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Cooking Glossary
A  | B  | C  | D  | E  | F  | G  | H  | I  | J  | K  | L  | M  | N  | O  | P  | Q  | R  | S  | T  | U  | V  | W  | Z 


A delicious, edible conch-like shellfish. Native to America, it is found in Pacific waters off the coast of

Acerbic taste  

Usually a tangy flavor that sharpens the palate; can be sour or bitter; and often defines the addition of
vinegar in a recipe.

Adobo sauce  

A Mexican seasoning paste or sauce made from ground chili peppers, vinegar and herbs.


Reddish-brown beans frequently used in Japanese desserts to add sweetness. Also known as aduki.

Al dente  

From the Italian phrase to the tooth, meaning chewy. Usually applied to the cooking of pasta, but can
also apply to vegetables that are not fully cooked.


Made with anise seed, this sweet liquor has a strong licorice taste and a thick, clear consistency.


A salad green with a very strong, peppery tang, nice mixed with other lettuces; also called rocket.

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Also called a water bath, it cooks delicate dishes such as custards, sauces and savory mousses without
breaking or curdling them. A pan, bowl, souffle dish, etc. of food is placed in a large, shallow pan of warm
water, which surrounds the food with gentle heat. The food may be cooked either in an oven or on top of
a range.


A cross between cake and a cookie, this Grecian dessert consists of phyllo dough layered with chopped
nuts, spices, and honey syrup.


A French word for fritter, beignet refers to a doughnut or fried pastry famous to New Orleans cuisine. It
can be served either sweet with a sprinkle of powdered sugar or savory, stuffed with seafood or


To add an ingredient, such as an egg, which holds the other ingredients together.


Blanching a vegetable means plunging it into boiling water for a few seconds to bring out its color and
loosen the flesh of firm skins such as those of tomatoes and peaches. The cooking process is stopped by
plunging vegetables into a bowl of cold water. This also heightens the color of the food.


Similar to a crepe or pancake, a blintz is a small circle of thin batter fried on the stovetop and either
rolled over and filled with cheese or used as a disk to hold meat, cheese, caviar, or other creative hors
d'oeuvre fillings.

Bomba rice

A variety of rice grown in the Mediterranean region, mainly in Spain. Its creamy texture makes it ideal
for serving with paella.

Bouquet garni

a bundle of herbs; usually bay, thyme, parsley and chervil ? tied together with string and dropped into a
pot to flavor soups, or meat, fish or poultry stocks. The bouquet is removed and discarded after cooking
is done. The grain is also made by using just the leaves of the herbs, enveloped in a piece of cheesecloth.
A variety of rice grown in the Mediterranean region, mainly in Spain. Its creamy texture makes it ideal
for serving with paella.

Bouquet garni

a bundle of herbs; usually bay, thyme, parsley and chervil ? tied together with string and dropped into a
pot to flavor soups, or meat, fish or poultry stocks. The bouquet is removed and discarded after cooking
is done. The grain is also made by using just the leaves of the herbs, enveloped in a piece of cheesecloth.


Irish potato pancakes are called boxty and made by simply grating potatoes and sauteing in butter with
the starch from the potato holding it all together.


A cooking method by which food (usually meat or vegetables) is first browned in fat, then cooked, tightly
covered, in a small amount of liquid at low heat for a lengthy time. The long, slow cooking develops flavor
and tenderizes foods by gently breaking down their fibers.


Related to the fig family, this large spherical fruit, grown in the West Indies, has a cream-colored flesh
with the texture of fresh bread. It is baked, grilled, fried or boiled, depending on whether served as a
savory or dessert.


The classic brioche shape has a fluted base and a lofty knot at the top. It comes in the form of small buns
or a large round loaf, and often encloses foods such as sausage or cheese.


Broccolini is a hybrid of broccoli and a Chinese vegetable. Broccolini has smaller florets and its stems are
more tender than traditional broccoli. The vegetable is new since the late 1990s and costs more, but
there is far less waste.


When a recipe calls for butterflying a meat, fish, or chicken, it means to cut the food down the center,
but not all the way through, so that the meat opens up like a butterfly, flat and with two distinct halves.

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Eggplant stars in this Sicilian cooked relish that also includes onions, olives, capers, tomatoes, anchovies
and vinegar.


A Canadian oil that is lower in saturated fat than most other cooking oils and contains Omega-3 fatty
acids, reputed to lower cholesterol and serve as an antioxidant.


To heat sugar (preferably with water) until it liquefies and becomes a clear syrup ranging in color from
golden to dark brown.

Carbonara, alla

Alla carbonara is the Italian term describing a pasta dish of spaghetti (or other noodles) with a sauce
composed of cream, eggs, Parmesan cheese and bits of bacon.


This native Indian spice is a member of the ginger family and has a warm, spicy- sweet flavor that is great
in everything from bread to desserts and is also found in tea from India called chai.


