio= to yo@ ><ile also permitti=E yo@ =ot to <ave to pay a=yt<i=E eve= close to complete atte=tio= to <er. ( traditio=al a@ral-o=ly co=versatio= @tiliFi=E a <a=d<eld p<o=e ><ose earpiece co=tai=ed o=ly 6 little pi=<oles b@t ><ose mo@t<piece (rat<er

siE=ifica=tly, it later seemed) co=tai=ed (6B) or C6 little pi=<oles let yo@ e=ter a ?i=d of <iE<>ay-<yp=otic semi-atte=tive f@E@eA ><ile co=versi=E, yo@ co@ld loo? aro@=d t<e room, doodle, fi=e-Eroom, peel ti=y bits of dead s?i= a>ay from yo@r c@ticles, compose p<o=e-pad <ai?@, stir t<i=Es o= t<e stoveH yo@ co@ld eve= carry o= a ><ole separate additio=al siE=la=E@aEe-a=d-exaEEerated-facial-expressio= type of co=versatio= >it< people riE<t t<ere i= t<e room >it< yo@, all ><ile seemi=E to be riE<t t<ere atte=di=E closely to t<e voice o= t<e p<o=e. (=d yet a=d t<is >as t<e retrospectively marvelo@s part eve= as yo@ >ere dividi=E yo@r atte=tio= bet>ee= t<e p<o=e call a=d all sorts of ot<er idle little f@E@eli?e activities, yo@ >ere some<o> =ever <a@=ted by t<e s@spicio= t<at t<e perso= o= t<e ot<er e=d-s atte=tio= miE<t be similarly divided. D@ri=E a traditio=al call, e.E., as yo@ let-s say performed a close tactile blemis<sca= of yo@r c<i=, yo@ >ere i= =o >ay oppressed by t<e t<o@E<t t<at yo@r p<o=emate >as per<aps also devoti=E a Eood perce=taEe of <er atte=tio= to a close tactile blemis<-sca=. %t >as a= ill@sio= a=d t<e ill@sio= >as a@ral a=d a@rally s@pportedA t<e p<o=e-li=e-s ot<er e=d-s voice >as de=se, tiE<tly compressed, a=d vectored riE<t i=to yo@r ear, e=abli=E yo@ to imaEi=e t<at t<e voice-s o>=er-s atte=tio= >as similarly compressed a=d foc@sed . . . eve= t<o@E< yo@r o>= atte=tio= >as =ot, >as t<e t<i=E. !<is bilateral ill@sio= of @=ilateral atte=tio= >as almost i=fa=tilely Eratifyi=E from a= emotio=al sta=dpoi=tA yo@ Eot to believe yo@ >ere receivi=E somebody-s complete atte=tio= >it<o@t <avi=E to ret@r= it. )eEarded >it< t<e obGectivity of <i=dsiE<t, t<e ill@sio= appears aratio=al, almost literally fa=tasticA it >o@ld be li?e bei=E able bot< to lie a=d to tr@st ot<er people at t<e same time. 1ideo telep<o=y re=dered t<e fa=tasy i=s@pportable. ,allers =o> fo@=d t<ey <ad to compose t<e same sort of ear=est, sliE<tly overi=te=se liste=er-s expressio= t<ey <ad to compose for i=perso= exc<a=Ees. !<ose callers ><o o@t of @=co=scio@s <abit s@cc@mbed to f@E@eli?e doodli=E or pa=ts-crease-adG@stme=t =o> came off loo?i=E r@de, abse=tmi=ded, or c<ildis<ly selfabsorbed. ,allers ><o eve= more @=co=scio@sly blemis<-sca==ed or =ostril-explored loo?ed @p to fi=d <orrified expressio=s o= t<e video-faces at t<e ot<er e=d. (ll of ><ic< res@lted i= videop<o=ic stress. 