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Locke & Loaded By Owen O'Neill

Second Draft January 2, 2014

E !" #$!% S!&EE!S ' N$()! * few e+ta,li+-in. +-ot+ of a /uiet +treet durin. t-e ni.-t ti0e to create a cal0 at0o+1-ere" * 2an a11ear+ +1eedin. down t-e +ide of a road" !-e 2an +wer2e+ around turn+, 1ullin. off +o0e rat-er 0aneu2er+" !-e 2an 1ull+ into a dri2eway of a -ou+e wit- all of t-e li.-t+ off" !wo 0en e3it t-e 2an and knock on t-e door" !-e door o1en+ and t-e two 0en enter" *n un0arked 1olice car i+ +ittin. acro++ t-e +treet" $n t-e dri2er'+ +eat +it+ Locke, a +ea+oned 2eteran on t-e force only a few day+ away fro0 retire0ent" )e'+ +een +o0e +-it, 0an" )e i+ 1ro11ed u1 wit- a 1air of ,inocular+ 0onitorin. t-e -ou+e" LO#4E &i.-t on ti0e" Locke reac-e+ for -i+ walkie talkie" LO#4E !-i+ i+ Detecti2e #on+ta,le Officer Locke" !-e ea.le -a+ landed in it'+ ne+t and i+ now feedin. t-e -atc-lin.+ fro0 it'+ ,o+o0" D$S5*!#)E& Say a.ain6 But in t-i+ ti0e, Locke" LO#4E !-e dru. 0ule+ are a,out to tran+1ort a lot of cocaine" D$S5*!#)E& & t-at" !-e four 0en e0er.e fro0 t-e -ou+e carryin. crate+ and are 1lacin. t-e0 in t-e ,ack of t-e 2an" One of t-e 0en li.-t+ u1 a 7oint of 0ari7uana" LO#4E $'0 0o2in. in" LO#4E .et+ out of -i+ car and , to walk o2er to t-e 2an acro++

t-e +treet" !-e 0en 1ay no attention" *+ LO#4E a11roac-e+ t-e 0an +0okin. t-e 7oint, -e 1ull+ out -i+ ,ad.e" LO#4E 5olice8 Dro1 t-at 0ari7uana ci.arette8 !)9( :+arca+tically; O- no, t-e 1olice" E2eryone run" !-e +cary 1olice 0an i+ confi+catin. 0y 0ari7uana" !-e .rou1 of !)9(S lau.-" !)9(:cont'd; (et out of -ere if you know w-at'+ .ood for ya" LO#4E <-at'+ .ood for 0e i+ dealin. witcri0inal+ ,i. and +0all, kee1in. our +treet+ +afe for t-e citi=en+ of t-i+ town" Now $'ll a+k you one 0ore ti0e, dro1 t-at 0ari7uana ci.arette" !-e leader of t-e !)9(S nod+ -i+ -ead u1ward+, and t-e ot-er 0en 1ull out t-eir 1i+tol+" !)9( Don't 0ake you a+k a.ain" Scra08 LO#4E doe+n't +ee0 worried, -e look+ around and +ee t-at t-ere i+ a 1arked car to -i+ left" )e 1ut+ -i+ -and down on -i+ .un and +lide+ ,e-ind t-e 1arked car" LO#4E Do you really want to .o down t-i+ way6 !)9( :+-out; >uck off, 1i." LO#4E let+ out a +0all lau.- and .rin+ 0aniacally" LO#4E Oink" Oink" LO#4E fli1+ o2er t-e -ood of t-e car and , firin. at t-e !)9(S" O1enin. credit+ +tart to roll"

?LO#4E & LO*DED? END +cene" L&L S#ENE 2 O>>$#E !ENS$ON $N!" 5olice Office ' @ornin. * co1 i+ 1ourin. -i0+elf a cu1 of coffee w-en LO#4E walk+ to t-e frid.e ne3t to -i0" !-e co1 i+ wowed ,y LO#4E'+ ,rief a11earance t-at -e continue+ to 1our t-e coffee until t-e cu1 i+ o2er'flowin." LO#4E lea2e+ t-e kitc-en area and continue+ to walk down t-e -allway" A @*LE #O5S +woon at -i0 a+ -e walk+ ,y" *not-er officer +ittin. at -i+ de+k +to1+ ty1in. and follow+ LO#4E a+ -e walk+ acro++ t-e roo0" )e wi1e+ a tear fro0 -i+ eye and +tart+ cla11in." *+ LO#4E walk+ acro++ 1eo1le are .i2in. -i0 a +tandin. o2ation" LO#4E i.nore+ 1eo1le a+ -e walk+ to -i+ de+k wit- a r-yt-0" !-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E i+ +-outin. at a .rou1 of officer+ w-ile +cri,,lin. non+en+e on a w-ite ,oard" )e look+ acro++ t-e roo0 and +ee+ LO#4E, a +0ile li.-t+ u1 on -i+ face a+ -e 1oint+ o2er to -i0" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E Ble++ you Locke"" !-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E turn+ ,ack to t-e ot-er officer+" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E :+-outin., fru+trated; <-y can't you all ,e 0ore like Locke8 (odda0nit8

LO#4E continue+ to walk to -i+ de+k 1ayin. little to no attention to t-e con+tant 1rai+e -e i+ recei2in. fro0 -i+ fellow officer+" )e i+ a -u0,le 0an" *not-er officer ca+ually walk+ o2er to LO#4E and +tart+ 0akin. +0all talk" )*N4 So you finally took down t-e <-ite Ele1-ant dru. tradin. or.ani=ation, e-6 !-at'+ 1retty un,elie2a,le"

LO#4E $ find it -ard to ,elie2e it 0y+elf" $ +1ent 0ont-+ tryin. to track t-e+e .uy+ down, tryin. to find out t-eir routine+" $'0 7u+t .lad it all ca0e ,efore $ retired" )*N4 !alk a,out endin. your career wit- a ,an." !-at .un fi.-t wa+ all anyone wa+ talkin. a,out t-i+ 0ornin." LO#4E Not one of 0y finer 0o0ent+""" )*N4 *re you kiddin. 0e6 %ou fired off like 2B round+ in 10 +econd+8 )ow did you e2en do t-at6

#9! !O E ! C S!&EE! C !)E N$()! BE>O&E LO#4E i+ +een lyin. on t-e .round wit- -i+ .un 1ointed toward+ t-e cri0inal+" )e i+ firin. ra1idly and +crea0in. like a 0aniac" #9! !O $N! C 5OL$#E O>>$#E C @O&N$N( )*N4 $t wa+ a0a=in.8 LO#4E !-ere'+ not-in. a0a=in. a,out co0in. face to face wit- a 0an t-at want+ to take your life" LO#4E +tare+ wit- a ,lank e31re++ion in front of -i0" * few +econd+ 1a++" )*N4 $ .ue++ t-ere'+ .oin. to ,e a lot 0ore ca+e+ for t-e re+t of u+ now t-at you're retirin., e-6

LO#4E $ .ue++ +o" )*N4 So w-at are you .oin. to do after you retire6 LO#4E $'d like to +ettle down +o0ew-ere in t-e country and kee1 it /uiet" @ay,e 1aint a few ,ird -ou+e+" )*N4 :lau.-+; %ou 1aint ,ird-ou+e+6 LO#4E $t'+ a +kill t-at take+ 1atience, dedication, and you -a2e t-e end .oal of +u11ortin. t-e wildlife in your co00unity" )*N4 i+ tryin. to -old ,ack -i+ lau.-ter" LO#4E *in't not-in' funny a,out a dwindlin. Blue Jay 1o1ulation" LO#4E +tare+ u1 at )*N4 wit- a look of on -i+ face" !-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E call+ o2er to LO#4E fro0 acro++ t-e roo0" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E LO#4E8 @eet 0e in 0y office" $ -a2e one la+t ca+e for you ,efore you retire" )*N4 e31re++e+ -i+ fru+tration at t-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E .i2in. LO#4E yet anot-er a++i.n0ent )*N4 :+-outin.; O- co0e on8 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E %ou .ot a 1ro,le0 )*N46 )*N4 !-i+ i+ ,ull +-it8 LO#4E literally 7u+t ca0e ,ackfro0 t-e ,i..e+t ca+e of t-e year, and you're .oin. to .i2e -i0 another one6

#)$E> O> 5OL$#E %ou .ot a ,etter idea6 )*N4 )e'+ one day away fro0 retirin.8 )e can't fini+- it in ti0e" %ou're .oin. to -a2e to 1a++ it off to +o0eone anyway" Let one of u+ -a2e a ca+e for once" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E %ou'2e worked on ca+e+ ,efore8 )*N4 $ know you're not +ayin. t-at t-e ti0e t-at old lady wa+ +een lyin. in t-e 0iddle of t-e +treet wa+ a ca+e" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E S-e -ad no idea -ow +-e .ot t-ere8 )*N4 S-e -a+ De0en+ia and +-e fell8 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E <ell $'0 .lad you .ot to t-e ,otto0 of it" )*N4 LO#4E .et+ all of t-e .ood ca+e+8 !-e re+t of u+ +tand around in an office all day doin. fuck all" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E <-at are you ,la,,erin. a,out6 E2eryone -ere 1ut+ in t-eir ,e+t effort, e2ery +in.le day" )*N4 L*&&% +tand+ ,y t-e coffee 0ac-ine all day continuou+ly 1ourin. -i0+elf a cu1" #9! !O L*&&% +tandin. alone ,y t-e coffee 0ac-ine takin. a +i1 fro0 -i+ cu1" )*N4 :cont'd; BELLE 7u+t +it+ at t-e co01uter ty1in." $'2e walked ,y, +-e'+ literally ty1in. non+en+e"

#9! !O BELLE 0a+-in. at t-e key,oard ,y -er co01uter" <e +ee t-at +-e -a+ a word docu0ent o1en wit- .i,,eri+- ,ein. ty1ed o2er and o2er a.ain" )*N4 :cont'd; and 5*!, your lead in2e+ti.ator well, $ don't really know w-at -e doe+" )ey 5*!, w-at i+ it you do a.ain6 5*! i+ +een +ittin. ,y -i+ co01uter cu,icle, -e yell+ o2er" 5*! $'0 1uttin. in +o0e +eriou+ in2e+ti.ati2e work o2er -ere" $'0 +o clo+e to +ol2in. t-i+ one":to -i0+elf; Now wa+ it #olonel @u+tard"""or t-at ,a+tard 5lu06 * &EDE*L +-ot +-ow+ u+ t-at 5*! i+ +ittin. at -i+ co01uter 1layin. t-e .a0e, #L9E" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E See8 5at'+ workin. -ard6 )*N4 *re you kiddin. 0e6 Did you -ear -ow 2a.ue -e wa+6 )e'+ 1ro,a,ly +ittin. o2er t-ere 1layin. #L9E" 5*! 1oke+ -i+ -ead o2er t-e to1 of -i+ cu,icle ner2ou+ly" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E Look, )*N4, you'll .et t-e ne3t one" )*N4 %ou alway+ +ay t-at8 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E %ea-, ,ecau+e it +-ut+ you t-e fuck u1 +o $ can walk away"$ -a2e +-it to do, )*N4" LO#4E, 0y office" Now8


Scene A !-e *++i.n0ent $N! ' 5OL$#E #)$E>'S O>>$#E" @O&N$N( LO#4E +-ut+ t-e door ,e-ind -i0 a+ -e enter+ t-e roo0" !-e 5OL$#E #)$E> i+ +een +ittin. at -i+ de+k lookin. down at a 1olice file" LO#4E %ou wanted to +ee 0e, c-ief6 !-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E look+ u1" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E !ake a +eat, LO#4E" LO#4E +it+ down" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E %ou'2e ,een an officer for -ow lon., now6 LO#4E A1 1roud year+, +ir" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E A1 year+ ' and you'2e ne2er 0i++ed a .odda0n +-ift in your life" %ou'2e ne2er ,een late"""you're an e3cellent re1re+entati2e for w-at e2ery 0an on t-i+ force +-ould ,e" LO#4E $'0 7u+t doin. 0y 7o," #)$E> O> 5OL$#E *nd you do it like a .odda0n .eniu+" So well, $ need you to do your 7o, 7u+t one 0ore ti0e" LO#4E <-at'+ t-e 7o,6 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E !-e +a0e t-in. it alway+ i+ ' catc,ad .uy+" LO#4E <-o6