Italian in origin, carpaccio is an appetizer of thin shavings of raw beef fillet which may be drizzled with
olive oil and lemon juice or served with a mayonnaise or mustard sauce. Carpaccio also refers to any dish
that is made with something thin and raw.


One of many shapes of pasta, this curly macaroni is great in casseroles where the sauce or meat can get
caught in its curves.

Celery root

Also known as celeriac, this is the root of a celery cultivated specifically for its root. Celery root gives a
dish a refreshing celery/parsley taste. It is splendid grated into salads or cooked in soups, stews and
purees. It can also be boiled, braised, sauteed and baked.


Spot a chanterelle on the forest floor and you might mistake it for a piece of light topaz or a glistening
little trumpet. Chanterelles are firm and dense, and require a bit more cooking time in soups, stews, and
purees. It can also be boiled, braised, sauteed and baked.


Spot a chanterelle on the forest floor and you might mistake it for a piece of light topaz or a glistening
little trumpet. Chanterelles are firm and dense, and require a bit more cooking time in soups, stews, and


Larger than a dinner plate, this base plate plays host to the stacked place -setting of dinner, salad, and
soup plates. The charger can also be set without the china and just silverware, napkins and stemware.
The table can be set in advance and the dishes brought to the table as the food is ready for serving.


Open woven fibers form a cloth which acts like a very fine sieve for draining foods such as cottage
cheese and yogurt. Although lightweight, cheesecloth is a strong cotton that remains sturdy when wet.

Chive Stalks

The long green stems of the chive blossom herb. Stems are thin and are great for using in presentation of
finished dishes. For example, use a stalk as a ribbon to tie up plated asparagus.


In Italian, ciabatta means slipper. Ciabatta was created by a baker who formed dough in the shape of a
slipper which he oven-baked to a crust. Ciabatta may be found in artisan bakeries and specialty food
stores. The bread's chewy character makes it an ideal dipper for a flavored olive oil.


Classic French dessert of fruit smothered with batter that is baked. Is also served as a morning coffee
cake. Cherries are most commonly placed in a clafouti, but peaches plums or pears are also used.

Clarified butter (or drawn butter)

Butter that has been removed of milky solids. Used for cooking at higher temperatures and often for
dipping, such as for seafood.


These sweet fruits are a hybrid of the tangerine and Seville orange, but have a seedless, juicy flesh.
Clementines are much smaller than an orange and rounder than a tangerine. This fruit is only available
during the winter months.


Dome-shaped, a glass cloche is ideal for covering cheese and other finger foods for the pre-dinner hour.
Also known as a bell jar, it can be used for keeping plants from drafts and creating a hot-house

Clotted cream

Also known as Devonshire cream, this cream is made from unpasteurized milk that is gently heated until a
semisolid layer of cream forms on the surface. Only recently has this traditional cream for scones been
imported from England to the United States.

Coarse salt

A Kosher salt whose coarse grains are additive free.


Available in both leaf and seed forms, each with its own distinctive flavor. Seeds are used mainly for
cooking and baking. Leaves are also known as cilantro, and are used in many ethnic specialties.


An African grain of hard-wheat semolina. Couscous is prepared by simply constituting the hard grain with
boiled water until the grain absorbs all of the water, and becomes similar to a tiny pasta or pastina.


Popular in Mediterranean cookery, the word comes from the French and refers to a variety of squash,
usually eaten when young and immature. But the term is often used loosely, meaning any kind of a summer
squash can be used.


To mix a softened ingredient, like butter, alone or with other ingredients, such as sugar, until well
blended and completely soft.

Creme fraiche

A thick cream (like the thickness of sour cream) with a tangy, nutty flavor and velvety rich texture. It is
the ideal addition for sauces or soups because it can be boiled without curdling, and it is delicious
spooned over fresh fruit or other desserts such as warm cobblers or puddings. A pricey American
facsimile of France's authentic creme fraiche is sold in some gourmet markets. However, it can be made
at home. Combine 1 cup whipping cream and 2 tablespoons buttermilk in a glass container. Cover and let
stand at room temperature from 8 to 24 hours or until very thick. Stir well before covering and
refrigerate up to 10 days.

Creme patissiere
the ideal addition for sauces or soups because it can be boiled without curdling, and it is delicious
spooned over fresh fruit or other desserts such as warm cobblers or puddings. A pricey American
facsimile of France's authentic creme fraiche is sold in some gourmet markets. However, it can be made
at home. Combine 1 cup whipping cream and 2 tablespoons buttermilk in a glass container. Cover and let
stand at room temperature from 8 to 24 hours or until very thick. Stir well before covering and
refrigerate up to 10 days.

Creme patissiere

Eggs and flour are carefully cooked to create a thick custard filling for cakes and pies. Literally
translated, it means pastry cream and fills such traditional favorites as eclairs and cream puffs.


Medium-brown in color, these mushrooms have a rich flavor and can be substituted in recipes that call for
white button mushrooms. They make for an attractive garnish on a platter.