've= >orse, of co@rse, >as t<e tra@matic exp@lsio=-from-'de= feeli=E of loo?i=E @p from traci=E yo@r t<@mb-s o@tli=e o= t<e )emi=der .ad or adG@sti=E t<e old #=it-s a=Ele of repose i= yo@r s<orts a=d act@ally seei=E yo@r videop<o=ic i=terfacee idly strip a s<oelace of its E@mlet as s<e tal?ed to yo@, a=d s@dde=ly realiFi=E yo@r ><ole i=fa=tile fa=tasy of comma=di=E yo@r part=er-s atte=tio= ><ile yo@ yo@rself Eot to f@E@e-doodle a=d ma?e little Ee=ital-adG@stme=ts >as del@ded a=d i=s@pportable a=d t<at yo@ >ere act@ally comma=di=E =ot o=e bit more atte=tio= t<a= yo@ >ere payi=E, <ere. !<e ><ole atte=tio= b@si=ess >as mo=stro@sly stressf@l, video callers fo@=d. (B) (=d t<e videop<o=ic stress >as eve= >orse if yo@ >ere at all vai=. %.e. if yo@ >orried at all abo@t <o> yo@ loo?ed. (s i= to ot<er people. W<ic< all ?iddi=E aside ><o does=-t. $ood old a@ral telep<o=e calls co@ld be fielded >it<o@t ma?e@p, to@pee, s@rEical prost<eses, etc. 've= >it<o@t clot<es, if t<at sort of t<i=E rattled yo@r saber. 0@t for t<e imaEe-co=scio@s, t<ere >as of co@rse =o s@c< a=s>er-as-yo@-are i=formality abo@t vis@al-video telep<o=e calls, ><ic< co=s@mers beEa= to see >ere less li?e <avi=E t<e Eood old p<o=e ri=E t<a= <avi=E t<e doorbell ri=E a=d <avi=E to t<ro> o= clot<es a=d attac< prost<eses a=d do <air-c<ec?s i= t<e foyer mirror before a=s>eri=E t<e door. 0@t t<e real coffi=-=ail for videop<o=y i=volved t<e >ay callers- faces loo?ed o= t<eir !. scree=, d@ri=E calls. &ot t<eir callers- faces, b@t t<eir o>=, ><e= t<ey sa> t<em o= video. %t >as a t<ree-b@tto= affairA, after all, to @se t<e !.-s cartridEe-card-s 1ideo-)ecord optio= to record bot< p@lses i= a t>o->ay vis@al call a=d play t<e call bac? a=d see <o> yo@r face <ad act@ally loo?ed to t<e ot<er perso= d@ri=E t<e call. !<is sort of appeara=ce-c<ec? >as =o more resistible t<a= a mirror. 0@t t<e experie=ce proved almost @=iversally <orrifyi=E. .eople >ere <orrified at <o> t<eir o>= faces appeared o= a !. scree=. %t >as=-t G@st -(=c<orma=-s 0loat,- t<at >ell-?=o>= impressio= of extra >eiE<t t<at video i=flicts o= t<e face. %t >as >orse. 've= >it< <iE<-e=d !.s-

<iE<-def vie>er-scree=s, co=s@mers perceived somet<i=E esse=tially bl@rred a=d moist-loo?i=E abo@t t<eir p<o=e-faces, a s<i=y pallid i=defi=ite=ess t<at str@c? t<em as =ot G@st @=flatteri=E b@t some<o> evasive, f@rtive, @=tr@st>ort<y, @=li?able. %= a= early a=d omi=o@s %=ter*ace4$.!.'. foc@s-Ero@p s@rvey t<at >as all b@t iE=ored i= a storm of e=trepre=e@rial sci-fi-tec< e=t<@siasm, almost 689 of respo=de=ts ><o received vis@al access to t<eir o>= faces d@ri=E videop<o=ic calls specifically @sed t<e terms @=tr@st>ort<y, @=li?able, or <ard to li?e i= describi=E t<eir o>= visaEe-s appeara=ce, >it< a p<e=ome=ally omi=o@s I1 9 of se=ior-citiFe= respo=de=ts specifically compari=E t<eir video-faces to t<at of )ic<ard &ixo= d@ri=E t<e &ixo=-2e==edy debates of 0.