#)$E> O> 5OL$#E Don Juan Do0e+ticato Dilencio" LO#4E !-at'+ i01o++i,le" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E Not-in. i+ i01o++i,le for t-e 5olice force of t-i+ fine nation" * nation t-at will re0ain unna0ed ,ecau+e it i+ +o o,2iou+ w-at country we li2e in" LO#4E $ don't -a2e enou.- ti0e" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E (odda0nit, LO#4E8 $ work o2erti0e all t-e .odda0n ti0e" $ -a2en't +een 0y +on in E year+ and all $'2e -ad to eat in t-e 1a+t 10 0ont-+ are Dunkaroo+" &e2eal a .ar,a.e ,in o2erflowin. wit- 1acka.e+ of D9N4*&OOS" LO#4E So $ 7u+t -a2e to take down DON J9*N, and t-en $'0 done6 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E Not /uite ' t-i+ ti0e you'll -a2e a +1ecial a++i.n0ent to co01lete on t-e +ide" LO#4E *nyt-in. for you, #)$E>" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E $'0 .lad you're +o ent-u+ia+tic" $ need you to take one of t-e new .uy+ under your win. w-ile you take down DON J9*N" LO#4E $'d ,e -a11y to" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E E3cellent" $ don't dou,t t-at you can c-an.e t-i+ 1articular officer'+ way+"

LO#4E <-at do you 0ean6 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E )e'+ reckle++" LO#4E %ou don't 0ean to tell 0e t-at you're 1airin. 0e u1 wit-""" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E !-at'+ ri.-t ' you'll ,e workin. witthe &OO4$E" LO#4E #-ief8 )e'+ a loo+e cannon8 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E )e'+ ,y no 0ean+ con2entional, ,ut -e doe+ a da0n .ood 7o, a+ any 0an -ere" )e 7u+t doe+ it differently" LO#4E )e can't ,e tru+ted wit- anyt-in., let alone a ca+e a+ ,i. a+ t-e DON J9*N ,u+t" $ would rat-er .o in alone" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E )e'+ -ad -i+ +-are of ca+e+, LO#4E" La+t 0ont- at a routine traffic +to1 -e confi+cated 12 1ound+ of cocaine, a de1art0ent record" LO#4E *nd tell 0e, #)$E>, w-ere did t-at cocaine end u16 E 1ound+ of it are unaccounted for in t-e e2idence roo0" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E %ou know ,etter t-an anyone you can't a++u0e -e took it" LO#4E !-en w-ere did it end u16 E31lain t-at to 0e" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E LO#4E '

LO#4E #)$E>, $'2e ne2er refu+ed a ca+e in 0y life" %ou know t-at" $'2e 7u+t .ot a ,ad feelin. a,out t-i+ kid" )e'll ,e t-e deat- of 0e" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E :+-outin.; (ODD*@N$! LO#4E" :+incere; $ need you now 0ore t-an e2er" DON J9*N -a+ ,ou.-t off al0o+t e2ery co1 in t-i+ de1art0ent" %ou're t-e only -one+t one left" %ou're t-e ,e+t we'2e .ot" $ need you to 1a++ t-e torc- on to t-e &OO4$E" LO#4E +tand+ u1 and walk+ toward+ t-e door" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E $ don't need to re0ind you w-o -i+ fat-er wa+, do $6 (i2e t-e kid a c-ance" LO#4E <-ere can $ find -i06 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E <-ere do you t-ink6 LO#4E nod+" )e .et+ u1 and lea2e+ t-e roo0" !-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E -it+ t-e interco0 on -i+ de+k" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E (ODD*@N$! DEBB%8 $ need 0ore Dunkaroo+8 * ca0era i+ followin. LO#4E a+ -e walk+ down t-e -allway" )e i+ -a2in. an inner 0onolo.ue LO#4E :t-inkin.; !-i+ i+ it" @y la+t ,i. ca+e" But w-ere do $ ,e.in6 <it- 0y 0entor" $'ll a+k 0y 0entor for a few 1ointer+ -ow $ can -andle t-i+ kid" <ait a 0inute" !-e #)$E> i+ 0y 0entor" LO#4E turn+ around and +tart+ walkin. toward+ t-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E'+ office LO#4E :+till t-inkin.; (odda0nit ,ut $ don't want to ,u. -i0"

LO#4E turn+ around once 0ore and lea2e+ t-e office" END +cene"

S#ENE 4 @EE! %O9& NE< 5*&!NE& $N! ' LO*DED'S )O9SE ' @O&N$N( *n alar0 clock +tart+ ,u==in." * -and reac-e+ out t-e ,utton on t-e clock" LO*DED +lowly +win.+ -i+ floor ,e+ide -i+ ,ed and +tand+ u1" * re2eal +-ot ,eer ,ottle+ e2eryw-ere" )e e3-au+tedly 0ake+ -i+ ,at-roo0" of ,ed and +la1+ feet out onto t-e of -i+ roo0 +-ow+ way o2er to t-e

#9! !O ' LO*DED in t-e +-ower lat-erin. -i+ -air wit- +-a01oo w-ile +0okin. a ci.arette" )e turn+ off t-e water and .et+ out of t-e +-ower" LO*DED take+ a lon. look in t-e 0irror ,efore lookin. at a 0irror wit- #O#*$NE on to1 of it" )e /uickly 0ake+ a line and +nort+ it in+tantly" LO*DED walk+ out of t-e ,at-roo0 and 0ake+ -i+ way to -i+ kitc-en" !-ere i+ a ,ottle of 0alt li/uor waitin. for -i0" )e 1our+ -i0+elf a drink in a +-ot .la++, followed ,y anot-er" !-e two drink+ weren't enou.-, and -e , to drink directly fro0 t-e ,ottle" !-ere i+ a knock at t-e door" LO*DED walk+ o2er and o1en+ it, only -a2in. a towel around -i+ wai+t" LO*DED #an $ -el1 you6 LO#4E $'0 Officer Locke, #-ief Bar' LO*DED cut+ -i0 off" LO*DED %ou're 0y new 1artner" LO*DED o1en+ t-e door all t-e way and trie+ to +-ake LO#4E'+ -and" LO*DED :cont'd; %ou're t-e .reat LO#4E t-at $'2e -eard +o 0uc- a,out" LO#4E *nd you're"""

LO#4E notice+ t-e ,ottle of 0alt li/uor in LO*DED'+ -and" LO#4E :cont'd; LO*DED" LO*DED <anna co0e in6 LO#4E $ don't want to ' ,ut $ will" LO#4E enter+ LO*DED'+ -o0e and t-ey +tand ,y t-e kitc-en counter" LO*DED .ra,+ a +0all ,a. of #O#*$NE on t-e counter and 0ake+ -i0+elf anot-er line" LO#4E Je+u+, kid" LO*DED <-at6 LO#4E $t'+ 10 in t-e 0ornin." LO*DED Do you drink coffee6 LO#4E Occa+ionally" LO*DED <ell $ +nort no+e coffee occa+ionally" LO#4E Do you 0ean often6 LO*DED :a..itated; $ 0ean e2ery fuckin. day for t-e 1a+t twel2e year+" LO#4E )ow old are you6 LO*DED look+ ,ack down at -i+ line of #O#*$NE" )e crack+ -i+ neck ,efore .oin. down to +nort it" LO#4E ,low+ it away" LO*DED <-at t-e fuck68

LO*DED look+ u1 at LO#4E w-o i+ +tarin. at -i0 cal0ly" LO#4E $ won't work wit- +o0e coke-ead 7unkee on t-e ,i..e+t ca+e of 0y career8 LO*DED +win.+ at LO#4E ,ut LO#4E counter+ it and 1in+ LO*DED u1 a.ain+t t-e wall, .ra,,in. -i0 ,y t-e +-irt LO#4E Li+ten kid" $ don't need a loo+e cannon on t-i+ ca+e wit- 0e" Eit-er .et your +-it or tweak out of your 0ind on De2il'+ 5owder for t-e re+t of your life" <e -a2e work to do" LO#4E relea+e+ -i+ .ri1 fro0 LO*DED'+ +-irt" LO*DED <-o are we takin. down6 LO#4E <e -a2e 24 -our+ to take down a dru. lord known a+ DON J9*N DO@ES!$#*!O D$LEN#$O" LO*DED DON J9*N6 )e'+ .ot +o0e fine cocaine" LO#4E look+ at LO*DED" LO*DED So $'2e -eard" LO#4E )e'+ +tarted 0akin. territory 0o2e+ +ince we took down t-e BL*#4 #)95*#OB&*S la+t 0ont-" LO*DED )ow t-e -ell are we .oin. to take -i0 down6 LO#4E $ don't know yet"

LO*DED >uckin. fanta+tic" LO#4E DON J9*N i+ alway+ one +te1 a-ead""-e alway+ -a+ ,een" LO*DED %ou'2e tried takin. -i0 down ,efore6 LO#4E E2eryone fro0 -ere to 4an+a+ -a+ tried takin. -i0 down" But -i+ .oon+ are +o 0uc- 0ore 1rotecti2e of -i0 now" E2eryw-ere -e .oe+ C -i+ ri.-t -and 0an, S@O4E% !<O !$@ES i+ t-ere" LO*DED S@O4E% !<O !$@ES6 <-at kind of na0e i+ t-at6 LO#4E !-e na0e of a 0an w-o like+ to +0oke" LO*DED )e +ound+ dan.erou+" LO#4E Not nearly a+ dan.erou+ a+ &$DD% &$@ JOBS Loaded Do all of t-e+e .uy+ -a2e ridiculou+ na0e+6 LO#4E %e+" Now &$DD% &$@ JOBS, ,etter known ,y -i+ ,irt- na0e, &i2lo2+ki &i0iniu0" LO*DED * &u++ian6 LO#4E *ctually -e'+ fro0 !e3a+" &$DD% &$@ JOBS i+ known for ,a+-in. in t-e ,rain+ of -i+ foe+ wit- a <renc-" <e don't know w-ere -e kee1+ t-e wrenc-"",ut a11arently -e alway+ -a+ it on -i0" E2en durin. lo2e 0akin." !-ere i+ a 1au+e"

LO#4E But t-o+e two are t-e +0all fi+- we -a2e to fry" <e -a2e to .et DON J9*N" !-ere i+ a 1au+e" LO*DED :cont'd; Let'+ take -i0 down" LO#4E <e -a2e 24 -our+" LO*DED Before w-at6 LO#4E Before $ retire" LO*DED S-it, $ knew you were old ,ut $ didn't t-ink you were t-at old" %ou can't 1ut in t-e e3tra o2erti0e until we fini+- t-e ca+e6 LO#4E %ou don't under+tand" @y retire0ent 1arty i+ to0orrow" E2eryone will ,e t-ere" )*N4, 5*!, t-at cute +ecretary w-o alway+ +0ile+ at 0e w-en $ walk into t-e office in t-e 0ornin." LO*DED !-ey can wait" LO#4E $'2e ne2er ,een late for a 1lanned e2ent in 0y life" LO*DED Not e2en fa+-iona,ly late6 LO#4E Do $ look fa+-iona,le to you6 $ +ure a+ -ell won't +tart ,ein. late now 7u+t +o +o0e kin.1in can walk t-e +treet+ 7u+t a little" Let'+ take t-i+ cock+ucker down"