In Italian, crostini means little toasts. Small pieces of toasted crusty bread usually form the base for a
canape of savory spreads or chutney.


Usually refers to vegetables that are in a certain family of plants, which actually help prevent cancer
because of high antioxidant value. They range from mustard greens to cress, cabbages, chards, kale,
broccoli, and other similar vegetables that are also high in fiber.


Often served as an appetizer with a dip, crudities are simply raw vegetable, cut into bite-sized pieces.

Crystallized ginger

Ginger is soaked in a thick sugar syrup, heated to a candy -making consistency and then dried, leaving
sugar crystals on the ginger. Crystallized ginger is frequently used in baking.


British and Australian slang meaning a cup of tea.


Common in Mediterranean countries, cuttlefish is a close relative of squid used to color pasta.

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Usually creamy white and looking like a chunky carrot, daikon is in the radish family. Commonly found in
supermarkets, you might pick up turnips instead, but don ’t be fooled as this vegetable does not taste like
a turnip at all. You can use the radish raw in salads or cooked in soups and stir-fried recipes.


Related to taro, dasheen is a root vegetable with a nutty flavor that is used in recipes, especially to
enshroud foods for cooking.


A two-pan configuration used to gently cook heat-sensitive foods, such as chocolate, eggs for custard,
and sauces. One smaller pan rests over another larger one that is filled with hot water to cook the
contents of the upper pan.


To lightly coat food with dry ingredients like flour, cornmeal or breadcrumbs. This is a usual preparation
for frying to help brown the food.

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Edible flowers

Many flowers may be eaten and popular are in cooking for adding flavor and color to a recipe. Consult a
cooking source for flowers that are edible. Only use flowers that you know are chemical -free.

Egg wash

A yolk or white of an egg that is lightly beaten with a little water, then brushed onto the surface of an
item to be baked. It imparts a glaze or golden glow to breads and other baked items.


This nutty, sweet cow's milk cheese was named for Switzerland's Emmental valley. Giant wheels of the
cheese are shipped to the United States and sold in wedges.

En croute

A French term meaning to bake in a crust. Also referred to foods that encrust through baking, such as
cheese or potatoes.

This nutty, sweet cow's milk cheese was named for Switzerland's Emmental valley. Giant wheels of the
cheese are shipped to the United States and sold in wedges.

En croute

A French term meaning to bake in a crust. Also referred to foods that encrust through baking, such as
cheese or potatoes.


Milky white, enoki mushrooms have very thin stems with tiny caps. Cooks use enoki mostly to add crunch
to salads and sandwiches. They make great garnishes for the center of an elegant bowl of soup.

Ensalada mista

A mix of salad greens from dandelion leaves to baby spinach and oak and radicchio leaves. Found in
gourmet markets, it is usually a help-yourself bin full of the lettuces.


A member of the chicory family, this hearty green serves up well in soups when added to the pot towards
the end of the cooking time. Escarole is a great source of many vitamins and minerals and calcium.

Evaporated milk

Canned, unsweetened milk that is fresh, homogenized milk from which 60 percent of the water has been
removed, serves to enrich custards or add a creamy texture to many dishes. When mixed with an equal
amount of water, it can be substituted for fresh milk in recipes. When slightly frozen, evaporated milk
can be whipped and used as an inexpensive substitute for whipped cream.

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This Mexican-American dish is made with marinated, seared meat and other Southwestern ingredients
which are wrapped in a soft flour tortilla.


An aromatic plant with pale green, celery-like stems and bright green, feathery foliage. Florence fennel
also called finocchio is cultivated throughout the Mediterranean and in America. It has a broad, bulbous
base that is treated like a vegetable. Both the base and stems can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in a
variety of methods such as braising, sauteing, or in soups. The fragrant, graceful greenery can be used
as a garnish or snipped-like dill and used as a flavor enhancer. Fennel is rich in vitamin A and contains a
fair amount of calcium, phosphorous and potassium.


Literally it means a creme caramel, flan refers to a sweet dish of custard baked over a layer of
caramelized sugar and inverted when served.

Flat-leaf parsley

Also known as Italian parsley, this herb adds a fresh clean taste to sauces, soups, and stews. Its taste is
similar to that of cilantro, but it is not good for garnish as it wilts quickly. Substitute with its cousin,
curly-leaf parsley.


An edible seed containing omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed contains unsaturated fat said to reduce
inflammatory changes in the body and possibly protect against cancer. Flaxseed is not a flavor enhancer
but it does add crunch to cereals, salads and marinades, breads and baked crusts.


An Italian bread used for making pizza.

Foie gris

The enlarged liver of a duck or goose, served as a delicacy at fine restaurants in Europe and the United


A technique used to inflict minimum trauma to an airy substance incorporated into a heavier mixture. The
lighter ingredient is gently added with a repeated turning-over motion with a rubber spatula.


Mild and nutty in flavor, this is a good melting cheese that does well in sandwiches and fondue.

