TIRRC Newsletter Sept 2009

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Newsletter September 2009

Volume 1, Issue 2

TIRRC/ 615.833.0384
3 Reasons Immigrant
Creating a Advocates Should Attend
statewide Healthcare Town Halls
voice for It might seem odd for an immigrant
rights organization to write about
immigrants Healthcare Reform. However, the
and national debate on healthcare has
more to do with immigration issues
refugees than it might appear at first glance.
Here are three reasons that
immigrant advocates should engage
in the healthcare debate and turn out
to town hall meetings:
representative visit TIRRC’s website at
To find out how you can contact your

1. To Make Sure the Immigrant It's also important to realize that

Perspective is Heard. most of the people making
It's vital that we voice our concerns outrageous statements right now are
about immigrant inclusion now the very same people who will be
before the final bill is voted on in protesting against immigration

Congress. Some of the current reform next. That makes it all the
proposals would create artificial more critical that we demonstrate
barriers to healthcare for immigrants clearly to Rep. Gordon and the
that are here with documentation media that reasonable people can
(refugees, for example). We must make noise too!
ask Representative Gordon and our
other elected officials whether they 3. Because if Healthcare Fails,
would vote for a bill that would deny Immigration Reform Becomes
affordable healthcare to New More Difficult.
The unfortunate reality is that
2. To Demonstrate that Most should Congress fail to pass
People Want Rational Dialogue! Healthcare Reform, they would be
Anyone following the news lately has less likely to take on other
probably witnessed their share of challenging issues like
unbelievable displays of irrationality immigration anytime soon. Pres.
and misinformation at these town Obama has repeatedly said that
halls. Whether it's people parading the order of issues he wants to
their firearms in public or protesters address is Healthcare followed by
calling for undocumented immigrants Energy and Immigration Reform.
to be shot in the head, the level of To keep the momentum rolling
discourse has reached an absolute towards comprehensive reform,
low-point. It's important that we show
we would be smart to lend our
Rep. Gordon that the vast majority of
his constituency is ready for a support now to the effort to
sensible debate. overhaul our healthcare system.
TIRRC September Newsletter 2009 Page 2 of 3

Reasons Immigrant Advocates Should Attend

Healthcare Town Halls (Continued from page 1)
Accordingly, we are urging our supporters to turn out to one of the official
Healthcare Town Hall meetings.

We realize that our supporters have a variety of views on our healthcare

system, and a healthy, respectful diversity of opinions is exactly what our
Members of Congress need to hear. Healthcare is of great importance to
immigrants and non-immigrants alike, and the healthcare debate is very
connected to the immigration debate to come.

Online Rapid Response Team

We're trying to build a team of 10-20 people who are capable of

monitoring local media in TN and responding appropriately to positive
and negative articles that have something to do with immigration

Visit www.tnimmigrant.org today

and/or refugee issues. If this sounds interesting and you'd like to get
involved or just find out more, contact:

for the latest information!
Elias Feghali
o: 615-833-0364 [ext. 104]

September Calendar of Events

09/06 Highlander Homecoming and Apple Fair
09/11-13 Greek Festival
09/12 Festival of the Nations at the State Fair
09/18-20 22nd Annual African Street Festival
09/25 WTI in Knoxville
09/27 TIRRC Monthly Campaigns Meetings
TIRRC September Newsletter 2009 Page 3 of 3

Tennessee About Our Organization…

Immigrant and
Refugee Rights TIRRC is a statewide, immigrant and refugee-led collaboration whose
Coalition mission is to empower immigrants and refugees throughout Tennessee
to develop a unified voice, defend their rights, and create an atmosphere
in which they are recognized as positive contributors to the state.

446 Metroplex Dr.

Building A, Suite 224
Nashville, TN 37211 Stephen Fotopulos - Executive Director
Kasar Abdulla - Director of Advocacy and Education
Phone: Leticia Alvarez - Organizing Director
615.833.0384 Marie Alvarez - Office Manager
Elias Feghali - Communications Coordinator
Lindsey Harris - Project Manager
Amelia Post - Middle Tennessee Organizer
Sara Jane Saliba - Director of Finance and Administration
Remziya Suleyman- Policy Coordinator
Katie Vasquez - Administrative Assistant

Creating a statewide
voice for immigrants Interns
and refugees
Ryan Ellis Jason Goodrich Yasmin Ramadan

Dannaly Chavarria
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
www.tnimmigrant.org Volunteers

Molly Sehring Julio Lopez Samba Fall Amadou Fall

Julio Fernandez Wu Gong Karla Chavez Jairo Robles

TIRRC is a membership organization. Members drive TIRRC forward and
are involved in all areas of our work. Our members are responsible for
electing the Board of Directors and deciding what the key issues and
priority campaigns are that TIRRC will work on each year. Members also
receive free entrance into our annual Membership Convention, where we
strategize for the coming year and celebrate the accomplishments of the
past year.

Becoming a member is an important step in getting involved! Join today!

Call 615-833-0384 or visit www.tnimmigrant.org

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