S#ENE 4 ' )ELLO, DON J9*N E ! ' #$!% S!&EE!S ' @O&N$N( !wo 0en are dri2in. in a car ca+ually" !-ere i+ a +on. 1layin. /uietly in t-e ,ack.round F#-er'+ ?!urn Back !i0eG" !-ere i+ a re1eatin. , +ound co0in. fro0 t-e ,ack of t-e car" !-e 0en a11roac- a +to1li.-t" !-ere i+ a ner2ou+ lookin. 0an in t-e lane ne3t to t-e0" !-e in t-e car, S@O4E% !<O !$@ES, an $!*L$*N *@E&$#*N li.-t+ u1 a ci.arette and turn+ u1 t-e 0u+ic" !-e +on. i+ o,no3iou+ly loud, and t-e 0an in t-e car ne3t to t-e0 look+ o2er" S@O4E% +tart+ li1 +yncin. ?$f $ could reac- t-e +tar+, $'d .i2e t-e0 all to you? and ,low+ -i+ +0oke acro++ at t-e 0an" !-e 0an, feelin. a little 0ore co0forta,le, turn+ -i+ -ead ,ack to lookin. at t-e road, and +tart+ to 0out- t-e word+ -i0+elf" S@O4E% dri2e+ off" !-e car +to1+ at a -ou+e on a nor0al +treet" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES, and &$DD% &$@ JOBS, a 0an wit- a #oc-ney accent, .et out of t-e 2e-icle and o1en t-e trunk of t-e car" * 0an, SLEEH% J$@ i+ tied u1 wit- a ,a. on -i+ -ead" )e i+ -orrified" SLEEH% J$@ !-i+ i+ all 7u+t a ,i. 0i+under+tandin.8 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <it- you, it alway+ i+ ' ya SLEEH% ,a+tard" S@O4E% and &$DD% .ra, SLEEH% fro0 t-e trunk of t-e car and +tart -i0 into a -ou+e" )alfway u1 t-e walkway, &$DD% notice+ an old wo0an +tandin. at t-e end of -er dri2eway +tarin. at t-e0" &$DD% &$@ JOBS Ello @r+ (loo0,er." )ow'+ t-at knee treatin. ya6 @&S (LOO@BE&( (ood day+ and ,ad one+8 !ell your 0ot-er $ +ay -ello, &$DD%8 &$DD% &$@ JOBS %ou know $ will, @r+ (loo0,er. S@O4E% and &$DD% continue to carry SLEEH% into t-e -ou+e" !-ey +-ut t-e door ,e-ind t-e0"

SLEEH% J$@ O- (od O- (od O- (od O- (od S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Not e2en (od can -el1 you now" &$DD% &$@ JOBS <ell ' -e could" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES %ea- ' -e could" But -e won't" )e would if -e could ,ut ri.-t now -e can't" &$DD% &$@ JOBS )e'+ (od ' -e can do anyt-in." S@O4E% !<O !$@ES &i22y, -ow 0any ti0e+ do $ .otta tell you ' (od i+n't t-at nice of a .uy" &$DD% &$@ JOBS +ee0+ offended and dro1+ SLEEH% J$@ &$DD% &$@ JOBS Ey 0ate, don't you ,e talkin' all t-at non+en+e in t-i+ -ou+e" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES *ll $'0 +ayin' i+ t-at if -e'+ +uc- a nice .uy, -ow i+ t-at -e let SLEEH% J$@ .et into t-i+ 0e++ in t-e fir+t 1lace6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS SLEEH%, you a #-ri+tian6 SLEEH% J$@ *ctually $'0 Jewi+-" &$DD% &$@ JOBS <ell, t-at e31lain+ it t-en" &$DD% &$@ JOBS 1ick+ u1 SLEEH%'+ le.+ and t-e two 0en +tart carryin. -i0 furt-er into t-e -ou+e" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Now -old on ' you're +ayin. -e'+ in t-i+ 1redica0ent because -e'+ Jewi+-6

&$DD% &$@ JOBS $'0 +ayin' it couldn't2e -el1ed -i+ +ituation" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES !-at'+ + ,it racy" %ou can't 7u+t +ay +o0et-in. like t-at" $t'+ di+cri0ination S@O4E% !<O !$@ES dro1+ -i+ end of SLEEH% J$@" &$DD% &$@ JOBS $'0 not di+cri0inatin. ' (od i+" $ don't -ate -i0 ' (od doe+" $t'+ not 0e, $t'+ (od" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES %ou can't +ay +-it like t-at any0ore8 &$DD% &$@ JOBS 5eo1le u+ed to +ay way wor+e t-in.+ t-an t-at" $t u+ed to ,e ,e t-e ri.-t 1ro1er way of t-inkin. +o it wa+" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES 1ick+ u1 -i+ 1art of SLEEH% J$@ and t-e two 0ake t-eir way down t-e -all" !-ey ,ot- dro1 -i0 in order to knock on t-e door" SLEEH% J$@ #an you .uy+ 1lea+e +to1 dro11in. 0e6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES #an you 1lea+e +-ut t-e fuck u16 $+ it too 0uc- to a+k t-at e2ery 1er+on we kidna1, torture, and 2iciou+ly 0urder don't +it and ,e. u+ for tri2ial t-in.+" Let 0e do 0y t-in., and you do your t-in." SLEEH% J$@ <-at'+ 0y t-in.6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES !o +-ut t-e fuck u1 w-en we kidna1, torture, and 0urder you" !-ere i+ a lon. 1au+e"

&$DD% &$@ JOBS <-y -a+n't -e an+wered t-e door yet6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <e did t-e +ecret knock" $t +-ouldn't take t-i+ lon." &$DD% &$@ JOBS $ -ate t-at knock" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES >ir+t you -ate t-e 7ew+, and now you're .oin. to +tand t-ere, and tell 0e t-at you -ate t-e knock6 !-e knock t-at $ ca0e u1 wit-6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS $ 7u+t don't t-ink we need it" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES )ow are we +u11o+ed to know w-o'+ knockin.6 *ll knock+ +ound t-e +a0e" &$DD% &$@ JOBS $ .ue++ you're ri.-t, 0ate" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Of cour+e $'0 ri.-t ya +-it-ead" :1au+e; )ow'+ @ary doin.6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS S-e'+ feelin. a ,it down +o +-e i+" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <-y'+ t-at6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS S-e +ay+ $'0 not 1re+ent enou.- in -er life" S-e +ay+ all $ care a,out i+ ri0 7o,+" $'0 &i22y &i0 Jo,8 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES !-at'+ like a+kin 5ica++o not to 1aint8 &$DD% &$@ JOBS $ told -er t-e +a0e ,loody t-in.8 !-en +-e +tarted ra0,lin. a,out -ow $'0 inade/uate lo2er"

S@O4E% !<O !$@ES )e-, $ +ure a+ +-it -a2en't -ad t-at 1ro,le0 ,efore" &$DD% &$@ JOBS 5i++ off" $'2e ,een 0i3in. it u1, .ettin. 0ore and 1a++ionate" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES &ei.nite t-at fla0e, &$DD%" &$DD% &$@ JOBS S-e 0oan+ for 0ore and 0ore, and $'2e really +tarted to try workin. 0y wrenc- into t-in.+ a little ,it 0ore" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Did you +ay <renc-6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS @y wrenc-" !-e +a0e one $'0 .onna u+e to ,a+- in SLEEH% J$@'+ -ead a+ +oon a+ DON J9*N o1en+ u1 t-e fuckin' door" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES So w-en you're ,' -er all of t-e +udden you 7u+t 1ull out a wrenc-6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS <ell yea-" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <-at in t-e fuck do you do wit- a wrenc-6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS <oo wo0en" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES *11arently not" Lo2e 0akin. +-ould ,e .entle" So0eti0e+ t-ere'+ not-in. 0ore en7oya,le for a wo0an to 7u+t crawl into ,ed wit- -er lo2er, +i1 on a .la++ of wine, cuddle w-ile Beet-o2en 1lay+ cal0ly in t-e ,ack.round, and e2entually you 7u+t lean ,ack and ' &$DD% &$@ JOBS 5ull out your wrenc-"

S@O4E% !<O !$@ES %ou'2e ,een +1endin. a little ,it too 0ucti0e wit- t-at wrenc-" @ay,e you outta lay off t-e ri0 7o,+ for a ,it, &$DD% &$@ JOBS" &$DD% &$@ JOBS $t'+ 0y trade0ark" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES @ay,e $'ll 7u+t ,u+t 0y trade0ark all o2er your 0o00a'+ tucku+ w-ile you're at -o0e tryin. to +educe a wo0an wit- a fuckin. 0ec-anical tool" !-e door o1en+" S@O4E% and &$DD% 1ick u1 SLEEH% and carry -i0 into t-e roo0" !-ey 1lace -i0 in a c-air on one +ide of t-e de+k and +tand at eac- +ide of it" !-ere i+ a +u1er fancy c-air lookin. out t-e window" S0oke i+ co0in. u1 fro0 t-e c-air" !-e 0an in t-e c-air, DON J9*N DO@ES!$#*!O D$LEN#$O :@e3ican *ccent;+1in+ around +0okin. a" DON J9*N %ou co0e to 0e, on t-e day of 0y dau.-ter'+ kin+enyeta and a+k 0e a fa2our" %ou need I10,000 to +tart u1 a dru. traffickin. ,u+ine++, a no,le ,u+ine++ to .et into" $ .i2e you t-e 0oney" <e a.ree $ .et JKL of your 1rofit+" !-en $ findout you are takin. 0ore t-an your cut ,e-ind 0y ,ack6 Do you not fear deat-, e++e6 !-ere i+ a deafenin. +ilence in t-e roo0" $t i+ ,roken ,y SLEEH% J$@ +o,,in. +oftly to -i0+elf" DON J9*N O- co0e on ' don't cry" #o0e on SLEEH% J$@, $ didn't 0ean t-at" %ou're a ,u+ine++0an" Let u+ 7u+t 1ut t-i+ w-ole t-in. ,e-ind u+" $ re+1ect you too 0uc- to let you die like t-i+" SLEEH% J$@ &eally, DON J9*N6 DON J9*N *re you fuckin' +tu1id you cock'a'roac-6 %ou t-ink $ can for.i2e you 7u+t like t-at6

&$DD%, .i2e -i0 a .ood ol' fa+-ioned &$@ JOB wit- t-at wrenc- of your+" SLEEH% J$@ But $ didn't 7i1 you 0oney8 $t all add+ u18 &$DD% ,a+-e+ SLEEH%'+ -ead wit- a wrenc-" Blood i+ co0in. out of SLEEH%'+ face" DON J9*N +0ile+" S@O4E% i+ +tandin. readin. a file of 1a1er+" DON J9*N Lyin. until t-e 0o0ent t-at you die" %ou di+.u+t 0e e++e" %ou're +cu0, SLEEH%" &$DD% &$@ JOBS $ .ue++ we know -ow -e .ot t-e na0e SLEEH% J$@ &$DD% and DON J9*N lau.- a0on.+t t-e0+el2e+ a+ SLEEH% J$@ fall+ to t-e floor +oaked in ,lood" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES )ey ,o++, $ don't t-ink -e wa+ 7i11in you like we t-ou.-t -e wa+" DON J9*N E3cu+e 0e6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES $ 7u+t did t-e 0at- ' it add+ u1" )e wa+ 1ayin. you like -e wa+ +u11o+ed to and you were 0akin. a fortune" DON J9*N &eally""" S@O4E !<O !$@ES $t +ay+ -ere -e wa+ +ellin. t-e ,e+t +-it +ince t-at )ei+en'fella" %ou could -a2e 0ade 0illion+" DON J9*N >ro0 SLEEH%6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES %a ,o++" DON J9*N !-e +a0e SLEEH% w-o i+ +oakin. -i+ ,rain+

0y ,rand new, 5er+ian ru.6

&$DD% &$@ JOBS $ .ue++ -e +-ould -a2e ,een called Not'+o'Slee=y Ji0" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Or, really -one+t'awe+o0e'dru.'dealer'Ji0 &$DD% &$@ JOBS S0art'0illionaire'w-o'wa+'in'no'way'Slee=y'Ji0" DON J9*N Do any of you cock+ucker'+ know -ow to re2i2e a dead .uy wit- -i+ ,rain+ +cattered all o2er 0y fuckin. floor6 S#ENE ENDS"