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Garam malasa

The word garam means hot or warm in Indian. Garam masala is a blend of dry-roasted and ground spices.
There are many variations of garam masala, some containing up to 12 spices. It can include black pepper,
nutmeg, cloves, coriander, cardamom, dried chiles, cumin, fennel, mace, cinnamon, and other spices.
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Garam malasa

The word garam means hot or warm in Indian. Garam masala is a blend of dry-roasted and ground spices.
There are many variations of garam masala, some containing up to 12 spices. It can include black pepper,
nutmeg, cloves, coriander, cardamom, dried chiles, cumin, fennel, mace, cinnamon, and other spices.


The person in charge of salads, appetizers and some dessert items, and all decorative work, is still
referred to by this classic French name that translates as the keeper of the food.


An Italian ice cream that is centuries -old. It has a smoother consistency than American ice cream and not
as hard.


The edible inner parts of poultry including the gizzard, heart, liver, kidneys, and neck.


French for glaze, glace usually refers to a cake with a shiny sweet surface or a fruit that has been dipped
in a syrup that hardens.


Shiny, sweet or savory mixture that coats food; usually formed by reducing liquid ingredients.


When a dough or batter has gas, which helps dough or other baked goods rise.


Literally translated, gnocchi in Italian means dumplings. Made with flour or more popularly with potatoes,
gnocchi are served as you would a plate of pasta with a red sauce or olive oil and herb sauce.

Goat cheese

Most often a soft cheese with a tangy flavor that is made from goat's milk. There are many fine goat
cheese farms today in the United States. Goat cheese makes a great filler for cooked foods and when
warmed, makes a tasty addition to salads.


The blue-green veins in this cheese suggest its flavor, similar to Bleu cheese. Gorgonzola is often used
with pasta and as a melting cheese, but it is delicious paired with fruits such as apples and pears.

Grainy mustard

Contains non-pulverized mustard seeds, whole or crushed. So it has a nice consistency for marinades and
salad dressings. But it’s just as easy to glide on a slice of sandwich bread as the smoother variety of


Usually a fruit juice that has been cooked down to a syrup and then frozen. Loosely, the term is used to
mean an intermezzo, a palate cleanser.


Grape solids, that are left after wine -making, are turned into one of Italy's most sophisticated and
renowned after-dinner beverages called grappa.

Grapeseed oil

Extracted from grape seeds, most of this oil comes from Italy, France or Switzerland, with a few sources
now in America. The oil's high smoke point makes it great for cooking and for use in salads.


A finished dish topped with grated cheese or breadcrumbs, drizzled with oil or butter, baked in a shallow
gratin dish, and browned under a broiler.


A hearty garnish or butter, usually made of lemon peel, garlic and parsley, is often added to seafood for a
tingling, refreshing taste.


Similar in flavor to nutty Emmenthaler cheese, Gruyere is made in France as well as Switzerland and is
great for melting.


This popular beer, with a head that’s creamy like an ice cream float, was originated in Dublin by Arthur
Guinness in the mid-1700s. When poured from a tap into a pint glass, the beer almost appears to flow
upwards. The deep color and dry-stout flavor come from roasted barley that remains unfermented.
Similar in flavor to nutty Emmenthaler cheese, Gruyere is made in France as well as Switzerland and is
great for melting.


This popular beer, with a head that’s creamy like an ice cream float, was originated in Dublin by Arthur
Guinness in the mid-1700s. When poured from a tap into a pint glass, the beer almost appears to flow
upwards. The deep color and dry-stout flavor come from roasted barley that remains unfermented.

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Haricot vert

French term for green bean.


One of the hottest of the chili peppers, the habanero ranges from bright green to orange when ripe.

Herbes de Provence

An assortment of dried herbs for meat, commonly used in Provence with southern-France's basil,
rosemary, marjoram, fennel seed, lavender, sage, and thyme.


Oriental cooks use this dark, red -brown sauce as a seasoning in cooking and for a dipping sauce.

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Can be any refreshing food served as a palate cleanser between the appetizer and the entrees, such as
sorbet, sherbet, or flavored ice.

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Hole-filled Swiss cheese is close to Jarlsberg. But Jarlsberg is buttery and richer than Swiss.

Jellyroll pan

Just like a baking pan, only with 1-inch sides, this pan is used for making sheet cakes or sponge cakes,
often forming the outer shell for a roulade. A pan coated with DuPont SilverStone ® non-stick best assures
that the resulting flat cake will release easily from the surface.


Sweet and nutty, this potato-like root vegetable is delicious raw or cooked. Jicama has a water-chestnut
texture and a brown papery skin that is best peeled before using.


To cut fresh vegetables or other foods very thinly.

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A coffee-flavored Mexican liqueur.