+. 1568. !<e proposed sol@tio= to ><at t<e telecomm@=icatio=s i=d@stry-s psyc<oloEical co=s@lta=ts termed 1ideo-.<ysioE=omic Dysp<oria (or 1.D) >as, of co@rse, t<e adve=t of HiE<-Defi=itio= /as?i=EH a=d i= fact it >as t<ose e=trepre=e@rs ><o Eravitated to>ard t<e prod@ctio= of <iE<defi=itio= videop<o=ic imaEi=E a=d t<e= o@triE<t mas?s ><o Eot i= a=d o@t of t<e s<ort-lived videop<o=ic era >it< t<eir s<irts pl@s solid additio=al =ets. /as?->ise, t<e i=itial optio= of HiE<-Defi=itio= .<otoErap<ic %maEi=E i.e. ta?i=E t<e most flatteri=E eleme=ts of a variety of flatteri=E m@lti-a=Ele p<otos of a Eive= p<o=e-co=s@mer a=d t<a=?s to existi=E imaEe-co=fiE@ratio= eD@ipme=t already pio=eered by t<e cosmetics a=d la>e=forceme=t i=d@stries combi=i=E t<em i=to a >ildly attractive <iE<-def broadcastable composite of a face >eari=E a= ear=est, sliE<tly overi=te=se expressio= of complete atte=tio= >as D@ic?ly s@ppla=ted by t<e more i=expe=sive a=d byte-eco=omical optio= of (@si=E t<e exact same cosmetic-a=d-F0% soft>are) act@ally casti=E t<e e=<a=ced facial imaEe i= form-fitti=E polyb@tyle=e-resi= mas?, a=d co=s@mers soo= fo@=d t<at t<e <iE< @p-fro=t cost of a perma=e=t >earable mas? >as more t<a= >ort< it, co=sideri=E t<e stress- a=d 1FD-red@ctio= be=efits, a=d t<e co=ve=ie=t 1elcro straps for t<e bac? of t<e mas? a=d caller-s <ead cost pea=@tsH a=d for a co@ple fiscal D@arters p<o=e4cable compa=ies >ere able to rally 1.D-afflicted co=s@mersco=fide=ce by >or?i=E o@t a <oriFo=tally i=teErated deal ><ere free composite-a=d-mas?i=E services came >it< a videop<o=e <oo?@p. !<e <iE<-def mas?s, ><e= =ot i= @se, simply <@=E o= a small <oo? o= t<e side of a !.-s p<o=e-co=sole, admittedly loo?i=E maybe a bit s@rreal a=d discomfiti=E ><e= detac<ed a=d <a=Ei=E t<ere empty a=d >ri=?led, a=d sometimes t<ere >ere pote=tially a>?>ard mista?e=-ide=tity s=af@s i=volvi=E m@lti-@ser family or compa=y p<o=es a=d t<e <@rried selectio= a=d attac<me=t of t<e >ro=E mas? ta?e= from some lo=E ro> of empty <a=Ei=E mas?s b@t all i= all t<e mas?s seemed i=itially li?e a viable i=d@stry respo=se to t<e va=ity,-stress,-a=d-&ixo=ia=-facial-imaEe problem. (B a=d maybe also C) 0@t combi=e t<e =at@ral e=trepre=e@rial i=sti=ct to satisfy all s@fficie=tly <iE< co=s@mer dema=d, o= t<e o=e <a=d, >it< ><at appears to be a= almost eD@ally =at@ral distortio= i= t<e >ay perso=s te=d to see t<emselves, a=d it becomes possible to acco@=t <istorically for t<e speed >it< ><ic< t<e ><ole <iE<-def-videop<o=ic-mas? t<i=E spiralled totally o@t of co=trol. &ot o=ly is it >eirdly <ard to eval@ate ><at yo@ yo@rself loo? li?e, li?e ><et<er yo@-re Eood-loo?i=E or =ot e.E. try loo?i=E i= t<e mirror a=d determi=i=E ><ere yo@ sta=d i= t<e attractive=ess-<ierarc<y >it< a=yt<i=E li?e t<e obGective ease yo@ ca= determi=e ><et<er G@st abo@t a=yo=e else yo@ ?