S#ENE K S!&*$()! 95 ( $N! ' #*& ' NOON$S) LO#4E i+ dri2in. w-ile LO*DED i+ +ittin. in t-e +eat like an an.+ty" )e -a+ ,eco0e a.itated at LO#4E'+ ,y t-e ,ook road rule+" LO*DED Ju+t let 0e dri2e" LO#4E <it- t-e a0ount you'2e -ad to drink, +nort, +0oke, and in7ect6 $ don't t-ink +o, ,ud" LO*DED %ou're .oin. J0 in a J0 =one" !-i+ i+ in+ane" LO#4E Bein. a 1olice officer doe+n't e3clude you fro0 t-e rule+ of t-e road" LO*DED wit- t-e radio until an o,+cene ra1 +on. co0e+ on" * +on. ,y 5O5 E%E J$HH *ND !)E #O#*$NE B*ND$!S LO#4E Do we -a2e to li+ten to t-i+ non+en+e6 LO*DED non+en+e6 !-i+ i+ a cla++ic" LO#4E turn+ down t-e radio" Do to in on LO#4E you -a2e any idea+ a+ to -ow we're .oin. take down DON J9*N6 <e'2e ,een dri2in. circle+ and $'0 +tartin. to run low .a+"

LO*DED %ou're t-e 2eteran, you tell 0e w-at your .eniu+ 1lan i+"

LO#4E $ 7u+t don't know -ow we'll .et to -i0" $ don't e2en know w-ere to find -i0" 9nle++"""$ -a2e a 1lan" !-e car turn+ and dri2e+ down a few +ide +treet+ ,efore enterin. a fancy nei.-,our-ood" LO#4E $ know a fella, t-e na0e'+ S4E!#)% @$4E" Local dru. dealer" :LO*DED'+ eye+ widen"; )e owe+ 0e a few fa2our+" @ay,e -e know+ -ow we can find DON J9*N" LO#4E 1ull+ o2er t-e car onto t-e +ide of t-e +treet and t-e two e3it t-e 2e-icle" !-ey are near a dark alley" LO#4E !-i+ i+ t-e 1lace" LO*DED Do you t-ink -e'll -a2e any dru.+6 LO#4E +tare+ at LO*DED wit- a face of di++ati+faction" )e doe+n't an+wer" !-e enter t-e +ketc-y allyway" E ! C S4E!)#% *LLE% ' @O&N$N( LO#4E & LO*DED walk +lowly" !-ey a11roac- a 0an wit- a -ood w-o i+ leanin. a.ain+t a ,rick wall" )e i+ wearin. a lon. trenc-coat" LO#4E S4E!#)% @$4E8 Still -ere, e-6 LO#4E and LO*DED are +i.nificantly clo+er to S4E!#)% @$4E" )e i+ a deer in -eadli.-t+" LO#4E *re you +till' crack to city 0ayor+6 S4E!#)% @$4E <-at'+ it to you, LO#4E" S4E!#)% @$4E look+ o2er at LO*DED S4E!#)% @$4E %ou look fa0iliar too"

LO#4E %ou'2e 1ro,a,ly +old -i0 cocaine" S4E!#)% @$4E )a2e $ now6 LO*DED Do you -a2e any0ore6 S4E!#)% @$4E $ don't +ell t-at any0ore" LO#4E %ou're li2in. t-e +trai.-t and narrow life, t-en6 S4E!#)% @$4E Na-" $'2e 7u+t -o11ed a,oard t-e ne3t ,i. trade 0arket" LO*DED @et-6 LO#4E 5ro+titute+6 S4E!#)% @$4E t-an ,ot- of t-o+e t-in.+ ti0e+ a 0illion" $ +ell counterfeit D)S ta1e+" LO#4E lau.-+" LO*DED <-at t-e -ell i+ a D)S ta1e6 S4E!#)% @$4E <ere you ,orn ye+terday you teet +ucker6 LO#4E <-o watc-e+ D)S ta1e+ any0ore6 E2en $ t-ink t-at i+ a dated tec-nolo.y" S4E!#)% @$4E !-ey're 0akin. a co0e ,ack" LO#4E Say+ w-o6

S4E!#)% @$4E Say+ 0e" &ecord+ are +tartin. to ,e 0ade a.ain, +a0e wit- ca+ette ta1e+" $t'+ only a 0atter of ti0e ,efore D)S ta1e+ +tart flyin. off t-e +-el2e+" LO*DED )a2e you +old any yet6 S4E!#)% @$4E Bu+ine++ -a+ ,een +low" $'2e re+orted to a M,uy one .et a .ra0 of crack cocaineN deal C ,ut it'll +tart to 1ick u1 +oon" LO*DED *ren't you worried t-at ,ecau+e Blue &ay i+ +uc- a ,etter /uality t-at you won't 0ake any 0oney6 S4E!#)% @$4E @an fuck ,lue ray, t-ere will alway+ ,e -i1+ter+ out t-ere to ,y 0y +-it" * )$5S!E& +tart+ walkin. down t-e +treet toward+ S4E!#)% @$4E S4E!#)% @$4E E3cu+e 0e for a 0o0ent, ,u+ine++ call+" *+ t-e )$5S!E& a11roac-e+ S4E!#)% @$4E, S4E!#)% @$4E walk+ toward+ -i0, and 1retend+ to +la1 -i0 a -i.- fi2e C 0uc- like t-e crack cocaine dealer+ of )arle0 do" E3ce1t, you can clearly +ee S4E!#)% @$4E -oldin. a D)S ta1e in -i+ -and" )$5S!E& %o 0an you .ot flu,,er6 S4E!#)% @$4E %ou know $ do" !-e )$5S!E& take+ t-e D)S ta1e and walk+ away" S4E!#)% @$4E :to LO#4E; !-at'+ -ow it'+ done" LO*DED %ou'2e .ot >L9BBE&6

S4E!#)% @$4E $'2e .ot all t-e cla++ic+" :)e o1en+ u1 -i+ trenc-coat to re2eal a few D)S ta1e+ fro0 t-e in+ide of -i+ 7acket;" *NNE O> (&EEN (*BLES, !)E @*S4, @% DO( S4$5, !)E L*S! *$& BENDE&" %ou na0e it, $ 0i.-t -a2e it" But if $ don't .i2e 0e like E week+ and t-en $'ll -a2e it for you" LO*DED Sound+ like you'2e 0ade /uite t-e li2in., @$4E" S4E!#)% @$4E !-at'+ S4E!#)% @$4E, to you" *nd yea-, $'0 doin. well" LO*DED <-ere can we find DON J9*N6 LO#4E 4id, +low down, you -a2e to work into it" S4E!#)% @$4E $ don't know +-it" LO*DED :+-outin.; !ell 0e w-ere -e i+8 S4E!#)% @$4E $ ain't tellin. you +-it8 LO#4E %ou're out of line, &OO4$E8 LO*DED 1ull+ out -i+ 5OL$#E B*D(E LO*DED $'ll arre+t you ri.-t now for +ellin. counterfeit D)S ta1e+ and i.norin. w-at a 1olice officer i+ tellin. you to do" S4E!#)% @$4E !-at la+t one i+n't e2en a law" LO*DED .ra,+ a D)S ta1e out of S4E!#)% @$4E'+ 7acket and t-row+ it a.ain+t a ,rick wall LO*DED %ou don't know +-it a,out law+8 (i2e u+ a na0e8

S4E!#)% @$4E Je+u+8 >ine8 (o find t-e EEt- +treet Sout- *frican &e+i+tance .an." !-ey'll -ook you u1 wit- DON J9*N" LO#4E <-o are t-e+e .uy+6 S4E!#)% @$4E New .an." Bunc- of -ardcore dude+ t-at crawled out of Sout- *frica cau+e t-ey weren't 1lea+ed witt-e way t-in.+ were .oin." Of cour+e, you'll need a .ood di+.ui+e" !-ey can +niff out .nark+ fro0 a 0ile away" LO*DED !-ank+, @ike" LO#4E Sketc-y @ike C $ a0 +o +orry" 5lea+e don't file a law+uit" )e'+ new at t-i+" LO#4E :cont'd; Let'+ .o 4id"$t'+ ti0e to find t-i+ .an." Let'+ Locke""and Load" S4E!#)% @$4E *nd @ike8 LO#4E and LO*DED ,ot- look o2er at S4E!#)% @$4E S4E!#)% @$4E No6 Sorry" $ t-ou.-t we were doin. a t-in." E ! ' #$!% S!&EE! ' NOON LO#4E & LO*DED 0ake t-eir way o2er to LO#4E'+ car" LO*DED <-at wa+ wit- t-at MLO#4E and LO*DN line6 LO#4E $f t-ere'+ one t-in. $ want you to re0e0,er fro0 all of t-i+, it'+ t-at one liner+ are e2eryt-in." E2ery +ucce++ful co1 -a+ -ad an a0a=in. one liner t-at i+ rele2ant to t-e ca+e -e i+ workin. on" Ne2er t-at"

LO*DED $'0 +ur1ri+ed you're *l=-ei0er -u01in. a++ re0e0,er+ t-at" LO#4E <-at doe+ t-at e2en 0ean6 Stay focu+ed" <e need to take down t-e EEt- +treet Sout*frican &e+i+tance" )ow are we .oin. to .et into a di+.ui+e for t-at6 LO*DED +nort+ anot-er line of cocaine off t-e -ood of LO#4E'+ car" LO*DED &ela3 Old @an" $ -a2e a .eniu+ 1lan" END S#ENE"

L&L S#ENE J ' MBoy+ are Black in townN E ! C @$D D*% C @*$N S!&EE! LO#4E & LO*DED are walkin. down a ,u+y city +treet, at fir+t only t-eir le.+ are +-own" !-ey are +truttin. t-eir +tuff, a+ t-e ca0era +lowly 1an+ u1 it re2eal+ t-at LO#4E & LO*DED -a2e .one MBlack >aceN" !-ey -a2e 1ainted t-eir face+ co01letely ,lack" LO*DED +ee0+ +ure of -i+ idea and -a+ ada1ted to a 2ery +tereoty1ical and raci+t walk, w-ile LO#4E +ee0+ le++ certain of -i+ a,ilitie+ to 1ull off t-e di+.ui+e" * 0ot-er walkin. wit- -er c-ild +-ield+ ,ot- of t-eir eye+ a+ t-ey walk ,y LO#4E & LO*DED" LO*DED Su1' darlin'6 LO#4E ti1+ -i+ )*! at t-e wo0an" LO#4E E2enin' 0a'a0" )*N4 i+ +ittin. in a coffee +-o1 orderin. a +nack, w-en -e look+ out t-e window and notice+ LO#4E & LO*DED walkin. down t-e +treet" )*N4 $'ll ,e da0ned" !-e two turn down a +ide +treet, t-ey +tart to a11roac- t-e -ou+e at

t-e end of t-e +treet" E ! C @$D D*% C S$DE S!&EE! LO#4E $ don't know if $ can do t-i+" LO*DED <ell you're .onna try" LO#4E <e look ridiculou+" No,ody i+ .oin. to ,uy into t-i+ tacky di+.ui+e" * BL*#4 @*N walk+ down t-e +treet and a11roac-e+ LO#4E" )e free=e+, a look of 1anic co0e+ acro++ -i+ face" !-e BL*#4 @*N continue+ to walk forward" )e e3tend+ -i+ -and for a -i.- fi2e" BL*#4 @*N <-at'+ .ood 0y ,rot-er+6 !-e BL*#4 @*N kee1+ walkin. u1 t-e +treet" LO#4E <ow C okay C a11arently $ don't know anyt-in. a,out anyt-in." LO*DED %ou did okay for a fir+t ti0er" LO#4E %ou 0ean t-i+ i+n't t-e fir+t ti0e t-at you'2e done t-i+6 LO*DED )ell no" #9! !O a +erie+ of fla+-,ack e2ent+ of LO*DED -a2in. .one ',lack face' and arre+tin. nu0erou+ 1eo1le" One of t-e+e e2ent+ in2ol2e+ -i0 ,eatin. u1 a and yellin. M%ou're under arre+t ,itc-8N !-e ne3t e2ent in2ol2e+ -i0 at a dru. deal C -e 1ull+ out -i+ .un and +crea0+ M%ou're under arre+t ,itc-8N !-e final +cene in t-e fla+-,ack in2ol2e+ -i0 1layin. BO , talkin. on t-e 1-one +ayin. M$'0 under -ou+e arre+t, ,itc-8N #9! B*#4 !O 5&ESEN! !$@E