Black olives with a purple tint are slit so that the vinegar they are packed in can penetrate the flesh.
They are the olive of choice in Greece and offer a strong contrast to a salad built with lettuce and Feta


Usually only found in health food stores, the wheat called kamut (coming from the Egyptian word for
wheat) is now more widely available. The grain is larger than most sizes of wheat, and is now being
incorporated into many mass -market cereals because of its high -protein value.


Also spelled kabobs, these are grilled skewers of meat, chicken, fish or vegetables.

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Also spelled kabobs, these are grilled skewers of meat, chicken, fish or vegetables.

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An Italian grating cheese with a sweet flavor that some Italians insist is better tasting than the famous

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To soak foods (usually fruit) in liquid so that the liquid's flavor infuses into the food. Brandy, rum or a
liqueur is often the liquid.


Also known as lamb’s lettuce, mache is a familiar leafy green in European markets and only became popular
in recent years in the States. The plant grows in a cluster of leaves like a nosegay and is most commonly
harvested in spring. Great in soups and salads.


The absence of animal proteins in a diet consisting of fish, fruits, cereal, and vegetables.


A newer pasta shape that is a very thin, short ribbon version of lasagna. It is perfect for casseroles.


A cheese from Spain that is semi-soft with a medium sharpness. This cheese is delicious with fruit and
desserts, but can also double as a shaved cheese for salads.


Made of wood, metal, or plastic, a mandoline is a hand-operated kitchen tool that, although spelled
differently than the musical instrument, operates very much like the musical mandolin. A culinary
mandoline allows very fast, uniform slicing of fruits and vegetables from apples to potatoes. A cook's hand
is protected as it moves a carriage containing the food, along an angled platform that houses a slicing
blade, very much as a bow across a mandolin.


Also known as sweet marjoram, this intensely flavored herb is in the mint family and often used in
Mediterranean dishes. Marjoram is also great in meatloaf.

Mascarpone cheese

Think of this as cream cheese, but with triple the cream in it so that you get a delicious, buttery cow's
milk cheese that is soft and delicate. It can be used with either savory or sweet food as a topping or a


A potpourri of young greens for salad which include arugula, chicory, escarole and mustard greens.


In Greece, people enjoy meze as a pre -dinner assortment of little foods, or, sometimes take the place of a

Micro Greens

Micro greens are not sprouts, but older leaves and much larger. They usually come from radish, beet, and
clover plants and offer salads nice texture, pungent flavor, and vibrant color. They can also be sprinkled
onto entrees as garnish.


Becoming more available, mirin is a very light Japanese cooking wine, much like the country's rice wines.


Fermented soybean paste that has a stronger flavor than most soy products.

Mise en place

A recipe's ingredients measured out and prepared for cooking.


A thick paste made of soybeans, rice, and yeast, used as a thickener in Japanese dishes.

Molten chocolate

Often refers to soft, liquid chocolate – either inside a baked cake or used as a topping.

A thick paste made of soybeans, rice, and yeast, used as a thickener in Japanese dishes.

Molten chocolate

Often refers to soft, liquid chocolate – either inside a baked cake or used as a topping.


A dish that began in Greece and has spread throughout the Near East, moussaka is made of eggplant and
usually lamb layered and baked in a potato crust. Many versions exist and there is no one way to prepare
this entree.


A cereal made of raw grains such as oats and barley, plus dried fruits, wheat germ, and dried milk solids.

Mung beans

Dried, yellow beans that are often used in salads or ground into flour and made into Oriental noodles.

Mustard seeds

These are the white seeds which are the main ingredient in American mustard. The mustard seed dates to
biblical times when it was considered the least of seeds but, when full grown, the greatest.

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Foods that are stacked with layers of sweets or savories.


One of the most popular edible flowers. The have a peppery flavor, perfect for salads or stuffed with
cream cheese.

New Potatoes

Contrary to popular belief, new potatoes are not just those bright ruby small red -skinned potatoes or
small, silky white potatoes. New potatoes have not had as much time before picking to convert their
sugars to starch. Their skin will be thinner and not as well developed. New potatoes are shipped from field
to market without being dug, so sometimes you can’t find them, since they aren’t kept in storage.


A candy consisting of chocolate disks covered in white candy dots. May also be called capers in recipes.


Paper-thin sheets of compressed dried seaweed taste like the ocean and are a typical wrap for sushi
ingredients. Nori is rich in vitamins, calcium, iron, protein, and many more minerals.

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When this tapered, oblong green vegetable is sliced, its inner spokes are exposed. Okra, which emits a
thickening substance when it cooks is often used in gumbos and other dishes of the deep South to thicken
and give it a tangy flavor.

Old Bay

A combination of many hot spices used to enhance seafood, particularly crabs and other foods of the
Chesapeake Bay region where it originated.

Omega 3 oils

A particular class of fatty acids found in the tissues of sea life. These polyunsaturated oils are beneficial
to coronary health as well as brain growth and development. In order of importance, popular fish that are
good sources of this oil include sardines, herring, mackerel, bluefish, tuna, salmon, pilchard, butterfish
and pompano. High cooking temperatures can destroy almost half the Omega 3 in fish, but microwave
cooking does not.