=o> is Eood-loo?i=E or =ot b@t it t@r=ed o@t t<at co=s@mersi=sti=ctively s?e>ed self-perceptio=, pl@s va=ity-related stress, mea=t t<at t<ey beEa= preferri=E a=d t<e= o@triE<t dema=di=E videop<o=e mas?s t<at >ere really D@ite a lot better-loo?i=E t<a= t<ey t<emselves >ere i= perso=. HiE<-def mas?-e=trepre=e@rs ready a=d >illi=E to s@pply =ot G@st verisimilit@de b@t aest<etic e=<a=ceme=t stro=Eer c<i=s, smaller eye-baEs, air-br@s<ed scars a=d >ri=?les soo= p@s<ed t<e oriEi=al mimetic-mas?-e=trepre=e@rs riE<t o@t of t<e mar?et. %= a Erad@ally @=s@btliFi=E proEressio=, >it<i= a co@ple more sales-D@arters most co=s@mers >ere =o> @si=E mas?s so @=de=iably better-loo?i=E o= videop<o=es t<a= t<eir real faces >ere i= perso=, tra=smitti=E to o=e a=ot<er s@c< <orre=do@sly s?e>ed a=d e=<a=ced mas?ed imaEes of t<emselves, t<at e=ormo@s psyc<osocial stress beEa= to res@lt, larEe =@mbers of p<o=e-@sers s@dde=ly rel@cta=t to leave <ome a=d i=terface perso=ally >it< people ><o, t<ey feared, >ere

=o> <abit@ated to seei=E t<eir far-better-loo?i=E mas?ed selves o= t<e p<o=e a=d >o@ld o= seei=E t<em i= perso= s@ffer (so >e=t t<e callers- p<obia) t<e same ill@sio=-s<atteri=E aest<etic disappoi=tme=t t<at, e.E., certai= >ome= ><o al>ays >ear ma?e@p Eive people t<e first time t<ey ever see t<em >it<o@t ma?e@p. !<e social a=xieties s@rro@=di=E t<e p<e=ome=o= psyc<-co=s@lta=ts termed "ptimistically /isreprese=tatio=al /as?i=E (or "//) i=te=sified steadily as t<e ti=y cr@de first-Ee=eratio= videop<o=e cameras- tec<=oloEy improved to ><ere t<e apert@re >as=-t as =arro>, a=d =o> t<e <iE<er-e=d ti=y cameras co@ld co@=te=a=ce a=d tra=smit more or less f@ll-body imaEes. ,ertai= psyc<oloEically @=scr@p@lo@s e=trepre=e@rs beEa= mar?eti=E f@ll-body polyb@tyle=e a=d @ret<a=e B-D c@to@ts sort of li?e t<e <eadless m@sclema= a=d bat<i=E-bea@ty c@to@ts yo@ co@ld sta=d be<i=d a=d positio= yo@r c<i= o= t<e cardboard =ec?-st@mp of for c<eap p<otos at t<e beac<, o=ly t<ese f@ll-body videop<o=e-mas?s >ere vastly more <iE<-tec< a=d co=vi=ci=Eloo?i=E. "=ce yo@ added variable B-D >ardrobe, <air- a=d eye-color optio=s, vario@s aest<etic e=larEeme=ts a=d red@ctio=s, etc., costs started to press t<e e=velope of mass-mar?et affordability, eve= t<o@E< t<ere >as at t<e same time <orrific social press@re to be able to afford t<e very best possible mas?ed B-D body-imaEe, to ?eep from feeli=E comparatively <ideo@sloo?i=E o= t<e p<o=e. Ho> lo=E, t<e=, co@ld o=e expect it to <ave bee= before t<e rele=tless e=trepre=e@rial drive to>ard a= ever-better mo@setrap co=ceived of t<e !ra=smittable !ablea@ (a.?.a. !!), ><ic< i= retrospect >as probably t<e really s<arp b@si=ess-e=d of t<e videop<o=ic coffi=-=ail. Wit< !!s, facial a=d