LO#4E $ don't know w-at $'0 .onna +ay w-en we .et t-ere" LO*DED Ju+t let 0e do t-e talkin." LO#4E $ feel li.-t -eaded, kid" LO*DED $t'+ 1ro,a,ly t-e 1aint" LO#4E <-at6 LO*DED $t'+ incredi,ly to3ic" LO#4E %ou +1ecifically told 0e it wa+ non to3ic" LO*DED $ +1ecifically lied to you ,ecau+e $ knew you wouldn't do t-i+ if it wa+ life t-reatenin." LO#4E <-at are 0y c-ance+ of +ur2i2al6 LO*DED %ou e2er +-ot +o 0uc- -eroin you t-ink you're on cocaine6 LO#4E No" LO*DED !-en your odd+ are ,a+ically =ero" !-e two a11roac- t-e -ou+e and knock on t-e door" LO*DED Ju+t re0e0,er let 0e knock on t-e door" LO#4E $f t-i+ fuck+ u1 C it'+ on you"

!-e door o1en+" * lar.e, 0u+cly 0an o1en+ t-e door w-o i+ clearly a +kin-ead" )e -a+ a na=i ar0 ,and on and i+ wearin. a leat-er 7acket" LO*DED i+ fro=en wit- fear" LO#4E look+ o2er at LO*DED and +tart+ to 1anic" !-e 1lan -a+ definitely .one +out-" S4$N)E*D <-at t-e fuck do you darkie+ want6 !-ere i+ an incredi,ly lon. +ilence" LO#4E Sorry to ,ot-er you, ,ut we were lookin. for t-e Sout- *frican &e+i+tance and $ t-ink we -a2e t-e wron. -ou+e" S4$N)E*D &i.-t -ou+e" LO*DED But you're w-ite" S4$N)E*D <-ite i+ ri.-t" LO*DED !-e Sout- *frican &e+i+tance i+ a w-ite +u1re0ici+t .an.6 S4$N)E*D %ou're .odda0n ri.-t" *nd you dark +kinned 0ot-er fucker 7u+t walked into t-e wron. nei.-,our-ood" !-e S4$N)E*D .ra,+ a knife fro0 ,e+ide t-e door and +te1+ out+ide" LO*DED )ow can you ,e t-e *frican re+i+tance and ,e w-ite6 S4$N)E*D Becau+e we're a.ain+t t-e +ocio'ideolo.ical 0o2e0ent t-at i+ -a11enin. in Sout*frica" !-ey want e/uality and we re+ent t-at" LO#4E O- C t-at 0ake+ +o 0uc- 0ore +en+e t-an

w-at we were t-inkin." LO*DED <e t-ou.-t Sout- *frica wa+ +till run ,y ric- w-ite dude+ and you were re+i+tin. t-e0" LO#4E $ tried to tell -i0 w-ite 1eo1le -a2en't ,een dictatin. Sout- *frica in year+, ,ut -e +ee0ed 0ore -i1 and wit- it +o $ tru+ted -i0" <e'll .et out of your -air"

LO#4E reali=e+ w-at -e 7u+t +aid to t-e S4$N)E*D S4$N)E*D %ou crackin' a 7oke, dirty ,oy6 LO#4E %ou were +o well +1oken a 0o0ent a.o, w-at -a11ened6 LO*DED $ wa+ .enuinely +ur1ri+ed" S4$N)E*D Ju+t ,ecau+e $'0 a w-ite +u1re0ici+t 0ean+ $ can't ,e well +1oken and intelli.ent6 LO#4E <ell""" S4$N)E*D !-at'+ raci+t" !-e S4$N)E*D 1oint+ -i+ knife at LO*DED S4$N)E*D $'0 .onna .ut you like a fi+-" LO#4E E2eryone alway+ +ay+ t-at" S4$N)E*D $t'+ ,ecau+e $ can .ut a fi+- and not a +in.le 1er+on would care" *nd

it'+ 0e++y" LO*DED <e're not actually ,lack8 LO*DED roll+ u1 -i+ +lee2e and re2eal+ -i+ 1a+ty w-ite +kin" LO*DED <e 7u+t t-ou.-t you were ,lack +o we 1ainted our+el2e+ ,lack +o we could -a2e a .ood di+.ui+e" LO#4E face 1al0+" S4$N)E*D <-y do you need a di+.ui+e6 LO*DED S-it" LO#4E 1ull+ out -i+ ,ad.e" LO#4E 5olice8 >ree=e8 !-e S4$N)E*D lau.-+" S4$N)E*D $ know you can't ,e co1+" LO#4E $'2e .ot a ,ad.e8 S4$N)E*D No co1 would ,e du0, enou.- to 1ull +o0e +ort of idiotic, racially 0oti2ated +tunt like t-i+" $f t-ey wanted infor0ation fro0 0e, t-ey would -a2e 7u+t +-own u1 wita warrant" LO*DED &e+1ect t-e ,ad.e8 !-e S4$N)E*D 1ull+ out a +0all ,a..y of cocaine" )e 0ake+ a +0all ,u01 on -i+ -and and +ort+ t-e 0ound off -i+ +kin" S4$N)E*D Say .ood,ye"

LO#4E <ait8 4id8 (i2e -i0 your cocaine8 LO*DED No8 S4$N)E*D #ocaine6 LO#4E >ree cocaine to w-ate2er w-ite +u1re0ici+t in t-i+ nei.-,our-ood doe+n't kill u+8 LO#4E look+ o2er at LO*DED" LO*DED >uck you" LO*DED t-row+ do=en+ of 1acket+ of cocaine o2er to t-e S4$N)E*D w-o .ratefully 1ick+ u1 -i+ 1re+ent+" LO*DED !-ere C t-at'+ all of it" LO#4E #-eck your a++-ole" LO*DED >uck you" LO*DED .ra,+ in -i+ -and" +kin-ead and i+ flyin. in a ,rick of cocaine out of -i+ a++-ole and i+ -oldin. it LO#4E wink+" LO*DED +win.+ t-e ,rick of cocaine at t-e knock+ -i0 uncon+ciou+" !-e ,rick e31lode+ and cocaine t-e air" LO*DED i+ noticea,ly tryin. to +niff it u1" LO#4E Let'+ .o888 LO#4E & LO*DED run down t-e +treet, wi1in. off t-eir face+ a+ t-ey continue to 0o2e t-rou.- t-e +treet" *fter runnin. /uite t-e di+tance, t-e two +to1 and catc- t-eir ,reat-e" LO*DED )ow'd you know a,out t-at ,rick of cocaine in 0y a++-ole6 LO#4E !-at'+ w-ere $'d kee1 0ine"

!-e two of t-e0 -a2e a 0o0ent" )*N4 1ull+ u1 in a car" )*N4 *fternoon, .entle0en" LO#4E *fternoon, )ank8 )ow'+ it .oin.6 LO*DED <-o'+ t-i+ fuck face6 )*N4 %ou 0u+t ,e LO#4E'+ articulate new 1artner" LO*DED %ea-6 <ell you 0u+t ,e a +-it-ead" )*N4 look+ taken a,ack ,y t-at +tate0ent" )*N4 )ow'+ your in2e+ti.ation .oin.6 *ny lead+6 !-ere i+ a lon. 1au+e" LO*DED >uck you" )*N4 5lea+ant" <ell, .ood luck, LO#4E" %our 1artner +ee0+ like a ,ucket full of +un+-ine" $'ll +ee you at your retire0ent 1arty to0orrow 0ornin." So0e of u+ -a2e real detecti2e work to do" )*N4 dri2e+ away" LO*DED #ock +ucker8 )*N4 fli1+ off LO*DED LO#4E <ell t-at wa+ rude" End Scene"

L&L Scene B ' M@y (irlN $N! C DON J9*N'S )9@BLE *BODE C *>!E&NOON DON J9*N i+ +ittin. in -i+ t-rone of a c-air, w-ile S@O4E% !<O !$@ES i+ +tandin. to -i+ ri.-t, and &$DD% &$@ JOBS +tandin. to S@O4E%'+ ri.-t" !-ey are +ittin. /uietly, +0oke fill+ t-e roo0 fro0 DON J9*N'+" !-e t-ree of t-e0 are +tarin. at a 0onitor in t-e roo0" On t-e 0onitor, we +ee a >&$()!ENED @*N +ittin. alone in a roo0 wita de+k in front of -i0" $t re+e0,le+ an interro.ation roo0" !-e 0an +ee0+ worried for -i+ life" )e i+ +crea0in. for -el1" DON J9*N continue+ to watc- a+ a .rin take+ o2er -i+ face" DON J9*N c-eck+ -i+ watc-" #ue @9S$#" * +candalou+ <O@*N enter+ t-e roo0 carryin. a ,rief ca+e Struttin. w-at -er 0o00a .a2e -er, +-e +et+ t-e ,rief ca+e on t-e ta,le" !-e 0an al0o+t in+tantly +ee0+ to ,e arou+ed ,y -er 1re+ence" !-e wo0an walk+ around t-e roo0 re+e0,lin. a +tri11er a,out to .i2e a -orny 0an a la1 dance" S-e +lide+ t-e ta,le ,ack a few feet" S-e o1en+ u1 t-e ,rief ca+e +o t-e 0an can't +ee" * wide 2ariety of torture tool+ are +een" !-e wo0an walk+ o2er to t-e 0an, and 1lace+ -er le. on -i+ la1" S-e +lide+ u1 -er +kirt to re2eal -er u11er le. C and w-ere +-e -a+ +ta+-ed a ta+er on -er le." S-e 2iolently ta=e+ t-e 0an in t-e neck, -e +crea0+ in a.ony" DON J9*N !-at'+ 0y .irl" :-e look+ o2er to &$DD% and S@O4E%; $ need to ,e alone" S@O4E% and &$DD% look unco0forta,le a+ t-eir ,o++ look+ a+ if -e'+ .ettin. +o0e +ort of +e3ual .ratification fro0 watc-in. -i+ wife torture anot-er 0an" !-ey lea2e t-e roo0" !-e <O@*N walk+ ,ack to t-e ,rief ca+e, and 1ull+ out a 1iece of fa,ric, and a +crew dri2er ' w-ic- +-e u+e+ to +ta, t-e 0an in ,otof -i+ t-i.-+" DON J9*N O- ,a,y" DON J9*N ad7u+t+ -i+ tie" !-e <O@*N t-row+ t-e +crew dri2er to t-e .round, and 1lace+ t-e 1iece

of fa,ric in -er -and+" S-e roll+ it into a ,all C +o0e-ow +e3ually C and ki++e+ t-e 0an on t-e c-eek" !-e 0an i+ confu+ed a+ to w-et-er -e +-ould ,e -orrified or turned on" !-e <O@*N +tuff+ t-e fa,ric into -i+ 0out- and down -i+ t-roat" @uffled +crea0+ are -eard" DON J9*N Don't +to1 +weet-eart" DON J9*N i+ now clearly 1lea+urin. -i0+elf underneat- t-e ta,le" )e look+ like a di+.u+tin. -ot 0e++" S@O4E% !<O ti0e+ and &$DD% &$@ JOBS o1en t-e door to DON J9*N'+ office" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES )ey $ ,o++ t-ere'+ a ' S@O4E% reali=e+ w-at -e i+ +eein." )e and &$DD% +-ield t-eir eye+ fro0 t-e -orror" DON J9*N look+ t-e0 directly in t-e eye" DON J9*N Don't act like you're not i01re++ed, e++e" !-ere i+ an awkward 1au+e a+ 0a+tur,ation +ound+ are -eard" >a1 fa1 fa1" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Sorry to interru1t ,o++" But t-ere'+ a co1 -ere w-o want+ to talk to ya" DON J9*N %ou let a co1 into 0y -u0,le a,ode6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <ell yea-" DON J9*N *nd you didn't kill -i06 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES )e +ay+ -e'+ .ot +o0e infor0ation a,out two co1+ t-at are tryin. to take you down" DON J9*N <ell let -i0 in t-en you fuckin' dick +/uee=e" DON J9*N turn+ off t-e 0onitor and =i1+ -i+ 1ant+ u1" S@O4E% +i.nal+

to &$DD% to fetc- t-e #O5 fro0 out+ide t-e roo0 to ,rin. -i0 in" S@O4E% +tand+ ne3t to DON J9*N a+ &$DD% ,rin.+ in a fa0iliar face, )*N4" DON J9*N 5lea+e C +it down" &$DD% t-row+ )*N4 into t-e c-air and 0o2e+ acro++ t-e roo0 to +tand ne3t to S@O4E%" )*N4 *re t-e+e your .oon+6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <-at'd you +ay you little +-it6 S@O4E% reac-e+ for t-e .un in -i+ wai+t" )*N4 rai+e+ -i+ -and+" )*N4 E2ery 2illain need+ .oon+, ri.-t6 DON J9*N lau.-+ and +i.nal+ for S@O4E% to rela3" DON J9*N S@O4E%, 1lea+e C we -a2e a .ue+t" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Sorry ,o++" DON J9*N $ a1olo.i=e for S@O4E% !<O !$@ES, ,ut -e'+ not 0y .oon" )e'+ 0y ri.-t -and 0an" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES +tand+ 1roudly" )*N4 <ell t-en w-o'+ t-i+ ot-er .uy6 )*N4 1oint+ to &$DD% &$@ JOBS S@O4E% !<O !$@ES )e'+ my ri.-t -and 0an" &$DD% &$@ JOBS +tand+ 1roudly" )*N4 <ell w-ere'+ your ri.-t -and 0an6