Shaped just like a football, orzo is a rice -sized pasta, which can be substituted for rice or used in pasta

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One of Spain's most famous dishes, paella is a rustic dish of seafood and sausages blended with chicken

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One of Spain's most famous dishes, paella is a rustic dish of seafood and sausages blended with chicken
and vegetables, seasoned with saffron, and served with rice.


Although this Italian meat is a bacon, it actually comes in thin slices and is often tucked into dishes to
give the recipe salt and spice.


Means sandwich in Italian and is popular today more as a sandwich that is grilled and pressed, usually with
cheese and other meats or vegetables.


Growing out of a need to use up stale bread, panzanella became a popular staple in Central Italy from
Florence down to Rome. The bread absorbs the juicy oil and vinegar dressing made by the cook. There are
hundreds of ways of making this salad.


To partially cook in boiling water or broth. Often vegetables are parboiled and finished off with a quick

Parchment paper

A grease-resistant paper with multiple culinary uses such as lining pans, cooking food "en papillote" (in
paper), or using as a piping bag.

Pastry blender

Although this kitchen tool sounds like it should be something electric, a pastry blender has stiff steel U -
shaped wires attached to both ends of a wooden or plastic handle.

Pastry wheel

A small, somewhat sharp cutting wheel attached to a wooden handle. It is used to mark and cut out rolled
pastry dough for cookies, pies, pasta, etc.


The rind or skin of a fruit or vegetable, such as a tomato or potato peel. Also, a flat, hardwood board with
handle used to slide pizzas and yeast breads into the oven.


An uncooked sauce that is usually made with basil, pine nuts, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese. But these
days, other herbs are also being made into pesto. Pesto can be served over pasta or incorporated into a
cooked sauce. Served alone, it can be paired with cheese and crackers for an appetizer.


Plant chemicals with disease-preventing properties found naturally, and important in fighting against
harmful bacteria and infection. There are many phytochemicals in organic and other natural foods that
are important in combating human diseases.


In Greek, phyllo literally means leaf, an appropriate way to describe the tissue-thin dough. It is used in
both sweet and savory dishes. You may also see it spelled as filo on supermarket packages.

Pink peppercorns

Pink peppercorns are not true peppercorns but actually the dried berries from the Baies rose plant.
They're cultivated in Madagascar and imported via France, hence their expense. These berries are
pungent and slightly sweet. They are used as colorful, flavorful additions to a variety of sauces and meat
and fish dishes.

Piping bag

Usually a plastic-coated bag with a decorative tip on the end used for fancy food presentation, such as
decorating cakes, piping mashed potatoes, etc.


Pistou is more or less the French version of the Italian pesto. It is a condiment from Provence made of
basil crushed (usually with a mortar and pestle), olive oil, and garlic. The French often add tomatoes and
sometimes Parmesan cheese.


Although this is a banana, it is used very differently. The Latin Americans use this as Americans use
potatoes. The plantain is heavier than a banana and firm with a mild, squashlike flavor.

Poaching liquid

Usually water or broth, this liquid is heated very high, then food, such as chicken, is submerged into it

Although this is a banana, it is used very differently. The Latin Americans use this as Americans use
potatoes. The plantain is heavier than a banana and firm with a mild, squashlike flavor.

Poaching liquid

Usually water or broth, this liquid is heated very high, then food, such as chicken, is submerged into it
for cooking.


Hailing from Northern Italy, this very traditional, cornmeal-like grain is becoming popular in modern
cuisine. It may be served either hot and soft (like grits) for breakfast or for a dinner sidedish with added
flavor from cheese or herbs. When cooled, polenta may be cut into squares and fried to form the basis of
many towering presentations on the plate.


Known as the caviar of mushrooms, this Italian variety has stupendous flavor and is worth its lofty price
tag. Just one or two of these mushrooms will elevate the gourmet value of a recipe. Porcini are usually
sold dried and need to be soaked before using.

Potatoes, Yukon Gold

These plump, yellow potatoes cook up creamier than other potatoes. They are terrific in soups that must
be pureed, and when used to make mashed potatoes.


This word is from the French meaning squab or petit chicken. Recipes often refer to small chickens as


When yeast bubbles, proves that it is alive and therefore can be used in a bread recipe to make the
dough rise.


In Italian, prosciutto means ham that is salt-cured and air-dried. This ham is usually available at the deli
counter, where it is sold in very thin slices. Prosciutto is a nice substitute for bacon in many recipes and
adds an intense salty flavor to dishes.


Aged provolone cheese comes in sharp or mild balls that taste smoky and intensify in flavor as the cheese
ripens. It is used most often as a snacking cheese.

Puffy pastry

Hundreds of layers of dough and butter comprise this chilled pastry. When baked, moisture in the butter
creates steam, allowing the dough to separate and puff into flaky layers.


