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NURS 1566 Clinical Medication Worksheet

Generic Trade Classification Dose Route Time/frequency

Name Name Anticoagulant 40 mg SQ 1200 daily
Enoxaparin Lovenox
Peak Onset Duration Normal Dosage Range

3-5 hr Unknown 12 hr 40 mg once daily for 7-14 days post abdominal

Why is your patient getting this For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and /or
medication: solutions

Prevention medication for a DVT Not applicable

Mechanism of action and Nursing Implications (what to focus on)
indications: Contraindications/warnings/interactions
Active major bleeding. Geri pts may have increased
Potentiates the inhibitory effect of risk of bleeding. Use caution in uncontrolled
antithrombin on factor Xa and hypertension.
thrombin. Prevents thrombus
formation. Common side effects:
CNS: dizziness, H/A, insomnia
CV: edema,
GI: constipation, N/V
GU: urinary retention
Derm: ecchymoses, pruritus, rash
Hemat: bleeding, anemia
Interactions with other patient Lab value alterations caused by medicine:
drugs, OTC or herbal medicines
(ask patient specifically): Reversible increase in liver enzymes.
Decreased platelet count
Counter active in NSAIDS (Mobic Decrease hematocrit
that the Pt is currently on) Be sure to teach the patient the following about
this medication:
Watch for unusual bleeding, bruising, dizziness,
itching and rash, fever, swelling or difficulty

Nursing Process- Assessment Assessment Evaluation

(Pre-administration) Why would you hold or not give this Check after giving
Signs of bleeding, especially med?
from surgery site (bleeding Bleeding, low platelet count Check for bruising,
gums, nose bleed, unusual <100,000/mm3 bleeding, and
bruising, black tarry stools, normal platelet
hematuria, falling BP). Monitor count.
lab values, especially CBC,
Platelet count and Occult stools.

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