&$DD% &$@ JOBS $ don't .ot a ri.-t -and 0an" $ ain't e2en .ot a ri.-t -and8 &$DD% &$@ JOBS re2eal+ a wrenc- in t-e 1lace w-ere -i+ ri.-t -and +-ould ,e" )*N4 look+ 0ore confu+ed t-an -e did ,efore" DON J9*N Now t-at we'2e .ot 1lea+antrie+ out of t-e way ' w-y are you -ere you fuckin. 0ule fuckin. -o0,re6 )*N4 !-ere'+ two co1+ tryin. to take you down" DON J9*N $'0 +ur1ri+ed t-ere i+n't 0illion+ of t-e0 tryin. to take 0e down" )*N4 !-ey're .ettin. clo+e" DON J9*N )ow clo+e6 )*N4 !-ey were 7u+t talkin. to S4E!#)% @$4E a,out an -our a.o" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES S4E!#)% @$4E doe+n't know +-it" &$DD% &$@ JOBS )e doe+n't know dick a,out a++" )*N4 i+ +tartin. to 1anic" !-e 0o,+ter+ are +eein. t-rou.- -i+ lie" )*N4 !-en -ow did t-ey 0ana.e to .et an addre++6 #9! !O E ! C 5OL$#E #*& C *>!E&NOON 1 )& BE>O&E !)E 5&ESEN! )*N4 i+ talkin. to LO#4E & LO*DED" )*N4 So you ,oy+ -a2e an addre++ yet6

LO#4E No1e" <e're not e2en clo+e" )*N4 5ity" #9! B*#4 !O $N! C DON J9*NS )9@BLE *BODE C 5&ESEN! )*N4 $ know you and S4E!#)% @$4E are clo+e" DON J9*N $'2e ne2er +een -i0 in 0y life )*N4 $ -a2e 2ideo foota.e of you 0eetin. wit- S4E!#)% @$4E in t-i+ office" DON J9*N %ou can't 1ro2e t-at it'+ 0e" )*N4 <anna ,et6 )*N4 1ull+ out a #D and -and+ it to S@O4E% into a DDD 1layer and it +tart+ to 1lay on +-ow+ S4E!#)% @$4E talkin. to a 0an and -e DON J9*N o2er and o2er a.ain" S4E!#)% @$4E )*N4 )a2e you +een enou.-6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <ait ,o++ C t-ere'+ 0ore" !-ere i+ 0u0,lin. -eard fro0 t-e ta1e, and it i+ +-own t-at DON J9*N i+ tryin. to +uck -i+ own .enital+" )e'+ 0akin. a +erie+ of .runt+ and +ayin. t-in.+ like M(odda0nit $'0 +o clo+e"""N DON J9*N +-ut+ off t-e ta1e in a 1anic" E2eryone in t-e roo0 i+ +tunned" DON J9*N *re you cock+ucker+ tryin. to tell 0e you'2e ne2er tried to +uck your own dick6 !<O !$@ES" S@O4E% 1ut+ it t-e !D" !-e 2ideo clearly re1eatedly +ay+ t-e na0e lea2e+ t-e roo0"

S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Not t-at $ can re0e0,er" &$DD% &$@ JOBS $ did in an or.y once" DON J9*N )ow t-e fuck did you e2en .et t-at foota.e, 1i.6 So0e,ody 0u+t -a2e !<O !$@ED 0e""" E2eryone look+ o2er at S@O4E% !<O !$@ES" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Ey8 O-8 $ know you ,oy+ aren't t-inkin. it wa+ 0e" !-ey call 0e +0okey'two'ti0e+ ,ecau+e $ don't alway+ +0oke, ,ut w-en $ do, $ do it two ti0e+8 $'2e ,een doin' it +ince $ cata1ulted out of 0y @o00a'+ +natc-" DON J9*N look+ o2er at &$DD% &$@ JOBS, w-o i+ 1uttin. u1 an incredi,ly ,ad M(uy+ C it totally wa+n't 0eN face" DON J9*N %ou -a2e anyt-in. to +ay, &$DD%6 !-ere i+ a 1au+e" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES O- co0e on DON J9*N8 &$DD% wouldn't e2er do +o0et-in. like t-at, ri.-t &$DD%6 )e'+ a fuckin 0oral co01a++" )e can't lie" &$DD% &$@ JOBS <ell $ 0ay -a2e ' S@O4E% 1ay+ no attention to &$DD%" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <-o care+ anyway6 DON C t-ere'+ two 1iece+ of ,acon runnin. at you" <e .otta take 'e0 out" )ey, #o1, w-ere can we find t-e+e two fuck u1+6 DON J9*N %e+"""w-ere6 )*N4 !aco Bell" One of t-e0 i+ -un.o2er, and -e alway+ -ead+ o2er t-ere 7u+t after noon to +ati+fy -i+ cra2in.+ after a ni.-t of -ea2y

drinkin." S@O4E% !<O !$@ES )ow do you know6 )*N4 9nlike t-e0, $'0 actually a .ood detecti2e" DON J9*N S@O4E%, &$DD%, -unt t-e0 down" But t-e /ue+tion re0ain+"""-ow did t-i+ 5$( find 0e +o ea+ily6 )*N4 %ou're in t-e yellow 1a.e+" !-ere i+ a 1au+e" )*N4 !-ere'+ an ad2erti+e0ent wit- an addre++ and 1-one nu0,er" *t fir+t $ didn't t-ink it wa+ you ,ut t-e ad +ee0ed 1retty de+cri1ti2e" )*N4 1ull+ out a yellow 1a.e+ ad fro0 -i+ 1ocket" $t read+ MDON J9*N DO@ES!$#*!O D$LEN#$O, @OBS!E& E !&*O&D$N*&E" )*DE * '&*!' 5&OBLE@6 #*LL @E, $ #*N !*4E #*&E O> %O9& '&*!' 5&OBLE@"N S@O4E% and &$DD% look o2er to DON J9*N" DON J9*N Bu+ine++ -a+ ,een +low" Now fuck off, .i2e t-i+ co1 I20 ('S and .o .et t-o+e two 1i.+8 END S#ENE"

S#ENE E C #)*&*#!E& DEDELO5@EN! $N! C LO#4E'S #*& C *>!E&NOON LO#4E and LO*DED are +ittin. in t-eir car, en7oy a nice, nutritional 0eal fro0 !aco Bell" LO#4E $ 7u+t can't ,elie2e we -a2en't found t-e0 yet" 9+ually ,y now $ -a2e +o0e +ort of lead C something. LO*DED i+ un1-a+ed ,y w-at LO#4E -a+ 7u+t +aid" LO#4E take+ notice of LO*DED for a 0o0ent" LO#4E E2er +ince $ 0et you, w-ic- wa+ t-i+ 0ornin., you'2e ,een eit-er drinkin., +0okin., +nortin., in7ectin., or 7u+t in-alin. +o0e +ort of +u,+tance" LO*DED <-at'+ your 1oint old 0an6 LO#4E %ou're a loo+e cannon, kid" in t-e 0eane+t of way+" $ 0ean t-at

LO*DED :an.ry; %ou don't know 0e8 <-at $'2e ,een t-rou.-8 LO#4E :cal0; $ ne2er +aid $ did" $'0 tryin. to teacyou w-at it 0ean+ to ,e a real .odda0n officer of t-e law" *ll you +ee0 to care a,out i+ .ettin. -i.- and 0a+tur,atin." LO*DED Once" $ did t-at once ,ecau+e $ t-ou.-t you weren't lookin." LO#4E <ell, $ wa+" $ +aw e2eryt-in." 5au+e" LO#4E %ou're not t-e only one wit- de0on+, kid" Not -a2in. de0on+ i+n't w-at 0ake+ a 0an into a 0an C it'+ -ow -e 0an -andle+

t-o+e de0on+" %ou're eit-er .oin. to let t-e0 control you're life, and you're .oin. to cradle t-at de0on+ ,all+ all ni.-t lon. C or you're .oin. to +ay '>uck you de0on, $ will 1lay wityour ,all+ no 0ore8 !-e only ,all 1layin. -ere i+ .oin. to -a11en wityour 0out- and 0y nut+" Now .et 1layin'8' LO*DED $'2e tried" $t'+ 7u+t e2er +ince 0y D*D died $ -a2en't ,een a,le to co1e" LO*DED 1ull+ out a ,ottle of J*#4 D*N$ELS and +tart+ to drink fro0 it" LO*DED )e'+ t-e rea+on $ wanted to ,e a co1 in t-e fir+t 1lace" But DON J9*N killed -i0 on a ca+e 0uc- like t-e one $'0 on ri.-t now" @y D*D wa+ tryin. to take -i0 down" LO#4E $'2e .ot in it for DON J9*N too" LO*DED <-at'd -e do to you6 LO#4E $t'+ not w-at -e did, ,ut rat-er w-o -e took" DON J9*N DO@ES!$#*!O D$LEN#$O killed -i0 in cold ,lood" @y 1artner wa+ tryin. to +tart a re-a, 1ro.ra0 for inner city c-ildren like you, DON J9*N wa+ one of t-e0" DON J9*N +-ot 0y 1artner"""-e wa+ only +i3 year+ old" LO*DED !-at 0u+t ,e rou.- to know t-at you're 1artner, a .rown 0an, wa+ killed ,y a ,oy w-o'+ ,all+ -a2en't e2en dro11ed yet" LO#4E %ou're not 2ery .ood wit- +y01at-y" LO*DED %ou're not 2ery .ood wit- a lot of t-in.+"

Like co01uter+" Old 0an" LO#4E @y 0arria.e wa+ 7u+t ne2er t-e +a0e after 0y 1artner'+ deat-" LO*DED %ou ,eca0e di+tant fro0 your wife6 LO#4E <ife6 <-at6 Did you not -ear t-e word+ t-at 7u+t ca0e out of 0y 0out-" LO*DED %ou +aid DON J9*N killed your 1artner, w-ic- o,2iou+ly 0eant your co1 1artner" !-en you're 0arria.e fell a1art" LO#4E @y co1 1artner6 $ 0eant 0y -u+,and" $'0 .ay LO*DED O-" LO#4E 5ro,le06 LO*DED No, $ wa+ 7u+t confu+ed" 9+ually any .ay 1er+on in fiction i+ o2erly fla0,oyant and enforce+ +tereoty1e+" LO#4E >iction6 LO#4E & LO*DED turn and +tare at t-e ca0era LO#4E $ don't -a2e co1 1artner+" Not e2en 1unk kid+ w-o don't know -ow to control t-eir li2e+" %ou +1end your ti0e wityour 0ind in t-e 1a+t like you can c-an.e it C ,ut you can't" Neit-er can $" Ju+t 1ut down t-e ,ottle and let'+ take t-i+ .uy down, for ,ot- of our dead lo2ed one+" LO*DED look+ at -i+ ,ottle of J*#4 D*N$ELS" !-ere i+ a knock on t-e dri2er +ide window, LO#4E roll+ down -i+ window"