The addition of molasses helps this coarse bread attain color and flavor. A large amount of rye flour gives
this bread its desirable, slightly sour taste.


In culinary terms, to make a purse means using a dough to cover a filling. Bring the sides of the dough
around the filling and gather in the center to form a bundle or a purse that is usually tied with a roasted
red pepper or chives. quenelle. A quenelle is a meat-filled dumpling. In culinary terms, anything shaped like
a quenelle is similar to a football shape.

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Quick bread

Simply a sweeter loaf made without yeast so it takes two -thirds or so less time to prepare and bake.

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Red-leaf Italian chicory used as a salad green or as a garnish for its rich cranberry and white color.

Rainier cherries

Usually in season with red bing cherries, rainier cherries are a blushing blond color with crispy flesh. Since
they are rare, they tend to be much more expensive than the bing cherry.


Wild onions that resemble scallions, with broad leaves.

they are rare, they tend to be much more expensive than the bing cherry.


Wild onions that resemble scallions, with broad leaves.


A quick stew of vegetables with a tomato base. Originating in Provence, this French dish has also taken
on the ingredients of other Mediterranean countries.


In culinary terms, this applies to taking a dehydrated food, such as a tomato or mushroom, and bringing
it back to its original consistency by drenching it in water.


To boil a liquid (usually stock, wine or sauce mixture) rapidly until the volume is reduced by evaporation,
thickening the consistency and intensifying the flavor.


To cook fatty meats, such as bacon or spareribs, until the fat melts.

Rice flour

Made from rice, this is a fine powdery flour used in baking, as opposed to heavier rice that may be more
glutinous and starchy.


Also known as a potato ricer, this kitchen utensil resembles a large garlic press. Cooked foods are pushed
through numerous tiny holes in the bottom of the container. The resulting food somewhat resembles rice.


Usually meat, sweet cake, or thin bread rolled around a filling.


A mixture of flour and fat that, after being slowly cooked over low heat, is used to thicken soups and

Royal icing

An icing made of confectioners' sugar, egg whites and a few drops of lemon juice. Often enlivened with
food coloring, royal icing hardens when dry, making it good for durable decorations (such as leaves and
flowers) and decorative lettering.


A (thick or thin) slice of yeast bread that is baked until dry, crisp and golden brown. Some breads used for
this purpose are slightly sweetened. Known in Germany as zwieback and in France as biscotte, rusks are
found in most grocery stores.

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A classic thick French sauce, usually for desserts. The sauce has a custard base made with eggs, sugar
and wine, and cooked over low heat.


A type of sharp and pungent Swiss hard cheese, green in color and powdered with clover leaves.


Although this is the world's most expensive spice, you usually only need one or two of the tiny threads
from the stigma of a purple crocus flower in order to add aroma and color to a recipe. In most recipes,
you can substitute the flavor of saffron with turmeric.


Also known as green onions or spring onions, scallions have white bulb-like bottoms and green tops.
Scallions are lighter in taste than most other onions.


To brown the surface of meat very quickly in a hot oven, under a broiler, or in a pan over high heat on
top of the stove to seal in juices.

Sea salt

This salt is obtained through the evaporation of filtered sea water and is said to have healing properties.
Sea salt is sold in granular form and also comes as tiny rock crystals that can be ground fresh through a
salt mill.

Seed sprouts

These edible seeds sprout in a warm environment and are sold in grocery stores for use in salads or
Sea salt

This salt is obtained through the evaporation of filtered sea water and is said to have healing properties.
Sea salt is sold in granular form and also comes as tiny rock crystals that can be ground fresh through a
salt mill.

Seed sprouts

These edible seeds sprout in a warm environment and are sold in grocery stores for use in salads or
sandwiches. Lentils, peas, soybeans, alfalfa, clover, and broccoli are among the sprouts available.


The front leg of veal, beef, lamb, or pork. This cut is tough and sinewy, but when cooked long and slow,
the result is a tenderized meat. The shank is often used in stews such as the Italian osso bucco.


Meaning sherry is used as a major flavor enhancer in a recipe.


Picturesque, these earthy -tasting mushrooms are most complementary to Asian dishes.


A Japanese term for soy sauce, shoyu is a word you will hear more often as Japanese sushi becomes more
a part of the Western diet.


A strainer with tiny perforated holes.

Silken tofu

This common variety of soybean curd has a higher moisture content than other forms of tofu and is great
for desserts or sauces.

Soba noodles

These brownish-grayish Japanese noodles look like spaghetti and are made with buckwheat flour, and
sometimes even with green tea.

Soda bread

Irish soda bread is the best known of breads that are not made with yeast but are quick breads, made
with baking soda and usually buttermilk to develop a nice, coarse texture inside and out.

Softball stage

A test for sugar syrup: the point at which a drop of boiling syrup immersed in cold water forms a soft ball
that flattens of its own accord when removed.

