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Questions 1 - 4 Choose the best word to fill in the blanks. 1 ``Please carry ., Julie. It might rain later.

A a bag B an apron C a dress an umbrella !. Please get me a .. o" #ater. I am thirsty. A set B pair C bo$ bottle % Please comb your . neatly be"ore you go to school. A mouth B teeth C hair nails &. '(eryone )no#s that you must put on your .. be"ore your shoes. A tie B coat C soc)s Questions 5 - 7 Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. *yra #ants to do a painting. +irst, she too) out her ,-.

/hen, she put a large .. ,0. on the easel.

A"ter that, she

chec)ed .. ,1.

to see i" she had all the si2es she needed.

-. A tube o" paints B pac)et o" paints C bo$ o" paints 0. A sheet o" paper B pile o" paper C roll o" paper 1. A one pen B se(eral brushes C t#o pencils Questions 8 - 10 tud! the pictures carefull!. "hen# choose the best answer. 3.

A /here is a butter"ly on the "lo#er. B /he "lo#er is (ery beauti"ul. C I li)e butter"lies. 4.

A 5ou ha(e done #ell. B 6o to bed. C 7hat do you #ant8


A It is a hot day. B /he bus is late. C /he boys are at the bus stop Questions 11 $ 15 %ook at the pictures below carefull!. Choose the best sentences to fit the situation shown in the picture 11.

A 7ho is your "ather8 B 7hat is your "ather8 C 7hose "ather is this8 1!.

A Im sorry I #as late. B 'arly in the morning. C By bus. %


A ont #orry. I ha(e an umbrella. B :ets play in the rain. C ;o# is the #eather8 1&.

A /hey #ere s#eet. B /hey #ere e$pensi(e. C I hate mangoes. 1-.

A 7hat is your hobby8 B 7hat are you doing8 C 7hat shall #e do8 &

Questions 1& - '1 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

10. *y brother is . to music. A listening B listen C listens listened 11. *y cousins are here. are (ery naughty. A /hey B 7e C <he /hem 13. I ha(e a pet iguana. .. is (ery old. A <he B ;e C It 14. I could not see <hah because he #as hiding . the cupboard. A on B against C behind !9. Alya is =======than her sister. A tall B tallest C taller -

!1. /hey say that .. apple a day )eeps the doctor a#ay. A a B an C the Questions '' - '( Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. !!. A 7o#> /hat is e$citing ne#s. B 7o#8 /hat is e$citing ne#s. C 7o#> that is e$citing ne#s 7o#, /hat is e$citing ne#s8 A <ie# 5ee bought a pen. pencil and a boo) B <ie# 5ee bought a pen, pencil, and a boo). C <ie# 5ee bought a pen, pencil and a boo). <ie# 5ee, bought a pen. pencil, and, a boo).


Questions '4 - '5 Choose the correct spelling for the gi)en options.

!&. <he put the clothes into the #ashing . . A mechine B mashine C machine mesheen

!-. :ets go green. ont use . bag. A plasti) B plustic C plusti) plastic Questions '&-(0 %ook at the picture and read the passage carefull!. *ased on the picture and the passage# choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

/he children are at the 2oo. /hey are (ery . ,!0.. /hey are at the elephant enclosure. /here are t#o . ,!1. elephants and a baby elephant. /he "ather elephant is s#aying its trun) to and "ro. /he mother elephant . ,!3. a piece o" sugar cane. /he . ,!4. is the baby elephant. '(eryone laughed at its beha(iour. It suc)ed in some #ater and s?uirted it at some o" the children. /he children . ,%9. #ith happiness. /hey are (ery happy. !0. A e$citing B e$cited C e$cites e$cite

!1. A biggest B bigger C big !3. A be eating B am eating C are eating is eating !4. A cutest B cute C cuter %9. A screams B screaming C scream screamed Question (1 $ (5 +ead the stor! below and answer the ,uestions that follow. @ne sunny day, an ant #as cra#ling along a branch o" a tree. <uddenly, he slipped and "ell into the ri(er belo#. /he ant screamed "or help as it could not s#im. At that moment a #hite bird "le# by. It heard the screams and loo)ed around. It sa# the little ant struggling in the #ater. /he bird "le# do#n and pluc)ed a lea" #ith its bea). /hen, it dropped the lea" in "ront o" the ant. /he ant ?uic)ly climbed onto it. /he lea" "loated to the edge o" the ri(er and the ant #as sa(ed. Aot long a"ter that, a hunter #ent hunting in the Bungle. ;e sa# a bird sitting on a branch o" a tree. /he hunter ?uic)ly pointed his gun at the bird. At that time, the ant #as searching "or "ood. It sa# the hunter pointing his gun at the same bird that helped it. Cuic)ly, the ant cra#led up the hunters leg and bit him. /he hunter cried out in pain and missed his shot ./he bird "le# a#ay. /he ant #as glad that it could sa(e bird "rom being shot.

%1. ;o# did the ant "all into the ri(er8 A It cra#led along the branch and "ell. B It slipped and "ell. C It "le# do#n. 3

%!. /he ant #as============= . A shot by the hunter B dro#ned in the ri(er C sa(ed by the bird sa(ed by the hunter %%. 7hat is the story about8 A ;elping one another B ;unting is a good hobby C A (ery cle(er bird. /#o (ery good "riends %&. +rom the story #e )no# that the ant "elt =========the bird. A "rightened o" B than)"ul to C angry #ith happy "or %-. /he #ord it in the passage re"ers to the ============ . A ant B bird C lea"

Question (& $ 40 +ead the ad)ertisement below carefull! and answer the ,uestions that follow

Come to Agra, the best place in to#n> 'ntrance is "ree "or the #hole month o" *ay in tribute to *others all o(er the #orld> D Come> /a)e a ride on our "riendly dragon boat to the 7ater Boo) Eillage. D 6et to read allFtime "a(orite stories and nursery rhymes at 7ater Boo) Eillage D /ired o" reading8 Just ta)e a stroll in the clean and enBoyable par) setting. D<pecial discounts "or "amily pac)age "or #ater acti(ities only D Budget hotel near the bus station %0. 7here is the 7ater Boo) Eillage8 A /o#n B Agra C Bus station %1. 7hy is entrance "ree in *ay8 A Boo) ay B +athers ay C *others ay 19

%3. ;o# do you get to the 7ater Boo) Eillage8 A 5ou ta)e the car B 5ou ta)e a boat ride C 5ou ta)e a train ride 5ou can #al) %4. 7hat can you do at the 7ater Boo) Eillage8 A Gead B Gead and ta)e a stroll C Gead and rest Gead, ta)e a stroll or enBoy #ater acti(ities &9. I" I #ant to enBoy a "e# days at the 7ater Boo) Eillage, A I could sleep in the par). B I could stay on the dragon boat. C I could stay at the near by budget hotel.


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