LO#4E <-at can $ -el1 you wit-6 No one i+ t-ere" !-ere i+ a knock on t-e ,ack window" LO#4E .et+ out of t-e car" LO#4E !-i+ ,etter not ,e +o0e 1unk a++ kid" $'2e already .ot one of t-o+e to deal wit-" LO#4E walk+ around to t-e ,ack of t-e car, w-ere a 0a+ked 0an +win.+ a ,at at LO#4E'+ kneeca1, knockin. -i0 to t-e .round" )e +win.+ once 0ore knockin. LO#4E uncon+ciou+" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES (ra, -i08 (ra, -i08 (odda0nit" S@O4E% !<O !$@E take+ off -i+ 0a+k in fru+tration" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES &$DD%, $ know you'2e only .ot one -and ,ut try a little -arder" *lri.-t6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS %ou could at lea+t -el1 0e" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES $'2e .otta .o .ra, t-i+ ot-er cock'+0oke in t-e car" &EDE*L LO*DED already in t-e dri2er +eat of t-e car" )e +tart+ t-e car and dri2e+ away" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES (odda0nit" <ell $ .ue++ one ain't ,ad"

S#ENE O C BENDE& $N! C B*& C EDEN$N( LO*DED i+ +ittin. at t-e ,ar, drinkin. -i+ 1ain away C a+ u+ual" )e'+ clearly -ad too 0any, ,ut -e kee1+ drinkin. anyway in +ilence" )e reac-e+ into -i+ ,ack 1ocket and 1ull+ out a ,a. of #O#*$NE and +tart+ to 0ake a line on t-e counter" B*& @*N %ou can't do t-at +-it in -ere8 (o into t-e ,at-roo0 if you -a2e to do it" LO*DED >uck you8 LO*DED t-row+ a ,ottle at t-e ,ar 0an, w-ic- ,reak+ on t-e wall" B*& @*N $f you ,reak one 0ore ,ottle on t-at wall $'ll -a2e to 1ut u1 a new wall +o cal0 t-e fuck down8 $ don't -a2e t-e 0oney for re1air+ C e+1ecially in t-i+ econo0y" (o to t-e ,at-roo0 you fuckin. 7unkie8 LO*DED +lide+ off t-e ,ar +tool and +tu0,le+ into t-e ,at-roo0" )e knock+ o1en t-e ,at-roo0 +tall and lean+ into t-e toilet to 2o0it" )e i+ lyin. ne3t to it, in t-e fetal 1o+ition, co01letely -o1ele++" *not-er 0an enter+ t-e ,at-roo0" )e'+ talkin. on t-e 1-one" )i+ cockney accent i+ +tran.ely fa0iliar"""!-e fa0iliar 2oice i+ wa+-in. -i+ -and+" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES !-e fucker 7u+t 1ulled a .un on 0e8 $ +-it 0y 1ant+, went for a +0oke, went for anot-er +0oke, t-en $ +0oked two ci.arette+ at once and now $'0 in a run down ,ar ne3t to +o0e +-it,a. t-at -old+ -i+ li/uor like a ,road durin. +1rin. ,reak" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES walk+ ,ack out of t-e ,at-roo0" LO*DED $"""know"""t-at accent" LO*DED flin.+ -i0+elf u1 fro0 t-e toilet, 2o0it +till on -i+ +-irt, and walk+ into t-e 0ain area of t-e ,ar" )e +ee+ S@O4E% !<O !$@ES +ittin. at t-e counter -a2in. a drink" )e a11roac-e+ like a drunken

lion tryin. to 1ick u1 a .a=elle at a clu," LO*DED E+'3u=e 0e +ir" But $ ,elie2e $ know you fro0 +o0ew-ere S@O4E% !<O !$@ES turn+ around re2ealin. -e -a+ ,een ,eaten -orri,ly" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES O- ya6 <-ere6 LO*DED * taco ,ell 1arkin. lot C like two -our+ a.o" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <-at6 LO*DED 5ri2ate #on+ta,le [vomits on himself] and you're under arre+t for t-e kidna11in. of Detecti2e Locke8 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Li+ten 0an, you'2e .ot t-i+ all wron." LO*DED <-at6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Let'+ +ay -y1ot-etically, $ wa+ at t-at 1lace t-at you +aid $ wa+ at C w-ic- $'0 not +ayin. $ wa+" Now, +1eakin. 1urely in -y1ot-eticall+, +ay $ wa+ doin. t-at t-in. t-at you t-ou.-t you +aw 0e doin. C i0a.ine t-e o11o+ite of w-at you +aw and t-at'+ w-at $ wa+ doin." LO*DED $'0 too drunk for t-i+ .odda0nit you're under arre+t ya 1rick" LO*DED 1ull+ out a 1air of -andcuff+ and +tart+ to detain S@O4E%" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <ait wait wait" $ can -el1 you" $ know w -ere t-ey're kee1in. t-at old +ack of +-it you call a 1artner"

LO*DED +to1+ detainin. S@O4E%" LO*DED $ don't .i2e a rat+ a++ a,out t-at 0an" )e +aid $ -a2e +u,+tance a,u+e 1ro,le0+" LO*DED 2o0it+ on t-e floor S@O4E% !<O !$@ES $ know w-ere DON J9*N i+8 %ou want DON J9*N6 $ can .i2e -i0 to ya8 Ju+t don't arre+t 0e" $ don't do well in 1ri+on" $ need ci.arette+ 0ore t-an $ need o3y.en" LO*DED <-ere i+ DON J9*N6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Let 0e .o and $'ll tell ya" LO*DED loo+en+ -i+ .ri1 on S@O4E% !<O !$@ES" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES *0ateur" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES 0ake+ a run of t-e door" !-e B*& @*N +win.+ a c-air at S@O4E%, knockin. -i0 to t-e .round" !-e B*& @*N look+ around at t-e ,ar t-at -a+ +ince fallen +ilent +ince -i+ action" B*& @*N #iti=en+ arre+t8 LO*DED 1ull+ out S@O4E%'+ 1ack of ci.arette+ fro0 -i+ 1ocket" )e -old+ a li.-ter u1 to t-e0" LO*DED <-ere are t-ey68 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES %ou ain't .onna do it" LO*DED 0o2e+ t-e li.-ter clo+er" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES $ dare you8 See w-at -a11en+8 LO*DED 0o2e+ t-e li.-ter e2en clo+er"

S@O4E% !<O !$@ES 5u++y won't do it" LO*DED li.-t+ t-e 1ack on fire" S@O4E% lau.-+" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES !-o+e are @arl,oro C you're really doin' 0e a fa2our" !)E B*& @*N 1unc-e+ S@O4E% in t-e face" B*& @*N *n+wer t-e da0n /ue+tion8 #iti=en+ interro.ation8 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Ow" (ee=" >ine" !-e addre++ i+ 442 Su,'Bour,on Street" LO*DED 0ake+ for t-e door" !-e B*&@*N 1unc-e+ S@O4E% !<O !$@ES in t-e face a.ain" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES <-at wa+ t-at one for6 B*& @*N >or tryin. to lea2e a +0all ,ar wit-out 1ayin. your ta, in an econo0y t-at i+ already +tru..lin.8 End +cene"

S#ENE 10 C >$N*LE $N! C DON J9*N'S )9@BLE *BODE C N$()! !$@E DON J9*N i+ +ittin. at -i+ de+k, wit- &$DD% &$@ JOBS i00ediately to -i+ ri.-t" !-ey are ,ot- lookin. at t-e +a0e +creen t-at wa+ +-own 1re2iou+ly" LO#4E i+ +ittin. in t-e interro.ation c-air" DON J9*N look+ down at -i+ watc-" )e +0ile+" !-e +a0e <O@*N enter+ t-e roo0 carryin. a ,rief ca+e" S-e 1ut+ it on t-e ta,le, al0o+t 0i0ickin. -er routine fro0 t-e 1re2iou+ torture +cene" DON J9*N S-ow ti0e" !-e <O@*N ta=e+ LO#4E, 0uc- like +-e did t-e ot-er 0an" DON J9*N 1au+e+ for a 0o0ent" )e -it+ an interco0 ,utton" DON J9*N )oney C u+e t-e knuckle+ t-i+ ti0e" !-e <O@*N look+ u1 at t-e ca0era +0ilin." S-e reac-e+ into -er +uitca+e and 1ull+ out a 1air of ,ra++ knuckle+" S-e 1ut+ t-e0 on, and +tart+ 1unc-in. LO#4E o2er and o2er a.ain in t-e face" DON J9*N :t-rou.- interco0; $'0 .onna kill you like $ did your 1artner, LO#4E8 Don't t-ink $ don't re0e0,er you8 $'0 .oin. to ,eat you +en+ele++ C 7u+t like $ did to -i0" $'0 .oin. to ri1 out your and feed t-e0 to rat+ a+ you watc-" $'0 .oin. to u+e your toe+ to feed 0y fi+-" $'0 .oin. to u+e your li1+ to feed 0y cock" &$DD% &$@ JOBS look+ at DON J9*N" DON J9*N look+ ,ack" DON J9*N :t-rou.- interco0; @y roo+ter i+ a ,ird 0y friend" %ou will ,e not-in. w-en t-ey find you" No,ody will re0e0,er t-e fa,ulou+ LO#4E" LO#4E i+ ,ein. ,eaten wit-in an inc- of -i+ life, and all +ee0+ -o1ele++" E ! C DON J9*N'+ )O9SE C N$()! !$@E * trou,led LO*DED, i+ +ittin. alone in t-e car tryin. to -y1e -i0+elf

u1 to take on -i+ de0on+" LO*DED %ou can do t-i+" %ou can do t-i+" %ou can't do t-i+"""%ou're ,arely e2en a 1olice officer" %ou need dru.+ to .et ,y and you turned your ,ack on t-e one 0an w-o cared a,out you w-en -e needed you 0o+t" (odda0nit88 LO*DED +it+ in t-e car, t-inkin. of all t-e 0e0orie+ -i0 and LO#4E -a2e" @eetin. eac- ot-er at t-e front door, .oin. ,lack face and +truttin. down t-e +treet, and t-e wi+e word+ of LO#4E are -eard" Suddenly, LO*DED +ee+ LO#4E a11ear in t-e +eat ne3t to -i0" LO*DED <-at6 !-i+ can't ,e8 )ow i+ t-i+ 1o++i,le6 LO#4E %ou're -allucinatin." %ou -ad way too 0uc- to drink, kid" LO*DED &i.-t" Look, LO#4E, $ don't know -ow $ can take down DON J9*N" <-at +-ould $ do6 LO#4E 9+e t-e force" LO*DED <-at6 !-e force6 LO#4E %e+" !-e >orce" LO*DED Like a 7edi6 LO#4E No you idiot" !-e 5olice >orce" 9+e t-e 5olice >orce and call for ,ack u1" LO*DED >uck you $'0 a lone wolf" LO#4E !-en u+e deadly force8 Ju+t +a2e 0e .odda0nit"