Springform pan

A springform pan is most often associated with cheesecakes. It is a two -part pan consisting of a
detachable bottom and side. The pan's versatility, allows you to decorate and slice the cake with ease.
Using a springform pan coated with DuPont SilverStone® non-stick assures an even easier release from
the sides of the pan.


A clear liquid made by cooking beef, poultry, fish (bones and meat), or vegetables, along with seasonings
in water. Many soups begin with a base of stock.

Superfine sugar

Also known as castor sugar, superfine sugar has even finer grains than the usual table sugar. Therefore,
it dissolves more quickly and easily, making it perfect for beverages and for use in the preparation of
many desserts such as meringues. It can be substituted cup for cup for regular granulated sugar.
Superfine sugar should not to be confused with confectioner's sugar that is crushed into a fine powder.


To saute vegetables over a gentle heat, so that they release their juices, locking in moisture.

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Table d'hote

This French term refers to a complete meal of several courses for the price of the entree.


Although this cheese has been made in Italy for a very long time, it is only now becoming popular in the
United States for its versatility as a melting cheese or a semisoft cheese to enjoy with dessert.


Bars and restaurants in Spain serve these appetizers, which usually accompany sherry or other cocktails
and can often make up the meal.

Although this cheese has been made in Italy for a very long time, it is only now becoming popular in the
United States for its versatility as a melting cheese or a semisoft cheese to enjoy with dessert.


Bars and restaurants in Spain serve these appetizers, which usually accompany sherry or other cocktails
and can often make up the meal.


A pudding made of starch extracted from the root of the cassava plant. Tapioca may be eaten alone or
used as a thickening agent.

Tapioca pearls

Tapioca is a starchy substance from the cassava plant and comes in many forms, including pellets called
pearls. The pearls are used to thicken puddings.


Cooking in a tandoor oven is an old method from India that is increasingly popular today. Meat, fish,
poultry, and bread are baked in a brick-and-clay oven over a smoky fire. Some Indian bread is baked
directly on the clay walls of the oven.


The term Caribbean cabbage is often used to refer to this root vegetable that grows in shallow water
paddies in tropical climates and is often used in cooking after pulverizing to make it tender.


This Asian vegetable is available year round and tossed with salads and stir-frys to liven the flavor of
other calmer-tasting greens. Similar to bok choy, it ’s hearty and full of antioxidants.


Tempeh is made from fermented whole soybeans, and is richer in flavor and nutrients than tofu, which is
also made from beans. Tempeh can be found in the refrigerator section of health food stores and many
supermarkets. Tempeh comes in many forms, the most common of which is bacon and burgers.


When referring to chicken, the tenderloin (or tender) is a piece of flesh on the inside of the breast next
to the bone.


Usually referring to a shape (cup-like), timbales are made of food such as rice molded in a cup and turned
out when plated, or a pastry shell made with a special timbale iron.


An Italian dessert, made with layers of liqueur-soaked sponge cake, Mascarpone cheese, chocolate
shavings and whipped cream.


Resembling a green tomato, the tomatillo belongs to the same family, yet has a papery parchment husk. A
favorite ingredient in Mexican and Southwest cuisine, the tomatillo imparts the flavor of lemons, apples
and herbs.


Used often in recipes from Ireland, England, and Scotland, treacle is a byproduct of sugar refining, usually
made from molasses.

Trebbiano Grape

The main white grape in Italy, the Trebbiano has a neutral flavor; so it’s a great base for mixing with
other Italian white and even red wine grapes.


Refers to most root vegetables that grow underground with the swollen fleshy part usually being the
edible part, as it is with the potato.

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A type of Japanese noodle, very different from the cellophane or soba noodles.

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Vidalia onion

Hailing from Vidalia, Georgia, these large yellow onions are known for their exceptional sweetness and
juicy texture.
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Vidalia onion

Hailing from Vidalia, Georgia, these large yellow onions are known for their exceptional sweetness and
juicy texture.

Vanilla bean

A vanilla bean contains tiny black seeds which have a more intense vanilla flavor than extract. Vanilla
beans are available in gourmet stores or in the spice section of supermarkets.


A dressing made from a mixture of vinegar, oil, salt, and pepper. Mustard, garlic, shallots, anchovies, or
egg can also be added. Used as a dressing for salads and other cold dishes.

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Wasabi paste

Somewhere between a dry mustard and a horseradish, wasabi paste is used in flavoring a variety of


When flour is pushed to the sides of the bowl creating a well in the center. Eggs are usually dropped into
the well allowing you to gently incorporate into the flour.

Whole -wheat pastry flour

This is a fine-textured, soft wheat flour with a high starch content that makes it particularly tender for
cakes and pastries.

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To remove in fine strips the outermost colored peel, or zest, of citrus fruits, being careful not to
incorporate the bitter white pith just underneath the surface.


In German, the word means twice-baked, and in culinary terms it refers to bread that is baked, sliced and
baked again. Loosely, the result is referred to as cookies because of the hint of sweetness.

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