bodily mas?i=E co@ld =o> be dispe=sed >it< altoEet<er a=d replaced >it< t<e video-tra=smitted imaEe of ><at >as esse=tially a <eavily doctored stillp<otoErap<, o=e of a= i=credibly fit a=d attractive a=d >ell-t@r=ed-o@t <@ma= bei=E, someo=e ><o act@ally resembled yo@ t<e caller o=ly i= s@c< limited respects as li?e race a=d limb-=@mber, t<e p<oto-s face foc@sed atte=tively i= t<e directio= of t<e video-p<o=ic camera from amid t<e s@mpt@o@s b@t =ot oste=tatio@s appoi=tme=ts of t<e sort of room t<at best reflected t<e imaEe of yo@rself yo@ >a=ted to tra=smit, etc. !<e !ablea@x >ere simply <iE<-D@ality tra=smissio=-ready p<otoErap<s, scaled do>= to diorama-li?e proportio=s a=d fitted >it< a plastic <older over t<e videop<o=e camera, =ot @=li?e a le=s-cap. 'xtremely Eood-loo?i=E b@t =ot terrifically s@ccessf@l e=tertai=me=t-celebrities t<e same sort ><o i= decades past >o@ld <ave s>elled t<e cast-lists of i=fomercials fo@=d t<emselves i= dema=d as models for vario@s <iE<-e=d videop<o=e !ablea@x. 0eca@se t<ey i=volved simple tra=smissio=-ready p<otoErap<y i=stead of comp@ter imaEi=E a=d e=<a=ceme=t, t<e !ablea@x co@ld be mass-prod@ced a=d comme=s@rately priced, a=d for a brief time t<ey <elped ease t<e te=sio= bet>ee= t<e <iE< cost of e=<a=ced body-mas?i=E a=d t<e mo=stro@s aest<etic press@res videop<o=y exerted o= callers, =ot to me=tio= also providi=E employme=t for set-desiE=ers, p<otoErap<ers, airbr@s<ers, a=d i=fomercial-level celebrities <ardpressed by t<e decli=i=E fort@=es of broadcast televisio= advertisi=E. (C) 0@t t<ere-s some sort of reveali=E lesso= <ere i= t<e beyo=d-s<ort-term viability-c@rve of adva=ces i= co=s@mer tec<=oloEy. !<e career of videop<o=y co=forms =eatly to t<is c@rve-s classically a==@lar s<apeA First t<ere-s some sort of terrific, sci-fi-li?e adva=ce i= co=s@mer tec< li?e from a@ral to video p<o=i=E ><ic< adva=ce al>ays, <o>ever, <as certai= @=-foresee= disadva=taEes for t<e co=s@merH a=d t<e= b@t t<e mar?et-=ic<es created by t<ose disadva=taEes li?e people-s stressf@lly vai= rep@lsio= at t<eir o>= videop<o=ic appeara=ce are i=Ee=io@sly filled via s<eer e=trepre=e@rial verveH a=d yet t<e very adva=taEes of t<ese i=Ee=io@s disadva=taEe-compe=satio=s seem all too ofte= to @=derc@t t<e oriEi=al <iE<-tec< adva=ce, res@lti=E i= co=s@mer-recidivism a=d c@rve-clos@re a=d massive s<irt-loss for precipita=t i=vestors. %= t<e prese=t case, t<e stress-a=d-va=ity-compe=satio=s- o>= evol@tio= sa> videocallers reGecti=E first t<eir o>= faces a=d t<e= eve= t<eir o>= <eavily mas?ed a=d e=<a=ced p<ysical li?e=esses a=d fi=ally coveri=E t<e video-cameras altoEet<er a=d tra=smitti=E attractively styliFed static !ablea@x to o=e a=ot<er-s !.s. (=d, be<i=d t<ese le=s-cap dioramas a=d tra=smitted !ablea@x, callers of co@rse fo@=d t<at t<ey >ere o=ce aEai= stresslessly i=visible,