LO*DED But -ow6 )e'+ a dru. lord and $'0 a dru. addict8 LO#4E'+ .-o+t i+ no +ittin. in t-e car" LO*DED (odda0nit8 LO#4E co0e ,ack8 LO*DED 1ull+ out -i+ +i.nature ,a. of cocaine and 1our+ -i0+elf a line on t-e da+-,oard" LO#4E'+ 2oice in t-e ,ack.round" MMy partner died while trying to set up a rehab program for inner city children, like you. !-o+e word+ +truck a c-ord in LO*DED C -e ,low+ -i+ line of cocaine away and .et+ out of t-e car" $N! C DON J9*N'S )9@BLE *BODE C N$()! !$@E !-ere i+ a knock at t-e door" DON J9*N <-o t-e fuck i+ it6 :no re+1on+e; &$DD%" <atc- t-e fuckin. door8 &$DD% &$@ JOBS $'0 watc-in' $'0 watc-in'" 4nock 4nock" DON J9*N <-o'+ t-ere6 * 0uffled 2oice i+ -eard" DON J9*N >uck $ +till wi+-ed we were u+in. t-at +ecret knock" !-en we would know if t-ey were on our +ide or not" &$DD% &$@ JOBS Suddenly t-e +ecret knock +ee0+ like a really .ood idea" !-e door i+ kicked down, and LO*DED enter+ t-e roo0 +crea0in. firin. -i+ 1i+tol at &$DD% &$@ JOBS and DON J9*N" 9nfortunately, DON J9*N and &$DD% &$@ JOBS -ad .un+ of t-eir own, and +-ot LO*DED at lea+t a do=en ti0e+" )i+ ,loody cor1+e fall+ to t-e .round in an anti' cli0actic ,attle"

$N! C !O&!9&E &OO@ !-e wo0an -ear+ t-e +-ootin." S-e +to1+ -er routine 7u+t for a 0o0ent" LO#4E +ei=e+ t-i+ o11ortunity to -ead,utt t-e <O@*N knockin. -er to t-e .round uncon+ciou+" LO#4E .et+ u1 and run+ out of t-e roo0 di+oriented" $N! C DON J9*N'S O>>$#E DON J9*N and &$DD% &$@ JOBS +tart lau.-in." &$DD% &$@ JOBS i+ leanin. o2er LO*DED'+ ,ody" DON J9*N +it+ ,ack down in -i+ c-air and look+ at -i+ co01uter 0onitor only to find t-at -i+ wife i+ lyin. on t-e floor, and LO#4E i+ .one" DON J9*N <-at t-e fuck6 DON J9*N -ear+ t-e cockin. of a .un" &$DD% &$@ JOBS 9- C ,o++""" DON J9*N look+ u1" LO#4E -a+ a .un 1ointed to &$DD%'+ -ead" DON J9*N %ou little +-it" %ou -it a wo0an6 LO#4E S-e wa+ literally torturin. and ,eatin. 0e 0ercile++ly8 DON J9*N *nd t-at 0ake+ it okay6 S-e wa+ 0y wife8 Look at -ow little +-e i+8 LO#4E S-e +ta,,ed 0e in t-e kneeca1 wit- a +crew dri2er8 DON J9*N *n eye for an eye 0ake+ t-e w-ole world ,lind" LO#4E *n eye for an eye would i01ly t-at $ +ta,,ed -er in t-e knee ca1 a+ well" $ 7u+t -ead,utted -er" &$DD% &$@ JOBS Bo++ can you -el16

DON J9*N Don't worry &$DD%"""don't worry at all" DON J9*N reac-e+ for a 1i+tol underneat- -i+ de+k" )e .ra,+ it, and fire+ at LO#4E, ,ut -it+ &$DD%" LO#4E t-row+ -i0 a+ide, dro11in. -i+ .un, and lean+ on t-e ot-er +ide of t-e doorway out+ide of t-e roo0" DON J9*N S-it8 &$DD% &$@ JOBS Bo++ you +-ot 0e8 DON J9*N @ay,e if your fat !e3an a++ .ot t-e -ell out of t-e way $ wouldn't -a2e -it you, e++e" !-ere are +i.n+ of life in LO*DED t-at only LO#4E i+ noticin. a+ DON J9*N and &$DD% continue to ar.ue" &$DD% &$@ JOBS $ t-ou.-t you were a 0ark+0an8 DON J9*N %ou .rin.o'e+1un=o'0oc-a cock .ar.lin. fuck a++" Don't take your own +tu1idity out on 0e" LO#4E 1oint+ to t-e .un on t-e floor near LO*DED" LO*DED +tart+ to reac- o2er, +till un,eknown+t to DON J9*N and &$DD%" LO*DED now -a+ t-e .un in -i+ -and+, and -e 1oint+ it at DON J9*N w-o -a+ now noticed" DON J9*N :lau.-+; <-at are you .oin. to do6 %ou are .oin. to +-oot 0e6 LO*DED take+ ai0" LO#4E &e0e0,er t-e one liner8 &e0e0,er w-at $ tau.-t you8 DON J9*N <-at are you doin.6 %ou fuckin. 1i.8

LO*DED :Noi+e of 5orky 5i.; LO*DED +end+ a ,ullet ri.-t t-rou.- t-e +kull of DON J9*N DO@ES!$#*!O D$LEN#$O" DON J9*N fall+ to t-e .round, lifele++" LO*DED lean+ ,ack to t-e .round" LO#4E ru+-e+ to -i+ +ide" LO*DED !-at'+ all, folk+" )ow'd $ do""",o++6 LO#4E %ou do .reat, kid" <-at you did -ere wa+ irre+1on+i,le and reckle++" %ou can't 7u+t run into a ,uildin. wit-out any ,ack u1 C you need 1olice force and a warrant to do any of t-i+" %ou 0ay ,e a loo+e cannon, kid" But you're not 7u+t any cannon"""you're my cannon" LO#4E -old+ LO*DED in -i+ ar0+" )e 1ick+ -i0 u1, and carrie+ -i0 out+ide" &$DD% i+ +till lyin. on t-e .round, alone and ,leedin. out" &$DD% $ .ue++ t-i+ i+ it for t-e .reat, &i2lo2+ki &i0iniu0" $'ll 7u+t die -ere ,y 0y+elf w-ile e2eryone el+e .et+ a -a11y endin." >anta+tic" $ lo2e t-i+" !-i+ i+ 7u+t .reat" $ ne2er wanted to die alone * di+tant 2oice i+ -eard" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES *nd you don't -a2e to S@O4E% !<O !$@ES enter+ t-e roo0" &$DD% S@O4E%8 S@O4E% Ey8 O-8 %ou look like +-it, &$DD%" &$DD% Still 0ore -and+o0e t-an you t-ou.-" 5au+e"

&$DD% $'0 +orry a,out +ettin. you u1 after we na,,ed t-e 1i." $ didn't want you to find out""" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES >ind out w-at6 &$DD% &$@ JOBS !-at $ was leakin. infor0ation a,out DON J9*N to t-e fed+" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES &$DD%, $ knew it wa+ you" &$DD% &$@ JOBS <-y didn't you +to1 0e6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Becua+e DON J9*N wanted 0e to kill you w-en we were na,,in. t-e fed+" %ou were 7u+t one +te1 a-ead" &$DD% &$@ JOBS <ait C DON J9*N told me to kill you w-ile we were na,,in. t-e fed+" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES !-at +ack of +-it" $ .ue++ $ wa+n't t-e only two'ti0er after all" >orced awkward lau.-ter" &$DD% &$@ JOBS So we're +till friend+6 S@O4E% !<O !$@ES !-e ,e+t of" S@O4E% -el1+ &$DD% to -i+ feet" S@O4E% !<O !$@ES Now co0e on, $ know +o0ew-ere we can .o w-ere t-ey'll treat u+ like e/ual+" !-e two of t-e0 lea2e t-e roo0"

S#ENE 11 C )*55% END$N(S E ! C S!&EE! C E*&L% @O&N$N( LO#4E and LO*DED are -eadin. down t-e +treet" LO*DED, +till in LO#4E'+ ar0+" !-ey -a2e -ad a lon. 7ourney, and it'+ +tartin. to +-ow" LO#4E colla1+e+ and LO*DED fall+ to t-e .round" LO#4E $ can't do it, kid" LO#4E i+ .a+1in." LO#4E $ can't 0ake it to t-e office in ti0e for 0y retire0ent 1arty" %ou need 0edical attention" LO*DED $'ll ,e fine" Let'+ .et to t-at retire0ent 1arty" LO#4E $ can't do it" $ 7u+t can't" LO*DED $f $ can not +nort cocaine ,efore enterin. a .un fi.-t, you can walk anot-er 100 0etre+ to t-e office" $ can literally +ee t-e ,uildin. fro0 -ere" LO#4E %ou didn't +nort cocaine ,efore t-e fi.-t wit- DON J9*N6 LO*DED Not e2en a little ,it" * tear of 1ride fall+ fro0 LO#4E'+ c-eek" LO#4E $'2e ne2er ,een late for anyt-in. in 0y life" 5au+e LO#4E """and $'0 +ure a+ all -ell not .oin. to +tart now" #'0on kid8

LO#4E 1ick+ u1 LO*DED once 0ore and t-ey +tart walkin." $N! C 5OL$#E O>>$#E C @O&N$N( * crowd of 1olice officer+ i+ c-eerin. a+ LO#4E and LO*DED enter t-e office" i+ 1o11ed, e2en t-ou.- it'+ ,arely E*@, and e2eryone i+ con.ratulatin. t-e two officer+" E2en )*N4 i+ 1re+ent at t-e cere0ony, and cla11in. wit- a +0ile on -i+ face ' t-at fake a++-ole" !-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E walk+ o2er to LO#4E and LO*DED" )e i+ +0ilin. until -e +ee+ t-e wound+ on LO*DED #)$E> O> 5OL$#E Dear (od8 So0eone call O'1'18 !-e w-ole office fall+ +ilent" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E Becau+e t-e+e two officer+ are on fire! !-e office lau.-+ and c-eer+ and all t-at fun -a11y +tuff" #-ief of 5olice But +eriou+ly +o0eone call an a0,ulance t-i+ .uy i+ .oin. to ,leed out if -e doe+n't .et 0edical attention a"+"a"1" !wo ot-er officer+ carry LO*DED away, and LO#4E +0ile+ at -i0, and -e +0ile+ ,ack" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E So -ow'+ it feel to ,e a retired 0an, LO#4E6 LO#4E Like freedo0, #)$E>" LO#4E look+ o2er at LO*DED w-o i+ ,ein. carried out of t-e office" LO#4E %ou take care of -i0, okay6 Don't let -i0 work late, 0ake +ure -e eat+ ri.-t C t-ree 0eal+ a day" *nd -e like+ it w-en you 1lay o,+cene +on.+ w-en -e'+ around C it cal0+ -i0 down" !-e #)$E> O> 5OL$#E lau.-+" )*N4 +ilence+ t-e crowd"

)*N4 E2eryone, e2eryone" Li+ten u18 $ would like to 1ro1o+e a toa+t C to t-e .reate+t Detecti2e #on+ta,le Officer t-i+ force -a+ e2er +een C +ol2in. O,OOO ca+e+8 E2eryone c-eer+" LO#4E <ait C O,OOO6 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E $ know C it'+ incredi,le" !-at'+ 0ore t-an any ot-er Detecti2e #on+ta,le Officer e2er8 %ou +-ould ,e 1roud" LO#4E *ctually $ -a2e O#D and t-i+ i+ .oin. to ,u. 0e for t-e re+t of 0y life" $t'll .i2e 0e 5!SD" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E <ell"""we wouldn't want t-at now, would we6 !-e crowd /uiet+ down a ,it" #)$E> O> 5OL$#E $t wouldn't ,e ri.-t8 So8 LO#4E, $ -a2e 7u+t one 0ore ca+e for you if you're intere+ted8 Do you t-ink you and your 1artner are u1 for it6 )*N4 :fro0 t-e ,ack.round; *re you fuckin. kiddin. 0e ri.-t now6 LO#4E <-o'+ t-e .uy, #)$E>6 #)$E> O> 5OL$#E DON J9*N'+ e2il twin ,rot-er C J9*N DON" #9! !O $N! C &*NDO@ O>>$#E C @O&N$N( * 0an, w-o look+ e3actly like DON J9*N, e3ce1t wit- a 0aniacle 0ou+tac-e i+ +ittin. in a c-air wit- S@O4E% !<O !$@ES to -i+ ri.-t, and &$DD% &$@ JOBS +tandin. i00ediately to -i+ left"

J9*N DON $'0 waitin. for you, LO#4E" !)E END"

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