@=vai=ly ma?e@p- a=d to@peeless a=d baEEy-eyed be<i=d t<eir celebrity-dioramas, o=ce aEai= free si=ce o=ce aEai= @=see= to doodle, blemis<-sca=, ma=ic@re, crease-c<ec? ><ile o= t<eir scree=, t<e attractive, i=te=sely atte=tive face of t<e >ell-appoi=ted celebrity o= t<e ot<er e=d-s !ablea@ reass@red t<em t<at t<ey >ere t<e obGects of a co=ce=trated atte=tio= t<ey t<emselves did=-t <ave to exert. (=d of co@rse b@t t<ese adva=taEes >ere =ot<i=E ot<er t<a= t<e o=ce-lost a=d =o>appreciated adva=taEes of Eood old 0ell-era bli=d a@ral-o=ly telep<o=i=E, >it< its 6 a=d (6B) pi=<oles. !<e o=ly differe=ce >as t<at =o> t<ese expe=sive silly @=real styliFed !ablea@x >ere bei=E tra=smitted bet>ee= !.s o= <iE<-priced video-fiber li=es. Ho> m@c< time, after t<is realiFatio= sa=? i= a=d spread amo=E co=s@mers (mostly via p<o=e, i=teresti=Ely), >o@ld a=y micro-eco=ometrist expect to =eed to pass before <iE<-tec< vis@al videop<o=y >as mostly aba=do=ed, t<e=, a ret@r= to Eood old telep<o=i=E =ot o=ly dictated by commo= co=s@mer se=se b@t act@ally after a ><ile c@lt@rally approved as a ?i=d of c<ic i=teErity, =ot *@dditism b@t a ?i=d of retroErade tra=sce=de=ce of sci-fi-is< <iE<-tec< for its o>= sa?e, a tra=sce=de=ce of t<e va=ity a=d t<e slavery to <iE<-tec< fas<io= t<at people vie> as so @=attractive i= o=e a=ot<er. %= ot<er >ords a ret@r= to a@ral-o=ly telep<o=y became, at t<e closed c@rve-s e=d, a ?i=d of stat@s-symbol of a=ti-va=ity, s@c< t<at o=ly callers @tterly lac?i=E i= selfa>are=ess co=ti=@ed to @se videop<o=y a=d !ablea@x, to say =ot<i=E of mas?s, a=d t<ese tac?y facsimile-@si=E people became iro=ic c@lt@ral symbols of tac?y vai= slavery to corporate .) a=d <iE<-tec< =ovelty, became t<e +@bsidiFed 'ra-s tac?y eD@ivale=ts of people >it< leis@re s@its, blac? velvet pai=ti=Es, s>eater-vests for t<eir poodles, electric Firco=i@m Ge>elry, &o,oat *i=E@a+crapers, a=d c. /ost comm@=icatio=s co=s@mers p@t t<eir !ablea@x-dioramas at t<e bac? of a ?=ic?-?=ac? s<elf a=d covered t<eir cameras >it< sta=dard blac? le=s-caps a=d =o> @sed t<eir p<o=e co=soles- little mas?-<oo?s to <a=E t<ese =e> little plastice=e address-a=d-p<o=e diaries specially made >it< a little receptacle at t<e top of t<e bi=di=E for co=ve=ie=t <a=Ei=E from former mas?-<oo?s. 've= t<e=, of co@rse, t<e b@l? of #.+. co=s@mers remai=ed verifiably rel@cta=t to leave <ome a=d telep@ter a=d to i=terface perso=ally, t<o@E< t<is p<e=ome=o=-s e=d@ra=ce ca=-t be attrib@ted to t<e videop<o=y-fad per se, a=d a=y>ay t<e =e> pa=aEorap<obia served to ope= <@Ee =e> e=trepre=e@rial telep@teriFed mar?ets for <ome-s<oppi=E a=d -delivery, a=d did=-t ca@se m@c< i=d@stry co=cer=.

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